Hadith Al Jaami4

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Al Jaami` Al Saheeh.

By Imam Al Bukhari
Volume 4 4.1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, It is not permissible !or any "uslim #ho has somethin$ to #ill to stay !or t#o ni$hts #ithout ha%in$ his last #ill and testament #ritten and kept ready #ith him. 4.&: Narrated `Amr bin Al'(arith: )*he brother o! the #i!e o! Allah's Apostle. +u#aira bint Al'(arith, -hen Allah's Apostle died, he did not lea%e any .irham or .inar )i.e. money,, a sla%e or a sla%e #oman or anythin$ else e/0ept his #hite mule, his arms and a pie0e o! land #hi0h he had $i%en in 0harity . 4.1: Narrated *alha bin "usarri!: I asked `Abdullah bin Abu `Au!a .id the 2rophet make a #ill3 (e replied, No, I asked him, (o# is it then that the makin$ o! a #ill has been en4oined on people, )or that they are ordered to make a #ill,3 (e replied, *he 2rophet be5ueathed Allah's Book )i.e. 6ur'an,. 4.4: Narrated Al'As#ad: In the presen0e o! `Aisha some people mentioned that the 2rophet had appointed `Ali by #ill as his su00essor. `Aisha said, -hen did he appoint him by #ill3 Verily #hen he died he #as restin$ a$ainst my 0hest )or said: in my lap, and he asked !or a #ash'basin and then 0ollapsed #hile in that state, and I 0ould not e%en per0ei%e that he had died, so #hen did he appoint him by #ill3 4.7: Narrated 8a`d bin Abu -a55as: *he 2rophet 0ame %isitin$ me #hile I #as )si0k, in "e00a, )'Amir the sub'narrator said, and he disliked to die in the land, #hen0e he had already mi$rated,. (e )i.e. the 2rophet, said, "ay Allah besto# (is "er0y on Ibn A!ra )8a`d bin 9haula,. I said, : Allah's Apostle; "ay I #ill all my property )in 0harity,3 (e said, No. I said, *hen may I #ill hal! o! it3 (e said, No . I said, :ne third3 (e said: <es, one third, yet e%en one third is too mu0h. It is better !or you to lea%e your inheritors #ealthy than to lea%e them poor be$$in$ others, and #hate%er you spend !or Allah's sake #ill be 0onsidered as a 0haritable deed e%en the hand!ul o! !ood you put in your #i!e's mouth. Allah may len$then your a$e so that some people may bene!it by you, and some others be harmed by you. At that time 8a`d had only one dau$hter. 4.=: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I re0ommend that people redu0e the proportion o! #hat they be5ueath by #ill to the !ourth )o! the #hole le$a0y,, !or Allah's Apostle said, :ne'third, yet e%en one third is too mu0h. 4.>: Narrated 8a`d: I !ell si0k and the 2rophet paid me a %isit. I said to him, : Allah's Apostle; I in%oke Allah that (e may not let me e/pire in the land #hen0e I mi$rated )i.e. "e00a,. (e said, "ay Allah $i%e you health and let the people bene!it by you. I said, I #ant to #ill my property, and I ha%e only one dau$hter and I #ant to #ill hal! o! my property )to be $i%en in 0harity,. (e said, (al! is too mu0h. I said, *hen I #ill one third. (e said, :ne'third, yet e%en one'third is too mu0h. )*he narrator added, 8o the people started to #ill one third o! their property and that #as 2ermitted !or them. , 4.?:

Narrated `Aisha: )the #i!e o! the 2rophet, `Utba bin Abi -a55as entrusted )his son, to his brother 8a`d bin Abi -a55as sayin$, *he son o! the sla%e'$irl o! @am`a is my )ille$al, son, take him into your 0ustody. 8o durin$ the year o! the Aon5uest )o! "e00a, 8a`d took the boy and said, *his is my brother's son #hom my brother entrusted to me. 'Abu bin @am's $ot up and said, (e is my brother and the son o! the sla%e $irl o! my !ather and #as born on my !ather's bed. *hen both o! them 0ame to Allah's Apostle and 8a`d said, : Allah's Apostle; *his is my brother's son #hom my brother entrusted to me. *hen 'Abu bin @am`a $ot up and said, *his is my brother and the son o! the sla%e'$irl o! my !ather. Allah's Apostle said, : Abu bin @am`a; *his boy is !or you as the boy belon$s to the bed )#here he #as born,, and !or the adulterer is the stone )i.e. depri%ation,. *hen the 2rophet said to his #i!e 8auda bint @am`a, 80reen yoursel! !rom this boy, #hen he sa# the boy's resemblan0e to `Utba. 8in0e then the boy did not see 8auda till he died. 4.B: Narrated Anas: A +e# 0rushed the head o! a $irl bet#een t#o stones. 8he #as asked, -ho has done so to you, so' and'so3 8o'and'so3 *ill the name o! the +e# #as mentioned, #hereupon she nodded )in a$reement,. 8o the +e# #as brou$ht and #as 5uestioned till he 0on!essed. *he 2rophet then ordered that his head be 0rushed #ith stones. 4.1C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 0ustom )in old days, #as that the property o! the de0eased #ould be inherited by his o!!sprin$D as !or the parents )o! the de0eased,, they #ould inherit by the #ill o! the de0eased. *hen Allah 0an0elled !rom that 0ustom #hate%er (e #ished and !i/ed !or the male double the amount inherited by the !emale, and !or ea0h parent a si/th )o! the #hole le$a0y, and !or the #i!e an ei$hth or a !ourth and !or the husband a hal! or a !ourth. 4.11: Narrated Abu (uraira: A man asked the 2rophet, : Allah's Apostle; -hat kind o! 0harity is the best3 (e replied. *o $i%e in 0harity #hen you are healthy and $reedy hopin$ to be #ealthy and a!raid o! be0omin$ poor. .on't delay $i%in$ in 0harity till the time #hen you are on the death bed #hen you say, 'Ei%e so mu0h to so' and'so and so mu0h to so'and so,' and at that time the property is not yours but it belon$s to so'and'so )i.e. your inheritors,. 4.1&: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he si$ns o! a hypo0rite are three: -hene%er he speaks he tells a lieD #hene%er he is entrusted he pro%es dishonestD #hene%er he promises he breaks his promise. 4.11: Narrated `Ur#a bin AF'@ubair: (akim bin (iFam said, I asked Allah's Apostle !or somethin$, and he $a%e me, and I asked him a$ain and he $a%e me and said, ': (akim; *his #ealth is $reen and s#eet )i.e. as temptin$ as !ruits,, and #hoe%er takes it #ithout $reed then he is blessed in it, and #hoe%er takes it #ith $reediness, he is not blessed in it and he is like one #ho eats and ne%er $ets satis!ied. *he upper )i.e. $i%in$, hand is better than the lo#er )i.e. takin$, hand. (akim added, I said, : Allah's Apostle; By (im -ho has sent you #ith the *ruth I #ill ne%er demand anythin$ !rom anybody a!ter you till I die. A!ter#ards Abu Bakr used to 0all (akim to $i%e him somethin$ but he re!used to a00ept anythin$ !rom him. *hen `Umar 0alled him to $i%e him )somethin$, but he re!used. *hen `Umar said, : "uslims; I o!!ered to him )i.e. (akim, his share #hi0h Allah has ordained !or him !rom this booty and he re!uses to take it. *hus (akim did not ask anybody !or anythin$ a!ter the 2rophet, till he died''may Allah besto# (is mer0y upon him. 4.14: Narrated Ibn `Umar: &

I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, All o! you are $uardians and responsible !or your 0har$es: the Guler )i.e. Imam, is a $uardian and responsible !or his sub4e0tsD and a man is a $uardian o! his !amily and is responsible !or his 0har$esD and a lady is a $uardian in the house o! her husband and is responsible !or her 0har$eD and a ser%ant is a $uardian o! the property o! his master and is responsible !or his 0har$e. I think he also said, And a man is a $uardian o! the property o! his !ather. 4.17: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet said to Abu *alha, I re0ommend that you di%ide )this $arden, amon$st your relati%es. Abu *alha said, : Allah's Apostle; I #ill do the same. 8o Abu *alha di%ided it amon$ his relati%es and 0ousins. Ibn 'Abbes said, -hen the 6ur'ani0 Verse: -arn your nearest kinsmen. )&=.&14, -as re%ealed, the 2rophet started 0allin$ the %arious bi$ !amilies o! 6uraish, : Bani Hihr; : Bani Adi; . Abu (uraira said, -hen the Verse: -arn your nearest kinsmen #as re%ealed, the 2rophet said )in a loud %oi0e,, : people o! 6uraish; 4.1=: Narrated Abu (uraira: -hen Allah re%ealed the Verse: -arn your nearest kinsmen, Allah's Apostle $ot up and said, : people o! 6uraish )or said similar #ords,; Buy )i.e. sa%e, yoursel%es )!rom the (ell!ire, as I 0annot sa%e you !rom Allah's 2unishmentD : Bani `Abd "ana!; I 0annot sa%e you !rom Allah's 2unishment, : 8a!iya, the Aunt o! Allah's Apostle; I 0annot sa%e you !rom Allah's 2unishmentD : Hatima bint "uhammad; Ask me anythin$ !rom my #ealth, but I 0annot sa%e you !rom Allah's 2unishment. 4.1>: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet sa# a man dri%in$ a Badana )i.e. 0amel !or sa0ri!i0e, and said to him, Gide on it. *he man said, : Allah's Apostle; It is a Bandana. )*he 2rophet repeated his order, and on the third or !ourth time he said, Gide it, )#oe to you or said: "ay Allah be mer0i!ul to you,. 4.1?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle sa# a man dri%in$ a Badana and said to him, Gide on it, and on the se0ond or the third time he added, -oe to you. 4.1B: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he mother o! 8a`d bin 'Ubada died in his absen0e. (e said, : Allah's Apostle; "y mother died in my absen0eD #ill it be o! any bene!it !or her i! I $i%e 8ada5a on her behal!3 *he 2rophet said, <es, 8a`d said, I make you a #itness that I $a%e my $arden 0alled Al "akhra! in 0harity on her behal!. 4.&C: Narrated 9a`b bin "alik: I said, : Allah's Apostle; Hor the a00eptan0e o! my repentan0e I #ish to $i%e all my property in 0harity !or Allah's sake throu$h (is Apostle . (e said, It is better !or you to keep some o! the property !or yoursel!. I said, *hen I #ill keep my share in 9haibar. 4.&1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 8ome people 0laim that the order in the abo%e Verse is 0an0elled, by Allah, it is not 0an0elled, but the people ha%e stopped a0tin$ on it. *here are t#o kinds o! $uardians )#ho are in 0har$e o! the inheritan0e,: :ne is that #ho inheritsD su0h a person should $i%e )o! #hat he inherits to the relati%es, the orphans and the needy, et0.,, the other is that #ho does not inherit )e.$. the $uardian o! the orphans,: su0h a person should speak kindly and say )to those #ho are present at the time o! distribution,, I 0an not $i%e it to you )as the #ealth belon$s to the orphans,. 4.&&: Narrated `Aisha: 1

A man said to the 2rophet, "y mother died suddenly, and I think that i! she 0ould speak, she #ould ha%e $i%en in 0harity. "ay I $i%e in 0harity on her behal!3 (e said, <es; Ei%e in 0harity on her behal!. 4.&1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: 8a`d bin Ubada 0onsulted Allah's Apostle sayin$, "y mother died and she had an un!ul!illed %o#. *he 2rophet said, Hul!ill it on her behal!. 4.&4: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *hat the mother o! 8a`d bin Ubada the brother o! Bani 8aida died in 8a`d's absen0e, so he 0ame to the 2rophet sayin$, : Allah's Apostle; "y mother died in my absen0e, #ill it bene!it her i! I $i%e in 0harity on her behal!3 *he 2rophet said, <es. 8a`d said, I take you as my #itness that I $i%e my $arden Al'"akhra! in 0harity on her behal!. 4.&7: Narrated AF'@uhri: `Ur#a bin AF'@ubair said that he asked `Aisha about the meanin$ o! the 6ur'ani0 Verse:'' And i! you !ear that you #ill not deal !airly #ith the orphan $irls then marry )other, #omen o! your 0hoi0e. )4.&'1, Aisha said, It is about a !emale orphan under the $uardianship o! her $uardian #ho is in0lined to#ards her be0ause o! her beauty and #ealth, and likes to marry her #ith a "ahr less than #hat is $i%en to #omen o! her standard. 8o they )i.e. $uardians, #ere !orbidden to marry the orphans unless they paid them a !ull appropriate "ahr )other#ise, they #ere ordered to marry other #omen instead o! them. Iater on the people asked Allah's Apostle about it. 8o Allah re%ealed the !ollo#in$ Verse:'' *hey ask your instru0tion ): "uhammad;, re$ardin$ #omen. 8ay: Allah instru0ts you re$ardin$ them... )4.1&>, and in this Verse Allah indi0ated that i! the orphan $irl #as beauti!ul and #ealthy, her $uardian #ould ha%e the desire to marry her #ithout $i%in$ her an appropriate "ahr e5ual to #hat her peers 0ould $et, but i! she #as undesirable !or la0k o! beauty or #ealth, then he #ould not marry her, but seek to marry some other #oman instead o! her. 8o, sin0e he did not marry her #hen he had no in0lination to#ards her, he had not the ri$ht to marry her #hen he had an interest in her, unless he treated her 4ustly by $i%in$ her a !ull "ahr and se0urin$ all her ri$hts. 4.&=: Narrated Ibn `Umar: In the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle , `Umar $a%e in 0harity some o! his property, a $arden o! date'palms 0alled *ham$h. `Umar said, : Allah's Apostle; I ha%e some property #hi0h I priFe hi$hly and I #ant to $i%e it in 0harity. *he 2rophetD said, Ei%e it in 0harity )i.e. as an endo#ment, #ith its land and trees on the 0ondition that the land and trees #ill neither be sold nor $i%en as a present, nor be5ueathed, but the !ruits are to be spent in 0harity. 8o `Umar $a%e it in 0harity, and it #as !or Allah's Aause, the eman0ipation o! sla%es, !or the poor, !or $uests, !or tra%elers, and !or kinsmen. *he person a0tin$ as its administrator 0ould eat !rom it reasonably and !airly, and 0ould let a !riend o! his eat !rom it pro%ided he had no intention o! be0omin$ #ealthy by its means. 4.&>: Narrated `Aisha: *he !ollo#in$ Verse:'' I! a $uardian is #ell'o!!, let him 0laim no remuneration )i.e. #a$es,, but i! he is poor, let him ha%e !or himsel! #hat is 4ust and reasonable. )4.=, #as re%ealed in 0onne0tion #ith the $uardian o! an orphan, and it means that i! he is poor he 0an ha%e !or himsel! )!rom the orphan's #ealth, #hat is 4ust and reasonable a00ordin$ to the orphan's share o! the inheritan0e. 4.&?: Narrated Abu (uraira:

*he 2rophet said, A%oid the se%en $reat destru0ti%e sins. *he people en5uire, : Allah's Apostle; -hat are they3 (e said, *o 4oin others in #orship alon$ #ith Allah, to pra0ti0e sor0ery, to kill the li!e #hi0h Allah has !orbidden e/0ept !or a 4ust 0ause, )a00ordin$ to Islami0 la#,, to eat up Giba )usury,, to eat up an orphan's #ealth, to $i%e ba0k to the enemy and !leein$ !rom the battle!ield at the time o! !i$htin$, and to a00use, 0haste #omen, #ho ne%er e%en think o! anythin$ tou0hin$ 0hastity and are $ood belie%ers. 4.&B: Narrated Anas: -hen Allah's Apostle 0ame to "edinaD he did not ha%e any ser%ant. Abu *alha )Anas' step'!ather, took me to Allah's Apostle and said, : Allah's Apostle; Anas is a #ise boy, so let him ser%e you. 8o, I ser%ed him at home and on 4ourneys. I! I did anythin$, he ne%er asked me #hy I did it, and i! I re!rained !rom doin$ anythin$, he ne%er asked me #hy I re!rained !rom doin$ it. 4.1C: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Abu *alha had the $reatest #ealth o! date'palms amon$st the Ansar in "edina, and he priFed abo%e all his #ealth )his $arden, Bairuha', #hi0h #as situated opposite the "os5ue )o! the 2rophet ,. *he 2rophet used to enter It and drink !rom its !resh #ater. -hen the !ollo#in$ .i%ine Verse 0ame:'' By no means shall you attain piety until you spend o! #hat you lo%e, )1.B&, Abu *alha $ot up sayin$. : Allah's Apostle; Allah says, '<ou #ill not attain piety until you spend o! #hat you lo%e,' and I priFe abo%e al I my #ealth, Bairuha' #hi0h I #ant to $i%e in 0harity !or Allah's 8ake, hopin$ !or its re#ard !rom Allah. 8o you 0an use it as Allah dire0ts you. :n that the 2rophet said, Bra%o; It is a pro!itable )or perishable, property. )Ibn "aslama is not sure as to #hi0h #ord is ri$ht, i.e. pro!itable or perishable., I ha%e heard #hat you ha%e said, and I re0ommend that you distribute this amon$st your relati%es. :n that Abu *alha said, : Allah's Apostle; I #ill do )as you ha%e su$$ested,. 8o, Abu *alha distributed that $arden amon$st his relati%es and 0ousins. 4.11: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: A man said to Allah's Apostle , "y mother died, #ill it bene!it her i! I $i%e in 0harity on her behal!3 *he 2rophet replied in the a!!irmati%e. *he man said, I ha%e a $arden and I make you a #itness that I $i%e it in 0harity on her behal!. 4.1&: Narrated Anas: -hen the 2rophet ordered that the mos5ue be built, he said, : Bani An'Na44ar; 8u$$est to me a pri0e !or this $arden o! yours. *hey replied, By Allah; -e #ill demand its pri0e !rom none but Allah. 4.11: Narrated Ibn `Umar: -hen `Umar $ot a pie0e o! land in 9haibar, he 0ame to the 2rophet sayin$, I ha%e $ot a pie0e o! land, better than #hi0h I ha%e ne%er $ot. 8o #hat do you ad%ise me re$ardin$ it3 *he 2rophet said, I! you #ish you 0an keep it as an endo#ment to be used !or 0haritable purposes. 8o, `Umar $a%e the land in 0harity )i.e. as an endo#ments on the 0ondition that the land #ould neither be sold nor $i%en as a present, nor be5ueathed, )and its yield, #ould be used !or the poor, the kinsmen, the eman0ipation o! sla%es, +ihad, and !or $uests and tra%elersD and its administrator 0ould eat in a reasonable 4ust manner, and he also 0ould !eed his !riends #ithout intendin$ to be #ealthy by its means. 4.14: Narrated Ibn `Umar: `Umar $ot some property in 9haibar and he 0ame to the 2rophet and in!ormed him about it. *he 2rophet said to him, I! you #ish you 0an $i%e it in 0harity. 8o `Umar $a%e it in 0harity )i.e. as an endo#ment, the yield o! #hi0h #as to be used !or the $ood o! the poor, the needy, the kinsmen and the $uests. 4.17: Narrated Anas bin "alik:

-hen Allah's Apostle 0ame to "edina, he ordered that a mos5ue be built. (e said, : Bani An' Na44ar; 8u$$est me a pri0e !or the $arden o! yours. *hey replied, By Allah, #e #ill not ask its pri0e e/0ept !rom Allah. 4.1=: Narrated Ibn `Umar: :n0e `Umar $a%e a horse in 0harity to be used in holy !i$htin$. It had been $i%en to him by Allah's Apostle . `Umar $a%e it to another man to ride. *hen `Umar #as in!ormed that the man put the horse !or sale, so he asked Allah's Apostle #hether he 0ould buy it. Allah's Apostle replied, <ou should not buy it, !or you should not take ba0k #hat you ha%e $i%en in 0harity. 4.1>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, "y heirs #ill not inherit a .inar or a .irham )i.e. money,, !or #hate%er I lea%e )e/0ludin$ the ade5uate support o! my #i%es and the #a$es o! my employees, is $i%en in 0harity. 4.1?: Narrated Ibn `Umar: -hen `Umar !ounded an endo#ment he stipulated that its administrator 0ould eat !rom it and also !eed his !riend on the 0ondition that he #ould not store anythin$ !or himsel! !rom it. 4.1B: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet said )at the time o! buildin$ the "os5ue,, : Ban, An'Na44ar; 8u$$est to me a pri0e !or your $arden. *hey replied, -e do not ask its pri0e e/0ept !rom Allah. 4.4C: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah Al'Ansari: "y !ather #as martyred on the day )o! the EhaF#a, o! Uhud and le!t si/ dau$hters and some debts to be paid. -hen the time o! plu0kin$ the date'!ruits 0ame, I #ent to Allah's Apostle and said, : Allah's Apostle; you kno# that my !ather #as martyred on Uhud's day and o#ed mu0h debt, and I #ish that the 0reditors #ould see you. *he 2rophet said, Eo and 0olle0t the %arious kinds o! dates and pla0e them separately in heaps ' I did a00ordin$ly and 0alled him. :n seein$ him, the 0reditors started 0laimin$ their ri$hts pressin$ly at that time. -hen the 2rophet sa# ho# they beha%ed, he #ent round the bi$$est heap !or three times and sat o%er it and said, Aall your 0ompanions )i.e. the 0reditors,. *hen he kept on measurin$ and $i%in$ them, till Allah 0leared all my !ather's debts. By Allah, it #ould ha%e pleased me that Allah #ould 0lear the debts o! my !ather e%en thou$h I had not taken a sin$le date to my sisters. But by Allah, all the heaps #ere 0omplete, )as they #ere, and I looked at the heap #here Allah's Apostle #as sittin$ and noti0ed as i! not a sin$le date had been taken thereo!. 4.41: Narrated `Abdullah bin "asud: I asked Allah's Apostle, : Allah's Apostle; -hat is the best deed3 (e replied, *o o!!er the prayers at their early stated !i/ed times. I asked, -hat is ne/t in $oodness3 (e replied, *o be $ood and duti!ul to your parents. I !urther asked, #hat is ne/t in $oodness3 (e replied, *o parti0ipate in +ihad in Allah's Aause. I did not ask Allah's Apostle anymore and i! I had asked him more, he #ould ha%e told me more. 4.4&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle said, *here is no (i4ra )i.e. mi$ration, )!rom "e00a to "edina, a!ter the Aon5uest )o! "e00a,, but +ihad and $ood intention remainD and i! you are 0alled )by the "uslim ruler, !or !i$htin$, $o !orth immediately. 4.41: Narrated `Aisha: )*hat she said,, : Allah's Apostle; -e 0onsider +ihad as the best deed. 8hould #e not !i$ht in Allah's Aause3 (e said, *he best +ihad )!or #omen, is (a44'"abrur )i.e. (a44 #hi0h is done a00ordin$ to the 2rophet's tradition and is a00epted by Allah,. 4.44: =

Narrated Abu (uraira: A man 0ame to Allah's Apostle and said, Instru0t me as to su0h a deed as e5uals +ihad )in re#ard,. (e replied, I do not !ind su0h a deed. *hen he added, Aan you, #hile the "uslim !i$hter is in the battle'!ield, enter your mos5ue to per!orm prayers #ithout 0ease and !ast and ne%er break your !ast3 *he man said, But #ho 0an do that3 Abu' (uraira added, *he "u4ahid )i.e. "uslim !i$hter, is re#arded e%en !or the !ootsteps o! his horse #hile it #anders bout )!or $raFin$, tied in a lon$ rope. 4.47: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: 8omebody asked, : Allah's Apostle; -ho is the best amon$ the people3 Allah's Apostle replied A belie%er #ho stri%es his utmost in Allah's Aause #ith his li!e and property. *hey asked, -ho is ne/t3 (e replied, A belie%er #ho stays in one o! the mountain paths #orshippin$ Allah and lea%in$ the people se0ure !rom his mis0hie!. 4.4=: Narrated Abu (uraira: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, *he e/ample o! a "u4ahid in Allah's Aause'' and Allah kno#s better #ho really stri%es in (is Aause''''is like a person #ho !asts and prays 0ontinuously. Allah $uarantees that (e #ill admit the "u4ahid in (is Aause into 2aradise i! he is killed, other#ise (e #ill return him to his home sa!ely #ith re#ards and #ar booty. 4.4>: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Allah's Apostle used to %isit Um (aran bint "ilhan, #ho #ould o!!er him reals. Um'(aram #as the #i!e o! Ubada bin As'8amit. Allah's Apostle, on0e %isited her and she pro%ided him #ith !ood and started lookin$ !or li0e in his head. *hen Allah's Apostle slept, and a!ter#ards #oke up smilin$. Um (aran asked, -hat 0auses you to smile, : Allah's Apostle3 (e said. 8ome o! my !ollo#ers #ho )in a dream, #ere presented be!ore me as !i$hters in Allah's Aause )on board a ship, amidst this sea 0ause me to smileD they #ere as kin$s on the thrones )or like kin$s on the thrones,. )Isha5, a sub'narrator is not sure as to #hi0h e/pression the 2rophet used., Um'(aram said, : Allah's Apostle; In%oke Allah that he makes me one o! them. Allah's Apostle in%oked Allah !or her and slept a$ain and #oke up smilin$. :n0e a$ain Um (aram asked, -hat makes you smile, : Allah's Apostle3 (e replied, 8ome o! my !ollo#ers #ere presented to me as !i$hters in Allah's Aause, repeatin$ the same dream. Um'(aram said, : Allah's Apostle; In%oke Allah that (e makes me one o! them. (e said, <ou are amon$st the !irst ones. It happened that she sailed on the sea durin$ the Aaliphate o! "u'a#lya bin Abi 8u!yan, and a!ter she disembarked, she !ell do#n !rom her ridin$ animal and died. 4.4?: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, -hoe%er belie%es in Allah and (is Apostle, o!!er prayer per!e0tly and !asts the month o! Gamadan, #ill ri$ht!ully be $ranted 2aradise by Allah, no matter #hether he !i$hts in Allah's Aause or remains in the land #here he is born. *he people said, : Allah's Apostle ; 8hall #e a05uaint the people #ith the is $ood ne#s3 (e said, 2aradise has one'hundred $rades #hi0h Allah has reser%ed !or the "u4ahidin #ho !i$ht in (is Aause, and the distan0e bet#een ea0h o! t#o $rades is like the distan0e bet#een the (ea%en and the Jarth. 8o, #hen you ask Allah )!or somethin$,, ask !or Al'!irdaus #hi0h is the best and hi$hest part o! 2aradise. )i.e. *he sub'narrator added, I think the 2rophet also said, 'Abo%e it )i.e. Al'Hirdaus, is the *hrone o! Bene!i0ent )i.e. Allah,, and !rom it ori$inate the ri%ers o! 2aradise. , 4.4B: Narrated 8amura: *he 2rophet said, Iast ni$ht t#o men 0ame to me )in a dream, and made me as0end a tree and then admitted me into a better and superior house, better o! #hi0h I ha%e ne%er seen. :ne o! them said, '*his house is the house o! martyrs. 4.7C: Narrated Anas bin "alik:


*he 2rophet said, A sin$le endea%or )o! !i$htin$, in Allah's Aause in the !orenoon or in the a!ternoon is better than the #orld and #hate%er is in it. 4.71: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, A pla0e in 2aradise as small as a bo# is better than all that on #hi0h the sun rises and sets )i.e. all the #orld,. (e also said, A sin$le endea%or in Allah's Aause in the a!ternoon or in the !orenoon is better than all that on #hi0h the sun rises and sets. 4.7&: Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d: *he 2rophet said, A sin$le endea%or in Allah's Aause in the a!ternoon and in the !orenoon is better than the #orld and #hate%er is in it. 4.71: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet said, Nobody #ho dies and !inds $ood !rom Allah )in the (erea!ter, #ould #ish to 0ome ba0k to this #orld e%en i! he #ere $i%en the #hole #orld and #hate%er is in it, e/0ept the martyr #ho, on seein$ the superiority o! martyrdom, #ould like to 0ome ba0k to the #orld and $et killed a$ain )in Allah's Aause,. Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet said, A sin$le endea%or )o! !i$htin$, in Allah's Aause in the a!ternoon or in the !orenoon is better than all the #orld and #hate%er is in it. A pla0e in 2aradise as small as the bo# or lash o! one o! you is better than all the #orld and #hate%er is in it. And i! a houri !rom 2aradise appeared to the people o! the earth, she #ould !ill the spa0e bet#een (ea%en and the Jarth #ith li$ht and pleasant s0ent and her head 0o%er is better than the #orld and #hate%er is in it. 4.74: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, By (im in -hose (ands my li!e is; -ere it not !or some men amon$st the belie%ers #ho dislike to be le!t behind me and #hom I 0annot pro%ide #ith means o! 0on%eyan0e, I #ould 0ertainly ne%er remain behind any 8ariya' )army'unit, settin$ out in Allah's Aause. By (im in -hose (ands my li!e is; I #ould lo%e to be martyred in Allah's Aause and then $et resurre0ted and then $et martyred, and then $et resurre0ted a$ain and then $et martyred and then $et resurre0ted a$ain and then $et martyred. 4.77: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet deli%ered a sermon and said, @aid took the !la$ and #as martyred, and then +a`!ar took the !la$ and #as martyred, and then `Abdullah bin Ga#aha took the !la$ and #as martyred too, and then 9halid bin Al'-alid took the !la$ thou$h he #as not appointed as a 0ommander and Allah made him %i0torious. *he 2rophet !urther added, It #ould not please us to ha%e them #ith us. Aiyub, a sub'narrator, added, :r the 2rophet, sheddin$ tears, said, 'It #ould not p ease them to be #ith us. 4.7=: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Um (aram said, :n0e the 2rophet slept in my house near to me and $ot up smilin$. I said, '-hat makes you smile3' (e replied, '8ome o! my !ollo#ers #ho )i.e. in a dream, #ere presented to me sailin$ on this $reen sea like kin$s on thrones.' I said, ': Allah's Apostle; In%oke Allah to make me one o! them. 8o the 2rophet in%oked Allah !or her and #ent to sleep a$ain. (e did the same )i.e. $ot up and told his dream, and Um (aran repeated her 5uestion and he $a%e the same reply. 8he said, In%oke Allah to make me one o! them. (e said, <ou are amon$ the !irst bat0h. Iater on it happened that she #ent out in the 0ompany o! her husband 'Ubada bin As'8amit #ho #ent !or +ihad and it #as the !irst time the "uslims undertook a na%al e/pedition led by "u a#iya. -hen the e/pedition 0ame to an end and they #ere returnin$ to 8ham, a ridin$ animal #as presented to her to ride, but the animal let her !all and thus she died. 4.7>: Narrated Anas:

*he 2rophet sent se%enty men !rom the tribe o! Bani 8alim to the tribe o! Bani Amir. -hen they rea0hed there, my maternal un0le said to them, I #ill $o ahead o! you, and i! they allo# me to 0on%ey the messa$e o! Allah's Apostle )it #ill be all ri$ht,D other#ise you #ill remain 0lose to me. 8o he #ent ahead o! them and the pa$ans $ranted him se0urity But #hile he #as reportin$ the messa$e o! the 2rophet , they be0koned to one o! their men #ho stabbed him to death. "y maternal un0le said, Allah is Ereater; By the Iord o! the 9a`ba, I am su00ess!ul. A!ter that they atta0hed the rest o! the party and killed them all e/0ept a lame man #ho #ent up to the top o! the mountain. )(ammam, a sub'narrator said, I think another man #as sa%ed alon$ #ith him,. Eabriel in!ormed the 2rophet that they )i.e the martyrs, met their Iord, and (e #as pleased #ith them and made them pleased. -e used to re0ite, In!orm our people that #e ha%e met our Iord, (e is pleased #ith us and (e has made us pleased Iater on this 6ur'ani0 Verse #as 0an0elled. *he 2rophet in%oked Allah !or !orty days to 0urse the murderers !rom the tribe o! Gal, .hak#an, Bani Iihyan and Bam Usaiya #ho disobeyed Allah and his Apostle. 4.7?: Narrated +undab bin 8u!yan: In one o! the holy Battles a !in$er o! Allah's Apostle )$ot #ounded and, bled. (e said, <ou are 4ust a !in$er that bled, and #hat you $ot is in Allah's Aause. 4.7B: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, By (im in -hose (ands my soul is; -hoe%er is #ounded in Allah's Aause....and Allah kno#s #ell #ho $ets #ounded in (is Aause....#ill 0ome on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion #ith his #ound ha%in$ the 0olor o! blood but the s0ent o! musk. 4.=C: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: *hat Abu 8u!yan told him that (era0lius said to him, I asked you about the out0ome o! your battles #ith him )i.e. the 2rophet , and you told me that you !ou$ht ea0h other #ith alternate su00ess. 8o the Apostles are tested in this #ay but the ultimate %i0tory is al#ays theirs. 4.=1: Narrated Anas: "y un0le Anas bin An'Nadr #as absent !rom the Battle o! Badr. (e said, : Allah's Apostle; I #as absent !rom the !irst battle you !ou$ht a$ainst the pa$ans. )By Allah, i! Allah $i%es me a 0han0e to !i$ht the pa$ans, no doubt. Allah #ill see ho# )bra%ely, I #ill !i$ht. :n the day o! Uhud #hen the "uslims turned their ba0ks and !led, he said, : Allah; I apolo$iFe to <ou !or #hat these )i.e. his 0ompanions, ha%e done, and I denoun0e #hat these )i.e. the pa$ans, ha%e done. *hen he ad%an0ed and 8a`d bin "u`adh met him. (e said : 8a`d bin "u`adh ; By the Iord o! An'Nadr, 2aradise; I am smellin$ its aroma 0omin$ !rom be!ore )the mountain o!, Uhud, Iater on 8a`d said, : Allah's Apostle; I 0annot a0hie%e or do #hat he )i.e. Anas bin An'Nadr, did. -e !ound more than ei$hty #ounds by s#ords and arro#s on his body. -e !ound him dead and his body #as mutilated so badly that none e/0ept his sister 0ould re0o$niFe him by his !in$ers. -e used to think that the !ollo#in$ Verse #as re%ealed 0on0ernin$ him and other men o! his sort: Amon$ the belie%ers are men #ho ha%e been true to their 0o%enant #ith Allah.......... )11.&1, (is sister Ar'Gubbaya' broke a !ront tooth o! a #oman and Allah's Apostle ordered !or retaliation. :n that Anas )bin An'Nadr, said, : Allah's Apostle; By (im -ho has sent you #ith the *ruth, my sister's tooth shall not be broken. *hen the opponents o! Anas's sister a00epted the 0ompensation and $a%e up the 0laim o! retaliation. 8o Allah's Apostle said, *here are some people amon$st Allah's sla%es #hose oaths are !ul!illed by Allah #hen they take them. 4.=&: Narrated 9hari4a bin @aid: @aid bin *habit said, -hen the 6ur'an #as 0ompiled !rom %arious #ritten manus0ripts, one o! the Verses o! 8urat Al'AhFab #as missin$ #hi0h I used to hear Allah's Apostle re0itin$. I 0ould not !ind it e/0ept #ith 9huFa`ima bin *hab4t Al'Ansari, #hose #itness Allah's Apostle re$arded as e5ual to the

#itness o! t#o men. And the Verse #as:'' Amon$ the belie%ers are men #ho ha%e been true to #hat they 0o%enanted #ith Allah. )11.&1, 4.=1: Narrated Al'Bara: A man #hose !a0e #as 0o%ered #ith an iron mask )i.e. 0lad in armor, 0ame to the 2rophet and said, : Allah's Apostle; 8hall I !i$ht or embra0e Islam !irst3 *he 2rophet said, Jmbra0e Islam !irst and then !i$ht. 8o he embra0ed Islam, and #as martyred. Allah's Apostle said, A Iittle #ork, but a $reat re#ard. )(e did %ery little )a!ter embra0in$ Islam,, but he #ill be re#arded in abundan0e,. 4.=4: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Um Ar'Gubai'bint Al'Bara', the mother o! (artha bin 8ura5a 0ame to the 2rophet and said, : Allah's 2rophet; -ill you tell me about (artha3 (artha has been killed )i.e. martyred, on the day o! Badr #ith an arro# thro#n by an unidenti!ied person. 8he added, I! he is in 2aradise, I #ill be patientD other#ise, I #ill #eep bitterly !or him. (e said, : mother o! (artha; *here are Eardens in 2aradise and your son $ot the Hirdausal'ala )i.e. the best pla0e in 2aradise,. 4.=7: Narrated Abu "usa: A man 0ame to the 2rophet and asked, A man !i$hts !or #ar bootyD another !i$hts !or !ame and a third !i$hts !or sho#in$ o!!D #hi0h o! them !i$hts in Allah's Aause3 *he 2rophet said, (e #ho !i$hts that Allah's -ord )i.e. Islam, should be superior, !i$hts in Allah's Aause. 4.==: Narrated Abu `Abs: )#ho is `Abdur'Gahman bin +abir, Allah's Apostle said, Anyone #hose both !eet $et 0o%ered #ith dust in Allah's Aause #ill not be tou0hed by the )(ell, !ire. 4.=>: Narrated `Ikrima: that Ibn `Abbas told him and `Ali bin `Abdullah to $o to Abu 8a`id and listen to some o! his narrationsD 8o they both #ent )and sa#, Abu 8a`id and his brother irri$atin$ a $arden belon$in$ to them. -hen he sa# them, he 0ame up to them and sat do#n #ith his le$s dra#n up and #rapped in his $arment and said, ).urin$ the 0onstru0tion o! the mos5ue o! the 2rophet, #e 0arried the adobe o! the mos5ue, one bri0k at a time #hile `Ammar used to 0arry t#o at a time. *he 2rophet passed by `Ammar and remo%ed the dust o!! his head and said, "ay Allah be mer0i!ul to `Ammar. (e #ill be killed by a rebellious a$$ressi%e $roup. `Ammar #ill in%ite them to )obey, Allah and they #ill in%ite him to the )(ell, !ire. 4.=?: Narrated `Aisha: -hen Allah's Apostle returned on the day )o! the battle, o! Al'9handa5 )i.e. *ren0h,, he put do#n his arms and took a bath. *hen Eabriel #hose head #as 0o%ered #ith dust, 0ame to him sayin$, <ou ha%e put do#n your arms; By Allah, I ha%e not put do#n my arms yet. Allah's Apostle said, -here )to $o no#,3 Eabriel said, *his #ay, pointin$ to#ards the tribe o! Bani 6uraiFa. 8o Allah's Apostle #ent out to#ards them . 4.=B: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Hor thirty days Allah's Apostle in%oked Allah to 0urse those #ho had killed the 0ompanions o! Bir' "aunaD he in%oked e%il upon the tribes o! Gal, .hak#an, and Usaiya #ho disobeyed Allah and (is Apostle. *here #as re%eled about those #ho #ere killed at Bir'"auna a 6ur'ani0 Verse #e used to re0ite, but it #as 0an0elled later on. *he Verse #as: In!orm our people that #e ha%e met our Iord. (e is pleased #ith us and (e has made us pleased. 4.>C: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah:


8ome people drank al0ohol in the mornin$ o! the day )o! the battle, o! Uhud and #ere martyred )on the same day,. 8u!yan #as asked, )-ere they martyred, in the last part o! the day3, (e replied, 8u0h in!ormation does not o00ur in the narration. 4.>1: Narrated +abir: "y !ather's mutilated body #as brou$ht to the 2rophet and #as pla0ed in !ront o! him. I #ent to un0o%er his !a0e but my 0ompanions !orbade me. *hen mournin$ 0ries o! a lady #ere heard, and it #as said that she #as either the dau$hter or the sister o! `Amr. *he 2rophet said, -hy is she 0ryin$3 :r said, .o not 0ry, !or the an$els are still shadin$ him #ith their #in$s. )Al'Bukhari asked 8ad5a, a sub'narrator, .oes the narration in0lude the e/pression: '*ill he #as li!ted3' *he latter replied, +abir may ha%e said it. , 4.>&: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet said, Nobody #ho enters 2aradise likes to $o ba0k to the #orld e%en i! he $ot e%erythin$ on the earth, e/0ept a "u4ahid #ho #ishes to return to the #orld so that he may be martyred ten times be0ause o! the di$nity he re0ei%es )!rom Allah,. Narrated Al'"u$hira bin 8hu`ba: :ur 2rophet told us about the messa$e o! our Iord that -hoe%er amon$st us is killed #ill $o to 2aradise. `Umar asked the 2rophet, Is it not true that our men #ho are killed #ill $o to 2aradise and their's )i.e. those o! the 2a$an's, #ill $o to the )(ell, !ire3 *he 2rophet said, <es. 4.>1: Narrated `Abdullah bin Abi `Au!a: Allah's Apostle said, 9no# that 2aradise is under the shades o! s#ords. 4.>4.1: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, :n0e 8olomon, son o! .a%id said, ')By Allah, *oni$ht I #ill ha%e se/ual inter0ourse #ith one hundred )or ninety'nine, #omen ea0h o! #hom #ill $i%e birth to a kni$ht #ho #ill !i$ht in Allah's Aause.' :n that a )i.e. i! Allah #ills, but he did not say, 'Allah #illin$.' *here!ore only one o! those #omen 0on0ei%ed and $a%e birth to a hal!'man. By (im in -hose (ands "uhammad's li!e is, i! he had said, Allah #illin$', )he #ould ha%e be$otten sons, all o! #hom #ould ha%e been kni$hts stri%in$ in Allah's Aause. 4.>4.1: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet #as the best, the bra%est and the most $enerous o! all the people. :n0e #hen the people o! "edina $ot !ri$htened, the 2rophet rode a horse and #ent ahead o! them and said, -e !ound this horse %ery !ast. 4.>7: Narrated "uhammad bin +ubair: +ubair bin "ut`im told me that #hile he #as in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle #ith the people returnin$ !rom (unain, some people )bedouins, 0au$ht hold o! the 2rophet and started be$$in$ o! him so mu0h so that he had to stand under a )kind o! thorny tree )i.e. 8amurah, and his 0loak #as snat0hed a#ay. *he 2rophet stopped and said, Ei%e me my 0loak. I! I had as many 0amels as these thorny trees, I #ould ha%e distributed them amon$st you and you #ill not !ind me a miser or a liar or a 0o#ard. 4.>=: Narrated `Amr bin "aimun Al'Audi: 8a`d used to tea0h his sons the !ollo#in$ #ords as a tea0her tea0hes his students the skill o! #ritin$ and used to say that Allah's Apostle used to seek Ge!u$e #ith Allah !rom them )i.e. the e%ils, at the end o! e%ery prayer. *he #ords are: ': Allah; I seek re!u$e #ith <ou !rom 0o#ardi0e, and seek re!u$e #ith <ou !rom bein$ brou$ht ba0k to a bad sta$e o! old li!e and seek re!u$e #ith <ou !rom the a!!li0tions o! the #orld, and seek re!u$e #ith <ou !rom the punishments in the $ra%e.' 11

4.>>: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet used to say, : Allah; I seek re!u$e #ith <ou !rom helplessness, laFiness, 0o#ardi0e and !eeble old a$eD I seek re!u$e #ith <ou !rom a!!li0tions o! li!e and death and seek re!u$e #ith <ou !rom the punishment in the $ra%e. 4.>?: Narrated As'8a''ib bin <aFid: I #as in the 0ompany o! *alha bin 'Ubaidullah, 8a`d, Al'"i5dad bin Al'As#ad and `Abdur Gahman bin `Au! and I heard none o! them narratin$ anythin$ !rom Allah's Apostle but *alha #as talkin$ about the day )o! the battle, o! Uhud. 4.>B: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: :n the day o! the Aon5uest )o! "e00a, the 2rophet said, *here is no emi$ration a!ter the Aon5uest but +ihad and intentions. -hen you are 0alled )by the "uslim ruler, !or !i$htin$, $o !orth immediately. )8ee (adith No. 4&, 4.?C.1: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Allah #el0omes t#o men #ith a smileD one o! #hom kills the other and both o! them enter 2aradise. :ne !i$hts in Allah's Aause and $ets killed. Iater on Allah !or$i%es the 'killer #ho also $et martyred )In Allah's Aause,. 4.?C.1: Narrated Abu (uraira: I #ent to Allah's Apostle #hile he #as at 9haibar a!ter it had !allen in the "uslims' hands. I said, : Allah's Apostle; Ei%e me a share )!rom the land o! 9haibar,. :ne o! the sons o! 8a`id bin Al'`As said, : Allah's Apostle; .o not $i%e him a share. I said, *his is the murderer o! Ibn 6au5al. *he son o! 8a`id bin Al'As said, 8tran$e; A -abr )i.e. $uinea pi$, #ho has 0ome do#n to us !rom the mountain o! 6aduim )i.e. $raFin$ pla0e o! sheep, blames me !or killin$ a "uslim #ho #as $i%en superiority by Allah be0ause o! me, and Allah did not dis$ra0e me at his hands )i.e. #as not killed as an in!idel,. )*he sub'narrator said I do not kno# #hether the 2rophet $a%e him a share or not. , 4.?1: Narrated Anas bin "alik: In the li!e'time o! the 2rophet, Abu *alha did not !ast be0ause o! the +ihad, but a!ter the 2rophet died I ne%er sa# him #ithout !astin$ e/0ept on `Id'ul'Hitr and `Id'ul'A0lha. 4.?&: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Hi%e are re$arded as martyrs: *hey are those #ho die be0ause o! pla$ue, Abdominal disease, dro#nin$ or a !allin$ buildin$ et0., and the martyrs in Allah's Aause. 4.?1: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet said, 2lau$e is the 0ause o! martyrdom o! e%ery "uslim )#ho dies be0ause o! it,. 4.?4: Narrated Al'Bara: -hen the .i%ine Inspiration: *hose o! the belie%ers #ho sit )at home,, #as re%ealed the 2rophet sent !or @aid )bin *habit, #ho 0ame #ith a shoulder'blade and #rote on it. Ibn Um'"aktum 0omplained about his blindness and on that the !ollo#in$ re%elation 0ame: Not e5ual are those belie%ers #ho sit )at home, e/0ept those #ho are disabled )by in4ury, or are blind or lame et0., and those #ho stri%e hard and !i$ht in the -ay o! Allah #ith their #ealth and li%es,. )4.B7, 4.?7: Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d As'8a`idi: I sa# "ar#an bin Al'(akam sittin$ in the "os5ue. 8o I 0ame !or#ard and sat by his side. (e told us that @aid bin *habit had told him that Allah's Apostle had di0tated to him the .i%ine Verse: 1&

Not e5ual are those belie%ers #ho sit )at home, and those #ho stri%e hard and !i$ht in the Aause o! Allah #ith their #ealth and li%es.' )4.B7, @aid said, Ibn'"aktum 0ame to the 2rophet #hile he #as di0tatin$ to me that %ery Verse. :n that Ibn Um "aktum said, : Allah's Apostle; I! I had po#er, I #ould surely take part in +ihad. (e #as a blind man. 8o Allah sent do#n re%elation to (is Apostle #hile his thi$h #as on mine and it be0ame so hea%y !or me that I !eared that my thi$h #ould be broken. *hen that state o! the 2rophet #as o%er a!ter Allah re%ealed ...e/0ept those #ho are disabled )by in4ury or are blind or lame et0., )4.B7, 4.?=: Narrated 8alim Abu'An'Nadr: `Abdullah bin Abi `Au!a #rote and I read #hat he #rote that Allah's Apostle said, -hen you !a0e them ) i.e. your enemy, then be patient. 4.?>: Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle #ent to#ards the 9handa5 )i.e. *ren0h, and sa# the Jmi$rants and the Ansar di$$in$ in a %ery 0old mornin$ as they did not ha%e sla%es to do that !or them. -hen he noti0ed their !ati$ue and hun$er he said, : Allah; *he real li!e is that o! the (ere'a!ter, )so please, !or$i%e the Ansar and the Jmi$rants. In its reply the Jmi$rants and the Ansar said, -e are those #ho ha%e $i%en a pled$e o! alle$ian0e to "uhammad that #e #ill 0arry on +ihad as lon$ as #e li%e. 4.??: Narrated Anas: *he Jmi$rants and the Ansar started di$$in$ the tren0h around "edina 0arryin$ the earth on their ba0ks and sayin$, -e are those #ho ha%e $i%en a pled$e o! alle$ian0e to "uhammad that #e #ill I 0arry on +ihad as lon$ as #e li%e. *he 2rophet kept on replyin$, : Allah, there is no $ood e/0ept the $ood o! the (erea!terD so 0on!er <our Blessin$s on the Ansar and the Jmi$rants. 4.?B: Narrated Al'Bara: *he 2rophet #ent on 0arryin$ )i.e. the earth, and sayin$, -ithout <ou ): Allah;, #e #ould ha%e $ot no $uidan0e. 4.BC: Narrated Al'Bara: :n the day )o! the battle, o! Al'AhFab )i.e. 0lans, I sa# the 2rophet 0arryin$ earth, and the earth #as 0o%erin$ the #hiteness o! his `Abdomen. And he #as sayin$, -ithout <ou ): Allah;, #e #ould ha%e $ot no $uidan0e, nor $i%en in 0harity, nor prayed. 8o please bless us #ith tran5uility and make !irm our !eet #hen #e meet our enemies. Indeed )these, people ha%e rebelled a$ainst )oppressed, us but ne%er shall #e yield i! they try to brin$ a!!li0tion upon us. 4.B1: Narrated Anas: -e returned !rom the EhaF#a o! *abuk alon$ #ith the 2rophet. )8ee (adith No. B& belo#, . 4.B&: Narrated Anas: -hile the 2rophet #as in a EhaF#a he said, 8ome people ha%e remained behind us in "edina and #e ne%er 0rossed a mountain path or a %alley, but they #ere #ith us )i.e. sharin$ the re#ard #ith us,, as they ha%e been held ba0k by a )le$al, e/0use. 4.B1: Narrated Abu 8a`id: I heard the 2rophet sayin$, Indeed, anyone #ho !asts !or one day !or Allah's 2leasure, Allah #ill keep his !a0e a#ay !rom the )(ell, !ire !or )a distan0e 0o%ered by a 4ourney o!, se%enty years. 4.B4: Narrated Abu (uraira:


*he 2rophet said, -hoe%er spends t#o thin$s in Allah's Aause, #ill be 0alled by all the $ate'keepers o! 2aradise #ho #ill be sayin$, ': so'and'so; Aome here.' Abu Bakr said, : Allah's Apostle; 8u0h persons #ill ne%er be destroyed. *he 2rophet said, I hope you #ill be one o! them. 4.B7: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: Allah's Apostle as0ended the pulpit and said, Nothin$ #orries me as to #hat #ill happen to you a!ter me, e/0ept the temptation o! #orldly blessin$s #hi0h #ill be 0on!erred on you. *hen he mentioned the #orldly pleasures. (e started #ith the one )i.e. the blessin$s, and took up the other )i.e. the pleasures,. A man $ot up sayin$, : Allah's Apostle; Aan the $ood brin$ about e%il3 *he 2rophet remained silent and #e thou$ht that he #as bein$ inspired di%inely, so all the people kept silent #ith a#e. *hen the 2rophet #iped the s#eat o!! his !a0e and asked, -here is the present 5uestioner3 .o you think #ealth is $ood3 he repeated thri0e, addin$, No doubt, $ood produ0es nothin$ but $ood. Indeed it is like #hat $ro#s on the banks o! a stream #hi0h either kills or nearly kills the $raFin$ animals be0ause o! $luttony e/0ept the %e$etation'eatin$ animal #hi0h eats till both its !lanks are !ull )i.e. till it $ets satis!ied, and then stands in the sun and de!e0ates and urinates and a$ain starts $raFin$. *his #orldly property is s#eet %e$etation. (o# e/0ellent the #ealth o! the "uslim is, i! it is 0olle0ted throu$h le$al means and is spent in Allah's Aause and on orphans, poor people and tra%elers. But he #ho does not take it le$ally is like an eater #ho is ne%er satis!ied and his #ealth #ill be a #itness a$ainst him on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.B=: Narrated @aid bin 9halid: Allah's Apostle said, (e #ho pre pares a EhaFi $oin$ in Allah's Aause is $i%en a re#ard e5ual to that o!, a EhaFiD and he #ho looks a!ter properly the dependents o! a EhaFi $oin$ in Allah's Aause is )$i%en a re#ard e5ual to that o!, EhaFi. 4.B>: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet used not to enter any house in "edina e/0ept the house o! Um 8ulaim besides those o! his #i%es #hen he #as asked #hy, he said, I take pity on her as her brother #as killed in my 0ompany. 4.B?: Narrated Ibn `Aun: :n0e "usa bin Anas #hile des0ribin$ the battle o! <amama, said, Anas bin "alik #ent to *habit bin 6ais, #ho had li!ted his 0lothes !rom his thi$hs and #as applyin$ (unut to his body. Anas asked, ': Un0le; -hat is holdin$ you ba0k )!rom the battle,3' (e replied, ': my nephe#; I am 0omin$ 4ust no#,' and #ent on per!umin$ himsel! #ith (unut, then he 0ame and sat )in the ro#,. Anas then mentioned that the people !led !rom the battle'!ield. :n that *habit said, 'Alear the #ay !or me to !i$ht the enemy. -e #ould ne%er do so )i.e. !lee, in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle. (o# bad the habits you ha%e a05uired !rom your enemies; 4.BB: Narrated +abir: *he 2rophet said, -ho #ill brin$ me the in!ormation about the enemy on the day )o! the battle, o! Al'AhFab )i.e. Alans,3 AF'@ubair said, I #ill. *he 2rophet said a$ain, -ho #ill brin$ me the in!ormation about the enemy3 AF'@ubair said a$ain, I #ill. *he 2rophet said, J%ery prophet had a dis0iple and my dis0iple is AF'@ubair. 4.1CC: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: -hen the 2rophet 0alled the people )8ad5a, a sub'narrator, said, '"ost probably that happened on the day o! Al'9handa5, AF'@ubair responded to the 0all )i.e. to a0t as a re0onnoiter,. *he 2rophet, 0alled the people a$ain and AF'@ubair responded to the 0all. *he 2rophet then said, J%ery prophet had a dis0iple and my dis0iple is @ubair bin Al'`A##am. 4.1C1: Narrated "alik bin Al'(u#airith: 14

:n my departure !rom the 2rophet he said to me and to a !riend o! mine, <ou t#o, pronoun0e the Adhan and the I5ama !or the prayer and let the elder o! you lead the prayer. 4.1C&: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, Eood #ill remain )as a permanent 5uality, in the !oreheads o! horses till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.1C1: Narrated Ursa bin AIEA K33L: *he 2rophet said, Eood #ill remain )as a permanent 5uality, in the !oreheads o! horses till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. And narrated Anas bin "alik: Allah's Apostle said, *here is a blessin$ in the !ore'heads o! horses. 4.1C4: Narrated `Ur#a Al'Bari5i: *he 2rophet said, Eood #ill remain )as a permanent 5uality, in the !oreheads o! horses )!or +ihad, till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion, !or they brin$ about either a re#ard )in the (erea!ter, or booty )in this #orld. 4.1C7: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, I! somebody keeps a horse in Allah's Aause moti%ated by his !aith in Allah and his belie! in (is 2romise, then he #ill be re#arded on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion !or #hat the horse has eaten or drunk and !or its dun$ and urine. 4.1C=: Narrated `Abdullah bin Abi 6atada: )!rom his !ather, Abu 6atada #ent out )on a 4ourney, #ith Allah's Apostle but he #as le!t behind #ith some o! his 0ompanions #ho #ere in the state o! Ihram. (e himsel! #as not in the state o! Ihram. *hey sa# an opener be!ore he 0ould see it. -hen they sa# the opener, they did not speak anythin$ till Abu 6atada sa# it. 8o, he rode o%er his horse 0alled Al'+arada and re5uested them to $i%e him his lash, but they re!used. 8o, he himsel! took it and then atta0ked the opener and slau$htered it. (e ate o! its meat and his 0ompanions ate, too, but they re$retted their eatin$. -hen they met the 2rophet )they asked him about it, and he asked, (a%e you some o! its meat )le!t, #ith you3 Abu 6atada replied, <es, #e ha%e its le$ #ith us. 8o, the 2rophet took and ate it. 4.1C>: Narrated 8ahl: In our $arden there #as a horse belon$in$ to the 2rophet 0alled Al'Iuhai! or Al'Iakhi!. 4.1C?: Narrated "u`adh: I #as a 0ompanion rider o! the 2rophet on a donkey 0alled 'U!air. *he 2rophet asked, : "u`adh; .o you kno# #hat Allah's ri$ht on (is sla%es is, and #hat the ri$ht o! (is sla%es on (im is3 I replied, Allah and (is Apostle kno# better. (e said, Allah's ri$ht on (is sla%es is that they should #orship (im )Alone, and should not #orship any besides (im. And sla%e's ri$ht on Allah is that (e should not punish him #ho #orships none besides (im. I said, : Allah's Apostle; 8hould I not in!orm the people o! this $ood ne#s3 (e said, .o not in!orm them o! it, lest they should depend on it )absolutely,. 4.1CB: Narrated Anas bin "alik: :n0e there #as a !eelin$ o! !ri$ht in "edina, so the 2rophet borro#ed a horse belon$in$ to us 0alled "andub )and he rode a#ay on it,. )-hen the 2rophet returned, he said, I ha%e not seen anythin$ o! !ri$ht and I !ound it )i.e. this horse, %ery !ast. 4.11C: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: I heard the 2rophet sayin$. J%il omen is in three thin$s: *he horse, the #oman and the house. 4.111: 17

Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d 8aidi: Allah's Apostle said I! there is any e%il omen in anythin$, then it is in the #oman, the horse and the house. 4.11&: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, (orses are kept !or one o! three purposesD !or some people they are a sour0e o! re#ard, !or some others they are a means o! shelter and !or some others they are a sour0e o! sins. *he one !or #hom they are a sour0e o! re#ard, is he #ho keeps a horse !or Allah's Aause )i.e. +ihad, tyin$ it #ith a lon$ tether on a meado# or in a $arden #ith the result that #hate%er it eats !rom the area o! the meado# or the $arden #here it is tied #ill be 0ounted as $ood deeds !or his bene!it, and i! it should break its rope and 4ump o%er one or t#o hillo0ks then all its dun$ and its !oot marks #ill be #ritten as $ood deeds !or himD and i! it passes by a ri%er and drinks #ater !rom it e%en thou$h he had no intention o! #aterin$ it, e%en then he #ill $et the re#ard !or its drinkin$. As !or the man !or #hom horses are a sour0e o! sins, he is the one #ho keeps a horse !or the sake o! pride and pretense and sho#in$ enmity !or "uslims: su0h a horse #ill be a sour0e o! sins !or him. -hen Allah's Apostle #as asked about donkeys, he replied, Nothin$ has been re%ealed to me about them e/0ept this uni5ue, 0omprehensi%e Verse: *hen anyone #ho does an atom's )or a small ant's, #ei$ht o! $ood shall see itD And anyone #ho does an atom's )or a small ant's, #ei$ht o! e%il, shall see it.' )1C1.>'?, 4.111: Narrated "uslim !rom Abu `A5il !rom Abu Al'"uta#akkil An'Na4i: I 0alled on +abir bin `Abdullah Al'Ansari and said to him, Gelate to me #hat you ha%e heard !rom Allah's Apostle . (e said, I a00ompanied him on one o! the 4ourneys. )Abu `A5il said, I do not kno# #hether that 4ourney #as !or the purpose o! +ihad or `Umra. , -hen #e #ere returnin$, +abir 0ontinued, the 2rophet said, '-hoe%er #ants to return earlier to his !amily, should hurry up.' -e set o!! and I #as on a bla0k red tainted 0amel ha%in$ no de!e0t, and the people #ere behind me. -hile I #as in that state the 0amel stopped suddenly )be0ause o! e/haustion,. :n that the 2rophet said to me, ': +abir, #ait;' *hen he hit it on0e #ith his lash and it started mo%in$ on a !ast pa0e. (e then said, '-ill you sell the 0amel3' I replied in the a!!irmati%e #hen #e rea0hed "edina, and the 2rophet #ent to the "os5ue alon$ #ith his 0ompanions. I, too, #ent to him a!ter tyin$ the 0amel on the pa%ement at the "os5ue $ate. *hen I said to him, '*his is your 0amel.' (e 0ame out and started e/aminin$ the 0amel and sayin$, '*he 0amel is ours.' *hen the 2rophet sent some A#a5 )i.e. an amount, o! $old sayin$, 'Ei%e it to +abir.' *hen he asked, '(a%e you taken the !ull pri0e )o! the 0amel,3' I replied in the a!!irmati%e. (e said, 'Both the pri0e and the 0amel are !or you.' '' 4.114: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *here #as a !eelin$ o! !ri$ht in "edina, so the 2rophet borro#ed a horse 0alled "andub belon$in$ 'to Abu *alha and mounted it. ):n his return,, he said, I did not see anythin$ o! !ri$ht and I !ound this horse %ery !ast. 4.117: Narrated Ibn `Umar: Allah's Apostle !i/ed t#o shares !or the horse and one share !or its rider )!rom the #ar booty,. 4.11=: Narrated Abu 'Is'ha5: 8omebody asked Al'Bar'a bin `AFib, .id you !lee desertin$ Allah's Apostle durin$ the battle o! (unain3 Al'Bara replied, But Allah's Apostle did not !lee. *he people o! the *ribe o! (a#aFin #ere $ood ar0hers. -hen #e met them, #e atta0ked them, and they !led. -hen the "uslims started 0olle0tin$ the #ar booty, the pa$ans !a0ed us #ith arro#s, but Allah's Apostle did not !lee. No doubt, I sa# him on his #hite mule and Abu 8u!yan #as holdin$ its reins and the 2rophet #as sayin$, 'I am the 2rophet in truth: I am the son o! `Abdul "uttalib.' 4.11>: Narrated Ibn'`Umar:


-hen the 2rophet put his !eet in the stirrup and the she'0amel $ot up 0arryin$ him he #ould start re0itin$ *albiya at the mos5ue o! .hul'(ulai!a. 4.11?: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet met them )i.e. the people, #hile he #as ridin$ an unsaddled horse #ith his s#ord slun$ o%er his shoulder. 4.11B: Narrated Anas bin "alik: :n0e the people o! "edina #ere !ri$htened, so the 2rophet rode a horse belon$in$ to Abu *alha and it ran slo#ly, or #as o! narro# pa0es. -hen he returned, he said, I !ound your )i.e. Abu *alha's, horse %ery !ast. A!ter that the horse 0ould not be surpassed in runnin$..' 4.1&C: Narrated )`Abdullah, bin `Umar: *he 2rophet arran$ed !or a horse ra0e amon$st the horses that had been made lean to take pla0e bet#een Al'(a!ya'' and *haniyat Al'-ada` )i.e. names o! t#o pla0es, and the horses #hi0h had not been mad.3 lean !rom Ath'*haniyat to the mos5ue o! Bani @urai5. I #as also amon$st those #ho took part in that horse ra0e. 8u!yan, a sub'narrator, said, *he distan0e bet#een Al'(a!ya and *haniya Al' -ada` is !i%e or si/ milesD and bet#een *haniya and the mos5ue o! Bani @urai5 is one mile. 4.1&1: Narrated `Abdullah: *he 2rophet arran$ed !or a horse ra0e o! the horses #hi0h had not been made leanD the area o! the ra0e #as !rom Ath'*haniya to the mos5ue o! Bani @urai5. )*he sub'narrator said, `Abdullah bin `Umar #as amon$st those #ho parti0ipated in that horse ra0e. ,. 4.1&&: Narrated Abu 'Is'ha5 !rom "usa bin `U5ba !rom "a!ia !rom Ibn `Umar #ho said: Allah's Apostle arran$ed a horse ra0e amon$st the horses that had been made lean, lettin$ them start !rom Al'(a!ya' and their limit )distan0e o! runnin$, #as up to *haniyat'al'-ada`. I asked "usa, '-hat #as the distan0e bet#een the t#o pla0es3' "usa replied, '8i/ or se%en miles. (e arran$ed a ra0e o! the horses #hi0h had not been made lean sendin$ them !rom *haniyat'al'-ada`, and their limit #as up to the mos5ue o! Bani @urai5.' I asked, '-hat #as the distan0e bet#een those t#o pla0es3' (e replied ':ne mile or so.' Ibn `Umar #as amon$st those #ho parti0ipated in that horse ra0e. 4.1&1: Narrated Anas: *he she 0amel o! the 2rophet #as 0alled Al'Adba. 4.1&4: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet had a she 0amel 0alled Al Adba #hi0h 0ould not be e/0elled in a ra0e. )(umaid, a sub' narrator said, :r 0ould hardly be e/0elled. , :n0e a bedouin 0ame ridin$ a 0amel belo# si/ years o! a$e #hi0h surpasses it )i.e. Al'`Adba', in the ra0e. *he "uslims !elt it so mu0h that the 2rophet noti0ed their distress. (e then said, It is Allah's Ia# that (e brin$s do#n #hate%er rises hi$h in the #orld. 4.1&7: Narrated `Amr bin Al'(arith: *he 2rophet did not lea%e anythin$ behind him a!ter his death e/0ept a #hite mule, his arms and a pie0e o! land #hi0h he le!t to be $i%en in 0harity. 4.1&=: Narrated Al'Bara: that a man asked him. : Abu '`Umara; .id you !lee on the day )o! the battle, o! (unain3 (e replied, No, by Allah, the 2rophet did not !lee but the hasty people !led and the people o! the *ribe o! (a#aFin atta0ked them #ith arro#s, #hile the 2rophet #as ridin$ his #hite mule and Abu 8u!yan bin Al'(arith #as holdin$ its reins, and the 2rophet #as sayin$, 'I am the 2rophet in truth, I am the son o! `Abdul "uttalib.' 1>

