Sodium Hydroxide Booklet
Sodium Hydroxide Booklet
Sodium Hydroxide Booklet
p3 p3 p3
1. KEY POINTS p3 1.1 History 1.2. Names and formula 1.3. Use
3. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES p5 4. CORROSIVITY OF SOdIUM HYdROXIdE 4.1. Chemical mechanisms 4.2. Chemical lesions due to sodium hydroxide 5. MANAGEMENT OF THE CORROSIVE RISK dUE TO SOdIUM HYdROXIdE 6. EMERGENCY CARE MANAGEMENT OF A SOdIUM HYdROXIdE SPLASH 6.1. Evaluation of washing methods 6.2. Experimental evidence of effectiveness 6.3. Feedback on the use of Diphoterine
Sodium hydroxide derives from sodium carbonate, formerly named caustic soda. In Ancient Egypt, sodium carbonate was already mixed with lime to synthetize an alkali: the hydroxide ion OH- in solution with the sodium ion Na+. Through the ages, several processes were developed to synthetize it, such as the Solvay process in 1861. Today, sodium hydroxide is mostly produced by the electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride.
1.3. USE
Sodium hydroxide is one of the most used chemical substances in laboratory and in industrial environment, in the manufacture of paper pulp and of various chemical products: plastics, synthetic textiles, cleaning products for both domestic and industrial use, in the production of petrol and biodiesel, of soaps or even in the aluminum treatment. It is also a food additive (E524).
EC classification in force until June 2015 for mixtures. Product included in CLP00(2). SOdIUM HYdROXIdE HAZARd SYMBOL RISK PHRASE Concentration 5% C R35 Concentration from 2 to 4,99% Concentration from 0,5 % to 1,99% Concentration < 0,5% C Xi - R34 R36/38 Title of risk phrases (EC classication) R35 : Causes severe burns R34 : Causes burns R36/38 : Irritating to eyes and skin
New labelling according to CLP regulation, mandatory since December 2010 for substances and from June 2015 for mixtures:
Pure sodium hydroxide is a white solid. It is translucent and very hygroscopic (great ability to attract and hold water molecules). It reacts easily with the water from the air or from any wet surface (phenomenon of deliquescence). The dissolving of caustic soda in water may be accompanied by heat release (Figure 1).
45 40 35 30 25 20
T (C)
Time (s)
Figure 1: Temperature evolution during the dissolving of 1g of sodium hydroxide chips, in water
It is sold as: chips, flakes, granules, blocks, cubes or in aqueous solution. In the industrial environment, the most concentrated liquid form of sodium hydroxide is 50%, but then it is very viscous (Figure 2).
Dynamic viscosity (cP - centipoise)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
10 20 30 40 50 60
{NaOH} (%w/w)
Figure 2 : Evolution of the viscosity of a sodium hydroxide solution in relation with its concentration - Source: Handbook 87th issue 2006/2007 and Cdre-2005
40 g.mol-1 1 390C 318C 0,13 kPa at 739C 2,67 kPa at 953C 13,3 kPa at 1 111C 53,3 kPa at 1 286C 2,13 109 g/100 mL 2 mg/m3 (4) 2 mg/m3 Source: Toxicological sheet from INRS and ICSC sheet
Na+ + OH-
pKa = 14,8
The carbon dioxide from the air can dissolve in aqueous environment and react with sodium hydroxide to produce carbonates.
H+ + CO32-
3 - French Occupational Exposure Limit 4 - In France, it is an indicative value 5 - Permissible Exposure Limit (Exposure limit value in a 8 hour day allowed by the Occupational Safety Health Administration) 6- Short-Term Exposure Limit (Limit value for an exposure of less than 15 minutes, according to the OSHA)
The pH of the solution changes and depends on the balance with the CO2, HCO3- and CO32- ions. Sodium hydroxide oxidizes several metals with the emission of an explosive gas: the dihyrogen (H2). For instance, with zinc: Zn + 2 NaOH (aq) -> H2 (g) + Na2Zn(OH)4 (aq)
aq s
: aqueous solution
Lesions are characterized by a brown coloration and a gelatinous appearance. It is associated with pain, the precocity and intensity of which depend on the concentration and the time of contact. Cutaneous lesions may be terebrant (slow penetration and spreading to the deep skin layers).
