To understand the amount of traffic each STM layer can handle, an example is detailed below using 2.048Mbit channels carrying PCM- 30 voice channels as the input traffic.
Each STM-1 can handle 63 * 2.048Mbit/s data signals (1,890 voice channels)
Each STM-4 can handle 252 * 2.048Mbit/s data signals (7,560 voice channels) Each STM-16 can handle 1008 * 2.048Mbit/s data signals (30,240 voice channels) Each STM-64 can handle 4032 * 2.048Mbit/s data signals (120,960 voice channels)
Low order user inputs are mapped into low order STM-1 containers that can be in turn byte interleaved into higher order STM containers to obtain the desired transmission capacity and data rates. SDH is designed to transport isochronous traffic channels and is based on a hierarchy of continuously repeating fixed length frames. It has been designed to preserve smooth interworking with existing PDH networks and has adopted a synchronous frame structure that preserves the byte boundaries within the various traffic bit streams. How it achieves this is through the use of Virtual Containers (VCs), Tributary Units (TUs), Tributary Unit Groups (TUGs) & Authentication Unit Groups (AUGs). To understand how this is achieved it is important to understand the basic frame structure of an SDH frame. The Basic SDH Frame Structure Diagram below details this.
It should be noted that in reality the 81 bytes comprising the Section Overhead (SOH) are not one continuous block but are spread out throughout the Information Payload (IP). Also each byte within the payload represents one 64kbit/s channel. The SDH frame structure is tailor maid to transport 64kbits/s data channels, the backbone of PDH networks. Other higher data rate channels, which are a multiple of 64kbits/s, can also be easily accommodated such as data rates of 2.048Mbit/s, 34 Mbit/s and 140Mbit/s as used within UK PDH networks. It can also support their North American counterparts 1.5 Mbit/s, 6 Mbit/s and 45 Mbit/s. Table 1.1 indicates the worldwide PDH data rates that SDH must be able to support.
The way various PDH data circuits are transported over SDH is to enable each type of circuit to be mapped into a synchronous container. In reality there are only a few types of container presently required. These container types are classed as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. C-4 used to map 140 Mbit/s data circuits. C-3 used to map 45 & 34 Mbit/s data circuits. C-2 used to map 2 Mbit/s data circuits. C11 used to map 1.5 2 Mbit/s data circuits.
Each of these containers goes through several stages of multiplexing to enable them to become part of one overall type of frame structure. This overall frame structure is known as an STM frame. The basic STM frame on which all other STM frame structures are based within SDH is the STM-1. Below is a diagrammatic representation of the various levels of multiplexing that a container must go through to be mapped within an STM-N frame. This diagram is a standard diagram often used to represent SDH container levels.
In the multiplexing process, payloads are layered into lower-order and higher-order virtual containers, each including a range of overhead functions for management and error monitoring. Transmission is then supported by the attachment of further layers of overheads. This layering of functions in SDH, both for traffic and management, suits the layered concept of a service-based network better than the transmission-oriented PDH standards. To illustrate how this multiplexing structure works let us examine how a 2.048Mbit/s circuit is mapped into a STM-1 frame. The basic flow process for this is as follows:
2.048Mbit/s Into C-12 Into VC-12 Into TU-12 Into TUG-2 Into TUG-3 Into VC-4 Into AU-4 Into AUG Into STM-1 Frame. 2.048Mbit/s Into C-12
The first stage of the multiplexing process is to split the incoming data into separate blocks known containers as shown below. In the case of a 2.048Mbit/s circuit this process outputs C-12 containers.
The POH in this case is one byte and is known as a V5 byte. The POH bytes added to the container stay with it and remain completely unchanged until it arrives at its final destination i.e. exits the SDH network. The addition of the VC POH allows a network provider to monitor several parameters. Most importantly it can monitor the transmission error rate of the VC across the SDH network. The points where a data circuit enters/exits the SDH network are known as path termination points (PTP) and the route it takes between these points is known as the path. This level of POH can only indicate the amount of errors caused by transmission across the path and not the source of the errors. It should be noted that VCs are created at several levels within the SDH multiplexing hierarchy. This VC hierarchy ends when a VC is loaded into the payload area of a STM frame. A VC is
never presented directly to the outside world but only exists within an SDH piece of equipment or STM signals i.e. there are no VC interfaces within a SDH network.