4.1&>: Narrated `Aisha: the mother o! the !aith!ul belie%ers, I re5uested the 2rophet permit me to parti0ipate in +ihad, but he said, <our +ihad is the per!orman0e o! (a44. 4.1&?: Narrated `Aisha: the mother o! the !aith!ul belie%ers: *he 2rophet #as asked by his #i%es about the +ihad and he replied, *he best +ihad )!or you, is )the per!orman0e o!, (a44. 4.1&B: Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle #ent to the dau$hter o! "ilhan and re0lined there )and slept, and then )#oke up, smilin$. 8he asked, : Allah's Apostle; -hat makes you smile3 (e replied, )I dreamt that, some people amon$st my !ollo#ers #ere sailin$ on the $reen sea in Allah's Aause, resemblin$ kin$s on thrones. 8he said, : Allah's Apostle; In%oke Allah to make me one o! them. (e said, : Allah; Iet her be one o! them. *hen he )slept a$ain and #oke up and, smiled. 8he asked him the same 5uestion and he $a%e the same reply. 8he said, In%oke Allah to make me one o! them. (e replied, ''<ou #ill be amon$st the !irst $roup o! themD you #ill not be amon$st the last. Iater on she married 'Ubada bin As'8amit and then she sailed on the sea #ith bint 6araFa, "u'a#iya's #i!e )!or +ihad,. :n her return, she mounted her ridin$ animal, #hi0h thre# her do#n breakin$ her ne0k, and she died on !allin$ do#n. 4.11C: Narrated `Aisha: -hene%er the 2rophet intended to pro0eed on a 4ourney, he used to dra# lots amon$st his #i%es and #ould take the one upon #hom the lot !ell. :n0e, be!ore settin$ out !or +ihad, he dre# lots amon$st us and the lot 0ame to meD so I #ent #ith the 2rophetD and that happened a!ter the re%elation o! the Verse (i4ab )i.e. %eilin$,. 4.111: Narrated Anas: :n the day )o! the battle, o! Uhad #hen )some, people retreated and le!t the 2rophet, I sa# `Aisha bint Abu Bakr and Um 8ulaim, #ith their robes tu0ked up so that the ban$les around their ankles #ere %isible hurryin$ #ith their #ater skins )in another narration it is said, 0arryin$ the #ater skins on their ba0ks ,. *hen they #ould pour the #ater in the mouths o! the people, and return to !ill the #ater skins a$ain and 0ame ba0k a$ain to pour #ater in the mouths o! the people. 4.11&: Narrated *ha`laba bin Abi "alik: `Umar bin Al'9hattab distributed some $arments amon$st the #omen o! "edina. :ne $ood $arment remained, and one o! those present #ith him said, : 0hie! o! the belie%ers; Ei%e this $arment to your #i!e, the )$rand, dau$hter o! Allah's Apostle. *hey meant Um 9ulthum, the dau$hter o! `Ali. `Umar said, Um 8alit has more ri$ht )to ha%e it,. Um 8alit #as amon$st those Ansari #omen #ho had $i%en the pled$e o! alle$ian0e to Allah's Apostle.' `Umar said, 8he )i.e. Um 8alit, used to 0arry the #ater skins !or us on the day o! Uhud. 4.111: Narrated Ar'Gubayyi 'bint "u'au#idh: -e #ere in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet pro%idin$ the #ounded #ith #ater and treatin$ them and brin$in$ the killed to "edina )!rom the battle !ield, . 4.114: Narrated Ar'Gabi'bint "u'au#idh: -e used to take part in holy battles #ith the 2rophet by pro%idin$ the people #ith #ater and ser%in$ them and brin$in$ the killed and the #ounded ba0k to "edina. 4.117: Narrated Abu "usa:


Abu 'Amir #as hit #ith an arro# in his knee, so I #ent to him and he asked me to remo%e the arro#. -hen I remo%ed it, the #ater started dribblin$ !rom it. *hen I #ent to the 2rophet and told him about it. (e said, : Allah; Hor$i%e `Ubaid Abu 'Amir. 4.11=: Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet #as %i$ilant one ni$ht and #hen he rea0hed "edina, he said, -ould that a pious man !rom my 0ompanions $uard me toni$ht; 8uddenly #e heard the 0latter o! arms. (e said, -ho is that3 (e )*he ne# 0omer, replied, I am 8a`d bin Abi -a55as and ha%e 0ome to $uard you. 8o, the 2rophet slept )that ni$ht,. 4.11>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, Iet the sla%e o! .inar and .irham o! 6uanti!y and 9hamisa )i.e. money and lu/urious 0lothes, perish !or he is pleased i! these thin$s are $i%en to him, and i! not, he is displeased; Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, Iet the sla%e o! .inar and .irham, o! 6uanti!y and 9hamisa perish as he is pleased i! these thin$s are $i%en to him, and i! not, he is displeased. Iet su0h a person perish and relapse, and i! he is pier0ed #ith a thorn, let him not !ind anyone to take it out !or him. 2aradise is !or him #ho holds the reins o! his horse to stri%e in Allah's Aause, #ith his hair unkempt and !eet 0o%ered #ith dust: i! he is appointed in the %an$uard, he is per!e0tly satis!ied #ith his post o! $uardin$, and i! he is appointed in the rear#ard, he a00epts his post #ith satis!a0tionD )he is so simple and unambi$uous that, i! he asks !or permission he is not permitted, and i! he inter0edes, his inter0ession is not a00epted. 4.11?: Narrated Anas: I #as in the 0ompany o! +abir bin `Abdullah on a 4ourney and he used to ser%e me thou$h he #as older than I. +arir said, I sa# the Ansar doin$ a thin$ )i.e. sho#in$ $reat re%eren0e to the 2rophet , !or #hi0h I ha%e %o#ed that #hene%er I meet any o! them, I #ill ser%e him. 4.11B: Narrated Anas bin "alik: I #ent alon$ #ith the 2rophet to 9haibar so as to ser%e him. )Iater on, #hen the 2rophet returned he, on seein$ the Uhud mountain, said, *his is a mountain that lo%es us andis lo%ed by us. *hen he pointed to "edina #ith his hand sayin$, : Allah; I make the area #hi0h is in bet#een "edina's t#o mountains a san0tuary, as Abraham made "e00a a san0tuary. : Allah; Bless us in our 8a and "udd )i.e. units o! measurin$,. 4.14C: Narrated Anas: -e #ere #ith the 2rophet )on a 4ourney, and the only shade one 0ould ha%e #as the shade made by one's o#n $arment. *hose #ho !asted did not do any #ork and those #ho did not !ast ser%ed the 0amels and brou$ht the #ater on them and treated the si0k and )#ounded,. 8o, the 2rophet said, *oday, those #ho #ere not !astin$ took )all, the re#ard. 4.141: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, Aharity is obli$atory e%eryday on e%ery 4oint o! a human bein$. I! one helps a person in matters 0on0ernin$ his ridin$ animal by helpin$ him to ride it or by li!tin$ his lu$$a$e on to it, all this #ill be re$arded 0harity. A $ood #ord, and e%ery step one takes to o!!er the 0ompulsory Aon$re$ational prayer, is re$arded as 0harityD and $uidin$ somebody on the road is re$arded as 0harity. 4.14&: Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d As'8a'di : Allah's Apostle said, *o $uard "uslims !rom in!idels in Allah's Aause !or one day is better than the #orld and #hate%er is on its sur!a0e, and a pla0e in 2aradise as small as that o00upied by the #hip o! one o! you is better than the #orld and #hate%er is on its sur!a0eD and a mornin$'s or an e%enin$'s 1B

4ourney #hi0h a sla%e )person, tra%els in Allah's Aause is better than the #orld and #hate%er is on its sur!a0e. 4.141: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet said to Abu *alha, Ahoose one o! your boy ser%ants to ser%e me in my e/pedition to 9haibar. 8o, Abu *alha took me lettin$ me ride behind him #hile I #as a boy nearin$ the a$e o! puberty. I used to ser%e Allah's Apostle #hen he stopped to rest. I heard him sayin$ repeatedly, : Allah; I seek re!u$e #ith <ou !rom distress and sorro#, !rom helplessness and laFiness, !rom miserliness and 0o#ardi0e, !rom bein$ hea%ily in debt and !rom bein$ o%er0ome by men. *hen #e rea0hed 9haibarD and #hen Allah enabled him to 0on5uer the Hort )o! 9haibar,, the beauty o! 8a!iya bint (uyai bin Akhtab #as des0ribed to him. (er husband had been killed #hile she #as a bride. 8o Allah's Apostle sele0ted her !or himsel! and took her alon$ #ith him till #e rea0hed a pla0e 0alled 8a`d'As8ahba,' #here her menses #ere o%er and he took her !or his #i!e. (aris )a kind o! dish, #as ser%ed on a small leather sheet. *hen Allah's Apostle told me to 0all those #ho #ere around me. 8o, that #as the marria$e ban5uet o! Allah's Apostle and 8a!iya. *hen #e le!t !or "edina. I sa# Allah's Apostle !oldin$ a 0loak round the hump o! the 0amel so as to make a #ide spa0e !or 8a!iya )to sit on behind him, (e sat beside his 0amel lettin$ his knees !or 8a!iya to put her !eet on so as to mount the 0amel. *hen, #e pro0eeded till #e approa0hed "edinaD he looked at Uhud )mountain, and said, *his is a mountain #hi0h lo%es us and is lo%ed by us. *hen he looked at "edina and said, : Allah; I make the area bet#een its )i.e. "edina's, t#o mountains a san0tuary as Abraham made "e00a a san0tuary. : Allah; Bless them )i.e. the people o! "edina, in their "udd and 8a )i.e. measures,. 4.144: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Um (aram told me that the 2rophet one day took a midday nap in her house. *hen he #oke up smilin$. Um (aram asked, : Allah's Apostle; -hat makes you smile3 (e replied I #as astonished to see )in my dream, some people amon$st my !ollo#ers on a sea'%oya$e lookin$ like kin$s on the thrones. 8he said, : Allah's Apostle; In%oke Allah to make me one o! them. (e replied, <ou are amon$st them. (e slept a$ain and then #oke up smilin$ and said the same as be!ore t#i0e or thri0e. And she said, : Allah's Apostle; In%oke Allah to make me one o! them. And he said, <ou are amon$st the !irst bat0h. 'Ubada bin As'8amit married her )i.e. Um (aram, and then he took her !or +ihad. -hen she returned, an animal #as presented to her to ride, but she !ell do#n and her ne0k #as broken. 4.147: Narrated "us`ab bin 8a`d: :n0e 8a`d )bin Abi -a55as, thou$ht that he #as superior to those #ho #ere belo# him in rank. :n that the 2rophet said, <ou $ain no %i0tory or li%elihood e/0ept throu$h )the blessin$s and in%o0ations o!, the poor amon$st you. 4.14=: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: *he 2rophet said, A time #ill 0ome #hen $roups o! people #ill $o !or +ihad and it #ill be asked, 'Is there anyone amon$st you #ho has en4oyed the 0ompany o! the 2rophet3' *he ans#er #ill be, '<es.' *hen they #ill be $i%en %i0tory )by Allah, )be0ause o! him,. *hen a time #ill 0ome #hen it #ill be asked. 'Is there anyone amon$st you #ho has en4oyed the 0ompany o! the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet3' It #ill be said, '<es,' and they #ill be $i%en %i0tory )by Allah,. *hen a time #ill 0ome #hen it #ill be said. 'Is there anyone amon$st you #ho has en4oyed the 0ompany o! the 0ompanions o! the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet3' It #ill be said, '<es,' and they #ill be $i%en %i0tory )by Allah,. 4.14>: Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d As'8a`idi: Allah's Apostle and the pa$ans !a0ed ea0h other and started !i$htin$. -hen Allah's Apostle returned to his 0amp and #hen the pa$ans returned to their 0amp, somebody talked about a man amon$st the 0ompanions o! Allah's Apostle #ho #ould !ollo# and kill #ith his s#ord any pa$an $oin$ alone. (e said, Nobody did his 4ob )i.e. !i$htin$, so properly today as that man. Allah's Apostle said, Indeed, &C

he is amon$st the people o! the )(ell, Hire. A man amon$st the people said, I shall a00ompany him )to #at0h #hat he does, *hus he a00ompanied him, and #here%er he stood, he #ould stand #ith him, and #here%er he ran, he #ould run #ith him. *hen the )bra%e, man $ot #ounded seriously and he de0ided to brin$ about his death 5ui0kly. (e planted the blade o! the s#ord in the $round dire0tin$ its sharp end to#ards his 0hest bet#een his t#o breasts. *hen he leaned on the s#ord and killed himsel!. *he other man 0ame to Allah's Apostle and said, I testi!y that you are Allah's Apostle. *he 2rophet asked, -hat has happened3 (e replied, )It is about, the man #hom you had des0ribed as one o! the people o! the )(ell, Hire. *he people #ere $reatly surprised at #hat you said, and I said, 'I #ill !ind out his reality !or you.' 8o, I 0ame out seekin$ him. (e $ot se%erely #ounded, and hastened to die by slantin$ the blade o! his s#ord in the $round dire0tin$ its sharp end to#ards his 0hest bet#een his t#o breasts. *hen he eased on his s#ord and killed himsel!. #hen Allah's Apostle said, A man may seem to the people as i! he #ere pra0tisin$ the deeds o! the people o! 2aradise #hile in !a0t he is !rom the people o! the (ell, Hire, another may seem to the people as i! he #ere pra0ti0in$ the deeds o! the people o! (ell )Hire,, #hile in !a0t he is !rom the people o! 2aradise. 4.14?: Narrated 8alama bin Al'Ak#a`: *he 2rophet passed by some people o! the tribe o! Bani Aslam #ho #ere pra0ti0in$ ar0hery. *he 2rophet said, : Bani Isma`il ; 2ra0ti0e ar0hery as your !ather Isma`il #as a $reat ar0her. 9eep on thro#in$ arro#s and I am #ith Bani so'and'so. 8o one o! the parties 0eased thro#in$. Allah's Apostle said, -hy do you not thro#3 *hey replied, (o# should #e thro# #hile you are #ith them )i.e. on their side,3 :n that the 2rophet said, *hro#, and I am #ith all o! you. 4.14B: Narrated Abu Usaid: :n the day )o! the battle, o! Badr #hen #e stood in ro#s a$ainst )the army o!, 6uraish and they stood in ro#s a$ainst us, the 2rophet said, -hen they do 0ome near you, thro# arro#s at them. 4.17C: Narrated Abu (uraira: -hile some Jthiopians #ere playin$ in the presen0e o! the 2rophet, `Umar 0ame in, pi0ked up a stone and hit them #ith it. :n that the 2rophet said, : `Umar; Allo# them )to play,. "a`mar )the sub' narrator, added that they #ere playin$ in the "os5ue. 4.171: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Abu *alha and the 2rophet used to shield themsel%es #ith one shield. Abu *alha #as a $ood ar0her, and #hen he thre# )his arro#s, the 2rophet #ould look at the tar$et o! his arro#s. 4.17&: Narrated 8ahl: -hen the helmet o! the 2rophet #as smashed on his head and blood 0o%ered his !a0e and one o! his !ront teeth $ot broken, `Ali brou$ht the #ater in his shield and Hatima the 2rophet's dau$hter, #ashed him. But #hen she sa# that the bleedin$ in0reased more by the #ater, she took a mat, burnt it, and pla0ed the ashes on the #ound o! the 2rophet and so the blood stopped ooFin$ out. 4.171: Narrated `Umar: *he properties o! Bani An'Nadir #hi0h Allah had trans!erred to (is Apostle as Hai Booty #ere not $ained by the "uslims #ith their horses and 0amels. *he properties there!ore, belon$ed espe0ially to Allah's Apostle #ho used to $i%e his !amily their yearly e/penditure and spend #hat remained thereo! on arms and horses to be used in Allah's Aause. 4.174: Narrated `Ali: I ne%er sa# the 2rophet sayin$, Iet my parents sa0ri!i0e their li%es !or you, to any man a!ter 8a`d. I heard him sayin$ )to him,, *hro# )the arro#s,; Iet my parents sa0ri!i0e their li%es !or you. 4.177: &1

Narrated `Aisha: Allah's Apostle 0ame to my house #hile t#o $irls #ere sin$in$ beside me the son$s o! Bu'ath )a story about the #ar bet#een the t#o tribes o! the Ansar, i.e. 9haFra4 and Aus, be!ore Islam., *he 2rophet re0lined on the bed and turned his !a0e to the other side. Abu Bakr 0ame and s0olded me and said protestin$ly, Instrument o! 8atan in the presen0e o! Allah's Apostle3 Allah's Apostle turned his !a0e to#ards him and said, Iea%e them. -hen Abu Bakr be0ame inattenti%e, I #a%ed the t#o $irls to $o a#ay and they le!t. It #as the day o! `Id #hen ne$roes used to play #ith leather shields and spears. Jither I re5uested Allah's Apostle or he himsel! asked me #hether I #ould like to see the display. I replied in the a!!irmati%e. *hen he let me stand behind him and my 0heek #as tou0hin$ his 0heek and he #as sayin$, Aarry on, : Bani Ar!ida )i.e. ne$roes,; -hen I $ot tired, he asked me i! that #as enou$h. I replied in the a!!irmati%e and he told me to lea%e. 4.17=: Narrated Anas: *he '2rophet #as the best and the bra%est amon$st the people. :n0e the people o! "edina $ot terri!ied at ni$ht, so they #ent in the dire0tion o! the noise )that terri!ied them,. *he 2rophet met them )on his #ay ba0k, a!ter he had !ound out the truth. (e #as ridin$ an unsaddled horse belon$in$ to Abu *alha and a s#ord #as han$in$ by his ne0k, and he #as sayin$, .on't be a!raid; .on't be a!raid; (e !urther said, I !ound it )i.e. the horse, %ery !ast, or said, *his horse is %ery !ast. )6astala'ni, 4.17>: Narrated Abu Umama: 8ome people 0on5uered many 0ountries and their s#ords #ere de0orated neither #ith $old nor sil%er, but they #ere de0orated #ith leather, lead and iron. 4.17?: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: *hat he pro0eeded in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle to#ards Na4d to parti0ipate in a EhaF#a. )(oly' battle, -hen Allah's Apostle returned, he too returned #ith him. "idday 0ame upon them #hile they #ere in a %alley ha%in$ many thorny trees. Allah's Apostle and the people dismounted and dispersed to rest in the shade o! the trees. Allah's Apostle rested under a tree and hun$ his s#ord on it. -e all took a nap and suddenly #e heard Allah's Apostle 0allin$ us. )-e #oke up, to see a bedouin #ith him. *he 2rophet said, *his bedouin took out my s#ord #hile I #as sleepin$ and #hen I #oke up, I !ound the unsheathed s#ord in his hand and he 0hallen$ed me sayin$, '-ho #ill sa%e you !rom me3' I said thri0e, 'Allah.' *he 2rophet did not punish him but sat do#n. 4.17B: Narrated 8ahl: *hat he #as asked about the #ound o! the 2rophet on the day )o! the battle, o! Uhud. (e said, *he !a0e o! the 2rophet as #ounded and one o! his !ront teeth as broken and the helmet o%er his head #as smashed. Hatima #ashed o! the blood #hile `Ali held #ater. -hen she sa# that bleedin$ #as in0reasin$ 0ontinuously, she burnt a mat )o! date'palm lea%es, till it turned into ashes #hi0h she put o%er the #ound and thus the bleedin$ 0eased. 4.1=C: Narrated `Amr bin Al'(arith: *he 2rophet did not lea%e behind him a!ter his death, anythin$ e/0ept his arms, his #hite mule, and a pie0e o! land at 9haibar #hi0h he le!t to be $i%en in 0harity . 4.1=1: Narrated +abir: as abo%e )(adith No. 17?,. 4.1=&: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: *hat he parti0ipated in a EhaF#a )(oly'Battle, in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle. "idday 0ame upon them #hile they #ere in a %alley ha%in$ many thorny trees. *he people dispersed to rest in the shade o! the trees. *he 2rophet rested under a tree, hun$ his s#ord on it, and then slept. *hen he #oke up to !ind near to him, a man #hose presen0e he had not noti0ed be!ore. *he 2rophet said, *his )man, took &&

my s#ord )out o! its s0abbard, and said, '-ho #ill sa%e you !rom me.' I replied, 'Allah.' 8o, he put the s#ord ba0k into its s0abbard, and you see him sittin$ here. Anyho#, the 2rophet did not punish him. )8ee (adith No. 17?, 4.1=1: Narrated Abu 6atada: *hat he #as in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle and #hen they had 0o%ered a portion o! the road to "e00a, he and some o! the 0ompanions la$$ed behind. *he latter #ere in a state o! Ihram, #hile he #as not. (e sa# an ona$er and rode his horse and re5uested his 0ompanions to $i%e him his lash but they re!used. *hen he asked them to $i%e him his spear but they re!used, so he took it himsel!, atta0ked the ona$er, and killed it. 8ome o! the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet ate o! it #hile some others re!used to eat. -hen they 0au$ht up #ith Allah's Apostle they asked him about that, and he said, *hat #as a meal Allah !ed you #ith. )It is also said that Allah's Apostle asked, (a%e you $ot somethin$ o! its meat3 , 4.1=4: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet , #hile in a tent )on the day o! the battle o! Badr, said, : Allah; I ask you the !ul!illment o! <our Ao%enant and 2romise. : Allah; I! <ou #ish )to destroy the belie%ers, <ou #ill ne%er be #orshipped a!ter today. Abu Bakr 0au$ht him by the hand and said, *his is su!!i0ient, : Allah's Apostle; <ou ha%e asked Allah pressin$ly. *he 2rophet #as 0lad in his armor at that time. (e #ent out, sayin$ to me: *here multitude #ill be put to !li$ht and they #ill sho# their ba0ks. Nay, but the (our is their appointed time )!or their !ull re0ompense, and that (our #ill be more $rie%ous and more bitter )than their #orldly !ailure,. )74.47'4=, 9halid said that #as on the day o! the battle o! Badr. 4.1=7: Narrated `Aisha: Allah's Apostle died #hile his )iron, armor #as mort$a$ed to a +e# !or thirty 8as o! barley. 4.1==: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he e/ample o! a miser and the one #ho $i%es in 0harity, is like the e/ample o! t#o men #earin$ iron 0loaks so ti$htly that their arms are raised !or0ibly to#ards their 0ollar'bones. 8o, #hene%er a 0haritable person #ants to $i%e in 0harity, his 0loak spreads o%er his body so mu0h so that it #ipes out his tra0es, but #hene%er the miser #ants to $i%e in 0harity, the rin$s )o! the iron 0loak, 0ome 0loser to ea0h other and press o%er his body, and his hands $ets 0onne0ted to his 0ollar' bones. Abu (uraira heard the 2rophet sayin$. *he miser then tries to #iden it but in %ain. 4.1=>: Narrated Al'"u$hira bin 8hu`ba: Allah's Apostle #ent out to ans#er the 0all o! nature and on his return I brou$ht some #ater to him. (e per!ormed the ablution #hile he #as #earin$ a 8ha'mi 0loak. (e rinsed his mouth and #ashed his nose by puttin$ #ater in it and then blo#in$ it out, and #ashed his !a0e. *hen he tried to take out his hands throu$h his slee%es but they #ere ti$ht, so he took them out !rom underneath, #ashed them and passed #et hands o%er his head and o%er his leather so0ks. 4.1=?: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet allo#ed `Abdur'Gahman bin `Au! and AF'@ubair to #ear silken shirts be0ause they had a skin disease 0ausin$ it0hin$. 4.1=B: Narrated Anas: As abo%e. 4.1>C: Narrated Anas: `Abdur Gahman bin `Au! and AF'@ubair 0omplained to the 2rophet, i.e. about the li0e )that 0aused it0hin$, so he allo#ed them to #ear silken 0lothes. I sa# them #earin$ su0h 0lothes in a holy battle. 4.1>1: &1

Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet allo#ed `Abdur'Gahman bin `Au! and AF'@ubair bin Al'`A##am to #ear silk. 4.1>&: Narrated Anas: )-earin$ o! silk, #as allo#ed to them )i.e. `AbdurGahman and AF'@ubair, be0ause o! the it0hin$ they su!!ered !rom. 4.1>1: Narrated Umaiya Ad'.amri: I sa# the 2rophet eatin$ o! a shoulder )o! a sheep, by 0uttin$ !rom it and then he #as 0alled to prayer and he prayed #ithout repeatin$ his ablution. 4.1>4: Narrated AF'@uhri: as abo%e )(adith No. 1>1..., and added that the 2rophet put the kni!e do#n. 4.1>7: Narrated 9halid bin "adan: *hat 'Umair bin Al'As#ad Al'Anasi told him that he #ent to 'Ubada bin As'8amit #hile he #as stayin$ in his house at the sea'shore o! (ims #ith )his #i!e, Um (aram. 'Umair said. Um (aram in!ormed us that she heard the 2rophet sayin$, 2aradise is $ranted to the !irst bat0h o! my !ollo#ers #ho #ill undertake a na%al e/pedition. Um (aram added, I said, ': Allah's Apostle; -ill I be amon$st them3' (e replied, '<ou are amon$st them.' *he 2rophet then said, '*he !irst army amon$st' my !ollo#ers #ho #ill in%ade Aaesar's Aity #ill be !or$i%en their sins.' I asked, '-ill I be one o! them, : Allah's Apostle3' (e replied in the ne$ati%e. 4.1>=: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, <ou )i.e. "uslims, #ill !i$ht #i the +e#s till some o! them #ill hide behind stones. *he stones #ill )betray them, sayin$, ': `Abdullah )i.e. sla%e o! Allah,; *here is a +e# hidin$ behind meD so kill him.' 4.1>>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he (our #ill not be established until you !i$ht #ith the +e#s, and the stone behind #hi0h a +e# #ill be hidin$ #ill say. : "uslim; *here is a +e# hidin$ behind me, so kill him. 4.1>?: Narrated `Amr bin *a$hlib: *he 2rophet said, :ne o! the portents o! the (our is that you #ill !i$ht #ith people #earin$ shoes made o! hairD and one o! the portents o! the (our is that you #ill !i$ht #ith broad'!a0ed people #hose !a0es #ill look like shields 0oated #ith leather. 4.1>B: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he (our #ill not be established until you !i$ht #ith the *urksD people #ith small eyes, red !a0es, and !lat noses. *heir !a0es #ill look like shields 0oated #ith leather. *he (our #ill not be established till you !i$ht #ith people #hose shoes are made o! hair. 4.1?C: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he (our #ill not be established till you !i$ht #ith people #earin$ shoes made o! hair. And the (our #ill not be established till you !i$ht #ith people #hose !a0es look like shields 0oated #ith leather. )Abu (uraira added, *hey #ill be, small'eyed, !lat nosed, and their !a0es #ill look like shields 0oated #ith leather. , 4.1?1: Narrated Abu 'Is'ha5: A man asked Al'Bara', : Abu '`Umara; .id you all !lee on the day )o! the battle, o! (unain3 (e replied, No, by Allah; Allah's Apostle did not !lee, but his youn$ unarmed 0ompanions passed by the &4

ar0hers o! the tribe o! (a#aFin and Bani Nasr #hose arro#s hardly missed a tar$et, and they thre# arro#s at them hardly missin$ a shot. 8o the "uslims retreated to#ards the 2rophet #hile he #as ridin$ his #hite mule #hi0h #as bein$ led by his 0ousin Abu 8u!yan bin Al'(arith bin `Abdul "uttalib. *he 2rophet dismounted and in%oked Allah !or %i0toryD then he said, 'I am the 2rophet, #ithout a lieD I am the son o! `Abdul "uttalib, and then he arran$ed his 0ompanions in ro#s. 4.1?&: Narrated `Ali: -hen it #as the day o! the battle o! Al'AhFab )i.e. the 0lans,, Allah's Apostle said, : Allah; Hill their )i.e. the in!idels', houses and $ra%es #ith !ire as they busied us so mu0h that #e did not per!orm the prayer )i.e. `Asr, till the sun set. 4.1?1: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet used to re0ite the !ollo#in$ in%o0ations durin$ 6unut: : Allah; 8a%e 8alama bin (isham. : Allah; 8a%e Al'-alid bin Al'-alid. : Allah; 8a%e `Aiyash bin Gabi`a : Allah ; 8a%e the #eak "uslims. : Allah; Be %ery hard on "udar tribe. : Allah; A!!li0t them #ith years )o! !amine, similar to the )!amine, years o! the time o! 2rophet +oseph. 4.1?4: Narrated `Abdullah bin Abi `Au!a: Allah's Apostle in%oked e%il upon the pa$ans on the ay )o! the battle, o! Al'AhFab, sayin$, : Allah; *he Ge%ealer o! the (oly Book, the 8#i!t'*aker o! A00ounts, : Allah, de!eat Al'AhFab )i.e. the 0lans,, : Allah, de!eat them and shake them. 4.1?7: Narrated `Abdullah: :n0e the 2rophet #as o!!erin$ the prayer in the shade o! the 9a`ba. Abu +ahl and some 6uraishi men sent somebody to brin$ the Abdominal 0ontents o! a she0amel #hi0h had been slau$htered some#here in "e00a, and #hen he brou$ht them, they put them o%er the 2rophet *hen Hatima )i.e. the 2rophet's dau$hter, 0ame and thre# them a#ay !rom him, and he said, : Allah; .estroy )the pa$ans o!, 6uraishD : Allah; .estroy 6uraishD : Allah .estroy 6uraish, namin$ espe0ially Abu +ahl bin (isham, `Utba bin Gabi`a, 8haiba bin Gabi`a, Al -alid bin `Utba, Ubai bin 9hala! and `U5ba bin Abi "itt. )*he narrator, `Abdullah added, I sa# them all killed and thro#n in the Badr #ell,. 4.1?=: Narrated `Aisha: :n0e the +e#s 0ame to the 2rophet and said, .eath be upon you. 8o I 0ursed them. *he 2rophet said, -hat is the matter3 I said, (a%e you not heard #hat they said3 *he 2rophet said, (a%e you not heard #hat I replied )to them,3 )I said,, )'*he same is upon you.', 4.1?>: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Allah's Apostle #rote a letter to Aaesar sayin$, I! you re4e0t Islam, you #ill be responsible !or the sins o! the peasants )i.e. your people,. 4.1??: Narrated Abu (uraira: *u!ail bin `Amr Ad'.ausi and his 0ompanions 0ame to the 2rophet and said, : Allah's Apostle; *he people o! the tribe o! .aus disobeyed and re!used to !ollo# youD so in%oke Allah a$ainst them. *he people said, *he tribe o! .aus is ruined. *he 2rophet said, : Allah; Ei%e $uidan0e to the people o! .aus, and let them embra0e Islam. 4.1?B: Narrated Anas: -hen the 2rophet intended to #rite a letter to the ruler o! the ByFantines, he #as told that those people did not read any letter unless it #as stamped #ith a seal. 8o, the 2rophet $ot a sil%er rin$'' as i! I #ere 4ust lookin$ at its #hite $litter on his hand '''' and stamped on it the e/pression "uhammad, Apostle o! Allah . 4.1BC: &7

Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Allah's Apostle sent his letter to 9husrau and ordered his messen$er to hand it o%er to the Eo%ernor o! Bahrain #ho #as to hand it o%er to 9husrau. 8o, #hen 9husrau read the letter he tore it. 8a`id bin Al' "usaiyab said, *he 2rophet then in%oked Allah to disperse them #ith !ull dispersion, )destroy them )i.e. 9husrau and his !ollo#ers, se%erely, . 4.1B1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Allah's Apostle #rote to Aaesar and in%ited him to Islam and sent him his letter #ith .ihya Al'9albi #hom Allah's Apostle ordered to hand it o%er to the Eo%ernor o! Busra #ho #ould !or#ard it to Aaesar. Aaesar as a si$n o! $ratitude to Allah, had #alked !rom (ims to Ilya )i.e. +erusalem, #hen Allah had $ranted (im %i0tory o%er the 2ersian !or0es. 8o, #hen the letter o! Allah's Apostle rea0hed Aaesar, he said a!ter readin$ it, '8eek !or me any one o! his people; )Arabs o! 6uraish tribe, i! present here, in order to ask him about Allah's Apostle. At that time Abu 8u!yan bin (arb #as in 8ham #ith some men !ro#n 6uraish #ho had 0ome )to 8ham, as mer0hants durin$ the tru0e that had been 0on0luded bet#een Allah's ApostleD and the in!idels o! 6uraish. Abu 8u!yan said, Aaesar's messen$er !ound us some#here in 8ham so he took me and my 0ompanions to Ilya and #e #ere admitted into Aeasar's 0ourt to !ind him sittin$ in his royal 0ourt #earin$ a 0ro#n and surrounded by the senior di$nitaries o! the ByFantine. (e said to his translator. 'Ask them #ho amon$st them is a 0lose relation to the man #ho 0laims to be a prophet. Abu 8u!yan added, I replied, 'I am the nearest relati%e to him.' (e asked, '-hat de$ree o! relationship do you ha%e #ith him3' I replied, '(e is my 0ousin,' and there #as none o! Bani Abu "ana! in the 0ara%an e/0ept mysel!. Aaesar said, 'Iet him 0ome nearer.' (e then ordered that my 0ompanions stand behind me near my shoulder and said to his translator, '*ell his 0ompanions that I am $oin$ to ask this man about the man #ho 0laims to be a prophet. I! he tells a lie, they should 0ontradi0t him immediately. Abu 8u!yan added, By Allah; (ad it not been shame!ul that my 0ompanions label me a liar, I #ould not ha%e spoken the truth about him #hen he asked me. But I 0onsidered it shame!ul to be 0alled a liar by my 0ompanions. 8o I told the truth. (e then said to his translator, 'Ask him #hat kind o! !amily does he belon$ to.' I replied, '(e belon$s to a noble !amily amon$st us.' (e said, '(a%e anybody else amon$st you e%er 0laimed the same be!ore him3 'I replied, 'No.' (e said, '(ad you e%er blamed him !or tellin$ lies be!ore he 0laimed #hat he 0laimed3 ' I replied, 'No.' (e said, '-as anybody amon$st his an0estors a kin$3' I replied, 'No.' (e said, .o the noble or the poor !ollo# him3' I replied, 'It is the poor #ho !ollo# him.' (e said, 'Are they in0reasin$ or de0reasin$ )day by day,3' I replied,' *hey are in0reasin$.' (e said, '.oes anybody amon$st those #ho embra0e his )the 2rophet's, Geli$ion be0ome displeased and then dis0ard his Geli$ion3'. I replied, 'No. ' (e said, '.oes he break his promises3 I replied, 'No, but #e are no# at tru0e #ith him and #e are a!raid that he may betray us. Abu 8u!yan added, :ther than the last senten0e, I 0ould not say anythin$ a$ainst him. Aaesar then asked, '(a%e you e%er had a #ar #ith him3' I replied, '<es.' (e said, '-hat #as the out0ome o! your battles #ith him3' I replied, '*he result #as unstableD sometimes he #as %i0torious and sometimes #e.' (e said, '-hat does he order you to do3' I said, '(e tells us to #orship Allah alone, and not to #orship others alon$ #ith (im, and to lea%e all that our !ore'!athers used to #orship. (e orders us to pray, $i%e in 0harity, be 0haste, keep promises and return #hat is entrusted to us.' -hen I had said that, Aaesar said to his translator, '8ay to him: I ask you about his linea$e and your reply #as that he belon$ed to a noble !amily. In !a0t, all the apostles 0ame !rom the noblest linea$e o! their nations. *hen I 5uestioned you #hether anybody else amon$st you had 0laimed su0h a thin$, and your reply #as in the ne$ati%e. I! the ans#er had been in the a!!irmati%e, I #ould ha%e thou$ht that this man #as !ollo#in$ a 0laim that had been said be!ore him. -hen I asked you #hether he #as e%er blamed !or tellin$ lies, your reply #as in the ne$ati%e, so I took it !or $ranted that a person #ho did not tell a lie about )others, the people 0ould ne%er tell a lie about Allah. *hen I asked you #hether any o! his an0estors #as a kin$. <our reply #as in the ne$ati%e, and i! it had been in the a!!irmati%e, I #ould ha%e thou$ht that this man #anted to take ba0k his an0estral kin$dom. -hen I asked you #hether the ri0h or the poor people !ollo#ed him, you replied that it #as the poor #ho !ollo#ed him. &=

In !a0t, su0h are the !ollo#ers o! the apostles. *hen I asked you #hether his !ollo#ers #ere in0reasin$ or de0reasin$. <ou replied that they #ere in0reasin$. In !a0t, this is the result o! true !aith till it is 0omplete )in all respe0ts,. I asked you #hether there #as anybody #ho, a!ter embra0in$ his reli$ion, be0ame displeased and dis0arded his reli$ionD your reply #as in the ne$ati%e. In !a0t, this is the si$n o! true !aith, !or #hen its 0heer!ulness enters and mi/es in the hearts 0ompletely, nobody #ill be displeased #ith it. I asked you #hether he had e%er broken his promise. <ou replied in the ne$ati%e. And su0h are the apostlesD they ne%er break their promises. -hen I asked you #hether you !ou$ht #ith him and he !ou$ht #ith you, you replied that he did, and that sometimes he #as %i0torious and sometimes you. Indeed, su0h are the apostlesD they are put to trials and the !inal %i0tory is al#ays theirs. *hen I asked you #hat he ordered you. <ou replied that he ordered you to #orship Allah alone and not to #orship others alon$ #ith (im, to lea%e all that your !ore'!athers used to #orship, to o!!er prayers, to speak the truth, to be 0haste, to keep promises, and to return #hat is entrusted to you. *hese are really the 5ualities o! a prophet #ho, I kne# )!rom the pre%ious 80riptures, #ould appear, but I did not kno# that he #ould be !rom amon$st you. I! #hat you say should be true, he #ill %ery soon o00upy the earth under my !eet, and i! I kne# that I #ould rea0h him de!initely, I #ould $o immediately to meet (imD and #ere I #ith him, then I #ould 0ertainly #ash his !eet.' Abu 8u!yan added, Aaesar then asked !or the letter o! Allah's Apostle and it #as read. Its 0ontents #ere: In the name o! Allah, the most Bene!i0ent, the most "er0i!ul )*his letter is, !rom "uhammad, the sla%e o! Allah, and (is Apostle, to (era0ulius, the Guler o! the ByFantine. 2ea0e be upon the !ollo#ers o! $uidan0e. No# then, I in%ite you to Islam )i.e. surrender to Allah,, embra0e Islam and you #ill be sa!eD embra0e Islam and Allah #ill besto# on you a double re#ard. But i! you re4e0t this in%itation o! Islam, you shall be responsible !or mis$uidin$ the peasants )i.e. your nation,. : people o! the 80riptures; Aome to a #ord 0ommon to you and us and you, that #e #orship. None but Allah, and that #e asso0iate nothin$ in #orship #ith (imD and that none o! us shall take others as Iords besides Allah. *hen i! they turn a#ay, say: Bear #itness that #e are )they #ho ha%e surrendered )unto (im,.. )1.=4, Abu 8u!yan added, -hen (era0lius had !inished his spee0h, there #as a $reat hue and 0ry 0aused by the ByFantine Goyalties surroundin$ him, and there #as so mu0h noise that I did not understand #hat they said. 8o, #e #ere turned out o! the 0ourt. -hen I #ent out #ith my 0ompanions and #e #ere alone, I said to them, 'Verily, Ibn Abi 9absha's )i.e. the 2rophet's, a!!air has $ained po#er. *his is the 9in$ o! Bani Al'As!ar !earin$ him. Abu 8u!yan added, By Allah, I remained lo# and #as sure that his reli$ion #ould be %i0torious till Allah 0on%erted me to Islam, thou$h I disliked it. 4.1B&: Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d: *hat he heard the 2rophet on the day )o! the battle, o! 9haibar sayin$, I #ill $i%e the !la$ to a person at #hose hands Allah #ill $rant %i0tory. 8o, the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet $ot up, #ishin$ ea$erly to see to #hom the !la$ #ill be $i%en, and e%eryone o! them #ished to be $i%en the !la$. But the 2rophet asked !or `Ali. 8omeone in!ormed him that he #as su!!erin$ !rom eye'trouble. 8o, he ordered them to brin$ `Ali in !ront o! him. *hen the 2rophet spat in his eyes and his eyes #ere 0ured immediately as i! he had ne%er any eye'trouble. `Ali said, -e #ill !i$ht #ith them )i.e. in!idels, till they be0ome like us )i.e. "uslims,. *he 2rophet said, Be patient, till you !a0e them and in%ite them to Islam and in!orm them o! #hat Allah has en4oined upon them. By Allah; I! a sin$le person embra0es Islam at your hands )i.e. throu$h you,, that #ill be better !or you than the red 0amels. 4.1B1: Narrated Anas: -hene%er Allah's Apostle atta0ked some people, he #ould ne%er atta0k them till it #as da#n. I! he heard the Adhan )i.e. 0all !or prayer, he #ould delay the !i$ht, and i! he did not hear the Adhan, he #ould atta0k them immediately a!ter da#n. -e rea0hed 9haibar at ni$ht. 4.1B4: Narrated Anas: as (adith No. 1B1 abo%e. &>

4.1B7: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet set out !or 9haibar and rea0hed it at ni$ht. (e used not to atta0k i! he rea0hed the people at ni$ht, till the day broke. 8o, #hen the day da#ned, the +e#s 0ame out #ith their ba$s and spades. -hen they sa# the 2rophetD they said, "uhammad and his army; *he 2rophet said, Allahu''Akbar; )Allah is Ereater, and 9haibar is ruined, !or #hene%er #e approa0h a nation )i.e. enemy to !i$ht, then it #ill be a miserable mornin$ !or those #ho ha%e been #arned. 4.1B=: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah 's Apostle said, I ha%e been ordered to !i$ht #ith the people till they say, 'None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah,' and #hoe%er says, 'None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah,' his li!e and property #ill be sa%ed by me e/0ept !or Islami0 la#, and his a00ounts #ill be #ith Allah, )either to punish him or to !or$i%e him., 4.1B>: Narrated 9a`b bin "alik: -hene%er Allah's Apostle intended to lead a EhaF#a, he #ould use an e5ui%o0ation !rom #hi0h one #ould understand that he #as $oin$ to a di!!erent destination . 4.1B?: Narrated 9a`b bin "alik: -hene%er Allah's Apostle intended to 0arry out a EhaF#a, he #ould use an e5ui%o0ation to 0on0eal his real destination till it #as the EhaF#a o! *abuk #hi0h Allah's Apostle 0arried out in %ery hot #eather. As he #as $oin$ to !a0e a %ery lon$ 4ourney throu$h a #asteland and #as to meet and atta0k a lar$e number o! enemies. 8o, he made the situation 0lear to the "uslims so that they mi$ht prepare themsel%es a00ordin$ly and $et ready to 0on5uer their enemy. *he 2rophet in!ormed them o! the destination he #as headin$ !or )9a`b bin "alik used to say, 80ar0ely did Allah's Apostle set out !or a 4ourney on a day other than *hursday. , 4.1BB: Narrated 9a`b bin "alik: *he 2rophet set out on *hursday !or the EhaF#a o! *abuk and he used to pre!er to set out )i.e. tra%el, on *hursdays. 4.&CC: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet o!!ered a !our'rak`at @uhr prayer at "edina and then o!!ered a t#o rak`at `Asr prayer at .hul'(ulai!a and I heard the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet re0itin$ *albiya aloud )!or (a44 and `Umra, alto$ether. 4.&C1: Narrated `Aisha: -e set out in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle !i%e days be!ore the end o! .hul 6a'da intendin$ to per!orm (a44 only. -hen #e approa0hed "e00a Allah's Apostle ordered those #ho did not ha%e the (adi )i.e. an animal !or sa0ri!i0e, #ith them, to per!orm the *a#a! around the 9a`ba, and bet#een 8a!a and "ar#a and then !inish their Ihram. Bee! #as brou$ht to us on the day o! )i.e. the days o! slau$hterin$, and I asked, -hat is this3 8omebody said, Allah's Apostle has slau$htered )a 0o#, on behal! o! his #i%es. 4.&C&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: :n0e the 2rophet set out in the month o! Gamadan. (e obser%ed !astin$ till he rea0hed a pla0e 0alled 9adid #here he broke his !ast. 4.&C1: Narrated Ibn `Umar:


*he '2rophet said, It is obli$atory !or one to listen to and obey )the ruler's orders, unless these orders in%ol%e one disobedien0e )to Allah,D but i! an a0t o! disobedien0e )to Allah, is imposed, he should not listen to or obey it. 4.&C4: Narrated Abu (uraira: *hat heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, -e are the last but #ill be the !oremost to enter 2aradise,. *he 2rophet added, (e #ho obeys me, obeys Allah, and he #ho disobeys me, disobeys Allah. (e #ho obeys the 0hie!, obeys me, and he #ho disobeys the 0hie!, disobeys me. *he Imam is like a shelter !or #hose sa!ety the "uslims should !i$ht and #here they should seek prote0tion. I! the Imam orders people #ith ri$hteousness and rules 4ustly, then he #ill be re#arded !or that, and i! he does the opposite, he #ill be responsible !or that. 4.&C7: Narrated Ibn `Umar: -hen #e rea0hed )(udaibiya, in the ne/t year )o! the treaty o! (udaibiya,, not e%en t#o men amon$st us a$reed unanimously as to #hi0h #as the tree under #hi0h #e had $i%en the pled$e o! alle$ian0e, and that #as out o! Allah's "er0y. )*he sub narrator asked Na!'i, Hor #hat did the 2rophet take their pled$e o! alle$ian0e, #as it !or death3 Na!'i replied No, but he took their pled$e o! alle$ian0e !or patien0e. , 4.&C=: Narrated `Abdullah bin @aid: that in the time )o! the battle, o! Al'(arra a person 0ame to him and said, Ibn (anFala is takin$ the pled$e o! alle$ian0e !rom the people !or death. (e said, I #ill ne%er $i%e a pled$e o! alle$ian0e !or su0h a thin$ to anyone a!ter Allah's Apostle. 4.&C>: Narrated <aFid bin Ubaid: 8alama said, I $a%e the 2led$e o! alle$ian0e )Al'Gid#an, to Allah's Apostle and then I mo%ed to the shade o! a tree. -hen the number o! people around the 2rophet diminished, he said, ': Ibn Al' Ak#a` ; -ill you not $i%e to me the pled$e o! Alle$ian0e3' I replied, ': Allah's Apostle; I ha%e already $i%en to you the pled$e o! Alle$ian0e.' (e said, '.o it a$ain.' 8o I $a%e the pled$e o! alle$ian0e !or the se0ond time. I asked ': Abu "uslim; Hor #hat did you $i%e he pled$e o! Alle$ian0e on that day3 (e replied, -e $a%e the pled$e o! Alle$ian0e !or death. 4.&C?: Narrated Anas: :n the day )o! the battle, o! the *ren0h, the Ansar #ere sayin$, -e are those #ho ha%e s#orn alle$ian0e to "uhammad !or +ihaid )!or e%er, as lon$ as #e li%e. *he 2rophet replied to them, : Allah; *here is no li!e e/0ept the li!e o! the (erea!ter. 8o honor the Ansar and emi$rants #ith <our Eenerosity. And Narrated "u4ashi: "y brother and I 0ame to the 2rophet and I re5uested him to take the pled$e o! alle$ian0e !rom us !or mi$ration. (e said, "i$ration has passed a#ay #ith its people. I asked, Hor #hat #ill you take the pled$e o! alle$ian0e !rom us then3 (e said, I #ill take )the pled$e, !or Islam and +ihad. 4.&CB: Narrated `Abdullah: *oday a man 0ame to me and asked me a 5uestion #hi0h I did not kno# ho# to ans#er. (e said, *ell me, i! a #ealthy a0ti%e man, #ell'e5uipped #ith arms, $oes out on military e/peditions #ith our 0hie!s, and orders us to do su0h thin$s as #e 0annot do )should #e obey him3, I replied, By Allah, I do not kno# #hat to reply you, e/0ept that #e, #ere in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet and he used to order us to do a thin$ on0e only till #e !inished it. And no doubt, e%eryone amon$ you #ill remain in a $ood state as lon$ as he obeys Allah. I! one is in doubt as to the le$ality o! somethin$, he should ask somebody #ho #ould satis!y him, but soon #ill 0ome a time #hen you #ill not !ind su0h a man. By (im, e/0ept -hom none has the ri$ht to be #orshipped. I see that the e/ample o! #hat has passed o!


this li!e )to #hat remains thereo!, is like a pond #hose !resh #ater has been used up and nothin$ remains but muddy #ater. 4.&1C: Narrated 8alim Abu An'Nadr: *he !reed sla%e o! `Umar bin 'Ubaidullah #ho #as `Umar's 0lerk: `Abdullah bin Abi `Au!a #rote him )i.e. `Umar, a letter that 0ontained the !ollo#in$:'' :n0e Allah's Apostle )durin$ a holy battle,, #aited till the sun had de0lined and then he $ot up amon$ the people and said, : people; .o not #ish to !a0e the enemy )in a battle, and ask Allah to sa%e you )!rom 0alamities, but i! you should !a0e the enemy, then be patient and let it be kno#n to you that 2aradise is under the shades o! s#ords. (e then said,, : Allah; *he Ge%ealer o! the )(oly, Book, the "o%er o! the 0louds, and .e!eater o! Al'AhFab )i.e. the 0lans o! in!idels,, de!eat them in!idels and besto# %i0tory upon us. 4.&11: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: I parti0ipated in a EhaF#a alon$ #ith Allah's Apostle *he 2rophet met me )on the #ay, #hile I #as ridin$ a 0amel o! ours used !or irri$ation and it had $ot so tired that it 0ould hardly #alk. *he 2rophet asked me, -hat is #ron$ #ith the 0amel3 I replied, It has $ot tired. 8o. Allah's Apostle 0ame !rom behind it and rebuked it and prayed !or it so it started surpassin$ the other 0amels and $oin$ ahead o! them. *hen he asked me, (o# do you !ind your 0amel )no#,3 I replied, I !ind it 5uite #ell, no# as it has re0ei%ed your blessin$s. (e said, -ill you sell it to me3 I !elt shy )to re!use his o!!er, thou$h it #as the only 0amel !or irri$ation #e had. 8o, I said, <es. (e said, 8ell it to me then. I sold it to him on the 0ondition that I should keep on ridin$ it till I rea0hed "edina. *hen I said, : Allah's Apostle; I am a bride$room, and re5uested him to allo# me to $o home. (e allo#ed me, and I set out !or "edina be!ore the people till I rea0hed "edina, #here I met my un0le, #ho asked me about the 0amel and I in!ormed him all about it and he blamed me !or that. -hen I took the permission o! Allah's Apostle he asked me #hether I had married a %ir$in or a matron and I replied that I had married a matron. (e said, -hy hadn't you married a %ir$in #ho #ould ha%e played #ith you, and you #ould ha%e played #ith her3 I replied, : Allah's Apostle; "y !ather died )or #as martyred, and I ha%e some youn$ sisters, so I !elt it not proper that I should marry a youn$ $irl like them #ho #ould neither tea0h them manners nor ser%e them. 8o, I ha%e married a matron so that she may ser%e them and tea0h them manners. -hen Allah's Apostle arri%ed in "edina, I took the 0amel to him the ne/t mornin$ and he $a%e me its pri0e and $a%e me the 0amel itsel! as #ell. 4.&1&: Narrated Anas bin "alik: :n0e there #as a !eelin$ o! !ri$ht at "edina, so Allah's Apostle rode a horse belon$in$ to Abu *alha and )on his return, he said, -e ha%e not seen anythin$ )!ear!ul,, but #e !ound this horse %ery !ast. 4.&11: Narrated Anas bin "alik: :n0e the people $ot !ri$htened, so Allah's Apostle rode a slo# horse belon$in$ to Abu *alha, and he set out all alone, makin$ the horse $allop. *hen the people rode, makin$ their horses $allop a!ter him. :n his return he said, .on't be a!raid )there is nothin$ to be a!raid o!, )and I ha%e !ound, this horse a %ery !ast one. *hat horse #as ne%er e/0elled in runnin$ hen0e !or#ard. )6astalani Vol. 7, 4.&14: Narrated `Umar bin Al'9hattab: I $a%e a horse to be used in Allah's Aause, but later on I sa# it bein$ sold. I asked the 2rophet #hether I 0ould buy it. (e said, .on't buy it and don't take ba0k your $i!t o! 0harity. 4.&17: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: `Umar $a%e a horse to be used in Allah's Aause, but later on he !ound it bein$ sold. 8o, he intended to buy it and asked Allah's Apostle #ho said, .on't buy it and don't take ba0k your $i!t o! 0harity. 4.&1=: Narrated Abu (uraira: 1C

Allah's Apostle said, -ere it not !or the !ear that it #ould be di!!i0ult !or my !ollo#ers, I #ould not ha%e remained behind any 8ariya, )army'unit, but I don't ha%e ridin$ 0amels and ha%e no other means o! 0on%eyan0e to 0arry them on, and it is hard !or me that my 0ompanions should remain behind me. No doubt I #ish I 0ould !i$ht in Allah's Aause and be martyred and 0ome to li!e a$ain to be martyred and 0ome to li!e on0e more. 4.&1>: Narrated <ali: I parti0ipated in the EhaF#a o! *abuk alon$ #ith Allah's Apostle and I $a%e a youn$ 0amel to be ridden in +ihad and that #as, to me, one o! my best deeds. *hen I employed a laborer #ho 5uarrelled #ith another person. :ne o! them bit the hand o! the other and the latter dre# his hand !rom the mouth o! the !ormer pullin$ out his !ront tooth. *hen the !ormer instituted a suit a$ainst the latter be!ore the 2rophet #ho re4e0ted that suit sayin$, .o you e/pe0t him to put out his hand !or you to snap as a male 0amel snaps )%e$etation,3 4.&1?: Narrated *ha`laba bin Abi "alik Al'6uraFi: -hen 6ais bin 8a`d Al'Ansari, #ho used to 0arry the !la$ o! the 2rophet, intended to per!orm (a44, he 0ombed his hair. 4.&1B.1: Narrated 8alama bin Al'Ak#a`: `Ali remained behind the 2rophet durin$ the battle o! 9haibar as he #ay su!!erin$ !rom some eye trouble but then he said, (o# should I stay behind Allah's Apostle3 8o, he set out till he 4oined the 2rophet. :n the e%e o! the day o! the 0on5uest o! 9haibar, Allah's Apostle said, )No doubt, I #ill $i%e the !la$ or, tomorro#, a man #hom Allah and (is Apostle lo%e or #ho lo%es Allah and (is apostle #ill take the !la$. Allah #ill besto# %i0tory upon him. 8uddenly `Ali 4oined us thou$h #e #ere not e/pe0tin$ him. *he people said, (ere is `Ali. 8o, Allah's Apostle $a%e the !la$ to him and Allah besto#ed %i0tory upon him. 4.&1B.&: Narrated Na!i` bin +ubair: I heard Al `Abbas tellin$ AF'@ubair, *he 2rophet ordered you to !i/ the !la$ here. 4.&&C: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, I ha%e been sent #ith the shortest e/pressions bearin$ the #idest meanin$s, and I ha%e been made %i0torious #ith terror )0ast in the hearts o! the enemy,, and #hile I #as sleepin$, the keys o! the treasures o! the #orld #ere brou$ht to me and put in my hand. Abu (uraira added: Allah's Apostle has le!t the #orld and no# you, people, are brin$in$ out those treasures )i.e. the 2rophet did not bene!it by them,. 4.&&1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Abu 8u!yan said, (era0lius sent !or me #hen I #as in 'llya' )i.e. +erusalem,. *hen he asked !or the letter o! Allah's Apostle and #hen he had !inished its readin$ there #as a $reat hue and 0ry around him and the %oi0es $re# louder and #e #ere asked to 5uit the pla0e. -hen #e #ere turned out, I said to my 0ompanions, '*he 0ause o! Ibn Abi 9absha has be0ome 0onspi0uous as the 9in$ o! Bani Al' As!ar is a!raid o! him.' 4.&&&: Narrated Asma: I prepared the 4ourney'!ood !or Allah's Apostle in Abu Bakr's house #hen he intended to emi$rate to "edina. I 0ould not !ind anythin$ to tie the !ood'0ontainer and the #ater skin #ith. 8o, I said to Abu Bakr, By Allah, I do not !ind anythin$ to tie )these thin$s, #ith e/0ept my #aist belt. (e said, Aut it into t#o pie0es and tie the #ater'skin #ith one pie0e and the !ood'0ontainer #ith the other )the sub' narrator added, 8he did a00ordin$ly and that #as the reason !or 0allin$ her .hatun'Nita5ain )i.e. t#o' belted #oman,,. 4.&&1: 11

Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: .urin$ the li!e'time o! the 2rophet #e used to take the meat o! sa0ri!i0ed animals )as 4ourney !ood, to "edina. )8ee (adith No. 4>4 Vol. >, 4.&&4: Narrated 8u#aid bin An'Nu`man: *hat he #ent out in the 0ompany oD the 2rophet durin$ the year o! 9haibar )0ampai$n till they rea0hed a pla0e 0alled As'8ahba', the lo#er part o! 9haibar. *hey o!!ered the `Asr prayer )there, and the 2rophet asked !or the !ood. Nothin$ but 8a#i5 #as brou$ht to the 2rophet. 8o, they 0he#ed it and ate it and drank #ater. A!ter that the 2rophet $ot up, #ashed his mouth, and they too #ashed their mouths and then o!!ered the prayer. 4.&&7: Narrated 8alama: :n0e the 4ourney'!ood o! the people ran short and they #ere in $reat need. 8o, they 0ame to the 2rophet to take his permission !or slau$hterin$ their 0amels, and he permitted them. *hen `Umar met them and they in!ormed him about it. (e said, -hat #ill sustain you a!ter your 0amels )are !inished,3 *hen `Umar #ent to the 2rophet and said, : Allah's Apostle; -hat #ill sustain them a!ter their 0amels )are !inished,3 Allah's Apostle said, "ake an announ0ement amon$st the people that they should brin$ all their remainin$ !ood )to me,. )*hey brou$ht it and, the 2rophet in%oked Allah and asked !or (is Blessin$s !or it. *hen he asked them to brin$ their !ood utensils and the people started !illin$ their !ood utensils #ith their hands till they #ere satis!ied. Allah's Apostle then said, I testi!y that None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah, and I am (is Apostle. 4.&&=: Narrated -ahb bin 9aisan: +abir bin `Abdullah said, -e set out, and #e #ere three'hundred men 0arryin$ our 4ourney'!ood on our shoulders. *hen #e be$an to eat a sin$le date ea0h per day. A man asked )+abir,, : Abu `Abdullah; (o# 0ould a person be satis!ied #ith a sin$le date3 +abir replied, -e realiFed the %alue o! that one date #hen #e 0ould not e%en ha%e that mu0h till #e rea0hed the sea'shore, #hen all o! a sudden #e sa# a hu$e !ish 0ast by the sea. 8o, #e ate o! it as mu0h as #e #ished !or ei$hteen days. 4.&&>: Narrated Aisha: *hat she said, : Allah's Apostle; <our 0ompanions are returnin$ #ith the re#ard o! both (a44 and `Umra, #hile I am returnin$ #ith )the re#ard o!, (a44 only. (e said to her, Eo, and let `Abdur' Gahman )i.e. your brother, make you sit behind him )on the animal,. 8o, he ordered `AbdurGahman to let her per!orm `Umra !rom Al'*an`im. *hen the 2rophet #aited !or her at the hi$her re$ion o! "e00a till she returned. 4.&&?: Narrated `Abdur'Gahman bin Abi Bakr As'8iddi5: *he 2rophet ordered me to let `Aisha sit behind me )on the animal, and to let her per!orm `Umra !rom at'*an`im. 4.&&B: Narrated Anas: I #as ridin$ behind Abu *alha )on the same, ridin$ animal and )the 2rophet's 0ompanions, #ere re0itin$ *albiya aloud !or both (a44 and `Umra. 4.&1C: Narrated `Ur#a !rom Usama bin @aid: Allah's Apostle rode a donkey on #hi0h there #as a saddle 0o%ered by a %el%et sheet and let Usama ride behind him )on the donkey,. 4.&11: Narrated Na!i` !rom `Abdullah: Allah's Apostle 0ame to "e00a throu$h its hi$her re$ion on the day o! the Aon5uest )o! "e00a, ridin$ his she'0amel on #hi0h Usama #as ridin$ behind him. Bilal and `Uthman bin *alha, one o! the ser%ants o! the 9a`ba, #ere also a00ompanyin$ him till he made his 0amel kneel in the mos5ue and 1&

ordered the latter to brin$ the key o! the 9a`ba. (e opened the door o! the 9a`ba and Allah's Apostle entered in the 0ompany o! Usama, Bilal and `Uthman, and stayed in it !or a lon$ period. -hen he 0ame out, the people rushed to it, and `Abdullah bin `Umar #as the !irst to enter it and !ound Bilal standin$ behind the door. (e asked Bilal, -here did the 2rophet o!!er his prayer3 (e pointed to the pla0e #here he had o!!ered his prayer. `Abdullah said, I !or$ot to ask him ho# many rak`at he had per!ormed. 4.&1&: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *here is a )0ompulsory, 8ada5a )0harity, to be $i%en !or e%ery 4oint o! the human body )as a si$n o! $ratitude to Allah, e%eryday the sun rises. *o 4ud$e 4ustly bet#een t#o persons is re$arded as 8ada5a, and to help a man 0on0ernin$ his ridin$ animal by helpin$ him to ride it or by li!tin$ his lu$$a$e on to it, is also re$arded as 8ada5a, and )sayin$, a $ood #ord is also 8ada5a, and e%ery step taken on one's #ay to o!!er the 0ompulsory prayer )in the mos5ue, is also 8ada5a and to remo%e a harm!ul thin$ !rom the #ay is also 8ada5a. 4.&11: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle !orbade the people to tra%el to a hostile 0ountry 0arryin$ )0opies o!, the 6ur'an. 4.&14: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet rea0hed 9haibar in the mornin$, #hile the people #ere 0omin$ out 0arryin$ their spades o%er their shoulders. -hen they sa# him they said, *his is "uhammad and his army; "uhammad and his army; 8o, they took re!u$e in the !ort. *he 2rophet raised both his hands and said, Allahu Akbar, 9haibar is ruined, !or #hen #e approa0h a nation )i.e. enemy to !i$ht, then miserable is the mornin$ o! the #arned ones. *hen #e !ound some donkeys #hi0h #e )killed and, 0ooked: *he announ0er o! the 2rophet announ0ed: Allah and (is Apostle !orbid you to eat donkey's meat. 8o, all the pots in0ludin$ their 0ontents #ere turned upside do#n. 4.&17: Narrated Abu "usa Al'Ash`ari: -e #ere in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle )durin$ (a44,. -hene%er #e #ent up a hi$h pla0e #e used to say: None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah, and Allah is Ereater, and our %oi0es used to rise, so the 2rophet said, : people; Be mer0i!ul to yoursel%es )i.e. don't raise your %oi0e,, !or you are not 0allin$ a dea! or an absent one, but :ne -ho is #ith you, no doubt (e is All'(earer, e%er Near )to all thin$s,. 4.&1=: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: -hene%er #e #ent up a pla0e #e #ould say, Allahu''Akbar )i.e. Allah is Ereater, , and #hene%er #e #ent do#n a pla0e #e #ould say, 8ubhan Allah. 4.&1>: Narrated +abir: -hene%er #e #ent up a pla0e #e #ould say *akbir, and #hene%er #e #ent do#n #e #ould say, 8ubhan Allah. 4.&1?: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: -hene%er the 2rophet returned !rom the (a44 or the `Umra or a EhaF#a, he #ould say *akbir thri0e. -hene%er he 0ame upon a mountain path or #asteland, and then he #ould say, None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah, Alone -ho has no partner. All the 9in$dom belon$s to (im and all the praises are !or (im and (e is :mnipotent. -e are returnin$ #ith repentan0e, #orshippin$, prostratin$ oursel%es and praisin$ our Iord. Allah !ul!illed (is 2romise, $ranted %i0tory to (is sla%e and (e Alone de!eated all the 0lans. 4.&1B: Narrated Ibrahim Abu Isma`il As'8aksaki:


I heard Abu Burda #ho a00ompanied <aFid bin Abi 9absha on a 4ourney. <aFid used to obser%e !astin$ on 4ourneys. Abu Burda said to him, I heard Abu "usa se%eral times sayin$ that Allah's Apostle said, '-hen a sla%e !alls ill or tra%els, then he #ill $et re#ard similar to that he $ets !or $ood deeds pra0ti0ed at home #hen in $ood health. 4.&4C: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: :n the day o! the battle o! the *ren0h, the 2rophet #anted somebody !rom amon$st the people to %olunteer to be a re0onnoitre. AF'@ubair %olunteered. (e demanded the same a$ain and AF'@ubair %olunteered a$ain. *hen he repeated the same demand )thri0e, and AF@ubair %olunteered on0e more. *he 2rophet then said, J%ery prophet has a dis0iple and my dis0iple is AF'@ubair. 4.&41: Narrated Ibn' `Umar: !rom the 2rophet the !ollo#in$ (adith )No. &4&,. 4.&4&: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet said, I! the people kne# #hat I kno# about tra%elin$ alone, then nobody #ould tra%el alone at ni$ht. 4.&41: Narrated (isham's !ather: Usama bin @aid #as asked at #hat pa0e the 2rophet rode durin$ (a44at'ul'-ada` (e rode at a medium pa0e, but #hen he 0ame upon an open #ay he #ould $o at !ull pa0e. 4.&44: Narrated Aslam: -hile I #as in the 0ompany o! `Abdullah bin `Umar on the #ay to "e00a, he re0ei%ed the ne#s o! the se%ere illness o! 8a!iya bint Abi Ubaid )i.e. his #i!e,, so he pro0eeded at $reater speed, and #hen the t#ili$ht disappeared, he dismounted and o!!ered the "a$hrib and `Isha 'prayers to$ether and said, I sa# the 2rophet delayin$ the "a$hrib prayer to o!!er it alon$ #ith the `Isha' #hen he #as in a hurry on a 4ourney. 4.&47: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, +ourney is a pie0e o! torture, !or it disturbs one's sleep, eatin$ and drinkin$. 8o, #hen you !ul!ill your 4ob, you should hurry up to your !amily. 4.&4=: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: `Umar bin Al'9hattab $a%e a horse to be ridden in Allah's Aause and then he !ound it bein$ sold. (e intended to pur0hase it. 8o, he 0onsulted Allah's Apostle #ho said, .on't buy it and don't take ba0k your $i!t o! 0harity. 4.&4>: Narrated Aslam: I heard `Umar bin Al'9hattab sayin$, I $a%e a horse to be ridden in Allah's Aause and the person #ho $ot it intended to sell it or ne$le0ted it. 8o, I #anted to buy it as I thou$ht he #ould sell it 0heap. I 0onsulted the 2rophet #ho said, .o not buy it e%en i! !or one .irham, be0ause he #ho takes ba0k his $i!t is like a do$ s#allo#in$ its %omit. 4.&4?: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: A man 0ame to the 2rophet askin$ his permission to take part in +ihad. *he 2rophet asked him, Are your parents ali%e3 (e replied in the a!!irmati%e. *he 2rophet said to him, *hen e/ert yoursel! in their ser%i0e. 4.&4B: Narrated Abu Bashir Al'Ansari: *hat he #as in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle on some o! his 4ourneys. )*he sub'narrator `Abdullah adds, I think that Abu Bashir also said, 'And the people #ere at their sleepin$ pla0es. , Allah's 14

