All About Astrology: Articles 2020

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8/11/2020 Understanding Astrology - Astrodienst

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All about Astrology All Reports at a Glance

Liz Greene
Robert Hand
Dana Gerhardt
Introduction to Astrology
Advanced Astrology Articles
The Mountain Astrologer
AA Journal
Infinity Astrological Magazine Chart of the
Constellation News moment
Astro Wiki
Articles 2020 Astro-
Henry Seltzer: Paradigm Shifters and the 07.08.2020 the world-
New Planet, Eris wide
In this article, we will be taking an astrological unique
look at those individuals who have gone
of more than 60`000 chart
against the grain of established science or data can be used for free! It
culture in order to develop their own unique not only contains birth data,
viewpoint and, in so doing, created a new way but also all the chart drawings
of seeing the world around them. I am and thousands of
speaking most specifically of those individuals biographies.
throughout the history of science who were instrumental in bringing
about what is now known as a "paradigm shift" by changing the
rules of the game — the pre-existing "laws" of nature. Astro Wiki

Phoebe Wyss: Who wrote Shakespeare? 29.07.2020

Astrology Lifts the Veil
Did Shakespeare write Shakespeare? For
years conspiracy theories have raged round
the authorship of his plays. Could these AstroWiki by Astrodienst is
dramatic masterpieces so dense in meaning, a free encyclopedia of
so rich in allusions, exhibiting such deep astrology. It collects the
wisdom and extensive life experience, have knowledge of the astrological
been written by the son of a country community and makes it
tradesman with little education? available to everybody. The
Wiki`s cadre consists of two
astrological lexica.
Ra Rishikavi Raghudas: Hollywood and the 22.07.2020
Neptune Factor - How Neptune's Transits Have
Shaped the Movies
In modern astrology, everything that belongs to the boundless, the
unfettered, the selfless--is said to belong to Neptune's realm.
Neptune is the God principle and the creative Muse--that elusive 1/40
8/11/2020 Understanding Astrology - Astrodienst

thing we call magic. This profound energy is

deeply embedded in the human heart, which Current Planets
flees from the ordinary, and seeks to dream. 12-Aug-2020, 02:54 UT/GMT
And for that purpose--we have the cinema.
A Sun e
19 51'57"

B Moon 24 b 32' 6"

Pam Gregory: Buckle Up for Mars Retrograde 08.07.2020 C Mercury 13 e 55'31"

in Aries D Venus 4 d 10'28"

Mars transiting through its own sign of Aries is E Mars 22 a 40'21"

extremely dynamic and will dominate the
F Jupiter 18 j 58'24"r
second half of 2020, especially during the
retrograde phase from September 9 to G Saturn 27 j 4' 1"r

November 13. Mars retrogrades O Uranus 10 b 41'13"

approximately every two years, but it rarely
I Neptune 20 l 20'33"r
does so in the sign of Aries. It happened last
in 1988 and won't occur again until 2067. This year Mars will be J Pluto 23 j 6'28"r

much more powerful than it was in 1988, as it will form repeated L TrueNode 27 c 43' 3"
squares to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. N Chiron 9 a 1'36"r
Explanations of the symbols
Duncan O. McCollum: "It Was a Bit Crowded" 03.07.2020
Chart of the moment
- Charles', Diana's and Camilla's Personal Name
Asteroids and Sabian Symbols Fill the Palace with
One of the biggest challenges of reading natal
charts is understanding how a person sees
themselves, whether they are a client or public
figure. Astrologers know that without the
context of knowing a person well, it can be
very difficult to discern their self-image. How
one views and relates to themselves is a
critical element in understanding behavior, but it is information not
often revealed to others except close friends, partners, or
therapists. One way to gain some insights into a person’s self-image
is to use a personal name asteroid in the birth chart.

William 'Trav' Travers: The Planetary Day 01.07.2020

and Personality
It was believed in days gone by that a child’s
temperament could be influenced by the day
of the week it was born. The following old
poem below was designed to teach children
the days of the week and is one of many old
fortune-telling poems illustrating a traditional
belief in the planetary link between the days of
the week, a child’s personality and what fate had in store for them.

Karine Dilanian: Day and Night: Different 16.06.2020

Approaches to Chart Interpretation Depending on
Diurnal or Nocturnal Birth Time
The doctrine of sect, or division of the astrological chart into a
diurnal and a nocturnal one, became one of such rediscovered
doctrines. Brennan points out that the concept of sect was one of
those innovative doctrines, which appeared in Hellenistic astrology
and demonstrated that Hellenistic astrology was becoming more 2/40
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complicated and disconnected from the

earliest astrological tradition.

Brian Clark: Kairos - Opportunity in the Time 09.06.2020

of Capricorn
The streets of London and New York and
Tokyo and Paris are almost empty. Their
celebrated boulevards and urban alleyways
like a wasteland. The high-end shops are
closed, some boarded up: no shoppers, no
trade, no commerce. No pubs, no restaurants,
no mass, no Olympics. What is non-essential,
yet part of daily life, is closed. New rules apply. It is not a science
fiction film set, so what are we seeing?

Frank C. Clifford: A Practical Guide to Writers 02.06.2020

of Astrology
In this article I'll be discussing the various
ways in which astrologers can get their work
published and offering advice about
approaching magazines and publishers. I'll
also provide some tips on how to start the
writing process and to discover your niche as
a writer. There are plenty of websites and
books dedicated to writing and getting published. But I'd like to
focus on what I've learned as a writer and publisher in the area of

Chet Zdrowski: Dane Rudhyar - Astrology for 19.05.2020

the Modern Psyche
Dane Rudhyar is a towering figure in modern
astrology. Long after his passing in 1985 he
continues to have a pervasive influence on
much of modern astrology, especially
evolutionary and psychological forms. Many of
his later works are relatively unknown and
there are many treasures for coming
generations of astrologers to discover in them. Here we'll be taking
a look at his first astrology book, one of the craft's most ground-
breaking and enduring classics, The Astrology of Personality.

Grazia Mirti: Lilith - Black Moon: A Golden 06.05.2020

Ally in the Astrological Interpretation
In this article I shall discuss the important role
played by Lilith-Dark Moon in our astrological
analyses. I have researched the effects of
Lilith-Dark Moon for many years; I now
regularly include the study of Lilith-Dark Moon
in my daily astrological practice. In my view, it
is important to consider Lilith-Dark Moon’s role
in a wider sense: not only as a symbol of feminine empowerment
and transformation, but also as a useful indicator of our unfulfilled 3/40
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wishes, lacks and areas of our lives which need to be more carefully

Wendy Stacy: A global transition - The 04.05.2020

astrology of Coronavirus
With much of the world in lockdown to beat
Covid-19, this pandemic correlates to the
January 2020 Capricorn Saturn-Pluto
conjunction and other planetary cycles.
Despite global fear and looming economic
challenges, astrology sees the larger picture
and the route map to a whole new Aquarian
and better world.

Ray Grasse: Saturn as the Key 'Karmic' 20.04.2020

Challenge of the Horoscope
More years ago than I care to remember, I
heard a visiting astrologer make the offhand
comment that Saturn's placement in the
horoscope indicates where one's "key karmic
challenge in this lifetime is." Having thought
about that astrologer's comment quite a bit
since first hearing it, I've come to believe there
is indeed something unique about Saturn as representing an
especially focused symbol of one's current life-challenges.

Alex Trenoweth: The Jupiter-Pluto 19.02.2020

Mythologically, Jupiter and Pluto are polar
opposites. Jupiter is a sky god whose position
in the heavens gave him the ability to be
omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He
was in charge of laws and higher-order. Pluto
was the god of the Underworld, powerful and
wealthy in his own right. Together, it would
make sense that they could create something big out of something

Brian Clark: Heaven in a Wild Flower: 01.04.2020

Reflections on Imagination
"To the uninitiated, the horoscope is a chart of
squiggles and glyphs. To the astrologer it is a
map of revelatory symbols; either way it
evokes an imaginal space." The focus on
techniques has its place, but what of the role
of the imagination which in astrology is the
key to unlocking the "sacred shards of the
soul"? To answer that question, we must go to another place
beyond the intellect.

Ray Grasse: StarGates: Planetary Portals and 04.03.2020

Windows in Time
Besides making two groundbreaking scientific discoveries, the
scientist Joseph Priestley published major papers on electricity,
invented new apparatuses for the creation of electrical charge,
isolated and named ten distinct gases, and wrote more than fifty 4/40
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books and pamphlets on politics, education,

and faith. What explains why certain historical
periods are times when new ideas burst onto
the scene in profusion?

Anne Whitaker: Paradox and the Saturn- 02.03.2020

Pluto Cycle: "In my end is my beginning..."
In East Coker, the second of T.S. Eliot’s Four
Quartets, he began that section with, “In my
beginning is my end;" and ended it, “in my end
is my beginning”. This rather paradoxical
juxtaposition bookends the whole of life. Every
beginning carries the seeds of its ending;
every ending has potential for new
beginnings. However, generally speaking, you don’t find much
astrological musing on the topic of cycles’ endings – or their slow

Alex Trenoweth: Herschel, Uranus and Mary 25.02.2020

Shelley's Vision of Horror
As schoolteacher, it was my privilege to teach
the Gothic masterpiece Frankenstein . As I
listened to my pupils discussing the themes of
the novel, it struck me how the defiance and
inventiveness of Victor Frankenstein seemed
to match the astrological themes found in
Uranus and the themes of death and
resurrection seemed to match those of Pluto.

