An Exposition of The Fallacy of Shites

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An Exposition of the Fallacy of Shi'ite Beliefs from Their Own Sources

by Allamah Khalid Mahmood

! "ho is the #rand Mother of $mam %afar Sadi&' A - She is the Grand Daughter of Hazrat Abubakr Siddique. Her name is Asma and name of her daughter is Umme Farwah. ! "ho is the #rand Father of $mam %afar Sadi&' A - He is the Grand son of Hazrat Ali and his name is Imam ainul Abedeen. Both these lines are hi(hly respectable) Shiite Beliefs about the Present Qur'an Shiite Beliefs regarding Prophethood Shiite Beliefs with regards to Hadhrat Aaisha, the wife of Rasulullah (SAW) Shiite Beliefs about the co panions of the Prophet (SAW) Shiite Beliefs with regards to the fa il! of Rasulullah (SAW) Shiite beliefs about the Ahlus Sunnah Wal "a aah #he beliefs of Alla ah $ho eini, the %eader of the &ranian re'olution((

The Beliefs of the Shi'ites about the *resent uran

"abir reported that he heard & a Ba)ir sa!ing* '+o one can clai that he has co piled the Quran as Allah re'ealed e,cept a liar( #he onl! person to co pile it and e orise it according to its re'elation was Ali ibn Abi #alib and the & a s who succeeded hi ( !Usul "afi# $#%%&' A an said that so eone was reciting the Quran in the co pan! of & a "a'far( #he narrator said that he heard certain 'erses in the recitation which were not according to the recitation of the people( & a "a'far told the person reciting* '-o not recite li.e this( Recite as the people recite until the

(pro ised) /ahdi arri'es( When the /ahdi arri'es, he will recite the Quran according to its original re'elation and the Qu,ran co piled b! Ali will be brought forward( (&bid* 0(100) Allah sa!s in Surah Ale & raan (20)*( 34ertainl! Allah has chosen Ada , +oah, the fa il! of Abraha and the fa il! of & raan abo'e the (fa ilies of the) worlds(3 Alla ah Ali ibn &brahi A&5Qu i 5 one of the earl! Shi'ite co entators of the Quran said concerning this 'erse* '#he & a said* '#he words* 3#he fa il! of /uha ed3 were also re'ealed along with 3the fa il! of Ale & raan(3 #he! (referring to the 4o panions of the Prophet S(A(W() re o'ed the words 3#he fa il! of /uha ad3 fro the original te,t (Al5Qu i's co entar!*267)( #he allegation of re o'ing the words pree pts an! possibilit! of abrogation( &t is clear that the co entar! is accusing the 4o panions of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) of distorting the Quran( Allah sa!s in Surah #aha (889)* 3And We had gi'en Ada an order before, but he forgot and We did not find an! resol'e in hi (to disobe! the order)(3 & a "a'far is reported to ha'e said that Allah had re'ealed this 'erse with the following words*(3We had ordered Ada before with so e words about /uha ad, Ali, :ati a, Hassan, Hussain and the & a s fro their offspring but he (Ada ) forgot(3 "a'far said* 'B! Allah, these were the words which were re'ealed to /uha ad(' (;sul $afi* 8*<81 and the footnotes of /a)bool's translation* 12=) Allah sa!s in Surah >usuf (<?)* 3#hen a !ear will co e in which people will be gi'en abundant help and the! will press grapes(3 &n A&5Qu i's co entar! it is reported fro & a "a'far that so eone recited this 'erse in the presence of Ali( Ali said* 'What will the! press'@ Wine@' #he person as.ed how he should read the 'erse( Ali replied that the 'erse was re'ealed thus* 3#hen a !ear will co e in which people will he gi'en abundant help and in which the! will be gi'en abundant rain( (Al5Qu i's co entar!* 8?0) #he word >a'siroon in the present Quran is in the acti'e 'oice( According to this co entar! it should ha'e been read in the passi'e('oice as >u'saroon to alter the eaning( &n the footnotes to the translation of /a)bool, it is written that this word (>a'siroon) was changed fro the passi'e 'oice to the acti'e to suit the fancies of wine5lo'ing .hulafa (rulers)( (/a)bool's translation* <=?) Allah sa!s in Surah /uha ad (?)*

