Sequences of Operation For Common HVAC Systems
Sequences of Operation For Common HVAC Systems
Sequences of Operation For Common HVAC Systems
Using the Sequences in this Package .............................................................................. IV. V. USERS OF A CONTROL SEQUENCE ...................................................................... APPROACHES TO SPECIFYING A SEQUENCE .................................................. Structure of a Sequence of Operation: Modes vs. Components...................................... Level of Detail: Operation vs. Algorithms...................................................................... IV. SEQUENCES OF CONTROL 1 2 2 3 5 6 6 8
CONSTANT VOLUME AIR HANDLING UNITS 1. Supply Fan a. b. c. d. 2. CV 1A1 Chilled Water Coil, HW Coil, DCV........................... CV 1B1 Chilled Water Coil, 2-Stage Heat, Economizer ........ CV 1C1 DX Coil, HW Coil, Economizer ............................... CV 1D1 DX Coil, 2-Stage Heat No Economizer ..................... 9 15 21 27
Supply and Return Fans a. b. c. d. CV 2A1 Chilled Water Coil, HW Coil, Economizer OA Flow Control ..................................................................... CV 2B1 Chilled Water Coil, 2-Stage Heat, Economizer ........ CV 2C1 DX Coil, HW Coil, Economizer ............................... CV 2D1 DX Coil, 2-Stage Heat, Economizer ........................
32 38 44 51
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VARIABLE VOLUME AIR HANDLING UNITS 1. Supply Fans a. Chilled Water Coil, HW Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 1A1 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, No Space Pressure Control, Demand Controlled Ventilation, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ............................................................... DX Coil, 2-Stage Heat, Economizer 1) VAV 1D1 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, Constant SA, No Space Pressure Control, Measured Minimum Airflow, No Economizer ...............................................................
Supply and Return Fans a. Chilled Water Coil, Hot Water Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 2A1 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Return Fan, Demand Controlled Ventilation, Differential Enthalpy Economizer................................................... 2) VAV 2A2 Duct Static Reset, Constant SA, Airflow Tracking Measured Minimum Airflow, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ..................................................................................... Chilled Water Coil, 4-Stage Heat, Economizer 1) VAV 2B1 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Return Fan, Minimum damper position for Min OA Airflow, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ..................................................................................... 2) VAV 2B2 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Return Fan, Min OA controlled with Plenum Pressure, Differential Enthalpy Economizer ............................ 4 Stage DX Coil, Hot Water Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 2C1 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Return Fan, Measured Minimum Airflow, Fixed Dry Bulb Economizer .........................................................
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VAV 2C2 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, Constant SA Temperature, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Return Fan, Min OA controlled with Plenum Pressure, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ...........................
4 Stage DX Coil, 4-Stage Heat, Economizer 1) VAV 2D1 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, Constant SA Temperature, Static controlled with EA Damper & Return Fan, Measured Minimum Airflow, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ............................................................... 2) VAV 2D2 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Fan Tracking, Measured Minimum Airflow, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ........................... Supply, Return and OA Injection Fans a. Chilled Water coil, Hot Water Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 3A1 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, Constant SA Temperature, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Return Fan, Min OA controlled with Plenum Pressure, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ............................ 4-Stage DX Coil, Hot Water Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 3C1 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Exhaust Damper/Return Fan, Min OA Controlled With Injection Fan, Differential Enthalpy Economizer ............................................................... 2) VAV 3C2 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Fan Tracking, Min OA Controlled With Injection Fan, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ...............................................................
Supply and Relief Fans a. Chilled Water Coil, Hot Water Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 4A1 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Relief Fan, Demand Controlled Ventilation, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ...............................................
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Chilled Water Coil, 4-Stage Heat, Economizer 1) VAV 4B1 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Relief Fan, Measured Minimum Airflow, Dry Bulb Economizer ............................................................... 4-Stage DX Coil, Hot Water Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 4C1 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Space Static controlled with EA Damper & Relief Fan, Measured Minimum Airflow, Dry Bulb Economizer ............................................................... 4-Stage DX Coil, 4-Stage Heat, Economizer 1) VAV 4D1 Fixed Duct Static Setpoint, Constant SA Temperature, Exhaust Damper/Return Fan, Min OA controlled with Plenum Pressure, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ...............................................................
Supply Fans, Relief Fans, and OA Injection Fans a. Chilled Water Coil, Hot Water Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 5A1 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Exhaust Damper/Return Fan, Min OA Controlled With Injection Fan, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer .................................................................. Stage DX Coil, Hot Water Coil, Economizer 1) VAV 5C1 Duct Static Reset, SA Temp Reset on Cooling Demand, Exhaust Damper/Return Fan, Min OA Controlled With Injection Fan, Differential Dry Bulb Economizer ...............................................................
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PURPOSE This document is intended to establish a common set of sequences for control of common HVAC systems. It is expected that this set will be extended and modified both by ASHRAE and by users to fit a variety of needs. A set of industry-accepted sequences will: Provide a common language of terms and choices to consider in HVAC systems, increase effectiveness of HVAC designers in specifying DDC systems, improve the quality of specifications produced, facilitate communication between specifiers and contractors, increase efficiency of the contractors in the construction and commissioning process, improve the functionality and energy efficiency of the DDC systems delivered, and increase the understanding and familiarity with the operation of DDC/HVAC systems among the building owners and operators. Considering this set of purposes, the intended users include HVAC designers, control contractors, commissioning agents, and building owners, operators, and maintenance technicians. Each user is important, but the HVAC designer is the primary user; all the other users are obliged to work with what the HVAC designer delivers. This resource will aid HVAC designer in the development of control sequences by providing an accurate, consistent, and well-organized starting point. It provides: an effective specification format, a common sequence that is frequently applicable or easily customizable to match a specific application, and a peer-reviewed specification of that sequence. It does not save the designer from: deciding how the HVAC system must operate, correctly applying codes and standards, or designing to meet the end user's goals. The designers retain all the responsibility implied by their role in the construction process.
SCOPE This resource offers commonly accepted sequences for a variety of air handling units and terminal units. There is no attempt here to cover every kind of HVAC unit. In some cases, alternative sequences are presented; there is no attempt to cover all of the useable options. In addition to the sequences, this document offers suggestions for development and customizing sequences of operation for a specific project. The examples presented here are well-founded sequences for each type of equipment and leave the advanced or very special control schemes to the consulting engineers and control contractors to provide as value added. These control sequences are written for implementation using a DDC system.
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CONTENTS OF THIS PACKAGE The control sequences in this document are presented with other parts of a control specification, including a control schematic, object list, and mode table. These parts are needed to fully communicate the operation and installation of the control system. The material in this document represents a common application that should be tailored to match the actual system and the operational requirements. Publishing a control sequence that does not match the system or meet the users efficiency or operational requirements, while vastly entertaining to the contractors field personnel, adds little to the construction effort. The control schematic is a diagram of the system showing the relationships between equipment and control components. The input/outputs to DDC are shown, as are any hardwired interlocks. Often the control schematic is included in the contract drawings. Wherever the control schematic appears, it is a key to communicating the system and the associated controls. The object list defines the physical and virtual (software) points required for operation and monitoring of the system. There are many formats in use for the object list. Some contain more information than others. The format used in this document is best suited less complicated projects. The type of point is listed. Point types include analog inputs, binary inputs, pulse inputs, binary outputs, and analog outputs. The specific implementation of the programming may dictate additional virtual points not shown on the object list. For this reason, the designer may not be able to list all of the virtual points. Also defined in the object list are trending, alarm, and reporting graphic display requirements. In some more complex projects, it is preferred to describe these functions in the text of the sequence rather than as entries in the object list. In this package, the object list indicates which points are assigned alarms and the alarm thresholds. Some alarms are tied to the system status. For example, when the air handler is in the unoccupied mode, the supply air temperature may not need to be alarmed or different alarm limits may apply. Alarm thresholds can be established to track setpoints that are dynamically reset. Each graphic upon which a point should appear is listed. Points can be assigned to more than one graphic screen. Similarly, each trend log that should display a points data is listed. Points are often assigned to multiple trend logs. Both graphic displays and trend logs may be created and changed as needed as part of normal operations, but it is important to identify which points will be made available for reporting even though they may not be initially assigned to a specific graph or trend log. Any standard or custom reports that the point is assigned to are listed in the notes column. Any other special requirements are listed in the notes column as well. These sequences also include a mode table. The mode table summarizes the complete sequence of operation indicating the states (open, closed, modulated to maintain 55F) that are expected when the system is in different modes of operation (cooling, heating, fire, warm-up and others). Each row in the table corresponds to a mechanical component in the system. Each column corresponds to one of the operating modes of the system. Each cell in the table tells what the particular component does in that mode. The table presents no new information. It briefly restates information already delivered in the full-text sequence. As such, a specifier using a mode table must take pains to ensure the table is consistent with the text. For users of the specification, the clean, organized format of a table answers many questions more quickly and surely than re-
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reading the text. This applies to control programmers, commissioning agents, building operators, and even the designer who needs to check the completeness of their own work. Using the Sequences in this Package In using the sequences in this publication, a thorough understanding of the actual system to be controlled and the requirements of the user are required. With this information in hand, select a system similar to the actual system and custom tailor the sequence to meet the goals and requirements of the project. Some specific items to review are the location and quantity of smoke detectors and other sensors. Different codes have differing requirements. Some codes require detectors in the supply, and some codes require detectors on the return. Many codes require both supply and return detection over 15,000 cfm. Freeze protection is an important consideration from an equipment design and control standpoint. Attention should be given to assuring that the freeze protection design is appropriate to the climate. Duct static pressure safeties may be needed if, for example, there is a fire damper located in the main ductwork that, when closed, would cause the duct static to rise past the ducts pressure rating. Note that static pressure safeties do not react fast enough to prevent duct damage if a large damper closes rapidly. The number of heating and or cooling stages shown on the control diagram, sequences and object list should match the equipment. The control sequences should be reviewed for compliance with any energy codes in effect for the project. The owner should be involved in the review of the control sequences to assure they conform to the facility standards and requirements. Cutting and pasting the sequences in this manual with little or no thought will most likely result in a system that does not fully meet anyones needs. To simplify locating a control sequence that is applicable to a specific system, the sequences are given a designation. There are three broad heading categories: Constant Volume Air Handling Units, Variable Volume Air Handling Units, and Terminal Units. For the air handling units within each category, the sequences are given a unique number that corresponds to fan and coil configuration of the unit.
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The designation of the control sequences is by equipment type. For example: 2 B X - 1 2 3 4 5 Economizer Type 1 None 2 Differential dry bulb 3 Dry bulb 4 Differential enthalpy Minimum Outside Air Control 1 Fixed minimum damper Position 2 Demand controlled ventilation 3 Measured OA flow 4 Based on inlet plenum pressure 5 Injection fan Space Pressure Control 0 None 1 Exhaust damper/return fan 2 Fan tracking 3 Exhaust damper/relief fan X Not applicable Supply Air Temperature Algorithm 1 Fixed SA setpoint 2 SA varies to meet space setpoint 3 SA setpoint reset based on space temperature 4 SA temperature reset based on OA temperature 5 SA reset on OA and cooling demand S Controlled on space temperature Supply Duct Static Pressure Control 1 Fixed static setpoint 2 Duct static reset based on VAV box demand X Not applicable Sequence Number 1, 2, 3, etc. A B C D 1 2 3 4 5 Coil Type Chilled water coil, heating water coil Chilled water coil, staged heat DX coil, heating water coil DX coil, staged heat
Fan Type Supply fan Supply and return fans Supply, return and injection fans Supply and relief fans Supply, relief and injection fans
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USERS OF A CONTROL SEQUENCE When preparing a control sequence, the author should keep in mind its multiple uses. The following users depend on the sequence for the purposes described below. These are listed in approximately chronological order, not in order of importance. A. HVAC Designers. The designer should use the control sequence to assure that the equipment is capable of carrying out the various steps without causing damage to the equipment. Additionally, the sequence should be reviewed for compliance with indoor air quality, comfort, energy conservation, and life safety requirements in relation to the specific mechanical equipment. Integrating control system and the mechanical system form the earliest stages of design will result in improved system operation and lower construction costs. Authorities Having Jurisdiction (typically Fire Departments and Building Departments) may review the sequence as part of the permit process. They review the sequence to see that the operation of the equipment complies with the minimum requirements set forth in the energy conservation, mechanical, and life safety codes. Control Contractors, including the Technicians and Programmers. These people implement the specified sequence of operation. The control program will typically include many details not specified in the sequence, such as hysteresis settings, alarm delays, minimum on/off times, etc., but the end result must be that the equipment operates as specified. Any settings not specified are left to the discretion of the programmer, so it is important to include critical setpoints, interlocks, and safety settings in the control sequence. Commissioning Agents and Construction Project Managers. Part of acceptance testing is ensuring the installed system operates as specified. Everyone involved in acceptance depends on a clear sequence to support the decisions. Building Operators. An operators job includes verifying and maintaining correct operation of the equipment. This leads to frequent questions about what the building is supposed to do. Operators also need to adjust setpoints, alarm limits, and other operating parameters. To do this, they need to understand the effects of each adjustable number. Operators count on finding this information in the sequence of operation. Maintenance Technicians. During the operating life of the building, if a system does not perform correctly, the person troubleshooting the problem must understand how the system is supposed to work in order to identify the part that is not working. A wellwritten sequence of operation is essential for commissioning and can be an invaluable aid to troubleshooting.
The sequence should be complete, that is, it should cover all modes of operation: occupied, unoccupied, warm-up, cool-down, and emergency modes, including safety trip, fire, and smoke modes. In a perfect world, the system will do exactly what the sequence describes, so prepare carefully, you should get what you ask for.
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There are many valid approaches to describing a sequence. Those in this package all follow one style, but a specifier needs to choose a style best accomplishes the goals of the project. Two aspects of that style are discussed here. Structure of a Sequence of Operation: Modes vs. Components There are two basic methods of organizing a sequence of operation: by operating mode or by component. In a sequence that is structured by operating mode, the major paragraphs each describe a single mode such as occupied, unoccupied, and morning startup. The paragraph for one mode specifies operation of every component of the system in that particular mode. As an example, here is a partial sequence for a unit ventilator organized by operating mode:
The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined by the equipment schedule. The start time shall be adjusted by an optimum start routine that starts the unit at the latest possible time that insures the space temperature will be at the occupied setpoint at the time of occupancy. A. OCCUPIED MODE: 1. The unit fan shall be energized. 2. The heating coil valve, mixed air dampers, and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain space temperature at the heating or cooling setpoint. Simultaneous heating and cooling, including economizer cooling, shall not be allowed. When the outdoor air temperature is greater than the return air temperature, the OA dampers shall close to minimum position. 3. The OA damper shall not close below the minimum position required for outdoor air ventilation. UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. The unit fan shall be de-energized unless activated by the optimum start routine. 2. The heating coil valve, mixed air dampers, and cooling coil valve shall close completely unless activated by the optimum start routine. During optimum start, the heating coil valve, mixed air dampers, and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain space temperature at the heating or cooling setpoint. Simultaneous heating and cooling, including economizer cooling, shall not be allowed. When the outdoor air temperature is greater than the space temperature the OA dampers shall close to minimum position. 3. The OA damper shall be allowed to close completely. No minimum ventilation is required. OPTIMUM START 1.
In a sequence that is structured by component, the major paragraphs each describe a single component. The paragraph for one component tells how it works in each operating mode. Here is a partial sequence for the same unit ventilator, arranged by component:
A. RUN CONDITIONS: The unit shall be energized and the fan shall run under either of the following conditions: 1. The space is occupied, as determined by the equipment schedule.
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An optimum start routine indicates the unit must run to bring the space temperature to the occupied setpoint by the time of occupancy.
OA DAMPER: 1. Economizer operation shall be enabled during occupied or optimum start conditions if the outdoor air temperature is less than the space temperature. When economizer operation is enabled, the OA damper shall modulate to maintain the space at the cooling setpoint. 2. During occupied periods, the OA damper shall not close below the minimum position required for outdoor air ventilation. 3. The OA damper shall close to its minimum position (if occupied) or close completely (during optimum start) whenever the heating coil is energized or whenever the outdoor air temperature is greater than the space temperature. 4. The OA damper shall close completely whenever the freezestat trips. COOLING COIL: 1. During occupied or optimum start conditions, the cooling coil shall modulate to maintain the space at the cooling setpoint. If economizer operation is enabled, the cooling coil shall not be enabled until the OA damper is at least 90% open. 2. ...
Done correctly, both formats provide the same information. Sequences that are organized by operating mode are generally easier to understand, because they describe how the entire system will operate under a given set of conditions. The drawback to this format is that it can be difficult to program a controller from this sequence, as details about how each component should operate are scattered throughout the sequence. Sequences that are organized by component may be easier for a programmer to use because most control programs are structured by component. Similarly, many technicians find the component structure more useful as a troubleshooting tool because they are generally troubleshooting a specific component. The question, why is the heating valve open, is easier to answer if all information about the heating valve is contained in one section. The decision of which format to use should primarily be determined by the intended use of the sequence. If the intent is to explain operating concepts and highlight differences between the operating modes, the sequence should be organized by operating mode. If the intent is to provide specific programming instructions and to provide maintenance documentation, the component approach should be used. As a secondary consideration, if the designer needs to provide sequences for multiple variations of a piece of equipment (ex: unit ventilators with hot water heat, gas heat, or electric heat) the component approach may be easier to produce since only the affected component needs to be rewritten. Since the purpose of this document is to describe control sequences commonly used in HVAC systems, the sequences will be arranged by operating mode. Sequences arranged by component shall be considered the equivalent of the sequences in this document and are equally acceptable, provided they implement the same control actions. Regardless of which format is used for the sequence text, the completed sequence should include an object list, mode table, and control schematic.
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Level of Detail: Operation vs. Algorithms A specifier also has to decide how much detail to write. Some specifications call out the calculations that a DDC system must implement. Others indicate the required mechanical conditions and responses without discussing calculations. The following examples illustrate the difference.
The chilled water valve and OA damper shall modulate in sequence to maintain the discharge temperature at the setpoint." "A PI feedback loop shall control the discharge temperature. As the PI output goes from 0 to 40%, the OA damper shall modulate from minimum to fully open. As the PID output goes from 50 to 100%, the valve shall modulate from closed to fully open."
The first example allows any control program that achieves the desired mechanical result. The second specifies exactly what control algorithm will be used. When the specification contains more detail, the specifier takes more responsibility for the control system design, leaving the contractors with less flexibility and less risk. As in any aspect of specification, the goal is to allow all the flexibility that bidders need to most effectively meet the project goals, while ruling out products and practices that dont satisfy the needs. The designer needs to choose the level of detail that maximizes chances of success on the project. Although the level of detail is not directly related to the format, most operating mode sequences tend to be concept oriented (ex: Heating coil valve, mixed air dampers, and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence.), while the component approach is more likely to provide programming specifics (ex: The cooling coil shall not be enabled until the OA damper is at least 90% open.)
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Reset Based on Space Temperature None Demand Controlled Ventilation Yes No No Economizer Mechanical Cooling
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An outside air temperature sensor is shown. This value may be available through the network. Revise the system schematic if this sensor is not required. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
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AHU-1 Space Temperature AI 60/80 AHU1 5 min Report 1 1 AHU-1 CO2 Level AI 1800 AHU1 5 min Report 1 1 AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AI 40/100 AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 SA Humidity Level AI 801 AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Humidifier Modulate AO AHU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 CW Coil Valve Modulate AO AHU1 5 min 1 AHU-1 RA Humidity Level AI 20/70 AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm BI Yes AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 HW Coil Valve Modulate AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AI 35/1001 AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Min OA Damper AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Runtime AV 10,000 AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Supply Air Setpoint AV AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Air Setpoint High AV AHU1 AHU-1 Supply Air Setpoint Low AV AHU-1 Occ Space Setpoint AV AHU1 AHU-1 RA Humidity Setpoint AV AHU-1 Unoccupied Space Temp AV AHU1 Setpoint A-23 AHU-1 Unocc SA Setpoint AV A-24 AHU-1 Return Air CO2 Setpoint AV A-25 AHU-1 OA Low Temp Protection Setpoint A-26 AHU-1 MA Low Temp Protection Setpoint 1 Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm 2 Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation. SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating and cooling valves shall be closed or positioned as described below and the humidifier shall be locked out.
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All parameters shall be independently adjustable. 6. The humidifier shall modulate to maintain return air humidity setpoint of 30% (adjustable), subject to the duct high limit setpoint of 90% (adjustable). Humidification shall be locked out whenever the fan is de-energized or the duct humidity exceeds the high limit setpoint. The software shall prevent: a. The heating setpoint from exceeding the cooling setpoint minus 5F (i.e. the minimum deadband shall be 5F); b. The unoccupied heating setpoint from exceeding the occupied heating setpoint; and the unoccupied cooling setpoint from being less than the occupied cooling setpoint.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply fan shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Heating and cooling valves shall be closed and humidifier locked out. Unoccupied OFF Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the
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SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall deenergize the supply fan and close the outside air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the OA temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall cycle as described previously in the unoccupied off coil protection mode.
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SECTION III CONTROL MODE SUMMARY Unoccupied Setback Warmup Cycles Closed On Closed
Occupied On Modulate to maintain CO2 setpoint subject to min position Modulate in sequence with CW valve Modulate in sequence with HW valve
Pre-cooling On Closed
HW Valve
CW valve
Cycle if OAT < 35, otherwise closed Open if OAT < 35, otherwise closed
Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
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OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple constant volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically in the 2,000 to 7,000 cfm range (4 to 12-ton), serving a single zone with a single exposure.
THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE: There is no measurement of outside air volume. The minimum outside air flow rate is established by the outside air damper minimum position set by the balance contractor. The maximum outside air flowrate is determined by the outside air intake configuration. A fixed minimum outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility or a fixed exhaust requirement. There are no humidification or de-humidification cycles. In humid regions an enthalpy-based economizer may be desired. Pumped coils may be desired for low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. Pumped cooling coils lower the chilled water Delta T that may adversely affect the chillers. Additional freeze protection strategies may be needed depending on climate. A single space temperature setpoint controls the unit. This applies to units serving a single space or units serving multiple spaces that have similar exposures and internal loads. Cooling coils are shown with normally closed valves. This convention is typical in cold climates and may be different in warm climates. Actuators that fail in the current position may be considered for some applications instead of the fail open/closed type. Edit the control drawing to reflect the actual system. The location and quantity of duct smoke detectors is regulated by code. requirements and revise the system schematic accordingly. Verify code
An outside air temperature sensor is shown. This value may be available through the network. Revise the system schematic if this sensor is not required.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 15
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CONTROL SYSTEM 02 Tag A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 Object Name Type Alarm
AHU-1 Space Temperature AI 65/80 AHU1 5 min Report 1 1 5 min AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AI 40/100 AHU1 Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 COV AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 CW Coil Valve Modulate AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm BI Yes AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 Stage 2 Heat Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 Stage 1 Heat Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV Report 1 1 AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AI 35/100 AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Run Time AV 10,000 AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Occ Space Setpoint AV AHU1 AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temp AV Setpoint A-16 AHU-1 Unoccupied Space Temp AV AHU-1 Setpoint A-17 AHU-1 Heating Interstage AV Differential A-18 AHU-1 OA Damper Min Position AV A-19 AHU-1 Warm-up OA Temp AV Setpoint A-20 AHU-1 Pre-Cool OA Temp AV Setpoint 1 Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm 2 Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the cooling valve shall be closed or positioned as described below, heating shall be de-energized or staging as described below.
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6. 7.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply fan shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied OFF Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F, OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then open the cooling coil valve 100%. When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F + deadband, or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air
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SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall deenergize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the OA temperature is below the outside air low temperature protection setpoint, 35F (adjustable), and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall cycle as described in unoccupied mode.
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SECTION III CONTROL MODE SUMMARY Unoccupied Setback Warm -up Cycles On Closed Closed
Occupied On Fixed min. position modulates when economizer mode is enabled. Track opposite of OA Damper Track OA Damper Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence with dampers and CW valve Modulate in sequence with heat and dampers
Pre-Cooling On Closed or modulates when economizer mode is enabled. Open or tracks opposite OA damper Closed or tracks OA damper Off
Closed Off
Closed Stage
Closed Stage
Closed Off
CW valve
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Varies to Meet Space Setpoint None Fixed Minimum Position None None Dry Bulb Differential Temp Return Air Economizer Cooling
Verify code
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5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Space Temperature AI 60/80 AHU1 1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AI 40/100 AHU1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 COV AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Cool Stage 1 Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Cool Stage 2 Start/Stop BO COV AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm BI Yes AHU1 COV Report 1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU-1 HW Coil Valve Modulate AO AHU1 1 5 min AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AI 35/100 AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Runtime AV 10,000 AHU1 AHU-1 Occ Space Temperature AV AHU1 Setpoint A-15 AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temp AV Protection Setpoint A-16 AHU-1 Unoccupied Space Temp AV AHU-1 5 min Setpoint A-17 AHU-1 Morning Warm-up SA AV Temp Setpoint A-18 AHU-1 DX Cooling Lockout OA AV Temp Setpoint for DX Cooling Lockout A-19 AHU-1 OA Damper Min Position AV AHU-1 5 min A-20 AHU-1 Warm-up OA Temp AV Setpoint A-21 AHU-1 OA Low Temp Protection AV Setpoint 1 Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm 2 Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, seven-day schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating valve shall be closed or positioned as described below. DX Cooling shall be de-energized.