Apostle sent a messen$er orderin$: *here shall not remain any ne0kla0e o! strin$ or any other kind o! ne0kla0e round the ne0ks o! 0amels e/0ept it is 0ut o!!. 4.&7C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *hat he heard the 2rophet sayin$, It is not permissible !or a man to be alone #ith a #oman, and no lady should tra%el e/0ept #ith a "uhram )i.e. her husband or a person #hom she 0annot marry in any 0ase !or e%erD e.$. her !ather, brother, et0.,. *hen a man $ot up and said, : Allah's Apostle; I ha%e enlisted in the army !or su0h'and'su0h EhaF#a and my #i!e is pro0eedin$ !or (a44. Allah's Apostle said, Eo, and per!orm the (a44 #ith your #i!e. 4.&71: Narrated 'Ubaidullah bin Abi Ga!i`: I heard `Ali sayin$, Allah's Apostle sent me, AF'@ubair and Al'"i5dad some#here sayin$, '2ro0eed till you rea0h Ga#dat 9hakh. *here you #ill !ind a lady #ith a letter. *ake the letter !rom her.' 8o, #e set out and our horses ran at !ull pa0e till #e $ot at Ar'Ga#da #here #e !ound the lady and said )to her,. *ake out the letter. 8he replied, I ha%e no letter #ith me. -e said, Jither you take out the letter or else #e #ill take o!! your 0lothes. 8o, she took it out o! her braid. -e brou$ht the letter to Allah's Apostle and it 0ontained a statement !rom (atib bin Abi Balta a to some o! the "e00an pa$ans in!ormin$ them o! some o! the intentions o! Allah's Apostle. *hen Allah's Apostle said, : (atib; -hat is this3 (atib replied, : Allah's Apostle; .on't hasten to $i%e your 4ud$ment about me. I #as a man 0losely 0onne0ted #ith the 6uraish, but I did not belon$ to this tribe, #hile the other emi$rants #ith you, had their relati%es in "e00a #ho #ould prote0t their dependents and property . 8o, I #anted to re0ompense !or my la0kin$ blood relation to them by doin$ them a !a%or so that they mi$ht prote0t my dependents. I did this neither be0ause o! disbelie! not apostasy nor out o! pre!errin$ 9u!r )disbelie!, to Islam. Allah's Apostle, said, (atib has told you the truth. `Umar said, : Allah's Apostle; Allo# me to 0hop o!! the head o! this hypo0rite. Allah's Apostle said, (atib parti0ipated in the battle o! Badr, and #ho kno#s, perhaps Allah has already looked at the Badr #arriors and said, '.o #hate%er you like, !or I ha%e !or$i%en you. 4.&7&: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: -hen it #as the day )o! the battle, o! Badr, prisoners o! #ar #ere brou$ht in0ludin$ Al'Abbas #ho #as undressed. *he 2rophet looked !or a shirt !or him. It #as !ound that the shirt o! `Abdullah bin Ubai #ould do, so the 2rophet let him #ear it. *hat #as the reason #hy the 2rophet took o!! and $a%e his o#n shirt to `Abdullah. )*he narrator adds, (e had done the 2rophet some !a%or !or #hi0h the 2rophet liked to re#ard him. , 4.&71: Narrated 8ahl: :n the day )o! the battle, o! 9haibar the 2rophet said, *omorro# I #ill $i%e the !la$ to somebody #ho #ill be $i%en %i0tory )by Allah, and #ho lo%es Allah and (is Apostle and is lo%ed by Allah and (is Apostle. 8o, the people #ondered all that ni$ht as to #ho #ould re0ei%e the !la$ and in the mornin$ e%eryone hoped that he #ould be that person. Allah's Apostle asked, -here is `Ali3 (e #as told that `Ali #as su!!erin$ !rom eye'trouble, so he applied sali%a to his eyes and in%oked Allah to 0ure him. (e at on0e $ot 0ured as i! he had no ailment. *he 2rophet $a%e him the !la$. `Ali said, 8hould I !i$ht them till they be0ome like us )i.e. "uslim,3 *he 2rophet said, Eo to them patiently and 0almly till you enter the land. *hen, in%ite them to Islam, and in!orm them #hat is en4oined upon them, !or, by Allah, i! Allah $i%es $uidan0e to somebody throu$h you, it is better !or you than possessin$ red 0amels. 4.&74: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, Allah #onders at those people #ho #ill enter 2aradise in 0hains. 4.&77: Narrated Abu Burda's !ather:


*he 2rophet said, *hree persons #ill $et their re#ard t#i0e. ):ne is, a person #ho has a sla%e $irl and he edu0ates her properly and tea0hes her $ood manners properly )#ithout %iolen0e, and then manumits and marries her. 8u0h a person #ill $et a double re#ard. )Another is, a belie%er !rom the people o! the s0riptures #ho has been a true belie%er and then he belie%es in the 2rophet )"uhammad,. 8u0h a person #ill $et a double re#ard. )*he third is, a sla%e #ho obser%es Allah's Gi$hts and :bli$ations and is sin0ere to his master. 4.&7=: Narrated As'8ab bin +aththama: *he 2rophet passed by me at a pla0e 0alled Al'Ab#a or -addan, and #as asked #hether it #as permissible to atta0k the pa$an #arriors at ni$ht #ith the probability o! e/posin$ their #omen and 0hildren to dan$er. *he 2rophet replied, *hey )i.e. #omen and 0hildren, are !rom them )i.e. pa$ans,. I also heard the 2rophet sayin$, *he institution o! (ima is in%alid e/0ept !or Allah and (is Apostle. 4.&7>: Narrated `Abdullah: .urin$ some o! the EhaFa#at o! the 2rophet a #oman #as !ound killed. Allah's Apostle disappro%ed the killin$ o! #omen and 0hildren. 4.&7?: Narrated Ibn `Umar: .urin$ some o! the EhaFa#at o! Allah's Apostle a #oman #as !ound killed, so Allah's Apostle !orbade the killin$ o! #omen and 0hildren. 4.&7B: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle sent us in a mission )i.e. am army'unit, and said, I! you !ind so'and'so and so'and'so, burn both o! them #ith !ire. -hen #e intended to depart, Allah's Apostle said, I ha%e ordered you to burn so'and'so and so'and'so, and it is none but Allah -ho punishes #ith !ire, so, i! you !ind them, kill them. 4.&=C: Narrated `Ikrima: `Ali burnt some people and this ne#s rea0hed Ibn `Abbas, #ho said, (ad I been in his pla0e I #ould not ha%e burnt them, as the 2rophet said, '.on't punish )anybody, #ith Allah's 2unishment.' No doubt, I #ould ha%e killed them, !or the 2rophet said, 'I! somebody )a "uslim, dis0ards his reli$ion, kill him.' 4.&=1: Narrated Anas bin "alik: A $roup o! ei$ht men !rom the tribe o! 'Ukil 0ame to the 2rophet and then they !ound the 0limate o! "edina unsuitable !or them. 8o, they said, : Allah's Apostle; 2ro%ide us #ith some milk. Allah's Apostle said, I re0ommend that you should 4oin the herd o! 0amels. 8o they #ent and drank the urine and the milk o! the 0amels )as a medi0ine, till they be0ame healthy and !at. *hen they killed the shepherd and dro%e a#ay the 0amels, and they be0ame unbelie%ers a!ter #hey #ere "uslims. -hen the 2rophet #as in!ormed by a shouter !or help, he sent some men in their pursuit, and be!ore the sun rose hi$h, they #ere brou$ht, and he had their hands and !eet 0ut o!!. *hen he ordered !or nails #hi0h #ere heated and passed o%er their eyes, and #hey #ere le!t in the (arra )i.e. ro0ky land in "edina,. *hey asked !or #ater, and nobody pro%ided them #ith #ater till they died )Abu 6ilaba, a sub'narrator said, *hey 0ommitted murder and the!t and !ou$ht a$ainst Allah and (is Apostle, and spread e%il in the land. , 4.&=&: Narrated +arir: Allah's Apostles said to me, -ill you relie%e me !rom .hul'9halasa3 .hul'9halasa #as a house )o! an idol, belon$in$ to the tribe o! 9hath'am 0alled Al'9a`ba Al'<ama'niya. 8o, I pro0eeded #ith one hundred and !i!ty 0a%alry men !rom the tribe o! Ahmas, #ho #ere e/0ellent kni$hts. It happened that I 0ould not sit !irm on horses, so the 2rophet , stroke me o%er my 0hest till I sa# his !in$er'marks o%er my 0hest, he said, ': Allah; "ake him !irm and make him a $uidin$ and ri$htly $uided man.' +arir 1=

pro0eeded to#ards that house, and dismantled and burnt it. *hen he sent a messen$er to Allah's Apostle in!ormin$ him o! that. +arir's messen$er said, By (im -ho has sent you #ith the *ruth, I did not 0ome to you till I had le!t it like an eman0ipated or $abby 0amel )i.e. 0ompletely marred and spoilt,. +arir added, *he 2rophet asked !or Allah's Blessin$s !or the horses and the men o! Ahmas !i%e times. 4.&=1: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet burnt the date'palms o! Bani An'Nadir. 4.&=4: Narrated Al'Bara bin AFib: Allah's Apostle sent a $roup o! Ansari men to kill Abu'Ga!i`. :ne o! them set out and entered their )i.e. the enemies, !ort. *hat man said, I hid mysel! in a stable !or their animals. *hey 0losed the !ort $ate. Iater they lost a donkey o! theirs, so they #ent out in its sear0h. I, too, #ent out alon$ #ith them, pretendin$ to look !or it. *hey !ound the donkey and entered their !ort. And I, too, entered alon$ #ith them. *hey 0losed the $ate o! the !ort at ni$ht, and kept its keys in a small #indo# #here I 0ould see them. -hen those people slept, I took the keys and opened the $ate o! the !ort and 0ame upon Abu Ga!i` and said, ': Abu Ga!i`. -hen he replied me, I pro0eeded to#ards the %oi0e and hit him. (e shouted and I 0ame out to 0ome ba0k, pretendin$ to be a helper. I said, ': Abu Ga!i`, 0han$in$ the tone o! my %oi0e. (e asked me, '-hat do you #antD #oe to your mother3' I asked him, '-hat has happened to you3' (e said, 'I don't kno# #ho 0ame to me and hit me.' *hen I dro%e my s#ord into his belly and pushed it !or0ibly till it tou0hed the bone. *hen I 0ame out, !illed #ith puFFlement and #ent to#ards a ladder o! theirs in order to $et do#n but I !ell do#n and sprained my !oot. I 0ame to my 0ompanions and said, 'I #ill not lea%e till I hear the #ailin$ o! the #omen.' 8o, I did not lea%e till I heard the #omen be#ailin$ Abu Ga!i`, the mer0hant p! (i4aF. *hen I $ot up, !eelin$ no ailment, )and #e pro0eeded, till #e 0ame upon the 2rophet and in!ormed him. 4.&=7: Narrated Al'Bara bin AFib: Allah's Apostle sent a $roup o! the Ansar to Abu Ga!i`. `Abdullah bin Atik entered his house at ni$ht and killed him #hile he #as sleepin$. 4.&==.1: Narrated 8alim Abu An'Nadr: )the !reed sla%e o! `Umar bin 'Ubaidullah, I #as `Umar's 0lerk. :n0e `Abdullah bin Abi `Au!a #rote a letter to `Umar #hen he pro0eeded to Al'(aruriya. I read in it that Allah's Apostle in one o! his military e/peditions a$ainst the enemy, #aited till the sun de0lined and then he $ot up amon$st the people sayin$, : people; .o not #ish to meet the enemy, and ask Allah !or sa!ety, but #hen you !a0e the enemy, be patient, and remember that 2aradise is under the shades o! s#ords. *hen he said, : Allah, the Ge%ealer o! the (oly Book, and the "o%er o! the 0louds and the .e!eater o! the 0lans, de!eat them, and $rant us %i0tory o%er them. 4.&==.&: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said: .o not #ish to meet the enemy, but #hen you meet !a0e, the enemy, be patient. 4.&=>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, 9hosrau #ill be ruined, and there #ill be no 9hosrau a!ter him, and Aaesar #ill surely be ruined and there #ill be no Aaesar a!ter him, and you #ill spend their treasures in Allah's Aause. (e 0alled, -ar is de0eit'. 4.&=?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle 0alled,: -ar is de0eit . 4.&=B: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: *he 2rophet said, -ar is de0eit. 1>

4.&>C: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: *he 2rophet said, -ho is ready to kill 9a`b bin Al'Ashra! #ho has really hurt Allah and (is Apostle3 "uhammad bin "aslama said, : Allah's Apostle; .o you like me to kill him3 (e replied in the a!!irmati%e. 8o, "uhammad bin "aslama #ent to him )i.e. 9a`b, and said, *his person )i.e. the 2rophet, has put us to task and asked us !or 0harity. 9a`b replied, By Allah, you #ill $et tired o! him. "uhammad said to him, -e ha%e !ollo#ed him, so #e dislike to lea%e him till #e see the end o! his a!!air. "uhammad bin "aslama #ent on talkin$ to him in this #ay till he $ot the 0han0e to kill him. 4.&>1: Narrated +abir: *he 2rophet said, -ho is ready to kill 9a`b bin Ashra! )i.e. a +e#,. "uhammad bin "aslama replied, .o you like me to kill him3 *he 2rophet replied in the a!!irmati%e. "uhammad bin "aslama said, *hen allo# me to say #hat I like. *he 2rophet replied, I do )i.e. allo# you,. 4.&>&: Narrated Al'Bara: I sa# Allah's Apostle on the day )o! the battle, o! the *ren0h 0arryin$ earth till the hair o! his 0hest #ere 0o%ered #ith dust and he #as a hairy man. (e #as re0itin$ the !ollo#in$ %erses o! `Abdullah )bin Ga#aha,: : Allah, #ere it not !or <ou, -e #ould not ha%e been $uided, Nor #ould #e ha%e $i%en in 0harity, nor prayed. 8o, besto# on us 0almness, and #hen #e meet the enemy. *hen make our !eet !irm, !or indeed, <et i! they #ant to put us in a!!li0tion, )i.e. #ant to !i$ht a$ainst us, #e #ould not )!lee but #ithstand them,. *he 2rophet used to raise his %oi0e #hile re0itin$ these %erses. )8ee (adith No. 41&, Vol. 7,. 4.&>1: Narrated +arir: Allah's Apostle did not s0reen himsel! !rom me sin0e my embra0in$ Islam, and #hene%er he sa# me he #ould re0ei%e me #ith a smile. :n0e I told him that I 0ould not sit !irm on horses. (e stroke me on the 0hest #ith his hand and said, : Allah; "ake him !irm and make him a $uidin$ and a ri$htly' $uided man. 4.&>4: Narrated Abu (aFim: *he people asked 8ahl bin 8a`d As'8a' idi -ith #hat thin$ )medi0ine, #as the #ound o! Allah's Apostle treated3 (e replied, *here is none le!t )li%in$, amon$st the people #ho kno#s it better than. `Ali used to brin$ #ater in his shield and Hatima )i.e. the 2rophet's dau$hter, used to #ash the blood o!! his !a0e. *hen a mat )o! palm lea%es, #as burnt and its ash #as inserted in the #ound o! Allah's Apostle. 4.&>7: Narrated Abu Burda: *hat his !ather said, *he 2rophet sent "u`adh and Abu "usa to <emen tellin$ them. '*reat the people #ith ease and don't be hard on themD $i%e them $lad tidin$s and don't !ill them #ith a%ersionD and lo%e ea0h other, and don't di!!er. 4.&>=: Narrated Al'Bara bin AFib: *he 2rophet appointed `Abdullah bin +ubair as the 0ommander o! the in!antry men )ar0hers, #ho #ere !i!ty on the day )o! the battle, o! Uhud. (e instru0ted them, 8ti0k to your pla0e, and don't lea%e it e%en i! you see birds snat0hin$ us, till I send !or youD and i! you see that #e ha%e de!eated the in!idels and made them !lee, e%en then you should not lea%e your pla0e till I send !or you. *hen the in!idels #ere de!eated. By Allah, I sa# the #omen !leein$ li!tin$ up their 0lothes re%ealin$ their le$'ban$les and their le$s. 8o, the 0ompanions o! `Abdullah bin +ubair said, *he booty; : people, the booty ; <our 0ompanions ha%e be0ome %i0torious, #hat are you #aitin$ !or no#3 `Abdullah bin +ubair said, (a%e you !or$otten #hat Allah's Apostle said to you3 *hey replied, By Allah; -e #ill $o to the people )i.e. the enemy, and 0olle0t our share !rom the #ar booty. But #hen they #ent to them, they 1?

#ere !or0ed to turn ba0k de!eated. At that time Allah's Apostle in their rear #as 0allin$ them ba0k. :nly t#el%e men remained #ith the 2rophet and the in!idels martyred se%enty men !rom us. :n the day )o! the battle, o! Badr, the 2rophet and his 0ompanions had 0aused the '2a$ans to lose 14C men, se%enty o! #hom #ere 0aptured and se%enty #ere killed. *hen Abu 8u!yan asked thri0e, Is "uhammad present amon$st these people3 *he 2rophet ordered his 0ompanions not to ans#er him. *hen he asked thri0e, Is the son o! Abu 6uha!a present amon$st these people3 (e asked a$ain thri0e, Is the son o! Al'9hattab present amon$st these people3 (e then returned to his 0ompanions and said, As !or these )men,, they ha%e been killed. `Umar 0ould not 0ontrol himsel! and said )to Abu 8u!yan,, <ou told a lie, by Allah; : enemy o! Allah; All those you ha%e mentioned are ali%e, and the thin$ #hi0h #ill make you unhappy is still there. Abu 8u!yan said, :ur %i0tory today is a 0ounterbalan0e to yours in the battle o! Badr, and in #ar )the %i0tory, is al#ays unde0ided and is shared in turns by the belli$erents, and you #ill !ind some o! your )killed, men mutilated, but I did not ur$e my men to do so, yet I do not !eel sorry !or their deed A!ter that he started re0itin$ 0heer!ully, : (ubal, be hi$h; )1, :n that the 2rophet said )to his 0ompanions,, -hy don't you ans#er him ba0k3 *hey said, : Allah's Apostle -hat shall #e say3 (e said, 8ay, Allah is (i$her and more 8ublime. )*hen, Abu 8u!yan said, -e ha%e the )idol, Al `UFFa, and you ha%e no `UFFa. *he 2rophet said )to his 0ompanions,, -hy don't you ans#er him ba0k3 *hey asked, : Allah's Apostle; -hat shall #e say3 (e said, 8ays Allah is our (elper and you ha%e no helper. 4.&>>: Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle #as the )most handsome,, most $enerous and the bra%est o! all the people. :n0e the people o! "edina $ot !ri$htened ha%in$ heard an uproar at ni$ht. 8o, the 2rophet met the people #hile he #as ridin$ an unsaddled horse belon$in$ to Abu *alha and 0arryin$ his s#ord )slun$ o%er his shoulder,. (e said )to them,, .on't $et s0ared, don't $et s0ared. *hen he added, I !ound it )i.e the horse, %ery !ast. 4.&>?: Narrated 8alama: I #ent out o! "edina to#ards Al'Ehaba. -hen I rea0hed the mountain path o! Al'Ehaba, a sla%e o! `Abdur'Gahman bin `Au! met me. I said to him, -oe to you; -hat brou$ht you here3 (e replied, *he she'0amels o! the 2rophet ha%e been taken a#ay. I said, -ho took them3 (e said, Ehata!an and HaFara. 8o, I sent three 0ries, : 8abaha'h ; : 8abahah ; so loudly that made the people in bet#een its )i.e. "edina's, t#o mountains hear me. *hen I rushed till I met them a!ter they had taken the 0amels a#ay. I started thro#in$ arro#s at them sayin$, I am the son o! Al'Ak#a` D and today perish the mean people; 8o, I sa%ed the she'0amels !rom them be!ore they )i.e. the robbers, 0ould drink #ater. -hen I returned dri%in$ the 0amels, the 2rophet met me, I said, : Allah's Apostle *hose people are thirsty and I ha%e pre%ented them !rom drinkin$ #ater, so send some people to 0hase them. *he 2rophet said, : son o! Al'Ak#a`, you ha%e $ained po#er )o%er your enemy,, so !or$i%e )them,. )Besides, those people are no# bein$ entertained by their !olk. 4.&>B: Narrated Abu 'Is'ha5: A man asked Al'Bara : Abu '`Umara; .id you !lee on the day )o! the battle, o! (unain3 Al'Bara replied #hile I #as listenin$, As !or Allah's Apostle he did not !lee on that day. Abu 8u!yan bin Al' (arith #as holdin$ the reins o! his mule and #hen the pa$ans atta0ked him, he dismounted and started sayin$, 'I am the 2rophet, and there is no lie about itD I am the son o! `Abdul "uttalib.' :n that day nobody #as seen bra%er than the 2rophet. 4.&?C: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: -hen the tribe o! Bani 6uraiFa #as ready to a00ept 8a`d's 4ud$ment, Allah's Apostle sent !or 8a`d #ho #as near to him. 8a`d 0ame, ridin$ a donkey and #hen he 0ame near, Allah's Apostle said )to the Ansar,, 8tand up !or your leader. *hen 8a`d 0ame and sat beside Allah's Apostle #ho said to him. *hese people are ready to a00ept your 4ud$ment. 8a`d said, I $i%e the 4ud$ment that their #arriors should be killed and their 0hildren and #omen should be taken as prisoners. *he 2rophet then 1B

remarked, : 8a`d; <ou ha%e 4ud$ed amon$st them #ith )or similar to, the 4ud$ment o! the 9in$ Allah. 4.&?1: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle sent a 8ariya o! ten men as spies under the leadership o! `Asim bin *habit al'Ansari, the $rand!ather o! `Asim bin `Umar Al'9hattab. *hey pro0eeded till they rea0hed (adaa, a pla0e bet#een 'Us!an, and "e00a, and their ne#s rea0hed a bran0h o! the tribe o! (udhail 0alled Bani Iihyan. About t#o'hundred men, #ho #ere all ar0hers, hurried to !ollo# their tra0ks till they !ound the pla0e #here they had eaten dates they had brou$ht #ith them !rom "edina. *hey said, *hese are the dates o! <athrib )i.e. "edina,, and 0ontinued !ollo#in$ their tra0ks -hen `Asim and his 0ompanions sa# their pursuers, they #ent up a hi$h pla0e and the in!idels 0ir0led them. *he in!idels said to them, Aome do#n and surrender, and #e promise and $uarantee you that #e #ill not kill any one o! you `Asim bin *habitD the leader o! the 8ariya said, By Allah; I #ill not 0ome do#n to be under the prote0tion o! in!idels. : Allah; Aon%ey our ne#s to <our 2rophet. *hen the in!idels thre# arro#s at them till they martyred `Asim alon$ #ith si/ other men, and three men 0ame do#n a00eptin$ their promise and 0on%ention, and they #ere 9hubaib'al'Ansari and Ibn .athina and another man 8o, #hen the in!idels 0aptured them, they undid the strin$s o! their bo#s and tied them. *hen the third )o! the 0apti%es, said, *his is the !irst betrayal. By Allah; I #ill not $o #ith you. No doubt these, namely the martyred, ha%e set a $ood e/ample to us. 8o, they dra$$ed him and tried to 0ompel him to a00ompany them, but as he re!used, they killed him. *hey took 9hubaid and Ibn .athina #ith them and sold them )as sla%es, in "e00a )and all that took pla0e, a!ter the battle o! Badr. 9hubaib #as bou$ht by the sons o! Al'(arith bin 'Amir bin Nau!al bin `Abd "ana!. It #as 9hubaib #ho had killed Al'(arith bin 'Amir on the day )o! the battle o!, Badr. 8o, 9hubaib remained a prisoner #ith those people. Narrated AF'@uhri: 'Ubaidullah bin 'Iyyad said that the dau$hter o! Al'(arith had told him, -hen those people $athered )to kill 9hubaib, he borro#ed a raFor !rom me to sha%e his pubes and I $a%e it to him. *hen he took a son o! mine #hile I #as una#are #hen he 0ame upon him. I sa# him pla0in$ my son on his thi$h and the raFor #as in his hand. I $ot s0ared so mu0h that 9hubaib noti0ed the a$itation on my !a0e and said, 'Are you a!raid that I #ill kill him3 No, I #ill ne%er do so.' By Allah, I ne%er sa# a prisoner better than 9hubaib. By Allah, one day I sa# him eatin$ o! a bun0h o! $rapes in his hand #hile he #as 0hained in irons, and there #as no !ruit at that time in "e00a. *he dau$hter o! Al'(arith used to say, It #as a boon Allah besto#ed upon 9hubaib. -hen they took him out o! the 8an0tuary )o! "e00a, to kill him outside its boundaries, 9hubaib re5uested them to let him o!!er t#o rak`at )prayer,. *hey allo#ed him and he o!!ered *#o rak`at and then said, (adn't I been a!raid that you #ould think that I #as a!raid )o! bein$ killed,, I #ould ha%e prolon$ed the prayer. : Allah, kill them all #ith no e/0eption. )(e then re0ited the poeti0 %erse,:'' I bein$ martyred as a "uslim, .o not mind ho# I am killed in Allah's Aause, Hor my killin$ is !or Allah's 8ake, And i! Allah #ishes, (e #ill bless the amputated parts o! a torn body *hen the son o! Al (arith killed him. 8o, it #as 9hubaib #ho set the tradition !or any "uslim senten0ed to death in 0apti%ity, to o!!er a t#o'rak`at prayer )be!ore bein$ killed,. Allah !ul!illed the in%o0ation o! `Asim bin *habit on that %ery day on #hi0h he #as martyred. *he 2rophet in!ormed his 0ompanions o! their ne#s and #hat had happened to them. Iater on #hen some in!idels !rom 6uraish #ere in!ormed that `Asim had been killed, they sent some people to !et0h a part o! his body )i.e. his head, by #hi0h he #ould be re0o$niFed. )*hat #as be0ause, `Asim had killed one o! their 0hie!s on the day )o! the battle, o! Badr. 8o, a s#arm o! #asps, resemblin$ a shady 0loud, #ere sent to ho%er o%er `Asim and prote0t him !rom their messen$er and thus they 0ould not 0ut o!! anythin$ !rom his !lesh. 4.&?&: Narrated Abu "usa: *he 2rophet said, Hree the 0apti%es, !eed the hun$ry and pay a %isit to the si0k. 4.&?1: Narrated Abu +uhai!a: 4C

I asked `Ali, .o you ha%e the kno#led$e o! any .i%ine Inspiration besides #hat is in Allah's Book3 `Ali replied, No, by (im -ho splits the $rain o! 0orn and 0reates the soul. I don't think #e ha%e su0h kno#led$e, but #e ha%e the ability o! understandin$ #hi0h Allah may endo# a person #ith, so that he may understand the 6ur'an, and #e ha%e #hat is #ritten in this paper as #ell. I asked, -hat is #ritten in this paper3 (e replied, )*he re$ulations o!, blood'money, the !reein$ o! 0apti%es, and the 4ud$ment that no "uslim should be killed !or killin$ an in!idel. 4.&?4: Narrated Anas bin "alik: 8ome Ansari men asked permission !rom Allah's Apostle sayin$, : Allah's Apostle; Allo# us not to take the ransom o! our nephe# Al `Abbas. *he 2rophet replied, .o not lea%e a sin$le .irham thereo!. )In another narration, Anas said, 8ome #ealth #as brou$ht to the 2rophet !rom Bahrain. Al `Abbas 0ame to him and said, ': Allah's Apostle; Ei%e me )some o! it,, as I ha%e paid my and `A5il's ransom.' *he 2rophet said, '*ake,' and $a%e him in his $arment. 4.&?7: Narrated +ubair: )#ho #as amon$ the 0apti%es o! the Battle o! Badr, I heard the 2rophet re0itin$ '8urat'at'*ur' in the "a$hrib prayer. 4.&?=: Narrated 8alama bin Al'Ak#a`: An in!idel spy 0ame to the 2rophet #hile he #as on a 4ourney. *he spy sat #ith the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet and started talkin$ and then #ent a#ay. *he 2rophet said )to his 0ompanions,, 'Ahase and kill him.' 8o, I killed him. *he 2rophet then $a%e him the belon$in$s o! the killed spy )in addition to his share o! the #ar booty,. 4.&?>: Narrated `Amr bin "aimun: `Umar )a!ter he #as stabbed,, instru0ted )his #ould'be'su00essor, sayin$, I ur$e him )i.e. the ne# Aaliph, to take 0are o! those non'"uslims #ho are under the prote0tion o! Allah and (is Apostle in that he should obser%e the 0on%ention a$reed upon #ith them, and !i$ht on their behal! )to se0ure their sa!ety, and he should not o%er'ta/ them beyond their 0apability. 4.&??: Narrated 8a`id bin +ubair: Ibn `Abbas said, *hursday; -hat )$reat thin$, took pla0e on *hursday; *hen he started #eepin$ till his tears #etted the $ra%els o! the $round . *hen he said, :n *hursday the illness o! Allah's Apostle #as a$$ra%ated and he said, Het0h me #ritin$ materials so that I may ha%e somethin$ #ritten to you a!ter #hi0h you #ill ne%er $o astray. *he people )present there, di!!ered in this matter and people should not di!!er be!ore a prophet. *hey said, Allah's Apostle is seriously si0k.' *he 2rophet said, Iet me alone, as the state in #hi0h I am no#, is better than #hat you are 0allin$ me !or. *he 2rophet on his death'bed, $a%e three orders sayin$, J/pel the pa$ans !rom the Arabian 2eninsula, respe0t and $i%e $i!ts to the !orei$n dele$ates as you ha%e seen me dealin$ #ith them. I !or$ot the third )order, )<a'5ub bin "uhammad said, I asked Al'"u$hira bin `Abdur'Gahman about the Arabian 2eninsula and he said, 'It 0omprises "e00a, "edina, Al'<ama'ma and <emen. <a'5ub added, And Al'Ar4, the be$innin$ o! *ihama. , 4.&?B: Narrated Ibn `Umar: `Umar sa# a silken 0loak bein$ sold in the market and he brou$ht it to Allah's Apostle and said, : Allah's Apostle; Buy this 0loak and adorn yoursel! #ith it on the `Id !esti%als and on meetin$ the dele$ations. Allah's Apostle replied, *his is the dress !or the one #ho #ill ha%e no share in the (erea!ter )or, this is #orn by one #ho #ill ha%e no share in the (erea!ter,. A!ter sometime had passed, Allah's Apostle sent a silken 0loak to `Umar. `Umar took it and brou$ht it to Allah's Apostle and said, : Allah's Apostle; <ou ha%e said that this is the dress o! that #ho #ill ha%e no share in the


(erea!ter )or, this is #orn by one #ho #ill ha%e no share in the (erea!ter,, yet you ha%e sent me this; *he 2rophet said, I ha%e sent it, so that you may sell it or !ul!ill #ith it some o! your needs. 4.&BC.1: Narrated Ibn `Umar: `Umar and a $roup o! the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet set out #ith the 2rophet to Ibn 8aiyad. (e !ound him playin$ #ith some boys near the hillo0ks o! Bani "a$hala. Ibn 8aiyad at that time #as nearin$ his puberty. (e did not noti0e )the 2rophet's presen0e, till the 2rophet stroked him on the ba0k #ith his hand and said, Ibn 8aiyad; .o you testi!y that I am Allah's Apostle3 Ibn 8aiyad looked at him and said, I testi!y that you are the Apostle o! the illiterates. *hen Ibn 8aiyad asked the 2rophet. .o you testi!y that I am the apostle o! Allah3 *he 2rophet said to him, I belie%e in Allah and (is Apostles. *hen the 2rophet said )to Ibn 8aiyad,. -hat do you see3 Ibn 8aiyad replied, *rue people and !alse ones %isit me. *he 2rophet said, <our mind is 0on!used as to this matter. *he 2rophet added, I ha%e kept somethin$ )in my mind, !or you. Ibn 8aiyad said, It is Ad'.ukh. *he 2rophet said )to him,, 8hame be on you; <ou 0annot 0ross your limits. :n that `Umar said, : Allah's Apostle; Allo# me to 0hop his head o!!. *he 2rophet said, I! he should be him )i.e. Ad'.a44al, then you 0annot o%erpo#er him, and should he not be him, then you are not $oin$ to bene!it by murderin$ him. 4.&BC.&: Narrated Ibn `Umar: )Iater on, Allah's Apostle )on0e a$ain, #ent alon$ #ith Ubai bin 9a`b to the $arden o! date'palms #here Ibn 8aiyad #as stayin$. -hen the 2rophet entered the $arden, he started hidin$ himsel! behind the trunks o! the date'palms as he #anted to hear somethin$ !rom the Ibn 8aiyad be!ore the latter 0ould see him. Ibn 8aiyad #as lyin$ in his bed, 0o%ered #ith a %el%et sheet !rom #here his murmurs #ere heard. Ibn 8aiyad's mother sa# the 2rophet #hile he #as hidin$ himsel! behind the trunks o! the date'palms. 8he addressed Ibn 8aiyad, : 8a!; )And this #as his name,. Ibn 8aiyad $ot up. *he 2rophet said, (ad this #oman let him to himsel!, he #ould ha%e re%ealed the reality o! his 0ase. *hen the 2rophet $ot up amon$st the people, $lori!yin$ Allah as (e deser%es, he mentioned Ad' .a44al, sayin$, I #arn you about him )i.e. Ad'.a44al, and there is no prophet #ho did not #arn his nation about him, and Noah #arned his nation about him, but I tell you a statement #hi0h no prophet in!ormed his nation o!. <ou should understand that he is a one'eyed man and Allah is not one'eyed. 4.&B1: Narrated Usama bin @aid: I asked the 2rophet durin$ his (a44, : Allah's Apostle; -here #ill you stay tomorro#3 (e said, (as `A5il le!t !or us any house3 (e then added, *omorro# #e #ill stay at 9hai! Bani 9inana, i.e. Al'"uhassab, #here )the 2a$ans o!, 6uraish took an oath o! 9u!r )i.e. to be loyal to heathenism, in that Bani 9inana $ot allied #ith 6uraish a$ainst Bani (ashim on the terms that they #ould not deal #ith the members o! the is tribe or $i%e them shelter. )AF'@uhri said, 9hai! means %alley. , )8ee (adith No. =7B, Vol. &, 4.&B&: Narrated Aslam: `Umar bin Al'9hattab appointed a !reed sla%e o! his, 0alled (unai, mana$er o! the (ima )i.e. a pasture de%oted !or $raFin$ the animals o! the @akat or other spe0i!ied animals,. (e said to him, : (unai; .on't oppress the "uslims and #ard o!! their 0urse )in%o0ations a$ainst you, !or the in%o0ation o! the oppressed is responded to )by Allah,D and allo# the shepherd ha%in$ a !e# 0amels and those ha%in$ a !e# sheep )to $raFe their animals,, and take 0are not to allo# the li%esto0k o! `Abdur'Gahman bin `Au! and the li%esto0k o! )`Uthman, bin `A!!an, !or i! their li%esto0k should perish, then they ha%e their !arms and $ardens, #hile those #ho o#n a !e# 0amels and those #ho o#n a !e# sheep, i! their li%esto0k should perish, #ould brin$ their dependents to me and appeal !or help sayin$, ': 0hie! o! the belie%ers; : 0hie! o! the belie%ers;' -ould I then ne$le0t them3 )No, o! 0ourse,. 8o, I !ind it easier to let them ha%e #ater and $rass rather than to $i%e them $old and sil%er )!rom the "uslims' treasury,. By Allah, these people think that I ha%e been un4ust to them. *his is their land, and durin$ the pre' lslami0 period, they !ou$ht !or it and they embra0ed Islam )#illin$ly, #hile it #as in their possession. 4&

By (im in -hose (and my li!e is; -ere it not !or the animals )in my 0ustody, #hi0h I $i%e to be ridden !or stri%in$ in Allah's Aause, I #ould not ha%e turned e%en a span o! their land into a (ima. 4.&B1: Narrated (udhai!a: *he 2rophet said )to us,, Iist the names o! those people #ho ha%e announ0ed that they are "uslims. 8o, #e listed one thousand and !i%e hundred men. *hen #e #ondered, 8hould #e be a!raid )o! in!idels, althou$h #e are one thousand and !i%e hundred in number3 No doubt, #e #itnessed oursel%es bein$ a!!li0ted #ith su0h bad trials that one #ould ha%e to o!!er the prayer alone in !ear. 4.&B4: Narrated Al'A`mash: -e )listed the "uslims and, !ound them !i%e hundred. And Abu "ua#iya said, Bet#een si/' hundred to se%en'hundred. 4.&B7: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: A man 0ame to the 2rophet and said, : Allah's Apostle; I ha%e enlisted in the army !or su0h'and' su0h EhaF#a, and my #i!e is lea%in$ !or (a44. Allah's Apostle said, Eo ba0k and per!orm (a44 #ith your #i!e. 4.&B=: Narrated AF'@uhri: as !ollo#s in (adith &B>. 4.&B>: Narrated Abu (uraira: -e #ere in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle in a EhaF#a, and he remarked about a man #ho 0laimed to be a "uslim, sayin$, *his )man, is !rom the people o! the )(ell, Hire. -hen the battle started, the man !ou$ht %iolently till he $ot #ounded. 8omebody said, : Allah's Apostle; *he man #hom you des0ribed as bein$ !rom the people o! the )(ell, Hire !ou$ht %iolently today and died. *he 2rophet said, (e #ill $o to the )(ell, Hire. 8ome people #ere on the point o! doubtin$ )the truth o! #hat the 2rophet had said, #hile they #ere in this state, suddenly someone said that he #as still ali%e but se%erely #ounded. -hen ni$ht !ell, he lost patien0e and 0ommitted sui0ide. *he 2rophet #as in!ormed o! that, and he said, Allah is Ereater; I testi!y that I am Allah's 8la%e and (is Apostle. *hen he ordered Bilal to announ0e amon$st the people: 'None #ill enter 2aradise but a "uslim, and Allah may support this reli$ion )i.e. Islam, e%en #ith a disobedient man.' 4.&B?: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Allah's Apostle deli%ered a sermon and said, @aid re0ei%ed the !la$ and #as martyred, then +a`!ar took it and #as martyred, then `Abdullah bin Ga#aha took it and #as martyred, and then 9halid bin Al'-alid took it #ithout bein$ appointed, and Allah $a%e him %i0tory. *he 2rophet added, I am not pleased )or they #ill not be pleased, that they should remain )ali%e, #ith us, #hile his eyes #ere sheddin$ tears. 4.&BB: Narrated Anas: *he people o! the tribes o! Gil, .hak#an, 'Usiya and Bani Iihyan 0ame to the 2rophet and 0laimed that they had embra0ed Islam, and they re5uested him to support them #ith some men to !i$ht their o#n people. *he 2rophet supported them #ith se%enty men !rom the Ansar #hom #e used to 0all Al' 6urra')i.e. 80holars, #ho )out o! piety, used to 0ut #ood durin$ the day and pray all the ni$ht. 8o, those people took the )se%enty, men till they rea0hed a pla0e 0alled Bi'r'"a'ana #here they betrayed and martyred them. 8o, the 2rophet in%oked e%il on the tribe o! Gil, .hak#an and Bani Iihyan !or one month in the prayer. Narrated 6atada: Anas told us that they )i.e. "uslims, used to re0ite a 6ur'ani0 Verse 0on0ernin$ those martyrs #hi0h #as:'' : Allah; Iet our people be in!ormed on our behal! that #e ha%e met our Iord -ho has $ot pleased #ith us and made us pleased. *hen the Verse #as 0an0elled. 41

4.1CC: Narrated Abu *alha: -hene%er the 2rophet 0on5uered some people, he #ould stay in their to#n !or three days. 4.1C1: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet per!ormed `Umra, settin$ out !rom Al'+arana #here he distributed the #ar booty o! (unain. 4.1C&: Narrated Na!i`: :n0e a sla%e o! Ibn `Umar !led and 4oined the ByFantine. 9halid bin Al'-alid $ot him ba0k and returned him to `Abdullah )bin `Umar,. :n0e a horse o! Ibn `Umar also ran a#ay and !ollo#ed the ByFantines, and he )i.e. 9halid, $ot it ba0k and returned it to `Abdullah. 4.1C1: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *hat he #as ridin$ a horse on the day, the "uslims !ou$ht )a$ainst the ByFantines,, and the 0ommander o! the "uslim army #as 9halid bin Al'-alid #ho had been appointed by Abu Bakr. *he enemy took the horse a#ay, and #hen the enemy #as de!eated, 9halid returned the horse to him. 4.1C4: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: I said, : Allah's Apostle; -e ha%e slau$htered a youn$ sheep o! ours and ha%e $round one 8a o! barley. 8o, I in%ite you alon$ #ith some persons. 8o, the 2rophet said in a loud %oi0e, : the people o! the *ren0h; +abir had prepared 8ur so 0ome alon$. 4.1C7: Narrated Um 9halid: )the dau$hter o! 9halid bin 8a`id, I #ent to Allah's Apostle #ith my !ather and I #as Nearin$ a yello# shirt. Allah's Apostle said, 8anah, 8anah; )`Abdullah, the narrator, said that '8anah' meant '$ood' in the Jthiopian lan$ua$e,. I then started playin$ #ith the seal o! 2rophethood )in bet#een the 2rophet's shoulders, and my !ather rebuked me harshly !or that. Allah's Apostle said. Iea%e her, and then Allah's Apostle )in%oked Allah to $rant me a lon$ li!e, by sayin$ )thri0e,, -ear this dress till it is #orn out and then #ear it till it is #orn out, and then #ear it till it is #orn out. )*he narrator adds, It is said that she li%ed !or a lon$ period, #earin$ that )yello#, dress till its 0olor be0ame dark be0ause o! lon$ #ear. , 4.1C=: Narrated Abu (uraira: Al'(asan bin 'All took a date !rom the dates o! the 8ada5a and put it in his mouth. *he 2rophet said )to him, in 2ersian, 9akh, kakh; )i.e. .on't you kno# that #e do not eat the 8ada5a )i.e. #hat is $i%en in 0harity, )0harity is the dirt o! the people,,. 4.1C>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet $ot up amon$st us and mentioned Al Ehulul, emphasiFed its ma$nitude and de0lared that it #as a $reat sin sayin$, .on't 0ommit Ehulul !or I should not like to see anyone amon$st you on the .ay o! Gessure0tion, 0arryin$ o%er his ne0k a sheep that #ill be bleatin$, or 0arryin$ o%er his ne0k a horse that #ill be nei$hin$. 8u0h a man #ill be sayin$: ': Allah's Apostle; Inter0ede #ith Allah !or me,' and I #ill reply, 'I 0an't help you, !or I ha%e 0on%eyed Allah's "essa$e to you Nor should I like to see a man 0arryin$ o%er his ne0k, a 0amel that #ill be $runtin$. 8u0h a man #ill say, ': Allah's Apostle; Inter0ede #ith Allah !or me, and I #ill say, 'I 0an't help you !or I ha%e 0on%eyed Allah's "essa$e to you,' or one 0arryin$ o%er his ne0k $old and sil%er and sayin$, ': Allah's Apostle; Inter0ede #ith Allah !or me,' and I #ill say, 'I 0an't help you !or I ha%e 0on%eyed Allah's "essa$e to you,' or one 0arryin$ 0lothes that #ill be !lutterin$, and the man #ill say, ': Allah's Apostle; Inter0ede #ith Allah !or me.' And I #ill say, 'I 0an't help you, !or I ha%e 0on%eyed Allah's "essa$e to you. 4.1C?: 44

Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: *here #as a man #ho looked a!ter the !amily and the belon$in$s o! the 2rophet and he #as 0alled 9arkara. *he man died and Allah's Apostle said, (e is in the ')(ell, Hire. *he people then #ent to look at him and !ound in his pla0e, a 0loak he had stolen !rom the #ar booty. 4.1CB: Narrated Abaya bin Gi!aa: "y $rand!ather, Ga!i` said, -e #ere in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet at .hul(ulai!a, and the people su!!ered !rom hun$er. -e $ot some 0amels and sheep )as booty, and the 2rophet #as still behind the people. *hey hurried and put the 0ookin$ pots on the !ire. )-hen he 0ame, he ordered that the 0ookin$ pots should be upset and then he distributed the booty )amon$st the people, re$ardin$ ten sheep as e5ual to one 0amel then a 0amel !led and the people 0hased it till they $ot tired, as they had a !e# horses )!or 0hasin$ it,. 8o a man thre# an arro# at it and 0aused it to stop )#ith Allah's 2ermission,. :n that the 2rophet said, '8ome o! these animals beha%e like #ild beasts, so, i! any animal !lee !rom you, deal #ith it in the same #ay. "y $rand!ather asked )the 2rophet ,, -e hope )or are a!raid, that #e may meet the enemy tomorro# and #e ha%e no kni%es. Aan #e slau$hter our animals #ith 0anes3 Allah's Apostle replied, I! the instrument used !or killin$ 0auses the animal to bleed pro!usely and i! Allah's Name is mentioned on killin$ it, then eat its meat )i.e. it is la#!ul, but #on't use a tooth or a nail and I am tellin$ you the reason: A tooth is a bone )and slau$hterin$ #ith a bone is !orbidden ,, and a nail is the slau$hterin$ instrument o! the Jthiopians. 4.11C: Narrated 6ais: +arir bin `Abdullah said to me, Allah's Apostle said to me, '-on't you relie%e me !rom .hul' 9halasa3' .hul'9halasa #as a house #here the tribe o! 9hatham used to stay, and it used to be 0alled 9a`bat'ul <amaniya. 8o I pro0eeded #ith one hundred'and'!i!ty )men, !rom the tribe o! Ahmas #ho #ere $ood 0a%alry. I in!ormed the 2rophet that I 0ould not sit !irm on horses, so he stroke me on the 0hest #ith his hand and I noti0ed his !in$er marks on my 0hest. (e in%oked, ': Allah; "ake him !irm and a $uidin$ and ri$htly'$uided man. +arir set out to#ards that pla0e, dismantled and burnt it, and then sent the $ood ne#s to Allah's Apostle . *he messen$er o! +arir said to Allah's Apostle. : Allah's Apostle; By (im -ho has sent you #ith the *ruth, I did not 0ome to you till it )i.e. the house, had been turned )bla0k, like a s0abby 0amel )0o%ered #ith tar,. 8o the 2rophet in%okes Allah to Bless the horses o! the men o! Ahmas !i%e times. 4.111: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, on the day o! the Aon5uest o! "e00a, *here is no mi$ration )a!ter the Aon5uest,, but +ihad and $ood intentions, and #hen you are 0alled !or +ihad, you should immediately respond to the 0all. 4.11&: Narrated Abu `Uthman An'Nahdi: "u4ashi )bin "as`ud, took his brother "u4alid bin "usud to the 2rophet and said, *his is "u4alid and he #ill $i%e a pled$e o! alle$ian0e to you !or mi$ration. *he 2rophet said, *here is no mi$ration a!ter the Aon5uest o! "e00a, but I #ill take his pled$e o! alle$ian0e !or Islam. 4.111: Narrated `Ata': I and 'Ubai bin `Umar #ent to `Aisha #hile she #as stayin$ near *habir )i.e. a mountain,. 8he said, *here is no "i$ration a!ter Allah $a%e (is 2rophet %i0tory o%er "e00a. 4.114: Narrated 8a`d bin 'Ubaida: Abu `Abdur'Gahman #ho #as one o! the supporters o! `Uthman said to Abu *alha #ho #as one o! the supporters o! `Ali, I per!e0tly kno# #hat en0oura$ed your leader )i.e. `Ali, to shed blood. I heard him sayin$: :n0e the 2rophet sent me and AF'@ubair sayin$, '2ro0eed to su0h'and'su0h Ar'Goudah )pla0e, #here you #ill !ind a lady #hom (atib has $i%en a letter. 8o #hen #e arri%ed at Ar'Goudah, #e re5uested the lady to hand o%er the letter to us. 8he said, '(atib has not $i%en me any letter.' -e 47

said to her. '*ake out the letter or else #e #ill strip o!! your 0lothes.' 8o she took it out o! her braid. 8o the 2rophet sent !or (atib, )#ho 0ame, and said, '.on't hurry in 4ud$in$ me, !or, by Allah, I ha%e not be0ome a disbelie%er, and my lo%e to Islam is in0reasin$. )*he reason !or #ritin$ this letter #as, that there is none o! your 0ompanions but has relati%es in "e00a #ho look a!ter their !amilies and property, #hile I ha%e nobody there, so I #anted to do them some !a%or )so that they mi$ht look a!ter my !amily and property,.' *he 2rophet belie%ed him. `Umar said, 'Allo# me to 0hop o!! his )i.e. (atib's, ne0k as he has done hypo0risy.' *he 2rophet said, )to `Umar,, '-ho kno#s, perhaps Allah has looked at the #arriors o! Badr and said )to them,, '.o #hate%er you like, !or I ha%e !or$i%en you.' `Abdur'Gahman added, 8o this is #hat en0oura$ed him )i.e. `Ali,. 4.117: Narrated Ibn Abi "ulaika: Ibn AF'@ubair said to Ibn +a`!ar .o you remember #hen I, you and Ibn `Abbas #ent out to re0ei%e Allah's Apostle3 Ibn +a`!ar replied in the a!!irmati%e. Ibn AF'@ubair added, And Allah's Apostle made us )i.e. I and Ibn `Abbas, ride alon$ #ith him and le!t you. 4.11=: Narrated As'8a'ib bin <aFid: I alon$ #ith some boys #ent out to re0ei%e Allah's Apostle at *haniyatal'-ada`. 4.11>: Narrated `Abdullah: -hen the 2rophet returned )!rom +ihad,, he #ould say *akbir thri0e and add, -e are returnin$, i! Allah #ishes, #ith repentan0e and #orshippin$ and praisin$ )our Iord, and prostratin$ oursel%es be!ore our Iord. Allah !ul!illed (is 2romise and helped (is 8la%e, and (e Alone de!eated the )in!idel, 0lans. 4.11?: Narrated Anas bin "alik: -e #ere in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet #hile returnin$ !rom 'Us!an, and Allah's Apostle #as ridin$ his she'0amel keepin$ 8a!iya bint (uyay ridin$ behind him. (is she'0amel slipped and both o! them !ell do#n. Abu *alha 4umped !rom his 0amel and said, : Allah's Apostle; "ay Allah sa0ri!i0e me !or you. *he 2rophet said, *ake 0are o! the lady. 8o, Abu *alha 0o%ered his !a0e #ith a $arment and #ent to 8a!iya and 0o%ered her #ith it, and then he set ri$ht the 0ondition o! their she0amel so that both o! them rode, and #e #ere en0ir0lin$ Allah's Apostle like a 0o%er. -hen #e approa0hed "edina, the 2rophet said, -e are returnin$ #ith repentan0e and #orshippin$ and praisin$ our Iord. (e kept on sayin$ this till he entered "edina. 4.11B: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *hat he and Abu *alha 0ame in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet and 8a!iya #as a00ompanyin$ the 2rophet, #ho let her ride behind him on his she'0amel. .urin$ the 4ourney, the she'0amel slipped and both the 2rophet and )his, #i!e !ell do#n. Abu *alha )the sub'narrator thinks that Anas said that Abu *alha 4umped !rom his 0amel 5ui0kly, said, : Allah's Apostle; "ay Allah sa0ri!i0e me !or your sake; .id you $et hurt3 *he 2rophet replied, No, but take 0are o! the lady. Abu *alha 0o%ered his !a0e #ith his $arment and pro0eeded to#ards her and 0o%ered her #ith his $arment, and she $ot up. (e then set ri$ht the 0ondition o! their she'0amel and both o! them )i.e. the 2rophet and his #i!e, rode and pro0eeded till they approa0hed "edina. *he 2rophet said, -e are returnin$ #ith repentan0e and #orshippin$ and praisin$ our Iord. *he 2rophet kept on sayin$ this statement till he entered "edina. 4.1&C: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: I #as on a 4ourney in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet and #hen #e rea0hed "edina, he said to me, Jnter the "os5ue and o!!er t#o rak`at. 4.1&1: Narrated 9a`b: -hene%er the 2rophet returned !rom a 4ourney in the !orenoon, he #ould enter the "os5ue and o!!er t#o rak`at be!ore sittin$. 4=

4.1&&: Narrated "uharib bin .ithar: +abir bin `Abdullah said, -hen Allah's Apostle arri%ed at "edina, he slau$htered a 0amel or a 0o#. +abir added, *he 2rophet bou$ht a 0amel !rom me !or t#o U5iyas )o! $old, and one or t#o .irhams. -hen he rea0hed 8irar, he ordered that a 0o# be slau$htered and they ate its meat. -hen he arri%ed at "edina, he ordered me to $o to the "os5ue and o!!er t#o rak`at, and #ei$hed )and $a%e, me the pri0e o! the 0amel. 4.1&1: Narrated +abir: :n0e I returned !rom a 4ourney and the 2rophet said )to me, :!!er t#o rak`at. )8irar is a pla0e near "edina,. 4.1&4: Narrated `Ali: I $ot a she'0amel in my share o! the #ar booty on the day )o! the battle, o! Badr, and the 2rophet had $i%en me a she'0amel !rom the 9humus. -hen I intended to marry Hatima, the dau$hter o! Allah's Apostle, I had an appointment #ith a $oldsmith !rom the tribe o! Bani 6ainu5a' to $o #ith me to brin$ Idhkhir )i.e. $rass o! pleasant smell, and sell it to the $oldsmiths and spend its pri0e on my #eddin$ party. I #as 0olle0tin$ !or my she'0amels e5uipment o! saddles, sa0ks and ropes #hile my t#o she' 0amels #ere kneelin$ do#n beside the room o! an Ansari man. I returned a!ter 0olle0tin$ #hate%er I 0olle0ted, to see the humps o! my t#o she'0amels 0ut o!! and their !lanks 0ut open and some portion o! their li%ers #as taken out. -hen I sa# that state o! my t#o she'0amels, I 0ould not help #eepin$. I asked, -ho has done this3 *he people replied, (amFa bin `Abdul "uttalib #ho is stayin$ #ith some Ansari drunks in this house. I #ent a#ay till I rea0hed the 2rophet and @aid bin (aritha #as #ith him. *he 2rophet noti0ed on my !a0e the e!!e0t o! #hat I had su!!ered, so the 2rophet asked. -hat is #ron$ #ith you. I replied, : Allah's Apostle; I ha%e ne%er seen su0h a day as today. (amFa atta0ked my t#o she'0amels, 0ut o!! their humps, and ripped open their !lanks, and he is sittin$ there in a house in the 0ompany o! some drunks. *he 2rophet then asked !or his 0o%erin$ sheet, put it on, and set out #alkin$ !ollo#ed by me and @aid bin (aritha till he 0ame to the house #here (amFa #as. (e asked permission to enter, and they allo#ed him, and they #ere drunk. Allah's Apostle started rebukin$ (amFa !or #hat he had done, but (amFa #as drunk and his eyes #ere red. (amFa looked at Allah's Apostle and then he raised his eyes, lookin$ at his knees, then he raised up his eyes lookin$ at his umbili0us, and a$ain he raised up his eyes look in at his !a0e. (amFa then said, Aren't you but the sla%es o! my !ather3 Allah's Apostle realiFed that he #as drunk, so Allah's Apostle retreated, and #e #ent out #ith him. 4.1&7: Narrated `Aisha: )mother o! the belie%ers, A!ter the death o! Allah 's Apostle Hatima the dau$hter o! Allah's Apostle asked Abu Bakr As'8iddi5 to $i%e her, her share o! inheritan0e !rom #hat Allah's Apostle had le!t o! the Hai )i.e. booty $ained #ithout !i$htin$, #hi0h Allah had $i%en him. Abu Bakr said to her, Allah's Apostle said, ':ur property #ill not be inherited, #hate%er #e )i.e. prophets, lea%e is 8ada5a )to be used !or 0harity,. Hatima, the dau$hter o! Allah's Apostle $ot an$ry and stopped speakin$ to Abu Bakr, and 0ontinued assumin$ that attitude till she died. Hatima remained ali%e !or si/ months a!ter the death o! Allah's Apostle. 8he used to ask Abu Bakr !or her share !rom the property o! Allah's Apostle #hi0h he le!t at 9haibar, and Hadak, and his property at "edina )de%oted !or 0harity,. Abu Bakr re!used to $i%e her that property and said, I #ill not lea%e anythin$ Allah's Apostle used to do, be0ause I am a!raid that i! I le!t somethin$ !rom the 2rophet's tradition, then I #ould $o astray. )Iater on, `Umar $a%e the 2rophet's property )o! 8ada5a, at "edina to `Ali and `Abbas, but he #ithheld the properties o! 9haibar and Hadak in his 0ustody and said, *hese t#o properties are the 8ada5a #hi0h Allah's Apostle used to use !or his e/penditures and ur$ent needs. No# their mana$ement is to be entrusted to the ruler. )AF'@uhrl said, *hey ha%e been mana$ed in this #ay till today. , 4.1&=: 4>

Narrated "alik bin Aus: -hile I #as at home, the sun rose hi$h and it $ot hot. 8uddenly the messen$er o! `Umar bin Al' 9hattab 0ame to me and said, *he 0hie! o! the belie%ers has sent !or you. 8o, I #ent alon$ #ith him till I entered the pla0e #here `Umar #as sittin$ on a bedstead made o! date'palm lea%es and 0o%ered #ith no mattress, and he #as leanin$ o%er a leather pillo#. I $reeted him and sat do#n. (e said, : "alik; 8ome persons o! your people #ho ha%e !amilies 0ame to me and I ha%e ordered that a $i!t should be $i%en to them, so take it and distribute it amon$ them. I said, : 0hie! o! the belie%ers; I #ish that you order someone else to do it. (e said, : man; *ake it. -hile I #as sittin$ there #ith him, his doorman <ar!a' 0ame sayin$, `Uthman, `Abdur'Gahman bin `Au!, AF'@ubair and 8a`d bin Abi -a55as are askin$ your permission )to see you,D may I admit them3 `Umar said, <es , 8o they #ere admitted and they 0ame in, $reeted him, and sat do#n. A!ter a #hile <ar!a' 0ame a$ain and said, "ay I admit `Ali and `Abbas3 `Umar said, yes. 8o, they #ere admitted and they 0ame in and $reeted )him, and sat do#n. *hen `Abbas said, : 0hie! o! the belie%ers; +ud$e bet#een me and this )i.e. `Ali,. *hey had a dispute re$ardin$ the property o! Bani An'Nadir #hi0h Allah had $i%en to (is Apostle as Hai. *he $roup )i.e. `Uthman and his 0ompanions, said, : 0hie! o! the belie%ers; +ud$e bet#een them and relie%e both o! them !ront ea0h other. `Umar said, Be patient; I besee0h you by Allah by -hose 2ermission the (ea%en and the Jarth e/ist, do you kno# that Allah's Apostle said, ':ur )i.e. prophets', property #ill not be inherited, and #hate%er #e lea%e, is 8ada5a )to be used !or 0harity,,' and Allah's Apostle meant himsel! )by sayin$ #e'',3 *he $roup said, (e said so. `Umar then turned to `Ali and `Abbas and said, I besee0h you by Allah, do you kno# that Allah's Apostle said so3 *hey replied, (e said so. `Umar then said, 8o, I #ill talk to you about this matter. Allah besto#ed on (is Apostle #ith a spe0ial !a%or o! somethin$ o! this Hai )booty, #hi0h he $a%e to nobody else. `Umar then re0ited the (oly Verses: -hat Allah besto#ed as )Hai, Booty on his Apostle )"uhammad, !rom them ''' !or this you made no e/pedition #ith either 0a%alry or 0amelry: But Allah $i%es po#er to (is Apostles o%er #home%er (e #ill 'And Allah is able to do all thin$s. B:=, `Umar added 8o this property #as espe0ially $i%en to Allah's Apostle, but, by Allah, neither did he take possession o! it and lea%e your, nor did he !a%or himsel! #ith it to your e/0lusion, but he $a%e it to all o! you and distributed it amon$st you till this property remained out o! it. Allah's Apostle used to spend the yearly e/penses o! his !amily out o! this property and used to keep the rest o! its re%enue to be spent on Allah 's Aause. Allah 's Apostle kept on doin$ this durin$ all his li!etime. I ask you by Allah do you kno# this3 *hey replies in the a!!irmati%e. `Umar then said to `Ali and `Abbas. I ask you by Allah, do you kno# this3 `Umar added, -hen Allah had taken (is 2rophet unto (im, 'Abu Bakr said, 'I am the su00essor o! Allah's Apostle so, Abu Bakr took o%er that property and mana$ed it in the same #ay as Allah's Apostle used to do, and Allah kno#s that he #as true, pious and ri$htly' $uided, and he #as a !ollo#er o! #hat #as ri$ht. *hen Allah took Abu Bakr unto (im and I be0ame Abu Bakr's su00essor, and I kept that property in my possession !or the !irst t#o years o! my Aaliphate, mana$in$ it in the same #ay as Allah's Apostle used to do and as Abu Bakr used to do, and Allah kno#s that I ha%e been true, pious, ri$htly $uided, and a !ollo#er o! #hat is ri$ht. No# you both )i.e. 'Ah and `Abbas, 0ame to talk to me, bearin$ the same 0laim and presentin$ the same 0aseD you, `Abbas, 0ame to me askin$ !or your share !rom your nephe#'s property, and this man, i.e. `Ali, 0ame to me askin$ !or his #i!e's share !rom her !ather's property. I told you both that Allah's Apostle said, ':ur )prophets', properties are not to be inherited, but #hat #e lea%e is 8ada5a )to be used !or 0harity,.' -hen I thou$ht it ri$ht that I should hand o%er this property to you, I said to you, 'I am ready to hand o%er this property to you i! you #ish, on the 0ondition that you #ould take Allah's 2led$e and Aon%ention that you #ould mana$e it in the same #ay as Allah's Apostle used to, and as Abu Bakr used to do, and as I ha%e done sin0e I #as in 0har$e o! it.' 8o, both o! you said )to me,, '(and it o%er to us,' and on that 0ondition I handed it o%er to you. 8o, I ask you by Allah, did I hand it o%er to them on this 0ondition3 *he $roup aid, <es. *hen `Umar !a0ed `Ali and `Abbas sayin$, I ask you by Allah, did I hand it o%er to you on this 0ondition3 *hey said, <es. (e said, .o you #ant no# to $i%e a di!!erent de0ision3 By Allah, by -hose Iea%e both the (ea%en and the Jarth e/ist, I #ill ne%er 4?

$i%e any de0ision other than that )I ha%e already $i%en,. And i! you are unable to mana$e it, then return it to me, and I #ill do the 4ob on your behal!. 4.1&>: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he dele$ates o! the tribe o! `Abdul'6ais 0ame and said, : Allah's Apostle; -e are !rom the tribe o! Gabi`a, and there is the in!idels o! the tribe o! "udar inter%enin$ bet#een you and us, so #e 0annot 0ome to you e/0ept in the 8a0red "onths. 8o please order us some instru0tions that #e may apply it to oursel%es and also in%ite our people #hom #e le!t behind us to obser%e as #ell. *he 2rophet said, I order you )to do, !our )thin$s, and !orbid you )to do, !our: I order you to belie%e in Allah, that is, to testi!y that None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah )the 2rophet pointed #ith his hand,D to o!!er prayers per!e0tlyD to pay @akatD to !ast the month o! Gamadan, and to pay the 9humus )i.e. one'!i!th, o! the #ar booty to Allah and I !orbid you to use Ad'dubba', An'Na5ir, Al'(antam and Al'"uFa!!at )i.e. utensils used !or preparin$ al0oholi0 drinks,. )8ee (adith No. 7C, Vol. 1,. 4.1&?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, "y heirs should not take e%en a sin$le .inar )i.e. anythin$ !rom my property,, and #hate%er I lea%e, e/0ludin$ the e/penditure o! my #i%es and my laborers, #ill be 8ada5a )i.e. be used !or 0harity,. ' 4.1&B: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle died, and there #as nothin$ in my house that a li%in$ bein$ 0ould eat, e/0ept some barley Iyin$ on a shel!. 8o, I ate o! it !or a lon$ period and measured it, and )a!ter a short period, it #as 0onsumed. 4.11C: Narrated `Amr bin Al'(arith: *he 2rophet did not lea%e anythin$ )a!ter his death, e/0ept his arms, a #hite mule, and a )pie0e o!, land #hi0h he had $i%en as 8ada5a. 4.111: Narrated `Aisha: )the #i!e o! the 2rophet, -hen the si0kness o! Allah's Apostle $ot a$$ra%ated, he asked the permission o! his #i%es that he should be treated in my house, and they permitted him. 4.11&: Narrated Ibn Abu "ulaika: `Aisha said, *he 2rophet died in my house on the day o! my turn #hile he #as leanin$ on my 0hest 0loser to my ne0k, and Allah made my sali%a mi/ #ith his 8ali%a. `Aisha added, `AbdurGahman 0ame #ith a 8i#ak and the 2rophet #as too #eak to use it so I took it, 0he#ed it and then )$a%e it to him and he, 0leaned his teeth #ith it. 4.111: Narrated 8a!iya: )the #i!e o! the 2rophet, *hat she 0ame to %isit Allah's Apostle #hile he #as in I`tika! )i.e. se0lusion in the "os5ue durin$ the last ten days o! Gamadan,. -hen she $ot up to return, Allah's Apostle $ot up #ith her and a00ompanied her, and #hen he rea0hed near the $ate o! the "os5ue 0lose to the door )o! the house, o! Um 8alama, the #i!e o! the 2rophet, t#o Ansari men passed by them and $reeted Allah's Apostle and then #ent a#ay. Allah's Apostle addressed them sayin$, .on't hurry; )8he is my #i!e,, *hey said, Elori!ied be Allah; : Allah's Apostle )<ou are !ar a#ay !rom any suspi0ion,, and his sayin$ #as hard on them. Allah's Apostle said, 8atan 0ir0ulates in the mind o! a person as blood does )in his body,. I #as a!raid that 8atan mi$ht put some )e%il, thou$hts in your minds. 4.114: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: :n0e I #ent upstairs in (a!sa's house and sa# the 2rophet ans#erin$ the 0all o! nature #ith his ba0k to#ards the 6ibla and !a0in$ 8ham. 4.117: 4B

Narrated Aisha: *hat Allah's Apostle used to o!!er the `Asr prayer #hile the sun #as still shinin$ in her (u4ra )i.e. her d#ellin$ pla0e,. 4.11=: Narrated `Abdullah: *he 2rophet stood up and deli%ered a sermon, and pointin$ to `Aisha's house )i.e. east#ards,, he said thri0e, A!!li0tion )#ill appear !rom, here, and, !rom #here the side o! the 8atan's head 0omes out )i.e. !rom the Jast,. 4.11>: Narrated `Amra bint `Abdur'Gahman: `Aisha, the #i!e o! the 2rophet told her that on0e Allah's Apostle #as #ith her and she heard somebody askin$ permission to enter (a!sa's house. 8he said, : Allah's Apostle; *his man is askin$ permission to enter your house. Allah's Apostle replied, I think he is so'and'so )meanin$ the !oster un0le o! (a!sa,. -hat is rendered ille$al be0ause o! blood relations, is also rendered ille$al be0ause o! the 0orrespondin$ !oster'relations. 4.11?: Narrated Anas: *hat #hen Abu Bakr be0ame the Aaliph, he sent him to Bahrain and #rote this letter !or him, and stamped it #ith the Gin$ o! the 2rophet. *hree lines #ere en$ra%ed on the Gin$, )the #ord, '"uhammad' #as in a line, 'Apostle' #as in another line, and 'Allah' in a third. 4.11B: Narrated `Isa bin *ahman: Anas brou$ht out to us t#o #orn out leather shoes #ithout hair and #ith pie0es o! leather straps. Iater on *habit Al'Banani told me that Anas said that they #ere the shoes o! the 2rophet. 4.14C: Narrated Abu Burda: `Aisha brou$ht out to us a pat0hed #ool Ien $arment, and she said, )It 0han0ed that, the soul o! Allah's Apostle #as taken a#ay #hile he #as #earin$ this. Abu'Burda added, Aisha brou$ht out to us a thi0k #aist sheet like the ones made by the <emenites, and also a $arment o! the type 0alled Al' "ulabbada. 4.141: Narrated Anas bin "alik: -hen the 0up o! Allah's Apostle $ot broken, he !i/ed it #ith a sil%er #ire at the 0ra0k. )*he sub' narrator, `Asim said, I sa# the 0up and drank )#ater, in it. , 4.14&: Narrated `Ali bin Al'(usain: *hat #hen they rea0hed "edina a!ter returnin$ !rom <aFid bin "u'a#aiya a!ter the martyrdom o! (usain bin `Ali )may Allah besto# (is "er0y upon him,, Al'"is#ar bin "akhrama met him and said to him, .o you ha%e any need you may order me to satis!y3 `Ali said, No. Al'"is#ar said, -ill you $i%e me the s#ord o! Allah's Apostle !or I am a!raid that people may take it !rom you by !or0e3 By Allah, i! you $i%e it to me, they #ill ne%er be able to take it till I die. -hen `Ali bin Abu *alib demanded the hand o! the dau$hter o! Abi +ahal to be his #i!e besides Hatima, I heard Allah's Apostle on his pulpit deli%erin$ a sermon in this 0onne0tion be!ore the people, and I had then attained my a$e o! puberty. Allah's Apostle said, Hatima is !rom me, and I am a!raid she #ill be sub4e0ted to trials in her reli$ion )be0ause o! 4ealousy,. *he 2rophet then mentioned one o! his son'in'la# #ho #as !rom the tribe o! 'Abu 8hams, and he praised him as a $ood son'in'la#, sayin$, -hate%er he said #as the truth, and he promised me and !ul!illed his promise. I do not make a le$al thin$ ille$al, nor do I make an ille$al thin$ le$al, but by Allah, the dau$hter o! Allah's Apostle and the dau$hter o! the enemy o! Allah, )i.e. Abu +ahl, 0an ne%er $et to$ether )as the #i%es o! one man, )8ee (adith No. >=, Vo. 7,. 4.141: Narrated Ibn Al'(ana!iya:


I! `Ali had spoken anythin$ bad about `Uthman then he #ould ha%e mentioned the day #hen some persons 0ame to him and 0omplained about the @akat o!!i0ials o! `Uthman. `Ali then said to me, Eo to `Uthman and say to him, '*his do0ument 0ontains the re$ulations o! spendin$ the 8ada5a o! Allah's Apostle so order your @akat o!!i0ials to a0t a00ordin$ly. I took the do0ument to `Uthman. `Uthman said, *ake it a#ay, !or #e are not in need o! it. I returned to `Ali #ith it and in!ormed him o! that. (e said, 2ut it #hen0e you took it. Narrated "uhammad bin 8u5a: I heard "undhir at'*uFi reportin$ Ibn (ana!iya #ho said, "y !ather sent me sayin$, '*ake this letter to `Uthman !or it 0ontains the orders o! the 2rophet 0on0ernin$ the 8ada5a.' 4.144: Narrated `Ali: Hatima 0omplained o! #hat she su!!ered !rom the hand mill and !rom $rindin$, #hen she $ot the ne#s that some sla%e $irls o! the booty had been brou$ht to Allah's Apostle. 8he #ent to him to ask !or a maid'ser%ant, but she 0ould not !ind him, and told `Aisha o! her need. -hen the 2rophet 0ame, Aisha in!ormed him o! that. *he 2rophet 0ame to our house #hen #e had $one to our beds. ):n seein$ the 2rophet, #e #ere $oin$ to $et up, but he said, '9eep at your pla0es,' I !elt the 0oolness o! the 2rophet's !eet on my 0hest. *hen he said, 8hall I tell you a thin$ #hi0h is better than #hat you asked me !or3 -hen you $o to your beds, say: 'Allahu Akbar )i.e. Allah is Ereater,' !or 14 times, and 'Al hamdu Ii l' lah )i.e. all the praises are !or Allah,' !or 11 times, and 8ubhan Allah )i.e. Elori!ied be Allah, !or 11 times. *his is better !or you than #hat you ha%e re5uested. 4.147: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah Al'Ansari: A man amon$st us be$ot a boy #hom he named Al'6asim. :n that the Ansar said, )to the man,, -e #ill ne%er 0all you Abu'al'6asim and #ill ne%er please you #ith this blessed title. 8o, he #ent to the 2rophet and said, : Allah's Apostle; I ha%e be$otten a boy #hom I named Al'6asim and the Ansar said, '-e #ill ne%er 0all you Abu'al'6asim, nor #ill #e please you #ith this title.' *he 2rophet said, *he Ansar ha%e done #ell. Name by my name, but do not name by my 9unya, !or I am 6asim. 4.14=: Narrated "ua#iya: Allah's Apostle said, I! Allah #ants to do $ood !or somebody, he makes him 0omprehend the Geli$ion )i.e. Islam,, and Allah is the Ei%er and I am Al'6asim )i.e. the distributor,, and this )"uslim, nation #ill remain %i0torious o%er their opponents, till Allah's :rder 0omes and they #ill still be %i0torious Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Neither do I $i%e you )anythin$, nor #ithhold )anythin$, !rom you, but I am 4ust a distributor )i.e. 6asim,, and I $i%e as I am ordered. 4.14>: Narrated 9haula Al'Ansariya: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, 8ome people spend Allah's -ealth )i.e. "uslim's #ealth, in an un4ust mannerD su0h people #ill be put in the )(ell, Hire on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.14?: Narrated `Ur#a'al'Bari5i: *he 2rophet said, (orses are al#ays the sour0e o! $ood, namely, re#ards )in the (erea!ter, and booty, till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.14B: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, -hen 9hosrau is ruined, there #ill be no 9hosrau a!ter himD and #hen Aaesar is ruined, there #ill be no Aaesar a!ter him. By (im in -hose (ands my li!e is, you #ill spend their treasures in Allah's Aause. 4.17C: Narrated +abir bin 8amura:


Allah's Apostle said, -hen 9hosrau is ruined, there #ill be no 9hosrau a!ter himD and #hen Aaesar is ruined, their #ill be no Aaesar a!ter him. By (im in -hose (ands my li!e is, you #ill spend their treasures in Allah's Aause. 4.171: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, Booty has been made le$al !or me. 4.17&: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Allah $uarantees him #ho stri%es in (is Aause and #hose moti%ation !or $oin$ out is nothin$ but +ihad in (is Aause and belie! in (is -ord, that (e #ill admit him into 2aradise )i! martyred, or brin$ him ba0k to his d#ellin$ pla0e, #hen0e he has 0ome out, #ith #hat he $ains o! re#ard and booty. 4.171: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, A prophet amon$st the prophets 0arried out a holy military e/pedition, so he said to his !ollo#ers, 'Anyone #ho has married a #oman and #ants to 0onsummate the marria$e, and has not done so yet, should not a00ompany meD nor should a man #ho has built a house but has not 0ompleted its roo!D nor a man #ho has sheep or she0amels and is #aitin$ !or the birth o! their youn$ ones.' 8o, the prophet 0arried out the e/pedition and #hen he rea0hed that to#n at the time or nearly at the time o! the `Asr prayer, he said to the sun, ': sun; <ou are under Allah's :rder and I am under Allah's :rder : Allah; 8top it )i.e. the sun, !rom settin$.' It #as stopped till Allah made him %i0torious. *hen he 0olle0ted the booty and the !ire 0ame to burn it, but it did not burn it. (e said )to his men,, '8ome o! you ha%e stolen somethin$ !rom the booty. 8o one man !rom e%ery tribe should $i%e me a pled$e o! alle$ian0e by shakin$ hands #ith me.' )*hey did so and, the hand o! a man $ot stu0k o%er the hand o! their prophet. *hen that prophet said )to the man,, '*he the!t has been 0ommitted by your people. 8o all the persons o! your tribe should $i%e me the pled$e o! alle$ian0e by shakin$ hands #ith me.' *he hands o! t#o or three men $ot stu0k o%er the hand o! their prophet and he said, <ou ha%e 0ommitted the the!t.' *hen they brou$ht a head o! $old like the head o! a 0o# and put it there, and the !ire 0ame and 0onsumed the booty. *he 2rophet added: *hen Allah sa# our #eakness and disability, so he made booty le$al !or us. 4.174: Narrated Aslam: `Umar said, -ere it not !or those "uslims #ho ha%e not 0ome to e/isten0e yet, I #ould ha%e distributed )the land o!, e%ery to#n I 0on5uer amon$ the !i$hters as the 2rophet distributed the land o! 9haibar. 4.177: Narrated Abu "usa Al'Ash`ari: A bedouin asked the 2rophet, A man may !i$ht !or the sake o! booty, and another may !i$ht so that he may be mentioned by the people, and a third may !i$ht to sho# his position )i.e. bra%ery,D #hi0h o! these re$arded as !i$htin$ in Allah's Aause3 *he 2rophet said, (e #ho !i$hts so that Allah's -ord )i.e. Islam, should be superior, !i$hts !or Allah's Aause. 4.17=: Narrated `Abdullah bin Abu "ulaika: 8ome silken 0loaks #ith $olden buttons #ere presented to the 2rophet. (e distributed them amon$st his 0ompanions and kept one !or "akhrama, bin Nau!al. Iater on "akhrama 0ame alon$ #ith his son Al'"is#ar bin "akhrama, and stood up at the $ate and said )to his son,. Aall him )i.e. the 2rophet, to me. *he 2rophet heard his %oi0e, took a silken 0loak and brou$ht it to him, pla0in$ those $olden buttons in !ront o! him sayin$, : Abu'al'"is#ar; I ha%e kept this aside !or you; : Abu'al "is#ar; I ha%e kept this aside !or you; "akhrama #as a bad'tempered man. 4.17>: Narrated Anas bin "alik: 7&

2eople used to $i%e some o! their datepalms to the 2rophet )as a $i!t,, till he 0on5uered Bani 6uraiFa and Bani An'Nadir, #hereupon he started returnin$ their !a%ors. 4.17?: Narrated `Abdullah bin AF'@ubair: -hen AF'@ubair $ot up durin$ the battle o! Al'+amal, he 0alled me and I stood up beside him, and he said to me, : my son; *oday one #ill be killed either as an oppressor or as an oppressed one. I see that I #ill be killed as an oppressed one. "y bi$$est #orry is my debts. .o you think, i! #e pay the debts, there #ill be somethin$ le!t !or us !rom our money3 AF'@ubair added, : my son; 8ell our property and pay my debts. AF'@ubair then #illed one'third o! his property and #illed one'third o! that portion to his sonsD namely, `Abdullah's sons. (e said, :ne'third o! the one third. I! any property is le!t a!ter the payment o! the debts, one'third )o! the one'third o! #hat is le!t, is to be $i%en to your sons. )(isham, a sub'narrator added, 8ome o! the sons o! `Abdullah #ere e5ual in a$e to the sons o! AF'@ubair e.$. 9hubaib and `Abbas. `Abdullah had nine sons and nine dau$hters at that time. )*he narrator `Abdullah added:, "y !ather )AF'@ubair, #ent on dra#in$ my attention to his debts sayin$, I! you should !ail to pay part o! the debts, appeal to my "aster to help you. By Allah; I 0ould not understand #hat he meant till I asked, : !ather; -ho is your "aster3 (e replied, Allah )is my "aster,. By Allah, #hene%er I had any di!!i0ulty re$ardin$ his debts, I #ould say, "aster o! AF'@ubair; 2ay his debts on his behal! . and Allah #ould )help me to, pay it. AF'@ubair #as martyred lea%in$ no .inar or .irham but t#o pie0es o! land, one o! #hi0h #as )0alled, Al'Ehaba, and ele%en houses in "edina, t#o in Basra, one in 9u!a and one in J$ypt. In !a0t, the sour0e o! the debt #hi0h he o#ed #as, that i! somebody brou$ht some money to deposit #ith him. AF'@ubair #ould say, No, )i #on't keep it as a trust,, but I take it as a debt, !or I am a!raid it mi$ht be lost. AF'@ubair #as ne%er appointed $o%ernor or 0olle0tor o! the ta/ o! 9hara4 or any other similar thin$, but he 0olle0ted his #ealth )!rom the #ar booty he $ained, durin$ the holy battles he took part in, in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet, Abu Bakr, `Umar, and `Uthman. )`Abdullah bin AF'@ubair added:, -hen I 0ounted his debt, it turned to be t#o million and t#o hundred thousand. )*he sub'narrator added:, (akim bin (iFam met `Abdullah bin @ubair and asked, : my nephe#; (o# mu0h is the debt o! my brother3 `Abdullah kept it as a se0ret and said, :ne hundred thousand, (akim said, By Allah; I don't think your property #ill 0o%er it. :n that `Abdullah said to him, -hat i! it is t#o million and t#o hundred thousand3 (akim said, I don't think you 0an pay itD so i! you are unable to pay all o! it, I #ill help you. AF' @ubair had already bou$ht Al'Ehaba !or one hundred and se%enty thousand. `Abdullah sold it !or one million and si/ hundred thousand. *hen he 0alled the people sayin$, Any person #ho has any money 0laim on AF'@ubair should 0ome to us in Al'Ehaba. *here 0ame to him `Abdullah bin +a`!ar #hom AF'@ubair o#ed !our hundred thousand. (e said to `Abdullah bin AF'@ubair, I! you #ish I #ill !or$i%e you the debt. `Abdullah )bin AF'@ubair, said, No. *hen Ibn +a`!ar said, I! you #ish you 0an de!er the payment i! you should de!er the payment o! any debt. Ibn AF'@ubair said, No. `Abdullah bin +a`!ar said, Ei%e me a pie0e o! the land. `Abdullah bin AF@ubair said )to him,, <ours is the land e/tendin$ !rom this pla0e to this pla0e. 8o, `Abdullah bin AF'@ubair sold some o! the property )in0ludin$ the houses, and paid his debt per!e0tly, retainin$ !our and a hal! shares !rom the land )i.e. Al'Ehaba,. (e then #ent to "u'a#lya #hile `Amr bin `Uthman, Al'"undhir bin AF' @ubair and Ibn @am`a #ere sittin$ #ith him. "u'a#iya asked, At #hat pri0e ha%e you appraised Al' Ehaba3 (e said, :ne hundred thousand !or ea0h share, "ua#iya asked, (o# many shares ha%e been le!t3 `Abdullah replied, Hour and a hal! shares. Al'"undhir bin AF'@ubair said, I #ould like to buy one share !or one hundred thousand. `Amr bin `Uthman said, I #ould like to buy one share !or one hundred thousand. Ibn @am`a said, I #ould like to buy one share !or one hundred thousand. "ua#iya said, (o# mu0h is le!t no#3 `Abdullah replied, :ne share and a hal!. "ua#iya said, I #ould like to buy it !or one hundred and !i!ty thousand. `Abdullah also sold his part to "ua#iya si/ hundred thousand. -hen Ibn AF@ubair had paid all the debts. AF'@ubair's sons said to him, .istribute our inheritan0e amon$ us. (e said, No, by Allah, I #ill not distribute it amon$ you till I announ0e in !our su00essi%e (a44 seasons, '-ould 71

those #ho ha%e money 0laims on AF'@ubair 0ome so that #e may pay them their debt. 8o, he started to announ0e that in publi0 in e%ery (a44 season, and #hen !our years had elapsed, he distributed the inheritan0e amon$ the inheritors. AF'@ubair had !our #i%es, and a!ter the one'third o! his property #as e/0luded )a00ordin$ to the #ill,, ea0h o! his #i%es re0ei%ed one million and t#o hundred thousand. 8o the total amount o! his property #as !i!ty million and t#o hundred thousand. 4.17B: Narrated Ibn `Umar: `Uthman did not 4oin the Badr battle be0ause he #as married to one o! the dau$hters o! Allah's Apostle and she #as ill. 8o, the 2rophet said to him. <ou #ill $et a re#ard and a share )!rom the #ar booty, similar to the re#ard and the share o! one #ho has taken part in the Badr battle. 4.1=C: Narrated "ar#an bin Al'(akim and "is#ar bin "akhrama: -hen the (a#aFin dele$ation 0ame to Allah's Apostle a!ter they had embra0ed Islam and re5uested him to return their properties and #ar prisoners to them, Allah's Apostle said, *o me the best talk is the truest, so you may 0hoose either o! t#o thin$sD the #ar prisoners or the #ealth, !or I ha%e delayed their distribution. Allah's Apostle had #aited !or them !or o%er ten days #hen he returned !rom *a'i!. 8o, #hen those people 0ame to kno# that Allah's Apostle #as not $oin$ to return to them e/0ept one o! the t#o thin$s the said, -e 0hoose our #ar 2risoners 'Allah's Apostle stood up amon$st the "uslims, and a!ter $lori!yin$ Allah as (e deser%ed, he said, No# then, these brothers o! yours ha%e 0ome to us #ith repentan0e, and I see it lo$i0al that I should return their 0apti%es to them, so #hoe%er o! you likes to do that as a !a%or then he 0an do it, and #hoe%er amon$st you likes to sti0k to his share, let him $i%e up his prisoners and #e #ill 0ompensate him !rom the %ery !irst Hai' )i.e. #ar booty re0ei%ed #ithout !i$ht, #hi0h Allah #ill $i%e us. :n that, all the people said. ': Allah's Apostles -e ha%e a$reed #illin$ly to do so )return the 0apti%es, *hen Allah's Apostle said to them I do not kno# #ho amon$st you has a$reed to this and #ho has not. <ou should return and let your leaders in!orm me o! your a$reement. *he people returned and their leaders spoke to them, and then 0ame to Allah's Apostle and said, All the people ha%e a$reed #illin$ly to do so and ha%e $i%en the permission to return the #ar prisoners )#ithout Aompensation, )AF'@uhri, the sub'narrator states, *his is #hat has been related to us about the 0apti%es o! (a#aFin. 4.1=1: Narrated @ahdam: :n0e #e #ere in the house o! Abu "usa #ho presented a meal 0ontainin$ 0ooked 0hi0ken. A man !rom the tribe o! Bani *aim Allah #ith red 0omple/ion as i! he #ere !rom the ByFantine #ar prisoners, #as present. Abu "usa in%ited him to share the meal but he )apolo$ised, sayin$. I sa# 0hi0kens eatin$ dirty thin$s and so I ha%e had a stron$ a%ersion to eatin$ them, and ha%e taken an oath that I #ill not eat 0hi0kens. Abu "usa said, Aome alon$, I #ill tell you about this matter )i.e. ho# to 0an0el one's oat ,. I #ent to the 2rophet in the 0ompany o! a $roup o! Al'Ashariyin, asked him to pro%ide us #ith means o! 0on%eyan0e. (e said, 'By Allah, I #ill not pro%ide you #ith any means o! 0on%eyan0e and I ha%e nothin$ to make you ride on.' *hen some 0amels as booty #ere brou$ht to Allah's Apostle and he asked !or us sayin$. '-here are the $roup o! Al'Ash`ariyun3' *hen he ordered that #e should be $i%en !i%e 0amels #ith #hite humps. -hen #e set out #e said, '-hat ha%e #e done3 -e #ill ne%er be blessed )#ith #hat #e ha%e been $i%en,.' 8o, #e returned to the 2rophet and said, '-e asked you to pro%ide us #ith means o! 0on%eyan0e, but you took an oath that you #ould not pro%ide us #ith any means o! 0on%eyan0e. .id you !or$et )your oath #hen you $a%e us the 0amels,3 (e replied. 'I ha%e not pro%ided you #ith means o! 0on%eyan0e, but Allah has pro%ided you #ith it, and by Allah, Allah #illin$, i! e%er I take an oath to do somethin$, and later on I !ind that it is more bene!i0ial to do somethin$ di!!erent, I #ill do the thin$ #hi0h is better, and $i%e e/piation !or my oath. 4.1=&: Narrated Na!i` !rom Ibn `Umar:


Allah's Apostle sent a 8ariya to#ards Na4d, and `Abdullah bin `Umar #as in the 8ariya. *hey $ained a $reat number o! 0amels as #ar booty. *he share o! ea0h one o! them #as t#el%e or ele%en 0amels, and they #ere $i%en an e/tra 0amel ea0h. 4.1=1: Narrated Ibn `Umar: Allah's Apostle used to $i%e e/tra share to some o! the members o! the 8ariya he used to send, in addition to the shares they shared #ith the army in $eneral. 4.1=4: Narrated Abu "usa: -e $ot the ne#s o! the mi$ration o! the 2rophet #hile #e #ere in <emen, so #e set out mi$ratin$ to him. -e #ere, I and my t#o brothers, I bein$ the youn$est, and one o! my brothers #as Abu Burda and the other #as Abu Guhm. -e #ere o%er !i!ty )or !i!ty'three or !i!ty t#o, men !rom our people. -e $ot on board a ship #hi0h took us to An'Na4ashi in Jthiopia, and there #e !ound +a`!ar bin Abu *alib and his 0ompanions #ith An'Na4aishi. +a`!ar said )to us,, Allah's Apostle has sent us here and ordered us to stay here, so you too, stay #ith us. -e stayed #ith him till #e all le!t )Jthiopia, and met the 2rophet at the time #hen he had 0on5uered 9haibar. (e $a%e us a share !rom its booty )or $a%e us !rom its booty,. (e $a%e only to those #ho had taken part in the EhaF#a #ith him. but he did not $i%e any share to any person #ho had not parti0ipated in 9haibar's 0on5uest e/0ept the people o! our ship, besides +a`!ar and his 0ompanions, #hom he $a%e a share as he did them )i.e. the people o! the ship,. 4.1=7: Narrated +abir: Allah's Apostle said )to me,, I! the property o! Bahrain had 0ome to us, I #ould ha%e $i%en you so mu0h and so mu0h. But the Bahrain property did not 0ome till the 2rophet had died. -hen the Bahrain property 0ame. Abu Bakr ordered somebody to announ0e, Any person #ho has money 0laim on Allah's Apostle or #hom Allah's Apostle had promised somethin$, should 0ome to us. 8o, I #ent to him and said, Allah's Apostle had promised to $i%e me so mu0h an so mu0h. Abu Bakr s0ooped up money #ith both hands thri0e !or me. )*he sub'narrator 8u!yan illustrated this a0tion by s0oopin$ up #ith both hands and said, Ibn "unkadir, another sub'narrator, used to illustrate it in this #ay. , Narrated +abir: :n0e I #ent to Abu Bakr and asked !or the money but he did not $i%e me, and I #ent to him a$ain, but he did not $i%e me, so I #ent to him !or the third time and said, I asked you, but you did not $i%e meD then I asked you )!or the se0ond time, and you did not $i%e meD then I asked you )!or the third time, but you did not $i%e me. <ou should either $i%e me or allo# yoursel! to be 0onsidered a miser re$ardin$ my 0ase. Abu Bakr said, <ou tell me that I am a miser #ith re$ard to you. But really, #hene%er I re4e0ted your re5uest, I had the in0lination to $i%e you. )In another narration +abir added:, 8o, Abu Bakr s0ooped up money #ith both hands !or me and asked me to 0ount it. I !ound out that It #as !i%e hundred. Abu Bakr told me to take t#i0e that amount. 4.1==: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: -hile Allah's Apostle #as distributin$ the booty at Al'+a'rana, somebody said to him Be 4ust )in your distribution,. *he 2rophet replied, Verily I #ould be miserable i! I did not a0t 4ustly. 4.1=>: Narrated +ubair bin "ut`im: *he 2rophet talked about #ar prisoners o! Badr sayin$, (ad Al'"ut`im bin Adi been ali%e and inter0eded #ith me !or these mean people, I #ould ha%e !reed them !or his sake. 4.1=?: Narrated +ubair bin "ut`im: I and `Uthman bin `A!!an #ent to Allah's Apostle and said, : Allah's Apostle; <ou ha%e $i%en to Bani Al'"uttalib and le!t us althou$h they and #e are o! the same kinship to you. Allah's Apostle said, Bani "uttalib and Bani (ashim are one and the same. *he 2rophet did not $i%e a share to Bani `Abd 8hams and Bani Nau!ai. )Ibn 'Is'ha5 said, Abd 8hams and (ashim and Al'"uttalib #ere maternal brothers and their mother #as 'Atika bint "urra and Nau!al #as their paternal brother., 77

4.1=B: Narrated `Abdur'Gahman bin `Au!: -hile I #as standin$ in the ro# on the day )o! the battle, o! Badr, I looked to my ri$ht and my le!t and sa# t#o youn$ Ansari boys, and I #ished I had been stron$er than they. :ne o! them 0alled my attention sayin$, : Un0le; .o you kno# Abu +ahl3 I said, <es, -hat do you #ant !rom him, : my nephe#3 (e said, I ha%e been in!ormed that he abuses Allah's Apostle. By (im in -hose (ands my li!e is, i! I should see him, then my body #ill not lea%e his body till either o! us meet his !ate. I #as astonished at that talk. *hen the other boy 0alled my attention sayin$ the same as the other had said. A!ter a #hile I sa# Abu +ahl #alkin$ amon$st the people. I said )to the boys,, Iook; *his is the man you asked me about. 8o, both o! them atta0ked him #ith their s#ords and stru0k him to death and returned to Allah'8 Apostle to in!orm him o! that. Allah's Apostle asked, -hi0h o! you has killed him3 Ja0h o! them said, I (a%e killed him. Allah's Apostle asked, (a%e you 0leaned your s#ords3 *hey said, No. (e then looked at their s#ords and said, No doubt, you both ha%e killed him and the spoils o! the de0eased #ill be $i%en to "u`adh bin `Amr bin Al'+amuh. *he t#o boys #ere "u`adh bin 'A!ra and "u`adh bin `Amr bin Al'+amuh. 4.1>C: Narrated Abu 6atada: -e set out in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle on the day )o! the battle, o! (unain. -hen #e !a0ed the enemy, the "uslims retreated and I sa# a pa$an thro#in$ himsel! o%er a "uslim. I turned around and 0ame upon him !rom behind and hit him on the shoulder #ith the s#ord (e )i.e. the pa$an, 0ame to#ards me and seiFed me so %iolently that I !elt as i! it #ere death itsel!, but death o%ertook him and he released me. I !ollo#ed `Umar bin Al 9hattab and asked )him,, -hat is #ron$ #ith the people )!leein$,3 (e replied, *his is the -ill o! Allah, A!ter the people returned, the 2rophet sat and said, Anyone #ho has killed an enemy and has a proo! o! that, #ill posses his spoils. I $ot up and said, -ho #ill be a #itness !or me3 and then sat do#n. *he 2rophet a$ain said, Anyone #ho has killed an enemy and has proo! o! that, #ill possess his spoils. I )a$ain, $ot up and said, -ho #ill be a #itness !or me3 and sat do#n. *hen the 2rophet said the same !or the third time. I a$ain $ot up, and Allah's Apostle said, : Abu 6atada; -hat is your story3 *hen I narrated the #hole story to him. A man )$ot up and, said, : Allah's Apostle; (e is speakin$ the truth, and the spoils o! the killed man are #ith me. 8o please 0ompensate him on my behal!. :n that Abu Bakr As'8iddi5 said, No, by Allah, he )i.e. Allah's Apostle , #ill not a$ree to $i%e you the spoils $ained by one o! Allah's Iions #ho !i$hts on the behal! o! Allah and (is Apostle. *he 2rophet said, Abu Bakr has spoken the truth. 8o, Allah's Apostle $a%e the spoils to me. I sold that armor )i.e. the spoils, and #ith its pri0e I bou$ht a $arden at Bani 8alima, and this #as my !irst property #hi0h I $ained a!ter my 0on%ersion to Islam. 4.1>1: Narrated `Ur#a bin AF'@ubair: (akim bin (iFam said, I asked Allah's Apostle !or somethin$, and he $a%e me. I asked him a$ain, and he $a%e me, and said to me. ': (akim; *his #ealth is like $reen s#eet )i.e. !ruit,, and i! one takes it #ithout $reed, then one is blessed in it, and i! one takes it #ith $reediness, then one is not blessed in it, and #ill be like the one #ho eats #ithout satis!a0tion. And an upper )i.e. $i%in$, hand is better than a lo#er )i.e. takin$, hand,' I said, ': Allah's Apostle; By (im -ho has sent you #ith the *ruth. I #ill not ask anyone !or anythin$ a!ter you till I lea%e this #orld. 8o, #hen Abu Bakr durin$ his Aaliphate, 0alled (akim to $i%e him )some money,, (akim re!used to a00ept anythin$ !rom him. :n0e `Umar 0alled him )durin$ his Aaliphate, in order to $i%e him somethin$, but (akim re!used to a00ept it, #hereupon `Umar said, : "uslims; I $i%e him )i.e. (aklm, his ri$ht #hi0h Allah has assi$ned to him, !rom this Hai ')booty,, but he re!uses to take it. 8o (aklm ne%er took anythin$ !rom anybody a!ter the 2rophet till he died. 4.1>&: Narrated Na!i`: `Umar bin Al'9hattab said, : Allah's Apostle; I %o#ed to obser%e I`tika! !or one day durin$ the 2re' lslami0 period. *he 2rophet ordered him to !ul!ill his %o#. `Umar $ained t#o lady 0apti%es !rom the 7=

#ar prisoners o! (unain and he le!t them in some o! the houses at "e00a. -hen Allah's Apostle !reed the 0apti%es o! (unain #ithout ransom, they 0ame out #alkin$ in the streets. `Umar said )to his son,, : `Abdullah; 8ee #hat is the matter. `Abdullah replied, Allah's Apostle has !reed the 0apti%es #ithout ransom. (e said )to him,, Eo and set !ree those t#o sla%e $irls. )Na!i` added:, Allah's Apostle did not per!orm the `Umra !rom Al'+arana, and i! he had per!ormed the `Umra, it #ould not ha%e been hidden !rom `Abdullah. 4.1>1: Narrated `Amr bin *a$hlib: Allah's Apostle $a%e )$i!ts, to some people to the e/0lusion o! some others. *he latter seemed to be displeased by that. *he 2rophet said, I $i%e to some people, lest they should de%iate !rom *rue Haith or lose patien0e, #hile I re!er other people to the $oodness and 0ontentment #hi0h Allah has put in their hearts, and `Amr bin *a$hlib is amon$st them. `Amr bin *a$hlib said, *he statement o! Allah's Apostle is dearer to me than red 0amels. Narrated Al'(asan: `Amr bin *a$hlib told us that Allah's Apostle $ot some property or some #ar prisoners and he distributed them in the abo%e #ay )i.e. $i%in$ to some people to the e/0lusion o! others, . 4.1>4: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet said, I $i%e to 6uraish people in order to let them adhere to Islam, !or they are near to their li!e o! I$noran0e )i.e. they ha%e ne#ly embra0ed Islam and it is still not stron$ in their hearts. 4.1>7: Narrated Anas bin "alik: -hen Allah !a%ored (is Apostle #ith the properties o! (a#aFin tribe as Hai )booty,, he started $i%in$ to some 6uarries men e%en up to one'hundred 0amels ea0h, #hereupon some Ansari men said about Allah's Apostle, "ay Allah !or$i%e (is Apostle; (e is $i%in$ to )men o!, 6uraish and lea%es us, in spite o! the !a0t that our s#ords are still droppin$ blood )o! the in!idels, -hen Allah's Apostle #as in!ormed o! #hat they had said, he 0alled the Ansar and $athered them in a leather tent and did not 0all anybody else alon$, #ith them. -hen they $athered, Allah's Apostle 0ame to them and said, -hat is the statement #hi0h, I ha%e been in!ormed, and that #hi0h you ha%e said3 *he learned ones amon$ them replied, : Allah's Apostle; *he #ise ones amon$st us did not say anythin$, but the youn$sters amon$st us said, '"ay Allah !or$i%e (is ApostleD he $i%es the 6uarish and lea%es the Ansar, in spite o! the !a0t that our s#ords are still dribblin$ )#et, #ith the blood o! the in!idels.' Allah's Apostle replied, I $i%e to su0h people as are still 0lose to the period o! In!idelity )i.e. they ha%e re0ently embra0ed Islam and Haith is still #eak in their hearts,. -on't you be pleased to see people $o #ith !ortune, #hile you return #ith Allah's Apostle to your houses3 By Allah, #hat you #ill return #ith, is better than #hat they are returnin$ #ith. *he Ansar replied, <es, : Allah's Apostle, #e are satis!ied' *hen the 2rophet said to them. <ou #ill !ind a!ter me, others bein$ pre!erred to you. *hen be patient till you meet Allah and meet (is Apostle at Al'9authar )i.e. a !ount in 2aradise,. )Anas added:, But #e did not remain patient. 4.1>=: Narrated +ubair bin "ut`im: *hat #hile he #as #ith Allah's Apostle #ho #as a00ompanied by the people on their #ay ba0k !rom (unain, the bedouins started be$$in$ thin$s o! Allah's Apostle so mu0h so that they !or0ed him to $o under a 8amura tree #here his loose outer $arment #as snat0hed a#ay. :n that, Allah's Apostle stood up and said to them, Geturn my $arment to me. I! I had as many 0amels as these trees, I #ould ha%e distributed them amon$st youD and you #ill not !ind me a miser or a liar or a 0o#ard. 4.1>>: Narrated Anas bin "alik: -hile I #as #alkin$ #ith the 2rophet #ho #as #earin$ a Na4rani outer $arment #ith a thi0k hem, a bedouin 0ame upon the 2rophet and pulled his $arment so %iolently that I 0ould re0o$niFe the impress o! the hem o! the $arment on his shoulder, 0aused by the %iolen0e o! his pull. *hen the bedouin said,


:rder !or me somethin$ !rom Allah's Hortune #hi0h you ha%e. *he 2rophet turned to him and smiled, and ordered that a $i!t be $i%en to him. 4.1>?: Narrated `Abdullah: :n the day )o! the battle, o! (unain, Allah's Apostle !a%ored some people in the distribution o! the booty )to the e/0lusion o! others,D he $a%e Al'A5ra' bin (`Abis one'hundred 0amels and he $a%e 'Uyaina the same amount, and also $a%e to some o! the eminent Arabs, $i%in$ them pre!eren0e in this re$ard. *hen a person 0ame and said, By Allah, in this distribution 4usti0e has not been obser%ed, nor has Allah's 2leasure been aimed at. I said )to him,, By Allah, I #ill in!orm the 2rophet )o! #hat you ha%e said,, I #ent and in!ormed him, and he said, I! Allah and (is Apostle did not a0t 4ustly, #ho else #ould a0t 4ustly. "ay Allah be mer0i!ul to "oses, !or he #as harmed #ith more than this, yet he kept patient. 4.1>B: Narrated Asma bint Abu Bakr: I used to 0arry the date stones on my head !rom the land o! AF'@ubair #hi0h Allah's Apostle had $i%en to him, and it #as at a distan0e o! &M1 o! a Harsakh !rom my house. Narrated (isham's !ather: *he 2rophet )$a%e AF'@ubair a pie0e o! land !rom the property o! Bani An' Nadir )$ained as #ar booty,. 4.1?C: Narrated Ibn `Umar: `Umar bin Al'9hattab e/pelled all the +e#s and Ahristians !rom the land o! (i4aF. Allah's Apostle a!ter 0on5uerin$ 9haibar, thou$ht o! e/pellin$ the +e#s !rom the land #hi0h, a!ter he 0on5uered it belon$ed to Allah, Allah's Apostle and the "uslims. But the +e#s re5uested Allah's Apostle to lea%e them there on the 0ondition that they #ould do the labor and $et hal! o! the !ruits )the land #ould yield,. Allah's Apostle said, -e shall keep you on these terms as lon$ as #e #ish. *hus they stayed till the time o! `Umar's Aaliphate #hen he e/pelled them to *aima and Ariha. 4.1?1: Narrated `Abdullah bin "u$ha!!al: -hile #e #ere besie$in$ the !ort o! 9haibar, a person thre# a leather 0ontainer 0ontainin$ !at, and I ran to take it, but #hen I turned I sa# the 2rophet )standin$ behind,, so I !elt embarrassed in !ront o! him. 4.1?&: Narrated Ibn `Umar: In our holy battles, #e used to $et honey and $rapes, as #ar booty #hi0h #e #ould eat and #ould not store. 4.1?1: Narrated Ibn Abi `Au!a: -e #ere a!!li0ted #ith hun$er durin$ the besie$e o! 9haibar, and #hen it #as the day o! )the battle o!, 9haibar, #e slau$htered the donkeys and #hen the pots $ot boilin$ )#ith their meat,. Allah's Apostle made an announ0ement that all the pots should be upset and that nobody should eat anythin$ o! the meat o! the donkeys. -e thou$ht that the 2rophet prohibited that be0ause the 9humus had not been taken out o! the booty )i.e. donkeys,D other people said, (e prohibited eatin$ them !or e%er. *he sub'narrator added, I asked 8a`id bin +ubair #ho said, '(e has made the eatin$ o! donkeys' meat ille$al !or e%er. , 4.1?4: Narrated `Umar bin .inar: I #as sittin$ #ith +abir bin @aid and `Amr bin Aus, and B4alla #as narratin$ to them in >C A.(. the year #hen "us`ab bin AF'@ubair #as the leader o! the pil$rims o! Basra. -e #ere sittin$ at the steps o! @amFam #ell and Ba4ala said, I #as the 0lerk o! +uF bin "ua#iya, Al'Ahna!'s paternal un0le. A letter 0ame !rom `Umar bin Al'9hattab one year be!ore his deathD and it #as read:'' Aan0el e%ery marria$e 0ontra0ted amon$ the "a$ians bet#een relati%es o! 0lose kinship )marria$es that are re$arded ille$al in Islam: a relati%e o! this sort bein$ 0alled .hu'"ahram., `Umar did not take the 7?

+iFya !rom the "a$ian in!idels till `Abdur'Gahman bin `Au! testi!ied that Allah's Apostle had taken the +iFya !rom the "a$ians o! (a4ar. 4.1?7: Narrated `Amr bin `Au! Al'Ansari: )#ho #as an ally o! Bam `Amr bin Iu'ai and one o! those #ho had taken part in )the EhaF#a o!, Badr,: Allah's Apostle sent Abu 'Ubaida bin Al'+arreh to Bahrain to 0olle0t the +iFya. Allah's Apostle had established pea0e #ith the people o! Bahrain and appointed Al'`Ala' bin Al'(adrami as their $o%ernor. -hen Abu 'Ubaida 0ame !rom Bahrain #ith the money, the Ansar heard o! Abu 'Ubaida's arri%al #hi0h 0oin0ided #ith the time o! the mornin$ prayer #ith the 2rophet. -hen Allah's Apostle led them in the mornin$ prayer and !inished, the Ansar approa0hed him, and he looked at them and smiled on seein$ them and said, I !eel that you ha%e heard that Abu. 'Ubaida has brou$ht somethin$3 *hey said, <es, : Allah's Apostle' (e said, Ge4oi0e and hope !or #hat #ill please you; By Allah, I am not a!raid o! your po%erty but I am a!raid that you #ill lead a li!e o! lu/ury as past nations did, #hereupon you #ill 0ompete #ith ea0h other !or it, as they 0ompeted !or it, and it #ill destroy you as it destroyed them. 4.1?=: Narrated +ubair bin (aiya: `Umar sent the "uslims to the $reat 0ountries to !i$ht the pa$ans. -hen Al'(urmuFan embra0ed Islam, `Umar said to him. I #ould like to 0onsult you re$ardin$ these 0ountries #hi0h I intend to in%ade. Al'(urmuFan said, <es, the e/ample o! these 0ountries and their inhabitants #ho are the enemies. o! the "uslims, is like a bird #ith a head, t#o #in$s and t#o le$sD I! one o! its #in$s $ot broken, it #ould $et up o%er its t#o le$s, #ith one #in$ and the headD and i! the other #in$ $ot broken, it #ould $et up #ith t#o le$s and a head, but i! its head $ot destroyed, then the t#o le$s, t#o #in$s and the head #ould be0ome useless. *he head stands !or 9hosrau, and one #in$ stands !or Aaesar and the other #in$ stands !or Haris. 8o, order the "uslims to $o to#ards 9hosrau. 8o, `Umar sent us )to 9hosrau, appointin$ An'Nu`man bin "u5rin as our 0ommander. -hen #e rea0hed the land o! the enemy, the representati%e o! 9hosrau 0ame out #ith !orty'thousand #arriors, and an interpreter $ot up sayin$, Iet one o! you talk to me; Al'"u$hira replied, Ask #hate%er you #ish. *he other asked, -ho are you3 Al'"u$hira replied, -e are some people !rom the ArabsD #e led a hard, miserable, disastrous li!e: #e used to su0k the hides and the date stones !rom hun$erD #e used to #ear 0lothes made up o! !ur o! 0amels and hair o! $oats, and to #orship trees and stones. -hile #e #ere in this state, the Iord o! the (ea%ens and the Jarths, Jle%ated is (is Gemembran0e and "a4esti0 is (is (i$hness, sent to us !rom amon$ oursel%es a 2rophet #hose !ather and mother are kno#n to us. :ur 2rophet, the "essen$er o! our Iord, has ordered us to !i$ht you till you #orship Allah Alone or $i%e +iFya )i.e. tribute,D and our 2rophet has in!ormed us that our Iord says:'' -hoe%er amon$st us is killed )i.e. martyred,, shall $o to 2aradise to lead su0h a lu/urious li!e as he has ne%er seen, and #hoe%er amon$st us remain ali%e, shall be0ome your master. )Al'"u$hira, then blamed An'Nu`man !or delayin$ the atta0k and, An'Nu' man said to Al'"u$hira, I! you had parti0ipated in a similar battle, in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle he #ould not ha%e blamed you !or #aitin$, nor #ould he ha%e dis$ra0ed you. But I a00ompanied Allah's Apostle in many battles and it #as his 0ustom that i! he did not !i$ht early by daytime, he #ould #ait till the #ind had started blo#in$ and the time !or the prayer #as due )i.e. a!ter midday,. 4.1?>: Narrated Abu (umaid As'8aidi: -e a00ompanied the 2rophet in the EhaF#a o! *abuk and the kin$ o! 'Aila presented a #hite mule and a 0loak as a $i!t to the 2rophet. And the 2rophet #rote to him a pea0e treaty allo#in$ him to keep authority o%er his 0ountry. 4.1??: Narrated +u#airiya bin 6udama at'*amimi: -e said to `Umar bin Al'9hattab, +o Ahie! o! the belie%ers; Ad%ise us. (e said, I ad%ise you to !ul!ill Allah's Aon%ention )made #ith the .himmis, as it is the 0on%ention o! your 2rophet and the sour0e o! the li%elihood o! your dependents )i.e. the ta/es !rom the .himmis., 7B

4.1?B: Narrated <ahya bin 8a`id: :n0e the 2rophet 0alled the Ansar in order to $rant them part o! the land o! Bahrain. :n that they said, No; By Allah, #e #ill not a00ept it unless you $rant a similar thin$ to our 6uarries brothers as #ell. (e said, *hat #ill be their's i! Allah #ishes. But #hen the Ansar persisted in their re5uest, he said, A!ter me you #ill see others $i%en pre!eren0e o%er you in this respe0t )in #hi0h 0ase, you should be patient till you meet me at the *ank )o! Al'9authar,. 4.1BC: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: Allah's Apostle on0e said to me, I! the re%enue o! Bahrain 0ame, I #ould $i%e you this mu0h and this mu0h. -hen Allah's Apostle had died, the re%enue o! Bahrain 0ame, and Abu Bakr announ0ed, Iet #hoe%er #as promised somethin$ by Allah's Apostle 0ome to me. 8o, I #ent to Abu Bakr and said, Allah's Apostle said to me, 'I! the re%enue o! Bahrain 0ame, I #ould $i%e you this mu0h and this. mu0h. :n that Abu Bakr said to me, 80oop )money, #ith both your hands. I s0ooped money #ith both my hands and Abu Bakr asked me to 0ount it. I 0ounted it and it #as !i%e'hundred )$old pie0es,. *he total amount he $a%e me #as one thousand and !i%e hundred )$old pie0es., Narrated Anas: "oney !rom Bahrain #as brou$ht to the 2rophet . (e said, 8pread it in the "os5ue. It #as the bi$$est amount that had e%er been brou$ht to Allah's Apostle . In the meantime Al'`Abbas 0ame to him and said, : Allah's Apostle; Ei%e me, !or I $a%e the ransom o! mysel! and `A5il. *he 2rophet said )to him,, *ake. (e s0ooped money #ith both hands and poured it in his $arment and tried to li!t it, but he 0ould not and appealed to the 2rophet, -ill you order someone to help me in li!tin$ it3 *he 2rophet said, No. *hen Al'`Abbas said, *hen #ill you yoursel! help me 0arry it3 *he 2rophet said, No. *hen Al `Abbas thre# a#ay some o! the money, but e%en then he #as not able to li!t it, and so he $ain re5uested the 2rophet -ill you order someone to help me 0arry it3 *he 2rophet said, No. *hen Al'`Abbas said, *hen #ill you yoursel! yelp me 0arry it3 *he 2rophet said, 'No. 8o, Al'`Abbas thre# a#ay some more money and li!ted it on his shoulder and #ent a#ay. *he 2rophet kept on lookin$ at him #ith astonishment at his $reediness till he #ent out o! our si$ht. Allah's Apostle did not $et up !rom there till not a sin$le .irham remained !rom that money. 4.1B1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: *he 2rophet said, -hoe%er killed a person ha%in$ a treaty #ith the "uslims, shall not smell the smell o! 2aradise thou$h its smell is per0ei%ed !rom a distan0e o! !orty years. 4.1B&: Narrated Abu (uraira: -hile #e #ere in the "os5ue, the 2rophet 0ame out and said, Iet us $o to the +e#s -e #ent out till #e rea0hed Bait'ul'"idras. (e said to them, I! you embra0e Islam, you #ill be sa!e. <ou should kno# that the earth belon$s to Allah and (is Apostle, and I #ant to e/pel you !rom this land. 8o, i! anyone amon$st you o#ns some property, he is permitted to sell it, other#ise you should kno# that the Jarth belon$s to Allah and (is Apostle. 4.1B1: Narrated 8a`id bin +ubair: that he heard Ibn `Abbas sayin$, *hursday; And you kno# not #hat *hursday is3 A!ter that Ibn `Abbas #ept till the stones on the $round #ere soaked #ith his tears. :n that I asked Ibn `Abbas, -hat is )about, *hursday3 (e said, -hen the 0ondition )i.e. health, o! Allah's Apostle deteriorated, he said, 'Brin$ me a bone o! s0apula, so that I may #rite somethin$ !or you a!ter #hi0h you #ill ne%er $o astray.'*he people di!!ered in their opinions althou$h it #as improper to di!!er in !ront o! a prophet, *hey said, '-hat is #ron$ #ith him3 .o you think he is delirious3 Ask him )to understand,. *he 2rophet replied, 'Iea%e me as I am in a better state than #hat you are askin$ me to do.' *hen the 2rophet ordered them to do three thin$s sayin$, '*urn out all the pa$ans !rom the Arabian 2eninsula, sho# respe0t to all !orei$n dele$ates by $i%in$ them $i!ts as I used to do.' *he sub'narrator added, *he third order #as somethin$ bene!i0ial #hi0h either Ibn `Abbas did not mention or he mentioned but I !or$ot.' =C

4.1B4: Narrated Abu (uraira: -hen 9haibar #as 0on5uered, a roasted poisoned sheep #as presented to the 2rophets as a $i!t )by the +e#s,. *he 2rophet ordered, Iet all the +e#s #ho ha%e been here, be assembled be!ore me. *he +e#s #ere 0olle0ted and the 2rophet said )to them,, I am $oin$ to ask you a 5uestion. -ill you tell the truth3'' *hey said, <es.' *he 2rophet asked, -ho is your !ather3 *hey replied, 8o'and'so. (e said, <ou ha%e told a ieD your !ather is so'and'so. *hey said, <ou are ri$ht. (e siad, -ill you no# tell me the truth, i! I ask you about somethin$3 *hey replied, <es, : AbuAl'6asimD and i! #e should tell a lie, you 0an realiFe our lie as you ha%e done re$ardin$ our !ather. :n that he asked, -ho are the people o! the )(ell, Hire3 *hey said, -e shall remain in the )(ell, Hire !or a short period, and a!ter that you #ill repla0e us. *he 2rophet said, <ou may be 0ursed and humiliated in it; By Allah, #e shall ne%er repla0e you in it.'' *hen he asked, -ill you no# tell me the truth i! I ask you a 5uestion3 *hey said, <es, : Ab Ii'AI'6asim. (e asked, (a%e you poisoned this sheep3 *hey said, <es. (e asked, -hat made you do so3 *hey said, -e #anted to kno# i! you #ere a liar in #hi0h 0ase #e #ould $et rid o! you, and i! you are a prophet then the poison #ould not harm you. 4.1B7: Narrated `Asim: I asked Anas about the 6unut )i.e. in%o0ation in the prayer,. Anas said, It should be re0ited be!ore bo#in$. I said, 8o'and'so 0laims that you say that it should be re0ited a!ter bo#in$. (e replied, (e is mistaken. *hen Anas narrated to us that the 2rophet in%oked e%il on the tribe o! Bani'8ulaim !or one month a!ter bo#in$. ' Anas Hurther said, *he 2rophet had sent 4C or >C 6aris )i.e. men #ell %ersed in the kno#led$e o! the 6ur'an, to some pa$ans, but the latter stru$$led #ith them and martyred them, althou$h there #as a pea0e pa0t bet#een them and the 2rophet I had ne%er seen the 2rophet so sorry and #orried about anybody as he #as about them )i.e. the 6aris,. 4.1B=: Narrated Um (ani: the dau$hter o! Abu *alib: I #ent to Allah's Apostle on the day o! the 0on5uest o! "e00a and !ound him takin$ a bath, and his dau$hter Hatima #as s0reenin$ him. I $reeted him and he asked, -ho is that3 I said, I, Um (ani bint Abi *alib. (e said, -el0ome, : Um (ani. -hen he had !inished his bath, he stood up and o!!ered ei$ht rak`at #hile dressed in one $arment. I said, : Allah's Apostle; "y brother `Ali has de0lared that he #ill kill a man to #hom I ha%e $ranted asylum. *he man is so and'so bin (ubaira. Allah's Apostle said, : Um (ani; -e #ill $rant asylum to the one #hom you ha%e $ranted asylum. )Um (ani said, *hat )%isit, took pla0e in the .uha )i.e. !orenoon,,. 4.1B>: Narrated Ibrahim at'*amimi's !ather: `Ali deli%ered a sermon sayin$, -e ha%e no book to read e/0ept the Book o! Allah and #hat is #ritten in this paper #hi0h 0ontains %erdi0ts re$ardin$ )retaliation !or, #ounds, the a$es o! the 0amels )$i%en as @akat or as blood money, and the !a0t that "edina is a san0tuary in bet#een Air mountain to so'and'so )mountain,. 8o, #hoe%er inno%ates in it an heresy or 0ommits a sin or $i%es shelter in it, to su0h an inno%ator #ill in0ur the Aurse o! Allah, the an$els and all the people, and none o! his 0ompulsory or optional $ood deeds o! #orship #ill be a00epted. And #hoe%er )!reed sla%e, takes as his master )i.e. be!riends, other than his real masters #ill in0ur the same )Aurse,. And the asylum $ranted by any "uslim is to be se0ured by all the other "uslims, and #hoe%er betrays a "uslim in this respe0t #ill in0ur the same )Aurse,. 4.1B?: Narrated 8ahl bin Abi (athma: `Abdullah bin 8ahl and "uhaiyisa bin "as`ud bin @aid set out to 9haibar, the inhabitants o! #hi0h had a pea0e treaty #ith the "uslims at that time. *hey parted and later on "uhaiyisa 0ame upon `Abdullah bin 8ah; and !ound him murdered a$itatin$ in his blood. (e buried him and returned to "edina. `Abdur Gahman bin 8ahl, "uhaiyisa and (u#aiuisa, the sons o! "as`ud 0ame to the 2rophet and `Abdur Gahman intended to talk, but the 2rophet said )to him,, Iet the eldest o! you speak. as `Abdur'Gahman #as the youn$est:. `Abdur'Gahman kept silent and the other t#o spoke. *he 2rophet =1

said, I! you s#ear as to #ho has 0ommitted the murder, you #ill ha%e the ri$ht to take your ri$ht !rom the murderer. *hey said, (o# should #e s#ear i! #e did not #itness the murder or see the murderer3 *he 2rophet said, *hen the +e#s 0an 0lear themsel%es !rom the 0har$e by takin$ Alaska )an oath taken by men that it #as not they #ho 0ommitted the murder,. *he;y said, (o# should #e belie%e in the oaths o! in!idels3 8o, the 2rophet himsel! paid the blood money )o! `Abdullah,. )8ee (adith No. 1= Vol. B., 4.1BB: Narrated ' `Abdullah bin `Abbas: *hat Abu 8u!yan bin (arb In!ormed him that (era0lius 0alled him and the members o! a 0ara%an !rom 6uraish #ho had $one to 8ham as traders, durin$ the tru0e #hi0h Allah's Apostle had 0on0luded #ith Abu 8u!yan and the 6uraish in!idels. 4.4CC: Narrated Aisha: :n0e the 2rophet #as be#it0hed so that he be$an to ima$ine that he had done a thin$ #hi0h in !a0t he had not done. 4.4C1: Narrated `Au! bin "ali: I #ent to the 2rophet durin$ the EhaF#a o! *abuk #hile he #as sittin$ in a leather tent. (e said, Aount si/ si$ns that indi0ate the approa0h o! the (our: my death, the 0on5uest o! +erusalem, a pla$ue that #ill a!!li0t you )and kill you in $reat numbers, as the pla$ue that a!!li0ts sheep, the in0rease o! #ealth to su0h an e/tent that e%en i! one is $i%en one hundred .inars, he #ill not be satis!iedD then an a!!li0tion #hi0h no Arab house #ill es0ape, and then a tru0e bet#een you and Bani Al'As!ar )i.e. the ByFantines, #ho #ill betray you and atta0k you under ei$hty !la$s. Under ea0h !la$ #ill be t#el%e thousand soldiers. 4.4C&: Narrated Abu (uraira: Abu Bakr, on the day o! Nahr )i.e. slau$hterin$ o! animals !or sa0ri!i0e,, sent me in the 0ompany o! others to make this announ0ement: A!ter this year, no pa$an #ill be allo#ed to per!orm the (a44, and none #ill be allo#ed to per!orm the *a#a! o! the 9a`ba undressed. And the day o! Al'(a44'ul'Akbar is the day o! Nahr, and it 0alled Al'Akbar be0ause the people 0all the `Umra Al'(a44'ul'As$har )i.e. the minor (a44,. Abu Bakr thre# ba0k the pa$ans' 0o%enant that year, and there!ore, no pa$an per!ormed the (a44 in the year o! (a44'ul'-ada` o! the 2rophets. 4.4C1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: Allah's Apostle said, -hoe%er has )the !ollo#in$, !our 0hara0teristi0s #ill be a pure hypo0rite: I! he speaks, he tells a lieD i! he $i%es a promise, he breaks it, i! he makes a 0o%enant he pro%es trea0herousD and i! he 5uarrels, he beha%es in a %ery imprudent e%il insultin$ manner )un4ust,. And #hoe%er has one o! these 0hara0teristi0s, has one 0hara0teristi0 o! a hypo0rite, unless he $i%es it us. 4.4C4: Narrated `Ali: -e did not, #rite anythin$ !rom the 2rophet e/0ept the 6ur'an and #hat is #ritten in this paper, )#herein, the 2rophet said, "edina is a san0tuary !rom )the mountain o!, Air to so and'so, there!ore, #hoe%er inno%ates )in it, an heresy or 0ommits a sin, or $i%es shelter to su0h an inno%ator, #ill in0ur the Aurse o! Allah. the an$els and all the peopleD and none o! his 0ompulsory or optional $ood deeds o! #orship #ill be a00epted And the asylum $ranted by any "uslim Is to be se0ured by all the "uslims e%en i! it is $ranted by one o! the lo#est so0ial status amon$ them. And #hoe%er betrays a "uslim in this respe0t #ill in0ur the Aurse o! Allah, the an$els and all the people, and his 0ompulsory and optional $ood deeds o! #orship #ill not be a00epted. And any !reed sla%e #ill take as masters )be!riends, people other than his o#n real masters #ho !reed him #ithout takin$ the permission o! the latter, #ill in0ur the Aurse o! Allah, the an$els and all the people, and his 0ompulsory and optional $ood deeds o! #orship #ill not be a00epted.


Narrated 8a`id: Abu (uraira on0e said )to the people,, -hat #ill your state be #hen you 0an $et no .inar or .irhan )i.e. ta/es !rom the .himmis,3 on that someone asked him, -hat makes you kno# that this state #ill take pla0e, : Abu' (u raira3 (e said, By (im in -hose (ands Abu (uraira's li!e is, I kno# it throu$h the statement o! the true and truly inspired one )i.e. the 2rophet,. *he people asked, -hat does the 8tatement say3 (e replied, Allah and (is Apostle's asylum $ranted to .himmis, i.e. non'"uslims li%in$ in a "uslim territory, #ill be outra$ed, and so Allah #ill make the hearts o! these .himmis so darin$ that they #ill re!use to pay the +iFya they #ill be supposed to pay. 4.4C7: Narrated Al'A`mash: I asked Abu -ail, .id you take part in the battle o! 8i!!in3 (e said, '<es, and I heard 8ahl bin (unai! )#hen he #as blamed !or la0k o! Feal !or !i$htin$, sayin$, <ou'd better blame your #ron$ opinions. I #ish you had seen me on the day o! Abu +andal. I! I had the 0oura$e to disobey the 2rophet's orders, I #ould ha%e done so. -e had kept out s#ords on our ne0ks and shoulders, !or a thin$ #hi0h !ri$htened us. And #e did so, #e !ound it easier !or us, e/0ept in the 0ase o! the abo%e battle )o! ours,.' 4.4C=: Narrated Abu -ail: -e #ere in 8i!!in and 8ahl bin (unai! $ot up and said, : people; Blame yoursel%es; -e #ere #ith the 2rophet on the day o! (udaibiya, and i! #e had been 0alled to !i$ht, #e #ould ha%e !ou$ht. But `Umar bin Al 9hatab 0ame and said, ': Allah's Apostle; Aren't #e in the ri$ht and our opponents in the #ron$s' Allah's Apostle said, '<es.' `Umar said, 'Aren't our killed persons in 2aradise and their's in (ell3' (e said, '<es.' `Umar said, '*hen #hy should #e a00ept hard terms in matters 0on0ernin$ our reli$ion3 8hall #e return be!ore Allah 4ud$es bet#een us and them3' Allah's Apostle said, ': Ibn Al' 9hattab; I am the Apostle o! Allah and Allah #ill ne%er de$rade me. *hen `Umar #ent to Abu Bakr and told him the same as he had told the 2rophet. :n that Abu Bakr said )to `Umar,. '(e is the Apostle o! Allah and Allah #ill ne%er de$rade him.' *hen 8urat'al'Hath )i.e. Vi0tory, #as re%ealed and Allah's Apostle re0ited it to the end in !ront o! `Umar. :n that `Umar asked, ': Allah's Apostle; -as it )i.e. the (udaibiya *reaty, a %i0tory3' Allah's Apostle said, <es . 4.4C>: Narrated Asma 'bint Abi Bakr: .urin$ the period o! the pea0e treaty o! 6uraish #ith Allah's Apostle, my mother, a00ompanied by her !ather, 0ame to %isit me, and she #as a pa$an. I 0onsulted Allah's Apostle, : Allah's Apostle; "y mother has 0ome to me and she desires to re0ei%e a re#ard !rom me, shall I keep $ood relation #ith her3 (e said, <es, keep $ood relation #ith her. 4.4C?: Narrated Al'Bara: -hen the 2rophet intended to per!orm the `Umra he sent a person to the people o! "e00a askin$ their permission to enter "e00a. *hey stipulated that he #ould not stay !or more than three days and #ould not enter it e/0ept #ith sheathed arms and #ould not prea0h )Islam, to any o! them. 8o `Ali bin Abi' *alib started #ritin$ the treaty bet#een them. (e #rote, *his is #hat "uhammad, Apostle o! Allah has a$reed to. *he )"e00ans, said, I! #e kne# that you )"uhammad, are the Apostle o! Allah, then #e #ould not ha%e pre%ented you and #ould ha%e !ollo#ed you. But #rite, '*his is #hat "uhammad bin `Abdullah has a$reed to..' :n that Allah's Apostle said, By Allah, I am "uhammad bin `Abdullah, and, by Allah, I am Apostle o! 'Allah. Allah's Apostle used not to #riteD so he asked `Ali to erase the e/pression o! Apostle o! Allah. :n that `Ali said, By Allah I #ill ne%er erase it. Allah's Apostle said )to `Ali,, Iet me see the paper. -hen `Ali sho#ed him the paper, the 2rophet erased the e/pression #ith his o#n hand. -hen Allah's Apostle had entered "e00a and three days had elapsed, the "e00ans 0ame to `Ali and said, Iet your !riend )i.e. the 2rophet, 5uit "e00a. `Ali in!ormed Allah's Apostle about it and Allah's Apostle said, <es, and then he departed. 4.4CB: Narrated `Abdullah: =1

-hile the 2rophet #as in the state o! prostration, surrounded by a $roup o! people !rom 6uraish pa$ans. `U5ba bin Abi "u'ait 0ame and brou$ht the intestines o! a 0amel and thre# them on the ba0k o! the 2rophet . *he 2rophet did not raise his head !rom prostration till Hatima )i.e. his dau$hter, 0ame and remo%ed those intestines !rom his ba0k, and in%oked e%il on #hoe%er had done )the e%il deed,. *he 2rophet said, : Allah; .estroy the 0hie!s o! 6uraish, : Allah; .estroy Abu +ahl bin (isham, `Utba bin Gabi`a, 8haiba bin Gabi`a, `U5ba bin Abi "u'ait, Umaiya bin 9hala! )or Ubai bin 9ala!,. Iater on I sa# all o! them killed durin$ the battle o! Badr and their bodies #ere thro#n into a #ell e/0ept the body o! Umaiya or Ubai, be0ause he #as a !at person, and #hen he #as pulled, the parts o! his body $ot separated be!ore he #as thro#n into the #ell. 4.41C: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet said, ''J%ery betrayer #ill ha%e a !la$ on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion :ne o! the t#o sub' narrators said that the !la$ #ould be !i/ed, and the other said that it #ould be sho#n on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion, so that the betrayer mi$ht be re0o$niFed by it. 4.411: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet said, J%ery betrayer #ill ha%e a !la$ #hi0h #ill be !i/ed on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion, and the !la$'s prominen0e #ill be made in order to sho# the betrayal he 0ommitted. 4.41&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle said on the day o! the 0on5uest o! "e00a, *here is no mi$ration no#, but there is +ihad )i.e.. holy battle, and $ood intentions. And #hen you are 0alled !or +ihad, you should 0ome out at on0e Allah's Apostle also said, on the day o! the 0on5uest o! "e00a, Allah has made this to#n a san0tuary sin0e the day (e 0reated the (ea%ens and the Jarth. 8o, it is a san0tuary by Allah's .e0ree till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. Hi$htin$ in it #as not le$al !or anyone be!ore me, and it #as made le$al !or me only !or an hour by daytime. 8o, it )i.e. "e00a, is a san0tuary by Allah's .e0ree till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. Its thorny bushes should not be 0ut, and its $ame should not be 0hased, its !allen property )i.e. Iu5ata, should not be pi0ked up e/0ept by one #ho #ill announ0e it publi0lyD and its $rass should not be uprooted, :n that Al'`Abbas said, : Allah's Apostle; J/0ept the Idhkhir, be0ause it is used by the $oldsmiths and by the people !or their houses. :n that the 2rophet said, J/0ept the Idhkhir. 4.411: Narrated `Imran bin (usain: 8ome people o! Bani *amim 0ame to the 2rophet and he said )to them,, : Bani *amim; re4oi0e #ith $lad tidin$s. *hey said, <ou ha%e $i%en us $lad tidin$s, no# $i%e us somethin$. :n hearin$ that the 0olor o! his !a0e 0han$ed then the people o! <emen 0ame to him and he said, : people o! <emen ; A00ept the $ood tidin$s, as Bani *amim has re!used them. *he <emenites said, -e a00ept them. *hen the 2rophet started takin$ about the be$innin$ o! 0reation and about Allah's *hrone. In the mean time a man 0ame sayin$, : `Imran; <our she'0amel has run a#ay;'' )I $ot up and #ent a#ay,, but l #ish I had not le!t that pla0e )!or I missed #hat Allah's Apostle had said,. 4.414: Narrated `Imran bin (usain: I #ent to the 2rophet and tied my she'0amel at the $ate. *he people o! Bani *amim 0ame to the 2rophet #ho said : Bani *amim; A00ept the $ood tidin$s. *hey said t#i0e, '<ou ha%e $i%en us the $ood tidin$s, no# $i%e us somethin$ *hen some <emenites 0ame to him and he said, A00ept the $ood tidin$s, : people o! <emem, !or Bani *amim re!used them. *hey said, -e a00ept it, : Allah's Apostle; -e ha%e 0ome to ask you about this matter )i.e. the start o! 0reations,. (e said, Hirst o! all, there #as nothin$ but Allah, and )then (e 0reated (is *hrone,. (is throne #as o%er the #ater, and (e #rote e%erythin$ in the Book )in the (ea%en, and 0reated the (ea%ens and the Jarth. *hen a man shouted, : Ibn (usain; <our she'0amel has $one a#ay; 8o, I #ent a#ay and 0ould not see the she' 0amel be0ause o! the mira$e. By Allah, I #ished I had le!t that she'0amel )but not that $atherin$,.


