PRAYER DNA MARATHON1 (2) - Foundation

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The document discusses the importance of having a strong spiritual foundation and how it can impact one's success and blessings. It also talks about what an evil foundation is and how to overcome it.

A foundation is the platform on which one's life rests, established by one's ancestors. It is vital to success, as one cannot rise higher than the strength of their foundation. A person's foundation greatly impacts their life and outcomes.

An evil foundation is one that mocks prayers, produces calamity, recycles problems between generations, and resists normal prayers. It attracts evil and kills divine helpers, making it hard to prosper.


"Why Some Are Receiving Multiple Breakthroughs While Others Have Nothing To Show or !t """"
There is a HUGE reason why some people seem to be getting all the blessings, while others have been struggling for years without anything to show for it. It is simple to understand this once someone takes the time to e plain it to you. !nd that"s what I am going to do here ... e plain in everyday language so you can see it plainly and take action, if necessary. #ow what accounts for the fact that some $hristians pray ... and blessings fall on them like rain, while others pray the same prayers and it %ust seems like God is not hearing them& 'r for the fact that some find that it takes a lot of struggles, prayers, fasting, tears, frustration ... and a long, long time before they can (taste( even one little success& The answer could be summed up in %ust one )*+letter word, oun#ation$ #ow before you go off thinking you know all about this, %ust bear with me for )* minutes and read this through ... it will change the way you look at things, guaranteedWhat is a %oun#ation& .oundation is a structure on which something rests. It is a platform which is designed to carry and sustain the weight of an ob%ect or thing. Every human+based operation and manifestation must have a foundation. In spiritual terms, a foundation is the platform on which one"s life rests. It is a platform prepared for you by your ancestors. It is your hereditary root. It is also the bedrock upon which the structure of your life rests. /ast month, a colleague of mine at work was advised to undergo an invasive surgical operation. 0y her doctor. 1hy& 0ecause her brother had recently passed away. !s a result of cancer. Her mom had died from the same thing. 2o she asked her doctor, (How can I avoid this and also ensure that my kids will not have to face this problem&" ($hange your ancestry, if possible, (came the reply. .rom a highly reputable physician using the latest medical technology in one of the most advanced nations of the world. 3o you understand what he was trying to say here& 4lain and simple, it is this, Many me#ical pro'lems can 'e trace# through generational lines 'ack to your %ore parents who live# long ago$ This is even more valid when it comes to spiritual things. What are the %acts a'out %oun#ation& 1 5 3 6 Foundations are vital in every area of life The strength and height of every structure is pre+determined by its foundation Every thing you engage in has a foundation #o one is e empted from the implications of one"s foundation, even if they are not aware of what happened in times past. 5 There is a power relationship between one's foundation and

her success in life 7 'ne cannot climb higher than the strength of the foundation carrying her. 7 One's foundation is the ma or reason why some succeed and some fail! Now( i% the %oun#ation o% your li%e has 'een 'uilt on go#ly principles )) 8unning through a few generations of godly parents ++ you may find life to be %ust smooth sailing, most of the time. 2ee the life of 2olomon in the 0ible ... It is clear from the scripture that the foundation can be destroyed 94salm )),:;. 1hen that happens, the result is an evil or corrupted foundation ... and this is the <) problem many people including born again $hristians are struggling with, and wondering why certain things are happening to them. What is an evil %oun#ation& ) 5 : 6 = 7 It is the foundation that mocks one"s prayer The foundation that produces calamity .oundation that recycles problems from one generation to another .oundation that transmits negative carryover of problems from year to year .oundation that resists normal prayers and confessions .oundation that says, (thus far can you go, but no further( ... places spiritual embargo on persons and their entire families > .oundation that will constantly attract evil things to a person ? .oundation that causes one"s dream life to be invaded easily @ .oundation that kills or drives away divine helpers )* .oundation that will rather destroy a person instead of allowing them to prosper. (Please note that some churches also have evil foundations, especially if they were founded to make money. It would be next to impossible to be blessed there, no matter how much seed you plant!) *+ signs that can alert you to the %act that there is an evil %oun#ation in place ) Inability to receive baptism of the Holy 2pirit 5 General backwardness : 1orking hard but having nothing to show for it 6 2icknesses that defy medical diagnosis = Une plainable marital distress 7 0ad marriage > 3ifficulty in making spiritual progress ? !b%ect poverty andAor debt burden @ $onstant failure at the edge of breakthroughs )* $ollective family captivity i.e. members of the family suffer from the same things. )) .alling sick after seeing oneself in strange places in the dream )5 0eing bornAraised by non+$hristian or occult parents ): Those who are being monitored by satan or his agents )6 Those who are hated for no reason )= Those struggling with addictions 9e.g. cigarettes, alcohol, pornography; )7 Those whose blessings are usually diverted to others )> Those who suffer innocently as a result of being impersonated in the dream )? Those who do not have any tangible testimony throughout the year )@ Those who are suffering as a conseBuence of having evil dreams 5* Those suffering from delayed marriage 5) Those who desire to have children but cannot

55 5: 56 5=

Those who have unstable homes Those who hear strange voices and see strange things 4eople who are always falling sick Those who have at one time or the other consulted fortune tellers, mediums, astrologers, or visited ungodly places of worship. 57 Those who have worshipped or are still worshipping false gods 5> Those who live in a demonic environment 5? Those who have been cursed by their parents, even playfully. 5@ Those who have evil properties in their homes after being saved e.g. pornographic materials :* Those who have brilliant ideas but cannot apply them :) Those whose promotion never comes naturally or easily 9always takes a struggle; :5 Those whose benefactors always get discouraged or are under attack. :: Those who find it difficult to sustain their blessings. :6 Those who find it difficult to stay married to one partner := Those who are good starters but poor finishers :7 Those who can never focus on anything long enough to achieve success :> Those who allow opportunities to slip away as a result of procrastination :? Those who have a deeply entrenched fear of the unknown. How #o you #eal with evil %oun#ation& ) $arry out spiritual detective work on your background. Cou can obtain information from parents, grandparents, and other family members who know the history of the past. Cou can also obtain information by observing the trend of things around you. Cou can ask the Holy 2pirit. "ere's what you need to find out# + the identity of your parents, at least to the 3rd and th !eneration " the names they bear " their character " their occupations " their commonest activities " how lon! did they live " how did they die " what did they worship " how did they !ive names to their children " do they have family shrines or altars " who are the priests servin! at those altars " what covenants did they enter on behalf of the family " what curses are operatin! in the family " what liti!ations " what sanctions were placed on the family " what patterns or trends are evident in the family " any pattern of mental problems " any pattern of disabilities " what marks were made on the kids and why " any other #uestion the $oly %pirit prompts you to ask $ %s& for forgiveness from the 'O() : 8enounce any ancestral contract. Deaning withdraw your allegiance and and connection to pledges, vows, commitments, promises made by you or your ancestors to anything outside God. * +rea& every ungodly covenant through prayer and fasting = 3eal with ungodly altars in your family , (ededicate yourself- your family and property bac& to .od > 4ray hard and aggressively to recover all that you have lost / +arricade your life !!! by adopting a lifestyle of holiness- prayer

and fasting !% you are a ,hristian in 'usiness """ /et me briefly share some thoughts from a great $hristian entrepreneur of the last century. 0ruce 0arton was a $hristian businessman in the early to mid )@**s. ! very successful one ... in fact one of the few millionaires of his time. The son of a famous minister, 0arton was always drawing inspiration from the 0ible. His most famous book was about $hrist 9and his second most famous book was about the 0ible;. He sai# that your 'usiness must #o more than provi#e a service His book, &'he (an )obody *nows& made Eesus alive for millions of people. !t that time, most people thought 9and still think; of Eesus as a sad, wimpy type of savior. 0ut 0arton said that Eesus was physically strong from being a carpenter, healthy from walking in the open air every day, popular because He was invited to parties and attracted little kids, and a wise leader because He took )5 unknown men 9fishermen; and made them leaders in a uniBue organiFation that spanned the globe and touched everyone for thousands of years. 0aron wrote in )@5*, 0"e 12esus3 was at a wedding party 4 The wine had given out! 5o "e performed "is first miracle! 2ust to save a hostess from embarrassment 4 and "e thought it worth a miracle! 2ust to save a group of simple fol&s from having their oy cut short 4 it was for such a cause- "e thought- that "is divine power had been entrusted to "im!0 Here is another e cerpt from his book, "I hope I may never be guilty of writing anything intended to make poor people contented with their lot. "I would rather be known as one who sought to inspire his readers with a divine discontent. "To make men and women discontented with bad health, and to show them how, by hard work, they can have better health. "To make them discontented with their intelligence, and to stimulate them to continuous study. "To urge them on to better jobs, better homes, more money in the bank. "But it does not harm, in our striving after these worthwhile things, to pause in a while and count our blessings." + 0ruce 0arton, )@5* .inally, here"s something he said that might %ust be one of the greatest secret to prosperity, &If a man practices doin! thin!s for other people until it becomes so much a habit that he is unconscious of it, all the !ood forces of the universe line up behind him and whatever he undertakes to do.& Think about that#ow to the prayers... to round out our teaching on foundation. -rayer -oints to .eal With Negative oun#ations 6onfession# .al 3#13 %tart with praise and worship ) ' /ord, let the foothold of the enemy in my life be destroyed completely in the name of Eesus 5 /et the blood of Eesus erase all the legal grounds that the enemy has against my life in Eesus" name : I close all the doors open to the enemies in my life, with the blood of Eesus 6 /et any evil concrete constructed by the enemy to stop good seeds from

germinating in my life, be broken down completely in the name of Eesus = Every foundation constructed by the enemy in my life, be destroyed completely in the name of Eesus 7 I command all the words contrary to God"s word spoken against me to fall dead to the ground and bear no fruit, in the name of Eesus. > I bind every strongman in my life and I clear my goods from their possession In Eesus" name. ? Cou strongman of body destruction, be bound in the name of Eesus @ Cou strongman of mind destruction, be bound in the name of Eesus. )* Cou strongman of financial destruction, be bound in the name of Eesus )) Cou strongman of marriage destruction, be bound in the name of Eesus )5 Every battle waged against me in the kingdom of darkness, receive defeat in the name of Eesus. ): 3istributors of spiritual poison, swallow your poison in the name of Eesus )6 !ll the forces of Egypt in my life, rise up against each other in the name of Eesus. )= ' /ord, let the %oy of the enemy over my life be turned to sorrow in Eesus" name )7 !ny satanic army organiFed against my life, receive the %udgment of God in the name of Eesus. )> Every evil power source from my place of birth, be destroyed completely in the name of Eesus. )? I block every evil access to my life in the name of Eesus. )@ Every problem that came into my life by personal invitation, depart now in the name of Eesus. 5* !ny problem that has entered my life through my parents, depart now in the name of Eesus. 5) !ny problem that has entered my life as a result of attacks by satanic agents, depart now in the name of Eesus. 55 !ll my trapped blessings, be released immediately in the name of Eesus. 5: !ny power that wants to renew affliction in my life, be bound in the name of Eesus. 56 !ll my blessings that have been locked up, be unlocked now in the name of Eesus. 5= Every evil agreement working against my life, de consumed by the fire of God in the name of Eesus. 57 !nything strengthening problems in my life, I command you to loose your power in the name of Eesus. 5> ' /ord, let the power of environmental witchcraft be destroyed in the name of Eesus. 5? ' /ord, let the power of household witchcraft be destroyed in the name of Eesus. 5@ ' /ord, let the power of workplace witchcraft be broken in the name of Eesus. :* I rebuke every spirit working against the soundness of my mind in the name of Eesus. :) 2hadow of death, flee away from meG heavenly light, shine on me, in Eesus" name. :5 ' /ord, let evil arrows fired into my marriage go back to where they came from in Eesus" name. :: ' God of promotion, promote me beyond my wildest dreams this month in Eesus" name. Thank the L !" for answering your prayers### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Base# On /ost Spiritual Secrets Applie# .uring The -rayer Marathon By ELISHA GOODMAN How The 664 Prayer Points of a One-Of-A-Kind Event The Prayer Marathon Can Help You e!o"e a #oarin$ %u!!ess TO&AY' With an Electrifying Testimony the Ultimate Breakthrough - Revealed For the FIRST TI E !"#W$ERE% 2nd Edition 4rayer 3#! 777 T"E 8'T9:%TE +(E%;T"(O8." 777 I want to share a vision that I saw whilst beginning to do my 6pm prayer. I started off inviting the Holy Spirit to empower me and lead me through this prayer... and went on to praise and worship (I love this bit as I can go on and on dwelling in his presence forever), I was so deep in worshipping that I started to cry out to him and confessing my sins (you now... those ones that you say to be upfront with !od before starting the prayer of releasing finances)" I so desperately wanted to now his response that I waited silently and allowed myself to be caught up in his presence. #fter a few minutes of waiting upon the $ord the Holy Spirit told me to flic the bible open. #s I open it ... it was %sther &. I read the whole chapter' it was %sther(s )e*uest to the ing. +o me.. I was filled with ,oy as my prayer pleases the -ing of all -I.! to grant my petition and fulfill my re*uest of being forgiven. I was so touched by his response that I continue to humble myself and praise him with humility" +hen my eyes opened in the spirit. I saw this figure coming from heaven dressed in white" I could not see his face but I saw a gold crown on his head. +he brightness that was coming from him made me hide my face. I felt something touched my head it felt li e a stic and these white fla es begin to fall from heaven and they were soothing. +hey ,ust engulfed me. +hen I heard his voice. It was gentle and soothing. He said/ "Rise up o woman of great esteem, come let me show you what I have in store for you." He gently too my hand and I got up and loo ed... 0ehold I saw this great city glittering it was as everything was made of glass and different ind of stones adorned this city. It was the most magnificent architect of all times. It was breathta ing. I ,ust stood there soa ing in the beauty of this city... man, I did not want to leave, splendor was everywhere. I don1t now whether that was heaven or not" all I now is that he spo e and said...2 you see this city, this is my mine and I am giving half of the ingdom to you... for you are pleasing in my sight 2 I don(t now the significance of that vision but I was cho ed with emotion. I was roc ing bac and forth than ing the $ord for this awesome, e3traordinary gift that has been given to me"4 -- Prayer Marathon Participant

4rayer 3#! $opyright H 5**7 by Elisha Goodman. !ll rights reserved under the international and 4an+!merican copyright conventions. #o part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.


he advice contained in this material might not be suitable for everyone. The author designed the information to present his opinion about the sub%ect matter. These are current opinions only and sub%ect to change without notice. The reader must carefully investigate all aspects of any spiritual decision before committing himIor herself. The author obtained the information contained herein from sources he believes to be reliable and from his own personal e perience, but he neither implies nor intends any guarantee of accuracy. The author is not in the business of giving spiritual, physical, or any other type of professional advice. 2hould the reader need such advice, he or she must seek services from a competent professional. The author particularly disclaims any liability, loss or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. The author believes that the advice presented here is sound, but readers cannot hold him responsible for either the actions they take or the result of those actions. $'#TE#T2

9<T(O)86T9O< JJJJJJJJJJ. 6"%=TE( 1# >"%T 9 +E'9E?E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * The !0$ .undamentals

6"%=TE( $# 5E6(ET @ 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! / Identify The 0lue 2hirts

6"%=TE( 3# 5E6(ET @ $ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A !ctivate Cour 4rayer 3#!

