High Rip Spec
High Rip Spec
High Rip Spec
High-RIP, is the stable expanded metal rib for perfect construction joints in reinforced concrete constructions
High-RIP enables the perfect joint between the concreted sections without needing to further process the construction joint. This enables a high concreting speed and the visual monitoring of the concreting process. The areas of application in concrete construction: As permanent formwork for construction joints As permanent formwork for flat, even or shaped components The areas of application in plastering work: For rabitz construction with span widths of up to 1200 mm. High RIP areas of application advantages Use in concrete construction work As permanent formwork for construction joints. As permanent formwork for flat, even or shaped components Advantages in concrete construction work The perfect joint between the concreted sections without needing to further process the construction joint. Reduction of the concrete pressure during the concreting process. Minimisation of empty spaces and cement honeycomb. High concreting speed and visual monitoring of the concreting process is possible. Use in plaster work For rabitz construction with span widths of up to 1200 mm Advantages in plaster work High stability Particularly economic for large span widths Processing Ribs should not be damaged or distorted during fixing. The panels must be placed rib on rib, overlapping. When concreting, the spine of the expanded metal rib work always faces the first concrete section. The open rips on the exposed side guarantee safe bonding with the second section of concrete. High-RIP requires the same concrete coverage as reinforcing steel. Cutting High-RIP is cut using the metal shears or the circular saw. Avoid deforming the rib. Cut the spine of the expanded metal rib work. Bend the material. Cut off the High-RIP panels
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Permanent concrete formwork High-RIP is designed in such a way that it can be placed closed to the edge rib of the neighbouring High-RIP panel. This ensures solid joints across the entire length and the stiffness of the panel joints in the preparation stage is strengthened. The intermediate ribs of the High-RIP panels create the internal stiffness along the length of the panel allowing supports to be bridged. As a result of the reduced load, less support system are required. The fixture of High-RIP panels can be carried out either before or after the application of armouring. In the first phase of the concrete pouring, the High-RIP noses are integrated into the poured concrete, the panel is embedded securely and cannot move from the floor. The run-off water is able to flow off well through the open honeycomb structure. This forms a solid and impenetrable layer of concrete on the upper side, directly behind the High-RIP panel. The risk of honeycomb like trapped air is minimised to the most part by the use of High-RIP. Generally, when creating traditional formwork, air is trapped during the pouring of fresh concrete. The High-RIP structure enables air to escape again, and the risk of trapped air is kept low. The poured concrete can be seen and monitored better during the pouring stage. For subsequent concreting stages, the preparation time is considerable reduced as a result of the use of High-RIP. The light weight nature of the High-RIP panels ensures that they can be handled easily. The panel width of 445 mm reduces the cutting work and the volume of waste for small items.
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