A Detailed Lesson Plan in English: I. Objectives
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English: I. Objectives
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English: I. Objectives
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a. Define noun
b. Classify a noun as the name of person, place, thing or animal
c. Encircle the noun in the given phrase
III. Procedure
Thank You!
You may now have your seat.
(The students will now have their seat)
Now, let me check the attendance.
(The students will raise their hand if their name is called)
Present Sir!
Now, pick up any pieces of trash or paper below your
chair and table and throw it in the trash bin. Then sit
properly and be ready to listen and participate in our
lesson for today.
(The students will pick up pieces of paper and throw it in
the trash bin and they will sit properly).
Very Good class!
A. Motivation
Now, all eyes on the over-head projector for the video
clip and listen to the music video “Noun Song” l will
present to you.
(Before playing the video tell them to be attentive while
the music video is playing because they will sing it
together afterwards.)
Sir, policeman
Sir, doctor
Sir, church
Sir, hospital
Sir, plate
Sir, carabao
Sir, frog
B. Lesson Proper
Now let us study the table on the board that are divided
into four columns which are persons, places, things and
Sir, policeman
So what are the names of persons?
Sir, doctor
Very good!
Very good!
Now, let us read again the following words on the board (Everyone will read the words on the board and
together with their label in each column. afterwards each student will read the words. Assistance
will be given by the teacher if needed, if the student is
having difficulty in reading the words on the board. )
They are some of you that are not reading. Read the words sir!
What will you do if I asked you to read the words?
Ok good class.
Ok sir!
And please read them nicely and clearly.
Ok class?
Very Good class! Sir, name of persons, places, things and animals.
What are these again?
Very Good!
Do you have any idea what do we called to this words?
Can you still remember the title of the song we sang a Yes Sir!
while ago?
Very good!
What do you called to these words you have read in the Sir, Noun
table as shown in the music video?
(The teacher will add more pictures in the table but
before posting it on the board the teacher will ask (The students will pick picture from the mystery box and
student from the class to pick from the mystery box and name the picture and put in the correct label)
let the students identify what picture is it and in what
label it will be placed, if it’s in the label of person, place, Sir, a teacher
thing or animal.)
Very good!
In what label will you put that? Sir, school
Very good!
Where is that? Sir, market
Very good!
Where is that? Sir, Jollibee
Very good!
Where is that? Sir, name of places
Very good!
In what label will you put that? Sir, book
Very good!
How many sides are there in a square? Sir, table
Very good!
What is that? Sir, diamond
Very good!
What is the shape of the kite? Sir, name of things
Very good!
In what label will you put that? Sir, duck
Very good!
What is that? Sir, goat
Sir, chicken
Very good!
What is that?
Sir, name of animals
Very good!
What is that?
Very good!
In what label will you put that?
Very good!
What is verb again?
Very good!
Now, let us read again the following names on the table.
Sir, chair
Very good!
Sir, curtain
Very good!
Sir, book
Very good!
Sir, pencil
Very good!
Sir, paper
Very good!
Sir, crayon
Very good! Sir, teacher Ernani
Very good!
Alvin! Noun
Very good!
Susan! Nouns are names of persons, places, things and animals.
Very good!
C. Generalization (The student will raise their hand to give their answer)
So, what is our lesson for today?
Sir, blackboard
Sir, chalk
Very good!
Sir, chair
What are nouns?
Sir, curtain
Sir, book
Very good!
Sir, pencil
What are the examples of nouns?
Sir, paper
Sir, crayon
Sir, a teacher
Sir, a baker
Sir, a fireman
Sir, duck
Sir, goat
Sir, chicken
Sir, school
Sir, market
Sir, Jollibee
Sir, book
Sir, table
Sir, kite
Sir, pencil
Sir, paper
Excellent class!
( One of the student can’t be able to give example of
verb. The teacher will give personal question that will Sir, name of things.
lead him to give an example of noun) Sir, noun
- What are the things inside your bag?
Very good!
(The students will raise their hands)
What are those?
Very good!
Yes, sir!
What do we call them?
Sir, I feed my cat.
Sir, I wash my dog.
( The teacher will go back to the table he presented to Sir, I give grasses to my carabao to eat
the class and ask some questions) Sir, I make a shelter for my goat
I have here name of animals. Who among of you have
pets at home?
Sir, Because they are just like us human being that have
life and they deserve to live in this planet. And so they
Ok, do you take good care of your pets at home? help us in our life as well.
Like our dog guard our home when we are not around.
How do you take good care of your pets at home? The cat catches the mouse who get foods in the kitchen.
Very good!
Why do you need to do that?
D. Application
Let’s have a game. The title of our game is Game Ka Na
Ba! Each child will throw a dice and give one example of
noun but it depends on what noun is asking from the dice
whether it is a name of person, place, thing or animal.
And if the child was able to give a noun he/she will a
throw another dice and the number of dots appeared will
be the number of steps he will step in. The first one who
will step in the red line will be the winner of the game.
IV. Evaluation
Encircle the noun in each phrase.
V. Assignment
Observe your community/barangay.
Give one example of noun for the following.
1. Name of person
2. Name of place
3. Name of animal
4. Name of thing
Prepared By:
Corrected by:
Master Teacher II
Noted by:
Checking of attendance
Checking of cleanliness and orderliness
Greetings! Good Morning Song.
A. Motivation
Play a video.
B. Lesson Proper
B. Lesson Proper
(Board Work)
Individual Activity
Pick a picture from the box and put it in the correct column whether it is a name of person, place,
thing or animal.
C. Generalization
- Ask the students about your lesson today.
- Define what is noun.
- Give examples of noun.
D. Application
Let’s have a game. The title of our game is Game Ka Na Ba! Each child will throw a dice and give one
example of noun but it depends on what noun is asking from the dice whether it is a name of
person, place, thing or animal. And if the child was able to give a noun he/she will a throw another
dice and the number of dots appeared will be the number of steps he will step in.
I. Evaluation
II. Assignment
Observe your community/barangay.
Give one example of noun for the following.
1. Name of person
2. Name of place
3. Name of animal
4. Name of thing
Prepared By: