WSUS 3.0 SP2 - Deployment Guide
WSUS 3.0 SP2 - Deployment Guide
WSUS 3.0 SP2 - Deployment Guide
0 SP2
Deployment Guide
Microsoft Corporation
Author: Anita Taylor
Editor: Theresa Haynie
This guide describes how to deploy Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 (WSUS 3.0 SP2).
You will find a comprehensive description of how WSUS functions, as well as descriptions of
WSUS scalability and bandwidth management features. This guide also offers procedures for
installation and configuration of the WSUS server and how to configure client workstations and
servers that will be updated by WSUS. Also included are steps for setting up a WSUS server on
an isolated segment of your network and manually importing updates.
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Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 Deployment Guide..................................................... 9
Initial synchronization can take over an hour. All synchronizations after that should be
significantly shorter.
By default, the WSUS server uses port 80 for HTTP protocol and port 443 for HTTPS protocol to
obtain updates from Microsoft. If there is a corporate firewall between your network and the
Internet, you will have to open these ports on the server that communicates directly to Microsoft
Update. If you are planning to use custom ports for this communication, you will have to open
those ports instead.
You can configure multiple WSUS servers to synchronize with a parent WSUS server. Chaining
WSUS servers together is discussed later in this guide.
Automatic Updates is the client component of WSUS. Automatic Updates must use the port
assigned to the WSUS Web site in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). If there are no
Web sites running on the server where you install WSUS, you can use the default Web site or a
custom Web site. If you set up WSUS on the default Web site, WSUS listens for Automatic
Updates on port 80. If you use a custom Web site, WSUS can listen on port 8530 or 8531.
Alternate port numbers cannot be specified at setup time.
If you use the custom Web site, you must also have a Web site set up and running on port 80 to
accommodate updating legacy Automatic Updates client software. If you use the custom Web
site, remember to include the port number in the URL when you configure Automatic Updates to
point to the WSUS server. Other issues to consider when using a custom port for the WSUS Web
site are discussed in "Using the WSUS custom Web site" in Configure IIS later in this guide.
You can move computers from the Unassigned Computers group to a group you create. You
cannot remove computers from the All Computers group. The All Computers group enables you
to target updates to every computer on your network regardless of group membership. The
Unassigned Computers group permits you to target only computers that have not yet been
assigned group membership.
One benefit of creating computer groups is that it enables you to test updates. The "Simple
WSUS Deployment with Computer Groups" illustration depicts two custom groups named Test
and Accounting, as well as the All Computers group. The Test group contains a small number of
computers representative of all the computers contained in the Accounting group. Updates are
approved first for the Test group. If the testing goes well, you can roll out the updates to the
Accounting group. There is no limit to the number of custom groups you can create. There are
instructions for creating custom computer groups in Create the Computer Groups later in this
Do not use WSUS to distribute updates to client computers that are not licensed for your
organization. The WSUS license agreement specifically disallows this.
This type of configuration is useful for many types of deployment. You might use it to download
updates once from the Internet and then distribute those updates to branch offices with
downstream servers, saving bandwidth on your Internet connection. You might use it to scale
WSUS in a large organization with more client computers than one WSUS server can manage.
You might also use it to move updates closer to where they will be deployed.
Three levels is the recommended limit to a WSUS server hierarchy. This is because each level
adds additional lag time to propagate updates throughout the chain. Theoretically there is no limit
to how deep you can go, but only deployments with a hierarchy five levels deep have been
The downstream server must always synchronize to an upstream server, as in the "WSUS Server
Hierarchy" illustration above. This keeps synchronizations traveling downstream. If you attempt to
synchronize an upstream server to a downstream server, you effectively create a closed loop,
which is not supported. You can find step-by-step instructions for synchronizing WSUS servers in
Set Up a Hierarchy of WSUS Servers later in this guide.
When you set up a WSUS server hierarchy, you should point Automatic Updates on all WSUS
servers to the farthest downstream WSUS server in the hierarchy. This shields the entire chain
from server-to-server protocol-breaking changes, because the downstream WSUS server can be
used to update the broken upstream WSUS servers via Automatic Updates.
Confirm that the system time on the upstream and downstream servers is the same.
Downstream servers roll up information to their upstream server immediately after they
synchronize. If there is difference in the system time between servers that is greater than
one minute, the rollup will fail and the downstream server results will not be rolled up to
the upstream server.
Configure the downstream servers to synchronize at different times of day. If you have
multiple downstream servers, you should not configure them to synchronize updates and
roll up results at the same time of day. This may cause a high load on the upstream
server, resulting in rollup failures.
For more information about setting up language options on upstream servers and downstream
servers, see the "Choose update languages" section of the topic Using the WSUS 3.0 SP2
Configuration Wizard.
Exporting and importing is also appropriate for organizations that have high-cost or low-
bandwidth links to the Internet. Even with all the bandwidth-saving options described later in this
guide, downloading enough updates for all Microsoft products throughout an organization can be
bandwidth-intensive. Importing and exporting updates enables organizations to download
updates once and distribute by using inexpensive media. See Set Up a Disconnected Network
(Import and Export the Updates) for more information about how to export and import updates.
Branch offices
Using the BranchCache feature:
BranchCache is a new feature in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 that reduces
WAN link utilization and improves application responsiveness. To enable BranchCache
acceleration of content served by the WSUS server, install the BranchCache feature on the
server and the clients, and ensure that the BranchCache service has started. No other steps
are necessary. For information about installing BrancheCache, see the BranchCache Early
Adopter's Guide (
Branch offices with low-bandwidth connections:
In some organizations, branch offices have low-bandwidth connections to the central office
but high-bandwidth connections to the Internet. In this case you may want to configure
downstream WSUS servers to get information about which updates to install from the central
WSUS server, but download the updates themselves from Microsoft Update. For information
about how to set up this kind of configuration, see Advanced Synchronization Options.
Roaming Clients Using Different WSUS Servers
Centralized management
Centrally managed WSUS servers utilize replica servers. Replica servers are not administered
separately, and are used only to distribute approvals, groups, and updates. The approvals and
targeting groups you create on the master server are replicated throughout the entire
organization, as shown in the "WSUS Centralized Management (Replica Servers)" illustration
below. Remember that computer group membership is not distributed throughout the replica
group, only the computer groups themselves. In other words, you always have to load client
computers into computer groups.
WSUS Centralized Management (Replica Servers)
It is possible that not all the sites in your organization require the same computer groups. The
important thing is to create enough computer groups on the administered server to satisfy the
needs of the rest of the organization. Computers at different sites can be moved into a group
appropriate for the site. Meanwhile, computer groups inappropriate for a particular site simply
remain empty. All update approvals, like computer groups, must be created on the master server.
For step-by-step instructions, see Create Replica Servers later in this guide.
You should also make sure that the upstream server is configured for all the languages required
by its replica servers. If you add languages to the upstream server, you should copy the new
updates to its replica servers. Changing language options on the upstream server alone might
result in a mismatch between the number of updates that are approved on the central server and
the number of updates approved on the replica servers.
Distributed management
Distributed management offers you full control over approvals and computer groups for the
WSUS server, as shown in the "WSUS Distributed Management" illustration below. With the
distributed management model, there is usually an administrator at each site who decides which
update languages are needed, creates computer groups, assigns computers to groups, tests and
approves updates, and ensures that the correct updates are installed on the right computer
groups. Distributed management is the default installation option for all WSUS installations.
WSUS Distributed Management
You should not attempt to manage WSUS by accessing data directly in the database.
Manage WSUS by using the WSUS console, or programmatically by calling WSUS APIs.
Each WSUS server requires its own database. If there are multiple WSUS servers in your
environment, you must have multiple WSUS databases. WSUS does not support storing multiple
WSUS databases on a SQL Server instance. The only exception is the case of a network load
balanced cluster using a SQL Server failover cluster, as described in Appendix C: Configure
WSUS for Network Load Balancing.
WSUS does support running database software on a computer separate from WSUS, but there
are some restrictions. See Appendix B: Configure Remote SQL for more information.
Selecting a database
Use the following information to determine what database software is right for your organization.
Once you have made a selection, see if there are any additional tasks you need to complete to
set up the database software to work with WSUS. You can use any database software that is
100-percent compatible with Microsoft SQL. There are two options that have been tested
extensively for use with WSUS:
Windows Internal Database ships with WSUS 3.0 SP2. This version of SQL Server does not
have a user interface or tools. Administrators are meant to interact with these products
through WSUS.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 are full-featured database software from
Microsoft. WSUS 3.0 SP2 requires SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 2 or SQL Server
2008. If you use the full version of SQL Server, the SQL Server administrator should enable
the nested triggers option in SQL Server. Do this before the WSUS administrator installs
WSUS and specifies the database during the setup process. WSUS Setup enables the
recursive triggers option, which is a database-specific option; however, it does not enable the
nested triggers option, which is a server global option.
Microsoft does not recommend using Windows Internal Database (WID) over SQL. The choice of
database is up to you. Some facts to consider are:
SQL and WID provide the same performance characteristics for a singer server configuration
(where the database and the front-end server are on the same computer. This configuration
scales to support several thousand clients. There is no advantage to using SQL rather than
WID in this configuration.
Full SQL can be deployed remotely and is required for Network Load Balancing (NLB) in a
multi-server configuration. NLB provides performance improvements for a multi-server
configuration. Therefore, if you want to scale-up a single node, you would need to use Full
WID does not ship with management tools. If you already have Full SQL installed and
processes in place for backing up and defragmenting the database, then you should consider
using Full SQL for WSUS.
