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Windows95/Windows98/WindowsNT/Windows2000/WindowsXP/WindowsVista version. (Compaq Visual FORTRAN 6.6B compiler version) 1. These versions of Ruaumoko2D and Ruaumoko3D run directly under the Windows95, Windows98, WindowsNT, WindowsXP or WindowsVista operating systems. The plot save file Ruaumoko.tmp is created in the users current directory and the scratch data-base file Ruaumoko.scr is created in the directory defined by the 'temp' environment variable set in the Autoexec.bat file in the users operating system. If the 'temp' variable is not defined then the file is created in the users current working directory. This is of no consequence on a single PC but if the program is being run from a server on a network then the scratch file should be on the local hard disk and NOT on the server as the network traffic will be very large and program speed will be greatly reduced. Both files are deleted by Ruaumoko2D or Ruaumoko3D at the end of the analysis, but if they are left in the directories because of an abnormal program termination this is of no consequence as they will be over-written in the next analysis. However, as both programs use the same file names do not run more that one version of the programs at any one time. In the latest versions of the programs the scratch file is largely emulated in memory, greatly speeding up the execution of the programs and though the scratch file will be created, it it may not, in fact, be used unless the memory buffer defined is exceeded in a very large analysis. On all computers in the computer laboratories in the College of Engineering, University of Canterbury, the temp variable is defined as being the local hard disk temporary directory C:\TEMP . In this operating system it is the only directory in which students are allowed to create files apart from their own directories on the student server. The aim of putting the scratch file on the local hard disk is to minimise the network traffic which slows the program down by a factor of about 5 if the scratch file is located on the network servers. 2. This version of Ruaumoko2D has a memory limitation set at 10000000 integers and Ruaumoko3D has a memory limitation set at 63000000 integers. If greater requirements are needed please let me know and I will arrange a version with more memory. (Note: With the current Fortran Compilers 63000000 integers appears to be as large a dimension that we can use without getting addressing errors from the compiler) These amounts of memory appear to be adequate for all current users. The amount of memory used in the analysis is shown in the statistics information at the end of the output file as is the memory available. If the user wants to know the "wall clock" time taken for 1

the analysis this is available by subtracting the analysis start time output at the beginning of the output file from the finish time output in the statistical information at the end of the output file. 3. The versions of Dynaplot and Combplot have a memory limitation of 2000000 integers. This should be ample for any plotting. For n lines there is a requirement of (n+1)*2 integers per plot point. The number of points is equal to the number of data saves to the .res file and this is a function of the step interval KPA (or KPOST) and the total number of time-steps in the Ruaumoko2D or Ruaumoko3D analysis. The post-processor (.res) files created by Ruaumoko2D and Ruaumoko3D are binary files as files created in an ASCII mode (and hence viewable on the screen) would be, at least, twice the size of the binary files. However, there is an option to generate ASCII post-processor files for Dynaplot, please see the file ASCII.pdf in the manuals directory. When running Ruaumoko2D or Ruaumoko3D in batch mode under WindowsNT/2000/XP the "start/w" command is not required in a 'batch' file as WindowsNT, Windows2000 or WindowsXP do not try and run all batch commands concurrently. The start/w command requires that the command line is completed before the system attempts to start the next command in the Batch2D.bat file for example. The command is required under Windows95 or Windows98 in the .bat files. Programs Dynaplot, and Combplot are the same for both Ruaumoko and Ruaumoko3D. Much of Ruaumoko2D now uses the subroutines from Ruaumoko3D. Comments about ease of use and usefulness of the program are appreciated. Suggestions for improvements to the programs or additional features are welcome. Similarly, suggestions for improvements, additions or corrections to the manuals are greatly appreciated. ===================



6. 7. 8.

SETUP for Full License version Create a directory in which you wish to put Ruaumoko. Note: All files copied from a cdrom are given the read-only attribute. Use Windows Explorer, etc., to change the attribute of at least the data and .bat files to read-write so the you may edit them. 1. Copy the .pdf files from the root directory on the cdrom to get Setup.pdf (These Set-up Notes)

