Jyotish New Jatakabharnam

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Translation, Commentary and annotation by

Girish Chand Sharma

Jataka Bharnam is a detailed classic text on Vedic Astrology, which has been popular amongst the learned astrologers not only for its lu~id language and well crafted aphorism but also for their application and usefulness. As a matter of fact it is a much respected work for practitioners even in far flung locations where astrology has remained a family tradition. This is owing to the fact after careful study & interpretation one can decipher the inner meanings in the horoscope. Pandit Dhundiraj, the author has presented the classic in a very lucid & simple style so much so that the essential principles of interpreting the horoscopic charts, especially in terms of effects of fine time factors (namely, Samvatsar, Ayan, Ritu, month, Paksh) besides just the birth time (and its Panchang) conjunction and aspects of planets, various planetary combinations (yogas) and effects of lords of various houses as they are posited, conjunct or aspected. Besides, the special influences of various DIVISIONS OF SIGNS (VARGAS), TRANSIT, and ASHTAKAVARGA, the text uniquely exposes the use of various chakrasSURYA-KALANAL, CHANDRA-KALANAL, SHANI-CHAKRA and SARVATOBHADRA CHAKRA. which are the greatest secrets of vedic astrology and tantra. Female astrology does find a separate mention only to indicate that much further research is needed in this area befitting to dates special significant role being played by the women in the development process all over the world. Remedial measures as suggested in this work would be of special interest to the practioners and readers as they do highlight some very interesting underlying principles to get over the problems created by various affiliated planets. This is an area of further research and greater usefulness to society at large.

Continuing my optimism I feel the usefulness of the work giving a comprehensive range of predictive tools & principles would stand further enhanced by the necessary explaintary notes & illustrative examples and commentary so essential for the reader to decipher the inner meanings of the iiPherism. Hence it is expected that the reader would definately benifit out of it. As I say this, I am aware that some errors are bound to creep in. Hence I would solicit your help in improving the further edition by pointing out to us the improvements to be made. As I close; I wish to thank Prof. D.P.S. Chauhan for his help in so many ways to improve the language of the book. I shall ever remain obliged. Mr. Harish Chand my student has helped me in preparaing the manuscript I must thank him for his able help. Besides Sh. S.P. Khullar General Manager MTNL New Delhi has time and again made some very useful suggestions. I shall remain indebited to his generous help & support. Now, I must hasten to thank Mr. Saurabh Sagar but for whose constant & dynamic enthusiasm this book would not have seen the light of the day.


Girish Chand Sharma 91 Bhagwan Nagar . Hapur (UP)


Chapter Name

Page No.

1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8. 9: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

2 9 44 The effects of Birth in the Various Ritus (Seasons) 45 The effects of Birth in the Various Months 48 The effects of Birth on the Various 'Tithis' 55
The Beginning The effects of Samvatsaras The effects of Birth in the two 'Ayanas' The effects The effects The effects The effects The effects of of of of of Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth on the Various Days in the Various Nakshtras in the Various Navamshas in the Various Yogas in the Various 'Karanas'


The effects of Birth in the Various 'Ganas' The effects of Birth in the Various 'Lagnas' (Ascendants) The orderly arrangement of the Nakshtras in the shape of a Child and its effects The effects related to the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac Evil Combinations of Birth The effects of the Planets the Sun etc. in the Various Houses Aspects of the Planets The effects when the Various Planets are situated in the Various Signs The Circle of Saturn The Circle which does good to one and all The Surya Kalanal Chakra The Chandra Kalanal Chakra

:S4' l 108 111 124 132 135 156 160 235 243 325 426 502 505 514 517

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. . 48. 49.

Chapter Name

Page No.
519 561 578 604 624 627 633 644 647 661 668 671 674 676 680 684 700 704 711 715 756 760

The effects when the Planets are in Transit The Conjunction of two Planets The Conjunction of three Planets Rajyogas The Marks of Rajyoga The conditions which Destroy the Rajyogas The Combinations conferring greatness upon the native The Karaka Yogas The Nabhasa Yogas The effects of the Rays of the Planets The Avasthas of the Planets The strength of the Planets The Yogas (Combinations) of the Sun The Yogas (Combinations) of the Moon Yogas causing the native to become an Ascetic The Evil Combinations The Evils which are Destroyed by the Moon The Yogas which are Antidotes to Evils The effects of the Dashas or Periods The effects of the Dashas of the Planets The effects of the special Dashas of Planets The effects of the Antardashas The chapter relating to alms given to Pacify Planets The Nashta Jataka System Death causing combinations


774 777 786 The effects of the Moon being in the Various Signs and the Tithis when these ~fleets go off the Moon and obtained by the native 796 The Women natives 811


~ ~st iji:;<INPci~ Qii:;i'<Pcl;:cj ~ CR)' I ~sfq ~ '<"'t'<a'i"f ~

Jf'lqfowtl'i4+mi ~ llq 11

THE ASKING FOR BLESSINGS BY THE WRITER Bearing the lotus feet of Lord Ganesha in my lotus like heart I (the writer of 'Jataka Bharanam') worship Him (Lord Ganesha) by the mere remembrance of whom, even a dull-witted person becomes a learned man (Pandit) like god Brahaspati (Jupiter the teacher of gods) the object of reverence of gods, and who (Lord Ganesha) is the giver of all kinds of comforts and wealth.


tHI~<HiUI: ~ fci;cl14fi114i'44fi1'1('1~Rb'<a: It.? II

Having churned with the churning-stick made of the 'Mandrachala Mountain' (a particular mountain in India) of his talent the Ocean of astrology which is presented by the ancient astrological sages, and having obtained from this churning the gems of clear or pure sayings, the Astrologer named 'Dhundhi Raaj' worships with those gems his lshta Devata ( the god who is worshipped most by him)

lW'ffi ~

Pci~"'t(( ~:I

Uffi'ICi; \J'IIi1Cf)$1'lj&ci' fcl'~ II~ II

Meditating upon with heart felt devotion the lotus feet of his teacher named Shri Gyaan Raaj; he (Dhundhi Raaj) composes this book named 'Jataka Bharanama' which will make astrologers happy.


Notes : The Indian sages and the learned astrologers, besides contributing to the other domains, have added to the vast knowledge. of predictive Astrology. Hence, they have composed many books on the subject. In this very chain; there is this book, named 'Jatakabharanam' by Shri Dhundhi Raaj, who lived in Partha nagar on the river Godavari. He learnt Astrology from the famous astrologer of his times, Shri Gyaan Raaj. This book (Jatakabharanam) is of great practical value with regard to making predictions. It has valuable material for the practioner of Astrology to help him analyse a horoscope. No other book is needed in maki"ng predictions if only this book is consulted, the writer has over emphasized.

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..Q GtO+tq?fl


' ~ '11otlilot~lt'11Cf)'11't1fll ... ""11

~~~4 ~ \JIIdltJs~i54 C2fffii \illttcfflfffi 'if ~ I I'd II

The astrologers who make horoscopes according to the classics of Astrology have to see or study many books on Astrology which makes their mind. extremely perturbed. It is because of this that I (the writer himself) will make clear in it ..all the matters described in all the texts on natal astrology.

wi Pclotijw "'~'l!l'11tfl{ 1 mfttt51Cf)GI~ftcllt'4d 'd'd) '"1Ti1' ~~~ I IIi II

This book (Jatakabharanam) with its clearly expressed meaning is very much useful to those who make a detailed horoscope and for the ability or competence of writing without hard labour.T~erefore its name 'Jatakabharanam' which expresses its meaning itself is quite proper.



'tl 0+1 {\" t'l Plflcfil otlf'kl d IPJ ~ 'i.i11} '<1 !Jq')'( ll ~

q~cp'(u) ~: ~llf(f)'<ltol ~~ ~&"gil~ II

While. making predictions about a given horoscope, first


of all shlokas (verses) should be .written which are auspicious and full of blessings. Therefore, the wise astrologers should first of all write _those very shlokas which are being written by me ahead.
:tJO:S I+1 o;g (1 'C'i II '(11 '( Cj) \( 0) 4f~'(4!1 cll "G~ (1 ~

of ?t) "'1"1 <1 '14'1 <1 ~ '< Pc! '< <1 ~'ffi"cl'iP~ :

C::HI~Ui~~filcll'tlii~~vMf'1"1)({1Rif~ \Jift1'1::C::OR: cpft"'itqC::"1) <r: cp('qt11'1_1k911

SHLOKAS THAT ARE TO BE WRITTEN IN A HOROSCOPE BEFORE MAKING PREDICTION : May Lord Ganesha who is absorbed in joy arising out of his various sports like spreading his trunk, swinging his fore' head, sometimes opening and sometimes closing his eyes, flapping his ears, making roars in many ways with his raised fore head because of the humming of the black bees which are greedy or desirous of the liquid oozing from his trunk, and because of their wandering here and there, bring you prosperity and good fortune.

Jill) cpc;qq;ft Rcpf{;qt11ficll ql fa : ~ I

~ ~iij\(Ojj~\Jj'('+j'(Oiti: 'fl"{Ufcplf1: ~

mS<i q)~ ~ "<'R'fci

~'(+qcpc;qg;1: II~ II

If there is the obtainment of Kalpa Vraksha (one of the fabulous plants or trees of I ndra's or of Krishna's Paradise, a tree that grants all wishes) by giving many kinds of alms, by doing 'yaggas' according to proper procedure and by remaining engrossed in hard penance, then it should be thought that the desired object or effect is obtained with extreme difficulty. But man fully gets his desired object or effect by the mere remembrance of the lotus feet of Lord Ganesha; such 'Kalpa Vraksha-


'Lord Ganefha' may bless you and may grant all your wishes.
'l19+11'1'l'flql'l'ffcli.'11'l'fg~ q;olfqd~<fd4'UCf)'pm I

~ Pci:t~qJ~ql~


~ G'Glg I~ II
who who as a with .

May goddess Saraswati (the goddess of learning) bears lotus bud as an ornament on her ears, and resides in the hearts of the gentle and the truthful female swan, fulfil your c!esired object or effect special joy. ijj(i'ljjDJJP! fc:qJ1~1: '<ji."'~dj ~ ~ f.JR:r-

<4~ a+11d'14) !U6 ~ ~ G\'tfcldJ+( I 'l'fi11\Ri ~scirotl RI\Jilleti '(Jif~(<l)cftJi ibg4sog m qJf9,etfi:l<i -q;\) 4<fl4~'t1'1J IIIlo 11
May the Sun give prosperity and good fortune, the Moon, the treasury of Kalas (Kala= a digit of the Moon) lustre and loveliness, Mars-wealth, Mercury-learning, Jupiterlong life, Venus-kingdom, Saturn-victory,Rahu- extreme excellence and Ketu the fulfilment of all desires, to him whose horoscope is this. \34JtGfd llffiG'l'f~fll~ \JI9+11"'t1~ Cli1t '1~ ~<ii4'l't, I i_;)'IJ'I+it'fli fclqJq;!}~cf:tlltP~DJ Slq;e'Jq;'()fd 111\1\ II It is only the 'Jataka-Shastra' tl:!at makes clear with the order of the Dashas (Periods) of the planets those results or , effects which are to be obtained in the present life, and which are the consequence of the auspicious, inauspicious and mixed deeds done in the previous existence. "mam{ ~ ~J4Pt~~ '<jPi4<1Jc::tfttC'i PcriJic:+( 1

~ Pcl4t:l~iP!Rf ~ d~'td~f\Aoti4J~fi:l?l+( 1.11\=? II



.. .


For the knowldege of one's fate this 'Jataka Shastra' is just like a clear mirror itself, and it is a ship or boat to cross the ocean of adversity or misfortune, and a friel')d (a true helper) for earning wealth.
~ ~ qoJfqc;?Jf!J('Id('IJ~NiJII
'lll Cj)~di ~ ~q~'tli ID'<I'I'1$11'1~('1~ij'"'"' llq~ II

The auspicious or inauspicious inscription by Lord Brahma during conception on the forehead of man is read by astrologers with the eyes of 'Jataka Agama' or 'HoraShastra' (astrology).
il'<l'l'11 l~'1il'< l'jt!IH~'lfi

fcril't"<: "<j~~: I RlctiidqJ<;JCjj('l4 Q"Gl 't<il\1$114 ~ "t41C\ ''~'dali't<lllq~ 11

ONE ENTITLED TO GET THE KNOWLEDGE OF HORA SHASHTRA : The basis of 'Hora Shastra' is Planets. Therefore this Shastra can; be clearly understood by one who has made proper study of 'Sidhdhanta Jyotisha' (Astronomy) and who is wellacquainted with and well-versed in the knowledge of both kinds of Mathematics (arithmetic and algebra).

3JqJ'<f.\hil'1qJ'<'II~ ~"if~~~ : I

ttcth('l~~~~flicl: "<'' ~ ,11~Nl('ll~~ 1~\'ll 'tflJ~ : Jlq~ II

ONE CAPABLE OF MAKING PREDICTIONS : It is only one who has the knowledge of the mysteries hidden in the principles of Hera Shastra, is a very mature scholar of Arithmatic and Algebra and is accomplished or w~ll versed in the field of the learning of the sphere of Planets who may be capable of making predictions or fore telling the future.


.if \Jio:Jtq:fi~+t<flqij;'1 cm=i; ~ ~~~q;(ij

tl'1ffi't I

IMISI<f\4 '1 ll~l('ll4'tlti EJGII~Gtld g ct>ett~i! Ri llqfc II

THE IMPORTANCE OF A HOROSCOPE :All the future events in their time sequence are expressed in the auspicious lamp of a horoscope in the same way as articles like a pitcher etc placed in darkness in a house are clearly seen in the light of a lamp.

m \Jio:Jtqfi fci1n;n "1~ du#l~d

~ ~~

~'1(i'll'1t'<i ll 'd'd'rs'(i'lj"ij; err "1 ct><"4~ ~P4'18Jq~t~): 11q1911

One who does not have such a clear horoscope always passes a life drowned in darkness. He cannot imagine whether his life is of a very high level or grade or of a medium level or of a low level.
~ \Jii'+jq?i -ij; 'I{Cf ~


4)<ict>'(UI~: I

'1'fi'('lll4 fci;'('l ~ ~ ~ llil't?l~itdl ~'<i4~ llqtll

AUSPICIOUS SHLOKA BEFORE WRITING A HOROSCOPE : May the time of birth or the lshta of the time of birth, the Tithi of birth, the day of birth, the Nakshtra, the Yoga and the Karana at the time of birth bring good fortune to him whose horoscope is being written.
~ Cl'lfli'11Uii ~ '<1\JI<I'IIi ~1J.dl 31ft~' "1J1ffiltll

~. ~: 'lofq;(ij

'It "l"f 4i'U'1! ~ ~ ~

llq~ II

The Raaj Yogas, the collection of rays, the 'Naabhasa Yoga' an,d the Karaka Planets etc. which are described in the book in the following pages may be auspicious effects-giving to him (to the native) whose horoscope is being prepared at present.

4t411cl~ fcln;t Gl~4?fl


'JW"cl"f ftl;cffi "ll~ I

d'Ftll(i'il) tk<l'i1('11 ~ '{!Pt:t~(i'il ~ ci'iEf<l'iiW! ll~o II May Shubha-Lakshmi (wealth earned through virtuous deeds) remain fixed for a long time with her immovable nature in the house of that native whose horoscope here is being prepared with great curiosity and according to the Shastras or classics of Astrology.
~ "1m '1)C:CI'i~"'??'<'ll~ Of ~~ 'ilTftr Of ~I

lJ1'TS!tJ1f wt4'i<'i 414)T4~

ll=?q 11

THE FORE WORD OF THE ASTROLOGER : I have not known the time by a mechanical device or appliance worked by water or by observing the Nakshtras or by seeing a needle (indicating time). I write with great efforts the auspicious and inauspicious effects with regard to this horoscope according to the time informed to me by another man. (The meaning is that the horoscope has been prepared according to the time given to the astrologer by some other man and so the effects predicted by the Astrologer will be correct only if the time given to him was als~ correct)

31~ 'fl "CC ffi '< lf><'11tll'n:f : II~




Wfq ti qffi '< \11""'1 "'('I 'fttfq',lqfh11lt ~('(: ~aR1'<8Jq ~:1
m'I'I!Jdc~hfu\'Jfiltt) ~ 11'~: ~ llq II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE BIRTH OCCURS IN THE 'PRABHAVA SAMVATSARA': The native born in the 'Prabhava Samvatsara'is intent on or is in readiness for the collection of all kinds of things, is blessed with many sons, has excellent intellect, enjoys all kinds of comforts and has a long span of life. Notes : Pandit Dhundhi Raaj, the writer of the present book; having studied the 'Samhita Granthas' has spoken of the effects of every 'Samvatsara' on an individual while their effects have greater importance in the context of all people. By generalising the effects of the Samvatsara (year), month, fortnight, tithi (lunar date) and day, much knowledge may be gained about the inclination or tendency, manner or way of life, economic condition, health, achievements and longevity etc. of every native. 'Samvatsara'roughly means the period of one full year. The time in which the Planet Jupiter with his average speed crosses the journey of one sign is referred to as 'Samvatsara'. There occur twelve(12) Samvatsaras when Jupiter completes one complete round of the Zodiac. While moving in the Zodiac, Jupiter happens to reach sometimes near the Earth and sometimes far away from ' it. Besides, it also comes in contact with auspicious or inauspicious rays during its journey. It is because of this



fapt that the effects of every 'Samvatsara' become different. Sixty Samvatsaras repeat again and again in a cycle. At the beginning of creation Jupiter and Saturn were on the zero degree of "Aries. The average daily motion of Saturn is two (2) Kalas (minutes). Therefore, it takes full thirty (30) years in revolving around the Zodiac. The average daily motion of Jupiter is five (5) Kalas, (minutes). Therefore it takes full twelve (12) years in completing its journey in the twelve (12) signs of the Zodiac. The L.C.M. (LOWEST .COMMON MULTIPLE) of 30 and 12 is sixty (60). Therefore, at every sixty (60) years both the. Planets reach the same zero degree (0~) of the sign of ~rles. In this journey the various angles that are formed between Jupiter and Saturn have their influence on the effects of the Samvatsaras. As a matter of fact no other relationship of the other Planets affects an individual, a place or a country so much as the mutual angular relationship of Saturn and Jupiter. Major delineations of 'Bhrigusamhita' seem to have been based on the relationship of these two Planets. In the books on 'Siddhanta Jyotisha' (Astronomy) the . Samvatsaras have been counted 69 beginning from the Samvatsara named 'Vijaya' and going down to, that named 'Nandana' (the 60th Samvatsara). But 'Varahamihira' in 'Brihat Samhita' has regarded the beginning of the Samvatsara cycle, not from the 'Vijaya', but from the 35th Samvatsara of 'Prabhava'. Since Varahamihira's times it is this sequence which has been accepted. On the basis of the books of 'Siddhanta Jyotisha' (Astronomy) the sequence of Samvatsaras is as follows:

THE EFFECTS OF SAMVATSARAS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Vijaya Jaya Manmatha Durmukha Hemalamba Vilamba Vikari Sharbari Plava Shubha Krita Shobhana Krodhi Vishwavasu Prabhava Pamvanga Keelaka Saumya Sadharana Virodha-Krita Paridhavi Pramadi Ananda Rakshasa Anala (Nala) Pingala Kaal yukta Siddarthi Raudra Durmati Dundubhi 31. Rudhirodgari 32. Raktaksha . 33. Krodhana 34. Kshaya 35. Prabhava 36. Vibhava 37. Shukla 38. Pramoda 39. Prajapati 40. Angira 41. Shrimukha 42. Bhava 43. Yuva 44. Dhaata 45. lshwara 46. Bahudhanya 47 .. Pramathi 48. Vikrama 49. Vrasha 50. Chitrabhanu 51. Subhanu 52. Tarana 53. Parthiva 54. Vyaya 55. Sarvajita 56. Sarvadhari 57. V.irodhi 58. Vikrati 59. Khara 60. Nandana


In order to know the 'lshta Samaya' (or the of the place of Jupiter The process of finding

name of the 'Samvatsara' in the time in question) the 'middle' point has to be found out in the Zodiac. out the 'Madhyama Graha' (or the



middle point ot the place of Jupiter) after deriving the 'Ahargana's since the beginning of creation requires very tedious exercise .. It is convenient to derive 'Aharganas' from the beginning of 'Kaliyuga' because at this time also there began the Samvat Sara named 'Vijaya'. Besides this, it is most convenient to know the n~me of the Samvatsara through the medium of the Decimal System. 'Saur Varshas' or Solar Years are made use of, on the basis of which the middle point of the place of Jupiter is known at the time of 'Sankranti' of Aries. Suppose we have to know the name of the 'Samvatasara' of the Vikrami year of 2053 (1996 A D). It is known to us that 5097 'Saur Varshas' or solar years will have passed since the beginning of Kaliyuga to the Sankranti of Aries (of the year 2053). If we are able to know how many 'Bhaganas' (rounds) Jupiter will have completed and in what sign it will be. by this time, then we shall be able to know the name of the 'Samvatsara' of this year. Jupiter has 3,64,220 Bhaganas in one (1) 'Mahayuga' or 43,20,000 Saur Varshas (solar years). Therefore in 5097 'Saur Varshas' or solar years it will have

3, 64, 220


43, 20, 000



3 64 220 x 5097 43, 20, 000

12 Samvatsaras Samvatsaras

= 5156.7481

It means that on the Sankranti of Aries of the year of . 2053 the 5157'h Samvatsara was in progress. There is one cycle of 60 Samvatsaras. Therefore when 5157 is



divided by 60, the quotient comes to be 85 and the remainder is 57. It means that the cycle of 60 Samvatsaras has revolved 85 times since Kaliyuga down to the samvat of 2053 and the 57th Samvatsara named 'Virodhi' of the 86th cycle is in progress and 748 part of it has passed and 252 part remains. If the remainder 252 is multiplied by the saavana days of one samvatsar,that is by 361.02672, then the number of the remaining Saavana days of the present Samvatsara will be known. Therefore.: 0.252 x 361.02672 = 90.97 Saavana days, that is, at the time of the Madhyma (Middle) Sankranti of Aries of the Samvat (year) of 2053, the Sartwatsara named 'Virodhi' would have ended and the Samvatsara named 'Vikrati' would have ended when 90.97 Saavana days will have passed. The composers (or authors) of the 'Samhita Granthas' have made the counting or calculation with regard to knowing the 'Samvatsara' since the beginning of the 'Shaali Vahana Shaka Samvata' .The King Shaalivahana made current the 'Shaka Samvata' or the 'Shaka' year 78 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. There was in progress the Samvatsara named 'Prabhava' at that time. It is due to this that the 'Samhitakars' (writers of Samhitas. Samhita = a collection of the hymns or other subject matter of a Veda) have made the counting of 'Samvatsaras' regarding 'Prabhava' as the First Samvatsara. Thus they do it in this way . 1. Prabhava, 2. Vibhava, 3. Shukla .................... , 60. Kshaya. The first 20 of these Samvatsaras are named as 'Brahma Vimshatika', those from 21 to 40 as 'Vishunvimshatika,' and those from 41 to 60 as 'Rudra Vimshatika', after the



names of the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha (Rudra). "T:he number of the Shaka (year) in which the name of the Samvatsara is to be known is multiplied by 22 and 4291 is to be added to the product th,us obtained and the sum thus arrived at is divided by 1875.The years and months which are obtained as quotient are added to the number of the 'Shaka' year. By dividing this sum by 60 is obtained the passed Samvatsara. If 1 is added to the remainder there comes the number of the present Samvatsara. Suppose we have to know the Samvatsara in progress in the 'Shaalivaha~a Shaka' year of 1918. Then the process will be as follows : The number of the Shaka year 1918 1918 X 22 = 42196 42196 + 4291 = 46487 46487


= the

quotient is 24.

24 is added to the number of Shaka year 24 + 1918 = 1942 The sum is divided by 60 i.e., 1942


The quotient comes to be 32 and the remainder 22. When 1 is added to 22 we get 23. Therefore , the 23rd Samvatsara (counting from the 'Prabhava' Samvatsara) 'Virodhi' is in progress in the Shaka year of 1918. The method of knowing the name of the 'Samvatsara' . that is in progress at a given time according to the



'Vikrami Samvat' is as follows. 9 is added to the 'lshta Samvat' (the Vikrami year in question) and the sum thus arrived at is divided by 60. By adding 1 (one) to the remainder gives us the number of the Samvatsara which is in progress .. Here is an example : Suppose we have to know the name of the Samvatsara which is in prdgress in the Vikrami year of 2053. Then 2053 + 9 = 2062 + 60 Here the quotient comes to be 34 and the remainder 22. When 1 (one) is added to 22, it gives us 23. Therefore the 'Samvatsara' in the Vikrami year of 2053 w~l be 23rd. one, that is, it will be~irodhi' Samvatsara when the counting is started frC!W! the Prabh1:1va Samvatsara. The literal meaning of the word 'Prabhava' is 'origin or birth'. In whatever field the native born in the Samvatsara of 'Prabhava' works, he will introduce there new ways and methods of working; he is the giver of birth to new movements which in future get the vast support of the people. The aggregate or collection of 5 (five) Samvatsaras is referred to as 'Yuga' (an era or age). If we cast our eye on the history of the past 100 or 150 years (in every field), then we generally find that in a specific period were born men having specific tendencies or inclinations, no matter whether these men were related to the field of arts; to that of literature, whether they were freedom fighters or were social reformers. Therefore, there is no wonder in it that persons born in a particular Samvatsara should have mostly the same inclinations or tendencies.


'(1+<iffi'( ~-


~ Rlllc:;'lf"'''lil ~ ~:~:I "'('1\jiJ ~~C::Iffl~til 'tjfl)C1~ fcm;:{ ~ fcl1iqliiN1ri11 I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VIBHAVA' : The native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vibhava' enjoys things which are meant to be consumed (foods, drinks etc.) is extremely beautiful, strong and intelligent, knows the mysteries of arts, is like a king in his family (the chief of the family), good mannered, cultured and very learned.
Notes : 'Vibhava' means grandeur, pomp, majesty (or prosperous state). It also implies excessiveness (the state of having too much). The native having his birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vibhava' gets his name in the first place in the field which is chosen by him as his field of action. There is complete absence of bitterness in his disposition or nature as bitterness is given to one by want or poverty. Or. the fear of losing what one has acquired also glves birth to bitterness and 'Vibhava' is opposed to want or poverty. The native born in the Samvatsara of 'Vibhava' is rational, without bigotry or fanaticism and without ostentation or show and is also endowed with scientific point of view.

According to another text : 'Maan Saagri', the native having his birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vibhava' has disposition like that of a woman, restlessness in his nature, is a robber or smuggler, is wealthy and doer of gooa to others.

"JcreT '(1+qffi'( ~ "'<1G1 ~tif Sftrffil1j<:m" : ~?JGT'(") fcr~ : ~~: I


1:f ~ ~CM'<iji\::q: ~





'SHUKLA': The native whose birth occurs in the Samvatsara of Shukla always remains joyful, is extremely generous, has excellent qualities, is blessed with sons and wife, full of grandeur and prosperity, endowed with good fortune, and learning and humility. Notes : The native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Shukla' is generally clean hearted and pure. He has always an inclination towards acquiring knowledge. Such a person has no enemy around him and he himself does not have enmity with anyone. According to'Jataka Parijata' such a native is intelligent and wise, has spirit of renunciation and seduces some other man's wife. In 'Maansaagri' the native born in the Samvatsara of 'Shukla' has 6een spoken of as a victim of poverty.This statement contradicts the present text.
~ 'fjtqffi\( ~

GTffi '(jffH"G!JahFt!Cfli"'tt: ~ ~ ~ :JD?r ~I

G'~ ~: ~q;-nfq;"ffi 1l"''i<;\JI'""'I "'r:\"\JilS~ II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SAMVATSARA OF 'PRAMOD': The native who has his birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Pramod' is the giver of alms (or charity), blessed with the joy of having sons, enjoys pleasure,is extremely beautiful, truthful, has good qualities, is skilful, deceptive, doer of good to others and proud. Notes: The literal meaning of the word 'Pramod' is joy, happiness and comfort. Therefore, it is quite natural that the native having his birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Pramod' should have qualities in consonance with its name (Pramod). Here indication has been made of his (native's) having the bad trait of deceptiveness. But it seems to be -a contradiction that the person who is known for his truthfulness, good qualities,skilfulness, doing good to



others should also have the bad trait of deceptiveness. Deceptiveness and truthfulness are really opposed to each other. But it may be concluded that such a person would be very skilled in getting his work done in one way or the other. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' speaks of such a person to be extremely devoted to his work.
IOIGII4 ~ 'C1 Rl ffi '< mcJ~ ~ ~: ~(11jift1: fcl:it;r ill'<iiitft(1: I ~q~GIIt:tf~ fcAffiT ~: ~: ~ I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'PRAJAPATI': The native having his birth. in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Prajapati' is proud of being the husband of a wife who is endowed with good qualities, always kind hearted, practises the religion of his family, has excellent nature, does reverence to a. god, Brahmin and his teachers, and is courteous. Notes: Such a native has in addition to the above virtues the very important and distinguishing quality of creativity. Due to the joy which is derived from creating something new, the person does not experience the pain arising from worldly matters. Therefore the entrance of any pain iri his life is almost an impossibility. According to 'Maan Saagri', such a native has many issues, is the chief of a big family andis wealthy.
~ 'C1 o:q ffi'(

~ ~ 1'4!Jt11it if ~ ~lhl4'ffi I Q~?t!J'ffi : I


cfttfv?Jcfl -R'JS~'()qffiHiorcr: ~


Tl::f EFFECTS O.F BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'ANGIRA':The native who is in the 'Samvatsara' of Angira is endowed with beauty, is happy, has all the objects of enjoyment, self-pride, is sweet- spoken and blessed



with many sons, keeps his thoughts (plans) secret in a proper way and is long-lived. Notes: According to 'Maan Saagri' such a native performs religious rites in a proper way , knows the rules as laid down in 'Dharma Shastras' (Scriptures), has the knowledge of the Vedas and pays respect to guests and friends. According to the author of 'Jataka Parijata', he is politic, prudent, skilful, always kind hearted and wealthy. Besides, such a native. generally likes to eat satwik food, eats extremely sweet foods, has additional inclination (interest) towards the opposite sex and there is fearlessness in his disposition.
~ '(1+Cjfi'( ~-

~ ~ q~ll'bl~'dl '~ l&li:till'6'1~4cl'J4ii I

''ecCi~gcm) PIMI!JC::I'<'I ~= ~rn) lk9'11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'SHRIMUKHA': The native whose birth takes place in the "Samvatsara' of 'ShriMukha' is wealthy, valorous, energetic, knows a number of 'Shastras' , has affection for his friends, is endowed with truthful, intellect has physical strength, has good fame and is extremely generous. N.otes : According to 'Maan Saagri' such a native is a trader of the articles of metal and adopts the way of dissimulation in accomplishing o.. effecting his work (object). The author of Jataka Parijat also makes a somewhat contradictory statement about such a native and says that a native born in this 'Samvatsara' because of having a desire of sexual intercourse with some other man's wife is endowed with a flirting mind.



Thus, inspite of the .different statements in differents books about such a native there is at least agreement on fact that the native born in the Samvatsara of Shri Mukha is wealthy, honoured and enjoys all kinds of enjoyable things.
1fTCJ 'tt +<i ffi '( 'tMf'tT!J'r.J:;:r.ll..li.;.:n

c... ' c:J"t'Ct'll ' SIUR'Iitttl: ~ m't<ll !JOIIRit'li

0 ----'\.


,q.,m: I

'ttC::I'tt~til1~~ ~:~ 11,11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'BHAVA' :The native whose birth occurs in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Bhava' has a splendid or magnificent mind, is very famous, is endowed with good qualities, is ready to give alms, is courteous, always remains happy and is endeared to many. Notes: Such a native is regarded as having a lofty or high conduct. His heart is full of generosity and intelligence; he squanders away affinity with great love for one and all. His halo (or ring of light around the head of man) contains energy in his whole life. - In the view of the author of 'Jataka Parijata' such a native is an ascetic, . engaged in government work, is exceptionally wealthy, is illustrious and strong. As per, 'Maan Saagri' such a native has liking for flesh and fish also.

gqtqffi'( 'tMISI 'tt ..... ~1ut q 11 fcr;fur: lt ll'"tl'l it ~

f.!ttlt"'d 't I

~U)~ tt'C tg{a ~ ~;r II~ \ii'RI) ~ ~: "ft'tt)tf: I ~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE' SAMVATSARA' OF 'YUVA': The native who is blessed with birth in the'Samvatsara' of 'Yuva' is the direct incarnation of happiness, is endowed with good qualities, is courteous,



peaceful, bountiful or generous, full of erudition or learning, long-lived, has a very hard and firm body and is contented. Notes: In consonance with the name the native born in this 'Samvatsara' is always in good health, has a strong and powerful body. But it is not known why in 'MaanSaag.ri' such a native has been spoken of as subjected to disease and pains. Besides, it has also been mentioned that he remains distressed due to his wife and has fear from water. Additionally, in the 'Samhita Granthas' it has been stated that due to his having a youthful body many beautiful women remain prepared to entrust their youth (their youthful bodies) to him.

mt! 'fjoqffi'( ~tlcft'I)<PjUJflqg'ffi:

~S"4Ptltti ~I .

~i@'lltli'HI~ltlt'Flil 'tlll'f'iHt ~ "f% "R: ~ ll'IO II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'DHATA': Due to having birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Dhata' the native has pride of possessing all kinds of good qualities, is exremely beautiful, devoted to .his 'guru' (teacher), skilled in craft or art and courteous and goodmannered. Notes: The literal meaning of the word 'Dhata' is 'Vidhata' (Lord Brahama, who is the Creator and Ordainer of the Universe). The word is also indicative of the 'Trimurti' - Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha--<>r Trinity according to the Hindu Mythology. If such a native is related to the world of craft or art, miscellaneous or various dimensions are distinctly and clearly seen in his work. The work accomplished by him gives the appearance or likeness of completeness. In 'Maan Saagri' the effects of birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Dhata' are described in



the above manner. But the effects of birth in this 'Samvatsara' as described in 'Jataka Parijat' are quite opposed to those described above. There such a native has been spoken of as one who has attachment or attraction towards some one else's wife, is stupid or foolish and engaged in controversy.
~ fl iOCif<N



~.,,..,~ ""



'Ga:J: Cficli<Gi:tlcl:RiMII~ ~ ~11Fc\Jtld\il>+tl llqq II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSAAA' OF 'ISHWAR': The native whose birth occurs in the 'Samvatsara' of 'lshwar' gets angry very soon (that is, he is short tempered), is full of joy, has good qualities in him, is valorous, skilful and sagacious, skilled in arts and is courteous. Notes: A native born in this 'Samvatsara' gets angry very soon only when something occurs which is contrary to his view or interest, otherwise he generally remains joyful. In 'Maan Saagri' very excellent effects have been stated for the native whose birth occurs in this 'Samvatsara'. These effects are as follows : Such a native is wealthy, enjoys all kinds of physical or bodily pleasures, has interest in rearing cattle, but he earns... wealth by remaining within the prescribed limits of religion. . . He has exceptional sexual desire. In 'Jataka-Parijata' an additional quality of appreciating or discerning the virtues of others, has also been mentioned for such a native.

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Clllqi'<C:at': ~RNI<'1+11~ ~ ';fj llll't?i~'dll

i!iSicti~cf\:ll"'llfcru: '<41"+11'14) ~ ~~l"'ll\Jt"+tl llq~ II




'BAHUDHANYA': The native having birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Bahudhanya' is wise in trade, respected by royalty (government), charitable, suffers from pride, knows the essential nature (or secrets) of the 'Shastras' and possesses many kinds of wealth and grains (physical comforts).
~ fiiqffi'( ~-



~ '1~"'&'<'4 "'1"'<: ~: ~: ~ llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'PRAMATHI': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsi:ua' of 'Pramathi' is endowed with chariots, flag; umbrella, horses, is engrossed in the study of Shastras, is killer of his enemy, minister of the king and has knowledge of the Vedas.
Notes: 'Pramathi' is that man who is endowed with the

virtue of a soldier. Such a person has the tendency of achieving his mission by means of force and does not give support to any other policy than that of harsh policy. The chariots, flag umbrella and horses mentioned in the Shlo~a are the indications of this fact that the native born i_n ttie 'Samvatsara' of 'F'ramathi' is a high official of the royal army. Flag, and umbrella indicate royal insignia. Chariots and horses are replaced in the modern times by the fast and- powerful conveyances and by planes and missiles which have to be employed in the modern warfare. Here the effects described are opposed to those which are stated in 'Maan Saagri' according to which such a native has attachment (illegal) with some other man's wife and wealth, is an addict and is a gambler. The effects however, described in 'Yawana-Jataka' agree with these, mentioned in the above Shloka of the present book. Here is the Shloka from 'Yawana Jataka':






llll't?l$1 : ~ ~ ~ 'CR"fR

11Cffi II

that is , the native born in the Samvatsara of 'Pramathi' is an army soldier, minister of the king, recipient of gift, bears a bow (and arrows) knows the Shastras and amasses wealth.
~ '('loqffi'( ~-

f.!lttl"d+i'<IRitHhiU)Oiu'lsftrc:'IH: I

~U ~SRitt'<I!JCil'<: q'(IUI~ fclwWfGIItt: llq~ II

THE EFFECT$ OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VIKRAMA': The native who is born d.uring the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vikrama' remains engaged in doing extremely terrible or fierce deeds, is skilled in attacking the enemy's army, is a warrior or champion, has patience and endurance, is extremely generous and .valorous or powerful. Notes: The word 'Vikrama' means strength; bravery or .. valour. The effects indicative of these virtues have been referred to in the ' Shloka'. Such a native is capable of doing even the hardest work and he is always eager and ready also for it . If such a person has got the position of a high official under the King (or in the government), then his term of service is spent in executing the various plans and schemes of the king (or the government.)

err '('liqffi '<



fcm;r Plot:~:trl<'l: '&<'llj4itt: q'<Cf14Cfl'tlf I 1ffif ~ llff;r;:OS<ffiu \il11'l) ~ ~~: 11q~ 11,.
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VRASHA': The native having birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vrasha' praises the work done by his own self, does



'things which are blame worthy, remains in the company of men of vicious or wicked conduct, accomplishes things for others, has many wives, is dirty (base), lazy and avaricious (greedy).
~ tj+q6(1'( ~~?1 qt?1 !f '<j~ C6 +1 I"1 '<1) 'Jlf1T:I "1ntt:rrl'l,G=q;r:q:rr41rf.Pti!;.r;:rtt : ~ I


ft ~:


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'CHITRABHANU': The native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Chitrabhanu' is fond of (wearing) various kinds of clothes and flowers, has a heart or mind which is full of different ambitions, is good natured and is endowed with crafts or arts. "'<j1flj
tj+qfff'< ~&1)

31'< I<'1 4; ~ I : ~ : ='<]=4>""'1 f.a=nifGf>tt:::nlcf:'~~q

+1 Rl +1 I Pel~ d : I

Sltl~~fc1"C'ttt~~: 'W!Ijfiqffi"!\11) "R: ~ 11'1\911.

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'SUBHANU':. The native getting birth in the Samvatsara of 'Subhanu' has curly hair, simple nature, beautiful form (body) , is the conqueror of the enemy side, wise, courteous, has smiling joyful face and is endowed with splendour or magnificence.
('I'RlJ1 tj+qffi "! ~-

~6 ~:f:Jtffi: ~:
~~ ~"N...,"II~I ~(clul"1 ~:

l~tt4>44>ttf I ' ' 'lf: ll'llll 't41"di"!Diii!GI'l.Gqf11"1ql


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'TARANA': If there is birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Tarana', the native is deceitful or cunning but is valiant (warrior or champion) or heroic, restless, well versed (skilled) in arts and crafts, extremely harsh and cruel, doer of those things which are the object of hatred, consumer of those



things which are obtained by him and is endowed with wealth. Notes: The compound word in the verse is full of much meaning. Here Pandit Dhundhi Raj wants to say that though such a native is wealthy but he is not the hoarder of things; he has the tendency of consuming things obtained by him. According to 'Maan Saagri' such a native is popular, is boy-cotted or ostracized by the people of all religions, that is, he has atheistic attitude towards religion, is employed in state service and earns wealth through this very means.

"tJTfflcr tl +<1611'< -qtc;y~~ ,



tiitJI'f31ql'l'jp1dij~d: I

~ PciC'Ii~ ~: ~ ~C'Jqj~: ~ llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'PARTHIVA': The native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Parthiva' performs the rites of his religion (with reverence), is well versed (learned) in the excellent Shastras, is a perfected hand (skilled) in the field of arts, sensual or pleasure-loving and is the chief of his family. Notes: The native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Parthiva' is very much conscious of accomplishing or fulfilling the customs and conventions of his country. It is contrary to his nature that h~ should give even a little relaxation in this regard. He is a follower of tradition and his conduct is in accordance with the Shastras. He does not have even a little attraction towards novelty.


~ tl'<lct1~ ~-


~sRtRcm) ~

mffi -.=f

f4>Riq:%un'i~ ~ I


Clll1ct>4:t'n<1: ll~o 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VYAYA': The native getting birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vyaya' is very much engrossed in enjoying yvorldly pleasures, subjected to addictions (like drinking), fearless in begging from some one, that is, always ready to beg without any hesitation and therefore always remains in debt, is restless and has a tendency of spending much. Notes: Such a native does not have the tendency of amassing (collecting ) wealth for the needs of hard times. He has the habit of asking loans even to the limits. of shamelessness and due to his habit of spending too much always remains in debt.
tlcf~q tl'<lf<H ~~1\JIIfi~q+Jl\)ftlq: ~R!+Jf"'fq: ~~nj4t'i4RI: I
~RqfFcl\ii~)Eln: 'tiG1 t~cfRnitHR ~ ~~

I ~q II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'SARVAJITA': The native who gets birth in t~e 'Samvatsara' of 'Sarvajita' is honoured by the king, always celebrates very great functions and is pure. He has a huge body. He is a conqueror of the king as well as his enemies. Notes: Huge body means that the limbs of his body are relatively bigger in size. According to 'Samhita Granthas' such a native is wise and intelligent but proud. He always thinks to establish his supremacy or lordship over those who are weaker than he.

~~ 'tl+<iffii( ~~


~~I . ~i!tlljOigo)~: ~~'if~ ~11<J: II=?=? II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'SARVADHARI': If the birth occurs in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Sarvadhari' the native is the master of a retinue of servants and he enjoys many kinds of comforts and pleasures. He is endowed with beauty, likes sweet foods, has patience and endurance and obeys (follows) traditions and conventions.
~ 'tl+<iffii( ~~

~~1figt1: ~:f:J

cr<fffi Rl~:tlle"ftli ~: 3l!;+iiUl&:iiq:q4)sfffi@: 1

ur-R mcf;

ltl't1'8li"!Rifch~~1{(1) OR: ~ II=?~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VIRODHI': One who is born in the 'Samvatsars of 'Virodhi' is an eloquent speaker, wanders in foreign lands, does not give joy and: happiness to his own people . (people belonging to hit family), is extremely deceitful or cunning and does not develop relationship or friendship with the people.
~ 'tl+<iffii( ~~

~: fcm;r (/)i!icltli .'tf(l) if!tfq4&14figt~: I ill'<>~~ilftohQl'ffltil G) ~

RlcpRwh1+fCJ :_ II=?~ II

THE EFFECT$ OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VIKRATI': The native whose birth occurs in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vikrati' is subjected to poverty, is certainly horrible looking, has a tall body, is given to pride and is lacking in wisdom and intelligence and does not establish friendship with anyone.





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~ ~'fl'(q;j;qq;IRi:

~-~..Q;rl;:"" ~:::::l'r.'!Tl'JiJT I q;aH<riiitcl'<lf)<"'jqiCM:

~ t:~ ~: ~: l!!l'<l: SlftCi'lsfMhf: 1~'ill

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'KHARA': One who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Khara' is lustful, dirty in his body, speaker of very harsh and loud words without any reason or purpose, is given to quarreling, is shameless and possesses a huge body.



MIIqit?PJ~<fqq;af ~:~:~I

fcl <'II Ri ~ +'G '1\JI ld ~iff . ';("()

~ ~ ""1 "'G wiw+u I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'NANDANA': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Nandana' gets water tank, well, dug and gets constructed Dharamshala (a lodge for the stay of pilgrims). He is always interested in donating grains as alms . He has pure heart and remains happy as he has wife and sons.


'l1 +<l ffi '( ~-

~:~'~<'I~ ~1Wiioo41



Gffil~:~'t!R~"'ttl~~ 1~1911

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VIJA YA': The native whose birth occurs in the 'Samvatsara' named 'Vijaya' shows bravery and valour during war, is of good conduct, is honoured by the king, is an excellent speaker, bountiful, kind hearted and killer of his enemy. Notes: Such a native is very conscious with regard to his aims and objects and ambitions. He procures these in any way, no matter what measures he has to adopt



for it. He believes in removing the obstacles in the way of achieving his aims and objects in a very cruel way and by a clever device. He does not care even if some one suffers loss from it. According to 'Jataka Parijat' such a native is religious, truthful and is prosperous . And the author of 'Maan Saagri' also praises the native having his birth in the Samvatsara of 'Vijaya'. He points out. "Such a native gets fame, longlife, glory or honour, happiness, success in all his efforts, is a hero or char:npion in the war and is invincible or unconquerable by his enemy.

urn 'l1 +<1 ffi '< -q;(1~ ~:J 1 1<ftH111 ~ Pcltii41j'<OO \JI'l(1) ~ '1ljVIl ~: I~c: II
llllt?i!>i'<'i) ~ ~


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'JAVA': The native who is born in the 'Samvastsara' of 'Jaya' is the doer of 'Shastrartha' (doctrinal debate and discussion) on the subject of 'Shastras' with. the learned p~rsons (learned in religion), is honoured in the world, is bountiful and generous, destroyer of the enemies, has a longing or desire of getting victory, is engrossed in worldly or sensual enjoyment and is very resplendent or shining. Notes: Such a person is endowed with every kind of joy and comfort. He is born in the midst of prosperity, passes his whole life in prosperity and leaves this world in prosperity. His life is full to the brim with all kinds of means of enjoyment. The pride of success, the peace arising due to the satisfaction of his desires, dignity of having knowledge, and the feeling of perfection or completeness, all these may be easily experienced (seen) on his face. According to'Maan Saagri' also it is almost these virtues which have been enumerated there. Thus it is said there :



~ ~ <6<'1?11~1 ~?11~?1 ~~I

~ -q;lf ~ \Jitlft+<'Hifl~ ~II

that is, such a native gets victory in war, has the happiness from wjfe, obtains the auspicious and inauspicious effects due to his friend and enemy and is involved in trade.



~"'IRl~)-q: ~:H lllllfilHift~'i)<"'ls~t'tqiCJ!. ~:I

ft~tlF'lli~:H ~

mlR~ ~

'WFf: II=?~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'MANMATHA': If there is birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Manmatha', the native is adorned with ornament of special kind, gets sensuous pleasure with woman, is sweet-spoken, always remains engaged in singing and dancing and is voluptuous (one who enjoys the pleasures of the senses). Notes: 'Man matha' is the god of Love (cupid) or the god of sexual desire. In our 'Puranas', 'Kamdeva' (Manmat_ha) has been identified with the deity or god of the arts of dancing, music etc. As said, the native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Manmatha' is handsome, delicate, given to sensuality (gratification of sexual desire), serene or mild, sweet-spoken and a lover of ornaments. His way of doing things (his style) is extremely beautiful. He is a lover of beauty. His aesthetic sense is excellent. He is naturally amorous by disposition. He gets honour in society due to his serenity or modesty, courtesy (proper or good conduct), sociableness, balanced thoughts, wisdom and intelligence, understanding and discerning or critical point of view. Such a native is not subjected to any want (or poverty).



~ fi+qffi'( ~-

fk'<'I<Gcil Pl"'tliiRIU ~ qUilt<ltiltii~~EI'<EII!ill: 't<ITI'f. I

~ ti~teit<el


~. ~1(!1"'11~ "GI'TO:

mo II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'DURMUKHA': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Durmukha' is cruel, of cheating nature, is endowed with reprehensible or blameworthy mentality, is avaricious, has a curved mouth and curved hands and feet, remains engrossed in sins, has ideas which are opposed to those of others and is extremely villainous and wicked. Notes: The word "Durmukha' means 'one who has an ugly face'. It is due to this that such a native has been spoken of as having curved mouth and curved hands .. and feet. Besides this, curvedness or crookedness is there on the intellectual plane as well. It is almost impossible that such a native should agree to the thoughts and ideas which are accepted by one and all. The qualities of the person born in the 'Sanivatsara' of 'Durmukha' referred to i.n 'Maan Saagri' are quite opposed to those stated above. There it is said :
~:~:"ami "fiCl?1 !}OI'{~d: I

q\(~qtm~ CI1"Cft "if ~ s1ilfll!lll: 11

that is, such a native is pure and clean, peaceful, extremely adroit or skilled, honoured everywhere due to his virtue~. is beneficent, one who remains engaged or busy in religious debates or discussions and is the husband of an ugly-faced wife. But according to the author .of 'Jataka Parijata' such a native is devoid of virtue.s, wealth and good conduct.



~ 'fl"<<f(f'( ~-

tl'<'fi~"''IRl'<~lo:(j'!~gt~) P!dl"ti 'tjdGI'<~IM: I

'ti"'''<'~'W<'glOI t:~ Cfi!J~ 4f ~"''<'I +4 ~sf1:rom:l : II~ q II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'HEMLAMBA': If the birth is there in the 'Samvastsara of 'Hemlamba' the native is endowed with horse, means of conveyance which is costly, of high speed and four wheeled, gold, clothes, wealth and grains and gems. He has the happiness of having a good wife and sons and he has the tendency of collecting all kinds of material things (for comfort and convenience). Notes: The Hindi word 'Hema' is the synonym of 'Suwarana' or gold. Such natives are generally seekers of comfort and happiness. They have materialistic point of view and are very successful in worldly matters. They proceed towards prosperity right from their young age. They have the tendency to bring to their homes even the costliest of things. They regard their own comfort and happiness as of prime importance. Such a person is respected in society only due to his prosperity or richness. Otherwise he is very miserly. Such a person is of little use to anyone when his help is needed or when an occasion to help others arrives. According to the writer of 'Jataka Parijata'
~ ~ t"l1' <'1~\iiPid: p'41~Cfl4'11f<jCfl' :

that is, if the birth is in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Hemalamba', the native is of wicked soul, and has a desire to do agricultural and such other works.
~ "'T"''"Cfl 'tl "<< ffi '< ~ ~~smmi~:~: 'tl't'CifclqR;fd:GI
~ ~ ~ fclw:qifiqffi'!tif{Cf: ~ II~=? II




'VILAMBA': The native whose brith occurs in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vilamba' is deceitful, extremely avaricious or greedy, lazy, phlegmatic (that is, his predominant humour is Phlegm), weak, fatalist and has the habit of speaking without purpose.
~ fi+<H'ti'< ~-

5'<Hitl flclC6t'lll'f8Jo1: 'tjti!lt) "'<l"~U ~:I 31'1c:><i\Jic:><i: fl'<j~ ~q;('q) Pci(f)l R'fiqffi'<IJ1) "R: ~ II~~ II
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VIKARI': The native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vikari' is extremely stubborn (obstinate), skilled or experienced in all the arts, has a tendency to collect thipgs, a restless mind, is deceitful or cunning, has the habit of speaking too much and without purpose and does not have belief in his friends.

vrrcffi" fl +<I Rf'( ~qfillq;IU>iilili ~ Pci&~l:l :otqlj"kt'IU 'tj~\iil'11'11*'!.1 3io?t(f)RIEli+iifl'11j'<m: 'fiqffi~ ilucfR'11RI \iffil: 11~\:111
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE. 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'SHARVARI' :The native who has birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Sharvari' is skilled or experiepced in trade activitiel:>, is sensual or pleasure-loving, is not conformable to or in accord with friends and remains engaged in acquiring the knowledge of many branches of Learning.




~'11qi'lil "l'TJQfflqiC:~.,, C:l'<fGm)sllJ ~: 1

'<jjtl~F.fi~: ~ "R: ~ 11~'111

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'PLAV A': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Piava' is extremely voluptuous (ha$ excessive sexual cte:sit.e), wealthy, gets respect due to his being



serviceable, defeated by his wife, contented, keeps his thoughts secret, and is of restless nature.



. ~JllfciWRI"''tt: "filffl:

gutt'<ro~'<f?l <flti~c?i

tlll"'ll"''q: '<jjEI"'''l'<ifi4Eit<l . : ~'+lcpffi"'l"<j II~ f. II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA'.OF 'SHUBHAKRITA' : The native getting birth in th.e 'Samvatsara' of 'Shubhakrita' is endowed \Yith good fortune, learning, courtesy or humility and excellent virtuous deeds, is long-lived and has many sons and much wealth and property. Notes: 'Shubhakrita' may be spoken as 'shubha' also. 'Shubha' means auspicious or good and 'Shubhakrita' means the doing of the deeds of auspiciousness or goodness. Such a native has religious ideas and he performs religious and virtuous deeds also. Besides this, 'he is adroit or skilled in the work he performs.
~ fl+<iffi'< ~~tii'<'!JOI) G<mj: fieq>q(j)tjf ~ fcl:t)~lq I

CfiRIT~:~~c?ron<r:~:~ 11~1911
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'SHOBHA-KRITA' : The native who .is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Shobhakrita' makes progress in every field. He is handsome looking, has excellent virtues, is kind-hearted, and doer of good deeds. Specially he gets victory or success in the battle of life. He is endowed with brilliance, courtesy or humility, has beautiful eyes and is skilful. Notes: This 'Samvatsara' is known as 'Shobhana' also. ~ The meaning of the words 'Shobhana' and 'Shobhakrita'





is the same, because the meaning of both is beautiful, excellent and auspicious. The words beauty and brilliance are synonyms of it. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' uses the word 'Shubhakriti' instead of 'Shobhakrita.'The meaning of term 'Shubhakriti' is an auspicious composition. Here also its effects are said to be of becoming learned , a king, a man of virtue and endowed with learning and education.

~ 't'l'<lffi~ ~~IHUJ: 'R~d'<'(qf{lq :. f?fl<lii!l+r:

qcfag<"QIcf: I

'fliW''d'<lll: q~cml\"q;JJI w)'t?f ~: ll~lll

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'KRODHI': The native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Krodhi' is cruel-eyed, cruel natured, has great love for his wife and is dear to her, is extremely haughty or proud, puts obstacles in the way of some other person and is hot tempered or prone to anger. Notes: The term cruel-eyed should be taken to mean as one casting sinful eye (on women). In 'Maan S3agri' such a native has been spoken of as having interest in science and in collecting roots and herbs.
lft:t<ll<l'<j 'tt+<lctH ~'<j~?lcm: '<jd~lj<m)OR: '11Giiil'<'<o)~:l

~~fcJYTCRt)~+r~OI~: 11~~11
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN TI;JE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'VISHWAVASU': The native whose birth has occurred in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Vishwavasu' is blessed with a virtuous wife and son, is excessively generous, has excellent conduct, excessive patience and endurance, likes sweet foods and is endowed with all the virtues.



"tRl1fCI' ' +<i ffi "<


~ ~ ~ ~ f~;f~ffi.J~1:r~h~"<'lq;o~"<q1Cfll: 1

311ill"<t'Htcl~lot'CI ~: ~ ~ '<t~dHJ\~: I ~o II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE' SAMVATSARA' OF 'PARABHAVA': He whose birth has occurred in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Parabhava' can hardly make accumulation of wealth, is the speaker of bitter or harsh words, is devoid of good conduct and is stupid.



~ ~t1C1~'t1CIRI4 t<OIIdiC!'tl: ~ "1~ I

wf: '~lili"<Pcliii"<t'i"': '<'Jq{1\Jl'l ~ lfJ'il: ~:

I ~q II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'PLAVANGA': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Piavanga' is volatile or of restless mind, does not have a desire to do good deeds, is deceitful, devoid of good conduct, thoughtless and has a weak body.
~ '+<iffi"< ~~


tclj~C1qq I

~t'll'5~ftiw4)~"<<1 iiJ'Illif.\6C1i~cCIC1: ~ 1JW1: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'KEELAKA': The native who is born in 'Samvatsara' of 'Keelaka' is. of medium or average handsomeness (that is, he is neither very much beautiful nor very much ugly), is sweet-spoken, kind hearted, has love for water, has very fat legs, beautiful forehead, is strong and destroyer of h1s enemies.
~ '+<iffi"< ~ q~;g~'j~~~~: '{!~'6~:1
'lfttlq;: <f"q;Jiq"<llfe: 'ffl04qffi"<1Fir ~ ';f"(': ~ I~~ II




'SAUMYA': If the birth is there in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Saumya', the native is destined to be a pandit or learnedman, wealthy, very sensual (or given to worldly pleasures) has love for his deity or god and his guest, is p'ure, is endowed with Sattwika habits and a weak body.

'HR!ffi'< 'Qm-

!ld'<d: 'U:'t!H'"IIj'<'ffi~

R:if?tfa>lll4i ~~I


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'SADHARANA': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Sadharana' has love for wandering here and there, is talented in writing, has discrimination or prudence, is given to anger, is pure and is detached or free from worldly pleasures.
~ tiRiffi'< 'Qml'ft~: 'Flli&'i~:

fcrm?r "'H"ffi't ~I

q '< l'lt(jt!l '<ldq 't4'Fll8i q ~ "tl" "lml vr;::q. I ~~ II

. THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF ' 'VIRODHAKRITA' OR 'VIRODHI': The native whose birth falls in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Virodhakrita' or 'Virodhi' remains engrossed in the worship of Lord Shiva, is given to anger, quarrels with or opposes many and neglects his father.
~ 'HR!ffi'( 'Qm-

~iW"<.rli'iH:H C/lHISf4)o1: ~~U lfl"4) CRj~ I C4141'<'H~Itl+it:ISIRi8: ~ "tlft~i~GI"'tl l~f.ll

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'PARIDHAVI': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Paridhavi' is learned, courteous, adroit in the field of arts, wise, honoured in the king's court and gets

THE EFFECTS OF SAMVATSARAS reputation through the medium of trade.

~ ft +'CI ct1 "<


'~ <ilt'l~lj"<m)

1= ~~ cfi;:!: 1 'flll C: <"!'t?i 1iij (1 <ll4<1l (1 I S1 "'I ~ \il ""''I +rJG1 : ~ ll'd19 II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'PRAMADI' : The man who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Pramadi' is villainous or wicked, proud, quarrelsome, avaricious or greedy, has great love for his own men, is destined to be poor, has weaker intellect and is the doer of deeds which are apprehensible or blame worthy.



~~sffrGa:J: ~~:I ~= ~: ~SQll"'f;:c::\itkl' ~~: I I'd~ II



THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'ANANDA' : The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Ananda' has a number of wives, is skilful, excessively adroit, is always endowed with the happiness of having a son, is learned, has sense of gratitude or thankfulness, is courteous and liberal or bountiful. Xlml 'ft +'CI ffi "<

ij! "< WI <il "'I <il t'1 ~I j"< 'ffi : 'ft "'tll 'ffi 'ft <a 4Fci -q I"< 'ft I"< : I
C: lll fcl ifl"'l~ 'ft 'ft I~ "<"t)sfq ~ "'<11:1 'ft \11 m \11 rii I I I'd~ II THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA OF 'RAKSHASA': The native whose birth occurs in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Rakshasa' is extremely cruel or- malefic, doer of reprehensible or blameworthy deeds, quarrelsome, devoid of religion and thoughtfulness, cruel and also courageous. OWl 'ft +'CI ffi "<

'ft <{1~ !Ill cl\ \11 <'1 \11'<'4 'ft +q ~ IIlii j~Jl

'W'f<'1 : ~ : I

'WIC:<"!fclifl qQI<"'<il~ '\i1"Rl) ~ "<<"Q"<'1) ~: I ilio II



THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'NALA': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Nala' is gifted with good sense (intelligence), is deft' or expert in the trade of things produced (or obtained from) in water, is of good character, a little wealthy, restless, and is a supporter of many.

ftf1n;r '+<I ffi'( ~~lff!Jh

4 1~aq;4q;'t1f

'<'<li~fii<Hil~~: I

~ ~sfflq;o)'CqiCfll'i

\iffi'll OR:

ilHtC1"11ttP) l~q II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'PlNGALA': The native who is born in the 'Samvatsara' named 'Pingala' has yellowish eyes, is the doer of reprehensible or blameworthy deeds, is of fierce or extreme nature, restless, has grandeur or majesty, is bountiful or beneficent, stupid and harsh speaking (that is, speaks bitter words) ..
~"1(iq\1t(iqfil4dljqd'Rtltti~3~Pcf~ <IS~Sitt~

fcrgq'tl: I


<ISicl'<'l<t'l "4: <ISIC15q'tjSI~: ~: l!li~ II

THE EFFECTS. OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'KALYUKTA':The native who gets birth in the 'Samvatsara' named "Kalyukta' derives pleasure from speaking too much without any purpose, is endowed with blamed (base) intelleCt, is devoid of fortune, Yama (the god of Death) . incarnate when a quarrel arises and is weak bodied.
~ tl+<iffi'< ~\iC::I'<~dl rc.C'IttdltliG) '(UIIipi'J Sii841: ~:I

'1~"1i'1~ i!i~'{R1idi:4l ~ "'1"jGt: ~: llli~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'SIDDHARTHI': The native who is born in the 'Samyastsara' of 'Siddharthi' is generous or liberal-hearted,



remains happy, gets fame in the battle, is handsome, the minister of the King, is honoured by many and is capable or competent (powerful).
~ tj+qffi'( -q;c;t-




utlttiq<CIRf: &clR.Iii~~M~: ~ fl~vt411 lll!'d II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'RAUDRA': The native born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Aaudra' is of horrible appearance, rears cattle, speaks ill of others, is excessively deceitful, gets a bad name, is of vicious heart and is very fierce.

~~~dSI~~41 ~4Rt~4Rtqcfutld: Ill!~ II

'<c<lqi<fflPiqfi5'1i51~: Sltt"'ldl~"'td'<) "'R: ~I

~ ~

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF ' 'DURMATI': The native who has birth in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Durmati' has the pride of keeping his words, remains constantly unhappy, is sensual or given to the pleasures of sex, engaged in doing base deeds and is foolish or ignorant.
~ tj+qffi'( -q;c;f-

'PI'ffl "'1 ~ "'ii Ififd fi '< q : ~ 'tJVIl"H'f!~"' t1 "'f.t1 d ii ill

JJ4~C6~RI=<8Jq Vlldfii)O+tl"'tq) ~llljf, II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSAAA' OF 'DUNDUBHI': If there is the 'Samvatsara' of 'Dundubhi' at the time of birth, the native is always a recepient of honour from the King, is endowed with elephant, horse, lands and gold and is the lover of dance and songs.
~ tj+qffi'(

31'Nmlat: 4iiR.IC:f?i +ii51C61'1cliQI"'lll"'1i

~fqiC:RI<prtidjvtfll~hffl"il'<'ilf: I



41C:~~ ~ ~ ~tagn'ls~ ~TU'(SII<{ ~ ~ ~ ~'<~'{'11~\Jirill ~ : l!li\911

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'RUDHIRODGARI': The man who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Rudhirodgari', has reddish eyes, is weakbodied perhaps due to the disease of 'Kamla' (Jaundice), excessively hot-tempered or prone to excessive anger, has bad nails on his hands and feet and gets wounded by some weapon.
~ ti+Ciffi'i( 'QJR-


' "'~sffi'61J11Pi!<"tlt't4 llli~ u

tHE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'RAKTAKSHI': The man who is born in the 'Samvatsara' of 'Raktakshi' remains engaged in righteous (moral) and religious conduct, is extremely lustful, does not tolerate the growth of others and is always diseased or ill.
~ ti+Ciffi'< 'QJR-


ft ~ cm<f

tl"')juii~lll\t'<lt't4 I

~~ Q~~&4li1 m~~"\Jj"ffi: l!li~ll

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'KRODHANA': If there is birth in the 'Samvatsara' named 'Krodhana' the native puts obstacles in the work of others, is 'Tamoguni' (dominated in temperament by the quality of ''Tamas'. 'Satwa', 'Rajas' and 'Tamas' are the three cardinal elements in man's nature), fierce or terrible and puts others in delusion (deceives others.)





Pltg'<~ti~Rt: 1

tltqHf'llif~:~: ~~ft~ llf,oll



THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SAMVATSARA' OF 'KSHAYA': The native whose birth occurs in the 'Samvatsara' named 'Kshaya' spends the wealth earned by him very quickly, has the tendency of serving others, is hard hearted and does not have much desire to do good deeds.

am 3tlt~4>cll&rro:




tfi"lll~"l \11""14)(1



ttjctil"dlti~1~:~gm~sfmRT ~: 1
-~ tii'('<'T.I -:dY~'t!nn=== 'ifl"lll~'1\illd\il""11


.,.,..,....,...-:nT,n', :-nr.rm' ti~I~I'(Q'(ISQj~l'<l

((q II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'AYANA' OF 'SAUMYA' OR IN 'SAUMYAYANA': The native who is born in the 'Ayana' of Saumya or iri 'Saumyayana' remains always happy, has happiness from hi~ sons and wife, enjoys long life, is of righteous or moral conduct, generous or liberal and has patience or endurance. Notes: There are two 'Ayanas' in a year-Saumyayana and 'Yamyayana'. If the sun is there in the signs from Capricorn to Gemini, it is 'Saumyayana, in others, it is 'Yamyayana'.


3Ft!Fl14: p~cti4ctiaf ~gtQ~IGi!hRictio)\!~'tt: I

,TrOlS'4tllil~ "1J



"11 ~~:II=? II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN 'YAMYAYANA': If the native's birth occurs in "Yamyayana', he is excessively ' proud, is an agriculturist, keeps cattle like cows, buffaloes etc, is hard-hearted, deceitful, and intolerant.

3l2T ?figlf) (iilem:f : IIH II



CRRl \i1 ri1 \f)("'

C#"Gcf't'\4~ '1Rlit1"1H114'1

tili'tt!!tlla ~~:I

ft II f5l S1 <?I oh it ('1 ~ ('1 il d I <H1 "'d \i1 rill

1fJ'1l : ~ :llq II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'BASANT' (SPRING) 'RITU': The rnan who is born in the 'Basant' Ritu is extremely beautiful, intelligent, valorous, skilled in music and mathematics, proficient in the study of Shastras, wears clean clothes and has pure heart. Notes: In India there are 6 Ritus or Seasons : Basant, Greesh~m. Varsha, Sharad, Hemant and Shishira. The details with regard to these are given in 7th Shloka of this very Chapter. Thus there is the 'Ritu' of' Basant' (around March and April) when the sun is in the signs of Pisces and Aries, that of 'Greesham' when he be. in those of Taurus and Gemini, that of 'Varsha' when in those of Cancer and Leo, that of 'Sharad' when in those of Virgo and Libra, that of 'Hemant' when in those of Scorpio and Saggitarius, and that of 'Shishir' when in . those of Capricorn and Aquarius.

"frul' \i1 ..... \f) ('1



SIWill't("'ij;'ll\fllll: I

~ "1~4'l'<~~l'<'l'f'iC1~

mBI"''C61~1;!;qdi -srmr:





The native whose birth happens to be in the 'Greesham Ritu' is endowed with splendour and magnificence, learning , wealth and grains, is an eloquentspeaker, has long hair, is voluptuous and lover of water sports. qqf
\Jj ;::q q; (1



g~l+t~+tqF<: ~:I

(1(1"11RI(11~ qoif\Siq) ~ ~:~:II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'VARSAHA RITU': If the birth is there in the 'Varsha Ritu', the native is conqueror in the battles, intelligent, valorous., lover of horse riding, has handsome appearance, is phlegmatic, of windy nature, has love for woman and enjoys worldly pleasures.
TRG \JI ;::q q; (1

31'J>ufiC)'1: ~SPI('Iiffll ~ ~ <114>~: ~:~I 'l01~4't qiE'"l'figtFttl ?fffi). :tl'l""'l~ "i1' ~ '\JI"""1 II'd II THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SHARAD RITU': The native whose birth is there in the 'Sharad Ritu' is slightly prone to anger, of windy. n~ture, honoured and respected, has interest in doing hj~ ~ork, is pure of heart, loves battles and has means of conveyance.

PRf \Jj ri1 16(1

"1~'1i+t.-:fl ~scg<m)


"+t~i.ii'(i!jo~qqst: 1

't1t<114~+tfj'lo) ~ ~+t"'d\JIId:

"t1'ffi'i fcrfuf:


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'HEMANT RITU': The native getting birth in the 'Hemant Ritu' is the King's minister, wise and clever, generous or liberal , virtuous, is excellent in the performance of his work, is engaged in doing religious deeds, is thougtful .(wise) and always courteous.


~ \jj;:qq;(.'j

fllel~ql"'lj'<fl'l ~ I~: :J?ICflcl?l'<'fFM: I '<'ltttHf~q: ~-: "<''"'<Tq) ~ ~l~l'<g\11"'1111~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SHISHIR RITU': The native who is born in the 'Shishir Ritu' is lover of sweet foods, afflicted with hunger (restless due to hunger), has happiness from sons and wife, is doer of good or virtuous deeds, handsome, prone to anger and endowed with strength.

l\)'14q~ ~ 'CRRI': qRcCJRft~:l

~ ~ ~ 1ftu:h Cflri Cfl<i>c~~m: 11

Cfl"41~i ~ ~ ~ 'li'<Cig'<>t;l6t1: I

~ '!~ilcbii~ ~.~lfl ~: lk911 THE KNOWLEDGE OF 'RITUS' :When the sun is there in the signs of Pisces and Aries the Rltu is referred to as 'Basant'; when in those of Taurus and Gemini, 'Greesham';when in those of Cancer and Leo,'Varsha'; wlien in those of Virgo and Libra,'Sharad'; when in those of Scorpio and Saggitarius, Hemant; and when in those of Capricorn and Aquarius, 'Shishir'.

Notes: The order of 'Ritus' (seasons) in India is different from that in Europe. Here the first Ritu (season) is 'Basant' which roughly falls in March and April. Besides this, here are six Ritus (seasons) as against four in Europe .



3m +t I1(1 q; (111em:J I Its II



~ ?l+ilfl \11"'+1'6C1 .

't1ti1H~~EII~'14)44""1) ~ ~: ~I
'tlt<ll?l~?llj'ldli~ ~ ~)'lt:qlt~lfQ ~~?1+1"?1: 11'111

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF CHAITRA: The native's who is born in the month of Chaitra (roughly falling in March) is the doer of virtuous or good deeds, is endowed with learning and courtesy and modesty, is voluptuous, loves sweet foods, is able and gifted, has affection for his friend, is minister to the King and his deliberation is of strange type.
Notes: Upto the end of the month of 'Chaitra' the sun remains in the sign of Pisces. In 'Maan Saagri' it has been stated about the native born in the month of Chaitra that he is of handsome appearance, is subjected to pride or haughtiness , is the doer of deeds of welfare, with eyes having red gleam and has affection for women. The author of 'Jataka Parijat' has pointed out that the native born in the month of Chaitra is skilled in all the arts, knows the Shastras (Shastra = a work or book dealing with religion or with any branch of knowledge which is regarded as of age old or divine authority; scripture) and the Vedas, and is engaged in earning money. The effects of the Sun in the sign of Pisces which have been pointed out by the Western Astrologers may also be imagined in this regard. Pandit Dhundi Raj has indicated the effects of 'Chandra Masa' or Lunar Month which is



of two kinds : 1. AMANT MASA :- The month which commences on the 'Pratipada' (First Tithi) of the Shukla Paksha and is completed on the Amavasya (30th Tithi) is called Amant Masa. This is prevalent in the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra and the southern States of India. 2. Purnimanta Masa : - The month which commences on the Pratipada Tithi (1st Tithi) of the Krishna Paksha and is completed on the Pauranmasi (the 15th Tithi of the Shukla Paksha). This is prevalent in Northern India. In this way in the counting of the month in Northern India there occurs the difference of one month in the Krishna Paksha (from the Krishna Paksha in the southern states of India.) Thus when in Northern India there begins the Krishna Paksha of the month of Chaitra, there begins the Krishna Paksha of the Month of Phalguna in Maharashtra, Gujarat and the southern States of India. Therefore, when using a Marathi (of Maharashtra State) Panchanga or almanac one month is to be increased in the Krishna Paksha. There is no difference in the Panchangas or almanacs of both the regions in the Shukla Paksha.
~:tll\li!Jjlfl ~-



:IJjJ;;q(;\)~Jf.ii\JI~q<r<RJ: I

~ fti'<i1J<'I~i'lll'i'l<1: ~~ i!F\:WH)&:I1cm: II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'BAISAKH':- The native who is born in the month of Baisakh has excellent characteristics (qualities or features), is doer of virtuous (or holy) deeds, has good qualities, is of good character or disposition, strong, devotee of Brahmins and gods, lustful, blessed with long life, lover of excursions on water and has happiness from 1his men (relatives).

Gile '11 tt




Pcl~?13~: ~ ~Q'tj\?1)

Glltdl<t:tfq': ~tidt'l'<) "'R: ~


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'JYESHTHA': The native who is born in the month of 'Jyeshtha' is beneficient, has a restless or distressed or vascilating mind, loves to live in foreign lands, is energetic and brilliant, has a strange, odd intellect, is procrastinator and a man of excellence.



'Pc! <'I itt:

SI'11C::il~' I('! I


tiC::Ifl"1'11"tl: "'ll_Pt4>4<f~IC::I"'Ica\11) ~: I I'd II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'ASHADHA': If the birth is there in the month' of "Ashadha' .; the native is subjected to extravagance, is very talkative, careless, devotee of his guru (or teacher) . suffers from indigestion, is engaged in doing holy (religious) deeds and suffers from excessive pride.

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'SHRAVANA': The native whose birth happens to fall in the month of 'Shravana' gets happiness from his wife, sons, grandsons and friends, (that is, he gets love and cooperation of these relatives and these relatives are capable or competent and he does not have any anxiety about them), is obedient to his father, very popular, phlegmatic, bountiful and benevolent and virtuous.



1ffifllffi ~-

~ 1W~oJq;MqHJ:q


~ C61"dl"<jdGUC1ttlt.<4: I

w! "ii' ~ ~sfclcpo)

~ ~ ~ ~li14Cil't'I\Jiri1JIIf. 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'BHADRAPADA': If the native is born in the month of 'Bhadrapada' he is wealthy, has a weak body, is bountiful or beneficent, gets happiness from wife, sons etc, is without any disorder or abnormality due to joy and sorrow or pain and pleasure.
3il~q"'1'11'<1 ~-

~ ~ '<I\JI~<'I~4~ mq;lt.fq;'t'Jf ~:I

G"RfJ ~ 4!J?itiAI&liiCilflA'S-ttl~tl~~gffi: I b II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'ASHWIN': If the native is born in the month of 'Ashwin' he is learned, wealthy, honoured by the royalty, engaged in doing virtuous or good deeds, has a number of servants, is bountiful or beneficent, recognises virtues in others, has many sdns and much wealth and property, keeps horses and such other means of conveyance.
Cf;I~Cii'lltl ~-

ttt'414C6df 4qJ[}q<'lltt) ~ <'lttt=gJfS:qd~:tlqJ:tl: I

q;p:j "'(1Cl)Jlt :

w4 fcl w41~ tl

i.'ll iffCf; I ~q; \JII <I \JI *I I I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'KARTIKA':. The native who is born in the month of kartika is the doer of virtuous or good deeds, very talkative, wealthy, has curly hair, is excessively lustful, buyer and seller of things, has great fame and glory due to his virtuous or good deeds.
'llf:t'OEi"'lltl ~-

mfi~lfi?IIPI'<t1: ~: C6<'11C6<'11Q ~ Pci<11~ I qi()qq;Cjf ~ 'llfl~q) ~ ~: "tllffl:ll~ll




'MARGASHIRSHA': The native's who is born in the month of 'Margashirsha' makes many pilgrimages, is of good disposition or character, skilled in arts, sensual or pleasure-loving, beneficent, righteous (follower of the right path) and wealthy and prosperous.

tl'Jqm=t ~q;c)qCjjl~ ~(JFclttt\"'1: CjjeiRifttl:>.futllcp~ Rm: 1

'(jjti1'"31: cptt~ll't?lllH: -q)q Fcl~)"'lt3'M: CfTI'Rf: Uqo II THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'PAUSHA': If the native's birth happens to fall in the month of Pausha' he is beneficent, devoid of parental wealth, spends even the hard-earned wealth, that is, he has the tendency of spending his wealth even in such conditions, knows the method of doing things, keeps his thou~hts and ideas to himself or is secretive, reads the Shastras laboriously and has weak body.

tlri1'"31Fci<{~RCjj'fll~ 41nm14t~llllti"'II:J'<cm: 1

:J~~fll"'lf~h~tufh1Eil +11Eil=ISi4: tlliG"'IEil ~: II'! 'I II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF 'MAGH' : The native whose birth occurs in the month of 'Magh' knows the science of spells and incantations, sees those who are learned in the Vedas and are pious or holy, remains engaged in the practice of Yoga (meditation), conquers the group of his enemies with the power of his intellect and is without sins. illlc-IJ"'I"iltl ~q;c)qCjjj~ ~

Gllltjtlt>tiPcltt: 4ll"it>!Ci)lll~llcl\ I

Fclt>ti~~4J~Fcl~i"'l~'i'l<'ll 17: illlc-fj'"l illc-lj4ill fc;rm: Uq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MONTH OF PHALGUN: If the native is born in the month of Phalgun,



he is beneficent, skilled in doing things, kind hearted, endowed with strength and delicate body, dextrous in sporting or playing with women and talks uselessly and without purpose.
3TRI'11'('1\i1 ..... ~-

'tj:qfh<it ~5 Pi-<1'14: I 'tt <li i.'1 q#i fJ 311 t"'' ltd <li '< : m:J '1 fc;t +(j:q 'II 'tt fJCI) ";Of'<" : llq ~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN AN ADHIKA MASA (AN ADDITONAL MONTH): If the birth of native occurs in an Adhika Masa (also called Mala Masa), the native remains unattached to sexual enjoyment, is of good character, makes journeys to many places of pilgrimage, remains without illness, is dear to all and the doer of welfare to himself. Notes : The Lunar month in which there is no 'Sankranti' of the Sun is referred to as an 'Adhika Masa'. When 32 months, 16 days and 4 Ghatis have passed there is the occurrence "of an 'Adhika Masa'. It (Adhika Masa) is also referred to as 'Mala Masa' or 'Purushottama Masa'. As a matter of fact, according to the Chandra Masa or Lunar month there are 354 days and 9 hours in a year while according to the 'Saur Masa' or Solar month there are in a year 365 days and 6 hours. This difference of the days of a year according to the Lunar and the Solar months is removed after every 3 years due to the occurence of an 'Adhika Masa.'
~IH \il"''i#i.'t

:qsqf<awg: ~ ~: ffi3?1ql1 (f))'li.'t<lilli(f)IPti: I


'tiC: I '1";::c; ~ ;\) d<li Ii.'ti} \iij ..... Cli I i.'1 ~

CJ(ifiHtJ!H llq~ II




in the 'Shukla Paksha' the native has the blessing of a long life, is of good disposition or character, gets the happiness of having wife and sons, has delicate body and passes his time always in pleasure.

pmrqar vt'""' q; <'1

SHM'l'flt'l~ fclir<;ru ~: C6it;J~l1: ~l1~t'l~<tit1U I ~ Plt~l'{i Rtat~~ ~ ~ ~ 11q~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'KRISHNA PAKSHA' (OR THE DARK HALF OF THE MONTH): The man whose birth occurs in the 'Krishna Paksha' is valorous, weak, restless or distressed or inconstant, quarrelsome, is the most mischievous in his family and is excessively lustful.

fc:crT \J1'""' q; (1
f?li!'<11Cilll1 ... 1'<i'ifeiq~l11: I
~ ~"114i!lloq ~qi\Jtlt~~

-.:RI' ~

llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE DAY TIME: The native who is born in the day time is energetic or brilliant, has qualities of his father (is like his father), has beautiful eyes, is dear to the King, honoured by his own men and is endowed with wealth.
~ \Jt""''q;(il

'1"GCi"t <iC61'11d: "'<1G1 ~ '1~'1'<1: I

fk '< IC'11

thl qIqil :q

'Pifu \il1"t1) -.:RI' ~ llql9 II

. THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE NIGHT TIME: The man who is born in the night time is dull-eyed, excessivey lustfl,JI, remains always diseased, is lazy, cruel hearted and doer of hidden or secret sins.

~~4><'11~: llfcll


~~ \jj~lf)("j

t~W"'4fhtu:t~t'6Fcl~'l ~ cp"''cp"'ffJIFclf!\"'l~tij'li~ ~:I 31RI'<Jcl~t1Cj)1Pt11, ~4tcltttfcl'tl:

MRI4~ ~ Wd\11f4d m:4 \W't1): llq II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE 'TITHI' OF PRATIPADA (1) : If the occurrence of birth is there on the 'Pratipada' or the 1st 'Tithi' of the month, the native has a big family, is an excellent scholar (learned man), has discrimination or judgement (is wise),. is endowed with the wealth of gold, gems etc., is of good character, of handsome appearance and gets wealth from the King.
U'lll~ GffiT C:41<:J1Utqli ~ 'iitlffiC:I~I\Cfcl~l'ci:RJ: I Mti~~<fl\'ldcCJFtf4t'4~ ~8J4i~~tiWfCJ: ~ I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE SECOND 'TITHI': The native who is born on the second 'Tithi' is bountiful, kind hearted, is endowed with virtues (good qualities), discrimination, good conduct , is thoughtful, remains always happy and his fame sp~eads far and wide among the people.
~ Rl~4>('1
~ 4611Pi:IC1'1 \CI\JI~cllttfcl'tl: I

Qqt'flfncl'~tl'<~ fclclt~ '1f4!8J4tM~~ II~ II




native who is born on the third 'Tithi' is excessively lustful, excellent scholar, endowed with strength, obtains wealth from the King, lives in foreign lands, is clever, sensual or pleasure-loving and is subjected to pride.

~ ?fi01Si~RI4ttl~tl:

'fl@ OISI~OI:


l'@ '< fticlfWFII ~ Cl'1"cfr ~

f41\iil '1;1j T.19~ I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE FOURTH 'TITHI': If the native's birth date falls on the fourth 'Tithi'. he is always borrowing money from others, very courageous, dextrous in a battle, of miserly nature, a gambler, and speaker (or plaintif).



'dC:41r..=.tt!tq I

'1~'ii'11"'4~ offi 'ifGRJ: SI~Ciilt>i ~ "tl~ ~ I IIi II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE FIFTH 'TITHI': If the time of birth happens to be the fifth 'Tithi' the native has all the limbs (is full limbed), is endowed with wife, sons and friends, has kindness towards. all creatures, is recognised (honoured) by the King and bountiful or beneficent.



ucpocciilrn~ Cffts: ~ ll'\il'l"ffi

aolciilofu?l: life 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE SIXTH 'TITHI' : If there is the birth on the sixth 'Tithi' the native is true to his vow, endowed with wealth, sons and friends, longthighed, very valorous or vigorous, has his fame widespread, clever (intelligent), excellent and has body infested with wounds.




~ ~ ~ fcl:tii<'IJI?I: '<1NI?I~c11'4"1~fl~~: I q;~:n\IIJ!t~J q~fclflett~f t<lJH1Et4'liJ1'1lfjiils~e:"flllk911

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE SEVENTH 'TITHI': The native who is born on the seventh 'Tithi' is endowed with knowledge (of the Absolute), appreciates or discerns virtues or merits in others, has big eyes, gives honour and respect to the righteous or virtuous and the deities (gods), has only daughters as issues, steals others', wealth and is the conqueror of his enemies.
~ Rt~Ql(il

"11"11'<1AtHij'fl'i: ~: ~~~;cfjqJ<'IRIEtfct~l~: I
q;IOf!Js?!Rt~'*l<'~l~fl~~4t<lle"lli ~ tl"14t<l lit 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE EIGHTH 'TITHI': The native whose birth occurs on the eighth 'Tithi' has the happiness of having many kinds of wealth and property ?nd sons, is kind hearted, gets the authority of education from the King, has great affection for his wife and is of inconstant or restless mind.
q~~~~j&'l ~


q;a'J~qJ~ti 1!~ 1

"OR: 'It! IT.II'<'<1tiC: ~ : ~ 'lf't"Q' ~ ~


I ~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE NINTH 'TITHI': If there is birth on the ninth 'Tithi' the native is indifferent or opposed to the work of his own men, harsh tongued, opposed to the Pandits (men of erudition or learning) and depraved or of bad conduct.
~ Rt~q;(il


w<'lwt4;oo) . i!ljpmaqJ8J 1

, \iC:I~~tl)sfffim ~ ~ti ~ ~: ~ llqo II




person who is born on the tenth 'Tithi' has his mind interested in religion, is endowed with worldly wealth and property, has long neck, knows many Shastras (scriptures), is liberal-hearted; very humble and polite, very beautiful and lustful.

~<1~\illilfqttc: IOi:t'i'll"': '<jP14l"'i"ff: Cl'RVI: ~:I :JO~ij;~'ft)'tliiij;4cptt41~~1C:'l'i'J\J1) ~: ~: llqq II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE ELEVENTH 'TITHI': If the birth is there on the eleventh 'Tithi' the native is the worshipper of gods and Brahmins, bountiful and beneficent, pure of heart, skilful, of pious soul, doer of good and excellent (righteous) deeds and always remains happy.


\ill'1~41 ~ C4<1~1\l:fi1<'1)

Pl\ilil"i<QI<Ii'ttPcll'1itt'l'i'Jl'1: I

'ttC:I*Itll ~faqil"'Pcl'tl: 'f41C(611C:fl1\TI) 'l{j\ii-SIGII<Iii llq=? II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE TWELVTH 'TITHI: The native born on the twelvth 'Tithi' is lover of water, practical in attitude, lives comfortably in the house built by his own self, always gives gr;:tins as alms or charity, gets wealth from the King and has progeny.
?14)c:fl) fa~Q)(ii
'(iiqi~tl: 'ttiRtiq;diSI!Jffi: Sll'14iij;uoG 01\IS1'<1fd: I

-;:ffisftlw~: 'Sj'q;llj ?14)C::fi1011i1fatft ~: llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE THIRTEENTH 'TITHI': The native born on the thirteenth 'Tithi' is endowed with beauty, satwaguna, has long neck, male progeny, is a hero or a warrior and is clever.

Sl <I cl tl'C

cll'fl IS t'4 "'i'' Cfi I'6 04 ~04 I

!JorrorqR.'{Of: ~f'li~lttut""11 11q~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THE 'SHUKLA PURNIMA' OR 'PAURAN MASI': The native getting birth on the fifteenth Tithi of the 'Shukla Paksha' is endowed with charming body, earns money with proper or justifiable means, has many wives, always remains happy, is excessively sensual or pleasure-loving, very kind hearted and has many virtues.
cpurtf8f QqGfi'l ( ~'lfqflll) ~

l'TRfi ~

~: cMt!itiiEIPcl'd:tq 'l'll'li?f'<~f I lfRfr '\J1"''Ai ltd<tllf~Wff G:tifiGq: f4it!J'6Et: <prnif: llqf, II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON 'AMAVASYA' OR THE 'THIRTIETH' (30TH) 'TITHI': (the 15th Tithi of the Dark Half of the Month is referred to as 'Amavasya' or the 30th 'Tithi' of the month. The other 'Tithis' of the Dark Half of the month have similar names as those of the Bright Half, namely Pratipada, Dwitiya etc.) : If the birth occurs on Amavasya the native is of peaceful nature, is thoughtful, devotee of his father and mother, earns



money with great efforts or pains, has the habit of wandering here and there, is recoginzed among (honoured by) the people, is lacklustre (or without loveliness ) and without joy and has a weak body.




~ \1j ..... if)(1

ll!'l'l('<44>:th ~ ~ :t<MI'6Di: f?lilii4Sictl'l4: I GTffi +t~~ffill\~t1~ lJli)"Grr fcR fM:ti't4 "at~ ..... j14: llq II
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON SUNDAY: The man who is born on the day of the Sun (on Sun~ay) is a hero or warrior, has thinly grown hair, is a conqueror in the battle, of blackish red complexion, of bilious nature, bountiful and beneficent, energetic or enthusiastic and extremely brilliant (energetic).
tl~ +jq I'<

~: "SilTRY: ftl4qlflq~: fll:tq~~"'=I.IJI4"!~q\'ff I

~ "'q ~ ~ "'q ~ "CfR OR: :trld<li'< 't4 \iffiJ: I ~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON MONDAY: The person. whose day of birth falls on the day of the M,90n (on Monday ) is learned, of peaceful dispositiQ,n, sweet spoken, knows the manner or way of doing things, is always a dependant of the King (from whom he earns his living) and his mind remains the same in pain and pleasure or joy and sorrow.

q a;) fffi;c t'4 "'d \( Diltl4 : 't41"1~;:;;: ij ;oft "'q \l'i!) q\HJ of! I fl'ttll Pel a't8Ja d Hq f{TCI)

fcR '41~ "1 Iq Pilil;:c: '1't4


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON TUESDAY: The native whose day of birth happens to be on the day of the son



of the Earth (or Mars), that is, on Tuesday always speaks in ironical manner,. is a lover of war, the King's minister; earns his living through land (or agriculture), is of Satwika nature, and of ardent or impetuous nature.



>3?J"'I;:q;cl1Cifl~lcltlltiqt'l: I ~ ~ $1~'1)~4) ~: I I'd II


f% ~:

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON WEDNESDAY : .T~e native who is born on the day of Mercury (on Wednesday) is of beautiful appearance, sweet spoken, possesses wealth, is dextrous in arts, deft in trading, learned and appreciates or discerns virtues or merits in others.
"l~tqfaqj'( ~

~ ~ tt4jo~qq..,'i ~: ~ :I afl'qiQqq~-q UR: flnf: ~ j\C)d'<4 ~\iF"' 11\1 II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON THURSDAY :The native whose birth happens to be on the day of Jupiter (on Thursday) is learned, wealthy, is endowed with all the good qualities, has charming appearance, gets the object of his heart's desire from the King , is endeared to. the teachers and is very popular ..
. ~; .

1J1!{Jm:w;;rq"'I'< 'qf('l'
'<j'*cltt~f54t'l~~~ql~l: wtt""1~t~) "'RI"'ii


!{JCMI4NS?ifatffl ~: '<41ffi;:qlin '+lliqqi'(\Ji;:qill~ II THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON FRIDAY: The native born on the day of 'Bhargava' (on Friday) has bluish-black cu~y hair, a smiling happy face, is exceptionally intelligent, has greater liking for white clothes and tallows the right path (is righteous)




gtfcl~ttztfe: I

ti4ljuY\~: ~~"'~"' \Jllti\Jlj4jEzt: lk911

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON SATURDAY: The native who is born on the day of Saturn (on Saturday) looks prematurely old (that is, he looks old and tired even in his youth), has weak body , is 'Tamoguni' (has the quality of 'Tamas' in his nature) and is of wicked nature.

3m ";:Ja1?14i<"'leml: II~ II


~ "'IIH?I'flcl

~ ft41'1~t1'i


'<k41f.clo: SIIEI'ti'tttl'<i"''t{l

~:~ ~ "11'1q+q llqJI

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'NAKSHTRA' OF 'ASHWINI': If the native. is born in the 'Nakshtra' of 'Ashwini' he always makes progress through service to_ others, is of submissive or mild nature, truthful, endowe~ . with all kinds of wealth, has great happiness from wife and sons and is endowed with jewels. There is the detailed description of the effects of the Nakshtras in other books on Astrology also. According to 'Maan Saagri' the native who is born in the Ashwini Nakashtra is beautiful, fortunate, skilled, has bulky (fat) body, is wealthy and popular, According to the writer of 'Jataka Parijat', such a native . is exceptionally intelligent, wealthy, courteous or modest, wise and learned; famous and leads a happy life. Really the native born in the Ashwini 'Nakshtra' is much more intelligent than others. He often gets success _in achieving his aims and objects. His success has its basis in his hard work and right decision. Due to these qualities and achievements of his he has never to face economic crisis. Although inspite of being a successful man he remains mild or humble in his nature, yet he is very firm



arid even obstinate also in his decisions. His fortitude or patience remains intact even in the presence of crisis and adverse circumstances. The mentality of the native born in the Ashwini Nakshtra has its bent comp~etely towards religiosity. But he completely rejects the religiosity which wears the clothes of hypocrisy, that is he accepts the religion which has. its base on reason and intellect.
~ "119?14>(1

ttC:i4cCJR\~ +t~J4ql~"''f"''l ~6 fcl;\)d<filcl: I ~~: ~6~'Sf!l'itffi~: 11=?11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'BHARANI NAKSHTRA': The native born in the Bharani Nakshtra gets defamed due. to public censure or accusation (public scandal), passes his time in various kinds of sports, has feeling of fear from water and he is of restless and wicked nature. Notes: This 'Nakshtra' is between13 o_ 20' and 26- 40 and its Lord is Venus. This Nakshtra also falls in the sphere of the sign of Aries. Therefore, the effect of Mars and Venus will be there on this Nakshtra. Mars is related to male strength and Venus to happiness from woman or wife. Therefore, such a native has always a longing for happiness related to woman. It is due to this that the author of 'Jataka parijat points out.
..X Fcl ' ~~t~Cfi(iii\S"'QC:I"<

r.t "<d: ~: pd&ll ' -....tl. q.,1

that is the native born il) the 'Bharani' Nakshtra is restless, has affection for another man's wife, ungrateful and wealthy. Indeed the Planet Venus provides the native with just



or fitting point of view. So that he may be able to struggle for justice. Such a man can never do harm to others without reason, does not have even the slightest hesitation in the speaking of what is true, no matter the other person feels hurt by it. Such natives can never be forced to do any thing which is opposed to their conscience. According to 'Maan Saagri' the native born in the Bharani Nakshtra lives without having illness, is truth-speaking, firm of his vow, happy in this world and wealthy. In 'Jataka Sardiya', the birth in the First and the Second Quarter of the 'Bharani' Nakshtra is spoken of as auspicious as it has been done in 'Maan Saagri'.
~ Jli+=qiQQI~ ~ ~ WfCIA ~

that is, the native born in the First and the Second Quarter of the Bharani Nakshtra is an ascetic or selfdenying, wealthy and happy. In 'Hora Ratna' also the same .auspicious effects have been referred to
' ctiiitiQtUi!

~ 'tf~qll


3R)lr: ~11h\Jiit1: ~~~II that is, the native bcirn in the 'Bharani' Nakshtra is skilled in the skill or wiles of Kam Deva, the god of Love, truth speaking, is firm in his determination, he~lthy, fortunate, abstemious or moderate in eating and happy. But according to the writer of 'Jataka Sardeep' the effects of birth in the Third and Fourth Quarters of the Bharani Nakshtra are as follows :

that is, the native born in the Third and the Fourth



Quarters of the Bharani Nakshtra is respectively unrelenting (performs cruel or terrible deeds) and is subjected to penury or poverty. Indeed such a native has exceptional life force. He wants to prove his excellence over all. He has the strength enabling him to fight to the last moment for the defence of his principles.

~ 9'flff?rtP(i[ l!i~: ~ fllt:Ue'1'1{'<n>t+iRt: ~: 1

C6o~'(qll~ttC64pfflllii)eq>RJqll ~ ~ \JR1T: I j~ II
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE KRITIKA NAKSHTRA: The native born in the Kritika Nakshtra is pained by hunger (has excessive hunger), is devoid of the wealth of truth, wanders without any purpose (is a vagabond), is ungrateful harsh-tongued and does ignoble, hateful deeds. Notes: From o-26-40' to 1'-10-QO' in the Zodiac forms the Third Part of it and this part has been spoken of as the Sphere of the 'Kritika Nakshtra'. The First Quarter of 'Kritika Nakshtra', that is from 26-40' to 30 is in the sphere of the sign of Aries and the remaining three Quarters of this Nakshtra are in the sphere of the sign of Taurus. Therefore, the effects of birth in the First Quarter of this Nakshtra will be clearly seen. The native born in this Quarter is very enthusiastic, endowed with vigour or energy and might, is of militant temperament, has talent for leadership, the capacity of directing or managing influential personality and rational point of view. Such a native is perfectly suited to this age of competition (the 20th century). He takes interest in production.

If the Moon is there in the remaining three quarters of this Nakshtra, that is, if she is between 1-00-00' and



1"-10-QO', there occurs difference in the nature and conduct of the native. Such a native is excessively social. He is unable to live without friends, enjoys pleasures, talks with feelings of intimacy or relationship, is joyful, popular, kind hearted, remains with pleasure, is mild or courteous, practical and gives respect to his guest. Such a native generally likes to do business specially selling and buying (trading). He can take risk courageously to a great extent.

The Lord of this Nakshtra is the Sun and the deity of it is Fire. Even the word 'Kritika' means flame. Therefore, specific brilliance may be seen in such a native. The writer of 'Jataka Parijat' writes about such a native:
~ iii<'I)Gtrcl: ~Si{clll'tf ~I'

that is the native born in the Kritika Nakshtra is brilliant (energetic), wise and learned like a King (he is endowed with the authority of high level) The meaning of 'Kritika', as said above, is flame of fire; but this meaning may be fruitful only when the person born in this Nakshtra should have knowledge, be pure and holy and brilliant or energetic. Its Lord is the Sun who symbolises King. Therefore, the native is the head or chief at the place or institution to which he is connected.


cp?iiiiM~I'<ill'fiMfc!Mt~t<#tllq'<: I

qjpq('llt!Cfl~tiilt!Milll4) ~ 1tCiffr ~ ~ I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE ROHINI NAKSHTRA: The native whose. birth occurs in the Rohini Nakshtra is skilled in doing religious deeds (or rites), is an agriculturist, sweet natured, handsome and has the ability



to explain even the most complex subject due to his cleverness in speaking.

Notes: The whole of the 'Rohini' Nakshtra is in the sign of Taurus from 1"-10-00' to 1"-23-20'. Its Lord is the Moon and deity is 'Brahma'.The word Rohini connotes 'red coloured cow'. This Nakshtra is also referred to as the Wife of the Moon. It is not surprising if the Moon who is the significator of the mind and beauty should not give the native handsomeness and the ability of explaining easily even the deepest and the most complex matter when she (the moon) is in her own Nakshtra. The Rohini Nakshtra is the significator of the tongue also.
There is excessive magnetic attraction in the eyes of such a native. He is charming and attractive. The Moon is the significator of eyes as well, and the sign of Taurus represents the face and the eyes In the various limbs or organs of the 'Kaal Purusha'., Now if the Moon be there in the sign of Taurus without any malefic influence upon her, then it is a certainty that the man will possess charming and attractive appearance and his eyes will have magnetic attraction. Indeed it is this situation alone which is the best for the beauty of eyes.The Moon, the significator of the mind is here in her sign of exaltation Therefore,. the native will be prosperous in the powers of the mind such as in the field of imagination, emotion and feeling. According to the writer of 'Jataka Parijat'

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that is, the native born in the Rohini Nakshtra ~ndws the defects and weaknesses of others, has a weak body, is learned and has affection for some other man's wife. According to 'Maan Saagri'

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that is , such a native is wealthy, grateful, talented, honoured by the king, sweet spoken, truthful and has charming personality. Most of the le~rned writers of Astorology are of one view tbat the body of such a native js lean and thin; but such natives have bulky and fat bodies also. They have natural attraction towards those who are of the opposite sex.

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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'MRIGASHIRA NAKSHTRA':-The native who is born in the Mrigashira Nakshtra remains engaged in the practice (usage) of bow and arrow, is modest and courteous, respects and recognizes virtues of the virtuous, is voluptuous (one who enjoys the pleasures of th~. senses), favourite of fhe king and follows the path of r1ghteousness. Notes: The First half part of this Nakshtra, that is, from 1 -..:23-20' to 2"-00-00 is in the sign of Taurus and the second half part of it, that is, from 2"-0000' to 2"-6-40' is in that of the sign of Gemini. Therefore, from the point of view of Predictive Astrology the evaluation of the effects of birth in the Mrigashira Nakshtra should be done after dividing this Nakshtra into two parts. THE FIRST PART:- The influence of the Planet Venus is quite natural on the first part. Such a native will be voluptuous (enjoying pleasures of the senses) but he will be cultured and civilized, will be endowed with urbanity .



(good or proper conduct) and will have a bent towards doing justice. He gives preferance to agriculture and farming. His artistic point of view may be imagined or seen in every liking of his. He likes to eat Rajsika food and fruits having pulp. He likes the profession of doing agricultural work, trading of automobile, diamonds, food material like ghee (boiled butter), milk, cheese, fruits, confectionery etc. THE SECOND PART: Whereas the First Part of Nakshtra represents face, chin, cheeks, tonsils etc, the Second Part is the representative of throat, vocal cords, arms, shoulders, ears etc . There is sharpness in the nature of such a native. It is this sphere du~ to which the native learns archery. There is great increase of terrible or fierce mental powers. This sphere is related to excessive enthusiasm, ability to solve the problems facing him, vigour or energy and attraction etc.
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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'ARDRA NAKSHTRA': If at the time of birth there is the 'Ardra Nakshtra', the native is pained by hunger (feels much more hungry than usual); the lustre (or splendour) of his body is dry or rough, he loves his own brothers, is subjected to anger, ungrateful and without compassion or pity. Notes: The sphere of the Ardra Nakshtra is from 640' to 20. in the sign of Gemini. Rahu is the Lord of this Nakshtra. In the jurisdiction or area of authority of it are included the 'Tantrika rites and the miracles related to sorcery also. It brings deception, fierceness, violence, . vigour and cruelty in the nature of the native. The person



who is born in the Ardra Nakshtra is. ungrateful, insolent or arrogant , endowed with the ability of making predictions, a liar, has the ability of reading rightly the character of one who is before him and is treacherous. If in the horoscope Mercury is endowed with strength and if he is also aspected by benefic planets and the 5th House and 5th Lord are also endowed with strength, then the native may be a good psychologist. He has the ability to know successfully the inner mind of the other person. According to 'Maan Saagri', the. native born in th.e 'Ardra Nakshtra' is ungrateful, ill-disposed or angry, engaged in sinful acts, vicious and corrupted and is devoid of possessions or wealth. The Lord of this Nakshtra is Rahu who is the enemy of the Moon. Therefore when the Moon comes in the 'Ardra Nakshtra.' the rise of sinful thoughts in the mind is quite natural.
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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'PUNARVASU NAKSHTRA': The native whose birth occurs in the 'Punarvasu Nakshtra' has a number of friends, studies the shastras, possesses gems, jewels of. gold, is bountiful or beneficent, ~nd is endowed with lands and wealth.
Not~s: The Punarvasu Nakshtra is Lorded by Jupiter. Its sphere spreads. from 20 of the sign of Gemini to 320' of the sign of Cancer. Therefore, there is much difference in the effects of the 4th Quarter of this Nakshtra from those of the other 3 Quarters. If the birth occurs in the First, Second or Third Quarter of this Nakshtra, then the native adopts useful methods for his progress very wisely. He is not even the least careless



in his sphere of action. He often likes to do trading. If he makes intellectual activities as the means of earning wealth, he gets much professional profit, even here in this field. His research, art or writing is of great value. Besides, there is sharpness of intellect, receptivity, clarity of the subject matter, foresightedness, sharp power of reasoning, balance and relatedness and communication in every saying of his. It is due to this, that all such natives often have deep interest in journalism, writing and literary activities. If the birth be there in the, 4th quarter of this Nakshtra, there is much dignity (weight) serenity(nobility) and sweetness (meekness or mildness) in the speech of such a person. The sentences spoken by him are full of meaning and speak of his wide learning: He possesses exceptional reasoning and imagination and intelligence (wisdom). His sayings are trust worthy and believable. He takes the side of justice and truth. Such natives are ' related to such professions or means of living as those of advocates, justices or magistrates, preachers of sermons and teachers etc.

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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'PUSHYA NAKSHTRA':- The native who is born in the 'Pushya Nakshtra', has charming body, is devotee of his fa'ther and mother, doer of those deeds which should be done by him, is courteous, respected in his society and has wealth and conveyance. Notes: From 3-20' to 16-20' in the sign of Cancer is the extent of this Nakshtra. Saturn is the Lord of this



Nakshtra. The native born in this Nakshtra has great respect for traditions. He insists much (has great enthusiasm) upon his own ideas very much. He is some what lazy and sleeps much . Such natives generally like the trading of kerosene oil, petrol, coal, agricultural land, building construction, cement etc.
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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN 'ASHLESHA NAKASTRA' : The native whose birth occurs in the Ashlesha Nakshtra, makes fruitless (useless or purposeless) journeys, is vicious or wicked in his conduct, gives pain to the people without any reason, squanders away the wealth earned with proper means in wicked deeds, is wanton, or lustful and is in the grip of 'Kamadeva', the god of Love. Notes: From 16- 40' to 30 is the sign of Cancer or spreading of this Nakshtra. There is the end of a ~ign (Cancer) and of a Nakshtra (Ashlesha) here. After this there will be the next sign and the next Nakshtra. Where there is the end of a sign and of a Nakshtra that area is referred to as 'Ganda Kshetra' (Ganda Area). If at the time of birth, the Moon be in this area it forms an Arishta Yoga (or evil combination) for the native. This Nakshtra belongs to (owned by) the Planet Mercury who is an enemy of the Moon. The presence of the Moon who is the significator of Mind in the area of an enemy indicates towards distortion (defect) of the mind. But when there is the joining together of the mind and intellect, the native has the wealth of quick wittedness. He tries to find proper reason behind every incident. Mercury is related to (is the significator of) speech, logic or reason, writing and craftsmanship. Therefore such a, native is



skilled in writing, speaking and craftsmanship or art as the presence of the Moon in the 'Ashlesha Nakshtra' endows the native with the affluence of imagination. Therefore such a native is attached to arts, music and literature. Due to the Lordship of Mercury there is the growth in the native of the evils of cunningness, ungratefulness, dishonesty, deception and false promises. 'A native born fn the Nakshtra is generally related for his means of livi111g with such professions as those of a correspondent, an agent, a chemist, a clerk, a salesman, a speaker or lecturer, a logician, an ambassador, a textile engineer, a nurse and a writer etc.


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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'MAGHA NAKSHTRA': If the birth is there in the Magha Nakshtra, the native is hard hearted or unfeeling, devoted to his father and has sharp or sharp nature. He is endowed with intelligence, education or learning, is without sins and always a destroyer of his enemies. Notes: This Nakshtra has its extent or spreading from the starting point of the sign of Leo to 13- 20'. Its Lord is Ketu. The learned astrologers of India have related Ketu to 'Moksha' (Emancipation from the cycle of brith and death.) Therefore such a native has faith in God and a feeling of detachment towards the things of this world, though in the beginning he may adopt the way of voluptuousness (enjoyment of the pleasures of the senses). He enjoys the pleasures of the senses fully. It is due to his enjoying them in their fulness that he is able to renounce them. He may acquire the knowledge



in some particular field, such knowledge as touches the greatest heights in that field. Therefore such a native easily gets the respect of the learned. The bent of mind of such a native is hardly towards business. He likes government service or relates himself to the. field of medicines. '{44i I<"'j~ ' 1111 ?I 4i (1 ~)\'!''4iJO ~ ~ <Pi+milsftt ~l~'<i('l~sffrGIH: I
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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'POORVA PHALGUNI NAKSHTRA': If the birth occurs in the 'Poorva Phalguni Nakshtra', the native is heroic, beneficent or bountiful, courageous, rears or nurtures many, is sensual (having greater amorous desire) and extremely clever. His body is beset with greater number of veins. He is deceitful or cunning, excessively cruel and subjected to pride. Notes: This Nakshtra is from 13-20' to 26-40' in the sign of Leo and is ruled over by the planet Venus. The birth of some person in this Nakshtra shows that the Moon is there in this area at the time of his birth. Therefore indirectly it is the relation of the mind and sexual desire. So there is no wonder in it if the native should be possessed by cupid (excessive sexual desire). But why should he be deceitful or cunning and unfeeling? This is not understandable. Venus is the significator of wealth and knowledge or learning by acquiring which the person may be subjected to pride, there can be no question about it. Besides this such a native takes full interest in social activities. An insight of understanding the problems of others _gets a natural development in him. And this is the reason that he proves to be a helper of many persons at the time of their need. Here the aspect of ~ of his nature (that he nurtures or rears



many persons) becomes quite apparent and the tendency of renunciation in him is also seen. The placement of the Moon in the area of Venus gives birth to poetic powers in the native, increases his interest in music and art. Such a native certainly develops some hobby. Such natives ~hrough the means of their living or their profession are related to the trading of automobiles, art, cattle breeding, vegetable growing, wares related to women etc.

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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE NAKSHTRA OF UTTARA PHALGUNI : The native born in the 'Uttaraphalguni Nakshtra' is bountiful or beneficent, generous and liberal, is of an excellently good character or disposition and his glory or fame spreads in all directions. He is minister to the King, ~ndowed with ' fortitude or patience and is of very delicate nature or character. Notes : The effects of birth in the First Quarter of this Nakshtra are quite different from those of in the Second, Third and Fourth Quarters as the First -Quarter falls in the area of the sign of Leo from 26- 40' to 30- 00' and the Lord of this area of the sign and the quarter of the Nakshtra is the Sun. In such a. condition there will be greater effect of the sun on the Moon. As a result of this the native will be greatly endowed with generosity or liberality, selflessness, absence of deception and the feeling of renunciation, although he would like to have the satisfaction of his ego or pride. In the field of profession also he does not like to do a work of ordinary nature. Whatever he does is on a larger scale.



The 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th Quarters of the Uttaraphalguni Nakshtra fall from the starting point of the sing of Virgo to 10. The sign of Virgo is owned by Mercury. Therefore if the Moon be there in this area the native has exceptional intelligence, interest towards studying and has unusual talent or genius with his intellect and imagination he has the ability to predict the events which are going to happen in the future. He is an excellent critic.

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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'NAKSHTRA' OF 'HASTA': The person whose birth occurs in the 'Hasta Nakshtra' is bountiful or beneficent, intelligent (wise), is endowed with fame and glory, has great reverence for Brahmins and gods, is blessed with all kinds of wealth or possessions. Notes: The Hasta Nakshtra falls from 1oo to 23- 20' in the sign of Virgo. Its Lord is the Moon. Therefore it is the best Naks.htra for the Moon. And so it makes the native exceptionally intelligent. Piety or belief in God and giving alms (bountifulness) are also the traits of clean heart. Here the Moon is in her own sphere. Therefore it is not a matter of surprise that the native should possess wealth. Such a native is peaceful, attractive, sociable (affable or friendly). He generates soon in others the feeling of friendship, gets popularity in great degree. Hells obliged to see sudden changes in the form of rise and fall in the field of earning his living. The trading of vegetables, milk, ghee, cheese, articles for children (toys etc). articles of domestic use, implements for entertainment, import and export, Navy merchantship,



service in the municipality, Civil engineering etc. are in the significatorship of this Nakshtra.



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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'CHITRA NAKSHTRA' : If at the time of birth the Moon be in the 'Chitra Nakshtra' the native eradicates the group of his enemies by his prowess or golry, is fond of wearing many kinds of clothes, anq has peculiar view or opinion with regard to the Shastras. Notes: The first two Quarters of the 'Chitra Nakshtra' fall in the sign of Virgo from 23-20' to 30-00' and the last two Quarters in the sign of Libra from its beginning to 6-40'. Its Lord is Mars. Therefore if the Moon be there in the area of Mars, there is little wonder that the native should have the endowment of courage, heroship and prowess of eradicating his enemies. Such a native has a realistic attitude. If the birth be there in the first two quarters of this Nakshtra, the native is lacking in fortitude or patience and he wants to do every thing hastily. Therefore, it is quite natural that he should have sharpness in his temperament and that he should be vigorous or enthusiastic. He likes to do trading and not service. He likes contractorship of building construction, lawyership in a criminal court , to run a factory and trading realted to electricity material etc. If the Moon happens to be there in the last two Quarters of this Nakshtra, then it gives exceptional or extra ordinary success to the native in economic and physical matters . . He is also excessively ambitious in this respect. He has extreme attraction towards persons of the opposite sex. The professions he likes are those of the trading of



implements related to entertainment, games and sports materia!, the manufacturing of cloth, spare parts of automobiles physicianship and petroleum goods.
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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SWATI NAKSHTRA' : The man whose birth occurs in the 'Swati Nakshtra, is as beautiful as Cupid, the god of love, in appearance, loves other women than his own wife, remains very happy anel obtains wealth from the King. Notes: In the sign of Libra from 6-40'to 20 is regarded the sphere of the Swati Nakshtra. The Lord of this Nakshtra is Rahu. According to the writer of 'Hora Ratna', the native born in the Swati Nakshtra is devout or righteous, sweet spoken, champion or warrior, clever in buying and selling, amorous or lustful, has much knowledge, bears the pain of penance and is learned. Undoubtedly such a native is fully learned, very sensitive, has insight, is deft in fore seeing future events, is blessed with sharp memory and likes his profession. He has much liking for Astrology, Tantra, Chemicals, automobiles, means of entertainment, art, food materials, the professions related to musical instruments and food material etc.

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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'VISHAKHA NAKSHTRA' : The person who is born in .the Vishakha Nakshtra is always engaged in doing Yagya and worship



of deities; he has knowledge of the activities relating to metal; his nature is characterised sometimes gy fierceness and sometimes by mildness and he is friendly to none. Notes: The Nakshtra of Vishaka completes only its 3 quarters in beginni_oo,from 20 of the sign of Libra to its 30. The 4_!1:1. quarter of this Nakshtra covers the sign of l)COrpio from 0 to 3- 20' and due to this it is natural that there should be differences in the characteristics relating to its first three quarters and those relating to the 4th quarter. The Lord of this Nakshtra is Jupiter. The person born in the first three Quarters is endowned with religious disposition (state of mind), is atheist, of mild and sweet nature. He takes. the side of justice and peace, is rich in urbanity or civility, love is woven in his very texture and he nurtures or rears the feeling or thought of philanthropism. Such persons have a balanced point of view and they are popular in their society due to showing liberality or generosity of heart and presenting a point of view of coordination or harmony. As regards the profession adopted by them they are interested in court practice, education, medical science or art or painting. They are interested in writing as well. The persons born in the 4th Quarter of the Vishakha Nakshtra have freedom in their thought current. Their point of view is rational and logical and their personality is characterised by enthusiasm, dignity and it is influential. Once after selecting their way they march on it and do not care for the result. They are often subjected to absence of peace in their married life because of imprudence and carelessness and they have to face even the situation of living. alone. A native born in the 4th quarter of the Vishakha Nakshtra assoicates himself with the Defence Department, land building construction,



Games lncharge etc. and gets celebrity (fame) in his field of action (profession). Such persons are proper for managing and directing a trust.

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THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'ANURADHA NAKSHTRA' : The person who is born in the Anuradha Nakshtra is endowed with excellent lustre and loveliness and fame and glory. He loves festivity. Such a person is the conqueror of his enemies, deft or skilled in arts and possessor of much property. Notes: The Nakshtra of Anuradha covers the sign of Scorpio from its 3- 20' to 16- 40'. Its Lord is Saturn. One born in this Nakshtra has to do much struggle in life and to face much conflict. He has to fight against obstructions and obstacles In every field of life, due to which he gets firmness, energy and enthusiasm, practicability, becomes influential, aggressive, harsh and optimistic. He is forced to develop a special manner for fighting against circumstances. Due to these various qualitites he lives a happy and obsturction free life of above 50 years. Such a native gets success in occupations relating to mines, metallurgy (furnace) medicine, surgery, leather industry, insurance and in activities relating to things of antiquity (or things of olden times).

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NAKSHTRA' : The person whose birth occurs in the Jyeshtha Nakshtra is endowed with fame, lustre or loveliness and grandeur (wealth). He is also exceptionally very rich, truly brilliant and glorious, rich in excellent talent and has central place among orators or good speakers. Notes: The Jyeshtha Nakshtra is lorded by the planet Mercury. This Nakshtra covers the sign of Scorpio from its 16- 40' to 30. Because the Lord of the Jyeshtha Nakshtha is Mercury, therefore, the person born in this Nakshtra is intelligent, has refined mental power, is clever, vigorous or energetic, courageous and has the capacity to make plans and to fight against odds and circumstances which he faces in connection with them. He broadens the way (road) of his achievements with his intelligence and wisdom even in odd, difficult circumstances. He has attractive influent~al personality. But his influence is felt by the other people only after coming in his contact. A native born in this Nakshtra gets stability (permanence) in his field of action with his own efforts. He has to fight against the problem of earning his bread or living and against conflict and odds and he is successful in getting real meaningful progress after the age of 28 years. Such a native makes the following things as his field of action : Chemicals, life saving drugs, purification of minerals, textile, electricity, musicial instruments, Life lnsuracne, intruments relating to surgery, surgery itself, furnace, jail administration, manufacturing of copper wires, discovery relating to the ocean, shipping and the field relating to navy etc.

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fh)ttiffi)+fP4ugs ~ llq~ 11




MOOLA: The infant who is born in the inauspicious part of the Moola Nakshtra destroys the family, but the one who is born in the 'contrary part, that is, in the auspicious part of it, increases the good fortune, longevity and the family, it is the ~?aying of saints.
Notes: This Nakshtra covers the sign of sagittarius from oo to 13- 20' of it. The presiding deity (Lord) of this Nakshtra is Ketu.

There is the beginning of a sign and of a Nakshtra from the Moola Nakshtra, while there occurs the ending of a sign and of a Nakshtra from the Jyeshtha Nakshtra. It is due to this that both these Nakshtras are counted in the Moola Nakshtras whose pacification rites are performed on the 27th day after the birth of the infant. The description of the auspicious and inauspicious parts of the Moola Nakshtra has been given by Pandit Dhundhi Raj in the 20, 21 and 25 Shlokas of this very chapter. The person born in the Moola Nakshtra is compassionate (merciful, kind) by nature, honest to his occupation, he gives respects to others and he gets respect from others, he is habituated to live in a disciplined manner and has the ability for leadership.He is speically inclined towards the observance of religious rites and therefore he is superstitious. But he is always ready to rise spiritually. He is always meditating upon being unattached to worldly objects. Due to this feeling and thinking he is extremely extravagant and spends much. The feeling of indifference (contempt) may always be seen in him towards keeping the account of income and expenditure. With regard to his field qf action or profession he is extremely enthusiastic, and he is hasty in his desire for making continual progress. He is engaged (employed) in



games and sports, aviation, some satellite institute or organization, the Planning Department, Yagya, intelligence (espionage) etc. There is an uncertainty in his occupation and he certainly makes change in his occupation : According to the learned astrologers of .Kerala (an Indian State) the auspicious and inauspicious effects of birth in the various parts of the Moola Nakshtra due to the situation of the Moon in them are as follows:
SI.No. The situation of the Moon in the various parts of the Mooia Nakshtra From
Signs Degrees Kalas Vikalas


Signs Degrees Kalas Vikalas

1. 2. 3.

as- aa. aa- aa as- oo- ss- 2a as- a1 4a'. 46"

as- oo- ss- 2a as- a1- 4a'- 46" as- a2- 4a'. aa

Death of the native's father. Death of the native's father. Death of his sister's husband. Death of his grand father. Death of his mother. Death of the sister of his mother. Death of his maternal uncle. Death of 'his aunt (eider or younger) Passing of the family through odds at the time of birth.


aB- a2- 4a'- aa as- as- 33' 2a" as- 04?- 26'- 4a"

as- as- 33'- 2a as- 04. 26'- 4a" as- as- 2a- aa


7. B.

as- as- 2a'- aa as- a6- 13' 2a"

as- 6" 13' 2a" as- a7- a6'- 4a"


as- a7- a6' 4a"

oa- as- aa- aa

10. 08- o8- oo- oo

o8- o8- 53'- 2o
Harmful for the milch cattle and the domestic animals of the family.


08- o8- 53'- 20'

08- 09 46'- 40'

Harmful for the domestic servants.

12. 13. 14. 15.

08- 09- 46'- 40' 08- 10- 40'- 00' 08- 11- 33'- 20' 08- 12.- 26'- 40'

08- 10- 40'- oo 08- 11- 33'- 20' 08- 12- 26'- 40' 08- 13- 20'- oo

Native's own death. Death of his eldest brother. Death of his eldest brother. Death of his grand father on the mother's sld.e.

It is the saying of our sages (wise, learned astrologers) that a daughter born in the Moola Nakshtra brings total destruction of her parents, and if the son is . born in this Nakshtra he becomes either a King or like a King. It is also said that the father of the person (bride groom) who marries a girl born in the Moola Nakshtra dies within a year of their marriage.

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11Pttcii 'SI)u:R)s~ II=?<~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE ABHUKTA MOOLA: The last one ghati (2 112 ghatis = 1 hour) of the beginning of the Moofa Nakshtra are referred to as Abhuktamoola. The face of the native born during this period should not



be seen for eight years by the father who wishes auspicious or beneficial effects for himself (or who wishes his own well being). Now we speak of the rites for the pacification and prevention or warding off this evil. Notes: The duration (period or time) of the Abhukta Moola stated in the above Shloka (No. 20) is described, according to 'Brahmarishi - Vashishtha', in our Puran Rashi. According to Maharishi Brahaspati, the last ghati of the Jyeshtha Nakshtra and the half ghati of the beginning of the Moola Nakshtra is the Abhukta Moola. In the view of DevaRishi Narada, the son of Brahma , the last four ghatis of the Jyeshta Nakshtra and the four ghatis of the beginning of the Moola Nakshtra, these both added togeher that is, 8 ghatis, form the time referred to as Abhukta Moola. In the view of the other Acharyas (astrologers) the eight last ghatis of the Jyeshtha Nakshtra and the first 5 ghatis of the Moola Nakshtra, that is, these 13 ghatis taken together form the Abhukta Moola. Maharishi Kashyapa has said that Abhukta Moola is there at the junctur~ of the Ashlesha and the Magha Nakshtras, while Brahmarishi Vashishtha has also included the last 4 gh.atis of the Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Rewati Nakshtras and the first 4 ghatis of the Magha, Moola and Ashwini Nakshtras, that is, the interval of 8 ghatis, in the class of Abhukta Moola and has declared that the natives born in this interval should be abandoned or given up. He points out thus in the following Shloka: .

cfl '<:;:;:; '< "ti'TmJ mPJi ~ mPJi "if d :; "fl'< IWt I

~ ~ ~ wrrui ~ wt mr 11Cti ~"if 11

~: ~: ""tt....,a~.n:~:...: Sl'{'ll)ql
ft ltlf~~ ~ ttt+ll~ ~ ~ ft II~~ II


41t>!Cfllt:EIIf?ttj'AI<21 ~: tiAJifc:~
\JN~~>tSI<;I<21-"'EI' ~ f41ritifcl FciNilq4~ ~

'tlftr I wPf. II~~ II


~ ~~:1

~ Ci"'iA ~ ~ ffqq)"<j~: I~~ II

THE RITES TO BE PERFORMED FOR THE PACIFICATION OF BIRTH IN MOOLA: Both the parents of the native should do 'Japa' (recitation of a Mantra), 'haum' (a fire offering) and Daana (the giving of alms) after taking bath, which has been given to them by Brahmins, with the water coming out and falling from the holes of a pitc:;her having one hundred holes in it, and - in which (that is in the pitcher) the parents have put the nine gems; the roots of Shataushdhi and the earth (clay) of severi places of pilgrimage, it will be certainly auspicious and will give good fortune. It is .in this way that the wise astrologers have spoken of the rites to be perforr:ned for the pacification of that part of the Moola Nakshtra which invites evils. And the words of the Munis (thinkers, that is, wise astrologers) should be obeyed by those persons who are desirous of getting auspicious effects or ~ood fortune for themselves.

~ 41<i~tt~

'W'1fol f?tg\ri'1"'41U ~ ~I
I~~ II

lj11cl1 f.rnr;:ci ~ fcfi;h1f ~t>Q;\)4'{

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VARIOUS QUARTERS OF THE MOOLA NAKSHTRA : If the birth of a native has occurred in the first three quarters of the Moola Nakshtra there will be harm respecitvely to the father and the mother of the native and of their



wealth. The fourth quarter has been spoken of as giving auspicious effects. But the effects should be considered to be quite opposite to these in the Ashlesha Nakshtra.
Notes: If the birth of the native takes place in the first

quarter of the Moola Nakshtra, it indicates evil to the native's father; if it occurs in the second quarter the same effects are obtained by his mother; and if the native is born in the Third quarter, it causes harni to his parent's wealth. The ri.tes fo be performed for the pacification of these evils (births in these 3 quarters) are described in detail jn the voluminous 'books dealing with 'Karma Kandas' (ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites.) The native born in the Fourth Quarter has been regarded as auspicious. The Nakshtra of Ashlesha has also been counted among the Moola Nakshtras. But' its effects have been pointed out to be the very opposite to those of the Moola Nakshtra, that is, the birth in the first quarter of this Nakshtra (Ashlesha) is auspicious, that in the second quarter is harmful to the parent's wealth, that in the third quarter portends evil and pain to the mother and that in the 4th quarter the same evil effects to the father . According to Brahmarishi Vashishtha, if the birth occurs in the First Quarter of the Moola Nakshtra in the night time, it does not cause harm and pain to the father; and it is also said that if the birth occurs in the second quarter of it in the day time, it is not inauspicious to the mother. . If the pacification rites for the birth in the evil causing . quarter are not observed, evils and harm will be caused to the father within one year, for the. mother within three years, and there will be the harm of wealth belonging to the parents within two years. According to another book on Astrology the effects of birth in these quarters of the Moola Nakshtra are as follows:




If the birth occurs in one of the 4 quarters of the Moola Nakshtra the effects of it will be according to the following Shloka
~ 4 IC:Ntl C1'f4 ~ 'if "q;c;j ifi1ffiJ I ~, ~ '<j~?lfhi ~ vrrm) OR: II

"Here are stated the effects of birth that is, in the four quarters of the Moola Nakshtra respectively which are as given below-the native will be voluptuous (enjoying the pleasures of the senses) if the birth occurs in the first quarter, he will be one renouncing the material things, . if in the second quarter, he will be a Sumitra or a good friend, if in the third quarter and a King's son if in the fourth quarter.

tp:')~~crol~ ~ +tt'J\JII~!~: ~:I

i)\iil...,.qm:!l ~ ~ +j\(1j4\t'14 C1'tf'66 ~ ~ ~nf "f.tftT Sll C1 ffi It1 'f4 "'I g<'l 'f4 "iJ I
~ ~?lc.Pf'f4
U1'114\(1'1PiM"l I ~1911

I ~fc II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH ON CERTAIN TITHIS AND DAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the Moola Nakshtra happens to fall on the Third and the Tenth Tithis of the Krishna Paksha (the dark half of a month) and on the 14th Tithi of the Shukla Paksha (the bright half of a month) and on the week days of Tuseday, Saturday or Wednesday, becomes the destroyer of his family. If the birth occurs in the day time, evil (misfortune) befalls to the family of the native's father; if it does in the Sandhya time (or evening time which is the juncture of two times), it befalls to that of his mother; if in the night, it befalls to the cattle; and if in the morning; it befalls to the friends.


'WI'-~ ~t'Jq;(1

~ -q~ ~ -q~ ~~4~t:ffecmeCI)"{ 1

'l\lllltif ~\114)gn1 ~'14'1th;il~ I Rlll

yq Ofl1tT ~ ~ ~ \ifR1): ~ 'TPilGlif:

~ !JMICI)I~ ~

q;(1+tJ~Itlq I~ II

THE ORDEAL Y, ARRANGEMENT IN MAN'S SHAPE OF THE GHATIS OF MOOLA AND ASHLESHA NAKSHTRAS : Beginning with the First Ghati of the Moola Nakshtra after arranging its ghatis in man's shape in the following way should be made the prediction of their effects: The fjrst five. ghatis are arranged in the forehead, the next 5 ghatis in the face, the next 8 ghatis in the shoulders, the next 8 ghatis in the two arms, then 2 ghatis on the two palms, then 8 ghatis in the heart, then 2 ghatis in the navel, then 10 ghatis in the anus region, then 6 ghatis in both the thighs and. 6 ghati~ in both the feet.
~: ~~l(~ch~


~~ 'T.I' f.ligil 'f<ICI)4ptt_ ll~o II ~t'LIICI)I'<: Cl)'(i;~ '<l~l~tfc;ll ~ I

. ~ 'ijf10j~fa;


~t'Jq;t>j fcl;c;r 'SI)cffi ~ !JPI!Jil~: II~:? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE GHATIS OF THE MOOLA NAKSHTRA: If the birth of the native occurs in the ghatis of the forehead there will be the gain of. Chhatra or umbrella; if it does in those of the face, the death of the father; if in those of the shoulders the native will be a porter; if in those of the arms he will be engaged in



doing wicked deeds; if in those of the palms he will be engaged in doing violent deeds; if in those of the h~art he will attain. kingdom; if in those of the navel he will have short span of longevity; if in those of the anus region he will have ugly looking face; if in those of the thighs he will be a rover or a wanderer and; if in those of the feet, he will have short span of longevity. It is in this way that the effects of birth in the various ghatis of the Moola Nakshtra have been indicated by the munis Of the great thinkers on Astrology. THE SPECULUM OF THE EFFECTS OF THE ORDEAL Y ARRANGEMENT OF THE VARIOUS GHATIS OF THE MOOLA NAKSHTRA IN MAN'S SHAPE: SL No.

Organs of The number the body of ghatis Forehead Face Five Five

Effects Obtainment of a high post in the government circle. Death of his father, or loss of wealth or getting of some bodily disease. The earning of bread as a porter or coolie. Being engaged in antisocial and immoral activities. Being engrossed in doing violence. Obtainment of kingdom, or obtainment of a high post in government circle. Short span of longevity (32 years at the most).



Shoulders Arms

Eight Eight


Palms Heart

Two Eight




THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VARIOUS NAKSHTRAS SL No. Organs of the body Anus region Thighs Feet The number of ghatis Ten Six Six Effects


8. 9. 10.

Strange face or ugly face. Interested in tourism or wandering Short span of longevity (32 years at the most)

~ ~Qo: ~<htlif ~d~4441(1_ ~~~~II

. THE EFFECTS OF THE GHATIS OF THE ASHLESHA NAKSHTRA: The ghatis and Palas and their effects in the case of the Nakshtra of Ashlesha are quite opposite to those of the Moola Nakshtra. ( In this case the orderly arrangement of the ghatis in man's shape is to be started from the end.) THE SPECULUM OF THE EFFECTS OF THE ORDEALY ARRANGEMENT OF THE VARIOUS GHATIS OF THE ASHLESHA NAKSHTRA IN MAN'S SHAPE SL No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Forehead Face Shoulders Arms Palms The number of Ghatis Six Six Ten Two Eight EFFECTS Short span of longevity (32 years at the most). Interest in tourism or wandering. Strange face (ugly fa~e). Short span of longevity (32 years at the most). Obtainment of kingdom, or obtainment of a high post In the government circle.


SL No. The number of Ghatis Two Eight Eight

JATAKA BHARNAM EFFECTS Being engaged in violence. Being engrossed in doing violence. The earning of bread as a porter or coolie. Death of his Father, or loss of wealth or getting of some bodily disease. Obtainment of a high post in the government circle.


Heart Navel


Anus region







l@atR~~~~ ~am) ~8 ~: lj'W: ~-tRT: I fqffi "''RJT Wl : 'C'P'I'ffi fcl ftc\~ qI ~ : ll~'d' II ft lqf(Q8 ~8 ~ 'J)tl) ~ qJCfl'<: I 'l'f"~ ~8 il'tm PciWJ4ii: ~: ll~'ill ~ Pclwj'<'<fi Tf "tJCA) j"l<lffitll I tjOj~~ 1!~~feftil ~ "'ll'lJ tl'<~8111~~ II !01\Jit4Riflil ~ ~ ~ lfl01"11<1cti: I

fclq4ffi ~ otli1fl+1 ~


THE MUHURTA LORDS OF THE NAKSHTRAS OF MOOLA AND OF ASHLESHA : In the Moola Nakshtra 1. Rakshasa, 2. Vatudhana, 3. Soma, 4. Shukra, 5: Fanishwara, 6. Pita, 7. Mata, 8. Varna, 9. Kaal, 10. Vishwedeva, 11. Maheshwara, 12. Sharva, 13. Kuber, 14. Shukra, 15. Megha, 16. Diwakar, 17. Gandharva, 18. Varna, 19. Brahma, 20. Vishnu, 21. Varna, 22. lshwar, 23. Vishnu, 24. Rudra, 25. Pawan, 26. Muni, 27. Kartikeya, 28. Bhringiriti, 29. Saraswati and, 30. Prajapati, these 30 are the Muhurta Lords of this (Moola)



Nakshtra. In the Ashlesha Nakshtra the Muhurta Lords are in the reverse serial order and the effects should be considered according to the name of the muhurta. Notes: The 30th part of the total meas~re of a Nakshtra constitutes the measure of a Muhurta which is regarded as per the Madhyama Maana (average value) having the measure of two ghatis or as of two ghatis. The effects should be considered according to the name of the Muhurta in which the birth has occurred. THE SPECULUM RELATING TO THE MUHURTA LORDS OF THE MOOLA NAKSHTRA:
Muhurtas 1 Muhurta Lords

3 4







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> Ql




~ :::;



"' "'


3: s::



c: "' s:: "' :::; "' en




:> "" s::







Muhurtas 16 17 18 19 20 21 Muhurta Lords

23 24

25 26

27 28 29 30

<! "' a s:: :> E "' :> a "' .. c: c: "" s:: s:: c: 3: s:: E E "' 3: "' s:: I!! i5 "' >5 >"' CD "' !!l >


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1 1;

3: (J)




11 12

13 14


= ;::

Muhurta Lords


e"' a..

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"' ~




a.. a:






s:: .!!!

~ E "'


s:: (J)


E s::

2: "' a "' "" c: E "' 3: e "' >"' "' i5




Muhurtas 16

17 18


20 21

22 23 24 25

26 27

28 29


Muhurta Lords



e "' "" :>







"' en

2: "'

3: .r:: (J)


> "' "' ..


3: s::





"' >"'



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~~ ~8


~~fl~ ~I

~~ !J\thii ~ ~ ~: II~~ II
INAUSPICIOUS MUHURTAS: Rakshasa, Yatudhan, Pita, Yama and Kaal, these 5 Muhurtas are inauspicious at the time of birth.

~: ~ 1'J"ij[J: CliT8l:

mr 'ifi'0118 ~ ftrcn: I

~ ~ Vl'R!J'I -q:;i ~ ~ 'ftron II~~ II

ORDEALY ARRANGEMENT OF THE GHATIS OF THE MOOLA NAKSHTRA IN THE SHAPE OF A TREE; The first 4 ghatis of the Moola Nakshtra should be made (regarded) as the root of the tree (in which the various ghatis of the Moola Nakshtra have been orderly arranged); the next 7 ghatis its stem, the next 8 ones its bark; the next 10 ones its .branches; the next 9 ones its leaves; the next 5 ones its flowers; the next 6 ones its fruits; and the last 11 ones its tip. It is in this way that the shape of the tree is to be made.

CA~"EJ8~ ~~

~I ~ tr.m ~ Plfh~d't I ~o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE GHATIS ORDERLY .ARRANGED IN A TREE: If the birth of the native occurs in the ghatis which have been imagined as the fruits and the leaves of the shape of the tree, the effects will be auspicious, and if it occurs in the remaining ghatis which have been imagined as the other parts of it, the effects will be certainly inauspicious.


1M~ -q
('j l'<ti+<l


~ ~ ~ '1~ T.l ~'(Jtlllfdll ~~Wf 1Mfl{ II'Jilll

HARMONY OR COORDINATION IN THE AUSPICIOUS OR INAUSPICIOUS EFFECTS OF THE 'MOOLA NAKSHTRA' : If there are more auspicious effects in those ones which have been spoken of as the effects according to the Quarters of the Moola Nakshtra, to the Muhurtas , to the shape of a tree, and to the shape of man then it is auspicious, on the contrary, if there are more inauspicious effects, it is inauspicious.

ftmr 3tR 1mil 'ij; ~lffir -q


~8 ""~ Sl't'Jfdd~ umffil 'ti'TCi err 'm'ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ VFr: I I'd=? II

THE EFFECTS IF THE NATIVE'S BIRTH HAPPENS TO BE IN THE NAKSHTRAS OF HIS FATHER OR OF HIS ELDER BROTHER: If the native's birth occurs in the Nakshtras of his father or of his elder brother then it is certainly inauspicious or portending evil to the father and to the elder brother.

~ uPttc;; 'ffiJ ~ T.l fcrqafl)) : 1 ~-'W'f it'<u~J;;j

chi fcnw:r ~:

I I'd~ II

RITES TO BE PERFORMED FOR PACIFICATION WHEN THE . BIRTH HAPPENS TO BE IN THE NAKSHTRAS OF THE FATHER AND THE ELDER BROTHER: The Pacification Rites which have been spoken of if the birth occurs in the Moola Nakshtra should also be performed by the learned Pandits in such a case (when the birth occurs in the Nakshtras of the father or the elder brother) and the Brahmins should be given with devotion, land, gems, gold and other objects of charity.



'WA'IIf'3! ~em tti+11;:q ~

~ ~ tl'1ql~'1iliiil

ftffi .,..ill::::rt'I""IGil~: fuoi'!q;qq;'tlf I

!ldl~di\CI~\11"'1) ~ 1@ ~ f41\DI'14 '\1lfSI': I rd\1 II

GENERAL EFFECTS DUE TO BIRTH IN THE 'MOOLA NAKSHTRA' : The native whose birth occurs in the Moola Nakshtra gets happiness, is endowed with wealth and conveyance, is violent, strong, engaged in a stable occupation (to earn his living), destroyer of his enemies and intelligent and wise.

'lCj fttl ~

\11 '"'1 q) til

~ ~4:ffillNi'11j\Cm)

mmr ~:ti&lflqt'llti:


"f'i tll'q\Jill~d Of4l""ITGT '{<ifttla I~

"lff4 ~: I rd~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE NAKSHTRA OF POORVA SHADHA: The native whose birth occurs in the Nakshtra of Poorva Shadha, remains restless for drinking. water. He is voluptuous, has the gift of wit (cleverness in speaking), is of good character and disposition and owns much wealth. Notes: The Nakshtra of Poorva Shadha happens to fall in the sign of Sagittarius from 13- 20' to 26- 40' of it. Its lordship is claimed by Venus. One born in this Nakshtra takes interst in eating Rajsika foods. He has talent and the ability to draw quick conclusions. His point of view. is usually logical, artistic and has breadth and vastness. By nature he is sweet tempered, generous, likes humour and is over flowed with love. He takes the side of peace and justice in his whole life. There is great importance of balance in his life. He is habituated to live life with love, purity and truth. As regards profession or occupation he adopts and associates himself with judiciary, department of food, cloth industty, land, building construction, arts, articles and wares related to women,



medicines and science etc. But it is quite certain that in whatever field he enters he gets the leadership due to his achieving great success. There is the speical role of some helper in his adopting other pr'ofessions than those of medicines and art. Such a native may also be successful in mysterious sciences, philosophy and Astrology.
\'J'd '(11!11 ip
\Jj"'' q; (i1

<mil C:lMii ~ fcAffi: 'l1t<t>4q;t~f ~:I

q;l"ffl'<jtllqlti'<j<Sl) Piflr~ ~ ~: ~~ I~~ II

. THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'UTTARASHADHA NAKSHTRA': The native who is born in the Nakshtra of Uttarashadha is bountiful (or liberal), compassionate, victorious, courteous, doer of good or virtuous deeds, has greatness and power, exceptionally happy with wife and sons, handsome, and is proud. Notes: The Nakshtra of Uttarashadha has its area in two Rashis or signs-Sagittarius and Capricorn, from 26- 40' to 30 in the sign of Sagittarius and from oo to 1oo in that of Capricorn. The Lord of this Nakshtra is the Sun. But there is also the influence of Jupiter on its first quarter. Due to this its effects may be divided into two parts. THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE UTTARASHADHA NAKSHTRA: There is great influence of the Sun and of Jupiter on the native born in this quarter. Therefore such a native tends towards getting higher education. He has self pride, is ambitious, and is gifted with foresight. He has good health, is full of vigour and vitality, loves humour, remains cheerful and is very liberal in spending his wealth. He is devout, tends towards religion and greatly learned in philosophy and is simple hearted. His personality has dignity and excellence and it inspires him naturally to adopt such profession in which he should



have the central position, where his very word or command should be the law and his superiority or supremacy is. well decided. Therefore such a native is usually the principal of some college, or the Head of some Department, Justice (Magistrate/ District Magistrate) well learned in Ayur Veda (the science of Longevity), Director of yoga, a true Sanyasin (one who has renounced the world to meditate on God.) or founder of some religious institution. Due to their virtues and getting success in their profession such natives distinguish themselves by obtaining fame. THE SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH QUARTERS OF THE UTTARASHADHA NAKSHTRA: The native who is born in these 3 quarters of .the Uttarashadha Nakshtra is influenced by Saturn and the Sun. Such a native tends very eagerly to make a plan in a well decided manner about any matter before he has started it; and he completes the work with full honesty according to the method which has been well decided by him after thinking over it. This very thing may be seen in his way of life and in his actions. Such natives prove to be genuine and truthful on the touchstone of Advisers with reJard to serious problems of life. Such natives may be seen at work in Electronics, Department of Archaeology, Intelligence Department, Scientific and Technical Department, Income Tax Department, Finance Department etc. They are remarkably successful as advisers.
~ \i1""'1Q)(ij

~~'clR:it1C61Pa: ~: '<1\iil"''l"''i

OfJ 1{CJfcf fcArn~i"<'ci?IRf:

~: I

~ C4'ffiqj~ 1tA'Cf: ~


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VARIOUS NAKSHTRAS 101 ; NAKSHTRA': If the birth of the native occurs in the Nakshtra of Abhijita he is extremely beautiful, has lustre or splendour, is dear to virtuous (good) men, courteous of manner, has excellent fame, is elegant (well formed), . is endowed with great devotion towards gods and Brahmins, is clear spoken and is the chief of his family. Notes: This Nakshtra does not have its separate existence. The 4th quarter of the Uttarashadha Nakshtra and the first four ghatis of the Shravana Nakshtra, (these taken together) are referred to as the Abhijita Nakshtra. This area has the influence of Saturn, the Sun and the Moon. A native born in this Nakshtra is able to do some distinctive (special) intellecutal investigation due to his imaginative insight, some profound research, is the founder of some philosophical theory, and can make some original research. He is skilful in having the balanced combination of head and heart, intellect and emotion and he can use this combination in his field of action in a very decisive way. Such natives do not have respect towards older opinions (values) prejudices and traditions; they establish new values and new traditions. They get renown (fame) as the creators of a new social order. They have special obtainment of fame, popularity and money in the field of writing. There is some exceptional (special) usefulness of their writings. They also usually become the leader of the various activities of public welfare, Public Movements and social revolution.

11'HIIj"lcm) i!i~?l~?l: \fiNI?IflfffifcfiGJt~lfhar: I 1I'J'O?r ~.IJI q 01 Sl <fl o1i} \DI "'I cf)l Jl .iJj'quf ~ ~ Ifts' ~ II
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE NAKSHTRA OF SHRAVANA: If the birth of native occurs at the time when there is the Nakshtra of Shravana, the native . is



engrossed in (devoted to) the Shastras, has many sons and friends, has reverence and respect for eligible persons, is conqueror over his enemies, and has interest in listening to the Puranas. Notes: This Nakshtra has its area from 1oo to 23- 10' in the sign of Capricorn. Its Lord is the Moon. It is influenced by the Moon and Saturn. The native born in this Nakshtra is usually emotional, liberal, virtuous (or good), imaginative, suspicious, loves entertainment, is indolent (lazy) and likes tricks or pranks. It is his inclination (desire) that everything is to be done cleanly. He likes to live in a mild, placid and peaceful atmosphere. He has speical interest in social W<?rks. Various socially useful activities are accomplished (completed) by him. He has exceptional attachment to traditions and festivals. He adopts as his profession activities relating to land., building construction, electronic materials connected with physical comforts and conveniences, petroleum, water supply department, agriculture, ice factory, automible, Tantra and things produced by animals etc.


~ ";jlft')jlj)('j

3ilili'<C:I<'IIC:'<ill'<>lt'i'Jci'l ~ ~ ~:I
"i1 ~~<GPI61 "lt\iSIIa6ittlta'l ~: ~ I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE NAKSHTRA OF DHANISHTHA: The native whose birth occurs in the Nakshtra of Dhanishtha is of excellent conduct (behaviour), bountiful, gives respect to others, is exceptionally rich, powerful and mighty, compassionate and gets great prestige and honour. Notes: The Nakshtra of Dhanishtha is there from 2320' to 30-00! in the sign of Capricorn and from 0000' to 06-40' in that of Aquarius. The Lord of both these


signs is Saturn and the Lord of the Dhanishtha Nakshtra is Mars. Due to this there is not much difference in the effects of the First two quarters of this Nakshtra and in those of the remaining quarters. In those tendencies which are common in both the difference is only of their being negative and positive .The native whose birth occurs in the first two quarters is exceptionally dextrous or skilled in his work. He deserves that which he earns through his work. He remains engaged in his work for a IQng time with full alacrity (vigour) and without being tired. His ambitions in the profession which he adopts are very very high. His statement may be believed. He gets distinctive . success in the activities relating to metals, mines, leather, wormicides, paternal profe.ssion, Life Insurance Department, Surgeons, department of rehabilitation, . cement, Meteorological Department, packaging material etc. The native who is born in the last two quarters of the Dhanishtha Nakshtra is exceptionally ambitious. He measures (values) every thing done by him with the scale of profit and loss. He will not be prepared to do anything until and unless it has any usefulness in it. He gives more care and consideration to the effects or results than he does to the work done by him. Success, profit and usefulness are the important facts for him. Such natives get success as organizers, directors, advisers and managers in the professions or departments which have been told for the natives born in the first two quarters of the Dhanishtha Nakshtra.
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SHATABHISHA: The native whose birth occurs in the Nakshtra of Shatabhisha is fearful of cold, extra ordinarily courageous, hard hearted, clever (intelligent) and has the might to destroy his enemies. Notes: This Nakshtra is Lorded by Rahu. The area of this Nakshtra is from 6~ 40' to 20-. 00' in the sign of Aquarius. A native born in this Nakshtra gets exceptional fame due to his origninal ideas and principles. His thought . current usually flows freely and is original. He reveals the tendency of extremism in every field. There is always vast greediness in his disposition. Fierceness, captious critit::ism, indolence (laziness), and love for loneliness may be very easily seen in his dispostion. The mark of his original thinking and of his manner of doing things is seen in every field. He is strictly orthodox, traditionalist and conservative. Bigotry is an important part of his disposition due to which it is not in his nature to change the decision which he has once made with regard to any thing. A native born in the Shatabhisha Nakshtra is not able to get desired success in his field of action in the earlier years of his life; but after the 36 years of his life .he makes continuous uninterrupted and stable progress. Such natives make distinctive progress when they are at work in scientific research, electronics, electricity department, civil aviation department, astronomy, department of archaeology, department of History and Life Insurance and the like.

~ "'IH?II6<1

. RilaP<i~: tt<fCfi<'ll'g "Gifi) Riltti~Qifl: ~~~I



~ ll!iq II



in the Poorvabhadrapada Nakshtra is one whose senses or passions are subdued, is skilled in all the arts, is conqueror of tiis enemies and a unique thinker.

Notes: This Nakshtra covers the sign of Aquarius from 20- 00' to 30- 00' of it and the sign of Pisces from 00- 00' to 03- 20'of it. It .is Lorded by the planet Jupiter, but the influence of Saturn is also there in the first three quarters. Therefore, the native born in these quarters achieves distinctive level of prestige or reputation. If the other Planetary positions in his horoscope are favourable, he has standard of life of the level of high class people. His supremacy is formed even in the government circles. He is peace loving but has self pride and self respect . adopts a life of principJes, is optimistic, devout, religious, and has belief in God. He makes his means of living in the areas of foreign trade, of manufacturing, teaching, astronomy, finance corporatation, Finance Secretariat, Income Tax, Publishing, politics etc. If he gets some post under the government he ascends very soon to the chair (post) of a high official. Such natives often get reputation and fame as greatly respected teachers, writers, investigators etc.
The natives who are born in the fourth quarter of ttw Poorvabhadrapada Nakshtra have the double influence of Jupiter. Such a native is compassionate, expounder or representative of high moral values, excessively self respecting , has liberal way of thinking and is endowed with interest in literature.There is magnetic attraction and effective and influential capacity in his personality and on the basis of it and due to his practicability he makes for himself a respectable position in society. Such a native particularly gets success in the field of education. Besides this natives born in this Nakshtra get



success also in export trade, as advisers, preachers of sermons, magistrates or justices, high officials, law reviewers, trustees and as presidents of religious and reform committees.

~"'~ ~ lfi2)~ T{'11~iil~t:: ~I

~q~~~~i'11'1~'1~~: 11~=?11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE NAKSHTRA OF UTIARA BHADRAPADA: The native whose birth occurs in the Nakshtra of Uttarabhadrapada is like a jewel among other members of his family, that is, he excels all. He is the performer of auspicious deeds, subjected to pride, wealthy, of medium stature or size and worthy of honour.
Notes: This Nakshtra covers the sign of Pisces from 3-

20' to 16- 40' of it. It is Lorded by Saturn. The social cricle of the native born in this Nakshtra is very wide. He wins popularity among the number of people belonging to the high and low classes. The one important reason of it is his feeling of generosity towards others. He is doer of social service, has the tendency of renunciation, has' special interest towards getting knowledge and is influential. He may be truly called perfectly secular and peace loving. The native born in the Nakshtra of Uttarabhadrapada relates himself with the ministry of foreign affairs, Reserve Bank, Shipping, Foundary, Tourism, Fishing Industry and occupations relating to watery things. Besides these, he . makes exceptional succes in the field of education also. ,. Such natives may also be seen organizing charitable hospitals, and orphanages etc.



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THE EFFECl'S OF BIRTH IN THE NAKSHTRA OF REWATI: The native who is born in the Nakshtra of Rewati is of charming disposition, endowed with grandeur and wealth, subdues the senses, earns wealth with auspicious or virtuous means and is very intelligent. Notes: The boundaries of the Nakshtra of Rewati are between the 16- 40' and the 30- 00' of the sign of Pisces. It is Lorded by Mercury. A native born in this Nakshtra is extremely industrious (hard working) works according to a planned way and is skilled in getting victory in his struggles. He is man of high thinking and is gifted with intelligence. He is honest and has the ability to express himself in a very clear and effective way. Mercury and Jupiter both have lordship over two signs. Due to this, there is conflict in the mind of such natives and their mind is also full of suspicion, doubt. Mercury is the significator of cleverness. Therefore, a native born under his influence adopts a clever manner to get any of his work done. These two planets are related to learning and intellect also. Therefore, the natives born in the Nakshtra of Rewati are thoughtful, reflective, learned and are dextrous in making plans. A native born in this Nakshtra often gets fame as a satirist. He eams his bread through such occupations as publishing, writing, editing, law, engineering, advertising, newspaper editing, P.C.O., teacher of l~w. speed post, embassy, commission etc.

3m "1 Cl i~ I Cf> <'11 EllTll : II~ II



ll'~ '1qiltlif)(1

fcARfi ~fJ

ttf4qle. ~:I

PciC{tli<4t1"1lt'riC1it il ~ ll'~ llq II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE FIRST NAVAMSHA OF A SIGN: The native who is born in the First Navamsha of a sign is humble, devout (religious), truthful, firm in fulfilling his vow and studious.
~ '1qiltlif)(1

\3 N"""' Pcl OfCir 1tTml

'fi ill

~411'1~1tt'tfil ~ ~8J4ill1Crs II~ II


q '<I fGt t'l : I

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SECOND NAVAMSHA: The native who is born in the Second Navamsha of a sign enjoys and spends the paternal wealth, gets defeated in the battle, and is attached with dancing women (that is women dancers).
~ '1qiltllf)(1

'6flfGtt1~fJ l'fi419'tfiiSC"4cfr4ql"t I cfHPcltliPclT.ii'<$1~ ~

t28J4ill1Crs II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE THIRD NAVAMSHA : The native who is born in the Third Navamsha of a sign is a hen pecked husband (that is, he is dominated by his wife), gets no issues, is magical, without semen, but he knows the art of war or fighting.



ill'ffl'<jffll: ~ \11('1~~ ~'11Pcitt: I


Sl\1114~ 11\i II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE FOURTH NAVAMSHA: The native whose birth occurs in the Fourth Navamsha of a sign has a number of wives, is beautiful, worthy of worship or reverence, has exceptional love for playing in water, is endowed with wealth and property and is the king's servant.


i!iill!?i\11'11'11t4~ lF\jll!?i'<j&IPcitt: I '1l\&Riei11G1~RI ~: 1i~1ittl~ lllill

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE FIFTH NAVAMSHA: The native who is born in the Fifth Navamsha of a sign has a number of friends, is the king's minister, has happiness through his friends and his own men and gets much honour and prestige.
lffi '1qilt IIf) ('I


tta~~c;Cf>f<CII: 1

~ ~ ~: oreittlcffl~q: 11~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SIXTH NAVAMSHA: The native who is born in the Sixth Navamsha of a sign conquers his enemy, is a warrior, makes intimate friends and becomes a Tahsildar.
mi1J '14iltlif)(ii

aiSQil\ttl$1: 't!~= C#(iilgtt = 1 fl'114RI('Ctf11G1)RI m;rnn: tltt'1ittl~ Ikg II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SEVENTH NAVAMSHA: The native who is born in the Seventh Navamsha of a sign gets his order obeyed everywhere and is either a king or a general.

110 3rell '1qitt ICjj("'

~: ft!Ri&Ut~) W'l\41"'4<44)~t1: I


~ gG\''1ottlii~ ;:ffi 'Vffi't)setittl4> lit 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE EIGHTH NAVAMSHA: The native who is born in the Eighth Navamsha of a sign has liberal mind, is famous everywhere, hesitates in spending his wealth, is wrathful and gets trouble and pain from the vicious persons.
"'fCJll '1 q i*II cp ("'
c~hf\J?i~ S1 'tl ..... lt"'l Pcl '\<'fl 04 I'tfi -mn ~ I

lffiiT ~ ~ ~. ~ '1qtitt~45 I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE NINTH NAVAMSHA: The native who is born in the Ninth Navamsha of a sign ' has a long span of longevity, is of cheerful disposition, studious, remains always happy, is learned and has knowledge, is religious minded and respected in society.



~ 4)14H'I .

..... . "' ..t ' lmqttlil"t''l3?1i+i?lliG*ll(ll '<'illd"'?ll 'flllffi44ii4!H111

'iltiiMINIC:O\ lJI';:ffi ~~,q,~ ~ ~ ~ UR'I): llq II THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VISHKAMBHA YOGA: If the birth of the native occurs in the yoga of 'Vishkambha' he gets happiness from his wife, sons' and friends etc, is free in doing all his matters and always intent on special consideration with regard to his body. Notes: There are 5 Angas (Parts) of a Panchanga or an almanac: 1. Tithi, 2. Nakshtra, 3. Var (day), 4. Yoga and 5. Karana. Yoga is the 4th Anga or part of a Panchanga. There are 27 yogas in all as one yoga is formed when there is the difference of 13- 20' between the gatis or motions of the Sun and the Moon. 360 = 13- 20'= 1 yoga. 27 But this value (or measure) of 'Yoga' should not make one think that it has any relation with the value (or measure) of a 'Nakshtra', because a 'yoga' shows only the distance of the Sun and the Moon from each other. 'Yoga' has been defined in some such words: q.ij";1jIRI ~ : ~n:lle4i~4il~d: I

<r)Ti'r ~~ ttafcllll Rltt IfR:ttt. I : II

that is, when the total of the gatrs (motions) of the Sun



and the Moon becomes 800', it is referred to as one yoga. In the Rashi Chakra (Zodiac) the number of the yogas is 27 which have the names like Vishkambha etc. we should come to the First yoga named 'Vishkambha'. It has another name also which is Vishkumbha. If yoga is to be known at a particular time on a particular day, first , the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon are to be found out.The sum of these is converted into Kalas. When the Kalas (minutes) obtained in this way are divided by 800 the quotient gives the number of the yogas passed. The remainder indicates the passed Kalas of the present yoga. When this remainder is subtracted from 800 the result and figure indicates as to how many Kalas of the present yoga have ' remained to be pa~sed. The first is referred to as the Bhukta Kala ahd the second as the Bhogya Kala. If these Bhukta (passed) or Bhogya (to be passed) kalas are multiplied by 60 and if the product is divided by the 'Spashta Dainika Gati' or the daily motion of the Sun and the Moon, we get the passed and the present ghatikas of the present .yoga. The meaning is that when from the beginning of the Ashwini Nakshtra both the Sun and the Moon together have crossed 800' Kalas, it is said that one yoga has passed; two yogas pass when they have croseed 1600' kalas. In the same way when both have crossed 12 signs or 21600' kalas ahead from the Nakshtra of Ashwini, it is Said that 27 yogas have passed.


~ 4)14)('1

crmJ ~tJq:'(i\q~qRtgm) G'lm~ t'41tp1'<1'l'll"1"161

\JIItli"''"G: '<1~'1)C:w~-u<ii4s?IRI: 6\Rt\11"'11 ~: II=? II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE PREETI YOGA: The native who is born in the yoga named 'Preeti' is well



versed (expert) in the art of oratory (speaking effectively), has handsome countenance, is endowed with wealth, is very bountiful or benevolent, has cheerful face, is pleased when the good or the virtuous are pleased and is devout (that is, he loves religious life)
~d "'ttrr.ll\.-~r:r'<e~,..,~...,~=-q ~:I

llflli!J""'Ii ~~ ~~ flliGI!J""'IO:ql'14l W'"I!Jm: II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE AYUSHMAN YOGA : The native whose birth occurs in the Ayushman yoga makes great efforts for earning wealth. He is interested in wandering in the gardens of various places, has long span of longevity and .is subjected to pride.
~ lll'I'Pt'l

fl ~

t1~4'<1ll01: 'fl!IC::Ioql'<fi'l(>l)



'<j~t'11t4~fl'111'llf?l'<l\i'IJOII"1: ~lll'llW''ll ~ ~. 11\1 II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SAUBHAGYA YOGA: The native who is born in the yoga of saubhagya is learned and wise, very wealthy, follower of the right path, of good or virtuous conduct, strong, wise and judicious, endowed with good fortune and is excessively proud.
~ lll'I'Pt'l

mtffisRJ-qtl'<: ~ig~'<~'ql'<lfl'<q!J~~-q ~:I

f.!lt'll~~+Afm:ll"i~N'<: ~ ~ ~: 11<1 II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SOBHANA YOGA: If the birth of the native occurs in the 'Shobhana yoga' he is quick witted and skilled in giving ready replies, handsome, has dignity (gravity), is endowed with right intellect and is the doer of auspicious deeds every day.

~Ptt10'5 4)14;(1 ~ -.:rG)


mIH'<'CI) ~ Fci~IIH4<Hilos lt-<814 ...-::I

' '


Cj)R;j~4~ c~)tf~j4j6ll: \fl&ftlos(j): t'QIC:Ptiloos1111t1: llf, 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE ATIGANDA YOGA: The native who is born in the 'Atiganda yoga' is always very proud, has disease in his throat, is of angry disposition has longish hands and feet, is extremely deceitful (cunning), has love for quarrels, long chin and is hypocritical. Notes: The Atiganda Yoga is counted among the evil causing yogas. Yogas generally give effects according to their names. According to 'Maan Saagri;, the native who is born in the yoga of Atiganda is a matricide (killer of his own mother) and proves to be the destroyer of ,. his whole family. And according to Yawanacharya, such a native censures or blames others, is strong, truthful, devout, seducer of other man's wife and gets victory over his enemies.


411 \f) (i'j

{re: ~ 'tlcl(j)(i'IISI~OI: '<1'<11~tl~ffil~'<1d~t1~T.f I



~ ~4tt'tl(j)ltr q~qf?!Cj)lcllk911

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SUKARMA YOGA : If there is the yoga of Sukarma at the time of birth the native always remains cheerul, is skilled in all the arts, is courageous, enthusiastic, benevolent and doer of auspicious deeds.
~ 4~11\f)(i'l

~ f.!i~)'1 ~ ~ ~ ~


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE DHRITI YOGA: The native whose birth occurs in the yoga named 'DI'iriti' is



endowed with learning, bountiful, always remains cheerful, is the chief person in an assembly (meeting) fickle minded (is unsteady), of good character and disposition, follows right conduct and rules and is endowed with patience and fortitude.


lF' 4'tllf)<'l
C:: ~<:l'lll'tigtHil

ti('Cii4f4tttf4"1tifchm: I ~ !1~4~ ~1('14)) ~l('ICll;/.fl ~ 'f14('CiiC:: l~t!_ I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SHOOLA YOGA: If there is the birth in the shoola yoga the native is penniless and diseased. He is devoid of good deeds, learning and knowledge and courtesy and he at one time or the other suffers pain from the disease of 'Shoola' (pangs or sharp pain). Notes: The yoga of Shoola is also counted among the evil casuing yogas. The rites for the pacification of the Shoola yoga are described in the books on Astrology as are those of the Atiganda yoga, although in other books there is the description of effects which are implacable (the anger of which can not be pacified). Thus, according to Maan Saagri the native who is born in the 'Shoola yoga' remains troubled with pains and aches, but he knows the essence of the Shastras, is clever in getting learning and earning wealth and often perfoms yajans (fire sacifices).
~ 4)i(lf)(l1

~: ~('Ciit44'CI~jt!ltil ~ Fcitt)ttiN'<'tf'M-ncl: I ~~~ltu6: !lilu;sq;)q: ~: "Qfcre: llqoll

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE GANDA YOGA: If there is the birth in the Ganda Yoga, the native is very deceitful (cunning), non-cooperative to the friends, quarrelsome, is subjected to harsh behaviour and is hot tempered.



Notes: The yoga of Ganda is also counted among the evil causing yogas. According .to 'Maan Saagri' such a native suffers the pangs of 'Ganda' or abscess. He is extremely troubled, his body has a number of veins which are visible and he is short statured. But he is valorous, . very much voluptuous and is of very firm resolution.
~ 4)14lcl

'<j'<'i%!?IRI'<8J<i c:-iffi 'i4'11Ptltt: f41W~Fciw~l+olll'{

IHJFI4llti't~<Rll ~ ~ 11'1'111

THE EFFECTS OF .BIRTH IN THE VRIDDHI YOGA: If the yoga at the time of the native's birth is that of 'Vriddhi' the native' has great love for accumulating wealth. He is extremely clever (intelligent) wealthy due to the trade of purchasing and selling things and is very fortunate. Notes: All the learned Astologers have the same view with regard to the effects of birth in the Vriddhi yoga. According to the view of Yawana Charya as given in 'Hora Ratna', the native born in this yoga is extremely intelligent, a great champion (warrior), truthful, subdues his passions and senses, and has a clean conscience. The writer of 'Maan Saagri' also speaks of very auspicious effects with regard to the 'Vriddhi yoga.' According to him, the native who is born. in the Vriddhi yoga has many issues and many wives, is wealthy, . voluptuous and mighty.


~ '<i'<'t<i 81 I

PI It ilcll 1%' -q;lfffi '<10:: Iclll ~

iii'6~Fef'<f~ ~ "6GT ~ ~ <Rll ~ 11'1=? II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE DHRUWA YOGA: If the native's birth happens to 9ccur in the yoga of Dhruwa, he has the abode of the goddess Lakshmi (the goddess



of wealth) in his house for ever; there is the abode of goddess Saraswati (the goddess of speech and intelligence) in his mouth Uhat is, he is endowed with learning and knowledge and is the speaker of truth). His fame is also stable. Notes: According to the author of 'Maan Saagri' the native born in the Dhruwa yoga is endowed with long span of longevity, enjoys popularity, keeps his mind fixed on the act he is doing, has excessive amount of wealth and is of firm resolution. The word 'Dhruwa' means 'stable'. It is because of this that the qualities (virtues), wealth, and learning and knowledge have been spoken of as stable.

4) ... Q) (1

~S(ilfi{ft: ~ ~ ~: 't41~qqj~qltfll
31tlflfdilfiPtl;c8iq ~ C41Eild\JIId: ~ Eildct>'df IJq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VYAGHATA YOGA: The native who is born in the Vyaghata yoga is malefic (cruel), light eyed, lacking in compassion or mercy, has long chin, blames others, tells lies and loves violence. Notes: Vyaghata yoga is also counted among the eyil causing yogas. The native who is born in this yoga has always the fear of being hurt, getting injury, being subjected to accident, getting ulcer and being operated. According to the author of 'Maan Saagri' the knowledge of the native, who is born in the 'yoga' of 'Vyaghata', has breadth in it and it is extensive. He gets reverence. and worship from all classes and he performs all kinds of deeds of all kinds of persons. Due to this virtue in his character he gets fame also in the world. But contrary to this view is the view of Shri Yawanacharya who declares such a native to be an embodiment of stupidity that is, he is quite illiterate and therefore he is stupid.

~ ll)ilf)(ij


~: CJidilii'Hill61: ~:1
MW6CfliJI ~ ~!Bffi l{ACi) ~ ~!JCfltfvl: ~ llq'd II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'HARSHANA YOGA': If at the time of the native's birth the yoga there is of Harshana, then he has delicate, smooth body, is engrossed in the study of the Shastras, has exceptional love for red coloured clothes and jewels and ornaments and destroys his enemies .
.'CNI' ll) i \f) (ij

~~: ~: tlt'lliPci~) ~IHCP: ~I

~~ ~


ttqijjg=ct~)'t1if,.liiOII<ffl: llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'VAJRA YOGA': The native whose birth occurs in the 'Vajra yoga' is endowed with excellent intellect and many relatives (his own men), has virtues, is very strong and mighty, truthful, an appraiser (of precious stones) and wears jewels studded with diamonds. Notes: This yoga also is counted among the evil causing yogas, although in view of its effects there seems to be no inauspiciousness in it.
~ ll'iI4>C1

\3GI"<'Eldih4g'<: ~:

illl"t??IG'<: tll'<~'<l\ilifl'1: I

MW6CfliJI~~~: ~~tRll' llq~ll

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SIDDHI YOGA: If at the time of birth there is the Siddhi yoga, the native born in it is liberal minded, of good character or disposition, has reverence for the Shastra and is a . philosopher (one who knows the real.nature of things). His good fortune always goes on increasing.


GQ(flq Itt 41<1lj) (1
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IC:id~rt:q q;o~'<~'tl: I

~ 'Cfi'nl GQ~41dgt>4~ '""R: ~ tt!Q'il~41d\il""il llq\911

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VYATIPATA YOGA: The native who is born in the yoga of Vyatipata obeys the order of his father and mother, remains restless and troubled due to some (hidden) disease, is hard hearted and puts obstructions and obstacles in the matters of others. Notes: The yoga of Vyatipata has been counted among exceptionally inasupicious yogas. With regard to the rites for its pacificqtion much mention has been made of these in the text pertaining to 'Karma Kandas' (performing of specific religious rites). According to the author of 'Maan Saagri' there is hardly any possibility of such a native's remaining alive. In other words, he suffers too much bodily pains to remain alive. If such a native survives he lives an excellent life.
q<84i1 <!)ilj)('f
~~fc! ..,N...,"1rmr"'4144...,1



etCZIICi'<idl '<'l&il4dl'<'l il d: I

'tlq;4tfi\Ji;:;qMI q<8411 ~i1s~411 -sr-qij it ~ llqlll

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VARIYANA YOGA: The native whose birth happens to occur in the Variyana Y<;>ga enjoys paternal wealth, that is, he enjoys the wealth earned. by others, is endowed with humility and meekness, spends properly (without being miserly) inspite of having the dearth of money, tends to be engaged in doing good or virtuous deeds and has the excellence of gentlemanliness.

~ 4)14R'1


~tit'll til~ ~

Ulm lt'11CfH1i lfll1"ln

fcrfA: I

G"lffi~~ fciRittti~Cf&iWI~fittfl ~ q~EI'I\Gq: ~ llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE PARIGHA YOGA: The native whose birth occurs in the Parigha yoga gives false witness, becomes a surety of a number of persons, speaks or relates before all the other persons those things which he has done himself, does not pardon, is skilled, takes small quantity of food, defeats his enemies, and is hard to over come (i.e. is mighty). Notes: The yoga of Parigha is also counted among the evil causing inauspicious yogas. According to Pandit Dhundhi Raj such a native is hard hearted, takes side of any one without taking care whether it is true or untrue. On the other hand, according to the author of 'Maan Saagri' such a native makes efforts and is engaged in deeds conducive to the progress of his family, knows the Shastras, is bountiful, sweet spoken and has several other such qualities. While according to a text given in 'Hora Ratna' by Yawanacharya the person born in the Parigha yoga is bountiful, engaged in bad or improper act (in wickedness), avaricious (greedy), courag~ous, fickle minded, subjected to pride, respected by others and is full of compassion or pity:




Rita~~~l'('l:tlfl'<~fe: I

c:b'q: ftrq) ~ ~ ~: "tiG1 ftrci "ffill ~lqRtiiC::Id, I ~o II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SHIVA YOGA': The native whose birth occurs in the yoga of Shiva is well versed (expert) in Mantra Shastra (science of spells and charms), subdues his senses and passions, has a charming handsome body and due to the kindness and favour of God Shiva he always remains happy and prosperous.



ftr.G 411 If) ('I

Rit~ ~ 4 : 'ttflN'()sfff<t);r : ~

<PJ4til fct eM fcl<a :q I





Cf)l<lf~l ~ ('R'4' I R<J II

THE EFFECTS .OF BIRTH IN THE 'SIDDHA YOGA': If the birth occurs in the Siddha yoga the riative subdues his senses and passions, remains attached to truth, has brownish complexion, is skilled and dextrous in all kinds of things and gets success in most of the matters.
~ 4~iiiQSC1

Tf Fcloilcn:qg'<: ~:

'(<lcpllfc;m Rittt:tr'3Q8'1: 1 '<1'1+t"??FcldiFcl~ 'mf ~ ft" <':'8'1: II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SADHYA YOGA': The native who is born in the Sadhya yoga is humble and meek, clever and intelligent, has a cheerful countenance, is skilled in his actions, gets victory over his enemies, and gets success in all his actions by the effect of Mantra Vidya (or science of spells and charms).
lj1J 4)41Q)('I
~: lj1JCIIflcr('ll'tt: ~

CfRif ~11f111"lt'T.r I

~~Pf'<Ttlli ~ ~~: IR~II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SHUBHA YOGA': The native whose birth occurs in the yoga named Shubha is the doer of good or proper deeds; soft spoken , gives right and beneficial counsels and has auspicious marks (and qualities).

lj<lt'l' 4) If) ('I'

Rit~~<l: ='tt=C'll=q:q:nj ~ qJ<CJICiflUitt\JI<II"'!J~d: I

'<1""11'1'JCh'll+iil'<~i'<u)'tg: {jCh'l);i:iq) ~ ~4fl!Jt1: ~~~~~II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'SHUKLA YOGA': The native who is born in the 'Shukla yoga' subdues his



senses and passions, is truthful, extremely strong, gets victo,Y in debates and battles and desires to get honour and wear clecln clothes.
' m::t <iiJq;(i'j

RI'EliR!itt~f~FH'<4"'tl~dl ~ ttt'<41i.JI\C\i'lldlt:'l't'EJ I l1T"'t1) 'G'R'I) '\il'1<ffi i.J I'() qHii fl6114) 1 : ~~ ~ ~ : I R'i II
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'BRAHMA YOGA': The man whose birth is there in the Brahma yoga has excessive love for studying, is rich in consciousness (intelligence), gets honour due to his truthful conduct, is peace loving, bountiful and doer of auspicious ~eeds.
~ 4)Jq;(i'j

C5i~lll"t RI!J<'il"'<'i.: CliQ;JC'il ~ 11~;:qtJ\i'll: 1 Pl\i'IJ;:qil ~ ~~~o:a)'\Siq~: ll~f, II

'lf'J\i1l ...

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'AENDRA YOGA': The native who is born in the Aendra Yoga is endowed with intelligence (wisdom), might and strength, has mud1 property which is earned through auspicious or proper means, is troubled by some phlegmatic disease, extremely gifted and brilliant, like a king .in his family and is endowed with clean and charming disposition.
~ <~)IQ;cl "it~~: '81<'1~'51:~~:1

~~(mf"')~~ ~ ~ 11~191'

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VAIDHRITI YOGA: The native whose birth occurs in the Vaidhriti yoga is fickle or playful, crooked (guileful), has friendship with the vicious or wicked persons, lacks reverence for the Shastras, is dirty (vicious) hearted, and loses heart and patience on the listening of some fearful matter.



Notes: The yoga named 'Vaidhriti' is counted among the

evil causing yogas. If the birth occurs in this yoga it is necessary that rites are .to be done for the pacification of the evil. A native born in this yoga has generally views which contradict the Shastras. About Vaidhriti it has been written in Maan Saagri that the native born in this yoga is lacking in courage, becomes restless and perturbed due to hunger;. he gets censure or blame even when he does something which is in favour of the other men. According to Hora Ratna such a native is avaricious or greedy, has the tendency of complaining against others, speaks too much and in his earlier years he is fickle minded or has inconstancy in his mind.




qq qj\( Uj IJR'I

~ ~''ti(j4('14!1 'tl~('l~ fcM~: ~'nu1RI: ~:I ~ ur=A ~ ~ '1i"'ll~m ~ ~~HJtiqq_ uq 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE KARANA NAMED 'F}.AVA': The native whose birth occurs in the .'Karana' named 'Bava' is lascivious (or lustful), full of compassion or pity, strong and mighty, of good character or conduct, Pandit (learned), walks briskly, is very fortunate and has many kinds of properties (wealth). Notes: The half part of a Tithi (Hindi date) is referred to as a 'Karana'. There is one Karana in the first half part of a Tithi and another one in the second half part of it. In this way two karanas pass away in one Tithi. Due to there being 30 Tithis in a 'lunar month' there are 60 karanas; but karanas have been said to be only 11 of which the name of 4 karanas is 'Sthira' and that of 7 karanas. is 'Chara' (immovable and movable). There is one karana when there happens to be the difference of 6 between the Sun and the Moon. The Chara (Movable) Karanas : (1) Bava, (2) Balava, (3) Kaulava, (4) Taitil, (5) Gara, (6) Vanija, and (7) Vishti. . The Sthira (Immovable) Karanas : (8) Shakuni, (9) Chatushpada, (10) Naga, and (11) Kinstughna.



In the second half part of the 14th Tithi (Chaturdashi in Hindi) of the Krishna Paksha (the dark half of a month), the Karana of Shakuni; in the first half part of the Amavasya Tithi (the 15th Tithi, however it is refer~ed to as the 30th Tithi) of the Krishna Paksha, the 'Karana' of 'Chatushpada'; in the second half part of this Tithi that of 'Naga'; and in the first half part of the Pratipada (the first Hindi Tithi or date) Tithi of the Shukla Paksha (or the bright half a month) the karana of 'Kinstughna'-these four 'Karanas' remain 'Sthira'(immovable) only in these 3 Tithis. And from the second half part of the Pratipada, Tithi of the Shukla Paksha the 7' Karanas' of Bava, Balava, Kaulava, Taitil, Gara, Vanija and Vishti (Bhadra) come again and again in the half part of the remaining Tithis. In this way in a Chandra Masa (Lunar Month) there happen to be 8 frequencies (repeated comings) of every 'Chara' (Moveable) Karana.

THE WAY OF KNOWING A 'KARANA': If the 'Karana' of

a month in the Krishna Paksha is to be known on a particular day, the 'abhishta tithi' (the tithi on which the Karana is to be known) is multiplied by 2 and the product is divided by 7, and according to the number of the remainder there are the Karanas in the right order of Bava etc in the first half part of the Tithi. Here is an illustratioh : Suppose we have to know of the 'Karana' on the Panchmi tithi (the 5th Hindi Date) of the Krishna Paksha. Now the 5th Tithi is multiplied by 2 and the product is divided by 7 5x 2 is 3. Therefore on this tithi the 'Karana' will be the third one

= 10 + .7 = 10 = .!.2 7 7

Quotient 1 and the remainder

. 126


; in the right order, the Karana named 'Kaulava' in the first half part of it, and the Karana named taitil in the second half part of it. In order to know of the 'Karana' in the Shukla Paksha the 'abhishta tithi' (desired lunar date) is to be multiplied by 2, then 2 is subtracted from the product and the remainder is to be divided by 7; the remainder thus obtained will be the number of the 'Karana' in the right order in the first half part of the tithi, and the next number in the second half part of it. Here is an illustration: Suppose the'Katana' is to be known on the Dashmi Tithi (the 10th Hindi date) of the Shukla Paksha. Then 1Ox 2= 20 .

2 ::: 18 + 7 ::: -


Quotient 2 and the remainder is 4. Therefore, the 'Karana' in the first .half part of the Dashmi Tithi in the Shukla Paksha will be the 4th one in the right order that is the 'Taitil Karana', and in the second half part of it, the Karana will be the one next to it, that is, the 'Gara Karana'. THE SPECULUM SHOWING THE VARIOUS KARANAS
SHUJ<LA PAKSHA Tilhis Pratipada Dwltiya Tritiya Chaturthi Panchami Shashthi Saptami Poorvardha Kinstughna Balava Tailil Vanija Bava Kaula'la Gara Uttarardha Bava Kaulava Gara Vishti Balava Tailil Vanija Tilhis Pratipada Dwitiya Trltiya Chaturthi Panchaml Shashthl Saptami KRISHNA PAKSHA Poorvardha Balava Taitil Vanija Bava Kaulava Gara Vishti Uttarardha Kaulava Gara Vishti Balava Tailil Vanija Bava




Vishti Ashtami Navami Balava Taitil Dashmi Ekadashi Vanija Bava Dwadashi .Trayodashi Kaulava Chaturdashi Gara Poornima Vishti

Bava Ashtami Balava Kaulava Navami Taitil Gara Dashmi Vanija Vishti Ekadashi Bava Balava Dwadashi Kaulava Tailil Trayodashi Gara Vanija Chaturdashi Vishti Bava Amavasya Challio;hpada

Kaulava Gara Vishti Balava Taitil Vanija Shakuni Nag a

Cf)i(OJQ)('i oql'<iFciC'iitl: I

:t{'<diR!FciC'Itt'{flC'iq'tlJtigtt) . ~

Cfll<llp~di(OI!IOI4:t~(\ lJTC'i'i!Si1C'ii1RI:t:q ~: II=? II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'KARANA' OF 'BALAVA': If the birth of the native occurs in the 'Karana' of 'Balava', he is heroic (brave); very very sensual (pleasure-loving), strong, handsome, composes poetry, is excellent among the bountiful persons, wise and knows the essential nature of arts.

qfu;yq Cfl i( oIIf) ('I

~ ~~ ~


't<l~'"?l\1 illfll~d'i&J: I

iiC'il~d: q,)'1C'iqlf}qC'iltl: ~: ~ <!fiC'iq\Jlld\ll"'fill~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'KARANA OF KAULAVA': The native who is born in the Karana of Kaulava is lascivious (lustful), presumptuous (rude), favourite of many, has freedom in his view point (trend of thought), makes many friends, is endowed with strength and might, sweet spoken and is born in an excellent family (lineage).
~ Cf)i(UJQ)('i




ql(}qC'il'<'l!f:tl('l)sRI;g'nC'I:ff)RIJI ~ "<'4TT{ 1~ li




the native's birth is there in the 'Taitil Karan a', he has charming and delicate body, is skilled in . amorous or pleasure giving sports, knows the essence of arts, is a successful orator, of good character or conduct, has clear intellect and unsteady or playful eyes.
'lN q;'(Oilf)(1

q\()qq;l~ Rd~tiiC:Hi! Rli!IH11'(1tifg'<) 'R;rcnft: i

~sfMN: '<jti'<I!JC:i'<'l


'1'(1tifj'(iq;Jiq'(llij IIIi II

THE EFFECTS OF. BIRTH IN THE 'KARANA' NAMED 'GARA': If the native is born in the 'Gara Karana' he is beneficent, honourable, judicious (wise), clever (intelligent), conqueror of his enemies, strong, has fortitude or patience, is liberal hearted and has a charming handsome body.
~ q;'(Ojlf)(1




~ '<1""'11'1'<1"d~tl~il 1

SJtJjdq;JJI~~~~~ ~11~11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'VANIJA KARANA': The native whose birth is there in the "Vanija Karana' is proficient (expert) in the arts, has extremely cheerful face, is learned and has knowledge, is honourable and earns wealth through the medium of trade.


i!l'6qif31if4ci) 4t1~11~ ~t1<tiRIC:~tli~~t1~il I

\ifT4't) &W1facsTPiiti ~ \JI""'''<1+1~ -mj 1R:llk911

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'KARANA' OF 'VISHTI': The native at the time of whose birth the karana happens to be that of Vishti has beautifully shaped body, is playful, strong, conqueror of his enemies with ease and without making much effort, has vicious intellect and sleeps much.


~ ij)'(UIIM'I


jDI<JUI tl "1~ d :


mmTA : I

~j~~pdtl~~=~ ~ "!J>PI~""'11 llii!Ji~$11~ll'i'IC'I: I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'KARANA' OF 'SHAKUNI': The native who is born in the'Shakuni Karana' is well versed in the Mantra Shastra (the science of charms and spells), virtuous, remains ever vigilant or careful, has a number of friends, is prosperous in all kinds of good fortune, and knows the 'Shakun Shastra' or the Science of Omens.

ij)'( Dllj'IC'I

OR: tiC:Iiii~4'<1'5~!J<Y: 'fliiC:'ti!Oit:: a:?iollllfl'<llfe: I ~ "ll"'fll ~4&1,Ri5g&:jC: lffi'tilg(l'r ~:I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'KARANA' OF 'CHATUSH PADA': The native whose birth takes place in the 'Karana' named 'Chatushpada' is devoid of good conduct, incapable of making increase in the funds, is devoid of bodily strength and gets happiness through his cattle. Notes: According to 'Maan Saagri' the native who is born in the 'Karana' of 'Chatushpada' is a veterinary doctor; owner of many cows, rears cows and is a devotee of gods.

' ~ ~ !ll~fC'Iqw'tiW11

<YC'IIffll ' Ri ~ '-'\. I q;I41~C'IIt\d"1 : <6 p<!fcil(\i.l:

~~ t: I t3' C'll!flfOI q I C: Ri cfi tfqs I Jl

\iffil1 '1%

~l'l<ts'(u) ~~: llqo II




The native who is born in the Karana of 'Naga' is of vicious (wicked) disposition, crooked (guileful), playful (inconstant), has bodily strength, wicked and villainous feelings in his heart, does wicked deeds without thinking over them due to great anger, is quarrelsome, destroys and stands in the battle with great fortitude and patience.

ffl; 't'tl&1

Cj') '( 01 Q) (it




Pclfl('ttiij~: I

t) ?lll"' t) ?ll i ~ "!' fcb R>T.I R;$ 'ttl &'I \JI lei 'f4 ft +1 I"' q 'f4 II q q II
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE 'KARANA' OF 'KINSTUGHNA': The native who is born in the 'Karana' named 'Kinstughna' has a mind which regards religion and absence of religion, friend and foe alike (or which does not make any difference between these opposites). He is lascivious {lustful) and weak.
1 o;s I "d W""' Clif "Q)'('1'

<flwu~<ID'SR'i~ 'ft ~: ~ ~?I~'<'Jfl)SU\11'<'4 I

\JIIt'l'f4 ~ ~ 'SJ\jffif: ~ ~ ~ llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN 'GANDANTAS': The native whose birth occurs in the three kinds of Gandantas of the Nakshtras Rewati etc (1. Nakshtra Gandanta, 2. Tithi Gandanta and, 3. Lagna Gandanta) respectively destroys his father, mother and elder brother, and if at the t~me of his birth there happen to be all the three Gandantas then he becomes the destroyer of his family (lineage). Notes: The last one ghati of the 5/10/15 and 30 Tithis, and the first one ghati of the 1/16/11 Tithis, both these ghatis taken together, that is, two ghatis form what is referred to as Tithi Gandanta; this measure of two ghatis will be there if there are 60 ghatis in a day; if ther.e are more or less ghatis in it, then the real time of Tithi Gandanta should be found by proportion.



The half ghati of the ending of the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and the half ghati of the beginning of the signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries form the . juncture of signs (Rashi Sandhi). This when changed into an Ascendant is referred to as 'Lagna Gandanta'. The last two ghatis of the Nakshtras of Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Rewati, and the first two ghatis of those of Ashwini, Magha and Moola these 4 ghatis are referred to as 'Nakshtra Gandanta'.

~ ~IOIQ)(iile:m:f:

llq=? II



'fffi~ ' -~ 'H\1<'11 ij : fliiC::W~I\JI"1Cf)'(i II:_; "RG I

'\jf'('lffi ~S;o(l!JDI$1: '<j$1cr~fd!JDi'l ~P<ion~ll: llq 11

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE DEVA GANA: The native who is born in the 'Deva Gana' has a sweet voice, is sweet spoken, takes small quantity of food, appreciates or discerns the virtues, is virtuous and very wealthy.
Notes: The total number of Ganas is only three. The basis of their division has been regarded in the various Nakshtras. Before uniting a girl and a boy into wed l9ck, the horoscopes of the two are considered and their gunas (qualities) are compared on the basis of Devagana etc. In the 'Jataka Granthas' (Books on Astrology dealing with the longitudes of the Planets etc. at the time of nativity) there is the investigation or deliberation of man's disposition on the basis of these Ganas.

The Ganas of the natives who are born in the Nakshtras of Anuradha, Punarvasu, Mrigashira, Shravana, Rewati, Swati, Hasta, Ashwini and Pushya, in these nine Nakshtra, are put in the class of 'Deva gana' (Deva :;; a god or a deity) According to Yawanacharya, the native born in the Deva Gana is devoted to his guru or teacher, his deity (god) and the Brahmins, has great interest in the Shastras and looks like a god in his appearance.



According to 'Maan Saagri' such a . ~tive is endowed with beauty, is bountiful, intelligent a, d wise, simple hearted, takes small quantity of food and is extremely intelligent.
'lj~<IOI ~

~~~Glll(jQ61ql"'!. <mmt:l

Jim: 'tl4>1Pel: ~ ~ 1fC'll1 'f!llo=itt'lfiu)



THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE MANUSHYA (MAN) . GANA: The native who is born in the Manushya Gana is a devotee of the gods and Brahmins, is subjected to pride or is an egoist, wealthy, compassionate, powerful, well versed in the arts, intelligent, has handsome outward appearance and causes happiness to many. Notes: The Ganas of the natives who are born in the Nakshtras of Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadrapada, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadrapada, Rohini, Bharani and Ardra, these Q Nakshrras,- have been called Manushya Gana (Manushya = man). According to Yawancharya the native who is born in the Manushyagana gives grains in charity, is wealthy, has . issues, is a devotee of the gods and enjoys the pleasures . of married life through his wife. According to'Maan Saagri', the native born in the 'Manushyagana' has self-respect, is wealthy, has big eyes, can shoot the target, is the bearer of a bow (and arrow), of brown colour and has his influence over people.
31'1('<1\J\('<18 4>o'i'(~'t1: ~ ~ ~81 ' ~ :~61Cj't1: 45~cpC(tl~'11"'!. "(lffi<iuhN'I"'''<) ~ 11~. II




The native who is born in the Rakshasagana is very talkative, hard hearted, courageous, wrathful, of vicious (wicked) nature, insolent (ru~e), quarrelsome, powerful and is opposed to the people. Notes: The gana of the natives who are bo.rn in the Nakshtras of Kritika, Magha, 'Ashlesha, Vishakha, Shatabhisha, Chitra, Jyeshtha, Dhanishtha and Moola is Rakshasa ( a demon). About Rakshasa ganas the view of Yawanacharya is that such a native has the Tamsi Pravriti (Tamsika nature), is sinful, wrathful, loves quarrels, is without compassion or pity and works in secrecy. . . The view of the author of 'Maan Saagri' in this respect is that such a native has terrible countenanee (face), always loves quarrels, speaks harsh words and is troubled by some urinary disease (that is, disease relating to urine etc).


6P"1l6<'11Emlr: llq~ II


~ !JDiqli~= 'tj@~><~a'f;;n:rnrr~l
q'(IUS+tSIIEill~nPclitl"'~ il"'~c:J)

~~: llq II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE L:AGNA OF ARIES: The native who is born in the Aries Lagna is excessively proud and arrogant, virtuous, wrathful, opposed to his own men and establishes friendship with others, earns " exceptional fame and renown with his own valour. Notes: Aries is an important sign in the Zodiac, and, therefore, it is also called 'Adya' (the first sign). Its shape is that of a ram (he goat) and it is symbolised by this animal. The learned and experienced astrologers have been attributing to it many characteristic qualities according to the nature of the ram. It is according to the nature of this animal that the native born in this Ascendant has been said to be a person of fierce temperament and as one who practises licentiousness (indulges in excessive freedom) in doing things. Such natives never like the interference of others in any of the things they have been doing. Pandit Dhundhi Raj has properly made use of the word (Chandabhimani) that is, one given to excessive pride or arrogance, in relation to the native of Aries Ascendant, because such natives are extremely stubborn and proud. The writer of 'Jatak Parijat' has also given the attribute of pride to such a



native . The element (the first or preponderating element) of this sign is fire. The Lord of this sign is the Planet of Mars. Therefore,. a native having Aries Ascendant is endowed with limitless vigour and energy. He is of firm resolution, has strong will power, is extremely ambitious and likes to make quick progress. He has dynamism in him. He develops new, original ideas and acts according to them. The marks of courage and originality and the cleverness of intellect are clearly seen in, and distinguish every thing done by him. He relates himself with any thing or with any individual with extreme haste and profound desire. According to 'Hora Ratnam' the native who is born in the Aries Ascendant is extremely wrathful and avaricious. He gets opportunities of making foreign travels. He has a few issues. He is clever, jealous, lisps (speaks haltingly) in his speech, has eyes like that of a he-goat, but he is most excellent, doer of exceptional deeds, dull-witted, fickle (inconstant), has wicked, vicious brothers, is wealthy, conqueror of his enemies etc. He has all these virtues. According to the author of 'Maan Saagri' the person born in the Aries Ascendant is of fie~ce (terrible) nature, has self pride, is wealthy, doer of auspicious deeds, wrathful, opposes his own men, is valorous and pitiful for others.

!JDIIUu'fl: ~ ~fclu'j90j ~ 1m;)~



~~H~ .~ll41Cft 'SJVTR'I': t'lllt<{-<>tt) ~ ~ ~ I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE TAURUS ASCENDANT: The native whose birth occurs in the Taurus Ascendant is the leader among the good, skilled and worthy persons, wealthy, is full of honour for his 'gurus' (preceptors or teachers), skilled in warfare, has


fortitude and patience, is a warrior, sweet in speech and peacefuL

Notes: The sign of Taurus is lorded by the Planet Venus. It is the second sign of the Zodiac. It is symbolised by ox. The native born in this Ascendant is industrious (hardworking), powerful and peace loving. This. sign is of fixed nature, therefore, the native born in this Ascendant progresses in his activities patiently and slowly but steadily and continuously. He does not long for changes in his ideas. He gives first preference to the idea of permanence and stability in every respect. If he develops love for someone he is successful in maintaining these relations of love for ever and very strongly. In business the partnership of such a man,..does not come to an end easily; But the ideas of such natives cannot be changed with ease. The belief or opinion which is made by them once is strictly adhered to. Due to their standing firm on their resolution they are called stubborn or obstinate by the other people. They are procrastinating. If they happen to develop enmity with some ':one they do not compromise with him easily. On the bodily and the mental level the natives born in the Taurus Ascendant are endowed with great might. The Lord of this sign being the Planet Venus, the native is endowed with coordination or harmony .and good understanding and appreciation of music and art. Due to their loving disposition they are extremely sociaL There is in them the feeling of respect towards friends and guests and they get real pleasure in entertaining and respecting them. Seeing their living, eating and drinking etc~ their view point of good taste may be easily guessed. Venus is said to be the son of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Due to this such natives particularly tend towards earning wealth and property. They have special ability to earn and acquire physical



comforts and conveniences. They mostly like to engage themselves in trade. With regard to helping others economically they have to pass through bitter experiences . . These natives have a very deep sense and consciousness of their rights. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' writes about such natives.
~ ~ ~\JIItstl"'''H1: t<I<"Qifl't\JI: ~ ~llqi<F!(1)$c"''~i.i ~1FTI n("'!I\JI: ~: n

is, the native born in the Taurus Ascendant possesses cows etc (and other cattle), gets pleasure in worshipping deities, guru or preceptor and Brahmins. He has a few issues, peaceful intellect and mind, reads the Shastras, is fond of wandering here and there, handsome to look at, and lascivious or lustful.
0 0


to the author of 'Maan Saagri' the native born in the Taurus Ascendant has feeling or sense of respect and reverence towards the society, and the gurus (preceptors). He is sweet spoken and his speec.h is dear to others, has virtues or is talented, is celebrated (famous), avaricious, mighty and dear to all.
~ (14'1q;(1


~ ~ .,..,iil'"':i""?IRI~=?i: ~'J\d+f"'?l: ~Q"f: ~:I ~ ~: t41SJqtlf~~ ~~~II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE GEMINI ASCENDANT: The naitve who is born in the Lagna or Ascendant named 'Gemini' is voluptuous, bountiful, has a number of sons .and friends, is a philosopher, wealthy, of sweet temperamant or disposition and lives near the King. Notes: .It is a dual natured sign. It is lorded by the Planet of Mercury. It is regarded as a sign having the element


of air. As the First or the Preponderating element of this sign is air, the native born in the ~emini Ascendant is fickle (inconstant), does his work quickly, is the receiver of auspicious things, has the sense of dissatisfaction through and through and is energetic and vigorous. Gemini being a dual-natured sign, there is duality in the native's disposition. In the mom~nts of taking decisions he becomes a prey of mental conflict. It does not take any time for him to change his view point. Gemini being the sign of Mercury, the lord of intellect, its native has sharpness on the intellectual level. He is rich and prosperous in intellectual gains and is talented and difficult to be understood. He has a. versatile genius. The natives born in the Gemini Ascendant get success in those things . where sharp intellect and intelligence is required. They are excessively sensitive and fickle minded. Due to the appearance of sudden changes in their nature they are referred to as moody. They are endowed with strange and unique practicability, sense of hospitality, generosity and progressive ideas. The natives having Gemini Aspendant are never satisfied by their progress. Due to their excessive attraction to variety it is very difficult for them to remain for long in one occupation. This tendency of theirs proves to be obstructive for them to reac:h the summit in their field of action. Due to the restlessness and fickleness of their own mind such natives happen to become prey of nervous diseases. The writer of Maan Saagri writes in this connection:

' !:>.'~ '.:. . 4111f'fl 'CjU1"'1iSi41 .. 1\l~'"l"l"l"ll T.l g"iiC::<ill

that is, the native born in the Gemini Ascendant is voluptuous, loves his own men, is extremely compassionate, wealthy, skilled or worthy, knows the essence of things, is attached to yoga (meditation), extremely beautiful, but is subjected to diseases.



According to the writer of 'Maan Saagri' the native who is born in the Gemini Ascendant has self pride, loves his own men, is an ascetic, voluptuous (or enjoys the pleasures of the senses), wealthy, lascivious or lustful, indolent and destroyer of his enemies.

"W<f; C1 ""I'Mi
~ m~ fcArnT fcie;t)'11f.};IAC1~f<;t:n)C1: I

Slpettt'<hRitt'<I!JC:i~) ~ ~ ~


~: I I'd II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE CANCER . ASCENDANT: The native at the time of whose birth there happens to be the Cancer Ascendant loves to eat sweetish food, serves the saintly persons, is humble and meek, fickle, fond of sporting in water, takes only the real substance of things and is extremely generous. Notes: Cancer is a watery sign. It is lorded by the Moon. It is of movable nature. The lordship of the sign of Cancer is claimed by the Moon, therefore, the native born in this Ascendant is extrmely emotional, sensitive, and has the gift of imagination. In his disposition or nature he is extremely affectionate and shows great affinity and intimacy. He is not a dissembler (deceiver); he is open hearted, creates an atmosphere of affinity and intimacy and is rich in sympathetic bent of mind. Human relations are of the utmost illlp.ortance for him.The lover of such natives is straight forward, truthful and does not have pretentions (false shows). In moments of crisis there is the need of some good and sincere friend to support them. Due to their extremely loving nature some one's opposition and criticism cause deep injury and wound on their. mind. If the Moon be endowed with strength in thEtir horoscope the natives having this Ascendant are skilled in reading the thoughts and feelings of others and they prove to be very intelligent psychoanalysts. They


are naturally interested in religion and philosophy. Due to having loving nature through and through they are unable to cause harm to anyone. Therefore they are extremely social and can prove their weighty (important) usefulness for society in organizing institutions meant for social service. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' opines about them:

~el"ll+ii'< ~ ~~
\illO! ~ Cf>Jiq\C)S~ "14'1sfld: !fcl'J\C~a;Q II
that is, the native born in "the Cancer Ascendant likes to eat sweetish foods, wears and enjoys wearing excellent clothes and jewels, speaks beautifully and delicately, has sharp intellect, is religious, has ponderous body and takes interest and has love ih other people's matters: According to the author of 'Maan Saagri' the native born in the Cancer Ascendant enjoys sensual, physical pleasures, loves religion, is the favourite of all the people around him, uses sweet foods, and sweet drinks and is physically beautiful.
~ (11'1tp(1

rp:dtC:'<tii'M'<IW""6 ~ "l~C:{iq'<jti'I~IH: I

~~lt11Ri4jiJI)~ QSill"'':i!t ~~ ~ IJii II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE LEO ASCENDANT: If the birth of the native occurs in the Leo Ascendant he has weak body, is handsome, valiant (mighty). He is voluptuous, has few sons, eats small quantity of food and has pride to think that he is more intelligent than others. Notes: Leo is a sign of fixed nature. Its Lord is the Sun. Its first or preponderating element is fire. Natives born in this Ascendant are courageous, ambitious and have



Rajsika bent of mind. They always have their eye on their goal and a strong desire is always there in them of ~ising above the average and it is due to this that on the basis of their will power, strong resolution and ability they get success in obtaining a place of distinction for them. Because of the strong feeling of freedom in their heart no one's goad (spur) or order is tolerable for them: They possess a hea~t which is vast and in them the trait of generosity is the chiefest of all. They may have sense of respect for the top most person in their field of ,action but his regarding them inferior to him is not at all tolerated by them. The natives born in the Leo Ascendant remain devoted throughout their life to their aim (purpose) in order to make themselves distinctive from others. They speak highly of themselves on occasions to attract the . 1 attention of the people towards them. At such times pride is clearly visible in them. They always like to be in the central position. They have intelligence of high level, higher principles, and firm resolution and on the basis of these they are continually purifying (adorning, embellishing) their life style. They have to face rebellion from their own men because they are unable to give freedom to their subordinates. Even then they possess a compassionate heart. A very. strong power of attraction is latent (cqntained) in them due to which they get honour and respect from others. A wonderful forbearance develops in them in either matters than economic and financial pressures: In their inner heart they are truthful, honest and supporter of high ideals and established moral principles. Many times they come to grief because of their hasty trust in others. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' writes about them:

Rittfc!W'14iSc<!o'1l1: ~: ~ '< 1Vi4 :t'ftCtJ'C) fGio~:J : cPJ1~r ~ '1ffi: I

that is, the native borri in the Leo Ascendant has a few


sons, is satisfied in his mind, violent, valiant, favourite qf the king, gets victory over his enemies, is lascivious or lustful and makes travels in other lands. According to the author of 'Maan Saagri', the native .' whose birth is there in the Leo Ascendant is voluptuous (enjoying the pl~asures of the senses), conqueror of his enemies and suppresses them, has a small belly and a few issues, is enthusiastic and shows valour and bravery in a battle.
. q;;m <'P '1 Ql (1




'<'1lf 'CIRil ~ 'GRrt ~ ~

~ ~ II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE VIRGO ASCENDANT: The native whose birth is there in the Virgo Ascendant is lascivious or lustful, endowed with Virtues, !earring and ., wisdom, skilled and experienced in doing things, has cheerful heart and has always gains of Laksl:lmi or wealth. ; .Notes: The First or Preponderating Element of the sign of Virgo is the Earth. It is a dual natured sign and its Lord is the Planet Mercury. The native who is born in the Virgo Ascendant is talented, has subtle mental power (intelligence) and has a rich memory. Such a native is extremely careful and vigilant in every r-espect. He has good command over language. Such natives have important factual knowledge in connection with any thing in which they have interest or to which they are related. They are very skilled or experienced in deeply analysing any problem on the basis of their mental power, and their knowledge of facts and of language. They march towards their goal with intentness and balance. They are by their disposition industrious (hard-working). Due to their own mental qualities they are suspicious and are troubled by



nervous diseases. The natives of other Ascendants cannot explain any subject in such great detail and in such a practical way as it can be done by the natives of Virgo Ascendant. for their friends the natives of the Virgo Ascendant prove extremely helpful and serviceable. It is compulsory for them to collect information of all kinds about any work before doing it. As they have respect for law (and rules and regulations), therefore, when joining some organisation or before starting to do some work it is almost compulsory for them to have the knowledge and information relating to its constitution. They have great interest in remaining present while some good lectures are being delivered and in listening to good speakers. They always have a desire for acquiring knowledge. The secret of their success lies in hard labour1 foresightedness, and the manner of doing things without committing errors. It is certain that primacy for them in their field of action is some what delayed. But whatever adverse circumstances they may have to confront they continue. to march towards their goal due. to their strong will power. In their ideas they are progressive. They are realistic, peace loving, firm of their mind, of loving nature and of firm determination. Accoding to the author of 'Jataka Parijata'.
Cll"lll<'l~f{CJ: failll'tlf.t3o1: ~ ~~: ~:
~ q f.t<tl Rl <'11'<'1'< R!CtJ) <r~ : ttl RtiCII : II .

that is, the native who is born in the Virgo Ascendant is skilled and experienced in doing miscellaneous things, wealthy, intelligent and wise, pandit or learned, has great mental power, enjoys pleasures with the opposite sex (is flirtatious), is Satwika and loves his own men. In the view of the author of 'Maan Saagri', the native whose birth occurs in the Virgo Ascendant knows the



essential nature of Shastras, is very fortunate, has all the virtues anc;t loves sexual intercourse.


C'1 "'1 Cf) ('I


qC{1 1 <'Ill I t1 Bm ~

"' '<'ITffi c;rr.:i 'W'T ~ g; <'!Wi 'l'l :

lll9 11

THE EFFECTS If there is the earns wealth experienced in excellent in his

OF BIRTH IN THE LIBRA ASCENDANT: birth in the Libra Ascendant the native due to his virtues, is skilled and trade activities, is always wealthy and lineage (or family}.

Notes: The sign of Libra has air as its First or preponderating Element. Its Lord is Venus and it is of movable nature. Due to its having air as its first element anCl being goverped by Venus, this sign wakes in the native rhythm, peace and balance. It is due to this reason that the natives. born in the Libra Ascendant have ideas which are balanced, mighty and without any hidden meaning. Venus being a benefic planet, therefore the natives having Libra Ascendant do not like any wrangling, quarrelling and disputing. They are justice loving and of peaceful nature. Their moral principles are of higher level. They cannot tolerate any kind .of disorder in any field There is the development of spiritual love in them. They are endowed with sensitive nature and artistic point of view. Besides this, great interest in study, enthusiasm for the present, birth of love, humanitarianism, and profound attachment for peace and love, all these may be easily found in them. They are quite clear and single minded in their actions, principles and thoughts. This Ascendant being governed by Venus the natives of it are naturally attached to music, art and poetry. Due to their being t~e master of a heart which does not know crookedness (guile or deception) they are extremely



sensitive to the atmosphere around them. They remain most cheertul in the lap of nature. The author of 'Ja!aka Parijata' opines about them:
t'l~ctqG"'fOl?l), '<IG1'!:"'4:tii ~

"'G'1'<RIF<IC1)t'1: ~l?l?i:tiicl'i I .
F<l'<t'1G:ti'1!J~<4: :tii~~F.lifcfu~ iit>~"'RI'<RI~'<iGtfll(l dl~w"lll
that is, the native who is born in the Libra Ascendant has beautiful facial appearance and eyes, is honoured by the King, learned, impatient and restless for having sexual intercourse with women, endowed with wife, wealth and lands, has gaps between teeth, peaceful intellect, is melancholic, has unstable mind and is very feartul or cowardly. According to the author of 'Maan Saagri' the native who is born in the Libra Ascendant has excellent mind, earns his living with. faif and auspicious means, is learned, wealthy and respected in society.

~ W14lt'1
~ o::r'<'ls~"dFclii l'<ttl'<)~.

'tilffi: 1

!'I~<Picl fcm;r W"'':tll~ 1!~G~''i'fll cr;ft;J: ~ II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SCORPIO ASCENDANT: If at the time of the native's birth the Ascendant is Scorpio, he is valiant, very thoughtful, has vicious or wicked le_arning and is always engaged in disputes.

Notes: The natives who are born in the Scropio Ascendant use their thought and mental power for the attainment of their goal (purpose) in a very dramatic way. This sign is Lorded by Mars, therefore there is greater development of the latent qualities in such natives in


times of crisis and they come out safe from such difficult circumstances. The First Element of this sign being water; it gives wonderful power to the native in time of crisis. In the horoscope of those natives whose Ascendant is scorpio the second sign of Mars happens to be in the sixth house. Therefore there come many conflicts, adverse circumstances etc in their life; but due to the martial (military) nature of Mars they are certain to get succes though it may be delayed. They give proof of extremely hard labour , very strong will power and firm resolution in their field of action. The natives having Scorpio Ascendant are generally introvert and sensitive. ~ecause of fighting against various kinds of odds (difficulties) their nature grows to be complex and interceptive and many times their manner of action gives birth to d~batable , situations. A native born in this Ascendant works very carefully and because of giving the greatest importance to his own interests he sometimes adopts unfair means .~: also. One who causes obs.truction in his way see_ms to him extremely undesirable. It is beyond his power of tolerance to bear opposition from any one whoever he may be. The natives born in this Ascendant are very courageous, enthusiastic, energetic valiant and are rich in imagination. Due to his being assiduous (or industrious, hardworking), a person of intense desire, of firm resolution, it is quite natural for a person having this Ascendant that he should be intent on eradicating the forces which put obstacles on his way. Such natives have wonderful power of attracting others towards them due to their many qualities. It is not the nature bf such a native to have a double standard of life. Therefore, the expression of their relations in actual manl)er is quite natural for them. If in the horoscope of such a native Mars is in an



ausp1c1ous situation it gives birth in him to great self 'confidence; and a continual (unbroken) stream of energy is seen to be flowing in tt]em. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' writes about them:
~- : tg'!fct(il~q"i)SR!qq('l~ll~ ~

~ ~fh4iW"'I\JI~q '(j\JI"'I~ t?i

Pctcuc::ltlll: 1

that is, the native whose birth occurs in the Scorpio Ascendant does actions which are. regarded as foolish, is very fickle, proud, wealthy, learned, is jealous of the gentle and the courteous and loves quarrels and disputes. According to the author of 'Maan Saagri' the native born .in the Scorpio Ascendant is mighty, wealthy, learned, best in hi's family, intelligent and is the supporter of all.
~ (11 "'ilj) ('I

Sll$1~q ~: qR~q"'l$1: 'C'ttt!l'IRI$1:

"'tlffii ~:I

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT : The native whose birth occurs in the Sagittarius Ascendant makes a firm resolution, is wellversed in kingly or governmental works, handsome, learned (wise, judicious), knows the arts and the science of archery.
Notes: Sagittarius is a dual-natured sign. Like that of the signs of Aries and Leo its First Element is also fire. The native born in the Sagittarius Ascendant is very vigorous. Such natives are frenzic or fitful by nature. They have in the~ a rare intentness (or craze, longing) for their goal, due to which they may be called so.me. what selfish also. They are hasty'in doing every thing. They are skilled in doing things more rapidly in comparison to the natives having other Ascendants. They love travelling. They do


not show signs of laziness in travelling how so ever long the journey may be. They believe in living a beautiful life fully. They have double standard of belief and thought on the level of their field of action (profession), their ideas, their domestic and social life, and are seen to be living on a double standard. Their thoughts are clearly guessed from their actions. Jupiter is the Lord of this Ascendant. Therefore, such natives are compassionate, religious minded, take greater interest in philosophy, respect principles and the law, are open hearted or unreserved, frank and clear spoken. They are useful for society. They show intense feelings of relationship or intimacy when they meet their friends. In order to expand their comforts and property they spend money beyo!ld their capacity. The native having Sagittarius Ascendant has view point which should be called economic. They are exceptionally realistic. They may be religious preachers, deliverers of sermons or social servants, in every condition their importance is the greatest. If in their horoscope there is the aspect of Saturn on Jupiter, then they are traditionalists and strict supporters of rules, laws and ideals. To make a certain idea with regard to something and then to remain fixed, unyielding on it is. the effect of aspect of Saturn. If Mars and the Sun are in auspicious situation, then the competitor is sure to get success in the examination. Due to taking quick decision and doing it with greater speed with regard to any thing several times there are Yogas or combinations in the horoscopes of such natives of getting loss. Even then they have adequate ability of correcting their mistakes. And it is in their nature to start a new thing in a new way. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' writes about such. natives:
'Sll$1ftiMfciW'1\JI: ~ : ~ <H~fcl't'lql"""'i'

that is, the native who is born in the Sagittarius Ascendant is learned and intellgent, most excellent in his



family, wealthy and famous. According to 'Maan Saagri', the native having Sagittarius Ascendant is politic (prudent or wise), religious minded, learned, chief in his family I and the supporter of it.


'tlil g'<) ster 'ij' ~ em ~ -;:ffi "'Cj) '<) ~ <~tt >'+j'q' = 11q o u
THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE CAPRICORN ASCENDANT: If the native's brith is there in the Capricorn Ascendant he is ugly shaped, deceitful or cunning, licentious, has many issues, is very clever and intelligent and avaricious or greedy.
Notes: The sign of Capricorn has earth as its Frist Element. It is of movable nature and it is Lorded by Saturn. Due to this lordship of saturn this sign endows its natives the qualities of thoughfulness, reverence towards the accepted principles, strong and firm mental power, gravity or seriousness etc. Natives born in this Ascendant do every work. to the extent of being thought whimsical. Due to their being excessively proud they are abandoned soon by many of their friends because they want others also to proceed like them. The natives having Capricorn Ascendant reach their goal by doing constant hard work for the progress of their family, their ownselves and their followers. They would not like to hear even from thelr most lovable, nearest person the criticism of the tradition, belief (opinion) or values for which they have got reverence in their mind: They leave no stone unturned in fulfilling their ambitions. And it is due to this reason that at last they reach positions higher than those one in which they were born. In every field they will have only a few friends because of their unyielding thoughts. In their family every one has to live in their strict

Cj)fd'1~~8Jq TTO: 3"11Blvt1"1)mcpq: Eltt"'t''RI: I


discip.line. The most important thing about them is this that any work done by them may be said to be perfect in every respect. Their way of living and their thoughts have the semblance (give the impression) of their having a mature adult. personality. According to the writer of 'Jataka Parijata'
~'Htj~4'ii.f. '1'1Ji'lcl)cl:

woT cfl'141Cf!.l

that is , the native who is born in the Capricorn Ascendant is flirtatious and longs to have sexual intercourse with women, is deceitful or cunning and speaks with humility. According to the author of 'Maan Saagri', the native who is born in the Ascendant of Capricorn is the doer of base, mean deeds, has many issues, is avaricious, indolent, corrupt in every way and engages himself in his work with sincere efforts.

'PI (1l '1 \f) ('I

~~<'l'tCII"'t!h~"d't1~1d4il+i'iil.:>-il<{~~: oM~cpP'1?14ll I
't1flll'l"'t: ~iJff11~+4 "tf11<i'! ~

llqq II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE AQUARIUS ASCENDANT: The native whose birth occurs in .the Aquarius Ascendant is of unsteady mind, very lascivious and lustful, has a very charming body, loves his friends, earns grains like paddy etc and practises hypocrisies.

Notes: The First Elern_ent of the sign of Aquarius is air. This sign is of fixed nature and is lorded by Saturn. The natives who are born in the Aquarius Ascendant are generally generous, endowed with ability of establishing high ideals and have spirit of cooperation. On the intellectual level they are extremely logical, foresighted, and have scientific point of view. Being supporters of extremely useful values they hqve important achievements



; in their life. Though they are certainly lacking in self confidence. But if Mercury and Mars are in asupicious situations in the horoscope this lack of self confidence is also not seen in them. On the contrary in such a condition they have an important achievement on the material level due to their intellectual power, practical planning and industriousness. They believe in solving any . dispute by the exchange of view. If .Saturn in the horoscope is badly affected destruction of paternal profession and prosperity have been found. Their social circle is vast. They are famous as benefactors of those who come into their contact. They are really very humanitarian. They develop very strong sense of renunciation. If in the horoscope of the natives of Aquarius Ascendat Venus is debilitated th.ey are not trust worthy. Then there is the development in them of dissembling (deceit), manoeuvre (trickery), falsehood, hypocrisy (pretension), tendency to usurp the wealth of others. Even in the field of religion they are engrossed in doing blameworthy, vicious deeds. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' says about such natives.
3Rt: no:~:

Eic<'l''1irlia 1

that is, the native who is born in the Aquarius Ascendant is crafty (deceitful) in his heart, thinks of having sexual intercourse with other men's wives, is miserly and endowed with wealth. According.to the author'of 'Maan Saagri', the native who is born in the Aquarius Ascendant has fixed~ steady mind, many friends, is infatuated with and attached to some other woman than his wife, has a delicate body and is very happy.


~. W"''if>t'l

"Gm~m~ tt~tif~"'' ~~:1

~ "q' "''l"''l'<ii"iifcluA ~ ~ ~ llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE PISCES ASCENDANT: The native whose birth is there in the Ascendant of Pisces, is skilled (expert), abstemious or moderate in eating, in lust or sexual desire, rich in gold and gems, volatile (inconstant), deceitful (cunning) and maker of many things. Notes: The sign of Pisces has water as its First Element. It is a dual natured sign and is Lorded by Jupiter. It is the last sign in the Zodiac. It is thought that it is related to salvation or emancipation from the cy_cle of birth and death : If in the horoscope, Jupiter is endowed with strength, the native is spiritual , practical, lover of Philosophy and is rich in insight. He has financial gains through foreign countries. To whatever field he may be related his thoughts with regard to it prove to be of great importance. He is extremely emotional, large hearted or generous, imaginative, and an idealist. He is full of extreme enthusiasm in the beginning with regard to any plan or work, but that enthusiasm is diminished tili the end is reached. The natives born in this Ascendant are peace-loving, a little indolent or lazy, fond of juicy fruits and have respects for arts. To live in an imaginative world is an important aspect of their personality. Carried away very soon by emotions they very soon abandon (leave) their own thoughts and values. But often their thinking is upward rising due to which there come important changes in their lives. They are spend-thrift by nature. Money has little value to them. In haste they can make even the greatest renunciations for the subject of their ' love. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' writes about them.



q'J .,~c: il s<"! '< RIR e\JI'il jfk c:>1

that is, the native who is born in the Pisces Ascendant does not have much desire of having sexual intercourse with his wife, is well disposed to (is helpful to ) his own men, brilliant (energetic), endowed with strength, owner of plentiful grains, learned and wealthy. The author of Maan Saagri opines about the native of Pisces Ascendant that he is rich in having gold and gems, does not have much sexual desire, has a weak body and thinks over (on a particular subject) for a long time.
c:>l''ilfi (ij ~
~ c:>l "1<1 <'i ~ Pci c:>l "1C/i IJl


t~R=ii~cl~" ~en~~ ~~~q~ 11

THE CONSIDERATION ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF THE ASCENDANT: If at the time of the birth of the native th'3 Ascendant is endowed with strength the effects which are predicted are obtained by him fully, and if theAscendant is weak or if there are malefics in it or if it is aspected by a malefic, the effects are insignificant.
~ 'tiqffi'<IR lf)c:>ISIIftl ~ ~


\icmiPI 'tiqffi'<'{cfC/iiDii ~ ti&lft!RRI SIC/ita:lU I

'<'liqffi~ '<'llq'iqqqfll ~S'll'i~SI~ ~: llq'd II ' . "'11'<14 t) ffi ~ "GIID14IflWfCI' -~~ . 1ll llt'RIItf I "''l1~q

~ C/)'<on~ci 1ll il~ l'kl~~ ~ llq'i 11

ql'('r~ci ~ -m-m-tll:4fli"'Gcf;q(illf.<lt1flll

c:>~.,~~ci W'14~cf~rrlli cp-'irqgm~I\Jiilq<ttu'! llqf. 11

THE CONSIDERATION OF THE TIME OF THE OBTAINMENT OF THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SAMVATSARA ETC: The consideration of the knowledge of the obtainment of the effects of birth in Samvatsara


etc which have been described in the preceding Chapters '(of the present book) are to be made in this way: the effects of birth in a particular Samvatsara are obtained in the period of the Lord of the 'Sawana Year', and the obtainment of the effects of birth in a particular 'Ayana' and in a particular 'Ritu' is said to be in the Dasha of the Sun. In the same way there is the obtainment of the effects of birth in a particular month in the Dasha period of the Masapati (the Lord of the Month); in a particular Gana, in a particular Nakshtra and in a particular 'Paksha' in the Dasha of Moon. When there comes the Antardasha of the Moon in the Mahadasha of the Sun there is the obtainment of the effects of birth . on a particular Tithi and in a particular 'Karana'. The effects of birth on a particular day are to be imagined in the Dasha of the Varpati (the Lord of the day). There is the obtainment of effects of birth in a particular Yoga in the Dasha of the Sun or in that of the Moon who ever of them is the stronger of the two. There is the obtainment of the effects of birth in a particular Ascendant in the Dasha of the Ascendant Lord, of those a particular House in the Dasha of the House Lord, and of those of a particular sign in the Dasha of the Lord of the sign.



~~~~04~~~~~1 ~ ~\Jili)if~ ~ qjfblail <I'~ "tit~ ~ 11q 11

~ qAcp('q~~

1m mn

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~: ~ 1tti~Cf)'!l jPISI<Ia: !fl('lj'ffiil?l II~ II

A 'Dimbha Chakra' (the shape of a child) is to be made and in it are to be orderly arranged all the Nakshtras in such a way that 3 Nakshtras from that one in which the Sun is situated (at the time of the native's birth) are orderly arranged in the forehead, 3 in the face, 2 in the two shoulders, 2 in the two arms, 2 in the two hands, 5 in the region of the chest, 1 in the navel, 1 in the sexual organ, 2 in the two thighs and 6 in the two feet. (The Nakshtras are to be imagined orderly arranged in .this way). Here the effects stated are those which were mentioned by Muni Vashishtha. Notes: Suppose at the time of birth the Sun be there in the 'Chitra' Nakshtra, then in the shape made like that of a child the 3 Nakshtras from Chitra, namely Chitra, Swati and Vishakha are to be orderly arranged in the forehead of the shape of a child; after this 3 Nakshtras,. namely Anuradha, Jyeshtha and Moola will be written on the face, and in this way other Nakshtras are to be written according to the instructions of the Shloka. The Nakshtra of Abhijita is not written in any of the limbs.



'<'Hit=:'liiiJ0C6'<iiiN'HIRIIii?1<M1~\J1'1H'14~: I

Rl'< 1\1111'1) "Jfj\11) ~ ~ 1f '1fcl~!l~ II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE FOREHEAD: If in the forhead of the shape of a child there occurs the Janama Nakshtra then the native being endowed ~ith gems, gold, splendid clothes, variegated (strange) fly whisk, umbrella and other marks of honour, gets a place of distinction in his group.

fttePtl'11'1i ~14'11tt'11'1i ~"'it <r<Rl1 "tttRt mFJ: 1 ~dl'1'1) err 4C:'11j4id ~ ~ ~ ~I~ II
THE EFFECTS OF JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE FACE : " If the 'Janama Nakshtra' happens to be there in the face, the native enjoys sweet foods, beautiful bed and mats, is a : good speaker, remains cheerful and has smile on his face.
~qi~lcp) ~:9 +tt.)H141d ~: ~I "1"'<1s~~)\-<h~a'<ljC:I't'l ~41C6'<)'~a>itt4;

mr 11<1 II

THE EFFECTS OF JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE SHOULDERS:. If the Janama Nakshtra happens to be there in both the shoulders, the native is like a jewel in his family, has elevated shoulders, is famous for celebrating great functions, has prowess (or is valorous), extremely brave and generous.
~ "!J\1114>('1 t'llcm'<~~~: ~ Rl~nttl't lcit<Ga: ~Mg('l) Ptal"ff't 1



life 11

THE EFFECTS OF JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE ARMS: If the Janama Nakshtra is there in the. arms (both the arms) the native leaves his own country and gains prestige in some foreign lands. He is extremely proud and valorous.

~ ~'ffilj)('l


q~ l""lldl'tl<(!JOiqRifdrtil

QOlll~i(11~4~~ I

't1flllidl+4i ~. 1%' ~ ~q1Jiu)4 ~ 41~1'ff~ Ik911

THE EFFECTS OF JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE HANDS: If the Janama Nakshtra is there in the hands, the native lacks bounty or charity and good qualities, test gems (is a jeweller), is teller of lies and speaker of truth both, that is, he is skill~d and experienced in talking according to the suitability of time.
~ q~Hq;('j'

~1<'1gt>4: ~

'tlri'lci) qrc;fi Fclrtuci)'tliicCIRhnc?i 1

~ ~: 4~'<1FtCj)IJ'l Cl"~ ~"1~~rtl4 "iC'liTf{ IIlii

THE EFFECTS OF THE JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE REGION OF THE CHEST: If the Janama Nakshtra is there in the region of the chest the native is equal to a King in his family. He is of good character or disposition, enjoys great fame and is well versed in the Shastras.
&1111'114~) ~: C/)t'iiC/)<'1141(/)t'i:!tCj)ifl!t'l: I

~4wCJRI: 'tld'<I!JGI'<) ~S~\iliFijd'RT I~ II

THE EFFECTS .OF JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE NAVEL: If the Janama Nakshtra is there in the navel, the native is of forgiving disposition, unworthy of the deeds of fighting battles, skilled and experienced in art, religious minded and generous.
~ ~ijlj)t'l

~~~:~:1 ~\iiiO+fC/)Icl '1~~fllof "fai<(!Jtil~ msgt>~cCJfttgm: llqo II

THE EFFECTS OF THE JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE SEXUAL ORGAN: The native whose Janama Nakshtra is there in the sexual organ is lascivious or lustful, devoid of good and auspicious deeds, has interest in music and


dancing, is skilled and experienced in the arts and wins excellent fame.
~ \JH.i"ilfH'I

"11"11~~~~44lm tl~ill~: 4lltmffill5~il~:

11'11+1'11?1: 1

~lffd:m'481"1trTf~~~~ 11qq11 THE EFFECTS OF THE JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE THIGHS: If the Janama Nakshtra is there in the thighs the native makes many kinds of publicity in many countries, is enthusiastic in his work, volatile or fickle (inconstant), weak bodied, deceitful (cunning) and a liar.
~ q 1<::4)('1

cp~Rb41lli ~sc;qwi: ~i~cl: flq"'CJl44l'clfl

"cl"RT ~ 'flll~i!~''cW~: 41~1\C~~ 1:l ~ ~ llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE JANAMA NAKSHTRA IN THE FEET: If the Janam Nakshtra happens to be there in the feet, the native adopts agriculture as his profession, does a little of the religious deeds, is fearless of his enemies .and is engaged in some service.
am "'ri1 w "11 ct tl tct cfl t~h;$11 ""'!.

~ ~~ 1"1CJ'il I\iltl cl ~: 4lfcl>pii ~ il 'tl"+i1: I




ti+ii'L<lllcll: llq~ II



ti'i~IIPi ~\illll~ ftfqaii"'ii~~ g@OIIPi llq~ II

THE KNOWLEDGE OF SHORT AND TALL (LONG) LIMBS FROM THE ASCENDANT: Pisces, Taurus, Aries, and Aquarius are short (statured) signs; Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn are medium (statured) signs; and Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, these four signs are long (tali) statured. The Lagna Rashi (the sign in the Ascendant) is to be orderly arranged in the right order in the forhead etc in the shape of a child. The limbs in which there are short (statured) signs etc. should be understood to be of the same size as it is of those. signs.

aIC:~ l~ltlq;Qtle:n<:l:




~ ~ ~(1'(1iij.-.Yl ~ ~

~ '&"'Cm mrmsRt~:t IC::I 41+11{\+11fwllq I

313t'ill''?l ~ t!fe(1'<1

"'!1Vl1 'il lf?l' ~~: ~ ~ ~ ~ f% ~~'<1'1+11(1, llq II

THE MAKING OF A HOROSCOPE: First of all a horoscope having 12 sections in it is to be made and then having p[Jt (written) the Ascendant sign in the First Hquse (section) there should be put (written) the other 11; signs in the anticlockwise order in the other Houses (or starting from the Ascendant House and moving in the left hand side to the other 11 Houses). A Planet is to be written in 'that house in which it is situated. This is called 'Janama Kundali' or horoscope. Auspicious and inauscpicious effects should be known and predicted through it

uiiRt<fllfl: Vf1TOl'l!.l ~ ~ .al"'l!f?l ~ 'il ~ ~cl~ct<i -a<j ftdq(1(1, II=? II


qof~Ptufll8 ~~1Pt

MATTERS WHICH ARE CONSIDERED FROM THE STUDY OF THE FIRST HOUSE :The Ascendant or the First House is studied to consider shape (apperance), complexion (colour of the skin), marks, caste, measure of longevity, joys and sorrows and courage.


161 .

Notes: The Firt House represents the whole body. Besides this, this House has been regarded so important that learned astrologers have studied only this House to consider the main events related to the native's life. The Ascendant House may be regarded as the whole horoscope in -itself. The learned astrologer Satyacharya is of the view that the complexion, the shape (appearance, handsomeness), caste, mental char(l.cteristics, environment at the time of birth, fame and shame (dishonour) and success and failure etc should be considered from the Ascendant House. According to Uttara Kalamrita the. following things should also be considered from the Ascendant House : the body as a whole, limbs of the body (by studying the sign posited in the Ascendant ... House and the sign Lord) joys and sorrows, longevity (age), learning, place of birth, fame, dream, strength, grandeur (honour), kingdom, humility, peace, shape, pride, occupation, marks on the body complexion, sleep, disposition (nature) health etc.
Pcl("')tQ;~ '<1tf<!I~FcfC1"l <4)C11f4C11ofl: ~ f1<4)(lli I

~ ~ Pci:JC1i!J~CI


~s~~('l'('(j ~ II~ II

HOW TO JUDGE THE EFFECTS OF THE ASCENDANT HOUSE: If the Ascendant House receives the aspect of all the Planets the native is of humorous, amusing disposition, endowed with strength, excellent in his family, has long span of longevity, is of fearful nature and has the trait of destroying his enemies.
Ul'"4if?l4) ('l"'fldl ~ ~: ~ umi ~ Pcl~tt+t.l 4141f?l4)


~erc~; T.J I I'd 11

If in the Ascendant House there is the situation of three Benefic Planets the native is a. King (influential like a king and enjoying pleasures and comforts like a king) and courteous; and if in this House there is the situation



of three Malefic Planets, then he is penniless (devoid of wealth), sorr-owful, and eats much quantity of food.

Notes: If there Is the aspect of Benefic Planets on the, Ascendant House it is endowed with strength. And as the Ascendant House is related to comforts, grandeur and position, therefore . it is quite natural that having received the aspect of three Benefic Plantes and so having received strength it should give place of distinction to the native.On the contrary, if the Ascendant House is aspected by Malefic Plapets it loses its strength. If is due to this reason that having received the aspect of three Malefic Planets the Ascendant House renders (makes) the native full of grief, penurious and sorrowful.

cl'1q'1tii-se4isfq -q

-wn: ~ ~ ~I~ II

~ c:o-sqfti:~:~~'Q'fcf:l

cfiEif!Jfc:qRift't) ~:

'ffi"G4tfl'&11Ptld: ~q"'lq'f.!fl~t~\1 Offd: ~:

EXCELlENT YOGA OR COMBINATION REFERRED TO AS 'ADHI YOGA': If in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House, in all these three Houses there are situated Benefic Planets and they are not in conjunction with or aspected by Malefic Planets then the native having obtained the position of a King or a judge or a minister is the husband of many women, long lived, healthy and gets no disease, is fearless, handsome, joyful, has charming disposition or nature and is happy. It has been said by Yawanacharya.

Notes: If. there is the situation of Benefic Planets in the 6th, 7th and the 8th House from the Ascendant it forms 'Adhi yoga' (or an excellent yoga) as the Planet whO is situated in the 6th House has full aspect on the 12th



House and he who is situated in the 8th House has full aspect on the 2nd House; and in this way auspicious effect is produced on both sides of the Ascendant, and the Planet situated in the 7th House increases auspiciousness due to its full aspect on the Ascendant. In this way there being auspicious effect on the Ascendant from all angles it (the Ascendant) is endowed with great strength. The Ascendant House is the significator of- wealth, prestige, health, influence and status etc. Therefore, it is quite possible in the life of the native there should be the obtainment of these with ease and in abundance. Varahmihira uses the word 'Saumaya' in place of 'Shubha Grahas' (Benefic Planets) and he includes Mercury., Jupiter and Venus among such planets. The Moon when she is endowed with strength in 'a Paksha' ( a fortnight) has not been included among such Planets. In 'Jataka Parijata' in the 114 and 115 shlokas of the 7!h Chapter it has been said about the 'Lagnadhi Yoga'.

<'~''1Jc:~q"''Jt:le'1~: ~ qlqut:4)'1ii~: 1 ~~~:~~II ~ il'tll'f?l q;ffi /

FclwFcl~t'Fl:q ~~

j&t'<'g Pltq)Jqfecp) ~
~ <nhFclti!JOII~tt: ~ 11

that is, if Benefic Planets are situated in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House from the Ascendant and these Houses have no Malefic Planets in them, and are not aspected by Malefic Planets and the 4th House from the Ascendant is also without any Malefic Planet, then there is formed the 'Lagnadhi Yoga'. If the native's birth occurs in this yoga he is the author of Shastras, gets higher



education and is courteous, becomes a general of the army, gets a place of distinction, is a saintly person without any deceitfulness, enjoys glory (honour) in the world, is wealthy and virtuous. The meaning is that in the 'Lagnadhi Yoga' the more is the Ascendant saved from the Malefic influences the more will be the effects and influences of higher level in the life of the native. The author of 'Jataka Parijata' has made provision for th~ protection of the native's happiness by keeping the 4th House without any Malefic Planet: There should not be the aspect of any Malefic Planet on the Benefic Planets situated in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House because the Planets making auspicious influence on the Ascendant and on the Houses on both sides of the Ascendant will become weakened due to the aspect of the Malefic Planet and because of it there will be deterioration in their poWer of influencing the Ascendant_.: and the houses on both sides of it. According to some learned astrologers of the present times all these saumaya Planets (Benefic Planets) may be In the 6th, the 7th or the 8th House. Or they may be in any two of these three Houses or all these Planets may be there in any one of these three Houses. And if any one of these Planets in any one of these signs is endowed with full strength the native becomes a leader, and if two Planets are fully strong he becomes a minister, and if 3 Planets are fully strong he gets a post of the greatest importance. According to Dr. Raman, Adhiyoga is to be regarded as a Rajyoga or as equal to it. This Yoga may be seen in the context to each of the 12 Houses. The 'Lagnadhi Yoga' which refers to a 'yoga' formed in the Ascendant is merely a representative one. There may be formed the 'Chandra Lagnadhi Yoga' in



the same way when there is the situation of Benefic Planets in the 6th, the 7th and 8th House from the Moon. The effects of this yoga are the same as those of the 'Lagnadhi yoga: This yoga also makes the native happy, prosperous and gives him a life of high standard and of dignity (prestige). Similarly, there is the formation of the 'Surya Lagnadhi Yoga' when there is the situation of Benefic Planets in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House from the Sun. This yoga has also the strength of giving the same effects to the native as the Lagnadhi Yoga does. The author of 'Sarawali' points out that the Benefic Planets forming the Chandra Lagnadhi Yoga should be far away from the Sun. This. condition seems to be vaild as when the .Planets are near to the Sun their power is deteriorated. Besides the above yogas, the same type of yogas are formed when there is the situation of Benefic Planets in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House from any House and these yogas also give the effects of thai House easily and abundantly. Here is an exam.ple; suppose there is the situation of Benefic Planets in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House from the 4th House, then the native gets in abundance the effects given by the 4th House. He gets lands, conveyance, popularity, happiness, joy, mental health and other materials which contribute to happiness in plenty. However, in practice the obtainment of the effects of the 'Adhi Yoga' in their pure form is seen in a very few cases. Some examples relating to the 'Adhi Yoga' are being given here.



Example 1 Date of birth 17 - 12- 1911 Time of birth Latitude Longitude 77-29' (E)

430p.m. (1ST) 27-13' (N) Horoscope

Sat. Rah.

~ Mar.




,Ket. Ven. Moon

In the present Horoscope of the Taurus Ascendant there is the situation in the 6th House from the Ascendant of Venus, the Moon and Ketu, in the 7th House of Jupiter, and in the 8th House of Mercury and the Sun. Here we find that there is the situation of the emaciated Moon in the 6th House and .that of the Sun in the 8th House. These will be said to be obsturctive in the obtainment of the full effects of the Adhi Yoga formed here because in the auspiciousness of the Adhi Yoga the basic idea has been that the Ascendant and the two houses on both the sides of the Ascendant (that is, the 12th and the 2nd House) should be free from all kinds of Malefic influences on them. So, here, in the present horoscope, the situation of Mars in the Ascendant and that of Saturn and Rahu in the 12th House is also against the basic idea of the yoga. Therefore, along with the obtainment of wealth, grandeur, status, gains of profits and benefits and honour from the government side, the native had



to become in his life the sharer of punishment also from the government due to which he had to suffer from dishonour, loss of wealth and lack of relations with men . of distinction and place, although he enjoyed much happiness, grandeur (power), status and happiness deriving from property in his whole life. Example 2 Date of birth 11 - 7- 1909 Time of birth Latitude Longitude 75-49' (E)
Rah. Sun. Mar. Ven.

820 night .(1ST) 26-55'(N)

Mar. Sat. Moon



This horoscope having Capricorn as Ascendant is ~f a person belonging to a royal family. Here Mercury being in the 6th; Venus in the 7th, and Jupiter in the 8th House from the Ascendant form the Adhi Yoga. Although there are certain Malefic influences also. Mars being situated in the 3rd House has his aspect on Mercury, there is the debilitated Saturn in the 4th House, and he aspects Mercury, these are quite against the basic idea of the 'Adhi Yoga'. And the situation of the Sun in the 6th House. is also not a good symptom, but Mercury will not be affected and weakened because of his considerable distance from the Sun. The native passed a happy life living in the midst of all kinds of grandeur (power and wealth) and majesty, although due to his sickness, loss



of his privy purse and division of property he had also to suffer much pain and trouble. We have indicated earlier that effects related to a House are obtained easily and abundantly if there is the situation of Benefic Planets in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House from that House. Here is an example which illustrates the truth of this statement.
Date of birth Time of birth Latitude Longitude 85 - 08'(E)

13/14 - 4 - 1954 220 Night (IST)25 - 36'(N) HOROSCOPE Mer. Ven. Sun



Rah. Mar. Sat.


In this horoscope having Capricorn as Ascendant there is situated Mercury in the 3rd House, Venus in conjunction with the Sun in the 4th House and Jupiter in the 5th House. There is considerable distance between the Sun and Venus, that is, Venus is not combust. All thses Benefic Planets are there in the three Houses mentioned above from the 10th House.Therefore the 10th House which is related to governmental favour, dignity and status has been endowed with unusual strength. At present the native is a minister in a state government. This yoga (Adhi Yoga) has been much praised for its



auspicious effects. But at the same time there may be some inauspicious effects also with regard to it and the native having this yoga in his horoscope has to suffer from them. Thus, if the Ascendant Lord is situated in the 6th House the native has to suffer from a number of bodily diseases also. It is necessary for the formation of- this yoga that Benefic Planets should be there in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House. In such a Situation if the sign of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury should happen to be there in the natal Ascendant and the Ascendant Lord should be situated in the 6th House, this situation is not auspicious for the native's health: Maharishi Parashara clearly says in this connection:
~ : qIq'figm ~<tl'

n~ ~<t:fR.~tH!. I

that is, if the Ascendant Lord is in conjunCtion with a Malefic, or has gone into the 6th, the 7th or the 8th House, it diminishes or steals away bodily happiness and comfort. Therefore the situation of the Ascendant Lord in the 6th House is bound to give adverse effects. According to the author of 'Phala Deepika' if Venus is situated in the 7th or the 8th House the native suffers from diseases related to semen or from veneral diseases. And if Jupiter is situated in the 6th or the 8th House the native suffers from T.B. According to some learned astrologers this yoga is also formed when the Benefic Planets are situated in one of the 3 Houses, the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House or in 2 of the 3 Houses.But if it is. formed in these ways, the Adhi Yoga does not give the full effects related to it, because in such a situation either the Ascendant or either of two Houses on the two sides of the Ascendant or both the two Houses remain devoid of the aspect of Benefic : Planets. This defect will certainly cause diminution in the



effects of the 'Adhi Yoga' and on the contrary there will be the defect of the House Lords being gone into the 6th or the 8th House, because there comes diminution in the effects of those Houses the Lords of which are there in them ,and this diminution may be compensated for them if they are able to produce auspicious effects in the Ascendant and the two Houses on both the sides of the Ascendant.

. jUJqufFc!PJufll: I


flrfi'll'fll ~ jPrttutd: II~ II

THE FEATURES, THE COMPLEXION, THE TRAITS ETC. OF THE PLANETS: Now there is the description with regard to the traits, the decision of the complexion and the size of the body of the Planets the Sun etc according to the view of the Munis (the philosophers, thinkers.)

'<1\4't<i 'M "!. ~ ~~: ~:

I k9 II

'q'tt'll?l~ ~ftiro'l?l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9if:

THE FORM OF THE SUN: The Sun is valiant (warrior) grave, wise, beautiful, has dark red mixed complexion, is thin haired, has round well built body, pale honey coloured eyes, is of bilious nature, strong and short statured.

tt6iqrfTciC'Irtt~~:wmm~:~:l q;q;JPJC'Irf+11'3\JN?to'l?l~ ~~: ~~: lllU

THE FORM OF THE MOON: The Moon is excellent in speech, has pure and clear intelligence, beautiful body, has much blood (is of Sanguine complexion or nature), curly black hair, is of phlegmatic windy nature, has eyes like lotus leaf, looks cheerful and is of extremely brown complexion (colour).


"'i\'(1'1'4 't'i4 't


=r:D'T:!T' l' ' ' ~ '1\DII"ffl'<l <tb'I'<ISf!JC::I'<i t-~:


i'!f>\ C>.~:nn=

ttm<il'R11'1"t1H 1

~: "ftrmm 'f1S&cflcf: &<f't'CI'I~ 'C)j'lf)"'ISI4f ~I~ II

THE FORM OF MARS: Mars has strong bones, is of red mixed brown complexion, generous, violent, valiant (warrior) of bilious nature, has Tamsika qualities, is terrifying, has pale eyes, is young, excessively proud, has short statured body and lustre (splendour) like that of fire.
!~ '1'4 't'i q

~GI'CIGI:J?i: llcto II

~: ftim;re <il(Oilfcl~: ~H)\l\~ cffl"'(Oiql<ft~G)t?JI

"'1\il)sftlq;) "'IA"''t'i4~CffliiC::Id1W'"t?l)

THE FORM OF MERCURY: The Planet Mercury is black complexioned, has more veins, knows the arts, has sense of humour, is sweet spoken, of phlegmatic, windy and bilious nature, Rajoguni, has medium form and copper coloured eyes.
d!~t<d~ '1'4 't'i q '1.

cftEif<ili'C~I'6ill<%'i<il'll<fi '1\DII"tii'C:

'tj'l<l~)cm~f%: I

G'IH: ftrmiH: '<iltCI il1Ri"'i"t1: ~: ~: <Cift1t~) G\)qti$1: II<! 'Ill

THE FORM OF JUPITER: The Planet Jupiter is long statured, strong due to the strength of marrow, has body with the lustre (splendour) of gold, sweet voice, is liberal minded, wise, has pale eyes, is of phlegmatic nature, possesses bulky body that is, much muscular and learned.

il]w '1'4 't'i q '1.

"t1 \11 (1 \11 l'l C:: of! l'l : 't JIIS"'l'l~ IPi (11 ('Of I !fq(14C::l'l'"l?l) qwofil'II(Oi<il'till 'tj"ff 'I (1 !JGI 'til cl'J 'I I\11 "t1 't ill Ri <ill <%) "'C::goIGt<l.l<%'1 1fl1fcr: 1ljiP"t11'1: 11'1~ II



THE FORM OF VtNUS: The Planet Venus has complexion like that of clouds full of water in them, is of phlegmatic and windy nature, has eyes like lotus leaf, black curved hair, beautiful ar.ms, is Rajoguni, obsessed with excessive sexual desire, has motion like that of an intoxicated elephant.
:t IPt 't<l '<'l 4't

:t41"161)sRI"l~"''H ftrm;{: ~H ~: p:tl~d: I ~<'IC:"d"''&f?lii<'f'"l?igwPt"'':toq

&clttiPtcltP'Iq: 11q~ 11

THE FORM OF SATURN: The Planet Saturn is more dark complexioned (skinned), has dull mind, more veins in his body, is indolent, watery, weak and long statured, has thick teeth and nails, pale eyes, is of vicious (wicked) nature and windy disposition.

. 't<l'<'l4SI41\11'1't '

W"''t4 "''"<::i:tiQ~ij ~ ~: "WIAT &cl:til~'1) err I t41R"'$'1"<::i:ti4C\~ qui:~ ftrmm: fcl\11iiM:til: llq-& II
THE PURPOSE OF THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FORM OF THE PLANETS: The form of the native is to be predicted like that of the Lord of the Navamsha which is there in the Ascendant or if the Ascendant Lord is strong the form should be predicted like that of him, and the complexion of the native is to be predicted like that of the Lord of that Navamsha in which the Moon happens to be posited and the native's complexion and form should be predicted after the consideration of his lineage, caste and region. Notes: The country or region in which one is born and one's caste or race have certainly their influence upon the native. Thus the persons of the Mangol race are mostly of white and pale mixed complexion. In the colder countries or regions all are generally white comlexioned, but there is little influence of the country on the complexion of the Negro race, as it is the case of the American Negroes.



Therefore, before the consideration of the native's shape and complexion his race and the country or region in which he is born should also be studied.
~ 'tlfCII~!JUifclill'<'!_ ~


lil~l'<i4v?ICII'ffi'1l ~ 11 ~~I

~lilfl'lll ~ ~ ~ Cl"f&l1 !JOI'ffit<l ~ ~ lfq~ II

THE SATTWA ETC. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PLANETS: The Moon, the Sun and Jupiter are Satwaguni, Mars and Saturn are Tamoguni and Mercury and Venus are Rajoguni Planets. The native's 'Guna' is according to the Planet in the Trimshamsha of whom there is the situation of the Sun.
~ atCfll0qlfl'1 '<I~IRI"'41'<1'!.

~~: ~ ~1111~ ~I ij)ooiM1<fo'1;ij)~~a:r: ~ 11 ~ ~ llqft 11

i1 Rti 'ttl r;~l i'(;t ii"!]~ moil 0'1; I<{'t'l 11 \ii"T1. "'tffllt) ~ I .



"Cillf am ~OI'li\""1?1119\9 II

THE ORDERLY ARRANGEMENT OF THE LIMBS OF THE BODY ACCORDING TO THE: DRESHKANA OR DECANATE: If there is the First Decanate in the Ascendant the counting is to be done by regarding respectively the First Hol!se as the Head, the Second and the Twelfth House as the Eye, (the Right and the Left eye,) the Third and the Eleventh House as the Ear; the Fourth and the Tenth House as the Nose; the Fifth and the Ninth House as the Cheek; the Sixth and the Eighth House as the Chin and Seventh House as the Mouth. If there is the second Decanate in the Ascendant then the Ascendant is to be imagined as the Throat, the second and the Twelfth House as the Shoulders, the Third and the Eleventh House as the Arm the Fourth and the Tenth House as the side or Womb, the Fifth and the Ninth House as the Chest, the Sixth and the Eighth House as the Abdomen and the Seventh House as the Navel.



And if there is the Third Decanate in the Ascendant then the Ascendant is to be imagined as the lower belly the Second and the Twelfth House as the Genital Organ, the Third and the Eleventh House as the Testicle, the Fourth and the Tenth House as the Thigh, the Fifth and the Ninth House as the Knee, the Sixth and the Eighth House as the Thigh, the Seventh House as the Left Leg. In this serial order there should be the orderely arrangement of the limbs of the body in such a way that in the six signs behind the Ascendant (the visible half of the Zodiac or the 6 Udit Rashis) are arranged the limbs of the left side, and in the Six Signs ahead of the Ascendant the invisible half of the Zodiac or the 6 Anudita Rashis) are arranged the limbs of the right side. THE FIRST DECANATE SPECULUM
Left eye
Left ear
~ . Left ' Nostril


Right eye

Right ear Right Nostril Right cheek

Left . chee~

Left chin


Right chin


Left Throat Right Right Soulde Soulder arm Left arm Len Side (womb) Right Side (womb Heart Abdomen



Abdo men




The The The Testigenital Lower genital cles Organ Belly Oroan TestiThigh cles Thigh Knee





~ fffi;j c:Jjfq i!lcllj'l~ ~ ~ 1fUTI'I"?? "tfltll: I

~:~gc:~~:~~: llq{.ll

THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE MARKS OF WOUND OR ULCER, WART AND MOLE ON THE BODY: There is the mark of a wart, mole or garlic (blotch)'in that limb in which in the speculum of the Decanate there is the situation of Benefic Planets and there is the mark of an ulcer in that limb in which there is the situation of the Malefic Planets. If the Malefic Planets being in their own Navamsha or in their own Decanate are gone in the Fixed Signs arid are in conjunction with and aspected by Benefic Planets, then it should be predicted that the marks of wart, mole etc. will remain fixed. ~ ' . ~ . 1 '(q'fUI: q;Jta'qg"'l<;it\!J: J31'ffi"3qt w~: }lt:lllq;tq_
Sil'iil~'ll'"4'<?1cpo}l'q ~~: }IJJj}l'qJ~ +1~C{Ci'hSiill't llq~ II

If the wound or ulcer causing Planet is the Sun, it (the wound) is caused by the blow of wood or the quadrupeds; if he (the Planet) be the Moon, by a horned animal or by the biting of an aquatic or an amphibious



animal; if he be Mars, by poison, or fire or weapon; if he be Mercury, it is due to clay; and if he be Saturn, it is caused by wind or by a stone.
~ 'iOjcpj'(OIJ+f:

~ ifl7t tR'<&n ~ lJm: ~a:q ftR;t "'q 'ff: 1 ~ "ll?l' !~ ~ iJUOS"il ~ \CI~I~<"l1 : ll:?o II
THE ASCERTAfNMENT OF THE WOUND OR THE ULCER : If there is the situation of the Malefic Planets in the 6th House from the Ascendant, these (the Malefic Planet) are the cause of an ulcer or a wound; if the Malefic Planets are in conjunction there with the Benefic Planets, then these cause only a garlic (a blotch) or a mole. The limb in which there is the situation of three . Planets (Malefic ones) in conjunction with Mercury, there certainly occur ulcers in that limb equal ~o the number of that sign.
~ ~j<<Q<j)<j

1)-q ~ ~ :tiPi:t~'{ 1tTJ~ ~!!11~: I ~ fcffii"' ~ ~ '!"<lql4'tdoi "1'<1 ~: ll:?q II

THE COMBINATION LEADING TO THE MAKING OF FORTUNE THROUGH ONE'S OWN INDUSTRY: If in the horoscope of a native the Moon is posited in the sign of Aries, Saturn in that of Aquarius, the Sun in that. of Sagittarius and Venus in that of Capricorn, he does not use his father's . wealth, but he acquires a place of distinction with his own industry or hardwork .. Notes: This combination does not make an indication to the fact whether the native's father possesses wealth or property or not. As a matter of fact, the essential idea behind the combination is to indicate to the Planetary position due to which a native is able to get success in a significant way in his plans due to his own



assiduousness (ir.ldustriousness or hard work), foresightedness and intelligence etc. In order to make one self a man of distinction it is absolutely necessary to be ambitious. The situation of Saturn in the sign of Aquarius makes the native a man of ambition. Along with this, the. Saturn of Aquarius is the giver of success in one's efforts, devotion to one's duty, laboriousness and singleness of purpose. The Sun's position in the sign of Sagittarius gives the native to develop his power of deliberation, to bring extensiveness in it and to give it an idea of making it beneficial for the community or a large group of people. Venus being situated in the sign of Capricorn gives the native the qualities of foresightedness, professional skill and intelligence, proper use of his wealth, that is, investing the money and wealth in professional activities in such a way that it should go on increasing, etc. The Moon being situated in the sign of Aries gives the native the qualities of being energetic, firmness assiduousness and so on. The sign of Aries is related to a person's initial condition, or the condition at the time of birth and the presence of the Moon in this sign gives it the form of an Ascendant, and this situation of the Moon makes the native travel from the zero point and this travel is towards giving him a place of distinction through self reliance, elevation or rise, his own labour and work. The writer has formed this combination keeping the natural horoscope in his mind, as no indication has been made here towards the Ascendant. Difference in the effects of this combination is quite natural in the various Ascendan~s as the lordship of House of the Planets will



change with the change of the Ascendant, and due to it there will be the inclusion (possession) of other virtues or qualities in the Planets than their own natural ones (that is, their qualities in the natural horoscope). Therefore the combination is to be understood in the context of every Ascendant on the basis of distinction or difference.

~ ~ ~ lJTtl1 ~ "il 414~el: I ~ G"funsfffi:Ri Pl'<lm) ~~lt"1S'("'~~ql'11"!.11~~ 11_

THE COMBINATION CAUSING PENURY: If in the horoscope of a native there is the situation of the Malefic Planets in the Angles and also in the Second House, he is subjected to extreme penury (or poverty) and causes much trouble to the other members of his lineage. Notes: The Planets situated in the Angles from the Ascendant have their influence upon the Ascendant . The situation of the Malefic Planets in the Angles weakens the Ascendant due to which the native has to face ill health and deficiency or lack of wealth. The situation of a Malefic Planet in the second House also forms the Combination leading to poverty and lack of wealth. The Second House is related to the native's lineage or family. Therefore, the formation of the situation of trouble for the members of the native's lineage or family is quite natural due to the position of a Malefic in the 2nd House, because a Malefic Planet will certainly be the cause of quarrels with the person related to the House in which he is posited and will also cause pain, clash and calamity to him.
'(1\il'ti!J ~) 411:

~en~ ~48i


'<1'*41d: T!'f'ffii: 1

'1'<14'tCfl fil~d~lFlif t41~1\il'tft !J~fil'<IWII'1: ~~~~II




The native at the time of whose birth the Planet Jupiter is posited in the Ascendant, or in the 5th House from the Ascendant, and the Moon is situated in the 1Oth House is an ascetic, has control over his senses and is of 'Rajsika' disposition or nature.

~ -q ~ 'tl'<!f6ifq cr) err ~: ~ ~~ijq)'(l~ll: ~: "f~te(119_i 'til'1~1 d \JI1(11~'<1 ' 'fJ~........\.fcl <um .,'Ciili'<ilg'<IS P!C'lli'1"Goffi jd'icf'<(l'<) PttSiq'<) fcl'tlqli I R~ II
THE COMBINATION MAKING A MAN WEALTHY: The native in whose horoscope Jupiter is posited in the .sign of Virgo or of Libra, Venus in that of Aries or of Taurus, Mercury, being situated in that of Scorpio, is aspected by the Planet Venus, is excellent in his lineage or family, discerning or judicious, very generous, honoured due to his generosity, ever endowed with happiness, most excellent due to his good qualities, has devotion and is wealthy.

lJ8 ~ 1fCffi)

~uR) -;ffi 11~=a:ftdq'<) Pt(li"'tl~ I

tci<64't11+1ufFctaFcht) .. ,t<l'<i\SJtlq'u?i'iJ!Ju?i

~ ~~~'i 11

THE COMBINATION MAKING THE NATIVE A THIEF: If Mercury is situated in the sixth House from the Ascendant and is in conjuction with Mars and Saturn, the native commits theft, is without ability and capacity due to his remaining idle, has many faults and defects and causes harm and injury to others, cuts their hands and feet.
Notes: If the Planet of Mercury is situated in a Benefic

House in conjuction with Benefic Planets the native has a subtle or fine intellect, is skilled in his work and



pe_rforms every thing readily and is endowed with intelligence and skill. 'On the other hand if this same Mercury is situated in a Malefic House in Conjunction with Malefic Planets, the native is deceitful and cunning, has many faults and defects, is mentally idle, practises 'thhugi' or deception, has a tendency to commit guilt and theft. This combination is particularly seen in the horoscopes of the natives having 'Gemini and Virgo Ascendants. Here are two horoscopes illustrating this combination . Illustration No. 4 Longitude Date of birth Time of birth Latitude 24 -2 -1966 205 (Night) 28 - 39' 77 - 13' HOROSCOPE
Sun Mer Sat. Mar



In this horoscope in which the Ascend~nt is Virgo the Planet of Mercury due to his being the Ascendant Lord, is of specific importance as he becomes related to the native's nature, habits, character and mental attitudes. The influences falling on this Planet and his situation in a particular House manifests these aspects of the native's personalty. Besides this, being the 10th Lord, this Planet becomes related to the native's profession also. It was due to the situation of Mercury, the Ascendant Lord in the 6th House and the influences of Mars and Saturn on him that the native got several defects and faults in



his character, became deceitful and cunning, quarrelsome and adopted pick pocketing. Here Mars is the 3rd and the 8th Lord due to which he has become extremely malefic. In particular, Mars being the 8th Lord, has naturally acquired the significatorship of sinful acts, committing mmder, remaining idle, habit of theft etc. Mars is already by nature the Planet who causes the native to make quarrels and do bloodshed. Here Saturn has lordship over the 5th and the 6th House, but there is his Mool Trikona sign in the 6th House and therefore he will be the significator of the effects of the 6th House in greater degree.The singificatorship of the 6th House includes among other things the habit of theft, fighting and the breaking of limbs etc. Thus on the basis of the proportion or comparability of the significatorships of the Planets and the Houses, the above stated yoga is clearly seen in this horoscope. Here the significant thing is the conjunction of the 12th Lord, the Sun in this Combination as the 12th House is related to prison. If the 12th Lord is also included in the above yoga, the native has to suffer imprisonment also. Illustration No. 5: Time of birth Latitude Longitude Date of birth 10 - 11- 1964 840 (Night) 30 - 19'(N) 78 - 03'(E) HOROSCOPE Jup. Sat. Moon Ket. Mer. Sun Mar. Ven. Rah. ~



In this horoscope where the Ascendant is Gemini, the . Ascendant Lord Mercury is situated in conjunction with Ketu in the 6th House. The 6th House has the aspect of. Mars and of Saturn. For the fullness of the Combination it is not necessary that Mars and Saturn should be situated in Conjunction with the 6th Lord, Mercury. The aspect of these Planets on the Planet of Mercury, the Ascendant Lord, is also significant to make sure the success of this Combination. The Ascendant being Gemini, Mercury becomes the complete representative of the native's disposition, mental attitudes, habits etc. as he becomes the Lord of the House of mind and soul, the 4th House, along with the Ascendant Lord. in the present horoscope the Sun who is the significator of Mind and Soul is in his fall in the House of the Intellect, the 5th House and the situation of the 5th Lord is also like that of the Sun. Venus's being in her fall in the House of Mind and Soul is responsible for the weaknesses in his character.
Sl~<lil~ 'fcm;t ~ ~: cri;scf;ur~ ~:I

iftlhittifhG4iiD"i~O"iJ9i<!II~<!IO"iJPJ ~ 1:J1! II=?~ II

The native at the time of whose nativity (birth) Saturn and Mars are respectiv!i)ly in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn is deprived of hands and feet due to getting severe punishment for committing the guilt of theft.
crGJ ~

'F'!J4) 1

~ Tt ~ ~ :tl'<ltt" ~ 414~el: 1 . g>il~d: ~lt!J''1) ~ 1:'i ~ ~ <m1 ll=?l911


THE COMBINATION LEADING TO DEATH DUE TO THE FALLING OF LIGTHN.ING: If in the horoscope there is the situation of Malefics in the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius, the native takes to wrong course



or bad ways and he dies due to the falling of lightning on him.


'l:fi """'U t: : 'l:fi """'Pi:flfmt~ I tfu.li"'44ctiiPI ~ 'ffi'll' ~ ~ fcnmT ~ ll~t II

THE COMBINATION MAKING ONE UNDER GOING PILGRIMAGES: The native at the time of whose birth the 8th House is occupied by or aspected by Benefic Planets undergoes many pilgrimages and is endowed with right intelligence. Notes: The House from which Benefic Planets are situated in the Angles gets exceptionally strengthened, as the Ascendant has been regarded as exceptionally. strong if there is the situation of Benefic Planets in the Angles frorQ the Ascendant. Acceding to this rule we should accept the same condition with regard to the other Houses. But this much is necessary that it is only the situation of Benefic Planets in the Angles from any House that will bestow strength to that House, their aspect cannot be the substitute of their position or situation.

~ 1fWl') ~ ~~:

Pi;::c: lcti 4cti ji(Cf)4) ., 3~ ~ fu1'r.t ~ ~are ~1e1;:q~ lfflftl' \11H1\11::+tl ~4'li!cti"li ~

mtl :


THE COMBINATION WHICH MAKES ONE THE DOER OF BASE, LOW DEEDS: If in the Ascendant there happens to be the Decanate of Mercury and Mercury is being aspected by the Moon who is situated in an Angle, then the native is fated to be the doer of base, low deeds inspite of getting noble birth.

~l"''ii!j-411 '


'otljfi18Jl) ~ ~~ ~81
~ ~ 11cA ~ 'flll""ll"''q~ ~"''ct>t>fq'<~~ ll~o II
THE COMBINATION RELATING TO WEAK BODY: The native in whose horoscope there is the situation of Saturn and the Sun in the 2nd House, that of the Moon in the 1oth House and that of Mars in the 7th House, has weak and light body. JBI'<'II Fc: '<11411
'I '

4141"d'!lt>l 1:1' ~ cr>clJqi'ttl~lch'gi>4<:'11<1Q\!ltl': I

~ ~I~Cf>cl it~ .uRI'I9Q~l\Cf> !}("11'<~~: II~ II II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING SUCH. DISEASES AS RESPIRATORY DISEASE, CONSUMPTION, SPLENETIC GROWTH AND GULMA DISEASE: If the moon is sandwitched between two Malefic Planets and Saturn is situated in the 7th House, then the native suffers from. such diseases as some respiratory diseases, consumption (T.B.) spleenetic growth and Gulma disease etc.
'<1""1Ri~'14~1 ~ Fc:4111'fll

~ 11~~4111: 111~1 ...~ ~I

~ ~ 'Q'Fc:' ~ ~ '(1~Pcl~ ...~ +tj\JI'ttl<:l "fll'Tq IIH 11.

THE COMBINATION CAUSING PENURY: If there is the Moon in the Navamsha of the Sun and the Sun in that of the Moon, and in the horoscope they are situated in the same sign there is formed the yoga or combination rendering the native deprived of Lakshmi (wealth).
d\JI~"14?14~1 n)~ ~ ~ 1:1' Pllliict>'!l'!ichlll$i:f:m: ~:I ~ {'CJf.!lclt~ct>{'CJiffuM~~4

""1'lA ~:





Sun, Mars and Saturn being endowed with strength in conjunction with the Moon are situated in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th House the eyes of the native are deprived of lustre or brilliance (lack lustre) and his body has excess of wind (that is, he is of windy disposition).

Notes: The Sun and the Moon both Planets are the significators of the eyes. The more will be the malefic influences on these Planets the less will be the lustre or brilliance of the eyes. If .these Planets get the lordship of the 2nd or of the 12th House in a horoscope, then ~he malefic influence falling on these Planets will be extremely destructive and if Venus also joins this combination, then the eyes of the native may be harmed to any extent. To prove. the truth of this combination we give here an ,illustration related to~ actual life.
Illustration No. 6 Date of birth Time of birth 4 - 2- 1962 345 (1ST) PM Latitude 28 , 43' Longitude
77- 55'


Kel. Mar. Sat. Mer. Sun. Jup. Moon Ven

In the present horoscope the Moon being the 2nd Lord strongly represents the native's eyes as this Planet is the significator of the eyes also. The Moon has zero



'Paksha Bala' (her strength due to the 'Pakash' or fortnight) because of it being 'Amavasya' or the 30th Tithi of the Month. Here the Moon and the Sun are badly afflicted by such Malefic Planets as Mars and Saturn in the 8th House which is a malefic house in itself. An extremely Malefic influence on the eyes is being produced due to the position of Venus in this very House as, fQr one thing Venus, being the 12th Lord is the representative of the eyes and secondly she is naturally the significator of the eyes. The native's eye sight was extremely weak since his birth. It was completely put out during an operation.
t ' ij)Uf"1jlljij)lfj41

4141fa:J?IIllltll ~ RltM'ihttl ~ ~:I ~a Cf)o[RI"11tl4 -:q llllil?lllldl: ~ Cf)ofEIId't ll~'d II THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES DEAFNESS: If there is the situation of Malefic Planets in the 3rd, the. 5th, the 7th and the 11th Houses and they are not aspected by Benefic Planets, the native gets deafened.

cr;ui ~?IG'Itil
~ ~ ~ crn;ls~ Cf)U['(iuj ~I

~~ ~ ml' ~ <i'tG'Itil(f)j'<) ~ ~: II~~ II


THE COMBINATION WHICH CASUSES DEFECT IN THE EYES: If Venus or Mars is situated in the 2nd or the 12th House there is caused defect in the ears and if the Moon is situated there it causes disease in the eyes. Notes: According to the writer of the present book there is caused disease in the ears if Mars or Venus is situated in the 12th House. Here the obtainment of the effects in the form of disease in the ears does not seem to be reasonable on the basis of the principles of Astrology. If there is the situation of Venus in the 2nd or the 12th



House and she is afflicted in any way by the Malefic Planets, then there should be disease in the eyes. The same statement may be made with regard to Mars. But if Venus and Mars, being the 3rd Lord or the 11th Lord are situated in these Houses (the 2nd and the 12th House) and they are afflicted by Malefic Planets, then there is the direct possibilty of the effects of disease in the ears as both these Houses (the 3rd and the 11th house) are respectively the Places of the Left and the Right Ear.

-em Ql('ISII~ <PI~

~ftm=~~=-~~ ~ ~~~
~ 'qu;i ~ ft 4icr5C6itil 'CjP14('11 ~ ~ ~ ll~f, II

THE TIME OF THE OBTAINMENT OF THE EFFECTS OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED YOGAS: The effects of the yogas mentioned by the thinkers of Astrology in the above manner are obtained in the Dasha of the Planet who is the strongest among the combination forming Planets. It should be imagined by those whose intelligence is pure.
't<fDifRt:ligwliRiwll~il \CHIRtP'iq~sftl' ~ 'fhH~~iil

~tlffi'1ffi q~~;:a;\)4 ~

1fCA "'Cjaw4:


THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE SECOND HOUSE: The learned ~strologers should consider the metals like gold etc, purchasing and selling, the consideration of treasure, gems and their accumulation, all these from the second House.

Notes: The matters which should be considered from the second House besides those stated above are also these: speech, bringing up of others, food material the - tongue, the eye, the family, charity, attractivenes, lustre of the face, education, interest with regard to foods and



drinks, wit or clevernes in speaking, the tendency to show off or artificiality, growth, nose, paternal wealth, death, way of thinking or ideology, happiness and politeness or courtesy etc.

t11'141'1 '

~-~ljdiSI:t~c;: ~ ~ !JdC!e'!l ~ T~ "ll'jVI) ~: ft 1"': q;:t~m'n~d!Jm'! ll~t 11

THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES DEPRIVATION OF WEALTH: If the Sun, Mars and Saturn are situated in the 2nd House (the House of accumulated wealth) or they have their aspect on the 2nd House, then the native born in such a combination is deprived of wealth. If the emaciated Moon is also situated there (in the 2nd House . in conjunction with the above Planets) or if she aspects this House then the . native is exceptionaly deprived of wealth.

'<r:t~~";:i~~OJ~ I

~~~~:11~~11 ~ ~- ~ ~'1~'14~
#Jqtolq~~ ~fctohQliJd: ~~ ~I


~: '<1~+1'tli ~: ~- ll'do II

THE COMBINATION WHICH MAKES A MAN WEALTHY: If the Sun being situated in the 2nd house, does not get the aspect of Saturn then the native is endowed with wealth. If Benefic Planets are posited in the House of wealth (the 2nd House), the native earns money and wealth in many ways. If Jupiter being aspected by a Benefic Planet is situated in the 2nd House, the native becomes wealthy. If Mercury being situated in the 2nd House is aspected by the Moon, the native loses wealth.




~ lA' ~e~)rcJ;ttu 'fTI: ~mil*)sftr U"'ii~Cfil'11'1. 1



'1ofl"'i~'t1!01Rifl~~ I ~q II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING .RESTRICTION OR OBSTRUCTION OF WEALTH: If the emaciated Moon being situated in the 2nd House. is aspected by Mercury, then the pi'eaccumulated wealth is destroyed and there corT)es obstruction in the new gains of wealth.

~ ~t'll!J'<': crmftf ~'t1W1 tt'l>t'Cj~"'i ~:I

l'l ~ fl'l<ll~tt!J'ffi1te: $lpePcl't1ill!Cfi\C) "'ii(IDII'1, I~~ II


THE COMBINATION LEADING TO GAINS OF WEALTH: If Venus, being situated in the 2nd House is aspected by the son of the Moon, that is, Mercury, then, there are gains of wealth and if he is aspected by other Benefic Planets (than Mercury) then there are exceptional gains wealth.


Notes: There is no possibility of Venus's. being aspected by Mercury when she (Venus) is posited in the 2nd House: The rules of Astronomy cannot allow such aspect as Mercury should be 180 away from Venus in order to make it. (Mercury has only one aspect, he aspects only the 7th House from him). Mercury's being 180 away " from Venus which is necessary to make this aspect is t.i... not a possibility. But there is one thing, the benefic influences on Venus posited in the 2nd House will certainly give the abundance of wealth.

~ ' Fci; . . Qi(IUIJtiDII!J4 ~~ 'if I 'ti~IC:i(IDIIJtltJCfii(jUjj I "''I

~'qji(Oii \JIIdCfi'lii'HI~Iii'kl8i4+ilql~4~'1

'CPTllf ~~~II




FROM THE THIRD HOUSE:The younger brother, servant, vigour (valiant deed), the consideration of profession or means of living, these are to be. considered according to rules by those learned in Astrology. Notes: The other matters which should be considered from the 3rd House are as follows: Might, courage, right ear, hand, sermon (preaching), throat, hunger ordinary food eaten in hard circumstances, medicines which give quick relief, skill in battle, patience and endurance, respiratory organs, assistant, slave's wife, short journey and causing pain and trouble to others.

q(q(C1~~~~=~=~ ll~c:tlimd"ill




d~lftr~q I I'd~ II

THE HAPPINESS FROM A BROTHER AND THE ABSENCE OF A BROTHER : If in the 3rd House there are Malefic Planets in a Malefic Sign and. they are aspected by Malefic Planets or if they are in conjunction with them, then there is the lack of younger brother for the native. Conversely, if in it (in the 3rd House) there . are Benefic Planets in a Benefic Sign and if they are aspected by Benefic Planets or if they are in conjunction with them , then there is the happiness from brother {happiness of having brother or through brother).

3mui "il '<~~Pti ~oo\ilid ~~~~iN: I .3J11\ii ~ ~ ift t:\iiOO ~: I I'd~ II

. THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES THE DESTRUCTION OF BROTHER: If there is the situation of the Sun in the 3rd H.ouse he brings the loss of the elder brother, if Saturn is there he causes the loss of the younger brother and if Mars is there he causes the loss of both (the elder as well as the younger brother.)




l) 'H{(GIIM4'tlil.ll:



ttlqPiittl:~:~~~ qRq;('<loft41: l~f.ll

THE NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS: The native has as many number of brothers and sisters which is the number of the Navamsha in the 3rd House which is aspected by the Moon and Mars. And if other Planets also aspect the 3rd House, then the number of the sisters and brothers should be predicted in proportion to the number of these Planets.

Notes: Suppose the Spashta of the 3rd House is 4 - 10 - 30'. Then it is clear that in the 3rd House there is the rise of the 4th Navamsha. Therefore we shall take the number of four as the number of brothers and sisters. Besides, the number of Planets who have their aspect on the 3rd House will also be added to thjs number of four. The total number of both added together will be the number of the brothers and the sisters. The number of sisters is equal to the number of the Navamsha of the female sign and the number of the female Planets aspecting the 3rd House; and the number of brothers is equal to the number of the Navamsha of the male sign and the number of the Male Planets aspecting the 3rd House. .
~ ~ ~~ ottt4f.:tl 'GI'Tffi: '<'I{(GIIIti.i '('RlJ I

~ -q ~ ~ 'tl~ '<'41~jGl!J 1:l'{ I~1911

THE COMBINATION CAUSING LOSS OF BROTHERS: There occurs the loss of brothers of the native in whose horoscope the Planet Saturn being situated in the 3rd House is aspected by Mars; and if Saturn being situated in the 3rd House is aspected by Jupiter arid Venus there is the happiness of having brothers.



Notes: The writer m"eans to say that if there is the influence of the Malefic Planets only on the 3rd House the native does not get the happiness of having brothers becasue Malefic Planets tend to destroy the live things. We give here two horoscopes to illustrate the truth of the above statement.

Illustration No. 7 Date of birth 2 - 1- 1971 Time of brith Latitude Longitude 77- 45'

10- 15 Morning 29- 01' HOROSCOPE



f'Moon Rah.




In this horoscope in which the Ascendant is Aquarius there is not the aspect of any Benefic Planet on the 3rd House. Here Saturn is posited in the 3rd House in the First sign of Mars. This sign is the sign of Fall of Saturn. Therefore this Saturn only is sufficiently strong to destroy the native's younger br~ther. And here the 3rd House is also being aspected by another very Malefic Planet Mars. Although in the 3rd House there is Mars's own sign, yet when two or more Malefic Planets have their combined influence on any Planet the live t~ings related to that House do not have long span of longevity, no
< I.



matter that these planets are situated in their own signs. The more Malefic will be tt"Je way of a Malefic Planet being situated in any House, the more terril:>le and painful will be the death of the relative representing that House. Here is another example illustrating the truth of this statement. Illustration No. 8 Date of birth 17-11- 1951 Time of birth 1107 (Night) HOROSCOPE Latitude 30-23 Longitude 76- 46'



Sun. Mer.
Ven. Sat. Mar.

In this horoscope in which the Ascendant is Cancer there are both the Malefic and the Benefic influences on the 3rd House. The position of Saturn and Mars in the 3rd House is producing the most Malefic influence. Venus is also posited in this House. But she being in her sign of debilitation or fall is unable to create an aura of safety obstructing or opposing the power of Saturn and Mars which is opposed to the live things. Strong Jupiter being situated in the 9th House has his aspect on the 3rd House. There occurred the death of one of the two brothers of the native due to an accident. of co,nveyance.



Due to the influence of Jupiter there has been the happiness of having one of two brothers remaining alive.

~ "\~a""ij"" ere=~ "'1'Ni ~s:JGii'il'tl ~~ll;tqif~~cr:e~~=~ ~ 11'6<:11

If Saturn being situated in the 3rd House is aspected by Mercury and Mars there occurs the death of the native's younger brother, and if there is the Vargas of the Moon in the 3rd House and there is the aspect of Mars on it, then the younger brother remains sickly.

Notes: In this Shloka the writer has given the evils related to the younger brother of the native. The first part of the Shloka is merely the repetition of the above mentioned Shloka, t)'lat is Shloka no 47. According to the 2nd part if there is the sign of the Moon in the 3rd House or if there is the rise of the division of Decanate etc. in it and there is the aspect of Mars, then there is formed the combination of sickness and disease of the native's younger brother.




~: q;Gi~ffi:l'<iJ?IPclo~il'iffi'li ~ ~ ~: I I'd~ II

If the Sun being in his own sign is posited in the 9th House it becomes doubtful whether the native's brother will remain alive or not, and if the younger brother gets a long span of longevity he becomes like a king.

~~ ~ ~ -qrqr;:rj ~tl~"'' ~:I 111tl"''l~n ~ 't1"'fll' ~oft~= Wl'= lllto 11

If the Moon being posited in the 3rd House is aspected by 3 Malefic Planets and does not obtain the aspect of Benefic Planets then there occurs the loss of the native's



younger brother, and if she is aspected by Benefic Planets he gets the happiness of having brothers.
ll9~f1uq Pcl q I'(

WfCi. <J!HII+tqgtqC:I'1i .

II)?I)EI+ti<'1)<ti'1c6 l'f9~ I

~:~~err~~ llti<~ll
THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE FOURTH HOUSE: From the 4th House there should be the consideration of the friend, house, village, cattle, agriculture etc. If the 4th House is aspected by Benefic Planets or if there is the combination of Benefic Planets in it the native gets the happiness of having all these things.
Notes: There are other matters also which may qe considered from studying the 4th House such as the public, education, conveyance, mother, small well, wat~r, milk, comforts, faith, garden, the soul, father in law, chest etc.

The 4th House has close relation with mental (also spiritual) pain and pleasure. The bent of a man's disposition or temperament is also studied from this House. Wllile considering comforts and happiness it is necessary to take account of the strength of Jupiter. Similarly while considering the obtainment of conveyance taking into account the strength of Venus, and while studying about the mind and the soul and also about mother the study of the strength or weakness of the Moon, these are also important facts. Some writers of Astrology are of the view that in order to study about conveyance the 12th House has also to be studied. But this rule has got general acceptance that for the obtainment of any thing (Non Jive) such as conveyance, land, House and things related to physical comforts and



happiness, there should be the study of the 11th House along with that of the 4th House.
~i)q"lfGiufuir ~ tfl~rti'.l~:

11CA" "tflll: ~~: IIH II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING THE DESTRUCTION OF THE NATIVE'S FAMILY: If in the Ascendant there is the situation of Jupiter, in the 2nd House that of Saturn and in the 7th House there is the situation of Malefic Planets there is formed the combination causing the destruction of the native's family.
~-~ "'lftlcp4)1

41~fl:?i~rti'.I~'1Rt ~ tlll""''l"'"'i1: ~I
C21'!111W4<1l(j:tfl: ~t11~<3>ci"Pil

"() ~

q~ql'!"'i1'{ 1111~ II

If the Moon is aspected by 3 Planets and she is not aspected by Benefic Planets, the native suffers loss of honour and respect. If there are Malefic Planets in the 12th, the 7th and the Ascendant House the native's family gets destroyed.
"'I ~"'ift I Cj)


~ ~~ ~ tlllt*PJi fcn;rr.:r: '<j'!'!IUI"'~ I

Rit'J'<jtl: ~ \JIItltll

\JI"tflui"'#l "I~ 1111~ II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING THE LOSS OF THE NATIVE'S MOTHER: If there is the situation of Saturn in the 2nd House, that of Jupiter in the Ascendant House and that of Rahu in the 7th House, the native's mother does not have a long life. Notes: The consideration 'of mother's life, her health and relations with her and her longevity, all these things sho\Jid be done from the study of the 4th Lord, the 4th House and the strength ~nd weakness of the Moon.



The span of mother's longevity is not great in the following combinations : (i) If the 4th Lord is devoid pf strength and is situated in the 6th or the 12th House; and the Malefic Planet being situated in the Ascendant is aspected by Malefic Planets, then the native's mother does not have long span of longevity:
(ii) If the emaciated Moon is situated in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th House in conjunction with a Malefic Planet and there are Malefic Planets in the 4th House too, even then there occurs the loss of the native's mother.

(iii) If Saturn being situated in the 4th House is aspected by a Malefic Planet and the 8th Lord is situated in his sign of debilitation or in his enemy's sign, then . the span of longevity of the native's mother is not great. (iv) If the 3rd and the 5th House both are occupied by Malefic Planets and the 4th Lord is situated in his sign of debilitation or in his enemy's sign, then the native's mother remains sickly and diseased.
~~ SiiiOI:llt'l't \JI 'I <?I fh11 Pci;)~ 1~ fM)Ptltioo: I

~ ~ o:mort l\'1'<1'1'1~: q~~"'d~~"!. l!li'ill

THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE STUDY OF THE FIFTH HOUSE: The Fifth House is to be studied for the consideration of the intellect, the ability or competence of managing, the son, mantra, education, politeness, conception, ethics or policy, all these matters. Notes: The other matters which are to be considered from the study of the 5th House are: foresightedness, grandeur, power and wealth which is gained due to



women, gravity (seriousness), mystery (secrets), composition of poetry, stomach, educational intstitution, means of entertainment, skill in art, belief in gods, the influence of personality, the beloved, competitive examinations and love marriage etc.
~~~en~ Pclc:1.,'1'11~ Jrll.l'll :



g~Stf4iitTt'<jt1) ~: ~ "<jffi ~ ~: !14>('<4'1. l!l1f, II

THE COMBINATION DUE TO WHICH THE FIRST BORN INFANT IS A SON OR A DAUGHTER: If the Ascendant Lord is situated in the Ascendant, the 2nd House or the 3rd House, the First Born infant is a son, and if the Ascendant Lord is gone in the 4th House, then there is the obtainment of a daughter first and then after a daughter that of a son. It is in this way that the prediction about the issues born of the first conception and of the next conception is to be made.

~ 1tCA ~-~ ~. Pcl<ii)ct41 tt"'ttl"''ll)i !lq~;:q~~ Pcl444~ ft ~: ~ l!l119 II

THE COMBINATION WHICH BESTOWS PROGENY UPON THE NATIVE: If there is the aspect of a Benefic Planet upon the 5th House the native gets the happiness of having progeny. And if the situation is reversed then there certainly occurs reverse effect, that is if there is the aspect of a Malefic Planet on the 5th House there occurs the lack of progeny.

~~: tt"'ttl"''c:'l~ lJf1Ci~!Jcm:l ~ 3ttl'llljlf: 11if1C: '<'4't<II+4C!"C) PcJq~tJflq lil1' II

If the 5th House is occupied and aspected by its own Lord and by a Benfic Planet there is the obtainment of . progeny; and if the 5th House is not aspected by its own



Lord and is aspected by Malefic Planets then there remains the lack of progeny.
~ ~ t:'<'i '('lijf ~ : tt "'ttl"'''llcfl \J1 "'fij f.:t1 ~I

~~""''fl: ~.~~:~~~II
If Venus, Mars and the Moon, all these 3 Planets are situated in a dual natured sign then there occurs the birth of Progeny. If these Planets are situated in .the latter half of the sign of Sagittarius, then no progeny is born and if there is the situation of these Planets in the first half of the sign of Sagittarius then there is the obtainment of progeny.
~-mm"liP! ~ ~ij~jOjj
'i~~l'ffi I

'fQiffi"'ttftt'Rt&flldl i'<'i~4~15~: ~: llfcO II

The nvmber of issues is as many as. is the number of Planets aspecting the 5th House. Of these issues sons are born due to the aspect of the male Planets and due to that of the female Planets daughters are born:
~-mm-.t 'ldl"tN

tl"dl'1iilqlt1'1H'<'i&U 't<41ffi"'dftt4ftt ~~I

;\)-q'ltq~:;;uRJt:~ 'itei!il(!4 err~ llfcq II

Some learned astrologer has said that the number of progeny obtained by the native is equal to the number of the sign in the 5th House. If on the 5th House there is th~ aspect of a Benefic Planet who is situated in his sign of exaltation or in his friend's sign it gives auspicious effects to the native's progeny; on the contrary if there is the aspect of a Planet who happens to be in his sign of debilitation and in his enemy's sign then there occur inauspicious effects.



'14iilliJ(ilil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!JOiiq<I+Zill

~ "Q qlq10il\<i~4~11~JJJT "Q ~.IJI10il\<i~t~~S?l I If,:? II

The obtainment of progeny by the native is as many as is the number of Navamsha in the 5th House. If that Navamsha is aspected by Benefic Planets then the number of progeny is doubled, and if it is aspected by Malefic Planets progeny is obtained with great pain and trouble, and if it is aspected by both the Benefic and the Malefic Planets the effects obtained are mixed.
tl "dl "''t\ IPi


~ ~ ~ t'lllffilclt'll

"fifu: &cl~cgm:

tfi+Z~10il\I('I~CI)"''4Rifd:H tl"dl'1i~'H'I '1j\Jt<C:I~'{ II~~ II

If in the 5th House there is the situation of Malefic Planets in the sign of a Malefic Planet and if there is the lack of the aspect of a Benefic Planet on it, the native is deprived of progeny.

Cfifcr: ~ ~ ~:

qldlclllldi:H m;n ~I

SI~CI)IJ! ~ "'1'T"1"<i ~ ti"tll"''t'J;::j



The native in whose horoscope there is the situation of Venus in the 7th House, that of the Moon in the 1Oth House and in the 4th House there is the situation of Malefic planets, is deprived of progeny.

~~~<h<T . wf fmlm "Q ft:Rr;t ~ &~"'llqtiQIPi ~ I

~ lll4~thil'l~lt:J'ti~RI:~ llf.~ll

If in the 5th House there is the Navamsha of Venus and if it is aspected by Venus, then the number of issues obtained by the native is great, if there is the Navamsha of the Moon in it and the Moon herself aspects it, even theri many issues are born, and the number of Navsmsha in which the Lord of the 5th House is there,



is the number of sons born to the native by a maid servant.

Notes: If in the 5th House in the Navamsha Chart there

is a sign of Venus and in the natal horoscope Venus aspects the 5th House, the native has several issues. Similarly, if in the horoscope the 5th House is aspected by the Moon and if in the Navamsha Chart in the 5th House there happens to be the sign of the Moon even then several issues are obtained by the native. The number .of sons born to the native by a maid servant is equal to the number of the Navamsha in which the 5th Lord is there. Thus, Suppose the position of the 5th Lord is 7 - 20 - 45', then it is quite clear that he is situated in the 7th Navamsha and therefore the sons born to the native by a maid servant will be seven.

