Ta HB Ch2 Teaching Strategy

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In addition to the demographic portrait of the MSU undergraduate population, you need to be aware of how students are likely to differ in the ways in which they learn. One of the most widely known earlier works on the cognitive development of college students is Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years by William Perry (1970). Although Perry's study is somewhat dated and has been replaced by Kolb and Chickerings early 1980s work, and more recently, Lee Schulmans provocative approach challenging developmental stages of learning (2002), it remains a powerful theory on cognitive development. The scheme of development he describes has proven helpful in understanding students in many different settings. Perry concludes that students move through stages of cognitive development, each of which is qualitatively different and more complex than the previous stage. As students move through these stages, the ways in which they perceive, organize, and evaluate experiences and events in their lives change. In this study, Perry suggests that new or intellectually insecure students are often committed to a sense that information is right or wrong, factual or subjective. Uncertainty leads to discomfort and is often assumed to be the result of an error. In order to get students to move out of either/or dilemmas, instructors can: 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide students with opportunities to choose positions and defend their choices. Ask students to narrow choices and weigh pros and cons of alternative arguments or choices. Draw upon course material that stimulates thinking about personal philosophy and life choices. Set learning tasks that call for students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate fro m personal perspectives and then progressively from more abstract or experiential perspectives, and call for students to apply learning from one context to problems in a different context. Pose activities that ask students to generate new questions or evaluate assumptions inherent in how points of view are constructed.


LEARNING STYLES In the Executive Summary of Learning Styles: Implications for Improving Educational Practices, Claxton and Murrell (1987) state that information about style can help instructors become more sensitive to the differences students bring to the classroom. As teachers it is important to keep in mind that the concept of style is one variable that may help you look at the complex issues involved in teaching and learning (Claxton and Murrell, P. 1). Perhaps one very easy technique to get an overview of your students' style is to ask them to write a paragraph on "How I Learn Best". Another relatively simple way to look at style is to focus on learning modalities. Several researchers have focused on the extent to which sensory receptors influence learning. As you will find, some students respond better to hands-on learning as opposed to reading or listening to a lecture. In general, researchers have distinguished the following types of learners: Auditory learners prefer to learn by listening. Lecturing is the teaching approach that works best for them. Visual learners prefer print material. They learn best by reading or responding to visual cues, such as the chalkboard or overhead projector.

1 For a short and thorough guide to creating a syllabus, see MSU Teaching Thoughts #13, The Complete

Syllabus, located at http://tap.msu.edu/PDF/thoughts/tt13.pdf.

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.1

Tactile learners like to manipulate objects. appropriate for them.

Laboratory or hands-on methods of learning are most

Kinesthetic, or whole body learners, like to learn through experiential activities. They prefer simulations, exploratory activities and problem solving. If you are interested in furthering your understanding of style and how to use the construct in your teaching, the Claxton and Murrell book gives an excellent overview.

Learning is a highly intricate process. It is easily hindered, especially when the teacher fails to make clear what it is that one is expected to learn and how it will be determined that the learning goal has been achieved. The more complicated the material to be learned, the more important it is to organize it and present it in a way that both enhances the process of learning and clarifies the teacher's expectations. The syllabus is the tool used to achieve this. You might want to consider the syllabus as a contract between you and your students. The syllabus will make clear to your students which textbooks and other reading materials they must acquire, what your teaching objectives will be and how you will go about finding out whether they have been met, what kind of testing you will use, what the grading scale will look like, whether you will assign homework and at what intervals, whether class participation and/or attendance will influence grades, and even what material you intend to cover during each of the class meetings or weeks. Some departments ask new teaching assistants and young instructors to use existing syllabi (approved by the department) for the courses they are assigned to teach. However, once you become more experienced in teaching, you will be expected to prepare your own syllabi. This is why it is important to learn the characteristics of a good syllabus. This section will point out some important aspects of a well-written syllabus and present several good syllabi that were used in actual MSU courses. Each of them represents well certain aspects of a competent syllabus. Jim Lucas syllabus, in particular, is one of the most comprehensive college-level syllabi I have seen (See page 2.6). However, this alone might not prepare you adequately for the job of creating your own syllabus. Prior to attempting the job, you should read sections IV and V as well. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SYLLABUS Having a well-developed syllabus will require the instructor to organize his or her teaching early. It will help students know what is expected from the start of the course and will allow them to plan their semester efficiently. The opportunity for inconsistent grading changes will be diminished, and a positive image will be presented to the students (a well-prepared syllabus is evidence that the instructor takes teaching seriously). A syllabus also provides the departmental office, supervisor, and/or colleagues with pertinent information about the course. The Ombudsman's Office has noted that a large number of complaints it deals with have at their root a lack of understanding of the requirements and expectations for performance in a course. A syllabus can consolidate into a single document all of the routine matters that surround teaching a course: reading schedules, grading, due dates, class topics, etc. Simply put, the syllabus is a formal statement of what the course is about, what students will be asked to do, and how student performance will be evaluated. Unlike the comments an instructor makes in class, it is a lasting statement to which students can refer again and again throughout the course. Careful construction of the syllabus reduces ambiguity and is the first step toward producing an environment in which students can flourish.