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d. 7.
The software shall prevent: a. The heating setpoint from exceeding the cooling setpoint minus 5F (i.e. the minimum deadband shall be 5F); b. The unoccupied heating setpoint from exceeding the occupied heating setpoint; and the unoccupied cooling setpoint from being less than the occupied cooling setpoint.
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SECTION III CONTROL MODE SUMMARY Unoccupied Device Occupied Off S Fan OA Damper RA Damper EA Damper HW Valve On Fixed Min position, or Economizer enabled Track opposite of OA damper Track OA damper Modulate in sequence with dampers and DX Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence with dampers and heat Off Closed Night Setback Cycles Closed Warm-up On Closed Pre-Cooling On Closed or Economizer enabled Track opposite of OA damper Track OA damper Off Off Closed Safeties
Closed Modulate
Closed Modulate
DX Cooling
Page 26
Quick Summary SA Temp Control Space Pressure Control Minimum OA Control Humidification Dehumidification Economizer Morning Pre-Cooling Varies to Maintain Space Temp Setpoint None Fixed Minimum Position None None None Mechanical Cooling
OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple constant volume air handling system. These air handlers are typically in the 2,000 to 7,000 cfm range (4 to 12-ton), serving a single zone with a single exposure.
THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE There is no measurement of outside air volume. Outside airflow rate is set as the minimum damper position by the balance contractor. A fixed minimum outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility or with fixed exhaust air requirements. There is no outside air economizer in this unit. This is typical of units having a hydronic (waterside) economizer, a humidified space or in certain climate zones. Relief air (if required) needs to be provided since this unit has no relief provisions. ASHRAE Standard 90.1 requires economizers in many applications. See examples of units with economizer in this section if this is a desired option. There are no humidification or de-humidification cycles. A return air damper or a manual balance damper may be required in the return depending on the system layout and the outside air quantity. Morning pre-cooling with DX relies on the increased efficiency of the system when the outside (condensing) temperatures are low. Different climate regions may effect the economics morning pre-cooling using DX. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. Two stages of heating and cooling are shown. The system schematic and object list should be modified to reflect the actual number of stages in the equipment. Since there is no economizer cycle, DX cooling may be required to operate when the outside temperature is low. If so, the condenser must be designed for low ambient operation. The location and quantity of duct smoke detectors is regulated by code. requirements and revise the system schematic accordingly. Verify code
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5 min AHU-1 Space Temperature AI 60/80 AHU1 Report 1 1 5 min AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AI 40/100 AHU1 Report 1 5 min AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AI AHU1 Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Yes AHU1 COV AHU-1. Supply Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Cool Stage 1 Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Cool Stage 2 Start/Stop BO AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm BI Yes AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 Heat Stage 2 Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Heat Stage 1 Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV 1 5 min AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AI 35/100 AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Min OA Damper BO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Outside Air AI AHU1 Temperature A-14 AHU 1 Runtime AV 10,000 AHU1 A-15 AHU-1 Space Setpoint AV AHU1 A-17 AHU-1 Occ Space Setpoint AV AHU1 A-18 AHU-1 Mixed Air Setpoint AV A-19 AHU-1 Unoccupied Setpoint AV A-20 AHU-1 Unocc SA Setpoint AV A-21 AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool AV Setpoint 1 Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm 2 Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
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3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. 2. Unoccupied Off: The supply fan shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed. Unoccupied Setback: The supply fan shall cycle on with the outside and exhaust dampers closed when the space temperature drops below the unoccupied setpoint of 65F (adjustable). When the fan is energized, the heating shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable).
Page 30
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system.
SECTION III CONTROL MODE SUMMARY Unoccupied Night WarmSetback up Cycles On Closed Closed Open Open Closed Closed Stage Stage Off Off
Occupied On Open to minimum position Closed to the minimum setting Open to minimum position Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence with dampers and DX Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence with dampers and heat
Page 31
An outside air temperature sensor is shown. This value may be available through the network. Revise the system schematic if this sensor is not required. If the minimum OA volume is larger than the zone exhaust and exfiltration air volume a defined path for the relief air is needed.
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Page 33
AHU-1 Space Temperature AI 60/80 AHU1 Report 1 1 AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AI 40/100 AHU1 Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 AHU-1 CW Coil Valve Modulate AO AHU1 AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm BI Yes AHU1 Report 1 AHU-1 HW Coil Valve Modulate AO AHU1 1 AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AI 35/100 AHU1 AHU-1 Minimum OA Air Flow AI AHU1 AHU-1 Minimum OA Damper AO Modulate A-11 AHU-1 Mixed Air Damper AO Modulate A-12 AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min A-13 AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop DO A-14 AHU-1Return Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 COV A-15 AHU-1Return Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min A-16 AHU-1 Occ Space Temperature AV AHU1 Setpoint A-17 AHU-1 Unoccupied Space AV Temperature Setpoint A-18 AHU-1 Supply Air Temp AV AHU1 Setpoint A-19 AHU-1 OA Min Flow Setpoint AV AHU1 Report A-20 AHU-1 Outside Air Low AV AHU1 Report Temperature Protection Setpoint A-21 AHU-1 Mixed Air Low AV AHU1 Report Temperature Protection Setpoint A-22 AHU-1 Morning Warm-up OA AV Temperature Setpoint A-23 AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool OA AV Temp Setpoint A-24 AHU-1 Run Time AV 10,000 AHU1 1 Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm 2 Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation. SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule.
Trend 5 min 5 min COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min
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UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply fan and return fan shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and maximum outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper shall be open. Unoccupied OFF Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outdoor air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips; then the
Page 35
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall deenergize the supply and return fans and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the OA temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall cycle as described in unoccupied mode.
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Device S fan R fan OA Min damper OA Max damper RA damper EA damper HW valve
Occupied On On Modulate for Min OA flow Economizer enabled modulates in sequence with valves Tracks opposite OA max damper Tracks OA damper Modulate in sequence with dampers and CW valve Modulate in sequence with dampers and HW valve
Pre-Cooling On On Closed Closed or economizer enabled Open or economizer enabled Closed or economizer enabled Closed
CW valve
Cycle if OAT <35,and MAT<45 otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Cycle if OAT <35,and MAT <45 otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
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An outside air temperature sensor is shown. This value may be available through the network. Revise the system schematic if this sensor is not required.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 38
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AHU-1 Space Temperature AI 60/801 AHU1 5 min Report 1 1 5 min AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AI 40/100 AHU1 Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 COV AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 CW Coil Valve Modulate AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm BI Yes AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 Stage 2 Heat Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 Stage 1 Heat Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV Report 1 1 5 min AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AI 35/100 AHU1 AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Return Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Run Time AV 10,000 AHU1 AHU-1 Occ Space Setpoint AV AHU-1 Mixed Air Setpoint AV AHU-1 Unoccupied Setpoint AV AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool Space AV Setpoint A-20 AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool SA Temp AV Setpoint A-21 AHU-1 Heating Interstage AV Differential A-22 AHU-1 OA Damper Min Position AV A-23 AHU-1 Unocc SA Setpoint AV A-24 AHU-1 Warm-up OA Temp AV A-25 AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool Space AV Setpoint A-26 AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool SA Temp AV Setpoint A-27 AHU-1 Supply Air Setpoint High AV AHU1 A-28 AHU-1 Supply Air Setpoint Low AV AHU1 A-29 AHU-1 Space Setpoint AO AHU1 1 Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm 2 Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
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4. 5.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open.
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SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall deenergize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the cooling valve shall positions as described in unoccupied mode. Heating shall be de-energized.
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Occupied On On Fixed Min position or Economizer enabled Modulates in sequence Tracks opposite OA damper Tracks OA damper Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence with dampers and CW valve Modulate in sequence with heat and dampers
Pre-Cooling On On Closed or Economizer enabled Tracks opposite OA damper Tracks OA damper Off
Closed Off
Closed Stage
Closed Stage
Closed Off
CW valve
Page 43
Quick Summary SA Temp Control Space Pressure Control Minimum OA Control Humidification Dehumidification Economizer Morning Pre Cooling Varies to Maintain Space Temp Setpoint None Fixed Minimum Position None None Dry Bulb Differential Temp return Air Economizer Cooling
OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple constant volume air handling system. These air handlers are typically in the 2,000 to 7,000 cfm range (4 to 12-ton), serving a single zone with a single exposure.
THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE: There is no measurement of outside air volume. Outside airflow rate is set as the minimum damper position by the balance contractor. A fixed minimum outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. There are no humidification or de-humidification cycles. Pumped coils may be desired for low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. Additional freeze protection strategies may be needed depending on climate. In humid regions an enthalpy-based economizer may be desired. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. Heating water coils are shown with normally open valves. This convention is typical in cold climates and may be different in warm climates. Actuators that fail in the current position may be used instead of the fail open/closed type. Edit the control drawing to reflect the actual system. The location and quantity of duct smoke detectors is regulated by code. requirements and revise the system schematic accordingly. Verify the
An outside air temperature sensor is shown. This value may be available through the network. Revise the system schematic if this sensor is not required. Two stages of cooling are shown. The system schematic and object list should be modified to reflect the actual number of stages in the equipment.
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AHU-1 Space Temperature AI 60/801 AHU1 5 min Report 1 1 5 min AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AI 40/100 AHU1 Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Cool Stage 1 Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV COV AHU-1 Cool Stage 2 Start/Stop AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm BI Fail AHU1 COV Report 1 AHU-1 HW Coil Valve Modulate AO AHU1 5 min 1 AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AI 35/100 AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Return Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 COV AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Runtime AV 10,000 AHU1 AHU-1 Space Setpoint AV AHU1 AHU-1 Unoccupied Setpoint AV AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool Space AV Setpoint A-19 AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool SA AV Temp Setpoint A-20 AHU-1 OA Damper Min Position AV A-21 AHU-1 Warm-up OA Temp AV A-22 AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool Space AV Setpoint A-23 AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool SA AV Temp Setpoint 1 Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm 2 Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be deenergized, and the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be
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d. 5. 6.
The OA damper shall not close below the minimum position required for outside air ventilation. This position shall be set in conjunction with the balance contractor. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air dry bulb is at least less than the return air dry bulb. When the outside air dry bulb is greater than the return air dry bulb plus deadband, economizer cooling is disabled. Provide deadband to prevent heating operation whenever economizer cooling is enabled. There shall be a mixed air low limit function to modulate the mixed air dampers closed to prevent the mixed air temperature from dropping below the mixed air low limit setpoint of 45F (adjustable). The outside and exhaust air dampers shall close and the return air damper shall open when the unit is de-energized. The software shall prevent: a. The heating setpoint from exceeding the cooling setpoint minus 5F (i.e. the minimum deadband shall be 5F);
7. 8.
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UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. 2. Unoccupied Off: The supply fan shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed. Unoccupied OFF Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outdoor air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F (adjustable)) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable). When the outdoor air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + deadband (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (45F + deadband), the heating coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: The supply fan shall cycle on with the outside and exhaust dampers closed when the space temperature drops below the unoccupied setpoint of 65F (adjustable). When the fan is energized, the heating shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable). Morning Warm-up: If the space is below the occupied temperature setpoint and the outdoor air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) Morning Warm-up shall be initiated by the optimum start program. The optimum start-stop program shall start the unit at the latest possible time. The outside air dampers shall be closed during the morning warm-up cycle. If the space temperature is below setpoint, the unit shall warm the space to setpoint by raising the unit supply temperature to 95F (adjustable) until the space is satisfied. When the space has reached setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. If the space reaches the heating setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. If occupancy occurs before the space reaches the heating setpoint, the system switches to occupied mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: Pre-cooling shall occur only during the summer months of May through September. If space temperature exceeds the pre-cooling space temperature setpoint, and the outside air temperature is below 60F, Morning pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the morning pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the pre-cooling space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. The outside air, return and exhaust air dampers shall modulate to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air until the space temperature falls below the pre-cooling space temperature setpoint. Heating and mechanical cooling shall be disabled. If the space reaches the pre-cooling setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. If occupancy occurs before the space reaches the pre-cooling setpoint, the system switches to occupied mode. Morning Pre-cooling shall occur only once in a day.
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SECTION III CONTROL MODE SUMMARY Unoccupied Night WarmSetback up Cycles On Cycles On Closed Closed Open Open
Occupied On On Modulate with valves Modulate in sequence with valves Modulate in sequence with valves Modulate in sequence with dampers and DX Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence with dampers and heat
DX cooling
Page 50
Quick Summary SA Temp Control: Space Pressure Control: Minimum OA Control: Humidification: Dehumidification: Economizer: Morning Pre Cooling Varies to Maintain Space Temp Setpoint None Fixed Minimum Position None None Dry bulb Differential Temp return Air Economizer Cooling
OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple constant volume air handling system. These air handlers are typically in the 2,000 to 7,000 cfm range (4 to 12-ton), range serving a single zone, with a single exposure.
THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE There is no measurement of outside air volume. Outside airflow rate is set as the minimum damper position by the balance contractor. A fixed minimum outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. There are no humidification or de-humidification cycles. In humid regions an enthalpy-based economizer may be desired. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. Two stages of heating and cooling are shown. The system schematic and object list should be modified to reflect the actual number of stages in the equipment. The location and quantity of duct smoke detectors is regulated by code. requirements and revise the system schematic accordingly. Verify the
An outside air temperature sensor is shown. This value may be available through the network. Revise the system schematic if this sensor is not required.
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Page 52
Object Name
Graphi c
AHU-1 Space Temperature AI 60/801 AHU1 5 min Report 1 1 5 min AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AI 40/100 AHU1 Report 1 AHU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 COV AHU-1. Supply Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Cool Stage 1 Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV COV AHU-1 Cool Stage 2 Start/Stop BO AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm BI Fail AHU1 5 min Report 1 AHU-1 Heat Stage 2 Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Heat Stage 1 Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AI 35/1001 AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AO AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop BO AHU1 COV AHU-1 Return Fan Status BI Fail AHU1 COV AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AI AHU1 5 min AHU 1 Runtime AV 10,000 AHU1 5 min AHU-1 Space Setpoint AV AHU1 AHU-1 Occ Space Setpoint AV AHU-1 Mixed Air Setpoint AV AHU-1 Unoccupied Setpoint AV AHU-1 Unocc SA Setpoint AV AHU-1 Morning Pre-Cool AV Setpoint Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be deenergized and the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, DX cooling and all heating stages shall be de-energized. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply and return fans shall be energized.
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d. 5.
The OA damper shall not close below the minimum position required for outside air ventilation. This position shall be set in conjunction with the balance contractor. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air dry bulb is less than the return air dry bulb. When the outside air dry bulb is greater than the return air dry bulb plus deadband, economizer cooling is disabled. Provide deadband to prevent heating operation whenever economizer cooling is enabled. There shall be a mixed air low limit function to modulate the mixed air dampers closed to prevent the mixed air temperature from dropping below the mixed air low limit setpoint of 45F (adjustable). The outside and exhaust air dampers shall close and the return air damper shall open when the unit is de-energized. The software shall prevent: a. The heating setpoint from exceeding the cooling setpoint minus 5F (i.e. the minimum deadband shall be 5F); b. The unoccupied heating setpoint from exceeding the occupied heating setpoint; and the unoccupied cooling setpoint from being less than the occupied cooling setpoint.
7. 8.
Page 54
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system.
Page 55
SECTION III CONTROL MODE SUMMARY Unoccupied Night WarmSetback up Cycles On Cycles On Closed Closed Open Closed Stage Open Closed Stage
Occupied On On Modulate with valves Modulate in sequence with valves Modulate in sequence with valves Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence with dampers and DX Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence with dampers and heat
DX Cooling
Page 56
Heating water coils are shown with normally open valves and cooling coils with normally closed valves. This convention is typical in cold climates and may be different in warm climates. The concern for low temperature protection in cold climates is reduced when the heating and cooling coils do not have direct exposure to outside air as shown in this example. Actuators that fail in the current position may be used instead of the fail open/closed type. Edit the control drawing to reflect the actual system.
Page 57
CONTROL SYSTEM 02 Tag A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7
1 2
Object Name
5 min Report 1 FCU-1 Space Temperature AI 65/80 FCU1 COV FCU-1 Supply Fan Status BI Fail FCU1 COV FCU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop BO FCU1 5 min FCU-1 CW Coil Valve Modulate AO FCU1 5 min FCU-1 HW Coil Valve Modulate AO FCU1 FCU-1 Runtime AV 10,000 FCU1 FCU-1 Unoccupied Space AV FCU1 Temperature Setpoint Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The unit fan shall be energized.
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3. 4.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. 2. Unoccupied Off: The supply fan shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Heating and cooling valves shall be closed. Unoccupied Setback: The supply fan shall cycle on when the space temperature drops below the unoccupied setpoint of 65F (adjustable) and shall operate until the space is 4F (adjustable) above the unoccupied setpoint. Cooling shall be locked out. When the fan is energized, the heating shall modulate to maintain 95F adjustable discharge temperature. Morning Warm-up: If the space is below the occupied temperature setpoint morning warm-up shall be initiated by the optimum start program. The optimum start-stop program shall start the unit at the latest possible time. If the space temperature is below setpoint, the unit shall warm the space to setpoint by raising the unit supply temperature to 95F (adjustable) until the space is satisfied. When the space has reached setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. If the space reaches the heating setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. If occupancy occurs before the space reaches the heating setpoint, the system switches to occupied mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection or space smoke detection, shall de-energize the supply fan. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system.
Page 59
SECTION III CONTROL MODE SUMMARY Device S Fan HW Valve CW valve Occupied On Modulate in sequence with CW valve Modulate in sequence with HW valve Unoccupied Setback Cycles Modulate Closed Safeties Off Closed Closed
Off Off
Closed Closed
Page 60
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 1A1-25022 Quick Summary Duct Static Reset on Box Demand Reset on OA and Cooling Demand None Demand Controlled Ventilation Differential Dry Bulb Temp Return Air Yes No
Supply Air Pressure: SA Temp Control: Space Pressure Control: Minimum OA Control: Economizer: Humidification: Dehumidification: A. OVERVIEW
This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically in the 5,000 to 15,000 cfm range, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE Outside air flow rate is measured with an airflow station. The minimum outside airflow rate is dependent on damper position which modulates and the mixed air plenum pressure. As the CO2 concentration in a zone increases, the VAV box increases the zone airflow. Provisions for this must be made in the VAV Box control sequence. Further increase in any zone CO2 concentration will cause the air handler to bring in more outside air up to the design maximum amount Vot. See Appendix A of the ASHRAE Standard 62 Handbook for details. At low supply fan speeds, the minimum outside air volume may be reduced. Consideration should be given to other means to meet the outside air requirements at low fan speeds. Measuring CO2 in the common return air duct is not a good indication of the CO2 concentration in any given space. Sizing the outside air flow station is important to its ability to measure flow at low volumes and at 100% outside air flow. Selection of accurate transmitters is also important. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. Humidification is provided; ASHRAE Standard 90.1 has specific energy conserving requirements for humidifiers, these should be reviewed during the development of the control sequence. Packaged humidifiers may require field interlocks to flow switches or duct humidistats. De-Humidification is not included in this sequence. In some climate zones outside air economizer operation may use more energy for humidification than mechanical cooling. Pumped coils may be desired for additional low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 61
shutoff in humid climates. The high limit setpoint is prescribed by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and should be adjusted for the climate zone of the installation. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. No control of space static pressure is provided with this control sequence. The OA-RA-EA dampers track. A more sophisticated space static pressure control may be desired. There are various examples of space pressure control strategies in this document. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 62
Object Name AHU-1 Space CO2 Level #1 AHU-1 Space CO2 Level #2 AHU-1 Supply Duct Air Pressure AHU-1 Supply Duct Humidity AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Air Humidity AHU-1 Humidity Modulate AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 Cooling Coil Valve AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Heating Water Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 Outside Air Flow AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 OA Damper Min. Pos. Setpoint
Alarm 1200 12001 1.31 95%1 Yes 40/1001 20/701 35/601 Fail
5 min
COV Report 1
AHU-1 OA Damper Min. Pos. Setpoint
AHU-1 Highest VAV Demand AHU-1 Supply Air T min AHU-1 Supply Air T max AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint Setback Warm up Setback Warm up Pre-Cool Freeze Protect Freeze Protect
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
Page 63
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating and cooling valves shall be closed or positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. The heating coil valve, mixed air dampers and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide a deadband between heating and economizer cooling. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less than the return air temperature plus deadband. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature, economizer cooling is disabled. The outside air damper shall modulate in response to the greater of the economizer and CO2 control signals subject to a mixed air temperature low limit of 40F (adjustable). The zones with CO2 sensors shall send the air handler controller a %CO2 signal varying from 0-100%. As the largest %CO2 signal from the zones served by the system varies from 50% to 100% the outside airflow setpoint shall vary from Vot-min (the unoccupied design minimum outside air quantity) to Vot (the occupied design outside air quantity). The humidifier shall modulate to maintain return air humidity setpoint of 30%, subject to the duct high limit setpoint of 90% (adjustable). Humidification shall be locked out whenever the fan is de-energized or the duct humidity exceeds the high limit setpoint.
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UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply fan shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable) and the cooling valve shall be open. When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating and cooling coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply fan shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply fan shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has
Page 65
reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. C. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, duct pressure safety, and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall cycle as described in unoccupied mode.
Cycle if OAT Modulate <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT Modulate <35, otherwise closed
Page 66
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 1D1-11031 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Fixed Static Pressure Setpoint SA Temp Control: Constant Supply Temperature Space Pressure Control: None Minimum OA Control: Measured Minimum Flow Economizer: None Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically in the 5,000 to 15,000 cfm range, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE The outside air volume is measured and the damper is modulated to maintain setpoint. Consideration should be given to CO2 or similar override of the minimum position of the outside air damper to meet the minimum ventilation requirements. No control of space static pressure is provided with this control sequence. Relief for the minimum outside air may be required elsewhere. A more sophisticated space static pressure control may be desired. Humidification and De-Humidification control modes are not provided. The supply air static is not reset based on VAV box position as required by ASHRAE standard 90.1 if the VAV boxes have DDC control. In this control sequence duct static is maintained at a fixed setpoint. DX system must be designed to handle low loads. The controls do not false load system. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. No Economizer is provided in this system. This is typical for units in very humid areas, of systems with a humidified space or systems with a waterside (hydronic) economizer. ASHRAE standard 90.1 requires economizers on many system types. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by mechanical cooling only.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 67
The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 68
5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min
A-18 AHU-1 Supply Air Duct Static Pressure Setpoint A-19 AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature Setpoint A-20 AHU-1 Min. OA Flow Setpoint A-21 AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint A-22 AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint
1 2
Setback Warm up
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
Page 69
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, DX cooling shall be de-energized and the heating staging shall be as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling units supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75 inch of water (adjustable.) The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. The heat and DX cooling shall stage in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 55F (adjustable). Provide a deadband between heating and cooling setpoint. The DX unit shall stage up or down if a steady temperature error exceeds 2F (adjustable). If the system cycles under a steady load, the controller shall be adjusted to limit cycling to a single stage. Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoint. There shall be an adjustable on-off timer for DX cooling to prevent short cycling. DX Cooling: a. If the outside air temperature is greater than the DX lockout temperature (56F (adjustable) and the system is not in morning warm-up, DX cooling shall be enabled. b. DX operation shall observe the following timing constraints: 1) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least the DX minimum on time. 2) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least the DX minimum off-time. c. DX operation shall observe the following performance constraints 1. Under a steady partial load, if the system cycles, the cycling must be limited to a single stage, while the others stay on or off. 2. Under a steady partial load, if the system stabilizes, the space temperature error must be less than the DX temperature deadband. d. Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages. The outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint.
4. B.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply fan shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open.
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Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, supply fan shall energize, outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed, and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above unoccupied setpoint + differential. Supply fan speed shall be controlled as described in occupied mode. When unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint and the outside air temperature is below 40F, Morning Warm-up shall be initiated by the optimum start program. Under the morning warm-up mode, the supply fan shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and the return air damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. If the average space temperature reaches the occupied space temperature setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. If occupancy occurs before the average space temperature reaches the occupied space temperature setpoint, the system shall switch to the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the average space temperature is above the occupied space temperature setpoint, and the outside air temperature is above 70F; Morning PreCooling shall be initiated by the Optimum Start program. Under the Morning Pre-Cool Mode, the supply fan shall energize, the outside air dampers shall remain closed and return air damper open. The cooling coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 55F until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply fan speed shall be controlled as described in the Occupied Mode. If the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. If occupancy occurs before the average space temperature reaches the occupied space temperature setpoint, the system switches to Occupied Mode. Morning Pre-Cool shall occur only once in a day.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high duct static, and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system.