Figure 3: non-washed caustic soda burn, Source: Dr Lucien Bodson, CHU Lige (Lige University Hospital), Belgium
An ex vivo experimental study on human skin explants has enabled to follow the spreading and penetration of 50% caustic soda into skin, thanks to the histological observation of the alterations of the epithelial and dermal cells. EXPOSURE TIME OBSERVATION OF THE LESIONS 4 minutes A clear cleavage appears in the middle of the stratum corneum (SC). 30 minutes
Clear disintegration aspects of the SC, without visible changes in the alive epidermal structure (Figure 7). Clear aspects of lysis of the corneocytes membranes (SC cells) in the upper SC layers. The lysis of the SC is complete and no cellular life is observed in the epidermis and in the papillary dermis (the most superficial part of the sub-epidermal layer - Figure 8). This aspect remains identical until 48 hours of contact.
1 hour
2 - 48 hours
Figure 4: Chronology of lesion development on the human skin explants after exposure to 50% caustic soda
The very viscous 50% caustic soda penetrates into the stratum corneum in which it accumulates and causes clear destruction aspects after 30 minutes and afterwards clear aspects of lysis of the corneocytes membranes after 1 hour. After 2 hours of contact, the penetration of caustic soda into deep layers is massive and from 2 hours of contact, this fast spreading results in the absence of cellular life in the epidermis and in the papillary dermis. The kinetics of lesions evolution due to the exposure to 50% sodium hydroxide is thus very different from what is observed during the exposure to concentrated acids. With the same model, 70% hydrofluoric acid penetrates fast and deeply within the first minutes of contact (Burgher - 2010).
Figure 7: skin explant exposed to 50% NaOH for 30 minutes. The stratum corneum is unstructured.
Figure 8: skin explant exposed to 50% NaOH for 2 hours. Cellular death in the epidermis and in the papillary dermis.
An unusual lethal case of splash by concentrated caustic soda under heat (at 95C) has been published in the literature. The high temperature of the splashed chemical has increased the kinetics of hydroxide ion penetration into skin tissues and has deeply burnt the victim to the bones in some areas of the body. The time of contact of the substance with the body has been estimated approximatively at 13 minutes only. (Lee 1995)
Figure 9 : Picture of ocular lesions due to an alkaline splash: milky and frosty aspect of the cornea. (Source: Pr Norbert Schrage, Aix la Chapelle, Germany)
14 12
NaOH 50% pH
10 8 6 4
NaOH 10% NaOH 4,5% NaOH 1,5% NaOH 1% NaOH 0,5% pH physiologically acceptable 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (s)
Figure 10: In vitro model of the penetration of caustic soda through a semi-permeable membrane in relation with its concentration.
Penegtration depth (m)
20 Time (s)
Figure 11: Penetration of NaOH through an ex-vivo rabbit cornea in relation with its concentration Observation by OCT-HR(7) (Spler - 2007)
8 - Report to complete description in INRS Toxicological Sheet #20 (Fiche Toxicologique INRS n20) or NIOSH pocket guide
In case of an alkali splash, a few publications suggest a specific neutralization by weak acids such as acetic acid (Andrews - 2002). However, this neutralizing effect could be harmful if it is not thoroughly controlled (Falcy / INRS - 1997) (Exothermic reaction due to neutralization acid burn developing after neutralization of a alkali splash with an acid, for instance).
13 12 11
pH 20 s of contact - Diphoterine 1 min of contact - Diphoterine 20 s of contact - Tap water 1 min of contact - Tap water Physiologically acceptable pH
10 9 8 7 6
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 12: In vitro experiment - Evolution of the internal pH according to time after a (2 mol/L) sodium hydroxide splash rinsed with water (blue curves) or with Diphoterine (red curves).
For a 20 seconds contact and after 3 minutes of washing, the external pH is respectively 9.12 when using Diphoterine and 12.8 when using tap water. After 45 minutes, the internal pH is 9.25 when using the amphoteric solution and 11.5 when using tap water. For a 1 minute contact, the pH curves follow the same trend as observed for a 20 seconds exposure but with a late decrease of pH. After 60 minutes, the internal pH is 9.4 when using Diphoterine and 11.85 when using tap water.