David Leskowitz: Crafting a Future with the 19.02.2020

Centaur's Cosmic Sandpaper: 2020 Transits of
Chiron, Pholus and Chariklo
The third decade of this millennium begins
with conjunctions between Jupiter, Saturn,
and Pluto. When Saturn and Pluto conjoin, not
only do they close one 36 year cycle to start
another, they serve to link our inner and outer
spheres of experience. When Saturnian
limitations are exploded by Plutonic force, who
would you call but the Centaurs?

Sioux Rose: Star Profiles of Female 12.02.2020

The economist studies financial trends, the
political strategist studies polls, and the
astrologer checks the pages in her ephemeris.
Emerging from today’s Capricorn emphasis
arises the next Great Conjunction. As
humanity approaches this Great Conjunction
due next month, a number of dynamic female
firebrands have entered the political limelight.

Carole Taylor: Element Imbalances: The 03.02.2020

Presence of Absence 5/40
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What can it mean to have little (or be absent) of one of the four
elements in a horoscope? How have
celebrated lives compensated for the so-
called missing function? As the author
proposes: "A void or a space or a lack
provides an opening – a place where
something can be created".

Russ von Ohlhausen: The Fibonacci Zodiac 27.01.2020

What is “astrology”? What does it mean to

each person who studies it, practices it,
profanes it or denounces it? You might think
this would be a simple query that is easily
answered but as many of us in the field of
astrology know, there is no uniform or simple
way to address this question. Is it art, is it
science, is it a form of spiritual discipline or is it a trailhead to
understanding the pathway to our higher potentials?

Fernanda Paiva: Reflections, Memories and 17.01.2020

Multiple Transits
I thought about writing this article on many
different topics within the astrological field, but
what came out was the urge to share a little
about my experience having multiple transits,
especially the challenging Pluto transits to my
personal planets and what has been learnt, a
mix of confirming the information provided in
some of the classic astrological text books, with what has personally
been useful to me in order to survive a time of multiple inner deaths
and turmoil.

Roy Gillett: 2020 - Pluto/Saturn Conjunction 10.01.2020

in Capricorn Leading to Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius
To have four of the five outer planets in earth
signs is rare. To have Jupiter, Saturn and
Pluto in Capricorn, while Uranus is in Taurus
has happened only one other year, in the
10,000-year period 4999 BCE to 4999 CE.
3838 BCE was the time of the Bronze Age
and when there are first records of writing.

André Barbault: The Roots of Astrology 03.01.2020

Despite rich sources of information provided

by archaeology, ethnology, anthropology and
psychoanalysis, it is not easy to imagine the
sentient thoughts of people from a distant time
when faced with the universe. In addition to
the access and the perspectives provided by
these disciplines, we would, somehow, have
to return to the womb of the alma mater.

 Articles 2019
Mandi Lockley: Mercury, Ego and the Inner 19.12.2019
Journey 6/40
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We know that astrological Mercury represents mind, thoughts and

communication in our horoscope. The mind is
where our sensory perceptions are processed
in the brain and our perceptions are reflected
in our thoughts. As we think, we rationalise,
assess, form judgements, make decisions,
learn and solve problems. We also form
beliefs, ideas and opinions which we express through our actions
and communications.

Marguerite dar Boggia: Nikola Tesla - Our 18.12.2019

Gift from Venus
Nikola Tesla was a gift to our humanity from
Venus. He was the world’s greatest inventor, a
pioneer, blazing the trail. He had patents for
1,200 inventions, including operating a car
and/or spacecraft without any fuel, wireless
electricity, the radio, robots, etc. Friends urged
him to use his money from his inventions to
create his own company to promote and sell his inventions; but with
the strong mutable houses, oriented towards the mind, service and
spiritual aspiration, he was not a CEO type, but a creator who lived
in the mind.

Bob Makransky: The Lunar Rhythm and 02.12.2019

Search for Joy
It’s the personal conviction of the author that
“if you want to get back to feeling as joyous as
ancient people did, and take a short-cut to
living out your true purpose in life, then quit
using the solar calendar and start using the
lunar one”. In this extract from his esoteric
book The Great Wheel, prepare to enter the
world of magical symbolism where ‘rationalistic’ expectations cannot
be met.

Astrodienst Advent Calendar 30.11.2019

Each day the Advent Calendar 2019 will give

you a little insight into the mysterious
symbolism of numbers their mysterious
meanings and the ancient stories associated
with them.

Vanesa Maiorana y Alejandro Luna: 26.11.2019

AstroHology - A Path to Self-Knowledge and Healing
Astrology has been in existence for about
4,000 years, and apparently it is still in very
good health. As empires are born and fall,
continents move, religions appear and
disappear and humanity evolves, Astrology
not only survives but is increasingly creative
and vital. Why? Perhaps Astrology has the
potential to mutate and update itself constantly, tuning in to the
perceptions that arise from the evolution of human consciousness. 7/40
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Roy Gillett: Pluto Transiting Capricorn in the 22.11.2019

Sidereal and Tropical Zodiacs for Thousands of Years.
What are the Lessons for our Times?
The transit of the planets through the actual
sidereal and symbolic tropical zodiacs
represents different, but complimentary views
of human understanding. In the context of the
25,860 Great Year cycle from and to the
coincidence of two zodiacs, the transits of
Pluto though Capricorn in both comes at times
of major structural social change.

Ferhan Çeçen: Planets in Natal Charts: The 19.11.2019

Importance of Hemispheres, Quadrants and Aspect
When looking at a natal chart for the first time
my attention is always drawn to the
distribution of planets. In my opinion this factor
is nearly as important as the signs of Sun,
Moon, Ascendant and their rulers. The main
aim of this article is to show that much
information can be gained about the basic
inclination of a person by examination of hemispheres, quadrants
and aspect pictures.

Jenn Zahrt: Controversy and Conversion: 12.11.2019

Astrological Considerations for Potent Herbal
When embarking on the task of learning
planetary correspondences with the plant
realm, primers abound. Often these lists will
assign a plant to a single planet, or suggest a
secondary planetary influence. When
compared side by side, the practitioner will
begin to notice discrepancies emerging across
various sources. Certain plants succumb to controversy, and fixing
the plant to a singular planetary influence becomes confusing. How
is one to know which historical, traditional assignment is correct?

Penny Thornton: Astrology in the Workplace 12.09.2018

- The Zodiac Guide to Creating Great Working
Most of us have jobs, and most of us must
therefore interact with people who share our
working space. So, the benefit of knowing how
we all tick, what to watch out for and how to
make the best of our working relationships
cannot be underestimated. In the bargain, you
get to see how the elements flow through life
as vibrantly today as they did in the time of Empedocles.

Jessica Adams: Astrology - According to TV, 01.11.2019

Movies and Radio
Does astrology feature much in films? Or on television and radio?
More than you might think. Beyond the usual suspects, such as 8/40
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Prof. Brian Cox (who called astrology

“rubbish” in one of his BBC2 Wonders of the
Universe astronomy shows and insists on
calling us “astrologists”) and Prof. Richard
Dawkins (who allegedly “debunked” astrology
in his Enemies of Reason TV documentary)
you can find it in the likes of The Simpsons
and countless other entertainments. As Homer Simpson would say,
in reply to both Cox and Dawkins, “DOH!”s

Julija Simas: The Fractal Nature of Astrology 23.10.2019

with the Venus Star
As seekers of astrological wisdom, we are
often confronted by the bigger questions of
“why does astrology work?”. We know it
works, we see it working in our lives, in our
clients lives and in the world around us in so
many varied and profoundly interesting ways.

Steve Cozzi: Planets in Locality - 23.10.2019

Introduction to Local Space Astrology
What exactly is the Local Space / Horizon
System and how does it work? This is a list of
how Local Space and locality astrology can
help those using its methods: It can put you in
touch with your personal planetary patterns,
acting as an aid to discovering your own
personal myth. It depicts a journey through all
your strengths and weaknesses. This journey is plotted in the
heavens, but it can literally take you across the planet in search of
those special places that can add meaning and vitality to your life.

MichelAngelo: "A Death Greatly Rumored At" 16.10.2019

One of the much-ballyhooed recent events in
popular culture in the past year or so has
been the appearance of legendary Beatle, Sir
Paul McCartney, on the TV show, “Carpool
Karaoke” with host, James Corden, of The
Late Late Show. At last count, accordingly to
an online report, the program has had over 14
million views on YouTube, as it features a trip down memory lane in
Liverpool for the rock star, and a surprise five-song set by his band
in a local pub at the end of the segment.

Eda Ocak Zakaria: When the Needs are Met 14.10.2019

in the Relationship: Goddess Juno
Knowing what we want in a relationship takes
time and experience. We sometimes get
confused about what we need in a
relationship and demand more than what one
person can provide. Astrology can give us an
entryway to understanding our needs, desires,
and tendencies in relationships. There are
some indicators in the natal chart that tell us specifically about
relationships. Asteroid Juno shows what we want from a partner
and long-term relationships. 9/40
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Liz Hargreaves: The Horoscope of the 'Sun 01.10.2019

King' Louis XIV
The compelling historical drama Versailles
transports viewers to the 17th century opulent
and decadent court of Louis XIV, the
absolutist ‘Sun King’ (le Roi-Soleil) who ruled
France for 72 years and 110 days. In history
he is notorious for countless love affairs, his
fabulous Palace of Versailles, staggering
extravagance and costly foreign wars. But was the ‘real’ Louis
different from these clichés?

Arlan Wise: Mercury - The Writer's Friend 20.09.2019

We can think of Mercury as the planets’ little

brother. He is often seen as less important
when talking about the planets since he
doesn’t have the power and reputation of the
big boys. He is known by many names:
Hermes, Thoth, the Lord of holy words, in
Norse he is Loki, the Native Americans call
him Coyote, He is Raven to the Inuit, and Lugas, (god of trade who
gives things back and forth) to the Celts. The Hellenistic astrologers
called him “the twinkling one”. Vedic mythology sees him as “the
prince”. He is Jung’s puer aeternus, the perpetual youth. He has a
quality of agelessness.