Occupied Modulate Modulate to maintain OA flow Inversely tracks OA damper Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence Stage Off-Low-Hi in sequence no economizer and heat
Page 71
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 2A1-25124 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Minimum OA Control: Demand Controlled Ventilation Economizer: Differential Enthalpy Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE Outside air flow rate is measured with an airflow station. The minimum outside airflow rate is dependent on damper position which modulates and the mixed air plenum pressure. As the CO2 concentration in a zone increases, the VAV box increases the zone airflow. Provisions for this must be made in the VAV Box control sequence. Further increase in any zone CO2 concentration will cause the air handler to bring in more outside air up to the design maximum amount Vot. See Appendix A of the ASHRAE Standard 62 Handbook for details. At low supply fan speeds, the minimum outside air volume may be reduced. Consideration should be given to other means to meet the outside air requirements at low fan speeds. Measuring CO2 in the common return air duct is not a good indication of the CO2 concentration in any given space. Sizing the outside air flow station is important to its ability to measure flow at low volumes and at 100% outside air flow. Selection of accurate transmitters is also important. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. Pumped coils may be desired for additional low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. In arid regions a dry bulb based economizer should be considered. ASHRAE Standard 90.1 prescribes the type of economizer for each climate zone. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 72
This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. If the fans are large, static pressure safeties may be desired in the mixed air plenum. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the space under space cooling mode and controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA and RA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 73
Yes 35/1001
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV 5 min 5 min 5 min
Report 1
Page 74
Tag A-37
1 2
Type AV
Graphic AHU1
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
Page 75
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be deenergized, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating and cooling valves shall be closed or positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the exhaust air plenum pressure setpoint of 0.10 inch of water (adjustable). The exhaust air damper shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. The heating coil valve, mixed air dampers, and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide deadband between heating and economizer cooling The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air enthalpy is less than the return air enthalpy plus deadband. When the outside air enthalpy is greater than the return air enthalpy, economizer cooling is disabled. The outside air damper shall modulate in response to the greater of the economizer and CO2 control signals subject to a mixed air temperature low limit of 40F (adjustable). The zones with CO2 sensors shall send the air handler controller a %CO2 signal varying from 0-100%. As the largest %CO2 signal from the zones served by the system varies
Page 76
from 50% to 100% the outside airflow setpoint shall vary from Vot-min (the unoccupied design minimum outside air quantity)to Vot (the occupied design outside air quantity). B. UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valves shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed and the exhaust air damper shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest
Page 77
space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. C. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air-handling unit has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate by DCV or Economizer Inversely tracks OA damper Modulate to maintain space pressure Modulate Modulate in sequence with dampers and heat
Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Safeties Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Page 78
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 2A2-21232 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Fixed SA Temperature Setpoint Space Pressure Control: Airflow Tracking Minimum OA Control: Measured OA Flow Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Temp Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes DDC requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. The supply air temperature is constant. This may not meet current energy codes. Space static pressure is maintained by tracking the supply and return fans. The actual space static pressure is not measured. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. The outside air volume is a fixed setpoint value regardless of the actual occupancy of the facility. A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility or constant exhaust air requirement. At low fan speeds the mixed air plenum may not be negative enough to draw in sufficient outside air volume. Pumped coils may be desired for low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 79
Selection of the differential pressure transmitters or other methods of measuring flow is important. The devices should be as accurate and drift free as possible; a means of auto zeroing is desirable. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 80
Object Name AHU-1 Supply Duct Air Pressure AHU-1 Supply Airflow AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 Chilled Water Valve AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 Heating Coil Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 OA Flow AHU-1 Min OA Damper AHU-1 OA/RA/EA Dampers AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 RA Flow AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Differential Flow Setpoint AHU-1 Min OA volume Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Air Setpoint AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
Yes 35/1001
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min
Report 1
Report 1
Report 1
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 81
Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be deenergized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan and return fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the return airflow rate equal to the supply airflow rate minus a fixed cfm to account for building exhaust fans. This fixed exhaust cfm shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. The heating coil valve, mixed air dampers, and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 55F (adjustable). Provide deadband between heating and economizer cooling. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature by +2F (adjustable), the maximum outside air dampers shall close. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air dry bulb is less than the return air dry bulb plus deadband. When the outside air dry bulb is greater than the return air dry bulb, economizer cooling is disabled and the minimum outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint. The minimum outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and Maximum outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature
Page 82
Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating and cooling coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the maximum and minimum outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed, and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the maximum and minimum outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed, and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall deenergize the supply and return fans and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system.
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When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall cycle as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate with SA fan - Offset Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Tracks OA damper Modulate
Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Safeties Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
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SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 2B1-15132 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Fixed Duct Static Pressure Setpoint SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Minimum OA Control: Fixed Minimum Position Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically in the 5,000 to 15,000 cfm range, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE Minimum outside air is obtained through a fixed minimum damper position. At low fan speeds the mixed air plenum pressure may not be low enough to draw in the required minimum outside air volume. This may not comply with the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1 or local codes. The minimum position is set by the balance contractor. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. The supply air static is not reset based on VAV box position as required by ASHRAE standard 90.1 if the VAV boxes have DDC control. In this control sequence duct static is maintained at a fixed setpoint. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. The supply air temperature is constant. A pumped chilled water coil may be desired for additional low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization.
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The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Resetting SA temperature may not allow cooling dominated interior zones to cool properly. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
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Object Name AHU-1 Space Static Pressure AHU-1 Supply Duct Pressure AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 Chilled Water Valve AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 Heat Stage 1 AHU-1 Heat Stage 2 AHU-1 Heat Stage 3 AHU-1 Heat Stage 4 AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Exhaust Air Plenum Static Pressure AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 EA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min
Report 1
Fail 10,000
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
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SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be deenergized, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open the heat shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall be closed or positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan and return fan shall be energized. The supply duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling units supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75 inch of water (adjustable). The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the exhaust air plenum pressure setpoint of 0.10 inch of water (adjustable). The exhaust air damper shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. The heating shall stage, mixed air dampers (subject to min. flow setpoint) and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide a deadband between heating and economizer cooling. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less than the return air temperature plus deadband. The mixed air dampers shall modulate as described above subject to the minimum position. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature, economizer cooling is disabled and the outside air damper shall close to the minimum position. The outside air damper minimum position shall be set in conjunction with the balance contractor.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open.
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Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the cooling coil valve open 100% (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the cooling coil valve shall be closed.
Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed, and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply fan shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed, and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If space temperature exceeds pre-cooling space temperature setpoint, and the outside air temperature is below 60F, morning pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the morning pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The outside air and return air dampers shall modulate to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air until the space temperature falls below the pre-cooling space temperature setpoint. Heating shall be disabled. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. If the space reaches the pre-cooling setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, duct pressure safety and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system.
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When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall position as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate for economizer or at minimum position Inversely tracks OA damper Modulate to maintain space pressure Stage Modulate
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SECTION I - DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 2B2-25142 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Minimum OA Control: Controlled Based on Inlet Plenum Pressure Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is not measured and the damper moved to a fixed position and the plenum pressure is kept constant. Separate control of the return damper has the disadvantage that it could be inadvertently commanded closed which could damage the system. There are no humidification or de-humidification cycles. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. A pumped chilled water coil may be desired for additional low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 91
adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
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Tag A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 A-36 A-37 A-38
1 2
Object Name AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 Heat Stage 1 AHU-1 Heat Stage 2 AHU-1 Heat Stage 3 AHU-1 Heat Stage 4 AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 Mixed Air Plenum Pressure AHU-1 Min OA Air Dampers AHU-1 Max OA Air Dampers AHU-1 Return Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Dampers AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Exhaust Air Plenum Static Pressure AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 EA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 MA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Highest VAV Demand AHU-1 Supply Air T min AHU-1 Supply Air T max AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
Alarm Yes
Notes Report 1
40/901 1.41
COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min
Report 1 Report 1
Report 1
Fail 10,000
Pre Cool Setback Warm up Setback Warm up Pre-Cool Freeze Protect Freeze Protect
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
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SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be deenergized, the maximum and minimum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open the heating shall stage and cooling valve shall be closed or positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the exhaust air plenum pressure setpoint of 0.10 inch of water (adjustable). The exhaust air damper shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. The heating shall stage, mixed air dampers and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide a deadband between heating and economizer cooling. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less than the return air temperature plus deadband. The outside air dampers shall modulate as described above. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature economizer cooling is disabled and the outside air damper shall open to the minimum ventilation position.
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When the economizer is disabled, the outside air damper shall be open to the minimum ventilation setting. Minimum outside air flow shall be maintained by modulating the return air damper to maintain a constant 0.2w.g. (adjustable) suction pressure in the mixed air plenum. The balancing contractor shall determine the plenum pressure setpoint and outside damper position that draws the required outside air flow through the outside air damper. When the outside air damper is open more than 10% (adjustable) the return air damper shall be tracking inversely with the maximum outside air damper.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Maximum and minimum outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the cooling coil valve open 100% (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential) the cooling coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed, and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start
Page 95
program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. Heating shall be de-energized and the cooling valve shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. C. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air handling units has shut down in alarm, the cooling valve shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Modulates to maintain space pressure Stage
Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Safeties Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Page 96
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 2C1-25133 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Minimum OA Control: Measured OA Flow Economizer: Fixed Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically in the above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant minimum outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is measured and the damper is modulated to maintain setpoint. At low fan speeds the mixed air plenum pressure may not be low enough to draw in the required outside air volume. The sizing the flow element to allow flow measurement at minimum airflow while not having too much pressure drop at maximum airflow is important. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. A fixed temperature high limit economizer is provided in this system. ASHRAE Standard 90.1 defines which climate zones this type of economizer is permitted. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. No pre-cool sequence is provided for this unit. If the pre-cool sequence is desired see examples in other systems in this manual. The supply air temperature is constant. If there is not hot gas bypass on the lead compressor there may be problems maintaining supply air temperature and compressor issues at low airflows. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it.
Page 97
This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 98
Object Name AHU-1 Space Static Pressure AHU-1 Supply Air Pressure AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 Cool Stage 1 Start/Stop AHU-1 Cool Stage 2 Start/Stop AHU-1 Cool Stage 3 Start/Stop AHU-1 Cool Stage 4 Start/Stop AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 HW Pump Status AHU-1 HW Pump Start/Stop AHU-1 HW Coil Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 OA Flow AHU-1. Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1. Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 RA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
35/1001 10,000
5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV COV 5 min COV COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV 5 min 5 min 5 min
Report 1
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
Page 99
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with an additional holiday schedule. When the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be de-energized, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, DX cooling shall be de-energized and the heating valve shall be positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the exhaust air plenum pressure setpoint of 0.10 inch of water (adjustable). The exhaust air damper shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. The heating coil valve and outside and return air dampers shall modulate, and DX cooling shall stage in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide deadband between heating and economizer setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. DX Cooling: a. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes.
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If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4. 3) If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 4) If additional cooling is required and the third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes. Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages.
The outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint or the economizer whichever is greater. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is below 73F (adjustable). The outside air/ return air dampers shall modulate as described above. When the outside air temperature is greater 75F (adjustable), economizer cooling is disabled and the outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F.
7. B.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall open 100% (adjustable) and the heating pump shall be energized. When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed and cooling coil valve shall be closed, the heating water pump shall be deenergized. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valves shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the
Page 101
unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. 4. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and the return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, duct pressure safety, and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall position as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Modulates to maintain space pressure Modulate Stage
Closed Off
Closed Off
Closed Off
Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Page 102
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 2C2-11142 Quick Summary Fixed Duct Static Pressure Setpoint Fixed SA Temperature Setpoint Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Controlled Based on Inlet Plenum Pressure Differential Dry Bulb None None
Supply Air Pressure: SA Temp Control: Space Pressure Control: Minimum OA Control: Economizer: Humidification: Dehumidification: A. OVERVIEW
This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically in the 5,000 to 15,000 cfm range, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is not measured and the damper moved to a fixed position and the plenum pressure is kept constant. The sizing the minimum outside air damper is important for the correct operation of this system. Separate control of the return damper has the disadvantage that it could be inadvertently commanded closed which could damage the system. There are no humidification or de-humidification cycles. The supply air static is not reset based on VAV box position as required by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 if the VAV boxes have DDC control. In this control sequence duct static is maintained at a fixed setpoint. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. If there is not hot gas bypass on the lead compressor there may be problems maintaining supply air temperature and compressor issues at low airflows. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 103
loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
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Tag A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 A-36 A-37
1 2
Object Name AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 Cool Stage 1 Start/Stop AHU-1 Cool Stage 2 Start/Stop AHU-1 Cool Stage 3 Start/Stop AHU-1 Cool Stage 4 Start/Stop AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 HW Pump Status AHU-1 HW Pump Start/Stop AHU-1 HW Coil Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature Mixed Air Plenum Pressure Min OA Dampers AHU-1. Max OA Dampers AHU-1. Return Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Exhaust Air Plenum Static Pressure AHU-1. Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 OA Flow AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 RA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
35/1001 0.11
COV 5 min COV COV COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min
Report 1
Report 1 Report 1
Report 1
Report 1 Report 1
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with an additional holiday schedule.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005
Page 105
When the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be de-energized, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, DX cooling shall be de-energized and the heating valve shall be positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling units supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75 inch of water (adjustable) but shall not drop below 30% (adjustable). The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the exhaust air plenum pressure setpoint of 0.10 inch of water (adjustable). The exhaust air damper shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. When free cooling is enabled, the heating coil valve, and the maximum outside air damper shall modulate, in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. When free cooling is unavailable, the maximum outside air damper shall be closed, the heating coil valve shall modulate, and DX shall stage as described below, in sequence, to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be 55F (adjustable). Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoints. DX Cooling: a. b. If the outside air temperature is greater than 60F and the system is not in morning warm-up or morning cool down, DX cooling shall be enabled. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow, and either the economizer is unavailable, or insufficient to achieve the supply temperature setpoint of 55F. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 2) If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4. 3) If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 4) If additional cooling is required and third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes. Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages.
