The Gaunt Man Returns
The Gaunt Man Returns
The Gaunt Man Returns
By John Terra
This Evil Reborn
Roleplaying the Possibility Wars '"
The Gaunt Man Returns
john Ten.J
Greg Fushtey
Development and Editing
Clthleen Hunter
P.Jul j.Jqu.Jys
Cover U1ustr.Joon
jaime Lomb.JrdoiRon Hill
Interior Illustrations
Eric Luari.Jr\, Ellen Terr.J, Colleen Wnz.el,
O.Jve Wetzel, Dry.Jn Villve.J1
Playtesting and Advice
Published by
RR 3 Box 2345
Honesdale, PA 18431
Publisher: OAniel Scott P.11ft' AsscKiale Publisher ITreasurer. Denise P.JI.ter Associate PublisherISales Manager. RichMd H.JWRn
Editors: Grtg Fushtey, Bill Smith, Ed St.Jrk Art Director. Stephen Crane Graphic Artists: C.Jthleen Hunter, john P.Ju) Lon.J
Sales Assistant: Bill Olmesdahl Licensing Manager: Ron Seiden Warehouse Manager: Ed Hill
""fIr IJttlonon. "'1*. hnIk KNh. Core E.uth. ee.n. Cyt-p.pKy. Dr MobIus, c.unl MoIn,. Gcl5:po&. tiN" 01 High Lord.
Ka... WfI. LJvingund. Maftftrom. Bridg... Nilor Emp',.... Nippon TedI. Occulted\. Onvrsh, r..n.. Ard'...y. ro.ibibty R,oiden. P<.ibility Storm.
PoNibility W..",. R.lI"'.gon.. SCirSpner.-. Stonners. Storm Knights, TlIlIrl<old. Torg..nd tM Torg 'ogo ..,;td......rbofWest End c.mes. ill. no and C 1992 West End c.mes.
... .. ""'2---------------------..
reotionl destructionl ere
destruction ...
, The cycle continued
unfailingly, as it had for
the past two years, the maelstrom
howling its fury in the Gaunt Man's
laboratory beneath lIlmound Keep.
The Gaunt Man himself struggled
to hold his substance together despite
the force of the stonn. But no sooner
did he succeed in regaining his form
than a roar from the maelstrom tore
himapart again. Just when it looked as
if he was doomed to destnJction, his
body would slowly reform until he
was wholeagain. Then theentirecycle
would begin anew.
Occasionally, the High Lord of
Orrorsh glared at the small red and
bluesliverof eternity shard thatoneof
those damnable Storm Knights had
used to initiate the maelstrom. If he
could but outlast it, he would be free
- free to resume his rightful place on
the throne of bones, free to lead his
realm to new levels of power.
High Lord and shard both hung
suspended in the maelstrom, each at
tempting to subdue the other. The
Caunt Man furrowed his brow and
hissed his fury at the shard. He felt a
new determination not to let some
overglorified piece of rock get the bet
ter of him.
In yet another bid for aid, his mind
sought out Heketon in its special ref
uge. The Darkness Device's thoughts
and emotionscame to the Caunt Man,
but rather than offering help or ad-
vice, the Device merely "sat back" like
some cruel father watching his son
drowning, curious to see if the child
would save himself or be overcome.
Such was the only reaction Heketon
had ever given the trapped High Lord.
His Device'sindifferenceand mali
cious curiosity drained the last of the
Gaunt Man's patience and fueled his
fury anew. With an awesome display
of willpower, he reached out for the
shard, which hung but a few tantaliz
ing centimeters from his grasp. To the
High Lord's amazement, he found he
could actuaUy move his hand in the
directionof theoffendingobject, some-
thing he had been unable to manage
for two years. Could it be that the
shard was ... weakening?
Bolstered by this modest success,
the Gaunt Man tried again. Slowly,
slowly his fingers closed theshortdis-
tance, though to the Gaunt Man it
seemed the void between cosms.
Closer ... closer ... closer ...
A loud shriek of painful triumph
electrified the air as the Gaunt Man
grasped the sliver of the Heart ofCoy
ote. The shard immediately fought
back, releasing all of its Apeiros
granted energy into its enemy.
The Gaunt Man felt the shard's
power attempting to injure him from
within. Ignoring the pain, the High
lord began to literally choke the life
out of thesliver. Possibilities bled from
the stone at an even faster rate and
were hungrily devowed by theGaunt
Man, who grewstronger with each bit
ofenergyconsumed. As hegrewstron-
ger, he drained more and more possi-
bilities, while the shard grew weaker
and weaker stiU.
FinaUy, the shard was defeated. In
a blinding flash of red and blue light,
the maelstrom vanished, droppingthe
Gaunt Man to the stone floor. He took
somesatisfaetion from the fact that he
had landed on his feet, seeing it as a
good omen for the future.
The sliver, now fully drained of
possibilities, hit the floor with a dull
thud. Now, it wasonlya useJesschunk
ofred and blueveined rock. TheGaunt
Man drew back his booted foot and
kicked theoffendingstone. It skittered
across the lab floor and came to rest in
the ruins of the Gaunt Man's possibil
ity-sorting device.
Regaining his composure, he
brushed himselfoff, picked uphiscane
and surveyed his surroundings. The
chamber was littered with the debris
of his machine - much good that had
done him! Turning away from the ru
ins, the Gaunt Man's eye alighted on
his enchanted mirror, Wicked, hang
ing on the wall
Inhalingand relishinga deepbreath
of the fear-tainted air of Orrorsh, the
Gaunt Man walked around the cham
ber, taking inevery detail. Hestruggled
to sort out the images and memories
he had experienced duringhisstruggle
in the maelstrom. There was Kurst's
betrayal, Kane's failwe, and those
damnedStonn Knightsthat had locked
him in that humiliating state for ...
how long?
While in the maelstrom, time had
lost all meaning for the Gaunt Man.
AU he could remember was whatever
his barely functioning five senses had
been able to tell him. The image of
Thratchen gloating over his predica-
ment was the most prominent
The Gaunt Man strode to Wicked,
rasping "Show me the present,"" in a
voice likedead leaves skitteringacross
the floor of a crypt. Wicked shifted
and blurred and revealed Jakarta, In-
donesia to its master. Using the power
derived from theshard, theGaunt Man
extended his senses and looked about
thecity. Focusing inon a newstand, he
examined the date on a paper's mast
"Two years," hemuttered. "Ablink
of an eye when compared to my
lifespan, buta long time when one has
plans for this cosm." He turned his
back on Wicked and began to pace,
letting the implications of his long
absence from the war sink in. Then he
spun on his heel and shouted at the
mirror. "Show me Thratchen. that
damned, pathetic, armor-plated gar
Obediently, the mirror presented a
picture of Thratchen. The techno-de-
mon was consorting with others of his
kind in a large city in North America.
'1'harkoldu? Howcan this be?" the
Gaunt Man wondered aloud. Then his
skeletal face grew dark with growing
realization and fury. 'Wicked! Show
me the realms on Earth! NOW!"
For the next hour. a collage of im-
Tors: The C<1\lnl M<1n Returns
ages played across the surface of the
occult artifact. Events and personali-
ties flashed across the silver pane. The
Gaunt Man hissed as he saw Uthorion
routed byStorm Knightsand theforces
of the Light and forced to take refuge
in the form of a dragon.
"My trusted lieutenant!" the Gaunt
Man said. infusing the words with
poisonous contempt. "My incompetent
lieutenant is more appropriate!"
The scene shifted again to show a
stunningly beautiful woman clad in
ebon armor leading a charge against
Ardinay's armies. The Gaunt Man
watched closely, but said nothing.
Again, the mirror shimmered and
the Gaunt Man found himself
dropping on a meeting of the
Cyberpapal College of Cardinals. He
could hear their fearful whispers, their
worries that Malraux was losing sup-
port both here and in Magna Verila.
They were silenced when the
Cyberpope walked in, his flesh now
mixed with steel implants. The Gaunt
Man smiled thinly, wondering if per
haps Malraux had been influenced by
Thratchen's "look."
that pompous cleric begun to
emulate the techno-demons?" he said
Assuming the question begged an
answer, Wicked obediently showed
Malraux descending the maelstrom
bridge to Earth. The Gaunt Man saw
his ally being attacked by Dr. Haem
and becoming something
entirely new - a Cyberpope.
IIAnd even with this incredible
nology, he struggles to expand his
boundaries!" the Gaunt Man said,
shaking his head.
The High Lord's frustration grew
as he beheld hundreds of edemos
tivelybattling Barok Kaat\.
ral disasters of all sorts rocked the
Eastern Land. "Scaled idiot;' he
tered in disgust. "Hecannot even con-
trol his own pleasure-seeking reptile
Perhaps fearing to show the Gaunt
Man any more failures, Wicked pre-
sented an image of 3327 plotting fur-
ther expansions in America. Inter-
spersed with this were images of
ippon agents battling Orrorshan
'Wealth-seeking, materialistic, un-
cultured barbarian," the Gaunt Man
said, dismissively. "I should have
known better than to recuita glorified
merchant.II He added a silent promise
that the ippon High Lord would pay
for daring to challenge the horror
'Thratchen, Kanawa, Kaah. I am
craftingquitea list of people who must
needs be ... disciplined."
Seemingly oblivious to the Gaunt
Man's comment, Wicked continued
the spectacle, showing Dr. Mobius'
tremendous progress. Finally. the
Gaunt Man allowed himself to be
pressed. He even let out a ghoulish
cackle as he reflected on the fact that
the most successful High Lord was
also arguably the most insane. The
irony was delicious.
Pressing Wicked for more informa-
tion, he was treated to a display of the
Nile High Lord's major victories and
defeats. At one point, he cried, 'Wu
Han has reformed?lbat isaseachange
that shan't last long!"
Still, Wicked was not finished. He
showed theGaunt Mananother realm,
one populated by handsome people
and odd beasts, all bearing technology
more advanced than even Malraux's.
TheGaunt Man'ssmile was a cold one
- he knewof these AJcashans, but had
not expected to see them on Earth.
"So Manwaring failed me," hesaid,
making a mental note to punish the
vampyre. "Very well, then. We shall
see how long these beings can stand
before the most powerful emotion in
the cosmverse: fear. And if their ma-
chines live as weU, then they too can
know terror. To me, all fear tastes the
Wicked moved on to show techno-
demons wandering through a large
city. TheGaunt Manwas perhaps most
surprised by this sight - the
Tharkokdu had failed in their attempt
to invade Earth. Or had they?
"Show me Kranod!" he com-
manded. The High Lord of Orrorsh
detested mysteries, unless he was the
one who crafted them.
Wicked gave its master a brief
glimpse of the rotting corpse of a
techno-demon. Then it showed a hu-
man woman, one adorned with the
same sort of equipment as Mara-Two,
and she stood beside Malgest.
The Gaunt Man bellowed in evil
mirth. "So that is what has happened!
The fool failed in his invasion and lost
his Darkness Device to that woman!
Splendid! She will be far easier to con-
trol - new to the power she now
wields. An alliance may be in order."
He eyed the image of Jezrael more
closely. "Yes, and perhaps it is time I
tooka mateonce more. One whois not
so ... fragile."
In quick succession, Wicked
showed the current whereabouts of
the Hellion Court members and the
Nightmares, fonowed by some of the
more prominent Storm Knights who
had arisen in the past twoyears. When
it was done, the Gaunt Man sat down
on his throne, rested his head on his
steepled fingers and began to ponder.
Aher a few moments, he whispered,
"Render Heketon unto me."
In the mirror's heart, thereappeared
a gaping maw lined with razorsharp
teeth. The Gaunt Man arose, reached
into the mouth and emerged with the
glowing black heart which was his
Darkness Device.
"So you saw fit to withhold your
aid from me?"
The heart pulsed as if in answer.
"Yes, I realize that you could have
aUowed Thratchen to find you, but I
know you too well, 'old friend.' De-
spite his strength and his talent for
treachery, he is still not the stuff of
which a High Lord is made. In the
future, you would do well to remem-
ber who is your rightful master!"
The heart pulsed again in his hands.
"Changing the subject, are we? A
traitor? In my court?" The Gaunt Man
appeared genuinely surprised.
"Wicked! Show me my false-hearted
The mirror obeyed, revealing an
image of General Avery Wellington
poring over some occult texts. "'n-
deed. My 'honorable' courtier has de-
cided to take advantage of my ... ab-
sence in order to seize power for him
self? Wellington - gone from soldier
to scholar? I would never have sus-
pected! And here I thought that the
combination of the rigid, unimagina-
tive Victorian mind and the repressive
restrictions of military lifewould keep
himloyal to me. Thissituation must be
The Gaunt Man left the room, deep
in thought. With his disappearance,
much of what had dwelled in the Keep
had wandered away. Many of the
rooms were ruined, courtesy of
Thratchen's fruitless search for
"This will not do," the Gaunt Man
said to Heketon, gesturing all about
him. "Repair. Replenish. Redesign."
Immediately, furniture began to
reassemble itself, walls "healed" of
their cracks and scars and floors be:-
camelevel once more. Formilesaround
lIImound, the dead rose from their
graves and burial pits as numerous
Waiting Village spirits entered their
bodies, altered them, and began to
shuffle toward the Keep.
Reflecting on his setback at the
hands of Kurst and Mara, the Gaunt
Man wondered if perhaps IJImound
was too easy to breach. At his mental
command, rooms shifted position and
walls appeared where none had been
before until he was well and truJy
The one chamber which did not
change was that of Basjas, the
arachnidan member of the Hellion
Court. Entering. the Gaunt Man no-
ticed dozens of humanshaped
bundles of spider silk hanging from
theceiling. The High Lord was pleased
to see that Basjas, at least, was doing
her part to spread fear.
"All hail the power of the Torg!"
said a statuesque, beautiful woman as
she approached the High Lord. "He
who has defeated the power of Apeires
and now walks again to reclaim his
"Eloquent as always, Basjas," the
Gaunt Man said with pleasure. "Dur-
ing my ... inconvenience, 1was aware
of your secret visits. I saw how you
wished to help and your frustration at
your powerlessness. Your loyalty will
be rewarded, my dear."
'The only reward 1seek isthechance
to spill Thratchen's blood," she hissed.
"Once my plans have been com-
pleLed, 1will allow you to begin yours
against that traitorous techno-demon:'
he replied. "As well as have you pay
visits to some of the more restless
Nightmares, if only to remind them
where true power in Orrorsh lies."
"Sconce and Maletretius have been
plotting toseizea largershareof power
in Orrorsh!" the woman said.
"Yes, yes, so Wicked has told me,"
the Gaunt Man answered smoothly.
"Hence your visits. If they do not re-
ceiveyou well, you may help themon
their way to the Waiting Village."
Basjas' eyes gleamed with wicked
anticipation. "I am ready to serve you,
master ... inany way you desire," she
whispered, her fingers toying with the
laces on her flimsy gown.
"So I see," the High Lord replied.
"Prepare your plans of vengeance,
Basjas. I shall inform you when to set
the wheels in motion." And he was
As he walked back to his labora-
tory, the Lord of IIlmound Keepshook
his head. Why did his female allies,
beings such as Sabathina and Basjas,
feel compelled tomake romanticover-
tures toward him?
"When have I ever shown any in-
terest in such things?" he muttered
aloud as his footsteps echoed down
the halls of the Keep. "Even my wife
never felt my touch ... save for when I
killed her," he added hastily.
After moving Wicked to his tea
room, he used it to make contact with
Parok, his ravagon lieutenant. His in
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 5 -
Tors: TMc.u"t M.." Returns
structions were simple: come to
lllmound with a dozen of the Dark
Hunters, and tell no one.
While he awaited their arrival, an-
other potential problemoccurred to the
thing must be done to prevent such a
thingfrom happeningagain. Hewalked
to his libraryand began pagingthrough
ponderous volurnesofoccult lore, seek
ing an answer.
'1 wish a defense against eternity
shards," he intoned, reading from a
large book bound with human nesh.
1 will create an occult talisman that
will protect me from eternity shards. 1
will use a piece of a shard tocreate the
talisman. J will research a ritual to
enchant the shard which will create
the talisman. Thetalisman will protect
me from shards for as long as I am
within IlImound Keep."
The Gaunt Man paused in his re-
search as Parok, warlord of the
ravagons, entered the library, bowing
low. Behind him, a dozen ravagons
knelt before the man they believed to
be the Sixth Prophet of their religion.
"My lord!" Parok hissed. "We
thought you were lost! This is indeed
a joyous day! If you now desire that I
destroy Thratchen -"
'11u'atchen can wait," the High
Lord answered. "Arise, faithful one,
you and your kin. I knew your loyalty
would never waver."
"We live to serve, lord."
"As it should be," the Gaunt Man
said, nodding withsatisfaction. "Now,
Parok, heed me: I require stormers
and Ords, dead or alive, it matters not.
I require perhaps two dozen of each.
"Surely, many of my so-called al
lies havE;sent their agents to my realm
to see if I had met with my demise.
Seekout and fetch thesestormers. Take
your victims from all areas of Orrorsh.
Tell J;l0 one who sent you, lest I con-
sigryyou 10 eternal damnation, for I
shall discovera nytreachery. Nowgo!"
As the creatures bowed and de-
parted, the Gaunt Man returned to his
work, taking no nourishment save for
the possibilities that Heketon fed to
The moon had passed through all
of its phases when the Gaunt Man
finally emerged from the library.
Clutching the scroll with its occult
ritual written in Stormer blood, the
triumphant High Lord strode into his
laboratory and began creating the tal-
isman, using a small pieceof the Heart
ofCoyote as the main component. The
Gaunt Man cackled with delight. The
object which had made his life miser-
able for the past two years would now
becomehis defenseagainst sucha thing
ever happening again!
A week later, the ravagons returned
deadOrds, twentydeadStormKnights,
and six liveones. TheGaunt Man never
left his work, but instead ordered Parok
toimprison thesix liveStormKnights in
the dungeons, and to stack the dead
bodies in the laboratory.
The remaining ravagons were or
dered toguard the Keep, fortheCaunt
Man did not require them to seek out
more Storm Knights. Many of the
realms were sending groups of Storm
Knights into the Orrorshan realm to
ascertain the Gaunt Man's condition.
Many of those Knights wound up at
Illmound. No, the ravagons did not
need to ny anymore. Stormers, good
and evil,entered lUmound in searchof
answers. None ever left.
Finally, the talisman was complete.
The neck chain was made of the finger
bones of dead Storm Knights. The
amulet which held the eternity shard
wasa portion ofa human skull,carved
into the shape of the Carredon's head,
with the shard mounted in its mouth.
With a nod of satisfaction, the Gaunt
Man put on the necldace and placed
his cloak over it, so that it would be
hidden from the casual observer.
Leaving his lab, theGaunt Man met
Parole. who bowed and said, "'Lord,
how can we serve you now?"
The Gaunt Man raised his head and
stared al the ceiling in thought. "For
the nonce, nothing. I must name some
new ightmares to the Hellion Court,
plus a staff for the Keep. However, I
need one of your strongest people, a
true warrior, who you feel can obey
precise orders and is not afraid to die
serving me. Someone whose strength
lies in his sinews, not his mental facul-
Parok replied, grinning evilly as he
thought of a particular ravagon who
wished to supplant him but was being
rather circumspect in his plans. "May
I ask what he is to do?"
The Gaunt Man grinned wide,
stretching thin theskinacross hisskel-
etal face, his eyes glowing red with
malice. "I wish him to deliver an
tation to a group of Storm Knights in
Jakarta. But he must do it in a particu-
lar manner."
"An invitation to Storm Knights?"
Parok's expression betrayed his sur
"Why, yes, Parok!" the Gaunt Man
answered sarcastically. "After all,
those accursed stormers seem to have
so much success these days, I feel that
I should recruit some myself. Now
hearken, for here is what 1want your
ravagon warrior to do ... "
As the Gaunt Man explained his
plan, the halls of Illmound shook with
the evil laughter of both beings.
A High Lord
The Caunt Mnn Returns isan adven-
ture for Torg: Roleplaying TM Possibil-
ity Wars. You must have the boxed
game to play this adventure, as well as
the Orrorsh sourcebook.
Adventures for Torg occur in the
Near Now, where seven different re-
alities and their High Lords have in
vaded Earth. The mightiest of the High
Lords, and the instigator of the Possi-
bility Warson Earth, is theGauntMan,
ruler of a realm built on fear. Trapped
in a maelstrom by Storm Knights (see
the Torg novel trilogy), theGaunt Man
is about to return to the fray.
the Storm Knights into an extremely
perilous situation in perhaps the most
dangerous of realms. It is recom-
mended for experienced players.
For most of the first two years of the
Possibility Wars, the Gaunt Man has
been trapped in a maelstrom with an
eternity shard, the Heart or Coyote.
During that period, his body has been
continually torn apart and reas-
sembled by the power of the reality
storm. In his place, Thratchen, a
.... ..
Tharkold techrnxlemon, ruled the
horror realm, claiming that the Gaunt
Man had business elsewhere and had
named him regent.
With the Gaunt Man gone and his
Darkness Device, Heketon,. missing.
there were no further stelae created,
thus the borders of the Orrorsh realm
have remained unchanged since the
onset of the war.
the Gaunt Man's inner circle of advi-
sors and lieutenants, chafed at this
lack of progress. One Court member
in particular was outraged at the per-
ceived lack of an offensive plan: Gen-
eral Avery Wellington, supreme rom-
manderof all Victorian military forces
and, unbeknownst to his people, a
secret ally of the Gaunl Man.
Being a military man, Wellington
felt thai it was imperative that Ihe
realm expand. He began questioning
Thratchen'sright toruleand, unaware
of theGaunt Man's true fate, the High
Lord's wisdom in appointing the
11larkokJdu regent.
In order to keep himself busy,
Wellington organized military expe-
ditions to map oul the Land Below,
and also volunteered his men for vari-
ous "extra-realm" duties such as
guardingVictorianarchaeological digs
in the ile Empire. During one such
dig. a subordinate of Wellington's
found an evil book, the Archivesof the
Damned, and senl it to his general.
Wellington read the book and found
anoccult ritual within its pages. When
invoked, the rite would kill thousands
and use their life energy 10 transform
the caster into a being oC great power.
Believing that he would be far more
adept at conquering this cosm than
either the Gaunl Man or Thratchen,
General Wellington began making the
necessary preparations to use the
ritual. The Nightmare Skutharka,
along with his assistant, Mr.Ho, qui-
etly backed Wellington's plans for
domination. Thus far, Skutharka is
Wellington's only aUy.
In the meantime, the Gaunt Man
finaUydefeated lheeternityshardand
emerged from the maelstrom, turning
to his cursed mirror to view events
that had transpired in his absence.
When he learned of Wellington'S am
bitions, he summoned Parok, warlord
of the ravagons and fanatic follower of
the Gaunt Man. The High LDrd of
Orrorsh beganfonnulatinga planthal
wouJd stop Wellington without re-
vealing to all that he had returned.
The plan is simplicity itself: the
Gaunt Man "softened up'" the city of
Jakarta with supernatural manifesta
lions and a series oC ravagon-eommit
ted kidnappings and murders, then
began reaching out to a likely groupoC
Storm Knights through their dreams.
With the Knights on the trail of the
ravagon, the Gaunt Man then engi-
neered events so that they would be-
lieve he was slill trapped in the mael-
strom. Presented with the means to
"keep" himthere, the Knightsarelured
to LUmound Keepand a confrontation
with ultimate evil ...
Torg; Tht' G.. unt M.. n Rdums
Act One begins with the Stann
Knights resting in a hotel in Jakarta.
They have all had a series of bad
dreams. The morning paper details a
string of brutal crimes that seem to
havesomeconnection with thedreams.
The Knights spend most of the rest
of the act chasing down leads, many of
which turn out to be red herrings. The
act ends with the Knights in a position
to stop the next murder, and finding
an unlikely ally in a ravagon. This
creature claims to be an enemy of the
Gaunt Man who wishes to see him
stay in the maelstrom. He presents the
Knights with an eternity shard and
warns them that they have only days
to get to IIImound and prevent the
High Lord from emerging.
IIImound Keep is covered in Act
Two. The Knights wander through the
grounds and all of the levels of
Illmound, until they finally come face
to face with the Gaunt Man. The High
Lord explains that General Wellington
has turned traitor, and if the Knights
do not stop him, thousands will die.
He himself couldn't care less - he
merely wishes to see the Knights'
mettle tested and Wellington de-
stroyed. Should they refuse to help,
the blood of all the Indonesians will be
on their hands. The Gaunt Man gives
theheroes a lead to Wellington's weak-
nesS,a Victorian professor who is cur-
rently involved in an archaeological
dig in the Nile Empire.
In Act Three, the heroes go to the
Victorian dig. They get embroiled in a
murder mystery, then help in explor-
ing an underground ruined temple,
where a small eternity shard Lies. The
Act climaxes with an attack by pulp
The final act, Act Four, has the
Knights returning to Orrorsh, and go-
ing to New London to find more clues.
After a trek through the jungle, the
heroes pass the Fortress of the Dead
on their way to Singapore to stop the
The climax occurs in the labyrin-
thian maze of the Bukit Timah Nature
Reserve, where Avery Wellington
must be chaUenged to a duel at sun-
It is important to preserve the at-
mosphere of Orrorsh in this adven-
ture in order to keep it suspenseful.
Each act has its own characteristics
whichshould beemphasized. The first
act is typical Torg, with lotsof people
from other cosms, combat potential,
and scattered clues.
ActTwoisa "dungeoncrawl" with
suspense building up as the party's
Perseverance is tom down, culminat-
ing in the face to face meeting with the
Gaunt Man himself.
Act Threestartsoff in theOnorshan
mystery style, and ends up in frenetic:
Nile pulp action. The final act drops
the ultimate showdown with
Gamemasters must remember that
the Power of Fear permeates this en
tireadventure. Oneof the best ways to
spread fear is to fosler ignorance, and
the best way to foster ignorance is by
never giving the players a completely
straight answer. Beevasive. Usetenns
like "it seems," "it appears,""a num
ber ofthing9could have done this" or
"it could be, or perhaps not."
Even an Idea card should not sim-
ply blow the lid off a mystery. Let the
Idea card give the players a minimal
amount of information, enoughtokeep
them going.
As a rule, the players (and in tum
their characters) will fear the things
they do not know about, more than
they would a known menace. Build up
paranoia. Everyone they meet, unless
they have absolute proof that the per-
son is a "good guy," should be por-
trayed asa potential sourceofdanger.
Beforeplay, thegamemaster shouJd
ask the players to relate the following
things about their characters: their
greatest desire, their greatest fear, their
most important goal ,and what makes
themangriest. Thegamemastershould
write these things down and file most
of the stuff away for future reference;
theonly thingyou really need to know
about is what their greatest fears are.
The other questions are just a smoke
screen. The fears come into play later.
A strong attempt has been made to
create a non-linear adventure. Don't
herd theplayers intoa scene, but rather
tantalize them with what might be
found. This holds true especially for
ActsOneand Two. If the playersdon't
want to check out Soto Investments,
for instance, don't force them.
Also, if the gamemaster feels that
it's in the players' best interests,scenes
such as the s t r t ~ o r cyberpriest
or Soto Investments can be run in a
different sequence than the one p ~
sented. Give the players their free will.
Above all, don't RUSH things. The
adventure is not meant to be run in
one night's worth of gaming, with
Stonn Knights barrelling intoencoun-
ters, weapons ablazing. This is an
Orrorshan adventure: patience, plan-
ning, and information-gathering are
the orders of the day. Take time to
roleplay and have fun. After all, even
Storm Knights need to take time to
sleep, eat, and train in new skills.
This adventure is also a good way
for a gamemaster to get rid of any
pesky etemity shards the party may
haveaccumulated in thecourseoftheir
adventures. Drop subtle hints about
the stories of howtheGaunt Man came
to be trapped (or two years in a mael-
strom caused by touching him with an
etemity shard.
Adventure TIming
There is no way to predict what
Storm Knights and the players who
portray them will do. There are just
too many choices for the players to
make, too many options available to
them. Thus, it is almost impossible to
set a time limit on this adventure, s ~
dfically: when will Avery Wellington
invoke the ritual?
Keep the idea of a time limit in
check until Act Four. Once the party
has arrived in New London, or even
better, met thegypsies, drop hints that
the ritual will be invoked "very soon."
Agood. ruleof thumb is, when they
reach the Fortress of the Dead (arrival
should be slated as early evening),
they have 36 hours to stop Avery.
A Word About
All cybemetically-enhanced char
acters encountered do not have their
skill values modified by their
cyberware. Skill values listed are base
Torg: 111" GfllInt Min Rriums
Act One
Messages in Blood
The Major Beat
The Storm Knights are at the Hotel
Indonesia inJakarta for some rest and
relaxation after a mission (note that
Jakarta is a Core Earth hardpoint).
Their bad dreams and the morning
paper lead themintoa newadventure.
They visit the police department, run
into some red herrings, try to stop a
murder, and face down the murderer.
AU of this puts them on the path to
lIlmound Keep.
NOTE: Acts One and Two of this
adventure have a Perseverance diffi
culty of 27. The Knights begin with a
Perseverance of eight. Acts One and
Twoareinfluenced by theGaunt Man,
thus they are subject to his Persever-
See Act Three for the Perseverance
ON of the rest of the adventure.
Keep an eye on the Stonn Knight's
attitudes while they are inJakarta. The
government has done a passable job
keepingpeaceandorder. The last thing
the Indonesians will want is a groupof
Westerners swaggering into the city,
shootingupeverything. and announc-
ing that they know best.
Remind the Knights that this is a
civilized city, where theauthorities do
not appreciate big shoot-outs and
propertydamage. Knights whoopenly
flash their weapons. bully the locals,
and pick fights will bejailedovernight
and pay a $1,000 fine.
Up on the Wrong
Side of the Bed
The Situation
S t ~ d d The Storm Knights are
meeting for breakfast in one of their
roomsin the Hote1Indonesia. Thenight
before, each personhad thesamenight
mare. This was the fourth straight
evening marred by this dream.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
It has been a long time since you
embarked on a mission that could be
accurately described as "routine."
This last one, running supplies and
top secret dispatches into the indo-
nesian city of Jakarta, was relatively
free from incident,. however.
The Indonesian government,
brimming with gratitude but low on
money, has pul you up for several
days in the luxurious Hotel Indone-
sia. This little break has given your
group the chance to rest,. relax, take a
bath,. and be waited on hand and foot
for a while. In fad, yOUTstay could be
called Hparadise" ... if not for the
For the last four nights. iI has been
the same dream, ~ d all of you have
experienced iI. It begins with your
group weaving through a labyrinth
at night. A brillianl canopy of stars
hangs above you and mist and fog
swirl everywht>re.Yourgroupreaches
the end of the maze, wht>re stands a
huge mountain of skulls. Atop the
bones resls a huge, black manor
house. Suddenly, you find that you
can see into the basement of the
house, where people much like your-
selves are imprisoned.
You enlerthe manor house to find
a skeletal figure trapped in a red and
blue whirlwind. In the blink of an
eye, you and yow group are turned
into the Hnks of an iron chain, bind-
ing the skeletal figure, preventing it
from breaking out of the storm. The
skeletal figure strains at the hero-
bonds, his efforts 10 get oul causing
the manor to crumble all around you,
exposing your battle 10 the slars.
The slars shift their positions.
forming faces in the night sky, which
begin weeping blood. A huge hour-
_ ~ :-:------------------ ,...
10 ....
Act One
glass manifests itself in the sky, but
inste<ld of ~ d it is filled with souls,
trickling, scruming, into the lower
hall of the gb:ss. Eerie organ music,
deep, ponderous and mournful, fills
the night air. The final constellation
pattern you notice is an open book.
At last, the emaciated skeletal fig-
ure shatters the chain, sending your
group flying in all directions. The
figure stands and raises ils arms in
triumph. The celestial hourglass ex-
plodes and a horde of winged crea-
tures emerge and begin covering the
Earth, feedingon itsinhabiimts. The
screamsof a ncebeingdevoured alive
intermingle with the organ music.
Six skeletons <lppear and bow be-
fore the skelelal figure. Oneskeleton
carries a small m<lchine, perhaps a
computer, made fromsome dark sub-
stance. Another wears a hood and
cape. The third is not human, but
edeinos. The fourth wields a sword
and shield. The fifth isc1ad in leather,
long h<lu like a wom<ln's. The sixth
is dressed as a clergyman, but sports
cybernetic enhancements.
At last. Earth's dead rise and begin
to adv<lnce on your group. The weep-
ing constellations save you from
them, sweeping you up in their stel-
lar arms and lifting you into the heav
ens. As you rise, you notice once
again the hourglass pattern in the
Your rescue is short-lived, for the
constellations attempt to consume
you. But as they have no true form,
you pass through them and begin to
fall to Earth.
As the ground rushes up to meet
you, a deep voice intones, -rhe next
blood will be shed where the first
blood fell. The hourglass will tell.
Will you write an entry into the Ar-
chives of the Damned?" Before your
impact, you awaken, screaming, in a
cold sweat.
Exhaustion from your active past,
as well as individual plans and agen-
das have prevented your group from
all sitting down and discussing these
dreams <lnd what to do about them.
This morning, you all agree to meet
for breakfast and talkthisover. When
roomservicebrings breakfast up, they
also bring the first newspaper you
have seen in a week.
After finishing the read-aloud, give
the players handout 1, the Jakarta Free
As thecharaeters discuss thedream,
have them generate a Perseverance
The Action
Once the Knights have read the
paper and have had a chance to dis-
cuss the dream, they can go wherever
they wish. The time is IO:OOa.m.,local
Areas of the hotel include: bar, res-
taurant, health club, pool, front desk
and lobby, and a mini-mall to pur-
chasedothes, toiletries, luggage, small
electronic appliances, liquor. The ho-
6 ~ _
~ . 11
December 7, 1992
Toduy's WeQthtT: Sunny, muggy, 80's. PM fog
JAKARTA - The mutilated body of a longshoreman was discovered in an alleyway by police last night, bringing
to four the number of murder victims in as many days.
The body of Persis Romesh, 38, was found near the docks. Although police have refused to release details on the
murder, sources close to the investigation have hinted that aU four murders are the work of the same killer.
Jakarta Police Chief Rashil Malaraya dismisses this speculation as unwarranted at this time, pointing out that
there is no common thread linking the four victims. All were natives of the city, but there is no other apparent
connection. "Obviously, these murders are the work of very disturbed individuals, and at present, we are not ruling
out the possibility that one man is responsible for these deaths," Malaraya said this morning. "Anyone who has
information on these murders is encouraged to come forward."
Malaraya denied that there was any link between these murders and the disappearance last month of six people
from the rice fields northwest of the airport. Two of those missing were Jakartans, and the others foreigners. 'There
isa great deal of difference between mutilated corpses and missing Storm Knights," he said. 'They may have been
called away on a mission. We cannot compel them to keep us apprised of aU their movements."
"Storm Knight," of courSe, is the term applied to those individuals who seem most adept at dealing with the
strange events of the Possibility Wars. Malaraya refused to release any details on what the Knights were working
on when they vanished.
Sources confirmed that the bodies of all four murder victims are currently being stored at the police morgue,
pending further investigation of the circumstances relating to their deaths.
Victorian Battleship Visits Jakarta
JAKARTA - The latest skyscraper on the beautiful Jakartan skyline belongs
to Soto Investments, a Japanese-based corporation.
'We are here to bring prosperity and recovery to the beleaguered, em-
battled, but proud people of Jakarta," lsumo Mastumori. president of Sato's
Indonesia Division, announced at a press conference yesterday. "The free and
honorable people of Japan stand beside their Indonesian bretheren in their
struggles against an outmoded form of other-world Western imperialism."