~ atR ~ q;r "liP1 ~a,~q"fol 'gdl~ ~CIT ~!Jq"1Pt~41't I ~q;;;::lfl: ''1'<1~141 ~u~ llf.f.ll

If in the 5th House there happens to be the Shadavarga of Venus or of the Moon and if the 5th House is aspected by either Venus or the Moon (in the natal horoscope), then due to there being the Shadavarga of an even sign the native obtains a daughter ,and a son if it is of an odd sign.
C:'tl q;!l?l


G'tllt'1\111~: fti~I4C{!~Usftl Afuf: 'gdffi'!'4 "'fWt "4'1"'&1: llf,l911

If in the 5th House there is a sign of Saturn, that is, if there is the sign bf Capricorn or of Aquarius ih it and if Saturn situated in this sign is aspected by the Moon, then the native gets an adopted son, and if in the place of Moon Saturn is aspected by Mercury then the native

202 purchases a son.



~~~vmfr"l~ llfc~ll

If there are Malefic Planets in the 6th and the 12th House from the House in which the 5th Lord is situated, then there is the lack of progeny. Even if a son is born he does not remain alive.
~qif~ Pl:til<li'<~sftr-:q~~l



life~ II

The native in whose horoscope in the 5th House there happens to be the Shadavarga of Saturn and the Moon is posited there and the 5th House is aspected by the Sun and Venus obtains a son through a widowed woman.

e) ?I \Jj ~?I


~ ~~s~ ~ l'JU)sftr ~ ~ ~ I k9o II

If in the 5th House there happens to be the Shadavarga of Saturn and if it is aspected by Mercury, the Sun and Mars, or if there happens to be the Shadavarga of Mercury and if it is aspected by Saturn, then the native obtains a son t?orn by his wife to some other man, that is he obtains and 'Kshetraja' son.
~-mm~ "fqi:tiCiil: "q'~ <nqf.!41(): "tJJtroP): ~: 1


~ ddlifiOII~ OJ~: lk9q II

As many issues of the native are destroyed which is the number of the Malefic planets aspecting the Navamsha which happens to be there in the horoscope



in the 5th House, but it should not have the aspect of a Benefic planet.

_, ' i"f(!jii411

~~umi'iiumi ~~I ~ mrr ~?illt(g~;sJH ~: ~ V4'1~44?1'!, I k9:? II

If in the 5th House there is the situation of Mars all the sons born to the native do not remain alive, but if Mars being situated in the 5th House is aspected by Ketu and Venus then it is only the first born son who is destroyed.

~ ~ d Ifl : SJt '< <iHtiot <11"1 i ftRn 'ricm

e.'l'<141'<1<11'<414 S14i~~Mttcf

u gctl '1 i fcl'iiR : I

~~~'! I k9~ II

THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE SIXTH HOUSE: The consideration of enemies, cruel deeds, disease, worries and anxieties, doubts and suspicions and maternal uncle should be made by those who study the Science of Astrology from the Sixth House. Notes: Besides the above mentioned objects and persons, the 6th House is studied to consider obstacles or obstructions, quarrels and fights, swelling in the body, eruptions on the body, miserliness, labour, debt, ulcer, mental trouble, acute colicky pain, disease of dysentry, slave, theft, calamity, back, cattle, step mother, journey to the prison etc.
~ -ij; "q;"(ij

<ffe4fa<if &C'1dt.i'<t011t'<tfa~s~~'1t!jlt;:j ~ 1

~ g<~Cfet1~S?I' !jli~<{'I'1~S'41t4t1Wfif~ I k9li II

If there is the conjunction or aspect of Malefic Planets on the 6th House it brings the destruction of disease and the enemy; and if there is the conjunction or aspect of

204 JATAKA BHARNAM Benefic planets on it, then there is the birth both of the disease and the enemy.
-mill "filq~'ql"(

"(Diii;p.:qjsftl" qfaiC!tfmlll:ij" \Jiilll~'qj"(j<jij"iSii11Di"(l

nfOist~~ ~'t4i'<o'fl4 ~


ttcffldt( 1k9'111

THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Those learned in Astrology should consider battle, wife, trade, the measure of the journey etc. from the study of the 7th House. Notes: Besides the matters stated above the following ones should also be considered from the study of the 7th House- sexual desire, obtainment of a high post, lost wealth, debate and controversy, native's death, great grandfather, dissoluteness and adultery, straying. from the right path, perfume, music, eating and drinking of nutrient foods, semen, husband, victory over the defeated enemy, obtainement of second wife, secret parts (organs) of men and women, urine, kidney, the act of copulation (sexual ~ intercourse), adopted son, other countries and theft etc.

~ Cli(i'i?it4 "'qi"Cb) en ~tt~Ciifili~(i'iq: ~ 1 ~ ~


ill"'ql"'i t41C::ij"'i"'li1~'<1C::qlf?ti: Ik9~ II

THE COMBINATION WHICH GIVES EARLY MARRIAGE: If in the 7th House there happen to the Navamsha, the Dwadashamsha and the Decanate of a Benefic Planet, the marriage of the native is celebrated sooner.

. tft4)gd ~ tftt:ll'tli \JIIlli1~ ~~"'lil'lf"'lftt"(l

~llft{;:j ~qfi~IC::a:rr<l fq~ Sllft!Ciilcl "!ffiltt': I k91911

If in the. 7th House in a benefic sign there is the situation of Benefic Planets and they are aspected by Benefic



planets, the native has the obtainment of wife sooner. On the contrary, if in the 7th House in a Melefic sign there is the situation of Malefic Planets and they are aspected by Malefic planets, there is no obtainment of wife. If in this House there are both Benefic and Malefic planets and they are aspected by both the Benefic and . the Malefic _planets, (the results are mixed; that is, the obtainment of wife is there but after facing and over coming many obstacles) there come obstacles in the obtainment of wife.




~414>~~ 1!4d'ffiC:I~'tl

flll"+tl'14flllt''NI ~ ~ ~ ~ CfGf.tf "Wtf: Ik9' II

If the Sun and the Moon happen to be posited in the 12th or the 6th House, then the native gets one wife and one son.
'10'5l"'d4>iJ'Isftl" ~


wt (iii '1'1dS<i;GIId I

ii'1!4N rc. : flll"+tjGI'ffiC: 1-ff ~ o:fi ~ ~ I k9q, II

THE COMBINATION WH.ICH CAUSES STERILITY: The native whose birth has taken place in Gandanta and in the 7th House of his horoscope there is the situation of Venus; in the First House that of Saturn ahd the 7th House being aspected by malefic planets is without the aspect of Benefic planets, gets a wife who does not give birth to a son.
Notes: Here 'Gandanta' should be understood to mean

only the Lagna (Ascendant) Gandanta. The combination of Lagna Gandanta is formed in the Ascendants rising at the ending and the beginning degrees of the sings of Cancer- Leo, Scorpio- Sagittarius, and PiscesAries. In real life in all the eases that we have considered having this combination in the horoscopes the natives



have been found to be lacking in or to be having only a little reproductive power. It has been found that there was some disease in the reproductive organs of the native's wives. It is quite natural that it should be so according to the conditions of the combination. According to the first condition of the combination the native's birth should take place in the Lagna Gandarita. The Ascendant House is in itself the whole body of the native, and this region in the horoscope represents the reproductive organs of the native's wife. The time of 'Gandanta' will have adverse effect on the strength of the native's body, his health and his reproductive power and at the same time it will also weaken the reproductive organs of the native's wife. According to the second condition of the combination the 7th House should be occupied by Venus, there should be Saturn in the Ascendant, there should not be the aspect of any Benefic planet on Venus and she (Venus) should be aspected by Malefic planets. Here the author of the book has given the central place to the Malefic influence on the 7th House and on Venus, the significator of this House. The Malefic influence has been strengthened as much as it could be possible. The 7th House is related to the reproductive capacity of the native and also to the body and health of the native's wife. Here the aspect of Saturn and of the other Malefic planets on the planet of Venus situated in the 7th House will deprive the native from both these things, because Venus will not obtain the aura of safety of the aspect of any Benefic planet. We give here an example of such a case which proves the truth of the statement in this Shloka.

THE EFFECTS RELATED TO THE TWELVE HOUSES*** Illustration No. 9 Latitude Date of birth Time of birth 21 - 4 - 1927 1035 Night (1ST) 28 - 39' HOROSCOPE Mer. Jup. Sun Ven.


Longitude 77 - 13'

Rah Mar.


~on Sat.

In this horoscope in which the Ascendant is Scorpio there is the presence of two Gandantas - the L~gna. Gandanta and the Nakshtra Gandanta. There is certainly Venus in the 7th House in her own sign, but she receives the aspect of Saturn situated in the Ascendant which produces a Malefic influence as Saturn is naturally a Malefic planet. Besides this, Saturn has been regarded in Astrology as an impotent planet also. Although Venus does not have the aspect of any other Malefic planet except that of Saturn, yet the presence of Malefic planets in the 2nd and in the 12th House from her is making the 7th House and the 7th Lord Venus extremely weak. The situation of Mercury in the 5th House in his sign of debilitation is an additional malefic influence which is making another combination depriving the native of having issues.

<44ic1:Q en '1C::'1i(ii:Q en~ ~i(ii4) l%11illfll cti(ii?it'H) 11j\Jiffii\~fclq~t1: 'flliR:Ri ~R:t1<4'{ I ~o II

If in the horoscope there is the situation of Malefic planets



in the 12th or in the 7th House and if there is the Moon in the 5th House, the native gets bereft of both wife and son.
Notes: The native gets bereft of wife only when there are as many Malefic influences on the 7th and the 12th House as there can be because the 12th House like the 7th House is also related to sexual intercourse. The Moon being in the 5th House will be the only influence that will be obstructive in giving progeny to the native cannot be possible. But in the condition when there is Malefic influence on the 12th or the 7th House there will be no happiness to the native of enjoying sexual intercourse with his wife and thus it is quite natural that the native will remain bereft of progeny. Here is an example illustrating the effect of this combination.

Illustration No. 10 Date of birth 17 - 12 - 1945 Time of birth 9-45 Morning (1ST) HOROSCOPE Moon Rah. Sat. Mar. Latitude 29 - 28' Longitude 77"- 44'

Ket. Sun Mer. Ven. Jup.

The present horoscope is of a native who could get the happiness of having wife only for three years. There are all the conditions in this horoscope that are given in the



Shloka.There is the presence of two Malefic planets in the 7th House and the Moon is situated in the 5th House. And besides these the 12th House is also adversely affected by two other Malefic planets the Sun and Ketu who cause the native very strongly to remain without wife. Here the Moon being the 7th Lord is exalted in the 5th House and aspects the 5th Lord Venus. Venus and Jupiter have their aspect on the 5th House and on the Moon. Due to all these combinations the native made love marriage and became father also but for a few days only. Indeed when there is any kind of relation between the 7th Lord and the 5th Lord the nativ~ has love affair with some . woman which consummates in marriage.
SIWdcpl~ 'if ~ ~ ~~<t"i<Q~ crif I ~~~~hS:ttf~tmll~ lltqll

THE COMBINATION WHICH MAKES THE HUSBAND AND THE WIFE DISSOLUTE, ADULTEROUS: If at the time of birth the 7th House is occupied by or aspected by Saturn and Mars and if there is the Vargas of Saturn and Mars in this very House (that is, there are the signs of Saturn and Mars under the Shadvarga) then the native and his wife both are dissolute and adulterous.

'fJA>5:J?l'i 'if cpt't?lti~ Cj)t't?it'\"i ~ ~ tft I ~ tft ~ fcR1'4 <PJli 'if~ ~ '1Jj'6ll: lit=? II
THE COMBINATION WHICH .CAUSES DELAY IN MARRIAGE: If there is the situation of Venus and Mercury in the 7th House it does not let the native go for marriage. But if there is the aspect of a Benefic Planet on this House there occurs the benefit of marrying in advanced age.

~R> ~\Rt q :t 1 ~1 (1) : 'flq;~ f~:iil~re ~~1:1~1


~ ~ ~S!lf fclt'l)~~ CIT

~ fam '+tqWf&l'<'<l flTCfT: I ~ ~ II

If Venus, the Moon, Jupiter and Mercury all these four Planets or the three or the two or the one of them are situated in the 7th House or if the odd sign of any of these signs being situated in the 7th House is aspected by these very Planets, the native gets as many wives as is the number (out of these four planets) of the planets having influence through conjunction in or aspect on the 7th House, and the disposition or nature of the native's wife is like that of planet whose Varga is there in the 7th House. Notes: This Shloka is about the obtainment of wives and also about the disposition or nature of the native's wife. The first thing it tells us is that the number of wives obtained by the native will be equal to the number of the planets out of Venus, the Moon, Jupiter and Mercury. If only one of them be there, the native will obtain only one wife, if two be there, he will obtain two wives and so on. Secondly, it tells us that the number of wives obtained by the native will be equal to the number of the planets out of the three planets of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter which have their aspect on the odd sign of one of these three planets if that odd sign is there. in the 7th House. Thirdly, the disposition or nature of the native's wife will be like that of the Planet whose Navamsha will be there in the 7th House. The above mentioned three things have been told by the writer in this Shloka. About the disposition or nature of the native's wife the writer says that it will be like that



of the Planet whose Shadavarga is there in the 7th House. The general meaning of Vargas is taken to be as six divisions (Shadavarga). If this meaning is taken , it will not be possible to reach any conclusion whatsoever. The consideration of Varna or complexion form, trait, intelligence, wife etc is done from the study of the Navamsha Varga, that is, along with the characteristics relating to the native's disposition, the study of his internal, mental world and habits is also done through the medium of the Navamsha Varga. This is therefore quite reasonable that the study of the disposition of the native's wife should be made according to the Planet whose Navamsha is there in the 7th House (that is, according to the Navmshesha).
~ "ff '1qiftlgt"lll ~ ~ ~l91'TI'ID I
~ 1fifllcf;'1qhti~ "ff ~ IIC611

The native has as many wives as is the number of the Navamsha rising in the 7th House ahd also as is the number of the planets aspecting this House (that is, the number of wives is that which is arrived at by adding the number of the Navamsha rising in tl:le 7th House and the number of the planets aspecting it). But if there be the Navamsha of the Sun or of Mars in the 7th House or if in the horoscope there be in the 7th House the situation of the Sun and Mercury the native celebrates. only one marriage and gets only one wife.
~ fllt:l41~Sij'11'1i 41t"ll"ql:tj~I9Uffif 1~'111

~ qifuT ~ ~ ~~'

If at the time of birth there be in the 7th House the Varga of the planet of Venus and if it is aspected by a Benefic planet the native becomes the husband of many wives. And if there be the Varga (of any planet) ef a Benefic planet in the 7th House and if it is aspected by a Benefic



planet, even then the native husbands many wives. And if the aspect is of Malefic planets (in both situations) the native does not get married.

'1tfi'tjl ~ Cbl"dl~gm: :JMffi<:l ~I ~ ~ finffis-fq (ifiafl W!!ll'IC1)Cb'1Cifti~~ ll~f, II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING THE NATIVE TO REMAIN BEREFT OF WIFE: If there be Mars in the 7th House, the native remains bereft of wife; if the 7th House is aspected by Saturn and if it is bereft of the aspect of a Benefic planet the native obtains wife but she is swallowed by death.
~ . ltG1




4H'J4~iffiGI "1' ~ ~sfq fiflffisftmq_ llt1911

If Rahu being situated in the 7th House is aspected by two Malefic Planets, the native does not get married; if he gets married his wife dies soon.
~T.l ~ ~: ~ ~:1 3lliC4 T.lltGI 'fl'i~ffi'f4 1ITlri "1' ~ lit~ II

If there happens to be in the 6th , the 7th, and the 8th House the situation, respectively of Mars, Rahu and Saturn the native's wife meets early death. Notes: The situation in the 6th, the 7th, and the 8th House respectively of Mars, Rahu and Saturn will certainly give destructive result for the native's wife becasue the House of the wife itself and the two Houses on both the sides of the 7th House are occupied by Malefic planets in this combination due to which around the body of the wife, that is, the 7th House there is the formation of the atmosphere which is opposed to life. There is the creation of the 'Paap Kartari' yoga or combination. Besides this, the yoga so formed is quite, the reverse

THE EFFECTS RELATED TO THE TWELVE HOUSEs of the 'Yoga' referred to as 'Adhi Yoga'.


In the 'Adhi Yoga' it is necessary that there should be the situation in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th. House of Benefic planets, where as in the present 'Paap Kartari' yoga it is necessary that there should be the presence in these Houses of Malefic planets. In the 'Adhi Yoga' the creation of Benefic influence on the 1st, the 2nd and the 12th Houses is due to the Benefic planets who are posited in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House. But here there i~ the situation of the Malefic planets in these Houses. Therefore, it is quite natural that there will be the creation of Malefic influence on the 2nd, the 1st and the 12th House which will be as destructive for the health, body and wealth of the native himself as it will be for his wife. Therefore, in this yoga it is quite possible that both the husband and the wife should meet early death.
~ '1fj't1Filst'4~~~~+=ll$f Vffiii ~~ T)fu ~I ~~ ~ ~~~<i !0111f1'11'11+11$1lll \JIId<r;~: I~~ II

THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE STUDY OF THE EIGHTH HOUSE: Going across a river, very horrible place, castle (fort), weapon, longevity, crisis, all these matters are to be considered from the study of the 8th House. Notes: Besides these, the 8th House. is to be studied to consider the following things also: cause of death, place of death, the private organs of the native, war or battle, conquering a fort, habit of theft, disease, the cause : of the disease, insult or humiliation, usury, sorrow, loss . of any thing, cave, imprisoning, sea voyage, sting of a : poisonous creature, the obstacles of the way, the terror :



of one's enemy, commitment of murder, sinful act, new. crop, deep or i_fltense mental pain, trouble or calamity, indolence, the wealth buried under ground, the wealth gained from Life Insurance, urinary disease, ignorance, enemies to the brother, punishment given by. the government,. fear, some one else's wealth gained through ignorance, meeting with a sinful man, commitment of sin, getting loss of bodily organs and limbs, doing exceptional hard work in cruel deeds etc.
T"~ ~

1tJ3: lll~l'il "i:f ~ci)~d: I

~ "1) ~: ;ffj4)q'(oj 'd?l Pt~~~q I ~o II

THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES DEATH: If in the 8th House there is the situation of the Sun and he is aspected by the Moon and if there is not the aspect of Benefic planets on the Sun situated in the 8th House, the native is subjected to early death.
~'I'<I~Rsi~ ~

'ffit Sl~te+f.l

"iiTftt PtUiiurq; <1T

'<<"'11~-1 ~ 'dUf ~ 1~q II

All the kinds of effects that have been spoken of as related to the 8th House by those who have knowledge of Astrology will be dealt by us at. the time of considering with respect of Evils (Chapter on Evils) and to going off or departure.

fcr'T.IR 't14fm414i 1% '+t4&qf6+ti4)qqf6~'1ci "i:f ~I

~SI41Uif101014: ~: :JU41cllJ '<14~G Sl~te+f. I~=? II

THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE STUDY OF THE NINTH HOUSE: Religious deeds, rise of fortune, good character or disposition, going to places of piligrimage, love, Puranas, charitable place



and place for serving etc. all these matters should be considered from the study of the 9th House. Notes: Besides the above matters, the 9th House is studied for the consideration of charity, penance, guru (teacher) purity of the mind and of the soul, hard work for getting education, grandeur (power and wealth) valour and energy, long journey in one's own country, coronation (in Hindi it is called 'Rajyabhisheka', that is, bathing ceremony before ascending the throne), son and daughter, every kind of grandeur and prosperity, Vedic Yagyas, big houses, thigh; younger brother's wife, feeling of affection, royal conveyance etc.
~ ~ 1o1lflFcf~~ ~i'lMI4 45q('1'f?l ~I

3J1!81llm T.l ftrffl T.l ctm 111'41f.tiMq ~ ~: ~~~II It is obligatory for the Astrologers that they ~hould .concentrate their contemplation only on the 9th House 'leaving out all the other Houses as longevity, mother father and lineage all these are obtained through fortune.
1fPll1lTCf em 'q)(if

~mf?f Pi~tu4~llt~

111'41('14 ~

d'ttf<'Cil~g~~ ~ 1fl1"lt 't<l<h~;GqJtl.

~<:~Fcfttlll"'d~S?r ~: '(<l)ii:U~'II: ~

~sRtRiii('11 ~ .<g)q('1~ "4W{ I~~ II

THE CONSIDERATtON WITH REGARD TO THE RISE OF FORTUNE: The House which is the 9th from the Natal Ascendant and from the Moon Ascendant (the House in which the Moon is there at the time of birth) is called the House of Fortune. If the Ninth House is occupied or aspected by the House Lord then the rise of fortune takes place in the native's own country, that is, the native makes progress some where near his own



place of birth. If the 9t.h House is occupied or aspected by a Benefic Planet, then the native's progress is made in some other country or region than his own country, that is, his rise of Fortune takes place in some other country or region. If the 9th Lord is in his sign of exaltation then the rise of Fortune takes place at all places. And if in the horoscope the 9th Lord and the Benefic planets are weak, then the native gets trouble only and nothing else.
~~ '+11'4'1tl)sfut 'ffli en~: fli'<Fcl'<iW11'1: 1
~: q;)sfut fcrT.mt fl4'1<'liC'<I'1(iQ Q~<PC'<I4'!4tt. I~~ II

If the 9th Lord being strengthened is posited in the 9th House or in an Angle, or in a Trine, then the native is fortunate. The condition of the rise of fortune should be predicted in proportion to the strength or weakness of the 9th Lord.
dj ~ ;qtqim

'Ill\ 'I ~'~ Eli cm~qr<u

'1<1"'t SIQ'l ~ q I

~ ~ ~ g '+11 1 4'111~ FclC'IIfl'l'ii(il'i ~: I ~f, II

THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES GOOD FORTUNE: If a planet being fully strengthened is situated in the Ascendant, the Third House or the 5th House and if he aspects the 9th House then he makes the native very fortunate, sensual or pleasure loving and endowed with wealth and property. Notes: It is only the Planet Jupiter that can aspect the 9th House from being situated in the Ascendant,in the 3rd House, or in the 5th House. It is necessary for the Planet situated in the 3rd House that he should be a Benefic one. The aspect of Jupiter for the 9th house is of the greatest importacne because Jupiter is the greatest of the Benefic Planets. He is Benefic of the First grade. Secondly, he is also the significator of the 9th House. Here the writer also refers only to Jupiter as it is quite



clear that it is Jupiter only who being situated in the Ascendant the 3rd House, and the 5th House can aspect the 9th House~

i!~l'<l'iii?J~:~~~~ ~I
~ '('q~C'IIqtitt)

tm ~ ttl"1tl'lc1W'I1"1:


If the 9th Lord being posited in the 9th House is in conjunction with or aspected by a Benefic Planet, the native is endowed with extremely good fortune and adorns his lineage as a swan adorns the Mansarovar lake.

'{u1"'$gffi'l ~ ~ tl'tiltittP-ild'l "il I


'rf err~ -a 'ffl<U<ftii ~~)ttltt ~~~II

If the Full Moon being in conjunction with Sun be posited in the 9th House and Mars endowed with strength be also posited there then the native, according to his lineage (subject to or limited by the boundaries, limits of his society, place or country and traditions) becomes a king or a minister. If this combination is aspected by the Benefic Planets then there occur exceptional effects. Notes: That the Sun and the Moon should be in conjunction (that is, in the same House) and the Moon should be strong is not possible, as in the event of the Sun and the Moon being in conjunction the Moon will be extremely weak.This will be the Moon's situation on the day of Amavasy;:t (the 30th Tithi or date of a Hindi Month). If we see the exalted situation of the Moon in the 9th House, it can be possible only in the case when the Ascendant is Virgo in which Mars will be the 3rd and the 8th Lord and the Sun will be the 12th Lord. Both these planets in this Ascendant, being the 3rd, the 8th and the 12th Lord, can never be regarded as auspicious. Therefore, in such a situation the native will be fated to lead a sorrowful life, be devoid of wealth, and will have



to fight a hard struggle in his life. He cannot be a king or a minister as is stated in the Shloka. The writer of 'Jataka Parijaat' has also given a combination of this very kind in the following Shloka.
~ "'q+i)Qllldl ~ ~ffimi:


that is, if there are the Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 9th House, then the native's body is full of wounds and he does not have the happiness of having parents. tci)1X1)4i'r ~ ~ ~ 'll)'lj ~ 'Wf~: I

llfc: ~41t>~'l C:"t!Jq<'l)tftefc!C'IItt~'ih'l: I~~ II

If in the 9th House, there is some Planet in his sign of exaltation, the native is welathy. If such a Planet is aspected by Benefic planets also then he gets the happiness of possessing such means of conveyance as an elephant.
Notes: No Planet will be exalted in the 9th House if the Ascendant is Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces. If the Ascendant is Taurus it will be Mars who will be in his exaltation. The native having this Ascendant may be exceptionally wealthy due to his being engaged in foreign trade, because Mars. becomes here the Lord of the 7th House (the House of Trade) and of the12th House (the House of Foreignness). If Mars receives the aspect of the Benefic planets like Mercury and Jupiter the native earns much wealth and enjoys physical comforts.

In the case of the natives having Cancer as their Ascendant it is Venus who will be exalted in the 9th House. Here Venus will be the Lord of the 4th and the 11th House. It is quite natural that the native having this combination in his horoscope will have a costly means



of conveyance, a beautiful palatial bungalow, happiness, popularity, property and lands and will be the owner of sources of wealth of very high level. If the Ascendant is Leo, the Sun being the Ascendant Lord will be exalted in the 9th House. The Ascendant House is studied to consider the obtainment or lack of wealth, fame and glory, influence, happiness, health etc. The Ascendant Lorq being the Sun and being exalted in the 9th House will naturally bestow all these things on the native.

If the Ascendant is Virgo it is the Moon the 11th Lord who will get exalted in the 9th House. In this situation there will be easy obtainment of every thing to the native. His ambitions will be fulfilled early. Obtainment of wealth to him will be without efforts.
If the Ascendant is Scorpio, it is Jupiter, the 2nd Lord who will get exaltation in the 9th House. In this situation Jupiter will prove to be a boon to the native. He will be the Lord of the House of wealth. Besides this, he is the significator of the 9th House. Therefore it is quite natural that the native should be endowed with exceptional fortune and should be exceptionally wealthy. If the Ascendant is Capricorn, it is the planet Mercury, the Lord of the 6th and the 9th House here will be exalted in. the 9th House. Mercury will not give special effects if he is not in conjunction with some other Benefic Planet or if he is not aspected by some Benefic Planet. If the Ascendant is Aquarius, it is the planet Saturn, the Lord of the 12th and the 1st House here who will get exalted in the 9th House. In this situation the native will obtain wealth' from foreign countries due to the influence of Saturn

~~ <4141'<~ 114'11'1'<1\Ri



~91~ I

"'~t<IC:IIti: ~ ttcf4ttc;: ~ ~ Pclii14'{ llqoo II

THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE TENTH HOUSE: The Tenth House is studied to consider profession (occupation), money, royal favour, royal purpose, .father and the obtainment of high position. Notes: According to 'Uttara Kalamrita' and some other books on Astrology there are other matters also besides the above ones which are considered from the study of the 1Oth House . These are: riding a horse, skill and practice in games and sports, auspicious deeds like yagya etc, excellence, the elders in the family, Yantra, Mantra, expansion, charity, gods and godesses, 'Mantra Siddhi' (acquiring the effective use of a Mantra or Charm), grandeur or power and wealth, adopted son, master, road, heir, seal, dignity and honour, bringing other into one's own authority, order, living (means of living), throne, the sky, drought, subordinate employess, knee, the effects of the deeds done.
tt!J~tt 1 ~qaf1t'1ql'1i ~~ ~ ~ ttcfcti4Sictil'll'{l ttCficl"'~ Pcl~'+li ttttlll)u~: llqoq II

IWI4~<iildll '<l~l<!le'i~ :

It is the saying of the Munis (thinkers on Astrology) that great efforts are to be made in the consideration from the 1Oth House with regard to the (successful) completion of all the deeds done by the native taking account of the combinations resulting from the aspects of the planets and of their situations in the signs.



~:"ff<PifliiC(<:fllq~~~~l '11'11<Pt11C()~fllt1qlfl'<lt11~: "ffc41"Eltl: 'HI~"ff<P4~8 llqo:? II

The native in whose horoscope there is the situation of the Moon in the 1Oth House from the Natal Ascendant earns his living through his dexterity (skill) in arts, wit, enterprise and industry (hard work).

wn: fllflli<Pit;fllq 14~!11 t41\i~'w1 ~ ~ C[t'llll

illt11Pilt1ii:Pfqij'<'g ~ ~ ~
~ llqo~ II

It is according to the strong planet situated in the 1Oth House from the Natal or the Moon Ascendant that the native adopts a profession (his means of living). If there is no planet in the 1Oth House, then he adopts a profession according to the strongest of the planetary Lords of the Shadavarga of the 1Oth House. This. effect occurs in the Dasha of the planet deciding the profession. Notes: Here importance has not been given to the 1Oth Lord. It is the strongest of those planets who are posited in the 1Oth House according to which profession is selected by the native. If the 1Oth House has no planet in it, then the native selects that profession which is indicated by the strongest of the planetary lords of the Shadavarga of the 1Oth House.
R41tftll: q;"4fill ii'iltl;:q'id"C41Uli4C())Eltqffl4)uq)
~ '1Hili<Ptti :Je&~oi) -.;.:m: "SI""ff"'G: llqo~ 11

If there is the situation of the Sun in the 1Oth House from the Moon or the Natal Ascendant, then the native earns wealth through several endeavours and such a native is very strong and powerful, a king, has a strong body and remains cheerful. Notes: Writers on Astrology have given some other occupations adopted by the native to earn his living



whose significatior is the Sun. These are as follows: trade relating to rugs, wool, woollen clothes, drugs and medicines etc, or purchase and sale, working on metals, royal or government service, fruits, preserved fruits and jam made from fruits, and earning money and wealth through the garden offruit trees etc.
WJi"'5tt: ~ ~"'11t'J\i1: t4iffill\'!1: ufl4PttttG~R1: I

"fi"'Rl'Uli~'1~1~'!1fffi{~ ~: ~ <6GI~qllqo~ll

If there is the situation of Mars in the 1Oth House from the Natal or the Moon Ascendant, then the native earns wealth through cruel of courageous deeds, violent activities and by doing some job or service. Such a native is much attached to sensual or worldly pleasures and lives far away from his native home.

Notes: According to some other writers when Mars "is situated in the 1Oth House, the native may adopt other professions also besides the above. mentioned ones. These are Metals and workings dealing with metals, service in the army, purchase and sale of gold, hotel, purchase and sale of weapons and service in the C. I. D. or in the Police Department etc.
W "'5"41


--C...\. .,,

q,+111 'ilii(_ul~:



~..... ,'\ ~ '11~<6til ~I

ftr<;qs'4<llm: ~ '!1cf<6tif ~aC(qf41 ~ '1t"fql"fttt_llqof, 11

If Mercury is situated in the Tenth House from the Natal or the Moon Ascendant, he becomes the giver of wealth. A native having this combination in his horoscope is a leader of many people, a craftsman, is courageous and earns his living by using special techniques in all the things he does.
Notes: The significatorship of Mercury is also there on writing, Astrology, brokerage (commission agent), teaching, scientific works, publishing, envoyship etc.



Fcl C1'"1d: . ~ ' en ~ +ttlHffi ' ~rldil<{&tll 41


~ ~1

~ ~ Fcl~?i~flll


1:1' ll'lol911

There being the situation of Jupiter in the 1Oth House from the Natal or the Moon Ascendant the native obtains the gains of wealth in a number of ways and gets royal honour by adopting strange means. Notes: In the event of Jupiter being in the 1Oth House there may be, according to the view of some other writers on Astrology, the following means of earning the livelihood : priesthood, the studying and teaching of Puranas, the Shastras and the Vedas; the giving of sermons or orations (religious); royal service; teaching; legal advisership, import and export, the running of the institutions of social service.

mmn~ PlrtiicrHIC{ ~ ~ ~
"1 1"1 Ift II'<'?! Cfl ('I ICfl ('I Iq fcl Wfl <{~flll ~ ll) ~ q "1 4.1

~ ~ ~ Fcl"14C1i 'CflT1f \:1"11+lll'l+i 1JI';:j '1 1"1 q "1 14Cfl IGfcl '< <'i 'ftfu;i fcmn;i


mn II'! ot II

If in .the 1Oth House there is the occupation of Venus from the Natal or the Moon Ascendant the native gets well versed in the various Shastras and then earns his living through their medium with proper means and he is of charitable disposition, endowed with brilliant intellect, courteous, wealthy, gets royal honour, is of good charcter and disposition and possesses a large or generous heart. Notes: The significatorship of Venus situated in the 1Oth House includes banking service, lending business and earning interest, food material, food material produced by animals, articles of toilet, dramaturgy (the art of drama), music, jewels, perfumes and essences, silk and other costly clothes etc.



~ ~ -:q ~'14~tf"'f4!J~4'1 fiJ"'tl~~'I'!J;s:~"' ~

"'il' "'') f.!t4C1"t llqo~ II

If in the 1Oth House from the Natal or the Moon Ascendant there is the situation of Saturn then the native earns his living through doing a lower kind of profession. Such a native has a weak body, remains worried with the fear of argument (quarrelling), without wealth, excited in liis mind, inconstant and is of wicked nature. Notes: The significatorship of Saturn situated in the 1Oth House also includes such professions as those of iron, lead, wood, oil, pulse (of urad), buffalo, agriculture, armoury, service etc.
'l!~fRfllan"':q~~C1''11R"G1: ~ Wlm: wij;('Qlll

~: lil?l~~diC(illtJq;C1?1~ li<lqoll

If in the 1Oth House from the Natal or the Moon Ascendant there is the situation of Planets the Sun, the Moon etc. the native has gains of welath in the Dashas of the respective planets through respectively father, mother, enemy, friend, brother, wife and servant. Notes: The meaning of the writer is that if there is the situation of the Sun in the 1Oth House from the Natal or the Moon Ascendant the native has gains from his father during the Dasha of the Sun. The same thing is to be understood with regard to the other planets.

'<4'1~C1''11~C:ti~ ~ ~ q~q;C'Q~di'1,1 ~: '<jqOl~ql"'~lqRi~~ ~C:t4it{ llqqq II



PROFESSION ACCQRDING TO THE RISE OF NAVAMSHA IN THE TENTH HOUSE: The profession that the native adopts is indicated by that Planet the Navamsha of which rises in the 1Oth House from the strongest of the three Ascendants, of the Natal, the Moon and the Sun Ascendant. If in the horoscope the 1Oth Lord is the Sun the native earns his living through the medium of purchase or sale of medicines, wool, wood and gold.


\1f<'llltl4lt<i~cp~~41~: I

wufisfT.ittffill\tttliglti~: ttl'11fi1\JI: Cj)i<Cj)<'iiCj)<'ii~: 11qq=? 11

If in the Navamsha horoscope the 1Oth Lord is the Moon, the native's livelihood is earned through the medium of wife, water products or agriculture. If the 1Oth Lord is Mars his livelihood is earned through the medium of fire (furnace, fiery material etc.) enterprising deeds processing of metals and weapons etc. If the 1Oth Lord is Mercury, the native earns his living through the medium of poetry (composing, or reciting poems etc.) and arts.


~\111Ellcp'<~qt(if: 1JW)' '1i%'41~cp;(j'll'<~: I

vr.)m) ;%'J:qt1'(Rcpf~: ~llf~I'<IUii ~ cpqflRI't llqq~ II

If in the Navamsha horoscope the 10th Lord is Jupiter the native earns wealth through the medium of 'Panditya Karma' such as doing 'Havans', worship of gods and goddesses, rituals etc. If there is the Navamsha of Venus in the 1Oth House the medium of earning the living are the trade in buffaloes, cows and gold and silver etc. If the Navamsha is of Saturn the means of Jiving should be service etc.
cp4'11~ ~ ~


q~qdd I 11qq~ II


Wfl Pi~~tiPtl '1;%'J~o1:

The means or medium of earning of living are indicated



also by that planet in whose Navamsha there is the situation of the 1Oth Lord. The thinkers on Astrology have spoken of making such prediction.


4RCfic;;q~hi: I
llqq~ II

W) ~ ~ ~ ~R:if.Gf-1\JI~Igcflllft(

OTHER MEANS OF HAVING GAINS OF WEALTH: The gains of wealth should be predicted to be obtained through a friend if the 1Oth Lord is situated in the sign of a friendly planet, and if he is situated iri that of an enemy planet the gains of wealth should be predicted to be obtained through an enemy. And if the Sun be in his sign of exaltation, his own sign or his Mool Trikona sign, the native has gains of wealth with his own might and power. The meaning of the writer is that if the 1Oth Lord is in the sign of a friendly planet the native has gains of wealth through a friend; if in that of an enemy planet, through an enemy. In the same way it may also be predicted that the native has gains of wealth through the medium of profession indicated by that House or that significator with which the 1Oth Lord gets related. For example if the 1Oth Lord makes relation with the 4th House, the 4th Lord or the significator qf the 4th House the native's profession will be related to means of conveyance, any thing related to the field of automobile, animal, animal products, materials which are kept in the house or those that are used in its consturction, articles of toilet etc. This Shloka states of a truth which is proved genuine on the touchstone of experience. We give here some examples from the study of some horoscopes:



Illustration No. 11 Date of birth 3-5-1949 Time of birth Latitude 1145 a.m. (1ST) 29 - 01' ... HOROSCOPE
Rah. Mar. Sun Ver

Longitude 77- 45'

Mer. Moon


Jup. Ket.

In this horoscope having the Ascendant as Cancer the ..,.. 1Oth Lord Mars has relation with the Lord of the 4th House, the House of Conveyance etc. Venus, the 2nd Lord, the Sun is also there in this combination. The House does not receive the influence of any other planet. Here we have to see as to who of the three Planets is the strongest one. We see that here the Sun due to his being exalted is the strongest of the planets. Mars due to his being in his own sign is the second strongest one. Venus due to her being in her enemy's sign is in conjunctitm with enemy planets. Therefore while cons.idering the profession which should be adopted by the native we shall give only a little importance to Venus. After this we consider the means of earning the living indicated by the Sun, the strongest of the three Planets. These are, according to the writers on Astrology, wool, medicines, wood and metals etc. The situation of Mars, the 3rd of the planets here is also of great significance. Therefore we consider the means of living indicated by him also. These are war, weapons, fire and metals etc.



We find here that the common means of living is metals as 'metals' are included in the means indicated by both the Planets, for gold (the Sun} and the processing of metals (Mars) are related to each other. Therefore this native is engaged since the very beginning of his career in the making of jewels. For this work Venus has also been helpful in proportion to her strength as jewels are there in her significatorship alone. Illustration No. 12 Date of birth 1 - 11 - 1942 Time of birth 1140 Night (1ST) Latitude 28 - 39' Longtitude 77- 13'




Sun Ven.



In this horoscope in which the Ascendant is of Cancer the 1oth Lord is in the 4th House in conjunction with Venus, the 4th Lord. The 4th House is related to conveyance. Due to Mars's relation with the Conveyance Lord (the 4th Lord) and the significator of conveyance, Venus, the indication is that the native should adopt the profession related to meal")s of conveyance or to automobile. The planet Sun is here debilitated, therefore here he is not capable of producing significant influences. Although Venus is also combust. But Mars has the combined influence of the 4th House, the 4th



i Lord and the singificator planet of the 4th House. This : combined influence is greater .than that of the Sun. Therefore it was the field of automobile that the native had as his profession ..
Illustration No. 13 Oate of birth 16- 4- 1951 Time of birth 10.'15 Night(IST) Latitude 30 -19' Longitude 78- 03'



Mar. Mer.


Ven. Moon Ket.



In this horoscope the 10th Lord, the Sun is situated in the 6th House, the 6th Lord Mars is also there in his conjunction. The 11th Lord and also the 8th Lord Mercury has also joined this combination. Seeing this combination formed by the conjunction of 3 Planets in the 6th House, it can be easily predicted that the native's profession should be related to Medical Science. We know that the Sun makes the means of living through the medium of Medicines. And the Sun is situated in the 6th House, the House of Disease in conjunction with the 6th Lord. Due to its being the 6th from the 6thHouse, that is with Disease. Therefore, of the various means of living indicated by this combination the field of Medical Science may be easily distinguished or differentiated by the process of generalisation. If we see more closely and



minutely we can predict that the native should be a surgeon, as the relation of the native with surgery is definitely being made due to the presence of Mars, Mercury has also to play an important role in making this relation. We know that it is the planet Mercury who endows the native the skill of doing things in a subtle dexterous and intelligent way.

~~:~:~~~Oi~flll<li!J~:I ~81Rd '{cT!JPIIIqacfC11ji11"11{'<1R~"tt#l~+t llqq~ II

THE COMBINATION BESTOWING ON THE NATIVE LANDS, WEALTH AND COMFORTS: If there exist strong and Benefic Planets in the Ascendant, the second House and the 11th House, there is the obtainment of lands, wealth and happiness. It is the instruction of the Munis that all the above mentioned effects are to be predicted according to the strength of the planets.

1fl<l' ~ Pcl ill~ u?i ~

TiUflt1~"11+1iiHM\illt1"11"G~R:iqst"1ijC1"10'l:OiiPI I
(iJJ1{ =

F<P~tt111Rgt1 Pciilt4&~e~:g "ffi1mJ ~

m: 11qq1911

THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSID!;RED FROM THE STUDY OF THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: The astrologers should consider from the study of the 11th House the gains of all such things as elephant, horse, gold, clothes, gems, palanquin, well being, house and articles of adorning or ornamentation, etc.
Notes: According to some other authors of Astrology the matters given below may also be considered from the study of the 11th House: both the calves (parts of the legs below the knees), the left hand, the son's wife, elder brother, expectations (hopes), education, capacity of earning wealth, the success of the desired aim etc.




~ !l~q;('l

~ -gffi Tt f4t>~)f4>~ err~~ "l'fO'ftS?I ~ffqh't 1



~: ll<l<l(; II

If the 11th House is occupied or aspected by the Sun or if there is the Shadavarga of the Sun in this House then the native obtains the gains of wealth through the king, thieves, quarrels or animals.
Notes: The 11th is the House of income or gains. The native often has gains of wealth through the means which are included in the significatorship of the planet situated in the 11th House. Besides this, strong combinations. of gaining wealth are also formed through those things. which are indicated by the House of which the planet situated in the 11th House is the Lord. According to the author of the present book if there is no planet in the 11th House the means of having gains should be discovered according to the Shadavarga occuring in the 11th House. Suppose in the Shadavarga the sign of the Sun is proportionally more prominent in the 11th House, then the gains of wealth will be through the Sun. If in the horoscope the sign of the Sun is aspected by the Benefic planets or the wealth giving planets then wealth is gained in abundance. The gains of wealth through thieves and quarrels may mean that the native is a lawyer.


\11C11itlll+:fiI\1141RJi~f%: ~ ~~ f4t>~)"''"t.ll<l<l~ II
If the 11th House is occupied or _aspected by the full Moon or if there is the Shadavarga of the Moon in this House then there is the increase for the native of tank, wife, elephant, ., horse etc : If the Moon is emaciated there are reverse effects.



'1i\"<'l1'ffi'itC ~:I Pcl~?illl?ll<l't11l\ti '<'lii?II"11<P<'IIc6'1~1<'1~~4WI: llq~o II

If the 11th House is occupied or aspected by Mars the native has gains of costly jewels, gems gold etc. There is the obtainment of journeys and travels of many places, exceptional courage skill in many arts and crafts and intellectual skill.
~ '<'fl+=llIDII~ ~


~ <PI~<P<'II<P<'IIqf<lRAl ~ fc;rcm ~I .

gfffiJ~'141 ~~<ii"lilll: 'tiffill\*''6'EI~:



q~I'Gt;)4o~ ~~1oli <CIRfa4. llq~q II

If there be the Shadavarga of the planet of Mercury in the 11th House or if this House be occupied or aspected by Mercury, then. the native gets happiness through composition of poetry, craftsmanship (technology) and writing and there is the obtainment of the effects like those of successful planning of earning. wealth, exceptional courage, increase in wealth through efforts, friendship with the traders (and merchants) and the spreading of fame through the eunuch etc.
ll$1fi),lll't11~GI"11jllkl'l ~ ~: "<'ll'Rl'.l

~ ~'1S1'1~o1


~ j'<)cfiglfl~

-mt llq~~ II

If the 11th House is occupied or aspected by Jupiter or if there be in this House the Shadavarga of Jupiter the native has gains of 'Yagya Kriya', service tc the saints, royal (governmental) favour and gold etc.
~ 1flfqqfulld ~ CIT ~ ~I ~~lii\JI;)q{sfq 1'11'1~q{ 't1JiQl!}'ffiiSI'1'tl ~: llq~~ II

If the 11th House is occupied or aspected by Venus or if there be the Shadavarga of Venus in this House , the



native ~as abundant gai.ns of silver, gems etc. through prostitutes or journeys and travels in foreign countries.

~<'lcflt:>t~t?l<l\11<'11<fr ill>tCJ"G:J'<'fl"<qfii.~JJ: llct~'d 11
If the 11th House be occupied or aspected by Saturn or if there be the Shadavarga of Saturn in this House the native has gains of indigo, iron, buffaloes, elephants etc. and he gets honoured by several villages.

~~~ fl>tq~ ~I 'ffi1i'r YffT01i ~~sftq;y fl<hi'~gmfM't~ llct~'i II

If the 11th and the 4th House are occupied or aspected by the Benefic Planets or if there be the shadavarga of the Benefic Planets in these Houses, then the native has many kinds of gains.
~ ~ ~ili'<uYI:a


t:IPic::i4 ~mfq ~~~~~I

t~c:lAa~:a'4A ~"d~ll !Oi:Qt""'tl: llct~f, 11

THE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FROM THE STUDY OF THE TWELFTH HOUSE: Losses, charity (giving of alms), bondage, all these matters should be considered with great efforts from the study of the 12th House. Notes: According to 'Uttara Kalamrita' the following things are also considered from the study of the 12th House .. Sleep, mental anguish, legs, left eye, fear from the enemy, relief from in debtedness, elephants, horses, enemy, the breaking of any limb of the body, friendship, marriage, desturction, renunciation, the end of any right (claim), restlessness, humility in the temperament, / losses, quarrels, anger, death, foreign travel, death of.' the wife.



According to Acharya Mukunda the 12th House is studied to consider journeys and travels oh foot, prison house, agricultural work, evil plight, gains of charity, charitable nature, tank, uncle, happiness through wife, falling from a high place, observance of responsibility, obstinacy, pain, auspicious and inauspicious deeds; having sexual intercourse with some other man's wife, poverty etc.

arcm 1tT<I' cr;r 'Qi(i[

~lliclll ~Uj(fi'(: <ticllql"t ~S2fCJT ~ 'ffil' ~I

tm;:, 1fPtqRI'<1

~ ~lliclil

en !f\JI'ifeg:ffi llq=?l911

If in the 12th House there is the situation of both of the emaciated Moon or the Sun and there should be the aspect of Mars on them , the wealth of the native is confiscated by the king.
'{ul~'ffJQ);mR!m ~: ~ ~ u-rn~ I Sll"fll~ ~ ~ ~ FclttFcl'1i:ti4 ~ llq=?c:: .II.

If in the 12th House there is the situation of the full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, then the treasury of the native always remains full. of wealth and money, and if Saturn being situated in the 12th House is aspected by Mars there occurs the destruction of wealth.



~~-q;c;( <'1'4"&~8 ~ '<'<l'<'<llfllti'JR)~
~cOS~ ~<'1'1~~ ~ t1G1 r:r.ttdl;::mfilf"8!r.J'!T711qr!r.'l4mcCI~I

~ ~ffi~dl fum) '<~'<jtl) ~ ~U>II41418 ttifl'(jtt:

wrn: g;4ff<jtt1'1i ~ llq II

If from the Ascendant or the Moon Ascendant in the 7th or the 5th House there is the situation of their own lords (the 7th and the 5th Lord) and they are occupied or aspected by a Benefic planet then there is the certainty of the obtainment of wife and sons. If the Sun is in the Ascendant and Saturn is in the 7th House then the native's wife is subjected to early death. If Mars is situated in the 5th House then there is the destruction of the native's son.
~ "JR17T "4)lJ

at tf1 +=<l ttut ~rnu fq 11 ~ cq 1t11 t'1 '< .U i/!.1 t'1 d eg<ffi 1 'ffiR)'<<ie ~"'if q~'1111n ~~c<ll'llttl'll'11~ =II=? 11
If Venus being situated in the 4th or the 8th House is sandwitched between two Malefic planets and if she is not aspected by any Benefic planet, then the native's wife is subjected to death either by hanging herself or by burning herself in the fire. Notes: A planet gets extremely weak when he is sandwitched between two Malefic planets. If he does not get any help and cooperation from the occupation or

236 '


aspect by Benefic planets then he being extremely weak deprives the native from the things of which he is the significator. It is this principle which has been used here by the author. If Venus is sandwitched between the Malefic planets, of which if the 2nd Lord alone is retrograde, then the early death of the native's wife may be unhesitatingly predicted. Why did the author choose Venus's situation in the 4th or the 8th House only this is matter of thougnt for the learned astrologers?

-qffJ q~q)l ~~ ~
RqiCJl~"'i. <4~~R~m) umntffi) ~4lf4(1'1-q4) "ffi: 1

~ fltdlcGf ~dfl'IDICJl<'l?l ~ II~ II

If in the 6th and the 12th House there is the situation of the Sun and the Moon then both the native and his spouse (wife) are one eyed. And if in the 7th, the 9th and the 5th (in any one of these) there is the situation ' of Venus and the Sun the native gets deprived of his wife.
"if"..lliQ Rl~ ~


~-:qftffi~wf) ~


"if"~: 'fl!IO+tj\JI'''GI~ '<jdl<'lli -;ft ~"'!_I~ II

If in the 7th House at the juncture of the sign there is the situation of Venus and if there is Saturn in the Ascendant and there is no Benefic planet in the 5th House, nor does any Benefic planet have his aspect on this House, then the native becomes the husband of a sterile woman. Notes: If the planet of Venus is situated at the ending part of the signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then this situation of Venus will be called as the juncture of the sign. According to some other writers the ending part of any sign from where there is the beginning of the next sign is referred to as the juncture of the sign. But



it is the former view which has gained recognition from more astrologers. The malefic influence of this combination is seen when the Ascendant is Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo. Venus being the 5th and the 10th Lord will be situated in the 7th House when the Ascendant will be Capricorn. Being at the juncture of the sign and being aspected by Saturn,Venus will be extremely weakened. Her weakness will have malefic influence on both the 5th and the 7th House. The 5th House due to its being deprived of the presence of a Benefic planet or of the aspect of a Benefic planet in it will not be able to get strength from anywhere : Therefore, the lack of a son may be predicted with certainty. Venus gives all embracing representation to the wife's body. The aspect on Venus of Saturn who is a neutral planet (neither male nor female) destroys the reproductive power of the native's wife. But can the meaning of the aspect of Saturn on Venus who is situated in the 7th House at the juncture of the sign be less than the sterility of the wife ? In the other two Ascendants the aspect of any Malefic Planet on the 5th House will mean the successful occurrence of the combination.

~ ti'l'<lt+l\C~Elfl<lldi: tjdiC1ll ~: Cfl(11ql1_ I


~ '+tlllid'1~f<1"~'1: I~ II

If in the Ascendant, the 7th House and the 12th House

there is the occupation of the Malefic Planets and there . is the emaciated Moon in the 5th House, the native remains devoid of progeny (does not get a son)

~sc6utl'<) ~ ~PtllltiC:~?Iamf ~ o::R ttl' I ~ymift:r~~~tfi~ywit: IIGII

The native in whose horoscope there is the situation of Saturn in conjunction with Mars and Venus in the 7th



House from the Moon remains devoid o.f wife and progeny (son). If in the horoscope of a male there are male planets, that is, the Sun, the Mars, and Jupiter in the 7th House, and in the horoscope of a female there are female planets, that is the Moon and Venus in the 7th House and they are aspected by Benefic planets, then it is auspicious for both the male and the female.



4'<C:I'<II~ I

"l"GI'<il~l ~ ~: ~: -.fff:la<H1ffi'l '<'1oYI'1;t) ~: Ik911

THE COMBINATION WHICH MAKES THE NATIVE ADULTERER OR DISSOLUTE: If there is the Shadavarga (divisional chart) of Saturn and Mars in the 7th House and in the horoscope Venus and the Sun being situated in the 7th House are aspected by Mars, the native having this combination is an adulterer. If in the 7th House there is situation of all the three. planets of Satrun, Mars and the Moon, then both the . ,; husband and the wife are adulterers. "<fq

atR 'C)hNIC:C6 ~ g '(ft err~ "Wf

4'<t<l'<i~hqJtfl ~ 'C)tiJJ'14 '(ft


'ffr '1'<1011'{ I 'ffr Pidl"tt'{ I~ II

If the Sun and the Moon are situated mutually in each other's Navamsha, both the wife and the husband are wrathful. And if the Sun is in the Navamsha of the Moon then the husband is absolutely wrathful and sickly and if the Moon is h1 the Naliamsha of the Sun then the wife is of similar nature, that is, wrathful and sickly.
'1C:r4;\)'<!j'<4'1Rj4~: I 3lr~ ~~ffil'<tt"'Pi:tdfll ~ <;)tiJit!i'()tiJfll 'f'l1{ I~ II




native in whose horoscope Saturn, Mars, the Sun and the Moon are situated repsectively in the 8th, the 6th, the 2nd and the 12th House becomes blind due to the maleficiency of the strongest of these planets.
Notes: This combination is sure in giving its effects of causing blindness. According to the combination the Sun and the Moon should be situated respectively in the 2nd and the 12th House and Saturn and Mars respectively in the 8th and the 6th House. In this way Saturn being situated in the 8th House will aspect the 2nd House and Mars being situated in the 6th House will aspect the 12th House. Due to these Malefic aspects both the Houses representing the eyes and both the significators of the eyes will be badly affected and these can produce extremely destructive effects for the eyes.
' t"d'C)J m-.-t pll~i'lcticilccmfetCfl)u)
~en \JI"'IC!Ptl


il!l<'l~cg'ffiJ: I

Ul'1'tf ~

~ !lqC:Ptl ~: llqo II

The native in whose horoscope there is in the 9th and the 5th House the sign of Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus or Cancer and these Houses are occupied or aspected by a Malefic planet suffers from leprosy.


alR C:"tl'C)J

'1"GiciJT.I~If6i'tld1Citrif ~ ffi o:f 'T.I ~I

CfiOi!IOJJi \JI"'JC!Ptl


~ ~llqq II

If Saturn, the Sun and the Moon, being situated in the 3rd, the 5th and the 11th House are deprived of the occupation or aspect of a Benefic planet, then the native's hearing power gets destroyed, and if all these three planets are situated in the 7th House there occurs the formation of the combination which causes the decay of teeth.



3tR ~ ~

m m

fmt) W"''ldiG 4141f+51<t>~DIII W"t fQ;tll~<t>'flll ~ W"''id 'd$r 4?1'14EIId: ~ Cf>('Q#ill: Jlq=? II

The native at the time of whose birth there occurs the Lunar eclipse and there is the situation in his horoscope of Malefic planets in the Ascendant, the 9th House and the 5th House has the disposition or nature of a Pishach (an evil spirit). And if the Moon at the time of eclipse is there in the Ascendant then the native becomes blind.

w"''~ ~q~'<)~d~ TAT~ ~ Plar"d-tl ~ ~Sqf.!I'1"G4~ +il\~Ciid: 'fllltg'Qtt'i f4:t)'lld, llq~ II

If in the natal Ascendant there is the situation of Jupiter, of Saturn in the 7th House, the native suffers from windy disease like rheumatism. And if Jupiter and Mars are situated respectively in the Ascendant and the 7th House, then the native remains intoxicated (excited, frenzied).
~ ~ ~~~a1Jt



4q'1w<r>~4: 1
llq~ II

D!Jr"$4cfi ~ "4'Gifq ~ "''~IDII<t.

If Mars is situated in the 7th, the 9th or the 5th House and Saturn is in the Ascendant then the native's body suffers from windy disease like rheumatism. And if the emaciated Moon and Saturn are situated in the 12th House then the windy disease in the native's body becomes more pronounced (or becomes more pain giving).




ciltliUGCJ)'<: lilliliCJ)+Jj\ilq[~: t<ICJ)I'll"!ill:

~ 4i"dldlfctiuu ~\-OI!Jtl?lh) ""'tt=t=IC'Iftl)fcp~a I

3ffi ~ ~.IH'<!Jot4ili' "q C:l~'<jCI)



' . !::.'~'' CJ)I'l'l41: '&'<lltjliliiil'11: '(1J'(UI 'fl10!!41:



If the Moon and Venus both are situated in the 2nd, the 7th or the 4th House, they bring the destruction of the native's family or lineage. If in the Decanate Horoscope, the sign in the horoscope in which there is the situation of the planet of Mercury is aspected by Saturn being situated in an Angle, the native having this combination in his horoscope becomes a craftsman. If Jupiter is situated in the 12th House and he has gone in the Navamsha of the Sun, the native is a maid servant's son. If the Sun and the Moon being situated in the 7th House are aspected by Saturn, the native is the doer of base, mean deeds.

CJ'Ii -4; 31Jti'R ~

crtfl "'<1fti ~l;'l=?l:;r:;~r,~&.l<f""<'4m "'!~~I

~qgft?ljoi ~ tttlle'<tt:ttlfGto'( llqf.ll

~ ~~ "'lb!) ~ 'tR~:I



TO KNOW THE EFFECTS OF THE PRESENT YEAR: The number of the native's 'Janama Rashi' and of his Nakshtra are added to the number of years of the native's age at the present year. The sum thus arrived at is put at three places and each of these figures is multiplied respectively by 2, 4 and 3. The product is divided respectively by 7, 8 and 6. If the remainder in the 1st and the 3rd place come to be zero, then there will remain !or the native situations causing strifes and quarrels; if



the remainder in the 2nd place is zero there will be loss of wealth; if there comes to be zero in all the 3 places it will cause the death of the native; and if the remainder in all the three places is some number, then in that year there is the obtainment of success in all the matters.
Example: Suppose we have to know the effects which will be obtained in the year of 1996 by a native who was born in 1948, whose Janama Rashi is Libra and Janama Nakshtra is Vishakha.

According to the formula the effects will be found out in the following way: The number of years at the present year = 48 The Nakshtra Number The Rashi Number Total of these

= 7


This number 71 is to be put in 3 places and at each place it is multiplied respectively by 2, 4 and 3 and the product of each is then divided respectively by 7, 8 and 6. 71 71

2::: 142+ 7 4 = 284 + 7

Remainder Reminder Remainder



71 x3=213+7

We find here that some number is there as remainder in each place. Therefore it should be predicted that in the year of 1996 there will be the obtainment of success by the native in all matters.

~ '<&IIRU~~ICICf)cll~: llql911


~sii;S(i<lCfl~: 11ll41<1'fld'j: ~ Sl~oJi~d:

~ ci~~ot'<i<NjCflci;1dj: ~s~ ~: 1 ~IR=~~~:fm~u:~ <;i~~il'iq~tl) PclotoeM4: ~ ll'l 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE SUN IN THE ASCENDANT: If the Sun be situated in the Ascendant or the First House, the native is thin-haired, shows laziness in doing things, tends to be angry, has very extreme temperament, is sensual or amorous, has diseased eyes, bodily dryness, is brave, lacks the spirit of forgiveness and is cruel. Notes: If in the Ascendant the Sun is in the sign of Cancer, the native suffers from 'trachoma' in the eyes. If he is in the sign of Aries the native has volatility (variability, capriciousness or naughtiness) in his nature. If he is situated in the sign of Leo he gets the disease of night blindness; and if he is in the sign of Libra in the Ascendant he remains poor and without progeny. Here Pandit Dhundhi Raj has described the general effects of the Sun when he is situated in the Ascendant. But there will be important differences in the effects resulting from the situation of the Sun in the Ascendant as he will be in the various signs. There will be the. effects resulting from the influences of the other planets



on the Sun. Besides of the above effects there are also other general effects which are obtained by the native when the Sun occupies the Ascendant. It is found that such a native often suffers from bilious disorders. His adjustibility with the other members of his family and with his neighbourers is a little difficult because he believes in policies anc~ conduct which donot intend to conspirEl against any one and be'"'ause he is frank and clear in his speeches. If the Sun has any malefic influence on him there is always the fear that the native's bone may be broken. The native is prone to sudden anger but the anger is short lived. He leads a life of freedom. His orginality gets injured and destroyed if he works under some one as his subordinate. He often suffers from such diseases as fever, chickenpox, croup (lung disease, tuberculosis, 'sookha' in Hindi), irregularity of the bowels (diarrhoea or constipation) etc. Such natives generally have righteous or moral conduct.

~ 'ffi1JCm ~ ~ ' R;t til ' .,.........,..A ' ~ d'fflti<=: ' \:4"'1'tjtll't1'1qlt:"1q t-~.,,~: i!j\11'11 I 4'<!~~Qit~\ ~ -;ffr ~4~"1'1u)JI4Jl ~ ~: II~ II
THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN IS IN THE SECOND HOUSE: If the Sun is situated in the 2nd House, the native remains without wealth, progeny (son) and excellent means of conveyance. He is without intelligence, jealous of virtuous people and lives in other man's house. Notes: There are differences of opinions among the learned astrologers with regard to the effects of the Sun~s being situated in the 2nd House. Thus in 'Jataka Parijata' Vaidyanath says:


mg (l&l'11"1 ~ ~= ~ ~ ft.r~moftr


That is, such a native in whose horoscope the Sun. is:



situated in the 2nd House is endowed with jewels of gold and silver. He has also the gift of being a rhetorician and witty and the ability of winning in his favour even hie enemy with his courteous conduct. In order to make predictiC''1 about a Planet according to his situation in a particular House it is essential that we should consider as to in which sign he is situated. But the author of the present book has described and discussed it in the chapter dealing with the effects of the signs (Rashi Phaladhyaya). Therefore, we shall have to consider the influence (effects) keeping in mind the various facts of this kind and according to proportion. The other effects of the Sun situated in the 2nd House have been found by us as follows. If on the Sun situated in the House of wealth (the 2nd house) there is even a little malefic influence then the native has to suffer from diseases of the mouth and disorders in the eyes. His face is copper coloured. He pays extra attention to the cleanliness of his house and the orderly maintenance of the things. He has to be involved on several occasions in the quarrels and disputes and clashes with his own men. His speech is order (command). He has a big family. Redness may be seen in his eyes. He has the habit of eating his food when it is hot. There occurs enmity between brothers when the division of paternal property is made.

~: 'flll<ti"'lql~"''i~:

'!JC64~'t1'1Sjif'CiPtlt11til I

~tllj\11: 'flll""'j\JI) ~~~II~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN IS SITUATED IN THE THIRD HOUSE: If there is the situation of the Sun in the 3rd House the native is sweet spoken, very rich, has



conveyance, gets joy in- doing virtuous deeds,- has servants, a few brothers and is strong and healthy. Notes: If the 3rd House is occupied by the Sun it makes the native valiant (vigorous or valorous). He is very quick in taking_ decisions and these are often right. He is rich in religious mentality, sattwika , and does hard penance and is an ascetic. He is without malice and is the benefactor of others. He is exceptionally enthusiastic in doing things and achieves fame due to his virtues. He proceeds according to his plan with a steadfast mind and firm determination. He does not have the habit to change his plans frequently. The situation of the Sun in the Third House has been regarded. as inauspicious by all the learned astrologers of the ancient times for the younger of the native. But Maharishi Parashara has regarded this position of the Sun as inauspicious for the elder brother of the native too. He writes "~ ~ ~". that is, the Sun (if he occupies the 3rd House) kills the elder brother.

'< ~ lf>t'l

'ffi'Lcll"' ~ ~ 'fr;:i ~ ~tJ)lf~dSI~'ti+J. I

iiC'I~ql'fi ~ ~ lfldiMIIR'J "'R:i~~C'II:i I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S POSITION IN THE FOURTH HOUSE: If the 4th House is occupied by the Sun the native remains devoid of happi!<less, conveyance and wealth. Paternal property is destroyed (squandered) by him and there is change of residences many times. Notes: If the Sun is there in the sign of Libra the native often obtains the effects mentioned above by the writer because in such a situation the Sun being the Lord of the 2nd House which is the House of paternal property and wealth is situated in the 4th! House in his sign of debilitation. Even if he is not in his sign of debilitation


. 247

there is generally the change of the native's residence. The Sun when he is in the 4th House is the giver of fame and praise in society, of higher status in comparison to the other people and of position or rank. Due to the Sun's being in his debilitation sign the native generally loses his peace of mind and remains restless.

'<'<l(i<f14t'4 il<1s4~1+ffii tft~~J'ffi t~f&lii~Fa"!Jm"ll li I"d CCII~ lfACi ~ !I~ llfft)j~ 'til ji11'"cHf11 '1 : IJti II
THE EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S BEING IN THE FIFTH HOUSE: If the Sun is posited in the 5th House the native is a devotee of Paravati (Lord Shiva's consort) and Shiva. He has a few issues and gets happiness but he is devoid of wealth, doer of inauspicious deeds and has erring (mistaken) mind.
Notes: There is great fear to the native's wife of getting

abortion if the Sun is situated in the 5th House. Therefore, the effects of having only a few issues have been predicted generally by all the ancient learned wri~ers on Astrology. But if the 5th Lord is endowed with strength the native does not obtain only a few issues. And even the least malefic influence on the Sun in this situation makes the native a patient of the disease of liver and of heart. The consultation or deliberation power of a native having this situation of the Sun in his horoscope is generally strong. He has in his nature carelessness (with regard to worries) and the exhilaration like that of an ascetic (a holy man).





~: '('(IIC::i11ttl) ~~:~~ ~?lttOO ~~ II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S BEING IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: If the Sun is situated in the 6th House the native



always remains happy, is the killer of his enemy, strong, has a conveyance of high level (that is, costly) is mightily valiant or valorous and minister to the king. Notes: The Sun being situated in the 6th House is generally evil causing to the native's maternal uncle. The ancient astrologers have regarded him to be inauspicious to the cattle of the native. If in this situation the Sun is endowed with strength the native has the power to fight against diseases (resistance power). Why have the ancient writers on Astrology related the Sun, being situated in the 6th House, to excellent conveyance, post of a king's minister, happiness, recognition {honour) from the king etc. is beyond our understanding. According to Kalyan Verma due to the Sun's being in the 6th House the native's power of digestion is strong. This effect has been generally seen. If he is greatly affected by malefic influences he gives -serious diseases, such as diseases of the heart, cancer etc. If in this situation there is some auspicious influence the native is subjected to diseases of chronic nature, but these diseases are not killers of life. These are such as lumbago or backache and urinary diseases etc.
~'lRitflt1 ~ Rljcm~ t;ttCfllqCfliPtlofql+tql+<tti ~: ~: 1

iqstcr>~qi~pfl~ ~: ~+iPtl~'<'tC("'PI qR\llo%'1~~1 Ik911

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN OCCUPIES. THE SEVENTH HOUSE: If the Sun occupies the 7th House the native remains without property. His body seems to be lacklustre. He is fearful and diseased, bad natured, remains distressed due to the fear of royal punishment and has a weak body.



Notes: Most of the learned astrologers hav~ spoken of the inauspicious effects of the Sun's situation in the 7th House. The inauspicious effects have been seen to be occurring only to those natives whose birth takes place at the time when there is the juncture of the night and the day. If the Sun in this House is endowed with strength and the birth dpes not occur at the time of the juncture of day and night then the native earns wealth exceptionally by establishing an industry in some one's partnership.

'{'6tt'<'41RI'<~tt: 1 ~ 4iill4+i) fcl~)ttiGI!<j~ q~+j~SII01'1i~ lk: II



THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN OCCUPIES THE EIGHTH HOUSE: If the Sun is situated in the 8th House the native's eyes are small (or he has the disease of the eye in which his eyesight gets dim); the number of his enemies is very large; he is extremely wrathful and dull witted, he has scarcity of wealth and he is weak in body. Notes: The effects of the Sun's being in ttie 8th House are the dimness of the eyesight, loss of paternal wealth, mental anguish or suffering, deprivation of good conduct and the decay of vitality. The native lacks enthusiasm and liveliness.There is the fear that he may have his bone broken. The Sun's situation in the 8th House has been said to be the giver of distress or adversity in old age.

\il4ci4Fcl"<t~IH ~: :J?i~?I\JI"I'tj&il~:m: ~ 1


~qj+jOh I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S SITUATION IN THE NINTH HOUSE: If the Sun is situated in the 9th House the native remains engaged in doing the deeds or rites



of his religion and he is endowed with noble and excellent intellect; he gets happiness through the happiness of his son and his friend, but he has aversion or enmity towards the family of his mother. Notes: The Sun is a sattwika planet and the 9th House is related to penance or asceticism, devotion, reve.rence and religion etc. Therefore, if the Sun in this House is endowed with strength the native certainly has religious attitude, spirit of patriotism, is ascetic and has reverence for elders and teachers. -The sons of such a native make a great progress, his wife is a woman of virtues and his father's health is sound and he himself is long~lived. Such a native gets reputation due to his good and virtuous. deeds and he gets benefit through persons holding posts of distinction in the state or government. The Sun has been regarded auspicious for gains of wealth also.
. t~<{1i~41tl"1~"11'1'1"11PI ~

'\"'! Sl 'fll ~ 'tjct tfll@i 'f1 '1 ~ d I PII

~Cfij'(Cfi'(Uj ~ ~ R:"''1~1: ~ -::r"'' <:n-lonnuru"l Jlqo II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN IS SITUATED IN THE TENTH HOUSE: If the Sun is situated in the Tenth House the native has right intellect and wisdom, is prosperous with conveyance and wealth, gets royal favour, . has the happiness of having a son, gives reverence to saints and is endowed with gems and jewels. Notes: The Sun is endowed with directional strength when he is situated in the 1oth House and if there is no malefic influence on him the native obtains fame; he gets various kinds of benefits and profits from the side of the government. The native gets inspiration for always


doing deeds of virtue due to the Sun's situation in the 1Oth House . The Sun in this House is beneficial and favourable for the native's father also. The native having this situation of the Sun in his horoscope celebrates festivals and marriages etc. with great pomp and show.

#JIM) Ri

T.ll '(i Cfl4 !If! Ri

"'q ~

Pci 't19Ff

f.'! (11 "'d '! I

1!qldlllli PH'4flq ll3'llfdii~M 111j'11""11'1ql'11'! llqq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S SITUATION IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: If the Sun is situated in the 11th House the native has love for music and singing. He has great interest in completing auspicious deeds. He has glory and honour. He is very rich and obtains profit from the king. Notes: If in 'the 11th House the Sun is endowed with strength, the native makes big plans and gets suceess in them. The native having this combination in his. horoscope is some what ambitious and his ambitions are mostly achieved. He gets financial gains on a large scale, favour from his friends, and a place of distinction in society. He generally gets success in his objectives.
~"lPci4i<1 ~\JI)Pcit)o'!t ~ ~


'ffiCi; IC1~'t1f!~: I

~ ~ '1fc:'"'41: 4i<1!J'I'fl'11~: llq=? II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN IS SITUATED IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE: If the Sun occupies the 12th House the eyesight of the native is weak; his ideas do not agree with those of his father, his mind bends towards conduct which is opposed to the proper one, that is, he has the thinking that is opposed to every accepted assumption and idea.



Notes: Generally all the writers on Astrology are unanimous in predicting that the effects of the Sun when he is posited in the 12th House are inauspicious. Generally due to the Sun's situation in the 12th House the native gets eye trouble, bodily pain, trouble to his uncle and loss and some problem in the journey. When the Sun occupies the 12th House, it sends the native to a foreign country to get education there. The native faces troubles of different kinds from the government side. He thinks of those things which are opposed to religion and morality. Natives having this situation of the Sun in their horoscopes are selfless, have spirit of renunciation, ar.e of wrathful disposition and remain as if they were intoxicated. If the Sun in the 12th House is weak and . devoid of strength the native may suffer from some disease of kidneys although this disease is not specially fierce. Besides this, the native again and again gets failure in the politics and may have visits to prison.

w... let ..,..r~ ~



' \3rilfl ~Iii& R:l'~ '<I <ti<'IIS~

~ ""'T ~


t'J ... dj~lt~'1Ht I m II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON IS SITUATED IN THE ASCENDANT: If in the natal Ascendant the Moon is situated in the sign of Cancer, Taurus, or Aries, the native is generous, handsome, wealthy, has all kinds of sensual pleasures and is excellent among all the virtuous persons. If the Moon is situated (in the Natal Ascendant) in the other signs than the above ones the native has lack of restraint, is the doer of base deeds, deaf and dumb and maimed (or disabled). In the event of the Moon being emaciated the inauspicious or evil effects are exceptionally obtained.




Notes: The sign in the Ascendant in which the Moon is situated will be called the Moon as Ascendcimt of the native also. The planet in the Ascendant, who ever he may be, has great influence on the disposition or nature of the native. But if the Moon is there in the Ascendant the effects which come in the investigation of the Astrologer according to the logical comparabilty will be certainly obtained by the native, as the Moon's being situated in the sign of the Ascendant gives the sign the position or rank of the sign in the Ascendant two times. The Moon situated in the sign of Taurus, Cancer and Aries (in the Ascendant) has been regarded by most of the ancient writers on Astrology as the giver of wealth, happiness, intelligence, handsomeness, good fortune and good qualities. The astrological book named 'Bhrigu Sutra' there is the prediction that if the Moon is in the Ascendant the native will have disease and fear from water. Besides this the book also indicates that at' the age of 15 years the native may have to undertake many journeys.

The Moon is a planet of watery disposition. Therefore she being situated in the signs of fiery nature will be exceptionally beneficial as the combination of fire and water will be the producer of vapour which symbolises energy due to which the native will have exceptional energy, readiness to do things, assiduousness or industriousness, and there is the birth in him of the unrestrained. desire to obtain power, leadership and success. And due to these virtues no target is such as can not be achieved by him.

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SECOND HOUSE: The native in whose horoscope the full Moon is there in the 2nd House is prosperous in happiness, humility, progeny and wealth. If there is the emaciated Moon in this House the native is a liar, penurious and has a little intelligence. In another condition, that is, if the Moon is medium in strength etc. then the effects are obtained according to the proportion of the strength. Notes: Of the many names of the Moon one is 'Ranka' (extremely poor). If the Moon when he occupies the 2nd House is devoid of strength, then she makes her name meaningful and renders the native extremely poor. Due to the strong Moon if she is in conjunction with and aspected by a Benefic Planet (in the 2nd House) the native is handsome as the 2nd House is relat13d to the native's face. The learned astrologers have considered of the native's education also from the study of the 2nd House. Therefore, it is in the nature of things that the. emaciated Moon in the 2nd House should keep the native devoid of education. If the Moon is devoid of strength in the 2nd House the native has narrow out look and lacks foresightedness. Such a native cannot make a right estimate of his means and resources, his environment and his situations and therefore he is unable to make for himself projects of far reaching consequences by which he may get profited .
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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON IS SITUATED IN THE THIRD HOUSE: If the Moon occupies the 3rd House the native tends to be violent, is given to pride, is miserly, lacks intelligence, is dependent upon the relatives, devoid of kindness and remains without disease.



Notes: There is the reading ~~~ in certian texts in place of 'C:41441~' in the present text. The meaning in that case will be 'without fear' in place of 'without disease, If the Moon in her full strength is situated in the Third House she gives vigour and vitality to the native. Such a native has invincible desire to live. He naturally gets the strength and capacity_ to fight against diseases. Therefore it is quite possible and natural that such a native should mostly live without diseases and enjoy good health. And if the Moon is emaciated and occupies the 3rd House and is in conjunction with and aspected by the Malefic planets the native gets the evil qualities of stupidity, insolence, fearlessness, habit of taking decisions without proper thinking and impoliteness. Due to the presence in him of the above mentioned evil qualities it is quite natural that fear should be completely driven away from him.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON OCCUPIES THE FOURTH HOUSE: If the Moon occupies the 4th House the native has gains through objects produced in water such as fish, pearls, corals, conches etc. He gets the happiness of having agricultural land, wife, conveyance and son etc. Besides this, such a native has devotion towards Brahmins and gods and goddesses. Notes: If in the 4th House there is the Moon of a watery sign who is endowed with full strength and is rich with auspicious influences, the native has gains 'through such objects as milk, fish, vegetables such as water chestnut, lotus stalk, sweet melon, water melon and other. juicy . fr~its, as the Moon, the 4th House and the watery sign



all these will represent the objects that have water as their preponderating or First element, and the Moon in the 4th House will have influence through aspect on the 10th House (occupation). Besides this, the atmosphere of the native's house is drenched in sweetness, love, smooth relations and positive feelings and ideas. According to Bhattanarayana the Moon situated in the 4th .House makes the native inheritor or successor of a kingdom and makes him happy through the happiness of the members of his family. According to him the native does not get happiness in his childhood. According to Jeeva Nath also the native gets wife, son, happiness, kingdom and wealth etc. in his youth only and not in his childhood. Due to the situation of the strong Moon in the 4th House the native gets popularity, change of residence, good health and long life to his mother, the affection and cooperation of his mother, conveyance and cattle, mental peace and good health etc.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE IS THE MOON IN THE FIFTH HOUSE: Due to the situation of the Moon in the 5th House the native is an ascetie (one whose passions or senses are subdued) truthful, cheerful, full of wealth, progeny and other comforts and happiness, accumulates wealth and has rioble disposition or nature. Notes: If the Moon situated in the 5th House is endowed with strength the native is clear or pure minded; his memory is exceptionally intense or sharp and he has the



talent of making successful and easily obtainable plans. But if the Moon is devoid of strength, the effects may be the reverse of the above mentioned ones. If the Moon is in a female sign the native has many daughters, he worships the goddess (Durga) and he is devoted to his family, to his wife and children.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON IS SITUATED IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: If the Moon is situated in the 6th House the native suffers from indigestion, tends to be cruel, exceptionally lazy, severe, of evil disposition, is given to anger and has many enemies. Notes: The Moon situated in the 6th House has not been regarded auspicious by any learned writer of Astrology, as the Moon, being situated in this House, makes evil causing combinations for the native due to which he struggles against many diseases. Due to Moon's situation in the 6th House the native does not bear the discipline put upon him by some one. If relations with some one are spoiled he does not get mental rest until and unless he subdues his opponent. If his opponent has in him the feelings of enmity, self pride and arrogance he cannot get any thing from this native on the basis of agreement as long as these feelings are there in him. But if he (opponent) yields to the native and leaves these feelings he can get any thing from him. The Moon situated in the 6th House does not allow that the relations of the native with his mother should remain cordial, causes the growth of many enemies. The native lacks appetite, tends towards a profession which requires



less enterprise, has fondness for litigation, has a smaller family; a weak body. The combination causes fierceness in the native's disposition and bestows practicability on him.


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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON IS SITUATED IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Due to Moon's situation's in the 7th House the native gets extremely proud and. love sick or lustful, has a lean body, is devoid of wealth and politeness and humility. Notes: The disposition and temperament, beauty, health etc. of the native's wife may be imagined and predicted on the basis of the proportion of the sign in the 7th House and the qualities of the Moon if she is situated there. Due to the Moon in the 7th House the native is exceptionally influenced by his wife. He gives much importance to the opinion of his wife while taking significant decisions. If in this House the Moon is in a watery sign the native's wife gets very fatty just after the expiry of her youth and there remains in his house the atmosphere of sweet love and affection. If the Moon is in the airy sign then she causes the native to have love affairs with many women.


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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON OCCUPIES THE EIGHTH HOUSE: The native whose Moon is there in the 8th House has a decayed body due to having many diseases. He is extremely penurious or poor. He gets trouble from



the side of his enemies and the King (or the government) and there remains restlessness in his mind and heart. Notes: The native is short-lived if there is the weak Moon in the 8th House. Besides this he suffers from many diseases also. This is among evil causing combinations. The native has fear of having accident by conveyance. He may die by falling into a well or he may have fear like that of death. The native in whose horoscope the Moon being the Ascendant Lord is weak and is affected by Malefics in the 8th House, the above mentioned fear ismore pronounced. The Moon in the 8th House rouses the curiosity of the native about the mysterious sciences (like Astrology, philosophy, Tantra etc). The weak Moon in this House causes the native to be involved in disputes about the. testament or will made by the native's mother. She also causes the native to change his residence from one place or from one city to another. The Moon in the Sth House is the cause also of the feelings of disappointment, nervous diseases, worries, mental conflict, psychological problems, malarial fever, eye trouble and fainting fits;



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~OR: tlliEIGI<P<'IIql?lq+ti<'I:Q~: I ~q II

THE EFFECTS IF lHE MOON IS SITUATED IN THE NINTH HOUSE: The native in whose horoscope the Moon in situated in the 9th House is endowed with wife and son, fond of hearing the stories of 'the Puranas' (the ancient religious books about gods and goddesses of the Hindus), doer of auspicious deeds and undertakes pilgrimages. Notes: The 9th House is the House .of religion, penance,



ausp1c1ous deeds, religious books, legends (stories), philosophy and devotion etc and the benefic and strong Moon is the representative of the clarity and purity of the mind. She gives the qualities to the native according to those ones which are represented by the House in which she is posited. Therefore it is quite natural that if the Moon be there in the Ninth House in auspicious and benefic situations that the native should have religious tendency, love for the Puranas and pilgrimages, be doer of auspicious deeds and fortunate. The persons particularly women who come into contact with such a native have feelings of respect and reverence towards him; and if the Moon in this situation is influenced in any way by the 7th Lord the reverence through the relations of love reaches to the extent of sexual relations between the native and the person having respect and reverence for him. The situation of the Moon in the 9th House thus in all cases is bound to be auspicious for the native as the feelings of philanthropy and human welfare are there in such a native in their fulness and due to this he gets exceptional popularity. The Moon in this situation is favourable also with regard to giving the native lands, conveyance, harmony in the atmosphere of his domestic life and physical pleasures and comforts, although there come many rises and falls also in the graph showing his fortune.
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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON IS SITUATED IN THE TENTH HOUSE: If the Moon is situated in the 10th House the native does not remain a person having good conduct and character; he has no friend; suffers from eye. diseases; is of angry disposition and has many enemies.



Notes: The Moon situated in the 1Oth House causes rises and falls in the profession of the native. Therefore it is quite natural that the native having tris situation of the Moon in his horoscope should witness rises and falls in his financial matters also. Due to the Moon's situation in the 1Oth House the native should be exceptionally fond of festivities. He is profited in the means of earning his living by using his fertile imagination. He gets success in the economic field by the trade generally of the hOL!Sehold articles which are related to luxury and other pleasures and comforts, or materials relate~' to entertainment. Every thing conceived and started by him is fulfilled.



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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON IS SITUATED IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: If in the horoscope of a native there is the Moon in the 11th House he gets exceptional honour, gets the happiness of enjoying several kinds of conveyance. He is rich in righteous fame, sensual enjoyments and virtues. Notes: The native having this combination has his ambition generally fulfilled. He gets in adequate measure the benefit of his popularity and fame or glory. He has his full contribution in the social institutions. He has greater number of daughters. A weak and badly affected Moon situated in the 11th House cuts the native off from society.

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TWELFTH HOUSE: If the Moon is situated in the 12th House the native does not remain a person of good character (and conduct). He has no friend, he suffers from eye diseases. He is of angry disposition and has greater number' of enemies. Notes: Due to the situation of the Moon in the 12th House the native is emotional and sentimental. He is highly. imaginative and therefore he wishes to have imagi~ary happiness. He leaves his native land and lives at some other place in his native country or in some foreign country: If the Moon being in a sign of fiery nature is devoid of strength and is badly affected th~ native is of angry disposition, rash, has a lean and thin body and he is one who does harm to himself with his own evil actions. Due to this people have jealousy against him. The native has to suffer insult also becasue of this situation of the Moon in his horoscope.
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THE EFFECTS IF THE PLANET OF MARS IS POSITED IN THE ASCENDANT HOUSE (THE FIRST HOUSE): If Mars is situated in the Ascendant House (or. the First House) the native has hallucination, his body has marks of wounds, he is very courageous, is an extremist in nature and is given to roving or wandering. Notes: If Mars being situated in the Ascendant House is under malefic influences there are certainly the marks of wounds on the native's body or there is the possibility that he will have marks of small pox or of eruptions also, as Mars being the significator of injury, heat etc. and being situated in the 'Tanu Bhava' (the House of the



Body) should produce such diseases in the body is quite natural. Mars has also been regarded as the significator of courage and fierceness (or over intensity) and the Ascendant House has been said to be the House of the native's disposition (nature) and habits etc. Therefore on the basis of comparability and proportion there are bound to be, in the native's disposition, anger, enthusiasm (or alacrity) and courage. The Mars of the Ascendant (Mars situated in the Ascendant) causes for the native fear of being injured by fire and weapons. This situation of Mars has been regarded as unfavourable (or hostile) to the health of the native's wife. The native has to do extra hard work to get success in every work.

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THE EFFECTS IF MARS IS IN THE _SECOND HOUSE: If Mars be situated in the 2nd House the native is poor, dependent upon wicked persons, foolish ignorant, cruel and is opposed to his own men. Notes: Mars being situated in the Second House in fiery signs and being influenced by the Planets of Fiery nature inspires the native to get rich at the earliest possible time. If the 6th Lord is in conjunction with or aspects Mars therr rise in the native's family quarrels and disputes, conflicts and conditions of opposition to. one another. Beside this, quarrels arise also when the native demands the loan which was lent by him to other persons than his own men. The native has to undergo surgery of his eyes. He is habituated to eat hot meal and to drink tea more frequently. Mars situated in the 2nd House is



unfavourable to the longevity of the native's wife. Diseases of the teeth, fear of thieves, godown catching fire etc.should be understood to be the effects of Mars ' situated in the 2nd House.

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THE EFFECTS IF MARS IS SITUATED IN THE THIRD HOUSE: In the event of Mars being situated in the 3rd House the native gets much happiness from the favour of the King, is generous hearted, valorous and very rich but he does not get the happiness of having a brother. Notes: The 3rd House is related to the strength of one's arms. Therefore Mars, the significator of strength being situated in the 3rd House gives to the native the qualities of courage and valour.- The Malefic Planets have been said to be opposed to live things. Therefore if Mars in the 3rd House. is in his debilitation sign or if he is aspected by some other Malefic Planet then the native is deprived of happiness of having a younger brother. Due to strong Mars situation in the 3rd House the native generally enjoys good physical health and he remains free from diseases. This is natural because men of valour and vigour enjoy the pleasure of good health.

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Cfll Jl fcl;t;r '1 ifcl N!il '<'HId (;f;W lf)cl j'ffi'11a : II=? lll

THE EFFECTS IF MARS IS SITUATED IN THE FOURTH HOUSE: If at the time of the native's birth Mars is situated in the 4th House the ancient. learned astrologers have spoken of the following effects: the native gets grief or pain through his friends. and conveyance, there come



to him chances of getting injury through conveyance and there occurs in his body the growth of disease and of weakness. Notes: In the 4th House Mars is devoid of directional strength. It is because of this that all the writers on Astrology have predicted that the effects when Mars is situated in the 4th House are inauspicious. The natives having this situation do not get any kind of cooperation from their ~elatives. There is formed the situation of disputes with regard to immovable property and of strife, such a native generally lives away from his place of birth. He is lacking in courage, or there is the fear of his having wrong kind of courage and lack of power of endurance. The native is frenzied or fitful and emotional and rash. The situation of Mars in the 4th House is unfavourable for the native's wife. There is always the fear of her having sickness of blood or having heart disease. If Mars is situated in a fiery sign and is aspected by a planet having fire as his preponderating or First Element there is the fear that the native's house may catch fire.
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t1'1~1<'1~~ I~~ II

THE EFFECTS IF MARS IS SITUATED IN THE FIFTH HOUSE: If at the time of birth Mars is situated in the 5th House the native gets restlessness due to phlegmatic and windy humours. He lacks the happiness of having wife, friend and son and his thinking gets reversed, that is, he is unable to think in a right way. Notes: Due to Mars being situated in the 5th House the native's father is not long lived as this House is the eighth from the House of the father. If Mars is aspected



by some Malefic Planet then there is the possibility of early death of the native's father. Mars in the 5th House has been said to be inauspicious for the health and longevity of the native's progeny. In the horoscope of a woman he forms the yoga or combination of abortion. There is also the possibility of her having diseases related to her uterus and disorders in her menstrual cycle. Mars situated in the 5th House produces the lack of the capacity of doing trade and business as such a native is unable to speculate about bargaining. If such Mars is in conjunction with the 6th Lord he causes the disease of brain.

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THE EFFECTS IF MARS IS THERE IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: Mars being in the 6th House at the time of birth the native has strong digestive power, that is, he feels much more hunger than usual; he is of angry disposition, he destroys his enemies and establishes friendship with the gentle.

Notes: Mars's situation in the 6th House has been predicted as favourable for the native by all the learned writers on Astrology. As a matter of fact there exjsts great similarity between the nature of the 6th J;iouse and that of Mars. It is due to this that the matters related to the significatorship of Mars are exceptionally fruitful if Mars is situated in this House. If in this House Mars is in conjunction with Ketu, the effects will be there with stronger intensity as Ketu has been said to be a Planet having the disposition of Mars. If Mars situated in the 6th House is related to the 6th Lord or with any other Malefic Planet the native is subjected to have fear of .



an accident and of heart trouble (disease) and liver trouble. Mars in the 6th House has been regarded as inauspicious for the native's maternal uncle.

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Cil'<l'<iiiffld~f(311HNi Cii'<l'<llili'<cm~ ~ ll~q II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS OCCUPIES THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Due to Mars's situa.tion in the 7th House the native suffers from many kinds of harms (losses. and damages), suffers from meaningless worries and anxieties, his body gets weakened because of the tortures given to him by his enemies and he is subjected to trouble and grief due to his having excessive love for his wife. Notes: Mars in the 7th House forms what is called in Vedic Astrology the 'Mangli Yoga' (the combination formed by Mars when he occupies the 1st, the 4th, the 7th, the 8th and the 12th House) due to which the health of the native's wife is adversely affected, as Mars being a Malefic Planet his situation in the 7th House which represents the wife's body proves to be contrary to it (wife's body). Being situated in the 7th House Mars has malefic aspect on the 2nd House (which is the 8th from the 7th House and hence represents the longevity of native's wife), the House of the longevity of wife. Therefore, Mars in the 7th House is not favourable for the longevity of the native's wife. We have another reading also in this context:
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that is, the native suffers from extreme grief due to the destruction of wife and progeny.





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THE EFFECTS IF MARS BE IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE: Mars's being situated in the 8th House the native suffers from eye diseases, is subjected to evil fortune, blood sickness, has a tendency to do base deeds, is dull witted and tends to blame or criticise the saintly persons. Notes: Mars being situated in the 8th House also forms the yoga or combination named 'Mangli'.. If he is in this H9use he aspects the House of Longevity of the native's wife, that is the 2nd House, and due to this the wife , does not get long life. Mars situated in the 8th House . also forms the 'yoga' due to which the native gets some disease of the secret organs, remains anxious, suffers from piles, wound or ulcer and fissure etc. If Mars is in the influence of some other Malefic planet there is formed the combination due to which the native may be subjected to imprisonment, commitment of crime and fear of untimely death. If there is the influence on Mars of any other Planet of fiery nature it shows that the native will be killed by gun powder. The learned writers on Astrology have also predicted due to this situation of Mars such effects as the native's being depraved (wicked), his being troubled by obstacles, getting some chronic disease, some disease of the secret organs, remailling .anxious, having . wound or ulcer, stupidity, sickness of blood, getting only a few issues, the disease of 'Sangrahani' (stomach cramp or irregularity of the bowels, diarrhoea and constipation), his being blame worthy or object of censure, grief stricken, attacked with weapon and liis coming to grief due to his wife.



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THE EFFECTS IF MARS IS SITUATED IN THE NINTH HOUSE: Mars being situated in the 9th House, causes the native to tend towards violence; such a native gets much honour though less advantage from the government side and he is less virtuous (or holy) and has less wealth .

.Notes: Mars is regarded as the representative planet of insolence (arrogance), violence, frenzy and other such basic instincts. And as the purity and impurity of heart and mind are considered from the study of the Ninth . House, therefore the relation of the native's mental attitudes and tendencies should also be studied from this House. Therefore on this basis the writer's saying that Mars situated in the 9th House increases the native's tendency towards violence is quite proper. Due to Mars' situation in the 9th House the native is valorous (energetic), makes adventurous journeys, has a strong, healthy body and is himself the maker of his destiny. If there is the influence of a sattwika planet like Jupiter on Mars in this situation or if he (Mars) is in the sign of a sattwika planet the native performs Vedic Yajnas. This same situation makes the native a worshipper of fire.
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~H~ ~: ~ '1iliUJJ'{II~'dll

THE EFFECTS IF MARS IS POSITED IN THE TENTH HOUSE: Mars situated in the 1Oth House makes the native a king or like a king, very much contented, courageous (and adventurous), always ready to do good



to others and he (the native} obtains beautiful ornaments, gems and precious jewels also. Notes: The position of Mars in the 1Oth House has been said to be very favourable by all the learned writers on Astrology. If there is the presence of 'Raj yoga' in the horoscope then Mars in this position bestows on the native a place of distinction in the army or police and also causes him to get honourable title due to the native's good work. Mars in the 10th House is endowed with directional strength. Mars's position in the 1Oth House is extremely favourable for the matters related to the significatorship of this Planet. Therefore the native having this .situation of Mars in his horoscope is skilled in games and sports, in horseriding, wrestling and atheletic games etc. has gains in agricultural activities and takes others in his influence. The order of such a native is obeyed.' If in. the 1Oth House Mars is in conjunction with a Benefic Planet or if he is in the sign of a Benefic Planet, the native gets success in every thing and his prestige increases day by day. He is energetic, brilliant, healthy and has a strong body. According to the other learned writers on Astrology due to Mars's position in the 1Oth House the native gets popularity. He is endowed with good fortune, is of good character or disposition, devoted to his teacher and has long lived brothers.

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tt<i14~4: II~~ II

THE EFFECTS IF MARS IS THERE IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: Mars's position being in the 11th House the . native obtains copper, coral, gold, red cloth, excellent conveyance and go'vernmental favour and there are frequent celebrations of festivities in his house.

.. ,



Notes: The 11th House is related to the capacity of earning wealth. If Mars being situated here is in a sign of a Benefic Planet or if he makes relation with some Benefic Planet, then the native earns much wealth by doing trade in copper, coral, gold, conveyance etc. He is known for taking the greatest risk in his trade. He obtains good income through agricultural work, purchase and sale of plots of land. Such a native gets rich due to his own abilities and capabilities, courage and assiduousness or industriousness. He does not like a trade or business of low level. If Mars is situated in his sign of debilitation or if he gets the proximity or nearness of a planet in his debilitation, then the native does not consider the fairness or foulness (auspiciousness or in auspiciousness) of the means. He is ready to' eam wealth by fair or foul means. When Mars is situated in the 11th House his aspect on the 5th House will be harmful for the health of the native's progeny. Besides this, Mars's situation in this House will be said to be inauspicious and harmful for the health and longevity of the native's elder brother, as due t<;> Mars's aspect on the 6th HoUse there will be diminution of the elder brother's longevity. If Mars in this situation receives the influence of some other Malefic Planet then the elder brother will not be long-lived.


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~ 'fii""'' .. +i(i<i~\JI) C2P) ~ ~ 1:"{ II~~ II

THE EFFECTS IF MARS .BE SITUATED IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE: Mars' being in the 12th House causes the native to have enmity with his friends, gives disease to his eyes, makes him of angry disposition, causes disability or distress in his limbs, excessive _expenses of his wealth, his imprisonment (or makes him



undertake a journey to jail) and decay of his lustre (or energy). Notes: Being in the 12th House Mars aspects the 7th House due to which there occurs harm to the native's wife. Therefore, it is called the yoga (combination) of 'Mangli'. If there is the influence of a Malefic Planet on Mars in the 12th House the 'yoga' formed in this way causes the native to get his eyes operated, his imprisonment and injury in the feet etc. A Planet being in the 12th House spends his qualities lavishly. The quality of Mars is to be angry. Therefore if Mars is posited in the 12th House the native will be excessively wrathful. According to the other writers of Astrology due to Mars's situation in the 12th House there is adverse propaganda against the native, he has fear from thieves and is involved in quarrels. There is hostility and friction between the various relatives; he has to suffer pain and grief due to servants and trouble due to slavery, he has fear from his enemies and falls low in his actions and becomes corrupt, has the desire in his mind to snatch the wealth of others, there comes fickleness in his mind and he gets diseases of the ears and the throat and sickness in the blood.

VTR'fi ~: ""'<J"'d""'<n:lj,.,.rr:i'<:n) "R:

Pclai;:q)cil$1) Pcl!Jcilffl\JI:fl

tiC::Ioql'<4'<'1~: I

'ndiltJ'<14' 'VI"A' ~ 11~1911

THE . EFFECTS IF MERCURY OCCUPIES THE ASCENDANT: If at the time of birth Mercury is posited in the Ascendant House (or the First House) the native is peace loving, courteous, extremely generous, of good conduct, has patience, is learned and has knowledge of arts.



Notes: Mercury in the Ascendant House or the First House is endowed with directional strength. He is the significator of craft and arts. If Mercury is in an auspicious or benefic sign or if he is in conjunction with or aspected by a Benefic Planet, he will certainly make the native a craftsman and an artist. The significatorship of Mercury includes also writing, mathematics, Astrology, trade (business), education (teaching), oratory, printing grammar etc. Therefore, Mercury, if endowed with strength, will give the native the talent of doing these things also. Mercury being situated in the First House is regarded as the destroyer of evils caused by the other Planets. It is said that if the Malefic Planets being situated in Malefic or inauspicious Houses form evil combinations, Mercury alone being posited in the Ascendant House is capable of destroying all the evil combinations so formed. It has been rightly remarked: "~t,ft ~ '"ll-.f~G~Relf~...... ' that is, Mercury being posited in the Ascendant House should destroy all the evil combinations (formed by the Malefic Planets) Due to Mercury's situation in the Ascendant House the native's body has brilliance and vigorous or energetic. The age of the native cannot be guessed by seeing his face, that is, the native seem's to be younger in age than he actually is as the Planet of Mercury has; been regarded as the planet of boyhood.

Rl"'(i1:Ri(1gt1) !J'<Iqffi(ii: fill(iidiCb~ttlll.f"'ttftj&: I RI:J(i1Cb1Pti't'I!J""1Ftl'l'igefl ~"tP!ltJd"') ill~l"t"GJi II~~ II
THE EFFECTS IF MERCURY OCCUPIES THE SECOND HOUSE: Mercury's being situated in the 2nd House the native is endowed with good character or disposition, is devoted to his guru (teacher), happy because of earning money with his skill, has extreme lustre or loveliness and . makes great progress.



Notes: Mercury is the significator of wittily speaking. If Mercury is situated in the 2nd House the native has exceptional power of wittily speaking as the 2nd House is also related to speech. Mercury being situated in the 2nd House has been regarded as full of auspiciousness by all the writers on Astrology. If Mercury in this House is in conjunction with or is aspected by a Benefic Planet, the native gets higher education, his economic standard is of higher level and his plans are useful.


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ltACl: !fll1C'Idf4ittcp'ttf

~Sj\ilti~ II~~ II

THE EFFECTS IF MERCURY IS SITUATED IN THE THIRD HOUSE: In the event of Mercury's being posited in the 3rd House the native gets the courage to remain free from the bondage of his relatives (he remains free from their bondage); his heart is not pure, he remains devoid of happiness but he makes his plans successful by his clever devices. Notes: Due to Mercury's situation in the 3rd House the native remains perplexed due to various matters as he has a number of plans in connection with his work. Perhaps it is because of this that the present writer has spoken of the native's mind and heart as not being pure. The common significatorship of Mercury and of the 3rd House is that of 'device'. Therefore, such a native has the talent of performing his work with some intelligent device and getting success in whatever he is doi~g.
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FOURTH HOUSE: In the event of Mercury's being situated in the 4th House the native becomes the owner of an exceptional conveyance, is prosperous in wealth and grains, has interest in music and dancing, is endowed with knowledge and learning and has jewels. Notes: The position of Mercury in the 4th House has been regarded as auspicious and benefic. This planet has been regarded as the lord of the intellect and the 4th is the House of the mind (heart and soul as well) and therefore the position of the Planet of Mercury in the 4th House should be taken to mean the combination and conjunction of the minq and the intellect. If Mercury is in a Benefic sign and has Benefic influence on him the native takes very balanced and effective decisions due to which he gets, even without much efforts, all worldly, material comforts like good house, conveyance, popularity, land etc. The memory of the native is sharp, and he is logical in his thinking and his arguments can be hardly opposed. Due to the power of intellect he is successful in getting for him. happiness and all worldly, material comforts. He may have the situation of 'to do or not to do' before taking a decision, but at the time of taking a decision such a native shows firmness of mind. Mercury is related to craft, drawing, sketching and musical instruments. Therefore the native has interest in these things. His sentences are balanced and witty. He is proved to be a good adviser. He shows lack of interest in physical or bodily acts. Due to Mercury's situation in the 4th House there is the development in the native of insight. But if Mercury is in a Malefic sign and has influence of Malefic Planets on him the native suffers losses due to the breach of faith on the part of his friends. He has to face social censure or blame. There comes the situation also of jealousy and conflict with his



own men and obstacles in his education will be certainly there. The native has the tendency towards practising trickery and treachery and he does treacherous deeds.
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THE EFFECTS IF MERCURY IS SITUATED IN THE FIFTH HOUSE: Being situated in the House of the Son (the 5th House) the son of the Moon (Mercury) makes the native happy due to having a son, have many friends, skilful in counselling and debating, of good character or disposition and have great interest in games and sports. Notes : The situation of Mercury in the 5th House is not very favourable for the native's happiness through having a son as Mercury is an impotent Planet. If on Mercury in the 5th House there is any kind of influence of the other impotent Planet Saturn, the native remains bereft of progeny and he does not get a son. Mercury is the significator of the mind or the intellect. If he is posited in the House of the intellect (the 5th House) and has Benefic influence on him the native will certainly be endowed with intelligence and wisdom. He will have the capability of thinking over the various aspects of any subject. He can make plans for the future successfully. Writers on Astrology have said that such a native has the knowledge of the 'Mantra Shastra' (or the science of spells etc) also. Besides this, he is certainly very learned, has an influential personality, has a subtle intellect and has foresight of the consequences of things. Such a native makes his destiny with the skill of his own intelligence and wisdom and by nature he loves entertainment.






"'I"'I'<IRISildti"ttEI~'tl: I

P!t'lii<'I'M&II~<'I: 'Miri1j6ll :Vf'3~~~ I~=? II

THE EFFECTS IF MERCURY BE IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: In the event of Mercury's being in the 6th House the native is involved in an argument or dispute, has some disease, is stone hearted, comes to grief due to having enmity with many persons and gets trouble because of being lazy.
Notes: The situation of Mercury in the 6th House has

not been regarded as auspicious. If Mercury is in this House the native has often dispute with those who come into his contact.ln the natural horoscope Mercury is the Lord of Sixth House.Therefore he is naturally related to diseases. And if he is in conjunction with Malefic Planets the native has the possibility of having the diseases of abdomen, respiratory canal and skin. If the malefic influences are numerous he has the fear of getting windy diseases, leprosy, indigestion, and stomach cramp (irregularity of the. bowels, diarrhoea and constipation). Such a native expresses his views in such a manner that the other people often do not agree with him. The Sage Parashara is also of this view. If in the 6th House Mercury is in the influence of Benefic Planets the native is regarded as auspicious to the relatives on the side of his mother (maternal uncles and others). If the situation is reversed it indicates that the health of the native's maternal uncle is weak and his longevity is short.

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OCCUPIES THE SEVENTH HOUSE: In the event of Mercury's situation in the 7th House the native is of good character or disposition, wealthy, true speaking and is endowed with wife, gold and son. Notes: If Mercury being situated in the 7th House has Benefic influences on him the native has many friends. In his youth he has deep and intimate relations especially wit~ persons of the opposite sex. Being posited in this House Mercury will have full aspect on the Ascendant House. due to which the native will certainly have charm, ways and manners natural to youth and attraction and his wife has an exceptional lustre on her face. Most of the learned wirters on Astrology have said that one effect of Mercury's being situated in the 7th House is quicker discharge of semen at the time of sexual intercourse. If Mercury in the 7th House is in conjunction with Saturn and Venus there is the greater possibility of the native's being impotent or there is extremely fewer number of spermatozoas in his semen. Mercury being situated in the 7th House is not favourable in the context of giving birth to healthy and strong progeny. It the native does his own trade or business he is very skilful in the activities relating to trade.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY OCCUPIES THE EIGHTH HOUSE: If at the time of the native's birth the son of the Moon, (Mercury) happens to be there in the 8th House the native is prosperous in all the ways due to the favour and kindness of the king; he opposes the other people, is subjected to pride ant;! destroys the work done by others.






Notes: In the natural horoscope Mercury lords over the 3rd and the 6th Houses and his situation in the Eighth House forms the combination known as 'Vipreet Raj Yoga' (Reverse Raj Yoga). It is due to this reason that most of the writers on Astrology have spoken of Mercury situated in the 8th House as auspicious. According to the writers on Astrology such a native is long lived; his fame spreads far and wide. He remains cheerful and he earns much wealth through the favour of the king and through trade. He also gets the enjoyment of having sexual intercourse with a number of women (wives). He has also been said to be the benefactor of others, supporter of his family and strong. It has been found that due to Mercury's situation in the 8th House the native does not have good hand writing; he has opposition with his own brothers. It has been found that the native often gets into great trouble because of signing on a paper relating to some agreement or lending or borrowing without proper thinking over it.

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~ Pcltt)ml,l fcld'< Ujij)'( ohEI;::qi""ttt) lJA'CI':fl-

G~dPcf>'(Ui\JI""""i ~swt ll'dlt II

THE EFFECTS IF MERCURY BE SITUATED IN THE NINTH HOUSE: If at the time of the native's birth Mercury happens to be posited in the 9th House, the native gets respect due to doing benefit to others and getting education. Such a native gets exceptional happiness through a servant, wealth and a son and he is a giver of alms. Notes: Mercury is regarded as the significator of religious




rites. When he has relation with the 9th House or the 9th Lord and he does not have any kind of Malefic influence the native is the doer of benefit to others, has religious tendency and is the doer of yajnas, hawans and religious rites. Besides this he studies deeply and minutely philosophy and the other Shastras (ancient books). It is due to this that his fame spreads far and wide. Mercury being in the 9th House makes the native obedient and devoted to his father, doer of benefit to others, giver of alms and charity and also a good orator or speaker. Such a native always opposes the ostentations (shows) of religion.

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"'if~iJi'Miflq('ll'lil~iliicYI ~ .mA ~I'd~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY OCCUPIES THE TENTH HOUSE: Mercury's being situated in the 1Oth House makes the native a man of great learning and knowledge and a doer of noble deeds; he has all kinds of wealth and property; he gets honour from the king also, is sweet spoken and sensual or pleasure loving.
Notes: Mercury's position in the 1Oth House has been regarded as very auspicious by all the writers on Astrology. A native in whose horoscope Mercury is situated in the 1Oth House earns wealth through teaching, art, craft, music, works relating to courts, writing, poetry (writing poems) etc. It has been seen generally that Mercury situated in this House makes the native to have gains through more than one medium. All the writers on Astrology have spoken of the effects of Mercury in the 10th House as auspicious and benefic. Some of them have said that such a: native gets paternal wealth in exceptional measure. He is politic or tactful, has royal



authority and gets special respect in society. He is economical in speaking, is handsome and remains happy. He has excellent intellect, patience, is religious, has sattwika mind, takes pleasure or delight and is sincere and honest to hi$ aims a'nd objectives.

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"11"11fci~IWOJI't11ii411"1q: ~ ~ ~: ll'dl911

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY OCCUPIES THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: In the event of Mercury's occupying the 11th House, the native is sensual or pleasure loving, extremely wealthy, courteous of manner, always cheerful, has good nature, is strong and practises or studies many branches of learning. Notes: When Mercury is in the 11th House, the native. has the capacity of achieving most of his objectives with his own wonderful powers. He remains engaged in the achievement of obtaining several objectives at one time. His thinking is also multi dimensional. Such natives get greater success as public relations officers. His progeny get great success in trade activities. If Mercury is there. in the 11th House the native is extremely fortunate and happy, and by nature he is of good .character and disposition, is sensual or pleasure loving and cheerful or happy. Besides this, the native fulfils the promise which he gives. This quality is there in him in exceptional measure.

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the 12th House the native is devoid of mercy, deserted by his own men, dextrous or skilful (clever) in doing hi~ things, wins his side, is cunning and deceitful and has dirty or impure heart. Notes: Mercury being situated in the 12th House makes the native waste his mental powers and time. The native shows his tendency to go to the extreme in every thing. Due to Mercury's being situated in the 12th House, the native is learned certainly but he is unable to make proper use of it because of his inability of deciding his aim.


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~4ii.ir'<'C#tilq'<8 ~

~?illrt!i~os'C}\ofl 1~~ 11

THE EFFECTS IF JUPITER IS POSITED IN THE ASCENDANT HOUSE OR THE FIRST HOUSE: In the event of Jupiter being situated in the Ascendant House or the First House the native is highly educated and learned, gets royal or governmental honour, is intelligent, full of gratitude, extremely liberal and handsome.. Notes: Jupiter gets full directional strength when he occupies the Ascendant House or the First House. Strong Jupiter in the Ascendant House makes the native endowed with excellent intellect, wisdom, strength and handsomeness. But he has to suffer also from the phlegmatic diseases. If Jupiter is distressed there is much collection in the body of fat and the native has to suffer harm in one or the other form. Jupiter being posited in the Ascendant House exerts such influence on the native as may be easily recognized because in such a native is seen serenity and nobility and dignity in his walking, speaking, sitting, standin~ and in other behaviours. In the age of maturity his belly gets



round and his body becomes fatty. The body is very strong and tall certainly. There is some paleness in the eyes; The native is popular in the world due to his good virtues, grE~at learning and generosity.

mcm.r !J'6Cf;('1

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~ 'gfl1C1) ~fclu)'1 ~ Jilqfoici~ ~fclouCflll~ I Jlio II

THE EFFECTS IF JUPITER IS POSITED IN THE SECOND HOUSE: In the event of Jupiter's being posited in the 2nd House the native has handsome countenance (appearance), is endowed with learning, virtues and fame, has no enemies, is excellently charitable, of good character or disposition and prosperous and wealthy. Notes: The Second House is related to speech, art, poetry etc. Therefore if Jupiter is there in the 2nd House the native loves poetry and he himself also has talent for composing poetry. Such a native's speech has authority in it, that is, he speaks authoritatively. He is ec~nomical in speaking and is loquacious or eloquent. Jupiter being posited in the 2nd House has aspect on the 8th House, that is, the face of the native's wife; and therefore, the native's wife is beautiful. According to 'Maharishi' Garga such a native is wealthy and is always zealous or enthusiastic but if Jupiter is there in the 2nd House in a sign of Mars the native has very short span of longevity and dies in the 6th year.

mcm.r j'6if)t'i

'lfi\JI"'ll~'1: ~: ~: q;it~l'gtls?iRtfclqR;ft~u 1
"RSf1i'1iEIIiilt'lt11fl4t1: -qmpq fliUi!l'<)it~~ IJ!iq II

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER OCCUPIES THE niiRD HOUSE: In the event of Jupiter's being situated in the 3rd House the native. is devoid of courtesy and politeness



(or generosity), miserly and ungrateful. He does not get love and affection from his wife and sons. He has lack of appetite and his body is weak. Notes: If Jupiter in the 3rd House is weakened and is in an inauspicious sign then the native is certainly ungenerous, miserly and has only a little wealth. He is ungrateful and does not express gratitude for the good done to him by others. Jupiter in the 3rd House has aspect on the 9th House. Therefore the native makes rnany pilgrimages. He makes his destiny with the power of his own intellect. But due to his being excessively ambitious he does not feel that his condition is satisfactory. Such a native has interest in writing, is thoughtful, intelligent and wise, performs his work with intelligent devices and has a tendency towards spiritualism.
~ ~T j"6if)cl ~"""fi'1'1Hit1'1qlt:'11~: fl\JIItit:tf: ~: ~:I iq1'j<hqm!Jqi't1'l'i_q~wh~ ~ I~=? II

THE EFFECTS IF JUPITER IS POSITED IN THE FOURTH HOUSE: In the event of Jupiter's being posited in the 4th House the native gets honour and respect in society, he is always happy due to having wealth and conveyance and gains wealth due to the favour of the king. Notes: Due to Jupiter's position in the 4th House the native enjoys the happiness of having all kinds of materials which give physical comforts and conveniences. He is large hearted and wise. He gets the happiness of having a gooo house, lands, cattle, wealth etc in ample measure. If in the horoscope the situation of Venus, the Moon and Jupiter is strong the native gets the conveyance of a high standard. The house of the native



will be as large as will be the benefic influences on Jupiter and as strong Jupiter will be. Besides this, there will be his recognition in the world, and increase in the happiness from agricultural land and costly conveyance. On the contrary if Jupiter is weak he will have lack of the happiness of all these things.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER OCCUPIES THE FIFTH HOUSE: If at the time of birth Jupiter is situated in the 5th House, the native enjoys the happiness of having a good friend and a son. He is the knower of the 'Mantra Shastras' (the science of spells and charms). Besides . this, the native is endowed with many kinds of wealth and conveyance and is soft spoken. Notes: The 5th is the House of 'Mantra Shastra', progeny (son), entertainment etc. and the significator of these is Jupiter. Therefore if at the time of birth Jupiter occupies the 5th House the native loves entertainment and is an Epicurean (follower of the Greek Philospher Epicurus who preached the philosophy believing pleasure as the end of life). He is logical in his attitude. He has the ability to think over the various aspects of any problem which he happens to have in hand. But if being situated in the 5th House in his own sign Jupiter is afflicted with a Malefic or Malefics the native comes to grief with the death of his son. Besides this, if he (Jupiter) being in this House is in his sign of debilitation or if he being in the sign of a Malefic Planet, has malefic influence on him even then the native comes to grief related with his progeny (son). On the contrary if he (Jupiter) being in a Benefic sign is endowed with strength and has also benefic influences on him then the



native gets the happiness of having healthy, long-lived and progressive progeny (son) and the native himself is wise and intelligent, has holy ideas, is of humble nature, kind hearted, of religious mentality and has wide knowldege of his subject of study. There is the possibility that he will earn wealth through share business, speculation, gambling, stakes, lottery etc.
l18 mcJTffi !J'<' 4R'I
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~d:!Qii'!ZliC'Ifl'f*: ~~~:ra+i~ ~ lli~'<l~: llti~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER IS SITUATED .IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: If the minister of Surendra (Jupiter who is the guru of gods and the Minister of Surendra, the King of gods) is situated in the House of Enemies (the 6th House) the native has love for music, is desirous;. of getting fame and glory and gets' victory over his enemies, but such a native shows laziness in completing any thing that he ~as started to perform. Notes: Jupiter being situated in the 6th House makes the native full of pride. The enemies of such a native cannot prevail (win) over him and he has a strong tendency to show favour"1o his own caste. If Jupiter being in the 6th House has Benefic influence on him the native gets faithful servants; and if has Malefic influences on him then he has to SlJffer from disorders in the liver, abscess in the intestines etc.

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THE EFFECTS IF JUPITER OCCUPIES THE SEVENTH HOUSE: If the teacher of gods (Jupiter) is situated in the House of wife (the 7th Hbuse) the native's mind is



joyfully engaged in reading the Shastras . He is by riature courteous, very happy through his wife and wealth, an excellent adviser and an excellent composer of poetry (is an excellent poet). Notes: Jupiter being situated in the 7th House aspects the 11th House, the Ascendant House and the 3rd House, therefore the level of the native's income is very high and he gets easy success in his aims and objectives, has magnificent personality. He enjoys physical or bodily health and gets cooperation from his younger brother and other partners. Jupiter situated in the 7th House has been regarded as extremely favourable for obtaining grandeur or majesty (prosperous state). The learned astrologer Varahmihira is of the view that such a native has more qualities in comparison to his father. Besides this, such native is handsome, has good taste, is strong and healthy, has patience and is generous .
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P!t'lll('l'fl: ~DI<tJMq'<: 'fliiC::I!~fl~ ~ I ~\if, II

THE EFFECTS WHEN JLJPITER OCCUPIES THE EIGHTH HOUSE: In the event of the god of speech's that is, Jupiter's being in the House of longevity (the 8th House) the native is a serving man, base (foul and dirty), extremely humble and poor, lacks discriminatibn (or discernment), is discourteous, given to laziness and has a weak body. Notes: Jupiter has been regarded as the significator of discriminating power, learning and strong body. If Jupiter is situated in the 8th House it is quite in the nature of. things that the native should lack these qualities in him. Due to Jupiter's being in the 8th House the native.



becomes devoid of inborn power or faculties, impolite (lacking in urbanity) due to which there is the great possibility that he should be opposed to honourable, respectable persons, father etc. and he may not get the favour or kfndness 9f distinguished persons. Such a native is generally sickly and diseased. He opposes the traditions and customs of his family. Varahmihira h?s said that such a native is base or mean, and according to Kalyan Verma he has to suffer insult.

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aoq;~'t ~ ;::ffi ~GtoN'<: ~ ~ ~ ~ ll!il911

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER OCCUPIES THE NINTH HOUSE: In the event of Jupiter's being posited in the 9th House the native becomes a minister to the King, does auspicious deeds, has knowledge of all the Shastras, is learned, follows rules and is devoted to Brahmins. Notes: The 9th House has full harmony with the real nature of Jupiter, the guru of gods. If in this House Jupiter being in a Benefic sign has benefic influences on him then the native has good culture, is courteous and polite, benefactor of others, leads a pious or religious life, gets joy in doing reverence to the learned persons, is modest in his behaviour, favour~te of the King, takes interest in doing yajnas, is glorious, does penance and is famous. He is regarded as a person of distinction among friendly circle. His conduct being according to the traditions and customs of his lineage. He is regarded as distinctive i.n it also. There is .sincerety and purity and transparency in his behaviour and there is no trace of treachery in him. This is the special trait in his character. He has feeling of devotion in his heart towards his guru, gods, father and the other respectable persons.




Ill ?II t"1 \11'3?1\! '1 ~ '<j'!!l IPII m~ EJSm fcrmt ~ ~ fcriJI<i "1\!1011'1_ I~~ II
THE EFFECTS IF JUPITER IS POSITED IN THE TENTH HOUSE: The guru of gods, Jupiter being in the 10th House endows the native with the marks of royalty (umbrella etc), that is, the native is a high official in the state, he has excellent conveyance, gets happiness through his friend, son and wife and he is victorious and glorious. Notes: Being posited in the 1Oth House Jupiter has aspect on the 2nd, the 4th and the 6th House and thus has his benefic influence on these Houses also due to which the native has wealth and prosperity, owns a large spacious building and enjoys good health. Jupiter is a sattwika Planet. Therefore the atmosphere of the native's house is sattwika. The native himself also is the doer of deeds of dignity or presitge due to which he is exceptionally valorous and energetic. He is reputed for performing 'yajnas'. Such a. native is regarded as a pioneer in performing deeds which are beneficial to the society as a whole. Besides this, he is successful in every field, has excellent conduct and devoted to his duty.
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1J\'lllt11G ~ omurt 'flqfowt:~'l ~ ~: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS IF JUPITER IS SITUATED IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: If Jupiter is situated in the 11th House (the House of gains) he makes the native competent and powerful, extremely wealthy, prosperous with rich and beautiful robes, gems and excellent conveyances and the native gets royal favour.

; 290 JATAKA BHARNAM . ~' Notes: The native in whose horoscope Jupiter is situated in the 11th House has gains of wealth through royal favour, doing yajans, conveyance, lands, and teaching etc. He is very ambitious and if Jupiter has benefic influences on him most of his ambitions are fulfilled also. Therefore he gets all kinds of grandeur and prosperity. Such a native gets exceptional happiness through his wife, son and friends because they are all favourable and helpful to him. He also gets happiness through quadrupeds, cattle etc.



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THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER IS SITUATED IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE: If Jupiter is situated in the 12th House he makes the native full of anger because of many kinds of agitiation of feelings; he is sinful, given to idleness, shamelessness and is devoid of intelligence and does not get respect. Notes: If Jupiter is situated in the 12th House he makes the native full of much egotism and pride. He has the tendency of speaking of his virtues exaggeratedly due to which nobody gives him any respect. He extravagantly spends his accumulated wealth due to his habit of lavishly spending his money. The other people deceive him by flattering him only. He has to suffer losses many times due to investing more wealth in a certain thing than is necessary. He also lacks the spirit of cooperating with his own men. His speech is lacking in refinement and culture and irritates the other. Such a native does not have restraint with regard to eating and drinking. Jupiter being situated in the 12th House often' makes the native an addict to drinking wine. Besides this the native is given '



to idleness, jealous of his teachers, has enmity with his servants and his own brothers, loves to make journeys and travels, has. some disease in his secret organs, is given to _anger, prosperous with paternal wealth and is full of anxiety in his nature.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS OCCUPIES THE ASCENDANT HOUSE: In the event of Venus's being in the Ascendant House (the First House) the native is skilled in many arts, pure, lovely and sweet spoken, gets enjoyment of sexual intercourse with. an extremely beautiful wife and gains honour and wealth from the king. Notes: The significatorship of Venus is there with regard to speech, wealth, happiness through a beautiful wife, property etc. If being situated in the Ascendant House Venus is in a benefic sign the native is sweet spoken, is disposed to sensual pleasures, has interest in music~ is endowed:with royal grandeur and loves entertainment. Evey planet when. he is posited in the Ascendant House has a very strong influence on the disposition or nature and personality of the native. The nature and direction of the influence depends upon the auspicious or inauspicious situation of this planet (that is, whether the sign in the Ascendant House is a Benefic or a Malefic one). If Venus being situated in the Ascendant House is in an inauspicious situation the native is discourteous, ill mannered, has little culture, is addicted to some evil habit, is extremely sexy and makes illegitimate relations with several women. Besides this, he does not have any consideration of fair or foul means in the matters of earning wealth.

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THE EFFECTS IF VENUS BE THERE IN THE SECOND HOUSE: .If Venus happens to be situated in the 2nd House the native eats tasty and delicious food; he is also a man of taste in relation to the clothes which he wears and. he is prosperous and wealthy, has conveyance and is well versed in many sciences. Notes: In a natural horoscope the 2nd House is Venus's own House. If she (Venus) is in an auspicious situation (that is, a Benefic sign in the 2nd House) the native speaks in a refined and sweet language. He attracts other easily. His point of view is very meaningful and full of significance. He has sense of honour for the, traditions of his family and therefore he is devoted to them. He is greatly loved by his own men, the members of his family. He gets the paternal property without facing any obstacles and obstructions. His face is lovely and charming. There is the atmosphere in his family of happiness, prosperity, peace and affection. But if this very Venus is in an inauspicious situation (that is, in a Malefic sign in the 2nd House) there is formed a reverse situation with regard to the paternal property, the happiness and peace of the family; and there is created an inauspicious and unfavourable situation for the ot@r significatorships mentioned above such as those of~ speech, foods and drinks etc.

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THIRD HOUSE: If the progeny of Bhrigu (that is, Venus) is there in the House of the younger brother (that is, the 3rd House) the native has weak body structure, is miserly, of evil conduct, devoid of wealth, extremely lustful (has excessive Sexual indulgence), does harm to the noble and gentle and remains engaged in doing evil deeds in many ways. Notes: If Venus is there in the 3rd House the native certainly has some interest in art. If Venus is in an inauspicious situation or in her sign of debilitation he is extremely lustful (having an excessive desire for doing sexual intercourse) and has a tendency to be charmed and infatuated (falling in love with) by any beautiful damsel. By temperament he is pleasure loving and enthusiastic. But if Venus is badly affected She will diminish the native's asiduousness or industriousness.

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THE EFFECTS IF VENUS BE THERE IN THE FOURTH HOUSE: If the acharya or guru of demons (Venus) is situated in the Fourth House she gives the native numerous kinds of happpiness, that is, benefits through . friends, agriculture, his village and conveyance. He is a devotee of gods and is always full of joy. Nres: Venus situated in the 4th House provides the ndtlve with many kinds of physical comforts and conveniences. The native's mind has good instincts and he is cultured. He is urbane (polite, refined), skilful in his behaviour, has morality, prudent counsel or policy and is believing. His intellect has the ability of appreciating arts. He performs various deeds of welfare for the people



of his society. He has exceptional gains through conveyance, cattle, wealth and agriculture. But if this very Venus .is weak and badly affected he has to suffer losses through these very means of gains and his character becomes doubtful. Venus is the significator of the 4th House. Therefore both these kinds of effects (auspicious and inauspicious) occur with exceptional quickness.


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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS OCCUPIES THE FIFTH HOUSE: In the event of the progeny of Bhrigu's (that is Venus') being posited in the House of progeny (the 5th House) the native is talented and skilful in the whole art of poetry, is endowed with son, conveyance and wealth and he gets much honour from the King. Notes: If Venus being situated in the 5th House has benefic influences over her the native has very strong power of consultation or deliberation. He is well versed and skilled in subjects related to counselling and policy. He has strong aptitude (tendency) towards learning or getting education. Venus in this situation is highly benefic with regard to happil)ess of having progeny. He may have natural bent for learning the science of spells and incantation. He earns wealth mostly through his intellectual activities. His ways of getting recreation or entertainment are worthy of imitation. Some authors on Astrology have said that obtainment of many daughters is one among the effects of Venus's being posited in the 5th House. But this has not been found to be true in all cases. Althou9h Venus is a female planet, yet if being in a male sign and being in



conjunction with a male planet she is in the 5th House the native will certainly obtain sons. According to Maharishi Bhrigu such a native is skilful in behaviour and his conduct is always just and proper. Due to Venus's being badly affected the native is given to grief due to the death of his progeny, has stupidity or dullness of the mind, uses means of entertainment which are below standard, falls in the company of wicked persons and. remains devoid of learning.

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THE EFFECTS IF VENUS IS SITUATED IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: In the event of Venus's being in the 6th House the native is disliked by women, has a little desire of doing sexual intercourse, is weak ~nd fearful of his enemies. Notes: There is much difference of opinion among the learned astrologers with regard to the effects of Venus's being situated in the 6th House. Some regard this situation of Venus as auspicious while ma~y others regard it as inauspicious. If in the 6th House Venus is Wl;)ak or if she is affected by Malefic Planets the native suffers from many bodily diseases, sorrows and mental trouble, does not get suitable food and has a little desire of doing sexual intercourse. Besides this, he does not make relations with good persons. If Venus is strong effects reverse to these do not occur.
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SEVENTH HOUSE: In the event of Venus's being posited in the 7th House the native is skilled in many crafts, does sporting or frolicking in water, is happy and contented through having sexual intercourse with his beautiful wife, and has love for prostitutes.

Notes: Venus has been regarded as the significator of the 7th House. If being situated in this House she .is endowed with Benefic influence the native has. good character. He does not have any interest in the other women than his wife and in prostitutes. His married life is happy and the health of his wife is excellent. He is skilful in his behaviour with others. In his trade his relations with his partner are very sweet. The native's friends are also cooperative with him and are well- behaved and polite. The native's personality is charming and very attractive. His progeny is healthy, beautiful and have hereditary qualities of their lineage. Due to Venus's being auspicious the native's semen is very strong and therefore his progeny are strong, healthy, beautiful and have the qualities of their lineage.
If Venus is in his sign of debilitation or if she has Malefic influence on him the native is devoid of good character. There is much of flattery and less of serenity or nobility in his behaviour. He is extremely selfish and practical minded. If he does not prevail on others he becomes extremely irritated. There is the possibility of his making illegitimate or illegal relations with the other women than his wife or with the other men than her husband. There may be diseases in his or her secret organs, weakness of semen and there is hts ill will or aversion with his partner in trade.





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THE EFFECTS IF VENUS IS SITUATED IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE: In the event of Venus's being gone in the 8th House the native is cheerful, gets recognition from the King, is cunning and deceitful, fearless, full of pride and arrogance and on occasions has anxiety and care with regard to his wife and son. Notes: When Venus is situated in the 8th House she has her aspect on the 3rd House due to which the native does not have lack of wealth and money. If Venus is endowed with strength the native earns wealth through fair and honourable means but if Venus is debilitated the means of earning wealth adopted by him will be of lower, baser standard. The native will always have a tendency to usurp dishonestly the wealth of the other people. Such a native considers himself as the most intelligent of persons. He lacks reasonableness and cannot argue on right lines and therefore his reaspning is wrong and improper. He does not hesitate at all in piactisiog hypocrisy and pretension. It has been found that such natives make misuse of the mantras (spells) which they have accomplished. There is great possibility of their getting mental diseases and of their being subjected to some addiction. But if Venus is strong and has no malefic influences on her the effects are opposite to those mentioned above. Then such a native gets the happiness of having a beautiful wife. His wife is sweet spoken and devoted and faithful to him. The native gets property as an heir or successor. He also has gains of wealth through his wife, gets profit due to partnership and gets wealth as a trustee.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS OCCUPIES THE NINTH HOUSE: In the event of Venus's being gone at the time of birth in the 9th House, the native offers reverence and is hospitable to his guest, guru and. gods. Such a native collects money for doing pilgrimages, is always happy due to having wealth and conveyance, has clothes like those of a 'muni' (an ascetic) and is not wrathful. Notes: If strong Venus is situated in the 9th House, the native leads pious, religious life, performs religious rites (such a Brahmin is called 'Karma Kandi') and has able, worthy sons. He gets advantages from the side of the king or the government. He uses fair means to earn wealth. He gets physical comforts and conveniences easily. His disposition or nature is extremely good. Such a native is referred to as exceptionally fortunate. According to the writer of 'Brihad Yawana Jataka' such a native has gains of wealth in the 15th yeat and rise of fortune in the 25th year. If Venus is weak and has malefic influences on her there is deterioration in the moral life of the native. He is selfish, makes illegitimate relations with a woman who is older in age than he, and he becomes a hen pecked husband, that is, he remains under the control of his wife. The wife also of such a husband does not remain happy and contented.
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HOUSE: If in the horoscope of a person Venus has gone in the 1Oth House, the native is extremely fortunate, respected in the world, takes daily bath and performs God-worship and is happy due to having happy and contented wife and son. Notes: If Venus is situated in the 1Oth House the native can have exceptional gains of wealth by adopting a trade related to jewels. This situation of Venus has been regarded as auspicious for gains of wealth. Due to the Benefic Venus there is the obtainment of profit from the side of the government, rise in the status, honour and prestige. According to Vaidyanath the native gets wealth through a farmer or ladies and he becomes exceptionally rich. Venus in this situation is also benefic for giving the native conveyance, house and other physical comforts and conveniences.lf in the 1Oth House Venus is debilitated or has malefic influences on her the native has to face troubles from the side of the king or the Government, he gets disrespect from society and loses his glory. Besides this, there are chances when he gets losses in his trade.
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THE EFFECTS IF VENUS IS SITUATED IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: If Venus has gone in the 11th House the native respects the arts of music and dancing, always obtains wealth and devotes his mind and heart in doing virtuous deeds and in religion. Notes: If strong Venus is situated in the 11th House the native is thought to have many good qualities in him and is endowed with an excellent character. Due to there



being always the situation of gains of wealth for him, he is said to be prosperous and affluent and a man of grandeur. Besides this, he has righteous or moral conduct, capacity or ability (is prosperous) and fame and glory. All the learned writers on Astrology have spoken of Venus's situation in the 11th. House as auspicious and benefic. Venus in this situation gives exceptionally good fortune to engage in dairy farms and agriculture. If however, Venus is debilitated and has malefic .influences over her the native tends to earn wealth and money through such means as investing in shares, speculation and gambling etc., and his relations with his elder brother do not remain sweet and cordial. Besides this, some one of his progeny has to face mental unrest in his married life.




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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS OCCUPIES. THE TWELFTH HOUSE: In the event of Venus's being situated in the 12th House at the time of birth, the native is averse towards good, .righteous deeds, opposed to progress, extremely lustful, devoid of kindness and tells lies. Notes: The native having this situation of Venus in his horoscope is of phlegmatic disposition. He spends most of his. time in recreation. He is of feudalistic nature. Due to having extremely prodigal nature he cannot accumulate wealth. The things purchased by him are qualitatively of lower standard. For married life the weakness of Venus in this House gives effects opposite to those stated above.



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THE EFFECTS IF SATURN IS POSITED IN THE ASCENDANT HOUSE OR THE FIRST HOUSE: If at the time of birth the son of Nalinisha (the. Sun) Saturn, happens to be in the Ascendant House in his exaltation sign, Mool Trikoha sign or own sign, the native becomes the king of his country or of his own city, but if he (Saturn) is in any other sign he is unfortunate, diseased and devoid of wealth. Notes: If Saturn being situated in the Ascendant House is not in his exaltation sign, Mool Trikona sign or own sign and is in any other sign than these, there is the possibility for the native's having disease in that organ of his body which is represented by that sign. Thus if Saturn be in the sign of Aries, the native often has complaint of headache.


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THE EFFECTS IF SATURN IS SITUATED IN THE SECOND HO.USE: In the event of Saturn's being gone in the 2nd House, the native lives in the house of some other men, is addicted to some evil habit (such as drinking), is deser.ted by his own men, wanders in different countries (.his native country and other countries) and gets honour from the king (or the government) and has wealth and conveyance. Notes: It often happens that the native has to Jive far away at some other place from those relatives of his who



are represented by that House in which ~aturn is posited. Besides this, the native has to make efforts for the attainment of that object which is represented by the House occupied by Saturn also at another place far away from the place of his relatives and he gets success only at other places. It is because of this that Pandit DhundhiRaj has spoken of this effect of Saturn's being posited in the 2nd House. In addition to this, due to Saturn's being in the 2nd House there is harshness in the speech of the native, he is thrifty, there is the possibility of his having disease in his mouth. According to Shri Mantreshwara when Saturn occupies the 2nd House, the native is ugly looking.
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THE EFFECTS IF SATURN IS SITUATED IN THE THIRD HOUSE: In the event of Saturn's being situated in the 3rd House the native gets honour from the government side, has excellent conveyance, is the Pradhan (chief) of his village, is exceptionally valorous (vigorous) and the supporter of many persons.
Notes: Saturn situated in the 3rd House certainly causes

ill will or aversion with one's brothers and relatives. The . 1 programmes of such a native are often procrastinating (that is, he often makes delay in executing his programmes). He does not get as much income from his trade establishments as he expects from them .

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FOURTH HOUSE: If the son of Nalinisha (the Sun), Saturn, is situated in the 4th House, the native is weakened due the excess of bile and wind, is of wicked disposition or nature, lethargic (lazy), of quarrelsome nature, weak and dirty. Notes: If Saturn is posited in the 4th House he causes the native to construct his. house far away from his place of birth. The naitve has interest in doing farming, doing some work connected with iron, taking part in politics etc. If he lives in his paternal house he has to face inconvenient situations. He has to suffer losses due to windy diseases. Due to slander or calumny the native has to suffer from mental pain. There is the possibilty of getting trouble through some animal. The native remains worried in his mind, is lethargic and full of anxiety. Satrun in this House gives adverse effects to the native's mother.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN IS SITUATED IN THE FIFTH HOUSE: If at the time of birth the son of Nalinisha (the Sun), Saturn is situated in the House of son (the 5th House) he makes the native weak-bodied due to his being constantly suffering from diseases, devoid of wealth and semen and devoid of the happiness of having progeny (son). Notes: If Saturn is situated in the 5th House the native lives in a hostel etc. during the period in which .he gets education and he is inspired to get education in the subject of electronics. His point of view is based on reality and is scientific. No astrologer has said t~at Saturn in



the 5th House is favourable with regard to giving progeny (son) to the native. Saturn has been regarded to be an impotent planet. Being situated in the 5th House Saturn will have his 3rd aspect on the 7th House due to which there may be fewer number of sperms in the native's semen and he may lack reproductive power.
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THE EFFECTS IF. SATRUN IS SITU~TED IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: In the event of Saturn's being situated in the 6th House, the qative conquers his enemies, appreciates tne qualities or'the other persons, obeys the command of the Brahmins, has a strong body and a strong stomachic fire (that is, has good appetite). Notes: Nearly all the writers on Astrology have regarded Saturn as auspicious effects-giving if he is situated in the 6th House. The reason is that the Indian thinkers on Astrology are of the view that the Malefic Planets give auspicious effects if they are posited in the Malefic Houses. It is due to this that Saturn situated in the 6th House gives such effects as absence of fear from a thief, profit through rearing of cattle, the enemy's being overwhelmed with fear, obtainment of prosperity, having a number of attendants and followers and gett.ing the favour and kindness of the king. Due to Saturn's being situated in the 6th House the native has. to suffer from windy diseases. If in the 6th House Saturn being in a weakened condition makes any kind of relation with the Malefic . Planets then he gives extremely inauspicious effects, because in this situation of Saturn the native's health has many malefic influences on it. The native does not get excellent effects in the affairs of his. profession, and he has to suffer losses owing to his servants.




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THE EFFECTS IF SATURN IS POSITED IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE: In the event of Saturn's being gone in the 7th House, the native is weak-bodied due to his suffering from diseases, earns his livelihood with means of lower standard, lives in the company of base or low persons, and remains unhappy because of his wife, house and wealth. Notes: Saturn in the 7th House is not auspicious for the health of the native's wife. Saturn in this House brings lack of enthusiasm in the native. Due .to Saturn's aspect on the Ascendant House there is also the possibility of the native's own body being extremely weak. Such a . native has only one means of living. According to Acharya Varahamihira such a native often gets disrespect from women. Like Mars, Satrun in the 7th House has also been regarded as unfavourable for the health and long life of the native's wife. Besides this, the nativ~s wife often remains depressed, unhappy and disappointed and despaired. Saturn in the 7th House makes the possibility of causing losses in partnership in the profession. But if Saturn being strengthened in the 7th House makes relation with the lords of Benefic Houses, the native gets the happiness of obtaining profit in partnership and of obtaining a wife having clear uncomplicated thoughts and views. Saturn in this House has directional strength.
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EIGHTH HOUSE: In the ev.ent of Saturn's being situated in the 8th House, the native has a weak body, suffers from such diseases as ring worm, itching etc., is without fear, discontented and lethargic. Notes: Due to Saturn's being situated in the 8th House the native has often the complaint of constipation. He has also the fear of getting some disease of secret organs. His right eye is weak and he has to suffer the loss of his original capital invested in his trade. If Saturn in this situation does not have the effect of any other Malefic Planet then the native often enjoys a long span of longevity.
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'fiPc;t <P)oiR?i<P)olorcA' ~ ~: lltq II

THE EFFECTS IF SATURN IS POSITED IN THE NINTH HOUSE: If at the time of birth Saturn is situated in the 9th House the native has faith in religion and his acts are in confirmity with religion, he is bodily disabled, stupid or foolish but extremely beautiful. Notes: It is the nature of Saturn that he is exceptionally enthusiastic towards religious traditions and he has unshakable faith in the scriptural traditions. Therefore if he is in the 9th House he will certainly strengthen these feelings in the native and will inspire him to act according to them. But such a native is called stiff (hard) due to his not adapting himself to the practical side of religion, novelty and time and place. It is because of this perhaps that the author of the present book has called him foolish. He has stiff or hard attitude. When Saturn is in the 9th House, the native has the feeling of pride or arrogance. Saturn in this House causes



loss to the destiny of the native. If he is debilitated his wife remains diseased or sickly and his death is caused by. some windy 'disease, paralysis and some such disease etc. all of a sudden.
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THE EFFECTS IF SATURN .IS POSITED IN. THE TENTH HOUSE: When at the time of birth Saturn is posited in the 10th House he 'makes the native the Prime minister in the King's court, exceptionally politic or prudent, courteous of manner, chief of villages ahd officer of cities, extremely clever or dexterous and wealthy. Notes: Saturn situated in the 10th House. causes the native to make progress in his field of action slowly. Saturn in this situation makes. the native have lack of happiness from his father. Such a native perfoms whole heartedly and cheerfully religious celebrations etc. according to all the traditions of his family. In the view of Maharishi Parashara if Saturn in this House is in the sign of Pisces he makes the native an ascetic (one who has renounced tt>e world). If Saturn in this House is in his sign of debilitation or if he is in his enemy's sign the native is cruel, very thrifty and earns his living through a service of ordinary level.
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THE EFFECTS IF SATURN IS SITUATED IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: If Sat run is posited in the 11th House at the time of birth, the native has gains of Ol'



through horses of black colour, sapphires, wool, elephant etc. Notes: All the learned writers on Astrology have said that Saturn being situated in the 11th House gives extremely auspicious effects. Indeed Saturn being situated in this House makes the native extremely wealthy, long- lived, courageous, realising profit giving projects, of fixed mind and free of being sickly and diseased. His trade or professional activities are always profitable as Saturn in the natural horoscope is the 1Oth and the 11th Lord and these Lords represent respectively the field of action and the gains. Saturn in the 11th House has aspect on the 5th House. Therefore, he has not been regarded as auspicious for the happiness of getting a son.

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THE EFFECTS IF SATRUN BE POSITED ,IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE: If at the time of birth saturn be situated in the 12th House the native is merciless, extremely poor, unhappy because of having to make too much el<penditure, is lethargic. lives in the company of base or mean persons, is devoid of some bodily organ and deprived of all kinds of happiness. Notes: Saturn in the 12th House. has been regarded as the cause of unhappiness and misery. Due to Saturn's presence in this House the native has the disease of faint or weak eyesight, is of excitable temperament, lethargic, lacks happiness, is dirty or wicked and devoid of wealth. Besides this, the native often has opposition from his own men or he is opposed towards them.




Cfil ~ 'tJffi'


'<h?l'ffl~q ~ j~"''l+t~

tt++it'l"!. II<::~ II

THE GENERAL EFFECTS OF RAHU: The effects of Saturn when he is situated in the various Houses the Ascendant or the .First House and so on-which have been stated above should also be known as the effects of Rahu as well. The view of the 'Rishis' is also the same.
'<'<l'l'ti.i~: '{ofq;(ij it~

"l<lal ~ it


ifa+t I?i ~3+tftc:'l ~: Tiffii 'SI'lJI'd : ~ "'I' ~ I ~fr II

THE MEASURE OF THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANETS IN VARIOUS HOUSES AS STATED ABOVE: The Planet who is ih his sign of exaltation gives his full effect; if he is in his own sign or in his friend's sign he gives half part of the effects; if he is in his enemy's sign he gives one fourth part of effects; and if he is combust he does not give any effects at all.

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~ 'Cf+t)

5etfa'<'4<nci -.:R 'if tiJ4fftCIVi"''ljq~ 1

'lfic:f<4;t~ICfii+t'<fH ~ ~ ~ ~ W<)l"!. I~l911

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU IS SITUATED IN THE FIRST HOUSE: In the event of Rahu's being situated in the Ascendant House or the First House, he makes the native a pr 1n of wicked or vicious nature, one who deceives .... his own men, who suffers from some disease of the brain, is extremely lustful, victorious in debate and sickly or diseased. Notes: Rahu in the Ascendant House during his Dasha or Antardasha period gives the native bodily pain. Such



a native does not have in his nature any kind of hestitation or moral scruples. He makes use of the things and of the wealth of others without feeling any moral scruples. He cannot bear injustice to himself. He is extremely clever or cunning in getting his selfish ends fulfilled.


~ "lFclt4~Fcl'1<!'1~


W'IFcl"'ii:ticpiJ ~ c:;~~(lj ~


~I ~SG"11{ I Ia II

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU IS SITUATED IN THE SECOND HOUSE: Rahu being gone in the 2nd House the native's speech is unpleasant or unwelcome, he destorys his wealth, is devoid of wealth and is a rover or a wanderer or loiterer.
Notes: If Rahu is situated in the 2nd House he does not let the n,ative live in the joint family. There certainly comes the situation in the family of conflict and sorrow, quarrels, and separation.The native has to suffer loss in connection with paternal property. The accumulation of wealth is very difficult to be achieved. There is often the fear of the things which ar~ reserved safe from being stolen. It has also been found in cases of some natives that their valuable things get destroyed because of being eaten by white ants.
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~ '(ii1ffi ~ -RFcl~-=(ii""i'ti"'iPc:~cp='t I

1mf'Tt ~ ~8 "RUi C::l~~ijflqRifd

~ 'ffli!!A!Jiti: 4"l1UH'igd

!rUifiil "'l'JS:

."t1GT I K~ II

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU IS SITUATED IN THE THIRD HOUSE: If Rahu is situated in the 3rd House the native does not have- fear of his enemy; his fame and glory



spreads in the world; he always has obtainment of welfare, grandeur and majesty, happiness and licentiousness or luxurious life but there is the destruction of his younger brother and cattle. Notes: All the learned writers on Astrology have said that . Rahu if he is situated in the 3rd House is the giver of auspicious effects. Indeed Rahu being situated in the 3rd House gives the native the capability of performing his work quickly. The native has the ability of surprising others by his powers of discretion or taking decision, fulfilling his responsibility and making his plans etc.