Narrated `Umar: :ne day the 2rophet stood up amon$st us !or a lon$ period and in!ormed us about the be$innin$ o! 0reation )and talked about e%erythin$ in detail, till he mentioned ho# the people o! 2aradise #ill enter their pla0es and the people o! (ell #ill enter their pla0es. 8ome remembered #hat he had said, and some !or$ot it. 4.417: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Allah the "ost 8uperior said, *he son o! Adam sli$hts "e, and he should not sli$ht "e, and he disbelie%es in "e, and he ou$ht not to do so. As !or his sli$htin$ "e, it is that he says that I ha%e a sonD and his disbelie! in "e is his statement that I shall not re0reate him as I ha%e 0reated )him, be!ore. 4.41=: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, -hen Allah 0ompleted the 0reation, (e #rote in (is Book #hi0h is #ith (im on (is *hrone, "y "er0y o%erpo#ers "y An$er. 4.41>: Narrated "uhammad bin Ibrahim bin Al'(arith: !rom Abu 8alama bin `Abdur'Gahman #ho had a dispute #ith some people on a pie0e o! land, and so he #ent to `Aisha and told her about it. 8he said, : Abu 8alama, a%oid the land, !or Allah's Apostle said, 'Any person #ho takes e%en a span o! land un4ustly, his ne0k shall be en0ir0led #ith it do#n se%en earths.' 4.41?: Narrated 8alim's !ather: *he 2rophet said, Any person #ho takes a pie0e o! land un4ustly #ill sink do#n the se%en earths on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.41B: Narrated Abu Bakra: *he 2rophet said. )*he di%ision o! time has turned to its ori$inal !orm #hi0h #as 0urrent #hen Allah 0reated the (ea%ens and the Jarths. *he year is o! t#el%e months, out o! #hi0h !our months are sa0red: *hree are in su00ession .hul'6a' da, .hul'(i44a and "uharram, and )the !ourth is, Ga4ab o! )the tribe o!, "udar #hi0h 0omes bet#een +umadi'ath'*haniyah and 8ha ban. 4.4&C: Narrated 8a`id bin @aid bin `Amr bin Nu!ail: *hat Ar#a sued him be!ore "ar#an !or a ri$ht, #hi0h she 0laimed, he had depri%ed her o!. :n that 8a`id said, (o# should I depri%e her o! her ri$ht3 I testi!y that I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, 'I! anyone takes a span o! land un4ustly, his ne0k #ill be en0ir0led #ith it do#n se%en earths on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.4&1: Narrated Abu .har: *he 2rophet asked me at sunset, .o you kno# #here the sun $oes )at the time o! sunset,3 I replied, Allah and (is Apostle kno# better. (e said, It $oes )i.e. tra%els, till it prostrates Itsel! underneath the *hrone and takes the permission to rise a$ain, and it is permitted and then )a time #ill 0ome #hen, it #ill be about to prostrate itsel! but its prostration #ill not be a00epted, and it #ill ask permission to $o on its 0ourse but it #ill not be permitted, but it #ill be ordered to return #hen0e it has 0ome and so it #ill rise in the #est. And that is the interpretation o! the 8tatement o! Allah: And the sun Guns its !i/ed 0ourse Hor a term )de0reed,. that is *he .e0ree o! )Allah, *he J/alted in "i$ht, *he All' 9no#in$. )1=.1?, 4.4&&: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he sun and the moon #ill be !olded up )depri%ed o! their li$ht, on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.4&1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: =7

*he 2rophet said, *he sun and the moon do not e0lipse be0ause o! someone's death or #i!e )i.e. birth,, but they are t#o si$ns amon$st the 8i$ns o! Allah. 8o, i! you see them )i.e. e0lipse, o!!er the 2rayer )o! e0lipse,. 4.4&4: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, *he sun and the moon are t#o si$ns amon$st the 8i$ns o! Allah. *hey do not e0lipse be0ause o! someone's death or li!e. 8o, i! you see them )i.e. e0lipse,, 0elebrate the 2raises o! Allah )i.e. pray,. 4.4&7: Narrated `Aisha: :n the day o! a solar e0lipse, Allah's Apostle stood up )to o!!er the e0lipse prayer,. (e re0ited *akbir, re0ited a lon$ re0itation )o! (oly Verses,, bo#ed a lon$ bo#in$, and then he raised h is head sayin$. Allah hears him #ho sends his praises to (im. *hen he stayed standin$, re0ited a lon$ re0itation a$ain, but shorter than the !ormer, bo#ed a lon$ bo#in$, but shorter than the !irst, per!ormed a lon$ prostration and then per!ormed the se0ond rak`a in the same #ay as he had done the !irst. By the time he had !inished his prayer #ith *aslim, the solar e0lipse had been o%er. *hen he addressed the people re!errin$ to the solar and lunar e0lipses sayin$, *hese are t#o si$ns amon$st the 8i$ns o! Allah, and they do not e0lipse be0ause o! anyone's death or li!e. 8o, i! you see them, hasten !or the 2rayer. 4.4&=: Narrated Abu "as`ud: *he 2rophet said, the sun and the moon do not e0lipse be0ause o! the death or li!e o! someone, but they are t#o si$ns amon$st the 8i$ns o! Allah. 8o, i! you see them, o!!er the 2rayer )o! e0lipse,. 4.4&>: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, I ha%e been made %i0torious #ith the 8aba )i.e. easterly #ind, and the people o! 'Ad #ere destroyed #ith the .abur )i.e. #esterly #ind, . 4.4&?: Narrated Ata: `Aisha said I! the 2rophet sa# a 0loud In the sky, he #ould #alk to and !ro in a$itation, $o out and 0ome in, and the 0olor o! his !a0e #ould 0han$e, and i! it rained, he #ould !eel rela/ed. 8o `Aisha kne# that state o! his. 8o the 2rophet said, I don't kno# )am a!raid,, it may be similar to #hat happened to some people re!erred to in the (oly 6ur'an in the !ollo#in$ Verse: '' *hen #hen they sa# it as a dense 0loud 0omin$ to#ards their %alleys, they said, '*his is a 0loud brin$in$ us rain;' Nay, but, it is that )torment, #hi0h you #ere askin$ to be hastened a #ind #herein is se%ere torment. )4=.&4, 4.4&B: Narrated "alik bin 8asaa: *he 2rophet said, -hile I #as at the (ouse in a state mid#ay bet#een sleep and #ake!ulness, )an an$el re0o$niFed me, as the man lyin$ bet#een t#o men. A $olden tray !ull o! #isdom and belie! #as brou$ht to me and my body #as 0ut open !rom the throat to the lo#er part o! the `Abdomen and then my `Abdomen #as #ashed #ith @amFam #ater and )my heart #as, !illed #ith #isdom and belie!. Al' Bura5, a #hite animal, smaller than a mule and bi$$er than a donkey #as brou$ht to me and I set out #ith Eabriel. -hen I rea0hed the nearest hea%en. Eabriel said to the hea%en $ate'keeper, ':pen the $ate.' *he $atekeeper asked, '-ho is it3' (e said, 'Eabriel.' *he $ate'keeper,' -ho is a00ompanyin$ you3' Eabriel said, '"uhammad.' *he $ate'keeper said, '(as he been 0alled3' Eabriel said, '<es.' *hen it #as said, '(e is #el0omed. -hat a #onder!ul %isit his is;' *hen I met Adam and $reeted him and he said, '<ou are #el0omed : son and a 2rophet.' *hen #e as0ended to the se0ond hea%en. It #as asked, '-ho is it3' Eabriel said, 'Eabriel.' It #as said, '-ho is #ith you3' (e said, '"uhammad' It #as asked, '(as he been sent !or3' (e said, '<es.' It #as said, '(e is #el0omed. -hat a #onder!ul %isit his is; *hen I met +esus and <ahya )+ohn, #ho said, '<ou are #el0omed, : brother and a 2rophet.' *hen #e as0ended to the third hea%en. It #as asked, '-ho is it3' Eabriel said, 'Eabriel.' It #as asked, '-ho is #ith you3 Eabriel said, '"uhammad.' It #as asked, '(as he been sent !or3' '<es,' said Eabriel. '(e is ==

#el0omed. -hat a #onder!ul %isit his is;' )*he 2rophet added:,. *here I met +oseph and $reeted him, and he replied, '<ou are #el0omed, : brother and a 2rophet;' *hen #e as0ended to the 4th hea%en and a$ain the same 5uestions and ans#ers #ere e/0han$ed as in the pre%ious hea%ens. *here I met Idris and $reeted him. (e said, '<ou are #el0omed : brother and 2rophet.' *hen #e as0ended to the 7th hea%en and a$ain the same 5uestions and ans#ers #ere e/0han$ed as in pre%ious hea%ens. there I met and $reeted Aaron #ho said, '<ou are #el0omed : brother and a 2rophet . *hen #e as0ended to the =th hea%en and a$ain the same 5uestions and ans#ers #ere e/0han$ed as in the pre%ious hea%ens. *here I met and $reeted "oses #ho said, '<ou are #el0omed : brother and. a 2rophet.' -hen I pro0eeded on, he started #eepin$ and on bein$ asked #hy he #as #eepin$, he said, ': Iord; Hollo#ers o! this youth #ho #as sent a!ter me #ill enter 2aradise in $reater number than my !ollo#ers.' *hen #e as0ended to the se%enth hea%en and a$ain the same 5uestions and ans#ers #ere e/0han$ed as in the pre%ious hea%ens. *here I met and $reeted Abraham #ho said, '<ou are #el0omed o son and a 2rophet.' *hen I #as sho#n Al'Bait'al'"a'mur )i.e. Allah's (ouse,. I asked Eabriel about it and he said, *his is Al Bait'ul'"a'mur #here >C,CCC an$els per!orm prayers daily and #hen they lea%e they ne%er return to it )but al#ays a !resh bat0h 0omes into it daily,.' *hen I #as sho#n 8idrat'ul'"untaha )i.e. a tree in the se%enth hea%en, and I sa# its Nabk !ruits #hi0h resembled the 0lay 4u$s o! (a4r )i.e. a to#n in Arabia,, and its lea%es #ere like the ears o! elephants, and !our ri%ers ori$inated at its root, t#o o! them #ere apparent and t#o #ere hidden. I asked Eabriel about those ri%ers and he said, '*he t#o hidden ri%ers are in 2aradise, and the apparent ones are the Nile and the Juphrates.' *hen !i!ty prayers #ere en4oined on me. I des0ended till I met "oses #ho asked me, '-hat ha%e you done3' I said, 'Hi!ty prayers ha%e been en4oined on me.' (e said, 'I kno# the people better than you, be0ause I had the hardest e/perien0e to brin$ Bani Israel to obedien0e. <our !ollo#ers 0annot put up #ith su0h obli$ation. 8o, return to your Iord and re5uest (im )to redu0e the number o! prayers.' I returned and re5uested Allah )!or redu0tion, and (e made it !orty. I returned and )met "oses, and had a similar dis0ussion, and then returned a$ain to Allah !or redu0tion and (e made it thirty, then t#enty, then ten, and then I 0ame to "oses #ho repeated the same ad%i0e. Ultimately Allah redu0ed it to !i%e. -hen I 0ame to "oses a$ain, he said, '-hat ha%e you done3' I said, 'Allah has made it !i%e only.' (e repeated the same ad%i0e but I said that I surrendered )to Allah's Hinal :rder,' Allah's Apostle #as addressed by Allah, I ha%e de0reed "y :bli$ation and ha%e redu0ed the burden on "y sla%es, and I shall re#ard a sin$le $ood deed as i! it #ere ten $ood deeds. 4.41C: Narrated `Abdullah bin "us'ud: Allah's Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, )*he matter o! the Areation o!, a human bein$ is put to$ether in the #omb o! the mother in !orty days, and then he be0omes a 0lot o! thi0k blood !or a similar period, and then a pie0e o! !lesh !or a similar period. *hen Allah sends an an$el #ho is ordered to #rite !our thin$s. (e is ordered to #rite do#n his )i.e. the ne# 0reature's, deeds, his li%elihood, his )date o!, death, and #hether he #ill be blessed or #ret0hed )in reli$ion,. *hen the soul is breathed into him. 8o, a man amon$st you may do )$ood deeds till there is only a 0ubit bet#een him and 2aradise and then #hat has been #ritten !or him de0ides his beha%ior and he starts doin$ )e%il, deeds 0hara0teristi0 o! the people o! the )(ell, Hire. And similarly a man amon$st you may do )e%il, deeds till there is only a 0ubit bet#een him and the )(ell, Hire, and then #hat has been #ritten !or him de0ides his beha%ior, and he starts doin$ deeds 0hara0teristi0 o! the people o! 2aradise. 4.411: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, I! Allah lo%es a person, (e 0alls Eabriel sayin$, 'Allah lo%es so and'soD : Eabriel; Io%e him.' Eabriel #ould lo%e him and make an announ0ement amon$st the inhabitants o! the (ea%en. 'Allah lo%es so'and'so, there!ore you should lo%e him also,' and so all the inhabitants o! the (ea%en #ould lo%e him, and then he is $ranted the pleasure o! the people on the earth. 4.41&: Narrated `Aisha:


I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, *he an$els des0end, the 0louds and mention this or that matter de0reed in the (ea%en. *he de%ils listen stealthily to su0h a matter, 0ome do#n to inspire the soothsayers #ith it, and the latter #ould add to it one'hundred lies o! their o#n. 4.411: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, :n e%ery Hriday the an$els take heir stand at e%ery $ate o! the mos5ues to #rite the names o! the people 0hronolo$i0ally )i.e. a00ordin$ to the time o! their arri%al !or the Hriday prayer and #hen the Imam sits )on the pulpit, they !old up their s0rolls and $et ready to listen to the sermon. 4.414: Narrated 8a`id bin Al'"usaiyab: `Umar 0ame to the "os5ue #hile (assan #as re0itin$ a poem. )`Umar disappro%ed o! that,. :n that (assan said, I used to re0ite poetry in this %ery "os5ue in the presen0e o! one )i.e. the 2rophet , #ho #as better than you. *hen he turned to#ards Abu (uraira and said )to him,, I ask you by Allah, did you hear Allah's Apostle sayin$ )to me,, Getort on my behal!. : Allah; 8upport him )i.e. (assan, #ith the (oly 8pirit3 Abu (uraira said, <es. 4.417: Narrated Al Bara: *he 2rophet said to (assan, Iampoon them )i.e. the pa$ans, and Eabriel is #ith you. 4.41=: Narrated +arir: as belo# )(adith 41>,. 4.41>: Narrated (umaid bin (ilal: Anas bin "alik said, As i! I say a 0loud o! dust s#irlin$ up in the lane o! Bani Ehanim. "usa added, *hat #as 0aused by the pro0ession o! Eabriel. 4.41?: Narrated Aisha: Al (arith bin (isham asked the 2rophet, (o# does the di%ine inspiration 0ome to you3 (e replied, In all these #ays: *he An$el sometimes 0omes to me #ith a %oi0e #hi0h resembles the sound o! a rin$in$ bell, and #hen this state abandons me, I remember #hat the An$el has said, and this type o! .i%ine Inspiration is the hardest on meD and sometimes the An$el 0omes to me in the shape o! a man and talks to me, and I understand and remember #hat he says. 4.41B: Narrated Abu (uraira: I heard the 2rophet sayin$, -ho e%er spends a 0ouple )o! ob4e0ts, in Allah's 0ause, #ill be 0alled by the Eatekeepers o! 2aradise #ho #ill say, : so'and'so, 0ome on; Abu Bakr said, 8u0h a person #ill ne%er perish or be miserable' *he 2rophet said, I hope you #ill be amon$ su0h person. 4.44C: Narrated Abu 8alama: `Aisha said that the 2rophet said to her : `Aisha' *his is Eabriel and he sends his )$reetin$s, salutations to you. `Aisha said, 8alutations )Ereetin$s, to him, and Allah's "er0y and Blessin$s be on him, and addressin$ the 2rophet she said, <ou see #hat I don't see. 4.441: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle asked Eabriel, -hy don't you %isit us more o!ten than you do3 *hen the !ollo#in$ (oly Verse #as re%ealed )in this respe0t,:'' And #e )an$els, des0end not but by the order o! your Iord. *o (im belon$ #hat is be!ore us and #hat is behind us, and #hat is bet#een those t#o and your Iord #as ne%er !or$et!ul. )1B.=4, 4.44&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle said, Eabriel read the 6ur'an to me in one #ay )i.e. diale0t, and I 0ontinued askin$ him to read it in di!!erent #ays till he read it in se%en di!!erent #ays. =?

4.441: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle #as the most $enerous o! all the people, and he used to be more $enerous in the month o! Gamadan #hen Eabriel used to meet him. Eabriel used to meet him e%ery ni$ht in Gamadan to study the (oly 6ur'an 0are!ully to$ether. Allah's Apostle used to be0ome more $enerous than the !ast #ind #hen he met Eabriel. 4.444: Narrated Ibn 8hihab: :n0e `Umar bin `Abdul `AFiF delayed the `Asr prayer a little. `Ur#a said to him, Eabriel des0ended and led the prayer in !ront o! the 2rophet :n that `Umar said, : `Ur#a; Be sure o! #hat you say. Ur#a, I heard Bashir bin Abi "asud narratin$ !rom Ibn "asud #ho heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, 'Eabriel des0ended and led me in prayerD and then prayed #ith him a$ain, and then prayed #ith him a$ain, and then prayed #ith him a$ain, and then prayed #ith him a$ain, 0ountin$ #ith his !in$ers !i%e prayers. 4.447: Narrated Abu .har: *he 2rophet said, Eabriel said to me, '-hoe%er amon$st your !ollo#ers die #ithout ha%in$ #orshipped others besides Allah, #ill enter 2aradise )or #ill not enter the )(ell, Hire,. *he 2rophet asked. J%en i! he has 0ommitted ille$al se/ual inter0ourse or the!t3 (e replied, J%en then. 4.44=: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, An$els keep on des0endin$ !rom and as0endin$ to the (ea%en in turn, some at ni$ht and some by daytime, and all o! them assemble to$ether at the time o! the Ha4r and `Asr prayers. *hen those #ho ha%e stayed #ith you o%er'ni$ht, as0ent unto Allah -ho asks them, and (e kno#s the ans#er better than they, (o# ha%e you le!t "y sla%es3 *hey reply, -e ha%e le!t them prayin$ as #e !ound them prayin$. I! anyone o! you says Amin )durin$ the 2rayer at the end o! the re0itation o! 8urat'al'Haitiha,, and the an$els in (ea%en say the same, and the t#o sayin$s 0oin0ide, all his past sins #ill be !or$i%en. 4.44>: Narrated `Aisha: I stu!!ed !or the 2rophet a pillo# de0orated #ith pi0tures )o! animals, #hi0h looked like a Namru5a )i.e. a small 0ushion,. (e 0ame and stood amon$ the people #ith e/0itement apparent on his !a0e. I said, : Allah's Apostle; -hat is #ron$3 (e said, -hat is this pillo#3 I said, I ha%e prepared this pillo# !or you, so that you may re0line on it. (e said, .on't you kno# that an$els do not enter a house #herein there are pi0turesD and #hoe%er makes a pi0ture #ill be punished on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion and #ill be asked to $i%e li!e to )#hat he has 0reated,3 4.44?: Narrated Abu *alha: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$D An$els )o! "er0y, do not enter a house #herein there is a do$ or a pi0ture o! a li%in$ 0reature )a human bein$ or an animal,. 4.44B: Narrated Busr bin 8a`id: *hat @aid bin 9halid Al'+uhani narrated to him somethin$ in the presen0e o! 8a`id bin 'Ubaidullah Al' 9haulani #ho #as brou$ht up in the house o! "aimuna the #i!e o! the 2rophet. @aid narrated to them that Abu *alha said that the 2rophet said, *he An$els )o! "er0y, do not enter a house #herein there is a pi0ture. Busr said, Iater on @aid bin 9halid !ell ill and #e 0alled on him. *o our surprise #e sa# a 0urtain de0orated #ith pi0tures in his house. I said to Ubaidullah Al'9haulani, .idn't he )i.e. @aid, tell us about the )prohibition o!, pi0tures3 (e said, But he e/0epted the embroidery on $arments. .idn't you hear him3 I said, No. (e said, <es, he did. 4.47C: Narrated 8alim's !ather:


:n0e Eabriel promised the 2rophet )that he #ould %isit him, but Eabriel did not 0ome, and later on he said, -e, an$els, do not enter a house #hi0h 0ontains a pi0ture or a do$. 4.471: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, -hen the Imam, durin$ the prayer, says, Allah hears him #ho praises (im', say: ': Allah; :ur Iord; All the praises are !or <ouM, !or i! the sayin$ o! anyone o! you 0oin0ides #ith the sayin$ o! the an$els, his past sins #ill be !or$i%en. 4.47&: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, As lon$ as any'one o! you is #aitin$ !or the prayer, he is 0onsidered to be prayin$ a0tually, and the an$els say, ': Allah; Be mer0i!ul to him and !or$i%e him', )and $o on sayin$ so, unless he lea%es his pla0e o! prayin$ or passes #ind )i.e. breaks his ablution,. 4.471: Narrated <ali: I heard the 2rophet re0itin$ the !ollo#in$ Verse on the pulpit: *hey #ill 0all: : "ali......' and 8u!yan said that `Abdullah re0ited it: '*hey #ill 0all: : "ali..' )41.>>, 4.474: Narrated `Aisha: *hat she asked the 2rophet , '(a%e you en0ountered a day harder than the day o! the battle, o! Uhud3 *he 2rophet replied, <our tribes ha%e troubled me a lot, and the #orse trouble #as the trouble on the day o! 'A5aba #hen I presented mysel! to Ibn `Abd'<alail bin `Abd'9ulal and he did not respond to my demand. 8o I departed, o%er#helmed #ith e/0essi%e sorro#, and pro0eeded on, and 0ould not rela/ till I !ound mysel! at 6arnath'*ha'alib #here I li!ted my head to#ards the sky to see a 0loud shadin$ me une/pe0tedly. I looked up and sa# Eabriel in it. (e 0alled me sayin$, 'Allah has heard your people's sayin$ to you, and #hat they ha%e replied ba0k to you, Allah has sent the An$el o! the "ountains to you so that you may order him to do #hate%er you #ish to these people.' *he An$el o! the "ountains 0alled and $reeted me, and then said, : "uhammad; :rder #hat you #ish. I! you like, I #ill let Al'Akh'8habain )i.e. t#o mountains, !all on them. *he 2rophet said, No but I hope that Allah #ill let them be$et 0hildren #ho #ill #orship Allah Alone, and #ill #orship None besides (im. 4.477: Narrated Abu 'Is'ha5'Ash'8haibani: I asked @ir bin (ubaish re$ardin$ the 8tatement o! Allah: And #as at a distan0e :! but t#o bo#' len$ths :r )e%en, nearerD 8o did )Allah, 0on%ey *he Inspiration to (is sla%e )Eabriel, and then he )Eabriel, Aon%eyed )that to "uhammad,. )71.B'1C, :n that, @ir said, Ibn "as`ud in!ormed us that the 2rophet had seen Eabriel ha%in$ =CC #in$s. 4.47=: Narrated `Abdullah: Ge$ardin$ the Verse: Indeed he )"uhammad, did see. :! the 8i$ns o! his Iord, *he Ereatest; )71.1?, *hat the 2rophet had seen a $reen 0arpet spread all o%er the horiFon o! the sky. 4.47>: Narrated Aisha: -hoe%er 0laimed that )the 2rophet, "uhammad sa# his Iord, is 0ommittin$ a $reat !ault, !or he only sa# Eabriel in his $enuine shape in #hi0h he #as 0reated 0o%erin$ the #hole horiFon. 4.47?: Narrated "asru5: I asked Aisha -hat about (is 8tatement:'' *hen he )Eabriel, approa0hed And 0ame 0loser, And #as at a distan0e :! but t#o bo#'len$ths :r )e%en, nearer3 )71.?'B, 8he replied, It #as Eabriel #ho used to 0ome to the 2rophet in the !i$ure o! a man, but on that o00asion, he 0ame in his a0tual and real !i$ure and )he #as so hu$e, that he 0o%ered the #hole horiFon. 4.47B: Narrated 8amura: >C

*he 2rophet said, Iast ni$ht I sa# )in a dream, t#o men 0omin$ to me. :ne o! them said, *he person #ho kindles the !ire is "alik, the $ate'keeper o! the )(ell, Hire, and I am Eabriel, and this is "i0hael. 4.4=C: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, I! a husband 0alls his #i!e to his bed )i.e. to ha%e se/ual relation, and she re!uses and 0auses him to sleep in an$er, the an$els #ill 0urse her till mornin$. 4.4=1: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: that he heard the 2rophet sayin$, *he .i%ine Inspiration #as delayed !or a short period but suddenly, as I #as #alkin$. I heard a %oi0e in the sky, and #hen I looked up to#ards the sky, to my surprise, I sa# the an$el #ho had 0ome to me in the (ira Aa%e, and he #as sittin$ on a 0hair in bet#een the sky and the earth. I #as so !ri$htened by him that I !ell on the $round and 0ame to my !amily and said )to them,, 'Ao%er me; )#ith a blanket,, 0o%er me;' *hen Allah sent the Ge%elation: :, <ou #rapped up )In a blanket,; )Arise and #arn; And your Iord ma$ni!y And keep pure your $arments, And desert the idols. )>4.1'7, 4.4=&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, :n the ni$ht o! my As0ent to the (ea%en, I sa# "oses #ho #as a tall bro#n 0urly' haired man as i! he #as one o! the men o! 8han'a#a tribe, and I sa# +esus, a man o! medium hei$ht and moderate 0omple/ion in0lined to the red and #hite 0olors and o! lank hair. I also sa# "alik, the $ate'keeper o! the )(ell, Hire and Ad'.a44al amon$st the si$ns #hi0h Allah sho#ed me. )*he 2rophet then re0ited the (oly Verse,: 8o be not you in doubt o! meetin$ him' #hen you met "oses durin$ the ni$ht o! "i'ra4 o%er the hea%ens )1&.&1, Narrated Anas and Abu Bakra: *he 2rophet said, *he an$els #ill $uard "edina !rom Ad'.a44al )#ho #ill not be able to enter the 0ity o! "edina,. 4.4=1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, -hen anyone o! you dies, he #ill be sho#n his destination both in the mornin$ and in the e%enin$, and i! he belon$s to the people o! 2aradise, he #ill be sho#n his pla0e in 2aradise, and i! he is !rom the people o! (ell, he #ill be sho#n his pla0e in (ell. 4.4=4: Narrated `Imran bin (usain: *he 2rophet said, I looked at 2aradise and !ound poor people !ormin$ the ma4ority o! its inhabitantsD and I looked at (ell and sa# that the ma4ority o! its inhabitants #ere #omen. 4.4=7: Narrated Abu (uraira: -hile #e #ere in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet, he said, -hile I #as asleep, I sa# mysel! in 2aradise and there I beheld a #oman makin$ ablution beside a pala0e, I asked, *o #hom does this pala0e belon$3 '*hey said, *o `Umar bin Al'9hattab.' *hen I remembered `Umar's Ehaira )0on0ernin$ #omen,, and so I 5ui0kly #ent a#ay !rom that pala0e. )-hen `Umar heard this !rom the 2rophet,, he #ept and said, .o you think it is likely that I !eel Ehaira be0ause o! you, : Allah's Apostle3 4.4==: Narrated `Abdullah bin 6ais Al'Ash`ari: *he 2rophet said, A tent )in 2aradise, is like a hollo# pearl #hi0h is thirty miles in hei$ht and on e%ery 0orner o! the tent the belie%er #ill ha%e a !amily that 0annot be seen by the others. )Narrated Abu `Imran in another narration, *he tent is si/ty miles in hei$ht. , 4.4=>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Allah said, I ha%e prepared !or "y 2ious sla%es thin$s #hi0h ha%e ne%er been seen by an eye, or heard by an ear, or ima$ined by a human bein$. I! you #ish, you 0an re0ite this


Verse !rom the (oly 6ur'an:'' No soul kno#s #hat is kept hidden !or them, o! 4oy as a re#ard !or #hat they used to do. )1&.1>, 4.4=?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he !irst $roup )o! people, #ho #ill enter 2aradise #ill be )$litterin$, like the moon #hen it is !ull. *hey #ill not spit or blo# their noses or relie%e nature. *heir utensils #ill be o! $old and their 0ombs o! $old and sil%erD in their 0enters the aloe #ood #ill be used, and their s#eat #ill smell like musk. J%eryone o! them #ill ha%e t#o #i%esD the marro# o! the bones o! the #i%es' le$s #ill be seen throu$h the !lesh out o! e/0essi%e beauty. *hey ) i.e. the people o! 2aradise, #ill neither ha%e di!!eren0es nor hatred amon$st themsel%esD their hearts #ill be as i! one heart and they #ill be $lori!yin$ Allah in the mornin$ and in the e%enin$. 4.4=B: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he !irst bat0h )o! people, #ho #ill enter 2aradise #ill be )$litterin$, like a !ull moonD and those #ho #ill enter ne/t #ill be )$litterin$, like the bri$htest star. *heir hearts #ill be as i! the heart o! a sin$le man, !or they #ill ha%e no enmity amon$st themsel%es, and e%eryone o! them shall ha%e t#o #i%es, ea0h o! #hom #ill be so beauti!ul, pure and transparent that the marro# o! the bones o! their le$s #ill be seen throu$h the !lesh. *hey #ill be $lori!yin$ Allah in the mornin$ and e%enin$, and #ill ne%er !all ill, and they #ill neither blo# their noses, nor spit. *heir utensils #ill be o! $old and sil%er, and their 0ombs #ill be o! $old, and the !uel used in their 0enters #ill be the aloes' #ood, and their s#eat #ill smell like musk. 4.4>C: Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d: *he 2rophet said, Verily; >C,CCC or >CC,CCC o! my !ollo#ers #ill enter 2aradise alto$etherD so that the !irst and the last amon$st them #ill enter at the same time, and their !a0es #ill be $litterin$ like the bri$ht !ull moon. 4.4>1: Narrated Anas bin "alik: A silken 0loak #as presented to the 2rophet and he used to !orbid the usa$e o! silk )by men,. -hen the people #ere !as0inated by the 0loak. he said, By Allah in -hose (ands the li!e o! "uhammad is, the handker0hie!s o! 8a`d bin "u`adh in 2aradise are better than this. 4.4>&: Narrated Al'Bara bin AFib: Allah's Apostle #as $i%en a silken $arment, and its beauty and deli0a0y astonished the people. :n that, Allah's Apostle said, No doubt, the handker0hie!s o! 8a`d bin "u`adh in 2aradise are better than this. 4.4>1: Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d Al'8aidi: Allah's Apostle said, A pla0e in 2aradise e5ual to the siFe o! a lash is better than the #hole #orld and #hate%er is in it. 4.4>4: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet said, *here is a tree in 2aradise )#hi0h is so bi$ and hu$e that, i! a rider tra%els in its shade !or one hundred years, he #ould not be able to 0ross it. 4.4>7: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said *here is a tree in 2aradise )#hi0h is so bi$ and hu$e that, a rider 0ould tra%el in its shade !or a hundred years. And i! you #ish, you 0an re0ite:'''In shade lon$ e/tended..' )7=. 1C, and a pla0e in 2aradise e5ual to an arro# bo# o! one o! you, is better than )the #hole earth, on #hi0h the sun rises and sets. 4.4>=: Narrated Abu (uraira: >&

*he 2rophet said, *he !irst bat0h )o! people, #ho #ill enter 2aradise #ill be )$litterin$, like the !ull moon, and the bat0h ne/t to them #ill be )$litterin$, like the most brilliant star in the sky. *heir hearts #ill be as i! the heart o! a sin$le man, !or they #ill ha%e neither enmity nor 4ealousy amon$st themsel%esD e%eryone #ill ha%e t#o #i%es !rom the houris, )#ho #ill be so beauti!ul, pure and transparent that, the marro# o! the bones o! their le$s #ill be seen throu$h the bones and the !lesh. 4.4>>: Narrated Al'Bara )bin AFib,: *he 2rophet, a!ter the death o! his son Ibrahim, said, *here is a #et'nurse !or him )i.e. Ibrahim, in 2aradise. 4.4>?: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: *he 2rophet said, *he people o! 2aradise #ill look at the d#ellers o! the lo!ty mansions )i.e. a superior pla0e in 2aradise, in the same #ay as one looks at a brilliant star !ar a#ay in the Jast or in the -est on the horiFonD all that is be0ause o! their superiority o%er one another )in re#ards,. :n that the people said, : Allah's Apostle; Are these lo!ty mansions !or the prophets #hi0h nobody else 0an rea0h3 *he 2rophet replied, No; By Allah in #hose (ands my li!e is, these are !or the men #ho belie%ed in Allah and also belie%ed in the Apostles. 4.4>B: Narrated 8ahl bin 8a`d: *he 2rophet said, 2aradise has ei$ht $ates, and one o! them is 0alled Ar'Gaiyan throu$h #hi0h none #ill enter but those #ho obser%e !astin$. *he 2rophet also said, I! a person spends t#o di!!erent kinds o! somethin$ )!or Allah's Aause,, he #ill be 0alled !rom the $ates o! 2aradise. 4.4?C: Narrated Abu .har: -hile the 2rophet #as on a 4ourney, he said )re$ardin$ the per!orman0e o! the @uhr prayer,, -ait till it )i.e. the #eather, $ets 0ooler. (e said the same a$ain till the shade o! the hillo0ks e/tended. *hen he said, .elay the )@uhr, 2rayer till it $ets 0ooler, !or the se%erity o! heat is !rom the in0rease in heat o! (ell )!ire,. 4.4?1: Narrated Abu 8a`d: *he 2rophet said, .elay the )@uhr, 2rayer till it $ets 0ooler, !or the se%erity o! heat is !rom the in0rease in the heat o! (ell )!ire,. 4.4?&: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he )(ell, Hire 0omplained to its Iord sayin$, ': my Iord; "y di!!erent parts eat up ea0h other.' 8o, (e allo#ed it to take t#o breaths, one in the #inter and the other in summer, and this is the reason !or the se%ere heat and the bitter 0old you !ind )in #eather,. 4.4?1: Narrated Abu +amra Ad'.abi: I used to sit #ith Ibn `Abbas in "e00a. :n0e I had a !e%er and he said )to me,, Aool your !e%er #ith @amFam #ater, !or Allah's Apostle said: 'It, )the He%er, is !rom the heat o! the )(ell, HireD so, 0ool it #ith #ater )or @amFam #ater,. 4.4?4: Narrated Ga!i` bin 9hadi4: I heard the 2rophet sayin$, He%er is !rom the heat o! the )(ell, HireD so 0ool it #ith #ater. 4.4?7: Narrated Aisha: *he 2rophet said, He%er is !rom the heat o! the )(ell, Hire, so 0ool it #ith #ater. 4.4?=: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet said, He%er is !rom the heat o! the )(ell, HireD so abate !e%er #ith #ater. 4.4?>: >1

Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, <our )ordinary, !ire is one o! >C parts o! the )(ell, Hire. 8omeone asked, : Allah's Apostle *his )ordinary, !ire #ould ha%e been su!!i0ient )to torture the unbelie%ers,, Allah's Apostle said, *he )(ell, Hire has =B parts more than the ordinary )#orldly, !ire, ea0h part is as hot as this )#orldly, !ire. 4.4??: Narrated <ali: *hat he heard the 2rophet on the pulpit re0itin$:'' *hey #ill 0ry: : "alik;' )41.>>, )"alik is the $ate'keeper )an$el, o! the )(ell, Hire., 4.4?B: Narrated Abu -ail: 8omebody said to Usama, -ill you $o to so'and'so )i.e. `Uthman, and talk to him )i.e. ad%ise him re$ardin$ rulin$ the 0ountry,3 (e said, <ou see that I don't talk to him. Geally I talk to )ad%ise, him se0retly #ithout openin$ a $ate )o! a!!li0tion,, !or neither do I #ant to be the !irst to open it )i.e. rebellion,, nor #ill I say to a man #ho is my ruler that he is the best o! all the people a!ter I ha%e heard somethin$ !rom Allah s Apostle . *hey said, -hat ha%e you heard him sayin$3 (e said, I ha%e heard him sayin$, A man #ill be brou$ht on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion and thro#n in the )(ell, Hire, so that his intestines #ill 0ome out, and he #ill $o around like a donkey $oes around a millstone. *he people o! )(ell, Hire #ill $ather around him and say: : so'and'so; -hat is #ron$ #ith you3 .idn't you use to order us to do $ood deeds and !orbid us to do bad deeds3 (e #ill reply: <es, I used to order you to do $ood deeds, but I did not do them mysel!, and I used to !orbid you to do bad deeds, yet I used to do them mysel!. 4.4BC: Narrated `Aisha: "a$i0 #as #orked on the 2rophet so that he be$an to !an0y that he #as doin$ a thin$ #hi0h he #as not a0tually doin$. :ne day he in%oked )Allah, !or a lon$ period and then said, I !eel that Allah has inspired me as ho# to 0ure mysel!. *#o persons 0ame to me )in my dream, and sat, one by my head and the other by my !eet. :ne o! them asked the other, -hat is the ailment o! this man3 *he other replied, '(e has been be#it0hed *he !irst asked, '-ho has be#it0hed him3' *he other replied, 'Iubaid bin Al'A'sam.' *he !irst one asked, '-hat material has he used3' *he other replied, 'A 0omb, the hair $athered on it, and the outer skin o! the pollen o! the male date'palm.' *he !irst asked, '-here is that3' *he other replied, 'It is in the #ell o! .har#an.' 8o, the 2rophet #ent out to#ards the #ell and then returned and said to me on his return, Its date'palms )the date'palms near the #ell, are like the heads o! the de%ils. I asked, .id you take out those thin$s #ith #hi0h the ma$i0 #as #orked3 (e said, No, !or I ha%e been 0ured by Allah and I am a!raid that this a0tion may spread e%il amon$st the people. Iater on the #ell #as !illed up #ith earth. 4.4B1: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, .urin$ your sleep, 8atan knots three knots at the ba0k o! the head o! ea0h o! you, and he breathes the !ollo#in$ #ords at ea0h knot, '*he ni$ht is, lon$, so keep on sleepin$,' I! that person #akes up and 0elebrates the praises o! Allah, then one knot is undone, and #hen he per!orms ablution the se0ond knot is undone, and #hen he prays, all the knots are undone, and he $ets up in the mornin$ li%ely and $ay, other#ise he $ets up dull and $loomy. 4.4B&: Narrated `Abdullah: It #as mentioned be!ore the 2rophet that there #as a man #ho slept the ni$ht till mornin$ )a!ter sunrise,. *he 2rophet said, (e is a man in #hose ears )or ear, 8atan had urinated. 4.4B1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, I! anyone o! you, #hen ha%in$ se/ual relation #ith his #i!e, say: 'In the name o! Allah. : Allah; 2rote0t us !rom 8atan and pre%ent 8atan !rom approa0hin$ our o!!sprin$ you are $oin$ to $i%e us,' and i! he be$ets a 0hild )as a result o! that relation, 8atan #ill not harm it. >4

4.4B4: Narrated Ibn `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, -hen the )upper, ed$e o! the sun appears )in the mornin$,, don't per!orm a prayer till the sun appears in !ull, and #hen the lo#er ed$e o! the sun sets, don't per!orm a prayer till it sets 0ompletely. And you should not seek to pray at sunrise or sunset !or the sun rises bet#een t#o sides o! the head o! the de%il )or 8atan,. 4.4B7: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: *he 2rophet said, I! #hile you are prayin$, somebody intends to pass in !ront o! you, pre%ent himD and should he insist, pre%ent him a$ainD and i! he insists a$ain, !i$ht #ith him )i.e. pre%ent him %iolently e.$. pushin$ him %iolently,, be0ause su0h a person is )like, a de%il. Narrated "uhammad bin 8eereen: Abu (uraira said, Allah's Apostle put me in 0har$e o! the @akat o! Gamadan )i.e. @akat'ul'Hitr,. 8omeone 0ame to me and started s0oopin$ some o! the !oodstu!! o! )@akat, #ith both hands. I 0au$ht him and told him that I #ould take him to Allah's Apostle. *hen Abu (uraira told the #hole narration and added (e )i.e. the thie!, said, '-hene%er you $o to your bed, re0ite the Verse o! Al'9ursi )&.&77, !or then a $uardian !rom Allah #ill be $uardin$ you, and 8atan #ill not approa0h you till da#n.' :n that the 2rophet said, (e told you the truth, thou$h he is a liar, and he )the thie!, himsel! #as the 8atan. 4.4B=: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, 8atan 0omes to one o! you and says, '-ho 0reated so'and'so3 'till he says, '-ho has 0reated your Iord3' 8o, #hen he inspires su0h a 5uestion, one should seek re!u$e #ith Allah and $i%e up su0h thou$hts. 4.4B>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, -hen the month o! Gamadan 0omes, the $ates o! 2aradise are opened and the $ates o! the )(ell, Hire are 0losed, and the de%ils are 0hained. 4.4B?: Narrated Ubai bin 9a`b: *hat he heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, )*he prophet, "oses said to his attendant, Brin$ us our early meal' )1?.=&,. *he latter said, '.id you remember #hen #e betook oursel%es to the ro0k3 I indeed !or$ot the !ish and none but 8atan made me !or$et to remember it. )1?.=1, "oses did not !eel tired till he had 0rossed the pla0e #hi0h Allah ordered him to $o to. 4.4BB: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: I sa# Allah's Apostle pointin$ to#ards the east sayin$, Io; A!!li0tions #ill %erily emer$e hen0eD a!!li0tions #ill %erily emer$e hen0e #here the )side o! the head o!, 8atan appears. 4.7CC: Narrated +abir: *he 2rophet said, -hen ni$ht!alls, then keep your 0hildren 0lose to you, !or the de%il spread out then. An hour later you 0an let them !reeD and 0lose the $ates o! your house )at ni$ht,, and mention Allah's Name thereupon, and 0o%er your utensils, and mention Allah's Name thereupon, )and i! you don't ha%e somethin$ to 0o%er your utensil, you may put a0ross it somethin$ )e.$. a pie0e o! #ood et0.,. 4.7C1: Narrated 8a!iya bint (uyay: -hile Allah's Apostle #as in I`tika!, I 0alled on him at ni$ht and ha%in$ had a talk #ith him, I $ot up to depart. (e $ot up also to a00ompany me to my d#ellin$ pla0e, #hi0h #as then in the house o! Usama bin @aid. *#o Ansari men passed by, and #hen they sa# the 2rophet they hastened a#ay. *he 2rophet said )to them,. .on't hurry; It is 8a!iya, the dau$hter o! (uyay )i.e. my #i!e,. *hey said, Elori!ied be Allah; : Allah's Apostle; )(o# dare #e suspe0t you3, (e said, 8atan 0ir0ulates in the


human mind as blood 0ir0ulates in it, and I #as a!raid that 8atan mi$ht thro# an e%il thou$ht )or somethin$, into your hearts. 4.7C&: Narrated 8ulaiman bin 8urd: -hile I #as sittin$ in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet, t#o men abused ea0h other and the !a0e o! one o! them be0ame red #ith an$er, and his 4u$ular %eins s#elled )i.e. he be0ame !urious,. :n that the 2rophet said, I kno# a #ord, the sayin$ o! #hi0h #ill 0ause him to rela/, i! he does say it. I! he says: 'I seek Ge!u$e #ith Allah !rom 8atan.' then all is an$er #ill $o a#ay. 8ome body said to him, *he 2rophet has said, '8eek re!u$e #ith Allah !rom 8atan. ' *he an$ry man said, Am I mad3 4.7C1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, I! anyone o! you, on ha%in$ se/ual relation #ith his #i!e, says: ': Allah; 2rote0t me !rom 8atan, and pre%ent 8atan !rom approa0hin$ the o!!sprin$ you are $oin$ to $i%e me,' and i! it happens that the lady 0on0ei%es a 0hild, 8atan #ill neither harm it nor be $i%en po#er o%er it. 4.7C4: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet o!!ered a prayer, and )a!ter !inishin$, he said, 8atan 0ame in !ront o! me tryin$ persistently to di%ert my attention !rom the prayer, but Allah $a%e me the stren$th to o%er'po#er him. 4.7C7: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, -hen the 0all !or the prayer is pronoun0ed, 8atan takes to his heels, passin$ #ind #ith noise, -hen the 0all !or the prayer is !inished, he 0omes ba0k. And #hen the I5ama is pronoun0ed, he a$ain takes to his heels, and a!ter its 0ompletion, he returns a$ain to inter!ere bet#een the )prayin$, person and his heart, sayin$ to him. 'Gemember this or that thin$.' till the person !or$ets #hether he has o!!ered three or !our rak`at: so i! one !or$ets #hether he has prayed three or !our rak`a' t, he should per!orm t#o prostrations o! 8ahu )i.e. !or$et!ulness,. 4.7C=: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, -hen any human bein$ is born. 8atan tou0hes him at both sides o! the body #ith his t#o !in$ers, e/0ept +esus, the son o! "ary, #hom 8atan tried to tou0h but !ailed, !or he tou0hed the pla0enta'0o%er instead. 4.7C>: Narrated Al5ama: I #ent to 8ham )and asked. -ho is here3 ,, *he people said, Abu Ad'.arda. Abu .arda said, Is the person #hom Allah has prote0ted a$ainst 8atan, )as Allah's Apostle said, amon$st you . *he sub' narrator, "u$hira said that the person #ho #as $i%en Allah's Ge!u$e throu$h the ton$ue o! the 2rophet #as `Ammar )bin <asir,. 4.7C?: Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet said, -hile the an$els talk amidst the 0louds about thin$s that are $oin$ to happen on earth, the de%ils hear a #ord o! #hat they say and pour it in the ears o! a soothsayer as one pours somethin$ in a bottle, and they add one hundred lies to that )one #ord,. 4.7CB: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, <a#nin$ is !rom 8atan and i! anyone o! you ya#ns, he should 0he0k his ya#nin$ as mu0h as possible, !or i! anyone o! you )durin$ the a0t o! ya#nin$, should say: '(a', 8atan #ill lau$h at him. 4.71C: Narrated `Aisha: :n the day )o! the battle, o! Uhud #hen the pa$ans #ere de!eated, 8atan shouted, : sla%es o! Allah; Be#are o! the !or0es at your ba0k, and on that the "uslims o! the !ront !iles !ou$ht #ith the "uslims >=

o! the ba0k !iles )thinkin$ they #ere pa$ans,. (udhai!a looked ba0k to see his !ather Al'<aman, )bein$ atta0ked by the "uslims,. (e shouted, : Allah's 8la%es; "y !ather; "y !ather; By Allah, they did not stop till they killed him. (udhai!a said, "ay Allah !or$i%e you. `Ur#a said that (udhai!a 0ontinued to do $ood )in%okin$ Allah to !or$i%e the killer o! his !ather till he met Allah )i.e. died,. 4.711: Narrated `Aisha: I asked the 2rophet about one's lookin$ here and there durin$ the prayer. (e replied, It is #hat 8atan steals !rom the prayer o! any one o! you. 4.71&: Narrated Abu 6atada: as belo# i.e. (adith No. 711, 4.711: Narrated Abu 6atada: *he 2rophet said, A $ood dream is !rom Allah, and a bad or e%il dream is !rom 8atanD so i! anyone o! you has a bad dream o! #hi0h he $ets a!raid, he should spit on his le!t side and should seek Ge!u$e #ith Allah !rom its e%il, !or then it #ill not harm him. 4.714: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, I! one says one'hundred times in one day: None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah, the Alone -ho has no partners, to (im belon$s .ominion and to (im belon$ all the 2raises, and (e has po#er o%er all thin$s )i.e. :mnipotent, , one #ill $et the re#ard o! manumittin$ ten sla%es, and one'hundred $ood deeds #ill be #ritten in his a00ount, and one'hundred bad deeds #ill be #iped o!! or erased !rom his a00ount, and on that day he #ill be prote0ted !rom the mornin$ till e%enin$ !rom 8atan, and nobody #ill be superior to him e/0ept one #ho has done more than that #hi0h he has done. 4.717: Narrated 8a`d bin Abi -a55as: :n0e `Umar asked the lea%e to see Allah's Apostle in #hose 0ompany there #ere some 6uraishi #omen #ho #ere talkin$ to him and askin$ him !or more !inan0ial support raisin$ their %oi0es. -hen `Umar asked permission to enter the #omen $ot up )5ui0kly, hurryin$ to s0reen themsel%es. -hen Allah's Apostle admitted `Umar, Allah's Apostle #as smilin$, `Umar asked, : Allah's Apostle; "ay Allah keep you $ay al#ays. Allah's Apostle said, I am astonished at these #omen #ho #ere #ith me. As soon as they heard your %oi0e, they hastened to s0reen themsel%es. `Umar said, : Allah's Apostle; <ou ha%e more ri$ht to be !eared by them. *hen he addressed )those #omen, sayin$, : enemies o! your o#n souls; .o you !ear me and not Allah's Apostle 3 *hey replied. <es, !or you are a !ear!ul and !ier0e man as 0ompared #ith Allah's Apostle. :n that Allah's Apostle said )to `Umar,, By (im in -hose (ands my li!e is, #hene%er 8atan sees you takin$ a path, he !ollo#s a path other than yours. 4.71=: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, I! anyone o! you rouses !rom sleep and per!orms the ablution, he should #ash his nose by puttin$ #ater in it and then blo#in$ it out thri0e, be0ause 8atan has stayed in the upper part o! his nose all the ni$ht. 4.71>: Narrated `Abdur'Gahman bin `Abdullah bin `Abdur'Gahman bin Abi 8asaa Ansari: *hat Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri said to his !ather. I see you are !ond o! sheep and the desert, so #hen you #ant to pronoun0e the Adhan, raise your %oi0e #ith it !or #hoe%er #ill hear the Adhan #hether a human bein$, or a +inn, or anythin$ else, #ill bear #itness, in !a%or on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. Abu 8a`id added, I ha%e heard this !rom Allah's Apostle . 4.71?: Narrated Ibn `Umar: >>

*hat he heard the 2rophet deli%erin$ a sermon on the pulpit sayin$, 9ill snakes and kill .hu'at' *u!yatain )i.e. a snake #ith t#o #hite lines on its ba0k, and AIBA*G:88 )i.e. a snake #ith short or mutilated tail, !or they destroy the si$ht o! one's eyes and brin$ about abortion. )`Abdullah bin `Umar !urther added,: :n0e #hile I #as 0hasin$ a snake in order, to kill it, Abu Iubaba 0alled me sayin$: .on't kill it, I said. Allah's Apostle ordered us to kill snakes. (e said, But later on he prohibited the killin$ o! snakes li%in$ in the houses. )AF'@ubri said. 8u0h snakes are 0alled Al'A#amir. , 4.71B: Narrated Abu 8a`id al'9hudri: Allah's Apostle said, *here #ill 0ome a time #hen the best property o! a man #ill be sheep #hi0h he #ill $raFe on the tops o! mountains and the pla0es #here rain !alls )i.e. pastures, es0apin$ to prote0t his reli$ion !rom a!!li0tions. 4.7&C: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he main sour0e o! disbelie! is in the east. 2ride and arro$an0e are 0hara0teristi0s o! the o#ners o! horses and 0amels, and those bedouins #ho are busy #ith their 0amels and pay no attention to Geli$ionD #hile modesty and $entleness are the 0hara0teristi0s o! the o#ners o! sheep. 4.7&1: Narrated `U5ba bin `Umar and Abu "as`ud: Allah's Apostle pointed #ith his hand to#ards <emen and said, *rue Belie! is <emenite yonder )i.e. the <emenite, had *rue Belie! and embra0ed Islam readily,, but sternness and mer0ilessness are the 5ualities o! those #ho are busy #ith their 0amels and pay no attention to the Geli$ion #here the t#o sides o! the head o! 8atan #ill appear. 8u0h 5ualities belon$ to the tribe o! Gabi`a and "udar. 4.7&&: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, -hen you hear the 0ro#in$ o! 0o0ks, ask !or Allah's Blessin$s !or )their 0ro#in$ indi0ates that, they ha%e seen an an$el. And #hen you hear the brayin$ o! donkeys, seek Ge!u$e #ith Allah !rom 8atan !or )their brayin$ indi0ates, that they ha%e seen a 8atan. 4.7&1: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, -hen ni$ht !alls )or it is e%enin$,, keep your 0hildren 0lose to you !or the de%ils spread out at that time. But #hen an hour o! the ni$ht elapses, you 0an let them !ree. Alose the doors and mention the Name o! Allah, !or 8atan does not open a 0losed door. 4.7&4: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, A $roup o! Israelites #ere lost. Nobody kno#s #hat they did. But I do not see them e/0ept that they #ere 0ursed and 0han$ed into rats, !or i! you put the milk o! a she'0amel in !ront o! a rat, it #ill not drink it, but i! the milk o! a sheep is put in !ront o! it, it #ill drink it. I told this to 9a`b #ho asked me, .id you hear it !rom the 2rophet 3 I said, <es. 9a`b asked me the same 5uestion se%eral times.D I said to 9a`b. .o I read the *orah3 )i.e. I tell you this !rom the 2rophet., 4.7&7: Narrated Aisha: *he 2rophet 0alled the 8alamander, a mis0hie!'doer. I ha%e not heard him orderin$ that it should be killed. 8a`d bin -a55as 0laims that the 2rophet ordered that it should be killed. 4.7&=: Narrated Um 8harik: *hat the 2rophet ordered her to kill 8alamanders. 4.7&>: Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet said, 9ill the snake #ith t#o #hite lines on its ba0k, !or it blinds the on'looker and 0auses abortion. 4.7&?: >?

Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet ordered that a short'tailed or mutilated'tailed snake )i.e. Abtar, should be killed, !or it blinds the on'looker and 0auses abortion. 4.7&B: Narrated Abu "ulaika: Ibn `Umar used to kill snakes, but a!ter#ards he !orbade their killin$ and said, :n0e the 2rophet pulled do#n a #all and sa# a 0ast'o!! skin o! a snake in it. (e said, 'Iook !or the snake. '*hey !ound it and the 2rophet said, 9ill it. Hor this reason I used to kill snakes. Iater on I met Abu Iubaba #ho told me the 2rophet said, '.o not kill snakes e/0ept the short'tailed or mutilated'tailed snake #ith t#o #hite lines on its ba0k, !or it 0auses abortion and makes one blind. 8o kill it.' 4.71C: Narrated Na!i`: Ibn `Umar used to kill snakes but #hen Abu Iubaba in!ormed him that the 2rophet had !orbidden the killin$ o! snakes li%in$ in houses, he $a%e up killin$ them. 4.711: Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet said, Hi%e kinds o! animals are mis0hie!'doers and 0an be killed e%en in the 8an0tuary: *hey are the rat the s0orpion, the kite, the 0ro# and the rabid do$. 4.71&: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, It is not sin!ul o! a person in the state o! Ihram to kill any o! these !i%e animals: *he s0orpion, the rat, the rabid do$, the 0ro# and the kite. 4.711: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: *he 2rophet said, Ao%er your utensils and tie your #ater skins, and 0lose your doors and keep your 0hildren 0lose to you at ni$ht, as the +inns spread out at su0h time and snat0h thin$s a#ay. -hen you $o to bed, put out your li$hts, !or the mis0hie!'doer )i.e. the rat, may dra$ a#ay the #i0k o! the 0andle and burn the d#ellers o! the house. Ata said, *he de%ils. )instead o! the +inns,. 4.714: Narrated `Abdullah: :n0e #e #ere in the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle in a 0a%e. 8urat'al'"ursalat )>>, #as re%ealed there, and #e #ere learnin$ it !rom Allah's Apostle . 8uddenly a snake 0ame out o! its hole and #e rushed to#ards it to kill it, but it hastened and entered its hole be!ore #e #ere able to 0at0h it. Allah's Apostle said, It has been sa%ed !rom your e%il and you ha%e been sa%ed !rom its e%il. 4.717: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet said, A #oman entered the )(ell, Hire be0ause o! a 0at #hi0h she had tied, neither $i%in$ it !ood nor settin$ it !ree to eat !rom the %ermin o! the earth. 4.71=: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, :n0e #hile a prophet amon$st the prophets #as takin$ a rest underneath a tree, an ant bit him. (e, there!ore, ordered that his lu$$a$e be taken a#ay !rom underneath that tree and then ordered that the d#ellin$ pla0e o! the ants should be set on !ire. Allah sent him a re%elation:'' -ouldn't it ha%e been su!!i0ient to burn a sin$le ant3 )that bit you,: )8ee 2a$e 1=&, 0hapter No. 171,. 4.71>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said I! a house !ly !alls in the drink o! anyone o! you, he should dip it )in the drink,, !or one o! its #in$s has a disease and the other has the 0ure !or the disease. 4.71?: Narrated Abu (uraira:


Allah's Apostle said, A prostitute #as !or$i%en by Allah, be0ause, passin$ by a pantin$ do$ near a #ell and seein$ that the do$ #as about to die o! thirst, she took o!! her shoe, and tyin$ it #ith her head'0o%er she dre# out some #ater !or it. 8o, Allah !or$a%e her be0ause o! that. 4.71B: Narrated Abu *alha: *he 2rophet said, An$els do not enter a house #it0h has either a do$ or a pi0ture in it. 4.74C: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle ordered that the do$s should be killed. 4.741: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, I! somebody keeps a do$, he loses one 6irat )o! the re#ard, o! his $ood deeds e%eryday, e/0ept i! he keeps it !or the purpose o! a$ri0ulture or !or the prote0tion o! li%esto0k. 4.74&: Narrated 8u!yan bin Abi @uhair Ash'8hani: *hat he heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, I! somebody keeps a do$ that is neither used !or !arm #ork nor !or $uardin$ the li%esto0k, he #ill lose one 6irat )o! the re#ard, o! his $ood deeds e%eryday. 4.741: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, Allah 0reated Adam, makin$ him =C 0ubits tall. -hen (e 0reated him, (e said to him, Eo and $reet that $roup o! an$els, and listen to their reply, !or it #ill be your $reetin$ )salutation, and the $reetin$ )salutations o! your o!!sprin$. 8o, Adam said )to the an$els,, As'8alamu Alaikum )i.e. 2ea0e be upon you,. *he an$els said, As'salamu Alaika #a Gahmatu'l'lahi )i.e. 2ea0e and Allah's "er0y be upon you,. *hus the an$els added to Adam's salutation the e/pression, '-a Gahmatu'l'lahi,' Any person #ho #ill enter 2aradise #ill resemble Adam )in appearan0e and !i$ure,. 2eople ha%e been de0reasin$ in stature sin0e Adam's 0reation. 4.744: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he !irst $roup o! people #ho #ill enter 2aradise, #ill be $litterin$ like the !ull moon and those #ho #ill !ollo# them, #ill $litter like the most brilliant star in the sky. *hey #ill not urinate, relie%e nature, spit, or ha%e any nasal se0retions. *heir 0ombs #ill be o! $old, and their s#eat #ill smell like musk. *he aloes'#ood #ill be used in their 0enters. *heir #i%es #ill be houris. All o! them #ill look alike and #ill resemble their !ather Adam )in statute,, si/ty 0ubits tall. 4.747: Narrated Abu 8alama: Um 8alama said, Um 8alaim said, ': Allah's Apostle; Allah does not re!rain !rom sayin$ the truth; Is it obli$atory !or a #oman to take a bath a!ter she $ets no0turnal dis0har$e3' (e said, '<es, i! she noti0es the #ater )i.e. dis0har$e,.' Um 8alama smiled and said, '.oes a #oman $et dis0har$e3' Allah's Apostle said. '*hen #hy does a 0hild resemble )its mother,3 4.74=: Narrated Anas: -hen `Abdullah bin 8alam heard the arri%al o! the 2rophet at "edina, he 0ame to him and said, I am $oin$ to ask you about three thin$s #hi0h nobody kno#s e/0ept a prophet: -hat is the !irst portent o! the (our3 -hat #ill be the !irst meal taken by the people o! 2aradise3 -hy does a 0hild resemble its !ather, and #hy does it resemble its maternal un0le Allah's Apostle said, Eabriel has 4ust no# told me o! their ans#ers. `Abdullah said, (e )i.e. Eabriel,, !rom amon$st all the an$els, is the enemy o! the +e#s. Allah's Apostle said, *he !irst portent o! the (our #ill be a !ire that #ill brin$ to$ether the people !rom the east to the #estD the !irst meal o! the people o! 2aradise #ill be J/tra'lobe )0audate lobe, o! !ish'li%er. As !or the resemblan0e o! the 0hild to its parents: I! a man has se/ual inter0ourse #ith his #i!e and $ets dis0har$e !irst, the 0hild #ill resemble the !ather, and i! the #oman $ets dis0har$e !irst, the 0hild #ill resemble her. :n that `Abdullah bin 8alam said, I testi!y that you are ?C

the Apostle o! Allah. `Abdullah bin 8alam !urther said, : Allah's Apostle; *he +e#s are liars, and i! they should 0ome to kno# about my 0on%ersion to Islam be!ore you ask them )about me,, they #ould tell a lie about me. *he +e#s 0ame to Allah's Apostle and `Abdullah #ent inside the house. Allah's Apostle asked )the +e#s,, -hat kind o! man is `Abdullah bin 8alam amon$st you3 *hey replied, (e is the most learned person amon$st us, and the best amon$st us, and the son o! the best amon$st us. Allah's Apostle said, -hat do you think i! he embra0es Islam )#ill you do as he does,3 *he +e#s said, "ay Allah sa%e him !rom it. *hen `Abdullah bin 8alam 0ame out in !ront o! them sayin$, I testi!y that None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah and that "uhammad is the Apostle o! Allah. *hereupon they said, (e is the e%ilest amon$ us, and the son o! the e%ilest amon$st us, and 0ontinued talkin$ badly o! him. 4.74>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, But !or the Israelis, meat #ould not de0ay and but !or J%e, #i%es #ould ne%er betray their husbands. 4.74?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah 's Apostle said, *reat #omen ni0ely, !or a #omen is 0reated !rom a rib, and the most 0ur%ed portion o! the rib is its upper portion, so, i! you should try to strai$hten it, it #ill break, but i! you lea%e it as it is, it #ill remain 0rooked. 8o treat #omen ni0ely. 4.74B: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, )as re$ards your 0reation,, e%ery one o! you is 0olle0ted in the #omb o! his mother !or the !irst !orty days, and then he be0omes a 0lot !or an other !orty days, and then a pie0e o! !lesh !or an other !orty days. *hen Allah sends an an$el to #rite !our #ords: (e #rites his deeds, time o! his death, means o! his li%elihood, and #hether he #ill be #ret0hed or blessed )in reli$ion,. *hen the soul is breathed into his body. 8o a man may do deeds 0hara0teristi0 o! the people o! the )(ell, Hire, so mu0h so that there is only the distan0e o! a 0ubit bet#een him and it, and then #hat has been #ritten )by the an$el, surpasses, and so he starts doin$ deeds 0hara0teristi0 o! the people o! 2aradise and enters 2aradise. 8imilarly, a person may do deeds 0hara0teristi0 o! the people o! 2aradise, so mu0h so that there is only the distan0e o! a 0ubit bet#een him and it, and then #hat has been #ritten )by the an$el, surpasses, and he starts doin$ deeds o! the people o! the )(ell, Hire and enters the )(ell, Hire. 4.77C: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet said, Allah has appointed an an$el in the #omb, and the an$el says, ': Iord; A drop o! dis0har$e )i.e. o! semen,, : Iord; a 0lot, : Iord; a pie0e o! !lesh.' And then, i! Allah #ishes to 0omplete the 0hild's 0reation, the an$el #ill say. ': Iord; A male or a !emale3 : Iord; #ret0hed or blessed )in reli$ion,3 -hat #ill his li%elihood be3 -hat #ill his a$e be3' *he an$el #rites all this #hile the 0hild is in the #omb o! its mother. 4.771: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet said, Allah #ill say to that person o! the )(ell, Hire #ho #ill re0ei%e the least punishment, 'I! you had e%erythin$ on the earth, #ould you $i%e it as a ransom to !ree yoursel! )i.e. sa%e yoursel! !rom this Hire,3' (e #ill say, '<es.' *hen Allah #ill say, '-hile you #ere in the ba0kbone o! Adam, I asked you mu0h less than this, i.e. not to #orship others besides "e, but you insisted on #orshippin$ others besides me.' 4.77&: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, -hene%er a person is murdered un4ustly, there is a share !rom the burden o! the 0rime on the !irst son o! Adam !or he #as the !irst to start the tradition o! murderin$. 4.771: Narrated Ibn `Umar: ?1

