The Nile Empire

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Roleplaying the Possibility Wars no

The Nile Empire

The Sourcebook of Pulp Reality

Introduction 4
Chapter One: Out of the Storm 6
Chapter Two: History of a High Lord 8
Chapter Three: Structure of the Empire 14
Chapter Four: Cities of Adventure 26
Chapter Five: Lands of Danger 44

Chapter Six: World Rules for the Nile Empire 58
Chapter Seven: Nile Skills 64
Chapter Eight: Pulp Powers 68
Chapter Nine: Weird Science Gizmos 76
Chapter Ten: Magic 85
Chapter Eleven: Miracles of Faith 96
Chapter Twelve: Creatures 103
Chapter Thirteen: Equipment 111

•• 2
The Nile Empire
Ray Winninger Published by
Greg Fushtey, Michael Stem
Additional Material ~"'lflf'
Greg Gorden. RD3 Box 2345
Development Honesdale, PA 18431
Bill Slnicwk
Editing First Printing: July 1990

Rosarla J. Ba1darl, Bernadette G. Cahill, Stephen Crane,

Jacqueline M. Evans, Cathleen Hunter, Sharon Wyckoff
Graphics Aysle, Baruk Kuh., Core Earth. Coem,. Coemverse, C~F*'Y, Dr.
Mobius, c..unt Man, c.o.pog. Hu.rt of theCoyote, High Lord.1nfinivew,
KanaW1l. Uving Land. Maelstrom. ~ Brid~. Nile Empire, 0..-
Daniel Home ronh,. Pen. Ardinay. POMibillty Raidftw., PoNibility SIonn. Poteibility
Cover mustration Wan,. IUIv~ Stornlel'S, Storm KnightJ, TOIJ. and the T<q; logo are
tradmwU 01 West End Gamn. •, no and 0 19!1O West End Games. All
Bob Dvorak,. Link Mahone, Fands Mao, Rights~
Allm NwtiJ, Dan Panotian. TlDl Wript
Interior mustrationl

Publisher: Daniel Sc:ott Palter· Associate Publisher: Richard Hawran • Assistant Publisher: Denise D. Palter
Editorial Director: Bill Siavic::eek • A5s0ciate Editors: Greg Gorden. Paul Murphy
Editor: Michael Stem. Assistant Editor: Greg Fushtey • Art Director: Stephen Crane
Graphic Artists: Rouri,J J. BaJdarl. Bernadette G. CaJti1L.Jacqueline M. EvUlS, Cathleen Hunter, Sharon Wyckoff
Production Manager: Sieve Porpora • Sales Manager: fitzroy 80ntftft • Sales Assistants: Tony DeCotmo,
Maria Kammeier· SpedaJ Projects Manager. Ron Seiden· Treasurer. Jand Ria::io

_, TM and 0 19510 W$ End c.n-. All Rights ~

TORG: The Nile Empire

ouwalkdownadarkcity The Nile Empire is a realm where
street, circa 1938. Build- reality corresponds to the way the Important!
ingsriseaboveyou, form- world works in pulp fiction. The This sourcebook is a companion
ing canyons of brick and mundane is replaced by two-fisted volume to Torg: ,Roleplaying the Possi-
• steel reminiscent of the action, exotic locales, and exciting bility Wars. You must have the boxed
Manhattan skyline. Anewspaper drifts adventures. Heroes are good, villains set to use much of this book, as many
by on a warm, fetid breeze, its head- are bad, and neutrals do not exist. of the concepts and rules are explained
line screaming of war. The setting sun Further, the heroes of the Nile are a therein. Read the game books first,
casts long shadows, and neon signs mixture of costumed crimefighters, then come back to this book for details
beckon out of the gathering dusk, call- hard-nosed detectives, stealthy spies, on the Nile Empire.
ing you to come sample a variety of brave adventurers, dedicated scien-
exotic and commonplace wares. tists, psychic investigators, and rough-
But not everything is as it seems. and-tumble cowboys. The villains are
The time is the Near Now, not 1938.
You are walking along a Cairo street,
master criminals, enemy agents, evil
Nile priests and mages, occult hor-
The Sourcebook
not beneath New York skyscrapers. rors, and mad scientists. In the Nile This sourcebook provides all the
The newspaperdescribes not the open- realm and cosm, larger·than-life stunts information and advice needed to
ing battles of World War II, but the are commonplace, and weird science design exciting campaigns and adven-
first shots of the POSSibility Wars. The is real. tures set within the Nile Empire and
setting sun is a mechanical construct, From the Mediterranean Sea to the Torg universe. It describes the cul-
and the neon signs flash hieroglyphic zaire, from Chad to Saudi Arabia, this ture, religion, and world of pulp real-
symbols, not English letters. reality has taken hold. Everywhere ity. It provides new character tem-
This is the Empire of the Nile, and mighty Imperial armies fight to ex- plates for players to use, new rules for
you are a Storm Knight battling to pand these borders. Everywhere the equipment and axioms of the Nile
save Earth from alien realities. stelae creep slowly outward. Empire, and more.
But for all his success, Mobius has The first section of the book con-
not yet triumphed. Costumed heroes tains source material on the Nile,
from Terra - Mobius' home cosm- complete with descriptions of the
The Possibility have followed him to Earth, deter- important regions and characters
mined to end his reignofconquestand within the Empire, as well as notes on
Wars terror here, before it can spread fur- the realm's axioms and the makeup of
Earth has been invaded. High Lords ther into the cosmverse. Sometimes it Mobius' empire.
from different cosms - different reali- seems as if Mobius has nothing to do The second section features rules
ties - have come to our planet to with the schemes and plans of the and other information for the game-
plunder the power of the Earth itself. other invading High Lords. At other master. These rules are additions to
That is the situation in the Near Now times, heseems firmly entwined in the those found in The Torg Rulebook and
ofTorg: Roleplaying the Possibility Wars. games of conquest they play. other sourcebooks specifically de-
Each High Lord has carved himself a This is the situation in Africa. A signed for use in pulp reality. This
piece of Earth and shaped the very new Nile Empire has arisen to bring section also contains a listing of crea·
fabric of reality across that area to back the glories of ancient Egypt. But tures found in the realm, spells, and
match his own desires. the empire is an evil tool of a power- equipment.
The continent of Africa has been crazed madman who fancies himself a The final section provides new
invaded by a reality of pulpactionand god. Besides battling the forces ofCore character templates - ready made
adventure. The technology is reminis· Earth nations that oppose his plans of characters for your group to play. See
cent of Earth's own in the 19305, but it conquest, Mobius must also deal with The Torg Rulebook for details on how to
contains a level of "weird science" the heroes of his own reality. No mat- customize them.
that makes fantastic devices possible. ter how these conflicts are resolved, Now, the swirling sands beckon,
Worse, it is a led by a fanatical, power- they will have a profound and bloody and the adventure must begin ...
crazed High Lord who calls himself effect on the Possibility Wars.
Dr. Mobiw, Pharaoh of Egypt!

•• 4
The Realm and Cosm

~------------:~~ ..
TORe: The Nile Empire

Chapter One

Out of the Storm

stormsweptacrossEarth Now, three months after the initial
inApriloftheNearNow. invasion, Mobius continues to extend
Dark clouds of forebod- his empire throughout Africa and the
ing evil fiUed the sky, Middle East. The POSSibility Wars are
• driven by foul. bitter in full swing.
winds. Bloated with vile rain, the
clouds gathered over lndonesia and
North America,overFranceandGreat
Britain and Japan. And over Africa. The Omegatron
Then, when the douds were in place,
"Have you ever pondered the con-
the storm broke. Black rain splattered cept of infinity. Dr. F1ashr Dr. Mo-
across the planet, and with it carne the bius asked his unwilling guest.
invaders, riding atop their terrible Dr. Flash slipped free from the fielde
maelstrom bridges from their own grasp of pain for a moment and pulled
rosInS to ours. The bridge that struck his head back, aiming the most men-
Africa connected to the cosm of Terra, acing stare he could muster in the
opening a portal for the forces of Dr. general direction of his hooded in-
Mobius. Thus, one group of Possibil- quisitor. The chains which had bound
ity Raiders attacked ow world. his arms and legs for the last seven
hours had finallybegun to saw into his
flesh. pulling a series of unfamiliar
The Possibility agonies from the shadowy recesses of
his limbs. As Dr. flash slowly sank
Wars back into the sea of pain, he began to
notice a shrill whine screaming in the
lbe most valuable commodity in distance-a w hine not entirely unakin
the rosmverse is an energy form called to that of the bone saw he had heard in
Hpossibility. This tangible power
H the neighborhood butcher shop as a
source makes aU things possible, and child.
it is sought after by those who have Suddenly animated, Mobius began
come to be known as the Possibility speaking with uncharacteristic vigor.
Raiders. Each group of Raiders comes "Try to overcome your discomfort for
from an alien cosm of differing reality, a moment, Dr. Flash, and roll the idea
plundering cosm after cosm to sate about in yow mind. Imagine a string
their hunger for this precious energy. of sand grains laid end-to-end stretch-
When the Gaunt Man, High Lord ing from here to the sun, or the vast-
of Orrorsh, discovered Earth, he found ness of the Nile River as seen through
a world so saturated with POSSibility the eyes of the amoebas that explore
energy as to make his goal of becom- its waters daily. Think of the lone
ing Torg possible. But to take this pebble on the shores of the Red Sea
powerfu1prize,theGauntManneeded and the single drop of blood. fished
help. He contacted other High Lords from the river spilled during the First
to assist him. World War. H

One of these High Lords was Dr. Dr. Flash tried to focuson what the
Mobius. It did not take much to con- madman was saying. Somewhere in
vince Mobius to bring his loyal ser- his ranting was sure to be a clue on
vants to Earth. And so the maelstrom how to escape this trap. In the shad-
bridges fell and parts of Africa were owy background Dr. Flash could see
transformed. the robed priests of Khem standing

Chapter One

ready to serve their Pharaoh. There bered when he joined that organiZa- for defying my rule!"
would be no help from them. tion of costumed heroes. He remem- Mobius tossed Dr.F1ash'sboom belt
"Now, imagine a paradox so grand bered the pledge that bound them in into a comer, smilingbeneath his hood
in scope that it dwarfs all such com- their fight to end Mobius' evil empire. at his brilliance. "You won't be tele-
parisons," Mobius continued. Your For him, he thought regrettably, the porting out of my clutches this time,
entire universe is one of those sand fight would soon be over. Dr. Flash." The Pharaoh signalled the
grain stepping stones to the stars. "I guide your mind down such priests and they began to busily ma-
Everything you could ever hope to paths only to provide you with a fair nipulate a series oflevers. The sounds
know is of less significance than the glimpse of your future predicament," assaulting Dr. Flashgrew louder with
amoeba exploring the Nile. On the Mobius explained, caring little if his each lever that was thrown, and the
scale of the infinite, all the blood that guest could hear his monologue or Omegatron moved into firing posi·
will be shed dUring the Possibility not. "Soon I shall subject you to the tion.
Raids is scarcely eqUivalent to that Omegatron, my own homage to the '1 regret that I cannot stay to wit·
single drop." glory of eternity. Beneath its beacon, ness your demise - but as it will
By now, Dr. Flash was having a you will feel pain unlike any you have continue unabated for the next millen·
problem sorting Mobius' sentences ever imagined. Over and over, your nia, I'll beabletocatch itatmy conven·
into their component words and the veins shall be torn from your flesh, ience," the Pharaoh called over the
words into their component syllables. your limbs ripped from their sockets, noise as he turned to leave. "Oh and
The whine was steadily growing and your organs cushed to dust. And Dr. Flash," Mobius triumphantly
louder, so loud now that Dr. Flash since the Omegatron draws its power screamed, "be thankful that I decided
could feel the vibrations in the core of from a tiny chunk of Eternium, your to treat you so mercifully!"
his upper molars. It was closer, bring~ agony shall be without end. The ma- The Pharaoh's booming laughter at
ing more pain upon its noisome whir. chine will keep you alive for eons, this final cuel jest was the only sound
Where were the Mystery Men? Dr. constantly expanding the horizons of that Dr. Flash had heard in the last five
Flash wondered sudden!y.Surely they your pain and introducing whole new minutes. It echoed throughout the
had noticed his absence! He remem- worlds of torture! Such is the penalty temple, following Mobius as he exited
but also remaining asa tell-tale sign of
his pervading presence.
Now the whine of the Omegatron
swam back into Dr. Flash's awareness.
Soon its beams would snap on, and
only the pain would remain. Forever
and ever.
Dr. Flash forced his eyes to open.
The priests regarded him with all the
interest that a cook pays fo boiling
water. Gathering all the strength he
could muster, Dr. Flashshouted above
the painful noise.
"You should never have left me
alive, Mobius," he warned. "I swear
that someday I will escape and stop
you here, in this cosm called Earth,
before you can spread your evil any
further through the cosmverse." But
the only response to the hero's threat
:i was increased pain as a priest twisted
a dial. And the insane laughter that
.~ followed him into oblivion...

TORG: The Nile Empire

Chapter Two

History of a
High Lord
"Around noon, a legion of assistants
and underlings began constructing the
nightmarish labyrinth of wiring and ap-
paratus as their master howled his ap-
lEI ach of the conquering
realities that have in-
vaded Earth is overseen
by a mysterious and
proval. First, the capacitors were arrayed powerful figure known
in smart rmos, two score broad and four as a High Lord. Long ago, the High
score thick, like nervous conscripts form- Lords discovered the technology that
ing up for war. Then, a similar army of made possible the horrible maelstrom
resistors formed at the opposite end of an bridges. Since then, they have been
electronic battlefield under the errant leaping from cosm to cosm absorbing
shadow of the vacuum tubes that punctu- valuable possibility energy and leav-
ated the electrical landscape like steel sky- ing a string of lifeless "husk worlds" in
scrapers on the Mnnhattan skyline. Once their wake. The ultimate goals of each
the resistors were in place, the master of the High Lords vary, though they
began the meticulous process ofwiring his all share a disturbing willingness to
fiendish child into the net of batteries and use whatever means necessary to seek
generators that WQuld prauide the device out and seize their booty.
with its electrical kiss of life, while the Eventually, a High Lord known as
servants of the master focused and ad- the Gaunt Man noticed a cosm that
justed the hundreds of lenses and mirrors proved to be the richest source of
that WQuld soon torture the odd misfvrtu- possibility energy that anyof the High
nate. And then came the cooling towers, Lords had ever encountered. In fact,
and the mechanical infrastructure, and there was so much possibility energy
theJacobs' ladders. And then the magnetic available in this cosm that the Gaunt
stabilizers, and the Grange·Jefferson neu- Man could never hope to absorb it all
trcrconduits, and the polar flux inducers. himself. So heoffered other High Lords
By the third ~y of their labor, the master a piece of the pie if they would come
and his assistants were prepared for the and help him plunder. Six accepted
heaps ofgold and silicon which stood ready the offer, and five established energy
to line the machine's garish innards. And draining centers known as "realms"
on the fourth day, they cut and polished on the most possibility rich planet of
the two doun rubies which were soon to the possibility rich cosm, a planet
vibrate in harmony, their maddening known to all as Earth!
chorus spurring on therestafthemachine's
enslaved entrails to greater feats of ma-
levolence. Finally, on the fifth ~y, the
rtUlster was rendy to place the fi1Ul1 piece The Empire of
into his ghastly jigsaw puzzle - the
dreaded Darkness Device, which was tosit Dr. Mobius
at the horrible child's henrt.
And then the master took the time to One ofthe High Lords that accepted
survey and savor his creation. On that the Gaunt Man's offer was an idiosyn-
day, Dr. Mobius looked upon the mael- cratic scientist known as Or. Mobius,
strom bridge for the very first time." and the realm he established became
- excerpted from "A Fist of Stone known as the Nile Empire. Several
and a Heavy Heart" by D.W. Decker thousand years old, Mobius was born
(from Racy Tales ofConquest, October,
•• 8
Chapter Two

on a duplicate Earth knownas Terra in display of power, it was easy for tion. The nations bordering the Em-
a cosm in which reality resembles that Mobius to convince the locals that pire continue to bravely struggle
ofthepuJpadventurestoriesofEarth's ancient Egyptian civilization was far against Mobius' shocktroopers, while
19205 and '305. Terra is a world on superiorto that ofcontemporary Earth, a valiant band of rebels (made up of
which bold heroes strike out into the and thatit was EKYPt'snaturaldestiny outsiders and those who were not
unknowninsea.rchofadventurewhile to role the world: in addition to those converted by the axiom wash and
fiendish villains endlessly plot future who were converted into Mobius' chose not toaccept Mobius' dreams of
conquest only to be inevitably smitten servitude by the axiom-wash, uncon· conquest) wages war against the High
down by their moralistic nemeses. In verted locals became caught up in a Lord from within his own borders.
fact, Dr. Mobius himself is such a vii· patriotic fervor and began to enlist in
lain, a power.hungry mad scientist the Imperial army and volunteer their
who finally escaped the masked he- services by the thousands. Of course,
roes who continually thwarted his none of Mobius' devotees are aware The Tale of
plans for conquest on the day he dis- that their master is only interested in
covered the secret behind the mael- absorbing their inherent possibility
Dr. Mobius
strom bridges and removed himself energy, and using them to expand his Mobius was born on Terra almost
from his native cosmo boundariesandcapturemoreconverts three thousand years ago in the an-
Uke each of the other realms hast- and victims. cient Egyptian city of Karnak. Mobius,
ily slapped upon Earth, the Nile lhe Empire poses an immediate then known as Sutenhotep, was the
Empire operates under the reality threat to the peoples of Africa and the illegitimate son of the powerful and
axioms of its High Lord's home cosm Middle East, and a long term threat to evil Pharaoh Amat-Ra. Something
rather than thoseoftheuntainted Earth virtuallyevery living thing in the cosmo about young Sutenhotep must have
rosm. At the instant these axioms were Mobius' quirky combination of an- caught his father's eye, for the Phar·
dropped in over Mobius' chosen land- cientEgyptian might and magic, 1930's aoh risked scandal by bringing the
ing point near Egypt, the local geogra- technology, and almost unbelievable child into his home and raising the boy
phy and history underwent a stun- "weird science" is strange enough to as a legitimate son. Sutenhotep's fa·
ning transformation. The entire area catch the opponents of the Empire off ther dodged the inevitable scandal by
was reshaped to resemble an environ- guard, and formidable enough to murdering both his wife and the boy's
ment carefully clipped from the pages eliminate these opponents once they true mother, the only two persons who
of an old pulp magazine or the frames have lost the upper hand. But despite could have proved the boy's illegiti-
of an antiquated Saturday morning all of his advantages, Mobius has yet macy. Then he brought him to the
serial Hidden tombs holding fanJ:as. to completely eliminate his opposi- royal palaa! in Thebes.
tic treasures sprang up and concealed
themselves across the desert, while
the legendary magic of the ancient
Egyptiangodssuddenlybecamea very
real (and very potent> force. The resi·
dents, too, were transformed, many of
T he Terran Cosm
them twisted by the axioms into The planet Terra is nearly any of the Terran Expatriate
Mobius' evil devotees. identical tothe Earthofthe 19305. character templates or design
The most noteworthy difference, their own using the rules found
of course, is the presence of the in Torg and in this sourcebook.
Mobius and the strange "pulp" heroes and vil- Your local library has plenty of
lains who endlessly clash in epic reference books on the 19305 to
Locals battles that rageacross theplanet. get you started (and, if you're
These mysterious figures have lucky, a collection of pulp maga-
Mobius chose to set up his realm been active on Terra for years. zines). Up through the 305, the
around Egypt because he was origi- The first of the masked pulp history ofTerra is basically iden-
nallya native of the Terran version of heroes, a man known as El Spec- tical to that of Earth. All of the
Egypt. Aftertheaxioms had donetheir tro, was a swashbuckler in 18th important historical figures alive
work by transforming the regional century Spain. on Earth during the 305 (Roosev-
locales and attitudes, it was easy for The Terran rosm presents an elt, Hitler, Stalin, etc.) have
Mobius and his army of shocktroop- ideal backdrop for gamemasters counterparts liVing on Terra
ers, wizards, and Egyptian priests from who wish to run a "pure" pulp today. Because of the round-
Terra to come to Earth and trick the campaign, uncomplicated by the about connections Mobius has
Egyptians and nearby Arabs into be- Possibility Wars. To run such a established with his maelstrom
lieving that his sole aim was to re-es. game, use the Torg system aug· bridges, the gateway between
tablish a powerful Egyptian empire mented by the world roles in Terra and Earth is almost impos-
bent on restoring the glory of the an- chapter six. Players may choose sible to cross.
cient civilization. With an appropriate

TORG: The Nile Empire

When Sutenhotep came of age, he declared the Pharaoh of the people a never forget. And before the new
decided to study the discipline of as~ divine immortal being who would Pharaoh had finished rebuilding the
tronomyunder the aegis of wise Kerk- walk with the gods at the end of his royal palace, the curse began totakeits
eremtis, the vizier and astronomer to lifetime, Sutenhotep believed that he toll. Conquering legions became cow-
the royal court. During this appren- could fulfill his promise by toppling ering conscripts, rich crop fields be-
ticeship, Kerkeremtis constantly lec- Amat~Ra and seizing the Egyptian came a blighted. wasteland, and the
tured the young Egyptian on the value throne. usually oblivious peasants became an
and power of the scientific arts, a les- His popularity as a war hero and as ugly, disillusioned mob. By the time
son the youth would remember for the leader of his troops gave Sutenhotep the mob became angry enough to turn
rest ofhis life. Sutenhotep later added the followers he needed to set his upon its newly-erowned leader, none
mathematics, medicine, and history to daring plans into action. With his fol- of Sutenhotep's minions could stand
his academic repertoire. His classmatt! lowers in place, Sutenhotep removed in its way. The "Wicked Pharaoh,," as
in these studies was his half~brother, the first obstacle to the throne of Egypt thepeoplehadcometocallhim,ended
the Pharaoh's legitimate son, Toth. - his older half-brother, Toth. The his brief reign with his blood spilled
They grew as friends and brothers- assassination was direct and inelegant, out over the floors of the royal palace,
and as rivals as well. but it worked. Toth, the beloved of his dream of eternal life apparently
After Kerkeremtis pronounced the Amat-Ra, was dead. shattered.
young men ready, Sutenhotep began The legions loyal to Amat~Ra rose But Sutenhotep's story does not end
serving as an advisor to Toth, who in angry retribution and defeated. here. Shortly after his death,
was made general of the Egyptian Sutenhotep and his followers in an Sutenhotep's few remaining follow-
armies as part of his training to one epic battle on the plains outside of ers collected and magically mummi~
day take his father's place as Pharaoh. Thebes. Sutenhotep and his followers fied his remains, entombing their for-
Sutenhotep proved so valuable in this were banished to the sun~baked des~ mer master in an underground vault
role that he was later granted a gener- ert for their treachery, where they lived. on the small island of lChem, in the
alship of his own. Sutenhotep led the in hardship for the next 15 years. central Pacific Ocean.
Egyptian legions that joined with In the desert, Sutenhotep and his Centuries passed and the world
Toth's and conquered the land of the minions eventually met up witha vast changed; but almost three thousand
lower Hittites, a feat which turned tribe of wandering nomads, who the years later, Sutenhotep remained
both men into popular heroes. It was would-be Pharaoh quickly enlisted. undiscovered in his subterranean
decided that when Toth became Phar- into his ranks by using his knowledge mausoleum. In fact, the entire island
aoh, Sutenhotep would be named of the scientific disciplines to perfonn of Khem somehow managed to re-
grand court vizier, a very prestigious impressive "miracles." With the no- main isolated from the outside world.
post that would have adequately sat~ mads at his side, Sutenhotep now had Three thousand years later, Khem was
isfied the ambitions of any lesser man. the strength he would need to return still populated entirely by the descen~
But Sutenhotep had never seen him- to Egypt and shatter Amat-Ra's le- dants of Sutenhotep's original follow~
self as a mere advisor. He decided he gions. ers, who steadfastly clung to their
would stop at nothing until he himself Sutenhotep's return to Egypt ancient Egyptian customs across the
sat upon the Egyptian throne. proved far more fruitful than he intervening millennia, waiting for the
Just before Kerkeremtis' death, dreamed. The young conqueror's day they could resurrect the master of
Sutenhotep had a falling out with his nomad army crushed Amat~Ra's le- their ancestors.
old mentor. Kerkeremtis had finally gions and pillaged the royal capital, And eventually, that day came. The
recognized the evil that was begin- while the Egyptians under configuration of planets that the fol-
ning to brew in his former pupil'S Sutenhotep's command gathered and lowers used to perform the secret res-
soul. The old man laughed at exterminated. Amat-Ra's top support~ urrection ritual comes only once every
Sutenhotep's dreams of conquest. ers and advisors. When Sutenhotep thousand years. Before the day the
"Fools who would conquer," Kerker- captured. the Pharaoh in the royal descendents of Sutenhotep's original
emtis said, "are outwitted most fre- palace, he decided to honor his father followers revivified their ancient
quently by their own ignorance." As with a special tribute. He ordered the master, the ritual had never before
the old man was on his deathbed, royal priests to mummify the Pharaoh been performed.
Sutenhotep promised his former with all of the pomp and ceremony Shortly after he arose, Sutenhotep
teacher that he would one day prove befitting his station. But they were to left lChem to explore the new world.
himself by conquering eternity itself. do this while he still lived.. He finally found himself in America.
This promise was just as responsible Sutenhotep's treasured victory ul~ In accordance with the philosophy of
for Sutenhotep's lust for conquest as timately proved empty. Amat~Ra Kerkeremtis, he began catching up on
the young man's evil ambitions. Ful~ pronounced a horrible curse upon his the amazing scientific advances of the
filling the promise, and thus proving son as the priests worked the mummi~ last three thousand years.
himself superior to Kerkeremtis, the tying magic upon their former ruler. Once he had mastered the new sci-
wisest man he had ever met, became Even as the procedure slowly and ence, Sutenhotep began to rekindle
Sutenhotep's deadly obsession. And painfully killed him, Amat~Ra spoke his dreams of conquest. He remained
since the religion of the Egyptians the words that Sutenhotep would obsessed with the promise he had

•• 10
Chapter Two

made to Kerkeremtis. Without a major proved profitable enough to finance his egocentric ideology, Mobius saw
ancient Egyptian civilization onTerra, his continuing experiments into the the Kefertiri Idol as a sign from his
there was not nearly enough spiritual natureofinfinity. Before10ng,Mobius deity, a sign that must have been sent
power invested in the ancient beliefs had earned a planetwide reputation to Terra for his use.
for him to achieve immortality simply as a formidable master criminal. Mobius. discovered the idol in a
by seizing the Egyptian throne. But It was during one of his frequent hidden grotto beneath theGreat Pyra-
the unbelievable breakthroughs the clashes with the heroes of Terra that mid ofGiza. The blackstoneidolspoke
intervening millennia had brought to Dr. Mobiusd.isrovered theclues which to Mobius, claiming to be Sebek and
the scientific arts led him to believe he put him on the trail of the Kefertiri promising him great power. So began
rouJd now conquer eternity through IdoL Great power was attributed to the unholy alliance that turned Mo-
the application of raw technology. this artifact, and the legends of Terra bius into a High Lord. He returned to
Sutenhotep quicld Ydiscovered that to proclaimed that it was a gift from a the island of Khem. There, he used
learn and experiment in the modem Place Beyond. What interested Mo- promises of a return to the ancient
world, however, hewould need riches. bius, besides the talk of power, was glory of the Egyptian Empire to rally
And to get these riches, he turned to that the idol was connected to tales of the descendants of his followers into
simple crime. Inspired by the legiOns his patron deity, Sebek.. the organized and efficient army he
of "pulp villains" who had sprung up Sebek, the crocodile-headed god, would later use to conquer another
all over Terra, Sutenhotep created. the assisted Set in the murder of Osiris, world. He built a great structure in
hooded guise of Dr. Mobius as the the Divine Ruler of Egypt. Later, dis- honor of Sebek - a platform that
perfect cornerstone around which to enchanted with his place as subordi- contained the seven sarcophagi of the
construct a vast criminal empire. nate to Set, Sebek went in search of the great Pharaohs of Egypt, including
During his stint as an arch-villain, legendary Place Beyond called Kefer- the mummified remains of Amat-Ra.
Dr. Mobius frequently pitted his sci- tin. Sebek disappeared, but eventu- The seventh sarcophagus - that of
entific knowledgeand fantastic gizmos ally a sign from himappeared on Tern. Sutenhotep - was the only one that
against a wide assortment of Terran It was a crocodile-headed idol made of was empty, placed as a tribute to
heroes, the so-called Mystery Men. black obsidian. Miracles and powers Mobius' former self. In the middle of
Many of Mobius' criminal machina- were attributed toits few appearances the sarcophagi he placed the Kefertiri
tions failed at the hands of the heroes, in history during Mobius' death sleep, Idol.
though his criminal empire easily and thevillaindesired it as hisown.In

11:------------------.. 11
lORG: The Nile Empire

like a spoiled child. His arrogance and

Returning to Khem with the Dark- overconfidence are both legendary
ness Device, Mobius led his followers
into the cosmverse. There they raided
among the brotherhood of Terran
Dr. Mobius
an unsuspecting world and setup The Mobius' analytical mind is con-
alias Sutenhotep/Madib AI-
First Empire. Draining it of its passi· stantly evaluating his current situation
bility energy, Mobius launched attack and evolving a set ofcontingency plans
after attack until he reached Earth - in case his current scheme runs DEXB MIN 23
The Tenth Empire. aground. His actions are usually STR9 CHA24
With the power ofthe Kefertiri Idol, planned out in enough detail that if TOU9 SPI21
Mobius has positioned Khem in a you were to stop and ask him how far PER 16
pocketcosm between Terra and Earth. he was from accomplishing an objec-
A maelstrom bridge, shrunk consid- tive, he could give you an estimate Skills: reality 25, dodge 12,
erably after the initial invasion of Earth down to the hour. fire combat 9, lock picking 12,
to save energy, is hidden in a large There is no doubt about the fact that melee weapons 9, stealth 18,
ChinesepuzzlecabinetwhichMobius Mobius is a capable commander and unarmed combat 9, air vehicles
keeps in his royal palace at Thebes as an inspiring leader; but he tends to 17,Egyptian religion 19,evidence
a convenient escape hatch. The Terran mistreat and disrespect his underlings, analysis 18, hieroglyphics 20,
end of the Bridge comes down in any a trait which prevents both their loy- land vehicles 17, language 18,
of a number of the Pharaoh's secret alty and effectiveness from hitting their scholar (eternity shards) 18,
hideouts, and rumors persist that it true peak potentials. scholar (mythology) 18, trick 19,
randomlychangesits location on Terra. space vehicles 17, water vehicles
Mobius still frequently travels to Khem 17, hypnosis 26, meditation 24*,
and uses the island as a staging area Goals and Ambitions medicine 25, science 32, test 25,
for his war machine. Several unused weird science 37, charm 25, per-
tanks and aircraft are stored here to Here, in order of importance, are all suasion 28, taunt 25, faith (Egyp-
the bewilderment of the cultists that the objectives Mobius currently hopes tian religion) 24, intimidation 23.
remainedbehind,mostofwhommain· to accomplish. Since Mobius' goals are Possibilities: 60 (or moreifhe
tain the practices of ancient Egypt and those of the entire Nile Empire, quite a has recently tapped his Dark-
are still completely unfamiliar with few adventures set in and around the ness Device; see page 88 of The
modem technology. If Mobius ever Nilewill find the Storm Knights trying Torg Rulebook).
needs to call on these reinforcements, to prevent Mobius' minions from Inclination: Evil.
he can effortlessly re·expand the achieving one of these ends. Equipment: .455 Webley Re-
maelstrom bridge. 1. Achieve Immortality. Mobius volver; damage 17, range 3-10/
Although Mobius is the newest plans to achieve this goal by eventu- 15/40. Ruling staves.
High lord among the Possibility Raid- ally double-crossing the other High *Meditation is an ancient Egyp-
ers who have invaded Earth, his re- Lords and grabbing Earth's possibil· tian version of the skill listed on
lentless personal drive has allowed ity energy for himself. U some other page 55 of The Torg World Book.
him to gain a level ofpower and exper- means of accomplishing this end
tise that rivals that of the High Lords should reveal itseU, Mobius would
who have been active eons longer. For certainly show interest.
the past 30 years Mobius and his fol- 2. Increase Personal Power. Of tered among the hidden tombs and
lowers have effortlessly skipped from course, Mobius is interested in expand· grottosofEgypt. Mobius uses eternity
cosm to cosm, ~tablishing their ing his power base and placing new artifacts to create the element Eter-
Empire in each and draining away the resources at his disposal. He is espe- nium.
valuable possibility energy of the in- cially interested in gaining more lev· S. Remove the Curse of Amat·Ra.
habitants. To the heroes of Terra, it erage against the other High Lords The curse his father placed upon him
appeared as though Mobius had sim· operating on Earth. over three thousand years ago haunts
ply vanished off the face of the planet. 3. Expand the Boundaries of the Mobius to this day. If a means of
In fact, he has gone on to become even Empire. The larger the Empire grows removing the curse should present
more dangerous than he ever was be- and the further the stelae bounds are itself, Mobius would certainly take
fore. pushed back, the more possibility notice.
energy Mobius absorbs. Most of 6. Solve the Mystery of the Tiles.
Mobius' plans involve accomplishing Shortly after Mobius arrived on Earth
The Pharaoh's this goal because of its high priority and began scouting the planet, he
noticed some unusual energy emana·
and accessibility.
Personality 4. Discover and Acquire Eternity tions in various locations across the
Shards and Artifacts. Eternity shards planet. At several of these locations,
Dr. Mobius is a very shrewd man, and objects bring their bearer instant Mobius discovered some mysterious
and his scientific genius is without power. Many such artifacts are scat- mosaic tiles. The tiles are many times
equaL But in many respects, Mobius is
_u""::'::"'---- ..
12 --
Chapter Two

older than the Earth and are clearly during that encounter. If the encoun- Pella Ardinay
not a product of any technology in the ter does not involve combat or a dra-
eosm. Theirexactsignificanceremains matic skill resolution, the definition of (Aysle)
a mystery. See the Relics of Power ad- "setback" is up to the gamemaster, as
venture trilogy for more details. is the exact timing of the setback in all Mobius sees Lady Pella Ardinay as
7. Explore the Ancient Mysteries cases. Also, Mobius may draw Possi- an indirect threat to him, and a direct
of Earth's Egypt. When the axiom bilities from his Darkness Device only threat to Antipope Jean Malraux I.
washfloodedoverEgypt,agreatmany every other round of combat. He is Eventually the Nile Empire and Aysle
ofthe region's ancient legends became arrogant enough to believe that will must clash, but for now the fantasy
literal truth. Some of these legends prove of little consequence in combat. realm is a mixed blessing.
prescribe formulas for acquiring great
personal power or solving some of the
universe's fundamental mysteries. Thratchen
Since the ancient Egypt of Earth is not Mobius and the (Orrorsh)
completely identical to that of Terra,
Mobius is unaware of many of these High Lords Mobius knows that Thratchen is
legends and is currently trying to fer- Mobius does not trust any of the not a true High Lord, and that the
ret them out. other High Lords operating on Earth, demon is buried in a struggle that is
8. Weaken the Other High Lords. but he is occasionally willing to work well over his head. But Mobius fears
This goal has the lowest priority, but with them, if a temporary alliance will that Thratchen is only fronting for the
Mobius would certainly be interested suit his purposes. Here are Mobius' legendary cunning of the Gaunt Man.
in discovering and implementing an thoughts on each of his rivals Mobius is willing to probe, to chal-
item or situation which does not in- lenge the edges of the Gaunt Man's
crease his own power or better his authority, but he has no desire for a
position, but weakens that of his ri- BarukKaah direct confrontation with Orrorsh.
(The Living Land)
The Cwse of Amat-Ra Mobius hasan uneasy alliance with Jean Malraux I
Baruk Kaah and his tribesmen, and (Cyberpapacy)
The curse that Pharaoh Amat-Ra this is the strongest affiliation he has
placed on Mobius over three thou- madewithanyoftheotherHighLords. Antipope Jean Malraux is Mobius'
sand years ago is still in effect, though The two rulers often share informa- most hated and distrosted adversary.
its potency has faded a bit over the tion and occasionally swap resources. The two had met long before they
millennia. The curse currently affects Mobius has chosen Baruk Kaah as his were both summoned by the Gaunt
Mobius in two ways. ally since he sees the lizard man as the Man and almost went to war in an-
First, it siphons off a substantial weakest threat to his empire. Mobius other eosIn. during the time of the
portion of the posSibility energy he is tends to underestimate those who have Sixth Empire. Of course, this was be-
absorbing from Earth. Mobius is not little understanding of the scientific fore Malraux's reality changed. Any
even sure that the missing energy is arts. sort of alliance between these two is
the result of the curse. He currently unlikely.
believes that the power drain is being
caused. by a hidden fault in his equip- Kanawa
ment. This energy is redirected back
into the Empire, causing additional (Nippon Tech)
transformations of the land and more
Mobius especiallydistrosts Kanawa
artifacts to be created, artifacts which
and his technological reality. So far,
are both valuable and dangerous to
the mysterious Kanawa has played
his cards very close to his chest and
Second, whenever Mobius himself
remains behind the scenes, making
is personally involved in a dramatic
Dr. Mobius very nervous.
encounter of any kind, he automati-
cally suffers a setback at some point

TORG: The NUe Empire

Chapter Three

Structure of the
ach time Mobius enters a the rightful owner of all the land
new cosm in search of bounded by the stelae, though Mo-
possibility"""'8J',heand bius frequently sells plots of land and
his followers seize mili- businesses back to favored natives in
tary control of a fairly order to keep the local economy func-
isolated region and set up their Em- tioning (Mobius depends upon the
pire. In their historical accounts, local economy to support his armies
Mobius and his lackeys refer to each of and underlings).
the cosms they have plundered in the In addition. the taxes that are col-
past as a separate empire, and number lected from native laborers and busi-
these empires in chronological order. nessmen each month are placed di-
Since Earth is the tenth cosm that rectly into Mobius' personal coffers.
Mobius has invaded, the Nile Empire He then sees that appropriate funds
on Earth is known to Mobius and his are distributed to each of his advisors
men as the Tenth Empire. and underlings. This direct control
Mobius'travelingempirehasarigid over the Imperial treasury is an im-
bureaucratic government because portant means of limiting the power of
Mobius has found that this structure the lesser officials and discowaging
allows for the most efficient command rebellion.
and control among both his followers Mobius also has direct control over
and the cosm natives, and thus allows Super-Battlegroup Mobius, a branch
for the most efficient transfer of possi- of the Imperial Army that answers
bility energy. The structure of the only to him.
government was outlined by Mobius
himself during the First Empire. The
government of the Empire is seven- Level Two: Pharaoh's
Personal Advisors
Just below Mobius on the Imperial
Levels of totem are his five personal advisors.
Most of the advisors do not really have
Government the authority to overrule the decisions
made by those below them, but Mo-
bius places a great deal of trust in his
advisors and often acts upon their
Level One: The wishes. Most of the advisors are ex-
tremely loyal to their master and live
Pharaoh (Dr. Mobius) in large palaces in the Imperial capital
At the very top of the government, Mobius meets with several of them
of course, sits Dr. Mobius. Mobius has daily. With the exception of Banner-
absolute authority, including the man, all of the personal advisors were
power to ovenule a decision made by brought over from Khem. The five
any of his underlings. The officials of advisors are Ahkemeses, Rama-Tet,
the Empire recognize the Pharaoh as Muab, Teth-Net,and Felix Bannerman.

Chapter Three

(the High Priest)
As High Priest, it is Ahkemeses'
responsibility to interpret religious
omens that may impact the Empire
and advise the Pharaoh on all reli·
gious matters. He is the head of the
religious hierarchy.
Ahkemeses isa cold and cruel man.
He is loyal to Mobius, but is not above
breaking the rules of his religion or
purposefully misinterpreting omens 1
if it suits his purposes or his master's.
Ahkemeses: DEX 8, STR 9, TOU 9,
PER 13, MIN 13, CHA IS, SP12Q.
Skills: reality 25, dodge 9, melee
weapons 9, Egyptian religion 18, hi·
eroglyphics 19, language 16, scholar
(mythic lore) 18, trick 16, test 15, will-
power 19, persuasion 19, taunt 15, faith
(Egyptian) 25, focus 27, intimidation
Inclination: Evil.
Possibilities: 19.
Equipment: Staff of Horus, Staff of
Ra (ceremonial staves which have no
intrinsic mystical properties), ritual

(the Vizier)
Rama-Tet advises Mobius on all
matters and heads the College of
Mathematicians. Rama isold,evil, and
rational. His moves are always very
calculated. He is more interested in
@ lMl'EJll,Oot.CAPIT~t.


himself than Mobius. But for now, '-._""" -"'-' .....

serving Mobius is the easiest way for
him to accomplish his own goals - regalia of office, numerous small loyal because working for Mobius
personal power and riches. mummified animal parts used as gives him access to tremendous re-
Rama-Tet: DEX 11,STR6, TOUS, PER charms. sources which he can use to design
19, MIN 18, CHA 11, SPI 12. and construct his masterpieces.
Skills: reality 20, dodge 14, stealth Muab Muab: DEX9,STR 10,TOUI2, PER 12,
15, alteration magic 24, divination (the Royal Builder) MIN 19, CHA 10, SPI 9.
magic 22, hieroglyphics 21, language Skills: reality 14, beast riding 11,
20, mathematics 25, scholar (demon- Although he is technically a royal dodge 13, fire combat 13, energy
ology) 20, apportation magic 19, con· advisor, Mobius rarely consults Muab weapons 10, melee weapon 10, missile
juration magic 20, medicine 20, test 20, on matters of state. As Royal Builder, weapon 11, unarmed combat 11, al-
willpower 21, charm 12, persuasion it is Muab's responsibility to plan and teration magic 18, divination magic
13, taunt 12, faith (Egyptian religion) supervise new construction that will 19, first aid 14, hieroglyphics 14, lan-
16, intimidation 14. benefit the Empire. Muab personally guage 15, scholar (archeology) 15,
Inclination: Evil. designs and builds the massive monu- scholar (chemistry) 15, scholar (phys--
Possibilities: 19. ment to the Pharaoh that is constructed ics) 14, trick 13,engineering 27, hypno-
Equipment: Wand of Des (+1 b0- in each cosm Mobius plunders, and sis 22, test 22, weird science 23, will-
nus modifier to all apportation and oversees the Society of Engineers. power 23, charm 13, persuasion 13.

conjuration magid, gold and ivory Muab is far more obsessed with his

Inclination: Evil.
work than1*!rvingMobius. Heremains

-- 15
lORG: The Nile Empire

Pqssibilities: 21. Felix Bannerman equal regions. Each of these regions is

Equipment: Cap of office, .38 re- overseen by a special official known as
volver (damage value 14), ceremonial
(the Imperial Accountant)
an Overgovemor. The Overgovemor
dagger (STR+2, damage value 12), As the Imperial Accountant, Felix handles all of the day-t<Hiay activities
enchanted belt which acts as annor +5 Bannerman advises Mobius on ec0- in his or her region, allowing the Phar·
(armor value 17). nomic matters. He also oversees the aoh to concentrate on problems which
Imperial treasury and mint (it was confront theentire Empire. Overgover-
Teth-Net Bannerman who invented the system nors have the right to appoint any
(the Royal MaIShall) of coinage which has lasted through advisors or assistants they deem nec-
all 10 of the Empire's incarnations). essary and select the governors who
Teth·Net is Mobius' military advi· Bannerman was a small time hus- operate in their regions. Technically,
sor. He personally commands the tler on Terra who just happened to Overgovemors are responsible for
independent Battlegroup Teth-Net have an unequaled mind for finance. every event and activity within their
and has been empowered by Mobius Before he permanently joined up with regions, though they hardly have
to seize temporary control over any of Mobius, Bannerman was a financial absolute authority - Mobius and his
the military forces commanded by the advisortomanyofTena'sunderworld advisorsfrequentlysteponthemwhen
Overgovemors. Among Teth-Net's bosses and pulpvilla.iru;. As anoffidal it is expedient.
responsibilities is the coordination of of the Empire, he is a bit nervous The Overgovemors are appointed
the Overgovemors' Battlegroups. around Mobius and his Egyptian cr0- directly by Dr. Mob;us. Although the
Teth is a very quiet man. He speaks nies. average Overgovemor remains in
only to discuss military matters and Bannerman is a fast-talking con· office for many years and some have
strategy. Although he is extremely artist. He's not particularly loyal to held their posts throughout aU 10
loyal to his master, Mobius has se- Mobius, and occasionally skims funds empires, the roster changes when in-
cretly guaranteed his loyalty by im- out of the Imperial coffers. Mobius is competence comes to light or when-
planting a tiny weird science gizmo in aware of these transgressions, but does ever Mobius wishes.
his brain. All Mobius need do is twist not do anything about them; Banner- Mobius calls together aUlD of the
a jewel on one of his rings and a radio man remainsextremely useful, and he Overgovernors every eight weeks for
signal will be emitted that activates is not ambitious enough to become a a discussion of the current state of the
the device in Teth's head, flooding his threat. Empire. The site of this meeting alter-
brain with poison and killing him natesbetween the opulent palaceseach
Felix Bannerman: DEX 9, STR 8, TOU of the Overgovemors maintains in his
instantly. Absolutely no one but
8, PER 13, MIN to, CHA 13, SPI1 J. or her home region.
Mobius is aware of the implant's exis-
Skills: reality 12, fire combat 10, In addition to administrative re-
stealth 10, hieroglyphics 14, language sponsibilities, each Overgovernor
Teth-Net: DEX 13, STR 11, TOU 14, 16, scholar (business) 19, trick 16, test serves as commander-in-chief of an
PER 13, MIN 12, CHA 12, SPI12. 14, willpower 14, charm 16, persua- Imperial Battlegroup and has author-
Skills: reality 15,acrobatics14, beast sion 17, faith (Egyptian religion) 13. ity over all garrisons stationed in his
riding 20, energy weapons 14, fire Inclination: Evil. or her home region. The Overgover-
combat 19, heavy weapons 15, long Possibilities: 15. nors also frequently serve as Mobius'
jumping 15, maneuver 19, melee Equipment: Large gum eraser, personal operatives. It is not uncom-
weapons 20, missile weapons 20, pres· lucky rabbit's foot he got from a gang· mon for an Overgovemor and retinue
tidigitation 14, running 14, stealth 16, ster, slide-rule tie clip (the slide rule to be temporarily dispatched on a
swimming 14, unarmed combat 18, actually works), cuff links which can mission carrying him or her outside
find 17, first aid 15, hieroglyphics 14, be fired up to a range of five meters, the bounds of the Empire.
language 14, scholar (military history) whereupon the link fragments (dam· Perhaps the most valuable privi·
17, tracking 18, trick 16, survival 15, age value 15), old-fashioned (even by lege held by the Overgovernors stems
test 15, willpower 19, charm 13, per- Nile standards) watch and chain. from the fact that Mobius finds them
suasion 13, taunt 14, faith (Egyptian useful enough to use the Darkness
religion) 16, intimidation 17. Device to slow their natural aging
Inclination: Evil. Level Three: processes, a perk they share with the
Possibilities: 24.
Equipment: .455 Webley revolver The Overgovemors Imperial Advisors.
(damage value 17), bandolier of spare In each cosm in which it has been
ammo, marshall's headdress, aviator Madib A1-Hebpsa
founded, the Nile Empire has been
glasses, discipline stick (also useful as much too large for Dr. Mobius to Al·Hebpsa is actually Dr. Mobius
club STR+3, damage value 14), belt oversee alI its affairs himseU. For that himseU, without the hood and robe.
with hieroglyphsofbattlehonors, over reason, Mobius created theOvergover- This is why Mobius has maintained
11Osymbolsstretching back IotheFir.;l nors. his costumed alter ego. By maintain-
Empire. The latest commemorates the After the Empire is established in a ing a dual identity within the council
destruction of much of the Israeli newcosm, it isdivided into 10roughly of Overgovernors, he catches wind of
armored. force in the Battle ofTel Aviv.