If you have many WSUS servers (for example, in branch offices) then you should consider
using WID on the secondary servers. Because each WSUS server needs a separate instance
of SQL, if you only have one SQL server, you will quickly run into database performance
issues when multiple WSUS servers use difference instances of the single SQL server.
Database authentication, instance, and database
You cannot use SQL authentication with WSUS, which supports only Windows authentication. If
you choose Windows Internal Database for the WSUS database, WSUS Setup creates an
instance of SQL Server named server\MICROSOFT##SSEE, where server is the name of the
computer. With either database option, WSUS Setup creates a database named SUSDB. The
name of this database is not configurable.
In most cases each WSUS server will use a different SQL Server instance. One exception is the
network load balancing configuration, in which multiple WSUS servers use a clustered SQL
Server instance. For more information about this configuration and how to set it up, see Appendix
C: Configure WSUS for Network Load Balancing.
Local storage
You can store update files locally on the WSUS server. This saves bandwidth on your Internet
connection because client computers download updates directly from the WSUS server. This
option requires enough disk space to store the updates you intend to download. There is a
minimum requirement of 20 GB of hard disk space to store updates locally, but 30 GB is
recommended. Local storage is the default option.
The 30 GB recommendation is only an estimate based on a number of variables, such
as the number of updates released by Microsoft for any given product, how many
products and update languages are selected, and whether standard update files or
express updates are to be downloaded. Although 30 GB should work for most customers,
your particular situation might require more than 30 GB of disk space.
Remote storage
If you want, you can store update files remotely on Microsoft servers. WSUS enables you to use
Microsoft Update for the distribution of approved updates throughout your organization. This is
particularly useful if most of the client computers connect to the WSUS server over a slow WAN
connection but have high-bandwidth connections to the Internet, or if there are only a small
number of client computers.
In this scenario WSUS is configured so that client computers download updates from Microsoft
Update. When you synchronize the WSUS server with Microsoft Update, you get only the update
metadata describing the updates. The files that install updates on client computers are not stored
on the WSUS server.
Updates are still approved on the WSUS server, but each client connects to the Internet to
download the approved updates from Microsoft servers. These are the same servers Microsoft
uses to distribute updates to the public. Although your clients obtain updates from Microsoft over
the Internet, you still make the decisions about which updates are approved for distribution. The
advantage of this scenario is faster downloads for distributed clients and network bandwidth
savings for your organization.
Determine Bandwidth Options to Use
WSUS allows you to shape the deployment to fit your organization's bandwidth needs. The
decisions you make about how to synchronize with Microsoft Update have a dramatic effect on
the efficient use of bandwidth. Read the following sections to understand WSUS features for
managing bandwidth.
If you have a chain of WSUS servers, it is recommended that you do not chain them too deeply,
for the following reasons:
In a chain of WSUS servers, WSUS automatically sets all downstream servers to use the
deferred download option that is selected on the highest upstream server—in other words,
the server that is directly connected to Microsoft Update. However, you may change this
configuration (for example, to keep an upstream server doing full synchronization, while
downstream servers defer their downloads).
If you have deferred downloads enabled and a downstream server requests an update that
has not been approved on the upstream server, the downstream server’s request triggers a
download on the upstream server. The downstream server then downloads the content on a
subsequent synchronization, as shown in the "Deferred Downloads Using Multiple WSUS
Servers" illustration. If you have a deep hierarchy of WSUS servers using deferred
downloads, there is greater potential for delay as content is requested, downloaded, and then
passed down the chain.
Deferred Downloads Using Multiple WSUS Servers
If you chose to store updates locally during the WSUS setup process, deferred downloads are
enabled by default. You can change this option manually. See Advanced Synchronization
Options for step-by-step procedures.
Filtering updates
WSUS allows you to choose only the updates your organization requires during synchronizations.
You can filter synchronizations by language, product, and classification of update.
In a chain of WSUS servers, WSUS automatically sets all downstream servers to use the update
filtering options that are selected on the server directly connected to Microsoft Update. You can
change this configuration to get a subset of languages on a downstream server, or you can defer
the download of updates. Deferring downloads is described in Deferring the Download of
By default WSUS downloads Critical and Security Updates for all Windows products in every
language, as well as Office updates and Windows Defender virus definitions. Microsoft
recommends that you limit languages to the ones you actually use in order to conserve bandwidth
and disk space. To change language options, or to change product and update classification
options, see Using the WSUS 3.0 SP2 Configuration Wizard.
When you distribute updates this way, there is an initial investment in bandwidth. Express
installation files are larger than the updates they are meant to distribute. This is because the
express installation file must contain all the possible variations of each file it is meant to update.
The upper part of the "Express Installation Files Feature" illustration shows an update being
distributed with express installation files; the lower part of the illustration shows the same update
being distributed without using express installation files. Notice that with express installation files
enabled, you incur an initial download three times the size of the update. However, this cost is
mitigated by the reduced amount of bandwidth required to update client computers on the
corporate network. With express installation files disabled, your initial download of updates is
smaller, but the full size of the download must then be distributed to each of the clients on your
corporate network.
The file sizes in the "Express Installation Files Feature" illustration are for illustrative purposes
only. Each update and express installation file varies in size, depending on what files need to be
updated. Further, the size of each file actually distributed to clients by using express installation
files varies depending upon the state of the computer being updated.
Express installation files are often larger than the updates they are meant to distribute.
On the other hand, it is always less expensive to distribute updates within a network
using express installation files than to distribute full update files.
Not all updates are good candidates for distribution using express installation files. If you select
this option, you obtain express installation files for any updates being distributed this way. If you
are not storing updates locally, you cannot use the express installation files feature. By default,
WSUS does not use express installation files. To enable this option, see Advanced
Synchronization Options.
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
WSUS uses the Background Intelligent Transfer Service 2.0 (BITS) protocol for all its file-transfer
tasks, including downloads to clients and server synchronizations. BITS is a Microsoft technology
that allows programs to download files by using spare bandwidth. BITS maintains file transfers
through network disconnections and computer restarts. For more information about BITS, see the
BITS documentation on the MSDN site at
Supported Capacity by Configuration
Additional hardware and database requirements depend on your how your organization
implements WSUS 3.0 SP2 and your performance expectations. The following table shows
performance data for the maximum number of supported clients in two sample configurations:
one for NLB and one for a single server implementation. The table includes test specifications
and results that were achieved in the Microsoft test lab. You can use this data as a guideline to
develop your own test scenarios and to make your hardware and software decisions.
Be aware that your organization’s performance results may vary if you choose to use different
hardware; however, the maximum supported capacity figures do not change. That is, if you use a
higher performance server than indicated in the table that follows, there may be an increase in
the number of client synchronizations per second. However, there is no increase in the maximum
number of supported clients for the configuration.
2 FE servers and one 100K clients Hardware Delta sync at 7.5 hour
BE server in an NLB FE: Intel Core 2 frequency
configuration CPU 6400, 2.13 Avg. requests per client:
GHz, 4GB RAM 30
BE: 8x AMD Transaction rate: 3
Opteron clients per second
Processor 850, CPU avg. usage: FE
2.2 GHz, 32GB 27%, BE 16%
FE: Win2K3
Standard x86 SP2
BE: Win2K3
Standard x64
SP1, SQL 2005
SUSDB files (data
and log) on
separate physical
disks each with
200+ GB free
Configuration Maximum Supported Hardware and Client
Capacity Software Synchronizations
and Updates
Single server, non- 25K clients Hardware: Intel Core Delta sync at 1 hour
NLB 2 Quad CPU Q6600, frequency
2.40 GHz, 4GB RAM Avg. requests per client:
Software: Win2K3 10
Standard x64 SP2 Transaction rate: 6
clients per second
CPU avg. usage: 21%
Performance notes:
Transaction rate is defined as the time needed to service a single client, which includes
multiple requests.
Performance testing was done by using delta sync requests. Be aware that an initial request
to the server (a full sync) will generate a server CPU spike, as the server needs to build up its
internal caches.
If WSUS clients synchronize with the server more frequently than is shown in the table, there
will be a corresponding increment in the server load. For example, if clients synchronize
every 4 hours in an NLB configuration, the load will be two times as much as an 8 hour
synchronization frequency. Be aware that the Group Policy setting that specifies the number
of hours that Windows uses to determine how long to wait before checking for available
updates automatically staggers the requests to the server. The exact wait time is determined
by using the hours specified minus zero to 20 percent of the hours specified. For example, if
this policy is used to specify a 20 hour detection frequency, then all clients to which this policy
is applied will check for updates anywhere between 16 and 20 hours. Requests are
processed first-in, first-out. If the number of concurrent sync requests exceeds capacity, they
are placed in the IIS queue until they can be processed.
Increasing the number of languages will also increase the server load. Updating in five
languages, instead of one language will approximately double the size of the content
Using the WSUS Admin console to run reports during the client sync process had no
noticeable effect on performance.
Requirements section above). Install the required software, including database software (as
noted in the Installation of Required Software section below). If you want to create a custom Web
site or install WSUS on a computer that already has a Web site, see the IIS section. If you have a
firewall or proxy server, see the firewall section to ensure that WSUS has access to updates on
the Internet. After you have completed preparations, you can install and configure the WSUS
It is not possible to upgrade from Microsoft Software Update Services (SUS) to WSUS
3.0 SP2. You must uninstall SUS before installing WSUS 3.0 SP2. If you are doing a
migration from WSUS 2.0 to WSUS 3.0 SP2, see the section on migrating WSUS.
