Driver Profil ES: Compiled 6 January 2014

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Compiled 6 January 2014 Version 1.0

Drivers listed alphabetically by surname

Neil ALBERICO 7 October 1 2 !21" #os $atos% Cali&ornia% '() Victory *otor +acin, #42
Cali&ornian -eil )lberico heads to .+( under the .eam '() racin, scholarship. )lberico says he is honoured to be a part o& such a presti,ious pro,ram that has provided opportunities &or many current stars racin, in the '(). /-e0 1ealand is ,oin, to be an e2citin, adventure &or .eam '() and 3 am very much loo4in, &or0ard to the partnership bet0een the ,uys at Victory *otor +acin, and the .eam '() (cholarship. ) bi, than4 you to all the supporters involved in this year5s pro,ramme to ma4e this opportunity possible. 35m psyched to be headed to -e0 1ealand in January to du4e it out 0ith some o& the best drivers &rom around the 0orld.6 )lberico5s racin, career be,an in t0o7stro4e 4arts in 2004. 3n the &ollo0in, si2 years he too4 a class championship 0in and posted podium results. *ovin, up to &irst sin,le7seater cate,ory races in 200 and 2010% he embar4ed on an ambitious season o& racin, in $reat 8ritain durin, 2011 0ith race 0ins and podiums in 9ormula 9ord 1600. 3n 2012 he raced in the '() in 92000% a,ain ta4in, race 0ins and podiums% then in 201: he too4 11 race 0ins% 14 podium &inishes and seven &astest laps across 20 races. )lberico is contestin, the 2014 .oyota +acin, (eries 0ith Victory *otor +acin,.
http;<< =neilalberico
About Team USA Schola !hi"# .he pro,ram has been providin, opportunities &or talented youn, )merican race car drivers

since 1 0. 3t is supported by a ran,e o& companies and individuals% includin, Dou, *oc4ett > Company% the +oad +acin, Drivers Club and 000.()9?is9)( Cooper .ire > +ubber Company% *a@da% David Aeinemeier Aansson% Chip $anassi +acin,% Aonda Ber&ormance Development% .he )ma@in, 9lameless Candle% *c*urry 3nc.% Dyson +acin,% +obertson +acin,% J)C *otorsports% )ndersen Bromotions% Bel&rey Ber&ormance% CDC (imulations% +aceCra&t1% Bit9it .rainin,% (parco '()% +)C?+ *a,a@ine% (peedstar *ana,ement% (tyled )esthetic% *ani&est $roup and numerous past (cholarship 0inners.

Le$i% A&'E( 11 (eptember 1 4 !1 " 8ern% (0it@erland *2 Competition #)*

#evin )m0e, is ma4in, his .+( debut. Ae competed in 9ormula +enault ?urocup 0ith the (0iss based Jen@er *otorsport team and his post7season testin, had him near the top o& the timesheets. )t the end o& the championship he heads bac4 to ?urope to compete in 9ormula +enault 2.0 ?urocup. )m0e, is contestin, the 2014 .oyota +acin, (eries 0ith current .+( champion team *2 Competition http;<<000.levinam0e,.com =levinEam0e,

&atteo FERRER 21 *arch 1 F !1G" (0it@erland $iles *otorsport #2)

*atteo 9errer is &rom 3taly. Ae has been racin, in 8ritain this year contestin, 9ormula +enault 2.0 and the ne0 8+DC 9ormula 9our cate,ory. 9errer is mana,ed by Beter Collins and has ties to the +acin, ?n,ineerin, team.

Ali+ ,am-a% : January 1 1 !22" *alaysia $iles *otorsport #.2

)li& Aamdan is the latest *alaysian driver to head south &or the &ive70ee4 .+( championship. Ae has been racin, $.:% Carrera Cup and (uper (ports events and championships in *alaysia this year% and 0on the *alaysian (uper (eries sports production cate,ory in an )ston *artin Vanta,e $.4. Aamdan% 22% 0ill be assisted and advised by .+( ,raduate and current Carrera Cup )sia champion ?arl 8amber.

Robi% ,ANSSON 26 9ebruary 1 7 !16" (0eden Victory *otor +acin, #4/

+obin Aansson is the only (0edish driver contestin, this year5s championship. Ae has raced 9ormula 8*H and 9ormula +enault this year% and has a stron, bac4,round in 4artin,% 0here he posted a series 0in on debut in 2007.

&ate$o! I!aa01a% 17 )pril 1 G !1F" +ussia ?.?C *otorsport #/*

+ussian *atevos 3saa4yan is the youn,est driver in the ?.?C line7up. Ae raced )cademy7class 4arts in the 93* ?urocup be&ore pro,ressin, on to the 9rench 9ormula 4 series in 201: 0here he too4 &ive podium &inishes and t0o &astest laps &rom 20 races. 3saa4yan Ioins &ello0 +ussian ?,or Orud@hev !*2 Competition" to race under the (*B +acin, academy banner in .+(.