It is suggested that these text files may be located in the same directory that will be used for the executable files. It is suggested that the release notes (if present) be printed off and made available to all program users or else copies be attached to the appropriate manuals. Alternatively, the updated manuals could be printed from the Manuals directory. 2. Copy the executable files from the directory Executable to get Ruaumoko2D.exe (Ruaumoko-2D executable file) Ruaumoko3D.exe (Ruaumoko-3D executable file) Ruaumoko2N.exe (Ruaumoko-2D executable file, no graphics version for batch execution) Ruaumoko3N.exe (Ruaumoko-3D executable file no graphics version for batch execution) Ruaumoko2E.exe (Ruaumoko-2D executable file, version with arithmatics exceptions check on) Ruaumoko3E.exe (Ruaumoko-3D executable file, version with arithmetic exceptions check on) Dynaplot.exe (Post-processor program for Ruaumoko2D and Ruaumoko3D) Combplot.exe (Post-processor program for Dynaplot) Hysteres.exe (Hysteresis rule exerciser or tuner) Spectra.exe (Computes Earthquake Response Spectra) Inspect.exe (Computes Inelastic Earthquake Response Spectra) Simqke.exe (Generates artificial ground motions) Pquake.exe (Plots Earthquake Accelerograms) Fprint.exe (Printer program to use FORTRAN carriage controls) Surface.exe (Plots of Axial Force - Yield Moment interaction diagrams for Ruaumoko3D) Fqwin.hlp (Microsoft Quick-Windows Help file) Batch2D.bat (Example of Ruaumoko2D.bat for batch execution) Batch3D.bat (Example of Ruaumoko3D.bat for batch execution) The Fqwin.hlp file MUST be in the PATH for any of the programs to run. It is suggested that the directory with these executable files be added to the system Path in the Autoexec.bat file (or else to the users Path in the WindowsNT or Windows2000 operating systems).

Notes: 1. 2.



The Ruaumoko2N, Ruaumoko3N, Ruaumoko2E and Ruaumoko3E etc. versions are not always provided. The Ruaumoko2N and Ruaumoko3N versions are compiled with no graphics routines and as such are more efficient for running in "Batch" mode as there is no risk of a graphics call terminating the batch process. The data is unchanged from that of the normal versions of Ruaumoko2D or Ruaumoko3D respectively and the output and post-processor files are identical to those of the standared versions of Ruaumoko. As these versions of Ruaumoko do not use Microsoft QuickWindows (see section on Windows) the problem of the operating system taking too long to find its own dynamic-link-libraries does not occur and the time delay used with the other versiosn of Ruaumoko to overcome this problem are not needed. Microsoft Windows does not check for arithmetic exceptions such as arithmetic underflow, overflow and divide by zero. It is possible to get problems with, in particular, underflow where the result of a multiplcation or subtraction results in a number smaller than that which can be represented by the precision of the computer. In this case the exponents are modified as in the normal numerical operation but the number cannot now be represented and results in a NaN (Not a Number). Once a NaN occurs in the arithmetic they tend to propagate right through the solution making results useless. The programs attempt to trap for NaNs, and assumming that they are resulting from an underflow where they can be found at no significant operational cost, they are replaced by 0.0. There are parts of the program where they would be expensive to trap for NaNs and there may be also be cases where they may not be from an underflow, so the user should check the output files for undeflows. The Ruaumoko2E and Ruaumoko3E versions have exceptrions checking turned on, resulting in considerably slower execution but avoiding the risk of NaNs occuring. If problems with NaNs do occur with Ruaumoko2D and Ruaumoko3D then the problem could be tried with Ruaumoko2E or Ruaumoko3E. Most other computing operating systems automatically check for arithmetic exceptions. As a user, I prefer to run my analyses from the directory where I have my data sets and where my output and post-processor files are generated. This is my working directory. I keep all my executable files in one executable directory which is in the system or user path. When I have finished with the analyses of a given structure and I have plotted all the results I need, I delete output and post-processor files and move the data files to a separate data directory from where they can be retrieved if necessary at a later time.

SETUP for Student version Create a directory in which you wish to put Ruaumoko. Note: All files copied from a cdrom are given the read-only attribute. Use Windows Explorer, etc., to change the attribute of at least the data and .bat files to read-write so the you may edit them. 1. Copy the .pdf files from the root directory on the cdrom to get Setup.pdf (These Set-up Notes)