In this guide
Configure the Network
Installation of Required Software
Configure IIS
Upgrade from WSUS 2.0 to WSUS 3.0 SP2
Run WSUS 3.0 SP2 Server Setup
Install the WSUS 3.0 SP2 Administration Console
To configure the firewall
To obtain updates from Microsoft Update, the WSUS server uses port 80 for HTTP
protocol and port 443 for HTTPS protocol. This is not configurable.
If your organization does not allow those ports and protocols to be open to all addresses,
you can restrict access to the following domains so WSUS and Automatic Updates can
communicate with Microsoft Update:
The steps for configuring the firewall are meant for a corporate firewall positioned
between WSUS and the Internet. Because WSUS initiates all its network traffic, there
is no need to configure Windows Firewall on the WSUS server.
Although the connection between Microsoft Update and WSUS requires ports 80 and
443 to be open, you can configure multiple WSUS servers to synchronize with a
custom port.
WSUS Server Software Prerequisites
One of the following supported operating systems: Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows
Server 2008 SP1 or later, Windows Server 2003 SP2 or later, or Windows Small Business
Server 2008 or 2003. Note that additional prerequisites apply for Windows Small Business
Server. See the ―Windows Small Business Server Prerequisites‖ section for details.
WSUS 3.0 SP2 is also supported for use in virtual operating system environments.
IIS 6.0 or later
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later
One of the following supported databases: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005
SP2, or Windows Internal Database. If one of these versions of SQL Server is not installed,
the WSUS 3.0 SP2 Setup Wizard will install Windows Internal Database.
Microsoft Management Console 3.0
Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008
You cannot run Terminal Services on the computer that is the front-end server of a remote
SQL installation.
Configure IIS
Before installing WSUS, make sure you have Internet Information Services (IIS) installed. By
default, WSUS uses the default Web site in IIS. WSUS Setup also gives you the option of
creating a Web site on a custom port.
If the IIS service (W3SVC) is stopped during WSUS installation, WSUS Setup starts the service.
Likewise, if you install WSUS to the default Web site and the site is stopped, WSUS Setup starts
1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.
2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
3. In the Components list, select Application Server. Click Details and make sure that
ASP.NET is selected
4. Click OK, click Next, and then follow the instructions on the screen.
If this machine has been upgraded from Windows 2000, it may have the IIS 5.0 Isolation
mode turned on. This must be turned off before installing WSUS 3.0 SP2.
1. Start the Server Manager (click Start, click Run, and then type CompMgmtLauncher).
2. In the tree view, select Roles, then in the Roles pane click Add Roles.
3. In the Add Roles Wizard, click Select Server Roles, select the Web Service (IIS) check
box, click Next, and then click Next again.
At this time you may see a message box Add features required for Web Server (IIS)?
Click Add Required Features.
4. In the Select Role Services window, make sure that the following services are selected:
Common HTTP Features (including Static Content)
ASP.NET, ISAPI Extensions, and ISAPI Features (under Application
Windows Authentication (under Security)
IIS Metabase Compatibility (under Management Tools, expand IIS 6 Management
5. Click Next, and then review your selections.
6. Click Install.
<remove name="CustomErrorModule">
Client self-update
WSUS uses IIS to update most client computers automatically to WSUS-compatible Automatic
Updates software. To accomplish this, WSUS Setup creates a virtual directory named Selfupdate
under the Web site running on port 80 of the WSUS server. This virtual directory, called the self-
update tree, contains the WSUS-compatible Automatic Updates software.
Using the WSUS custom Web site
If you configure WSUS on a custom port, you must have a Web site running on port 80. The Web
site on port 80 does not have to be dedicated to WSUS. In fact, WSUS uses the site on port 80
only to host the self-update tree.
Malicious programs can target port 80 for HTTP traffic. If WSUS is using a custom port, you can
temporarily shut down port 80 throughout your network, but still be able to distribute updates to
combat malicious programs.
If you already have a Web site on the computer where you intend to install WSUS, you should
use the setup option for creating a custom Web site. This option puts the WSUS Web site on
port 8530 or 8531. This port is not configurable.
If you change the WSUS port number after WSUS installation, you must manually restart
the IIS service.
If you assign host header values to the default Web site, you might interfere with
Windows® SharePoint® Services and Exchange functionality.
2. Navigate to the WSUS Tools directory:
cd WSUSInstallDir\Tools
where WSUSInstallDir is the directory in which WSUS is installed.
3. Type the following command:
Wsusutil configuressl
The configuressl command sets both the host header name and the server certificate
Please make sure that your WSUS 2.0 database is not corrupt before upgrading.
To upgrade WSUS 2.0 to WSUS 3.0 SP2 with a remote SQL Server installation
1. Uninstall WSUS 2.0 from the back-end computer. Do not choose to delete the database.
2. Install WSUS 3.0 SP2 on the front-end computer.
The WSUS Operations Guide, available at,
includes other types of migration documentation, such as migrating from Windows Internal
Database to Microsoft SQL Server.
After upgrading
It is a good idea to reindex the database after you upgrade. For more information about
reindexing the database, see Appendix I: Database Maintenance in the WSUS Operations
As a best practice, review the Release Notes for WSUS 3.0 SP2. Release notes contain
important information about the release. Look for the WSUS Release Notes on the
Windows Server Update Services Web site
To check permissions on the drive and directories where updates are stored
1. Double-click My Computer, right-click the drive where updates are stored, and then click
Sharing and Security.
2. Ensure that the drive has read permissions for the built-in Users group or NT
Authority\Network Service.
3. Ensure that the root folder on the drive also has read permissions for NT
Authority\Network Service.
4. Ensure that the content directory itself (usually <drivename>:\WSUS\WsusContent) has
read permissions for NT Authority\Network Service. These permissions should have
been set by the installation program.
The default Web site needs to allow anonymous access (that is, read access) by the
IUSER_servername account. Some applications, notably Windows SharePoint Services, will
remove anonymous access.
1. Go to the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, click the server name, click Web
Sites, and then right-click the WSUS Web site.
2. In the context menu select Permissions.
3. In the Security tab you should see the Internet Guest Account listing.
4. If you do not see this account, you will need to add it.
5. Add a user account named IUSR_serverName to the local machine, where serverName
is the name of the server.
6. Give this account the following permissions: Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, and
Read. You should deny write access to this account.
7. Return to IIS Manager, right-click the WSUS Web site, and then click Permissions.
8. Add the newly-created user to this Web site.
For more information about allowing anonymous access to Web sites, see Allowing Anonymous
Access to Web Sites (IIS 6.0) at
Installing WSUS
After ensuring that the server meets the minimum system requirements and that the necessary
account permissions were granted, you are ready to install WSUS 3.0 SP2. Start the installation
of WSUS 3.0 SP2 by using the applicable procedure for your operating system and kind of
installation (by using either Server Manager or the WSUSSetup.exe file).
To start the installation of WSUS 3.0 SP2 Server by using Server Manager
1. Log on to the server on which you plan to install WSUS 3.0 SP2 by using an account that
is a member of the local Administrators group.
2. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
3. In the right side pane of the Server Manager window, in the Roles Summary section, click
Add Roles.
4. If the Before You Begin page appears, click Next.
5. On the Select Server Roles page, select Windows Server Update Services.
6. On the Windows Server Update Services page, click Next.
7. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install.
8. When the WSUS 3.0 SP2 Setup Wizard is started, skip the next section and see the ―To
continue installing WSUS 3.0 SP2‖ procedure.
To start the installation of WSUS 3.0 SP2 Server or the WSUS 3.0 SP2 Administration
Console by using the WSUSSetup.exe file
1. Log on to the server on which you plan to install WSUS 3.0 SP2 by using an account that
is a member of the local Administrators group.
2. Double-click the WSUSSetup.exe installer file.
3. When the Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 Setup Wizard is started, see the ―To
continue installing WSUS 3.0 SP2‖ procedure.
1. On the Welcome page of the Windows Server Update Services 3.0 Setup Wizard, click
2. On the Installation Mode Selection page, select Full server installation including
Administration Console if you want to install the WSUS server on this computer, or
Administration Console only if you want to install the administration console only.
3. On the License Agreement page, read the terms of the license agreement, click I accept
the terms of the License agreement, and then click Next.
4. You can specify where clients get updates on the Select Update Source page of the
installation wizard. By default, the Store updates locally check box is selected and
updates will be stored on the WSUS server in the location that you specify. If you clear
the Store updates locally check box, client computers obtain approved updates by
connecting to Microsoft Update. Make your selection, and then click Next.
5. On the Database Options page, select the software that is used to manage the WSUS
3.0 SP2 database. By default, the installation wizard offers to install Windows Internal
If you do not want to use Windows Internal Database, provide an instance of SQL Server
for WSUS to use by selecting Use an existing database on this server or Use an
existing database server on a remote computer. Type the instance name in the
applicable box. The instance name should appear as <serverName>\<instanceName>,
where serverName is the name of the server and instanceName is the name of the SQL
instance. Make your selection, and then click Next.
6. If you have opted to connect to a SQL Server, on the Connecting to SQL Server
Instance page, WSUS will try to connect to the specified instance of SQL Server. When
it has connected successfully, click Next to continue.
7. On the Web Site Selection page, specify the Web site that WSUS will use. If you want to
use the default Web site on port 80, select Use the existing IIS Default Web site. If you
already have a Web site on port 80, you can create an alternate site on port 8530 or 8531
by selecting Create a Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 Web site. Click Next.