Soto InvesbTlents has pledged to help rebuild shattered companies that lost
holdings to the Victorians, as well as searching out likely prospects for new
investment ventures. 'We wish to show the world that Indonesia is making
every attempt to rebuild, and that Japan stands behind her and every other
nation that seeks economic recovery," Matsumori explained. "Also, we wish
tobring back a senseof notmalcy to the lives of the people, henceour efforts to
keep a flow of currency and trade coming into the city."
JAKARTA- Despite public outcry
and police efforts, there are still no
clues in the disappearances of six
StormKnights one month ago. Pub-
lic officials have dismissed the case
as one more instance of "undisci
plined Vigilantes" acting without
consulting local government, and
do not suspect foul play.
However, eyewitnesses have
come forward claiming that
"winged creatures" armed with
swords swept down from the skies
and seized the victims. Police Chief
Rashif Malaraya has rejected these
accounts as "superstitious non
Police files in cities throughout
Java and Sumatra confirm that a
number of other kidnappings of a
similar nature occurred within two
daysof the ones in Jakarta. Noclues
have yet been found toexplain these
Society News
Lady Ellenby's Charity Ball -
see page 5
JAKARTA - Her Majesty's Ship
Thunder Child, the first Victorian
dreadnaught to be built on Earth,
docked at Jakarta Harbor yesterday
moming, on the first legof a goodwill
Captain Anton Salisbury, master
of the HMS Thunder Child, kept his
vaunted Victorian manners as he
stated, 'Weareheretoshowthegood
peopleoflndonesia that we have their
bestinterestsat heart. Wesimplywish
to share the benefits of our Victorian
culture, work ethic, and morality."
"Thereis little 'goodwill' between
the Victorians and the oppressed
peopleofIndonesia," stated Muham
med AI-Asil,spokesman for theIndo-
nesianUberationMovement, a politi
cal/military group that is actively
hostile to the Victorians. "And lookat
what that so-atlIed superior race con
siders to be state of the art! Why, a
single Indonesian guided missile de-
stroyer could sink an entire squadron
of their dreadnaughts before those
old ships could lumber into gunnery
Thevessel will bedockedat Jakarta
for five days, and is open to limited
tel has 16 floors, with the first two
floors taken upbytheabovementioned
areas. Floors 315 contain normal
rooms (for a total of 195 rooms), the
16th floor contains a luxurious suite.
The hotel front desk has a guest
register. Finding names and room
numbers of guests who checked in
before the Stann Knights requires a
{iJ1d total of 8. Looking up names with-
out the desk clerk noticing requires a
stealth total of 10.
The following are the more inter
esting people stayingat the hotel, plus
their room numbers:
Usagi Hayakawa (16th fJoorsuite):
Usagi is an executive of Soto Invest
ments, staying at the hotel until better
quarters can be secured. For body
guards, Usagi has four corporateninja,
which stay in room 1515 until needed.
Usagi Hayakawa
Dodge 12, fire combat 11, melee
weapons 12, running 11, unarmed
combat 10
Evidence analysis 11, land vehicles
11, language 11, trick 10
Business t4
Persuasion 11
Reality (Nippon Tech) 10
Possibilities: 4
Equipment: 13mm Chunyokai,
damage value 18, ammo 9, range 3-
Sony Talkman Scrambler; bank card
with 10,000,000 yen balance.
Usagi is famWar with the layout of
the Soto Investments building.
Corporate Ninja (8)
Acrobatics 14, fire combat 14, ma-
neuver 14, martial arts (ninjutsu)
18, melee weapons 14, missileweap-
ons 15, stealth 18, unarmed combat
Find 13, tracking 11, trick 11
Test 12
Taunt 12
Intimidation 14, reality (Nippon
Tech) 12
Possibilities: 10
Note: Ninja know all maneuvers in
their discipline
Equipment: 13mm Chunyokai,
damage value 18, ammo 9, range 3-
10/40/50; Niyoki camouflage suit;
Sorubu dimbinggloves;shimsisword,
damage value STR+5/14
Izumi Tarahachi (1212): Actually,
just a normal Japanese SlJrarimlln, who
is unawareof theexistence of Kanawa
or Rauru. He has cheated on his taxes,
so he acts rather guilty.
Michelle Martin (1215): Michelle is
an executive of God's Word Indus-
tries, and a loyal member of the
Cyberchurch. The room adjacent to
hers, 1213, contains two Hospitaller
Michelle Martin (Cyberpapacy)
Dodge 12, energy weapons 11. fire
combat 12, maneuver 13, running
13, unarmed combat 14
Find 11, language 12, scholar
(Cyberpapal realm lore) 13, trick 12
Business 13, cybertech 13, psychol
Charm 15, persuasion 14, taunt 14
Faith (Cyberpapal) 13, reality
(Cyberpapacy) 12
Possibilities: 6
Equipment:Cyberware: NeuraCal,
EpiphaNeur, BelleMicroView, MB
MindBoost, slicers, damage value
STR+2/12; Cyber value: 12; God
Meeter, damage value 20, ammo 30,
range 3-12/30/50; bug hunter,find+3
for detecting electronic bugs; snappy
looking blazer with HallowMesh wo-
ven inside it, armor value TOU+5/15;
notebook computer; bank. card with
95.000 franc account;
Description: Michelle looks like a
perfectly normal, well-dressed, at-
tractive businesswoman. Shedoes not
even have a French accent.
Act One
Hospitallers (2)
Beast riding 12,dooge 12, fire com
bat 13, energy weapons 13, maneu
ver 12, melee weapons 13, unarmed
combat 13
Find 10, first aid 11, tracking 12
Test 11, willpower 12
Persuasion 10, taunt 12
Faith (Cyberpapacy) 17, focus 13
(14 with crucifix), intimidation 15,
reality (Cyberpapacy) 15
Possibilities: 2 per Storm Knight
Equipment: Cyberware: NeuraCal,
EpiphaNeur, CSI EyeKiIl MkTV, CSI
HotShot ifind+2 bonus in poorly iii
conditions),CyberHam Receiver, TSE
LeMotion (find+3 when detecting
movement), Throat Mike, Homer, MB
Charger 2 (DEX+l for 3 minutes), MB
Blocker (ignore Kresults, reduce each
shock damage hit by three). Compte's
Stabliza (+2 todefensive skills), Cyber
value: 19; GWI Armor of God, armor
value TOU+8/17; God Meeter, dam
age value 20, ammo 30, range 3-12/
30/50; MAS StonnCun wICST Smart
Gun,damagevalue22,ammo 12, range
3-16/50/70, +6 to hit; power broad-
sword, damage value STR+8/18
Allen Morgan (704): A Spartan
posing as a business executive, he is
here to study the current condition of
Jakarta, plus rumors of the Gaunt
Man's impending return.
Allen Morgan
Acrobatics 11, dooge 12, fire com-
bat 14, maneuver 12, melee weap-
ons 13, running 13, stealth 14, un-
armed combat 15
Evidence analysis 14, find 14, land
vehicles 13, languages 14, scholar
(US history) 15, tracking 14, trick 15
Test 13, willpower 14
Charm 10, persuasion 13
Intimidation14, reality (Core Earth)
6.... ~ 1 _
~ 13
Torg: The C&\lnt Man RdumI
Possibilities: 6
Equipment: MAC10, damage value
18, ammo 10, range 3-15/25/50; .45
Colt Auto, damage value 16, ammo 7,
range 3-10/15/40; Kevlar woven into
leather ;acket, armor value TOU+5/
14; tourist paraphenaJia.
Sandra Goldstein (707); Sandra isa
member of Israel's Mossad. She is here
to shadow Morgan.
Sandra Goldstein
Dodge 14, fire combat 14, maneu-
ver 13, running 12, stealth 15, un-
armed combat 15
Evidence analysis 14, find 15, first
aid 12, land vehicles 13, language
13, scholar (intelligence/ counter-
intelligence methods) 15, tracking
12, trick 13
Test 14, willpower 14
Charm 14, persuasion 14, taunt 14
Faith Qudaism) 14, intimidation 15,
reality (Core Earth) 13
Possibilities; 2
Equipment: Uzi, damage value 17,
ammo 11, range 3-15/40/100; 9mm
Beretta, damage value 15, ammo 9,
range3-10/25/40; knife, damage value
STR+3/12; bugs (6); bug receiver.
Description: Sandra is a beautiful
woman who also happens to be an
excellent spy. She is just as capable of
being a good friend and loyal ally as
she is of snapping someone's neck.
Those who befriend her and help are
given theformer treatment. Thosewho
stand in her way get the latter.
Anwar EI Hassan (802): Anwar is
anofficial of Mobius'government, here
ona fact-finding tour. In the room next
to his, BOO, four veteran shockrrooper
bodyguards stay.
Anwar EI Hassan
Dodge 11, fire combat, lock picking
12, maneuver 9, melee weapons 9,
prestidigitation 12, running 12
Egyptian religion 11, find 10, hiero-
glyphics 11, language12,mathemat-
ics 11,scholar(bureaucracy) 11, trick
Hypnotism 12
Persuasion 10, taunt 11
Faith (Egyptian) 12, reality (Nile
Empire) 9
Possibilities: 4
Inclination: Evil
Equipment: 9mm Luger, damage
value 15, ammo 8, range 3-10/25/40;
camera, lockpick tools
Description: Anwar wears a white
suit and a fez. He perspires heavily.
Veteran Shocktroopers (4)
Beast riding 11, fire combat 12,
heavy weapons 12, unarmed com-
Climbing 10
Find 9, first aid 9, tracking 9, trick 9
Survival 9, test 9, willpower 12
Taunt 10
Faith (Egyptian) 12, intimidation
12, reality (Nile Empire) 10
Possibilities: 1
Indination: Evil
Equipment: KK81, damage value
19, ammo 24, range 3-40/400/1k; two
grenades, damage value 19, explosive
burst radius0-3/8/15; bayonet,dam-'
age value STR+4/13; field kit
Map 1 features Jakarta and all per-
tinent locations. In addition, there are
a number of locations not listed on the
map which may be of some use to the
Knights. The city can be portrayed as
an excellent "rest stop" for Siorm
Knights who are adventuring in the
Pacific area, especially Orrorsh.
Jakarta hasseveral hospitals, where
aStorm Knightcan easily find a doctor
to aid him. Consider a random doctor
to have a met/iane skill value of 14.
There is a Hachiman Arms fran-
chise store. Always guarded by four
heavily armed MarSee agents, this
store has every weapon found in the
Torg Rufebook,NipponTechsourcebook,
and Kanawa Personal Weappns Guide.
Mingling with the populace and
generating a streetwist total of at least
12 will get Ihe Knights connected to
the black market. Through the black
market, characters can purchase stan-
dard items along with exotic things
like spell components, armor, explo-
sives, and other items found in the
above Tech 24 may be purchased).
Prices are subject 10 a 20 percent
There is a French cyberlegger
named Doctor DeVeaux who can re-
pair and install cybernetic systems.
He also sells data chips, cyberdecks,
and other electronic equipment He
sells no weapons or armor. As a good
rule of thumb, DeVeaux has only six
chips at anyone time, and one
cyberdeck. All of his items are sold al
a 30 percent markup. His fee for in-
stallingcybemetics is an additional 10
percent of the systems' costs.
DeVeaux's operation is located in
an abandoned warehouse adjacent to
a Jakarta railyard. His base attitude
towards the Knights is neutral.
Dodge 15, energy weapons 14, fire
combat 14, stealth 15
Cyberdeck operation IS, first aid
14, forgery 15, land vehicles 14
Cybertech16, medicine 16, psychol-
ogy 16, science (computers) 15,
streetwise 17
Persuasion 12
Intimidation 13, reality (Cyber-
papacy) 15
Possibilities: 4
Equipment: Cyberware: J-Jack,
NeuraCal, Belle MicroView, Belle
View 20-20, OATAS Snooper, PLP
damage value 23, ammo 7, range 3-
40/100/150; ChipHolder 3. Cyber
_ _ ~ ........
Act One
If a True Identity card is played,
Anwar EI Hassan recognizes a Storm
Knight as the perpetrator of some past
heroic accomplishment. He will send
the shocktroopers after the Knight in
order to capture or kill him at some
point during this ad.
1. Bank of lndonesia
2. Cathedral
3. Central Post Office
4. Central Telephone Office
5. City HaJJ
6. City Theater
7. High Court
8. Istigial Mosque
9. Ministry of Agriculture
10. Ministry of Finance
11. Ministry of Health
12. Ministry of Internal
13. Ministry of Justice
14. Ministry of Religious
15. Museum of Indonesian
16. Office of the First Minister
11. Parliament
18. Pasar Senen (Monday
19. Police Headquarters
20. Presidential Palace
21. Radio RepubJik Indonesia
22. State Electricity Company
23. State Palace
24. Cyberpapal Embassy
25. Soto Investments
26. Thunder Child
21. Cemetery
A. First murder
8. Second murder
C. Third murder
D. Fourth murder
A Mistaken Identity card will make
Sandra Goldstein believe that the hero
is here tocontact theSpartans. She will
shadow the Knight in order to learn
more about him.
A Suspicion card played will make
Michelle Martin suspect that one of
the Knights is a wanted heretic, and
she will send the Hospitallers after
him, as well as notifying the Cyber-
papal embassy in the city.
If the characters are trying to figure
out the dream, an Idea card will reveal
the following facts: the hourglass is a
recurring theme, and symbolizes time
running out.
AIRPORT l,::::::::::::J
;: '
....... ; ~
(II] The Gaunt Miln Returns: Map 1
~ Jakarta
value: 21; first aid kit; MediCo Slap
Patches; Neuralnc Bioscanner; Medico
Laser Scalpel; bug hunter; JriMesh
jacket, armor valueTOU+3/13; power
Description: DeVeaux is a bald
headed man is his early 405. He fled
France as a criminal, wanted for his
illegal storefront cyberlittingoperation.
If theStorm Knightsappearunwill-
ing to look into the murders, Police
Chief Malaraya will call them and ask
for their help. He will ask that they
come to the station at once.
If the Storm Knights visit the Thun.-
der Child, they will get a lour, and a
long-winded speech about the impor-
tance of Victorian values from Cap-
tain Salisbury. Despite his surname,
he is not related to Lord Bryon
Salisbury. nor is he allied with the
Gaunt Man.
Award the Knights one Persever-
ance point for discussing the dreams.
Cut To ...
If theStormKnights go to the police
station, cut to SceneTwo, "Verified by
Autopsy." If they wish to wander the
streets of Jakarta for a time, cut to
ScenesThreeand/ or Four. If theStorm
Knights wish to investigate the Storm
Knight disappearances, cut to "Vari-
ables" on page 17. If they wish to in-
vestigateSoto Industries, cut to Scene
Four, "Unsound Investments."
Verified by
The Situation
Standud. The Storm Knights go to
police headquarters to investigate the
deaths, and find some gruesome evi
Read aloud or paraphrase:
The witlk to police headquarters is
brief but hot. The streets Me crowded
with ~ p l trying to keep life going
as normally as possible. Many faces
betray a feeling of unspoken dread.
The humidity makes your clothes
stick to your skin. The skin on the
back of your neck crawls, but you
don't know if it's from the heat or a
feeling that you are being watched.
At headquarters, the police are
overworked and harried, but they
appear to be trying their best to keep
everyone calm and orderly. It takes
ahout 20 minutes of waitingand talk
ing to various officers, but finally
you manage to work your way
through the crowds and to the desk
officer. Heushers you intoMalaraya's
Police Chief Rashif Mabraya is an
overweight, balding, sweating man
whose eyes show a keen intellect, an
observant eye, and a streak of com-
The Action
As police chief in Jakarta since the
Wars began, Malaraya has seen and
heard it all. He has had countless
people, manyofthemforeigners, some
of them allegedly Storm Knights, tell
himall mannerofstories. Somestories
have been accurate, others have been
wild rumor.
He is somewhat jealous of the
Knights' freedom to act, but realizes
that capturing the murderer stalking
his city is more important than his
pride. If he called the Knights, he will
be willing to help them - but if the
Knights came to police headquarters
of their own accord, they will have to
persuade him to get to seethe bodies or
any significant information. A yes re-
sult is necessary to gain access to the
If Malaraya agrees to speak to the
Knights, he tells them the follOWing:
The murders have been committed
over the last four nights. Each victim
was found several hours after the act.
None of the four victims had anything
in common. Each murder was com-
mitted between the hours of one and
three in the morning. There were no
witnesses. If the Knights wish to see
the bodies, they may.
Malaraya does not believe there is
any connection between these killings
and the disappearance of six Storm
Knights from a rice field northwest of
the airport one month ago. However,
if the Knights are dead set on investi-
gating this, he will haveoneof his men
show them the site.
Malaraya has a city map showing
the locations of the bodies. The mur-
der locations are:
First murder - in an alley near
Kota Station.
Second murder- next to the Uni-
versity of Indonesia.
Third murder- between the Press
Club and the Hotellndonesia.
Fourth murder- in the fields near
the north end of the longest airport
An evidence QlUllysis or Puception
total of 10 reveals that the murder sites
form the shape of an hourglass.
A Mind total of 11 will reveal that
the dream line, "'Next blood shed
where first blood fell," refers to the
fact that tonighYs murder will occurat
the same site as the first one, Kota
Station. Malaraya will refuse to be-
lieve evidence based on a dream.
Rashif Malaraya - Jakarta
Police Chief
Dodge 12, fire combat 14, land ve-
hicles 13, melee weapons 12, un-
armed combat 14
Evidence analysis 12, find 11, lan-
guage 12, scholar (Indonesian law)
Test 15, willpower 16
Persuasion 12, taunt 12
Faith (Islam) 9, intimidation 12,
Possibilities: none
Equipment: 9mm Beretta, damage
value IS, ammo 9, range 3--10/25/40;
Description: Rashif is a normally a
jovial fellow. These days, he's a bit
grim, for he can't stand to see his fel-
low countrymen suffer. He's a dedi-
cated, loyal, honest cop.
The Morgue
The police station morgue is chilly
and reeks of death. The bodies lie on
concrete slabs. They range inage from
Act One
early 205 to early 405. Three are men,
one a woman.
When the Knights view the bodies,
subtract a Perseverancepoint and have
them make a Perseverance check.
Afindor Perception total 0(90n any
oneof the bodies will reveal what look
to be scratches. An evidence analysis
total of 10 will ,eveal that all of the
were made by talons. A Supe-
nor success on this check reveals that
the wounds were most likely caused
by a ravagon.
The coroner's reports for aU four
victims are identical. All suffered the
same wounds, and in the same order:
Gall bladder removed
Abdomen slashed
Ulna fractured
Nose broken
Trachea lacerated
Mandible fractured
Aorta punctured
Neck broken
A Perception total of 11 reveals that
the list of wounds spells out "Gaunt
Man." If the Knights figure this out,
subtract a Perseverancepoint and have
them make another Perseverance
Personal Effects
mentlonmg. One of the men, Antonio
Perez, a man in his early 40's, had a
crucifix inscribed with circuitry, now
twisted intoscrapmetal. Anyone from
the Cyberpa.pacy will recognize it as
such. An evIdence analysis total of 10
will show that thecrucifix was bent by
a single clawed hand.
If the Knights ask Malaraya about
this, he will mention that there has
been a great deal of street preaching
by Cyberpapist of late. Although he
dlshkescyberpriests, the man has bro-
ken no laws and socannot bearrested.
It's possible that Perez wasoneof their
A Connection card means Malaraya
knows one of the Knights and will be
as as the Knights require,
short at breaking the law or
gIVing the Knights policemen as extra
APersonal Stake card played means
the hero knew one of the victims, and
is now intent on finding the killer.
A Suspicion card played indicates
that Malaraya considers a Knight tobe
somehow involved with the murders.
This person will be treated coolly,
asked probing questions, and eventu-
ally will be tailed by three policemen.
An Idea card will reveal that the
dream line, II ext blcwxl shed where
first blcwxl feU" refers to the fact that
tonight's murder will occur in thesame
place as the first one, Kota Station.
.,. n
The Gaunt Man Retu 2
Cyberpapal Embas
1. Chapel
2. Security stations
3. Atrium
4. Meeting room
s. Chief priest's office
6. Cafeteria
@ 7. Computer room
8. Hospitaller rooms
9. Inquisitor rooms
10. Cyberpreist rooms
11. Jazuit rooms
12. Cybemun rooms
13. Motor pool
.. Camera
@ @
If the Knights wish to investigate
the rice fields. siteoEthe Storm Knight
disappearances. a policeman will
guide them there. A find or Peraplion
total of 12 will reveal a piece of card
halfburied in the ground. It reads.
"1 :OOa.m., Dec.S, Kota, Zyl w/ shard.'"
points for seeing the bodies, two for
figuring out the Gaunt Man acrostic,
and one for determining that a ravagon
committed the murders.
Cut To ...
If the Knights wish to investigate
the connection between the victims
and thecyberpriest,rut toSceneThree.
If they wish to investigate Solo Invest
ments, cut to Scene Four. If they wish
to wait until evening and travel to
Kota Railway Station to wait for the
murderer, cut to Scene Five.
The Sermon on the
The Situation
Standard. The Knights come upon
a crowd listening to a cyberpriest
preaching about how faith in the
Cyberpope is the only way to defend
oneself against the sunounding hor-
rors. A pair of HospitalJers is the way
the priest defends himself from un-
rulycity folkand triggerhappyStorm
Read aloud or paraphrase:
As you walk back out into the hot
muggy city, you areonce again 108t in
the throng of humanity. Eventually,
you come upon a group of people
listening with interest to a street
preacher. Thehenily-accented voice
is speaks fint in French. then in van
OU8 loc.a.l tongues, then again in En-
glish. Youannotseethespeuerfrom
your cu.rrent vanuge point,. though
his voice seems louder than (h,d of a
normal man. He is standing in front
of the Cyberpapal Embassy.
Wait for the Knights to dose in, if
they wish to. If they do, continue read-
Pushing your W<1y through the
crowd as politely as possible, you see
the center of everyone's attention. A
man dres5ed inclerin.1 vestments but
with an obvious cybernetic eye and a
cybernetic arm, is preaching to the
18 .,..,
Flanking him, arms folded across
their chests, clad in full armor, are a
pair of guards, both women. They
have huge swords strapped to their
backs. A huge red cross emblazons
each chest plate. The guards survey
the crowd with care, ever vigilant for
signs of trouble. The man talks on.
"Brothers and sisters, this is the
time for increased vigilance! The
powers of darkness surround you,
aye, the very forces of Hell are at our
gates! And what can protect you1The
SaceHum1 A white man's religion
built on the broken backs of the ex-
ploited nonwhite races1 Never! The
old, crumbling, dusty religions of the
past? Never!
"All of those religions are built
around human beings, and since hu
mans are imperfect, so are their reB
gionl We who follow the true Shep-
herd, Jean Malraux I, the Cyberpope,
followone who has purged his body
of weak, imperfect, sinful flesh, and
has submitted to the pure metallic
communion of God!
"A cyber-enhanced faith is a faith
purge'Yclean of human weakness,
for with the cybernetic gift of God,
owsinful natwes are controlled, and
we become purel And the forces of
Hell cannot prevail against purityl
"Join with the CyberChurchl Feel
our warmth, our Jove, our protection,
our unconditional acceptance! We are
a large family, and we wish for you to
join us!"
It does appear that some in the
crowd are being swayed by the
preacher's words.
The Action
The Knights need not to do any
thing here. But there is some informa
tion to be gained from the cyberpriest
and theCodNet terminal inside, and it
is quite likely that the Knights will
want to intervene here just on general
principles. Letthemlingerin this scene
to their heart's content - they will
eventually get back to the main ad-
The rally will continue for another
halfhour, as the preacher gets wanned
up and begins to go into a detailed
account of the tenets of the cyberfaith.
A persuasion value should be made
for the cyberpriest's speech. A nega-
tive or Minimal result means no one
converts. Beyond that, one fourth of
the crowd converts for every level of
success achieved. Thus, a Spectacular
success converts everyone. There are
100 people in the crowd, not counting
the Storm Knights. The difficulty of
the persuasion attempt is 12. The
crowd's base attitude is neutral.
The Storm Knights may attempt to
muscle their way to the front and give
a counterspeech, using persuasion. If
the storyteller insults either the
cyberpriest or religions in general, the
difficulty of their persuasion attempt
on the crowd increases to 15.
A Good level of success will negate
the cyberpriest's speech - the crowd
will walk away from the cyberpriest
and he and his guards will slink off
ASuperior success makes the crowd
hiss at thecyberpreacher, then quickly
disperse. The Cyberpapists are now
enraged at the Storm Knights, and
before this act is over, they will attack
them in force.
A Spectacular success will cause the
crowd to laugh thecyberpriest and his
cohorts out of this part of town, and
give the cyberpriest such a crisis of
faith that he will be unable to preach
for a week.
The Knights only get one chance to
make a speech.
If the Knights simply wish to talk to
the cyberpriest about the crushed cru-
cifix, they can wait until the sermon is
over and approach the Hospitallers
with it. They will convey the message
to the priest, who will invite them into
the chapel to discuss it. He will con-
firm that Perez was a new member of
the church, and vow that the Cyber-
church will pay all the costs of his
burial. He cannot provide any infor-
mation regarding the murders.
The Church
Map 2 details the Cyberpapal em-
bassy/ chapel in Jakarta. All external
doors have electronic locks - a sdenc
(electronics> total of 15 is needed. to pick
these locks. Failing to unlock a door on
the first try sets off a silent alarm at the
security station.
Act One
All computer terminals have retina
scanners to prevent unauthorized. us-
Total complement of the building is
four cyberpriests, two cybernuns, ten
Hospitallers, two Jazuits, and two In-
1. Chapel: Seats 100 people. The
chapel contains an altar and a cyber-
netic crucifix. There are six cyber slave
terminals for VX worship and confes-
sion. Onecyberpriest is always on duty
here. TheChapel isopen between6a.m.
and 10 p.m.
2. Security stations: Each is manned.
by two HospitaUers. 2A watches the
motorpool, 2B watches the chapel and
bedrooms, and 2C watches the rest of
the complex. There isa computertermi-
nal in each station, video screens for the
cameras, plus alarm switches
3. Atrium: This is a nicely appointed,
airy place withbeautiful trees and flow-
ers growing in planters. HoloVids of
Biblical locations and stories show on
the southern wall.
4. Meeting Room: Contains a long
table, a dozen chairs, and a computer
S. Fra Daniel's Office: A huge steel
and chromedeskdominates FraDaniel's
room. Hehasa Wrath I cyberdeck,com-
puter terminal, an alarm button, and a
GodLight stored in the desk (locked,
lock picking difficulty 13).
6. Cafeteria
7. Computer Room: A huge cyber-
netic crucifix dominates the upper left
carner of the room. This is a Cyberpapal
hardpoint ITQU 10). It has a weight
value of5 and a Spirit value of 6, thus it
projects a Cyberpapal pure zone of six
meters, and a dominant zone an addi-
tional34 meters.
The rest of the room contains three
Wrath Icyberdecks, thecomputer m n ~
frame, and four terminals.
Fetching information from the com-
putermainframeisa four step Dramatic
Skill Resolution using the science (com-
puters) skill. StepAis breakingthe initial
passcodes. Step Bis getting to the right
menu. StepCis breakingintothecarrect
files. Step 0 is the retrieval of the infor-
mation. Difficulty for each step is 16
Failureat any point activates a build-
ing-wide alarm and increases further
computer difficulties to 20. If the alarm
is left on for 30 seconds, the computer
automatically purges all data.
Tors: The Gaunt Man Return.
Data includes theexact complement
of the installation.. a list of known her-
etics inthearea, anorder fromMalraux
himself for the staff to report any ru-
mors of the Gaunt Man's return di-
rectly to rum, plus a roster of converts.
Antonio Perez is on this list. There is
also some mention of plans for an
expansion of the realm into New En-
Fra Daniel Vemuille
Dodge 11, fire combat 11, melee
weapons 12
Cyberdeck ops 14, find 13, scholar
(Avignon Doctrine) 11, trick 12
Science (computers) 12, test 12
Charm 15, persuasion 14, taunt 14
Faith (Cyberpapacy) 17, focus 14
(16 with crucifix), intimidation 14,
reality (Cybe'l"paey) 15
Possibilities: 15
EpiphaNeur, BelleView 20-20 (+2 to
PercqJtion skills based on sight), CSI
LEOs, Cyber-Ham Receiver, TSE
LeMotion (find+3 for detecting move--
ment), Throat Mike, Homer, DATAS
Boomer, MB Charger 2 (DEX+1 for 3
mins), ChipHolder 3 Cyber value: 16.
HaUoMesh, armor TOU+5/14; God
Meeter, damage value 20, ammo 30,
age value STR+5/14; crucifix.
Hospitallers (10)
Beast riding 12, dodge 12, fire com-
bat 13, energy weapons 13, maneu-
ver 12, melee weapons 13, unarmed
combat 13
Find 10, first aid 11, track 12
Test 11, wiUpower 12
Persuasion 10, taunt 12
Faith (Cyberpapacy) 17, focus 13
(14 with crucifix), intimidation 15,
Possibility Potential: some (18)
Equipment:Cyberware: NeuraCal,
EpiphaNeur, CSI EyeKill MkIV, CSI
HotShot <find+2 in poorly lit condi-
tions), CyberHam Receiver, TSE
LeMotion (find+3 for detecting move-
ment), Throat Mike, Homer, MB
Charger 2 (DEX+l for 3 mins), MB
Blocker (ignore Kresults, reduce each
shock damage hit by three), Compte's
Stabliza (+2 todefensive skills), Cyber
value: 19; GWI Armor of God, armor
value TOU+8/17; Cod Meeter, dam-
age value 20, ammo 30, range 3-12/
30/50; MASStonnCun wICSI Smart
Gun,damagevalue22,ammo12, range
3-16/50/70, +6 to hit). power broad-
sword, damage value STR+8/18
acking In
The embassy construct has a TOUGHNESS IS MIND 13
Good security level. Its VX image PERCEPTION 16 Test 14, willpower 14
is a glowing monastery. MIND 14 CHARISMA 11
Thecomputer also has a satel- CHARISMA 13 Persuasion 12, taunt 15
lite uplink to the GodNet. Any SPIRIT 16 SPIRIT 13
one jackingin gets the VXsensa- Net Values: net attack (me- Faith 15, focus 14, intimida-
tion of rising up into the clouds, lee) 13, net defense 13, net find tion 14
seeing a glowing city of gold in 16, net stealth 16, net manipula- Net Values: net attack (me-
the sky. This is the VX imafe of tion 16, net track 1 lee) 16, net defense 16, net find
Firmament, the Cyberpapa sat- ResponselProcessorlStorage: 14, net stealth 16, net manipula-
ellite. 0/12115 tion 14, net track 15
Cell 1: Welcomes the decker Programs: Onslaught 5(4), Ar- ResponselProcessorlStorage:
to the Jakarta Embassy of the mor 4(3), Scramble 3(2), Trace 2/5/7
2(2), C"b 2(2), Deck Wipe 1(2) Programs: Attack 2(2), De-
Cell 2: Resembles a great ca- Cell 4: This room appears to fense 2(2),Scoo 1(1), Shroud 1(1),
thedral. This is where the faith- be done up like the Roman cata- Evade HI}
ful deckers can conduct VX wor- combs. A wall of crossed bones Cell 5: The cote.
ship. is a seal for the door to the Core Cell 6: This contains aU the
Cell 3: This room appears to Cell. data for the embassy. It contains
be the interior of a stone watch The guardian (G2) is: the same information as can be
tower. Each wall hasa cross, three
found by just trying to crack the
of which are seals concealing
computer codes in thecomputer
Dodge 14, melee 14,stealth 14
The guardian (Gl) is:
Once at Firmament, the
Knight of God TOUGHNESS 16
decker is re--routed Earthward
to Avignon.
STRENGTH l' Tracking 13, trick 13
~ :::------------------........
20 'w-'
Inquisitors (2)
Dodge 10, energy weapons 10, me-
lee weapons 10, stealth12, unarmed
combat 10
Cyberdeck operation 12, evidence
analysis 15, find 12, scholar
(Avignon Doctrine) 14, trick 12
Test 12, willpower 14
Charm 11, persuasion 11, taunt 11
FaHh (Cybe'l"pa<y> 15, focus "
(16 with crucifix), intimidation 16
Possibility Potential: some (21)
Equipment:Cybernrare: NeuraCal,
EpiphaNeur, BelleView 20-20 (+2 to
Perception skills based on sight), CSI
LEOs, CSI LtFilta (flash protection),
FFOColEnhanz (find+2 in weUlitoon
ditions), DATAS Snooper (+2 bonus
for normal frequency hearing),
CyberHam Receiver, 1'5E LeMotion
(find+3 for detecting movement),
Throat Mike, Homer. Cybervalue: 15;
GWI HalloMesh, armor valueroU+5/
14; GWI GodLight housed in staff,
damage value 24, ammo SO, range J.-
10/25/40; electroprod in staff, dam
age value 16
Any Knights captured by the
Cyberpapists will be interrogated by
the Inquisitors.
Dodge 12, fire combat 12, unarmed
combat 13
Evidence analysis 12, find 12, Ian
guage 12, scholar (religion) 12, trick
Test 12, will power 13
Charm 10, persuasion 16, taunt II
Faith (Cyberpapaey) 17, focus 14,
Act One
reality (Cybe.-papa<y> "
Possibilities: 5
Equipment: Cyberware: NeuraCa1,
EpiphaNeur, slashers, damage value
STR+6/15, Kreelar tendons, Cyber
value: 10; HalloMesh, armor value
TOU+5/13; God Meeter, damage
value 20, ammo 30, range 3-12/30/50
An Alertness card played while in
the crowd will enable the Knight to
overhear several people talking about
the wisdom of getting extra holy pro-
tection, considering the odd shadows
seen in the Portuguese Cemetery sev
eral nights ago.
If the Knights ask the people for
details, they are told that there have
been odd winged shadows flitting
about the graveyard at night, some-
times accompanied by tiny pinpoints
of red or white light.
Ifthecyberpriest survives this scene
and is upstaged by a Storm Knight
The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 3
Cyberpapal Embassy Construct
The Situation
Standard. A new office bUilding
owned by Solo investments is open
for business. The Storm Knights pass
it either on their way toor from police
Storm Knights investigating the
building discover that it is a red her
ring, though there is a Rauru Block
Second Floor
9. Walkway.
10. Cafeteria.
11. Kitchen.
12. Security: Thereareal ways eight
MarSeeagents posted here. This room
has computer terminals, alarm, door,
and elevator controls and overrides,
plus a locked (difficulty 15) cabinet
with ammunition.
13. Computer Room: Contains
mainframe, modems (for connection
with Japan), terminals, printers.
Characters who generate a science
(computers) total of 22 can crack the
passwords and codes in order to get
information from the mainframe. If
the Knight fails to break in, an alarm
will sound.
Available data includes:
- 3327' s directive that information
on the Gaunt Man's return is a high
priority. A huge cash bonus ($500,000
US dollars) is being offered;
- the full personnel roster of the
- a directive from 3327 that orders
Soto investments to handle stock for
Karkthusa, Inc., Singapore;
or manning the ticket booth at the
Finl Floor
1. Atrium: A beautiful, airy place,
with lots of sunlight pouring in. There
are curving stairways heading up.
Near the front doors is a security
desk. always manned by two MarSee
2. Restrooms
3. Maintenance
4. Elentor Maintenance: Has cit
cuit breakers and controls for eleva
tors and telephones. Characters with
down any elevator or phone system
by generating a total of takes 10
minutes per attempt.
5. Supplies
6. Gallery: Walk throughareas with
Japanese art.
7. Phones, etc.: Contains banks of
pay phones, FAX machines, and cour-
tesy phones.