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6"%=TE( 5# =rayer )<% e46ourse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1$ 6"%=TE( ,# The =rayer :arathonBBBBBBBBB 13

4rayer 3#! New Years Shocker Know It All Coach Elisha EX OSED Yo!re A False ro"het# She Screamed. Ive A read! "a#$ed %ear# A&d '(&# O) M(&e! O& S(-ca ed ANOINTED $EN OF %OD* +,$ %(,re 'he "(r#$- %(, Have&$ .ra!ed A Sin&le .ra!er /(r Me'uch- It was only the first day of the #ew CearJ and I was already humiliated-- K.alse 4rophetL is a painful title to a minister of the gospel of Eesus $hristJ but she was right, you know. I never pray for my callersJ because IMm always trying to get them to wake upJ Their C=rayer )<%D IMll tell you about the N4rayer 3#!M in a minute. 0ut first, hereMs how the disaster happened when Eoannie, my first caller of the #ew Cear, called to speak to me with tears in her voiceJ 2heMd been given my phone number by her friend Delanie, who happened to attend the end+of+year prayer meeting I held at a little church %ust a few days earlier. !ccording to her, sheMd never seen anything like that, or heard the kind of energetic prayers we prayed that night. 3uring the session, she saw 8o anne who had been in an accident )? years earlier and couldnMt walk straight suddenly straighten up and begin to scream O totally healedEmily shared a testimony of how her 5)+year+old daughter who was shooting up to three and half grams of cocaine a day miraculously got delivered from this deadly addiction after praying a few prayer points I sent her. Eack showed a couple of doctorsM reports O one before he started praying some prayers I emailed to him a month before, and the other obtained %ust that morningJ Delanie said she was amaFed all this happened without any special laying on of handsJ or daily affirmationsJ or positive thinkingJ or visualiFationJ or fire walkingJ or dream buildingJ or self talkJ or falling under the anointingJ or any of those other NtechniBuesM that many Ne pertsM are preaching these days. 2o Eoannie was persuaded to give me a call. Her marriage had been threatening to fall apart for over a year. 2he also had a teenage daughter who was heavily into drugs and the occult. !s if this wasnMt enough, she %ust lost her %ob at an auto parts vendor thanks to outsourcing, and foreclosure on her home was a looming possibility. The final straw& The spouse called it Buits the previous dayJ in spite of prayers by powerful ministers of GodJ in spite of reassuring prophecies sheMd received that this would never happenJ !nyway, she was trying to hold back the tears as she told me how overwhelming the past year had been. Her voice broke when she told me about going from seminar to seminar, how sheMd been everywhere for relief, and about how ) year of counseling had not helped a bitJ K#ow my marriage has fallen apart,L she wailed. ThenJ I waited for a few minutes, then I asked her gently, KEoannie, where eEactly would you li&e us to start& I mean, of all the things youMve mentioned, which one gives you the most pain& There was a long pause on the other end of the line. I could tell she wasnMt prepared for that Buestion. !fter what seemed like a long time, she whispered, Kmy marriage.L KI would give anything to have my marriage backJ I feel this somehow has affected everything else thatMs been happeningJL Then I asked her, KIf I gave you > specific prayer points to pray this night before you go to bed, would you do that for me&L 2he began to sob Buietly, KI will give anythingJ do anythingJL Eureka- That was all I needed to know. 2he had %ust signaled to her N4rayer 3#!.M I confidently began to read her the prayer points, asking her to repeat them after me with a loud voice. IMd %ust given her the last one and was about to detail the instructions on H'1 to pray them andJ 0''D- It happenedJ 2oannie >ent +erser&F KI knew it,L 2he screamed- Dy pastor told me not to go to aJ aJ 9she spat out the words;J a Nstupid prayer coach-M He said you were all a bunch of .!/2E prophets and now I believe it. IMm in agony here and you havenMt prayed a single prayer for me--L K9 TO') GO8 I needed you to pray for me O #'T for you to teach me how to pray- 1hatMs the matter with you, why are you so uncaring&L 1ow. 2he got so mad it scared me right out of my socks. 0ut she was right, I wasnMt going to pray for herJ at least not in the way she thought I should be. I was actuallyJ secretlyJ intent on getting her toJ %ctivate "er =rayer )<%F 1hat do I mean by her N4rayer 3#!&M Cou see, 3#! is the hereditary material in humans. !ll the instructions needed to make things work in the body are contained within this chemical 3#!J !nd all these information in the 3#! is stored as a code. 2o much for the physical side of things. 1hen we get to the spiritual, things become a bit more interesting. HereMs what happensJ 1hen God wants to deliver spiritual instructions to those who have not yet developed the capacity to hear HID directly, He spiritually opens their NearsM when they are asleep and imprints or seals the information in their spiritual 3#!. This information contains all of GodMs instructions 9prescriptions; needed to build and maintain a healthy and abundant lifeJ plus relationshipsJ plus finances. 'nly trouble isJ it is encodedIt takes specific prayers to Nwake upM this spiritual 3#! and to e tract the encoded information from it. ThatMs why I call it the K4rayer 3#!.L 2oannieDs =rayer )<% %nd The H5ecret )ecoderI +oo& 1ell, EoannieMs 4rayer 3#! needed to wake upJ so it could begin to transmit the coded message about her problems. The > prayer points that I %ust gave her is part of what is entitled, KPnow The 2ecretsL and itMs designed to get her 4rayer 3#! into transmission mode 9remember, it was asleep all these years;. Eust by repeating these prayers after me passionately, her 3#! began to transmit using a special secret codeJ Eoannie %ust didnMt know it. !nd neither would anyone without the secret K3#! decoder bookL

) 5 ) 5 :

The 5ecret 6ode (E?E%'E) Cou see, the secret code in this case appeared suddenly O like a wedding gown stolen or torn or something bad happened to it. The secret meaning was, NHE/4, marriage under attack-MJ 4lus, specific coded information on where the attack came from and, more importantly, how to neutraliFe it. Cour spiritual 3#! has secret codes that it transmits when you pray certain prayers, but it takes someone with the Ndecoder manualM to understand it. !nd I know the secret codes. .or instance, if your secret code transmits images like, Q CouMre on a trip and the road is becoming longer and longerJ and you never seem to complete the trip. This is like frustration is silently creeping up on you unawares. Q CouMre constantly wandering around at the mall O whether youMre there to buy anything or not O is like a message in a bottle, saying be careful or you could end up in a mental institution pretty fast. Q Going back to your childhood days is a sure sign that backwardness or retarded progress is setting in. Q /osing money O and not able to find it O is a coded message that thereMs some spiritual attack on your finances going on behind your backJ and you need to take Buick action. 2o you see, I actually was getting a spiritual diagnosis of EoannieMs problems as a result of the few prayer points we were repeating back and forthJ which now gave me the information I needed to prescribe for her, B % set of $1 focused- raJor4sharp prayer points .8%(%<TEE) to slice through her problems li&e a hot &nife through butterF 0y the end of the second week, her husband 0ill was back home, full of apologies. $aroline the daughter took longer 9about si weeks; to break away from her relationship with her occult boyfriendJ and the drugs. !bout her %ob& 2he was recalled at the end of .ebruary and even given a raiseThis wasnMt an instant fi like we all want, because problems have been building up for monthsJ and she didnMt have the right spiritual training to cope with this. 8ncaringF 'n her last call, I asked her why sheMd sent 7 other friends to see me if I was so uncaring. 1e laughed about it. !nyway, her husband 0ill confessed to me he never knew there were so many NobscureM 2criptures that could be applied to solve emotional and physical problems 9heMs been a devoted $hristian for 5= years;J and heMs now NeatingM his 0ible like a hungry lion day and night. 2ust =rayingK I %ust wanted to set the record straight. 3epending on what codes your 3#! is transmitting, you may need to .!2T during the prayers. Cour heart and mind may also need Nspiritual surgeryM for you to see any meaningful results 9IMll tell you all about this later;. In the last few years, I have come across :6) secret codes which can be transmittedJ including direct messages from the Holy 2pirit of God. Cou may also pick up valuable information in dreams and visions. 2tay with me. This book will touch upon some of these as we go along. Free H)<%I 5ecrets %lert Eoannie told me to make it easy for all C'U folks out there to wake up your N4rayer 3#!.M 2heMd like you to begin to en%oy 9like she did; divine solutions to your relationship problemsJ and your financial problemsJ and even your health problems. 2o I decided to put together this book and offer it on this website;. In it I teach the fundamentals of praying deadly effective prayers. #ot the cherry pie kind of prayers they taught you in 2unday schoolJ #ot prayer that is limp, boring, sleepy and dull. #o. Today, youMre going to begin the process of learning how to pray NtargetedM prayers. 4rayer that hauls in not %ust the e act things that you pray forG but rather, the prayer that has the potential of bringing in the une pectedJ BuicklyCouMll find the very ne t section O 1hat I believe, The !0$ .undamentals O a useful foundation for all the subseBuent material, especially if youMre relatively new to this type of energetic and passionate praying. It will help clear your head of all the old stuff youMve been taught to do, thatMs not working.

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>"%T 9 +E'9E?E The %+6 Fundamentals IMd like to share with you my : core beliefs about effective prayer, and you can see if they match yours. I call this the !0$ .undamentalsJ the very basicsJ the building blocks. ItMs important to get this clear before we dive into any Nsecrets.M HereMs my !0$ % stands for %cknowledge God + stands for +e humble and show gratitude to God 6 stands for 6ommit to '#E strategy % %c&nowledge .od .irst, I believe the purpose of prayer is to get answersJ from God, not to impress God or anyone, not to win applause. !nd prayer should be addressed to God through Eesus $hrist, and none elseJ 2ince weMre going to be addressing our prayers to God, we should be careful to acknowledge Him, and do so without any reservation. >hat do 9 mean by ac&nowledging .odK To acknowledge God means to make sure your HE!8T is surrendered 9submitted; to the lordship of $hrist totally. !s obvious as this may sound, the reality seems to be that so many $hristians are only NpartiallyM submitted, and as we shall see later on, this does prevent folks from receiving what they pray for.

%c&nowledge "imB demonstrated it by giving your heart totally to Eesus our saviorJ by confessing our sins !#3 leaving them behindJ and allowing Him to change our heart. ThatMs what it means to be Ksaved.L $ave you been saved% If you are not sure you are KgenuinelyL saved, it"s simple to be saved ... ) Q (ealiJe you are a sinner! (!s it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one,( 8omans :,)* (... for there is no difference. .or all have sinned, and come short of the glory of GodG( 8omans :,5: Q (ealiJe you 6%< <OT save yourself! (0ut we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy ragsG ...( Isaiah 76,7 (#ot by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, ...( Titus :,= Q (ealiJe that 2esus 6hrist died on the cross to pay for your sins! (1ho his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, ...( ) 4eter 5,56 (... Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,( 8evelation ),= Q 5imply by faith receive 2esus 6hrist as your personal 5avior! (0ut as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name,( Eohn ),)5 ( ...2irs, what must I do to be saved& !nd they said, 0elieve on the /ord Eesus $hrist, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.(( !cts )7,:*,:) (.or God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 2on, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.( Eohn :,)7 >O8') GO8 '9;E TO +E 5%?E)K 4ray this prayer, and mean it with all your heart. +ord ,esus, I know that I am a sinner, and unless you save me I am lost forever. I thank you for dyin! for me at -alvary. I come to you now, +ord, I repent of my sins and I ask you to save me. I now receive you as my %avior. In the name of ,esus -hrist, .men. + +e "umble and 5how .ratitude for Everything 2econd, I believe that one must humble herself before God. ! practical way of doing this is to always e press our gratitude to Him for everything, thanking Him in any situation we find ourselvesJ and praising Him in all circumstances, whether good or badIt is this attitude, more than anything else, which can have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of our prayers. !s part of this, it is also important that we worship Him with, not %ust the Nfruit of our lipsM but also with our substances. Dy friends and I have also discovered that giving thanks for GodMs goodness to 'THE82 9and praying for them too; is a powerful means of having our prayers answered fastJ much faster than would have been the case otherwise. !gain, this sounds so basic you might feel itMs not necessary to dwell on it. 0ut at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I want to point out that, though God answers ERE8C prayer that is in line with His purpose, you might #ERE8 see the answers to that prayer if you fail to cultivate and maintain a grateful attitudeJ at all times- ItMs that serious. /etMs pause here for a moment before we get into the Nheavy stuffM and review what weMve said so far. In order to pray the kind of prayers that provokes Buick answers, you must, +E humble and be grateful to Him for everything in our lives and in the lives of others, maintaining an attitude of praiseJ and worship through good and bad timesJ and live "O'G. /ast point I want to make here is this J learn how to confirm .odDs purpose for you , using the 0ible and prayer, and #ERE8 ever try to dictate to HID how and when your prayers should be answeredJ He has perfect timing1ith me so far& Great. #ow to the third and last of my core beliefsJ the 6 of my !06 .undamentals. It is thisJ 6 6ommit To O<E =rayer 5trategy 8ecently some pastors were asked why their churches were not growing, in spite of the hard work theyMd been putting in for so many years. The specific areas of growth referred to were, 9i; membership 9ii; finances ) ! ma%ority of them believed it was renewed attack by the devil 97)S; while the rest blamed it on the economy. #ot one finger was pointed inward at all. 3onMt get me wrong here. These two elements are certainly important contributing factors but they are #'T necessarily the primary reason for dwindling headcount and resources in the church. The :issing 9ngredientB The ma%or overriding reason for lack of growth , whether spiritual or physical, whether for church or individual members, isJ '%6; OF % 6'E%(- FO685E) =(%GE( 5T(%TE.GFF 2urprised& Cou shouldnMt be. HereMs why,