During commissioning one of the pathways to be tested was set up with a connection command c s14-8 s6-1-j4-k271 & s8-1-j4--k271.
What does it mean? If you cant answer now dont worry. Hopefully you will be able to figure it out after KLM notation is explained. The answer to the question is given at the end of the explanation.
KLM Numbering
Within a SDH network it is important to be able to assign channels to different pathways to allow correct routing of information. This means that an engineer must be able to identify specific channels at any network node. For example a 2.048Mbit/s tributary may be required to be outputted on a SDH aggregate from a Nortel TN- 4XE switch. The way a channel is identified at a node is by the use of KLM notation system. This system allows for the identification of the associated interface card slot within the equipment, the STM and the applicable TUGs/TUs within that STM. The notation details the following information: Associated card slot within equipment. Associated port on card. Associated STM frame. Associated TUG3 within STM frame. AssociatedTUG2 within TUG3. Associated TU within TUG2.
The KLM Notation Example Diagram, has been provided to help explain how KLM notation, along with KLM Numbering Chart helps explain the KLM numbering associated with TU-12s, TUG-2s & TUG-3s contained within an STM-1 frame.
click on to view full size image(70K). In the example being used a STM-1 tributary is being connected to port 1 of a 2 port STM-1 tributary card (KLM Notation Example Diagram). The actual channel that we are concerned with within the STM-1 frame is channel 49. The first part of the notation to be used must indicate the slot number of the tributary card. KLM Notation Example Diagram illustrates that the STM-1 tributary is being connected to a card in slot 1 of the shelf. It can also be seen that it is connected to port 1. The notation used to indicate this would be S1-1. Note: if port 2 was being used it would be S1-2. The next part of the notation indicates the STM frame associated J1 byte. As this is a single STM-1 frame there is only a single J1 byte. Therefore the notation used would be J1. Note: If this was a STM-4 frame and we where interested in the second STM-1 frame held within it the notation would be J2 etc. The final part of the notation is to indicate the TU-12, TUG-2 and TUG-3 associated with channel 49. From the KLM Numbering Chart it can be seen that TUG-3 #3 is the one that is associated with Channel 48. Also it can be seen that the TUG-2 associated with TUG-3 #3 that will carry this channels will be TUG-2 #2. Finally it can be seen that the TU-12 container that would be used to contain this channel within the TUG-2 #2 frame would be TU-12 #3. Therefore, as the notation lists the TUG-3 followed by the TUG-2 and finally by the TU-12 the notation in this case would be 323. This means that the full notation string to indicate channel 48 of the STM-1 frame connected to port 1 of a card in shelf 1 of a 4XE would be S1-1-J1-323 Although this notation looks relatively complex once the fundamental rules are grasped it becomes reasonably easy to implement.
Question Revisited.
You should now be able to understand that the connection command c s14-8 s6-1-j4-k271 & s8-1-j4--k271 provided the following: . s14-15 s6-1 - Connected traffic on port 15 of the card in slot 14 (2Mbit Trib Card) to port 1 of the card in slot 6 (4XE Aggregate A) . j4 This assigned the traffic from Port 15 of the 2 Mbit Trib Card to the fourth STM-1 frame within the outgoing STM-4 frame. . k271 This assigned the traffic to TUG-12 #1 within TUG-2 #7, in turn within TUG-3 #2 of this STM-1 frame. This corresponds to Channel 40 of the 63 Channels within this frame. . s8-1-j4--k271 this provided path protection on the Aggregate B card using the 4th STM frame , Channel 40.
Equipment Redundancy
To ensure that if an item or card within an SDH network fails, that may cause a serious network outage, duplicate standby equipment may be installed. This equipment is automatically switched in if a failure occurs i.e. there may be a dedicated standby tributary card that traffic will automatically route through if a failure occurs. Another advantage of standby equipment is that it can be brought on line to allow essential maintenance to take place.