8. On the Ready to Install Windows Server Update Services page, review the selections,
and then click Next.
9. The final page of the installation wizard will let you know if the WSUS installation
completed successfully. After you click Finish the configuration wizard will start.
installation package, on every machine from which you want to run the WSUS 3.0 SP2
administration console.
The WSUS 3.0 SP2 administration console can be used to manage any WSUS server
that has a trust relationship with the administration console computer.
The latest version of the WSUS setup executable is available on the WSUS Web site
The console-only installation process can be run from the setup UI from the command line. For
more information about command-line installation, see Appendix A: Unattended Installations later
in this guide.
To install the WSUS 3.0 SP2 console only from the command line
1. Open a command window.
2. Navigate to the directory in which you saved the installation executable. (This will be
either WSUSSetup-x86.exe or WSUSSetup-x64.exe.)
3. Type one of the following commands: WSUSSetup-x86.exe CONSOLE_INSTALL=1 or
4. This will bring up the Welcome page of the installation UI. Click Next.
5. Read the terms of the license agreement carefully. Click I accept the terms of the
License Agreement, and then click Next.
6. Wait for the installation process to finish, and then click Finish.
1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, point to Administrative Tools, and then click
Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2.
2. If you are bringing up the remote console for the first time, you will see only Update
Services in the left pane of the console.
3. To connect to a WSUS server, in the Actions pane click Connect to Server.
4. In the Connect To Server dialog box, type the name of the WSUS server and the port on
which you would like to connect to it.
5. If you wish to use SSL to communicate with the WSUS server, select the Use Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) to connect to this server check box.
6. Click Connect to connect to the WSUS server.
7. You may connect to as many servers as you need to manage through the console.
Using the WSUS 3.0 SP2 Configuration Wizard
Access the WSUS 3.0 SP2 Administration Console
Synchronize the WSUS 3.0 SP2 Server
Advanced Synchronization Options
Set Up E-Mail Notifications
Personalize the WSUS Display
Set Up a Hierarchy of WSUS Servers
Create Replica Servers
Create the Computer Groups
Approve WSUS 3.0 SP2 Updates
Verify Deployment of Updates
Secure WSUS 3.0 SP2 Deployment
Choose Update Products
Choose Update Classifications
Configure the Synchronization Schedule
You will need to configure the upstream server and proxy server before configuring the
1. On the Choose Upstream Server page, select the source from which this server will get
its updates (Microsoft Update or another WSUS server).
2. If you choose to synchronize from Microsoft Update, you are finished with this page. Click
Next, or select Specify Proxy Server from the left pane.
3. If you choose to synchronize from another WSUS server, specify the server name and
the port on which this server will communicate with the upstream server.
4. To use SSL, check the Use SSL when synchronizing update information check box.
In that case the servers will use port 443 for synchronization. (You should make sure that
both this server and the upstream server support SSL.)
5. If this is a replica server, check the This is a replica of the upstream server check box.
(For more information about replica versus autonomous downstream servers, see the
Choose a WSUS Management Style section earlier in this document.)
6. At this point you are finished with upstream server configuration. Click Next, or select
Specify proxy server from the left pane.
3. At this point you are finished with proxy server configuration. Click Next to go to the
Connect to Upstream Server page.
The proxy server should be configured to accept both HTTP and HTTPS resources.
1. Click the Start Connecting button, which will save and upload your settings and then
download information about available updates, products, and classifications. This initial
connection will take only a few minutes.
2. While the connection is taking place, the Stop Connecting button will be available. If
there are problems with the connection, stop the connection, fix the problems, and restart
the connection.
3. After the connection has completed successfully, click Next. If you have chosen to store
updates locally, you will go to the Choose Languages page, or you can select a different
page from the left pane.
If the connection to your upstream WSUS server (either Microsoft Update or an intranet
WSUS server) fails, you will see a message at the bottom of the screen. Typically it will
say something like "An HTTP error occurred." For more information, click the Details link.
Choose update languages for a server synchronizing from an upstream server
1. If the upstream server has been set up to download update files in a subset of languages,
you should select Download updates only in these languages (only languages
marked with an asterisk are supported by the upstream server), and select the
languages for which you want updates. You should do this even though you want the
downstream server to download exactly the same languages as the upstream server.
2. If the upstream server will download update files in all languages, and you want the
downstream server to do the same, select Download updates in all languages
supported by the upstream server. This setting will cause the upstream server to
download updates in all languages, including languages that were not originally set up for
the upstream server.
Selecting the Download updates in all languages option on a downstream server will
modify the upstream server's behavior to download update files in all languages, no
matter how the upstream server was originally configured.
1. The Choose Products page allows you to specify the products for which you want
2. You may check product categories, such as Windows, or specific products, such as
Windows Server 2003. Selecting a product category will cause all of the products under it
to be selected. Click Next to proceed to the Choose Classifications page, or select a
different page from the left pane.
Service Packs: Cumulative sets of all hotfixes, security updates, critical updates, and
updates created since the release of the product. Service packs might also contain a limited
number of customer-requested design changes or features.
Tools: Utilities or features that aid in accomplishing a task or set of tasks.
Update Rollups: Cumulative sets of hotfixes, security updates, critical updates, and updates
packaged together for easy deployment. A rollup generally targets a specific area, such as
security, or a specific component, such as Internet Information Services (IIS).
Updates: Broadly released fixes for specific problems addressing non-critical, non-security
related bugs.
1. You will see the Set Sync Schedule page, which allows you to choose whether to
perform update metadata synchronization manually or automatically.
2. If you choose to synchronize manually on this server, you will have to initiate the
synchronization process from the WSUS Administration console.
3. If you choose to synchronize automatically, the WSUS server will synchronize at
specified intervals. Set the time of the first synchronization and specify the number of
synchronizations per day you want this server to perform. For example, you can specify
that synchronizations will start at 3:00 A.M. and that there will be four synchronizations a
day. In that case, synchronizations will run every day at 3:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 3:00 P.M.,
and 9:00 P.M.
After you have completed all of the above configuration steps, click Finished in the configuration
wizard. If you have not already launched the WSUS Administration console, you can do so by
leaving the Launch the Windows Server Update Services Administration Snap-in check box
selected, and you can start the first synchronization by leaving the Begin initial synchronization
check box selected.
Configuring WSUS from the administration
It is also possible to carry out the same configuration steps outside the Configuration Wizard from
the Options node of the WSUS Administration console. To configure or change the upstream
server and proxy server settings, select Update Source and Proxy Server. To configure or
change the product and classifications for which you want updates, select Products and
Classifications. To update the languages for which you want updates, select Update Files and
On the WSUS server, click Start, click All Programs, click Administrative Tools, and
then click Windows Server Update Services.
The first synchronization on a WSUS server will generally take a long time. You will not
be able to make changes to the server's update filters (products, classifications,
languages) while the server is being synchronized.
1. In the WSUS Administration console, click the Synchronizations node.
2. In the Actions pane, click Synchronize Now.
After the synchronization finishes, you can click Updates in the tree view for this server to view
the list of updates.
You can always change from storing updates on Microsoft Update to storing updates
locally. However, you must make sure that the disk on which you choose to store updates
has enough space for the updates. See Determine WSUS Capacity Requirements for a
discussion of disk space for local storage. If there is not enough disk space to make the
change, you may damage the WSUS installation.
To specify whether updates are downloaded during synchronization or when the update
is approved
1. In the left pane of the WSUS Administration console, click Options.
2. In Update Files and Languages, click the Update Files tab.
3. If you want to download only metadata about the updates during synchronization, select
the Download updates to this server only when updates are approved check box.
This is the default option. If you want the update files and metadata during
synchronization, clear the check box.
of those available.
If you change language options, Microsoft recommends that you manually synchronize
them between the centrally managed WSUS server and its replica servers. Changing
language options on the centrally managed server alone might result in a mismatch
between the number of updates that are approved on it and the number of updates
approved on the replica servers.
If both the WSUS administrative console and the WSUS server have the same settings
for Daylight Savings Time adjustments, notifications will appear at the correct time. If the
adjustments for Daylight Savings Time are different, then notifications will be off by the
difference in the Daylight Savings Time adjustment.
1. Click the E-Mail Server tab.
2. In the Outgoing e-mail server (SMTP) box, type the name of your SMTP server.
3. In the Port number box, type the server's SMTP port (25 by default).
4. In the Sender name box, type the sender's e-mail display name. Generally this will be
the name of the WSUS administrator.
5. In the E-mail address box, type the sender's e-mail address.
6. If the SMTP server requires logon information, select the My SMTP server requires
authentication check box.
7. Enter the user name and password in the respective boxes.
You can change authentication credentials only on a WSUS server, not from
a remote administration console.
8. Click Apply to save this information.
9. After saving the e-mail server information, test your configuration by clicking Test. The
Event Viewer will show any issues related to sending the e-mail.
10. If your e-mail notification is not working properly, one place to look is the
SoftwareDistribution.log file (found in your WSUS directory, usually …\Program
Files\Update Services\LogFiles). One error message that is symptomatic of an incorrect
SMTP configuration is the following:
EmailNotificationAgent.WakeUpWorkerThreadProc Exception occurred when sending
email of type Summary: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. --->
System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection:
downstream servers check box.
3. Click OK.
Computer and update status will roll up from downstream replica servers only. It is not
possible to get rolled-up status from a downstream autonomous server.
