Tour and Agenda 01-07-14
Tour and Agenda 01-07-14
Tour and Agenda 01-07-14
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 3:30p.m. Council Chambers East side of Monte Verde Street between Ocean and Seventh Avenues Live video streaming available at:!
Roll call then Adjourn to Tour of Inspection View the site of an appeal at a residence located on Camino Real three parcels southeast of Eleventh Avenue.
Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 7, 2014 4:30p.m., Open Session City Hall East side of Monte Verde Street between Ocean and Seventh Avenues Live video streaming available at: www us Broadcast date Sunday,January12,2014 8:00a.m., MCAET Channe126
Hearing assistance units are available to the public for meetings held in the Council Chambers The City Council welcomes your interest and participation. If you want to speak on an agenda item during its review, you may do so when the Mayor opens the item for public comment. Persons are not required to give their names but it is helpful in order that the City Clerk may identify them in the minutes of the meeting. Please keep remarks to a maximum of three (3) minutes, or as otherwise established by the City Council. Always speak into the microphone, as the meeting is recorded on tape.
Extraordinary Business A. Employee Recognition: Police Corporal Steve Rana Fire Captain Ian Watts B. Community Recognition: Individuals, organizations and first responders who assisted in the Pfeiffer Ridge Fire.
Announcements from Closed Session, from City Council Members and the City Administrator. A. Announcements from Closed Session. B. Announcements from City Council members (Council members may ask a question for clarification, make an announcement or report on his or her activities). C. Announcements from City Administrator. 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction ofForest Theater Guild Summary Report from Monday's Workshop Agenda Fore cast Introduction of New Employees
Public Appearances Anyone wishing to address the City Council on matters within the jurisdiction of the City and are not on the agenda may do so now. Matters not appearing on the City Council's agenda will not receive action at this meeting but may be referred to staff for a future meeting. Presentations will be limited to three (3) minutes, or as otherwise established by the City Council. Persons are not required to give their names, but it is helpful for speakers to clearly state their full names in order that the City Clerk may identify them in the minutes of the meeting. Always speak into the microphone, as the meeting is recorded. The City Council Chambers is equipped with a portable microphone for anyone unable to come to the podium. Assisted listening devices are available upon request of the City Clerk. If you need assistance, please advise the Deputy City Clerk as to which item you would like to comment on and the microphone will be brought to you.
Consent Calendar These matters include routine financial and administrative actions, which are usually approved by a single majority vote. Individual items may be removed from Consent by a member of the Council or the public for discussion and action. A. Ratify the minutes for the regular meeting of December 3, 2013. (Pg. 1) B. Ratify the bills paid for the period ofNovember 1 - November 30, 2013. (Pg.
C. Receive Monthly Fire and Ambulance reports. (Pg. 20) D. Receive Monthly Code Compliance update. E. F.
Receive Public Records and Media Request Log. (Pg. 33) Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Administrator to adopt an amendment to an existing contract (CA-PCS-RT- WSpace-009-13-14) with Richard Tavener for the continued development of Wonderspace Carmel, in an amount not to exceed, $60,000. (Pg. 40)
G. Rejection of Claim: John Hanson- Claim filed December 17, 2013 in excess of$25,000. (Pg. 46)
H. Consideration of budget adjustment requests. (Pg.48)
Consideration of approval of 2014 budget calendar. (Pg. 52) Consideration of Special Event Permit for the 22"d Annual Winemaker's Celebration on May 3, 2014. (Pg. 55)
Consideration to withdraw from the Mark Worley Fire Training JPA and appropriate funds received from JPA to the General Fund. (Pg. 67)
M. Consideration of a Resolution adopting the inflation and City population as the factors for the purpose of determining the City's fiscal year 2012-2013 Gann Limit, and accepting the calculated Gann Limit. (Pg. 72) N. Consideration of a Resolution awarding a construction contract to Monterey Peninsula Engineering, the lowest possible bidder for the 2013 sidewalk repair project for a not to exceed amount of $60,900; approving$ 9,135 for project contingency, and approving $6,090 to Neill Engineering for project and construction management services. (Pg. 77)
B. Review of the Shoreline Management Plan and Forest Management Plan Implementation (Key Initiative). (Pg. 156) C. Consideration of2014 City Objectives and Key Initiatives. (Pg. 181)
A short break has been scheduled. Items after break will not start before 6:00 p.m.
D. Consideration of a determination that leasing the Flanders Mansion is infeasible and directing staff to begin preparing resolutions and findings necessary to begin process of selling the Mansion. (Pg. 190) E. Consideration of an Ordinance amending Title 17.42 and 17.43 of the Carmelby-the-Sea Municipal Code pertaining to Storm Water Quality and Water Protection. (First reading and introduction). (Pg. 194) F. Consideration of an appeal of the Historic Resources Board's decision (HA 132) to add the Prentice residence to the City's Inventory of Historic Resources. The decision is being appealed by the property owners: Jack Prentice, Lois Prentice, and David Black. (Pg. 282)
IX. X. XI.
Future Council Agenda Items. (Pg. 317) Reconvene to Closed Session (if necessary) Adjournment
The City Council will be adjourning this meeting in memory of Pat Sippel. The next open meetings of the City Council will be: Council Workshop: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, February 3, 2014 Council Chambers Regular Council Meeting-4:30p.m. Tuesday, February 4, 2014 Council Chambers
AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Daryl A. Betancur, CMC, Deputy City Clerk, for the City of Cannel-by-the-Sea, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing notice was posted at the Cannel-by-the-Sea, City Hall bulletin board, the Harrison Memorial Library on Ocean and Lincoln Avenues and the Carmel Post Office; and distributed to members ofthe media on this date the 2nd, day of January, 2014.
SB343 NOTICE In accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of SB343 any public writing distributed by the City Clerk's Office to at least a majority of the City Council Members regarding any item on this regular meeting agenda will be available on the back table at the entrance of the Council Chamber at the time of the City Council meeting and at the counter of City Hall located on Monte Verde between Ocean and Seventh Avenues, in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California during normal business hours.
The City of Carmel-by-the-Sea does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. Carmelby-the-Sea City Hall is an accessible facility. The City of Carmel-by-the-Sea telecommunications device for the Deaf/Speech Impaired (T.D.D.) number is 1-800-735-2929. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at Carmel-by-the-Sea City Hall, on the east side of Monte Verde Street, between Ocean and Seventh Avenues, during normal business hours.