This is used when end-to-end path of service failure occurs. This is achieved by allocating spare network capacity which traffic can be rerouted into if a loss of signal occurs. Rerouting algorithms within network element software controls this process. Restoration may also be achieved by being assigned capacity that was being used by lower priority traffic. Restoration offers good flexibility but can be extremely slow (seconds or minutes to hours) that has a major effect on real time data. This slowness is due to the complex rerouting algorithms that are required as well as restoration being initiated only when the failure is detected.
(A) illustrates the normal working/path protection links of or network example.(B) illustrates that dedicated path protection switches in if a failure occurs on the working path. However, if another failure occurs on the remaining working link there is now no remaining dedicated path
protection to switch too. (C) illustrates how this is overcome by the use of SNCP by enabling subnetworks to switch to a protection path rather than the entire link. SNCP can be seen to offer greater network resilience than simple dedicated path protection.
It can be seen that although this offers protection it is a waste of network capacity.Multiplex section shared protection rings (MS-SPRing) as illustrated below overcome this wasted capacity.
MS-SPRings do not use a dedicated path for the protection of every link. They provide protection by reserving capacity for the protection of several working paths. In the event of a
failure all traffic on a section is switched. It appears at first that MS-SPRing does not offer any further advantage over dedicated path rings. However the MSPRING Example diagram below illustrates the advantage to network capacity much clearer.
The Example illustrates that between (A) and (B) eight STM-1 channels are required to route traffic across route (w1) and eight STM-1 channels are required to route this traffic in the other direction, route (p1). This restricts the network to 8 working STM-1 channels on each section of the ring so if traffic is routed between (D) & (E) then all the capacity will be used will a total of 16 user channels only. If however, MS-SPRing is used, traffic between A&B still uses eight STM-1 channels but the other nodes on the ring can share the eight channels used for protection. As can be seen by the MSPRING Example diagram, this means that it is possible to have six 8 channel links between the nodes (A-B, B-C, C-D, D-E, E-F & A-F), allowing a maximum of 48 user channels on this network. It should be noted that the various protection schemes discussed can be mixed and matched during network design to give an overall protection scheme that suits the requirements of the network operator. SPRings are often used in ring topology networks but restoration is often chosen in highly complex meshed architectures.
MS-SPRing: performs ring switching or span switching between nodes. Each working traffic and protection traffic is transmitted bidirectionally over spans. The protection traffic can be flexibly used for extra traffic, not protection. 2F MS-SPRing:Each fibre handles both working traffic and protection traffic, and half of the bandwidth can be used for working and remaining for protection which protects the working traffic transmitting in the opposite direction around the ring. Traffic is terminated at each node around the ring, so 2F MS-SPRing can reuse the bandwidth and provide effective networking solution. 4F MS-SPRing: Each fibre handles working traffic or protection traffic which are transmitted over one fibre pair respectively. There are two protection switching modes, Ring protection switching and Span protection switching. Moreover 4F MS-SPRing has twice capacity of 2F MS-SPRing, so 4F MS-SPRing can be suited for requiring bountiful capacity and/or highly reliable protection such as backbone network.
The real benefit of SDH over PDH is the ability to drop or insert channels to customers. The Add drop multiplexer is an integral part of this ability. The ADM is produced at various rates or operation as detailed in the table below:
STM Standard STM-1 STM-4 STM-16 Bit Rate 155.520Mbits/s 622.080Mbits/s 2448.320Mbits/s
As mentioned the main problem with the demultiplexing of a PDH signal is that the whole circuit must be demultiplexed to provide for example a 2Mbps link. This is more easily appreciated if a typical example is considered. Assume three switching centers / exchanges located in different towns/cities are interconnected by 140Mbps (PDH) trunk circuits. A business customer, with sites located somewhere between them, makes a request to link the sites with a 2Mbps leased circuit to create a private network. Because it is not possible to identify a lower bit rate channel from the higher order bit stream, the operator must fully demultiplex the 140Mbps stream down to the 2Mbps level before this can be
allocated to the customer. This stream must then be remultiplexed back into the 140Mbps stream for onward transmission. Although the customer request was fairly simple the actual process that must be followed is extensive and the equipment is very expensive. This type of demultiplexing operation would be performed by an ADM without the need for extensive demultiplexing. SDH ADMs can be configured and reconfigured remotely to provide any desired bandwidth mix without the need for demultiplexing. The general principle is shown in the diagram below. Redundant links are used between each pair of SDH multiplexers and these can be brought into service using commands received from a remote network management station.