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When the outside air temperature rises above the return air temperature free cooling is disabled. When the outside air temperature drops below the return air temperature plus deadband, free cooling is enabled. The minimum outside air damper shall be open to the minimum ventilation setting. Minimum outside air flow shall be maintained by modulating the return air damper to maintain a constant 0.2w.g. (adjustable) suction pressure in the mixed air plenum. The balancing contractor shall determine the plenum pressure setpoint that draws the required outside air flow through the minimum outside air damper. When the maximum outside air damper is open more than 5% (adjustable) the return air damper shall be tracking inversely with the maximum outside air damper. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall open 100% (adjustable) and the heating pump shall be energized. When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating coil valve shall be closed, the heating water pump shall be de-energized. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed, and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied
Page 107
space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. 5. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the supply and return fans and close the minimum and maximum outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the OA temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air handling units has shut down in alarm, the heating valve shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate ON call for heat or OAT<40 Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Modulates to maintain space pressure Modulate
Off Off Off ON call for heat or OAT<35 Closed Open Closed
Safeties Off Off ON call for heat or OAT <40 Closed Open Closed
Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed
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SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 2D1-11132 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Fixed Duct Static Pressure Setpoint SA Temp Control: Fixed Supply Air Setpoint Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Minimum OA Control: Measured OA Flow Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE The outside air volume is a fixed setpoint value regardless of the actual occupancy of the facility. A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility or constant exhaust air requirement. At low fan speeds the mixed air plenum may not be negative enough to draw in sufficient outside air volume. The supply air static is not reset based on VAV box position as required by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 if the VAV boxes have DDC control. In this control sequence duct static is maintained at a fixed setpoint. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. If there is not hot gas bypass on the lead compressor there may be problems maintaining supply air temperature and compressor issues at low airflows. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization.
Page 109
The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 110
Object Name AHU-1 Space Static Pressure AHU-1 Supply Duct Air Pressure AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 DX Stage 1 AHU-1 DX stage 2 AHU-1 DX Stage 3 AHU-1 DX Stage 4 AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 Heat Stage 1 AHU-1 Heat Stage 2 AHU-1 Heat Stage 3 AHU-1 Heat Stage 4 AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 OA Flow AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Exhaust Air Plenum Static Pressure AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 EA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min
Report 1
Yes 10,000
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
Page 111
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be deenergized, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open the heat shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall be closed or positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling units supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75 inch of water (adjustable. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the exhaust air plenum pressure setpoint of 0.10 inch of water (adjustable). The exhaust air damper shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. When free cooling is enabled, the heating shall stage, and outside air damper shall modulate, in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 55F (adjustable). When free cooling is unavailable, the outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint, heating and cooling shall stage as described in the sequence below to maintain the supply air temperature setpoint of 55F (adjustable). Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoints. DX Cooling: a. b. If the outside air temperature is greater than 60F and the system is not in morning warm-up or morning cool down, DX cooling shall be enabled. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow, and either the economizer is unavailable, or insufficient to achieve the supply temperature setpoint of 55F. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 2) If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4. 3) If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes.
Page 112
If additional cooling is required and the third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes. Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages.
When the outside air temperature rises above the return air temperature free cooling is disabled. When the outside air temperature drops below the return air temperature plus deadband free cooling is enabled The outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint or the economizer temperature requirement whichever is greater.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating valve shall be closed and DX cooling locked out. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as
Page 113
described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. C. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, duct pressure safety, and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall position as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Modulates to maintain space pressure Stage Stage
Page 114
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 2D2-15232 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Fixed Duct Static Pressure Setpoint SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Fan Tracking Minimum OA Control: Measured OA Flow Min OA Damper Economizer:: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically in the 5,000 to 15,000 cfm range, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE The supply air static is not reset based on VAV box position as required by ASHRAE standard 90.1 if the VAV boxes have DDC control. In this control sequence duct static is maintained at a fixed setpoint. A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is measured and the damper is modulated to maintain setpoint. At low fan speeds the mixed air plenum pressure may not be low enough to draw in the required outside air volume The DX system must be designed to handle low loads. The controls do not false load the system. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician.
Page 115
Selection of the differential pressure transmitters or other methods of measuring flow is important. The devices should be as accurate and drift free as possible; a means of auto zeroing is desirable. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 116
Object Name AHU-1 Supply Air Pressure AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Supply Airflow AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 DX Stage 1 AHU-1 DX Stage 2 AHU-1 DX Stage 3 AHU-1 DX Stage 4 AHU-1 Heat Stage 1 AHU-1 Heat Stage 2 AHU-1 Heat Stage 3 AHU-1 Heat Stage 4 AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 Min OA Flow AHU-1 Min OA Damper AHU-1 OA/RA/EA Dampers AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Airflow AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply-Return Flow Difference AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
Page 117
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return fan shall be deenergized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling units supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75 inch of water (adjustable). The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the return airflow rate equal to the supply airflow rate minus a fixed cfm to account for building exhaust fans. This fixed exhaust cfm shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor The minimum outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint. When free cooling is enabled, the heating shall stage, and the maximum outside air damper shall modulate, in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. When free cooling is unavailable, the maximum outside air damper shall be closed, the heating and DX shall stage as described below in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoints. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. DX Cooling: a. b. If the outside air temperature is greater than 60F and the system is not in morning warm-up or morning cool down, DX cooling shall be enabled. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow, and either the economizer is unavailable, or insufficient to achieve the supply temperature setpoint of 55F. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes.
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If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4. 3) If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 4) If additional cooling is required and the third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes. Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages.
7. 8.
The outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less than the return air temperature plus deadband. The mixed air dampers shall modulate as described above. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature economizer cooling is disabled.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and return fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and Maximum Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day.
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Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, duct pressure safety, and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall position as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Tracks OA damper Stage Stage
Page 120
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 3A1-25153 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Minimum OA Control: Injection Fan Economizer: Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically in the 5,000 to 15,000 cfm range, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is not measured. The injection fan provides a constant volume. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pumped coils may be desired for additional low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization.
Page 121
The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 122
Object Name AHU-1 Space Static Pressure AHU-1 Supply Air Pressure AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 Cooling Coil valve AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Heat Coil Supply Temperature AHU-1 HW Coil Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 OA Fan Status AHU-1. OA Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Exhaust Air Pressure AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Temp Setpoint AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 EA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Highest VAV Demand AHU-1 Supply Air T min AHU-1 Supply Air T max AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
Fail 10,000
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV
Report 1
Pre Cool Setback Warmup Setback Warmup Pre-Cool Freeze Protect Freeze Protect
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
Page 123
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return and outside air fans shall be de-energized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating and cooling valves shall be positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the exhaust air plenum pressure setpoint of 0.10 inch of water (adjustable). The exhaust air damper shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. The heating coil valve, mixed air dampers and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide a deadband between heating and economizer cooling. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less 73F (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is greater 75F (adjustable), economizer cooling is disabled and the maximum outside air damper shall be closed and return air damper open. Minimum outside airflow shall be maintained by the outside air injection fan. Whenever the return fan is energized, the outside air injection fan shall be energized and the corresponding damper shall be opened.
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UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply, return and injection fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and maximum outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating and cooling coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day.
Page 125
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air handling units has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate On Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Modulates to maintain space pressure Modulate
Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Page 126
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 3C1-25154 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Minimum OA Control: Injection Fan Economizer: Differential Enthalpy Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically in the above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is not measured and the damper moved to a fixed position and the injection fan provides outside air. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. If there is not hot gas bypass on the lead compressor there may be problems maintaining supply air temperature and compressor issues at low airflows. The DX system must be designed to handle low loads. The controls do not false load the system. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 127
Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min COV COV COV COV COV
Report 1
Page 128
Tag A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 A-36 A-37 A-38
1 2
Object Name AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Air Humidity AHU-1 Heat Coil Supply Temperature AHU-1 HW Coil Pump Status AHU-1 HW Coil Pump Start/Stop AHU-1 HW Coil Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 OA Fan Status AHU-1. OA Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Outside Air Humidity AHU-1 Exhaust Air Pressure AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 RA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
35/1001 Fail
Yes 10,000
5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV
Report 1
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return and outside air fans shall be de-energized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating valve shall be positioned as described below.
Page 129
OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers, the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high-limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. Final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with balancing contractor. When supply fan is de-energized, static setpoint shall be zero. 2. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. When free cooling is enabled, the heating coil valve, and the maximum outside air damper shall modulate, in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. When free cooling is unavailable, the outside air damper shall be closed and return air damper open, the heating coil valve shall modulate, and DX shall stage as described below in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoints. DX Cooling: a. If the outside air temperature is greater than 60F and the system is not in morning warm-up or morning cool down, DX cooling shall be enabled. b. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow, and either the economizer is unavailable, or insufficient to achieve the supply temperature setpoint of 55F. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 2) If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4. 3) If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 4) If additional cooling is required and third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, controller shall activate the fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes.
Page 130
c. 5.
Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages.
Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air enthalpy is less than return air enthalpy plus deadband. When the outside air enthalpy is greater than return air enthalpy, economizer cooling is disabled, and the OA dampers shall be indexed to the minimum Outside Air damper position setpoint. Enthalpy shall be calculated from temperature and relative humidity. Enthalpy calculation shall be compensated for altitude. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F. Whenever the return fan is energized, the outside air injection fan shall be energized and the corresponding damper shall be opened.
7. B.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply, return and injection fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and maximum outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating and cooling coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied
Page 131
space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. 5. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F.
6. C.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air handling units has shut down in alarm, the heating valve and pump shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
Off Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Off
Page 132
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 3C2-15252 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Fixed Duct Static Pressure Setpoint SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Airflow Tracking Minimum OA Control: Injection Fan Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is not measured and the damper moved to a fixed position and the injection fan provides outside air The supply air temperature is constant. This may not meet current energy codes. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. If there is not hot gas bypass on the lead compressor there may be problems maintaining supply air temperature and compressor issues at low airflows. The DX system must be designed to handle low loads. The controls do not false load the system. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician.
Page 133
Selection of the differential pressure transmitters or other methods of measuring flow is important. The devices should be as accurate and drift free as possible; a means of auto zeroing is desirable. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 134
Tag A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35
1 2
Object Name AHU-1 DX Stage 1 AHU-1 DX Stage 2 AHU-1 DX Stage 3 AHU-1 DX Stage 4 AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Heat Coil Supply Temperature AHU-1 HW Coil Pump Status AHU-1 HW Coil Pump Start/Stop AHU-1 HW Coil Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 OA Fan Status AHU-1. OA Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Return Airflow AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Supply-Return Flow Difference AHU-1 Supply Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Duct Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
35/1001 Fail
COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II - SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the return and outside air fans shall be de-energized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating valve shall be positioned as described below.
Page 135
OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling units supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75 inch of water (adjustable). The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. Whenever the supply fan is energized, the return fan shall be energized. The return fan speed shall modulate to maintain the return airflow rate equal to the supply airflow rate minus a fixed cfm to account for building exhaust fans. This fixed exhaust cfm shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When free cooling is enabled, the heating coil valve, and the maximum outside air damper shall modulate, in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. When free cooling is unavailable, the Maximum outside air damper shall be closed and return air damper open, the heating coil valve shall modulate, and DX shall stage as described below in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoints. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. DX Cooling: a. If the outside air temperature is greater than 60F and the system is not in morning warm-up or morning cool down, DX cooling shall be enabled. b. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow, and either the economizer is unavailable, or insufficient to achieve the supply temperature setpoint of 55F. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 2) If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4. 3) If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 4) If additional cooling is required and the third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes.
Page 136
Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages.
When the outside air temperature rises above the return temperature free cooling is disabled. When the outside air temperature drops below the return air temperature plus deadband free cooling is enabled. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F. Whenever the return fan is energized, the outside air injection fan shall be energized and the corresponding damper shall be opened.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply, return and injection fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and maximum outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating and cooling coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day.