Anne Whitaker: Some Notes on Cycles in a 17.09.2019

Time of Crisis ...
In these notes, I am focusing mainly on the
cycles which are of immediate concern to us
now, as we sit in the eye of a circling series of
collective storms, contemplating an increasing
threat to the long-term survival of planet Earth.
My aim is to provide those of you who are just
beginning to get to grips with the larger, more
complex – and fascinating! – dimensions of astrology beyond the
merely personal with some initial perspectives hopefully to whet
your appetites.

Victor Olliver: Mystique: The Charts of 10.09.2019

This article is entitled Mystique: The Charts of
Sphinxes. And today we shall take a close
look at the people past and present who
astonish us with their public image yet
withhold from us…some personal essence.
We may call these people ‘inscrutable’,
‘enigmatic’, ‘secretive’, ‘veiled’ and
‘unpredictable’, but what they all do is tantalise – wittingly or
otherwise (usually otherwise – they just can’t help themselves). We
are awed by their spectacle yet intrigued by what they don’t

Tania Daniels: Antiscia - The Origins and 03.09.2019

History of an Ancient Technique Re-discovered 10/40
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In astrology, there are many points in a horoscope which are given

particular importance and which connect
planets and their significations even if a
classical aspect between them is lacking.
Among these points are the antiscia. The
antiscia, in the plural, or antiscium in the
singular in its Latin expression, or antiscion in
its Greek expression, were already known in
Hellenistic times. The earliest authors mentioning them are Marcus
Manilius and Dorotheus of Sidon (both 1. Century CE).

Maurice Fernandez: The 2019-2020 Eclipses 27.08.2019

and the British Monarchs
"Kings and queens are born and die during
eclipses" – the ancient saying says. An
eclipse consists of a Sun/Moon/Nodes
conjunction or opposition (New or Full Moon
on the Nodes). Since the Lunar Nodes
themselves are the intersection point between
the Solar and Lunar orbit as seen from the
earth, an eclipse occurs when they indeed align exactly on those
points. The Sun and Moon can only be eclipsed because from our
earth perspective they appear to be exactly the same size.

Hakan Kirkoglu: Prenatal Eclipses and 21.08.2019

Lunations in Natal Astrology
We are born into cycles and needless to say,
the lunation cycle plays an important role in
understanding the major themes unfolding in
our lives. The Sun and the Moon, the lights,
are our cosmic father and mother. Their
rhythmic conjunctions and oppositions through
the Zodiac seem like patterns of tapestry
behind our natal charts. Indeed, our natal chart itself is just an
instant in the infinity of this cosmic interplay. However, we usually
skip this fundamental information and jump directly to our natal
chart which in fact is only the tip of the iceberg.

Michele Adler: Predicting for Relationships 12.08.2019

The following are indications of at least the

potential for a romantic relationship,
partnership, long-term commitment or
marriage. Some of these may be indications
of business partnerships, or simply attractions.
For a significant union of anything to occur,
the charts of both parties should have a
number of factors activated. Those factors include Sun/Moon
aspects, Venus/Mars aspects, and aspects involved with the ruler of
the 7th and/or 5th houses, or with the natal Ascendant.

Frank C. Clifford: The Power Degrees of the 01.08.2019

The first, middle and final degrees in each of the signs carry specific
and potent messages, whether in the natal horoscope or
directed/progressed charts. Here, a range of horoscopes of famous
people and events is analysed to demonstrate the spectrum of 11/40
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meanings across these highly-charged


Vanessa Guazzelli Paim: Considerations on 22.07.2019

Interpreting Black Moon Lilith
To properly understand an astrological point
and be able to more accurately interpret it, we
astrologers must, as a basic principle, take
into consideration the astronomical
perspectives of such point. So, let us look into
the celestial mechanics and its astro-logics,
before we enrich our understanding with
considerations of mythology and other sources of knowledge on this
fascinating subject.

Chiron Yeng: Ploughing Through the Murky 16.07.2019

Mud for the Lotus to Bloom
We are approaching an imminent turning point
in our lives collectively and personally. With
global crises awaiting at our doorstep, the
knocks get louder and louder as we approach
the infamous 2020 Pluto-Saturn conjunction.
The pressure to rise up to the expectations of
our worldly concerns is leaving us very little
room and time to fool around with our life.

Petr Lisý: The Four Elements and 10.07.2019

Spontaneous Dance
Ecstatic dance is one of the most ancient,
universal, and cross-cultural pathways to
wholeness. It has been an important
archetypal motive as well, one that plays
important role in world mythology. Being
closer to the feminine pole rather than
masculine and allowing to reach mystical
states of consciousness by the non-rational means, dance can
rightfully be described as a Dionysian activity.

Anthea Head: Pluto and the Creative Arts 01.07.2019

The arts have the power to raise the spirit of

their audience, they move us, transform us,
excite our passions and our feelings. They
make us laugh or weep, lift us to great heights
or fill us with compassion. They provide a
vehicle through which we can gaze upon both
the best and the worst in human nature and in
some mysterious way they make us more than we are.

Rod Suskin: The Astrology of Dreams 21.06.2019

Although contemporary astrologers don’t typically consider

themselves dream analysts, the fascination for dreams and the
need for their interpretation stretches back to the earliest days of 12/40
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astrology. It is sometimes surprising to learn

that astrology has a full set of tools ready to
deal with dreams and decode their mysteries.

Smiljana Gavrančić: The Road to my 10.06.2019

Dedication to Hecate
Many entered Hades’ underworld, but almost
nobody managed to get out. Hades,
Persephone, Hermes and Hecate are the only
beings who could go in and out of the
underworld. Hecate is one of the first
goddesses, she is a pre-Olympic goddess
who was created by Gaea and Uranus, long
before other beings were created. She represented a magic living in
the nature. Hecate is known as a sorceress.

Olivia Barclay: The Need for Traditional 03.06.2019

By traditional astrology, I mean that great
canon of knowledge that has accumulated
over the past thousands of years. It consists
of Mundane, Horary, Nativities and Electional
Astrology. Astrology is the study of the action
of spirit through the medium of heavenly
bodies, on all manifest material matter of this
earth, or as Cardan, the famous sixteenth century Italian astrologer
said in my favourite aphorism, 'Heaven is the Instrument of the Most
High God whereby he acts upon and Governs Inferior Things'.

Ray Grasse: Tuning into the Zeitgeist - 24.05.2019

Riding the Waves of Planetary Change
Late in the summer of 1992, while working for
a magazine outside of Chicago, I began
feeling increasingly burned out by the long
hours I’d been keeping for months on end and
decided to just get away for a few days by
myself. So, after talking it over with both my
bosses, I managed to wrangle a few extra
days around an upcoming weekend and rearrange a few other
things in my schedule.

Nancy Massing: The Old and the New - 21.05.2019

Saturn and Uranus
In the study of astrology, we inevitably have to
learn how different planetary pairs will
combine and interact. Whilst all the possible
combinations are important, some produce
particularly significant, complex and
challenging results. The combining of grim old
Saturn and radical Uranus, is one such a pair.
I hope here to share with you some ideas and examples regarding
the relationship between these two that I have found enlightening. 13/40
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Carole Bone: Neptune and the Search for 10.05.2019

If one was to seek a defintion of Nirvana, it is
likely you would find something along the lines
of the following: "A transcendent state in
which there is neither suffering, desire, nor
sense of self, release from the effects of
karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. A
state of perfect happiness; an ideal or idyllic
place." This description also relates to Astrological Neptune.

Jackie Taylor: George Harrison: The 02.05.2019

Astrology of a Beatle
An ardent Beatles fan examines the life and
times of the ‘Quiet One’ and his two birth
charts (one rectified – thanks to his interest in
astrology). Among other things, can we tell
from his appearance and behaviour which
was his likely rising sign – Libra or Scorpio?
The first issue that must be addressed here is
birthday data, because George Harrison well and truly muddied the
waters on this subject.

Christian König: Between Heaven and Earth - 23.04.2019

Heliacal Rising and Setting Stars
Every child has its favourite fairy tale. Mine
was “The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian
Andersen about a young mermaid who is
willing to give up her identity as a mermaid to
gain a human soul. I particularly loved the part
where the mermaid’s grandmother talked
about soul:"We sometimes live to three
hundred years, but when we cease to exist here we only become
the foam on the surface of the water. We have no immortal souls,
we shall never live again. Human beings, on the contrary, have a
soul which lives forever..."

Leisa Schaim: Saturn and Sect 11.04.2019

The Saturn return is a well-known astrological

phenomenon, probably the next most
commonly recognized astrological term after
Sun signs and Mercury retrograde. It takes
place approximately every 29.5 years, and
lasts roughly 2–3 years, depending on
whether it retrogrades back and forth between
signs during that time. It tends to be a critical turning point in
everyone’s life, in some way or another.

Cristiane Brum Bernardes: Confrontation and 08.04.2019

Empowerment: Expressions of Saturn and Lilith in
The first term of 2018 was astrologically marked by several planets
traversing the sign of Capricorn, figuratively represented by the
mountain goat with fish feet. Mars, during his passage at the
beginning of the year, made a conjunction with and activated Pluto, 14/40
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who has been in this sign since 2008. The

zodiacal warrior also activated Saturn, newly
arrived in the tenth sign of the Zodiac, of
which he is the ruler, on 21 December 2017.

Alan Clay: Sedna Consciousness - The Soul's 01.04.2019

Path of Destiny
The author introduces us to his voluminous
new book on the possible dwarf planet Sedna
(8 billion miles away) whose orbital period is
so long that the whole of recorded human
history has taken place in the last Sedna six
months. Here he contends that Sedna's
astrological themes include transcendence
and spiritual growth. And he looks ahead deeper into the 21st
century to discover what comes next on our Earth journey.