~~~ ~ '< Fc!T.I~ Fcl+i<Ft 'Cj'& Fcl '11 :t t'1d i l1jU1't ~ I 'RI\11'1di 'Cjd~?I'Cjd -;:ffi "'1" wffl "T.1" mn l11JUi 'fOTJl{ I~o II
THE EFFECTS IF RAHU IS SITUATED IN THE FOURTH HOUSE: In the event of Rahu's being gone in the 4th House, the native gets all his happiness destroyed, is deviod of the happiness of his own men, son, friends etc and always wanders in the other lands than his own. Notes: Rahu being gone in the 4th House causes crisis or danger to the health of the native's mother. The native suffers from mental worries because of various reasons. There are disputes and quarrels also in relation to immovable property. Besides this, Rahu being situated in the 4th House also compels the native to leave his native land.

td'Cj&) "'1" ft ~?IFclqtf;:t tgC:'ll('IFcit1tttPt4'los'1'{1

"'&Cj "dG1 wffl ~


wffi 'lfclil~ fcl '1~"4

I ~'I II

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU BE IN THE FIFTH HOUSE: Rahu being gone in the 5th House makes the native



remain devoid of happiness and of friends, he (the native) sufferes from sharp pain in the abdomen and loiters or wanders aimlessly. Notes: Due. to the presence of Rahu in the 5th House there come obstacles in the birth of the first progeny (issue). Rahu in this House often causes abortion. Shri Ganesha Daivagya says in this connection: "~ ~ fsi;"q <p~ '1<R ~ "'11 ~ : 11" that is, if in the 5th House there is the presence in the sign of Aries, Taurus or Cancer of either Ketu or Rahu, there occurs no delay in the birth of the issue.
"l.flS 1fTCPRf '< I q; (1
~~ ~<2Ht'11t+i

qifj!:!Qhd qsfec?i;s;:j "'if I

'fi+ttl+i ~i.U\JI~4~ti!lcl ~ \JI;:g4~ 'l6t'<fl'1: I~=? II

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU BE IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: If Rahu is gone in the 6th House, the native destroys his enemies, is wealthy, gets strength through the company of dirty, sinful persons , but he suffers from pain in his back and his cattle remain sickly and diseased. Notes: Due to Rahu's being situated in the 6th House, the native remains free from or relieved from enemies and from those who are jealous of him. Rahu in this House often causes obstacles in the obtainment of happiness from the. side of maternal uncles. Due to Rahu here there is great fear of the native's having ulcer in the abdomen.
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fclqt<;~t11'111.f ~)tgmi !:it""1'1RI \JI;:g4c;;) "'if ~ I~~ II

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU BE IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Rahu's being gone in the 7th House, the native faces



opposition from his wife or he becomes the cause of his wife's death, the native's Wife is of wrathful or angry disposition, of qauarrelsome nature and is sickly or diseased. Notes: If Rahu is situated in the 7th House, he causes problem to. the health of the native's wife. The married life of the native is not happy and there is lack of affection between wife and husband. Nearly all the learned writers on Astrology have said that Rahu in the 7th Hou~e causes dissatisfaction in the married life of the native. The native has to suffer losses from his partners in the trade or profession such natives often get delayed in the proper . starting of their profession. Rahu in this situation prompts the native to make intercaste marriage.

'< llfH'I
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rl1t'ltta en~~ IIQ.~ 11

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU BE IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE: Rahu's being gone in the 8th House the native's enemies are destroyed, there is pain in his anus, he gets some urinary disease (as diabetes), he has the disease of enlarged testicles and he remains restless and troubled. Notes: Due to Rahu's being situated in the 8th House he causes the riative to have quarrels and disputes with regard to the wealth and property which the native should obtain due to testament and in this respect the native has to suffer losses. He (the native) has to suffer losses in his trade activities also. He suffers from windy diseases. There is the fear of theft in his house and his wealth and goods may be stolen away.' He has bent of mind to earn wealth through questionable, undesirable means.

314 "'ICill'

"< 14H'1

~: ~ Q"#r~ 'Cj'l!II~C'il ~

Wf1li ~I

~RaC'il ~i(J&I~C'il 'if~~ ~ ~t:tfFsil~'ill

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU BE 'SITUATED IN THE NINTH HOUSE: If Rahu is gone in the Ninth House the native is irreligious, gets less happiness, is of roving nature and devoid of: wealth: His wealth is lost, he gets less haRpiness from his coborns (brothers) and suffers from pain in his body.
Notes: Learned astrologers are not of one view with regard to the effects given by Rahu when he is situated ' in the 9th House. It has been found that the native has sudden obtainment of wealth, the native's father gets exceptional financial crises or troubles. Sucb a native reforms religious laws according to his own beliefs. But he is religious. He openly opposes any kind of exploitation, 'Karmakanda' (the body of religious ceremonies enjoined by Hindu law or established by custom) and outward hypocirisies (in religion). It is because of this perhaps that some learned astrologers call him irreligious.


ftlwit Wi ~ ~ ""<1": -m

~: :ti'~'1Pt i qffiftr I

~ ~ qiC'I~h;i 'fl \JI"'t'')ll~IS'ffH!ih ~~ l~f, II

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU BE IN THE TENTH HOUSE: If in the horoscope Rahu is situated in the 1Oth House the native is devoid of happiness from his father, devoid of wealth, destroyer of his enemy, suffers from windy diseases and gets hurt or injury from conveyance. If Rahu be in the sign of Pisces, the native suffers much pain and troubles.



Notes: The 10th is the House of the native's profession by which he earns his living. Rahu is the significator of the dirty (evil) and 'Tamsika' deeds. Therefore due to Rahu's being situated in the 1Oth House the native's mind bends towards addiction, to take intoxicants and towards doing bther mean deeds. He has strong combinations in his horoscope of. getting profit in foreign trade. Such a native makes relations ~ith several young women in order to gratify his sexual lust. He has to fight a number of law cases due to his doing a number of things. Writers on Astrology have described such effects of Rahu if he be situated in the 10th House as bodily pain to the native's father, the coming of trouble or distress to the native in . foreign countries, his getting some windy disease, habit of stealing, lack of moral decency in him (of good character), his being very mean and base in thinking, lack of enthusiasm in him and his being given to pride etc.

But according to Shri Venkatesha Sharma if Rahu is situated in the 10th House the native is certain to get. 1 the auspicious effects of having bath in the holy river of Ganga. If in the 1Oth House Rahu or Ketu is not in conjunction with some Malefic Planet the native performs some 'yajna' (sacrificial act, offering). If has been found ih all cases that such a native is exceptionally skilful and dexterous in the activities relating to his trade or profession. He uses any kind of means to remove that obstacle whatever it may be which comes in his way. He does not give much attention to the sanctity or purity of means. Therefore others connected with him have to take special care with regard to trade matters.

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iqJullitfilti T.l' ~I



4'<'?11 R<PI :H '1 i4 g80f G~ t!4 OfTCi

~ fl'liBll~\ll<i "Q 1A'mt "Q I ~1911

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU BE IN THE. ELEVENTH HOUSE: If Rahu is gone in the 11th House the native. has gains of all things, obtainment of much happiness, of honour from the King and of clothes, gold, quadrupeds and of victory. Notes; The native in whose horoscope Rahu is in the 11th House has special gains of wealth by making trade relations with the foreigners. To have much more gains in his trade and to achieve success in his aims and objectives he does not hesitate to adopt holy or unholy methods or fair or foul means. He establishes relations ,with great care with the persons of distinguished specialisation in various fields. Rahu in this House causes diseases of the ears, abortion of the native's wife and disorders in the health of the native's elder brother. . Such a native is fond of investing his money in shares, speculation, lottery and races etc.


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~8 ~:I ~t II

THE EFFECTS IF RAHU BE IN TWELFTH HOUSE: Being gone in the 12th House Rahu gives the native disease in the eyes, wounds in the feet, makes him deceitful or trickster, affectionate and loving, having love for wicked persons and causes him to serve ordinary persons. Notes: The 12th is the House of the left eye and the left foot. If Rahu is there in this House there always



remains the fear of the native's being infected in these organs. Rahu in this l:iouse is not regarded as auspicious for economic development. The native spends much .of his time in the things which are unproductive.There is the possibility of his facing sudden troubles in the journeys and travels. The Rahu situated in this House is also not regarded as auspicious for the health of the native's wife.
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'ti'GI ~~ 'l!?ICfh'fi ~

1flt cmmT "iiI

Cf)C1?11~~"ffl 'IID~Idl "ii VTfN ~ ~ 'll'<id'fCI ~~~II

lHE EFFECTS. IF KETU BE THERE IN THE ASCENDANT HOUSE OR THE FIRST HOUSE: When Ketu is posited in the Ascendant or the First House, the native is maker of cotton threads, sickly and diseased, distressed or troubled with fear, remians worried about his wife etc., perturbed or agitated and suffers from windy disease in his body. Notes: Ketu being situated in the, Ascendant House creates fear and discontentment in the native's mind. Headache and pain in the brain is caused by Ketu in the Ascendant.The native gets affliction or suffering of . some kind or the other from wicked persons. Mental worry, agitation and bile disorder are also the effects of Ketu's being situated in the Ascendant Hous~.

tA ~~~


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~-mm~ ~ 'ti'GI ~ 'fl)W~)~Pti:di'&l'{ llqoo II

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE IN THE SECOND HOUSE: "' If Ketu be in the 2nd House there is loss of wealth, opposition against the native's own men, loss of wealth due to his gettng punishment from the King's (or



government's) side and diseases in the mouth. If Ketu in this House be in his own sign or in. the sign of some benefic Planet the native gets very much happiness. _Notes: The learned writers on Astrology are not of one view with regard to the own signs of Rahu and Ketu. According. to the writer of 'Brihat Parashashara Hora Shastra' Ketu's exaltation .sign is Scorpio, his Mool Trikona sign is Gemini and Pisces, and his own sign is Pisces; And Rahu's exaltation sign is Taurus, his Mool Trikona sign is Cancer and his own sign is Virgo. According t~ 'Phala Deepika' Ketu gets strength in the later half of Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. According to 'Sanketnidhi' Ketu's exaltation sign is Sagittarius and his own sign is Pisces. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are friendly Planets to Ketu and all the other Planets except the Moon are friendly to Rahu. Due to Ketu's being situated in the 2nd House the native certainly has quarrels with his own men (the members of his family). Such a native gets exceptional loss of grains in his grainary due to theft and birds. The native gets refuge with great difficulty in his time of distress.

~~if>g4H1 fttd'r fcni;1) U~"'lltiU 'CilC:) ~ ~)ittttq4a\JI)s1Uci; T.r I

~: mu ilic?l~i ~ ;cq)iii)~ ~4)~1m T.l ll~o~ II

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE IN THE THIRD HOUSE: In the event of Ketu's being gone in the 3rd House there occurs the destruction of the native's enemies, dispute and quarrel with some one, gains of wealth, the native leads luxurious life, has obtainment of grandeur and


319 .

dignity and there is ii)Crease in him of energy. But due to Ketu's being in the 3rd house there also occurs the destruction of the native's own men and pain in the a,rm. If Ketu be in hi.s own sign or in his exaltation sign the native gets fear, agitation and happiness also. Notes: All the learned astrologers have accepted Ketu being situated in the 3rd House as auspicious effects giving. The 3rd is the House of vigour and valour. This fact is to be undisputedly established about Ketu that he gives quickly and in a larger measure the effects which are related to that House in which Ketu is situated. Therefore, it is quite natural that due to Ketu's being situated in the 3rd House the native is certainly extremely vigorous and valorous and he has also obtainment of physical comforts. and grandeur due .to his vigour and valour and thus gets happiness . . One of the names of this Planet is 'Dushchikya' also, which means cares and worries. Therefore, due to Ketu's being situated in the 3rd House it is quite natural that the native's mind should be always full of cares and worries.
~ 1Jf"Cffm ~glf)(il

~ -q lffg: ~ ;:0- q;cH~f<jtuPftt: ~ "'IPtli!ftt I

fud)-~:~ tclratil~"ftR~ml:~?.llmll-q llqo=? II

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE IN THE FOURTH HOUSE: If Ketu occupies the 4th House, the native does not get happiness from his mother and his friends, he gets loss through his father and he has no brother. If Ketu is in his exaltation sign or in his own sign, the native gets happiness for a short period but mostly he remains care ridden and worried.



Notes: The 4th- is the House of mind and soul. Ketu's presence in the House of mind and soul should bring anxiety and worry. Ketu has_ the nature and characteristics or qualities of Mars. If in the 4th House the Malefic Planets have any kind of relation in any way it is seen that the native's mother gets trouble and suffering and the native has disputes with regard to lands. Besides, due to Ketu's being situated in the 4th House the native has to live in an atmosphere of quarries and disputes in his society.
'ti'Wl'~ 4JgMI
'lien 'tl'tr') ~ ~u 'ij(ffi: ~ ~ Ellttqlttlfc:CI)e'{ 1

~ ~: ~: '<(<1<4!J?I: ~ ~ '+l~ifl4gm'l "R'UIIqo~ II

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE IN THE FIFTH HOUSE: The native in whose horoscope Ketu is situated in the 5th House suffers from wound in the stomach or from windy diseases. But such a native is dear to his coborns (brothers), is of righteous mind, has only a few issues, is wealthy and strong and vigorous. Notes: In other editions of 'Jatakabharnam' ther~ is the reading 'Elld4ldlf<!:q;tett_' in stead of 'tlldqldlfc;q; tett_' which means wound in the stomach and trouble due to falling from some higher place. Due to Ketu's being situated in the 5th House the native makes haste in taking decision. Ideas flash in his mind very quickly. Due to some disease in the stomach there is formed the situation in which operation becomes necessary. If Ketu is in a favourable sign the native 'has gains of wealth thro'ugh shares, lottery etc.
lf8' ~


ftRj\ ~ ~ ~ ~~'1itth



ilg&liRj'C!i ~ ~
"'fM~~~~: llqo"ttll

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: If in the horoscope Ketu is situated in the 6th House there is the destruction of the native's enemies, happiness from having animals (cattle etc), gains of wealth and he has no disease in his body, but he gets disrespect from the relatives on the mother's side. Notes: Ketu has the disposition and qualities of Mars, therefore it is quite certain that the enemies of the native should be destroyed. In the natural horoscope the 6th House is of Mercury. Mars is an enemy planet of Mercury and Mercury has been said to be the significator of the relatives on the side of the mother (maternal uncles). Therefore it is quite possible that Ketu (or Mars) may cause the native's relations with the relatives on the sic;le of the mother (maternal uncles) bitter and even of enmity. According to Maharishi Garga due to Ketu's being situated in the 6th House there are caused diseases of the teeth and of the lips. The author of 'Jataka Parijaata' writes that .Ketu in the 6th House is very auspicious and due to him the native is dear or is loved by his coborns (brothers), is generous, has good qualities, is famous and gets reputation and prestige due to his learning and education.
1'1'81'1' ~ ~g'fH'I

ftld)~~ ~ fcltt'1i~hs~:l "'~ecC!e) ~ ~ Cfl<'l?lifM'I\Si Clfll) <mn "ii llqo'1 II

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE: If Ketu be in the 7th House the native has the feeling of fear during his journey, his wealth is destroyed due to his enemies. And if in this House Ketu be in the sign of



Scorpio there are created always profitable conditions but the n~ive's wife gets trouble and there occurs increase in the native's expenditure and worries and anxeties. Notes: Due to Ketu's being situated in the 7th House the native's wife gets headache and she also suffers from many physical troubles all of a sudden. Most of the writers on Astrology have said that Ketu is inauspicious if he is situated in the 7th House. The journeys made by the native during the sub-sub periods and sub-subsub periods of Ketu are often fruitless and cause much expenditure.
3relJ 1fiCf1rn' ij) glf) t'l

~ ~ qh~::)d"Cllt>ti+O ~ ~~~en 1 "'~f~ntl: ij)gd~ ~ ~ ~ \iiTm) ill~t'II<J: ll'lof.ll

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE: If Ketu be gone in the 8th House in the sign of Cancer, Virgo or Gemini, the native gets diseases in his anus but he has gains of wealth through conveyances. And if Ketu be in the sign of Aries, Taurus or Scorpio in the 8th House he has exceptional gains of wealth. Notes: If being situated in the 8th House Ketu makes relations with any other Malefic Planet the native suffers from such diseases as piles, fistula etc. The money that he lends is not returned. There is the great possibility that he may have to suffer bodily pain due to biting him by a dog or by some other animals. Such a native has great affection and love for animals.
"fCJll 1fiCf1rn' ij) glf) t'l

-m-g ~ i!ll><)i ~ \JI4)~1'1('1) ~ ~ ll'lo\911


m: ~: 71;cffi~:t'"'l"'':n1Yilll: ~ "'~~i:O('J)

~l'llqf.ti :I



HOUSE: When Ketu is gone in the 9th House the native gets release from his troubles, happiness from his son, rise of fortune through foreigners and due to some or the other reason he is subjected to some distress and disease in the arm : He gets blessings by doing penance and giving alms. Notes: If Ketu being in the 9th House and being in his . own sign is in conjunction with some Benefic Planet the native all of a sudden has gains of wealth through speculation, lottery etc. Such a native takes great interest in auspicious deeds like alms giving, religous activities, doing penacne etc.
<mll ~


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'(>\11)ql~~ qid<?J:gj"'q \JI"f!)dc:;i Cli~Ciii'W":~~ llqot II

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE SITUATED IN THE TENTH HOUSE: If Ketu is situated in the 1Oth House, the native is devoid of .happiness from his father but he destor'ys his enemies inspite of his being unfortunate himself. He gets wear and tear in his conveyances and he himself suffers from windy diseases. If Rahu in the 10th House be~)n ~he sign of Virgo, the native is happy and very wealthy. Notes: Ketu being situated in the 1Oth House causes the possibility of giving physical pain all of a sudden to the native's father. The native himself gets physical trouble from horse riding . If being in the 10th House Ketu is in the sign of Aries, Taurus, Virgo or Scorpio the native has gains. This is the view of the learned authors.


~ ~ """i:;llri:!ir4)1\-rrl4: ~: ~= ~1 ~ ~ ft1d\' 'ffi1f1T: fl44iiJI ~ Uqo~-11





HOUSE: If Ketu is gone in the 11th House the native is sweet spoken, gets excellent and much education (or learning), has charming appearance, is voluptuous, vigorous and valorous and also wears beautiful clothes, but he suffers from disease in the anus and gets unhappiness from his progeny. Notes: Most of the learned writers on Astrology have regarded Ketu in the 11th House as auspicious effects giving. If Ke_tu in this House being in his own sign is in conjunction with some Benefic Planet the native all of a sudden has much g1:1ins of wealth and gets quick success in his aims and objectives.

ftTd\ ftqq;TJ:

q1c;~~ flm ~ '(IUtg(i(l) u:ni ~~I ~fffijtd ~ llqqo II

"lfFffi ~ Tflf ~ cft'fl!d

THE EFFECTS IF KETU BE IN THE lWELFTH HOUSE: If Ketu is gone in the 12th House the native gets trouble in his feet and eyes, spends (lavishly, extravagantly) like a king, destroys his enemies, does not have any desire of getting happiness and suffers from diseases in his anus and loin region. Notes: Ketu being in the House of Expenditure (the 1.2th House) has been said to be the significator of 'Moksha' (salvation from the cycle of birth and death). Such a native may or may not have wealth, but spends his money like a man of grandeur and prosperity. Ketu in this House becomes the cause of physical trouble to the life mate of the native's maternal unele or the sister of his mother.

3m U~Cif?elhcll~: llq~ II


"?llill-ftr<r;)uj i4g'<'61Hd q~llr.tl ~~I
~~:~ "i4 ~ '<1'\ui'i~O ~11'111
THE PLACES ASPECTED BY THE VARIOUS PLANETS: From the places (houses) where the various planets are situated, the 9 planets have aspect of one 'charana' (1/ 4 aspect) on the 3rd and the 1Oth House, of two 'charanas' (1/2 aspect) on the _5th and the 9th House, of three "charanas" (3/4 aspect) on the 4th and the 8th House, and of four 'charanas' (full aspect) on the 7th House. Saturn has full aspect also on the 3rd and the 1Oth House, Mars on the 4th and the 8th House and Jupiter on the 5th and the 9th House from the House in which these 3 Planets respectively are situated.
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~: Ci))if&llif&lctj-.ft:~ll: I ~ Fcl~):q;) ~ctcfi~RIPifl~



THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON THE SUN WHEN HE IS IN THE SIGNS OF ARIES AND SCORPIO: If the Sun being situated in the sign of Aries or of Scorpio is aspected by the Moon, t.he native is bountiful, devoted to religion, has a number of servants, is delicate, has pure and clean body and keeps his house beautifully decorated and well furnished.

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'fi'!)C:q'l~ !f\il)~'fi)- ~41i1Dfl lt1)~1ya., ~ II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE SUN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If the Sun being in Aries and Scorpio has on him the aspect of Mars the native is cruel, keeps patience in a battle, has eye and foot of reddish brilliance and is extremely strong.

~ <i~Q)(ij


~~mfA: ~:~~:~1 'fi~C:4'1~ q'(qli41jiill: tt~fl'<'lifl ~ ~Ill!' II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE SUN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If the Sun being , in the sign of Aries and Scorpio is aspected by Mercury, " the native remains devoid of happiness, strength and wealth, does service in some foreign country and always remains a slave of others.

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., ~ "'Q I : fcl;-(il uYJ q<i.e I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE SUN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If the Sun being in Aries and Scorpio is aspected by Jupiter the native is bountiful, kind hearted, very wealthy, a king's Minister and is the most excellent and the brightest in his family.
lljUl <i ~ q; (ij

t'I.,I:W.,I s?J Rt=< tflq cft;:h

m fr;:fl 1I'J'il': ~: 1

WG)'I!Jib: ft!Rf:?1'1~ fq;)~




in Aries and Scorpio is aspected by Venus, the native loves a degraded wo~nan, is extremely poor, penniless and makes friendship with wicked people and suffers from skin disease.

~ Ci~'flt'l \3ffit~t'i'1) ~sfdift'1) ~ .&l~aY'4 fcl+tfd4'<: "<'lffi! 1 Cliffi "I R;t"'41 : fti fd\JI IC14 \ll!) SI'Cjfa Cli IJl '< fcl ~ "i Ik9 II


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE SUN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If the Sun being in Aries or. Scorpio has the aspect of Saturn, the native lacks courage, is lethargic; extremely poor, always unhappy and evil minded.


gC'II'I('I ~ -q;{ ii'1i i~ -q;c;J 41\llif"tls?ifdCii;c) ~ ~: 'tfR;ici'lq~;'J I

CliC'II~~a:rurni ~I~ II

~ ~!!j\JIIC14\Il!)

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON THE SUN IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If the Sun being in the sign of Taurus or Libra is aspected by the Moon the native loves whores and prostitutes, has many wives and earns his living through the means of water.
~ i~\f)C'I ~sfffi:m ~ :

'!j'tf l~'tfSIIEil:l.,)'6cCJ~: I

iruft ~ : ~ 1j!Jti ~ '< \ll!) 'tf ~fl \Ill &fi !f '~ "i

ere I ~ Ii

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE SUN IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If the Sun being in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Mars, the native shows patience and courage in battle, is extremely strong, gets wealth and fame on the strength of his courage and is bodily smart.




~~ ii~iflCil

'fi ~dttt'Chluf4liill4liill ~ tllafm<n <li ~ "R: ~ 1




~ llqo II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE SUN IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If the Sun being in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Mercury the native has skill and talent in music, poetry, art and writing ~nd such a native has a cheerful face.


citiij114 ~mot :~<ill



~ ~ ~ ~4~'<'1~~"1 llqq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE SUN IN .TAURUS AND LIBRA: If the Sun being in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Jupiter, the native is traditionally. (that is, by inheritance) chief in the King's court. He has gems, jewels and wealth and he is cowardly.

lfJSISii~ tm'l
'<jclhl"1: 4lidCi!f'J:Im;:t) ~~;c~~: ~:~:I


~t'4~'<'1~~"111q~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE SUN IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If the Sun being in the . sign of Taurus or L.ibra be aspected by Venus, the native has beautiful eyes and beautiful body, becomes chief, . has both friend and foe and remains worried and full of anxiety.

Tlf.f iit! ifl iii

~s~~ lftFI) ~:1

~:oR: 'Mit:qfb1Ciil)~sc6'<j~'1 ~ 11q~ 11




Taurus or Libra the Sun be aspected by Saturn, the native is extremely poor, detestable and lethargic, devoid of wealth, opposes his wife and is sickly.

~ .ctl"lll'ld ~ '1R ~ <tfetp(1

fMI'<~~: q~c?J~tt6' Pcl<hFllltl~sfq ~ ~:I Pt~tl'()~ 'lctl'() ~ :. '<'41f<'fi"41(1lJ~ (:~Oiictl'i.e 11'1~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON THE SUN IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI AND VIRGO: If the Sun being in Gemini or Virgo gets the aspect of the Moon, the. native is ORpressed by both his enemy and his friend, is devoid of wealth even though he has gone to foreign land and is always worried and restless in mind.
~ 'i~tp('j


~' "3'"St'4d<fl.,l

''('UJUfllf~1~fAht'4tt ti \JIId (1\iif : I

~ (1)~ttl:ft., ~ 11'1'111

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE SUN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If being situated in the sign of Gemini or Virgo the Sun receives aspect from Mars, the native suffers from quarrels and disputes and fear arising due to his enemies, is extremely poor, is defeated in the battle, has modesty and is lethargic.
~ 'i~tp('j

~Sitll<i'I~Ri"'lt't\ill"'i ~ rtli\JI"'Ittfcl'd: I Si~ctiiJi "'fc:iiflqh) ~" !~ ~ ll'lfc II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE SUN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO : If the Sun/being in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Mercury the native's sons get promotion by the royal (or governmental) fayour and he gets wealth from his enemies.



.~ fi~lb(ij
'<j!JlM'?I~sfffim ~: Q)cl?l:?1 I~ Gi'"t
~: :t'ildQ)'<IM\JIIif ~qiQ)~

m: I

~q!J~SI~ llq\911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE SUN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If the Sun being situated in the sign of Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Jupiter, the native keeps his thoughts to himself carefully, is extremely confidential, free and gets happiness from wife and son.
~ 'i~'b(ii PI~ Ill qI:Dl "T.f!J(ii)

PI (ij I;fit PI .. I fF.r lli'HII ~('I ~qtff I ~lliflqa<fft'4Q)'<~ "R: ~ 1d ~!l:i"'i.e 11q~ 11
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON TH~ SUN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If the Sun being in the sign of Gemini and Virgo be aspected by Venus, the native lives in a foreign. land, is inconstant, sensual (pleasure loving), deprived of organs by poison, fire or weapon, and does the work of an envoy (ambassador).

"lt"1f.f fi~lb (ij

~~ ld~'ttSRi~"': 't!G~~"t+t"ll ~:I
fc:qlij)~ ll?JdQ)~It'fi\JIIif ~ "'ll't<fi~DII llq_~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE SUN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If the Sun being in the sign of Gemini or Virgo be aspect~d by Saturn, the native is extremely sly (cunning and deceitful), serves some one, foolish and stupid, and always remains perturbed in his mind.

~ ~ lN T.l'iifi~lb(ij
~6 ~ ~2frqfdcif ~6 w:l
~ ~ T.ID&'<ll&fi ij)ij)feij)~ fllftl'<i:tjfite 1~o 11




THE SUN IN CANCER: If the Sun being in Cancer be aspected by the Moon, the native gets wealthy by the trade of things grown in water. Such a native is a king or the king's minister.

~ 'i~16C'I ~ =to:::rl~~'d=~.n~::.,..:

:t~l6l~iC'ittH. "'t"'cf~qf I

~ "RTO'It ~ !f~'<ti;M ~q)qoft a.'t~i'd"'



THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE SUN IN CANCER: If the Sun being in the sign of Cancer be aspected by Mars, the native is indifferent (does not care of ) and he has to suffer pain due to the disease of piles and swelling in the body.

~ Ci~I6C'I ~ ~ ~ ' '+J\'41j4141EI'I'11SMC'IIq: . '~ JCIQI4hi'11'114'<1\JI'11.,1 I f.t'<ffilli'!H ~ere Cfl<r>feCfl;M ~ "R': ~ IR=? II
T!;iE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE PLANET MERCURY ON THE SUN IN CANCER : If the Suh being in .Cancer be aspected by Mercury, the native gets education and learning, glory (repute) and honour. His arnbition is fulfilled with the favour and kindness on him of the king and he is without any enemy.

~ Ci~I6C'I
~ti..,.l'lr:C'I..,~~~Ftf~:t1rr:Jcl1S\1 '+J\'41C'Iti smt'l~ Jqcatf: 1

~: :t?ldCfl'<~ ~q)ijoft qtqqfacfJ~ I R~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE SUN IN CANCER: If the Sun being in Cancer be aspected by Jupiter, the native is the best in his family (lineage), has clear and pure glory (repute) and gets very much wealth from the king.



lJW <i~q;(ij
~.IJI41Ei't?i~'1'1q(iif4r: ~ ~

fcrtn"G: I

Pl:tii4l'<lii'<<ft11~ fc:q14l~ tjJPPI~~ I R'd II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE SUN IN CANCER : If the Sun being in Cancer be aspected by Venus, the native obtains wealth and clothes through the medium of his wife and becomes sad and sorrowful if he sees the progress and advancement or rising of others.
~ <i~q;(ij

4lQ;IPi(iiltl: ~S0044ll4 'FCIIGt'l\114~: I

~ ';f'(: :t?lt14l'<~ fc:ql+tOfl a:ic;PI~~ I R'ill

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECTS OF SATURN ON THE SUN IN CANCER: If the Sun being in Cancer be aspected by Saturn, the native suffers pain from phlegmatic and windy diseases, creates obstructions and obstacles in the work of some other person, is inconstant in mind and is sickly.
~ ~ 'tR ~ <i~q;(ij

qiD l"J1?R: fa:IRNI('I+tl"'4) ~: ~:I

~ ~~
"'118?1"11*' "Pifr~ I R~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON THE SUN IN LEO: If the Sun being in Leo be aspected by the Moon the native is sly (cunning and deceifutl), of grave (serious) nature, is honoured in kingly (governmental) circles and becomes wealthy and famous due to earning wealth.

1flf1iJ <i ~q; (ij

"11"11if"11~Rt\!8Jq ~:

4lQ;Itt14l: ~8 ~:I

+t~)Q+t: 'F41"'1j\JI: l:r~: ~st ~ ~ ll=?l9 II




SUN IN LEO: If the Sun being in Leo be. aspected by Mars, the native loves many women (is flirtatious) is of phlegmatic nature, extremely cruel, a great warrior (is chivalrous), very industrious and chief.

~ <!Re4H1'
~ "J41jAGI"' : ''t't'tlq) Fcfef&4) ~GotttN\181
~: ij)'t't~~l ~ ~41'1ufl ifflo:qf.!lfl~ I Rt II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE SUN IN LEO: If being in Leo the Sun be aspected by Mercury the native is sly (cunning and deceitful), follower of the king (is the king's servant), extremely strong, favourite of the learned and, well educated and writer.
~ <i~q;t'j ~41cit11'<1'1tt>SII41~PI'1fUJqsttf ~~I

~ ~4!J'<)fMiot ~~ ~1'<1\Ji'li~ I R~ II


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE SUN IN LEO : If the Sun being in the sign of Leo be aspected by Jupiter, the native is the maker of temple, orchard or garden, tank and small well and is dear and favourite of his own men.

~ 'i~q;t'!

' ' . ~~ WGI'f'<l'i14tl~ I

' ~ -~ tt~ill it'llffi4 :ltiGI.,I

'(41""11014: 't'tt'll~tliFcl~'1: -qm;A~ ~ere I ~o II

THE EFFECTS OF T_HE:::ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE SUN IN LEO: If the 'S~n being in Leo be aspected by Venus the native suffers pain from skin diseases, is wrathful, deprived of glory (repute), indifferent towards celebrations and functions, is deserted by his own men and deprived of truth and mercy.


if) ('j

vrr.r 'i fie

Tl<5) "R' : ""ij;'"I4~Pci:!r.tl,.,.ltf"'"'q;""'tt""i tid I4lt GI('4'1 Ul '1 i' i1 1:f't I

;:ffi '11t~)41~ ~ ~h~~OI f.ffl~ jj~q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE SUN IN LEO : If the Sun being in Leo be aspected by Saturn the native is sly (cunning and deceitful), presents obstacles and obstructions in the actions of others and gives trouble and mental pain to ~is own meri:




ij;lf1q;ifa'ttfl\@Oiifllit~) qlfl"at1r~"('j = ~(1"'~. ~:~~ ~f1q;~UI




THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON THE SUN IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If the Sun being in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by the Mo-on, the native is as beautiful and splendrous (shining) as Cupid himself, has the happiness of having a happy son, is skilled in speech. and is the chief of his family.
. "f1'ii'"('j'

'i fie if) ('j

tiUif1tismlli'h ~ Cfffi1 Pci!Jmlj\JI'iljiflif: 1 ~A ~qJ~Ittffi~ ~ere~:~: lin II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE SUN IN SAGITIARIUS AND PISCES: If the Sun being in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mars, the native gets destinctive glory (fame) on the battle field (gets glorious victory in the battle), is a very skilful speaker, lives in the company of those who aspir~ for obtaining salvation (from the cycle of birth and death) and lives in one place.




\illgfltllilcpl&jcp(1jcpltillf: ~:1

mti 1ffi: +lllt!l'<''l) ~ 'ffldlfM ~4Ji?Jifllla II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE SUN IN SAGITIARIUS AND PISCES: If the Sun being in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mercury. the native has exceptional knowledge (is exceptionally learned) in the field of metallurgy, poetry, art and story writing, says lovely and beautiful things, knows the Mantras and is dear to the saints.
~ 'i~lfi(1

~==~~:1 Fcli~ fiCite~~S'1'{Riid'1 I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE SUN IN SAGITIARIUS AND PISCES: If the Sun being in Sagittarius and Pisces be aspected by Jupiter, the native is a king's minister, is the chief of his family, is skilled in arts and crafts, has great wealth and property and is a scholar or learned man.
l]W 'i~lfi(1

Fct' . lti'llj<t41tt'ft1'!!4: I

~ ~4:J'<)~t'l~ ~

C:I'144"'QCi.e ll~f, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE SUN IN SAGITIARIUS AND PISCES: If the Sun being in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Venus the native gets exceptional joy and pleasure from enjoying perfumed and scented substances, garland of flowers, clothes and jewels and a beautiful wife etc.
~ 'i~lfi(1

~:~~"'R:~I ~ i(jii!l~i4J~ ~ f.rfrfaR) "~i:Ji(ja., ~ 1~1911




SUN IN SAGITIARIUS AND PISCES: If the Sun being in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Saturn, the native lives by eating grains of some other person, lives in the company of base and mean persons and is lover of animals .

~~~furn~"tNTRr i!~'bi'l
"''lflwti)"'' ~ *'lllli4S:Utl<'lf~hl~Ri: I '+i~riljEQ: 'liPi~atlll~ tlli'<ll'll'tifl ~*'I'<~*'IC!te II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON THE SUN IN THE SIGNS OF CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If the Sun being in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by the Moon, the native squanders (destroys) his wealth and happiness by being entrapped in the love affairs of women, is dissembling (or deceitful) and designing and inconstant in mind.
~ C!~q)(ij

4\(Cf)(ijt_it_itlltif ~

'@faPclcr;(ii't ifl'<ht=t~"'tt~"'ttlttl)tl: I ~ "iJ "JfjEQ) ~ fa+1n >f1

~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT... OF MARS ON THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS':- If .the Sun being in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mars, the. native squanders (destroys) his wealth by making quarrels.With others, is troubled and distressed by his enemies, has maimed or disabled body and remains worried and care ridden.

JCf C!fecp (ij

~: mq~'*Pcl='tl....,lilr-Mft ~: ~ "R: ~I

~qiCf)~ ~t1Cf)'<lt't~"''


~ ~IPi*'lf.'GiC'f44 Iftio II




THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS : If the Sun being in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mercury, the native is of neutral (hermaphrodite) nature, stealer of others' wealth, devoid of the company qf saintly persons and is extremely chivalrous.

~ <i~q;(ij ttNS4ijj'df '1~+11;:q~'1i Wll.IJ'I<Iltill'<i4'lll ~I

flll""tl"'q~ 111j'!jctl(ii4oM ~ TJ qlii'NRi'11 ~ ll'dq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE SUN IN. CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If the Sun being in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Jupiter, the native is the doer of excellently good and noble deeds, intelligent and wise, the supporter of many, has clear and pure glory (fame) and is very thoughtful and reflective.

"ljW Ci~q;(ij
'llii'SI41('11'1(ii'<Mfci'ti 4'<1i;'11f<l~sftt ~ I

~ ~ '11'141'1i '11"41<'1400 ~ ~: I I'd=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE . SUN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If the Sun being in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Venus the native is prosperous with the wealth of conch, coral, excellent gems etc ami obtains wealth through the medium of women.


41aSidit41~Rilctl~qfi: 1H'IJi'lqfa6'J~'1iHSIRI<o: I Sltt~,_m: 'SI'1t~""tj"4: :ti;:;ql(ii~~ ~ ~ I I'd~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECTOF SATURN ON THE SUN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If the Sun being in Capricorn and Aquarius be aspected by Saturn , the native is brilliant and defeats his enemies, gets honou_1 from the king (or the government), is extremely celebrated (famous) and remians cheerful.



Notes: It is not true only about the Sun but about all the planets that if a planet is aspected by some other planet, he (the aspected planet) receives the qualities, characteristics of the aspecting pliu1et and coordinates them with his own qualities and characteristics. In this process of co-ordination other factors ~ill also be included. These may be described as. follows,:. 1. The aspected planet will seek similarity between the characteristics related with .the sign in which he is situated and the qualities which; he himself has.
2. The influence of the Lord of that sign in which the aspected planet is situated will also affect him. 3. The aspecting planet will influence the aspected planet through the effects produced by the process of generalisation and equalisation betwe~n )lis own influence (effects) and nature, the influences (effects) of the sign in which he is situated and those of the Lord of that sign. 4. But the asp~cted planet will be affected by those of the influences (effects) only that have coordination between the character of the aspecting planet and -those of the aspected one. 5. The writer has given greater importance' to theinfluencing power of the aspecting planet. But in reality it cannot be accepted completely. In Shloka No.7 it has been said," If the Sun being in the sign of Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Saturn, the native will lack enthusiasm, be lazy, wretched (needy), dejected and stupid." Here it is only the qualities of SatU,rn ''th~t have been imposed upon the Sun (the aspected planet). It will, however, not be quite proper to accept it as such and without considering the characteristics of the sign or the



qualities of the Lord of the sign in which the aspected planet is situated. It may be that on occasions the native may be full of disappointment and he may be lazy also. But here laziness and disappointment may be the results of failing inspite of excessive hard work, assiduousness and perseverance and such may not be his real nature. The same fact may be argued further and it may be logically said that in such circumstances the feeli!lgs of dejection and humility (the condition of being wretched or needy) may also be there and in times of disappointment some wrong decision may also is taken (which may be said to be the result of stupidity). 6. But it must also be kept in mind that here "the rule of destruction of effect" does not apply. For example suppose the Sun being in the sign of Aries is aspei::ted by the Moon. In' such condition the following factors have to be kept in mind while making predictions of effects. I. II. Ill. IV. V. VI. VII. The Sun The sign of Aries The Lord of Aries, Mars The Moon The sign in which the Moon is situated The Lord of the sign in which the Moon is situated The Lordship of the Sun, that is, it has to be seen as to of which House the Sun is the Lord


VIII. In which House the Sun is situated. IX. X. The Lordship of the Moon, that is, it has to be seen as to of which House the Moon is the Lord, and . ' The position of the Moon, th~t is, in which House the Moon is situated.

. 340


All those of the effects given by the above mentioned factors that are helpful in the growth of each other only because of there being similarity or likeness between them, will be got with certainty. But it does not mean that those effects of the various factors which do not have likeness with the other ef.fects of these factors will be certainly lacking or will be completly destroyed. (7) The effects indicated by the Houses of which the aspecting Planet and the aspected Planet are Lords will also be seen with certainty and the presence of these effects will be felt with intensity, importance and certainty. (8) The influencing power of the effects of the Houses in which the aspected and the aspecting planets are posited will also influence the effects. (9) There never will be the full aspect of Mercury' and of Venus on the sun. They will always aspect him with one 'Charana' or quarter. Therefore, there may. not be so much influence of the aspect in giving the effects as it is there. when the aspect is full. (1 0) The auspicious effects of the aspect of the Moon on the Sun will be there only if the Moon has full aspect on him. (11) The author has given importance to the Lordship of the signs only and not to the separate existence of the signs. For example, the effects of the aspect of the other planets on the Sun being situated in the signs of Aries and Scorpio have been stated. While considering these effects, the separate independent characteristics of these two signs of Aries and Scorpio have not been kept in mind. Our view in this regard differs from that of the author. Both the signs are



individual and have theit independent importance. For example, the effects of the aspect of the Moon on the Sun being situated in the sign of Aries and then being situated in that of Scorpio can never be the same. There will be differences in effects in both the conditions. A. little thinking will make it clear at once. If we consider about the Sun in the sign of Aries we see the effects of the sun in their fullness. Due to it the native is resplendent (shining), frenzied or fitful, vigorous or energetic, arduous (hard working), fearless, very courageous, some what proud also, has independent mentality, has excess of every thing (quality), is obstinate and a brave warrior. When there is the full. aspect of the Moon we find that these effects are some what softened and cooled down. In that condition it is found that the native has the qualities of being just, having respect for art, having human sympathy, getting flexibility in obstinacy and having excess of every thing (quality). In such a condition perhaps he gets greater success because now he cannot take decisions in resentment and frenzy or fitfulness. The aspect of the Moon will be able to get the various dimensions imagined. Here the Moon will be in the sign of Libra, because it is being in this sign that she can have full aspect on the Sun in the . sign of Aries. The native in whose horoscope the Sun is posited in the sign of Scorpio cannot have the effects similar to those which have been mentioned above in the case of the Sun's being situated in the sign of Aries, no matter that Scorpio is also the sign of Mars. Being posited in Aries the Sun is in his sign of exaltation. On the other hand, being posited in Scorpio his situation is quite reversed. Here he is only one sign ahead of his sign of debilitation.



Therefore, the effects given by the Sun will be far different from those which will be there if he is in Aries. Thus, the native will not take decisions in resentment and haste. Whenever he makes a plan he will give some time to think over it. Restraint, liberality emotionality, considerateness (attentiveness) and mysteriousness (secretivehess) wilr be the parts of his disposition. When the Moon in her sign of exaltation aspects such a Sun, she will give the native some favourable (helpful) and some unfavourable qualities, due to which there will be sufficient increase in the native of imaginativeness, generosity, affection, inclination to give and creativeness. As a result of this he may be a great inventor, writer and father of a new theory in a particular science. His friends may take undue advantage of the increase in his generosity. The meaning is that due to the change in situation there may occur great change in the condition of the aspecting and the aspected Planet and due to which change in effects is quite natural and logical. In the same way we may consider the Sun's situation in the context of the signs of Venus. Here in Libra he will be debilitated and inenemy sign, while in Taurus he will only be in enemy sign. Therefore the influence of every aspecting Planet will be different on the two signs. The learned writers on Astrology have drawn our attention towards the strength and weakness of the signs. It is thought that the sign which is occupied or aspected by its own Lord and at the same time it is aspected by Mercury and Venus also and is not aspected by any other Planet than these, then it is strong and is more favourable in giving auspicious effects. Most of the learned writers on Astrology regard the aspect of Venus also as auspicious effects-giving. But Rudra Bhatta writes at one place that the aspect of Venus destroys the effects



given by a House and in a House the presence of Venus increases the auspicio\1sness of effects. It is thought that the aspect of the Moon is auspicious and consequently it increases the auspicious effects of the House if she is fully strong. 13. The Planet which is situated in a Malefic sign and is aspected by Benefic Planets is regarded as auspicious. 14. But the Planet which is situated in a Benefic sign and is aspected by Malefic Planets is regarded to be' inauspicious effects-giving. 15. It is also thought that the signs are fully strong if they happen ~o be Angles (1-4-7-10 Houses), their strength is halved in Panfaras (2-5-8-11 Houses) and it almost remains insignificant in Apoklims (3-6-9-12 Houses). Therefore, when a Planet is situated in an Angle and receives aspect there, his effects-giving power is very strong and it will gradually decline respectively in a Panfara and an Apoklim House.


16. The aspect of a friendly Planet also brings favourableness in effects-giving. 17. When a Planet is in his exaltation sign, own sign and in his Mool Trikona sign and receives aspect there, favourable effects are obtained in very ample measure and without any obstacles. 18. The nature and measure (amount) of effects also depend on the strength or weakness of the Lord of that sign in which the aspected Planet is p~sited. 19. Of all the factors which create influence the .effects of the nature of that factor which is the strongest



one will appear rnost, that is, it is the strongest factor whose effects will be obtained by the native . . 20. If the aspected planet be situated in an odd sign, the Planets in the House before and those in the House after the House in which the aspected planet is posited will also influence him, because the Planets. in the sides of the House give their strength to the odd sign which is sandwiched between them. By the above discussion we mean to say that the effects described in this Chapter are to be considered after taking into view all the decisive factors.

"4tJ ~ "'i.AI"'tR '( Pcl<i~lf)cl

~sftl19;o<\ewti ~ ~9t!lq'(<ft'(qlati: 1


~ ~ ~ '1~#i"<i.e ll'li'd 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF ARIES: If there is the aspect of the Sun on the Moon in the sign of Aries, the native is reverential towards the virtuous inspite of being fierce by disposition, has patience, obtains honour from the king and is fearful of battle.
~ Ci~lf)cl

fclttlfT.tqldN?I~ 4i<=l~ff41'J?I<fitj ~~ I

~ ~ ut\Sillfl ~ 1JJT!'fl~'1

ere ll'li'i 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN ARIES: If the Moon in Aries receives the aspect of Mars, the native has fear of injury from poison, fire, weapon and the wind (that is, due to falling from a height), occasionally suffers from a disease of -the urine, gets shelter and protection from the elders and has disease of the eye and of teeth.




'i f?c 4)('1

~Pc!Oi!JOiljUjj~: ~: 'flliif"''l"''l't I

Pcl C'1 '"c:: +1 C'1 cCJ Rt : '" cf Pcl ill) ~ 4'1 0 i'l
~""''J~ 4"1wtfi~
~ ~6fl4ts1~6: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS. OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN ARIES: If the Moon being in the sign of Aries receives the aspect of Mercury, th~ native acquires pure glory, is well versed in all learning, has prosperity of wealth, is virtuous, takes advice from the good and the virtuous, owns much immovable property and is well reputed.


'rJS'm""''': TT'!t~="'''"lnfq~~qmf ~ C~'fi+QC::I~: 1

~: ~'<Pclu'rJqO!i~) ~ ofJtq~"''l ~ l~l911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN ARIES: If being situated in the sign of Aries the Moon be aspected by Jupiter, the native is the chief (in the king's court) or the general (of the king's army) and is wealthier in comparison to the level of the wealth of the family.


~ 1{rmJ Wffiil 4R!Jib'<)"': 1 'flllt'J\'<S'l) 1{'1f1Jth~t1i:tfi f.R~ ~ "!}'U'm: I ~ ~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN ARIES: If being situated in the sign of Aries the Moon receives the aspect of Venus, the native enjoys the hapiness of having a good wife, jewels, wealth and son, is a good speaker, without anger and recognises virtues in others.


7 iR::til~~il""tlv!J..r~fdP.i"

l"Tf.J ii ~ 4)(.'1
~ PclidPcliii1tf~i1tlfilH'I't_l

f?lilllt~~S<filjtH ~ iti1Cfl'<~

'f% -;::R' ~ ~

I~.~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN ARIES: If the Moon being situated in Aries be aspected by Saturn , the native is sickly, devoid of the progress of the mind, of wealth, is addicted to telling lies, has wicked progeny ~nd is of wicked nature.

f!"' '< illil d TRP:r'<" "'<fcr ii ~ 4l ('I cp~f?lillllli f.mi'r ~: '<'lll ;:qjf,jcp~ ~: I -.m ~ ~: ~ ~ FcVi:t)., ~ ~ 1111o II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS: In the event of the Moon's being situated in the sign of Taurus and aspected by the Sun, the native adopts farming as his profession, is practical, knows the science of 'Mantras' and has conveyance and wealth.





fl'lagtfl ~'tld., ~ 1111'111

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN TAURUS: If being posited in the sign of Taurus the Moon be aspected by Mars, the native is sensual, attracts the mind of women, is friendly to good people, extremely pure and of cheerful mind.

!'tJ 'i f?clfl(ij

~ ~ cpqm"'<f'ffi ~ 1fJUi Si!fllt'{

w' lmfij; itilli\JH ~

t:"'tPcld ~ t "ill
1111=? II




of Taurus the Moon be aspected by Mercury, the native is 'pandit' (a man of erudition), knows well how to behave with others, is compassionate, remains always cheerful, is benefactor to all beings and a man of virtues.

~ ~~IJi(if
\JI I<II t"1 \JI 1'1 "G gti ~ Iii 4Fsl5<tl <I i f.R"ti "if ftr?J) : I

~ ~ ~ w~<tfc;: ~


1111~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN TAURUS: If being situated in Taurus the Moon be aspected by Jupiter, the native is fully satisfied and pleased by th~ happiness of wife and progeny, is endowed with good fame, is always prepared to do religious rites and is devoted to his father and mother. l]W ~~IJi(if \"JOII4il'< J~Itt'1~ IUIIilili'JI (iOll i4g~ ftl'& IPI ~ltl.,~fa mffi i'Jj\JII'1i ~ ~ ~: 1111~ II THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN TAURUS: If the Moon being situated in the sign of Taurus be aspeced by Veuns, the native enjoys the happiness of having jewels, clothes, house, edible substances, bed, perfumed substances, garland and cattle.


~~IJi (if

cp(ifiPIR'r:~~~~ ~:1

'Cj)\()fff ~ ~ om "':f'<1U ~ t1Jt1it'ffi"(lll1lt 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN TAURUS: If the Moon being in the first half of the sign of Taurus receives the aspect of Saturn, there occurs the death of the native's mother, if the aspect be received by Moon in the 2nd Half of Taurus there occurs the death of his father.



~~'tff~ 'i~q;(ij
~~~Pclu)"l"tR ~ ml'ri~l -;:R "q ftcifffiqC: ~ R ~ ~ "q cpc: ll~f, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI : If being in Gemini the Moon be aspected by the Sun, the native is 'pandit' (man of erudition), of good character, devoid of wealth, is oppressed with quarrels and disputes but celebrates all festivites that is, he is the creator of occasions of entertainment.
~ 'i~q;(ij
\3Gi'<Gi~ ~ "r{



~ ~"lqll\"11~: I

~~ l~l911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN GEMINI: If there is the aspect of Mars on the Moon in the sign of Gemini the native has a generous wife, is clever (intelligent), chivalrous and brave, pandit, wealthy and owns conveyance.
~ 'i~q;(ij

~ fiGI'EII'<!JGI'<fll~ -;:R "1~~ra$'i ~I ~~~cpc: !~(.II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN GEMINI: Being situated in the sign of Gemini and aspected by Mercury the Moon makes the native have patience, he is righteous, has liberal tendency and earns wealth through serving the king (or the government)
~ 'i~q;(ij

Pcl~r~~q;1Pi1df1~ ~ fcr';fut ~ 'tj!JOll't I ~~~~~vcpe: ~~~II




MOON IN GEMINI: The Moon being situated in Gemini and aspected by Jupiter makes the man learned and judicious, wealthy, well reputed, courteous and doer of charitable deeds.

Wfi 'i~4H'I

crmfa ~ ft

'<'li:ill\~+lHil ~:I ~'CII11.<9): ~ \11ri1PI!tJW'ite1: llf,o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN GEMINI: If the Moon being. situated in. the sign of Gemini be aspected by Venus, the native has the happiness of having clothes, flowers, grains, excell,ent conveyance and jewels.

~"''l'fi"''lqll\'1'1-"G"''IiiFcill ~qf11liiRI Pcl1 f'liatt~'t I

;:ffi ft o%'il\1'!4S~ ~ ~ 1tlj'<j~'1 ~ i lftq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN GEMINI: If being situated in the sign of Gemini the Moon be aspected by Saturn, the native gets separated from and is devoid of wealth, wife conveyance, progeny etc and is the doer of wicked, reprehensible deeds.

<ticfi '! I~ I'(<t( TRf+11 '4"'l' 'i ~ 16 C'l f.mt<i; cnlllll<ti~ PclcCJOf141~ ~I g;lllftiliC'IIql;q~'<!Riq)l~ g;a'Ntioo .... ~o%'ilfl'ie: llf,=lll
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF CANCER: If at the time of birth the Moon being posited in the sign of Cancer be aspected by Sun, she causes the native to give trouble to the lower castes without any purpose and makes him become incharge of the castle under the king.




~ 1~4'l('l

'Gel T.l W \11'1~Fci'6;& a\)on<t;ll~ ~ ~ 1 !Ji cl'J'l'ti"<m : M'<ifa(j) I~ ~: Cj)('lfq IP<#H ~ llq II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN CANCER: If at the time of birth the Moon . being situated in Cancer be aspected by Mars, she makes the native clever, valiant, opposed to his mother and lean and thin in body.
~~ 1~4'l('l ~!J?I)~fa~fakc4 oA'1Jqf6 en~ ~ 1

~ ~ i%'1i'{j~'1i'{j!J~Uf ~~ llf.\1 II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN CANCER: In the event of the Moon's being situated in Cancer and aspected by Mercury she makes the. native be happy due to having a good wife, progeny, wealth and grains, being politic, General of the king's army or Minister in his court.

~ 1~4'l('l
T.ll crmfir \ilffi ~ Cj)ij)qdf 4)<{<t~1'6u)~: Iff.~ II

~ ~ ~ '<j&if.<id

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN CANCER: If the Moon being situated in Cancer be aspected by Jupiter she causes the native to have a seat of an official under the king, endowed with virtues, politic, happy and exremely vigorous .

.WP 1~4'lH
'fHH'"'' :q Iq'\Cj)i( 'l H ~'fl q'l i'1'11 fl'1 6Q gti

f.Hir 9\'1 "{ I

;oR PMrll'<'ld: crmfir ~: '{!wPr~~: I If. f. II




Moon receives the aspect of Venus, she causes the native to have the happiness of owning precious gems, gold, jewel studded with diamonds and of having a good wife.
~ <i~lf)('j ~"tt.t \J1'1~fcl'<'~ 't1Gic;::j ~ ~ I
~ \il1"tt ~w)t:n~ iiEiifq~~h

i(fc!J\'1 ere: llf.\911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN CANCER: If the Moon situated in his own sign (Cancer) be aspected by Saturn, she makes the native a liar, opposed to his mother, always of roving disposition, engaged in doing sinful deeds and devoid of wealth.
~ ~ "lR ~ 'i~lf)('j
~ mffi 14fa~(j ~ ' ~ 'c:>. c:>.




i&'<Cj)'<Siiilt'Ji(f)'1't1gd: llf.lll

~ -P.fcjr:::('jrfi~brd:r.'t1rr."'C1=P-faru+J.I ~ '

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF LEO: If being in the sign of Leo the Moon be aspected by the Sun, she causes the native to be endowed with virtues, always the favourite of the king, seated on a high position but the getting of progeny by the native is delayed.
~ 'i~lf)('j
~: ~ ~'1qll\'1ifi1\Jicpcl?ltJG'i ~ ~:I

~~ 4i't1~jl}j ~ ft!Ftl'<jtH

"'1J stfclt'I)Fcba I If.~ n

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MARS ON THE MOON IN LEO: Due to the aspect of the Planet Mars on the Moon being situated in the sign of Leo, the native holds the post of a minister under the king and has the happiness of having much wealth, conveyance, progeny and wife.



~~ ii~4)('1
~HI{f"flql(l'1'1;:c;o?i~: ~'WSI'{~


-;::R ~I

~~1'<1\JitiOO~: lk9oll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF LEO: If the Moon being in the Leo be aspected by Mercury she causes the native to be happy due to having much wealth, wife, conveyance and sons.
~ 'i~q;('i


~lli~4 ~: 11~ I

TRI) ~)~)41ah<i~~)41SlM'i~: 4~'<S,RicpiJI I k9q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN LEO: If at the time of birth the Moon being situated in Leo and !'e aspected by Jupiter she causes the native to be learned in many subjects, to get reputation due to his righteous disposition, and to hold the post of a minister under the king (or in the government).

1JW 'i feqs ('I


....Rir::i ~ =='!. I :.!lvl'l ~ ~ lqltfli! ~'V\1 ~

<?il{<t'<~<iui'1o?i ~ 'flllt<losql"f'100 ~1'tf1'ie: I k9:? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENl.JS ON THE MOON IN LEO: If being in Leo the Moon be aspected by Venus she_ (the Moon) causes the native to be wealthy due to his having love relations with a woman, endowed with virtues, learned and knower of proper behaviour with others.

VTf.f 'i ~q;('l

Cj)I"'C''If4gm: cp~cp<fc:an ~it "'1"'<)s~Cj)~~: 1
flit:)4llld ~ ~- ~ '<S,4'tld'1 ~ I k9~ II




MOON IN LEO:If the Moon being situated in Leo be aspected by Saturn,the native is deprived of having happiness from his wife, skilled in doing agricultural work, the official of a castle and possesses only a little wealth.
q;;:m -mm~ ~ ~ '<Rl<ife\fi("f

~ ~ '<tillfRlgcrd ~I "\ii"Ttt -:r:r ~d~'Tid'<~+i'RI"'')RI ~ IC!I'<'<~+i<it!: I k9~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF VIRGO: If being situated in the sign of Virgothe Moon be aspected by the Sun, this combination causes the native to be the incharge of the state treasury, of good character, devoid of wife, devoted to and reverential towards his guru (preceptor).
~ <i~\f)("f

l%'t114~~~~~~1 ~+iJ~qsJ'fi~d~'Tid~'flj<ie) ~ ~ lk9'i 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF VIRGO: If being situated in the sign of Virgo the Moon be aspected by Mars, the combination so formed makes the native engaged in doing violence, very valiant, of wrathful disposition, passing his life under the shelter of the king and victorious in the battle.

3q <i~\fi("f
\i4)Rif<1'~i(f)J&j'filrmRlti ~ -gt ~ Rloftd'tl

~ llf"'1o1 ~ +iiW'ti qs "'ll I'$1.(rs&Jt ~ ~ ""3:\11 "f"SJ'Cl'C : I k9fc II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN VIRGO: If the Moon being situated in Virgo be aspected by Mercury, she causes the native to be the knower of Astrology, poetry and music, learned,



and the native gets glol)i in the battle, is courteous and has self pride.

~ !i~!fi(ij ~ T.ii'<'~'t11fj41<CI~'figd't I ~it~~~: 'Cj'<!J'<~fMI~: lk9l911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN VIRGO: The Moon being posited in Virgo and aspected by Jupiter makes the native have many coborns, favourite to the king, of lovely character and have pure glory. .

ljW !i~!fi(ij
fcl(iliRI~~R;tfcl(ilifl~=d ~ ~ I ~4{~~ lt'i'ldC6'< : ~ ~: ~ II fcl('t)fi),dG I k9~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN VIRGO: The Moon being situated in Virgo and aspected by Venus causes the native to enjoy sensuous pleasure with a sensual woman, dependent on woman and to earn wealth from the state.

Trf.f I! ~If) (ij

~'ti"'i t\'1'1fd ~ -amJ)I41Giti$1 ur-Rlll

fr;i 11~4if&<j C6"'4C614i 1'ffiT ~Stfs'Cjfl'1 Cf!C: I k9Q, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN VIRGO: The Moon being situated in Virgo and aspected by Saturn causes the native to be devoid of wealth, intellingence, of happiness from mother and to earn wealth through the medium of his wife.

~ ~ ~ 1R ~ !i~!fi(ij
fl Glc'1 : ~: .,.,fl~Gif"""""'11""'Ctj"'""'\JI~~Fci~t\='1 : I

fll~'<fll~tT.I ;:ffisPtit~atg('lltR lt'i'lt~C6~~ ll~o II




MOON IN THE SIGN OF LIBRA: In the event of the Moon's being posited in the sign of Libra and aspected by the Sun the native is of roving nature, devoid of happiness and wealth, devoid of the happines from his wife, of progeny and is troubled by both his friend and his enemy.
~ 'i~Q)(ij

~~ '114ittild ~I
~ \ii'Ri ~ g('lllaWjf.H'Iit4'11Uh l:l'<di'l'<jd"'' lltq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN LIBR}\:Being situated in the sign of Libra and aspected by Mars the Moon makes the native use his intellect in causing harm to others, deceiver of others and engrossed in sensual pleasures .

qwtt~Pcitufcl~: ~~

Cfl('llfc!R'ai ~

!S<4f..,~ l/l'ltiCfl'<"''g('IIW: SI~Cfll~ llilli~"''



THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN LIBRA:If at the time of birth the Moon be situated in Libra and aspected by Mercury she causes the native to be the knower of the essence of arts, prosperous of wealth, endowed with property, a good speaker and endowed with glory.
~ 'i~q)(ij ftrif~ ~ ifi1)sQCfl
Pclw4dlfcl~ 1

~ ilfltlctJ'<) ~:~ere: ltj"''i'liN :J'<)Itd"'' II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN LIBRA: If being situated in Libra the Moon be aspected by Jupiter the native is dexterous in the purchase and sale of clothes, jewels etc.

. 356


~ ii~q;(ij
SII$1'RC1o'\Cf))Q+ltll~: ~ cpqtrJ ~:I

{flie)~: c?J"fq;(llq"!:t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11~~11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN LIBRA : In the event of the Moon's being situated in Libra and aspected by Venus, the native is the knower of the Shastras, earns wealth by doing hard work in a number of ways, . receives the favour of the king, and has strong body.
~ ii~q;(ij
~ \:l=tot!~cfb"!=qt,..;~"'=r.:,r.:r~ ~sfq ~ ~:I

~h"!'f!R:!Pi \JI""'tq;itll q;(iitf.!ttfi ~ljd'l\ilii.e I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN LIBRA: If at the time of birth the Moon be in the sign of Libra and be aspected by Saturn the native has wealth and property, owns most excellent conveyances and is devoid of sensual pleasures.
'!~~q; ~ "'tRfCR '< Fcliil!q;(ij tii{CJ~ t'l '1 ~ "'\Jir.:o"f..-"' :1fml"'"""tl""'lU,.,."'rr.C'll="'d""'cp=-=ttmwmllni tfrD't I

iHtf.!iqtti ""jUi wcp<ffll'<iRN: <Giaito)~: I~f, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF SCORPIO: The Moon being gone in the sign of Scorpio and aspected by the Sun makes the native devoid of excellent conduct, prosperous with wealth, seem hateful and undesirable to the people, extremely hardworking, and serving in the army.
=~rtr.ml"~i'lflR.!Mil'rm' "!Diii;"ftqiEfll:tfli<mttl

...:..a I' . r41'<dl<i'<qttgn:t~

I ~ 19 II

1!'fl j<li oq Itlj4 i't1 fcltl) ""1'< SR:i ;fl..:tJ ~ RIJI '1 ~




MOON IN SCORPIO:If the Moon being in the sign of Scorpio and aspected by Mars, the native has a skill due to Which he gets distinguished praise in the battle, is of grave nature, has the wealth of a dignified personality and earns wealth from goverenmental circles.

!'tf ii~q;(if
41~(iflttgntl<'l~ '(op/n<'l~

~ditqPt><ti5 Ptdl"'d'{ I

;ffi ~: ~ qfh4i rt1!11Pt T.I;::INI!i<e lla II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN SCORPIO: In the event of the Moon's being gone in Scorpio and aspected by Mercury, the native is skilful in conversation, loves war, is engaged in singing songs and dancing and is a diplomat.
~ ii~q;(if



tttt64cp&rt1PcliJ\<ioliCfij: I

'flll"'11"fq~ ~ rt'i'lt~n4'1 ~sfi:loittdH ~~ lit~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN SCORPIO:If the Moon being situated in Scorpio be aspected by Jupiter, the native is popular, has handsome personality, is doer of excellent deeds and owns wealth and jewels.

lJW ii~q;(if Sl t1 '$1 '{RI' : 'llltll'li:I!Jr.:o~r.~l'c~~i:'rilFef~ : <fc rs.;41 $1'1

Ei "fq I t:"t ICfij : I

<iil"'dl~dlllf: ~Sfi:llllfl rt'i'ld~cfl ~tq!J'<lSii{<e I ~o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN SCORPIO:If the Moon being posited in Scorpio be aspected by Venus, the native is of cheerful disposition, generous, has fame, knows diplomacy, is endowed with wealth and conveyance and squanders his money and wealth ,over women.


~ ij Iq~ ititcl4&+1~ 4!) q'tl

~ ~~lflt't
~ ~~'::J;;q.-::.,.,.,1~OTir:::l (iqniPciP.r.:i'ti

~4fiil~: "fJ:RicpltilsfFtti'(<llml41j?l~~ ~= 11~q 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN SCORPIO: If at the time of birth the Moon being situated in Scorpio be aspected by Saturn , she makes the native leave his place (place of birth), extremely wretched , have wicked progeny, devoid of strength and suffer from tuberculosis.

~ ~ TRf1N <i~lflt't a'ia~t114'rt!"'cCI~ iflklffijm;.,l"'lll~qui wi "Q 1 iq~ifilci ~ :omvri ~tntf1ffi)~: I"=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF SAGITIARIUS:The Moon being posite.d in the sign of Sagittarius and aspected by the Sun causes the native to be extremely valorous, to have excellent glory, be endowed with wealth, property and conveyance, be victorious in a battle and have the favour of ttie king.

~ <i~lflt't
fHiqRi~ "Q "'~&t'll<i q:Uit'141t'tlt'<o~qt'1~ I ~4f'$1'(1Uii ~~oncj) ~ ill'<lifl+t41f!SECIPIJI.,

ere: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS: The Moon being posited in Sagittarius and aspected by Mars causes the native to be a General of an army, extremely valorous, very wealthy and to obtain jewels.

JCJ ~~lflt't
ifi'\qlflqt'tlti ~ ~4f'$1~ u4'ifdf4~1(i<t~El'{ I

g'<'ft'\JI=6 ~ "I ~'<i;W'+ti ~~ ~: I~~ II




THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS : In the event of the . Moon's being gone in the sign of Sagittarius, and aspected by Mercury, the native is always truthful in his words, has a number of servants and knows Astrology and craft.


'1 t\ Iq G'fldr ~r.:r'1rnq1'-"'<j~:r:~=r.'tl:.t) ~61 '<>:t I~ '! ll fe : I

~ fi'laq;~ wrn) ~ ~IW:J"<)fMH I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS : In the event of the Moon's being situated in Sagittarius and aspected by Jupiter, the native obtains a position of importance, is very wealthy, of excellent conduct and of handsome personality.

lJW 'i~ifi(ij
'<1 "<< 1'11t~ft'll"'<< 'ti G1 Id~ : ~.g ftflt!Jil '11 Pelt~) "lfACJ : ~ I

di\CI't<ll"' T.ll411"'

~t'lll"'lt'll~~ 'SI<rnl': I ~fc II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS : In the event of the Moon's being gone in the sign of Sagittarius and aspected by Venus, the native is endowed with progeny, wealth and religion and always lives happily.
~ 'i~ifi(ij
'<'I =tiM d Pit'<~~ 11 't?ll j'! <rti titi 'l'b 1 ~



!01 T.1 o;s

+t. I

~CUI\Crt"41M"''1 ere:~ ,'i)d\C~"': ~ 11~\911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS : The Moon being posited in Sagittarius and aspected by Saturn makes the native very strong, devote his mind always in the study of the Shastras, speak excellent statements and valorous.



~~~~ q;r <!~4'61 'lffi~ ll'ft;A:SW'i~dl ~: ~: ~.R!id"'l ... fl: I

. ~~q-RqiCfl~ ~ ~ ~: 1r~ ~~~~~ THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN : If the Moon being gone in the sign of Capricorn be aspected by the Sun, the native is devoid of wealth, is of roving disposition, stupid and suffers pain and trouble.


31~SI'qu;s) ~'-' ....,.,qi""~T:ll ...""'(ftl"': ~u C:I'<I(01Gttl'i641m: 1

'flll"""il ... q\1 ~~ lpT ~SqPiJI ... ~ II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN CAPRICORN: If the Moon being situated in the sign of Capricorn and be aspected by Mars, the native is extremely valorous, has wealth and conveyance, is learned, has the happiness of having a good wife and progeny and possesses grandeur.
~~ <i~4i(i1 ~ fr;n 'Pil:f+tt4m)t:)

i1 ~"'41C(~'<'R&Id: ~: "'fli'R! 1

3TTCiff ~~ :t?id'<llfl tfJJ{'fillO'<iMJI... ~ lll!oo II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN CAPRICORN: If the Moon being situated in Capricorn be aspected by Mercury, the native is extremely stupid, leaves his home and is devoid of wife and progeny.

~ <!~4'61
i411(01GI: ""'fl""t4..,.1r.::'ffi"") ~: Cfl<'l?i!J?IIRgt~'l ~: "'fli'R! I
~ ~


~ f.R~ llllol!ll




gone in Capricorn and aspected by Jupiter, the native is a ~ing's son, always speak the truth, recognises the virtues of a man and has the happiness of having a good wife and progeny.

l]W 'i~lfi('j
~ ~r::r;14mi....-:f.\"''nttrn"gr.:rtt: ~ "R: I

~j~;fl~fM ~i'ti~ 1!!J'tH ur-ft ""'iJ ~ llqo~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN CAPRICORN : In the event of the Moon's being posited in Capricorn and aspected by Venus, the native has beautiful eyes, wealth and conveyance and has the happiness of having progeny, jewels, clothes etc.
~ 'i~lfi('j
~' ' '1f.\i<'ltti-.:r-G~"'''k'Citlt'41
..Q Rrlr.:r I '1RI'1tl: t41(\<4tl"11(..,"1-": T4~crtff ~~!1~01 ~~: jjqo~ II


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN CAPRICORN: If the Moon being situated in Capricorn be aspected by Saturn the native is of extremely lethargic tendency, has less wealth, is a liar, dirty and is subjected to addictions.
~ ~ ~ qd'i~lfi('j

if4'iiii<'l: '4iM'tigtt~ ~ ~ "R: "t4R{ I

c?l({<t'{R\"4~ ~ ('Cl1'"+1'1Ril;fi:tqlft!Ptft~: llqo~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF AQUARIUS: If the Moon being situated in the sign of Aquarius be aspected by the Sun, the native adopts farming as his profession, is deceiful, gets shelter from the king and has sincere faith in religion.
~ 'i~lfi('j ~tlcr"''\iiPt:fldidPcl~~qgcm)
fclqq('lqq~ili.41Ni~cr;h.,(iq\il(iq: I

~ ijf<;t"'~'t'l\1~~~:


iililiPI <tSWWlld ~ ~ llqo'i II THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN AQUARIUS : If the Moon being situated in Aquarius be aspected by Mars, the native is devoid of wealth, house, mother and father, produces rare, scarcely available substances, is exremely talkative, dirty and extremely deceitful.
~'tf 'i~q;(1
fcltt~ 'tfl &:!'< Jis ii I"'ti Pcltil "6 ~ '<81 q 'iijftr : ~ : I gqRJ~d'tj#IRlpoiG'<) Eield"'5~~ ~: llqof, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN AQUARIUS: If the Moon being situated in Aquarius be aspected by Mercury, the native remains engrossed in sensual pleasures, is skilful in the art of cooking, is extremely pure in heart, speaks mildly and gently. He is respectful towards a young woman, music and excellent policies.
~ 'i~q;(1

il~:J'<Uiil'tl<lllfc:tf1'84 1t)ii~d ~\11'1SI~Rtot I ~<f~~ ~ ~ Pliiii<tS'<: 1f]Ui!J"6Si'itC: llqol911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN AQUARIUS : Being situated in the sign of Aquarius and aspected by Jupiter the Moon makes the native enjoy the comforts of lands, city and village etc., have all the enjoyments, dear to the good and the gentle and excellent.
l]W 'i~q;(1
~?ilt'IGI~J~'tfl&:~t).,) tr'1) Wl)ffil~ttfi;;cq: ~I

Pliiii<tS~ ~ ~

Gl"'q~d"' llqo~ II




MOON IN AQUARIUS: In the event of the Moon's being situated in Aquarius and aspected by Venus, the native is not able to get the happiness of having friend, progeny, wife and house. He is wretched, deprived and without dignity.

l1f.r <i ~Q)('I

(!l'<)ed!IC'II-\Id'<I~C'II+i ~'P.fi'<d ~4Ri'6<iFJRi+t I
~ ~ ~ ~sft!RJEOP-i'lll(f):() ~I'('CI)HfJ<i<iG: llqo~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON THE MOON IN AQUARIUS: B,eing situated in Aquarius and aspected by Saturn the Moon causes the native to gain profit froin the. purchase and sale of donkeys, camels, and new horses etc, engrossed in the love of a base woman and has anti religious tendency.

wf <i~q;(>j
'!)uqfatti qqRiqRi +t 1

~ "<'lrnzi

t1tcfS4~~ ~ ftlrm) ~ ~M"' ~~ llqqo II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF PISCES: Being situated in the sign of Pisces and aspected by the Sun the Moon causes the native to gratify his sexual desire in extreme measure, be honourably appointed on the post of the commander of an army, to increase his wealth extremely and complete auspicious deeds.
~ <i~lf)(>j

~ ~ ffl&i'lf\Md 'q'J'tffif Pial~'! I ~ ~ ~ AA: ~ ~ 1J?Ittt)'1 ~: Jlqqq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON THE MOON IN PISCES : The Moon being situated in Pisces and aspected by Mars causes the native to be defeated by his enemies, be engrossed in the love of a promiscous woman, devoid of happiness and the doer of sinful deeds.



~ 'i~Q)(1 q'<l'if"li'cjj'<j>&iPI1:f +1'T"f ~ ~: ~I !Jlllf"'1>c) 'ti~iuiiq; ~ 'titti~uiOO ~~: llqq=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON THE MOON IN PISCES: Being situated in Pisces and aspected by Mercury the Moon causes the native to be happy due to having a good wife and happy progeny, to have self respect, prosperous with wealth and a favourite of the king.

'i~lf)cl \3 GI'<~ 6 ";J:I'<j""!Jl>Zl+jlr'<~~~6 .j

tl C() FMhij~"ll ~ffi'L~ "1.1

llqq~ II

"1ti ~GUII~~>c'i*l'll<f! ttJ\'IqRJqfqqRJ6)~ttlt~q

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON THE MOON IN PISCES : If the Moon be in the sign of Pisces and be aspected by Jupiter she causes the native to be generous minded, have very delicate body, be a happy king having an excellent wife, progeny and wealth etc.

. "lt]W 'i ~if)(1

tl~d~Ell~'<d ~ ~<11Rio%'i~Ril~cllttlt\)(1"1.1

<Ji'<lRI' ~

Rl~g+1ml'l lt\)tt~RIJ""'PI ~w'ioe: llqqb' 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON THE MOON IN PISCES: The Moon being in Pisces and aspected by Venus causes the native to be talented in the art of Music, of righteous character and to enjoy himself sensuous pleasure with women.

"lt1f.f 'i ~if) (1

q;lillg~ 7""Gir.r'<'<j:r:r~~~Prr~~~-::i;:j o%'JT.iii;"1iti'L~i1~wt1 TJ I

;\'!{:I'<'< fh : ~ WFfi -;:R fci"GUII~ ~'I'Jj


llq q'i II




aspected by Saturn causes the native to be love sick, devoid of the happiness of having wife and progeny, engrossed in the love of base women and devoid of valour.

vm: wrnn ~ u;f( l:JuAlSRid'<ijGI'<:

;:ffi "fi~GIC'I'I'J~ ~

I '<'I"C)Rit;\'r"ll\i'IPt:fr~ llqqf, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MARS IN THE'SIGN OF ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Mars being situated in the sign of Aries or of Scorpio be aspected by the Sun the native is learned, a skilful speaker, devoted to his mother and father, wealthy, chief in his society and very liberal.
~ 'i~ifi('l W'41ij"'11'<1'ffi+i8Jq

cpqrfcl~;:j t:d:r.fi'<q'i't I

;rt !:1~4iP-i\i'l'tll'i'ii4'! 1)\~d'i\Ji ~\i'l'<i\i'l'i'G: llqq\911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MARS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Mars being in Aries or in Scorpio be aspected by the Moon, he causes the native to be extremely infatuated in another man's wife, valiant, devoid of compassionate feelings and destroys the thieves.

JCi 'i~ifi('l
qo4il"1i<'iCh'<cl'iCh"!RffcfqAS;::q~ Fclunqt:r:fr I

~: ~~ ~ a~'iu?i'tjd 't1)+i'tjd"1 ~ llqqlll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON MARS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If at the time of birth Mars being in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Mercury the native falls in love with prostitutes and give them jewels and steals another man's wealth.

~ 'i~ifi('l ..Q ~ ' ' ' ---;::r.:ft;,.'= q;uSHiltfl ~"1qloticpl41 i4Noql'(: pd41'<'<1'Btl: I

31R PtGii'll'<'id "R: 'flllt'<ltfl

'tj'<l:qi4Pt:fr~ 11qq~ II




MARS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Mars being gone in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Jupiter, the native . is the chief in his family, wealthy, wrathful, works like a king and has friendship with thieves.

WI' 'i~<ricl . ~ ~ 1fJ\11ofictj<mgm: 4>ittl~t~)4f"1~"ttl

f.ttll"tt'! 1

vro?r~~ s?ifatl"'t4it't<le\.~ ~ ~ llq=?oll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MARS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Mars being situated in Aries, or in Scorpio and be asp~cted by Venus, the native has desire of eating food again and again, has extreme desire that his wife should have conveyance, and he takes delight in doing auspicious deeds.

~ 'i~<ricl

!li?t'tR&Hi 'li~Pclll)it1t1 cp:tllit4~ fcr:ilt ~I

~r;qfPcJ~tN ~ ~: ~Sci>'<ja"i ~ IJq=?q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MARS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: Being situated in Aries or Scorpio and aspected by Saturn, Mars causes the native to be devoid of the love of his friends and to remain anguished in being separated from his mother. The native's body remaJns weak and he has aversion towards his own men.


err-~ Wffi "tR ~ 'i~\fi(if

4>1"ttiil'1)~RJPcltfHj~cf"11~ti~. fctqlftl! I
SliJO'Sct>'i<i -~


~: '<jtll'll'<'ltl)~: llq=?=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MARS IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS AND LIBRA: Being situated in Taurus or Libra and aspected by the Sun, Mars causes the native to have less desire of doing "'"'YIIJ'Ii intercourse with his wife, love for forests and



mountains etc., be without any enemies and extremely wrathful.


'i ~ Q) (i1 ftrnal ";JIH?Rf~ f.rfr~

llq=?~ II

31oqlf4'<'<ti: ~ ~'<'ilf{qi;-'11"'11"1~ "'II'Q<Mil I t4iril1"'14'1 ~

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MARS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Mars being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by the Moon; the native's point of view does not have coordination with the views of his mother. He is fearful of war and husbands many wives.
~q 'i~Q)(i1

ltii'HiwCIR-1: 71 <t>=<"'"""t:411 ~rnll:

t41il"'I('<I\IH"'f~S(iQ~*f I

ttt<t>lll<t>i~: ~ R:im<"'ll~ rtlfliGt"'i ~ llq=?~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON MARS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Mars being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Mercury, the native remains engageq in studying the Shastras, is quarrelsome, speaks too much, owns only a little wealth, and has. splendid body.

~ 'i~Qi(i1 ~: t41RI'<n~~: ~:I ltl~u'flot~ ~~ ~ qi<N~"'II ~ llq=?~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MARS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Mars being in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Jupiter, the native is loved by his coborns, extremely fortunate and knows the arts of music, dance etc.

~ <i~if)('i


i(jlH'iiEll'11'11 ~RI4icl'14i fi'114Riqf <lfll&I!Jm: I 'flll"+tl'1q: tjwI~~441d


~ ftffi;:r llq~f. II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MARS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: In the event of Mars's being situated in Taurus or Libra and aspected by Venus the native deserves praise (for his excellent virtues), is the king's minister or the General of his army and has many kinds of joys and comforts.

vtr.f 'i ~.., (1 '&IRfl fct;fu:Jr \:1 '1q I"'fjflt?l : 4 ~?I ~Ri : cp d it II 'bl 4 M : I ~: 3'BII'14Ri: ftreaf ~ '<tlj\(jd'1 ~ llq~\911
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MARS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: In the event of Mars's being gone in Taurus and Libra ilnd aspected by Saturn, the native gets reputation, is courteous of manner, very wealthy, has good friends, clear intellect, studies the Shastras and is the chief of the village or the town.
~-cp;:(jj~ Wf<;f ~ ~ <i~Q)(ii



~41?1~ tt~'l'<jdiclll~: ~tt'loYI'<jd: '<J\4Pi~~: llq~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MARS IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI AND VIRGO: Mars being situated in the sign of Gemini or of Virgo and aspected by the Sun causes the native to have learning, wealth and grandeur, a healthy strong body and wander in a castle, forest and mountains.


'i ~Q)('i
tt't'Cigti ~~


~: fl\11'14""1jt4 JCJ~:'itlfu;rr~: llq~~ll




IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: Mars being situated in Gemini or Virgo and aspected by the Moon causes the native to be one who has been appointed by the king for the defender, a lover of work of defending, that is, as women, strong and contented.

'3~ 'iftel6cl 31 '1 (iQ \il c<i ... ,1Rif11r.:l ttmlln'l<'4 qs I<4 ~ li ill1d ill'<i4 I<t4 "!. I
.~ ~:~ llg;~fca'<ldiiJI)~ ~: llq~oll
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON MARS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: Mars being situated in Gemini or Virgo and aspected by Mercury causes the native to speak too much, be skilful in mathematics, lover of poetry, a liar but a gentle speaker and to perform the duties of an envoy with great skill.

"!J'<i 'i fteq)(ii

31"'ll~ :t l'l+t 4 U1<4r.a';:n'11?t~ : 'ligd~ ~ ~: I

~S4Pi'<ljt:f'141~'~~'1 'if~: llq~q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MARS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: In the event of Mars's being siutated in Gemini or Virgo the native lives in other country than his own, becomes addicted and obtains a high position.


4f?lh'i41-%~tj~: g;~fS~><)

~ '3~: ~ ~j4C:::'H llqH II

rn CJ)I"diii'W ~ ' 1oa'{ I

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MARS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: Mars being situated in Gemini and Virgo and aspected by Venus causes the native to be happy due to having clothes, grains, water etc, gets delight in loving his wife and be prosperous with wealth.

~ 'i~Q)t'l


anfrq ~ llfWIT~:f:l ~lftlt'II'(O<lPcit'll'flri'lt'l: I

~ '+II'M'<3?1'ie

fi~'I'CJdlt'l<l~ 11qn 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MARS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Mars being situated in .. Gemini or Virgo and be aspected by Saturn, the native is extremely valiant but very dirty and lethargic and wanders in the forest and on the mountain.
<6cll'<l~l~ ~ 'tR '<14<i~Q)t'l
~'tlSICf))qiFtf!J{l)~ ~

"(jffi'i ~:I
11q~~ II

~: qscf5Jt)

~~ ~

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MARS IN THE SIGN OF CANCER: In the event of Mars's being situated in the sign of Cancer and aspected by the Sun the native suffers from bilious trouble, has the virtue of being extremely patient, is a magistrate and is very strong.
~ 'i~Q)t'l
~ nl::r.a<l::r.~c:r'l'~~mlcp~~ Pcit'HClEI~ ~:I ~: qscf5e) ~~~'if~~ 11q~'1ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MARS IN CANCER: In the event of Mars's being situated in the sign of Gemini or Virgo and aspect by the Moon the native is seized by diseases, is angusihed with sorrow due to destroyed things, wears clothes which do not befit him, and is of vicious disposition.

~ 'i~Q)t'l

qJqSIT.II'<: '&t'l~'tl~~: I

!~ere 'mff <6cf5e~ 1M~: 'flJIQil'fl"'l~: llq~fc II




MARS IN CANCER: If Mars being situated in Cancer be aspected by Mercury the native is devoid of friends, is less inclined to take upon himself the burden of his family, propagater of sihful things, and is wicked in his mind.

'i feifj (ij

'1~~4::fi .... !J""'DI..:tlfl,.,...'(q""l=ert~~'l ~ ~ "'l"jUI": ~:I

SJ~Hi~ 'Wf4 ~ ~ ~?1~1(!1~\SGl"f llq~l911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MARS IN CANCER: If Mars being situated in Cancer and be aspected by Jupiter the native is the king's minister, endowed with virtues, has dignity, recognition in society, is bountiful and famous.
~ 'i~ifj(ij

~~ $aft1"'11:'f Pi'<"'d'<l"fllftlj~4: ~I
~tl"HIDii ~ ~ Cil1fl"<~ ClicliC~'i(i~i'fi'<"lf llq~lll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MARS IN CANCER: If Mars being situated in Cancer be aspected by Venus, the native squanders his wealth because of being addicted to evil habits and always remains involved in activities which are meaningless.
~ ~ lR "fl'Pt' 'i~ifj(ij ' ~~: 'tl<liir.tl4t'lqfasllatFIT ~: 1

~ <!i<l>e-<~ti'<"ll ~ tt.4'tla"' ~ llq~~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MARS IN CANCER : If Mars being situated in Cancer be aspected by Saturn the native gets wealth through objects produced in water, has handsome appearance, and receives wealth from the king (the government).

~ti!ll<littfs~+t"~ 1:'f ~tiJ\iil'11'11+t~miGitiil 4'11faSJ~ cpdSiill'<: fm" ~ ~ ~ llq~o II




MARS IN THE SIGN OF LEO: If Mars being situated in Leo be aspected by the Sun, the native is loved by his own men and is the doer of harm to his enemies.

'l ~If) (i1

~\JF<IIJI'i.e llql:tq II

Si!JtC'ifef: nijj.F.fd!r.:"''""I('CIC'I'<mJtli"(llf44)a) ~: ~I

-1fut: "Tfi~: ~ ffit' ~

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MARS IN LEO : If at the time of birth Mars being situated in Leo be aspected by the Moon, the native owns a strong body, has harsh and unfeeling disposition, is courteous of manner towards his mother, skilful in his work, sharp and intelligent.

~ 'i~ifi(ij
ti('Cf)l<21~1(''11~45cll45cll~ ~sfq <-J~cl~'d~RI: I

I('CI4514Rl<tfl ~OR: tllll'ffi~ ~ ftl~iJ\'1


llq'd~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON MARS IN LEO: In the event of Mars's being situated in Leo and aspected by Mercury the native composes excellent poetry, is talented and skilful in craft etc., is avaricious, has inconstant mind and is very skilled or experienced in accomplishing his work.

~ 'l~lfl(ij Sltti'Mt!f.ti1q~: ~ ~m~ ~~ f4EUSiqUfJ ft; OR:~ ~ ftWffl ~ llql:t~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MARS IN LEO: If Mars being posited in Leo be aspected by Jupiter the native is excellently intelligent, a friend of -the king, general of the army, is loved by many and well -versed in various learning.



"'Jili Ci~ Cfj\'1

. i<lfst~~Scq:jOO('IfllftiCcpiPtl"'t"'lif"'l~: ~:I
~ ~ ~ ~ ~cq:j3=ilfMH llq\rd II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MARS IN LEO : If at the time of birth Mars being situated in Leo be aspected by Venus the native is extremely dignified, excep'tionally. handsome, indulges in sexual pleasure with many women and is prosperous.


Ci ~ Cfj \'1

'+tilR.qi'<1~~ ~sRt~dl ~<tii<pRtc=ci dfaoM~~Idt'Ci'{l


ijiCoYitt'iJI ~


~ ll<t'd~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MARS IN LEO: If Mars being situated in Leo be asppected by saturn the native lives in some other man's house is extremley worried, looks like an old man even in young age, and is devoid of wealth.
QJ-~ ~ lfrR;f ~ ~ Ci~Cfj\'1

q"'l~g;f' ~ ~ ~ ""'\JI""'"'m~~r.:id -:q I

~ '\JITd ijiCoYid'i\11~ ~lR41d'RiiC~i!lctiiC: llq'd~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MARS IN THE SIGN OF SAGITIARIUS .AND PISCES: If Mars being situated in Sagittarius or PIS'ces be aspected by the Sun the native lives in a forest, on a mountain and in a castle, is of cruel disposition, is fortunate and gets honour in society.
T.A{ Ci ~ Cfj\'1

~ '1qij;ctl tti

Cf)ltiRI 4

t~dPmcpd -:q 1

~ !l!fUl{"'fjui ~ ~eflJ: flldcpiCSictt!: ll't'dl911



JATAKA BHARNAM by the Moon the .learned, the king, is intelligent.

situated in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected the native knows the norm of conduct of that is, he is learned, is not tolerated by quarrelsome, remains aloof from all, and is

!'<f ii ~ q; t'l
~ "<l fm;q ~ ~ t1 +1ffiF<li{4i!51tl C'i fcl~t1 't I . ~ ~ ~ ('l)f%tllif: ~era !r<>)t:liltl: llq~lll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON MARS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: Mars being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces and aspected by Mercury makes the native intelligent, skilled in craft, of good character or disposition, skilled in all kinds of learning and courteous.
~ ii~q;t>t 4iit11~~t'lltti%d PmiM'<I~4ll: 4it>tt:lj'<m't 1 ~~: !OI!5Ulfu:Nl41t11~: llq~~ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MARS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: Mars being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces and aspected by Jupiter causes the native to have great worry about his wife, to make constant quarrel with his enemies and to fall from his position.

l]W ii~q;t'l e<milt~i fcl""'q. ,li""lj:r.:'<r::=tffi.?a-1

~l'liir.tltl: '<3'<>'ii~ ~~ <ii.,.4'{\Afii.e llq~o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MARS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Mars being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Venus, the native is lib~ral minded, attached to sensual pleasures, has many kinds of jewels, is fortunate and good and righteous.



Vlf.r ii ~lj) (1
Cfil4ctiir.tl'<~d8 ~ "'(lll1'1tit1(1'C~)sftt"f ~ :d\ I
31"'4cti4PI'<dllil "'1'<': ~ ~scflGi<t<e 11q~q 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MARS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Mars being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Saturn, the native's body is lack lustre, he remains unhappy inspite of wandering in many places, and remains engaged in doing things for others.
~Pflrn~lR~ <i~lj)(1

3'~fSI~ ~~81C6ft'I1\Jii<ii'CId: ~ llq~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MARS IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: Mars being situated in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius and aspected by the Sun makes the native happy due to having a good wife, progeny and wealth, have blackish complexion, sharp by nature and temperament and very valiant.

ii ~ lj) (1

~ ..,.+1=1 t!""''Cjr:r.Gr::r'1 ~ "'(lll 1 '1'f1d 'if t1 (1 'iffl ~ c; 'if I

\3c:mR!ti llcti'<~RI "\JI"Ri "f'ihscirolal:ti~l'11 ~: llq~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MARS IN CAPRICORN OR AQUARIUS: Mars being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius and aspected by the Moon causes the native to be adorned with excellent jewels, devoid of having the happiness of mother, to get a place lower than that he deserves by his merit, (that is, causes him to lose his place), to make a short. term friendship and to be liberal in disposition.



~u <i~lf)C'I
Rl<litffi!J'ffi~~ tltciiPcitt: ~tt4ti!Jtt:NI

'I"GJg ~



ere llql.j~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON MARS IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If M;:us being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mercury the native speaks kind or loving words, earns wealth by going to various places, is very strong, deceiving and fearless.
~ 'i~lf)('i <fl ti{!Joi 1!'"'4<f'"""'4lnjonru""'~~ 'if~ T.1 l'<i fill~);( Cj)j R\ "( I

Ci)lltSIC'IIci \it"'~""'jllll ~ ~

: llq'i'i II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MARS IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Mars being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Jupiter, the native obtains long span of longevity, royal favour, is endowed with virtues, has handsome body and speaks much when he does some work.

1JW 'i~lf)('i
' .,:,' ...>\ _._


Ci)lttlni41St'4ttCI)R%i4:fll jjq.jf.ll



'I"GJg ~ ~~ ~ ~: ~

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MARS IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Mars being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Venus, the native experiences excellent pleasures in food, is very fortunate, very happy, loved by his wife and is quarrelsome.
~ <i~lf)('i

i 4Itt ~il~ <11qP!P.r.:rttlrflfclhlq~ l!S~S t'4 "d "'R\ : 'ti'Cfi1C :

~= 'f41e&iCcliltttJI ~


~ ~ llq.j\911




MARS IN CAPRICORN.AND AQUARIUS: Mars being situated in Capricorn or Aquariusand aspected by Saturn causes the native to earn wealth from the king's (government's) circles, be opposed to his wife, have knowledge of many subjects, be very intelligent, possessed of troubles and to love war.

~-~ ~~ 'tR ~ 'i~'Pcl "t'~ 'tl t'll q T.l) 171 cll 'ti ""i'IJ14lr;:;;cln'tl:r.:'{!7iltr.);(rr~q~'fii'1lgr.:id T.1' I
~ umf fti~'flj)~ ~ ~

1flJ'l"fff ~:


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MERCURY IN THE SIGN OF ARIES AND SCORPIO: Mercury being situated in the sign of Aries or of Scorpio and aspected by the Sun makes the native loved by his coborns, speak the truth, get favour from the king and be dignified .

~ 'i~'Pcl 'tl<0'tttit'lll~;c;~:

'SI'Cffl1t ~: I

Ciflfe('(lf11CN41"'fj\il: ~Ill 'tl)+tifflGt ~ti<P'<Si'i"C : llq'i~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MERCURY IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Mercury being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by the Moon, the native has interest in excellent songs, dance etc, possessed of sexual desire, is a lover of women, has the happiness of having conveyance, and servants and is crooked.

~ 'i~'Pcl
~ ~ T.l' ~ <Pcll!lij)Oj <Pcli_;)Eid T.l' I

~mf.qci "tl'~'14"'fj&i ~=~Ill ~;ga"''

"i'EC=. llqf.o n

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON MERCURY IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If. Mercury being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Mars th~



native is the favourite of the king, extremely wealthy,very valiant, skilled in arts, always prepared to make quarrel and often experiences much hunger.
~ ({~QJ(ij

'<j6)qq;::;:t ~ ~ q;itll'tldli!:- IH1""1"!.1

~ 1fflf ~\JI)~iil\'1 tt)+iiMGfl qjqq~"''l ~: llqf,q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MERCURY IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Mercury being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Jupiter, the native is endowed with comforts, is clever, has melodious speech, is endowed with wife and progeny and is of cheerful nature.

lJW ({~QJ(ij
cj) i d I Fcl (ij i'ti TI!J'ITIOjri fhlN""C!""' ~...r I 'tl~ f& <i q l'(i ... ~ Fcl ~ d 't I
~ '\ii'Rt Tlftror: WUtlif ~ ~ ~~: llqf,~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MERCURY IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Mercury being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Venus, the native enjoys himself sensuous pleasure with his wife, is endowed with virtues, with reputation, is loved by his friend, has excellent intelligence and is courteous.
~ ({~16('1
'tliH I ~"fi -=oq'mU""d""''<""tcl""~ l ~ (ii ltti>R;i~ ~+1'11 I~ I

~ 1fflf ~~UIIititjj4To:r~: TiftAJ ~: llqf,~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MERCURY IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Mercury being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Saturn the native is righteously courageous, possessed of fierce disposition, makes quarrel with. his tribe and is devoid of love and goodness.



tpf g('llld '5'C:I' 'tR' ~ Ci~'li('l <:i~Qil$.~1"14dEi~g qo;c)QCf51'l!llti'l!d


"fltri~~ w~4fffit+<~) ~~~: llqG~II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MERCURY IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Mercury being situated in the sign of Taurus or of Libra, the native is penurious, unhappy, remains anguished due to diseases, is beneficial to other, endowed with peaceful disposition and is pure of heart.
~ Ci~'li('l

~ti ~ ~ ~41ttw'CfA+{I ~ w~4f;:qjui it~: 1JW~= :tl~l'11 ~= ll<tf,~ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE- MOON ON MERCURY IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Merc.ury being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by the Moon the native is very scheming, endowed with wealth and property, is constant and firm in his vow; a chief in the king's court and is very famous.
1fi"q ii~"' ('I 'l!I\JIIQ"'I'11~1C:wdti ~ '!J~~~Ei~'l:q ~I ~llhl~ tl'i"''!Jd: ftrelif ~ ~'l!I!J?IPifl~: ll'lf,f, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON MERCURY IN TAURUS AND LIBRA : If Mercury being situated in Taurus or Libra, the native gets dishonoured _ by the King, suffers from disease, is deserted by his friends and is devoid of enjoyment of sensual pleasures.

~ '!~'11('1

~:dJ'd"'JII"'!J'l!l~ ~ ~ ~ '!Jir'IWtl
~l4M~ T4'ii'!Jd: fmf~: '!J'<IT414Pifl~: ll<tf,l911




MERCURY IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Mercury being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Jupiter, the native is the Lord (chief) of an excellent village or city. He is learned, recognizes virtues in others, is endowed . with virtues and is of good character.
ljW Ci~Cj)(ij

. atRI'CJcl~ti~q ~ !J<IRIW1'1'1hi ~I atRtiltl'<!Jt;l'( ~ -q ~ ~!JJl'ltl'ff!+4) ~ ~: llqf,t II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MERCURY IN TAURUS OR LIBRA: If Mercury being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Venus, the native is extremely handsome, endowed with distingusihed clothes and jewels, is like Cupid for women, extremely happy due to the frenzy of love, extremely sagacious, liberal and fortunate.
~ Ci~Cj)(ij
Cl> cl ?I ~?II '11 \ill! I'14'1 ;s I ti t1 t1 ~'ti

'<j'& ~'t'l t>l '1 '{ I

~Wf?l~~~:~ IIW~II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MERCURY IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Mercury being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Saturn, the native is anguished by the trouble which he gets through his .wife, friend, progeny and conveyance, is devoid of happiness and wealth and gets defeated by his enemies.

~-CIRJT fum JCi lR ~ Cif?ecp(ij ;rr.;m,' .\.r.i" ..Q Ro .Q ' j;lo; fl~IQtl T.II'<'C'flclli4cllfl '<j\4141cll&lti'11.,1Mi -q I
'T.j"Sq~ ~ ~llfrifj&i ~mT~U:RfJ.il)~: llql9o II




Mercury being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by the Sun the native is truthful in his speech, entertains himself with healthy humour,. gets honour and promotion from the king and is light in body.


3i"f(i'<l\11(i4)~ <tl~ft14) '<IGitl~qq\'ff I ~: '<1)+1'~ ~ ~~ 10'1('1158~'1 llq~gq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MERCURY IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Mercury being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by the Moon, the native is extremely talkative but has nectar in his speech, is quarrelsome and lives near the king.


Slttstii?i ~ Cfi"(ii'1ii '1~ ;a cptil


~ I

Gl"'f?i4 'tt'~"'~i41jo4 ~ lf: ~~: llq\9=? II THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON MERCURY IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Mercury being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Mars, the native is of cheerful disposition, scheming, endowed with the knowledge of arts, skilled in doing the king's work and is popular.

~ 'iilel6(ii . ~e.fttl'luifci'<IGI+!I;:j ~I ~ Si!f4f~GI+!Pi::Hll.f: ~: "S~Cf"C: ''<'{Rij~"' llq\9~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MERCURY IN GEMINI AND LIBRA: If Mercury being situated in Gemini or Libra be aspected by Jupiter the native is extremely wealthy and capable and receives honour and rights and privileges from the king.



~ Ci~4H'I
"1~~<i.a) -R~(ilrf?.fGt=t1rrfi~~CI.rtf: ~: 1

Cll'<iij"''lti'ffil'l.,)~: ~ f.t"vr4 OR:~ li<ll9~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MERCURY IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Mercury being . situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Venus the native becomes an ambassador, conquers his enemies, is skilful in the art of making treaties and his mind is attached to prostitutes.
~ <i~tj)('l

~- fcRti fil:t)qlffiG~\"'I~tf~~!J~: I !J><If'51'<1011'1~t1il(jW411 '<'<l+i~'<~ '<fil'flj<ie: Jlql9lt II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MERCURY IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Mercury being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Saturn, the native completes the work which is begun by him, is courteous, prosperous with clothes and jewels.
~ '<1~11('1 ~q "If"'<"

wt <i~tj)('l

cr> jt1 If.!r flt't'll a I'll\ I~~ em .,..~~~rr:~mll'"'lfll="'t't:r::if"'"'llniljml""'ll~~ I

Ei~lfti~sftt 1t~"i1j"4: !f~'<) ~ "1R:i~:t1Ci.e: Jlql9f, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MERCURY IN THE SIGN OF CANCER : If Mercury being situated in the sign of Cancer be aspected by the Sun the native is disrespected because of his wife, is extremely weak due to excessive expenditure and creates many kinds of disasters.

<i ~tj)('l

Cl~l~l(j<tfl 11ftl1tiil~ "if Jt:l~f.!r11fo1fi1'tft ""!fC?ruT: 1

SI'C!'1'11cllil~sftt ~: !f~'<)

-m ~ ~





MERCURY IN THE SIGN OF CANCER: If Mercury being situated in Cancer be aspected by the Moon, the native is skilled in cleaning clothes, collection of gems, way of constructing a house and in stringing a garland.

~~"il~ Ri44<1G ~~I fl4bt~ :t\)aq;'('fll "<fJ: f~'<ti~Sqf.!l'<ij'!te: llq19t II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON MERCURY IN CANCER: If Mercury being situated in Cancer receives the aspect of Mars, the native has a little knowledge of the Shastras, is always engaged in the accumulation of wealth, valiant, speaks gently and is skilled in making artificial goods.

~ 'i~IJicl
~ M"'tRIIlii~ '<'lG jj}qcll'tt)Sqf.!lqrclt1"'4: I
'flll"''l'14'1 ~ 'tt)>tfi4'l

f~'<ii~"'4>t~\J'll'i.e llq\9~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MERCURY IN CANCER: If Mercury being gone in Cancer be aspected by Jupiter, the native is learned, skilful in behaviour, fortunate, truthful in his speech, and is recognised by the king.

'lljW 'i ~If) cl . ~~ "il '<1-!1"'ldqJEti~Fcltlt ~:I

'flll"''l"fq) C::J"fqcitt'i.e q;q;feq;oM~ llqto II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT. OF VENUS ON MERCURY IN CANCER: If Mercury being gone in Cancer be aspected by Venus, the native speaks melodiously, has a handsome body and skilled in music and in playing on musical instruments.



~ Cif?e'fR'I !Jil't ~t't ;:j ':J:O't<l""\'il:r.~!lf.~mgr.:m~'1:r;;~~~cti;J;"~..,~

cp tt &t+{ 1

~ ~ q~~ctll~ !f~'<41 $1) 'CPcl'<!jiitC: llq~q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MERCURY IN CANCER: If Mercury being situated in Cancer be aspected by Saturn, the native is devoid of virtues, deserted by his own men, tells lies, is hypocritical, and does not acknowledge obligation of those who have done him good.

ftttt '< 11l1rt1 ~

~ ~ C!f?elflcl


~ Si!JiUif""fjGi. !mscf; ~1'<1\'iltiW: _llq~=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MERCURY IN THE SIGN OF LEO: If Mercury being situated in the sign of Leo be aspected by the Sun, the native is cruel, inconstant in disposition, malicious, is .... prepared to do violence, is fierce and has mean. tendency.

~ Cif?elfl cl 'M IPetti :q I'<' '1 Ri ~ ti <\) d'!t'll I fi:ffii Pitt I"d +{ I . 'fi'{C!'t1~'ti ~it~~: Ri~lt1) ~: llqq 11
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MERCURY IN LEO:If Mercury being situated in Leo be aspected by the Moon, the native has charming personality, is endowed with excellent intelligence, is courteous, engrossed in music and dancing and is prosperous in righteous conduct.

~ C!f?elflcl ct~;:;::cf'tl'til)~tt!Jm~'ti a1t11~d. t'i"1'1Ri Pcl~?i+{ 1

~ ftiRi ti\'il"'ll)<!J'1iti ~: Ri~ltt:fr ~: llq~~ II





MERCURY IN LEO: If Mercury being situated in Leo be aspected by Mars, the native is devoid of sexual potency, has injured body, is stupid, devoid of character, is strange and unhappy.
~ <i~q;('j ' ~ ' (I)I"''C'ii"''C'I'<' : ~:SI'6t"'IT.4'1gd:f:l
q n;'1)Mwfr ""'"jU'': 'Flll ~ O:SJ1

I ~ ~ II ql~ II


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MERCURY IN LEO: If Mercury being situated in Leo be aspected by Jupiter, the native has delicate and clean beauty, is excellent in his lineage, is endowed with beautiful eyes, with capability and with conveyance and excellent wealth.



'~qrm~ ~Qqlfl&C1it1) ~ Cii~'1Fc4't1gib: I

: 't't)"'''<J~

~ <:1'1Clq"EEC{tl


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MERCURY IN LEO: If at the time of birth Mercury being in Leo be aspected by Venus the native is extremely handsome, melodious in his speech, lives under the protection of the king and is prosperous with conveyance and wealth.

Tlf.r <i fe q; (1 ~ ' ' ' 11~10<11?1 . . Fcl~ f . 'T.4' !r'(ii4jU+J. <ii(\'IJ!I<("!d"''l\IU

~fA~ Sl!rllf;::of~laffi:. Ri~itt) ~ lf: llqll!JII

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF~ATURN ON MERCURY IN LEO: If Mercury being gone in Leo be aspected by Saturn the native has the foul smell of sweat, huge body, is ugly, of fierce disposition and devoid of happiness.

~-~ mtr "'RI ~~ 1R ~ 'i~4)('1


ll)>t'11ll'1fiqt:Pic?i~dlij~ '<'l'ffl~d: :t~~Pti!jqJidfl

'ffllq'r'<'El) Jf)tqfMHti~ ~~ ll<ta II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MERCURY IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES : In the event of Mercury's being posited in the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces and aspected by the Sun, the native is afflicted by the disease of sharp pain, epilepsy, diabetes etc., is devoid of companions and friends and is of peaceful disposition.

'i fe q; <'I

ciF&fibl!Jlli WRf ~: ~: -mlj"tl~\iilotloti'l_l OR: ~ :t?id"ll}\&~?1~ ~ ~ I I'll~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MERCURY IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS AND . PISCES: If Mercury being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces : be aspected by the Moon the native is skilful in writing, is good and lives in the company of a sensitive person and is happy.

~ Cifelfi<'l
~ 'f1Ji!!lcpJ ~:1



+iJct'ie~~ ll<t~o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Mercury being situated is Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mars the native is a thief by the tradition of his lineage, lives in woods, is a writer and is devoid of wealth and property.

~ Cifelfi<'l Fcl $11otltll ~I 't<l!f<114dtti ,, iql<'l<tJillll<'l<l ' ~ i!!lC6d f I

1ffif~ '1j\il~~~ u?I4<Jg~ ll't~'tll




MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Mercury being placed in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Jupiter the native is a scientist, chief in his lineage, the treasurer of king and supports a number of persons.

lJW 'i~4H'I
~qJf11~14t'Q<il&i~ t.ftllftnh tft~nito1 ~ I ~c4Jqd

'JI'ACi tt)t1'<!jJifCim: l{Aw'ie: cnm 11'1~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON MERCURY IN SAGITIARIUS AND PISCES: If Mercury being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Venus, the native is a king's minister, the chief accountant of the king, has attachment for stealing, is extremely delicate and is prosperous with wealth.

l1f.f 'i ~q; t'l

~ ~:


<Pidi"CS 41fi!t'1CIItti#'nt'l: I

<Pi414gm~ ~ ~~rilj64) "'frq~ 'iflsci>yet"'' <fe: 11'1~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MERCURY IN SAGITIARIUS AND PISCES: If Mercury being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Saturn the native is gluttonous, dirty, engrossed in improper or dishonest conduct, lives in woods or on mountains and is incapable of doing any thing.

1fil)\('-~ ~~ ~ Cifel6t'l ~<Pillf<PR:idSidl<i ttrillilfc!EII~ftl(ij ~i#'nW{ I ~s~oi

ti\JI"''ll"'f1jozi ~= l'Tf.ftihlla)ch'ie: ll'l~'d 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON MERCURY IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS : If Mercury being gone in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by the Sun, the native is valorous by his fate (destined to be valorous), skilled in warfare, is of evil disposition and has many members in his family.

~ Cif!q;C1


"'<'1) qG?J <S\


: Sl '<1'1 q) o:c;) t~ "ftt N '< e 1

~!u~~~'<~"f~fl~ 11q~~~~
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON MERCURY IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Mercury being placed in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by the Moon the native earns his living by things produced in water, is prosperous with wealth, fearful and timid, and does a trade related to fruits, sweet roots etc.
~ Cif!q;C1 ~'51C1'<1'RI~: ~: ~ qiCftN<"')S~: I

'flll""11'1q) ~~ ~S~'<l.,) ~RI'1"'G"'1 llq~f.ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MARS ON MERCURY IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Mercury being gone in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mars, the native is of indolent and bashful nature, is placid, happy, agile in speech and endowed with wealth.
~ Cif!q;C1 ~1"'4ql~'1~'11~tt:

'wft m+N'i'1'1qRI4~1'1RI: I
~q~q'<1~41iffit ~= llq~l911


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON MERCURY IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Mercury being placed in Capricorn or Aquarius receives aspect from Jupiter, the native is happy because of having wealth, property and conveyance, is the chief of a village or a town and is extremely intelligent.

lJW 'i f!q;C1

i!lgSI\111'11\11'145 ~ SII$1)1G$ld ;f!tN1'11jlUtt'f. I
~ 'li\11'1l)""'fjsti ~ lf: ~~~~)~'11~: llq~cll




MERCURY IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Mercury being gone in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by .Venus, the native fathers a number of issues, is of ugly appearance, ignorant, lives in the company of the base born and is sensual.
~ C[feifit't
'Cj&)R&id ~ T.l' <fi'1+if~)'q;i


~ 1'R'lf: ~: tfl'4'R'I+t)~tJ'Cj~'1


llq~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON MERCURY IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Mercury being gone in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Saturn the native is devoid of happines, involved in sinful deeds, devoid of wealth, wretched and lives in the company of base persons.
-qq_~ ~ ~ "tR ~ 'il!ifit't ~~ ICtlldltii ti'\Sii'4!Jtl) f.Arn:l

~ ~ ~ ~

'<Pcl'ite~~ I ~oo II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON JUPITER IN THE SIGN OF ARIES AND SCORPIO : If Jupiter being situated i11 the sign of Aries or Scorpio be aspected by the Sun, the native is fearful of following the wrong path or falsehood, is extremely religious minded, has fame and glory, is fortunate and courteous.

<i ~q; t't ~ fcr.fuil


qf.!ldlj41d: ~

lRtT wffif: ~:I

\iiTd) ~ ~afmH qjqjqtfl :ti'letCfi~DI ~ I ~oq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE .MOON ON JUPITER IN ARIES AND SCORPIO : If Jupiter being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by the Moon, the native is celebrated, courteous, accepts the advice of his wife, consults the most excellent persons, is endowed with religious tendency and has peaceful disposition.





~J31~1Ui?Jq"f~RIC1iof I

.1ffil ~ 'lj ""fA"CC: :Wiu#lll ~af "Q ~"I ~o~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON JUPITER IN ARIES AND SCORPIO:If Jupiter being situated in Aries or Scorpio, the native is cruel, extremely deceitful, destroys the pride of his enemies, earns his living in the shelter of the king and is the supporter of many.

ql'ti'Wdl ~ ~ ll~o~ II

'tl<{~fl'tlt'll)fl"1qlflqt)"1~thiSI8J~ SIOI~Ij~lo: I ~

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON JUPITER IN ARIES AND SCORPIO : If Jupiter being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Mercury the native is of most excellent conduct, does not speak truthful and charming words, finds out the defects "of others, may be subjected to some one through mildness and is deceitful.

"'JW CifeQ)cl
"lf"~ "'I (''lm ~ '11 't1 "1 '{'n<i\lll <; ~ '< Pl4id "1 :di \1!4 't

flSI~iU~ '!VJi 1P,JUIJ ~: ~: ~: ll~o.~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON JUPITER IN ARIES OR SCORPIO: If Jupiter being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Venus, the native gets the happiness of having perfumes, garlands, bed, mat, jewels, wife, clothes and house etc.
~ 'i~Q)cl
<f~ ~ ~: ~

fll?llqt'4'1<{1tt:diM)f~m~ I

~~f...-j~ ~ ~q"'~ ~al?rtft

"''"G'ie: ll~o~ll




JUPITER IN ARIES AND SCORPIO If Jupiter being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Saturn , the native is of avaricious nature, has a horrible appearance, is endowed with courage, devoid of the happiness of having friend and progeny and is hard hearted.

err-~~ <i~if'IC1 tl'fi''<lt1Fci\J14 ~ ~ Tf ~I ~ ~ ~ '<j'<141 ~~+!f.::siJiP~ ~: ll=?of, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON JUPITER IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Jupiter being situated in the sign of Taurus or Libra be aspected by the Sun, the native conquers in a battle, has a wounded body, is endowed with many servants and conveyances and is the king's minister.
~ '!IE4'1C1

~ ~ 'fl'ffif

fcAffi ~ '<j~tl't I

~ ~ ~ ~: ftreiRs+Jtl'<ll"'<ie: I t.?ol911
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON JUPITER IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Jupiter being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by the Moon, the native is endowed with truth, is always mild and gentle, benefactor of others, is of pure heart and is fortunate.

~ <i~if'IC1
~1'4~qqsj~ffnicfct ~I

;:R fiGI'i4i'<q4 ~ ~ "l!J\J11<'14'<'er: lt.?o~ II THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON JUPITER IN TAUR.US AND LIBRA: If Jupiter being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Mars, the native is fortunate, has the happiness of having progeny, is mild and gentle in his speech, is honoured by the king and is of righteous conduct.



~ 1fe4l(1 ttri1;::;jPci11Pi'<d f.!lttl"ti 'fll'liiP<id ~ 1 titntri(11$'i ~ Si!JillfC( ~~ ~: ll~o~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON JUPITER IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Jupiter being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Mercury, the native is a scholar having knowledge of the excellent 'Mantras' (spells), fortunate, gets wealth through the king and has the knowledge of arts.

"JW 1fe4l(1
\":I"'IP<id iU(>Pci'{"'UII<fii ti'Wtl~'ti ~: ~ I ~ ~ 'tj'<'<IWto::fl lljiPI(14iC%h 1l!J'tlj'il'!: ll~qo II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON JUPITER IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Jupiter being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Venus, the native is wealthy, prosperous with beautiful jewels, is endowed with the most excellent conduct and grandeur.
~ 'ile45(1


'SITSi 3'<ill+t+!q)ffiqiCPO!'tl

oR SI!Jillftqg4 ~~scfs~~"' iF!: ll~qq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON JUPITER IN TAURUS AND LIBRA : If Jupiter being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Saturn, the native is endowed with the happiness of most excellent progeny and wife, takes part in the festivities of villages and towns, and is sagacious and shrewd.
~-ijj"lll'ld 'j'(i' 'tR ~ 'ife4l(1

tt t!J?I c: 14 Q '1 fl:t?l tft&i .,) e 1:1 Ptte1 a Fci'< 1wu '1 '1. 1 oR SI!Jiiff<j'<'<l\'il+t;::ft '<FciSI'itC) ~: ll~q=? II



JUPITER IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Jupiter being situated in the sign of Gemini or Virgo be aspected by the Sun, the native has the happiness of having most excellent progeny and wife, is endowed with wealth and friend and he is adorned with bright glory and fame.

~ <i~'MI
~Ofl~d Tl~n:t"'mj-:i'i'<~rnqq),...,.,;.j~

FcHI\JI"'I-1 Elfidtuil

fUif~~ ~q~'(J~q~~~= l~q~ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON JUPITER IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Jupiter being situated in Gemini or Virgo receives the aspect of the Moon, the native is endowed with virtues, does benefit to the village and the city and is adorned with extreme glory.
~ <i~q)(ij

ti 1011"' ''ill a\11 li mmf q;f;f "'t1RvJ Wt ~d "EE I ~ "\JII"tt ~ -;~: ntRI'<f}<ite: I ~q'd II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON JUPITER IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Jupiter being situated in Gemini or Virgo, the native is victorious in the battle, has wounded body and is endowed with wealth and valour.
~ <i~q)(ij 'f.q?IC:I'<IM\il~'tl'ffit54)

~ ~:

"Gafr 1f~W4)Ritt~R""'~'t111 1I'Cffl1t ~ ~ "EE -;~ ~: ll~q'i II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON JUPITER IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Jupiter being gone in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Mercury, the native gets the happiness of having good friend, wife, progeny and wealth, and is a scholar of Astrology and the science of sculpture.



lJW cgfetp('l
l>iltliC:41~'ft?4C64fi!=a: I
~ildltt~: ~: ~ ~tiiV>Qcge


ll=?qf, 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON JUPITER IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Jupiter being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Venus the native has the happiness of having wealth, wife, progeny etc. gets house, tank etc., constructed, engages himself whole heartedly in agriculturing and alWays remains cheerful.
~ <g~Q)('I

'1~~tt<pfH4'fiMg:ffi Ptttt)ffi<i ~I

oR :JHII'1qRi ~

!}"6$)~ m~A11fif!C: ll=?ql911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON JUPITER IN GEMINI AND VIRGO : If Jupiter being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Saturn, the native obtains honour from the king, celebrates festivitie alrr.ost always, is endowed with all virtues and is the chief of the village and the town.
'C6"CCf '<l~lld ~ 1R"

wt 'i~Q)('I

l{Cf "'q q'ltllrot(j df<ji&IPt I ~U!i~'<JDJj it~:~ ~<~N'fiOO "<fctorr ~:I Rq<: II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON JUPITER IN THE SIGN OF CANCER: If Jupiter being situated in Cancer be aspected by the Sun, the native remains devoid of the happines of having wife, progeny and wealth in the former half of his life, but he gets the happiness of having all these in the latter half.
~ <g~Q)('I


~ ~

tliili\'11~i~'<j&)qq""14. I

ttCW'dfil'd \JI'1lli41jai ~ VTf1AT it "iE: ll=?q~ II




JUPITER IN CANCER: If Jupiter being gone in cancer be aspected by the Moon, the native becomes treasury officer in the king's court, is endowed with loveliness, enjoys the happiness of having most excellent conveyance and wealth etc. and is of righteous conduct.
~ '{felll('l

3' "'I'! GI'! I+q '<ill'<' 4l'll Pci :t) '1 f{T\Jj



~~~~~sqPfJH~: IR~oll
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON JUPITER IN CANCER:If Jupiter being gone iri Cancer be aspected by Mars, the native is endowed with progeny, wife, clothes, beautiful jewels, and virtues, is a warrior or champion, is learned and has wounds on his body.
'~~ 'i~Ql('l' ~.1314~t<ll~d'HclRIF.};: 'H<t<ARI!If.};Fcf('l'fldldl4: I ~ OR: crsij)e'<l~lfi:M ~qfowt?l ~tl~l'<tl'ie IR~q 11

THE EFFECTS QF T-HE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON JUPITER IN CANCER: In the event of Jupiter's being gone in Cancer and'-'aspected by Mercury, the native gets all his objectives with the support of his friends, is endowed with righteous tendencies, is wise, valorous and is the king's minister.

l]W 'i fe Ql ('I EI!Hi"'11~~q'11fflGII~-'11'11'(ji&l'11j4('1~: ~:I

3>t~h~ift ~ ~ ~fq~'<)itfl'1 I R~~ II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON JUPITER IN CANCER: If Jupiter being gone in Cancer be aspected by Venus, the native enjoys the grandeur of having many wives and is endowed with many kinds of achievements of happiness due to his sons etc.

~ ~~q;(il


'<1"'11'11_'11!JOii11"6ri'J<'I: '<)"11!J'BII'14~4'<: ~ I

~'1('<1\JI(AI: ~ ~ qlilt4d'l '<'J\<di!jtH ~ II~~~ II

THE EFFECTSOF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON JUPITER IN CANCER: If Jupiter being gone in Cancer be aspected by Saturn, the native is honoured, endowed with jewels, with virtues, of righteous conduct, the chief of the army, chief of the town and the village and extremely talkative.

~ " ~ ~ ~~lf'l(il Cll lll Pel d &II d '1 d) <f '::rimq1rrraetR!=i'd "t.r1 <# 4~\1 '{ I

wf :


!OI!Jlllff<jHI\JI'{Ull: ~ ~ '!'I'<IIJI'ti'tll.f: II~~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON JUPITER IN THE SIGN OF LEO: If Jupiter being gone in Leo receives aspect from the Sun, the native has the habit of spending lavishly, is reputed, deceitful, gains wealth from the king and performs _many auspicious deeds.
"'iR:" ~ ~q; ('I
!01 '<1 "1

'!f{1 .,..,l"'"d~~d"'"'lJrf~>;r 't:fl ~ gti !Oil aoq.j

q GI"'ll '1_ I

!Jlllft!J"liti ~: 1tPtliC6'ie: q;~~~ti'tll.f: II~~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON JUPITER IN LEO: If Jupiter being gone in Leo be aspected by the Moon the native is of cheerful disposition, is devoid of the .purity of the mind, obtains wealth through the medium of his wife and is liberal and bountiful.
~ ~~lf'l(il

liT"'ll) ~ .,..,!JO'"'I'r1't:ft'<~~mol



~~t4;'<1~~~ ~sR:"l...t;)qfolci~Sqf.IJH ~ ll~~f, II




JUPITER IN LEO: If Jupiter being situated in Leo be aspected by Mars, the native is recognised by the most exc~llent persons, endowed with virtues, periorms dignified and most excellent deeds skilfully.
~q 'i~4H'1

'Jl\I~Pi+i\olfc!Jt ~ !JOIIU Ji'J: 'f41ffi~q) ilfiOII"t I

qlo\)fci{"'lfl ~ ~: 'RIIfffit:~ ~ ~ ll:?~l911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON JUPITER IN LEO: If Jupiter being posited in Leo be aspected by Mercury, the native is skilled in the manner of building house etc, is most excellent among the virtuous, is the king's minister and is skilful in the pleasure of speech.

wP 'i~Q){"'
~qfcil'll<+il\14C::'f1!.J: cpl'*li\JI"''s\)fcicp'<) ~:I

~ ~ ~ ~ ill~'<~ft"''ll=?:?t II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON JUPITER IN LEO: If Jupiter being gone in Leo be aspected by Venus the native obtains high post through the king, pleases women and recognizes virtues in others.


~ "tf;:i ~ ~ cp'llli\"ll~ Rllti)Rtci TJ I ~~ +i'(;dl+i+ilfq:~: q4~ft"1

ere: II:?~Q,II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON JUPITER IN LEO: If Jupiter being gone in Leo be. aspect~d by Saturn, the nati'l(e is devoid of happiness, is dirty (wicked), most excellent speaker, has a weak and lean body and is devoid of festivity.
'!'tl'<l~l'tlq ~ "tR ~ 'i~Q){"'

-mrr fcl'(;oat'CI+i81q ;::i ~~\iil-."11~ TJ ~+i"'''RI"t 1 ft I':{C(I+i : 'RII Rilld "f'<TTTi uM~ ~ Jl"ll'ffi I R~o II



JUPITER IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Jupiter being situated in the sign of Sagittarius and Pisces be aspected by the Sun the native is extremely opposed to the king, is hostile even to the sensitive hearted and always has several enemies.


. 'lj'lf4d ~ ~lll~llt'CII~ !illl~EIIq I

~\illd~fcrfuf~~:~: 11=?~'111
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON JUPITRER IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Jupiter being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by the Moon the native is dignified due to the progress of wealth and fortune, loves particularly his wife, is happy and courteous.

tl{i'<4i4~1ff ~tll4~ ~~


4'C~44il'<lf1mf Sl1'l4f<( ~: ~: R!~Vl'1


II=?~=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Jupiter being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mars the native has wounded body., is skilled in the art of fighting battles, engaged in doing violence, is excessively cruel in disposition and is bountiful.


14'1~ Grm~Sl'l44'1j&~44""1: I

qi(~4Cf>l'<l~'<~<bR"lt1'1 -;ffi ~

"<'m ~ .ll=?n 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Jupiter being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mercury the native obtains high privileges and rights due to the kindness of the king, is endowed with wife, wealth and grandeur and is of bountiful disposition.



l]W 'i~q; (ij '<j'81)qq""'i ~~ ~ ~ iflihqlfRI'<IW'I1'1"t I

"fi SI!Ji4lri'ij\Ji ~ ~fll\ltl'i!Cl PIIJ'I"'PG'<~:

II~~~ II

THE EFFECS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON JUPITER IN SAGITIARIUS AND 1 PISCES: If Jupiter being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Venus, the native is happy and prosperous, endowed with wealth, remains cheerful, is learned and always grand and affluent.

TJf.r 'i ~q; (ij

~ ffi&l'tj~~ifl-1 flill"'fiiJ1H'14'<1~ 'il' I
~<fA~~: ~illffi1Gl'1 S1RIC1'1Cfll"'l'1: I~~~ II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON JUPITER IN SAGITIARIUS AND PISCES: If Jupiter being gone in Sagittarious or Pisces be aspected by Saturn, the native gets discharged from his position, is devoid of happiness and progeny and wretched and miserable.

lfclR-~ lR ~ 'i~Cjj(ij !01 if1 "'1 Cfll Pd "W!q I[)q ('1 lfi nq.n'<'JuqCfi,...,.,l '<r.:IG..,.'<"'"dfr.l:ifl~l')rr~au"t I

~~~~liGIWN~~~: ll~~f,ll
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON JUPITER IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Jupiter being gone in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by the Sun, the native is of cheerful nature, speaks most excellently, is bountiful and respectful to those whose benefactor he is. and is the most excellent in his lineage.
~ 'i~lf)(ij


'tj~<'l) 1:14i?Jl414i 'tjd'<I!JGI'<: I

";ffi~ ~

uM ~t9?II~'1'i<e 11~~1911




JUPITER IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Jupiter being gone in the sign of Capricorn and Aquarius be aspected by the Moon the native bears the burden of supporting his family, is endowed with sharp intellect, is of most excellent conduct, performs religious rites, is extremely generous, proud and is devoted to his father and mother.

1lfrl <il:e q; ('I

~: IH'II<:ItiCIRi: '!J'&I'11j4(1fd:.R"q I

~ ~ :tiPI"''Pi:::'<~ f.RT~ ~'<u?I'!J~'1 I R~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS CN JUPITER IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Jupiter being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mars, the native gets success in his objectives, is glorious and increases happiness to others.

'ifeq; ('I

~ ~ qPitujt<'i ~qfs!;~12f ~ Pltu'*l'i_ I

~ ~ lRmi ~~'<A epic: :tiPI"''Pi:::'<f: II=?~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE. ASPECT OF MERCURY ON JUPITER IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Jupiter being posited in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mercury the native is always of peaceful disposition, follows his wife in every thing, and performs the religious rites readily and promptly._


'i feq; ('I

~<t~~~~<PI~: ~: "'!:z:4'14RIS11811'1)~: I
'flllt'{'<Hl: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ll=?'dO II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON JUPITER IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Jupiter being placed in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Venus, the native is endowed with leaming, discrimination,



wealth and virtues and .realises his aspirations through the king.

~ 'i~4lt1

~fcr;fut~~~~: ll~~qll
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON JUPITER IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Jupiter being gone in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius the native has many desires, is prosperous with the many excellent virtues, endowed with house, wealth, property etc, celebrated and courteous.

;)'q-~ lJWCR ~ 'i~q;(1 pq IPci ~) ~ i q tWft~ I"t1 '181 q -:-::vtm14,.1'""UI-P-Ptr.:d""C4""'~.911..-.q;"'"t I

~Uif~'<IUii d'<~il~'ie:


lJwT ~ ~ ~ ~


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON VENUS IN THE SIGN OF ARIES AND SCORPiO: If Venus being situated in the sign of Aries or Scorpio, be aspected by the Sun, the native gets special favour from the king and thinks and believes that the conduct of women is always unreliable.
"iR 'i~4lt1
.t$! tHI Rle .,.,ii'-C1rf.~~'d""fl'"'Ri*"

q; I"'I g'< till ~ p Ri

"lnmf"t I

~ ~ ~w)l\41(1) ~: "<.Ff: :t'i\t~q;~UI

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON VENUS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Venus being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by the Moon, the native enjoys the most excellent position, is endowed with vblatile disposition, and has the defect of being 9xtremely lustful.



~ 't~4lcl
~~~fA~ fh)EtHlR:i4~


~:~fH'It1'14tcl4'M:~ ~~~t1'1~'1 cp!: ll=l~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON VENUS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Venus being gone in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Mars, the native is devoid of wealth, property and happiness, is wretched and miserable and extremely dirty (vicious).

~ 't~4lcl
~ t<l~~'<'lti1ll44'<1'!\:!j& Ti I

~ ~ -.R ft ~ -uw= ~ wre= ll=l~~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON VENUS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Venus being situated in Aries or Scorpio receives the asp~ct of Mercury the native is 'Anarya' (is not an Aryan, that is, is not one whose deeds are most excellent), is devoid of wealth and progeny, lacking in his own intelligence and capability, is cruel and stealer of others' wealth.

~ 1~4lcl ij)cl?I!J?Itfc: 'tlo& : ~

tl('qj 144) I

Ptf WRl Rlo\'ld"t I

\3C:t'<~'ti SI4)'1)RI1Wlf ~ ~ti!I!J'<': ~~ ~~~~G II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON' VENUS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Venus being gone in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Jupiter the native gets the happiness of having wife and progeny, has a handsome body, is courteous and liberal minded.

l1f.f 1~4lcl
~ 'SI11Ri ll'Rf

'CI"GRl t<I\JI'"IIj41d"t I ~ "\JI"Rt ft!RI!J?I'I~ ~: fmn 111j'tlli'1 ere: ll~~l911




VENUS IN ARIES AND SCORPIO:If Venus being situated in Aries or Scorpio be. aspected by Saturn the native keeps his wealth hidden, is of peaceful disposition, is honourable, bountiful and takes decisions according to the will of his coborns.

crt-wn fum~~ 1te4i<'l

SI~<PI~ Pl\11~lt+1~1~

qi(l'fj""11~ ~'iql~o?t~: ~ ';;i '<'l1ffi ~:I

ftffi lJ$ ~~

11=?'6~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON VENUS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Venus being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by the Sun, the native obtains the happiness of having most excellent wife, wealth, conveyance etc.

1fe4i <'I
~S+11H~f.a:tll~ I


"R: ~: ~<tqlfl'tl<'ili(i: '('(\)~l<'l~~~'t3>RiiRI"'9>1<e 11=?'6~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON VENUS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Venus being gone in Taurus or Libra be aspected by the Moon, the native enjoys the pleasure of flirting with prostitutes , is chief in his lineage, has clear intellect, is of good character and endowed with' melodious speech.
~ <ile4i<'l 1~1~'ffli!!ll'l4~d ~ <PR:ismijl~q)q<'l~ I
~Uii~i(luli C:jGl91i +14J "(<<lf!?Ft:j'(41.(: ~RI~':>Iiie: ll=?~o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON VENUS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Venus being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Mars the native remains devoid of the happiness of owning a house and gets defeated in battle.




~~~~~~ fJRitigti"'ffl ~~ ~N!J'<': SI~Uif"'l~ gtiil'<iltj'<ja'1 ~: ll=?'i'lll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON ,VENUS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Venus being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Mercury, the native is endowed with virtues, of charming, gentle nature, extermely powerful, strong and patient.

"1'<' <i felj) (1 .

'<1Q I~ '1 1'1 I


'<jfli ?I !J?I ~ f<l 0 II~ (j) I"11 't I PIG1~}1'1llltt: ft:Rt: '<j'<liii4PI~~d}l~t( I t.?'i=? II
.,....JP.Ij%'Tii~ihjmi 0.,..11"l:rij

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON VENUS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Venus being gone in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Jupiter, the native obtains most excellent conveyance; a number of wives, good friends, progeny, wealth and property etc.


~~=~~~sRtcfl"l:l 11~BI'<!d'i PI\JI~}I'1llid ~: "<jt) ~lj'<jd'1 ~ ll=?'i~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON VENUS IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Venus being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Saturn , the native is afflicted by disease, is devoid of good conduct, of happiness and wealth and is penurious.

~-<!Ril furn ~ 'tR ~




!JDiiPcltl V}l"'llt="'?l'f"""dmSir.\~...,}ljrD'{ I

~Uif~~ ~fqj'(i:~~~~~: ll=?'i'dll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON VENUS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Venus being gone in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by the Sun the native



is an officer of the inner or women's quarters in the palace of the king, endowed with courtesy, with virtues and appreciates the Shastras in depth.
~ <i~4)('1
'fi~~CI'<?IIR:"g&)qq~ ;%)C'1'itt~Wl <ll+iC1T.IIO(jJi?l"t I

:glri~tl"'llli ~

Sl3l<lfq ~~

"i!J~'Rj<ie: 11=?'1'111

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON VENUS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Venus being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by the Moon the native is happy due to having most excellent grains and clothes, has eyes as beautiful as is a blue lotu~. and is endowed with black hair.
~ <i~lfl(1

~l'<llpqd: ~: C61"diPI~=d ~PcloJC<l<l: ~

3l<lf~'<IDIIjlll'11: "!ICi)Jlf ~~:

~ ~: IJ=?'if.ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECTS OF MARS ON VENUS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Venus being gone in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Mars, the native is fortunate, is proficient in the skills or wiles of Kam Deva (Cupid) and spends much on his wife.


~ +i~ICII~'1Pcl't1CJ~ fl'114Rit'Ci 4~CIIHfi64'{ I

3ll4f~i(JDIIjlll"'l: ~. ~~~6 ~ c;:e-: 11=?'11911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON VENUS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Venus being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Mercury, the native is a scholar, increases most excellent conveyance and wealth, is the general of the king's army and is happy with regard to his family.




~: ll'tl~:fl~t:~f<ARI": I
~ 1t~ctftf4<J~)q~ta ~


~q 3 '()~a'1 II~~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON VEUNS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Veuns being situated in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Jupiter, the native is endowed with most excellent intellect, is extremely magnificent, of cheerful disposition and extremely modest.

~ <it!Lfict ~ ~ fcrfcffi> ~~ 'tlc!GI"t)~ti "ill ~ qs'()t'l)q '1'~11\Jl: '<'fl"'lfi"'\Jlal ~iff!:: II ~~q, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF.SATURN ON VENUS IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Venus being gone in Gemini or Virgo be aspected .by Saturn, the native gets defeated in battles, is of volatile disposition, remains alone and is extremely unhappy and deserted by all.
q;cf; ~ "WP "Y"'<" '' if '1Fi(: 'fl'<)l1lj(Ej(Cf~(:

"wt <it!Lfict
i('4(t\{'(1Ej; ~ '<l~voo"..,"1-":l

~t'lll~d q;cf>'<t~l~ld ~st:ciRHI. ll~f,o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON VENUS IN THE SIGN OF CANCER: If Venus being placed in the sign of Cancer receives aspect from the Sun, the native gets trouble due to his wife's being of wrathful disposition and is oppressed by his enemies.

<i fe q; (1

cp"'411l\Jll'{<fC63?1ctl~ ~ Ei<lhqtftlt I

~Uif'SI'<IO(j (\~Oflit<it!: ~~'<~ ~: I ~f,C! It

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON VENUS IN CANCER: If Venus being situated in Cancer be aspected by the Moon, the native f1rst becomes the



father of a daughter and later on of a sor:~, gets happiness from his step mother and is extremely grand.


"Gm ..-:t:d""':t=i'3mq.&lJ ~ -:rnt'l&l '1 -gffi ~:

ftffi ~

ll=?f,=? II

~ Cfli'*IICfd~'*llllffl ~ Cflcf>eJI

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON VENUS .IN CANCER: If Venus being situated in Cancer be aspected by Mars the native is proficient in arts, destoryer of his enemies, intelligent and worried with regard to the matters relating to his wife.

3a- 'i fe 4l (1
Fcl'tliwc?Joi ~ ~ Cfl<1?i~?l)~q<_;~l G1'1lf\&ld TflfQ ~ ~ CfflC2t: 3>R'i'<)qJt1~ ~: IRf,~ II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON VENUS IN CANCER: If Venus being gone in Cancer be aspected by Mercury the native is foremost in the field of education and learning, is endowed with virtues, recognizes virtues in others, is unhappy due to his wife and son and is deserted by his own men.

~ Cfllfl!o%)'<jjfl'i'84't I

31Riilg'<jC::I~ ill'<l~Ri ~
~llqi1'1RI<1iti ~ ~~

'!j'<qRI!J'<''itl 1Wfq: ctlcf>c:w: ll=?f,~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON VENUS IN CANCER: If Venus being situated in Cancer be aspected by Jupiter, the native is extremely shrewd, generous, endowed with virtuous conduct, is courteous, intelligent, is endowed with wealth, is happy due to having wife and progeny and is sweet in his speech.



Tlf.i <it!lfi (1
tiC{Cl'd'tfl'84)qlHi l'ffiTtf ~ ~ qPltURitd "i1 I ~ 'tiiJ1'1lli+jjlili ~: q;clJ<id: ltidi'l.<4: I R~'1 II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON VENUS IN CANCER: If Venus being gone in Cancer be aspected by Saturn the native is devoid of virtuous conduct, unhappy, lacking in wealth, always fails in his efforts, remains in the power or control of his wife and is dismissed from his position.

fttt:' \ll~l'ld ~ ~ ~ <it!lficl

'McafRI'fiqf.'ift~~=u~ltt: <PRr~~ ~: 1 w~clq;ri!4~ Cfl ": ~ ftWm


II=?~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON VENUS IN THE SIGN OF LEO: If Venus being gone-in the sign of leo be aspected by the sun, the native increases his desires by competing with other, has gains through his wife and owns camels etc.

'if! If) (1
~6 '+t~ttjq<#J qt'fi~)Ur ~61


~ Jrml1 i;jGl~>t41 ~: Rit:ia) ~ ~ 11=?~\9 II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON VENUS IN LEO: If Venus being situated in Leo be aspected by the Moon, the native has two mothers, is opposed to his wife and is endowed with grandeur.

~ q;"GcfiJ11dC4'<1'11~ I

~ ~ iJ'I'IiiJI'tiM ~h~tu1JSqP!Jl'1 cte": II=?~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON VENUS IN LEO: If Venus being situated in 'Leo be aspected by Mars, the native is a favourite of the king, is endowed



with wealth and property, remains in subjection to the addictions relating to passion (sexual desire).

'3q Ci fe If) (1
~'11Pcid -:r.i'!imJ~'i!'il\~~il~mffi~ ~ ~ 1

~~~q;:;f] ~ ~ ~: '<'t)"''<jd"' ~:II~GQ, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON VENUS IN LEO: If Venus being situated in Leo be aspected by Mercury, the native is prosperous and wealthy, hoards wealth, is greedy and reprehensible due to his being excessively lustful and having too much sexual. desire.


~"'qll\"'l(ftl'l iiliHI"'Io:iG"'<!fll'ffiM: I fclt!41dq;"'f 'q "'!'~11Ji ~ R=il\ld "'R: ~ ll~l9o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON VENUS IN LEO:If Veuns being situated in Leo be aspected by Jupiter, the native is a Minister of the king, is wealthy, endowed with conveyances, enjoys the happiness of having a number of wives, progeny and servants and performs famous deeds.



