Driver Profil ES: Compiled 6 January 2014
Driver Profil ES: Compiled 6 January 2014
Driver Profil ES: Compiled 6 January 2014
Neil ALBERICO 7 October 1 2 !21" #os $atos% Cali&ornia% '() Victory *otor +acin, #42
Cali&ornian -eil )lberico heads to .+( under the .eam '() racin, scholarship. )lberico says he is honoured to be a part o& such a presti,ious pro,ram that has provided opportunities &or many current stars racin, in the '(). /-e0 1ealand is ,oin, to be an e2citin, adventure &or .eam '() and 3 am very much loo4in, &or0ard to the partnership bet0een the ,uys at Victory *otor +acin, and the .eam '() (cholarship. ) bi, than4 you to all the supporters involved in this year5s pro,ramme to ma4e this opportunity possible. 35m psyched to be headed to -e0 1ealand in January to du4e it out 0ith some o& the best drivers &rom around the 0orld.6 )lberico5s racin, career be,an in t0o7stro4e 4arts in 2004. 3n the &ollo0in, si2 years he too4 a class championship 0in and posted podium results. *ovin, up to &irst sin,le7seater cate,ory races in 200 and 2010% he embar4ed on an ambitious season o& racin, in $reat 8ritain durin, 2011 0ith race 0ins and podiums in 9ormula 9ord 1600. 3n 2012 he raced in the '() in 92000% a,ain ta4in, race 0ins and podiums% then in 201: he too4 11 race 0ins% 14 podium &inishes and seven &astest laps across 20 races. )lberico is contestin, the 2014 .oyota +acin, (eries 0ith Victory *otor +acin,.
http;<< =neilalberico
About Team USA Schola !hi"# .he pro,ram has been providin, opportunities &or talented youn, )merican race car drivers
since 1 0. 3t is supported by a ran,e o& companies and individuals% includin, Dou, *oc4ett > Company% the +oad +acin, Drivers Club and 000.()9?is9)( Cooper .ire > +ubber Company% *a@da% David Aeinemeier Aansson% Chip $anassi +acin,% Aonda Ber&ormance Development% .he )ma@in, 9lameless Candle% *c*urry 3nc.% Dyson +acin,% +obertson +acin,% J)C *otorsports% )ndersen Bromotions% Bel&rey Ber&ormance% CDC (imulations% +aceCra&t1% Bit9it .rainin,% (parco '()% +)C?+ *a,a@ine% (peedstar *ana,ement% (tyled )esthetic% *ani&est $roup and numerous past (cholarship 0inners.
B e%-o% LEITC, 2G -ovember 1 F !1G" -e0 1ealand Victory *otor +acin, #44
8rendon #eitch is movin, up &rom 9ormula 9ord 0here he &inished third in 2012 and 0as second in 201: behind &ello0 2014 Ki0i .+( entrant James *unro. #i4e his brother Damon% 8rendon #eitch has a solid &oundation o& 4artin, that be,an in cadet 4arts in 200F. .he pair 0ill race under the -elson7based Victory *otor +acin, team banner. Victory has run in .+( since the be,innin, o& the championship and 0ill step up to run &ive cars this year.
Damo% LEITC, 2: December 1 2 !20" 3nvercar,ill% -e0 1ealand Victory *otor +acin, #4.
Damon !20" 0ill be contestin, his &ourth season o& .+( and has a series best result o& third overall in 2012. Hith a racin, career that be,an in 4arts at a,e 7 he has pro,ressed throu,h 9ormula 9ord to .+( and has been very competitive in the southern rounds o& the championship.
2a%% &a -e%bo ou5h (eptember 1 1 !22" 'K $iles *otorsport #26
One o& a ne0 breed o& racin, drivers 0ill return to race in the .oyota +acin, (eries 0hen it be,ins in January; Jann *ardenborou,h5s motor racin, career be,an 0hen he 0on a motor racin, competition online in 2011. .he 0innin, pri@e 0as a coachin, pro,ramme and a competitive drive as part o& -issan5s $. )cademy pro,ramme and this opportunity has propelled him all the 0ay to a drive in the 201: #e *ans 247hour endurance race. Cardi&&7based *ardenborou,h raced in the 201: .oyota +acin, (eries% 0innin, the roo4ie title and &inishin, tenth overall in a very stron, &ield in his &irst championship outin, in a J0in,s and slic4s5 sin,le seater race car. Ae &inished third in the #*B2 class at #e *ans this year and &inished the year 12th in #*B2 in the Horld ?ndurance Championship. *ardenborou,h has also been racin, in the ?uropean 9ormula .hree series alon, 0ith many other .+( ,raduates and &inished si2th in the 8ritish 9: championship5s international series. Ae heads bac4 to -e0 1ealand &or a second season o& .+( and 0ill race 0ith multiple .+( champion team $iles *otorsport.
2ame! &u% o 20 January 1 7 !16" Christchurch% -e0 1ealand -eale *otorsport #47
James *unro Ioins the series as 201: -e0 1ealand 9ormula 9ord champion% aimin, to ma4e his step into J0in,s and slic4s5 sin,le7seaters. *unro be,an his racin, career in 4arts in 200 % continuin, in the &oundation cate,ory until 2012. )lon,side his 4artin, career he moved to 9ormula 9ord% contestin, the (outh 3sland series% the Victorian state championship in )ustralia and then the -e0 1ealand national championship in 201:% 0innin, the latter title. Ae is also the son o& racer *ar4 *unro% 0ho raced .+( in its earlier years and is an enthusiastic supporter o& the championship.
&ichael Scott 2 December 1 4 !1 " .e Bu4e% -e0 1ealand Victory *otor +acin, #)6
*ichael (cott contested .+( &or the &irst time in 201:. #i4e most youn, racers he be,an his racin, career in 4artin, be&ore movin, up to 9ormula 9irst% 9ormula 9ord and on to the premier .oyota +acin, (eries. ) &ull7time student% he is balancin, his passion &or motor racin, around his university en,ineerin, studies in 201:.