8. Elevators and Stam: Note that
these elevators and stairs only go to
the 19th floor. They also give access to
the underground garage.
member here that can become an ally
in the future. See Map *4 for the
layout of the building.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Walking down the hot streets of
Jakarta, making your way throUgh
the crowds, you see a beautiful new
2ktoryoffice buildingmadeof glass
and steel. Workmen are putting the
finishing touches on the logo sign,
"Soto Investments:' An attractive
fountain done in a distinctive Japa
nese motif, with chrysanthemums
and lotus blossoms, sets up a sprayof
cool, refreshing water.
A business total of 6, or a scholar
(Nippon rtQlm 'em) of 8 infonns the
Knights that Soto Investments is a
Kanawa subsidiary.
The Action
The Knights are free to ignore this
place- again, it is a red herring - or
they may attempt entry. Concealed
external security cameras (find total of
15 to spot them) will show building
security if anyone is staking out the
The Building
External locks have a lock picking
difficulty of 16. Internal door locks
have a difficulty of 15. MarSee agents
provide security, patrolling in stan-
dard security guard blazers dUring
normaIbusiness hours, and in full gear
after hours. Normal business hours
are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Alldoorshavealarms, whichsound
if the lock picking attempt fails, or if tHe
door is forced open. Detecting the
alann requires a find total of 15. Deac-
tivating it requires a science (eudron-
ics) of15.
A huge, beautiful steel sculpture
(TOU 25) stands in the middle of the
ground floor. It is a hardpoint with a
weight value of 14 and a Spirit Value
of 5, which bathes the first and second
floors in a Nippon Tech pure zone and
the rest of the building in a Nippon
dominant zone.
There is a parking garage located
under the building, open from 8:00
a.m. to9:00p.m. Therearealwaysfour
MarSee agents patrolling the garage
Cut To
When the Knights have finished
dealing with (or ignoring) the
Cyberpapists, they may wish to inves-
tigate the cemetery. See the descrip-
tion in Scene Six, but nothing will go
on there until after Scene Five has
taken place.
If the Knights wish to go to the
railway station and wait, cut to Scene
If the Knights wish to investigate
Soto Investments, cut to Scene Four.
The Stonn Knights may attack the
cyberpriest and his guards as he
preaches. Not only will the triodefend
themselves, but !lOme of the faithful
will summon the police. The Cyber
papists have a pennit to speak Cap-
tured Knights will be thrown in jail
overnight, or pay a 51,000 fine per
speech, a Nemesis card will make the
priest an enemy of the card player,
even if thecard player did not give the
A True Identity card played by a
Cyberpapal Knight means that the
cyberpriest recognizes her as some-
one wanted for questioning. Before
the act is over, the priest will makean
attempt to arrest the character is qUe8'"
tion, using a number of Hospitallers
equal to the party's strength.
........ : ~
- if any of the player's
Knights are wanted by Kanawa, their
dossiers are in here, too.
Third-Eighteenth Floors
These floors are filled with offices
and conference rooms that are utterly
meaningless to the Knights.
Nineteenth Floor
14. Secretary's Office.
15. Vice-Presideni's Office: There
are four vice-presidents.
16. Samurai Station: This roomcon-
tains the eight corporate samurai hired
by 5043. A secret two-way mirror al-
lows the samurai to watch the corridor
leading from the elevators.
17. Training Room: There is a pri
vate elevator that leads to the20th floor.
The rest of the room contains training
mats and sleeping cots.
18. Suki Kitakame's Office: This is
the office of 5043's secretary. There is a
desk, computer terminal, typewriter,
and various bits of Japanese art. Inside
her locked (lock picking difficulty 12)
desk is a 13mm Chunyokai (damage
value 18, ammo 9, range 3-10/40/50).
19.5043'5 Office: This is a beautiful
office equipped with an the latest tech-
nology. Theofficehasa largedesk,a wet
bar, CDplayer, Zamftech Monolith per-
sonal computer (hooked into the Soto
mainframe in room13), cordless phone,
and alann button. A private elevator
leads to 5043's bedroom on the 20th
Twentieth Floor
20. Outer Security: This room con
tains a team of four corporate ninjas,
who act as 5043's bodyguards. A se-
cret panel (find total of 20 to notice it)
leads to 5043's penthouse. The room
contains an alann panel which can
alert the entire building to a threat.
21. Inner Security: This room fea-
tures four more ninja and several
22. Bath lockers.
23. Baths: Vice presidentsand other
important people are invited up here
by 5043 for relaxation. The watefis
24. Geisha: There are eight women
(sevenstandard geishas, plus Tamara)
living here, company geishas on call.
There are rice paper privacy screens
set up for their sleeping mats.
room isdecorated with teasels, Haiku
banners, origami, bonsai trees, chry-
santhemums, and painted rice paper
Geishas (7)
Dodge 14, melee weapons14
Language 14, scholar (Geisha) 15,
scholar (Nippon realm lore) 14,
scholar (origami) 13
Artist (singing) 13,artist (flute play-
ing) 13, artist (dancing) 13, will-
power 13
Charm 15, persuasion 14, taunt 13
Possibilities: None
Equipment: dagger, damage value
STR+3/11; kimono; flute
Description: Geishas are hostesses,
singers, dancers, artists, here to bring
tranquility and relaxation. Their pri-
mary role is NOT that of a concubine.
These women pose no threat to the
Knights. Tamara Ondo, however, may
attempt to contact the Storm Knights
and fool them into thinking that she is
an ally.
25. 5043's Penthouse Dwelling:
This is another luxurious room. It fea-
TV with built in VCR and satelhte
dish, a massive collection of movies
on video, a CD player, exercise equip-
ment, a huge bed, and the private el-
Thedesk (locked, difficulty 22), con-
tains documents which indicate that
Karkthusa is run by an Orrorshan ri-
val of the Gaunt Man who seeks to do
business with Nippon. Other reports
indicate that Karkthusa, Inc is consid
ering a rather sudden move to Hong
5043 hasa secret stairway<find total
of 15 to spot it) that leads through a
one-way door out to the main stair-
way near the elevators. The stairway
also goes up to the roof.
Thedoor leading tothe roof is locked
from the inside (difficulty 20 to pick,
and alanned (science (electronics) diffi
culty of 16 to disable). Out on the roof
is an Oda Butterfly helicopter, 5043's
personal transportation.
Oda Butterfly: Tech 23; speed 150/
90/13; pass 8; TOU 17
Fire combat 10, running 10, un-
armed. combat 12
Air vehicles 13, land vehicles 12,
language 14, scholar (finance) 14,
trick 13
Business 16, science (computers) 12
Chann 14, persuasion 14, taunt 15
Intimidation 10, reality (Nippon
Tech) 16
Possibilities: 5
Equipment: Komatsu Wakizashi,
damage value 14, ammo 6, range 3-5/
15/25; Misaki XE Laptop computer;
Sony Talkman; sport jacket with
lriMesh woven into it, armor value
Description: Aggressive and moti-
vated solely by greed, 5043 is in his
late 205, a bit young for a company
president. The handsome 5043
to surround himself with expensive
items and beautiful women. 5043 is
fiercely competitive, and used to hav
ing things his own way.
Dodge 15, fire combat 15, lock pick-
ing 13, maneuver 15, martial arts
(Atemi-Waza) 15, stealth 16, un
armed combat 14
Disguise 15, evidence analysis 14,
find 15, land vehicles 14, language
14, scholar (Geisha) 16, tracking 12,
trick 15
Artist (singer) 14, business 12, medi-
tation 12, science (computers) 13,
test 13, willpower 12
Charm 15, persuasion 15, taunt 14
Torg: The G,unt Man Retums
(JtI] The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 4
~ Soto Investments
- ~
Finl Floor
r ~ i
111I11111 1111I111
@ CD
, ,
<2> 0 0 <2>
Second Floor
I ~
1. Atrium
2. Restroom
3. Maintenance
4. Elevator maintenance
5. Supply
6. GaUery
7. Phones
8. Elevators and stairs
@ 9. Walkway
W 10. Cafeteria
11. Kitchen
Nineteenth Floor
12. Security
@ ~
13. Computer room
@ @
14. Secretary
15. Vice President's office
16. Samurai station
17. Training room
18. Executive secretary
@ @
19. 5043's office
20. Outer security
21. Inner security
22. Bath lockers
23. Baths
24. Geishas
25. 5043's penthouse
_ Camera
- Hidden door
Intimidation 13, reality (Nippon
Possibiliti6: 2 per Storm Knight
Skill Note: Tamara knows all ma-
neuvers in the Atemi-Wazad isci pline.
Equipment: Chiang 67 pistol, dam-
age value 16, ammo 8, range 3-10/25/
50; electronic lockpick; Allied cam-
corder; 6 smoke screen pellets; smoke
screen lenses
Description: The beautiful Tamara
works as a corporate spy/trouble-
shooter for the executives of Korruki
Investments, who feel that theyshould
be the ones inJakarta, not Soto invest-
Tamara is posing asa corporate gei-
sha in order to find evidence of 5043'5
incompetence. She is fiercely loyal to
Kanawa. She will approach Storm
Knights with hints that "my loyalty is
not withSoto," hoping that any Knights
would falsely assume she is with the
Rauru Block.
In her role as a geisha, she acts very
humble and subservient. She is an ex-
cellent singer.
Suki Kitakame
Dodge 11, fire combat 12, lock pick-
ing 12, maneuver 11, melee weap-
ons 12.. stealth 11, unanned combat
Evidence analysis 13, find 14, first
aid 12, land vehicles 12, language
14,scholar(NipponTech realmlore)
14, trick 13
Artist (actress) 13, science (comput-
ers) 12, willpower 11
Intimidation 9, reality (Nippon
Tech) 9
Possibilities: 5
Equipment ZIlP'77z, damage value
16,ammo12. ""'SO3-20/30150; lriMesh
11; electronic lockpick; Omi signal
scrambler; 35mm microcamera; Allied
camcorder; Allied micro-transmitter;
Misaki XE Laptop computer
Description: Dressed in short skirt,
heels, and wearing lOISof flashy jewelry
and makeup, SuId poses as a secretary.
In fact, due to her stunning looks, 5043
has made her his corporate secretary.
This is exactly what Suki hoped for,
sinceshe is a Rauru Block agent sent to
infiltratethe high levels of the company
and determine what its goals are.
5043 has not yet madeany overtures
toSuJd. Heisbidinghistime, waiting for
the business tosettleintoa good routine
In "reallife," Suki is a warm, won-
derful person who longs to see the tnJe
Japanese spirit restored..
SuJd knows thai a new electronics
firm called Karkthusa has opened up in
Singapore. She will mention this to any
StormKnight whowins herconfidence.
Mmec Security (36)
Dodge 10, fire combat 11, maneu-
ver 10, melee weapons 10, stealth
10, unarmed combat 10
Find 9, tracking 10, trick 9
Test 9
Charm 10, persuasion 9
Intimidation 9
Possibility Potential: some (55)
Equipment: (duringbusiness hours)
Kanawa KMII,damagevalue18,ammo
12, range 3-10/25/40; IriMesh woven
into jacket, armor value TOU+3/11;
nunchaka, damage value STR+5/13;
walkie-talkie; (dUring night hours or
emergency) Kyoto Police RKD armor
value TOU+7/15; Impala chain gun,
value 23, ammo 600, range 3-
40/150/400;, nunchaka, damage value
STR+5/13; walkie-talkie
Description: Pairs of MarSee agents
patrol the building, and a pair man the
lobby area.
Corporale Samurai (8)
Ftrecombat 10, maneuver 10. martial
arts (Seda Chen) 11, melee weap:ms
12, unarmed combat 10
Evidence analysis 9, find 9, tracking
9, trick 9
Test 8
Persuasion 8
IntinUdation9, reality(NipponTech)
Possibilities: 2
Note: Corporate samwai know the
ning fist, serprnt's coils, sacrifice kick
TOU+7/16; 13mmChunyokai,darnage
value 18, ammo 9, range 3-10/40/50;
katana, damage value STR+7/16;
Description: These samurai are a
backup for MaJ5ec, and are personally
responsible for guarding 5043.
Corporate Ninja (8)
Acrobatics 14, fire combat 14, ma-
neuver 14, martial arts (ninjutsu) 18,
melee weapons 14, missile weapons
15, stealth 18, unarmed combat 14
Fmd 13, tracking 11, trick 11
Test of will 12
Taunt 12
Intimidation 14, reality (Nippon
Tech) 12
Possibilities: 10
Note: Ninja know all maneuvers in
the ninjutsu discipline
age value 18, ammo 9,
50; Niyoki camouflage suit; Sorubu
climbing gloves; shimsi sword damage
value STR+5/14; 3 H-S stars, damage
value STR+3/12
Description: These ninja are fanat-
ics,and will sacrifice themselves to keep
5043 safe.
A Connection card played by a Core
Earth or ippon Tech Knight means
that Suki is an ally, and will aid the
Knights so long as it doesn't endanger
her or her cover.
If a RoltUlnce card is played, a Knight
may fall in love with Suki or Tamara.
5043 or Tamara can easily become a
Nemesis if that card is played.
If a Mistaken Identity card is played,
Suki believes the hero is a spy for Kana-
wa, and will actually act against that
Torg: The c.unt Man Rmun.
If theStann Knights choosetoignore
this encounter, no problem. It is, after
aU, a red herring meant to instill a feel-
ing 01 parolOOia and uncertainty in the
TIle heroesmayattempta break-in at
night. 5043 lives in his penthouseon the
top tloor. Suki works long hours and
leaves around 9:00 pm. Tamara lives in
the building.
Cut To ...
Uthe Knights have still not figured
out that the next murder will take place
at the Kota Train Station, they can re-
ceive an annonymous tip leading them
there. If they have figured it out, or are
simply going there to meet Zyl, cut to
Scene Five.
The Situation
StandardlDramatic. At 1:OOa.m., the
huge ravagon sent by the Gaunt Man
and Parok is about to commit the fifth
murder. The victim is an AJcashan
bioen.gineer, just arrived in Jakarta
Read aloud or paraphrase:
The late hour brings few visitors to
the Kota railroad station. You hear the
mournful whistle of a train as it pulls
out of the station.
The last train from Jakarta has just
pulled away. A man who looks like a
South American Indian stands alone
on the platform, wearing a business
suit, in which he seems uncomfort-
The Action
The stranger is Camoran Zyl, an
Akashan Storm Knight who was ~
posed to rendezvous with a party here
and deliver an eternity shard into their
hands. Unfortunately, the Knights he
wassupposed to meet are theones who
were kklnapped from the rice field by
ravagons some weeks ago. He is un-
he will mistake them for the people he
was supposed to meet.
Once he is sure that the party mem-
bers are Knights - even if they are not
the ones he was informed would be
meetinghim- he will leU them that he
omies on his person a key to a train
locker. Inside the locker is an eternity
shard, a small statue made of gold. His
instructions are toturn theshard over to
a Knight party, and then make his way
to Australia to meet with a representa
tive 01 Pella Ardinay's governmenl
Zyl will lead the Knights down the
train platlmm. Just before they pass an
alleyway between two warehouses,
have the Knightsgeneratefind or Percep-
tion totals. On a 14, they spot a winged
shadow out of the comers of their eyes.
Immediately thereafter, the ravagon
launches himseU out 01 the alley and
attacks ZyL He claws the Akashan's
shoulder, narrowly missing his throat.
At this point, thescene becomes Ora
matico Have the Knights make a Perse-
verance check.
Chosen Ravagon
Right 17, maneuver 20, stealth 18,
unarmed combat 21
FInd 16, first aid 13,language 12,
tracking 16,lrick 15
Test 15 (18), willpower 18
Persuasion 12, taunt 15 (18)
Faith (lrishantisrn) 16, intimidation
17, reality (Orro"hl 20
Possibilities: 18
Natural Tools: OccuJHreated ar-
mored skin, valueTOU+6/annorvalue
21; talons, damage value STR+2/value
18; wings, speed value 13
Biotech weap:ms 9, dodge 10, run-
ning 9, unarmed combat 9
FInd 14, first aid 13 (+3), language
15, psionic manipulation 14
Medicine 14(+3), mindsense 14 (+3),
16, willpower 13
Charm 14, persuasion 11 (+3)
Reality(Akashan) 9
Possibilities: 4
Alignment: Zinatt
Psionic Powen: telepathy group:
beuren, empathy, send thoughts, thought
sam, clairvoyance, sense past
20, ammo 25, range 3-10/25/50 (stun
damage only); amninatral. (+2 to first
aid); biotech repair kit, transtech
(biotech), vitamin/minernl packs (5).
Description: Zyl is a thoughtful
young man and a competent bie-
engineer, though he tends to be rather
absentminded at times.
When Ravagons Oash
Allow the battle to proceed as nor-
mal for a while. At some point, before
the ravagon is defeated, a second
and attack his fellow hunter. TIle two
ravagons will lode. in a bitter struggle
(Note that SakreI has the same Slats as
the ravagon listed above).
TheKnights maychoose toaid SakreI
and kill off the offending ravagon, or
they may use the diversion to spirit Zyl
away and try to retrieve the shard.
With or without the Knights' help,
Sahel will defeat the murderous
ravagon. He will then approach the
Knights, taking care to make no hostile
Read aloud or paraphrase:
The ravagon looks at you for a long
time before speaking.
"'You fought well ... for humans,"
he intones. "'You will need every bit of
that courage in the days ahead.
"I have shed the blood of a dark
hunter on your behalf. I have marked
myseU as an enemy of the powers of
Onorsh. I ask only that you listen to
me in retum....
Uthe Knights agree, the ravagon ex
plains that he is a Denyer, oneof a small
group of his species opposed to the
Gaunt Man and his teachings. He has
information about the Gaunt Man's
imminent return, as well as the missing
SlonnKnightsand thedealhsinJakarta.
All of this he wishes to share with the
Krugh.. - but not here. He ;g beU>g
sta1J<edbysomething, andneedstimeto
lose hi! pursuers. He offers to meet
themat a cemeterya short distance east
of the train station in hall an hour.
wish to test the ravagon's veradty. He
genuinely ;g DenY"'. and genuinely
believesall that hehas told, and will tell,
the Krughts.lI the Krugh" are WM)' of
meeting with him. he will say simply
that they have the opportunity tostop a
lhorrorfrom.... grea ._._.-..
but time is growing short. Uthey have
not the courage to meet this challenge,
then perhaps this cosm is rightly
The ravagon will then fly off due
east. No matter how long the Knights
wait and watch, they will not see any-
oneor anything following the ravagon.
The Eternity Shan!
If he survived, Zyl will give the
Knights the eternity shard.. If he was
killed. the Krugh.. may get it 1mthem-
seIves.lftheyseemuninterested in it-or
simply do not know it's there, Sakrel
will give it to them.
Theshard isagoldenstatue, with red
and blue streaks. depkting the legend-
ary "first lncan." It is a small sculpture,
no more than 35 centimeters in height.
The statue the group power
Aya,...Manco Statue
Cosm: Core Earth
PossibiUties: 200
Tapping Di.fficulty: 15
Purpose: TopreservethesparkoClife
within mankind
Powers: Those possessing the Ayar-
Manco statue receive a +3 to first aid
or medicine totals
Group Power: Ute thread
Restrictions:Thepossibilities within
thestatuemay notbeused for actions
intended to bring physical hann to
An Almness card will reveal the
murderous ravagon's presence, as it
stalksand hovers, lookingfor a victim.
AConnection card meansoneofthe
Knights has encountered Sakrel be-
fore, and knows him to be a Oenyer
and an opponent of the Gaunt Man.
If the Knights waited too long togo
to the tram station, Zyl will be dead
when they arrive and Sakrel and the
other ravagon wiD be battling. Sakrel
will still win and wi)) take the Knights
to the eternity shard.
If the Knights refuse to believe
Sabel, theravagon will state that ifhe
had wished themdead, he would have
Act One
let his fellow hunter slay them. A true
ravagon does not believe in deception
andcomplicated stratagems- hefaces
his foe and defeats him fairly. The day
he tumed away from thefalse prophet,
the Gaunt Man, he became a true
ravagon once again.
Award the Knights two Persever-
ance point if thedeath-deaLing ravagon
has been defeated.
Tors: The Gaunl Man Rtlum.
Cut To ...
Once the Knights head for the cem-
etery, cut to Scene Six.
A Matter of Grave
The Situation
Dramatic. Sakrel the ravagon has
been using this cemetery as a refuge
while hunting the murderous mem-
ber of his species. Unfortunately, a
pair ofTharkoldu techno-demonsare
hunting for him, and have trailed him
back here.
The techno-demons were sent by
Jezrael, High Lord of Orrorsh. She
suspects that something peculiar is
going on within Orrorsh, particularly
sinceThratchen has takenup residence
I he Nature of the
Cemetery Fog
The fog is a product of
Orrorshan occult. It limits vis-
ibility of the naked eye to two
meters. From two to six meters,
objects can be made out, but no
details can be discerned.
The fog diffuses light, so that
fight spells and other light sources
merely illuminatethe fog around
one into a cloud of glare.
Binoculars or other means of
sight enhancement will reveal
nothing but fog. nor will the Liv-
ing Land miracle see through mist
haveanyeffect here. For Knights
with infrared, pulp powers, or
other means of enhanced sight,
all uses suffer a +10 to theirdiffi-
Efforts to use the Ayslish dis-
pel magic rite to eliminate the fog
suffer a +to to their difficulty.
Have the Knights make a Per-
severance check when they first
encounter the fog.
in Los Angeles and has been making
aneffort to ingratiate himselfwith her.
She had sent twodozen technodemons
to scour Orrorsh for information on
the possible return of the Gaunt Man.
However, of the 24 demons sent
out, 22 wound up at Ulmound Keep
and were subsequently slaughtered.
The two in Jakarta are the only ones
left, unbeknownst to them.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
The cemetery is dese,rted at this
time of night. The fog setUes over
you like a living thing - and in
Orrorsh, who can say it's not alive?
All is quiet except for the dim back
ground noise of Jalcartan night life,
theexcesses of people whoareoblivi
ous tothehorrors around them. These
sounds do little to comfort you. The
area enclosed by the wrought iron
fence of the graveyard might as well
be on another world.
Give the characters a couple of
rounds to look around, then spring
some of the following incidents on
1. Ashriek of an iron dooropening
echoes around you. The exact source
is uncertain. ITharkoldu techno-de--
mon looked into a crypt to find the
2. The loud boom of an iron door
slamming shut fills the air. Exacllo-
cation unknown. (As above, but door
has been closed in disgust.)
3. A dull thud, like something
heavy has been overturned. (A tomb--
stone has been overturned. Do this
one several times, mixed in with the
other incidents.)
4. Have thecharactersgeneratefilld
or Perception totals. On a 10, read the
The mist parts enough so that you
can dimly make out two winged fig
ures ahead of you, and one to your
right. They seem lensed in expecla
tion, the one on the right has its arms
raised above its head.
(An evidence analysis total of 15 will
reveal these to be three angel statues.
However, be mean by flipping a card
on the Drama Deck and asking for
intentions. Seeiftheyblowawaystatu-
5. A flash of red light pierces Ihe
fog for a second, then winks out.
(Tharkoldu laser sighting. Canbedone
several times.)
6. WhiiirTITT....clik! Whirrrrr clik!
(Tharkoldu servo-motors, weapons
systems being engaged. A Tharkoldu
or Race Stann Knight will recognize
this for what it is - all others must
make a Mind total of 16 to place the
7. When all is quiet and the players
are tense, scream "Roowwarrr!" and
read the following:
A small, four-legged thing lunges
out of the fog and lands on the shoul
der of one of your number. (A fright-
ened cat panicked and is now attack-
ing a Storm Knight.)
The Action
Sakrel is waiting, as promised, for
the Stann Knights within the cem-
etery. Give them some time to try and
find him, and then he will find them.
If the Storm Knights have had the
presenceof mind to try tracking, things
will be much easier. A tracking total of
12 reveals clawed foot prints leading
deepintothecemetery.lf a Supuioror
better success was earned, the tracker
can tell that thereare threedistinctsels
of footprints, with two sets appearing
Finally, when itseems that the play-
ers have had enough, read the follow-
The fog swirls around a huge
winged figure, which remains com
pletely still.
The fog parts to reveal a huge
raVilgon, eyes locked on you, red
blood dripping from its claws. After
a moment, it bows, lifts a clawed
hand and addresses you in a deep,
guttural voice that seems to massacre
the very words it speaks:
"Stormers! I am grateful you have
come, for I have news of great import
to you and your kind. I bring word of
the Gaunt Man. Come forth, and ac
cept my word as a true follower of
Ravok that I will not harm you."
A scholar (Orrorsh realm lore), scholar
(Tz'Ravok lord or Perception total of 10
reminds the Knight that ravagons fol-
Iowa strict code of honor.
If the Knights hesitate, the ravagon
"Come forth, I say! I do not need
deceit to overrome the likes of you.
But I am not here to shed your blood
- no, I am here to save your miser-
able lives."
Pause for a moment, allowing the
party to react. Then continue:
"'The tale I have to tell is grave
indeed. I am, as I have said, a Denyer,
one who believes Ihe Gaunt Man has
deceived the ravagons into follow
ing his lead. Now we have learned
that he will soon emerge from the
maelstrom and further corrupt our
people. The murders in this citycom-
mitted by my lale brelhen were part
of a ritual glorifying his return.
"My elders have sent me to ask
you, who seem so successful in han-
dling such matters, to go10 IUmound
Keep, on the island you call Borneo,
and stop the Gaunt Man's return!
"'It may also interest you to know
that the disappearances of stormers
from this place a month ago was the
act of ravagons loyal to the Gaunt
Man. They have imprisoned the
stormers in the dark under--dungeons
of lllmound as a gift for the Gaunl
Man when he comesout of thestorm'"
Allow the Knights to react. If they
seem uncertain of their ability to stop
the Gaunt Man, have Sakrel point out
that he knows the story of how the
High Lord was trapped in the mael-
strom. As the Knights havean eternity
shard (the statue), they have merely to
use it on him as he emerges to thrust
him back into the storm, at least for a
short time.
If the Knights wanl Sakrel to come
with them, he will agree. (See the box
below, "Gamemaster Characters and
the Gaunt Man.") If the Knights sim-
ply want the ravagons to handle the
situation, Sakrel will explain that
ravagons are skilled in combat, but
not stealth and deceit. And both of
those things will be needed to pierce
the stronghold of the Gaunt Man.
Once: something of a consensus has
been reached, have the Knights gener-
ate Perception or filld totals. On a 10,
they hear two figures approaching.
Act One
Read the folloWing:
"You are going nowhere, lizard!,"
a harsh metallic voice crackles. "Our
lady Junel would have words with
you about the Gaunt Man and his
Through the mists, you see two
huge, winged hulks advancing on
your group. Small chains and other
adornments dangle and glisten on
their dark skin, as small points of
yellow, red, and white light, no doubt
from cyberneticenhancements, shine
Oneof the two turns to your group.
"Stay where you are, meat! Once we
neutralized our friend here, we have
questions for you!"
With a mechanical hiss, the two
techno-demons advance on the
ravagon, whogirds himself for battle.
The Knights have a few options
here. They can fight alongside the
ravagon against the Tharkokdu; they
can stand around and wait their tum;
or they can run, in which case one of
the techno-demons will pursue them.
G amemaster Characters and the Gaunt Man
Tors: The C.lunl M.ln Rdumt
Left to themselves, the techno-de-
mons will beat the ravagon uncon-
scious in three rounds. The Tharkoldu
will then attempt to interrogate the
Storm Knights to find out what they
know, then kill hall their number. The
other hall will be rendered uncon-
scious and taken, along with the
ravagon, back to Los Angeles.
If the Knights defeat the techno-
demons and successfully interrogate
one, it will reveal that Jezrael sent a
dozen pairs of techno-demons to
Orrorsh to find out about the Gaunt
Man's return. It does not knowthe fate
of any of the other teams.
Techno-Demons (2)
Dodge 14, energy weapons 14, fire
combat 12, flight 15, melee weap-
ons 12, missile weapons 12, pain
weapons 13, stealth 11, unarmed
combat 15
Ufting Ig
Alteration magic 13, divination
magic 13, find 14, first aid 11, land
vehicles 12, tracking 14, trick 12
Apportation magic 14, conjuration
magic 14, test 15, willpower 15
Persuasion 11, taunt 13
Faith CTharkoldu Evil) 16, intimi-
dation 16. reality (Tharkold) 16
Possibilities: 15
Arc.ane Knowledge8: folk 3, entity3,
inanimate forces 2, liVing forces 2
Spells: pop, monkey form, prismatic
alteration, teldcintsis, silence. wtQkness
N.atural Tools: teeth. damagevalue
STR+2/18; non-<yber talons, damage
valueSTR+3/19; wingstrike, unlJrmed
combat to hit, damage value STR+7/
23; speed value 10.
EqUIpment: Nanocord; hand
mount with agonizer; Killseeker,+l to
ranged attacks, +2 toranged weapons;
interdermal plate, armor value
TOU+5/21; cyberwings, +3 to push
with flight and lifting value when fly-
ing; life cyber. cyber value: 17; Res-14
When your Knights find out
what it is they are supposed to do
in this adventure, they may well
want to go hide under the bed
until it's over. Or, at least, they
might want to find some help.
This is perreetly all right. Feel
free It>bringoldgamemasterchar-
or some of the entries from the
Torg Character Collection book.
Maybe your characters will want
to call on Mystery Men they've
met, contact the Guildmaster
let them borrow a reality bomb
from Dr. Mobius, for example),
II the Storm Knights flee the battle
scene, one Tharkoldu will go after
them. If the Knights elude him, the
TItarkoldu will reappear later in the
adventure (at the most inopportune
time) and attack the Knights.
A Nemesis card means one of the
Tharkoldu will become a blood en-
emy of one of the Knights and vow to
slay him at some point in the
Award the Knights three Persever-
ance points for surviving this scene.
Storm Knights that survived the
Actgain four Possibilities. If theysaved
Camoran Zyl, they earn an extra two
Possibilities. If both techno-demons
were slain, add an extra three Possi-
bilities to the award.
but let themget help Uthey want
Why are we being so mag-
nanimous? Well, many horrible
things happen in thisadventure,
particu!.dy at Illmound Keep. U
therearegamernaster characters
along, some of these things can
happen to them, effectivelyscar-
ing the pantsoff the player char-
acters. Thissavessomewear and
tear on your Knights, lets you
spring some of the nastier traps
just for fun, and sees to it that the
players sweat (as they should in
this adventure).
Cut To ...
WhentheKnightsare ready to head
for lIlmound Keep, cut to "Interlude"
and then begin Act Two.
Getting There Isn't
Half the Fun
In order to participate in Act Two,
the Knights must travel from Jakarta
on the island ofJava to Olmound Keep
in Bomeo. This requires the heroes to
travel across the Java Sea.
The Knights may choose to either
fly or takea boat. Note that the Keep is
in an Orrorshan pure zone, so that
planes will cease to operate above it.
Camemasters should feel free to
throw an Orrorshan monster at the
party while they are in transit. This
beast is sent by theGaunt Man inorder
to "sohen up" the heroes.
Note that if the players go by boat,
they will have to travel overland to
reach IIlrnound. The trek through the
jungle should be filled with tension
and the hints of lurking danger.
As far as knowing where nLmound
Keep is, once the characters have re-
solved to go there, they will know the
way instinctively.
30 'SV
Act Two
Act Two
Invitation to
The Major Beat
This entire act takes place in
lIImound Keep and its environs. Each
Standard scene deals with a different
area of Illmound, culminating with a
dramatic tea party hosted by none
other than the Gaunt Man himself.
.Please keep in m i n ~ when running
this act that the Knights are in an
Orrorshan pure zone. They cannot
cause contradictions unless they first
raise a reality bubble around them-
The Knights will be called upon to
make many Perseverance checks dur-
ing this act. Any Martyr cards will be
taken the first time the Knights fail a
Note that Illmound Keep is situ-
ated ona high rockypromontory, with
only one path giving access.
The Keep's walls have a Toughness
of 25, ignoring all results except for
wounds, and wiD regenerateat the rate
of one wound level per round. When
wounded, the walls scream and ooze
reddish-black ichor, which intimidates
the viewers with a value of 15. The
first time the Knights see this, drop
their Perseverance by one point and
have them make a check.
The entire Keep radiates occult
m g ~ c Attempts at detection will get
readmgs of equal intensity every-
Occasionally, with especially trig-
ger-happy visitors, other phenomena
will manifest themselves to visitors.
Gamemasters should select from the
following list:
1. A fanged mouth appears on a
wall, and takes a bite out of a Storm
Knight. The mouth has an unarmed
combat value of 12, a Toughness of 20,
and its teeth do damage value 15. The
mouth is not possibility-rated.
2. A door slams shut further down
the hallway.
3. The floor under one Knight he-
gins to melt, requiring her to generate
a maneutlfr or Dexterity total of 10 to
avoid it. Failuremeans the Knight falls
into the ooze. A Strength total of 12 is
required to pull oneself out again. A
Strength total of 10 is needed to pull
someone elseout. The ooze does dam-
age value 15 per round.
4. A doomed, wailing soul flies
screaming past the Knights. The spec-
tre has an intimidation value of 15.
Doorscan vanishand appear,corri-
dors and walls can be rearranged, all
at the Gaunt Man's will. He always
knows the locations of any living he-
ings in his Keep. Locked doors cur-
rently have a difficulty of 11 to pick
(after all, the Gaunt Man wants to
make it easy for the Knights to get
Knight zuvembies working at
Illmound as a staff. They will not ini-
tiatecombat, but will fight to thedeath
if attacked.
Dodge 9, melee weapons 9, stealth
10, unarmed combat 10
Climbing 22, lifting 23
Trick (25)
Test (25)
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 13, intimida-
tion 11 (15)
Possibility Potential: none
Powers: up condition (inside
Torg: The Glunt Min Return,
Illmourtd), attack form resistance (fire-
Corruption Value: lS
Fear Rating: 1
Perseverance ON: 12
Weakness: fire (stymie)
True Death: beheading
If there are truly obnoxious Storm
Knights who enjoy going from room
to room, destroying the contents, do
the following:
When a room is destroyed and the
Knights are about to leave it, those
who aided in its destruction feel odd
and sick. They are being attacked by
an occult ward in the room, with an
effect value of 18 directed at their
Toughness. They may actively resist
using their Toughness attribute. If the
spell issuccessful, they take twopoints
of shock damage. This physical en-
ergy is then used to reconstruct the
room. Repair takes place in fast mo-
tion before the amazed viewers' eyes,
until it is in the exact same condition it
was when the party first entered il.
Grounds for
The Situation
Standard. This scene covers the
entry to lllmound Keep, featuring a
glimpse of the maelstrom bridge, a
topiary, and an evil garden.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
The path you are travelling on is
made of cobblestone. An occasional
iron pole juts out of the earth on the
side of the road, some of the poles
having skulls or other body parts
mounted atop them. The path is an
upward incline, and you see that you
are travellingin a rather rough. moun-
tainous area.
The air is thick and heavy, almost
suffocatingly so. There is no u ~
shine, no moonlight. The sky above
you appears to be a perpetual storm,
with red and blue lightning arcing in
impossible paths across the sky. The
very clouds seem to roil and shape
themselves into grimacing faces.
At long last, the path ends, and
you find younelves at a four meter
high stone wall with a rusted iron
gate. Beyond the wall, rising like an
ancient monolith of unfathomable
wickedness, is an old crumbling edi-
Behind thestructure, a huge bridge
arcs towards thestormy, restless heav-
ens. The bridge appears to be made
ofscreuning, writhing bodies of men,
women, and children, mortared to-
gether with a sickly red paste.