If you choose this option, errors will appear as pop-up windows and not as links in the UI.
2. Select the Update Source and Proxy Server option and click the Update Source tab.
3. Select the Synchronize from another Windows Server Update Services server check
box, and then type the server name and port number in the corresponding boxes.
4. If you are planning to use SSL for this connection, select the Use SSL when
synchronizing update information check box. The port used for this connection will be
5. If you want this server to be a replica of the upstream server, select the This server is a
replica of the upstream server check box.
6. Click OK.
When you configure a downstream server, you should make sure that the update
languages it supports are a subset of the languages supported on its upstream server. If
you choose a language on a downstream server that is not supported on an upstream
server, you will not be able to get updates in that language. To remind you of this issue, a
task will appear on the home page of the downstream server.
Maximum number of downstream servers talking to upstream root server should not
Enable reporting rollup from replica servers
You can roll up computer and update status from replica servers to their upstream server.
During the client scan, if the server detects the client changed group membership (or
name, or IP address, or operating system version), it marks the client as needing a full
rollup. The downstream server will roll up these changes to the upstream server during
the next rollup after client scan.
Use the Update Services console. Select this option if you want to create groups
and assign computers through the WSUS console.
Use Group Policy or registry settings on client computers. Select this option if
you want to create groups and assign computers using Group Policy or by editing
registry settings on the client computer.
2. Click OK to save your settings.
1. In the WSUS Administration console, click Computers, and then click All Computers.
2. In the Actions pane, click Add Computer Group.
3. In the Name box, type a name for your new computer group, and then click OK.
1. In the WSUS Administration console, click Computers, and then click the computer
group of the computer you want to move.
2. In the list of computers, right-click the computer you want to move, and then click
Change Membership in the shortcuts menu.
3. In the Set Computer Group Membership dialog box, click the computer group or groups
to which you want to move the computer, and then click OK.
Use Group Policy or the registry to enable client-side targeting. For more information
about how to configure the client computer, see Determine a Method to Configure
Clients. For more information about the client-side targeting setting, see the "Enable
client-side targeting" section in Configure Clients Using Group Policy later in this guide.
Approve WSUS 3.0 SP2 Updates
You should approve updates to test the functionality of your WSUS deployment. There are many
options for deploying updates; the procedure below covers only the basics. Refer to the Microsoft
Windows Update Services 3.0 SP2 Operations Guide to understand all of your approval options,
including Automatic Approval rules.
1. On the WSUS Administration console, click Updates, and then click All Updates or the
classification of updates you want to approve.
2. On the list of updates, right-click the update or updates you want to approve for
installation, and then click Approve on the shortcuts menu.
3. In the Approve Updates dialog box, click the arrow next to the computer group for which
you want to approve the updates, and then click Approved for Install.
4. If you want to approve these updates for subgroups of this group, click the arrow again,
and then click Apply to Children.
5. If you want to specify a deadline (that is, a time by which these updates should be
installed), click the arrow again, and then click Deadline. You may specify a standard
time (one week, one month, etc.) or a custom time.
6. Do the same for any other groups for which you would like to approve the selected
7. When you have finished setting up the approvals, click Approve.
8. You will see the Approval Progress window while the updates are being approved. If
there is any problem, such as a conflict among the selected updates, it will be reported
here. You may click Cancel to exit the approval process at any time. When the approval
process completes successfully, close the window.
If you want to install an update immediately, you can specify a deadline at the current
time or in the past. You can find more information about how clients install updates with
deadlines in Client Behavior with Update Deadlines.
There are many different ways to see whether updates have been deployed. You can get a
general view of the network's update status by clicking the name of the WSUS server in the left
pane of the WSUS Administration console. The center pane provides a general view of the status
of all the computers that report to this WSUS server, and of all the updates known to this server.
You can find more information by clicking the status. Similarly, if you would like to look at the
status of different updates, you can click the Updates node in the left pane; if you would like to
look at the status of different computers and groups, you can click the Computers node in the left
You can print reports on any of the above categories, or on individual computers or updates, by
clicking the item for which you want a report and then clicking Status Report in the Actions
pane. You may also set up summary reports by clicking the Reports node in the left pane and
then customizing one of the summary reports listed there.
With completion of these two steps, only the downstream computers listed can synchronize with
the WSUS server. Each of these steps is detailed below.
Within the opening and closing <authorization> tags, you specify a list of computers that are
allowed a connection to the Web service. You must enter these computers as
domain\computer_name. If you want multiple computers, use a comma to separate the names. You
can also specify an explicit list of computers that are denied access. Order in this list is important,
as the evaluation stops with the first item that applies to the user. If the <allow users> element is
absent or empty, all servers are allowed.
The XML schema for this list can be found on the MSDN Web site at
4. Right-click ServerSyncWebService, and then click Properties.
5. On the Directory Security tab, under Authentication and access control, click Edit.
6. In the Authentication Methods dialog box, clear the Enable anonymous access check
box, and then select the Integrated Windows authentication check box.
7. Click OK twice.
You cannot set up the entire WSUS Web site to require SSL. This would mean that all traffic
to the WSUS site would have to be encrypted, but WSUS encrypts only update metadata. If a
client computer or another WSUS server attempts to get update files from WSUS on the
HTTPS port, the transfer will fail.
To keep the WSUS Web site as secure as possible, require SSL only for the following virtual
To keep WSUS functioning, you should not require SSL for the following virtual roots:
On the WSUS server, run the command:
wsusutil configuressl certificateName
where certificateName is the DNS name of the WSUS server. For example, if clients will
connect to https://myWSUSServer, then certificateName should be myWSUSServer. If clients
will connect to, then certificateName should be
The certificate of the certification authority must be imported into either the local computer's
Trusted Root CA store or the Windows Server Update Service's Trusted Root CA store on
downstream WSUS servers. If the certificate is imported only to the Local User's Trusted
Root CA store, the downstream WSUS server will not be authenticated on the upstream
server. For more information about SSL certificates, see How to implement SSL in IIS (KB
299875) (
You must import the certificate to all the computers that will communicate with the server,
including all clients, downstream servers, and computers running the administration console
remotely. Again, the certificate should be imported into the local computer's Trusted Root CA
store or the Windows Server Update Service's Trusted Root CA store.
You can use any port you like when you configure IIS to use SSL. However, the port you set
up for SSL determines the port that WSUS uses for clear HTTP. Consider the following
If you use the industry standard port of 443 for HTTPS traffic, then WSUS uses port 80
for clear HTTP traffic, which is the industry standard for HTTP.
If you use any other port for HTTPS traffic, WSUS assumes that clear HTTP traffic should
be sent over the port that numerically precedes the port for HTTPS. For example, if you
use port 8531 for HTTPS, WSUS uses 8530 for HTTP.
You must re-initialize ClientServicingProxy if ServerName, SSL configuration or port number
are changed.
1. In the WSUS Administration snap-in, click Options, and then click Update Source and
Proxy Server.
2. In the Update Source box, select Synchronize from another Windows Server Update
Services server check box, type the name of the upstream server and the port number it
uses for SSL connections, and then select the Use SSL when synchronizing update
information check box.
3. Click OK to save the settings.
Additional SSL resources
Setting up a Certification Authority (CA), binding a certificate to the WSUS Web site, and then
bootstrapping client computers to trust the certificate on the WSUS Web site are complex
administrative tasks. The step-by-step procedures for each task are beyond the scope of this
However, several articles on the subject are available. For more information and instructions
about how to install certificates and set up your environment, see the following pages on the
Microsoft Web site.
The Windows Server 2003 PKI Operations Guide
( provides a guide for administrators about how
to configure and operate a Windows Certification Authority.
Configuring SSL on a Web Server or Web Site at offers step-by-step instructions for setting up
SSL on a Web site.
Certificate Autoenrollment in Windows Server 2003
( offers instructions about how to automatically
enroll client computers running Windows XP in Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
environments integrated with Active Directory.
Advanced Certificate Enrollment and Management
( provides guidance about how to automatically
enroll client computers in other environments.
Client Requirements
Automatic Updates, the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) client software, requires only
a network connection. No specific hardware configuration is required.
Automatic Updates is supported for use with the following operating systems:
Windows Vista
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003, any edition
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 and later
Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4, Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 3
(SP3) or later version, or Windows 2000 Advanced Server with SP3 or later version.
Server Virtual Machine Action
registry value on the image
source before deployment.
Manually clear or run a
script to clear SUSClientID
on deployed images.
Wait for hardware validation
to regenerate the
SUSClientID value.
For more information and step-by-step instructions to manually clear the SUSClientID registry
value, refer to KB article 903262 at
Update Client
WSUS requires the WSUS client, a version of Automatic Updates compatible with WSUS.
Computers running Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista already have the WSUS
client installed.
Determine a Method to Configure Clients
How best to configure Automatic Updates and WSUS environment options depends upon your
network environment. In an Active Directory environment, you would use Group Policy. In a non-
Active Directory environment, you might use the Local Group Policy object or edit the registry
Administrator-defined configuration options driven by Group Policy—whether set with Group
Policy in an Active Directory environment or via the registry or Local Group Policy object—always
take precedence over user-defined options. When you use administrative policies to configure
Automatic Updates, the Automatic Updates user interface is disabled on the target computer.