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The devil has been in operation for many centuries 0UT he wasnMt able to stop the Early $hurch from spreading like an epidemicJ Even recently, in $hina, for e ample, before the communist regime began the worst form of persecution of the $hurch in the )@6*s 9which continues to this day;, there was an estimated 6 million $hristians. Half a century later, in spite of the imprisonment, torture and killings of members of the underground $hurchJ there are over )** million $hristians in $hina today- 1hat phenomenal growth in spite of the devil0laming it all on the devil will %ust not cut it. !nd how about the economy& !nd its adverse effect on the finances of members individually, and the church collectively& 3uring the time of the Early $hurch, famines, natural disasters, outbreaks of deadly epidemics, were a normal part of life. 0ut if youMre a careful reader of the 0ible, youMll realiFe that the $hurch had abundance in everything. .olks gaveJ and gaveJ and gave, in spite of the terrible economy of those days. 1hat then is sorely missing today& I repeat, ignorance of the '#E clear, focused prayer strategy that effective $hristians have been using throughout the ages1e can T!/P about prayer all that we want to 9as is currently fashionable;, but the type of results weMre looking for will #'T happen without this '#E, virtually unknown concept IMm going to introduce here 9and e pand on in subseBuent chapters;. Cou want to know why your prayers are not working& 4ossibly, youMre not even aware of this '#E concept that never fails to bring results. .or many years as a $hristian, I didnMt know it either. Tuite possibly, my pastors in those days never knew it, or at least they never tried to teach it or practice itJ and I paid a huge price for this ignorance. 0ut once I knew it and began to apply it meticulously, the results were nothing short of dramatic, to the glory of GodIMm getting ahead of myself hereJ so letMs backup for a second. >hat 9s % =rayer 5trategy ! prayer strategy is a particular plan of praying, focused on bringing the victory of Eesus into any situation we might encounter. The main elements of an effective prayer strategy areJ Q identify your needs specifically Q search for, and meditate on, relevant 2criptures Q present your case methodically and systematically before God Q be passionate and persistent Q engage in purposeful fasting while you pray Q be e pectant and pray with faith Q pray aggressively to a level of assurance I have discovered that !// prayers that God ever answered in the 0ible contain many or all of these elements. Through years of study and practice I have melded all these elements into what I callJ The )4)ay 5trategy To describe this uniBue strategy I will use two stories O one from 1orld 1ar II, and the other from the 0ible, starting from the time of $hrist. The )4)ay 5trategy Of >> 99 3uring 1orld 1ar II, the #aFis had succeeded in gaining near+total control of Europe and the only country left standing was 0ritain. !t this point, the !llies, led by the U2 and 0ritain, made the historic decision to enter and seiFe control, by landing their forces in one strategic location O at the beaches of #ormandy, in #orthern .rance. To achieve this impossible feat, the !llies had to assemble a huge invasion force of over )**,*** troops at a base in England, launch a focused attack targeted at the beaches of #ormandy. 2eparating them from their goal was the English $hannel. They were going to cross this $hannel as fast as they could with an invasion force focused directly and e clusively on the point of attack 93 3ay;. 'nce they landed on the beaches of #ormandy, their %ob was to Buickly force the enemy out of this area and secure the beachhead. Then they had to move out to take additional areas 9in .rance; on the way toward overall liberation and control of Europe. ThatMs it. ThatMs the 3+3ay strategy. !nd thatMs what turned the tide of 1orld 1ar II against the #aFis and secured victory for the rest of the world. 1hy was this such a successful strategy& 0ecause they were totally focused on a very specific NnicheM where they could dominate from the outset. They were able to concentrate an overwhelmingly superior force on this highly focused target 9the beaches at #ormandy; and because of this singular focus, they were able to Buickly force out the enemy from that location, and then use it as a base for broader operations. It worked in )@66 for the !llies and has continued to work in other military campaigns. #ow you %ust might be saying, Kfine, but what has any of this got to do with prayer&L 1ell, in case youMve not noticed, in the 0ible, praying and receiving answers to those prayers has always been an act of aggression. 2uccessful people of prayer in the 0ible prayed with the sole purpose of getting answers, despite whatever resistance was posed. #o matter the circumstances. Take Eli%ah. 'r EabeF. 'r even the man called 0lind 0artimaeus. They were not praying to be noticed, or applauded. To them, opposition %ust didnMt countJ they wanted answers'n another level, there are invisible powers in the spiritual realm 9you can only see them through the eyes of the spirit; who do not want you to receive the answers to your prayers, and are doing all they can to shut you out. Cou may not

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believe thisJ but it doesnMt matter whether you believe or not. The 0ible says they are there. The fact that someone, including some favorite television preachers, cannot see themJ does not in any way change this spiritual reality. In the time of Eesus, the religious leaders could not understand thisJ so Eesus said they were like the blind leading the blind. $learly, the 0ible shows these invisible powers are thereJ and they go by a lot of fancy names. .or the purpose of this te t, IMll call them prayer vampires O out to drink the blood of your prayers so the answers never come. Got all that& If yes, thatMs greatIMm now about to show you that the very word of God that weMre all en%oying today was spread through a method similar to the 3+3ay strategy I %ust described. )4)ay 5trategy of Early 6hurch Ob ective# To take the gospel to every creature on earth 2E585 + Established an early base in Galilee + $rossed his own NEnglish $hannelM to Eerusalem + Immediately grabbed the strategic beachhead of the Temple at Eerusalem. 9IMm hoping you know your 0ible wellJ the first thing Eesus did on entering Eerusalem was to head straight for the temple where he used aggression9violence; to drive out those who were misusing the place O not the ever gentle Eesus we know;. %=O5T'E5 O * + Tuickly secured the temple 9they were always at The temple, preaching and performing miracles after Eesus ascended into heaven;. + Used the temple as their base to carry out the broader operations of spreading the gospel in Eerusalem, in Eudea and in 2amaria O as commanded by the /ord. =%8' L 6o. + Took the gospel to the outermost parts of the earth )o you see the progressionK Q ,esus started from /alilee (early base) Q ,esus crossed to the temple at ,erusalem (beaches of )ormandy) Page 23 of 149 Prayer !A " 'he apostles secured the temple Q 'he apostles used the temple as a base to spread the !ospel to surroundin! areas. Q .postle Paul and company then moved out to the rest of the world (0urope) ) 8emember, the ultimate purpose of our /ord Eesus $hrist all along was to spread the gospel throughout all the earth. 0ut see how it all began in one tiny early base in Galilee, marching on slowly but surely to 3+3ay at the temple of Eerusalem. In fact, the day the $hristian $hurch officially started, membership was )5*, out of a total population of 6 million at the time. Today, that number is in the billions, and the original purpose is !/D'2T accomplished, making the $hristian church the most amaFing institution of any kind the world has ever known0utJ it all started with a strategy seemingly laid out by $hrist Himself and subseBuently e ecuted, even to this day, by the powerful ministry of the Holy 2pirit. This uniBue, present ministry of the Holy 2pirit is what sets $hristianity apart from everything elseJ including !// other religions, period. #ow, we have the background, how can we relate this to effective prayer& ) Q 2tart by picking your NnicheMJ a situation in your lifeJ that you desperately need GodMs help with. 3onMt try to solve all problems at once. Q Then go ahead, and use the specific 2criptures, techniBues, and prayers IMm going to show you in this study. Q 0e passionate and aggressive about it. Q It would help if you can connect with the right people network 9online or offline;, say those who understand this concept, have a passion for helping people, and have a verifiable track record of successfully applying this concept. Q 'nce you can see results, give thanks to GodG move on to the ne t problem and apply the same techniBue all over again. ) Dost $hristians #ERE8 do this. TheyMve been taught to do NvagabondM praying all their lives O %umping from one prayer to another, often within seconds. If youMre doing thisJ 5TO= F F F It is a complete waste of time and effort. If you do #'T commit to this strategy J or a variation of itJ this time neEt year 9God forbid; you may still find yourself stuck with the crisis youMre facing today, or worse. God forbid, you may even end up with these 5 problems that most $hristians are facing today, Q Cou may be overwhelmed by lifeMs problems, in an increasingly hostile and hyper+competitive environment. Q Cou may find yourself going after the wrong enemy " Cou may not be able to figure out where things went wrong Q CouMll definitely lack a step+by+step guide on how to address the issues of life Q Cou may end up wasting your energy in a vacuum and going around in circles 1 End (esultK

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.rustration, depression, feeling of worthlessness, low self+esteem, failure, stagnation, suicidal tendencies, mounting debts, broken relationshipsJ the list goes on and on. How do I know this& 0ecause IMve been there. 3onMt let this be your testimony. Gou 6%< turn the tide todayJ the choice is totally yours. !nd itMs not as hard as you think>hat To )o

8emember Eoannie& 8emember how I first asked her to pick one pressing issue& I was using this 3+3ay strategy. It !/1!C2 works, if youMre trained to go about it systematically. ThatMs why I offer training and mentoring resources to help take you by the hand, literally, from where you are now to your glorious destiny in $hrist. In the ne t : chapters IMm going to reveal behind+the+scenes secrets that will fast+track you into the realm of the eagles O the secret weapons in the body of $hrist O who have so honed their praying skills that many of them receive answers to their prayers Kwhile they are still speaking.L $H!4TE8 T1' =(%GE( )<% 5E6(ET @1 9dentify The +lue 5hirts 1'he lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sin!le, your whole body will be full of li!ht.2 (atthew 3455 #ow, weMre ready to go into the first secret of instant prayer answers. It is a secret so powerful it can work a profound change in your prayer lifeJ and in every other area of your life. The secret is remarkably simple. In the ne t 7* seconds, it will empower you to open your eyes and see the world in a new way. It will let you uncover many of lifeMs treasures hiding in plain sight, and can be used to obtain answers to your prayers more easily and Buickly. I call itJ The 5ecret Of The +lue 5hirts /etMs imagine that you and I are sitting in a large stadium, watching a baseball game on a sunny afternoon in mid+Euly. I say to you, K.riend, look around the stadium. Take a good look and then close your eyes.L Cou do so. Eyes closed& 'kay. I then ask, K.riend, how many blue shirts did you notice&L Cou think for a moment and reply, K1hy, I really didnMt notice any. I was looking at the crowd.L Eust what I thought. 1hen it came to noticing blue shirts your eyes were wide open but you were still asleep. !lright, a second chance. 2can the crowd again, but this time, look for the blue shirts. Cou do so and suddenly notice more blue shirts than you can count. Instantly, you have %ust e perience a Buantum leap in your ability to perceive blue shirts. ThatMs cool, you think. 0ut why is this such a powerful secret for praying effective prayers& 2imple. .or the words, blue shirt, substitute divine provision 'r divine health 'r blissful marriage 'r favor with boss 'r new opportunity that will make great profits 'r product that will make you rich 'r salvation for loved ones 'r spiritual gifts 'r career of your dreams .or each of the things mentioned here 9and every other need you might think of; there are specific promises of God in the 2criptures attached to them. If God has promised, then you need to find the promise and then use it as a springboard to Kpray inL what you need. =romises- =romises- =romises There are about 7-*/7 promises in the 0ible, and you must be able to identify the ones you want. If you open to 4salm :>, there are 6* promises in this 4salm aloneCou wonMt likely stumble across any of them by %ust staring at the 0ible, or reading it out of a sense of duty O mechanically. 0ut you will spot them unfailingly once you look specifically, e clusively and persistently for each. K2eek and you shall findL is one of the best known verses of 2cripture. 0ut it works only when you seek for '#E thing specifically, e clusively and persistently. This is why The 2ecret of the 0lue 2hirts takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master. The problem is, we all want many things !T '#$E. /ife is so rich and enticing, we flit from light to light like moths at a carnival. 1e pray for not only blue shirts. 1e desire for whole wardrobes, awash in a peacockMs palette of colors, and we pray for them all simultaneously. 0ut as you saw in the stadium of your mind, God reveals precious things one at a time. To find a blue shirt, you must pray for a blue shirt and only a blue shirt, and keep praying for a blue shirt until you get one. Then you can move on to pray for yellow shirts, or whatever you desire in life. 2o, .riend, what Kblue shirtL should you be praying for& 1hat do you think is the one thing that could most easily turn your life around& 3ecide what it is, then start looking for the promise in 2cripture. !nd donMt close your 0ible until you find it. 1hy& 0ecauseJ To reach a destination, you must first have one. 4lease pay close attention here. In GodMs economy, the most important ingredient for getting your prayers answered is clarity O clarity about what you desireJ clarity about the 2criptural promise backing it up. 8emember the man called 0lind 0artimaeus in the 0ible& He was calling on the /ord Eesus and asking for His Nmercy.M 0ut there are so many kinds of mercy in the 0ible. Eesus had to ask him what he wanted, specifically. !s soon as he said he wanted his eyes to openJ +OO:- he had it-

4ut simply, when youMre crystal clear about what you wantJ and you can attach it specifically to GodMs promise in 2cripture, youMre H!/. 1!C there. #ot Buite there yetJ /et take a great e ample from the 0ibleJ that of !braham. He received from God the promise of a son. Dany, many years later he was still waiting for its fulfillment. God had to NappearM to him in order to take him step+by+step to this ne t level IMm going to show you. 0y the way, this is why I recommend that you need someone who understands these key secrets to take you by the hand, step by step, and walk you through the process O #'T, as is presently the case in most churches today O a super+anointed person of God to lay hands on you and maybe even push you to the floorThis is pre+school level of spiritualityI have a dear friend who insists on remaining at this levelJ unfortunately he finds himself constantly Nfalling under the anointingM with a load of problems and rising up with even more problems. The :ind EMuation Cour Dind U $amera V Transmitter Cour mind is first and foremost a cameraJ it takes sharp photographs of what you see 9and records what you hear;, turns all these into images and files them away, without you knowing it)ow, when you take the promises of /od, meditate on them, and deliberately translate them into pictures of victory in your mind, and then envision this success vividly and repeatedly, then as you pray, everythin! /od created will 6conspire7 to help you !et what you pray for. 2top- 4lease re+read that last statement and allow it to sink in for a moment. Doving on... 3uring prayer, your mind begins to work like a powerful transmitter, broadcasting the images that have been previously filed away. !s you broadcast the promises of God already imaged in your heart with $/!8ITC, the whole of GodMs creation is eager to do their part to bring into e istence e actly what you want to e perience. !ngels of God respond to your call. !llies assemble. !ssistance arrives. 'pportunities materialiFeJ often from the most une pected sources. The 0ible makes it clear that the reverse is also true. 1hen you broadcast worry and fear, or images of hate, hostility and anger, there are some dark, unseen forces that will also respond to your call, and you will attract this to yourself as well. This is why the 0ible makes these powerful statements about the heart 9heart and mind are used interchangeably, in many instances in 2cripture; ;eep your heart with all diligence- for out of it spring the issues of life! =rov! *!$3 .or as he thinks in his heart so is he. 4rov 5:.>a :y son- give me your heart- and let your eyes observe my ways! =rov! $3!$, For out of the abundance of the heart- the mouth spea&s! :att! 1$#3*b 8inally, brethren, whatever thin!s are true, whatever thin!s are noble, whatever thin!s are 9ust, whatever thin!s are pure, whatever thin!s are lovely, whatever thin!s are of !ood report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anythin!praiseworhy : meditate on these thin!s. 4hilippians 6,? Gou will &eep him in perfect peace- whose mind is stayed on Gou- because he trusts in Gou! 9saiah $,#3 !nd do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind- that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 8om )5,5 +ac& To %braham 1hen God appeared to him in Genesis )= he complained that he was still childless, his prayers didnMt seem to be working, in spite of the promise heMd received directly from God. Then God asked him to FO685 with 6'%(9TG on a specific ob%ect 9the stars; that would imprint His promises strongly in his spirit, on his nerves, brain cells and every fiber of his being. .rom then on, it was only a matter of time before the answer appeared. The key is to realiFe that God has given you the free will to broadcast whatever signals you wish, and in so doing, write your ticket, and bring into your life e actly what God has promised. !nd the most potent form of this type of Nspiritual broadcastingM remains mankindMs greatest untapped resource O prayer. !rmed with this awesome principle, weMre now ready to advance to the ne t level. It is not understanding this ne t secret that has caused so much consternation about prayer in particular, and $hristianity in general today. $H!4TE8 TH8EE =(%GE( )<% 5E6(ET @$ %ctivate Gour =rayer )<% 8or /od may speak in one way, or in another, ;et man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the ni!ht, <hen deep sleep falls upon men, <hile slumberin! on their beds,