ADM Rings.
One main advantage of the ADM is its ability to be employed within a Ring type network Topography. The following diagram shows an example of this:
In the example shown above the ADMs are 16 by 2 Mbit/s types. This gives this ring the ability to add a 2Mbit/s signal at any of the ADMs and drop that signal at any ADM within the network which, again is a great advantage over PDH systems.
One other function of the ADM is to provide cross connection facilities for low order paths. In the above diagram a 2Mbit/s circuit can be added at SMX 2 and sent out East to SMX 3. SMX 3 can cross connect it (West to East) and send it (East to West) to SMX4. All of this is achieved by software control. Another major advantage of Add/Drop Mux equipment showing the flexibility of routing controlled by software. No longer is manual jumpering required to reroute a circuit as needed by a Mux Mountain. This means large savings in manpower, travelling time and equipment expenses as routing can be controlled from a central point controlled by software.
ADM Types
STM-1, ADM's
These form the first level of a SDH network. In addition to STM-1 ADMs there are also STM-4 and STM-16 ADMs.
STM-4, ADM,s
These are used at the 2nd level of a SDH network where a line rate 4 (622Mbit/s) is utilised. An STM-4 ADM has the capacity to add/drop at the same rates as an STM-1 ADM but can also add/drop & cross-connect VC-4.
STM, ADM-16's
An STM-16 ADM is used at the 3rd level of a SDH network where a line rate 16 (2.4Gbit/s) is in operation. It has an internal 24 x 24 switch for VC4/3/2/12 switching and cross-connection. It can also combine VC-4s into a STM-16 signal.
The STM-4 line system multiplexes 4 tributary signals together to form a 622.08Mbit/s aggregate signal. The tributary ports can be configured to accept either STM-1 SDH or 140Mbit/s PDH signals. The POH of the STM-1 inputs are removed and the AU-4s created are then byte interleaved. A new section overhead is then added and the new signal is converted to optical format for transmission down an optical fibre.
PDH signals are converted to AU-4s for transmission over the system. For distances in excess of 30km an Intermediate Regenerator (IR) may be required. This consists of an optical receive line card followed by an optical transmission line card. In-between the receive and transmit cards the signal is converted back to electrical format so that it can be regenerated. Timing for the line system can be clocked from an external timing source by the use of a built in timing input port. The timing signal can be extracted at the output port for further use in another section of the network.
The second and major difference between them is that the STM-16 line system can incorporate an optional multiplex section path to provide a back up path in case the primary fibre optic path fails. Network operators do not always use the optional multiplex section path as this is
dependent upon the cost required to provide the path balanced against the traffic importance allocated to the link.
STM-1 to STM-1. STM-1 to 140Mbit/s PDH. 140Mbit/s PDH to STM-1. 140Mbit/s PDH to140Mbit/s PDH.
The switch deals with the various inputs to be switched by processing them all into AU-4s before actually switching them.
The DXC 4/1 is both a switch and a multiplexer. It can switch low order paths into 140Mbit/s, or STM-1, signals. Also it has the ability to cross connect any VC type (VC-12, VC-2, VC-3 & VC4). It can be configured for use with a wide range of Plesiochronous & Synchronous interfaces.
Combined DXCs
In actuality DXCs are usually combined to provide maximum switching flexibility.
This of combination of switches is extremely versatile e.g. a VC-12 can be switched into an STM1 signal purely by software control.
Another example is also provided below to give a schematic representation of how a SDH network may be tiered.