•• 16
Chapter Thf'ft

any plots against him long before they plenty of contacts throughout aU of Equipment: Cigarette holder, ega·
are carried out. Only Rama-tet isaware the regions of the Empire, and other rettes (Triple Gold brand), 9mm P38
that Madib and the Pharaoh are one Overgovemorsavailthemselvesofher (damage value 15), several sets of
and the same (Mobius does not know services when d.iscretion or plausible identity papers, expensive jewelry,
that Rama is aware of his secret). Janya deniability are important. Her impor· most notably a diadem from the an·
Paterksi and Sesetek are both aware tance to Mobius has been evidenced dent court of Amat·Ra on Tena.
that Mobius is actuaUy one of the by the fact that she has received the
Overgovemors, but neither knows benefits of the Darkness Device more WuHan
which. often than any other Overgovemor
except Sestet. Wu Han is an insidious master
]anya Paterksi criminal whom Dr. Mobiusfrequently
Janya Paterksi: DEX 11, STRB, roUB, teamed with on Terra. Before he left
On Terra,Janya gained notoriety as PER 14, MIN 12, CHA 14, SPI 8. Terra for good, Mobius offered Wu
an expert spy and mistress of dirty Skills: reality 9, fire combat 13,lock Han a place in his Empire.
tricks, although she never seems to picking 13, melee weapons 13, presti- Wu Han is fond of riddles and enig-
directly involve herself in any of her digitation 15, stealth 16, unarmed mas. In addition to being an expert
operations ... at least not those which combat 12, air vehicles 16, disguise strategist, he is also a brilliant scien·
are discovered. She efficiently and 1~, evidence analysis 20, hieroglyph-
tist. For now Wu Han is loyal to
quietly plans, coordinates resources, ics 16, land vehicles 15, language 16, Mobius, though he certainly has his
and launches dozens of operations a scholar (master criminal) 20, scholar own personal agenda. It is doubtful
year. She is the only Overgovemor (streetwise) 19,trick lB, water vehicles that Wu Han would ever openly rebel
that Nippon Tech fears, and in her 17, science 15, test 16, willpower 14, against Mobius, though he would
clashes with clandestine Kanawa charm 16, persuasion 17, faith (Egyp-- certainly leave and strike off on his
operations, she has emerged victori- tian religion) 13. own if the opportunity for greater
ous five times for every two she has ·Disguise is the same as the skill power arose elsewhere.
lost. Rumors say she arranged the listed on page 54 of The Torg World Since the fiasco of the Destiny Map
death of the original Wraith, if he did Book, (see the first adventure in the Relics of
indeed ever die. Inclination: Evil. Power trilogy), Wu Hanhas fallen from

.. _----------------_..
Experienced and savvy, she has Possibilities: 17. Mobius' favor. He is determined to

-- 17
TORG: The Nile Empire

hieroglyphics 13, language 12, scholar

(master criminal) 16, scholar
W uHan
(streetwise) 13, first aid 12, land ve-
hicles 14, trick 12, water vehicles 13,
artist (actor) 13, test 11, willpower 12,
When? When was the night- tured the touch of glee in the charm 16, persuasion 17, faith (Egyp-
mare going to end? madman's voice. Here, Wu Han tian religion) 13.
My knuckles turned white as wasin his element. Watching me ""Disguise is the same as the skill
I pulled myself above the iron suffer, hearing Jean suffer, and listed on page 54 of The Torg World
bar and back into the long slop- knowing what this terrible di- Book.
ing corridor. As my eyes cleared. lemma was doing to my sanity. Inclination: Evil.
theedgeof the pit, I could seetlle I was at the end. I had sur- Possibilities: 15.
three doors - the end! In the vived the fire, the electricity, and Equipment: Monocle (discrete, two
back of my mind I could hear the wild monsters in Wu Han's piece lens which can expand into a
Jean, panting and screaming in dark death maze. Now, all I had jewelers glass), lockpicks sewn into
her agony, cursing my name for to do was choose the right door. his impeccably tailored suits (which
failing to keep my promise, curs- One led to Wu Han and Jean. The also contain numerous secret pock-
ing me for not being there. others led to death. ets), 9mm P38 (damage value 15) con-
"Just a bit farther now, Mr. -excerpted from 'The Death cealed in an impossibly slim holster
Murdock. Ms. Lincoln is waiting ChambersofWu Han" by Adam (weird science tech 26), favorable re-
for you." Axelrod, Strange Stories (Febrn- view of his last film folded in his (vis-
Even the makeshift wirelesses .ry, 1938) ible) jacket pocket, wristwatch which
strung down the corridors cap- forms a glass-eutting tool, and the
finest cologne available.

regain the Pharaoh's favor, at least Lord Millon Avery The Red Hand
until the unfavorable attention is redi- (aka Michael Mayhew)
rected to another Overgovemor. The Lord Milton Avery was a cunning
attributes and skills below reflect Wu and skillful jewel thief on Terra, and The Red Hand was another of
Han's effort to improve himself after another of Mobius' frequent allies. To Mobius' Terran allies. Beside his crim-
The Destiny Map adventure. the citizens ofTerra, Avery was known son zoot suit, fedora, and mask, the
asa famous swashbuckling actor. Few Red. Hand'sclaim to fame in theworld
WuHan: DEX8,STR7, TOU7, PER 13, were aware he wasalsoa master crimi- of villainy is his amazing electro-gun,
MIN 14, CHA 13, SPI 7. nal. Ouringoneofhis burglaries, Avery a pistol that shoots a bolt of electricity
Skills: reality 16, fire combat 9, discovered the truth about Mobiusand which, according to authorc. Michael
stealth 9, melee combat 10, unarmed the Darkness Device and smoothly Stone, is "as powerful as a lightning
combat 10, hieroglyphics 14, language blackmailed the arch-fiend into mak- bolt hurled from Olympus."
14, scholar (master criminal) 16, trick ing him a part of the Nile Empire. At The Hand }oined. Mobius for kicks.
16, test 15, willpower 18, weird science first, Mobius resented Avery's inter- He became an arch-villain for the sheer
16, charm 16, persuasion 16, intimida- ference, but he has since come to re- sport of it on Terra, and he joined
tion 9. sped the man's skill and natural lead- Mobius for similar reasons. Mobius
Inclination: Evil. ership. recruited him because of his scientific
Possibilities: 14. Over his years in the Empire, Avery genius and willingness to personally
Equipment: Robes lined with mi- has been using his position to accumu- test his own experiments. The Hand
crotubesconnected to pouchesofJensi late a vast personal fortune. He never remains loyal to Mobius and the
Lotus powder which can knock out steals from Mobius or the Imperial Empire, but if he ever found a greater
most opponents (damage value 12, +9 treasury, he simply locates and ac- thriUorchallengeelsewhere, he'd take
shock points of damage if any damage quires local items of value during his it in an instant.
is scored). The powder ignores any spare time. Avery is basically loyal to
armor which is not airtight. Jensi L0- Mobius, though if the price were right, The Red Hand (Michael Mayhew):
tus powder isa contact poison to which he might betray his masterout ofgreed. DEX 11, STR 8, TOU 8, PER 12, MlN
Wu Han has spent seven years build- Avery has a strong, perhaps even 15, CHA 13, SPI 8.
ing an immunity, only recently build- suicidal, desire to steal the diadem of Skills: reality 9, acrobatics10, dodge
ing a tolerance to where the poison Amat-Ra from Janya Paterksi. 13, fire combat 14, long jumping 11,
was safe to use. Wu Han keeps eight maneuver 11, stealth 10, unarmed
pouches filled with the powder. Wu Lord Milton Avery: DEX 10, STR 8, combat 13, air vehicles 13, hieroglyph-
Han is usually working on or carrying TOU8,PERI1,MIN9,CHA 14,SPI12. ics 16, language 16, find 15, land ve-
some kind of concealed gizmo. Skills: reality 16, beast riding 12, hicles 14, tracking 15, trick 14, science
fire combat 11, lockpicking 16, stealth 19, test 19, weird science22, willpower
18, unarmed combat 12, disguise"" 16, 19, charm 14, persuasion 17, taunt 16,

_. ,."...----------------- ~
Chapter Three

T he Red Hand
"Now my good man, the
money or your We, the necklace
or your wife!H
The Red Hand was into his
usual schtick. poking the elec·
~ around and threatening
everyone. It's obvious he's not in
this for the money; he just loves
lhesheersport ofit. And tonight's
victims weren't disappointing
him. In fact, the Hand was hav·
ing so much fun he didn't notice
me peering down from the sky·
light. I've worked hard enough
getting here. Now, I think, it's
time for me to have a bit of fun
- from '1'he Five Fmgers of
the Red Hand" by C. Michael
Stone. The Wraith ##102 Qanuary,

faith (Egyptian religion) 10, intimida-

tion 11.
Inclination: Evil.
Possibilities: 22.
Equipment: Costume; elect:ro-gun.
damage value 23, range 3--15/60/150.
Inside the costume are a small set of
tools, wires, capacitors and resistors.
The zoot suit has an armored breast·
plate (+4/armor value 12) which,. when
a film is ripped off the inside, can be
used asa circuit-board when scientific
inspiration strikes.
beyond if possible). Natatiri has a Natatiri, DEl< 9, STR 7, TOU 9, PER
strong love of sculpture, and fancies 13, MIN II, CHA 15, SP! 8.
Natatiri herself to be quite a sculptor. She is Skills: reality 14, acrobatics 11,
Natatiri was a young house girl in quite good, not that anyone around dodge 11, fire combat 10, melee
the service of the noble of Khem who hercouldsafelytakeanoppositepoint weapon 10, stealth 10, unarmed com-
formerly held her post as Overgover- o(view. bat 10, Egyptian religion 13, hiero-
nOT. After a long love affair with the Natatiri is very crafty and head· glyphics 13, scholar (art history) 14,
former Overgovernor, she finallyas- strong. She is secretly beginning to scholar (psycho!ogy) 14, trick IS,artist
sassinated him forinsultingher honor. hatch a plot against Mobius, hoping to (sculpture) 12, test 13, willpower 18,
Dr. Mobius was so impressed with the seize the post of High Lord for herself. charm 18, persuasion 18, taunt 18, faith
girl'S stamina and pluck that he ap-- Currently, she is trying to seduce (Egyptian) 12, intimidation 12-
pointed her as her former lover's re- Neteru over to her side. The attributes Inclination: Evil.
placement, a move he has never re- and skills below include the increase Possibilities: 20.
gretted. Natatiri's domain is always she obtained from the first time Mo- Equipment: Clothing of gold and
one of the most formidably managed bius allowed her to draw Possibilities silk weave, holloweaningsand brace-
in the entire Empire. So far her only from the Darkness Device, and are lets containing antidotes to a variety
indulgence has been to collect statu- therefore higher than noted in The Torg of poisons (because you just cannot
ary from all over the Empire (and World Book. tell about these other Overgovernors),

TORG: The Nile Empire

girdle made by a mathematician and Ramses weapons 13. stealth 12, unarmed
engineer to her exact dimensions combat 13, find 11, hieroglyphics 10,
(TOU+S/armor value 14). Ramses is a powerful young war- language 16. scholar (military history)
rior, and one of Dr. Mobius' most 10, trick 11. test 16, willpower14,charm
devoted followers. Hebelieves the Nile 10, persuasion 12. faith (Egyptian reli-
Empire is restoring the glory to an- gion) 13, intimidation 15.
cient Egypt and its gods. Inclination: Evil
E ternium Ramses is beginning to suspect
Natatiri of treachery, but he needs
Possibilities: 18

Etemium isanelementofpure more proof before bringing his suspi-

cions to Mobius. Ramses knows Na-
possibility energy distilled down
from eternity shards (atomic tatiri isnow popular with hisPharaoh, Sesetek is the oldest and wisest of
number 772, atomic weight and angering Mobius is a poor - and the Overgovernors. He was once a
1611.022). Its synthesis is one of possibly final-career move. He hopes member of the priesthood and was
Mobius' proudest accomplish- to one day become Mobius' Royal appointed to the post of Overgover-
ments.In its pure form,etemium Marshall. nor at the advice of Ahkemeses, to
resembles a glowing blue rock whom he remains a close personal
Ramses: DEX 11.STR 12.TOU 10, PER
with swirls of red. friend and ally. Sesetek is very loyal to
9, MIN 9, CHA 10, SPI8.
Eternium has two main func- Mobius-even more so than the High
Skills: reality 10. beast riding 13,
tions. First, it is the crucial ingre- Priest. But in his age, he lacks the
dodge 16. fire combat 13, maneuver
dient of the "reality bombs" energy to truly carry out his duties.
13, melee weapons 14, missile weap-
which Mobius uses to temporar- While he has had his age reduced
ons 14. unarmed combat 13, hiero-
ily alter the reality axioms of an several times by the Darkness Device.
glyphics 11, scholar (military history)
area in preparation for an inva- Sesetek apparently is not favored by
18, trick 11, test 12. willpower14,charm
sion. And second. a chip of eter- the black idol. The last two treatments
11, persuasion 15, faith (Egyptian) 10,
niumiscapableoffunctioningas have barely reduced his age. A firm
intimidation 12.
an infinite power source when
Indination: Evil. believer in the immortality of E~
properly connected to a gadget tian afterlife, the aging has ceased to
Possibilities: 20.
or gizmo. All charge-using worry Sesetek. Mobius has expressed
Equipment field armor (TOU+6/
powercomponentsconnected to a bit of concern that Sesetek is spend-
armor value 16). ceremonial armor
an appropriate chip of etemium ing too much time preparing for the
(TOU +4/armorvalue 14),.455 Webley
can draw energy from that chip (damage value 17), hieroglyph of hereafter and not enough attention to
forever, with no recharging nec- events in his region. Most observers
honor for the Battle of the Blue Nile
essary. The greater the power (Ethiopia). consider him to be next Overgovernor
requirements of the gizmo, the to fall.
larger the chunk of eternium
needed to power it (a com~ Neteru Sesetek: DEX8,STR8. TQU 8,PER 10,
nent with an adventure cost of 1 MIN 10, CHA 12, SPI 19.
Neteru is the youngest and most Skills: reality 21, dodge 9. unarmed
or2 might require a pieceofeter- ambitious of the Overgovernors.
nium thesizeofa bottlecap, while combat 9. disguise 19.... hieroglyphics
During the Eighth Empire he was only 13. language 13,scholar(theology) 15,
one with an adventure cost of 6 a major in the Imperial Army. He re-
or 8 might need a piece the size scholar (history) 14, trick 11. test 14,
ceived his current post by demonstrat- willpower 14. charm 16, persuasion
of a golf ball). Etemium has thou- ing the incompetence of his predeces-
sands of other potential uses 14. taunt 15, faith (Egyptian) 24. focus
sor to Dr. Mobius. The two then fought 20. intimidation 20.
which Mobius is only beginning an honor duel to the death. a duel won
to discover. Inclination: Evil.
by Neteru. Possibilities: 45.
Since the amount of etemium Neteru remains quite loyal to
that Mobius can synthesize di- Equipment Lapis-lazuli scarab, a
Mobius, but he is a very ambitious talisman of the Nile Empire (two
rectly corresponds to the num- youngman whoisdetermined tomake
ber of eternity shards he can months decay time; see page 99 of The
a name for himseU. His aspires to a Torg Rulebook). He has a charmofspirit
recover, a nd since such objects post at least as high as Royal Advisor.
are quire rare. there is presently armor in the shape of his patron god
Natatiri is currently attempting to Sebek; the charm substitutes Sesetek's
not very much etemium to go seduce him into joining her plot against
around. Most of the element that Spirit for his Toughness when absorb--
Mobius. ing damage in combat. Any shock
is synthesized is used to create
the vital reality bombs. Neteru.: DEX 11,STR 12.TOU9, PER9. damage taken isapplied to hisSpirit as
MIN 12, CHA 9, SPIIO. well; it takes 19 shock points to knock
Skills: reality 13. dodge 14. fire out the Overgovemor. Any wounds
combat13. heavy weapons 12, maneu- taken are applied to his body.
ver 12, melee weapons 16, missile

-------------------- ~
........ 20
Chapter Three

Herunut is an extremely capable
administrator, having held the post of
Overgovemor since the First Empire.
Although he remains loyal to Dr.
his role in the Empire. Over the years
he has seen a great deal of killing and
suffering and little of the glory M~
bius has promised. In short, his Incli-
nation is beginning to revert to Good.
If the Storm Knights or any other reb-
els could get to him, he would make a
powerful ally.
Herunut has recently (during the
perioo of the Ninth Empire) discov-
ered a love for flying. He often hosts
feasts for aces and other pilots who
have performed deeds ofaeronautical
Herunut: DEX 8, STR 8, TOU 12, PER
11, MIN 11, CHA 14, SPI 14.
Skills: reality 19, fire combat 9,
unarmed combat 12. air vehicles 13,
evidenceanalysis 15,hieroglyphics 14,
language 16, scholar (business) 17, necessary in their regions, and to fill Regional MilTShaII: some Overgover-
scholar (political science) 16, trick 14. those posts as they see fit. Each Over- nors appoint a Regional Marshall to
test 12. willpower 17, charm 19, per- governor maintains a different roster help oversee their Battlegroups and
suasion 15, faith (Egyptian) 16, intimi- of advisors and officials. Here is a list coordinate all military activity within
dation 17. of commonly appointed positions. the region.
Inclination: Evil (shifting toward Captain of the Regional Gunrd: basi- Regiomll Steward: themanorwoman
Good). cally, a trumped up bodyguard. filling this post keeps track of resource
Possibilities: 26. Director of Operations: the man who expenditures and the regional budget.
Equipment: Aviator's jacket from fills this post oversees intelligence and Regiomll Tax Collector: these offi-
Major Khufu-tet, leading ace of the procurement operations in the region. cers make sure all of the region's citi-
Ninth Empire. Khufu-tet recorded Grand Governor: Overgovernors zens pay their taxes. and are respon-
three kills against the Israelis before whodo not have time to meet with the sible for turning over the correct tax
being downed in this, the Tenth Govemors operating in their region revenues to Felix Bannerman.
Empire. Herunut is secretly funding a appointaGrandGovemor,whomeets Scribe: some Overgovernors ap--
search for the pilot. In his dining hall is with the lesser Governors and reports point special scribes to record all their
a full scale mooel of the Spirit of Cincin- to the Overgovemor. words and deeds.
nati, the plane the Terran Charles Liaison: Overgovemors frequently In addition, each region is assigned
Lindbergh used to cross the Atlantic. appoint liaisons to other Overgover- a local head of the Council of Mathe-
nors or to the royal court. maticians and a Regional High Priest,
Regional Adjudialtor. each Over- both of whom serve the Overgover-
Level Four: ~v~risresponsiblefor dispensing nor.
JUStice to the cosm natives in his or her Level Four is the highest level where
Overgovemors' region. Most do not have time to fulfill one would find a number of cosm
this responsibility and appoint a wide natives filling important positions.
Advisors variety of magistrates and judges who Obviously, only natives who have
Below the level of Overgovemor, operate out of individual cities and somehow won the favor of an Over-
towns. These lesser officials are usu- governor are appointed to such posi-
the Imperial bureaucracy is very in-
formal, a necessity considering the fact ally overseen by a Regional Adjudica- tions.
that the entire Empire is packed up tor who reports back to the Overgover- A tiny handful of Overgovemor
ever four or five years and redepos- nor. Advisors were appointed directly by
~ional Educator: this is basically a Dr. Mobius. Most such advisors are
ited in a whole other cosmo The Over-
govemors have the power to create regIonal head of propaganda. It is his small-time pulp villains from Terra
any subservient posts they feel are or her responsibility to keep the locals who Mobius recruited into the Em-
in line and happy. pire, though Mobius occasionally as-

TORG: The Nile Empire

si~amoretrustedunderlingtowork local military garrison), and Head of Mobius slowly acqUired a religious
directly under an Overgovemor of City Resources. awe in the eyes of his people. He is
whom he has reason to be suspicious. now seen by most of the cultists as a
divine being who speaks the word of
Level Seven: their gods, though not all of the cult~
Level Five: Governors Bureaucrats ists feel this way. Many rightly believe
that he is a mere mortal, albeit a pow-
Each important sub-region within erful one.
oneof the 10larger regions has its own Bureaucrats are the lowest ranking
And second, Mobius has promised
Governor who acts as the officials of the Empire. They are re-
the cultists that his true aimis to ab-
Overgovernor's representative in that sponsible for the routine work that
sorb enough possibility energy into
region. '1mportant sub-regions" are keeps the Empire functioning. Bureau~
the Darkness Device to return the glory
almost always towns or cities. crats are appointed directly by the local
of ancient Egypt to Terra. Most of the
Governors carry out all of the governors.
cultists believe that Mobius intends to
Overgovernor's responsibilities (taxa- Typical Bureaucrat posts include:
literally "turn back the clock" and
tion' justice, etc.) on a local level. ex- City Director of Waste Management,
move all of Terra more than three
cept they have no authority over any Neighborhood TaxColiector, and City
Livery Officer. Again, almost all Bu~ thousand years back into the past. Of
of the region's military forces. Many course, this is not Mobius' true inten~
Governors are cosm natives who are reaucrats are cosm natives.
tion at all, and a few of the cultists have
loyal to their Overgovernors. realized it (most of the Overgovernors
realize that Mobius does not intend to

Level Six: Governors' Why do Mobius' use the possibility energy heis absorb-
ing in this fashion).
Advisors Followers Serve Many of the natives of Earth's Egypt
and its surrounding territories have
Like Overgovernors, local Gover-
Him? chosen to follow Mobius because he
nors have the power to appoint as has convinced them that he is trying to
Most of the Empire's top-ranked build an empire based upon the ideals
many advisors or lesser officials as officials were originally members of
they like, in whatever capacities they of ancient Egypt on present day Earth.
the Cult of Khem, the descendants of Mobius has appealed to the Egyptian's
feel are necessary. Nearly all Gover- the followers ofSutenhotep in Terra's
nors' Advisorsarecosmnatives. Typi~ nationalism and promised to make
ancient Egypt. Most of the cultists their homeland the most powerful
cal posts include: Governor's Stew- continue to show strong loyalty to
ard, Governor's Liaison, Constabulary nation on Earth. Few of the region's
Mobius for two reasons. natives believe that Mobius is con-
Adjutant (a sort of liaison with the First, over the three thousand years nected with the other invaders who
that he was entombed beneath Khem, have appeared on the planet, and fewer
still realize that he poses a grave dan~
ger to every living thing in the area.
N ew Territories and Conquered Nations Almost no one realizes that Mobius is
killing them by draining their possi·
As the stelae bounds are Thebes. During the celebration, bility energies.
pushed back and the Nile Em- the goods and resources for
pire expanded, Mobius decides which the conquered land is best
on a case-by-case basis which known are displayed before the
Overgovernor has dominion Pharaoh, along with any cultural The Imperial
over the new lands. Usually, the
lands are added to the region of
treasures found in theconquered
region (artifacts are presented,
the adjacent Overgovemor who newly captured slaves demon- The Imperial shocktrooper is the
captured them. No matter how strate sacred dances and read workhorse of the Nile army. Shock~
large the Empire grows, there regional literature, etc.). troopers wear white skirts, sandals,
are never more than 10 regions. The Pharaoh also uses the and an Egyptian headdress. They are
After an entire nation is con- occasion of the victory celebra- usually bare-chested, but each has a
quered by the Nile Empire, it is tion to reward the Battlegroup shawl for cold weather.
customary for the leader of the commanders who were instru~ Most shocktroopers are enslaved
conquered people to be brought mental in the conquest, and to cosm natives (on Earth, though, most
before the Pharaoh in irons dur~ distribute newly-<:aptured slaves shocktroopers serve Mobius willingly
ing a special victory celebration to the heroes of the campaign. for the reasons noted above). Most
held at the Royal Palace in officers are Khem cultists. There are
two enlisted ranks in the Imperial
Army: footsoldier and veteran.

•• 22 ~

Footsoldi~r Shocktrooper. DEX 9, In addition to the normal equipment unit. Tank platoons are commanded
STR 9, TOU 9, PER 7, MIN 7, CHA 7, issued to each soldier, every squad is by veteran lieutenants.
SPI9. equipped with a Kocha machinegun. Three tank platoons makeup a tank
Skill" beast riding 10, fire ",mbat Squads are under the command of company. Tank companies are fre-
10, heavy weapons: 10, unarmed enlisted veterans. quently attached to infantry battal-
combat 10, climbing 10, willpower 10. Four squads make up a plotoon. ions. Note that some tank platoons are
Equipment: Schmeisser, damage Platoons are commanded by lieuten- not part of any tank company, and are
value 17; bayonet/knife,damage value ants, the lowest ranking Imperial offi- themselves independently attached to
13; two grenades, damage value 14; cers. aninfantrycompanyorbattalion. Tank
field kit. Three platoons make up a company. companies are commanded by field
In addition to the equipment belong- majors. Platoons containing Apere-
Veteran Shocktrooper: DEX 9, STR 9, ing to its platoons, each company has hens are rarely mixed with those con·
TOU 9, PER 7, MIN 7, CHA 7, SPI 9. an attached mortar group consisting taining Kheperas in a single tank
Skills: beast riding 11, fire combat of five 81mm mortars. Companies are company.
12, heavy weapons: 12, unarmed commanded by officers known as The largest armor unit in the Impe-
combat 12,climbing 10, find 9, first aid veteran lieutenants. rial Army is the tank force made up of
9, tracking 9, trick 9, survival 9, test 9, Four companies make up a batts/- four tank companies. Tank forces are
willpower 12, taunt 9, faith (Egyptian) ion. Each battalion has an attached never directly attached to a single in-
12, intimidation 12. artillerygroupconsistingoffive8Imm fantry unit; they rove, sometimes
Equipment: KK81, damage value mortars and five l05mm howitzers. supporting one unit and sometimes
19; two grenades, damage value 14; Battalions are commanded by field another. Tank forces are commanded
bayonet/knife, damage value 13; field majors. by overmajors. The tank companies
kit. Three battalions comprise a wing. comprising all tank forces are exclu-
The wing is the largest pure infantry sively made up ofKheperas. All Apere-
fonnationinthetmperialArmy. Wings hen companies remain independent
Infantry Organization are commanded by officers known as and are attached to infantry units.
The smallest unit in the Imperial
Army is a squad consisting of 10 men. Artillery Organization
Armor Organization In addition to the mortar and how-
The smallest armor unit in the itzer groups attached directly to infan-
o Imperial army, the tank platoon, is made
upol four tanks. TherearebothApere-
hen and Khepera platoons, but the
try battalions, there are a number of
independent artillery groups known
as battmes. Each battery iscommanded
two tanks are never mixed in a single bya field majorand contains 10 lOSmm
Mobius has a lot of tanks,
planes and heavy equipment at
his disposal. Mobius and the
Empire ha vebeen activeat cosm~
raiding for nearly 30 years. Most
of the army's heavy equipment
was brought across the mael-
strom bridge to Earth from
Mobius' staging area on the is-
land of Khem. In each cosm he
invades, Mobius sets up facto-
ries to build more heavy equip-
ment for the next invasion.
Approximately 25 percent of the
Empire's military equipment
was built during the First Em-
pireorearlier. Before Mobius and
his followers set off on their first
raid they spent two years pre-
paring. During this time, Mo-
bius designed the prototypes for
most of the Empire's tanks,
planes, and guns. f
/I: --------------------,. 23
lORG: The Nile Empire

howitzers and 10 155mm howitzers. by Teth·net, the Imperial Marshall. the direct command of the Pharaoh
Like tank forces, batteries are assigned Every Imperial military unit not himself, and are usually dispatched to
to support individual infantry units serving as a garrison is attached to a perform important missions and serv-
on a case-by.-ease basis. Battlegroup. As more soldiers are re-- ices.
cruitedand more units mustered,each
Battlegroup expands (the BattIegroups
Airpower usually expand in equal proportions, Garrisons
though Overgovemors who are tem-
Organization porarily out of favor often get short- The only military groupings not
changed). attached to BattIegroups are the garri·
The smallest air unit is the squadron son units that police the cosm natives
made up of 12 aircraft. Paket fighters, Currently, a full strength Battle--
group consists of fOUT infantry wings and maintain order in the Empire's
Nekata bombers and Herusent dive interior. Garrison units are almost
bombers are aU organized into squad- (one of the wings is equipped with
Aaka personnel carriers and is consid- always infantry battalions, though the
rons, which are commanded by field occasional armor unit crops up on
majors. ered mobile; the same wing has an
attached company of Kheperas), three garrison duty.
Three squadrons are sometimes Dr. Mobius likes to deploy garri-
organized into a unit known as an air tank forces (all equipped with Khep-
eras), MO independentAperehen tank sons on a 1:100 ratio. Thus, one infan-
wing. Air wings are commanded by try battalion (500 men) will be sta-
overmajors. All Nekata squadrons are companies, MO Paket air wings, one
Herusent air wing, and three artillery tioned in a region for every 50,000
organized into wings. natives living in that region. Local
Most air units are independent and batteries.
Battlegroups are given the designa- garrisons fall under the command of
ordered to support various infantry the appropriate Overgovernor.
units, depending upon the current tion "Battlegroup XYZ," where XYZ is
the name of the Battlegroup's com- Garrison troops are not as well
situation. Some squadrons are directly trained as shocktroopers, being more
attached to infantry battalions and mander (i.e. Battlegroup Wu Han,
Battlegroup Ramses, etc.). easily swayed by the enemy.
Garrison Trooper. DEX9,STR 9, TOU
The Imperial Super Battlegroup 9, PER 7, MIN 7, CHA 7, SP] 9.
Skills: fire combat 10, heavy weap--
Battlegroup Mobius ons 10, unarmed combat 10, climbing
Battlegroups are the large overarch~ The largest Battlegroup in the Im- Inclination: Evil.
ing formations that form the basic stra- perial Army, Super Battlegroup Mo- Equipment: Schmeisser, damage
tegic maneuver element of the Impe- bius, is under the command of the value 17; or 7.92 KAR, damage value
rial Army. There are 11 Imperial Bat- Pharaoh himself. The Super Battle-- 19.
tlegroups: one overseen by each of the group consists of six infantry wings
Overgovemors, and one commanded (three of the wings are equipped with
Aaka personnel carriers and are con-
sidered mobile; two of the wings have Moving the Stelae
an attached company of Kheperas),
fOUT tank forces (all equipped with Mobius expands the borders of the
T he Rule of Law in Kheperas), fOUT independent Apere--
hen tank companies, three Paket air
Empirethrough simple conquest. Once
a region is conquered, a special team
the Nile Empire wings, two Herusent air wings, two of scientists is sent in to plant new
Nekata air wings, and five artillery stelae. Mobius' stelae resemble idols
There really is no organized of the Egyptian god Horus sitting atop
justice system within the Nile batteries.
huge stone obelisks. Everything from
Empire. If a citizen is accused of street signs to distance markers are
a crime, he or she is taken to a
magistrate who decides guilt or Gospog also made to look like the obelisks,
hiding the stelae through sheer num-
innocence and hands down an Mobius also counts among his col~ be....
appropriate sentence. Sentences lected forces a number ofserond·plant· The Imperial Battlegroups are the
usually range from imprison- ing gospog. At present, approximately expeditionary forces used forconquer-
ment in the Land of the Dead to 50 of the creatures exist within the ing nearby surrounding territories.
death, depending upon the seri- Empire (Mobius' gospog resemble Mostcampaigns aiming to expand the
ousness of the crime. Harsher mummies, see chapter xx). borders of the Empire are conceived
magistrates often come up with In and around the Nile Empire, the by Mobius himself, who then orders
more unusual punishments (cut gospog are probably the most feared the appropriate Overgovernors to
the hands off thieves, etc.). of Mobius' minions. They are under mobilize their Battlegroups. During

. . . . .- =-:-------------------- ~
Chapter Three

periods of idleness, however, it is not radius into a pu re zone that conforms to

uncommon for an Overgovernor to the Terran/Empire axiom set. This

~T~ allying the Spoils

launch an attack on his or her own effect lasts for approximately three
initiative. If such an effort succeeds, hours. Thus, once a reality bomb ex-
the Overgovernorcan look forward to plodes, any weaponry and equipment
great rewards from the Pharaoh, while with a Technological rating greater "Did you know that the sol-
failure prompts punishment. than 21 ceases to function, placing diers of ancient Egypt used to
Mobius' men and the Core Earthers on cut off the right hand of every
equal technological footing. By the time enemy they killed in battle. Ev-
Reality Bombs the effect of the bomb has worn off, ery night, the hands were col-
Mobius' men have usually had plenty lected by the officers and giyen
Mobius' men and equipment must of time to overrun the opposition and to mathematicians who would
obviously leave the stelae bounds in set up new stelae. Many of the nations use them to tally up an exact
order to invade enemy territory and that border the Empire are well aware casualty count."
expand the Imperial holdings. But how of the reality bombs and have begun - "General Alfred F.
do Mobius' armies, equipped with digging antique tanks and equipment Dunhill's Great Moments in the
vintage 1930's and '40's equipment out of mothballs and prepping them History of Organized Warfare:
augmented only by the occasional for defense against an invasion from Startling Facts", from Riley Tales
weird science gizmo, stand up to the the Nile. a/Conquest (November, 1931)
mightyweaponsofmodemdayEarth? Mobius oversees the construction
Surely, a small force of Core Earthers of most of the reality bombs himself. The soldiers of the Nile Em-
anned with Apache gunships and Ml Since each bomb needs a tiny piece of pire continue this grisly practice.
tanks could repulse an entire Imperial eterruum to function, there is a very Detailed tallies of casualties,
Battlegroup! finite limit to the number of bombs resources captured, and enemies
Mobius has solved this problem by Mobius can build. Currently, the encountered are taken by offi-
creating the amazing "reality bombs." Mobius' men can produce the bombs cers after each battle and sent to
Just before they are about to invade an at a rate of approximately five per both the Battlegroupcommander
area, Mobius' men detonate a reality week. and Dr. Mobius himself. Mobius
bomb in the vicinity of the invasion Note that there is no physical ex· has Felix Bannerman pore over
site. The bombs are either dropped out plosion when a reality bomb is deto- such reports and look for evi-
of aircraft or planted and detonated by nated, simply a harmless bright flash, denceoftheOvergovernorslying
teams of commandos. When the bomb followed by a pattern of silver streaks about casualties or secreting
explodes, a temporary axiom-wash slowly cascading down from the sky. away spoils in preparation for a
converts everything within a two mile plot.

TORG: The Nile Empire

Chapter Four

Cities of
he Nile Empire has cities resented. Thevast rnajorityoftheurban
full of gangsters, Bedou- citizens ultimately work for the Impe-
ins, crooked cops and rial government, but, again, Mobius
valiant detectives, has sold a few scattered businesses
shopkeepers,heartless in- back to wealthy, favored Earth people.
dustrialists serving Mobius, barn- Approximately 10 percent of the
storming pilots, desperate criminals, Empire's manufacturing industry, 15
priestesses, smugglers and the occa- percent of its packing industry, and 30
sional weird scientist. Villains and percent of its merchants are independ·
heroes constant!y battle for the control ent. Nearly 100 percent of the Empire's
of the cities. Reporters and pulp au- entertainment industry is in the hands
thorschroniclethecontinuingstruggle of independent businessmen. Saloons
for the soul of the cities. (which sell only overpriced '1egal"
In the descriptions below, the ma· liquor), movie theaters, and dance halls
jor cities of the Nile are covered in are all fairly common in large cities.
brief. In these descriptions are game- The typical city in the Empire con-
master characters and locations spe- sists of a large business district abut-
cific to the city, although you can adapt ting a spraWl of middle class dwell-
some of the locations for other cities if ings. The upper class residents of the
you wish. At the end of the city files city live in posh villas built on the
are a list of locations which can be highest plateaus in the city. The lower
found in any city. In a sense, they are class residents ofeach city usually live
location templates which you may in a romanticized "ghetto" located near
modify to make distinctive from city the business district.
to city. Each year, when the farmers leave
their communities on the banks of the
Nile, all of the cities become greatly
overcrowded and undergo an eco-
Urban Profile of nomic crunch. During these months,
the Nile Empire all prices climb by 50 percent across
the entire Empire.
Approximately 40 percent of the Each Imperial city is overseen by a
Egyptian residents of the Empire live govemor, who comes under the juris-
in the farming communities along the diction of the regional Overgovemor,
banks of the Nile. Theother 60 percent and contains at least one temple. Larger
live in urban areas. sized. cities all contain one of the
The axiom wash has converted the Empire's nine principle temples.
Egyptian cities into highly romanti- Since rebellion is hardly unheard
cized versions of themselves, circa 1939 of, Dr. Mobius keeps a strong military
-winding narrow streets,crudestone presence in each city in the Empire
huts, frequent mysterious travelers, (these are garrisons, seechapter three).
etc. Look to tate-night movies for in- The frequent targets of angry rebels
spiration. arethewealthyindependentbusiness--
Thecity dwellers in the Empire have men, who are seen as "collaborators."
a wide variety of occupations. Just 10 general, the cities of the Empire
about every trade or profession prac- fall into one of three size categories:
ticed on Earth during the 19305 is rep- "Large" citi~are those with a popula-

--0-:': - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . .
26 --
Chapter Four

tion in excess of 200,000; "Average"

citiesarethose with a population rang-
ing from 80,000 to 200,000; and
'1..esser" cities are those with popula-
tions of less than 8O,(X)().

City Descriptions
The descriptions below give a brief
overview of the important cities in the
Nile Empire. Thesperific locations also
include an adventure hook to help
you jump-start an adventure, or to
add the location to your campaign.

Within the Empire, Cairo is unique.
The axiom wash had a very odd effect
on the city and its immediate envi-
rons, transforming theentire area into
a sprawling mass ofurban corruption. city limits. For a Significantly higher operated press.
Something about the city seemed to fee, Storm Knights or gamemaster A door to the right of theentrance
attract every gangster and criminal in characters can purchase items not of the warehouse leads down a wind-
North Africa. Currently, Cairo is cov- normally sold anywhere else, even a ing staircase. At the foot of the stairs is
ertly ruled by a wide variety of gangs few weird science prototypes. a metal door which opens to the base-
and syndicates that make their money Geographically, Cairo is arrayed as ment offices of 1M Clarion. The office
from bootlegging, prostitution, and a thin strip along the east bank of the consists of one large room housing the
illegal gambling. Citizens from all over Nile. Thesouthsection, knownas "Old printing press, composing tables, and
the Empire constantly flock to Cairo to Cairo", is a seedy nightmareof twisted a single staff writer's desk. To the left
partake in its pleasures, all of which streets and battered buildings and is isa woodendoor leading to theeditor's
are almost unheard of elsewhere. In home to the poorest citizens in the office, which at one time waS used for
short, the city is a peculiar Arabic- entire Empire. Central Cairo forms a the storage of coal. It has a small win-
influenced version ofthe big city found huge nightlife district, while the north dow leading to the street:, a large desk,
in a typical gangster movie. quarters the Imperial garrison and and a numberof filing cabinets stuffed
The situation is so bad in Cairo that houses the Grand Temple of Isis. with papers.
Mobius has decided to leave thecity to Unlike everything else in the city, the The printing press is hand-oper-
itself. The garrison troops he kept Imperial garrison takes thetempleand ated, and prone to breakdowns. It is
deploying to clean up the city were those visiting it very seriously. The potentially the most vulnerable target
losing their war against the criminals, gangsters have learned to leave the for sabotage.
who have proved harmless enough to area alone. The Clarion has published editori-
the general welfare of the Empire as Just outside of Cairo are the Great als against Mobius and the vast bu-
long as they are left undisturbed. This Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. Mo- reaucracy he oversees. It has also at-
is not to say that there is no military bius maintains a large presence at each tacked the operations of gangster Ali
presence within the city at all - the of these sites, searching these artifacts Bejjar, owner of a number of gambling
usual garrisons are still present. The for ancient mysteries. parlors in Cairo. Bejjar has stated that
troops simply tum their heads away he will allow the paper to operate for
from all the corruption. Dr. Mobius as long as it amuses him. He keeps

has found Cairo a convenient dump- an eyeon the paper's activities through
ing ground for those Imperial officials The Cairo Clarion a spy planted among the staff.
who he cannot trust but cannot re-
move due to their political connec~ TMOJiro ClIzrion is an underground SuJeiman Hassan: DEX 8, STR8, TOU
tions. newspaper which is editorially op- 8, PER 10, MIN 10, CHA 9, SPI 8.
Cairo is also legendary for its vast posed to the rule of Dr. Mobius. It Skills: maneuver 10, evidence
black market. U an item or commodlty operates out of the basement of the analysis 13, scholar (business) 12,
is available for sale anywhere in the Arish Warehouse on a Cairo side- scholar (journalism) 12, trick 14, artist
Nile, it can be found for sale within the street:, with a staff of three and a hand- (writing) 14, test 14, charm 11, pelSua-

lORG: The Nile Empire

Nill! &tpiro M." 3

The Cairo Oarlon


Two-statK>n printing pre55 SlaIn


Composing ta~es

• i
[II] Nill! Empire Map 4
~ The Living Truth Agency

'.". .~

1. Main entrance
from corridor
2. Outer offICe 1 [)
3. Inner office
4. Closet
3 en
5. Secret doset,
en \\)
Silver Scarab's gear !

0 I"
4 I 5
28 ~
Chapter Four

sion 11, taunt 10, intimidation 9.

Inclination: Good.
c airo Gamemaster Characters
Possibility Potential: some (25).
Equipmentprinting press, Tech 20,
Here are a few gamemaster UtheStormKnightsarelooking
characters headquartered in to buy technological compo- Description: Suleiman Hassan is
Cairo who might prove useful in nents, Dunfy should be their the editor of ~ Oziro Clarion. He was
adventures: first and last stop. You can as- a member of the Egyptian upper class
sume he hasalmostany piece of until Mobius' takeover, at w hicb point
Donald "Doc'" Dunfr- DEX technological equipment for he and his wife were turned out of
7,5TR7, TOU7,PER 14,MIN 14, sale. Knighlsareadvised todeal their home and it was given over to
CHA8,SPI8. with Dunfy straight, however, Bejjar's mob. Unable to strike back
Skills, hieroglyphics 15, lan- as so many powerful gangsters directly, Hassan set up ~ ClDrion
guage 15, trick 16, science 17, test have come to rely on his unique offices in a building he had once
16, weird science 17, charm 12, talents that there would be hell owned. A shrewd analyst of the ma-
persuasion 9, faith (atheist) 13. to pay if anyone started giving chinations in Cairo, he is unfortunately
Inclination: Evil. him trouble. blind to the designs of his wife.
Equipment: White labcoat, Goals: To keep the newspaper
rumpled wool tie. Rarely carries Alif"'Mad Dog" Bayan: DEX running; to overthrow the rule of the
much gear with him, although 8, STR 8, TOU 9, PER 12, MIN gangsters in Cairo; to reclaim his status
he usually believes he has just 12, CHA 12, SP114. as a noble.
the item he needs on him. On a Skills: reality 16, fire combat
roll of20 or better he actually has 11, unarmed combat 11, hiero- Nespera Hassan: DEX 8, STR 8, TOU
the item he believes he has, oth- glyphics·lS, trick 13, test 14, 8, PER 12, MIN 12, CHA II, SP17.
erwise he produces a crushed willpower 15, charm 13, per- Skills: reality 8, maneuver 9, land
wad of Dentley's gum, receipts suasion 15, faith (Egyptian) 15, vehicles 13, scholM (journalism) 13,
for NTN4lntensmers,orequally intimidation 17. trick 13, artist (graphics, page layout)
u.seful items. Possibilities: 16. 13, test 13, charm 14, persuasion 14,
Description: Doc Dunfy lives Inclination: Evil. taunt 13, intimidation 8.
in the basement of a small hovel Equipment Never carries a Inclination: Evil
located in the central city. He is weapon in his own place; packs Possibilities: 10.
famousthroughoutCairoandits .38 revolver (damage value 14) Description: Nespera Hassan is the
environs for his scientific gen- with a weird science Kolveg wife of SuJeiman Hassan. and does
ius. Gangsters all over the city Biolock targeting device, giv- much of the layout for 'I7u! Oziro Clar-
frequently hire Dunfy to build ing the pistol a +5 bonus modi- ion. Secretly, she blames her husband
amazing weird science gizmos, fier(to hit only) which has given for the loss of their home and position.
or develop plans involving the Bayanan unjustified reputation She is in the employ of Ali Bejjar, feed-
use of gizmos. In the gang war as a devastating shot. ing him information on the paper's
that grips the city, Dunfy has Description.: Bayan is one of activities in the belief that he will
remained completely neutral. He Cairo's most notorious mob- reward her by letting her return to her
will help the gangsters of either sters. He and his gang control a mansion.
side, as long as the price is right. string of 11 night clubs in the Goals: To reclaim her wealth and
Dunfy is personable enough on central city. His followers cur- position in society; to get useful infor-
a one-on-one basis, and projects rently number about 60. mation to Bejjar; to keep her husband
the personality of a harried pro- Bayan and his men have a from finding out about her deal with
fessor more than he does of an secret hideout beneath the City Beijar.
evil mastermind. The core of his of the Dead, a vast collection of
evil is that he does not care what graveyardsandmausoleumson Gh..i IUlek DEX 10, 5TR 10, TOU 9,
sort of misery his gizmos cause, the northeast outskirts of town. PER 10, MIN 10 CHA 9, SPI8.
as long as he gets to build them Right now, he has an uneasy Skills: reality 9, dodge 12, fire
- ~d gets paid for them. truce with most of the other combat 12, heavy weapons 11,maneu-
Dunfy is also the most notable syndicates in town, but he and ver 12,. unarmed combat 12,. evidence
black marketeer of scientific his men are ready for action at analysis 13, land vehicles 11, trick 12,.
apparatus in the entire Empire. the first sign of trouble. artist (writer) 12, test 12, charm 11,
persuasion 11, taunt 10, intimidation
Inclination.: Good.
Possibilities: 10.
Desaiption: Chazi Rafek is a for-
mer member of the Egyptian military

TORG: The Nile Empire

who deserted shortly after Mobius' be had through Hassan or Rafek, both
takeover, disgusted with, the High of whom have a network of connec-
The Living Truth
Lord's talk of reviving the nation's tions throughout Cairo. In addition, Agency
past glories rather than looking for- Rafek will willingly act as a guide for
wardtothefuture.RafekmetSuleiman Storm Knights unfamiliarwith the city.
Hassan at a small protest rally against The Uving Truth Agency is the
thegangsten'dominanceofCairo,and Oation Adventure Hook Cairooffice ofprivate eye Rex McMas-
saved the editor's life when Bejjar's ters and his assistant, the lovely Sadi
henchmen attacked the crowd. He Suleiman Hassan has given the Bel-Adda. No case is too big or too
went on to become thestaff reporter at Storm Knights important information: small, and though McMaster's incli-
Tht ClDriori. He harbors some suspi- the leader of an elite Imperial shock- nation is good, he has fostered a repu-
cion about Nespera Hassan, but does trooper unit has run up huge gam- tation for working both sides of the
not have enough evidence, and fears bling debts, and is willing to sell the law.
the effect the revelation of her betrayal security plans for a "weird science" Theagency is located on the second
might have on Suleiman. research center. This could set up a floor of the Nabib Building, which
Goals: To keep The Clarion operat- major coup for the Storm Knights, but also houses a cut-rate apothecary shop
ing; to eventually return to the armed there's one hitch. Unknown to any- and a health clinic. Making a left at the
forces when Mobius has been deposed; one, Nespera Hassan has informed top of the stairs, the Living Truth
to protectSuleimanHassanfromharm. Ali Bejjar, whose men are even now Agency is the first door on the right
stalking the shocktrooper, and have (the words "Uving Truth Agency, Rex
The Cairo Clarion can serve as an no compunction about gunning down McMasters, Prop." are written in gold
important source of information for any Storm Knights whoget in the way. on the door). Entering, you find your-
Storm Knights or pulp heroes in the Can the Storm Knights prevent the self in an outer office, with a desk and
Nile. News about the whereabouts of shocktrooper's murder and recover chair, a telephone, and a typewriter.
weird scientists or shocktrooper units the plans? Behind the desk sits Sadi Bel-Adda,
throughout the Nile Empire can often McMaster's partner and an adept

•• 30
Chapter Four

Behind her desk is the door to Goals: To overthrow Mobius and

McMaster's office. The office features bring him back to Terra to face justice;
a set of filing cabinets, with McMaster's
desk and chair up against the win-
to battle the criminal gangs which
control Cairo. ~T_~ he Omegatron
dows that look out onto the street. A Description: McMasters had been Perhaps Dr. Mobius' most
ratty old couch rests against the left a private eye on Terra before Mobius' sinister creation is the infamous
wall, and on the right is a closet. invasion of the Earth cosmo While on Omegatron, a horrible torture
A twist of the hook in the back of Terra, he witnessed a gangland shoot- device he keeps in the sub-base-
that closet opens a secret panel to a ing that Wiped. out a shopkeeper and ment of the Royal Palace. The
second closet, where McMasters hides his family. Angered at the law's ina- Omegatron is powered. bya large
his greatest secret. When night falls, bility to apprehend the murderers, chunk of eternium, allowing it to
he dons the distinctive costume of The McMasters fashioned a silver and red endlessly revive its victims after
Silver Scarab, and armed. with his costume and a primitive version of the torturingthemintounconscious-
Scarab's Sting (an electro-gun), he Scarab's Sting and captured them ness. Without rescue, a victim of
battles the criminals that dominate the himself. Shortly after this, he met Sadi the Omegatron is doomed to
city. Bel-Adda, who was using her powers eternal torture. In fact, several
The Living Truth Agency is a likely to help the police. The two became victims are particularly nasty
stoIXlff for the Storm Knight unsure friends and confidants, and the part- rebels Mobius had captured
of how to proceed. in his mission. If nership has continued to this day. during the earlier incarnations
McMasters can't suggest a course of McMasters has vowed never to take a of the Empire. They remain in-
action, Sadi, with her mastery of divi- life except in defense of his own or side the device, tortured to this
nation magic, can often find the true another's. day. Some have been inside for
path. McMasters has been retained. by more than 20 years!
everyone from Storm Knights to Over- Sadi Bel-Adda: DEX 10, STR 8, TOU7, Ingameterms, theOmegatron
governor Wu Han himself. (Oneof the PER 12, MIN 12, CHA 9, SPI 9. has intimidation skill value of 25,
few jobs at which he failed. - he was Skills: reality 11, acrobatics 12, usable only for interrogation
hired. to capture The Silver Scarab,) dodge ]2, maneuver 11, prestidigita- purposes. It has a damage value
McMasters often accepts jobs from tion 12, running 11, stealth 13, un- of 22. Once the victim has taken
criminals in order to gain information, armed combat 13, climbing 11, divina- his fourth wound, the machine
which The Silver Scarab can then put tion magic 15, trick 14, conjuration reconstitutes the victim, return-
to use against the mobs. magic 15, test 14, willpower 13, charm ing him to a single wound. Once
]0, persuasion 11, taunt 10, intimida- wounded on the Omegatron, a
Rex McMasters: DEX 10, STR 10, TOU tion 11. victim is never completely healed.
10, PER 12, MIN 10, CHA 8, SPI 8. An:ane Knowledges: dark 1, earth while attached to the machine.
Skills: reality 11, acrobatics 12, 1, folk 2, living forces 2, light 2. Destroying the Omegatron
dodge 12, fire combat 13, lockpicking Inclination: Good. would be a Significant blow to
11, long jumping 11, maneuver 13, Possibilities: 19. Mobius' image and ability to
melee weapons 12, running 12, stealth Goals: To aid McMasters in his fight cause fear; doing so is worth an
13, unarmed. combat 12, climbing 1L against crime; to eventually return to automatic glory result, just as if
evidence analysis 15, find 14, trick 13, Terra and get McMasters to marry her. the Storm Knights had success-
test 12, weird science 13, charm 10, Description: Sadi Bel-Adda is the fully played a glory card.
taunt 10, intimidation 11. daughter of an Egyptian detectiveand
Inclination: Good. a French mistress of the mystic '!rtS. As
Possibilities: 12. she grew to adulthood, she found she
Equipment (as RexMcMasters):.45 had an aptitude for both pursuits - Silver Scarab
Colt automatic (damage value 16). she used divination magic to track Adventure Hook
Equipment (as Silver Scarab); down criminals and conjuration magic
Scarab'sStingelecrro-blastpistol,Tech to keep them at bay. Whenthesefailed., While on nightly patrol, The Silver
27, damage value 19 (stun damage), she could rely on the athletic and Scarab is given a shocking bit of news
ammo 15, range 3-10/25/50; hemp combat skills taught to her by her fa- from an informer - the religious cult
rope; Scarab-Cruiser (land vehicle), ther. Eventually, she gained no small Sisters of the Serpent has hatched a
Tech 22, speed. 160/]00/]3, passen- measure of fame aiding the police, plot to assassinate Overgovernor
gers 2, TOU 23, power source: internal particularly in kidnapping cases. It Natatiri, the first step in their plans to
combustion engine. Weaponry: twin was dUring one of these investigations sow chaos throughout the Nile Em-
mounted. net-guns, Tech 22, ammo 3, that she met and teamed with McMas- pire.
range4-8/ 15/25. Net requires Strength ters. She is the only one who knows he Though the Scarab has no greatlove
action against a difficulty of 15 to free is secretly The Silver Scarab. for Natatiri, he knows her death could
oneself. lead toa bloody conflict between other

TORe: The Nile Empire

that evening (thus Karnak, Luxor, and

Thebes remain lighted for an extra
hour every day). The sun rises to a
height of 40 miles while crossing the
sky, allowing the entire Empire to see
two suns during the day. At its lowest
intensity, temperatures rise 10degrees
above normal during the day, and at
the maximum it raises temperatures
by 30 degrees. The sun has been used
in military campaigns, where the
behemoth structure has been launched
into position and then fired up to ere--
ate high noon in the dead of night.
The sun's most sinister feature is its
ability to fire a powerful energy bolt
capable of destroying entire towns
from over 100 miles away. It has an
explosive burst radius (in meters) of ~
1500/2500/4000, damage value 55,
and range (in miles) ofG-60/100/150.
Thesun only builds up enough energy
to fire one such bolt a month, but the
six gargantuan Khemfercapacitors can
Overgovernors vying for her territory, Just a few kilometers from Thebes each hold one charge. Only Mobius
something which could cost countless is the Valley of the Kings, named for himself is capable of firing the horrible
innocent lives. As bizarre as it seems, the many rulers entombed by the Earth wea JX>n, as he has builtan engramome--
the Scarab must try to save the life of a Egyptians. Among the famous kings ter helmet into the firing circuitry; the
henchman of Mobius -but he can't buried here are Tutankhamen (the helmet is programmed to recognize
doit alone. HesendsSadi BeI·Adda to famous "King Tut"), Ramses VI, the thought patterns of one person,
recruit Storm Knights to aid him. Ramses lX, and Thutmose ill. Mobius and one person only. Dr. Mobiuscould
But is there really a plot to kill has a large force of priests and math~ reprogram the engramometer for
Natatiri? Or is this just a fiendish plot maticians scouring over the tombs someone else, but there is no one else
to lure The Silver Scarab into a trap? looking for insights into some of the the High Lord trusts enough.
ancient Earth Egyptian mysteries.
Luxor sits across the Nile from
Thebes, forming the twin city capital Ambassador from
Thebes/Luxor of the Nile Empire. Resting in the
Nippon Tech
middle of a vast agricultural plain.
Thebes is the typical large Egyptian Luxor is famous for its vegetable
city with its special distinction being Ambassador S10 Mizufune: DEX 8,
market. Luxor is also thecamel capital STR 8, TOU 8, PER 12, MIN 12, CHA
that it houses the Imperial capital. Dr. of the Empire, and there are beasts of
Mobius keeps an opulent palace in 11,SPI7.
all descriptions for sale here. Skills: reality 9, maneuver 9, evi-
Thebes, and the headquarters of both Luxor's most notable feature, how·
the CoUege of Mathematicians and the dence analysis 14, language 13, scholar
ever, is certainly the enormous Grand 13, trick 15, meditatin 14, test 15, will-
Society of Enginee>scan be found here. Temple of Ra, the first major building
Thebes also houses the Grand Temple power 13, charm 13, persuasion 13,
constructed by Muab after he arrived taunt 15, intimidation 9.
ofOsiris, and the head<JUMle" of Super on Earth. Covering over 72.000 square
Battlegroup Mobius, which quarters Inclination: Evil.
feet, the temple is built out of solid Possibilities: 15.
itself in a field just outside the city marble, with sandstone trim inlaid
limits when it is not in action. Equipment: Button·recorder worn
with lapis lazuli. The temple is most as part of vest or coat, Tech 24, range
Physically, Thebes stretches along famous for the gigantic artificial sun
the west bank of the Nile, across the 10. Captures all sights and sounds in
suspended on posts above it. The sun an l8O-degree radius of wearer and
river from Luxor. Before the axiom is a giant gizmo built by Dr. Mobius
wash it was two separate cities that beams signal back to a receiving cen·
that actually gives offenormous quan- ter in Kanawa Headquarters, Enables
have now joined together to form a tities of light and heat. When astroncr
vast capital. The city is famous for the superiors to monitor Mizufune's ac·
mers deem it to be an auspicious day, tivities and those of people he has
donkeys its residents use for trans- .
the sun is raised and activated at dawn dealings with. A button-recorder is
port. and lowered one hour after sundown

included on each of Mizufune's suits.