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'hen $e opens the ears of men, .nd seals their instruction. Eob ::,)6+)7 #PER ! few months back I was shocked by something I saw on $ourt TR. ! woman somewhere in Dichigan dragged her pastor to court, claiming damages for unfulfilled promises. 1hat happened& 2heMs been faithfully paying her tithes and giving offerings in the church only to discover that instead of becoming richer 9as the pastor had promised;, she was getting poorer and poorer. 1ell, the pastor in his defense said he only told her what the 0ible said and, if she had any problem with that, she should hold God, not him, responsible'he blind leadin! the blind= as ,esus said. Dy concern is that this type of scenario might become more and more common if $hristians are not properly trained on how to appropriate the promises of God through aggressive and passionate praying. 2ometimes, I even feel there might be a conspiracy by some church leadership to keep their members weak and ignorantJ so that theyMll always be dependent on their leaders for even the most basic spiritual needs- I donMt know this for sureJ and I hope IMm wrong$ould this be one of the reasons that psychic studios are springing up almost everywhere you look& !nyway, right here, youMre going to learn a little+known secret that will turn you from victim to victor, from cry+ baby to divine champion, and from worry bag to problem solver. 'nward. =rayer )<% (evisited Earlier I said that when God wants to deliver spiritual information to people who have not yet developed the ability to hear Him directly, He spiritually opens their NearsM when they are asleep and imprints or seals the information in their spiritual 3#!. I also said that this information contains GodMs step+by+step guide that you can use to create and maintain all+round spiritual, emotional and physical health, as well as abundant life and relationships. The opening 2cripture of this chapter confirms that point. 0ut for the precious few who have gone beyond this pre+school level 9really few, it seems; things are dramatically different. Dany of them speak with God Nmouth to mouth.M !s they have a conversation with God, His instructions are transferred directly to them. They have this huge advantage that these instructions are not encodedJ it is in plain te t and ready to use. HereMs how the 0ible puts it, ;our ears shall hear a word behind you, sayin!, 1 This is the way, walk in it,2 whenever you turn to the ri!ht hand or whenever you turn to the left. " Isaiah 3>45? I pray !// $hristians will aspire to get to this level in Eesus name. 2adly, so many $hristians have been led to believe that once they give lives to $hrist, all their problems are over, without their having to do anything further. 0ecause of this singular error, cases like the lady who sued her pastor for tithes may soon become commonplace. The 0ible says, 'herefore my people have !one into captivity, @ecause they have no knowledge 'heir honorable men are famished .nd their multitude dried up with thirst. " Isa. &'() Gou may be in captivity 1without &nowing it3 if you find yourself# Q Having a hard time living the $hristian life Q .inding prayer difficult 9this one is a big give+away; Q .orcing yourself to read the 0ible Q .inding fasting impossible Q Getting angry at the slightest provocation Q Having difficulty finding a marriage partner Q Having friends that appear as enemies Q Having enemies that appear as friends Q Having unstable marriage Q Having uncontrollable se ual urge Q Having strange sicknesses 9often running in the family; Q Having thoughts of suicide Q .eeling empty and abandoned Q !ddicted to any substance O drugs, alcohol, food Q /iving in the grip of fear Q Having se in the dream Q Eating in the dream Q /iving from paycheck to paycheck Q $hildren who are not interested in the gospel Q 2pouse who hates or ridicules the gospel Q Unable to have children 9or losing them prematurely; Q Having une plainable business failures Q Having dream of being pursued 9by animals or armed persons; Q Having no dream at all Q !lways dreaming of seeing water Q 8ecurring memories of childhood abuse Q 3eviant se ual behavior


9This list is by no means e haustive;

These issues can only be addressed by targeted prayers- the type we prayed during the =rayer :arathon 1more on this later3! Cou see, what happens when you pray targeted prayer points NcreatedM from 2cripture is that the 2cripture gets NstampedM indelibly on your beingJimprinting it on your heart, mind and body. This isnMt %ust an empty e perience. !nd as you pray, your *rayer "+, will be activated. This in turn will ignite the fire of the Holy 2piritJ and a spiritual cleansing will take placeJ and youMll begin to acBuire the ability to decode and apply GodMs divine prescription for your healthJ or financesJ or relationshipsJ or whatever happens to be the challenges youMre facing. If you do this often enough, you will soon have a deep Ninside outM understanding of what it takes and what it feels like to e perience spiritual freedomJ and this is the forerunner of financial and emotional freedom. 9t is important that you learn this HtargetedI manner of praying! 9t is important that you pray each point aloud for at least 3 minutes- with your attention fully concentrated! !gain, 1hen you pray aloud, you are internally imprinting those prayers in your spirit, on your nerves, muscle fibers, brain cells and every fiber of your being. Unfortunately, this is one of the many disciplines that most $hristians will not suffer. ThatMs too bad for them. 2o many people who want to be like EesusJ to be Nhighly anointedM are so laFy. %nd they wonder why their tithes and offerings have failed to bring in the promised harvestB 'rJ why the divorce rate among $hristians is so highJ Or evenBwhy cancer seems to have found a new home in the 6hristian community! I recently heard of one church where 6*S of members are suffering from one form of cancer or the other- Talk about folks not knowing their rights in $hrist, the Great 4hysicianJ reminds me of the old adage of a man living by the bank of a river and washing his hands with spittle- Cour case will be different if youMre not too sophisticated, too NaboveM this sort of praying. % :odern )ay =henomenon /et me tell you a little tale about a man I very much respect who was not above doing this sort of thing. He wanted to reproduce the miracles of the Early $hurch in the book of !cts of the !postles, and so what he did was take the 2criptures and pray them with his own voice %ust as I am instructing you to do. "e did this for a long time! <ow here is something else he too& the trouble to do# 5ince one of the things he wanted to do involved helping others to create the same miracles on their own- what he did was write down step by step what it ta&es to do it- plus the actual prayer points for each specific situation! 1ell, naturally, before he was finished he had an internal Ndeep+rooted NcellularM knowledge of the process of praying the kinds of prayers that get the kind of results we read about in the 0ible. He also knew what it took to help others e perience miracles in their lives like the folks in the Early $hurch. )id all this pay offK )efinitely! This manDs name is )r! )aniel Olu&oya and his boo&s C=ray Gour >ay To +rea&throughsD and C=rayer (ainD are among the best selling prayer manuals of all time! =lus- his once4a4 month prayer meetings attract over half a million participants every single timeF =rayer )<% 5ecret @$ O you have to activate your 4rayer 3#!J by learning to pray by praying, not by talking about prayer. I guarantee you a powerful transformation in your lifeJ if youMd apply the principles IMm sharing with you nowJ and pray the prayer points in this book for %ust 5) days. In the ne t chapter, you will learn why all those prayers you prayed in the past did not work. This is so simple it will amaFe you$H!4TE8 .'U8 =(%GE( )<% 5E6(ET @3 Observe The (ule Of 1/ Then "e spo&e a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying, (There was in a certain city a %udge who did not fear God nor regard man. #ow there was a widow in that cityG and she came to him, saying, "Get %ustice for me from my adversary." !nd he would not for a whileG but afterward he said within himself, "Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me."( Then the /ord said, (Hear what the un%ust %udge said. !nd shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them& I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. #evertheless, when the 2on of Dan comes, will He really find faith on the earth&( %lso "e spo&e this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others, (two men went up to the temple to pray, one a 4harisee and the other a ta collector. The 4harisee stood and prayed thus with himself," God, I thank Cou that I am not like other men ++ e tortioners, un%ust, adulterers, or even as this ta collector. I fast twice a weekG I give tithes of all that I possess." !nd the ta collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, "God, be merciful to me a sinner-" I tell you, this man went down to his house %ustified rather than the otherG for everyone who e alts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be e alted.( /uke )?,)+)6 #PER I reproduced the 2cripture above to clearly illustrate our 4rayer 3#! 2ecret <:, which is, Observe The (ule Of 1/ K)?L referring to $hapter )? of the #ew Testament book of /uke. Eesus considered this secret so crucial to getting answers to prayers that He had to use two uncommon parables, back to back, %ust to get the point across. 'bviously, there are many lessons to draw from this te t but what I want to draw your attention to can be summed up in these two words, =assionate =ersistence 9n the first story- the widow was so persistent- even under very impossible circumstances- that the ungodly udge ust had to grant her desire!

#ote EesusM commentary about His elects who engage in day and night praying. 1eMve discovered that the most powerful prayers happen at the midnight hour O thereMs simply nothing out there that comes close, if the praying is done with passion, persistence and intensity. 9n the second story- the taE collector was so passionate 1didnDt he really get wor&ed up there- beating his chest and all that3 and humble that his prayer had to command immediate divine attentionF =assionate =ersistence in =rayer will %'>%G5 0ring 8esults, often within a matter of days---4lease remember that. HereMs what president $alvin $oolidge once said, K<othing in the world can ta&e the place of persistence. Talent will not. #othing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelictsJL -ake *ersistence in *rayer your .ob "escription /etMs see now. 3id you bother to participate in the prayers of the last 4rayer Darathon& 3id you put it off for later& In my e perience only =S of those who come across this teaching ever bother to do so at firstJ 0ut when I share with them the )*) powerful testimonies that came in %ust 5 weeks into the program 9and are still coming in as I write; , nearly everyone wants to pray them. 1hyMs that& 0ecause hidden within these prayer points are the forty prayer points that an individual prayed and the /'83 rewarded him with the kind of 2cripture we call Kthe switch.L This type of 2cripture, usually a short passage in the 0ible, serves to usher in super4abundant prosperityJ or cause impossible sicknesses to be healedJ or turns some impossible relationships around J and the list goes on and on. 'ur friend was praying and fasting for 6* days 9yes, you read that correctly; and the /'83 gave him this 2cripture in 4salm 5,?G of (e and I will !ive you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.2 1ell, KaskL he did, and the /'83 opened the door of a huge industry sector to him O the wireless communication business. His company is now a global corporation in four continents worth billions of dollars. He was named one of Time magaFines Top )** most influential persons of 5**5, along with other famous names as Oprah and :ichael )ell. His name is 2trive Dasiyiwa. 4retty amaFing especially when you consider that he is not even in #orth !merica or EuropeJ he did his praying from far+away 2outh !frica, his country of residence. ThereMs a prayer answered every minuteJ will yours be ne t& 6"%=TE( Five The =rayer )<% e46ourse There are deep secrets to successful praying. Dost $hristians donMt know themJ most pastors donMt know about this, thatMs why most of them never receive answers to the prayers they pray. >e all have a =rayer )<% which is li&e a Hsuccess blueprintI already ingrained in us! 9t comes from .od! The Buestion is, 3o you know the prescription for your victory and success that God has imprinted in your 3#!& 3o you know how to trigger this information through intense, passionate and persistent prayer& 3o you& To date, IMve written five books e plaining these long+neglected prayer secrets. Eust last month 93ecember 5**=; I decided to prove to my readers that these concepts work !// THE TIDE. ItMs not a case of trial and error. 2o I put a few of those principles to work. 'ut of the huge store of proven prayer points that I have collected over the years 9my spiritual library contains over 5),*** battle+tested prayer points for every conceivable situation;, I pulled out 776 of them for a 5)+day 4rayer Darathon. /iterally, within days the testimonies started coming in thick and fast. Those who participated fully sent in testimonies of new cars, new houses, debts cancellation, sicknesses healed, marriages restored, spiritual life revived, etc. I have even selected %ust )*) of those praise reportsJ and compiled them to prove that the God of the 0ible is still in the business of answering the prayers of HI2 peopleJ and the glory belongs to HID aloneI also did something else. I re+designed my e plosive >+part e+course on how to pray and release financial blessings. In it you will learn how to completely recondition your financial life through targeted and focused praying. .or many people the change will be immediate and permanent. This is not a generic- one4siJe4fits4all programB 9t is carefully customiJedB ust for financial brea&throughs! Dost of our participants who follow our prescription actually e perience a turnaround breakthrough within the > weeksM program. 'thers take longer. =raying To +ring "oney Out Of The (oc& >hy did 9 prepare this programK Doney will always be an important part of your life, whether you accept or not. Doney determines, in most instances, the Buality of your life. Gou can suffer the miseries of financial problems- or you can use targeted praying to solve those problemsB the choice is yours! Far too many people 1including 6hristians who love the 'O()3 live from day to day- from paychec& to paychec&! They are %ust surviving, without the %oy that can come from the :+dimensional kind of prosperity the 0ible talks about in : Eohn 5. Dost adults consider money problems their biggest cause of stress. The constant worry about money is debilitating. 1orrying provides no known benefit and cannot change what will happen tomorrow+but it can weaken your faith, cripple your actions, destroy your peace of mind, and make you feel powerless.