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Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating valve shall be closed and DX cooling locked out. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode but with no offset for exhaust. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air handling units has shut down in alarm, the heating valve and pump shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate On Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Tracks OA damper Modulate
Off Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Off
Safeties Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Off
Page 138
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 4A1-25322 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Relief Fan Minimum OA Control: Demand Controlled Ventilation Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE Outside air flow rate is measured with an airflow station. The minimum outside airflow rate is dependent on damper position which modulates and the mixed air plenum pressure which is controlled with the return air damper. As the CO2 concentration in a zone increases, the VAV box increases the zone airflow. Provisions for this must be made in the VAV Box control sequence. Further increase in any zone CO2 concentration will cause the air handler to bring in more outside air up to the design maximum amount Vot. See Appendix A of the ASHRAE Standard 62 Handbook for details. Measuring CO2 in the common return air duct is not a good indication of the CO2 concentration in any given space. Sizing the outside air flow station is important to its ability to measure flow. Selection of accurate transmitters is also important. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. A pumped chilled water coil may be desired for additional low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only.
Page 139
This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
Page 140
Object Name AHU-1 Space CO2 Level #1 AHU-1 Space CO2 Level #1 AHU-1 Space Static Pressure AHU-1 Supply Air Pressure AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 Chilled Water Valve AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 HW Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 Min OA Air Dampers AHU-1 MA Plenum Pressure AHU-1 Min OA Flow AHU-1 Max OA Air Dampers AHU-1 Return Air Damper AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Relief Fan Speed AHU-1 Relief Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Relief Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Highest VAV Demand AHU-1 Supply Air T min AHU-1 Supply Air T max AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min
Report 1
Report 1 Report 1
Report 1
Pre Cool Setback Warmup Setback Warmup Pre-Cool Freeze Protect Freeze Protect
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
Page 141
SECTION II - SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with an additional holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the relief fan shall be deenergized, the outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. The relief system (relief damper and relief fan) shall be enabled when the supply fan is energized in the occupied mode. As the space static pressure begins to exceed setpoint the relief damper shall open. On further rise above setpoint, the relief fan shall energize and the speed shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint. There shall be an adjustable 30% minimum speed. As the space static pressure setpoint drops below setpoint the relief fan shall de-energize and on further drop the damper the damper shall close. The fan shall have minimum on and off timers to prevent short cycling. The space static pressure setpoint shall be of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. The heating coil valve, maximum mixed air dampers, and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide deadband between heating and economizer cooling The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less than the return air temperature plus deadband. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature economizer cooling is disabled, the maximum outside air damper shall close.
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The minimum outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint in response to the CO2 control signal subject to a mixed air temperature low limit of 40F (adjustable). The zones with CO2 sensors shall send the air handler controller a %CO2 signal varying from 0-100%. As the largest %CO2 signal from the zones served by the system varies from 50% to 100% the outside airflow setpoint shall vary from Vot-min (the unoccupied design minimum outside air quantity)to Vot (the occupied design outside air quantity). When the economizer is disabled the return damper shall modulate to maintain the mixed air plenum pressure at 0.1 in w.g. (adjustable). There shall be a low limit that prevents the mixed air plenum from going below 0.4 w.g. When the maximum outside air damper is open more than 5% (adjustable) the return air damper shall be tracking inversely with the maximum outside air damper.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and relief fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied
Page 143
space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. 5. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. When the space has reached setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. If the space reaches the pre-cooling setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. C. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air handling unit has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate by DCV or Economizer Modulate to maintain plenum pressure Open on rise in space pressure Modulate Modulate in sequence with dampers and heat
Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Safeties Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
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SECTION I - DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 4B1-15332 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Fixed Duct Static Pressure Setpoint SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Relief Fan Minimum OA Control: Measured OA Flow Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE Outside air volume is a fixed setpoint value regardless of the actual occupancy of the facility. A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. Humidification or de-humidification cycles are not provided. The supply air static is not reset based on VAV box position as required by ASHRAE standard 90.1 if the VAV boxes have DDC control. In this control sequence duct static is maintained at a fixed setpoint. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Separate control of the return damper has the disadvantage that it could be inadvertently commanded closed which could damage the system. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 145
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV COV COV 5 min
Report 1
Report 1
Page 146
Tag A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 A-36 A-37
1 2
Object Name AHU-1 Min OA Flow AHU-1 Min OA Air Dampers AHU-1 Max OA Air Dampers AHU-1 Return Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Dampers AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 RA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Min OA setpoint AHU-1 Highest VAV Demand AHU-1 Supply Air T min AHU-1 Supply Air T max AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
Notes Report 1
Fail 10,000
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II - SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the relief fan shall be deenergized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open.
Page 147
OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling units supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75 inch of water (adjustable). The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. The relief system (relief damper and relief fan) shall be enabled when the supply fan is energized in the occupied mode. As the space static pressure begins to exceed setpoint the relief damper shall open. On further rise above setpoint, the relief fan shall energize and the speed shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint. There shall be an adjustable 30% minimum speed. As the space static pressure setpoint drops below setpoint the relief fan shall de-energize and on further drop the damper the damper shall close. The fan shall have minimum on and off timers to prevent short cycling. The space static pressure setpoint shall be of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. 3. The heating shall stage, the maximum outside air/ return air dampers and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide a deadband between heating and economizer cooling. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less than the return air temperature plus differential. The maximum outside air/ return air dampers shall modulate as described above. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature economizer cooling is disabled and the outside air damper shall close. The minimum outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint. When the maximum outside air dampers are closed, the return air damper shall modulate partially closed if the minimum outside air damper is fully open and the outside air flow is below setpoint. The return damper shall never close more then 75% (adjustable) to prevent the plenum from getting to negative. When the maximum outside air damper is open more than 5% (adjustable) the return air damper shall be tracking inversely with the maximum outside air damper.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and relief fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open.
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Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the cooling coil valve open 100% (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the cooling coil valve shall be closed.
Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. If the space reaches the pre-cooling setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day.
Page 149
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall deenergize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall position as described in unoccupied mode
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper or modulate to maintain minimum flow Open on rise in space pressure Stage Modulate
Page 150
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 4C1-25333 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Relief Fan Minimum OA Control: Measured OA Flow, Min OA Damper Economizer: Fixed Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically in the above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant minimum outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is measured and the damper modulated to maintain the airflow setpoint. The sizing the minimum outside air damper is important for the correct operation of this system. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. In humid regions an enthalpy-based economizer should be considered. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Separate control of the return damper has the disadvantage that it could be inadvertently commanded closed which could damage the system.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 151
Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV COV 5 min COV COV COV COV COV
Page 152
Tag A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 A-36
1 2
Object Name AHU-1 HW Pump Start/Stop AHU-1 HW Coil Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature Min OA Flow Min OA Dampers AHU-1. Max OA Dampers AHU-1. Return Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Relief Fan Speed AHU-1 Relief Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Relief Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 OA Flow AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Highest VAV Demand AHU-1 Supply Air T min AHU-1 Supply Air T max AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
Fail 10,000
COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min
Report 1 Report 1
Report 1 Report 1 Setback Warm up Setback Warm up PreCool Freeze Protect Freeze Protect
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the relief fan shall be deenergized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, DX cooling shall be de-energized and the heating valve shall be positioned as described below.
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OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. The relief system (relief damper and relief fan) shall be enabled when the supply fan is energized in the occupied mode. As the space static pressure begins to exceed setpoint the relief damper shall open. On further rise above setpoint, the relief fan shall energize and the speed shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint. There shall be an adjustable 30% minimum speed. As the space static pressure setpoint drops below setpoint the relief fan shall de-energize and on further drop the damper the damper shall close. The fan shall have minimum on and off timers to prevent short cycling. The space static pressure setpoint shall be of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. When free cooling is enabled, the heating coil valve, and the maximum outside air damper shall modulate, in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. When free cooling is unavailable, the outside air damper shall be closed and return air damper open, the heating coil valve shall modulate, and DX shall stage as described below in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoints. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. DX Cooling: a. If the outside air temperature is greater than 60F and the system is not in morning warm-up or morning cool down, DX cooling shall be enabled. b. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow, and either the economizer is unavailable, or insufficient to achieve the supply temperature setpoint of 55F. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes.
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If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4. 3) If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 4) If additional cooling is required and the third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes. Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages.
Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is below 73F (adjustable). The maximum outside air/ return air dampers shall modulate as described above. When the outside air temperature is greater 75F (adjustable), economizer cooling is disabled and the maximum outside air damper shall close. The minimum outside air damper shall modulate to maintain the minimum outside air flow setpoint. When the maximum outside air dampers are closed, the return air damper shall modulate partially closed if the minimum outside air damper is fully open and the outside air flow is below setpoint. The return damper shall never close more then 75% (adjustable) to prevent the plenum from getting to negative. When the maximum outside air damper is modulating, the return air damper shall inversely track the maximum outside damper. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and relief fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall open 100% (adjustable) and the heating pump shall be energized. When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating coil valve shall be closed, the heating water pump shall be de-energized.
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Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall deenergize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall position as described in unoccupied mode.
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Modulate Off Modulate Off Modulate in sequence Closed with valves Inversely tracks OA Open Open damper or modulate to maintain minimum flow Open on rise in space Closed Closed pressure Modulate Cycle if OAT <35, Modulate otherwise closed Stage in sequence Off Off with dampers and heat
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SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 4D1-11342 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Fixed Duct Static Pressure Setpoint SA Temp Control: Fixed Supply Air Setpoint Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Return Fan Minimum OA Control: Mixed Air Plenum Pressure Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a simple variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically in the 5,000 to 15,000 cfm range, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE The outside air volume is a fixed setpoint value regardless of the actual occupancy of the facility. A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. There are no humidification or de-humidification cycles. The supply air static is not reset based on VAV box position as required by ASHRAE standard 90.1 if the VAV boxes have DDC control. In this control sequence duct static is maintained at a fixed setpoint. The supply air temperature is constant. If there is not hot gas bypass on the lead compressor there may be problems maintaining supply air temperature and compressor issues at low airflows. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building.
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 158
Separate control of the return damper has the disadvantage that it could be inadvertently commanded closed which could damage the system. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
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Object Name AHU-1 Space Temperature AHU-1 Supply Air Pressure AHU-1 Duct High Static Pressure Alarm AHU-1 Supply Air Temperature AHU-1 Supply Airflow AHU-1 Supply Fan Status AHU-1 Supply Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Supply Fan Speed AHU-1 DX Stage 1 AHU-1 DX Stage 2 AHU-1 DX Stage 3 AHU-1 DX Stage 4 AHU-1 Heat Stage 1 AHU-1 Heat Stage 2 AHU-1 Heat Stage 3 AHU-1 Heat Stage 4 AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 Mixed Air Plenum Pressure AHU-1 Min OA Damper AHU-1 Max OA Dampers AHU-1 Return Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Dampers AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Relief Fan Speed AHU-1 Relief Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Relief Fan Status AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Airflow AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 RA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
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SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the relief fan shall be deenergized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling units supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75 inch of water (adjustable). The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. The relief system (relief damper and relief fan) shall be enabled when the supply fan is energized in the occupied mode. As the space static pressure begins to exceed setpoint the relief damper shall open. On further rise above setpoint, the relief fan shall energize and the speed shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint. There shall be an adjustable 30% minimum speed. As the space static pressure setpoint drops below setpoint the relief fan shall de-energize and on further drop the damper the damper shall close. The fan shall have minimum on and off timers to prevent short cycling. The space static pressure setpoint shall be of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. When free cooling is enabled, the heating shall stage, and outside air damper shall modulate, in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 55F (adjustable). When free cooling is unavailable, the maximum outside air damper shall be closed, heating and cooling shall stage as described in the sequence below to maintain the supply air temperature setpoint of 55F (adjustable). Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoints. DX Cooling: a. If the outside air temperature is greater than 60F and the system is not in morning warm-up or morning cool down, DX cooling shall be enabled. b. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow, and either the economizer is unavailable, or insufficient to achieve the supply temperature setpoint of 55F. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 2) If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4.
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If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 4) If additional cooling is required and the third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes. Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages.
Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less than the return air temperature plus differential. The maximum outside air/ return air dampers shall modulate as described above. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature economizer cooling is disabled. The minimum outside air damper shall be open to the minimum ventilation setting. Minimum outside air flow shall be maintained by modulating the return air damper to maintain a constant 0.2w.g. (adjustable) suction pressure in the mixed air plenum. The balancing contractor shall determine the plenum pressure setpoint that draws the required outside air flow through the minimum outside air damper. When the maximum outside air damper is open more than 5% (adjustable) the return air damper shall be tracking inversely with the maximum outside air damper.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply and relief fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and Maximum Outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil shall stage to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied
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space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. 4. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day.
When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. If the space reaches the pre-cooling setpoint before occupancy, the system shuts off. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. C. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, and low temperature limit trips shall deenergize the supply fan and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint 35F (adjustable) and the air handler has shut down in alarm, the heating shall be de-energized and cooling valve shall position as described in unoccupied mode.