_.~. :::-----------------_
32 --
He is not aware of their existence (find 11. Nippon Tech
difficulty of 20). Inclination: Good. Adventure Hook
Ornate gold ring with concealed Possibilities: 10.
needJe, poisoned with riprincide, Tech Equipment: 1hrowing stars, Tech Aware of Mobius' need for money,
8, damage value 24. One of the most 7, STR+3/damage value II, range 3- Mizufune olfers to purchase a ship-
ancient weapons of assassination is S/10/15. 9mm Beretta, Tech 22, dam- ment of "weird science" gizmos, in-
still one of the most effective. Mizufune age value 15. Wireless sending and cluding a number of prototype par-
wears a gold ring with a largeemeraJd receiving set, Tech 24, TOU 5, range ticle-beam weapons, for a vast amount
inset in it. The emerald can be slid unlimited. Soto carries a miniaturized of gold. (Nippon Tech is hoping to
aside to reveal a small, sharp needle sending and receiving set which has dismantle the equipment and see just
coated. with riprincide, an undetect· been surgically implanted under the how far Mobius' technology has pro-
able poison that causes complete thumbnail of his right hand. Messages gressed.) Mobius is reluctant, but his
muscle paralysis and death. are sent by putting pressure on the coffers are too low not to agree (and,
Derringer, Tech 19, range 15, dam· nail, and received. as a very mild elec· he reasons, hecan always double-cross
age value 13, ammo 6. Mizufune car· tric current which causes slight vibra· Nippon after he has received their
ries a derringer concealed in an inner lions of the nail. This implant was payment).
pocket sewn into the left sleeve of his given to him by the Rauro Block prior Soto, aware of Mizufune's plan,
jacket. While its damage value is not to his departure for the Nile Empire. knows it could pose a threat to the
as high as larger weapons, the ability Mizufune is not awareof itsexistence. Rauru Block,. but cannot stop it him·
to keep it concealed until a crucial Coals: To aid the members of the self. In disguise, he contacts a group of
moment adds an interesting twist to Rawu Block by obstructing the plans Storm Knights. If they can interrupt
most negotiations. of Nippon Tech and the Nile Empire; the transfer and capture the shipment
Coals: To serve the Nippon Tech- to maintain the deception that he is a and the gold, they will have dealt a
nocracy by spying on the doings of Dr. loyal citizen of Nippon Tech. serious blow to Mobius' finances, and
Mobius and reporting back on his Description: Hari Soto is perhaps taken the first step on the
findings; to maintain an outwardly Mizufune's top aide. He is in his mid- road to finding ways to counter the
friendly relationship with Mobius, 20s, with an athletic build, a sharp weapons.
despite a lack of respect for the High mind, and a talent for deception. He is
Lord. secretly an employee of the Rauru
Description: Ambassador Syn Block (a anti·Kanawa organization in
Mizufune replaced. the Core Earth Nippon Tech),assigned to keepaneye Karnak
ambassador from Japan shortly after on the doings of Mizufune and the
theN;pponTecltnoaacyloweredtheir Nile Empire. Like his nominal boss, Karnak is an average-sized city
maelstrom bridge. Mizufune was a the ambassador, he has reason to wish which suddenly sprang up around the
resident of Nippon's home cosm,. but to foment dissent in Mobius' territory. small village which rested. on the site
tries to behave like a Core Earther The rest of the retinue is a security before the axiom wash.. Along with its
except when in the presence of Mo- force made up of Ninja Guardians. sudden appearance, it is distinguished
bius, his advisors, or an Overgover· Other specialists are shipped in from by the presence of the Grand Temple
nor. Mizufune is in his mid40s, with Nippon Tech as the need arises. of Ptah, which was restored toa physi.
graying hair, impeccable taste in suits, calglorygreaterthanithadeverknown
and the ability to feign ignorancewhen Ninja Guardian: DEX13,STR 11, rou in Core Earth. As of now the Grand
it profits him to do so. His feelings 10, PER 11, MIN B, CHA 9, SPll0. Temple stands empty, its brilliant,
toward Mobius reflect those of Ka· Skills: acrobatics 16, dodge 15, fire polished. stone dazzling in daylight.
nawa: while he has some respect for combat 14, maneuver15,meleeweap- The appearance of the temple belies
the High Lord's scientific arsenal, he ons15, missile weapons 15, long-jump- the feeling it produces by those who
regards him as a bumbler with delu- ing 15, running 15,stealth 18, unarmed get dose; the temple does not seem to
sions of grandeur who is intent on combat IS, trick 12, test 12, taunt 12, weicomethellving.Anycharacterwho
marching into the past Mizufune treats intimidation 13. enters the temple, (oreven stands upon
Mobius with an exaggerated. polite- Inclination: Evil. the steps) is subject: to an intimidJltion
ness to conceal his contempt. Possibility Potential: Some (35). attempt (value 18) for every room or
Equipment Throwing stars, Tech corridor entered. The first setback
Harl Soto: DEX 11,STR8, TOU9, PER 7, STR+3/damage value 14, range 3- result causes two shock points from
10, MIN 10, CHA 10, SPIB. 5/10/15. Shimsi Sword, Tech 10, the strain of fear, the next causes the
Skills: reality 10, acrobatics 12, STR+5/damage value 16. Uzi, dam· character to flee the temple until the
dodge 12, lockpicking 12, maneuver age value 17. next dawn. The good souls in Karnak
13, martial arts (ninjitsu) 13, presti- Goals: To serve Nippon Tech and leave the temple alone, and will ad·
digitation 13, melee weapons 14, protect the life of Ambassador vise Storm Knights to do the same.
stealth 13, climbing 12, disguise 11, Mizufune (for as long as the money is
find 13, trick 13, test 13, charm 12, Bood).
persuasion 12, taunt 12, intimidation

/k.------------------.-- ~:n
TORG: The Nile Empire

Khartoum is also the headquarters is in Memphis. The Temple is the

Khartoum of the Nile Newsday, the most widely- headquarters for a religious cult whose
Next to Cairo, Khartoum is the larg- read newspaper in the realm. Newsday power rivals that of Sebek, Dr. Mo-
est city in the Empire. Although it was employs Mary Ann McKay, a popular bius' deity. The worship of Wadjet,
not in the original area blanketed by reporter who (discretely) opposes Mo- the Cobra Goddess, has flourished
Mobius' invasion, it was captured bius. since Mobius dropped his maelstrom
during the first assault Mobius bridge, and those of evil inclination
launched. Khartoum is actually three rose to ppwer and prominence. Most
critical to the Possibility Wars is the
cities in one: Khartoum, Khartoum
North, and Omdurman, all connected
Memphis fact that the goddess (or at least her
by bridges. Within the Empire, Khar· priestesses) have an uncanny knack
Memphis is currently a lesser city, for selecting stormers or those with a
toum is most noteworthy for its large but it is rapidly growing in size. In the
train station (Khartoum is the hub of high probability of becoming storm-
ancient Egypt of Earth, Memphis was ers. The Sisters of the Serpent have
the rail network Mobius built acroSs once a grand capital that eventually
the Empire) built by Muab himself in more possibility·rated characters than
fell into ruins, but the axiom wash has
the style of the ancient Earth Egyp- since restored its glory. you would expect in a population a
tians,and the Grand Temple of Horus. thousand times as large as theirs.
Memphis is most famous for its The temple is two stories tall, and
Khartoum is the regional capital of small "Chinatown" built by its Over-
Overgovemor Natatire. appears from the outside to be un·
governor, Wu Han. Memphis also guarded. This is not so, for it is wisely
The other tidbit that makes Khar· houses the Grand TempleofNepthys.
toum interesting is the ancient Earth said, "The eyes of the serpent are ev~
Memphis is the home of the young rywhere." The omate sphinxes which
legend of a magical fire opal hidden heroes, the Teen Team.
somewhere beneath its streets. The line all four sides of the building have
opal is said to give its bearer fantastic primitive television cameras mounted
iru>idewhich send pictures of any tres-
mind control powers. Mobius uncov-
ered the legend shortly after his inva-
The Temple of Wadjet passers to the second·floor security
sion and has had a team of mathema- Temples to Wadjet exist in Luxor center.
ticians stationed in Khartoum looking and Cairo, and perhaps underground There is only one entrance to the
for the opal for months. in other cities, but the Temple of Wadjet building, a huge golden door with the

[Ill Nile Empire Map 5

~ The Temple of Wadjet, Exterior

• ~-q""-
; . ...,:," ......

•• 34
Chapter Four

[II] Nile Empire Map 6

Second Floor
~ The Temple of Wadjet



First Floor
1. Main Entrance
2. Outer Sanctum
3. Cauldron of Asp's Blood
4. Inner Sanctum.
5. Sanctum Sanctornm
6. Altar
7. Stone Cobra Head
8. Library
9. Security Room
10. Living Quarters

It.._•...~. 0 • ~. r,~~.rrr J
---------------------;:;.,j ~
~===============~•• 35
TORG: The Nile Empire of a serpent inlaid upon it. Wadjet to bless the marriage on the Possibility Potential: some (16), 4
Opening it, one finds one's self in a couples' wedding night; if thedaugh- Possibilities for average sister.
short corridor leading to if set of let of Wadjet survives the blessing and Goal:Tospread the word ofWad jet
wooden doors. the wedding night. her spiritual pow- by whatever means possible; to gain
Behind these doors is the outer ers are often enhanced, giving her control of the Nile Empireand eventu-
sanctum, wherecult memberscometo greater faith, and possibly miracles ally all of Core Earth.
be anointed with the blood ofthe cobra. which she previously could not in- Equipment All Sisters of the Ser-
After this blessing is completed, the voke. U the groom survives the bless- pentcarrya "Serpent'sTooth," a wick-
devotee can walk through another set ing of Wad jet and the wedding night, edly sharp stiletto, damage value
of doors to the inner sanctum, where he is lucky. STR+S/damage value 12.
their faith is tested. This room is filled The priestesses are fanatics, dedi-
with serpents of all sorts, all of them cated tothespreadoftheirsectand the Sisters of the Serpent
poisonous. The devotee must tread eventual domination of the Earth by
warily, for some of the snakes in this Wadjet. They have decided to cooper-
Adventure Hook
room are natural enemies of the cobra ate with Mobius for as long as it serves Seeking to get her hands on the
(those that prey on the same type of their purposes, but look forward to Seq>ent Staff•• female Stann Krught
insects and small rodents as the cobra) the day they can wrest rule of the ventured into the temple in disguise
and will attack when they smell its Empire from him and the followers of and was captured. She is sentenced to
scent. Sebek. be sacrificed to the cobra goddess at
U the devotee survives, a third set Mobius is, of course, aware of the the conjunction of the appropriate
of doors leads to the sanctum sane- potential for treachery on the part of planets, which is in three days. That
torum. This room is dominated by the the sisters, but believes that stormers gives her fellow Storm Knights two
great stone head of Wadjet which of evil inclination serve his purpose days to free her from the Sisters of the
hangs over the massive altar dedi- well, if indirectly. There is also thecost Serpent. To make things more compli-
cated to him. The stone of the altar is involved of operating against the cated, the local Overgovemor has
scorched in several places. Within the worshippers of Wadjet; the only spy decided, on his own initiative, to try
head of Wadjet sits a priestess of the who ever made it inside the temple and take the Staff from the priestesses.
cult, who watches through the jew· was exposed and sacrificed to Wadjet This could provide the Storm Knights
eled eyes of the serpent to ensure that before prOViding Mobius with any with a crucial diversion - it could
no infidels enter. U someone should useful information. also get them killed in the crossfire.
make it this far, there are twin mounted If the High Lord ever hears rumors
flame-throwers (damage value 20; that the serpent staff, a relic kept in the
once hit the jellied gasoline sticks to a library at the temple, is actually an
character, continuing to do damage eternity shard of great power, then his Alexandria
value 18 for five more rounds, or until attitude toward the sisters willchange
the flames are extinguished; roll for - Mobius would use whatever force Behind Cairo and Khartoum. Alex·
damage total each round) in the mouth necessary to get the shard. The sisters andria is the third largest city in the
of the idol which can incinerate any understand the importance of the Empire. Its most famous landmark is
intruder. shard, and maintain secrecy the best the grand lighthouse that sits on Pha-
Behind the idol is a black curtain, they can. ros Island. Under Mobius' axioms, the
and behind the curtain is a staircase The Sisters of the Serpent could lighthouse has been restored to work·
leading to the second level. The sec- make powerful allies for a Storm ing condition, and is now being used
ond level features the security room, Knight opposing Mobius (providing for the purpose for which it was de-
living quarters for the priestesses and you can successfully use the "enemy signed centuries ago. Among
a library of arcane lore. of my enemy is my mend" rationale Alexandria's other landmarks are the
The temple is the domain of the with them), but trusting them com- large eastern terminus of Mobius' rail
Sistersolthe5erpent•• groupofWadjet pletely is ill-advised. line, theGrand Templeof Nut, and the
worshippers. There is no accurate esti- opulent summer palace sometimes
mate of just how big the cult is, but Sister of the Serpent DEX 12, STR 7, occupied by Ahkemeses, the High
there are always at least 20 sisters liv- TOU7.PER 10. MIN 10.CHA 9.SPlll. Priest of the Empire.
ing in the temple. Skills: reality 13 (if possibility Acurious presence inAlexandria is
There are no males residing in the rated), dodge 14, maneuver 14, melee that of the grand colosseum, which
temple, although there are male wor- weapons IS, stealth 13, unarmed now rests on the site of the once fa-
shippers of the cobra goddess. The combat 14, divination magic 12, Egyp- mous Roman museum. Wu Han has
priestesses are considered to be tian religion 11, evidence analysis 11, recently begun holding Roman--style
"Daughters of Wadjet." Once a year a find 11, first aid 12, conjuration magic gladiatorial combats and chariots races
male worshipper is selected to be the 12, test 12, taunt 12, faith 14, focus 13, in the coliseum, games that are fre-
groom for the consummation of a intimidation 14. quently attended by Dr. Mobius him-
"marriage" of one of the daughters. Indination: Evil. selI.
The priestesses invoke the power of

......., ".,...------------------_
36 --
The Ur Guild Typical Ur Guild Member: DEX 8~
5TR8, TOU 8, PER 12, MIN 12,CHA 9,
Basic City
Building SPI9.
Skills: reality 11 (if possibility
The Ur Guild Building in Alexan· rated), maneuver 9, alteration magic The lcx:ations below exist in all of
dria is a masterpiece of ancient archi- 13, divination magic 13, evidence the above cities. Some may be more
tecture - a medium-sized pyramid analysis 14, find 13, hierogJyphics 13, opulent than others, or perhaps more
on the outskirts of lhecity, seemingly mathematics 15, scholar 14, trick 14, secretive, but a Storm Knight who is
without a means of entrance. In troth, apportation magic 13, conjuration looking hard can find them.
it has four doors, slabs which rise when magic 13, sCience 14, test 13, taunt 10,
the proper stone is pushed. There is intimidation 10.
one door built into each face of the
pyranUd (find difficulty 18) - mem-
Inclination: Evil.
Possibility Potential: some (45), 12
Gin Joint
bers may enter through any door they if rated. The typical gin joint, a fixture in the
wish, but guild law requires that they Goals: To attain complete mastery city of Cairo, is laid out along these
exit through the eastern door. This is of mathematics and engineering, lines. One enters from the street: into a
because Ur legend has it that the three completely transcending all current large room, usually thick with smoke.
architects of Ra's temple were mur- beliefs on those subjects. Along the entire left wall runs a bar,
dered within its confines, and died at with stools in front of it, and shelves
the eastern door as the sun rose before Ur Guild Adventure Hook stocked with liquor on the wall behind
them. it. Occasionally, there area few tables
The four doors open upon a huge The Storm Knights have watched and chairs toward the rear.
triangular chamber, with each wall with distress the construction of To the right, there is a concealed
lined with books on mathematics. In Mobius' new fortress in Luxor. It is entrance (find difficulty 10) which leads
the center of the chamber is a triangu- intended to serve as a new headquar- down a carpeted staircase to the lower
. lar table, at wlUch the Guild members ters for Super Battlegroup Mobius, as level. This is where "preferred cus--
sit during their meetings. The guild well as a "weird science" research tamers" (gangsters, Empire officers,
leader sits at the apex of the triangle. station for an as yet unknown secret etc.) go to drink, or indulge other
Guild members believe that mathe- project. Numerous attempts by Storm habits. Boothslineonesideofthelower
matics is the only hue religion, and Knights to cripple the fortress have bar, with opulent cushions and glass
have used their magical abilities to ended in failure. The only answer tables, and there are tables and chairs
surpass known math and engineering seems to be a raid on the Ur Guild in the rear. There is a piano on the left
theories to find answers others could Headquarters in an attempt to steal as you enter. The lighting is dim, pro-
not. the plans of the fortress and (with vided. by small candles in the booths
Cuild members are enormously luck) find a weak spot. and a chandelier.
proud of their work, and very clan-
nish. They make use of secret: hand-
shakes and phrases to identify each
other. Mobius values them highly,
and showers benefits upon them.
Thevastmajority ofguild members
are loyal to Mobius, because he fi-
nances their studies and their con-
struction projects. Most guild mem·
bets have been with Mobius since the
First Empire, and are quite accom·
plished. Their aging membership is
occasionally supplemented by new
members, but magical and miracu-
lous methods have kept many guild
members in the prime of health.
Should Storm Knights cultivate a
be a valuable ally. He could easily
figure the lcx:ations of secret doors and
passages, or point out the best spot to
place explosives to destroya building, f
as well as the magics which a guild
member may employ.

... -----------------~._.
TORG: The Nile Empire

~ Nile Empire Map 7

The Gin Joint




1. Entrance from street

-::-::-------------------- __
......... 38
2. Concealed entrance to lower level 3. Bar 4. Stairs

Chapter Four

Bartenders and drunken patrons fool the most wary shocktrooper, and Horus House
make good sources of information for willing to risk his life to help. Adventure Hook
a Storm Knight - but keep your voice And they must do it without letting
low, you never know who might be the gangsters know what they're While·hiding out from the forces of
listening. If you can gain the trust of doing, lest they inform the authorities. the Empire in the Khartoum Horus
thebar'sopnerand beadmitted to the House, a Storm Knight meets an old,
lower level, you can find shady char- grlzzled,seeminglyinsaneman. With
acters looking for someone to do a Horus House slurred speech, the old man tells the
risky job, and arms merchants willing Storm Knight that he was once one of
to sell you the equipment you'll need Horus House is a chain of shelters, Mobius' top "weird scientists." But
- for a h~fty fee. the Nile Empire's equivalent of a Sal· too many of his projects failed and he
Gin joints make good starting points vation Army branch. They are located fell out of favor. Before he could be
for adventures, since the information in every major city of the Empire, executed for incompetence, he escaped
flows like the liquor, and is only a little commonly in the poorer sections of and fled to the slums of the city. There
more expensive. If you have a Soldier town. There are two entrances to the his fear and anxiety sent him on a
of Fortune in need of work, this is the shelters. The first opens into a large drinking binge, and he ended up in
first place he should go. cafeteria, the second into the shelter's Horus House. He is sure the Empire's
used goods store. menaresearchingforhimeverywhere,
Typical Bar Owner: DEX 9, STR 8, To the right of the cafeteria is a long because he had a hand in the design of
TOU 8, PER 10, MIN 11, CHA 11, SPI opening in the wall that links the Mobius' artificial sun. Why, he knows
9. kitchen with the dining area. A metal· every detail of its construction. Well,
Skills: dodge 10, fire combat 11, lic shelf runs along the length of this most of the details.
maneuver 10, scholar (business) 12, opening, and patrons can run their He offers to design a schematic of
trick 12, test 12, willpower 12, charm trays along this as they get their food. the sun if the Storm Knight will get
12, persuasion 13, taunt 13, intimida~ The kitchen is mid~sized, and features him to safety. If he agrees, the Storm
tion 11. two large stoves, a bank of sinks, a Knight will rapidly discover that the
Inclination: Evil. large refrigerator, and a counter for old man isn't paranoid - people are
Possibility Potential: some (40). food preparation. out to get him.
Equipment: .38 revolver, damage To the rear of the cafeteria is a door
value 14. leading to the sleeping area. Hard
Goals: To tum a profit; to avoid metal cots line both walls, with thin Mummification Parlor
trouble with the shocktroopers or the mattresses and no pillows and a single,
big gangs. worn blanket on each bed. A door on With the revival of the "old" Egyp-
the right leads toa storagedoset, where tian religions under Mobius' rule, the
Typical Bartender: DEX 9,STR 9, TOU cleaning supplies, broken chairs, and idea of life after death through the
9, PER 10, MIN 10, CHA 11, SPI8. tom bedding are kept. process of mummification has re~
Skills: maneuver 10, dodge 10, fire Horus House stays solvent by sell~ turned to the fore. It is a process avail~
combat 10, melee weapons 10, first aid ing used. clothes and goods (tools, able only to the nobility (although there
11, land vehicles 11, trick 11, test 11, camping equipment, etc.). It can be a are rumors that enemies of the state
willpower 11, charm 12, persuasion very useful place for a Storm Knight have been mummified alive as pun-
12, taunt 12, intimidation 9. looking to get equipped on the cheap. ishment).
Indination: Evil. It can also serve as a source of informa- The standard mummification par~
Possibility Potential: Some (60). tion (the poor hear many interesting lor consists of a large main chamber,
Equipment: A bartender usually things) or as a place to hide out for a and two smaller adjacent chambers in
has a dub behind the bar within easy while. which the materials fortheprocess are
reach, damage STR+3/value 12. stored. The main chamber is domi~
Goals: To make a few extra bucks Horus House Administrator: DEX 9, nated by thealtaron which the corpses
on the side whenever possible, pro- STR 8, TOU 8 PER 10, MIN 10, CHA rest during the procedure. Goldenums
viding it won't cost him his job. 11, SPI 10. on either side of the altar collect the
Skills: maneuver 10, first aid 11, blood as it is drained from the body (it
scholar 11 (public administration), test is later sprinkled on the ground out·
Gin Joint Adventure Hook 11, charm 13, persuasion 12, taunt 12. side to make the soil fertile). On the
The search for a vast treasure trove Inclination: Good. right side of the room is a smaller altar
requires that the Storm Knights travel Possibility Potential: some (35). upon which the bandages are stacked,
to the Land. of the Dead. But Mobius Goals: To keep the shelter on its feet to be blessed by the high priest. An
has passed a new law requiring signed financially; to care for the sick and the attendant then takes the bandages to
authorization from him before any underprivileged. the opposite side of the room, where a
traveler is permitted to enter that area. cauldron containing the preservatives
That means the Storm Knights must is kept. The bandages are dipped in
find a forger - one expert enough to the chemicals before being applied to

the body.

TORG: The Nile Empin

~ Nile Empire MAp 8
Horus House
1. Street entrarK:e to
usedgoo<k ....
2. TatMes of goods
J. Sales counter
S. Counter
6. Stove>
7. Sink
6. Refrigerator
10. Ck>set
11. ufeteria
12. Sk!eping area
4. Kitchen 9. Street entrarK:e to

17- 9 ~1

= 8 o I
000 00 0'00 000 3
~7 - [ I[ II II I~ ~
1= 8 C> C> C> oeo 000 C> C> C>

r- 000 000 000 000
'00 • L
~ • ~ C> C> C> C> C> C> 000 000 ~

~ ~

5 ~~~~~~~~~~~
.-- - 12
.--.-- .--
I. ~
A ';=; E IE 6 10 i=;
r r


[ 2
The two side chambers can be the corpse's effects. A Storm Knight test 11, willpower 10, taunt 1tfaith 14,
reached through iron gates which are who has beencaptured in thecoIJUnis.. intimidate 13.
kept locked. Only the priest has the sionofan act of "blasphemy'" (defiling Inclination: Evil.
keys needed to unlock these rooms. a tombortemple, etc.), could besent to Possibility Potential: some (70).
The bandages are kept in the right- a mummification parlor for the first Equipment: Daggers, STR+3!
hand chamber, the preservatives (in step in eternal damnation. damage value 12; short swords,
powder form) in the left. There are no SfR+4!damage value 13.
windows in the parlor, to prevent Priest: DEX 8, SfR 7, TOU 7, PER 14, Goals: To serve the high J nest faith-
sunlight from speeding the process of MlN 14, CHA 8, SP114. fully in all things.
decay in either the body or the pre- Skills: reality 15, maneuver 10,
servatives. melee weapons 10, hieroglyphics 15, Mummification Parlor Main En-
Mummification parlors are usually Egyptian religion 15, trick 15, medi- trance: TOU 16, lock picking difficulty
staffed by a priest and a single atten- dne 15, test 15, persuasion 11, taunt 21.
dant. After the process is completed, la, focus 16, faith 18, intimidation 15. Iron Gates: TOU 14, lock. picking
the two act as guards for one evening Inclination: Evil. difficulty 19.
over the mummy and the goods in- Possibilities: 6.
tended to accompany him into the Equipment: The priest carnes a
afterlife, until both body and booty are ceremonial dagger which is tradition- Mummification Parlor
transferred to the tomb. (These goods ally used tomaketheincisionforbleed-
often include food, clothing, gold and ing the corpse, damage SfR+3!dam-
Adventure Hooks
personal papers. Thieves consider the age value 10. An Egyptian nobleman, Hasi
parlors the weak link in the funereal Goals: To protect his subjects and Fasaud, has died, and in accordance
chain, and often attempt to loot the their goods from theft or violation; to with tradition, is being mummified.
sites.) preside over the revivification of a Fasaud was unaware that the simple
A mummification parlor could be mummy. sculpture he requested be buried with
the destination of a Storm Knight if an Attendant: DEX 8, STR 9, TOU 9, PER him has within it a rock containing the
important piece of information (a map 9, MlN 8,CHA 9, SPill. minerallesleiate. This is a rare and ex-
or other document, perhaps even an Skills: dodge 10, maneuver la, tremely valuable element which, in
eternity shard) are included among melee weapons 11, science la, trick la, the hands of those with a Spirit of 120r

•• 40 ~
Chapter Four

Nile £...,,;n M." 9

The Mummification Parlor 1. Main Entrance
2. Cauldron of mummification
3. Main altar
4. Smaller altar for bandages
s. Storage room for
6. Storage room for bandages

higher, can be used to detect possibil-

ity energy. No explanation has ever
been offered for the mystical proper-
ties of lesleiate. although rumors
abound that the mineral is a residue of
the process that converts possibility
energy to etemium. Only one milli-
gram oflesleiate results from the crea-
tion of every 100 grams of etemium,
and in the past, it has often been swept
up and thrown out at the weird sci-
ence research centers.
Only recently have members of
Mobius' scientific staff begun to com-
prehend the potential of the strange
element, and the High Lord is aware
that some of it was smuggled out and
concealed in the statuary that eventu-
ally ended up in the hands of Fasaud.
News of its existence has also reached
the ears of the Storm Knights through
the gin-joint grapevine in Cairo. The
mummification parlor attendants,
supplemented byshocktroopers, have
been onlered to guard the sculptun!
until an Overgovemor can arrive to
take possession. That gives the Storm
Knights 24 hours to travel from Cairo

II:. ---------------------.-.
TORG: The Nile Empire

to Luxor and raid the mummification side. In each of these chambers are Electric Eyes:Tech22,find 10, TOU
parlor to steal the sculpture. collected the goods the deceased will 8.
take with him into the afterlife: cloth- Push-Rod Locks: Tech 18, TOU 11,
ing, gold, food, works of art, gizmos, lock picking difficulty 20.
Noble's Tomb etc. Maxim Machineguns: Tech 19,
At the end of the tunnel is another damage value 23.
A noble's tomb in the Nile Empire stone door, again with a push~rod lock.
is typically some form of pyramid. This opens to a large chamber, in the Noble's Tomb
The single entrance is camouflaged center of which is the. sarcophagus of
(find difficulty 16), although Ur Guild Adventure Hook
the deceased, usually inlaid with gold,
members can spot them easily. The occasionally solid silver or gold. Along The map to a cache of weird science
entrance opens on to a tunnel which the walls are murals depicting the gizmos was part of the goods sent to
leads underground - the pyramid deceased's path through life and on to beentombed with latenobleAbu Ben-
itself is solid stone. . the next level. Kaseir, and his wife, Kali. The goods
At the end of the tunnel is a stone Poorer nobles settle for having have already been installed in the
door with an iron ring in it (TOU 21). human security guards protect their tomb, which is a .nightmare of secu-
It would seem that tremendous tombs, usually with regular patrols rity, virtually impossible to break into.
strength would be needed to move it. around the perimeter of the pyramid. But there ha.!i been a delay in trans-
In truth, one of the stones along the • Richer nobles, and those closer to porting the mummies due to a lack of
wall can be shifted to reveal a lock Mobius, outfit their final resting places land vehicles (the local Overgovemor
with rods projecting from it. You must with gizmos - electric eyes around has requisitioned them for an inva-
push the correct rods in the carted: the perimeter and in each doorway, sion of a neighboring territory). If the
sequence for the door to open (find and (in the biggest and best tombs) Storm Knights can successfully get in
difficulty 17, lock picking difficulty 20). automatic armament rigged to the the mummification parlor and take
Behind this door is another long alarm system in each corridor and in the places of the mummies, they can
tunnel, with three chambers on either the burial chamber. then attempt to break out of, rather
than into, the tomb (hopefully with
the map in their possession).

Nik Empire Milp 10
The Noble's Tomb

r------------------., FLOOR PLAN

4 4

1. Ground level entrance

2. Electric eyes
3. Storage chambers of goods
4. Automatic machine guns
5. Burial chamber

2 2
4 4

3 3

3 3

3 3
4 2 2 4

1 "
TORG: The Nile Empir't'

Chapter Five

Lands of Danger

ecently, Egypt was a The axiom wash that followed Dr.
rapidlyexpandingindus- Mobius over the maelstrom bridge
trial nation built upon a played havoc with the Nile, tearing
tiny strip of fertile land in down in minutes feats it took modem
the middle of a vast des- engineering decades to accomplish.
ert. The axiom wash that came in the All of the modem breakwaters and
wake of Mobius' invasion, however, drainage ditches that had accumulated
had a startling effect upon the local over the years were instantly obliter-
geography: suddenly, all of the an- ated by the new reality, restoring the
cient Egyptian monuments were re- river to its state of more than a thou-
stored to near-pristine condition - sand years ago.
the wind-swept walls of the Great Every July, the Nile begins to rise
Pyramid at Giza smoothed flat, the over its banks, slriJdng a peak around
cracks in the vast statues of the Phar- the middle of September. By this time,
aoh Ramses at Abu Simbel sealed the entire basin is flooded except for
themselves,and theGreatSphinx near the towns and villages, which are aU
the bank of the Nile reclaimed its for- built on great mounds. During these
mer majesty. months, the residents of the farming
In addition, the axiom wash forced communities on the river bank mi-
a series of secret grottos and tombs grate from their homes into the larger
into being which had not existed be- cities to escape the rising floodwaters.
fore. All of the legends of the ancient Then, in October, the waters begin to
cultures inhabiting the region became faU again, reaching a low in March.
reality along with aU the imaginary Sometimearound December, the farm-
places detailed m those legends. Egypt ers return to their homes and begin
is now a place of wonder and mystery their growing season. Harvest is in
again, every bit as enchanted as the April and May.
ancient legends claim. A typical farmingcommunityalong
Below are brief descriptions of the the banks of the river consists of a
major areas of the Nile Empire. In series of pre-fabricated corrugated
these descriptions are gamemaster metal shacks strung around a central
characters and locations specific to the stone building. Approximately 1,000
area. people live in each of these communi-
ties. During the growing season, they
leave their homes every morning at
dawn and spend the next 11 hours in
The Nile Basin the fields. About 75 percent of the
farming communities are owned by
For thousands of years, the Nile has the Imperial government and their
kept the people of Egypt alive. Resting output goes directly into the Imperial
at the heart of the nation, the river has
coffers. The government provides for
brought fertile farmland to the center the workers who farm and live in these
of the desert, and a source of food and areas. The other 25 percent ofthe farms
resources to those who dwell along its were sold back to rich, favored cosm
banks. In fact, the Nile is also respon- natives, who are free to sell their out-
sible for much of the Egyptian culture:
put to private citizens
many of the death and renewal pre- The Nile is also teeming with wild-
ceptsof the Egyptian religion are based life. Of particular note to gamemasters
upon the Nile'sflood and recedecycle. are the crocodiles and asps which live

•• 44
ChapteT Five

T he Crypt of Ka-Mutef
Ka-Mutef was a sorcerer in death. Now free of his spell, the Inside is a single, small chamber
the time of Ramses D. Though girl cast a curse upon the sor- witha tableon which Ka-Mutefs
powerful and influential, he cerer, so that even in death he mummy "rests." No goods for
craved more - he wished to would no find peace. the next life were buried with
dominate his Pharaoh and so Ka-Mutet suffered the pun- him. as he had been damned by
control aU of Egypt. ishment of Ramses and was en- his Phantoh.
To this end he used his pow- tombed in a crypt in a remote U he is freed, Ka-Mutet might
ers to break thewillofa beautiful section of the Sahara. Though put his increased strength and
female apprentice and her his body is in death, hisspirit has his lingering sorcerous skill to
into a seductress, the better to not moved on to the next plane, work for Mobius, with an eyeon
beguile Ramses. Theruseworked but waits impatiently for some- someday taking control of the
- Ramses was captivated by the one to open the tomb and allow Empire. He might also set him-
girl, and slowly came more and him to retu.rn to a semblance of self against Mobius, with the
more under the influence of his life. same aim in mind.
wizard. The crypt is buried under a
But Ka-Mutefs spell over the good deal of sand, but also hap- Ka-Mutef: DEX 6, STR 15, TOU
girl needed periodic renewal. pens to be located in an area 15 (B against fire), PER 10, MIN
One night while he performed currently being excavated by 10, CHA 3, SPI 7.
the rites over her, they were in- Mobius' shocktrooper units, Skills: unarmed combat 11,
tenupted by Ramses, who got making it likely that it may be maneuver 7, trick 11, test 13,
the mistaken impression that Ka- uncovered someday. Its design conjuration magic 14, alteration
Mutef was seeking to steal her is simple; a heavy stone door magic 13, fear 10, taunt 7, intimi-
love. Insane with jealousy, without a handle (opening it date 13,faith (Egyptian) 14, real-
Ramses ordered Ka-Mutef would requiresomekindoflever ity 11.
mummified alive - a horrible and enough men to lift thestone).

along its banks (see chapter twelve). camels, swords, and rudimentary fire-
Also worth mentioning are the six The Desert Steppes arms such as flintlock rifles.
famous cataracts, the waterfalls and Most of the territories occupied by The open desert is also home to a
rapids which break the placid flow of the Empire are overrun by the vast great number of the secret crypts and
the Nile. The cataracts played an Sahara Desert. The axiom wash has tombs that have sprong up in the walce
important role in the development of made the portion of the Sahara encap- of the axiom wash. The only clues to
the ancient Egyptian culture by pre- sulated by the stelae bounds even more the existence of these grottos can be
venting the large tribes that devel- dangerous than its Core Earth counter- found carefully buried in ancient
oped in the fertile lands in the south of part. The difficulty number of all sur- Egyptian scrolls and inscriptions.
Africa from using the Nile as an inva- vival rolls made within the Nile Em-
sion route from which to crush the pire Sahara are increased by 3. On the Typical Nomad Tribesman: DEX B,
Egyptians. In the wake of the axiom average, there is an oasis within the STR 9, TOU 10, PER 8, MIN 8, CHA 8,
wash, it is once again impossible to Sahara every 20 miles. Finding the SPI9.
pilot large watercraft over the cata- nearest oasis requires a survival total Skills: beast riding 9, fire combat 9,
racts. Piloting a small boat through a of 15 (which includes the +3 modifier melee combat 9, unarmed combat 9,
cataract requires four water vehicles mentioned above). U a party traveling survival 13.
totals; the first three are at difficulty 8, in the desert ends its day of travel Inclination: SO percent of aU n0-
the last at difficulty 13. Failing any of without stopping at an oasis, the diffi- mads are Good,.50 percent Evil.
the first three means the boat capsizes; culty numbers of all its survival rolls Possibility Potential: Some (55).
passengers must make a swimming are increased by3during the next day.
total of 12 to reach the shore safely. The desert steppes are home to a
Failing the final roll (or failing toswim wide variety of Arabicnomadicbibes. The Oasis of Firrah
to the safety of the shore) means the Some of the !Jibes are friendly and
boat was washed into rocks - the Deep within the Sahara desert,
oppose Dr. Mobius, while others are
boat and its passengers are aU hit with surrounded by the burning sands and
dangerous and mischievous. Most
a damage value of 20. howling winds that have made the
bibes range in size from 50 to 1,000
place a terror to travelers, theresits the
members and are eqUipped with
stuff of myth: a huge oasis, suppes-

TORG: The Nile Empire

edly over two kilometers wide and and a wealth of legends. The tribes- Greek city-states. Dr. Mobius and the
3PO fathoms deep, encircled. by lush men say that a fortune in gold lies at outside world are, so far, completely
greenery that could not survive for a the bottom of the water, and that the unaware of the Amazons' existence,
moment in the hostile environment desert spirits act to protect the oasis' and Hippolyta would like to keep it
beyond. secret. But it may well be that the that way. She sees Mobius as a hor-
According to the legend, the oasis whole legend ofFirrah is a fable, meant rible threat, but doesn't want to risk
wasdiscoveredoncebyanArabtrader to frighten people away from the extermination by becoming involved
named Bela Firrah. In a trade known waters, which may serve as a cover for in the war against him. U she could be
for its cutthroats, he wasa particularly some diabolical Mobius experiment. swayed, however, she and her warri-
odious man, given to cruel treatment ors would make powerful allies (the
of his servants and heartless business Amazons are currently about 500
practices. Anything of worth for miles Hespera strong). Hippolyta's ultimate aim is to
around belonged to Firrah and bore set up Hespera as a free island where
his name, but there was one thing he Hespera is a small island that rests the oppressed women of the world
could not purchase: a reliable source in the middle of a large lake in Libya, can come to take refuge against the
of water for his supply caravans that both of which were created by the men who abuse them.
crossed the great desert. Oases were axiom wash. According to the ancient
few, and in the worst seasons, often Earth legends, Hespera was home of Hippolyta Kosmos: DEX 14, STR 16,
bone-d.ry, and many a camel and its theAmazonsofancientGreece. When TOU 13, PER 12, MIN 11, CHA 16, SPI
driver died parched from thirst. the Nile Empire axioms overran it, all 12.
Then Firrah'sagents began to bring of these legends came true, and the Skins: reality 17, beast riding 15,
back reports of a body of water in the small run-down villages that dotted melee combat 17, unarmed combat 16,
middle of the wasteland, not far from the island suddenly changed into a charm 17, persuasion 17,faith(ancient
the caravan trails and with enough majestic city constructed in thestyleof Greek mythos) 16.
water to serve the needs of travelers architecture used by the ancient Inclination: Good.
for centuries. Firr~h decided that the Greeks. Theaxiom wash also killed off Possibilities: 25.
oasis must belong to him alone, and all of the male residents of Hespera, Equipment: enchanted metal
hired mercenaries to find and secure it causing the native females to flee the breastplate and helmet, TOU+9/ar-
for him. island. mor value 22; enchanted spear UN eedle
Party after party were sent in, but At the same time all of this was of the Just", STR+4/damage value 20
none returned. Firrah's aides began to happening in Libya, the new axiom set (max damage value of 22), +5 bonus
question whether there was such an was also taking its toll on young Hip- modifier to hit any character of Evil
oasis, or if so, if the water might some- polyta Kosmos, an archaeological re- Inclination, or character who threat-
how becursed. Firrah,a practical man, searcher stationed in Alexandria who ens or wrongs any Amazon, has focus
scoffed at this, and decided to lead his was a direct descendent of the woman 15 only for the following miracles:
next caravan personally and find the who became Queen Hippolyta of the bless, cure disease, healing, ritual of
oasis. Amazonian legends. At the time hope, refresh; Amazon sword forged
The stories of what happened next Hespera was converted, a strange from the Flame of Power, STR+6/
are unclear in many respects. But it is obsession with the legends of the damage value 22 (max damage value
said that along the way Firrah found Amazons arose in Hippolyta several of 25).
the bodies of the earlier parties, all hundred miles away. Before long, the
with their water flasks full, their trails axioms had convinced the young Typical Amazon: use the Amazon
a great circle, as if the sun had driven woman that it was herdestiny to gather template for the typical Amazon's
them mad. After many days of travel- together a new tribe of Amazons and attributes. Typical Amazons havebeast
ing, Firrah's party came in sight of the return to the island, which she did, riding, utulrmed combat, an'd melee com-
oasis. They whipped their camels into drawing her recruits from among the baf all with skill adds of 2.
a gallop, but as they drew near, a fierce battered and mistreated women of the
sandstorm arose. Blinded, their Empire's eastern and central cities.
mounts in a panic, Firrah's men fled One of the most interesting legends
Weird Science
into the desert, never to be seen again.
Firrah himself struggled to the water's that of the mighty Flame of Power Research Center
edge, reached out and touched the which burned in a huge brass brazier
on Hespera. While it bums, the flame Among the most heavily fortified
sparkling blue liquid ...
is said to give the Amazons amazing sites in the Nile Empire are the weird
Firrah's body was found the next
physical powers, a legend which science research centers. Occasionally
day by a nomadic tribe. His skeleton
Hippolyta and her followers found to located outside of cities, but more
gleamed in the sun, the bones blasted
be true shortly after they arrived on commonly located in isolated desert
dean by the force of the sandstorm.
the island. areas, it is here that Dr. Mobius' tech-
One finger was stretched toward the
Hippolyta and her followers cur- nological wonders (including the
pool, a pool the nomads would not
rently run Hespera as an independent dread "realitybombs") aredeveloped.
drink from out of fear.
The oasis now bears Firrah's name, dty-state in the manner of the ancient These research centers are built along

•• 46 ~
Chapter Five

(II] Nile Empire Map 11

~ Weird Science Research Center

Overhead view



11 1


11 11
11 11

12 11 11

1. Minefield
4 2. Infrared beams
2 3. Main gate
4. Guardhouses
5. Mess hall
6. Garrison
7. Generator Building
8. Scientist dorms
9. R&D Building
,,,, 10. Helipad

, 11. Anti-aircraft guns
, 12. Outer wall

TORG: The Nile Empire

the lines of prisons, and for good rea- The center is surrounded by a 12- (tech 15, TOU 17, lock picking difficulty
son - not only are the weapons too foot high wall made of a special metal 19). There are guardhouses on either
dangerous to allow to fall into the developed by theweird scientists. This side of the gate, normally staffed by
wrohg (or right) hands, but SO are the metal has the unique property of ab- three shocktroopers each. These
scientists. It is for this reason that the sorbing any energy thrown against it guards do not have access to the con-
weird scientists live on the premises, and reflecting it back on the firer. trols to open the gate - they must
along with a garrison of Imperial contact Security Central to have it
shocktroopers. The centers are pro- Example: A Storm Knight fires an opened.
tected with the latest insecurity equip- Uzi with a damage value of 17 at the
ment and weaponry. wall. The bullets will bedeflected, and
Outer Defenses: Every research a blast of pure force, also with a dam-
center is surrounded by a 500 meter
"dead zone." The first 250 meters
age value of 17, will strike the Storm
Knight unless he generates a dodge
0 uter Defenses
consist of a mine-field, the second 250 total of 13. Research center outer walls Mines: Tech 20, burst radius
are crisscrossed by infrared beams have been known to absorb point- 0-3/8/15, damage value 24.
CacrobatiJ:s total of8 to avoid each round blank tank fire without so much as a Heat Beams: Tech 23, energy
if walking, 18 if running). Breaking a dent (the tanks were destroyed, how- weilpons 13, range 2-10/100/300,
beam sets off an alann inside the cen- ever). damage value 23.
ter, as well as activating heat beams Topping the walls is barbed wire Electrified Barbed Wire: Tech
mounted in nearby rocks or trees, with 100,000 volts of current running 21, range touch, damage value
programmed with a random firing through it (damage value 25 to living 25/18.
pattern. All controls for the perimeter creatures, 18 to non-living targets). Outer Wall: Tech 27, TOU 39,
defenses are located in Security Cen- There is only one weak spot in the reflects back any force directed
tral. outer wall, and thatis the gateway that at it for equal damage.
Howdogarrisonreplacements,say, leads inside (built to accommodate SmallAA Guns:Tech23, TOU
make it to the center through all this? cargo shipments too large to fit in air- 25, damage value 27.
The answer is: all personnel and cargo craft, which is anything over 5,000 Steel Shutters: Tech 10, TOU
transfers are done by air, thus allow- kilograms for normal Nile aircraft, 24.
ing the outer perimeter defenses to 3,000 kilograms for autogyros and
operate at all times. helicopters). The gate is made of iron

~ Nil. Empire Map 12

Weird Science Research Center: Garrison "



Entrance Q QQ QQ Q
48 ...
Chapter Five

Inner Defenses: Inside the walls is a ing the main door requires the p0sses- by two weird scientists and an assis-
autogyro/heliport for the regular sion of a key containing the correct tant.
supply and staff runs (some have full radioactive isotope; a particle analyzer Trnming right, another set ofswing-
runways for transport aircraft). Any triggers the door mechanism. ing doors leads to the storage area,
craft approaching a center will be Inside, there is a lobby, with a sec- which was built more for practical use
hailed once, and the pilot must re- ond door requiring the identical key than aesthetics. It is cold and. lit com-
spond with that day's code word. U erau 16, lockpkking difficulty 14). pletely by fluorescents mounted in the
the pilot does not respond correctly, Through this door, the corridor ceiling. There are no windows in this
the craft will be blown from the sky by branches off in three directions: section of the building. The corridors
small anti-aircraft guns mounted on straight ahead is Security Central and in this section are lined with what
the roof of the two main buildings. the reality bomb labs, to the left are the amount to cargo bays, filled to the
Each research center is divided into research labs, and to the right is the brim with sealed boxes containing
two main buildings, the shocktroop device storage area. All corridors can scientific devices. Each box is labelled
garrison (usually a company of men) be sealed off with steel panels and with a numerical code which identi-
and the research facility proper. The flooded with a mild nerve gas through fies the device. One storage compart-
garrison building has little in the way the master control panel in Security ment is refrigerated to dampen de-
of security devices, the soldiers being Centrnl. vices with power sources deemed
expected to provide their own secu- Trnmingleft,a~ofswingmg unstable.
rity. Generally, the garrison building doors leads to a bright, tiled corridor. These cargo bays can also only be
is just a large barracks filled with bunk On either side of the hallway are labs, opened with key cards, but not the
beds. in the rear of the building is the their doors kept shut at all times and same ones that allow admittance into
armory. requiring keys for admittance (TOU the labs. Theentry keys for thissection
A mess hall and latrines comprise 20, lockpkking difficulty 14). V;deo are kept in Security Central. (Cargo
the rest of the garrison area. cameras are mounted in the corridor doo.. TOU 24, lock picking difficulty
The outside of the research and and in the labs, feeding the picture 16.)
development building is patrolled at back to Security Central. Each lab has Security Central lies directly in front
aU times by threeshocktroopers. There a specific purpose, ranging from test- of the visitor as he enters the lobby.
is a single entrance to the building. ing standard armaments to chemical Anyone seeking entrance to the reality
(TOU 15, lock p;cking difficulty 14) and weapons and crude particle-beam bomb labs must pass right through the
all windows havesteelshutters. Open- devices. Normally, each lab is staffed front door of the security office and

(II] Nile Empirr Map 13

ff!!M Weird Science Research Center: Mess Hall

[]~ U ODD

~[] II
o 0 [ ] Ent••nce

U [] 000
o 0
o 0 •I

TORG: The Nile"Empire

out the rear door (TOU 24, lockpicking spots in the complex. The only other building in the R&D
difficulty 18'> The office is normally Security access tunnels link Secu· section of the fortress is a dormitory-
staffed by six men, including two on rity Central with the lab and storage style building which houses the scien-
internal monitor duty, one monitor- areas. tists and their assistants. While this
ing the integrity of the outer security On the other side of the security building is guarded byshocktroopers,
system, one controlling the anti-air- office is a short corridor leading to the it is not stocked with security devices
craft weaponry, and two available for bomb labs. The tiles in this corridor are as theother buildings are. Mobius feels
immediate dispatch to any trouble pressure sensitive. Stepping on them that someone kidnapping a scientist
in the wrong order sets off stun beams would notbeable toget offthegrounds
built into the walls. This defense sys-- anyway, and scientists are not allowed
tern can only be turned off from within to bring anything relating to theirwork
I nner Defenses Security Central.
The reality bomb lab is basically
back to the dorms with them.
No one has ever successfully bro-
VideoCameras:Tech22, TOU one huge chamber and three smaller ken intoa weird science center, at least
12. chambers. The large chamber is used not that the authorities acknowledge.
Mild Nerve Gas: Tech 20, for the actual design and construction But there are always rumors that raids
range 0~40, damage value 19 of the bombs and the synthesis of the have been hushed up by the minions
(stun damage, +3 shock points eternium. The small chambers are of Mobius, and occasionally a whisper
damage). testing labs, where subjects fromother on the black market of security plans
Stun 8eams: Tech 24, range cosms are exposed to controlled reac- becoming available. Any disruption
1·15/30/60, damage value 20 tions of reality bombs and the effects of a weird science center would be of
(stun damage). recorded. (These testing labs can be immeasurable help to the Storm
Steel Panels (for sealing Cor- opened only from the outside, and Knights' cause, which Mobius knows
ridors): Tech 21, TOU 24. have no windows, to prevent the es- all too well. But to survive such a raid
80mb Lab Doors: Tech 19, cape of subjects.) There are commonly takes a great deal of skill, daring and
TOU 24, lockpicking 20. 12 weird scientists working in the intelligence on the part of the Storm
Testing Chamber Doors: bomb lab at anyone time, and two to Knights.
Tech 19, TOU 24, lockpicking 20. three assistants.