3#hat is because the! resented what Allah re'ealed, so Allah in turn cancelled their deeds(3 A&5Qu i has stated that & a /uha ad Ba)ir said that "ibreel had trans itted this 'erse as* '#hat is because the! resented what Allah re'ealed about Ali(' But then the apostates re o'ed Ali's na e (fro the Quran)( (&bid* 8688) Allah sa!s in Surah Wa)i'ah (0?)* 3And the 4o panions of the Right Hand( What about the 4o panions of the Right Hand( #he! shall be a ong thornless lote5trees and under clusters of bananas(3 Ane person recited this 'erse in the presence of Ali( Ali said that the word #alh is not(appropriate and should read #al'a as in Surah Shu'araa (((((((((()( So e en)uired as wh! the word should not be changed( Ali replied that it was not the right ti e to do so because correcting the Quran would onl! confuse co on people( He went on to sa! that a ong the & a s, onl! & a /ahdi will ha'e the right to reintroduce the Quran as it was during the ti e of the prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla )( (&bid* 861=)(Abu /ansur Ah ed #ibrisi, a pro inent Shi'ite scholar of the 7th centur! (H), has written* 'Bnu erating the distortions and o issions of this sort (fro the present Quran) would beco e laborious and it will disclose what #a)i!!ah (Shi'ite practice to conceal the 'truth' for religious purposes) re)uires e not to disclose* the good )ualities of Allah's friends and the 'ices of His ene ies( (A&5&htiCaC b! #ibrisi* 8*09<) /ullah /uhsin $ashani, an 88th centur! Shi'ite scholar co ents on the abo'e )uoted state ent*('&t is clear fro all of these traditions and )uotations fro the :a il! of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) that the present Quran is not the co plete Quran which was re'ealed to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla )( &n fact, there are 'erses that contradict that which was re'ealedD 'erses that ha'e been distorted and places where o issions ha'e been ade such as the na es of Ali, the :a il! of /uha ad (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) and, on se'eral occasions, there were the na es of the h!pocrites( /oreo'er, the present order of the Quran is not according to the preferred order of Allah and His /essenger( Ali ibn &brahi (a renowned co entator) also holds this opinion(' (#afseer of Saafi* l*20)

The Beliefs of the Shi'ites +e(ardin( *rophethood

Allah sa!s in Surah Ba)arah (01)* 34ertainl! Allah does not disdain fro gi'ing a parable of a gnat or so ething larger(3 Alla ah Ali ibn &brahi e,plains that b! the word 3gnat3 Allah refers to A eerul /u ineen (Ali) and b! the words 3or so ething larger3 He eans the Prophet /uha ad (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla )( (A&5Qu i* 8?) Shei.h #usi and +u' ani both narrate fro the 7th & a , Rida, that the sign of & a /ahdi's appearance will be that he will appear na.ed in da!light( An announcer will announce that here is the A eerul /u ineen hi self who has reappeared( /ullah /uha ad Ba)ir /aClisi sa!s that the first disciple to ta.e pledge at the hands of the nude /ahdi will be /uha ad (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) hi self( (Ha))ul >a)een* 0*22=) #he leader of the &ranian re'olution, & a $ho eini writes* 'B'er! prophet ca e to establish Custice on Barth( His ai was also to(establish Custice but he was not successful( #he sa e is the position of the Seal of the Prophets who ca e to refor hu an societ! and establish Custice but failed during his lifeti e(' (&ttihad wa5!a.5Cihati*89) /ullah :athullah $ashani, a reliable Shi'ite scholar writes about /ut'ah* #he Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) said* 'Whoe'er perfor s ut'ah once will recei'e the status of Hussain( Who e'er perfor s ut'ah twice will recei'e the status of Hasan( Whoe'er perfor s ut'ah thrice will recei'e the status of Ali and who e'er perfor s ut'ah four ti es will recei'e ! status( (#afseer /anhaCul Sadi)een* 8*291) ()u*tah is to marr+ someone for a short ,eriod of time !tem,orar+ marriage'. In this marriage- the woman does not hold the status of a wife. )ut*ah is ,ermissible and .irtuous in Shi*ite law but forbidden and sinful in Sunni law./ & a $ho eini writes in his boo. 'A8Hu.u atul &sla i!ah' (90)* '&t is a necessar! principle of our faith that our & a s ha'e ran.s that e,ceed those of close angels and the appointed essengers('