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.2

The syllabus is an agreement that you should follow as much as possible. If you make any changes to it during the semester, be certain that all your students are aware of them. You do not want to have to deal with an irate student at the end of the semester who would say to you something like, "Hey, I didn't know that you changed the course grading system, and Im going to the departmental chair to get this straightened out!" PREPARING AN EFFECTIVE COURSE SYLLABUS You can begin by studying syllabi from other instructors or those that have been used previously in the course being taught. You might also check with your department for specific guidelines about a syllabus format. However, the following should be included in every syllabus: 1. Relevant information about the course and instructor . A syllabus should include the current year and semester, the name and number of the course and the meeting time (with days of the week and meeting times), and location. It should also include the instructor's name, phone number, the location of the instructor's office, and the times of his or her office hours. These facts are normally placed at the beginning of the syllabus. A list of the resources to be obtained by the students . Most important here are the required text(s) and reading assignments. Their role in the class and where they are available for purchase or loan should be included. (It is important to check that the bookstore or library will have the materials on the shelves before students are sent to find them!) It might also explain what, if any, materials other than text(s) are required of students. Any supplemental materials (such as lecture tapes, sample projects, or past tests) that are available can appropriately be mentioned. Traits of an Acceptable Syllabus Name of Instructor Where Instructor can be reached/office hours Course Number; Section Number; Days, times, and Classroom where the class meets Required Text(s) and other class materials Course Objectives Grading Procedure, including Attendance Policy, Class Participation, and the like Course Outline, by weeks at least



A clear statement of course objectives . The course objectives should be as clear as possible and should describe what the students will be expected to knowand at what level of competencyat the end of the semester, rather than what the instructor plans to do. Note that the use of vague terminology (such as "students will develop a clear understanding") can result in arguments over degrees of understanding. It is generally better to use specific, measurable behaviors as objectives. A description of the means (or activities) by which the course objectives will be met. Possible items include field trips, guest lecturers, discussions with active participation, problem-solving groups, assignments, use of audiovisual materials, etc. The amount of student time required for each activity may be estimated. A stateme nt of grading criteria. This will explain the grading criteria, the components of the final grade, the weighing of various components, the impact of class participation and attendance to the final grade, and other relevant information. The number of tests each semester should be included, along with a brief description of what each test will cover. The numerical equivalent of letter grades or the "range" for each grade can be provided. A statement of course policies . This is best expressed in a clear, non-threatening form. Policies should be set for such events as missing an exam, turning in a late assignment, missing class, requesting an extension for an assignment, and reporting illness. It is a good idea to go on record with a fairly stringent policy that can be informally softened at a later date if, and where, circumstances so warrant. The Ombudsman's Office recommends avoiding absolutes on the grounds that they are always more trouble than they are worth.




The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.3


A schedule. If each class hour is mapped out in detail, this will become the longest and most time-consuming segment of the syllabus to prepare, although it will be a good investment in a well-organized class. The syllabus should, at a minimum, contain dates and corresponding lecture or lab topics, the preparations that are required or suggested, and due dates for projects, papers, and major assignments.

USING THE SYLLABUS IN CLASS First, check over the final typed copy for mistakes and typos. If the instructor does not s pot them, it is certain that the students will. It is good policy to hand out the syllabus on the first day of class. That lets the students know that their teacher is well prepared and it provides an easy way to begin the interaction with students and to reduce some of the uncertainty and anxiety of the first class meeting. The instructor will need to review and discuss the syllabus with the students, to answer any questions that they may have and to provide appropriate amplification where necessary. The instructor will probably find that most student feedback will be generated by the section on grading. It is vital to have enough copies of the syllabus; one should allow for the need to replace lost copies and to accommodate students who have registered for the class but do not appear on the initial roster. If changes are made in the syllabus subsequently, it is a good idea to give them to students in writing. Much ambiguity and confusion can result from half-remembered, spoken promises. THE SYLLABUS AND ORGANIZING THE COURSE In order to prepare a meaningful syllabus, one that you will be able to follow throughout the entire semester, you must first examine closely the entire course with a goal of organizing it in a way that will enable you to accomplis h the objectives you will state. Good organization is important to all phases of instruction, from curriculum development to determining presentation format. From the syllabus to the final examination, every aspect of the course should be focused on defined educational goals, the most important of which is the level of learning you expect students to achieve. Your first step in organizing a course should be to establish the level of performance you expect from your students. This may necessitate your administering a simple questionnaire or using an in-class essay to determine what students already know and what they need to learn. If you are teaching a lab, quiz section, or studio that is an extension of a larger class, it is important to coordinate your expectations with the professor of the larger class and with other TAs who are teaching similar sections, labs or studios. Your next step is to choose the means of instruction that will enable students to perform at the level you expect. If you need to cover 50 years of research in 15 weeks, you will probably lecture. If students must be capable of applying course material, you will not only have to present factual information through texts and lectures but also show them how to develop generalizations from the background knowledge (discussion, study problems, assignments), and provide them with opportunities to apply newly learned principles in novel situations (laboratory experiments, papers, examinations, projects, speeches). Your third step will be to determine through evaluation procedures whether students have learned what you intended. Ideally, procedures for evaluation should be consistent with course goals and teaching strategies. The mode of instruction, the course content, assignments, and exa minations should all focus students' attention in a single direction. EXAMPLES OF W ELL-W RITTEN SYLLABI Following the bibliography, you will find four syllabi that at one time or another were used by MSU faculty. Notice that, although they do not follow the same format, each provides all relevant information concerning the course in question. Upon reading a specific syllabus, try to think of a question concerning

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.4

the course that the syllabus does not address; if you can come up with such a question, find a place in the syllabus where it could be easily incorporated. Also, analyze whether, as the semester would progress, the existing syllabus would answer all questions you might come up with. While doing this, keep in mind that it is only by planning your teaching well in advance that you will be able to anticipate everything your students will need and to put it all together in a syllabus.

