A 826 - A826m - 95 Qtgyni05nq
A 826 - A826m - 95 Qtgyni05nq
A 826 - A826m - 95 Qtgyni05nq
Designation: A 826/A826M 95
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Seamless Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Duct Tubes for Liquid Metal-Cooled Reactor Core Components1
This standard is issued under the xed designation A 826/A826M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.1 This specication covers seamless, annealed or cold worked, austenitic or martensitic stainless steel duct tubes of 2 to 7-in. [51 to 178 mm] outside dimensions with wall thickness of 0.250 in. [6.35 mm] or less for use at high temperature in liquid metal-cooled reactor plants. 1.2 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specication. 1.3 This specication and the applicable material specications are expressed in both inch-pound and SI units. However, unless the order species the applicable M specication designation (SI units), the material shall be furnished in inch-pound units. 2 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: A 370 Test Methods and Denitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products3 A 380 Practice for Cleaning and Descaling Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment and Systems4 A 450/A450M Specication for General Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes5 A 751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products3 D 129 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (General Bomb Method)6 D 808 Test Method for Chlorine in New and Used Petroleum Products (Bomb Method)6
1 This specication is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.10 on Steel Tubing. Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1995. Published January 1996. Originally published as A 826 84. Last previous edition A 826 88. 2 Available from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, 3200 Riverside Drive, Columbus, OH 43221. 3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03. 4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03. 5 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01. 6 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
E 3 Methods of Preparation of Metallographic Specimens7 E 29 Practice for Using Signicant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specications8 E 45 Practice for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel7 E 112 Test Methods for Determining the Average Grain Size7 E 165 Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination9 E 384 Test Method for Microhardness of Materials7 E 407 Test Methods for Microetching Metals and Alloys7 2.2 ANSI Standard: ANSI B46.1 Surface Texture10 2.3 ASME Standard: ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities10 2.4 ASNT Standard: SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualication and Certication10 3. Ordering Information 3.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all requirements that are necessary for the safe and satisfactory performance of material ordered under this specication. Examples of such requirements include but are not limited to the following: 3.1.1 Quantity (feet, metres, or number of lengths), 3.1.2 Name of material (seamless duct tubes), 3.1.3 Grade (Table 1), 3.1.4 Melting process (5.1), 3.1.5 Approval of procedures for conversion of ingot to bar (5.2), 3.1.6 Thermomechanical treatment requirements (5.4), 3.1.7 Annealing and tempering requirements for martensitic grades (5.4), 3.1.8 Condition (annealed, cold-worked, or thermomechanical treatment) (5.6), 3.1.9 Percent of cold-work (5.7), 3.1.10 Sublotting requirements (5.8),
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. 9 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03. 10 Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd St., 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
A 826/A826M
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements of Duct Tubes
Grade UNS Designation Carbon Manganese Phosphorus, max Sulfur, max Silicon Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Titanium Columbium Tantalum, max Tungsten Nitrogen Aluminum, max Arsenic, max Boron, max Cobalt, max Copper, max Vanadium
TP 316 S 31600 0.0400.060 1.002.00 0.040 0.010 0.500.75 13.014.0 17.018.0 2.003.00 ... 0.050 max 0.020 ... 0.010 max 0.050 0.030 0.0020 0.050 0.04 0.05 max
... S38660 0.0300.050 1.652.35 0.040 0.010 0.501.00 14.516.5 12.514.5 1.502.50 0.100.40A 0.050 max 0.020 ... 0.005 max 0.050 0.030 0.0020 0.050 0.04 0.05 max
... S42100 0.170.23 0.400.70 0.040 0.010 0.200.30 0.300.80 11.012.5 0.801.20 ... 0.050 max ... 0.400.60 ... 0.050 ... ... ... ... 0.250.35
3.1.11 Duct identication requirements (5.9), 3.1.12 Archive samples requirements (5.11), 3.1.13 Other chemical requirements (6.1), 3.1.14 Tensile property requirements and number of tests (7.1), 3.1.15 Microhardness measurement acceptance criteria, locations, and number of samples (7.2), 3.1.16 Dimensional data or applicable drawings (8.1), 3.1.17 Surface roughness limits (9.2), 3.1.18 Surface marring limits (9.3), 3.1.19 Cleaning procedures (9.4), 3.1.20 Grain size requirements for martensitic grades (10.1), 3.1.21 Carbide and carbonitride inclusion rating requirements (10.2), 3.1.22 Inclusion rating requirements for martensitic grades (10.2), 3.1.23 Penetrant examination requirements (11.1), 3.1.24 Lot qualication sampling levels (12.1), 3.1.25 Packaging (15.1), and 3.1.26 Quality assurance documentation (see Supplementary Requirements). 4. General Requirements for Delivery 4.1 Material supplied under this specication shall conform to the applicable requirements of Specication A 450/A 450M unless otherwise specied herein. 5. Manufacture 5.1 MeltingUnless an alternative melting process has been specied in the order, the process for austenitic grades shall consist of a vacuum induction melt followed by a consumable electrode vacuum-arc remelt. Additions of rare earths during melting are prohibited unless approved by the purchaser. The melting process for martensitic grades shall be as specied in the order. 5.2 Ingot ProcessingProcedures for converting ingots to bars shall be approved by the purchaser prior to use if specied