Compared to washing with tap water, rinsing with Diphoterine allows a faster return to physiologically acceptable values of pH, for times of contact of one minute or less.
An experimental study has given evidence of the significant interest of rinsing with Diphoterine in comparison with washing with tap water or washing with a weak acid solution (Wang - 2009). Two different studies have been performed: a first static in vitro study following the evolution of pH and temperature on a 40% sodium hydroxide sample. A second in vivo study in rabbit follows the pH evolution and the evolution of the quantity of liquid which is necessary to reach a physiologically acceptable pH about 6-6.5 after a 5s exposure to 40% caustic soda. The temperature and healing time are also monitored.
13 12 11 10
pH Water Diphoterine Boric Acid
9 8 7 6 5
0 200 400 Volume (ml) 600 800
Figure 13: Graph showing the evolution of pH according to the quantity of test solution added to rinse the exposure to 40% NaOH
Diphoterine is the only solution allowing a rapid return to a physiologically acceptable pH with no increase of temperature. When rinsing with a weak acid solution, there is also a fast decrease of pH but it is combined with an increase of temperature (up to 37 C). When adding the same volume of water, the pH remains high (the temperature increases up to 31.5 C for a 25 C normal temperature). In vivo, the healing time is shorter with Diphoterine (12 days) than with other tested solutions (16 days when using a weak acid and 21 days for water).
Figure 14: rabbit corneas, 16 minutes after a 20 seconds application of 500 L 1 mol/l NaOH. A) without rinsing. B) after rinsing with Diphoterine.
The implementation of Diphoterine on these industrial plants was associated with a better chemical risk consciousness of employees as well as with a decrease in accidents rate (Donoghue - 2010).
July 2006 Tolkim, Turkey In a chemical plant in Turkey, a worker was splashed by 48% caustic soda (pH=14) while transporting this product to the quality control lab. He used a 200 mL MINI DAP within the first minute after splash and then a second spray 3 minutes later. He was given no sick days and had no sequelae.
Figure 15: Evolution of lesions rinsed with Diphoterine, after a 48% caustic soda splash.
February 2006, Firm manufacturing fertilizers, Sao Paulo, Brazil As a worker was walking under pipes, he felt some drops falling on his helmet. It was 40% sodium hydroxide drops. He felt pain on his right cheek and on his neck. He immediately went to the medical unit where Diphoterine was applied on the splashed areas. There was a little red spot on his neck. The worker felt that the pain was decreasing and then disappearing. 24 hours after, there was no more visible mark of the accident and the worker was not given any sick day.
Rinsing of the neck with Diphoterine on the accident day. Slight erythema (red spot)
Picture of the cheek taken 24 hours after accident: normal skin aspect.