Smiljana Gavrančić: Brexit and 13° Pisces - 29.03.2019

Leaving the EU from the degree of Mercury's Fall
If you entered some project with the
symbolism of 13° Pisces, it can hardly last in
time. UK started its journey to EU in 1973
from 13° Pisces, the degree of Mercury’s fall,
and it also leaves EU from 13° Pisces. Here,
changes of previously agreed things are
possible, for any agreement, any signature
fails in time...

Alex Trenoweth: The Growing Pains of Harry 22.03.2019

On the 26 June 1992, as Mercury was
conjunct the Sun in Cancer, the first in a
seven-part series of Harry Potter books -
originally written for children - was published.
Some people might say the literary world has
never been the same since: magic, wizardry
and obscure Latin phrases enchanted
Muggles in a way no other books have. J. K. Rowling was instantly
transformed from destitute single mother to globally-acclaimed
author. To date over 500 million copies of the books have been sold

Chris Brennan: Introduction to Hellenistic 14.03.2019

Astrology (2) - Annual Profections, Lots, and
Zodiacal Releasing
In this article, I will present two timing
techniques that were used by Hellenistic
astrologers to determine when certain events
would occur during the course of a native’s
life. First, though, I would like to expand on
some philosophical positions that were
adopted by astrologers in the ancient world.
Many of the philosophical positions that were first defined in ancient
times are still very relevant to the practice of astrology today. 15/40
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Paula Belluomini: Windows of Opportunity - 11.03.2019

Your Best Chances to Succeed
When I began to study the principles of
Electional Astrology with Jim Shawvan, in
California, the question that came to my mind
was: Is it really possible to change the
outcome of an event by choosing what time
we start the action? According to him the
answer was, yes! Choosing the appropriate
time period is much like increasing the chances of savoring a good
fruit by harvesting it at the right time.

Kim Farnell: Modern Astrologers: The Lives 01.03.2019

of Alan and Bessie Leo
Alan Leo was the first modern astrologer. He
argued for a loose interpretation of trends of
experience rather than specific predictions,
leading to the birth of Sun sign astrology and
horoscope columns. Throughout much of his
life, Alan worked alongside his wife Bessie –
this is her story, too. In this extract from the
author’s new book, we learn more about his ideas, business and
commitment to self-empowering astrological education.

Ray Grasse: The Enchanted Cosmos - 21.02.2019

Symbolism, Synchronicity, and the Astrological World
Late in the summer of 1992, while working for
a magazine outside of Chicago, I began
feeling increasingly burned out by the long
hours I’d been keeping for months on end and
decided to just get away for a few days by
myself. So, after talking it over with both my
bosses, I managed to wrangle a few extra
days around an upcoming weekend and rearrange a few other
things in my schedule.

Lynn Bell: Light and Shadow in the Family 19.02.2019

Gifts and talents, shadow and light, are rarely

equally distributed in a family. The shadow
can be cast by a larger than life personality, a
parent, a grandparent, a mythic ancestor, or
by a sibling. When an individual appears with
exceptional gifts, beauty or brilliance, others
may find themselves less attended to. A bright
light may be a gift for a family, a source of pride on many levels.
And yet others may feel left out, hidden, or unimportant.

Marguerite dar Boggia: Dr. Maria Montessori 14.02.2019

- The Educational Innovator
Educator, medical doctor, reseacher, author, lecturer, innovator,
humanist, Maria Montessori's contribution to the education of
children is profound and timely. She was born on 8/31/1870 at 1:20
PM in Chiaravalle, Italy. Her chart can be mined for inferences of
her true destiny. Her Sun is in Virgo in the 9th house. It sextiles the 16/40
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Scorpio Moon in the 11th house of

organizations, which she later organized and

Elizabeth Spring: Age 59 - The "Second 11.02.2019

Quest" at the Second Saturn Return
At a birthday party last year, a ‘young’ friend of
mine bemoaned turning 59 because it was so
close to the even worse age of 60. “It’s now or
never” she sighed... I was secretly glad she
was turning 59 and now in her Second Saturn
Return because these major transits have a
way of pushing us out of the nest of
comfortableness and almost force us into beginning something

Review: The Astrological World of Jung's 07.02.2019

Liber Novus - Daimons, Gods and the Planetary
The Astrological World of Jung’s Liber Novus
is a meticulous piece of scholarship in which
Dr Liz Greene, well-known and respected
Jungian psychologist, astrologer, teacher and
writer provides an in-depth commentary on
Carl Gustav Jung’s Liber Novus, tracking
especially the part which an extensive
knowledge and use of astrology played in his deeply personal ‘soul
journey’. Liz Greene’s grasp of her material is profound. Equally
impressive is the clarity with which she has presented it.

Luiza Azancot: The Privilege of 'Looking' 01.02.2019

Beyond the Moment: An Astrological Reflection on
Alexander McQueen
Some of the most rewarding moments as a
consulting astrologer happen when I can tell
clients when a particular crisis is likely to end.
When I saw the news of Alexander
McQueen's death I wondered what had
motivated a successful, talented British
designer at the top of his career to commit
suicide. After looking at his chart and the transits that had been
affecting him I wished he had had the benefit of an astrological
perspective. It might have saved his life.

Mj Patterson: Chocolate Coated Time-Check 29.01.2019

Rectification is the correction of the time of
birth until it correctly predicts the life events of
the client. Why should we bother with
checking the times? Most countries of the
world record the time of birth on the birth
certificate. Canada and many parts of the US 17/40
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fall behind in that the only record is kept at the maternity unit,
assuming one is born at a hospital.

Carole Bone: Polarity - True Lies and Open 15.01.2019

The division of the zodiac by sign, element,
mode and polarity are the basic building
blocks of astrological principle but polarity is
usually skimmed over in comparison to the
others. However it has much to give the new
student grappling to comprehend the
bewildering wealth of information used in
horoscope interpretation.

Babs Kirby: Jung's Struggle with Astrology 03.01.2019

There are many strong clues to Jung's abiding

interest in astrology despite his ambivalence –
such as his stone carvings of planetary glyphs
which may be the subject of a conspiracy of
silence. Carl Jung had a life-long struggle
trying to reconcile his need for scientific
respectability (Saturn) with his more mystical,
intuitive leanings (Neptune) and never more so than with astrology.

 Articles 2018
Donna Young: An Introduction to the Outer 19.11.2018
For thousands of years Saturn was the planet
that set the boundary for our solar system.
With the advent of telescopes in the early
1600’s, it became possible for star gazers to
see farther than ever imagined. Neptune was
the first planet to be observed by Galileo, but
at the time he didn’t realize what he was
looking at and Uranus became the first official outer planet to be
identified in 1781. This was followed by a confirmation of Neptune
in 1846, and the discovery of Pluto in 1930.

Anne Beversdorf: Musings of a Vedic and 11.12.2018

Western Astrologer
We are a rare community, us astrologers. We
share a complete language system—the
astrological language. And we all love finding
new friends who speak our astrological
language. There are dialects of our language,
too. Sometimes these dialects are SO distinct
it may seem like we don’t share a language at
all. You can see these big dialectical differences when you
compare modern western astrology to Vedic astrology, Chinese
astrology, or even when Hellenistic astrology is compared to
Evolutionary astrology.

Review: Jung's Studies in Astrology - 03.12.2018

Prophecy, Magic, and the Qualities of Time, by Liz
Greene 18/40
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Of course, most astrologers know that Carl Gustav Jung was

interested in astrology, did charts of his
patients, and drew on astrology for his
psychological theories. And most
psychological astrologers make good use of
Jungʹs psychology in their counselling
practice. Some may also refer to Jungʹs
principle of synchronicity when trying to explain to non-astrologers
how astrology works. But who of these astrologers (myself included)
can actually say much more about Jungʹs astrological journey?

Nicola Wood: The Twelve Signs of Christmas 03.12.2018

Christmas is traditionally a time when

shopping, eating and partying form a large
part of the celebrations. Yet each sign is
unique in its own way, so what does it take to
make this time of the year extra special for
Aries: an active Christmas: With a low
boredom threshold, just sitting around at home watching old films
on television probably isn't for you....

Chart Patterns acc. to Marc Edmund Jones 29.11.2018

Chart interpretation is a complex matter, and

there are several ways to go about it. Before
going into detailed analysis of individual chart
factors, it can be helpful to get a general idea
of the general tendencies in a horoscope. One
way of finding out about general tendencies in
a chart is the analysis of chart patterns as
developed by Marc Edmund Jones.

Claudia Bader: The Inner Life of the 20.11.2018

Astrological Mandala: Macrocosm and Microcosm
The archetype of the mandala and the rich
meanings connected to it encompass all of my
themes today, thus the title of this lecture: The
Inner Life Of The Astrological Mandala. Using
the archetype of the mandala, I hope to speak
to dimensions that unite us all as astrologers;
a psycho-spiritual exploration of the power of
our art, our divine science. In particular, a non-verbal level of the
power of astrology.

Anne Whitaker: Some Thoughts on ... Jupiter 12.11.2018

Feeling restless, dissatisfied, antsy, looking for
a new goal, ready for a new adventure? If so,
it could be that you are beginning an 11/12
year phase which kicked off the last time
Jupiter was in Sagittarius from November
2006 to December 2007. If you are around
23/4 years old, or 35/6, or 47/8, or 59/60, or
71/2, or 83/4 – it's you I am talking about.