~ Nile Empire Map 14

Weird Science Research Center: Scientists'Dormitory
6 6 First Floor
6 6 6 6
(5econd floor has
same layout with

6 ~
: A.

exception of main

6 6 6 =r],~
'v '< 5

1 } ~ >-
6 6
~ 4 Map Key
1. Main entrance
- 6
2. Elevator
3. lobby
,( ,( ,(
4. Stairs
5. Bathroom
6 6 6 6
6. living quarters

•• 50
Chapter Five

/ "\
Nilt Empi,.. Mllp 15
Weird Science Research Center: R&D Building

9 9 9 9
7 7 7

9 9 9 9 1 9

6 J

8 9

: /':
5 3 2 1

V 11 I

- 10 !

D D 11 10 10 1
Work tables
10 Map Key
1. Main entrance
2. lobby

;V I '« 10
3. Security Central
4. Stun beams
!~ ~ ~ ,J 5. Reality bomb labs
6. Eternium synthesizer

I' --
7. Testing laboratories
D 10 10 10 10
8. Refrigerated storage
c:J 9. Storage compartments
10. labs
File cabinets 11. Security access
"\.. tunnels

TORG: The Nile Empire

W.W Scientist DEX7,STR6, TOU 7, Weird Science blown rain forest! Capturing the Ethi~
PER 14, MIN 14, CHA II, SPl7. Adventure Hook pian forests was one of the primary
Skills: maneuver 8, find 16, evi- goals of the first strike team Mobius
denceanalysis 16, scholar 15, trick 15, The reports are shocking. Mobius sent onto Earth because of the large
test 15, willpower 9, science 17, weird has accomplished the amazing feat of gold deposits that lie beneath them. In
science 17, persuasion 13, taunt 12, capturing two eternity shards. And the wake of the axiom wash, rich dia-
intimidate 9. his weird scientists believe they have mond mines were added to the mix,
Inclination: Evil. found a waytocreatea more powerful sweetening the pot. Mobius plans to
Possibility Potential: some (35), 8 reality bomb using twice as much use the resources he captures here to
Possibilities if rated. eterniumasis normally included. This trade with the other High Lords for
Goals: To break thE:. traditional could shift the balance of power sig- raw materials, which he will then use
boundaries of science and make new nificantly toward Mobius, and the to fuel his ongoing efforts to expand
and better discoveries in the service of Storm Knights have only a few op- the size of his armies.
Dr. Mobius (or whoever else will fi- tions: recapture the eternity shards, or The area of the jungle occupied by
nance the research). destroy the research center. Either way, the Imperial forces serves as a home to
it means some sort of break-in of the two native tribes. The Red Hand,
Typical Lab Assistant: DEX 10,STR 9, Thebes center, where the work is tak- Overgovemor of the region bounding
TOU 9, PER 1O,MIN 11,CHA 9,SPI8. ing place. the jungle, has struck a deal with one
Skills: dodge 11, unarmed combat The Knightscan proceed directly to of the tribes, known as the Watumi,
12,maneuver12, trick 11, find 12, weird Thebes, or they can investigate reports enlisting their aid to hunt down
science12, test 12, persuasion 11, taunt that a cashiered (and, remarkably, not members of the other tribe, known as
10, intimidation 9. executed.) shocktrooper is selling the the Ghenta, who are then bound into
Inclination: Evil. security plans to the centeron the Cairo slavery to work in the gold and dia·
Possibility Potential: Some (SO). black market. mond mines beneath the jungle.
Goals: To do his job, get his money, Currently, all but two battalions of
and hopefully learn enough to one Battlegroup Red Hand are stationed
day attain the favored status of a true in bivouacs scattered all along the
weird scientist. The Ethiopian jungle, searching for fleeing Ghenta
Description: Labassistants primar- tribesmen, protecting the mines and
ily do the heavy labor and dangerous Jungle their shipments.
work for the weird scientists - even Asitexpanded to the Southeast, the
occasionally, when there are no pris- Typical Jungle Tribesmen: DEX 9,
Empire has penetrated into the forests
oners available, acting as guinea pigs STR9, TOU 10, PER 10, MIN 9, CHA 8,
of Ethiopia, which the Nile Empire
for experiments. SPI9.
axiom wash instantly rendered a fully
Skills: melee combat 11, tracking

•• 52 ~
Chapter Five

12, suMvall2.
Inclination: Good (Ghenta), Evil
Possibility Potential: Some (55). T helda\'. Eye
EquipmentSpear,SfR+4/damage The area above the Land of that bordered their land, then
value 13. the Dead is a place of great dan- buried the enb1Ula!beneath piles
ger - rumors of vicious crea- of rock. For Alexander, they
tures abound, tunnel networks prepared a great stone idol with
The Land of the lead deep into the bowels of the
earth, and slaves live their lives
eyes of amber, a crude gift for so
great a conqueror, and. one he
Dead unde<gn>und, no betterthan ntIS.
But this forbidding land is a
would never accept, they be--
lieved. In the right eye of the
Ethiopia is not the only place in the place of vast wealth as well, and idol, they scratched an inscri~
Empire where one can find rich gold one example of this is the Idol's tion that told the location of the
deposits. A healthy vein of gold runs Eye, which supposedly contains cave where their wealth was
through eastern Egypt as well. This is the riches of an entire civiliza- hidden.
the vein the ancients tapped for the tion. Alexander came and. as they
seeminglyendlesssupplyofgold used Thousandsofyearsago, a tribe had expected, refused the gift.
to forge the striking statues and jew· known as the Millefah lived in Butso angered was he at the lack
elry modem archaeologists have un· eastern Egypt. They had mas· of gold and jewels in the village
covered in the tombs of the pharaohs. tered their surroundings, and that he ordered the tribesmen
The Terran/Empire axiom overlay mined the abundant gold veins slain and the women and chil-
had a stunning effect on the mines in in the area to accumulate great dren taken as slaves. Alexander
this area, turning the ancient caves wealth. But one season they re- died shortly thereafter, and the
into a complex network of subterra- ceived word of a great army story of the Idol's Eye survived
nean passageways honeycombing the advancing upon them, led by a in the stories passed down by the
entire eastern hall of Egypt! Most of god named Alexander, an army Millefahslaves. Butasthecentu-
these tunnels are approximately 15 that destroyed all in its path. ries passed, none were ever able
feet in diameter, but some are much The elders of the tribe real· to find the idol, the desert sands
larger and others much smaller. In all, ized that if Alexander discov· having claimed it as its own.
thetunnelscoverthousandsand thou· ered the wealth of the Millefah, If theStorm KnighlSrould find
sands of miles. hewould plunderthevillageand the idol, and somehow decipher
One particularly grim area of the slay the people to get his hands the inscription on the eye, they
tunnels, known to the residents of the on it. And so the peoplegathered could find astorehouseof wealth
Empireas the Land of the Dead, opens their riches together, and placed beyond their wildest dreams.
into a series of caves in which the gold them inside one of the tunnels
veins approach the rocksunace. Thou-
sands of slaves captured in the
Empire's military campaigns are sent are other fantastically long tunnels Each of the nations cataloged be--
down into these caves to join various branching off from the network be-- low has a military strength listed in
criminals and outcasts to dig for gold. neath Egypt and stretching out allover number of battalions, number of air
The prisoners sent here will most likely the world, though, to date, no one has wings, and number of tank forces.
never see the sunlight again. During discovered them.
their rest shift (slaves work in two The subterranean tunnel complex
shifts; the digging goes on round the
dock in the caves), the slaves are
is, of course, a favored hideout for
bands of rebels and those on the run
Reality Storms
herded by their overseers into small from the Empire. Recently, rumors of Core Earth air and armor units will
antechambers and given a meal and large vicious creatures living in the not function under the Terran axiom
an opportunity to sleep. Most of the tunnels havebegun turningupallover set. When Mobius hits an area with a
slaves are Israelis. the region, though no one knows reality bomb, he effectively cancels
Near the Land of the Dead, one of whether or not they are true. out all of his enemy's armor and air·
theunderground tunne1sstretchesinto power.
a vast cave filled with thousands of But the Core Earthers have one
balS, which then empties into another
tunnel which leads all the way through
The Battlefronts sligh' advantage of their own. From
time-to-time a reality storm drifts over
the Earth and comes out in the United the Empireand its borders. In the Nile
States in the realm known as the Uv- Here are some notes on the nations these storms almost always create a
ing Land (Dr. Mobius and the agents Mobius is currently trying to conquer mixed area (see page 85 of The Torg
of the Empire are not yet aware of this that prove helpful when designing Rulebook). Oever Core Earth military
tunnel). It is quite possible that there adventures set in these areas. leaders try to anticipate these storms

#1:------------------.-- 53
.'.,.'..... ..'
. ..
.: .

Iran ".,

" , !
, ,,


/ Ethiopia
" t

.••.. u· e -
, .- .... ....... -. " ... ", ......,' .
~ ".--..- -':"
OIapter Five

and attack into them, giving their power and armor virtually non-exjs.. many; the US government could no
superior airpowerand armor achance tent. While much of the army was longer supply the units, even if they
to obliterate Mobius' forces. destroyed, some units are fighting werebrought back to the United States;
A stonn which lasts long enough to guerilla actions against the forces of both nations decided it would be bet·
serve as cover for an attack hits the the Nile. The terrain has proven the ter to keep the units in the field). In
Empire roughly once per week. Ron a greatest deterrent to Mobius. Nile addition, the Israelis have access to
die. On a result of 1-4, the storm hits vehicles perform quite poorly at high twocaptured squadrons ofHerusents
the Ubyan front; on a result of 5-8, the altitudes,requiringgreatersupplyand and 18captured Kheperas. The Israelis
stonn hits the Sudanese front; on a maintenance. Two battalions of Nile and thcir allies regularly spar ,.;th
resultof9-14, thestonn hits the Ethi~ forces are currently headquartered in BattJegroup Neteru, which is fre.
pian front; and on a result of 1s-.20, the Addis Ababa for the next major as- quenUy reinIon:ed by elements from
storm hits the Israeli front Socha storm sault, content to perform seek·and· Sattlegroup Madib.
typically lasts for 10 hours and blan· destroy missions until everything is in
kets about 20 square miles. readiness. The rest ofBattlegroup Red State of the Invasion
Hand is scattered in the jungles of the
northwest, performing the vital mis- Dr. Mobius quickly recognized Is--
Ethiopian Front sion of guarding the gold and dia- rael as the greatest military threat to
mond mines, as well as the convoys to the Empire after his initial invasion
Outside oftherain forest created by and from the mines. and promptly moved against it, crush-
the axiom wash, Ethiopia has ex- ing a large portion of the Israeli army
tremely high and rugged terrain, the and seizing the western half of the
large central plateau sloping in· alti· Israeli Front country. The Israelis that remain,
tude from 6,000 feet to 10,000 feet in however, are fighting a tenacious de-
places. Mountains ring the plateau Israel's Mediterranean coastline is fense incooperation with their Ameri-
along the edge of the great rift vaney. dominated by a low, flat plain. Low, can allies, and have become one of the
The population's faith is evenly di· roDing mountains run along the east sharpest thorns in Mobius' side with
vided betweenChristianity and Islam, border, and theNegrev,a dry flatland, their constant raids into Imperial terri-
with a scattering of other religions. occupies the south. The predominant tory under the blanket of the reality
religion is Judaism. In the area are 11 storms.
State of the Invasion elite battalions, six elite tank forces, Unknown to Nile Intelligence, a
five elite air wings, bolstered by three force of Israeli commandos two battal-
Ethiopia'sanny has all but disinte- US battalions, three US Tank Forces, ions strong with access to captured
grated under Mobius' assault. Five and five US air wings (all of which are Imperial equipment has set up a secret
serviceable battalions still exist, air· NATO forces now supplied by Ger· base behind Imperial lines mthe ruins

TORG: The Nile Empire

of the ancient fort of Massada, the

histonc site of the Israelite's heroic
stand against the Romans.
Mount Schairea
The peak of Mount Schairea company of shocktroopers
Libyan Front towers ominously above West- trained in guerilla warfare. There
Along the Gull of Sidrah in Libya, ern Israel, casting a dark shadow are no sophisticated security
one can find one of the few places on over those Israelis that remain devices installed in the moun-
Earth where the desert touches the free of the domination of Mo- tain, since it is considered virtu-
sea. Southern Libya is made up of bius. ally unscaleable (climbing diffi-
limestone hills, while poor rainfall Shortly after his initial inva- culty 18). Access is by air, or by
renders virtua1Iy theentite remainder sion of Earth. Mobius' troops an underground tunnel that
of the country a vast desert. The ofB- moved into the western half of leads from Tel Aviv into the
rial language is Arabic and the pre-- Israel. He dealt a crushing blow mountain. which features secu-
dominant religion is Islam. to the Israeli army, but a number rity checkpoints at either end.
Libya is a Marxist dictatorship of units escaped to the east, con- Repeated attempts by the Is-
under the leadership of the indomi- tinuing to fight a bloody guerilla raeli air force to bomb the moun-
table MuammarQaddafi, the leader of war against the High Lord's tain have inflicted only minor
the People's Congress. Libya is a strict troops. damage on the post, and heavy
adherent to Islamic Law. Petroleum is Mobius' forward command casualties on the fliers. A better
Ubya's key industry and the lifeblood post in Israel is located in the bet would be for a team of Storm
of its people. Libya has the highest per caves of Mount Schairea. There Knights to infiltrate the installa-
capita income in Africa. The country he maintains a listening post, an tion through the tunnel and
has 23 battalions (14 of which are reo- anti-aircraft gun emplacement, destroy it from within.
serves, less well-armed and trained an autogyro/heliport, and a
than the regular £0""",), eight tank
forces, and three air wings.
concentr~te on Sudan and Ethiopia. State of the Invasion
State of the Invasion There will be plenty of time to elimi-
nate Libya later. CUJTently BattIegroup Thesouthernmostdominantareais
Mobius began by busily pounding Sesetek only maintains a watch, less about 400 miles south of Khartoum,
away on the Libyan Army and push- vigilant than it might be in spite of where the Sudanese Army has pulled
ing ~ck the borders of the Empire, Sesetek's constant warnings, along the back to defend the high central plain.
hopmg to capture the rich Libyan oil Libyan edge of the Empire. Small The Core Earth forces are opposed by
fields to the west. patrols are sometimes sent out to look BattIegroups Natatiri and Avery, along
Shortly after the campaign started, for archaeological finds; the one w hich with elements of BattIegroups Red
Libyan leader Qaddafi planted a cap- stumbled across Hespera was crushed Hand and Henmut, particularly ar-
tured nuclear bomb in the oil fields before it had a chance to report, mor and artillery.
and forced Dr. Mobius into making a The Soviets back Sudanese opera-
deal: Qaddafi will not semi-perma- tions, while Zairan and Kenyan forces
nently irradiate Libya's oil and will Sudanese Front are just beginning to cooperate, The
one real advantage theCore Earth force
donate 45 percent of its crude produc-
tion to the Empire,ifMobius will cease Much of Sudan is an immense have is the Soviet Psychic Group,
hostilities and provideQaddafi with a plateau resting 1500 feet above sea which travels with the Soviet head-
couple of extraordinary weird science level. As in Egypt, rich farmlands sit quarters. The SPG has successfully
gizmos, which Qaddafi will then use on the banks of the Nile with desert predicted each of the last four major
in an attempt to blackmail the United gripping the north. Wooded savannas reality storms. When one hittheSuda-
StatE7and thewest. Forthetime being, speckle the south. Arabic is the official nese front, Core Earth forces had 36
Moblusacceptsthedeal. This is partly language of Sudan, and the predomi- hours advance notice. Battlegroup
because he is unsure of the effects of nant religion is Islam, Sudan's mili- Avery was forced to retreat over 150
nuclear weapons, which do not yet tary forces are 29 battalions, 11 tank kilometers, abandoning equipment
exist in the Nile Empire. Under the forces, five air wings, bolstered by 11 which Core Earth forces will soon put
current theory of nuclear physics of Soviet battalions, eight Zairan battal- to good use.
the Nile, it is possible that the weapon ions, a Zairan tank force, six Kenyan
could begin a chain reaction in the battalions, a Kenyan tank force, and a
Earth itself, with devastating result. Kenyan air wing.
Mobius accepts the deal so he can

•• 56
Chapter Five

The Rules

57 ..
TORG: The Nile Empire

Chapter Six

World Rules for the

Nile Empire
ach of the realms that the is one of Mobius' primary goals. As
High Lords have over- the area occup;ed by Tenon reality
layedonto Earthdoesnot increases, so does the amount of con-
necessarily function in a flict between his reality and that of the
• mannertowhichnormal Earth, and so does the resultant flow
Earth people are accustomed. Those of possibility energy.
things that Earthmen take for granted,
such as the laws of physics, the basic
rules of social interaction, and the
absence of magic, mayor may not The Four Basic
hold true in each of the six independ-
ent realms. The "reality" within the Axioms
realms is equivalent to the reality The basic rules that govern reality
within the associated High Lord's in each of the cosms and realms are
home cosmo Dr. Mobius. for example, known as axioms. As soon as someone
is a native of a cosm in which the or something crosses thestelaebound-
reality roughlyronforms toa "reality" ary into the Nile Empire, he, she, or it
found on Earth only in the pages of the immediately becomes subject to the
adventure pulps of the 1920s and '305. Empire's axioms, just as one becomes
And thus, there are many subtle idio- subject to the Core Earth axioms as
syncrasies in the rules that govern life soon as he or she leaves the Empire.
in the Nile Empire that set them apart One of the Empire's axioms, for ex-
from the rules that govern life within ample, holds that most technological
Core Earth. Think about all the amaz- items that are more advanced than
ing feats that were accomplished by those that were available on Earth in
heroes such as Doc Savage, the the mid 19305 simply will not func-
Shadow, and Indiana Jones through- tion.lfoneweretowalkintothe Empire
out the course of their adventures. In wearing a digital watch, for example,
the real world, all of these things are the watch could cause a contradiction
obviously impossible. But in ~r. the instant it crossed the border (see
Mobius' home cosm and the teglon ThL: Torg Rulebook, page 99) since it
occupied by the Nile Empire, these would immediately become subject to
and even more fantastic accomplish- the Empire's technical axiom.
ments are everyday occurrences. In Every cosm has four basic axioms
fact. it is the basic conflict between the that govern the interaction between
reality of the Terran cosm and that of the living and non-living things within
Core Earth that is responsible for the thecosm. The basice.xiomsare known
flow of possibility energy that Mobius as Technological. Social. Magical. and
so desperately seeks. Spiritual; and in Torg, each is rated on
The invisible barrier that separates a scale of 0 to 33. with a score of 0
the reality of the Empire from the representing particularly low devel-
reality of the surrounding Earth is opment and a score of 33 representing
formed by a series of strategically extremely high development. Items,
placed artifacts known as stelne. As individuals, or organizations that are
Mobius expands his borders, the ste- more highly developed than the
lae are moved and new stelae are Empire in any of these areas will not
placed. Expanding these boundaries

•• 58
Chapter Six

function properly within its borders.

Below, each of the Empire's four
basic axioms are described in detail.
Rules guidelines on the basic axioms
can be found on pages 91 to 102 of Tht
Torg Rulebook.

The Technological
Axiom: 21
Most of Dr. Mobius' Empire oper-
ates at a level of technology that is
roughly equivalent to that available
on Earth circa 1936. This is, of course,
inferior to what the Earth-born resi-
dents of the Empire were used to. But
those who were tTansfonned by the
axiom wash forget the technological
wonders with which they were ac-
quainted in their past lives, w Me those
who were not transformed by the axi-
oms but voluntariJy serve Mobius
believe that the return to the older
technology is part of a plan to slowly
creep back to the "pure" scienceofthe
once glorious ancient Egyptian Em-
pire. Very few of the residents of the who has been transformed by the trical gadgets and gizmos are starting
Nile Empire miss the advanced tech- Empire's axiom wash, is limited to a to become a fad: electric can openers,
nology of Core Earth. maximum medidtre total of 12 if the razors,and toasters have justappeared.
The specific technological achieve- cause of the affliction is viral, 10 if the Phonographrecordsareverycommon,.
ments of the Empire can be broken problem is caused by effects not p0s- as are black-and-white "talkies." The
down into categories as foUows: sible under Tech 21. technology to produce color films
Transportation: Slow, somewhat exists, though the process is cost pro-
Mililary: Currently, aircraft carri- unreliable commercial airlines are at hibitive.
ers and simple single-wing fighter the pinnacle of transportation tech-
planes are at the cutting edge of the nology in the Terran cosm, though
Empire's military arsenal. Light, almost all long-distance travel is by The Social Axiom: 20
medium, and heavy machineguns are train. Luxury travel is via airship or
in widespread use,asare simple,slow, ocean liner. Thetopspeed for air travel On a social level, the Empire is on
Iightly-armored tanks. The Empire has is around 250 mph (Torg speed value the surface similar to Core Earth Eu-
learned how to stabilize the flight of 15), the top speed for train travel is 60- rope or America, though several deep
artillery shells up to 250mm in diame- 100 mph (speed value 12-13), and the differences exist. The Empire itself is a
ter, and has developed very basic top speed for sea traffic is around 15- huge bureaucracy that is ultimately
chemical and biological weapons, 30 mph (speed value 9-10). Ground overseen by a single warped individ-
though these weapons are seldom cars are capable of hitting speeds of up ual. The Empire's armies, organiza-
used. to 110 mph for short periods (speed tions, and political bodies are all or-
Medicine: Simple surgery is rou· value 14). ganized in a manner that is similar to
tinely performed, and pharmacology Shortly after he established the Nile their Core Earth counterparts.
is sufficiently developed toallow treat- Empire, Dr. Mobius quickly con- One important difference in the
ment for many minor ailments. The structed a functional rail network social arena between the Empire and
basic techniques of immunization are across north-eastern Egypt. All com- Core Earth is the fact that the Terran
just beginning to evolve, though a mercial long-distance travel in the cosm (and thus the Empire) never
vaccine has yet to be developed for Empire is via these rail lines or via underwent the sexual revolution that
polio myelitis, a crippling almction airship. rocked western civilization in the 19605
that restricts the motor coordination life: Both the Terran Cosm and '70s. An indiscreet unmarried
of its victims. and the Nile Empire are at a stage that couple from the Terran cosm that
A character who is native to the would lead one to believe that cheap spends too much time together is the
Terran cosm or the Nile Realm, or one electrical power has just been intro- target of scandal and ridicule. Also of
duced. Though they remain ran!, e1<c- nole is the fact that women in both the

TORG: Tht> Nile Empire

Terran cosm and the Nile Empire en- within the Imperial borders. Back in wizards of all descriptions. Though
joy near-eomplete equality with their the Terran cosm, devotees of the an- magic is somewhat plentiful on Terra,
malE! counterparts, unlike the women cient Egyptian myths are not the only its practitioners are relatively rare, and
of the Core Earth cosm of the 19205. ones that can call upon this spiritual most inhabitants of the cosm Simply
The possibilities for entertainment font - but the Egyptian religion has do not believe that magic is real.
on Terra are quite similar to those attained more spiritual power than it
found on present day Core Earth. had at any time in the Egypt of Core
Novels and films are both popular Earth. The High Priests of Egypt have
within the cosm (though the latter are a great deal of power within the The World Rules
viewed strictly as entertainment; the Empire, and the miracles that they
idea of film as an "art" has yet to be Inaddition to the four basic axioms,
frequently perform are among Mo-
developed), as are dance halls, sport- each realm (and its associated cosm)
bius' most formidable weapons.
ing events, and fine restaurants, In addition to the religiOUS practi- has a number of specialized axioms or
world rules which further sets it apart
though few ofthese thingscanbefound tioners, there are many potent spiri-
within Mobius' Empire outside the tual artifacts secreted all over the from all other realities. In many ways,
larger cities. Laws in both the Terran Empire. Many of these items are the the basic axioms function as reality
cosm and the Empire forbid the pro- result of the axiom wash, which made limits within the realm while the world
duction and consumption of alcohol, literal truths of the legendary powers rules define how the realm works
though black marketeers actively dis- and abilities of many of the items within those limits. In the case of the
till and distribute the stuff all over hidden in buried tombs and grottos all Nile Empire, it is the set of world rules
both regions. across the Egyptian desert. Even which gives the reality of the realm its
One important recreational activity Mobius and his Imperial governors peculiar "feel" dUring play.
enjoyed by a huge number of inhabi- remain unaware of many of these Likethebasicaxioms,everyonewho
tants of both the Terran cosm and the potent artifacts and would surely love crosses over into the Empire immedi-
Nile Empire is reading pulp adven- to get their hands on them. ately becomes subject to the world
ture magazines. These magazines are rules unless he or she is surrounded
available nearly everywhere in both by a "reality bubble" (see page 101 of
The Torg Rulebook).
regions; part of their popularity stems The Magical
from the fact that the magazines are
often as, and sometimes more, factual Axiom: 12
than the newspapers and radio re- The Law of Morality
When the axiom wash swept over
ports are allowed to be. Under the One of the peculiar effects of the
the Egyptian desert when the Nile
guise of fiction, the story of the struggle realm was formed, it transformed all Terran axiom set is that all sentient,
between good and evil in the Nile of the legends concerning the ancient intelligent creatures within the axiom
realm is told. Of course, some of it is field eventually take on an absolute
Egyptians' use of magic into literal
just pulp fiction, thrown in for enter· morality. In other words, every per-
truth. Pyramid power, mummifica-
tainment or to confuse those who son on Terra can be absolutely classi·
tion, and the magical circumvention
would try to identify the actual ac- fied as good or evil- there is no room
of floods all became reality. Twosepa-
tions and plans of heroes through the for "neutrals" in between. Apprmd·
rate schools of magic now exist within
pulps. Pulp authors often work under mately 90 percent of the Terran popu-
the Empire: mathematics and engi-
pseudonyms, and editors sometimes lation fits into the "good" category.
neering. both of which are capable of
have a shorter career than expected. These are the law-abiding citizens that
an astounding array of enchantments.
Since each of these disciplines require fill the Terran cities, towns, and farm-
an extensive program of rigorous steads. The other 10 percent fits the
The Spiritual study, almost all of the magic users evil bill and consists of criminals, cur·
Axiom: 17 within the Empire were brought over mudgeons, tightwads, and bullies.
When the Terran axioms flooded
Mobius' maelstrom bridge from Terra.
The flow ofspiritual energy through In the relatively short time that the over Egypt just after Mobius latched
the Terran cosm is quite formidable, Empire has been in existence, few onto Earth with his maelstrom bridge,
and this flow has been extended into native Earthershave had time to learn the residents ofthe region bounded by
Mobius' earthbound realm. eitherofthe sorcerous arts. This means Mobius' stelae were immediately
The Egyptian gods and their dogma that most of the magical power in the transformed in accordance with the
do not literally walk the Nile, but this Empire is in Mobius' hands, since all world rule ofmorality.Unlike the situ-
cosm is closer to the power of the true of the magicians are loyal followers ationon Terra, however, 40 percent of
Egyptian mythos than it ought to be from another cosmo the realm's residents became evil,
by axiom level alone. By worshipping Back in the Terran cosm, the magi- while only 60 percent could be classi·
the gods and believing in their teach· cal disciplines of Mobius' Egyptian fied as good. The Earth-born residents
ings, the High Priests of the Empire followers are only the ma;ority of the of the region surrounding Egypt saw

can tap into the font of spiritual energy functioning magics which are prac- this change as a gradual shift with few
to perfonn amazing spiritual miracles ticed by sorcerers, necromancers, and taking any notice at all as the good or

60 ...
Chapter Six

evil tendencies within their neighbors Remember to consider the self interest sumed Inclination is up to the game-
slowly became emphasized. None of versus community interest question master (all Torg player characters will
the residents who were changed has when deciding whether an act is good almost .certainly assume an inclina-
any perception of an alteration in his or evil. Acrusadingavengerwhobeats tion of good). Immigrant characters
own behavior. up, or even murders, mobsters as part remain subject to this Inclination for as
of an effort to stamp out crime in the long as they stay under the influence
The Nature of Good and Evil big city is still classified as a good of the Terran/Empire axioms, just as
character according to the Tenan axi- though they were natives.
In acoordance with the Tenan axi- oms since he is acting on the common If a Storm Knight tries to perform
oms, the difference between good and interests of all (a city free of crime). an action you feel is neutral or morally
evil is very simple. Evil characters Possibility-rated characters may "gray"', such as lying to reporters of
value their own self-interests over perform actions that go against their TheOziro Clarion in order to plant false
everything else, although strategic Inclination, but each time they doso, it information in the paper, it causes a
shrewdness may temporarily mask costs them a Possibility. Anytime the one-case contradiction. The Knight
theirseJf-interest. Good characters are gamemaster feels that a possibility- must roll each time he attempts a
far more concerned with the common rated chara_ has been performing neutral action (even if no skill use is
interests shared by all. Thus, stealing more actions that are against his or her involved), and is disconnected on a
is usually an evil act since the thief is Inclination than actions that are in roll of 1.
acting upon his or her own self-inter- accordance with the Inclination, the
est instead ofthe interests of the victim gamemaster can declare that the char- Inclination Abilities
and community. By this same token, acter has switched Inclinations. A
murder, extortion. and fraud are usu- character who switches Inclinations Possibility-rated characters who are
ally evil acts as well. Note, however, automatically forfeits all of the Possi- under the influence of the Tenan/
that one need not be a socially defined bilities that he or she has accumulated. Empire axioms have abilities and
criminal in order to be evil. According The only way that such a character can penalties based upon their Inclinations,
to the Terranaxioms, theold man who return to his or her original Inclination each of which is described below.
chases small children off his lawn for is to begin performing actions in ac-
noother reason than the satisfaction of cordance with that Inclination until Deted Inclination: A possibility-
screaming is evil, as is the miser who the gamemaster again declares a rated character who plays anAI~
refuses to give his employees time off switch (and yes, the character must card can detect the Inclination of an-
when they are iII or injured. At the again forfeit any Possibilities earned other character with a successful ac-
same time, not all "good" characters since the first switch). A player charac- tion using his Ptreeption total against a
are crusading crime fighters. A shop- ter that switches Inclinations to evil difficulty number-equal to the Spirit of
keeper who minds his own business, and does not begin an immediate ef- the target. The possibility-rated char-
pays his taxes, and shows concern for fort to switch back is out of play and acter can only make one such check
his neighbor's sick aunt is "good," as becomes a gamemaster character. per target character.
is the bystander who gives directions Note that a character's Inclination
to a lost motorist. only restricts his or her actions while Example: King Fortunato runs into
Deciding whether a character he or she is subject to the Terran/ a small shelter on the bank of the Nile
should be classified as good or evil Empire axioms. Once he leaves the and finds an old man. "Old Man,
should be relatively simple in most Terran cosm or the Nile realm, he you've got to help me. I've got an
cases. Since he is out to conquer others ignores the Inclination rules and be- entire legion of shocktroopers on my
for his own purposes, for example, Dr. gins to function normally. Characters tail."
Mobius is obviously evil, as is almost surrounded by "reality bubbles" The old man seems kind of nerv·
everyone else who is connected with composed of non·Terran/Empire ax- ous. "Okay, you canhidedownhere."
the Empire. The rebels who are fight- iom sets also ignore Inclination, though King plays an Alertness card and
ing against Mobius (and all Storm natives of the Empire who surround tries to detect the old man's Inclina-
Knights within the bounds of the themselves with reality fields in re- tion. He uses his Perception of 10 to
Empire) are obviously good. gions outsideof the Empireonce again generate an Action Total of 12. The old
become subject to their Inclination man has a Spirit of 8, so the gamemas--
Good and Evil in Play because they are again subject to the ter informs King that the old man is
Empire axioms. Evil.
The template for every character "'Hmm." King thinks to himseli as
from the Nile Empire or the Terran Inclination, Neutrality and he descends into the cellar. "I've got a
cosm has a listed "Inclination," good bad feeling about that old man. This
or evil. Ord. characters with an Inclina- Immigrants might be a trap!"
tion ofgood will never perform an evil Characters who are not native to
act, while those with an Indination of the Nile Empire or the Tenan cosm Note that theuseofthisabilitydoes
evil will never perform a good act automatically acquire an Inclination not imply any sort of supernatural
without strong ulterior motives. upon entering either region. This as- power. It simply reflects the fact that

Ik. ---------------------.-.
TORG: The' Nile Empire

good or evil characters can sometimes would have had to forfeit a POSSibility gamemaster must consider when
reCognize their brethren based upon himself - given that a roll of 1 would designing adventures that occur
only the most subtle clues and their give theevi1 doctora total of12, Mobius within the Terran cosm or the Nile
years of experience. A chaiacter must feels safe in seducing Fortunato. realm: keep your adventures moving
actually see or hear the target before Note that an Inclination Seduction at a dramatic. bl'ukneck pace. If the
attempting to use this ability. always requires a dramatic speech or heroes have a lot of time to stop and
Gamemastercharacters(whodonot monologue from the seducer and that think,. it's probably time for a deploy-
have a hand of cards) can make an Inclination Seduction can be used on mentofshacktrooperstodiscovertheir
Inclination detection attempt by more than one target at a time by tak- hiding place and come crashing in.
spending a single Possibility at the ing into account the usual multi-ac- Achieving this sort of effect within the
gamemaster's discretion. tion penalties (see page 45 of The Torg Torggameiseasyonceyou master two
Rulebook; the seducer loses only one basic techniques: the proper use of
Inclination Seduction: Good and Possibility if he fails, no matter how obstacle piling and seemingly impos-
evil are both very powerful, seductive many targets he was "aiming" at). sible situations.
forces. A possibility-rated character Obstacle piling is exactly what it
can make one attempt per act to se- The Price of Evil: One of the ulti- sounds like: conhonting the Storm
duceanother possibility-rated charac- mate ironies surrounding Dr. Mobius' Knights with a whole series of 0b-
ter of the opposite Inclination over to axiom set is that it is actually designed stacles at the same time. The hick is to
his own Inclination. Inclination seduc- to slightly favor good. lncIinations over take each action scene in the adven-
tion requires a successful ChIlrismJl evil. Back in the Terran cosm. Mobius ture and set up a string of obstacles
action against a difficulty number was routinely thrashed by a wide within thescene which smoothly inter-
equal to the Spirit of the target. A assortment of heroes. Jt was only after connect. Suppose, for example, that
successful Inclination seduction with he discovered the maelstrom bridge the heroes are being held prisoner on
a quality level of good or less does not and fled the cosm that he began to an airship and are trying to escape.
actually change the Inclination of the meet with success. During theesca pe, they find a machin-
target, but does cause the target to In game terms, any time a character egun in a storage room. Shortly there-
forfeit one Possibility. If the target has with an Evil Inclination enters the after, they meet up with a detachment
no Possibilities to give, he must switch Terran cosm or the Nile realm (includ- of shocktroopers (obstacle one) and
Inclination. On a superior result the ing non-native characters who are the action starts.
target must switch inclinations or for- assuming an Inclination), the charac- The first thing the heroes do is tum
feit two Possibilities. On a spectacular ter immediately forfeits one Possibil· the machinegun on the soldiers, an
result the target must switch inclina- ity. though this penalty can only be opportune moment to reveal that the
tions or forfeit three Possibilities; in suffered a maximum of once per ad- machinegun they found doesn't work;
addition if the target does switch he venture. This ruJealso means that you it was in the storage shed awaiting
does not lose all of his Possibilities should reduce the starting Possibility repair (obstacle two). The stunned
when switching Inclinations. This is totals for native evil characters by one heroes then tum to fisticuffs and even-
the only exception to the rule listed to reflect the slight disadvantage that tually manage to take out the troopers.
under "Good and Evil in Play." If an their Inclination thrusts upon them The first hero that tries to leave the
Indinationseduction attempt fails, the (all of the Nile/Terran templates in area, however, runs right into the
seducer must forfeit one of his own this book have been pre-adjusted). vessel's captain, who was awakened
Possibilities. by the ruckus (obstacle three). The
captain, of course, is about six-foot-
Example: Dr. Mobius stands over a The Law of Drama eight, weighs somewhere in theneigh-
crumpled and demoralized King for- borhood of 350 pounds, and looks as
tunato. Something extraordinary in the though he is really going to enjoy
"You can never hope to crush the Terran/Empire axiom set has a pecu- roughing the heroes up. During the
might of my Empire, Fortunato. I will liar effect on almost all the events ensuing fight, a window is smashed
give you one last chance to join me involving possibility·rated characters and the captain physicallythrowsone
before I kill you. I could use someone that occur within the axiom bounds: of the heroes out the airship window
with your abilities. Join me now and everythingthathappenslothemseerns (obstacle four). Fortunately, the hero
all the wealth and power you can to be infused with a particularly d~ manages to grab the trail wire hanging
possibly imagine is yours. Refuse and veIoped sense of melodrama. Heroes off the ship's gondola to dangle be-
you shall die." frequently save themselves from fiend- low, but then notices that the ship is
This is a classic Inclination Seduc- ish death traps at the very last second, approaching a mountain range. Un-
tion. Mobius uses his Charisma of24 to villains are constantly escaping cer- less he climbs back up the wire fast,
generate a total of 16, which is greater tain death, etc. In short, the action is he'll be pasted all over the mountain-
than Fortunato's Spirit of 11. Mobius fast and furious. side (obstacle five).
gets a good result so Fortunato must The most important effect of this Shoot for about five such obstacles
forfeit one Possibility or switch. If law is not reflected in a specific game in each important action scene dUring
Mobius' total had been a 10 or less, he mechanic, but in a caveat that the the adventure. But don't overdo it.

.,.,...------------------- ~
........ 62
Chapter Six

Give the Knights a chance to rest and QUIN. Ohhhhh. With ZERO seconds A possibility-rated. character can
catch theirbreatheveryonceina while. left on the timer you manage to tug the spend two Possibilities on any action
The action and obstacles should come final wire out of the detonator. You made within the axiom bounds. Such
in spurts rather than constant streams. can still feel your heart's cold palpita· a character is then allowed. to roll the
Seeminglyimpossiblesituationsare tions." die twice and apply the roll of his or
part of the fine art of making your You should also strive to include at her choice to the die total.
players think that their characters are least two dramatic combat encounters
going to die in every single action in each ad venture set within the Example: Quin is trying to test his
scene (a reasonable goal for Nile ad- Empire. The basic gist of all of this is Strength to its limits. He makes an
ventures), when they are actually in that the action should somehow feel Action Check and spends two Possi-
little or no real danger. Make a habit of different and just a bit more intense in bilities. On his first roll, he rolls a 15.
tossing the heroes into unbelievably the Empire than anywhere else in the The two Possibilities allow him two
perilous situations, butalways remem· Torg universe. additional rolls, a 16 and a 4, but Quin
ber to leave a way out. is only allowed. to add one of these
Appropriate descriptions can also rolls to his die total. Obviously, he
go a long way toward achieving the The Law of Action would select the 16, giving him a total
propersenseofdrama.Goalloutwhen roll of 31.
describing the resolution of an action, A final peculiar quirk of the Ter-
using even more fancy adjectives and ran/Empire axiom set allows possi- Note that, like all of the Empire
dramatic timing than usual. Don'tsay, bility·rated. characters under its influ- axioms, the Law of Action will affect
"Quin finally manages to diffuse the ence to accomplish physical and Empire or Terran natives in another
bomb," when you can say, "There are mental feats that are slightly superior realm who have surrounded. them-
only three seconds left Quin, you'd to those they could accomplish out- selves with their own reality.
better hurry. Twoseconds,Quin. Quin. side of the axiom bounds.

~----------------_ _I_.
TORG: The Nile Empire

Chapter Seven

Nile Skills
hecharacters that inhabit method of knowing the date and time
the Nile Empire and the (at least to the nearest quarter hour) is
Terran cosm have a few necessary. Religious astronomy is not
abilities which are not effective for magical spells, which
• included in the Torg requires different kinds of informa-
boxed set. In this chapter are descrip- tion from the stars; for magic the
tions of seven new skills that are avail- mathematics skill is need.
able to all Terran/Nile characters. Egyptian religion can also be used to
Although these skills were specifi- gain legends and lores about a religiOUS
cally designed for the natives of Terra, artifact or temple. The difficulty
gamemasters may allow other inhabi- number of such an attempt depends
tants of the Torg lnfiniverse to pur- upon the obscurity of the item or place
chase them as well. to be analyzed. The amount of infor-
mation gained depends upon the
number of success levels earned on
the Egyptian religion total.
Perception Related
Skills Example: Professor James is using
his Egyptian religion skill to analyze a
lapis lazuli inlaid "Eye of Horus" idol.
The gamemaster knows that the idol is
Egyptian Religion very rare, so he sets the difficulty
number at a 15. James eamsanAverage
Characters with this skill are fully success, so the gamemaster informs
acquainted with Egyptian gods and him that the idol is rumored to have
legends that surround them. Such been built during the Second Dynasty
individuals are familiar with Egyp- by a group of rogue mathematicians
tian religious ceremonies and meth- who were banished to the desert byan
ods of worship, though a character angry pharaoh. The gamemaster does
skilled in Egyptian religion does not not tell James that the idol is actually
necessarily believe the Egyptian reli- cursed and brings bad luck to anyone
gious dogma, he merely understands who has it in his possession. The mathe-
it. Faith (Egyptian) is the skill associ- maticians carefully constructed the
ated with faith in the Egyptian mythos. idol and sent it to the greedy pharaoh,
In play, Egyptian religion has two knowing he would treasure it due to
main functions. First, it allows a user its beauty and refuse to realize that it is
to perform religious astronomy. As the idol's curse which is destroying
mentioned in chapters ten and eleven, his kingdom and family. U James had
astronomy forms an important part of received a Spectacular success, he
religious ceremonies and magical would have received all of this infor-
spells. Religious astronomy is used to mation, while a Superior success might
determine the positions of important have entitled him to know that the idol
stars and planets for religious mir- has some sort of magical property.
acles, usually from charts as the sig-
The religious astronomy function
nificant planets are those of Terra, not
of Egyptian religion cannot be used
of Core Earth. The planets do not have
unskilled, the legend and lore portion
to be visible to use this skill, but some
can be used unskilled.

•• 64
Chapter Seven

Characters with mJlthmrlltics skill

Hieroglyphics Mathematics also have the ability to rapidly solve
As part ofhis campaign to establish Characters with this skill are in tune mathematical problems and equations
a pure Egyptian empire, Dr. Mobius with the mysteries of mathematics. in their heads. this requires a skill roll
has brought back the ancient Egyptian Not modem mathematics like calcu- against an appropriate difficulty
method of hieroglyphic writing. All lus and fractal theory, but the magical number: a problem involving simple
official writing within the Empire is mathematics of the ancient Egyptians. operations (addition, subtraction,
hieroglyphic. Characters with the hi- Characters skilled in mJlthDruJtics and multiplication, and division) is an Easy
eroglyphics skill can read and under- an appropriate magic skill can com- task; an algebra problem is an Aver-
stand such writing. pute mystical sums and quotients age task; and a trigonometry problem
The hieroglyphic language went based upon astrological and empirical is a Difficult task (trigonometry is the
through many separate incarnations data. The mereactofthiscomputation most complex operation that can be
in ancient Egypt, and the hieroglyph- allows the mathematician to produce performed with malhemJltics - more
ics of Mobius' empire is even more a wide variety of magical effects. complex problemsmustbesolved with
refined than that used dUring the lat- Mathematics also allows a user to the science skill; see page 56 of The Torg
est segment of the ancient era. perform mJlgical astronomy. As men- RulebookJ.
Reading a hieroglyphic message tioned in chapters ten and eleven, as- Only the ability to solve mathemati-
requires a skill total. The difficulty tronomy forms an important part of cal problems may be used unskilled.
number depends upon the message's magical spells in the Nile Empire. The mJlthtmatics of spell casting and.
age. Reading or writing a message in Magical astronomy is used to deter- magical astronomy cannot be used
Mobius' modem hieroglyphics is an mine the positions of important stars unskilled.
Easy task (difficulty 5). Reading (0' and planets for spells, usually from
writing) the earliest and crudest an- charts as the significant planets are
cient Egyptian hieroglyphic is a 100:1 those of Terra, not of Core Earth. The Scholar (Master
shot (difficulty 18). Use of the lJmguogt planets do not have to be visible to use
skill instead of hieroglyphics increases this skill, but the astronomer needs to
the difficulty by +5, as hieroglyphics is know the date and time to the nearest The moster criminal discipline of
such an idiosyncratic language. quarter hour. Magical astronomy is scholorallowsa criminal toplan crimes,
HieroglyphiCS annat be used un- not effective for miracles, which re- and once they are executed to cover
skilled. quires different kinds of information his tracks. Scholar(moster criminal) may
from the stars; for religious astronomy only be used by characters of Evil
the Egyptian religion skill is necessary. Inclination, and therefore is of most

11:---------------___. 65
TORG: The Nile Empin!

use to gamemaster characters. Example: An engineer comes upon interrogation, except that since the
Once during an adventure the a pyramid built by another engineer subject is in an hypnotic trance the
master criminal may generate a total with a skill value of 9. The first engi- interrogator gets a +5 bonus modifier
for his plan (record the total). He may neer generates hisengineering skill total to his interrogation action.
spend Possibilities as Per normal. against a difficulty number of 9 and • Imp"'nt post-hypnotic suggestions
During the act in which the character receivesanAveragtsuccess. Thegame- in tM subjtcf's psycM. Suggestions are
is committing a crime (or when the master would give the engineer some future actions or tasks the hypnotist
villain is confronting heroes), the of the basic details surrounding the wishes the subject to perform. The
mastercriminalmaysubstitutehisplan pyramid and its construction, but subject does not need to be in an hyp-
total once for any skill total (not based would not reveal all of the pyramid's notic trance to actually perform these
on Datmty or Strength) he generates. properties. A SupnWr success would actions, only to receive them from the
As soon as he substitutes the total, he have netted still more information,. hypnotist. A hypnotist can implant a
loses the ability to substitute until the while a Spectacu."" success would have number of suggestions equal to the
next adventure. This substitution rep- entitled the engineer to a complete level of success earned on the hyptwsis
resents the clever planning of the vil- description of the pyramid and its roll that put the subject into the trance
lain which comes to fruition at a criti- properties. (a Minimnl success allows for one
cal moment. suggestion, an AVt'TQgt result allows
The master criminal can only su~ Enginming may also be used to for two suggestions, etc.). Each time
stitute totals when he is entitled to spot mechanical traps, secret doors or he implants a suggestion, the hyp~
generate a total in the first place; i.e., compartments, sloping passageways tist makes a new hypnosis roll and
the mQStercrimiruJl total cannot besu~ or other irregularities of construction. records the total on a piece of scratch
stituted for a skill that cannot be used When using engin«ring in this way, paper. Later, when it is time for the
unskilled that the villain does not treat all bonus numbers less than one subject to act upon a suggestion. the
possess, such as altmdion nuJgK. as one. Engineering used this way is subject makes a Mind roll against a
Scholar(I1UlSttT criminal) may also be akin to an active defense, as explained difficulty numbe< equal to the hypn0-
used to confound nJidence analysis. on page 18 of The Torg RuldJook. sis total generated when the sugges-
After committing a crime, the master The engin«ring skill and its use is tion was implanted. If this roU suc-
criminal may generate another scho"', described in detail in chapter ten. ceeds, the subject comes to his or her
(mQSttT criminal) total.The scho/Qr total E.nginunng cannot be used un- senses and avoids acting upon the
becomes the difficulty number for the skilled. suggestion. There is a +3 bonus to the
nJidence analysis. subject'sMindscorewhenmakingone
of these resistance rolls if the sugges-
Hypnotism tion will cause the subject to do some-
thing to which he or she is strongly
Mind Related Skills Hypnotism is used to put a subject opposed (such as directly harming
into a hypnotic trance. Once in such a one's self or a friend).
trance, the subject can then be intelT'(r
gated or given post-hypnotic sugges- Example: Thediabolica18rotherSin
Engineering tions that will affect his or her future is using hypnosis onMary AnnMcKay.
behavior. Subjects in trances are not First, Sin makes a hypnosis check
Characters with this skill are ex- aware of their surroundings for the
perts in engineering - not modem against Mary Ann's Mind. The check
duration of the trance. Trances never earns a Good success. Sin can now inter-
engineering with calculators and stress last more than 30 minutes and the
testing, but the magical engineering of rogate Mary Ann witha +5modifierto
instant anyone tries to harm a subject hisinterrogationscore,orimplantpost-
the ancient Egyptians. In combination in an hypnotic trance, the subject
with an appropriate magic skill, engi- hypnotic suggestions in her psyche.
immediately comes back to his or her Sin decides to implant the suggestions.
nuring can be used to construct true senses.
pyramids, magic tombs, and temples. Since he earned a Good success on
To put a subject into a trance, the the hypnosis roll that put Mary Ann in
Engineering can also be used to exam- hypnotist generates a hypnosis total
ine such structures and identify their the trance, he is entitled to three sug-
against a difficulty number equal to gestions. F'U'St, he will place a parcel in
properties. One engineer attempting thesubject'sMind. There isa +5 modi-
to analyze the work of another makes Mary Ann's puJ'6e and order her to
fier to the difficulty number of this drive to General Martin's headquar-
an engin«ring roll against a difficulty check if the subject is tense or excited t~ (suggestion one). Next, he orders
number equal to the engin«ring skill (such as if the subject is in combat or in
value of the builder. The amount of Mary Ann to wait until she hears the
a strange, unfamiliar environment). word "mailbag" and then slip away
information such an attempt nets is Once the subject is in such a trance, the
determined by the number of success and place the parcel in a broom closet
hypnotist may: (suggestion two). She is then to leave
levels earned on the check. • Interrogate the subject. This is the headquarter.; and fo<gel everytIUng
handled as per the normal rules for that happened (suggestion three).