:n0e Allah's Apostle stood amon$st the people, $lori!ied and praised Allah as (e deser%ed and then mentioned the .a44al sayin$, l #arn you a$ainst him )i.e. the .a44al, and there #as no prophet but #arned his nation a$ainst him. No doubt, Noah #arned his nation a$ainst him but I tell you about him somethin$ o! #hi0h no prophet told his nation be!ore me. <ou should kno# that he is one'eyed, and Allah is not one'eyed. 4.774: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, 8hall I not tell you about the .a44al a story o! #hi0h no prophet told his nation3 *he .a44all is one'eyed and #ill brin$ #ith him #hat #ill resemble (ell and 2aradise, and #hat he #ill 0all 2aradise #ill be a0tually (ellD so I #arn you )a$ainst him, as Noah #arned his nation a$ainst him. 4.777: Narrated Abu 8a`id: Allah's Apostle said, Noah and his nation #ill 0ome )on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion and Allah #ill ask )Noah,, .id you 0on%ey )the "essa$e,3' (e #ill reply, '<es, : my Iord;' *hen Allah #ill ask Noah's nation, '.id Noah 0on%ey "y "essa$e to you3' *hey #ill reply, 'No, no prophet 0ame to us.' *hen Allah #ill ask Noah, '-ho #ill stand a #itness !or you3' (e #ill reply, '"uhammad and his !ollo#ers )#ill stand #itness !or me,.' 8o, I and my !ollo#ers #ill stand as #itnesses !or him )that he 0on%eyed Allah's "essa$e,. *hat is, )the interpretation, o! the 8tatement o! Allah: *hus #e ha%e made you a 4ust and the best nation that you mi$ht be #itnesses :%er mankind .. )&.141, 4.77=: Narrated Abu (uraira: -e #ere in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet at a ban5uet and a 0ooked )mutton, !orearm #as set be!ore him, and he used to like it. (e ate a morsel o! it and said, I #ill be the 0hie! o! all the people on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. .o you kno# ho# Allah #ill $ather all the !irst and the last )people, in one le%el pla0e #here an obser%er #ill be able to see )all, o! them and they #ill be able to hear the announ0er, and the sun #ill 0ome near to them. 8ome 2eople #ill say: .on't you see, in #hat 0ondition you are and the state to #hi0h you ha%e rea0hed3 -hy don't you look !or a person #ho 0an inter0ede !or you #ith your Iord3 8ome people #ill say: Appeal to your !ather, Adam.' *hey #ill $o to him and say: ': Adam; <ou are the !ather o! all mankind, and Allah 0reated you #ith (is :#n (ands, and ordered the an$els to prostrate !or you, and made you li%e in 2aradise. -ill you not inter0ede !or us #ith your Iord3 .on't you see in #hat )miserable, state #e are, and to #hat 0ondition #e ha%e rea0hed3' :n that Adam #ill reply, '"y Iord is so an$ry as (e has ne%er been be!ore and #ill ne%er be in the !utureD )besides,, (e !orbade me )to eat !rom, the tree, but I disobeyed )(im,, )I am #orried about, mysel!; "ysel!; Eo to somebody elseD $o to Noah.' *hey #ill $o to Noah and sayD ': Noah; <ou are the !irst amon$st the messen$ers o! Allah to the people o! the earth, and Allah named you a thank!ul sla%e. .on't you see in #hat a )miserable, state #e are and to #hat 0ondition #e ha%e rea0hed3 -ill you not inter0ede !or us #ith your Iord3 Noah #ill reply: '*oday my Iord has be0ome so an$ry as he had ne%er been be!ore and #ill ne%er be in the !uture "ysel!; "ysel!; Eo to the 2rophet )"uhammad,. *he people #ill 0ome to me, and I #ill prostrate mysel! underneath Allah's *hrone. *hen I #ill be addressed: ': "uhammad; Gaise your headD inter0ede, !or your inter0ession #ill be a00epted, and ask )!or anythin$,. !or you #ill be $i%en. 4.77>: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's Apostle re0ited the !ollo#in$ Verse, in the usual tone: 'Hahal'"in'"uddalkir.' )74.17, 4.77?: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, I ha%e been made %i0torious #ith As'8aba )i.e. an easterly #ind, and the people o! 'Ad #ere destroyed by Ad'.abur )i.e. a #esterly #ind,. Narrated Abu 8a`id: `Ali sent a pie0e o! $old to the 2rophet #ho distributed it amon$ !our persons: Al'A5ra' bin (`Abis Al'(anFali !rom the tribe o! "u4ashi, 'Uyaina bin Badr Al'HaFari, @aid at'*a'i #ho belon$ed to )the tribe o!, Bani Nahban, and 'Al5ama bin Ulatha Al'`Amir #ho belon$ed to )the tribe o!, Bani 9ilab. 8o the 6uraish and the Ansar ?&

be0ame an$ry and said, (e )i.e. the 2rophet, , $i%es the 0hie! o! Na4d and does not $i%e us. *he 2rophet said, I $i%e them, so as to attra0t their hearts )to Islam,. *hen a man #ith sunken eyes, prominent 0he0ks, a raised !orehead, a thi0k beard and a sha%en head, 0ame )in !ront o! the 2rophet , and said, Be a!raid o! Allah, : "uhammad; *he 2rophet ' said -ho #ould obey Allah i! I disobeyed (im3 )Is it !air that, Allah has trusted all the people o! the earth to me #hile, you do not trust me3 8omebody #ho, I think #as 9halid bin Al'-alid, re5uested the 2rophet to let him 0hop that man's head o!!, but he pre%ented him. -hen the man le!t, the 2rophet said, Amon$ the o!!'sprin$ o! this man #ill be some #ho #ill re0ite the 6ur'an but the 6ur'an #ill not rea0h beyond their throats )i.e. they #ill re0ite like parrots and #ill not understand it nor a0t on it,, and they #ill rene$ade !rom the reli$ion as an arro# $oes throu$h the $ame's body. *hey #ill kill the "uslims but #ill not disturb the idolaters. I! I should li%e up to their time' I #ill kill them as the people o! 'Ad #ere killed )i.e. I #ill kill all o! them,. 4.77B: Narrated `Abdullah: I heard the 2rophet re0itin$: Hahal "in "uddakir. )8ee (adith No. 77>, 4.7=C: Narrated `Abdullah bin @am`a: I heard the 2rophet #hile re!errin$ to the person #ho had 0ut the le$s o! the she'0amel )o! the 2rophet 8alih,, sayin$, *he man #ho #as appointed !or doin$ this 4ob, #as a man o! honor and po#er in his nation like Abu @am`a. 4.7=1: Narrated Ibn `Umar: -hen Allah's Apostle landed at Al'(i4r durin$ the EhaF#a o! *abuk, he ordered his 0ompanions not to drink #ater !rom its #ell or reser%e #ater !rom it. *hey said, -e ha%e already kneaded the dou$h #ith its #ater. and also !illed our ba$s #ith its #ater.'' :n that, the 2rophet ordered them to thro# a#ay the dou$h and pour out the #ater. 4.7=&: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: *he people landed at the land o! *hamud 0alled Al'(i4r alon$ #ith Allah's Apostle and they took #ater !rom its #ell !or drinkin$ and kneadin$ the dou$h #ith it as #ell. )-hen Allah's Apostle heard about it, he ordered them to pour out the #ater they had taken !rom its #ells and !eed the 0amels #ith the dou$h, and ordered them to take #ater !rom the #ell #hen0e the she'0amel )o! 2rophet 8alih, used to drink. 4.7=1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: -hen the 2rophet passed by )a pla0e 0alled, Al (i4r, he said, .o not enter the house o! those #ho #ere un4ust to themsel%es, unless )you enter, #eepin$, lest you should su!!er the same punishment as #as in!li0ted upon them. A!ter that he 0o%ered his !a0e #ith his sheet 0loth #hile he #as on the 0amel'saddle. 4.7=4: Narrated Ibn `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, .o not enter the ruined d#ellin$s o! those #ho #ere un4ust to themsel%es unless )you enter, #eepin$, lest you should su!!er the same punishment as #as in!li0ted upon them. 4.7=7: Narrated @ainab bint +ahsh: *hat the 2rophet on0e 0ame to her in a state o! !ear and said, None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah. -oe unto the Arabs !rom a dan$er that has 0ome near. An openin$ has been made in the #all o! Eo$ and "a$o$ like this, makin$ a 0ir0le #ith his thumb and inde/ !in$er. @ainab bint +ahsh said, : Allah's Apostle; 8hall #e be destroyed e%en thou$h there are pious persons amon$ us3 (e said, <es, #hen the e%il person #ill in0rease. 4.7==: Narrated Abu (uraira: ?1

*he 2rophet said, Allah has made an openin$ in the #all o! the Eo$ and "a$o$ )people, like this, and he made #ith his hand )#ith the help o! his !in$ers,. 4.7=>: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: *he 2rophet said, Allah #ill say )on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion,, ': Adam.' Adam #ill reply, 'Iabbaik #a 8a`daik', and all the $ood is in <our (and.' Allah #ill say: 'Brin$ out the people o! the !ire.' Adam #ill say: ': Allah; (o# many are the people o! the Hire3' Allah #ill reply: 'Hrom e%ery one thousand, take out nine'hundred'and ninety'nine.' At that time 0hildren #ill be0ome hoary headed, e%ery pre$nant !emale #ill ha%e a mis0arria$e, and one #ill see mankind as drunken, yet they #ill not be drunken, but dread!ul #ill be the -rath o! Allah. *he 0ompanions o! the 2rophet asked, : Allah's Apostle; -ho is that )e/0epted, one3 (e said, Ge4oi0e #ith $lad tidin$sD one person #ill be !rom you and one'thousand #ill be !rom Eo$ and "a$o$. *he 2rophet !urther said, By (im in -hose (ands my li!e is, hope that you #ill be one'!ourth o! the people o! 2aradise. -e shouted, Allahu Akbar; (e added, I hope that you #ill be one'third o! the people o! 2aradise. -e shouted, Allahu Akbar; (e said, I hope that you #ill be hal! o! the people o! 2aradise. -e shouted, Allahu Akbar; (e !urther said, <ou )"uslims, )0ompared #ith non "uslims, are like a bla0k hair in the skin o! a #hite o/ or like a #hite hair in the skin o! a bla0k o/ )i.e. your number is %ery small as 0ompared #ith theirs,. 4.7=?: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, <ou #ill be $athered )on the .ay o! +ud$ment,, bare'!ooted, naked and not 0ir0um0ised. (e then re0ited:'''As -e be$an the !irst 0reation, -e, shall repeat it: A 2romise -e ha%e undertaken: *ruly #e shall do it.' )&1.1C4, (e added, *he !irst to be dressed on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion, #ill be Abraham, and some o! my 0ompanions #ill be taken to#ards the le!t side )i.e. to the )(ell, Hire,, and I #ill say: '"y 0ompanions; "y 0ompanions;' It #ill be said: '*hey rene$ade !rom Islam a!ter you le!t them.' *hen I #ill say as the 2ious sla%e o! Allah )i.e. +esus, said. 'And I #as a #itness :%er them #hile I d#elt amon$st them. -hen <ou took me up <ou #ere the -at0her o%er them, And <ou are a #itness to all thin$s. I! <ou punish them. *hey are <our sla%es And i! <ou !or$i%e them, Verily you, only <ou are the All'"i$hty, the All'-ise. )7.1&C'1&1, 4.7=B: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, :n the .ay o! Gesurre0tion Abraham #ill meet his !ather AFar #hose !a0e #ill be dark and 0o%ered #ith dust.)*he 2rophet Abraham #ill say to him,: '.idn't I tell you not to disobey me3' (is !ather #ill reply: '*oday I #ill not disobey you.' 'Abraham #ill say: ': Iord; <ou promised me not to dis$ra0e me on the .ay o! Gesurre0tionD and #hat #ill be more dis$ra0e!ul to me than 0ursin$ and dishonorin$ my !ather3' *hen Allah #ill say )to him,:' 'I ha%e !orbidden 2aradise !or the disbelie%ers. *hen he #ill be addressed, ': Abraham; Iook; -hat is underneath your !eet3' (e #ill look and there he #ill see a .habh )an animal,, blood'stained, #hi0h #ill be 0au$ht by the le$s and thro#n in the )(ell, Hire. 4.7>C: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet entered the 9a`ba and !ound in it the pi0tures o! )2rophet, Abraham and "ary. :n that he said' -hat is the matter #ith them ) i.e. 6uraish,3 *hey ha%e already heard that an$els do not enter a house in #hi0h there are pi0turesD yet this is the pi0ture o! Abraham. And #hy is he depi0ted as pra0ti0in$ di%ination by arro#s3 4.7>1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: -hen the 2rophet sa# pi0tures in the 9a`ba, he did not enter it till he ordered them to be erased. -hen he sa# )the pi0tures o! Abraham and Ishmael 0arryin$ the arro#s o! di%ination, he said, "ay Allah 0urse them )i.e. the 6uraish,; By Allah, neither Abraham nor Ishmael pra0ti0ed di%ination by arro#s. 4.7>&: ?4

Narrated Abu (uraira: *he people said, : Allah's Apostle; -ho is the most honorable amon$st the people )in Allah's 8i$ht,3 (e said, *he most ri$hteous amon$st them. *hey said, -e do not ask you, about this. (e said, *hen +oseph, Allah's 2rophet, the son o! Allah's 2rophet, *he son o! Allah's 2rophet the son o! Allah's 9halil )i.e. Abraham,. *hey said, -e do not #ant to ask about this, (e said' *hen you #ant to ask about the des0ent o! the Arabs. *hose #ho #ere the best in the pre'lslami0 period o! i$noran0e #ill be the best in Islam pro%ided they 0omprehend the reli$ious kno#led$e. 4.7>1: Narrated 8amura: Allah's Apostle said, *#o persons 0ame to me at ni$ht )in dream, )and took me alon$ #ith them,. -e passed by a tall man #ho #as so tall that I #as not able to see his head and that person #as Abraham. 4.7>4: Narrated "u4ahid: *hat #hen the people mentioned be!ore Ibn `Abbas that the .a44al #ould ha%e the #ord 9a!ir, )i.e. unbelie%er, or the letters 9a!ir )the root o! the Arabi0 %erb 'disbelie%e', #ritten on his !orehead, I heard Ibn `Abbas sayin$, I did not hear this, but the 2rophet said, 'I! you #ant to see Abraham, then look at your 0ompanion )i.e. the 2rophet, but "oses #as a 0urly'haired, bro#n man )#ho used to ride, a red 0amel, the reins o! #hi0h #as made o! !ires o! date'palms. As i! I #ere no# lookin$ do#n a %alley. 4.7>7: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Abraham did his 0ir0um0ision #ith an adFe at the a$e o! ei$hty. 4.7>=: Narrated Abu AF'@inad: )as abo%e in (adith No. 7>7, -ith an adFe. 4.7>>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Abraham did not tell a lie e/0ept on three o00asions. 4.7>?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Abraham did not tell a lie e/0ept on three o00asion. *#i0e !or the 8ake o! Allah #hen he said, I am si0k, and he said, )I ha%e not done this but, the bi$ idol has done it. *he )third #as, that #hile Abraham and 8arah )his #i!e, #ere $oin$ )on a 4ourney, they passed by )the territory o!, a tyrant. 8omeone said to the tyrant, *his man )i.e. Abraham, is a00ompanied by a %ery 0harmin$ lady. 8o, he sent !or Abraham and asked him about 8arah sayin$, -ho is this lady3 Abraham said, 8he is my sister. Abraham #ent to 8arah and said, : 8arah; *here are no belie%ers on the sur!a0e o! the earth e/0ept you and I. *his man asked me about you and I ha%e told him that you are my sister, so don't 0ontradi0t my statement. *he tyrant then 0alled 8arah and #hen she #ent to him, he tried to take hold o! her #ith his hand, but )his hand $ot sti!! and, he #as 0on!ounded. (e asked 8arah. 2ray to Allah !or me, and I shall not harm you. 8o 8arah asked Allah to 0ure him and he $ot 0ured. (e tried to take hold o! her !or the se0ond time, but )his hand $ot as sti!! as or sti!!er than be!ore and, #as more 0on!ounded. (e a$ain re5uested 8arah, 2ray to Allah !or me, and I #ill not harm you. 8arah asked Allah a$ain and he be0ame alri$ht. (e then 0alled one o! his $uards )#ho had brou$ht her, and said, <ou ha%e not brou$ht me a human bein$ but ha%e brou$ht me a de%il. *he tyrant then $a%e (a4ar as a $irl'ser%ant to 8arah. 8arah 0ame ba0k )to Abraham, #hile he #as prayin$. Abraham, $esturin$ #ith his hand, asked, -hat has happened3 8he replied, Allah has spoiled the e%il plot o! the in!idel )or immoral person, and $a%e me (a4ar !or ser%i0e. )Abu (uraira then addressed his listeners sayin$, *hat )(a4ar, #as your mother, : Bani "a'is'8ama )i.e. the Arabs, the des0endants o! Ishmael, (a4ar's son,. 4.7>B: ?7

Narrated Um 8harik: Allah's Apostle ordered that the salamander should be killed and said, It )i.e. the salamander, ble# )the !ire, on Abraham. 4.7?C: Narrated `Abdullah: -hen the Verse:'' It is those #ho belie%e and do not 0on!use their belie! #ith #ron$ ) i.e. 4oinin$ others in #orship #ith Allah )=.?1, #as re%ealed, #e said, : Allah's Apostle; -ho is there amon$st us #ho has not done #ron$ to himsel!3 (e replied, It is not as you say, !or '#ron$' in the Verse and 'do not 0on!use their belie!, #ith #ron$ means '8(IG9' )i.e. 4oinin$ others in #orship #ith Allah,. (a%en't you heard Iu5man's sayin$ to his son, ': my son; +oin not others in #orship #ith Allah, %erily 4oinin$ others in #orship #ith Allah is a $reat #ron$ indeed. )11.11, 4.7?1: Narrated Abu (uraira: :ne day some meat #as $i%en to the 2rophet and he said, :n the .ay o! Gesurre0tion Allah #ill $ather all the !irst and the last )people, in one plain, and the %oi0e o! the announ0er #ill rea0h all o! them, and one #ill be able to see them all, and the sun #ill 0ome 0loser to them. )*he narrator then mentioned the narration o! inter0ession,: *he people #ill $o to Abraham and say: '<ou are Allah's 2rophet and (is 9halil on the earth. -ill you inter0ede !or us #ith your Iord3' Abraham #ill then remember his lies and say: '"ysel!; "ysel!; Eo to "oses. 4.7?&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, "ay Allah besto# (is "er0y on the mother o! Ishmael; (ad she not hastened )to !ill her #ater'skin #ith #ater !rom the @amFam #ell,. @amFam #ould ha%e been a stream !lo#in$ on the sur!a0e o! the earth. Ibn `Abbas !urther added, )*he 2rophet, Abraham brou$ht Ishmael and his mother )to "e00a, and she #as su0klin$ Ishmael and she had a #ater'skin #ith her.' 4.7?1: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he !irst lady to use a $irdle #as the mother o! Ishmael. 8he used a $irdle so that she mi$ht hide her tra0ks !rom 8arah. Abraham brou$ht her and her son Ishmael #hile she #as su0klin$ him, to a pla0e near the 9a`ba under a tree on the spot o! @amFam, at the hi$hest pla0e in the mos5ue. .urin$ those days there #as nobody in "e00a, nor #as there any #ater 8o he made them sit o%er there and pla0ed near them a leather ba$ 0ontainin$ some dates, and a small #ater'skin 0ontainin$ some #ater, and set out home#ard. Ishmael's mother !ollo#ed him sayin$, : Abraham; -here are you $oin$, lea%in$ us in this %alley #here there is no person #hose 0ompany #e may en4oy, nor is there anythin$ )to en4oy,3 8he repeated that to him many times, but he did not look ba0k at her *hen she asked him, (as Allah ordered you to do so3 (e said, <es. 8he said, *hen (e #ill not ne$le0t us, and returned #hile Abraham pro0eeded on#ards, and on rea0hin$ the *haniya #here they 0ould not see him, he !a0ed the 9a`ba, and raisin$ both hands, in%oked Allah sayin$ the !ollo#in$ prayers: ': our Iord; I ha%e made some o! my o!!sprin$ d#ell in a %alley #ithout 0ulti%ation, by <our 8a0red (ouse )9a`ba at "e00a, in order, : our Iord, that they may o!!er prayer per!e0tly. 8o !ill some hearts amon$ men #ith lo%e to#ards them, and ): Allah, pro%ide them #ith !ruits, so that they may $i%e thanks.' )14.1>, Ishmael's mother #ent on su0klin$ Ishmael and drinkin$ !rom the #ater )she had,. -hen the #ater in the #ater'skin had all been used up, she be0ame thirsty and her 0hild also be0ame thirsty. 8he started lookin$ at him )i.e. Ishmael, tossin$ in a$onyD 8he le!t him, !or she 0ould not endure lookin$ at him, and !ound that the mountain o! 8a!a #as the nearest mountain to her on that land. 8he stood on it and started lookin$ at the %alley keenly so that she mi$ht see somebody, but she 0ould not see anybody. *hen she des0ended !rom 8a!a and #hen she rea0hed the %alley, she tu0ked up her robe and ran in the %alley like a person in distress and trouble, till she 0rossed the %alley and rea0hed the "ar#a mountain #here she stood and started lookin$, e/pe0tin$ to see somebody, but she 0ould not see anybody. 8he repeated that )runnin$ bet#een 8a!a and "ar#a, se%en times. *he 2rophet said, *his is the sour0e o! the tradition o! the #alkin$ o! people bet#een them )i.e. 8a!a and "ar#a,. -hen she rea0hed the "ar#a )!or the last time, she heard a %oi0e and she asked hersel! ?=

to be 5uiet and listened attenti%ely. 8he heard the %oi0e a$ain and said, ':, )#hoe%er you may be,; <ou ha%e made me hear your %oi0eD ha%e you $ot somethin$ to help me3 And behold; 8he sa# an an$el at the pla0e o! @amFam, di$$in$ the earth #ith his heel )or his #in$,, till #ater !lo#ed !rom that pla0e. 8he started to make somethin$ like a basin around it, usin$ her hand in this #ay, and started !illin$ her #ater'skin #ith #ater #ith her hands, and the #ater #as !lo#in$ out a!ter she had s0ooped some o! it. *he 2rophet added, "ay Allah besto# "er0y on Ishmael's mother; (ad she let the @amFam )!lo# #ithout tryin$ to 0ontrol it, )or had she not s0ooped !rom that #ater, )to !ill her #ater'skin,, @amFam #ould ha%e been a stream !lo#in$ on the sur!a0e o! the earth. *he 2rophet !urther added, *hen she drank )#ater, and su0kled her 0hild. *he an$el said to her, '.on't be a!raid o! bein$ ne$le0ted, !or this is the (ouse o! Allah #hi0h #ill be built by this boy and his !ather, and Allah ne%er ne$le0ts (is people.' *he (ouse )i.e. 9a`ba, at that time #as on a hi$h pla0e resemblin$ a hillo0k, and #hen torrents 0ame, they !lo#ed to its ri$ht and le!t. 8he li%ed in that #ay till some people !rom the tribe o! +urhum or a !amily !rom +urhum passed by her and her 0hild, as they )i.e. the +urhum people, #ere 0omin$ throu$h the #ay o! 9ada'. *hey landed in the lo#er part o! "e00a #here they sa# a bird that had the habit o! !lyin$ around #ater and not lea%in$ it. *hey said, '*his bird must be !lyin$ around #ater, thou$h #e kno# that there is no #ater in this %alley.' *hey sent one or t#o messen$ers #ho dis0o%ered the sour0e o! #ater, and returned to in!orm them o! the #ater. 8o, they all 0ame )to#ards the #ater,. *he 2rophet added, Ishmael's mother #as sittin$ near the #ater. *hey asked her, '.o you allo# us to stay #ith you3 8he replied, '<es, but you #ill ha%e no ri$ht to possess the #ater.' *hey a$reed to that. *he 2rophet !urther said, Ishmael's mother #as pleased #ith the #hole situation as she used to lo%e to en4oy the 0ompany o! the people. 8o, they settled there, and later on they sent !or their !amilies #ho 0ame and settled #ith them so that some !amilies be0ame permanent residents there. *he 0hild )i.e. Ishmael, $re# up and learnt Arabi0 !rom them and )his %irtues, 0aused them to lo%e and admire him as he $re# up, and #hen he rea0hed the a$e o! puberty they made him marry a #oman !rom amon$st them. A!ter Ishmael's mother had died, Abraham 0ame a!ter Ishmael's marria$e in order to see his !amily that he had le!t be!ore, but he did not !ind Ishmael there. -hen he asked Ishmael's #i!e about him, she replied, '(e has $one in sear0h o! our li%elihood.' *hen he asked her about their #ay o! li%in$ and their 0ondition, and she replied, '-e are li%in$ in miseryD #e are li%in$ in hardship and destitution,' 0omplainin$ to him. (e said, '-hen your husband returns, 0on%ey my salutation to him and tell him to 0han$e the threshold o! the $ate )o! his house,.' -hen Ishmael 0ame, he seemed to ha%e !elt somethin$ unusual, so he asked his #i!e, '(as anyone %isited you3' 8he replied, '<es, an old man o! so'and'so des0ription 0ame and asked me about you and I in!ormed him, and he asked about our state o! li%in$, and I told him that #e #ere li%in$ in a hardship and po%erty.' :n that Ishmael said, '.id he ad%ise you anythin$3' 8he replied, '<es, he told me to 0on%ey his salutation to you and to tell you to 0han$e the threshold o! your $ate.' Ishmael said, 'It #as my !ather, and he has ordered me to di%or0e you. Eo ba0k to your !amily.' 8o, Ishmael di%or0ed her and married another #oman !rom amon$st them )i.e. +urhum,. *hen Abraham stayed a#ay !rom them !or a period as lon$ as Allah #ished and 0alled on them a$ain but did not !ind Ishmael. 8o he 0ame to Ishmael's #i!e and asked her about Ishmael. 8he said, '(e has $one in sear0h o! our li%elihood.' Abraham asked her, '(o# are you $ettin$ on3' askin$ her about their sustenan0e and li%in$. 8he replied, '-e are prosperous and #ell'o!! )i.e. #e ha%e e%erythin$ in abundan0e,.' *hen she thanked Allah' Abraham said, '-hat kind o! !ood do you eat3' 8he said. '"eat.' (e said, '-hat do you drink3' 8he said, '-ater. (e said, : Allah; Bless their meat and #ater. *he 2rophet added, At that time they did not ha%e $rain, and i! they had $rain, he #ould ha%e also in%oked Allah to bless it. *he 2rophet added, I! somebody has only these t#o thin$s as his sustenan0e, his health and disposition #ill be badly a!!e0ted, unless he li%es in "e00a. *he 2rophet added, *hen Abraham said Ishmael's #i!e, -hen your husband 0omes, $i%e my re$ards to him and tell him that he should keep !irm the threshold o! his $ate.' -hen Ishmael 0ame ba0k, he asked his #i!e, '.id anyone 0all on you3' 8he replied, '<es, a $ood'lookin$ old man 0ame to me,' so she praised him and added. '(e asked about you, and I in!ormed him, and he asked about our li%elihood and I told ?>

him that #e #ere in a $ood 0ondition.' Ishmael asked her, '.id he $i%e you any pie0e o! ad%i0e3' 8he said, '<es, he told me to $i%e his re$ards to you and ordered that you should keep !irm the threshold o! your $ate.' :n that Ishmael said, 'It #as my !ather, and you are the threshold )o! the $ate,. (e has ordered me to keep you #ith me.' *hen Abraham stayed a#ay !rom them !or a period as lon$ as Allah #ished, and 0alled on them a!ter#ards. (e sa# Ishmael under a tree near @amFam, sharpenin$ his arro#s. -hen he sa# Abraham, he rose up to #el0ome him )and they $reeted ea0h other as a !ather does #ith his son or a son does #ith his !ather,. Abraham said, ': Ishmael; Allah has $i%en me an order.' Ishmael said, '.o #hat your Iord has ordered you to do.' Abraham asked, '-ill you help me3' Ishmael said, 'I #ill help you.' Abraham said, Allah has ordered me to build a house here,' pointin$ to a hillo0k hi$her than the land surroundin$ it. *he 2rophet added, *hen they raised the !oundations o! the (ouse )i.e. the 9a`ba,. Ishmael brou$ht the stones and Abraham #as buildin$, and #hen the #alls be0ame hi$h, Ishmael brou$ht this stone and put it !or Abraham #ho stood o%er it and 0arried on buildin$, #hile Ishmael #as handin$ him the stones, and both o! them #ere sayin$, ': our Iord; A00ept )this ser%i0e, !rom us, Verily, <ou are the All'(earin$, the All'9no#in$.' *he 2rophet added, *hen both o! them #ent on buildin$ and $oin$ round the 9a`ba sayin$: : our Iord ; A00ept )this ser%i0e, !rom us, Verily, <ou are the All'(earin$, the All'9no#in$. )&.1&>, 4.7?4: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: -hen Abraham had di!!eren0es #ith his #i!e,, )be0ause o! her 4ealousy o! (a4ar, Ishmael's mother,, he took Ishmael and his mother and #ent a#ay. *hey had a #ater'skin #ith them 0ontainin$ some #ater, Ishmael's mother used to drink #ater !rom the #ater'skin so that her milk #ould in0rease !or her 0hild. -hen Abraham rea0hed "e00a, he made her sit under a tree and a!ter#ards returned home. Ishmael's mother !ollo#ed him, and #hen they rea0hed 9ada', she 0alled him !rom behind, ': Abraham; *o #hom are you lea%in$ us3' (e replied, ')I am lea%in$ you, to Allah's )Aare,.' 8he said, 'I am satis!ied to be #ith Allah.' 8he returned to her pla0e and started drinkin$ #ater !rom the #ater'skin, and her milk in0reased !or her 0hild. -hen the #ater had all been used up, she said to hersel!, 'I'd better $o and look so that I may see somebody.' 8he as0ended the 8a!a mountain and looked, hopin$ to see somebody, but in %ain. -hen she 0ame do#n to the %alley, she ran till she rea0hed the "ar#a mountain. 8he ran to and !ro )bet#een the t#o mountains, many times. *hey she said to hersel!, 'i'd better $o and see the state o! the 0hild,' she #ent and !ound it in a state o! one on the point o! dyin$. 8he 0ould not endure to #at0h it dyin$ and said )to hersel!,, 'I! I $o and look, I may !ind somebody.' 8he #ent and as0ended the 8a!a mountain and looked !or a lon$ #hile but 0ould not !ind anybody. *hus she 0ompleted se%en rounds )o! runnin$, bet#een 8a!a and "ar#a. A$ain she said )to hersel!,, 'I'd better $o ba0k and see the state o! the 0hild.' But suddenly she heard a %oi0e, and she said to that stran$e %oi0e, '(elp us i! you 0an o!!er any help.' Io; It #as Eabriel )#ho had made the %oi0e,. Eabriel hit the earth #ith his heel like this )Ibn `Abbas hit the earth #ith his heel to Illustrate it,, and so the #ater $ushed out. Ishmael's mother #as astonished and started di$$in$. )Abu Al'6asim, )i.e. the 2rophet, said, I! she had le!t the #ater, )!lo# naturally #ithout her inter%ention,, it #ould ha%e been !lo#in$ on the sur!a0e o! the earth. , Ishmael's mother started drinkin$ !rom the #ater and her milk in0reased !or her 0hild . A!ter#ards some people o! the tribe o! +urhum, #hile passin$ throu$h the bottom o! the %alley, sa# some birds, and that astonished them, and they said, 'Birds 0an only be !ound at a pla0e #here there is #ater.' *hey sent a messen$er #ho sear0hed the pla0e and !ound the #ater, and returned to in!orm them about it. *hen they all #ent to her and said, ': ishmael's mother; -ill you allo# us to be #ith you )or d#ell #ith you,3' )And thus they stayed there., Iater on her boy rea0hed the a$e o! puberty and married a lady !rom them. *hen an idea o00urred to Abraham #hi0h he dis0losed to his #i!e )8arah,, 'I #ant to 0all on my dependents I le!t )at "e00a,.' -hen he #ent there, he $reeted )Ishmael's #i!e, and said, '-here is Ishmael3' 8he replied, '(e has $one out huntin$.' Abraham said )to her,, '-hen he 0omes, tell him to 0han$e the threshold o! his $ate.' -hen he 0ame, she told him the same #hereupon Ishmael said to her, '<ou are the threshold, so $o to your !amily )i.e. you are di%or0ed,.' A$ain Abraham ??

thou$ht o! %isitin$ his dependents #hom he had le!t )at "e00a,, and he told his #i!e )8arah, o! his intentions. Abraham 0ame to Ishmael's house and asked. -here is Ishmael3 Ishmael's #i!e replied, (e has $one out huntin$, and added, -ill you stay )!or some time, and ha%e somethin$ to eat and drink3' Abraham asked, '-hat is your !ood and #hat is your drink3' 8he replied, ':ur !ood is meat and our drink is #ater.' (e said, ': Allah; Bless their meals and their drink. Abu Al'6a'sim )i.e. 2rophet, said, Be0ause o! Abraham's in%o0ation there are blessin$s )in "e00a,. :n0e more Abraham thou$ht o! %isitin$ his !amily he had le!t )at "e00a,, so he told his #i!e )8arah, o! his de0ision. (e #ent and !ound Ishmael behind the @amFam #ell, mendin$ his arro#s. (e said, : Ishmael, <our Iord has ordered me to build a house !or (im. Ishmael said, :bey )the order o!, your Iord. Abraham said, Allah has also ordered me that you should help me therein. Ishmael said, *hen I #ill do. 8o, both o! them rose and Abraham started buildin$ )the 9a`ba, #hile Ishmael #ent on handin$ him the stones, and both o! them #ere sayin$, : our Iord ; A00ept )this ser%i0e, !rom us, Verily, <ou are the All'(earin$, the All'9no#in$. )&.1&>,. -hen the buildin$ be0ame hi$h and the old man )i.e. Abraham, 0ould no lon$er li!t the stones )to su0h a hi$h position,, he stood o%er the stone o! Al'"a5am and Ishmael 0arried on handin$ him the stones, and both o! them #ere sayin$, ': our Iord; A00ept )this ser%i0e, !rom us, Verily <ou are All'(earin$, All'9no#in$. )&.1&>, 4.7?7: Narrated Abu .har: I said, : Allah's Apostle; -hi0h mos5ue #as !irst built on the sur!a0e o! the earth3 (e said, Al' "as4id'ul',(aram )in "e00a,. I said, -hi0h #as built ne/t3 (e replied *he mos5ue o! Al'A5sa ) in +erusalem, . I said, -hat #as the period o! 0onstru0tion bet#een the t#o3 (e said, Horty years. (e added, -here%er )you may be, and, the prayer time be0omes due, per!orm the prayer there, !or the best thin$ is to do so )i.e. to o!!er the prayers in time,. 4.7?=: Narrated Anas bin "alik: -hen the mountain o! Uhud 0ame in the si$ht o! Allah's Apostle he said. *his is a mountain that lo%es us and is lo%ed by us. : Allah; Abraham made "e00a a san0tuary, and I make )the area, in bet#een these t#o mountains )o! "edina, a san0tuary. 4.7?>: Narrated `Aisha: )*he #i!e o! the 2rophet, Allah's Apostle said )to her,. .on't you see that #hen your !olk built the 9a`ba, they did not build it on all the !oundations built by Abraham3 I said, : Allah's Apostle; -hy don't #e rebuild it on the !oundations o! Abraham3 (e said. But !or the !a0t that your !olk ha%e re0ently $i%en up in!idelity )I #ould ha%e done so,. Narrated Ibn `Umar: Aisha must ha%e heard this !rom Allah's Apostle !or I see that Allah's Apostle used not to tou0h the t#o 0orners !a0in$ Al'(i4r only be0ause the (ouse had not been built on the !oundations o! Abraham.'' 4.7??: Narrated Abu (umaid As'8a`idi: *he people asked, : Allah's Apostle; (o# shall #e )ask Allah to, send blessin$s on you3 Allah's Apostle replied, 8ay: : Allah; 8end <our "er0y on "uhammad and on his #i%es and on his o!! sprin$, as <ou sent <our "er0y on Abraham's !amilyD and send <our Blessin$s on "uhammad and on his o!!sprin$, as <ou sent <our Blessin$s on Abraham's !amily, !or <ou are the "ost 2raise' #orthy, the "ost Elorious. 4.7?B: Narrated `Abdur'Gahman bin Abi Iaila: 9a`b bin U4rah met me and said, 8hall I not $i%e you a present I $ot !rom the 2rophet3 `Abdur' Gahman said, <es, $i%e it to me. I said, -e asked Allah's Apostle sayin$, ': Allah's Apostle; (o# should one )ask Allah to, send blessin$s on you, the members o! the !amily, !or Allah has tau$ht us ho# to salute you )in the prayer,3' (e said, '8ay: : Allah; 8end <our "er0y on "uhammad and on the !amily o! "uhammad, as <ou sent <our "er0y on Abraham and on the !amily o! Abraham, !or ?B

<ou are the "ost 2raise'#orthy, the "ost Elorious. : Allah; 8end <our Blessin$s on "uhammad and the !amily o! "uhammad, as <ou sent your Blessin$s on Abraham and on the !amily o! Abraham, !or <ou are the "ost 2raise'#orthy, the "ost Elorious.' 4.7BC: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet used to seek Ge!u$e #ith Allah !or Al'(asan and Al'(usain and say: <our !ore!ather )i.e. Abraham, used to seek Ge!u$e #ith Allah !or Ishmael and Isaa0 by re0itin$ the !ollo#in$: ': Allah; I seek Ge!u$e #ith <our 2er!e0t -ords !rom e%ery de%il and !rom poisonous pests and !rom e%ery e%il, harm!ul, en%ious eye.' 4.7B1: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, -e are more liable to be in doubt than Abraham #hen he said, '"y Iord; 8ho# me ho# <ou $i%e li!e to the dead. . (e )i.e. Allah, slid: '.on't you belie%e then3' (e )i.e. Abraham, said: <es, but )I ask, in order to be stron$er in Haith. )&.&=C, And may Allah send (is "er0y on Iot; (e #ished to ha%e a po#er!ul support. I! I #ere to stay in prison !or su0h a lon$ time as +oseph did I #ould ha%e a00epted the o!!er )o! !reedom #ithout insistin$ on ha%in$ my $uiltless less de0lared,. 4.7B&: Narrated 8alama bin Al'Ak#a`: *he 2rophet passed by some persons o! the tribe o! Aslam pra0ti0in$ ar0hery )i.e. the thro#in$ o! arro#s, Allah's Apostle said, : o!!sprin$ o! Ishmael; 2ra0ti0e ar0hery )i.e. arro# thro#in$, as your !ather #as a $reat ar0her )i.e. arro#'thro#er,. I am #ith )on the side o!, the son o! so'and'so'. (earin$ that, one o! the t#o teams stopped thro#in$. Allah's Apostle asked them, ' -hy are you not thro#in$3 *hey replied, : Allah's Apostle; (o# shall #e thro# #hen you are #ith the opposite team3 (e said, *hro#, !or I am #ith you all. 4.7B1: Narrated Abu (uraira: 8ome people asked the 2rophet: -ho is the most honorable amon$st the people3 (e replied, *he most honorable amon$ them is the one #ho is the most Allah'!earin$. *hey said, : Allah's 2rophet; -e do not ask about this. (e said, *hen the most honorable person is +oseph, Allah's 2rophet, the son o! Allah's 2rophet, the son o! Allah's 2rophet, the son o! Allah's 9halil. *hey said, -e do not ask about this. (e said, *hen you #ant to ask me about the Arabs' des0ent3 *hey said, <es. (e said, *hose #ho #ere best in the pre'lslami0 period, are the best in Islam, i! they 0omprehend )the reli$ious kno#led$e,. 4.7B4: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, "ay Allah !or$i%e Iot: (e #anted to ha%e a po#er!ul support. 4.7B7: Narrated `Abdullah: *he 2rophet re0ited:'' '(al'min'"uddakir' )74.17, )Is there any that #ill remember, )and a%oid e%il,. 4.7B=: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet said, *he honorable is the son o! the honorable, the son the honorable, i.e. +oseph, the son o! +a0ob, the son o! Isaa0, the son o! Abraham. 4.7B>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle #as asked, -ho is the most honorable amon$st the people3 (e replied, *he most Allah !earin$. *he people said, -e do not #ant to ask you about this. (e said, *he most honorable person is +oseph, Allah's 2rophet, the son o! Allah's 2rophet, the son o! Allah's 2rophet, the son o! Allah's 9halil *he people said, '-e do not #ant to ask you about this. (e said, *hen you #ant to ask me about the ori$ins o! the Arabs3 2eople are o! %arious ori$ins. *he best in the pre' lslami0 period are the best in Islam, pro%ided they 0omprehend )the reli$ious kno#led$e,. BC

4.7B?: Narrated `Aisha: *hat the 2rophet said )to her,. :rder Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer. 8he replied, Abu Bakr is a so!t'hearted person and #hen he stands at your pla0e, he #ill #eep )so he #ill not be able to lead the prayer,. *he 2rophet repeated the same order and she $a%e the same reply. *he narrator, 8huba said that the 2rophet said on the third or !ourth time. <ou are )like, the !emale 0ompanions o! +oseph. :rder Abu Bakr to lead the prayer. 4.7BB: Narrated Abu "usa: -hen the 2rophet !ell ill, he said, :rder Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer. `Aisha said, Abu Bakr is a so!t'hearted person. *he 2rophet $a%e the same order a$ain and she a$ain $a%e the same reply. (e a$ain said, :rder Abu Bakr )to lead the prayer,; <ou are )like, the !emale 0ompanions o! +oseph. Aonse5uently Abu Bakr led the people in prayer in the li!e'time o! the 2rophet. 4.=CC: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, : Allah; 8a%e `Aiyyash bin Abi Gabi`a )!rom the un4ust treatment o! the in!idels,. : Allah; 8a%e 8alama bin (isham. : Allah; 8end your 2unishment on )the tribe o!, "udar. : Allah; Iet them su!!er !rom years )o! drou$ht, similar to that in!li0ted durin$ the li!e'time o! +oseph. 4.=C1: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, "ay Allah besto# (is "er0y on Iot. (e #anted to ha%e a po#er!ul support. I! I #ere to stay in prison )!or a period e5ual to, the stay o! +oseph )prison, and then the o!!er o! !reedom 0ame to me, then I #ould ha%e a00epted it. )8ee (adith No. 7B1, 4.=C&: Narrated "asru5: I asked Um Guman, `Aisha's mother about the a00usation !or$ed a$ainst `Aisha. 8he said, -hile I #as sittin$ #ith `Aisha, an Ansari #oman 0ame to us and said, 'Iet Allah 0ondemn su0h'and'su0h person.' I asked her, '-hy do you say so3' 8he replied, 'Hor he has spread the )slanderous, story.' `Aisha said, '-hat story3' *he #oman then told her the story. `Aisha asked, '(a%e Abu Bakr and Allah's Apostle heard about it 3' 8he said, '<es.' `Aisha !ell do#n senseless )on hearin$ that,, and #hen she 0ame to her senses, she $ot !e%er and shakin$ o! the body. *he 2rophet 0ame and asked, '-hat is #ron$ #ith her3' I said, '8he has $ot !e%er be0ause o! a story #hi0h has been rumored.' `Aisha $ot up and said, 'By Allah; J%en i! I took an oath, you #ould not belie%e me, and i! I put !or#ard an e/0use, <ou #ould not e/0use me. "y e/ample and your e/ample is 4ust like that e/ample o! +a0ob and his sons. A$ainst that #hi0h you assert, it is Allah )Alone, -hose (elp 0an be sou$ht.' )1&.1?, *he 2rophet le!t and then Allah re%ealed the Verses )0on0ernin$ the matter,, and on that `Aisha said, '*hanks to Allah )only, and not to anybody else. 4.=C1: Narrated `Ur#a: I asked `Aisha the #i!e o! the 2rophet about the meanin$ o! the !ollo#in$ Verse: '' )Gespite #ill be $ranted, 'Until #hen the apostles $i%e up hope )o! their people, and thou$ht that they #ere denied )by their people,............... )1&.11C, `Aisha replied, Geally, their nations did not belie%e them. I said, By Allah; *hey #ere de!inite that their nations treated them as liars and it #as not a matter o! suspe0tin$. `Aisha said, : 'Uraiya )i.e. `Ur#a,; No doubt, they #ere 5uite sure about it. I said, "ay the Verse be read in su0h a #ay as to mean that the apostles thou$ht that Allah did not help them3 Aisha said, Allah !orbid; )Impossible, *he Apostles did not suspe0t their Iord o! su0h a thin$. But this Verse is 0on0erned #ith the Apostles' !ollo#ers #ho had !aith in their Iord and belie%ed in their apostles and their period o! trials #as lon$ and Allah's (elp #as delayed till the apostles $a%e up hope !or the 0on%ersion o! the disbelie%ers amon$st their nation and suspe0ted that e%en their !ollo#ers #ere shaken in their belie!, Allah's (elp then 0ame to them. Narrated Ibn `Umar:


*he 2rophet said, *he honorable, the son o! the honorable, the son o! the honorable, )#as, +oseph, the son o! +a0ob; the son o! Isaa0, the son o! Abraham. 4.=C4: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, -hile +ob #as naked, takin$ a bath, a s#arm o! $old lo0usts !ell on him and he started 0olle0tin$ them in his $arment. (is Iord 0alled him, ': +ob; (a%e I not made you ri0h enou$h to need #hat you see3 (e said, '<es, : Iord; But I 0annot dispense #ith your Blessin$. ' 4.=C7: Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet returned to 9hadi4a #hile his heart #as beatin$ rapidly. 8he took him to -ara5a bin Nau!al #ho #as a Ahristian 0on%ert and used to read the Eospels in Arabi0 -ara5a asked )the 2rophet,, -hat do you see3 -hen he told him, -ara5a said, *hat is the same an$el #hom Allah sent to the 2rophet, "oses. 8hould I li%e till you re0ei%e the .i%ine "essa$e, I #ill support you stron$ly. 4.=C=: Narrated "alik bin 8asaa: Allah's Apostle talked to his 0ompanions about his Ni$ht +ourney to the (ea%ens. -hen he rea0hed the !i!th (ea%en, he met Aaron. )Eabriel said to the 2rophet,, *his is Aaron. *he 2rophet said, Eabriel $reeted and so did I, and he returned the $reetin$ sayin$, '-el0ome, : 2ious Brother and 2ious 2rophet. 4.=C>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, :n the ni$ht o! my As0ension to (ea%en, I sa# )the prophet, "oses #ho #as a thin person #ith lank hair, lookin$ like one o! the men o! the tribe o! 8hanuaD and I sa# +esus #ho #as o! a%era$e hei$ht #ith red !a0e as i! he had 4ust 0ome out o! a bathroom. And I resemble prophet Abraham more than any o! his o!!sprin$ does. *hen I #as $i%en t#o 0ups, one 0ontainin$ milk and the other #ine. Eabriel said, '.rink #hi0he%er you like.' I took the milk and drank it. Eabriel said, '<ou ha%e a00epted #hat is natural, )*rue Geli$ion i.e. Islam, and i! you had taken the #ine, your !ollo#ers #ould ha%e $one astray.' 4.=C?: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, :ne should not say that I am better than +onah )i.e. <unus, bin "atta. 8o, he mentioned his !ather "atta. *he 2rophet mentioned the ni$ht o! his As0ension and said, *he prophet "oses #as bro#n, a tall person as i! !rom the people o! the tribe o! 8hanu'a. +esus #as a 0urly'haired man o! moderate hei$ht. (e also mentioned "alik, the $ate'keeper o! the )(ell, Hire, and Ad'.a44al. 4.=CB: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: -hen the 2rophet 0ame to "edina, he !ound )the +e#s, !astin$ on the day o! 'Ashura' )i.e. 1Cth o! "uharram,. *hey used to say: *his is a $reat day on #hi0h Allah sa%ed "oses and dro#ned the !olk o! 2haraoh. "oses obser%ed the !ast on this day, as a si$n o! $ratitude to Allah. *he 2rophet said, I am 0loser to "oses than they. 8o, he obser%ed the !ast )on that day, and ordered the "uslims to !ast on it. 4.=1C: Narrated Abu 8a`id: *he 2rophet said, '2eople #ill be stru0k un0ons0ious on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion and I #ill be the !irst to re$ain 0ons0iousness, and behold; *here I #ill see "oses holdin$ one o! the pillars o! Allah's *hrone. I #ill #onder #hether he has be0ome 0ons0ious be!ore me o! he has been e/empted, be0ause o! his un0ons0iousness at the *ur )mountain, #hi0h he re0ei%ed )on the earth,. 4.=11: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, -ere it not !or Bani Israel, meat #ould not de0ayD and #ere it not !or J%e, no #oman #ould e%er betray her husband. B&

4.=1&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *hat he di!!ered #ith Al'(ur bin 6ais Al'HaFari re$ardin$ the 0ompanion o! "oses. Ibn `Abbas said that he #as Al'9hadir. "ean#hile Ubai bin 9a`b passed by them and Ibn `Abbas 0alled him sayin$, "y !riend and I ha%e di!!ered re$ardin$ "oses' 0ompanion #hom "oses asked the #ay to meet. (a%e you heard Allah's Apostle mentionin$ somethin$ about him3 (e said, <es, I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, '-hile "oses #as sittin$ in the 0ompany o! some Israelites, a man 0ame and asked )him,, '.o you kno# anyone #ho is more learned than you3' "oses replied, 'No.' 8o, Allah sent the .i%ine Inspiration to "oses: '<es, :ur sla%e, 9hadir )is more learned than you,.' "oses asked ho# to meet him )i.e. 9hadir,. 8o, the !ish, #as made, as a si$n !or him, and he #as told that #hen the !ish #as lost, he should return and there he #ould meet him. 8o, "oses #ent on lookin$ !or the si$n o! the !ish in the sea. *he ser%ant boy o! "oses said to him, '.o you kno# that #hen #e #ere sittin$ by the side o! the ro0k, I !or$ot the !ish, and t #as only 8atan #ho made me !or$et to tell )you, about it.' "oses said, *hat #as #hat #e #ere seekin$ a!ter,' and both o! them returned, !ollo#in$ their !ootmarks and !ound 9hadirD and #hat happened !urther to them, is mentioned in Allah's Book. 4.=11: Narrated 8a`id bin +ubair: I said to Ibn `Abbas, Nau! Al'Bukah 0laims that "oses, the 0ompanion o! Al'9hadir #as not "oses )the prophet, o! the 0hildren o! Israel, but some other "oses. Ibn `Abbas said, Allah's enemy )i.e. Nau!, has told a lie. Ubai bin 9a`b told us that the 2rophet said, ':n0e "oses stood up and addressed Bani Israel. (e #as asked #ho #as the most learned man amon$st the people. (e said, 'I.' Allah admonished him as he did not attribute absolute kno#led$e to (im )Allah,. 8o, Allah said to him, '<es, at the 4un0tion o! the t#o seas there is a 8la%e o! "ine #ho is more learned than you.' "oses said, ': my Iord; (o# 0an I meet him3' Allah said, '*ake a !ish and put it in a lar$e basket and you #ill !ind him at the pla0e #here you #ill lose the !ish.' "oses took a !ish and put it in a basket and pro0eeded alon$ #ith his )ser%ant, boy, <usha` bin Noon, till they rea0hed the ro0k #here they laid their heads )i.e. lay do#n,. "oses slept, and the !ish, mo%in$ out o! the basket, !ell into the sea. It took its #ay into the sea )strai$ht, as in a tunnel. Allah stopped the !lo# o! #ater o%er the !ish and it be0ame like an ar0h )the 2rophet pointed out this ar0h #ith his hands,. *hey tra%elled the rest o! the ni$ht, and the ne/t day "oses said to his boy )ser%ant,, 'Ei%e us our !ood, !or indeed, #e ha%e su!!ered mu0h !ati$ue in this 4ourney o! ours.' "oses did not !eel tired till he 0rossed that pla0e #hi0h Allah had ordered him to seek a!ter. (is boy )ser%ant, said to him, '.o you kno# that #hen #e #ere sittin$ near that ro0k, I !or$ot the !ish, and none but 8atan 0aused me to !or$et to tell )you, about it, and it took its 0ourse into the sea in an amaFin$ #ay3.' 8o there #as a path !or the !ish and that astonished them. "oses said, '*hat #as #hat #e #ere seekin$ a!ter.' 8o, both o! them retra0ed their !ootsteps till they rea0hed the ro0k. *here they sa# a man Iyin$ 0o%ered #ith a $arment. "oses $reeted him and he replied sayin$, '(o# do people $reet ea0h other in your land3' "oses said, 'I am "oses.' *he man asked, '"oses o! Bani Israel3' "oses said, '<es, I ha%e 0ome to you so that you may tea0h me !rom those thin$s #hi0h Allah has tau$ht you.' (e said, ': "oses; I ha%e some o! the 9no#led$e o! Allah #hi0h Allah has tau$ht me, and #hi0h you do not kno#, #hile you ha%e some o! the 9no#led$e o! Allah #hi0h Allah has tau$ht you and #hi0h I do not kno#.' "oses asked, '"ay I !ollo# you3' (e said, 'But you #ill not be able to remain patient #ith me !or ho# 0an you be patient about thin$s #hi0h you #ill not be able to understand3' )"oses said, '<ou #ill !ind me, i! Allah so #ill, truly patient, and I #ill not disobey you in au$ht.', 8o, both o! them set out #alkin$ alon$ the sea'shore, a boat passed by them and they asked the 0re# o! the boat to take them on board. *he 0re# re0o$niFed Al'9hadir and so they took them on board #ithout !are. -hen they #ere on board the boat, a sparro# 0ame and stood on the ed$e o! the boat and dipped its beak on0e or t#i0e into the sea. Al'9hadir said to "oses, ': "oses; "y kno#led$e and your kno#led$e ha%e not de0reased Allah's 9no#led$e e/0ept as mu0h as this sparro# has de0reased the #ater o! the sea #ith its beak.' *hen suddenly Al'9hadir took an adFe and plu0ked a plank, and "oses did not noti0e it till he had plu0ked B1

a plank #ith the adFe. "oses said to him, '-hat ha%e you done3 *hey took us on board 0har$in$ us nothin$D yet you I ha%e intentionally made a hole in their boat so as to dro#n its passen$ers. Verily, you ha%e done a dread!ul thin$.' Al'9hadir replied, '.id I not tell you that you #ould not be able to remain patient #ith me3' "oses replied, '.o not blame me !or #hat I ha%e !or$otten, and do not be hard upon me !or my !ault.' 8o the !irst e/0use o! "oses #as that he had !or$otten. -hen they had le!t the sea, they passed by a boy playin$ #ith other boys. Al'9hadir took hold o! the boys head and plu0ked it #ith his hand like this. )8u!yan, the sub narrator pointed #ith his !in$ertips as i! he #as plu0kin$ some !ruit., "oses said to him, (a%e you killed an inno0ent person #ho has not killed any person3 <ou ha%e really done a horrible thin$. Al'9hadir said, .id I not tell you that you 0ould not remain patient #ith me3' "oses said I! I ask you about anythin$ a!ter this, don't a00ompany me. <ou ha%e re0ei%ed an e/0use !rom me.' *hen both o! them #ent on till they 0ame to some people o! a %illa$e, and they asked its inhabitant !or #ood but they re!used to entertain them as $uests. *hen they sa# therein a #all #hi0h #as 4ust $oin$ to 0ollapse )and Al 9hadir repaired it 4ust by tou0hin$ it #ith his hands,. )8u!yan, the sub'narrator, pointed #ith his hands, illustratin$ ho# Al'9hadir passed his hands o%er the #all up#ards., "oses said, *hese are the people #hom #e ha%e 0alled on, but they neither $a%e us !ood, nor entertained us as $uests, yet you ha%e repaired their #all. I! you had #ished, you 0ould ha%e taken #a$es !or it. Al'9hadir said, *his is the partin$ bet#een you and me, and I shall tell you the e/planation o! those thin$s on #hi0h you 0ould not remain patient. *he 2rophet added, -e #ished that "oses 0ould ha%e remained patient by %irtue o! #hi0h Allah mi$ht ha%e told us more about their story. )8u!yan the sub'narrator said that the 2rophet said, "ay Allah besto# (is "er0y on "oses; I! he had remained patient, #e #ould ha%e been told !urther about their 0ase. , 4.=14: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, Al'9hadir #as named so be0ause he sat o%er a barren #hite land, it turned $reen #ith plantation a!ter )his sittin$ o%er it. 4.=17: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, It #as said to Bani Israel, Jnter the $ate )o! the to#n, #ith humility )prostratin$ yoursel%es, and sayin$: Gepentan0e , but they 0han$ed the #ord and entered the to#n 0ra#lin$ on their butto0ks and sayin$: A #heat $rain in the hair. 4.=1=: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, )*he 2rophet, "oses #as a shy person and used to 0o%er his body 0ompletely be0ause o! his e/tensi%e shyness. :ne o! the 0hildren o! Israel hurt him by sayin$, '(e 0o%ers his body in this #ay only be0ause o! some de!e0t in his skin, either leprosy or s0rotal hernia, or he has some other de!e0t.' Allah #ished to 0lear "oses o! #hat they said about him, so one day #hile "oses #as in se0lusion, he took o!! his 0lothes and put them on a stone and started takin$ a bath. -hen he had !inished the bath, he mo%ed to#ards his 0lothes so as to take them, but the stone took his 0lothes and !ledD "oses pi0ked up his sti0k and ran a!ter the stone sayin$, ': stone; Ei%e me my $arment;' *ill he rea0hed a $roup o! Bani Israel #ho sa# him naked then, and !ound him the best o! #hat Allah had 0reated, and Allah 0leared him o! #hat they had a00used him o!. *he stone stopped there and "oses took and put his $arment on and started hittin$ the stone #ith his sti0k. By Allah, the stone still has some tra0es o! the hittin$, three, !our or !i%e marks. *his #as #hat Allah re!ers to in (is 8ayin$:'' : you #ho belie%e; Be you not like those -ho annoyed "oses, But Allah pro%ed his inno0en0e o! that #hi0h they alle$ed, And he #as honorable In Allah's 8i$ht. )11.=B, 4.=1>: Narrated `Abdullah: :n0e the 2rophet distributed somethin$ )amon$ his !ollo#ers. A man said, *his distribution has not been done )#ith 4usti0e, seekin$ Allah's Aountenan0e. I #ent to the 2rophet and told him )o! that,. (e be0ame so an$ry that I sa# the si$ns o! an$er oh his !a0e. *hen he said, "ay Allah besto# (is "er0y on "oses, !or he #as harmed more )in a #orse manner, than thisD yet he endured patiently. B4

4.=1?: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: -e #ere #ith Allah's Apostle pi0kin$ the !ruits o! the 'Arak trees, and Allah's Apostle said, 2i0k the bla0k !ruit, !or it is the best. *he 0ompanions asked, -ere you a shepherd3 (e replied, *here #as no prophet #ho #as not a shepherd. 4.=1B: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he An$el o! .eath #as sent to "oses #hen he 0ame to "oses, "oses slapped him on the eye. *he an$el returned to his Iord and said, <ou ha%e sent me to a 8la%e #ho does not #ant to die. Allah said, Geturn to him and tell him to put his hand on the ba0k o! an o/ and !or e%ery hair that #ill 0ome under it, he #ill be $ranted one year o! li!e. "oses said, : Iord; -hat #ill happen a!ter that3 Allah replied, *hen death. "oses said, Iet it 0ome no#. "oses then re5uested Allah to let him die 0lose to the 8a0red Iand so mu0h so that he #ould be at a distan0e o! a stone's thro# !rom it. Abu (uraira added, Allah's Apostle said, 'I! I #ere there, I #ould sho# you his $ra%e belo# the red sand hill on the side o! the road. 4.=&C: Narrated Abu (uraira: A "uslim and a +e# 5uarreled. *he "uslim takin$ an oath, said, By (im -ho has pre!erred "uhammad o%er all people...; *he +e# said, By (im -ho has pre!erred "oses, o%er all people. *he "uslim raised his hand and slapped the +e# #ho 0ame to the 2rophet to tell him #hat had happened bet#een him and the "uslim. *he 2rophet said, .on't $i%e me superiority o%er "oses, !or the people #ill be0ome un0ons0ious )on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion, and I #ill be the !irst to $ain 0ons0iousness to see "oses standin$ and holdin$ a side o! Allah's *hrone. I #ill not kno# i! he has been amon$ those people #ho ha%e be0ome un0ons0iousD and that he has $ained 0ons0iousness be!ore me, or he has been amon$st those #hom Allah has e/empted. 4.=&1: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Adam and "oses ar$ued #ith ea0h other. "oses said to Adam. '<ou are Adam #hose mistake e/pelled you !rom 2aradise.' Adam said to him, '<ou are "oses #hom Allah sele0ted as (is "essen$er and as the one to #hom (e spoke dire0tlyD yet you blame me !or a thin$ #hi0h had already been #ritten in my !ate be!ore my 0reation3 ' Allah's Apostle said t#i0e, 8o, Adam o%erpo#ered "oses. 4.=&&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet on0e 0ame to us and said, All the nations #ere displayed in !ront o! me, and I sa# a lar$e multitude o! people 0o%erin$ the horiFon. 8omebody said, '*his is "oses and his !ollo#ers.' 4.=&1: Narrated Abu "usa: Allah's Apostle said, "any amon$st men rea0hed )the le%el o!, per!e0tion but none amon$st the #omen rea0hed this le%el e/0ept Asia, 2haraoh's #i!e, and "ary, the dau$hter o! `Imran. And no doubt, the superiority o! `Aisha to other #omen is like the superiority o! *harid )i.e. a meat and bread dish, to other meals. 4.=&4: Narrated `Abdullah: *he 2rophet said, None o! you should say that I am better than <unus )i.e. +onah,. "usadded added, +onah bin "atta. 4.=&7: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet said, No sla%e )o! Allah, should say that I am better than <unus bin "atta. 8o the 2rophet mentioned his !ather's name #ith his name. 4.=&=: Narrated Abu (uraira: B7

:n0e #hile a +e# #as sellin$ somethin$, he #as o!!ered a pri0e that he #as not pleased #ith. 8o, he said, No, by (im -ho $a%e "oses superiority o%er all human bein$s; (earin$ him, an Ansari man $ot up and slapped him on the !a0e and said, <ou say: By (im -ho Ea%e "oses superiority o%er all human bein$s althou$h the 2rophet )"uhammad, is present amon$st us; *he +e# #ent to the 2rophet and said, : Abu'l'6asim; I am under the assuran0e and 0ontra0t o! se0urity, so #hat ri$ht does so'and'so ha%e to slap me3 *he 2rophet asked the other, -hy ha%e you slapped . (e told him the #hole story. *he 2rophet be0ame an$ry, till an$er appeared on his !a0e, and said, .on't $i%e superiority to any prophet amon$st Allah's 2rophets, !or #hen the trumpet #ill be blo#n, e%eryone on the earth and in the hea%ens #ill be0ome un0ons0ious e/0ept those #hom Allah #ill e/empt. *he trumpet #ill be blo#n !or the se0ond time and I #ill be the !irst to be resurre0ted to see "oses holdin$ Allah's *hrone. I #ill not kno# #hether the un0ons0iousness #hi0h "oses re0ei%ed on the .ay o! *ur has been su!!i0ient !or him, or has he $ot up be!ore me. And I do not say that there is anybody #ho is better than <unus bin "atta. 4.=&>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, None should say that I am better than <unus bin "atta. 4.=&?: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he re0itin$ o! the @abur )i.e. 2salms, #as made easy !or .a%id. (e used to order that his ridin$ animals be saddled, and #ould !inish re0itin$ the @abur be!ore they #ere saddled. And he #ould ne%er eat e/0ept !rom the earnin$s o! his manual #ork. 4.=&B: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: Allah's Apostle #as in!ormed that I ha%e said: By Allah, I #ill !ast all the days and pray all the ni$hts as lon$ as I li%e. :n that, Allah's Apostle asked me. Are you the one #ho says: 'I #ill !ast all the days and pray all the ni$hts as lon$ as I li%e3' I said, <es, I ha%e said it. (e said, <ou 0annot do that. 8o !ast )sometimes, and do not !ast )sometimes,. 2ray and sleep. Hast !or three days a month, !or the re#ard o! a $ood deed is multiplied by ten time, and so the !astin$ o! three days a month e5uals the !astin$ o! a year. I said, : Allah's Apostle; I 0an do )!ast, more than this. (e said, Hast on e%ery third day. I said: I 0an do )!ast, more than that, (e said: Hast on alternate days and this #as the !astin$ o! .a%id #hi0h is the most moderate sort o! !astin$. I said, : Allah's Apostle; I 0an do )!ast, more than that. (e said, *here is nothin$ better than that. 4.=1C: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al'As: *he 2rophet said to me, I ha%e been in!ormed that you pray all the ni$hts and obser%e !ast all the daysD is this true3 I replied, <es. (e said, I! you do so, your eyes #ill be0ome #eak and you #ill $et bored. 8o !ast three days a month, !or this #ill be the !astin$ o! a #hole year, or e5ual to the !astin$ o! a #hole year. I said, I !ind mysel! able to !ast more. (e said, *hen !ast like the !astin$ o! )the 2rophet, .a%id #ho used to !ast on alternate days and #ould not !lee on !a0in$ the enemy. 4.=11: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: Allah's Apostle said to me, *he most belo%ed !astin$ to Allah #as the !astin$ o! )the 2rophet, .a%id #ho used to !ast on alternate days. And the most belo%ed prayer to Allah #as the prayer o! .a%id #ho used to sleep !or )the !irst, hal! o! the ni$ht and pray !or 1M1 o! it and )a$ain, sleep !or a si/th o! it. 4.=1&: Narrated "u4ahid: I asked Ibn `Abbas, 8hould #e per!orm a prostration on re0itin$ 8urat'8a`d3 (e re0ited )the 8ura, in0ludin$: 'And amon$ his pro$eny, .a%id, 8olomon..)up to,...so !ollo# their $uidan0e )=.?4'B1, And then he said, <our 2rophet is amon$st those people #ho ha%e been ordered to !ollo# them )i.e. the pre0edin$ apostles,. 4.=11: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: B=