If you configure Automatic Updates to notify the user of updates that are ready to be downloaded,
it sends the notification to the System log and to a logged-on administrator of the computer. You
can use Group Policy to enable non-administrators to get this message. If no user with
administrator credentials is logged on and you have not enabled non-administrators to get
notifications, Automatic Updates waits for an administrator to log on before offering the
By default every 22 hours, minus a random offset, Automatic Updates polls the WSUS server for
approved updates; if any new updates need to be installed, they are downloaded. The amount of
time between each detection cycle can be manipulated from 1 to 22 hours by using Group Policy.
You can manipulate the notification options as follows:
If Automatic Updates is configured to notify the user of updates that are ready to be installed,
the notification is sent to the System log and to the notification area of the client computer.
When a user with appropriate credentials clicks the notification-area icon, Automatic Updates
displays the available updates to install. In this case, a user with the appropriate credentials
is either a logged-on administrator or a non-administrator granted appropriate credentials by
means of Group Policy. The user must then click Install, so the installation can proceed. A
message appears if the update requires the computer to be restarted to complete the update.
If a restart is requested, Automatic Updates cannot detect additional updates until the
computer is restarted.
If Automatic Updates is configured to install updates on a set schedule, applicable updates are
downloaded and marked as ready to install. Automatic Updates notifies users having appropriate
credentials via a notification-area icon, and an event is logged in the System log. This indicates
that the user can install updates.
At the scheduled day and time, Automatic Updates installs the update and restarts the computer
(if necessary), even if there is no local administrator logged on. If a local administrator is logged
on and the computer requires a restart, Automatic Updates displays a warning and a countdown
for when the computer will restart. Otherwise, the installation occurs in the background.
If it is required to restart the computer, and any user is logged on, a similar countdown dialog box
is displayed, warning the logged-on user about the impending restart. You can manipulate
computer restarts with Group Policy.
After the new updates are downloaded, Automatic Updates polls the WSUS server again for the
list of approved packages to confirm that the packages it downloaded are still valid and approved.
This means that, if a WSUS administrator removes updates from the list of approved updates
while Automatic Updates is downloading updates, only the updates that are still approved are
actually installed.
In this guide
Configure Clients Using Group Policy
Configure Clients in a Non–Active Directory Environment
If you want to refresh Group Policy sooner, you can go to a command prompt on the
client computer and type: gpupdate /force.
You can find the correct version of wuau.adm on any computer that has the WSUS-
compatible Automatic Updates installed. You can use the old version of wuau.adm to
point Automatic Updates to the WSUS server in order to self-update for the first time.
After Automatic Updates self-updates, the new wuau.adm file appears in the
%windir%\Inf folder.
If the computer you are using to configure Group Policy does not have the latest version of
wuau.adm, you must first load it by using the following procedure.
You can start the Group Policy editor by clicking Start, then Run, then typing
Allow local admin to choose setting. With this option, the local administrators are
allowed to use Automatic Updates in Control Panel to select a configuration option of
their choice. For example, they can choose their own scheduled installation time.
Local administrators are not allowed to disable Automatic Updates.
4. Click OK.
Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components, and then click Windows
2. In the details pane, click Enable client-side targeting.
3. Click Enabled, and then type the name of the computer group to which you want to add
this computer in the Target group name for this computer box.
4. Click OK.
If you want to assign a client to more than one computer group, you should separate the
computer group names with a semicolon plus a space: Group1; Group2.
This policy setting does not allow non-administrative Terminal Services users to restart
the remote computer where they are logged on. This is because, by default, non-
administrative Terminal Services users do not have computer restart privileges.
Allow Automatic Update immediate installation
This policy specifies whether Automatic Updates should automatically install certain updates that
neither interrupt Windows services nor restart Windows.
If the status is set to Enabled, Automatic Updates will immediately install these updates after they
have been downloaded and are ready to install.
If the status is set to Disabled, such updates will not be installed immediately.
To reprompt for restart with scheduled installations
This policy setting does not allow non-administrative Terminal Services users to restart
the remote computer where they are logged in. This is because, by default, non-
administrative Terminal Services users do not have computer restart privileges.
To allow signed content from the intranet Microsoft Update service location
1. In the Group Policy Object Editor, expand User Configuration, expand Administrative
Templates, and then click Start Menu and Taskbar.
2. In the details pane, click Remove links and access to Windows Update, and click
3. Click OK.
3. Click OK.
Entry name Data type Values
Administrators user group can
approve or disapprove
Automatic Update configuration options
The registry entries for Automatic Update configuration options are located in the following
The keys and their value ranges are listed in the following table.
Entry name Data type Value range and meanings
choose whether or not to
restart his or her computer.
0 = Automatic Updates notifies
user that the computer will
restart in 5 minutes.
Automatic Updates scenarios
The following scenarios illustrate specific issues
If a scheduled installation is missed (because the client computer was turned off) and
RescheduleWaitTime is not set to a value between 1 and 60, Automatic Updates waits until the
next scheduled day and time to perform the installation. If a scheduled installation is missed and
RescheduleWaitTime is set to a value between 1 and 60, then Automatic Updates reschedules
the installation to occur at the Automatic Updates service start time plus the number of minutes
specified in RescheduleWaitTime.
There are 3 basic rules for this feature:
1. When a scheduled installation is missed, it will be rescheduled for the system startup time
plus the value of RescheduleWaitTime.
2. Changes in the scheduled installation day and time via the Control Panel or Group Policy are
respected over the rescheduled time.
3. The rescheduled time has precedence over the next calculated scheduled day and time if the
―next calculated scheduled day and time‖ is later than the rescheduled time. The ―next
calculated scheduled day and time‖ is calculated as follows:
a. When Automatic Updates starts, it uses the currently set schedule to calculate the ―next
calculated scheduled day and time‖.
b. The resulting day and time value is then compared to the ScheduledInstallDate.
c. If the values are different, Automatic Updates performs the following actions:
sets a new ―next calculated scheduled day and time‖ within Automatic Updates.
writes this new ―next calculated scheduled day and time‖ to the ScheduledInstallDate
registry key.
logs an event stating the new scheduled installation day and time.
The following examples show the use of the RescheduleWaitTime value.
7. When Automatic Updates starts, it recognizes that it missed its previously set scheduled
installation time and that RescheduleWaitTime is set to 1. It therefore logs an event with the
new scheduled time (one minute after the current time).
8. If no one logs on before the newly scheduled time (1 minute interval) the installation begins.
Since no one is logged on, there is no delay and no notification. If the update requires it,
Automatic Updates will restart the computer.
9. The user logs on to the updated computer.
To prevent Automatic Updates from restarting a computer while users are logged on, the
administrator can create the NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers registry value in s. The value is
a DWORD and must be either 0 (false) or 1 (true). If this value is changed while the computer is
in a restart pending state, it will not take effect until the next time an update requires a restart.
When the admin creates and sets the NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers registry key to 1, the
restart countdown dialog that pops up for the logged on user (active and inactive) will change in
the following ways:
Users with administrator credentials Users without administrator credentials
The Yes button will be active if the logged-on The Yes button will now be active only if the
user is the only administrator logged on at the logged-on user is the only non-administrator
time the restart dialog appears. logged on at the time the restart dialog
appears. However, the Yes button will be
inactive if the user’s local security policy
prohibits restarting.
The restart countdown progress bar and the The restart countdown progress bar and the
text underneath the progress bar will not text underneath the progress bar will not
display. display.
Single user with Restart notification allows user to Restart notification allows user to
administrative start or postpone restart. This start or postpone restart. This
privileges notification does not have a notification has a 5 minute
countdown timer. Therefore the user countdown timer. When the timer
must initiate the system restart. expires, the automatic restart
Single user with Restart notification that allows user Restart notification that allows user
restart privileges to initiate the restart but not to to initiate the restart but not to
but no other postpone it. This notification does postpone it. This notification has a 5-
administrative not have a countdown timer. minute countdown timer. When the
privileges Therefore the user must initiate the timer expires, the automatic restart
system restart. begins.
Single non- Restart notification that does not Restart notification that does not
administrator allow the user to initiate the restart allow the user to initiate the restart
without restart or postpone it. This notification does or postpone it. This notification has a
privilege not have a countdown timer. 5-minute countdown timer. When
Therefore the user must wait for an the timer expires, the automatic
Scenario following a With With
scheduled NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers
installation enabled disabled or not configured
authorized user to initiate the system restart begins.
Administrator while Restart notification that does not Restart notification that does not
other users are allow the user to initiate the restart allow the user to initiate the restart
logged on but does allow the user to postpone but does allow the user to postpone
it. This notification does not have a it. This notification has a 5 minute
countdown timer. Therefore the user countdown timer. When the timer
must initiate the system restart. expires, the automatic restart
Non-administrator Restart notification that does not Restart notification that does not
with restart allow the user to initiate the restart allow the user to initiate the restart
privilege while or postpone it. This notification does or postpone it. This notification has a
other users are not have a countdown timer. 5 minute countdown timer. When the
logged on Therefore the user must initiate the timer expires, the automatic restart
system restart. begins.
Non-administrator Restart notification that does not Restart notification that does not
without restart allow the user to initiate the restart allow the user to initiate the restart
privilege while or postpone it. This notification does or postpone it. This notification has a
other users are not have a countdown timer. 5 minute countdown timer. When the
logged on Therefore, the user must wait for an timer expires, the automatic restart
authorized user to initiate the system begins.
Note: After all users log off, Automatic Updates will restart the computer to complete the
installation of the update.
administrator has not approved on the WSUS server. If this policy is not enabled, the Microsoft
Update icon will remain on the Start menu; local administrators will be able to visit the Microsoft
Update Web site and install software that the WSUS administrator has not approved. This
happens even if you have specified that Automatic Updates should get approved updates from
the WSUS server. In Windows Vista, enabling this setting will gray out the Check for updates
option in the Windows Update application.
