Cocktail Glasses
Cocktail Glasses
Cocktail Glasses
In this lesson Ill explain at all the various types of cocktail glasses that bartenders will use for mixing drinks. Ill also explain when, why and how you use them, and for which drinks. Now, its highly unlikely that youll have all these types of glasses so sometimes you have to make due with what you have. But I try to cover as many as possible so you know when to use each of them. Covered are all the main types of glasses you might have
!hot "ocks #ighball $owball Bucket %ld fashioned Irish Coffee &ug !nifters Collins Beer 'int #urricane &artini (ine )"ed vs (hite* Champagne &argarita
(hat the difference between all the alcohols behind a bar+ #ow do you tell the difference between whiskey and bourbon, vodka and gin, reposado and ane,o te-uilas+ Can you explain the difference between li-uor and li-ueur+ %r what multiple distillation means+ If not, dont sweat it.first remember that it is /01"/&/$2 "3"/ for customers to ask you for a dissertation on the origins of all libations behind your bar.most people ,ust want to talk about chicks4dudes, sports, their problems at home, etc etc.
B51, in case youre curious, Ive got you covered in the next installment of the Bartending Basics video series, Whats in the Bottle: The Alcohols will give you the ammo to handle any -uestion from any customer or manager about any alcohol in the bar. In this video youll earn your p#d in alcohol and learn
#ow alcohol is made 3lcohol distillation process $i-uor vs $i-ueur 3lcohol percentage 6 3lcohol by proof #ow aging changes the colors of alcohols 7odkas 8ins "ums (hisk)e*ys )3merican, Irish, Canadian* Bourbons !cotchs Blended &alt vs !ingle &alt 'eat fire flavoring !herry &aturation %u9o and $i-ueurs Cognac )7!, 7!%', 0%* 1e-uilas )!ilver, "eposado, 3ne,o* &ore fun facts and stories:
Bartender Tools
It goes without saying that you should be familiar with all the bartender tools and the bar layout if youre going to work in one. !etting up a bar properly and having all the tools you need to perform your ,ob as a bartender will be part of your daily routine. Its important to remember that no matter where you work or how much experience you have )or dont have*, you will always go through about ;<= training shifts before you will work by yourself. >uring these training shifts they will train you on where everything is kept, how to open and stock, close and clean, how the computer works, your daily routines, and on and on. !o dont feel like youre supposed to know where everything is and how every bar works because every establishment is different, similar but definitely different. 1o cover the similarities of most bars and so you dont feel like a 1%13$ rookie Ill go over everything you need to be familiar with in the video below.
(ell cover
1he ?(ell@ (ell 3lcohols !peed "acks !oda 8uns Ice Bins !tore and 'ours Bar Aockeys 8lassware 8lass "immers Bar &ats &uddlers Blenders Aiggers &easuring 1ools 8arnish 1rays !traw caddies Bottle openers Auices &ixers %pening 6 Closing 'rocedures 3 Bew /xtras
'eels 1wists (hole wheels #alf wheels (edges #alf (edges 3nd &ore
#ow alcohol is made (hat is the C sink system (hat is it for #ow do you set it up /xamples of how to use it