To your left,. great craggy moun-
tains rise up. By the looks of them,
they are impossible to climb, espe-
cially in this weather. To your right,
the ground eventually stops at a
cliffside, with a drop of hundreds of
The wind whips and howls as a
black rain soaks you. The demon
wind carries the screams to yourean,
making it seem that the sources an
much closer to you.
In the windows of the Keep, fig-
ures occasionally flit by, silhouetted
by either blood red or sickly green
A loud shriek fills the air as the
rusted front gate swings away from
you, bidding you "enter freely, and
of your own will."
There is an occult ward set up to
make Storm Knights from different
rosInS have different perceptions of
what Illmound looks like. The occult
value is 20, and is used as an "attack"
on each Knight's Perception.
Use the following list and giveeach
player whose Knight was successfully
"attacked" a note with how they view
the Keep.
Orrorshan/Core Earth: A huge
stone Victorian manor house (this is
also the way it really looks).
Ayslish: An ancient castle made of
black stone.
Ni.le Empire: An Egyptian-style
temple with great columns and statu-
ary, all made of obsidian.
Nippon: A hugeJapanese-style pa-
goda, all in white Oapanese color or
Cyberpapacy: A huge black cathe-
dral with gargoyles flitting around the
with vines and tentacles.
Living LandlLand Below: A huge
castle made of bleached bones and
Tharkoldu: Atwo-storyblackhouse
of modemdesign, with flashing Lights
in the windows, and winged shapes
flitting around the roof.
As these perceptions are illusions,
they can be disbelieved with a Mind
total of 21.
Scaling the wall requires a climbing
total of 8. Scaling the cliffs requires a
climbing total of 12, with a failurecaus-
ing the Knight to fall 30 meters on to
jagged rocks. (Use the falling rules on
page 52 of the Torg Rulebook to deter-
mine damage.) A Dexferity total of 9
allows the Knight to catch himself be-
fore he falls.
If the Knight fails to catch himself
and does fall, an acrobatics total of 15
will halve the damage suffered.
The Topiary
Once the party has gone through
the gate (see Map 5), the first area of
interest is the topiary. This consists of
a huge lawn with various largebushes
sculpted to resemble ghouls, mis-
shapen animals, gargoyles, and the
The bushes will animate and
shamble towards the party, attacking
them once they are in range. Have the
party make a Perseverance check.
Topiary Terrors (two per Knight>
Sreatth 11. unarmed combat 10
Find 12, track 12, trick (15)
Test of will (20)
Taunt (20)
Intimidation 14
Possibility Potential: None
Natural Tools: claws, damage value
STR+4/16; blood-draining thorns,
damage value 18
Powers: regeneration, attack form re-
sistarta (fire and ia).
Corruption Value: 18
Fear Rating: 1
Perseverance ON: 12
Weakness: Pure water (severe)
True Death: Bright light sunlight
Act Two
Tors: The G;aunt M.t.n Returns
.J r-
ift] TI,e Gaunt Man RehlrtJs: Map 5
~ IlImound Environs
1. Maelstrom
2. lllmound Keep
3. Gospog field
4. Topiary area
5. Main gate
6. Wall
, i.I
~ +-
an opponent in a bear hug. then use
theirthoms to drain the victim's blood.
The terror must make a successful utl-
Qrmni combDt attack to grab its oppo-
nent,causingat leastawound. Thethoms
18 per round. A Stretlgth total of 12 is
required to free oneself from a topiary
Once the victimis emptied of blood,
heisrooted tothespot, transformed into
a bush version of his former self, dead.
Splashing one of these horrors with
pure water causes damage equal to the
Spirit or thefrlith of theattacker.lnorder
to truly kill a topiary terror, it must be
exJXlSOO to sunlight or bright light on
the same round its wound level indj
cates death.
Gospog Garden
the Keep. Gospogaregrown here, not as
guards. but as terrors to be released on
lndonesia.1t is possible for the Knights
to skulk by without being seen, if they
can generate three successful stealth to-
tals against the gospog's find values.
gamemasters should imply that there
seem to be hundreds of gospog. This is
a trickoftheshadowsaround mmound,
as weU as just a general feeling. sur-
rounded as the Knightsarebythegospog
f i l ~
Gospog of the Firs' Planting (24)
See page 90 of the Torx Ruleboo/<.
Gospogof the Second Planting(10)
See page 102 of the Orrorsh s0urce-
The Gardener
An edeinos zuvembie, missing one
arm, staggers around thegarden,going
through the motions of a gardener (see
zuvembie Slats). It wieldsa sickle. dam-
age value SfR+4/24.
Scavenger Hunt
Anyonegenerating a find or Percep-
tio1l total of 12 wiU discover a severed
techno-demonhead. Thereare 14such
heads scattered in the underbrush of
the courtyard, as well as a few limbs.
A Knight who generates a eybertech
total of 18 can salvage a Tharkoldu
cyberneticsystemfrom the head. There
should be no more than ten salvage-
able cybernetic systems. no two alike.
The most common wiU be cybernetic
eyes and ears, chipholders, and
Award the Knights three Persever-
ance points for making it through this
Cut To ...
Once the Knights have cleared the
garden and made it to lllmound'sfront
door, cut to Scene Two, "Playing for
Playing for Keeps
The Situation
Standard. The Knights enter
Illmound Keep and get the chance to
explore the ground floor.
Keep in mind that, at any time, the
characten may decide to move from
onefloor toanother without exploring
thoroughly. Be prepared toshift to the
appropriateaceneshould this happen.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Finally, you stand at the front door
of IIlmound Keep. It is made of ma-
hogany with verdigriS-(overed fit-
lings. Thedoorswings open silently,
as if welcoming you.
When the party enters, the door
does not slam shut. It simply disap-
pears, only to be replaced by a stone
wall. Uany of the Knights should tum
around, they will see no evidence that
a door ever existed.
Subtract one Perseverance point and
have the Knights make a check.
Should the Knightsattempt toblast
their way out, see the notes on the
Keep's walls under "The Major Beat,"
The Action
TheStorm Knights now find them-
selves alone on the ground floor of
lIImound Keep. Consult Map 6 while
they explore this area.
Tower Rooms
Each of these eight rooms is ex-
actlyalike.ltconsistsof asquarecham-
ber with two windows and a door that
can be deadboited.
Therooms each contain four chairs,
flowers, and an empty casket. The
rooms are decorated in black bunting.
(If a Storm Knight dies in lllmound, he
will appear in one of these coffins,
ready for burial.)
Dining Room
This room contains an oak table
and 24 chairs. Expensive china and
silver settings stand in large cabinets.
Two hugesilver candelabra, each with
six candles, stand upon the table. A
rhythmic thud comes from the north-
ern door (in the kitchen).
The kitchen has the strong smell of
dead bodies. There are various cook-
ing utensils, a huge cast iron stove
(coal-fired), and a sink with a water
A ninja zuvembie, with half of his
face destroyed, is hitting a dwarven
own entrails are also getting chopped.
Lower Pen;everance by one and have
the Krugh" make a check.
The far end of the kitchen contains
a walkin meat locker, kept magically
cold. Hanging from hooks aredressed
torsos of humans, dwarves, and
edeinos, plusa fewunidentifiablecrea
The noor of this room is laid out in
black and white marble blocks, resem-
bling a huge chess board. tined up,
ready to play, are chess pieces. The
pieces range from 1.25 to two meters
in height, and are moved by verbal
Room of Hanging Heads
This room is pitch dark and very
chilly. Suspended from the ceiling are
a series of severed heads, formerly
belonging to those who crossed the
Gaunt Man in the past. Have the
Knights make a Perseverance check.
When the party reaches the tum in
the room, the doors disappear and the
heads begin a hideous keening (in
timidation attack, damage value 20).
Anyone approaching a head gets bit
ten by it. The heads will keen until the
party is deador all heads aredestroyed.
Keening Heads (U)
Unarmed combat 8
Intimidation 14
Possibility Potential: None
Power ROlIting: 0
Corruption VOlIlue: 10
Fear bting: 2
Perseverance ON: 12
Weakness: Religious hymns sung
TrueDeath: Anymiraclethat causes
Natural Tools: fangs, damagevalue
Description: The heads are from
recent victims of the Gaunt Man's
sweeps. They will even speak to
people, using rudimentary memories
of the deceased. Nasty gamemasters
may make one or two heads "late"
friends of a Stonn Knight.
Art Gallery
A total of 23 portraits hang on the
walls of these corridors. Each portrait
depicts a different horror of Orrorsh,
attacking and dismembering helpless
victims. The horrors depicted come
from the Orrorsh sourcebook.
a= amphid, b= bone golem,
c=chthon, d=disembodied hand (4),
e=faceless one, f=gospog first plant-
ing, g=gospog second planting,
h=gospog third planting.. i=gospog
fourth planting.. j=gospog fifth plant
ing, k=ghoul, I=other, m=ravagon,
n=ravagon veteran, o=chosen
ravagon, p=shaden, q=shadow,
r=skarth, s=succubus, t=incubus,
u=vampire, v=werewolf, w=zombie,
x= zuvembie
The paintings are immune to all
forms of attack. Each painting has an
occult ward cleverly worked into the
detail of the frames. The first attack on
any given painting elicits no reaction.
Asecond attack results in an intimida-
tion attack(value20) against the would
........ ........
Act Two
[nl The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 6
Illmound Keep
1. Tower room
2. Dining room
3. Kitchen
4. Chessroom
5. Hanging heads
6. Art gallery
7. Fear exhibit
(stairs up only)
8. Library
9. Greenhouse
10. Meeting Hall
11. Stairs
(stairs down
Hanging head
Killer vine
b ,
m " " p
@ @
b i
k I
Upper Floor
1. Guest rooms
@ 2. Observatory
3. HaD of Mirrors
4. Gaunt Man's
5. Personal study
6. Situation room
7. Gate room
8. Heketon
A B C 0
9. Basjas
10. Tea room
o Mirror over
Torw: 'The Glunt Min Rdums
be vandal(s). A setback result or better
puts the vandal(s) in the painting..
where he is attacked by the creature.
lithe Knight wins, he is free, unless
he strikes the picture (or another one)
again, whereupon the process repeats
itself. If he loses, he is part of the
picture forever, experiencing the eter-
nal pain of the death blow.
A Knight in a portrait cannot be
helped by those outside. Further at-
tades on the painting by those outside
have no effect. No one else is drawn
into the portrait; only the one who
initialed thedamage. All portraitcrea-
tures are possibility-rated.
The first instanceof aStonn Knight
entering the painting makes thegroup
lose a Perseverance point. Have the
group generate a Perseverance total.
Fear Exhibit
This marble circular chamber has
a big spiral stairway leading up to lhe
second floor. The ceiling is 20 meters
high, and is a dome shOWing a starry
night sky, with an angel of death and
an hourglass as constellations.
There are twelve statues in the
chamber. Eachonerepresentsadiffer-
ent fear. Anyone who touches a statue
is attacked by a madness spell (effect
value 15) and suffers from the fear
represented by thestatue for the dura-
tion of the spell (one hour).
1. A woman covered in spiders:
2. A child drowning: hydrophobia
3. A man crouched inside a very
small cage: claustrophobia
4. A man with a lantern:
nyctophobia (fear of night)
5. A woman being grabbed by a
pair of arms coming out of a grave:
necrophobia (fear of death)
6. A man impaled on a tree:
dendrophobia (fear of trees)
7. A falling child: acrophobia (fear
of heights)
8. A man getting his eyes clawed
out by a cat ailurophobia (fear of cats)
9. A woman being attacked by an
axe--wielding male: androphobia (fear
of male strangers)
10. Amanbeingattacked by a knife--
wielding female: gynephobia (fear of
female strangers)
11. A man bleeding profusely from
multipleslash wounds: hematophobia
(fear of blood)
12. A woman being devoured by a
man-eating plant botanophobia (fear
of plants)
Once the victim has been given the
fear, whenever he encounters the 0b-
ject of fear, he suffers an intimidation
attadc. (value 15) per round until the
object is removed.
The statues have a Toughness of 30.
This huge room has bookshelves
from floor toceilingonthe north, south,
and west walls. Thereareseveral desks
and stuffed chairs.
The research skill may be used here
to answer any occult question, exclud-
ing the weaknesses and True Deaths
of Orrorshan horrors, members of
Hellion Court, Nightmares, and Ihe
Gaunt Man himself. A research total of
12 must be rolled to look up one entry,
and each attempt takes 20 minutes.
The shelves also contain copies of
all spells from Pixaud's Practical
Grimoire (obtained some timeago from
the Gaunt Man's lieutenant, Angar
Uthorion). plusaUOrrorshanspells. A
research total of 6 or a find total of 12 is
needed to find anyone spell. Each
attempt takes 10 minutes.
Visibility in this large room is lim-
ited to five meters, due to heavy mist.
Theairis hot and humid. Things rustle
ominously. There are huge glass win-
dows in the northern bay area. The
mist issimilar to the mist in theJakartan
graveyard (Act One, Scene Six).
Plants of all varieties grow here,
including a species of vine growing as
marked on the map with a tinted
square. These vines wiJIsnakeoutand
attack Storm Knights, always taking
the last one in line so as not to alert the
others. The vines always attempt a
vital blow to the mouth, in hopes of
muffling any screams from the victim.
Once the vinescores a woundor better,
it wiD hold the victim fast and con-
strict,all the whiledragging the victim
back to its trough. A Strength total of
12 is required to break free of the vine.
Killer Vine
Stealth 20, unarmed combat 16
Find 14
Taunt (12)
Possibility Potential: none
Power Rating: 0
Corruption Value: 10
Feu Rating: 1/2
Perseverance ON: 8
Weakness: Any form of darkness
True Death: None
Description:Thevines sharea form
of telepathy. Their sensory organs are
on their flesh.
Meeting Hall
This gorgeous room is lit by a huge
chandelier. It is dominated by a large
oak table, carved and polished to per-
fection. There are seven seats around
it: a huge bone throne at the head; a
replica of the papal throne of St.Peter;
an ultramodern steel and fiberglass
chair; a wooden throne carved in the
shape of a dragon head; a marblechair
carved with Egyptian hieroglyphs; a
chair of bones intertwined with vines
and thistles;a metal thronein theshape
of a demonic head.
This is the room the High Lords
were meant to use for discussionof the
progress of the invasion of Earth. It
has not been used yet, at least not with
all High Lords present.
Going Down?
Thedoor to the northeastern tower
room (area II) is locked (lock picking
total of 11). Within are stairs leading
down to the dungeon.
An Alerlntss card played in the
greenhouse will tip off the Knights
about the deadly vines, and allow the
characters to take the initiative.
An Idesz card played in the meeting
room will reveal that chamber's pur-
The Knights may attempt to climb
the walls of the Keep in order to enter
througha window. All the windows are
barred, requring a Strength total of 20 to
The roof of Dlmound is a gabled,
shingled affair with no means of entry.
The Knights are awarded one Per-
severance point for making it into the
Keep. Dealing with the kitchen, room
of the hanging heads, art gallery, and
the greenhouse results in two addi-
tional Perseverance points for each.
Cut To ...
If the party decides to go to the
second floor, cut to Scene Four,
"Mounting Fear." If they make their
way down to the dungeons, cut to
SceneThree, "Descent Into Madness."
Descent into
The Situation
Standard. This is the catacombs
level of IIlmound Keep (see Map 7).
There is nothing crucial to the plot,
though there are prisoners to rescue.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
A set of marble stairs leads down-
ward into the gloom. Moans and
screams of anguish drift from below.
Guard Room
The floor is covered in what seems
to be a knee-high layer of bones and
Act Two
body parts of all types. The walls are
covered with goo, the remains of hu-
mans ripped apart and hurled at the
walls with great force. Every once in a
while, the layer of bones shifts, as if
things were moving underneath it.
There are several disembodied
hands crawlingunder the bones (bones
provideIJig!lcollcetllmenf forthe hands).
The pit is actually four meters deep.
There is a stone walkway, covered
with a meter-deep layer of bones and
viscera. The walkway cannot be seen;
it must be probed for.
Finding the walkway requires a find
or Perception total of 16 every two
meters. If the Knights are using an
object such as a sword, staff,or rifle to
prod and poke, the find total required
is 12. Do not prompt the players! Let
them declare that they are searching.
Disembodied Hands (15)
Dodge 15,stealth16, unarmed com-
bat 16
Climbing IS
Tracking 13
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 12
Additional Skills: one at +2 adds
Possibility Potential: some (40)
Powe.r: blur form
Corruption Villue: 12
Fur Rating: 1
Persevennce: ON: to
Wukness: None
True Oeilth: Reattached to body
where the hand came from.
Note that if the party finds the path,
the hands will still try to attack, spe-
cifically grabbing the Knights by the
heels and dragging them off the path.
Drop the Knights' Perseverancebyone
and have them make a check.
Knights in the pit suffer a +2 to the
difficulty of all physical attacks due to
the shifting bones.
Climbing totals of 12are required to
climb out of the pit.
Corridor of Darkness
This corridor is shrouded in occult-
generated darkness and the air bears
an unnatural chill. Only Orrorshan
horrors are capable of seeing through
this blackness.
A Pnaption or find total of 9 indi-
cates that thescreamsareroming from
somewhere down the corridor.
Non-magical mundane forms of il-
lumination (torches, flashlights) do not
work. Spells or miracles that produce
light have their difficulty increased by
+12. Only cybernetics and other such
devices that use infrared will be able
to cut through the darkness (bear in
mind that since this is an Orrorshan
pure zone, a reality bubble will be
needed for such devices to work).
Each cell has an iron door with a
lock picking difficulty IS lock. The cells
have no fumitu re, onlya heapofstraw.
The following cells are occupied:
A: Unjay Arit, a female Akashan
Monitor. All of her equipment has
"died." She does not have the
Comaghaz virus. She came to Orrorsh
10 attempt 10 verify rumors of the
Gaunt Man's return.
Unjay Arit
Biotech weapons 14, dodge 11, en-
ergy weapons 14, maneuver 14,
melee weapons 14, unarmed corn-
Find 13, language 10, psionic ma-
nipulation 10, track 13, trick 10
Psionic resistance 9, survival 9, test
Persuasion 8, taunt 11
Faith (Akashan) 10, intimidation11,
reality (Star Sphere) 11
Possibilities: 1
Psionics: Mind probe, psi scram-
Alignment: Coar
Equipment: none
Description: Unjay is very head-
strong, and irritated that the High
Council has not acted swiftly in deaJ-
ing with the Gaunt Man.
B: Private Oscar Sampson, of Her
Majesty's 7th Regiment.
Pvt. Oscar Sampson
Dodge 11, firerombat II, maneuver
Willpower 10
Faith (Sacellum) 9, reality (Orrorsh)
Possibilities: 2
Equipment: none
Description: Sampson is a loyal Vic-
torian, trying to keep a stiff upper lip
through all of this terror.
C: Tara, a pretty human female. Ac-
tually, a tedtno-<Iemon using the mon-
key form spell. This demon was one of
the ones sent by Jezrael to scout out
Orrorsh. Occu1t runes on the door keep
the demon in the ceiL
Once the door is opened, the ritual is
broken. Tara will maintain her monkey
form until it becomes absolutely neces-
sary to transform. Once free of
lllmound's environs, she will reward
her rescuers by ripping themopen. Her
cover story (as Tara) is that she is from
Los Angeles, and was here to spy on
Orrorsh for the Race, as well as to moru-
tor a large flight of techno-demons that
entered Orrorsh just before her.
Tarek Bor of the Hezerah-Thev
Dodge 14, energy weapons 14, fire
combat 12, flight 15, melee weapons
12, missile weapons 12, pain weap-
ons 13, stealth 11, unarmed combat
Lilting 18
Alterationmagic13, divinationmagic
13, find 14, first aid 11, land vehicles
12, tracking 14, trick 12
Apportation magic 14, conjuration
magic 14, test 15, willpower IS
Persuasion II, taunt 13
Faith (Cult of the Dominant) 16, in-
timidation 16, reality CTharkold) 16
Possibilities: 3
Arcane Knowledges: folk 3, entity 3,
ilumitnQte forces 2, living forces
Spells: Monkey form, pop, prismatic
alteration, telekillesis, silence, weakness
Natural Tools: teeth, damage value
SfR+2/18; non-cyber talons, damage
value STR+3/19; wing strike, unarmed
combat to hit, damage value STR+7/23;
wings, speed value 1
Equipment: anorord; hand mount
with, Killseeker, +1 to ranged
attacks, +2 to smart weapons; inter-
dermal plate, armor value roU+S/21;
eyberwings, +3 to push with flig1lt and
lifting value when flying, life cyber,
Cyber value: 17
D. Izumi Nakaharu, a Nippon ex-
ecutive. His mind has snapped since
his arrival at lllmound and he is com-
pletelyparanoid. Hewill makea break
for it the minute the Knights release
40 ...,
Act Two
Torg: The C&unl M&n Rehuns
him, and probably meet some hideous
fate somewhere in the Keep.
Izumi Nakaharu
DOOge 11, fire combat 10, maneu-
ver 10, unanned combat 10
Disguise 12, evidence analysis 14,
find 13, language (English) 15, trick
Business 16. test 13
~ u s i o n 11, taunt 11
Intimidation 12, reality (Nippon
Tech) I'
Possibilities: 2
Equipment: none
E: Mike Brick,a Spartan fromTexas.
Mike was sent by the Delphi Council
toget information on theCaunt Man's
impending return.
Mike Brick
Fire combat 13, melee weapons 12,
missile weapons 11, stealth II, un-
armed combat 14
Air vehicles 11, find 12, land ve- .
hides 12, language 12, scholar
(American sports legends) 15,
scholar (American action-adven-
ture movies) 14, trick 12, water ve-
hicles 11
Survival 12, test of will 12, will-
power 12
Persuasion 11, taunt 12
Intimidation 14, reality (Core Earth)
Possibilities: 1
Equipment: Dark glasses
With the exception of "'Tara:' the
prisoners are all broken in spirit. Per-
suasion attempts will have to be made
on each to rouse them from their stu-
ThefoUowmgcanbefound out from
the prisoners (except Tara);
They do not know how long they
have been here.
They do remember when they were
taken, and the dates correspond to
between a month and five weeks ago.
Ravagons captured them.
They have been subjected to brutal
experiments by a tall, thin fellow in a
black mask and a white lab coat.
Asa reward for rescuingthem,some
of the prisoners may teach the Stann
Knights theirskills. Note that they will
have to be somewhere safe to do this
(Le., away from Illmound Keep).
Torture Chamber
In here is every torture device
known to man; whipping posts, iron
maidens, racks, cages, iron masks, the
___ , :':""""----------------....
42 ...,
iron boot, a brazier filled with red hot
branding irons, and a pendulum
Theequipment looks recently used,
with reddish brown and greenish yel-
low stains.
Operating Room
Thereare twooperatingtables, com-
plete with straps, plus numerous old-
fashioned surgical tools, bone saws,
skull drills. Anatomical charts for hu-
mans, edeinos, ravagons, elves, and
Others decorate the walls.
One table sports a dead, dissected
techno-demon. On one wall are glass
jars with heads, organs, bodily fluids,
and blood. specimensofhumans,elves,
dwarves, edeinos, and mummies.
Have the Knights make a Persever-
ance check.
Trophy Room
Two of Kurst's fonnercompatriots
from his cosm stand near the door, in
wolf-man shape. They are stuffed.
Other trophies include:
The mummified body of the real
Lord Bryon Salisbury, done up in full
Victorian military regalia;
A crossed pair of unloaded Victtr
rian dueling pistols;
A well-preserved first edition of
the Book of Power;
An antique globe of Gaea;
A three-dimensional illusion di-
orama shOWing Kurst surrendering to
the Gaunt Man;
A non-powered Orrorshan stelae;
A silver sacrificial dagger;
A lock of black hair;
Areplica of Heketon, sculpted from
While the Knights are in the trophy
room, a Core Earth human male
zuvembieina waiter's uniformwheels
in several large covered platters on a
cart, as if serving dinner.
Under the covers are cooked hu-
man heads, garnished with entrails.
Drop Perseverance by one and have
the Knights make a check.
Main Occult Lab
This huge room reeks of chemicals.
Atop two long stone tables are bea-
kers, flasks, alembics, tubes, all with
strange,exoticliquids. Thework tables
contain other implements common to
alchemical labs: mortar and pestle,
scales, an hourglass, specimen jars,
bunsen burners.
There is a full range of acids stored
and labeUed in here. Assumethat there
are 20 different containers filled with
acid. There are six containers of vari-
ous poisons, including arsenic and
A small bookcase lies against the
south wall, between the doors. The
books contain various occult rituals
(see the Appendix on page 91). One
volume also contains the weaknesses
of the horrors within IILmound Keep
- a research total of 15 is necessary to
find the proper information, and it
takes five minutes to read each entry.
Feel free to tossa horror at the Knights
if they are spending too much time
perusing the texts.
Against thewestemwailliesa large
bankofsmashed machinery. Ascholar
(Orrorshan mllm lort) or Perception to-
tal of 15 shows that this machine was
the Gaunt Man's infamous possibil-
ity-sorting device, now ruined.
An evidence analysis or Perception
total of 14 directed at the bookcase
will reveal that one has been used,
although how recently is unclear. It is
a notebook, apparently kept by the
Gaunt Man, that makes reference to
attempting to find protection against
eternity shards. There are no dates to
indicate when the entry was written.
The rest of the pages are blank.
A Romance card means that a male
Storm Knight faUs in love with Unjay
orTara.lf the Knight falls in love with
Tara, the techno-demon will keep up
her disguise for a while longer, out of
sheer cruelty.
A Personal t ~ played by a Knight
means that one of the prisoners is a
friend, and their safe escape wiD be a
major goal.
An Idea card played will remind the
Knights that, based on what they'd
Act Two
heard, the maelstrom holding the
Gaunt Man should have been in this
An Alertness card (or a find or Per-
ception total of 20) will reveal a secret
door in the north wall that leads to a
hidden stairway. The stairway leads
to the Gaunt Man's chambers on the
second floor of IIImound.
The Knights receive one Persever-
ance point for surviving the torture
chamber, the operating room and the
trophy room, respectively. They re-
ceive an additional two points for
making it through the pile of bones at
the beginning of the scene.
Cut To ...
If the party decides to explore the
ground floor, cut to SceneTwo, "Play-
ing for Keeps." If the party decides to
explore the second floor, cut to Scene
Four, "Mounting Fear."
If the party decides to run out of the
Keepscreaming, remind themthat the
front door is gone.
Mounting Fear
The Situation
Standard. This is the top floor of
lIImound Keep (seeMap 6).ltcontains
rooms of more personal value to the
Gaunt Man, plus the chance to meet
the High Lord of Orrorsh himself.
Guest Rooms
Each of these rooms are the same:
a four-post bed, a dresser, kerosene
lantern, a washbasin, and a chamber
pot. These rooms are for when guests
drop by.
If the Knights visit a guest room, a
female elf zuvembie, dad in a maid's
unifonn, staggers into the room and
begins to tum down the bed. Then, in
Torg: The Caunt Min Return'
a disgusting parody of the stereotypi-
cal amorous chambermaid, the
zuvembie begins to attempt to seduce
a male Storm Knight.
Thischambercontainsa huge brass
telescope and a domed ceiling. The
ceiling cannot beopened - rather, the
telescope has the occult ability to see
through solid objects. The dome's in-
terior is painted black, with small
points of light and lines, representing
constellations of an hourglass, an an-
gel ofdeath. a heart, a book. a werewolf,
and a ravagon.
The mirror marked "W," if looked
at, triggers an occult ward (value 25)
that transports the viewer to mirror
"A" in the Hall of Mirrors. The "X"
mirror does nothing unusual.
Aitting around the top of the tele-
scope are a trio of gargoyles, loudly
screeching, "Lift your voices and sing
praises to the Nameless One, for the
Lord of the Keep has risen again!"
The gargoyles then power-dive at
the Knights and attack.
Gargoyles (3)
Acrobatics 14, dodge 17, flight 15,
maneuver 15, unarmed combat 16
Lifting 16
Find IS, tTacking 15. trick 16
Test 12
Taunt 17
Faith (Onorshanevil) 14, intimida-
Possibility Potential: none
Natural Tools: fangs, damage value
STR+4/18; claws, damage value
Power: allack form mistana' (me-
lee/missile weapons)
Corruption Value: 15
Fear Rating: 1
Weakness: Magic spells that cause
physical damage (stymie)
True Death: Slain with stones or
stone weapons
Hall of Mirrors
Theceilingsand wallsaremirrored
here, and a special set of mirrors exist
on one set of walls. Even though the
hall is cut in half by the observatory,
an occult spell allows one to walk all
the way from one end to the other
without passing through that room.
One must beactivelythinkingofreach-
ing the observatory to find it again.
Mirrors A-H shows each viewer at
a different life stage, as follows:
A. Infancy
B. Young adult
C. Whatever that Storm Knight fears
the most appears to take shape and
lungeout of the mirror. It's an illusion,
which attacks the Knight using an in-
timidation of 20. A willpower or Mind
total of 14 allows the Knight to disbe-
lieve the illusion and be unaffected by
the intimidation attack. Knights may
also choose to actively resist the in-
timidation attack.
No one else sees anything attack-
ing the Knight, though if they too look
in the mirror, they are similarly at-
tacked by their own unique fear.
"Player'scaD" is that the victimgoes
mad. This need not mean he is inca-
pacitated - he can still remain a he-
roic Storm Knight, just one who talks
to imaginary people on occasion, or
believes that aU of the High Lords are
actually Dr. Mobius in disguise.
Gamemasters are encouraged to have
some fun with this.
If any Knight is affected by the
mirror's attack, subtract one from the
party's Perseverance and have them
generate a check.
D. The dream each Storm Knight.
had at the beginning of theadventure.
E. The Storm Knight having a cup
of tea, surrounded by corpses.
F. The Storm Knight in an Egyptian
tomb, fighting mummies.
G. The Storm Knight having a duel
at sunrisewitha Victorianofficer while
in the background, a city falls to the
H. The viewer is teleported via oc-
cult ward (value 25) to mirror "X" in
the observatory.
The mirrors have a Toughness of 40.
The Gaunt Man's Chambers
This room is decorated in the Old
World style, with tapestries, black
bunting, and thick carpets.
The room is the Gaunt Man's
bedchambers, and contains a large
fow-post bed,a wardrobeand mirror,
a grandfather's clock, an hourglass,
and several marble statues of people
in various poses of fear.
Asecretdoor in the north wall leads
to the dungeon occult lab. A find or
Perception total of 20 is needed to find
the secret door.
While the Knights are in the room,
the drapes and bed curtains begin to
move, and a mournful wail fills theair.
Thesource isa banshee, who was once
the Gaunt Man's mate, and who now
haunts the room. She is not in a talk-
ative mood.
Have the Knights make a Persever-
ance check..
Uthe Knights do not attack the ban-
shee, she will not attack them. While
she has no interest in helping them,
she does recognize them as the Gaunt
Man's enemies and has no interest in
harming them, either.
If they should attack, she will con-
centrate more on making them flee
than slaying them.
combat 15
Find 12, track 14, trick 13
Willpower 10
Taunt 14
Faith (Onorshan evil) 15, intimida-
tion 20, reality (Orrorsh) 14
Possibilities: 30
STR+4/16; shriek, acts as an intimida-
tionattackagainst anyone withinrange
of her voice. Characters suffers the
effects of the wail for a number of
rounds equal to the number of result
points achieved by the attack. On a
setback result, the target suffers a -3
penalty toall actions. On a break resuJt,
the character feels compeUed to flee in
panic from thesourceof thesound. On
a player's call, the target character is
paralyzed with fear and cannot take
an action for the duration of the effect.
Characters can shake off the wail's
Ad Two
effects by generating a Mind or will-
powu total of 23 or by slaying the
Powers: cold Qura, poralyzing touch
Corruption 22
Feu 3
Wealmess:Asingersinginga happy
True Death: Slain with a weapon
made of bone
Personal Study/Occult Lab
The only entrance to this room is
through the tea roomwhere theGaunt
Man waits, so the Storm Knights may
have trouble getting in here.
This is a study, filled with more
books and a fully stocked occult lab.
The texts give the True Deaths of ev
ery horror in the vicinity of ew Lon-
don. Thebooks are protected byoccult
wards, so if they are opened, the ether
will be disturbed and the Gaunt Man
will be aware that someone is looking
at his books.
An occult total of 20 is necessary to
be able to make out the writing in the
books. It takes ten minutes to read
each entry.
Core Earth Situation Room
There are only two things in this
room. The first is a sixfoot diameter
globe, a topographical replica of Earth.
It shows the extent of each realm, each
ina different color, induding the loca-
tion of each maelstrom bridge and
each stelae. It is a beautiful rendition
of the planet. Clouds pass over areas,
theglobe revolves, showing night aod
day, and even where the moon is.
Unfortunately, the scaleof theglobe is
such that one cannot pinpoint precise
stelae locations.
The second item is a stone statue
with a huge black diamond in place of
a face. The statue's hands are out
stretched, as if to receive someone's
If someone puts their hands on the
statue's hands, a voice asks him if he
wishes to lose a possibility. If the
Knight agrees, he loses a point and a
swirling black Ught forms in the dia-
mond. The Knight is then able to com-
municatedirectly, two-way, with any
High Lord except the Gaunt Man.
If the Knight refuses to lose the
possibility, he is instructed to remove
his hands immediately. Uthe Knight's
hands are not removed in one round,
a powerful }olt (damage value 20)
courses through the Knight. Ignore
armor for purposesof calculatingdam
age. Any Knight withcybemetics must
make an immediate cyberpsychosis
Gate Room
This room features a series of eight
stone arches, each obscured by a dif
ferent-eolored mist. They are gates to
different cosms.
A. The Waiting Village
B. Aysle
C. Magna Verita
D. Marketplace
E. Gaea
F. Takta Ker
G. Terra
H. Tharkold
It costs two Possibilities to use a
gate (the Knights will be apprised of
M.... ------------------
Torg: The Gaunt Returns
same if Ihey try to pass through one).
After 24 hours, an occult spell with a
value of 34 draws Ihe Knights back 10
the basement of lUmound.
Heketon's Chamber
This chamber has a thick iron door
(Toughness 25) and a padlock (lockpick-
ing difficulty of 18). If opened, read or
paraphrase the following:
The door opens, and a blast of cold
air sharp with the tangy iron taste of
blood slams into your faces, causing
you to take a step backwards.
Inside, a large black heart of ob
sidian rests on the hands of a statue
depicting a tortured souL The heart
beats with a rhythm of wickedness
that pounds in your heads. A sinister
black-green light crackles in an aura
surrounding the evil thing.
This is not, of course, Heketon. The
real Darkness Device is back in its
pocket dimensionat the moment. This
is another obsidian sculpture like the
one downstairs, treated with occult
spells to resemble the Darkness De-
vice. Asuccessful detect magic rite will
pick up strong traces of occult magic
around Ihe object. An evidenceanalysis
or Peraption lotal of 20 will indicate
thai this is not the real Heketon.
Let the Knights do whatever they
feel like. Try to talk to it (it won't
respond); try to smash it (it's got a
Toughness of 15); try to invokea reality
storm on it (it's a piece of rock - it
doesn't have any retllity skill).
You can besuretheGaunt Man will
be getting a good laugh out of the
whole affair ...
Basjas' Chamber
This bedchamber is covered in
spider webs. From the ceiling hang
human figures, long dead, covered in
web cocoons. Subtract one Persever-
ance point and have the Knights make
a check.
Bas}as need not be home. If the
Knight have not been going on a de-
structive rampage, culting down and
ruining everything they see, let the
room be deserted.