Figure 16: 40% caustic soda splash on neck and right cheek rinsed with Diphoterine used as primary action
1998 - Bio Products Laboratory, Herts, United Kingdom This pharmaceutical firm proceeded to the maintenance of its structures from May to September 1998. Although the staff had been trained on chemical safety before the maintenance works started, there were 6 accidents due to splash of corrosives: Sodium hydroxide on one hand (contact with a contaminated pipe), Caustic soda on the neck, Caustic soda in the eyes, on the face and chest Contamination of a hand by sodium hydroxide which had run under the glove Caustic splash on an arm Contamination of a wrist by caustic soda which had run under the glove. After each exposure, Diphoterine was immediately applied as a primary action. After being checked in the medical unit of the firm, all the victims went back to work within an hour after their accident. Only a slight erythema (red spot) was observed in some cases with spontaneous disappearance within a few hours. 1998 Hydro Aluminium Expal, Luce - France Historically, this plant has recorded two serious accidents due to splash of 98% sulphuric acid and of 30% sodium hydroxide. These accidents have resulted in long sick leaves and, in one case, in a surgical operation. Thus all the people involved in the safety of this site were highly motivated to modify the emergency protocol. Since Diphoterine has been inplemented, the plant has only registered minor incidents without any sick leave or sequelae. Users of Diphoterine are deeply convinced of its effectiveness. 1994-1998 Series of splash cases, Mannesmann, Germany Between 1994 and 1998, Mannesmann reported 3 cases of caustic soda splash, two cases at ocular level and one case at cutaneous level, all immediately rinsed with Diphoterine by the injured person. A second wash and medical checking were achieved in the infirmary of the firm. Concentration
30% Basic solution (30%) 45%
Splashed area
Right eye Right eye Knee
Additional treatment
None None None
None None None
The initial and rapid rinsing with Diphoterine avoided secondary care and sequelae in all 3 cases. 20
May 1995 Aussedat Rey Paper mill - France A trainee drops a bottle of concentrated caustic soda. He is splashed on his face and right arm. Diphoterine is immediately applied on his face and arm. 15 minutes later, he is checked in the infirmary and learns that his right foot has been attacked by caustic soda penetrating into his shoe. The nurse sprays Diphoterine onto his foot. Only red patches can be observed on his face and arm while there is a more severe lesion on his foot. The severity of the observed lesion of the foot is due to the late rinsing. October 1993 Alcan Deutschland, Gttingen - Germany During a fixing operation, a worker was splashed by caustic soda in both eyes as well as on the face and chest. Within the 2 following minutes, he was washed with Previn (the equivalent solution to Diphoterine on the German market). After a clinical review, no lesion was observed. The accident resulted in no sequelae. October 1993 MEWA, Germany After a splash by 50% sodium hydroxide, a workers arm was immediately rinsed with Previn. No pain was felt and the worker was back to work on the same day. November 1991 ICI, Oissel France After an ocular splash by sodium hydroxide, the immediate rinsing with Diphoterine permitted to limit the attack to epithelial lesions i.e. to a superficial level. The spontaneous re-epithelialization returned the visual acuity back to normal standards. January 1991 Alusuisse, Burgundy France A caustic soda chip gets into a workers eye. Rinsed with Diphoterine, the victim felt an immediate relief. The conclusion of the following ophthalmic examination was that the eye was normal. Then the accident resulted in no lesion. January 1991 Clairefontaine Paper mill, Etival France After a caustic soda splash on his body, a worker was immediately rinsed with a Diphoterine DAP, which resulted in no lesion and then no sick leave. 1991-1993 Series of cases of base splash, Martinswerk, Germany Between 1991 and 1993, the firm Martinswerk (manufacturer of aluminum oxide and hydroxide) recorded 45 splashes of basic chemicals including 86% cases with sodium hydroxide (concentration from 40 to 600 g/L as liquid solutions, chips or flakes, including 3 cases under heat). There were 29 cases of cutaneous splash and 16 cases of ocular splash. The study (Hall 2002) compared the use of different rinsing solutions: water, a diluted acetic acid solution and Diphoterine, with the following assessment criterions: The sick leaves, The need of simple secondary care The need of medical treatment.
Compared with the use of diluted acetic acid and water, when Diphoterine was used for the initial decontamination, the study leaded to the following conclusions: A great decrease of the sick leaves No secondary care.
In cases of ocular or cutaneous splashes with sodium hydroxide, we strongly recommend performing an early and prolonged washing with Diphoterine. Diphoterine stops the aggressiveness of sodium hydroxide. In the event of an eye splash with diluted sodium hydroxide, and a time of contact shorter than 10 seconds, use a 50 mL LIS. For a time of contact shorter than 1 minute, use a 500 mL bottle. In case of a splash of solid caustic soda or of a very concentrated and viscous sodium hydroxide solution (approx. 50%), do a prolonged washing with 500 mL Diphoterine. In all cases, it is recommended to continue washing with a 200 mL Afterwash II bottle (a comfort solution which is isotonic to cornea). In case of a cutaneous splash, (hand, forearm, neck...) with a time of contact shorter than 1 minute, use a 100 mL Micro DAP or a 200 mL Mini DAP, depending on the splashed area. For an extended body splash with a contact time shorter than 1 minute, use a 5 litres DAPD (autonomous portable shower).