&acaule1 2ONES 6 October 1 4 !1 " )ustralia *2 Competition #/4

*acauley Jones !1 " is the son o& VG (upercar racer and team o0ner 8rad Jones. Ae has been racin, in the 9ormula 9ord championship in )ustralia% and recently earned the distinction o& havin, 0on the last ever )ustralian 9ormula 9ord national championship race. Jones 0as &ourth in the championship 0ith si2 0ins% a pole position% 1: podium &inishes and &our &astest laps. Ae be,an racin, 4arts in 200 % steppin, up to sin,le7seaters in 2012. Ae 0as one o& &our drivers 0ho too4 part in a post7season .+( roo4ie test at Aampton Do0ns in *arch and no0 returns &or his &irst taste o& J0in,s and slic4s5 action.

&a ti% 3ODRIC G June 1 7 !16" Croatia ?.?C *otorsport #2.

*artin Kodric !16" has a stron, bac4,round in 4artin, that be,an in 2006 and has continued until this year 0here he competed in the C3K 93) ?uropean Championship% he 0on &ive cup and championship competitions. .his year Kodric 0as third in the 'K Brotyre 9ormula +enault )utumn Cup championship racin, 0ith the 9ortec team.

De%i! 3o %ee$ 2 *arch 1 : !20" +ussia ?.?C *otorsport #2*

Denis Korneev !20" raced 4arts prior to steppin, into 9ormula 4 in 2012 and then on into 9ormula +enault in 201:. *osco07born Korneev raced 0ith Jen@er *otorsport in ?urope alon,side #evin )m0e, 0ho is also contestin, the 2014 .+(.

B e%-o% LEITC, 2G -ovember 1 F !1G" -e0 1ealand Victory *otor +acin, #44
8rendon #eitch is movin, up &rom 9ormula 9ord 0here he &inished third in 2012 and 0as second in 201: behind &ello0 2014 Ki0i .+( entrant James *unro. #i4e his brother Damon% 8rendon #eitch has a solid &oundation o& 4artin, that be,an in cadet 4arts in 200F. .he pair 0ill race under the -elson7based Victory *otor +acin, team banner. Victory has run in .+( since the be,innin, o& the championship and 0ill step up to run &ive cars this year.

Damo% LEITC, 2: December 1 2 !20" 3nvercar,ill% -e0 1ealand Victory *otor +acin, #4.
Damon !20" 0ill be contestin, his &ourth season o& .+( and has a series best result o& third overall in 2012. Hith a racin, career that be,an in 4arts at a,e 7 he has pro,ressed throu,h 9ormula 9ord to .+( and has been very competitive in the southern rounds o& the championship.

(u!ta$o Lima G *ay 1 6 !17" 8ra@il *2 Competition #)

$ustavo #ima has been racin, this year in the ne0 9ormula 4 championship in 8ritain. .he 17 year old 8ra@ilian also &inished si2th in his home country5s 9ormula : championship.

2a%% &a -e%bo ou5h (eptember 1 1 !22" 'K $iles *otorsport #26
One o& a ne0 breed o& racin, drivers 0ill return to race in the .oyota +acin, (eries 0hen it be,ins in January; Jann *ardenborou,h5s motor racin, career be,an 0hen he 0on a motor racin, competition online in 2011. .he 0innin, pri@e 0as a coachin, pro,ramme and a competitive drive as part o& -issan5s $. )cademy pro,ramme and this opportunity has propelled him all the 0ay to a drive in the 201: #e *ans 247hour endurance race. Cardi&&7based *ardenborou,h raced in the 201: .oyota +acin, (eries% 0innin, the roo4ie title and &inishin, tenth overall in a very stron, &ield in his &irst championship outin, in a J0in,s and slic4s5 sin,le seater race car. Ae &inished third in the #*B2 class at #e *ans this year and &inished the year 12th in #*B2 in the Horld ?ndurance Championship. *ardenborou,h has also been racin, in the ?uropean 9ormula .hree series alon, 0ith many other .+( ,raduates and &inished si2th in the 8ritish 9: championship5s international series. Ae heads bac4 to -e0 1ealand &or a second season o& .+( and 0ill race 0ith multiple .+( champion team $iles *otorsport.

2ame! &u% o 20 January 1 7 !16" Christchurch% -e0 1ealand -eale *otorsport #47
James *unro Ioins the series as 201: -e0 1ealand 9ormula 9ord champion% aimin, to ma4e his step into J0in,s and slic4s5 sin,le7seaters. *unro be,an his racin, career in 4arts in 200 % continuin, in the &oundation cate,ory until 2012. )lon,side his 4artin, career he moved to 9ormula 9ord% contestin, the (outh 3sland series% the Victorian state championship in )ustralia and then the -e0 1ealand national championship in 201:% 0innin, the latter title. Ae is also the son o& racer *ar4 *unro% 0ho raced .+( in its earlier years and is an enthusiastic supporter o& the championship.

2o -a% Oo% 21 *arch 1 0 !2:" )ustralia ?.?C *otorsport #/.