Shi'ite Beliefs with +e(ards to Ayesha ! the "ife of the *rophet ,Sallallaahu Alayhi "asallam-)/ullah Ba)ir /aClisi writes*
'When & a /ahdi arri'es, A!esha will be resurrected so that she a! be gi'en a prescribed punish ent and that :ati a be 'indicated(' (Ha))ul >a)een* 2<=) #he sa e author writes about A!esha that 3She was a traitor(3 (#adh.iratul Ai ah* 11) Again, /ullah Ba)ir /aCilisi co ents about A!esha (R(A() and Hafsa (R(A() that* 3#he! were both h!pocrites(3 (Ha!atul Quloob* 0*=<9) & a $ho eini writes about the prestige and worth of the oft5)uoted /ullah Ba)ir* '$eep on reading the Persian boo.s written b! /aClisi so that !ou do not fall into an! other such stupidit!(' ($ashful Asrar* 808) /a)bool -ehla'i, a Shi'ite translator of the Quran, )uotes & a Ba)ir as sa!ing* '#wo wo en poisoned the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla )( before his death( #hese are the sa e two wo en (A!esha and Hafsa)( /a! Allah curse the and their fathers (Abu Ba.r and A ar respecti'el!)( (His translation of Surah Ale & raan* 82<)

"hat the Shi'ites belie.e about the /ompanions of the *rophet ,Sallallaahu Alayhi "asallam/ullah /uha ed bin >a)oob $ulaini, the ost pro inent Shi'ite scholar of Hadith, )uotes & a Ba)ir as sa!ing* 'People beca e apostates after the death of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ), e,cept for three people* /i)dad ibn Aswad, Abu -harr Ehifari and Sal aan :arsi(' He continues* 'Abu Ba.r and A ar did not repent before the! parted the world( &n fact, the! did not e'en ention what the! had done to Ali( So a! Allah, His angels and all of an.ind curse the ( (:uru'ul $afi* $itabul Rauda* 889) /ullah Ba)ir writes*

('Regarding the doctrine of' '#abarri' we belie'e that we should see. disassociation fro four idols na el!, Abu Ba.r, A ar, ;th an and /u'awi!ahD fro four wo en na el!, A!esha, Hafsa, Hind and ; ul Ha.a , along with all their associates and followers( '#hese are the worst creation of Allah( &t is not possible to belie'e in Allah, His /essenger and the & a s without disassociating oneself fro their ene ies( (Ha))ul >a)een* 0*98?) (0he do1trine of *0abarri* means to ha.e no asso1iation with the enemies of Allah./ /ullah Ba)ir writes* 'Ane should sa! after each pra!er* A AllahF 4urse Abu Ba.r, A ar, ;th an, /u'awi!ah, A!esha, Hafsa, Hind and ; ul Ha.a ( (A!nul Ha!at* 9??) #he Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ), ca e to a person fro the Ansaar and as.ed hi if he had an! food( #he Ansaari said he had and slaughtered a goat( #he an then grilled so e eat and presented it to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) who wished that Ali, :athi a, Hasan and Hussain were present with hi ( #hen Abu Ba.r and A ar arri'ed( Ali also arri'ed shortl! after( Allah then re'ealed the 'erse*('We ha'e ne'er sent an! essenger prophet or /uhaddath before e,cept that when e'er the! desired so ething, the de'il interfered in their desire(' (#he Prophet then said) #his is Cust as the de'il has sent his two agents here right now (Abu Ba.r and A ar)( (#he footnotes of /a)bool's translation* Surah HaCC* 1=<) ()uhaddath is a non-,ro,het but he is ins,ired b+ Allah/ /ullah Ba)ir /aClisi writes* 'Pharaoh and Ha aan refer here to Abu Ba.r and A ar( (Ha))ul >a)een* 2<0) #he sa e author also sa!s* '#he references in big boo.s about the illegiti ate birth of A ar cannot be discussed in this boo.( (&bid* 09?) Allah sa!s in Surah +ahl (?6)* 3And He pre'ents !ou fro i oralit!, unlawfulness and rebellion(' Ali ibn &brahi A&5Qu i co ents on this 'erse*('#hese three 'ices refer to so and so, so and so and so and so(' (Al Qu i's co entar!* 087) An! a biguit! is cleared b! the following co ent* '& oralit! refers to the first person (Abu Ba.r)D unlawfulness refers to the second (A ar) and rebellion refers to the third (;th an)( (:ootnotes to /a)bool's translation* 900) /ullah Ba)ir narrates a stor! fro & a Gainul Abideen that a an ca e