If, on the other hand, things have
been far too easy for the Knights thus
far, let Bas}as be home ... and not in a
good mood..lnordertobetrulysneaky,
Basjas can assume her beautiful hu-
man female shape and be wandering
the corridors near her lair, posing as a
Victorian prisoner. She may attempt
to lead the Knights to her chambers to
snag them in her web. The Gaunt Man
will act to prevent her from killing the
Knights, however, as he has some use
forthem (he will let her have Ihe fun of
humbling them, though).
See pages 26-27 of the Orrorsh
The Tea Room
When the Knights reach the Tea
Room, cut to Scene Five.
Award the Knights three Persever-
ance points for this scene.
Cut To ...
Once the Knights reachthe tea room
and encounter the Gaunt Man, cut to
Scene Five, "A Blot of Tea,"
A Blot of Tea
The Situation
Dramatic. The partyencounter!i the
Gaunt Man, sitting at a table in the tea
roomand surrounded by dead Stann
Knights. He is pouring tea.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
A huge, airy room stands before
you. On the far waU, ornate suined
b..y windows offer little light.
Thestainedglass images depid Storm
Knights meeting their deaths at the
hands of various horrors of Ilimound
An organ plays it dirge of its own
accord. A gilded mirror over the or-
gan dispb.ys ;II series of swirling
shades of darkness.
A long tilble dominates the room.
There Me numerous settings as if for
afternoon tea. Seated at the table are
an edeinos, it cyberpriest, it Hospi
ninja, adwarf, anelf, it techno-
demon, it priest of Sebek. a Sister of
the Serpent,. Oraygaak,. a humMl
male, and a humMl female. They are
all dead, is evidenced by the
ous gaping wounds, open chests, and
missing limbs. A few place settings
are stained by bodily fluids and en-
trails whkh have spilled onto the
Hanging from the ceiling;are even
more bodies, m;any holding lit
c;andles as if they were grotesque
Sitting at the head of the is a
skelet;al man in dark clothing and a
wide brimmed hat with buckle. He
is pale, with dry cracldy skin remi-
niscent of parchment His d;ark eyes
bum with sheer evil.
With his bony fingers, he pours
tea and gestures to some open chairs.
"'Banish from your minds anythought
of attack," the figure addresses you
in a raspy voice that sends shivers
down your spines. "Sit, MId join me
for some Oharjeeling tea. So gl;ad
you could accept my invit;ation. Help
yourselves to some... fingers."
The Action
Have the Knights generate a Perse-
verance check. Then aUow them to
react (give them a chance to scream,
shoot, whatever). U they attack, the
Gaunt Man will demonstrate the futil-
ity of their actions (removing bullets
from his chest, holding his hand out
and letting a laser ricochet against iU,
only retaliatingagainst those whowere
foolish enough to initiate hostilities.
If the Knights attempt to attack him
with an eternity shard, the Gaunt Man
will wrest it from their graspand thank
them for the gift. Theamulet(which is
completely concealed by his cloak)
protects him from the shard, but he
will under no circumstances reveal to
the Knights why theshard is not work-
ingon him.
The tea and snacks are completely
safe. (Yes, the "lady fingers" are really
The Knights can, of course, attempt
escape. The Gaunt Man will let them
run through the Keep for a while, then
use his occult skill to draw them back
to the tea room.
The Knights may also want to try
jumping through the stained glass
windows. Let them-they'rejust nor-
mal windows. But Knights who go
through them, including those with
the power of flight, will find them-
selves falling and falling, only to land
in a seat in the tea room. The window
they went through is whole again.
Whether or not the Knights sit
down, the Gaunt Man will resume his
"I have summoned you here on
matter of singular importance. Dur-
ing my ... sabbatical, a member of
my Hellion Court grew ambitious.
Believing himself to be worthy of the
throne of Orrorsh, he is planning an
occult ritual th;at will give him nst
new powers.
"The being in question is none
otherthan General AveI}' Wellington,
the Supreme Commander of the Vic-
torian military. I know not what the
source of his newfound courage is,
but he has decided to try and become
a threat to my carefuUy-crafted ecol-
ogy of fear ... and to one of your
"'You see, for his ritual to work,
many thousands must die. I have no
use for such bloodletting - I prefer
people to remain but in terror.
But for reasons of my own, I prefer
not to intervene in Wellington's af
fairs at present. I know th;at Stonn
Knights such as yourselves are insuf-
ferably heroic, and 1knowof some of
your past deeds....
At this point, the Gaunt Man refers
to three of the Knights by name and
mentions some of their past accom-
If the Knights press the Gaunt Man
for the reasons he will not confront
Wellington himseU, he says:
"'The completion ofhis is far
less of a threat to me than it is to your
precious cosmo The deaths of mil-
lions are ;an ... inconvenience, I will
grant, but not worthy of my atten-
tion. I can eventually restore the bal-
ance, and meanwhile use the dead
for my gospog fields.
"Also, I wish to retain my ano-
nymity for;a while longer. I have kept
my victory over the Heart of Coyote
secret for six months now, while I
gauged the strength of lTlf fellow
High Lords. Now I wish to gauge the
strength of my enemies- you Storm
Knights. How you fare against
Wellington will showme howstrong
you have become in my ;absence."
As a show of good faith, the Gaunt
Man will tell them Wellington's
True Death is to be slain in a duel at
sunrise with an sword. He
will not reveal his w'eakness. saying
"its nature escapes me." He will say
that a Victorian professor, Alister
expedition in the Nile Empire, in the
area where Egypt, Sudan, and the Red
Sea meet. The site is about five miles
inland. Scope has researched Well-
ington and knows the details of the
ritual as well as Wellington's weak-
ness. It is possible that Scope may also
know where the Knights might obtain
the weapon they need.
Knowledge of the weakness is es-
sential - Wellington will never agree
to a duel unless he is cowed into it.
Beyond this, the Gaunt Man will
Torg: ~ C.. unt M.. n Returns
offer no help. He wishes to see how
well the Knights will manage on their
own (it should prove an amusing en-
The Gaunt Man
Dodge 22, maneuver 18, melee
weapons 20, prestidigitation 20,
unarmed combat 18
Evidence Analysis 31, find 30,
language 32, scholar (eternity
shards) 32, scholar (Orrorsh realm
lore) 35, scholadtheNamelessOne)
33, trick 31
Test 32, occult 34, willpower 34
Charm 26, persuasion 27, taunt 23
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 37, intimida
tion 38, reality 35
Possibilities: 300
Equi pment: Occult amulet protect-
ing him from eternity shards; cane
with small living head, causes fear ina
3O-meterradiusaround theGaunt Man
(spell functions in a similar manner to
thefrstrspell detailed on page 860f the
Om"sh sourcebook).
Powers:attackform resistance(physj
CIlI, mental, and spiritual damage from
magical attacks), regeneration, resistance
to normal weapons, silence
Corruption Value: 61
Fear Rating: 5
Pusevennce DN: 27
WeUness: Eternityshards, though
this is nullified while the Gaunt Man
remains inside lllmound and wears
his amulet.
True Death: None known.
Decisions, Decisions,
Decisions ...
Well, ourStonn Knights arecertainly
in an interesting situation, aren't they?
They no doubt have other questions to
ask the Gaunt Man - his answers are
provided in the sidebar below.
The Knights now have to decide
whether they want to take the hint,
stop Wellington, and save the city or
not. The gamemaster should advise
themthat knowing a city is about to be
destroyed and not doing anything to
stop it is a Wicktd act and will result in
1f they absolutely, positively refuse to
take action to stop the ritual from tak
ing place, levy 13 Conuption points
Ad Two
on each Knight and have them make a
Conuptioncheck. Let'shopethey look
gocKl with horns and running sores ...
If they decide among themselves to
take on Wellington, secretly generate
anoccult totaloftheGaunt Man against
the Knights' Spirit. OONQTLETTHE
TO. Essentially, theGaunt Man iscast-
ing a speU that will simulate theeffects
of eight Corruption points being
awarded to each Knight. The charac-
ters need not generate Corruption
checks in this instance, but do receive
the automatic up condition.
This "artificial corruption" will be
perceived by those with true sight as
real. The Gaunt Man is hoping to thus
start the Knights on the road to wick
Once the heroes have accepted the
task, cut to "Aftermath."
If the heroes accept the task, the
Gaunt Man willcureanyphysicaldam
age or insanity the Storm Knights ac
quired whileexploring lllmound. Any
dead Knights, however, remain dead,
and their corpses become the Gaunt
Man's property.
nswers to Storm Knight Questions
Q: Why us? Why not some of fear among the masses! A: Iallowed Avery the luxury
your own lackeys?
Q: What's to stop us from tell
of choosing his own weakness
A: As I havesaid, I wish to test when he became my ally, and to
the strength of Storm Knights.
ing other High Lords or Iieuten-
tell me what that weakness was
You have already proven your
ants about your return?
in due time. He never told me,
mettle by surviving my Keep-
A: Beware. My associates of-
and I believed I had little to fear
now I would see just how pow-
ten slay the bearers of bad news.
from that stodgy, unimaginative,
erful you are. Q: How do we know this isn't
two-dimensional thinker. It
Q: If you're so strong, why
an elaborate trap?
seems that I underestimated the
A: To what end? If I wanted
extent of his ambitions. Ah, well.
not just fry Avery from a dis--
you dead, I would have killed
One error in a miUenium is to be
A: If you fail, I may well do
you the moment you blundered
that ... eventually. Not before J
into Illmound. I am not Dr. Mo--
Q: What's to stop YOU from
see the outcome of his rite. how
bius-Jneed not engageinetabe>-
getting a hold of the ritual and
ever. I prefersubtlety at thistirne.
rate scheming to slay my en
using it yourself?
A: lamalreadythemostpow
Q: What'stostopus from tell
Q: Why don't you know
erful of High Lords, soon to be
ing people about your return?
A: Ifullyexpectyouwill. And
Avery's weakness? Don't you
the Torg. What care I for some
this news will spread glorious
know everything?
paltry ritual?
6 ~ _
He then summons a zuvembie but-
ler to escort the Knights out of
IIlmound. A huge black hansom cab
awaits, pulled by skeleton horses and
drivenby an unidentifiable being clad
in a long robe and cowl.
Thecreatureisgospog of the fourth
planting, though it will not make any
attacks or other overt moves unless it
is attacked or its cowl is lifted up. In
that case, it attacks the offender, kills
him, then resumes his duties as driver.
The cab flies through the air and
deposits the party at the Jakarta city
limits. The time is sunset. Once the
Knights leave the cab, it disappears.
If the gospog is killed, the coach
lands softlyand disappears, effectively
leaving the Knights stranded. Ii this
happens over the ocean, they are in
deep trouble.
If any Stann Knight tries to use
spirit medium to talk to the dead and
attempt to ascertain Avery's weak-
ness or even the full extent of plot,
theattempt fails. Whatever's going on
has cowed even the spirits.
An organized attack on the Gaunt
Man will bring a half dozen ravagon
veterans immediately into the battle,
interposing themselves between the
Gaunt Man and the Knights.
Give each surviving Knight three
Perseverance points for meeting the
Gaunt Man and living to teU about it.
Act Awards
Give each Knight seven Possibili-
ties for surviving the Ad. If they man-
aged to rescue the prisoners,givethem
another two. If they somehow man-
aged to slay Basjas, add three more.
Cut To ...
Once the party is ready to head off
to Egypt, cut to"Interlude," then move
on to Ad Three.
TheStorm Knights need toget from
Jakarta to the dig. There is a Vidorian
steamship, the 55 Celestitl, departing
Jakarta harbor at noon the day after
the party returns from visiting
IIlmound. The ship one-day stops at
Colombo, Ceylon; Bombay, India;
Aden, Yemen; Port Sudan. Sudan; and
ends up in Cairo. Egypt.
To sail from Jakarta to Port Sudan
takes two weeks. Fare is 100 sterlings
per person one way.
There are 40 other passengers, a
mixtureofVictoria.Jt., Nile,and Nippon.
Gamemasters may place charaders of
their own creation on board. Option-
ally. the characters from the Hotel In-
donesia, if not used in Act One, may be
placed on board ship.
The Knights' best bet is to take the
ship to Port Sudan and hire trucks as
to get to thesite. It is a fOUT hour drive.
The Knights can use the timeon the
ship to relax and/or learn skills.
Ifone or both of the techno-demons
from Act One survived, it could tail
the Knights to the ship and kill several
random passengers, in hopes of un-
nerving the heroes. Each night, the
demon kills one innocent passenger
and places the severed head outside a
Storm Knight's door. Once each hero
has a head, the demon begins killing
the Storm Knights, one per night.
There simply are NO aircraft to be
hired inJakarta. All aircraft have been
commandeered by the government
and pressed into service. If a Storm
Knight has his own aircraft, the jour-
ney takes 18 hours on the average,
counting stops to refuel.
Act Threoe
Act Three
Die Like
an Egyptian
The Major Beat
The Storm Knightsarriveatthedig
in the Nile Empire and meet a bunch
of interesting Victorians, including
secret aJlies ofGeneral Wellingtonand
Dr. Mobius.
After becoming embroiled in a
murder investigation, the Knights
help explore a newly discovered
temple, find an eternity shard, and
fend off a sneak attack by Mobius'
NOTE: The Perseverance diffi
culty number for the remainder of
this adventure is 23. This reflects the
fact that the Knights are no longer
under thedirect influenceoftheGaunt
Man, but are now wandering into
Wellington's sphere of power.
Them Bones, Them
Bones, Them
Buried Bones
The Situation
sl.mdnd. The Stonn Knights ar-
rive at the Victorian dig site. Due to
the presence of a hardpoint in the
area, most ofthecamp isanOrrorshan
dominant zone.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
At last, your long journey is at an
end. The hour is half past four in the
afternoon. Stretched before you is a
large campsite and dig. with great
sand dunes rising in the background.
In the precise center of the camp, a
statue of a queen sitting on a throne
holds up a nagpole, from which the
Victorian's nag snaps smartly in the
desert breeze.
Surroundingthe nagpole are many
large lenis, with khaki and pith hel-
met-dad figures entering and leav-
ing. On one side of the camp, Victo-
rian soldiers drill. A few arlillery
pieces stand at the ready.
The fn end of the camp has sev-
eral large trenches, with dozelUl of
native workmen laboring under the
hot sun. Many small tents, no doubt
for the workers, stand pilched near
the digs.
AVictorian sentry catches sight of
you, and advances, demanding iden-
The Action
The purpose of this scene is for the
Knights to get acquainted with the
personnel working at the dig. It can be
as long or as short a scene as the
gamemaster wishes -let the Knights
wander around and interact with the
different characters here totheir hea rt' s
content, if they're having run.
The following are the statistics for
the dig staff, including the military
Professor Ambrose Garred-
Dig Leader
Reality: Orrorsh
Beast riding 9, fire combat 8, un
anned combat 8
Egyptian religion 13, evidence
analysis 13, find 15, hieroglyphics
17, language 15, research 16,scholar
(Victorian history) 17
Torg; The Gaunt Man RetutnJ
Science (archaeology) 18, survival
IS, willpower 15
Persuasion 12
Faith (SaceUum) 14
Possibilities: none
Equipment: Cross heavy revolver,
damage value 16, ammo 6, range 3-5/
15/25;archaeologykit (brushes, twee-
zers, magnifying glass, vials, files,
small hammer, chisel. large notebook,
pens and ink); letter of authorization
from Overgovernor Neteru allowing
the dig to take place.
Description: An average-looking
man in his late thirties, Garreck is a
bookish scholarly type, rather awk-
ward among people, women in par.
ticular. He tends tobeabsent minded,
and gets totally absorbed in his work.
Professor Alister Scope
Beast riding 12, fire combat 12, me-
lee weapons 12
Evidence analysis 14, find 15, lan-
guage 16, research 16, scholar
(Orrorsh realmlore) 16,scholar(Vie--
torian history) IS, trick 14
Occult 18, sci.ence (archaeology) 15,
survival 14, test of wiU 15
Chann 13, taunt 14
Faith (Sacellum) 15, reality
(Orrorsh) 14
Possibilities: 6
Equipment: Cross heavy revolver,
damage value 16, ammo 6, range 3-5/
15/25; archaeology kit; lantern;occult
kit; occult books (adds +2 to any at
tempts at researching occult or at
tempting occult rituals); wooden
stakes; mallet; 6 vials of holy water;
silver dagger, damage value STR+2/
12; necklace of garlic; Sacellum cross
on neck chain; private journal; en-
chanted rapier,damagevalueSTR+7/
Desaiption: Alister Scope is a mem-
berof theSign of Six, a Victorian secret
society. A powerful, handsome, in-
tense man in his early 405, he has dedi-
cated his life to fighting the horrors of
Orrorsh wherever they appear.
Unfortunately, Professor Scope is a
bit unhinged from hisdabblings in the
occult. His discovery of the extent of
corruption among the Victorians, as
well as Wellington's duplicity, has
shaken him badly.
What Scope Knows: Avery Well-
ington has stumbled upon theArchives
of the Damned, and found a ritual to
gainhimgreatpower. WeJlingtonmust
go to the highest spot in a' city, and
invoke the ritual at dawn, when the
stars are right. Scope believes the city
to be sacrificed is Singapore.
Wellington is resistant to normal
weaponry. In preparation for this 0b-
stacle, Scope has fashioned an occult-
forged foil. If the Knights convince
Scope that they are going to confront
Avery, he will give it to them.
Wellington's wealcness is a Gaean
rose, the Peace Rose, whose petals are
an electric blue and blood crimson.
These roses grow in two locations: a
small garden at the house where the
Sign of Six usually meets, in New Lon-
don (Padang), and inside the Fortress
of the Dead.
Professor Scope starts out as neutral
toward the Knights. In order to win
over his trust, his attitude must be
madeloyal. (Note that thegroup has to
mention that they areout tostop Avery
Wellington!) If this is done, a success-
ful persuQsion will make Alister adntit
he's a member of the Sign of Six, and
he will tell the group the Sign's ad-
dress in New London, as well as what
he learned about Avery. He also gives
the Knights his journal to read (hand-
out 2).
Scope also mentions that the Bell
and Whistle is a great pub in New.
London, and a source of great news,
rumor, and gossip.
Reverend Charlton White -
Dig Chaplain
Melee weapons 12
Evidence analysis 12, find 13, first
aid 14, languages 13, research 13,
scholar (Core Earth Christian reli-
gions and sects) 15
Test 14, willpower 14
Charm 13, persuasion 16
Faith (Sacellum) 17, focus 17, real-
ity 10000rsh) I'
Possibilities: 7
Equipment: Cross heavy revolver
value 16, ammo 6, range 3-5/15/25;
SaceUu.mBookofPower; Sacellu.mCross;
four vials of holy water
Description: Rotund, balding. with
a cherubic face, Reverend White re-
minds one of Friar Tuck more than a
Sacellum priest. In the eyes of his su-
periors, the Reverend is extremely lib-
eral, hence his assignment out here
Hamong the rest of the heathens.
Brigadier Ashton Auchenford -
Victorian Army Garrison
Beast riding 12, dodge 12, fire com-
bat 13, melee combat 14, unarmed
combat 15
Find 10, tracking 12, trick 12
Survival 12, test 14, willpower 13
Persuasion 12, taunt 12
Faith (Sacellum) 10, intimidation
12, reality (Orrorsh) 11
Possibilities: 5
Equipment: Cross heavy revolver,
damage value 16, ammo 6, range 3-5/
15/25; sabre, damage value STR+4/
Description: Brigadier Auchenford
is a handlebar-moustached man in his
late40s, who carries himself with typi-
cal military discipline. He is a spit and
polish type, always quoting regula-
tions and slogans to his men.
Typical Victorian Officer of the
Valiant 13th Regiment
See page 43 of the Orrorsh source-
Description: There are two lef-
tenants in the Valiant 13th. One is
Nicholas Rowefield, the second is
Winston Welles,
Rowefield is a dashing. gallant of-
ficer. Charming. polite, well-liked by
all, Leftenant Rowefield knows noth-
ing at all out of the ordinary,
Welles is a scoundrel, a drinker,
gambler, and all around mean com-
52 -.:g
mander. Still, he is not Corrupt.
Winstonsuspects that "there'smore
toVictoria Sigurd than meets theeye.
Beinga devoteeof the wild life, hesees
in her that same look. Hesuspects that
her demure Victorian demeanor is a
sham. He has no idea how right he is.
Incidentally, Welles will not share
his opinion of the Victorian women
unless he is alone with male Storm
Both officers share the same tent. It
is very easy to tell whose cot is whose,
onebeing very neat and well madeup,
the other looking like a pig sty.
Typical Victorian Soldier of the
Valiant 13th Regiment
See page 43 of the Orrorsh source-
Description: There are 40 soldiers
in the camp. This includes four ser-
geant-majors and eight lance carpo-
The four sergeant-majors share a
tent, the eight lance corporals share
two tents, and the remaining 28 men
share seven tents.
The men have no idea anything
untoward is going on, except for the
mysterious murders of several work-
Victorian Ladies (3)
Beast riding 10, dodge 11, running
Egyptian religion 10, hieroglyphics
10, scholar (domestic work) 14,
scholar (secretarial work) 14
Charm 13
Faith (Sacellum) 11
Possibilities: none
Equi pment: Archaeology kits, para-
sols, typewriters.
Description: These single women
in their mid-20s are along as secretar-
ies, assistants, clerks, and domestics.
Their names are: Allison Mastill, Sa-
rah Wellington, and Lenore Garreck..
c t h ~
Allison and Sarah are normal Vic-
torian women, modest, prim and
proper. Despite the name, Sarah is
NOT related to General Wellington.
Allison is a blonde, Sarah a brunette.
AllisonandSarahboth like Lehmant
Rowefield. TheyalsobothdislikeLenore
Garreck,consideringhera troublemaker
and unfeminine. The women will not
share these opinions with male Stonn
Knights; only with a female Storm
Knight, over tea.
Lenore is the younger sister of
Ambrose. She is a firebrand,champion-
ing the cause of women's rights and
anxious to get he< hands dirty. She has
red hair. Lenoreis hiendswith Victoria.
The three women share a tent with a
fourth, outlined below.
Victoria Sigurd
Dodge 14, maneuver 12, unarmed
combat 14
Trick 13
WiUpower 12
Charm 16, persuasion 16, taunt 16
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 15, intimida-
tion 13, reality (Orrorsh) 12
Possibilities: 10
Powers: fire attack. regeneration
Corruption V.a.J.ue: 22
Fear Rating: 1
Weakness: Sacellum Book of Power
True Death: Disfigurement of face
Natural Tools: claws, damage value
Description: Victoria is a succubu:5-
allied with Wellington,ana. wassentby
him to eliminateScope. On the outside,
Victoria is a shy, pretty brunette who
worksasa typist and ''knows her place."
men in order to spread. some fear. Thus
faT, three workers have died, though
everyone thinks that either wild ani-
mals did it or that the workers ran off.
Usomehowinterrogated successfully
(she is h/ to Avery), she knows that
Avery will perform the ritual in
Singapore, and that the Nightmare
Skutharka is quietly backing him up.
Snee the Mole
Dodge 14, fire combat 14, lock pick-
ing 16, melee weapons IS, prestidigi-
tation 17, stealth 18
Disguise 10, find 10, fo.-gery 11, land
vehicles 12, scholar (electronics) 11,
trick 12
Streetwise 12, survival 12, test 10,
weird science 10
Taunt 12
Faith (Egyptian) 9, reality <Nile Em-
pire) 10
Possibilities: 6
Inclination: Evil
Equipment: 9mm Luger, damage
value IS, ammo 8, range 3-10/25/40;
stiletto, damage value STR+3/13; Nile
Empire talisman; weird science radio
(stashed intent); weird sciencelistening
devices (.)
Description: Snee is a slimy, bug-
eyed hoocl fromCairo, who has taken to
hangingaround pulp villains. He iscur-
rently disguised as a laborer, and is
supposed toreport to Dr. Tottenand the
Scarlet Asp by secret rndio onre the
expedition finds something of worth.
Snee talks in a wheezy, whiny voice,
and loves to openly leer at beautiful
He has four listening devices, which
he will attempt to plant in some of the
Storm Knights tents. A Storm Knight
attempting to locate one will have to
make a find or Perception total of 20.
Common Laborer (89)
Meleecombat 9, unarmed combat 10
Taunt 10
Intimidation 9
Additional Skills: one at +1 adds
Possibility Potential: some (75)
Equipment: picks and shovels, dam
age value STR+4/14
Description: Theselaborers sleepsix
to a tent. They are sullen and surly,
working for a mere pittance under the
hot sun. The effect of working in an
Orrorshan hardpoint ismakingsomeof
them begin to accept the Victorian rub-
bish about superior races and economic
The laborersaresuperstitious, possi-
bly another result of being in the Victo-
ri..l0 reality for too long. They feel that
somesupernatural beast has cursed the
site and is killing off their feUows.
The Camp
The central feature of the Victorian
campisa bronzestatueofQueenVictoria
holding a eight-meter high flagpole,
which was made into a Victorian
hardpoint by the original founders of
group power from a Victorian eternity
shard. See Map 8, "Victorian Encamp-
The hardpoint weighs 100kilograms
and has a Spirit value of 5. It projects
dominant Orrorshan reality in a 100
meter radius, with an Orrorshan pure
zone created in a ~ m t r radius. The
hardpoint has a Toughness of 25.
Artillery Batteries
These are two Lee-Hollings 15
pounder cannons, with a damage value
of 25. Heavy wttlpcms skill is needed to
loadand firethem. Oosetothecannorui
100shells. Theammunition storagealso
contains locked strongboxes full of sil-
ver bullets, blessed bullets, and stan-
dard bullets. There is always onesentry
gua.-ding the batteries/ammo dump.
Army Tents (Soldie..
and NCOs)
Each lenl sleeps Iow-, and has low-
cots, a lantern, and a 5acellum Cf05S.
Nicholas Rowefield's halfofthe tent
is clean, neat, militarily precise. Win-
ston Welles' half is messy and un-
kempt. There are two cots, a lantern, a
folding table, and two chairs in this
tent. In Welles' army chest, there is a
deck of cards, dice. some erotic (by
Victorian standards: ladies in
bloomers, etc.) illustrations, anda large
bottle of brandy.
Brigadier's Tenl
The Brigadier's tent has a rot, desk,
four chairs, lantern. victrola with re-
cordings of hymns, BookofPower, and a
SacellumCf05S. On the Brigadier's desk
is a letter from an associate, who hap-
pens to mention in passing thatCeneral
Avery Wellington is undertaking some
sort of mission in Singapore.
11lere are also reports on the perfor-
mancesofbothleftenants. Despitecom-
ments about Welles' slovenly appear
ance, both officers are judged well.
Reverend's Tent
The good Reverend has a cot, desk,
two chairs, lantern, several Sacellum
crosses and Books of Power, 20 extra
silver bullets, and six extra vials of
holy water.
The Reverend can always be found
in his tent. He uses it to do his work,
counsel the troubled, and any other
... .. ",,54.,.--------------------- ~
Act Ttlret'
The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 8
Victorian Encampment
~ : "
. '.
1. Artillery batteries
2. Soldier/NCO
3. Leftenants' tent
4, Brigadier's tent
5. Reverend's
6. Ladies' tent
7. Work tent
8. Mess tent
9. Guest tents
10. Laborer's tents
11. Snee's tent
12. Digs
13. Garreck's tent
14. Scope's tent
15. Other archeolo-
gists' tents
16. Well
(Statue of Queen
. '.'.
', ..
'. ~
.... ,""
.. ~ .
... ~ .
The Ladies' Tent
Kept tidy as a good ladies' dormi-
tory should be, it has fow cots, two
sewing kits, a lantern, a Sacellumcross,
and a Book of Power.
It is considered a scandal for a man
to enter the ladies' tent without a
proper chaperone (namely, another
Work Tent
This large tent is wherethe majority
of the paper work and lab work is
done. There are four typewriters, a
filing cabinet, two lanterns, a long
worktable, a map of the camp site
(including the digs), and office and
archaeological supplies.
The filing cabinet is locked (lock
picking difficulty 8). A find or Percep--
tion totalof80rmoreisneeded to find
each of these items:
A full roster of camp personnel.
Victoria Sigurd was a last minute ad-
dition, in the wake of the sudden and
mysterious death of the woman who
was supposed to go.
A copy of the letter of authorization
fromOvergovernor Neteru forthedig.
Reports on the three workmen's
deaths. Two bodies were found, one
was not. The dead were buried in a
nearby ditch. It appeared that a wild
animal had ripped them apart. The
deaths happened every other night
(which means one is due tonight>.
A record of what has been found
thus far, which is precious little. The
site has been in place here for the last
five weeks.
Mess Tent
Another large tent, with a partition
cutting off a fifth of it. The smaller
section has the camp stove and food
preparation tools. The women are in
charge of food preparation.
Guest Tents
Used for any visiting scholars, etc,
each tent has four rots, a lantern, a
Book of Power, and a Sacellum cross.
Laborer Tents
Ftlthyand substandard, each has six
cots and lots of sand. lice.
Snee's Tent
An ordinary laborer tent, it only has
four occupants (two of the victims had
used this tenO, including Snee. Snee's
tent matesare unawareofhis duplicity.
Under Snee'5 cot is a concealed hole
(findor Peruption total of12>.lnsideisan
science total of 10 will reveal that it's a
powerful radio and eavesdropper
ceiver. ThereisalsoabagrontainingSOO
NileRoyalsand four..""dipsofammo.
These are the four main dig sites.
Workeno labor in two seven-hour shifts
(4 a.m.-It a.m., 0000-7 p.m.). Each dig
site has fifteen workers at any given
time on one shift.
Garreck's Tent
Contains a cot, desk. two chairs,lan-
tern, private stock of liquor, and many
books on archaeology and other sub-
jects. His desk has copies of all papers
found in the Work Tent.
Scope's Tenl
Contains a rot, desk. two chairs, lan-
tern. SacelIum cross, and several books
on theoccuJl. Afind or Prn:rption total of
150n his desk reveals a secretcompart-
ment with his diary. If the Knights find
it, give them handout 2, "Journal of
Professor Alister Scope."
Scope's enchanted sword is hidden
under his bed. Findor Pm:qJtion total of
10 tospol
Other Archaeologists
These two tents each contain two
junior Victorian archaeologists. Their
names are: Reginald Dwight, Phillip
Howard Craft, Artemis Conrad, and B.
G. Shore.
Each tent has two rots and a lantern.
1nese men have no bearing on the ad-
venture. Theyknowofnothingunusual,
and., being men of science, they scoff at
the occult, magic, and miracles.
This is the Victorians' water supply.
There is always a sentry on duty here.
Once the party has _b(;shed its
credentials,Garreckwill askthe Knights
to stay for dinner.
Held in the mess tent at 6 p.rn. sharp,
the occasion is attended by Garreck,
Scope, the four junior archaeologists,
the four women, Brigadier Auchenford,
Reverend Charlton, and Leftenants
Rowefield and Welles.
For a desert expedition. mealtime is
most magnificent. Thedishesarechina,
the utensils are silver. There are cande--
labra for light. and a victrola for music
(organ music, playing thunderous
Fare includes rare roast beef, York-
shire pudding. roasted potatoes, honey
glazed carrots, dinner roUs, and a fine
tarts and tea, ending with brandy and
cigars (for the males, while the
including the female Storm. Knights,
dean up the dishes). Female Storm.
Knights who refuse to help out in the
cleanup will be unable to do any infor
mation gathering among the Victorian
Manners are to be minded during
dinner. If a Storm Knight shows bad
manners, the Victorians take offense,
which lowers their base attitude one
level on anyattempts at dum" or pnsuo
swn by the rude Knight.
Dinner lasts until 10 p.m.
The Knights may decide to tum in
for the evening. or they may arrange a
noctumaJ meeting with Scope. Regan:I-
less, a desert storm howls into camp,
bringing thunder, lightning. rain, and
When theclock strikes midnight, cut
to "Midnight Murder."
A Romana card causes one of the
three ladies to fall in love with a male
Storm Knight. If the Storm Knight is
female, either leftenant or one of the
four minor archaeologists fall in love
with her.
ASuspicion cardcauses the Brigadier
to suspect that a Stonn Knight is some--
how behind the murders. A pair of sol-
diers will always follow the Knight. try-
ing to be stealthy.
Scope will think a Storm Knight ts
actually an ally of Wellington's sent to
kill him ;f the Knigh. plays a Mistaken
Identity card. Alister, in his unbalanced
mental state, will shy away from the
Knight (and any obvious friends of the
Knight), then attempt to kill the Knight
in his sleep.
An Akrlnes5 card played while 0b-
serving Snee shows that he has a pistol
hidden in his robe. Alertness may also
reveal anyofthe concealed things in the
appropriate tents, if previously over-
If the Knights try to get Alister alone
to talk about Wellington. he will tell
themtovisit himin histent after-dinner.
TIle Knights may attempt to dig up
the bodies of the murdered workers, to
find what killed them. When they see
the bodies, subtract one Perseverance
point and have them generate a check..
Aneuidenaanalysisor Peraption total
of130nthebodies shows that they were
ripped apart by wha.looks like human
fingemails.Afind 0< Pt=ption _I of
16revea1sseveraJ longstrandsofbrown
hair on both bodies.
The bodies are buried 20 meters due
west ofdigsite13A. TheKnights canask
Professor Garreck for pennission to ex-
hume the bodies, requiring any level of
persuasion success. Otherwise, the Vic-
torians will be horrified. if they discover
the Knights in the act of I9"vedigging-
Midnight Murder
As the storm reaches its peak, the
succubus calling herseU "Victoria
Sigurd" strikes again, killing one of
the sentries.
A Pm:eption total of B allows the
Knights tohear a loud wailof pain that
rises above the howling of the wind.
A find or Perception total of9 allows
the Knights to determine the direction
from which the scream came. Once
56 .,..,
Journal of Professor Alister Scope
Act Three
NOfJmrbn 8 - As I stand here on the deck of the steamer and ponder my situation, my mind keeps turning back
to that devil, Wellington. How could that man have betrayed God, Queen, and country?
Iamconvinced that Wellington, aside from his involvement with the powers of Darkness. is nowa corrupt monster
of great power. Using the books I have brought along and the books I managed tosteal from Wellington himself, I hope
to ascertain his weakness.
Dig; DQY] - Even across this Earth's Indian Ocean, I feel thegaze of Wellington, and it weighs heavy on my soul.
Due to the academic nature of many in our group. the books were the first things unpacked. t shall start my research
on the morrow.
Dig. Day 5 - My duties as an archaeologist consume my time and energy, but I still manage to save some for my
studies of Wellington. Since he is a man of war, I suspect that his weakness involves peace. But in what fonn? What
Dig, Day 10-Thanks be to the Saviour, success at last! The monster Wellington can be slain at sunrise in a duel
with a singleopponent. The sole way of getting himtoagree to such a duel is to confront him with a Gaean Peace Rose,
a rare species of rose which grows in few places on this strange world.
One of these places is the Rhodesland Street manor of Dr. Stormfield, which serves as the New London
headquarters of the Sign of the Six, my feDow occult students! The irony is delicious!
I shaD have to notify Dr. Stonnfield that the means of stopping Wellington lies in his own garden!
A second location is the Fortress of the Dead, a foul place on Majestic's northeast coast.
Dig. Day 15 - My mind is almost unable to comprehend the enormity of the corruption of General Wellington.
Thanks to my reading of his books, I have discovered his plans. The man has found a ritual that will grant himgreat
power, though at the cost of many lives. This ritual lies in a book cal1ed the Archives oflhe Damned, a foul volume with
countless blasphemies between its worm-eaten rovers. Unfortunately, I was unable to purloin that specific volume.
This ritual, which must be perfonned at the highest point in a large city in the Southern hemisphere, will drain the
life force of many of the city's inhabitants and give this energy to the General.