Selected Bibliography
Altman, H. B. and W. E. Cashin. Writing a Syllabus. IDEA Paper No. 27. Manhattan, KS: Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development, Kansas State University, 1993. Chickering, A. W. and Associates, Eds. The Modern American College: Responding to the Realities of Diverse Students and a Changing Society. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1981. Claxton, Charles S, and Murrell, Patricia H. Learning Styles: Implications for Improving Educational Practices. College Station, TX: Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1987. Grunert, Judith. The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approach . Bolton, MA: Anker, 1997. Johnston, Kevin M. MSU Teaching Thoughts #13: Creating the Complete Syllabus. http://tap.msu.edu/PDF/thoughts/tt13.pdf, 2002. Kolb, D. A. Learning Style Inventory. Boston: McBer, 1985. Lambert, Leo M., Stacey Lane Tice, Patricia H. Featherstone. University Teaching: A Guide for Graduate Students. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1996. Leamnson, Robert. 2002. Learning (Your First Job). http://www.umassd.edu/cas/biology/learning.doc McKeachie, W., et. al. Teaching Tips: A Guidebook for the Beginning College Teacher, 10th Ed. Lexington, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. Nelson, Craig. For Openers, an Inclusive Course Syllabus. New Paradigms for College Teaching. William E. Campbell and Karl A. Smith, Eds. Edina, MN: Interaction, 1997. Nilson, Linda. Teaching at its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors, 2 nd Edition. Bolton,. MA: Anker Publishing Company, 2003.

For McKeachie, Lambert, and Nilson, look for syllabi construction in the appropriate chapters.

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.5

AEE 110:
Foundations of ANR Communications, Learning & Leadership - Fall 2003
Meeting time
Section 001 48 Agriculture Hall Tuesday and Thursday, 10:20 11:40 a.m. Jim Lucas 408 Agriculture Hall 517/355-6580 (ext. 233) lucasjam@msu.edu Glenn Sterner sternerg@msu.edu

Instructor & assistant

Course description

AEE 110 introduces students to communication, learning and leadership philosophies in the context of agriculture and natural resources. The course provides a collaborative learning experience that promotes reflective and critical thinking to enhance writing, presentation, and interpersonal skills needed at Michigan State University and beyond. The faculty designed AEE courses to help student connect information from their technical science courses (e.g., animal science, ecology, forestry, horticulture, etc.) and their professional courses (e.g., teacher education, communication, journalism, etc.) to working with people in formal and informal settings. As such, this class will help you to integrate your knowledge and understanding of ANR issues into techniques that facilitate the development of others ability to understand these issues. This course is designed as an interactive and developmental experience; students share the responsibility for learning with the instructor. Hence, they are encouraged to provide feedback and opinions on operation and policies within the course. AEE 110 seeks to provide students with: 1. The ability to succeed during their time at MSU; 2. The ability to engage in the world as a self-aware individual; 3. The ability to understand values and ethics in relationship to decision-making; 4. The ability to understand, analyze and respond to information concerning agriculture and natural resources. 5. The ability to communicate logically, expressively and concisely using written, oral and visual forms of communication;

Course philosophy

Course goals

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.6

6. The ability to apply research and thinking skills to develop and deliver information to diverse audiences; and 7. The ability to understand and apply learning theory to effectively lead, communicate and manage.

Class Resources

Students should purchase the required materials at a campus bookstore (or online, its probably cheaper!): Perks of Being a Wallflower A Portrait of a Burger as a Young Cow Recommended: AP Publication Manual (5th edition or higher)


Attendance for the course is mandatory. Students will receive two excused absences regardless of cause. All absences beyond two will count as unexcused . Students will receive 15 participation points for each unexcused absence. Students who fail to use their two excused days will receive 10 points extra credit per day (for up to a total of 20 points). Attendance bonuses and deductions will be maintained on Angel. The instructor will work with students on a case-by-case basis for excessive absences due to official MSU activities, illness or other serious emergencies. In these cases, instructors will require documentation of the event, illness, etc. Students missing class for a planned MSU field trip (e.g. FFA conference, judging event, class trip, etc.) must submit a written request or permission slip to the teaching assistant one-week before missing class. Students are responsible for obtaining any information or materials missed due to an absence and should contact the instructor or teaching assistant within 24-hours of missing class. Please see the late assignments section for more information.


Throughout the semester, the instructor will expect active participation in all class discussions and activities. Active participation includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors: 1. Asking and answering questions in class; 2. Questioning information presented and discussed; 3. Engaging in on-line discussions with your team; 4. Participating in peer critiques with your base group; and 5. Grappling with course content on a personal-level. The instructor will also expect that students complete any homework or reading activities assigned. The instructor or a teaching assistant will periodically update participation points on Angel.


