Cheyenne Maria Roduin - MLIS: Summary of Qualifications
Cheyenne Maria Roduin - MLIS: Summary of Qualifications
Cheyenne Maria Roduin - MLIS: Summary of Qualifications
13011 SE 206th St. Kent, WA. 98031 (206) 713-0344 home cheyenner@comc ! -home """.cr#ort$o%&'(& #er!on % !choo% n' "or) #ort$o%&o
Summary of Qualifications:
21 years of diverse library experience in multiple positions Exemplary collaborative, supervisory, communication, and customer service skills Reference assistance to the academic, corporate, medical, and professional community Advanced technical skills in multiple library platforms and OPACs !nnovative, "oya#er, $ori%on&, databases, research tools, content mana#ement tools, 'icrosoft Office products, "isio, taxonomy and sub(ect codin#, resource catalo#in# for public use, virtual communications)learnin#, Community net*orkin#, metadata manipulation Professional attitude and leadership abilities Professional Research and editin# experience, +ualitative and +uantitative
,-)2,,. / 12)2,,0 University of Washington 1 !nformation 2chool3 2eattle, 4A5 / 'asters in 6ibrary and !nformation 2cience 1 7all 2,,0 ,-)1--1 / ,8)1--9 he Evergreen State College 3 Olympia, 4A5 :A in 6iterature and 6ibrary 2cience
!rofessional E"#erience
* )e W !h&n+ton ,echn&c % -o%%e+e <enured 7aculty 6ibrarian
April 2,,;1Present
!nstruct school community in usin# 6ibrary print)online& resources <each a 21credit !nformation 6iteracy class 'aintain blo#)homepa#e and update *iki *ith current information Represent the 6ibrary on multiple campus committees and throu#h outreach to satellite campus Purchase materials and attend to collection maintenance duties Create "ideo tutorials for instruction on 6ibrary 'aterials
Evaluate current taxonomy for relevancy a#ainst search returns 'ap 2ynaptic tool to ?'O@ Open ?irectory Pro(ect for increased results Restructure and retool existin# taxonomy *ith concise metadata Research and analysis of *ebsites and data for inte#ration into '2> 6ivesearch
Assist patrons in library use, circulation, and reference)research Perform reference intervie*s, ans*er Auestions usin# print and online databases Online content mana#ement for electronic content / taxonomy and vocabulary inte#ration Create 'ARC records and maintain current 'ARC holdin#s for collection :ind and mend library materials for B branch libraries Order ne* acAuisitions and replacement items 'ana#e rare book collection for $ealth 2ciences 6ibrary 'ana#e and assist *ith 6ibrary displays and outreach Participate as member)chair in library1*ide development committees)#roups
Assist patrons in library use, circulation, and reference Order and process all library materials for Cniversity of 4ashin#ton :othell and CCC :asic catalo#in# Create ne* books *ebpa#e 'end)Repair dama#ed materials 2upervise .18 student assistants
Customer account maintenance 4orld*ide publisher Aueries)communications for claims and account maintenance Perform online and print research for employees Provide detailed and timely support to customers via telephone, faxin#, scannin# and emailin# documents Receive, process, and route serial materials for <he :oein# Company
$ire and supervise *ork study students Cploadin# biblio#raphic records from 46> and OC6C to ?ynix 'ARC records Process ne* acAuisitions :uild catalo#ed database of sound recordin#s
Assist patrons in library functions and use 'aintain Reserves and Educational Readin# Room collections for class)instructor use <rain and supervise *ork study students / assi#n shelf readin# assi#nments and daily duties 2earch system for missin#)lost materials <each tutorials to public and educational community on library use Presided on 6ibrary committees for3 $ealth 2ciences ?isplays and Art Pro#ram, C4 6ibraries 2trate#ic Plannin#, and $ealth 2ciences 6ibrary <ransition Chair&, 64<C Accreditation, 'ulticultural ?iversity, Curriculum Revie*, !nstructional Council Researched)edited several recently published books for Cniversity professor Certificates earned from 2loan1C for <eachin# in the Online Environment Created 6ibrary video tutorials for use in Online Environment Created online, visual dictionary for !:E2< students
S#ecial E"#eriences