I am not certain of the time or location; perhaps my fellow society members can aid me there. I must leave thecamp
as soon as 1am able, but securing permission wiD be difficult, since I dare not confide in any, lest they be an agent of
Dig, Day1r-. Work came to a halt today when laborers discovered one of their fellows, dead. He had been missing
for two nights. His insides had been tomout by claws, presumablybelonging tosome wild animal. The whole incident
makes my spine shrivel.
Dig, Day17-Another laborer has been found dead, his throat tomout. It seemscertain that we have a wild animal
hunting in the area, or so Garreck says. I fear that it is something far more sinister, and that it walks among us in the
guise: of a human.
Dig. Day 18 - I have burned WeDington's books and invoked my rituals to gain as much knowledge as I can. All
of my forays into the corrupt world of the occult are beginning to fray my nerves.
During the last days of my research, I discovered that Wellington is resistant to mundane weaponry. This presents
yet another obstacle, though my special foil wiD most likely neutralize this advantage.
My dreams of late have shown a great city under a night sky, a city now filled with walking dead. I dream of an
hourglass in the sky, and a withered corpse emerging from a storm.
I feel as if I am prisoner in this camp. I dare not trust any of the soldiers.
Another laborer is lost, presumed dead. His body has not been found. What manner of madness has seized us?
Dig, Day 20 - I lay awake tonight, and I hear the sounds of the insects in the desert. They tell me that a group of
people come to our camp tomorrow afternoon. These people, though they may mean well, are already tainted by
Corruption. The insects know. They sing their knowledge to each other and mock me.
But their mocking is in vain, for I have understood their speech, and I believe I know the name of the city which
Avery intends to destroy: it is called Singapore.
Torg: The Caunt Man Ret\lJm
Once the evening's excitement is
over with, cut to Scene Two, "Under
the Sand." The Knights will have
plenty to occupy them in the day be-
fore having todeal with Victoria again
in the evening.
Cut To
The Knights receive one Persever-
ance point for each of the following:
obtaining information from Scope or
his sword; observing the nail marks of
strands of hairon the workers' bodies;
observing same on the sentry's body.
They receive two Perseverance points
for viewing the corpses and two for
viewing the sentry.
If the Knights should defeat
Victoria, give them two additional
Perseverance points.
If the Knights were in Scope's tent
and managed to react immediately,
they will seea blurry figure fleeing the
murder site and heading in the direc-
tion of the women's tent. Remember
that barging into that tent would be a
breach of etiquette, and the Victorians
will no doubt react with indignation
to any accusation of one of the ladies.
If the Knights had deeded to do
night time guard duty outside, allow
one find or Perception roll, trying to
beat a difficulty of 16. Success indi
cates that the Knight sees, through the
storm, two figures struggling. The
Storm Knights will be able to arrive in
time to save the soldier's life and con-
front Victoria.
If Victoria escapes, she will try the
next night to kill one of the male
Knights. She will continue to make
such attempts until she is destroyed.
When she appears, have the Knights
make a Perseverance check.
of 8 reveals that the marks on the
throat are identica.l to those on the
The truth behind this gruesome in-
cident is that Victoria wanted to kill
Scope, but the sentry showed up un-
expectedly. She killed the man, and
with her flair for drama, set up the
corpse as it is found, but then had no
time to continue to Scope's tent and
finish the job. She is now back at the
women's tent, having slipped out and
back. The other women noticed noth
There are no tracks. The howling
wind, driving rain, and shifting sand
sees to that.
Three rounds after the cry, ten sol-
diers, Leftenant Welles, Brigadier
Aucbenford, Garreck, Alister Scope,
and the Reverend arrive at the scene.
A Suspicion card played will make
the Brigadier suspect a Storm Knight
of the murder.
the direction has been ascertained,
finding the body is easy. The murder
site is a mere five meters fromScope's
Once the Knights arrive at the loca-
tion, read the following:
The lightning flashes, briefly illu .
minating the area. In the quick bunt
of light. thesevered yet still helmeted
had of a Victorian Regimental sol-
dier stares at you, eyes wide, mouth
hanging open in a silent scream..
The hud is propped atop the
deceased's rifle, the latter driven
through the headless corpse with
great force. Dangling from the mouth
is the soldier's Sacellum cross, hang-
ing upside down.
Drop the party's Perseverance by
one and have the make a check.
An tvidence annlysis or Perception
total of 12 on the body shows that
there are what look like the marks of
fingernails onthe remains of the throat,
as if the head was tom off by human
hands. A find or Perception total of 18
reveals several long strands of brown
hair on the body. If the Knights have
viewed the other bodies, a Mind total
casting this spell
utter a confusmg babble of equations
and such, rendering opponents con
fused and stupefied.
The spellcaster compares his spell
tota.l with the For every
level of success achieved, the victim
suffers one round of being unable to
cast a spell, invoke a miracle, or use
psionics due to an inability to concen-
trate. All other Perception or Mind
based actions suffer a +2 to their diffi
A section of the north wall is plas
ter, concealing a set of doubledoors. A
find or Perception total of 14 is required
to discover the doors. An Alertness
card will also reveal the doors' pres-
Should the Knights decide to go
through the new doors, Carreck and
will stay, but thearchaeolO"
gISt will lend the Knights two workers
(one of them is Snee).
. The Victorians are interested only
themurnmy. Theybelievethatwhat
hes beyond the secret doors is nothing
more than workers' tunnels and main
shafts. They have no interest
In accompanying the Knights.
Corridor of Mummies
This twO"meterwide coll"ldor has
recesses every four meters. In each
recess is a sarcophagus containing a
mummy. Each sarcophagus lid is
coated with a dangerous contact poi-
son (damage value 15, suffered every
round until poison is washed off with
water-rubbingone'shandson cloth-
ing or against a wall has no effect). An
evidence analysis or Perception total of
13 will reveal a strange sheen on the
lids, as if some substance has been
brushed on lheoutside. Ascholar(rerdm
lore) total of 11 will reveal that ancient
With polSOns to protect their contents
from thieves.
. WhentheAnkhofRaeternityshard
IS the trap in this hallway is
activated. Each mummy fires a poison
dart at each Knight that steps on a
pressure plate (Storm Knights must
make a maneuver or Dexterity total of
15 to each pressure plate). The
mumnues "attack" witha missifeweap-
ons of 14, and the darts do damage
value 12. If the darts score a wound or
The Tomb
Skill: conjuration
Difficulty: 15
Number of Planets: 1
Influence: Isis, Nepthys, Ptah
Main Chamber
This roomcontains a beautiful sar
cophagus flanked by four hieroglyph
inscribed pillars. In the far comers
stand large day jars.
Reading the hieroglyphs requires a
hieroglyphics total of 12. If none of the
Knights can read it, one of the archae-
ologists will They say '"Prince Ahun-
Tet, exiled from the court of Pharaoh.
A curse on any who defile his tomb,
for they shall suffer the same fate as
he, exile from those he loves." (The
curse is a bluff.)
One jar contains the Prince's or-
gans, carefully preserved. The other
contai.ns a selection of two dozen jew
elry Piece:>, worth sterling.
The Prince s mummy IS a typical
corpse, well preserved and stuffed
with flowers, spices, onions, and
Inside his chest cavity is a scroll
(hieroglyphics total of 12 to read it). It
reads, '1'h.e earthen vessels that hold
the Prince's treasure also mark the
way to greater things. Seek what Lies
between them."
The scroll also contains a math
ematical spell:
ConsultMap9. 'The Underground
Temple," while the Knights move
through the Egyptian tomb. This area
containsan eternityshard. Utheshard
is removed from its resting place, a
number of traps will be triggered.
These are explained under individual
location entries.
away sand and other debris from the
The fow workmen begin work at
removing the seals from the stone
is a feeling of
electric antiCipation 1ft the air.
At last,. the doors are pulled open,
and a blast of millennia-old stale air
assails the group as fresh air lUshes
The Action
The Situation
Under the Sand
Garreck, Scope, Victoria (if she's
still alive), Lenore Garreck, the Briga-
dier, and three workers (one of them
Snce), will descend into the tomb. As a
matter of courtesy, the Knights will be
invited along.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Your group clambers down the 40
feet into the large pit, where the rest
of the explorers are already clearing
. Standard..The following day, at ten
m the mommg, workers discover a
tomb entrance in dig site C.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Come morning, the storm has
The tents held up surpri&-
Yowgroup issittingaJone
1ft the mess tent,. havinga light break-
fast of tea and scones.
Let the party have a chance to talk.
perhapsdiscussing events of the night
before. They have complete privacy.
After a few minutes, continue reading
A cry goes up from some workers
in one of the digsites. Archaeologists
and other workers dash over, and a
cheer goes up.
The workers have found an ancient
tomb. It will take them a while to clear
a decent passageway. Exploration of
the tomb is set for one o'clock, right
after lunch.
Keep in mind that the tomb is in the
Orrorsh dominant zone, due to the
presence of the hardpoint.
Snee will dash of( to his tent to
report the find. If none of the charac
ters are paying attention to the labor-
ers' reactions, then noonenoticesSnee
leave. If the characters are watching
the workers, a find or Perception total of
11 will reveal that Snee has wandered
of(. If the Knights follow, he will have
?roadcastin.g his message to
his supenors by the tune they arrive at
his tent.
better result. the poison with which
they are coated works its way into the
bloodstream, doing damage value 13
per round. A first aid total of 10 is
required to drain the tainted blood
and prevent the poison from killing
the victim.
Chamber of Knowledge
Inthis hieroglyph-decorated cham-
her are five day tablets with glyphs
inscribed upon them. Each has a dif
ferent inscription: one features the
Egyptian miracle mummify, another
portent. another the engineering spell
find tht path, a fourth the mathematical
spell dmth shout. The fifth has been
affected by the Orrorshan hardpoint
and now lists the rt:Surm:tion ritual
(see Appendix: This Evil Rebom).
When the eternity shard is taken.
thetrapinthisroomisactivated. When
explorers step on the northern hall
way pressure plate, the floor opens up
toreveal a huge pit (three meters deep),
filled with asps, scorpions, poisonous
spiders, and centipedes. Thecreatures
come from underground, and have
used small cracks in the pit walls to
gain entry.
If the party was running down the
darkened hallway, the first rank of
Knights must generate acrobatics or
Dexterity totals of 12 to avoid falling
in. Each subsequent rank of Knights
need only generate totals of 10, as they
know the pit is there.
If the Knights were walking down
the hallway. they can easily seethe pit
opening before them. Long jumping or
Dexterity can he used to try to leap
over the pit to the Corridor of Mum
mies. TheStorm Knight must makean
acrobatics, maneuver or Dexterity total
of 16 to avoid tumbling onto the pre;.
sure plate. The mouth of the hole has a
length value of 3.
Anyone falling into the pit suffers
a damage value equal to their weight
value plus 5.
Once in the pit, a Knight suffers
damage value 16 per round from as
sorted snake bites. A Strength total of
10 is needed for someone to pull the
Knight out. Getting out of the pit un-
aided requires a climbing or Strength
total of 12.
Help from the Victorians will prob-
ably not he forthcoming. They are far
too absorbed in their mummy, and
won't be coming this way for hours at
Large Han
This hall is decorated with more
hieroglyphs. The northern section,
where the hall turns east, is made of
flimsy plaster.
When the trapissprung, thedouble
doors beyond itburstopen. Thiscauses
a hugeamount ofcausticslimetocome
smashing through the weak plaster
wall and flooding the corridor. The
slime has a damage value of 18 per
round of exposure. It not only affects
living tissue, it eats through armor. All
Thearmor' sToughness equals theadds
it confers to the user'sToughness. Thus,
_.. ....'-'
Akashan kineticarmor resists thecaus-
tic slime with a Toughness of 10.
A hiffllg/yphics total of 13 is neces-
sary to read the walls. but they have
nothing of import to say.
Flimsy Bridge
This cavernous chamber has a nar-
row stone bridge spanning a chasm.
Within the chasm are hundreds of
hungry rats, chatteringand squealing.
The chasm is 25 meters deep.
The bridge can only support MO
humans at a time. For purposes of
weight determination, one human
equals MO dwarves. one giant equals
MO humans.
Any greater amount of weight
causes the bridge to collapse into the
rat chasm. Anyone falling into the
chasm suffers damage value 12 per
round from all of the rat bites. The rats
crawl into armor and such, so vests
and annor provide no protection. Ba-
sically, the victim is covered in rats.
(On the other hand, landing on nice,
sofl rats eliminales the problemof fall-
ing damage.)
egotiating the bridge requires an
acrobatics or Dexterity total of 10. Fail-
ure indicates a fall inlo the rats. If the
Knight fails, hegets toattempt tocatch
himself-a Dextmtytotalof12 means
he has fallen, bul is holding on to the
stonework with one hand. A StrOigth
lotal of 10 is needed 10 get back on to
the bridge. A Strength lotal of 8 is
required to pull someone else back on
to the bridge.
The rats have gained access to the
chasm by means of the concealed tun-
nel (see following Event).
Aconcealed tunnel at the bottomof
the chasm is home to a group of
Orrorshan wights that have come up
from the Land Below. When the last
Storm Knight is halfway across the
bridge, the wights attack him and try
to drag him into the chasm.
Thechasm tunnel isone meter wide
and slopes downward into theearth at
Act Three
a very steep angle. The tunnel leads 10
the Abominari Temple in the Land
Have the Knights generate a Perse-
verance total when they first see the
Wights (6)
Reality: OrTorsh
Dodge 14, maneuver 13. stealth 13,
unarmed combat 14
Climbing 16
Tracking 14, trick 15
Intimidation 18
Possibility Potential: none
STR+3/18 plus life drain; teeth, dam-
age value STR+2I17 plus life drain
Powers: animal control, life drain
Corruption Value: 14
Fear Rating: 1/2
Torg: 11M C.lIunt M.lIn Ril'tutns
Weakness: sunlight (severe)
True Death: a flaming weapon
whichcompletely destroys the wighrs
body (at least six wounds).
Description: Wights appear as
ghastly white, bloated corpses still
dressed in the remains of their burial
clothing. Their teeth are pointed and
their fingers are unnaturally long and
wickedly curved.
Mummy Chamber
This chamber has fow sarcophagi
standing upright. Each contains a
axX>ms. They will attack the Knights ;E
the Knights attempt to enter the Shard
Chamber, or if the Knights open the
sarcophagi and begin attacking them.
Mummies (4)
Reality: Orrorsh
Unarmed combat 12
Trick (13)
Test (14)
Mechanics of the Trap
Removal of the Ankh from
Anubis' ned puts all traps in
motion. Until the Ankh is re-
moved, the pressure plates, etc.
are inert. Things happen in the
follOWing order. Note that some
thingsaretime-dependent, while
others are action-dependent.
Round after Ankh is taken:
Walking god erupts from floor,
attacks Knights.
The round Anubis is de-
feated: Walls and ceiling begin
bling, iron ball emerges.
Second round: Graniteblock
begins to slide out of recess, to
seal off corridor.
Poison gas begins filling sealed
off area (damage value 15).
Fifth round: Shard Cham-
ber caves in.
Taunt (13)
Intimidation 20
Possibility Potential: none
Powers: r t s s t n ~ to nDn7UJ1 weapons
Corruption Value: 16
Fear Rating: 1
Weakness: fire (severe)
True Death: Destruction of their
sarcophagi (TOU 20).
Shard Chamber
The most unusual thing about this
chamber is that it is lit bright as day.
An orb that represents Ra the sun god
hovers near the middle of the ceiling,
giving light to the chamber.
This roomis seven meters in width.
The room is bare save for a four-
meter-high statue of Anubis, with an
ankh on a chain around his neck. The
golden ankh has veins of red and blue
running through it, for it is an eternity
The Ankh of R.
Cosm: Core Earth
Possibilities: 40
Tapping Difficulty: 15
Purpose: To illuminateothers and to
Sixth round: Mummy
Chamber caves in.
Seventh round: Flimsy
bridge caves in.
Eighth round: Large hall
caves in.
inth round: Chamber of
Knowledge caves in.
Tenth round: Corridor of
Mummies caves in.
- Pressure plate to the left of
stone block is pressed: the caus-
tic ooze rushes out. The ooze
moves at a speed value of 8.
- Pressure plate in northern
corridor next to Chamber of
Knowledge is pressed: floor
swings open, revealing the ver
- Pressure plate in eastern
corridor next to Chamber of
Knowledge is is pressed: mum-
reveal that which is hidden.
Powers: Adds +3 to find and evidenre
analysis totals. Three times a day, the
Ankh can be commanded to shed a
powerful light in a 20 meter radius,
which nullifies all darkness, regard-
less of whether irs caused by magic,
miracles, pulp power, or otherwise.
The light lasts for one hour
Group Power: StelaeSense
Restrictions: Possibilities tapped
denee analysis, schoiIlr, sdenre) or re-
vealing it to others (languagt, perslllJ
Once the Ankh is found, the two
laborers, if present, give a cry of dread
and runout ofthechamber. Snee'scryis
anact - he' s headingfor his tent toalert
his Nite masters.
When the Ankh is taken, it springs
the temple's elaborate trap. An Anubis
Walking God smashes through the
floor's stone blocks (marked "X" on the
map) and attacks the Knights. If they
run, it will pursue.
mies in area Corridor of Mum-
mies fire their eye darts as vic
tims walk by.
Anyone in a room when it
caves in automatically suffers
cave-in damage. Damage value
for room cave-ins is 25, ignoring
victims' armor. The victims are
also trapped under rubble, re-
quiring a lifting or Strmglh total
of 18 to extricate oneself. A
Strength total of 15 is necessary
for someone else to pull one out
of the rubble
lf the room before a Knight
has caved in, aclimbing total of 14
is required to make their way
over the rubble. Failure means
they haveslid back into theorigi-
031 chamber. If a setbackoccurs, a
Knight might twist her ankle
among the rocks.
___ , :-:------------------........
62 'WOV
Act Three
Anubis Walking God
Dodge 12, maneuver 12, melee
weapons 10, unarmed combat 11
Lilting 18
Find 15, trick OS)
Test (6)
Taunt 06}
Intimidation 18, reality (Nile Em-
p;re) 14
Possibilities: 20
Inclination: Evil
Natural Tools: eye beams, find to
hit, damage value akin to slow spell
with value 24
Equipment: two-handed sword,
damage value STR+9/25
Granite Block
Oncethe trapisactiva ted, this huge
granite block begins to slide out of its
recess, sealing off thecorridor. It takes
three rounds to do so completely.
Block's Toughness is 30.
Once the Anubis Walking God is
defeated, a low rumble sounds, and
the walls begin to develop cracks. The
floor shakes.
Fromout of the wall behind the other
statue of Anubis (the one that had been
wearing the ankh) comes a spiked ball
ofiron, three meters indiameter, rolling
at a speed value of 10, courtesy of engi-
neeringmagic. It rolls throughtheShard
Chamber and the Mummy Chamber
and on to the flimsy stone bridge. The
bridge collapses once the ball gets half-
way across it.
Iron Ball
Toughness: 30, damage value: 25,
speed value: 10
If a victim suffers a hetroy wound or
better from a hit, he is stuck to a spike
and isnowrolling withthe ball,suHer-
ing an additional damage value of 15
for each stuck round. The ball has no
multi-arnon penalty for running over
more than one Knight.
Dividing the Spoils
The Victorians wish to keep the
Ankh, great archaeological find that
is. Hefty persuasion will be required to
get them to give it up, and on this
subject, they are hostile.
IfScope has not yet shared his infor-
mationon Wellingtonwiththe Knights,
he will do so now, as they have shown
their resourcefulness by obtaining this
artifact. When they return to thecamp,
he will tell them what he knows, give
them his journal (handout 2), and the
If the Knights have not obtained the
shard, they will have to rely on persua-
s;on to get Scope to talk.
6 ~ _
~ 63
Torg: The Clunt Man Return.
A Dark and Stormy
Night ...
A violent sandstonn will spring up
that night, effectively postponing any
plans the Knights had to leave until
the next day. This gives them the
chance to steal the shard if they have
not been able to obtain it any other
way (there will bea numberof sentries
equal to the number of Knights posted
as guards).
UsheisstiUalive, Victoria will make
an attempt to seduce and then kill one
ofthe maleKnights dwing theevening..
giving the Knights a c.hance to defeat
If the Knights turn down the
archaeologist's offer to explore the
tomb, or do not explore the secret ar-
eas, one of the laborers will find the
Ankh and set off the traps. He will
stumble into the Main Chamber, on
the verge of death, shard in his hands.
The Nile attack will still take place at
dawn of the next day.
If the Knights neutralized Snee 1Je..
fore the expedition went down into
the tomb, Scene Four will still occur,
since 5nee is supposed to check in
three times a day: sunrise, noon, sun-
down. The attack will come at dawn.
Award the Knights one Persever-
ance point for this scene. If they suc-
ceeded in obtaining Scope's journal
and sword, award them two more
Cut To ...
As the sun rises over the desert the
next moming.. cut to Scene Four 'The
Pulp Raid:'
The Pulp Raid
The Situation
Dramatic. The secret Nile contin-
gent. alerted by Snee, swoops down
on the camp, intent on getting the
eternity shard.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
You are awakened from a sound
sleep by the sound of a tremendous
explosion that rocks the camp. This is
followed by harrowing screams, rifle
fire and the distinctive noise of mo-
torized vehicles coming nearer and
If the Knights look out their tent
flap to see what the trouble is, read:
The first thingyou see is the statue
that had stood in the middle of the
camp, now blown to rubble. In the
distance, laborers explode into
flames, apparentlycaught inan axiom
But what is most stunning is the
sight of a horde of machinegun-
wielding shocktroopers, many on
foot, some in jeeps, roaring down on
the Victorian camp. A pair of Nile
tanks are alsoclosingin, while II third
tank explodes, a victim of Victorian
artillery batteries. A pair of recon-
naissancevehicles roar past thetanks,
machine guns blazing.
The Regimenters are lined up in
skirmish formation, firing at the Nile
shocktroopers and being cut down in
hails of lead for their troubles.
Even in the confusion of baUle,.
you cannot miss the sight of two cos-
tumed figures hovering ten meters in
the air above the battle, shouting or-
ders and laughing insanely.
The Action
Theencampment is under attackby
Nileshocktroopers led by twovillains,
Dr. Totten and the Scarlet Asp. Using
a Victorian field piece purchased on
the black market, the Asp had the
Orrorshan hardpoint blownup. Domi-
nant Nile is now nooding back into
this area, causing Ord laborers to per-
ish as they transform a second time.
Veteran Shocktroopers (SO)
Beast riding 11, fire combat 12,
heavy weapons 12, unarmed com-
bat 12
Climbing 10
Find 9, first aid 9, tracking 9, trick 9
Survival 9, test 9, willpower 12
Taunt 10
Faith (Egyptian) 12, intimidation
Possibility Potential: some (55)
Equipment: KK81, damage value
19, ammo 24, range 3-40/400/1k; gre-
nades (2). damage value 19, explosive
burstradius,D-3/8/15; bayonet,dam-
age value STR+4/13; field kit
Mk 13-Khepera Tanks (2)
TOU 27; speed value 60/40/11;
crew 4; annament: 75mm gun, dam-
age value 27, ammo 1, range lD0-600/
lk/2.5k; two 30mm Khaifus, damage
value 25, ammo 11, range J..250/1k/
MC2 Serseru (2)
TOU 26; speed value 100/60/12;
crew3;armament: Kocha machinegun,
damage value 22, ammo 5, range 3-
Senehem Jeeps (6)
TOU 15; speed value 150/100/13;
crew 4
Scarlet Asp
Acrobatics 13, dodge 16, melee
weapons 14, running 13, stealth 15,
unanned combat 15
Climbing 12
Find 14, first aid 15, hieroglyphics
14, land vehicles 15, scholar (Terran
Mystery Men and villains) 14,
scholar (master criminal) 16, trick
Test 14, weird science 16, willpower
Charm 19, persuasion 18, taunt 18
... ... """64.,.---------------------
Act I hree
lntimidation 14., reality (,Nile Em--
pire) t6
Possibilities.' 28
Indlnali"", Evil
Equipment Asp headband TOU
12, powers: disptrslJ/20, electro--ray 20;
asp staff: TOU 15, powers; force field
20, Oight 15. mind control 17; skimpy
costume, lots of gold jewelry, scarlet
IUgh heels
Description: The Soulet Asp is the
typical pulp villa.iness: she mixes her
evil in with a healthy dose of sex ap-
peal She will use hercharmson males
whenever she stands to gainby doing
so. She has a malicious sense of hu-
mor,andloves to injure women whom
she perceives asbeing mor:eattractive
Doctor Totten
Dodge", firecombal14, flight U,
heavy weapons 13, maneuver 13,
meleerornbat 14, unannedrombat
Air vehicles 16, Egyptian religion
12. evidence analysis 13. find 12,
land vehicles 12, language 12.
scholar (burial customs) 17, scholar
(Nile reaJm.lore) 15, scholar (mas-
ter criminal) 13, trick 16
Artist (organist) 15, hypnotism 14,
medicine 15, test 14, weird science
15, willpower 14
Charm 15. persuasion 15, taunt 17
Faith (Egyptian) 13, intimidation
16, reality (Nile Empire) 13
Possibilities: 13
Inclination: Evil
Pulp Powers: Brainbuster, value 17;
withering touch, value 20
Equlpment: Skull suit. armor value
TOU+5/ 15;9mmLuger,damagevalue
15, ammo 8, range 3-10/25/4
Description: Young Otto Von
Totten was an accomplished German
ace during Terra's Creat War. After
the war, he went into medicine, with
an emphasis on developing weird. sci-
ence powers in humans.
One day, Totten experimented on
himself, and received the touch of
death. Still chafing from the outcome
of the Great War, he now is obsessed
with death in all its forms.
Totten is subject to mood. swings; at
onemoment heisaristocratic, cultured,
and droll; another moment, heis filled
with thoughts of death and e s t r u ~
Running the Battle
The shocktroopers have orders to
target Storm Knights first, since they
constitute the greatest threat. If Snee
got any messages out, the attackers
know exactly who the Knights are.
The Knights, before they get a
chance tosplit up into pairsor solo, are
attacked by two Senehems (each with
four troopers) and two dozen
shocktroopers on foot. Three rounds
later, a Serseru joins in the fray. Three
rounds after that, a Khepera tank en-
ters the battle.
After the Knights have had a total
of ten rounds of combat, gamemasters
shouJd gauge theoverall battleby how
successful the heroes have been. If the
Knights have dealt with all of the Nile
.......""'66".....-------------------- ~
forces thrown at them, they face a
showdown withthepulp villains. Scat-
tered pockets of Nile resistance will
keep the Victorians out of this show-
If the Knights were overwhelmed
by the Nile (orces to the point of re-
treating or sustaining over 50 percent
casualties (dead, KO'd or uncon-
llCious), the Nile forces rout the Victo-
rians, who flee IOUth. The pulp vil-
lains' focus now becomes the Stann
Knights, whomtheybelievemust have
the shard (whether they actuaUy door
not is another story).
Note that the villains will try to
incapacitate the Stonn Knights rather
than kill them outright. The Knights
are to be taken alive. flowever, if some
Knights seemto berather successful at
inflictingwounds on the villai"" those
offenders will be slain, probably by a
very enthusiastic Dr. Totten.
The goals of the villains are to get
the eternity shard, get any death-re-
tated rituals, and capture some Stonn
If(somehow) Victoria Sigurd is still
alive at this point, she will use the
confusion to try to kill Scope. The pr0-
fessor, meanwhile, will have his frag-
ile mind SlUllp at the sight of the car-
nage of battle.
Unless a Stonn Knight was specifi-
cally assigned to watch Scope, the
Knights requireafindor Perception roll
of 15 to notice his state. One roD is
made per group of Stonn Knights per
Ending the Battle
utheNilelon.'OSarelosing thebattle,
the Scarlet Asp and Dr. Totten will
beat a hasty retreat using their flight
powers. ll\ey will disappear over the
northern dunes.
Defeated shoc:ktroopers will lay
down their anns and surrender. Inter--
rogation of theshoc:ktroopersor trad-
ing (difficulty3) thembacktothesource
of the attack will reveal that on the
other skle of the north dunes, a cam-
ouflaged base exists.
The Nile
Refer to Map 10, "The Nile Base,"
while running this .section.
This secret: basewasbuilt 18months
ago. The entrances are concealed by a
camouflage net (find or Pm:qnion total
of 18 to uncover the door). The base
has a total complement of 100
Barracks and Me Hall
There are two barracks, each hold-
ing SO shoc.ktroopers.
The air is filled with the smell of
incense. Dominatingthe roomisa solid
gold statueofSebek, thecroc.odilegoo.
Faith and focus attempts when invok
ing Egyptian miracles receive a +2
bonus in this shrine, whileattempts to
invokeother miracles suffer a +2tothe
difficulty numbers.
Prie.t.' Quarters
Each room contains a priest of
Sebek. a simple cot, a holy symbol of
Sebek, a lamp, and a miniature altar
for personal worship.
Priest of Sebek
Dodge 12, maneuever 11, melee
weapons 12, stealth 12, unanned
combat 10
TOUGHNESS 9 (11 with mask)
Egyptian religion 14, find 12, first
aid 13, hierogyphics 14, language
13. mathematics 12, scholar (as-
tronomy) 13, trick 13
Test 12, will power 11
Faith (Egyptian religion) 14, focus
13, intimidation 12, reality (Nile
Empire) 14
Possibilities; 2
Indination: Evil
Khopesh sword. dam-
age value STR+5/14; Sebek holy sym-
bol, golden crocodile mask: increases
Toughness by two, electro-rays shoot
Ad Thm
from the mask's eyes (value 16) usable
every other round.
Scarlet Asp'. Room
Plushscarlet furniture, rug, pillows.
and bunting decorates this room. The
air smells of music. incense.
Themusk incense isa weird science
creation which works on male Stann
Knights. For everyround spent inside
the room, each maJe Stann Knight is
"attacked" by thescent (value 18). The
scent's total is compared to the Stonn
Knight's Mind or willpower. The result
is read on the General Results Table:
Minimal/Average: No effect.
Good: Victim's Mind temporarily
drops by 1. If the victim is removed
from the incense, he will return to
normal in one hour.
Superior: The victim will be unable
to muster the will to fight the Scarlet
Spectacular: Thevictimwill notonly
be unable to fight the Asp, he will feel
compelled to protect her from those
who would cause her hann.
A secret panel (find or Peraption of
18 to spot) leads to a corridor thai
takes the user to the submarine pens.
Doctor Totten's Room
Painted black, this room is filled
with statues and symbols of death. A
secret panel (find or Puception of 18to
spot) leads toa corridor that takes the
user to the submarine pens.
Major Teth-Ra'. Room
This man is the leader of the Nile
garrison. The room has a bed, desk.
and a fewchairs. Asecretpanel (find or
Pm:eption of 18 to spot) leads to a
corridor thai' the user to the sub-
marine pens.
Inside the Major's desk (which is
unlocked) are his orders:
Wait for word from Snee the Mole
regarding significant finds at the Vic-
torian dig. If one is found, strike the
dig, take the artifact, and lc.ill all the
Also, use the submarine to wreak
havoc on Red Sea shipping. Victorian
vessels are fair game.
The orders are signed by Over-
governor Neteru.
Tors: The ClIunl Mlln Returns
The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 10
e Nile Base
Major Telh-Ra
Dodge 12, fire combat 16, maneu-
ver 14, melee combat 12, running
14, stealth 14, unarmed combat 13
Find 11, hieroglyphics 12, land ve-
hicles 13, scholar(militarystrategy)
Willpower 12
Persuasion 14, taunt 12
Faith (Egyptian religion) 9, intimi-
dation 14, reality (Nile Empire) 10
Possibilities: 6
Inclination: Evil
Equipment: 9mm Luger, damage
value IS, ammo 8, range 3-10/25/40;
Description: Teth-Ra is an ambi-
tious man who wishes to rise in favor
with Overgovemor Neteru. A mili-
tary genius, he employs strategy and
values patience.
Dr. Weinermeyer's Room
Filled with clutter, dirty clothes, and
stacks of books, this is the room of a
weird scientist.
Among the debris is: four housings,
eight boosters,sevencompensators, four
possibility capacitors, three power
plants, 17 adaptors, and 25 caps. There
are also numerous tools for use in the
construction of weird science gadgets.
Doctor Hans Weinermeyer
Fire combat 9, running 9
Act Three
Evidence analysis 16, find IS, lan-
guage 14, mathematics 14, scholar
(electronics) 15, scholar(Nile realm
lore) 16
Hypnotism 16, weird science 19
Possibilities: none
Inclination: Evil
Equipment: 9mm Luger, damage
value 15, ammo 8, range 3-10/25/40;
weUdsciencetoolkit, lolsofpens, pocket
protector, monocle
Description: Doctor Weinerrneyer is
from Terra's Germany. He is 60 years
old and hasa huge rnopof white hairon
his head. A bit absent-minded, he is stiU
a brilliant weird scientist.
Knights. Locks on the steel doors re-
quire lock pidring totals of 20 to open.
Ammo Dump
Boxesandcratesfilled withammuni
tion for tanks, planes, and small armsl
rifles of the i1e Empire. U the dump
blows up, it will take the complex (and
half the hillside) with it.
Molar Pool
This area contains repair/refuelling
facilities for the motor vehicles. The ve-
hicle inventory includes:
Mk 13-Khepera Tanks (3)
TOU27;speed value60/4O/11;crew
4; armament 75mmgun,damagevalue
V,ammo 1, range 100-600/1k/25k; two
11, range 3-250/l k/2k
MO5erseru (3)
3; armament: 30mm Kocha, damage
value 22, ammo 5, range 3-100/600/1k
Senehem Jeeps (10)
TOU 15; speed value 150/100/13;
Troop Trucks (6)
TOU20;speed value 100/60/1 pass
Weird Science Lab
This huge room glows with the light
of dozens of electronic tubes and wires.
Ughtning crackles between electrodes,
and the smell of ozone fills the air.
This is the lab where Doctor Weiner-
meyer practices his scientific experi-
ments. The evil doctor can be found in
the lab from 8 a.m. to midnight.
Hisprideand joy is the Enneadotron.
The Ennead is the term for the most
powerful gcds of the Egyptian religion.
The gizmo is a weapon which has four
settings, each one producing a power
similar to that of an Egyptian god. The
settings are:
Set: droth ray (value 25)
Ra: flash (value20, stundaITh"lgeonly,
victims have +6 added to the difficulty
numbers of all skill attempts requiring
sight for three rounds following attack).
Isis: mind control (value 25)
Anubis; [eor (value 20)
In order to use the device, a weird
sciena total of 12 must be generated.
Unskilled individuals may attempt to
use it. generating a Mind total of 17.
Failure results in a setback for the user.
Housed In here are:
PM 1 Pakel Fighters (6)
TOU 27; speed value 600/380/16;
crew 1, armament: two .30 Khaifu
11, range 3-250/1k/2k
TOU 22; speed value 400/250/15;
pass. 24; armament: one turret with
8, range 3- 25O/1k/2k
This plane can be used to get the
Stonn Knights back to Orrorsh. The
nearest landing place within that realm
is New London (Padang),
Motorcycles (U)
TOU 12; speed value 150/100/13;
pass 3
These motorbikes are stored here to
enable troops to move quickly to the
secret underground submarine pen
two kilometers to the east.
The bikes each have a sidecar, and
there is enough room for someone to
ride behind the driver.
The Sub Pen
This pen houses one of Mobius'
submarines, which patrols the Red Sea
and western Indian Ocean. Access to
the sub pen comes from the tunnel
that leads to the underground Nile
base. Note that 10 of the base's
Nile Submilrine
TOU25; speed value25/15/9; crew
40; armament: four torpedo tubes,
damage value 34, ammo 1, range-/
age value 28, ammo 10, range 400-1k/
If the Knights have not gotten the
needed information from Scope be-
fore he goes in!laI\e, they will be un-
able to get anything coherent from
him. However, they can still look at
his journal and recover his sword.