Specific guidelines for all assignments and activities are provided following the syllabus. All assignments are due by 5:00 p.m. on the specified date, unless otherwise noted in class. Assignments should be turned in during class, via

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.7

Angel drop-box, or in the instructors departmental mailbox. Homework/Participation 300 points ANR Interviews and paper 150 points Reading reflections 150 points Issue papers 100 points (2 @ 50 each) Issue presentation 150 points Reflective responses 150 points (3 @ 50 each)


AEE 110 students will receive a numeric grade according to the point scale below. The instructor will take into consideration those students within two or three points of a higher grade on a case-by-case basis. When making this determination, factors such as class attendance, participation and effort will be important.

930 1000 875 929 825 874 775 824 725 774 675 724 625 674 under 624



4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0

Base groups

The instructor has organized students into base groups. Base groups will provide a foundation for many class discussions and activities. Also, the base group will specifically: 1. Keep its members informed of class information or policy in case of an absence. 2. Support its members writing by providing peer critique. 3. Identify common questions or areas of concern as related to class or life at MSU. Unless otherwise noted, students should type all assignments using a 10- or 12point font size, standard typeface (Arial, Times, etc.), double-spacing and one inch margins. All papers should include page numbers. Assignments without a name or not matching the formatting guidelines will not be graded. For citations, students should follow standard AP format guidelines (4 th or 5 th Edition). Students who plagiarize others work will receive no credit for the assignment. The instructor will enforce MSU policy on plagiarism as detailed in the Spartan Life handbook.

Formatting your work

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.8

Late work

All assignments are due by 5:00 p.m. on the specified date unless otherwise noted in class. Instructors will accept late assignments for up to five working days (days on which classes are held) past the due date with a 20 percent deduction from the total possible points. Students who will miss class due to official MSU trips or events should make arrangements with their instructor to turn in any assignments they will miss. Students who miss class for illness or other emergency should work the instructor to arrange an appropriate turn-in date. Students have the opportunity to rewrite papers that have earned less than a 3.0 (83%). Students who are concerned about their performance are encouraged to talk with the instructor before the final week of the semester. Students wanting to redo an assignment must complete the revisions within one week of receiving the graded work. All students should meet with the instructor about the rewrite before completion to ensure that they return a quality product.

Redoing your work


The following is a general overview of each week's topics, readings and assignments. For more details on the assignments, refer to the pages following the syllabus. -Introductions -Overview of syllabus and the course -Overview of Angel system -Community needs and expectations Assignment: Read Jims Teaching Philosophy Essay; complete on-line reflection by Thursday


Tuesday, August 26

Thursday, August 28

-Team builders and icebreakers -Discussion of essay Assignment: Bring values worksheet back to class for discussion on 9/2; Start ANR Interviews assignment (due October 2)

Week 2 Tuesday, September 2

-Introduction to values and ethical frameworks -Discussion of class values and ethics Assignment: Using the ethical frameworks discussed in class, work through the ethical dilemma presented for discussion on 9/4

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.9

Thursday, September 4

-Using values and ethics in daily life -Decision-making and professional behavior -Time for group work Reminder: Be reading Perks of Being a Wallflower, working on your interviews and your presentations.

************************************************* ISS 310, Section #2 Mon., Tues., Wed, & Fri., 11:30-12:20 Room 116 Natural Science Bldg. Professor Whitsell Office: 310 Natural Science (353-7197) Office Hours: 2-3 Mon., Tues. & Wed. or by appointment


I. Course Objectives and Content As described in the catalogue of courses, ISS 310 deals with "contemporary issues related to the interaction of socio-cultural and ecological systems. Global, regional, national and local environmental problems and responses." Different ISS sections of the same course are taught from the various perspectives of the instructors. This section is premised on the assumption that, if students are to understand the interaction of socio-cultural and ecological systems , they must be familiar with some of the basic principles of both the social sciences (to understand the "socio-cultural" side of the equation) and the natural sciences (to understand the "ecological" side). This course is designed to do that, drawing from biology, geography, sociology, philosophy, political science, economics and related disciplines, to provide a holistic perspective on people and the environment. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be sufficiently familiar with important contemporary environmental problems to be able to understand how the environment is being affected, why these environmental impacts are deemed problematic, and what can be done to solve these problems. Solutions will be approached from the perspective that conservation is politics and that, even through inaction, we all inevitably end up taking sides on questions about how much the environment is degraded and how that degradation is distributed between different social groups, generations and geographical regions. It is hoped that this course will serve as a guide for students to make responsible choices on such matters. II. Readings There are two required text books: 1. Understanding Our Environment: an introduction, by William P. Cunningham (Wm. C. Brown, 1994). 2. People, Penguins and Plastic Trees: basic issues in environmental ethics, edited by Christine Pierce and Donald VanDeVeer (Wadsworth, 1995, second edition). There is a student study guide that accompanies Understanding Our Environment, which is available in the bookstores as an optional purchase. A few additional readings may occasionally be assigned from handouts or items placed on reserve in the main library, at the assigned readings desk. (Reserved library books and articles may be checked out for two hours, if during the day, or overnight, if checked out after 9:00 PM.)