Victor Olliver: Chart of God's Own Surgeon 01.11.2018 19/40
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Vincent Fuller is a special healer - and a new book on him claims he

works directly with God. What does astrology
say? There is at least one incontestable truth
in the new book release: Mr Fuller’s life is
extraordinary. He is not just a trance medium
and spiritual healer/psychic surgeon, who
anecdotally has cured many people of serious
illnesses, but also the ‘Hand of God’, claiming to be a healing avatar
of the creator.

Ray Grasse: The Songs of Dismembered Gods29.10.2018

- Exploring the Archetypal Roots of Astrology
For thousands of years, mystics and
philosophers have proposed that our world is
underlain by a matrix of fundamental
principles, sometimes known as archetypes.
Just as all musical compositions are based
upon a limited scale of notes, and all images
are variations on a spectrum of colors, so all
phenomena and experiences can be broken down to a primary set
of universal symbols, or cosmic principles.

Nicola Smuts Allsop: Fertility Astrology: A 22.10.2018

Case Study
Raylene met Jacques when they were both
nineteen years old and at university together.
He proposed to her when she was twenty-four
and they decided to try to conceive straight
away. As a consequence of recurring teenage
acne, Raylene had been on the contraceptive
pill, since the age of thirteen. She was
justifiably concerned about her fertility, but during the months
leading up to the wedding, her acne returned and she starting
taking the pill again until after the ceremony in June 2005. In June
2006 they started trying a little more seriously to conceive.

LeAnn Lacy: From Detriment to Dignity: 10.10.2018

Venus Descends into the Light
From October 6 to November 16 Venus will
retrograde from detriment at 10º Scorpio to
dignity at 25º Libra. Those of us with natal
placements forming major aspects to these
degrees will most likely be challenged to
consciously confront or express, and possibly
transform our deepest desires and longings.
For those of us that embrace transformation and healing, this will be
a time of welcome reflection revealing where we are immature in
matters of relationship and core values, allowing us to midwife a
greater sense of inner maturity by the end of the transit.

Anna Maria Costa Ribeiro: Commitment and 05.10.2018

Freedom is harder than commitment. Why? Well, what would you
do with all the freedom? You know what commitment is (don't you?).
However, what do you know about freedom? Commitment is easy,
whether in relationships, work, etc. Freedom, however, urges you to 20/40
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be real. The naked truth of ALL the Planets of

your Natal Chart.

João Medeiros: The Combustion of Saturn 01.10.2018

What does a combust Saturn fresh in a new

sign tell us of the times to come? War, fire and
pestilence? The author discusses this
overlooked ingress chart, in a journey through
past centuries up to the current 2018-2020
phase. What do the 2018-2020 period, the
Great Fire of London, the Hiroshima atomic
bombing and the Chernobyl disaster have in common? They were
all preceded by a combust Saturn ingress in a new sign.

Patrizia Nava: In the Heart of the Sun - The 27.09.2018

Role of Latitude in the Definition of Cazimi
Both Western and Indian astrology
acknowledge the Sun as a giver of life, but its
light and heat are so intense it burns those
who dare to get too close. A planet in this
situation is made invisible and loses strength
and influence. Hence the idea that being
under the Sun’s rays is one of the worst
accidental debilities. A planet within 8° in longitude from the centre
of the Sun is said to be combust, that is, burnt and totally invisible.

Tara Aal: You are the Planets: Living 14.09.2018

Astrology with Planets on the 1st
Before I launch right in, I want to share a little
bit of my “now”. If you get a feel for me, you
might recognize a version of it in you. It’s fun
to connect this way – discovering ourselves
through each other. I love astrology! I love this
language that speaks to me at levels I didn’t
even know existed. Sharing it brings me joy
every day and I’m lucky to be a resident astrologer at a company
that is passionate about sharing wisdom and being real.

Penny Thornton: The Zodiac Cooks - Recipes 12.09.2018

from the Celestial Kitchen of Life, Part 2
I had been flirting with the idea of writing an
astrological cookery book for some years
when I came across a little book entitled,
'Kafka's Soup'. The author, Mark Crick, had
given fourteen famous writers – Jane Austen
and Homer among them - the task of writing a
dinner recipe. And there it was: my epiphany. I
would take the twelve signs of the zodiac and allow them to put
together a three-course meal in their own unique style.

Andrew McDonald: Was Vincent 'mad'? 05.09.2018 21/40
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Though I am not a psychiatrist, I trained and worked for years as an

analytic hypnotherapist and had plenty of
clients who came to me who felt they were
indeed 'mad' or 'going mad'. The reality was
often vastly different from what they believed
or had been told. Therefore, I thought it
interesting to look astrologically at Vincent van
Gogh's 'madness'. Van Gogh is often seen as
a cast-iron example of someone, who due to their actions, such as
cutting off a piece of his ear and giving it to a prostitute, could only
be seen as 'mad'.

Melanie Reinhart: Chiron in Aries - Poppies 14.08.2018

and Cornflowers
The sign of Aries begins the twelve-fold cycle
of the signs of the zodiac, representing the
flaming forth of the individual sense of “I”, the
pure flame of Being, before it becomes
embedded in family, relationships, or career. It
is the power of pure Yang, the masculine
principle of ‘going forth’, fertilising, inspiring,
initiating, bringing confidence and optimism. Chiron in Aries points
us inward, towards this sacred fire which warms, heals and

Penny Thornton: The Zodiac Cooks - Recipes 13.08.2018

from the Celestial Kitchen of Life, Part 1
The relationship between astrology and food
is not a new concept: it is based on the
ancient belief that all things in the universe are
connected. Hundreds of years ago, alchemists
– the scientists of their day – respected the
divine connection between the planets and
signs and nature and created tables of
correlations to which astrologers still refer. Even today you can find
Culpeper’s Herbal on the bookshelves of books stores, which
provides the planetary rulers for various herbs, fruits and plants.

Dr. Vangelis Petritsis: 'Earth Songs' - 01.08.2018

Astrology and 20th Century Music: From the
Cowboys to the British Invadors
Music does have a very 'earthy' and material
quality given its sonic nature and the
necessity of our sense of hearing. This quality
is further perceived in the fact that without
instruments (material objects) that produce
musical sounds through the use of physical
parts of the body, such as the hands
(percussion/string instruments) and mouth (wind instruments), there
would be no music.

Miguel Etchepare: Pluto: What nobody told 20.07.2018

you ...
If you have some birth positions between 16°51' and 21°17', you will
know that Pluto will form a perfect aspect with such a birth point
during this 7-month period. Pluto - Ruler of Scorpio - does not 22/40
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believe in service and you can be sure that

the effects on the house he passes through,
the affairs of the planets he touches during his
transits, and finally the houses ruled by these
planets will be deeply transformed areas of
life. Sometimes not a stone will be left

Tania Daniels: Between Sword and Nettles: 17.07.2018

Mars in Medicine
We are used to consider Mars mainly in a
negative way, specially those of us who
practice traditional astrology. He is associated
with war, pestilence, epidemics and accidents.
Nevertheless, in nature nothing is just “bad”.
Everything that exists has its dimension of
Hades and Paradise, of condemnation and

Kyösti Tarvainen: A Test: Sun or Moon on the 03.07.2018

Do astrological factors affect a person’s
appearance and disposition? Here’s a chance
to find out for yourself. In this unique,
interactive essay, the author also reports on
his findings. The reader is given a pictorial
and video test on whether the Sun or Moon is
on the Ascendant. With this kind of test, we
can study how strong are the astrological factors in regard to
appearance and disposition.

Mandi Lockley: How can Saturn help us live 14.06.2018

from the heart?
If you've ever taken an interest in self-help
books or films, especially of the more spiritual
variety, you'll have heard about the
importance of following your heart, being true
to your heart and living your truth. There's no
doubt that having a sense of purpose unique
and authentic is crucial, but what does
following/living from your heart really mean? Fortunately, astrology
offers some clues.

Mary Chapman: The courage and genius of 04.06.2018

Anne Brontë
An examination of the rectified chart of the
author of Agnes Grey and The Tenant of
Wildfell Hall. The least known of the famous
literary clan, she was a feminist long before
feminism caught on and had an ironic eye for
inequality and social injustice. Anne is the
least famous of the three published Brontë
sisters. This is partly because many people do not realise that it
was she, and not her elder sisters, who wrote the novels Agnes
Grey and the better known The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. 23/40
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Karin Hoffmann: Thomas Ring: An 22.05.2018

Astrological Portrait
All his undertakings were concerned with
searching for the new, essential - and non-
obvious. This applies to his work both as a
painter and poet as well as to his critical
examination of astrology. He constantly
endeavoured to "look behind the scenes", to
bring structures into view.

Anne Whitaker: Reflecting on Chiron, as his 18.05.2018

Aries trip begins ...
What does Chiron mean to you? Have you
experienced his symbolic energy as healing?
Wounding? As the ‘inconvenient benefic’,
kicking open doors to places you’d never have
thought to go? Does he simply not register as
any kind of recognisable influence in your life
or those around you? Or have you simply not
given him much thought as you work with your horoscope in relation
to your life?

Frank C. Clifford: Data Collecting: Its History, 15.05.2018

Its Importance and Its Unsung Heroes
In order to develop our interpretive and
forecasting skills and test our hypotheses, we
astrologers must have accurate horoscopes
with which to work – it is our primary
consideration before we begin research. We
learn much of our astrology from historical
examples, celebrity case studies and the
charts of family and friends.

Anna Maria Costa Ribeiro: Renewal or 04.05.2018

Downfall of Relationships - Research on
On my Facebook page Urantiam I conducted
a survey with 210 people, all in same sex
relationships. I affectionately call them gays
and “gayvotas”. In my book Synastry I
published a survey on 400 homosexuals, as
same sex relationships used to be called back
then. The purpose was to identify if their natal
charts revealed an emphasis of any sort. This survey was also
published in France and the United States. The survey was quite
different this time around.