..,.,...------------------- ~
......... 66
Brother Sin makes a hypnosis roll for
each of these suggestions and records
the totals, 13, 11, and 9.
After Mary Ann comes out of the
trance, she must then act upon the
suggestions. She rolls her Mind score
against the first suggestion's total of
13 and fails. She must then drive to
General Martin's headquarters. A
short time later, Brother Sin calls her at
the headquarters and says the word
"mailbag." Mary Ann must now roll
her Mind score against a difficulty
number of 11. Again, she fails. She
must now slip away and place the
parcel in a broom closet. The pan:e1 is
obviously a bomb, but Mary Anndoes
not get the +3 bonus to her Mind score
on the resistance roll because she is not
really awaresheis harming her friends.
Her instructions were only that she
place a pan:e1 in a closet, a seemingly
mnocent act. U Mary Ann were or- r
dered to shoot General Martin, how- ~
ever, she would certainly receive the t
bonus. After she leaves the parcel in
the closet, Mary Ann must then roll
against the final suggestion's total of (trtlTlsfonned), and Temm Expatriates.
13. This time she succeeds and begins New Templates Core Earthers are residents of the
to receive a vague recollection of re- area outside the stelae bounds who
Heartless soldiers and pulpvillains
cent events. Something is definitely are the building blocks out of which are trying to stem the spread of the
wrong. Maybe she still has time to Mobius fashioned the Nile Empire. Empire.
warn the general and his staff before But along with these evildoers, the Nile (transformed) characters are
the bomb explodes! people with a high hero potential who
Empire is also home to a strange new
assortment of heroes who have risen were caught up within the Empire
While carrying out post-hypnotic up tooppose Mobiusand his minions. after Mobius landed. The axiom wash
suggestions, hypnotized characters are In the back of this book, you will find that followed Mobius' invasion real-
~ot aware of their actions. The sugges- ized the characters' potential, and then
12 new player character templates,
tions are acted upon unconsciously. reflecting the spectrum of heroes who transformed them, which caused them
Hypnotism cannot beused unskilled. patrol the sands and jungles of Mo- to become heroes similar to those found
bius' Africa. Many of these templates in theTerrancosm. Unlikeords, trans-
incorporate the new rules found in for~e~. Storm Knights can regain
Weird Science this sourcebook. Note that the tem- possibility energy, and retain slcills
plate gender and names can easily be and memories from their time as Core
Characters with this skill are ca-
reversed (there are such things as a Earth citizens. Transformed charac-
pable of designing, building, and
"Jungle Huntress", a "Mystery ters slip every once in a while and
analyzing fantastic gizmos that far and
Woman", and a "Priest"). The only begin speaking and acting like a true
away exceed the Nile's Technical native of the Terrancosm (using 1930s
ex~tion is the "Amazon" template,
Axiom limit. In play, wnrd sdDlce
which can only be used for a female slang, etc.). Their reality is that of the
functions exactly like the sdma skill Nile Empire.
described in the Torg boxed set,except character.
Complete instructions for select- The Terran Expatriates are heroes
the user is aware of an entirely sepa-
ing and customizing a template are who traveled to Earth from Terra in
rate set of scientific laws and prin-
found on pages 7 to 11 of The Torg order to oppose Dr. Mobius. Their
ciples which allow him or her to vio-
Rulebook. reality is that of the Nile Empire.
late the Nile's technological limita-
tions. Note that the heroes in the Nile
Weird science and its applications Empire tend to fit into three broad
are discussed in detail in chapter nine. categories: Core Earthers, Nile

TORG: The Nile Empire

Chapter Eight

Pulp Powers
"Why am I sosuccessful, kid? Well, capable of learning the sOma skill,
I'll tell ya. It's cause I know the rules, though it is doubtful that all of them
see. And in life,figurin' outtherulesis will do so. But only a hero with some
three-quarters of the struggle:' peculiardetails in his background can
- Diamond Jack Murphy to his possess the elutro-rQ!I power (a hero
young assistant, Kwok, in D.W. who was struck by lightning while in
Decker's ''The FireOpalofKhartoum" an irradiated state, or one who was
(from Straight Out Action, November, bio-engineered with the electricity·
1932) producing capabilities of an eel by a
mad scientist, for example).
The human capacity to develop
"The Wraith threw his arms up into powers is a quirky by-product of the
the air and cocked back his head. Terran "weird science" technical and
Suddenly, a cloud of smoke began magical axioms. And thus, powersare
rising out of nowhere. As it gathered, available only to native Terrans and
the cloud wrapped itself alxmt the natives of Mobius' Nile realm. Unlike
Wraith, completely obscuring him skills, Possibilities cannot be used to
from the vision of the pursuing shock- purchase new power.; during play.
troopers. By the time the cloud had Characters never acquire new powers
settled, the Wraith was gone!" once play begins; they are stuck with
-from "Nightmareat47.oooFeet'" those they already possess.
by C. Michael Stone <originally p....
sented. in1M Wmith,n, 0ct0ber,1933)
Selecting Powers
any of the old-time he-
roes who seek fame and Yau will find a new set of character
fortune on Terra, as well templates at the back. of this book. The
as many of the newly templates feature the types of heroes
• that populate the lands in and around
created heroes who op-
pose Dr. Mobius in Earth's Nile Em- the Nile Empire. Several of these tem-
pire, have strange and potent abilities plates list powers that are automati-
which separate them from mortal men. cally possessed by all characters built
These abilities are known as powers. around that template. Othertemplates
Powers are presented as bold itQlic to allow the player who selected. the
distinguish them from skills and at- template to choose one or more pow-
tributes. ers from a brief list found on the tem·
Powers form a new category of plate itseU. Naturally, all such selec-
abilities,similar to attributes and skills. tions must be made before play begins
like skills, powers, too, are possessed and are considereq permanent once
only by certain special individuals. they have been completed.
The difference between powers and U you are not using the character
skills is that anyone is theoretically templates or are designing your own
capable of learning each and every templates for Terran or Nile-based
skill Powers, on the other hand are characters, powers maybe pun:hased.
available only to individuals with a during the character creation process
Special background. A cave dweller just like skills. Each power costs the
from the living Land, a US Air Force character one Possibility to purchase,
officer, and a paladin from the fantasy reducing a character's starting Possi-

-..",....------------------- ..
realm of Aysle are all theoretically bility total.

.... 68 --
Chaptef Eight

Each power has an IIdventure cost. A simple "conversations" since almost

power's adventure cost is the number all animals are only capable of com-
of Possibilities a character must pay
at the end of each advenl11ft: in order
municating very simple ideas and
feelings. You couldn't use this power D efinitions
to keep the power. U a player pays the to stroll up toan elephant and ask if he
cost for his character, he has the power has seen three trucks full of shock· Adventure cost is the number
for the next adventure. U he fails to troopers recently, for example. But you of possibilities which must he
pay the cost, his character loses the could ask,. "is danger present?'" or spent per adventure to maintain
power. Unless you devise a story line "where is the nearest dangerr Com- a power.
which allows the character to regain munication requires a successful ac- The Gdion lists the for-
the power, the character loses the tion against a diffirulty number equal mula used to calculate the
power forever. When purchasing to the animal's Spirit. Eachsuccessful power's value. Remember that
powers, it is important to consider the roll allows the user to ask an animal additional attribute points can
adventure cost, keeping in mind that one question. be spent to increase these action
an adventure might not earn a charac- Characters with this power can also values.
ter more than eight or nine Possibili- use it to convince animals of the same The range is the distance over
ties. Remind players of this when they Inclination as themselves to perform a which the user may project his
are putting their characters together. simple task (pushdown this tree, bring power. Combat~riented.powers
Overbuying powers can cripple a this message to my friend, etc.) with a have a range rating similar to
character, although taking power flaws power total equal to or greater than those given weapons, while oth·
(see below) to compensate can help. the animal's Spirit. A superior success ers have a simple distance limit.
Characters may develop power flaws must be earned. if the task potentially A range notation of "value"
after character generation (things threatens the animal's life. meansthattherangeo(thepower
going wrong with powers is an estab- Note: Unlike humans, not all ani- is equal to the power's action
lished. precedent in pulp fiction). mals need have inclinations. Of those value. For example, a character
Powers have an associated Value, that do, approximately 90 percent of with the x-rlJy eyes power and
just like attributes and skills. A seU- the animals in the Nile are of Good an action value of 8 could use
designed. character or template char- inclination. This same fact holds true that power on objects up to 40
acter can spend attribute points to for the animals of the Terran cosm. meters distant.
increase the action values of any The t«lt mting is a measure of
powers he has purchased on a one- how technologically sophisti-
for~ne basis (one attribute point pur- Chameleon cated. the gadgets and devices
chases one additional point of power are that feature the power. See
value). Some of the pre--generated Adventure Cost: 5 chapter nine for the details on
templates already have action value Action Value: CHA+5 the effects of tech ratings on
increases built into them. Range: Seu gizmos.
Notethat powers areonly available Tech Rating: 27
to possibility·rated. characters. ChlJm~leon is the ability to com·
Additional powers are listed. in The pletely transform one's physical ap--
World Book, page 46. pearance to mimic that of another Darkness
character. Such a transformation is
automatic and completely under the Adventure Cost: 3
control of the user. He can assume as Value: STR+5
The Power many appearances as desired and can Range: 5 meter circle around the
change appearance at any time. Any user •
Descriptions appearance assumed. through the use Tech Rating: 27
of this power must maintain the user's Characters with the dlJrkness power
basic height, weight, build and sex. can call up a field of darkness that
And if the user is trying to mimic the surrounds them and obstructs them
Animal friend ap~ofaspecUficincti~duaLhe from view. This field formsa five meter
Adventure Cost: 3 must obviously have seen that indi- globetha.sumnmdstheuserand lasts
Action Value: CHA+2 vidual at some time in the past. for as long as he likes, up to a maxi-
Range: User's voice TIle users chlJlfUl~on power value mum time value equal to his power
Tech Rating: 26 is the difficulty number of the value. U the user moves, the field
This power gives the usertheaude pm:eption roll necessary to penetrate moves with him.
ability to communicate with all mem· the disguise. Of course, the use o( Thedifficultyof all attacksaimed. at
hers of the animal kingdom. This chlJlfUleon does not allow the user to targets w;thin the field by those char-
communication is limited. to very act or think like the mimicked charac- acters and creatures that cannot nor·
ter, though it does allow him to as- mally see in the dark is automatically
sume that character's voice. increased by 5, as is that of any ranged.

TORC: The Nile Emp~

attack that has a line of sight passing listed on page 45 of The Torg Rulebook. ible shield of pure energy. This field
through the field. The user's darkness Powerful electro-ray blasts are tir- blankets a globe with a radius of two
value functions as the difficulty num- ing. The character is fatigued (takes and a half meters centered around the
ber for the Perception roll needed to twoshock points) whenever he gener- power user. The field has a Toughness
spot a character or item inside the field ates a positive bonus number when equal to the power value. The force
(a successful Perception check cancels using electro-ray. He may choose not field value acts as the user's armor
out the attack penalty). to apply a positive bonus number in value. In addition, any damage sus-
The user never suffers the penalties order to avoid the fatigue penalty. tained from attacks outside the force
ofhis own darkness; he can see through field may be given to either the force
as if it were not there. field or the power user, in any manner
Fear the user chooses. The force field takes
damage as a character does. If it takes
Dispersal Adventure Cost:: 4
Value: CHA+2
shock damage equal to its value, the
field collapses; it also collapses ifKOed.
Adventure Cost:: 5 Range: 15 meters U mortally wounded, the field leaks
Value: TOU+I0 Tech Rating: 27 energy at one shock point per round
Rang., Sel! Fear allows the user to create irra- until it collapses. If a force field takes
Tech Rating: 31 tional fear in the mind of a target. To four wounds and "dies" the power
Characters with this ability can cause this fear, the user generate a fear user permanently loses the power.
make their bodies temporarily incor- total against the Spirit of the target Each time the user generates a force
poreal. An incorporeal charactFr can (taking the usual multiple target pen- field, it begins undamaged. Damageis
pass through all substances with a alties into account for attempts to scare not "held over" from one use of the
Toughness that is less than or equal to more than one target at a time). The power to another.
the dispersal total. The dispersal value number of success levels earned on When the field is up, no objects can
acts as the armor value against all this check equal thenumber of combat get in or out of the field without pene-
attacks which do physical damage. rounds that the target will remain trating the field (exceeding the power
The user can stay dispersed for a "sJXlOked:' Spooked characters always value with a damage value, for ex-
number of combat rounds equal to his move last during any round of com- ample). At a power value of 20 or
Toughness, before haVing to reform for bat. On a good success, the spooked more, no gases can get in or out, in-
at least one minute. While dispersed, characters are also stymied. On a cluding air. As the air inside a five
the user is obviously incapable of superior success, they are stymied and meter globe is enough for a few min-
making a physical attack of any sort. frightened so badly that they have a utes for one person, this is usually not
Unless the dispersed character has penalty of -5 applied to all their totals; a problem.
another movement power or ability, if possible, the character tries to move The power user can maintain the
such as fly, a dispersed. character has a as far away from the power user as field for a number of combat rounds
movementvalueofDEX-4. Users with possible. equal to his raw Toughness and, once
dispersal values of 20 or less appear as There are two types of spectacular created, the field moves with the power
a syrupy blur, sometimes retaining success, depending on the inclination user. If used for the maximum dura-
images from their physical self. A of the power user. For a character of tion, or if the power is turned off after
dispersed character becomes less and Good inclination, a spectacular result damage is taken, the power must be
less distinct until, at dispersal 30, he causes the target to surrender com- rested for a least a minute to restore its
appears as a fine, nearly transparent, pletely, ceasing all resistance. For a energy before it may be used again.
mist. character of Evil inclination, a spec-
tacular success causes mental damage;
read the result points on the combat Grow
Electro-Ray result table. It is entirely possible for
an Evil character to kill a victim Adventure Cost: 5
Adventure Cost: 4 through fear. Value: STR+7
Value: STR+I0 Most characters with the fear power Range: Self
Range: (meters) Short3-10, Medium have a special laugh, shout or facial Tech Rating: 30
11-25, Long 26-60 expression that triggers the power. Characters with the grow power
Tech Rating: 27 can expand their body up to three
This is the ability to project a pow- times its normal height (while staying
erful bolt of energy from the hands.
This energy bolt is hurled by the user's
Force Field proportionally shaped) and maintain
this size for an amount of time value
Dexterity, with a damage value equal Adventure Cost: 5 equal to the grow value. In this ex-
to the electro-ray value. Electro-ray Value: TOU+I0 panded. state, the power user substi-
may be used to attack more than one Range: 5 meter globe tutes his grow value for his Strength,
target at a time by taking into account Tech Rating: 30 and increases his Toughness by +7 (if
the usual multiple target penalties Force field summons up an invis- the user's Toughness is naturally

_... .."",...--------------- ~
Chapter Eight

greater than his or her grow value, value. The illusion may be moved by though illusionsdo notcauseany lesser
however, only the Strength changes). the user at will. damage, struck creatures believe that
All physical attacks aimed at char- Anyone experiencing an illusion they have been damaged, meaning
acters enlarged by the grow power created through the use of this power that all such creatures suffer the penal-
increase their value to hit by 5. isentitled to generate a Ptraption total ties appropriate to their illusory
against a difficulty number equal to wounds, though they have actually
the power users illusion value. U this suffered no real damage. All damage
Illusion roll is successful, the viewer recog- and damage effects inflicted by illu-
nizes something wrong with the illu- sions disappear the instant the target Cost 6 sion and ceases to be affected by it. penetrates the illusion or the the in-
Value: MIN+2 Once one viewer penetrates the illu- stant the illusion ceases to be (except
Range: Value sion, he or she can alert any comrades for kills, of course, which are perma-
Tech Rating: 28 in the area, entitling each of them to a nent in nature).
Characters with this power can Ptraption total with a +3 bonus num-
create realistic illusions in the minds ber modifier.
of others capable of fooling aU five of
a target's senses. The exact nature of
An illusion cannot cause a target Jump
any physical harm., though intelligent
the illusion is up to the power user, and semi-intelligent creatures can be Adventure Cost: 2
though it cannot involve any sensory tricked into believing that they have Value: DEX-3
experiences that the user has not sustained damage, causing the crea- Range: Self
himself experienced. A character that ture great mental stress. Any illusory Tech Rating: 23
hasneverseenadinosaur,forexample, creatures or weapons fight with their Thi9power gives its user the ability
obviously cannot project the illusion real world values or the illusion value, to leap fantastic vertical and horizon-
of sucha creature. Unlike magical illu- whichever is lower. If an illusion in- tal distances. The jump value becomes
sions (see ThtTorg Rultbook page 114), flicts a KOor a kill result on a creature, the character's long jumping limit
all illusions created by this power are the creature actually sustains that re- value. The character can vertically
not real in any physical sense: an illu- suIt due to the mental stress. And al- jump about one-third. this height (the
sory rope cannot be climbed and an jump value-3).
illusory gun cannot be fired (though
part of the illusion might be making
others believe that the gun is being
fired). All illusions can be maintained
for a time value equal to the power

TORG: The Nile Empire

Mega-Scent This power allows its user to men-

tally dominate and command another.
Once a character has been mind
controlled, he is totally subject to the
Adventure Cost: 3 If established, this control will last for power users commands. These com-
Value: PER+5 a time value equal to the power total (a mands can be simple and immediate
Range: Self power total of 21, for example, yields ("Shoot him!"), or complex and long-
Tech Rating: 27 a dwation of just over four hours). term ("Go to Khartoum and do what-
A character with this power has an To establish control, the character ever is necessary to get yow hands on
extremely well-developed sense of must generate a power total against a the fire opal!"). Any time a mind con-
smell. He can use mega-scent instead difficulty number equal to the target's trolled character is ordered to do
of his find skill when someone is hid- Mind. Mind controlled targets are then something contradictory to his own
ing or using stealth within 50 meters of allowed five chances to "shake -off" interests (such as kill a friend, kill
him. He automatically discerns the the control, though one of these himself, etd, he is immediately al-
nature of such creatures on a good or chances is lost for each additional level lowed one of his shake off rolls (as-
better result (Le., what type of animal of success above average (good, supe- suming he has any); the shake off roll
is approaching, or exactly who is rior, or spectacular) earned on the user's has a +3 bonus modifier.
approaching if the power user is fa- mind control action. These "shakeoff" Mind control cannot be used to
miliar with the person in question). In actions are evenly spread out across control more than one character at a
addition, characters with mega-scent the entire duration of the mind control time. In order to control a new charac-
can identify an unknown substance. , though the gamemaster can call for ter, the power user must release the
The difficulty number of such a task is oneor more of the rolls before they are first character from his control.
based on the user's familiarity with due if the circumstances warrant it. In
the substance in question (extremely a "shake off" action, the controlled
familiar or common substances are character generates a Mind total against Mind Reading
difficulty 5, substances encountered the power user's Mind as the difficulty
only once or twice before are difficulty number. Note the difficulty number is Adventure Cost: 5
18, while a never-before-encountered the power user's Mind, not his mind Value: MIN+5
substance is impossible to identify). control value. If the action succeeds, Range: 25 meters
the target comes to his senses and is no Tech Rating: 28
longer subject to control. Mind reading allows the user to tap
Mega-Sight into the thoughts and memories of
another within sight of the mind
Example: Baron Vlaslir uses his
Adventure Cost: 3 mind control power (value of 15, from reader. Thecharactergeneratesa mind
Value: PER+5 a Mind of 10) to take control of Quin reading total against the target's Mind
Range: Self Sebastian (Mind of 9). The gamemas· score. A minimal or average success
Tech Rilting: 25 ter generates a total of 20, a spectacular allows the power user to scan the
Characters with mega-sight have success against Quin. Vlaslir's total of target's swface thoughts and emotions
an enhanced sense of sight. Such char- 20 will allow him to maintain control (Le., "I am scared" or "I don't like
acters are allowed to use their mega- for roughly two and a half hours. Quin you"); a good success enables the user
sight values instead of their Perception is only entitled to two rolls to shake off to detect the target's full thoughts (''1
scores when attempting to see or spot the control, or roughly one per 75 am scared because I see a hungry lion
an object. Such characters can also spot minutes. and Ihavenowhereto run" or ''1don't
objects at distances which are well After the first hour and a half, Quin like you because you remind meof my
beyond the normal range of human fails his shake off roll. Twenty minutes father"); a superior success enables the
sight. The maximum range is the dis- later, however, he encounters his buddy, user to detect carefully hidden
tance value equal to the power value. MiJlmi Mike, who notices there is some- thoughts ("I am the one who planted
Anything within this range, and not thing wrong with his old pal. the bomb in yow car"); and a spectacu-
obscured by intervening materials, "Quin, it's me, Mike! Quin, there's lar success allows the user to tap into
may be looked at as if it were only a obviously something wrong with you! the target's memories. Mind reading
few inches away (normal viewing Snap out of it!" cannot be used on more than one tar-
distance if usually viewed from more Even though enough time hasn't get at a time.
than a few inches away). passed, the the gamemaster thinks this
is a good time to give Quin his second
roll (maybe his old friend can jar him Shrinking
Mind Control back to reality). This time, Quin is a
Adventure Cost: 12
little more fortunate and rolls a Mind
Adventure Cost: 5 total of 13- beating Vlaslir's Mind of Value: DEX+5
Value: MIN+5 12 and freeing Quin from the mind Range: Self
Range: 5 meters to establish control. Tech Rating: 31
control, unlimited thereafter "M-Mike! Where am I?" Characters with this power can

•. ::::-------------------_ ..
Tech Rzting: 28 shrink theirbodies down to a height of

72 --
Chapter Eight

two inches and maintain this height

for a time value equal to their power
value. In this shnmken state, the power
user has his Dextmty increased by 5
points, but his Strtngth, ToughntSS and
running values are all decreased by 5
points. The chief advantage of this
power is the ability it gives the user to
sneak around without being noticed.
When shrunk, a character's sttlllth
value is increased by 10 - which in-
cludes the bonus from the Datmty

Super Attribute
Adventure Cost: 3
Value: None
Tech Rating: 27; devices cannot
have this power
Chantcter.; that pw<hasethis power
receive three extra attribute points
which can be spent on their attributes. the location to which he is teleporting
These attributes may exceed the cosm Swimming and that there is a built in safety mecha-
maximum of 14. All pre-generated Adventure Cost: 3 nism which prevents the user from
templates with the super Qttribut~ Value: DEX teleporting into another solid object.
power already have these points dis- Range: Self Should the user attempt to make such
tributed into the attribute totals. SUpn" Ted> Rating: 20 a jump, he will automatically return to
attribuumay be purchased more than Characters with this power are the original starting point at the end of
once. capable of swimming at unbelievably the round during which he teleported.
high speeds. Thepowervalue becomes The maximum distance that the user
the swimming limit value for the char· can cover in a single jump is equal to
Super Skill acter. A character with the swimming his power value (a value of 10 allows a
power may attempt maneuvers using character to teleport 100 meters), al·
Adventure Cost: 3 though a character may push this limit
Value: None his swimming power value.
on the Power Push Table.
Range: Self Any use of tt:leportation automati·
Tech Rating: 26; devices cannot
have this power . Teleportation cally fatigues (does two shock points)
the user, whether the character reaches
Characters that purchase this power Adventure Cost: 5 his destination or not.
receive three skill points which are Value:TOU
spent on one skill of their choice. This Rang., 5eU
skill may be increased in excess of +3
adds. Also, each additional add in that
Tech Rating: 30 Wall Walking
Characters with the tt:leporlation
skill costs two Possibilities, regardless powercan instantaneously move from Adventure Cost: 3
of which add is purchased. For ex· place to place without passing through Value:DEX
ample, going from +3 adds to +4 adds any intervening space. While doing Range: Self
would cost two Possibilities instead of so, a character can only carry the 0b- Ted> Rating: 27
the normal four. Going from +8 to +9 jects on his person and cannot trans- This power allows its user to walk
also costs just two Possibilities. port any other characters or heavy across vertical and inverted surfaces
Super skill may be purchased for objects. The actual process of telepor· just as he or she walks along a normal
more than one skill. tation takes one round. All the power floor. While wall walking, the user
user need do is imagine an appropri· can carry only the objects on his or her
ate destination and concentrate. Note person. Note that although a character
that the user needn't have ever seen with wall walking can walk on in-

lORG: The Nile Empire

vetted. surfaces, he or she is still Su~ were transparent. Once activated. The central concept behind power
in the Earth's normal gravity (i.e., if through character concentration (a flaws is the character with the flaw is
the wall walker drops on object while simple action), the power will remain awarded Possibilities when the flaw
walking across the ceiling of a room, active until the user voluntarily takes effect in a scene. This is the only
the object will still plummet toward switches it off, or a time value has time Possibilities are awarded. The
the floor; loose change could fall out of passed equal to the power value. player may define the flaw for her
a characters pocket; etc.). The users x-ray qes total serves character (within the guidelines given
The power value is the speed. value as the maximum Toughness he can below), but the gamemastercandeter-
when walking the walls. penetrate; he cannot look through an mine when the flaws takeeffect. When
object with a higher Tough~. X-ray designing a flaw, the player should
eyes will never penetrate lead. state how and when the flaw takes
Water Breathing Generating x-ray qes totals above the effect. This condition is called the trig-
power value is tiring. The character is gering condition.
Adnnture Cost 2 fatigued. (takes two shock points)
Value: None whenever he generates a positive Enmple:CobaJthas purdlased two
Range: Self bonus number while using x-ralJ tlJes. super attribute powers, making him
Tech Rating: 26 He may choose not to apply a positive exceptionally strong and tough. His
Characters with this power can bonus number in order to avoid the player decides that Cobalt got his
breathe underwater indefinitely. fatigue penalty. powers while he was forced to work
Water breathers are still subject to the for Muab, the Royal Builder. An at-
effects of extreme pressure and other tempt to combine weird science and
underwater hazards. mystical engineering to produce a
Power Flaws floating pyramidal fortress failed spec-
tacularly. Hundreds of the slaves,
X-Ray Eyes Powers are not always perfect. In
pushed past exhaustion, prayed to a
the Nile Empire they often come with
divine power for deliverance and a
Adnnture Cost 3 a flawwhicb can make lifediffieult for
champion to protect them. Later that
Value: STR+5 heroes. Of course, the flip side is he-
day, when trying to set a new altitude
Range: VISion roes in distress generally make a story record for the pyramid, several defen-
Te<h RalinS' 25 moreinteresting,and whenever a story
sive spells misfired. and sent waves of
Characterswithx-rRyqescanlook becomes more interesting, there are
magical energy through one bank of
through solid objects as though they Possibilities to be gained..
the magnepulsons which kept the
Chapter Eight

fortress aloft. Other interconnected

systems then began to fail as the surge
Six Possibilities A character may not heal or recover
from any damage done by a fatal flaw
reached them. Muab and his cronies A power setback is a flaw which until at least a minute (six rounds) has
abandoned the fortress as it fell from causes the hero to lose his powers, or passed.
the sky, leaving the slaves to die. lose use ofhis primary sense (perhaps
Desperately trying to stabilize the lose use of his Perception skills) for a
descent of the fortress as it collapsed scene; maybe his Inclination switches Multiple Flaws
around him, Cobalt feverishly jury for the duration of the scene. Any
rigged a master control panel to give penalty which would be in line with a Characters may have more than one
him minimal control over the descent. setback as described. on page 61 of The flaw per power, as long as they do not
Arcane and weird science forces Torg Rulebook could be eligible for a have more than one flaw of each type
bathed him as he landed the pyramid, power setback. <Three, Six,or Nine Possibilities). They
keeping most of it in one jumbled, A roll again vulnerability is a flaw may have the same flaw for more than
wrecked piece. The curious interplay whichgivesanopponentanadditional one power.
of forces around the control panel roll again whenever using that par-
changed him, giving him grow and ticular attack form against the charae- Example: Cobalt has a power set-
two superQttributes. However, when- terwith the flaw. For example, a char- back which affects his two super Qt-
ever Cobalt is again bathed by a mix- acter with electro-rQy may short-cir- tributes and his grow power. In any
ture of mystical and weird science euit when lassoed. by metal wire, giv- scene in which he is bathed with a mix
forces his powers cease working (a ing opponents who uses a metal lariat of mystic and weird science forces, he
form of power setback) until he re- a roll again when attacking him. If the would earn 18 Possibilities. As the
moves himself (or is removed) from character takes no damage from the adventure cost of his three powers is
the mixture. He must be out of the attack form in a scene, then the roll 11, Cobalt's player must assume that
mixture for at least a minute in order again vulnerability is worth only three his character will run across this com-
to regain his powers and nullify the Possibilities. bination fairly frequently in order to
effects of the stymie. SixPossibilityflawshaveshort-term pay for his expensive powers.
effects even after the triggering condi-
The gamemaster will usually in- tion has been removed. lt takes a Power flaws are supposed to work
voke the flaw under those conditions, minute (six rounds) for the effects of as dramatic elements in a story. Clever
but may choose to expand the condi- the flaw to disappear. In the case of a players will undoubtedly discover
tions Slightly or ignore the flaw if he power setback, the character does not ways to create the triggering condi-
feels thescenewould be more interest- regain his powers until a minute after tions for their powers in safe condi-
ing that way. Once invoked, a flaw is the triggering condition has been tions which in no way discomfit their
in effect for an entire scene. removed. In the case of the roll again character. Fine. But don't let them
The flaws are listed below by the vulnerability, the character may not collect the Possibilities for invoking
number of Possibilities a character healorrecoverfromanydamagedone the flaw. U you were a reader of the
earns when the flaw is invoked. by the attack form until atleasta minute story being played, your reaction to a
has passed.. properly invoked flaw should be, "Uh-
oh, the hero is really up against it
Three Possibilities now." If the flaw does not have that
When invoked, a stymie flaw sty-
Nine Possibilities effect on the scene, you should not
allow it to be invoked in the scene.
mies a character whenever he uses There is one Nine Possibility flaw:
that power. If the power is in use all the fatal flaw. In the presence of the Example: Cobalt builds a mysti-
thetime (such as superQttribute), then biggering condition, a fatal flaw causes cogammatron chamber which bathes
the character is stymied for the whole the character to take a wound each him with mystic and weird science
scene or until the condition which trig- round he is exposed to the condition. forces. The player hopes to have Co-
gers the flaw is removed. Ifa villain's fatal flaw is "immersion in balt take a bath in the chamber during
A shock flaw causes the character to water", the villain would takea wound calmmomentsintheadventure,safely
takeonepointofshockdamagewhen- each round he was submerged in invoking his flaw. Giving the player a
ever heuseshis power. A powerwhich water. The gamemaster has the right small compliment on his ingenuity,
is in use all the time (such as super to judge whether the villain has to the gamemaster then firmly disallows
attribute) would cause a character to soak in a swimming pool, or whether the use of the mysticogammatron to
take a shock point each round until the throwing a bucket of water over him invoke Cobalt's power setback - at
character faUs unconscious, the scene would be enough to melt him. The least until Wu Han can steal it and
ends, or the triggering condition is gamemaster's judgment may (and modify it into an appropriate weapon.
removed. This fatigue may not be probably should) be influenced by the
removed by first aid (or other healing) flow of the story.
until the triggering condition is re-

II: ---------------------.-.
lORG: The Nile Empire

Chapter Nine

Weird Science
izmos arean integral part heavy objects, while an invisibility belt
of the Nile Empire. would have the invisibility power,
Mobius' personal inter- and a wonder drug would have the
est in weird science and medicint skill because it is capable of
the seamier aspects of curing illness.
technology has permeated the realm, Unlike living creatures, not all
to the extent that weird science can gizmos have all seven of the basic
produce effects far beyond those nor- attributes. A gizmo has only those
mally available at a Tech level of 21. attributes which have a function that
Ray guns, flight belts, rocket ships, the gizmo is capable of mimicking:
teleportation booths-all are possible cranes have Strmgth, computers have
under the weird science axioms of the Mind, etc. Unlike characters, a gizmo
Nile Empire. can have a skill or power without the
Dr. Mobius is the foremost practi- underlying attribute. This is because
tioner of weird science. His devices, an attribute usually rovers a basic
such as the hideous Omegatron and ability at a number of tasks. Some
theg;ugantuan.gleamingartilicialsun, gizmos areonly designed forone task.
are as much an emblem of his ambi- and are quite useless at other skills
tion as the throne of Pharaoh. Oppos- based on the same attribute. For ex-
ing him are famous gadgeteers such as ample, the wonder drug with a medi-
Dr. Alexus Frestand the Mystery Men. cine value has absolutely no ability as
an artist.
A mystical amulet is an example of
an object which is not a gizmo. Al-
Designing Gizmos though the amulet is a device with
abilities expressed in values, these
Characters with the scienu and/or abilities are not of a technological ori-
weird sdmu skills have the ability to gin.
design and build new gizmos of their These rules are best used to design
own creation. Designinggizmos takes the exotic sort of gizmos wielded by
time; it is not something you or yow
heroes and villains in pulp fiction.
players should attempt during play. Designing and using a flight pack is an
Doing so will only bore the players. appropriate use of the rules; design-
Playing in the Nile Empire should be ingamicrowaveovel\usingtheserules
fast, action packed; gizmo design just is time which could be better spent
does not fit the bill.
doing something else.
A gizmoisa technological tool with
Creating a gizmo consists of fow
abilities expressed in terms of attrib-
utes, skill, powers or Special values 1. Decide on the purpose of the
(such as armor values). Thus, cars,
guns. microwave ovens, and invisibil- 2 Draw the blueprint.
ity belts are all gizmos, as are shrink 3. Gather the components.
pillsand knockoutgases (thesetooare 4. Build the gizmo.
technological tools). A ronstnIction
crane. for example, would have
Strmgth since it is capable of lifting

•• 76
Chapter Nine

limit value. An inventor is not allowed

to decre.ase the system value of armor
T he Good News and the Bad News
or other "plus rated" tools to below
ment section of The Torg Rulebook.
The good news is that gizmos promise which allows a large
are a stock element of pulp fic- range of devices to be created
Example: The maximum value for
tion which contribute a great deal with as few complicated rules as
a bullet proof vest (Torg Rulebook, page
to the "gee whiz" feel of pulp we could manage. Butdoingthis
133) is 22. An inventor may not reduce
stories. They are fun to use as a means that clever players are
this by substituting his science or weird
bit of spice to perk up a normal bound to exploit some loophole
story, or as the focus of an adven-
science total. If Dr. Frest generated a
to devise the Ultimate Thingie
weird science total of 19 while trying to
ture concerning the nefarious with which to destroy the known
establish the system value of the bullet
inventions of Dr. Mobius. cosmverse.Okay,maybenotthat
proof vest, it still has a value of 22.
The problem with gizmos is extreme, but gamemaster inter-
that technology as we know it vention is necessary to make any
The maximum value and the plus
(even intuitively) is an extremely set of gizmo rules work in a
rating for "plus rated" equipment can
complex amalgam of physical campaign. Don't let yourself be
only ~ increased through boosters, as
and intellectual processes. There bullied by rules terrorists. By
descnbed below.
isnosimplemechanicwhich will misusing the gizmo rules, they
duplicate all the effects of tech- couldunbalanceyourcampaign.
nology. These rules are a com-
. Buil~ing boosters is analogous to
Basic Components Paw<r plant, energize the ,kills 0' mcreasmg a charnele"', limit value
other non-power values of the gizmo. through the Push Tables. Science may
Beforedesigningagizmo,youneed ~e term power plant covers every- only boost systems one or two points
to know what the basic components thing from steam engines, to batteries, past their limits at that Tech level (or
are, and how these parts work. to solar power. their housing).
Gizmos have a housing. The hous- Adaptors and caps are special com-
ing can be a ring,a car,any technologi- ponents which connect components Ex~ple: A scientist is modifying a
cal construct. The housing must have (in the case of adaptors) and seal off 1933 Daimler-Benz. Itsspeed is60mph
a Toughness _ no other attribute or stray connections (in the case of caps). (value12).With luck, thescientistcould
value is required. However, if the Connecting these components to oth- rework the engine and transmission
housing has other attributes and val- ers requires a science or weird. science (i.e., design a booster for the speed
ues (such as an airplane), then they total of 12. Their use is described more system), increasing its speed value by
can be used as part of the gizmo. fully in "Drawing the Blueprint" be- +2 to 14 050 mph). But he could boost
N~te:Ifa power, such asx-ray eyes, low. the base speed of the car no farther.
reqwres the user to expend shock Components cost money, and some
points to use the power, the shock can be difficult to find. See chapter When building a booster, the in-
points come from the housing rather thirteen for details. ventor generates a science total against
than the gizmo operator. the value of the system being boosted.
Gizmos have a system, the part of The results are read on the speed col-
th~gizmowhichreplicatesthepower, System umn of the General and Push Results
skill or other value which is an impor- Table. A character using science can
tant use of the gizmo. The housing When bUilding a system, the value only add on8 booster to a system.
may have multiple systems (so the of the system is the inventor's science Weird science uses the power col-
gizmo may have multiple uses). or weird science total generated when umn of the General and Push Results
Gizmos may have boosters, portions designing the system. If the system Table when building boosters; the
whichincreasetheperformanceofone has a limit value (at that Tech level) scientificlawsarelessrestrictivetothe
of the systems, or possibly one of the and the science or weird science total is weird scientist. If more than one
attributes of the housing. Boosters can greater than the limit, the value is booster is added, the difficulty num-
make the gizmos more difficult to reduced to the limit. The only way a ber of each subsequent booster is the
operate and repair. system value may exceed the limit current system value (including any
Compensators are portions of a sys- valueisthroughboosters,asdescribed priorboosters). Ifavehiclespeed value
tern which compensate and adjust for below. isbeingboosted,onlyoneboostermay
the effect of boosters on the difficulty Thesystem value ofarmor(orother be added to a system.
number for operating the system. tools rated with a plus, such as melee
Possibility capacitors store the Possi- weapons) is the maximum value for Example: Dr. Alexus Frest, with
bilities needed to enE"rgize powers. the armor. This maximum value is the weird science 19, is building an invisi-

TORG: The Nile Empire

bilitybelt. His first total wasan 18. The

liJnit value for invisibility (see the
Limit Value and Tech Rating Table
below) is 13, so the base system value
for invisibility is 13. His first booster is
+3, fora boosted system valueof16.lf
Frest wants to add a second booster,
the difficulty number would be 16.
For armor, or other "plus rated"
tools, the difficulty number is the
maximum value of the tool. The
booster increases the "plus'" ofthe tool,
or the maximum value of the tool; the
inventor has his choice.

Exampl~: Plate mail has +S with a

maximum value of 25. The difficulty
number of boosting the plus is 25. If a
tDtird sdma total of 29 were generated
(for a +2 on the power column), the
armor would now be rated at +7, with
the same maximum value. Or the
inventor could have +S armor with a
maximum value of 27.

If an inventor fails when trying to

add a booster, he cannot put any more
boosters onto the system until he gains
which has a single +1 booster. Now
driving the car while the machinegun
another skill add or acquires a special is firing has a difficulty number modi- Compensators are built like boost·
component of the gamemaster's in- fier of +2, in addition to any other ers, with the following restrictions:
vention. if you wish to, you could modifiers. 1. Compensators must be added to
build a quest around that component. a system after all boosters have been
Boosters make a gizmo more diffi- There are two exceptions to boost- integrated into the system. The diffi-
cult to repair and to operate. The diffi- ers increasing difficulty numbers. culty number for building the rom-
culty number of operating the system When the boosters are adding to a pensator is the boosted value of the
is increased by the total number of housing's Toughnt'.SS, the difficulty of system.
booster components for that system. operating any component system does 2. A system may have no more
The difficulty number for repairing not increase. If the system normally compensators than it hasboosters. U a
the gizmo is increased by the total does not require a roll to operate (such system has three boosters, it may have
number of booster components in the as the invisibility system on Dr. Prest's zero, one, two or three compensators,
whole gizmo. belt), then the difficulty modifier is a but no more.
side effect. In the case of the invisibil- 3.Compensatorsmaynotbeshared
Example: The modified Daimler- ity belt, perhapsseeing is harder while between systems. In the car example
Benz had a +2 modifier to its speed wearing the belt (hence the difficulty above, the machinegun system and
value, added in a single booster. All numbers for peraption,/irul or tnu:kil1g the speed system would have to have
limd othicl~ difficulty numbers are actions are increased) due to interfer- separate compensators.
increased by one when driving the ence from the invisibility field. The Each point of compensator reduces
car. player of the inventing character and the operation difficulty modifier (due
the gamemaster will have to agree on to boosters) by one. Compensators
If a housing, such as a vehicle, has the side effect. If no agreement is cannot reduce the difficulty modifier
two or more boosted systems operat- reached, then the penalty applies to all of the system to less than zero.
ing at once, the difficulty of operating actions based on an atbibute (or skills
the systems is increased by the total and powers based on that attribute) of Example: The ever--eager scientist
number of boosters housed in the the gamemaster's choice. The side working on his Daimler·Benz wants
gizmo. effect should be decided upon in ad- tocompensateforthemachinegunand
vance, before the player completes the the speed system. He builds a com-
Example: The scientist next installs gizmo. pensator for the machinegun (boosted
in the Daimler-Benz a machinegun

•• 78
CN.pter" Nine

by +1), generating a +2 compensator.

The operation difficulty modifier for
the end of the adventure. Recharging
a possibility capacitor requires a labo-
Housing Integrity
the macronegun system is now zero. ratory, a possibility-rated donor to give Agizmo's housing has a Toughness.
However, the Daimler-Benz (the up the possibilities, and a day. The maximum compensated value
gizmo as a whole) is now harder to whichcanbesafely used isequal to the
repair due to the extra diodes, wiring, housing's Toughness+5. Treat each
and tubing for the compensator. Power Plant system valuepointabove the housing's
Toughness+5 as result points of dam·
Compensatorsactuallyinaeasethe Power plants are used to energize age to the housing. This damage is
difficulty of repairing a gizmo system. allabilitieswhicharenotpowers;skills, done each time the system is used. As
Each compensator component in- attributes and other systems. More this damage does not vary from use to
creases the difficulty of repair by one. than one system may be attached to a use, it can be written down next to the
Thecompensated valueis equal to the power plant. The power plant value is system value.
system value plus the total booster equal the weird science or science total Special Rule: Ignore the K-eondi-
value the total compensator generated when building the power tion on the 2 result point "Kl" result;
value. It is used in to determine hous- plant. Power plants are connected on after the first use the additional K's
ing integrity, see below. the same total; any total is sufficient to would make this a 3 shock point re-
connect a power plant into its first sult, which does not make sense in the
Example: Assuming the macron- system. Subsequent connections have case of regular gizmo wear-and-tear.
egun installed. in the Daimler·Benz in a difficulty equal to the power plant
the above examples was a .50 caliber value. Exampie: An automatic pistol hous-
(damage value 25), the compensated Whenever a hero setback or hero sty- ing has a Toughness of 11. Using weird
valueis24(25+1 booster-2compensa- mied result is turned over on the action science, Dr. Frest develops super bul-
tors). stack, the gizmo operator must gener- lets (boosted damage value) for Colt
ate power plant totals for every gizmo .45 (damage value 16). He gets a +4
currently in operation. The difficulty booster when inventing the bullets,
Possibility Capacitors number is the largest system value
which draws power from the plant. If
increasing the damage value to 20-
four more than the housing's Tough·
Possibility capacitors store and re- the plant powers more than one sys- ness+5. Thepistol takes "03" each time
lease possibility energy. Gizmos need tem, use the One-On-Many Table. The it is fired. If fired four times in quick.
possibility capacitors for powers. The number of successes is the number of succession, the gun will "conk out".
adventure cost for powers in gizmos is systems still working. On a stymie, the See "Damage and Repair" below. Dr.
the power adventure cost minus two, player decides which systems are still Frest should probably build a com·
plus one per booster component at- powered. On a setback, the gamemas- pensator for the pistoL
tached to the power system. This ter gets to choose. Any systems which
means that powers used at their limit lose power may not be used until the
values are cheaper in gizmo form than power plant is repaired or recharged.
in characters. (Yes, ultra-sight has an Recharging requires a laboratory and Combat, Damage
adventure cost of zero in a system a full day. Repair is covered below.
with no boosters; the system still needs and Repair
a possibility capacitor to collect the
minute amounts of ambient possibil- Tech Ratings Each gizmo has a Toughness. This
ity energy required for the power.) As rating functions exactly like a
you add boosters, the adventure cost All gizmos have a Tech Rating. The character's Toughness attribute. In
of gizmo powers can become consid· Tech rating represents the g:izmo's combat, gizmos may be targeted. as
erably greater than the adventure cost technological sophistication and is though they were characters and may
for similarly powerful characters. Two used to determine whether or not the even sustain "wounds," or damage.
or more systems may share the same gizmo will work under foreign axiom Use the following procedure to deter·
possibility capacitor. Installing the sets. Gizmos always function in realms mine the difficulty number of a shot
possibility capacitor has a difficulty andcosmswheretheTechaxiomvalue aimed at a gizmo.
number equal to the highest system is greater than or equal to the gizmo's
value for which it is providing energy. Tech rating. If the Tech axiom is less I. If the gizmo has slcills or attri~
A single possibility capacitor may not than the gizmo's Tech rating, thegizmo utes characters use in combat, such as
hold more than 10 Possibilities. creates a contradiction when used. dodge, Dexterity or melee weapons, use
If the gizmo uses a power during an The Tech rating of a gizmo is the that skill or attribute for the difficulty
adventure, the adventure cost must be highest Tech rating of any of its com- number.
paid from the capacitor immediately ponents (see below). 2. If#1 does not apply and the gizmo
upon use of the power, rather than at is a vehicle, the difficulty number is
equal to the operator's appropriate
vehicle value.

TORG: The Nile Empire ##5 1 and 2 do not apply and the One Table: +2 for taking twice as long,
gizmo is a hand-held item, the diffi- +3 for taking three to fow times as
Rules for
culty number of the attack is equal to
the Datmty or defensive skill valueof
long, and so on. Constructing
the holder. Blueprints
Resolve a blow that strikes a gizmo Blueprints A working gizmo blueprint meets
the following conditions:
exactly as you would resolve a blow
that strikes a character. "Wounded'" Now you are ready to begin draw- 1. All connections leading from a
gizmos are damaged and suffer the ing out your gizmo blueprint. Each component connect to another com-
same penalties as characters who have component has a certain number of ponent. Use caps to tie off any un-
sustained similar wounds. A gizmo conn«tionsleadingoffit,eachofwhich needed connections. Example: All four
that takes four or more wounds is must be used to connect the compo- connections in the housing com~
permanently destroyed. Knockdown nent to another component. You will nent must connect to other com~
has no effect on gizmos (unless the now array yowcomponentsona piece nents, or to caps if nothing else.
gizmo is built like a creature which of scratch paper and draw lines be- 2. All system components must
could be knocked down.) KO and tween them indicating theronnections. connect directly to the housing, or have
shock damage results "conk out'" the On paper. each component is repre- at least one path of connections which
gizmo. The gizmo can be restarted sented by a special symbol. does not pass through any other sys-
tem ~mponent on the way to the
/lid roll on the gwno). If the gizmo is a Housing: The housing is drawn as housmg. Example: lbe machinegun
vehicle, the vehicle may also be ~ a double-lined oblong box with four system in the Daimler-Benz must
started with an appropriate veh;d~ connections. The Toughness of the connect to the car without having to
total of 10. So, if a car conks out from housing is written in the box. pass through another system, such as
shock damage, it may be restarted on Systems: Eachofthesecomponents the speed system.
a land vehicks total of 10. All difficulty is represented byanoblongbox. Write . ~'. All boosters, compensators, p0s-
number modifiers of the gizmodue to the name of the attribute, skill, power Sibility capacitors and power plants
boosters or compensators applies to or. other value inside the box along must connect directly to the system Wlth thecomponent' 5 beginning value. they affect, or have at least one path of
Damaged gizmos can be repaired Systems have two connections. connections which does not pass
using the scinla or ~rd scinlct skill. Boosters: Boosters are represented through any other system on its way
The difficulty number of a repair at- by circles. Leave room in the circle to to the affected system.
tempt is equal to the gizmo's highest write the value of the booster inside
value. Each level of success past mini- the circle (i.e., +1, +3, etc.). All boosters Blueprint Example
mal earned on a repair roll lowers the have two connections.
gizmo's wound level by one (thus, a Compensators: Compensators are The Yellow Crab wants to build an
superior result is necessary to com- drawn as diamond shapes. Leave invisibility belt. He sketches out the
enough room in the diamond to write drawing labeled "Blueprint One".
Wlth one roll). Repairs can only be the value. Compensators have two There are no connections which do
connections. not have a component, so condition
perfo~ed by characters with an ap-
propnate set of tools, and all repair Po~sibility Capacitors: POSSibility ~.ti~~ed. There is a path from
attempts (whether successful or not) capaotors are represented by the drum the mVlSlbllity system to the housing,
require five hours. This five hour "base shapes with the abbreviation "PSC" and since there is no other system,
time" can be reduced by using the within them. POSSibility capacitors condition two is obviously satisfied.
have two connections. All of the components which affect the
One-On-Many Table; cutting the time
from one hour to 30 minutes is anal~ Power Plants: Power plants are invisibility are connected to it without
gous to trying two 3O-minute repairs represented by drum shapes with a having to pass through a different
at the same time. The time would be jagged line. Power plants have two system, so condition three is satisfied.
connections. Later, the Yellow Crab tried some-
cut in half by adding +4 to the diffi-
Adaptors: Adaptors are repre- thing more ambitious - an electro-
culty number of the repair roll, and
quartered by adding +6 to the diffi- sented by triangles or squares with an ray invisibelt ("BluElprint Two").
culty number, etc. If the science (or "A" inside of them. The triangular Checking through it you can see
w6rd science) total exceeds the modi- adaptors have three connections, and that the three conditions are satisfied.
fied difficulty number, the gizmo is the square have four connections.
repaired in the reduced time. CaP"' Caps are represented by sem;-
Similarly, the repair roll can be circles. All caps have a single connec-
made easier by taking more time, us- tion.
ing the bonus modi/in of the Man y..()n-

•• 80
Chapte!' Nine

Nik Empiro Di4IgnJ",

Gizmo Creation
Completed Gizmo
Gizmo Blueprint One

Invisibility 18
Compensated Value 14
Two shock points per use
Tech Rating 31

Component Symbols 1 1 - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

-0- Housing
Gizmo Blueprint Two

1 ~ System

---0- Booster INVISIBILITY

-<€>- Compensator

Power Plant


AA 1.-Jt"t-
~~ Adaptors I BELT III----< A B

o Cap

TORG: The Nile Empire

system you have built, rolling for and

Constructing the connecting one component at a time.
Power plants are connected on the
same total; any total is sufficient to
Gizmo New components must be connected
to existing components. The only
connect a power plant into its first
system. Subsequent connections have
After you have yow blueprint, you exaption to this rule is system com- a diffirolty equal to the power plant
must acquire all of the components ponents, which may be created value. Record the power plant value
you will need to actually construct the "freestanding"'. Once all of the com- in the symbol.
gizmo. Components can be acquired. ponents of a system have been con- 6. Adaptors and caps require a sci-
from a number of different sources. In nected, build the next system compo-- nta or weird scintce total of 12 to con-
some areas (the Terran cosm, parts of nents. Then you connect the new sys- nect to another component.
Core Earth, and Nippon Tech on tem component to its constituent
Earth), gizmo components are avail- components, again according to yow Rolling to make a connection inside
able for open purchase. Within the blueprint. Continue this procedure of a gizmo consumes eight hours of
Nile, Mobius prevents gizmo compo- until aU the components are down on game time (a full work day), whether
nents from being sold openly, though the new page (or you cannot add any the roU succeeds or not. This eight
they are usually available on the black more, as in the caseof boosters) and all how "base time" can be redueed by
markets of Cairo. Gizmo components connections have been made. using the One-On-Many Table; cut-
may also bestripped off othergizmos. ting the time from eight hours to four
1be monetary costs of gizmo com- hours is analogous to trying two four
ponents available in the Nile can be how connections at the same time.
found in chapter thirteen. Rules for The time would be cut in half by add-
ing +4 to the difficulty number of the
Constructing Gizmos: connection roll, quartered by adding
Step By Step 1. The system component has a +6 to the difficulty number, etc. U the
system value which is the lesser of the science (or wtird science) total exceeds
Begin the actual building process the modified difficulty number, the
science or weird science total and the
by draWing one of the system boxes component is built or connected in the
limit value given in the chart below.
from your blueprint out on a separate reduced time.
Write the system value inside the
sheet of paper. If you generate a large symbol, along with the name (or an Similarly, the connection roll can
enough science or wtird science total, be made easier by taking more time,
abbreviation) of the system's ability.
you may then fill in the system value using thebonus modifieroftheMany-
2. Boosters are connected by gener-
in the box. Now you begin to build
atinga total against the current system On-Qne Table: +2 for t:aJcinJit twice as
and connect the boosters, compensa- long, +3 for taking three to fow times
value, including any boosters con-
tors, possibility capacitors, adaptors as long, etc.
nected prior to this one. Failure means
and/or caps which connect to the Throughout the construction proc-
no more boosters may beconnected to
this system until the inventor gains a ess record the number of days it takes
new skill add in the skill used to at- to build the gizmo, noting them on the
tempt the booster connection. With a side of the gizmo sheet somewhere.
E successful connection, write the
booster value in the symbol.
Once the gizmo is finished, record
the foUowing for each system value:
3. Compensators are connected by
the repair and operating difficulty
generating a total against the current modifiers, and the damage result (if
How can you decide housing system value, including all boosters any) from the system value exceeding
Toughness for all of the gizmos attached to the system. Compensators the housing's Toughness +5.
yourplayersaregoingtowantto may be added only after aU boosters
invent? A good starting place have been connected to the system. Example: The Yellow Crab decides
are the listed Toughnesses in the With a successful connection, write its time to build his invisibility belt. As
equipment lists in this source- the compensator value in the symbol. building powered gizmosconsumesa
book and 17te Torg Rultbook. But 4. Possibility capacitors require a good number of Possibilities, he opts
the housing Toughness may not sritnce or weird sdnIa total of 12 to forthesimplermodeL 1heYeUowCrab
be the same as the Toughness of connect to another component. When has wtird sdnIa at 15.
the item; this is where yow abil- the capacitor is connected, the inven- He gathers the Components. The
ity to make a call as a gamemas- tor may fill it with his own Possibili- belt (the housing) has a Toughnessof6.
tercomes in. A good approxima- ties. Record the number of Possibili- Hebegins with the invisibility system,
tion is to choose a compensated ties in the symbol. the only system in the gizmo. His total
value which seems to be a rea- 5. The power plant value is equal to of 14 exceeds the invisibility limit
sonablemaximum,thensubtract the weird science or scimce total gener- value of 13, so the system value is 13.
five to get the housing Toughness ated when building the power plant.
for the item.