In the diagram a client is accessing the SDH network at the STM-4 ring via a dual parented SDH-1 multiplexor. Also a DLE is accessing the network along with other network elements such as 64kbit/s and ATM traffic links. This shows the ability of a SDH system to convey mixed traffic types over the same network. In the Inner core layer at the lower levels ADMs are generally used. As we move up into the higher levels these are replaced by DXC equipment. In practice the higher level of the inner core could be connected to a large gateway link (i.e. International Gateways) to allow large volumes of STM-N traffic to be routed to other large SDH networks. Most SDH networks are based on the principles illustrated above i.e. STM-1 & 4 rings in the outer core and a mixture of STM-16 and DXCs in the inner core.
The TN-4XE provides two 2MHz external synchronisation outputs, which are locked to the selected input timing source. The source of the synchronisation signal may be selected from: Either of the two external synchronisation input ports. An STM-4 port on an aggregate card. An STM-1e or STM- 1o port on a tributary card.
Control Circuits
The tn-4XE has two control circuits for choosing a synchronisation source (see diagram below). These are: Synchronisation equipment timing generator (SETG) used for internal timing. External synchronisation output (ESO) The selection mechanism of the SETG and the ESO are identical, however each can select a different synchronisation source and the ESO can take its timing from the SETG.
This block diagram,shows the decision process used for selection of a source,using its position in the hierarchy list as the selection criteria.
Holdover Mode
If there are no sources in the hierarchy list available, or the operator applies a forced switch to faulty source, then the multiplexer enters holdover mode. This mode maintains synchronisation timing for the multiplexer for 48 hours. There are two ways to exit holdover mode: If a synchronisation source from the list becomes available. If the forced switch is removed.
The SETG can be selected as a synchronisation source. The ESO signal is squelched if no synchronisation source is selected from the hierarchy.
TN-4XE/Config/Sync_source/ >>h s6-1 s8-1 Warning: (3550) Traffic may be hit, Are you sure? [Yes,No]:y 1, OK;
This is to set taking sync off Port 1 of the STM-4 agg card in slot 6, with a standby source of the STM-4 agg card in slot 8, with a final hold over option if both these sources fail.
TN-4XE/Config/Sync_source/ >> h none Warning: (3550) Traffic may be hit, Are you sure? [Yes,No]:y
1, OK; This is is to set the 4XE in holdover mode i.e. using its own internal clock to sync off.
From the diagram it can be seen that KIB-1 is set to synchronise from its own internal time source, and KIBs-2 / 4 take there timing from KIB-1.
Jesper Jesper G. Service Engineer at Magventure A/S Been looking for that without any real luck. It represents the layers in the Multiplexing of 63 VC12s into a VC4. K: is TUG3 (1,2 or 3) L: is the TU2 (1,2,-7) and M: the TU12 (1,2 or 3). see the graphical representation in SDH lectures. What I have found is that it has started with A,B;C - - (alphabetic) in the multiplexing structure, and with VC12 it has reached K,L and M? Pls. correct if anybody knows the correct explanation
Sushil Sushil B. Manager/ Technical Specialist/ Wireless Instructor, Wireless Transport Engineering at NEC Corporation TU-12 slot number =K+ (L-1)x3 + (M-1)x21; where, K=TUG-3 location number; 1 K 3; L=TUG-2 location number; 1 L 7; M= TU-12 location number; 1 M 3;
Example: STM-1 =63 x VC-12 or 63 E1 channels. What is the channel number for the specific channel which is under "3rd TU-12" of "4th TUG2" of "2nd TUG3"? Solution: in above problem, K=2 [since 2nd TUG3] L=4 [since 4th TUG12] M=3 [since 3rd TU-12] hence, channel number/TU-12 slot number = 2+(4-1)x3+(3-1)x21 =53. it means, Ch number-53 or 53rd number VC-12 belongs to 2-4-3 [K-L-M]. For more details, please visit
Asad Naveed Asad Naveed M. General Manager (System Engg) at PTCL Good explanation Sushil
Syed Syed N. Transmission Engineer at Ericsson India Pvt Ltd Shushil explained in clarity......gr888 job Thanks for sharing the link...Sushil
and if I ask about TU and TUG? Can any body explain please ,what does that actually mean? or how an STM frame is structured?
