Minutes: Next Resolution Number 2014-066 Next Ordinance Number 2014-006

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Agenda Item 7.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014 4:30 p.m.

Next Resolution Number 2014-066 Next Ordinance Number 2014-006

The City Council welcomes your interest and participation. If you want to speak on any agenda item
during its review, you may do so when the Mayor opens the item for public comment. Persons are
not required to give their names but it is helpful in order that the City Clerk may identify them in the
minutes of the meeting. Please keep remarks to a maximum of three (3) minutes, or as otherwise
established by the City Council. Always speak into the microphone, as the meeting is recorded.

The City Council of the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea met this date in a regular session
at 4:34 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, with Mayor Burnett Presiding.

Mayor: Burnett
Mayor Pro Tem: Beach
Council Members: Dallas, Talmage, Theis

Staff Present:
City Administrator: Douglas J . Schmitz
City Attorney: Don Freeman
Interim City Clerk: Lori Frontella


Douglas Schmitz led the community in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Item 4.A: Community Recognition of Olof and Lucia Dahlstrand

Mayor Burnett invited Lucia Dahlstrand to the podium for the presentation. Mayor
Burnett read the Proclamation into the record and gave his personal thought
regarding the Dahlstrands.
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Agenda Item 7.A

Lucia Dahlstrand presented the Council with a painting titled Concerned Citizen.
She also quoted her late husband regarding the painting, For all of my life I have
been a tiger on the subject of good government. I must remind you that even when
Im not at this lectern, Im still out there in the tall grass. -Olof Dahlstrand.

Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, the following citizens

Erik Dyar, Chair of the Historic Resources Board, spoke regarding the Dahlstrands.
Mr. Dyar described the contributions that Olof has made to Carmel and to the
architects of the Central Coast and State. He noted that Carmel was lucky to have
him as a citizen and community activist.

Ken White noted the accomplishments and services Mr. Dahlstrand brought to the
City and suggested we place the painting under the clock where it will be a reminder
to Council.

Seeing no further comments, Mayor Burnett closed the meeting to public


Item 5.A: Announcements from Closed Session
Item 5.B: Announcements from City Council Members (Council Members may
ask a question for clarification, make an announcement or report on his
or her activities)
Council Member Dallas commented that today you might notice that the Council
Members and staff are wearing pink because October is Breast Cancer Awareness
month. We all have a mother, a sister or a wife, breast cancer has touched all of us in
one way or another. You will notice I am wearing pink today In honor of my good
friends Dr. Marty Cloin and his wife Sharron Cloin. Sharron is a breast cancer
survivor. I believe this is the first time a Carmel-by-the-Sea City Council has all worn
pink to help raise awareness of breast cancer. Thank you all for your support.
Council Member Theis announced that on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 the Hospitality
Improvement District is holding a workshop for all Inn Keepers regarding the business
plan. They will be assessing the last year and a half and looking to move forward by
making some direction changes. This meeting will be held at the Sunset Center at
10:30 a.m.
Council Members reported on the 98
Anniversary of the City. Activities include the
annual parade which will commence at 11:00 a.m. followed by food and venders at
the Sunset Center.
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Agenda Item 7.A
Mayor Burnett updated the community on the Central Coast Veterans Cemetery,
noting that Congressman Sam Farr presented a $6.8 Million dollar check to this
Item 5.C: Announcements from City Administrator

Anyone wishing to address the City Council on matters within the jurisdiction of the City and are not
on the agenda may do so now. Matters not appearing on the City Councils agenda will not receive
action at this meeting but may be referred to staff for a future meeting. Presentations will be limited to
three (3) minutes, or as otherwise established by the City Council. Persons are not required to
give their names, but it is helpful for speakers to cl earl y state their full names in order that the
City Clerk may identify them in the minutes of the meeting. Always speak into the microphone,
as the meeting is recorded. The City Council Chambers is equipped with a portable microphone for
anyone unable to come to the podium. Assisted listening devices are available upon request of the
City Clerk. If you need assistance, please advise the City Clerk as to which item you would like to
comment on and the microphone will be brought to you.

Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, the following citizens spoke.

Dan Presser thanked Mayor Burnett for his contributions to the Veterans Cemetery
and noted a golf tournament will be held regarding fundraising for the museum
portion. Mr. Presser also noted he was a candidate for the Airport Board and would
like to bring more jobs to the area plus more flights, to more places.

Cindy Onufer distributed materials regarding Measure Q which protects transit
services for seniors, veterans and people with disabilities.