The above settings can be overridden by the
DisableWindowsUpdateAccess setting.
Detectnow Option
Because waiting for detection to start can be a time-consuming process, an option has been
added to allow you to initiate detection right away. On one of the computers with the new
Automatic Update client installed, run the following command at the command prompt:
wuauclt.exe /detectnow
Resetauthorization Option
WSUS uses a cookie on client computers to store various types of information, including
computer group membership when client-side targeting is used. By default, this cookie expires an
hour after WSUS creates it. If you are using client-side targeting and change group membership,
use this option in combination with detectnow to expire the cookie, initiate detection, and have
WSUS update computer group membership.
Note that when combining parameters, you can use them only in the order specified as follows:
wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow
of different situations, depending on whether the deadline has expired, whether there are other
updates in the queue for the client to install, and whether the update (or another update in the
queue) requires a restart.
WSUS update, the deadline will apply to the WSUS update, as in the following sequence of
1. Update 1, which is a WSUS update with a deadline of 6:00 A.M., and Update 2, which is a
non-WSUS update with a deadline of 2:00 A.M., are both downloaded at 1 A.M.
2. The next scheduled install is at 3:00 A.M.
3. The install of Update 1 starts at 2:00 A.M.
If the deadline of a blocked update has expired, the WSUS update that is blocking it will be
installed immediately.
installation files, because none were synchronized by the exporting server. A mismatch of
language settings can have a similar effect.
You do not have to concern yourself with matching the settings for schedule, products and
classifications, source, or proxy server. The setting for deferred download of updates has no
effect on the importing server. If you are using the option for deferred downloads on the exporting
server, you must approve the updates so they can be downloaded before taking the next step,
which is migrating updates to the importing server.
To ensure that express installation and language options on the exporting server match
settings on the importing server
1. In the WSUS Administration snap-in of the exporting server, click the Options node in
the left pane, and then click Update Files and Languages.
2. In the Update Files tab, check the setting for Download express installation files.
3. In the Update Languages tab, check the settings for the update languages.
4. In the WSUS Administration snap-in of the importing server, click the Options node in
the left pane, and then click Update Files and Languages.
5. Make sure the settings for Download express installation files and Languages options
match the selections on the exporting server.
For more information about these options, see the topics "Using Express Installation Files" and
"Filtering Updates" in Determine Bandwidth Options to Use earlier in this guide.
1. On your exporting WSUS server, click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Run dialog box, type ntbackup. The Backup or Restore Wizard starts by default,
unless it is disabled. You can use this wizard or click the link to work in Advanced Mode
and use the following steps.
3. Click the Backup tab, and then select the folder where updates are stored on the
exporting server. By default, WSUS stores updates at
WSUSInstallationDrive\WSUS\WSUSContent\, where WSUSInstallationDrive is the drive
on which WSUS is installed.
4. In the Backup media or file name box, type a path and file name for the backup (.bkf)
5. Click Start Backup. The Backup Job Information dialog box appears.
6. Click Advanced. Under Backup Type, click Incremental.
7. From the Backup Job Information dialog box, click Start Backup to start the backup
8. Copy the backup file you just created to the importing server.
To restore updates from a file to the file system of the importing server
1. On your importing WSUS server, click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Run dialog box, type ntbackup. The Backup or Restore Wizard starts by default,
unless it is disabled. You can use this wizard or click the link to work in Advanced Mode
and use the following steps.
3. Click the Restore and Manage Media tab, and select the backup file you created on the
exporting server. If the file does not appear, right-click File, and then click Catalog File to
add the location of the file.
4. In the Restore files to box, click Alternate location. This option preserves the folder
structure of the updates; all folders and subfolders will appear in the folder you designate.
You must maintain the directory structure for all folders under \WSUSContent.
5. Under Alternate location, specify the folder where updates are stored on the importing
server. By default, WSUS stores updates at
WSUSInstallationDrive\WSUS\WSUSContent\, where WSUSInstallationDrive is the drive
on which WSUS is installed. Updates must appear in the folder on the importing server
designated to hold updates; this is typically done during installation.
6. Click Start Restore. When the Confirm Restore dialog box appears, click OK to start
the restore operation.
You must be a member of the local Administrators group on the WSUS server to export
or import metadata; both operations can be run only on a WSUS server.
You should copy updates to a directory on the importing server before you import metadata. If
WSUS finds metadata for an update that is not in the file system, the WSUS console shows that
the update failed to be downloaded. This type of problem can be fixed by copying the update to a
directory on the importing server and then deploying the update again.
Although you can use incremental backups to move update files to the importing server, you
cannot move update metadata incrementally. WSUSutil.exe exports all the metadata in the
WSUS database during the export operation.
Never import exported data from a source that you do not trust. Importing content from a
source you do not trust might compromise the security of your WSUS server.
During the import or export process, the Update Service, the Windows NT service that
underpins the WSUS application, is shut down.
1. At the command prompt on the exporting server, navigate to the folder that contains
WSUSutil.exe (usually …\Program Files\Update Services\Tools).
2. Type the following:
wsusutil.exe export packagename logfile
For example:
wsusutil.exe export export.log
The package (.cab file) and log file name must be unique. WSUSutil.exe creates these
two files as it exports metadata from the WSUS database.
3. Move the export package you just created to the importing server.
It can take 3–4 hours for the database to validate content that has just been
Option Description
/u Uninstall WSUS.
Property Description
Property Description
2. Confirm that the administrator who is going to install WSUS 3.0 SP2 also has permissions on
SQL Server
3. Install WSUS 3.0 SP2 on the front-end computer, and configure it to use the database on the
back-end computer.
For a remote SQL installation on WSUS 3.0 SP2, you install WSUS on the front-end
computer only. You do not need to install WSUS on the back-end computer.
Database requirements
WSUS 3.0 SP2 requires SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 or SQL Server 2008. If you use the full
version of SQL Server, the SQL Server administrator should first verify that the nested triggers
option on SQL Server is turned on. Do this before setting up the WSUS database.
You cannot use SQL authentication. WSUS supports only Windows authentication. WSUS Setup
creates a database named SUSDB. For more information about what is stored in the WSUS
database or how it functions, see Choose the Database Used for WSUS 3.0 SP2 earlier in this
Step 1: Install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 or
SQL Server 2008 on the back-end computer
Install a SQL Server 2005 database on the back-end computer and enable remote connections.
You may use a named instance or the default instance for the WSUS database.
1. Click Start, point at All Programs, point at SQL Server, point at Configuration Tools,
and select SQL Server Surface Area Configuration.
2. Choose Surface Configuration for Services and Connections.
If you plan to run the SQL Server service remotely under a domain account, you will need to
register a service principal name (SPN) for this server. For more information about adding an
SPN, please see How to make sure that you are using Kerberos authentication when you create
a remote connection to an instance of SQL Server 2005
Running the SQL Server service under a local non-system account is not supported.
1. Start SQL Server Management Studio (click Start, click Run, and then type sqlwb).
2. Connect to the SQL Engine on the server where SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008
was installed in Step 1.
3. Select the Security node and then select Logins.
4. The right pane will show a list of the accounts that have database access. Confirm that
the person who is going to install WSUS 3.0 SP2 on the front-end computer has an
account in this list.
5. If the account does not exist, then right-click the Logins node, select New Login, and
add the account.
6. Set up this account for the roles needed to set up the WSUS 3.0 SP2 database. The
roles are either dbcreator plus diskadmin, or sysadmin. Accounts belonging to the
local Administrators group have the sysadmin role by default.
Optionally, after you have completed the WSUS 3.0 SP2 installation, you can delete the
SQL Server account set up in Step 2.
information about how to set up an NLB cluster, see Network Load Balancing Clusters at
None of the servers taking part in the cluster should be a front-end domain controller.
The maximum number of front-end WSUS servers per database instance is four.
If you are using the default SQL instance, leave the instance name blank. For example, if
you are using the default instance on a server named MySQLServer,
1. In the WSUS administration console, select Options, then Update Source and Proxy
2. Select the Proxy Server tab, then enter the proxy server name, port, user name, domain,
and password, then click OK.
3. Repeat this procedure on all the front-end WSUS servers.
It is not necessary to use a DFS share with an NLB cluster. You can use a standard
network share, and you can ensure redundancy by storing updates on a RAID controller.
This step explains how to set up DFS on one of the servers in your cluster on a Windows
Server 2003 server.
After you install a WSUS update, verify the NTFS permissions on the WSUSContent
folder. The NTFS permissions on the WSUSContent folder may be reset to the default
values by the installer.
For more information about setting permissions on DFS shares, see KB 308568, "How To
Set File Permissions for Shares in DFS Replica Sets to Apply to All Replicas"
2. Go to the WSUS tools directory on the WSUS server:
cd \Program Files\Update Services\Tools
3. Type the following command:
wsusutil movecontent DFSsharename logfilename
where DFSsharename is the name of the DFS share to which the content should be
moved, and logfilename is the name of the log file.
Step 8: Test the WSUS NLB configuration
You should first make sure that at least one of the WSUS front-end servers can perform an initial
synchronization. If the synchronization is successful, continue to the next step. Otherwise, review
the WSUS setup and NLB cluster setup.
If you are using a DFS share, be careful when uninstalling WSUS from one but not all of
the front-end servers. If you allow the WSUS content directory to be deleted, this will
affect all the WSUS front-end servers.