Dr. Frances Clynes: A Double-Edged Sword? 02.05.2018

Astrology on the Internet
Over four billion people worldwide are now on
the Internet and astrology has adapted fast to
this revolution in communications. The
emergence of a global astrological community,
especially on Facebook, may be seen as a
positive – but the Internet also hosts a 24/40
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troubling abundance of poor quality ‘stargazing’. For her PhD thesis,

the author interviewed 65 professional astrologers, and analysed
comments from 500 respondents in the US and UK, on how
astrology can win or lose in the networked society.

Ray Grasse: Decoding the Most Elevated 19.04.2018

Planet in the Horoscope
Grasse introduces an important factor in
understanding any chart - the highest (or most
elevated) planet in the horoscope. Because of
its exalted position, any planetary body
located here “lords over” all the other planets
in the chart and can exert a powerful influence
over someone’s entire life. And this becomes
even more important if that body is near or conjunct the Midheaven,
or MC (Medium Coeli) — the zenith point of the horoscope.

Nunzia Coppola: Chiron and Steve - The 13.04.2018

Hybrid and His Sacred Hands
I would like to introduce you to the Centaur
Chiron, according to Modern Western
Astrology. As an example, I’ve chosen Steve
Jobs, a modern “myth” with all his
contradictions: many details of his life are
connected to the Centaur. Known for his
“reality distortion field”, Steve seemed able to
control the minds of others. He was a visionary leader and kept a
strong capacity for wonder up to the very end.

Izabela Podlaska: Eclipses - A Meeting with 04.04.2018

When the Sun and the Moon come together to
form a solar eclipse, the Sun, from the
perspective of the Earth, is covered by the
Moon. Similarly, lunar eclipses form when
Earth casts a shadow on the Moon, so that we
can see the shadow of Earth in the sky. That’s
why eclipses were for centuries, and still are,
considered by astrologers as evil and thought to bring nothing but
misfortune and trouble. Is that really so?

Smiljana Gavrančić: "Jelena, the Woman 15.03.2018

Who Is Not..." - Venus and lunar nodes axis
It is well-known that Ascendant-Descendent
axis (or 1-7 axis) represent the axis of
partnership in one’s horoscope. But, there is
another, maybe even more important axis
through which relationships may be analyzed.
It is the axis of lunar nodes, in which the real
partnership lives.

Steven Forrest: The New Solar System 15.03.2018

Pluto’s recent demotion to the status of “dwarf planet” upset a lot of

us. It shouldn’t. We astrologers have been calling the Sun and
Moon “planets” for a long time. In other words, we have a long
tradition of using the term planet more loosely than astronomers do. 25/40
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Experience has taught us that Pluto simply

works — we know it's a planet, and we really
don’t need anyone’s approval to use the term.

Sioux Rose: Were You Born on a Cosmic 05.03.2018

To be an astrologer and pursue this line of
study is to be part poet. The field bears
witness to the Divine alchemy that brings the
as above, so below relationship to life.
Followers of the stellar art recognize the
elegant intelligence built into its design.
Planets, spheres of intelligence, were set into
concentric orbits in a deliberate way.

Faye Blake: Ceres: Ruler of Healing 01.03.2018

The new science of epigenetics has disproved
the ‘born with bad genes’ theory and shown
the vital importance of environment in
switching genes on and off. Dwarf planet
Ceres can be used to define an optimal
environment for maintaining or restoring

Milla Basso: "We Went Back to See the 15.02.2018

Stars" - Chiron the Soul Wanderer
I decided to talk about the theme of Chiron
because the symbol of the “wounded healer”
has led me to profound thoughts regarding the
human condition in general. It has also
brought me to wonder why “destiny”, through
different kinds of paths, has led me, in the
end, to take care professionally of fragile and
“different” people, of those who are often considered “outsiders” by
the masses.

Samuel F. Reynolds: The Mars Return: 05.02.2018

Getting on Board
When you’re 19, you’re technically a teenager
since there’s still a “teen” in the number. It
didn’t feel that way for me. Probably doesn’t
feel that way for others. Perhaps the proximity
to the teen years keeps you feeling your
youth. But you’re also in the waiting room of a
large part of your life’s journey at this age.
You’re boarding.

A.T. Mann: Chaos and Order in Astrology 01.02.2018

We trust the accuracy and precision of astrology, yet paradoxically

need its randomness to allow a sense of freedom. Even though
increasingly powerful computer software is available to us, the
accuracy of astrology still leaves a high degree of uncertainty in 26/40
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prediction and psychology. It is in this area

that we realise the freedom of will and
individuality that is so central to modern life.

Marguerite dar Boggia: Derivative Houses to 25.01.2018

Validate an Event
Bill was overflowing with joy. He received the
birthday present he wanted: a carbon fiber
frame for his racing bicycle. When he
remarked that he felt younger now than he did
when he was young, my psychic antenna
registered a reminder to look at his chart the
next day to see why he felt so well. He felt
great because his progressed Midheaven was in a trine aspect with
his Moon. The Moon rules the family and his 2nd house of income.

Zeynep Özlem Yalçın: Bitcoin 17.01.2018

Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency

and digital payment system that was created
on January 3, 2009 at 18:15:05 GMT. It was
introduced just a few months after the
collapse of the global banking sector. We
don't know where and by whom it was
created. It is anonymous like the buyers and
sellers. London is assumed as the location Bitcoin was first mined.
It is debatable, but major activation of the natal and progressed
angles during important events validate London city.

Dana Gerhardt: When Transits Bring 10.01.2018

Our whole practice of astrology is based on
this notion of the wheel, of the predictable and
circular movement of the planets through the
full 360 degrees of the zodiac — but what
does this really mean? How does the
paradigm of the wheel inform the way we live
or, at the very least, the way we practice our

Ana Isabel: Astrology, Life, Light and 02.01.2018

Having the honour to give the Carter Memorial
talk this year has been a great pleasure,
because it gave me the opportunity to share
the passion for my work both as an astrologer
and analytical hypnotherapist. When I realised
that the theme for this year’s conference was
to be “the importance of astrology”, the title
appeared fully formed in my head: “Astrology, Light, Life, and

 Articles 2017 27/40
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Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice (Eds.): 15.12.2017

Jung on Astrology
The astrological horoscope, Carl Jung
observed in a letter of 1954, corresponds to a
definite moment in the colloquy of the gods,
that is to say the "psychic archetypes." This
statement, one of many similar assertions
made throughout his life, is illustrative of
Jung's belief that astrology can provide
symbolic insight into the workings of the human psyche.

Alan Oken: The Transits of Pluto: Transmute 13.12.2017

or Die!
The title of this article is both rather intense
as well as containing a powerful pair of
synonyms. The intensity comes from the fact
that no matter what kind of contact we have
with "The Lord of Hades," be it a transiting
trine or stationary conjunction, the effects of
Pluto are just that—intense! Pluto may be
billions of miles away and rather tiny as planets go, but Pluto is
mighty in his effects and should never ever be underestimated by
the astrology student.

Cláudia Rabelo: Psychological Astrology: 08.12.2017

Symbolism, Potency and Freedom
Where is genuine freedom? It seems to be in
the space between determinism and free will
— in the potency of creation, where I believe
to be contemporary astrology's place. Potency
in the philosophical sense of Spinoza
(Potentia) and Nietzsche (Will to Power),
which differs from power. Nowadays we can
practice an astrology focused on the symbol's potency.

Dr. Christof Niederwieser: The Group 04.12.2017

For many centuries, individual horoscopes
have been central to astrology. As a rule,
particular points in time are analyzed, whether
concerning human beings, states,
organizations, or mundane constellations.
Currently, however, only two horoscopes can
be conveniently compared to each other.
Groups of three or more individuals quickly become difficult to
master when conventional tools are used, and such groups
therefore elude a systematic analysis.

Glenn Perry: The Horoscope as Evolving 01.12.2017

The traditional way of interpreting charts is to focus on character
delineations and fated events, treating both as relatively fixed
outcomes. Conversely, a psychological approach views the
horoscope as an evolving story that reflects a process of growth
over time. Character and events are still delineated, but no longer in 28/40
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terms of fixed outcomes; rather, events are

interpreted as vehicles for facilitating a
process of characterological development

Anna Maria Costa Ribeiro: Multidisciplinarity 28.11.2017

I have been "multiple" – rather – I was born

multiple. Vastness is what moves, be it in the
skies, sea, in the land, or in work. Someone
named Henry VI, said (via Shakespeare)
"Ignorance is the plague of God. Knowledge is
the wing which allows one to fly into the
skies". My goal has always been the skies
(heaven), while at the same time keeping one foot on earth, i.e. – a

Marguerite dar Boggia: Eclipses and Yods 27.11.2017

May Validate the Time of Birth
Many astrologers put up charts without giving
the source of the data. Was it from the parent,
or letters or notes, or biography or from birth
certificate? Lois Rodden brought this to the
attention of astrologers and did something
about it. She created the AstroDatabank
program which gave a rating to the data,
according to the source of the information. If the data was from the
birth certificate, the rating was AA. Where there was dirty data, she
sometimes supplied the alternative data.

Smiljana Gavrančić: Forecast in 2015: White 09.11.2017

House, 22° Gemini and Donald Trump
The race for Presidency has already started,
although there is about a year before the
elections… There are still speculations about
candidates from two leading parties,
democratic and republican… The new
resident of the White House will be the one
who wins the majority on November 8, 2016,
when the elections are scheduled to be held, but also the one who
has 22° Gemini somehow activated!