•• 82
W eird Science
The technological axiom that tist while understanding little slructed using weird science
is shared by the Terran cosm and traditional science. (there are no weird scientists in
the Nile Empire functions differ- Within the Empire, technol- Nippon). When weird science
ently from those that govern the ogy that was researched and gadgets are canied outside the
use of teclmOl~ in each of the constructed using the principles Empire's borders, they are
other realms. A though most of of weird science in place of those treated exactly like normal tech-
the Empire is limited to 19205 of traditional science operates at nological items (i.e. a starship
and '305 level technology, a few a Torg axiom rating of 33. Thus, constructed in the Empirewould
fantastic technological wonders an accomplished Empire scien- only function in a realm or cosm
that are far more advanced than tist might be able to develop that had a technological axiom
anythingeverseenonCoreEarth rocket bombs or television, but rating of 30 or higher), so most
can be found within its borders. an accomplished weird scientist devices constructed using weird
This is because a completely dif- can design and build invisibility scienceteehnologycausecontra-
ferent set of scientific laws and belts, time travel booths, and ray dictions in Core Earth. Beings
roles exists and functions side- guns. native to the Nile do not cause
by-sidewith the general rolesof Note that the only technology contradictions when using a
science that govern the re:searcl\ that exceeds the Empire's true weird. science item, even though
and development of mundane technology axiom rating of 21 their Tech axiom is 21. Nilechar-
technology. The mastery of this thatfunctionswithoutcontradic- acters may use items created. by
second set of scientific rules, a tion within its borders is that weird science (and only weird
discipline known as "weird sci- which has been developed by a science) without violating their
ence," is completely independ- weird scientist, and that weird Tech axiom. Characters from
ent from the mastery of the more scientists are found only in the other cosms must have a suffi-
traditional scientific truths, Empire and in the Terran cosmo cientTech level touse the gizmo,
though the two often appear A hydrogen bomb imported or they will cause a contradic-
identical to the layman. It isquite from the high-tech realm of lion.
possible for one to be an expert Nippon wouldn't function in the Dr. Mobius isoneof the great-
scientist and know nothing of Empire, for instance, because it est weird scientists that ever
weird science, just as it is pas- exceeds the technological axiom lived.
sible to be an expert weird scien- rating of 21 and was not con-

Chris, the Crab's player, writes "13" compensated value is 14. The housing
and "lnvis" in the system symbol. He Toughness is 6, so the belt takes two
Modifying Existing
then connects the possibility capaci- shock points each timethe invisibility Gizmos
tor; his total is only seven. Grumbling, power is used. As long as the Yellow
Chris marks off another day, then Crab doesn't switch it off and on re- An inventor can later modify
succeeds by beating a 12 on his next peatedly, the belt should stand the gizmos by removing a component (on
attempt. Now the Crab gets lucky, strain. There are two boosters and one a science or weird science total equal to
generating a total of 23 for his first compensator, so the belt has a diffi- the current system value, or 12 in the
booster, for a value of +4. The system culty modifierof+3 to repair. Theside case of adaptors and caps), and build-
value is now 17. His next total is also effect modifier (since invisibility can- ing components onto the freed-up
good (8), malcing his next booster a not have an operating difficulty) is +1; connections. Removing a component
+1; he records the booster values and the Crab has the difficulty number of has a base time of 15 minutes, which
chalks up the days. For thecompensa- all Pucqtion rolls related to external can be reduced in the same way as
tor, he spends a Possibility on top of a sensing, find and tTTlCking increased by repair by using the One-On-Many
good roll to get a total of 26; the com- one. The Tech rating of invisibility is modifiers; +4 to the d.i£ficuJty number
pensator is a +4. He puts on the two 31; being higher than the Tech level reduces the time in half, etc. U the
caps (although it takes him three days necessary to produce a belt, the Tech character adds boosters, then he must
to do it), and the gizmo is done! rating of the invisibility belt is 31. re-roU forevery compensator attached
The invisibility value is 18. The to the system at the new system value.

TORG: The Nile Empire

L..:S=--...J ystem Limit Value and Tech Rating Table

Limit Tech Limit Tech Limit Tech
Value Rating Value Rating Value Rating

Attribute Powers
22 1 P"
Divination Magic
1 29 ~---~12l---j~
5 22 IJozzle 12
E .. - • 25 DIs
a.a-.. 3 29 12 21
~,. ~,---!
Spmt 3 30

fF"ust;~AXI~"~~::-¥ : EFIi~'gh~t~;;:__-j'~i__-;;;"
Vehicle Speeds
Field 10
llIusionility;-_ _rf:~r-_-ir..

~~=~-"'I'~O~- -
Skills •
C 8
7'---'2 Mind Reading 7
7 2' Runnin g , '5l 0 ;;,
7 23 29 r Attribute PRO:-_ _~..
25 P'" SIOU
l0i- ~

eeport -
5wimmlng,~ _ _-;9i--_ _ -m
Meditation 7 2. liltra-Si&ht 10
......."Wi -':;,.-_",'
2' Science
'val -----i"ir-- 2'
Wiill Wal~ng
Water Breathing
"=TGiy es
~ i6r-__ ~ 9 29
nn ~
ersuasion 6 l.'1
Strength "-1>....... --'''''''...._-'29
CIIffi"",! --"---:23
Jumpin _ _....8 '-__..201
3 Spirit
.f 4'--":10
Reality I 4 30

"PRO'" indicates that no gizmos with the ability in question may be built. "NA"
means not applicable.

... This Skill is new to this Sourcebook. It is described in chapter seven.
I This ability cannot be built into a gizmo unless the gizmo is somehow connected
to an eternity shard or etenUUffi.

:-:------------------ ~

Chapter Ten

he legends of the ancient
Egyptians speak of a
great many magical ritu· Magic and miracles in Mobius'
als, artifacts, and curses. reality rely upon the positions of vari-
• Of course, in the Terran ous heavenly bodies for spell casting.
cosm, these legends have always been Accomplished astronomers, the an-
literal truth. On Terra, pyramids p0s- cient Egyptians ofTerra were so profi-
sess startling and mysterious powen., cient in the art of astronomy that they
while cursed tombs are undeniably had mathematically proven the exis-
deadly. But with the axiom wash that tence of all nine planets in the solar
came in thewakeof Mobius' invasion. system thousandsofyearsbeforemany
manyoftheancient legends arebegin- of the planets were officially "discov-
ning to come true on Earth as well. ered.." They also charted the profound
Magic is one of the most pot~nt influence the planets had on magic
weapons in Mobius' arsenal. During and miracles.
his long sleep in the tomb beneath the The Egyptians equated certain
island of Khem., Mobius' followers heavenly bodies with theirgods. Spells
continued to practice and refine the must take positions of heavenly bod-
ancient mysticism. In fad, it was the ies into account; some are much more
rnagicof ancient Egypt that resurrected powerful when the bodies are prop-
Mobius from death. Many of the cult· erly configured. On Terra (known as
istsofKhemcontinuetopracticemagic Osiris for astronomical purposes),
to this day, waiting for their Pharaoh astronomers have named the nine
to call upon their unique abilities. planets, from closest to the sun to the
The magic of the ancient Egyptians outermost, as follows:
of Terra is not identical to that of the Ra (god of the sun)
Earth Egyptians.After lookingatso~ Isis (patron of magic and children)
scrolls and inscriptions discovered m Osiris (god of earth)
ancient Earth tombs, Mobius and his Horus (god of life)
followers have realized that Earth Nut (god of the sky)
Egyptians may have had access to a Nepthys (patron of women)
whole new set of spells and rituals. Ptah (god of craftsmen)
Recovering these lost rites is a high- Anubis (god of the underworld)
priority goal for both ~obius. and the Set (god of evil)
magical denizens. of his Empu:e. Even in the Nile Empireon Earth,. it
Egyptian magtc has two different is the Terran planets which govern
classifications: mathematics, powered magic and miracles. Complicated cal-
by the trUlthmultics s.kill ~nd Tor~'s culations based on detailed charts are
magic skills; and engmeenng magtc, necessary, as the sky of Core Earth
powered by the engineering skill and does not match the sky of Terra pre-
the magic skills. But both branches of ciselyenough for the mystical calcula-
magic share an important knowledge, tions.
one also needed (or the priests' mir· Note: Because ancient Egyptian
acles: astronomy. astronomy blends magic and religion..
any magic or miracles depending on
• astronomy automatically require a
magical axiom level of 12, and a spiri-
tual axiom level of 15. Therefore, us-
ing mathematical magic or Egyptian

TORG: The Nile Empire

miracles would cause a contradiction

in the Living Land (which has a high
enough spiritual axiom, but insuffi- Plane! Chart
cient magic), but not in D,rorsh or
Aysle, which has magical and spiri- Astronomy Bonus Cycle
tual axiom levels high enough to al- Planet Difficulty Modifier (optional)
low the reality of Egyptian astron-
Il R.i
+3 ,2 I
Astronomical Osiris 10 +3 5
Horus 12 +5 7
Components Nut 12 +5
Spells and miracles have two astro-
Il Nept1lvs
nomical components: a minimum
number of planets which must be Anubis 18 +7 29
accounted for in order to cast the spell I l Set 22 7
(listed in the spell description as num-
ber of planets); and the planets which
have influence over the spell (listed as bonus modifier of +3 to her divination ship in the Nile Empire is the day
influence). Theastronomerdeci.deshow magic total. Horus naturally configures; regular,
many planets he wishes to configure reliable displays of miraculous power
into the spell, the minimum being the After the astronomy check, the go a long way toward reinforcing reli·
number listed under number of planets. character casts the spell using the gious belief in the faithful.
U the number of planets is "0", the magic skill listed with the spell against Within the cycle of days are other
astronomer does not have to config- the difficulty number of the spell. Any cycles, related to and sometimes
ureany planets into thespeU. He picks bonus modifier earned in the astron- named for the planets involved in the
the planets for which he wishes to omy check helps the caster with the cycle. For example, the Day of &unti-
make the calculations from the plan- spell. In Egyptian magic there is no lui Fields involves the alignment of
ets listed under influence. From this backlash (but see "Mathematics"). Ra, the god. of the sun, Osiris, the god
group of planets he finds the largest of the earth, and Nut, the god of the
astronomy difficulty number, as listed sky. The day occurs every 110 days,
on the Planet Chart. This is the astron-
omy difficulty for casting this spell.
Planetary Cycles the product of cycles of each planet
(2x5xll=110). The farmers must make
The magician then uses the One- (Optional Rule) offerings and join priests in rituals in
On-Many Chart to see how many of the fields in order to increase their
the planets he successfully configures Using planetary cycles adds flavor
and bookkeeping to the astronomy chances of a good harvest. Another
into the spell. He configures the plan- example is the Night of Walking Evil,
ets in order, from the innermost (and rules. Feel free to incorporate them or
ignore them as you choose. which commemorates the legendary
easiest planet) to the outermost (most killing of Osiris by Set. The cycle
difficult) planet he has decided to The planets move in orbits which
change little from year to year. As· (73x5=365) occurs once a year, slowly
configure. For each planet success- sliding backward because of leap
fully configured beyond the mini- tronomers long ago learned to predict
when the planets would naturally years. In Year One of the Near Now, it
mum necessary to cast the spell, the falls on the night corresponding to
caster receives the bonus modifier configure into a magical or miracu-
lous process, with no effort on the part Apri128.
listed on the Planet Chart for that All, of the cycles fall into the Great
planeL of the astronomer. When configured,
the planets automatically affect a Cycle, which the priests preach lasts
magical or miraculous process just as three million years. Mathematicians
Example: Zafira wishes to cast a argue that the cycle actually lasts
commune with cricket spell using Isis, if the astronomer had successfully
configured the planet through his own 2,958,950 years and 83 days, blaming
Horus, and Nut. The spell requires the difference on tne sloppy thinking
one planet. Nut has the greatest as- calculations.
These cOnfigurations occur in regu- ofpriests, which annoys priests. Priests
tronomy difficulty number (12), so the claim that mathematicians worry
base difficulty is 12. Using the One- larpattemsforeach planet, The Planet
Charts lists the number of days in each about minute detail at the expense of
On-Many Chart, the difficulty forthree the great drama of life, as suggested
planets is DN+6, so the difficulty pattern. Ra, for example, is properly
configured every other day, while by the myths of the three million year
number of getting all three planets is cycle; this annoys mathematicians.
18. Zafira generates a mathematics Horus is naturally configured once
every seven days. It is scarcely a coin- Engineers point out that everyone
total of 17. She gets the first two plan- arguing the point will be long dead
ets of her choice, Isis and Horus, for a cidence that the primary day of wor-

•• 86
Chapter Ten

before then, so who cares? This an- valued advisors and confidants within skills at values of13 to 19). Beneath the
noysboth mathematidansand priests. the Nile, treasured for their wisdom as Lesser Deans are a varying number of
AttheendofaGreatCyclethegods much as their spell-casting ability. Initiates and Apprentices. Initiates are
cleanse the world of all that exists Mostpracticingmathematicianson low-level mathematicians waiting for
upon it, and rebuild the world clean Terra and in the Nile belong to an an opening in the ranks so they can
and new. According to Terran calen- organization known as the College of ascend to the rank of Dean. Appren-
dars, the world is only a million or so Mathematicians. Thecollegeservesas tices are young mathematicians-in-
years into its current cycle, so there is both a forum where mathematicians training.
plenty of time before the gods wipe can gather and share any new secrets When Mobius has a service he
clean the slate. they may have discovered, and a would like the mathematicians to
An important function of priests is support organization for the training perform, he takes it to Rama- Tet, who
keeping track of the cycles, some of and guidance of young apprentice then assigns it to a Greater Dean. who
which are quite obscure and occur mathematicians. In the Nile, the Col- will in tum either assign the project to
once in a decade or less. lege also serves as an official arm of a Lesser Dean (if it is relatively simple
As gamemaster, you have to keep a the Imperial Government. In this ca- or unimportant> or perform it himself.
record of the days which have passed pacity, it is one of the resources that The Overgovemors follow a similar
in your campaign in order to use the Mobius frequently exercises. In fact, procedure, beginning with the local
cycles. Each time Mobius invades a practicing mathematics in the Empire Greater Dean and pa;siblyendingwith
eosIn. the calendar starts again with without being a recognized member an Initiate.
Day One. The events written about in of the College is a crime. The College of Mathematicians
tlUs SOW«bookgo up to Day 65 of the There is a very rigid and formal maintains a vast library and "'head-
Pharaoh's invasion. Begin your cam- hierarchy within the College. At its quarters" in the royal capital at Thebes.
paign calendar with Day 65, and mark head is Rama-Tet, the Royal Vizier Rama-Tet meets with aU 10 of the
off one day for each day of game time and personal advisor to Mobius. Be- Grand Deansat the headquarters once
which you and your players spend in neath Rama are 10 Grand Deans every eight weeks to discuss matters
the game world. (mIlfhematics and one magic skill at of mathematical importance. Once
Divide the campaign day by the values 18 to 25, the other magics at every year, all members of the college
cycleofa planet; the remainder iscalled values from 17 to 22), one for each of assemble at the headquarters for an
the position of the planet. U the posi- the Overgovemorships. Beneath each annual meeting.
tion of a planet is zero, the planet Grand Dean are three Lesser Deans
naturally configures on this day. (mathemoticsatvaluesof16to20,magic

Example: Onday 65, the position of

Nut is 10 (6S-(5x11)=10). Osiris (cycle
5) is in position zero; Osiris naturally
configures on day 65.

We recommend you calculate the

zero positions of planets out of game
time, and for a substantial period of
time (say, one year). Writing it down
in calendar form and check off the
campaign days as you ron through
them. That way, you will know what
planets are influencing spells for the
C\.lI'Tef\t day of play.

The ancient Egyptians ofTerra have
found that there is powerful magic in
numbers, particularly those related to
the movement of the planets. The d~
cipline of casting magic spells through
the romputation of quantities is known
as mafhmultics, and in Torg is gov-
erned by the mafhmulfics, and the four
Torg nulgi£ skills. Mathematicians are

TORG: The Nile Empire

Learning Mathematics under influence. From this group of suits the Bonus Chart (rolling again on
planets he finds the largest astronomy 10 and 20). He adds the total bonus to
The particular brand of mathemat- difficulty number, as listed on the the modified astronomy difficulty of
ics that drives Egyptian magi'c is quite Planet Chart. This is the astronomy the spell (the base difficulty adjusted
intricate and difficult to learn. Most of difficulty number for casting this spell, for the number of planets which the
the Terran mathematicians have been as described in the"Astronomy" sec- magician attempted to configure) and
apprentices in the College of Mathe- tion above. Configuring the planets consults the table below:
maticians since childhood. takes at least one round, more if SO
Characters who are unskilled in noted in the spell descriptions.
mathematics must pay double the nor· U the ma.thematics action succeeds,
mal Possibility cost to acquire the skill the caster generates a magic skill total Mathematics Spell
to cast the spell, adding any bonus
and cannot pick it up without finding
a skilled character willing to teach modifiers due to the mathematical Descriptions
them. Once a character has achieved astronomy. This is a basic assortment of spells
mathematics skill adds of 3 or greater, If the ma.thematics roll fails, the taught to apprentices by theCollege of
he or she has achieved a level of mas- mathematician has made an error in Mathematicians. Many senior mem-
tery sufficient enough to begin his or his or hercalculations.ln this case, not bers of the College, however, have
herownexplorationofthemathemati- only does the spell fail to take effect, developed their own spells not apw
cal intricacies. Such characters no but the mathematician may suffer the pearing here. Remember, too, that the
longer need. a teacher. result of a magical backfire. Egyptians of Earth developed mathe-
matical spells rendered "real" by the
axiom wash not shared by their Ter-
Casting Spells Backfires ran counterparts. The members of the
Any time a mathematician fails his College of Mathematicians would love
When a mathematician casts a spell, to get their hands on ancient scrolls or
he uses intricate astronomical charts mathemJltics roll before casting a spell,
the gamemaster rolls a die and con· inscriptions detailing such spells.
ous calculations and geometricdesigns
which are derived from the planetary
positions. By scribbling these calcula-
tions on papyrus and then making a Mathematics Backfire Chart
series of mystical incantations, the
mathematician summons forth the
magical energies necessary to power Total Result
the spell. 120rless No Effect
Each mathematics spell lists the 13-15 The mathematician must forfeit one Possibility;
magic skill necessary to cast the spell, if he has no Possibilities, he suffers a wound
listed as Skill. This skill is in addition instead
tothemathematicsskill, whichisneeded 16-18 Same as above, only the mathematician forfeits
to perform the astronomical calcula- a POSSibility or takes two wounds
tions. 19-20 The mathematician's closet friend is stricken
Each spell has a Difficulty, which is with a Great Curse; on ~his result,
the difficulty number which the caster resolve the spell normally; the curse is just a side
must equal or beat with his magic effect- neither the mathematician nor the victim are
total. immediately aware of the curse.
Each spell has a Number of Planets, 21-23 The mathematician is stricken blind for three days
which is the minimum number of 24-25 The mathematician is befuddled, losing his ma.thematics
planets which must be configured in ability for three days
order to cast the spell. If the number of 26-29 The mathematician loses favor with the gods; the mathe-
planets is "0", the astronomer does not matician may no longer configure the planets he was
have to configure any planets into the using in this spell attempt (to regain the use of the
spell. planets he must regain the gods' favor; for each
Under Influence each spell lists the planet he must accept a quest from a priest of the god
planets which can configure to influ- for whom the planet is named; upon completion of
encethespeU. Theastronomerdecides the quest he may once again use the planet)
how many planets he wishes to con- 30+ The mathematician is attacked with a damage value
figure into the spell, the minimum equal to the total of the roll
being the number listed under number
of planets. He picks the planets he
wishes to configure from those listed
_0_.- - ~

Chapter Ten

Animate Mummy
Skill: alteration
Difficulty' 15
E gyptian Math Facts
Number of Planets: 1 Did you know that the an- choose8,8,2,and 1 (8+8+2+1 =
Influence: Isis, Horus, Ptah, cient Egyptians invented. impor· 19). He could then add thecorre-
Anubis tant mathematical concepts that sponding large numbers (232,
This spell allows the mathemati- would not be seen in Europe for 232, 58, and 29) to find the an-
cian to animate and command a centuries, and even mathemati- swer - 551! (232+232+58+29 =
mummy. The mummy does not actu- cally proved that the Earth was 551).
ally return to life, but does acquire a round centuries before Colum- To divide 73 by 7, our Egyp-
small degree of sentience. bus was born - all without tian would keep doubling the 7
Once the mummy has been ani- multiplying or diViding? until he hit a number larger than
mated, the mathematician may com- That's right. The Egyptians the number he was diViding.
mand it to perform anyone task (''kill could not multiply or divide. 7-1
Hathor!" or "bring me the fire opal!"). Instead, they "faked." both op- 14-2
The mummy will then remain ani- erations using addition and 28-4
mated until it either performs the task subtraction. An Egyptian who 56-8
or is destroyed. Ananimated mummy wanted to multiply 29 by 19, for 112 -16
has the following statistics: example, would first write down By trial and error, he would
DEX 6, STR 15, TOU 22/8, PER 3, "29" followed by a one. Next, he then find the combination of
MIN 5, CHA 3, SPI 15. would add 29 to itself (58) and numbers in the left column that
Skills: unarmed combat 10, stealth write down the total in the next added up to the total closest to
10, find 10, tracking 10, trick (8), in- row followed bya two. He would the number he was dividing: in
timidation 16. then continue doubling both this case the 56 and the 14
Animated mummies are immune numbers. (56+14=70 which is quite close to
to Taunt and Test attacks. They cannot 29-1 73; the next highest combination
becharmed ofpersuaded.Amummy's 58-2 is 77, too high!). He can then add
Toughness is 8 against fire and 22 116-4 the corresponding numbers in
against all other attack forms. 232-8 the right column to find the an-
The spell caster must have access to All the time he was recording swer: 8 corresponds to 56 and 2
a properly mummified corpse in or- numbers, the Egyptian would be to 14, so the answer is 10! The
der to cast this spell. looking for a combination of the amount that the total fell short
smaller numbers that added up (70 fell 3 short of73) is expressed
to the number he was multiply- as a fractional remainder. The
Calculate Weakness ingby(inthiscase, 19).Ourclever complete answer is 10 and 3/7!
Skill: divination Egyptian above would probably - from Science Action, 1935
Difficulty, 10
Number of Planets: 1
Influence: Ra, Horus, Nut, Ptah A mathematician who casts this Contemplation allows the caster to
A mathematician can cast this spell spell gains the temporary ability to prepare for some future conflict or
to make any action easier to perform. speak with crickets (you can assume action. A successful contemplation al-
The action must be specific, such as that there are crickets everywhere lows a Storm Knight mathematician
"opening the door ahead", or ''hitting within the Nile except for the fiercest to draw four new cards and select the
that halftrack". The object (or person) deserts and enclosed areas). best four card hand out of the drawn
being acted. upon must be visible to Successfully casting the spell allows cards and those currently in his or her
the caster. Successfully casting a calcu- the caster to ask three questions of the hand. Agamemastercharacter mathe-
late UJeQkttess gives the next character crickets. Since crickets aren't very in· matician casting a contemplation re-
who performs the action a +3 bonus telligent, these questions must be ceives an extra die roll on the future
modifier for one attempt only. simple and direct, Le., "have soldiers action of his choice. Contempliltion can
passed this way?" or "what is behind only be cast once a day.
that door?"
Commune with
Crocodile Legion
Crickets Contemplation Skill: conjuration
Skill: divination Skill: divination Difficulty: 17
Difficulty. 14 Difficulty. 20 Number of Planets: 1
Number of Planets: 1 Number of Planets: 1 Influence: Ra, Osiris, Anubis, Set
Influence: Ra, Isis, Horus, Nut Influence: All

TORG: The NUt Em~

This spell can only be cast on the next 24 hours of game time. When it last for number of days equal to the
banks ofthe Nile. It allows thecaster to comes time to make this check, the product of the cycles of the planets
summon forth an army of crocodiles dream recipient receives a +3 bonus configured into the spell.
""hith will do his or her bidding for modifier for that action.
one how. 1be number of crocodiles The mathematician may only cast Example: All fow planets are con-
summoned is equal to the measure of one drtQm spell per night. figured by an ambitious mathemati-
the caster's Charisma-3. FoJ. example a cian. The oasis will flourish for 462
mathematician withCharismtJ 12could days (2x3x7xll), then wither and dry
summon 60 crocodiles. For crocodile Find Water up completely on the 463rd. day.
statistics, see chapter twelve.
Skill: divination
Difficultr- 9 Mesmerize
Death Shout Number of Planets: 1
Influence: Ra, Nut, Nepthys Skill: alteration
Skill: conjuration This spell is partkularly useful in Difficu1tr- 17
Difficul~ 20 the desert. Successfully casting it gives Number of Planets: 1
Number of Planets: 1 the mathematician the direction of the Influence: Isis, Nepthys, Anubis,
Influence: Ra, Nut, Anubis nearest source of potable water. The Set
Successfully casting this spell gives range of the spell is practically unlim- At the time the mathematician casts
the mathematician the ability to emit a ited. If the nearest source of water a mesmeriu spell, he or she must select
bellowing shout at a single target. If were 2,000 miles away, the caster a single human target. If the spell is
the magic total exceeds the defensive would still detect it. successfully cast, the caster canattempt
value of the target (assuming the spell The caster also receives some idea to mind control the target as though he
succeeds), the target of the shout is of how far away the water is, in one of or she had the mind control power
attacked with a damage value equal to fow categories: a few hundred paces (page 72) with a value equal to his or
the magic total +5. or less, less than hall a day away, a day her Mind+5.1f the caster successfully
or two away, many days away. gains control over the target, that
control will last for24 hows (or until it
Detect Magic is shaken off).
Skill.: ditrinDhon
Difficultr- 12 Skill: alteration Prepare Mummy
Number of Planets: 0 Difficultr- 13
Influence: Isis, Nut, Nepthys, Ptah Number of Planets: 1 Skill: alteration
Oded Magic gives the caster the Influence: Ra, Osiris, Nephthys, Difficu1tr-1l
temporary ability to detect all magical Ptah Number of Planets: 0
emanations within 50 feet of his or her Successfully casting this spell on a Influence: Ra, Osiris, Ptah, Anubis
person, Magic items, the products of gem reshapes its facets into an intri- This spell allows the mathemati-
magical engineering, the effects of cate pattern of the caster's choosing cian tocalculateand prepare the length
magic spells, and the effects of mir- that is almost impossible to duplicate of bandages and their unguents
acles will all be picked up by this spell, manually. The value of such a gem is needed toproperlymummifyacorpse.
and the caster can identify them as doubled. Such corpses have not been fully
magical. mummified, but the process of decay
is halted for 29 days, which should
Oasis give plenty of time for a priest to fully
Dream Skill: alter-ation
mummify the corpse.
The actual process of mummifica-
Skill: divinDtion Difficultr- 18 tion itself takes about eight hours and
Difficul~ 13 Number of Planets: 1 canonly beperfonned by a priest with
Number of Planets: 1 Influence: Ra, Isis, Horus, Nut an EgyptiDn religion skill.
Influence: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Successfully casting the Q2Sis spell
Anubis gives the casteran exact location within
1be drttlm spell is always cast on 10 yards of his or her person. If the Rot
another character. The next time the caster plants a seed at that exact spot
spell recipient sleeps, he or she will immediately after casting the spell, Skill: alteration
have a dream that reveals a dilemma the seed will grow to complete matur- Difficultr- 15
he or she will face during the next 24 ity in three weeks and a temporary Number of Planets: 1
hours. If the recipient is a Storm Knight, oasis will spring up around the plant. Influence: Ra, Nut. Anubis, Set
the gamemaster should inform the This oasis covers a number of acres A rot spell slowly disintegrates an
player of an action his or her character equal to the position of Horus at the inanimate object. The target object can
will be called upon to make during the time the spell was cast. The oasis will be no larger than two meters. If the

.,.,-------------------- ~

spell is cast successfully, the object is

attacked with a damage value equal to
Engineering Engineering Spell
the magic total of the spell cast. The
number of shock points of damage is
Exactly how the ancient Egyptians Descriptions
of Earth built their huge pyramids and
then permanently subtracted from the sculptures remains a mystery. The Because of the magical methods
object's Toughness. The second day the Egyptians of Terra built their monu- which ~e engineers of Terran Egypt
spell does the same amount of dam- ments using a magical discipline use, their spells are very specific in
age, and again on the third day, until known as engineering. Engineers have effect, and they havebeenrefined, and
11 days have passed, after which the the ability to design fantastic struc- refined again, greatly reducing the
spell ceases to work. If the shock points tures and monuments, as well as abili- backlash.
ever exceed the Toughness of the ob- ties that facilitate the construction of The other great advancement (or
ject, it completely crumbles to dust. these monuments. ~rhaps devolution from the point of
In Torg, such engineering is gov- VIew of the accomplished. Ayslish
erned by the use of the engineering, mage) is that the spells all use the
Sundew and the four Torg milgic skills. arcane knowledge of engineering, the
Likemathematicians,engineersa1so ~e knowledge as their engineering
Skill: conjuration skill. Each spell uses a slight variation
maintain a support organization,
Difficulty. 20 o.n ~gineering unique to that spell,
~own as the Society of Engineers.
Number of Planets: 1 similar enough to allow a single skill
Like the College of Mathematicians,
Influence: Ra, Osiris, Horus, Nut to count as the knowledge, different
theSociety is a functioning body within
VVhen thisspeU is suooessfully cast enough so the Principle of Definition
the Imperial Government; the struc-
a shimmering burst of sunlight de- (page 112 of The Torg Rulebook) applies
ture of the Society is modelled. after
scends from the sky and strikes the to each spell, rather than to engineer-
that of the mathematicians, with
caster and everything within 50 feet of ing magic asa whole. Thisallows more
Greater Builders and Builders rather
him. The light heals the wounds of the than one engineering spell to be cast
than Deans
caster and everyone in the area of the on a building (or other object) at one
The Society of Engineers is headed
spell who shares his Inclination. time. While economical, the incred-
by Muab, the Royal Builder. Muab
Sundew can only be cast outdoors ible mystic machinations and convo-
takes such pleasure in his work that he
during the day when the sky is clear. lu~ons necessary to tie their spells into
personally attends to the tasks he is
given by Dr. Mobius, often calling ~ smgle knowledge makes engineer-
upon a Greater Builder for advice. mg spe~ very hard to vary in the way
Ward Off GoodlEvil Beneath Muab are 10 Greater Builders accomphshed. Aysle magicians can
(Engineering and one magic skill at vary the components of their spells
Skill: conjuration (see The Aysle Sourcebook for details).
Difficulty: 12 values 18 to 25, the other magic at
Number of Planets: 1 values from 20 to 23), one for each of
Influence: Isis, Horus, Nut, Ptah the Overgovemorships. Beneath each
A mathematician who casts this Greater Builder are three Builders Detect Traps
spell surrounds himself with an aura (engineering at values of16 to 20, magic
skillsatvaluesof13to 19). Beneath the Axiom Level: 7
that wards off characters and crea- Skill: divilUltionjengineering
tures of the opposite Inclination. This Builders are a varying number of
aura extends out 50 yards, and all Draftsmen and Journeymen. Drafts-
men are low-level engineers eager to Backlash: 9
creatures it effects have all their action Difficulty, 12
values reduced by 3 until they move prove themselves to Mobius or an
~erg0.vernorby undertaking a ma-
Effect Value: 15
out of the area affected by the field. Bonus Number to: effect
JOr projeCt. Journeymen are novice
engineers just beginning their real
Range: 8 (40 meter)
Wing of the Hawk work.
Engineers have the ability to cast a Duration: 5 00 seconds)
few spells, and the abilities to design Cast Time: 3( 4 seconds)
Skill: apportation
and supervise the construction of Manipulation: unknown
Difficulty: 14
Number of Planets: 1 buildings, incorporating many mysti-
cal features into the design. An engineer who casts this spell
I~uence: Ra, Osiris, Nut, Nepthys
automatically detects all traps of a
Wmg of the hawk gives the mathe- mechanical nature (Tech level 21 or
matician the temporary ability to fly.
less) within 125 feet of his person, as
Flight speed value is 11 (40 mph) and
long as the effect value of the spell
the spell lasts for three hours. The
exceeds the stealth value of the trap
mathematician may cast this spell on
(see "Building Construction" below).
other characters.

lORG: The NUe Empire

Find a Path this value is 13, for unique structures

the value is at least 15. If an Egyptian
Cast Ttme: 18 (1 hour)
Manipulation: unknown
Axiom Level: 9 engineer oversaw the construction of
Skill: divination/tngineering the building, the value is the mginen- This spell uses the mgineering skill
ing value of the plans. For this use the rather than one of the other magic
Baclduh: 11 bonus number is added to the effect. skills. Imbue with mystu: tneTgy is a
Difficulty. 13 cross between a spell and an invoca-
Effect Value: 15 tion. Oncetheengineer has completed
Bonus Number to: variable Lift a building, he asks Ptah to judge the
work. and if found acceptable, imbue
Range: 9 (60 melers) Axiom Level: 5 the structure with mystic energy. 1he
Duration: 5 00 seconds) Skill: apportation/mgineering engineer must have the plans to the
Cast Ttme: 5 00 seconds) building with him as hecasts this spell,
Manipulation: unknown Backlash: 16 and in his soul describe to Ptah the
Difficulty. 11 important and grand features of the
Find a path has three separate func- Effect Value: 18 building, details of its construction,
tions. First, an engineer can cast find a Bonus Number to: effect explaining why the building is so
path on a door or passageway to learn important to him, and why the build-
what lies beyond. If the spell succeeds, Range: 7 (40 meters) ing will bring more glory to Ptah.
the engineer receives a mental image Duration: 32 ( one month) Minimal success imbues the build·
of the room or passage behind the Cast TIme: 17 (40 minutes) ing with 10 Possibilities, which may be
portal. This image consists only of the Manipulation: unknown used to energize the powers, spells
material used in the construction of and such in the building (see "Build-
the room and the room's dimensions, Lift allows an engineer to build a ing Construction" below). The possi-
not the room's contents. A typical complex block-and-tackle rig capable bility capacity (the maximum number
result of casting find a path is: of lifting an extremely heavy object of Possibilities which may be stored in
"Beyond. the door is a corridor of (the engineer must have the materials the structure) is also 10. A POSSibility is
hewn rock. 1he corridor goes on for 50 to build the rig). The object to be lifted added (up to the capacity) each time
feet and ends at a door. Twenty feet must be specified at the time the spell Ra, Osiris, Horus, Nut, Ptah. and
down, a side passage leads left.'" is cast, and once the spell is cast, it Anubis naturally configure together
The effect value must exceed the takes 20 minutes to set up the rig. For (whichhappensonceeveryl.04Qyears;
engineering valueof the character who this spelt the range represents the Ptah can afford to wait).
built the building. Forordinary build· longest block-and-tackle which can be Unfortunate!y, the backlash from a
ings the engineering value is usually built with the spell; lifting an object minitnlll successoften mortally wounds
10, for carefully constructed buildings more than 40 meters requires more the engineer; such is the price of ask-
the value is 13, for unique structures than one rig. ing for the judgment of Ptah.
the value is at least 15. If an Egyptian Once the rig is in place, anyone Average success starts the building
engineer oversaw the construction of using it to move the object has his or with 10 Possibilities and increases the
the building, the value is the mgineer- her Strmgth increased to the effect possibility capacity to 25. A Possibility
ing value of the plans. For this, the value of the spell for the purpose of is added each time Ra, Osiris, Horus,
bonus number is added to the effect. lifting an object with the rig. Once Nut, and Ptah naturally configure
Second, find a path may be cast to placed, a rig will remain in place until together (which happens about once
help find a path out of a maze or it is purposely removed or the dura· every 36 years). I
labyrinth. Each time the engineer tion expires, at which point it will Good success starts thebuilding with
comes to a point in a maze where he become useless. 10 Possibilities, and increases the
must choose a direction, a successful possibility capacity to 50. A POSSibility
find a path will reveal the direction he is added each time Ra, Osiris, Horus,
must travel to move toward the maze's Imbue with Mystic and Ptah naturally configure together
(which occurs about once every 27
exit, as long as the exit is within range
of thespeU. Forthis, thebonus isadded
Energy months).
to the range. Axiom Level: 12 Supcior success starts the building
Third, find (l path may be cast to Skill: mgineering with 25 Possibilities; and increases the
detect any secret doors or hidden possibility capacity to 75. A Possibility
portals. A successful use of the spell Backlash: 55 is added each time Ra, Osiris, and Ptah
automatically detects all such con- Difficulty. 41 naturally configure together (which
structs in the room or corridor the Effect Value: not appli<.;able happens once every 170 days, about
caster occupies. The effect value of the Bonus Number 10: duration two times a year).
spell must exceed the st~Jth value of Spectacu/Qr success starts the struc-
the secret door (see "Building Con- Range: touch ture with 50 Possibilities, boosting the
struction'" below); for most bUildings Duration: 55 (2,500 years) possibility capacity to 100. A Possibil-

•• 92
Chapter Ten

ity is added each time Ra and Ptah

configure, which happens every 34
days (about 11 times a year).
The engineer may use the Many-
On-Qne Table, reading the number of
years spent on the structure in place6f
the number of characters, applying
the bonus modifier to his engineering
total. Once in his lifetime, the engineer
may declare a structure he has com-
pleted as being the most important
work of his life. Doing so grants him a
+5 bonus modifier, in addition to any
other modifiers, when casting imbue
with mystic energy.
with mystic energy are treated as
possibility rated when rolling for the
abilities within them, and when resist-
ingdamage. An imbued structure may
burn off damage just as a possibility-
rated character can. In addition, each
timea POSSibility isadded to the struc-
ture, it may be used to remove any
damage still existing in the structure.
Given enough mystic energy, these Successfully casting the spell neu-
structures are eternal. tralizes a trap known to the caster of
Building Construction
the spell. Those that are unknown are Engineers have magic which ap-
not removed. plies to buildings or other massive
Neutralize Trap structures such as dams or fortifica-
tions - any project for which the prin-
Axiom Level: 10
ciple designer would be a civil engi-
Skill: alteration/engineering Other Engineer neer or architect. Vehicles, even large
Backlash: 13 Abilities ones such as battleships, are not struc-
tures which are built by engineers;
Difficulty. 14
Engineers can detect traps directly, those are the province of scientists and
Effect Value: engineering value
rather than using the spell. The weird scientists. Engineers can per-
Bonus Number to: effect
searcher must physically explore the form three basic functions when con-
region he believe is trapped, generat- structing buildings. They can:
Range: 5 00 meters)
ing an engineering total as he searches. 1. Install devices, spells and mir-
Duration: 9 (one minute)
Searching requires one round for each acles provided by others.
Cast Tlffie: 8 (40 seconds)
three square meters searched (mean- 2. Install a limited selection of
Manipulation: unknown powers and skills on their own.
ing a party could move three meters
on a one-meter wide strip each T'Qund 3. Enhance some of the building's
Once a trap has been detected (with
detect traps or other means), it can be behind a searching engineer). The Toughness.
removed using this spell. The effect engineer is using his mystic attune-
value of the spell must be equal to or ment with a structure as much as his Installing Abilities Others
greater than the engineering value of five senses. Provide
the trap. On atJeTage or minimJll suc- If the total equals or exceeds the
cess, the trap does not trigger for the stenlth value of a trap, the engineer To install a spell, miracle, gizmo or
duration of the spell. On a good result, discovers the trap. If his total is less other device, the engineer first pre-
the trap may be disarmed during the than the steJllth value, he triggers the pares a mJUlt matrix to contain the
duration of the spell (with a +3 bonus trap. An engineer may wish to use this ~nce of the item, process, or ability
modifier to the disarm attempt). On a ability rather than the spell if his mstalled. A matrix requires materials
superior result or better, the trap has engineering value exceeds the effect costing 400 royals, a week of prepara-
been permanently neutralized, and value of thedeted traps spell. Of course, tion, and an engineering total of 19 at
will not trigger even after the spell the detect traps spell does not trigger the end of that week. The matrix must
duration expires. traps when it fails. then be placed in a structure.

.. 93
lORC: The Nile Empire

Engineersmaycoordinate(asin 1M tion mJlgic at 11. He uses Isis as the work as well as they did the day they
Torg RulLbook, page 41) against a diffi- necessary planet, and waits until Ptah were put in. as long as the matrix is
cultyofl2. ThemJIQt matrix isa mysti- is naturally configured for use as a maintained. The machinegun in the
cal rather than a physical construct, bonus(+7).~heissuccessful above example would not rustorshow
but it is housed in a physical object of with hisspel1,animate mummy isbound signs of wear, even after centuries,
the engineer's choice. into the matrix with alteration mJlgic 11 although it would certainly run out of
A priest or magician casts the mir- and a bonus modifier of +7, for an bullets. Material components of spells
acleorspe1J into the mJlQt matrix, which ability value of 18 on the Binding Dif- are also used up, as well as any offer-
absorbs the effect. The gizmo or de- ficulty Table. ings needed for miracles.
vice is installed in the object which Any time a skill, spell, or miracle in
houses the maIlt matrix. Once placed Example: An engineer is installing a mant matrix isactivate,:l., a Possibility
in the mtUlt matrix, the engineer casts a a machinegun which is fired when a is drained from the store held within
binding spell (backlash 18; difficulty, heat-sensing mechanism is triggered the structure. Once used, the ability
see below; range touch; casting time (the heat-sensing mechanism has its (and any ability linked to the used
one minute; uses the mgineering skill own ability and requires a separate ability; the Possibility cost paid when
to cast) which binds the ability within moot matrix), The machinegun has a the first ability was used) stays active
the matrix and seals it tight. U the damage value 25; the difficulty of the for a time value equal to 25 plus the
binding spell fails, a new matrix must binding spell is 16. bonus from a die roD on the Bonus
be built, and any spells or miracles Chart.
must be recast. Each skill, power, attribute (other Active does not necessarily mean
U a spell or miracle is cast into a than Toughmss) or ability possessed constantly taking effect; the pressure
moot matrix, the ability value is con- by the device in the matrix must be plate/machinegun trap (two items,
sidered to be the skill value used to bound separately. All abilities must be two abilities, two Possibilities to acti·
cast the spell or miracle. If, at the time bound within an hour of the time the vate) would be activated by someone
the spell or miracle is cast, the caster first ability was bound. Different engi- stepping on the plate. Fortherest of its
had a bonus modifier for any reason, neers may bind different abilities in active period, anyone else stepping on
the bonus modifier is included in the the same matrix. the plate would cause the machin-
maat matrix, increasing the ability Once a gizmo, device, skill, spell or egun to fire. However, the machin-
value for the purposes of the Binding miracle is placed within a moot matrix, egun is not firing the entire time it is
Difficulty Table. possibility energy is required to main- active.
tain the matrix. One Possibility per
Example: A mathematician is year is needed to keep the matrix in- Example: A fireball spell and IJl(T
placing animJIte mummy into a mIJIlt tact. This Possibility is drawn from tion sensor are in a moot matrices,
matrix. The mathematician has altera- those stored within the structure as a linked so the motion sensor fires the
result of the imbue with mystic mogy fireball. The trap is activated, costing
spell, or because the structure is a two Possibilities. 1be gamemaster rolls
proper pyramid. Items in the matrix a 9, a bonus of -1. The trap remains
Binding Difficulty

Installed Binding
Ability Difficulty
Value Number

up to 10 9
11-13 11
14-16 12
17-20 13
21-23 15
24-26 16
27-29 17
JO.31 18

For each point of ability

value over 31, add 1 to 18 for
the final Difficulty Number

.".,...------------------- ~
........ 94
Chapter Ten

active for a time value of 24 (15 hours) Stealth hides doors, devices, traps fused with mystic energy, avoiding
before two Possibilities must again be or anything else the engineer wishes the needfor the dangerous engineering
spent when it is activated. to hide from prying eyes. Engineering spell. The possibility capacity is 100,
stealth blends the object in with the and the pyramid begins with 25, Pos-
Installing Skills and Powers surroundings, and while the object sibilities are ·added. to the structure
cannot be made invisible, it can be every time Raand one of the other four
Engineers can install a limited se- made so it is only visible from one gOOsofthe bless pyramid miracle (Osiris,
lection of skills and powers directly particular place in the room. Anentire Horus, Nut, or Anubis) naturally
into parts of the structure. These skills roomful of tripwires could be hidden. configure together. This means every
are considered to be part of an area in The stealth value installed is equal to cycle of 10, 14, 22, and 58 days the
the structure. The installation is part the engineering total of the installa- pyramid receives a Possibility, for 84,
magic, part physical work, requiring tion. The difficulty of the installation 85, or 86 Possibilities a year (depend-
eight hours per three square meters of is 10. ing on where the cycles are in the
area from which this skill or power year).
emanates. Increasing Toughness This makes pyramids ideal for
Alarm is a special form of the find engineers, who can then load maIlt
skill which is linked to another ability Increasing the Toughness of a build- matrices of every conceivable descrip-
elsewhere in the structure. The alarm ing or structure has a difficulty of 20, tion into the pyramid. A true pyramid
activates that ability. Passive devices regardless of the size of the structure. cannot be small, for it must weigh at
such as tripwires, pressure plates, in- This is akin to a religious blessing least 22;330 tons, a mystic number
frared and motion sensors, are trig- rather than an alteration of the struc- derived. from the cycles of the five
gered whenever a character touches tural materials. The result points are gods whose blessings go into the pyra·
them or breaks the field of the sensor. read on the Power Push column of the mid. Assuming a base of solid stone,
Deactivating passive alarms has a Results Table, and the Toughness is rather than earth, the smallest practi-
difficulty equal to their sensitivity increased by the indicated. amount. cal pyramid is 40 meters (value 8) on a
(their find value) and can be done with side (with about 70 percent of the inte-
science, weird science or engineering. rior as usable space), although unusu-
Fear may be installed, acting ex- Pyramids ally dense stone could be used to help
actly as the fellr power. The installa- increase the weight if a smaller pyra-
tion difficulty is 17, and the fear value Engineers prefer pyramids overany mid were essential.
is the installer's engineering value +2. other structure, with good reason. A Larger pyramids have larger possi-
Fear must be activated by an alarm, pyramid which has been properly bility capacities. If the length of each
traditionally an Eye of Ra or an Eye of constructed and alsoblessed by a priest side is increased to 60 meters, the
Horus. has the following properties: possibility capacity increases to 150; if
The pyramid is automatically in- the length is increased to 100 meters,
the possibility capacity is increased to
250, and the pyramid would absorb
two Possibilities each cycle.
Alarm Charts Muab has wild dreams of building
a pyramid which is 1,000 meters on a
side. The Royal Builder's calculations
Passive Alarm Dillkulty Find Value claim that such a structure would
Tripwire 5 EnT weigh at least 400,000,000 tons, have a
Pressure Plate 12 EnT possibility capacity of 2,500, absorb-
Motion Sensor 16 EnT+5 ing20 Possibilities each cycle! Conser-
Infrared Sensor 14 EnT+3 vative estimates indicate he would
need over 800 full-time engineers,
Active Alarm Dnficulty Find Value priests, mathematicians and scientists
and weird scientists, at least three
Metal Detector 11 EnT battalions of shocktroopers for secu-
Radar Sensor 15 EnT rity, 3,000 slave drivers or skilled
Eye of Ra 18 EnT+3 workers, 100,000 laborers, a nearly
Eye of Horus 20 EnT+5 unlimited budget, and 20 years to
complete such a project.
Key: Difficulty refers to the difficulty of installing that type of ability.
Find value is the find value of the alarm. "EnT" stands for the engineering
total generated when installing the alarm. Active alarms are things like
magical eyes, radar sensors, and other devices which actively search for
intruders with their find skill.