If, by some mischance, the Knights
have not obtained the sword, they're
going to have to get an enchanted
blade from somewhere. Maybe it's
time for a side trip to Aysle ...
If the Nile forces win the big battle,
Asp and Totten will fly the surviving
Knights to the secret base. There, the
male hero with the highest CiuJriSmJl
becomes the piaythingofthe Aspwhile
his comrades are tortured by Totten.
Once both villains have had their
fun, the heroes are flown to Thebes
and turned over to Mobius for interro-
gation and more fun.
Should the Knightsnot find the hid
den Nile cargo plane, they can easily
head back to Port Sudan and hire a
plane to get them back to Orrorsh.
A Nemesis card played here will
make either Asp or Totten an arch
enemy. If the Knight is female, the Asp
becomes the Nnnni,.
A male Storm KniKht finds himself
in love with Asp if Jle plays the Rq-
mJlnce card, or, the Asp decides that
the Knight may be good for a brief
Act Awards
Defeating the Nile forces and gain-
ing the information on Wellington's
weaknesseams each StormKnightslx
If the Victorians were Wiped out,
award the Knights only four Possibill
Gaining the eternity shard, or cap-
turing either of the pulp villains are
actions worth one PossibiJlty each.
Cut To ...
Oncethe Knights leave the Nileand
head back to Orrorsh, cut to Act Four.
Act Four
Act Four
Recurring Fears
The Major Beat
The Storm Knights land in New
London (Padang), and have a chance
toexplorethecity and hopefully make
contact with the Sign of Six.
After trekking through the jungle,
encountering obstacles and meeting
gypsies, the Knights arrive at the For-
tress of the Dead and deal with the
Ayslish menaces therein.
Crossing the channel into Sing-
apore, the heroes have the option of
Skutharka before facing
off against General Avery Wellington
and his bodyguards.
Merry Olde
New London
Standard. The Storm Knights have
a chance to explore New London a bit,
and perhaps rest up before they pro--
cet'd any further. While in the city.
they can find theSign of Six headquar-
ters and try to obtain the Rose
they need to stop Wellington.
When the Storm Knights arrive in
New london (see Map 13), read aloud
or paraphrase the follOWing:
The former Core Earth city of
Padang, now called New london,
sprawls before you. Gone are the
power lines, street lights, television
antennae, and other signs of themod-
em age. In their place, old chimneys
and smokestacks dot the cityscape. It
is as if you have stepped into a
Sherlock Holmes story.
In New london harbor, steam-
ships and warships of a bygone era
dockor set sail, with burlylongshore-
men loading and unloading, cargo.
On the streets, people either walk,
ride horses, or use horse-<lrawn wag-
ons orblack hansom cabs. Instead of
electric street lights, gaslight lamps
dot the major thoroughfares.
Even modem clothing has been
changed. Women wear long dresses,
shawls, and floppy hats or bonnets,
while men wear suitsand top hats or
derbies. The native Indonesians you
see are dressed in either rags or ser-
vants' clothing.
One more manifestation of Victo-
rian reality is immediately obvious:
the 'air is chilly and damp; rain and
fog abound.
The Action
The Knights can wander around
the city for a while, if they wish. The
following are descriptions of some of
the points of interest in New london.
The city may be a good place to stock
u.p on arms, equipment and / or provi-
sions. Note that the only equipment
available is of Victorian vintage.
The Ben and Whistle Pub
One of the mosl popular pubs in
New London. it is a prime SOurce of
and. Many off-duty
saIlors and Victonansoldiers frequent
Among the latest bits of gossip:
Lord Bryon Salisbury will be return-
ing to Victorian society very soon.
General Avery Wellington has gone
off to Singapore. He set sail on the
HMS Vixen several days ago. and
ought toarrive in Singaporeby tomor-
The Japanese have been doing ex-
tensive trade with the Victorians.
For quite some time now, General
Wellington has been ordering expedi-
Torg: n ~ Gaunt Man ~ l u m s
tions to the underground caverns un-
dcrOrrorsh. He seemsespecially keen
on finding any books on magic, for the
purpose of his personally destroying
them, no doubt.
The gamemaster should feel free to
insert his own campaign rumors, or
those from Illfilliverse. The Bell and
Whistle is also a good place to insert
interesting gamemaster characters
from other realms.
New London Public Library
The best source of infonnation in
the city, and prime location to use the
resetlrch skill. Most Core Earth books
dealing with geogra phy, history, mys-
ticism, and religion are intact. The li-
brary is open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Police Headquarters
The primary place of incarceration
for criminals and unruly Storm
Knights. It is always manned by at
least 30 constables and a platoon of
Victorian military. They are openly
suspicious of non-Victorian Storm
Knights snooping around on private
Chief Inspector Oliver Lessarde is
the officer who deals with most non-
Victorian Stann Knights.
Regimental Headquarters,
Queen's Own 17th Lancers
Colonel Percival Livingston, com-
manding. Colonel Uvingston isa hard-
nosed, narrow-minded disciplinarian
who gives long lectures about Victo-
rian values, and dislikes anyone not
7th Regiment, Victorian
Royal Order
Colonel Harry Baker,commanding.
Colonel Baker is a reasonable man,
and a bit more open minded than the
average Victorian military officer.
St. Christopher's Cathedral
A SaceUum cathedral which has
grown from a small church, run by
Father Brian Shaw and the corrupt
Deacon Ishmael Crawford. Both men
live in a parsonage bUilding attached
to the church.
Father Brian Shaw
See page 51 of the Orrorsh source-
Deacon Crawford
See page 51 of the Orrorsh source-
Sign of Six Secret Meeting
Themanorhouseat221 Rhodesland
Street is the headquarters of the Sign
of Six. The manor is owned by Dr.
Angus Stormfield. Angus lives here
with his butler, cook, maid, and two
workmen, the latter acting as body-
Act Four
1. Bell and Whistle Pub
2. New London Public
3. New Scotland Yardl
police office
4. Regimental headquarters,
17th Lancers
5. Regimental headquarters,
7th Regulars
6. Saint Christopher's
7. Sign of Six meeting house
8. ew London graveyard
Government buildings
ra Public buildings
-- Railroad
While theStorm Knightsaretravel-
ling in ew London, unsettling things
happen around due to the artificial
corruption given them by the Gaunt
Gamemasters should feel free to
include as many manifestations as are
deemed appropriate. A good rule of
thumb is, the longer they stay in New
London, the more phenomena occur.
Any temporary phenomena last for a
few minutes, usually ending when
more than one Knight notices it.
Nighttime in NewLondon isa grim
affair. Thecobblestone streets areonly
dimly lit by gaslight, and a chilling fog
brings a feel of mystery and danger. If
the Knights are still being followed by
techno-demons, one attacks at night.
The Taint of
New London Graveyard
Thereis nothinghereofsignificance,
but the characters don't know that. It
is merelya scary little place that proper
Victorians avoid.
Cruel gamemasters can always
plant a few ghouls or second-planting
gospog in the various crypts.
mention that a lighthouse exists near
the Fortressofthe Dead, located across
the Strait of Malacca from Singapore.
Artemis Bunn, the lighthouse-keeper,
is a fellow member of the Sign of Six.
Bunn can lend them boats to cross the
sea to Singapore, but first they will
have to travel overland to reach the
Angus will also teU them he has
heard that Karkthusa, Inc. inSingapore
is allied with Wellington, and its of-
fices might have valuableinformation.
(!j(J The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 11
New London (Padang)
, - .
\ ;-
Angus Stormfield
See page 45 of the Orrorsh source-
Angus has grown the Peace Roses
on the grounds himself, and will not
part with them unless persuaded.
Angus starts out as neutral toward the
Storm Knights, though if they have a
signed letter by Professor Scope, his
attitude is Any positive result
will net the Knights one rose each.
U the Knights manage to convince
Stormfield of their intentions, he will
Tors: The Caunt Man Return.
The Situation
The Knights gain one Perseverance
point if they obtain at least 'One Gaeao
Peace Rose.
Jungle Fever
Cut To
The Action (OJ;, "Let's
Unnerve The
Gamemastersshould inflict acouple
of the following tricks on the Storm
Knights as they travel through the
Standw. While traveUing over-
land on the island of Majestic, the
Knights encounter jungle difficulties
and a gypsy camp.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
You leave the hustle. bustle- and
relative safety - of New London be-
hind you as the surrounding jungle
e.gerly sw.illows you up.
The oobblestone highw.1y le.1ving
thedtyeventu.a.Uybecomes.1dirt road.
whidl intumeventuallybecomes little
more tlwt a beatat
AU around you are the sounds of
omimals, birds.,. omd insects. You fer-
vently pray th.1t these CI'e.1tures Me
nonnal and not twisted in some way
by Onorshan rulity. Every once in a
while, you hur om odd rustling. as if
somethingw.asko.pingp;I<Ow;!h you.
All the while, the humiditydings to
your skin and the dense jungle closes
in on you.
If the Knightsdecide to travel over-
land tatlle Fortressofthe Dead.rot to
Scene Two.
If they are able to travel directly to
Singapore. rot to Scene Four.
A Identity card played means
the Knight is rerognized by a CO<TUpt
Victorian soldier as a threat to Well-
ington. At some point dUring the
Knight's stay in New London., Vfd&.
rian infantrymen will arrive to arrest
her and her companions.
A Corrnocfiorr card played means
one of the Knights knows Angus. He
will be willing to cooperate and no
ptrSWlsion rolls are necessary.
A Conntdio" card played by a Vic--
tortan soldier Storm KniAht wiUallow
him to leam that General
departed for Singapore several days
ago on urgent business.
A Mistaken Iderrtity card makes An-
gus believe that the Knights are work-
ing for Wellington. During their stay
in New London. a group o(ten Sign of
Six members attacks the party using
occult rituals.
London. and has even fewer transpor--
Iation facilities. Trains leaveevety four
hours,. fare is twosterlings per passen-
ger one way.
There are roads from New London
and Sibolga which connect each
as well as leading to the Fortress of the
Dead. It lake! three days to reach the
Fortress from New London-. ft takes
one day to walk from Sibolga to the
Should the Knights fail to sway
Stormfiel<L he will snarl that if the
Knights really want Peace Roses, they
should '"seek them out in the bloody
Fortress of the Dead on the eastern
If Victoria Sigurd did not perish in
the Nile dig, she will have warned
Governor Robert Ashton about the
Stann Knights. The Knights will be
arrested at the first opportunity. espe-
dally if they visit any government
building or the library.
If a Storm Knight happens to be a
member of the Sign of Six. he will be
able to secure Angus' help without
There are no scheduled ship depar-
tures for Singapore until next week.
There are no flights, as all planes have
If the Knights brought an aircraft
and left it unattended. it has either: a)
transfonned intoa hot air balloonand,
unattended, drifted off, now flying
somewhere over New Guinea. or b)
Victorian troops stumbled upon it,
didn't understand what it was. and so
used it as a target for artillery practice.
It is now in smoldering ruins.
The New Londondocksdonot have
yachts for hire. Chartering a boat will
take at least a week.
The Knights can take a train to
Sibolga, further up the coast. How-
ever, Sibolga iseven smaller than New
Getting Out of
New London
When the Knights walk by a small
Sacellum church., the steeple and bell
tower rollapse with a loud crash and
bong (this happens only once).
The Knights cast noshadow{tempo-
A Sacellum priest walks by. M soon
as the Knights look at him, the priest's
cross cracks in two and falls off its
Animals (dogs, cats. horses. mostly)
howl, hiss, and panic In the presence
of the Storm Knights (temporary).
The knights' footprints are shaped
like those of a clawed beast (tempo-
A rain of blood faUt on the KnIghts.
following them around. and stops af-
ter one minute (temporary).
Talking toa citizen of New London.
one Knight sees the person's face
change into a demon's visage (tempo-
As the Knights' shadows fall upon a
blind beAAar. the man opens his eyes
and joytUlly announces that he can
see. He takes one look at the Knights,
screams "Devils!", gouges his own
eyes out, and collapses of a heart at-
tack. his mouth locked wide open In a
silent screamof fear (this happens only
74 . "Wo'lV
Act Four
The Knights see a shadowout of the
comer of their eyes. When they tum to
face it, it is gone.
Something grabs at their clothing
... it's a branch.
Something seems to grab a Knight's
ankle. The Knight has stepped into a
tangle of gnarled vines.
All jungle noises stop for one minute.
A loud crash booms through the
jungle, like80meone just felled a huge
(At night) Things land on the heads
of several Storm Knights, and begin
pulling at their hair and screeching.
Bats have gotten tangled up in several
Knights' hair.
Monkey See,
Monkey Slay
Halfwaybetween where they came
from and where they're going. the
Knights encounter monkeys.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Your jungle trek is taking its toll on
you. Exhaustion and fear are the over-
ridingemotionsinyourheart. Theheat,
the claustrophobia of the jungle, and
the persistent presence of insects is
making this a miserable trip.
The despair subsides as you hear
some loud chattering, and you see a
group of a hill dozen monkeys play
ing in the high grass and the trees.
They make delightful acrobatic rna
neuvers and toss somdhing back and
forth, possibly a gourd or coconut
Wait for the Knights to react, then
continue reading:
The monkeys see you and begin to
chatter louder, jumping up and down
as if for joy at haVing an audience.
Several monkeys shyly approach
you and hand you bananas and other
delicious fruits.
Wait for the Knights to react. Uthey
ask, the monkeys are eating the fruit,
too. Uthe Knights accept the fruit, ron-
tinue reading:
Delighted that their gifts were ae--
cepted, the monkeys scamper back to
their original positions, then stare at
you and chatter noisily. They begin to
go deeper into the jungle, but stop and
look at you again. their speech grow
ing louder.
AnevidenceQlUlfysisor Perapl ion total
of 8 win reveal that the monkeys want
the Knights to foUow them, If they do,
read the fonowing aloud:
After a few minutes, the monkeys
slop their scampering. You find your-
selves in a great clearing, with dozens
of monkeys leaping about and play
In the middle of the clearing is a
heap of siones, with a headless human
corpse lashed upright on a pole. The
monkeys who were playing with the
Torg: The Gaunl Man Relurn.
gourd place it on the corpse, and you
see thai it is in fact a decomposed hu-
tIUn head
At once, ;ill the monkeys surround
the figure and begin worshipping il
They no longer chatter, but ratherthey
makea moaningsound that resembles
speech of some sort.
Have the Knights make a Persever-
ance check.
A Perception total of 15 reveals that
the noises are a chant of "Gaunt Man,
Gaunt Man, Gaunt Man." Should the
Knights either disrupt the ceremony
or try to run away, the monkeys, en-
raged, attack.
Monkey-Things (36)
Acrobatics 18, dodge 19, melee
weapons 14, unarmed combat 15
Oimbing 15
Find 11, track 12, trick 16
Taunt 12
Intimidation 12
Possibility Potential: none
NaturaJ Tool.s: fangs, damage value
Equipment: Human femur clubs ,
damage value STR+4/15
Power Rating: 0
Corruption Value: 12
Fear Rating: 1/2
Weakness: None
True Death: Any
The monkey-things will take any
dead Storm Knights, cut them open,
stuff them with fruit, bamboo, and
leaves, and prop them in a circle
around the altar.
Thebodyon the pole wasan Ayslish
mage. In his pouch lies a carved piece
of wood (an arcane knowledge object,
plant 2), spell components, a seal (a
scholar (Aysle rftllm lord total of 8 re-
veals that it signifies that the bearer
acts on orders of Lady Pella Ardinay),
and a parchment fTagment that reads
"... word has it that W,O.'s force is
laired at the F. of D, mayhap changed
to the laws of this land ... "
The mage has a backpack with a
purse inside, containing 100 Ayslish
trades, and a spell book with the fol-
lOWingspells: LL"{rieu's spell staff, plant
shackles, sun flower, tret! ward, clumge to
falcon, detect tndh, disguise self, silence,
Wagons East
On the night before they arrive at
the Fortress of the Dead, the Knights
stumble upon a gypsy camp.
Read aloud or paraphrase the fol-
From beyond the jungle growth,
theslrainsofmusic-accordion, tam-
bourine, and flute-are heard, min-
gling with the sounds of laughing
and clapping.
If the Knightsdecide to investigate,
continue reading:
You part the underbrush to see a
camp with eight brightly colored
wagons in a d.rc.le. In the center, a
huge bonfire roars. Beautiful women
in long skirts and colorful scarves
dance provocatively, while the seated
menfolk play their instruments and
clap their hands.
The gypsies have a neutral attitude
towards the Storm Knights. The he-
roes mayattempt to persuadethegyp-
sies of their good intentions. If the
gypsies are made frirnd1y, they will
offer the Knights a place tosleep and a
hot meal and good drink.
Fortwo sterlings, Anna, a beautiful
gypsy woman, will read anyone
Knight's fortune with a Tarot deck.
Gamemasters should improvise an
appropriate fortune, hinting of things
to come without giving away the end-
ing of the adventure.
For five sterlings, Anna will contact
the spirits to answer questions.
If Anna uses true sight on any party
members, she will recoil, scream, and
insist that the group leave the camp
immediately. She has seen the taint of
corruption on the Knights.
The gypsies will sell or trade the
following things: bottle of holy water,
2 sterlings (fake); healing balm, 4
sterlings, (fake); silver knife, 10 ster
lings, (real); wolfsbane,1 sterling (real);
poison antidote, 5 sterlings {fake},
Anna Vostovich
Acrobatics 14, beast riding 14,dodge
14, lock picking 14, maneuver 13,
melee weapons 13, prestidigitation
_ ~ ~ ........
76 -.:v
15, stealth 16, unarmed combat 14
Find 14, first aid 13, languages 14
Artist (dancing) 14, occult 12, will-
power 12
Chann 14, persuasion 14, taunt 13
Reality (Orrorsh) 12,spirit medium
IS, true Sight 14
Possibilities: 8
Equipment: Colt Peacemaker, dam-
age value 15, ammo 6, range3-5/15/40;
boot knife, damage value STR+3/11;
Tarot deck.. crystal ball, colored pow-
ders, silver jewelry, wolfsbane
Description: Anna is very much a
free spirit. An expert dancer and spirit
medium, she is headstrong and inde-
pendent. She loves flirting with non-
gypsy men, and especially enjoys flirt-
ing with several at a timeinorder to see
them fight over her.
ARomanacaro makes Anna fall for
a male Storm Knight, or vice versa.
ASuspicion orMistaken Idmtitysub-
plot makes Anna do a true sight read-
ing on the party.
If the characters are stuck, the
gamemaster may arrange to have the
Knights encounter the gypsies within
New London itself. Anna can give
them the clues they need, specifically
that Avery Wellington is now in
The Knights receive one Persever-
ance point for defeating the monkey-
Cut To ...
Once the Knights reach the Fortress
of the Dead, rut to Scene Three.
Lighthouse of
The Situation
Standard. The Fortress of the Dead
lies on the coast of Majestic, garri-
soned by dead men and an Aylish
Draconis Teutonica which has trans-
formed to Orrorsh. Beyond the for-
tress lies a Victorian lighthouse and a
small dock withseveral boats (seeMap
12). The time is 5:00 p.m.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
The fog parts enough for you to
make oul the imposing sh.Jpe of the
Fortress of the De.Jd. The pl.Jce is
quiet, with no sign of habitation
The sun has aLre.Jdy begun to set,
and twilight is creeping in. You hear
the roar of the W.Jves as they crash
.Jg.Jinst the rocks. Every half minute,
a brilliant beam of light swings by,
shining from a tall slructure beyond
the Fortress.
Once theparty closes in to within20
meters, continue reading:
The ground all around you erupts
as dozens of anned skeletons emerge
from the earth.
When the Portuguese built this for-
tress centuries ago, they used the
Muslim gravestones as raw malerial.
These skeletons are the corpses of the
restless dead whose graves were vio-
Skelelons (36)
Reality: Orrorsh
Melee weapons 13, unanned com-
bat 13
Find 11, track 12
Willpower 10
Act Four
Taunt (14)
Intimidation 15
Possibility Potential: none attJJa form resistJJnce (fire-
Corruption Value: 10
Fear Rating: 1/2
We..Jkness: Muslim holy symbols
True De.Jth: Disassembling the For-
tressand placing thestones back where
they belong.
The Elder Wyrm
Once inside the Fortress proper, the
Knights havean even biggersurprisc:
a Draconis Teutonica, converted to
Orrorshan reality, resides in the open-
air fortress.
Trankh, the Elder Wynn
Flight 12, unarmed combat 12
Find 23, track 20, trick 23
Occult 15, test 21, willpower 20
Chann 10, persuasion 11, taunt 12
Intimidation 15, reality (Orrorsh)
Possibilities: 20
Natural Tools: scales, armor value
TOU+12/35; wings, speed value 11;
claws, damage value STR+3/30
Powers:Iire attack (value 42); elemell-
tal alteratiOll (mist, vallie 24); blur fonn
Corruption Value: 20
Fear Rating: 2
Weakness: magic attack (stymie)
True Death: Pierced in the heart by
a blessed sword wielded by one who
is pure of heart.
Description: Trankh enjoys this
new reality, since she can now induce
fear into her victims, something she
hasalways wanted todo. Ifthe Knights
talk to her, she will explain that she
had come to Orrorsh with a party of
Ayslish folk in search of evidence of
the Gaunt Man's return.
When the Ayslish ranafoul of light-
house-keeper Bunn, the man invoked
a reality storm against the dragon.
[II] The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 12
Fortress Environs/Lighthouse
1. Fortress of the Dead
2. Lighthouse
3. Dock
4. Wyrm
S. Peace roses
6. Kitchen
7. Bathroom
8. Bedroom
9. Storeroom
10. Guest room
11. Coal bin
12. Furnace room
13. Cenerator room
14. Suppy room
15. Stairs
The Lighthouse
.........__,#'... CHlTTE
Cut To
StandardlDramatic. The Knights ar
rive in SingaJX>re. They can take some
time to rest and resupply, or they can
head right to Karkthusa, Inc.
the Knights encounter Skutharka.
Highatop the Royal CrownColony
skyscraper, occupying the top two
floors, is Karkthusa, Inc., firm of the
Nightmare Skutharka.
Access to the Royal Crown Colony
Skyscraper is available from 7:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m.
Abusiness total of 15 will reveal that
Karkthusa is listed as being owned by
a Mr. Ho. A scholar (Orrorsha/l realm
lore) total of 11 reveals that Ho is the
aide to the Nightmare Skutharka.
having an easy time of it, Trankh, if
still alive, may fly up and attempt to
destroy the boats when they are half
way across the strait.
The journey across the straits takes
six hours by boat.
In this case, Bunn's notes should in-
clude an entry which mentions that
Wellington is going to attempt some
unknown action. The action will ocrur
on the date of the next dawn.
Uthe Storm Knights bypass the for-
tress, the dragon will spot them, but
ignore them unless there are obvious
Ayslish Storm Knights in the group. In
that case, the dragon will attack.
AnAlertnesscard will tell the Knights
with Bunn, probably a mental condi
An Idea card tells the Knights that
sleeping in the lighthouse is NOT a
good thing to do.
UBunn is freed, he will offer to put
the Krughts up in IUs lighthouse. In the
middle of the night, Bunn, using the
objects the Krughts too<:hed as occult
props, will invokeanoccult ritual onthe
ocrupants of one room (no more than
fow people). This ritual causes mag-
gots, worms, and spiders tocome burst
ing out of the victims. Victims suffer a
damage valueof 18(ignorearmor) each
round. The ritual lasts as long as the
caster is uninterrupted or 30 minutes go
by, whichever comes first.
The ritual takes ten minutes to ini-
tiate. Duringthefirst fiveminutes,noth-
ing happens. In the latter five minutes,
the victims feel horrendous pains in
their bcxlies and are completely l ~
less, unable to do anything but scream.
It will be up to the victims' compan
ions in the other rooms to help them.
Have the Knights make a Perseverance
check when they see the horriblecondi
tion of their friend.
Dwarves (6)
Dodge9, firecombat10. maneuver9,
melee weapons 10. missileweaJX>ns
10, stealth 10, unarmed combat II
Alteration magic 13, find 10, trick 12
Test 10
Taunt 12
Corruption 10, intimidation 11,
reality (A}"le) 10
Possibilities: 2
Arc.tne Knowledge: etlrth +3
Spells mrlh shidd, pathfinder, stone
tunnel, Thorvald's trru:ker
Equipment: Spell book, wheellock
dag,damage value 13,anutlOI, range 3-
5/10/25; dwarven bombs (2), damage
value 19), battleaxe, damage value
STR+S/15; dwarfmail, armor value
TOU+4/13; Tancred torch
Description: 1be dwarves are evil
and greedy, and serve the Dark High
Lord as well as they can. They have
some fascination for the light mecha
nismin thelighthouse, whichstill works.
Equipment: Spell books; staff, dam-
let of increased toughness, value
TOU+9/18;maxTOU20; fourbottiesof
healing draught (removes damageas if
one Possibility was spent>
Description: Anakronis is a smooth
tallcing, quietly rompetent wWml. Ifu
evil is not the maniacal, loud type; he is
a calculating sneak.
Anakronis is slowly being seduced
by the Power of Corruption. He began
reading Bunn's books, and is now fasci-
nated with ocrult rituals.
The Dock
This sma.ll dock has two Victorian
vintage coalfired motor launches tied
to it.
Launches: Tech 19; TOU 17; pass. S;
speed value 100/30/8/10
To add an element of tension, the
gamemaster can decide that Well
ington's ritual will take placeat dawn.
The Knights receive one Persever-
ance JX>int for finding the notes, another
for defeating the wynn, and a third for
defeating Bunn, if necessary.
Travelling Across
the Straits
Once the group has secured trans
portation across the straits to
Singapore, the boat ride should be
uneventful. If the players have been
Theelevator and stairways(marked
"1 on the map) end at the first floor
occupied by Karkthusa.ln order toget
to the upper floor. one must cross to
the other side of the building and use
the stairs or elevator marked "4.
Office Cubicles
Each hostsa corrupted employeeof
Skutharka, plus a desk, phone, com-
puter terminal, and coffee cup. Tht>
computer screens are filled with gib-
Tors: The Caunt M,n Rmuns
The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 13
Karkthusa, Inc.
Lower Floor
Lower floor
1. Elevator/stairs
2. Office cubicles
3. Restrooms
4. Elevator/stairs to
upper floor only
Upper floor
1. Elevator/stairs
2. Mr. Ho's room
3. Hidden door
4. Workroom
S. Skutharka's room
o Perceived Mr. Ho
Real Mr. Ho
Uppe< Roo, ,-_
berish. and the coffee cups a", filled
with blood (have the Knights make a
Perseverance check if they spot this).
Six of the corrupted employees are
women. All of the employees are
dressed like white-collar YUPPles and
app""peritlynonnal. A surossIul
trwsight total against a difficulty of 10
reveals their bodiesasbeing a hideous
shade of green, black and crimson.
with strips of flesh hanging off them.
Dropone Perseverancepolntand have
the Knights make a check.
Corrupt Employees (12)
Dodge 11, melee combat 12, un-
combat 12
FInd 12. trick 14
Business 13, test of wi1112,
willpower 12
Taunt 12
Faith (Orrorshanevil) 12. intimida
lion 14
Possibility Potential: none
Powers: atta<:k fonn resistance (nuJgj
cal damage)
Natural Tools: claws, damage value
Corruption Value: 14
Fear Rating; 1
Weakness: Any holy symbol (se-
True Death: Destruction of their
computer terminals.
Equipment: briefcase, damage
value SfR+1/11; computer terminals
Earth yuppies who saw the chance to
sell theU souls in exchange "" po_
and elema1life.
They are dressed in normal Core
Earthclothingand <anybriefcases. The
",""pted souls will a!tad< only ;t the
Krughts make same oIMous reIe<ence
to theU true appearnnce (screoming.
vomiting, etc.)
Meanwhile. they spend the holm;
chattering into phones, watching stock
quotations flash across their computer
screens, and typing gibberish In re-
Rest Rooms
The men's room contains the dead
body of a janitor, ripped to shreds by
lherorrupted employees. He hasbeen
dead for three weeks. Subtract one
Perseverance point and have the
Knights make a check.
82 WOV
Upper Floor
Mr. Ho's Room
If the Knights enter this room, read
the foUowing aloud:
This huge room is painted stark
white, from the ceiling to the floor.
Thecolormakes the roomseemhuge,
with a fu"'Offborizon. Recessed light
panels give the room a soft,. silvery
Seated in the middle of the room,
aoss--legged in a Lotus position, is an
Oriental maninawhite business suit
Upon your entry, he looks up al you
and says, "'Yes? What can I do for
l1tis man is Mr. Ho, Skutharka's
assistant. He is currently meditating
upon new ways to inflict horror upon
the people of Singapore.
The entire room is protected by the
power of the occult. The stark white-
ness of the room disorients all but
Skutharka and Ho; time, distance, per-
spective, all become meaningless.
In practical terms, whenever any-
one in the room attempts any action,
even walking. he must generate a will-
pe1Wt!T of Mind total of 12. (This effec-
tively makes any action taken in this
room a multi-action.) Failure means
the Knight is stymied for that round.
The distortion effect is already
working: Ho is NOT in the center of
the room, he is in the comer marked
on the map.
Mr. Ho will engage disoriented
Knights, making hit and run attacks. If
he is wounded, he will retreat through
this secret panel <find or Perception dif
ficulty 18 to spot).
Mister Ho's Workroom
This antisepticsmelling roomis Mr.
Ho's workroom, with various modern
medical tools such as forceps, pins,
needles, and scalpels, plus a stainless
steel table. The table has restraints,
and a small channel to collect blood.
Four steel cages complete the room's
Act Four
Another secret panel (find total of
18 to spot) leads from this workroom
to Skutharka's office.
Mr. Ho
See page 32 of the Orrorsh source--
If the Knights enter Skutharka's of-
fice, the scene shifts to Dramatic.
Read the following aloud:
This huge office is dominated by a
large modern desk. with huge w ~
dows behind it, offering a splendid
viewof Singapore. The walls are cov-
ered with maps of the city, anatomi-
cal charts of the various humanoid
races, and electronics schematics.
A huge woUlike creature sits at
the desk, wearing a business suit Ihat
clearly does not fit, as the beast's
muscles pop many of the seams.
The creature grabs at the half-
dozen telephones on the desk. seem-
ingly at random,. since the devices are
nol ringing, barking phrases such as
Torg: The Gaunl Man Rnurns
The Situation
When the group decides to head to
the Bukit Timah Nature Preserve, cut
to Scene Five.
The Sentries
The Action
Random Noises
While the Knights are walking
through the maze in the dead of night,
have them generate Perception totals
periodically and give them some of
these noises to unnerve them:
- Rustling in the bushes.
- Hoofbeats going at a trot.
-The sound of a rifle being cocked.
- The sound of a sabre being drawn
from its scabbard.
A hideous gurgling sound (the in-
fernal steeds' way of neighing).
The maze walls are three meters
high and are madeof bushesand flow-
ers growing over solid rock, thus the
Knights cannot pass through the bar-
riers effortlessly.
Avery Wellington's location is flat
in relation to the rest of the maze, thus
climbingatop the hedgewaU (climbing
difficulty12) will not give the viewer a
good idea of where he is.
any intruders.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
The beautiful gardens of the Bulcil
Timah Nature Preserve hold no at-
Iraction for you al this moment. You
have a dutyto the peopleof Singapore
to stop Avery Wellinglon's mad
schemes before they reach fruition.
The occasional rumble of thunder
and flash of light erupl over the dty,
bullhe nighl sky is clear, the stars so
brillianllhal even the city lights can-
not fully obscure them.
Various flowerscenls waft through
the night air, and you see an amazing
variety of trees and flowers: roses,
chrysanthemums, tulips, daisies, and
cherry and apple trees covered with
And yel, aU this beauty is marred
by the knowledge that somewhere in
this maze stands General Avery
Well ington, settingin motion his plan
to deslroy Singapore.
The Wellington Reds, General
Avery Wellington's personal body-
Cut To
Dramatic. The Knights must make
their way through the maze of the
Buldt Timah Nature Preserve. Unfor-
tunately, Avery's personal body-
guards, the Wellington Reds, are sta-
tioned here in pairs, ready to deal with
A Beef With
Finding the information in
Skutharka's office gives the party two
Perseverance points. Defeating Hoand
Skutharka gives the party one Perse-
verance point for each. Finding the
janitor's body gives the Knights two
Perseverance points.
An Idea card tells the Knight that
Karkthusa is an anagram for Sku-
An Alertness card will find one of
Mr. Ho's concealed panels.
If the Knights capture and success-
fully interrogate Mr. Ho, he can pro-
vide them with the same information
they will find in Skutharka's desk.
If the Knights should escape
Skutharka, they will need to get the
information on Wellington fromsome
other source. Perhaps the Sign of Six
hasa base here, or the Rauru Block has
heard rumors of strange doings at the
nature preserve. Feel fTee to impro-
vise to keep the adventure moving.
The Knights have a couple of op-
tions here. Theycan fight; they can run
(Skutharka will,ofcourse, pursue, but
if they should escape, see "Variables,"
below); or they can try to talk their
way out of this.
Yes, talk. Skutharka is a bestial
Nightmare, but he's not an idiot. If the
Knights can convince him the Gaunt
Man is back and knows who's been
naughty and who's been nice,
Skutharka might decide to give them
the infonnationon Wellington's plans
which they need. He will explain that
he was spying on Wellington all the
time, and ask that the Knights put in
a word for him with the High Lord.
Of course, should the latter take
place, Skutharka wiD develop a deep
and undying hatred for the Knights
for forcing him to shame himself. He
can be expected to become a frequent
foe of the party.
See page 32 of the Orrorsh source-
The Evidence
InSkutharka' s deskare papersfrom
Avery Wellington, announcing his
intention to invoke the ritual at the
highest point in Singapore, the Bukit
Timah ature Preserve, at dawn. The
overall tone of the documents indi-
cates that Skutharka is shOWing sup-
port for Avery's power play.
A badly scrawled memo from
Skutharka himself mentions that his
"company" will move to Hong Kong
right before the ritual is invoked.
The schematics on the wall are for
various electronic devices OVs, ste-
reos,CDplayers, Walkmans)and ways
for them to be infused with the power
of the occult.
"'Buy!'" "'SeIU'" ...Let'sdolunch'" "Hos-
lite bkeover!"
At last. it puts the phones down
and looks at you with yellow canine
eyes. The beast appears to be salivat-
ing. The smell of blood washes over
you as the beast leans forward and
"'You don't look like the kind of
executive material I need! Consider
yourselves terminated! Lunchbreak'"
_ ~ I 8 4 ~ ~
Act Four
guards, have been transformed into
corrupt horrors, even though they still
appear tobe normal Victorian soldiers.
The Reds are set up in pairs at five
different locations in the labyrinth.
They are mounted on infernal steeds.
The Reds'orders are dear: do not let
anyone pass.
When the Reds firstsee the Knights,
they will demand that the Knights
tum around and go back, telling the
intruders that the gardens are offlim
its. If the Knights refuse togoback, the
Reds become more insistent, until fi-
nally they start attacking the Knights.