Brian Clark: The Dragon's Tale: Symbolism 08.11.2017

and the Lunar Nodes
Old myths reveal that most heroes experience
a transformational encounter with a dragon at
some point in their journey. While you may
think that the dragon is your mother-in-law or
your boss, in reality it is a metaphorical
monster. The engagement with the dragon is
an allegory for the times in the individuation
process when we wrestle with unsavory sides of the self, parts that
we deny or keep secret but that have an uncanny knack for showing
up anyway. 29/40
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Alejo López: The Importance of Astrology 02.11.2017

Astrology helps us to embed our lives into

greater cycles. It reminds us to be humble,
that our time on Earth is nothing compared
with the age of the Universe and that there are
other elements which are equally (or perhaps
more) important. It is also a way of speaking
with the divine. “One respects the earth
because it is one’s mother, an animal because it may be a reborn
ancestor, and the stars because they are messengers, guardians
and protectors”.

Nan Savage Healy: Toni Wolff & C.G. Jung - A 19.10.2017

When she first met Jung, Toni stood at a
personal crossroads. Her life was at a
standstill with no apparent opportunity to
advance her intellectual aspirations, and her
hope for a vibrant future had dimmed. As
commentator Maggy Anthony puts it, “She
was gifted and intelligent, but had no proper
outlet for it.” In her diary entries from the period, Wolff expresses
her concern with finding a direction for her life.

Angela Tikis: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 16.10.2017

If the U.S. ever had to have a Prince, that

would be John F. Kennedy Jr. He came to this
world possessing all the fortunate social
indicators that can promise an enviable and
privileged life, and yet his life was a modern
version of a Greek tragedy. It was during the
first days of July when the documentary I AM
JFK Jr got my attention. I had to do his chart and surprise!
Transiting Mars was on the exact degree as his natal Mars! What a

Kathy Rose: Prince Harry's Journey of 10.10.2017

Healing - An Astrological Perspective
As a consulting astrologer, I am fascinated
with patterns, as are many in our practice. Our
constant and sometimes obsessive interest in
exploring and understanding the rhythms of
planetary cycles and the effects they have on
life trains us to step back and view events
from a big-picture perspective. We seek the
planetary connections that link together past, present, and future —
we look for the embedded patterns that are associated with certain
behaviors and also with major life events.

Ray Grasse: Future Shock - Contemplating 05.10.2017

Uranus' Next Return to Its Discovery Degree
We all know about the doctrine of "planetary returns," and how a
celestial body circles back around to where it stood at the time of
one's birth. At such times, that body's meaning is reconceptualized,
reformulated, and can even reach a new plateau of expression. 30/40
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Even non-astrologers know about this

principle, since it lies at the root of a
particularly common ritual: the ordinary
birthday, when the Sun makes a full revolution
around the zodiac every 360 degrees from the
time of one's birth.

Wendy Stacey: Pearls of Tomorrow - Birth 02.10.2017

Intervention and the Astrological Face of a New
Imagine a world where the "sameness" of
characteristics abound. Try and visualise a
society that is built on people with similar
ideologies and philosophies, where people
have comparable goals, desire the same
things and have similar views on how society
should be shaped and how people should

Interview with Erin Sullivan: Is Astrology 25.09.2017

Gender Biased?
Erin Sullivan pleaded for keeping our ideas
about gender out of the horoscope very early
on. She recommends that we, in the tradition
of western astrology, allow our collective
psyche to be more differentiated and
acknowledge that there are more possibilities
for shaping interpersonal relationships than
the model "heterosexual man loves heterosexual woman". Meridian
wanted to know how exactly she meant that, and asked Erin
Sullivan for an interview.

Cláudia Rabelo: The Hero's Twelve Faces 21.09.2017

What path do you have to follow in order to

develop your sense of individuality and a
healthy ego? The Sun in astrology points to
the father archetype, the animus, the ego and
the hero. As a symbol of the hero, it
represents what you must fight in a conscious
way to obtain its maximum expression, either
bright or dark, in the sign it occupies. The experience of the Sun is
an important constructive factor for personal satisfaction, self-
determination and will; it represents the conscious ego.

Sioux Rose: Gemini, Paradox, and the 19.09.2017

Closing Phase of the Piscean Age
Perhaps a Biblical Scholar can quote the
precise chapter and verse where Scripture
identifies deception as Evil's most effective
tool and enduring weapon. Evil personified
assumes the form of Satan or the devil.
Described in colorful ways by various cultures,
the common denominator that best defines
this entity is its power to seduce. Put plainly: evil conjures the
ultimate sales pitch. 31/40
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Kathy Allan: Global Uprisings and the 18.09.2017

Uranus-Pluto Effect
Ever since Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto came
into orb of a t-square in the summer of 2010,
astrologers have been awaiting a revolution.
Now that Saturn has moved into mid Libra and
the square between Uranus and Pluto has
begun to perfect, rebellions are under way
across the globe. Uranus represents upset,
independence, chaos, liberation, and awakening, and Pluto
symbolizes passion, intensity, power struggles, and life-and-death

Wade Caves: Oracle 15.09.2017

Through astrology, fundamental truths about

life, nature and the cosmos are presented to
us. We categorize astrology as an occult art.
A direct translation of the word “occult” is
“hidden,” and we take that as if it means
knowledge that needs to be unearthed,
exhumed from a deep, dark, concealed place.
In my experience, this is rarely the case. The greater truths are
always right before us, all around us, hiding, as it were, in plain

Natalie Delahaye: William and Catherine - A 04.09.2017

Fresh Perspective on Their Union
Now that the author has discovered the actual
birth clock-time of Catherine, Duchess of
Cambridge, a more accurate assessment of
her character and destiny, as well as her
relationship with Prince William, is possible.
What are the intriguing dynamics of their
“emotionally transformative” marriage, as
identified in their synastry and Davison composite charts?

Jadranka Ćoić: Astro-Walk from A to Z 15.08.2017

Through my Allotment
My passion is my allotment and astrology of
course, so let me take you through to look at
some of herbs or vegetables that I grow or
they grow by themselves. Zodiacal garden,
yes all gardens are rich source of astrological
significators and can help us have a healthier
life, even if we do not do anything else but
digging, sowing and growing our own food, it is enough.

Anna Maria Costa Ribeiro: Paradoxes 08.08.2017

I'm a paradox myself: the goody-two-shoes

Virgo and the unruly Aquarius. Without
contradictions there are no complementarities.
Life is a paradox, as it contains both deaaaath
and proooogress. Your astrological natal chart
(NC) shows the MC's continuous
advancement and the IC's constant surrender. 32/40
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Or the AC's relentless hope defying the rivalry and challenges of the

Amy Alexandro Jones: Celestial Bodies at 03.08.2017

Home: On Parenting Using Astrology
I’ve been at this Mom Game for only ten years, so I’m certainly no
expert. But one saving grace I’ve received
from astrology is the insight that I don’t
actually have to teach Lyndon everything.
There will be things he needs to know that I’ll
be extremely good at teaching him. There will
be things I know that he won’t ever have to
learn. And there will be things he needs to know that other people
can teach him. Thank God — that takes a tiny bit of the pressure

Rev. Pam Crane: Adventures in Astrology 01.08.2017

When testing novel techniques, beginner’s

luck runs true to form. The first couple of
charts will always ‘work’ just as we hoped -
routinely followed by a string of woeful failures
and the demise of a brilliant idea. Finding
consistency in astrology is far rarer than we
would like to believe. You can spend weeks,
months on a promising project, and just end up with a headache.

Adam Hamilton: Stars and Stripes - The 19.07.2017

Astrological Character of a Nation
In the history of the United States, two dates
loom large as the birth moments of the
country. Most obviously is July 4, 1776, the
date in which the leaders came together to
shrug off the oppressive bonds of their parent
nation, and which is celebrated annually as
the nation's birth. More esoterically, but no
less and possibly more important, is Sept 17, 1787, the date of the
ratification of the United States Constitution: the moment when the
people conglomerated their several powers and created a unified

Tem Tarriktar: Relocated Chart Basics 18.07.2017

Many astrologers believe that the relocated

horoscope acts like a secondary natal chart,
responding to transits and progressions in the
same way the birth chart does. The relocated
chart shows how the sky looked at the
moment of your birth — not from your
birthplace, but from a different location on
Earth. Here is a rather famous example of relocating a chart.
President John F. Kennedy was born in Massachusetts with Saturn
within one degree of his Midheaven.

Linea Van Horn: Moon Swings - The Lunar 17.07.2017

Standstill Cycle
Our companion the Moon has a wonderful, little-known but highly
visible cycle which anyone can watch unfold over the next several 33/40
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years. I speak of the “Standstill Cycle of the

Moon,” a pattern of lunar visibility which
dramatically affects where Luna rises and
sets, bringing highly unusual event locations
when it reaches its extremes. The last
occurrence was in 2006. The next event,
called a Major Standstill, arrives in 2025.

Anna Maria Costa Ribeiro: Divining and 11.07.2017

Foreseeing - Abilities to Be Developed
Interpreting a chart is making predictions.
Because the chart itself IS a prediction.
Otherwise, there would be no Astrology,
neither would it last for millennia. The
astrologer is a channel. What they say is what
comes from the divine. That is why they
should reverence that which is above.
Astrology REQUIRES the capacity to foresee. And this is an ability
to be developed.

Ray Grasse: Do the Physical Planets Hold 06.07.2017

Clues Into Their Meaning as Astrological Principles?
During a conversation in 1978 with a yogi and
astrologer by the name of Shelly Trimmer, I
was intrigued by a remark he made about the
significance of Jupiter in the horoscope, and
how its qualities were reflected in this planet's
astronomical features. For astrologers, he
said, Jupiter represents a person's broader
capacity for logic and their philosophical perspective on life

Julian Venables: Happiness and the 'Inner 03.07.2017

Marriage' of the Sun/Moon Midpoint
The promise of the Sun/Moon midpoint (an
"alchemical" blend of contrasting energies) is
that with careful observation and use, one can
find the source of happiness in one's life –
most commonly in our closest relationships.
For many of us, a part of the original reason
for being drawn to this sacred art of astrology
is that it offers answers to personal issues or problems, particularly
those based around successful relating to others.