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.10

III. Discussion Sections One of the distinctive features of this section of ISS 310 is its emphasis on active learning in weekly discussion sections. Instead of being limited to four lectures per week in a large lecture hall with 150 students, the professor (with the financial support of the College of Social Science and the Geography Department) has modified the printed schedule as follows: There will be only three lectures (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) plus one discussion section, to be held in place of the Friday lecture (i.e. from 11:30 to 12:20). All students will participate in one of four discussion sections, which will be conducted simultaneously each Friday by four teaching assistants, in four different rooms (116, 140 & 304 Natural Science Building plus 100 Berkey Hall). Activities within the discussion sections will include clarification of materials in assigned readings and lectures, reviews in preparation for the midterm and final examinations, small group projects and presentations, debates and quizzes. During the first week of class, students will be divided into discussion sections in which they will remain for the duration of the semester. The teaching assistants responsible for discussion sections, the locations of their offices, and their office phone numbers are as follows (office hours to be announced): Steve Cameron 124 Natural Science 355-7718 Beth Myers 144 Natural Science 353-9940 Linda Erickson 144 Natural Science 353-9940 Jennifer Maxwell Stefanacci 144 Natural Science 353-9940

Participation in discussions is a very important dimension of this course. It is well known that learning is significantly enhanced when the student takes an active part in her or his own education. (This is not to mention the sad fact that large lecture courses are notoriously impersonal and often quite tiresome.) When a professor stands on a platform in front of hundreds of students , the implicit assumption is that she or he is the giver of all knowledge while the students are the passive recipients. The professor and TAs for this course don't buy that. We start from the assumption that every one of you has strong feelings about some current environmental problems and that each one of you has important knowledge and perspectives on these problems. One of the principal purposes of the discussion sections is to allow us to share that knowledge with each other to a far greater extent than would be possible in a large lecture format. Other important objectives are to challenge students to think critically, to develop the cooperative problemsolving skills needed in the "real world" beyond undergraduate school, and to maximize interest in and enthusiasm for solving the critical environmental problems we all must face. IV. Requirements and Grades The total course score will be based on a curve and weighed as follows: discussion section grade 40%, midterm exam 20%, final exam 40%. The discussion section grade will be based upon attendance and participation, performance in quizzes and grades in assigned projects. (Your TA will provide detailed information on the activities and requirements for your discussion section.) The midterm exam will be given during the lecture period on Wednesday, March 1. The final exam is scheduled for Wednesday, May 3, from 12:45 to 2:45 PM. It will be cumulative, drawing from the required readings and from all information presented and discussed in class. The midterm and final exams will consist of true-false, multiple choice, short answer and essay questions. More details on the content and design of the exams will be provided in time to assist with student preparations. V. Lecture and Reading Schedule Lecture topics and required readings will be covered in the following order (as noted above, a few additional readings may occasionally be assigned):

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.11


Pages in Pages in Pierce &VandeVeer Cunningham

Introduction: examining our own preconceptions and expectations Environmental science and environmental ethics: how we understand our place in nature What do we perceive to be the most serious environmental problems of our time? What can we already identify as the causes and solutions for these problems? What do we hope to get out of this course?

1 - 20

1 - 23

II. The nature of nature: how natural systems function What are ecosystems and how do they work? Is there a balance of nature? If so, how does it work? III. Ecology and economy Are natural and economic systems compatible? Can technology overcome environmental limits? How are environmental goods and environmental degradation distributed between social groups and generations? IV. Environmental degradation: causes, consequences and solutions Human population growth: Is it the number one problem? What can and is being done to limit population growth? Is starvation primarily the result of over population? Soils: How and why are we "losing ground?" "Pests": How are we and how should we do battle with our natural competitors? Resource management Preservation of natural systems & biological diversity Air & Water systems and what we are doing to them Energy Fossil fuels Nuclear power Renewable energy Solid, toxic and hazardous waste Sustainable living in our cities and towns V. Action for the environment: political and personal options The philosophical underpinnings for action: shallow, deep, social and feminist ecology Green lifestyles Green politics



90 - 100

367-380 412-441

64 - 89 330-338 134 - 159

160 - 204 205 - 247 248-274

24-39, 139-42 339-358

112-132, 276-297 298 - 318


319 - 344

106-125 142-233 358-366 442-469

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.12



Text Lecturer Lectures Office Hours Applied Finite Mathematics, by Chester Piascik Lanette Poteete; office: A-531 Wells Hall; phone 353-0844 Mo., We., Fr. 9:10-10:00 a.m., B-108 Wells Hall.