Occupied Modulate Modulate Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper or modulate to maintain minimum flow Open on rise in space pressure Stage Stage in sequence with dampers and heat
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SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 5A1-25352 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Relief Fan Minimum OA Control: Injection Fan Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is not measured. The injection fan provides a constant volume. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. A pumped chilled water coil may be desired for additional low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization. The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building.
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Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min
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Tag A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33
1 2
Object Name AHU-1 OA Fan Status AHU-1. OA Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Temp Setpoint AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Highest VAV Demand AHU-1 Supply Air T min AHU-1 Supply Air T max AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
Alarm Fail
Fail 10,000
Pre Cool Setback Warm up Setback Warm up Pre-Cool Freeze Protect Freeze Protect
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
SECTION II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the relief and outside air fans shall be de-energized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating and cooling valves shall be positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75"
October 2005 ASHRAE 2005 Page 166
w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. The relief system (relief damper and relief fan) shall be enabled when the supply fan is energized in the occupied mode. As the space static pressure begins to exceed setpoint the relief damper shall open. On further rise above setpoint, the relief fan shall energize and the speed shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint. There shall be an adjustable 30% minimum speed. As the space static pressure setpoint drops below setpoint the relief fan shall de-energize and on further drop the damper the damper shall close. The fan shall have minimum on and off timers to prevent short cycling. The space static pressure setpoint shall be of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. The heating coil valve, mixed air dampers and cooling coil valve shall modulate in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide a deadband between heating and economizer cooling. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. Economizer cooling is enabled whenever the outside air temperature is less than the return air temperature plus differential. When the outside air temperature is greater than the return air temperature economizer cooling is disabled and the maximum outside air damper shall be closed and return air damper open. Minimum outside airflow shall be maintained by the outside air injection fan. Whenever the return fan is energized, the outside air injection fan shall be energized and the corresponding damper shall be opened.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply, relief and injection fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and maximum outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable). When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the
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Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating and cooling coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the injection fan de-energized, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valves shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. The injection fan shall be de-energized. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, the injection fan de-energized, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system. When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air-handling units has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
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Device S fan R Fan Injection Fan OA damper RA damper EA damper Heat Cooling
Occupied Modulate Modulate On Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Open on rise in space pressure Modulate Modulate in sequence with dampers and heat
Safeties Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, otherwise closed
Cycle if OAT <35, Modulate otherwise closed Open if OAT <35, Closed otherwise closed
Page 169
SECTION I DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Sequence Designation: VAV 5C1-25352 Quick Summary Supply Air Pressure: Duct Static Reset on Box Demand SA Temp Control: Reset on OA and Cooling Demand Space Pressure Control: Exhaust Damper/Relief Fan Minimum OA Control: Injection Fan Economizer: Differential Dry Bulb Humidification: None Dehumidification: None A. OVERVIEW This sequence of control describes the direct digital control requirements for a variable volume air handling system. These air-handling units are typically above 10,000 cfm, serving multiple thermal zones, spaces and exposures. B. THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE APPLYING THIS SEQUENCE A constant outside air volume is provided. This is useful in facilities with a consistent number of people in the facility. The outside air volume is not measured. The injection fan provides a constant volume. The supply air static pressure is reset based on VAV box demand. The VAV boxes must send their cooling demand to the air handler controller. The control network must have enough speed to allow the boxes to be polled in a timely manner. Humidification and de-humidification control modes are not provided. Pumped coils may be desired for additional low temperature protection and turbulent flow through the coil tubes. In humid regions an enthalpy-based or fixed dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff should be considered. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prohibits differential dry bulb economizer high limit shutoff in humid climates. Morning warm-up is accomplished by delivering warm air. This may not apply if all VAV boxes have heating coils. Pre-cool is accomplished by free cooling only. Control interlock wiring between the condensing unit and the evaporator should be identified on the drawing if the manufacturer requires it. This sequence controls the fans and dampers with a set of feedback loops that interact mechanically. It is likely that proper system performance will depend on adjustment of these loops by a skilled control technician. Sizing of the exhaust and return damper affect the ability to control the pressurization.
Page 170
The occupancy mode of the unit could be based on the requirements of individual floors or zones rather than the entire building. Primary control of the space temperature is provided by adjusting the airflow volume to the under space cooling mode and by controlling a terminal heating device under space heating mode. AHU control modes, especially the unoccupied control modes, must be coordinated with terminal unit control modes to provide the required airflow rates. Minimum SA fan speed dependent on motor type. C. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC
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Tag A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34 A-35 A-36 A-37 A-38
1 2
Object Name AHU-1 DX Stage 3 AHU-1 DX Stage 4 AHU-1 Low Temp Alarm AHU-1 Return Air Temperature AHU-1 Heat Coil Supply Temperature AHU-1 HW Coil Pump Status AHU-1 HW Coil Pump Start/Stop AHU-1 HW Coil Valve AHU-1 Mixed Air Temperature AHU-1 OA Fan Status AHU-1. OA Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Mixed Air Dampers AHU-1 Exhaust Air Damper AHU-1 Outside Air Temperature AHU-1 Return Fan Speed AHU-1 Return Fan Start/Stop AHU-1 Return Fan Status AHU-1 Fan Motor Runtime AHU-1 Space Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Supply Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 RA Plenum Static Pressure Setpoint AHU-1 Highest VAV Demand AHU-1 Supply Air T min AHU-1 Supply Air T max AHU-1 Unoccupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Occupied Heating Space Temperature Setpoint AHU-1 Pre-Cool Space Temp. Setpoint AHU-1 Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint AHU-1 Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint
35/1001 Fail
Fail 10,000
COV COV COV 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min COV COV 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min COV COV
Pre Cool Setback Warm-up Setback Warmup Pre-Cool Freeze Protect Freeze Protect
Lockout alarm when unit is de-energized. Provide 15-minute startup delay prior to enabling alarm Not all virtual points are shown. Provide all points required for software operation.
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SECTION II - SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The occupancy mode (Occupied or Unoccupied) shall be determined through a user-adjustable, graphical, seven-day schedule with a holiday schedule. Whenever the supply fan is de-energized, as sensed by the status switch, the relief and outside air fans shall be de-energized, the minimum and maximum outside and exhaust air dampers shall be closed and the return air damper shall be open, the heating valve shall be positioned as described below. A. OCCUPIED MODE 1. The supply fan shall be energized. The supply air duct static pressure setpoint shall be slowly ramped from zero to the final setpoint value after the supply fan is started. The air handling unit supply fan speed shall modulate to maintain duct static pressure setpoint. The supply fan speed shall not drop below 30% (adjustable) to assure adequate fan motor cooling. The static pressure setpoint shall be reset so that at least one of the VAV boxes is at 90% (adjustable) open. In the event of loss of communication with one or more VAV controllers the system shall revert to modulating the fan speed to maintain the duct static pressure setpoint of 0.75" w.g. (adjustable). A high limit function shall reduce the supply fan speed to keep the supply duct pressure from exceeding 1.5 inches of water regardless of the demand from the VAV boxes. The final duct static pressure setpoint shall be determined in consultation with the balancing contractor. When the supply fan is de-energized the static setpoint shall be zero. 2. The relief system (relief damper and relief fan) shall be enabled when the supply fan is energized in the occupied mode. As the space static pressure begins to exceed setpoint the relief damper shall open. On further rise above setpoint, the relief fan shall energize and the speed shall modulate to maintain the space static pressure setpoint. There shall be an adjustable 30% minimum speed. As the space static pressure setpoint drops below setpoint the relief fan shall de-energize and on further drop the damper the damper shall close. The fan shall have minimum on and off timers to prevent short cycling. The space static pressure setpoint shall be of 0.02 inch of water (adjustable) referenced to outside air static pressure. The supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from T-min (53F) when the outside air temperature is 70F and above, up to T-max when the outside air temperature is 65F and below. T-max shall range from 55F to 65F. T-max shall vary such that the VAV box with the highest cooling demand is at 90% of its cooling max setpoint. The supply air temperature setpoint shall change slowly. When free cooling is enabled, the heating coil valve, and the maximum outside air damper shall modulate, in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. When free cooling is unavailable, the outside air damper shall be closed and return air damper open, the heating coil valve shall modulate, and DX shall stage as described below in sequence to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Provide deadband between heating and cooling setpoints.
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DX Cooling: a. If the outside air temperature is greater than 60F and the system is not in morning warm-up or morning cool down, DX cooling shall be enabled. b. DX cooling shall cycle to satisfy the supply air temperature setpoint when cooling is enabled, the AHU has flow, and either the economizer is unavailable, or insufficient to achieve the supply temperature setpoint of 55F. The supply air temperature shall be maintained within +2F of setpoint when DX is operating. 1) On a call for cooling, the controller shall activate the first stage of DX cooling. The first stage of cooling shall not shut down until the second stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 2) If additional cooling is required, and the first stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the second stage of DX cooling. The second stage of cooling shall not shut down until the third stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. Similar for stages 3 and 4. 3) If additional cooling is required and the second stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the third stage of DX cooling. The third stage of cooling shall not shut down until the fourth stage has been disabled for at least 5 minutes. 4) If additional cooling is required and the third stage has been running for at least 5 minutes, the controller shall activate the fourth stage of DX cooling. 5) When a cooling stage is called to run, it will run for at least 5 minutes. 6) When a cooling stage cycles off, it will remain off for at least 5 minutes. c. Safety trips and loss of fan status shall override the time delays and de-energize all cooling stages. When the outside air temperature rises above the return air free cooling is disabled. When the outside air temperature drops below the return air temperature plus deadband, free cooling is enabled. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F. Minimum outside airflow shall be maintained by the outside air injection fan. Whenever the return fan is energized the outside air injection fan shall be energized and the corresponding damper shall be opened.
UNOCCUPIED MODE 1. Unoccupied Off: The supply, relief and injection fans shall be de-energized except when operation is called for as described below. Minimum and maximum outside air dampers and exhaust dampers shall be closed and return air damper open. Unoccupied Off Coil Protection: When the supply fan is de-energized and the outside air temperature is below the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 35F (adjustable) and the mixed air temperature is less than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F (adjustable), OR the Low Temperature Limit trips, then the heating coil valve shall cycle to maintain mixed air temperature of 45F (adjustable).
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When the outside air temperature is above the Outside Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint (35F + differential (adjustable), or the mixed air temperature is greater than the Mixed Air Low Temperature Protection Setpoint of 45F + differential the heating and cooling coil valve shall be closed. 3. Unoccupied Setback: When the lowest space temperature drops below the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, Injection fan de-energized, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valves shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the lowest space temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint + differential. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the unoccupied heating space temperature setpoint + differential is reached, then the unit shall return to Unoccupied Off Mode. The injection fan shall be de-energized. Morning Warm-up: The optimum start program shall start the unit at the latest possible time to reach the desired occupied space temperature setpoint at occupancy time. If the average space temperature is below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the supply and return fans shall energize, injection fan de-energized, the outside and exhaust dampers shall remain closed and return damper open. The heating coil valve shall modulate to maintain supply air temperature setpoint of 95F (adjustable) until the average space temperature equals the occupied space temperature setpoint. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. The VAV boxes shall modulate to maintain the occupied space temperature while the unit is delivering warm air. When the occupied space temperature setpoint is reached, the unit shall operate in the Occupied Mode. Morning warm-up shall occur only once in a day. Morning Pre-cooling: If the month is between May and October (adjustable), the outside air temperature is below 55F (adjustable) and the average of the three highest space temperatures exceeds Pre-Cool Space Temperature setpoint, Morning Pre-cooling may begin. The unit shall start in the pre-cool mode as determined by an optimum start program at the latest possible time to have the space at the occupied setpoint at occupancy time. The economizer cooling mode shall modulate the outside air and return air dampers to provide 55F (adjustable) supply air. The heating and cooling valves shall be closed. The supply and return fan speed shall be controlled as described in the occupied mode. When the average of the three highest space temperatures falls below the occupied space temperature setpoint, the unit shall return to unoccupied mode. When the space has reached this setpoint, the unit shall operate in the occupied mode. Morning cool-down shall occur only once in a day. The heating coil pump shall be energized whenever there is a call for heating or the outside air temperature is below 40F.
SAFETY SHUTDOWNS 1. Duct smoke detection, space smoke detection, high pressure safeties, low pressure safeties and low temperature limit trips shall de-energize the air handling unit and close the outside air and exhaust air dampers. Manual reset of the tripped device shall be required to restart the system.
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When the outside air temperature is below 40F (adjustable) and the air-handling units has shut down in alarm, the heating and cooling valves shall function as described in unoccupied mode.
Device S fan R Fan Injection Fan OA damper RA damper EA damper Heat Cooling
Occupied Modulate Modulate On Modulate in sequence with valves Inversely tracks OA damper Open on rise in space pressure Modulate Stage in sequence with dampers and heat
Off Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Off
Safeties Off Off Off Closed Open Closed Cycle if OAT <35, otherwise closed Off
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