It is suggested that these text files may be located in the same directory that will be used for the executable files. It is suggested that the release notes (if present) be printed off and made available to all program users or else copies be attached to the appropriate manuals. Alternatively, the updated manuals could be printed from the Manuals directory. 2. Copy the executable files from the directory Student to get Ruaumoko2D.exe (Ruaumoko-2D executable file) Ruaumoko2N.exe (Ruaumoko-2D executable file, no graphics version for batch execution) Dynaplot.exe (Post-processor program for Ruaumoko2D and Ruaumoko3D) Combplot.exe (Post-processor program for Dynaplot) Spectra.exe (Computes Earthquake Response Spectra) Pquake.exe (Plots Earthquake Accelerograms) Fprint.exe (Printer program to use FORTRAN carriage controls) Surface.exe (Plots of Axial Force - Yield Moment interaction diagrams for Ruaumoko3D) Fqwin.hlp (Microsoft Quick-Windows Help file) Batch2D.bat (Example of Ruaumoko2D.bat for batch execution) The Fqwin.hlp file MUST be in the PATH for any of the programs to run. It is suggested that the directory with these executable files be added to the system Path in the Autoexec.bat file (or else to the users Path in the WindowsNT or Windows2000 operating systems). For the Stident version of Ruaumoko2D the memory limit is set at 30,000 integers and the maximum number of joints, or nodes, in the structure is limited to 25 joints.

Notes: 1. 2.


The Ruaumoko2N version is not generally provided. The Ruaumoko2N version is compiled with no graphics routines and as such are more efficient for running in "Batch" mode as there is no risk of a graphics call terminating the batch process. The data is unchanged from that of the normal versions of Ruaumoko2D. As a user, I prefer to run my analyses from the directory where I have my data sets and where my output and post-processor files are generated. This is my working directory. I keep all my executable files in one executable directory which is in the system or user path. When I have finished with the analyses of a given structure and I have plotted all the results I need, I delete output and post-processor files and move the data files to a separate data directory from where they can be retrieved if necessary at a later time.


Copy the directory Quake to get the following earthquake accelerograms. It is suggested that these be kept in a separate directory, i.e. C:\Quake to keep the path short as these names will be required to be input each time Ruaumoko2D, Ruaumoko3D, Inspect or Spectra are run and the longer the path name the more characters that have to be typed with increased chance of error. Aps94ml.eqs Aps94mt.eqs Aps94mv.eqs Buchnsc.eqb El40nsc.eqb El40ewc.eqb Hallc5.eqf Kobe95ns.eqn Kobe95ew.eqn Kobe95up.eqn Mexsct1l.eqc Norway.eqc Pacmsw.eqb Pacm941.eqs Pacm942.eqs Pacm943.eqs Siszkav.eqs Siszkns.eqs Siszkun.eqs Sisz103a.eqs Sisz103b.eqs Sisz103c.eqs Sylm949.eqs Sylm941.eqs Sylm94d.eqs Equake.pdf (Arthur's Pass, NZ, June 1994, North-South Component) (Arthur's Pass, NZ, June 1994, East-West Component) (Arthur's Pass, NZ, June 1994, Vertical Component) (Bucharest 1977, North-South component) (El Centro May 1940 North-South Component) (El Centro May 1940 East-West Component) (Artifical record in FREE format) (Kobe January 1995 North-South Component) (Kobe January 1995 East-West Component) (Kobe January 1995 Vertical Component) (Mexico City, 1985, SCT site) (Artificial Accelerogram - Norwegian Off-shore Spectra) (Pacoima Dam, San Fernando, 1971, Southern Component) (Pacoima Dam,Northridge,Jan.1994 North-South Component) (Pacoima Dam,Northridge,Jan.1994 Vertical Component) (Pacoima Dam,Northridge,Jan.1994 East-West Component) (S.Iceland Seismic Zone, Selfoss,Jun.2000, East-West) (S.Iceland Seismic Zone, Selfoss,Jun.2000, North-South) (S.Iceland Seismic Zone, Selfoss,Jun.2000, Vertical) (S.Iceland Seismic Zone, Site103,Jun.2000, North-South) (S.Iceland Seismic Zone, Site103,Jun.2000, Vertical) (S.Iceland Seismic Zone, Site103,Jun.2000, East-West) (Sylmar Hosp,Northridge,Jan.1994 North-South Component) (Sylmar Hosp,Northridge,Jan.1994 Vertical Component) (Sylmar Hosp,Northridge,Jan.1994 East-West Component) (Description of earthquake files)