Diphoterine also shows an interest in cases of delayed washing (later than 1 minute). In such cases, lesions may have already developped. A prolonged washing limits lesions evolution and thus facilitates secondary care. In case of an ocular burn, we recommend extending primary washing, performed with 500 mL Diphoterine, by a second Diphoterine washing of an optimal 5 minutes duration. In all cases, washing more than 15 minutes is not necessary. In case of a cutaneous burn, we recommend continuing washing with secondary washing lasting for a time equivalent to 3 to 5 times the time of exposure to the chemical. Please note that INRS highlights the importance of prolonged washing. The disappearance of pain does not indicate washing end. Therefore it is necessary to use the full content of the appropriate packaging. 22
Aikel C, Ulkr E, Gler MM, Prolonged intermittent hydrotherapy and early tangential excision in the treatment of an extensive strong alkali burn, Burns. 2001 May;27(3):293-296 Andrews K, Milner SM, The treatment of Alkaline Burns of the Skin by Neutralization, Neutralization of alkaline burns, 111 (6): 1918-1921 Blomet J, Mathieu L, Fosse C, Spler F, Rihawi S, Grard M, Merle H, Schrage N, Ocular Chemical Burns: Experimental Proof of the Influence of Key Parameters on both Diffusion and Decontamination, e-poster presented at the WOC congress, June 2008, Hong Kong Burgher F, Mathieu L, Lati E, Gasser P, Peno-Mazzarino L, Blomet J, Hall AH, Maibach HI, Experimental 70% hydrofluoric acid (HF) burns: Histological observations in an established human skin explants ex vivo model, Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology, 2010, 1-8 e-pub Cdre Guide dintervention chimique Hydroxyde de sodium en solution 50%, Edition dcembre 2005 Donoghue M, Diphoterine for alkali chemical splashes to the skin at alumina refineries, International Journal of Dermatology, 2010, 49 : 894-900 Falcy M, Blomet J, valuation de lefficacit des premiers soins lors de projections de produits chimiques, DMT, 70, 1997 Grard M, Merle H, Domenjod M, Ayeboua L, Richer R, Jallot-Sainte-Rose N, Brlures oculaires par bases au CHU de Fort-de-France : A propos de 6 cas, Ophtalmologie, 1996, 10 (5) : 413-417 Hall AH, Blomet J, Mathieu L, Diphoterine for emergent eye/skin chemical splash decontamination: a review, Vet. Hum. Tox., 2002, 44, 4, 228-231 Hall AH, Cavallini M, Mathieu L, Maibach HI, Safety od dermal Diphoterine application: an active decontamination solution for chemical splash injuries, Cut. Ocul. Toxicol., 2009, 28, 4, 149-156 I CSC n0360 Hydroxyde de sodium 02.10.2000 I NRS FT n20 - Hydroxyde de sodium et solutions aqueuses Edition 1997 L ee K, Opeskin K, Fatal alkali burns, Forensic Science International, 1995, 72, 219-227 M a B, Wei W, Xia ZF, Tang HT, Zhu SH, Wang Y, Wang GY, Cheng DS, Xiao SC, Mass chemical burn casualty: emergency management of 118 patients with alkali burn during a Matsa typhoon attack in Shanghai, China in 2005, Burns. Aot 2007;33(5):565-571 M athieu L, Godard C, Coudouel H, Hall AH, sodium hydroxide, in vitro model of eye penetration and active decontamination of a corrosive, poster presented at the SOT conference, New-Orleans, Louisiana, USA, mars 2005 M erle H, Grard M, Schrage N, Brlures oculaires, J Fr. Ophtalmol., 2008, 31(5), 1-12 N IOSH Pocket guide to chemical hazards RTECS WB4900000 Sept. 2005 O CDE SIDS Initial Assessment Report for SIAM 14, Sodium Hydroxide, 26-28 mars 2002 Product File Sodium hYdroXide
TITLE OF RISK PHRASES (EC CLASSIFICATION) R35 R34 R36/38 Causes severe burns Causes burns Irritating to eyes and skin
HAZARd STATEMENTS (CLP REGULATION) H314 H315 H319 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage Causes skin irritation Causes serious eye irritation