Spring 2004

Mo., We., Fr. 10:30-11:30 a.m. and by appointment. Office hours are intended to help you clarify any procedural and other questions you may have; they are NOT to be used to go over the material covered while you were absent or to provide extensive help with homework problems. As office hours are often crowded, ma ke sure to prepare your questions in advance. Recitations Tu. and Th., according to the Schedule of Classes. At recitations, your TA will be solving problems not assigned for homework but similar to those assigned; if you have questions concerning the homework problems, you must see one of the TAs during his/her help hours. Help Hours Each TA will have help hours. These hours will be announced during the first recitation as well as during lectures; you may use help hours of ANY TA. Help hours cannot be used as a substitute for lectures or recitations. When asking questions, be prepared to demonstrate your own attempts to answer them. Attendance You are expected to attend ALL lectures and ALL recitations. As this is a five credithour course; in order to succeed, you are expected to spend at least ten hours per week studying (not counting lectures and recitations). Calculator You need a graphing calculator. On lectures we shall cover the basics of Sharp EL 9200; if you get a different calculator, you will be responsible for learning how to use it. YOU ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING A CALCULATOR FOR ALL EXAMS AND ALL QUIZZES, AND FOR KNOWING HOW TO USE IT. If you forget to bring your calculator to an exam or if your calculator does not function properly, you will have to work without it. Homework On the sheet attached, you will find a day-by-day schedule of the course as well as a list of problems from the text that you are expected to solve on your own (solutions to most of them are at the end of the text). Solutions of those problems are not expected to be turned in. It is considered that you cannot complete the course successfully unless you fully understand and can solve AT LEAST the assigned homework problems. Exams You will have nine ten-minute quizzes, four fifty-minute exams, and the final three-hour exam (for dates see the day-by-day schedule). There will be no make-ups for either quizzes or fifty-minute exams; only extreme situations will allow a student to be excused from a quiz or a fifty-minute exam. Having three finals on the day of the final exam will excuse you from that exam; if such is the case, arrangements for the (common) make-up final exam must be made in A-212 Wells Hall. Grading Every quiz counts 10 points, every fifty-minute exam counts 50 points; the final exam counts 300 points. Grading scale for each of the quizzes and fifty-minute exams is: 90% to 100% - 4.0 85% to 89% - 3.5 79% to 84% - 3.0 73% to 78% - 2.5 65% to 72% - 2.0 60% to 64% - 1.5 55% to 59% - 1.0 0% to 54% - 0.0

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.13

Grading scale for the final exam will be made AFTER the results of that exam are turned in. General Info 1. Section R in the textbook is an algebra review. You MUST be fully familiar with the first 30 pages of this review; if you are not, you should consider dropping this course and taking a more appropriate course instead. 2. Before being returned to you, a random selection of graded exams will be copied. 3. If you are caught cheating, the minimal penalty will be a zero for the course. Important Dates 1. Quizzes: Jan. 21; Mar. 11; Apr. 22 Jan. 28; Mar. 18; Feb. 11; Apr. 1; Feb. 18; Apr. 8;

2. Fifty-minute exams:

Feb. 4;

Feb. 25 Mar. 25; Apr. 15

3. Final Exam: May 4, 7:45-10:45 a.m. (locations will be announced.) NOTE. To ALL quizzes and ALL exams you must bring your student ID and one pictured ID (or only your student ID, if it is pictured); otherwise, your exam will be invalid.

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Spring 2004

The following is a tentative day-by-day schedule of the course. Although no sections will be added to the course, if it turns to be necessary a section or two might be omitted; if that happens, an announcement will be made. Jan. 13 Jan.15 Jan 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 22 Jan. 25 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 8 Feb. 10: Feb. 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 Mar. 8 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Mar. 10 Mar. 12 Mar. 15 Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 22 Mar. 24 Mar. 26 Mar. 29 Mar. 31 Apr. 2 Apr. 5 Apr. 7 Apr. 9 Apr. 12 Apr. 14 Apr. 16 Apr. 19 Apr. 21 Apr. 23 Apr. 26 Apr. 28 5.7 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.3, 8.4 8.4 8.5 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Review Review

If you miss a lecture, you are responsible for getting notes from one of the other students. Under no circumstances can you expect a lecture to be repeated for you. Each quiz will cover the material from the previous two or three lectures. Unless it is announced differently at the lectures, the one-hour exams will cover the following: Exam Exam Exam Exam 1: Ch. 2: Ch. 3: Ch. 4: Ch. 1; 3; 5; 7; Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. 2 4 6 8

Final exam will cover the entire course (including chap. 9). Keep in mind that March 9 is the last day to drop the course with no grade.

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.15

MATH 110


The following list includes a MINIMAL set of problems you must solve on your own and fully understand in order to get a reasonably good grade. To get the top grade, you might have to solve some or all of the problems that are on this list.

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6

1,3,5,6,7,9,11-17 all,19,21,23,27,29,30,31 1-9 odd, 13-23 odd, 29-47 odd, 58-61 all, 63,65,67 1-21 odd 1-17 odd, 21,25,29-45 odd, 46,47 1-39 odd, 40-43 all 1-51 odd 1-17 odd, 23-31 odd 1,3,5,7,811-21 odd 1-71 odd 1-9 all, 11-99 odd, 101-109 odd 1-9 odd 1-49 odd 1-43 odd, 47,49,53-75 odd 1-21 odd,25,31,33,34 1-23 odd, 27-35 odd, 39,43,45 1-21 odd 1-77 odd 1,3,7-47 odd, 55-67 odd 1-23 odd, 24,25,26 1-29 odd 1-25 odd,26-32 all 1-17 odd,25,26,27,29,33 1-19 odd 1-9 odd 1,2,3-31 odd 1-19 odd 1-83 odd 1-23 odd, 27,29,31,43,49,53,57,59,61,62,63,65,67,69,77,80,81,83 1,2,5-11 all, 13-19 all, 31,33,37,39,43,45,49,51,52,55,56,59,61,63,67,71-81 odd 105 all, 9,14,17-36 odd, 37,41,43-50 all 1-11 odd, 12-24 all 1-15 odd 1-25 odd, 29,31 1-19 odd,12 1-23 all, 35,37,39 1-45 odd 1-21 odd