Copy the directory Examples to get the following example data sets. It is suggested that these files be kept in a separate directory. These data files may be edited with Notepad Example.dat Pushover.dat Frame12e.dat Frame12a.dat Frame12d.dat Frame12l.dat Frame12p.dat Frame12p.dat Frame12m.dat Pounding.dat Isolated.dat GraceKao.dat Exampl3D.dat Pushov3D.dat Frame3Di.dat Frame3Dm.dat Frame3De.dat Frame3Da.dat Sac3D.dat H2b.dat H3b.dat Wpe1x.dat Dz4203eq.dat ReadData.txt (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko2D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ruaumoko3D) (Ground displacement history for H2b.dat & H3b.dat) (Simqke) (Description of example files)


Copy the RESULTS directory to get the following example results sets. It is suggested that these be kept in a separate directory. These files may be deleted from this directory once your use for them is finished. They may be re-copied from the cdrom at a later date if desired. Adaptive.wri Adaptive.res Exampl3D.wri Exampl3D.res Example.wri Example.res Frame12e.wri Frame12e.res Frame3Di.wri Frame3Di.res Pushover.wri Pushover.res (Results from Adaptive.dat) (input to the post-processor program Dynaplot) (Results from Exampl3D.dat and El40nsc.eqb) (input to the post-processor program Dynaplot) (Results from Example.dat and El40nsc.eqb) (input to the post-processor program Dynaplot) (Results from Frame12e.dat and El40nsc.eqb) (input to the post-processor program Dynaplot) (Results from Frame3Di.dat, El40nsc.eqb & El40ewc.eqb) (input to the post-processor program Dynaplot) (Results from Pushover.dat) (input to the post-processor program Dynaplot)


Copy the ICONS directory to get the following icons that may be used to create shortcuts to the programs on the desktop. It is suggested that the files themselves be kept in a separate directory or in the same directory as the executable files. Ruaumoko2D.ico Ruaumoko3D.ico Dynaplot.ico Combplot.ico Hysteres.ico Spectra.ico Inspect.ico Simqke.ico Pquake.ico Fprint.ico ReadIcon.pdf


If desired you may copy the directory Source to get the following sample hysteresis source file as an example if you wish to have your own hysteresis rule incorporated into Ruaumoko2D, Ruaumoko3D, Inspect and Hysteres. You could write the subroutine following the programming rules implied in the sample program, send it to me to integrate into the programs and send you back the updated programs. It is suggested that these files be in a separate directory. Sample.for Condedit.for Readfor.txt TinyClip.pdf (Sample Bi-linear hystersis rule subroutine) (Conditional Pre-editor used before passing FORTRAN source code to the compiler) (Description of source files) (Description of way Ruaumoko command processor works)

(usage: Condedit Sample.for Sample.f then call compiler e.g. F90 Sample.f then delete system specific source file Del Sample.f you are left with compiled code and original non-system specific source file, In my case, all done with a Fortran.bat file i.e. Fortran Sample ) 8. Copy the files from the directory Rui and then run Setup.exe to set up the Ruaumoko User Interface program. See the ReadRui.pdf file in the Rui directory. It is suggested that these files be kept in a separate directory. (This is only for Ruaumoko and not Ruaumoko3D) This version of the user interface will be not be continued as the performance and the ease of upgrading the program in Visual Basic has not been a success. Work is underway to find an alternative means of creating a better user interface program. It has also been found that the Visual Basic graphics has an unpredictable behaviour on some laptop displays.


The manuals are in the directory Manuals as bookmarked .pdf files. These may be printed if required. The manuals are also available for download from the Ruaumoko web site There are 5 manuals: 1. RuaumokoTheory.pdf. 2. Ruaumoko2D.pdf 3. Ruaumoko3D.pdf 4. RuaumokoOther.pdf 5. RuaumokoAppendices.pdf

The theory manual. The manual for the Ruaumoko 2-D. The manual for the Ruaumoko 3-D. The manual for the support programs. The manual for the hysteresis loops.