Jordan Oon !2:" &rom Berth in Hestern )ustralia is the most e2perienced o& the ?.?C drivers havin, raced in 9ormula 9ord be&ore competin, in the 9ormula 8*H Baci&ic championship in 2010 &inishin, third in the series. .he &ollo0in, year he raced 9ormula Bilota in China and also competed in the 9ormula +enault 2.0 -orthern ?uropean Championship. 3n 2012 he raced in the 9: ?uropean Open championship. 3n 201: he &inished &i&th in the )ustralian 9ormula .hree series and &i&th in the 8ritish 9ormula .hree national class.

E5o O u-8he$ 16 October 1 F !1G" +ussia *2 Competition #))

?,or Orud@hev !1G" is one o& three youn, +ussian drivers to commit to the 2014 championship and &ollo0s a number o& his countrymen 0ho have raced in the series in recent years. Ae 0ill race in .+( 2014 under the +ussian (*B +acin, banner. (*B +acin, is currently supportin, a number o& +ussian drivers racin, in various cate,ories includin, 4artin,% 9ormula +enault 2.0% the Horld (eries by +enault% and #e *ans.

Pe- o Pi9uet : July 1 G !1F" 8ra@il *2 Competition #/2

Bedro BiLuet comes to the championship &rom a success&ul 4artin, bac4,round% lon, ac4no0led,ed to be the &oundation on 0hich motor racin, careers are built. BiLuet has been preparin, himsel& &or .+( in 8ra@il drivin, 9ormula : cars.

&att Rao F *ay 1 4 !1 " 'K $iles *otorsport #.

*att +ao% 1 % is a 8ritish driver 0ho has been racin, in 9ormula +enault this year. Ae 0as 8ritish 9ormula 9ord Duratec champion in 2012.

&a ti% RU&P 2 )pril 1 6 !17" ?stonia $iles *otorsport #**

.he youn,est o& the $iles drivers is ?stonian *artin +ump% 17. Ae raced 4arts &or &ive years% &rom 200672011 and movin, up to &ull7si@e race cars 0as second in 9ormula +enault 1.6 -orthern ?uropean Championship in 201:. +ump 0ill be accompanied to -e0 1ealand by &ello0 countryman and 2010 .+( ,raduate (ten Bentus 0ho 0ill coach and advise. +ump is a &irst season .+( roo4ie.

Stei:% Schotho !t 14 October 1 4 !1 " -etherlands *2 Competition #2/

-etherlands racer (teiIn (chothorst heads up *2 Competition5s stron, si27 car entry in the 2014 .oyota +acin, (eries. .he 201: champion team% *2 Competition is the &irst to reveal its &ull driver line7up &or the 2014 championship 0hich be,ins on January 10 at .ereton,a near 3nvercar,ill and runs &or &ive 0ee4s. ) &urther &our teams 0ill con&irm their drivers over comin, 0ee4s as the complete 227car ,rid is revealed. Hith a very busy year o& racin, behind him in the northern hemisphere% 1 year old (chothorst heads bac4 to .+( &or his second tilt at the championship title. (chothorst 0on the &irst race o& the &inal round at the -e0 1ealand $rand Bri2 event in 201: and &inished &ourth overall in the championship behind )ustrian #ucas )uer% 8ritish driver )le2 #ynn and the 2012 and 201: champion% Ki0i -ic4 Cassidy. (chothorst impressed at every round 0ith his speed and accuracy in the car. Ae 0as on the podium &ive times in .+( 201: and set one &astest lap. )&ter completin, .+(% (chothorst returned to ?urope and raced in the 9ormula +enault 2.0 -orthern ?uropean Championship% &inishin, &i&th 0ith three race 0ins% one pole position% &our podium &inishes and t0o &astest laps.

&ichael Scott 2 December 1 4 !1 " .e Bu4e% -e0 1ealand Victory *otor +acin, #)6
*ichael (cott contested .+( &or the &irst time in 201:. #i4e most youn, racers he be,an his racin, career in 4artin, be&ore movin, up to 9ormula 9irst% 9ormula 9ord and on to the premier .oyota +acin, (eries. ) &ull7time student% he is balancin, his passion &or motor racin, around his university en,ineerin, studies in 201:.

A%- e; Ta%5 1: -ovember 1 4 !1 " (in,apore -eale *otorsport #22

)ndre0 .an, is in his second season o& .+(% havin, moved up to sin,le7 seaters in 201: and ,one &rom .+( to the northern hemisphere% racin, 9ormula +enault 0here he achieved some promisin, results in a very competitive season.

R1a% T$ete 20 *ay 1 4 !1 " '() $iles *otorsport #4

+yan .veter% 1 % is &rom Connecticut in the 'nited (tates o& )merica. Ae has been racin, this year in 9ormula +enault -orthern ?uropean Cup and 9ormula +enault 2.0 in ?urope. Ais career includes drives in the )merican (tar championship series and 9ormula .our 1600 in Canada.

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