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.16

******************************************************* PHL 200 (Sections 1, 2) INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY

Instructor Martin Benjamin 514 South Kedzie Hall 353-4617 (messages: 355-4490) Office Hours: T Th 2:30-4:00 Th. 12:30-1:30, and by appointment TEXTS: Required Joel Feinberg, ed., Reason and Responsibility (RR) Recommended Thomas Nagel, What Does It All Mean (WM) Zachary Seech, Writing Philosophy Papers

Teaching Assistant Vanessa Tanaka 540 South Kedzie Hall 353-8860 Office Hours: W 3:00-and by 4:00, appointment

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Jan. 12 Introduction Jan. 14 Philosophical Argument ( (I) Handout ---------Jan. 17 Philosophical Argument II and the Dilemma of Determinism Handout Feinberg, RR, pp. 354-56 Nagel, WM, pp. 3-7, 47-58 Jan. 19 Determinism (I) Feinberg, RR, pp. 357-58 Paul Holbach, "The Illusions of Free Will," RR, pp. 363-67 Jan. 21 Determinism (II)1 Arthur Schopenhauer, "Every Existence Presupposes an Essence," RR, pp. 368-70 ---------Jan. 24 Compatibilism (I) A. J. Ayer, "Freedom and Necessity," RR, 370-75 Jan. 26 Compatibilism (II) Walter T. Stace, "The Problem of Free Will," RR, pp. 375-80 Jan. 28 (Metaphysical) Libertarianism (I) Richard Taylor, "Freedom and Determinism," RR, pp. 380-86 ---------Jan. 31 (Metaphysical) Libertarianism (II) C. A. Campbell, "Has the Self 'Free Will'?" RR, pp. 386-96 Feb. 2 Praise, Blame, and Determinism (I) Elizabeth L. Beardsley, "Determinism and Moral Perspectives," RR, pp. 397-405 Feb. 4 Praise, Blame, and Determinism (II) Elizabeth L. Beardsley, "Determinism and Moral Perspectives," RR, pp. 407-407

1 This class will include a brief quiz on the nature and assessment of elementary philosophical


The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.17

---------Feb. 7 The Mind-body Problem: Origins Feinberg, RR, pp. 262, 118-19 Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy, RR, pp. 125-133, 151-55 Nagel, WM, pp. 8-26 Feb. 9 The Mind-Body Problem: an Overview Nagel, WM, pp. 27-37 Feinberg, RR, pp. 263-64 Feb. 11 Dualism and Materialism Jerome Shaffer, "The Subject of Consciousness," RR, pp. 268-77, 280-81 ---------Feb. 14 Philosophical Behaviorism Paul M. Churchland, "Behaviorism, Materialism, and Functionalism," RR, pp. 290-91 Feb. 16 Reductive Materialism (The Identity Theory) Paul M. Churchland, "Behaviorism, . . . ," RR, pp. 291-96 Feb. 18 Eliminative Materialism Paul M. Churchland, "Behaviorism, . . . ," RR, pp. 296-300 ---------Feb. 21 Functionalism Paul M. Churchland, "Behaviorism, . . . ," RR, pp. 300-304 Feb. 23 Is the Mind a Computer Program? (I)2 John R. Searle, "Minds, Brains, and Programs," RR, pp. 304-307 Feb. 25 Is the Mind a Computer Program? (II) John R. Searle, "Minds, Brains, and Programs," RR, pp. 307-315 ---------Feb. 28 Reason and Religious Belief: an Introduction Feinberg, RR, pp. 2-4 Mar. 2 The Ontological Argument Saint Anselm, "The Ontological Argument," RR, pp. 6-7 William L. Rowe, "The Ontological Argument," RR, pp. 8-17 Mar. 4 The Cosmological Argument Saint Thomas Aquinas, "The Five Ways," RR, pp. 17-18 Samuel Clarke, "A Modern Formulation of the Cosmological Argument," RR, p. 19 William L. Rowe, "The Cosmological Argument," RR, pp. 20-27 ---------Mar. 7-11 SPRING BREAK--NO CLASSES ---------Mar. 14 The Argument from Design William Paley, "The Argument from Design," RR, pp. 28-32 David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, RR, pp. 38-40, 48-50 Stephen Jay Gould, "The Panda's Thumb" and "Senseless Signs of History," RR, pp. 33-38 Mar. 16 The Problem of Evil (I) David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, RR, pp. 59-69 Fyodor Dostoevsky, "Rebellion," RR, pp. 70-75 Mar. 18 The Problem of Evil (II) J. . Mackie, "Evil and Omnipotence," URRU, pp. 75-82 ---------Mar. 21 The Problem of Evil (III) Richard Swinburne, "The Problem of Evil," RR, pp. 83-92 Mar. 23 Reason and Faith (I)