J ames Banks spoke regarding the 30 day minimum rental terms for housing and is
opposed to the ordinance not being enforced.

Charlotte Townsend mentioned the contributions of Doug Schmitz in his last term as
the City Administrator.

Ms. McCarthy spoke regarding Public Water Now; she noted CalAm has not
accepted its role in the failure of developing a new water supply which the deadline is
December 31, 2016.

Stephen Moorer, with Pacific Reparatory Theater welcomed Doug Schmitz to the
City. He noted that Winters Tales is now playing at the Theater and invited citizens to

Marsha Banks spoke regarding the 30 day rental situation; she noted several
websites had properties listed for fewer than the 30 days. She submitted the
information on her findings to Director Mullane for follow-up. .

Lloyd Ligier spoke regarding the conditions on the street at Perry Newberry between
and 6
streets. He stated no oversight, no inspection, and no correspondence
from anyone on the PG&E construction has been provided over the last year.
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Agenda Item 7.A

Carolina Bayne expressed her personal gratitude to the Council regarding the
dismissal of recent City employees. She noted the steps that were absolutely
necessary to begin to rectify the mis-steps that have led to the unfortunate
circumstances. She hoped the agreement with Mr. Stilwell and his full Settlement
and Release agreement will include the protective provisions for the City in his

Chris Mack spoke regarding the severance package to Mr. Stilwell and hopes the
Council takes everything into consideration. He has requested records that he feels
he has not received and will submit another request in hope of getting the correct

Seeing no further comments, Mayor Burnett closed the meeting to public

Mayor Burnett stated he will meet with the State Water Board to discuss the Cease
and Assist Order and ask the State to modify the terms; he mentioned the City needs
to continue to make progress on the Cease and Assist Order.

Mayor Burnett also addressed the PG&E issues and stated letters have gone back
and forth between the City and PG&E, staff will be looking at those letters to
determine if they meet the certification requested from the City for PG&E to resume
their work.

These matters include routine financial and administrative actions, which are usually approved by a
single majority vote. Individual items may be removed from Consent by a member of the Council or
the public for discussion and action.

Item 7.A: Consideration of Approval of the City Council Minutes:
a. Approve the Minutes of the Closed Session Meeting of September
8, 9, 18, 23, and 24, and October 1, 2014.
b. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 9, 2014.

Item 7.B: Approval of Warrant Register for the Period of August 2014.
Item 7.C: Receive Monthly Summary Report:
a. Monthly Police, Fire and Ambulance Reports
b. Receive Monthly Code Compliance Reports
c. Receive Public Record Act and Media Request Logs

Item 7.D: Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to
Adopt an Amendment to an Existing Contract (PDB-PSA-RINCON-
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Agenda Item 7.A
005-13-14) with Rincon Consultants, Inc. for Continued Contract
Planning Services, in an Amount not to exceed $72,000.

Item 7.E: Consideration of Commission and Committee appointments to the
Community Activities & Cultural Commission, Harrison Memorial
Library Board of Trustees, Planning Commission and Historic
Resources Board.

Recommendation: Adopt Consent Calendar as presented by
Roll Call vote.

Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, hearing none; Mayor Burnett
closed the public comments.

MOTION: Motion by Council Member Talmage, seconded by Council
Member Theis to approved the Consent Calendar with an edit on
page 17 to change from value to val ve, and Item 7E being pulled
and heard separatel y. Passed 5/0

AYES: 5 Council Members: Talmage, Theis, Beach, Dallas, Burnett
NOES: 0 Council Members:
ABSENT: 0 Council Members:
ABSTAIN: 0 Council Members:

Council Member Talmage requested Item 7E be pulled. Mayor Burnett gave a
summary of the applicants for Commission and Committee appointments and noted
he and Mayor Pro Tem Beach deliberated and are recommending the applicants as
stated in the report.

Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, the following citizens spoke.

Barbara Livingston thanked Council Member Dallas for suggesting to add all
applications of the Boards and Commissions to the agenda packet.

MOTION: Motion by Council Member Talmage, seconded by Council
Member Theis to approve item 7.E, nominations for Boards and
Commissions as recommended. Passed 5/0

AYES: 5 Council Members: Talmage, Theis, Beach, Dallas, Burnett
NOES: 0 Council Members:
ABSENT: 0 Council Members:
ABSTAIN: 0 Council Members:



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Agenda Item 7.A

Item 9.A: Agenda Forecast and Workshop Dates
Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, the following citizens spoke.

Carolina Bayne suggested that Council may want to have two council meetings a
month as she feels there would be more participation and shorten the length of
current meetings.

