Guayas 5-16 y 7-32 Camesa
Guayas 5-16 y 7-32 Camesa
Guayas 5-16 y 7-32 Camesa
12,000 lbs 6,000 lbs 12 x 0.0445 18 x 0.0445 442 lbs 442 lbs Core Description Insulation Copper Thickness Construction in in mm mm 0.042 19x0.0142 1.067 19x0.361 0.022 19x0.0142 0.560 19x0.361 0.0200 0.508 0.0245 19x0.0142 0.622 19x0.361 0.0175 0.445 0.0421 19x0.0142 1.067 19x0.361 Res Typical /Kft /Km 2.8 9.2 2.8 9.2 Cap. Typical pf/ft pf/m 46 151 47 154
(53.3 KN) (26.6 KN) (1.130 mm) (1.130 mm) (1.97 KN) (1.97 KN) O.D. Each in mm 0.155 3.937 0.115 2.921 0.155 3.937 0.120 3.048 0.155 3.937 0.155 3.937
1N32PP 1N32PXZ
Cable Weight in in Air H2O lbs/Kft Kg/Km 187 155 278 230 189 157 282 233
500 260
2.8 9.2
45 148
194 288
160 238
600 316
3.2 10.5
46 151
195 290
161 240
The armor wires are high tensile, Galvanized Extra Improved Plow Steel (GEIPS), and coated with anti-corrosion compound for protection during shipping and storing. Wires are preformed. Core assembly Copper strand consists of a total of nineteen wires. Conductor resistance is measured at 68 F. Voids in the copper strand are illed with a water-blocking agent to reduce water and gas migration. SUPERSEAL, a special pressure seal agent, is applied between armor layers. The temperature rating assumes a normal gradient for both temperature and weight. All values shown are nominal or typical values.
Camesa - A WireCo WorldGroup Brand
August 2013
1,200 VDC 18
4,700 lbs 2,350 lbs 12 x 0.0310 18 x 0.0310 181 lbs 181 lbs Core Description
(20.9 KN) (10.5 KN) (0.787 mm) (0.787 mm) (0.81 KN) (0.81 KN)
Cable Weight Res Typical /Kft /Km 6.7 22.0 Cap. Typical pf/ft pf/m 43 141 O.D. Each in mm 0.108 2.743 in Air in H2O lbs/Kft Kg/Km 98 145 81 120
Insulation is rated to 500 F. Armor wires are rated to 325 F at low levels of H2S + CO2. The armor wires are made of a corrosion resistant alloy steel. Wires are preformed. The nickel coated copper wires are made according to ASTMB355 Class 10 and they are used to increase corrosion protection. Core assembly Copper strand consists of six wires around one center wire. Conductor resistance is measured at 68 F. Voids in the copper strand are illed with a water-blocking agent to reduce water and gas migration. SUPERSEAL, a special pressure seal agent, is applied between armor layers. The temperature rating assumes a normal gradient for both temperature and weight. All values shown are nominal or typical values. Camesa recommends the use of a straight-pull cable head for termination of alloy cable to tool string. Conventional cable head terminations can cause stress cracking on alloy wire and are not recommended for sour service lines.
December 2013