Release Notes
This contains features not covered in the user manuals for Ruaumoko etc. Copies should be distributed to all users or appended to the user manuals Running the program DYNAPLOT in Batch Mode Dynaplot has always had the option of not actually plotting the graphs that it generates, though they may still be saved for spreadsheet use with the Keep option. To turn the graphics off follow the name of the post-processor file (the .res or .ras file) with the word no in upper or lower case (or mixed case). The user can also run the program using the $add option of the command processor of having responses already prepared for production analyses. These are most easily generated using the $log option of the command processor whilst running Dynaplot in the conventional interactive mode. The resulting file can then be edited, with any text editor such as Notepad etc. to form the input for later runs. Please see the example Dynaplot.txt file in the Results directory on the cdrom. Dynaplot now has an option to be run in batch mode. This is useful for researchers running large numbers of parameter studies and who wish to use some features of the post-processing. In the batch mode the graphics is automatically turned off. To run the Dynaplot in batch mode the command Dynaplot must be followed by at least 3 arguments, i.e. Dynaplot Output.wri Example Input.txt where Output.wri is the name of the output file. This file contains the maximum and minimum values of every line drawn in every plot drawn by Dynaplot. Any extension may be used, i.e. .wri or .txt etc. This file MUST NOT exist or the program will terminate. Example is the name of the postprocessor file. This file MUST exist. The file will have the extension .res or .ras depending on whether it is binary or ASCII postprocessor file. The extension is NOT supplied with the name. Input.txt is the name of the data file containing all the command input for Dynaplot, which is very similar to the example file Dynaplot.txt in the Results directory on the cdrom. This file MUST exist. The input data file is probably best generated during a conventional interactive use of Dynaplot saving a copy of all the commands and data with the $log option of the command processor. The only difference is that in the batch mode there is only one output file and the Open option in Dynaplot works in a different manner. In the interactive mode in Dynaplot when the Open option is used, the existing output file (if not screen) is closed and the user is prompted for a new output file name. The user is then prompted for a new post-processor file name. In the batch mode there is only one output file, that given in the command line. If the Open option is invoked, the command Open must be followed (on the same line) by the name of the new post-processor file. 11

The file name has the .res or .ras implied and the extension therefore MUST NOT be applied.


RUAUMOKO Graphics and Microsoft Windows There have been some difficulties with the graphics when running the Ruaumoko suite of programs in the WindowsXP operating system. The programs run without any problems in Windows95, Windows98, WindowsME, WindowsNT 4.0 and Windows2000. The causes of these difficulties have been isolated and this note is being sent out to all licence holders so that they can remove the problems. I am still investigating if there are simpler fixes and also what to do where the files are located on Windows2000 servers with WindowsXP clients. Child Windows The movie-like effects in Ruaumoko2D, Ruaumoko3D and Dynaplot are obtained by creating two child windows, one window is viewable and the other is active but invisible, i.e. drawings can be created. When the new drawing is complete the windows status is reversed and the next drawing is prepared. In WindowsXP there appears the outline of a WindowsXP window superimposed on the child window and this does not appear in the same place in each child window which means that the there is jittering effect on the screen. To fix this problem. Go to Windows Explorer and open the directory which contains the executable files Ruaumoko2D.exe, Ruaumoko3D.exe and Dynaplot.exe. Right click on the executable program, such as Ruaumoko2D.exe, and select Properties. Select Compatibility and check the box Disable Visual Themes. Repeat this process for Ruaumoko3D.exe and Dynaplot.exe. This will remove the superimposed WindowsXP windows from the graphics. If the changes to the properties is also done for the other executable files, such as Spectra.exe etc. it will have no effect apart from, apparently, speeding up the execution of the programs. The other graphics problem detected with all the programs in the Ruaumoko suite is that the small font appears very faint grey, being very hard to see, and the printed graphs are no better. On each computer running the programs the following needs to be done the fix the problem. Go to Control Panel. Select System. You may have to change the View option to Show Details to find the System option. Select Advanced. Select Performance. Select Settings. Un-check Smooth Edges of Screen Fonts. Click ok all the way back to Control Panel.

The small font is now back to full black characters to match the large font. For more information, go to Help, topic Screen Fonts, then Making them more readable. I am not aware, as yet of any new difficulties with the WindowsVista and Windows 7 operating systems


Start-up Delays. The programs all use Microsoft QuickWindows routines for the graphis as well as the white screen background with black text, as oppopsed to the standard DOS black screen with white text. The QuickWindows routine use Microsoft Dynamic-Link-Libraries (.dll) which are supposed to be loaded by the operating system at program start up. However, with the newer and faster operating systems and faster processors the operating system does not always seem to be able to find the necessary .dll files before the program starts to execute. This leads to an operating system error and the programs fail to start. The only suggestion, so far from the compiler manufacturers, is to give the program a time-delay on start-up so as to give the operating system time to find its own dynamic link libraries. At present the programs with the child windows etc are given a 6 seconds time-delay on start-up (a delay on pressnt the enter key and the first prompt appearing on the window). The other programs at present have no delay so there are occasions where the program will have to be called a second time. The 6 seconds is not always sufficient. If persistent problems on start-up occur please let me know. Athol J. Carr. 24th January 2012


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