Council Member Theis suggested the Farmers Market be added to the Agenda
Forecast. Mayor Burnett requested the Appointment to the Waste Management
District be on the next agenda.


There being no further business, Mayor Burnett adjourned the meeting at 5:37


____________________________ _________________________
J ason Burnett, Mayor Lori Frontella, MMC
Interim City Clerk

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Agenda Item 7.A

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Immediatel y following
4:30 Regular City Council Meeting
Council Chambers, City Hall
East side of Monte Verde Street
Between Ocean and Seventh Avenues

The City Council of the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea met this date in a closed session
at 5:38 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, with Mayor Burnett Presiding.

Members Present:

Mayor: Burnett
Mayor Pro Tem: Beach
Council Members: Dallas, Talmage, Theis

Staff Present:
City Administrator: Schmitz
City Attorney: Freeman
Interim City Clerk: Frontella

Members of the public shall have an opportunity to comment on items listed in the closed session
agenda prior to the Council recessing into closed session. If you want to speak on an agenda
item listed here, please wait until the Mayor opens the item for public comment. While not
required, please state your name for the record and limit your remarks to three (3) minutes.

Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956 et seq. of the State of California, the
City Council will adjourn to Closed Session to consider the following:

Government Code Section 54957
1) Review the Separation Agreement and Release

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Agenda Item 7.A
Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, hearing none; Mayor
Burnett closed the public comments and convened to closed session at 5:40 p.m.

Council returned from closed session at 7:19 p.m. with the following report out.

Attorney Freeman stated that the agreement is a standard agreement, the former
City Administrator J ason Stilwell did resign and the agreement shows acceptance of
that resignation and provides a full release against any know claims from either side;
preserves his professional reputation; and is a public document. Mr. Stilwell has
received legal advice the agreement is executed by the City and has 7 days to
resend the agreement; Mr. Stilwell had 21 days in which to seek legal advice, he has
had a lawyer review the document and both executed the document. Attorney
Freeman stated we are obligated under the terms of his employment agreement to
pay him certain payouts, which are items contained in the document under
paragraph 7. There is also a statement in the agreement that states if anybody is
terminated for cause and it becomes a criminal matter, then the City is not
responsible for making any further payments. That is not contained in the release
agreement and is not normally contained as such. Reason for that is if someone is
found guilty then it becomes a criminal matter and at that time, the City would ask
the District Attorney to recommend to the judge that part of the sentence would be to
ask for restitution of any and all funds that were paid to him.

Mayor Pro Tem Beach read from the agreement, paragraph 9; City shall refrain
from any statements, public or private, concerning Employee which would have the
effect of damaging his professional reputation or personal character.

Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, hearing none; Mayor
Burnett closed the public comments.

Mayor Burnett noted Mr. Stilwells contract called for 6 months severance pay, 2
months notice, vacation leave accrual and an additional 2 months. Mayor Burnett
noted the payout is in the range of $125-$130,000; with additional 2 months of
$25,000 to $30,000.

Council Member Talmage stated that this contract has standard legal language and
its in the best interest of the City. The original contract had a series of clauses that
we, as a City, were required to adhere to and that were the 6 months severance
pay, plus the 2 months, plus accrued vacation and comp time. There were no
negotiations on those topics as they were part of the original contract. The only thing
open for discussion was whether or not the City would say we are going in a
different direction and we would not have closure on this matter and the contract
would be open ended. The decision before us tonight comes down to paying an
additional $25,000 to $30,000, for 2 months of Stilwells time in return for receiving a
full release, closure on this matter so it is behind us and the City can progress
forward. Without the extra 2 months payout the City would have no closure and
would not have been able to move forward as promptly as we did in hiring a new
City Administrator.

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Agenda Item 7.A
Council Member Theis noted that the Council treated everyone respectfully and
moved in a manner that was in the best interest of the City. It was important to
expedite the matter and move forward; its not an easy situation and took long hours
to get to this point. Citizens, staff, and Attorney has suffered and its time to move


Item 1: Accept the Separation Agreement and Release and Authorize the
Mayor to execute.

MOTION: Motion by Council Member Theis, seconded by Council Member
Talmage to accept the Separation Agreement and Release and
authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. Passed
unanimousl y by roll call vote: 5/0

AYES: 5 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Theis, Talmage, Beach, Dallas, Burnett


There being no further business, Mayor Burnett adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.


_________________________ _________________________
J ason Burnett, Mayor Lori Frontella, MMC
Interim City Clerk

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