~ ~ ~'1'<1\Jiq~ ~fll~d: ~4'<jd'1 ~: ll~l9q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON VENUS IN LEO: If Venus being gone in Leo be aspected by Saturn , the native is sharer of extreme prosperity of all types like the king or is a magistrate.



Qj-~ ~ lJW "tR ~ Ci~lf)('l ~ 1mi ~ tt=ttMd ePclr.:rii=q"ii:::> Pcl~t'1q1q_

'11'11~:tiSII'<141o:i ~ S'l4fttjw) ~ ~: 11~!9~ II



VENUS IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Venus being gone in the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces, the native is of wrathful disposition, is learned, fortunate, is endowed with wealth and wanders in various countries.
~ Cife4H1 t1 til \it '11 i!l '1 Pcl \!I \it '11 ;:j ~ fcr.fu:t fiS~ 1 gm '1. I

aR~~-R~ ~~~:1~19~11
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Venus being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by the Moon, the native is most excenent, is honoured by the king, is glorious, courteous, endowed with many kinds of enjoyments, patient and very strong.

"i fe lf) (it

~<MtltU ~ "SS"tt'Sf 4wdl'iH'1Q'1~ ~:JU<l"t I tl!ii~'11Gii ~ ~ ~~\Tlll(il<l<Ji~'(Jw: I ~l9'd II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Venus being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mars the native is destroyer of his enemies, wealthy, of cheerful disposition, loves women, is the doer of auspicious deeds and owns most excellent conveyances.

"i fe lf) (it

~'ffi1tttc;~1Pl ~ 1:f'{l !futiW!JUii j'<>'1~\!'C1/.l) ~t'lll~d: ''111~~'1 C{l!: I ~l9'i II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Venus being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mercury the native obtains most excellent conveyance, wealth, jewels etc. and always remains happy due to his getting excellent food.



~ CifelfR'I


qf.ldl'<j'&l"''l't I

C6'<1fllqJfEi ~:~~~ ll~19f,ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Venus being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Jupiter, the native remains happy due to his having horse, gold, clothes, jewels, most excellent elephant and wife.


'!'t;s;)lfll&:~)'t'l+t<64auui Pif4)ffiq)cq;!fgd '<jPci'd't I

~ ~ !J'6)t:l1Jo) ~('ll,rn(l) ~18 11~1919 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN. ON VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Venus being situated in Saittarius or Pisces be aspected by Saturn , the native enjoys most excellent things, is the doer of excellent deeds, celebrates festivities daily and is endowed with wealth earned through most excellent means.

~-~ "JW ~
~ ~

w:t Cifetjj(ii
~ ;,:'Hrr.i'<"-Pcim'<miGI~+trnJr::l"''~'t I

C61"diltiC'Ii~: ~ SI!Jilif'{ ~: ~~~: II~19C II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON VENUS IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Venus being gone in Capricorn or Aquarius receives aspect from the Sun, the native is a person of fixed mind,. magnificent, extremely wealthy, endowed 'with strength and has extreme sexual desire.


~GtR<i4 ""T.Irr.I'6""'1"'J~.9tt-::r.'<limfeiil wpe'Hf<l ~'1qJi:\'1l~'t 1.

~~ 'IJPI)t:l!Jo) ~:w=r: 'l'i'lti<P~o,









VENUS IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Venus being gone in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by the Moon the native is resplendent, endowed with a charming body, with extreme power and strength, with great wealth and with many conveyances.
+f1R;f ~1!4R1





fllbl~ C:l"'lq'<IGI'i\V'4: ~ "ttli'tlt11<1ll'tl!J: ll~<::o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON VENUS IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Venus being placed in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mars, the native is extremely afflicted with disease and squanders away his wealth by doing worthless things.
~ ~j!Q)(1

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CIOC1SI4~1 ~elf}qc;tl'ti '1Jj\ii Slflllf<t ~: ~af.;rrrffi ~: I ~<::q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON VENUS IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Venus being gone in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mercury, the native knows the method of working of the learned, is contented, a scholar, endowed with strength, extermely deceitful and scheming and has melodious speech.
~ ~j!Q)(1
~ru"'r.:' <'"4:rrnr ~""''<:r.'q'"l.,;;c;~qTi!IEI""~r:r.ut':l1l..,d""~""".-s. Ji1'i\,m::r.;c;"'"~~: ~til

'flii""'11"'1Ci) C:l"'lq'!IUI'i\~ 'tl~\1'4~~ ttiPI+tPci'l~ I~<::~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON VENUS IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Venus being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Jupiter, the native is interested in perfumed objects, garlands, clothes, most excellent musical instrument and is pure.


~ iill4i(ii


Sl 't1 ~ 11 ?i


-BfclrP.~~?i"""(ii'"'l+i ~ "11 Of1"11 q llt"1 'tljffF84't I

!f4{~4 Cil"1qq"'G~q) ~~: ll~l~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF SATURN ON VENUS IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Venus being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Saturn, the native is of cheerful disposition, is profited by having gains in a number of ways and is happy due to having wealth, wife, conveyance and progeny.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ill4i(ii (j(iil4hu11filtt1Q;orn;i tf?lfbi414i ~ ~ I 'tlttti4'<1:ffi Gi'1llriijt4 '4'1'11('14'<'4: ~IPi'<cfiiie: ll~l~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON SATURN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Saturn being situated in the sign of Aries or of Scorpio be aspected by the Sun the native is prosperous with the wealth of buffaloes, cows, sheep and goats, always engaged in doing agricultural work and engrossed in doing good deeds.
TRI" 'ire., (ij

#IT.ilj41d ~ ~ ~ ~: 4~4Rad

"T.I" I

!f4[c;q~(j ~ ~ ~ '\-<jfl4~'1ti'<'4: I~l~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON SATURN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Saturn being gone in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by the Moon, the native lives in the company of base persons, is inconstant, of wicked disposition and devoid of happiness and wealth.

ii ll4i(ii 31 "1 toq \11 (i\j 1 t1 't1 t<l C: I~ <lmf~Hffi \11 It1 fcl "1 <c filii'! I ~ "\1l"l"('f ""1"j 1tTj'<B: ~ "if!!: !f\114 ~ 'lti '<'4: I ~l ~ II




SATURN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Saturn being gone in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Mars, the native is extremely talkative, devoid of the most excellent things, fails in all his objectives and loses wealth.

~~ 1~4)<'1 i:1)44H{Cf)<'I(IIRttN4



~ "ft ~Scfs'1"G'1) ~: ll=?ll911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON SATURN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Saturn being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Mercury, the native tends to be .thief, remains engaged in making quarrels etc., and is devoid of wife and festivity.
~ 1~4)('1 ~: ~ iq'fii11~d!JiBlldlil~d'{l ~ 4PIG1c'!tlli1itl:~~ 1~a11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON SATU.RN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Saturn being gone in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Jupiter, the native is endowed with happiness and wealth, is a king's minister and a person of the highest position in the king's court..



~ Fc!Cf)iPti qJqJif'11'flmi1ffl Fcl~'tl'{ 1

~ ~ aifttGII<'IliOO "'11'1)'RI1\'") ~ ~: I ~l~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON SATURN IN ARIES AND SCORPIO: If Saturn being situated in Aries or Scorpio be aspected by Venus, the native undergoes many travels, is la'ck lustre, is attached to a sinful corrupt woman and remains perturbed in mind.



<r' g<>ttid ~ 1R ~ cgf!Cfi<'l

Pcltti~ill~ ~Sftiq'ffil ~ ~U "fJRI': I o~~i\'l'!iCRtiqq;~ot



'J!tfq~il+i'tiiM ~~~~o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON SATURN IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Saturn being gone in Taurus or Libra be aspected by the Sun, the native speaks much on 'Shastriya' subject, takes his meals at another man's house, is penniless and of peaceful disposition.

cgf!Cfi <'I

iqSitfic:ltl+i~lfUcm' 4~tt1Pcl\"'l<i4\C\itld'Cfi64'(1 4<>ttPtld ~;}l.,~""tjt>4 l'f'G: ftmel ~~oue;cge: ~~~~q 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON SATURN IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Saturn being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by the Moon, the native gets a higher post due to the kindness of the king, is happy due to having wife, jewels, clothes etc and is very strong.

cg f!Cfi<'l

'tiUi+iq;fqf~ Pidt"'dto'l&q\i1(4 T.l +if.\di'tiii:;'l_ I

~qf;;;j~ Rpqq;\(~ ~ 1j!JGII<'tq'("'-J: I R~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON SATURN IN TAURUS AND LI6RA: If Mars being situated in Taurus and Libra be aspected by Mars, the native always remains engaged in fighting battles, speaks too much and remains extremely cheerful.

JC' cg f!Cfi <'I

=~'.c. '~-' q;f"'di\Cm 'iiil\i1"1fjqfoi I<J"'IGt>~u .. 'Co o... : I

crcfl4t~'tii64'lil ~~""tjl\ll: w;ft ftree'f illflti(jjcge I R~~ II




SATURN IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Saturn being situated in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Mercury, the native remains infatuated with his wife, lives in the company of low wicked persons, wastes away time in humour and pleasure, is devoid of wealth and has friendship with impotent persons.

~ <tfel6i'l
q'('jqq;'~ ""<p~tt~P.r.:.'ttrtif!fdF.!r: ~

-g ~ ~ :ft!ffiu1

C::iti)Eil\'l '<1cl\il'1~<18 ~ fml~ ~ ~ II:?~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON SATURN IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Saturn being gone in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Jupiter the native is worried by the griefs of others, is bountiful, assiduous and is the object of affection of all.

~ <tfel6('1 '<11~('11<{ qf.:itUPci('ll'<f ~ 1qfi'<41~"{ I !f<lf'SI'<IDii tt'<o'I'RI1\\JI: ~: lljtPJ~ "55'ttl'((': II:?C::'i II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON SATURN IN TAURUS AND LIBRA: If Saturn being gone in Taurus or Libra be aspected by Venus, the native has gains of gems etc., remains always ready to have sensuous plea!)lure with his wife.
~-q;;;qjlt!ffl :t1Pi4'< ~ <tfel6('1


!f<lf'SI~ Rl+iq;'<'f4 ~ ~: I!:?~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON SATURN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Saturn being situated in the sign of Gemini or Virgo be aspected by the Sun, the native is devoid of happiness, lives in the company of inferior type of persons, is not religious, keeps enmity with others but is full of patience.



T.Ar ii~ if) (it Slff 4 1~1q~!H11C::I&IEtili:IC6i'<)~~cfild'lR:i: I

~~en ON: tt~l'""'~ ~s~'1~<1r.ri'lf~~"IT.'ii.ue ~~~~1911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON SATURN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Satum being posited in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by the Moon, the native has cheerful appearance, makes progress by getting a place with the grace of the king and is an officer over women.

~ iit!ificl gcpe~P.ii ~ ~ ~ ~ -:q -R ~ 1

+l)'fiM\Jiil)?llti~Scfs'ttJ"f\'!ijiie: q~~C6itilll~~{; II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON SATURN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Saturn being gone in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Mars, the native is extremely prudent and intelligent, is practical in behaviour, famous and serious.

~ iit!ifi (it
Q"1 I f.\ld

T.i I'<I if


fcr;fut <fl <'1~ <i 't1 if'< C6 4c:: @{ I

fm;q~~ Si!f~fffi'lw)fS<'t':~: ~~~~II

THE EFFECS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON SATURN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Saturn being placed in the sign of Gemini or Virgo receives the aspect of Mercury, the native is wealthy . has most excellent intellect, is courteous, has love for music and is skilled in sculputre.

~ ii~lfi(ij ~~:~:firo:'W<'ti~ ~I ~ if"'GT.I'<) ~ t'QI\1$1\CI~Iff'M: ''<'{Glfiie: ll~oo II




SATURN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Saturn being gone in Gemini or Virgo be aspected by Jupiter, the native lives under the shelter of the king, is endowed with excellent virtues, is loved by the good natured and the gentle, keeps hidden wealth and is intelligent.

!JW Cif!lf)(1
4)11Rt\ttiC6'<UJ ~ ~~+ifj"<d Plt'ii"d"{l e?l'<im~'ti $1C6'C)fa ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~oq II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON SATURN IN GEMINI AND VIRGO: If Saturn being placed in the sign of Gemini or Virgo, the native is skilled in making jewels for women, sincerely engaged in doing good deeds and is religious and heartily attached to his wife.

"C6Cf; fum V1f.r "tR ~ 'i(!lf)(1

311'1;;:c;C::I'<i~Pcicl)filt'J'1: ~ q)~t'lf:ll

+ii~4~itMiliC6'<) "1"<": +41"1~ !f(>\'\'()qid~ ll~o=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON SATURN IN THE SIGN OF CANCER: If the Saturn being gone in the sign of Cancer be aspected by the Sun the native remains devoid of happiness, wife,wealth, most execllent food and gives extreme pain to his mother.

'i (!If) (1

Pili!~.;~~ ~ "ifl !f4fSI"<IDii ~+tu'J'R11..\Jf: !fc;\)HiOO ~\JI'<i\JI'ie: I~o~ II


THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON SATURN IN CANCER: If Saturn being 'gone in Cancer be aspected by the Moon, the native causes trouble to his coborn and his mother but he certainly increases his wealth.





lclC{a!cl : afrorq;~q'<U ~sfq I

'flliriilj'l) ~. ~ lft)fill'tjd"1 ~ ll~o~ II THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON SATURN IN CANCER: If Saturn being gone in Cancer be aspected by Mars, the native is devoid of strength, has a weak body but is endowed with grandeur by the wealth given to him by the king.

JCI' Cifelfi ('I

qiPciclr;aq;fa"f'rse"1!JRill~~~&Fcl~N~ ~: 1

~sfq OR: 'fllltclichiifliPI VFl) ~ ll~o~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON SATURN IN CANCER: If Saturn bieng gone in Cancer be aspected by Mercury the native utters words having bitterness, has great interest in journeys and travels, runs many kinds of trades, is egotistic and shrewd.

'(("'1q(~'1Fcl\'ldl'<~ I


~ ~ "''J'1'Ctr 'i1A) ~q<ifegfGr ~ VFl) li~Ofc II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON SATURN IN CANCER: If Saturn being situated in Cancer be aspected by Jupiter the native is prosperous as he has lands, progeny, house, wife, wealth, gems, conveyance and jewels.

1JW <i felfi(ij

\3C::I'<ttlfiwtllv'll"': 'ffi-<444f+iclqi1Tc:icliff: I Ti fclfA'r lfj\il1 ~: ~ q;ci;ra~ 1~o\911
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON SATURN IN CANCER: If Saturn being situated in Cancer be aspected by Venus, the native is devoid of generosity, dignity, respect, beaut}', excellence and melodious speech.



fm 'CI~IId ~ 1N ~ t{felfi(ii

~ q ~ ""'t'l"""ctfl:r::ti""''t'l"""f4~).... 't'I.......~:M~~.ri!\.~e

-..~fafl;fl~:~~~ ll~o<:ll
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON SATURN IN THE SIGN OF LEO: If Saturn being situated in. the sign of Leo be aspected by the Sun the native is devoid of wealth, property, conveyance, good conduct and excellent means of living.
"iRf t{felfi (ij

~ cp(ii?iftl?llt'if\JI'fl'lt!4'lffl't I

Si't'l?l~ ~Scfi'Clj;f~ ~ ~Ruiit{t:: ll~o~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON . SATURN IN LEO: If Saturn being gone in Leo receives aspect from the Moon, the native obtains the happiness of having precious gems, jewels, extremely bright fame, wife, friend, progeny etc. and is of cheerful disposition.
~ t{f@Q)(ij

'thii+i(j)4uli~~!JDI: 'tlii('Cj)i'(IDlllifl;fl ~: ~ :I

~ ~ ~lj't{4'1 ~ ~-q l~qoll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON SATURN IN LEO: If Saturn being gone in Leo be aspected by Mars the native is extremely skilled in the deeds of battle, without compassion, wrathful and of cruel disposition.

JCi t{f@Q)(ij
\:f'ilif'11'Clj"gi9'1 ~


Tl ~I

~ '\JI'I'ti dQ'i'tll "C1j: ~: ~U I ~qq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON SATURN IN LEO: If Saturn being situated in Leo be aspected by Mercury, the native is devoid of the



happiness of obtaining w.ealth, wife and progeny, given to wretchedness, and always remains engaged in doing base deeds.

~ fi~lfi(ij 'Ci~?I!J?ii~!Jtfl'<i~ti ~ Wifl ~ ~ofltt( I -rt !J'BIIif4Ri ~ 'tfl~M~oo '!J'<i'D1l ~: I ~q~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON SATURN IN LEO: If Saturn being situated in Leo-be aspected by Jupiter the native is endowed with a good friend, progeny and good qualities, is famous, of good conduct, is extremely humble and courteous and lords a village and a city.

1JW fi~Cfi.(ij
~ ~l~'lftl ~8 itjtl'<i~d 4PittiSit18'{ I

!flli"'1jtili M.,fll "l1j:

qsqn.,.,'<tit ~!J'<Jjfit!C:

IJ~q~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON SATURN IN LEO: If Saturn being gone in Leo be aspected by Venus the native is prosperous as he obtains the happiness of having wealth, preperty, conveyance and comforts but is grieved on account of his wife.

'til if!.,... j(j ~ lR ~ fi~lfi(ij ~ wnftt ClfNqi~l 't4~SI~Ri Q'l"1"<:P!~ I

~ ~q!J'<~'Cii~


~ ll~q~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON SATURN IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Saturn being situated in the sign of Sagittarius or. Pisces be aspected by the Sun the 'native obtains fame, earns wealth, is extremely dignified and loves another man's son, that is, he is the father of an adopted son.



':":\Jir::l'1a;\11T.I fcl!ng .... m"""l '11 "'ia lll t1 it'C 01 Sill Itt : 1

fl C(t!'tlltii cfJ

~ -<iffi'l~ ;g~\JiQiclli'ISCiji'ice ll~q'i II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE MOON ON SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Saturn being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by the Moon the native is of good conduct, devoid of the happiness of having mother, has two names, and obtains the Mappiness of having wealth, wife and progeny.
~ 'i~l6(1

qlttiPtici e~)q;fci'<i<&~t! Slqi~4 ~ CiR)ffr I

"'R': ~m;giP!fllfll"'lu~ "'ido\5~'51: ;g'C"'P-?io~ ~

1~q~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON SATURN IN SAGGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Saturn being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mars the native is afflicted by windy disease (rheumatism), conducts himself towards others against the customs and usages of the world, lives in a foreign land is extremely wretched.


~ \:1'1ql"ilcP"Ioi ~:1
"'R': fiC:ItU'Cfci'<I\JI"'I'1: 'fA)~ !J'<i"'f.G'<W I~ql911

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Saturn being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Mercury the native is most excellent due to his good qualities, wealthy, obtains authority from the king and is endowed with good conduct.

~ 'i~16(1
~'CIA: '!d'114Ptfqf ~ i!iclqi""(jtrlcl: I
11""11'1q) ~ ~ ~ u\)q~ ~ ll~q<; II




SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Saturn being gone in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Jupiter, the native obtains the chief post in the King's court or is the king's commander. He is endowed with all kinds of properties, is strong and of good character.

1JW <i~Qj('j
~~ tuq I~ """'Ci '"""CI>..,.ilt*=ti='tffi=""'i ~ "i i(J:J?I : ~

"tlfcl?r: I

'f41 ..... 1'1&) C:l"'iq"i~Ci.e ~S"i'<i'iUltJ~ ~ ll~q~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THEASPECT OF VENUS ON SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: If Saturn being situated in Sagittarius or Pisces be aspected by Venus, the native lives in foreign lands, remains engaged in doing a number of things, is the son of two mothers and of pure character.

1fCI'R-~ fum l1f.l "tN ~ <i~Qj('j ~f:J ~ "'il"'iUI41tli"i4'ti!Jdf:l I ~~ljljqj~ 'SI"''~ ..... jt41 ~ PI\Jiill"<ldScb<i.e IIHO II
THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF THE SUN ON SATURN IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Saturn being gone in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by the Sun, the native husbands an ugly wife, eats another man's grains, makes efforts in many directions, is afflicted by disease and lives in foreign lands.
'if1f <i ~Qj (1 Q"'ilif'1iCPOi ":r~P.!R;t:r.:"'i"'lj"'"'4mi-::id ~

\JI"'i~fa'(;'6'1. I


'TfTftr oR

S4f4f..... :rc;: ~Sf!d'<~"i<ie: ll~=lq II




being gone in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by the Moon, the native is endowed with wealth and wife, is intent on doing sinful deeds, inconstant, opposed to his mother and is lustful.

~ Cifei6cl ~= ~= ~ ifi<{!JDII<:ii: t~ciferpe: ~ ~e~'it: 1

~ ~~~ ~l':fl!J'I~~ 'SI'"li'T6 II~:?:? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MARS ON SATURN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Saturn being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by MaJs, the native is valorous, cruel, courageous, is endowed with virtues, is most excellent among men, has cheerful appearance and is famous.

!if Cifeq; cl
iflalt:'11"ifflt:~C61"'ffiflt'41~5 '11'11Pci~C614iflcml11

~ q~f"'fj ~: ~lft'l'tiW: lli~I!J'*it!: IIH~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF MERCURY ON SATURN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Saturn being gone in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Mercury, the native is endowed with the most excellent conveyance, courage, strength and patience and is the doer of many 'kinds of things.

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THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF JUPITER ON SATURN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Saturn being situated in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Jupiter, the native is endowed with virtues, is the king's minister, has a healthy and charming body.



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THE EFFECTS OF THE ASPECT OF VENUS ON SATURN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: If Saturn being posited in Capricorn or Aquarius be aspected by Venus, the native is love sick and lustful, does not follow the established rules, is fortunate, is endowed with happiness, with wealth, is valuptuous and is chief among men.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN IS IN THE SIGN OF ARIES : The native in whose horoscope the Sun is situated in the sign of Aries is the doer of enterprising or courageous deeds (involving risk), has a body susceptible to the blood and bile disorders or troubles, is a King, wise and energetic (gifted or brilliant). Notes : The sign of Aries is known as the Mool Trikona Sign of the planet, Mars. If the Sun is situated in this sign he is said to be exalted. Aries is a fiery sign and" its Lord Mars is also a fiery planet and the Sun himself is also a fiery planet. It is due to these reasons that the native having this situation of the Sun is always prepared to do enterprising or courageous deeds. He has the capability of doing the deed in hand under every circumstance. This combination gives the native in great measure the qualities of splendour (brilliance), fearlessness, bluster or brashness, industriousness, originality, resolution, will power, wilfulness (freedom frqm restraint), practicability etc. Due to the situation of the Sun in the sign of Aries the



native has the habit of doing the deed in hand independently without having any restraint. He does not like the intervention of some other person at all. Besides this, he has certainly the qualities of completing the deed in hand and executing his projects and plans hastily and fitfully. Thus this combination gives a number of QOOd qualities to the native, but at the same time it gives him a number of evil qualities as wefl, such as liking flattery, lack of cautiousness or alertness, hastiness, unrestrained speech, having excessive egotism, taking decision in fitful emotion, extravagance and lavishness and being involved in disputes and quarrels etc. Signs and Planets related to the element of fire are the cause of Bilious disorders. Mars, the Lord of the sign of Aries is related to blood due to his significatorship over blood. Therefore, the author has said that the native having this combination (the Sun's being in Aries) may have blood and bile disorders. Besides these diseases the native may have the complaints of headache, fever, baldness etc. But due to the Sun's being in the sign of Aries the native is endowed with extreme strength and energy, because of which. he gets quick relief from the disease. If the Ascendant is Aries these effects will be obtained by the native with certainty and in a larger measure. The Sun in Aries in the Ascendant House gives the native learning, self knowledge, happiness of having progeny, influence, righteousness or propriety in sensual pleasure and the feeling of indifference (contempt) towards wife. But in the 2nd House the Sun's situation. in Aries brings some difference with regard to effects. It has been found that such a native earns wealth with much labour and not easily. The reason is that the Sun being the 6th Lord



represents labour or hard work. The native gets reputation in the society as a wealthy person on the strength of his hard work. He obtains an influential position in the society. He has no less influence on his own family, but even theli he gets involved in family disputes in connection with property. It is the native who mostly gets . advantage in these disputes. Such a native gets advantage also when he is involved in disputes in connection with property against other persons. If the Sun being in the sign of Aries is situated in the 3rd House, the native is very manly {does much exertion). There is no hand of accidental chances in the material property whichever he earns. He is extremely busy and engaged in his trade activities and practises sense and insight. Due to these qualities he gets success in raising the level of his trade to exceptional heights. He gets the co-operation and favour of all the members of his family. Such a native has extreme love for his wife. If the Sun being in Aries is situated in the 4th House the native has the obtainment of large property through testament. He has always gains in the trade of mineral substances. He gets wealth secretly from his father or his grand father. Such a native is wrathful, sometime or the other subjected to addictions, lazy and careless also. He does not. get special respect in the society. If the Sun being in the sign of Aries is situated in the 5th House he gives to the native, intelligence and skill, learning, knowledge of the mysteries of the shastras, interest in philosophy, extensive knowledge of the Dharma Shastras {Scriptures), happiness of having progeny, effective and influential style of speech, generosity, farsightedness and wisdom and fame, that is, to say, tlie native gets in extreme measure the happiness of having



those things which are in the significationship of the 5th and the 9th House. If the Sun being in Aries is situated in the 6th House this causes the native to get success and victory in the legal cases etc. If the field of action of such a native is related to the courts he gets great success. The Sun in this situation gives the native opposition towards the father but gains from the side of the mother. The Sun here also gives the native the capability of facing even the most difficult circumstances and of doing and completing even the hardest work. If the Sun being in Aries is situated in the 7th House he gives the native .the obtainment of income of high level. He generally has unmeasurable gains in his trade or profession. He also does hard work in order to get his ambition fulfilled. His wife is beautiful, gives birth to sons and is chaste. It has been foufld that such a native gets all kinds of material comforts and conveniences, grandeur, power and wealth, happiness and sensual enjoyments. If the Sun being in the sign of Aries is situated in the 8th House, the native has the habit of spending very lavishly. There is exceptionally much expenditure in every . project of his. Such a native has to be involved in disputes connected with his relatives and with the other members of his family. He gets success in his projects and plans. after great struggle and much expenditure. He is habituated to enjoy extreme'y sensual pleasures. It has been found that such a native often has gains in doing the trade related to worn out things. If the Sun being in the sign of Aries occupies the 9th House he gives the native glory (honour), fame good



fortune, influence, physical health etc. Such a native is v_ery handsome, has religious tendency, is disposed towards enjoying pleasures, without cares and worries and has the feeling of doing kindness to others.
If the Sun being in Aries is posited in the 1Oth House, the native is extremely influential as the 1Oth is the House related to influence (power). Here the Sun will be situated as the 2nd Lord due to which the native will be very wealthy, will have very much paternal property, will make a place in governmental circles and will earn money and wealth by righteous ways. The native's father also makes much progress, but this situation of the Sun is ~ inauspicious for the health of his mother.


The Sun being exalted in Aries in the 11th House produces in the mind of the native devotion to his profession and the native raises his economic status . by showing manliness and doing hard work. The . - nat1ve's younger brothers are favourable or helpful to him, but he gets worried from the side of his progeny. Such natives generally do not get higher education. The defect of speech and, lacking in urbanity or civility have also been found in the native due to this situation of the Sun. If being in Aries the Sun is situated in the 12th House the native often leaves his motherland. He does so in order to make greater progress on the economic level. He does not get much happiness from his mother. He gets loss in the immovable property at his place of birth, but the immovable property purcha$ed by him in the other cities brings him gains. Besides this, the native is habituated to spend too much due to which he often finds himself in great trouble.


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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN JS IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS : In the event of the Sun's being gone in the sign of Taurus the native gets exceptional happiness.due to having sacred fragrance, flowers (sweet smelling), food, splendid fine clothes and animals, is fearful of water and delivers sermons beneficial to men. Notes : When the Sun is in Taurus it means that there occurs the conjunction of three varied elements as the sign of Taurus represents the element of the earth, the sign-Lord Venus does that of the water and the planet Sun does that of the fire. It is on the basis of the coordination (harmony). df these three that the effects of this situation of the Sun may be predicted appropriately I or correctly. It is on this basis that we may say that the native having this situation in his horoscope is of firm and fixed disposition. He has exceptional attachment or intentness for the work in hand. He is truthfl.,ll and resolute. He has, greater power of endurance th~P,'.the other natives have. Df:!votion or reverence towar4s' relations is the most important quality of such a native. He has also the qualities of endurance and patience and assertion or insistence on a iight. All these qualities have the element of the Earth as their basis. It is because of this element that there is surprising certainty in the manner of working of such natives. Love for fragrance and for leading peaceful life is also given by this element. Due to the presence of the element of water such natives are of affectionate disposition. Love and pleasure may be seen



blended in the manner ot life of such natives, sociability, and sentimentality and sensitivity are also given by the element of water. Due to the predominance of the element of fire there constantly flows in the native a spring of energy which gives him power to work. There exists warmth and heat in the love-relations of such natives. If the Sun being in Taurus is situated in the Ascendant House, the native can earn profit in the trade of household articles. He will .also earn profit in the trade . of wood and timber etc. He has the happiness in ample measure ot having land and house. His family conditions are happy. If the Sun being in Taurus is situated in the 2nd House, success is extremely hard to achieve in the field of learning, the native remains worried in connection with progeny; his. financial or economic condition does not get firmly strengthened. Profit is earned by doing the trade of articles relating to schools or to students. If the Sun in this situation has some malefic influence, there is the fear that the native may have some mental disorder and defective speech. Such a native has gains if he does the trade relating to mineral substances. If the Sun being in the sign of Taurus is situated in the 3rd House, the native is very industrious, maker of his own destiny himself, poiitic (prudent, wise) and gets success in doing things in one way or the other. His thoughts are not in accord with those of his brothers. He often gets victory _in law cases. If the Sun being in Taurus occupies the 4th House the native has special gains through trading in objects useful to the human society and the condition of his profession



or trade is often progressive. Such natives have greater attraction towards and affection for those of opposite sex. If the Sun being in Taurus is posited in the 5th House there are formed worries with regard to progeny and affliction causing conditions, because here the Sun, being the 8th Lord, will be inauspicious for the native's progeny. He (the Sun) will .also not give good results with regard to getting education. He may be said to be auspicious with regard to the knowledge of mineral substances as the 8th House is said to be representing this branch of knowledge. The Sun's situation in the 6th House in the sign of Taurus is the cause of making the native do much struggle in life as in order to get success he has to confront delays, . obstructions and a number of dire difficulties. Such natives are generally realistic. They have less belief in religion and do not believe in the existence of Divine Power. They have greater power of resistance against diseases or power of fighting against diseases. In order to get success . such a native should live in some other place than the place of his birth. . If the Sun being in Taurus is situated in the 7th House, it is very significant' for the native's profession and trade because the trade of such a native is of high level and is honourable. Due to the Sun here relations of the native with his wife do not remain sweet. If the Sun being in Taurus occupies the 8th House the degree of gains of wealth is lower, the native's ambitions remain unfulfilled and unrealised, there remains uncertainty of getting success in some very important purpose, and there often remains the situation of struggling against economic difficulties.



The Sun's situation in the 9th House in Taurus is not auspicious. Being the 12th Lord he brings diminution in good fortune. But it has been found that such a native . has gains if he makes trade relations with the people living in foreign .countries and in places far away from his place of birth. If the Sun being in Taurus is situated in the 1Oth House the native's standard of life rises to greater heights. The native gets in abundance dignity or prestige, position (honour) and respect. He easily gets all kinds of material comforts. Such a native often gets benefitted by making contacts with eminent persons in politics. If the Sun being in Taurus occupies the 11th House the native. is extremely influential and has skill and intelligence. He has gains of wealth by investing his money in shares. His wealth increases by financing also. If the Sun being in Taurus is there in the 12th House the native is not able to get the proper reward of the labour . which he puts into his work. His schemes often meet with failure. But at other places than his own place of b.irth his success in economic matters is relatively greater.

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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN IS THERE IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI : In the event of the Sun's being in the Sign of Gemini, the native is well versed in (Knower of ) Mathematics and arts, of blameless or flawless character of virtuous nature, handsome, speaker of strange speech (speaks in a strange manner), a leading figure, courteous and\ exceptionally politic or prudent (wise).



Notes : Gemini is said to be the sign showing capabilities with regard to intellect or mental abilities as its Lord Mercury is the significator of the intellect or mind. Therefore the $un being in Gemini inspires the native to get the knowledge of a new subject , and to make new researches. He has the capability of seeing the various aspects of a given problem. The planet of Mercury being the significator of Mathematics gives the native through the Sun the quality of being well versed and learned in Mathematics. Such a nati~e is endowed with logical mind, has sharp intellect like that of a critic, is skillful in his behavior with othe.rs, in without ambition or desires and adopts ironical style in his conversation with others. The Sun's presence in the sign of Gemini gives different effects to the native in different Houses. The effects in the various Houses are as below : In the First House : The native has great manliness or makes much exertion, is full of the sense of responsibility and gets cooperation from his sisters and brothers. He is extremely brilliant or energetic, courageous, enthusiastic and self reliant. In the 2nd House : The native earns wealth through the purchase and sale of lands, has gains by doing agricultural work, gets income from rent of his houses. Such a native has great enthusiasm for purchasing and bringing home articles relating to physical comforts and conveniences. In the 3rd House : Such a native gets a little education if there are not the presence of other auspicious combinations in his horoscope. He gets success in the economic field due to his own thinking and devices. He is disposed to think sufficiently before doing a work.



In the 4th House : Such a native has to involve himself in legal cases relating to lands .and properties. But ultimately he gets success also. Generally he has to undergo through circumstances which cause mental unrest, tension and obstruction in happiness. He is able to get physical comforts and conveniences through extreme hard work. In the 5th House : This situation of the Sun's being gone in the 5th House in Gemini gives the native professional education. He makes his profession reach the heights of progress due to his intellectual capabilities. Such a native is realistic, has excessive sexual lust, engaged in economic thinking and is prudent and wise. In the 6th House : Sucj:l..-a native-has been seen to be generally diseased cir sickly. But he has very great desire to live. His personality gets as much keen and sharp as are the conflicts, and struggles through which he has to undergo. Such a native shows exceptional intellectual capability in extremely hard circumstances. In the 7th House :The Sun in the 7th_House becomes the 9th Lord. Therefore such a native gets success in trade etc. after marrying and is successful in making his trade or profession obtain an honourable level. Such a native never uses unfair or improper means to earn wealth. In the 8th House : If the Sun be in the 8th House in the sign of Gemini the native earns wealth through unfair or improper means. He gets success in the trade relating to stones dug out of mines and of minerals. He faces some problems on the governmental level. In the 9th House : Such a native earns wealth easily. Generally he lias gains of wealth through fair means and



he fulfils his ambitions through proper ways. His elder brothers and ~isters generally remain favourable to him. In the 10th house : Such a native is successful in the profession of import and export trade. rv,any times due to the becoming of the trade investment more than the earned profit he has to face losses and his relations with his father do not remain favourable. In the 11th House : Such a native is ambitious , influential and has foresight. He is generally fortunate in having good physical health. But the native is not as much wealthy as he is thoughno be in the society. In the 12th House : Such a native due to his prodigal, extravagant nature is not able to accumulate wealth. He makes special contacts and cooperation with the other people than with the members of his own family:

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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN BE IN THE SIGN OF .CANCER : In the event of the Sun's being gone in the sign of Cancer in the horoscope the native is devoid of gentility, knows the movement of times, does not obey his father, and sometimes gets wealthy and sometimes poor. NQtes : In this Shloka the writer has said. that the native in whose horoscope the Sun is there in the sign.,of Cancer sometimes gets wealthy and some times poor. It means there comes frequent changes in his economic condition. Indeed there comes frequent changes not only in his economic condition but also in hi~ thinking. The natives having this combination are generally artists,



thinkers etc. They are rec~ptive and of affectionate nature. They have great losses of wealth and money because of engaging themselves in a plan of earning money very easily. It is due to this that there come changes and rises and falls in their economic conditions. The Sun in the Sign of Cancer gives different effects when he is situated in the different Houses. These effects are given below : In the First House : The native is valorous or energetic, brilliant and influential. His economic condition is very s~rong. He does consistent labour without being tired to improve his economic condition. In the 2nd House : The native is manly or energetic. He becomes wealthy with his own hard work and manliness. He has to spend much wealth on his brothers and sisters, but he does not get much cooperation from them. In the 3rd House : The native effects his development with his own common sense. He gives much attention to purchasing lands and houses. He is not a fatalist. He does his work with great enthusiasm and concentration of mind. His brothers are generally favourable to him. In the 4th House : The native has exceptional interest in getting education. He gets love and honour in the society due to his intelligence and wisdom and he makes in the society a distinguished place for himself with his intellectual capabilities . Such a native has excessive fondness for entertaining himself. In the 5th House : If the Sun being in Cancer is there in the 5th House, it causes trouble to the native's progeny. There are obstacles in the way of getting



education and much advance cannot be made here. But this situation is favourable for the education of Ayurveda or Study of Indian Medicine. In the 6th House : This situation of the Sun causes suffering, affliction, tension and quarrels in married life. The conditions of the profession of such a native are also not very satisfactory. The native generally gets the cooperation of the relatives on the side of his mother at the time of marriage. In the 7th House : The Sun in this situation has been said to be auspicious for longevity. But he causes quar-rels between wife and husband and brings difficulties in the domestic life.
~ the 8th House : The Sun in this situation causes many

rises and falls in the native's life. The rise of fortune is there generally when the native is middle aged. Such natives get exceptional success in the trade of scrapes and mineral substance~. The Sun in this situation has been regarded as auspicious for longevity. In the 9th House : This situation of the Sun is favourable for the native. Such a native is religious minded, extremely fortunate, valorous, has gains from religion and from his father and gets success in every field. In the 10th House : If the Sun is there in the 10th House the native's trade is on a large scale, his income is very high and he gets great respect in his life. He is extremely influential, valorous and has foresight and his father favours him. In the 11th House : If the Sun is there in the 11th House he causes the conditions of more expenses and less. income. Such natives are successful in having special



gains of wealth generally in some foreign lands or at some distant places. They have substantial gains of wealth from the trade of articles manufactured as a result of some new invention. The Sun in this situation has not been considered to be favourable in the context of getting education. In the 12th House : The Sun in this situation has been regarded as inauspicious for the native's health. The native has the fear of having physical debility and diseases relating to heart. Such a native has to face in his life conflicts and troubles.
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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN IS THERE IN THE SIGN OF 'LEO'. In the event of the Sun's being gone in the sign of Leo, the native has fixed mind; is extremely valian't (vigorous), wonderfully famous and glorious due to his wealth and property, engaged in state work and beneficent or helpful to others. Notes : If the Sun is there in the sign of Leo the native has il') him the specific qualities relating to the Sun due t<:> which he appears to be distinguished from the other ordinary people. Such natives are generally independent minded, have finn will power and resolution, are endowed with magnetic power, generous and large hearted. The Sun's being in Leo and situated in the Ascendant House the above mentioned qualities have their full blooming. Therefore, if in the Ascendant the Sun is in the sign of Leo, the native is valorous, has dignity (prestige) and Is glorious. There clearly appears in his mannerisms (manner) and gait a serenity and nobility and



carefreeness. Royal qualities are there in his whole personality. Every work of his is accomplished by him with full preparedness and care but without any desires. He leads a life of honour. Due to the Sun's being in the 2nd House in Leo the native has a large family gets paternal property on a large scale and leads a rich prosperous life. The Sun in Leo in the 3rd House inspires the native to be manly and to be a man of action. Therefore such a native does not give much importance to fortune and ~ligion. Such natives have the .capacity and capability of doing even the hardest things. The Sun in the 4th House in the sign of Leo gives the native the happines$ of having much lands and a spacious house. The house of such a native is generally very vast and spacious. The Sun in this situation is also very favourable to give the native an important place in society and also for the health of his mother. Such a riative has rise of fortune at his place of birth. The Sun in the 5th House in the Sign of Leo gives the native foresightedness, open-mindedness, success in the field of education, fame and glory due to his progeny and a speech producing effect on others etc. Due to the Sun in the 6th House in the sign of Leo the native gets victory against his opponents if he faces opposition from them. The native has strong opposition from the relation relating to the House with whose lord the Sun in this situation is related. In the 7th House the Sun in the sigri of Leo causes the native to adopt an honourable profession. But such a



native suffers from some bodily pains and trouble. His wife is of a noble, rich family. Due to the Sun in the 8th House in the sign of Leo there exists in the native a very strong desire for vitality and for life. The Sun in this situation is favourable for bestowing a long span of longevity upon the native. This situation is not favourable for the accumulation of wealth. The situation of the Sun in the 9th House in the sign of Leo has been regarded to be extremely auspicious because a native having this combination in his horoscope i~ extremely fortunate, has supremacy or greatness, brilliance, is just and justice loving, has religious tendency, reverence for gods and is favoured by the king. The Sun's situation in the 1Oth House in th'e sign of Leo is also extremely auspicious for the native. Such a native obtains many advantages from the royal (governmental) circle. His personality is very influential. He cannot be guided and instructed by others in his method of working. Due to the Sun's situation in the 11th House in the sign of Leo the native is extremely ambitious and generally his ambitions are fulfilled. He has gains of wealth in very\ great measure. He is often successful in his aims and objectives. If the Sun is there in the 12th House in the sign of Leo the native is extremely prodigal and spends lavishly. He is selfless, has spirit of renunciation and is of wrathful nature. If the Sun in this House has the influence of Saturn or of Mars there is the possibility of eye trouble and injury in the foot.


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THE ,EFFECTS IF THE SUN BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF VIRGO : In the event of the Sun's being gone in the sign of Virgo, the native has gains of wealth from the king, is sweet spoken, loves hearing_ songs and destroys the enemy with his own exceptional valour and vigour. Notes : If the Sun being in the Ascendant House is there in the sign of Virgo he is regarded as inauspicious for the natives physical health because due to this situation of the Sun there is caused physical debility and weakness and the native often gets offended even on petty matters. This situation of the Sun has also not been regarded as &lspicious for the native's economic conditions. If the Sun be in the 2nd House in the sign of Virgo he makes the point of view of the native of e_conomic nature and for most of the time he remains engaged in activities related to eqonomic progress. The Sun in the 3rd House in the sign of Virgo does not let the native have accumulation of wealth. Such a native is always investing his accumulated money for his development, and ultimately becomes wealthy by the strength of his own manliness and vigour. Due to the Sun's being situated in the 4th House in the sign of Virgo the native's brothers and sisters remain favourable to him. He is able to earn wealth in a large measure by his own valour and vigour. Such .a native. makes his planning on a large scale; The Sun in the 5th House in the sign of Virgo is auspicious in the context of getting education and learning. Education has great role and gives great contribution in making his future. There is great depth, comprehensiveness and utility in the thoughts of s"uch a native.



The Sun in the 6th Hou~e in the sign of Virgo prepares fa-vourable circumstances in the native's getting the education of Ayurveda (Indian Medicine). The native has the ability of facing successfully any crisis with the strength of his own intellect. The Sun in the 7th House in the sign of Virgo is regarded ~;~nfavourable to peace in married life. The native faces obstruction~ and obstacles in his profession or trade also. But such a native is very industrious or hard working. If the Sun in Virgo is in the 8th House, the native has to face quarrels and disputes in his family, gets losses through his friends, is deceived by his partner and gets affliction from his wife etc. The Sun in the 9th House in Virgo is favourable to giving long span of longevity to the native. Such a native follows tradition, is theistic, and holds principles. The Sun in the 1oth House in the sign of Virgo has been considered to be auspicious because a native having this combination in his horoscope makes great progress in his profession without facing any obstacles an<% obstructions. He gets substantial success through men having royal or governmental power .. The Sun In the 11th House in the sign of Virgo causes the native to make continuous increase in his professional property. He generally gets profit in his trade. The opinion of the people about the native with regard to professional matters is of praise. In the 12th House the Sun in the sign of Virgo causes the native to have gains from abroad or from distant places. But it happens that many times the amount of profit is less than the money. invested in the trade.




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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF LIBRA : If the Sun be in the sign of Libra the native always remains extremely fearful in day and night from the king, opposes the people, is immersed in sinful deeds, makes quarrels with others, does the work of other men and is devoid of gems and wealth etc. otes : - If the Sun be there in the Ascendant House in the sign of Libra, the native works very hard to raise his economic condition, but he gets less economic advantage in comparison to his labour. Trading is more favourable to such a native than manufacturing. Bodily he is not heavy. The Sun in the 2nd House in Libra produces adverse or unfavourable effects with regard to paternal property. The economic condition of the native does not become very strong. The decisions taken in connection with capital investment prove to be harmful. His purchasing power is very weak. The Sun in the 3rd House in the sign of Libra is not auspicious and favourable for health. Such a native is often subjected to feelings of disappointment. He is religious minded by nature but he does r)Ot have consideration of fair or foul means in connection with the means of getting income: The Sun in the 4th House in Libra is regarded to be obstructive to economic progress and pain giving to the native's mother. The native has to face many quarrels and disputes with regard to immovable property and a



combination causing domestic unrest, iack of peace is formed. The Sun in the 5th House in the sign of Libra causes the native to take wrong decisions on many occasions. The Sun in this situation is regarded as obstruction causing in the way of getting education and learning. He produces inauspicious effects for the native's progeny too. Such a native never lets slip an occasion of gaining wealth through inauspicious or roul means. Due to the Sun in the 6th House in Libra the native has to suffer losses with regard to wealth. He is generally opposed to his mother. The Sun in this situation is inauspicious for the native's relation on his mother's side. Such a native generally lives far away from his place of birth. The Sun in the 7th House in Libra has been said to be the cause of lack of peace and happiness in married .life. He (the Sun) is an important reason--behind a divorce between wife and husband. Such native is not able to get higher education due to bad habits. The Sun in the 8th House in Libra is harmful for the native's relation on the mother's side. There is the possibility that the native may have an incurable disease. in the lower part of the abdomen. Due to this situation of the Sun there is the formation of Vipreeta Rajyoga which has favourable effect on the native's economic condition. The Sun in the 9th House in Libra is harmful to the health of the native's wife. Such natives have to face great difficulties particularly after marriage. They need to do very hard labour in order to earn their bread. They get cooperation from their/ brothers.



If the sun occupies the 1Oth House in Libra he gives adverse effects to the health of the native's father. He has to suffer losses several times in his profession. Due to his own actions and his. economic condition he gets disrespect. Such a native makes plans to earn wealth by doing antisocial activities.

If the S4n is there in the 11th House in his sign of debilitation he is not auspicious for the health of the native's elder brother. His religious beliefs are very weak. But he gets favourable results in the field of education. The Sun in the 12th House in Libra becomes the cause of bodily pain for the native's father all of a sudden. The native occasionally faces very great hardships in the way of earning his living. He suffers losses due to not behaving well and properly with his hig_her authorities.

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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF SCORPIO : The Sun being gone in the sign of Scorpio at the time of birth he makes the native miserly, quarrel some, wrathful, fearful of getting physical or bodily pain and trotJble from poison, fire and some weapon, opposed to his parents and does not let him become of progressive nature. Notes : If the Sun is there in the Ascendant House in the sign of Scorpio the native makes significant progress in.. his family profession(that is, profession adopted by his forefathers and father). He is extremely energetic, brilliant, of firm resolution and gets material (worldly) success, although there do come many obstacles and obstructions in the way of his progress. He generally gets advantage



from government side. His undertakings are easily done because of his friendship with authoritative persons. The Sun in the 2nd House in the sign of Scorpio is regarded as favo.urable for accumulation of wealth. Such a native who has this combination generally gets success in his undertakings. He gets paternal property also in great abundance: The Sun in the 3rd House in Scorpio doesnot let the relations of the native with his brothers to be sweet. He is extremely hardworking and supports his family with his hard labour. The Sun in the 4th House in Scorpio increases immovable wealth, gives the happiness of having a good house and also gives favourable or auspicious effect to his mother. It the Sun be there in the 5th House in Scorpio the native shows great foresightedness in the matter of investing his money and wealth; and. due to it he gets advantage on a large scale. Such a native has foresight, is . influential, has effective voice, is very intelligent and has learning and knowledge. The Sun in the 6th House in Scorpio causes enmity of the native with his brothers and sisters. Such a native has gains from the side of the relations on the mother's side. He shows exceptional manliness (or strength) in his profession. The Sun in the 7th House in the sign of Scorpio makes the native wealthy because he_ gets paternal property. Such a native adopts trading which proves useful for him. His married life is happy.




The Sun in the 8th House in Scorpio gives adverse effects in the context of progeny and getting education. Such a native gets 'Mantra' from his traditional guru. He never discloses his plans and thoughts to others, that is, he is secretive. If the Sun is there in the 9th House in Scorpio, the native is himself the maker of his destiny. He makes it himself with his manliness or hard work. Therefore it is quite logical that he should be more realistic and should have less belief in and reverence for religion. The Sun in the 1Oth House in Scorpio gives to the native favourable effects in the matters of his profession. There may be the hand of his relatives on the side of his in laws (father-in-law and mother-in-law etc.) in the progress which he makes in his profession. Such a native doe~s the paternal profession and it is this which favours him most. If the Sun is in the 11th House in Scorpio there is the possibility of exceptional gains of wealth for the native through the business of scrap and through evil means. He may also be successful as an agent of a Life Insurance Company. He gets profit through inheritance. The Sun in the 12th House in Scorpio causes many troubles to the native. Such natives generally get greater success in some foreign land or at some other place far away from their place of birth and they are practical minded. They have interest in places of pilgrimage. Qj ~


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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN. BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS. In the event of the Sun's being gone in the sign of Sagittarius, the native shows extreme anger at his own men, is extremely intelligent, very wealthy, respects good people and with his right intellect increases the happiness of the other people. Notes : If the Sun being in the sign of Sagittarius is situated in the Ascendant House, the native has position (honour, rank). is religious minded and learned and has knowledge. He uses his knowledge fully in making his daily life happy. If the Sun is in the 2nd House in Sagittarius, the native is sincere to his profession. The economic point of view has greater importance in every deed 6f his and his ' profession is generally respectable and of higher level. ' The Sun in Sagittarius in the 3rd House gives the native success in everything. Such a native often makes economic plans of vast measure and he gets success too in these plans. If the Sun in Sagittarius is situated in the 4th House the native spends more than usual on his physical comforts and convenience. There is the possibility that he will get significant success due to the import of foreign goods which are used in domestic purposes. If the Sun be there in the 5th House in Sagittarius, the native gets success in making his life happy through his knowledge and learning. He is intelligent, realistic, has will power and is influential. The Sun in Sagittarius in the sixth House causes the native to get wealth with great labour or hard work. The native has to face domestic quarrels and disputes. '




The Sun in Sagittarius in tM 7th House gives the native enthusiasm, makes him influential and industrious. He gets exceptional success in the economic field due to these qualities in him. Due to the Sun in the sign of Sagittarius in the 8th House the native's mother gets trouble, the native himself gets trouble through conveyance and he has to suffer from social disrespect etc. If .the Sun in Sagittarius be there in the 9th House the native gets interested in having deep and exhaustive knowledge of every. subject and gets fame due to his education and learning. The Sun in the sign of Sagittarius in the 1Oth House is favourable for acquiring the knowledge of Ayurveda or Indian Medicines). He may also get great success in furnishing and contractorship. The Sun in the sign of Sagittarius in the 11th House is said to be. the bringer of gains of wealth from the native's in laws. Such native often gets profit in the trade which - he does. He is very skillful in social activities; and he gets special position if he share in trade organisations. The Sun in Sagittarius in the 12th House causes fear of losing his life for the native on difficult journeys. Such a native has to suffer losses if he does things relating to mineral objects.

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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN : In the event of the Sun's being gone



in the sign of Caprico~n the native is habitually of .wandering or travelling nature, opposes his own men, is destitute of wealth and happiness, lacks majesty (power) and festivity (rejoicing).
Notes : The effects of the Sun's being in the sign of Capricorn have been said to be inauspicious by most of the learned astrologers and writers on Astrology. But this does not always happen. Such a native makes .efforts in every way and at every level to fulfil his desires and ambitions. He is a man of principles, has firm and constant thoughts and is realistic.

If the Sun being in Capricorn is posited in the Ascendant House, there exist in the native's mind two ideas going in two opposing directions. lnspite of having the full knowledge of the sanctity of means and inspite of always keeping it in mind he does not hesitate in the least to adopt baser (lower or inferior) means if they serve his purpose. If the Sun in Capricorn is there in the 2nd House he produces in the mind of the native's relations on occassion thoughts which are opposed to the native's interest. Such a native regards economic progress more important than religious traditions and beliefs. Due to the Sun's being in Capricorn in the 3rd House the native has manliness, directs his business activities , (or professional activities) in a systematic ,way and he is always ready to take risks. Due to the Sun's being in Capricorn in the 4th House it has been found tbat the native has gains in the trade of stone etc. He generally has the happiness of paternal property permanently and he uses it on the professional level also.



The Sun in Capricorn in the 5th House is not very favourable in the context of the native's progeny and in that of getting education. Such a native remains excited, is full of cares and anxieties and he acts according to plans which are inconstant. If the Sun being in the sign of Capricorn is in the 6th House, the native generally does not remain healthy. He generally feels that the atmosphere around him is full of inconveniences for him. If the Sun is in the 7th House in Capricorn he diminishes sweetness in married life. This situation is not given much importance for economic progress also.
If the Sun in Capricorn is in the 8th House, the native begins a plan with great enthusiasm, but due to the breaking of his enthusiasm in the middle he is not able to make it successful.

If the Sun in the 9th House is in the sign of Capricorn the native promotes and gives shelter only to those traditions which are useful for society. The health of such a native's mother often does not remain sound and the native himself gets glory (fame), recognition and progress after considerable delay. If the Sun in Capricorn is situated in the 10th House there is the possibility that this situation will be opposed to the benefit of his progeny. The native gets professional education and he has the happiness of having property. Due to the Sun in Capricorn in the 11th House success is got by the native after using many clever devices. Obstacles and obstructions are created on a large scale in the field of education and the native gets progeny after long delay or after long trouble.



The Sun in Capricorn in the 12th House do~s not let the native's wife in proper health. This situation gives adverse effects 'with regard to married happiness too. It is also regarded as obstructive for the trade done by the native.

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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN BE THERE IN AQUARIUS: In the event of the Sun's being gone in the sign of Aquarius, the native is deceitful (unprincipled), unsympathetic, dirty, devoid of kindness but remains happy. Notes : The Sun in Aquarius has not been regarded as good effects-giving like the Sun in Capricorn, Significant rises and falls are witnessed by such natives in their lives. Such a native has philosophic ideas, is of serious nature but is very intelligent. If the Sun in Aquarius is in the the Ascendant House the native's wife is influential and the native has trade relations with high levelled men. Due to the Sun in Aquarius in the 2nd House the native has loss of wealth, quarrels and disputes in his family and gains from testament. It has been found that such a native has gains of wealth from hidden means. Due to the Sun in Aquarius in the 3rd House the native , gets great successes with his own vigour. His views are original with regard to religious matters. The Sun in Aquarius in the 4th House creates lack of happiness from mother, there come obstructions in the



context of material achievements and happiness. Such a native is of Rajsika nature. Due to the Sun in Aquarius in the 5th House the native ' gets success in his enterprises through the means of his plans and devices. He is able to earn money by the power of his intellect. This situation of the Sun has been said to be ina~:~spicious for progeny. The situation of the Sun in the 6th. House in the sign of Aquarius causes opposition against the relatives. The native has to be involved in many law suits and in litigation. He gets losses in trade and he has often eye trouble. The Sun in Aquarius in the 7th House causes tension between wife and husband. Such natives are unpractical, often fail in trade activities but they are very. self respecting. The Sun in Aquarius in the 8th House b~comes a factor behind failure in economic activities. It has been seen that wealth of gains are often obtained through. undesirable means or evil means. The Sun in Aquarius in the 9th House has been said to be giver of success through manliness and vigour and devices. Such a native is firm in following his principles and has little faith in Fate. The Sun in Aquarius in the 1Oth House causes lack of happiness from father. There is formed the situation of obtaining gains of wealth. The native is lethargic by nature. The Sun in Aquarius in the 11th House has been said to be opposed to learning and education. There come obstacles in the health of the native's elder brother. Such a native is selfish and gets success in his affairs through' tricks and devices.



Due to the Sun in the 12th House in Aquarius the native has to suffer from eye trouble, gets injury in his feet, has enmity against his relatives, is. choleric and remains mentally perturbed.

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THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN BE IN THE SIGN OF PISCES : In the event of the Sun's being gone in the sign of Pisces, the native gets wealth, gets joy from his own men but remains terrified because of some hidden worry, gives comforts to saintly persons and is endowed with the excellency of intellect.
Notes : The natives who have this situation of the Sun in their horoscopes have self confidence, are trust worthy and love justice. They are conscious of and have feeling for their responsibility towards their family. Along with this they are self respecting and are rich in having a multi dimensional personality. By nature they are extravagant.

If the Sun in the sign -of Pisces is posited in the Ascendant House the native does not remain constantly healthy. He has always the fear of catching contagious diseases. He may get diseased due to the use of some intoxicating substances. If the Sun in Pisces is there in the 2nd. House there is the possibility that the native has marriage relationship in some family with which he is already acquainted. Such a native has been seen to be getting success in business'activities. If the Sun in Pisces be there in the 3rd House the native keeps his plans secret, although the success of his plans



is delayed. This situation of the Sun has been regarded as auspicious for long span of longevity. The Sun in Pisces being in the 4th House the native 'has the happiness of having immovable property, easy obtainment of physical comforts and affection of distinguished persons. He gets success in the field of business with the help of distinguished persons and sucti a native is a man of influence in society. The Sun in Pisces in the 5th House has been regarded to be the giver of success in the field of education. Such a native gets professional education also. He shows foresightedness in his profession and becomes famous and he remains wide awake at every moment with regard to his progress. Due to the Sun's being in Pisces in the 6th House the native many times meets with failure in his plans. There arise troublesparticularly in the big plans and the native ' has to do very hard labour for gaining wealth. If the Sun in Pisces is in the 7th House, the native's wife does not remain constantly healthy and is occasionally sickly. There arises the situation of quarrels in the family due to his wife. This situation is not regarded ,, as auspicious for business or trade 1 activities too.



Due to the Sun's being in the 8th House in Pisces .the native g@nerally remains possessed by some secret fear and secrE!!t anxieties. l:lis personality gets narrowed; he becoffles interested in mysterious or occult sciences. It is possible t~at he has gains pf wealth through undesirable or evil means. This si_tuation i~ not regarded as auspicious with regard to physical beauty.



The Sun in Pisces in the 9th House gives foresightedness to the native and due to which he gets economic success on large scale. He has influential personality and he gets fame and prestige easily. If the Sun be there in the 1Oth House in the sign of Pisces the native establishes trade of large scale. He has in him in ample measure the ability of directing business or trade activities and he wins success in his plans due to his sincere devotion and hard work. If the Sun be there in the 11th House in Pisces, the native acquires lands and property in great measure. He obtains physical comforts and conveniences in great measure. Such ' natives make progress often fit their place of birth alone. If the Sun be there in the 12th House in the sign of Pisces the native gets and completes his education living in a hostel and much expenditure is made on his education. This situation of the Sun is not regarded as auspicious for the happiness from progeny. If the wife of such a native is ambitious there is great possibility of her getting a flaw or defect on the level of her character.
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THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF ARIES :If the Moon be situated in the sign of Aries the native is prosperous with stable property, devoid of the company of the gentle, has sons, remains in the control of his -... wife and earns fame through his astonishing valour.
Notes : The sign in which the Moon be there at the time of birth is referred to as 'Chandra Lagna' (The Moon as Ascendant). In the Predictive Astrology the 'Chandra



Lagna is given as much importance as is given to the Ascendant. The study of it is of utmost importance to understand the inner personality of the native. If the 'Chandra Rashi' (or Chandra Lagna) is stronger than the "'Ascendant most of the events of life are directed by it (that is, the Chandra Rashi). As the Moon is the representative of the mind, soul and heart, therefore, the qualities, traits of the sign and of the lord of the sign in which the Moon is situated will be certainly there in the mind of the native in the form of constant emotions,. and it is those instincts which represent the nature, tendency and qualities of the 'Chandra Rashi' and the Lord of the 'Chandra Rashi'. Therefore it is quite natural that due to the 'situation of the Moon. in the sign of Aries the native should be astonishingly vigorous and brave. It is only the vigorous and brave persons that are able to enjoy immovable property, wife and fame. If the Moon in this situation is also aspected by Mars, then the qualities and the comforts related to Mars will be certainly and profusely obtained by the native.

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THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS: If the Moon be gone in the sign of Taurus the native moves steadily (progresses constantly), is endowed with the most excellent intellectual ability, is skilled in fine deeds, supports other men, and gets happiness through doing good, noble deeds. Notes : The Moon is the sigrnffcator of the mother. She should be considered as the representative of supporting, bringing up others, of bounty, sense of service to others,



hospitability. The Mqon is in her sign of exaltation in the sign of Taurus. If he is not adversely affected in this sign, the mind and heart of the native is well cul.tured and well mannered. Such a man does not show excess or rashness in any thing done by him. He completes his work steadily and calmly. Motherhood, creative thinking, hospitability and tendency to do auspicious deeds, these are his other natural qualities.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON BE IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI : If the Moon happens to be situated in the sign of Gemini the native is the doer of auspicious deeds, has in his hand 'Matasya Rekha' (a line resembling the shape of fish), gets full enjoyment in sexual intercourse, is loved by his wife and gets prestige and dignity due to his gentility and goodness. Notes : The above mentioned situation tells us about the nature of the sign of Gemini or Gemini as Ascendant. The presence of the Matasya Rekha in the hand is indicative of the other special qualities of the native. This line .is under the finger of the Sun or the Anamika finger (Ring Finger) and has the shape of a fish. Due t<> the presence of this line in his hand the native is religious minded, disciplined, famous, generous and bountiful. Such a person takes special interest in religious, social and educational institutions. He is of cooperative nature. He invests his wealth many times in immovable property. '
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\THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON BE IN THE SIGN 'OF CANCER : If the Moon be gone in the sign of Cancer the native listens to the Shastras, has the knowledge and skill of arts, is strong, of good conduct, loves fragrance and flowers, is fond of sporting in water, owns land, has excellent mind and understanding and acquires that thing which he strongly desires to get. Notes : Cancer is Moon's own sign. The native having this situation in his horoscope is emotional, has many friends, believes in secure system of life, is of loving disposition, always wants the guardianship and protection of some one or the other and has the feeling of dedication towards his family. But if the Moon be aspected by Malefic Planets or is emaciated, the native is extremely careless, seeks worldly pleasures and is a dreamer.
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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON BE POSITED IN THE SIGN OF LEO : If at the time of birth the Moon be posited in the sign of Leo, the native is fond of wandering in forests and hilly regions, makes quarrels at home, suffers from the diseases of throat and stomach, has a lacklustre body. Notes : It has been seen that a native having this situation in his horoscope has generally infection in his throat and has the complaint of coughing. If this combination be there in the Ascendant, this effect is there in marked degrees.
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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON HAPPENS TO BE IN THE SIGN OF VIRGO : If the Moon be situated in the sign of Virgo, the native is engrossed in excessive flirtation with women and enjoys strange sports with them, is of good character, is father of daughters, loves festivities, performs auspicious deeds and is fortunate.


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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF LIBRA : If the Moon be situated in the sign of Libra, the native owns oxen, horses etc., is extremely valorous, devoted to gods and Brahmins, lord of many women, vigorous and reputed. Notes : If the Moon happens to be gone in the sign of Libra there is the development in the native of artistic interests. Balance and coordination may be seen clearly in all his activities, plans and movements. If there happens to be the seventh aspect of Saturn on the Moon in the sign of Libra, the native generally gets success in his field of action. Besides this, there occurs increase in the immovable property, the native gets prestige in society, favour from the government circles and this situation is auspicious for popularity also.
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THE EFFECTS IF THE MOON OCCUPIES THE SIGN OF SCORPIO : - If the Moon be situated in the. sign \ of Scorpio, the wealth of the native is destroyed due to government penalty and gambling. He is quarrelsome,




'\ engages himself in disputes, is weak, vicious minded, has weak will power and is devoid of mental peace. Notes : The Moon is regarded as the representative of the mind and soul. If there is the Moon in the sign of Scorpio in the 4th House (which is the House of soul and mind) and the 4th Lord is also in his sign of debilitation or if he (the 4th Lord) is in the 8th House, the mind of the native generally remains vicious. He is quarrelsome, remains engrossed in addictions, is irrational, selfish and causes pain to other's heart. Therefore while studying the Moon we should have consideration of the 4th House and the 4th Lord also.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON BE IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS : If the Moon happens to be there in .the sign of Sagittarius, the native is well versed in many arts and crafts, is endowed with strength, has an extremely clean character, speaks in a simple, straight forward way, is wealthy and does not spend much.
. .

Notes If the Moon be in the sign of Sagittarius, it is not easy to predict as to what the next step taken by the native will be. He keeps his plans secret. It is only when he has done his work that his plans are disclosed: His excellent intellect and intelligence is seen in the deeds done by him. He is sattwika, of good character, earns wealth through very hard work and clever devices. He is gifted (brilliant) and energetic, courageous and proud. Such natives have been found to be bulky after the age of 35-36. If their ego is hurt their anger and opposition becomes extremely fierce.



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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON BE IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN : The native in whose horoscope the Moon be gone in. the sign of Capricorn is very sensitive to cold, is skilled in the art of music, slow to wrath (anger), lustful and does excellent auspicious deeds according to the tradition of his lineage. Notes : The natives having this situation in their horoscopes have full respect for traditions and accomplishing the traditions is a part of their life. On account of this they may be called strict or unyielding also. The sense of doing their duty is also not little in them. They carry out their responsibility and duty towards their children with enthusiasm; but their way of carrying it out is quite different from that of others. Due to their almost zero ability of these natives of entering into the minds of others these natives are not able to give special attention to their dependents. And due to this negligence in this connection their children. feel the necessity of standing on their own feet even before the proper time, that is, before maturity.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON BE IN THE SIGN OF AQUARIUS : If the Moon be there in the sign of Aquarius, the native is lazy, loves another man's son, is very skilful, scholar of a high order, of peaceful disposition and destroys his enemies.



Notes : Although the Lord of both the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius is Saturn, but the Moon gives quite different effects in these two signs. According to the writer of the present book the Moon in the sign of Aquarius makes the native lazy. It is seen generally in that situation when some malefic influence is there on the 6th House. A native IJaving this situation in his horoscope has in his childhood often the complaint of dysentery due to the disturbance of the digestive organs and there remains a slight weakness in his legs. If in the Ascendant House the Moon be in the sign of Aquarius such effects are often seen. The auspicious effects of the Moon in the sign of Aquarius are obtained in their fullness in the 11th House. In this situation the native fulfils the desire of the people in general, is endowed with human qualities and makes successful the welfare plans for the benefit of humanity. The Moon in Aquarius in the 1Oth House is helpful in obtaining for the native extraordinarily impor.tant achievements in his life .. These achievements are obtained by him by doing hard work continuously in a planned way. And all these achievements are for his ownself. In this situation of the Moon the social consciousness is almost negative.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF PISCES : The native in whose horoscope the Moon be in the sign of Pisces is Conqueror of his senses, has many qualities, is skilful, loves to play in water, has clean and pure intellect, respects the art of weapons and arms and has a weak body.



Notes : The sign of Pisces and the planet of the Moon both represent water. This combination gives the quality of receptivity but also destroys the power of making struggle. As a consequence mainly laziness becomes a permanent nature of such a native. Otherwise such a native should be imaginative, emotional, liberal, peace loving, loves beauty, wishes comforts and enjoys convenience and has the view point of sympathy towards others. Such natives are unable ~o live in adverse conditions of life.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF ARIES : If in the horoscope there be Mars in the sign of Aries the native obtains lands, honour and wealth through the medium of the king, speaks lovingly, is brilliant, extremely courageous and popular. Notes : The sign of Aries is Mars's own sign. there is great similarity in the qualities of both the sign of Aries and the planet of Mars. It is because of this that whatever special quality the native has, it is there in him in greater amount. Such a native is extremely energetic, enthusiastic, and on occasions he is directed and guided by his instincts, is wrathful and impatient. It is not in his nature to wait for ,anything for a long time. Originality may often be seen: i.n his efforts. He can not bear that there should tlb any limitations and obstructions in his activities and deeds.' If Mars in the sign ;c>f Aries be adversely affected he becomes the cause of accident, operation, fever, pain in the head etc.


~ 41(ii\f)(ij


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~Pcl'141 P+ts\Jl'i ~:

ftt Rt ~tthRt~ ~~'\G q<?i>S"'' t II=? f. II

THE EFFECTS IF MARS BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS : If Mars be situated in the sign of Taurus, the native obtains only a little happiness of having wealth and home, has many enemies, lives in the house of some other person and is oppressed by his son. Notes : - If Mars being situated in the sign of Taurus is under auspicious influence he is most excellent for earning wealth and property. Such a native is often stJccessful in his purpose. There doesnot come in his mind the feeling of helplessness and defeat even in the most adverse circumstances. Such natives ultimately get success due to their practicability, foresightedness, hope, capacity of giving direction and due to an intense desire of getting success. If such a Mars is adversely affected, the native is extremely obstinate, rash in doing everything, is of irritating nature, irrational and on occasions he does not hesitate to use violence.
~ ~ 'iif(ij\f)(ij
qsij)(iilij)W1 ~(ii\JI)ttli~ Slil(ii"''~lH'II->il ~ I

"1'j 1uti ~ ~: ~d'14'1'14 Sl ji& lftli&'{ 1.1=?19 II THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS IS IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI : If Mars be situated in the sign of Gemini, the native is well versed in many arts makes quarrels with his own men, loves travels and gets happiness from son etc. Notes : - If Mars be in the sign of Gemini the native is endowed with ready, prompt wit, is rational, energetic



and speaks clearly. Th(:l persons who come into his contact cannot remain without being influenced by his _intellectual abilities. Such natives often perform some -original and important work in some specific subject with the strength of their intellect.
Cflcll'<l~lld Hicl"flcl

4'<<Jt;f~'<di'1Ricfl"mi i11'1Ridi litlfitdiST.I ~'{~4'{ I




'Cfl'cl't ~ I R~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS BE .IN THE SIGN OF CANCER : If Mars be there in the sign of Cancer the native lives in the house of some other man, is extremely wretched, devoid of intelligence, oppressed by his enemies, and remains unhappy due to the quarrel made by his powerful wife. Notes : A native having this situation in his horoscope is of inconstant thinking of irritating nature, becomes angry very soon when something undesirable happens to him but he is very ambitious, courageous, fearless, and industrious, He does indefatigable labour to keep his family happy. Therefore, there is plenty of material relating to physical comforts and conveniences in his home.
~ +11cl"flcl
-.A.-: "fl('lml

' ~d ~ !i~ d01El'1tll~'fl: ' 'tldC:I'<'tli&l f.cl til I

~ ~I'<I\J141~ !J'II'1'"1lldl"'lldli1fgd) ~ II~<!, II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS BE IN THE SIGN OF LEO :If Mars be situated in the sign of Leo the native is extremely happy due to his progeny and wife, conquers his enemies, is extremely industrious, courageous and has the knowledge of polity and non polity. Notes : Being situated in the sign of leo, Mars develops his qualities in a very grand way and with nobility. Here the expansion of the qualities of Mars is made on a very



high level because here Mars is in his friend's sign. Mars like the sign of Leo represents the element of fire. This similarity between the qualities of both gives to the native courage, sense of liberty, industriousness, the quality of being energetic, enthusiasm and inspiration and makes him ambitious. Such a native is rich in having the ability of giving direction and managing things. he shows sense of carrying out his responsibility fully, enthusiasm, power, inspiration and con-fidence in whatever field of action he may be attached.
Cfl"'lll R1!rn +i 1 (i1 ifl cl 'tjW1'{\il"'lt11W1ttiRTCfl'l


~ I

fa:t~'tja ~ Cfl;:zJCfl41~~ eqqplt'l'l qP!q'lffiq: ~ 11~o 11

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF VIRGO : If Mars be situated in the sign of . Virgo, the native gives respect to the gentle and the good, is chief in his society, performs and gets performed 'yagyas' and obtains happiness from his land and wife. Notes : In this situation Mars makes the native rich with intellectual abilities. Such a native adopts scientific methods and gets extraordinary success in his efforts. He is extremely intelligent, is endowed with ready, prompt wit, works in his own way on a new plan and is skilled in using successful devices in order to perform his projects. If Mars be adversely affected he gives to the native angry ciisposition, sense of irritability, absence of order on the plane of thinking, hastiness obstinacy and pride and haughtiness.
~ +il(i1ifl(i1

'i!S~"'IC44ttilfci~Httlltt!J"6~4ttl4~til~tt: I ~ ~ fcrcm;r: !Jifl"'lqPit'l) ~ ~~: l~q II




THE- EFFECTS WHEN MARS BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF LIBRA : If Mars be situated in the sign of Libra, the native is extravagant in spending his wealth, devoid of some bodily organ, distressed due to being devoid of devotion to his gurus (teachers), restless and becomes unhappy because of the distress caused by his land and wife. Notes : Mars in the sign of Libra develops in the character of the native the qualities of idealism, politeness, love- of beauty, orderliness and sociableness. Such a native gets remarkable advantage in his field of action by his power of making prediction. He becomes popular due to his refined tastes progressiveness and his professional integrity and honesty. If Mars be adversely affected there becomes the increase in the native of lustfulness, bent towards the instincts or instinctual life, of the evil qualities of having the company of the women of blameable character.
_ ~fh1d +iIC1tf)C1 Fcl'ldPti'lft l't?lfl41P<id: 'tjd'tjdiqPtaiRI1t:Rj'&'t I

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'rffi': "tfl'U \il'1f

~ II~=? II

THE EFFECTS OF MARS'S BEING GONE IN THE SIGN OF SCORPIO : If Mars be there in the sign of Scorpio the native is fearful of poison, fire and weapons. He is extremely happy from the side of his son, his daughter and his wife, is favourite of the king and conqueror of his enemies. Notes : Such a native gets success over his adverse circumstances, in his struggle and in destroying his enemies due to his mental abilities. Besides this, such natives are extremely practical, hard working, of firm determination, have certainty in their thoughts and fulfil



their work in an imposing and skilful way. They have the sense of claiming their right in an er'ninent degree. If Mars be adversely affected, the native is ungrateful, unsocial, quarrelsome, selfish, has the feeling of taking revenge and he has to face bodily. troubles. Such a native loses his vitality due to his excessive indulgence in having sexual intercourse with his wife.
~ 41C'IIf)C1


q'<+f'<iRittj~ ~: 1
;gqf.tttlqf.tdlit+fUI~4: II~ II

1fCfRI' nqf.tJt ~ ~

THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE IS MARS IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS : If Mars be there in the sign of Sagittarius, the native owns chariot and horse, obtains dignity, but becomes grieved by getting injury in the battle by his enemy and loves to travel abroad with his extremely beautiful wife. Notes : Being situated in the sign of Sagittarius Mars develops in the native, sense of liberty, openness, enthusiasm and ambitions. Such natives are good satirists. Solid thoughts, replies during reasoning and discussion flash in their minds very quickly. If Mars be aspected by Jupiter, it is .not possible to defeat the native in 'shastrartha' (discussion and debate on the shastras). Such a native is mentally courageous; loves travels, has foresightedness and is rich in warlike tendencies. If Mars is influenced by the other Malefic Planets, the native may be subject to accident during travel, quarrel with his brothers and sisters, gets losses through his servants and gets defeated in the court.

~ 41C'IIf)C1

'< ojq\( IUl +t tllq Pta 1;gl!!i "1 uRl <gclMI ~ : 1 fcMcrnr +tj\Jit<l ~ ~ ~ '\("+jJ ~ II~~ II




THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN : If Mar~ be situate,d in the sign of Capricorn, the native demonstrates his valour in war, is happy due to the happiness of his wife, engaged in doing deeds opposed to his own men, is rich in grandeur and keeps. his aim in his own hands. Notes : - The sign of Capricorn is said to be. the sign of exaltation of Mars. Therefore it is thought that Mars makes the development of his qualities in their highest degrees in this sign. In such natives there flows a stream of power and energy, invincible courage, enthusiasm and the desire to do something extraordinary, these are there in them in marked degree. They want to remain il'l the forefront and most important in every thing. They have the ability of organizing, directing and guiding in marked degree.
~ +iJci"Pci

fcl"''<ltli'IC~d ~ ~ PtGJGJ"''SIPti~Wii\W'(I M!f'<>~ l'jGI@Illl~: fa:!Ftlya)sftlyci'li.Gq~fua: 11~'111

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS BE IN THE SIGN OF AQUARIUS : If Mars be situated in the sign of Aquarius, the native is devoid of courtesy, diseased, opposed to 'his own men, extremely vicious and is oppressed because of being the father of many sons. Notes : A native having this situation in his horosc9pe does hard work to fulfil his ambitions. It is easily possible for him to remove the hardest obstacles from his way of achieving his aim. Such natives are active workers in any organization and the running of any organisation is not possible without them. They have scientific point of view, love freedom, have fixed opinion, are inventors, beneficient and industrious.



If Mars has Malefic influence on him, the native's decisions are imbalanced, he is of extremely unrestrained disposition, opposed to his own men, boasts of his own self, is quarrelsome and extremely wrathful. If this situation is formed in the 11th House these effects become intenser.
I?J'1'l!lillld ti<l('lif)('l C4tl'1tti '8.1Mt11<1Ci4Rjtti fllq;Mtti ~ T.l f.!i\iiiM41q I

fttlttuttfffi~'11 ut1<1~t1~ fllqPtJ'11<1Ptl'1~ti'1<11Ra1tt ~~~ft u

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS IS THERE IN THE SIGN- ., OF PISCES :. If Mars happens to be situated in the sign of Pisces, the native has many addictions, is vicious, devoid of kindness, restless, leaves his. own place and shifts to another one, destroys his intelligenc~ because of living in the company of persons who are devoid of intelligence. Notes : The evil influences of Mars in the sign of Pisces are fructified only if Mars be adversely affected.
l)tj'(llll~ ~
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3jq;'(ju~Sit1q1Cfii ~ ~~C:fllld ~<ldR&dtil$'1: 11~1911

THE EFFECTS WHEN MEIJClffiY IS GONE IN THE . SIGN OF ARIES : If Mercu..y be situated in the sign of Aries, the native is foolish, inconstant, always ready to make quarrel, devoid of kindness, tells lies, and fails in achieving his desired objective. Notes : Mercury is a very sensitive planet. He reveals his auspicious or inauspicious effects and qualities through the medium of that planet with whom he is conjuncted or that sign or House in which he is situated. Therefore, it is quite natural that if Mercury be situated in the sign



of Aries, the native should be inconstant, of quarrelsome disposition, be devoid of kindness and have mind like that of vicious persons. The planet of Mercury does not give the native the quality of extraordinary assiduousness, struggling disposition and perseverance. Therefore this view of the writer that Mercury being gone in the sign of Aries does not become helpful in achieving the desired objective .seems to be true. But this Mercury is often favourable for achieving the desired objective in the field of getting education because Mercury is the significator of the activities relating to the intellect.

Cl't'<l~lld ~
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~Piot~~'(ja) ~ dj\Jitt)~sftty~ "Nl{ ll~tll

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY IS GONE IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS : If Mercury be gone in the sign of Taurus the native is bountiful, courteous, has excellent qualities, is skilled in many arts, has extreme desire of enjoying sexual intercourse, is rich in wealth and gets happiness through his son and brothers. Notes : Being situated in Taurus, the sign of a Benefic Planet, Venus, Mercury reveals his qualities through her medium. The sign of Taurus and the Planet of Mercury both represent speech. If there is not the formation of any Malefic influence here, the native is sweet voiced, expresses himself in a polite manner and is sweet throated. Such persons become wealthy by working hard with extreme understanding and in right direction. They obtain paternal property also. If Mercury (the symbol of Craft) in the sign of Taurus (the sign of Venus, the representative of arts) gives the native skill and talent in arts, it is quite natural. But because such natives are realists, therefore they get greater success, wealth and fame in commercial arts.



~ljq:q);c~'11'<J fcrr.J~ law1ofld'1ll: ~ 1

~ wA 1llil1'1"G~ 'C'IC:'1t1)scr-rn)sftr ~OR: II~~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY IS SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI : If Mercury be there in the sign of Gemini, the native is skilful in speaking in a lovable manner, is the son of two mothers, has charming appearance, has the happiness of owning a house and remains happy due to obtaining excellent eatable foods. Notes : The sign of Gemini is Mercury's own sign. Therefore here Mercury reveals his significatorship in great plenty. It is due to this reason that the writer speaks of such a native as skilled ir] the art of speakirig in a lovable manner and as having a charming appearance. Two mothers, that is, one real mother and the other step mother may be there only in that situation when Mercury being the 4th Lord should be under extremely malefic influence and the Moon is also devoid of strength.

*~~diP! "ii ~ 14'<>fil: 4'C~iliIR11ou'{ I
fci;(;{ *~'CI~ ~ '<j'CMI'Cddl

f.Rm ~

I ~o II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY BE IN THE SIGN OF CANCER : If Mercury happens to be in the sign of Cancer the native is of wicked disposition, lover of hearing songs and legends, favourite of the king, goes to foreign regions and remains excessively engaged in sexual intercourse. Notes : The sign of Cancer is regarded as the enemy's sign for Mercury. As a matter of fact the sign of Cancer is the representative of the instincts where as Mercury is the representative of things done in a rational way.



But generally intellect is defeated by heart. Therefore it is possible that such a native should be of wicked disposition and should remain excessively engaged in sexual intercourse.

~~~ 31idd I'<1 ~d fcl"qffi 'Qi' '<1$\il~ '<<6~ ~




'Rl! I

$Ria)sRIC1)~Rts~ l~q II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY BE IN THE SIGN OF LEO. If Mercury be situated in the sign ofLeo the native tells lies, is foolish, makes enmity with his younger brother, gives pleasure to his wife and becomes distressed and grieved when he finds his enemies making progress. Notes : If Mercury being situated in the sign of Leo is not combust, the native becomes specially honoured among the people of high birth in the society due to his wise decisions. Such a native adopts auspicious means for the attainment of his purpose. He does not permit his ambition to become obstructive in this regard. Such persons do the work of the brain for any organisation. They prefer to make use of refined means of getting pleasure. They get angry very soon if some thing undesirable happens to them. But their anger is momentary and after their anger has calmed down they are filled with love and kindness.
'<jqoq"11j'<d~ ;:ffr R:i~"14q'<) ~ q'()~Rt: I

~itli'<jd ~ T.l..,.a ~ '<j"1ll"11"1ll"11ti<'l~~~: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY IS THERE IN THE SIGN OF VIRGO : If Mercury be situated in the sign of Virgo the native speaks charmingly, is clever, skilled in



the writing business, progressive and has a desire of obtaining the shade of the end of the sari of a beautiful eyed woman (that is, he desires to obtain pleasure from a beautiful eyed woman). Notes : Being situated in the sign of Virgo Mercury is said to be in his sign of exaltation. Therefore, the qualities which are represented by Mercury are obtained here in their greatest measure. The writing business, speech, cleverness, and progressiveness etc., are represented by Mercury. Therefore these qualities develop in the native in their greatest measure in this situation. If there does not exist any kind of Malefic influence on Mercury and he gets auspicious influence, the native should be rich in foresight, expresses his ideas in an influential manner, adopts a rational and scientific point of view, is realistic and studies the various aspects of a problem minutely and deeply and after doing so takes proper decision with regard to it.


~Jcqfctt!ftt~dlfli'<RI~\JIC'<iq;: I

c4't1~1'\+tj\JI : ~ ~US?I g(ii~Jg<44fiil'tldl1d :I~~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY IS SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF LIBRA : If Mercury be situated in the sign of Libra the native tells lies, is extravagant, knows craft, does vicious deeds, talks too much, has addictions and is extremely sinful.

Ndtes : The writer has stated that the effects when Mercury is situated in the sign of Libra, are mostly very inauspicious. Such inauspicious effects may be there only when Mercury be under extremely Malefic influences. The sign of Libra is a friendly sign for Mercury. If here Mercury should be under the influence of the other Benefic



Planets, the native's level of thinking has in it great depth, balance and reality. He can express his ideas in a very clear and influential way. His interests in connection with art and music are very refined. Such a native can make a comparative study of any two subjects with remarkable success.
~~~ p4Dit11RI'(Rf!Oiullf.wfi fcl~t1ctHfi(jl&)4t:RI~ I ~sft;rrffi <HRI'@It"itto) "t"'"mf)sftr '"il ~:I~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF SCORPIO : If Mercury be situated in the sign of Scorpio, the native is miserly, extremely attached to doing sexual intercourse, is deprived of the happiness of the deeds done by him and due to extreme laziness gets many kinds of injuries. Notes : Such natives often remain engrossed in several kinds of addictions. Their mind is naturally bent towards addictions. But this Mercury is favourable for making investigation into an adventurous or a subject which requires deep study. If 'there exist other combinations in the horoscope they are bent towards homosexuality also.

fclt~'(oJuulil ~: ~t'14Rie Cllt"'l~~t>~) ~ 1 ~1~15?1 "~ltt"''tirM fcl~dlli ~ FllfiPtltl: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY IS THERE IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS : The native in whose horoscope Mercury is situated in the sign of Sagittarius is bountiful, has great dignity, is chief in his family, well versed in arts and has a beneficent and beautiful wife. Notes : - If Mercury be in the sign of Sagittarius the native has exhaustive knowledge of his subject. Besides


479 .

this, he is introduced to the minutest dimensions of it also. If there be the aspect of a Benefic Planet like Jupiter the native takes interest in Philosophy and has religious aptitude. Such a native respects the ideas of others, takes the side of law and peace and makes his plan keeping the benefit of most of the people in his mind.
ijCfi'('(l~.l~ ~~

ft'3~ ~: ~tftih: t+t'<Pcit'J"'Id'<: 4'<<t14<pq_ I ~ ~ !t'i'ldcti'<lt'lUt CZH'I"'td : ~ Ofd: ~ ~ I ~f. II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN : The native in whose horoscope Mercury be in the sign of Capricorn has fear of his enemies, is foolish, deprived of the desire of sexual intercourse, works for others and is of humble disposition although he is engrossed in addictions. Notes : If Mercury be in the sign of Capricorn the native gives special stress on caution, secrecy and minute study relating to his plan while making it. Such natives are generally firm on their thoughts and have the ability of influencing others on rational basis. They remain mentally engaged to the last to the purpose for which they work. This situation of Mercury has great importance in \he horoscope of an ambassador.

<J~<tiR;i ~ ~~triil~hl"'l~c:;;:r,"''=") ~

O'JdT trj cfl"'ldl'1_ I


~tftidltftidlttld!t 1~11f: I~19 II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY BE IN THE SIGN OF AQUARIUS : If Mercury be situated in the sign of Aquarius, the native makes quarrel in his home, is extremely wretched, weak, devoid of wealth, vigour and . religion, foolish and is much troubled by his enemies.



Notes : - A native having this situation in his horoscope is rich in foresight, beneficent, emotional and has humanitarian out look. By nature he has interest in Science, new inventions and intellectual deeds. The Mercury of Aquarius gives the native imagination and the ability to see into the future. Therefore he has much importance in the horoscope of Astrologers.

~lfla:ronrm=N:n:rr'<'l ~ \JI'(j'< Iji'l'<'i ~

;ffi ~I

lil~i'(jcl'tJ:~ '(j4<~'11qC:"''ijPciC'I'i<ti'1: l~lll

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF PISCES : If Mercury be situated in the sign of Pisces, the native protects the wealth of some other person, is devoted to gods and Brahmins and he is delighted to see the face of beautiful women. Notes : If Mercury be situated in the sign of Pisces he is in his sign of debilitation. But if he, the representative of intellect, should be in the sign of a Sattwika Planet like Jupiter, and makes the native a devotee of gods and Brahmins, there is nothing to be surprised at. In the natural horoscope the sign of Pisces represent .the comforts of marital bed (happiness of enjoying SElX). But the situation of an impotent Planet like Mercury in it indicates some obstacles in the enjoyment of sex.
~ ~ !}'<>If) (it

~ ~ 'tt!JC:i'<tti '(j'<~tti Pl\11~~'tt!J""''RI'{ 1 fcNcRrt "'fl' 'f'<>NRI'{Riltt: !1ri4it~'l'<>it1)'6'fR!SIC:: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER IS SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF ARIES : If Jupiter be situated in the sign of Aries, the native is extremely enthusiastic, beneficent even to his enemies, has grandeur and is very intelligent.



Notes : If Jupiter be situated in the sign of Aries, the native is extremely ambitious, enthusiastic, energetic and progressive. He- believes in carrying out his plans with great understanding, but along with it he does not allow any delay and mental lethargy in this context.
~EI'<IIll~ j'<''flcl
~ ~Rlolql~;,;fl'<q(ii~: I

~ ~

EI~~OI~ '(OIi'R;4'<1Wl:l: l~o II

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITEFl B~ GONE IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS : If Jupiter be situated in the sign of Taurus, the native earns wealth througft,-the devotion and service of the gods and Brahmins, is wealthy,-hasthe happiness of possessing conveyance, is endowed with dignity, has many enemies and defeats his enemies by his extraordinary valour. Notes : Being situated in the sign of Taurus Jupiter gives the native firmness with regard to his beliefs and values. The native is devoted to his family and loves justice and peace. There is the sense of possessiveness_ in the love of such a native.
~ fum j'<''fl(ii Cj'i Pclt141 ~: fi'~D-4mqr.1 cti"', t:y.mi~~Fcf?.h:r"'(ii,.,....ljfl~i't.j (ij:r.:'(l..i~~Pfhl!Jrmoj : l"'F! I
~ "'<'lffl ~q!Ji()IM tl~ddl~ddltl~~~ llliq II

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER BE GONE IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI : If Jupiter be gone in the sign of Gemini, the native composes poems, speaks lovingly, is pure of heart, of clean disposition and loveliness, clever and does good to all. Notes : If Jupiter be situated in the. sign of Gemini, the native has inclination towards literature. The writing



business, publication, journalism relating to research etc., these are most favourable to such natives as profession. They have remarkable ability .of giving new interpretation in the modern context of the ancient religious books.
~ !}'(>q;(i1
ifS~'11 4 1'1'11 '1C:'1i?IR11Cfi4~ti161Clicll!fltlci1 ~: I



j:>, ~c::>.


~<lq=tUU !f8lillft ~ ilg'<lltg'<ll: ~: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER BE GONE IN THE SIGN OF CANCER : u Jupiter be situated in the sign of Cancer the native has income of wealth on a higher level. Such a native has increase in his sexual activity, is well versed in many Shastras and arts, speaks lovingly, has the happiness of possessing trained horses and elephants. Notes : - The sign of Cancer is regarded as the exaltation sign of Jupiter. Therefore, the effects given by this Planet are seen in their fullness in this sign. If Jupiter is under the influence of a Benefic Planet, the native is very ambitious in financial and professional .matters and all his ambitions are fulfilled also. Therefore he is extremely wealthy, rich in all the material comforts and conveniences, glorious, and passes his life with dignity. The heart of such natives is submerged in the sense of social welfare and therefore many deeds of social welfare are performed by them. However, if Jupiter is affected in any way by Saturn the native has to see evil days also. In this context we give here the following illustration which proves the truth in the above statement. Date of birth

Time of birth Latitude 1.00 a.m. (1ST) 29.54'


Years etc Which are to be passed : Sat : 3-4-9



~ Moon Juo

Mars Rah

Sun Mer Sat

Here in this horoscope Jupiter is in the sign of Cancer al0ng with the Moon, but there is the full aspect of such Malefic Planets as Mars and Saturn also. Of these two aspects it is the Malefic aspect of Saturn anJ the adverse effects of it only will be fructified as the aspect relationship of Mars and Jupiter is creating the combination of 'Rajyoga'. If Jupiter being situated in the Ascendant or in the 4th House is in the sign of Cancer an~ if he is aspected by Saturn the native has to pass his life in the midst of mental unrest, adverse circumstances, losses, enmity, lack of the kindness of men of high status, destruction of property etc. If Jupiter being in the sign of Cancer in the Ascendant is adversely affected he makes the native a patient of some dangerous malady. In this very situation of planets the native obtains prosperity of high level, success and significant achievement also. It has often been seen that in the 'Antradasha' (sub period) of Saturn during the 'Mahadasha' of Jupiter or in the 'Antardasha' of Jupiter during the Mahadasha of I Saturn the native is surrounded by very adverse circumstances. Besides this, the Antardasha of Saturn in the Mah~dasha of that Planet who is the enemy of Jupiter or who is proved Malefic on the basis of the native's Ascendant also brings adverse circumstance in the native's life. This



native belongs to a rich family and since his childhood to 1994 he lived in the midst of power, wealth and grandeur. But in the Antardasha of Saturn during the Mahadasha of Venus (from 19-12-94 to 28-2-1998) this period was passed by the native in very hard, adverse circumstances and he had to face financial difficulties, mental unrest and defamation.

~ !J'<''Iicl


1ffit I

~~';ffi':'qiH11~~ 1!<1~11

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF LEO : If Jupiter be situated in the sign of Leo, the native becomes the Lord of mountains, castle, forests etc. He is strong bodied, beneficent, seizes the property of his enemies and speaks lovingly. Notes : If Jupiter be in the sign of Leo, the native has a few issues. He has only one son. Self restraint, generosity, courage, self dependence, sense of justice, kindliness idealism and the abundance of vital power all these are the gifts of Jupiter in Leo. But here also if Jupiter has Matefic influences on him the native turns towards the pleasures of the senses. Giving troubles to others, searching of undesirable means of getting pleasures of the senses and desiring to earn wealth through base deeds etc. all these are malefic effects given by Jupiter in Leo when he has Malefic influences on him.
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Virgo, the native uses perfumes of flowers and wears fine beautiful clothes, has clean heart, gives wealth in charity, is handsome in appearance, has brilliance and always causes <;listress to others. Notes : As a matter of fact the situation of Jupiter in Virgo gives sharpness to the native's intellect. Any work which needs observation, analysis and drawing of conclusions on the basis of comparison maybe done by such a native with extreme cleverness.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER BE.SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF LIBRA : If Jupiter be situated in the sign of Libra, the native hears the Shastras, performs Tapa (Penance), Japa (chanting of Mantras) and Havana (Sacrificial ladle) with festivities, is devoted to the gods and the Brahmins, beneficent, and kills his enemies cleverly in great restlessness. Notes : If Jupiter be gone in the sign of Libra, the native is sweet voiced, has sympathetic a~itude towards others, has the sense of doing service to society, has special interest in self studies, is lover of arts and is rich in having humanitarian outlook. He cannot see that. there should be injustice done to anyone. H~ obtains special fame in society due to his intellectual level.

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Jupiter be situated in the sign of scorpio has weak body due to the destruction of his wealth, suffers from pride and is distressed at home as well as in woods. Notes : A native having this situation in his horoscope is able to make his significant plans successful on account of his self reliance, firmness and resolve. If Jupiter be not adversely affected he becomes happy by getting success due to his courage, enthusiasm and clever devices. He obtains the effects which are stated in the shloka (verse) if Jupiter is affected by a Malefic Planet.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER BE GONE IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS : If Jupiter be situated in the sign of sagittarius, the native is beneficent, has much property, amasses wealth, has the happiness of having conveyances, is wise and intelligent and possesses beautiful jewels. Notes :-- Sagittarius is Jupiter's own sign. Therefore when he is in the sign of Sagittarius he makes the native energetic, conscious of and alert to his aims and objectives, religious, gives him pride and makes him constantly progressive. Natives having this situation in their horoscope are also selfish to some extent for the attainment of their aim. They like flattery. If they oblige someone even a little they have an intense desire that he should express his gratefulness to them exaggeratedly.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER BE IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN : If Jupiter be in the sign of Capricorn, the native is lacking in intelligence, does things for others, is devoid of sexual desire, extremely wrathful, and cannot fulfil his desires. Notes : - Jupiter being gone in the sign of Capricorn is in his sign of debilitation. Therefore it is quite natural that when Jupiter is situated in this sign the native should remain devoid of those qualities which are conferred upon a person by Jupiter. And Jupiter in this situation obtains the capability of creating the effects given by Saturn due to which such a native has self restraint and works in the direction which leads him towards a higher level than that which' he has in the present and which is an ordinary one. He achieves success even with a little means.


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THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF AQUARIUS : If Jupiter happens to be situated in the sign of Aquarius the native is a pat!ent of some disease, foolish, devoid of wealth, excessively miserly, engaged in doing sins, eats base grains and is often troubled by some disease of teeth and stomach. Notes:- Being situated in the sign of Aquarius Jupiter develops in the native on the philosophical level that thinking which is quite suitable and proper to the present contexts and to the way of life which will be there in the future times. Such a native is known by the people far and wide. This situation is specially significant in the horoscope of the humanitarian thinkers. Jupiter in this



situation causes the native to become famous, successful, - honourable and to live in a distinctive way.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER BE IN THE SIGN OF PISCES : - If Jupiter be gone in the sign of Pisces, the native obtains wealth due to the favour and kindness of the king, is lustful, gets his house constructed, is bountiful, observes the directions given to him by the good and the gentle and always remains joyful and delighted. Notes : - Pisces is Jupiter's own sign. Therefore being in his own sign he gives the native the qualities of which he is the significator such as generosity, aptitude to be bountiful, to (amain delighted, to give respect to the good and the gentle, to do studies, to make journeys and travels. The work of construction of house as in the . significator ship of Jupiter has not been mentioned by any other writer of Astrology. The learned writer Shri Dhundhi Raj has found out this new effect of Jupiter. Such natives have often the feeling of doing the welfare of humanity. They like to associate themselves with such institutions which are in one way or the other connected with the welfare of humanity.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS IS SITUATED. IN THE SIGN OF ARIES : If Venus be situated in the sign of Aries, the native has house and conveyance and he is , the lord of cities, loves wandering, obtains honour and is without any enemies.



Notes : - One of the names of 'Aries ' is 'Adya' also which means the beginning. When a Planet is situated in Aries he causes the events of which he is the significator to happen sooner. Therefore, the marriage of a native having this situation of Venus takes place earlier in younger age. With regard to love such natives have the sense of possessiveness. They have unusual attachment tQ getting physical comforts. This situation of Venus is also not auspicious for happiness in successful married life.


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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE GONE IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS : If there be the situation of Venus in the sign of. Taurus, the native obtains the dignity of having a number of wive~ and sons, loves flowers and fragrance, does agricultural work, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, lives in his home permanently and he has .a few enemies. Notes : If Venus be situated in Taurus she causes the native to have realistic point of view, to work hard, to have economic thinking, the capacity of E!arning with his own means and resources, and the sense of hospitability. Such a native has an unusual sense of possessiveness. Such natives are greatly respected due to their remaining firm on their thoughts. They fulfil their promise and the quality of being patrons is found in them in an usual manner.

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THE EFFECTS IF VENUS BE GONE IN THE SIGN OF GEMINI : If Venus be there in the sign of Gemini, the native is well versed in all the Shastras and arts, speaks of simple and fine things and has taste for sweet substances. Notes : - Being situated in the sign of Gemini, Venus .incorporates in herself all the things that are there in the significatorship of Mercury and therefore she gives the native distinctive skill in arts, literature and the power of expressing emotions and feelings effectively, gives him unique ability of choosing right words and, therefore Venus in this situation and having auspicious influence over her is known among the Astrologers to be the giver of the talent of writing and of poetising to the native.
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THE EFFECTS IF VENUS BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF CANCER : If Venus be situated in the sign of Cancer, the native is the doer of virtuous deeds, has skills and talents and wins all by using all the artistic devices of speech. Notes : - Such a native has the capability of creating an atmosphere of affection and love in his family. There is developed in him an unusual sense of responsibility towards his family. He doesnot like to offend anyone. He is imaginative, emotional, religious, has love for his mother, is liberal, receptive, is given to meditation and concentration and loves literature. He acts contrarily towards believing in a single entity in married life. Such is Venus when situated in Cancer. The native having this situation in his horoscope mentally tends towards mysterious sciences.




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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF LEO : If Venus be situated in the sign of Leo, the native obtains wealth, honour and happiness through his wife. His own men are engulfed in addictions. Such a native gives satisfaction to his friends and does harm to his enemies. Notes : Being situated in the sign of Leo Venus increases the quality of 'love for demonstration' (affectation) which belongs to Leo. If this combination occurs in the Ascendant, the Moon As Ascendant or in the Fourth House, the native has excessive love for demonstrating himself to others but he does not have any desire at all to harm anyone by this quality. Such a native has a number of friends. He has unusual readiness to adopt good qualities.
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q)Jj(ijljj ~stafcr~fl~~t'llll~fllil~ flt'<l~d: I If. f. II

THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE IN THE SIGN OF VIRGO : If Venus be situated in the sign of Virgo the native is extremely wealthy, has the desire of making pilgrimage, adorned with unbounded Lakshmi (wealth) and speaks little. Notes : Venus in the sign of Virgo is in her sign of debilitation and the Indian thinkers on Astrology regards her in this situation as a factor leading to deterioration of character. The reasons for the decay in the essential factors behind happy married life-believing in a single entity, dedication of husband and wife to each other,



attraction without any lust or passion and restrictedness is also regarded to be Venus. Generally such natives get rich through impure means.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE GONE IN SIGN OF LIBRA : If Venus be 9one in the sign of Libra, the native obtains flowers, variegated clothes and wealth, is going and coming in his own country and in the other countries and is the most excellent among the poets. Notes : Libra is Venus's own Mool Trikona sign. Here Venus causes the utmost development of the qualities which are there in his significatorship. Therefore, a native having this situation in his horoscope is relatively more polite, has refined tastes, is cooperative, affectionate, rich in artistic tastes and leads a peaceful life. Such natives are skilled in maintaining coordination and balance in every field of life. They know very well the art of carrying on relations. They have also in them in full measure such qualities as generosity in their character, sympathetic consideration for others, the power of creating abundance of love in relations and sociability.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE SITUATED IN SIGN OF SCORPIO : If Venus be situated in the sign of Scorpio, the native is__ quarrelsome and kills others, is the object of blame, is CGseased since his very birth, given to addictions and ha~ a very little wealth.



Notes : Being situated in a sign of Mars Venus generally creates bitterness in married life. In the world of Astrology this possibility is conceived of such a native that he is extremely lustful., makes relations with other women than his wife, is pleasure loving, has the sense of authority and possessiveness in the place of equality in love and husbands a sickly wife.


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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS : If Venus be situated in the sign of sagitarius, the native is happy due to having wife, progeny and the incoming of wealth, is minister to the king, of good character, loves poets and is long-lived. Notes : Jupiter is an extremely auspicious, benefic and satwika planet and he is the representative of values leading knowledge and man towards elevation. The second half of the sign of sagittarius also is the indicator of this very fact. If Venus be situated in the second half of the sign of Sagittarius, then as the native grows in age, the development of his personality and character is also caused in the same proportion. The speed of this development is slower in the first half of the sign of Sagittarius.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN: If Venus be .situated in the sign of Capricorn, the native indulges in sexual intercourse with old women, fears to spend wealth, that is, he is miserly, weak due to having too much worries, and has a desire to live in the company of poets and in woods.



Notes : . Such a native carries through his responsibilities in his love relations. Such natives have economic point of view and therefore they are often successful. They have natural respect for the customs and traditions of their family. They have little inclination towards novelty. They generally get success in their economic, professional, domestic and married life.


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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE IN TH~ SIGN OF . AQUARIUS : If Venus be gone in the sign of Aguarius, the native is devoid of the happiness of having clothes and jewels, shows laziness in doing good deeds and destroys even the property which he has obtained. Notes : Our experience has shown that such natives are generally the inhabitants of the world of dreams. They have cooperation, feeling of friendliness, and identification with others to such an extent that they can make renunciation for them to any extent. It is because of this that the writer has predicted that such natives destroy the wealth which they have obtained from their parents.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF PISCES : If Venus be situated in the sign of Pisces, the native gets grandeur through the king, is courteous, obtains wealth by attacking his enemies, is bountiful, and loves to swim in water.



Notes : Pisces is regarded as Venus's sign of exaltation. The sign of Pisces and Venus are representatives of human attributes of very high leveL The refinement of the natural instincts of the native which may be there in this situation is not possible in any other one. Therefore, such a native is the benefactor of every one, extremely liberal, emotional, lover of literature, rich with artistic tastes, of cheerful nature, supporter of peace and justice and has a personality which inspires others.
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a "1 fcl t'J "'tt ~I "i1Jffi ~ \i1 '1 fcl '<l If! till~ i1 '1 Fll '1 '1. I lifs~l~~ '!<1\it~'foJi fcl<t+!ill:tl+!ill:t 1+1;:j 1tC)q I k9~ II THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE GONE IN THE SIGN OF ARIES : If Saturn be gone in the sign of Aries, the native has weak body due to lack of wealth, destroys his purposes due to his being opposed to the other men, opposes his own men, and is devoid of peace. Notes : Here Saturn is situated in his sign of debilitation. The nature of Saturn and of the sign of Aries is quite opposed to each other. Therefore there develop in the native some such qualities which are obstructive to success. Thus he gets lazy, is of irritable nature, quarrels with others, gets his energy and efficiency decayed etc.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF TAURUS :If Saturn be situated in the sign of Taurus, the native is devoid of the happiness through his wife, lives in the company of talebearers, is devoid of intelligence and of happiness.

Notes Saturn being situated in the sign of Taurus brings diminution in such conditions as delight, happiness, and festivity in the atmosphere of the family. In the family of such a native there run generally talks relating to profession and. economic activities and there prevails distinctive kind of discipline.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE GONE IN THE SIGN OF GEMif.JI : If Saturn be there in the sign of Gemini, the native loves travels, has vicious heart, gets pleasure at other places than his own house and does not obtain happiness through great men. Notes :-The achievements of such a native are the result of his well thought out plans as they are extremely conscious of their field of action, duty and achievements. They do not believe in making hasty decision or plan, and give final shape to their plan after duly considering the various aspects, possibilities and utility of it; they make an analytic and comparative study of it before hand. But it should not be concluded from their manner of working fn this way that they have mature intelligence. On the contrary such natives are much more energetic, enthusiastic, have the mind of a youth, are extremely intelligent. However, Saturn disciplines such qualities of the native.


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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF CANCER : If Saturn be situated in the sign of Cancer, the native and his mother are weak in body.



The native is endowed with property, enjoys sensual ple:asures of very high order and has the capability of conquering over his enemies. Notfis : Such natives have unusual attachment towards history, antiquity and traditions and they become mature relatively in early age. They like to lead a lonely life, remain dissatisfied, and are hesitant. They can express their mirid and feelings better by writing them than by giving them speech.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF LEO : If Saturn be situated in the sign of Leo, the native is skilled in the arts of writing, makes quarrels, is devoid of good character, makes progress, and is devoid of happiness through his wife and son. Notes : Leo is the sign of the bitterest enemy of Saturn as it is lorded by the Sun. It is because of this that the writer Pandit Dhundhi Raj has not spoken of the auspicious effects of Saturn's being situated in Leo. It has been found that a native having this situation in his horoscope has to be grieved in relation. with his son. It has also been seen that he suffers pain in his liver, heart and in the upper part of his stomach.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF VIRGO : If Saturn be there in the sign of Virgo, . the native does not get success through the deeds done



by himself. He is devoid of courtesy, makes temporary ' friendship and is clean and powerful.. Notes : Natives having this situation in their horoscope are successful in getting education although this education is acquired by them after young age. Such natives have the scarce qualities of seriousness, patience and doing a thing continuously due to which they are able to do successfully research work and a s~rious study of a subject. There usually remains trouble in their digestive organs. This trouble may be predicted with certainty at that time when there is. the intluence of Malefic Planets on Mercury and the 6th House or there is the situation of Saturn in conjunction with Rahu in the 6th House.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE GONE IN THE SIGN OF LIBRA : If Saturn be situated in the sign of Libra, the native is strong in his lineage like a king, has excessive sexual desire, is very bountiful and is benefited by the king. Notes : The most excellent qualities of Saturn are seen when he is in the sign of Libra because it is his exaltation sign. Such a native is extremely disciplined, does his work methodically, is extremely hardworking and always rem~ins cautious. If Saturn in Libra be situated in the 6th . House, the native cannot get success in any occupation than in that of Medicines or in some profession relating to courts.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATU-RN BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF SCORPIO : If Saturn be situated in the sign of Scorpio, the native has fear of poison, fire and weapon, destroys his wealth, is oppressed by his enemy and disease, distressed and doesnot obtain the desired happiness through his son. Notes : Saturn being situated in the sign of Scorpio is regarded as the giver of Mechanical ability and skill: However hard may be tl)e circumstances of work even then the native succeeds in the end by struggling against them. But it is necessary that Mars should be endowed with strength. It is also. possible that in the nature of such a native there has been r~latively greater influence of the instincts. This situation is favourable for the Education of Geology, Archaeology and Geography ..
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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE THERE IN THE . SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS : If Saturn be situated in the sign of. Sagittarius, the native is completely happy through his progeny; is glorious and celebrated, has good means of living and living iri this world he remains satisfied with his grandeur. Notes : There can be no doubt about the obtainment of effects .as mentioned in the shloka because such a native makes constant efforts with single mindedness in order to make himself rich materially and mentally. Such natives speak plainly, are firm and unchanged in their philosophical and other ideas, are rich in insight, optimistic . and grateful.



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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE THERE IN THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN : If Saturn be there in the $ign of Capricorn, the native obtains dignity like that of a king and gets the happiness of possessing incense, flowers, kastoori, sandalwood and such perfumed objects. Notes : Capricorn is Saturn's own sign. Therefore, if Saturn be not adversely affected by Malefic Planets, the native is of serious disposition, intelligent, a good thinker, hates carelessness, is doubtful, extremely ambitious and remains confined in the world of his own self. He accomplishes a work in full care,. skill ahd entirety. Such natives generally do not have the tendency of leaving anything incomplete and unfinished. They may be selfish in the context of achieving their objective. They have astonishing ability of . analysing and determining things. They may love or they may be negligent but they do it with full mind.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE GONE JN THE SIGN OF AQUARIUS: If . Saturn be situated il) the sign of Aquarius, the native gets defeated by his enemies, is attach~d to addictions, doesnot take interest in doing his functions and duties and has friends. Notes : It seems that the writer has not rightly evaluated this situation of Saturn. The natives having this situation in their horoscope have extremely humanitarian outlook, behave sympathetically towards



others, are of thoughtful disposition. There is an important place for the welfare of society in their thoughts. It has been found that they get success in every field on the basis of their unique method of working. Not even one of their ambitions is such as is not fulfilled. Their thoughts in relation to their field of action are extremely serious, very clear, useful and have depth in them.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE SITUATED IN THE SIGN OF PISCES : If Saturn be situated in the sign of Pisces, the native is courteous, of good character and behaviour, famous in the whole society, is prompt in doing benefit to others and has grandeur. Notes : Saturn being gone in the sign of Pisces causes pain in the legs, trouble in the old age, and makes the native renounce the world. Such natives remain more cheerful in peaceful atmosphere. If they are provided an opportunity to work in a lonely place they can accomplish a work with relatively greater skill.

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THE OBTAINMENT OF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED EFFECTS IN LESS OR GREATER DEGREE : If the sign, the Lord of the sign and the Planet, all the three are endowed with strength the obtainment of the effects is full. The less or greater degree of the obtainment of effects is to be imagined (predicted) after studying the situation of the Lord of the sign, his being in debilitation, exaltation, in his own sign, his being comcust etc.



FC Iq; I~ ~ .rn iii sj; ill PI :q sj; fl ~i4 ~ I . ~Rfl<4 ~ flt<11"'11"1ql"1i ~llq II

Make a figure of the shape of man. This is called the circ!e of Saturn. The auspicious and the inauspicious effects which are to be obtained by the natives should be considered by this circle.

'\ifO'IleRn "ll?l -q W?r

~ 'Sf~ PI Ret~ II ~~~~~SI~~Ni('IIPIIRII



Put all the Nakshtras from the Nakshtra at the time of birth in this circle of Saturn according to the method described in the shloka. The effects should be predicted according to the organ in which there is the Nakshtra of Saturn.

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THE PUTTING OF THE NAKSHTRAS IN THE FIGURES; Beginning from the Nakshtra at the time of birth one Nakshtra is to be put in the head of the figure, the three Nakshtras ahead of it in the mouth, two Nakshtras in the the sexual organs (the penis and the testicles), two Nakshtras in the eyes, five Nakshtras in the heart, four Nakshtras in the left hand, three Nakshtras in the left foot, three Nakshtras in the right



foot, four Nakshtras in the right hand. It has been said by Narada Muni. M t:IPI'!Ifa~ ~ cr..q: ~ fil'lttloi "if~: 1


~~ ~Cj)(.'<I~;Q ~~: ~11<-111

The Nakshtra of Saturn when fallen in the various organs (of the body of the figure of man) will cause the .effects in the following ways :
1. If the Nakshtra of Saturn is there in the head, disease is to be predicted.

2. If it be in the mouth, profit.

3. If in the the sexual organ losses.

4. If in the eyes, obtainment of wealth.

5. If in the heart, happiness.
6. If in the left hand, bondage.

7. If in the left foot, pain.

8. If in the right foot, travel.

9. If in the right hand, profit.

The above mentioned effects are obtained only when Saturn has Direct motion. If Saturn's motion is Retrograde, the effects are reversed.
Notes : The circle of Saturn is considered in this way. Suppose the Janama Nakshtra of a native is Ashwini and Saturn, at the time of birth, is in the Vishakha Nakshtra, and Saturn is Direct. Then the Nakshtra of Saturn, . Vishakha will .fall in the left hand of the figure of man and the effects of it will be bondage. And if Saturn is Retrograde then counting will be done in inverse way and the Vishakha Nakshtra will be in the heart the effects of which will be the obtainment of happiness.




Organ Head Mouth Hidden Eyes Limb Naksh- 1 Ira The When Saturn is Direct The Effects When Saturn is RetroGrade Pro tit Travel pain Bond- Happiage ness Profit loss Profit disease DiseProfit Loss Pro lit Happiness Bond Pain Trav I Profit age Heart Left Left Right Right Hand

Hand Foot Foot

Etfects ase



~: ~~ 'mi> ~ C1)Cfll <flqCfl't I

Pc!Miti ~ ~ : IH'llll <tll'<<tl '1. 11'1 II

Now I (the writer of the book) describe the 'Sarvatobhadra Chakra' (the circle which does good tQ one and all) which illuminates all the three worlds and which is soon believable, and this circle is famous everywhere.
"'tfW ~ "!f<tiT'<'

lll"ll)'d'<l: Slllq'<I~Plmrl ~ ~

wmn fctmn:

~lffqol\~<ti1?1 ~ ~ 1ill1 t1'3;ffi't II=? II

THE METHOD OF MAKING THE CIRCLE : Make a circle of Nine cells in the order of North-South and East-West. Put in writing in it vowels, varnas (Letters), Nakshtras, Tithis, days and signs. Due to this circle being famous I have not told the method of putting vowels etc. in them. Notes : The circle is formed in this way. From the four corners of lshan etc. the writing of one vowel in each in the right order is begun thus : First of all the vowel 3T (a) is written in the 'lshan Kona', 3TT (aa) in the 'Agni kona', ~ (i) in the 'Nairiritya Kona' and ~ (ee) in the 'Vayavya Kona'. In the second order again is written ~ (u) in the 'lshan Kona', in (oo) in the 'Agni Kona', ~ (riri) in the Nairiritya Kona' and "i (long riri) in the Vayavya Kona. In the Third order again is written ~ (liri) in the 'lshan Kana' ~ (long liri) in the 'Agni Kana', ~ (ei)



in the Nairiritya Kona and ~ (Long ei) in the 'Vayavya Kona'; and in the last order still again is written 311 (au) in the lshan Kona, 3ft (Long au) in the Agni kona; 3t (n) in the Nairiritya Kona and 3f: (ah) in the Vayavya Kona. By putting the vowels (Hindi) in this way the following position will be there. in the lshan Kona there will be 3T ~ in the Agni kona there will be 3TT l5i in the Nairiritya Kona there will be ~

t1 31T q 3rT
~ ~


and the Vayavya kona there will be ~ ~

In the circle this position will be shown in this way :

r;:. Kona
..c: .!!2

Eastern Direction

Agni :'\





c: 0 ""




= 0



3 g ..,



c: ....




c: 0 :::.::




Western Direction

!!1. ::::!. .., ~


\.__ Vayavya




After this in this very circle beginning with the Kritika Nakshtra the 28 Nakshtras including the Abhijit Nakshtra are put in the following way. In the East are put the Kritika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra Punarvasu, Pushya and Ashlesha Nakshtras: In the South, Magha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati and Vishakha. In the West, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Abhijit and Shravan. In the North, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadrapada, Uttara bhadrapada, Revati, Ashwini and Bharni After Putting the Nakshtras the varnas (letters) are put in the following way. In the East In the South In the West In the North 3J (a) q; (ka) 5 (ha) ~ (da)

'If (ma) c; (ta) -q (pa) ~ (ra)



'1 (na), <:! (ya), 11 (bha). \il (ja),


Tf (ga) ~ (sa) G (da) ~ (ca) err (Ia)

After this the signs in the same order of East etc. are put the East - Taurus, Gemini and Cancer the South - Leo, Virgo and Libra the West - Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. the North - Aquarius, Pisces and Aries ;,And lastly in the remaining five cells are put the Tithis in the same order of East etc. In the East .~ The Nanda Tithis, that is, the 1, 6 and 11 Tithis. l' :' . In the South- The Bhadra Tithis, that is, the 2, 7 and 12 Tithis.

In : Jn In Jn



In the West - The Jaya Tithis, that is, the 3, 8 and 13 Tithis. In the North - The Rikta Tithis, that is, the 4, 9 and 14 Tithis And in the middle cell are put the Poorna Tithis that is the 5, 10 and 15 Tithis. Along way: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

these Tithis, the days are put in the following Sunday and Tuesday Wednesday and Monday Thursday Friday

With the Nanda Tithis With the Bhadra Tithis With the Jaya Tithis With the Rikta Tithis -

With the Poorna Tithis - Saturday.

At the time of birth or going on a travel, Vedha should be considered after putting a planet in that Nakshtra in which he (the planet) is at that time.

1P'!T ~sm T:~


~~ ~ ~ 1

~T:I~~ma~ ~= ~ ~ ~~~~~~~
THE EFFECTS OF VEDHA : If there be the Vedha of a Malefic Planet in the Nakshtra at the time of birth the native suffers from confusion, if the Vedha be in the letter of the native's name he has losses, if there be the vedha in a vowel he has pain in his body, if the Vedha be there in a Tithi he has fear, and if vedha be there in a sign he faces obstacle and obstruction. How the native can remain alive if there be th'So. occurrence of Vedha in all the five, the birth Nakshtra etc? (that is, the native can hardly remain aliyfl).

...J <(


Eastern Direction


Bharni Ashwini Revati



Mriga shira


Poonar vasu



Magha Poorva Phalguni


...J~ Ul






z <( w

Aries Pisces Aquarius


Leo Virgo Libra .



1- 0 0 .,.

0 0


Rikta 4-9-14 Friday


-~ 0

UHra Bhadrapad< Poorva Bhadravad< Shatabhisha Dhanishtha


w 0>


Nanda 1-6-11 Sun Tues. BhadPS 1-'oorna 2-7-12 5-10-15 Satuarday Wed, Mon Jaya 3-8-13 31' Thurs.



Uttara 5' Phalguni .... (!)


Hasta Chitra Swati


n. o





Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio



:c ?;::
...J (.)

w w .


Ultra shadha







Poorva shadha

Jyeshtha Anuradha


s: :::!. ~




Western Direction



'+j'(Dll<t>ifl ~ "'q ~

1Wi oq;R ~- Fcl~iit!ll"t I

gffi '<I 144 G"'1 {"'~.fllTi?JS?t' "<iPlJmi ~ : I I'd II

4<tii'14'J<t>l'<j<tii'<Gi~ ~ '<<tii'Cf"l~ ~I
~'<I fcl4q:ae:>i~ ft' '"'11{~: II~ II

q;cf; '<fiCli'R '<I ~ 'tJCI'iR ftnli '<I "ti'Tmt '<I ~

~~q: ~ ~Iff~:

{'1 <ti I'< "t I

3T<tiffCi; ~JB'ff1f3r fcl~ "Pt~'1D\S{"''~ ~: I If. II


c:-rotu: ~ -cfiRI\JIIo~st'lR't ~ ~q
~IH~~~-qrq ~ dft+t""1{!icl

: ~ lk911

:m: -m~~~~ c?J~m"'ii ID-ffi 'fl~"'ii"'lll!fl ~itiPGI~d, lie II

KINDS OF VEDHA AND HOW THEY WORK : If a planet be in the Nakshtra of Kritika he does vedha to the Nakshtra of Bharni, ~. the Sign of Taurus, the Tithis of Nanda (1-6-11) and of Bhadra (2-7-12), "d<li"R, the Nakshtras of Shravana and Vishakha and the sign of Libra. It is in this way that the 'Vedha Chakra Swara' has been spoken of by those who know the mystery. Being situated in the Nakshtra of Rohini a planet does the Vedha of "tf<ti"R": ')3""q5"R", "'("<f)1"{: the Nakshtras of Ashwini, Swati, Abhijit and the signs of Gemini and Virgo. If a planet be in the Nakshtra of Mrigashira he does the Vedha of the sign of Cancer, "<tiCPR, the sign of Leo, -qcj)ff, the Nakshtras of Chitra and Rewati, ~. 3lCPN. and the Nakshtra of Uttarashadha. In this way consideration of Vedha by the various planets situated in all the other Nakshtras should be made. If the Vedha be by the Benefic Planets the effects obtained will be auspicious and if it be by the Malefic planets it will be inauspicious. When a Malefic planet being situated in any Nakshtra does the vedha of the Nakshtra at the time of birth etc. he gives trouble and pain to the native, but when he



(the Malefic planet) goes in to any other than that Nakshtra he ends the trouble and pain of the native and gives auspicious effects.
Notes : 'Vedha' means having a strong aspect (staring at closely) on any of the Five Angas (Parts) Varna etc. In this Chakra (Circle} a planet sometimes does Vedha or has strong aspect some times on the right side and sometimes on the left side and some times in front of him.

The following rules should be kept in mind while considering the auspicious and inauspicious effects on the basis of the 'Sarvato Bhadra Chakra'.
1. If there be the Malefic Vedha of one of the five parts

of the 'Sarvato Bhadra Chakra', the native will have anxiety, inconvenient condition, mental trouble, and perplexity. 2. If there be the Malefic Vedha of the two, the native has fear. 3. If it be of the three, he gets all kinds of losses and the possibility of getting losses in various ways is there. 4. If it be of four, the native has

and pain.

5. If it be of all the five Angas (Parts) there is caused the possibility of the native's death or of pain like that caused by death. 6. If there be the Vedha of the Janama Rashi (the sign in which there be the Moon at the time of birth) by Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun there is the possibility of the native's death or the death like pain to him.



7. If there be the Malefic Vedha of the Janama. ; Nakshtra (the Nakshtra at the time of birth), there;, will be the fear of confusion in the mind, wandering '1 and disorderly condition in the sphere of thinking. .~ 8. If there be the Vedha of the 'letter' of the native's .~ name there will be loss, and the same will be the~ case if there be the Vedha of a vowel.
9. If the Vedha be of Tithi there will be fear and if it (~

be of the Janama Rashi there will be great trouble ' and dire misfortune or difficulty. ~. I 10. Auspicious effects are obtained by the Vedha of the Benefic Planets. ;~ ij 11. When there be the Vedha by the Sun, the native <J generally faces mental anxiety, irritability, wrath and perplexity. 12. When there be the Vedha by Mars the native has to suffer loss of wealth and grains. 13. If there be the Vedha by Saturn he suffers from disappointment, increase in the disease, and bodily pain. 14. If there be the Vedha by Rahu or Ketu, he faces obstacles of various kinds and all of a sudden faces calamity. 15. If there be Vedha by emaciated Moon there are caused inauspicious effects, but if it be by strong Moon the native obtains auspicious effects. 16. If. there be Vedha by Venus the native has the happiness of enjoying sexual intercourse, obtainment






of wealth and jewels and th~ attainment of physical comforts and conveniences. 17. If there be the Vedha by Mercury, the native gets learning, has interest in literature, hears of good news and gets success in the field of acquiring knowledge. 18. If the Vedha be there by Jupiter the native sees auspicious effects in every field. He gets the favour and kindness of his gurus and men of distinction and there is increase in the religious activities. 19. It is thought that if the Malefic Planets be Retro grade at the time of Vedha, the effects get doubled, and if the Benefic Planets be Retrograde, the auspicious effects are also doubled. And if at the time of Vedha a Planet be in his sign of exaltation the effects are trebled but if he be in his debilitation sign he gives only half of the normal effects. The effects are normal in the normal sign.

~ '<{4Chl(l11'1(11ilthl&ml: II=?=? II


ott4q; I<11'1 c;j Ti;
't<l '<'i II 'f?l~ ~ d ~ m'( I

~ ~ cr~ ti"''ttfRiq;~ ~ llq 11

The extremely miraculous Surya Kalanal Chakra which is described in the Swara Shastra will now be stated by me in great detail.
-mJj Cl)1


f,j:t{<'l<j;IMI: m-<'11:9 fmif: f,j :t{<'ICfiiOII"ff'<ll"'4 ' ~ 1&1

' dcBilll:

q~q;~~lll: I

~I& I?ill ~ Tf a?!' i} i} Tf -q;)uft -qft1) fcM) II:? II

1qqq't I

""'19) f,j:t{<'I'W Tf G0'5'!<'1iffid!'1 ~~II~ II

Method of Forming : First, draw three straight lines from North to South and make the shape of 'Trishul' or trident in the fore part of these lines. Then in the mid<;lle part of these three lines are drawn three oblique or slanting lines from West to East. then two lines are drawn in each of the Four Angles. Then one more line is made in between the trident and the angle. At the point of these two lines should be made some mark of horn shape. The Nakshtra in which the Sun be there at that time (when the effects are to be known) should be put at the root of the middle line of the trident. The remaining Nakshtras including the Abhijit Nakshtra are then to be written in the right order.






t<l '11 41 +f "W-i1

fl C: fl N> <4

'tffi 'if 'ffil IN> ('(I ~ li


~~~~q~~~~ 1~11

~~~~ ~ ~: 4R4>('(1~ll:l

~ ~ \j'j'"q~ mms1fu!r~ffr~ffm '1'!1011'1. I~ II

The auspicious and inauspicious effects should be predicted according to the place where the Nakshtra at the time of birth happens to be. For instance, if the Nakshtra at the time of birth happens to be there at the three Nakshtras below (at the root of the North - South Line), then the effects respectively should be predicted



to be anxiety, death by being killed and bondage, if it be in both the horns, then disease and defeat should be predicted; if it be in the three tridents, death would happen and if it be in the remaining places then the prediction should be victory, obtainment of happiness and the attainment of the desired objectives.
-iJ'l!4clJI('11'1cliiw~d(\ ~ "il" ~ "il" '(OISI~iJt I

SI~H'{cf OfJ ~~~lj :i'<ld"''l"''i CfT.I"i SI"'IUI>J. II~ II

The Surya Kalanal Chakra is to be considered in the case of disease, dispute, battle and travel. Illustration : Suppose the Sun be there in the Nakshtra of Shatabhisha, then beginning from this Nakshtra all the other Nakshtras should be put as described above and the Surya Kalanal Chakra should be made. If the Nakshtra at the time of birth is Revati which is the Fourth from the Nakshtra of Shatabhisha, it would be there in the angle. Therefore according to the rule the prediction should be victory, profit and the attainment of the desired objectives.