in the order. The parameters for the conversion of austenitic grades shall be selected to minimize the formation of complex carbides and carbonitrides. 5.3 TubemakingDuct tube fabrication shall be made by a seamless process that has been previously qualied as acceptable. 5.4 Heat Treating: 5.4.1 Austenitic GradesAnnealing times and temperatures shall be selected to ensure full carbide solution. Cooling shall be performed at a rate rapid enough to prevent carbide precipitation, unless a specic thermomechanical treatment is specied in the order. 5.4.2 Martensitic GradesMartensitic grades shall be annealed and tempered as specied in the order. 5.5 Cleanliness During ManufactureBefore each heat treatment and after each cutting operation prior to any reduction, duct tubes shall be cleaned in accordance with the procedures of Recommended Practice A 380, and shall be visually inspected after cleaning in accordance with 7.2.1 of Recommended Practice A 380. 5.6 ConditionDuct tubes shall be furnished in the annealed, cold-worked, or thermomechanical condition as specied in the order. 5.7 Cold WorkPercent cold work shall be as specied in the order and shall be based upon the reduction in transverse area. Cold-worked duct tubes shall be cold worked to nished size and delivered without further heat treatment. The coldworking procedure shall be submitted to the purchaser for review and approval prior to use. 5.7.1 Cold Work DeterminationCalculate percent cold work as follows: CW 5 [A1 A2/A1] 3 100 where: CW 5 percent cold work, A1 5 duct tube cross-sectional area prior to nal cold-work, and A2 5 duct tube cross-sectional area after nal cold-work. 5.8 Lot SizeDuct tubes shall be grouped into rational inspection lots that can be characterized by lot qualication sampling. This shall be done on the basis of items of the same nominal dimensions produced from the same heat, processed consecutively, and annealed under identical parameters. Any sublotting shall be as specied in the order. 5.9 IdenticationDuct tubes shall be marked and processed in a manner that will ensure individual duct tube identity and traceability to both heat and lot numbers. Each duct tube shall be identied with the supplier code, lot code, heat number, alloy, purchase order number, and a sequential identication number as specied in the order. Duct tubes shall be marked using an electrolytic etching procedure approved by the purchaser. 5.10 Repair and ReworkReworked duct tubes shall meet the requirements of this specication. Repair shall be permitted only after prior approval by the purchaser. 5.11 Archive SamplesArchive samples shall be supplied as specied in the order. 6. Chemical Composition 6.1 The material shall conform to the applicable chemical
A 826/A826M
requirements specied in Table 1, unless otherwise specied in the order. 6.2 An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the steel manufacturer in accordance with Methods, Practices, and Denitions A 751 to determine the percentages of the elements specied. If the secondary melting processes are employed, the heat analysis shall be obtained from one remelted ingot or the product of one remelted ingot of each primary melt. The chemical composition thus determined, or that determined from a product analysis made by the tubular product manufacturer, shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchasers representative and shall conform to the requirements specied in 6.1. 6.3 An analysis shall be made on one nished duct tube fabricated from each heat of steel. The chemical composition thus determined, shall conform to the requirements specied in 6.1. 7. Mechanical Properties 7.1 Tensile PropertiesRoom temperature tensile properties of 20 % cold-worked Type 316 stainless steel duct tubes shall be determined in accordance with Specication A 450. Unless otherwise specied in the order, the requirements of Table 2 are for information only. Tensile properties of other grades and conditions and number of tests shall be specied in the order as required by the purchaser. 7.2 HardnessThe Vickers hardness shall be determined on samples of nished duct tubes in accordance with Test Method E 384 using a 500-g load. The acceptance criteria, number of samples, and measurement locations shall be as specied in the order. 8. Dimensions 8.1 Dimensional requirements shall be as specied in the order. The rounding-off method dened in Practice E 29 shall be used for determining conformance with these requirements. 8.2 Equipment/Technique Accuracy Dimensional measurements shall be made with a device measuring in units no greater than 10 % of the specied tolerance range. For limits specied as minimum or maximum, use a device measuring in units to one decimal place beyond the character specied. Alternative measuring equipment shall require approval by the purchaser. 9. Surface Requirements 9.1 Surface ConditionThe nished duct tubes shall be free of visible oxide, scale, splits, laps, cracks, seams, and inclusions. 9.2 Surface RoughnessAll surfaces of nished duct tubes shall meet the limits specied in the order. Surfaces shall be
