Huawei Router Common Commands
Huawei Router Common Commands
Huawei Router Common Commands
Common Commands for Huawei Router : [Quidway]display version; display version information [Quidway]display current-configuration; display current configuration [Quidway]display interfaces: display interface information [Quidway]display IP route: show that the routing information [Quidway]sysname AaB !c; change the host name [Quidway]super passwrod "#$%&': setup password [Quidway]interface serial(: into the interface [Quidway-serial(]ip address )ip* : )mas+,mas+-len* IP address configured ports [Quidway-serial(]undo shutdown: activation port [Quidway]lin+-protocol ./0!: [Quidway]user-interface vty (% [Quidway-ui-vty(-%]authentication-mode password [Quidway-ui-vty(-%]set authentication-mode password simple ### [Quidway-ui-vty(-%]user privilege level $ [Quidway-ui-vty(-%]1uit [Quidway]de ugging ./0! all serial(: to display all of the information [Quidway]de ugging ./0! event serial(: de ug event information [Quidway]de ugging ./0! pac+et serial(: show the pac+age information inds ./0! protocol
Static routing: [Quidway]ip route-static )ip*)mas+*2interface num er,ne3thop4[value][re5ect, lac+hole] 6or e3ample: [Quidway]ip route-static "#78"8(8( "' "(8(8(8# [Quidway]ip route-static "#78"8(8( #&&8#&&8(8( "(8(8(8# [Quidway]ip route-static "#78"8(8( "' 9erial # [Quidway]ip route-static (8(8(8( (8(8(8( "(8(8(8#
Dynamic routing: [Quidway]rip: set dynamic routing [Quidway]rip wor+ is allowed to wor+ [Quidway]rip input: set the entrance permit [Quidway]rip output: set the e3port permit
[Quidway-rip]networ+ "8(8(8(; set the e3change routing networ+ [Quidway-rip]networ+ all; set the e3change with all networ+ [Quidway-rip]peer ip-address; [Quidway-rip]summary routing aggregation [Quidway]rip version "; installed in version " [Quidway]rip version # multicast; with version #: multicast [Quidway-;thernet(]rip split-hori<on; hori<ontal partitioning [Quidway]router I/ A8B8!8/; configure router I/ [Quidway]ospf ena le start =9P6 protocol [Quidway-ospf]import-route direct; introducing the direct route [Quidway-9erial(]ospf ena le area )area-id* =9P6 region
Standard access list command format is as follows: A!0 )acl-num er* [match-order config,auto]; the default of the former se1uence matching8 >ule [normal,special]2permit,deny4 [source source-addr source-wildcard,any] An example: [Quidway]acl "( [Quidway-acl-"(]rule normal permit source "(8(8(8( (8(8(8#&& [Quidway-acl-"(]rule normal deny source any
Extended access list configuration command ;3tended configuration of ?!P@A/P protocol access list: >ule 2normal,special42permit,deny42tcp,udp4source 2)ip wild*,any4destination )ip wild*, any4 [operate]
Extended configuration of ICMP protocol access list: >ule 2normal,special42permit,deny4icmp source 2)ip wild*,any]destination 2)ip wild*,any] [icmp-code] [logging]
Extended access control list: t e example [Quidway]acl "(" [Quidway-acl-"("]rule deny souce any destination any [Quidway-acl-"("]rule permit I!BP source any destination any icmp-type echo
[Quidway]acl "(# [Quidway-acl-"(#]rule permit IP source "(8(8(8" (8(8(8( destination #(#8(8(8" (8(8(8( [Quidway-acl-"(#]rule deny IP source any destination any
[Quidway]acl "($ [Quidway-acl-"($]rule permit ?!P source any destination "(8(8(8" (8(8(8( destinationport e1ual6?P [Quidway-acl-"($]rule permit ?!P source any destination "(8(8(8# (8(8(8( destinationport e1ualwww
[Quidway]firewall ena le [Quidway]firewall default permit,deny [Quidway]int ;( [Quidway-;thernet(]firewall pac+et-filter "(" in ound,out ound