~: ii~Cf)lcliY'fcl ilwl~: II~~



THE CHANDRA KALANAL CHAKRA <ti<tilc4H ~ tt~'iil 'lqiqnu~ffl+'l) 1


: tt->T.II{;jt'l fcf't)-U ~ 8l'iJ\C11Pt cta4>~ 119 11

q;)ou'iil ~orn1~ctl)'1 man : '{48l'iJ\til fcm;J 4~1~ 1 "iiRt ~ ctC:jU>~UI 'tt'czA ~W<Qif.!t q~ffiC:;::t) II=? II
Method of Drawing : Draw a circle with compasses and then draw one line from East to West exactly in the middle of this circle and another in the same manner





from North to south. At the end of both the lines on both sides there should be formed the mark of trident. After this two more lines should be drawn from the Agni kona to the Vayavya Kona and from the lshan Kona to the Nairiritya Kona. After this in the middle of the trident of the Eastern direction should be put the Nakshtra in which the Moon be there at the time of birth and to its left should be put respectively one Nakshtra outside the circle and one inside it and in this way all the 28 Nakshtras (including the Abhijit Nakshtra) should be put in the Chakra. In this way Chandra Kalanal Chakra is for.med.
cfHcll"''cl tHI5~ci it~ '(DISI<IIDII~:JG1i414

'mt I

~~~It1ti'<'d ~ 1\'1+1~4~ ~

g ~it II~ II

THE CONSIDERATION OF EFFECTS FROM THE CHANDRA KALANAL CHAKRA : The consideration of effects from the Chandra Kalanal Chakra should be dooe at the time of going to the battle or of going on travel. Illustration : The Chandra Kalanal Chakra is considered in the following way. Suppose the Nakshtra in which the Moon is there is Ashwini and the Nakshtra in which the Moon was there at the time of birth is the 25th one from it, that is, it is 'Uttara Bhadrapada' which is outside the circle. Therefore it will be auspicious effects giving.



i\Jt"'"l'!l~): >&il'<~il~4ttnil~: t~i~fM;: ~u?la>t I ~ -q;c;j ~ ti Sl Cllbi Ell <'II C1 &l~WTA'fl! 11'1 II

The tangible or material effects which have been stated by .the writers of the Astrology according to the transit of the Planets from the Janama Rashi (the sign in which the Moon was there at the time of birth) of the natives are now described by me for giving knowledge to the pupils.

~416<"1 ~ .rNJaft~-1 -:q ~


lll "i'"H?i Cl fr\511

~aorms'#leCI~eRI~<"lf'll Clllll<l'l'<"ll -q;c;j ~ IR II

THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN BE THERE IN THE JANAMA RASHI : If the Sun be there in the Janama Rashi of the native, he will proceed on travel, if in the second sign from the Janama Rashi, he will have fear, if in the 3rd Sign, gains of wealth, if in the 4th he will be subjected to addiction, if in the 5th. he will be wretched, if in the 6th there will be the destruction of his enemies, if in the 7th he will go on a trav!'ll, if in the 8th he will have much pains, if in the 9th there will be the destruction of his brightness, if in the 1Oth he will get the objective, if in the 11th he will have gains and if he be in the 12th he will have to make expenditure.
Notes : Due to transit when the Sun comes in the Janama Rashi of the native or sign in which the Moon



was there at the time of birth there is decline in the native's respect and diminuition of his wealth. It is also not auspicious from the point of view of health also as the native feels tiredness. He has to suffer from heart disease, trouble in the eyes, in the stomach etc. The completion of every thing is delayed and there occur journeys without purpose. When the Sun comes into the second sign from the 'Chandra Lagna' the possibility becomes still stronger of destruction of happiness, fear of being deceived, trouble in the eyes, anxiety without cause and fear and losses. Contact with the vicious is formed and there remains the feeling of pain in head and eyes. Due to quarrels in the family the native's time passes in unhappiness. If in transit the Sun be in the Third House from the 'Chandra Lagna' there is in the native an impulse of enthusiasm and energy, he gets relief from diseases, happiness and peace of mind, financial gains and defeats his enemies. If the Sun be in the Fourth House from the Moon there are formed the combinations of physical and mentat pain. There is lack of happiness in married life due to domestic quarrels. The native's mind remains inconstant and unfixed. There is enmity with the other people, obstruction in work, gain of infamy, quarrel with Senior officer, lack of happiness through wife, unfavourableness in the social atmosphere and inconvenience in journeys. When the Sun comes in the 5th House from the Moon the mental" perplexities of the native get increased. The native's own health as well as of his progeny's health does not remain fine. There occurs increase in argument with the officials, loss of wealth and the feeling of being wretched.



In the time of transit of the Sun in the 6th House from the Moon the native remains healthy and without disease, his enemies are destroyed', all distresses and anxieties are .removed, there is rise in trades, favourableness with the people, the completion of the desired objectives, friendship with the people of higher class, fame in governmental work, subduing of his enemies and progress in every field. When due to transit the Sun comes in the 7th House from the Moon, the native is devoid of peace in married life, fails in the work he has been doing, faces obstacle in his profession, trouble in journeys, there is disorder in the health of his wife, opposition from his senior officers. In such a time there generally remains an atmosphere of slackness or depression in trade. If due to transit the Sun is there in the 8th House from the Moon the native is subjected to mental unrest, loss of happiness, non cooperation from his own men and the members of his family, meaningless anxiety and fear, quarrel with his enemies,. fear of disgrace and the possibility of bodily pain due to Piles, indigestion, fever, blood pressure etc. is also formed. Due to transit when the Sun comes in the 9th House from the Moon, the native undertakes many journeys, there is the decay of the brightness of the body, false charge on the native, useless loss of wealth and virtuous deeds, diminution of earning of wealth and the fear of disease and absence of peace. When on account of transit the Sun comes in the 1Oth House from the Moon there is the obtainment of excellent effects. The native gets success in every field, there occurs progress in the matters which were formerly



obstructed, good terms are formed with persons of honour and high position, there occurs progress in trade, opportunity of promotion in service. When the Sun be there in the 11th House from the Chandra Lagna, there occurs improvement in the economic condition of the native, the obtainment of social prestige, profit in trade, obtainment of health, of desired objective due to the native's own valour, profit from his friends, absence of disease, governmental favour and the successful completion of some religious beneficial deed, etc. When the Sun happens to come in transit in the 12th House from the Moon there occurs the possibility of impediment, obstacle in the native's way, increase in expenditure, losses, economic crisis, the journey to some distant place, decline in position, fever, disorder in the stomach, pain in the eyes etc. Besides these, the native is subjected to fear of dishonour, enmity with friends, dispute with or opposition to senior officers and loss in trade.

fcffi ~ ~ W!i T.J "<!1Ft T.J m ~ ~: II~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN IN TRANSIT THE MOON ENTERS THE VARIOUS HOUSES : When due to transit the Moon be posited in the Moon Ascendant the native gets the most excellent food; when she be in the 2nd House from the Ascendant there occurs the native's loss of wealth, when in the Third, obtainment of wealth; when in the 4th, pain in the belly, when in the 5th, destruction of work, when in the 6th, profit, when in the 7th obtainment of wealth, when in the 8th, disease, when





in the 9th, fear of the king,. when in the 1Oth, happiness, when in the 11th, gain, when in the 12th sorrow.
Notes : In transit when the Moon Crosses the Moon Ascendant, the native gets unusually sensitive, he has obtainment of happiness and pleasure and remains relieved from disease. Obtainment of financial gains, happiness; sexual intercourse with his wife and the rise of his fortune are the other effects.

If the Moon be there in the Second House from the Moon there occurs the loss of honour and wealth, obstacles are there in the things done by the native, there is greater expenditure, quarrels take place, tendency to do evil sinful deeds is increased, pain in the eyes, enmity with the native's own tribe and mental discontentment are there. If the Moon happens to be there in the Third House from the Moon the native has obtainment of wealth, happiness of having clothes etc, satisfaction of mind, fame, increase in fortune etc. and makes friendship with women. When the moon in transit comes in the 4th Hou!>e from the Moon there are formed circumstances whtch cause fear to the na1ive. The other effects are decline in health, lack of self confidence, mental unrest, diseases of the chest, meaningless fear, and doubt in the mind etc. When the Moon happens to be there in the 5th House from the Moon the native sees his friends, gets social prestige and happiness, succes~ in the examination and his time is spent in entertainment. If in this House the Moon happens to be emaciated the native gets disappointment, disease, sorrow, etc. There come obstacles in the things done by him, obstacles in going to foreign lands, the native has loss of wealth, suffers



from indigestion, loss. of respect and increase in wretchedness etc. If the Moon happens to come in the 6th House from the Moon the native has no disease, has gains of wealth, his enemies are destroyed, he has contact with good friends, gets his desired objects, fame and happiness. If the Moon be there in the 7th House from the Moon Ascendant, it is the time of happiness pleasure and elevation for the native; his body during this period has no disease and he gets the happiness through his wife, progeny etc; he gets success easily in what he does. The time is auspicious from the point of view of having gains; the native gets victory in debate and the time is favourable for married life. Due to transit when the Moon comes in the 8th House from the Moon Ascendant there occur many unfavourable events, enmity is created with the people without any reason, there come obstacles in relation to the obtainment of wealth and there arise many anxieties in the professional matters. The native suffers from Indigestion, diseases of respiration, bronchitis, and diseases of the chest; there is the possibility of the native's being oppressed with great trouble; and he has anxiety, fear and unhappiness. On account of transit when the Moon happens to come in the 9th House from the Moon Ascendant, the native performs religious deeds; this time is the most excellent for doing beneficent deeds, giving bounty, and for doing religious activities; the native obtains glory and fame. If the Moon be emaciated, the native gets bondage and anxiety, he has to do much labour and suffers from the diseases of the stomach; he does not remain mentally healthy, is not able to accumulate money, has loss of



sleep; has pain in the chest, becomes lethargic, feels tiredness and weakness and fears loss of respect. When due to transit the Moon comes in the 1Oth House from the Moon Ascendant, the native gets success in the desired objectives, glory and happiness, honour, wealth, honour and wealth from the king and promotion in his career. When she comes in the 11th House from the Moon Ascendant, the native sees his friends, gets the pleasure of having sexual intercourse with his wife, has obtainment of excellent foods, progresses in every thing, there is increase in his income, he has much gains in trade and he sees his near and dear ones. When she happens to come in the 12th House from the Moon Ascendant, the native remains unquiet, there occurs increase in his expenditure, the possibility of loss, contrary result in every thing, he remains mentally distressed, there is the possibility that he has some disease of the eyes, he becomes capricious in his behaviour and he does unjust deeds due to his being infatuated with power.
~qq ~ iHI'fll~'ffi"l'<'lt<f1(1Jt I

<Ji"ffi~ ~ <6<'11~<ifl

~ 'ffi'{ I~ II

The inauspicious effects of the Moon when she is in the 2nd, 5th and 9th House due to transit should be understood as the effects when there is the Moon of the Krishna Paksha. The effects of the Moon of the Shukla Paksha is auspicious.

~ ll1ffi Pclii"l~!l~f%"1~ ~I !ilf?l) q tmi 'il ~ 'il 'Wt '('111{ ~ '\t1'14''1Mil I ~till

THE EFFECTS OF MARS IN TRANSIT: The situation of Mars from the Moon Ascendant in. the various Houses



in the right order will give the following effects : 1. If Mars be there in the Moon Ascendant there remains fear in the native's mind. 2. If he be in the 2nd House from the Moon Ascendant he suffers loss. 3. If he be in the 3rd House, he has gains of wealth. 4. His being in the 4th . House there occurs increase in the native's enemies. 5: Due to his being in the 5th House destruction of wealth has been predicted. 6. If due to transit Mars be in the 6th House obtainment of wealth is there. 7. His being in the 7th House loss of wealth has been predicted. 8. If he be in the 8th House there may be attack on the native with weapons. 9. Due to his being in the 9th and the 10th the native will have some disease. 10. If he be in the 11th House there will be gains. 11. Due to his being in the 12th House there occurs e.xpenditure.
Notes : During the time when due to transit Mars be there in the Moon Ascendant success in the projects of the native is generally not obtained. The native suffers from fever, wounds, and sickness of blood. There is the possibility of harm by fire, poison and weapon. There appear obstacles and obstructions in the way of doing



things which have been started. The native has to become the victim of the wrath of his senior officer. There occurs separation from the near and dear ones, the native lacks enthusiasm in life, has bilious disorders' and mental perplexity. If Mars be there in the 2nd House from the 'Chandra Rashi' (the sign in which the Moon be there at the time of birth), there occur quarrels in family life, deterioration in health, loss in the profession, fear from the king and the native's enemies, jealousy, increase in bilious and windy disorders and fear from thieves. If he be in the 3rd House from the Chandra Rashi' due to transit, there is increase in the native's enthusiasm, his enemies are defeated, the native gets relief from perplexities and obstacles which he may have at that time, he gets success in important matters, there is increase in his self confidence and will-power and gains. Mars in this situation is not beneficial for going to foreign lands. When he be in the 4th House, the native has opposition from his own men, there is increase in his enemies, there arises the problems of lands and property, loss in the happiness of married life and there is decrease in honour. He has to suffer from fever, disease in the chest region and diseases arising from the sickness of blood. If he be in the 5th House, he causes loss of wealth and health; at such a time the native's progeny remain sick, his mind tends to doing sinful deeds, there occurs increase in his expenditures, slackness in his health and his dignity and valour get shocked. There are formed the combinations of the native's becoming wrathful, fearful, having disaffection towards his own men and loss of fame and glory.



When he be in the sixth House, there occurs increase in the native's happiness and mental peace. There is an impulse o.f fearlessness, the native's enemies are defeated, his economic condition is improved, the results of a case in the court become in his favour and he gets profited in metal business. When he be in 'the 7th House, the native's own men have to suffer mental and bodily pain, there occur quarrels between wife and husband due to dissimilarity .in their ideas, there is the loss of his wife's health, trouble in his own belly, some eye disease, mental anxiousness, theoretical differences between the native and his partner raise their heads and he has to suffer loss of wealth due to competition. When he happens to be in the 8th House, there occur sickness of blood, hemorrhage, anemia, tiredness, disappointment etc. There is formed the possibility of the native's being murdered, the native resides in some foreign land, his efforts become meaningless, there occurs increase in addictions in him and there arises obstacle from his enemies. When he be in the 9th House, there are formed the combinations of loss of honour, destruction of wealth, decay in physical power, painful living in foreign regions, mental disappointment and weakness. There occurs the possibility of quarrel with the native's own men and of being deceived by them, the native is disrespected, he has pain in his muscles and is emaciated. Due to loss of fortune he has to suffer much from lack of wealth, there are losses in profession, and the native acts against religion. Due to transit when Mars comes in the 1Oth House from the Moon, the native is relieved of his troubles, gets



victory over his opponents and enemies, matters which he has taken in his hands are soon disposed of, there is increase in his prestige, rank and rights, his terms with the officers are bettered, his valour and glory are increase,d and he obtains fame by enlarging the field of friendship with the persons formerly unknown to him. When he comes in the 11th House, the native obtains success in every field. There are formed the combinations o1 gains of wealth, obtainment of immovable property, increase in respect, honour and prestige, birth of progeny and domestic happiness and peace, there is obtainment of happiness through the native's brothers, he has gains from them, he remains hale and hearty, has gains of lands etc. and increase in income as he expects. When he be in the 12th House, there occurs expenditure of wealth, the possibility of going to foreign lands, the native has eye diseases, there is increase in his enemies, disorder or sickness of Bile, mental anxiety, quarrel.with his wife, indifference towards his enemies .and loss of respect and honour.


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I If, II

THE EFFECTS OF THE TRANSIT OF MERCURY IN THE VARIOUS HOUSES FROM THE MOON ASCENDANT : Due to transit when Mercury happens to come in the Moon Ascendant, the effects of it may be bondage for the native, when he be in the 2nd House from the Moon Ascendant, there occurs obtainment of wealth, when in the 3rd fear of the enemy, when in the 4th obtainment of wealth, when in the 5th, the native will have pain, when in the 6th there will be stability in



the native's affairs, when in the 7th he will have pain, when in the 8th, there will be incoming of wealth, when in the 9th he will be regretted, when in the 1Oth there will be obtainment of happiness, when in the 11th he will have gains and when in the 12th there is destruction of his wealth.
Notes : When due to transit Mercury be there in the Moon Ascendant there is the fear that the native may have bondage and loss of wealth, and he acquires the habit of back biting. He has t9 hear and bear harsh words !rom others, he is subjected to deception, expenditure of wealth is increased, his relatives get harmed, he has to make changes in his ideas and projects due to pressure and fear, there comes obstacle in his living in foreign lands, there is obstruction in auspicious deeds and people do not give respect to him.

On account of Mercury's coming in the 2nd House from the Moon Ascendant due to transit there occurs increase in the happiness to the Native, he has gains of wealth, influences others by his manner of speaking, gets success in the field of learning and having knowledge and has good foods. When he happens to come in the 3rd House, the native remains in doubt in matters relating to his opponents and state officials due to his own weakness and he is afraid of them. He has opposition from and enmity with his own men, gets his wealth destroyed, has trouble from the King's side and opposition from senior officers. According to 'Varahi Samhita' Mercury when he comes in the 3rd House from the Moon Ascendant, the native has friends and he runs due to fear. When he comes in the 4th House from the Moon there is the obtainment of wealth, the native's own men and



the members of his family get success in their aims, the number of the members of the family increases, the conduct of the native remains fine, his mother gets happiness, there occurs increase in lands and property and the native makes friendship with the highly educated and gentle persons. When he comes in the 5th House, there occurs for the native the rise of troublesome, painful circumstances, difference of opinion with his wife, progeny and other relatives, his plans are not successful, there remains disappointment in love also and his mind is distracted from studies. When he comes in the 6th House there occurs progress in the native's profession, obtainment of victory and happiness, increase in popularity in the society, the native gets mental and physical happiness, the matters which formerly remained delayed are now completed soon and every project gets completed in a planned way. When he comes in the 7th House there is the rise of mental perplexity, unrest, conditions of anguish for the native. No work of his is completed without there being obstacles and obstruction in the way of it. There occurs the decay of physical power in him, enmity with his wife and progeny, feeling of physical sickness and mental restlessness. When he be in the 8th House, the native has gains of wealth, victory over his enemies and success in every thing. The economic and physical level of the native is elevated. His enemies lose brilliance and are defeated. His sons get happiness. The native is successful in completing his work cleverly and efficiently. There is increase in his honour and respect. When he happens to come in the 9th House there comes obstacle in every



work done by the native . there is in his mind the feeling of regret and affliction. He is troubled by the increase in the number of his enemies. There are formed for him the combinations, of loss of place or position and of respect. There is the rise of unstability in his mind and intellect. He experiences tiredness and pain in travels, enmity with his relatives and coborns is increased. He criticises and points out defects in religious matters. When he be in the 1Oth House, there occurs for the naive increase in his happiness, his enemies are defeated, he gets progress in his profession, success in the things which he has in hands and obtainment of happiness for his family and good opportunities of being introduced to new formerly unknown persons. There are formed combinations of honour and prestige in society and the native is inspired to do work of social welfare. When he be in the 11th House, the native gets happiness and pleasure and opportunities of rising in every field, favour of the other people and love of his own men. He has economic gains of high level from several sources and hears of auspicious news. Mental peace, physical happiness, professional success, happiness from wife and progeny are also the effects when in transit Mercury happens to come in the 11th House from the Moon Ascendant. When he comes in the 12th House, the riot of the native's enemies is increased. There is formed the condition of loss of fame, trouble from his enemies, physical sickness and suffering for the family. There remains the fear of loss of honour and there come obstructions in the way of earning wealth, the native's mind is perturbed, there is lack of appetite and failure in the field of getting education.



~ fcffi ~ ~RCJ~ ~ '<1\11114 T.l' ~I ~ ~ 11'1fcl'd T.1' fr-si. ~ i:i?rcl) \JI+m~): flcWlJI(l I k911 .

THE EFFECTS WHEN IN TRANSIT JUPITER COMES IN THE VARIOUS HOUSES.- When due to transit Jupiter happens to be in the Moon Ascendant there is fear for the. native, when he be in the 2nd House from the Moon Ascendant, there is gains of wealth for him, when in the Third, affliction, when in the 4th increase in the number of his enemies, when in the 5th happiness, when in the 6th Sorrow,. when in the 7th honour from the king, when in the 8th disease, when in the 9th happiness, when in the 1Oth wretchedness, when in the 11th obtainment of honour and gains of wealth and when in the 12th affliction. Notes : Due to transit when Jupiter comes in the Moon Ascendant he is not regarded to be auspicious. He causes loss of respect, destruction of intellect and wealth, many kinds of troubles, pain and distress in foreign lands, enmity with the member of the native's family, increase in the number of his enemies and his loss of health. Some learned astrologers have pointed out that in case of Jupiter's being in the Moon Ascendant the native faces obstacles in getting employment and in his profession. Due to his discussion with his senior officers he .has to suffer from mental suffering, the completion of his projects are delayed , the native has to leave his birth place, he remains depressed, thinks ill of others and due to excessive expenditure there is adverse effect on his economic condition. Some auspicious effects have also been seen in the cases of some persons when due to transit Jupiter comes in the Moon Ascendant. Thus the native finds the solution



of his various problems. Combinations are formed in which his wife may conceive, he has an impulse of enthusiasm in his mind, there is increase of the religious tendencies in him, it is the time of deep study for him and there is increase in his social prestige. When due to transit Jupiter comes in the 2nd House from the Moon Ascendant there is for the native much obtainment of wealth, increase of happiness and comforts in his family, the respect, honour gra(ldeur and dignity of the native increases, he gets immovable property, gains from trade, mental peace, he has gain of progeny relief from debt, favour of officers and greater accumulation of money in such saving schemes as Time Deposit Schemes. When he comes in the 3rd House such situations as give affliction to the native are formed, there is the rise of anxieties, there occur quarrels with his brothers, disputes in employment and opposition with those who are cooperative to him, harmful things happen to his friends, he has to suffer loss in journeys, there is increase in diseases, his wife experiences pain or there are possibilities that she may have miscarriage, obstacles appear in the way of rise of fortune and success but possibility is there of the doing of propitious deeds and of deeds relating to marriage. When he comes in the 4th House there occurs the increase of mental unrest, decay of physical brilliance, lack of wealth, the native is put to many troubles due to his enemies and there is opposition in society. The native has to go to the people of a bereaved family which is related to him because of the death of some of the member of it. His mother's health deteriorates. His promotion is delayed and he is entangled in some court case connected with immovable property.



When he comes in the 5th House there is formed the possibility of the birth of progeny, and increase in happiness and peace. The native gets much entertainment and desired success in examination. There is increase in his reasoning power and understanding and he gets success in making excellent plans. There appear opportunities of profit in trade and of promotion. When he comes in the 6th House, there are formed the combinations of the native's remaining restless and unquiet, slackness in his health and increase in the number of his enemies. His expenditures .increase unnecessarily, he gets bad name in doing deeds connected with the state, there is decline in trade and he gets trouble from the side of his maternal uncle and aunt. When due to transit Jupiter comes in the 7th House from the Moon, the native gets royal honour and this time is favourable for making love and marital relations. He makes relations and contacts with men of distinction and is benefited by them. He has to remain out doors for doing auspicious deeds. When he comes in the 8th House there occurs increase in the diseases, the native is molested by thieves and by the State. He feels physical exhaustion, his own men and his friends oppose him. There are formed the combinations of loss in business, dishonour and demotion, opposition from the sons. The native gets mental pain due to some incident, there is decay of lustre and splendour. The native has to do long journeys in his own country and during these journeys he under goes physical suffering. When he comes in the 9th House there occurs for the native obtainment of happiness and comforts. There



occurs increase in wealth and obtainment of progeny. The native gets success in every field. He gets royal honour and promotion in service. There is increase in him of religious instincts. He has opportunities of making travels, doing worship, making spiritual progress, attending the company of saints, making good use of his intellect and prudence a~d of studying. He is greatly honoured in society and by officers. He spends his money in doing virtuous deeds. This situation of Jupiter has been regarded as specially auspicious and success giving for authors, publishers, professors and lawyers When he comes in the 1Oth House, the native develops ill will against others without any cause, the combinations of loss of honour are formed, and the native gets greater humility in his behaviour. There is loss of wealth, decline in profession, transfer, lack in rights etc. The native gives offence to his seniors and has quarrels with his own men. When he comes in the 11th House, there occurs for the native increase in gains of wealth and prestige. He gets profit through his friends, remains cheerful and has more and more rights and authority. He gets married and obtains progeny, defeats his enemies, gets success in everything, promotion in service, gains in his profession interest in auspicious deeds and happiness of having sexual intercourse. When he comes in the 12h House, there is extreme increase in the native's expenditures, the native experiences physical and mental affliction, he has to be separated from his sons, there is fall in his good conduct, and opposition against his own men without any reason. The native finds that the public opinion is not in his favour, he has mental unrest, and there are formed



the combinations of getting defamed, suffering, fear and trouble in his residing away from home.

~~ -F.!RJr.o'tlm"'~81mq ~

fcRi 'Cj(isfiRI"''<IRitJf.e'tl ~ 4'<q'<'?f('114 ""4m ~ T.l" c:GTR~" ~ = lit 11

THE EFFECTS WHEN VENUS BE IN VARIOUS HOUSES IN TRANSIT. When due to transit Venus be in the Moon Ascendant, there occurs the destruction of the native's enemy, when she be in the 2nd House from the Moon Ascendant the native has gains of wealth, in the 3rd house he gets happiness, in the 4th House gains of wealth, in the 5th House happiness through progeny, in the 6th House increase in the native's enemies, in the 7th House prevalence of sorrow, in the 8th House gains of wealth, in the 9th House gains of clothes, in the 1Oth House suffering, in the 11th House gains and in the 12th House gains of wealth. Notes : When due to transit Venus happens to come in the sign in which the Moon be there, the native has obtainment of weal.th, there is improvement in his economic condition, destruction of his enemies,. obtainment of decent clothes, perfumes and cosmetics, and he gets the pleasu~e of having sexual intercourse. The combination of the native's being wedded is formed. He makes progress in the field of education and learning. He obtains all kinds of entertainment, grandeur and sensual pleasure. Although his conduct may sometimes tend to be evil, he is inclined towards truth. This time is favouf~ble for the obtainment of progeny also. The native has greater gains of wealth, the circle of his acquaintances is widened, he gets -the solution to his various problems, and honour and prestige.



When due to transit Venus happens to come in the 2nd House from the Moon Ascendant, the native has opportunities of gaining wealth many times, his own men get happiness, he himself gets most excellent clothes, he experiences the happiness of married life, his health remains normal, the combinations of obtainment of progeny are formed, his interest in Arts and music is increased and there is increase also in his handsomeness, he gets the happiness of having beautiful and most excellent wife, and favour of the king . .When she be in the 3rd House, the native gets cooperation from his colleagues, the circle of his friends increases, his enem_ies get defeated, the happiness of his coborns increased, there is rise in him of religious instincts, combination of obtainment of wealth and progeny and of marriage is formed, auspicious messages are received, there occurs rise in authority and rights and functions and profitable conditions are formed in his profession. When she be in the 4lh House, the native lives happily away from his home, there occurs increase in comforts, the native's time passes in entertainment, all his wishes are fulfilled, he obtains objects related to physical comforts in great plenty, his popularity increases, wealth is obtained easily and he gets unusual profit from agriculture. When she be in the 5th House, the native passes time in entertainment and obtains progeny. This time is favourable for creating intensity and solidity in the relations of lovers. The native gets success in departmental examinations, his health remains normal, he gets help from his friends and enjoys sexual intercourse with some other woman than his wife. In this period the native has



obtainment of promotion, increase in his position in society and sympathy and favourableness from others. When she happens to come in the 6th House, there is increase in the number of his enemies, tlie possibility of his being defeated against his enemies is increased and therefore he has to make reconciliation with his enemies. The native's sickness and disease increases, he. experiences mental pain, has quarrels with his wife and there is the fear of his being subjected to an accident during travel, and there develops aversion in him with the business partner. He suffers from loss of honour, an~iety, fear, indebtedness, useless discussions and litigations etc. and his sexual desire increases. When she comes in the 7th House, the native obtains royal honour, but there are inauspicious effects wjth regard to his wife. Thus his wife experiences physical pain, tension, anxiety and affliction etc. He has losses through women, has sorrow and suffering in his mind and he doesnot make any progress in his profession. When she comes in the 8th House there is to the native obtainment of wealth, and increase in physical comforts. He remains in normal health, gets wealth and comforts from the other members of his family. He has opportunities of making progress in education and learning, has glory, honour and respect and obtainment of wealth. He gets help and favourableness fr~m his friends and his business runs well. When she comes in the 9th House the native has obtainment of most excellent clothes and jewels, he remains very healthy, gets cooperation and affection from his brothers, has greater profit from business than he



has estimated, there comes the period when he is wedded, there is rise in him of artistic interest, and his opponents are weakened. He has fame, victory in . discussion, propitious deeds are performed in his house, he has obtainment of permanent gains and there are also combinations of his going on a long journey. When she comes in the 1Oth House the native experiences physical suffering and there are useless discussions and quarrels with others. He gets defamed and humiliating conditions are created. He has suffering through women and is put to trouble by the people of the king. There is increase in the number of his enemies and his aims and objectives meet with failure. When she happens to come in the 11 t~ House there occurs increase in the gains of wealth. The native obtains all kinds of comforts and means of pleasure and progress. He gets honour and prestige in society, finds solutions to his economic problem and gets the full cooperation of his friends. When she happens to come in the 12th House from the sign in which the Moon be there at the time of birth, the native has economic or financial gains although his expenses are also increased. The native has the obtainment of sensual pleasure, sexual intercourse with his wife, and favourableness of his friends.

1ivt ~ ~ "'il ili~SICJQi 3?1iffi'l'Bli ffli!!IQCJQ; "if~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lj'tlj'Rt'1)Rf 11~11

THE EFFECTS WHEN SATURN BE THERE IN THE VARIOUS HOUSES IN TRANSIT : Due to transit when Saturn comes in the Moon Ascendant there occurs for



the native the loss of his place, when he comes in the 2nd House from the sign in which the Moon be there at the time of birth, the native has affliction, when in the 3rd House he is happy and prosperous, when in the 4th House increase in the number of his enemies, when in the 5th House happiness of progeny, when in the 6th House increase in his happiness and contentment, when in the 7th House he has trouble, when in the 8th House he has suffering, when in the 9th House he has happiness, when in the 1Oth House he suffers from poverty, when in the 11th House he has gains of wealth, and when in the 12th House he is subjected to many harms and losses.
Notes : When due to transit Saturn happens to come in the sign in which the Moon be there at the time of the native's birth, the native has pain in his brain, he has lack lustre body, mental affliction, he gets transferred, and he has to suffer much trouble in living far away from home. His wife experiences physical suffering, he makes journeys to distant places, his relations with his friends are spoiled. The native meets with failure in his objectives. The combinations of his being in the captivity of the state and of weakness in his financial condition are formed. He has quarrels with his brothers and his wife. He may be wounded by a weapon or a stone. He has pessimistic ideas .and gets separated from his own men.

When he comes in the 2nd House from the Moon conditions leading to suffering are created, there are quarrels over useless matters, and there is enmity with the native's own men. Combinations leading to failure in objectives, loss of wealth, affliction to the native's wife and travel to some foreign land are formed: The



native is subjected to physical weakness, he has to suffer from lack of wealth, has to wander aimlessly from one place to another, and he has wicked and criminal ideas in his mind. He may have some dispute in connection with paternal property. The time remains adverse and unfavourable with regard to his profession or to his service. When he comes in the 3rd House from the Moon the native gains health. He shows unusual vigour and consequently has obtainment of happiness and comforts. He gets success in every thing which he conceives to do. He obtains cattle wealth and lands, there is increase in him of enthusiasm and exaltation and he develops self confidence. he gets help from his brothers and he is victorious in discussion. When he comes in the 4th House from the Moon the native develops idleness, there is increase in him of mental perplexity and anxiety and of the number of his enemies and diseases. The native doesnot like his profession. He gets transferred in his service. There may be the death of some one in his family. Many undesirable events take place. There is decline in his popularity and h.e gets opposed to the king. He may have loss of honour and humiliation, and hidden enemies may arise. When he comes in the 5th House there develops in the native disinterestedness towards learning. Health problems for the native's son raise their head. These becomes serious. There develops aversion in him towards his wife, diminuition in happiness and comforts, possibility of loss in his profession and sickness of his wife. There is unsteadiness of mind and the native remains engaged in doing unjudicious deeds. He has to suffer loss from the son's side and he doesnot profit from shares.



When he comes in the 6th House there occurs increase in comforts in all the ways. The native gets victory over his enemies and his wealth and property are increased. If he has debt that is paid out. The native is respected even by his seniors. He gets immovable property and remains healthy. He enjoys the happiness of having sexual inter course with his wife. He gets the sympathy and help from his friends. When he happens to come in the 7th House from the Moon, the native has to leave his home and go out. He ha.s to under take many journeys which prove to be trouble some. The combination of his wife's or of his son's death is formed. The native has to suffer from some disease of kidneys, of stone, of the urinary tract or of the reproductive organs. There come occasions of loss of honour. He doesnot have obtainment of wealth in sufficient amount. There remains in him unsteadiness of mind. Obstacles are created in the way of studies. He is deceived by his partners. He gets losses in his profession. If there is the combination in his horoscope of the native's being married twice there is the possibility of his wife's death. He has to face defeat in the cases related to courts. This time is not suitable and auspicious for the native with regard to fight an election. The native is subjected to indebtedness, treachery and deception. He suffers loss of wealth and mental trouble. When he comes in the 8th House, the native has to suffer loss in relation to wealth and property. The native doesnot remain in good health. Some evil happens to his progeny, friends and animals. There may come the occasion,of his trade being ended or of his service being terminated. He has fear of being imprisoned. Due to the company of evil minded persons the native is put to many kinds of trouble. He has fear of royal punishment and physical and mental affliction. He gets defamed. His mind



is attracted towards renouncing the world. If in any way he obtains wealth he has to face unusual trouble after words due to this wealth. He has enmity with his own men. He becomes addicted to gambling.

When he comes in the 9th House, there occurs transfer in service, anxiety due to the son's health, decay in religious instincts and increase in the number of the native's enemies, he gets defamed, gets deceived by h[s servants, and doesnot get desired profit in the profession. If there arises the condition of gains of wealth there also arise obstacles in its way. The native may become involved in a criminal case. There may be the death of the life mate of the native's brother or sister. The native doesnot make any progress in his profession. He always remains restless, unquiet and excited. When he comes in the 1Oth House there occurs decline in the health of the native's father and mother. One of them may die. The native is put to trouble due to his secret enemies. There is loss in business and the native may become a debtor. There occurs change in his service or business. He has to live abroad. There is the possibility of his having disease relating to knees a.nd chest. There develops aversion towards and from his wife and his officer. Expenditures are higher than income. The native doesnot get respect in society. On the contrary he may have loss of honour and may get insulted and he remains mentally perturbed. When he comes in the 11th House, the native has much gains of wealth through his business. There occurs continuous progress in the business. If the native be in some service he gets promoted. This period is regarded to be auspicious for the deep study of a subject. The desired objectives are fulfilled. The native gets prestige.



There occurs the combination of the native's being married. His servants remain favourable to him in their behaviour. He makes progress in the business of building material, coal, leather etc. He gains health. When due to transit Saturn comes in the 12th House from the Moon, the native's expenditure of wealth is considerably increased. His health doesnot remain in good condition. He has to remain separate from his family. There are differences of opinion with his own men. There come occasions when he suffers loss of wealth, and physical pain is there to his progeny and he gets demoted. There may be change in his service or business. He may undertake some journeys which require much expenditure. He gets satiated with life and he may have some disease in his feet and eyes ..
~ 4;gQ)cl


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4;~4"! llqo 11

THE EFFECTS WHEN DUE TO TRANSIT RAHU AND KETU COME IN VARIOUS HOUSES : When Rahu or f:(etu happen to pass through the Moon sign, the native suffers losses, when they be in the 2nd house from the Moon sign he is subjected to poverty, in the 3rd House he has gains of wealth; in the 4th there is increase in the number of the native's enemies, in the 5th House . he is given to sorrow, in the Sixth House he has obtainment of wealth, in the 7th House, he is involved in disputes, in the 8th House he has. suffering, in the 9th, there occurs increase in his sins, in the 1Oth House he gets enmity, in the 11th House he experiences happiness and when they be in the 12th House from the Moon Ascendant, there occurs the native's loss of wealth.



Notes If due to transit Rahu or Ketu be there in the Moon sign, then the native has physical suffering, loss of wealth and mental affliction. There is little accumulation of wealth. The native gets defamed. His brain remains diseased. He is mentally perturbed and his mind remains wandering.

When due to transit Rahu or Ketu happens to come in the 2nd House from the Moon sign the native suddenly loses wealth. His expenditures are increased. Combinations of trouble and pain in the native's eyes, opposition to his wife and defeat in the legal case which may be going on are formed. When Rahu or Ketu comes in the 3rd House the native has special gains of wealth, he makes progress in his profession, his. influence over others gets increased, his projects which were suspended are completed, he gets cooperation from others, his efficiency and capability to work are increased, he gets fame in society and success in the field of learning. When Rahu or Ketu comes in the 4th House, the native's mother has to experience physical pain and mental unrest. There is the possibility of his change of place. He is more and more inclined to doing unlawful acts. There is suffering in his domestic life. He has to suffer loss in landed property. His conveyance is destroyed due to an accident or there arise disputes with regard to lands. The native remains anxious and lacks enthusiasm. When Rahu or Ketu comes in the 5th House there occurs increase in the native's mental anguish. But he has Ol?f?Or!unities of getting wealth all of a sudden. The combination of loss of progeny is formed. There occur unusual rises or falls in his circumstances.



If Rahu or Ketu comes due to transit in the 6th House from the sign in which the Moon was there at the time of birth there is progress in business, gain of wealth, increase in influence and rise in every field. But there is the possibility of the native's subjected to some disease of chronic nature. The native's rivals are defeated and he obtains unusual gains through agricultural goods and also through the goods produced by cattle. When Rahu or Ketu comes in the 7th House from the Moon, the native gets separated from his wife, and has loss of wealth. There is the possibility of his being defamed in quarrels and disputes and in matters relating to court. In this House Rahu or Ketu causes the native to be immoral in his conduct. Sudden progress in trade and obtainment of wealth are also caused by Rahu or Ketu when either of them is in the 7th House in transit. The native has some physical suffering due to bilious and windy disorders. When Rahu or Ketu comes in the 8th House from the Moon the native has physical suffering. He may have some disease which gives him as much pain as is given by death. There is possibility that he may have pain in the reproductive organs, mental anxiety and the disease of 'Aeds'. He may be prosecuted in relation with some corrupt practice. The combination of his being defamed is formed and the native suffers in a number of ways. When Rahu or Ketu comes in the 9th House from the Moon the native gets inclined to invest his wealth in speculation and lottery. He is also inclined to doing irreligious deeds. There are rises and falls in his professional career and he has quarrel with his brothers.



When Rahu or Ketu comes in the 1Oth House from the Moon there arise many enemies to the native. This situation remains inauspicious for the health of the native's parents. Some function takes place in his house, sudden obtainment of pfofit in the profession is there and the native gains rights. He establishes sweet relations with men of distinction and he is profited through them. He has sudden gains in many things and he gets an opportunity to work in some position which imposes responsibility on him. When Rahu or Ketu comes in the. 11th House from the Moon, the native has sudden gains of wealth. His projects are suddenly completed. There occurs increase in his incoming of wealth as well as in his expenditures of it. His issues experience mental pain. His ambitions are fulfilled and there comes the time of his progeny's being wedded. When due to transit Rahu or Ketu happens to come in the 12th House from the Moon, the native has to suffer much loss in his business or profession etc. He is subjected to indebtedness. He has to live in foreign lands. There is the possibility of his being imprisoned. He gets opposition from the side of his own men and there occurs increase in his prodigality. Due to weakness of memory his goods are lost. His wife doesnot remain healthy. He may be defamed and may get involved in a civil case.
~ ~ Ti

3TE<P 'CJlf q)!GFJ ~ ~ ~ .rni4'<101i!J:ffi '!~4t<6C'i \JI""''m1: 1

d""''t'11f'11qq;+j'1NRiq;1'1i ~ ~ ~Sq:t<Qqq 1199 II
Taking the Moon Ascendant to be the centre of the transit of Planets in every sign the effects which have been



spoken of by the ancient masters of Astrology are found to be different in the persons having the same Janama Rashi.
~~?11~1) ~'r'lt1'<~'1: ~ ~: IDm) iJ1 "'11'< I~ I : "<l -qcJ I

.~ W:?i"11P<:It11: "<l'a' ~~~"'!~:~~ 119=?11

The sign in which the Moon be situated at the time of the native's birth is referred to as the 'Janama Rashi'. In the same way why can the signs in which the seven Planets are situated at the time of birth and the Natal Ascendant not be said to be 'Janama Rashi'? The meaning is that the Natal Ascendant and the signs in which the seven Planets are situated in the horoscope should also be regarded as Janama Rashi.

~ttll1t~)seT ~ mTlf: ~:~~~:I

~\&1~<'1"11"t1'<1<'11f('(ltC ~

ille<liq<fgm>t 119~ II

Therefore there are 8 Rashis (Janama Rashis) of every native. It is because of these Rashis that there are different auspicious and inauspicious effects (in the case of various persons). If after combining the auspicious and inauspicious effects of all the .8 Rashis it is found that the auspicious effects are greater in proportion to the inauspicious effects, then in transit there will be auspicious effects when the Planet reaches that sign (according to which the auspicious effects are greater) and if the inauspicious effects are greater then in transit there will be inauspicious effects when the Planet reaches that sign. The auspicious or inauspicious effects are to be de.termined on the basis of the diff.erence between the Rekhas (Lines) and the Bindus (Points) after marking the auspicious effects as Rekhas and the inauspicious effects



as Bindus. This system is referred to as the 'Ashtakavarga' System.

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l{!wi<;ffi~:J~l):! "if ~ 1 i4~1011fa~j~'l!i:! ~l~l\ilit<Pi4~'1;:;::~lll ~!Oii~lPitiffiM~'?I:! '!j'&'141"f'lti~~.q; l)1l: llq~ II

SURYASHTAKA VARGA : From the house in which the Sun be situated in the horoscope (at the time of birth) he is auspicious in the 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 Houses. He gives the same auspicious effects in these very Houses from Mars and Saturn also. From Venus 'the Sun is auspicious when due to transit he is in the 6-7-12 Houses, from Jupiter in the 5-6-9-11 Houses, from the Moon in the 3-6-1 0-11 Houses, from Mercury in the 35-6-9-10-11 and 12 Houses and from the Natal Ascendant in the 3-4-6-1 0-11 and 12 Houses. Notes : According to the Transit system of Prognostication the situation of the Planet whose effects are to be known due to transit is seen in the 'Panchang' at that time when we want to know the effects. The consideration of the effects due to transit is done only by taking the situation of the Moon at the time of birth as the Centre. But in the Ashtaka Varga System the consideration of the effects due to transit is done from the situation of the other planets than the Moon and the Ascendant also. 'Ashtaka Varga' means the number of eight. In this system the prognostication of effects due to transit is made by taking the House in which the seven Planets are situated and the Natal Ascendant as centre. It is due to this that it is referred to as the Ashtaka Varga System. In this system the effects of Rahu and Ketu due



to transit are not considered. Some learned writers on Astrology show the auspicious effects by means of Rekhas (Lines) and some other by means of Bindus (points). Here we shall mark the auspicious effects by Rekhas and the inauspicious effects by Bindus. Suppose we have to make the 'Ashtaka Varga Chakra' of the horoscope given below : HOROSCOPE





Ven Mer Sun Mar









For making the Suryashtaka Varga lines are drawn in the 1-2-4-7-8-9-10 Houses from the House in which the Sun was there in the Horoscope at the time of birth. In




the same way lines are drawn in the above mentioned Houses in the Horoscope, the Houses in which Saturn and Mars were at that time. Besides these, lines are drawn from the Houses in which the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Venus were there and also from the Natal Ascendant in the Houses mentioned above. Thus the Ashtaka Varga of the Sun is ready. There will be only, 48 Rekhas in it.
i1 "'i: I tiC Cf)


tell~ $)4T.Illl ''1'1 ff?l(!l+fql ''11'1f?icffl u) ~:


119'i II




THE CHANDRASHTAKA VARGA : The Moon gives auspicious effects in the 9-5-2-3-6-10-11 Houses from Mars, 6-3-11-5 Houses from Saturn, 3-6-10-11 Houses from the Natal Ascendant, 3-6-1 0-11-8-7 Houses from the Sun, 5-8-1-4-7-10-11-3 Houses from Mercury, 1-4-7-10-




~~: 1 ~~n ~~~::sa~~~-~~~~t~~l-~~!~~-~~~:~ 7r~~e~ef~~:





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'<i~i'Crl)qillllfi'IVl~ t1jt1t?l'illll1Ri&ll?l

Wl: llqf. II

THE MANGLASHTAKA VARGA : There are . the following auspicious Houses in the Ashtaka Varga of Mars From the Sun -3-5-6-1 0-11 Houses From the Moon - 3-6-11 Mars himself from his own Houses -1-2-4-7-8-10-1 i from Mercury 3-5-6-11 Houses from Jupiter 6-10-11-12 Houses from Venus 6-8-11-12 Houses from Saturn 1-4-7-8-9-1 0-11 Houses from the Natal Ascendant 1-3-6-1 0 Houses Notes : The Ashtaka Varga of Mars may be prepar~d by drawing lines in the Houses in which the planet is there at the time of birth. THE MANGLASHTAKA VARGA










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Q))OIJ"t41~~ ~ ~ !J'<)~"'$t1: 'l!ll41tCI~'tl'l!ll:t.f"q: ~<!ql414lll\tlil?;.'<iC::41q Jlql9JI

THE BUDHASHTAKA VARGA : There are the following Auspicious houses in the Ashtaka Varga of Mercury:from from from from from from from the Sun 5-6-9-11-12 Houses the Moon 2-4-6-8-10-11 Houses Mars 1-2-4-7-8-9-1 0-11 Houses Mercury himself 1-3-5-6-9-10-11-12 Houses Jupiter 6-8-11-12 Houses Venus 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-11 Houses Saturn 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 Houses

and from the Natal Ascendant 1-2-4-6-8-10-11 Houses

Notes : The Budhashtaka Varga may be prepared by drawing the lines of auspiciousness from the Houses in which the Planet of Mercury is there , as stated in the Shioka, (verse) at the time of birth












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THE GURU ASHTAKA VARGA : There are the following auspicious Houses in the Ashtaka Varga of Jupiter from the Sun 1-2-3-4-7-8-1 0-11 Houses from the Moon 2-5-7-9-11 Houses from Mars 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 Houses from Mercury 1-2-4-5-6-10-11 Houses from Jupiter himself 1-2-3-4-7-8-10-11 Houses from Venus 2-5-6-9-10-11 Houses from Saturn 3-5-6-12 Houses and from the Natal Ascendant 1-2-4-5-6-7-9-10-11 Houses. THE GURU ASHTAKA VARGA.











f{!Ui IEC C6 <l'1f (!! I'RIIOf(llt~:lli%dq fGtt'1:J "dJtf: ~ ~"''I 'RII ~(!j il"i; lf<lriiC:"''Cll~l~'<i%(1t:qC6f<{ Cli~IECI ~:} I '1;:c; I<{Qi)C6~!JC4lllffi'< i%t1fQiiOJ'llfi""'qlliiEC~ :~ i$1it'Cfi)O(Ojqf,jqe;_'tj ~

llq~ II


THE SHUKRASHTAKA VARGA : There are the following auspicious Houses in the Ashtaka Varga of Venus :-



from the Sun 8-11-12 Houses from the Moon 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-11-12 Houses from Mars 3-5-6-9-11-12 Houses from Mercury 3-5-6-9-11 Houses from Jupiter 5-8-9-10-11 Houses from Venus himself 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-10-11 Houses from Saturn 3-4-5-8-9-10-11 Houses And from the Natal Ascendant 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-11 Houses THE SHUKRASHTAKA VARGA










wf '<I 0+1 ~ f+5l tNi Ill~ '< fclt~) t'(! Ill~ ij)~ ~
~ o;:h: <!!llll~tt?;.':JICf)<l: I $11C::I41R ... ql"'fli~IIC'<j ~h'!"'fllllltt?;.'fi~:


~: ll<o II

THE SHANI ASHTAKA VARGA : There are the following auspicious Houses in the Ashtaka Varga of Saturn :from from from from from from from the Sun 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 Houses the Moon 3-6-11 Houses Mars 3-5-6-10-11-12 Houses Mercury 6-8-9-1 0-11-12 Houses Jupiter 5-6-11-12 Houses Venus 6-11-12. Houses Saturn himself 3-5-6-11 Houses



And from the Natal Ascendant 1-3-4-6-10-11 Houses THE SHANI ASHTAKA VARGA : 1111




I Ill Ill



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The Houses of the seven Planets and of the Ascendant which have. been stated are auspicious, the .remaining Houses besides these are inauspicious. Lines are drawn in the auspicious Houses and points are made in the inauspicious ones and then difference between the two is found out. The effects occur according to the coming of the Planet in the House stated due to transit of which there is the remainder. The meaning is that if the remainder is a line the effects will be auspicious, if it is a point the effects will be inau~picious.
'jGI'l!j'~C:I Oiq~ii'I'<I'Jil Oiqi'Oill: fii'IHIIllct>I:U I

~ ~j''l'JI'<I 01q8igt"lll :a>ilollteCf>q<fJil!!ll: ~~~~II

The total number of lines in the Ashtaka Varga of the Sun is 48, in that of the Moon 49, Mars 39, Mercury 54, Jupiter 56, Venus 52 and Saturn 39.
(11 Oil <e q)


Fclw"i"il~d'<l~lolS?I ~m: ~~~~


-mrfl ~: W't.fm Wlfor




LAGNASHTAKA VARGA : The Natal Ascendant is auspicious in those very Houses in which the Natal Ascendant Lord is auspicious from which particular Planet. Therefore the learned Astrologers should make the Ashtaka Varga of the Natal Ascendant like that of the Ascendant Lord.
Notes : When due to transit the planet will go to those Houses where the lines have been drawn, he will give auspicious effects. Besides those places which have been said to be the auspicious places of the Ashtaka Varga in the Shloka, in the other places which remain should be marked with points. It means that the Planet will give inauspicious effects when due to transit he goes to the place where the point is made. For example when ever due to transit Saturn comes to the 3-5-6-10-11-12 Houses from Mars, he gives auspicious effects. In the illustration. given by us here Mars is situated in the 6th House in the sign of Virgo. Therefore, in transit Saturn will give auspicious effects when he comes from the sign of Virgo to the 3rd sign or Scorpio, 5th sign or Capricorn, 6th sign or Aquarius, 1Oth sign or Gemini, 11th sign or Cancer and 12th sign or Leo. In the remaining signs Saturn will not give auspicious effects. The judgement of auspicious or inauspicious effects about the seven Planets and the Natal Ascendant in this Ashtaka Varga should also be given in the same way as it has been considered and given on the basis of Mars in the Ashtaka Varga of Saturn. If there are eight lines in a House the Planet will give full effects when due to transit he happens. to come in th?t House ; if there are four lines the effects will be medium. The greater is the number of lines than four the more auspicious proportionately the effects will be; and less it is than four the more inauspicious proportionately it will be.




camitstf~1Pic4't14 "ff'l"Ci Tr~ ~fll

'fli<i 01 CJQ; ll:J(ii I+t ('l,fr :

Sit~ ctl~ '&I q; ('I +t I +tot Pti I R'd II

PROGNOSTICATION ON THE BASIS OF THE NUMBER OF REKHAS : When a Planet reaches a House in which there is one Rekha, the native has affliction, if there are two Rekhas he loses wealth, if three he is immersed in addictions, if four he has medium effects, if five he remains always happy and contented, if six he always obtains wealth, if seven there occurs increase in his property and if eight he obtains abundant wealth.


it 'ti+il~e1

~O&Ig81tuf6(ii~eh!il : 1

31tse~'fiiB41~ 'ti+tlttt)sftl' ~: tiC::'fiNi(iilffil: I 1:?~ II

Here the effects stated are of one Planet's presence in each sign. The effects should be predicted after adding the Rekhas of every Planet which are there in every sign. If the total number of Rekhas is 28 there is the obtainment of medium effects. The effects should be understood so much less as fewer is the number of Rekhas than 28 and so much more as greater it is. Notes : In this Shloka Pandit Dhundhi Raj instructs the astrologer to prepare 'Sarvashtaka Varga' (Ashtaka Varga of all the seven Planets and of the Ascendant jointly). In order to make Sarvashtaka Varga it is found out how many Rekhas are there in an Ashtaka Varga of each particular sign. For illustration, 4-3-3-4-7-4-4 total number of Rekhas is obtained of all the seven Ashtaka Vargas in the sign of Virgo. The total number of these Rekhas is 29. Therefore in the 'Sarvashtaka Varga' 29 will be written in the sign of Virgo. In the same way the total number of Rekhas of each of the signs which it obtains in all the seven Ashtaka Vargas is written in the



Sarvashtaka Varga. If the number of Rekhas in a sign is fewer than 28 the planet wili give inauspicious effects when he comes in that sign. If the case is contrary to it he will give auspicious effects.
~ ~ "Qi(ij

<f.t <PT ~

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mt~41illl ~j\Jll'"l~Wl

~ "il"

fi~~~B: II~ f. II

THE TIME WHEN THE PLANETS GIVE EFFECTS : Mars and the Sun give effects as soon as they enter the Sign, Jupiter and Venus give them when they are in the middle of the sign, Saturn and the Moon give them when they are at the end of the Sign and Mercury gives effects in the whole of the Sign.
tm-:~~~q~~~m~ \11<1141"'!.1

~ ~:


~ ~m-u) "iJ llTOt) 11~\911

C/)~!OI~ftlVleA"il"~: ~~I

\111'!'(}~~) "!fcl#l:tl~!jHRur CIT~ ~"ct#lll"t II~~ II

The Sun gives inauspicious effects in the head and the mouth, the Moon gives such effects in the chest region and the throat, Mars in the back and the belly; Mercury in the hands and the feet, Jupiter in the back and the thighs, Venus in the Anus and testicles and Saturn gives inauspicious effects or causes pain and suffering in the knees.

mn mn flli&RI~<14Jf ~s-fll ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ TI ~ !OIR!i!IU ~ !OI:t"'!OI'<ifll1R3 C/)<'4#lll"t II~~ II

Whenever due to transit the Planets are adverse and unfavourable they cause pain and suffering at that time in the organs of the body stated above. The effects are to be predicted after considering these at the time of birth or at the time of the querry.

3{~ ~i'J~lll~ll&rrll: 11~'111



ql'liOill"'??wliRiwl)~ CJ?dihllllli

1%: fcmalUY: ~ 1

~ ~~:wrcf ~ -rct) ~11911

THE EFFECTS IF THE SUN AND THE MOON BE IN CONJUNCTION : The native in whose horoscope the Sun and the Moon be situated in the same House, does the buying and the selling of stone and tools, is skillful in making an intriguing plan, extremely lustful, ambitious and proud. Notes : - According to Indian Astrology when more than one Planet is situated in one sign they are said to be in conjunction with each other. In India the basis of conjunction is a sign and not the distance in degrees of the two planets. Before stating the effects of the conjunction of two or three Planets it is necessary that certain important things should be taken into consideration. These are as follows: 1. It is extremely necessary to know whether the Planet who is in conjunction with the Sun is combust or not as in the event of his being combust there will be difference in the kind a11d degrees of the effects. A planet remains combust if he is away from the Sun by so many degrees as are mentioned below in the case of each planet. I. Mars remains combust if he is within 17 degrees from the Sun.



II. Jupiter if he be within 11 degrees. II I. Saturn if he be within 15 degrees. IV. The Moon if she be within 12 degrees. V. Venus (i) If direct combust within 10 degrees from the Sun. (ii) If retrograde combust within 8 degrees from the Sun. VI. Mercury (i) If direct combust within 14 degrees from the Sun. (ii) If retrograde combust within 12 degrees from the Sun.

(2) The sign in which the conjunction is taking place has important influence on effects. For instance, suppose Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in the sign of Capricorn. Now here Jupiter is in his sign of debilitation while Saturn will be in his own sign. Therefore there will be the predominance of the effects of which Saturn is the significator. On the contrary if this conjunction takes place in the sign of Sagittarius, this sign will be Jupiter's own sign while for Saturn it will be called the sign of a planet who is neither an enemy nor a friend to Saturn. Due to this the effects of which Saturn is the significator will be negligible. (3) The House in which the conjunction is taking place has also important influence on the kind and degree of effects. (4) Of which House the planets which are in



conjunction are lords, this fact should also be given great . consideration in the right prediction of effects. (5) The Planet who aspects the conjunction has also the capacity to affect the effects according to his nature. (6) The strength of the Lords of the Navamsha of those planets who are in conjunction increases the effects while their weakness diminishes them. (7) If the planets which are in conjunction are friendly to each other, are in their exaltation signs or in their own Navamshas, then the conjunction gives auspicious effects with greater strength. On the contrary if they are enemy to each other, are in their debilitation signs or are in their debilitation Navamshas then there comes diminution and inauspiciousness in the effects. (8) If the Lord of that sign in which. the conjunction takes place is endowed with strength there occurs increase in his power of giving effects but if he gets weakened the effects are diminished. (9) The nearer to the middle of the House a planet will be among the planets which are in conjunction, the greater will be the strength with which he is capable of giving his effects. (1 0) The direct effects of the planets who are in conjunction give the effects of the House of which they are the Lord in their Dasha and Antardasha according to the rules of Laghu Parashari. For instance, there is a horoscope of Leo Ascendant and in it the Sun and the Moon are in the Ascendant and there is the Mahadasha of the Sun and the Antardasha of the Moon. In this case the behaviour of the Moon will be like that of the Sun. The Moon being the 12th lord will not give



the effects of the 12th House (The 2nd Lord and the 12th Lord give effects in their Antardasha not of themselves but of the Other Planets with whom they make relation). Therefore, here the effects of the 12th Lord should be taken to be quite insignificant. Generally, the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon causes diseases related to the eyes. And if the distance in degrees of the Sun and the Moon is between 3 or 4 degrees, it is quite possible that the general health of the native will get deteriorated and decayed. Such a native has unusual bodily pain in his childhood. There is little development of ttie qualities in his personality of analysing things and of expressing himself and he is lacking foresight. If the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon be there in the 7th House, it is the personality of the wife which is more influential. If this situation is there in the second, the sixth or the Eighth House from the Ascendant and if there is also the aspect of a Malefic planet like Saturn on this conjunction, the native suffers from the diseases of eyes, heart and the chest region. This situation if it is in the 12th or in the 2nd House causes the native to be addicted to drinking.
~ ~ l!)llbcl
~ ,., &:>-. ' "'""'""'-::r:::i'r'c-= r - n 'Jiqo'"''t'f\111 Eiclq1Ri'J\G1 <llit.l<ti('llStffllqtll


'<jttlt:tt: :t}\'<ct'<hRI~'61) ~ql'1ufl a1)1'Cll'<jctl+=g~a II~ II

THE EFFECTS IF THERE OCCURS THE CONJUNCTION OF THE SUN AND MARS : If in the horoscope there occurs the conjunction of the Sun and Mars, the. native is extremely brilliant (energetic) endowed with strength, extremely mischievous, tells lies,

THE CONJUNCTION OF TWO PLANETS is courageous, a great warrior and very violent:


Notes : The conjunction of the Sun and Mars gives to the native unusual vitality. He is very assiduous, fearless, organises things wisely and has the qualities of leadership. Such a native is suitable for a career in police, army, mining etc. If this conjunction occurs in the sign of Aries and within 3 or 4 degrees, the native generally suffers from migraine, headache, fever etc.
~ !q 4)<14)(1

itlllqill: ~ il~qlllfGit'ltAG <t1C113Jftl<'l) ~ I



'ift;!o?Jqd) !Jijfc:o?JqRiifjjti'"IP+.itl II~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN AND MERCURY ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If in the horoscope there occu'rs the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury the native is sweet voiced, becomes minister, accumulates wealth by doing much service, is skilled in the arts aod is a pandit (is learned) of the Vedas, Notes : This combination is also referred to as the 'Budhaditya Yoga'. l'he meaning of it is the same viz the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. If Mercury is not very near to the Sun, that is, if he is not combust, the native's memory is very sharp. Besides this, his intellectual ability is also very strong. He is capable of thinking over the various dimensions of a subject while taking decision on it. He does .not spend much time in making a plan while the plans are very significant. Such a native may be a good adviser. The conjunction of the Sun and Mars is particularly very effects giving in the Leo, Taurus, and Sagittarius Ascendants. According to 'Prithyushasa' if the conjunction of the Sun 911d Mercury occurs in the 4th or the 8th House from the Ascendant, the native has qualities like those of a



king and is wealthy like a king and this conjunction in the other Houses makes the native a man of many . virtues. According to 'Jataka Parijat' this Conjunction gives the native learning, beauty in constant thoughts and strength.
~ ~ 4)ilb(ii

q'()QCiilfl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ll'lt II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN IS CONJOINED WITH JUPITER : If in the horoscope there occurs the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter, the native is skilled in the work of a family priest, becomes a minister to the king, obtains wealth from a friend, is prosperous, learned, happy and fortunate.
Notes : If the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter occurs in the auspicious Houses and The Ascendant is Aries, the native goes to a foreign country to obtain higher education. He is extremely prestigious, learned, happy and fortunate. This conjunction is more significant in the Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius Ascendants. If the Ascendant be Pisces it is more favourable and causes the progress of the native when -he is a Vaidya (doctor) or a judge, otherwise it causes aversion with the higher officers, litigation in connection with the native's service and loss in his profession.

According to Prithyushasa, if this conjunction occurs in the 9th, 10th or 11th House from the Ascendant, the native becom~s an officer in the army and is very famous. He lives in a place where the entry of others is not possible.



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THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE IS THE CONJUNCTION OF THE SUN AND VENUS : The native in whose horoscope there occurs the conjunction of the Sun and Venus, is skilled in niusic, playing on musical instruments and in arms and weapons, has weak eyesight, and is happy through his wife and friends etc. Notes : This conjunction is the giver of learning, art, prosperity of money, happy married life and happiness of having progeny to the natives having Aries Ascendant. But if it occurs in the 6th and the 8th House it produces extremely Malefic influence for this Ascendant (Aries Ascendant). This conjunction is extremely auspicious in the Scorpio and Aquarius Ascendant. According to 'Jataka Parijat' such a native earns wealth through the medium of women, is learned and has coborns. According to 'Saravali' the eye sight of such natives becomes weak in the latter half of their life.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN IS IN CONJUNCTION WITH SATURN : The native in whose horoscope the Sun and Saturn are situated in one sign is skilled in metallurgy and in trade, virtuous, religious has the happiness of having wife and progeny and is always rich in 'property.



Notes : Due to the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn the native certainly gets some vocational education, but due to this conjunction there occurs deterioration in his vitality also. In this connection Prithyushasa says that if the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn takes place in the 2nd 6th or 9th House, the native is highly reputed and famous and remains happy. If the conjunction occurs in other Houses he remains devoid of wealth.
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ifqJ""11t!lll14j\JI) ~: fntti!jtfl ~'ljtt'<igtt .:a I k911 THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON IS IN CONJUNCTION WITH MARS : The native in whose horoscope the Moon and Mars are situated in the same House is devoid of good conduct, crooked, valorous, a trader, makes quarrels, opposes his mother and has pain due to having diseases. Notes : If there is the aspect of Saturn also on this conjunction, the native suffers frorn some incurable disease of blood. The conjunction of the Moon and Mars causes the native to be energetic, enthusiastic, assiduous and rash. Such a native is hardly given to disappointment and wants to be engaged all the time in one thing or the other. This conjunction is not regarded as auspicious for married life. According to Prithyushasa if this conjunction takes place in the Ascendant, the 8th House, the 1Oth House or the 11th House, the native is descent and . of a very noble . very strong. But if it takes place in any other House he is devoid of wealth.



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THE EFFECTS OF THE CONJUNCTION OF .THE MOON AND MERCURY : If there is the conjunction of the Moon and Mercury the native is most excellent in eloquence, wealthy, handsome, kind hearted, meek and has great love for his wife, is very talkative and performs many religious deeds. Notes : The Moon and Mercury are respectively the representative of the soul and the intellect. Therefore, receptivity, sharp memory, imaginativeness, love for travels, writing and knowledge of language etc. are. included in the significatorship of this conjunction. If in the horoscope the Moon and Mercury being the 4th and the 5th Lord are situated in auspicious Houses and are aspected by benefic planets, the native is rich in these qualities. If in this conjunction the Moon be stronger thoughts and plans come so quickly in the native's mind that it becomes difficult for him to decide one objective. According to Mantreshwar the native serves others, is sweet - voiced, strong, handsome, rich in learning and wealth, has to do much expenditure, is glorious and a favourite of the king.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON AND JUPITER. ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If there occurs .the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter the native is always courteous, of firm disposition, keeps his thoughts secret, remains engaged in virtuous acts and is beneficent to others.



Notes : Due to the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter the native is religious and has faith in gods and goddesses, is devoted to his teachers, extremely popular and is ready to do works of public welfare. Hi~;; con~ciousness is upward going. Therefore, he is pure, liberal, clean and theistic.
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~ ~ ~ llqo II

THE EFFECTS WHEN 1HERE OCCURS THE CONJUNCTION OF THE MOON AND VENUS : If there occurs the conjunction of the Moon and Venus the native is skilled in the purchase and sale of. clothes, subjected to addictions, has practical ability and is fond of perfumes flowers and most excellent clothes. N'otes : If there doesnot occur any kind of Malefic influence on this conjunction, the married life of the native remains full of happiness. Such a native is of extremely loving disposition and is happy due to having all kinds . of physical comforts and conveniences. He doesnot seem to experience lack of worldly and material happiness on any level. He is of Rajsika mentality. This conjunction creates in the native a very intense tendency towards the love of arts, music, poetry and nature.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE IS THE CONJUNCTION OF THE MOON AND SATURN : If there occurs in the horoscope the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn the native is desirous of enjoying sex with many women, loves and visits prostitutes, is of blameable disposition, . of mixed blood and devoid of manliness.



Notes : - Such a native earns his living by doing Agricultural work. He gets the agricultural land which he ploughs as paternal property. He generally takes part in elections on the village or town level and often gets success in them:
If in the horoscope Venus and Mercury are also endowed with strength or 'if they are in conjunction in the 4th or the 1Oth House, the native maybe a skilled automobile engineer. If in the horoscope of a female native there occurs this conjunction of the Moon and Saturn in the 7th House there comes irregularity in the menstrual cycle, and in the horoscope of a male native there is the fear that the native will lack interest towards sexual intercourse.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE OCCURS THE CONJUNCTION OF MARS AND MERCURY : If there occurs the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the Horoscope the native is skilled in wrestling competition, is desirous of having many wives, trader of miscellaneous medicines and skilled in the met_hod of making things of gold and iron. Notes : This conjunction causes the native to have the sense of responsibility and properly considering every thing before hand, enthusiasm of doing some thing and in haste. The plans of such a native are there on the ground of reality. This conjunction is helpful .in leading . the native to study the subject of Metallurgical Engineering. Such natives take unusual interest in rules regarding health, and useful medicines and combinations of medicines.

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:q<tqPtiqf ~: ~ m4~ err ~ ~ 11q~11 THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE OCCURS THE CONJUNCTION OF MARS AND JUPITER : If there is the occurrence of the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter the native knows the meaning of Mantras, the subjects of the Shastras etc., is judicious, a general, a king and chief of village or a town. Notes : This conjunction gives the nativ~ the enthusiasm like that of a youth even in advanced age. Such a native wishes his praises, is self respecting and laborious. The more his capabilities are praised the greater will be the increase in his devotion to his work. According to 'Saravali', the native is learned in crafts, Vedas, and the other .Shastras. He is intelligent, wit!Y, wise and loves weapons.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS AND VENUS ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If Mars be in conjunction with Venus, the native indulges in sexual intercourse with many women, is a gambler, loves falsehood, is subjected to pride and has enmity with all. Notes : If there are Mars and Venus in the 7th House from the Ascendant, the married life of the native remains full of quarrels, devoid of peace and full of tension and ultimately there is formed the condition of divorce. According to Varahamihira due to this conjunction the native rears cows, is skilled in the art of wrestling, does



the work in hand more quickly, is skilled, adulterous and remains engaged in gambling.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS BE IN CONJUNCTION WITH SATURN : If there occurs the conjunction of Mars and Saturn the native is the maker of arms and weapons,. fights battles, is engaged promptly in the work of stealing, tells lies and is devoid of happiness. Notes : The longevity of the relative who is related to that House in which there occurs the conjunction of Mars and Saturn will be shorter or his health will not remain sound. In the body of the native himself there always remains the possibility of injury, disease or operation in . that organ of the body which is related to that House in which the conjunction takes place. If this conjunction is formed in the 4th House, the native is hard hearted, of harsh disposition, selfish, cruel, violent and has other instincts. If these very planets are in conjunction in the 12th House they reveal in the native the qualities opposed to those written above and give him humanly qualities.

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THE EFFECTS wHEN THERE IS THE CONJUNCTION OF MERCURY AND JUPITER : If at the time of birth there is the conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter, the native knows the essential nature of music, is polite, courteous, has all kinds of happiness, is extremely handsome, has patience, is generous and loves perfumes.

JATAKA BHARNAM Notes The learned writer has described here the effects related to the significatorship of both Mercury and Jupiter. These effects are there in greater strength and intensity, if this conjunction occurs when the Ascendant is Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces or Cancer. Such a native solves any kind of problem which he faces through his intellectual abilities. His speech is influential, serious and intelligent. By nature he is pleasure loving._ His point of view is optimistic. According to 'Saravali' he is happy and contented, learned, has sharp intellect. knows music and dance.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE IS THE CONJUNCTION OF MERCURY AND VENUS : If in the horoscope there occurs the conjunction of Mercury and Venus the native is most excellent in his lineage, speaks beautifully, always remains happy and pleased, is handsome, supports many others, is virtuous and judicious.. Notes : In the event of M~rcury and Venus being in conjunction the native is skilled in fine arts, drawing and painting, music and dancing. His friendship with the persons of opposite sex is made very soon. Natives having this conjunction in their horoscope are extremely sociable and affable, benefactors to others and relate themselves with the learning which gives money. According to 'Saravali' such natives are extremely wealthy, prudent, know crafts, are learned in the Vedas, sweet voiced, poets and fun loving.



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THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE OCCURS THE CONJUNCTION OF MERCURY AND SATURf\f : If there is the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn, the native is of fickle, inconstant' disposition, quarrelsome, skilled in subjects related to arts. handsome and supporter of many others. Notes : A native having this conjunction in his horoscope achieves distinctive position in his field of action with the strength of his intelligence and labour. His thinking is useful for society and is based on reality. Such natives have clear and deep knowledge of their subject.
~ lJW 4~1ilit'l fcmm ~ ~: mrl 4~'5~'<~ ~ fclql~'t I

~ ~ llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE CONJUNCTION OF JUPITER AND VENUS : If in the horoscope there occurs the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, the native is well versed in many kinds of learning, does 'Shastrarth' (does doctrinal debate or discussion) with the learned and has the happiness of having progeny, friend and wealth. Notes : Although there exists natural enmity between Jupiter and Venus but the acquiring of knowledge and learning and the thinking which is useful for society are there in the significatorship of both. Therefore, due to this conjunction it is natural for the native to be learned and a thinker. If the Ascendant be Gemini and the Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus be in some Benefic House, the native is either a preacher or a professor.



In the event of Virgo and Cancer being the Ascendants and there being the Conjunction of these planets in some Benefic House, the native becomes a social philosopher, is popular, dignified and has all kinds of happiness. If the Ascendant be Scorpio, this very conjunction causes the native to get education in some foreign country or by living. in a hostel and he obtains economic benefit from foreign lands. If the Ascendant be Aquarius, the . conjunction of Jupiter and Venus gives the native increase in wealth and property.. the attainment of his ambitions, reputation in society, higher standard of life, material comforts and happiness and foresightedness.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN TH~RE OCCURS CONJUNCTION OF JUPITER AND SATURN : Jupiter and Saturn are situated together in the House, the native is valiant, wealthy, the chief village or town, famous, skilled in arts and fulfils his with the support of his wife.

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Notes : The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn causes the native to establish good terms with the politicians of very high level and the native himse!f gets rich in political power in his advanced age. Such natives generally have inter,est in philosophy. This conjunction is favourable in cau"sing the native to do trade related to foreign lands. If Juptter be weak there is formed the, situation of the native's being involved in a police cas~'but this situation remains effective only for a short time. This conjunction may be....9ften seen in the horoscopes of the le.aders struggling~1th social and political problems.



Generally such a native takes special interest in philosophy, is generous, kind hearted &;1d justice - loving. Prithyushasa regard this conjunction as more favourable in the 3rd, 6th and 11th House.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE OCCURS THE CONJUNCTION OF VENUS AND SATURN : If there occurs the conjunction of Venus and Saturn, the native is skilled in craft and in the art of writing, arduous, loves battle and is skilled in stone work. Notes : This conjunction is regarded as unfavourable for married happiness and pea9e. But it has been seen that it proved to be promotion and success giving in the context of progress in business. Such a native earns much wealth in the work of purchasing and selling and lending and mortgaging and his partnership with others is always favourable to him. But Venus's being weak conditions reverse to these certainly occur with intensity. According to the writer of Saravali such a native is skilled in splitting wood, skilled in the work of doing shaving, is a painter, knows crafts, loves the art of wrestling and owns many quadrupeds ..

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, THE MOON AND MARS ARE IN CONJUNCTION : The native in whose horoscope the Sun, the Moon and Mars are in conjunction in one sign is valiant, maker of instruments and skilful in horsemanship, shameless and devoid of compassion. Notes : If the native has the conjunction of these three Planets, the Sun, the Moon and Mars in his horoscope; he is able to realise his imagination and with his imagination he is successful in making instruments, . machines or weapons which can revolutionize domestic arts, warfare, science of minerals (mineralogy) and technology. The native particularly loves speed. Therefore, the author has spoken of the effects of his being skilful in horsemanship because in the ancient time it was the horses which were means of travelling with fast speed. The native has unusual vitality. He is energetic, wrathful, brilliant and assiduous.

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in whose horoscope the Sun, the Moon and Mercury are in conjunction, is extremely powerful, remains engaged in doing state government work, is skilled in discourse and in the <1-rt of using arms and weapons. Notes : The native in whose horoscope there is the conjunction of "the Sun, the Moon and Mercury is extremely intelligent, skilful in the technique of arms and weapons, presents a subject with extreme clarity and is talented in doing things relating to the intellect. Such a native generally has good, beautiful handwriting. If Mercury be retrograde in such a conjunction the native has the habit of writing in which the letters are slanting.
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;:R) 'fi~'eti~~~~C!~IOIEI~<1'11'1i ~ ~ II~ II THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, THE MOON AND JUPITER ARE IN CONJUNCTION : The native in whose horoscope the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are in conjunction in one sign, is expert in serving, makes foreign travels, is learned, skilful, unsteady and deceitful. Notes : Such a native has an aptitude for learning and acquires it with great concentration of mind. He knows the deep mysteries of his subject and studies it widely. He may go abroad for acquiring learning. He is looked upon with great respect in society. He has in his mind deep desire for the welfare of the people and it is due to this reason that he tends to do social service. His character is worthy to be imitated. At proper time he has the ability of giving beneficial advice. He is wealthy and has distinctive status in society.

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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, THE MOON AND VENUS ARE IN CONJUNCTION : The native in whose horoscope the Sun, the Moon and Venus are in conjunction in one sign usurps the property of others, is engrossed in addictions and is averse to the desire of doing virtuous deeds. Notes : The native having this conjunction of the Sun, the Moon and Venus in his horoscope has purely an economic point of view and he is extremely practical minded in economic activities. He is successful in obtaining a larger portion than is obtained by his coborns in the paternal property. This conjunction also causes the native to have love affairs before marriage. Besides this such a native performs everything very artistically by using his imagination. He is connoissieur of art and has natural tendency to like artistic and beautiful objects. If this conjunction takes place in the sign of Capricorn, the native has much gains in his profession through his art and the art objects made by him.
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<~Silllt!SiqFc) ~: ~~ ~ '<~~+1~1: I IIi II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, THE MOON AND SATURN ARE IN CONJUNCTION : The native in whose horoscope the Sun, the Moon and Saturn are situated together in one sign, can see into the minds of others, is penurious, stupid, skilled in metallurgy and makes useless efforts; that is, the efforts made by him to achieve his aim are always fruitless.



Notes : The planets the Sun and the Moon represent intellect and mind and neart respectively. Saturn represents idleness and ignorance. Therefore, due to the presence of this conjunction in the horoscope the native may tend to be idle. Penury is naturally there as a consequence of this. But if being the Lords of some benefic houses these planets are situated in the horoscope in some benefic house, the native is expert in metallurgy and he is also successful in achieving his aim in the practical affairs of life due to his extreme practicability. He may be selfish also.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN,. MARS AND MERCURY ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Sun, Mars , and Mercury are situated in one sign the native is celebrated, skilled in the use of Mantras (Charms), has courage, is cruel hearted, endowed with sense of decency, wealth, wife, progeny and friends. Notes : The native having this conjunction in his horoscope is well versed in the subtle mysteries and procedures of the field of action to which he is connected. He becomes uncommonly celebrated and wealthy due to his knowledge of the subtle technique relating to his field of action. He has the rare quality in him of maintaining in a surprising manner the balance of his mind in the moments of enthusiasm and courage. The coordination, the harmony of the physical and the mental powers is the distinctive quality of his personality. It may be said to be a very important gift given by this conjunction.




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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, MARS AND JUPITER ARE IN CONJUNCTION : The native in whose horoscope these three planets the Sun, Mars and Jupiter - are in conjunction in one sign, is a good speaker, wealthy, a minister to the King, an army general, skilful in policy making, is wise and intelligent and is truthful.
Notes : Being skilful in policy creation, obtaining a place in the state (government), wisdom and intelligence, devotion to truth and skilful manner of speaking, these gifts are given to the native due to the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter. But if Mars is also in conjunction with these two _planets it enables the native to be thoroughly eligible for the rank of army general. Such a native proceeds on the way of success and overcomes even the hardest circumstance with patience, extreme common sense and takes the path of virtue. There is in the native an uncommon union of knowledge and action. This is an important gift awarded to the native by this conjunction.
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THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, MARS AND VENUS ARE IN CONJUNCTION: If in the horoscope the Sun, Mars and Venus are situated together in the same sign, the native is fortunate, extremely intelligent and wise, courteous of manner, of noble descer.tt, of good conduct, speaks little and is clever and skilful.



Notes : Such a native suffers from eye disease because in a natural horoscope Venus is the significator of eyes and the Sun is already known to all as the significator of the eyes. The conjunction of Mars with the Sun and Venus may cause pain in the eyes, ulcer in them and even operation of them. This conjunction causes an unusual increase in the native of the sexual desire. The native may have the pleasure of sexual intercourse with other women than his wife before marriage. He is extremely practical minded. The Sun and Venus cause the native to be discerning in his speech. But the conjunction of Mars with them causes him to be harsh, authoritative and commanding in his speech. Even then the orders of the native are useful, practical and are worthy to be obeyed. Such a native uses much of his strength in doing the economic matters. Therefore, he is wealthy successful businessman and skilful in worldly matters.

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fctitcpfl'1'1 'lfjUJ: ~'liT<) <l~lcpf'Cllle.~ I~ II THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, MARS AND SATURN ARE IN CONJUNCTION : The native in whose horoscope the Sun, Mars and Saturn are in conjunction in one sign is devoid of wealth, quarrelsome, has an inclination towards renouncing the worldly matters; he gets separated from his father and his coborns ahd is devoid of discretion and judgement. Notes : The native having this conjunction in his horoscope is devoid of practicability. Due. to the conjunction of Saturn with the Sun and Mars there is in the native lack of enthusiasm, aversion towards his father and his. brothers, stupidity, irritability_ ancj wrath. On account of all these qualities, the native finds himself



unable to use his energies in doing some professional or creative activities. As a consequence there always remains lack of wealth. His health is also adversely affected due to this conjunction. He may be subjected to. accident. He is generally troubled by headache, indigestion and windy disorders.
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'1~'11+1~id: llqo II .

. THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, MERCURY AND JUPITER ARE TOGETHER IN ONE SIGN : If the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter be in conjunction in one sign, this conjunction makes the native learned, he knows the shastras and the arts, accumulates wealth, is endowed with strength, of good conduct and has eye disease. Notes : The native having this conjunction in his horoscope gets extra-ordinary success in the field of education. He has clear understanding of his subject like a teacher. His knowledge of his subject is characterised by subtlety and width. He becomes celebrated due to his intellectual abilities and gets extremely wealthy. He may be specifically successful in writing, journalism and research activities. If the 3rd House is strong or if the 3rd Lord being in normal situation makes relation with this. conjunction the native gets distinctive renown. The native's progeny also gains distinctive success in the field of learning and earning wealth.

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and Venus are together in one sign, the native has aversion towards the saintly persons, is of blameable character, gets much affliction on account of his wife, is extremely talkative and travels in other countries. Notes: The native having this conjunction in his horoscope has ideological differences with his wife. These differences are seen very soon after marriage. The native's wife suspects him. As a result there arises the condition of their getting divorce through the court by their mutual agreement. Such a native selects a profession to earn wealth in which he may have to travel, such as the profession of salesmanship, broker-ship, and supplying commodities at a place of shorter distance.
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llq=? II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, MERCURY AND SATURN ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If in a horoscope, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn happen to be in conjunction in the same sign the native is censured (scorned) by his own men, alienated from other men also, commits blunders, has the appearance of the impotent and follows base persons. Notes : If the Sun, Mercury and Saturn are conjoined in the 7th House the native has defective Semen and gets impotent. There is continual decay of the energies of such a native. If the Sun is devoid of 'Shadabala' (Six kinds of strength) the native's reproductive capacity is almost zero and he is not able to behave as manly man. Due to the lack in him of spiritual power he is greatly vitiated through the company of the wicked, If this conjunction occurs in the 1Oth, the 5th or the 3rd House


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the native gains knowledge of Mechanics. He may become an engineer if the Sun is endowed with strength. The most suitable profession for the native is that of a mechanical engineer or nature.

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. THE EFFECTS WHEN THERE IS THE CONJUNCTION OF THE SUN, JUPITER AND VENUS : If the Sun, Jupiter and Venus are situated in the same sign, the native is incapable of speech, devoid of wealth even though he maybe patronized by the king, is endowed with chivalry and helpful to others and performs things for others.
Notes : This combination is one among the class of 'Raj Yogas'. Therefore, such a native has approach in the King's (government's) Circles. He may be prosperous with Kingly power. His favourite subjects are often Economics and literature. He is successful in earning money through the means of foreign countries. He earns h1s living through auspicious means only. he has relations with other women than his own wife. He becomes a matter of discussion for the other people and a much talked of person due to these relations of love. Such a native earns much wealth but he is extremely liberal in spending his wealth and due to this he can not accumulate it.

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and Saturn are situated in the same sign, the native is favourite to the king, is endowed with friend, wife and sons, handsome body, spends wisely and is prudent. Notes : This Combination is also included in the Category of Raja Yoga. If this conjunction occurs in other Benefic Houses than the 1Oth .House, the native gets fame, kingly power or favour from the kingly circles and success in his profession. He maintains an unusual harmony between the ideal and the real and this is the most important gift of this conjunction. It is also regarded as a blessing for vocational education. Such natives often get success as professors in colleges relating to technical education, besides their being employed in kingly circles or government circles .

. ~ "'JW l1f.f 4)14)('1

~il~tl'(i~~qiSt'IOI"**CiiU'Ij.OlJ"Iid: I ~l'JA(I':~ ~

CiiPci'<fcl'<fcl\ill"li ~&fiJi ll'l~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE SUN, VENUS AND SATURN ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Sun, Venus and Saturn are situated in the same sign, the native has always the fear of his enemy in his mind, is opposed to listening to scriptural stories and poetry, is of evil conduct, extremely suffering from itching and is devoid of his own men and wealth.

Note : The native having this conjunction in his horoscope may be successful in the trade of articles required by adult women. He makes relations with some other woman than his wife at. the place where he serves or where he does his professional work. His point of view



is extremely realistic. He doesnot have interest in imaginative art, scriptural story or poetry. He may be . deeply interested in subjects like Economics.
~ ~ ~'tf 4~14)('1

~ <fi;:rr ~ "11"11RI~i"''it'+NHiq'11"11: I

tg+if"''ql ~"1\JI"''Ij<lldlltilffigt~l: et~fi)i'<jd;;g'<'fl<11: llqf, II THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON, MARS AND MERCURY ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Moon, Mars and Mercury happen to be situated in the same sign, the native is wretched, devoid of wealth and property, insulted by his own men in a number of ways and lives in the company of base and mean persons. Notes : In this combination the native earns all kinds of physical comforts and conveniences with his own efforts. He is himself the maker of his own present and future. Such natives are not dreamers. They are extremely practical, assiduous and perform their work by using devices. They have to be involved in many qurrels and disputes in connection with paternal wealth and property or will. They have certainly to contend court cases in this connection. If this conjunction happens to occur in an auspicious or Benefic House and if Venus and Saturn are endowed with strength, they get the paternal wealth and property after contending the case : In childhood and in youth such natives have to suffer from Bronchitis, pneumonia, other diseases of the chest region, Eusinophilia and road accidents.
~ ~ ~ 4114)('1

t~uiif-tt: qi'Ngttti ~ cW"fll'<fl: Clli"'ff4~h: ~ I

SI~Clll~ ~~<11 ~ ~C:I'<~(:I\c<ll'<l'1~~1: llql911




JUPITER ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Moon, Mars and Jupiter are situated in the same sign, the native has marks of ulcers on his body. He is wrathful usurper of another's wealth, excessively attached to his wife and handsome. Notes :Such a native has to undergo unusual troubles in long journeys. He certainly purchases residential property in other cities than that in which he lives. He wins great fame due to his good understanding, knowledge, brilliance and deeds of Social welfare. He is extremely self respecting, gets reasonably angry and is emotional. He has the qualities in him of a born leader. He is capable of raising his status high due to his good understanding, realistic thinking and activities leading to social' welfare.
~ ~ ~ 4~JQ)(1

~ .:RI<'Jq;J"d14Rt\l~: ~ ~ .:RI<'Jq;J"dldjU1~S(iq:RI<'J: I

;:ffr ~4\DJ;:+JP! ~ ~iil'<!l'Rriiil"'ii1'~ ~ ~: llq~ II THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON, MARS AND VENUS BE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Moon, Mars and Venus be situated in the same sign, the native husbands a depraved woman (or a woman of bad character),is the son of a woman of wicked nature and is himself devoid of good nature~ Notes : In this conjunction it has been seen that the native is extremely sensual and lustful and has perverse sexuality since the very beginning of boyhood. As a consequence his married life doesnot remain happy. The native is subjected to many addictions. He is defamed and disgraced due to his doing some undesirable deeds. He may have some disease of the sexual organs. If along with this conjunction there is situated some Malefic Plan81t



in the 11th House in his debmtation sign, the native earns wealth through out his life through unfair means.

"fTm ~ \i1'1;%)~Rtwc:: ~sftr CliC'1l\lp.qo'i ~

~~ ~: ~ ~ -;ffrsRti~ct: ll'l~ 11

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON, MARS AND SATURN BE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Moon, Mars and Saturn be there together in one sign the native is deprived of his mother in his very childhood, and he is always quarrelsome and is extremely reprehensible. Notes : In this combination the Moon, the significator two Malefic Planets Mars and Saturn. If this conjunction occurs in the 4th House in the Horoscope of a native having Aries Ascendant, there is the dead certainty of the death of the native's mother in his childhood and the native has to suffer from consumption.

ot mother is conjoined with

Due to this combinC!tion the native doesnot get much honour in society as he is engaged in doing thos~ very things which are undesirable and not liked by the people. It has been found that the native having this conjunction in his horoscope ea.rhs much wealth through Agriculture, supply of building material and contractor ship. Such a native is quarrelsome, earns wealth with industry and struggle till oldage and is very ambitious.
~ 3~ l]W 4~'14>('1

fcl&tict<CIRf4Rti1iO+ttfiG11 fclflt?lfl!?l't ~: I ti(\~'dfcl~'tsfffi:Ri OR: t'!li~Cii?l m1'<>tt'tq'fflQ): I Ro II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON, MERCURY AND JUPITER BE IN CONJUNCTION : In tlie event of the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter being situated in the same sign, the native is greatly celebrated, endowed with



wisdom and great strength, has many kinds of friends is favoured by Fortune, of excellent conduct and very learned. Notes : Due to this combination in his horoscope the native evinces great interest in literature, sculpture, drawing and painting and in some field of writing. He gets uncommon fame due to his inteilsctual ac~iv~ties, although he has to make unusual struggle in the beginning of his life to establish himself in tl:le society. He is an object of jealousy of many learned persons due to his glory and learning. He can achieve special success in the subject which requires imagination and prompt intellect.
~ !~ ~ 4)1Q)cl
Fcltii 1014'tu~sf?r "'fJ

4'J:qrft1 : m~ "'fJ

i6~fcM mtl

~ ~ "'R:

'tliCf)offt"41~Ritt'li gltt>t~tt I Rq II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON MERCURY AND VENUS BE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Moon, Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in one sign, fhe native is of base conduct inspite of being very learned, he . particularly takes interest in competing with others and . is greedy of wealth. Notes : Due to this combination in the. horoscope the native does not have sweet relations with his wife. The native's wife generally is in service. The native may get involved in some public censure in connection with some woman. It has been found that the wife of the native has complaint of depression. The native may have disease in the sexual organs also in his young age. If this conjunction occurs in the Ascendants of Aries, Sagittarius and Capricorn, there is formed the situation of the husband's being divorced from his wife. If it occurs



in the Ascendant of Pisces the effects are often those of happiness and peace in married life. If this combination occurs in the Ascendant of Scorpio, the native is extremely sensual, makes sexual relations with other women after marriage and likes wandering. This combination gives extremely auspicious effects for those having Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants in their horoscopes as due to this combination they get extremely rich, prosperous with State authority, are of celebrated fame and popular. This combination proves to be useful in gaining wealth through the medium of Export & Import and transportation to the natives having Cancer and Leo Ascendants .
~ ~~ ~ 4~'1Qicl Q)cliQ)cli41S1cl~Rincfl ~= ~ Plt~i"d'f.l ~: ~'WI114RI~;ft~~ ~il1)11"<1: ~ ~ ~: 11:?:?11

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON, MERCURY AND SATURN BE IN CONJUNCTION: If the Moon, Mercury and Se3:turn are there together in one sign, the native has clear or pure knowledge relating to the activities of art, is favoured by the king, an authority of a village or a town and is courteous anc;l modest. Notes : Such a native gains through the medium of Agriculture, agricultural products and Agricultural implements. This combination is favourable with regard to getting success in the local elections. But it is also because of this combination that the native has fear of the king, involvement in civil cases and cases relating to his profession. In the contexl of economic arid political progress and domestic happiness and peace it is the natives having Gemini Ascendants ir.l. their horoscopes who are profited in greater degree by. this combination.





This combination proves to be the most excellent one and the most fortunate one for the natives having Libra Ascendant as such natives easily have popularity, progress in the education of the progeny, Kingly authority, status and immense immovable property, due to its presence in their horoscopes. It is regarded of medium auspiciousness for the native having Capricorn and Pisces Ascendants.
~ ~WI' 4)14')(1

~~ ~: ~ i'.ll'<;cCIRi'1RiqRI'<1!Jt1: I

~ui~""j''<'<IG1crRnt11: ~ ~ ~ ~ II~~ II
THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON, JUPITER AND VENUS ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If the .Moon, Jupiter and Venus are situated in one sign, the native is fortunate, most excellently famous, a high level scholar and of good conduct.

Notes : Such a native is learned, popuiar, extremely famous, earns wealth from other places than his own place, is a theist, remains engaged in doing works of public welfare and present in the society an example of his character and personality which is worthy of imitation. He has special inclination towards literature, poetry and arts and he has nature understanding and knowledge of these .

~ ~ ~ 4)1(4)(1

fcfirlflUT: cMtlJqRII1!46~ Pltil"'t'i'ti

'+t~Hj~i\1) ~


'<1!J'ffi+1~$'~~q;;fl: ll~b' II

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON, JUPITER AND SATURN BE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are situated in the same sign, the native is learned, favoured by the King, an authority on excellent



'Mantra Shastra' (science of charms and enchantments), handsome in appearance and is extremely strong.
Notes : This combination is included in the category of 'Raj Yogas'. The native having this combination in his horoscope is extremely fortunate, prosperous with kingly authority, extremely successful in his profession, celebrated and popular. In the elections in which he contests as a candidate he gets the favour of the people. He has a high standard of life. As an industrialist such a native gets uncommon success in producing commodities which are beneficial for the society. This combination gives the greatest success to the natives having Aries, and Gemini Ascendants. The natives having libra Ascendant in their horoscope achieve success with great struggle. If this combination is there in the natives having Capricorn Ascendant, the native's wife remains sickly and is short lived and the native has to suffer losses from his friends and relatives.
"iRf wP

vrr.r 4) JQ) C1
cffom: ~:
~: 3o~q'(J~OJPtoq I

~m:Ji ~c;fitc;j

tlt'!JffiCfiiC'1\ICfi'1H(!I;)iOJ: Cfic?i9>>iC:I ~R:ictl ~ ~: 11=?'111

THE EFFECTS WHEN THE MOON, VENUS AND SATURN .BE IN CONJUNCTION : If the Moon, Venus and Saturn are situated in the same sign, the native is a Purohit (family priest), the most excellent among those who are well versed in the Vedas, doer of virtuous deeds, peruses and writes the most excellent books.
Notes : The writings of such a native are of great use to the society. This combination blesses the native with the knowledge of Economic and writing of books on Economics. The native having this combination in his horoscope achieves great success in his profession. Due



to this combination success is easily gained in agriculturing, cattle breeding, in dealing with articles relating to women, House Decoration material and articles of food etc. This combination is more favourable for the natives having Aries, Libra, Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn Ascendants in their Horoscope.
~ "3'tJ ~ ~)J4)('1
a+1141C'Iq;: 't<?lll~H ~: 'lle<liPcit'<lttos~~dq;C'IISic?iul: I




THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS, MERCURY AND JUPITER BE IN CONJUNCTION : If Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are situated in the same sign the native is the chief man in his family, skilful in poetry and Music and performs things for others. Notes : Due to this conjunction in his horoscope the native believes in the religion which is based on scientific principles. In other words he has faith in the religion which is free from outward ostentation of religion. He gets position and honour due to his actions and learning. Although he does not get as much honour as he deserves, he is dedicated to the constructive, creative deeds also.
~~'OJ lJW ~)llf)C'I
Pci't'll~d: lH'IuJq;J\q'(~qJ'qJC'Idlti:qC'Idlttl)a: I

~: t!G'Iiffil~4'<) ~: '<J~q;?l "ll"rt): ~:

THE EFFEC"J:S WHEN MARS, MERCURY AND VENUS ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If Mars, Mercury and Venus be situated in the same sign, the native is endowed with wealth, weak bodied, extremely talkative, inconstant, insolent and always remains enthusiastic. Notes : Due to this conjunction in the horoscope the relations of the native with his wife donot remain sweet.



There is great probability that there are quarrels and tension between wife and husband and ultimately they may be separated by getting divorce through court. This conjunction proves harmful to a partner in trade also. The wealth of such native is enjoyed by others because the money lent by him is not returned and he has to help many times other people and his own brothers. The natives having Aries and Taurus Ascendants are the worst sufferers from this conjunction. The natives having Gemini Ascendant are subjected due to this conjunction to injury in an accident, their progeny has pain and suffering and they themselves may have some case in a Civil Court. To the natives having Leo Ascendant this conjunction causes economic gains, fulfilment of ambitions, earning of immovable property, obtainment of political power and a higher standard of life. For those having Virgo Ascendant it causes obtainment of happiness, grandeur and wealth but they have to make great struggle also. If this conjunction occurs in the Libra Ascendant, the native has relations with other women than his wife like those which he has with his own wife. He has the happiness of obtaining paternal property in great measure. For the natives having Scorpio Ascendant this conjunction certainly causes separation from wife and loss of health. The natives having Sagittarius Ascendant are also subjected in their life to tension, quarrels with their wives and separation from them. For those having Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants this conjunction causes for the native happiness, grandeur, success in the field of action (pr.ofession) and obtainment of kingly, governmental power. For the natives having Pisces Ascendant it gives mixed effects of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness. The natives having Cancer Ascendant become wealthy due to this conjunction through the medium of the



profession of transportation, brokerage, dealing in automobiles and cattle breeding.

~ ~u ~ <~)IQl<'l
!fci)'1'1: ~01djtl'1i(41.1: ~: ~ Eigi:tl't4!J'ffi:l

~ ~8 ;::ffi~ +ic:l'<tfl~: ~ : . . ll~t II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS MERCURY AND SATURN ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If Mars, Mercury and Saturn are situated in the same sign, the native has ugly eyes, lean and thin body, lives in woods, does the function of a messenger, lives abroad, is of extremely cheerful nature, has toleration and is a criminal. Notes : Such a native is more successful if he makes the work of a commission agent, a messenger or employment in the Department of Communication the means of earning his living. The natives having Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces Ascendants pass their days of life in far away foreign regions. Those having Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces Ascendants may have some defect in their eyes. Those having Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn Ascendants have been found to be weak bodied or sickly. Those having Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius Ascendants may be more successful in the professions listed above.
~ ~ "Jiii 4)ilj)(il tt'tg?IC:I'<I~'g~;(i~tt: IFI141<'1+11~:
'g\il'11jllld: I

qlti'P'I~Ift)fal'gdiie!fRit~: ~ 't't~q;?l ~: ~ ~~~II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS, JUPITER AND VENUS BE IN CONJUNCTION : If Mars, Jupiter and Venus be situated in the same sign, the native is happy and contented due to having a virtuous son and an excellent



wife, is honoured in the King's Court and lives in the company of the gentle and the good. Notes : Such native gets uncommon success in economic field and due. to these successes he is greatly honoured also. His wife has sense of responsibility, of leading good family life. But the native has after marriage relations with some . other woman than his wife. The natives having Taurus and Scorpio Ascendant may even get divorced from their first wife through the medium of court.

~ ~ ~ llllifiC'I
i418'1J;j ~

ftrfFi 'f'T

4 1t1~?1'tt<-<4't I

~ T.l' :tl"'4ifl:'l'ttiq!Gii: ~ ~ ~: ll~o II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MARS, JUPITER AND SATURN ARE IN CONJUNCTION: If Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are situated in the same sign, the native gets honour from the king, is cruel, weak, devoid of good conduct and of the happiness of having friends. Notes : This conjunction causes a combination which is counted among. the combinations known as 'Raj Yogas' (Combinations conferring upon the native wealth, power and comforts worthy of a King). Due to this conjunction in his horoscope the native obtains KinglY position and higher standard of life. The native's father too is a man of higher rank. There come uncommon rises and .falls in the native's life due to this conjunction. But it goes only for a while. For the natives having Cancer and Virgo Ascendant this conjunction may be the cause .of separation between wife and husband. It cannot be regarded as auspicious in any way for the natives having Virgo Ascendant

~ lJW ~ lllJif)('l

crrn) fcr.ffl \JI'14'lti!'114f

1Ullf tr~c{l4t:fa:

.'t!JI'11't I

~~'1i'J\\i4iqPJ\JiicMI'1i '4)1) ~~\iil"+f ~ ~ ll~q II



THE EFFECTS WHEN .MARS, VENUS AND SATURN BE IN CONJUNCTION: If Mars, Venus and Saturn are situated in the same sign, the native lives abroad, has wicked mother and wicked wife and is subjected to unusual suffering. Notes : The complaint of Mother's conduct being vicious, this is true mostly about those whose Ascendant is Aquarius and in some degree it .is also true of those having Leo Ascendant. The native doesnot make much efforts in the economic matters. The natives having Taurus, and Scorpio Ascendant are much distressed and full of anxiety due to the conduct of their wives. An anxiety and distress is caused to the natives having Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant due to the conduct and career of their sons.
!~ ~ "'JW li)IMI iqljctl44'1 iit?ldcC!Ptf:

wttnt'{fi1rciRi!diRCIf: I

'<fli<lll"l~\lc:U't!_fRi!di. ~ffigRI: tttcM<) OR:~ IIH II

THE EFFFECTS WHEN MERCURY, JUPITER AND VENUS BE IN CONJUNCTION : If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be situated in the same sign, the native gets the favour and kindness of the king, is extremely renowned, remains very cheerful and has smiling face, conquers his enemies and is endowed with strength. Notes : Due to this conjunction in his horoscope the native is a person of refined tastes and interests. He has uncommon attachment with literature. This conjunction is the most auspicious in giving them auspicious effects for the natives having Gemini and Virgo Ascendants. If it occurs in the Aquarius Ascendant, then also it is said to be the most auspicious in conferring upon the native. wealth and property, conveyance, fulfilling his various



ambitions and in causing the progress of the native's progeny in every field. It is obstructive in the happiness and peace of married life in the Aries and Sagittarius Ascendants.
'!~ ~ vrA (l)ap:f)(ij

~: ='fllml::r.c:'1: r: C4::rr:":l\JI=i><irn) ~~ '11 "'<j~'t't : I

'VF):t:J'<Iilill'>li'lliCI):J?il: Iff?)~ 1'ffi1 ~ II~~ II

THE EFFECTS. WHEN MERCURY, JUPITER AND SATURN BE IN CONJUNCTION : If Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are situated in the same sign, the native is endowed with rank, wealth and grandeur. He is very talkative, has patience and most excellent conduct. Notes : When this conjunction be there in the horoscope the native has obtainment of: position, wealth and grandeur through the means of his own efforts. But he is not less troubled in the obtainment of these by rivalry and competition, enmity and obstruction. This conjunction is specially auspicious in giving uncommon success to the natives having Gemini Ascendant. The native having it is very sympathetic towards labourers.

!U ~ ~ (l)ilf>(ij
~>l'fl(1'<ftt1)S1514'ffiiS'16<4\JIC4"1'(j~: ~ ~:I <i:'<~i'1PI'<dU Cl)(11$1) 111f4$11PI'tig~\11""11 II~~ II

THE EFFECTS WHEN MERCURY, VENUS AND SATURN ARE IN CONJUNCTION : If Mercury, Venus and Saturn happen to be in the same sign, .the native is devoid of good disposition, a liar, deceitful; talks unnecessarily, loves journeys and travels and knows the inner most secrets of arts. Notes : Due to this conjunction in his horoscope the native is specially dedicated to arts. In the art objects



made by him the glimpses of history are specially shown. Besides this, his realistic creations are also most excellent. He has. to face great conflict in connection with the taking and giving of wealth and money. There arise obstructions in the way of his profession. He has to visit the court in connection with his professional matters. These effects are specially there for the natives having Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn Ascendants.
~ lJW ~ Oll)llfl(ij ~:qr;:q~ ~ '\jffi'(-i:iAJ ~: ~: 1!~: ~I tt'{'!RI~II~ qfh~C6ic:'l 'l~lilli(jwl ll!~dl ~ ~: ~~~~II

THE EFFECTS WHEN JUPITER, VENUS AND SATURN ARE IN CONJUNCTION: If Jupiter, Vei)US and Saturn are situated in the same sign the native though base born achieves great glory and honour. He is a king and is of most excellent conduct. Notes : This combination is one of those which are regarded as 'Raj Yogas'. The native is said to be base born perhaps because of the effects of Saturns joining in this conjunction. Due to this conjunction the native is certain to obtain Kingly (governmental) position of very high level. This conjunction is often seen in the horoscopes of the natives serving in the Indian Revenue Services. The natives having Gemini Ascendant get good reputation due to this conjunction either as high official in the Archaeological Department or as Professors of History. This conjunction does not prove to be specially a~spicious for the natives having Cancer Ascendant. Those having Leo Ascendant often get place in Judicial Services due to this conjunction.

atR ~ ern fcl:t) ttlfl(1

qrqrPtl(\ lt?id'6ifl ~ "fi ~ 1 drc;:Pc:hr: ~~.,,~IC6dt ~IJi AAIJi lfl(1'1?1 C66'4'f ~~~~ 11



THE SPECIAL EFFECTS OF THE SUN AND THE MOON : If in the horoscope the Moon be in conjunction with the Malefic Planets there occurs the death of the native's mother, if the Sun be in conjunction with them that of the native's father. If these planets be in conjunction with both Benefic and Malefic Planets, the effects should be predicted according to proportion. Notes : - The Moon and the Sun are significators respectively of the native's mother and his father. There is the probability of the death of that parent who is related to the Planet who is afflicted with the greatest malefic effects. If the Moon being situated in the 4th House be afflicted with and badly affected by Malefic Planets certainty of death of the native's mother may be predicted confidently. And if the Sun being situated in the 1Oth House be there in this condition, there is the certainty of the death of his father.
~ ~ ll'i)tt'<~+tdithS~I ~

'Uil'ti '<~R"'II<fl<i

.iJ1 EO!I~td

i4'fi'<~Di II ~1911

THE SPECIAL EFFECTS OF THE MOON :- If the Moon be in conjunction with the Benefic Planets the native should be endowed with glory, increases his wealth and lands, is like a lamp to his lineage (illuminates his lineage or makes it illustrous) and obtains dignity in the king's court. Notes : - In the Predictive Astrology, the House in which the Moon happens to be posited is also regarded as an Ascendant. It is referred to as 'Chandra Lagna'. Therefore if _there is the influence. of the Benefic Planets on the Moon it means that she is endowed with strength, and it is a rule in Astrology that glory and honour, wealth



and property and position are naturally obtained by the native if the Ascendant is strong.
~Ciilt'i~ ~f&t'i~ii'(IDii

'?f'li 4)'()(\!)q -;:R !f'(ii40(1

c:1~qs~ 4~tta~~ cmrrftr ~ "'"(tlJJ~: ll~t 11

The native in whose horoscope three Malefic Planets are there in the same House is extremely cruel, devoid of wealth, has diseased body, is unhappy and discontented and never remains fixed at his house.

'<I\J1liFII&IIll: ll~l911

t1 ~ <11 'tl Cf)cll ufwft <1 : !(!fi);g cp I4 <14 ~HSI fM Wt.l

~q:~ fWc;r 4i<1'!Rf:llqll

Uttering melodious sounds while enjoying himself in a sport, making his trunk like a ring every moment, having his forehead adorned with the crescent Moon such god Ganesha of auspicious appearance may be auspicious foryou.
~w41~0flqSifa41~d ~ ~~'tlffiHj '<I\JI4)fl: I

dlf.tlffi~Ui SlqC::Iflt ~: ~ 'VI'"f l:rffi "i'<IDII'( I f.? II

THE REASON FOR STATING RAJYOGAS : The 'Bhagya yogas' (Combinations leading' to good fortune) which have been expounded through the Houses 'Bhagya' etc (House of Fortune etc), are realised only when there is the presence of Raj Yoga. Therefore I speak about those 'Raj Yogas' which can make the birth of the natives meaningful.

~: 'tJ~ PI\JI)tq\fi'('l!ff <R<I ~ "tt'


?rlf: =t<~gu~ldl: "tt' UGIT '<I$11M\JI'4"'ll'Cja)S?I' 1ffr II~ II

RAJ YOGA : The native at the time of whose birth five planets are there in their exaltation Signs becomes a paramount King, he in whose horoscope three planets are exalted become a king; (but) it is the native born in a royal family who becomes a kJng, the native born in other family than that of a king becomes only a minister.



gh411 ~ ~ +!t:r411tid'<u) iiC'II"''I"!.I c:tMclr"''i fcm;r ~ cii'JRhwm Cf'<jurtffi~ II'd II

If in the horoscope four Planets are situated in their exaltation signs, the native's army crosses a river on a bridge made by a row of elephants (that is, his army crosses rivers on elephants back. He has a lare number of elephants for his army) and his fame spreads in the whole world.

'<r\ifmr ~ <tf.. qf.1)G

~ ~4:tr~\ill~d"1~4tir ~ attr+r"'4tiil ~ ..);s:trflrdr: ~'Nr\114)11 ~:I
~ P.l\ifgr) ~ 4~Cilde ~


gm+rr~~Cil~T.I~ ~


~ I itt 11

If the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, all these four Planets or three of them are situated in their exaltation signs, and if one of them is in the Ascendant, there are formed sixteen kinds of Raj Yogas. And if two of them or one of them being in their or his exaltation signs or sign be situated in the Ascendant and the Moon be situated in the Sign of Cancer (her own sign), then too there are formed sixteen kinds of Raj Yogas Notes: If one of the four planets mentioned above being situated in the Ascendant be exalted and the three remaining planets be also situated in their exaltation signs there will be formed four kinds of Raj Yogas Besides these, in the event of the Sun's being in the . Ascendant of Aries, and of the remaining three planets' (that is, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) being respectively in the signs of Capricorn, Cancer and Libra there will be formed the first kind of Raj Yoga. If there be Mars in the Ascendant of Capricorn, the Sun be in Aries, Jupiter in



Cancer, and Saturn in Libra, there will be the Raj Yoga of the 2nd kind. If Jupiter be exalted in the Ascendant of Cancer, ~nd the Sun be in Aries, Mars in Capricorn, and Saturn in Libra, there will be the Third kind of Raj Yoga. And if there be Saturn in the Ascendant of Libra and the other Planets, that is, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are also exalted, there will be the Raj Yoga of the Fourth kind. In the same way are formed the other twelve kinds of Rajyogas in the event of three planets' being exalted and one of them being exalted in the Ascendant. Thus if in the Capricorn Ascendant Mars be exalted, then there will be Raj Yoga if Saturn and the Sun be also exalted, or if Saturn and Jupiter be exalted, or if the Sun and Jupiter be exalted, then also there will be the formation of Raj Yogas. Similarly, three Raj Yogas are formed in the event of one Planet's being exalted in the Ascendant and of two Planet's being in their exaltation signs in the horoscope. Therefore, if this situation be repeated in tlie Ascendants of Capricorn Libra, Aries and Cancer twelve Raj yogas will be obtained (4 x 3 :: 12). The other sixteen kinds of Raj Yogas will be formed by two or one -of these planets being in their exaltation signs, one of them being in the Ascendant and by Moon's being situated in the sign of Cancer. Thus, if Mars ba in the Ascendant of Capricorn then three kinds of Raj yogas will be formed by the Sun's or Saturn's or Jupiter's being in his exaltation sign and the Moon's being situated in the sign of Cancer. Three other kinds of Raj yogas will be formed by Saturn's being in the Ascendant of Libra, the. Sun's or Mar's or Jupiter's betrig exalted and the Moon's being in Cancer. The Sun's being in the Ascendant of Aries, the Moon's being in Cancer and Mars's or Saturn's or Jupiter's being in their exaltation signs will cause three other kinds of Raj Yogas. And in the same way if Jupiter be in the Ascendant of Cancer and the Moon be also



in Cancer then three still other kinds of Raj Yogas will be formed by Mars's or Saturn's or the Sun's being in their exaltation sings. The remaining four Raj yogas will be formed by the situation of one of the four planets of Mars, Saturn, the Sun and Jupiter in the Ascendant in his exaltation sign and by the Moon's being situated in . the Sign of cancer.
'liGI4'1'1 ~

~ :qgiltR~~ 5t)~: I

~S'ldq)~ ~en VTfR

~ TJ

elfcl~I~SI~dli: ~ ~

m: 'ttjt{qC'Illfi!t~q IC'IQ)I"''I"!.

llf, II

THE TWENTY KINDS. OF RAJYOGAS: If the Moon or the Ascendant be in the Vargottama Navamsha and they are aspected by the other four planets than the 1\(loon, 22 kinds of Raj yogas are formed. The native being born in these Raj yogas is the supporter and protector of the earth to the seas.
3Rl '<lut4)'11

\3<Nitiea) ~!j\Jf~:q 'tJl:ll&l'qlqq~<ffi!totd'R'CI'I''ll: I SI~Q)IJ!~~~RC11lllo:rlm~ ~: 111911

The native in whose horoscope there is the end of Sagittarius in the 4th House, that o( Venus in the 7th House, that of Jupiter in the Ascendant and that of Gemini in the 1Oth House is the supporter and protector of the earth to the seas.
3RJ 'l IU14'tl

~ ~S'ldi:tjd'1~ "'1i; ~ W"ft

TfT1) ~~:1 ~ "tJ ~ ~tl'l'~rilft~'11C11~C1 ffl"''iG't~tt1fi!~C1Q)C1"1 Rc;Pd"'' : ~ I~ II



THE OTHER RAJYOGAS : If being exalted Mercury be Situated in the Ascendant, Saturn being retrograde be situated in the sign of Capricorn and Jupiter, the Moon and Venus be there in the Sign of Sagittarius, the native becomes a King. The Elephant Lords of the Directions feel difficulty (feel heavy pressure on them) in supporting the Earth bearing the weight of the Horses and Elephants of such a king's army.
~ '!'1'<1\JI:fl~ ~ ~ cmmscf;'<lifll . q 181 '< W" ft I~ I'11 ~ '1 t) qduf;:q '1 tJ \JI'<'t : "<'lffi'( I ~ II

If the Moon be situated in Pisces Ascendant and the Sun, Mars, and Saturn be situated respectively in Leo, Capricorn, and Aquarius, the native becomes a very brilliant and energetic king. Notes : Here if Jupiter too be in a Benefic House, it creates a special Raj Yoga.

iit'i'(jd ~ ~


en ~ 'Mg;s~) I

4)1&l)sll=ot'iq81 ~ Ritt11~q~ iq;%)Rtc::~ llqo II

The native in whose horoscope Mars being situated in the Ascendant be there in Aries, or Jupiter being exalted be in the Ascendant, is conqueror of his enemy and well versed in statesmanship. Notes : The formation of Raj Yoga is not possible merely by the situation of Mars in the Aries Ascendant or by that of Jupiter's being exalted in the Ascendant. We should ~lso study the 2nd House in order to predict about the property and rank which is obtained by the native from inheritance.
qliltqRJ: t<l)iil<ld ~ ~ fcr-m: ftl~t]Ui'<'ffl'41: I
~:fcm;t~tf~~ llqqll

If Jupiter be exalted in the Ascendant, the Sun be situated



in Aries and Saturn, Venus and Mercury be situated in the 11th House, the native is the most excellent among the Kings.
Note~ : If in this Combination Mars be also endowed with strength or if there be the aspect relationship of Jupiter and Mars, there comes greater excellence in it.

ltG) ~ '1wFcl<'l ..1qdf j<'l"'<l9''11Gtg<'ll~~"<l: 1

'ttl'fql~9'ffil W1l1Ri ~ ~ 11'1~ II

If Saturn being in the Sign of Capricorn be situated in the Ascendant, the Sun be in Leo, Mercury be in Gemini, Mars be in Aries, Venus be in Libra and the Moon be in Cancer, the native is the Lord of the Earth to the limit of the seas. Notes : This combination cannot occur in a horoscope because according to the rules of Astrology it is hardly possible that Mercury should be there in the 3rd Sign from the Sun, and it is also not possible that Mercury should be in Gemini and Venus in Libra Simultaneously.
~ ~ti!!J-tl Pl:tiiq;"('<j~ ~ -:q ~ "1i); qw:tl~t:l :q;ft -:q ~ iia 111~G4'l fu.fi 1 'l~Fn~ 'W'fi~dl~i('ftt~ ll'flllqofi:t~ ~ ~

~ 11'1~ II

If there be Venus in Gemini, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn, the Moon in Pisces and Mercury being in Virgo be in the Ascendant, the native is an extremely strong lion to destroy his enemy who is an elephant. Notes : The. situation of Venus and Mercury respectiv~y in Gemini and Virgo Simultaneously is also scarce and therefore this combination also cannot occur.



Ri(i)GllScfi'Rti\JIh lfTicP: :tl$jltil~ ~ ~: I ~ -a""''cr;~ +rfrot) ~ 1fJ\JI) ~: llq~ll

If the Sun be there in Leo Ascendant and the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are. respectively in Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Capricorn, the native is the King of Kings.
~ "tJffi ~Itt:. Cf~'NRII81'RI 4 1d: q;(114111 'N11dcl C4)414J~ fffi:JiJ""''t)qfaliftt~ittcCJfc1: llq'ill

If being situated in the Ascendant, Jupiter be in Aries, the Moon in the 7th House, Venus in the 4th or the 10th House, the native becomes a famous reputed king .
~: ~@"(jqld: >"~'" 'f1'<1.,\1!100
~ ~

C!:J"".,'"': I

tttll"'lcr;lcl ~ ~:f!PHI<;)"<Uwi ~ llq~ II

If Jupiter being situated in the Ascendant be exalted, Venus be in the 7th House, Saturn in the 4th House, Mars in the 10th, the native becomes king. The water of the seas rises high again and again when such a king marches and his Sennets (Sennet = a musical instrument) are sounded.
Sl~cr;lcl '<'!f'<Gitj"'l<1: tt'\qfitj<ti)i%tt<)' qr I ~ ~41)u) ~ ""'11'1'~ ;rt Sl~~ft&(j ~ llq\9 II

The native in whose horoscope the Moon being endowed with strength in the 'Shadavarga' and being situated in the sign of Cancer be there in the Nakshtra of Punarvasu or she may be in her exaltati<?n sign or in her Mool Trikona Sign, the native becomes a universal emperor.
tl'\4ftjclJ &il'<&<i ~ ~ ~I ~ "&Cj fci,~~:J t)ql"'d~ Tffiir ""'1" fc!; ~ llqt II



The native at whose time of birth two Planets being endowed with strength in the Shadavarga be situated in the manner described above (in Shloka 17), that is, they are exalted, or are in their own sign or in their Mool Trikona Sign, he becomes the king of the Kinner region that is, of Dweepantar, not to say of the earth.

"h\CIf:u<tfb~ 'li;fr I

"'<1i1IT qg11t: ~ ~: tfT.IIfc:~CifqqfMCh~"'

Ilqq_ II

The native in whose horoscope three Planets are endowed with Shadavarga strength, but they are not in their exaltation or Mool Trikona Signs, becomes. a minister. If Four Planets are endowed with Shadavarga Strength he becomes a king. If five planets or only Jupiter be endowed with Shadavarga strength he becomes an emperor or universal king.
~ ~ W"'m'IS'StiEIGOO 'Ccil\741if;'gdl ~I dC(ciMI?il'g wO~Sftr"<TRR': ~ ~ ll~o II

If there be in the Ascendant of Taurus the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn respectively" in the 4th, the 7th and the 10th House, then at the time of the native's journey to the battle field the rising dust turns the day into night and it seems to be night in day time.
1~'i'ffio:q''<'!l'R;,du ~ ~f,jQqfl~ldl ~ 1

~s6Hjj'Rijh?i 1\"'lqChld4?1i ~ ~ ~ I Rq II

The native at the time of whose birth Saturn being in the Sign of Capricorn be situated in the Ascendant and Jupiter, the Moon, Mercury .-and Venus be respectively in the First, the Third, the Ninth, and the Eleventh House, becomes the king of the whole earth.
~ ~ fcrorr.:) o:m; T.J em;) \":lj4'l\74'4Jll SI~Chlcll fcr;(;r tft ~~dliti&\Si:'t) ~sftt ~ I R~ II



If Venus or Mercury be exalted in the Ascendant, Mars be in \he Sign of Capricorn, and Jupiter and the Moon be in the Sign of Sagittarius the native having this situation of the planet's in his horoscope, is a king like lndra (the god of gods, the King of Heaven) on the earth.

q;ij;sci;:q~ '(j'NI\Jii14J ~mftt "3U: ~I

~<'1'"'1'1d: ~m;n~ 11=?~11

Tne native in whose horoscope one planet being endowed with strength be situated in the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon be in Cancer, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Mercury be exalted in his own sign, becomes a king of Kings.
!J'<If.!f\JI)~ ~ q;;:~all~ '111\JCII<"'l) C:l'1q'<l\ii'J\\7Q: I

IHiPttq;l~ fcm;r ~ ~ ~: '<1!J~ iqli!nfll~ ~ ll=?'d II

The native in whose horoscope Jupiter be in an Angle, and Venus be situated in the 1Oth House, his currency (Coins) prevails to the limits of all the four seas, that is, he is the king. of the whole earth.
~ '{\kl~'"l-utt fm<~ltfl ~ ~:
~ ~ll'fqfflQj~d~'(Ojj ~. furnr: I ~ Rflq\JI(ISI(II01'(1tl) tt~~<"'l Clll~<"'l

~di!JQ~8J~ em l~'<t:) '<1cf'<1~i(QI~: II=?~ II

If in Aries Ascendant there be situated the Sun and Jupiter, there be Mars in the 10th House, and in the 9th House there be Venus, Mercury and the Moon, the earth is greatly troubled as she feels great pressure at the time of his marching to the battle field to conquer all the eight directions. All the people become anxious and begin to say ''what is going to happen no_w?" Notes :If the Sun be situated in the Ascendant of Aries then the presence of the Sun and Mercury in the 9th



House is impossible. imaginary.

this combination is only

oiJT:II'Cifti(ilq)f~H'II Ei(ii!Jt'li: ti~'ffi~'CI: ~

'('Q)I'C'<'iRitm ~~=~cfo m*f:l

~ ~ ~ t!!JR:t~) vfuh ~I ~~~(l!Q'Citf>+1: "tf' T.l ~: <tl)QSI~I!I~d: ll=?f, II

The native in whose horoscope no planet is debilitated or no Planet is there in the enemy Navamsha, there is friendship between the Planets, they are endowed with strength, are not combust, the .presence of Venus in Taurus and of Jupiter in the 3rd House is without their being combust, the native is vigorous and energetic like gods, is not given to wrath and is a king.

~s<h'u~:~ WIT~~~~ ~~"iQI(ii'IS+i(ii<Ci~ltll~ 1j\'ll(il+11(illq~qiR;i(il!it 11=?1911

If the Sun being in the Ascendant be situated in the Sign of Aries there be Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn and the Moon in Libra, the native is of clean glory and honour; even the Kings obey his commands.

lfA PilliiCfiiC: ~:

t!clUt:Pi:fllmf: I

~oR !JilllfR:~g(llqi(IUl+1+( I l:?lll

If the Full Moon being situated in the sign of Pisces is aspected by all the Planets, the native becomes a valiant king like lndra, the god of gods.
~ R: ~ llll '\1 !JvYI q'fl) +=ll I "fffii

-=rT ~!Iii~ gm I : I

'f41ffi'G dt'Cfie<h ~ llfT .qe.)R:4tt'114 1:'f"t II=?~ II

If at the time of birth, there be in the 2nd House from the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, and they are not combust and they do not receive the aspect of an enemy Planet, the army of such a native is like a thorn. to the enemy, and his glory and honour is like a robe for all



the 8 directions.
'tltcMd: ~: '{of:q~ ~
Ei'<'4~t<lffl ~
iqRtf.fRiidliCIRlqiH: I

'"ll""'l ?1""1 C6..,1~~ , I Gl ~lliC ~ Itti d g<"4'<'<1"' I"''i

ii$Jiu:S ""ilsft:i(ii"t~ 1f~ti{'<Oiid ~ ll~o II

If the Lord of the Janama Rashi (the Sign in which the Moon be situated at the time of birth) aspects the Full Moon, the native becomes a king who conquers his enemy. The whole universe echoes the sound made by the horses and elephants etc. when he marches on a journey (to the battle field).
tc~)~!J qlif'MRtq4l(Jwl: ~: :Rtt~i(i~f.!t\11)~ 1

ll<(lii"''C61~ ~ fcrnr;:j ~ ~.gf?lt'l~if"''IPi ll~q II

If Jupiter, the Sun and Venus. be .,.i!ttiated in their exaltation Signs, and the Moon being"situated in the Sign of Taurus be aspected by Saturn the native becomes a king. The whole Sky is filled with dust at the time when his army marches and due to this dust even the eyes of the horses of the Sun are closed.
~ 'lffiiT: '<jdJ~Idl: ~"4l(Ji61'1~\i41

-;ffi; crn;1 iC f?liCF~dh ~ ~ 1fG: I lll ?I Iq; I~ fcP<;r q; '1ft;! ;fj :Jtli ti Cf)) if q; d f
~~ Sii41'8di4ci~C{~~;!;-mcp~drr.ll'tdtrr: IIH II

If Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter be there without being combust in the 5th House, Mars be in Capricorn, the Sun be situated in the 6th House and Saturn be there in the 9th House the native born in such a combination becomes king. The Sun covered by the dust which has risen from the earth at the time of his march on his journey closes the flower of kamalini (female lotus).



4i"'41W'11~ !~"'if~~ "'if IJMI~ ~ m~~~ ~~..Yc:;2! <fl'TtsR+l"'ijiJI'~ ~ ~ tti:Uitt-1 "ftCfGT ~: !Oiqg~('j '<jP<1+1('1i l'l'ffii cr ~ II~~ II

If the Ascendant be Virgo, and Mercury be situated in it, Jupiter be in the 7th House, Mars be in the 3rd house, Saturn be in the 6th House and in the 4th House there be Venus, the command of the native born in this combination is worn by the Kings in their necks like a garland, that is, his order is obeyed reverentially even by the Kings.
Jfi"1lC:~ C:l'1q\CIIJI'{\J4:tthH'f~IJ'lfl ~: ~I

~~ ~: fcm;J '<IC:Ii!!ID'5JI'1i~

'9ffi ~

li~'d il

If ~t the time of birth there be Venus in the Ascendant of Pisces, there be the Moon and Jupiter in Cancer, and in Aries there be the Sun and Mars, the native is a king equal to lndra, the god of gods, in valour.
~ Pt1Rttml1~ilci:t~~q1sftr

~ ft qfti'<l Glli : fci; 'TfT \C 1\JI'fjj : I

'1'<4fti~"'\Jiitl'i cr~u <M'~ 14ftl~cj tlffi1fr~ "fJj: II~~ II

Even the base born native who has the above mentioned C0!11binations in his horoscope, does become a king. Then if the native be of royal birth why he should not become a king. It is only the native that are born in the royal lineage who become kings if they are born in the combinations mentioned in the following verses. The . natives born in the other lineage become only like kings.
fll+tl~ '(1\114)1

914i'<jtll "'wfc~W"!qaf "'Cfffi) ~ ~ ~tq4d'J I.

~~~1P,JIJIT~:~: ll~ftll



ORDINARY RAJYOGAS: If in the Ascendant of Capricorn there be situated Saturn, in the 7th House there be the Sun and the Moon, in the 11th House there be Mars, and in the 8th House there be Venus, the native born in a king's lineage becomes a king Notes : For the natives having Capricorn Ascendant Venus is the significator of Raj Yoga. According to the present Shloka, Venus will not destroy Raj Yoga when she happens to be situated in the .8th House, this is a matter worthy to be considered carefully. Here the situation of Saturn and Mars being respectively in the Ascendant and the 11th House gives at least so much certainty that the native will have the happiness of getting paternal property and lands.

'Cj'<l~lilfl1fCRI~~~: ~cflq~:~l ~~=~=~~ 11~\911

If in the 4th House there be Jupiter and Venus, the native becomes a capable and powerful king. And if in the sign of Cancer, there be the Moon and Jupiter in t_he 4th House itself, the native becomes the king of th~ region of Kashmir.
~ '<I\JI4)1

'Cj'<l~~~dCi~~5= ~~~~I fclci)Cflll'*l: 4~'flfil4i iljw$1J)ql: WlliPa ~ ll~tll

OTHER RAJYOGAS : If being situated in Taurus the Moon be aspected by Jupiter and Venus, the native becomes a king. And if the Full Moon is aspected by Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, the native becomes a king.

q;rl)"'jiiitltii\Jitli;::o;; q;:::fl



~~~~en~ Sl'fJP!CfliJI ~ i41t14{ II~~ II

If Mercury receives the aspect of Jupiter, the native



becomes a king having unusual or peculiar property. And if any one planet be situated in his own sign or in his own Navamsha, The native becomes a king.

'!"~~~ ~ ~



tcii.llll~fli?ti:wto)St!.fCJT 't4iUiYI~01 ere-:~ iQI<"'"tltdo II

If the Moon b.eing situated in the Navamsha of his extreme f~iend be asp~cted by Venus, the native becomes a king. And if the Moon b.eing situated in his own or in his extreme friend's Navamsha be aspected by Jupiter, the native becomes a king.
~~~ ~ ~"ll~~cl'ifcbtt) CIT I

't41fi'<'<P'<iuti ~ ~: ~=cU'I<"i:tllcl) '!Jd'<I!J<m: ltdq 11

If the Sun being situated in the sign of his extreme friend be aspected by the Moon, the native, inspite of living in the midst of thieves becomes a king, is of good disposition and generous temperament.

'{<!)iii~: '!1)1'd:mWJ: SJ4bt~ ~I

~ il<"'qi;:qi<"iiqi;:qi"<)RI

1fi ~:

ltd~ II

If Mercury being in conjunction with the Moon be in his sign of exaltation or if the Full Moon be situated in a Benefic House, the native becomes a king.

vr;qtR) \11""1~<1014) CIT~~ ;%T.I~Jisf?f ~I ~4[$~1~ ~ -qfcf;f ~ ftr?i ft!Rtqi<"'!J?I+f ltd~ II

If the Ascendant lord or the lord of the sign in which the Moon be there being endowed with strength be situated in an Angle, then inspite of being base born the native becomes a king. And what is there to be surprised at in it that the native born in a royal lineage should be a generous king.
~ fcr-m: "lt1ftr;n ~ "lR4 ~~g.~:~ I q;oj[Gqs~ 1~'5q,'<<11~QI0111j'Jt<1q~ ltd~ II



If the Sun and the Moon be situated in the Sign of Aries, the native becomes a king living according to and in harmony with the king of Karnat, Dravina, Kerala and Andhra regions.

, , tt' ~a uii' ij; ~ (f)lulj , , 'lg'fPit\14111~

---"'.+...... m1. +tq(ll1,1

. Si'tiRf<PiJi ~ ~ i41c1\JIId '<1~~~ >1"'4+f. I I'd~ II

Jupiter and Venus being situated in their exaltation signs be posited in Angles or Trines, then the native born in a royal lineage becomes a king and he who is born in other than a royal lineage becomes a king's minister.
' 0?141'1

Si'tiRf<Pi<?i l1G") ~ 1'.1 ~ fcR;rr.) ~ ~ ~: I

-n O?ill~i \11"1l1Pti ~ SII4!JOl141<Pif<!jC:4~ ft ~

ll'df, II

The CHHATRA YOGA: If at the time of nativity all planets be situated in the Ascendant, the 2nd House, ttie 7th House and the 12th House, there is formed what is called the 'Chhatra Yoga'. Such a combination is obtained by the native only due to the virtuous deeds done by him in the previous birth. Notes : This Combination is also included in the category of Raj Yogas and due to it the native of royal birth ascends the throne.

lfM fcR;rr.) ~ ~ wtT " ~~~?ii!li&ftl\SJ\"11 ct$ !J'<'ilffJ1ol~q4Jm: SII'<'IIC::qic?I!J'<CJiW<: ~ 11'&1911

If there be the Malefic Planets in the Ascendant, and if there be the aspect of Jupiter being situated in the sign of Cancer, the native is the devotee of his guru, Brahmins and gods and goddesses and he builds small well, well and a town.
~sftr 'tffil:l]"-tG= ~ ~ ~ i!i<'tql~<ie:l .~ :il"'+ti"1q~ >11"1q"114Cfi: ~ II'd~ II



If even one Benefic Planet being situated in his exaltation sign or in an Angle be aspected by Jupiter being situated in the 5th House, the native becomes a King
'!l'<l~i q~~\74 ~ ~ f!~'t'4RI: I


If coming out of the Sign of Capricorn Jupiter be situated in the Ascendant, that is. Jupiter being situated in the Ascendant, be there in the sign of Aquarius, the native . becomes a king having in his possession, the most excellent elephants.
~ "'CRfr ~4\DI;o+jf.l ifi"'aqtff I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~C11PciC11~ (/)~dl~"!;:c;"!. I!Cio II

If the Full Moon be there in any other Angle than the Ascendant the native becomes a king who conquers his enemies merely in sport.
~= ~= flPtlht) ~ ~ T~ ~fq'ie=l ~ ~SgC1cCJfi!f~q.j) 9f ~ ~ ~ I Jtiq II
If the Conjunction of the Moon and _Jupiter be there in an Angle, and it is aspected by Venus, and if no Planet in the horoscope be debilitated, the native becomes a glorious .king.
~: 'tt)~flidltl~\741 "l"GI'<il"'al ~~:1

~ ~: '<'41G'<IRIGI~uaRIR-i~ ~ I Jti~ II

If in the 2nd House there be Mercury, Jupiter and Venus and Saturn, the Moon and Mars be there in the 7th House, then the native is a king like a lion in the midst of his enemies who are like elephants.
~ fli~IPI ~ ~~ ~'<uflogtt)

en I

~~(/)FcifllifliJ~S~ ~ ~ ~ g ~: ~ I Jti~ II

If the Moon be in the sign of Aquarius at its eighth degree



in a Trine or Mars be in that of Aries at its seventh degree or Mercury be in that of Gemini at Its twenty first degree, the native becomes a king.

~ ~mm fctmit ~ <Wi~41~ ~I ~ ~j4'i"i'tct"'tl: ~ ~SQ:I'~ ~: ll~lS II

If the Moon be in the sign of Aquarius at its 15th degree or in that of Cancer at its 10th degree, Jupiter be in that of Sagittarius at its 3rd degree and in that of Leo at its 3rd degree, there be the Moon, the native becomes a king.
~~ CJTQi~ cpfuct>l'<j ~ ~: Cfi('IICfli,l ~ \ifJ'ri ~ ~ 8I!JtiCf>'<'IN'$1"i'<)sfq ~: I~~ II

If the Full Moon obtains the situation of her Vargottam Navamsha in the Nakshtra of Pushya, Ashwini or Kritika, the native becomes a king, and the native born in the Tripushkar Yoga (described in the next Shloka) also becomes a king.

81 !JiiCj) '( 7h1l

fflftfu 1{ID ~ q '1 i R! ~

-mm "lfcc&+ll d "ill Iij, Gl I'1 I+t I

CfiD "tf mot) 8ljvii~C6df
I~~ II

8I:Jtqi'<) 'ltT1J ~ ~

THE TRIPUSHKAR YOGA : If there occurs the creation of the Tripushkar Yoga on the 2nd, the 7th, and the 12th, that is, on the Bhadra Tithi, on Sunday, Tuesday or Saturday and in Kritika, Punarvasu, uttaraphalguni, Vishakha, Uttarashadha, or Purvabhadrapada Nakshtra (by the conjunction of all these Tithis, days and Nakshtras) this yoga (corT]bination) gives three fold effects in profit and loss. .

~"tfGT'ff~ ~1~tlfl ~:~1


~ ~ Jl'uR ~ tl'!<ii"l I ~1911

If Mars be in the Anuradha or the Ashwini Nakshtra or



in his exaltation sign or in his Vargottam Navamsha, then the native born in a royal lineage becomes a king. If he be born in any other lineage than that of a royal one he is very prosperous, wealthy and Minister.

~'\GIMI~~~~~: ~:1 ~ ltiD ~ ~: lJ:~: 'lJTfijqci:ti\111el: llli~ II

If in the horoscope Venus be in the 9th House, the Full Moon. in the 1Oth House, and all the remaining Planets be in the 11th House, then the native born in a royal lineage becomes a king.
~: t~4~cr: :tl:tli;l

~~!}'<"'ti~H't~'{ ~I

~o"1wW1ff: ~

'8 ~
.,."<r:-:l\11:n:'1:rr.IOO(I=>TD"t ~~~~ II

~ "ffl'C1GT

If from the Moon there be situated all the other Planets than she in the 3rd, the 1Oth or the 11th House, or if from Mars in the 3rd, the 5th, or the 9th House be there respectively the Sun, Jupiter, and the Moon, the native gets honour from the king and he is endowed with the wealth of horse and elephant.

~~~S'3Gt'tl~8~~:~~~ PtilrRmfi ~ (j)~'Qc:br alfi4RI:t~(j)cpom4?1: Jlf,o 11.

If in the 4th House there be Mercury and Venus, in the 3rd House there be the Sun, and all the other remaining Planets be there in the 5th House and none of the Planets be there in the sign of his enemy Planet, then the native becomes a king.

(/)"'~~fffif !!~~"<~ Pt:tii(/)"(: I

~ EITCl'ftr ~ 'tJTfijcj ~ m:1 llf, q II



If the Sun being situated in the sign of Leo or the Moon being in that of Cancer be aspected by Jupiter the native becomes a king.

q;~c'll'<ldl cuqqlfl!il:q ~~ 1

~ (j') "tflf~ ~ ~ lift~ II

If Mercury being there in Cancer, and Jupiter in Sagittarius be aspected respectively by Saturn and Mars, then the native becomes a king.

>tllf>.figiJI ~: ~ "tl i!Jt:t<~RI: I

Wfi: ~ ~

<I\Jlqlftlfl1~~ lift~ II

If the Moon be there in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer, Venus in Aquarius, the' native becomes a king and is prosperous with the wealth of horse, elephant and property

Rtt~<ie: ~= ~ qJt-%'1"1illctl)c::41
~~~~-mmOGT~ llft'dli
If Saturn being situated in Aquarius be aspected by Venus, there be situated the Sun in the Ascendant and the Moon in the sign of Cancer the native becomes a king.


~ (j')


!>llllti'Ricflmmftl t15iiHI~: I

!>!cii'IR1cll ~

lift~ II

If .at the time of birth the Lord of that sign who IS 1n his debilitation sign or the Lord of the Sign who is in his exaltation sign be situated in an Angle, the native becomes a king.

~ ~ "11~'1~q=<n'1f?! ~= llftft 11
If Venus be there in the Kritika, Rewati, Swati, Pushya or Ashwini Nakshtra, the native becomes a king.



'CiGtt'\4t"'~cfWI~ fc!Wotii+QI"4~ GilillUJ!II ' ' .\. CiiC'Iilil ~' '~~ dlli'CC'ii<i '11 CIT 'flctl\illlll <IIG \ij;:qq;j (il 11~1911

The obtainment of kingdom (and kingship) occurs in the Dasha of the Planet situated in the 1Oth House or in the Ascendant House or in that of the Planet who is endowed with strength.

~ '<l~lll~l<illHUTJe:ml: II~~



IHiRIC6icl ~ ~ f<!!i41cl4ill: 3~"lt<OI ~I ft~l\ii~~1PJ-qc} tr<ft4 ~err 41fllflclSjcliPi 11'1 II
The native at the time of whose birth (as stated in the earlier Chapter) there is Rajyoga in the horoscope, has clear marks of it in his hand and feet.
~ m ~l'll~<rnl

31'11n.C61 'icl'kll ~ <CIRhu ~ 1 ltE4i!JHllf ~ '11\Tllla:Q m 'if FcbC1~W~<rnl II~ II

THE LUCK LINE : The line going from the wrist to the base of the ring finger is called the 'Punya Rekha' (the line showing the virtuous deeds done by the native in his previous birth) and the line going to the base, of the middle finger is called the 'Urdhava Rekha' (the upward going line). These Rekhas (lines) are indicators of procuring Kingdom for the native.

Rl'll\iljl;:j lJq<'JISO;:j ~~!Jt0juf 3~"lt<OI ~ I

-.:J~EI~I'fl ~ ''!t1~Pci~)~: ~ fcr;fuf: II~ II

The native in the middle of whose thumb there is the mark of Barley becomes glorious, is like an ornament in his lineage, endowed with uncommon jewels and courteous.

~tiHon qld4ql'<on err ~tt1~u1: 31iii~o'i'l ~ 1

~ 'if "tfTUft 'iJ"i("O)

omuiT ~: tg4'< I uJIjffWTT cRmn: I ~ II



THE OTHER AUSPICIOUS LINES: The native in whose hand or foot there are the lines of the shape of an elephant, an umbrella, a fish, a tank, a rod to drive an elephant, a 'Veena' (a musical instrument of the type of the lute) becomes the most excellent king.

flllriJID\Sc;;?iCfl'iSqf.!lqlclCfl) en ~ 'rfTcl: ~clcti'HI+=lliq ll~.j II

The native in whose palm there are the lines like the shape of a garland, 'Kamandal' (begging bowl) and a ploughshare becomes king according to his lineage, that is, his status as a king is according to the status of his lineage.

~ '4TDfr 'TR1'1


~ QJel\JIIM<4G1'1itt'11Pi I

~~8 G)cliCJ)'lcliPci(;jltlffiflllcl:Q '<"g 1f\JiqiRJt:tiicll: II~ II

The native in whose hand or foot there are lines of the shape of a wheel, a bow, a flag, a lotus, a chaamar, an 'aasan' (mat), has at his house chariot, palanquin, abundance of lakshmi (wealth) and .sheds (houses for cows etc.) for horses and elephar.ts.

~ ~

ct'<''<'9~'fi) . l'JGJ ~S~CJ)~I'Ie!l) I G'l'\S)s~s'&fil-sct'<l\illcl~ 't41rilfil-sct: qfil;sct:tff-s<i>'l en 1k911

The native in whose hand or feet there are the marks like the shape of a pillar, a horse, a tree, an urn, a club (pestle), 'Mridanga' (a musical instrument) or a rod gets unbroken Hajya Lakshmi (or abundant wealth), is ttie Chief of the Pandits or a seller of wine.
'tj~'diflfi:t'<'9 ~~jij)Uf~<'l)t<lcl4?1:P:i?l: I

311\JIIjoii ~ ~>JD\Scli'&D\Scl'liQqllf: II<: II

The native whose head is round, forehead is very large, who has long eye which extends to the ear and arm which reaches the knee, become a king (as powerful and luxurious) like lndra, the god of gods, on the earth.

~~'<tRi'1~ "!aeu+tt'<mqoft


~ OffiJT mffi "tt ~ cr~ "ffl'ftr ~I <'I 1<1<'11 OJl{ I



~: 11q, 11

The native whose nose is straight, chest is large like a broad piece of stone, navel is deep, feet are delicate and of red colour becomes a king.

ftrc;fr 11a~fcli(('i : fcl;('l ~ ~: 1

';!4faqJ~'1R:itt~'+tPcld: llqo II

~ "tt ~ ~'l"'~ct

The native in whose palm there is mole gets wealth continuously and he whose sole has the mark of a mole or of a conveyance becomes a king.

Sl'""i'!~: '!jGI'<~dl ~: -wtqtfl'cl<'lt':l ~~: 'IWJ\iq<'l~ "('i1ffl ~: l!qq II

The native who remains cheerful, whose heart is liberal, who is proud of his lineage, speaks sweetly is fearful of the policy and meek and courteous before his guru and the noble minded persons becomes a king.

\!Mf5<'i '<i\JI3>('1~'\Gql'1i '<"41""'11'1qJ'1j ~~I !liCfi('QllG;:;q~('I);GqJ"''i ~ "ffii:l 'i~<'llj"'l"''ltt_ Jlq~ II

The effects which have been stated above are for the natives born in a royal lineage, this has been said so by the ancient thinkers. The effects for the native born in other family than a royal one should be stated keeping his position in society in mind.
~ ~ wRJqJ~euPJ


'"{uiQi<'ISI~iPJ I

Cl"ll)ffi~ "tt erR "RJJ1i ~ ~ ~ CfltfM'i"''l't llq~ II

The marks which have been stated above give full effects if these are clear. The marks are to be seen in the right hand and foot of a man and in t~e left hand and foot of a woman.



~~: tl~cl'~i1+11~"<f?f I '<l\11ll)u ~nlfPti ~: llct 11

If all the Planets are situated in their enemy signs they destroy the Raj Yoga, no matter even if they happen to be in their Vargottama 'Navamsha'. If several planets are &ituated in their debilitation signs, it also destroys the Rajyoga. Notes : Here Pandit Dhundhi Raj has referred to the planetary situations which make ineffective and destroy the Raj Yogas stated by him in the 27 Chapter of the present book. But it has been seen by us from the study of many horoscopes that if two or three planets are in their debilitation signs and the Ascendant and the 4th House are under the influence of the Malefic Planets, the 'Rajyoga' which is there in the horoscope give their effects in the context of the obtainment of the material comforts and political power, no matter that the conduct of such a native should be full of irregularities and lapses and it may not be proved pure and proper when tested on the touchstone of accepted moral values. Such horoscopes are there in a large number at present in the Indian Politics.

TRf Cfl ~ Cfl crr.j -m) -;t)q;)sfq <fi~ I


'<l\11ll)u'1i ~ ~= 11~11



If no planet aspects the Moon or the Ascendant, the Rajyoga in the horoscope becomes ineffective, this is the opinion of Maharishi Parashara. .
Notes : The Ascendant is considered to be the most significant in Astrology. If the Ascendant is endowed with strength, the obtainment of all the comforts is a certainty. The sign in which the Moon is situated is also regarded as the Ascendant. Therefore the strength of the sign in which the Moon be situated is equally important. The Adhi yoga and the Chandradhi yoga prove !his fact.
~ ~ lt?Jdq;~ ~ ~ "tf ~:~I

cptcnsftl ~ 'T2t'Cffi l1Jiill: lt~ ~ ~ ~: II~ II If the Sun be situated in his Navamsha, the Moon be emaciated and she is aspected by Malefic Planets and not by any Benefic Planets, the native first enjoys ruling powers but later on is subjected to distress and becomes despaired.
Notes : Here also the writer has stated of the effects on the basis of the strength and weakness of the 'Chandra Lagna' and the 'Surya Lagna' in another way. If is an accepted rule in the Predictive Astrology that if the Ascendant, the Chandra Lagna and the Surya Lagna are endowed with strength, the native remains physically strong, has abundance of wealth, obtains dignity, glory and royal. power. Here the Sun, being in his own Navamsha will give strength in another way to the 'Surya Lagna' due to which the native will get the effects of Rajyoga. But due to the extreme debility of the Moon the 'Rajyoga' may be destroyed also and the native may be subjected to despair.
\3Ctlli<48t4id~o?l 'd$r ~EifRIQi 4ig'tt!JiG~

err I

~~I\JI4VIsftl "tf ~ iC{Rt4'<~

Gfunsfffim ~:



The native at the time of whose birth there occurs falling of a meteor or meteors, the 'Yoga' called 'Vyatipata, there comes an earth quake or there is the rise of Ketu, is penurious inspite of having Rajyoga in his horoscope. Notes : The falling of meteor/s , the coming of earth quake/s or the rising of Ketu is regarded as ominous. The 'Yoga' of 'Vyatipata' is the most inauspicious among the 27 yogas which are accepted in Muhurta Jyotisha. The native born in this Yoga pass their life in the midst of suffering. If a work is started in this Yoga and at a time when there occur the above mentioned bad omens, success is not attained in it.
~ ... ft;j~ ... l~:~~:l

f.l~e'<I\J14)u"''i ~s~ ~~ llti 11

If the Sun be situated in the deepest debilitation of the sign of Libra the effects of the Rajyogas stated earlier are certainly destroyed. Notes : If the Sun be there in the 1Oth degree in the sign of Libra, he is considered to be in his deepest debilitation.
~'IC'I'4 t}'<IT.lld:

~: I

'<l\114)~~q'f41~ ~sRic;~ ~t'II'J. llf.ll

If the Ascendant be Capricorn and Jupiter be there in it at his deepest debilitation the native becomes extremely penurious inspite of having Raj Yoga in his horoscope. Notes : If Jupiter be there in the 5th degree in the sign of Capricorn, he is said to be in his deepest debilitation.
qlil'fl@qffi'lij M~~l'f?l4)sfq ~ <:re) ~ I
~sfq ;%T.) 'Gf11)sfq "CJl1IT ~1('14)11 "fcR;rti ~ J k911

If the natal Ascendant be Aquarius, Jupiter be combust .



and three planets be there In their debilitation. sign, the Raj Yoga is destroyed. Or if even one Planet be in his sign of debilitation and there be a Malefic Planet in the 10th House, the 'Raj Yoga' gets destroyed.
Notes : Jupiter due to his being the 2nd (House of wealth) Lord and the 11th (House of gains) Lord has special significance for the natives having Aquarius Ascendant as both these Houses are regarded as representative of value. It is on the basis of the strength of these two Houses that the native can have accumulation and gains of wealth, can get success and may have birth in a wealthy family. Therefore, the combustion of the Lord of these two Houses will certainly be harmful for and will destroy Rajyoga.

In the Aquarius Ascendant, the debilitation of any three Planets will be powerful enough to destroy all the benefic influences in the horoscope. If of these three planets the Sun be in his debilitation, then the native will have to face even a worse situation. Seeing the situation of the Planets in their debilitation signs in the horoscope .in which the Ascendant is Aquarius, the reader may himself understand the actual condition, the effects which the native will have.



Sun Mer Jup




~ C::l"''ql'lltti:'tRll~:l

~ ~ 1;i 'll"''ql"''i '11!'14C::It!, I~ II

If at the time of birth Venus be in her deepest debilitation (in the 27th degree in the sign of Virgo) the king is dethroned.

'lffc: ~ '<l~"'iSICie:
~ ~r.:ljn:'1r::O:C:~I;r.q4~llml: I

"Wtfhltt~ih~'<'R"Itlqfftl ~ ~ i4Rill'ln ~ ~



If Rahu be situated in the Ascendant and the Moon aspects him, the third, the sixth and the eleventh House are occupied respectively by the Sun, Saturn and Mars and these Houses are devoid of Benefic Planets or if the Benefic Planets are combust, the Raj Yoga in the horoscope gets meaningless. Notes : The situation in the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th House respectively of Mars, Saturn and the Sun is not so dangerous and inauspicious as the condition of the Angles being devoid of Benefic Planets and the combustion of the benefic Planets.

ilgJftqfs'4~'1f.:c::'<'<'iliqiC"'ll'lii: ~ ~ llqo II

Rajyoga also gets destroyed when Benefic Planets are not there in the Angles, if they are combust or if they be in their debilitation signs or if four planets be there in the signs of their enemy planets.
~sfq 'q'Jtff ~ <tl Uc ih!J ;f) ill~ II "') "J11Ci ~ !J'ffi I: I ;%'1'tll8~<4l!J _Tt 'tfli<llti$11 "<1$11 ~ 'l!T<IT ~ ~ llqq II

If the Malefic Planets being situated in their signs of



debilitation or in the signs of their enemy planets, are situated in the Angles and are devoid of the aspects of the Benefic Planets and the Benefic Planets are situated in their debilitation signs or in the signs of their enemy planets or in the 12th House, the Rajyoga in the horoscope gets destroyed.

l) +1t$1 3'<'tt'ti$Jij)i 'tftf 'l4!JPif1t: Slcfilrnt~l: 1 qft.q di"'Cj'tt'<(ifl""'11$)fffi~ '<1Gt4)1Fci~<af~t&~l II<! II I speak of, with the desire of considering the Raj Yoga, the great men among the kings who have been mentioned by the ancient Munis .(thinkers).




'fCI)t$g'Jtl'31~45-<'<'i~'<'iil)q~qfqf.!i'<ljj\@): I ~

'<i'i'.lijjii@lhi~'tti(W+JI<'!Cll'tl'lll~: I R II

THE FIVE YOGAS RUCHAKA ETC. CONFERRING GREATNESS ON THE NATIVE :- If being situated in their own signs or in their exaltation signs 5 Planets Mars etc. are situated in the Angles, 5 combinations respectively Ruchak, Bhadra, Hansa, Malavya and Shashak are formed. Notes : These 5 Yogas are formed in the following way : If Mars being situated in his own sign or in his own exaltation sign and he is there in an Angle in the horoscope, it forms the Yoga called Ruchaka. Again, if Mercury being situated in his own sign or in his exaltation and he be there in an Angle, it forms Bhadra Yoga. If Jupiter being situated in his own sign or in his exaltation sign and he is there in an Angle, it forms Hansa Yoga. If Venus being situated in his own sign or in his



exaltation sign and he is there in an Angle, it forms Malavya yoga. And if Saturn being situated in his own sign or in his exaltation sign and he is there in an Angle, it forms Shashaka Yoga.
~ ~ Cfi1 'Q;"Cf ~: t<liUC61Ptt4'6~: tll~tfliqittlli~ ~:


f"??fcl=tql'6cC!Rf: I

'A '('ffi'lliltiSR'FtJ:\CI f(~iij(ijf:q;:J;

'~ C6'3C6Uol .,t'I\Jll:

~ 1Im: WJUfi ~\Jij'6fcl'1t1: IHIf\JII'l'6\Jil\j: II~ II


qGihtl\'Riii'(OI: ti'((ill'fi'cl ~ I .

~il I'<!fill cltgclll ffi~'(lj

~ 'q' ~ ~ .,.!J""i!!l~~etfm:.-g=r(i'ljTD'f.l~ II
01 ":rltf-..:1E4""' t4 fcr~ mt\DI~"'41: 1r!J: -v!IT:ll'(r:::ffimatrlftl~~i\ilfcl~tl::n'lsfll' I



~ ~ lltill

THE EFFECTS GIVEN BY RUCHAKA YOGA :- The native born in the 'Ruchaka Yoga' is long lived, has clean and pure lustre, more blood and strength, gets success in his work due to courage, has beautiful eyebrows and black hair, similar hands and feet, is skilful in 'Mantra Vidya' (art of spells), has :most excellent glory, reddish and darkish complexion, is extremely valiant, over comes and destroys his enemies, has conch shaped neck, is very vigorous and valiant, devotee of gods, is polite and meet towards 'Brahmins' and his 'Guru' (teacher) and has thin knees and long thighs The native born in the Yoga of 'Ruchaka has marks in his hand and foot of bed, rope, ox, bow, wheel, Veena and Vajra (thunder), his fingers are straight, he is skilful in the use of Mantras (spells) and the weight of his body is one thousand. tula (a unit of measurement in ancient



times), the breadth of his back is equal to the lengtl) of his face. He becomes the king of 'Sahya', Vindhya "and Uijjain regions. He has marks of a weapon and fire on his body, lives for seventy years and then dies in some temple. Notes : If five planets Mars etc. being situated in Angles are in their own signs or in their signs of exaltation, they form five distinctive, pre-eminent Yogas (combinations). In Astrology these are known by the name of 'Panch Mahapurusha Yogas' (Five Combinations conferring greatness to the native). These five. Yogas are very excellent and the reason as to why they are excellent is the assumption in Astrology that a Planet situated in an Angle has certainly a decisive influence on the Ascendant. And therefore for the effects to be full or to be the greatest in degree, the Ascendant has necessarily to be strong and it is also necessary that the Yoga Karaka Planet Should not have on it any Malefic influence due to conjunction or aspect, otherwise there does occur lessening in the effects, and the dimensions of effects will also be changed. The external influences falling on the Yoga Karaka Planets should be studied very carefully. The 'Shadabala' of the planets should also be adequate and they should not be so near the Sun that they should become combust. The situation of the Yog Karaka Planet in the 10th House gives him greater strength than he gets from his situation in the other Angles. If the 'Ruchaka Yoga' is there in the horoscope the native is comparatively more moved (affected ) by the qualities and traits of Mars . It is because of this that he is very vigorous, energetic , enthusiastic, has very strong muscles



is endowed with the capability of leadership and shows great, admirable skill in battles and in. adverse circumstances. The presence of the combination of 'Ruchaka' is not possible in the horoscope having Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces because in these Ascendants Mars can not be situated in an Angel in his own or in his exaltation sign. The natives having Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius . Ascendants will have only the ordinary, normal effects of the 'Ruchaka Yoga' because in these Ascendants Mars does not have either his exaltation sign or his Mool Trikona Sign. The natives having Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn Ascendants in their Horoscopes may directly have the most excellent effects of the 'Yoga of Ruchaka' as in these Ascendants both the exaltation Sign and the Mool Trikona sign of Mars are in the Angles of these four Ascendants, the Ascendants of Aries and of C3.pricorn are more deserving for the most excellent effects of this Yoga as the tendencies or aptitudes of the native having Aries and Capricorn are nearer to Mars in comparison to those of the natives having Cancer and Libra Ascendants. Here it is also essential that the condition of the other auspicious houses should also be very carefully studied, because if in a horoscope they do not give the assurance of exerting auspiciows and favourable influence the effectiveness of the 'Yoga' is harmed. The horoscope given below will illustrate the effects of the Ruc.haka Yoga.