TABLE 2 Room Temperature Tensile Requirements for Duct Tubes
Alloy TP 316 S38660A S42100B
examined visually and compared with roughness comparison specimens, or alternatively, measured with surface roughness measuring instruments. Roughness comparison specimens and roughness measurement instruments shall meet the requirements of ANSI B 46.1. 9.3 Surface MarringRejection criteria for surface imperfections, such as scratches, handling marks, light mandrel, and die or roll marks, shall be as specied in the order. The bottom of surface defects shall be visible, rounded, and well faired-in as conrmed by visual inspection. Removal of surface defects by grinding, buffing, or polishing is considered a repair subject to the requirements of 5.10. 9.4 CleaningAll cleaning operations shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures meeting the requirements of Recommended Practice A 380 and shall be approved by the purchaser. Cleaned surfaces shall be inspected visually and by instrumental methods in accordance with Section 7 on Inspection After Cleaning of Recommended Practice A 380, as specied in the order. Measures to prevent the recontamination of cleaned surfaces shall be taken as soon as nal cleaning is completed, and shall be maintained during all subsequent fabrication, inspection, storage, and shipping operations. 10. Metallographic Test Requirements 10.1 Grain SizeThe recrystallized average grain size of austenitic grade duct materials from any lot following nal anneal and prior to cold working shall be 4 to 7, as determined in accordance with Methods E 112, Reference Plate II, and shall exhibit no evidence of a duplex structure. The grain size of martensitic grade duct materials shall be as specied in the order. 10.2 InclusionsThe inclusion rating of the austenitic grade starting bar, when determined in accordance with Microscopical Method D of Practice E 45, shall be limited to one for each of the following four types of inclusions: (A) Sulde Type, (B) Alumina Type, (C) Silicate Type, and (D) Globular Oxide Type. The eld of the samples shall be rated by comparison with Plate III of Practice E 45. A maximum of 10 % of the elds may show inclusions at the next higher density to that specied, and a maximum of 1 % of the elds may show inclusions at the second higher density. Complex carbide and carbonitride inclusion ratings shall be as specied in the order. The inclusion rating of martensitic grade starting bars shall be as specied in the order. 10.3 Intergranular AttackSpecimens from nished duct tubes shall be prepared in accordance with Methods E 3 and shall be metallographically examined at 1003 to verify freedom from intergranular attack. 10.4 Carbide PrecipitationSpecimens from nished austenitic grade duct tubes shall be mounted as transverse sections, polished, etched, and examined at 5003. Specimen preparation shall be as described in Methods E 3 using etching procedure 13 prescribed in Table 2 of Methods E 407. Specimens shall exhibit no visible carbide precipitation at the grain boundaries unless specic thermomechanical treatment has been specied in the order. 11. Nondestructive Examination 11.1 Penetrant Examination of Finished DuctsInterior
Tensile Strength, min, ksi [MPa] 100 [689] 100 [689] 100 [689]
20 % cold-worked Tempered
A 826/A826M
and exterior surfaces of nished duct tubes shall be examined, if specied in the order, in accordance with the requirements of Procedures A-1, A-2, or B-2 of Table 1 of Practice E 165, and shall be free of indications as specied in the order. The penetrant materials shall be analyzed for sulfur and halogen in accordance with Test Method D 129 and Test Method D 808. The residual amount of sulfur and halogens shall not exceed 0.5 weight %. 12. Acceptance CriteriaLot Basis Tests 12.1 Lot QualicationWhere lot qualication is listed, the lot shall be accepted only when all of the required number of samples meet the referenced requirement. Sampling levels shall be as specied in the order. Referenced test methods are the preferred method. Actual methods used shall be equal to or better than the methods referenced, and shall be approved by the purchaser prior to use. 13. Cleanliness 13.1 Finished duct tubes shall be free of residual iron, other metallic particles, oil, grease, lubricants, residual cleaning compounds, dirt, chips, and all other extraneous material. 13.2 Contact preservatives shall not be used. 14. Certication 14.1 The material manufacturer shall certify that the material was manufactured, tested, and examined in accordance with this specication and any added requirements of the purchase order. A copy of the certication shall be furnished at the time of shipment, together with a report of the results of all required tests and examinations. Certications, test reports, and examination reports shall be positively traceable to individual tubes and their raw materials. 15. Packaging and Package Marking 15.1 PackagingDuct tubes shall be individually packaged in polyethylene and placed in a container constructed to ensure delivery of clean, straight, and undamaged material. Packaging shall be in accordance with the requirements specied in the order. 15.2 Shipping ContainersA complete description of the shipping containers for duct tubes shall be submitted for approval before being used. 15.3 MarkingEach shipping container shall be legibly and conspicuously marked with the following data: 15.3.1 Purchase order number, 15.3.2 Name of supplier, 15.3.3 Alloy and heat, 15.3.4 Lot number, 15.3.5 Number of pieces in container, 15.3.6 Gross and net weights, 15.3.7 Applicable drawing, 15.3.8 Duct number(s), and 15.3.9 Specication designation. 16. Keywords 16.1 austenitic stainless steel; ferritic stainless steel; nuclear applications; stainless steel tubing; steel tubing
SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specied by the purchaser in the inquiry, contract, or order. S1. Quality Assurance Program S1.1 The materials manufacturer shall establish, maintain, and function in accordance with a quality verication program that will control the quality of the product during manufacture, testing, examination, repair, and treatment of the material, including subcontracted services, to ensure that all materials supplied by the manufacturer conform to the requirements of this specication. Compliance with ASME NQA-1 will be accepted as compliance with this section. The program shall be documented in a Quality System Manual that shall be implemented by procedures that are maintained by the materials manufacturer. The program shall be subject to audit and shall include the following: S1.1.1 OrganizationThe authority and responsibilities of personnel in charge of the quality system program shall be clearly established and be independent of the individual or group performing the specic manufacturing activity. S1.1.2 Manufacturing ControlThe materials manufacturer shall operate under a controlled system using process sheets, shop procedures, check lists, travelers, or equivalent procedures. S1.1.3 Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment
Procedures shall be in effect to ensure that tools, gages, instruments, and other measuring, testing, and examination equipment and devices used to verify compliance of material with the basic material specication and this specication are calibrated, controlled, adjusted, and maintained to assure accuracy within the specied limits. Calibration shall be against measurement standards that have known valid relationships to national standards, where such standards exist. Corrective action is required when discrepancies which signicantly affect the measurement of material specication properties are found at calibration. Methods for resolution of these discrepancies shall be part of the quality system program. S1.1.4 Control of Nondestructive Examination ProceduresAll nondestructive examinations required shall be performed in accordance with detailed written procedures that are capable of detecting and locating unacceptable discontinuities. Qualication of personnel performing or interpreting nondestructive examination, or both, shall be in accordance with SNT-TC-1A. Written procedures and records shall be made available to the purchaser on request. At least one copy of the procedure shall be available to nondestructive examination personnel for reference.
A 826/A826M
S1.1.5 Procedure ControlProcedural controls of heat treatment for all materials and materials test coupons shall be maintained and implemented. S1.1.6 Nonconforming Material Nonconforming material shall be identied and reviewed for acceptance, rejection, repair, or rework in accordance with documented procedures. The responsibility and authority for the disposition of nonconforming material shall be dened. Repaired and reworked material shall be reexamined in accordance with applicable procedures. Conditions adverse to nal product quality (such as malfunctions, deciencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances) shall be promptly identied and reported to the appropriate levels of the materials manufacturers management. The identication, cause, and corrective action taken on nonconformances shall be documented. S1.1.7 AuditsPlanned and periodic audits by personnel not having direct responsibility in the areas being audited shall be performed to assure compliance with the quality system program. Written procedures or checklists shall be used. Follow-up action, including reaudit of decient areas, shall be taken where indicated. S1.1.8 Identication and Control of MaterialsProcedural controls for identication of materials, including partially processed materials, shall assure that identication is maintained either on the material or on records traceable to the material throughout manufacture. S1.2 RecordsThe manufacturer is responsible for the preparation of all quality assurance documentation specied in this specication and in the order. Records of all tests and examinations shall be kept complete and available to the purchaser. Quality verication records shall be furnished with the delivered product and shall include: S1.2.1 Identity of each duct tube as shown on the inspection/test and other quality records, S1.2.2 Traceability of each duct tube lot to raw materials and heat numbers, S1.2.3 Manufacturing plan which includes the number and type of forming operations, the sequence of such operations indicating the duct tube size at each stage, and the sequence of annealing operations detailing the time, temperature, and atmosphere of the annealing cycle, S1.2.4 Reports showing the results of all inspections and tests on duct tubes and materials tests required by this specication and applicable material standards, and S1.2.5 Other data which show the quality status of the delivered product.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ve years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.