to the & a and as.ed hi to infor hi about Abu Ba.r and A ar( #he & a infor ed hi that the! were both non5belie'ers( (Ha))ul >a)een* 998)

The Shi'ites Belief +e(ardin( the family of The *rophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla )
/ullah Ba)ir /aClisi writes* ':ati a (R(A() described Ali (R(A() thus* 3>ou are hiding li.e a alfor ed foetus in a wo bD !ou ha'e ran ho e li.e those who are guilt! of being untrustworth! and after ha'ing(destro!ed the strongest en on earth !ou ha'e been o'erco e b! these wi ps(3 (&bid* 062) /ullah Ba)ir also writes* After hearing so e wo en about Ali (R(A() :ati a (R(A() co plained about her husband's features* 3He is a an with a big sto ach( His hands are high and his bones loo. suppressed( He has a receding hair line, big e!es and shows his teeth all the ti e( He has no wealth either( ("ilalul ;!oon* 97, in the chapter on :ati a) #he 'er! sa e /ullah Ba)ir co ents about a drea that :ati a had and establishes that the de'il ca e to her* '#he drea :ati a had was fro a de'il whose na e is ;haad( (&bid* 90) #he renowned Shi'ite scholar Abu /ansur Ah ed #ibrisi writes* 'Abu Ba.r sent Qunfudh to Ali with a delegation who entered Ali's house without his per ission( Ali went for his sword but the group had alread! ta.en it awa!( #he! captured Ali and tied a rope round his nec.( When :ati a tried to inter'ene, Qunfudh hit her( #he delegation dragged Ali to Abu Ba.r where A ar, $halid bin Walid and Abu ;baidah ibn "arrah (R(A() were also present with an! other people( A ar se'erel! repri anded Ali and told hi to swear allegiance with Abu Ba.r( Ali then too. Abu Ba.r's hand and too. an oath of(allegiance( (Al5&htiCaC, b! #ibrisi* 72, 7<) /ullah Ba)ir narrates :ati a's displeasure with regards to Ali's attitude about her in the words of Ali* 3"ibreel ca e to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) and said 3Allah sends His Salaa upon !ou and sa!s that :ati a is about to co e and co plain about Ali( -o not listen to an!thing about Ali fro :ati a(3 When :ati a ca e, the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) as.ed

her if she ca e to co plain about Ali( She replied that she had( #he Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) said* 3B! the %ord of the $a'bahF Eo bac. to Ali and tell hi that !ou are prepared to rub !our nose in dust in order to .eep hi happ!( >ou a! do as !ou please(3 ("ailul ';!oon* 18)