THE COMBINATIONS CONFERRING GREATNESS*** Date of birth 21-11-1920 Time of birth 3:30P.M. HOROSCOPE Moon Ket



Mars Ven Sun Mer Rah

Jup Sat


Mer Ven Ket

Mar Sar Rah Jup



Here Mars is there in the 1Oth House in his exaltation sign, he is also in the sign of Capricorn (his exaltation sign) in the Navamsha horoscope and therefore he is in his Vargottama Navamsha. But here we have a complex problem in understanding the effects of the combination. This is it that if in an even sign the Planet is in the 6 degrees, he is regarded to be in his Mritavastha (condition of being dead).



--A 'PI "II

(14iil"''t!~tltii!JI<'I'RI'g(."q'll'11iq4: ' ' c:>. :o\ ..-.:rmrr.<!" Cbi'I<'I'Cllf+t'<I'IAi<i<:i: i('ti(J<glu~~:


Jmr: 4wl441filli<1\tOI: 'lffCfl~ ll~1Pciq_ I If, II

fl i&IRigJiM '<ICi lgJt!ilj~gi<IUJ IM (1 l'ft<'lfci ~~d qI fill qIG .: I

41?111Gt'i:'l<id~ipd1~1Pf: 'l't~ij'1SIRi'110\ffi'j: ~: lk911

i(1~qnsRi'1Ri'11""&<j~ua~tll ~sRiPc11a1tu:

~ t!<'l<'lle4il ~ ~~CiRitlgJ!Sqd~lll41fll: I~ II

~: 'l'tcfcmifj ~ 'Siftr"' ef'1T I


1froi~g~~Hj\tA:~: I ~: ~?ICf)<'l?lffl&:l'l \k)q"141<'1: :tl\tCil'1:tfiRi't ll<lo II

THE EFFECTS OF THE COMBINATION OF 'BHADRA' The native born in this combination is like lion, walks (elegantly) in the manner of an elephant, has strong, healthy (muscular) thighs, long, fat and round arms, is equal to his arms in tallness, lustful, has beard of soft



and thin hairs, is learned, has hands and feet like a lotus, is extremely strong and is well versed (skilled) .in 'Yoga'. The hands and feet of such a native have marks on them of conch, sword, elephant, Pestle, lotus flower arrow, flag, wheel, the Moon and ploughshare. He makes the earth wet with the l,iquid oozing from rutting elephants, temples during his journey, owns a body having the fragrance of Kum Kum flower and speaks in a sober manner. He is very handsome, has most excellent intellect, knows the Shastras, gets honour in his society, is endowed with pleasures of the sense, keeps secret ideas extremely confidential, has a beautiful abdomen, is religio.us, has patience, beautiful forehead and black curly hair. He is independent in all his activities. He is not forgiving towards his own men and spends wealth in entertaining the guests. The forehead of the native born in this Yoga is adorned with gems. He becomes the ruler of the country (region) of 'Kanya ku~ja' and lives for 80 years with son and wife ..
Notes : When Mercury being in his own sign or his exaltation sign be in an Angle, there is formed what is called the 'Bhadra Yoga'. The native born in this Yoga has the development of the powers of the intellect as stated in the Shloka in their highest degree because this 'Yoga' (combination) is formed due to the situation in an Angle and due to being in his exaltation sign or in his own sign of Mercury, the significator of the intellect. It is because of this that such a native is of satwika nature, bountiful, serves others without any selfish interest, has an extremely sharp mind and intelligence. In the natural horoscope Mercury is regarded as the representative of arms, shoulders, and abdomen, and therefore, these.




organs of the native born in the 'Bhadra Yoga' are strong and healthy. Generally if the Planet is endowed with strength the native has longer arms. If a person stands with his arms stretched on both sides, then if his height .or his stature is equal to the. length of his both arms from the tip of the middle finger of the right hand to the tip of the middle finger of the left hand, it is regarded as the most excellent mark. It is because of this that in the Shloka number 6, the native born in the 'Bhadra Yoga' has been to have as much height as is the length of both his arms.

-:rT'mn:= 411q;(i1
....._ 4 .Q ' ' \f1'1C/)41<'1'<ffiC/)'I\JU (:'tt't<l'1:

'<mi'<"4'1~H'I'11RIC/): 'ljii'<Di'l ~ !H1~f."<i4'1 .


I llqq II

~i(!II6JII~~I"'ffliGI"'11$1.(!1~qjl"'l<"'l ~:
"il~ ~ -;)-?)



\11<'11~1(1 ~R!'I8Jq ~ ;:r <nftr ~ qPJttl;g ~I



'tt"'l'11'1_llq:? II

q ltl'I"ICj)~ ~ B"dnrn~ '1n~cfliiI(I!J'11"'d'< 1<'1111

~ CI"'1R) ~ ~ ~S4!Jm) ~: ~: llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE COMBINATION WHICH IS CALLED 'HANS YOGA': The face of the native born in the 'Hansa Yoga' has the lustre like that of blood. He has elevated nose, beautiful and strong organs, brown complexion, red nails, speaks like a swan and is of phlegmatic nature. He has on his hand and foot marks of conch, lotus, rod to drive an elephant, fist, couple of rosary of beads, lot (stringed bed) and pitcher. His eyes are of the colour of honey and his forehead is roundish. He loves watery places, is extremely lustful, is not satisfied by women, of 86 Anguls in stature and lives for 96 years.



And he becomes the ruler of the region of Valhika, Shoorsen and of the lands between the Ganga and the Yamuna and his death occurs in the midst of woods. This is said by the best among the ancient sages. Notes : If Jupiter being situated in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, be in an Angle, it forms what is called 'Hansa Yoga' This 'yoga' cannot occur in the Ascendants of Taurus, Leo Scorpio and Aquarius. The native born in the Hans Yoga has selfrespect, is of good Conduct and character, learned and endowed with moral strength. In the horoscope of the natives having Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pices Ascendant Jupiter is regarded affected by the demerit of being the Lord of an Angle. But the malefic effects of this demerit will be there only when Jupiter receives the aspect of some Lord of a Malefic House or such Lord of a Malefic House is in conjunction with him (Jupiter), otherwise it will have no malefic effects.
411 <"'&Ill) "I 4H.'1

~sftr I41S1+!4!J~4 ~mlijttf%r

*41Hllf: ""fmEI'<'<I~t~"'ltt: ~: I

ttct<flttl~: tl"'_~ld'<G~ Gilj~llll'kNI~i

"11Ci1C4~s<f Fc!Ci1ttRI 'rf: ttaRicfttt'<l ou"!. II<!~ II
'CI"CF.ii ?I (j~ :mlil d i !JCi1 +I t<l




"11Ci112l'<1$1i4Ftt: "'(1" ~


'ffiCie "'ICi14q;RI;og'<j41~lU?111 II<!~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE COMBINATION NAMED AS 'MALAVYA YOGA' : The native born in the Yoga of Malavya has thin lips, unequal organs of the body but



the joints of his organs are very strong, he has thick back, is like the Moon in lustre, has a long nose, beautiful cheeks, has brilliance in his eyes, equal and white teeth and his arms hang down to his Knees. He lives for 70 years, has 13 Angul long and ten Angul broad face and he is the ruler of the region of Laat, Malawa, Si.ndhu and Parijata regions. Notes : If in an Angle there happens to be Venus in her own sign or in her sign of exaltation, there is formed a yoga which is referred to as 'Malavya Yoga'. Venus is the significator planet of the physical material comforts. Therefore, such a native gets the things of material comforts and conveniences in large measure.


<:"'lj~IJII'NI)~: ~: TIO'IsRillJ:>'C) FciiJIOHitll'<: I

q'11~54:J ~ ~: ~lliRI~'1iRI<:>~~f ~: 11'1~ II '11'11'<)'11PitillPI'<a) ~wfQ fcl;fu'<&ia'lqi~

1fCifa ~!Htwf:

C/>)<:'1!?1: I


'<j<:"'~d"''8i ~~ ~ llq\911

qlfttll i'Billl'<lllt?I'!Gii"''i<:"'l ~o~q"'': ~~ Tf'<'t1) "i1 ~:I

CflrifUr ttaRiflldiPI ~ ~
tt+'llcr.tlllll'<-<4iqRI: 'Cflfirn) ~: 11'1~ II

~~'rt~u ~ 1{'(jditll iiiJo:s:t'rldi'{!gdl ~ 1

~ ;:MfqRiilit'ilqi$ llit9P<i1f 4;q<:>~dt<6<:>~iPI 11'1~ II

THE EFFECTS- OF THE COMBINATION KNOWN AS 'SHASHAKA YOGA': The native born in the Shashaka Yoga has short teeth and narrow mouth. He walks fast, is wrathful, trickster, a great champion, wanders in lonely



places, has interest in woods, mountains, Fort, river and such other places, is hospitable, medium sized and gets fame. He is the Lord of a big army, has raised teeth, knows metallurgy, is inconstant, has eyes like those of a pig, has a wife, steals other people's wealth, is devoted to his mother, has beautiful thighs and weak back, is uncommonly learned and sees the faults and defects of others. He has marks stamped on his hand and foot like those of bed, conch, Mridanga (a musical instrument) rosary of beads and Veena (flute) etc. He rules for 70 years. This has been said by t~e ancient sages and thinkers. If the planets Mars and so on are not in Angle, are merely in their signs of exaltation and are in conjunction with the Sun and the Moon, the native gets only auspicious effects and not the effects of a 'Raj Yoga'.
Notes: If there is formed the Shashaka Yoga due to

Saturn's being situated in his own sign or in his exaltation sign and his being placed in Angle, the native is self disciplined, a man of principles, unyielding and selfish. These qualities are particularly developed in him.

~ CJil'(q)~l~llem:l: ll~qll



'i<'~f?l<i>~or'f<IJi\~~ti~ 'fJI'~: $~re~r ~: ~: 1 ~ Cj)ji(Cj)j{.<ll(jPrfl::r: ~~~fcmtr: II<! II
If being in an Angle planets are situated in their Mool Trikona signs, own signs or exaltation signs, they are mutually 'Karakas', that is, they bring 'Raj Yoga' into existence. It has been said so by the Munis (thinkers). Of these the planet situated in the 1Oth House is regarded to be the most important 'Karaka' (significator of Raj yoga or of extremely auspicious effects). Notes: If Planets are in Angles or Trines from each other, even then they play an important role in bringing in greater degree the positive effects of each other. And if they happen to be in their Mool Trikona signs, own signs or exaltation signs, then, it is a certainty that they will. give the auspicious effects with gr-eater force and in greater degree. The planet posited in the 1Oth House is regarded to be in the best situation because the effect of the planet situated in this House is greater than that which is there if the planet be situated in any other House than the 10th House. There will be caused greater degree of auspicious effects in the life of the native of the matters related to that House the Lord of which will be situated in the 1Oth House. Or it may also be said that the native will be specially affected by that planet.

!Oiicl<N~'14R <iRiq~ 'RI"''f.G'<'Gir ~ giPiid: I '<!lli<fl\JII'<I"''HI\JI'{~I: ~ Cf>I'<Cf>fi!iicr>i: ~: II~ II



For instance if the Moon, Saturn, Mars and the Sun are situated respectively in the Signs of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. and Aries, then these Planets will be mutually Karakas. Notes : The planets who are mutually 'Karakas' in this way will give the auspicious effects of such yogas (combinations) as 'Raj Yogas' etc. in the Dasha or Antardasha of each other.
~ t'l"'i<l() T-1 ~ W: 4liil4l'<1$14l: ~I
g~'li?iCJ)iul tci'!~Pti~letlffi.)"'ll:' +tl1 ('1"11 i<Ftlmt II~
P. ' ' .
~....o- ~

...........:.. e,~=>..n.,'r=


If there be situated benefic Planets in the ascendant then the planets situated in the 1Oth and the 4th House will. be 'Karakas'. If being situated 1n the 1Oth House the planets be in their exaltation signs, Mool Trikona signs, or in their highest exalted Navamshas, then they are givers of (specially) auspicious effects and if the Sun be there in the 1Oth House (in his Mool Trikona Sign, own sign or exaltation sign) he is regarded to. be a special karaka
~ ~lj1il~~~T.I~ ~I 4l~iltli mfUJ ~ etfllit'lll

sHf: ~

Pi41'<1'{ I I'd II

If at the time of birth there be situated benefic planets in the 2nd House from the Sun, there be his own Navamsha in the Ascendant and the Benefic Planets be situated in an Angle, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth always resides in the natives house. ' .
~~ ~ q~fll~et><ifclet'<P<l~ I

:t?ftif~~~;s~u!i~ '1'ffi1 '<l~!im4ffl~"fRm"flf)t'lll~lffi I !till

If Jupiter, the Lord of the sign in which the Moon be situated and the Ascendant Lord should be in Angles from each other, they give auspicious effects to the native in



the middle period of his life and if these planets should be in the sign which rises with its head (which is shirshodaya), with its back (Pristhodaya) and with both its head and its back (Ubhayodaya), then they give their. effects respectively in the native's childhood in the middle period and in the last period of his life.
;%) ill ;:q~

lRrltr \il itl U1''"11 ~ lltl t'CPI '< q; d il~ ..a :I '<1\111"<1~ ~ ~a&'<f!dotJqRteci ~ ~"' m-Rt life u

If in the horoscope there are present 'Karaka Yogas', the base born native becomes minister and the royal 'born native certainly becomes king.

' II~: 3ltT ";:fl1i'<illl~





~ 'T.ffim

anq crT~

~~tti~ ~crT~ I
'f(ll ~ c; +1 I'31ll I'L<4 +{

ifi'ltuT '< G11'fl cl

~ ~ 4~ 1'514

llq II

RAJJU, MUSALA AND NALA YOGAS : If all the planets are situated in Moveable signs there is formed the 'Rajju Yoga', if they be in the Fixed Signs it forms 'Musala Yoga' and in dual natured signs, it forms Nata Yoga. They have been referred to as 'Ashraya Yoga'. Notes : These Yogas, Rajju, Musala and Nata, have been named on the basis of the shapes of the planets which are seen in the Sky due to their specific positions. It means that the shapes of the planets which are seen in the Sky due to their positions give names to the 'Nabhasa Yogas' as 'Musala', Rajju, Chaap, Gada etc. Yogas. According to the position of the planets in the Sky various shapes are formed and therefore, various yogas (combinations) are formed. 1800 various kinds of 'Nabhasa' yogas have been mentioned in the books of Astrology referred to as 'Yawana Granthas'. The eminent 'Yawana' astrologer Sphujidhwaja has said that the number of the Nabhasa Yogas is infinite. According to him the position of the planets in the Sky may make various infinite shapes and they may appear to be like infinite number of various objects in the world. As these shapes may be infinite, the number of the Nabhasa Yogas may also be infinite and it can not be limited to a definite number. But Varahmihira has kept the number of the various Nabhasa yogas confined to 32 ohly.



According to the above Shloka if all the. planets are situated in moveable signs there occurs the formation of Rallu Yoga. Here it is not essential that planets should be situated in all the moveable signs. All the planets may be situated in one or two or in three moveable signs. The same should be understood in the case of the Musala and Nala Yogas.

45 ~?Ill tfi "14 <Y ft '<'9 lffiil1 <Y ('1 U~Cllf('l t1 '11 tQ ll : ~ ~ g 4~1~dti C:('li'Bti 4ill'ti~DI S1RI41Rti it


THE MALA AND SARPA YOGAS: If all the Benefic Planets happen to be in Three Angles, there occurs the Mala Yoga, and if all the Malefic P~anets happen to be in Three Angles, the Yoga so formed is 'Sarpa Yoga'. Both these 'Yogas' have been called Dala Yoga by the sage 'Parashara'. Notes : Here it is necessary that three Benefic Planets should be situated in the Angles in serial order. For instance they should be there in 1-4-7 or in 4-7-10 or in 7-10-1 or in 10-1-4 order and there should be Malefic Planet in an Angle. In such a condition there occurs the formation of 'Mala yoga'. The formation of 'Sarpa Yoga' also occurs in the same way when the Malefic Planets are there in Angles in serial order. Here the situation of the Benefic Planets in an Angle is not needed and not desirable. Of the Malefic Planets there should be the Sun, Mars and Saturn, and of the Benefic ones Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

4> ~~ llll-fc: I&:I~

('1 hii'tdti ~: l'1'CPC: ~: I.

'@l"'"~ql~fift:l: ~: JJ!~.. nccb ('1"'1'141t"''\J1~: II~ II

GADA, SHAKATA, VIHAGA AND SHRINGATAKA YOGAS : If all the planets are situated in two Angles near to each other, it forms a 'Yoga' named 'Gada'; if they all



are situated in the Ascendant and the 7th House, it forms a 'Yoga' named 'Shakata'; if in the 4th and the 10th House, a yoga named 'Vihaga'; and if they all are situated in the Ascendant, the 9th and the 5th House," it forms a Yoga named 'Shringataka'.
't1'11R&~tf51+1Gilt~q[ ~m-~ I "'f1t'R1<'1~t<'1'11+14~'1: f4H'1~fc:~'isti Plf'tlc:>11'1+1tt: I I'll' II

HALA YOGA : If all the planets are situated in the 2-610 Houses 6r in the 3-7-11 Houses or in the 4-8-12 Houses, in all the three ways there occurs the formation of a Yoga named 'Hala'.
~: ~~: 'tll'4~ ~<t'(Djq~: I

~~~~: ~:11~11
VAJRA, YAVA AND KAMAL YOGAS : If in the Ascendant and the 7th House there are situated all the Benefic Planets and in the 4th and the 10th House all the Malefic ones, there occurs the yoga named 'Vajra'; if in the Ascendant and the 7th House there are situated all the Malefic Planets and in the 4th and the 1Oth House, the Benefic ones, it form~> the yoga named 'Yava'; and if in all the 4 Angles there are situated both the Benefics and the Malefics mixed togethar there occurs the formation of 'Kamal Yoga'.

'!14h:ii~ Cfifclii~'!ii\ ~ ~itctr~RI -;)cr ~I ltqi'(Qiq\IJ ~G11+1-iRI ct?l'rqqRj qRG}l[lti~ II~ II

In the 4th House from the Sun there is no possibility of the situation of Venus and of Mercury and therefore'; thP. / formation of the Yava and the Vajra Yoga. Because of this I tell (the reader) about the formation of these Yogas.




3' \Jiilt =r.i (ll : & <'1 t+1 '< tm Cf'i fcl <'I) +11 =r.q "lfCC1 ~:

Ills II



It in the 2nd and the 12th House from the Ascendant there are situated two planets out of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter ~nd one of these very planets be there in the Ascendant; and if in the 1Oth House there be Mars, in 4th House Saturn, and in the 7th House there be the Moon, it forms the 'Vajra Yoga'; otherwise, if the case is reversed there is said to be the formation of 'Yava Yoga'.


~ ~UliC11t..<"liH~~:I

~ 'ft~Ciill!RI

RlC!liPt'l jPI!Olu~h=i ~ ~ I k: II

If due to the situation of all the planets there occurs the Nabhasa Yoga, then why on the basis of the situation of only three planets there has been referred to the occurrence of the Yogas named 'Vyala' and 'Mala'. But the saying of the Munis is justified, their saying cannot be inconsistent, that is, all the planets should not be taken in the Yogas of 'Vajra' and 'Yava' which have been spoken of by the Munis.
Cl I q)li'J ~

'lTfuo :

'Jl<!R ~ : II~ II

VAAPI YOGAS : If in the other Houses than in the Angles there are situated all the planets, then according to the view of an ancient learned astrologer there is formed a Yoga named 'Vaapi'.


t!l"l&lliilgJt~li:i!toq~a: 1

W1luT ~~ m~

~lffficfo>S: ~: 't!ICj \Jllt'I<P~: I lqo II

YOOPA, SHARA, SHAKTI AND DANDA YOGA : If in the 4 Houses from the Ascendant there are situated all the planets (Sun etc. seven plane~s), it forms the 'Yoopa' Yoga, if from the 4th House to the 7th House there be all the planets, it forms the Shara Yoga, if they be from the 7th House to the 1Oth House, it forms the Shakti Yoga and if all the planets are situated continuously from



the 1Oth House to the Ascendant there occurs the formation of the 'Danda Yoga'.
<'1'"11iilgt~iff+l'H1: ~~2i

'kc'<i$1: I



w~: 11qq 11

NAUKA, KOOTA, CHHATRA, DHANUSHA AND ARDHACHANDRA YOGAS : If all the planets be situated continuously from the Ascendant to the 7th House, it forms the 'Nauka Yoga'; if they be situated continuously from the 4th to the 1Oth House, the 'Koota Yoga' is formed; if from the 7th House to the Ascendant, the 'Chhatra Yoga' is formed; if from the 1oth House to the 4th House, the Dhanusha Yoga is formed; and if all the planets are situated continuously in Seven Houses other than the Angles, it forms the yoga named as 'ArdhaChandra'.
wmi"11~Cfi'J~I"d~UI ~: ~l"''tiictetl 'l'l"il~dl: I ~:fl '<1!Jd"11111


~8lt:lpRNtl:fl fcmq llq~ II

CHAKRA AND SAMUDRA YOGAS : If all the planets are situated continuously in the Houses beginnir:~g from the Ascendant leaving one House in between each time (in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 Houses) it forms the Chakra Yoga; and if they all are situated continuously in the Houses beginning from the 2nd House leaving one House in between each time (in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Houses) it forms the 'Samudra Yoga'. In this way there are 20 Akriti Yogas.

~~Cfi 1 1~gi

m: ~: ~ qsd'<lffi"lll1~ ~

lil<'lli)~)ql): I

~u ~ t~ciornil~: ~ -.:r~: ~ T.J t~aJ~ll~u)RI

m.sm ~

llq~ II

THE SEVEN YOGAS GOLA ETC: If the above mentioned



yogas are absent and are not formed and if all the planets (Sun etc. seven planets) are situated in one House only it forms the Yoga named 'Gola', if they all be in two Houses, the 'Yuga Yoga', if in 3 Houses the Shoola Yoga, if in 4 Houses, the 'Kedar Yoga' if in 5 Ho~ses, the 'Parshava Yoga', if in 6 Houses, the 'Damini Yoga' and if in 7 Houses, the 'Veena Yoga'. ' ";fRY ~ = fcl:;(1' <tll (1 Rl RG t~1 11 ~ = qRcCJ 1l 1 af4'l~4i<t>'i ~ ~ ~ <i<11j'114'1 RIRl"t1o:?ill'1. llq'611


The effects of the yogas which have been told by the 'Kala Vid Maharishis' (the great sages who know the time, present, past and future) should be predicted in proportion according to their strength in the Dasha and Antardasha of the Yoga Karaka Planets.
'I::I~'I::IC{'6qouP<1t11: ~ \11itlkm~l: SJ?'<<tllif Plt11"t1'1_1

~iii4)nN~"'e'llf: ~


"'~ 11q~11

THE: EFFECTS OF RAJJU YOGA : The native born in the Rajju Yoga is extremely beautiful, distressed, enthusiastic about doing cruel deeds and wanders in his own country (region) and in foreign countries (regions) for earning wealth.
'11'11'11~$1f'1~"<l)qq~: ~~ ~ '!J\11a\11 = 1

1!e:c?l41<1'flli~: 'flllffi~tfl ~'11f4'lttf41f~p4J't1Jill: llqfc II

THE EFFECTS OF MUSALA YOGA : The native born in the Musala Yoga is endowed with much honour, learning, property, progeny and wealth. He is brilliant like the king, lives in the shelter of the king, remains cheerful and always makes progress.
-~rsl:lt'!ulf'{of'!A: ~ '!1\11'<4~1: ~o;q~~l~'l::l

ll"e'llf: I

~ ~: 't14GiffH ~ ~qlJqj W'"'<tlJJI-;:n;rf)q_Jiql911

THE EFFECTS OF NALA YOGA : If there is Nala Yoga



. in the horoscope,. the native always keeps some gems in his house, is the favourite of the king, doer of virtuous deeds, celebrated and pleases even the gods.


tm 'f{Rictllc!t it 'ltrnT 'li<'IIG)<'IIctll~~ij;f~w?i<'ll

ll'l~ II

THE EFFECTS OF MALA YOGA : If the native is born in the Mala Yoga, he is prosperous with progeny, friend, beautiful jewels and many conveyances and gets the pleasure of flirting with beautiful women.
~l'ffil"llflll':>i'fll 'Cixl GI'C~I A~IRII~I '<l~tlj~llll'lfir:





~: fllliil)qCfll'<lll "<ii1f:

'Wf: ~ ~ ~~:

ll'l~ II

THE EFFECTS OF SARPA YOGA : Due to having birth in the Sarpa Yoga, the native lives on the food given to him by others, is dreadful, penurious, sleeps much, is wrathf~;~l, ugly, has the tendency of being uselessly proud when he causes harm to others.
'"II '"II t II 'Hi 1"1 Cfl'l "??I j'<m) ~

crrn cnlfc!Gmftl m1CfT I

~ ll:?o II

"fun~ tflr ql'ff<Ygm)


THE EFFECTS OF GADA YOGA : The native born in the Gada Yoga learns and practises many Shastras and the science of spells, is skilled in vocal music and instrumental music, performs ,Yajnas, is dreadful in appearance, full of hatred, without any enemies and has wife and jewels.
TICflC 4) I if) <'I .


~~fll~4tli~Nt'!MI8Cfllt41lllqtll'1_ I

~ lfiffi w:zr l'Jt'4: ~4)'4it'lltt>ql

m.q ~ ~ V{;:q II:? 'Ill

THE EFFECTS OF THE .SHAKATA YOGA : The native who is born in the shakata Yoga is wretched, is surrounded by poverty and want, is weak, devoid of



wealth and health, and is pleased after renouncing a wicked wife due to his being troubled by her.
~ ~ "'11'1ql'1i ~

~'J~N$1tfl'&i "1' ~I

~ lfiRlf.h"llflCJ "'SI'CI"Rl: ~~i"''l"''t>qdl ~~:I~:? II

THE EFFECTS OF VIHAGA YOGA : Due to the presence of Vihaga Yoga in his horoscope, the native is ~evoid of enjoying pleasures, has a natural disposition for wandering, always lives in foreign lands and has the ability of saying in many words even when the contents .are thinner.
~ll'l~<t: ~ til~ty : tfl&lgm'Jse<Ja~~4"<: ~~




~~ ~ II:?~ II

THE EFFECTS OF SHRINGATAKA YOGA : The native born in the Shringataka Yoga rises day by day, is courageous, has the desire of fighting in battles, is happy, extremely intelligent, loves his first wife and has aversion for the second.

Sl<4'tgm: ~: ptlll~c?l ~fum~ I ~ mC11il"C11&) w:nftf ~ ~ ~~'1tiii&Cfii"'''J. II=?~ II

THE EFFECTS OF HALA YOGA : The native born in the Hala Yoga is the messenger carrying news, loves the gentle, has friends, earns his living by agricultural work, remains distressed, is gluttonous and is given to suffering due to his poverty.

am) 1f11) ~ Rld'fllllki fJ



'q '

"'J<llql""''l'1q: ~ 1

m2) 1f11) "ltlltfH: 'SI'Cfi1ll THE EFFECTS OF VAJRA YOGA : If the native is born in the Vajra Yoga, he is happy in child hood and old



age and is fortunate but in his middle. age is given to sensual pleasures and wrath and is devoi of fortune.


't144'1"11:4fiqHfl~gm: 'flll~ofm) ~: 1

Piffl'IH11!_;: ~

g ~:

:tlidw)m <t: 1fWI) ~ ll=?f, II

THE EFFECTS OF YAVA YOGA : If the birth of the native occurs in the Yava Yoga he is happy in the middle part of his life due to piety, passion (sexual desire), wealth, property and joy, is disposed to courtesy, is bountiful, always enthusiastic about righteousness, peaceful and is always devoid of anger.
~ !_;t:fh'ij)!f:tll~ ~:H~e4liRIJilRI<CtR\4jt4: I

<tPT ~flffi'<)~ ~ ~ -mrt <fit err 11<1\flefu?ic?J


THE EFFECTS OF KAMAL YOGA : The native who is born in the Kamal Yoga always gets happiness and elevation, is strong and powerful, extremely beautiful, famous due to his learning music and singing, if he be born in royalty he becomes king and is long lived.
~ : 'flli<m'+'lci :til q d' :

tft 64VIt'l)s~~=rc?r~T'~ I

i.itUllcttl:~: :Jtqqjq) q)4)4)) <t:~: ~II=?~ II

THE EFFECTS OF VAAPI YOGA : The native born in the Vaapi Yoga lives long, is the most excellent in his lineage, speaks lovingly, has an excellent mentality, grows a small garden of flowers and is glorious.



' "'11"'11 Fcl til ' ~ ili'<i ' .........,. ll$14'"1 tj'l'<l .,"(1

~ q

ll'f4\IN'i'fl ~

1'l4)n ~~ ~ m<t 'fllf. II=?~ II

THE EFFECTS OF YOOPA YOGA :The native born in the Yoopa Yoga has patience, is generous, performs 'Yajna', studies many branches of learning, has discretion and is prosperous with wealth


Sli\{1101~: Cfil"1"1ie! ~:I

i%'<ll)flid ~~: lffi:

"1<:4h:M 1t: m \JIIt!Gf'"11 ~ '"1' "Ui1ftl' '<"fiM"!.

ll~o II

THE EFFECTS OF SHARA YOGA : The native born in 'Shara Yoga' is violent, gets distress due to deeds of craft, is happy to live in the midst of woods, skilled in the science of arrows and never gets happiness since his very birth.




~:H I

~ ~, ~ ~~~~lli.'ll ~IIC1i'lfiM'f41c;>qtll "Rf>ll)) lf~q II

THE EFFECTS OF SHAKTI YOGA : The native born in the Shakti Yoga loves all, those that are younger and also those that are older than he is, has indolent disposition, is devoid of happiness and wealth, is weak but shows great intelligence in battle and debate and enjoys married life in a small measure.

cfr;:IT t'i'1'1;::q'dti\Jim'!1'&1: S1'4~ ~?~ rr:>i\11\Jift~~'<: 1

Cfiitii!J'~'<~fM~t'i ...)

~ i:;0'54)<iiti\JI""'ll II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF DANDA YOGA : The native who is born in the 'Danda Yoga' is wretched, makes friendship with mean and intoxicated persons, does the work of a messenger, has avl3rsion towards others and enmity towards persons of his lineage and is devoid of wife, progeny, wealth, friend and intelligence.
"'<5iQ"ffi) ~ "fl'llfficcit~fi'"l)

m~ ~~:I


THE EFFECTS OF NAUKA YOGA : The native born in the Nauka Yoga is known for being greedy, devoid of the sensual pleasures, afflicted, of volatile nature and uses the stolen wealth.
51f'<o<uqm~'ni.'I:H ""1'ml ~<"'i.''Q)Rlf.f$ft

Pi"'EEcti"1f I
~: ~~~~II






THE EFFECTS OF KOOTA YOGA : The native born in the 'Koota Yoga' lives in woods and on hills, is a wrestler, loves the Bheels (Tribal People) is devoid of wealth, does blame worthy deeds . is deyoid of the knowledge of what is worth doing and what is not worth doing, practises deceit or gives false witness, manufactures and sells imitation goods.

vrW ~ cllllf<IH1f Gm<j: ~ 'tl~Jfficffft.:4'6Cle!:


t9?14'ihqC1fd::I'Rtflli&?I'Hiill"''<lcfi IW1II

THE EFFECTS OF CHHATRA YOGA : The native who is born in the Chhatra Yoga is learned, does state (government) work, is generous, has enjoyment of all kinds of pleasures in his childhood and oldage and gets insignia of royalty such as Chhatra, Chamar etc.

ami 1WT ~ \Nl~e!fll

fft<..c<~:Me~: Cfw1'11R!Oiill'< :I

'llfit UJrn: ~ msRI<Jq1

'lcfl""'lt114R1cpt'<f)J1ct>l't?l: II~ f. II

THE EFFECTS OF DHANUSHA YOGA : The native who is born in the 'Dhanusha Yoga' gets happiness in his childhood and oldage,. lives in woods and on hills, is extremely full of pride and gets into trouble because of his being intoxicated with pride and is skilled in the art of archery.
~q)qiC1!011"<1T.iitn~Rie: ~: "<'CflJ'ris~: I



'll)Th~~: "m!HIS)ct"<lid \JI'11'119. ll~l911

THE EFFECTS OF ARDHA CHANDRA YOGA : The native who is born in the. Ardha Chandra Yoga gets special honour from the king, is prosperous with gold jewels wealth and clothes and like the Moon he gives delight to the people .
.A ' ',nn ?ii"'li\'liSt'llel\JIIel!Oiell41 1-.,,

' :.\&::>.. 11\lll41ll"H8iel:


"fll1t! I

. 'llfit UJrn: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~m:ry:

mt: II



THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE CHAKRA YOGA : The native who is born in the Chakra yoga has handsome appearance, is extremely valorous, obtains gifts from the people again and again and his fame spreads in the whole world.

'GAh~~JIN'i'J c:'1) ~ : ~:~:cfJq IHllltltihsa : II Cfl I"'"! I

~ ijJJ"ffl 'lJ: ~ 'tl' ~ ~ ci urn"'!


~ ~~~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SAMUDRA YOGA : The native who is born in the Samudra Yoga is bountiful, has patience, is of good disposition, kind hearted, gets happiness from the king, becomes blessed himself and his lineage is blessed due to him.
PcitUHi'f<flc:llttll"'~ "'IHI~itll PI~N11all41tll: ., ~

<frrr: ~.

OH"'II"'i "'ll"'litl~~t'llllS~t'l~ffi I ~o II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE GOLA YOGA : The native who is born in the 'Gala Yoga' is devoid of learning strength, generosity and capability, makes efforts in a number of ways, lives in foreign lands, is a liar and loves injustice.
ql~;g"'IF&ftl:st'I~Rt+ITGI) ~: 'ti'Cf2Jn)

Pl<>fwu: ~tt4<tl"'fllgml: 1
gmlgm$ii"'I~J:o;qi ~ 1~q 11


THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE YUGA YOGA : The native who is born in the Yuga Yoga is full of hypocrisies, doesnot maintain love with any one for ever, is devoid of shame, of piety, action, progeny and wealth and doesnot have the knowledge of the proper and the improper.

m ~ '11Ft<tlicl ~ ~: ~J:C'IIII~I::ffi 'Ul'"'I'Ri ~I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN THE SHOOLA YOGA: The native who is born in the Shoola Yoga is always prompt

' ~ ~:~IIRI~J:-< I: ~: 'tCI'ffi ~ ~"'T~ I



and ready to fight a battle and to engage himself in debate and discussion, is a great warrior has a callous heart, is devoid of wealth and is like a thorn in his society.


pt41e:<j<i'41fJlqq;I'<IG'<I:B I
I~~ II

mll ~ ~ ~sftr ~ ~'<liU'UlTftl ~ fh)"'rq

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN KEDAR YOGA : The native who is born in the Kedar Yoga speaks truth, is prosperous with wealth, courteous, engaged in agricultural work, respectfully beneficial to others, has patience and his conduct is specially like that of men of patience.

c?l"'r<PI'<I'Ritq'<l*liUqq;j?. Cf'~ ~t1<AI: ~:I ~: qr:mM ~ \J11t11'(ull~t1ll: '<'g4j"41: l~'!tll

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN PASH YOGA: The native who is born in the Pash Yoga is wretched, speaks ill of others, is distressed due to his falling in bondage, experiences sexual intercourse with many women, is boastful does many kinds of injustices and loves the ' . woods.


'1"G'11ti: "<j~


'il->'il :eJ'J cilG I'< ~F.g s:r *II 'R1 : Vffil : ~ ~ ~ 'liFr

: I ~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN DAMINI YOGA: The native who is born in the Damini Yoga gets happiness from his son, has extreme patience, learning, gets contented to see his treasure, is inconstant, kind hearted and is the most excellent person.

~= :tuaqr~mre flil'?ms-u: ~: '<'g4~'11'f. 1

'11'1rtfto&hPtlm<~rsr~triT 4'1onll't) Jll'fi)r;rt ~ ~ 1~f. II

THE EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN VEENA YOGA : THE NATIVE WHO Is born in the Veena Yoga is prosperous with wealth, well versed in Shastras, skilled in the art



of music, supporter of many, is happy because of having many kinds of comforts and pleasures and is proficient.
Sl~~~~'1f~u <fit): '<4tffi4tti 1l"'fi}r;:U ~ ~ 1 dt+li~~Sffld4HIC::'{q{: '{qfilt~\1tfd4> thi~et: 11\11911

THE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NABHASA YOGAS: There should be the consideration of the above mentioned yogas at the time of birth of all the natives. It is because of this that the learned astrologers of the ancient times have described these with care in the 'Jataka Shastra'.
~ ~ ~ :tli~~tiC{CJ~c4ffi

gRt>gffi Pl'<im'( I

dt+li&i~: titiPc?l'1t'1i\4 ~ ~ ~ cM'1cl~CRlll ll\1lll

In this way the effects of these 'Nabhasa Yogas' has been said in the 'Shalini Chhanda' in a lucid way using literary devices. May the Pandits of 'Jataka Shastra' get happiness by these delicately charming sayings of the celebrated poet.

~ -<fl"'45cll~: II~~ II


~ -;::muri f<lRuT : !Hid I ~Cfl I~ d : lf3'<P~


<) wfm ~:~c:R~~ ~il~lll ~ii~C11: ~C11:til ll'lll

THE EFFECTS OF THE RAYS FROM ONE TO FIVE : THe natives at the time of whose birth the total number of the rays of the planets is from one to five, always remain unhappy, are loved by mean persons, are of base birth and are depraved
Notes : According to Maharishi Parashara. if the planets the Sun etc. are in their deepest exaltation they get respectively 10, 9, 5, 5, 7, 8, 5 rays. If they are in their deepest debilitation they donot get any ray. If the planet is somewhere in the middle of a House, then the number of rays should be known proportionately. For counting the rays he has given a very simple formula. Thus the deepest debilitation of the planet whose rays have to be known should be deducted from, the Spashta of the planet. If the remainder is greater than six signs it should be deducted from 12 signs. This remainder is multiplied by the rays of the planet stated above and the resultant is to be divided by Six. The Quotient obtained is the nl)mber of rays of that planet.

Some rectifications have also been stated by Maharishi Parashara in the rays obtained after doing the above calculations.



(i) The previously obtained number of rays of the planet in his exaltation is to be multiplied by 3. (ii) The previously obtained number of rays of the planets .in their Mool Trikona Signs is to be multiplied by 2. (iii) The number of the rays of the planet in his own sign should be multiplied by 3 and then the resultant is to be divided by 2. (iv) If the planet is situated in the sign of his extreme friend, then it should be multiplied by 4 and the resultant is to be divided by 3. (v) If the Planet is situated in the friend's sign then the rays of the planet are to be multiplied by 6 and the resultant should ~e divided by 5. (vi) If the planet be in .the enemy's sign, then the number of the rays of the planet is to be halved. (vii) If the -planet be in the sign of the extreme enemy then the number is to be multiplied by 2 and the resultant is to be divided by 5. (viii) If the planet be in the sign of the Neutral planet then no rectification is necessary. In this way the effects should be predicted after adding all the rays.
:, cii!iiHl: ~"$fllt11:& 41qriJ.ftil4offl Gl"''<ifllq~4"t I

. "'''!if>q<h)~ t'HI;:q'!qiR:ieti:& II=? II

THE EFFECTS OF RAYS FROM 6 TO 10 : If the number of rays of the planets be from 6 to 10 the native wanders in the foreign lands, is wretched, devoid of luck and is .brought up by others ..



"Qi ~ mcffi +JA'Ci1 "11"w1t"lCI)I~ I ~ ~~ Ti !f<'11j'<'l4 ~ ~ II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF RAYS FROM 11 TO 15 : If the sum total of the rays of the planets be from 11 to 15, the native has a little. wealth, loves religion and is happy according to his lineage and is handsome.
qil"'jcll fci~lftt~q ~ICI'{'I+'t<~H:fll't'"jUi

'<jri'IWt I

~ ttfCClfttCI)~ "'<j~ <i:tiWiti

ffi ~

THE EFFECTS OF RAYS FROM 16 TO 20 : The native at the time of whose birth the number of rays of the planets be from 16 to 20, is of good character, of most excellent glory, has patience, is a like precious jewel in his lineage and is skilled in all the arts.

'tl' -;::ron "11iBI I1'\G I'~~ <!II

"'<jwc:i ~ I



~ICI't'IICIN><'11Rict4"1jwflol l!li II

THE EFFECTS OF RAYS FROM 21 TO 25 : If the number of rays of the planets be from 21 to 25 at the time of birth, the native is endowed with luck and causes happiness to his friends. Above 20 at the increase of 5 rays every time there occurs increase in the effe~ts in the same proportion.
~ICitl~~lffiflittl QiWif~qj ~ ili+11iBII "1'<1011'1. I
"i~ql<"tltslltl't:fl'<:.. ~i: 'J;tm"'tl "11"11tiqffi<gttl't:fl ~ I If, II

THE EFFECTS OF RAYS FROM 26 TO 30 : If the sum total of the rays of the planets be from 26 to 30, the native gets happiness through the king, becomes the king's minister and is prosperous with many kinds of properties and wealths.



Sl'<!tli~Cl)~~lffiMCI)I~"''i1iBII: I

Rlt.~lmffi "11\ifg<"QI: 'J;tm"'tl "11"11'<1"11tctlfli"1: "'tl~ lk911



THE EFFECTS OF 31 RAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the sum total of the rays of planets be 31 becomes celebrated in the world, is equal to the king, the king's minister and the general of many armies.

'<iRI em Jt fcrRun -;:murl ~ f?l 1:1 '11 011

~ ~I

"11"11:J'<IOII+i~ ~ ~ ttli!li"'') ill+illltll~ 11 II<: II

THE EFFECTS OF 32 RAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the sum total of rays of the planets is 32 becomes the lord of many towns and mountains or of 100 villages.
'<l+iil1"111f,gyfq ~ ~4'<'M ~~~I

a; '11 ffi ~'<li

f?l '<1 ~ '(5I cj) "if iH '11 '"'t1 ~ ~ ~


THE EFFECTS OF 33 AND 34 RAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the sum total of the rays of planets is 33 or 34 becomes the Lord of Villages from 1000 to 3000:
1Jtlf?iti&): ~ <:!) +il{~Gtfo) '+t~"""'0'5cl"114CllH I
Pciclltltl'i'<ll+iclllY!cl:tli~ 41l ~Pci:t)ql ~Cll<tlh 1gm: llqo II

THE EFFECTS OF 35 RAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the sum total of the rays of the planets is 3? becomes the chief of the district, indulges in sensual pleasures, is endowed with strength, has clear (pure) .disposition, is uncommonly glorious, and is the owner of much wealth and property.
'<'<11!1"1ti&IH "11111"1ti:@)Gtf(1) ~: ~ "lf: . Jll+il"""'jb;q: "<l ~~at '('1'~

WlfuT I

~ '1~1!:it1141q llqq II

THE EFFECTS OF 36 AND 37 RAYS : If the total number of the rays of the planets be 36 or 37 then the native lords 0ver 1,50,000 to 3,00,000 Villages.



-srwn ~'(OI!P11011t!~'fi'L.t,: ~ 11~""ltfi\JII:


l%uttrwm'<'81~ttttl"''ttAltt 11q~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF 38 RAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the sum total of the rays of the planets be 38 is extremely powerful and strong, lords over 4 lakh villages and has as much wealth and property as is owned by l~dra, the god of gods.

"1q81ttilfill ~ ~ Pcit..illid<CI~1qfa~: I ;fldSfdlqi'{ll'<l\S'<'MI ' 14~Ciidl'<l fa !}\JI'fi ~ :J llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF 39 RAYS : If the sum total of the rays is 39, the native enjoys celebrated honour, becomes king, and becomes extremely valorous king and he is like Garuda (a bird, sacred to Lord Vishnu and is considered to be his conveyance) among the group of enemies intoxicated with pride who may be likened to .snakes.
~: fc!Ril): ~: &t)~qfaffi~\JI4Sflilu) I

1fCif.d' "'""rrwrlttttr"1i stfa'<"''r: ~

~'1rlttttrPt 11q~ 11

THE EFFECTS OF 40 RAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the suni' total of the rays be 40 becomes the Lord of this earth and at the time of his march for conquering all the ten directions the sound of roaring made by his army and his elephants is as loud as the thundering of the clouds in the Sky.

tt<{&\Jirt'i q~qfdq;r~ 4'fl)q;~c:rta4cb o::m:41 ~sR1~<11tt<14&<11lil 'fl~~<1141: q~qr(1q;: ~: llq~ II

! .

THE EFFECTS OF 41 RAYS : If ;at the time of birth the sum total of the rays is 41 , the native becomes the Lord of the earth between two seas.



~ fif:>'(DI~)I~


3ttlclilclPcicliti?IIR:i<11 '< lfdq 11f:

81\ilcl~ilcl~l~l: 41clC61~ ~: llqf. II

THE EFFECTS 'OF 42 AND 43 RAYS : The native at .the time of whose birth the sum total of the rays is 42 and .43 gives trouble to his enemies with his great strength the earth surrounded by three , and lords over . seas .

. -wft ~ciglw'11Difif:>'<o!l!t=ilffil4~: ~ '11

~ffim>iclq) lcl""'lG\ilcll cietl4cll: flclmtl ~ifd'tS?IPci~8ietl: C6'1ddl ~"14\111 ~I 4'1C61tti q ~~ : C6R'I~W'IIclltlcld, llql911
THE EFFECTS OF 44 RAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the sum total of the rays is 44, becomes a unive'rsal king. In the sea of his army there are intoxicated elepha':lts as big as mountains, many kinds of Chhatra which are like tortoises, many flags which may be likened to fishes, chariots are like boats and the brilliance of the weapons is like the waves.
-q~~~~ ~'11"'141"'11"!.1

~ ~4dl'l1'1~ ~: +giff41"il"fl<{''fid4:tnPci:t),.l: llqt II

THE EFFECTS OF 45 RAYS : The native at the time of whose birth the sum total of rays is 45 or more than 45 cannot be conquered even by gods and his glory spreads in all the cotinerits. Notes : Th~ effects are to be predicted on the basis of the sum total of the rays of the planets at the time of birth and according to the lineage and the social status of the native. When the planet proceeds towards his



exaltation sign his rays give full effects. The rays of the planet which proceeds towards. his debilitation sign relatively gives less effects. The separate effects of the planets may also be known on the basis of the number of their rays. If there is the presence of 'Raj Yoga' in the horoscope and the planets are endowed with strength the effects of the rays of the planets will certainly be there. Before predicting the effects of the rays the proportion of the number of rays with the other yogas should also be considered. The strength of the planets has effect on the number of rays. According to Ma~arishi Parashara if the spatial strength of the Planets is greater and the strength of the rays of the planets is also greater, the native gets uncommon fame and the position of head in many institutions. If the directional strength is greater the native gets success every where and is honoured. If the 'chestabala' Is greater there is in the native greater development of leadership. If there is greater 'Kalabala', the native is skilled in all things and has determination. Due to greater Ayana Bala the native remains the chief of his family, and if there is greater exaltation strength the native remains ahead of all in his class and field. And if the 'Nisarga Bala' is greater, the native acts according to his caste and lineage.

~ U~ICI~I4>cll~: II~~



cflatgiPiet: r i PlwJ~ ~ ~ ~:
Vlffi:~a~:Trm: 'f!r'Ht~+t~ I

(jEt': 'flllfdcnH: t<l~il 4JiP~ ~: ~: 414!JCft . ~~= 4'!4'\~eta~: ~ "liruffi ~= uqn THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AVASTHA LIKE DEEPT A ETC. : The planet is in his 'Deeptavastha' when he is in his exaltation sign, he is in his Swasthavastha when in his own sign, in his Harshitavastha when in his friend's sign, in his Shantavastha when in the sign of a Benefic Planet, in his Pushtavastha due to rays, that is, a planet is 'Shakta' when he is rising, he is 'Vikala' when he is combust, he is in his 'Deenavastha' when he is in his debilitation sign, he is 'Khala' when he is in conjunction with a Malefic Planet and the planet defeated in the planetary war is called in the 'Peeditavastha'.


Sldi41C:Rtmf?letlfNW"'C:Iclfpd*\i1~1: I

';:f\C) "'~'tl ~ H 4 mfu;j 4 C{+t IWll clf '<i et

fcl H I'C'I "{

I ~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET IN HIS DEEPTAVASTHA: If the planet be in his Deeptavastha he (in his Dasha Antardasha) increases the influence of the native, makes him crush his enemies, gives him the happiness of having intoxicated elephants and of Lakshmi (wealth).
~ +t(:l41(:~t:ll'"li\Ct"1fci:WWliiHIEIHiti1!J'ffi: I :fH14Rt:'flll""lj\JI~~ ~ 11~11



THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET IN HIS SWASTHAVASTHA: If the planet be Swastha the native is endowed with excellent conveyance, property and wealth, gems and a large house, becomes general of army, is very vigorous and conqueror of his enemy.

1fCiffr Cfll~~.\11'11~: I q !)' \ '11'1tll'\tfq~41 ' ' ~: I~ II ltll Cfl if Cfl'<ICfl'11'1tll

THE EFFECT OF THE PLANET IN HIS HARSHITAVASTHA : If the planet be 'Harshita' the native loves women, is prosperous with many jewels, is engaged in religious activities and crushes (conquers) his enemies.
'lt"ffi)stt~tlin) ~ qiflq8i'1i ~ ~ <!f:J?i~?l: 1

-wm ~= 'flljeQ'()qCfl.~ Yrr()Cfl~'t'l =

11\i 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE SHANTA PLANET: If the planet be 'Shanta' the native is of very peaceful disposition, becomes the king's minister, enjoys freedom, has many sons and friends, knows the Shastras, is beneficent to others, and does virtuous deeds. 'lt"ffi;sRil#m>: ~

fh)ttlctjl<t~'ilt"41~fu: l{!~ltill
\JI.,)qCfldi~GI"il'll\"'t''l I If, II


~: ~

THE EFFECTS OF THE 'SHAKTA' PLANET : If the planet be 'Shakta' the native is extremely strong, gets sensual pleasure in fragrance and garlands, is very famous and glorious, gentle, of cheerful disposition, beneficient to the public and destroyer of his enemies.
~ fcrCflffi ~:

-mrr ~:J3i (11'1 <!f('llt 'ii

1 W"1Ri : I
: I k911

. ~' 'l!l('ltl&: ~('ltl~ cu ~: 'r1d'C: q'(Cfll lfldiCN

THE EFFECTS OF THE VIKALA PLANET : If the planet be 'Vikala', the native 1s devoid of strength, remains distressed, dirty, has very strong enemies, is devoid of intelligence, makes friendship with wicked persons, loves



wandering, has weak, emaciated body and does things for others.

'<1"Aitt1~qRI:tl'3~: 1

't1t'llm~R!: i!!Hj_t'HCfliR!: tci\'iliRI~~

it OR:~


. THE EFFECTS OF 'DEENA' PLANET :. If the planet be 'Deena', the natiye is extremely wretched, remains fearful of the king and due to his enemies, is engrossed in doing improper deeds, is devoid of lustre and has enmity with his own caste.
~it~: q;ft;J: 'fliiWlidiRI~t=llq~dtt~'t'l: I





tjtt"'RillCfll:tl: I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF KHALA PLANET : If the planet be 'Khala' the native makes quarrel with the wicked persons, is distressed due to his anxiety about his wife, lives in foreign lands, is devoid of wealth, wrathful and devoid of wealth.

~ "'ti"~ ~ Clii!Jlclt'i!Pt\'JIEI~~"filll ll'lo i1

THE EFFECTS OF PEEDITA PLANET: If the planet be Peedita, the native always remains distressed with diseases, troubled due to addictions, leaves his own place and goes to other place and remains distressed because of his anxiety about his brothers. Notes : The effects of the avasthas are seen particularly in the Dashas and Antardashas of the Planets.

~ !f~qcll6cllumi: II~~



"tRi ~ U1'1lH'44iill ~ l=ftm: !ICJ~'t I . ~' f Fc: ~ll tC:C1. ~1'1Ei<'ll44?1: ' "'1T'11W'rliiiC1<1'<41 llq II
THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET WITH SPATIAL STRENGTH : If the planet is endowed with spatial strength the native is prosperous with grandeur, strong, brilliant and energetic, has many kinds of properties, is skill.ed in his work and has dignity.
~liillEI<1 ~ -+t4dlpe m: ~q;1ei Plll)'1 ~ 1

Pct~leC114 ~ cmTlri


Plut~<4Pct~~ ~ I R II

THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET WITH DIRECTIONAL STRENGTH : If the planet is endowed with directional strength the native has special gain of wealth in the direction of that planet. He has that gain of wealth through his own wealth.


'1\'IU141fGtCJf4i ~ -:q '<MI~'<'fl<ci -:q I cl1C11PciC11'fi ~ -:q ~ ~ ~: ~ II~ II .

THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET WITH TEMPORAL STRENGTH : If the planet has got temporal strength, the native is the destroyer of his enemies, increases his lands, elephants, and horses, 1s a. wari"ior, is endowed with gems, robes and prope~s. enjovs sensual pleasures and has pure lovely splendour. ~:~:
~lill'<iil'iiltjfl'flt'4!Jdl: 'Cj'<'l41ffiut ftcr:r: pdPciG) ~ "'' :Jiil14l'<'l'tl+tPcl\"'ul'filcNJiiil 'lflo;qu'MC1gt1: ~ ~ lib' II



THE EFFECTS OF THE STRONG BENEFIC PLANET : If a Benefic Planet be endowed with strength the native is of virtuous conduct, speaks the truth, is handsome, brilliant, learned, devoted to the gods and Brahmins and is prosperous with robes and jewels.

<f~: ~cti4PI'<t11 "hilctii4PIEQI:

~: tcl~c:>i~i:ttl d"t)jDIIcntl: I



THE EFFECT~ OF THE STRONG MALEFIC PLANET : If a Malefic Planet be endowed with strength the native is avaricious, is engaged in doing vicious deeds, engrossed in serving his own ends, has aversion towards the gentle, is destroyer of his lineage, Tamoguni, wicked, shabby and ungrateful.

Q)c:>i!IC:I"'ttl ~Ri !lctl('QI't I

"~ ;c; -< '<'l'l R) U'lltli "'Slit!~r = ~ tgif!Si"1) P!fllfq I If, II

THE EFFECTS. OF THE PLANETS WHO ARE ENDOWED WITH 'NAISARGIKA BALA' : If at the time of birth two or three planets be endowed with Naisargika (natural) Bala, the native gets full effects. Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jup.iter, Venus) the Moon and The Sun ~re progressively stronger in Naisargika Bala.
<lil~~l\i(Oj <lilillt'{IJii ~ ~ <lii~El:tl: I


~telcfl4fi"'Pcitt: ll911

THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANET WHO HAS CHESTA BALA : If the planet be endowed with 'Chesta Bala' he (the planet) sometimes gives the native kingdom,



sometimes devotion (to God), sometimes wealth, and sometimes glory.

~: 'ft)t:q~~~etrt~C( ~~"'~)~~I
~: 'fiN>clG'I sfq ~

fcl:q I'< u?J<i 'mj

cpqcl 'fll I ~ II

THE EFFECT OF THE PLANET. WHO HAS DRISHTI BALA : If the planet who gives inauspicious, adverse effects be aspected by a Benefic Planet he doesnot give inauspicious effects in fulness; in the same way if the planet who gives auspicious effects be aspected by a Malefic Planet he never gives auspicious effects in fulness.

3m '<!lh~\F'II~ : II~~ II


'@m R~>tu)~~


~ ~ tg'lflt err I

q)lliqll!Jf14~14~: ~: ttjRt~l ~ '4Trir: 11911

THE VOSHI, VESHI AND UBHAYACHARI YOGAS : If except the Moon the other planets are situated in the 12th House from the Sun there occurs the Voshi Yoga, if they be in the 2nd House, the Veshi Yoga, and if they be in both the 12th and the 2nd House, the 'Ubhayachari Yoga'. It has been said by the ancient Munis (thinkers on Astrology).
tlll"'Jt;::c:;'if?etfC64C6af. 4'14C'ti"CH-.,.)"'fd'{cfC614: I
~'HC'ti@~ ~ q)lli4)1: II~Cfil~ Jtj\'Jitll m4' I I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE VOSHI YOGA : The native at the time of whose birth there is Voshi Yoga has dim eyesight, does a number of things, looks downward, is of high stature and tells lies.
~ m4' ~ qlli4)~ ~qf;41(j: ~~'{cfC614: I tliiEI(}qcli\t4icl'Hdi'HJ)afla4<HI~I'<: ~ "ffi4'

ere: I


THE EFFECTS OF THE VESHI YOGA : The native whose birth occurs in the Veshi Yoga is kind hearted, has fatty body in his early age, is witty in speaking, lethargic and has quint in his eyes.
~:fumffi~"<f%: ~: tt>tn~M4'<1\'Jl>tl~: I



"''I <'gil q; :

'fl\( (1

'i Cit 11 tj (11 I'IC'I-ir-

-gm:~"R:~ 1~11

THE EFFECTS OF THE UBHAYACHARI YOGA : The native who is born in the Ubhayachari Yoga is tolerant in every way in all respects, has fixed ideas, is extremely prosperous, is endowed with mostly and dominantly Satoguni ideas, has even body, is of middle stature, simple vision and is extremely wealthy. Notes : The planet who is behind the Sun is referred to as 'Bhanu Madag' who is not regarded as auspicious in effects, and the. planets who are ahead of the Sun are called 'Abhanu madag' or 'Asuryaga'. An 'Asuryaga' planet is stronger and is capable of giving his full effects. It is because of this that there occurs the obtainment of auspicious effects in the Veshi Yoga and auspicious effects are not obtained in the Voshi Yoga. In the Ubhayachari Yoga if there are planets in the 12th and the 2nd House the Sun gains strength. The sign in which the Sun is situated at the time of birth (whichever sign it maybe) is called the Surya Lagna. Therefore, the strength of an Ascendant .will naturally give auspicious effects.
~ c:?lllfrui.i~l'j'l'<)~i:d14)u&Pcli.il4 ~ 1 ~ "'fl'lt crt ~ "'R'JUUi 'Q)(;f ~~: q ~q;@l4'fll'{ I Jti II .

In the above mentioned Yogas the effects are to be predicted keeping proportion of the strength of the Sun, the Yoga Karaka planets and the position of the planets in tHe signs and on the degrees in the mind.

~ 'if~lll~ll~




~ \JNdWFt: ~ 'Ji~~<OI'Itt'!"'flf)j '!fitCIRfftt: I

~: '&'Cf~'<'~@l!iPicr~'<i~dl "lt;C:IcNitt llq II

SUNAPHA, ANAPHA, AND DURUDHARA YOGAS : If any other planet than the Sun is situated in the 2nd House from the Moon it forms the 'Sunapha Yoga', if in the 12th House, the Anapha Yoga and if there be the presence of planets in both the 2nd House and the 12th House there occurs the Durudhara Yoga.

PI :t II Cf>'! 1\iiF+i PI .rn 'q~ ~ I ~ll.fRlffiPl ~ : I ~ 4?"1S)"1"'11"1 <flti (i'la:4)fct'll)i ~ ~ "'fl1{ II~ II
KEMADRUMA YOGA: If no p_lanet is situated in the Second and the Twelfth House from the Moon, if forms the Kemadruma Yoga which causes the native to remain penurious.



"1Rt"114J~ I II~ II

"'r:J Of'!:~ ~~""1'!4d: ~: wfti': ~

THE EFFECTS OF SUNAPHA YOGA : The native who is born in the Sunapha Yoga earns honour by the dint of the strength of his arms, is extremely glorious and famous, endowed with the strength of his intelligence. remains happy, becomes the King's minister and adopts the most excellent profession.
\3C:I'I'{ffl1otcCJRhwcJ Cf>"GQCf>I<OI: ':tJ+iCIInCIC'II'!1: I

'<'fc;:~ ~gm: "<'f'd'Ci fcAm: ~: ~ I I'd II



THE EFFECTS OF ANFA YOGA : A native who is born under Anafa Yoga is generous, virtuous, famous, well built, soft spoken who earns living through fair means, and is modest in behaviour and is either a King or equivalent to a King.

~Fc!Oiql''1il~~'<l'<j'<!lgd ~ ~ "rT't I
~'<1Rit1'<i Rila~~uj '!j"'ll"11'1li'11~<1<11<1ft"'!. I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF DURUDHAR~ YOGA : The native who is born in the 'Durudhara Yoga' is endowed with the happiness of wealth, conveyance, coborns, lands etc,. becomes king, conquers his enemies and loves the o~ling of. a woman of bewitching eyes, that is, he enjoys the happiness of having a charming wife.

Fci'<l~ii~4Fc:i'1: ~: ~ ~ ~ Fci~'llql~ I
Clll"'d I'!jij f<ljlil"' ~~ '1 : ~ ~ : "'!jffisf?J I If, II

THE EFFECTS OF KEMADRUMA YOGA : The native who is born in the 'Kemadruma Yoga' is of improper conduct (which is contrary to the conduct of his lineage and the society in which he lives), Shabby, ugly, does the work of a messenger, lives in foreign lands and is devoid of wife, friend and wealth. Notes : Ancient Astrologers have given great importance to the Yogas which are formed when the Moon is considered to be the Ascendant. According to Maharishi Parashara the 'Chandra Yogas' are to be given special . consideration in the horoscope because they give their own effects obstructing the effects of the other yogas. It is accepted by the learned Astrologers that if there are present auspicious yogas forming from the Moon they give auspicious effects even if there is the presence of inauspicious yogas in the horoscope. It is seen in the study of horoscopes that due to the weakness of the



Moon or the presence of the Kemadruma Yoga in the horoscope the native has to confront inauspicious yogas. If in the yogas which are formed from the Moon, she is endowed with Pakshabala and the planets which contribute to the formation of Sunapha, Anapha yogas are in their exaltation signs, Mool Trikona signs, own signs, are in the Vargottama Navamshas, or in the signs of their extreme friends, then there occurs the obtainment of specially auspicious effects. Therefore, before considering the effects of the other yogas which are present in the horoscope, the strength of the Chandra Lagna and of the Surya Lagna should be well considered. The position of the Moon and the Sun in the horoscope is as important, in Predictive Astrology, as that of the 'Lagna Proper' (The Natal Ascendant). The yogas which are formed on the basis of the position of these planets have dominant effect on the effects in man's life. The situation of the Be~efie planets in the 2nd House and the 12th House from tbe Moon causes the strength of the Moon, and it is because of this that astrologers speak of the special, unusual effects of the 'Durudhara yoga'. It is on this very basis that the effects caused by the Sunapha and Anapha yogas are relatively less auspicious than those caused by the Durudhara Yoga. On the . contrary, in the 'Kemadruma Yoga' the Moon does not get any external help because of the 2nd and the 12th Houses, being without the presence .of any planet in them. And it is because of this that when this yoga is present in the horoscope the auspicious effects are fewer. -. .

41 ~ Ifc: II 4fJ 'llfc:" ~I flr o%'J It I : 'Flll t<l Ri o%'J '11 ~ qi('l : CIRlftf I
CfiPita+tt4)'t'l+tttlgttiPi I~ II

KEMADRUMA BHANGA YOGA : If the Moon be situated in an Angle from the Sun; the honour, progress, dexterity and such other things of the native are in a small



measure, if she be situated in a Panphara House these are medium in measure and' if she is in Apoklima, these are most excellent.

wlelll'<ll'1: q~WdCfilel ~~: ~= 1




~'1~'111iltj ~ I~ II

The native in whose horoscope all the planets have their ;:ispect on the Moon, destroys the evil effects of the Kemadruma yoga and he (the native) is long-lived, and becomes a universal king, an emperor.

~ ~ ~ We1 ~~-~11~+14)1 ~:1 ~ ~11g;11tti f.rnR:i q;~g;"': tlliFtcilct tiNSCII~ I~ II

If there are planets in all the four Angles, then inspite of there being the Kemadruma Yoga there is formed the . Kalpadruma Yoga to give auspicious effects to the native.

~Rtyt~gt~~~ WdCfiiel ~

PI (1 tl Rt

"1 ~oft "1 i "'1TllCf) :


q; ill I'! I

~~~~ iJi"''liRI iq81"1i ~ ~ T.l" ll<to II

If at the time of birth Mars and Jupiter are situated in the sign of Libra, the Sun should be in Virgo and the Moon should be in Aries and the remaining planets (Mercury, Venus, and Saturn) donot aspect the Moon, then this yoga destroys the Kemadruma yoga and makes the native a king.

~ ~thi~ltliTll: II~~


YOGAS CAUSING THE NATIVE TO BECOME AN ASCETIC "l)lrt 'w=fi '<I G14)11 ';f'(TO'j'j ~ ~'til 4'<11;@ ~ : I
q~ ~m ditl4'<11'1i 4lflt'<l"'11""<1rildi"SSItt6'11'11'1, llq II

If at the time of birth there are present in the horoscope 'Raj Yoga' and the 'Pravrajya Yoga' both, the native becomes an ascetic. I state the 'Tapas Yogas' in brief as they were said by the ancient astrologers.

'1:t4fki ~ ~

'<IG14l 411:

~HI !>iltllfGictJ'I '4)lJ ~ ~: II~ II

If at the time of birth 4, 5 or 6 pl:;mets are situated in one House, then all the Raj Yogas of the native are destroyed and there remains only the 'Sanyasa Yoga'.

31"'ll101~1<'1lC6'1Ciftfd:t~Uil"hq't) ~ ~ !>141t~q I

lFG)sfQ "1) GtrilqRi ~ ft~atl!>i~'t) OR:~ II~ II

If the Ascendant Lord is not aspected by any planet, if Saturn is not aspected by the Ascendant Lord and the Ascendant Lord is not aspected by Saturn who is devoid of strength, the native :takes instructions (Deeksha) and becomes an ascetic.
~ '<fcrGt"f?r~w'f31Gtlci5Gt i:thcfjijjc?Jafu!Tq 1

"Cf)"()fcJ '\ii'Ri ~ ~ q1 '1!1 ftl ;scj) '1 o;s '1 dt'<l ~ 'it 11\i II

If the Ascendant Lord is situated in the Decanate of Saturn, Mars being in the Navamsha of Saturn is aspected by Saturn, the native is crooked (guileful), of



wicked disposition and accepts the view of the hypocrites.

l\~'liit'OtiCli\!111~~'(1~ql: ~ ~:

~ '!J'l"''l?sillll !'101llp~~fe~i1f'1q: 1 q;)u) ~S1&if~;:ff ~ ~: '<>'11'{4 'ti'Gfq l'l~tt"''l) '<1~1\Jill~'~~q: l!<i II

If the Ascendant, the Moon or Jupiter is aspected by Saturn, Jupiter is situated in the 9th House, the native loves to make pilgrimages. If there is the presence of Benefic Planets in th~ 9th and the 5th House and. they are not aspected by any Malefic Planet, then the nativ~ becomes an ascetic even though he has R~j yoga in his horoscope at the time of birth.
l'lltiiRitCJI~Sq;f~Cii'IUiiiOI ~&1'1'<1: ~I ~ ~ewmu '1''1ffi&t.ga~ \jj;:qqtJ) "Rm) ~ life 11

THE TYPES OF SANY ASA YOGAS : If of the Sanyasa Yoga Karak~ planets the Sun is the strongest, the native becomes a 'Baikhanasa Sanyasi' that is, he lives in woods and mountains etc, does 'hawanas' and worships the Sun. If the Moon is strong he become:; 'Khappardhari or Kapali' Sanyasi (ascetic). If Mars is strong he becomes a 'Lingi Sanyasi', that is, he gets without 'Shikha or Choti' (a few hairs in the middle of the head which are longer than the rest), wears 'geru' (reddish) Coloured dothes, if Mercury is strong, he becomes a 'Dandi Sanyasi, that is, tie becomes a Sanyasi who carries a staff in his han:d, if Jupiter is strong he becorri,es a 'Yati Sanyasi', that is, he wears geru-coloured clothes, is settled in the 'Vanprasthi religion' ('Vanprastha' is third 'Ashrama' or stage in man's life according to the Vedic religion. It spre~ds from 50 to 75 years of his life. Before it are the 'Brahmacharya Ashram' and the 'Grahastha Ashram' and after it is the Sanyasa Ashram), and observes



Brahmacharya or celibacy and lives according to the prescribed rules of religion. If Venus is strong he becomes a 'Chakradhara Sanyasi' (Chakra or wheel is the mark of Sanyasi) that is, he becomes a Sanyasi who observes 'Vrata' (fast), if Saturn is strong he becomes a 'Naga Sanyasi', that is, he is Sanyasi who remains naked. If the Sanyasa Yoga Karaka' planet or the Natal Ascendant Lord is defeated by some planet in the planetary war, the native falls from the Sanyasa religion, that is, he gets fallen or I.corrupted. :

~: ~: ~6 <icl'<l!Jt): I
Pi'<tiSI'<I, Pi'< It\ I'< I 4~111'fq'<I4DII: I k911

If all the Sanyasa Yoga Karaka planets get strengthened and situated in one sign, the native renounces clothes and food and is inclined towards the way of Yoga.


~ dili(IDii ~ 'lirtJ~ffiiiWil ... ql ... i

~ ~sftr urrm: C61"dl'<l"ffqfR\.,: ~~ 1"11

If at the time of birth there occurs the conjunction of four planets in one House, the native inspite of being born in a royal lineage lives for ever in the woods.

'tf~dii'<!J~d~ ~ '\'lth~ wr=~'i{~

C6"<'1(1q;('IOt&IDI~'t1ht'<l"d'tiiP-tlfciRi1~~4'll'3: I~ II

If at the time of birth there occurs the conjunction of five planets in one House, the native inspite of being a king's son eats sweet roots of different sorts, is 'Jitendriya', that is, controls his senses, and leads a peaceful life.

~ lf11D1i II~~'<IDii suJf~C61~ ~ ~ ~ 1

~ ~ fi('I~R11d~:J ~6~ '\'ll('lg>~:J urrm: llqo II

If at the time of birth six planets are situated in one . House, the native, inspite of being born in a royal line, lives under the stone!? of mountains.


IUIIIGidi"'l+t"f ~ 4~1s<i ~dUicl ~I


~~~"{Cf"ffil'r~ llqqll

If at the time of birth both the 'Raj Yoga' and the 'Pravrajya Yoga' are endowed with strength in a horoscope, the native first takes Sanyasa (becomes an ascetic) and then becomes a king. Notes : If the natal Ascendant lord, the 4th lord, the Moon and the 9th lord are in conjunction in one House, tf'lere is an impulse of devotion in the mind and conduct of the native. Such a native is beneficient to the people, preaches to the people sermons beneficial to them and is pure of heart. His thinking is naturally driven towards human welfare~ If there occurs even the slightest influence of Saturn on these planets, the native renounces his home and tends to become a Sanyasi. Saturn is the significator of absence of desire, renunciation and Sanyasa (asceticism). The aspect of Saturn on the House of mind; (the 4th House) and on the significator of mind (the Moon) sows in the native the seeds of Sanyasa. If in such a condition the significator of devotion, that is, the significator of .the 9th House and of the feeling of devotion, Jupiter is also endowed with strength, then there is a certainty that the native will tend towords Sanyasa or asceticism.

~~= 11~~11


llt+th'lt+tl~e"ll?i ~1 ~ mfmn~rsrmu) Sll"lloij 'flllffi~ ~~

uq 11

The longevity of the natives is subjected to the Evil Combinations. Therefore, I speak of the Arishta Yogas {Combinations causing evils). It is in the absence of an Arishta Yoga that the longevity calculated Mathematically is the correct one.

~SC6i'<lll~"'5'i~ ~~ ~?lftF&fll\S'!Jj: I ~ SIII))Fch4)i ~= 1t.? n



If Jupiter being situated in the 8th House be in the sign of Aries or Scorpio and if he be aspected by the Sun, Saturn, Mars and the Moon and does not receive the aspect of Venus, it causes the death of the native.

Notes : This combination may be formed if in the .horoscope there is the Ascendant of Aries or Virgo. Jupiter is regarded to be the significator of 'Jeeva'. If being situated in the 8th House he is aspected by numerous Malefic planets, he gets the maximum harm. Although Mars will have aspect on his own sign, but the naturally Malefic planets generally donot increase longevity. Therefore, Mars's aspect cannot give special effects to the native. Here the thing which should be considered first and foremost is that the aspect of Venus will have the capability of protecting and preserving from all the evil effects which may be there on Jupiter, the significator of the 8th House and of Jeeva.



The learned Astrologer Pandit Dhundiraj has said that the sign of Aries and Scorpio should be necessarily there in the 8th House. This is another important factor in this Shloka as the sign of Aries represents the springing. of life and Scorpio represents the setting. Therefore maximum Malefic effect on these planets will prove only to be harmful to life. As a result of the reading of the 'Puranas' this assumption of ours gets confirmed that the aspect of Venus on the 8th House can protect life only in that condition when there are the Signs of Jupiter, the 9th and the 12th Signs in that House.


~ en fc!C'I)+tnq) ~\JI+t~\C~: 1


q-~~ ~: "flf..: '\C'-lml. II~ II

THE ARISHTA YOGA IN THE THIRD YEAR : If the Retrograde Saturn being in the sign of Aries, or Scorpio be situated in an Angle, or in the 6th or the 8th House and be aspected by Mars, the 3rd year will bring evil to the native.
Notes : Here also a malefic influence over the sign of Aries and Scorpio plays key role in the formation of an 'Arishta Yog~. In childhood the malefic influence over the Angles is adverse (Malefic) to long span of longevity because there is the life force given by God in these Houses (or these Houses are significato(s of life in childhood) while in the age of Maturity it is the 3rd, the 5th, the 9th, the 11th and the 12th House which are of great importance because these Houses are related (are significators) respectively to vigour, deviie, fortune, success in one's efforts and one's capacity of spending or making expenses. A child cannot make use of all. these things;



:q;~wligGt;:qf.!l ~:. ~ .,.;i ~ ~: 1

i1"<1qf.!I'<Jj\Ci4f~tJ~I~'r~l~tH'IItlfldl: I IIlii

THE ARISHTA YOGA IN THE NINTH YEAR AND IN ONE MONTH : If Saturn being in conjunction with the Sun and the Moon be situated in the 6th or the 8th House, the native is subjected to death in the 9th year, and if in these very House there occurs the conjunction of. Saturn, Mars and the Sun the native is subjected to death in one month.
~sfq -qrq)~~ ~s$:1 ftnj P!t:"'lllq I ~Uffil)

m:rftr lA fro:

~ ftr:3t ~ ft

lA fro:


ARISHTA YOGA IN ONE YEAR : If at the time of birth even one Malefic planet being situated in the 6th or the 8th House be aspected by any other Malefic planet, the native is subjected to death in one year even though he might drink nectar.



<4~1ei11~~Mff<1~'e: I

~: ~: ~ ~ \JI"'("'lfcld.,)Ri ~ I IF. II

ARISHTA YOGA IN THE SIXTH YEAR : If Venus being in the sign of Cancer or Leo be situated in the 12th, the 8th or the 6th House and she be aspected by all the Benefic Planets the native is subjected to evil (combination) in the 6th year. Notes : It will not be proper to predict evil to the native only on the basis of this situation of planets alone. We have found that such natives earned wealth from foreign lands and lived a long life.
~ '<JjtfR q;<lset<a:

tffiSlC'l) err ~ fc!t1 ..11q

~ ~S<i4geJ)'1 \JIId'ftl URI): Siijj'<)Ri ~ I k911




being in the sign of Cancer be situated in the 6th and the 8th House and be aspected by the Moon, there occurs evil to the native in the 4th year.

lfit)\C:4) ~ ~. ~fMffifM~:qftt4~ ~ \iRfr: I

t41'M4 '11fl~i'l~"'f


~~~ ~ lit II

ARISHTA YOGA IN TWO MONTHS : If the birth occurs in the same Nakshtra in which there occurs the rise of Dhoomketu, the native's death takes place in two months after his birth, this has been said by the former astrologers.

~scm ~'<~'<Ji'lt4 l)ts~= 1

Ql'ti'<~~U ~~: Sll!l'lfif4)i ~

g <nfff ~


THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES DEATH. VERY SOON: If the Sun being in the sign of Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn be situated in the 1Oth House and be aspected by a Malefic Planet, the native is subjected to death very soon.
~ 1f'("Oj



"'<'ivTll': llqo II

ARISHTA YOGA IN THE 7TH YEAR : If in the horoscope in the Natal Ascendant there happens to be the Shrinkhla, Pasha, or Pakshi Decanate and a Malefic Planet be also situated there the native is subjected to death in the 7th year. Notes : The last decanate of the signs of Pisces and C~ncer and the First and the Second Decanate of the sign of Scorpio are known by the name of 'Shrinkhla' Decanate. In the same way the first Decanate of Taurus and the first and the second Decanate of Capricorn is known by the name of 'Pasha' Decanate. And again in tbe same way the second and the last Decanate of the



sign of Libra and the first Decanate of the sign of Leo and also of Aquarius is referred to as 'Pakshi' Decanate.

~ 4;~qft\" ~mitt ~~I ~ q~chi~~"lli ~en tiJ;s~lf11'6 ~ llqq 11

.' ARISHTA YOGA IN THE 10TH OR THE 16TH YEAR : If Rahu being situated in an Angle be aspected by Malefic Planets, the native is subjected to death in the 1Oth or the 16th year.
c+-. ' ' El61t'100: ~ "'.J.,~ .. ,."'': QIQIR?iCf>lul


=:rr.:m:r \JI""''W"IIt{ I
'l!lt'tlliiel: llq=? 11


ARISHTA YOGA IN THE 8TH YEAR: If there are Benefic Planets in the 6th or the 8th House and they are aspected by Malefic Planets situated in the 9th or the 5th House, the native is subjected to death in the 8th year.
~lcl ~=

'Et'E cnse'1ti~: 1

~~-mit~ 414RI<i1~Fcbtt: llq~ II

THE YOGA WHICH CAUSES DEATH VERY SOON: If Sun being situated in the 6th or the 8th House be aspected by a Malefic Planet, the native gets subjected to death very soon.

<Jtl~ tt<:i#l't I

~ ~ "FcM4~'<~~~q,~q


11q~ 11

ARISHTA YOGA IN THE FOURTH YEAR : If in the above stated Arishta Yogas there be the aspect of Benefic and Malefic Planets, the native gets subjected to Death in four years. If the number of the Benefic and Malefic planets is fewer or greater in either (that is, it is not equal) the Arishta period is to be known through proportional Mathematics.,


t.i"''idllCI[~ ~

689 .

m'i'1FA VCI"'T: lf6~ "+ilftJ ~ ~ llq'111

t.l+i[t'1~c44'11'3llCI[ I

THE COMBINATION LEADING TO DEATH IN THE 6TH OR THE 8TH MONTH : If at the time of birth Malefic Planets are situated in the Second and Twelfth or the 6th and the 8th or the 8th and 9th or the 6th and the 12th House, the native is subjected to death in the 6th or the 8th Month.
~C:..'' ,, '161e+ioo: ~..,"" ,., ... , ICIC/1I+ill: q1q'81tl: ~:I

'jtt'<'iel m~n) ~ ~ -rt ~ Ml~'t llqf, II ARISHTA YOGA IN ONE MONTH: If the Benefic planets being situated in the 6th or the 8th House be aspected by a Retrograde Malefic Planet and if they are not aspected by a Ben_efic Planet the native gets subjected to death in one month.
~ "+l~dl+i'Rilt11Cie:~:JC44tl/.h I

Uild'fll ut"tt'l4'<oi!4G~ "ij) ~ '<I~I!Offli~~ ~: llql911 THE OTHER ARISHTA YOGAS : If the Ascendant Lord and the. Lord of the 'Janama Rashi' (the sign in which the Moon be there at the time of birth) being combust situated in the 6th or the 8th House, the longevity of the native is equal to as many years as the number of the 'Janama Rashi'. Notes : The number of the 'Janama Rashi' means the number of that sign in which the Moon be there at the time of birth. Thus suppose the sign in which the Moon be there at the time of birth is Sagittarius, then the longevity of the native is to be predicted 9 years.
~: q 1qi81lj : 11Cf~>'ifgWrm ~Ricp""!RI~: I
~~~~: ~~: llq~ll



THE ARISHTA YOGA IN THE 4TH MONTH : If the Ascendant Lord being situated in the 8th House be aspected by malefic Planets there occurs Arishta (Evil) in the 4th Month. And if the Ascendant Lord being in the 8th House be aspected by Venus and the Sun the native is subjected to death in as many years as the number of the 'Janama Rashi' Notes : If the Ascendant Lord be situated in the 8th House, it indicates short span of longevity, and if he be aspected by the Malefic planets, he certainly becomes the cause of early death. The relation of the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord also doesnot give long span of Longevity.
~: ~: ~: qffiffr o:nti 'ffij INI~tttlll

~~ ti&Niql~o'l ~ llct~ll

THE COMBINATION OF DEATH IN A FEW YEARS: If the Ascendant Lord be situated in the 7th House in conjunction with a Malefic Planet the native is subjected to death very soon. And if he be in the 8th House in the same condition (that is, in conjunction with a Malefic planet) the native is subjected to death .in one month.

"'ll C::l\1 ~q ICf)\1 Iill i Pi *Ill Cf) '<~ l"'li'BI tJ 4 Cf1! : I 't<l'<jj)~)qlo) fcAm qffiffr crif or<As~ 1Ro 11

THE ARISHTA YOGA IN THE 9TH YEAR : If the Moon be situated in the sign of Gemini or Virgo and be there in conjunction with the Sun and Mars and be not aspected by any other planet the native is subjected to death in the 9th year.
W"''lt4\:ll"fll'l~ tltliq, q1q1Pci~

'ffiill'l!ll'J'<C! I

~ 'lfi<BI~q!tf~j <6l"'ii:tl~ti ~fmj:~ I Ret II




Moon being in conjunction with the Malefic Planets be situated in the 7th, the 8th or the 12th House and be not aspected by the Benefic Planets and the Angles be devoid of the Benefic Planets, the native is subjected to death very soon.
~ CITS~ qgoe~!j &t'IU(IIDJj ~~~I
ctSt'IIPitll lfloiCfS('IICfSt'll~ t'l'.,~ ~ ~: ~:~~~~II

If Malefic Planets are situated in Angles or in the 8th House and the emaciated Moon be situated in the Ascendant, the native is subjected to Death very soon.

'('1'9 ~~Sfa'<i~ '<!J('IU(:I: ~~~:I ~: 'tfml ~ qGijfemn~: gqs:;c)Ri fW:{ I R~ II

THE ARISHTA YOGA NAMED BAJRA MUSHTI : If the Sign in the Ascendant be Cancer or Scorpio, the Malefic Planets be situated in the Houses from the Ascendant to the 7th House and in the Houses from the 7th House to the 12th House there be situated Benefic planets, tt-lere occurs the Yoga named 'Bajra Mushfi'; the native who is born in this Yoga is subjected to death.
<4liiR'!~ ~ ~ 'tJTtll: 1
~ IOI't').RI4'<'lll;:q(1)cj;

~ ~ I R'd II

THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES DEATH d/ERY SOON : If there be situated Benefic Planets in the 12th, the 6th and the 8th House, Malefic Planets in the Angles and the Trines, and the birth of the native takes place at the time of sunrise, he is subjected to death very soon.

'ffi'l'<'lllt'1llfl~ ~~I qJqUt:iietljf.fu'11~ctSicilthftlgt"ll: ~ I R~ II

THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES DEATH ON THE 0 11TH DAY : If Venus being in the sign of Saturn be situated in the 8th House and be aspected by a Malefic



Planet the native is subjected to death on the 11th day.

"W"~ ~ ~ "if 414ii:i4'1~1


: l'l' g ~ "ijj1lf ~ m1t

sw: Pft

~ II~~ II

THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES DEATH VERY SOON : If the Moon be situated between two Malefic planets and all the planets be situated in the 8th, the 4th and the 7th House the native is subjected to death very soon.
tt"41al) ~itqkua -qm~ ~ ~ \JI""'fCflicll
~ ~ lllllliit4141: l'l' ~ ~= ~ CfliC'I")~'t 11:(\911

If the birth of the native takes place in the Morning or .in the Evening and the Malefic Planets be there in the -last degrees of the signs, the Moon be in an Angle in. conjunction with a Malefic planet and there be the Hora of the Moon, the native is subjected to death very soon.

't"'~le"f~ ~ 4i4dei: ~~<reT= 1 ~fu!~-mcii~ ~II:(<= II

THE ALPAYU YOGA (COMBINATION CAUSING DEATH IN A FEW YEARS) ALONG WITH THE MOTHER : If Malefic planets being situated in the 7th or the 8th House be aspected by Malefic Planets, and they donot have the aspect on them of Benefic Planets, the death of the native occurs very soon along with his mother, this is the view of many astrologers. Notes : In the combination causing death along with the Mother, if the Moon be very strongly emaciated or if she be the 4th Lord be aspected by or be in conjunction with Malefic planets, ~here is the possibility that the native's mother should also be subjected to death along with the native himself.




~ .,.rt:l'<jt~\1~: I

'('j"ffi ~ ~ a!I<1CIH<I '1~''1"ff~ ~ :tlf?l11(1: II=?~ II THE YOGA IN WHICH DEATH IS CAUSED BY SOME WEAPON : If at the time of Lunar Eclipse the Moon being in conjunction with a Malefic Planet, be situated in the Ascendant, Mars be situated in the 8th House, then the native dies soon along with his mother. And if the Sun being in conjunction with a Malefic Planet be situated in the Ascendant, Mars be situated in the 8th House and there occurs Solar Eclipse at the time of birth, the native is subjected to death along with his mother by some Weapon (He is killed with some Weapon.)
~q14f'Cjtt~1tA'r~~qy I
~ M~'<"'l!('l)"1 . ~sftRul ~: q~~~('IUI: ll~o II

THE YOGA WHICH CAUSES DEATH SOON : If there be situated Mars and Saturn in the Ascendant and the Sun in the 7th House and the Moon be in any other House than the Ascendant and the 7th House, the death of the native occurs soon. Notes : In this combination there are harmful, malefic effects in the highest degree by the Malefic Planets on the Ascendant. .If these very malefic effects are there on the Moon, that is, if Mars and Saturn be in conjunction with the Moon and they are aspected by the Sun, even then there will be formed for the native the combination causing his death very soon because the Ascendant and the Moon both are the significators of the native's body
qs~j'fl'i+<lll "Pf ~

SICj)('QI'1_ ll~q II

1:f ~l:t~'''GI~ ~

THE OTHER EVIL CAUSING COMBINATIONS : If Malefic Planets are situated in the Ascendant and the



8th House and the Moon. be in the 12th House and the Angles be devoid of Benefic Planets, there occurs the early death of the native. Notes : For long span of longevity it is essential that the Ascendant and the 8th House should be exempted from malefic influences and that the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord should be endowed with strength. Besides this, in childhood, the strength of the Moon also has vital significance in this connection. Thus according to the above Shloka, if these three factors are .extremely weakened, it is quite natural that they become thecause of the early death of the native.
f,jq;)o1ij;~!J ~ 'tfrtJT: ~<1\l~ici'l<h'1Ciftit1Pl~t{ I

W'1)4l11fl ~ ~err Pi:m<h~ ~tiCtij~CI: ~ IIH II

If all the Malefic Planets are conjoined in Angles and Trines and if they donot receive the aspect of a Benefic Planet and there be situated the Sun and the Moon in the Ascendant, there occurs 'Arishta' to the native.

~ = ~t~01watl'1~ i&t'I!J'ffil: 1 l1Ell?Hi!j~DII q~~el ~tiCC:Iffij'Fii ~Sf<t IIH II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING DEATH IN THE 9TH YEAR : If the Sun, Saturn and Venus be in conjunction with a Malefic Planet even when they are aspected by Jupiter, the native is subjected to Arishta or evil in the 9th year.

<hifMhtct'1'1'tiJ ~"'i'{!R'~'~ 1Ri4Ri: 1Pi~oe: I ftoec:l '1Cit1'1111lfi~a) \JIIt1<h$1jPI~: ~: II~~ II

According to the ancient Munis (Sages) if the Moon be in the 7th House, and the 8th Lord being situated in the Ascendant and be aspected by Saturn, the native is subjected to Arishta or evil in the 9th year.



Notes : The natives of the Libra Ascendant have been found obtaining long span of longevity which is contrary to this rule. If this 'Yoga' be there in the natives having Capricorn Ascendant, it attacks them with greater strength and intensity because here the 8th Lord will be the extreme enemy of Saturn. Besides this, the aspect of Saturn on the Sun means the relation of the Lords of the Ascendant and of the 8th Lord which is in itself regarded as the significator of evil combination.
~~ Offiir ~~ q;-ffi Sll~4i!#n ~en fclW"'I'tl

I# 1Rt>glfi: q f~C:te

'F"gq;ft'llticP'tdl II~ 'ill

THE COMBINATION CAUSING DEATH WITH. IN ONE YEAR : IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED 'ARISHTA YOGAS' WHERE THE PERIOd of death has not been specifically determined, there (it is to be predicted) when the Strong Moon being situated in the sign of Cancer or in the Ascendant be aspected by the Malefic planets, the death of the native may occur with in one year.
~ cfflDII~"''t18'<.U ~~~~I

ljf;fg:ffi '4fc:'"'l' ~ ftt ~~ ~ ll~f, II

THE OTHER ARISHTA YOGAS : If the Moon, being situated in a trine, in the 12th, the 7th or the 8th House and be devoid of the conjunction of and aspect of a Benefic Planet, the native is subjected to death very soon.

'<tl4$li:MqJ: ~: '1llf'<"'"'GIU 4cfl~ml: Sl~tj;(~ fq~('j( '4fc: '<'g"'lfl#i: llil#~i(ifGtj;q~


THE ARISHTA YOGA IN THE FIFTH YEAR : If in the horoscope there be the conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon, or there be the conjunction of the Sun, Mars, Venus and the Moon or of the Sun, Mars, Saturn and the Moon, the native is subjected to Death in the 5th year.



fc~W'1'11~ ~q'1SI+tl6)~rn'1Hti ~ ~: I
+ti~{Cbluiili!qfat'l~lt~ ~~1#1~1 SlqC:Pi:l ~ ll~t II

If the Ascendant Lord be in the 6th House the native is subjected to death in as many years as is the number of the 'Janama Rashi'; if the Decanate Lord of the Ascendant be in the 6th House, in as many months as is the number of the Janama Rashi; and if the Navamsha Lord of the Ascendant be in the 6th House in as many days as is the number of the Janama Rashi.
~ ~= ~iH~:nnrn.,llli ~ iilhml~l<t 1


Tf q1qgm: q1~rngm: ~ qffi~ul II~~ II

If Saturn being situated in the Ascendant be aspected by a Malefic Planet there occurs Arishta (evil) to the native in 16 days, if Saturn being situated there be in conjunction with a Malefic Planet, it occurs within a month and if he be not in conjunction with or aspected by a Malefic Planet it occurs within a year.
"<c:YI01j~qqlqP\fl~ 'ii~C61Gftli~: ~ Fcl'illll't I ~scl>+t;::c;lqi'1\il: ~ ~ "46~'<:!.1' mf4cri I i'do II

THE ARISHTA YOGA IN THE 11TH ETC. YEAR : IF THE SUN, THE MOON AND MERCURY BE IN CONJUNCTION AND BE ASPECTED BY A MALEFIC PLANET, THE NATIVE IS SUBJECTED to death in the 11th year, and if in the Ascendant there be situated the Sun, Saturn, and Mars and the emaciated Moon be there in the 7th House, the native is subjected to death either in the 6th or in the 7th year.

'W": ~: ~ ~ +t;::c;l"<tjwl

!J'6i!fet'1'11: 1

Fcl'11ltl;::j 'fls<C6ttaq;., ~ ~

AAm 1j'dq n

THE ARISHTA YOGA IN THE 7TH YEAR : If there be situated in. the 7th House the emaciated Moon and



Saturn, Mars and Venus being situated in the Ascendant be devoid of the aspect of Jupiter the native is subjected to death in the 7th year. TRI": '<1i1Jf.<i4Fc: ij)~'fi~: '<1\lll~j~H: ~\il"l~'ie: I qEfa1'1 ucr>'<'l~ ~ ~
q~elc::ll ~: I I'd=? 11

THE COMBINATION CAUSING DEATH IN TWO YEARS : If Combust Mercury and the Moon being situated in an Angle be aspected by Mars and Saturn, the native is subjected to death in two years, this has been qaid by the Munis (thinkers) such as Vashishtha etc.
Pl~tuq~(;{'1q~: '<'l<t>Jilll~c::e"l~: ~ "SI"liRI": 1

~6~6 ~ ~ qEfalll~~~~~l'd~ll.-.
If the emaciated Moon being situated in the 8th House from the Ascendant Lord be aspected by a Malefic Planet and he doesnot receive the aspect of a Benefic Planet, the native is subjected to death in two years.
~: qJq&h ~ il~'flt "il &IC::Ill'l: llllllh\tlq I

~ "11~4~ ~ fmj ~ = ~


I I'd~ 11

THE YOGA CAUSING DEATH IN THE 9TH YEAR : If a Malefic planet being the Ascendant Lord be situated in the 12th House from the Moon in the Navamsha of the Sign of Cancer and there be the aspect of the Malefic planets on him, the native's death 9ccurs in the 9th y!'lar.
~m= q4"1<{i&~~-,S'el)m ufci('I)Cfll"'J'1: 1

~e-~1 ~~~i'<1"11'1q~: Sli~'6C::I~I~ ~ ~ ll'dts II

If the Combust Ascendant be aspected by the 8th Lord the death of the native qccurs in as many years as. is the number of the sign in which the Sun in situated.:'/


q 1q.rne1

~~ ~

~ fclml'l "'J11cfl ~ 1

~ ~~lq'll~ v?lll&'<idJS&::<P'<itlch ~ ll'df, II

THE YOGA CAUSING DEATH IN THE 7TH YEAR : If all tbe Malefic planets be situated in the Houses from the Ascendant to the 7th House, the Benefic planets be situ a ted in the Houses from the 7th House to the Ascendant House and Rahu be situated in the Ascendant, the native may remain alive upto the 7th year.

R1?i-<je1: ~: ffi~~ I "11<1\lf4ie1:. 'ffl<ll'&~'<'g v?li!attfflll ~ IDGVT l:l': ~: ll'dl911

THE YOGA CAUSING DEATH IN THE 12TH YEAR :If Rahu being situated in the 7th House, and being devoid of the aspect of a Benefic planet and be aspected by the Sun and Saturn, the native remains alive upto 12 years.
Ril{l~g>i4ffu:lel:f.li%414) Rlc:1WJ>e1: 'J!'<'&l'l4~ ~ I

crtttfUT -mlcr

e1 ~ ll"'l ~f 101 <fil R\"d \ill e1 q; :t II 'hi Iii~ : I I'd~ II

ARISHTA YOGA IN THE 7TH YEAR : If Rahu being situated in the sign of Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius be aspected by Malefic Planets, the native's longevity is of Seven years.

mfl~fiNk~!J~d\11""11 IOIIG1lRI <Iilli lll111~~ "f1: I~~ II

If there occurs the rise of Dhoomketu at the time of birth and if there is heard the sound of the violent gusts of wind dashing against (the trees and the houses) before or after the time of birth, or if there blows violent wind or if there be the fall of Vajra (lightning) or if there be the Muhurta of 'Raudra' or 'Sharp', the native makes a journey (very soon) to the abode of Varna, the god of Death.

~: "'<'liTOl~ mf~~felqldl:tl"14l





Notes : The first Muhurta in the day and in the night is referred to as 'Raudra' and the Second Mi.Jhurta in the day is referred to as 'Sharp'.
~ ~ ~ q:tl)tllzfGI t~GTI

M: 'fCI(i\j~f>licl.q;lwt41W:I"''ItiGlq

l!lio II

THE YOGA CAUSING DEATH VERY SOON : If the emaoiated Moon being in conjunction with the Malefic planets be aspected by Rahu, the native goes to 'Yama Loka' (Hades or the World of the god of Death) in a very short tim.e.

""'''ffiiic-{qf1:r:f.R '(I '1'14~=?~~ :=?=?~'1~q~=?~~qci:J fctrlr=?o~: I ~=?q~qo~zf~ ~~41"11~'tioo ~-


'(ffl"cl)sll"''?l)~d: l!liq 11

THE OTHER ARISHTA YOGAS : If at the time of birth the Moon be on the 8th degree of Aries, 9th degree of Taurus, 23rd degree of Gemini, 22nd degree of Cancer, 5th degree of Leo, 1st degree of Virgo, 4th degree of Libra, 23rd degree of Scorpio, 18th degree of Sagittarius, 20th degree of Capricorn, 21st degree of Aquarius and 10th degree of Pisces, the native is subjected to death in as many years as is the number of the degrees.

~ il~pt11Re~~: ll~o II


i_;)'lll+t~cfsPci'RI~o~ ~el'!qtt)u ~ ~:1

~ma.";:fi~=~~~Stl'= llqll

The many Arishta yogas which have been described in great detail by those beamed in the Hera Shastra donot have the power (of killing or causing harm) if there exists 'Arishta Bhanga Yoga' in the horoscope. Now I speak of those Arishta Bhanga Yogas also.
~: ~i!Pclu?Jq~~Pc!T.f~: ~: Siiie'RI<il

ft!! m'f. ~ tJiutWid: ~S"fffiN: I

~ qtsfq ~\J1)iiil: ~: ~ iie'RICil

~ ti!J411ti ~ g ~


"llt11 ftt~ II=? II

If the Moori be full and be aspected by all the planets, . the Sun etc. all the Arishta Vegas are destroyed, 'or if the strong Moon being situated in the Navamsha cf' her friend, be aspected by a Benefic Planet, she destroys the Arishta (Evil ) Vegas, or she even the emaciated Moon being in the Navamsha of a friendly Planet be aspected by a Benefic Planet, she destroys all the Arishtas (Evil Combinations), or if the Moon being in her exaltation sign be aspected by Venus alone, even then she destroys all the Arishtas (Evils)as a Lion destroys a herd of elephants.

"fu! ~: l]1iGT: ~lltll'1t<II~~'11'RIIe+t~l'3ti00: I

~: "'fll~iiC#IOiqaf


tl+tllf(lf~~'t II~ II



If in the 6th, the 7th and the ath House trom the Moon are situated all the Benefic Planets or if the Moon in conjunction with a Benefic Planet be situated in the Decanate of a Benefic Planet, all the Arishtas (Evils) are destroyed.

Notes : If in the 6th, the 7th and the 8th House from the Moon are situated Benefic Planets there is formed the 'Chandradhi Yoga' and due to this combination there is the creation of Benefic influence on the Moon and on both the sides of the Moon because of the aspect of Benefic Planets and therefore the Moon is specially strengthened. Consequently the native has long span of longevity and enjoys happiness, luxury and foods.
~~:~: ~ ~<et:t-~:1

t"'"'tlfie: "flJ11'<1~141a~ ~ "'<'lllffr ~M~utt 1ftlll

If Benefic Planets be situated in the 12th House and the full Moon being in the sign of a Benefic Planet be aspected by the Ascendant Lord and be not aspected by any other planet, it also destroys the 'Arishta (or Evils) Yogas'.
Cft"''~~ ~ Gl...,.'<l::fl ~ Rqlcel~la~sftr "itr: 1

~ere=~=~~ q~q(ij~ffi= lltill

If the birth of the native occurs in the night of 'Shukla Paksha' (the bright half of the month) and the Moon be aspected by a Benefic Planet or if the birth occurs in the day of 'Krishna Paksha' (the dark half of the Month) and the Moon be aspected by Malefic Planets, then such . Moon protects the native like a father.

~: ~ fk'<& 41't4 -mft "<Til?!~ fclcMllit~u I ~err~ cR ~: !P4f<::c;j i1ijt"'~q "'Rt II~ II
If the Mcion be in the Sign of a Malefic Planet but she be aspected by the Lord of this sign or if she be in the



'shadavarga' of that planet or if she be in conjunction with that planet, she causes benefic influence only.
~ i!i('iqiPcil('l flllffi'l~: ~u f.R\~: 1

~~=~= ~ft'e ~ ~ cp'ri ~ 1~11

If the Ascendant Lord being endowed with strength be aspected by Benefic and Friendly Planets, or if the Ascendant Lord being situated in the Ascendant be aspected by all the planets, then the 'Arishta Yogas' (evil combinations) formed by the Moon are destroyed.
~~err~ qjfflqtf ~ ~ 'ii 'mri ~= 1




q;('llql1 Iilii

If the strong Moon being situated in her sign of exaltation, her own sign or in her own shadavarga be aspected by her friendly signs or by Benefic Planets and be not aspected by Malefic Planets, all the Arishtas are destroyed.
~ ~ ltlltll;,tiC(dll) ~ 'ii ~:~I
fci('la;:Nif:>lP~iiltll"t(4('114) ~U ~



If at the time of birth in the 1Oth House from the Moon there be Jupiter, there be Mercury and Venus in the 12th House, Malefic Planets be there in the 11th House, the Ascendant Lord be situated in the 3-4-10-11 or 12th House and the Moon be aspected by Benefic Planets, it is certain that the 'Arishta Yogas' are destroyed.

g'tJ[aq;JI ~ \Jjrijqj('j:

~ f.:t4('1d#~u 1

~ ~ ~ ~ :t'i'ltti'{lti!J'iS!qfll IIIIo II

If at the time of birth the ascendant Lord being endowed with strength be aspected by Benefic Planets then the Arishta Yogas formed by the Moon are all destroyed.
~4Bi:tll ~ qf.\1;\):tl: q::c)=tSq<jjq'j f.:t\JI4FIn err I

ttC::tncrrfq~u~= :ti:tlht''Ptwf ~ 11111111



If the birth occurs in the night, the full Moon be situated in the sign of Taurus or Cancer, or be situated in the 'Navamsha' of Taurus or Cancer and be aspected by Benefic Planets, it destroys the 'Arishta Yogas'.
~~en~ lll'TTit

qifd&t '1{Uf Cf)(iiiCf)(iil~ 1 ~:JiiP4 ~ttcp~ ~ ~ SI<JioetQII~ c:ni ~ 11'1=? II

If the Moon be there in the Nakshtra of Ashwini, Kritika or Pushya or in the Vargottama Navamsha, it destroys the 'Arishta Yoga' named 'Tripushkara'. Notes : If the birth occurs in the Arishta Karaka (Evil causing) Tithi (Hindi date), Var (day) and Nakshtra, it forms the Tripushkara yoga.
~~~en~~ll4't4~~~ en 'C)~u'rHi l:R"D) ~ ~ "C"arra ij~Ci)EIIq 11'1~ II

If the Moon be there in the 2nd or the 3rd 'Charana: (quarter) of the Pushya Nakshtra or in the 2nd Charana of the Rohini Nakshtra and be aspected by Benefic Planets, it protects the native from the 'MrityuDasha' (the death causing combination).
!r(~'l'(&jtijl;tif~: ~:~:I

msttJ~~"" ~= llct~n
If the Moon being in the sign of Cancer or Aries be situated in an Angle, be aspected by Benefic Planets, then she destroys the 'Arishtas' inspite of being eclipsed by Rahu, there can be no dollbt in it.
~ ~C:+ii\Cttlill"'i

S"li S"li fl'I"Q(!Ih

~ I

~iron~~=~= 'tl\ila~oe ;tltl)c;q;,~'l 11<1'111

If there be Benefic Planets in the Ascendant, there be two planets in each of the Angles, the emaciated Moon be in the 7th House, it certainly destroys all the Arishtas.



tfl~m"'i'l(iiCf5iPtlu~ w~Cf51~ ~ ~ ~ 1 GJt:ttiRI!fJiflffi ~ ~<e1Pt T{ ~ ~ 11q II
If at the time of birth endowed with rays and with pure Splendour Jupiter be situated in the Ascendant, he destroys all the evil combinations, this has been said by the Munis. Notes : Jupiter when he is not combust, situated in 'the Ascendant' has been regarded as the destroyer of evil combinations (antidote to evils). Jupiter in this situation should not have any relation with Rahu and Saturn either due to their aspect or by their conjunction. Otherwise it will have reverse effect.

qf~'<4Hlu.~:~: ~"'<Tlfi ~~
~ C4)t:q~: ~: ~~ ~e!Jqlid ~ II:? II

If the Ascendant be of the sign of a Benefic Planet, the Malefic Planets be weak and the Benefic Planets be strong and there be aspect on the Ascendant of Benefic Planets, it destroys all the evil combinations. Notes : The strength of the Malefic planets decreases the vitality of the native but it increases his tendency of eating and enjoying things. It has adverse effect on the health of the native and therefore there is the fear of the decay of his longevity. The Benefic Planets cause the native to live a life of abstinence, discipline and balance and give him judiciousness all of which naturally



increase the long~vity of the native. Therefore, the greater the Benefic influence on the Ascendant the Chandra Lagna and the Surya Lagna, the better will be the health of the native.


'() ftt




If the Malefic planets situated in the Shadavarga of the Benefic Planets are aspected by the Benefic Planets who are situated in the Shadavarga of the Benefic Planets .. it destroys the evil combinations. Notes : If in the 'Shadavargas' there are situated the Malefic Planets in the Benefic signs and if they are not aspected by Benefic Planets, it has adverse effect on the longevity, health and judiciousness of the native. It is the situation qf the Malefic Planets in the Malefic signs in the Shadavargas that is considered as auspicious. If the Malefic Planets situated in the Shadavarga of the Benefic Planets are aspected by Benefic Planets situated in the Shadavarga of the Benefic Planets, they prove to be the destroyers of the evil ~ffects.
~ '<IR?iq;sll!qdf fu! ~ ~I fl'ltifc:<H~~<f~ "'1' lil~'<lt)q~~: fcm;r ~:I~ II


If Rahu situated in the 3rd, the 6th and the ~ 1th House from the Ascendant be aspected by Benefic Planets or if all the Planets be there in the signs rising with their heads, it destroys all the evil combinations. Notes : The situation of a planet in a sign rising with its head has been regarded as indicator of growth from all points of view. It is because of this that the situation of all the planets in a sign rising with its head is destroyer of evil combination ..



~~~e'1414C{e: 1 ~ ili5~~N~~q11~ ~:~:~~: lltill

!OitJJ~q;IJI ~


If at the time of birth a benefic planet who is victorious in the planetary war is aspected by benefic planets or if a planet being accompanied by Parivesha is aspected by a Malefic Planet, it destroys the evil combinations. Notes : According to our view here 'Parivesha' means perhaps the imaginary Planet named 'Parivesha' which is mentioned by Parashara in his Brihat Hora Shastra. It is found out by the following Mathematical calculation taking the Sun's Spashta at the time of birth to be the basis. By adding 4 signs, 13 degrees, 20 Kalas to the Spashta Sun at the time of birth we get the Planet named as 'Dhooma'. If the planet D.hooma be deducted from 12 signs there is obtained the Planet Vyatipata, and if 6 signs are added to the Planet of Vyatipata there is obtained the planet of 'Parivesha'.
If the Planets who cause death are there along with the imaginary planet named 'Parivesha' and are aspected by a Malefic Planet, it should be considered to be the destroyer of all evil combinations.

'tJl'lOf "'ill'~:~ ~~gJt'IGI: ~:I



101qftiq;1JI ~ ~:

life II

If at the time of birth the Sky is clear, Planets and Nakshtras are endowed with rays, the clouds have blue colours and slow breezes are blowing, it destroys the evil combinations

~ ~5<(414 "\iA"i ~ I ~~l4~ tiG1 ftt Tf crlWrr I k9 II




If at the time of birth there is the rise of the Star named August, the evil combinations are destroyed in the same way as is destroyed the lac when it is thrown into fire.

~,.I\JIC6C6fS~~61 ...t't'ioo

~~~e~"111liC6t1f 1

Wf15 "liPn ~ ~ ~ ftt ~ 1lmftt" II~ II If in the Ascendant of Taurus, Aries or Cancer Signs there is situated Rahu, it destroys the evil combinations or if at the time of birth there are many auspicious and benefic combinations, even then evil combinations get destroyed.

~ -.uf4uil4'ffi<ufacriluJuffisftr t:'<~~e'{ 1~ 11

If Ketu being in the sign of Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces .be situated in the 3rd, the 6th or in the 11th House or if Jupiter, Venus and Mercury be there in the Trines it causes the destruction of the evil combinations.
~ ~~qJtlfl~llo;sJ"ff!l'ffil 3lftr \JI""'C61~ I ~ ~ fci"1Jlll"1il!i ~'<"ff'<i cfl4C::~S~ ~ llqo II

If all the planets be situated in the Houses .from the Ascendant to the 7th House the evil combinations of evtim those who are born in the Sandhya, Vaidhriti and Gandanta are destroyed.

"'')qja) ~efcl"'llltiC6t1f 1 ~aftn: q~f?IC:::tll4fl'tl/.IT: ~sfti ftt :tli14Ptl ~: llqq II

If the Sun being in his exaltation sign be situated in the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th House and be without the influence of a Malefic Planet or if being in one sign all the planets be situated in the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th, or the 11th House it destroys all the evil combinations.

?llllli~g;fi:J "tft1:




. ~ Q) ?l"ltr qi'4~Chtl:l
QCIS I"<< 'tl!41 'R1 Ci I~e -~ 1fllftf ~tilffil llq =? II If from any other House except the Ascendant House or the House in which the Moon is situated two planets, or three planets or many planets are situated together, it destroys all the evil combinations. qldiC'I41d: Sl4~"'9;iit?J PIG11C'I400 ~ Ut"'"iChl~ I



~ llq~ II

If being in his own sign Jupiter be there in the 4th House and be aspected by lhe strong Moon, it destroys all the evil combinations.
~~~fcM '314if?l4:1

d('Ci)IC'I!f'G41: ~ ~eqii(Oiibi~OI: llq~ II If in the Ascendant there happens to be an evil causing planet his influence gets destroyed by the situation of three planets in each of the 2nd House and the 12th House.

4;"1\ISCII4)Pch1l!til4 'liiD qo1q;~l "tf I

~lllf(:~~:~: llq~ll
If ali the planets being situated in Angles, Panafaras or Apoklimas are in the Navamshas of the Benefic Planets, they destroy the evil combinations.

~: ~ ~M)ttlq~I'(Chl: llq~ II

If along with Rahu all the planets being situated in dual natured signs are there in the 4th House from each other, it destroys all the evil combinations. Notes : If all the planets are situated in the dual natured signs, naturally they will be in the 4th House from each



other and it is in this condition that this combination may be specially effective .

. . ~ lj1fl ~~Of q;flR[

F,itl~di~J= SI<P'C~t=fl


I C:11f.:qd ~: llcugll

If Benefic Planets being endowed with strength be there in Angles and the 8th House be without any planet, the native's longevity will be of 30 years and if the planets joining this combination be aspected by Benefic Planets the longevity will be of 40 years.
~ ~ ~6c:1gfifffl: t<llrutj ttafhltt 1

f6t<tffl=tyitla~ ~ "'": ~= q,'iild: l'ffil"g= llqlll

If Jupiter being in Decanate is situated in his own sign; the native's longevity will be 27 years. If Jupiter being in the Ascendant is in his exaltation and Venus be in an Angle, his longevity is 100 years.
~ ~ 4M!IIIR;io%;::c:fj ~: ~: 'Wtj tij~'<I!J: I


~'<141!J'<il()ffl~q llq~ II

If the Full Moon in he~ exaltation sign be situated in the Ascendant the native's longevity will be 60 years. If the Benefic Planets are in their Mool Trikona signs and Jupiter being in his own sign or being exalted be in the Ascendant, the longevity is 80 years.
ci'"'lle'llfl;;ggdl Of~:~:~~~ 1ft I




l'ffiTg: q;ft.rffi ~: ll~o II

If the Moon be in any other House than the Ascendant, the 6th House, the 8th House, the Malefic Planets be in their own sings and two planets who _are endowed with strength be in the 1Oth House, the Munis have said that the r:~ative's longevitY will be 100 years.



~~Rft: ffl+=lid=e:~~ ?414l!l.alj11l~ I ofl . : 414G=e'''C:I t<IIC:Ig'1f;::j tlcti~tlffi\CIOII'{ il=?q II

If the 8th House be without any planet, the Benefic Planets be in the Angles, Jupiter be in the Ascendant, the Benefic Planets being in the 3-6-11 Houses donot receive the aspect of the Malefic Planets, the native's . longevity is of 70 years.

am Ci*llll6(l11UII(I






d T.J llt<Pcl'l 1


"ll'ffi ~ dt<PWtcl scg;n llct II

THE PURPOSE OF STATING THE DASHAPHALA (The effects in the periods of the Planets) : The effects of Raj Yoga, the 'Rashiphala' (the effects due to a Planet's being in a particular sign) and the 'Bhavaphala' (the effects due to a Planet's being in a particular House) and the effect caused by the Arishta Yogas etc. - these effects are given in the Dashas (periods) of the planets joining in the formation of the Yoga (Combination). Therefore, now I describe the Dasha Phalas (the Effects of the Dashas).

'CR'Cir cr:

~trr'<c:r~ . cm:T


~T.J~"''~'<flOO~~~: 11~11

INVOCATION AND PRAYER TO THE GODS AND GODDESSES : May Ganeshaji, who grants boon to all the gods and goddesses, give you blessing, may Saraswati (the goddess of speech) live in your mouth (speech) and may Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth) live constantly in your house and may your glory and fame spread to the Seas.
~ ~ ~en f?i0)u)

crtl t<icCIJlsq

~en 1

'11tfl'ltl) "'1)~~: ~1fG: ~ II~ II

If the Ascendant Lord being situated in his sign of



exaltation, in his own sign, in his Mool Trikona sign or , in his own shadavarga, be in an Angle, be not combust and be devoid of the aspect of any Malefic Planet he gives auspicious effects in his Dasha (period).
~if8(11~ "trtf: ~: ~: ~ti ~~I m)q qf~44tt)~ ~ ~ 1~11

If in the 3-6-11 House there are situated all the Benefic Planets they give the happiness of having wealth, wife and progeny etc. in the early age and if in these very houses there are situated all the malefic planets the results will be same in the later age of the native.

~ ~ 't<Hj$C(<J6ill) ~~ "ii dil~~ I ~~ -qn;i t4i<'&(j ~ ~ l\)'Ci<l'tfl: q~Cbt"tifl4"( I it1 II

The Planets who are in their exaltation signs, own signs or in their friends' signs in the 'Navamsha Kundali and who are in their debilitation signs or in their enemies' signs in the natal horoscope, give mixed results in their Dashas (periods). Those who are learned in the 'Harashastra' should have this presumption.
qlifiqPcit4'11~: 'Mtl~"' ~lit C:llll4~1dti ~ I ~ ~ 'MgJ('IIj'11:;:j '11'11~ti)(Cb4~1l'lif!J'ffi"( II~ II

If Venus be situated in the Ascendant, in her sign of exaltation, in her own sign or she be situated in the 310-11 House from the Ascendant House, the native has the obtainment of elevation in a number of ways and obtains specially auspicious effects
311'<'1~~ mnrt4' ~= tiNJ('IRC:: 1

. tlt<P('!Ni!li


~C:q'<)f%~ I k911

The 'Arphini Dasha' of a planet is the giver of. good auspicious effects and the Avarohini Dasha of a planet gives inauspicious effects.



The Dasha of the Planet who is in one of the 5 signs from a Planet's sign of debilitation is referred to as the 'Arohini Dasha' of the planet and the Dasha of the planet who . is in one of the 5 signs from a Planet's sign of exaltation is called the 'Avarohini Dasha' of the Planet. The Arohini Dasha gives auspicious effect, where as the Avarohini Dasha, inauspicious one.

t:fi3?1Fli?laf4unqMf&i cri; ~: ~ c:tll41'tl


tr.'A. ~

~ "'ididj\Jit4 ~ I~ II

There is the obtainment of wife, progeny, friend and wealth in the Dasha of the Moon when she is situated in the sign of Cancer and the Dasha of the Moon situated in the signs of Mars, that is, in Arie~ and Scorpio, becomes the cause of the killing of the nativ.e's wife and of his animal.
'(1T.&I'<?Ifli?IIIWJli ~ !Ut4 -mfi ~: I i 4Sl '(11 ci fcrq-(iji 'if "('I'~ llj~ t4 ~ Q) til:) d ~ q I JQ, II

In the Dasha of the Moon situated in the sign of Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) there is the obtainment of the good Shastras and the coming of the friends. In the Dasha of the Moon situated in the signs of Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) also there is the obtainment of these very effects; and in the Dasha of the Moon situated in the signs of Taurus and Libra there is the obtainment for the native royal or governmental favour and abundance of wealth.

gll'<'<fh: :t~f.:lbi!'<'i'M: ~ ~ ~ Gllll41'( I 3J'(04g)f~fdiliGGifd ~ ii'6C{'nJt5f.:lffld) 'if IJqo II

In the Dasha of the Moon situated in the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, the native does the work of a messenger, lives in the woods and in the castle, has love for the foresters and constructs a shed for Cows.

~ mq:q4~



msftl <n I

qrltl'lq'<lfffirn~: ~ tit<fH1i cm1l{ 11'1'1 II

SPECIAL EFFECTS : If the Moon be in her friend's Sign or be situated in the 3-6-1 0-11 House or in the 5-9-7 House from the Dashapati, she gives auspicious effects in her Anter Dasha periods.

~ :U~~:tlltf)(ill&lltl: II~~



1tiM~IIlli ~ PclchJql'<'l) 1tllt'Cf)GI~~j tJ'1qJ'11'! I

~~\J1qi~i'HI~"'\Ritlh~ 'CA1111J: ~ llq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN : In the Dasha of the Sun the native sometimes lives in a foreign land (region), has much gains of wealth through the medium of lands, fiery objects, the king, the Brahman, weapons and medicines. Notes : The Sun is regarded as the significator of living in a foreign country (region), the king, fiery objects, medicine, weapons etc. If in the horoscope the Sun is strong and he is the Lord of an auspicious house also, then it is a certainty that the native will get special gains of wealth through the medium and agency of the above mentioned persons and objects.
~sfll::c;~~~'511 ~: '<'lt.<liPciR'l~il)"'it{ I


PcliL<4idCflti~'<~4~: 'fliiC:'1t"t\J1ti4 'if


~ I I~ II

In the Dasha of the Sun the native has interest in mantras, takes recourse to incantation or spells for an ulterior purpose, gets the friendship of the king, performs things due to which he gets fame, speaks much and remains worried with the thought of war, etc. Notes : The above mentioned effects are obtained when the Sun being in his medium strength be situated in the 5th House.



GfflcNOl?iiiiiUT cpim-gm~i ~!8 fttm! 141f1''1'<fi-<ltai!i~ = ~n?l~qf ~ = ~ = ~ 11~ 11

Excessive expenditure, pain in the teeth, abdomen, and eyes, separation from wife and son, fear from the king, fire and from his own brother and quarrel and strife with the men of his own gotra (tribe) these are also the effects obtained during the Dasha of the Sun. Notes : The above mentioned affects are there if the Sun be weakened and be afflicted by Malefic planets .
Gm ~Ol'li'<'4 PI\JI)iqlj'('<q ~~I

diC11RifC1~C4'J~IR:<'II~ '11'11'g&IPI Sl"''~l"g~4: 'I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN IN ARIES : In the Dasha of the Sun when he is in Aries, that is in his exaltation sign, there is increase in interest in religion and deeds of virtue, gains of the wealth earned by the native's father and various kinds of happiness from his wife and sons. Notes : The Sun is the significator of the soul, father, son and 'Sattwikta'. When this planet being the Lord of a Benefic House be situated in the sign of Aries (that is, be exalted) it is quite natural that there will arise Sattwikta Ideas in the native's mind. As a result of it the native has interest in performing deeds of Virtue. If the Sun Lords the 2nd House the native gets paternal property in great degree. The Sun's being the 5th or the 9th Lord the native is very likely to obtain healthy, obedient and long lived progeny .

'CPt't "'fi -<)<JIN1~~'<)W!_I

'<~if'lii8Jq ilg&:J~1'1i ~ ~ "'1J '11'1ql'11"l l!<i II

In the Dasha of the Sun in other place than in his own sign, the native has many kinds of suffering, fear of



disease and evil, pain, opposition with his own men and loss of his quadrupeds (Cattle etc.). Notes : If the Sun being situated in any other sign than in the sign of Aries be in the influence of the Lords of Malefic Houses, the native has fear of his bone being broken, mental suffering, loss of progeny and Cattle and evil effects due to wicked counsel.

cpj<U'Cjdl"'i p~ql~'11'1i SI4'J;s;:j 'f41"'1'11'11'1Yl~ I

~ <i)iil it:IT qgm "Rl"'1i ~ '< ~ c!:tiiW'!, I If. II
THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN IN TAURUS : In the Oasha of the Sun in Taurus there is caused pain to the native's wife and sons, loss through agriculture and conveyance, trouble in the eyes and in the mouth and generally the birth of some heart disease. Notes : If the Ascendant is Aries and the Sun being in the sign of Taurus and is afflicted by Malefic planets or if in the Navamsha Kundali he is in the sign of Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo or Scorpio, it is then that the native gets the above mentioned effects. If the Ascendant be Taurus and the Sun be in conjunction with or aspected .by Malefic planets, the native has losses through the medium of property and agricultural activities, excessive expenditure on Cattle and Conveyance and increase in troubles because of these, and other effects like accident and disregard and disrespect from society. The natives having Gemini Ascendant have losses of wealth due to their coborns. If in the Ascendant of Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio the Sun be situated in the sign of Taurus and be in the influence of Benefic Planets, .then the evil effects are removed. The natives of Libra Ascendant if the Sun be in Taurus have hindrance in the gains of wealth and success in their aims. The natives of SagittariUs Ascendant



have delay in promotion, disreputation and decay of religious instin~t. The Ascendant being Capricorn the native has worry caused due to his son. The natives of Pisces Ascendant have to face the opposition of their relations. If the Ascendant be Aquarius and then the Sun be situated in the sign of Taurus, and be afflicted by Malefic planets, the native's wife has to suffer unusual bodily trouble.
'<dllo:4?1ltllf51):d+tCiii6QCiidf ~: ~ "'q 11~?iii(IDII"(I
~: 'tj&lf.!i ~ "C~clltiilil"(ll911

THE EFFECTS IN THE SUN'S DASHA WHEN HE IS IN GEMINI : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be situated in the Sign of Gemini, the native has effects like Jhe Composition (by the native) of Mantra Shastra and some excellent poem, interest in the Puranas, gains of wealth and property and of happiness. Notes : In the Antardasha of the Sun when he t?e situated in the sign of Gemini, there occurs such effects also as mental conflict, making of various plans, quickness in the completion of the work in hand, and trouble to the native's younger brothers .

. 'Cdllfd'fqlflfd'<d)q ~

'ffiPiltftttci -:q +tlll'ifcfflq: I

~ "C~clltlllil"(llt II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN IN CANCER : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be situated in the Sign of Cancer, the -native gets fame in society, friendship of the king, defeat from his wife, there is increase in an,ger and affliction from the friends. Notes : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be situated in the Sign of Cancer the native's method of work which evinces common sense and reason, gains him popularity. Affliction from the native's friends and increase in him



of anger may be there only if the Sun be afflicted by M~lefic Planets, otherwise in the Dasha of the Sun in Cancer there should be the diminution of anger and the increase of affectionate disposition.

~lfEI'<O~ T.l' cp~lifi414i ti~1"'4~4SIPI ~ 1:fll.l

t41ffiltiRI'6~1qfi'<Ci T.l' qso8J'<q'tt114iC:11SI~Il) I~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN IN LEO : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be situated i.n the Sign of Leo the native has gains of wealth through the royal court, forests and agricultural works, increase in glory and fame, and obtainment of dignity in the court. Notes : If the Sun, when he is situated in the Sign of Leo, be free from malefic influences the native has gain of wealth, conformity from the sons, gets means of entertainment, fame through the medium of intellectual activities and he has development of his counselling power.
'f41(q)0044SI'1i \il"1"i ~ ~q~\ill'11'1j'{\11;:j T.l' I .

~: ~ T.1' 'fi~~tll4i 4S"'411dt41~\Jiili~ ll'to II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN IN VIRGO : In the Dasha of the Sun when he is in the Sign of Virgo, the native has obtainment of daughter, devotion towards the gods and the Brahmins and of Cattle. Notes : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be situated in the Sign of Virgo the native has unusual successes in intellectual activities. There is development in him of analytical and deep and subtle intelligence, increase in humility in his disposition, modesty and Shame facedness, If the Sun be afflicted with malefic influences the native Suffers from backache and stomache.



lil?iiC'I'I\Jii~SI"'C:I'tl ~ ~ ftl~ililli'1't I ~iltii!J~: ~ i11'1ql'1i ~ '<~<filiilli"( llqq II

ThE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN IN LIBRA : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in the Sign of Libra, the native gets distressed due to his son and his wife, has fear of thief and fire, has an opportunity of going to foreign lands and there is increase in him of base feelings. Notes : Besides the above mentioned effects, the native, in the Dasha of the Sun in Libra, feels pain in his kidneys, has obstruction in the urinary tract, the company of base persons, demotion and has fear of being humiliated.
~iliillg'ffi'!"Q '(~<hiilli ~ ~ lf'(CI'~I


Jlq=? II

In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in his sign of debilitation, the native may get deceived unexpectedly by others, has trouble from his wife and friendship with persons of base nature.
~ '<~cfillllli!J~'"''di G)lll'<'lj~: ~ I ~ aui\JI"'44'161 n,.)!lii mm ifSt:Mi+:qi JJq~ 11

If the Sun when he be in the Sign of Libra is situated in the 8th House the native is distressed in his mind, if he is situated in the 6th House the native suffers from having wound or ulcer and trouble from his enemies.
~ Pit~ I~ ftl1111f1'11li~: q~4'\~dilil I

ftr?iT \JI'1"'41'1d~'tlltlf.e: ~ ~

'<~cfillllll"( llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN IN THE SIGN OF SCORPIO : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in the $ign of Scorpio, there is increase in spirit



(energy), pain due to poison, fire and weapons and the native develops reverence towards his father and mother. Notes : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be situated in the Sign of Scorpio there occurs in the native increase of discipline, enthusiasm, energy, Vigour and intelligence in doing research. Therefore, there is special. significance of this Dasha.
<Pcl'SI!J'SI~Fcionfc:tfl'&i ~ '<1\JI~cliC{ ~:I tttlt1'lii'HII1'1tfl'8lllj~l814)441t1'<'4 '<~cftli41't ll'ltt II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in the Sign of Sagittarius, the native has obtainment of happiness through wife, son and wealt~. of honour by royalty and the Brahmins, and happiness from music and Shastras etc. Notes : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in the Sign of Sagittarius, the native becomes unusually conscious towards his aims and objectives, and there is increase in him also of unusual egotism or pride. During this period there is the certainly of the native's getting promotion, fame and honour (if the Sun be the Lord of a Benefic House).
\JII41t1\JI~<4'<j&l~dl t41C:"1~t?J;si ~ Piditl'{ I


'<~cftli41'{ ll'lfc 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN WHEN HE BE IN CAPRICORN : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in the Sign of Capricorn there is lessening in the happiness obtaining from the native's wife, son and wealth, pain due to fear and unusual anxiety due to the native's being subjected to some one.



Notes : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in the Sign of Capricorn there is in the native unusual increase of self restraint, gravity, discipline and strictness. If the Sun be afflicted by a Malefic Planet there also develops selfishness in him. Due to these good qualities or these evil qualities the' native positively obtains his vested interests and objectives.
~e:)iitll:II'!JdPci't1q;ial ffial: q'(I""''I~'!J'l!i "'~I ti~C(i"'~i~Ptlofl'idl ~ cHJIISI~t) llql911

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN WHEN HE BE IN AQUARIUS : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in the Sign of Aquarius, there is in the native the rise of heart disease, of anxiety with regard to progeny, wife and wealth, there is his becoming deprived of the happiness from the grains etc. of others, the fear of his enemies, and the obtainment of extreme poverty. Notes : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be in the Sign of Aquarius the native's son suffers from pti'ysical pain, his wife gets success in her aims and the native himself has anxiety with regard .to his profession. If the Sun be afflicted with the malefic influences there is the possibility of uncommon physical pain due to a heart disease.
't'f!Pci't1tfFM'Iqi.i4: "JI"ftrel \Jti"U~tfl61 "T.I" "ljttl~q;l'il'f: I

CJ~ ';fJ lfHql'ii


GitiiSI~t) llq' II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE SUN WHEN HE BE IN THE SIGN OF PISCES : In the Dasha of the Sun when he be situated in the sign of Pisces there is increase through the medium of wife and wealth in the comforts, increase in honour, trouble to the son and others from fever etc. and useless wanderings.



Notes : In the Dasha ot the Sun when he be situated in the sign of Pisces there is the possibility that the native's progeny may have some mental disease. Generally it has been found that the intensity of the religious feelings in the native is increased.
;c:<~~'iii~d'RIIte"'<tlql'f4 cmT ~Jilli'f1 Tt ~ ~ I
~ QOI\JIIdt?i>Si ~ qmj Tt f?lg\;f;'1"'41: llct~ II

If the exalted Sun be situated in the 8th House his Dasha is the Significator of evil. In the Dasha of the Sun when he be situated in the 6th House the native suffers from pain due to a wound and there is formed a. situation, for the native's father and mother, in which they have some hindrance and obstruction.
~ '<t~f14ca 11101 h 1: fq,frtnnm

fclfclm ttc; io%'i'{

f'""'l~llli cMlliFclft)qc;l:fi ';f~ c;uftintttl I Ro II

At the beginning of the Dasha of the Sun the native's father and mother suffer from much pain and distress. The Dasha of the Sun when he be in the Ascendant House is unusually pain giving (and causes suffering). And the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in the Ascendant House is extremely auspicious.
31i'<'i~oft T.l'iic;llll "'RfOii 'flCif~ ~ fcl*t)qlq_ I ~lq'<)~itf'<'~ fcK;ptt ~ ~ Tt !JI%"11~+( ll~ct II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON : If the Dasha of the Moon be 'Arohini' (rising) there occurs unusual obtainment of success in all the efforts of the native. If the Dasha be Avarohini (falling) there occurs delay in all his efforts and is subjected to dullness of mind.
';f~ c;llii!OI~ll) '<t~~'(jOjj ~

ll'fmn I

d~t'<l!J~iq~: ~ 1{~q~qiTi"'diSI~~: II~~ II

'tl""' '"5I Rl til


fcffcrm ~"'IIli '1f'11 4><'11 c61ltl Wlll ~til -:q I

'l'f"~mftr~: ~m en afclo~q<'ll7if: 11~~11

At the beginning of the Dasha of the Moon there is the obtainment of much honour, the post of a minister, royal or governmental favour, devotion towards gods and Brahmins, most excellent Mantra and desire for getting education. There is the incoming of wealth through many means, obtainment of skill in many crafts, and of wealth through scents, seasame seeds fruits, flowers and trees etc.
~:~ 4'<)44>1'<1~ +tRI:zf:tiUI
$tiffiti: 11~<'1'1~~('Cj 4i"'l11SI\111'tl~ ~gt'CI'!. II~~ II

In the Dasha of the Moon the native also obtains fame, clean glory, courtesy, and honour due to beneficiency has love for wandering, gets daughter and sweetness in his temperament.
~ 4i4o~ Rl 'ttl <Fe t'CI+tl <'I +ll Pi a 1~ <'I til
llf+tT -;q 1

~: ~ ij)if>IPi<'llfiiCfll+t8Jq ~ ll=?'i II

. 'ft~it'<'l\:1: tci\11""1


Q)~SI'tlif'l El\11(iqtil -:q I

~ -:q ~ 'tll+tl"'llti: cCJ!<1ti~tiC:?I I!:?~ II

In the. Dasha of the Moon the native has aptitude for activities relating to water, laziness, restlessness, forgiveness, interest in agricultural work, purity, excess of phlegm and wind, increase of strength, opposition with his own men, there is occurrence of some event which may cause suffering, he speaks without purpose, has volatility of mind and loss of interest towards good deeds.
Notes : If the Moon being fully strong be the lord of Benefic Houses there is the obtainment of Benefic effects relating to the Moon. In the reverse situation there occur inauspicious effects.





-l.'' -~=r:rnr ilFllicp'fll <HIISI4ftl 41ttlt'l1\iii'1"G+t'CI \il'11'11'!. I

Pcr~iliijjijffli'<itt<44: ~ ~ Biit)'(iCffiii'\iiiAqi\;JT I ~1911

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN THE SIGN OF ARIES : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in the Sign of Aries the .native has obtainment of happiness due to his wife and progeny, interest in a work related to some foreign country, does excessive expenditure, has cruelty in his disposition, pain in his head and obstacles in his way are put by his Coborns and his en~mies. Notes : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in Aries there occur mixed results of the Moon and of Mars. Therefqre, the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of Mars and his being strong or weak have also influence on the effects of the Dasha.
~ Gm \il\ii'li'l: !fclijtil~ it~~ I 4) 11 Pci ~ IC'I1\il4 i'J g'< if<i\ill f?<:t:fft 184) q il :d \illi T.l I ~ ~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN TAURUS : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in the sign of Taurus there is the obtainment of kingdom according to the native's lineage, happiness due to the increase of wife, progeny, jewels, . cow, horse, elephant etc. and the obtainment of victory. Notes : In this Dasha there is the obtainment of special qains of property through the native's mother, profit of products produced through agriculture, obtainment of parental property and increase in popularity and other such effects.
'l(ij~(f))ou~t~'lflt~n4<hn ~ ~1 ~: w41~Ui4tl) ~ cpi61Ptcllfc1 '<'<1\il~~it)tll{ ~~~II




SHE BE IN HER MOOL TRIKONA SIGN : If the Moon be situated in her Mool Trikona Sign, then in her Dasha the native undertakes a journey in a foreign land, has gains of wealth by the buying and selling of agricultural products, suffers from disease due to phlegmatic and windy disorders, and opposition from his own men. Notes : The Moon is in her exaltation upto 3 degrees in the Sign of Taurus and is in her Mool Trikona Sign in the remaining 27 degrees.
~~~: qjqjPtfti:~~"'1ll\iil"'1"'41:1

~ 1RTif GI"'!Cf)ifll ~ lftUII""!t1'f1'11"'1'<~'1+{ ll~o II

If the Moon being situated in the first half of Taurus be afflicted with the Malefics, then there occurs the death of the native's mother; and if she being situated in the second half of Taurus be afflicted with the Malefics then there occurs the death of the native's father or he has pain as is caused by death and there occurs the destruction of happiness.
~ ~4~Gtl:qf~ I

~ ~~ fcm;f ifllictjd"'l =tf"4~~ttR!~41Ci "q ll~q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN GEMINI : If the Moon be situated in the Sign of Gemini, then in her Dasha the native has devotion towards gods and Brahmins, happiness arising from the consumption of wealth, transfer from one place to another, rise of right intelligence and obtainment of grandeur. Notes : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in the Sign of Gemini there is in the native unusual development of imaginative power, analytical capability, and creativity. If the Moon being the Lord of a Benefic House be in conjunction with a Benefic Planet her Dasha



period proves to be unusually energy giving to the persons associated with writing on problems with regard to art, acting, music and contemporary topics.
~ Cf)('11Pt'tf: 'flliNiifl 4~q<4pfqSI~f4l: I

Cfl<'11Cfl<'1141Cfl<'14 .-:q ~


'<'fil1tu'IGSICfl)q: II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN CANCER : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in Cancer there is increase of quadrupeds, wealth and farming, obtainment of dexterity in arts, interest in making travels on mountains and in forests and fear of having disease in the sexual organs. Notes : If the situation is favourable this Dasha makes the native tend towards doing deeds of public welfare. There occurs in the native development of receptivity, concentration, affectionateness and sensitivity. There arise opportunities of increase in -wealth through the medium of farming and cattle rearing. Besides these the native has gains through the medium of household equipments.
~ PtlliiCfl'<+ti

"4'TirJ ;ffis~.~ -:q ~ 1

tfi"''~+tj!I~IRI IIH II

. ~ mmfl


THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN LEO : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in the sign of Leo, there are the gains of wealth, obtainment of most excellent rank but there occurs restlessness in the body and decay in sexual energy. Notes : In this Dasha there occurs generally the decay of vital powers due to which there is feeling of bodily pain and .lessening of sexual powers. But the native completes also such deeds which bring him dignity.

~6' <;:tiiSI~:t)


Fclchllil4 'CIP!t~)q('1f&r: I

cr;('11C6('11ql+t('1~F.&qf.&: ~u ~~~'<1011'!. ll~'d 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN VIRGO : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be in the Sign of Virgo the native undertakes a journey in a foreign land, has happiness through wife, clear understanding of activities and deeds relating to art (Craft) and obtainment of a little wealth. Notes : If the Moon be situated in the Sign of Virgo then in her Dasha the native becomes uncommonly well versed in the subject of his interest as there develops in him the ability of clear understanding of the minute details of his subject.
C6('11PI~'fl~ldtll ~ ~ lf"'l': tlllsPituFcluc:;: I

'CITG'U ~ T.J ~: ~ 4)=tH1i;: ll~'i II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN LIBRA : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in the Sign of Libra, there is volatility in the native's mind, he suffers pain due to his wife, has useless discussions with the other people, loss of wealth, of enthusiasm and the company of base people. Notes : These effects are there when the Moon be endowed with less strength or she has the influence upon her of Malefic Planets. In the reverse situation there develops in the native interest ih artistic aptitudes. The native has love for his wife, interest in poetry and gains in business activities.
~1:4)qliltltll ~ tl!IENI~C!f.&ifm ;:1'<1011'{ I

Fcl<i'IW'i ~ tci\JI4'1 ."fi i11'1~tll'1~fclq;~~"ttl ll~fc II




SHE BE IN SCORPIO : In the Dasha of the Moon when she in her sign of debilitation there occurs to the native's . the increase of many diseases, opposition with the native's Coborns., loss of respect and various kinds of cares and anxieties.
lii!Jif>4'iil)q~c!~nlli '+I~C:qlfa: wlllilwlll+'lll"'. 1



\JI"tlll'51ql'f: 11~!911

If the Moon situated in the sign of Scorpio be in her deepest debilitation, that is, if she be on more than 3 degrees in this sign, then in this Dasha, the native has gains through buying and selling, loss of interest towards religious deeds, and interest in irreligious ones and there is abatement in the native of love for his friends. Notes : lf the Lord of the Chandra Lagna be in the sign of debilitation then there is the birth of diseases '\xhich are caused due. to change of seasons., Pandit DhundiRaj has also spoken of the .effects oft<gains to the native through buying and selling. But ca,reful consideration should be there while making this prediction. Then we shall be able to have the correct knowledge of the rrieans of gains of money. For this purpose we will have to consider the tendencies of the particular Lagna. Thus the tendency of the Ascendant of Libra is that in this Lagna the native has the aptitude for doing trade. Therefore, if the Ascendant be Libra and the Moon be in her sign of debilitation in the second House (in more than 3 degrees in the sig1: of Scorpio), then there may be gains from buying and selling. But if the Ascendant be Gemini and the Moon be in her sign of debilitation in the 6th House, then there will be gains of wealth through being a mediator because the natives having Gemini Ascendant can most efficiently do the work of middlemen. And again, the 6th House is the significator of other people. Therefore it is



quite natural that there should be gains of wealth through the other people. We give here the example of a horoscope of this kind. Date of birth

Time of birth
1ST. 9 P.M.