WeUington Red (to)
Beast riding 14, dodge 14, fire com-
bat 15, melee combat 14, maneuver
14, running 13, stealth 13, swim-
ming 13, unarmed combat 15
Find 15, scholar (military tactics)
13, tracking 12, trick 13
Test 11. willpower (l 1)
Taunt 12
Intimidation14, faith (Orrorshevil)
13, reality (Orrorsh) 12
Possibilities: 6
Powers: blur form, dark vision
Equipment: Westonbolt-action
bine, damage value 17, ammo 8, range
3-50/90/200; occult-charged cavalry
sabres, damage value STR+6/20. The
sabres ignorearmor adds. Anyonecan
use one, but it is considered a Wicked
act. Eachsabreisjet black, withahandle
made of human bones, and inscribed
with sinister runes. Whenever the sa-
bre hitsa victim, the bladeglows sickly
red, and shrieks. The swords have a
Toughness of 30
Corruption Value: 12
Fear Rating: 1/2
Perseverance DN: 8
Weakness: Holy Symbols
True Oeath:Once killed, the Knight
must place a Peace Rose in the Red's
Infernal Steed (Orrorshan)
Dodge 15, Oight 14, running 16
Find 12, tracking 12, trick 14
Test 12, willpower 12
Intimidation 14
Possibility Potential: none
Natural Tools: hooves, damage
Powers: attack form resistance ([irt-
arms), darkness
Corruption Value: 15
Fear Rating: I
Perseverance ON: 18
Weakness: magical damage
True Death: Placing sugar in the
dead steed's mouth
Torg: The Glunt Min Returns
I! tJ.te Knights somehowbypass the
maJOnty of the labyrinth and go right
to Wellington, each patrol must gen-
erate a find or Pn-ctplion total of 22 to
notice that something is a.miss.lf they
beat the difficulty number, the Reds
will enter the final battle only if a
sdbllck occurs against the Storm
Knights, unless otherwise stated.
Knights who are flying over the
maze will be the target of fire from the
Wellington Reds.
The Knights may attempt to bluff
their way past the Reds, claiming that
they too serve Wellington. Avery has
already told the Reds that no one is
expected, and that no one but Reds
haveanybusiness in thegarden. Thus,
any Storm Knight attempting to per-
suade the Reds that they belong here
has a difficulty of 25.
Wellington's location is accessible
only by the maze or by air. Behind
WeUington's area are rocky cliffs that
are completely impassable.
If the Knights decide to blast their
way through the waDs of the maze,
they will be attacked by aU ten Reds
after the second wall is demolished.
And Death Does
Come ...
When the Knights reach the end of
the maze, they will find Avery
in the middle of doing his rl.tual. Three vampyre ninja are
lurkmg mthe bushes, keeping a watch-
ful eye on their new master.
Read aloud or p."lraphrase:
. As the sky in the east begins to
lighten and tum red, you seea distin
guished Victorian officer on his
knees, facing the dawn, reading from
a luge book in his hnd. There are
human skulls on the ground, ar
ranged around the General in a circu-
l.u pattern. A horse grues nearby,
obviously Avery's mount.
He turns and looks at you, his eyes
blningwith insanityand new found
power. He smiles, stands ramrod
straight and in a c1ur, strong voice,
addresses you.
"So, you have come to me at last.
We have not yet been formally intro-
duced. I am General Avery
Her Holy Majesty Queen Victoria's
Expeditiorwy Avery bows
to you.
"As you are no doubt aware, I
served a higher, greater power. Now,
however, the time has come forme to
seize control of my destiny and take
my place as the rightful ruler of this
s.trange land. Quite frankly, there is
httle you can do about it. 50 if you
would please be 50 kind as to take
your leave?
"Oh, yes. You had best leave the
city with all alacrity. Once the ritual
is invoked, the lifeforce of many, if
not all, of the city's populace will be
drained and placed into my own
body. You have been warned. Thank
you for your kind attention."
Have the Knights make a Persever-
The way to permanently kill
Avery 15 to have one Storm Knight
challenge himtoa dueL Unfortunately,
the only way to make him accept the
challenge is to confront him with the
Peace Rose and use it in an intimida
tion, taunt, or test attack. This attempt
can be made by any member of the
party, and each member can try once.
Any level of success will make Avery
acquiesce. The Knight who success--
fully forced him into the duel does not
have to be the one to fight him.
When theduel is officiallyaccepted,
the sky turns dark and great storm
begin flashing lightning and
rumbhng thunder. Astrong wind kicks
up and rain begins to fall.
The Duel
'Though Avery has occult powers at
his command, he will fight the duel
fairly; his Victorian honor as well as his
own sense of superiority will keep him
.The SIorm Knight must fight him
usmg a melee weapon, specifically, a
sword of some type. Since Wellington
has resistance to normal weapons, that
weapon better be magic.
The duel is to the death, and no one
else can intervene for either combatant.
Theduelling Knight cannot recieve help
ofanykindfromhisrompanions, though
he can benefit if a companion plays one
Timing in the Maze
GamemastersshouJd feel free
to play with their players' heads
in this scene. Go in with the
knowledge that, by the time the
Krughtsreach Wellington.hewill
have just about completed the
ritual. But don't teU the players
that - instead, flip cards, talk
about that glow they see over
head, and generally make them
feel like they need to be there
If they get defeated by the
Reds, obviously WeUington wiD
get to finish his ritual. But if at all
possible, let them reach him be-
fore he's finished, so theduel can
of the following l:llnk supprmer, RAlly,
Uadership, SDu lnitiltiot. Uthe Storm
Knight does recieve additional aid,
Wellington won't meet his True Death,
and upon reincarnation.. will huntdown
the Krughls.
When fighting. Wellington banters
with his opponent, remarking calmly
about the ritual and the plans he has
when he becomes a High Lord. He at-
tempts vital blows to disarm his oppo-
nent and fancy maneuvers meant to
distract the hero.
The heroes only get one chance to
duel with Avery, for by the time one
duel is done, the sun is up and Avery
cannot be killed with his True Death.
Lest the rest of the party feel left out,
consult "Killing Time," below.
General Avery Wellington
Beast riding14,dodge16, firecombat
17, maneuver 17, melee combat 21,
nmning 14,stea1th Is,swUnming 14,
unanned combat 15
Find 17, language 14, 'Cholar (mili-
tal)' tactics) 20, trncking 15, trick 16
Occult 18, test 17, willpower 15
Taunt 15
Act Four
The Gaunt Man Returns: Map 14
Bukit Timah Labyrinth
Wellington Red Guards
Faith (Sacellum) 18, intimidation
16, reality (Orro.-sh) 20
Possibilities: 5 per Stonn Knight
Powers: resistance to normal weapons,
regeneration annor defeating attack (a11Y
melee weapon)
Corruption Value: 22
Fear Rating: 2
Perseverance ON: 23
Weakness: Gaean Peace Rose (se-
True Death: Slain at sunrisein a duel
against a single opponent.
Equipment: Tawning .38, damage
value value 13, ammo 6, range3-S/151
25; sabre, damage value SfR+S/18
Killing TIme
Thethree vampyric ninja lunge from
their hiding places and attempt to make
a surprise attack on the non-duelling
Vampyre Ninja
Acrobatics 14, fire combat 14, lock
picking14, maneuver 14, martial arts
(ninjutsu) 16,meleeweapons14, mis--
sile weapons 14, prestidigitation 14,
stealth 15, unanned combat 14
Climbing 19
Fmd 13, language 13, scholar (poi-
sons) 14, tracking 14, trick 16
Meditation 15, test 23, willpower 23
Chann 26, persuasion 21, taunt 18
Faith (Orrorsh evil) 18, intimidation
17. reality (Orrorsh) 12
Possibilities: 10
Martial Arts: Ninjutsu: block/strike,
lightning fist. stun attack, missile dodge.
felling the oa
Powers: life drain (Dexterity) (must
use martial arts successfully and cause
a wound or better), elemental alteration
(mist), resistance to nOrnull weapons. in-
atumTools: fangs, damage value
Equipment: 13mm Chunyokai,
damage value 18, ammo 9, range 3-
10/40/50; shimsi sword, damage
value STR+S/19; four throwing stars,
ouflage suit (+1 lostealth)
Corruption Valur: 18
Fen Rating: 1
Weakness: chrysanthemums (se-
True Death: Head decapitated and
mouth filled with cherry blossoms.
Bloodmane the Horse
Dodge 18, flight 17, maneuver 16.
stealth 16, unarmed combat 19
Find 16, tracking 18, trick 17
Test 15. wilipoweT 14
Charm (20), taunt (20)
Faith (Orrorshan evil) IS, intimida-
tion 18, reality (Orrorsh) 16
Possibilities: 5
Natural Tools: razor-sharp hooves
damage valueSTR+5/25; fangs, dam-
age value STR+2/2
Powers: magicnf resistance, blurform,
darkness, silence
Conuption Value: 17
Fear Rating: 2
Weakness: weapons made of solid
True Death: iron spike driven
through its forehead
Description: Wellington's steed
looks Iikea huge whitestallion, unless
seen with tnle sight. Its true form is a
huge black horse-like thing with six
massive legs, batwings, and eyes and
mane that glow a phosphoresecent
The beast is intelligent, and under-
standsspoken languages. It isdevoted
to Wellington.
If theStorm Knight manages to beat
WeHington's in the duel to the death,
the General's body shrivels, dying a
screaming. slow death, and turns to
Once Avery has been dispatched.
an image appears in the air. It is the
Gaunt Man, speaking to the party
through Wicked:
"'I sense the departure of the soul
of Avery Wellington, on its way to its
reward of eternal damnation. My
thanks, stormers, you have served
me well.
"'In gratitude, I have decided that
when I have taken this planet, your
own deaths shall be swift and pain-
less, and your souls shall go to their
eternal resting place, free and unmo-
lested by my powers.
"'Furthermore,' now offer each of
you one of three choices: sever ,J.1J ties
with me, and become my enemy;
swear undying loyally to me and gain
great power; or lake some more time
to ponder my offer and inform me of
your decision in one year's time.
"Choose - now!'"
The Gaunt Man is trying to seduce
the Knights with promises of power. If
any Knight accepts the offer 10 ally
with him, he will be transformed into
a horror and become a gamemaster
If a Knight refuses the offer, the
Gaunt Man removes the artificial Cor-
ruption he had inflicled upon the
Knight and his soul is his own again.
The most insidious choice is the
third one. [f the Knight chooses to take
a year to decide, the artificial Conup-
tion becomes real. Every Wicked act
committed thereafter has a chance to
increasing the Knight's Corruption
value, until at last the Knight is a hor
ror, under the control of the Gaunt
If the Knight loses the duel,
Wellington continues reading the oc-
OOt ritual toinvest himself withpower.
He needs to read it forsix more rounds
after the duel. The surviving ninja and
Wellington Reds will see 10 it that the
Knights cannot get to the General, by
interposing themselves in such a way
that they form a wall between
Wellington and the Knights.
If the Knights reach Wellington be-
fore he finishes readingthe ritual, they
may attempt to kill him (temporarily)
or destroy the book. The book has a
Toughness of 35.
IfAvery manages tofinish the ritual,
he must generate an OCCll1t total of 20.
Success indicates that the ritual
worked. Each level of success brings a
greater level of devastation to thecity,
detailed as follows:
Minimal: Several dozencitizens die.
Average: 25 percent of the citizens
Good:.50 percent of the citizens die.
Superior: 75 percent of the citizens
die. Numerous fires spring up from
car and plane crashes.
Spectacular: Everyone in Singapore
is dead. The fires rage for days.
All who die in Singapore tum into
shrivelled corpses which take a long
time to rot.Heveryone in the city dies,
it will become a popular feeding
ground fordemons, gargoyles, ghouls,
and other horrific flesh eaters.
If the ritual works at any suc:ress
level, read the following aloud:
Despite the dawn hour, the sky
darkens and thunder rumbles from
all comers. The very ground shakes,
and a great wind kicks up from out of
nowhere. Red and blue lightning
flashes from the cloudless sky, strik-
ing different areas of Singapore.
General Avery Wellington raises
his arms heavenward and gives a
shriek of triumph. Red and blue
sparks of power play over his body.
SlowIy, his bodybegins tochange.
However, it does not seem to be the
resull Wellington desired.
NWhat's happening 10 me?'" he
shrieks as his limbs shrivel up and
his skin becomes bloated and black-
rned. His eyeballs dry up and col-
lapse into their sockels, and his
longue withers away.
When the transformation is com-
plele, it is no longer a dashing Victo-
rian general who stands before you.
88 -w-v
Instead, it is a huge, glistening black
blob 20 meters wide, with what re-
mains of Wellington's head perched
atop it. Yes, Wellington has gotten
his wish. He is no longer a simple
mortali he is now a creature of great
The head screams with rage. You
get the idea that this is not what
Wellington had in mind. Slowly, the
head turns to you, and a look of mur-
derous rage fills his eyes.
Avery Wellington has indeed been
changed by the occult rituaL He is
now a horror of great power. But the
gruesome change has driven all
thoughts of becoming a High Lord
from his mind - now he wishes only
to destroy.
The Wellington Creature
Maneuver 17, stealth 15, swimming
17, unarmed combat 20
Find 11, language 12, tTick 13
Occult 15, test 18, willpower 16
Taunt 10
Intimidation 22, reality (Orrorsh)
Possibilities: 40
Powers: resistance to /lormal weap-
OIlS, regeneration
Corruption Value: 24
Fear Rating: 3
Perseverance ON: 25
Weakness: salt (severe)
True Death: The ritual which cre-
ated him must be read backwards.
If Avery turns into a blob, he will
attempt to crush the Storm Knights,
then r u ~ rampant through Singapore,
destroying whatever's left of the city.
If the Knights manage to destroy
the book, it will have no effect on the
Wellington Creature, save to make it
much harder to kill him with his True
Death. The Knights will have to find
another copy of the ritual ... some-
It is possible that the Knights some-
how get to the ritual spot some time
before Avery does, and attempt to set
upan ambush. Asa precaution, Avery
fhes over the spot on his horse and
scouts the area, making sure it is safe.
If he does find Knights in a position to
a?1bush, .he will attack them, leading
hiS Welhngton Reds and the ninja
vampyres in a horrific charge from the
!f,duringtheduel, the Knights seem
to be beating the ninja, Avery will
mentally summon any remaining
Wellington Reds to come and help.
They arrive in two rounds.
If the pair of techno-demons from
Act One.are still alive, they enter the
fray agamst everyone, starting with
the Storm Knights first, then Avery
and company next.
Killing Wellington without using
the True Death will result in his return
o ~ month later in a different body, in
a different role.
A resurrected Wellington will no
longer be a Hellion Court member,
Act Four
and will be completely out of favor
with theGaunt Man.ln fact, theGaunt
Man will seek him out and have him
killed once and for all with his True
Adventure Awards
If. the Knights destroyed Avery
Welhngton forever and foiled his plan,
award them 15 Possibilities
If the Knights were unable to kill
him w t ~ his True Death but managed
toslay hImand thus postpone his plot,
award them 10 Possibilities.
If Singapore lost even a single per-
son to the occult ritual, the Knights get
no Possibility reward.
Killing Skutharka and Mister Ho
increases each Knight's award by two
Possibilities per death.
Read aloud only if the Knights suc-
ceeded in their tasks and have rejected
the Gaunt Man's offer of an alliance:
Tors: The G<rounl Man Rlttvrns
No sooner do you finish your dis--
cussion with High Lord and man
age to catch your breath high iltop
Tin Hill, when iI greilt drowsiness
washes over you. Everyone slumps
to the ground, exhilusted from the
You awaken in your rooms at the
Hotel Indonesia. You have come full
circle. Your physical injuries have all
been healed, and you are washed and
dressedinyour normal bedtime man
nero houris midnight. Something
jingles at your side.
Lifting your arm, you see a copper
charm bracelet around your wrist.
The charms include an hourglass, a
book, a Victorian Army helmet, and
lastly, a chess pawnwith your face on
the head.
Most of the discomfort over this
mysterious pie of (yes, it
can be removed) is replaced by the
satisfaction of your having won the
battle. SHIl.. you are unsettled by the
fact that you don't know what the
future has in store for you, especially
with the Gaunt Man now free. But
you have a feeling the worst of the
Possibility Wars is still yet to come.
The Gaunt Man Returns
Response Form
1. Was the Ayar-Manco statue recovered? _
2. Was Basjas slain? _
3. Was the Ankh of Ra recovered? _
4. Was Dr. Totten slain? _
5. Was the Scarlet Asp slain? _
6. Was Skutharka slain? _
7. Were citizens of Singapore killed by the ritual? How many? _
8. What happened to Wellington (check one)?
___ 1. He was slain by his True Death.
___2. He was slain, but not by his True Death.
___3. He transformed into a horror, and is now wandering free.
__4. Other (explain) _
9. Did the Storm Knights say "Yes," "No" or "Maybe" to the Gaunt Man's offer of an
alliance at the end of the adventure? _
Mail your response to: West End Games, RR 3 Box 2345, Honesdale, PA, 18431
Dept.: Gaunt Man Returns
Appendix: This Evil Reborn
of how the other High
Lords are reacting to the
Gaunt Man's returnand/
or their attitudes toward
him in general:
3327 (Ryuchi Kanawal
The High Lord of Nippon Tech no
longer acknowledges any sort of alIi
anre with the Gaunt Man. As far as
3327 is concerned, their partnership is
dissolved. But 3327 realizes that he
risks much in setting himself up in
opposition to the most powerful of
High Lords, and so will maintain his
efforts to subvert members of the Hel
lion Court and defend his gains in
Asia. Expect Kanawa to foster closer
ties with the Victorians.
The Gaunt Man is enraged by the
extentof3327'sbetrayaland his myriad
assaults on Orrorsh. The High Lord is
already hatching plans toseizecontrol
of southeast Asia and provide aid to
the Tharkoldu in their war against
Jean Malraux I
The Cyberpope is aware that he has
not been able to expand the realm to
the extent that the Gaunt Man prob-
ably would have liked. He is therefore
casting about for someone other than
himself to blame. Malraux's report to
theGaunt Man will cite problems with
Mobius, the Tharkoldu, and the
Akashans as reasons for his recent set-
Malraux is hoping that Uthorion
will argue his case for him with the
Gaunt Man, at the same time calling
for the destruction of the Warrior of
the Dark. who has made no secret of
her distaste for the Cyberpope.
The Gaunt Man is unwilling. at this
time, to cut off either Uthorion or
Malraux. However, he has criticized
the Nile Empire and intends to let
Malraux stand or fall on his own.
Struggling to hold his realm to-
gether in the face of Storm Knight
victories, natural disasters in the East
emLand, and the Akashanairlift, Kaah
will put aside his distrust fortheGaunt
Man and proposean alliance with him
against 3327.
Were the conquest of Earth going
more smoothly, theGaunt Man would
no doubt dispose of Baruk Kaah as
punishment for his repeated failures.
But the Western Land still serves as
something of a check to 3327's ambi
tions, and so the Gaunt Man will let
Kaah live ... for now.
Dr. Mobiuscan point to huge terri-
torial gains in the past two years, thus
his alliance with the Gaunt Man re-
mains firm, at least on the surface. In
truth, Mobius has long suspected that
the Gaunt Man's "disappearing act"
was part of a plan to trick him into
making a mistake. For his part, the
Gaunt Man considers Mobius a pos-
turing fool- but a successful pastur
ing fool. The Gaunt Man believes he
will be able to manipulate Mobius
when the time comes and eliminate
him as any potential threat.
Warrior of the Dark
The Warrior's predecessor,
Vthorion, was a long-time lieutenant
of the Gaunt Man. Unfortunately for
him, he failed miserably in hisaUempt
toconquer Scandinavia and Great Brit-
ain, and was forced to take refuge in
the bodyofa dragon to escapedeath at
the hands of Storm Knights.
TheWarrior is lessconcemed about
how the Gaunt Man will react to her
replacing Vthorion than she is about
pleasing Drakacanus. She has correctly
guessed that the Gaunt Man will be
impressed by results, and will not act
against her as long as she does not
openly rebel against him. She is also
working at firming up her alliance
with ]ezrael, in the event that Orrorsh
does tum against Dark Aysle.
In fact, theGaunt Manis amused by
the Warrior's efforts in Aysle, and re-
gards so untested a High Lord as no
threat to his rule. The new Aysleshe is
creating is more in keeping with his
own dark desires, so he will leave her
to her work for the nonce.
Though Malgest, the Tharkoldu
Darkness Device, has informed ]ezrael
that Kranod was a former lieutenant
of the Gaunt Man, she does not fear
the Gaunt Man as much as would be
expected. She remains, at this point,
unaware of just how powerful he is.
and feels certain she could stay his
hand if the need arose. She is not,
however, seeking to provoke a con-
frontation with him.
TheGaunt Man finds the anger and
violence within ]ezrael a fascinating
study and appreciates that she saved
himthe troubleofeliminating Kranod.
He will. when the opportunity pre-
sents itself, offer her an alliance.
Thoughnota High Lord perse,Sarila
is by far the most powerful Akashan
threat to Core Earth. She knows little
about the Gaunt Man (as Orrorsh has
not affected South America inany great
manned, but she is confident thai her
Comaghaz virus and her mastery of
techology will prove more than a
match for a being who thrives of fear
and superstition.
Though he was not surprised by
the Akashans' arrival, the Gaunt Man
Tors: The G,unt Man Returns
was not expecting something on the
order of the Comaghaz virus. He is
adopting a "wait and see" attitude
whilecrafting long-range plans for the
destruction of the "Space Gods."
Through a Glass
Darkly ...
With the aid of his mirror, Wicked,
the Gaunt Man has learned much of
what has passed during the years he
spent in the maelstrom. Now he is
looking ahead, planningan expansion
of his realm.
His most likely target is Australia,
whose people are in some ways simi-
lar to segments of Victorian society.
He is also eyeing China and India,
both areas rich in fearsome lore that
could be used to crush their societies.
The Gaunt Man is also overseeing
the transport of Orrorshan talismans
to such diverse sites as Rumania and
New Orleans, Louisiana, traditional
seats of occult power.
New Items
Anumber of newobjects havecome
to the fore since the Gaunt Man
emerged from the maelstrom and be-
gan to plan his conquest anew. What
follows are some of the more signifi-
TheGaunt Man's mirror, Wicked is
a sentient occult artifact. Though inca-
pable of speech, it can understand
many languages. It communicates by
projecting images on its surface and a
limited fonn of telepathy.
Themirrortocan beused forscrying
on anyone who has come into contact
with it in the past, or any of the High
Lords. This scrying enables the user to
see and hear what is taking place. The
user cannot communicate with the
person being scryed, unless the per-
son is serving the Gaunt Man in some
Wicked can also focus in on ran-
dom scenes within the cosm in which
it resides upon command. If the user
generates an occult total of 25, he may
see the past in Wicked up to three
times that day.
Besides scrying, Wicked can also
project illusions on to its surface. Illu-
sion is the way Wicked charms, intimi-
dates, and taunts. The Gaunt Man can
also use Wicked to see if someone is
telling the truth. The person being in-
terrogated must be looking into the
mirror. If he is lying, his image will
hideously distorted in the glass.
Wicked is devoted to the Gaunt
Man. Anyone who attempts to take it
off the wall will be attacked by a huge
fanged mouth which materializes on
the mirror face. This fanged mouth
alsoservesas an extradimensional gate
into a pocket cosm which the Gaunt
Man uses as a hiding place for certain
valuable items. It is here that Heketon
was hidden while the Gaunt Man was
locked in the Maelstrom.
Language 25, scholar (realm lore)
28, trick 24
Occult 27, test 25, willpower 25
Charm 26, taunt 25
Faith (Orrorsh evil) 25, intimida-
tion 30, reality (Orrorsh) 25, true
sight 24
Possibilities: 90
Natural Tools: fangs, damage value
Powers: Coldaura, magicnl resistance,
regeneration, resistance to nonnal weap-
Corruption Value: 22
Fear Rating: 1
Perseverance ON: None
Weakness: Severeweakness tosun
light on its surface.
True Oeath:Shattered withagolden
The Archives of the Damned
The Archivesofthe Damned isa huge,
leatherbound book sealed with iron
clasps. Millennia old, the book is more
like a journal, with entries written by
corrupted scholars, madmen, and
demons. The book is a collection of
poems, essays, and prose concerning
the nature of evil, corruption, and the
occult. The Archives also contains nu-
merous spells and occult rituals.
The book is so inherently foul thai
anyone claiming it as their own adds
four points to their Corruption value.
Another Corruption point will be
added (or every six months in which
the book is in one's possession.
The volume grants bonuses to the
occult total for certain occult events:
deathllaullt (+2), madness (+3), and mark
of the hunted (+3).
The spells boiling blood, death hallnt,
eye spy, madness, and slow death can be
found within the pages ofthe Archives.
The book has a Toughness of 26.
Holy Water
Price (Value): $10 (5)
Spiritual Rating: 9
This blessed water causes spiritual
damage equal to the user's faith when
hurled atanopponent (treattheattack
as a missile weapon skill use). Armor is
ignored. Note that holy water only
damages certain creatures, usually
those that are known enemies of the
Holy water can only be used by
those with at least one add in the faith
with which the blessed liquid is con-
Use of holy water is a contradiction
in realms whose Spiritual axiom is less
than 9. Holy water can be created us-
ing the miracle below.
Bless Holy Water
Spiritual Rating: 7
Community Rating: 9
Difficulty: 11
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Effect: Turns regular water into
holy water
This miracle turns fresh, clean wa-
ter into holy water. The miracle must
be invoked in a church or other hal
lowed ground.
The water must be pure (either
boiled or from the tap). One cannot
make holy water out of puddles,
ponds, or a glass of water from which
someone has drunk a portion.
The miracle creates enough holy
water for four vials, and cannot be
Torg: The Glunt Min Returns
invoked more than once per week.
This miracle is available to Core Earth
Christian, Cyberpapal, and SaceUum
Occult Rituals
Identify Murderer
Effect Value: 18
Bonus Number to: effect
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Cast Time: 9 (one minute)
This ritual enables thecaster toiden
tify a murderer. The caster must have
a skin sample from the victim and a
handful of dirt from a murderer's
When cast, the effect value is com-
pared to the murderer's Spirit. The
level of success determines how much
information is gleaned:
Minimal: Whether the murderer
was a living being or undead
Average: A general idea of the
murderer's nature (human, horror,
animal. etc.)
Good: The murderer's gender, if
Superior. A detailed physical de-
scription of the murderer
Spectacular. The name of the mur-
For this ritual to be successful, the
corpsecannot be morethan threedays
Barrier of Force
Effed Value: 20
Bonus Number to: effect
Range: Four meter diameter circle
around caster
Duration: Special
Cast Time: 18 (one hour)
Similar towardenemy, barrieroffora
enables an occultist to cast a second
ritual in safety. While the barrier is in
place, the caster is protected from
magical. spiritual. physical and psionic
attacks, though he may still be tricked,
tllunttd, intimidDttd and testtd.
The ritual requires that the caster
set the skulls of four adult murder
victims at the four cardinal points of
the compass before beginning. The
barrier (which is invisible) will remain
in effect for as long as it takes to cast a
second ritual; for the barrier to be up,
a second ritual must be cast immedi
ately (a caster may not raise the barrier
and wait around for several hours be-
fore casting a second ritual). Once a
second rite has been performed, the
barrier collapses and must be re-
The barrier will also fall if thecaster
should be interrupted in his casting of
a second rite, or if the caster hi.mseU
decides to tear it down.
Beings who wish to smash
the protection must generate a SPirit
total exceeding the effect total of the
barrier. Failure tobreak the protection
results in spiritual backlash against
the attacker.
To determine spiritual damage,
subtract theattacker's Spirit total from
the spell's effect value and consult the
Combat Results Table on page 40 of
the Torg Rulebook. Spiritual damage
effects are detailed on page 125 of the
Dark Research
Effect Value: 15
Bonus Number to: effect
Range: Subject must be in same
cosm/realm as caster
Duration: Special
Cast Time: 20 (two hours)
This ritual enables the occultist to
learn a great deal about a specific indi-
are: an item owned by the subject or a
piece of his nesh; a book filled with
blank white pages; a quill pen made
from the wood of a tree growing in a
swamp; a vial of ink made from the
iebor of an Orrorshan gospog of the
Third Planting.
The ritual must be cast in a library
or study dUring the new moon. The
effect valueiscompared tothetarget's
Mind or willpcrwer with the results de-
pendent on the level of success:
Minimal: The target's name
Average: The target's occupationl
role in life
Good: The targers current resi
Superior: Thetarget' s skills, talents,
powers, weaknesses.
actions over the past year.
If the ritual fails, the target is aware
that he ;s beffig resean:hed, and will
know who is doing it and where they
are located. At a Mini1tUlllevel of suc-
cess, the target aware only that he is
being researched.
Cast Time: 27 (two days)
This occult ritual brings life back to
a corpse. Unfortunately, the lifeforce
is provided by a spirit from the Wait
ing Village.
The reqUired occult components
are: thedead body to berevived (itcan
even be just a fragment of theremains,
no smaller than a thigh bone); some
blood from the creature that slew the
victim; an unused coffin; and some of
the caster's blood.
The caster places the deceased in
the coffin, spills the murderer's and
his own blood onto the corpse's chest,
then invokes the ritual.
Performingthis ritual corrupts both
the caster and the resurrected being. U
they did not previously have any cor-
ruption points, they immediately re-
ceive eight. U they were already cor-
rupt, they receive four additional
Thedeceased revives, with all dam-
age healed, including the regenera-
tion of any missing body parts. All
personality traits, memories and skills
are restored.
Unfortunately, the recipient now
has a Wicked spirit residing in him.
Every week, the recipient gains an-
other point of corruption, until the
spirit finally takes full control. Of
course, only the gamemaster knows
that the resurrection ritual is a sham.
Death From Within
Effect Value: 18
Range: 605 meters)
Duration: Special
Cast Time: 1400 minutes)
This ritual causes maggots, worms,
and spiders to come bursting out of
the victims. Victims suffer damage
value of 18 (ignore armor) per round.
In order to cast the ritual, thecaster
must speak the names of the victims,
and have the following occult
nents: an itemtouched by the victim(s)
inthe past 24 hours; a dead insect; a pint
of salt water taken from an Orrorshan
zone;a note, writtenintheeaster'sbklod,
which gives a physical description of
the victim(,).
at the beginning: 01 the ritual New yj,c. cannot be added on once the user
hasbegun speoIcing the ritual Multiple
on Many penalties.
TIle ritual takes ten minutes to ini-
tiate. Duringthe first five minutes, n0th-
ing happens. In the latter five minutes,
the victims feel horrendous pains in
their bodies and are completely help-
less, unable to do nothing but scream.
Thereafter, the vermin erupt from
the victim in a never-ending stream.
until the ritual is no longer spoken or 30
minutes has e1ap6ed, whichever comes
This occult ritual is a Wicked act.
The Hellion Court
FoUowing the disaster with Avery
Wemngton and the questionable be-
havior of some other Hellion Court
membef's, theGaunt Mansawthe need
to replenish the ranks of his top lieu-
tenants. "The following are the new
members, tobe introduced either all at
onceorgraduaUy intoyour campaign.
Hatha was the high priestess of the
worship of nature spirits .in the cosm
of Kantovia, Kurst's former domain.
After his victory over Kurst and his
Darkness Device, the Gaunt Man re-
cruited some of the more promising
entities from Kantovia for his planned
conquestofthecosmver.;e. Hatha, who
relished the idea of greater power,
willingly jomed him.
Halba personifiesthe fearthat mor-
tals feel inthe face of natural phenom-
ena. such as earthquakes, floods, tor-
nadoes, vok.anic eruptions, etc. It is
rumored that she can summon such
forces of nature, as weUas causecrops
to fail or flourish, through the use of
her spiritual powers..
Like Nature itself, Hatha can be
cruel, harsh, indifferent, or helpful,
depending on her mood. In fact. due
to her corruption. she is prone to sud-
den, violent mood swings. The Gaunt
Manrealizesthat Hatha isanextremely
powerful being, but remainsconfident
that he can control her.
In appearance. Hatha is a honily-
ingly beautiful woman with long
brown hair and sparkling green eyes.
Her skin resembles leaves and bark
knitted together and her fingernails
are rose thorns. She looks every bit the
dark embcxliment of Nature's power.
Beast riding 14, dodge 14, melee
weapons 15, running 15,stealth 16,
swimming 15, unarmed combat 14
Climbing 18
Find 18, language 19, scholar
(Kantovian lore) 23, tracking 22,
trick 19
Occult 22, test 23
Tors: The C"unt M"n Returns
Charm 25, persuasion 23, taunt 22
Faith (Kantovian nature spirits) 20,
focus 22, intimidation 23, reality
(Orro",h) 2.
Possibilities: at least 10 per Storm
N;atunl Tools: fingernails (STR+4!
Powers: Hypnosis, life drain (Tough-
ness), magiCQI resistanu, animal control,
plllnt control, shape change, blur form,
Mir;acles: All Core Earth miracles.
Animal speech, fertility, inferno, plague,
plant protection, and storm from Aysle.
Corruption Value: 25
Fear Rating: 2
Persever;ance ON: 2S
True Death: Steel spike blessed by
a Kantovian shaman and driven
through her head
Goals: To serve the Gaunt Man to
the best of her abilities.
Power Notes: Hatha does life drain
by attacking a victim with her finger
nails. She can control any animal with
animol control. Plant control issimiJar to
anil1Ull control. Hatha can shope cluJnge
into any known animal or bird.
Thanys claims to be the Jiving em
bcxliment of all cosms' ideas of death.
He claims total control over death in
aU its forms.
The Gaunt Man is convinced that
Thanys is an insane, delusional indj
vidual who somehow acquired great
power. Making SO unknown a quan
tity a Hellion Court member is a bit of
a risk, but the Gaunt Man enjoys the
fear that Thanys creates even among
the other Court members. The Gaunt
Man's only concern is that he must
rein in Thanys' desire to spread death
too quickly.
Thanys wearsa black robe and cowl
and a pair of oily black raven's wings
that sprout from his back. The wings
havea total span of 10 feet. Noone has
seen what Thanys looks like under his
cowl. His voice is a dry crackly hiss,
and his presence is heralded. by the
cold of the grave.
Hathas and Thanys have a natural
antipathy toward each other.
Dodge IS, flight 16, melee weapons
16, stealth 15, unarmed combat 15
Find 18, scholar (Death lore) 20,
track 22, trick 19
Test 21
Taunt 27
Intimidation 25, reality (Orrorsh)
Possibilities: at least four perStorm
Powers: Cold aura, paralyzing touch,
resistance to normal weapons, shape
ciumge (raven), darkness, dark vision
Corruption V;alue: 24
Fear Rating: 4
Persever;ance ON: 25
Weakness: The leaves of the tele-
graph vine
True Must be bound with
plant tendrils and impaled. with a Iiv-
Equipment: Obsidian sickle, dam
age value STR+I0/23
Go;als: Tospread death throughout
the cosmverse.
RR 3 Box 2345
Honesdale, PA 18431
A Super-Adventure for
., TM.. <It 0 1992 West End Garnes. All i g h t s ~
by John Terra
The Gaunt Man has returned in time to learn that a renegade
Hellion Court member is planning to destroy a major city in a
bid for supreme occult power. But the Lord of Fear knows the
perfect people to stop his rebellious servant - Storm Knights.
Thus is hatched a diabolical scheme to test the powers of his
greatest foes, with the stakes of three million human lives. The
Knights must survive a fear-fraught journey through Illmound
Keep and solve a terrifying mystery in the Nile Empire, before
confronting a maddened Nightmare in final battle.
Also included in this super-adventure is new source material
on the realm of Orrorsh, including maps of Illmound Keep, spells,
occult items, miracles and stats on Hellion Court members.
The Near Now.
Two years ago, a band of intrepid
Storm Knights trapped the Gaunt Man within a powerful
reality storm. Now the master of the horror realm of
Orrorsh, the most powerful High Lord of all, is back!
Roleplaying the Possibility Wars'"