:oney issues are a ma or reason for the brea&up of marriages . Doney problems affect us all at one time or another, and many of us all the time. 2ince money problems can ruin our health, cause distress in our personal relationships and our careers, and destroy our happiness and our lifestylesJ praying about our finances should be a core skill for every /hristian Everyone with a skill for praying wealth releasing prayers can achieve financial freedom. 0ut itMs a delicate skill and needs to be learned step by step. .inancial freedom means being content with your financial life, not wanting for anything, and being free of pressing financial problems. If financial problems are inflicting distress or harm on you or your family, you are not financially free. In part > of this e+course I cover the *N prayer =oints for bringing honey 1wealth3 out of the rock 9une pected places; as well as insights from others who have (fle ed their muscle( in this area. Other things youDll learn in this e4courseQ Cou will learn the prayers that work virtually all the time for everyone. Q Cou will learn other prayers that work only under specific circumstances. Q Cou will learn still other prayers that KdieL in the prayer room every time. "ereDs the eEciting partB Q 0ecause, out of the hundreds of prayers you could learn, youMre going to concentrate only on those that fit you, your circumstances, your background, your life e periences, your concerns and your specific challenges #'1. Q 0ecause, that way, you will not only achieve the results you want, but also save time and effort by avoiding all the Kreligious+soundingL prayers that donMt work. Q +ecause youDll learn how a little &nown prayer Q 0ecause youMll learn how to discover your lifeMs purpose through prayerJ ! simple three step process that will help you uncover your natural ability and move more Buickly down the road to more success and fulfillment in all areas of your life. Q 0ecause youMll learn an astonishing prayer techniBue you can use to supercharge your thinking, e pand your creativity and dramatically increase your self+confidence. Q +ecause GouDll learn the amaJing prayer secrets that will help you build your relationship with .O)! Q 0ecause youMll discover how to pray yourself healthyJ using healing 2criptures as old as the hills 9They never stopped working... people stopped using them correctly-; Q +ecause youDll discover the secret of why the prayers of certain people wor& O and how you can use this same secret to attract answers to your prayers! Q 0ecause youMll learn how to motivate yourself through prayer even through the tough times. Q +ecause youDll learn the O<E core secret that can change your prayer life foreverB plus- you get a collection of $5N of the most powerful life changing prayers! Q 0ecause youMll get to see an astonishing prayer that helped net a young woman a legitimate )5 fold increase in her monthly income in %ust )? months. Q 0ecause youMll learn the Top 7 TechniBues that will help you get results fastJ in anything you choose to pray about. Q +ecause youDll discover why you stay Hfired upI only for one day after listening to all those anointed men and women of .odB and the seven ma or prayer mista&es you must avoid on the route to success! Q 0ecause youMll discover how to really build your prayer muscleJ using > of the most effective and powerful cutting edge techniBues, hidden from plain view in the 0ible. Q +ecause youDll discover why the prayers of your pastor rarely wor& in todayDs worldBfor youB and what to do about it! Q 0ecause youMll learn how a regular folk like you discovered the amaFing idea that made him = million dollars over )* years while praying. ThereDs a lot more youDll learn from this e4course and itDs easy to get there! I0ll be sending more information shortly1 watch your inbo2. Deanwhile, letMs go to the amaFing 4rayer DarathonJ and itMs 776 4rayer 4oints. This is what one of the 56>> online participants had to say, 1;our prayer points are Aspiritual hand !renadesA and Aspiritual nuclear warheadsA demolishin! the seen and the unseen! Praise /od.2 " ,ohnny B, .ustralia

6hapter , =(%GE( :%(%T"O< !"R #"$R$%&'' 5 6se these prayer points for 78 days as described in the following pages. +hen see what happens in the ne3t 9: days. If you are out of wor , you1ll get a ,ob. If you1re employed, you1ll get a raise. If you1re in business, you1ll see a 7&; ,ump in revenues (at least) 5 or return this material for a full cash refund< = +he #uthor

=(%GE( :%(%T"O< =hase 1 +efore Gou +egin 3But upon mount 4ion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness5 and the house of .acob shall possess their possessions.6 badiah ('(7 8.9 I want to welcome you in the name of our /ord and 2avior Eesus $hrist to this yearMs 4rayer Darathon. This is a special program that the +BCD has desi!ned to prove to $is people that He still answers prayers. !nd even if you cannot point to a single, tangible prayer that God has answered this year, this program is set to change all thatThe material you will see in this program was put together over a period of >> years by veteran prayer warriors who were directly commissioned by the /ord Himself. Cou should count yourself blessed to be a partaker of the secret things of God at a time like this. To obtain these prayer points took some dedicated servants of God 6* days of fasting O without food and water O many times over, %ust like Doses in the 0ible. !s I write this, one of the servants of God used to propagate and keep these secrets alive in our generation has been fasting and praying every single day for the last :) yearsCou see, :od has carefully arranged for you to be blessed by their labor of love in this time and season. 2o please do not take anything for granted. 3 Types of =rayer =oints There are : types of prayer points covered here. /etMs look briefly at each of them. Type 1 =rayer =oints These are foundational prayer points. They are targeted at the foundation of your life. This is what the 2cripture says about foundations in 4salm )),:, KIf the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do&L The reason most $hristians are not e periencing victory in their life is because their foundations had been destroyed, mortgaged, sold out and defiled generations ago. !nd like the foundation of a building, it is hidden and out of sight. 2o most people donMt really know if they have a good spiritual foundation or not. .oundational prayer points go right behind the scenes, back to many generations, to uncover and repair anything in the past that could still be having some negative effects on your life. They are fearsome and battle+tested prayer points that are capable of changing your destiny for the best in the twinkling of an eyeJ if you pray them according to instructions and with the reBuired level of aggression. Type $ =rayer =oints In the 'ld Testament book of Dicah >,7b, we read, KJ a manMs enemies are the men of his own house.L Eesus confirmed this in Datt.)*,:7 when HE said, 1. man7s foes shall be they of his own household.2 He is talking here about unseen spiritual powers that operate along ancestral lines in each family, stealing peopleMs blessings, passing down incurable diseases, failure, divorce and poverty through evil means from one generation to another. Type 5 prayer points are targeted at these invisible powers responsible for perpetuating evil family patterns, mostly behind the scenes undetected. Dany have been led to believe that once they got born again these powers will %ust melt away. 'f course, reality proves that is fantasy thinking. Cou have to appropriate what Eesus did at $alvary to deal with these stubborn powers. !nd you have to do it for yourself. Cour pastor may not have the time or spiritual knowledge to do it for you. !nd thatMs what Type 5 prayer points are designed to do. Type 3 =rayer =oints If you look at the opening 2cripture in 'badiah )> above, youMll discover that before a child of God can en%oy GodMs blessings there are 5 important things that need to take place. 9i; deliverance 9ii; holiness That is a far cry from some of todayMs fantasy teachings which give the false impression that the moment you confess Eesus as /ord, all the promises of the 0ible are yours to en%oy. The reality has been this, It is only after 9i; and 9ii; above are properly taken care of through the type of aggressive prayer youMll be praying here, that this wonderful 2cripture in 4salm ?6,)) begins to manifest, K.or the /ord God is a sun and shieldG the /ord will give grace and gloryG no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.L 1$ Things to <ote +efore Gou =ray ) Cou are not praying against any human being, dead or alive. Cour prayer points are directed at the spiritual entities 9which you may not even know or see; listed in Ephesians 7,)5 5 Cou must have prepared yourself as I advised in my pre+marathon emails O through repentance. : 3uring this prayer program, no matter the level of provocation, do #'T get angry. 0e of your best behavior towards friends, family and even those who do not like you. 6 $ommit to reading through at least 5 books of the 0ible during this period. I recommend the books of Isaiah and 8evelation. !nd meditate upon those scriptures to keep your spirit+man raFor sharp. = Each prayer point should be prayed for between 5 and = minutes. 3o #'T %ust read them. 4ray them repeatedly or with variation as led by the 2pirit of God. !nd pray in the 2pirit often. 7 Get a notebook and write down all your dreams, visions and revelations during this program. > 4ray Type ) and Type 5 prayers at the midnight hour for best results. 3uring the day, pray Type : prayers 9either ! or 0;.

!nd please pay close attention to this 9it might sound mysterious but it is very important;. If you can pray Type ) and 5 prayers in your first language, please do so. Cour first language is the language of your birth. If not, then use your second language + English or whatever that happens to be. ? If you are praying in a group, let one person call out the prayer points and then everyone will pray in unity until the one leading says, Kin EesusM name we pray.L Then everyone should shout (!men.( Dove to the ne t prayer point. @ 0egin each session with passionate praise and worship for at least )* minutes. )* .ollow praise and worship session with the confessions below. 94lease note that during this worship session, you can kneel, or prostrate before the /ord. 0ut as soon as you start the confession below, you should be on your feet like a warrior;. If you are feeling tired you can sit down. +8T )O <OT ;<EE' %T T"95 5T%.EF Cou are going into battle. 8emember Gideon and his :** soldiers)) .irst : days, fast like Esther if you can 9if you have a medical condition, seek the advice of your doctor;. 'ther days fast from morning till )5 noon or :pm or 7 pm or @ pm as the /ord gives you the grace. )5 .inally, pray each prayer point loud, repeatedly, aggressively, and with violence. The 0ible assures us in Datt.)),)5, 1.nd since the time of ,ohn the @aptist until now the kin!dom of heaven suffereth (allows) violence, and the violent take it by force.2 5tart Every 5ession 'i&e This# ) 4raise and worship $ :a&e the following powerful confessions# )eut 7#1*415, Thou shalt be blessed above all people, there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle. !nd the /'83 will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon theeG but will lay them upon all them that hate thee. 1 2ohn *#*# Ce are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 6ol $#1*415# 0lotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his crossG !nd having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. .al 3#1341*, $hrist hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written, $ursed is every one that hangeth on a tree, That the blessing of !braham might come on the Gentiles through Eesus $hristG that we might receive the promise of the 2pirit through faith. =hil *#1A, 0ut my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by $hrist Eesus. 9sa *A#$*4$,# 2hall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered& 0ut thus saith the /'83, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered, for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. !nd I will feed them that oppress thee with their own fleshG and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine, and all flesh shall know that I the /'83 am thy 2aviour and thy 8edeemer, the mighty 'ne of Eacob. =s *#145, Hear me when I call, ' God of my righteousness, thou hast enlarged me when I was in distressG have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. ' ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame& how long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing& 0ut know that the /'83 hath set apart him that is godly for himself, the /'83 will hear when I call unto him. 2tand in awe, and sin not, commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. 2elah. 'ffer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the /'83. There be many that say, 1ho will show us any good& /'83, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep, for thou, /'83, only make me dwell in safety. (ev 1$#A411# !nd the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the 3evil, and 2atan, which deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. !nd I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, #ow is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his $hrist, for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. !nd they overcame him by the blood of the /amb, and by the word of their testimonyG and they loved not their lives unto the death. 3 Follow up with this personaliJed confession# 0y natural heritage I was dead in trespasses, for I was brought forth in iniBuity and conceived in sin in my mother"s wombG and according to the law, I was preserved for the wrath of God that was to be revealed upon the children of disobedience. 0ut now I am God"s handiwork recreated in $hrist Eesus, born anew that I may do those good works which God already predestined for me. Through the blood of Eesus $hrist, I, who was once far away, have been brought near to God. I am now engrafted in $hrist my Dessiah... I have become a new creature altogether. The previous moral and spiritual condition has passed away. 0ehold, the fresh and new has come. Therefore, since I am declared righteous and given a right standing with God through faith, I have peace with God through Eesus $hrist. #ow, having been %ustified by the blood of $hrist, I shall be saved by Him from the wrath to come. The person who is united to the /ord becomes one spirit with Him. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in $hrist Eesus, who walk not after the dictates of the flesh but after the dictates of the 2pirit. .or the law of our new being, which is the law of the 2pirit of life in $hrist, has freed me from the law of sin and death. I am separated by God through the redeeming power in the blood of Eesus $hrist, the author and finisher of my faith, from every tie with ancestral covenants, curses and guardian spirits. Dy citiFenship is now in heaven. I belong to the household of God. Dy life is hidden with $hrist in God. I am washed in the blood of Him who loved me and gave His life for me. He has called me with a holy calling and by His name I am called. !s it is written, .or it is He who delivered and saved me and called me with a calling in itself holy and leading to a life of consecration, a vocation of holiness. He did it not because of anything of merit that I have done, but because of His own purpose, and grace which was given me in $hrist Eesus.

!s it were, I am now cut off from evil conseBuences. I am spiritually and physically separated from their do"s and don"ts. I no longer belong to any generation upon whom God could visit the sins of their fathers. $hrist has redeemed me from such curses of the law. I cannot labor any longer under the weight of such yokes and burdensG I have received the yoke of $hrist which is easy and His burden which is light. Therefore, every interference of household wickedness and ancestral spirits in my life and my ministry is a transgression against the covenant promises of God concerning meG .or it is written, (touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.( .or this reason, as the God of heaven lives, let every manifestation and e hibition of rebellion from the ancestral and family spirits receive the undiluted anger of my God who is a consuming fire. .or it is written, it is a righteous thing for God to repay tribulation to those that trouble me. Therefore, let every association of wicked spirits assembled against me be shattered by God. /et their grip on my life and family be broken. /et their pro%ections return to them. /et their plots, schemes, maneuvers and operations receive divine frustration, and let their wickedness come to an end in my life. I re%ect every evil family and ancestral transfers. I re%ect and renounce their evil names. I break the power of any evil dedication placed upon my head, every pledge, vow, promise or covenant ever made on my behalf with these spirits. I renounce and re%ect them and cut myself off from them with the blood of Eesus $hrist. Henceforth, let no ancestral or evil family spirit have any hold on me. /et them not have any entry point into my life, for now I bear in my body the marks of the blood of the /amb of God who has paid the price for my life and has bought me to belong to Himself eternally. !men. ;*rayers for the first 7 days Type 1 =rayers Day B)0 =raying to deal with your foundation O @ 1 ) Thank God for making provision for deliverance from any form of captivity 5 $onfess your sins and those of your ancestors, especially those linked to re%ection of God 9Hint, see how 3aniel did this in the 0ible; : $over yourself and your loved ones with the blood of Eesus, like this, KI cover myself with the blood of EesusG I sprinkle the blood of Eesus onJL 6 I release myself from any inherited bondage in the name of Eesus = ' /ord, send your a e of fire into my foundation and destroy every evil plantation in the name of Eesus 9Hint, this one life+changing prayer point should be prayed for at least )= minutes; 7 /et the blood of Eesus flush out from my body every inherited satanic deposit in the name of Eesus 9)* minutes; > I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life from the womb in the name of Eesus ? /et the blood of Eesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost cleanse every organ in my body in the name of Eesus 9= minutes; @ I break and loose myself from every inherited evil covenant in the name of Eesus )* I break and loose myself from every inherited curse in the name of Eesus )) I vomit every evil consumption that I was fed with as a child in the name of Eesus 9#ote, if you pray this one well, you may actually feel like vomiting O go ahead and vomit; )5 I command all foundational strongmen attached to my life to fall down and die in the name of Eesus ): /et any rod of the wicked rising up against my family line be destroyed for my sake in the name of Eesus )6 I cancel the conseBuences of any evil name attached to my person in the name of Eesus )= 94ick the underlisted one by one, and pray violently as follows, KCouJJ., loose your hold over my life and be purged out of my foundation in the name of Eesus. .or e ample, when you take the first one, it should go like this, KCou evil physical design, loose your hold over my life and be purged from my foundation in the name of Eesus.L ! evil physical design 0 evil dedication $ evil change of destiny 3 evil spiritual marriage E evil laying on of hands . dream pollution G envious rivalry H demonic blood transfusion I demonic sacrifice E occult influences P inherited sickness / family idols D local idols # demonic initiations ' wrong e posure to se 4 unscriptural manner of conception T fellowship with satanic consultants )7 Cou evil foundational plantations, come out of my life with all your roots in the name of Eesus )> I break and loose myself from every form of bewitchment in the name of Eesus )? I release myself from every evil domination and control in the name of Eesus )@ /et the blood of Eesus be transfused into my blood vessels in the name of Eesus 5* /et every evil gate opened to the enemy by my foundation be closed forever with the blood of Eesus