*he prostration in 8ura'8a`d is not amon$st the 0ompulsory prostrations, thou$h I sa# the 2rophet prostratin$ on re0itin$ *he 8tatement o! Allah:''and to .a%id -e $a%e 8olomon )!or a son,. (o# e/0ellent )a, sla%e he #as e%er o!t'returnin$ in repentan0e )to us, )1?.1C, And (is 8tatement:'' (e said: "y Iord Hor$i%e me and $rant me a kin$dom su0h as shall not belon$ to any other a!ter me.' )1?.17, And (is 8tatement:'' 'And they !ollo#ed #hat the .e%ils $a%e out )!alsely,, o! ma$i0 in the li!e'time o! 8olomon.' )&.1C&, 4.=14: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, A stron$ demon !rom the +inns 0ame to me yesterday suddenly, so as to spoil my prayer, but Allah enabled me to o%erpo#er him, and so I 0au$ht him and intended to tie him to one o! the pillars o! the "os5ue so that all o! you mi$ht see him, but I remembered the in%o0ation o! my brother 8olomon: 'And $rant me a kin$dom su0h as shall not belon$ to any other a!ter me.' )1?.17, so I let him $o 0ursed. 4.=17: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, 8olomon )the son o!, .a%id said, '*oni$ht I #ill sleep #ith se%enty ladies ea0h o! #hom #ill 0on0ei%e a 0hild #ho #ill be a kni$ht !i$htin$ !or Allah's Aause.' (is 0ompanion said, 'I! Allah #ill.' But 8olomon did not say soD there!ore none o! those #omen $ot pre$nant e/0ept one #ho $a%e birth to a hal! 0hild. *he 2rophet !urther said, I! the 2rophet 8olomon had said it )i.e. 'I! Allah #ill', he #ould ha%e be$otten 0hildren #ho #ould ha%e !ou$ht in Allah's Aause. 8huaib and Ibn Abi AF'@inad said, Ninety )#omen, is more 0orre0t )than se%enty,. 4.=1=: Narrated Abu .haar: I said, : Allah's Apostle; -hi0h mos5ue #as built !irst3 (e replied, Al'"as4id'ul'(aram. I asked, -hi0h )#as built, ne/t3 (e replied, Al'"as4id'ul'A5s'a )i.e. +erusalem,. I asked, -hat #as the period in bet#een them3 (e replied, Horty )years,. (e then added, -here%er the time !or the prayer 0omes upon you, per!orm the prayer, !or all the earth is a pla0e o! #orshippin$ !or you. 4.=1>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, "y e/ample and the e/ample o the people is like that o! a person #ho lit a !ire and let the moths, butter!lies and these inse0ts !all in it. (e also said, *here #ere t#o #omen, ea0h o! #hom had a 0hild #ith her. A #ol! 0ame and took a#ay the 0hild o! one o! them, #hereupon the other said, 'It has taken your 0hild.' *he !irst said, 'But it has taken your 0hild.' 8o they both 0arried the 0ase be!ore .a%id #ho 4ud$ed that the li%in$ 0hild be $i%en to the elder lady. 8o both o! them #ent to 8olomon bin .a%id and in!ormed him )o! the 0ase,. (e said, 'Brin$ me a kni!e so as to 0ut the 0hild into t#o pie0es and distribute it bet#een them.' *he youn$er lady said, '"ay Allah be mer0i!ul to you; .on't do that, !or it is her )i.e. the other lady's, 0hild.' 8o he $a%e the 0hild to the youn$er lady. 4.=1?: Narrated `Abdullah: -hen the Verse:'' '*hose #ho belie%e and mi/ not their belie! #ith #ron$. #as re%ealed, the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet said, -ho amon$st us has not mi/ed his belie! #ith #ron$3 *hen Allah re%ealed: +oin none in #orship #ith Allah, Verily 4oinin$ others in #orship #ith Allah is a $reat #ron$ indeed. 4.=1B: Narrated `Abdullah: -hen the Verse:'' '*hose #ho belie%e and mi/ not their belie! #ith #ron$.' #as re%ealed, the "uslims !elt it %ery hard on them and said, : Allah's Apostle; -ho amon$st us does not do #ron$ to himsel!3 (e replied, *he Verse does not mean this. But that )#ron$, means to asso0iate others in #orship to Allah: .on't you listen to #hat Iu5man said to his son #hen he #as ad%isin$ him, : my son; +oin not others in #orship #ith Allah. Verily 4oinin$ others in #orship #ith Allah is a $reat #ron$ indeed. )11.11,


4.=4C: Narrated "alik bin 8asaa: *hat the 2rophet talked to them about the ni$ht o! his As0ension to the (ea%ens. (e said, )*hen Eabriel took me, and as0ended up till he rea0hed the se0ond hea%en #here he asked !or the $ate to be opened, but it #as asked, '-ho is it3' Eabriel replied, 'I am Eabriel.' It #as asked, '-ho is a00ompanyin$ you3' (e replied, '"uhammad.' It #as asked, '(as he been 0alled3' (e said, '<es.' -hen #e rea0hed o%er the se0ond hea%en, I sa# <ahya )i.e. +ohn, and +esus #ho #ere 0ousins. Eabriel said, '*hese are +ohn )<ahya, and +esus, so $reet them.' I $reeted them and they returned the $reetin$ sayin$, '-el0ome, : 2ious Brother and 2ious 2rophet;D' 4.=41: Narrated 8a`id bin Al'"usaiyab: Abu (uraira said, I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, '*here is none born amon$ the o!!'sprin$ o! Adam, but 8atan tou0hes it. A 0hild there!ore, 0ries loudly at the time o! birth be0ause o! the tou0h o! 8atan, e/0ept "ary and her 0hild. *hen Abu (uraira re0ited: And I seek re!u$e #ith <ou !or her and !or her o!!sprin$ !rom the out0ast 8atan )1.1=, 4.=4&: Narrated `Ali: I heard the 2rophet sayin$, "ary, the dau$hter o! `Imran, #as the best amon$ the #omen )o! the #orld o! her time, and 9hadi4a is the best amon$st the #omen. )o! this nation,. 4.=41: Narrated Abu "usa Al'Ash`ari: *he 2rophet said, *he superiority o! `Aisha to other ladies is like the superiority o! *harid )i.e. meat and bread dish, to other meals. "any men rea0hed the le%el o! per!e0tion, but no #oman rea0hed su0h a le%el e/0ept "ary, the dau$hter o! `Imran and Asia, the #i!e o! 2haraoh. Narrated Abu (uraira: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, Amon$st all those #omen #ho ride 0amels )i.e. Arabs,, the ladies o! 6uraish are the best. *hey are mer0i!ul and kind to their o!!'sprin$ and the best $uardians o! their husbands' properties.' Abu (uraira added, "ary the dau$hter o! `Imran ne%er rode a 0amel. 4.=44: Narrated 'Ubada: *he 2rophet said, I! anyone testi!ies that None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah Alone -ho has no partners, and that "uhammad is (is 8la%e and (is Apostle, and that +esus is Allah's 8la%e and (is Apostle and (is -ord #hi0h (e besto#ed on "ary and a 8pirit 0reated by (im, and that 2aradise is true, and (ell is true, Allah #ill admit him into 2aradise #ith the deeds #hi0h he had done e%en i! those deeds #ere !e#. )+unada, the sub'narrator said, 'Ubada added, '8u0h a person 0an enter 2aradise throu$h any o! its ei$ht $ates he likes. , 4.=47: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, None spoke in 0radle but three: )*he !irst #as, +esus, )the se0ond #as,, there a man !rom Bani Israel 0alled +urai4. -hile he #as o!!erin$ his prayers, his mother 0ame and 0alled him. (e said )to himsel!,, '8hall I ans#er her or keep on prayin$3 )(e #ent on prayin$, and did not ans#er her, his mother said, : Allah; .o not let him die till he sees the !a0es o! prostitutes. 8o #hile he #as in his hermita$e, a lady 0ame and sou$ht to sedu0e him, but he re!used. 8o she #ent to a shepherd and presented hersel! to him to 0ommit ille$al se/ual inter0ourse #ith her and then later she $a%e birth to a 0hild and 0laimed that it belon$ed to +urai4. *he people, there!ore, 0ame to him and dismantled his hermita$e and e/pelled him out o! it and abused him. +urai4 per!ormed the ablution and o!!ered prayer, and then 0ame to the 0hild and said, ': 0hild; -ho is your !ather3' *he 0hild replied, '*he shepherd.' )A!ter hearin$ this, the people said, '-e shall rebuild your hermita$e o! $old,' but he said, 'No, o! nothin$ but mud.')*he third #as the hero o! the !ollo#in$ story, A lady !rom Bani Israel #as nursin$ her 0hild at her breast #hen a handsome rider passed by her. 8he said, ': Allah ; "ake my 0hild like him.' :n that the 0hild le!t her breast, and !a0in$ the rider said, ': Allah; .o not make me like him.' *he 0hild then started to su0k her breast a$ain. )Abu (uraira !urther said, As i! I #ere no# lookin$ at B?

the 2rophet su0kin$ his !in$er )in #ay o! demonstration. , A!ter a #hile the people passed by, #ith a lady sla%e and she )i.e. the 0hild's mother, said, ': Allah; .o not make my 0hild like this )sla%e $irl,;, :n that the 0hild le!t her breast and said, ': Allah; "ake me like her.' -hen she asked #hy, the 0hild replied, '*he rider is one o! the tyrants #hile this sla%e $irl is !alsely a00used o! the!t and ille$al se/ual inter0ourse. 4.=4=: Narrated (isham: Hrom "a`mar as belo#. 4.=4>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, I met "oses on the ni$ht o! my As0ension to hea%en. *he 2rophet then des0ribed him sayin$, as I think, (e #as a tall person #ith lank hair as i! he belon$ed to the people o! the tribe o! 8hanu's.' *he 2rophet !urther said, I met +esus. *he 2rophet des0ribed him sayin$, (e #as one o! moderate hei$ht and #as red'!a0ed as i! he had 4ust 0ome out o! a bathroom. I sa# Abraham #hom I resembled more than any o! his 0hildren did. *he 2rophet !urther said, )*hat ni$ht, I #as $i%en t#o 0upsD one !ull o! milk and the other !ull o! #ine. I #as asked to take either o! them #hi0h I liked, and I took the milk and drank it. :n that it #as said to me, '<ou ha%e taken the ri$ht path )reli$ion,. I! you had taken the #ine, your )"uslim, nation #ould ha%e $one astray. 4.=4?: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet said, I sa# "oses, +esus and Abraham )on the ni$ht o! my As0ension to the hea%ens,. +esus #as o! red 0omple/ion, 0urly hair and a broad 0hest. "oses #as o! bro#n 0omple/ion, strai$ht hair and tall stature as i! he #as !rom the people o! AF'@utt. 4.=4B: Narrated `Abdullah: *he 2rophet mentioned the "assiah Ad'.a44al in !ront o! the people sayin$, Allah is not one eyed #hile "esssiah, Ad'.a44al is blind in the ri$ht eye and his eye looks like a bul$in$ out $rape. -hile sleepin$ near the 9a`ba last ni$ht, I sa# in my dream a man o! bro#n 0olor the best one 0an see amon$st bro#n 0olor and his hair #as lon$ that it !ell bet#een his shoulders. (is hair #as lank and #ater #as dribblin$ !rom his head and he #as pla0in$ his hands on the shoulders o! t#o men #hile 0ir0umambulatin$ the 9a`ba. I asked, '-ho is this3' *hey replied, '*his is +esus, son o! "ary.' Behind him I sa# a man #ho had %ery 0urly hair and #as blind in the ri$ht eye, resemblin$ Ibn 6atan )i.e. an in!idel, in appearan0e. (e #as pla0in$ his hands on the shoulders o! a person #hile per!ormin$ *a#a! around the 9a`ba. I asked, '-ho is this3 '*hey replied, '*he "asih, Ad'.a44al.' 4.=7C: Narrated 8alim !rom his !ather: No, By Allah, the 2rophet did not tell that +esus #as o! red 0omple/ion but said, -hile I #as asleep 0ir0umambulatin$ the 9a`ba )in my dream,, suddenly I sa# a man o! bro#n 0omple/ion and lank hair #alkin$ bet#een t#o men, and #ater #as droppin$ !rom his head. I asked, '-ho is this3' *he people said, '(e is the son o! "ary.' *hen I looked behind and I sa# a red'0omple/ioned, !at, 0urly'haired man, blind in the ri$ht eye #hi0h looked like a bul$in$ out $rape. I asked, '-ho is this3' *hey replied, '(e is Ad'.a44al.' *he one #ho resembled to him amon$ the people, #as Ibn 6atar. )AF'@uhri said, (e )i.e. Ibn 6atan, #as a man !rom the tribe 9huFa`a #ho died in the pre'lslami0 period. , 4.=71: Narrated Abu (uraira: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, I am the nearest o! all the people to the son o! "ary, and all the prophets are paternal brothers, and there has been no prophet bet#een me and him )i.e. +esus,. 4.=7&: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, Both in this #orld and in the (erea!ter, I am the nearest o! all the people to +esus, the son o! "ary. *he prophets are paternal brothersD their mothers are di!!erent, but their reli$ion is one. BB

4.=71: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, +esus, seein$ a man stealin$, asked him, '.id you steal3, (e said, 'No, by Allah, e/0ept -hom there is None #ho has the ri$ht to be #orshipped' +esus said, 'I belie%e in Allah and suspe0t my eyes. 4.=74: Narrated `Umar: I heard the 2rophet sayin$, .o not e/a$$erate in praisin$ me as the Ahristians praised the son o! "ary, !or I am only a 8la%e. 8o, 0all me the 8la%e o! Allah and (is Apostle. 4.=77: Narrated Abu "usa Al'Ash`ari: Allah's Apostle said, I! a person tea0hes his sla%e $irl $ood manners properly, edu0ates her properly, and then manumits and marries her, he #ill $et a double re#ard. And i! a man belie%es in +esus and then belie%es in me, he #ill $et a double re#ard. And i! a sla%e !ears his Iord )i.e. Allah, and obeys his masters, he too #ill $et a double re#ard. 4.=7=: Narrted Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle said, <ou #ill be resurre0ted )and assembled, bare'!ooted, naked and un0ir0um0ised. *he 2rophet then re0ited the .i%ine Verse:'' As -e be$an the !irst 0reation, -e shall repeat it: A promise -e ha%e undertaken. *ruly #e shall do it. )&1.1C4, (e added, *he !irst to be dressed #ill be Abraham. *hen some o! my 0ompanions #ill take to the ri$ht and to the le!t. I #ill say: '"y 0ompanions; 'It #ill be said, '*hey had been rene$ades sin0e you le!t them.' I #ill then say #hat the 2ious 8la%e +esus, the son o! "ary said: 'And I #as a #itness o%er them #hile I d#elt amon$st themD #hen <ou did take me up, <ou #ere the -at0her o%er them, and <ou are a -itness to all thin$s. I! <ou punish them, they are <our sla%es, and i! you !or$i%e them, <ou, only <ou are the All'"i$hty the All'-ise.' )7.11>'11?, Narrated 6ua$$as, *hose #ere the apostates #ho rene$ade !rom Islam durin$ the Aaliphate o! Abu Bakr #ho !ou$ht them . 4.=7>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, By (im in -hose (ands my soul is, surely )+esus,, the son o! "ary #ill soon des0end amon$st you and #ill 4ud$e mankind 4ustly )as a +ust Guler,D he #ill break the Aross and kill the pi$s and there #ill be no +iFya )i.e. ta/ation taken !rom non "uslims,. "oney #ill be in abundan0e so that nobody #ill a00ept it, and a sin$le prostration to Allah )in prayer, #ill be better than the #hole #orld and #hate%er is in it. Abu (uraira added I! you #ish, you 0an re0ite )this %erse o! the (oly Book,: '' 'And there is none :! the people o! the 80riptures )+e#s and Ahristians, But must belie%e in him )i.e +esus as an Apostle o! Allah and a human bein$, Be!ore his death. And on the .ay o! +ud$ment (e #ill be a #itness A$ainst them. )4.17B, )8ee Hath'ul'Bari, 2a$e 1C& Vol >, 4.=7?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said (o# #ill you be #hen the son o! "ary )i.e. +esus, des0ends amon$st you and he #ill 4ud$e people by the Ia# o! the 6ur'an and not by the la# o! Eospel )Hateh'ul Bari pa$e 1C4 and 1C7 Vol >,. 4.=7B: Narrated Gabi bin (irash: `U5ba bin `Amr said to (udhai!a, -on't you relate to us o! #hat you ha%e heard !rom Allah's Apostle 3 (e said, I heard him sayin$, -hen Al'.a44al appears, he #ill ha%e !ire and #ater alon$ #ith him. -hat the people #ill 0onsider as 0old #ater, #ill be !ire that #ill burn )thin$s,. 8o, i! anyone o! you 0omes a0ross this, he should !all in the thin$ #hi0h #ill appear to him as !ire, !or in reality, it #ill be !resh 0old #ater. (udhai!a added, I also heard him sayin$, 'Hrom amon$ the people pre0edin$ your $eneration, there #as a man #hom the an$el o! death %isited to 0apture his soul. )8o his soul #as 0aptured, and he #as asked i! he had done any $ood deed.' (e replied, 'I don't remember 1CC

any $ood deed.' (e #as asked to think it o%er. (e said, 'I do not remember, e/0ept that I used to trade #ith the people in the #orld and I used to $i%e a respite to the ri0h and !or$i%e the poor )amon$ my debtors,. 8o Allah made him enter 2aradise. (udhai!a !urther said, I also heard him sayin$, ':n0e there #as a man on his death'bed, #ho, losin$ e%ery hope o! sur%i%in$ said to his !amily: -hen I die, $ather !or me a lar$e heap o! #ood and make a !ire )to burn me,. -hen the !ire eats my meat and rea0hes my bones, and #hen the bones burn, take and 0rush them into po#der and #ait !or a #indy day to thro# it )i.e. the po#der, o%er the sea. *hey did so, but Allah 0olle0ted his parti0les and asked him: -hy did you do so3 (e replied: Hor !ear o! <ou. 8o Allah !or$a%e him. `U5ba bin `Amr said, I heard him sayin$ that the Israeli used to di$ the $ra%e o! the dead )to steal their shrouds,. 4.==C: Narrated `Aisha and Ibn `Abbas: :n his death'bed Allah's Apostle put a sheet o%er his'!a0e and #hen he !elt hot, he #ould remo%e it !rom his !a0e. -hen in that state )o! puttin$ and remo%in$ the sheet, he said, "ay Allah's Aurse be on the +e#s and the Ahristians !or they build pla0es o! #orship at the $ra%es o! their prophets. )By that, he intended to #arn )the "uslim, !rom #hat they )i.e. +e#s and Ahristians, had done. 4.==1: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he Israelis used to be ruled and $uided by prophets: -hene%er a prophet died, another #ould take o%er his pla0e. *here #ill be no prophet a!ter me, but there #ill be Aaliphs #ho #ill in0rease in number. *he people asked, : Allah's Apostle; -hat do you order us )to do,3 (e said, :bey the one #ho #ill be $i%en the pled$e o! alle$ian0e !irst. Hul!il their )i.e. the Aaliphs, ri$hts, !or Allah #ill ask them about )any short0omin$, in rulin$ those Allah has put under their $uardianship. 4.==&: Narrated Abu 8a`id: *he 2rophet said, <ou #ill !ollo# the #ron$ #ays, o! your prede0essors so 0ompletely and literally that i! they should $o into the hole o! a masti$ure, you too #ill $o there. -e said, : Allah's Apostle; .o you mean the +e#s and the Ahristians3 (e replied, -hom else3 )"eanin$, o! 0ourse, the +e#s and the Ahristians., 4.==1: Narrated Anas: *he people mentioned the !ire and the bell )as means proposed !or announ0in$ the time o! prayer, and by su0h a su$$estion they re!erred to the +e#s and the Ahristians. But Bilal #as ordered, 2ronoun0e the #ords o! the Adhan )i.e. 0all !or the prayer, t#i0e and the I5ama on0e only. 4.==4: Narrated `Aisha: *hat she used to hate that one should keep his hands on his !lanks #hile prayin$. 8he said that the +e# used to do so. 4.==7: Narrated Ibn `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, <our period )i.e. the "uslims' period, in 0omparison to the periods o! the pre%ious nations, is like the period bet#een the `Asr prayer and sunset. And your e/ample in 0omparison to the +e#s and the Ahristians is like the e/ample o! a person #ho employed some laborers and asked them, '-ho #ill #ork !or me till midday !or one 6irat ea0h3' *he +e#s #orked !or hal! a day !or one 6irat ea0h. *he person asked, '-ho #ill do the #ork !or me !rom midday to the time o! the `Asr )prayer, !or one 6irat ea0h3' *he Ahristians #orked !rom midday till the `Asr prayer !or one 6irat. *hen the person asked, '-ho #ill do the #ork !or me !rom the `Asr till sunset !or t#o 6irats ea0h3' *he 2rophet added, It is you )i.e. "uslims, #ho are doin$ the #ork !rom the `Asr till sunset, so you #ill ha%e a double re#ard. *he +e#s and the Ahristians $ot an$ry and said, '-e ha%e done more #ork but $ot less #a$es.' Allah said, '(a%e I been un4ust to you as re$ards your ri$hts3' *hey said, 'No.' 8o Allah said, '*hen it is "y Blessin$ #hi0h I besto# on #home%er I like. 1C1

4.===: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I heard `Umar sayin$, "ay Allah Aurse so'and'so; .oesn't he kno# that the 2rophet said, '"ay Allah 0urse the +e#s !or, thou$h they #ere !orbidden )to eat, !at, they li5ue!ied it and sold it. 4.==>: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: *he 2rophet said, Aon%ey )my tea0hin$s, to the people e%en i! it #ere a sin$le senten0e, and tell others the stories o! Bani Israel )#hi0h ha%e been tau$ht to you,, !or it is not sin!ul to do so. And #hoe%er tells a lie on me intentionally, #ill surely take his pla0e in the )(ell, Hire. 4.==?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he +e#s and the Ahristians do not dye )their $rey hair,, so you shall do the opposite o! #hat they do )i.e. dye your $rey hair and beards,. 4.==B: Narrated +undub: Allah's Apostle said, Amon$st the nations be!ore you there #as a man #ho $ot a #ound, and $ro#in$ impatient )#ith its pain,, he took a kni!e and 0ut his hand #ith it and the blood did not stop till he died. Allah said, '"y 8la%e hurried to brin$ death upon himsel! so I ha%e !orbidden him )to enter, 2aradise.' 4.=>C: Narrated Abu (uraira: that he heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, Allah #illed to test three Israelis #ho #ere a Ieper, a blind man and a bald'headed man. 8o, he sent them an an$el #ho 0ame to the leper and said, '-hat thin$ do you like most3' (e replied, Eood 0olor and $ood skin, !or the people ha%e a stron$ a%ersion to me.' *he an$el tou0hed him and his illness #as 0ured, and he #as $i%en a $ood 0olor and beauti!ul skin. *he an$el asked him, '-hat kind o! property do you like best3' (e replied, 'Aamels )or 0o#s,.' )*he narrator is in doubt, !or either the leper or the bald'headed man demanded 0amels and the other demanded 0o#s., 8o he )i.e. the leper, #as $i%en a pre$nant she'0amei, and the an$el said )to him,, '"ay Allah bless you in it.' *he an$el then #ent to the bald'headed man and said, '-hat thin$ do you like most3' (e said, 'I like $ood hair and #ish to be 0ured o! this disease, !or the people !eel repulsion !or me.' *he an$el tou0hed him and his illness #as 0ured, and he #as $i%en $ood hair. *he an$el asked )him,, '-hat kind o! property do you like bests' (e replied, 'Ao#s,' *he an$el $a%e him a pre$nant 0o# and said, '"ay Allah bless you in it.' *he an$el #ent to the blind man and asked, '-hat thin$ do you like best3' (e said, ')I like, that Allah may restore my eye'si$ht to me so that I may see the people.' *he an$el tou0hed his eyes and Allah $a%e him ba0k his eye'si$ht. *he an$el asked him, -hat kind o! property do you like best3' (e replied, '8heep.' *he an$el $a%e him a pre$nant sheep. A!ter#ards, all the three pre$nant animals $a%e birth to youn$ ones, and multiplied and brou$ht !orth so mu0h that one o! the )three, men had a herd o! 0amels !illin$ a %alley, and one had a herd o! 0o#s !illin$ a %alley, and one had a !lo0k o! sheep !illin$ a %alley. *hen the an$el, dis$uised in the shape and appearan0e o! a leper, #ent to the leper and said, I am a poor man, #ho has lost all means o! li%elihood #hile on a 4ourney. 8o none #ill satis!y my need e/0ept Allah and then you. In the Name o! (im -ho has $i%en you su0h ni0e 0olor and beauti!ul skin, and so mu0h property, I ask you to $i%e me a 0amel so that I may rea0h my destination. *he man replied, 'I ha%e many obli$ations )so I 0annot $i%e you,.' *he an$el said, 'I think I kno# youD #ere you not a leper to #hom the people had a stron$ a%ersion3 -eren't you a poor man, and then Allah $a%e you )all this property,.' (e replied, ')*his is all #ron$,, I $ot this property throu$h inheritan0e !rom my !ore'!athers' *he an$el said, 'I! you are tellin$ a lie, then let Allah make you as you #ere be!ore. ' *hen the an$el, dis$uised in the shape and appearan0e o! a bald man, #ent to the bald man and said to him the same as he told the !irst one, and he too ans#ered the same as the !irst one did. *he an$el said, 'I! you are tellin$ a lie, then let Allah make you as you #ere be!ore.'


*he an$el, dis$uised in the shape o! a blind man, #ent to the blind man and said, 'I am a poor man and a tra%eler, #hose means o! li%elihood ha%e been e/hausted #hile on a 4ourney. I ha%e nobody to help me e/0ept Allah, and a!ter (im, you yoursel!. I ask you in the Name o! (im -ho has $i%en you ba0k your eye'si$ht to $i%e me a sheep, so that #ith its help, I may 0omplete my 4ourney' *he man said, 'No doubt, I #as blind and Allah $a%e me ba0k my eye'si$htD I #as poor and Allah made me ri0hD so take anythin$ you #ish !rom my property. By Allah, I #ill not stop you !or takin$ anythin$ )you need, o! my property #hi0h you may take !or Allah's sake.' *he an$el replied, '9eep your property #ith you. <ou )i.e 1 men, ha%e been tested and Allah is pleased #ith you and is an$ry #ith your t#o 0ompanions. 4.=>1: Narrated Ibn `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, :n0e three persons )!rom the pre%ious nations, #ere tra%elin$, and suddenly it started rainin$ and they took shelter in a 0a%e. *he entran0e o! the 0a%e $ot 0losed #hile they #ere inside. *hey said to ea0h other, ': you; Nothin$ 0an sa%e you e/0ept the truth, so ea0h o! you should ask Allah's (elp by re!errin$ to su0h a deed as he thinks he did sin0erely )i.e. 4ust !or $ainin$ Allah's 2leasure,.' 8o one o! them said, ': Allah; <ou kno# that I had a laborer #ho #orked !or me !or one Hara5 )i.e. three 8as, o! ri0e, but he departed, lea%in$ it )i.e. his #a$es,. I so#ed that Hara5 o! ri0e and #ith its yield I bou$ht 0o#s )!or him,. Iater on #hen he 0ame to me askin$ !or his #a$es, I said )to him,, 'Eo to those 0o#s and dri%e them a#ay.' (e said to me, 'But you ha%e to pay me only a Hara5 o! ri0e,' I said to him, 'Eo to those 0o#s and take them, !or they are the produ0t o! that Hara5 )o! ri0e,.' 8o he dro%e them. : Allah; I! you 0onsider that I did that !or !ear o! <ou, then please remo%e the ro0k.' *he ro0k shi!ted a bit !rom the mouth o! the 0a%e. *he se0ond one said, ': Allah, <ou kno# that I had old parents #hom I used to pro%ide #ith the milk o! my sheep e%ery ni$ht. :ne ni$ht I #as delayed and #hen I 0ame, they had slept, #hile my #i!e and 0hildren #ere 0ryin$ #ith hun$er. I used not to let them )i.e. my !amily, drink unless my parents had drunk !irst. 8o I disliked to #ake them up and also disliked that they should sleep #ithout drinkin$ it, I kept on #aitin$ )!or them to #ake, till it da#ned. : Allah; I! <ou 0onsider that I did that !or !ear o! you, then please remo%e the ro0k.' 8o the ro0k shi!ted and they 0ould see the sky throu$h it. *he )third, one said, ': Allah; <ou kno# that I had a 0ousin )i.e. my paternal un0le's dau$hter, #ho #as most belo%ed to me and I sou$ht to sedu0e her, but she re!used, unless I paid her one'hundred .inars )i.e. $old pie0es,. 8o I 0olle0ted the amount and brou$ht it to her, and she allo#ed me to sleep #ith her. But #hen I sat bet#een her le$s, she said, 'Be a!raid o! Allah, and do not de!lo#er me but le$ally. 'I $ot up and le!t the hundred .inars )!or her,. : Allah; I! <ou 0onsider that I did that !or !ear o! you than please remo%e the ro0k. 8o Allah sa%ed them and they 0ame out )o! the 0a%e,. KIt has been !lasely ar$ued that *his (adith indi0ates that one 0an :NI< ask Allah !or help dire0tly or throu$h his per!ormed $ood deeds. KIn !a0t this hadith does a00ount the re5uest o! those three men based on their $ood deeds, but no#here #ithin this hadith's te/t is it mentioned ' as 0laimed ' that this is the :NI< #ay that Allah may be asked. *he reader is re5uested to re%ie# our holy 2rophets #ords !or himsel!, and not to allo# others to !alsely inter4e0t their o#n opinions in them. KIt has also been #ron$ly )and %ehemently, added that But to ask Allah throu$h dead or absent prophets, saints, spirits, holy men, an$els et0. is absolutely !orbidden in Islam and it is a kind o! disbelie!. 8u0h statements are e/tremely in!lamatory and un'islami0ally a00usati%e. *hey purport to deny inter0ession, e%en thou$h it #as a!!irmed by the ma4ority o! "uslim s0holars. *he authentis hadeeth #here one o! the the Aompanions asks the 2rophet: I ask you to be in your 0ompany in +annah is enou$h proo! !or the #ise. As !or debati%e persons #ho pre!er their o#n opinions, they #ill not a00ept e%en %olumes o! proo!s. Addition by .ar Al (adeethL 4.=>&: Narrated Abu (uraira: *hat he heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, -hile a lady #as nursin$ her 0hild, a rider passed by and she said, ': Allah; .on't let my 0hild die till he be0omes like this )rider,.' *he 0hild said, ': Allah; .on't make me like him,' and then returned to her breast )su0kin$ it,. )A!ter a #hile, they passed by a lady 1C1

#ho #as bein$ pulled and teased )by the people,. *he 0hild's mother said, ': Allah; .o not make my 0hild like her.' *he 0hild said, ': Allah; "ake me like her.' *hen he said, 'As !or the rider, he is an in!idel, #hile the lady is a00used o! ille$al se/ual inter0ourse )!alsely, and she says: Allah is su!!i0ient !or me )(e kno#s the truth,. 4.=>1: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, -hile a do$ #as $oin$ round a #ell and #as about to die o! thirst, an Israeli prostitute sa# it and took o!! her shoe and #atered it. 8o Allah !or$a%e her be0ause o! that $ood deed. 4.=>4: Narrated (umaid bin `Abdur'Gahman: *hat he heard "ua#iya bin Abi 8u!yan )talkin$, on the pulpit in the year #hen he per!ormed the (a44. (e took a tu!t o! hair that #as in the hand o! an orderly and said, : people o! "edina; -here are your learned men3 I heard the 2rophet !orbiddin$ su0h a thin$ as this )i.e. !alse hair, and he used to say, '*he Israelis #ere destroyed #hen their ladies pra0ti0ed this habit )o! usin$ !alse hair to len$then their lo0ks,. 4.=>7: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, Amon$st the people pre0edin$ you there used to be '"uhaddithun' )i.e. persons #ho 0an $uess thin$s that 0ome true later on, as i! those persons ha%e been inspired by a di%ine po#er,, and i! there are any su0h persons amon$st my !ollo#ers, it is `Umar bin Al'9hattab. 4.=>=: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: *he 2rophet said, Amon$st the men o! Bani Israel there #as a man #ho had murdered ninety'nine persons. *hen he set out askin$ )#hether his repentan0e 0ould be a00epted or not,. (e 0ame upon a monk and asked him i! his repentan0e 0ould be a00epted. *he monk replied in the ne$ati%e and so the man killed him. (e kept on askin$ till a man ad%ised to $o to su0h and su0h %illa$e. )8o he le!t !or it, but death o%ertook him on the #ay. -hile dyin$, he turned his 0hest to#ards that %illa$e )#here he had hoped his repentan0e #ould be a00epted,, and so the an$els o! mer0y and the an$els o! punishment 5uarrelled amon$st themsel%es re$ardin$ him. Allah ordered the %illa$e )to#ards #hi0h he #as $oin$, to 0ome 0loser to him, and ordered the %illa$e )#hen0e he had 0ome,, to $o !ar a#ay, and then (e ordered the an$els to measure the distan0es bet#een his body and the t#o %illa$es. 8o he #as !ound to be one span 0loser to the %illa$e )he #as $oin$ to,. 8o he #as !or$i%en. 4.=>>: Narrated Abu (uraira: :n0e Allah's ApostleD o!!ered the mornin$ prayer and then !a0ed the people and said, -hile a man #as dri%in$ a 0o#, he suddenly rode o%er it and beat it. *he 0o# said, -e ha%e not been 0reated !or this, but #e ha%e been 0reated !or slou$hin$. :n that the people said astonishin$ly, Elori!ied be Allah; A 0o# speaks; *he 2rophet said, I belie%e this, and Abu Bakr and `Umar too, belie%e it, althou$h neither o! them #as present there. -hile a person #as amon$st his sheep, a #ol! atta0ked and took one o! the sheep. *he man 0hased the #ol! till he sa%ed it !rom the #ol!, #here upon the #ol! said, '<ou ha%e sa%ed it !rom meD but #ho #ill $uard it on the day o! the #ild beasts #hen there #ill be no shepherd to $uard them e/0ept me )be0ause o! riots and a!!li0tions,3 ' *he people said surprisin$ly, Elori!ied be Allah; A #ol! speaks; *he 2rophet said, But I belie%e this, and Abu Bakr and `Umar too, belie%e this, althou$h neither o! them #as present there. )8ee the Hoot'note o! pa$e No. 1C Vol.7, 4.=>?: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, A man bou$ht a pie0e o! and !rom another man, and the buyer !ound an earthen#are 4ar !illed #ith $old in the land. *he buyer said to the seller. '*ake your $old, as I ha%e bou$ht only the land !rom you, but I ha%e not bou$ht the $old !rom you.' *he )!ormer, o#ner o! the land said, I ha%e sold you the land #ith e%erythin$ in it.' 8o both o! them took their 0ase be!ore a 1C4

man #ho asked, '.o you ha%e 0hildren3' :ne o! them said, I ha%e a boy.' *he other said, I ha%e a $irl.' *he man said, '"arry the $irl to the boy and spend the money on both o! them and $i%e the rest o! it in 0harity.' 4.=>B: Narrated Usama bin @aid: Allah's Apostle said, 2la$ue #as a means o! torture sent on a $roup o! Israelis )or on some people be!ore you,. 8o i! you hear o! its spread in a land, don't approa0h it, and i! a pla$ue should appear in a land #here you are present, then don't lea%e that land in order to run a#ay !rom it )i.e. pla$ue,. 4.=?C: Narrated `Aisha: )the #i!e o! the 2rophet, I asked Allah's Apostle about the pla$ue. (e told me that it #as a 2unishment sent by Allah on #hom he #ished, and Allah made it a sour0e o! mer0y !or the belie%ers, !or i! one in the time o! an epidemi0 pla$ue stays in his 0ountry patiently hopin$ !or Allah's Ge#ard and belie%in$ that nothin$ #ill be!all him e/0ept #hat Allah has #ritten !or him, he #ill $et the re#ard o! a martyr. 4.=?1: Narrated `Aisha: *he people o! 6uraish #orried about the lady !rom Bani "akhFum #ho had 0ommitted the!t. *hey asked, -ho #ill inter0ede !or her #ith Allah's Apostle3 8ome said, No one dare to do so e/0ept Usama bin @aid the belo%ed one to Allah's Apostle . -hen Usama spoke about that to Allah's Apostle Allah's Apostle said, )to him,, .o you try to inter0ede !or somebody in a 0ase 0onne0ted #ith Allah's 2res0ribed 2unishments3 *hen he $ot up and deli%ered a sermon sayin$, -hat destroyed the nations pre0edin$ you, #as that i! a noble amon$st them stole, they #ould !or$i%e him, and i! a poor person amon$st them stole, they #ould in!li0t Allah's Ie$al punishment on him. By Allah, i! Hatima, the dau$hter o! "uhammad stole, I #ould 0ut o!! her hand. 4.=?&: Narrated Ibn "as`ud: I heard a person re0itin$ a )6ur'ani0, Verse in a 0ertain #ay, and I had heard the 2rophet re0itin$ the same Verse in a di!!erent #ay. 8o I took him to the 2rophet and in!ormed him o! that but I noti0ed the si$n o! disappro%al on his !a0e, and then he said, Both o! you are 0orre0t, so don't di!!er, !or the nations be!ore you di!!ered, so they #ere destroyed. 4.=?1: Narrated `Abdullah: As i! I sa# the 2rophet talkin$ about one o! the prophets #hose nation had beaten him and 0aused him to bleed, #hile he #as 0leanin$ the blood o!! his !a0e and sayin$, : Allah; Hor$i%e my nation, !or they ha%e no kno#led$e. 4.=?4: Narrated Abu 8a`id: *he 2rophet said, Amon$st the people pre0edin$ your a$e, there #as a man #hom Allah had $i%en a lot o! money. -hile he #as in his death'bed, he 0alled his sons and said, '-hat type o! !ather ha%e I been to you3 *hey replied, '<ou ha%e been a $ood !ather.' (e said, 'I ha%e ne%er done a sin$le $ood deedD so #hen I die, burn me, 0rush my body, and s0atter the resultin$ ashes on a #indy day.' (is sons did a00ordin$ly, but Allah $athered his parti0les and asked )him,, '-hat made you do so3' (e replied, Hear o! you.' 8o Allah besto#ed (is "er0y upon him. )!or$a%e him,. 4.=?7: Narrated Gibi bin (irash: `U5ba said to (udhai!a, -on't you narrate to us #hat you heard !rom Allah's Apostle 3 (udhai!a said, I heard him sayin$, '.eath approa0hed a man and #hen he had no hope o! sur%i%in$, he said to his !amily, '-hen I die, $ather !or me mu0h #ood and build a !ire )to burn me,,. -hen the !ire has eaten my !lesh and rea0hed my bones, take the bones and $rind them and s0atter the resultin$ po#der in the sea on a hot )or #indy, day.' )*hat #as done., But Allah 0olle0ted his parti0les and asked )him,, '-hy did you do so3' (e replied, 'Hor !ear o! <ou.' 8o Allah !or$a%e him. 1C7

4.=?=: Narrated `Abdu "alik: As abo%e, sayin$, :n a #indy day. 4.=?>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, A man used to $i%e loans to the people and used to say to his ser%ant, 'I! the debtor is poor, !or$i%e him, so that Allah may !or$i%e us.' 8o #hen he met Allah )a!ter his death,, Allah !or$a%e him. 4.=??: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, A man used to do sin!ul deeds, and #hen death 0ame to him, he said to his sons, 'A!ter my death, burn me and then 0rush me, and s0atter the po#der in the air, !or by Allah, i! Allah has 0ontrol o%er me, (e #ill $i%e me su0h a punishment as (e has ne%er $i%en to anyone else.' -hen he died, his sons did a00ordin$ly. Allah ordered the earth sayin$, 'Aolle0t #hat you hold o! his parti0les.' It did so, and behold; *here he #as )the man, standin$. Allah asked )him,, '-hat made you do #hat you did3' (e replied, ': my Iord; I #as a!raid o! <ou.' 8o Allah !or$a%e him. Another narrator said *he man said, Hear o! <ou, : Iord; 4.=?B: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, A lady #as punished be0ause o! a 0at #hi0h she had imprisoned till it died. 8he entered the )(ell, Hire be0ause o! it, !or she neither $a%e it !ood nor #ater as she had imprisoned it, nor set it !ree to eat !rom the %ermin o! the earth. 4.=BC: Narrated Abu "asud `U5ba: *he 2rophet said, :ne o! the sayin$s o! the prophets #hi0h the people ha%e $ot, is. 'I! you do not !eel ashamed, then do #hate%er you like. 4.=B1: Narrated Abu "us'ud: *he 2rophet said, :ne o! the sayin$s o! the prophets #hi0h the people ha%e $ot is, 'I! you do not !eel ashamed, then do #hate%er you like. 4.=B&: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet said, -hile a man #as #alkin$, dra$$in$ his dress #ith pride, he #as 0aused to be s#allo#ed by the earth and #ill $o on sinkin$ in it till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.=B1: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, -e are the last )to 0ome, but #e #ill be the !oremost on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion, nations #ere $i%en the Book )i.e. 80ripture, be!ore us, and #e #ere $i%en the (oly Book a!ter them. *his )i.e. Hriday, is the day about #hi0h they di!!ered. 8o the ne/t day )i.e. 8aturday, #as pres0ribed !or the +e#s and the day a!ter it )i.e. 8unday, !or the Ahristians. It is in0umbent on e%ery "uslim to #ash his head and body on a .ay )i.e. Hriday, )at least, in e%ery se%en days. 4.=B4: Narrated 8a`id bin Al'"usaiyab: -hen "ua#iya bin Abu 8u!yan 0ame to "edina !or the last time, he deli%ered a sermon be!ore us. (e took out a tu!t o! hair and said, I ne%er thou$ht that someone other than the +e#s #ould do su0h a thin$ )i.e. use !alse hair,. *he 2rophet named su0h a pra0ti0e, 'AF'@ur' )i.e. !alsehood,, meanin$ the use o! !alse hair. 4.=B7: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Ge$ardin$ the Verse: 'And )-e, made you into 8hu'ub and 6abail'' )4B.11, that 8hu'uib means the bi$ 6abail )i.e. nations, #hile the 6abail )i.e. tribes, means the bran0h tribes. 4.=B=: 1C=

Narrated Abu (uraira: :n0e Allah's Apostle #as asked, -ho is the most honorable amon$st the people3 (e said, *he most ri$hteous )i.e. Allah'!earin$, amon$st you. *hey said, -e do not ask you about this. (e said, *hen +oseph, the prophet o! Allah. 4.=B>: Narrated 9ulaib bin -ail: I asked @ainab bint Abi 8alama )i.e. dau$hter o! the #i!e o! the 2rophet, *ell me about the 2rophet . .id he belon$ to the tribe o! "udar3 8he replied, <es, he belon$ed to the tribe o! "udar and #as !rom the o!!sprin$ o! An'Nadr bin 9inana. 4.=B?: Narrated 9ulaib: I #as told by the Gabiba )i.e. dau$hter o! the #i!e o! the 2rophet, #ho, I think, #as @ainab, that the 2rophet )!orbade the utensils )o! #ine 0alled, Ad'.ubba, Al'(antam, Al'"u5aiyar and Al'"uFa!!at. I said to her, '*ell me as to #hi0h tribe the 2rophet belon$edD #as he !rom the tribe o! "udar3'' 8he replied, (e belon$ed to the tribe o! "udar and #as !rom the o!!sprin$ o! An'Nadr bin 9inana. 4.=BB: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, <ou see that the people are o! di!!erent natures. *hose #ho #ere the best in the pre'lslami0 period, are also the best in Islam i! they 0omprehend reli$ious kno#led$e. <ou see that the best amon$st the people in this respe0t )i.e. ambition o! rulin$, are those #ho hate it most. And you see that the #orst amon$ people is the double !a0ed )person, #ho appears to these #ith one !a0e and to the others #ith another !a0e )i.e a hypo0rite,. 4.>CC: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he tribe o! 6uraish has pre0eden0e o%er the people in this 0onne0tion )i.e the ri$ht o! rulin$,. *he "uslims !ollo# the "uslims amon$st them, and the in!idels !ollo# the in!idels amon$st them. 2eople are o! di!!erent natures: *he best amon$st them in the pre'lslami0 period are the best in Islam pro%ided they 0omprehend the reli$ious kno#led$e. <ou #ill !ind that the best amon$st the people in this respe0t )i.e. o! rulin$, is he #ho hates it )i.e. the idea o! rulin$, most, till he is $i%en the pled$e o! alle$ian0e. 4.>C1: Narrated *a#us: Ibn `Abbas re0ited the 6ur'ani0 Verse:'''J/0ept to be kind to me !or my kin'ship to you'' )4&.&1, 8a`id bin +ubair said, )*he Verse implies, the kinship o! "uhammad. Ibn `Abbas said, *here #as not a sin$le house )i.e. sub'tribe, o! 6uraish but had a kinship to the 2rophet and so the abo%e Verse #as re%ealed in this 0onne0tion, and its interpretation is: ': 6uraish; <ou should keep $ood relation bet#een me )i.e. "uhammad, and you. 4.>C&: Narrated Abi "as`ud: *he 2rophet said, Hrom this side !rom the east, a!!li0tions #ill appear. Gudeness and la0k o! mer0y are 0hara0teristi0s o! the rural bedouins #ho are busy #ith their 0amels and 0o#s )and pay no attention to reli$ion,. 8u0h are the tribes o! Gabi`a and "udar. 4.>C1: Narrated Abu (uraira: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, 2ride and arro$an0e are 0hara0teristi0s o! the rural bedouins #hile 0almness is !ound amon$ the o#ners o! sheep. Belie! is <emenite, and #isdom is also <emenite i.e. the <emenites are #ell'kno#n !or their true belie! and #isdom,. Abu `Abdullah )Al'Bukhari, said, <emen #as 0alled so be0ause it is situated to the ri$ht o! the 9a`ba, and 8ham #as 0alled so be0ause it is situated to the le!t o! the 9a`ba. 4.>C4: Narrated "uhammad bin +ubair bin "ut`im:


*hat #hile he #as #ith a dele$ation !rom 6uraish to "ua#iya, the latter heard the ne#s that `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al'`As said that there #ould be a kin$ !rom the tribe o! 6ahtan. :n that "ua#iya be0ame an$ry, $ot up and then praised Allah as (e deser%ed, and said, No# then, I ha%e heard that some men amon$st you narrate thin$s #hi0h are neither in the (oly Book, nor ha%e been told by Allah's Apostle. *hose men are the i$norant amon$st you. Be#are o! su0h hopes as make the people $o astray, !or I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, 'Authority o! rulin$ #ill remain #ith 6uraish, and #hoe%er bears hostility to them, Allah #ill destroy him as lon$ as they abide by the la#s o! the reli$ion.' 4.>C7: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet said, Authority o! rulin$ #ill remain #ith 6uraish, e%en i! only t#o o! them remained. 4.>C=: Narrated +ubair bin "ut`im: `Uthman bin `A!!an #ent )to the 2rophet, and said, : Allah's Apostle; <ou $a%e property to Bani Al'"uttalib and did not $i%e us, althou$h #e and they are o! the same de$ree o! relationship to you. *he 2rophet said, :nly Bani (ashim and Bani Al "uttalib are one thin$ )as re$ards !amily status,. Narrated `Ur#a bin AF'@ubair: `Abdullah bin AF'@ubair #ent #ith some #omen o! the tribe o! Bani @uhra to `Aisha #ho used to treat them ni0ely be0ause o! their relation to Allah's Apostle. 4.>C>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he tribe o! 6uraish, the Ansar, the )people o! the tribe o!, +ulhaina, "uFaina, Aslam, Ash4a', and Ehi!ar are my dis0iples and ha%e no prote0tors e/0ept Allah and (is Apostle. 4.>C?: Narrated `Ur#a bin AF'@ubair: `Abdullah bin AF'@ubair #as the most belo%ed person to `Aisha e/0ludin$ the 2rophet and Abu Bakr, and he in his turn, #as the most de%oted to her, `Aisha used not to #ithhold the money $i%en to her by Allah, but she used to spend it in 0harity. )`Abdullah, bin AF@ubair said, `Aisha should be stopped !rom doin$ so. )-hen `Aisha heard this,, she said protestin$ly, 8hall I be stopped !rom doin$ so3 I %o# that I #ill ne%er talk to `Abdullah bin AF'@ubair. :n that, Ibn AF'@ubair asked some people !rom 6uraish and parti0ularly the t#o un0les o! Allah's Apostle to inter0ede #ith her, but she re!used )to talk to him,. AF'@uhriyun, the un0les o! the 2rophet, in0ludin$ `Abdur'Gahman bin Al'As#ad bin `Abd <a$huth and Al'"is#ar bin "akhrama said to him, -hen #e ask !or the permission to %isit her, enter her house alon$ #ith us )#ithout takin$ her lea%e,. (e did a00ordin$ly )and she a00epted their inter0ession,. (e sent her ten sla%es #hom she manumitted as an e/piation !or )not keepin$, her %o#. `Aisha manumitted more sla%es !or the same purpose till she manumitted !orty sla%es. 8he said, I #ish I had spe0i!ied #hat I #ould ha%e done in 0ase o! not !ul!illin$ my %o# #hen I made the %o#, so that I mi$ht ha%e done it easily. 4.>CB: Narrated Anas: `Uthman 0alled @aid bin *habit, `Abdullah bin AF'@ubair, 8a`id bin Al'`As and `AbdurGahman bin Al'(arith bin (isham, and then they #rote the manus0ripts o! the (oly 6ur'an in the !orm o! book in se%eral 0opies. `Uthman said to the three 6uraishi persons. I! you di!!er #ith @aid bin *habit on any point o! the 6ur'an, then #rite it in the lan$ua$e o! 6uraish, as the 6ur'an #as re%ealed in their lan$ua$e. 8o they a0ted a00ordin$ly. )8a`id bin *habit #as an Ansari and not !rom 6uraish ,. 4.>1C: Narrated 8alama: Allah's Apostle passed by some people !rom the tribe o! Aslam pra0ti0in$ ar0hery. (e said, : 0hildren o! Ishmael; *hro# )arro#s,, !or your !ather #as an ar0her. I am on the side o! Bani so'and' so, meanin$ one o! the t#o teams. *he other team stopped thro#in$, #hereupon the 2rophet said, -hat has happened to them3 *hey replied, (o# shall #e thro# #hile you are #ith Bani so'and' so3 (e said, *hro# !or I am #ith all o! you. 4.>11: 1C?

Narrated Abu .har: *he 2rophet said, I! somebody 0laims to be the son o! any other than his real !ather kno#in$ly, he but disbelie%es in Allah, and i! somebody 0laims to belon$ to some !olk to #hom he does not belon$, let su0h a person take his pla0e in the )(ell, Hire. 4.>1&: Narrated -athila bin Al'As5a: Allah's Apostle said, Verily, one o! the #orst lies is to 0laim !alsely to be the son o! someone other than one's real !ather, or to 0laim to ha%e had a dream one has not had, or to attribute to me #hat I ha%e not said. 4.>11: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he dele$ates o! `Abd'ul'6ais 0ame to Allah's Apostle and said, : Allah's Apostle; -e are !rom the tribe o! Gabi`a and the in!idels o! "udar tribe stand bet#een us and you, so that #e 0annot 0ome to you e/0ept in the 8a0red "onths. *here!ore #e #ould like you to $i%e us some instru0tions #hi0h #e may !ollo# and 0on%ey to our people stayin$ behind us. *he 2rophet said, I order you to obser%e !our thin$s and !orbid you )to do, !our thin$s: )I order you, to belie%e in Allah testi!yin$ that None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped e/0ept AllahD to o!!er the prayer per!e0tlyD to pay the @akatD and to $i%e one'!i!th o! the #ar booty to Allah. And I !orbid you to use Ad'.ubba, Al'(antam, An'Na5ir and Al' "uFa!!at. )*hese are names o! utensils in #hi0h al0oholi0 drinks #ere ser%ed., 4.>14: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: I heard Allah's Apostle on the pulpit sayin$, Verily, a!!li0tions )#ill start, !rom here, pointin$ to#ards the east, #hen0e the side o! the head o! 8atan 0omes out. 4.>17: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he tribes o! 6uraish, Al'Ansar, +uhaina, "uFaina, Aslam, Ehi!ar and Ash4a' are my helpers, and they ha%e no prote0tor )i.e. "aster, e/0ept Allah and (is Apostle. 4.>1=: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: -hile Allah's Apostle #as on the pulpit, he said, "ay Allah $i%e the tribe o! Ehi!ar; And may Allah sa%e the tribe o! Aslam; *he tribe o! 'Usaiya ha%e disobeyed Allah and (is Apostle. 4.>1>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, "ay Allah sa%e the tribe o! Aslam, and may Allah !or$i%e the tribe o! Ehi!ar; 4.>1?: Narrated Abu Bakra: *he 2rophet said, .o you think that the tribes o! +uhaina, "uFaina, Aslam and Ehi!ar are better than the tribes o! Bani *amim, Bani Asad, Bam `Abdullah bin Ehata!an and Bani Amir bin 8asaa3 A man said, *hey #ere unsu00ess!ul and losers. *he 2rophet added, )<es,, they are better than the tribes o! Bani *amim, Bani Asad, Bani `Abdullah bin Ehata!an and Bani Amir bin 8asaa. 4.>1B: Narrated Abu Bakra: Al'A5ra' bin (`Abis said to the 2rophet Nobody $a%e you the pled$e o! alle$ian0e but the robbers o! the pil$rims )i.e. those #ho used to rob the pil$rims, !rom the tribes o! Aslam, Ehi!ar, "uFaina. )Ibn Abi <a'5ub is in doubt #hether Al'A5ra' added. 'And +uhaina.', *he 2rophet said, .on't you think that the tribes o! Aslam, Ehi!ar, "uFaina )and also perhaps, +uhaina are better than the tribes o! Bani *amim, Bani Amir, Asad, and Ehata!an3 8omebody said, *hey #ere unsu00ess!ul and losers; *he 2rophet said, <es, by (im in -hose (ands my li!e is, they )i.e. the !ormer, are better than they )i.e. the latter,. Abu (uraira said, )*he 2rophet said,, ')*he people o!, Bani Aslam, Ehi!ar and some people o! "uFaina )or some people o! +uhaina or "uFaina, are better in Allah's 8i$ht )or on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion, than the tribes o! Asad, *amim, (a#aFin and Ehata!an.' 1CB

4.>&C: Narrated +abir: -e #ere in the 0ompany o! the 2rophet in a EhaF#a. A lar$e number o! emi$rants 4oined him and amon$ the emi$rants there #as a person #ho used to play 4okes )or play #ith spears,D so he )4okin$ly, stroked an Ansari man on the hip. *he Ans'ari $ot so an$ry that both o! them 0alled their people. *he Ansari said, (elp, : Ansar; And the emi$rant said (elp, : emi$rants; *he 2rophet 0ame out and said, -hat is #ron$ #ith the people )as they are 0allin$, this 0all o! the period o! I$noran0e3 *hen he said, -hat is the matter #ith them3 8o he #as told about the stroke o! the emi$rant to the Ansari. *he 2rophet said, 8top this )i.e. appeal !or help, !or it is an e%il 0all. Abdullah bin Ubai bin 8alul )a hypo0rite, said, *he emi$rants ha%e 0alled and )$athered a$ainst us,D so #hen #e return to "edina, surely, the more honorable people #ill e/pel there!rom the meaner, Upon that `Umar said, : Allah's 2rophet; 8hall #e not kill this e%il person )i.e. `Abdullah bin Ubai bin 8alul, 3 *he 2rophet, said, )No,, lest the people should say that "uhammad used to kill his 0ompanions. 4.>&1: Narrated `Abdullah )bin "as`ud,: *he 2rophet said, -ho'e%er slaps his !a0e or tears the bosom o! his dress, or 0alls the 0alls o! the 2eriod o! I$noran0e, is not !rom us. 4.>&&: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, `Amr bin Iuhai bin 6am'a bin 9hindi! #as the !ather o! 9huFa`a.' 4.>&1: Narrated 8a`id bin Al'"usaiyab: Al'Bahira #as an animal #hose milk #as spared !or the idols and other dieties, and so nobody #as allo#ed to milk it. As'8aiba #as an animal #hi0h they )i.e in!idels, used to set !ree in the names o! their $ods so that it #ould not be used !or 0arryin$ anythin$. Abu (uraira said, *he 2rophet said, 'I sa# `Amr bin 'Amir bin Iuhai Al'9huFa`i dra$$in$ his intestines in the )(ell, Hire, !or he #as the !irst man #ho started the 0ustom o! releasin$ animals )!or the sake o! !alse $ods,.' 4.>&4: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: -hen the ne#s o! the ad%ent o! the 2rophet rea0hed Abu .har, he said to his brother, Gide to this %alley and brin$ me the ne#s o! this man )i.e. the 2rophet , #ho 0laims to be a 2rophet re0ei%in$ in!ormation !rom the (ea%en. Iisten to him and then 0ome to me. (is brother set out till he met the 2rophet and listened to his spee0h and returned to Abu .har and said to him, I ha%e seen him e/hortin$ people to %irtues and his spee0h #as not like poetry. Abu .har said, <ou ha%e not satis!ied me as to #hat I #anted. 8o, he took his 4ourney'!ood and a #ater'skin !ull o! #ater and set out till he rea0hed "e00a, #here he #ent to the "os5ue lookin$ !or the 2rophet , #hom he did not kno#, and he #ould not like to ask someone about him. 8o, a portion o! the ni$ht had passed #hen `Ali sa# him and realiFed that he #as a stran$er. Abu .har !ollo#ed him )to his house,, but neither o! them asked the other about anythin$ till it #as mornin$, #hen he 0arried his #ater'skin and !ood and #ent to the "os5ue. (e spent that day #ithout bein$ obser%ed by the 2rophet till it #as ni$ht, #hen he returned to his sleepin$ pla0e. `Ali a$ain passed by him and said, (asn't the man )i.e. Abu .har, re0o$niFed his d#ellin$ pla0e yet3 8o, `Ali let him $et up and took him )to his house,, but neither o! them asked the other about anythin$, till it #as the third day #hen `Ali had the same e/perien0e #ith him and Abu .har a$ain stayed #ith him. `Ali then asked, -on't you tell me #hat has brou$ht you here3 (e replied, I! you $i%e me a promise and a 0on%ention that you #ill $uide me, then I #ill tell you. -hen `Ali did, Abu .har in!ormed him )o! his purpose,. `Ali said, It is the *ruth, and he )i.e. "uhammad, is the Apostle o! Allah. 8o #hen the mornin$ 0omes, !ollo# me, and i! I should per0ei%e any dan$er threatenin$ you, I #ill $i%e you a hint by pretendin$ to $o to the #ater0loset. But i! I 0arried on #alkin$, !ollo# me till you enter the pla0e that I #ill enter. Abu .hur a$reed and !ollo#ed `Ali till he entered the pla0e o! the 2rophet and Abu .hur entered #ith him. (e then listened to the spee0h o! the 2rophet and embra0ed Islam on that %ery spot. *he 2rophet said to him, Eo ba0k to 11C

your people and in!orm them )o! this reli$ion, till you re0ei%e my )!urther, orders. Abu .hur said, By (im in -hose (ands my li!e is; I #ill pro0laim my 0on%ersion to Islam publi0ly amon$st them )i.e. in!idels,. (e #ent out till he rea0hed the "os5ue and announ0ed as loudly as possible, I testi!y that None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped but Allah and that "uhammad is the Apostle o! Allah. *he people then $ot up and beat him till they kno0ked him do#n. Al'Abbas 0ame and thre# himsel! o%er him )to prote0t him, sayin$, -oe to you; .on't you kno# that he is !rom Ehi!ar and there is the route )road, to your mer0hants to#ards 8ham )i.e. throu$h the pla0e #here this tribe d#ells,3 *hus he sa%ed him !rom them. Abu .har did the same on the ne/t day and the people beat him a$ain and Al'`Abbas dre# himsel! o%er him )to sa%e him as be!ore,. 4.>&7: Narrated Abu +amra: Ibn `Abbas said to us, 8hall I tell you the story o! Abu .har's 0on%ersion to Islam3 -e said, <es. (e said, Abu .har said: I #as a man !rom the tribe o! Ehi!ar. -e heard that a man had appeared in "e00a, 0laimin$ to be a 2rophet. ; said to my brother, 'Eo to that man and talk to him and brin$ me his ne#s.' (e set out, met him and returned. I asked him, '-hat is the ne#s #ith you3' (e said, 'By Allah, I sa# a man en4oinin$ #hat is $ood and !orbiddin$ #hat is e%il.' I said to him, '<ou ha%e not satis!ied me #ith this little in!ormation.' 8o, I took a #aterskin and a sti0k and pro0eeded to#ards "e00a. Neither did I kno# him )i.e. the 2rophet ,, nor did I like to ask anyone about him. I 9ept on drinkin$ @am Fam #ater and stayin$ in the "os5ue. *hen `Ali passed by me and said, 'It seems you are a stran$er3' I said, '<es.' (e pro0eeded to his house and I a00ompanied him. Neither did he ask me anythin$, nor did I tell him anythin$. Ne/t mornin$ I #ent to the "os5ue to ask about the 2rophet but no'one told me anythin$ about him. `Ali passed by me a$ain and asked, '(asn't the man re0o$niFed his d#ellin$ pla0e yet' I said, 'No.' (e said, 'Aome alon$ #ith me.' (e asked me, '-hat is your business3 -hat has brou$ht you to this to#n3' I said to him, 'I! you keep my se0ret, I #ill tell you.' (e said, 'I #ill do,' I said to him, '-e ha%e heard that a person has appeared here, 0laimin$ to be a 2rophet. I sent my brother to speak to him and #hen he returned, he did not brin$ a satis!a0tory reportD so I thou$ht o! meetin$ him personally.' `Ali said )to Abu .har,, '<ou ha%e rea0hed your $oalD I am $oin$ to him 4ust no#, so !ollo# me, and #here%er I enter, enter a!ter me. I! I should see someone #ho may 0ause you trouble, I #ill stand near a #all pretendin$ to mend my shoes )as a #arnin$,, and you should $o a#ay then.' `Ali pro0eeded and I a00ompanied him till he entered a pla0e, and I entered #ith him to the 2rophet to #hom I said, '2resent )the prin0iples o!, Islam to me.' -hen he did, I embra0ed Islam 'immediately. (e said to me, ': Abu .har; 9eep your 0on%ersion as a se0ret and return to your to#nD and #hen you hear o! our %i0tory, return to us. ' I said, 'By ( him -ho has sent you #ith the *ruth, I #ill announ0e my 0on%ersion to Islam publi0ly amon$st them )i.e. the in!idels,,' Abu .har #ent to the "os5ue, #here some people !rom 6uraish #ere present, and said, ': !olk o! 6uraish ; I testi!y that None has the ri$ht to be #orshipped e/0ept Allah, and I )also, testi!y that "uhammad is Allah's 8la%e and (is Apostle.' )(earin$ that, the 6uraishi men said, 'Eet at this 8abi )i.e. "uslim, ;' *hey $ot up and beat me nearly to death. Al `Abbas sa# me and thre# himsel! o%er me to prote0t me. (e then !a0ed them and said, '-oe to you; <ou #ant to kill a man !rom the tribe o! Ehi!ar, althou$h your trade and your 0ommuni0ations are throu$h the territory o! Ehi!ar3' *hey there!ore le!t me. *he ne/t mornin$ I returned )to the "os5ue, and said the same as I ha%e said on the pre%ious day. *hey a$ain said, 'Eet at this 8abi;' I #as treated in the same #ay as on the pre%ious day, and a$ain Al'Abbas !ound me and thre# himsel! o%er me to prote0t me and told them the same as he had said the day be!ore.' 8o, that #as the 0on%ersion o! Abu .har )may Allah be "er0i!ul to him, to Islam. 4.>&=: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: I! you #ish to kno# about the i$noran0e o! the Arabs, re!er to 8urat'al'Anam a!ter Verse No. 11C:'' Indeed lost are those #ho ha%e killed their 0hildren Hrom !olly #ithout kno#led$e and ha%e !orbidden that #hi0h Allah has pro%ided !or them, in%entin$ a lie a$ainst Allah. *hey ha%e indeed $one astray and #ere not $uided.' )=.14, 111