~p (A)
Ket Aah Sun Ven Sat

Moon Mer (A


Navamsha Kundali



Moon Aah Mer Ket Sat Ven Jup

Here the Moon being the 2nd Lord is in conjunction with Mercury, the significator of mediatorship in the 6th House. It was due to this combination that the native could be successful in earning huge wealth through the work of a middleman



ill4~441d~ T.t 11'flt1'<11il<hii!Oi~lt) '1\JI<liRilf!~ :1

'!qfRifdlm4t:fa~diM"'ll?l ~~1'4'<jiBIIPI1:f'1 II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN THE SIGN OF SAGITTARIUS : If the Moon be situated in the Sign of Sagittarius then in her Dasha there is for the native obtainment of more elephants and horses, the loss of formerly accumulated wealth, and the native has obtainment of fortune and comforts by going to some other place. Notes : The Sign of Sagittarius gives significatorship to the conveyance of faster speed and in the natural horoscope the Moon being the 4th Lord is also .regarded as the significator of conveyance. Therefore, it is quite conceivable that there should be the increase of conveyance in the Dasha of the Moon when she be situated in the sign of Sagittarius. In this Dasha the native makes a new plan of doirig some new trade and industry in which it is necessary for him to invest his formerly accumulated money. But due to the success in this new plan there is also the earning of new wealth.
~:8' WGT '1CI>'<Rmf: '<jfl'tliBIIPi ~"11'1'1"11Pi T.t I
t1jt11'1Pi<'ll't'IMjRd '1'1"11'1'1"11PI

~ II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN CAPRICORN : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be in the sign of Capricorn the native gets happiness through his son, has gains of wealth, weakness in the body due to severe windy attacks and makes frequent travels.
~ T.t ~ <4'<1'11Pi ~ 'fg'1f"1<ll"1i ~ ~ I
?fiUfl4H~fffi'ffi ~

<au!OI?n) ~: I !'do II




SHE BE IN AQUARIUS: In the Dasha of the Moon when she be in the sign of Aquarius the native suffers from some abdominal disease, becomes a victim to some addiction, has weakness in the body, is indebted and has capriciousness in his mind.
~~~+1i~M~11~~:1 <6cl?lf':l?lt:f4ouf'1\Jiitl+f~~4)h c::tl'11'<'l!Q'J;sl 1~q II

If the Moon being situated in the sign of Aquarius be in the Navamsha of Aquarius, then in his Dasha the native has enmity with a stronger enemy, separation from his wife, friend, wealth and progeny etc, and experiences pain in his teeth and mouth.
#i'1)4llld'<'ll Ti ~it~: I

<6cl?i:J?ii~'tje1PI ~ Tf31Hm ~f%14qlca'<'~: I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN PISCES : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be in the sign of Pisces the native has gains through the objects produced in water, happiness of wife and son, suppresses his enemies and there is increase in his . knowledge.
~ ~ ~"li~M~ii!Oi~'li "1~~'1\JII:tqli I :J':itl~fl)q ~:J'11:tl!j~Jil"""'j14'iit' mTr "1#1111'! I~~ II

If the Moon being situated in the sign of Pisces be in the Navamsha of the sign of Pisces: then in her Dasha there is for the native gains of t5Utfalo, horse and elephant, joy due to his son etc., the end of his enemies and the obtainment of fame.

G~ii!Oih~ ~: 4141Rifdt:Cllti!J(\'1"1: ~I &?ru) ~ ~"li'lfl t1+4q<f)<'i !011"1~0 ~ I~'d II




SHE BE IN THE 12TH HOUSE : In the Dasha of the Moon when she be in the 12th House there are gains through illegal means. And if the emaciated Moon be situated in the 6th House, in such situation also there are the gains of wealth in the same way.
~. ' '"' ~ '~ :rn:r ..,~~~"<"'ittt<Qie+t"Jiq'I"GiciftliiN:tl It- .,.,..,.>r.:r' 'IGIC(41'1:

"fQTT'{ 1.

flNI4gm) ~ ~ \JII~UJ~ err ~ ~: ll'!{'i 11 THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN HER DEBILITATION SIGN : If the Moon being in her sign of Debilitation be situated in the 8th House, there is the birth of disease in her Dasha; and if such Moon be in conjunction with Malefic Planets there occurs the Death of such a native or there occurs his banishment from his caste.
di'(Blgl: 't<l~iq<Jgl~'fioo qUWRI+tl"ilj'l<ll ~ ~:I

~~~-a Pl\JI41C6C61Ji.ll=cuPtt "fi ~ fcl~~'! ll'!{f. II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS:If the 5 planets Mars etc. being in their sign of exaltation or in their own signs happen to be Retrograde, in their Dashas, they give mixed effects, that is, they give both auspicious and inauspicious effects. The wise Astrologers should consider the effects keeping this fact in their mind.
tlllt<li4J ~~"i"Gt<Q q ~ UHII'Ci:l ~-


qg&JC::IC::f?l m.fT

"11"11fci~'(;EI~: I

f?l'tll~uq~cfi\S;:t ~ q ~~'1~
~ q Pl\JII<'Ill cpf<;tft~ 1ffij; ~ ~: 11'1{1911

In the Dasha of Mars there are for the native gains of wealth through the medium of the king, medicines, Cattle, and many kinds of undertakings. And in the Dasha of inauspicious Mars the native suffers from disorders of



bile, and blood, fever and such other troubles, gets punished from the ki"ng's side, degenerates from the right (moral) path, becomes (often) unconscious and has affliction in his home.

<{<'1 ~'~ ij)jU i4'1d't4

~ '~l'd't41t'1UI<il'<'fti'L<ll't. . ' 'tiCf) &110

~: ~ '<'tll\fl"f '(OIJi;u) iil'<i'll~ Fci:t)llllq II ~U.II

In the Dasha of Mars when he be in his Mool Trikona Sign there is .fur the native happiness from progeny and wife, gain of wealth from risky undertakings, victory in the battle, and gain of glory.
i)t:t'Jq;qld't4 Tt ~ ~: 41<()1~

fcm;r 'l{i<'llf.!ll

't41ffi"'dRI: '<'tll\'<'t'lfl'i&lm '11'11Fcit41'<1RI'<'t~q: ~ I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN ARIES : In the Dasha of Mars when he be situated in the sign of Aries there are done deeds conferring well being (auspicious deeds), there is obtainment of progeny, increase in courage, fear of fire and rise of enemies .
. ~41Si~:t) ~:~:1 31'1<"'1ut('<f) ~: 4'<)41'<1G'<dl



THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN TAURUS : In the Dasha of Mars when he be in the sign of Taurus, there is in the native's splendour, he has too many talks, devotion towards his guru and deity, and the rise of the feeling of beneficiency.
~ ~ SICII'<'lfil<1hf.!l<'l~'d4l)4: I
~: 't41<'<"Ciut~fcf'<)~ "!"<': <'11$1'1

f.lffii ~:

I Jl.jq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN GEMINI : In the. Dasha of Mars when he be in the sign of Gemini the native goes to some foreign land, suffers from windy and' bilious diseases, does much expenses, has



opposition from his own men, knowledge of arts and crafts and achieves practicability.

: In the Dasha of Mars when he be situated in the sign of Cancer there is for the native gain from such deeds as growing a garden, doing fiery deeds, separation from wife and son, mental affliction and physical weakness.
wf4mo%'Jili'II3J\JI'('(l ~ ~: :J>ll'"'<'lcf!JorNqst: 1

ilgtll~idil'l EI<'ICIIS!CM=<lidi\JIIlid ~: llti~ II

If in the sign of Cancer the situation of Mars be in more than 28 degrees, then in his Dasha the native enjoys fame, has all the imaginable qualities, obtainment of Cattle wealth, of bodily strength and suffers pain from some sudden secret disease.
~&+11t1'1litll ~


~~"'11li4>t11 ~I

cpl'"dl'<jdl@)'lil fci4'!Pidi T.l erTm ~ ~~di'II\JIIdl llti'd II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN LEO In the Dasha of Mars when he be situated in the sign of Leo the native becomes an officer over many other people, gets separated from wife and progeny and pain and trouble from weapon and fire.
cp"llljllldiSq(}j'1~'1'('(1 ~ tl~lili'N<~ "R: "'tli'RJ. I

li$1IW;llilll>!f?l tiiC::Uil C::I'<IM\J1)~1"4'tfl'!Sll'1_ llti'i II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN VIRGO : In the Dasha of Mars when he be situated in the sign of Virgo there occurs in the native increase in virtuous conduct, rise of feelings of reverence towards deeds such as Yajnas etc. and happiness of wife progeny, lands, wealth and property etc.



gt1i'I~CII'<jd41CfiCfilcl ~~~~:I :qgtqC:r<tlqCfiR;iw'<'liHo)e:M'i Cl' ~CfiCiii;-<lfe: II~ f. II.

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN LIBRA : In the Dasha of Mars when he be situated in the sign of Libra the native gets bereft of wealth and wife, has loss of Cattle, lacks enthusiasm due to incidents of quarrel an<;l has physical disability.
~ qfhcti'<l~l'l'fll ~ ~ <p~cti4ctietll

'tCI'<1\1tU~ \illd'1'1: wqRI!fc?l &~"''i"'RI\il(i<ICfi:t=q l!lil911

THE EFFECT OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN SCORPIO : In the Dasha of Mars when he be situated in the sign of Scorpio the native has an aptitude for farming, engages himself in the accumulation of wealth, has jealousy against many and has opportunities when he has to talk excessively.
~ ~'<l'<jdifll QICfi!OI~:t) ~:1


'1~~1Ei'1'1)'<~: iflllt'<PR;iQ'<1{\)4~diffiqfJI ~lll

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN SAGITTARIUS : In the Dasha of Mars when he be in the sign of Sagittarius, the native develops feelings of devotion towards gods and Brahmins, obtainment of the desired object from the king and some festivity is broken.

' ~ ' .:::...===rrr.::rr.:ll' '1wi4'1d'fll 41<#'<ili414<'1fcil: 'tCI*CIIj"ll"''lq I



Pteti"ti '<1~'<Moqi~Cfi'<qi~~IIL<4"t II~~ II

THE EFFECT OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN CAPRICORN : In the Dasha of Mars when he be situated in the sign of Capricorn there is the obtainment of kingdom according to the native's lineage, of victory in a battle and in a debate and happiness of having diamond, gold and horse etc.



\'J'Cqi'llj'ffi'fll 1t'Hjd'f4 "tj"j'Q; wlk11fgt!ICj ClSI~~f.&: I 'llt?li'iSillitf.qiqC:o'isfq ~: 'titl'itN'I("Netl'1l\IWlli'<11: llfeo II

If Mars be situated in the sign of Capricorn in more than 28 degrees, then in his Dasha the native gets success in his efforts, has fear from weapon and leopard etc., obtainment of satisfaction, has dispute with many and it is the period in which he makes extreme efforts to get his objective.
3ilill"<t'l'16 '<jdiRRI"di iqiiCI'4)~1'<1'11~cleti+t I
~)qllld'fll "i1' '1i;cl'f4 'fliiNIClSClSRi't iflclqd~q llfeC! II

ThE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN AQUARIUS : In the Dasha of Mars when he be situated in the sign of Aquarius there occurs in the native decay in good conduct, anxiety relating t.o the son etc., excessive expenditure, agitation of feelings and restlessness.
<?i'1)qllmlq~'1"G'1'f4 C:iliiwh) ~ 'CjdiRRI"dil

iiCilli1llt'Ci "il' w"t)qcl~fclii~ClSIC:~fcl<hiql'<1: life=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN PISCES : In the Dasha of Mars when he be in the sign of Pisces, the native has anxiety about progeny, does much expenditure, suffers from some disease, has gain of wealth, gets such skin diseases as ringworm, itching etc. and lives in some foreign land.
'<1~UI'1'<1+SIItt\J1lll~ tqcll~ffiS~: I ~ ~ "il'
'11'11fcltlqjclf6:r: life~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS IN VARGOTTAMA : If Mars be situated in his Vargottama Navamsha then in his Dasha the native has victory in the battle, there is increase in his virtues and obtainment of many things.



~~~'!~ l{;ffit~:l Cf><'l~"j& c614'1d)q ~ ~ I If;~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS WHEN HE BE IN HIS DEBILITATED NAVAMSHA : If Mars be situated in "his debilitation sign in the Navamsha, then in his Dasha the native wanders uselessly, suffers from mental anxiety, faces obstacles in the works in hand, has the company of base persons and loss of fame.

"lcl81Cl)'lon'<zt"Jt:~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~: '<1E.ilt:'11<.'1''<UIIf.!l ~ llf;~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MARS WHEN HE BE IN HIS MOOL TRIKONA SIGN : If Mars being in his Mool Trikona Sign be situated in the 1Oth House then in his Dasha there is for the native obtainment of kingdom, victory over his enemies and gains of conveyance arid jewels. THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY
fii'EllfiiC\q,SI~\I'flild: ~:I


"fi '+14'"'1jiill~ :tilli\JI'<'4 ~

llf;f; II

lli('CII~C#4ol1Rtcrfl:trcl '<'41~t'll~ffi&~ttPtffcn~q ~I

'C'ilii'El~11~'<i~4Qr'1'<1i.G o~\"'IJt:Plllfatil'i_ llf;19 II

In the Dasha of Mercury when he be in an auspicious situation the native has increase in education, discretion and wisdom and lordship, interest in agricultural work and in doing Yajnas, obtainment of wealth from many enterprises, gets interested in music and musical instruments, completes the construction of a new building, the mak.ing of jewels and vessels etc.

C#l<.'1tP'1t'i'4 lil'14~q<.'1f&f: I

\:Hit.((4filiiC(!J'<i'C1411t'i'4 C#<.'1?i:J?II~'&'Iq<.'1f&J: llf;C II


. 739

If Mercury has medium auspiciousness there are for the native opportunities for having curiosity, conversation, interest in laughter and merriment, obtainment of happiness, courtesy, the affection of the Acharya and the pandits and gurus and happiness through wife and progeny.
~ l'Jl'G1 <JlQlqld~{?tHf~S~ T.t 'tfl""1414> I

<rffi~ gf4~14 ~ ~~ ~ ftl~kll't I If,~ II

In the Dasha of Mercury when he be afflicted with the conjunction of a Malefic, the native suffers from phlegmatic, Bilious and windy disorders and has little accumulation of wealth. The learned astrologers have to predict of the effects having consideration of the strength and weakness, auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of the planets.
1)li[~.nt'i'lditjRI\JIId414> ~ ~ OR: ~I

ffi lll id qt'i!t Idtil gm~

f4 j'ffi'tfl \JI"'4 f4 ~ f.t : ~ : I k9o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY WHEN HE BE IN ARIES : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be situated in the sign of Aries, the native lives in several places, has theft in his house, tells lies, practises gambling, there is increase in deceitfulness in him, separation from his own men and diminution of wealth.

. '-' ~' C4ll<f0+1j6ll: I \JI'511lJ'<i.,,<HiiSI4:tl '11g'MPioeil il <tlC1 ?I!J?I fll=su R~~ 1~: 1k9q 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN TAURUS : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be situated . in the sign of Taurus, the native has more expenses, some evil happens to his mother, he has anxiety with regard to his wife, son and friend and gets distressed due to disease in the throat and fear.



~ ~~ ~ tii~C6qlt1i tiG!MC6t1i I til'<lt'i'IG!tllftt'&)qq~~l ;:i ~5 ~fA': I k9=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN GEMINI : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be in the sign of Gemini, there is the condition in the native of . mental conflict, there are many opportunities of talks for him, he has tendency to speak too much, is happy due to the happiness of wife, son and Coborns but is bereft of the happiness of his mother.
~ ~ Pcl~ltlql'ttiM'<j~ ~:I ~5 'tttiPI<44>clll\;it11~~llf ~ Qlq'ttl<:i<gm: Ik9~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN CANCER : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be situated in the Sign of Cancer, the native lives in foreign land, has obtainment of only a little happiness, opposition with his friends, earns wealth through the medium of the most excellent poetry and art and devotedly engages himself in his profession.

~"QTQ;~~~I tcl fll ?I~ I'< It'i1 \i1 ffl <!4 ~I Pf : 'flll ;::q I'1 q I'1 i '1 ftt ~1'1 til Ti I k9'd II
THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN LEO : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be situated in the sign of Leo the native faces unstability with regard to wealth, has increase in patience, less happiness due to his friend, wife and son and suffers losses in the deeds relating to the intellect.
~ "QTQ; 'flliO+jJ"tq) ~ EJS-~~: I Rilt11~qat5


i;\'lfttgm: I k9~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN VIRGO : If being situated in the sign of Virgo Mercury be in the degrees of his exaltation, the native obtains



much grandeur and power, gets interested in writing, composing poetry, gets victory over his enemies and is prudent and politic
10(i1~4l'IUfl41t1'<4 ~ fcl~cpfcl11~!}0!:

wrut: I

Pclhilli"''lj'H1) "R: '<41t<l'<lw'IIC::i8"CR1 ~: Ikg~ II

If in the sign of Virgo Mercury be situated in the Mool Trikona part of Virgo, the native has increase in his discrimination, learning etc., goes to some foreign land, has obtainment of wealth through hard work and of practicability.
gi\'~4l)OJJW>tOJ!>iCj)tli~ ~ q~tfR..<4~iPJ: I ~~ fclcp('ltcl>t"' Cj)~!>ittilsFt!Pc!t'i"''t'll ~ 1kg19ll

If being situated in the sign of Virgo the situation of Mercury be ahead of the degrees of his exaltation and Mool Trikona, in his Dasha the native has loss of happiness which is due to Cattle, enmity with his own men, pain in his body and there occurs excessive loss due to quarrel. g('liit'l'fil"'5'!1t1'<4 ~ ~~ <i:S~>tfaqJpq('IJ:ft I ~lc;t4J~Cj)quljfa~:JUi ~ qJ~I\illt'I)S~: q~q);g;i ~ I kg~ II THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN LIBRA : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be situated in the sign of Libra ther.e is weakening of eyes, intelligence, and speech and lessening of happiness, obtainment of skill and dexterity in the works related to Craft, gains of wealth from trade and there is increase of disease in his Cattle.

~ ~ ~ ~liCiiq~)4j\JI'J~:r atltmCj)4w>touj'<m) ~ ~: tc~\ii~Filgm: rkg~ 11




SCORPIO : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be situated in the sign of Scorpio the native has lack of contentment, has good conduct, excess of expenditure and .separation from his own men.
ill'<lfi'11bQifi'1di "lfffi'll !~ ~ tl'11llCfl: ~ I

1jfr 'ff '11"1elldlfl~d:

cp~fsblliRI'tlgo'l ~: I k:o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be in the sign of Sagittarius, there is the obtainment for the . native of the lordship of many, the post of a minister, . increase in fame and gains of wealth through the medium of farming.

ijlli\\''<!"1~~ ~ ~ ~ ?H:Ui '1'11011'{ I

tl~qie4 ~ cpqet'Cij~.W~H ~ "1Rit'i'1ol 'ff 1k:q 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN CAPRICORN : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be- in the sign of Capricorn there is increase in the indebtedness of the native, he wanders in many places, tends to be deceitful has friendship with the base type of people and deprivation of intelligence.
tfl+:q'f4 ~ ~ Rlt'i'1ft\illlfJSvfiRIPI :'(<{: I
fl:l?li~4'l;siqR4'J~diMI R!~illlll'1<4''11j'<'ffi: II~=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF MERCURY IN AQUARIUS : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be in the Sign of Aquarius there occurs the decay of the native's brilliance, he becomes extremely penurious, he is sad due to troubles to his friends, makes travels to foreign lands and tends towards addictions.
~T:Iim=i~ !~ ~ R!aCfl't'll~q~.~RI~ ~=I ~ <4qfilllil'itc:>t: t41C:@4c:>tiOJ: <f'liCfllllCfli~: I k:~ II




PISCES : In the Dasha of Mercury when he be in the deepest debilitation part of the sign of Pisces the native becomes bereft of discrimination and truth, shifts to some other place, gets busy in his activities, earns only a small gain and has physical debility.
G*lii!OI~:t) ~G*lli~dt4 ~~: "t4R{ I
~r~r>h:t1ii1:tiit?i~'t'11 lJ~""'jQI: ~ 'fcATq: IIC611

li$11R4l4ol1Rit11G 'ltti

llll&<Jfftm\11~<1lfffl: I

~~~: :J?IIRdltt: 3'<it1t41:fl! 11~~11

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER: In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be endowed with auspiciousness and strength the native has the obtainment of his desired objective through the medium of the Prime Minister of the King, performs some good deed, has increase in the knowledge of religion and the 'Agam Shastras', politeness, interest in the deeds such as Yajna etc., devotion towards deity and Brahmins, special gains of wealth, increase in lordship and supremacy and happiness through son and wife.
'\"ll+il'lltJIRt1<!1~4C1f414<'1~qq~: ~ Ti 1
idiidiiifl:lfclili'IUfJ-dl: tlR'IirRI~W II~~ II

In the Dasha of Jupiter when his strength is of the medium level the native has obtainment of land, clothes, horse etc., increase in strength, respect in his family, increase in the excellent strength of thought with regard to Past and future, company of gentlemen and increase of right intellect and patience.
Git:iR<?I-si~ ~ ~ fcl~"'t4't I


4&Ri'II~I!J'ffi't ll~l911

In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be bereft of strength,



there should be the consideration also sometimes of pain due to fever and disease in the throat that is, the native suffers from pain due to fever and disease in the throat. In this way the ancient learned astrologers have spoken of the effects of the Dasha of Jupiter in a general way. Now we speak of the effects of the Dasha of Jupiter in each of the Rashis.
t;ltiiSI~:t' ~q~JI~d'<"'ll &jtj~Q4id'<"'ll 'Oi~~'(IDJI+t.l

-wi ~ ij'illlq;tci

ij;cl?I:J?II~'!Ji&~Qctfd:T: I Ia II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN ARIES : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in the sign of Aries the native has much gains of wealth, lordship over many persons and obtainment of happiness from wife, son etc.
'!'l~4llid'<"'ll q~: '<"'lliGnSI~:t~ ~s~~~ Fcl~~i41~ ijtlil\'<18
Fcl'tli('qdl Fcl'tllo)fMH II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN TAURUS : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in the sign of Taurus the native is distressed with much trouble, lives in some foreign land, displays courage in a number of ways but is only a little wealthy and bereft of h:ippiness.
' ~ ~' ......Rt gnuQ4id'<"'ll f!l\ttld8 c:;nw4:tl ~: "<J' .. : "'<"'ll'R!. 1

llT?IT Tf ~

q;ct?l41t; rRrFclttit;d'd: I ~o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN GEMINI : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in the sign of Gemini there is increase in the native of pure feelings, opposition with mother and Coborns and argument with wife and he remains unhappy due to all these.
~ '<"'lliNiq;q;rJI !rct'<l\i4ct~: I

Fcl~re'1rk1r ~dtil!J~~~u ~ ~ T~ 1~q 11




CANCER : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be situated in the sign of Cancer the native has obtainment of kingdom that is, of his rights, according to. his lineage, fame, friendship with the most excellent persons and increase of wealth etc.
41T.I'f'lft'<iiit ~ qiC6wc'!l~) f?tt1'11t15 ~ 1

'{qffuitHtCZiq~en)vr 'ffiTU "''I"''ICZitl"''l~: IIQ,=? II

If in the sign of Cancer Jupiter be in more degrees than those of his exaltation, in his Dasha there. is trouble to the native's parents, the native himself remains distressed due to the loss and destruction of his pre-earned wealth and suffers due to being subjected to many addictions.

'''t'""'"""'.,,~v"'"" q1Cf)R41tl Q'1410CIC::IWJ: I


';I"''J'''D''lrr.;ir' iqiEI11"11 ~


"' IIQ,~ t41\iill~ldi\\JIIj\il\illt'ltN:


THE EFFECTS OF THE D~SHA OF JUPITER IN LEO : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in the sign of Leo there is increase in the native's wealth, he tends towards giving charity, gets honoured by the king and has happiness from wife and son and brother.




.llo ' 'ftqi41jti41

iq'ii"''C'Iiit.J: I

.... <6""1"'d=I'!J""d""l4""1'<~'EI'!J:o:r.mt!l :

Cf) C:: I~itt\~ I~ oft~

: <6 C1 ~ w tl'ffi : IIQ,~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN VIRGO : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in the sign of Virgo the native gets honour from the king, has happiness from wife and son but at time, he he has quarrels with the people of lower level.


' <6C1?1:J~: ~Ulffil~fl"1) ~ 1JI"1CC: ~ IIQ,~ II

The EffectS OF THE DASHA OF JUPIER IN LIBRA : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in the sign of Libra there is decay in the level of though, moderation in eating



(abstemiousness), quarrel with wife and son and the native is bereft of enthusiasm.

:a m1h1

'1Riwtt'1tf: 1

~: 'tjdh'fM!Jtl~ fcA'rn)~ ~ Pl4fl'1 "tR: l~fc II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN SCORPIO : IN the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in Scorpio there is increase of intellectual activities, even greater increase of capability and learnedness, obtainment of progeny, the native is full of enthusiasm, has politeness and. is without debt and principles.


'1Pti'11rifjtiq: I

'flll rif Iu~ cl'JcriJ '4fc: 'CfT :w<JA : ~?II f.tl d : :e.ftq ii'ils:Jmfi : I ~19 II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS : If in the sign of Sagittarius Jupiter be in the part of his Mool Trikona, in his Dasha there is increase in intellectual activities, obtainment of the post of sub divisional magistrate (S.D.M.) or state ministership, reverence towards father and faith towards wife.
'i'&i:tlitiut: 4'<d*til ~ ~ ~~~j'C~c!:tii41i{ I



'+R: ~: I~~ II

If in the sign of Sagittarius if Jupiter be in other place than in the part of the Mool Trikona, then in his Dasha there is the rise of interest towards agricultural work, Yajnas and animal husbandry and Cattle rearing.
~'Eiim=i~ ~nf.tlatll j'<~c!:tu4i 4'<Cfi4Cflaf 1

'+ftlibt~\iilld'<jltl'C~tn tiicGPcl4~tn ~8 I~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN CAPRICORN : If Jupiter be in the sign of Capricorn in the deepest degrees of debilitation, in his Dasha the native is in the service of others, has disease in



belly and in the parts which are kept concealed and is bereft of wealth and Coborns.
qliftti~offif(iiCI'IRMt1'fll ~ Plm:m:cp~?ll

wnftr: I

~~~ cr~ ~ +tiOiq'fllllqooll

If in the Sign of Capricorn Jupiter be ahead of his degrees of debilitation, that is, ahead of 5 degrees, in his Dasha the native does the profession of a sailor, he has gains of wealth from agriculture and planting trees and has affliction caused due to cunning and deceitful persons. 414lSithtl ~ ~OR: ~: I
FcliUISIRi<Gil~+tl\l+tRi: 'flllt<l)l"f!IFcl("'lttlj'<?ll Pldl"ff't_ llqoq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN AQUARIUS : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in the sign of Aquarius the native gets the knowledge relating to arts, remains ready and engaged in acquiring education, has obtainment of fame and wealth, does wise deeds and is engrossed in enjoying sex with his wife. !Rtif)441d'fll "if~: 'fliiGU51h'l ~~I

41Ml\l'i&'tif llqo~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF JUPITER IN PISCES : In the Dasha of Jupiter when he be in the sign ot Pisces the native is thoughtful and reflective, has happiness of having son, wife and property, gets fame and has unusual happiness due to his being honoured by the king's family.
~t'41+tlt'<l: 't<fl4414lSihl ~ I

'11'11'114 'll"''qi"''j Sl~4ft<I)"Gcf'flii+!JC(11'11ffi1Mj~: llqo~

1'ffi) ~ St'4 "d ti \illdl\ tfl Fcl iU If4 Itt sft Rifl> 'l:if I'M'!'J (ii : I ~61*1'1SI~fflcfm ~ fcrw"Q en~ en 11qo~ 11.



THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS: In the Dasha of Venus when she be fully strong the native has obtainment of wife, jewels, diamonds and clothes, respect in society in a number of ways, surge of sexual desire, and increase in happiness, obtainment of excessive happiness from dancing and songs, aptitude for learning, gentlemanliness, busyness in intellectual activities, gives grains as alms and has skill in buying and selling.


'1;::c;4~: ~ ~~""1"G'1'1"Go'!!~: I

'{qtRifa'f4 ~Fcloitc:~

"ffi&l: ~~ ~

llqo'i II

In the Dasha of Venus when she be in medium strength the native has happiness through cow, conveyance son and grandson, has the gain of the earlier earned wealth, quarrel with his family and he may get transferred.
q;iJJIPiC'II~i ~ f.rcf<;i 'f4R<tJ~q~ ~8 ~ I


ftffl "'<I" -m:!li ~:

Cfi<=IRitt llqof, II

In the Dasha of Venus when she be in her low strength the native has physical debility due to phlegmatic and windy disorders, enmity with baser people, is full of worries due to his anxiety about Brahmins etc. and sometimes has friendship with wicked persons.
ttl 111 W01 a : w)m fl:ic:i


<= illl 41 l'i

'1djPI S1 u'i'J a+j I

~5':1 SIPti'liiliiJiid ~ ~ 4C'Idl'ld"lllq llqol911

In this way the Munis have spoken of the general effects of the Dasha of Venus. After this I speak of the effects of the Dasha of Venus on the basis of her situation in each sign. These etfects should be predicted according to the strength and the weakness of he Planets in proportion.



~ ~ ~ :e.f!RI't'14FL114T.Illl '1'<1011'!. I




"T.Iticl~'t't~RI: llqo~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN ARIES : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Aries there is (for the native) loss of wife, wealth and happiness, always travel in foreign lands, attachment to addictions and increase in agitation of feelings and capriciousness.
C!"'l441t1HI"''t'tl Gm4l 'f i1'fm 41f1Nllj'<'!'li&ICJ ~ :I ~"'~fa: t41Hjt'l'<i fcrfmrT C:ltjcq4Hu\ii'1'1SifiiC:I: llqo~ II
' ' ' 0

THE EFFECT OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN TAURUS : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Taurus the native has gains through agriculture and cattle, interest in the Shastras, becomes Charitable, there occurs the birth of a daughter in his home and he has happiness
!J'+i'llfq<j!JGI'<'4 Gl1f4i ~ ~ C61&1C6(iil$1: I ~ 1'<'4Rit'14C6~1'<'~'<'~ '<"4~11 l'l+i'1lHjC6~'t'1: llqqo II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN GEMINI : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the Sign of Gemini, the native gets knowledge relating to poetry and arts, has interest in laughter and merriment causing wonder, and has a desire for going to foreign lands.

fmrt4 ~ ~~""''jiilll

PIGIC614c:e:r: I

1114f"'d'<l411tffl!jt'<jCi)lsflt '11'11SIC6F<lttl1'ftift1$1: llqqq II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN CANCER : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Cancer the native has skill and dexterity in his work, obtainment of another wife, is the doer of many kinds of enterprises and has sense of gratitude.



~~"'tiq"ttif4 <j<'l;:c:<liF4 414Hih' qf.ldi8Pci'd: I

1:'f ~ 'Qtii~~?IICCI'<j&) ~:

11'1'1=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN LEO : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Leo the native has obtainment of wife and wealth, but he consumes the wealth of some other person and he has only a little happiness from his Cattle and son.
~ ~a~l"''qqPGdiF4 cti"'41~d't'!Mii4: '<jt!il"''l'!. I

PcittiCCidl ~~"'A:~~ 11'1'1~11

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN VIRGO : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Virgo the native sees decay in his happiness, deficiency of wealth, incompleteness of longings, increase in Capriciousness in his mind and he has to shift to another place.
~S'<j't'{,Rildt=4 G'lliSia:t' cpfftcp""tjbli: I Pciflle11.,~ ~Fiqli;"''ICNI: '('CI\illfa'C'I\118ti;l'<jt!i ~ ll'l'l'd II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN LIBRA : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Libra the native has interest in agricultural work, is honoured in the world, has gain of wealth and conveyance and obtainment of happiness from his coborns.

~~ G'llista:t,~: ~I 'QW:I <PTlf ~: ~ ~: CfiC'Ii;lj't'ffi: ll'l'l'i II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN SCORPIO : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Scorpio, the native lives in foreign lands, is ready to do things for others, there is increase in his valour but he is indebted and has tendency to make quarrels.




~ ~ ~:


Cfl<'IICfl<'li4 14R'I4 fcln'l ~ ~ "SS'Cf.e: llqqfc II THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS : In the Dasha of Venus when stie be in the sign of Sagittarius the native has the obtainment of honour from the king, gets knowledge of the arts, experience, excessive suffering and there is increase of his enemies.
~ ~ <aii!OI~:t) 'f41t'{'(>q: ltl~~"'lltiC:IH: I


CflC:i~tfstq~"ffltt~tl: ~: 11qq1911

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN CAPRICORN : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Capricorn the native obtains dexterity in the destruction of his enemies, has debility due to the . Phlegmatic and windy diseases, at times anxiety about the members of his family and there is increase in him of endurance. \3lll'1tt: Cfl<'llli~RICfli~oYI ~ cmT ~ 6lltt'111'<'1: 1
~ ~: ~ ~S'4';!t1)fffi"<a) ~ ljqq~ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN AQUARIUS : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Aquarius the native feels restlessness after being subjected to an addiction, there is increase in his disease, indifference towards auspicious deeds, negligence of his resolutions and tendency to tell lies.
C:llii!OI~:t) ~!J'1"'<:'1'f4 ~~:I """"'"'""""""' Q,~ -~r.nt:J'ru;;r llqq~ II 'f41"+11'141~: ii'i<iiW410,<1'<14451:

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF VENUS IN PISCES : In the Dasha of Venus when she be in the sign of Pisces. the native has obtainment of Ministership in the king's court, has gains of excessive wealth,



remains engaged in agricultural work and has all pleasures in food.

~ '1!JGI'fll ~ Pcicl.,'l<#'1141dtll ~:I
e~'I~~'(U4)tl'1qi'(UII~ ~
f.!Gtci:ti"'IIU: llq~o II

If the situation of Venus in ~er degrees of deepest exaltation the native in her Dasha has gains of land, gold, and ride on horse, elephant etc. and is the chief in his lineage.

'+t~~:tll4i ~ -rr.i"~


Fci"'ddi 'tl" I

~ ~ "'ll"'ll<#cllcGI:tlcltigd:tti llq~q II

9'<i\'t'11~'<~~: tt+<i'Sidi


~ fclt)t41t!J'<Id"'l~l"'lcp<'f~: llq~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN: In the Dasha of Saturn when he be endowed with full strength the native becomes an official of a town or a village, does some intellectual work, acquires charitability, skill in many arts, has .gains of horse, gold, clothes and elephant, politeness, feeling of devotion towards deity and Brahmins, and happiness due to the obtainment of his old place.
~q~~"1:il<14'fctjlt?i<'fl Pcl:tiiC'I<CIRf: 't<l~<'flqtl'tt: I
311 <1 tll PI e 1<P 16 q 1 a f1:l it Gt "'~liP'fT~ Pc! t1 fij Cj) 1J

JJq =l ~ 11

In the Dasha of Saturn when he has medium strength the native applies himself to construct a temple and a house for the Brahmins, there is increase in virtuous cO"nduct and fame and the obtainment of the position of chief in the family. In the Dasha of Saturn when he be devoid of strength the native is subjected to lethargy, sleep, has trouble due to Phlegmatic, windy and bilious disorders and pain due to the disease of ring worm.





't1fcffi ft


~ !1~'(1~1\JII~ ~~ fcl~"ttt'{ llq~~ll

The general effects of the Dasha of Saturn have been described by the Munis in the above manner. Now I speak of the effects of the Dasha of Saturn on the basis of his situation in each sign and these effects are to be considered according to the strength and weakness of the Planet.
3 , .., i4ftitflt{ I ~: 4d"'llt1~~ fcl:q~Cf)I'Etlif4d: ~: llq~'111







JHE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN ARIES : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the Sign of Aries, the native is overwhelmed by afflictions, gets wounded due to falling, has eruption on skin and i& debilitated.
' C>...!l. ' .:... ' ..,.fj:l.,~~ l{ttN41dt4 iG'iUC1'11: 41Cf)!l4ftl ifmifl""t'jbll: I

"'l~'iiifl"ll"'lfll'(I\Jiifl"'l : ifl"!i~Uiififi"SSIEI4ilhfcltt)tt: (lq~fc II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN TAURUS : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Taurus, the native tends to do wise deeds, gets honoured. by the king and obtains unusual fame in the battle.
lll~cfll 114i ~ ""'i"fl ~ltiiii'<'FciclliflliYicl : I
' A. ,Q ' .Q 4'<iiii*NiiG\JI"'II<ii"'litil '(DI!Iiflijliil 4'<14Cf)l'(l


THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN GEMINI : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Gemini there is increase in sensuality, gains of wealth through thieves, wife and things relating to war and the native is ready to do deeds beneficial to others.

~met 'if'"'l: :f.'4l<'l'::d~~:l

.m;) q ~ q~q);s;:f t41t<l)~;(q

Pi4cldi 1l"4''ftr llq~lll

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN CANCER : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Cancer there is in the native's mind capriciousness



due to his son, wife, friend etc., pain in the ears and the eyes and he gets debilitated.
-q~ tl"cfllll<li lllm ~ fcrflmT '1\CIUII'{ I

C:I'CIC'f\JIIil: Ch(ill\Sitlif'tg'C'flhc;ltt\JI"tiCI'tfl~'{ llq:?<~,ll THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN LEO : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Leo there is the birth of the calamities of many kinds, quarrel with wife and son and the native is distressed due to horse, cow and servants. cp;;q)q<lldt<l tl"cfltii<d '+14tf64DI (ifclohq(il~: I \JI(illiX4 ~-SI~tldltql~ 'll\ISI'1'1C:: jjq~o II THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN VIRGO : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Virgo the native has gains of wealth, obtainment of happiness through water, trees and higher regions.
~ cp I ('I

....0.. GltlT41 '1 ~~IIll q., I'tg(il 11 d 'f41'd '1\C I\J'lj (ilc;+~ I:I
0 ' '

Tj\JI'JJYt'lloq\(\(t"'f'J:Oif '+14"""1\CIDii ~ llq~q II THE ~FFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN LIBRA : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Libra there is for the native the obtainment of excellent royal majes,ty (power)~ the native has plenty of elephants, horses, -gold, clothes and diamonds and tends to be of kind hearted in his disposition.
~ tl~ltq'Ct<l ~"'R: ttlt:tt<P4gm:l

CitTTsc-fi ~ ~51d'U

~qlj'C'tbU C:41ftl~'1: llqH II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN SCORPIO : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Scorpio, the native applies himself to his ~ffairs with courage, has useless wandering, becomes miserly, interested in telling lies, compassion less and has the company _of wicked base persons.


~ l"t.)'~ ~ ~: f41ffi~ql iqiOII'f I


~~g'<~t~gm: q;l"t'll'tti.,"'G ~.,)<=gm: I m~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN SAGITIARIUS : In the Dasha of" Saturn when he be in the sign of Sagittarius the native has the obtainment of the Post of Minister in the King's Court, patience in the battle, there is the increase of his cattle and happiness from wife, son and wealth etc .
.:.0-' Iilli ~ }li01t{:t +1Cf)'( II?IQ'<-<1


-::r.nmrtn .,'(1011'! I

.,~'flq;t:fi\Jf+(!jq.,ttJ ~:tql'fiEllfH ~~U jjq~~ II

THE EFFECT OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN CAPRICORN : In the Dasha of Saturn when he. be in the sign of Capricorn there is for the native gains of wealth through hard work, increase in his impotency and the ruin of his fortune due to his service of women and breach of faith.
:tl~~:tlllli ~ 'iBIIPi1:i ~~I

-'Atidtt~j~: ~. "'"<'f4 <p~l?r>lli~?l~.,l~(ii~: llq~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN AQUARIUS : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Aquarius, the native gets happiness, excessive honour, most excellent position in his family and gain of wealth through agriculture and his son.
~ Gll1'l1i "fl '+t Ij'IJ\'1l 4f '1l qlli t1 f4 T.f "'I., q f4 I .,HI~'<iii"'~.,Hr.,l<=ll: ~ mlffil~~fHttl T.f jjq~fc II

THE EFFECTS OF THE DASHA OF SATURN IN PISCES : In the Dasha of Saturn when he be in the sign of Pisces the native has obtainment of lordship of many towns and villages, of wealth, happiness from wife but there is lack of enthusiasm.



Gm ~rn "W''l = ~ 'flll9>t1+1' ~ T.l' 1 ~ T.l' q;gr ~ T.l' "+1'\:21T ~~S~+11+1t4tt+1)'t'1+11 T.l' II<! II

If the Ascendant Lord be situated in the First Decanate of Movable Sign, his Dasha is the giver of the most excellent effects, if he oe in the Second Decanate, the giver of medium effects, in the 3rd Decanate, of inauspicious effects. The Dasha of the Ascendant Lord in the First Decanate of a Fixed Sign gives inauspicious effect, in the Second Decanate it is auspicious, in the Third Decanate it gives medium effects. And if the Ascendant be situated in the First Decanate of a Dual natured sign his Dasha is the giver of inauspiCious effects, if he be in the Second Decanate it is the giver of medium effects and if he be in the Third Decanate, of auspicious effects.

lj1nf.f +1w1~ T.l'


~Pt:a1~ lflcll~ w"':tl<ai'l~ttl~ 1

cti('QII~ ~~ .ilcllj+1101i't'1j0114cti'fll II:? II

The Dasha effects of the Ascendant Lord which have been said to be auspicious, medium and inauspicious, the predictions of these effects are to be made after the consideration of the strength of the Ascendant Lord.

tilt llcld 'tl': fcli'cl' ~ii Jl01 ~ : t<lctil6i ~ T.l' ofucn I

+il{iRR!hdi ~

cmnri ~ ~ ll~li

The Planet who is endowed with full 'Digbala' or directional strength causes the native to have much



honour and many kinds of gains of wealth sending the native in his own direction during his Dasha.
Pcicl)'III~Ul\41Cf>Cf>icil ~2f tfR.. <41"'4fdi.i~ .' I


i'ii*114i.i<HCI~q I I'd II

In the Dasha of a Retrograde planet there is lack of stability in place (of residence) wealth and happiness, living in foreign lands, and loss of honour in the world.
?li'!JSI<lltifj ~ ~ t'IPI'I1'1tfR..<41ti<nT~: I '4ele'lalcwqRattt4 ~~~: l!l111

In the Dasha 'of the Direct Planet who is situated in other Houses than in the 6th, the 8th and the 12th Houses from the Ascendant the native has obtainment of honour, increase in his wealth and happiness and the fulfilment of his longings.
~ T.1 'CI'fWoTI en~ ~cr>l'lfflHfd4j'4: I
Pci~lMI~ f.!t\JICI""!Jql"f'R'4cm) ~: llf.ll

In the Dasha of the Planet who is situated in his sign of debilitation, in his enemy's sign or in the Dasha of a Retrograde Planet, the native has tendency to do wicked, sinful deeds, lives in foreign lands, has separation from his own men and the tendency of pertinacity. Notes : If th~ Ascendant Lord is in this situation the native becomes unusually pertinacious due to which the other people think him to be whimsical. The opinion of such a native is always opposed to that of the other people. And if the 5th Lord is in this situation it becomes difficult to make the native in accord with some one on the basis of reason because his own logic seems to him to be the product of a theory which he follows.
~ T.l di.i'<t4 GfiT qA81'4fdAte~l 'tlm{ I


'll"fql"fi ~ ~ ~5 Pci~:tl<ll"1't 111911



If a Benefic Planet be in conjunction with Rahu there is formed in his Dasha the fear of some evil effect and at the end of the Dasha there is loss of wealth, birth of troubles and the native has to go to some foreign land. \JI"1"1'<illi\11j'Rij"11mfl ~~<Fiiitt'1;q ~: I

114'1~\Cf?! '<1Vl44~"Stl: t!H'i\JI~: ~ tl('i~"itll II{; II

In the Dasha of the enemy planet of the Lord of the Chandra Lagna and of the Ascendant Lord there is in the native hallucination, fear of his enemy, his falling from the throne, quarrel with the Vicious and he gets debilitated.
~"8'<tllle'1<tlqltll 'fl~~ftli41'1fdtfl:s4

it 1

C:ftMttiYlsftr TJ '11"1ql"1i ~~ffi'1iltt: ~ GYIPclotll 1~ 11 If the Ascendant Lord be situated in the 8th House in his Dasha the native has extreme suffering and pain and there is the possibility of his death at the end of the Dasha. 'Jt'<i'Mdetll C:ftli"'tt'<lcl SJtHI~tllli<ti'<\JII cmr ~ 1 fti'{<{<ii1~Stftli' "tJfta:Pf: tlliC:i!J=~ ~ qchi'<IDII'{ llcto II If in the Dasha of a Malefic Planet there be the Antardasha (Subperiod) of a Malefic Planet there is increase in the native's enemies and loss of wealth and . longevity.
C:ftliw~'l~~ ~= ~= ~: '<jiei'Ri?i c:ftnqfd6q_l
W"i~dtlil~i(l~S~ ~ tlpq?lqi:


cmT 'ttl ll't't II

If at the time of the beginning of the Dasha after finding out the longitudes of the Ascendant and the Planets the Dasha Lord be situated in the Ascendant, the 3rd House, the 1Oth House, the 11th House and the 6th House or if in the Ascendant there be the Varga of the friend of the Dasha Lord, the effects of the Dasha is usually auspicious.



Notes : A new horoscope should be made after finding out the longitudes of the Ascendant and the Planets at the time when the Dasha begins. If in this horoscope the Dasha Lord be in the 1-3-10-11 or 6th House, the effect of the Dasha should be predicted to be auspicious and favourable. If the Navamsha etc. (that is, the Navamsha Lord etc) in the Ascendant are the friends of the Dasha Lord, then also the Dasha effects are auspicious.

m~~cmJ~I 4tl)t':<6e ~: ~ ~ ~ssi fcm;r tmJ 'tJTt' II<RII

The 'lshtabala' of the Dasha Lord being greater the Dasha effects are auspicious, if the 'Kashtabala' be greater there are more and greater troubles; And if both the 'Balas' (strengths) are ordinary, mixed effects are obtained in the Dasha.

'llfcf 'Cfl ~ I ~~~ C:tll~l!~'<~ 1fcffi:l: II<\~ II

If at the time of the beginning of the Dasha the Planet be in his exaltation Sign, Mool Trikona Sign or in his owri sign or be in the Shadavarga of his friendly Planet and be aspected by Benefic Planets the inauspicious effects of the Dasha are destroyed.

cWISI~t~ 1!1iR: ~ 4{CI~cfflUl





~ ~ ~ ~il'<l011'1"dc:f:tii'C!IM'6clSI~~ I
fclill'<'{cf '<'I<H'IOICii~ ~ ~~Fcf~'1~~d"' llq II

In order to know its minute effects when the Dasha of a planet has begun, the knowledge of the auspicious and inauspicious effects has to be obtained according to the stated method with all considerations on the basis of the Antardashas.

~~I '1'JCt fcl<nc:' ~ ~ ~"' +lllqilli fcl:t~ 141q_ I ~ II

If there are situated Malefic Planets in a Sign in the mutual Dasha and Antardasha of these planets there occurs the birth of disease, dispute, fear of the enemy and want and there is unusual loss of wealth.
31"dc:f:tii4i ~ ~ijj~Oj: +lll""ii(Oj 1JftU4il

at"dc:f:tll ~efT!Aj

~: ~: Clicll\I~Offl

'WTU Pl~t'<ui ~ II~ II

In the Dasha of the Planet situated in the 7th House there occurs the death of the native's wife, disease, consumption of bad, inferior things, dispute, company of base persons and loss of wealth. Notes : Making predictions on the basis of the nature of those Houses the lord of which is the 'Antar Dashesha' (the Lord of the Sub period) is the chief and over riding principle of prediction. The situation of a planet in a House is unimportant although there occurs difference



in effects due to this also. For instance, it is not always possible in the Antardasha of the planet who is situated in the 7th House that there should be such effects as the death of the native's wife etc. If the Planet situated in the 7th House is the lord of Malefic Houses from the 7th house, and in the horoscope of the native the planetary combinations relating to happiness through wife are weak, it is only then that there can be the death of the native's wife or she may have some serious disease.
i!hi~DII'lt!'lf!iq<ll"11'l"'tlif~ll, ~~'1ltC:~IC't I r<:srCJ~"t I !'It 11

wmr "'11li C4'<1'1rPil'tti Efoo)qr+4r~

If a planet be situated in the 6th or the 8th House in his Antardasha the native has some evil, loss of wealth, tendency to be subjected to an .addiction and increase in diseases.
~Cj)~UJ~'{'<DI~~'l'li'1i'l"'t14~11 'ffjtqij~q ~I
~ "ffi1t ~ '1\(JOjjijj\(~lljtfj '11'1'<1j~Ri T.[ I ~\ill

If the 'Anfardashesha' be situated in the 5th, the 9th and the 10th Houses, in his period the native has always extreme happiness, gains of various kinds, health a'nd increase in honour.
~ q~ffi;cu)if~rr4i ~I

'tt~Ri~~UitiT.I" llfcll
THE ANTARDASHAS OF THE OTHER PLANETS IN THE DASHA OF THE SUN : If in the Mahadasha of the Sun there be the Antardasha of the Moon, the native has gains of gold, jewels, clothes, coral, diamonds etc., rise of fortune, increase in honour and happiness and victory over his enemies.
qlt'('i~~lif4 q;cPtiqJq; !JillfAfii!")

'4fc: ~:I

SI'IIC:1'\Gil) ~ T.l" ~ q;qj~~d""fd'l?i ~ I k911

Besides gains, according to the opinion of some other



learned Astrologer when there is the Antardasha of the Moon in the Mahadasha of the Sun there is the fear of irregularity of the bowels, diarrhoea and constipation and jaundice. Notes : The above mentioned effects are there only . in the Antardasha of the Moon when she be emaciated.
tldlqi<'ICii<'ltfld'tl~<'l ifi;'<'IIPi ~ "'f1 fcrtffll

~= Cli'1~4'i:ilcail4i ~41<'1f<'ld: fWt;r ~: 1~ 11

In the Mahadasha of the Sun when there comes the Antardasha of Mars the native has gains of coral, gold and clothes etc., well being in his family, victory and royal (governmental) favour.
fcliiRfCiili:;9;PciCiil'<'[~: 41'11'1~~~Pitfl;s;:j ~ I
~6Tfl\" iH1)ffiq8 fclm": ~ "'I jC: Ill i ""!Jlil"6 I~ II

There being the Antardasha of Mercury in the Mahadasha of the Sun the native suffers from pain due to itching, ringworm and such other disease, expenditure of wealth and lack of enthusiasm. Notes : If Mercury be weak and being the 6th lord be in conjunction with the Ascendant Lord or the Moon or being the Ascendant Lord be in conjunction with. a Malefic Planet, the native has skin diseases.
tiE.i'Hi~l"'lii~:J 'fiU~'CtJI ~ ifftt~SI'tl'<l'tf"!I:J I ~ ~H)cfttll4i ii'<8J~q;:(l llqo II


There being the Antardasha of Jupiter in the Mahadasha of the Sun the native has a longing for accumulating beautiful fine clothes and property, feelings of devotion towards deity and Brahmins, obtainment of jewels, increase in honour and gains of wealth.

Pcl~ttllu4 Cli<'l~lf<'ltti ~ -:q ~ 1 4111i\Jtl~ "iiTftl ~ ~ ~t'luRft~) ~ljC:ttli wmr: 11qq 11

. If there be the Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha



of the Sun the native undertakes journey to foreign lands, has restlessness in the mind due to there being a quarrel with some one, 'Shoal Raga', pain in the brain and the ears and fever.
~-qrH1Pt4Rt~RI'<'~: 4J0'(4'1111'14'flf'+{CI': ~ 1

~?fJulJ~?II~I ~


vrer~ ~ljiall"t''~oM llq=? II

If there be the Antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha of the Sun the native has enmity with base persons, fear from the king, skin disease and his friends behave with him like his enemies.
"'lh4~1C( ~

M<i6Fcf<IJI~"{ I

tfl~lfl"'l~~g~ 'il' ~ fl'lttiilj41~ ~ ~: llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASHAS OF PLANETS IN THE MAHADASHA OF THE MOON : If there be the Antardasha of the Sun in the Mahadasha of the Moon, the native gets honour from the king, ther.e is gain of wealth, birth of the disease of consumption(T;B), disorder in the native's disposition, pain due to injury and fire etc. and hallucination in the mind.

; ~ ~mf?4tlr~c::)t4 '<),.)N~ ~: ~ 'il' 1

!Ji4ftq"l\i;j tltjf?4?11~4~ ~ ~ 11<1~ II

There being the Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Moon there is the destruction of accumulated wealth, disorder in the blood, defect in the Bile etc., downfall~ and trouble due to the members of the family of the native's father and mother.
\1 <: IH Iif l"tt ~<"'&:I !J~ <4"<'11 if ~

'JPIiut Pl q ~f<G "{I

~ ~tt'ii<::tll"t''~IH llq~ll
If there be the Antardasha of Mercury in the Mahadasha of the Moon the native has obtainment of excellent fame



due to his generosity, there is increase of excellent cow, elephant, horse and gains of edu~ation (learning) and wealth.
~ ~11'1"GI~flf.~pf\J1ql~'<1it{ I
~~ffiqmftl' "1~51~1Uii ~ ~ ~lill41cp'fi:M llq~ II

There being the Antardasha of Jupiter in the Mahadasha of the Moon there is the increase in the most excellent religion (faith}, wealth, other enjoyments of food and happiness; gains of the conveyance of elephant, horse . etc. and a son is born.
"11"11'ff"'114;~fc4C11'<1~'i'lt'l~ Gtt'I~'\G~~ ~: I

j'ffi 116 C1 IEll fi'< a)'< f?t 'f11 ~ "G~ c!~ II ;q i ft ftm 'lfj'ilJ : llql9 II
There being the Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of the Moon the native has opportunities of enjoying flirtation, sex and merriment with many women, obtainment of wealth and food material through the medium of water and gains of pearls and jewels etc.
"1~~ifl'<lftt1q~~ Cf)C1<:4!f-41~'(KfSI~(%'t I ~ "11"11C4'<1otiPI1:f ~



llq~ II

There being the Antardaslia of Saturn in the Mahadasha of the Moon the native has the fear of the king, thief, enemy and fire, unhappiness and pain due to wife and son, there is increase in the disease and he has many kinds of addictions.

~;:i '<1rill"1~~ ~I '' :qo~ttt>tiGfl fcrorzi fc4C:E41'\GIJU'<I'tf!C:~II"tt'<'M: llq~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASHAS OF THE OTHER PLANETS IN THE MAHADASHA OF MARS : There being the Antardasha of the Suh in the Mahadasha of Mars there is for the native the obtainment of wealth



in many ways, honour in the king's court, demonstration of bravery in the battle and victory in it.
$M'I ('I q '1 '(1 ti ('I" itJ I

if"~tl 10\11 PI til Rl fcl '()tJ : I

1fACl1 11clffl ~ TRftr ~sfq ~I Ro II

According to the opinion of some other learned astrologers in this Antardasha the native has a longing to wander in a castle on a mountain and in a forest and opposition with his brother and father.
P!t'll)ffi41'1"G'1t:lq~IPI ~I
flt?l)ct<l+1 ~ ~ fcl:q::c;:cp'()RI ll:?q II

There being the Antardasha of the Moon in the Mahadasha of Mars there occur daily festivities and there is happiness, obtainment of position of distinction, gains of pearls, wealth and jewels, friendship with new persons and phlegmatic disorder.
~: ~ ~

ltRtt~fcle: II:?:? II

"lJitJfa ~ 'q'Jij;

There being the Antardasha of Mercury in the Mahadasha of Mars the native has fear of enemy, the king, disease and thief, separation from son, wife and friend and there is only a little happiness.
~ ~ <6C1?1flt?llf"'\Jiq it::<'fiM"t I ~'1fj'<t1ttfj~1t:"NRI4l'1~'lli ~: II:?~ II

If there be the Antardasha of Jupiter in the Mahadasha of Mars the native has strength in his body, gains of wealth from the king's circle, happiness from his wife, son and conveyance, tendency towards doing religious deeds.
fcl<hi41'1&1tt'11'14ill: !fl;+il41t:~fcloJ&I481

'1('11SI41~f.IM~'tt~RI4f'11"ff~ C:I'14'<1\JI'{u:4 I R~ II

If there


the Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha



of Mars the native undertakes a journey to foreign lands, suffers loss of family, conveyance and wealth due to some addiction and disease and there is restlessness in the mind due to many trades and professions.
Cfl(1?i!J?II('I1GI4~ 1lM


~ ~ 111'j'Cl.,)'<"'dc!:tii ~1'1Ci:tll"'d'<l~ II~~ II

If there be the Antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha of Mars the native's wife, son and Coborns have suffering, the native himself has suffering like that given by death and he gets transferred.
g'<~~...,i ~- ttFclg;+iiDii tiCiiq\(jOjj+j~ qj\(OIJ"tl+{ I

~ tfl04'<"4 ~ ~ 'SI'tF) ll~f,ll

THE EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASHAS OF THE OTHER PLANETS IN THE MAHADASHA OF MERCURY : There being the Antardasha of the Sun in the Mahadasha of Mercury there is increase of horse, gold, beautiful coral, excellent clothes, elephant and much grandeur.
~: "'<l~ CflCiiRitt, 'ICiSicffl41('11\Jiut ..... fcl't1+{ I

~ ~ ~ .~ 4lt'<>hi: SfqC::Pti ~ I ~l911

.According to the opinion of some other learned Astrologer there being the Antardasha of the Sun in the Mahadasha of Mercury there is the going of the native from his own place to some other place, at times the fierce attack of disease, birth of a son, gains of wealth and tendency to do religious deeds.
41('!1~"11"11'1llttwt<f: '<"41'"'F'ISI\Jii'<'i\Jiot;::j ~:I

~'t1Sicp)q: ~ 41"1~'51 'liG1 111\Silfj~Ci:tii "S1"4"'1: I ~lll

If there be the Antardasha of the Moon in the Mahadasha of Mercury the native gets skin disease, has birth of dead progeny, circumstances full of disputes, excess of bile and suffering during a journey.



!Jtul"''lllef<4'fl~ga: 'flile<61"<'~1'<Jt'ls?IR!filjm~'t'l: 1

~ 1fj\if: ~: '5~ 1fCl) CAJ~ II:?~ II

There being the Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Mercury the native has some secret disease, is engrossed in some addiction, separation from his wife and son and there is loss of wealth, and religion.
q;l"'t''l'dl.,"<gn'is~tc"<'~l 'fle<64qs:eqi'6'1Rif1i~a: 1

1Ffr OR: 'fliiPttit!"''ICJS ~ f!lt'fll~

'lfli=licFlli ~. ll~o II

If there be the Antardasha Jupiter in the Mahadasha of Mercury the native is rejoiced due to the happiness of his wife and son, there is the destruction of his enemies. tendency towards virtuous deeds, rise of right intelligence, politeness, obtainment of a great post like that of a Minister but he is pained due to his father and mother.
fcr!~: 'fl>t1<#4''C'Ijfti<#'11.,'C'I: I


~'S~IG!tll"<'t'(tj~~ ll~qll
If there be the Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of Mercury the native has feelings of devotion towards the deity and the Saintly, excessive respect for those who happen to be guests, tendency to do deeds of virtue and obtainment of clothes and jewels of many kinds .

.,I.,I!Oilll=t!U ~ ~1'<)'6\JII ~ ~ I ~ emri fcr!~ l"'t'''< lcl ftrn': 'lJ'll'l'a: !OiqC: PQ ~ II~:? II
According to the opinion of some other learned Astrologer there being the. Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of Mercury the native experiences bodily pain due to making many kinds of efforts, opposition to the people and pain in the body due to pain in the brain.

~4d~ DlijCII"U Cll"< qfj;:j'J ~ jUi: 11~Afl qlt11'1lll't11sRIJS~ff1Cl: fll+41"<'1'<1cl .,~~:tl'<{ofi IIH II
There being the Antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha



of Mercury the native does the most excellent deeds, religious deeds, acts relating .to wealth, generosity and Suffers loss of brilliance, his speech causes harm to others, he experiences pain due to windy trouble but acquires mildness of disposition.


'1hiis:g;'()a ~ ~ c:rm ~:

ll~'d 11

THE EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASHAS OF.THE OTHER PLANETS IN THE MAHADASHA OF JUPITER : If there be the Antardasha of the Sun in the Mahadasha of Jupiter there is journey of the native to excellent places of pilgrimage, obtainment of many things, good fame, honour from the king and lordship over many.
'11'11{j-'1itCJ'5'1\J11d~'t'1: fF<I\JI~~U Ri'<I\J1+11'1: I

RIEU'1CIEtl~ "R: ~~CII"d~ :t'ndcti'(l'l'qf~ II~~ II

If there be the Antardasha of the Moon in the Mahadasha of Jupiter there is attachment in the heart to have sexual pleasure and merriment with many women, the native is adorned with royal insignia and there is obtainment of education and wealth. Notes : If the Moon be in the Angles from Jupiter there is the obtainment of unusually excellent effects~ The effects stated in the Shloka are obtained in more special way to the native having the Ascendent Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.
'!hG)<i'ffi'l!41~'+tP<ldU I

sfraMdi4'isfffim ~: 'flll<li'<l'gd u?iCI<Wi wm) II~ f. 11

If there be the Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Jupiter the native gets victory in the battle, is happy due to the happiness of having the most excellent objects of enjoyment, wealthy and extremely valiant.



" ~

~~tti'IC:I~t4?i\SI "1'!101111~~Rigmll

1l"c;rlffll': "!tiffi"i ~ vYIC!I"d'<l~ SlqC:~ ~ 11~19 II

According to some other learned Astrologer there being the Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Jupiter the native experiences pain .in the forehead or in. the anus region, fear of the enemy, decay of physical strength and there is the possibility of the native's making journey to some foreign land.
' C(~F.ti q;) !t I(ill 'g'! I'Ei>il Pi ' R f.G '< 111 ~ '( qIt: "11 Pi I


Tf ~1m vYJqC:!t li ~:


If there be the Antar Dasha of Mercury in the Antardasha of Jupiter there is in the native the rise of excellent intelligence (wisdom), the native acquires. skill in doing things, has obtainmentof devotion to deity, wealth and property, new house and conveyance and happiness through wife and son etc. Fci4:tl<ll"t T.lt'l~'t1~~ult'11&111C::

fmftJ ~I j'<)cfitiilli T.l'<o:8i"'g:'l~ ~ fci4ql?l '1:fci Pi'<iib+f. II~~ II

In the opinion of some other learned Astrologer if there be the Antardasha of Mercury in the Mahadasha of Jupiter there occurs the native's going to some foreign land, capriciousness in the mind, fear of some evil due to contact with water and there is pain in the region of head.
Pi~Ft\"4)~s~Fci>ilftl4 -:q ft~&tlf.!it'lmftt ctlf'<:tSI'tl~l: I

'f41"'11"1ql"1i ~: ~ vYJqC:ftli "SI'lffi) I ~o II If there be the Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of Jupiter there is the separation of the native from his own men, destruction of his wealth, phlegmatic and windy turmoil and the native's tendency to make quarrels and to be engrossed in addictions.





h~: ~ j'(>41cti41~ imf qC:o:8JG4lf)l'i g ~ ll'dq II

In the opinion of some other learned Astrologer, if there be the Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the native engages himself in religious deeds, has obtainment of education, clothes, grains etc. and gets .the Shelter of the Brahmins.
~41'<1qit{tlfp~fai41()f?hj"<lwfl~~~: I &'<m~&ufc:ga)

~ !J'<)cf:tn4i 'Ttfffi)s~lt~~ 11

If there be the Antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha of Jupiter there is loss of religion, wealth and fame caused due to prostitution, drinking, gambling and agriculturing, physical debility and earning of wealth through camels and mules.
~ ~ fcl't1'1i:t1'1+t'<lt'gC:4: ~ I . u;);sI0'5'14"iilf?l ~ ~ <lfc:' dfcfPth1: I I'd~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASHAS OF THE OTHER PLANETS IN THE MAHADASHA OF VENUS : If there be the Antardasha of the Sun in the Mahadasha of Venus the native has fear from the king, loss of wealth caused due to coborns, there is rise of the native's enemies and pain in the stomach, eyes and cheeks.
:t'i'ltic:"'d'1:&4'i;s'1j~: 'Cfi'J"+t'CCT T.J ~ fcm;t ftl"t1l{ I
ltqi4C:IC:f?l ~ T.J

'ffitlrt ~l<fql"'d'lCI~ ~+t'lll<fl I I'd~ II

There being the Antardasha of the Moon in the Mahadasha of Venus there is trouble in the head, teeth and nails, birth <?f the disease of 'Kamla' and bile and the fear of a violent beast.
'(Oiiifu) '<'41~\114\1 '1\CIDII{ I

+tldifctil4f~Pidl~ 'Cf111: ftRf 'il~c:~)RI ~ II'd~ II

In the opinion of some other learned astrologer there



being the Antardasha of the Moon in the Mahadasha of Venus there is feeling of devotion in the native for the Brahmins and gods, he gets victory in the battle and gains of wealth by the buying and selling of elephant and through the medium of his wife.

ftmrc111 tmhfi ~ CISI'la~ CIT ~ C6C"4 '1 ~ 'g'11 ~ .,;.1'11 uII"(

\3ffil~if!"''t'CI'18ict lffi) ~ ~fli~'C~cf:tll<ll"( I ~fc II

There being the Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Venus there is pain in the body and lack of enthusiasm c,lue to biliousness, wound and disorder of blood.
'<1''"11'1'1HI~QCitgtfli84 ~: ~lf&<j ~: I
~ ~tl4iqqi<rH1~ ~'li~i

'1di1fffi Tffil1l. l~\911

According to the opinion of another learned astrologer if there be the Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Venus the native gets honour in the society, has , obtainment of many things and gain of lands from the king.
CJ:~: ~mftr T.igt~itlfcfti ~I S'<"'t''Cfii<lfflHFt!Pfm~ ~p~cf:tll<li T.l-<8i~'tj\4'l 1~~ 11

If there be the Antardasha of Mercury in the Mahadasha of Venus the native has gains of wealth through trees, fruits and cattle, friendship with the king and the native has the courage of doing even the hardest work.
4$il~ttti64~1 tll~'<tci ~: 'd~l'<'fl'iM+t_ I


T.i'<8i~ct"i?l I~~ II

If there be the Antardasha of Jupiter in the Mahadasha of Venus the native has interest in doing the most excellent deeds like Yajnas etc. recovers the wealth which was supposed to be lost, and he also gains happiness of wife and son and the obtainment of high post and gets jewels.




'<'41~~'1Pt~ liOI'tl;.fiG:tll4i 'it.f:t::~'<'<'41"t1NII . Gm Tta ll~o II

CJ<ii li;'11ErlR:f-<8Jq ~I

There being the Antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha of Venus there is the progress of the native's friend, the native gets the lordship of village and town, has daily flirtation with an old woman and his enemies get destroyed.
~ ~ ffi'CIIt'i'ICf)(ilq~ ~ I

~ '{C('l '1 : "<l-awi '1 fc:i zu : ~ ~ '1 "G G:t II "t1 '< Itil II~ q II

THE EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASHAS OF THE OTHER PLANETS IN THE MAHADASHA OF SATURN : If there be the Antardasha of the Sun in the Mahadasha of Saturn the native experiences pain through the medium of wealth, wife, son and coborns, extreme pain in the body, there is increase in his enemies and he undertakes journeys.
~ Cf)R:ftf~Gt~Fcf4)~

iiRt1RfqfsfQ ~ ')f%u<ll: I
:t?la9Jt '1"GG:tlit1'<'<'4 II~~ II


If there be the Antardasha of the Moon in the Mahadasha of Saturn the native has dispute with his coborns, there occurs his wife's death or her kidnapping, he has lack of enthusiasm and decay of happiness.
~ fcl Cf)('i til 11

w~ "''I i;"''l "1 i T.J fcl4) wi "<'4"R! 1

.1{fll~t1Qill~ I lti~ II


'<iU'<i'1)<f:t II"Q~

If there be the Antardasha of Mars rn the Mahadasha of Saturn the native gets separated from his place, experiences pain . in his body, has loss of wealth, separation from his wife. and loss of honour.




14'<1\11'11'1: I

fcl Ei u;j "''I" "G Cf) '< : <P '61 dfllflll ~ :t IPi q ICf)\fi oM I !C-t~ II

If there be the Antardasha of Mercury in the Mahadasha



of Saturn the native is happy because of the happiness through wealth, son, and wife, has obtainment of honour from the king's level, happiness from having the company of the learned and pain caused due to excess of phlegm.
ct><Hict><Hiq ~ f2i<HI-A'l qEII<Hlllc4pttt11'6~<H: I

~ "R: ~ ~i5'<"'itfl "l"G<:::t li ~ 11<1'111

There being the Antardasha of Jupiter in the Antardasha of Saturn the native acquires skill in crafts, leads luxurious life, is adorned with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, has tenderness in his disposition and gains of wealth from the king.
4'111 Fci \<I I'<jtlfllt.. <4 <H ~:

sHl W '1~ :t II Rip R!fCI !!~ : I

m-~: ~s~~<Hfll "i5'ffi :tl:i!t<f:tlllli!Jill"'l: ~: I !<if. II

There being the Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of Saturn the native is happy due to the happiness of having wife, jewels and son, has gains of Laxmi or wealth and the authority over a village or a town, obtainment of fame and the destruction of his enemies.
~"tt<f:tll ~SI~;\'I:tl'<j\"1'1<f:tll"t1'<1<'1 fci;(;f Ht<Hflll

11~'t1G 1;:?; ~ ;:murt llEI'4l\~ "hf"lqla"ll!f l!<i\911

Special Notes : There being the Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Saturn the native dies soon inspite of havir:~g a long span of longevity.
W"'1"'112l~:Jcl 1 "'1G:tlllli
~Cf>t"llrii'(Oj ~llfdll~l"'li tl('(ltl""'ltl't 11<1~ II

There being the Antardasha of the enemy planet in the Mahadasha of the Ascendant Lord the native has sudden death, this is the view of Satyacharya.

~ <:I ""'I~:




Oi.i'!diSM'ih';flllw'1@'4:tj+fl ~I

C:I'11R'11-a ~ SI'<F'1iffl'11~ "G'Afcrfij ~ llq II The planets who are givers of inauspicious effects due to their being in transit, Ashtakavarga or Dashakrama are pleased and pacified if alms are given by the native in their names. Therefore now I speak of the manner of giving alms to pacify planets.
'11fi)lcmlft't{tttt.4ffit)jC()~y~ !J'5~'1dlfl't 1

31T'<"ffi<i; i.i ;:c: '1'1 '1ui 'i.j ~ "G'A ft

fh) i.i '114


THE THINGS WHICH ARE GIVEN IN ALMS TO PACIFY THE SUN : In order to avert the inauspicious effects given by the Sun ruby, Wheat, a cow with her calf, cloth of red colour, jaggery, gold, copper, red'Sandal and flower of lotus are things which should be given as alms.
ttGrtlql?i~dou'<1i:ti.i ~ 1

.grNgti> ~ 'i.j ~ 'iRITlJ crnTC\ f!d'{uf~i'f!ll II~ II

THE THINGS WHICH ARE GIVEN IN ALMS TO PACIFY THE MOON: To pacify the Moon rice in a vessel of bamboo, camphor, pearl white coloured cloth, bullocks with ploughshare and silver are things which should be given in alms.
Sl41<'1'rt't{>tt~Cl)IH crOS'<'Difli.ilfq ~: ~ I

311'<m4t?i Cl)'<4h:i&4

cmi ft ~ ~ GT"1lf. I I'd II




MARS : To pacify Mars coral, wheat, pulse of 'Masoor', red coloured bullock, jaggery, gold, red coloured cloth, flowers of 'Kaner' and Copper are things which should be given in alms.
~"it ;frc;i ~ !J't'IIV'<Pi1'6t'l'ld'<'lcl~"44.1

"Cffifr "it <R11 (g'<~~ ~

~ GFi ~ I~ II

THE THINGS WHICH ARE GIVEN IN ALMS TO PACIFY MERCURY : To pacify Mercury green coloured cloth, gold, silver, vessel of bronze, pulse of Moong, ghee, emerald, all kinds of flowers, maid servant and things made of elephant tusk are things which should be given in alms.
~"it ruA\ ~: ~ iflet'1"il'<4_1 ~"4'<1'JC1qu) "it cm:lFJ 1fu:n) ~: gcfl~etl'{ I IF. II

THE THINGS WHICH ARE GIVEN IN ALMS TO PACIFY JUPITER : Khand (Sugar), turmeric, horse, pulse of gram, pale coloured cloth, topaz, salt, gold etc. are things which . _should .be given in alms to pacify Jupiter. .

~?1141~ l]14d'<~'<'lfl ~6 q"Gi ~ ~ I ~ao;gc:>tJ\ill)'d+ii~ ~ GFi ~!}'1"<'11~ I k911

THE THINGS WHICH ARE GIVEN IN ALMS TO PACIFY VENUS : Multi coloured cloth, white horse, cow, diamond, sHver, gold, rice, ghee (purified butter) and excellent perfumes are said to be the objects which should be given in alms to pacify Venus.

trot fct+itii~~C1R<1c:>tl: ~~"it~ I

~ ~ -~ ~ ~

-<ftt'1"<'11~ '~"

THE THINGS WHICH ARE GlVEN IN ALMS TO PACIFY SATURN : The pulse of 'Urad', mustard oil, beautiful sapphire, seasame seed, pulse of kulthi, buffallo, iron and



such other things are to be given in alms along with some money to pacify Saturn.
~4c:m;f -q g'<i'f+i}liif '<j-%H~HrPt "if Cfl'ilHrPt 1

RlHI}IIif ~ ~ ~~ ~ cw1il!G ~ I~ II
. I

THE THINGS WHICH ARE GIVEN IN ALMS TO PACIFY RAHU :. 'Gomed Ratna' horse, blue cloth, rug, seasame seed, mustard oil and iron these are the things which should be given in alms for the pacification of Rahu.
~i~hM mffi;i "if~ '<jCfl~Wtifrf?ilJG1 ~I Vffii -q ~: "ll~t'l)q~nr'('Jcfl~a Gr"'illci ~: llqo 11

THE THINGS WHICH ARE GIVEN IN ALMS TO PACIFY KETU : The Munis say that eat's eye, seasame seed, mustard oil, rug, kasturi, and sword are things which are to be given in alms to pacify Ketu.



~~ ~"+14l1Mi "'I' wmJ 'tRlT ~ 'f'J'{ I Sl'<'l\Ri4llt'i SlqC:~ "ffill'. ~ \i11d4lliil llq II

The time of birth of the native whose time of conception or time of birth is not known is said (or known) by the Nashta Jataka system.

lA lj1{l~ \i1"tl~\il"1'1~44ll<'11q

ttff>i"M"'e ~ \i1"'14llci'l l).,~uH~ "'e4l\i11dch 'ffi{ II~ II

THE CHARACTERISTICS OF 'NASHTA JATAKA' : Tbe auspicious and in- auspicious effects of the natives are kpown by the time of birth. This is dilled Jataka. If the time of birth is not known, the system by which these are known is referred to as Nashta Jataka.
flttl~d: Sl'"'fc!W"'~EII: ctmn: 'W"'fffiT ~:~:I ~ ~ ~: ~: ~: ~811~11

~: qa~-f.f~ttl: ~= fclw"'ll'~ct ~:I 11<n ~: ~: ~ ~: "h<F&ii 'lfR: ~: lbl II

THE MULTIPLIER OF THE SIGNS ARIES ETC: The _Signs etc. of the Ascendant Aries etc. should be changed into Kalas etc. and these should be multiplied respectively by 7, 10, 8, 4, 10, 5, 7, 8, 9, 5, 11, and 12. Now if in the Ascendant there be Venus it should be multiplied by 7, if Mars by 8, if Jupiter by 10 and if other planets then these by 5.

-~err ~ ~ mn d~~1u{~;,u~:l

1fCi cpa~ -mlt: "!~: '4fu'~:


If in the Ascendant there be two or more than two planets



these are multiplied by the multiplier of each of them and in this way the number named as 'Pinda Yoga' is obtained.
Notes : It may be understood by an illustration. Suppose some one has made a querry on the date of 24-4-1996 at the time of 8.44 p.m. to get his 'nashta jataka' prepared, the Ascendant and the longitudes will be those . which are given below :

Ascendant The Sun The Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu & Ketu

7"-06-09' 0-10-55' 2"-27-31' Os-00-03' 1-00-53' 8"-23-41' 1-26-06' 11"-08-12' 5"-22-34' 11 -22-34'

And the Dinmaana is 31 ghatis 20 palas and the Ratrimaana is 28 ghatis and 40 palas. Prashna Kundali (Horoscope)
Sat Ket Sun Mar Mer Ven






The Table Showing the Multipliers of the Signs


4 4

7 7

8 8

9 9


11 12 Signs '11 12 Multipliers

10 8


The Table showing the Multiplies of the Planets

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Planets. Multipliers


Now the Ascendant which is 7-06-09 is changed into Kalas and then it is multiplied by the multiplier of the sign of Scorpio which is 8. The Ascendant in Kalas multiplied by 8

= 12969


Here no planet is situated in the Ascendant. Therefore this (103752) itself is the Karma Yoga Rashipinda.

~~'<l~l~f.!lfllfcff.!l&i'Riiiil cpr;ru) OfCI ~~~I ~Sli ;;c, ~ ~S~ ~~!Mia) ~ ~tt)'1f!lff'! II~ II
FINDING OUT THE JANAMA NAKSHTRA BY THE PINDA : In order to find out the Janama Nakshtra the Rashipinda which has been found out above is to be multiplied by 7. If the Ascendant be in the First Decanate 9 should be added in the product, if it be in the Second Decanate 0 should be added in it and if it be in the Third Decanate 9 should be subtracted from it. The number which is arrived at in this way should be divided by 27 and if the remainder is one it should be .known as the Nakshtra Aswini and so on.

Notes : The Janama Nakshtra in the above illustration will be known in the following way.



The Rashi pinda multiplied by 7 = 103752 x 7

= 726264

In this product is added 9 as there is the First Decanate in the Ascendant :

726264 + 9

= 726273

Now in order to know the Janama Nakshtra this Sum is divided by 27. Here the remainder is 0.

726273 + 27, the remainder= 0

Therefore the Janama Nakshtra thus arrived at is 'Rewati'.
tfl:J?i~?II~PI~ticil oat'l'C&I~W4 . U ~:I M: llt~gmt:tjwqot "ffi'I'T ~M"'t<l ~ ~: I k911
cl'"'t<l \CI:t~1ot~"' !)Dlllil~N14fCIT cl'"i<JdUltt<ll

:J"''tiftiH "!)tiA ~:

wl!)'tMcG q~~~dC4"( II~ II

If some person makes a querry to get prepared the 'Nashta Jataka' horoscope of his wife, son etc., the Ascendant should be m~de in the above method and then 6 signs should be added to it. For the son 4 signs should be added in the Ascendant, for the friend 3 signs should be added and for the enemy 5 signs are to be added and these should be changed into 'Kalas'. After this by the above method Rashi pinda should be found out by multiplying by the multiplier of the sign of the Ascendant and by the multiplier of the Planet who is situated in the Ascendant. By the Rashipinda which is arrived at in this way the Janama Nakshtra should be found out by the above stated method.
cmltta.~ wl<q?lq~oli~~S~ I

<!lt~tfa :t'l~~dl6i'tt~t:ttghi ~

~'C&Q)f<l I~ II




Rashipinda' arrived at in the above stated way should be multiplied by 10. Then 9 should be added in this product if there be the First Decanate in the Ascendant, if there be the Second Decanate 0 is to be added, and if the Third Decanate 9 is to be subtracted. The number arrived at in this way is to be divided by 120. The remainder obtained in this way gives us the age of the native about whom quarry has been made.

Notes : The age in the above illustration will be found out in the following way:
The Karma Yoga Rashipinda multiplied by 10 X 10 = 1037520

= 10375.2

The Prashna Lagna is in the First Decanate, therefore, 9 will be added to the above product = 1037520 + 9 = 1037529 It is divided by 120 1037529 + 120. Now the remainder comes to be 9. Therefore, the age of the person about whom the querry has been made comes to be 9 years. When 9 is subtracted from 1996 A.D. the year of birth comes to be 1987 A.D.
If the years of age arrived at in this way seem to be fewer than the. supposed real years of age, the number 9 should be added to it as many times. that the supposed real age is found out.

And if the years of age arrived at in the above way seem to be more than the supposed real years of age, the number 9 should be subtracted from it as many times that the supposed real age is found out.



In the above illustration, if the age of the person about whom the querry has been made seem to be between 25 to 27 years, the 9 added two time gives us 27 years as the age of him. The number of years found out = 9 9 + 9 + 9 = 27. Thus the age will be 27 yea~s. The year of birth will be found out by subtracting 27 from the year of the querry which is 1996 A. D. in our illustration. 1996-27 = 1969. The year of birth is 1969.
~ ?FffiCI1 ~ :t)t11ltg6'QI fM~i'<l~4: ~: I




-g li'Tlft

ll'lo 11

TO FIND OUT THE SEASON AND THE MONTH OF BIRTH : In order to find out the season the 'Rashipinda' multiplied by 10 is to be divided by 6 and the remaind~r arrived at should be taken as the season 'Shishir' etc: If by ll]Uitiplying this remainder the remainder comes to be 1, the month of the season will be first one, if the remainder comes to br 'zero', the month of the season should be taken to be the second one. Notes : In the above illustration the season and the month may be found out in this way. The Rashipinda multiplied by 10 = 1037520 The remainder, when 1037520 is divided by 6 is 0. Therefore, it is found out that the season was of spring. If zero is divided by 2 the remainder is 0. Therefore the month will be 2nd month of the spring season which is Baisakh (April).
~ ~ Sllq~q'I~St4trclT~sft:+F{ I ~ :t)qct>I)Cflni ~~ '{Clfq'(q&T$) ~: II'! 'I 11




BIRTH : The Karmayoga Rashipinda arrived at in the above illustration (Shloka no. 5) is multiplied by 8. In the product 9 should be added if there be the First Decanate in the Ascendant, if it be the Second Decanate then 0 . should be added to it, and if it. be Third Decanate 9 is to be subtracted from it. If by dividing the number so arrived at by 2 the remainder comes to be 1, then the Paksha will be Shukla and if it is 0, then the Paksha should be taken to be Krishna (the Dark half of the month). Notes : In the above illustration the Paksha will be found out in this way ; The Karma Yoga Rashipinda multiplied by 8 103752

8 = 830016

There is the First Decanate in the Ascendant. Therefore . 9 will be added to the product 830016 + 9 = 830025 The number so arrived at is divided by 2. The remainder comes to be 1. Therefore the native's birth was in the Shukla Paksha (the bright half of the month).

-ma ~)~gt"lll: -qlll T.J ttfl:1'(~;am ~ 1



llq=? II

TO FIND OUT THE TITHI OF BIRTH : The remainder which is arrived at after dividing by 15 the Karma Yoga Rashipinda multiplied by 8 should be known to be the Tithi of birth. Notes : In the above illustration the Tithi will be found out in this way.



The Rashipinda multiplied by 8 is divided by 15 830016 + 15. The remainder here is 6. Therefore, the Tithi is the 6th Tithi of Shuklapaksha.
tiEII~~ ~ wi<q'M)~~~I ~ fl~i!i<h~ChHi

fcrcn "ff ~ ur;:A ti~l~'{

ll<t~ II

TO FIND OUT THE DAY OR THE NIGHT OF BIRTH : The Karma Yoga Rashipinda is to be multiplied 'by 7. To this product 9 should be added if the Ascendant be in the First Decanate, 0, if it be in the Second Decanate and 9 should be subtracted if. the Ascendant be in the Third Decanate. If after dividing the Sum by 2 the remainder comes to be 1 the birth should be taken to be in the day, if it is 0 it should be taken to be in the night. Notes : In the above illustration the day or the night will . be found out in this way. The Karma Yoga Rashipinda multiplied by 7 103752 X 7

= 726264

As there is the First Decanate in the Ascendant therefore 9 will be added to it


9 = 726273

This Sum divided by 2 gives the remainder as 1. Therefore it is found out that the birth was in the day.
-q-~ j;jj<q'lijq)"~~l

fc:;:mt ~ Sl~t'41

1fff;SCI'fut R"''<i8i"'i\1ffl:

ll<t~ II

. TO FIND OUT THE TIME OF BIRTH (THE ISHTA KAALA) : The Karma Yoga Rashipinda is to be multiplied by 5. 9 is added to or subtracted from the product (according to Shloka ro. 6). The Sum arrived at in this



way is divided by the Dinmaana if the birth was in the . day, and by the .Raatrimaana if it was in the Night. The remainder will be the time of birth of the native about whom the querry has been made in lshta Ghatis, Palas etc.

Notes : In the above illustration the time of birth will be found out in this way :
The Karma Yoga Rashipinda multiplied by 5 103752 x 5 = 51 8760. There is the First Decanate in the Ascendant, sq 9 will be added to 518760. 518760 +9 = 518769. The birth being in the day time, the Sum arrived at is divided by the Ghatis of Dinmaana which are 31. The remainder is 15. Therefore the lshta at the time of birth is 15 ghatis.



~'1Ch'<Sij&f.4~ ~tg~RI Slq~dfi+ilq 1 3FWI"ffi ~ Ch'<ql{>lf!'i ~ l'JG'(J: l!j~ Wfl II<! II

CAUSES OF DEATH : If in the horoscope there be the Sun in the 8th House from the Ascendant the Native's death is caused by fire, if there be the Moon (in this situation) by water, if Mars by weapon, if Mercury due to fever, if Jupiter due to disease, if Venus from hunger and if Saturn from thirst. Notes : The 8th is the House of Death. The death of the native will be caused by the causes shown by the planets whose influence will be there on the 8th House and the 8th Lord.
fu.Ril:l-<)c;:atwc1'1!Qll~ '<lfhcic;1 ~ f41e'1W: 1

'<<Cill~!l) fclttllitl~ -:q





THE PLACE OF DEATH : If there be the Fixed Sign in the 8th House the native's death occurs at his place of birth, if there be the Movable Sign in this House it occurs at some other j!>lace than his place of birth, arid if there be a dual r:~atured sign it will occur during a journey.
~ 1!:4efclqRJd -:q Pci<'1)Chil&i i!l{>lqi ....:l~~: 1

tl~gvlld Slqt;f.i:t ~ iSISIChl~ ~ ~: II~ II

If there be no planet in the 8th House the native's death occurs due to the cause whose significator is that Planet who has aspect on the 8th House. If the 8th House has the conjunction of and aspect of many planets, then death



occurrence is possible due to the influence of all the planets.

itffi q;q;: ~ ~:
tj\4f~Q>+ll) '1\IO('fll

1l~11111f.lH'1 Cllatf.lcl:

w4uJ I


!1Cfl~t1: Sll'ffi'1\JIIt1Cfl~: I I'd II

THE CAUSES .OF THE DISEASE WHICH BRINGS DEATH : If there be the Sun in the 8th House the cause of death should be predicted to be due to bile, if there be the Moon (in this situation). due to phlegm, if Mars due to Bile, if Mercury due to 'Tridosha' (Bile, Phlegm and Wind), if Jupiter by Phlegm, if Venus or Saturn by windy disorders.
~ :\q((il)fcflti i!h~~1t'1~

~S'f"'iffi'isfQ ~

lffif 3'~\~tg ~ m

JUT= 1
~ I~ II

If the 8th House doesnot. have the conjunction and aspect of any planet, the death of the native occurs due to the cause shown by that planet who is the Lord of the Decanate which is the 22nd Decanate from the one which is there in the Ascendant.
'31'1cltl) ~ ll~cfl~ci ~ mt Aicl41~4~gctl+f.

3JeJ C!Cfll0116cllf.l fiPci'Rt~ !Jf.lCI~'<>~dlf.l 4Gi"ll~+f. I If, II

The same reasons which have been said earlier in the First Shloka due to the planets the Sun etc. by fire, water etc. should be predicted due to the lord of the Decanate of the 8th House. After this I speak of the effects of the Decanate as stated by the Muni.

~ '!cf8icl4;; ~ ~: 414f.lfl~ I tdlt~)\Gq) err fcltt~ii\il) err '!t'g'RIGi.W q~4~dC4: I~ II ~~~~


CJt4d61'1\JIId: I

THE EFFECTS OF THE DECANATE : If there be the First Decanate of Aries and it is not aspected by Benefic



Planets, on the other hand it is aspected by Malefics, the native's death occurs due to spleen, poison or Bile; if the Second one by water or in the woods and if the Third one, in a well or in a tank.
~~~ d'<lllqft)q(l1q;I~SI~~~:I

~8i4q, ~ti~t'lllllifi'hhil'(41;1(1111lql~'ttq~tfl~ IIlii

If there be the First Decanate of Taurus the native's death occurs due to donkey, horse or camel, if the 2nd one by Bile, fire or thief; and if the Third one due to falling from a high place or from the ride of a horse.
am)~~ IGII~t'l:

qldllql'fllf8t~ ~f,rcM:I

qtft'lqiMI't err "t~~'(o~ ~ II~ II

If there be the First Decanate of Gemini the native's death occurs due to windy disorders or respiratory disease, if the 2nd one due to 'Tridosha', and if the Third one in the forest by falling from the elephant or from a high mountain.
31~<lql'11~~ ClJUcQ;Iiii 't<l'"'tl'tq ~ ~ llqo II

Pcltft~G~ift~fd'<11'<a~ err q;cfs't4-.:rE<lf?i(l1~ ~: ~ 1

-.:rmw'l~l\ClJ!}@ICiY~: q;q;f1<!cM5


11qq 11

If there be the First Decanate of Cancer the native's death occurs due to drinking poison etc. or by a thorn (or noose ?) or by seeing a dream; if there be the 2nd Decanate of Cancer by poison or due to Dysentery; and if the Third one due to delusion, spleen or Tumour.

Pcltfl.,i!WI: q'<1'11'3'<~l'HqHcft~IPcllflll't?l~i4 I

~Tf joil~q'(oj ~


If there be ~he First Decanate of the Sign of Leo the native:s death occurs due to poison or water, if the Second one (Jue to respiratory or watery disease, and if the Third one due to poison or by weapon.


~ ~ 11"~ 11

4l"'41EIC{WSPI<'Iiflfi;t'<i\JI) slf~41dl'iii i~fil8Jlll


If there be the First Decanate of Virgo the native's death is caused by Windy disorder or by some disease of the head, if the 2nd one, due to falling from a castle or a mountain or by the king, and if the Third one, by a donkey, camel, weapon or falling in water or due to his wife.

g<'ii'i4liu'l 11'~ Pl41diC'CP<'I?Io) en ~sfq ~:I 'fi ~ \Jid'CI+i~U . C41<'11\iil<'lliiti~ ~~'tj8Jll 11'1~ II
If there be the First Decanate of Libra the native's death is caused due to falling or due to his wife or by an animal, if the 2nd one, due to disease.of the belly and if the Third one by a snake or water.

~ ~ ~ ~ 1F"gfi{ttl"11'f?I~SCf111'lf: I
~~ 4l~Cif~n)tJ~ ~ ~

g "'IJll 11'1~ 11

If there be the First Decanate of Scorpio the native's death is caused by poisoned grains or weapon, if the 2nd one due to the labour of carrying weight, disease of the back or sides and if the Third one due to the breaking of the thigh bone or by hitting with a stone, due to striking by a lump of clay or by a woodstick.
\Jifilftt.pj'ffl'14lC'I)e4li'84~'t!8Jll ~sfi;t-cr~t~: 1

!JC:I+i~Ulftr '1'<ifa4li~: 11'1~ II ~c:lgt~) en~: mmT Ofl"t1) ~ ~ ~ 1 "1~\iil<'lliiil \JI<'I'tfl~oh err w'l~i141611 ~jtt~8Jll ll'll911
If there be the First Decanate of Sagittarius the native's death is caused due to the diseases of anus, or windy disorders, if the 2nd one due to heat, poisoning or striking with an arrow and if the Third one by water, watery creature or stomachic disorder.


UJtf) "'!ftr: ~



~ ~ +1Cf)H4 ftimc{ C41~1ii'<lt'IC( ~ ~ ~ tim~ ii)'<lfr.ifllt?I\RI'<efl ~ ~ ll't~ II

If there be the First Decanate of Capricorn the native's death is caused by a lion or leopard or pig, if the 2nd one due to injury in the leg or by snake, and if the Third one by a thief, fire, weapon or due to the disease of. fever.

jlillifliiN<fttqltt"''liil ~Eii=(J08il) jCI'<'Cf!.qilj+ll: 119~ II
If there be the First Decanate of Aquarius the native's death is caused by his wife, son, or stomachic disease, if the 2nd one due to some disease of the secret organs or by failing from a mountain or by poison, and if the . 3rd one due to disease of the mouth or by an animal...

q')"''l~<iqq, ue;u?IS14t>j(i+lii!!"''i448 ~ ~ 1 \iiC'I)c;m~e 1\iiU~qf ~ -q'b!)sfq 'T{ ~1fcmt ll=?o 11


<fCf)TU) lJ:~'<)iffi'tll) ~: ~:



~ ~ OJ ~ ~ ~ rr4il~~: 11=?9 11

If there be the First Decanate of Pisces the native's death is caused by diarrhoea, diabetes,Tumour or due to wife, if the 2nd one due to dropsy, catching by an elephant, bathing in the water or sailing of the boat; and if the Third one due to an extremely bad disease. The above mentioned effects come into being because of the conjunction of some planets in the 8th House or if this House be not aspected.
qrqr'*l~ il'nttCf)~ ~ fl~Eii'iRiqf "<'fl::'<SICf>)qlq_ 1

~ il'nttCf)~~ ~

'tfTilR .dlfll4"1

II=?=? II

If being situated in Virgo the Moon be in between two Malefic Planets, the death of the native occurs due to



the disorder in the blood, and if being situated in the 8th House the Moon be in between two Benefic Planets the native's death occurs due to his falling from a high place or by hanging or by fire. Notes : Malefic Planet's situation on both sides of the Moon means the extreme weakening of the Chandra Lagna. The Strength of the 'Chandra Lagna' is regarded as the symbol of the destruction of evil of long life and good health. Therefore, it is possible that there being the. situation of Malefic Pianets on both sides of the Moon there may occur the death of the native; but the Moon may be regarded as the cause of death even when she is in between Benefic Pl.anets, this does not seem to be reasonable. Learned Astrologers donot confirm this view of Pandit Dhundhiraj. Thus the writer of 'Maansaagri' opines :
~ 'fi+<{Oit'lj ~lfftrn)~ ~~:I




~: II

that is, if the strong M<;>On be in the sign of Benefic Planets or be in between two Benefic Planets, she destroys the evil combinations. If the Moon be aspected by Venus she particularly destroys the evil combinations.
~ 414'&11 'f,rq;)u) ~~ ~:1
CltfiiOjq;j: 'f~f'1vl~ ~ ~ q;j\WJ~ 'flljrij'(Uj ~ ~ II=?~ II

If in the 9th and the 5th House there be situated two Malefic Planets and they be aspected by Malefic Planets or if in the 8th House there be the Decanate named 'Nigara' or 'Sarpa' the native's death occurs in jail, that is, if there be the Pasha Decanate in the 8th House, the Death of the native occurs by hanging, if there be the 'Nigara Decanate' by binding in ropes and if there be the Sarpa Decanate by snake.



'Tffif fiqlqif;

't41'<"!f~ftl ~I

~lltihpci ttll""'i'<Oi ~ ~ 'fj"ij ~: ~: 11~\t II .

If there be the . Pisces Ascendant, the Sun be in the Ascendant and the Moon be in the 7th House and Venus being in conjunction with a Malefic be in the- 2nd House the native's death occurs due to his wife.

,...-A ~ ~Sqf.!t\JI)S~ 't<1'Tq I

~8i(j)~Oii(Ojl<11: iBI(i'il'@il: ~ '1fu;:t) ~ ~ I ~'1 II

If there be in the 1Oth and the 4th House weak Moon and Saturn or the Sun and Mars in the right order the death of the native occurs due to the 'Colickypain' in the brain or if in the Ascendant, the 5th, the 9th and the 11th Houses there be the Malefic Planets, even then the native's death occurs due to the Colikypain in the brain.



fc:ql+!afl ~I

q\'Ju)~f1"GSIPciC1~~11" ~ ~ ~ I~fc II

If in the 1Oth House there be. situated Mars and in the 4th House there be situated the Sun and they be aspected by the emaciated Moon, the death of the native occurs due to his getting injured by wood.
Ju)~4'i+!lf4>fc:qlcr>~: ttiiC:Ig .'8J(ij.,.11~1CIic:1~: I

. &3o4)c:t~q~ .,I.,IPci~!Jitte~.,: 11=?1911

The emaciated Moon, Mars, Saturn and the Sun being situated respectively in the 8th, the 10th, the Ascendant and the 4th House the death of the native occurs due ' to various diseases, or if these very planets are situated respectively in the 10th, the 9th, the Ascendant and the 5th House, even then the native's death occurs due to various diseases.



~'<ij'qllhfHjt11 'lJfcr ~~~:I ~ ~ lli'HIt11lll\q!OirtJ4v1id f.!ilJq"'' ~:I ~t II

If Mars, the Sun, and Saturn are situated respectively in the 4th, the 7th and the 1Oth House the death of the native is caused by weapon, fire, and the wrath of the king.
Notes : The situation of the Malefic Planets in the Angles

has malefic influence on the Ascendant, and due to this there is the fear of the native's having a short span of longevity.
~Vt"'5'10:C: I : (!)\JIC'I~ tioo: ~~ 'lRuf ~: I
q'{'(OI~: ~'1t1'1ft4~dlqi~S"''clql~"itl: ~~~~II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING DEATH IN A FOREIGN LAND : If in the 1Oth, the 4th and the 2nd House there be situated respectively Mars, Moon and Saturn the native's death occurs due to the biting of some insect. If in the 10th House there be situated the Sun, Mars and the Moon the native's death occurs due to fire or conveyance in a foreign land.
~u)o:s'lo:c:tcf;ga ~ ~ ~ 1
fct'11lll<ill"??f.l~;s~'1 ~~C:q:t4 q~~~t1C4+f.: ll~o II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING DEATH BY WEAPON: If in the Ascendant House there be situated the emaciated Moon, Saturn and the Sun and in the 7th House there be situated Mars, the death of the native occurs due to his being entrapped in a Machine.
Notes : Whel') there be the situation of three Malefic

Planets in the Ascendant and there being on them the Malefic Planet this makes it clear that the aspect of kind of death which the native will have be extremely painful and .be due to some accident.



wmrt ~ ~-~ ~ !OII~<H~fi '<fciGIIC'14vU I

fcl 0 '@! d Iti ~ R';t '1 !01 <h) s<tV<i f<F:n"vT : qR~ RdCZI : II~ 'l II
THE COMBINATION CAUSING DEATH IN A DIRTY PLACE : If in the Sign of Libra there be Mars, in Can.cer there be Saturn, and the Moon be in Capricorn or Aquarius, the death of the native occurs in a latrine or in a urinal.
lt-<Uifffii'3'J~: if>lfo1 tHJu)~1"GISqPf~?i!JcRl: I S'lf"tt '< I cl ~ fl1 C'l) 'ti4ll <IT q '11 "tt '< I~ ~ : fcP<;r "'<'ll'"R! II~=? II

THE COMBINATION CAUSING DEATH IN A FOREST : If the emaciated Moon, Saturn and Mars be situated respectively in the 10th, the 7th and the 4th House the native's death occurs in an inaccessible place, mountain or woods.
iSIC'I)445flqPf~'!te ~ fcNT ~~I
'!Jiill141&1 cplil~gt1l <11 '+t~~q~(j

"RU'i ~II~~ II

If on the emaciated Moon and Saturn being gone in the 8th House there be the aspe~t of strong Mars, the death of the native occurs due to some secret diseaBe or due to the biting of an insect or in a battle. Notes : The influence of three Malefic Planets on the 8th House wfll certainly make the combination giving short span of longevity and sudden or untimely death.
~ q;('1?1)41d ~ ~Siii!1~ ~ fcm) ~I



~: ll~'d II

If in the 7th House there be the Sun and Mars, in the 8th House there be Saturn and in the 4th House there be the Moon the death of the native is caused by a bird or a violent creature, this has been said by the ancient thinkers.



W"'let'l~ctilu)j ~:I

41cf81l01) ~4""!t=g~Rt41tt+rci\SlTCIT ~~~~II

If in the 8th, the 5th and the 9th House there be respectively the Sun, Mars and Saturn the native's death occurs due to his falling from a mountain or a wall.

~~ ~ wtm en~~ "8r~ ~: f<Utl~ 4)1gui ~ ~ Pc!Wj'fl1'!u)'1 ~: ll~f, II

THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES DEATH IN A PLACE OF PILGRIMAGE : If Mercury being situated in the 8th House be in conjunction with or aspected by a Benefic Planet or if the 9th Lord be a Benefic Planet, the native's death occurs in a place of pilgrimage. If in the horoscope both these combinations are present the native dies having Lord Vishnu in his heart and remembering him.
Notes : If Mercury being situated in the 8th House and in being in a Movable sign be in conjunction with or aspected by a Benefic Planet, it is then that there comes certainty in the above mentioned combination .

. ~4'MI~

~ ~ 'wf~ ~'ti<;IIT.iw4lli+J: I f4{N~W'1\JII~?I'11~ ~ "!'4mi "1'Rtm '<1~'6m'!, 11~1911

THE COMBINATION WHICH CAUSES A WIFE TO BURN HER SELF IN FIRE AFTER THE DEATH OF HER HUSBAND-PATNI SATTITAVA YOGA : If the 9th Lord and the Sun and Mars be situated in the 9th House and the 7th Lord and the Ascendant Lord be friendly with each other, the native's wife enters into fire at his death and becomes a Sati, and if the 7th Lord and the Ascendant Lord are not friendly with each other she does not enter into fire.


~ ~ PIUI[Oj llit?l"''jPifl1'+1t1't I
.<lq~'(>~d ~ ~ llqll

In this way the 'Niryana Sutras' have been said according to the ancient Munis of India. Now I speak of the 'Niryana' as stated by the Yowanacharyas. Notes : 'Niryana' means the effects which go off (are derived) from the Planet's being in the various Signs.
~ !J?iCIIjJI:

q'()qq;;cu) ~:I

fl4<ti4fl'ti!Jm: '!'fl'rl~) \!1\Jiqfilff: II=? II

~: 'fi'ffii ~qftiiUUi'{\il<ti: I ' -'-- T.l diW ~ 'Jt1~1'4'1: ' 4>1WI:tli<tii(KImPI II~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON SITUATED IN ARIES AND.THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GO OFF THE MOON : The native in whose horoscope the Moon be situated in the sign of Aries remains prosperous with '!"ealth, has progeny, is of extreme o~ fierce disposition, is engaged in being beneficent to others, does all types of things, is of good conduct, favourite of the king, virtuous, has devotion



towards gods and Brahmins, takes a little hot vegetables and is abstemious and has eyes of coppery colour.

~: !t?itUI"'Iif! "'fl ~ $ifcl\111jCfl: I ~l'(~dDI!Jt~'l cmrl ~ flqCfl~4: I hi II

~:~~Nii4C'I~~~ I


?14~:;'llfllfr UCR: IIIi II

He is valiant but soon shows laziness, is sensual and lustful, has weak knees, mark of wound on his forehead, has the tendency to give alms, is whimsical, has affection for the servants, two wives, is fearful of battle, and is always fickleminded. There is the possibility of his suffering from fever in the year 1, 7, 13 from his birth.

'<1ac:;'l) cA ~ Rl'fJ~Cflil ~ ~ cnsftt \ilcti'ilftRI: Si\1114d I If, II



cA ~ T.l ~I Eilp,j'lldlfllfr cA 'llf?IEUd: Si\1114fr Ik911

He has the disease of Diarrhoea in the 16th and the 17th years from his birth, fear of water in. the 3rd and the 12th year, obtainment of progeny in the 25th year and in the 32nd year fear of attack with some weapon.

Pci<hii"'i\ :~:I

cpllii: ~ ""i'A) ~Q1Diti!Jtt: I~ II

~: ~ ~ '1qRI'fifllfll

311!J<'fll Pcir.t<h li C/'ii RfCfl'fll ~ I ~ II -qfi JC)" ~ T.l ~ T.l ~.'<~'6\1111 f.lu;f ~ 'fi \11"'1;%)"Giq\11~ llqo II
Such a native declares (proudly) of his deeds when he .starts them, has the desire of going to a foreign land, is weak bodied, fast walker, has self esteem, is



prosperous with auspicious features and suffers from windy disorders. If there be the aspect of a Benefic Planet on the Moon when she be situated in Aries the native lives for 90 years. After this he dies due to a brain disease on the 9th Tithi of Kartika, in the Krishna Paksha on Wednesday at midnight.

~ ~ Clil~~4il'"'lji: ~'<11'<('<1~:nu . 4'<~4CIJ\Cu) r: 1

f?lga:tfg1'<'luii T.l mm ~RI4Mot:



~: CJJ4'{!~fclqRJid: I

llqq II

llq=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN TAURUS AND THE TITHIS OF THE GOING OFF THE EFFECTS FROM HER : If the Moon be situated in the Sign of Taurus the native has only a little lustre, is full of submissiveness, devoid of purity in doing the necessary deeds, speaks the truth, is prosperous with wealth, lustful, accepts the instructions of his wife (and does whatever she tells him to do), has thin hair, is benevolent, has devotion towards his father and mother and guru (teacher) and is dear to the king.

~ ~

I -qm~~~qq~~~llq~ll
Pci~CJJI.m FciEiiffiEiil ~~I
GV1"4~~~m): llq~ll

f.mf ~~~"''~q

He is wise in the company and has satisfaction in little means. Such a native has trouble in the first year from his birth, fear from fire in tne 3rd year, diarrhoea in the 7th year, trouble in the 9th year, disease relating to blood in the 1Oth year, and in the 12th year he has fear of falling from a tree.



~ 1f);sfl ~ = ~ acm"1Rilll4i 1

"tfttfcilll~fl tll41iG4 ~ ~ IJq~ II

p,jllJPid a:l.IT ~ &lf,illiBI~flsfq "if I lt<i!&l('l: ~: 'fli%WJ~I'<ti'11""1'<: llct~ II

He has fear of snake in the 16th year from birth, pain in the 19th year, fear from water in the 25th year, and trouble in the 30th and 32nd year, such a native is of phlegmatic nature, peace loving, valiant, of forgiving nature and is learned.



31Jgui"ff1f4Pt<ht1'1qlt_4 qT.I"11H1di'J. llctl911 illtlili"<A ~ "T.j" ~ 11m ~ 1

~'1~04j ~ fc!EIJ\iil;::q~~ ~ llct.~ II

If such a Moon be aspected by a Benefic Planet, the native has longevity of 96 years. The death of such a native occurs on the 9th Tithi of the Shukla Paksha of the Month of Magha on Friday and in the Nakshtra of Rohini.
mqo4i ~ = c;:G'fl'ltlc:crs,'<crs = 1 illel5fllt'i'J ~G fb5fqlcttT.I('IctiT.I"1: llct~ II

!fSillqffi(ll: ~ !ft):l\('I'<Pti~4: 1

cnm: ~ g ~ ~ g 11'<2tlt:

ll~o II

THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON WHEN SHE BE IN GEMINI AND THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GO OFF : If the Moon be situated in the sign of Gemini, the native is intelligent and wise in the whole village, is constant in his friendship, loves to eat sweets, is of good nature, speaks haltingly (that is, he lisps), has unfixed eyes, supports his family, has an inquisitive mind, loves sexual intercourse, is happy in the first stage of his life, has medium happiness- iri Jhe middle Age.



msfffim ~~~ !J'6qffi(ij: 1

t<l('ql4t'4~ !J~gm'1-;ffi ~ ~ 1Rq 11

'!~:'tJ'tflt"Cf'l~~ ~I ~el~ltl!4'1iu'l g q;o['(;qq~c?J;s"''t II=?=? II

Such a native remains unhappy in the last stage of his life, has two wives, is dear to his teachers, has a few issues and is virtuous. He has the fear of. falling from tree in the 5th year from his birth, trouble from his friend in the 16th year ahd has disease of ears in the 18th years.
fhit'41 ~


c?J'5it'4~ !4\JIIlld I

~ ef?i lt IP1 tl 'f{ -qr;gy t<lll "'+jg"'l l'I"1T I R~ II

~ ~1'1'(('1~ ~ ~:1

~ fclqllltim'l ltitt'!t'4~ ll : ~: I i:?'d II

He suffers much trouble in the 20th year and the 38th year he has pain like that of death. Such a native enjoys all kinds of sensuous pleasures, is ready to give alms, is well read in the true religion, is engrossed in the beautiful sensual enjoyments and has love for song and dance.
ltll'e.il$1 = "'Jfiqj'q~4~:::tnra: ~ ;::R: 1

~ ~al 'il' EMlllli ~~ I R~ II

~~ffi)~~Pi~ilq I
~ ~ g \J1""1q;IJI q;c:;uf.i'tl') ll=?fc II

He knows the Shastras and speaks sweetly. He lives for 80. years. He dies in the Shukla Paksha of the Month of Baisakh on the Paurnmasi Tithi on Wednesday at noon in the Hasta Nakshtra.

whhi~ttN'!: 1

:J"SSql1.~:~:ft::irmitrn: 1Rl911



~: 11~ mTt ~~ ltet ~ I ~ ~4'tit1m't8l~<ll?llq'<I4DI: II~~ II


THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN CANCER AND THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GO OFF : The native in whose horoscope the Moon be situated in the sign of Cancer is beneficent, collects all the things, has son, is virtuous, saintly, respects his father and mother, is a henpecked husband but has a short span of longevity; poor in his childhood, happy in youth and in old age, is ready to perform religious deeds and goes on pilgrimages.
~ 'ffi'lt ~ ~ ltUI ufti#J I .

~~ RIEII~Ef'<'qq~.4'J~d: II~~ II

f!S1fitf: SI\Jtl4a I ~ "q ~: ffr<icrc:: ll~o II

He hc;ts a line on his forehead, there is fear of his right organ's burning in fire, he suffer:> from some brain disease, has may coborns, makes relations with many women, knows astronomy, has many friends and speaks sweetly.
~ ~ 11~ qq ~ ft;J{;4'J\S'1'1I I . \!Cfi~:uPiia qq ~ ~<lillfch)q II ~q II

q-q f'l4'1~'1itiq)

~ 1

q,.ifl~faftld (41GI4: qOOiqfafJ crT II~~ II

He has fear of disease in the first year from his birth, trouble with regard to his sexual organ, fear of snake in the 31st year, pains of many kinds in the 32nd year and his age is 85 years or 96 years.

ftffi 'tJlH ~ ~!Jql'<i~ I . "<)~ilrHiil"'er;) aJiG l!f Sliufdl"!. II~~ II






3 '<1&i1Pi~: m<ffi Pillfo1~fa ~II~~ II

He completes his journey of life in this world in the month of Magha in the Shukla Paksha on the Navami Tithi on . Friday and in the Rohini Nakshtra. This effect of the Moon when she be situated at the time of birth in Cancer and the Tithi when her effects go off has been determined by the Muni.


~I~Nt"''lgtb: -iJ"''htii 'tl"'''<f?lll: I ~~ Ri~:tll"''4t: 11~'111 fcmrc;r: ~~Hl"if ~ 'fCI(;<OIIfflv,'l ~: I u~gtu 'El ~~'<~'<i~Pi'<~ ~ II~~ II

THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN LEO AND THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GO OFF : If ir. the horoscope the Moon be in the Sign of Leo the native has wealth and property, is a man of distinction in society, is not fearful of battle, learned, knows all the arts, lives in a foreign land, has a huge body, pale eyes, is' of angry nature, has a few issues, goes to all places, conquers his enemies, has disease of brain and is extremely merciless.

~ ~ 'tfwt~sfT.:rffi 1flTI'{ I

'El11lfi ~ Pi~iid1,lll19il fcl~q;~~ql ~ 1VTi ~ Pi~iid11

fcl:tiP"''d ~ 't14f~C6fcltt) !>lc?i;s"11 ll~t II

In the first year from his birth he suffers from being in the grip of a spirit, pain from fire in the 5th year, the fear of diarrhoea and fever in t'fte 7th year, the fear of snake in the 20th year and has trouble in the 21st year.



ateiFcftiP-1~ qif T.II441C:ot<u~t1: I


"fJ ~ q~4'J:.S"''t_

I ~o II

~ ~

41tlj(i'i11~tiote~: I

-p: ~~ 't1t'441~ fc!Tflft"DT:

There is public censure about him in the 28th year, Tumour in the right part of his belly in the 32nd year. He is gentle but is extremely miserly, speaks the truth and is learned.
~ ~ ltlt1i!JGtfli~ "'"'t": I
tj)J('"'j'1+41Ri~ "ll'~ "ll'~ ~'141'(1~ I ~q II

~ Gtcl"''til "if

';!t<g{4 w:r ~:I

Pili[OJFl!c:~~tl"{ I~~ II


If the Moon be aspected by a Benefic Planet the age of the native is 100 years and he dies in water in the Krishna Paksha in the month of Phalgun on the Panchmi Tithi on Tuesday at noon. This has been said to be the going off of the effects of the Moon in the sign of Leo.
f4Gt'11'1"GtpP"''t'<i ~ ilftqq;: I

~-q~~:~: ~~~II

~qtti~\Jtqlifoli '+i'ffl''it<li(Oti"''ti: I

~:~4q;4fl"''I!Jm) Gl'"'l"''l"''~gRff: I~'d II

THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN VIRGO AND THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GO OFF THE MOON : If the Moon be situated in Virgo the native causes happiness to tlis own men, is prosperous in wealth, has many servants, lives in a foreign land, knows arts, respects the elders, speaks sweetly, has devotion towards gods and Brahmins, is ready to do his duties and religious deeds and is the most excellent among men.
-,:q;::OOljrr.q;J;"IJo;;~('Qm:t'CI:m"''EJTJmq~m) ~ ~:

ftrit";t q;ooSI~Il) "if cliS04 f.fflffl ~ I ~l.j II

q ~ifl~l ~~



e~)~ "iajlijf I

~ q

?14'1c:ft~~sftl q ll'lt~ 11

~ ll-acm ~ ~ lf~"'ifih)q I

~CflFciftif.\td ~ 'tJWi CJ~= ll'lt1911 ~ Uf?lt:llti: ~ ~ftif."'d ~I 31fl'l~i4 ~R ~ !l'lt<.:ll

Such a native has fewer daughters and more sons and has mark on the sexual organ and on throat. He has trouble from fire in the 3rd year from his birth, eye disease in the 5th year, in the 9th and the 13th year disease in the path of anus, in the 15th year fear from a snake, in the 21st year fear of falling from a tree or a wall and in the 30th year fear of having a wound by a weapon in the forest. If the Moon be aspected by a Benefic Planet the native lives for 80 years.
~?ltWI?I4)C:ft~i .


\(~qi'tt\ I

n'td~tl) fum~ Cfl"'41~i~td 'ti't1d'!. ll'lt~ II

He dies in the Krishna Paksha of the month of Chaitra on the 13th Tithi on Sunday. It is in this way that the effects of the Moon .in the Sign of Virgo have been described in the books on Astrology.
~: 'tt4\JI~{;j

q'tg'fiJu5dN'<: 1

~ ~: ~ ~~ fciT.rfiUT: l!lio II q Iif! 'k qd ~1 II~ f.! "'fd I "'ttTG'<' : "'ttGTI 'lmf: ~ iqjUjj+jfdqiij'f: l!liq II
THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN LIBRA AND THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GO OFF THE MOON: If the Moon be situated in the sign of Libra the native is popular every where in the world, collects things , is sensual, is prepared to do religious deeds, is endowed



with Laxmi (wealth), keeps many servants, is learned and has knowledge, gets well, tank, small well etc. constructed, knows all the arts and is dear to the king.

't'CI(i(II4C'41~fl Cf~CIJr.ffciqaJUT: I~~ II w~~ tl"'>>lftlcfcr-ilrtuor'l\JICIJ: 1 '~llllfq-q)S:J<II4fl "tt" m~sfr.:roi 1ftllt I1<1~ II

He loves sweet food and juice, has two wives, is a devoted son, has a few issues, is well versed in agricultural work, earns wealth through buying and selling, has devotion towards gods and Brahmins and is in the control of his wife. He has fear from fire in the 7th year.

~ ~ Q'l"Gli "q IJI(iil~ll"l 1

d;c)tg'<ld: '"4J'tf: ~sfQ ~ I 1<1~ II <:.q;Pci'll)n) ~ ~ ~ 1 11 9$ I~~ II

l!"A~ ~ ~ '{cfllr"'iti I g(ill'<lllrRtffi ~ Plt~for~fa ~d"( I~~ II

In the 8th year he suffers from fever, in the 12th year he has fear from water etc. and in the 20th year fear of falling from tree or horse and of snake and in the ,21st year he has much trouble. If the Moon be aspected by a Benefic Planet his age is of 85 years. His death occurs in the Shukla Paksha of the month of Baisakh on the Ashtami Tithi on Friday in the First prahar of the Ashlesha Nakshtra.

4'<<1144'<: ~ fcttq) q;(ii6~ll: I

fli?tsM) ~aJUT: 1!<il911 aitl~fl ~: 1J:'RI) FcwiCIJafs-=4CIJr.ffi)r 1

~fl ~ I ~lll




TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GO OFF THE MOON : If the Moon be situated in the sign of Scorpio the native gives trouble. to others, is wrathful and full of jealousy, makes quarrels, breaks faith; hostility with a friend, is cunning, discontented, honoured by .the king, puts obstacles in the matters of others, has auspicious features but does sinful acts secretly and is very valorous.

iiS~~~ UI'J"lffi ~ I
'R~~ \itl"!lt<?i'iil ~ "!lP1fbtd: 1111~ II ~~ \itl\11~'61 'dtJT q,:,.:r:tc:~)sfq "if I





llf,O II

He has a number of servants, four brothers and two wives. He suffers from fever in the first year from his birth, has fear from fire in the Third year, in the 5th and the 15th year he again suffers from fever and has excessive pain in the 25th year.

~ 'ffl4il't{e '14f4ec:~ ~
~lft?l'tig:ffl 1\:4\11~

\il)tQ iii!li ftffi -ql9 ~ Jucrrm- I if, q II



~ ~ Pi~{ot~~ cf?t~d'{ I If,~ II

If the Moon be aspected by a benefic planet, such a native lives for 90 years. His death occurs in the Shukla Paksha of the month of Jyeshtha on the Dashmi Tithi on Wednesday at mid-night in the Hasta Nakshtra. This is the going off the effects of the Moon when she be in sign of Scorpio.
'Sill~) ~ ~18' \11\il11"'4) \il'1fh: I


~~cftg'tiU~dN'<: I If,~ II

~q~~~:lft:l ~clC::"dl~: (f)IC4(f)dhfl~: I If,~ II




THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GOES OFF THE . MOON : The native in whose horoscope the Moon be situated in the sign of Sagittarius is learned, is ready to do religious ~eeds, has good progeny, is respected by the king, popular and respected by public, is devoted to gods and Brahmins, loves to collect things, speaks in an assembly, 'has beautiful nails, is endowed with good intelligence, pure, has fat teeth, lips and throat, composes poetry and is mature.

~C'I:tiiJ'i ~6 ~ ii<M'i~c:: I

f.ll""'qlc:dC'I: ~ ~ Pci"'llld.~m: I~~ II l'TJ'06: ~wwcrilc?l T.J ~: ~: 1

tqi.llqC'll) ~


Pclttql1 llfefe II

He is chief in his lineage, gives alms, is fortunate, makes stable friendship, has deep soles of the feet, causes . suffering to others, has courage, is humble, peaceful but soon gets angry, does penance, is abstemious, has a few issues, most excellent brothers and is rich in the first stage of his life.
l!1n'Cf: '14'~ ~ il~ic?l6i ?i4~C::t) I
atettfe!ild Rl'<igcl{ qSiiH18RI: llfe19ll

tt4llJ'){e :tldqttffa ~ 1

3iltt1Cittllsfm)'qfi cjs;qi1j "!!Jqltl~ life<: II

Plnlli ~ea ~ "<1'4m ~ 1

f.l!UI{UJ!il~ mffiil ~

"<lffl ~

life~ II

He gets trouble in the first year from his birth and suffers from unusual pain and trouble in the 13th year. Such a native lives for 68 or 75 years. He dies in the Krishna Paksha of the month of Ashadh on the 5th Tithi on Friday in the night in the Nakshtra of Hasta.
~ fcliffiUJ: ~ !J?IqJ~q~~ll: I ~: ttt=4't1q""'):~~stffi': lk9oll

pWR11<,1= !J+115J\;:f rc.t8tufq;fei(ii'\G~t( I


~~-.fusrm~~~ lkgqll

THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN CAPRICORN AND THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GOES OFF THE MOON : If the Moon be in the sign of Capricorn the native has patience, is learned, quarrelsome, has progeny, is the favourite of the king, is kind hearted, speaks the truth, gives alms, is fortunate, lethargic, has black coloured palate and a broad back. He gets trouble in the 5th year from his birth and in the 7th year fear from water.

Gl'f4 'tRA

~lftRl ~ Uc'?l <?1'51'{ I Fch1P+ia ~com :tiR!II'!j 'tf~ I kg=? II q=qf?i:t~ffi+ilq;l~ ~~ ~ I

3flGFrt 1C1Pti{'1+11!J'RI'f4 wcCIPtft1'{ lll9~ 11

He has fear of falling from a tree in the 1Oth year, in the 12th year he gets wounded by a weapon, pain and trouble from fever in the 20th year, in the 25th year he has pain in his limbs and in the 35th year fear from fire in the left part of the body and he lives for 90. years. JSMDI'f4 ftffitl~ ~ ~+1CII't1~ I ~614i ~ 'fi ~ +icrh!ti~ I kg~ II His death occurs in the Shukla Paksha of the month of Shravan on the Dashmi Tithi in the Jyeshtha Nakshtra.
cmn~~~4q;I~:J~= 1 . eftu1q;~CI\C: lll9~ II <t<~('qlq('ll) ~ ~ ~C4rc.CIRift1: I Cll+i~ffi ~ ~4CICftlt4tf!J'tfil "N:


~ I kg~ II




: If the Moon be situated in the sign of Aquarius the native is bountiful, loves to eat sweet food, makes haste and hurry in performing reiigious deeds, speaks sweetly, has a weak body, a few issues, two wives, is lustful and sensual, poor and has a mark in his left hand. He gets pain and trouble in the first year from his birth.
tf~~ ~tiiC:I!f li Wt Jqffi~ I

iqJ<'illil \il'm'h ~~'<eiFclllJ~it

ma: I k91911

tfl~"'4llil ~~c:Jgtfttfoli ~I

~ +tl'tllft-1~ tflH ~ ll1Pi41'tl~ I k9CII ~'<u?lotw1ecl ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~"'~"q..a~~ lk9~11

In the 5th year he has fear of fire, in the 12th year fear from snake or water and in the 28th year suffers loss through thieves. He gets the age of 90 years. His death occurs in the Krishna Paksha of the month of Bhadrapad on the Chaturthi Tithi on Saturday in the Bharani Nakshtra. This has been said by the most excellent Munis about the native having the Moon situated in the sign of Aquarius.
~ ~ Fc\~atil ~ tiiie+tlottt: 1



"'R: lllo II ~: 1

~see- \J1 <'I 1:tl ~ '< oeit \JCI '< ~ \i Of'! Ill q II ~ ~ ~ ilgfcl'll~~~ I

'{qfllll'l1.; illS'<&: loti~:~ Ill=? II

THE EFFECTS OF THE MOON IN PISCES AND THE TITHIS WHEN THESE EFFECTS GO OFF THE MOON : The native in whose horoscope the Moon be situated in the sign of Pisces is wealthy, self. respecting, polite, is endowed with all kinds of enjoyments, is of cheerful



mind, has feelings of devotion towards his father and mother, deity and guru, is kirid hearted, handsome, most excellent and_ he has perfumed garland and jewels. He has fear from water in the 5th year, in the 8th year suffers from feller, in the 22nd year he has extreme pain and trouble and in the 24th year he undertakes a journey towards the eastern direction. He lives for 90 years.
~a) ~d)414i !J'<)~o11 I

'RIC1Ji"11'1"1~ ~ ~ ~: ilq II


4q"11t.U4ti:ttd'{ I

~ 41~-?1"11:4 ~ 'l ~: I~~ II

The death of such a native occurs in the Krishna Paksha of the month of Ashwin on the Dwitiya Tithi on Thursday in the evening in the Nakshtra of Kritika. It is in this way that the effects of MOon when she is situated in the sigh of Pisces have been spoken of ..according to the view of Yayanacharya.

~ :e.>Yl \JII d Cf>lem:J : ll~o II



4 \il1 i'+iCfll t'IIC( ~

"'R"J11Ii ~ 'I'< ISl ~ Cfi :

If) cl

il d~ q I

~ ~ ~ i:l<:4)4 d'$1144; dt<l~ll~dC4"t llq II

The effects which have been spoken of by those learned in Astrology through the medium of the time of birth for men natives are the very ones which should be predicted ' in the case of the women natives. Of these the effects which may not be suitable for the women (that is, those effects may not be obtainded by women) sho'uld be thought of for their husband.
~~"ftq!J~~OflJ ~:~~~ . ~ JRI'CI'isqJ+ll) ~~C4'1'flll: fcm;J Cfllcl)~ II=? II

From the natal Ascendant and the Moon Ascendant 1 of a woman is considered the woman's whole body, ' and from the 7th house from these the effects obtained by her husband, from the Fifth those relating to her issues and from the 8th House those causing widowhood. Notes : The consideration of the widowhood of a woman is made from the 2nd house also as this house is the 8th from the 7th house. Being the 8th House from the 7th one it should be considered to determine the longevity of the husband. It has been found by us that if the 2nd lord be weak and there be the conjunction of at least two Malefic planets in the 2nd House or their aspect on it, the woman who has this combination in her horoscope gets widowe'd. If this combination is there in the horoscope of a male native this effect may be predicted



with regard to the death of his wife. The following horoscope proves the truth of the above statement. Date of Birth 18-5-1954 Latitude 28 43' Time of Birth (1ST) 8-40 morning Longitude 77 55'

Sun Mer Kat

jup Ver

Mars Rah


Sat (R

In this horoscope in which the Ascendant is Gemini the Moon who is the lord of the 8th House from the 7th House is in debilitation and is situated in the 6th House. Not only this, the Moon's situation being in between such Malefics as Saturn and Mars is causing still greater harm to her. Besides this, there is also the full aspect of Saturn and Mars on the 2nd house from the Ascendant. And the 2nd House is not. getting any kind of help from anywhere. Although there is the aspect of a Benefic planet Jupiter on both sides of the Moon. But due to there being so much Malefic influences upon the 2nd house and on the Moon the effect of the aspect of Jupiter on both sides of the Moon becomes meaningless as a result of this she got widowed three years after her marriage.

~ T.J ~ ''i'<illi~l~

~s~ ~ ~~ qJ~~(iji 11~11

If the Ascendant and the Moon be in an even sign, the

crmn Ptmo:d ~ ~ 1



woman native has the nature of woman. If the Ascendant and the Moon are aspected by a Benefic Planet that woman native has the most excelent conduct and is prosperous with beautiful diamonds and jewels.

Cllir: ~/i)~"''116ll'mh ~ o:mq;mm ~

414U~iC'I'Iq;;:j1)141tfl (ft ~t!f:RIMi !JOiqR;[diSW{ I~ II

If the natal Ascendant and the Moon are situated in an odd sign, the woman native has the features and the form of a male and is ugly if there be the influence on them both of the Malefic Planets through combination or. aspect. She is of bad conduct and is bereft of virtues.
wo\iiMMql;g;Gt't4 ~ ~ '&r;:zi;rr~

Cfi"41 t4rc:RrPi~m ~: m~

f.Rm:i ~ 1

~ '\t'1'14'<'4 1\'1!J~dl '<'fi+ll't4 '1141rc,;%)

~ Ri'1'1fl~'tij'I'I"''P;;zj't~ ~ "Wlffi{ llti II

THE EFFECTS ON THE BASIS OF TRISHAMS : If of the Ascendant and the Moon which ever is stronger being in the sign of Mars, th;:~.t is, Aries or Scorpio be in the Trishams of Venus, the women native having this combination in her horoscope is worthy of censure and blame. If it be in the Trishams of Jupiter she is sincere to her husband, if in that of Mars she is wicked, if in that of Mercury she is magician and if in that of Saturn she is a maid-servant.
di'<l'114ij;~?I"'Sqf-'t'tjdf?iltliil~ ~

~ ~ lli~l'(jd't4i8rq. ffi"Tl): I ~ ~ ~~Ntr&fl f.rn"Ri ~

&i';;zj:thcfi'(jd't4 -m f-'tr~dl Citftq"f4

1fl4'f ~:


If of the Ascendant and the Moon which ever is stronger being situated in the sign of Gemini or Virgo is in the Trishams of Mars, the woman native is deceitful, if in



that of Venus she is bereft of sexual desire, if in that of Mercury she is a woman of virtues, if in that of Jupiter she is faithful! to her husband, and if in that of Saturn the woman's husband is impotent.
~ q It.Ud4J hoatt itj'C~ woi '& q tll"i Ill irJ

'1>tJ\ofl1vlllll~ifl ~: ~ ~ 1'Jl)): I

tii'CI~I~'tl'fll ~ ~ ~ ~ '<ilj'tl'fll T.II<KI''Ctll '(I;Rfl ~: cCIFt\"tti Ik9 II

If the strong Ascendant or the strong Moon being in the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces be in the Trishams of Mars the woman native has virtues, if it be in the Trishams of Jupiter she is famous due to her virtues, if that of Mercury she is endowed with much grandeur, if in that of Venus she is faithful to her husband, and if in that of Saturn She has only a little sexual desire.
~~IT.IidJt '<j~~'<1~4'<'41Cf)llti4~1tlftl

w;) CfiS~'"''i~ltJ jOiqtfl ~ ~c!_'...,lea...ffQcm~ I 'lfl"ll't41FtiCf)C."'jcpC."'NfltiC."'I fljiP'<'4 TJ~gml~f.f~a)~qlit~l'ti'<'4ill~ ~ 11~ 11

If of the Ascendant and the Moon being of the sign of"' Venus (that is, Taurus or Libra) which ever is stron~( is in the Trishams of Jupiter the woman native litis virtues, if it be in the Trishmsa of Mars she is excessively vicious, if in that of Mercury she is skilful in all the arts, if in that of Venus she is prosperous with many qualities and if in that of Saturn she lives after her marriage in _ the !louse of some other person than her husband .
.~"<I C.'14 dlfl"''C."'~ ~ crnfr 'if 'ffl+ll'<'4 'dffi ft 1l'l'CJT I CJ6ttffl:

'<'4i~Ftlhtti "<11 ~ ~h~T.I'Cttith~.,~: I~ II

If of the Ascendant or the Moon being ()f Capricorn or Aquarius which ever is stronger, be in the Trishams of



Mars the woman native is a maid-servant, if it be in the Trishams of Mercury she is. wicked, if in that of Jupiter she regards only her husband as her deity, if it be in that of Venus she is sterile and if it be in the Saturn she does sexual intercourse with some base person.
~err ~'<cfs'1Pi:='<i(1\l ~ &Jo:4ttiib
~i&ltlti'CDhtH'II lll~l'gdttli81q i3)ellll'liil

~ PIJ~ttl m '<luN<4'11fh: 'tft~ lll~'<f~tt'<i ~ llqo II

If being situated in the sign of Leo strong Moon or strong Ascendant be in the Trishams of Mars the woman native is self willed, if it be in the Trishams of Mercury she is wicked, if it be in that of Jupiter she becomes the wife pf a king, if it be in that of Venus she is dissolute, if it be in 'that of Saturn she seems to be adult like. a man .

.. :q;qJn~ ~ ~ <Mi&l~~sfttl ~1@4SIQionl

Cffirt ~: tlc:cJUII

~fq'fll ~ ~ Rl414101(i~ IJ<l<lil

If of the Ascendant or the Moon being of the sign of Cancer which ever of them be stronger, be in the Trishams of Mars the woman is self willed and behave according to her own will, if it be in the Trishams of Merpury she is skilled in craft, if it be in that of Jupiter she is endowed with virtues, if it be in that of Venus she is faithful to her hl!sband and if it be that of Saturn she is the killer of her husband.
~&JUI1t) llttticif '4;T

ftmal ~~I
ll<t=? 11

q;"GcfttnPti ~ Pltti~

"f''ff' .,'<,q;J'<q;'<Jif.,J~:

THE COMBINATION CAUSING A WOMAN TO HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE WITH A WOMAN (LESBIAN) : If at the time of birth there be Saturn in the Navamsha of Venus and Venus be in the Navamsha of Saturn and



both the Planets have mutual aspect or there be a sign of Venus in the Ascendant and there be the Navamsha of Aquarius in it, the woman native having this combination in her horoscope gratifies her sexual fire or lust by having intercourse with another woman having features and form of a male.

~ ~ Wt&~~fci'lfcb~ ~
ill(ifllll:fcm;r~ ~: Qil'{o()if:~:l ~ ~+t"G4)4~ ~ ~ ~


Pc~~lllf.!i'Ctl) ~~~~= nq~n

The woman native at the time of whose birth the 7th house is without any Planet and is not aspected by Benefic Planets and the 7th house is weak, the husband of the woman native is worthy of censure and blame. If there be the sign of Mercury or of Saturn in the 7th house the woman native's husband is impotent. If in the 7th house there be a moveable sign the woman native's husband lives in foreign land, if there be a dual natured sign in it her husband sometimes lives in foreign land and sometimes in his native land.




414dtNPclci'lq;~llld "+t"'G'1) ~

fcwn '&'(j ~I gqftiuf;c8t ~ ll'l.'d II

The woman native at the time of whose birth the Sun be situated in the 7th house is abandoned by her husband, if Mars be in this house she becomes widow very early, and if Saturn being gone in the 7th House be aspected by a Malefic Planet she becomes like an old woman in her very youth.
~: CJ)(if'?) ~ ldl('fQil ~ q;r;:('('J ~~8 ~:I
ijj(if?i'tfw ~ <c!J(ifi>M



~ 11q~ 11

If there be Malefic Planets in the 7th House the woman



native having this combination in her horoscope is hairless; if there be situated in the 7th House both Malefic Planets and Benefic ones she marries another husband; and if a weakened Malefic Planet being situated in the 7th house is without the aspect of a Benefic Planet she is abandoned by her husband.
at"'4'1"'llillll4~ ~1'1!fjSGI ~ ~ mfffi~ T'f'{ I ~'ii)~cfj tjw4ufl ~ f41q:tcll~'1t:II'1'1Pit llqfc II

If Mars and Venus be in the Navamsha of each other the woman native having this combination in her horoscope lives in the company of a man other than her husband. If in the 7th House there be Venus and Mars in conjunction with the Moon that woman has sexual intercourse with some other man other than her husband with the permission of her husband.

w"ft:tdw:ct\ ~ ~ 'ttl"'4'<ttl ~

~ ~ 't!Jcfiyij "~ Fcl'1etM"fllJ1fl~: 1l<ll911

If in the natal Ascendant there be, a sign of Mars or of Saturn and in it there be situated Venus and the Moon and they be aspected by a Malefic Planet, the woman . native having this combination in her horoscope has sexual intercourse with other man than her husband and is the doer of base wicked deeds. If Saturn ahd Mars being situated in the 7th House be bereft of the aspect of a Benefic and a Malefic Planet the sexual organ (Vagina) has not the ability of having sexual intercourse.
~~en~: 't+I'<J~~:'tlftfIH'ii t41~'1G)I ~: ftl~yttt4 'ffi~4: ~ I

~~ j'<)cffl) ~=~ ~ji4iPciC1)

~ 14441~ '{Ciif~~~m) '!~~~~: 11q<: 11

If in


7th House there be the sign of or the Navamsha



of the Sun the husband of the woman native in whose horoscope there occurs this combination is slow in sexual intercourse. If in the 7th house there be the sign or the Navamsha of the Moon the husband of that woman native has grandeur and is of delicate nature. If in the 7th house there be a sign or the Navamsha of Mars the husband of the woman native is dear to her but is of angry nature. If in the 7th House there be the sign or the Navamsha of Mercury the husband of the woman native is a Pandit. If in the 7th House there be a sign or the Navamsha of Jupiter the husband of that woman native is a man of qualities and remains under her control. If in the 7th house there be a sign or the Navamsha of Venus the husband of the woman native is endowed with fortune and if there be in this house a sign or the Navamsha of Saturn her husband is aged and stupid.

~ ~ ~ S4!''6d: ~ 'Cjd'1iP<ttti
'ffl~"ii\ '\l Clit'ii'tl<iJ'tJiijDij litJbiO:S~?iiqtfl
"il~~ 1 4 4Ciit'il$1dl~'6~'<i 'ffl"'llii~"Qi'RI4'i I


q Nii't*4"'4ttl llq' II

The woman native in whose horoscope in the 7th house there be situated Venus and the Moon is full of jealousy but she is endowed with happiness. If in the 7th House there be Mercury and the Moon she is skilled in art, happy and has virtues. If ln the 7th House there be Mercury and Venus the woman native is, .endowed with fortune, is artistic and beautiful. If in the Ascendant there are situated Benefic Planets she has many jewels and clothes and is endowed with virtues and comforts.



And if in the Ascendant there be situated Malefic Planets effects contrary to those mentioned above should be predicted.

~~ "Wit<uqde~~ ~ ~ ~~
~.:WI; 'ffi<l ciruilsi;II<U: ~: 'fQiffil<l ~ I ~o II

If in the 8th house there be situated Malefic Planets they cause widowhood to the woman native in whose horoscope there is this combination. In the Dasha of that Planet in whose Navamsha there be the 8th Lord occurs the death of that woman. If in the 2nd house there be Benefic Planet the woman is subjected to death before her husband.
~ ~ fPicm: fl<'iBNid1'1~:

't<i+IOGI('III: "Wittqql'41~d: I

't(llfoq<ii'l'fft ~ ~ ~ ttl Tfc:{ iNil' rct w ot'ti ~ ~qs :fl 'd)l) Pwot It{ 'i(<i'd' : 11~q 11

The women native in whose horoscope there be situated the Sun in the 1Oth house, in the 4th house there be Mars dies by falling from a mountain. If Mars, the Moon and Saturn be situated respectively in the 2nd, the .7tl). and the 4th house she is subjected to death by falling into a well or a tank. If the Sun and the Moon being situated in the sign of Virgo and are aspected by Malefic Planets she dies due to being tied strongly. And if in the Ascendant there be any other dual natured sign than Virgo, and in the Ascendant there be the Sun and the Moon the death of the woman native is caused by being drowned in water.
'~ '~ ' 'IC6itNku . ' '~ '< rc. '<jtU q1cc C6 cf; !Jqllai'IC6\tl .....,l I fcrn;r Gi<'l)c:;;c+l~ 'dG1 ~ qf.ldl'<j "ff ciilflittl II ~~II

If Saturn be in the sign of Cancer and the Moon be in



the sign of Capricorn the death of such woman native is caused by dropsy.
Pt:tiiCh\1: qlquii"ff\I'M: 1llt5ilfr.11tg ~ ~ II :?:?t II

If the Moon being situated in the sign of Aries or Scorpio is between two Malefic Planets the death of the woman native is caused by weapon or by fire.

-qA ~s;:;q&'l 'fl w1f fcb("'lif"'l Slalti('l'ttiJ)fa II:?~ II

If in the 7th House there be situated a Malefic planet and in the 9th House there be Benefic Planet the woman native who has this combination in her horoscope does penance. Notes : Due to the situation of a Malefic Planet in 7th house it is quite natural that the woman native should be bereft of the happiness of husband and the 9th house being occupied by Benefic Planets the tendency of the woman native should be religious and she should engage herself in penance. Cjj;:;qlrt;t) Ri~~a ~ q*\(i~~~ 'mj itij(iq~?ill

~?11(14 ~

CJT~'fl~ 11:?~11

If the Moon be situated in the sign of Virgo, Scorpio or Leo the woman native having this combination in her horoscope has a few issues and if in the 5th house there be the conjunction of or the aspect of Benefic Planet the woman native gives birth to many sons. :
'{!b;~fl'I"LLI fcnR;rr ~: vr.'ff:R) 41E4CIIc:fi ~~.I ~:~: ~'fi'("'T.\ 'ti)tn Pcit)ttl.t!J'MSII("'ff 11:?~11

If at the time of birth Venus, the Moon and Mercury are weak, Saturn has medium weakness, the remaining Planets that is the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are strong and



in the Ascendant there be an odd sign the woman native having this combination in her horoscope seems to be adult like a .male. Notes : If in the horoscope of a woman native Venus, the Moon and Mercury who are the representative of mildness, womanish nature are strong and the Sun, Mars and Jupiter who are the representative of splendour (light) and manliness are relatively weaker, in the Ascendant there be an even sign and Venus. the Moon and Mercury be in an even sign, the, woman native having this combination in her horoscope is beautiful and charming. If the Planets representing mildness and womanish nature are situated in the Angles, it also endows the woman native with qualities proper and suitable to the woman. If these Planets being situated in Angles are in an even sign, there comes unusual depth and clarity in this effect.

~~~~:'<'54cil~dl:~: I 't'41tiPI~~. el tii~T.II'CT.IT.Ifq'(ISSIif$11'1~'<1Giifl'11 ll~fc II

If in the Ascendant in an even sign there be situated strong Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon, the woman native having this combination in her horoscope thinks about Brahma Gyan (the knowledge of the absolute Brahma) and is the Pandit (learned) of Agam Shastras.

'{4jf.l ~ : '(1 ~'ffi\( d41 a) Gild if; cCrtffii '6 "4 q I Qlfljof "T.I' 4 ;::q Ittif d I crrui ~~ttl I i!l"cil{ "4FTAi "T.j' PI4~GI<!)t<f)('l~ci ~1!&1~(14"' tM

tM "T.I' CRU) ~~ "T.I' 1Rl911

In this way the effects which have been spoken of by the ancient Munis (thinkers) about a woman native should be predicted in proportion to the strength and weakness of the Planets and the effects of those combinations



should also be consid~red taking account of marriage Ascendant or the Ascendant at the time of choosing the match (bride groom) .
. "11~~lfj ~ ~ ~ ~ 1fAt -mrci; -~nq~<J'{ I

~ 'f!JtfC:dl'<l ~ ~'tlltdliCI ~&<h'l ~41t<ll: ll=lt:'ll

~~~~ I 'flffi'*li4: ~ 4ctni-M ~ ll:iooi?ll~ ffl&~,qM~: ll=l~ 11 iffl1f '(:q tll:i~ 01~f.}; : ~ '4'&rlih il4f~ch~'*l64: 1
~5 ~ ~ 'fqi""1""1~Cf'4j~: ll~o II

THE NAARI CHAKRA (SPECULUM OF WOMEN) ACCORDING TO THE TIME OF BIRTH : First of all a shape of a woman is to be made. Counting from the Nakshtra in which there be the Sun at the time of birth 3 Nakshtras are to be put in the head, 7 in the mouth, 4 each in the two breasts, 3 Nakshtras in the region of the heart, 3 Nakshtras in the navel and 3 Nakshtras in the secret organ. In the Chakra (Speculum) made in this way the effects should be predicted according to the urgan in which there be the Nakshtra of the Moon or the Janma Nakshtra. Thus if the Janma Nakshtra happens to fall in the head there would be for the woman native suffering and grief, if it happens to fall in the mouth obtainment of sweet food and happiness, if in the breasts affection with the husband, if in the heart unusual happiness, if in the navel unusual anxiety about the husband and if it happens in the secret organ there occurs the increase of the desire of enjoying sex or lustfulness.


~ ~ -m{ I 'fiC(hM~QI+tMcfi)Ftffffiiri +tt'{cf\JIHi ~ -mf. ll~q II d?i~h$1 :1




There is the residence on the bank of the river Godavari in the village named Parth of my ancestors who obtained pure glory in the science of Astronomy. There Shri Dhundhi Raj Daivagya (Astrologer) son of Shri Nrasingh Daivagya and the worshipper of Shri Ganesha Ji composed this voluminous book (of Astrology) which contains all the effects of Hora Shastra.

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