5) /ord Eesus, walk back into every second of my life and deliver me where I need deliverance, heal me where I need healing, transform me where I need transformation 9pray this one for at least )* minutesJ and be very alert and focused on Eesus; 55 Thank the /ord and praise Him for this wonderful deliverance Type 1 =rayers Day '<B =raying to deal with your foundation O @ $ $onfession )umbers 534534 %urely there is no enchantment a!ainst ,acob (Put your name here), neither is there any divination a!ainst IsraelE accordin! to this time it shall be said of ,acob and of Israel, <hat had /od wrou!ht! ) I confess the sins of my ancestors 9list them; 5 !sk the /ord for forgiveness : /et the power in the blood of Eesus separate me from the sins of my ancestors in the name of Eesus 6 I renounce any evil dedication placed upon my life in the name of Eesus = I break every evil edict and ordination in the name of Eesus 7 I renounce and loose myself from every negative dedication placed upon my life in the name of Eesus > I command all demons associated with the dedication to leave now in the name of Eesus ? I take authority over all the associated curses and I break them in the name of Eesus @ /ord, cancel the evil conseBuences of any broken demonic promise or dedication )* I take authority over all the curses emanating from broken dedication in the name of Eesus )) I command all demons associated with any broken evil parental vow and dedication to depart from me forever in EesusM mighty name )5 I cut off every link and label of demonic oppression in the name of Eesus ): /et my God arise and put to flight every mind control spirits in the name of Eesus )6 I command the spirit of death and hell to loose its hold upon my life in the name of Eesus )= /et every material containing my inscription be spiritually withdrawn and their negative effects cancelled in EesusM name )7 I command every organ of my body to receive the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Eesus )> Every imagination+corrupter be bound and loose your hold upon my life in the name of Eesus )? /et all the re%ecters of goodness past, present and future be bound and let them release me in EesusM name )@ I re%ect every garment of confusion in the name of Eesus 5* 9!sk the /ord for the anointing for spiritual knowledge and wisdom; 5) The devil will not replace me in my service for the /ord in the name of Eesus 55 I re%ect and renounce every evil ordination of Klateness in goodnessL in the name of Eesus 5: I break every demonic circle in my life in the name of Eesus 56 I command every evil spiritual clock regulating my life to be roasted by fire in Eesus name 5= 9!noint your eyelids and command every link attaching you to any evil clock or circle to be destroyed in the name of Eesus; 57 9$ommand spiritual labels and stamps to be wiped away with the blood of Eesus; 5> Every curse of bad circle in my life break in the name of Eesus 5? 94lace your hand below your stomach and pray this one; 2pirit husbands loose your hold now, and receive the %udgment of God in the name of Eesus 5@ Every curse that has been issued against my marital life be broken and be cancelled in the name of Eesus :* Every demonic mark contrary to settled homes be wiped off by the blood of Eesus. :) Every inherited spirit that is not of God, go now and never come back in the name of Eesus :5 Every evil spiritual dowry collected on my behalf I return you to the sender in the name of Eesus :: Every evil spiritual marriage affecting my life, be dissolved by the blood of Eesus :6 I command every attack using my husband to cease immediately in Eesus name. := Cou spirit of marriage destruction be bound in the name of Eesus :7 I command every curse on my marital life to be converted to blessings in the name of Eesus :> Every power drinking the milk and honey of my life receive double destruction in the name of Eesus :? Every serpent dispatched against me and my family, I smash your head against the rock of ages in the name of Eesus :@ !ll my property that has been swallowed by ancestral witchcraft, be vomited by fire in EesusM name 6* I command > fold restoration of all that IMve lost to the enemy in EesusM name. Type 1 =rayers Day '$C00 =raying to deal with your foundation O @ 3 ) $over yourself and your loved ones properly with the blood of Eesus 5 !ny power assembled against this prayer I stand against you in the name of Eesus : Evil conseBuences of the ancestral worship of my forefathersM gods over my life, be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Eesus 6 Every hidden covenant with JJJJ. 9pick from underlisted one by one;, be broken by the blood of Eesus 9please pray this one with holy anger, and your blood boiling-; + water spirits + desert spirits + witchcraft spirits + spirits in evil sacred trees + spirits inside A under sacred rocks + spirits of the hills + family gods + evil family guardian spirits

+ family serpentine spirits + village serpentine spirits + masBuerade 9or halloween; spirits + inherited spirit husbands A wives = Every unconscious evil soul+tie and covenant with the spirit of my dead grandfather, grandmother, occult uncles, aunties, custodian of family godsAoraclesAshrines, be broken by the blood of Eesus #'1 9pray this one aggressively for at least )= minutes; 7 Every decision, vow or promise made by my forefathers contrary to my divine destiny, be cancelled by the blood of Eesus and loose your grip over my life in the mighty name of Eesus > Every legal ground that ancestral or guardian spirits have in my life, be destroyed by the blood of Eesus ? Every generational curse of God resulting from the sin of idolatry of my ancestors, be broken permanently and loose your hold in the name of Eesus @ Every ancestral evil altar affecting my life, be dashed against the 8ock of !ges in the name of Eesus )* Every ancestral placental manipulation of my life, be reversed in the name of Eesus )) Every evil ancestral life pattern designed for me through vows, promises and covenants be reversed in the name of Eesus )5 Every hold of any sacrifice ever offered in my family or on my behalf, I break your power over my life in the name of Eesus ): !ny ancestral bloodshed of animals or human beings affecting my life, loose your hold by the blood of Eesus )6 !ny curse placed on my ancestral line by anybody cheated, maltreated or at the point of death, break #'1 in the mighty name of Eesus )= Every garment of ancestral infirmity, disease, sickness, untimely death, poverty, divorce, disfavor, dishonor, shame and failure at the edge of miracles passed down to my generation, be roasted by fire in the name of Eesus )7 Every evil ancestral river flowing down to my generation, I cut you off in the name of Eesus )> Every evil ancestral habits and weakness of moral values manifesting in my life, loose your grip and release me #'1 in the name of Eesus )? !ny power from my ancestral background seeking to make a shipwreck of my life and ministry, be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Eesus )@ Every rage and rampage of ancestral and family spirits resulting from my being born again, be Buenched by the liBuid fire of God in the name of Eesus 5* !ny ancestral power frustrating any area of my life in order to discourage me from following $hrist, receive multiple destruction in the name of Eesus 5) Every ancestral chain of slavery binding my people from prospering in life, C'U !8E 08'PE# I# DC /I.E by the hammer of God in the name of Eesus 55 The height nobody has attained in my generation, I 1I// 8E!$H in the mighty name of Eesus 5: I recover every good thing stolen by ancestral evil spirits from my forefathers, my immediate family and myself in the name of Eesus 56 Every ancestral embargo be lifted, and let good things begin to break forth in my life and family in the name of Eesus 5= .ather, I thank you and I praise your holy name for all the answers to my prayer +++++++++++++++++++++

Type $ =rayers Day 8BFC =raying to deal with household enemies $onfession Bbad ?43" 4 'he pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is hi!hE that saith in his heart, <ho shall brin! me down to the !roundG 'hou!h thou exalt thyself as the ea!le, and thou!h thou set thy nest amon! the stars, thence will I brin! thee down, saith the +ord. ) /et every evil imagination against me wither away from the roots in the name of Eesus 5 Those laughing me to scorn shall soon witness my testimony in the name of Eesus : /et the destructive plans of the enemies aimed against me blow up in their faces in the name of Eesus 6 /et the cause of my ridicule be converted to a source of miracle in the name of Eesus = /et all powers sponsoring evil decisions against me be disgraced in the name of Eesus 7 /et the stubborn strongman delegated against me fall down and perish in the name of Eesus > /et the stronghold of every spirit of Porah, 3athan and !biram militating against me be smashed to pieces in EesusM name ? /et every spirit of 0alaam hired to curse me fall after the order of 0alaam in the name of Eesus @ /et every spirit of 2anballat and Tobiah planning evil against me receive the stones of fire in the name of Eesus )* /et every spirit of Egypt assigned against me fall after the order of 4haraoh in the name of Eesus )) /et every spirit of Herod be disgraced in the name of Eesus )5 /et every spirit of Goliath receive the stones of fire in the name of Eesus ): /et every spirit of 4haraoh fall into the 8ed 2ea of their own making in the name of Eesus )6 /et all satanic manipulations aimed at changing my own destiny be frustrated in the name of Eesus )= /et all unprofitable broadcasters of my goodness be silenced in the name of Eesus )7 /et all leaking bags and pockets in my life be sealed up by the blood of Eesus )> /et all evil monitoring eyes fashioned against me receive total blindness in the name of Eesus )? /et every evil effects of strange touches be removed from my life in the name of Eesus )@ I command all my blessings confiscated by witchcraft spirits to be released in the name of Eesus 5* I command all my blessings confiscated by familiar spirits to be released in the name of Eesus 5) I command all my blessings confiscated by ancestral spirits to be released in the name of Eesus

55 I command all my blessings confiscated by envious enemies to be released in the name of Eesus 5: I command all my blessings confiscated by satanic agents to be released in the name of Eesus 56 I command all my blessings confiscated by principalities to be released in the name of Eesus 5= I command all my blessings confiscated by rulers of darkness to be released in the name of Eesus 57 I command all my blessings confiscated by evil powers to be released in the name of Eesus 5> I command all my blessings confiscated by spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places to be released in the name of Eesus 5? I command all demonic reverse gears installed to hinder my progress to be roasted in the name of Eesus 5@ !ny evil sleep undertaken to harm me should be converted to dead sleep in the name of Eesus :* /et all weapons and devices of oppressors and tormentors targeted against me be rendered impotent in the name of Eesus :) /et the fire of God destroy the power operating any spiritual vehicle working against me in the name of Eesus :5 /et all the evil advice given against my favor crash and disintegrate in the name of Eesus :: /et all the eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood working against me stumble, fall down and die in the name of Eesus :6 I command all stubborn pursuers to pursue themselves in the name of Eesus := /et the wind the sun and the moon run contrary to every demonic presence in my environment in the name of Eesus :7 Cou devourers, emptiers and wasters vanish from my labors in EesusM name :> /et every tree planted by fear in my life dry up to the roots in the name of Eesus :? I cancel all enchantments, curses and spells that are against me in the name of Eesus :@ /et all iron+like curses break in the name of Eesus 6* /et divine tongues of fire roast any evil tongue against me in the name of Eesus 6) /et all pronouncements uttered against me by poisonous tongues be nullified in the name of Eesus 65 I cut myself off from every territorial spirit in the name of Eesus 6: I loose myself from any power of witchcraft and bewitchment in the name of Eesus 66 I loose myself from every satanic bondage in the name of Eesus 6= I cancel the power of all curses upon my head in the name of Eesus 67 I bind the strongman over my life in the name of Eesus 6> I bind the strongman over my family in the name of Eesus 6? I bind the strongman over my blessings in the name of Eesus 6@ I bind the strongman over my business in the name of Eesus =* I command the armor of the strongman to be roasted completely in the name of Eesus =) I command all curses issued against me to be smashed and broken in the name of Eesus =5 I separate my life from all evil idols present in my place of birth in the name of Eesus =: I separate my life from all evil streams present in my place of birth in the name of Eesus =6 I separate my life from all evil shrines present in my place of birth in the name of Eesus == /et all satanic agents banking my blessings in the spirit realm release them now in the name of Eesus =7 Cou the custodian of wealth in this land, I bind you and I loose my portion by fire in the mighty name of Eesus => I destroy every evil peace, agreement or unity fashioned against my life in the name of Eesus =? I destroy every evil love, evil understanding and evil happiness fashioned against my life in the name of Eesus =@ I destroy every evil communication and every evil gathering fashioned against my life in the name of Eesus 7* /et every power of the oppressor rise up against each other in the name of Eesus 7) I disband all evil hosts gathered against my progress in the name of Eesus 75 /et the sorrow of the enemy upon the progress of my life remain permanent in the name of Eesus 7: /et all drinkers of blood and eaters of flesh hunting for my life begin to stumble, fall down and perish in the name of Eesus 76 I paralyFe all problem e panders in the name of Eesus 7= I paralyFe all forces behind delayed miracles in the name of Eesus 77 Thank the /'83 for answering your prayers. Type $ =rayers Day 8IH0 =raying to recover your goods ) I recover all my confiscated and stolen properties in EesusM name 5 Cou devil, take off your legs from my JJJ 9pick from the list below; in the name of Eesus + finances + marriage + ministry + career + health + family + prayer life : I bind every strongman holding my privileges and my rights in captivity in the name of Eesus 6 I retrieve all my properties from invisible satanic banks in the name of Eesus = /et the angels of God ordain terrifying noise to chase away all wolves in sheepMs clothings in the name of Eesus 7 I possess all my divine possessions as from today in the name of Eesus > ' /ord, restore >+fold, everything that spiritual thieves have stolen from me in EesusM name ? I bind every spirit sitting on my possessions in the name of Eesus @ /et all spiritual obstacles that have been established in the heart of anyone against my prosperity be destroyed in the name of Eesus )* ' /ord, give my helpers dreams, visions and restlessness that would advance my cause in EesusM name )) I command all my wealth caged by the enemy to be completely released in the name of Eesus )5 I break the backbone of any spirit of conspiracy and treachery working against me in the name of Eesus ): .ather, help me to see my mistakes and faults and to do everything to overcome and correct them in Eesus name

)6 .ather show me what to do so that affliction will not arise a second time in my life, in EesusM name )= .ather, give me the eagle eye and the eyes of Elisha to see into the spiritual in the name of Eesus )7 /ord, give me the wisdom to walk out of any unfavorable business situation in EesusM name )> .ather, help me to focus on things that will glorify you and move my life forward in EesusM name )? /ord, send me divine counselors who can help me in every area of my life in the name of Eesus )@ /ord, help me to always identify evil financial traps in EesusM name 5* .ather /ord, help me to erect safeguards to prevent spiritual and financial failure in EesusM name 5) /et my promotion be too hot for the enemy to sit upon in the name of Eesus 55 ' /ord, let the riches of the Gentiles be transferred to me according to your word in the name of Eesus 5: I recover all my blessings from the waters, from the forests and from satanic banks in the name of Eesus 56 !ll my virtues that have been stolen or transferred, be restored in the name of Eesus 5= !ny power sitting in an evil position against my prosperity, fall down and die in the name of Eesus 57 I decree that the angels of prosperity would withdraw the riches of the ungodly and transfer them to me in the name of Eesus 5> !ll my money that had been satanically diverted in the past, I command you to rush back to me by fire in the name of Eesus 5? I shall not pay my tithes to Egypt in the name of Eesus 5@ I shall not be a servant of the lenderG instead I shall lend and I shall not borrow in the mighty name of Eesus :* Every unrepentant adversity working against my prosperity, receive the stones of fire in the name of Eesus :) ' /'83, create new and profitable opportunities for me in the name of Eesus :5 0egin to thank the /'83 for answers to your prayers Type $ =rayers Day %II =raying to shut down evil surveillance ) I release blindness and confusion on every evil observer in the name of Eesus 5 Holy Ghost fire arise in your mighty burning power and destroy all eyes of darkness assigned against me in the name of Eesus : I release panic upon my fulltime enemies in the name of Eesus 6 /et confusion come upon the headBuarters of all my stubborn enemies in the name of Eesus = Every stronghold of darkness working against me, receive total confusion in the name of Eesus 7 I release frustration on all satanic orders issues against my life in the name of Eesus > !ny evil plan against my life, receive divine confusion in the name of Eesus ? !ll curses and demonic arrows programmed against me, I neutraliFe your power with the blood of Eesus @ Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command panic upon you in the name of Eesus )* Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command havoc upon you in the name of Eesus )) Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command chaos upon you in the name of Eesus )5 Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command pandemonium upon you in the name of Eesus ): Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command disaster upon you in the name of Eesus )6 Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command confusion upon you in the name of Eesus )= Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command spiritual acid upon you in the name of Eesus )7 Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command destruction upon you in the name of Eesus )> Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command hornets of the /ord upon you in the name of Eesus )? Every warfare prepared against my peace, I command brimstone and hailstone upon you in the name of Eesus )@ I frustrate every satanic verdict issued against me and my family in the name of Eesus 5* 9Go through the list one by one and fill the blank; /et the JJJ be released upon my fulltime enemies in the name of Eesus a finger of God b vengeance and terror of the /ord c anger and wrath of the /ord d fear e burning %udgment 5) Every power preventing the perfect will of God from being done in my life, receive failure and defeat in the name of Eesus 55 /et the warring angels of God arise and scatter every evil gathering sponsored against me in the name of Eesus 5: I disobey every satanic order programmed by inheritance into my life in the name of Eesus 56 I bind and cast out every power causing internal warfare in my life in the name of Eesus 5= Every demonic doorkeeper locking out good things against me, be paralyFed by fire in the name of Eesus 57 I command every evil power fighting against me to fight against and destroy one another in the name of Eesus 5> Every invisible power hindering, delaying, preventing or destroying my breakthroughs, receive confusion in the name of Eesus 5? /et the power of God destroy every violent spirit targeted against me and my family in the name of Eesus 5@ I command civil war to break out in the kingdom of darkness in the name of Eesus :* ' /ord, loose your %udgment and destruction upon all stubborn spirits that fail to follow my commands promptly in EesusM name ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Type 3 =rayers Day %0H0) =lugging your 'ife into )ivine Electricity ) ' /ord, cleanse all the soiled parts of my life 5 ' /ord, refresh every dry area of my life : ' /ord, heal every wounded part of my life 6 ' /ord, bend every evil rigidity in my life = ' /ord, bring me back if I have strayed away from your path 7 ' /ord, let your fire melt every froFen area of my life