"hat is the Shi'ites belief about the Ahlus Sunnah "a'l %ama'ah)/uha ad ibn >acoob
$ulaini, the ost pro inent of all Shi'ite scholars of Hadith )uotes & a Ba)ir as sa!ing* 3B'er!bod!, e,cept us Shi'ites, are illegiti ate(3 (:uroo'u $afi in $itabul Raudah* 829) /ullah Ba)ir writes* 3When & a /ahdi appears, he will start to e,ecute the Sunni scholars before turning to the non5belie'ers(3 Si ilar words of this hadith has also been )uoted in the tafseer /aC a'ul Ba!an with reference to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla )( (Ha))ul >a)een* 0*90=) /ullah Ba)ir )uotes & a Gainul Abideen* A person as.ed the & a about Abu Ba.r and A ar( #he & a replied* 3& ha'e been infor ed that the! were both non5belie'ers and an! one who befriends the (b! the! are good) are also non5belie'ers(3 (&bid* 0*900) #he sa e author )uotes & a Ali5ul5+a)i*(& a Ali5ul5+a)i was as.ed about identif!ing the +asibi group (those who prefer Abu Ba.r and A ar o'er Ali)* whether it was sufficient to .now that the! (the +asibis) preferred Abu Ba.r and A ar o'er Ali and that the! held the & a ate of Abu Ba.r and A ar in good standing( #'he & a replied that whoe'er belie'ed this was a +asibi( (&bid* 908) Again, /ullah Ba)ir writes about these +asibis* #he +asibi (one who prefers Abu Ba.r and A ar o'er Ali) is worse than an illegiti ate person( &t is true that Allah has not created an!thing ore despicable than dogs( But the +asibi is e'en ore degenerate in the B!es of Allah than a dog( (&bid* 0*981)

The Beliefs of Allamah Khomeni0 the 1eader of the $ranian +e.olution

+uri #ibiris, one of the ost renowned Shi'ite scholars and uCtahids, wrote a boo. against the present Quran( #he boo. is entitled* ':aslul $hitab :i #ahreefi5$itabi Rabbil Arbaab' (#he :inal Herdict on the -istortion of the Boo. of the %ord of %ords)((Alla ah $ho eini entions this scholar with great respect in his own boo. 'A8Hu.u atul &sla i!ah3 (#he &sla ic State)( &n fact, $ho eini has actuall! used +uri #ibiris's wor. entitled 3/ustadra.ul Wasail3 to co plete his theor! of Wila!atul :a)ih( (2ila+atul Faqih is the Islami1 3urist*s right to o.errule a ruling that 1ontradi1ts Islami1 law./ $ho eini writes about Abu Ba.r and A ar (R(A()* 3#hose people who, in their en'! to rule, attached the sel'es to the -een of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Ala!hi Wasalla ) and for ed their own cli)ues could not possibl! refrain fro their actions on the bases of Quranic ad'ice( #he! had to aterialise their ai s at an! cost(3 ($ashful Asraar* 88<) He also writes* '#hose who had no affiliation with the Quran and &sla e,cept through their desire for the world and power( #he! had ade the Qurun a 'ehicle to pro ote their agenda( (&bid)(&n his boo. $ashful Asraar, Alla ah $ho eni has dedicated a whole chapter to Abu Ba.r's opposition to the Quran and another chapter to the A ar's opposition( (&bid* 88< I 88=) He has then continued to write a chapter on how to answer the criti)ues of the Ahlus Sunnah W'al "a a'ah with the heading* 3An e!e on the answers of the foolish(3 (&bid* 806) $ho eni writes about ;th an (R(A()* 3We worship and recognise onl! that Eod Whose actions are based on concrete rationalis and Who does not rule against that rationalis ( We do not worship a god who creates a building for -i'ine worship(and Custice and then stri'es to destro! that 'er! building hi self b! gi'ing authorit! to rascals li.e >aJid, /u'awi!ah and ;th an( (&bid* 86=) 0hese are but a few sele1ted .iews of )a3lisi- )aqbool Dehla.i- 4oori and Allamah "homeini- the leader of the Iranian 5e.olution. 0hese ha.e been ,resented to +ou without an+ 1ritique or 1ommentar+. 0he reader should.3udge for himself how mu1h he 1an a11e,t these beliefs. 0he reader should also ask himself if the rise of

"homeini in Iran was a ,oliti1al re.olution or whether he had an agenda to ,ro,agate the Shi*ite beliefs. 6r whether it was a 1hallenge to all of the )uslim world- or a threat to the bonafides of the beliefs of Sunnis. Was5Sala
Source* "a iatul ;la a ($waJulu5+atal)

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