2 This class will include a videotape presentation.

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.18

W. K. Clifford, "The Ethics of Belief," RR, pp. 93-96 Blaise Pascal, "The Wager," RR, pp. 97-100 Mar. 25 Reason and Faith (II) William James, "The Will to Believe," RR, pp. 109-116 ---------Mar. 28 Ethics: The Challenge of Relativism Feinberg, RR, pp. 440-442 Richard B. Brandt, "Relativism and Ultimate Disagreements about Ethical Principles," RR, pp. 449-51 James Rachels, "The Challenge of Cultural Relativism," RR, pp. 452-58 Bernard Williams, "Relativism," RR, pp. 459-61 Mar. 30 Moral Motivation and Human Nature (I) Feinberg, RR, pp. 442-43 Joel Feinberg, "Psychological Egoism," RR, pp. 461-72 Apr. 1 Moral Motivation and Human Nature (II) Howard Kahane, "Making the World Safe for Reciprocity," RR, pp. 479-87 ---------Apr. 4 Proposed Standards of Right Conduct: Utilitarianism (I) Feinberg, RR, pp. 443-445 John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, RR, pp. 487-92 Nagel, WM, pp. 59-75 Apr. 6 Proposed Standards of Right Conduct: Utilitarianism (II) John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, RR, pp. 492-99 Apr. 8 Proposed Standards of Right Conduct: Utilitarianism (III) Peter Singer, "Famine, Affluence, and Morality," RR, pp. 499-506 ---------Apr. 11 Proposed Standards of Right Conduct: Ethical Egois m Ayn Rand, "The Ethics of Emergencies," RR, pp. 506-510 James Rachels, "Ethical Egoism," RR, pp. 510-17 Apr. 13 Proposed Standards of Right Conduct: Kantianism (I) Immanuel Kant, "The Categorical Imperative," RR, pp. 524-28 Apr. 15 Proposed Standards of Right Conduct: Kantianism (II) Immanuel Kant, "The Categorical Imperative," RR, pp. 528-31 ---------Apr. 18 Social and Political Philosophy: Just and Unjust Laws Martin Luther King, "Letter from Birmingham City Jail," RR, pp. 536-44 Apr. 20 Social and Political Philosophy: Justice as Fairness (I) John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, RR, pp. 531-33 Nagel, WM, pp. 76-86 Apr. 22 Social and Political Philosophy: Justice as Fairness (II) John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, RR, pp. 534-536 ---------Apr. 25 Social and Political Philosophy: Justice, Gender, and the Family Susan Moller Okin, Justice, Gender, and the Family, RR, pp. 545-557 Apr. 27 Making Connections: The Fields and Interrelatedness of Philosophy Apr. 29 Making Connections: The Nature and Value of Philosophy ---------WRITTEN REQUIREMENTS 1 Short Papers Short (3-5 page) papers will be assigned for Feb. 7, March 4, March 28, and April 22. Students must write the first paper and any two of the remaining threefor a total of three short papers. Specific topics will be distributed in class one week in advance of each due date.

The Syllabus as a Learning Tool 2.19

Papers are due at the beginning of class. Late papers will be accepted without penalty only in very unusual circumstances and only if cleared with the instructor in advance. Late papers not authorized in advance will have their overall grade lowered by 0.5 for each 12-hour period for which the paper is late. The clock starts ticking at the beginning of class on the date the paper is due. 2. Final Examination The final examination is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 7:45-9:45 a.m. Students will be asked to answer three essay questions to be chosen on the day of the exam from a set of 10-12 essay questions distributed in class on April 20. 3. Reflections on Readings and Class Meetings Five (5) very short (no more than one double-spaced page) papers will be due in class on alternate weeks beginning Jan. 24. A specific schedule will be distributed in class on Jan 19. In these papers students will respond to two questions: (1) What, to your mind, is the most interesting or important unanswered question raised in or by the previous class meeting--and why? (2) What, to your mind, is the most interesting or important point raised in or by the assigned reading for today's class--and why? These papers are due at the beginning of class. They will be read, evaluated, and returned at the following class meeting. Late papers will be accepted only in very unusual circumstances and only if cleared with the instructor in advance. 4. Quiz There will be a brief quiz on the nature and assessment of elementary philosophical arguments in class on January 21. Grading Each of the three short (3-5 page) papers will count 20 percent of the final grade, for a total of 60 percent. The final examination will count 30 percent. Each of the five (1 page) reflection papers will count 2 percent, for a total of 10 percent. The usual adjustments will be made in borderline cases for steady and unmistakable improvement in written work and informed, thoughtful, and fairly regular participation in class discussion. The student's grade on the brief quiz on philosophical arguments will also be used to resolve borderline cases. Criteria employed in evaluating written work include the following: 1. How well does the author understand and appreciate the complexity of the problem(s) and issue(s) he or she is addressing? To what extent has the author made judicious use of the clearly relevant concepts, categories, distinctions, positions, arguments, etc. that have been included in course readings and that have been brought out in class and come up in discussion? 2. Is the paper or essay clearly written? Are its claims precise? Does it have an explicit overall direction? Would it be intelligible to another student at this level who is interested in the topic, but not enrolled in the course? 3. To what extent has the author identified the assumptions or presuppositions underlying his or her position? And to what extent is he or she aware of the possible difficulties with them? 4 Are the author's claims and positions accompanied by cogent arguments? Are claims and arguments provided in different parts of the paper or essay consistent with each other? 5 Has the author been fairly thorough? Can the reader think of some fairly obvious objection to the author's position, raised in class or in the readings, that he or she has not anticipated and addressed?

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