Upgrading NLB
Check to see if you have followed all the steps mentioned above to configure WSUS for
NLB.If the steps have not been followed then reconfigure the WSUS for NLB following all
the above mentioned steps.
1. Shut down the NLB service. At the command prompt type nlb.exe suspend.
2. Shut down IIS and the WSUS service. At the command prompt type iisreset/stop and
then net stop wsusservice.
3. Ensure no other services are able to access the database during the upgrade window. At
the command prompt type nlb.exe disable.
4. Back up your database.
a. On your machine hosting the database, click Start, and then click Run.
b. In the Open box, type %systemdrive%\%windir%\system32\ntbackup.exe and then
click OK.
c. In the Backup or Restore Wizard, click Next.
d. Verify that Backup files and settings is selected, and then click Next.
e. Click Let me choose what to back up, and then click Next.
f. Under the location where your database files are stored, click the Data and LOG
folders, and then click Next.
g. Use the Browse button to choose a place to save your backup, type a name for the
backup, and then click Next.
h. If you want to set additional specifications for your backup, including whether it will be
an incremental backup and whether you want to verify the backup, set a recurring
schedule for the backup, or other options, click Advanced, and then follow the
prompts that appear in the wizard.
i. When the wizard is finished, click Finish.
j. When the message appears that informs you that the backup is complete, click
5. Upgrade each frontend machine individually.
a. Set up WSUS. At the command prompt type Wsussetup.exe/q/g.
b. Review the setup log to verify the upgrade was successful. At the command prompt
type Wsussetup.log
c. Ensure that IIS and the WSUS service are stopped. At the command prompt type
iisreset/stop and then net stop wsusservice.
d. Proceed to the next machine.
6. Start IIS and the WSUS service. Click the Start button, point to Administrative tools,
click Services, and then click the service you want to start.
7. Start the NLB service. At the command prompt, type nlb.exe resume.
Step 2: Set up the host names on the DNS server
Set up as many DNS host (A) resource records as there are planned WSUS servers.
Make sure that each of the planned WSUS servers has the same host name.
1. In the DNS console, right-click the DNS server node, click Properties, and then click the
Advanced tab.
2. In the Server options box, select the Enable round robin and Enable netmask
ordering check boxes.
3. Click OK.
With netmask ordering, you restrict name resolution to computers in the same subnet, if
there are any. With round robin, if there are multiple name resolutions, the result that is
returned will rotate through the list of available hosts. Therefore, if there is a subnet
without a WSUS server, host name resolution for clients in that subnet will rotate through
the list of WSUS servers in the other subnets.
Step 5: Configure WSUS clients to use the same
host name
When you set up WSUS client computers (see Update and Configure the Automatic Updates
Client), make sure to use the same host name you have set up as the WSUS server.
Windows Server
The following are security recommendations for Windows Server with WSUS.
Audit policy
Enable audit events to ensure that adequate logs are collected for system activities.
Audit account logon events Success, Failure Auditing for successful and failed
logon events provides useful
data regarding password brute-
forcing attempts.
Audit account management Success, Failure Auditing for successful and failed
account management events
tracks management activities.
Audit directory service access No Auditing This is only important for domain
controllers running the Active
Directory Domain Services (AD
Audit logon events Success, Failure Auditing for successful and failed
logon events provides useful
data regarding password brute-
forcing attempts.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Audit policy change Success, Failure Auditing for successful and failed
policy changes tracks
management activities.
Audit privilege use Success, Failure Auditing for successful and failed
privilege use tracks administrator
Audit system events Success, Failure Auditing for successful and failed
system events tracks system
Security options
Configure Windows Server security settings to help ensure optional security and functionality.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Note that even though the
account can be renamed, it still
uses the same well known SID,
and there are tools available to
quickly identify this and provide
the name.
Audit: Audit the use of backup Enabled For security reasons, this
and restore privilege option should be enabled so
that auditors will be aware of
users creating backups of
potentially sensitive data.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Devices: Unsigned driver Warn but allow installation Most driver software is signed.
installation behavior Administrators should not
install unsigned drivers unless
the origin and authenticity can
be verified and the software
has been thoroughly tested in a
lab environment first. Because
only senior administrators will
be working on these systems, it
is safe to leave this to their
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Interactive logon: Message text [provide legal text] An appropriate legal and
for users attempting to log on warning message should be
displayed according to the
Corporate Security Policy.
Interactive logon: Message title [provide legal title text] An appropriate legal and
for users attempting to log on warning message should be
displayed according to the
Corporate Security Policy.
Interactive logon: Require Not Defined If this system will not be using
smart card smart cards, this option is not
Interactive logon: Smart card Not Defined If this system will not be using
removal behavior smart cards, this option is not
Option Security setting Setting rationale
be disabled. However, if packet
authenticity is required, this can
be enabled.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
granted to a user connecting
with a Null session.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Network access: Sharing and Guest only—local users Limit all local accounts to
security model for local authenticate as Guest Guest privileges.
Network security: LAN Send NTLMv2 response only Sending LM is less secure than
Manager authentication level NTLM, and should only be
enabled if the system will
communicate with computers
running Windows 98 or
Windows 95. Additionally, use
NTLMv2 only; however,
computers running
Windows 98, Windows 95, or
unpatched Windows NT4.0 will
not be able to communicate
with servers running NTLMv2.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
servers and clear-text
submission of passwords over
the network.
Network security: Minimum Require NTLMv2 session The NTLM hashes contain
session security for NTLM security weaknesses that attacks may
SSP-based (including secure exploit. When enabled, these
RPC) clients requirements strengthen the
authentication algorithms for
Network security: Minimum Require NTLMv2 session The NTLM hashes contain
session security for NTLM security weaknesses that attacks may
SSP-based (including secure exploit. When enabled, these
RPC) servers requirements will strengthen
the authentication algorithms
for Windows.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
System cryptography: Force User is prompted when the Protecting local cryptographic
strong key protection for user key is first used secrets helps prevent privilege
keys stored on the computer escalation across the network,
once access to one system is
System settings: Optional Enter POSIX here only if The POSIX execution layer has
subsystems expressly required had multiple local exploits in
the past, and should be
disabled unless required by
third-party software. It is
extremely rare for POSIX to be
required by commercial
software packages.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Revocation List (CRL) to make
sure the software's certificate
and signature are valid.
The WSUS subdirectories UpdateServicesPackages, WsusContent, and WsusTemp
created as shared directories (for WSUS Administrators and the Network Service
account) as part of WSUS setup. These directories can be found by default under the
WSUS directory at the root of the largest partition on the WSUS server. Sharing of these
directories may be disabled if you are not using local publishing.
Maximum application log size 100489 kilobytes A large event log allows
administrators to store and
search for problematic and
suspicious events.
Maximum security log size 100489 kilobytes A large event log allows
administrators to store and
search for problematic and
suspicious events.
Maximum system log size 100489 kilobytes A large event log allows
administrators to store and
search for problematic and
suspicious events.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
System services
Enable only services that are required for WSUS.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Option Security setting Setting rationale
Option Security setting Setting rationale
it opens network shares and
allows remote access to local
resources, it should be disabled
unless explicitly needed.
Remote Access Auto Disabled Enable this service only for RAS
Connection Manager servers.
Remote Access Connection Disabled Enable this service only for RAS
Manager servers.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Automatic This service is required for RPC
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Manual This service is required for RPC
Locator communications.
Option Security setting Setting rationale
for attackers, viruses, and
worms, and should be set to
manual unless otherwise
needed, where the server can
enable it.
Routing and Remote Access Disabled Enable this service only for RAS
Option Security setting Setting rationale
TCP/IP hardening
Microsoft recommends that you harden the TCP/IP interface for WSUS servers.
Registry key Security Setting
setting rationale
ion of SYN-
Registry key Security Setting
setting rationale
To enable additional IIS logging options
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrator Tools, and then click
Internet Information Services Manager.
2. Expand the local computer node.
3. Right-click Web Sites, and then click Properties.
4. On the Web Site tab, under the Active log format box, click Properties.
5. In Logging Properties go to the Advanced tab, and select the check boxes for the
following logging options:
Server Name
Time taken
SQL Server
The following are security recommendations for SQL Server with WSUS.
ISEC setting Rationale
SQL Service Account: Full Control the application’s registry key to authorized
System: Full Control administrators or system accounts.
Stored procedures
Remove all stored procedures that are unnecessary and that have the ability to control the
database server remotely.
Description Stored procedures Rationale
Prerequisites Schema
The elements of the prerequisites schema are listed in the following table.
Schema Element Description
In addition, the Result element has an attribute StatusCode. The possible values of StatusCode
are 0 (success), 1 (error), 2 (warning).
The following is an example of a prerequisites.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Result StatusCode="0">
<Result StatusCode="1">
<Resolution>Download the required version from</Resolution>
<Result StatusCode="1">
<Resolution>Choose another location for the database to keep this one otherwise
this database will be overridden. </Resolution>
You can upgrade from WSUS 2.0 to WSUS 3.0 SP2 for installations with the Frontend
and FullInstall values. For the Backend value, you would uninstall WSUS, leaving the
database behind. This database will be upgraded when the front-end WSUS server that
points to the database is upgraded.
1. Check that SUS 1.0 and WSUS 2.0 are not installed (by looking for the product keys).
2. Find the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Update
3. Check the InstallType values (32/64/128 if WSUS 2.0, 1/2 if WSUS 3.0).
4. Check for VersionString values.