Asad Naveed Asad Naveed M. General Manager (System Engg) at PTCL TU is Tributary Unit while TUG is Tributary Unit Group. 3 x TU-12 = TUG-2 7 x TUG-2 = TUG-3 Just look for SDH Structure in any good reference and it will give all the details.
Rahul Rahul S. JTO Transmission Projectat BSNL i think the formula should be (K-1)x21+(L-1)x3+M where K goes from 1 to 3 M between 1 to 7 and M from 1 to 3
Gerard Gerard D. Technical Operations Digital Realty Trust. I like the explanation from Sushil Bhattacharjee
Suneeth Suneeth P. Good Job Sushil. Rahul i appreciate your effort. as far as i know sushil is correct. yu may also note KLM value starts with 1-1-1 thats first TU12 in STM-1 and ends on 3-7-3 (Last TU12 in an STM-1) further 3 x 7 x 3 = 63 (total number of TU12 (E1 not T1 [TU11]) in an STM-1 Its actually JKLM where "J" stands for STM-1 No. J2-1-1-1 means first TU12 of second STM
Jesper Jesper G. Service Engineer at Magventure A/S The more acurate term for J might me AU-4, not STM-1. Re KLM, it could also be seen grahical, for some it might be easier than all the mathematics, consider it as transport boxes (pigeon holes) each VC-4, splits into 3 TUG-3's each TUG-3, splits into 7 TUG-2's (though normally not in use, capacity 6M) and each TUG-2, splits into 3 TU-12's Like seen on this page:
Its basically payload mapping, when your path provisioning its good for channelising your payload, when your testing kit you can set your testers up to flow through indicates channels, or bulk as most prefer. In NOC environment, alarms usually come up as "unequipped vc4....." or unequipped alarms..... meaning that channel in your payload is dropped.... still cant remember if there is a meaning for KLM .....
Williams Obote Williams Obote U. CTO at Wavetekk Gents, the payload mapping varies dependding on whether you re referring to E1/T1 as the case maybe. It is basically used to determine the total number of 2.048Mbps and how it is grouped into Tributary Unit Groups (TUG). KLM starts from 1.1.1 to 3.7.3 which gives a total of 63E1s. It is applied when making cross connects in an ADMs so as to avoid mismatch of E1 far, this is an interesting topic and every member of this group has contributed immensely. Thump up! Guys
Dominic Dominic M. CCNA, MNSE, COREN To add to Williams, K describes TUG-3 group (1-3) L describes a TUG-2 group inside a TUG-3 (1-7) M describes a TU-12/VC12/E1 inside a TUG-2 (1-3)
Arghya L. Freelance at different telco and Internet companies every TUG-3 possesses 21 channel. So 1-7-3, the last channel of first TUG-3 ends at channel 21. 2-7-3, last channel of 2nd TUG-3 ends at channel 42. So 2-4-3 must be between these two. It can not be more than 42 or less than 22.
amirul amirul A. Implementor for Broadcast circuit at Telekom Malaysia it is really good information!!!!
Miroslav Miroslav K. Engineer, Core Transmission Planning at Mobiltel You can find useful info here:
dinesh dinesh Z. telecom/transmission engineer at BSNL Can any1 share STM-16 confi. in TEJAS. I mean how 2 add cross conn/TM in ring
Omar Omar B. Telecom Expert at TransurbTechnirail thanks for the great information in addition , i want to share with you this information, when you use an FO connection between an SDH equipment and another equipment ( Switching equipment , compression equipment, ..) ; make sure that you have the same KLM ,
Nitin Nitin S. Network Solutions (DWDM/SDH) Mr. Sushil r u give rigth ans.
Anwar Anwar Z.
GE JTO, Transmission, BSNL I think the formula should be 21*(K-1)+3*(L-1)+M because K is TUG-3 having values from 1 to 3. And TUG-3 # 2 can not go beyond 42 (TUG-3 # 3 goes upto 63). So as told by Mr Sushil that K=2 L=4 M=3 represents E1#53 is wrong, it should be E1#33. As we know that K=1 L=1 M=1 gives E1#1 and K=3 L=7 M=3 gives E1#63 then according to Mr Sushil K=3 L=7 M=2 will give E1#42, but it should be E1#62.