> ' /ord, give me a life that defies death ? ' /ord, kindle in me the fire of charity @ ' /ord, glue me together where I am fragmented )* ' /ord, enrich me with your gifts )) ' /ord, Buicken me and increase my desire for the things of heaven )5 ' /ord, reign in my life and let the lust of the flesh die ): /ord Eesus, increase daily in my life )6 /ord Eesus, maintain your gifts in my life )= ' /ord, refine and purge my life by your fire )7 Holy 2pirit, inflame and fire my heart in the name of Eesus )> /ord Eesus, lay your hands upon me and Buench every rebellion in me. )? Holy Ghost fire, burn away every self+centeredness in me in the name of Eesus )@ .ather /ord, breathe your life+giving breath into my soul in the name of Eesus 5* ' /ord, make me ready to go wherever you send me 5) /ord Eesus, help me not to shut you out of my life 55 /ord Eesus, help me never to limit you to my capacity 5: /ord Eesus, work freely in me and through me 56 ' /ord, purify the channels of my life 5= /et your heat, ' /ord, consume my will in the name of Eesus 57 /et the flame of the Holy 2pirit blaFe upon the altar of my heart in the name of Eesus 5> /ord Eesus, come like blood into my veins 5? ' /ord, order my spirit and re+mould my life according to your will 5@ ' /ord, let your fire burn all that is not holy in my life :* ' /ord, let your fire generate power in my life :) /ord Eesus, impart to me thoughts higher than my own thoughts :5 Holy 2pirit, come as dew and refresh every area of my life in the name of Eesus :: Holy 2pirit, guide me in the way of liberty in the name of Eesus :6 Holy 2pirit, blow upon me such that sin will no more find place in me in the name of Eesus := Holy 2pirit, where my love is cold, fire me up in the name of Eesus :7 .ather I thank you for your mighty presence in my life and family :> /et my hands become the sword of fire to cut down evil trees in the name of Eesus :? /et my feet generate divine earthBuake against my enemies as I stamp them in the name of Eesus :@ /et any spiritual rag of poverty in my life be roasted by the fire of God in the name of Eesus 6* Every enemy of e cellence in my life and ministry, be paralyFed in the name of Eesus 6) /et every past satanic achievement in my life be converted to my promotion in the mighty name of Eesus 65 .ather /ord, let the shame of my enemies be multiplied greatly in EesusM name 6: ' /ord, let the defeat and disgrace of the enemies of my progress be multiplied beyond measure in EesusM name 66 /et every power assigned to turn my life upside down, fall down and die now, in the name of Eesus 6= I paralyFe every satanic inspiration targeted against me and my family in the name of Eesus 67 I barricade my life from every satanic opinion in the name of Eesus 6> /et my divinely appointed helpers begin to locate me from now in the name of Eesus 6? !ll my lame glory, receive life now in the name of Eesus 6@ Thank God for answers to your prayers Type 3 =rayers (Pray this durin! the day : either in the mornin! or afternoon) !. 4raying at the edge of breakthrough ) I confess my sins of e hibiting occasional doubts in the name of Eesus 5 /et the angels of the living God roll away the stone blocking my financial, physical and spiritual breakthroughs in the name of Eesus : I bind every spirit manipulating my helpers against me in the name of Eesus 6 I delete my name from the book of seers of goodness without manifestation in the name of Eesus = /et God arise and let all the enemies of my breakthroughs be scattered in the name of Eesus 7 /et the fire of God melt away the stones hindering my blessings in the mighty name of Eesus > /et the cloud blocking the sunlight of my glory and breakthrough be dispersed in the name of Eesus ? /et all the secrets that the enemy is using against my life be revealed to me now in the name of Eesus @ !ll evil powers planning to trouble me and my family, be bound in the name of Eesus )* ' /ord, help me not to put unprofitable loads upon myself in the name of Eesus )) ' /ord, give unto me all the keys to my goodness that the enemy had taken away in the name of Eesus )5 'pen my eyes, ' /ord, and let not my ways be darkened before me in the name of Eesus ): !ll my sweat on the affairs of my life will not be in vain in the name of Eesus )6 The pregnancy of good things within me will not be aborted by any contrary powers in the name of Eesus )= ' /ord, turn me to untouchable coals of fire in EesusM name )7 ' /ord, let wonderful changes begin to happen in my life as a result of these prayers in EesusM name )> .ather, remove covetousness from my eyes and help me to be grateful for all youMve given me in EesusM name )? .ather, fill the cup of my life to the brim in EesusM name )@ .rom today, let every power stepping on my goodness receive GodMs arrow of fire and be disgraced in EesusM name 5* I re%ect every spirit of the tail in all areas of my life in the name of Eesus 5) Thank The /'83 for the victory

Type 3 =rayers (Pray this durin! the day : in the evenin!) 0. 4reventive 4rayers to defeat 2atanic 8einforcement 8omans @,::, !s it is written, 0ehold I lay in Wion a stumbling stone and rock of offenceG and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 4raise 1orship ) /et every organiFed strategy of the hosts of the demonic world against my life be rendered to nothing in the name of Eesus 5 I command all demonic spirits transferred into my life through demonic contact to be withdrawn and be cast into the fire in the name of Eesus : Every demonic influence targeted at destroying my vision, dream and ministry receive total disappointment in the name of Eesus 6 /et every demonic trap set against my life be shattered to pieces in the name of Eesus = I command all demonic activities against my calling to receive disgrace and commotion in the name of Eesus 7 !ll partners in demonic businesses militating against my life, receive commotion and be disorganiFed in EesusM name > .ather /ord, let my life, ministry and prayer life be e tremely dangerous to the kingdom of darkness in Eesus name ? !ll demonic+organiFed seductive appearance to pull me down, be rendered null and void in the name of Eesus @ .ather /ord, show me an immeasurable forgiveness daily in my life in the name of Eesus )* .ather /ord, please donMt terminate my divine spiritual assignment on earth but help me to accomplish them in the name of Eesus )) Dy /ord and my God raise up intercessors to stand in the gap for me always in the name of Eesus )5 .ather /ord, let all the motionless spiritual gifts and talents in my life begin to function for your glory in the name of Eesus ): I re%ect all uncontrollable crying, heaviness and regrets in the name of Eesus )6 .ather /ord, help me so that my divine spiritual assignment shall not be transferred to another person in Eesus name )= I command all organiFed forces of darkness against my life and family to receive commotion, lightning and thunder in the name of Eesus )7 !ll demonic organiFed network against my spiritual and physical ambition, be put to shame in the name of Eesus )> I command all demonic mirrors and monitoring gadgets against my spiritual life to break in pieces in the name of Eesus )? /et the demonic computers and operators militating against my life receive double destruction in the name of Eesus )@ .ather, please donMt render me unfit for your work in EesusM name 5* .ather donMt take my life before I fulfil my ministry in Eesus name 5) Every spiritual spider webbing problems into my life, die in the name of Eesus 55 I disconnect my household from every satanic network in the name of Eesus 5: !ll the satanic gadgets being used to monitor my progress be destroyed by the thunder fire of God in the name of Eesus 56 I command every evil cycle in my life to break in the name of Eesus 5= Every local representative of satanic network in my life, be paralyFed in the name of Eesus 57 Every satanic network working in concert with household enemies, be brought to shame in the name of Eesus 5> !ll satanic network obstructing my blessings, fire of God melt them away in the name of Eesus 5? !ll the sources of power of every evil work in my life, be Buenched in the name of Eesus 5@ I paralyFe every evil network set up against my life and family in the name of Eesus :* !ll satanic network arranged against me and my family for the rest of our lives, I command you to fail woefully in the mighty name of Eesus :) !ll the vehicles of evil counselors that carry them for evil counsel, be destroyed in the name of Eesus :5 /et the spirit of madness fall upon all evil counselors working against my life in the name of Eesus :: /et all those working with evil counselors against me receive the spirit of poverty in the name of Eesus :6 /et all powers working with evil counselors concerning the issues of my life receive total failure in the name of Eesus := /ord, turn evil counselors and their counsel over my life to nought forever in the name of Eesus :7 /et the spirit of disorganiFation fall upon every evil counselor taking evil counsel over my life and family in the name of Eesus :> Cou rebellious spirits, go into the midst of all evil counselors now and scatter them in the name of Eesus :? /ord, let the spirit of confusion fall into the midst of all evil counselors in Eesus name :@ Cou evil counselors begin to eat the bread of sorrow and drink the water of affliction from today henceforth in the name of Eesus 6* Every good thing that evil counselors have destroyed in my life, be repaired from today in the name of Eesus 6) /et the wicked assigned to my life bow and let their lives be shortened in the mighty name of Eesus 65 The wickedness of the wicked shall swallow them up in the name of Eesus 6: I decree that the habitation of all my household wickedness shall be totally desolate in the name of Eesus 66 I command the East 1ind of God to sweep away the wicked in the mighty name of Eesus 6= ' /ord, let the wicked bow and be slain by their evil in the name of Eesus 67 Cou wicked forces troubling the church of God, be destroyed by the sharp sword of the /ord and be silent in the grave in Eesus name 6> ' /ord rain your fire of anger upon the wicked in Eesus name 6? /et all the wicked contending against me bow and perish in the name of Eesus 6@ ' /ord release your anger upon the wicked and consume them in the name of Eesus =* !ny disease agent living in my body now, die in the name of Eesus =) I will not partake in wearing satanic uniform in the name of Eesus =5 /et every bad effect of any evil thing that IMve eaten be cancelled in the name of Eesus =: #obody will transfer any disease into my life in the name of Eesus =6 ' /ord, immuniFe me and my family against the arrows of disease and infirmity in the name of Eesus == I refuse to harbor any genetic disease in the name of Eesus =7 ' /ord, transfuse me with the blood of Eesus

=> I refuse to be bewitched in the name of Eesus =? /et all satanic worms in my body die in the name of Eesus =@ Dy health will not waste my money in the name of Eesus 7* I break the backbone of all my family idols in the name of Eesus 7) I paralyFe every strongman enforcing demonic power against my life and family in the name of Eesus 75 2pecial !nnouncement, Cou family idols, I refuse to be your candidate in EesusM mighty name 7: I refuse every demonic transfer from my family shrine in the name of Eesus 76 I refuse to be remotely controlled from my place of birth in the name of Eesus 7= /et all my family idols be buried in the 8ed 2ea in the name of Eesus 77 !nother 2pecial !nnouncement, !s from today I, my family, my business, my ministry, we become too hot to be handled by any negative power in the name of Eesus 7> /et lightning discomfit the source of power of idols in my place of birth in the name of Eesus 7? Every unprofitable covenant that has prospered so far in my life, break today in the name of Eesus 7@ I move to the level the /ord wants me to be in the name of Eesus >* Every power that is angry as a result of this prayer program, fall down and die in the name of Eesus >) Every arrow, every bullet, every weapon targeted against me and my family as a result of my prayers, backfire in the name of Eesus >5 !ny evil power that wants to retaliate against me and my family as a result of these prayers, what are you waiting for, die and be buried, die and be buried, die and be buried in the mighty name of Eesus. >: % Final 5pecial %nnouncement# There shall be no regrouping, no reinforcement, no counterattack against me and my family as a result of these prayers in the mighty name of Eesus $hrist my /ord. !men. 0egin to thank the /'83, worship Him and seal your deliverance with the blood of Eesus. =(%GE( :%(%T"O< =hase $ 3But upon mount 4ion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness5 and the house of .acob shall possess their possessions.6 badiah ('(7 8.9 I want to welcome you in the name of our /ord and 2avior Eesus $hrist to 4hase II of our 4rayer Darathon. In this 4hase II, we move into a hot theater of battle... where the spoils of war include, among other things, an abundant release of finances that had been stolen from God"s people and caged for ages... leaving most $hristians wondering whether God really answers prayers when it comes to money'ur strategy for the ne t > days is going to be slightly different than what we used in 4hase I. 5o please read this carefully!!! There are some prayers here that the enemy does not want you to know about. 0ecause you will definitely find freedom by praying them passionately and aggressively ... especially financial freedom. Cou need serious personal preparation to benefit ma imally from the prayers of the ne t > days. These prayers are so important that you must gird your loins and put on your battle gear... as I welcome you to the battle arena where all tested soldiers of $hrist fight face to face with the spirits that have kept men and women under bondage for centuries. To start with, you are going to take some violent prayer points. ). I plead the blood of Eesus over every department of my life and family in the name of Eesus. 5. 9Please lay one hand on your head and the other one on your chest, while you take this particular prayer point... in a manner youAve never prayed before; I dismantle every satanic investment upon my life in the name of Eesus. :. I ride on the horse of war in the name of Eesus 6. 'h /ord, let your arrows be strong in my hands to pierce the heart of the enemy in the name of Eesus =. !ny satanic linkage to any body of water, break in the name of Eesus 9please pray this prayer with all your energy if you have been dreaming of seeing water regularly;. 4raise the /ord'et's briefly eEamine why we are ta&ing off li&e this!!! Cou see, we are taking the battle to the stronghold of the enemy + the waters. That"s where most of the blessings of the people of God have been captured and caged. +y a group of wic&ed entities called water spirits! They have dominated the lives of their victims for ages. They have remained unchallenged for a very long time. If you talk about water spirits in some Buarters some people will ask you to be cautious, lest you step on the toes of these (powerful( spirits. It looks like they"ve been elevated above measure, thanks to the ignorance of the modern man. (1ater spirit or no water spirits, the 0ible states clearly, (!t the name of Eesus, every knee should bow.( ,esus has defeated them all. >hy should you pay attention to these prayersK 0ecause the virtues of many people including $hristians are buried in the marine 9water; kingdom. ut of ignorance. Unknown to many, these entities in the water control trade and commerce. EFekiel 5* sheds more light on this. They control the economy and the flow of money. Cou see this in 8evelation )>,)?. They are in charge of se ual perversion. They introduce most of the fashion that you see today. They control cosmetics and make+ups. They supervise the production of destructive things like alcohol and drugs. !nd they originate some of the most despicable blasphemies you hear these days... such as the 3a Rinci $ode. The 0)a ?inci 6ode0 is nothing but the rallying cry of marine spirits against the .ospel of 2esus 6hrist Those who know a little bit of history would recogniFe that the central message of this evil book has been around in one form or the other since the @th century !3. This time around, owing to the ignorance of most modern $hristian, they have repackaged these fantasies into a huge bestseller... and there"s even a movie planned for the summer of 5**7This is %ust one e ample of how they apply evil wisdom in the real world.