Address con!ersion configuration: t e example [Quidway]firewall ena le [Quidway]firewall default permit [Quidway]acl "("; the internal host can enter the ;( [Quidway-acl-"("]rule deny IP source any destination any [Quidway-acl-"("]rule permit IP source "#78$C8"8" ( destination any [Quidway-acl-"("]rule permit IP source "#78$C8"8# ( destination any [Quidway-acl-"("]rule permit IP source "#78$C8"8$ ( destination any [Quidway-acl-"("]rule permit IP source "#78$C8"8% ( destination any [Quidway-acl-"("]1uit [Quidway]int ;( [Quidway-;thernet(]firewall pac+et-filter "(" in ound [Quidway]acl "(#; the e3ternal host specific and more than "(#% port pac+et is allowed to enter the 9( [Quidway-acl-"(#]rule deny IP source any destination any [Quidway-acl-"(#]rule permit ?!P source #(#8$78#8$ ( destination #(#8$C8"'(8" ( [Quidway-acl-"(#]rule permit ?!P source any destination #(#8$C8"'(8" ( destinationport great-than
"(#% [Quidway-acl-"(#]1uit [Quidway]int 9( [Quidway-9erial(]firewall pac+et-filter "(# in ound; #(#8$C8"'(8" is the egress router IP8 [Quidway-9erial(]nat out ound "(" interface; ;asy IP: A!0 "(" allows IP from this interfacetransform source address8
Internal ser!er address con!ersion configuration command "static #A$%: Dat server glo al )ip* [port] inside )ip* port [protocol]; glo al-port does not write when using inside-port [Quidway-9erial(]nat server glo al #(#8$C8"'(8" inside "#78$C8"8" 6?P ?!P [Quidway-9erial(]nat server glo al #(#8$C8"'(8" inside "#78$C8"8# telnet ?!P [Quidway-9erial(]nat server glo al #(#8$C8"'(8" inside "#78$C8"8$ www ?!P A pu lic IP:#(#8$C8"'(8"("E#(#8$C8"'(8"($ can e used8 6oreign access Fthe original e3amplesG [Quidway]nat address-group #(#8$C8"'(8"(" #(#8$C8"'(8"($ pool"; set up address pool [Quidway]acl " [Quidway-acl-"]rule permit source "(8""(8"(8( (8(8(8#&& specifies the allowa le internal networ+ [Quidway-acl-"]rule deny source any [Quidway-acl-"]int serial ( [Quidway-9erial(]nat out ound " address-group pool" IP; remove foreign access from theaddress pool in 9( port [Quidway-9erial(]nat server glo al #(#8$C8"'(8"(" inside "(8""(8"(8" 6?P ?!P [Quidway-9erial(]nat server glo al #(#8$C8"'(8"(# inside "(8""(8"(8# www ?!P [Quidway-9erial(]nat server glo al #(#8$C8"'(8"(# C(C( inside "(8""(8"(8$ www ?!P [Quidway-9erial(]nat server glo al #(#8$C8"'(8"($ inside "(8""(8"(8% 9B?P A/P
PPP !erification: ?he main prescription: pap,chap [Quidway]local-user Q# password 2simple,cipher4 hello; router " [Quidway]interface serial (
[Quidway-serial(]ppp authentication-mode 2pap,chap4 [Quidway-serial(]ppp chap user Q"; PAP: not this sentence
PAP is prescription: [Quidway]interface serial (; router # [Quidway-serial(]ppp Pap local-user Q# password 2simple,cipher4 hello
C ap is prescription: [Quidway]interface serial (; router # [Quidway-serial(]ppp chap user Q#; its router name [Quidway-serial(]local-user Q" password 2simple,cipher4 hello; the other router name
&rame relay [1"]fr switching [1"]int 9" [1"-9erial"]ip address "7#8"'C8$%8&" #&&8#&&8#&&8( [1"-9erial"]lin+-protocol fr; encapsulation frame relay protocol [1"-9erial"]fr interface-type /!; [1"-9erial"]fr /0!I "(( [1"-9erial"]fr inA>P [1"-9erial"]fr map IP "7#8"'C8$%8&# /0!I "(( [1#]int 9" [1#-9erial"]ip address "7#8"'C8$%8&# #&&8#&&8#&&8( [1#-9erial"]lin+-protocol fr [1#-9erial"]fr interface-type /?; [1#-9erial"]fr /0!I "(( [1#-9erial"]fr inA>P [1#-9erial"]fr map IP "7#8"'C8$%8&" /0!I "(( &rame relay monitoring [1"]display fr lmi-info[]interface type num er] [1"]display fr map [1"]display fr pvc-info[serial interface-num er][dlci dlci-num er] [1"]display fr dlci-switch [1"]display fr interface
[1"]reset fr inarp-info [1"]de ugging fr all[interface type num er] [1"]de ugging fr arp[interface type num er] [1"]de ugging fr event[interface type num er] [1"]de ugging fr lmi[interface type num er] Ser!ice &$P start: [Quidway]local-user 6?P password 2simple,cipher4 AAA service-type 6?P is a world leading Huawei networking products distributor, we wholesale original new Huawei networking equipments, including Huawei switches, Huawei routers, Huaweis mantec securit products, Huawei !"#, Huawei $%& and other Huawei networking products. 'ur customers include telecom operators, Huawei resellers, !$& and s stem integrators. (ight now most o) our sales are contributed b regular customers 'ur website: *elephone: +,52-3.5.1/4. 0mail: "ddress: 23/% 2uck &la3a, 315-321 2ockhart (oad, 4anchai, Hongkong