11: -------------------0'-. 9S
lORG: The Nile Empire

Chapter Eleven

Miracles of Faith
obi us' followers are this tenet does invest the Pharaoh with
devotees of an ancient certain special powers, they are not
and powerful religion. nearly as extraordinary as they were
Theexistence ofthe gods during the height of the ancient Egyp-
• of Egypt has not been tian Empire, largely because of Mo-
categorically proven in either Terra or bius' perversion of the stated goal "to
Earth, but the spiritual energy gener- return Egypt to its ancient glory."
ated by the true believers, combined 3. The goal of life is to attain a state
with Terra's spiritual axiom, gener- known as tnilRt, meaning "troth" or
ates the potential for frequent and "order:' MAAt is not a quality of hu-
potent miracles. Egyptian religion is mans, but was built into the cosmos by
the only legally sanctioned religion in the gods themselves. The best a hu-
the Nile Empire, because the higher man can hope to do is act in accor-
the number of people aetuaUy practic- dance with the divine and strike a
ing the religion, the greater the poten- harmony with nature. Notice how it is
tial power of the miracle workers. the representatives of the divine who
decide exactly what is and is not in
accordance with theJ7UUlt. Usually, the
term has nothing in common with ow
Tenets of Egyptian own sense of right and wrong, though
someone who began to suspect that
Religion Mobius was not a troe representative
The religion of the ancient Egyp- of the gods. for instance, might find it
tians of Terra has a few basic tenets, in accordance with the I1UUlt to oppose
which all of its believersquickJy learn: the Pharaoh, even though Mobius
1. Terra and all the heavens were himself is said to be divine.
created by the god Ra, who emerged 4. Death is not final. U a troe be-
out of nothingness from a chaos of liever is properly buried, he comes
waters. Ra then created Geb and Nut before Osiris after death, who weighs
(the gods of earth and sky), who pro- the heart of the deceased on a cosmic
created to produce Osiris (~b's re- balance. If thedeparted has achieved a
placement as god of earth), Isis (god· balance with ttUUlt, he finds eternal
dess of magid, Set <P;od of evil), and bliss in an after-realm. U the balance
Nepthys (goddess of women). Osiris comes up short, the deceased is either
and Isis later married and produced punished or fed to a "devourer of the
Horus (god of life). Together, the nine dead" and obliterated.
remaining gods (Geb retired and van- 5. Most of the gods and goddesses
ished from the cosmos) are collectively maintain a special species of animal as
known as the "Ennead of Heliopolis" a set of eyes and ears on Terra to watch
- Heliopolis being the fabled city of over his or her followers. Anyone
thesWl; wherethegods reside (though harmingasacredanimalrisksthegod's
each of the gods also maintains a large enmity. Here is a list of those animals:
palace on his or her associated heav- Ra, god of the sun: sparrow
enly body). Terra and humanity were Horus, god of life: hawk
both created as a by·product of the Nepthys, patron of women: dove
creation of the Ennead. Anubis, god of the underworld:
2. The Pharaoh of the people is a jackal
divine being. His will is the utmost Set, god of evil, donkey
law. Afterdeath, he will walk with the Wadjet, cobra goddess: cobra
gods. Although the people's belief in Anyone whohannsa sacred animal
within a pure zone of the Nile realm

•• 96 ~
suffers a -1 bonus modifier for the next
whole day for each animal killed, up
to a maximum penalty of -10. Reduce
the penalty by one point for every day
that subsequently passes. Some ani-
mals, particularly those under the
penalties for invoking the wrath the
the gods.
For dominant and mixed zones,
the maximum penalty is -3, and the
penalty lasts only one day, although
particularly sacred animals may still
have greater penalties.

Unlike Christianity with its weekly
masses, the Egyptian religion calls for
very few organized. feasts and serv·
ices. Practitioners simply enter a
temple of an appropriate god or god-
dess, burn some incense, and ask the
god what they will. Such worship can (goddessesalwayshavefemalepriests, handle all other minor duties and
take place at any time. It is customary gods usually have male priests). Each chores. A typical acolyte has foilh and
to pay a small fee to the local priests member of the Ennead has an affili- EgyptiDn religion values of10, and does
after using their temple (about five ated town or city, where the appropri- not yet possessfocus. For each priest in
oowns). ate high priest is stationed. One of the a temple there are from one (in small
However, many priests organize high priest's most important duties is village shrines) to 15 acolytes.
ceremonies on Tuesday, the day dedi- to tend to the large temple found in his Each morning, all members of the
cated to Horus, as that is when his or her god's home city. Ahkemeses religiOUS hierarchy perform a Special
planet naturally configures. They use meets with all nine of the high priests liturgy: they bathe in the sacred pools
this natural configuration to aid in every other month to discuss matters outsidetheirtemples,enterthetemple,
some of their miracles, with which of religiOUS import. A typical high and bumsomeincense. Thehead priest
they impress the masses. priest has frxus and Egyptilln religion at each temple then moves into the
The largest organized religious values of 19, with faith of 17 or more. temple's inner sanctum,. unwraps the
ceremony, the Festival of Ra, is held Below the high priests and priest- idol of the temple's god, washes the
when the NiJe floods. Highlights of esses are the priests. Priests oversee statue, and rewraps it. When they are
the festival h,lclude a grand feast and the smaller temples in cities and vil- not performing their duties, the lesser
mass sacrifices, usually sacrifices of lages and assist the high priests. Priests priests and acolytes live among the
grain, herd animals, spices, and pre- are often assigned to travel with mili- people. The high priests keep large
cious mtaels; darker cults, such as tary units in order to tend to the shock- palaces in their god's home city.
Wadjet, Sebek (crocodile god, assis- troopers' spiritual needs and to per·
tant to Set) and Set are rumored to form helpful miracles. The number of
have far grimmer sacrificial rites. priests assigned to each high priest
varies greatly, ranging &om 100 to
those fallen from the grace of
R eligions in a Game
Religious Hierarchy Ahkemeses, to over 1,000 to those the This soun:ebook describes a
Imperial High Priest favors. A typical fictional religion as it exists and
Sitting atop the religious hierarchy lesser priest has focus and Egyptian
within Mobius' Empireis Ahkemeses, operates in the fictional setting
religion values of 12 to 15, and faith we have created for the Torg
the Imperial High Priest. Ahkemeses values of 13 and up.
has fmal say in all religiOUS matters, game. It is in no way intended to
The lowest rung in the hierarchy is
and tends to the Grand Temple in the portray a real religion operating
occupied by the acolytes, the young in the real world.
1mperia1 capital. men and women who are training to
Directly below Ahkemeses are the enter the priesthood. Acolytes begin
nine High Priests 01 the Empire. Each training at theageof nine, and usually
of the nine members of the Ennead has become lesser priests at the age of 22.

.. _-------------------_._.
his or her own high priest or priestess Acolytes sweep the temple floors and

... 97
lORG: The Nile Empire

Rituals and Bless Battle Bless Pyramid

Numberof Planets: 2, oneof which
Miracles NumberofPlanets:2,oneofwhich
must be Set
must be Ptah
Influence: Ra, Osiris, Horus, Ptah,
Unlike the miracles of Core Earth Influence: Osiris, Horus, Nut, Set
Nut, Anubis
described in The Torg Rulebook, Egyp- Community Rating: 8
Community Rating: 11
tian priests cannot perform many of Difficulty: 38
Difficulty: 12
their miracles without concurrently Range: voice
Range: voice
enacting a special ritual consisting of Duration: until position of Set is
Duration: permanent
sacred chants, movements, and sacri- next 0
Ritual Length: two hours
fices. The more powerful the miracle, Ritual Length: two hours
Effect: prepares pyramid as
the more complex the associated rit· Effed: increases battle readiness of
mystical conduit
ual. This ritual is always timed with unit
the movement of the planets, and is
Pyramids may be the dreams of
affected by astronomy in the same Bless battle brings the blessings of
engineers and kings, but the blessings
way as mathematics. In game terms, the gods on an entire unit preparing
of priests are needed to imbue the
whether or not a priest knows how to for battle, up to a full battalion (maxi-
pyramid with its famous mystical
configure a ritual with the movement mum 1,000 troops). Every member of
energy. Priests must cast this miracle
of the planets is reflected by his or her the unit has their Toughness increased.
five times, each time blessing a differ·
Egyptian religion score. by the result points read on the power ent vertex, oranelement which will be
The community rating, difficulty, column of the Push Results Table.
incorporated into that vertex of the
range, duration and effect work in the
pyramid. Each vertex is dedicated to a
same way for Egyptian miracles as Example: On the day when Set's
different god: the four on the ground
they do for Core Earth miracles; see position is 0, a possibility~rated high
are dedicated toOsirisand Nut (which
page 129 of The Torg Rulebook. priest wi th a focus and Egyptian religion
are diagonally opposite), and Horus
The length of time it takes to per- of 19 and a faith of 17 attempts to lead
and Anubis (diagonally opposite). The
form each ritual is listed with each the miracle. The troops haveanaverage
apex is reserved for Ra.
miracle as ritual length. Any intenuP'" faith of 9, giving the high priest a +14 Each time the miracle is cast, the
tion dUring the ritual (other than nor- bonus modifier for those participating
priest must configure Ptah and the
mal eating, etc.) causes the ritual to in the miracle (see "Faith and Bellev·
god to whom the vertex is dedicated
fail. ers", page 124 of The Torg Rulebook).
into the miracle.
Note: Duetotheaxiom wash which Set is already naturally configured.
covered the Nile Empire, there may when in position 0, so the priest tries
yet be new miracles to be discovered. for three planets, the most difficult of
Rememberthat there are special Earth which is Nut (difficulty 12). To get all Blight
Egyptian miracles of which the Ter- three planets is a difficulty of 18; he Number of Planets: 2
rans are unaware. Ahkemeses and his rolls an 11 for an Egyptian religion total Influence: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Ptah,
followers would love to get theirhands of 19. He succeeds. Heneeds two plan· Set
on an ancient scroll or inscription ets, including Set, for the miracle. He Community Rating: 12
which includes instructions for per- take Horus and Nut for his bonus, for Difficulty: 15
forming some of these miracles. a +10bonus modifier. The high priest's Range: faith value, up to a
As gamemaster, you are encour- total bonus modifier is now +24. maximum of 21
aged to create your own miracles as For the miracle itself he rolls a 9; Duration: one week (or more)
objects for a quest, or a potent new spends a Possibility for a roll again of Ritual Length: two days
ability for the foes of your Storm 17,and gets a final dierollof26. That's Effect: ruins land
Knights. a90nthe &nus Chart (9+24=3l). The
In addition to the miracles listed faith total is 48 (31+17=48). The high To perform this miracle the priest
below, Egyptian priests have access to priest has 10 results points for the must make an offering worth 100
the following miracles which are iden· miracle; on the power column that is a royals to Set. The last six hours of the
tical to their Core Earth counterparts: +4. Every trooper in the unit has his blight ritual must be performed in the
common ground, communicate with ani- Toughness increased by four. This field to be affected. The range is equal
mal spirit, healing, ritual ofhope, ritual of bonus lasts until the next time Set is in to the faith value of the priest, up to a
purification, and ward enany. position 0, 73 days from now. maximum of 21 (seVen leagues).
Blight greatly reduces the aridity of
The priest can cast this miracle on a land. Crop yields, or plant growth, in
unit more than once. The first miracle blighted. fields fall according to the
increases Toughness, each subsequent quality level of the miracle. Minimal
miracle increases one combat skill of success reduces the yield by 10 per-
the high priest's choice. cent, while average success reduces

•• 98
yields by 2S percent, stunting the A CUt'Si! is removed when a priest of may place multiple gmlt curses on the
growth of most plants and killing an inclination opposite that of the first same victim. Bonus modifiers from
some. Good success stunts about hall pries. cunes the ta<get himsel/ (the multiple curses are cumulative.
of the plants, killing an additional 10 two curses "cancel out"). No more
percenl Suptrior success stunts hall than one curse may be placed on a
and kills hall, whilesptetacularsuccess victim by the same priest, although Great Heal
kills every plant growing in the multiple priests may place multiple
blighted soil. curses on the same victim. Bonus Number of Planets: 2
Optionally, the priest may make modifiers from multiple curses are Influence: Isis, Horus, Nepthys,
the blight last a month (difficulty 18), a cumulative. Ptah, Anubis
season (three months; difficulty 21), or Community R.atin~ 11
a year and a day (difficulty 24). Difficultr- 18
Great Curse Range: touch
Duration: not applicable
Bounty Number of Planets: 2
Influence: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Ptah,
Ritual Lengtk two days
Effect: removes all physical
Number of Planets: 2 Set afflictions
Influence:Ra,Osiris,Nut,Nepthys, Community Rating: 12
Ptah Difficulty: faith of target +5 (14 if This is a very potent healing mir-
Community Rating: 12 no faith) acle. To invoke gretlt heal, the priest
mfficultr- 15 Range: not applicable prays over the txxly of the victim for
Range: faith value, up to a Duration: one week (or more) two days and then makes an offering.
maximum of 21 Ritual Length: one day U the miracle succeeds, all wounds the
Duration: one season Effed: more powerful CUt'Si! victim has suffered are healed, any
Ritual Lengtk one week diseases the victim is suffering from
Effed: blesses growth on land The grmt CUt'Si! is a more powerful arecured,and any physica1 handicaps
version of the simple curse; grmt curses he or she may possess are eliminated.
Bounty is the opposite of blight. It on characters with Good Inclinations To invoke this miracle the priest
raises the yield of a crop field, or the require Set; gretlt curses on Evil charac- must make an offering worth tOO
lushness of vegetation, in the area ters require Horus. It curses its victim royals to Horus.
blessed by bounty. The effect is based with a -1 bonus modifier, plus the
upon the quality level of the miracle: victim treats all stymied results on his
Minimal increases yieldsby 10 percent, line of the combat card drawn at the Invest Pharaoh
twffllge increases yields by.50 percent, bestinning of each combat round as a
good doubles the yield, suptrior triples setback instead, and all opponents gain NumberofPlands:2,oneo(which
theyield,andsptdAeularsuccessquad- a +1 bonus modifier when acting must be Osiris
ruples the yield. against the victim. Influence: Isis, Osiris, Horus,
Unlike a regular curse, a priest cast- Anubis,Set
ing a grmt CUt'Si! need not touch the Community Rating: to
Curse target - he needn't even be in the Dillicultr- 25
Range: voice
target's vicinity. The priest does need
Number of Planets: 1 an object once possessed (for at least a Duration: life of Pharaoh
Influence: Isis, Horus, Nut, Set week) by the victim, and an offering Ritual Length: one day
Community Rating: 12 worth at least 50 royals. The effects of Effed: grants mystical energy to
Dilficultr- fadh 01 bug" (9 il a grt:Qt CUt'Si! last for one full week, and Pharaoh
no faith) omberemovedusingthesamemethOO
Range: touch used to remove lesser curses. A priest The priest must hold a massive feast
Duration: 24 hours may extend the curse by casting grmt of at least 100 attendees, and these
Ritual Length: four combat rounds CUt'Si! again the next day, which ex- attendees are the only ones whose
Effed: negative bonus modifier tends the duration by a week, but does community rating conbibute to the
not increase the effect. A new item miracle; they must have faith adds ofat
Curse can only be placed upon tar- from the victim, as well as a new offer- least two to be part of this sacred rit-
gets of Good Inclination when Set is ing, is needed for each curse. He may ual. Therefore most investments oc-
confi~ into the miracle. Curse can continue doing this each day, but if he cur with simultaneous feasts all across
only be placed upon targets of Evil should ever not cast a gretJt CUt'Si! on a the Empire, coordinated by priests and
Inclination when Horus is configured day, the duration may no longer be held in every Egyptian temple, in order
into the miracle. extended. to maximize the size of the commu-
A curse puts the ire of the gods on a The effect of no more than o~grmt nity.
single individual. He or she suffers a- CUt'Si! may be placed on a victim by the This miracle fonnally recognizes a
1bonus modifier forthenext24 hours. same priest, although multiple priests man as the Pharaoh of the people. A

11:------------------.-- qq
TORG: The Nile Empire

formally invested Pharaoh receives Community Rating: 10

Difficull)" 18
one "free" Possibility each month,and
the difficulty numbers of all attempts Range: not applicable Number of Planets: 1
to invoke miracles which adversely Dwati.on: nine weeks Community Rating:
affect a properly invested Pharaoh are Ritual Length: three days Influence: Ra, Isis, Horus, Ptah
increased by seven. Effed:bringsaplagueuponanarea Dif6cu1l)" 18
If a living Pharaoh is already in- Range: not applicable
vested at the time this miracle is in- This miracle allows the priest to Duration: not applicable
voked, the priest investing the new unleash a devastating plague upon a Ritual Length: one hour
Pharaoh must beat the miracle total city or town. When the pIIlgue hits, a Effed: cloudy glimpse into the
rolled by the priest who invested the highly contagious disease spreads future
last Pharaoh in order to transfer the throughout the town. All Storm
powersofthe miracle to the new leader. Knights in a plagued town must make This miracle allows a priest to ask
There can never be more than one a Toughness roll against a difficulty thegodsaboutfutureevents. Thepriest
Pharaoh invested at a time. number of 7 when they first enter the carefully outlines a person, item, area,
Dr. Mobius has been officially in- town, or they contract the disease. For or course of action, and receives an
vested by Ahkemeses as Pharaoh via an ordinary population, this means indication as to the immediate fortune
this miracle with a faith total of 74. about 40 percent of the population surrounding the construct outlined.
Once upon a time, there were will contract the disease. In game play, portents are handled in
enough followers to make this spell After the first roll, characters must two ways:
powerful enough to guarantee an roll each day in which they come in First, a porlett allows a priest to
invested Pharaoh immortality among extended contact with a diseased per- decide whether the fortune of a per-
thegods(which requires a faith total of son (more than 15 minutes of time) son, item, area, or course of action is
90). although they can take precautions "favorable" or "unfavorable." If a
(such as surgical masks, gloves, etc.) Storm Knight invokes the portent, you
which give them a +5 bonus modifier asgamemastermustmakeajudgment.
Mummify tothe TOIlghnLSS total. On a natural roll
of 1, the character always catches the
"How fares Karnak?" would be an-
swered with "'the portents are favor-
NumberofPlanets:2,oneofwhich disease. able" under normal circumstances, but
must be Anubis Plague causes small sores to break H
"the portents are unfavorable if you
Influence: Isis, Osiris, Horus, out all over the victim's body, tissues know the city is about to be rocked by
Anubis to swell and eventually burst, causing rebellion. Similarly, "'How will we fare
Community Rating: 8 death. Each day the victim has the if we enter Kala's tomb?" would be
Difficull)" 12 plague he is attacked with a damage answered "favorable" ifthetombholds
Range: touch value of 15 (roll again on 10and 20, as powerful treasures and is relatively
Duration: not applicable this is a scourge from a god). The risk free, or "unfavorable" if the tomb
Ritual Length: eight hours resulting shock, KO condition (the is fraught with perils. The answers
Effed: preserves corpse as victim has fallen into a coma), and received by priests casting portents in
a mummy wounds may not be recovered (al· this fashion are always limited to a
The corpse must first have been though it may be lessened by spend- single phrase - "the portents are
prepared by a mathematician's pre- ing a Possibility, as for ordirutry dam- favorable" or " the portents are unfa-
pare mummy spell. The priest must age) except through a cure disease (dif- vorable:' "Unfavorable" does not
make an offering worth 100 royals to ficulty 18) or g"''' ""'I. If he takes necessarily mean the objects, persons,
Anubis, and then recite a summary shock damage equal to his TOIlghnLSS, or places are heading for death or
history of the deceased which a priest the victim dies. destruction; it does means that for-
wrote. The priest must then bum in- P/Qgla can affect a city or town of tune has turned its back upon them,
cense while intoning the journey any size. The priest need not be in the and that the odds are against them, at
through the landsof the dead, a "dress town's vicinity at the time the miracle least temporarily. For most adventur-
rehearsal for the journey the soul of
is invoked. In effect, its range is unlim- ing parties, "unfavorable" will be a
the deceased will soon make. At the ited. To invoke the miracle, the priest common portent, ¥ the odds are nor-
completion of the ritual, the mummy first makes an offering worth 1,(KX) mally stacked against the heroes. Pur-
is complete and the soul is on its way. royals to his god. At that time the god. tent is far better used to ask about the
sends the plague to the priest, auto- statusofsomethingoutsidethegroup.
matically infecting him. He must then TheStorm I<nights can then intervene
Plague survive three days of the infection, where the portents read "unfavorable'"
and complete the ritual. Any rommu· in order to turn the tide.
Number of Planets: 2 nity members who give their faith for
Influence: Osiris, Horus, Nut, the ritual must also be infected.
Nepthys, Anubis

•• 100
Chapter Eleven

Range: touch
Duration: one day
Ritual Length: two hours
Effect: greatly increases one ability

A prur.uess miracle allows a priest to

temporarily augment the abilities of a
friend or comrade. Upon finishing the
associated ritual, the priest touches
the beneficiary and selects a single
skillorpower. Thebeneficiaryreceives
a +5 bonus modifier for this single
ability for the next 24 hours. A charac-
ter cannot be the beneficiary of more
than one protl'eSS miracle at a time.

NumberofPlanets: 4, one of which
must be Anubis
Influence: all
Community Rating: 15
Portents can also be used to dis- ade, but its effects last for an entire Difficulty: 10
cover the difficulty number of an ac- year. In addition, each infraction the Range: touch
tion. U the Storm Knights wanted to victim commits against the god or Duration: not applicable
climb a mountain, for example, they goddess of the priest whopronounced Ritual Length: one week
could learn that the difficulty number doom increases the bonus modifier by Effect: restores life to the dead
of the attempt by invoking a portent. one.
Portentonlyallowsthepriesttoview Successfully invoking this miracle
a week into the future. The Karnak Example: AStorm Knight has a pro- allows the priest to bring a dead indi-
example above would only indicate nOUnamnlt ofdoom cast upon him by a vidual back to We. The priest must
"unfavorable" if the rebellion was to priestess of Wadjet, giving him a-I have access to the individual's corpse
occur within the next week, while the bonus modifier for hisaction, and a + 1 during the associated ritual, and that
mountain climbing portent would not bonus modifier to those of his oppo- corpse must have been properly
take into account any changes in the nent. Three weeks later, with the pro- mummified by a mathematician and a
difficulty number that might occur nouncement still upon him, he kills a priest. At the beginning of the ritual
(due to unfavorable weather, etc.) at sacred cobra. Now the bonus modifi- the priest must makean offering worth
the end of the next week. ers are -2 and +2 respectively for the l,CXXJ royals to Anubis, and another
rest of the curse. Presuming, ofcollrSe, offering worth 1,CXXJ royals at the end.
no further infractions on the part of The faith used is that of the priest,
Pronouncement of the Storm Knight. rather than the mummy'sjaith (associ-
The priest need not actually touch ated with its soul, which is not present
Doom his or her victim, but must have an for the ritual). The result points of the
Number of Planets: 3 object that the victim once possessed miracle are the maximum time value
Influence: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Ptah, for a least one week, and must make which the character can have been
an offering to his god worth at least dead (measured from the the begin-
Anubis, Set
Community lUting:. 13 I,CXXJ royals. Pronouncements of doom ning of the ritual), and still be resw-
Difficulty: faith 01 target +10 (19 can be removed by priests of an oppo- rected. For example, a character who
if no fadh) site lnclination by invoking his own has been dead a month needs32 result
Range: not applicable pronouncement tocancel out the first. points, or a faith total of 42 for the
Dwation: a year and a day miracle.
Ritual Length: one week This is the miracle that was used to
Effect: extremely potent curse Prowess bring Mobius back to life more than.50
years ago. His followers waited until
Number of Planets: 2 Osiris, Horus, Nut, Nept:hys, and Set
The pTOnmmammt of doom is the Influence: Osiris, Horus. Ptah,
most powerful curse commonly in- wereall naturallyconfigured (an event
Anubis which only occurs every 1,.ooJ years),
voked by the Egyptian priests. It has Community Rating:. 12
the same effect as the great CJl~ mir- plus configured Anubis, Ra and Isis
Difficulty: 15 through Egyption religion in order to

lORC: The NUe Empire

wound, the victim has six rounds to

neutralize poison beforedeathOCC\lnO.
U the victim generates a Toughness
total against the venom's damage
value, and achieves a superior or better
success, the poison is neutralized.

Priests of Good Inclination can cast

this miracle any day, except those days
when the positionofSetisO. Priests of
Evillnclination cannot cast this mir-
acle on days when the position of
Horos is O.

Summon Storm
Number of Planets: 2
Influence: Osiris, Horus, Nut,
Community Rating: 13
Difficulty. 10
Range: 25 (100 kilometers)
Duration: not applicable
Ritual Length: eight hours
Effect: summons huge storm

The priest who invokes this miracle

summons up a great thunderstorm
get the huge bonus modifier neces- Successfully invoking a snoke stllff overhead. He can then direct the storm
sary to resurrect Mobius' three-lhou- miracle allows a priest to temporarily at a target up to 60 miles away. When
sand-and-some-year-old corpse, turn a wooden staff into a powerful, the storm reaches the target area, it
which required a faith total of 65. venomous serpent. The serpent has will batter down for approximately
the following attributes: one hour before dissipating.
The storm can damage buildings
Snake Staff Serpent: DEX 11, STR (faith of priest), and characters within the target area.
TOU 15, PER I, MIN I, CHA I, SP13. Thedamagevalueofthestormisequal
Number of Planets: 1 Skills: bite 13, maneuver 12, stealth to the result points of the miracle.
Influence: Isis, Horus, Ptah, Set 13, trick (8), taunt (8), test (10), intimi-
Community Rating: not applicable dation (10). Example: A priest gets a faith total
Difficulty: 10 Inclination: Evil. of 19, for 9 result points. Thestorm has
Range: touch Possibility Potential: some (75). a damage value of 9. If you wish to
Duration: one hour Natural Tools: fangs STR+5; resolve the damage to a character
Ritual Length: two combat rounds venom, damage value equal to faith caught in the storm for the full hour,
Effect: turns staff into venomous value of priest. Once introduced into add 9 to the damage value and roll
serpent bloodstream, venom causes damage once.
each round. Once venom causes a

•• 102
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

he creatures of the Nile scales which irregularly fleck its body.
realm include a variety These use their intimidation skill to
ofTerran natives, beings temporarily freeze their victims with
from cosms Mobius has fear (on a setback or plIlyer's mil result).
previously conquered, The intimidation is made with a pecu-
and transformed nativesofCore Earth. liar hiss, and any victim within hear-
What follows are brief descriptions ing range can be intimidated. Once
and game statistics. introduced into bloodstream, their
venom causes damage each round.
Once venom causes a wound, the vic-
tim has six rounds to neutralize the
Asp poison before death occurs. U the vic-
tim generates a Toughness total against
The asp population has also grown the venom's damage value and
b'emendouslysincetheinvasion. These achieves a supcmor or better success,
deadly snakes inhabit the dank corri-
the poison is neutralized.
dors of the pyramids, tombs and cata-
combs which litter the Nile desert.
They are most often found in great
numbers, especially concentrated in
areas where great treasures lie. A
particularly deadly variety is the WiththecomingoftheNileaxioms,
gleaming asp, noted for the iridescent certain creatures -like the croccdiIe
- which were common to ancient
Egypt have begun to flourish once
again. This new population is differ-
Gleaming Asp ent from the normal Core Earth spe-
cies, however. Thecrocodiles are larger
and more dangerous than the normal
DEXIl MINI Core Earth variety. It takes a Strtngth
STR2 CHAI total of 16 to remove yourself from the
TOU2 SPl3 vice grip of its jaws.
PER 1 Throughout the upper Nile delta,
the crocodile population has boomed.
Possibility Potential Under the laws of Pharaoh Mobius, it
Some (75) is illegal to harm one of these sacred
Inclination creatures due to their connection with
Evil Sebek, the crocodile goo. These crimes
are punishable by fines of 500 royals,
Natural Tools even when accidental. Of course, the
Fangs - damage value 11 best protection they can have is the
Venom - damage value 11 curse which goes along with 1cilling
Skills one of these animals.
Bite 13 The High Priest Ahkemeses has
Maneuver 12 revived the ancient "'city" of Croc-
Stealth 13 odiJopolis, on the banks of the Nile
Trick (10) near Memphis, in which the "'sacred
Taunt (8) crocodile" ....des. This particular liz-
Test(10) ard is singled out and worshiped by
Intimidation 12 the people. It is adorned with elabo-
rate jewelry and treated with special

TORe: The Nile Empire

having their weapon entangled in the

mummy's wrappings. If the attacker's
Crocodile Divine Mummy total is less than 13, his weapon be-
comes entangled. Untangling it re-
quires a Strength total of 13. Entangled
DEX7 MINI DEXIO MIN 6 weapons cannot be used, and are
SfR8 CHAI STRI7 CHAS subject to the mummy's corrosion (see
TOU9 SPI3 TOU21 SPII6 below).
PER 3 PER 6 The mystical fluid which courses
Possibility Potential Possibility Potential through the body of a divine mummy
None All (8 or more Possibilities) is acidic and corrosive. Those stand-
Inclination Inclination ing within one meter of a divine
Evil Evil or Good mummy when a successful attack is
made upon it are splashed by acid
Natural Tools Natural Tools with a damage value of 15. This fluid
Teeth - damage value 13 Acid - splash damage is also corrosive to weapons used
Tail- damage value 8 value 15 against it, and will start to eat away at
Hide - defense value 11 Acid - coating/immersion them within seconds of coming in
Skills damage value 20 contact. For six rounds following the
Bite 8 Skills round in which contact was made, the
Swimming 10 Reality 17 weapon takes an attack of damage
Unarmed Combat (tail) 8 Unarmed Combat 14 value 20. Wiping off the liquid is the
Find 10 Lifting 19 only way to halt the corrosion.
Tracking 8 Trick 8 (17)
Trick (8) Test 12 (18)
Test (15) Taunt (17)
Willpower 8 Faith 20 Giant Desert Beetle
Taunt (8) Intimidation 18
Intimidation (8) This mutation is the scourge of the
nomadic tribesman of the Sahara.
Hiding themselves up to 10 feet below
monarch upon his entombment. the dunes, these voracious carnivores
care. Other crocodiles are similarly can sense the vibrations in the sand of
revered and cared for, but less lav- Among these might also be a mummi-
fied cat or other household pet. those walking above them. Without
ishly. warning, they strike from beneath the
Divine mummies are protected by
a terrible curse, which brings ruin to sand, using their powerful mandibles
those who awaken them. Anyone
Divine Mummy entering the tomb of a divine mummy

Of the many mummies which have

and awakening it is subject to the curse
(cast with a value of 22, Inclination is
G ian! Desert Beetle ~
manifested themselves since the inva- that of the Pharaoh before mummifi-
sion, most spring from the former cation) which inflicts a year'of "bad DEXlI MIN 7
nobility and extreme upper class of luck" upon the victim. This curse, a SfR I. CHA3
ancient Core Earth Egypt. But a select variation of a pronouncement of doom, TOUI9 SPI3
few are of even higher stature; the causes the victim to lose the ability to PER 9
Pharaohs of ancient Core Earth Egypt play Second Oumce cards for a year of Possibility Potential
themselves. These are the divine campaign time. Thecursecan be lifted None
mummies, and they possess powers by a pronouncement of doom from a
which dwarf those of the more com- priest of opposite Inclination to the Inclination
man mummy. divine mummy. Evil
Divinemummiesresideinthemost There are certain special abilities Natural Tools
well hidden, well defended, difficult inherent in divine mummies. They are Mandibles - damage
to reach tombs. The mummies are totally immune to fire attacks, suffering value 20
found within the richest, most opulent no daltUlge from them whatsoever (this Skills
burial chambers in these tombs. Di- includes magical fire). They are im- Unarmed Combat 14
vine mummies are typically found in mune to shock damage, and thus can Find 15
the company of at least a half dozen only be defeated by "1<0" and wound Trick (12)
lesser mummies. These are the un- damage. Test (13)
dead Pharaoh's close relatives and Those attacking a divine mummy Intimidation (17)
servants, who were buried with their with melee weapons run the risk of

..,."..,.------------------- ~
......... 104
Chapter Twelve

to crack the bones of their prey. he sends in droves into fierce battle The brainofa third plantinggospog
Giant desert beetles can be as large zones, particularly where his reality is stored in the head ofone or the other
as three meters in length, with man· bombs have not yet taken effect and of the two bodies, except in those cases
dibles nearly one and a half meters the area is dominant Core Earth. where the bodies are connected at the
long. They almost always travel in Nile shocktroopers have an extreme head. In addition, there is only one of
pairs, and the nomads know that if distaste for gospogof the second plant- each of the internal organs for both
one of these monsters is found, an· ing.. as the human troops are often bodies. The locations of these organs
other cannot be far off. Their man- made to stand the fetid stench and foul vary, often with one body housing
dibles are incredibly strong. countenance of their undead compa- some and the other the rest.
A giant desert beetle always get triots while stationed in mutual en- Although they may havemorethan
initiative in the first combat round in campments. one set of limbs available for use,
which it bursts from the sand, regard- Gospog of the second planting are gospog of the third planting can only
less of the action card flipped. Mobius' most visible gospog, and as use one set at a time (one pair of arms
such he adams them with Imperial or legs). This often leaves them fum-
headdress, so as to make a better rep- bling and stumbling.. and accounts for
resentative of the Empire. the Pharaoh's nickname for them.
Mobius uses these vile creatures on
Gospog special assignments, particularly
where he wants to frighten or intimi-
In contrast to other High Lords, date someone. Squads of these crea·
Mobius relies very little on gospog of Gospog of the tureshavebeen used tosuppress whole
the first planting. He dislikes their towns which threaten uprising.
"generic" nature, and prefers the more Third Planting
"individualized" later plantings,
which begin to take on the look and Mobius calls gospog of the third
flavor of the realm. planting his "clumsies." They appear
Mobius' most common gospog in the form of mummified Siamese G ospog of the
troops are of the second planting. He twins, each one joined to the body of
another at a different place. Despite
Third Planting
does not want first planting gospog to
"represent the Empire" in the field of appearances to the contrary, Nile
battle, and tends to use them for basic gospog of the third planting are not
actually two separate creatures.
manual labor instead. In fact, Israeli STR 15 CHA8
slaves have found themselves work- TOU17 SPI13
ing side-by--side with these gruesome PER 10
creatures in the building of great
temples and palaces. Muab, the Royal Gospog of the Possibility Potential
Builder, dislikes haVing to use the None
gospog, but he does so to appease his Second Planting Inclination
Pharaoh. Evil
Since gospog of the first planting Natural Tools
are the same for each of the different Treated Skin - defense
realms, they arenot listed here. Gospog SfR 10 CHA7
TOU14 SPI7 value 20
of the first planting can be found in The Equipment
Torg Rulebook, page 90. PER 10
Possibility Potential Spiked Staff - damage
None value 20
Inclination Skills
Gospog of the Evil Fire Combat 12
Melee 13
Second Planting Equipment
Ml Rifle - damage value 20.
Unarmed Combat 13
Find 12
Gospog of the second planting are Skills Tracking 10
human mummies. Each wears an Fire Combat 12 Trick 12
Egyptian headdress and carries a rifle Heavy Weapons 11 Survival 12
and bandolier. Their faces are shallow Melee 11 Test 12
and emotionless, with cold, dark orbs Unarmed Combat 11 Willpower 12
for eyes and a toothless hole for a Find 11 Faith 14
mouth which hangs open lazily. Willpower 11 Intimidation 16
Gospog of the second planting are Intimidation (I5)
Mobius' "throwaway" troops, which

11:------------------.-- 105
TORG: The Nile Empift

Gospog of the Fourth mummifythiscreatureappea.rstohave

become part of its very skin. and un-
Planting lilce other mummies, its facial expres.- Gospog of the
sions are clearly visible.
1hese are the messengers of Mo- Fourth ·planting gospog carry no Fifth Planting
bius,his '"personal envoys" with whkh weapons, as they are most often sent
to send two different types of mes- under the white flag of truce. U they
sages. FlTSt, whatever they were told attack, they prefer to attack with DEXIS MIN 14
to communicate, and second, with its death's dust, a special magical attack 5TR 19 CHA16
mere presence, to remind the receiver which apparently only these gospog TOU23 SPI12
of the message just what he is up carry. Death'sdust requires loose dust, PER 16
against. dirt or sand. The ability raises a bil~ Possibility Potential
Mobius sends gospog of the fourth lowing dust cloud which turns pur~ None
planting blindly into the camps of the plish-black as itenguIfs its victim. The Inclination
enemy with taunting messages of damage total is compared with the Evil
defeat and intimidation. They are used targets Mind or willpowu on the In~ Natural Tools
mainly to demoralize the enemy, and timidate/Test column. UUnskilled" Miracles - see above
they are quite effective at doing so. has no effect in this case. On a "sty-
Nile gospog of the fourth planting SId11s
mied" result, the victim can do noth~ Dodge 16
are massive mummified corpses, ing but fight off the numbing effects of
standing over three meters in height. death's dust. Combat 17
Their eyes glow red with a mystical Melee Weapons 19
Ona '"setback." "break" or '"player's Stealth 20
fire, and their mouths are filled with call" result, the victim fall'sintoa deep
jagged teeth. The '"cloth" used to Unarmed Combat 20
sleep; he can only be awakened upon Egyptian Religion 21
the command of the gospog, after one Evidence Analysis 21
hour has passed, or by a mage with the Find 21
conjuration magic skill and the arcane Hieroglyphics 21
Gospog of the knowledge of death who can generate Language 21
a conjuration mJlgic total higher than Trick 21
Fourth Planting the gospog's death's dust total. Test 19
Whatever physical attacks they Willpower 19
DEXII MIN 16 perform are made with crushing fists Persuasion 21
5TR 16 CHA 14 and tearing teeth. Focus 17
TOU2O SP110 Faith 17
PER 10 Intimidation 17
Possibility Potential
None Gospog of the Fifth
Inclination Planting sparkling with the evil power of the
Evil gospog's spirit.
Nile gospog of the fifth planting The only way to completely kill
Natural Tools have rotting bodies which never leave
Death's Dust - damage these gospogs is to find the corpse
the gospog field where they were mouldering in the field. The corpse
value 20 grown. Instead, their spirits roam the
Fists - damage value 16 looks exactly like a gospog of the first
length of the Nile Empire possessing planting. which makes identifying the
Teeth-damage value 19 corpses of humans (or other folk) who corpse difficult. The corpses are am~
Sldlls have recently died. They can possess bulatory, and function identically to
Melee 15 no body that has been dead for more theJ::«pog on page 90 of 1M Torg
Unarmed Combat 15 than an hour. Rul . Without mystic aid. the only
End 14 In their disembodied states, the clue Storm Knights have is that the
HierogJyphics 14 gospog can only use its evidence corpse of the fifth. planting gospog
Language 14 analysis. find, tracking and per5&UJSWn cannot leave the gospog field where it
Trick 14 skills. U it finds a corpse it automati~ was sown.
Test 20 cally possesses it (but the action takes Killing the corpse which hosts the
Wmpower20 one round), at which point it can use gospogspiritis not often effective. The
Charm 18 its full range of skills and abilities; the body can be repossessed and used
Persuasion 18 corpse gains the attributes listed be- again by the spirit. Completely de-
Faith 14 low. Its appearance it unchanged, stroying the body (doing seven
Intimidation 14 except for its wounds. Any wounds wounds to it) renders it useless, and
not healed ooze blood gleaming and the spirit must find a new body. Also,

•• 106

KO and shock damage do affect the

body, soStorm Knights could knock it
out. Great Ape Scorpion of Set
Fifth planting gospog can use the
following Core Earth miracles: rom·
munialt~ with lmin'll" spirit, CUrt d~, DEXI6 MIN 6 DEX6 MINI
"">ling (,,'{only), ril",,1 of/WP<, rihutl of STRI9 QfA9 STR2 QfA2
purifialtWn, and WQrd dlmgu. In addi· TOUI7 SPI7 TOU3 SPI2
tion it hasCllUStd~,which works in PER 17 PER 8
the same manner as a cure disttzse, only Possibility Potential Possibility Potential
it inflicts rather than removes the dis- None None
ease from the victim. For example,
ClIUSt disttzsecan inflict pneumonia with
Inclination Inclination
a difficulty of 12. This gospog can cast Evil or Good Evil
all Egyptian miracles except grttIt ht:tll Natural Tools Natural Tools
and resurrection. Skin and Fur - armor Stinger-damage value 10
value 20 Venom - hypnosis 18
Fists - damage value 20 (see above)
Bite - damage value 21 Skills
Great Ape Hug - damage value 23 Unarmed Combat 11
Drop-Crosh - damage Trick (20)
The powerful great apes storm the value 26 Taunt (20)
newly-formed junglesof Ethiopia with
reckless abandon. They resemble the Skills Tes' (20)
African hill gorilla of Core Earth ex· Acrobatics 19 Intimidate (14)
cept for their tremendous size. The Dodge 18
fully-grownadul'greatapestandsfour Long Jumping 17
meters in heidtt and weighs nearly Maneuver 17
Running 18 actly the same in all other respects
two and a hall tons. save one. The sting of a Scorpion of Set
In contrast to the Core Earth gorilla, Stealth 17
Unarmed Combat 19 does not inflict paralyzing venom like
the great ape is a solitary beast, seek- its Core Earth counterpart, but rather
ing the company of others of its spe- Climbmg23
Lifting 21 a poison which hypnotizes the victim.
ci.esonlyduringthematingcycle.Also, ma1cing him susceptible to a certain..
the great ape is a carnivore, typically Fmd18
specific suggestion.
preying on the wild herd beasts of the Tracking 18
Test(J6) This suggestion is "programmed"
plains as well as smaller apes and into the scorpion by a sorcerer using a
monkeys. Taunt (6)
Intimidation 18 combination of magic and alchemy.
Creat apes have shown remarkable The user may then plant the scorpion
intelligence, particularly when deal· in a place where it will likely get to an
ing with man. On Terra, these mag· intended target. Planting the scorpion
nificent beasts were a favored targetof near Addis Ababa. Since then, a in the target's clothing is the most
big game hunters, and over the years numberofbiggamehuntershavegone typical practice.
they seemed to develop a senseofhow out in search of this fabulous speci- A successful sting forces the victim
to deal with human predators. men. To date, three of these foolish to obey the single command which
The great ape employs a very men have been reported missing.;and was programmed into the scorpion.
powerful bear hug to crush its victims. six have been found horribly crushed Commands are most effective when
Breaking the hold requires a Strength to death. they can be carried out without moral
'otal that beatsan opposed totaJ by the dilemma, such as "Leave this realm
ape, or a single blow that inflicts no immediately, or "Cometothetemple

less than 5 shock points. The beast's

fists do pummeling damage, and its
Scorpion of Set of Ra." Commands which run con-
trary to a character's Inclination,. such
bite is monstrous. Scorpions of Set are nasty creatures as "Kill your companions," are inef·
Thegreat ape has a prefet led attack created by the priests of Khem. They fective.
versus humans, wherein it drops di· were used extensively dUring the Scorpi.ons of Set die shortly after
rectly onto its victim from above. The "prepping" ofthe Nile basin area prior releasing their venom, and therefore
drop causes crushing damage and to Mobius' invasion,. with a great deal there are very few of them alive in the
requires an acrobatics total from the of success. wild. Most all Scorpions ofSet are kept
ape to hit. The Scorpion ofSet is slightly larger in captivity by magicians and priests.
There have been several sightings than a Core Earth scorpion, but ex-
of a single, massive albino great ape

.. _-------------~::-=--
a. 107
TORG' The Nue Empire

Tarantula diamond-shapedbirthmarkwherethe

Tarantulas have also begun to a~

belly button would normally be. The
true appearance of a Terran Martian is T erran Martian F=='i1
pear in greater numbers, put more that of a spider-like insect with bul-
toward the southern end of the Nile. bous eyes. Special Martian-designed
The caves hidden deep within the "Owne1eon Belts" actua.llychangethe DEX9 MIN l'
Ethiopian jungles are rife with them. shape of the Martian to conform to STR 11 CHAS
The newer tarantulas are quite a bit humanoid standards. The atbibutes TOU12 SPI4
larger than their Earthly counterparts, are the same between shapes, except PER1S
and considerably nastier. The "new'" that the insectoids have pincers P055ibility Potential
tarantula's bite has a damage value of (damage value 15) on one set of limbs, Some (25)
14! and automatically induces a sty- as well as a set of hands and two pairs InclinOiltion
Olled result on the victim for the next of insect legs.
combat round. Although thereasonsareunknown,
it has been noted thatTerranMartians Equipment
always travel in groups whose size is Magna-Ray Gun -
some power of two (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.). damage value 23,
Tarantula They refuse to travel in groups whose range 3-25, 60, 100
size is not a power of two. Note that 'J!l Personal Radio Receiver
is one, so Martians can travel alone. Medical Kit - first aid
The number four seems to be of par- value 15
STR 1 CHAl ticular importance to them. Many X-Ray Lenses-
TOU2 SPI3 things thattheydohavea "four" theme bestows X-Ray Eyes 12
PER 2 to them. U you were to meet one, he Rocket Cycle - flight 13
might say "hello" four times, or shake Skills
Possibility Potential
your hand four times, or both. Dodse 10
Terran Martians speak in low, even Energy Weapons 11
Inclination tones, remaining calm at all times. Stealth 11
Evil . Their demeanor (in human form) is Unarmed Combat 12
Natural Tools pleasant and appealing. Neighbors of F"md 16
Bite - damage value 14 Terran Martians have described them Land Vehicles 16
Skills as "nice, decent sorts." Space Vehicles 17
Unarmed Combat 13 U a Terran Martian suffers half his Trick 17
Maneuver 9 Toughness' worth of shock points, his Science 17
Stealth 15 belt ceases to function and he reverts Test 15
Trick (15) to insectoid appearance. The stats Charm 10
Taunt (20) remain the same no matter what form Persuasion 10
Test (20) they are in, however. The Chameleon Taunt (4)
Intimidation (15) Belts are only programmed to make Intimidation (14)
the wearer look human.
Terran Martians ~~vea special v~tal
blow(-8bonusmodifiertohlt) m which
th~ powerful incantations of many
Terran Martian they apply pressure to the inside of a
target's upper forearm. If this attack is pnests, and given terrible powers.
successful it scores an automatic "KG" Their job is to proted the tomb or
In the pulp reality of the Terran
result, but no additional damage. temple over which they preside from
cosm, an advanced scouting party from
that cosm's equivalent of the planet looters, transgressors and trespassers
of any type.
Mar.; (Horus) has secretly Wiltrated
human society. Their motives are, at Walking gods appearin the form of
this point. unknown. but invasion is Walking Gods a god or goddess, usually with the
suspected by those few who know of bodyof a manor woman and the head
When the axioms transformed the of an animal They lie dormant within
them. Nile basin, many of the andent curses, a tomb or temple until a specific "seal"
How they managed to get to the spun by long-dead magicians and is broken. Once this boundary is
cosm of Core Earth is also unknown, priests, sprung to life once again. Most
but several Martians have been spot- passed, the Walking Gcx:i springs to
dangerousamongthesearethewidely- life. It will allow no one within the
ted in and around the dty of Luxor feared "walking gods." chamber it protects.
since the invasion. Terran Martians Walking gods are the guardians of Thesecreatures have a basic intelli-
ap~ar ~ a~erage humans, their only the andent tombs and temples of the
dlStingrnshing feature being a large gence, but do not talk. They follow
pharaohs of old. They were created by patterns of attack prescribed by the

•• 108
Chapter Twelve

magics which created them. .