Ulises Ulises L. Telecommunications Engineer / Professional Formulas aside, the best way to locate your container is to use K-L-M descriptions, as opposed to container "index" which is not defined in the ITU standard, leaving to the vendor to decide how to calculate an "index". The two main "index" schemes are the Huawei and the "Nortel", both go from 0 to 63. The Nortel is widely used by almost every vendor. Bottom line, transmission planning documents should have klm designators, and not be indexed by generic container number. That would make the links vendor transparent.
Xinhe Xinhe C. Optical Network Consultant at CommsResources G.707 has a explanation in detail. Actually, for example, if huawei's optix pdh interface interconnected with lucent sdh device pdh interface, we have a time-slot number converter table .
German G. Network Management Analyst at ExxonMobil Just to make what Mr. Dominic and others have explained very well a little more graphical, I've made a simple image detailing the K-L-M nomenclature. Remember: * M will tell you which TU-12 you are using (i.e. where your specific data is located) within a TUG-2. There are three possibilities (3 TU-12 will fit into one TUG-2). * L will tell you which TUG-2 you are using within a TUG-3. There are seven possibilities (7 TUG-2 will fit into one TUG-3). * K will tell you which TUG-3 you are using within a C-4. There are three possibilities (3 TUG-3 will fit into one C-4). With just these three parameters, you'll be able to choose or determine where exactly your data is within a VC-4, depending on whether you are setting up a trail, or reviewing an already established one.
Sankar Raman Sankar Raman R. SDH Testing Engineer at Tejas Networks Ltd Ya, thanks Sushil Bhattacharjee and jesper Groth that is correct and that is all are mapping structure for sdh. And all alarms depend the klm values. Can you tel me the meaning of KLM.
Lead Engineer, Radio & Transmission Systems at Grameenphone Ltd JKLM means SDH structure based on G.707 & G.709 standard in the following way: J indicate STM number. If you use 2G5 card here you will get 16STM1 stream, so J indicate which STM1 you are using. K indicate channel number of VC4 L indicate channel number of TUG3 M indicate channel number of TUG2
Arun Arun S. Consultant and RPM for ION project at Pearson Technologies Great Job guys, I feel the entire question would have got answered. I really feel blessed that I have so many friends who can answer any query with such details. Hats off to you guys.
Sankar Raman Sankar Raman R. SDH Testing Engineer at Tejas Networks Ltd KLM,: TU2=TU12 * 3,TUG3=TUG2 * 7,VC4=TUG3 * 3. which one for STM1 mapping.
Sankar Raman Sankar Raman R. SDH Testing Engineer at Tejas Networks Ltd
Md. Abdul Md. Abdul M. Lead Engineer, Radio & Transmission Systems at Grameenphone Ltd Dear Concern,
The term K.L.M is the SDH structure based on G.707 & G.709 standard.
J: Represent the number of STM-1 i.e. if you use IFQ2G5 card you will get 4 STM4 module and each module contain 4 STM-1 port. So J indicate which STM-1 port will be used.
K: Represent the number of channel of VC3 container. You know VC3 contain three VC2 container and each container contain 21E1. So, if you use K=1 it means VC3 channel number: 1
L: Represent the number of channel of VC2 container. You know VC2 contain Seven VC12 container and each container contain 3E1. So. If you use L=1 it means VC2 channel number: 1
M: Represent the number of channel of V12 container. You know V12 contain 3E1 channel. So, if you use M=1 it means VC12 channel number:1
Sinuhe Sinuhe H. Field Operation Network Engineer IV at Level 3 Communications You can use this iPhone / iPad app in iTunes Store that calculates a KLM time slot Enjoy
Huub Huub V. Senior Networking Consultant at Huawei Technologies In this thread I see a lot of guesses and wrong interpretations/advise. Only one person refers to G.707. Please read G.707 for the proper definition of the KLM notation and calculation and its use to identify a VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 in and STM-N frame. G.707 is free to download at