4.>&>: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: -hen the Verse:'' 'And #arn your tribe o! near kindred.' )&=.&14, #as re%ealed, the 2rophet started 0allin$ )the 'Arab tribes,, : Bani Hihr, : Bani `Adi mentionin$ !irst the %arious bran0h tribes o! 6uraish. Narrated Ibn `Abbas: -hen the Verse:'' 'And #arn your tribe o! near kindred' )&=.&14,. #as re%ealed, the 2rophet started 0allin$ e%ery tribe by its name. 4.>&?: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, : Bani `Abd "una!; Buy yoursel%es !rom AllahD : Bani `Abdul'"uttalib; Buy yoursel%es !rom AllahD : mother o! AF'@ubair bin Al'A##am, the aunt o! Allah's Apostle, and : Hatima bint "uhammad; Buy yoursel%es !rom Allah, !or I 0annot de!end you be!ore Allah. <ou )both, 0an ask me !rom my property as mu0h as you like. 4.>&B: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet sent !or the Ansar )and #hen they 0ame,, he asked, 'Is there any stran$er amon$st you3 *hey said, No e/0ept the son o! our sister. Allah's Apostle said, *he son o! the sister o! some people belon$s to them. 4.>1C: Narrated `Aisha: *hat durin$ the "ina days, Abu Bakr 0ame to her, #hile there #here t#o $irls #ith her, beatin$ drums, and the 2rophet #as )lyin$, 0o%erin$ himsel! #ith his $arment. Abu Bakr rebuked the t#o $irls, but the 2rophet un0o%ered his !a0e and said, : Abu Bakr; Iea%e them, !or these are the days o! Id )!esti%al,. *hose days #ere the days o! "ina'. `Aisha added, I #as bein$ s0reened by the 2rophet #hile I #as #at0hin$ the Jthiopians playin$ in the "os5ue. `Umar rebuked them, but the 2rophet said, Iea%e them, : Bani Ar!ida; 2lay. )!or, you are sa!e. 4.>11: Narrated `Aisha: :n0e (assan bin *habit asked the permission o! the 2rophet to lampoon )i.e. 0ompose satiri0al poetry de!amin$, the in!idels. *he 2rophet said, -hat about the !a0t that I ha%e 0ommon des0ent #ith them3 (assan replied, I shall take you out o! them as a hair is taken out o! dou$h. Narrated `Ur#a: I started abusin$ (assan in !ront o! `Aisha, #hereupon she said. .on't abuse him, !or he used to de!end the 2rophet )#ith his poetry,. 4.>1&: Narrated +ubair bin "ut`im: Allah's Apostle said, I ha%e !i%e names: I am "uhammad and AhmadD I am Al'"ahi throu$h #hom Allah #ill eliminate in!idelityD I am Al'(ashir #ho #ill be the !irst to be resurre0ted, the people bein$ resurre0ted there a!terD and I am also Al'`A5ib )i.e. *here #ill be no prophet a!ter me,. 4.>11: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, .oesn't it astonish you ho# Allah prote0ts me !rom the 6uraish's abusin$ and 0ursin$3 *hey abuse "udhammam and 0urse "udhammam #hile I am "uhammad )and not "udhammam,. 4.>14: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: *he 2rophet said, "y similitude in 0omparison #ith the other prophets is that o! a man #ho has built a house 0ompletely and e/0ellently e/0ept !or a pla0e o! one bri0k. -hen the people enter the house, they admire its beauty and say: 'But !or the pla0e o! this bri0k )ho# splendid the house #ill be,; 4.>17: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, "y similitude in 0omparison #ith the other prophets be!ore me, is that o! a man #ho has built a house ni0ely and beauti!ully, e/0ept !or a pla0e o! one bri0k in a 0orner. *he people $o 11&

about it and #onder at its beauty, but say: '-ould that this bri0k be put in its pla0e;' 8o I am that bri0k, and I am the last o! the 2rophets. 4.>1=: Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet died #hen he #as si/ty three years old. 4.>1>: Narrated Anas: -hile the 2rophet #as in the market, a man 0alled )somebody,, : Abu'l'6asim;' *he 2rophet turned to him and said Name yoursel%es a!ter me but do not 0all yoursel%es by my 9uniya. 4.>1?: Narrated +abir: *he 2rophet said, Name yoursel%es a!ter me, but do not 0all yoursel%es by my 9uniya. 4.>1B: Narrated Abu (uraira: Abu'l'6asim said, Name yoursel%es a!ter me, but do not 0all yoursel%es by my 9uniya. 4.>4C: Narrated Al'+u'aid bin `Abdur Gahman: I sa# As'8a'ib bin <aFid #hen he #as ninety'!our years old, 5uite stron$ and o! strai$ht !i$ure. (e said, I kno# that I en4oyed my hearin$ and seein$ po#ers only be0ause o! the in%o0ation o! Allah's Apostle . "y aunt took me to him and said, ': Allah's Apostle; "y nephe# is si0kD #ill you in%oke Allah !or him3' 8o he in%oked )Allah, !or me. 4.>41: Narrated As' 80ab bin <aFid: "y aunt took me to Allah's Apostle and said, : Allah's Apostle; "y nephe# is si0k ' *he 2rophet passed his hands o%er my head and blessed me. *hen he per!ormed ablution and I drank the remainin$ #ater, and standin$ behind him. A sa# the seal in bet#een his shoulders. 4.>4&: Narrated `U5ba bin Al'(arith: ):n0e, Abu Bakr o!!ered the `Asr prayer and then #ent out #alkin$ and sa# Al'(asan playin$ #ith the boys. (e li!ted him on to his shoulders and said, Iet my parents be sa0ri!i0ed !or your sake; )<ou, resemble the 2rophet and not `Ali, #hile `Ali #as smilin$. 4.>41: Narrated Abu +uhai!a: I sa# the 2rophet, and Al'(asan resembled him. 4.>44: Narrated Isma`il bin Abi 9halid: I heard Abii +uhai!a sayin$, I sa# the 2rophet, and Al'(asan bin `Ali resembled him. I said to Abu' +uhai!a, .es0ribe him !or me. (e said, (e #as #hite and his beard #as bla0k #ith some #hite hair. (e promised to $i%e us 11 youn$ she'0amels, but he e/pired be!ore #e 0ould $et them. 4.>47: Narrated -ahb Abu +uhai!a As'8a##ai: I sa# the 2rophet and sa# some #hite hair belo# his lo#er lip abo%e the 0hin. 4.>4=: Narrated (ariF bin `Uthman: *hat he asked `Abdullah bin Busr )i.e. the 0ompanion o! the 2rophet,, .id you see the 2rophet #hen he #as old3 (e said, (e had a !e# #hite hairs bet#een the lo#er lip and the 0hin. 4.>4>: Narrated Gabi`a bin Abi `Abdur'Gahman: I heard Anas bin "alik des0ribin$ the 2rophet sayin$, (e #as o! medium hei$ht amon$st the people, neither tall nor shortD he had a rosy 0olor, neither absolutely #hite nor deep bro#nD his hair #as neither 0ompletely 0urly nor 5uite lank. .i%ine Inspiration #as re%ealed to him #hen he #as !orty years old. (e stayed ten years in "e00a re0ei%in$ the .i%ine Inspiration, and stayed in "edina !or ten 111

more years. -hen he e/pired, he had s0ar0ely t#enty #hite hairs in his head and beard. Gabi`a said, I sa# some o! his hairs and it #as red. -hen I asked about that, I #as told that it turned red be0ause o! s0ent. 4.>4?: Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle #as neither %ery tall nor short, neither absolutely #hite nor deep bro#n. (is hair #as neither 0urly nor lank. Allah sent him )as an Apostle, #hen he #as !orty years old. A!ter#ards he resided in "e00a !or ten years and in "edina !or ten more years. -hen Allah took him unto (im, there #as s0ar0ely t#enty #hite hairs in his head and beard. 4.>4B: Narrated Al'Bara: Allah's Apostle #as the handsomest o! all the people, and had the best appearan0e. (e #as neither %ery tall nor short. 4.>7C: Narrated 6atada: I asked Anas, .id the 2rophet use to dye )his, hair3 (e said, No, !or there #ere only a !e# #hite hairs on his temples. 4.>71: Narrated Al'Bara: *he 2rophet #as o! moderate hei$ht ha%in$ broad shoulders )lon$, hair rea0hin$ his ear'lobes. :n0e I sa# him in a red 0loak and I had ne%er seen a more handsome than him. 4.>7&: Narrated Abu 'Is'ha5: Al'Bara' #as asked, -as the !a0e o! the 2rophet )as bri$ht, as a s#ord3 (e said, No, but )as bri$ht, as a moon. 4.>71: Narrated Abu +uhai!a: :n0e Allah's Apostle #ent to Al'Batha' at noon, per!ormed the ablution and o!!ered' a t#o rak`at @uhr prayer and a t#o'rak`at `Asr prayer #hile a spearheaded sti0k #as planted be!ore him and the passersby #ere passin$ in !ront o! it. )A!ter the prayer,, the people $ot up and held the hands o! the 2rophet and passed them on their !a0es. I also took his hand and kept it on my !a0e and noti0ed that it #as 0older than i0e, and its smell #as ni0er than musk. 4.>74: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet #as the most $enerous o! all the people, and he used to be0ome more $enerous in Gamadan #hen Eabriel met him. Eabriel used to meet him e%ery ni$ht durin$ Gamadan to re%ise the 6ur'an #ith him. Allah's Apostle then used to be more $enerous than the !ast #ind. 4.>77: Narrated `Aisha: *hat Allah's Apostle 0ame to her in a happy mood #ith his !eatures $litterin$ #ith 4oy, and said, (a%e you not heard #hat the 6ai! has said about @aid and Us'ama3 (e sa# their !eet and remarked. *hese belon$ to ea0h other. )i.e. *hey are !ather and son., 4.>7=: Narrated `Abdullah bin 9a`b: I heard 9a`b bin "alik talkin$ a!ter his !ailure to 4oin )the EhaF#a o!, *abuk. (e said, -hen I $reeted Allah's Apostle #hose !a0e #as $litterin$ #ith happiness, !or #hene%er Allah's Apostle #as happy, his !a0e used to $litter, as i! it #as a pie0e o! the moon, and #e used to re0o$niFe it )i.e. his happiness, !rom his !a0e. 4.>7>: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, I ha%e been sent )as an Apostle, in the best o! all the $enerations o! Adam's o!!sprin$ sin0e their Areation. 114

4.>7?: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle used to let his hair han$ do#n #hile the in!idels used to part their hair. *he people o! the 80riptures #ere used to lettin$ their hair han$ do#n and Allah's Apostle liked to !ollo# the people o! the 80riptures in the matters about #hi0h he #as not instru0ted other#ise. *hen Allah's Apostle parted his hair. 4.>7B: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: *he 2rophet ne%er used bad lan$ua$e neither a Hahish nor a "uta!ahish. (e used to say *he best amon$st you are those #ho ha%e the best manners and 0hara0ter. )8ee (adith No. 7= )B, Vol. ?, 4.>=C: Narrated `Aisha: -hene%er Allah's Apostle #as $i%en the 0hoi0e o! one o! t#o matters, he #ould 0hoose the easier o! the t#o, as lon$ as it #as not sin!ul to do so, but i! it #as sin!ul to do so, he #ould not approa0h it. Allah's Apostle ne%er took re%en$e )o%er anybody, !or his o#n sake but )he did, only #hen Allah's Ie$al Bindin$s #ere outra$ed in #hi0h 0ase he #ould take re%en$e !or Allah's 8ake. 4.>=1: Narrated Anas: I ha%e ne%er tou0hed silk or .iba4 )i.e. thi0k silk, so!ter than the palm o! the 2rophet nor ha%e I smelt a per!ume ni0er than the s#eat o! the 2rophet. 4.>=&: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: *he 2rophet #as shier than a %eined %ir$in $irl. 4.>=1: Narrated 8huba: A similar (adith )i e. No. >=&, #ith this addition: And i! he )i.e. the 2rophet, disliked somethin$, the si$n o! a%ersion #ould appear on his !a0e. 4.>=4: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet ne%er 0riti0iFed any !ood )presented him,, but he #ould eat it i! he liked itD other#ise, he #ould lea%e it )#ithout e/pressin$ his dislike,. 4.>=7: Narrated `Abdullah bin "alik bin Buhaina Al'Asdi: -hen the 2rophet prostrated, he used to keep his arms so #idely apart that #e used to see his armpits. )*he sub'narrator, Ibn Bukair said, *he #hiteness o! his armpits. , 4.>==: Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle did not use to raise his hands in his in%o0ations e/0ept in the Istis5a )i.e. in%okin$ Allah !or the rain, in #hi0h he used to raise his hands so hi$h that one 0ould see the #hiteness o! his armpits. )Note: It may be that Anas did not see the prophet )as, raisin$ his hands but it has been narrated that the 2rophet )as, used to raise his hands !or in%o0ations other than Istis5a. 8ee (adith No. =1& Vol. 7. and (adith No. ?C> N ?C? Vol &., 4.>=>: Narrated Abu +uhai!a: By 0han0e I #ent to the 2rophet at noon #hile he #as at Al'Abtah )restin$, in a tent. Bilal 0ame out )o! the tent, and pronoun0ed the Adhan !or the prayer, and enterin$ a$ain, he brou$ht out the #ater #hi0h #as le!t a!ter Allah's Apostle had per!ormed the ablution. *he people rushed to take some o! the #ater. Bilal a$ain #ent in and brou$ht out a spear'headed sti0k, and then Allah's Apostle 0ame out. As i! I #ere no# lookin$ at the #hiteness o! his le$. Bilal !i/ed the sti0k and the 2rophet o!!ered a t#o'rak`at @uhr prayer and a t#o'rak`at `Asr prayer, #hile #omen and donkeys #ere passin$ in !ront o! the 2rophet )beyond the sti0k, . 4.>=?: 117

Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet used to talk so 0learly that i! somebody #anted to 0ount the number o! his #ords, he 0ould do so. Narrated `Ur#a bin AF'@ubair: `Aisha said )to me,, .on't you #onder at Abu so'and'so #ho 0ame and sat by my d#ellin$ and started relatin$ the traditions o! Allah's Apostle intendin$ to let me hear that, #hile I #as per!ormin$ an optional prayer. (e le!t be!ore I !inished my optional prayer. (ad I !ound him still there. I #ould ha%e said to him, 'Allah's Apostle ne%er talked so 5ui0kly and %a$uely as you do.' 4.>=B: Narrated Abu 8alama bin `Abdur'Gahman: *hat he asked `Aisha (o# #as the prayer o! Allah's Apostle in the month o! Gamadan3 8he replied, (e used not to pray more than ele%en rak`at #hether in Gamadan or in any other month. (e used to o!!er !our rak`at, let alone their beauty and len$th, and then !our rak`at, let alone their beauty and len$th. A!ter#ards he #ould o!!er three rak`at. I said, ': Allah's Apostle; .o you $o to bed be!ore o!!erin$ the #itr prayer3' (e said, '"y eyes sleep, but my heart does not sleep. ' 4.>>C: Narrated 8harik bin `Abdullah bin Abi Namr: I heard Anas bin "alik tellin$ us about the ni$ht #hen the 2rophet #as made to tra%el !rom the 9a`ba "os5ue. *hree persons )i.e. an$els, 0ame to the 2rophet be!ore he #as di%inely inspired #as an Aspostle,, #hile he #as sleepin$ in Al "as4id'ul'(aram. *he !irst )o! the three an$els, said, -hi0h o! them is he3 *he se0ond said, (e is the best o! them. *hat #as all that happened then, and he did not see them till they 0ame at another ni$ht and he per0ei%ed their presen0e #ith his heart, !or the eyes o! the 2rophet #ere 0losed #hen he #as asleep, but his heart #as not asleep )not un0ons0ious,. *his is 0hara0teristi0 o! all the prophets: *heir eyes sleep but their hearts do not sleep. *hen Eabriel took 0har$e o! the 2rophet and as0ended alon$ #ith him to the (ea%en. 4.>>1: Narrated `Imran bin (usain: *hat they #ere #ith the 2rophet on a 4ourney. *hey tra%elled the #hole ni$ht, and #hen da#n approa0hed, they took a rest and sleep o%er#helmed them till the sun rose hi$h in the sky. *he !irst to $et up #as Abu Bakr. Allah's Apostles used not to be a#akened !rom his sleep, but he #ould #ake up by himsel!. `Umar #oke up and then Abu Bakr sat by the side o! the 2rophet's head and started sayin$: Allahu'Akbar raisin$ his %oi0e till the 2rophet #oke up, )and a!ter tra%elin$ !or a #hile, he dismounted and led us in the mornin$ prayer. A man amon$st the people !ailed to 4oin us in the prayer. -hen the 2rophet had !inished the prayer, he asked )the man,, : so'and'so; -hat pre%ented you !rom o!!erin$ the prayer #ith us3 (e replied, I am +unub, Alllah's Apostle ordered him to per!orm *ayammam #ith 0lean earth. *he man then o!!ered the prayer. Allah's Apostle ordered me and a !e# others to $o ahead o! him. -e had be0ome %ery thirsty. -hile #e #ere on our #ay )lookin$ !or #ater,, #e 0ame a0ross a lady )ridin$ an animal,, han$in$ her le$s bet#een t#o #ater'skins. -e asked her, -here 0an #e $et #ater3 8he replied, :h ; *here is no #ater. -e asked, ho# !ar is your house !rom the #ater3 8he replied, A distan0e o! a day and a ni$ht tra%el. -e said, Aome on to Allah's Apostle, 8he asked, -hat is Allah's Apostle 3 8o #e brou$ht her to Allah's Apostle a$ainst her #ill, and she told him #hat she had told us be!ore and added that she #as the mother o! orphans. 8o the 2rophet ordered that her t#o #ater'skins be brou$ht and he rubbed the mouths o! the #ater'skins. As #e #ere thirsty, #e drank till #e 5uen0hed our thirst and #e #ere !orty men. -e also !illed all our #aterskins and other utensils #ith #ater, but #e did not #ater the 0amels. *he #aterskin #as so !ull that it #as almost about to burst. *he 2rophet then said, Brin$ #hat )!oodstu!!, you ha%e. 8o some dates and pie0es o! bread #ere 0olle0ted !or the lady, and #hen she #ent to her people, she said, I ha%e met either the $reatest ma$i0ian or a prophet as the people 0laim. 8o Allah $uided the people o! that %illa$e throu$h that lady. 8he embra0ed Islam and they all embra0ed Islam. 4.>>&: Narrated Anas: 11=

A bo#l o! #ater #as brou$ht to the 2rophet #hile he #as at AF'@a#ra. (e pla0ed his hand in it and the #ater started !lo#in$ amon$ his !in$ers. All the people per!ormed ablution )#ith that #ater,. 6atada asked Anas, (o# many people #ere you3 Anas replied, *hree hundred or nearly three' hundred. 4.>>1: Narrated Anas bin "alik: I sa# Allah's Apostle at the 'time #hen the `Asr prayer #as due. *hen the people #ere sear0hin$ !or #ater !or ablution but they 0ould not !ind any. *hen some #ater #as brou$ht to Allah's Apostle and he pla0ed his hand in the pot and ordered the people to per!orm the ablution #ith the #ater. I sa# #ater !lo#in$ !rom underneath his !in$ers and the people started per!ormin$ the ablution till all o! them did it. 4.>>4: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet #ent out on one o! his 4ourneys #ith some o! his 0ompanions. *hey #ent on #alkin$ till the time o! the prayer be0ame due. *hey 0ould not !ind #ater to per!orm the ablution. :ne o! them #ent a#ay and brou$ht a little amount o! #ater in a pot. *he 2rophet took it and per!ormed the ablution, and then stret0hed his !our !in$ers on to the pot and said )to the people,, Eet up to per!orm the ablution. *hey started per!ormin$ the ablution till all o! them did it, and they #ere se%enty or so persons. 4.>>7: Narrated (umaid: Anas bin "alik said, :n0e the time o! the prayer be0ame due and the people #hose houses #ere 0lose to the "os5ue #ent to their houses to per!orm ablution, #hile the others remained )sittin$ there,. A stone pot 0ontainin$ #ater #as brou$ht to the 2rophet, #ho #anted to put his hand in it, but It #as too small !or him to spread his hand in it, and so he had to brin$ his !in$ers to$ether be!ore puttin$ his hand in the pot. *hen all the people per!ormed the ablution )#ith that #ater,. I asked Anas, (o# many persons #ere they. (e replied, *here #ere ei$hty men. 4.>>=: Narrated 8alim bin Abi A4'+ad: +abir bin `Abdullah said, *he people be0ame %ery thirsty on the day o! Al'(udaibiya )*reaty,. A small pot 0ontainin$ some #ater #as in !ront o! the 2rophet and #hen he had !inished the ablution, the people rushed to#ards him. (e asked, '-hat is #ron$ #ith you3' *hey replied, '-e ha%e no #ater either !or per!ormin$ ablution or !or drinkin$ e/0ept #hat is present in !ront o! you.' 8o he pla0ed his hand in that pot and the #ater started !lo#in$ amon$ his !in$ers like sprin$s. -e all drank and per!ormed ablution )!rom it,. I asked +abir, (o# many #ere you3 he replied, J%en i! #e had been one'hundred'thousand, it #ould ha%e been su!!i0ient !or us, but #e #ere !i!teen'hundred. 4.>>>: Narrated Al'Bara: -e #ere one'thousand'and'!our'hundred persons on the day o! Al'(udaibiya )*reaty,, and )at, Al' (udaibiya )there, #as a #ell. -e dre# out its #ater not lea%in$ e%en a sin$le drop. *he 2rophet sat at the ed$e o! the #ell and asked !or some #ater #ith #hi0h he rinsed his mouth and then he thre# it out into the #ell. -e stayed !or a short #hile and then dre# #ater !rom the #ell and 5uen0hed our thirst, and e%en our ridin$ animals drank #ater to their satis!a0tion. 4.>>?: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Abu *alha said to Um 8ulaim, I ha%e noti0ed !eebleness in the %oi0e o! Allah's Apostle #hi0h I think, is 0aused by hun$er. (a%e you $ot any !ood3 8he said, <es. 8he brou$ht out some loa%es o! barley and took out a %eil belon$in$ to her, and #rapped the bread in part o! it and put it under my arm and #rapped part o! the %eil round me and sent me to Allah's Apostle. I #ent 0arryin$ it and !ound Allah's Apostle in the "os5ue sittin$ #ith some people. -hen I stood there, Allah's Apostle asked, (as Abu *alha sent you3 I said, <es . (e asked, -ith some !ood3 I said, <es Allah's Apostle then said to the men around him, Eet up; (e set out )a00ompanied by them, and I #ent 11>

ahead o! them till I rea0hed Abu *alha and told him )o! the 2rophet's %isit,. Abu *alha said, : Um 8ulaim; Allah's Apostle is 0omin$ #ith the people and #e ha%e no !ood to !eed them. 8he said, Allah and (is Apostle kno# better. 8o Abu *alha #ent out to re0ei%e Allah's Apostle. Allah's Apostle 0ame alon$ #ith Abu *alha. Allah's Apostle said, : Um 8ulaim; Brin$ #hate%er you ha%e. 8he brou$ht the bread #hi0h Allah's Apostle ordered to be broken into pie0es. Um 8ulaim poured on them some butter !rom an oilskin. *hen Allah's Apostle re0ited #hat Allah #ished him to re0ite, and then said, Iet ten persons 0ome )to share the meal,. *en persons #ere admitted, ate their !ill and #ent out. *hen he a$ain said, Iet another ten do the same. *hey #ere admitted, ate their !ill and #ent out. *hen he a$ain said, ' 'Iet another ten persons )do the same., *hey #ere admitted, ate their !ill and #ent out. *hen he said, Iet another ten persons 0ome. In short, all o! them ate their !ill, and they #ere se%enty or ei$hty men. 4.>>B: Narrated `Abdullah: -e used to 0onsider mira0les as Allah's Blessin$s, but you people 0onsider them to be a #arnin$. :n0e #e #ere #ith Allah's Apostle on a 4ourney, and #e ran short o! #ater. (e said, Brin$ the #ater remainin$ #ith you. *he people brou$ht a utensil 0ontainin$ a little #ater. (e pla0ed his hand in it and said, Aome to the blessed #ater, and the Blessin$ is !rom Allah. I sa# the #ater !lo#in$ !rom amon$ the !in$ers o! Allah's Apostle , and no doubt, #e heard the meal $lori!yin$ Allah, #hen it #as bein$ eaten )by him,. 4.>?C: Narrated +abir: "y !ather had died in debt. 8o I 0ame to the 2rophet and said, "y !ather )died, lea%in$ unpaid debts, and I ha%e nothin$ e/0ept the yield o! his date palmsD and their yield !or many years #ill not 0o%er his debts. 8o please 0ome #ith me, so that the 0reditors may not misbeha%e #ith me. *he 2rophet #ent round one o! the heaps o! dates and in%oked )Allah,, and then did the same #ith another heap and sat on it and said, "easure )!or them,. (e paid them their ri$hts and #hat remained #as as mu0h as had been paid to them. 4.>?1: Narrated `Abdur'Gahman bin Abi Bakr: *he 0ompanions o! 8u!!a #ere poor people. *he 2rophet on0e said, -hoe%er has !ood enou$h !or t#o persons, should take a third one )!rom amon$ them,, and #hoe%er has !ood enou$h !or !our persons, should take a !i!th or a si/th )or said somethin$ similar,. Abu Bakr brou$ht three persons #hile the 2rophet took ten. And Abu Bakr #ith his three !amily member )#ho #ere I, my !ather and my mother, )the sub'narrator is in doubt #hether `Abdur'Gahman said, "y #i!e and my ser%ant #ho #as 0ommon !or both my house and Abu Bakr's house. , Abu Bakr took his supper #ith the 2rophet and stayed there till he o!!ered the `Isha' prayers. (e returned and stayed till Allah's Apostle took his supper. A!ter a part o! the ni$ht had passed, he returned to his house. (is #i!e said to him, -hat has detained you !rom your $uests3 (e said, (a%e you ser%ed supper to them3 8he said, *hey re!used to take supper until you 0ome. *hey )i.e. some members o! the household, presented the meal to them but they re!used )to eat, I #ent to hide mysel! and he said, : Ehunthar; (e in%oked Allah to 0ause my ears to be 0ut and he rebuked me. (e then said )to them,: 2lease eat; and added, I #ill ne%er eat the meal. By Allah, #hene%er #e took a hand!ul o! the meal, the meal $re# !rom underneath more than that hand!ul till e%erybody ate to his satis!a0tionD yet the remainin$ !ood #as more than the ori$inal meal. Abu Bakr sa# that the !ood #as as mu0h or more than the ori$inal amount. (e 0alled his #i!e, : sister o! Bani Hiras; 8he said, : pleasure o! my eyes. *he !ood has been tripled in 5uantity. Abu Bakr then started eatin$ thereo! and said, It )i.e. my oath not to eat, #as be0ause o! 8a all. (e took a hand!ul !rom it, and 0arried the rest to the 2rophet. 8o that !ood #as #ith the 2rophet . *here #as a treaty bet#een us and some people, and #hen the period o! that treaty had elapsed, he di%ided U8 into t#el%e $roups, ea0h bein$ headed by a man. Allah kno#s ho# many men #ere under the 0ommand o! ea0h leader. Anyho#, the 2rophet surely sent a leader #ith ea0h $roup. *hen all o! them ate o! that meal. 11?

4.>?&: Narrated Anas: :n0e durin$ the li!etime o! Allah's Apostle, the people o! "edina su!!ered !rom drou$ht. 8o #hile the 2rophet #as deli%erin$ a sermon on a Hriday a man $ot up sayin$, : Allah's Apostle; *he horses and sheep ha%e perished. -ill you in%oke Allah to bless us #ith rain3 *he 2rophet li!ted both his hands and in%oked. *he sky at that time #as as 0lear as $lass. 8uddenly a #ind ble#, raisin$ 0louds that $athered to$ether, and it started rainin$ hea%ily. -e 0ame out )o! the "os5ue, #adin$ throu$h the !lo#in$ #ater till #e rea0hed our homes. It #ent on rainin$ till the ne/t Hriday, #hen the same man or some other man stood up and said, : Allah's Apostle; *he houses ha%e 0ollapsedD please in%oke Allah to #ithhold the rain. :n that the 2rophet smiled and said, : Allah, )let it rain, around us and not on us. I then looked at the 0louds to see them separatin$ !ormin$ a sort o! a 0ro#n round "edina. 4.>?1: Narrated Ibn `Umar: *he 2rophet used to deli%er his sermons #hile standin$ beside a trunk o! a datepalm. -hen he had the pulpit made, he used it instead. *he trunk started 0ryin$ and the 2rophet #ent to it, rubbin$ his hand o%er it )to stop its 0ryin$,. 4.>?4: Narrated +abir bin `Abdullah: *he 2rophet used to stand by a tree or a date'palm on Hriday. *hen an Ansari #oman or man said. : Allah's Apostle; 8hall #e make a pulpit !or you3 (e replied, I! you #ish. 8o they made a pulpit !or him and #hen it #as Hriday, he pro0eeded to#ards the pulpit )!or deli%erin$ the sermon,. *he date' palm 0ried like a 0hild; *he 2rophet des0ended )the pulpit, and embra0ed it #hile it 0ontinued moanin$ like a 0hild bein$ 5uietened. *he 2rophet said, It #as 0ryin$ !or )missin$, #hat it used to hear o! reli$ious kno#led$e $i%en near to it. 4.>?7: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *hat he heard +abir bin `Abdullah sayin$, *he roo! o! the "os5ue #as built o%er trunks o! date' palms #orkin$ as pillars. -hen the 2rophet deli%ered a sermon, he used to stand by one o! those trunks till the pulpit #as made !or him, and he used it instead. *hen #e heard the trunk sendin$ a sound like o! a pre$nant she'0amel till the 2rophet 0ame to it, and put his hand o%er it, then it be0ame 5uiet. 4.>?=: Narrated (udhai!a: :n0e `Umar bin Al'9hattab said, said, -ho amon$st you remembers the statement o! Allah's Apostle re$ardin$ the a!!li0tions3 (udhai!a replied, I remember #hat he said e/a0tly. `Umar said. *ell )us,, you are really a darin$ man;'' (udhai!a said, Allah's Apostle said, 'A man's a!!li0tions )i.e. #ron$ deeds, 0on0ernin$ his relation to his !amily, his property and his nei$hbors are e/piated by his prayers, $i%in$ in 0harity and en4oinin$ #hat is $ood and !orbiddin$ #hat is e%il.' `Umar said, I don't mean these a!!li0tions but the a!!li0tions that #ill be hea%in$ up and do#n like #a%es o! the sea. (udhai!a replied, : 0hie! o! the belie%ers; <ou need not !ear those )a!!li0tions, as there is a 0losed door bet#een you and them. `Umar asked, -ill that door be opened or broken3 (udhai!a replied, No, it #ill be broken. `Umar said, *hen it is %ery likely that the door #ill not be 0losed a$ain. Iater on the people asked (udhai!a, .id `Umar kno# #hat that door meant3 (e said. <es, `Umar kne# it as e%eryone kno#s that there #ill be ni$ht be!ore the tomorro# mornin$. I narrated to `Umar an authenti0 narration, not lies. -e dared not ask (udhai!aD there!ore #e re5uested "asru5 #ho asked him, -hat does the door stand !or3 (e said, `Umar. 4.>?>: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he (our #ill not be established till you !i$ht a nation #earin$ hairy shoes, and till you !i$ht the *urks, #ho #ill ha%e small eyes, red !a0es and !lat nosesD and their !a0es #ill be like !lat shields. And you #ill !ind that the best people are those #ho hate responsibility o! rulin$ most o! all till they are 0hosen to be the rulers. And the people are o! di!!erent natures: *he best in the pre'lslami0 11B

period are the best in Islam. A time #ill 0ome #hen any o! you #ill lo%e to see me rather than to ha%e his !amily and property doubled. 4.>??: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he (our #ill not be established till you !i$ht #ith the 9hudh and the 9irman !rom amon$ the non'Arabs. *hey #ill be o! red !a0es, !lat noses and small eyesD their !a0es #ill look like !lat shields, and their shoes #ill be o! hair. 4.>?B: Narrated Abu (uraira: I en4oyed the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle !or three years, and durin$ the other years o! my li!e, ne%er #as I so an/ious to understand the )2rophet's, traditions as I #as durin$ those three years. I heard him sayin$, be0konin$ #ith his hand in this #ay, Be!ore the (our you #ill !i$ht #ith people #ho #ill ha%e hairy shoes and li%e in Al'BariF. )8u!yan, the sub'narrator on0e said, And they are the people o! Al'BaFir. , 4.>BC: Narrated `Umar bin *a$hlib: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, Near the (our you #ill !i$ht #ith people #ho #ill #ear hairy shoesD and you #ill also !i$ht people #ith !lat !a0es like shields. 4.>B1: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, *he +e#s #ill !i$ht #ith you, and you #ill be $i%en %i0tory o%er them so that a stone #ill say, ': "uslim; *here is a +e# behind meD kill him;' 4.>B&: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: *he 2rophet said, A time #ill 0ome #hen the people #ill #a$e holy #ar, and it #ill be asked, 'Is there any amon$st you #ho has en4oyed the 0ompany o! Allah's Apostle3' *hey #ill say: '<es.' And then %i0tory #ill be besto#ed upon them. *hey #ill #a$e holy #ar a$ain, and it #ill be asked: 'Is there any amon$ you #ho has en4oyed the 0ompany o! the 0ompanions o! Allah's Apostle 3' *hey #ill say: '<es.' And then %i0tory #ill be besto#ed on them. 4.>B1: Narrated `Adi bin (atim: -hile I #as in the 0ity o! the 2rophet, a man 0ame and 0omplained to him )the 2rophet, , o! destitution and po%erty. *hen another man 0ame and 0omplained o! robbery )by hi$h#aymen,. *he 2rophet said, Adi; (a%e you been to Al'(ira3 I said, I ha%en't been to it, but I #as in!ormed about it. (e said, I! you should li%e !or a lon$ time, you #ill 0ertainly see that a lady in a (o#dah tra%elin$ !rom Al'(ira #ill )sa!ely rea0h "e00a and, per!orm the *a#a! o! the 9a`ba, !earin$ none but Allah. I said to mysel!, -hat #ill happen to the robbers o! the tribe o! *ai #ho ha%e spread e%il throu$h out the 0ountry3 *he 2rophet !urther said. I! you should li%e lon$, the treasures o! 9hosrau #ill be opened )and taken as spoils,. I asked, <ou mean 9hosrau, son o! (urmuF3 (e said, 9hosrau, son o! (urmuFD and i! you should li%e lon$, you #ill see that one #ill 0arry a hand!ul o! $old or sil%er and $o out lookin$ !or a person to a00ept it !rom him, but #ill !ind none to a00ept it !rom him. And any o! you, #hen meetin$ Allah, #ill meet (im #ithout needin$ an interpreter bet#een him and Allah to interpret !or him, and Allah #ill say to him: '.idn't I send a messen$er to tea0h you3' (e #ill say: '<es.' Allah #ill say: '.idn't I $i%e you #ealth and do you !a%ors3' (e #ill say: '<es.' *hen he #ill look to his ri$ht and see nothin$ but (ell, and look to his le!t and see nothin$ but (ell. `Adi !urther said: I heard the 2rophet sayin$, 8a%e yoursel! !rom the )(ell, Hire e%en #ith hal! a date )to be $i%en in 0harity, and i! you do not !ind a hal! date, then #ith a $ood pleasant #ord. `Adi added: )later on, I sa# a lady in a (o#dah tra%elin$ !rom Al'(ira till she per!ormed the *a#a! o! the 9a`ba, !earin$ none but Allah. And I #as one o! those #ho opened )0on5uered, the treasures o! 9hosrau, son o! (urmuF. I! you should li%e lon$, you #ill see #hat the 2rophet Abu'l'6asim had said: 'A person #ill 0ome out #ith a hand!ul. o! $old...et0. 1&C

4.>B4: Narrated `Adi: as abo%e )i.e. (adith No. >B1,. 4.>B7: Narrated `U5ba bin `Amr: *he 2rophet on0e 0ame out and o!!ered the !uneral prayer !or the martyrs o! Uhud, and pro0eeded to the pulpit and said, I shall be your prede0essor and a #itness on you, and I am really lookin$ at my sa0red Hount no#, and no doubt, I ha%e been $i%en the keys o! the treasures o! the #orld. By Allah, I am not a!raid that you #ill #orship others alon$ #ith Allah, but I am a!raid that you #ill en%y and !i$ht one another !or #orldly !ortunes. 4.>B=: Narrated Usama: :n0e the 2rophet stood on one o! the hi$h buildin$s )o! "edina, and said, .o you see #hat I see3 I see a!!li0tion pourin$ amon$ your hours like raindrops. 4.>B>: Narrated @ainab bint +ahsh: *hat the 2rophet 0ame to her in a state o! !ear sayin$, None has the ri$ht to be #orshiped but Allah; -oe to the Arabs be0ause o! e%il that has 0ome near. *oday a hole has been made in the #all o! Eo$ and "a$o$ as lar$e as this. pointin$ #ith t#o o! his !in$ers makin$ a 0ir0le. @ainab said, I said, ': Allah's Apostle; 8hall #e be destroyed thou$h amon$st us there are pious people3 ' (e said, '<es, i! e%il in0reases. Narrated Um 8alama: *he 2rophet #oke up and said, Elori!ied be Allah: -hat $reat )ho# many, treasures ha%e been sent do#n, and #hat $reat )ho# many , a!!li0tions ha%e been sent do#n; 4.>B?: Narrated 8asaa: Abu 8a`id Al'9hudr said to me, I noti0e that you like sheep and you keep themD so take 0are o! them and their !ood, !or I ha%e heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, 'A time #ill 0ome upon the people #hen the best o! a "uslim's property #ill be sheep, #hi0h he #ill take to the tops o! mountains and to the pla0es o! rain'!alls to run a#ay #ith his reli$ion in order to sa%e it !rom a!!li0tions.' 4.>BB: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *here #ill be a!!li0tions )and at the time, the sittin$ person #ill be better than the standin$ one, and the standin$ one #ill be better than the #alkin$, and the #alkin$ #ill be better than the runnin$. And #hoe%er #ill look to#ards those a!!li0tions, they #ill o%ertake him, and #hoe%er #ill !ind a re!u$e or a shelter, should take re!u$e in it. *he same narration is reported by Abu Bakr, #ith the addition, )*he 2rophet said,, 'Amon$ the prayers there is a prayer the missin$ o! #hi0h #ill be to one like losin$ one's !amily and property. 4.?CC: Narrated Ibn "as`ud: *he 2rophet said, 8oon others #ill be pre!erred to you, and there #ill be thin$s #hi0h you #ill not like. *he 0ompanions o! the 2rophet asked, : Allah's Apostle; -hat do you order us to do )in this 0ase,3 (e said, )I order you, to $i%e the ri$hts that are on you and to ask your ri$hts !rom Allah. 4.?C1: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *his bran0h !rom 6uraish #ill ruin the people. *he 0ompanions o! the 2rophet asked, -hat do you order us to do )then,3 (e said, I #ould su$$est that the people keep a#ay !rom them.'' 4.?C&: Narrated 8a`id Al'Uma#i: I #as #ith "ar#an and Abu (uraira and heard Abu (uraira sayin$, I heard the trust#orthy, truly inspired one )i.e. the 2rophet , sayin$, '*he destru0tion o! my !ollo#ers #ill be brou$ht about by the


hands o! some youn$sters !rom 6uraish. "ar#an asked, <oun$sters3 Abu (uraira said, I! you #ish, I #ould name them: *hey are the 0hildren o! so'and'so and the 0hildren o! so'and'so. 4.?C1: Narrated (udhai!a bin Al'<aman: *he people used to ask Allah's Apostle about $ood, but I used to ask him about e%il !or !ear that it mi$ht o%ertake me. :n0e I said, : Allah's Apostle; -e #ere in i$noran0e and in e%il and Allah has besto#ed upon us the present $oodD #ill there by any e%il a!ter this $ood3 (e said, <es. I asked, -ill there be $ood a!ter that e%il3 (e said, <es, but it #ould be tained #ith .akhan )i.e. Iittle e%il,. I asked, -hat #ill its .akhan be3 (e said, *here #ill be some people #ho #ill lead )people, a00ordin$ to prin0iples other than my tradition. <ou #ill see their a0tions and disappro%e o! them. I said, -ill there by any e%il a!ter that $ood3 (e said, <es, there #ill be some people #ho #ill in%ite others to the doors o! (ell, and #hoe%er a00epts their in%itation to it #ill be thro#n in it )by them,. I said, : Allah's Apostle; .es0ribe those people to us. (e said, *hey #ill belon$ to us and speak our lan$ua$e I asked, -hat do you order me to do i! su0h a thin$ should take pla0e in my li!e3 (e said, Adhere to the $roup o! "uslims and their Ahie!. I asked, I! there is neither a $roup )o! "uslims, nor a 0hie! )#hat shall I do,3 (e said, 9eep a#ay !rom all those di!!erent se0ts, e%en i! you had to bite )i.e. eat, the root o! a tree, till you meet Allah #hile you are still in that state. 4.?C4: Narrated (udhai!a: "y 0ompanions learned )somethin$ about, $ood )throu$h askin$ the 2rophet #hile I learned )somethin$ about, e%il. 4.?C7: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, *he .ay o! )+ud$ment, #ill not be established till there is a #ar bet#een t#o $roups #hose 0laims )or reli$ion, #ill be the same. 4.?C=: Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, *he (our #ill not be established till there is a #ar bet#een t#o $roups amon$ #hom there #ill be a $reat number o! 0asualties, thou$h the 0laims )or reli$ion, o! both o! them #ill be one and the same. And the (our #ill not be established till there appear about thirty liars, all o! #hom #ill be 0laimin$ to be the messen$ers o! Allah. 4.?C>: Narrated Abu 8a`id Al'9hudri: -hile #e #ere #ith Allah's Apostle #ho #as distributin$ )i.e. some property,, there 0ame .hu'l' 9hu#aisira, a man !rom the tribe o! Bani *amim and said, : Allah's Apostle; .o +usti0e. *he 2rophet said, -oe to you; -ho 0ould do 4usti0e i! I did not3 I #ould be a desperate loser i! I did not do 4usti0e. `Umar said, : Allah's Apostle; Allo# me to 0hop his head o!!. *he 2rophet said, Iea%e him, !or he has 0ompanions #ho pray and !ast in su0h a #ay that you #ill 0onsider your !astin$ ne$li$ible in 0omparison to theirs. *hey re0ite 6ur'an but it does not $o beyond their throats )i.e. they do not a0t on it, and they #ill desert Islam as an arro# $oes throu$h a %i0tim's body, so that the hunter, on lookin$ at the arro#'s blade, #ould see nothin$ on itD he #ould look at its Gisa! and see nothin$: he #ould look at its Na,di and see nothin$, and he #ould look at its 6udhadh ) 1 , and see nothin$ )neither meat nor blood,, !or the arro# has been too !ast e%en !or the blood and e/0retions to smear. *he si$n by #hi0h they #ill be re0o$niFed is that amon$ them there #ill be a bla0k man, one o! #hose arms #ill resemble a #oman's breast or a lump o! meat mo%in$ loosely. *hose people #ill appear #hen there #ill be di!!eren0es amon$st the people. I testi!y that I heard this narration !rom Allah's Apostle and I testi!y that `Ali bin Abi *alib !ou$ht #ith su0h people, and I #as in his 0ompany. (e ordered that the man )des0ribed by the 2rophet , should be looked !or. *he man #as brou$ht and I looked at him and noti0ed that he looked e/a0tly as the 2rophet had des0ribed him. 4.?C?: Narrated `Ali:


I relate the traditions o! Allah's Apostle to you !or I #ould rather !all !rom the sky than attribute somethin$ to him !alsely. But #hen I tell you a thin$ #hi0h is bet#een you and me, then no doubt, #ar is $uile. I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, In the last days o! this #orld there #ill appear some youn$ !oolish people #ho #ill use )in their 0laim, the best spee0h o! all people )i.e. the 6ur'an, and they #ill abandon Islam as an arro# $oin$ throu$h the $ame. *heir belie! #ill not $o beyond their throats )i.e. they #ill ha%e pra0ti0ally no belie!,, so #here%er you meet them, kill them, !or he #ho kills them shall $et a re#ard on the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.?CB: Narrated 9habbab bin Al'Arat: -e 0omplained to Allah's Apostle )o! the perse0ution in!li0ted on us by the in!idels, #hile he #as sittin$ in the shade o! the 9a`ba, leanin$ o%er his Burd )i.e. 0o%erin$ sheet,. -e said to him, -ould you seek help !or us3 -ould you pray to Allah !or us3 (e said, Amon$ the nations be!ore you a )belie%in$, man #ould be put in a dit0h that #as du$ !or him, and a sa# #ould be put o%er his head and he #ould be 0ut into t#o pie0esD yet that )torture, #ould not make him $i%e up his reli$ion. (is body #ould be 0ombed #ith iron 0ombs that #ould remo%e his !lesh !rom the bones and ner%es, yet that #ould not make him abandon his reli$ion. By Allah, this reli$ion )i.e. Islam, #ill pre%ail till a tra%eler !rom 8ana )in <emen, to (adrarmaut #ill !ear none but Allah, or a #ol! as re$ards his sheep, but you )people, are hasty. 4.?1C: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet noti0ed the absen0e o! *habit bin 6ais. A man said, : Allah's Apostle; I shall brin$ you his ne#s. 8o he #ent to him and sa# him sittin$ in his house droopin$ his head )sadly,. (e asked *habit, -hat's the matter3 *habit replied, An e%il situation: A man used to raise his %oi0e o%er the %oi0e o! the 2rophet and so all his $ood deeds ha%e been annulled and he is !rom the people o! (ell. *he man #ent ba0k and told the 2rophet that *habit had said so'and'so. )*he sub'narrator, "usa bin Anas said, *he man #ent to *habit a$ain #ith $lad tidin$s,. *he 2rophet said to him, Eo and say to *habit: '<ou are not !rom the people o! Hire, but !rom the people o! 2aradise. 4.?11: Narrated Al'Bara' bin `AFib: A man re0ited 8urat'al'9ah! )in his prayer, and in the house there #as a )ridin$, animal #hi0h $ot !ri$htened and started 4umpin$. *he man !inished his prayer #ith *aslim, but behold; A mist or a 0loud ho%ered o%er him. (e in!ormed the 2rophet o! that and the 2rophet said, : so'and'so; Ge0ite, !or this )mist or 0loud, #as a si$n o! pea0e des0endin$ !or the re0itation o! 6ur'an. 4.?1&: Narrated Al'Bara' bin `AFib: Abu Bakr 0ame to my !ather #ho #as at home and pur0hased a saddle !rom him. (e said to `AFib. *ell your son to 0arry it #ith me. 8o I 0arried it #ith him and my !ather !ollo#ed us so as to take the pri0e )o! the saddle,. "y !ather said, : Abu Bakr; *ell me #hat happened to you on your ni$ht 4ourney #ith Allah's Apostle )durin$ "i$ration,. (e said, <es, #e tra%elled the #hole ni$ht and also the ne/t day till midday. #hen nobody 0ould be seen on the #ay ) be0ause o! the se%ere heat, . *hen there appeared a lon$ ro0k ha%in$ shade beneath it, and the sunshine had not 0ome to it yet. 8o #e dismounted there and I le%elled a pla0e and 0o%ered it #ith an animal hide or dry $rass !or the 2rophet to sleep on )!or a #hile,. I then said, '8leep, : Allah's Apostle, and I #ill $uard you.' 8o he slept and I #ent out to $uard him. 8uddenly I sa# a shepherd 0omin$ #ith his sheep to that ro0k #ith the same intention #e had #hen #e 0ame to it. I asked )him,. '*o #hom do you belon$, : boy3' (e replied, 'I belon$ to a man !rom "edina or "e00a.' I said, '.o your sheep ha%e milk3' (e said, '<es.' I said, '-ill you milk !or us3' (e said, '<es.' (e 0au$ht hold o! a sheep and I asked him to 0lean its teat !rom dust, hairs and dirt. )*he sub'narrator said that he sa# Al'Bara' strikin$ one o! his hands #ith the other, demonstratin$ ho# the shepherd remo%ed the dust., *he shepherd milked a little milk in a #ooden 0ontainer and I had a leather 0ontainer #hi0h I 0arried !or the 2rophet to drink and per!orm the ablution !rom. I #ent to the 2rophet, hatin$ to #ake him up, but #hen I rea0hed there, the 2rophet had already a#akenedD so I 1&1

poured #ater o%er the middle part o! the milk 0ontainer, till the milk #as 0old. *hen I said, '.rink, : Allah's Apostle;' (e drank till I #as pleased. *hen he asked, '(as the time !or our departure 0ome3' I said, '<es.' 8o #e departed a!ter midday. 8ura5a bin "alik !ollo#ed us and I said, '-e ha%e been dis0o%ered, : Allah's Apostle;' (e said, .on't $rie%e !or Allah is #ith us.' *he 2rophet in%oked e%il on him )i.e. 8ura5a, and so the le$s o! his horse sank into the earth up to its belly. )*he subnarrator, @uhair is not sure #hether Abu Bakr said, )It sank, into solid earth. , 8ura5a said, 'I see that you ha%e in%oked e%il on me. 2lease in%oke $ood on me, and by Allah, I #ill 0ause those #ho are seekin$ a!ter you to return.' *he 2rophet in%oked $ood on him and he #as sa%ed. *hen, #hene%er he met somebody on the #ay, he #ould say, 'I ha%e looked !or him here in %ain.' 8o he 0aused #home%er he met to return. *hus 8ura5a !ul!illed his promise. 4.?11: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he 2rophet paid a %isit to a si0k bedouin. *he 2rophet #hen %isitin$ a patient used to say, No harm #ill be!all you; "ay Allah 0ure you; "ay Allah 0ure you; 8o the 2rophet said to the bedouin. No harm #ill be!all you. "ay Allah 0ure you; *he bedouin said, <ou say, may Allah 0ure me3 No, !or it is a !e%er #hi0h boils in )the body o!, an old man, and #ill lead him to the $ra%e. *he 2rophet said, <es, then may it be as you say. 4.?14: Narrated Anas: *here #as a Ahristian #ho embra0ed Islam and read 8urat'al'Ba5ara and Al'`Imran, and he used to #rite )the re%elations, !or the 2rophet. Iater on he returned to Ahristianity a$ain and he used to say: "uhammad kno#s nothin$ but #hat I ha%e #ritten !or him. *hen Allah 0aused him to die, and the people buried him, but in the mornin$ they sa# that the earth had thro#n his body out. *hey said, *his is the a0t o! "uhammad and his 0ompanions. *hey du$ the $ra%e o! our 0ompanion and took his body out o! it be0ause he had run a#ay !rom them. *hey a$ain du$ the $ra%e deeply !or him, but in the mornin$ they a$ain sa# that the earth had thro#n his body out. *hey said, *his is an a0t o! "uhammad and his 0ompanions. *hey du$ the $ra%e o! our 0ompanion and thre# his body outside it, !or he had run a#ay !rom them. *hey du$ the $ra%e !or him as deep as they 0ould, but in the mornin$ they a$ain sa# that the earth had thro#n his body out. 8o they belie%ed that #hat had be!allen him #as not done by human bein$s and had to lea%e him thro#n )on the $round,. 4.?17: Narrated Abu (uraira: Allah's Apostle said, -hen 9hosrau perishes, there #ill be no )more, 9hosrau a!ter him, and #hen Aaesar perishes, there #ill be no more Aaesar a!ter him. By (im in -hose (ands "uhammad's li!e is, you #ill spend the treasures o! both o! them in Allah's Aause. 4.?1=: Narrated +abir bin 8amura: *he 2rophet said, -hen 9hosrau perishes, there #ill be no more 9hosrau a a!ter him, and #hen Aaesar perishes, there #ill be no more Aaesar a!ter him, *he 2rophet also said, <ou #ill spend the treasures o! both o! them in Allah's Aause. 4.?1>: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: "usailama'al'9adhdhab )i.e. the liar, 0ame in the li!e'time o! Allah's Apostle #ith many o! his people )to "edina, and said, I! "uhammad makes me his su00essor, I #ill !ollo# him. Allah's Apostle #ent up to him #ith *habit bin 6ais bin 8hamsD and Allah's Apostle #as 0arryin$ a pie0e o! a date' palm lea! in his hand. (e stood be!ore "usailama )and his 0ompanions, and said, I! you asked me e%en this pie0e )o! a lea!,, I #ould not $i%e it to you. <ou 0annot a%oid the !ate you are destined to, by Allah. I! you re4e0t Islam, Allah #ill destroy you. I think that you are most probably the same person #hom I ha%e seen in the dream. Abu (uraira told me that Allah's ApostleD said, -hile I #as sleepin$, I sa# )in a dream, t#o $old bra0elets round my arm, and that #orried me too mu0h. *hen I #as instru0ted di%inely in my dream, to blo# them o!! and so I ble# them o!!, and they !le# a#ay. I


interpreted the t#o bra0elets as symbols o! t#o liars #ho #ould appear a!ter me. And so one o! them #as Al'Ansi and the other #as "usailama Al'9adhdhab !rom Al'<amama. 4.?1?: Narrated Abu "usa: *he 2rophet said, In a dream I sa# mysel! mi$ratin$ !rom "e00a to a pla0e ha%in$ plenty o! date trees. I thou$ht that it #as Al'<amama or (a4ar, but it 0ame to be "edina i.e. <athrib. In the same dream I sa# mysel! mo%in$ a s#ord and its blade $ot broken. It 0ame to symboliFe the de!eat #hi0h the "uslims su!!ered !rom, on the .ay o! Uhud. I mo%ed the s#ord a$ain, and it be0ame normal as be!ore, and that #as the symbol o! the %i0tory Allah besto#ed upon "uslims and their $atherin$ to$ether. I sa# 0o#s in my dream, and by Allah, that #as a blessin$, and they symboliFed the belie%ers on the .ay o! Uhud. And the blessin$ #as the $ood Allah besto#ed upon us and the re#ard o! true belie! #hi0h Allah $a%e us a!ter the day o! Badr. 4.?1B: Narrated `Aisha: :n0e Hatima 0ame #alkin$ and her $ait resembled the $ait o! the 2rophet . *he 2rophet said, -el0ome, : my dau$hter; *hen he made her sit on his ri$ht or on his le!t side, and then he told her a se0ret and she started #eepin$. I asked her, -hy are you #eepin$3 (e a$ain told her a se0ret and she started lau$hin$. I said, I ne%er sa# happiness so near to sadness as I sa# today. I asked her #hat the 2rophet had told her. 8he said, I #ould ne%er dis0lose the se0ret o! Allah's Apostle . -hen the 2rophet died, I asked her about it. 8he replied. *he 2rophet said., 'J%ery year Eabriel used to re%ise the 6ur'an #ith me on0e only, but this year he has done so t#i0e. I think this portends my death, and you #ill be the !irst o! my !amily to !ollo# me.' 8o I started #eepin$. *hen he said. '.on't you like to be the mistress o! all the ladies o! 2aradise or the mistress o! all the lady belie%ers3 8o I lau$hed !or that. 4.?&C: Narrated `Aisha: *he 2rophet in his !atal illness, 0alled his dau$hter Hatima and told her a se0ret be0ause o! #hi0h she started #eepin$. *hen he 0alled her and told her another se0ret, and she started lau$hin$. -hen I asked her about that, she replied, *he 2rophet told me that he #ould die in his !atal illness, and so I #ept, but then he se0retly told me that !rom amon$st his !amily, I #ould be the !irst to 4oin him, and so I lau$hed. 4.?&1: Narrated 8a`id bin +ubair: About Ibn `Abbas: `Umar bin Al'9hattab used to treat Ibn `Abbas %ery !a%orably `Abdur Gahman bin `Au! said to him. -e also ha%e sons that are e5ual to him )but you are partial to him., `Umar said, It is be0ause o! his kno#led$e. *hen `Umar asked Ibn `Abbas about the interpretation o! the Verse:' '-hen 0ome the (elp o! Allah and the 0on5uest )o! "e00a, )11C.1, Ibn `Abbas said. It portended the death o! Allah's Apostle, #hi0h Allah had in!ormed him o!. `Umar said, I do not kno# !rom this Verse but #hat you kno#. 4.?&&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: Allah's Apostle in his !atal illness 0ame out, #rapped #ith a sheet, and his head #as #rapped #ith an oiled banda$e. (e sat on the pulpit, and praisin$ and $lori!yin$ Allah, he said, No# then, people #ill in0rease but the Ansar #ill de0rease in number, so mu0h so that they, 0ompared #ith the people, #ill be 4ust like the salt in the; meals. 8o, i! any o! you should take o%er the authority by #hi0h he 0an either bene!it some people or harm some others, he should a00ept the $oodness o! their $ood people )i.e. Ansar, and e/0use the !aults o! their #ron$'doers. *hat #as the last $atherin$ #hi0h the 2rophet attended. 4.?&1: Narrated Abu Bakra:


:n0e the 2rophet brou$ht out Al'(asan and took him up the pulpit alon$ #ith him and said, *his son o! mine is a 8aiyid )i.e. 0hie!, and I hope that Allah #ill help him brin$ about re0on0iliation bet#een t#o "uslim $roups. 4.?&4: Narrated Anas bin "alik: *he 2rophet had in!ormed us o! the death o! +a`!ar and @aid be!ore the ne#s o! their death rea0hed us, and his eyes #ere sheddin$ tears. 4.?&7: Narrated +abir: ):n0e, the 2rophet said, (a%e you $ot 0arpets3 I replied, -hen0e 0an #e $et 0arpets3 (e said, But you shall soon ha%e 0arpets. I used to say to my #i!e, Gemo%e your 0arpets !rom my si$ht, but she #ould say, .idn't the 2rophet tell you that you #ould soon ha%e 0arpets3 8o I #ould $i%e up my re5uest. 4.?&=: Narrated `Abdullah bin "as`ud: 8a`d bin "u`adh 0ame to "e00a #ith the intention o! per!ormin$ `Umra, and stayed at the house o! Umaiya bin 9hala! Abi 8a!#an, !or Umaiya himsel! used to stay at 8a`d's house #hen he passed by "edina on his #ay to 8ham. Umaiya said to 8a`d, -ill you #ait till midday #hen the people are )at their homes,, then you may $o and per!orm the *a#a! round the 9a`ba3 8o, #hile 8a`d #as $oin$ around the 9a`ba, Abu +ahl 0ame and asked, -ho is that #ho is per!ormin$ *a#a!3 8a`d replied, I am 8a`d. Abu +ahl said, Are you 0ir0umambulatin$ the 9a`ba sa!ely althou$h you ha%e $i%en re!u$e to "uhammad and his 0ompanions3 8a`d said, <es, and they started 5uarrelin$. Umaiya said to 8a`d, .on't shout at Abi'l'(akam )i.e. Abu +ahl,, !or he is 0hie! o! the %alley )o! "e00a,. 8a`d then said )to Abu +ahl,. 'By Allah, i! you pre%ent me !rom per!ormin$ the *a#a! o! the 9a`ba, I #ill spoil your trade #ith 8ham. Umaiya kept on sayin$ to 8a`d, .on't raise your %oi0e. and kept on takin$ hold o! him. 8a`d be0ame !urious and said, )to Umaiya,, Be a#ay !rom me, !or I ha%e heard "uhammad sayin$ that he #ill kill you. Umaiiya said, -ill he kill me3 8a`d said, <es,. Umaiya said, By Allah; -hen "uhammad says a thin$, he ne%er tells a lie. Umaiya #ent to his #i!e and said to her, .o you kno# #hat my brother !rom <athrib )i.e. "edina, has said to me3 8he said, -hat has he said3 (e said, (e 0laims that he has heard "uhammad 0laimin$ that he #ill kill me. 8he said, By Allah; "uhammad ne%er tells a lie. 8o #hen the in!idels started to pro0eed !or Badr )Battle, and de0lared #ar )a$ainst the "uslims,, his #i!e said to him, .on't you remember #hat your brother !rom <athrib told you3 Umaiya de0ided not to $o but Abu +ahl said to him, <ou are !rom the nobles o! the %alley o! "e00a,, so you should a00ompany us !or a day or t#o. (e #ent #ith them and thus Allah $ot him killed. 4.?&>: Narrated Abu `Uthman: I $ot the ne#s that Eabriel 0ame to the 2rophet #hile Um 8alama #as present. Eabriel started talkin$ )to the 2rophet and then le!t. *he 2rophet said to Um 8alama, ).o you kno#, #ho it #as3 )or a similar 5uestion,. 8he said, It #as .ihya )a handsome person amon$st the 0ompanions o! the 2rophet ,. Iater on Um 8alama said, By Allah; I thou$ht he #as none but .ihya, till I heard the 2rophet talkin$ about Eabriel in his sermon. )*he 8ub'narrator asked Abu `Uthman, Hrom #here ha%e you heard this narration3 (e replied, Hrom Usama bin @aid. , 4.?&?: Narrated `Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, I sa# )in a dream, the people assembled in a $atherin$, and then Abu Bakr $ot up and dre# one or t#o bu0kets o! #ater )!rom a #ell, but there #as #eakness in his dra#in$. "ay Allah !or$i%e him. *hen `Umar took the bu0ket and in his hands it turned into a %ery lar$e bu0ket. I had ne%er seen anyone amon$st: the people #ho 0ould dra# the #ater as stron$ly as `Umar till all the people drank their !ill and #atered their 0amels that knelt do#n there. 4.?&B: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: 1&=

*he +e#s 0ame to Allah's Apostle and told him that a man and a #oman !rom amon$st them had 0ommitted ille$al se/ual inter0ourse. Allah's Apostle said to them, -hat do you !ind in the *orah )old *estament, about the le$al punishment o! Ar'Ga4m )stonin$,3 *hey replied, )But, #e announ0e their 0rime and lash them. `Abdullah bin 8alam said, <ou are tellin$ a lieD *orah 0ontains the order o! Ga4m. *hey brou$ht and opened the *orah and one o! them sola0ed his hand on the Verse o! Ga4m and read the %erses pre0edin$ and !ollo#in$ it. `Abdullah bin 8alam said to him, Ii!t your hand. -hen he li!ted his hand, the Verse o! Ga4m #as #ritten there. *hey said, "uhammad has told the truthD the *orah has the Verse o! Ga4m. *he 2rophet then $a%e the order that both o! them should be stoned to death. )`Abdullah bin `Umar said, I sa# the man leanin$ o%er the #oman to shelter her !rom the stones. 4.?1C: Narrated `Abdullah bin "asud: .urin$ the li!etime o! the 2rophet the moon #as split into t#o parts and on that the 2rophet said, Bear #itness )to thus,. 4.?11: Narrated Anas: *hat the "e00an people re5uested Allah's Apostle to sho# them a mira0le, and so he sho#ed them the splittin$ o! the moon. 4.?1&: Narrated Ibn `Abbas: *he moon #as split into t#o parts durin$ the li!etime o! the 2rophet. 4.?11: Narrated Anas: :n0e t#o men !rom the 0ompanions o! Allah's Apostle #ent out o! the house o! the 2rophet on a %ery dark ni$ht. *hey #ere a00ompanied by t#o thin$s that resembled t#o lamps li$htin$ the #ay in !ront o! them, and #hen they parted, ea0h o! them #as a00ompanied by one o! those t#o thin$s )lamps, till they rea0hed their homes. 4.?14: Narrated Al'"u$hira bin 8hu`ba: *he 2rophet said, 8ome o! my !ollo#ers #ill remain %i0torious )and on the ri$ht path, till the Iast .ay 0omes, and they #ill still be %i0torious. 4.?17: Narrated "ua#iya: I heard the 2rophet sayin$, A $roup o! people amon$st my !ollo#ers #ill remain obedient to Allah's orders and they #ill not be harmed by anyone #ho #ill not help them or #ho #ill oppose them, till Allah's :rder )the Iast .ay, 0omes upon them #hile they are still on the ri$ht path. 4.?1=: Narrated `Ur#a: *hat the 2rophet $a%e him one .inar so as to buy a sheep !or him. `Ur#a bou$ht t#o sheep !or him #ith the money. *hen he sold one o! the sheep !or one .inar, and brou$ht one .inar and a sheep to the 2rophet. :n that, the 2rophet in%oked Allah to bless him in his deals. 8o `Ur#a used to $ain )!rom any deal, e%en i! he bou$ht dust. )In another narration, `Ur#a said, I heard Allah's Apostle sayin$, *here is al#ays $oodness in horses till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. )*he subnarrator added, I sa# >C horses in `Ur#a's house.', )8u!yan said, *he 2rophet asked `Ur#a to buy a sheep !or him as a sa0ri!i0e. , 4.?1>: Narrated Ibn `Umar: Allah's Apostle said, *here is al#ays $oodness in horses till the .ay o! Gesurre0tion. 4.?1?: Narrated Anas: *he 2rophet said, *here is al#ays $oodness in horses. 4.?1B: 1&>

Narrated Abu (uraira: *he 2rophet said, A horse may be kept !or one o! three purposes: !or a man it may be a sour0e o! re#ardD !or another it may be a means o! li%in$D and !or a third it may be a burden )a sour0e o! 0ommittin$ sins,. As !or the one !or #hom it is a sour0e o! re#ard, he is the one #ho keeps his horse !or the sake o! +ihad in Allah's AauseD he ties it #ith a lon$ rope on a pasture or in a $arden. 8o #hate%er its rope allo#s it to eat, #ill be re$arded as $ood re#ardable deeds )!or its o#ner,. And i! it breaks o!! its rope and 4umps o%er one or t#o hillo0ks, e%en its dun$ #ill be 0onsidered amon$st his $ood deeds. And i! it passes by a ri%er and drinks #ater !rom it, that #ill be 0onsidered as $ood deeds !or his bene!it, e%en i! he has had no intention o! #aterin$ it. A horse is a shelter !or the one #ho keeps it so that he may earn his li%in$ honestly and takes it as a re!u$e to keep him !rom !ollo#in$ ille$al #ays )o! $ainin$ money,, and does not !or$et the ri$hts o! Allah )i.e. payin$ the @akat and allo#in$ others to use it !or Allah's 8ake,. But a horse is a burden )and a sour0e o! 0ommittin$ sins !or him #ho keeps it out o! pride and pretense and #ith the intention o! harmin$ the "uslims. *he 2rophet #as asked about donkeys. (e replied, Nothin$ has been re%ealed to be 0on0ernin$ them e/0ept this 0omprehensi%e Verse )#hi0h 0o%ers e%erythin$, :'''*hen #hosoe%er has done $ood e5ual to the #ei$ht o! an atom )or a small ant,, 8hall see it )its re#ard, And #hosoe%er has done e%il e5ual to the #ei$ht o! an atom )or a small , ant,, 8hall see it )Its punishment,. )BB.>'?, 4.?4C: Narrated Anas bin "alik: Allah's Apostle rea0hed 9haibar in the early mornin$ and the people o! 9haibar 0ame out #ith their spades, and #hen they sa# the 2rophet they said, "uhammad and his army; and returned hurriedly to take re!u$e in the !ort. *he 2rophet raised his hands and said, Allah is Ereater; 9haibar is ruined ; I! #e approa0h a nation, then miserable is the mornin$ o! those #ho are #arned. 4.?41: Narrated Abu (uraira: I said, : Allah's Apostle; I hear many narrations !rom you but I !or$et them. (e said, 8pread your 0o%erin$ sheet. I spread my sheet and he mo%ed both his hands as i! s0oopin$ somethin$ and emptied them in the sheet and said, -rap it. I #rapped it round my body, and sin0e then I ha%e ne%er !or$otten


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