Marguerite dar Boggia: Alice A. Bailey - The 23.06.2017

Amanuensis of the Tibetan Master, D.K.
Alice A. Bailey, esotericist, lecturer, and
author, was the amanuensis of the ascended
Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. She was the
founder of the Arcane School, which has
branches worldwide. She was born on June
16, 1880 in Manchester, England. What can
be gleaned from the chart?

Lynn Koiner: Medical Astrology: Prostate 20.06.2017

Cancer - A Case Study 34/40
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I have selected this medical topic because my life partner of 23

years has recently been diagnosed with an aggressive form of
prostate cancer. The astrological signature for prostate cancer
frequently involves Pluto and Venus. This is not the case with
Bill. Saturn seems to be the astrological issue. I always look at the
astrological aspects 1-2 years before the diagnosis.

Anne Whitaker: What Happens When Pluto, 13.06.2017

Neptune and Uranus Cross the IC?
Liz Greene once wryly observed in one of her
seminars that, if you wanted a relatively quiet
and peaceful life, you should arrange to be
born when the outer planets were as far away
from the personal planets and Angles as
possible. 'I wish!' say many of you reading
this, as indeed does the writer, who has all the
outer planets bolted onto all the personal planets and has had
anything BUT a quiet life.

Douglas C. Egan: Why Astrology Doesn't 02.06.2017

The 2016 election has left more than one
person searching for answers, including
astrologers, the majority of whom picked
Hillary Clinton to be the occupant of the Oval
Office in 2017. Hand-wringing has continued.
What was missing from the algorithms? What
asteroid or aspect did we fail to take into
account? More importantly, what does this say about astrological
prediction in general? What does it say about astrology?

Paul Mayo: My Family, Me, the Autistic 02.06.2017

Spectrum, and Eris
In this extraordinarily frank memoir in two
parts, the author (a highly popular speaker on
the astrology circuit) reveals aspects of his life
and family for the very first time,
encompassing the autistic spectrum and dwarf
planet Eris in the charts of loved ones.
The old argument about whether the 10th
house indicates mother or father is moot for me. With the newly-
discovered dwarf planet Eris proving to be natally in my (previously
untenanted) 10th, one or other of my parents was going to
demonstrate it to me either way, so I thought.

Marguerite dar Boggia: Dr. Ruth Drown - 16.05.2017

Crucified by the FDA and the AMA
Dr. Ruth Drown was the most unique woman in developing
radionics to heal people. She developed and refined a means of
diagnosis, treatment, and visual representation on photographic 35/40
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plate of any cross section of disease

organisms, tissue or organs of her choosing.
Her chart reveals why: With Virgo rising (the
sign of healing) and five planets in air signs
and six in mutable signs, Ruth had a
considerable amount of finesse, insight,
understanding, intuition, and reserve.

Christopher Hardt: Alchemists of Soul 04.05.2017

Being human is the hardest thing I have ever

done. I chuckle as I write this, but all mirth
aside, it's true. For most of my life, I have tried
to satisfy the demands of our Western culture
by achieving success and personal power.
Like many, I worshipped at the altar of
achievement, money, possessions, and the
fantasy of perfectly balanced mental health. But my soul knew
better ...

Melanie Reinhart: The Galactic Centre and 03.05.2017

the Centaurs
About 27,000 light years from Earth, the
Galactic Centre (now in late Sagittarius) lies at
the heart of the Milky Way. What do we learn
from the Centaurs (or minor planets) transiting
this region in recent times? Here, the mythic
resonances of our galaxy in the context of our
present condition are explored. In the last few
decades, all three outer planets plus the minor planets ('Centaurs')
Chiron and Nessus have passed through late Sagittarius, home of
the Galactic Centre.

Mandi Lockley: After the Transit - Neptune 18.04.2017

Cast out of Olympus, Neptune became ruler

of the mysterious, fathomless oceans, 95% of
which remains unexplored to this day (it's said
that more people have been to the Moon than
have descended to the deepest part of the
ocean). Even traversing the surface of the
oceans is to relinquish control to forces bigger
than ourselves as Neptune rules storms and shipwrecks and also

Ray Grasse: The Seven Traditional Planets - 13.04.2017

Do They Correspond to Mathematical Principles?
If the planets are truly "archetypes," or
universal principles, it's natural to wonder
whether they might relate to fundamental
principles found in other symbolic systems.
For example, over the years I've wondered
whether the seven traditional planets could be
equated with certain basic mathematical

Jenn Zahrt: Elsbeth Ebertin - Germany's 06.04.2017

Forgotten Powerhouse Astrologer 36/40
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Just over 100 years ago, astrologer Reinhold Ebertin's mother

Elsbeth sat under questioning in a police
station in Breslau, on the border of modern
Germany, after her colleague had sent
Elsbeth's astrological pamphlets to official
police headquarters. The year was 1915, and
there were strict laws against fortune-telling.
Through her sheer cleverness, a trait she exhibited throughout her
40 years of astrological publication, she talked her way out of any

Paul F. Newman: Ladykillers - Mercury 03.04.2017

Writers of Crime's Golden Age: Agatha Christie and
Dorothy L. Sayers
The Golden Age of the crime novel is
generally reckoned from the 1920s to the
1950s. Murder mysteries were presented then
more as mental puzzles than real-life traumas;
more Mercury riddles than gory Mars/Pluto
crime scenes. From the immense number of
titles during these years, few of their authors
would have believed their work would outlast them, let alone be
treated in some instances as literary classics.

Athan J. Zervas: Burning Down the House - 20.03.2017

Annual Events Using Profections
It has been a while now that I have
incorporated profections in my predictive
sessions. I find them to be the quick shortcut
to the essence of the basic themes that are to
unfold in my clients' life. It is fascinating how
accurate this method can be and I think that
every modern astrologer should make room
for this traditional technique in their kit of predictive tools.

Shirley Soffer: Ceres and Pluto 06.03.2017

In August 2006, the International Astronomical

Union made the official announcement that
Ceres was upgraded from asteroid to dwarf
planet, and Pluto was downgraded from
planet to dwarf. Suddenly, these two disparate
celestial bodies were thrust together in our
collective consciousness. In mythology, Ceres
and Pluto are opposing figures in the life of the maiden Persephone,
so they already have a historic connection by way of their inherent
symbolism in Greek and Roman story.

Ray Grasse: The Dawn of Aquarius - The 24.02.2017

Turning of the Great Ages
We presently find ourselves straddling the
threshold between "acts," as it were, between
the Piscean and the Aquarian Ages. Like vast
tectonic plates shifting deep within the
collective unconscious, this epochal transition
has already begun manifesting as a series of 37/40
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seismic changes throughout our world, as the forms of an older

order make way for those of a radically new one.

Carla Pretto: Born Prematurely - An 03.02.2017

Astrological Perspective
In the middle of the nineties, further progress in technology enabled
newborns to be saved who were born even
earlier than the 25th/26th week of gestation
and whose weight varied between 500 and
800 grams. In November 1995, Pluto finally
re-entered Sagittarius. Here, the planet made
all his creativity available for research aimed
at broadening the horizons.

Anne Whitaker: Jupiter in Libra - Putting 01.02.2017

Flesh on Symbolic Bones
Preceding Jupiter's shift into Libra on
September 9, 2016, the media was alive with
astrologers delineating the meaning of that
particular planetary combination and its
possible impact on both collective and
personal life. Given my abiding interest in
investigating such matters, I thought up a mini
project likely to be of interest to me, to clients who would agree to
have their lives researched.

Christopher Harwood: Astrology - A Magnetic 01.02.2017

The way that astrology works has been the
subject of endless debate for millennia with
astrologers and sceptics often being at
loggerheads. The scientific community in
general dismisses astrology as superstitious
rubbish while at the same time millions of
people around the world connect to their
'stars' on a daily basis via the media. The problem is that many
astrologers themselves seem to be at a loss when it comes to the
fundamental question of how planetary influence works. They know
that it does and they can show that it does but there are no
adequate explanations of how it does.

Pierz Newton-John: Stargazing - Returning 03.01.2017

to the Roots of Astrology
I still clearly recall an experience from when I
was nine or ten years old that might be
described as my first encounter with astrology.
I was in our small vegetable garden, perhaps
on the way to fetch parsley for dinner, and I
had stopped for a moment to gaze up into a
particularly beautiful and clear moonless sky. I
focused my vision upon a single star, a needle point of light so fine it
flickered in the warm wind like a candle about to be extinguished.

Liz Hargreaves: The Astrology of 03.01.2017

'Obamacare' 38/40
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Liz Hargreaves imagines herself as outgoing President Obamar's

astrologer. What would she have advised and
foreseen if he'd first consulted her on his
controversial, now threatened health care
reform? - I imagined myself in the role of
astrologer to President Obama and what I
might have said if I had been told about his
healthcare reform plans just before first
Inauguration Day in early 2009, and asked about the likelihood of

Astrological Basics
What is Astrology? A Brief Introduction to Astrology

This short online introduction can help make you

familiar with most of the astrological techniques
and give you a basic understanding of how it's all
done. Topics: The Planets, Elements, the Signs,
the House System, Houses and Aspects.

First steps in Astrology, by Liz Greene

This introduction into the basic ideas of astrology

is taken from the children's book "Looking at
Astrology" by Liz Greene. Although once written for
children, the text is very interesting for everyone
who wants to take first steps in astrology. 39/40
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pFad v3 Proxy

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