Walking gods have several magt-
cal restrictions and enhancements. Anubis Walking God '" Bast Walking God
They cannot pass the seal and leave
the chamber which they are protect-
ing. If somehow the creature is in- DEX8 MIN 12 DEXI4 MINIS
duced to do so (requiring a "player's SfR 16 CHA9 SfR 13 CHA 14
caU" on a taunt, trick, or maneuver), it TOUI9 SPI13 TOUI7 SPI15
is instantly reduced to ash. Next, any PER 14 PER 16
attack upon the bodyof a walking god Possibility Potential Possibility Potential
inflicts no shock damage, while any All (15 Possibilities or more) All (8 or more)
attack upon the head inflicts +2 points
Inclination Inclination
of shock damage (only if the blow
As its creator As its creator
does some damage prior to the b0-
nus). Aiming for the head is a -5 bonus Natural Tools Natural Tools
modifier to hit. Walking gods also Magical effect - slow Claws - damage value 17
possess possibility energy. (value 24) Equipment
The walking gods have magical Equipment Switch - damage value 17
abilities which replicate effects of Two-handed sword- (plus 3 shock)
spells; however they are superior to damage value 25. Scarab - magical effects:
spells in that these abilities have no Skills weakness (value 20). slow
backlash or difficulty; the walking god Reality 14 (value 20tlightning (value
can unleash the ability at any charac- Melee 10 20), mage dark, haste (valu
ter it can target. Generate a Pero:;ption Dodge 12 15), charm person (value
(or find) total against the Dextenty (or Maneuver 12 20).
acrobatics or dodge) of the target; suc- Unarmed Combat 11 Skills
cess means the target was hit with the Lifting 18 Reality 16
magical effect total (the effect value Find 15 Dodge 15
plus the bonus modifier). Trick (15)
Maneuver 15
The type of walking god is usually Test (16)
Melee Weapons 16
determined by the chief deity of the Taunt (16)
Unarmed Combat 15
pharaoh whose tomb it guards, or the Intimidation 17 Find 17
god whose temple it protects. Hereare Trick (17)
the walking gods who have so far
Test (16)
appeared in the Nile Empire.
Taunt OS)
Bast Intimidation 15
Anubis Bast walking gods are the least
common type. They are unique in that
The Anubis walking god appears they rely more on magical power than
as a powerful man with the head of a physical. The Bast walking god ap- Sebek
black jackal. The Anubisstrikes with a pears as a fur-covered woman with
massive two-handed rurved sword Sebek walking gods appear as a
the head and tail of a cat, her hands muscularmanwiththeheadofacroco-
(SfR16miniJnumtowield/maximum tapering to sharp claws.
damage value 29), enhanced by a dile. The creature carries no weapons,
The Bast uses a magical scarab to and attacks only with its devastating
special miracle (akin to bless) to do cast numerous magical effects. The
SfR+9 damage. This miracle is lost to bite. Once bitten, the jaws clampdown
scarab can be used after the Bast is on the victim, inflicting increasing
Mobius, his priests, and his followers. killed, but it only casts each of the
The Anubis can also shoot beamsof damage until it is dead.
spells once, and then becomes useless. The first round inflicts STR+3
light from its eyes. If these beams hit The Bast carries a weapon which it
an enemy (using find totals to hit, as (damage value 19), the second STR+6
will use as a last resort. It is a small (damage value 22) the third STR+9
per above), it has the effect of a slow switch-like whip which does STR+4
spell (value 24). (damage value 25), and every round
damage and an additional 3 shock thereafter STR+12 (damage value 28).
points for every blow it delivers. The only way to break the grip is to
inflictnoless than5shock points tothe
beast in asingle bluw. Combined blows
do not count for purposes of breaking
the grip. This can be tricky for Storm
Knights trying to aid a friend, as only

#I: ------------------~1;-;;:09;;--..
TORG: 11w NUe Empire

shots to the head do shock damage, Set

and the victim is currently gripped in
the walking god's mouth. The Set walking god is the most Set Walking God
common type, dueto thepopularityof
the god it resembles. The creature
appears as a well-muscled man with DEX14 MlN12
Sebek Walking God the head of an unnatural beast. The 5TR 16 CHA8
face is evil looking. with a thin, curved TOU17 SPI9
snout, straight, square-cut ears and PER 12
DEX14 MIN 12 eyes which slant up toward the Possibility Potential
5TR 16 CHA8 temples. A stiff, forked tail is the only All (6 Possibilities or more)
TOU17 SPIll other non-human appendage.
PER 13 TheSet attacks with a vicious-look·
As its creator
Possibility Potential ing barbed spear. The spe"!'r does
All (6 Possibilities or more) STR+6 damage and an automatic UK" Natural Tools
result every time it hits. The beast also Tail- damage value 22
Inclination Shriek - intimidation 17
As its creator has a deafening shriek which acts as
an intimidation attack with a value of Equipment
Natural Tools 17. The creature's tail is an effective Barbed Spear - damage
Jaws - damage value 19 weapon. It does STR+5 damage and value 23 (plus '1<" result)
(see above) can also be used to grapple or disarm Skills
Skills an opponent. This attack can also be Reality 11
Reality 12 performed at the same time as a melee Dodge 17 .
Dodge 16 attack and a shriek attack. without the Unarmed Combat 17
Maneuver 16 multi-action penalty. Melee 17
Unarmed Combat 19 Fmd14
Ulting17 Trick 13
Fmd15 Test (14)
Trick (14) Taunt (10)
Test (15) intimidation 13
Taunt (13)
intimidation 16

•• 110
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

hartly after Dr. Mobius coins the size of a penny, with com-
established the Nile pletely blank faces.
Empire, he opened a Within the Empire, only these three
mint in the Imperial denominations exist. There is no such
capital and established a thing as a five or a 10 royal piece.
new CUITeIlcy standard. The econo- Royals are abbreviated with a lower
mies of every region within the Em- case "r," crowns with a lower case "C'
pire are now based upon this stan- and farthings with a lower case "f:'
dard. Decimals or fractions are never used.
The backbone of Imperial currency to express monetary amounts in the
is the gold royal. Royals are small coins Imperial system - an amount is al-
(about the size of a U.S. dime) minted ways written in full coins. A price of
from a 14K gold alloy. Stamped on the one and a half royals, for instance, is
face of each royal is an "Eye of Horus" written "lr, lOe" (or "one royal, 10
symbol. A gold royal is worth ap- crowns").
proximately 10 U.s. dollars or five
English pounds in Earth terms, or one
U.s. dollar and half an English pound
in Terran terms (the Terran economy The Economy and
is similar to the Earth economy of the
19305 and much less inflated than that the Locals
of present day Earth). In local slang, There are three basic economic
royals are known as "monarchs" or classes within the Empire. The upper
"eyes." class consists mostly of rich Egyptian
Each royal is divided into 20 smaller natives who were rewarded for aiding
units known as silver crowns. Crowns Mobius shortly after he arrived, re--
are larger than royals (about the size of tired Army officers, and all the Earth
a U.s. quarter) and minted from a natives who became minor league
silver alloy. Stamped on the face of Imperial officials. All Terran expatri-
each crown is Mobius' infinity sym- ates who came over with Mobius (not
bol. Thus, the locals often refer to sil- the Terran Expatriate Storm Knight
ver crowns as '1azy eights" or simply template) are automatically in the
"eights." _ upper class. And in addition, a few of
The smallest unit of Imperial cur- the thieves and mobsters ofCairo have
rency is the copper farthing. Five far- managed to steal enough money to
things make up a crown (1 00 farthings work their way to the top. Members of
to the royal) and each farthing is worth the upper class usually have annual
approximately 10 cents U.S. currency incomes ranging from 4,000r to
on Core Earth. Farthings are copper 125,()(X)r and make their money in
business or by drawing a government
Members ofthe middle class are the
. . .1--,
. mperial Currency common skilled laborers and mer-
chants. Doctors, architects, teachers,
1 royal =20 crowns =100 far- and small businessmen are all found
things = $10 (Core Earth, U.S.) here. Their incomes range from 1,SOOr
1 crown = 5 farthings = SOt t04,OOOr.
(Core Earth, U.S.) The lowest economic class consists
of unskilled laborers (farm hands,
factory workers) with incomes rang-

TORG: The Nile Empire

ing from BOOr to 1,5OOr. L = the item can be purchased in

Outside the economic system are
the thousands of slaves employed by
the Empire and sometimes sold by the
government to favored businessmen
any major city, but the purchaser must
first buy a government license at 20
percent of the item's cost. BUying a
license taKes about a month and re-
and land owners. Slaves are prisoners quires the purchaser to undergo a
who were captured in the borderwars complete background check. In addition to functioning
or dissidents convicted of serious P = the item is very strictly prohib- as a normal melee weapon,
crimes. They have no income at all. ited, but can be purchased. on the black the bullwhip has special uses.
Their masters provide them with ba- markets of Cairo. The penalties for 1. A bullwhip can be used
sic sustenance, and little else. bUying or owning these items is gen- to entangle a single opponent
Storm Knights who are citizens of erally greater than the penalty of "X" up to six feet away. U the en-
the Empire and not obvious fugitives items, ranging from one year's service tangle attempt earns a good
(say, a Dark Avenger that keepsa secret as an indentured servant, to a year's success or better, the oppo-
"unmasked" identity as a merchant) service as an experimental subject at a nent is entangled in the whip
should be placed in one these eco- weird science center, to being mum- and must generate a Strength
nomic classes and given an annual mified while alive. total of 12 to escape. An en-
income by the gamemaster. Charac- VR = the item is very rare, though tangle attempt does full nor-
ters who fail to live up to the Obliga- there is a chance that a specialized mal damage on the round it
tions of their "day jobs" because they criminal in Cairo could procure it for a strikes.
are spending so much time adventur- very high cost. Example: Slim attempts to
ing will begin to attract a lot of suspi- entangle the evil Professor
cion and may soon become fugitives. Fear with his bullwhip. The
At the beginning of each month,
every citizen of the Empire (slaves are Adventuring Gear Professor'smeleeUJeQponsvalue
is 9, Slim's meleeUJeQpcms value
not citizens) pays a tax of20 percent of
Unless noted, all adventuring gear is 11. Slim rolls a 14 for a total
the money heorsheeamed during the
in the Nile Empire has a Te<:h level of of 12 - a good success. Slim
last month. Taxes are paid even on
2l. resolves his damage as per a
salaries received from the government.
Backpack: Holds 20 pounds with a normal attack and the Profes-
Citizens who miss their tax payments
capacity of two cubic feet. Cost: lOr. sor is now entangled in the
are criminals and suffer serious penal-
Availability: C. whip. To break the entangle-
Binoculars: Has a mega-sight value ment, the Professor must gen-
of 13. Cost: 3Or. Availability: B erate a Strength total of 12.
Blanket: Cost: Sr. Availability: A. 2. A bullwhip can be used
Purchasing Goods Tech level 9. to disarm a single opponent
Camera: Somewhat unreliable, up to six feet away. Such an
and Services usable only in very good light without attempt requiresa good result
a bulky flash attachment. Cost: 2Or. orbetter forsuceess. Attempts
Within the Empire, severe restric- Availability: C. Film costs 3r.
tions have been placed upon the to disarm do notcausenonnal
Crowbar. Gives its user a +2 to damage.
ownership and sale of certain items. Strength value for prying objects loose.
Along with the cost of each item or 3. A melee weapons total of
Cost: 4r. Availability: C. Tech level 19. 12 (difficult task) will allow a
service described in this section is an Duffel Bag: Holds 25 pounds with
availability code describing how easy character armed with a bull-
a capacity of three cubic feet. Cost: Sr. whip to use the whip to swing
it is to purchase the item or service in Availability: A. Tech level 18.
question. The availability codes are over an appropriately-sized
Flashlight: Range of 65 feet. Cost: pit or chasm 00 to 12 feet
summarized below: 4r. Availability: C.
A = the item can be purchased across), assuming there is a
Gas Mask: Gives user a Toughness suitable item or projection over
almost anywhere that has a market, a of 15 against gas attacks. Cost: 16r.
general store, any place where goods Availability: X.
are sold. Geiger Counter. Detects radioac-
C = the item can be purchased. only tive emissions at a distance of 15 feet. clothes, insect repellant, mosquito net
in large cities. Cost: 9Or. Availability: L. shelter. Cost: 3Or. Availability: C (only
X = the item is illegal, but can be Handcuffs: Toughness of 15. Diffi· cities near the jungle). Gives a +1 to
purchased. on the streets in most large culty Number of 10 against lockpicking survival total in the jungle.
cities. Penalties for purchase and attempts (2:1 shot). Cost: 6r. Availabil- Lantern: Illuminates a 30 foot ra-
ownership range from moderate fines ity, C. dius. Oil bums for two hours. Cost: 5r.
to three years service as an indentured Holster. Cost: 3r. Availability: X. Availability: A. Oil costs 5c.

servant. Jungle Gear: Pith helmet, jungle Lighter. Cost: IOc. Availability: A.

112 --
Chapter Thirteen

me ivilian Weapons
DolDUIge Il&nge (meters)
Tech Value Ammo Short M'" Long Av&iL Prict' (value)

~ ........

Colt.45 long
20 -,2 -. 3'10 -'5 25 A

.31 (II,

.455 Webley
15 '"
4() L I5r (1t)
7.63 Mauser 20 I' 8 3-10 15 4() L ISr (It)
9uun Browning 21 15 13 3-10 2S 60 X 25r (I2)
9mm LUS"! 20 15 8 3-10 2S 4() L 20< (12)
9uun ..'" 21 15 8 3-10 2S 60 A 25r (12)

OolDUlge lUnge (meters)

Tech V.uue Ammo 5hort M'"Long Avail. Price (value)
7.w"KAR 20 19 Hl" 400 "Ik' -p '~{lSl
I Gun
.3O-<l6 Springfield
15k .
L 200.-(t7}

Tech O..m..gel
Max. V..lue Anil. Price (v..lue)
Melee WUpoRS
_... Kn\I9cJes
-~ Sr (9)
'Or CIO'
Pocketknife 15 +2/16 C Jr (8)
Hunting Knife 18 +3/19 C 12r (I l)
.3 7 C lOr ,'U)
'.~ "
l:a (11\
40r (13)
15r (11)
~. 16 +5/20 L
6i 191
whi 9 +2/18 C

Max. V..lue Anil. Price (value)
Mi..Ue We.. ponl
Hunting Bow
Heavy Crossbow
:a (7)
30r (13)
25r (12)
Lockpiclring Tools; Necessary for (weight: 25lbs). Cost: 2Or. Availabil-
lockpickirlg attempts as described in ity,C
Civilian Weapons
T"'lIRu_,pageSO.Cost5•. AvaiIa- Tool Kit Hammer, wrench, pliers, A wide variety of firearms and
bilil}r.C screwdrivers, saw. Cost: 25r. Availa- melee weapons have been imported.
Rope: Cost: Ir per 40 feet. Availa- bility, A. from the Tenan rosm and added. to
bilil}r. A. Uniform: Imperial military uni- the supply of antique Earth weapons
Shovel: Cost: 4r. Availability: A. forms can be bought on the black the locals were able to acquire. Egyp-
Telescope: Has mega-sight value of market in Cairo. Cost: SOr. Availabil- tian manufacturers have radically
20. Cost: 3Or. Availability: B. ity, P. increased production, although none
Tent (1 man): Cost: 7r, Availability: Watch: Cost: Sr. Availability: C. admit to the great increases, as most
A. Can easily be carried. on the back of Wire Cutters: Cost: 7r. Availability: weapons are illegal. A few weU-con-
a single individual (weight: Sibs). C nected. manufacturers openly produce
Tent (3 man): portable, but heavy

., --------------"""""":'::--'.
-- 113
TORG: The NUt' Empire

Camel Horse There are many different types of
vintage automobiles operating in and
DIDO MIN 6 around the Empire. Some are leftover
STR 13 CHA3 Earth antiques, some were imported
mUll SPl3 from Terra. The Allenton Roadster is a
PER 5 PER 6 representative of Terran cars. A~tc:
mobiles area carefullycontrolled pnVl-
Possibility Potential Possibility Potential lege within the Emp~. Very few citi-
Some (55) Some (35) zens can afford to own them. Gasoline
Inclination Indination costs 1r per tank full (enough to travel
Good. (80 percent)/Evil Good (90 pen:ent)/Evil about 80 miles) and isavailableonly in
20 percent) (to percent) large cities and only to licensed auto-
Natural Tools Natural Tools mobile owners.
Bite - damage value 14 Hooves - damage value 15 Aircraft are still a novelty in the
Hooves - damage value 15 Nile Empire. Citizens jaded to thesight
Skills of 747s are, once transformed, amazed
Skills Dodge 10 at the sight of bi-planes. Aviatio.n. and
Running 8 Running 11
Unarmed Combat 8 aviators are glamorous. The nulitary
Unarmed. Combat 10 has a number of single-winged air-
Survival (self only) 13 Willpower 8
Willpower 13 craft in its inventory, but commercial
Cost: lSOr aircraft lag behind. The Fokker-Ram-
Cost: 250r Availability: A (at cost of 200r ses (from the Terran Fokker, not Core
Availability: A (at cost of 400r per horse), B (at normal Earth) is the workhouse, able to carry
per camel), C (at normal cost of lSOr). up to six passengers, and isoften rigged
cost of 250r) with pontoons for landings in the Nile
or remote jungle lakes.
On Terra and in the Empire, air-
complete set. Availability: A. ships (zeppelins, "blimps") are used
arms, most of which end up in the Liquor: Cost: 7r per bottle for legal like the commercial airliners of today.
armories of gangsters sensible enough liquor, lr for bootleg liquor. All liquor The typical airship can luxuriously
to make large, regular contributions to but that specially "blessed" by priests
the Overgovernor in their area. The accommodate up to 35 passengers, or
is illegal in the Empire for "religious be reconfigured to hold 80 in less
only people entitled to own civilian reasons."
arms (other than those which must be comfort. The DIG dirigible is the most
Phonograph: Cost: lSr. Availabil- common in the Nile Empire.
licensed) are law enforcement agents ity: B. Remember that this is before the
and Imperial officials. Horses and camels are commonly
days of high fidelity. used as a means of transportation
PhonographRecords:Cost:2reach. within the Empire. Whileitmaynotbe
Availability: B. Most of the available true of all realms, there are definitely
Clothing recordings feature Egyptian folk possibility-rated. mounts in the pulp
music. Recordings of famous Earth reality of the Nile.
Daily Wear: Cost: 6r per suit or recording stars of the '205 and '305
dress. Availability: A. Fashion within (Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington,
the Empire is a strange mixture of the Cole Porter) are available on the black
American fashionsofthe'205 and '30s,
and typical Arabic dress; the retail
market ofCairo for three times normaI Housing and
price. Such recordings are illegal,
chain Mersekha-Semempses has its
own fashion line which has proven
though possessing them is a relatively Buildings
minor offense.
quite popular. Pulp Magazine: Cost: Ie. Availa- ApartmentlTenement Housing:
Finery: Cost: 20r to SOr depending bility: A. After theaxiom wash changed Cost: IOrt02oorpermonth. Tenroyals
upon quality. Availability: e. The the tastes of the local populace, several gets you a single unfurnished. room.
hottest styles are from Bajij Farouk, pulps sprang up and began publish- Two hundred royals buys a vast fur-
Terran designer Kerte. Overgovernor ing out of Cairo, Thebes, and Khar- nished suite.
Natatiri's personal fashions have toum. Furniture: Costs range from 20r to
spawned dozens of imitators. Typewriter: Cost: lSr. Availability: lOOr per room, depending upon qual-
Work Clothing: Cost: 3r per suit. B. ity. Availability: A for furniture cost-
Food: Cost: lr per person per day. Writing Implements: A handful of ing 40r and less, C for 40 to lOOr.
Availability: A. pens or pencils and 200 sheets of pa- Hotel Accommodations: Cost: lOe
Kitchen Utensils: Cost: Sr for a per. Cost: Ir. Availability: A. to 25r per night depending upon qual-

, .. 114
ing at least 501'. The price increases as
the system v~ue increases; a system
T ransportation
value of 15+ costs from 60r to 400r, a
system value of 20+ costs from 600r to
4,OClOr, a system value of 25+ co.sts
Speed Price from6,OOOrto40,000r. A system which
kmhImphlvalue TOU P.... Avail (Value) is using weird science or powers rather
Allenton than normal technology costs six to 10
Roadster 150/100/13 15 4 L 1200r (21) times as much as normal systems.
Fokker Ramses 200/120/14 14 4 L 3000r (23) AU of the materials for boosters
OK! Dirigible 100/60/12 26 35 P 80.000(27) cost as much per booster as the system
they are boosting. If a system costs
2,S00r, a booster for that system costs
ity (seedy Cairo flop house up to fine again in the Empire. Two or three new 2.500r.
Theban hotel). filmsaremade within the Empireeach Compensators for boosters cost the
Houses: Cost: 800r to SO,OCM>r (aver- year. same as the boosters for which they
ageof 1200r). Quality ranges from one are compensating.
bedroom pre-lab all the way up to Possibility CilPilc:Hors cost SOOr
opulent mansions. The Imperial gov- each. Agents for the Nile Empire dill·
ernment finances all housing pur- Components and gently search for persons who buy
chases. Tosecurea mortgage, one must possibility capacitors, capturing them
place a 10 percent down payment and
Gizmos or eliminating them.
agree to a five percent interest rate. Power plomts vary greiltly; off·the-
Mobius strictly controls the availa- rack batteries or generators can be
Land: Cost: tOOr per acre. Techni- bility of scientifi.c equipme~t and
cally, the Pharaoh owns all the land in purchased for as little as lOr, but they
components within the Empire. An only power small systems (value of 8
the Empire, though the government accomplished weird scientist, he is well
frequently sells land back ~o favored or less); larger power plants (enough
aware of the danger posed by other for system values of 13 or less) can be
citizens. The above figure IS only an scientists. All of the items below have
average price. The true rate depends purchased for lOOT. If larger power
an availability code of P. plants are needed, they cost as much
upon the loyalty and favor of the Housing of most gizmos is another
purchaser. as the largest system for which the
piece of equipment, s";lch as ~n ~uto­ supply power.
Office/Business: Cost: l000r to mobile or metal sheeting. Buildmg a
10.o<lO>". Again. the Pharaoh legally CilPS are comparatively ~heap,
small housing (hand·held item for ranging firm 5c for small gtzm05
owns all businesses within the Em- example) requires 3r of materials.
pire. though &equenUysells businesses (system value 10 or less>.to 500r for t?e
Systems require components cost- largest gizmo Dr. Mobius ever built.
back to favored citizens, who then
function like capitalists.

Concert: Cost: sr, Availability: C.
Doctor. Cost: Sr per visit. Availabil-
ity: C. IJrcx:tors are required by law to
file a complete report on every patient
they treat with the local governor.
Doctors who ignore or falsify such
reports cost 20r and have an availabil·
ityof X. . ..
Haircut: Cost: 5c. Avatlabillty: A.
Meal (Restaurant): Cost: 5c to lOr
depending upon quality. Availability:
A for meals costing up to 2r. C for
meals costing up to lOr.
Movie: Cost: 2c. Availability: C.
After the axiom wash changed the
tastes of the locals, the "oldies" of the
'205 and '305 have become popular

II: ------------------:lU155·-·
lORG: The Nile Empm

Systems with values less than 25 gen- Characters wearing battlesuits suf- turret). A man firing the cupola mach·
erally require caps which cost 5r. fer drawbacks. The wearer has a -1 inegun can be targeted by outside fir-
Adaptors cost 10 percent as much bonus modifier to Dexterity and all ers, but is considered in hard cover
as the largest system value to which lJ<xterity-based skills. Second, rocket (+15 armor value) and medium con-
they are connected. ranger battlesuitsare notorious for heat cealment (·5action value to hit) due to
Subcomponents cost 5 percent as build up;anyfatigueresultsd03 points the protection of the cupola. Each
much as the system component they of shock damage. Aperhen carries fow tubes of chemi·
comprise. cal smoke, each of which acts as a fog
sctt'm 15.
Aperehens are expensive to pro-
Military duce and Mobiusdoes not have access
Rocket Ranger Equipment to very many of them. The few that
existarealways found in special heavy
Battlesuit armor units composed. entirely of
The battlesuit has the following heavy tanks.
abilities: STR 14, TOU 19, flight 11, Ground Vehicles The Mk 13-Khepera is the work-
mega·sight 12, armor value +7, maxi- horse of Mobius' armored forces. It
mum armor value 23. The MKI Aperehen ("equipped features a 75mm main gun and two
The battlesuit confers its Strength with lightning") is the most powerful 30mm Khaifus in turret top and coax-
and Toughness directly upon the conventional ground vehicle in Mer ial mounts.
wearer. Anyone firing at a target bios' arsenal. Its main armament is a When the first Egyptian factories
wearing a battlesuit must decide 122mm gun capable of firing both HE were set up to produce the Khepera
whether he or she is targeting the (high explosive) and AP (armor pierc- shortly after Mobius invaded. Earth, a
character or the suit itself. Shots tar- ing) ammunition. The damage values flaw was accid~tally built into the
geting the character are resolved nor- are the same, but AP ammunition has suspension system for a time. Approxi-
mally. Shots targeting the suit receive a blast radius of 0 and +3 damage mately 20 percent of the Kheperas now
a -3bonus modifieron the action value, value modifier against armored tar- serving with the Imperial armor units
but damage the suit instead of the gets it hits. Also mounted on the tank suffer from this flaw. Flawed tanks
character inside. Oncethe suit has been are two .30 Khaifu machineguns in break down and are immobilized any
"'KO'd" or "mortally wounded" it bow and coaxial positions, and a .65 time anyone inside the tank rolls a
becomes worthlessand freezesup.1be caliber Rayof Ra machinegun (a prod- natural 1 while performing any ac-
character inside cannot move until he uct of weird sciena), mounted in a tion. Flawed tanks are also incapable
special cupola on the turret top (360 of exceeding the Khepera's speed of

or she gets out of the suit, which re-
quires a scienu total of 10. degree field of fire independent of the 11.

116 --
Chapter Thirteen

M i1itary Equipment Chart

DAIIL1ge Range (mden)
Weapon TKh Value Ammo Short Mod Long Avail Price (value)
7.92KAJt 20 19 4 40lJ Iii P '15rO
KOll 21 15 8 :;-10 25 60 L 25< (12)
Machinegu.n 21 22 5 3-100 600 1k P 400r (18)

550n11a 21 26 8 3-250 IK 2k P 5150«19)

.65 Y 21 250 ;500,12
anti-tankm 21 27 1 100-600 lk 2.5k P 15,000, (26)

1 40lHk



howitzer (A) 21 33 1 25k P 60,000, (29)
75mmtankm 21 28 1 2.5k P 25,000, (27)
22mm ...... 1 4k

40 710 :lO 4
1 1
MC2Sen;e,u 100 60 2 26 3
Xh311 AaIta 60/40 11 25 12
150/100113 15 4
PMl Paut 380 1
CuBS Herusent 400/250/15 18 2
I 'l

The Me 2 Serseru is used as a fast one third have an 81mm mortar. A Troop trucks are simply heavy
exploration and reconnaissance ve- passenger orcrewman can betargeted trucks used for transporting troops
hicle. Its eight wheel suspension sys- while firing the machinegun ot mor- and equipment.
tem has been designed for speed and tar, but he is considered in medium
balance. Most of the Serserus serving cover and partial concealment. The
in Mobius' war machine have been Aaka is open-topped, allowing its pas- Air Vehicles
equipped with long-range radio gear, sengers to fire from the vehicle. Any
making them ideal command and passenger who fires can be targeted The PMl-Pak.t ("flying dogge"')
control vehicles. The Serseru is typi- by outside firers, though he is in par- is the workhorse of the Imperial air
cally found in recon platoons attached tial concealment and medium cover. fleet. A single engine mono-plane, it is
to a wide variety upper echelon for- Fire from a higher elevation can target used as a support fighter, night fighter,
mations. About two thirds are armed any passenger or crewman inside the and reconnaissance flyer. Pakets are
with 30mm Kocha machineguns, the Aaka and is not subject to the cover organized in squadrons and attached
other third is unarmed. and concealment penalties. to air wings and ground units.
Xfz 311-Aaka is a reliable armored The senehem (or "grasshopper") is The Cu88-Herusent ("terror
halItrad< troop rransport. Three <hird an open-topped car capable of trav- hawk"') is a small, but effective ground
sport a 30mm Kocha machinegun in ersing almost any terrain. It is the support plane. It attacks with fow
an armored nest on top of the deck. Imperial equivalent of the Earth jeep. wing-mounted .55 caliber onslaught

TORe: The Nile Em~

The K08 is the standard sidearm of

the Imperial armed forces. It is a simple
T S !rating
9mm automatic, similar to many of
the pistols native to Earth. Every sol-
dier in the Imperial army carries a
When an aircraft uses its ma- is the favored. weapon of many
chineguns against ground tar- Imperial officers and commanders.
gets, it is known as a strafing Shocktrooper Gear. In addition to
attack. Strafing attacks automati- the KK81 and the KOS, each Imperial
cally suffer a -3 to hit modifier shocktrooper is issued a bayonet/
(damage is unaffected) due to knife, two hand grenades, and a field
the difficulty of hitting ground belt holding the following gear: water
troops, canteen, three clips extra ammunition,
one day's rations, a mini-survival kit
(talcum. powder, adhesive bandages,
matches, a compass, and a wire saw),
The MBll-Nekata is a heavy
and 30 feet of cord. Shocktroopers
bomber similar to the American B-29s going out into the field are issued
used during World War D.1t carries a special long range gearconsisting of: a
very impressive explosive payload (60 sleeping pouch, a pup tent, extra
HE bombs, damage value 35, burst
week's rations. Standard shocktrooper
radius of an HE shell) and is armed
gear (excluding the grenades) has an
with four .55 Onslaught machineguns availability code ofC and a cost of 15r.
(each fired by anindividualcrewmem- Adding the tent, sleeping pouch, and
ber) to defend against aerial attack. extra rations adds another 15r to the
The machineguns' fields of fire over- price. Grenades are illegal (X), and
lap in a way that enables one or more cost 5r each.
of them to be brought to bear on an Bulletproof Vests: The bulletproof
aircraft in any position relative to the vests available on Terra and in the
MEll. MBlls are extremely expen- Nileare those listed on page 1330fTht
sive. Mobius has access to very few of Torg Rukbook (+6/max value 22, -1
them. bonusmodifiertoallDaterityactions).
Bulletproof vests are extremely rare
(VR), TheyrosllOOnndareillegaJOO,
Soldier's Small Arms
and Equipment
The KKS1 semi-automatic rifle is
the Imperial soldier's standard. issue
machineguns,andasmallcomplement weapon. It was designed and built by
of bombs (damage value 25, burst Doctor Mobius himself and· enjoys
radius as grenades). Thecockpit of the several advantages over the rines
Herusent provides a spot for a gunner, commonly available on Earth dUring
who mans a rear-mounted .30 caliber the 19305 and 1940s, such as the 24-
Khaifu machinegun (this gun can only round magazine.
fire to the rear of the aircraft). The
engine baffles of the Herusent make a
horrifying "screaming" sound as the
planemakesan attack dive, which can
demoralize the enemy. The first time
a group of Herusents attacks, it re-
ceives a free intimidation action at a
value of 12 on each character being
attacked. If the planes makes any fur-
ther attacks during the battle, they
receive no bonus.

•• 118
~ Amazon P1ayerNarne: 1 ~ Dark P1aye:rName:
. ." I ". Avenger
~ I ~
Characte, Home Possibilities I Oluaeter Home Pouibilitift
Name Cosm Nile (tnmsformedl I Name Cosm Terran Expatriate 10
Age Wound Level Shock D~age Magic Socal 8 I Age Wound Lenl Shock Damage M,gic Social
Wound 12 20 Wound 12 20
Height Hvy Wound I Height Hvy Wound
Motu! Spiritual Tech Mortal SpirituaJ Tech
Wl!'ighl I"\oowI K 0 17 21 ! Weight DeiId K 0 17 21

Reali SPI Reali SPI

Acrobatia DEX Dod I!' DID:
Beut • • DEX rl1'e Combat DEX
Dod DEX Lock Pickin DEX
'um DEX Lon Jum DEX
Me1eeWea 3 DEX 14 Maneuver DEX
Missile Wea DEX Melee Wea DEX
Stealth VEX Stealth· 3 DEX I 12
5 DEX Unarmed Combat DEX
Unarmed Combat DE}( ise PER
Oimbin SI'R Evidence Anal PER
rll'9t Aid PER FIrst Aid PER
T PER Scho1ar PER
Trick PER Trac . PER
Sutvival MIN H nosis MIN
Charm rnA ~ MIN
Persuasion OJA Survival MIN
T.unl CHA Tt'S! MIN
Faith SPI Pen;uasion CHA
Intimidation SPI e:..-......, ~ Intimidation· 3 SPI

_ _ _ __ _ In!i!'lidate

and Helm +5 15 9

.. ~
BIeMed Spear +4
5 3-5 2S 40
I CoIt.45Auto 16 20 3-10 ]5 40 ~
aimt .

0;" 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46 0;. 3 5 7 9 1 1 13 21~31~4146

Ronlt2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 45 ~ +S RoD I , 4 6 8 10 12 141516171819~~~~~45~+5
8<must I-u -10 -8 -5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 " 5 6 7 8 , 10 11 12 13 +1 IXmust -12 -10 - 8 · 5 · 2 · 1 0 1 2 3 " 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
~ ~Amazon
Player Name: P18yer Name:

Avenger ~

Cosm: Terran Expatriate. Cosm: Nile (transformed).

Indination: Good. Inclination: Good.
Background: You were out mind- Background: You were a young
ingyourown business one night, when Egyptian student in Alexandria when
a group of bank robbers accidentally Mobius came over the maelstrom
shot the only person you ever loved. bridge. Many, perhaps all, of your
You later tracked down the robbers, friends were wiped out during the
every last oneal them, and made them invasion, but you escaped into the
pay. But your life just hasn't been the desert, where you wandered hungry
same since, nor will it ever be again. and ill for days. Just as you were about
You'vededicated your existence to the to give up hope, you were found and
war against crime, and created the rescued by Hippolyta Kosmos and the
costume identity of (fill in your own women she was taking to Hespera to
flashy name) to strike fear into the rekindle the flame of the Amazons.
heartoftheunderworld. Yourstruggle On Hespera, you and your sisters
has become a moody obsession that developed amazing powers. The
you will carry for the rest of your life. strange reality that accompanied
U you chose to begin with pulp Mobius' invasion has made aU of the
powers, you learned them from a group ancient Earth legends true. As long as
of mysterious monks in Tibet, where the great Noble Flame bums, you are
you had traveled in search of tech- stronger than any normal man.
niques that would make you a better Hippolyta and your sisters have
crime fighter. isolated Hespera. They hope to avoid
One night, you took down a gang- attracting Mobius' attention and plan
ster known as the Hood who held a to live the rest of their lives in peaceful
clue that eventually put you on the neutrality. But this course of action
Equipment: dark suit, wide Quote: "Even in war there is time
trail of the missing Dr. Mobius. You was not for you. You kept thinking
brimmed hat, cape, mask of some enough to appreciate the beauty of
were startled 10 find out that Mobius about your homeland and yourfriends.
sort, two Colt .45 automatic pistols the sun and wind."
was not dead, but out ravaging alien One night, you built a raft and sailed
worlds for his own personal benefit. (damage value 16), 20 gold royals. Skill Notes: You have two super
back to Egypt, where you will use your
You readily agreed to join one of the Quote: '1've got aU night to find abilities against Mobius. Qttributes for an adventure cost of 6.
expeditions of heroes bound for Earth out where Mobius intends to move The first ralses your DEX by 2 and
Personality. You are cautious and your SfR by 1. The second raises
to stop him. those troops, and I haven't even
peace-loving. But you are not afraid to yourSfRby3. You have two setback
Personality. Dark and moody. You touched your teeth yet." fight, and you handle yourself rather
Skill Notes: Choose either stealth power flaws, each worth six Possi-
cannot stand injustice of any type and well in physical confrontations. bilities, which apply to your super
you abhor all crime. Your version of or intimidation as your tag skill, not Equipment: robe, blessed spear
justice is rather final. More than one both. You can also select one of the
attriblltes. Whenevera man (orother
(STR+4/damage value 19), blessed male folk) taunts or tricks you and
villain has met his end looking down following powers: darkness, lear, or sword (STR+6/damage value 21),
the barrels of your pistols. log scrt:t:n, lowering your starting gets a setback, you lose a BliP" at-
Possibilities by one. bronze breastplate and helmet (+5/ tributt:(yourchoice). You regain your
armor value 15, 4 points shock on fa· power at the end of the scene, or
tigue). when you defeat the man in combat.
Egyptian Player Name:

0ifMl- Priestess
Player Name:

Oar.tcttr Home Pouibilitir$ Chu.cter Home P05Sibilities

Name Cosm Temm Expatriate N~. COIm Terran Expatriate
10 10
Ag. Wound Level Shock Damlg~ I Magic Social Age Wound Level Shock Dunage I Magic Social
W"'"'" 12 20 w"'"'" 12 20

o..d K o

Hvy Wound

DI'ad K o

.... '
Beast RidinJ
Fire Combat DEX jill"
Melee We.. DEX PER
Unarmed Combat DEX PER
Egyptian Reli 3 PER 13 PER
First Aid PER PER
tfieroglyPhics PER PER
Language PER PER
Survival MIN 3 MIN 17
Persuasion CHA MIN
Intimidation SPI Persuasion CHA
Faith SPI

Trick Trid<
Te' Te.
Taunt a..n.~ Taunt
Intimidate Silirit Intimidate
12 I 8
WeipoM WelPOns Swinunin
Sword +6 IS 9 jumping JumpinJ!
Liftin· -Climbin

[);. 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 ~ [);. 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
Roil I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ ~ 30 35 40 ~ .5 Roll I 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO +5
Bonus. -12 -10 -8 -S -2 ·1 0 1 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 .1 Bonus. I·u ·10 ~ ~ ~ 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 • 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Cosm: Terran Expatriate.
Inclination: Good.
Engineer Player Name:
=~ Priestess
Cosm: Terran Expatriate.
Pbiyer Name:

Inclination: Good.
Background: You were a member Background: Yourgrand1atherwas
of the cult of Khem, the ancient Egyp- one of the high priests of Khem who
tian civilization that resurrected Mo- awakened Mobiusfrom histhree-thou-
bius on Terra. You were just a boy sand year sleep. By the time Mobius
when Mobius was revivified, though returned to Khem after his world trip,
you still remember the day it ha~ your father was in the priesthood and
pened. Vou also remember the day you were a child. When Mobius came
that Mobius returned to Khem after looking for followers to join the anny
his trip into the world, promising your he was going to lead off Terra and out
people glory and riches. By this time, into the cosmverse in search of con-
you had mastered the ancient art of quest. your father was one of the last
engineering. men to join him. Just before he joined,
Initially, you were reluctant to leave your father asked the gods for a sign,
Terra to join up with Mobius. But as indicating whether or not he should
more and moreo( your people became trust Mobius. The sign. of course, was
caught up in the promise of power, favorable.
perhaps enough power to restore the Eventually, you yourself entered the
ancient Egyptian empire, you S)JC~ ranks of the priesthood and took over
cumbed. Over the intervening years, your father's old position after he
you've bounced from rosm to cosm, passed away. This was during the
serving as one of Mobius' builders. Ninth Empire. Just after Mobius estab-
You'veseen all nine incarnations of his lished the Tenth Empire on Earth, you
Emp;"'. uncovered somestartling information:
One thing you haven't seen, how- Ahkemeses, the current High Priest of
ever, is any of Mobius' promises come lowing Mobius for as long as youdid, Personality. Brave and stoic. You
espedallysinceyoudidn'treallytrust the Empire and a long-time staunch
true. Two Empires ago, you realized supporter of Mobius, faked the omen arerenowned for yow rationality and
that Mobius wasn't reaUy interested in him from the beginning. You are ability to think dearly in hectic situ-
determined to make amends. which induced your father to join
you or your people - he was only Mobius all those years ago. You then ations. You despise Ahkemeses for
interested in his own twisted dreams. Equipment: Imperial uniform, repeated yow father's request and the his treachery and one day hope to
And now you stand on what Mobius short sword (STR+4/damage value gods sent you a very different omen - gain your revenge.
believes to be the most possibility rich 12), engineer's tools, magic book. 300 an omen which prompted you to flee Quote: "May Osiris find a special
planet in any cosm - a world much gold royals. from Mobius' servitud~ and begin resting place for your soul,
like your own. You've seen enough Quote: "Before I die, I shall build working against him. Ahkemeses!H
death and destnJction at the hands of one last masterpiece - Dr. Mobius' Skill Notes: Your tag skill is Egyp-
this madman. You refuse to stand by Equipment: priestly robes, sword
mausoleum!" (+6/damage value 15), holy scrolls. tum ~ligion.
and watch any more. Skill Notes: Your tag skill is tngi- religiOUS symbols, and 20 gold royals.
Personality: Old and wise. You are naring.
deeply ashamed of yourself for fol-
~ Mathematician Play« Name::
Lord ~

O\arae:ter Home POMibilltln Ch.ndu Home P_lbllJlln

N_. c..m NUe (tnnsformed) N_. C~m Terran Expatriate
A.. Wound Level
Shock O.maSe Magic: Sod..1
A•• Wound Level Shock Damage Magi<: Sod., 10
12 20 W~'" 12 20
Helsh t

...... K 0


K 0
""'" """

DEJ( Melee Wea DEJ(

,= DEJ( Aheration fb . PER
MAneuYel' 3 DEJ( Divinlltion Ma . PER
_WM DEJ( Evidrncr Anal PER
Millile We.
• 3
PER I 16
Swlmmln DEX Scholar PER
Unarmed Combat DEJ( T",. PER
SIll Con' ration Ma MIN
SIll M«l.idne MIN
FInOAld PER Survival MIN
Trid< PER T... MIN
Survival MIN Weird Scienot MIN

F.ith SPI
I I!

15 5 ~ ~ ~
&t*' rW""'l Ii I ~ ,
o.ggt'l'.-3 ~~[]=,
J 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46 Di. I 3 5 7 9 II 13 212631~.1%

2 "
4240 ~ ~
6 8
10 12 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20
4 0 1 2 J .. 5 6 7
25 JO 35 40 .5 SO +S
8 9 101112 U ~
bust '-u
1 2 "
-10 ...
10 12 J4
·1 0 1

2 3 " 5 6 7 8 , to 11 12 13 ...1
Player Name:
~ Mathematician Player Name:

Cosm: Terran Expatriate.
, ,. _Lord
Cosm: Nile (transformed).
Inclination: Good. Inclination: Good.
Background: You were justa young Background: Your parents were
apprentice on the island ofKhem when anthropologists. You were in theEthio--
Dr. Mobius returned after his trip into pian jungle with them at the time that
the world. Yow people had revivified Mobius and his minions crossed over
Mobius from a three thousand year the maelstrom bridge into Egypt.
sleep yearsbefore that, beforeyou were Mobiusand his men attacked Ethiopia
born. When Mobius returned, he did before yow parents were even aware
not come alone. He came with dreams of his existence. One day, 200 armed
of conquest and empire, and promises men showed up outside yow camp
of a return to the andent glory. Your and started pushing around yow fa·
master was one of the many residents ther. There was something about his
of Khem who chose to follow Mobius work that attracted them, though you
off Terra and into the cosmverse. have no idea what it was. When yow
Overtheyears,youhavebeengrow· father refused to cooperate, both he
ing disillusioned with Mobius and his and yow mother were horribly killed!
dreams. So far, you've seen noneofthe Fortunately, Mobius' men never saw
glory of which he spoke - just death you. But unfortunately, you were
and pain for billions of innocents. Es- trapped. alone in the jungle with no
tablishing the Empire on the Earth, a food or supplies and little hope of
planet so similar to yow homeworld, survival.
was the last straw: you simply couldn't That's when you met Ooorook, the
stand to sit idly by any longer. You great gorilla. She and her hibernates
turned rogue and fled. The very least came across you in the jungle and
youcandotoatoneforyowpastcrimes decided to make you oneoftheirown,
Personality: You are old, percep- Personality: You are a fierce and
is to help the beleaguered residents of bringing you food and water and lead-
Earth drive Mobius away.
tive, and fiercely dedicated to yow proud warrior. The axiom wash and
art. You are a very practical man and ing you to shelter at night. After a
while, you learned how to survive on yow new abilities have somehow
Equipment: robes, dagger (STR+3, you've seen Mobius' war machine in changed you. You remember little of
damage value 11), magic books, 120 action, so you can't help but feel that yow own, and have since found that
you have an amazing ability to com· the outside world and have difficul·
gold royals. the Earthers' struggle is futile. ties interacting with outsiders..
Quote: '1 will die fighting Mobius municate with the animals of the
Skill Notes: Yowtagskill ismathe- jungle. Now that survival is no longer Quote: "At last we are in the jungle.
because I must. It is the price I must maties. Now we play by my rules!"
pay for my crimes. But you are under a problem, it's time to go after Mobius
no such obligation. It is not too late to and his minions. Skill Notes: You have the animal
save yourself." Equipment: loincloth, knife friend power, with an adventure cost
(STR+3/damage value 14), spear of 3.
(STR+4/damage value 15).
Mystery P1ayerN~
Old P1aye- Name:
Man Professor
OarKt~ Home POlNlbllili" Chuacter Home PONlbllltln
Nlme CCMm Tman EJcpatriate. 10 Name COlin Nile (transformed) 10
Age Wound Level Shock Dlmage Social Age Wound Level Shock Damage Sod.1
Wwnd 20 Wound 20
Helsh! Hvy Wound
M...., Spiritual T~h
Height Hvy Wound
M<NW Spiritual T~h
Welsht J:>Md K o 17 21 Welshl DMd K o 17 21

Dod. .
Fire Comblol DBX FlreCombal DEl<
l.o<k I'Id DBX D£)(
MdetWH D£)( I.od< "'"
Prestidigitation DEX

Unarmed Comblol
FIlIt Aid
0I!gu'" 3 PER 13 Langwo; P£ii
Evklence Analysis PEii xholu PER
FlntAki PER Trick PER
T~1d PER Artd< MiN
T"'k PER Hrp MiN
.!:'n'!"!' MIN Mfdil:iM MIN
Meditation MIN
Cho~ CHA """'"
T8' MiN
. . 0-
Weird Science


WeaPOftt WUP'O'"
K08 PiItol 15 I 21 13-10 I 2S 60 om

Roli 1 2
9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
10 12 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 3S 40 4S SO +S
I 3 5 7 9 11 13 212631~.146
1 2 .. 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 1819~2530~404SSO~
~·10'" -5 ~ -] 0 1 2 J .. 5 6 7 8 9 10111.213.1 Bonus. 1-12 -10 ... -5 ·2 ·1 0 1 2 3 .. 5 fi 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Bon.. '
P1ayerN.~ Player Name:

Cosm; Nile (transformed),
Cosm: Terran Expatriate.
Inclination: Good. inclination: Good.
Bac.kground: All your life, you've Background: On Terra you were
been fascinated by science. After you rich -very rich. But being rich isn't all
earned the first of your PhDs, how· it's cracked up to be. It's just too bor-
ever, you decided that you would ing. You tried several strategies toalIe-
spend your life teaching and working viate thisboredom: you spent two years
on lifesdence research, no matter how traveling around the world (if you are
much money they were offering you beginning with natural powers, you
to build bombs for the government. picked them up from a lost tribe of
When Mobius arrived on Earth, you South American Indians on this voy-
were out pleasure boating on the age), you became a writer, you tried
Mediterranean with some friends and working for various charities, but
colleagues. One of the powerful "real- nothing really seemed to capture your
ity storms" that sprung up in the wake fancy. Then you began reading about
of the alien invasion swept your boat the costumed avengers and mystery
onto the Egyptian shore, where you men. At last, an idea you could really
were almost immediately captured by sink your teeth into!
Mobius' army, though the same storm Several hundred hours of training
wiped out your captors almost as and several thousand dollars later, you
qUickly, leaving you to wander alone had created the identity of (fill in your
across the Egyptian countryside. own flashy name), scourge of the
One of the first things you noticed underworld. You exploded onto the
in your wanderings is that science no hero scene with a vengeance. Not only
longer seems to function as it func- did you find something that could
tioned prior to the invasion. You soon occupy your time, but something you
learned that this was a local phenome- Equipment: rumpled old clothing, could genuinely care about. Equipment: cool-looking suit,
four system components, five boost- Recently, while investigating, you mask, a cape, K08 pistol (damage
non due to the overlay of Mobius'
foreign reality, and have spent quite a ers, four adaptors and two caps, all stumbled across a clue that led you to value 15). fingerprint kit, 20 gold
for a system value of 15 to 19 (see Dr. Mobius. He didn't really die all royals.
bit of time mastering the new scienCE'
that has manifested itself. chapter nine). two possibility capaci- those years ago, he simply left Terra to Quote: "I don't suppose we can
tors, and 40 gold royals. work his evil elsewhere. You gladly
Penonality: You love to put on a takeout Mobius in time to get back to
crusty, cantankerous air, though be- Quote: '1f you're quite finished, I joined the expedition of heroes that Terra for the annual camival in Rio 1"
believe I shall save the world now!" decided to track him down and end his
neath it all you have a heart of gold. Skill Notes: You can select any of
Your skills make you a very danger- Skill Notes: Your tag skill is weird threat once and for aU.
the follOWing, powers: chamt:leon,
ous person. Theothermembersofyour scienu. Personality: You are an incredible darkness, dazzle, fear, or fog screm.
adventuring party probably find you ham and showooOff, though you are atacostofone Possibility each. Uyou
difficult to work with at times, but certainly competent at what you do. SO desire, you can begin with any of
wouldn't swap you for a trucldoad of Sometimes you take things just a bit these powers built into a gizmo,
gold royals. too lightly, though never when lives paying the reduced adventure cost
are at stake. (see chapter nine).
Private Player Name:
~Rocket PlAyer Name
Detective _ Ranger
O>uKttt Home PONlbilitln 0..-, Home P_lbiJilWli
N_. C~m Tm<tn Expatriate Cotm Ternn fxpalriale
A.. Wound Level ShockOamollp
10 10
Mask Soobl A•• Wound Level Shock D.l.mag, M .... Soobl

Woo", 12 20
Height Hvy Wound Height
Woond 12 20
Spiritual Todo Spiritual TKh
Weight M"""
K 0 17 21 Weight K 0 17 21
""'" ""'"
.... SPI SPI

""Combo' OEX OEX
....... OEX WN OEX
..... WN
Fire Comb.'
F1", 3
OEX I ..
"" ..
Unarmed Comblll

Evidence Anal 3
PER ..
fiN WN
Ul\lIrmed Combat
Land Vehk!eI PER Evldconce ANII PER
T"""" PER
I Firat Alit PER
Trick PER I LlndVt'hideI PER
Survival MIN I T PER
Chonn CfIA
I, T",. PER
P.......... CfIA Sdon<o MIN
WdrdSclr.- MIN
Survival MIN
P_uuion CfIA
Intlmkl.tloo SI'I
T... ,,
8 Trid
Taunt Taunt
Intimidate 10 Intimidate

- ~,::: Climbing
Liftinlt I I IiI R==f=+=l==j ~" 0"

[);e 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 ~ n 0;. 3 5 7 9 11 13 21un~41~

Roll '1 2 • 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 W ~ ~ ~ +, Roll 2 .. 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 11 1819~~~~~~~~

Bon... -12 -10 .. -5 -2 -1 0 1 2345678910 +1 &mu,' ·12~O" ~ ~ ~ 0 1 2 3 • 5 6 1 8 , 10 11 12 13 +1

rt.yer Name: Pl.ayer Name:
~Ranger Detective

Cosm: Terran Expatriate. Cosm: Terran Expatriate.

Indination: Good. Inclination: Good.
Background: You first built a name Background: You spent 10 good
for yourself in World War I, where you years on the police force, 10 years
won the Congressional Medal ofHonor walking a beat. But in the end, you just
for your heroic actions in the Second couldn't hack police work. Too many
Battle of the Marne. You didn't really bad cops in the upper levels who were
come into the limelight, however, until more worried about who's going to
you won a gold medal at the 1928 get the credit for last week's big arrest
Olympic Games. After the games, you than in making next week's bust. They
spent your time making movies and couJdn't just give a guy a job and let
coaching athletics at Notre Dame him go out and do it. In the end, you
University until, one day, you were finally left and became a private inves-
contacted by the U.S. Government. The tigator.
government was setting upa new,elite Ufeasa privatedickisn'tveryglam-
military unit comprised of a very spe- orous.Sometimes you wait weeks until
cial type of soldier. On that day, you you get a case, and even then it's just
agreed to become a member of the some snoop job. But every once in a
Rocket Rangers.
while you find a big one that makes it
The Rocket Rangers battle crimi· all worth it.
nals and saboteurs aU over Terra. Each In fact, one of those "big ones"
wears a specially powered battlesuit walked right in your door about two
that was constructed by government weeks ago. This dame's father was
scientists and allows the Ranger to call killed 30 years ago and nobody every
upon fantastic powers and abilities. found the guy who did it. The catch is
With efficient management and their that the murder was Dr. Mobius him- Personality: Resourceful and
Personality: You're almost too self, the infamous arch-villain. Mobius
own strict moral code, the Rocket good to be true. Everyone likes you, charming in a rough-hewn way. You
seems to havedisappeared off the face are completely dedicated to enfore-
Rangers are one of the most effective and it's no wonder. everything about of Terra just after he axed the lady's ingjusticeand tracking down wrong-
police forces in the entire world. you is nearly perfect. You always old man. Nobody knew what hap- doers. In the end, you'n do whatever
While working on a recent case, you know the right thing to say to make
stumbled over a clue that put you on pened to him. you must to get Mobius.
people happy, and you don't suffer You spent the last two weeks track-
the trail oflhe infamous Dr. Mobius, a from a single negative personality Equipment: fedora, trench coat,
ing Mobius down, only to find that he
nefarious villain who hasn't been seen trait. .38 revolver (damage value 14), hand-
was still alive and living in another
in nearly a generation. Eventually, you cuffs, notepad and pen.
Equipment: Rocket Ranger bat- dimension. Along the way, you met
discovered that Mobius had left the Quote: 'Why don't ya act like the
tlesuit, STR 14, TOU 19, flight 11, up with a group of heroes who were
Terran dimension and was out plun- Iiule birdie over there and sing me a
mega-sight 12, armor value +7 (see going over to bring Mobius back and
dering new worlds for his own per- tunc! Where's Mobius stashing the
chapter thirteen). decided to join them. After all, a case is
sonal gain. With a handful of other
Quote: "Be alert and keep 'em a casco goods?"
heroes by your side, you decided to
follow Mobiusand return him toTerra flying!" Skill Notes: Your tag skill is nn-
to answer for his crimes. Skill Notes: Your tagskill is flight. dmct analysis.
Earth is transformed into a reality
inspired by a madman's dreams ...
The Possibility Wars erupt in the Near Now of
Earth's history, shattering our reality and changing
the world into somi!place else.
Egypt, along with much of North and Central
Africa, has been invaded by Dr. Mobius, High Lord
and Pharaoh of the new Empire of the Nile. A wave
of change has washed across the dark continent,
transforming the land like the floods of old. Egyp-
tian gods have regained power in a world filled with
lost artifacts and lrtoasures hidden milJennia ago.
The realm has fantastic high-tech devices con-
structed from 1930's pulp science fiction technology
- ray guns, invisibility belts. space ships. The heri-
tage of ancient Egypt is mixed with cities full of
gangsters, masked heroes, and hooded villains.
Shocktroopers in ancient garb attack in WWIl-style
armored columns. Nations topple before the might

of Mobius.
You, the heroes known as Stonn Knights, .ue


A Companion Volume to the

Torg Roleplaying Game
Tile Nile Empire Sourcebook is part of Torg, an epic
game of adventure, magic and altered reality. This
volume describes the pulp realm of Dr. Mobius. It
features source material on the new Empire of the
i1e, its effect on Core Earth, as well as the insidious
plans of the High Lord and his minions. Included is
gamemaster material for incorporating this realm
into Torg, new rules for skills, powers, magic and
technological gizmos, and new character templates
- powered heroes, hard-bitten detectives, weird
scientists, priests of ancient Egyptian gods, and

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