1hy& The &eywords are domination and control They seek to control the destinies of men and women... discourage them from worshiping the '#E T8UE G'3... so they can steal God"s blessings from them, and leave them desolate, frustrated, and even suicidal. 8emember the 0ible says their assignment is... to steal, to kill and to destroy. !nd they are doing a good %ob, if you ask meThese are the tell+tale signs that a person is under the grip of these powers, ) Q such a person would have a hard time living the 6hristian life 1 " prayer will be difficult 5 Q fasting will be impossible : Q gets angry under the slightest provocation 6 Q dreams of water will be common = Q difficulty finding a partner 7 Q unstable marriages > Q uncontrollable se ual urge ? Q ineEplicable hindrances to progress @ Q strange sicknesses Cou see, water 9or marine; spirits are invisible to the physical eye. However, they come in human form on errands of destruction. !nd once a person has had se with them... or was donated to them through 9unbroken; ancestral covenants... It will be really difficult for that person to prosper... no matter the amount of scripture they <uote# Dake no mistakes about it, Darine spirits prevent people from serving the true G'3. They are responsible for all the worldly churches you see around... no sin or repentance is ever mentioned in such places. These spirits are e tremely stubborn. !nd e tremely beautiful. They have the anointing of seduction. Their se ual appeal is unparalleled. They are addicted to %ewelry. Health problems like cancer, migraine, heart problems, problems with male and female reproductive organs are all from the marine world. Darine agents are fond of appearing all dressed in red. They originated the term- 0dressed to &ill!0 They can e change babies in the womb. They deposit strange things in people"s bodies such as serpents. 2ome people complain of feeling things moving about in their bodies. They inspire se ual dreams. They make people dream about dogs. They meticulously (hatch( up schemes to lure ministers of God into se traps... %ust to steal their anointing and pollute their entire ministries=ou need to be praying aggressively for your pastors... because they are in the front lines of this battle# /et me put numbers to what I"m saying here. In the U2 alone there are, Q )=,*** stores selling pornographic materials Q @** theaters showing pornographic movies In other words, there are more pornographic stores than there are Dc3onalds) !nd who is responsible for all this& Cou guessed it... Darine 2pirits>hy am I taking time to e2plain this to you% 0ecause victory especially in finances will be at best elusive for most $hristians until they learn to deal with these things using our God+given authority. ?or you to be an overcomer in the area of finances, you must learn to rise up like a warrior against every spirit from the water that is militating against your life. 0efore I give you the divine strategy for victory against them, let"s briefly see how Doses did it in Egypt. The .reat EEample of :oses 1hen God decided to deal with 4haraoh, the first assignment He gave to Doses was to deal with the water spirits in the land of Egypt. Ces, the very first plague was released upon the waters of Egypt 9see E odus >;. Cou see, 4haraoh had an evil agreement with the 8iver #ile. He was an agent of marine spirits... he went there to worship them regularly. That's where :oses caught up with him and fired the opening shotF 1hen you carefully read the account of that encounter, you"ll notice that when Doses began to turn on the heat, 4haraoh actually permitted them to go... but without their wealth--He said they could go if they left everything behind. It"s the same &deal& that the spiritual Pharaoh who seeks to control wealth is still makin! to $hristians today... and it is, =ou may be born again if you are willing to sacrifice your blessings... by leaving them behind :oses' response is instructive. /et"s read it together. It"s in E odus )*,@, (!nd Doses said, (1e will go with our young and our oldG with our sons and our daughters, with our flocks and our herds we will go, for we must hold a feast to the /ord.( I feel sorry for $hristians who feel it is a sign of holiness to live in debt and poverty... leaving their God+given wealth for 4haraoh to en%oy. I made up my mind a long time ago when I really understood what Doses was saying here and it is this, >e are ready to engage the enemy in battle to secure the full benefits of our salvation! !re you& Then your prayer campaign for financial abundance must necessarily start here. 5trategy For ?ictory 1hat is the divine strategy for disgracing them and releasing our finances from their strongholds& ). (aise a lamentation against them. This is different from ordinary prayer. If you prayed 4hase I prayers well, you should be ready for this type of praying.

5. 5pread prayer nets to trap them! 1hat is a prayer net& It is an aggressive prayer in which you pray at regular intervals in such a way as to leave no breathing space for them to escape. The prayer against marine spirits is not a =+ minute prayer, especially if someone has already fallen into their traps. 1hy do you think most churches have nothing to show for all the noise they are making& Darine spirits have taken overG they are on the pulpits preachingG they are in the choir singingG they are on church boardsG they are everywhere... they are strategically positioned to discourage any program that has to do with aggressive prayer... because that"s the O<'G thing that can smoke them out and release their captives9t is dangerous to sit in a church that does not teach you to prayF :. 8se the sword of the 'ord 1s&illfully3 against them. The scripture below is devastating to water spirits... and they are scared of it. 6. 8se special weapons from .od's armory in prayer e.g. hailstones, coals of fire, thunder and lightning, the blast of the !lmighty. =. Ensure that they don"t have any investment 9anything that cooperates with them; in your life. 7. /ive a holy life... don"t compromise. >. 3eclare holy war against them... like Doses in Egypt T"E +%TT'E %.%9<5T :%(9<E 5=9(9T5 95 % +%TT'E GO8 :85T >9<FFF 1$ Things to <ote +efore Gou =ray ) Cou are not praying against any human being, dead or alive. Cour prayer points are directed at the spiritual entities listed in Ephesians 7,)5 5 Cou must have prepared yourself as I advised in my pre+marathon emails O through repentance... and gone through 4hase I of the prayers. : 3uring this prayer program, no matter the level of provocation, do #'T get angry. 0e of your best behavior towards friends, family and even those who do not like you. 6 $ommit to reading through at least 5 books of the 0ible during this period. I recommend the books of Isaiah and 8evelation. !nd meditate upon those scriptures to keep your spirit+man raFor sharp. = Each prayer point should be prayed for between 5 and = minutes. 3o #'T %ust read them. 4ray them repeatedly or with variation as led by the 2pirit of God. !nd pray in the 2pirit often. 7 Get a notebook and write down all your dreams, visions and revelations during this program. > 4ray each day"s prayers every 7 hours if you can. The midnight prayer is absolutely critical to speedy results. ? If you are praying in a group, let one person call out the prayer points and then everyone will pray in unity until the one leading says, Kin EesusM name we pray.L Then everyone should shout (!men.( Dove to the ne t prayer point. @ 0egin each session with passionate praise and worship for at least )* minutes. )* .ollow praise and worship session with the confessions below. 94lease note that during this worship session, you can kneel, or prostrate before the /ord. 0ut as soon as you start the confession below, you should be on your feet like a warrior;. If you are feeling tired you can sit down. 0UT 3' #'T P#EE/ !T THI2 2T!GECou are going into battle. 8emember Gideon and his :** soldiers)) Every day fast from morning till )5 noon or :pm or 7 pm or @ pm as the /ord gives you the grace. )5 .inally, pray each prayer point loud, repeatedly, aggressively, and with violence. The 0ible assures us in Datt.)),)5, 1.nd since the time of ,ohn the @aptist until now the kin!dom of heaven suffereth (allows) violence, and the violent take it by force.2 5tart Every 5ession 'i&e This# ) 4raise and worship $ :a&e the following powerful confessions# EJe& $A#145, In the tenth year, in the tenth month, on the twelfth day of the month, the word of the /'83 came to me, saying, (2on of man, set your face against 4haraoh, king of Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt. 2peak, and say, "Thus says the /ord G'3, &@ehold, I am a!ainst you, B Pharaoh kin! of 0!ypt, B !reat monster who lies in the midst of his rivers, <ho has said, A(y Civer is my ownE I have made it for myself.A @ut I will put hooks in your 9aws, and cause the fish of your rivers to stick to your scalesE I will brin! you up out of the midst of your rivers, and all the fish in your rivers will stick to your scales. I will leave you in the wilderness, you and all the fish of your riversE you shall fall on the open fieldE you shall not be picked up or !athered. I have !iven you as food to the beasts of the field and to the birds of the heavens.2 9n the beginning .od created man to subdue the earth and have dominion over all the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over every creature that moves upon the face of the earth. The psalmist also confirms this as he wrote that God has made man to have dominion over all the works of His handsG and has put all things under his feet. !ll sheep and o en, yea and the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea and whatsoever passes through the 4!TH2 '. THE 2E!2. The mandate every man lost to the devil through !damMs disobedience has been restored to us by $hrist Eesus. I am a workmanship of God, recreated in $hrist as a priest and king to reign here on earth. ,esus -hrist was made manifest that $e mi!ht destroy the works of the devil and when $e was !oin!, $e said !reater works than $e did I shall do. Therefore as I go into this prayer, I hold in my hand the victory Eesus $hrist purchased on the cross at $alvary, when He made an open show of principality and powers. I take my position in $hrist as one given power to become a son of God, even %oint heir with $hrist of the kingdom of God, to e ecute %udgment against every form of disobedience e hibited against the knowledge of God.

/reater is $e that is in me than any power on earth and in the seas. I am born of /od and I have overcome the world with my faith. In faith, I hand over my battle to God. In faith, I come against evil strongholds in the waters. In faith, I overthrow every Bueen enthroned against me in the waters. In faith, I pollute your waters with the blood of Eesus $hrist. In faith, I trample upon your serpents and scorpions in the name of Eesus. In faith, I bind you and I spoil your palace and set your captives free in the name of Eesus. I announce that there shall be no reinforcement or evil reunion a!ainst me in the name of ,esus. I seal my confession with the blood of ,esus and I cover myself and my loved ones with the blood of ,esus. .men. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .rom Here, you can then proceed to the relevant section for the day=rayer :arathon $NN5 (Prayers for the 5nd Phase4 Dec ?? : Dec ?J) "ay @ ) !ny form of witchcraft practiced under any water against my life, receive immediate %udgment of fire in the name of Eesus 5 /et every evil altar under any water upon which certain evils are done against me, be roasted in the name of Eesus : Every priest ministering at any evil altar against me inside the water, fall down and die in the name of Eesus 6 !ny power under any river, sea or ocean remotely controlling my life, be destroyed by fireG I shake myself loose from your grip in the name of Eesus = Every mirror used to monitor my life under the water, break to pieces in the name of Eesus 7 Every marine witchcraft that has introduced spirit husbandAwife or child in my dreams be roasted by fire in the name of Eesus > Every agent of marine witchcraft posing as my husband, wife or child in my dreams, be roasted by fire in the name of Eesus ? Every agent of marine witchcraft physically attached to my marriage to frustrate it, be burnt to ashes in the name of Eesus @ Every agent of marine witchcraft physically attached to my finances to frustrate it, be burnt to ashes in the name of Eesus )* I pull down every stronghold of bewitchment, enchantment, %in or divination fashioned against me by marine witches in the name of Eesus )) I raise the whirlwind of God against every marine witchcraft covens where evil decisions are made against my life in the name of Eesus )5 !ny water spirit from my place of birth practicing witchcraft of any form against me, be destroyed by the hammer of God in the name of Eesus ): /et every weapon of wickedness targeted against me under any river, sea or ocean be roasted by the fire of God in the name of Eesus )6 !ny power of marine witchcraft holding any of my blessings in bondage, receive the fire of God and release them in the name of Eesus )= I loose my mind and soul from the captivity of water spirits in the name of Eesus )7 !ny marine slave chain binding my hands and feet from prospering, be broken and burn to ashes in the name of Eesus 9= minutes; )> Every arrow fired into my life from the waters, come out now and go back to your senders in the name of Eesus )? !ny evil material transferred into my body through contact with water spirits be roasted by fire in the name of Eesus 9pray this one hard if you used to be se ually loose; )@ Every se ual pollution of marine spirit husbandAwife in my body, be flushed out by the blood of Eesus 9pray this one with violence for )* minutes; 5* I re%ect, revoke and renounce my membership 9consciously or unconsciously; with any evil association in the name of Eesus 5) I withdraw and cancel my name from any evil register with the blood of Eesus, in the name of Eesus 55 I re%ect and renounce any evil name given to me consciously or unconsciously in the name of Eesus 5: I purge myself with the blood of Eesus of all evil foods IMve eaten consciously or unconsciously in the name of Eesus 56 I withdraw my blood and any part of my body from every marine altar in the name of Eesus 5= I withdraw anything representing me in the marine kingdom by fire in the name of Eesus 57 I spiritually return all marine properties in my possession now in the name of Eesus 5> I hereby confess total separation from all marine associations in the mighty name of Eesus 5? I break any covenant binding me with marine powers in the name of Eesus 5@ I bind the demons associated with these covenants and cast them into the deep in the name of Eesus :* I renounce and revoke every oath taken consciously or unconsciously with marine powers in EesusM name :) I break and cancel every evil mark, tattoo, incision, or writing placed in my spirit and body with the blood of EesusJ and I purify my body, soul and spirit with the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Eesus 94lease give this one at least )* minutes; :5 I break all covenants with water spirits inherited from my ancestors on my fatherMs and motherMs sides, in the name of Eesus :: I command the fire of God to burn to ashes every evil bird, snake, dog or any other animal attached to my life in the name of Eesus :6 I speak destruction unto every roadblock, hindrance or obstacle programmed against me from the waters in the name of Eesus := I break and cancel every curse, spell, %in , he , enchantment, bewitchment, or incantation placed upon me by marine agents in the name of Eesus :7 I break and revoke every blood and soul+tie covenants and yokes attached to any body of water in the name of Eesus :> I break and loose myself from every collective covenant with the waters in the name of Eesus :? I break and loose myself from every collective curse from the waters in the name of Eesus :@ I break and cancel every covenant with satanic entities in the waters, and the yokes attached to them in the mighty name of Eesus 6* I break and cancel every water covenant entered into by my parents on my behalf and all the yokes attached to it, in the name of Eesus 6) ' /ord, remove far from me, any curse placed upon my ancestral line as a result of their involvement with water spirits 65 Holy 2pirit, build a wall of fire round me that will make it impossible for water spirits to come to me again 6: Holy Ghost, effect immediate breakthroughs in every area of my life in the name of Eesus 66 /ord, break down every evil foundation of my life and rebuild a new one on $hrist the 8ock 6= ' /ord, give me power to 9take the underlisted one after the other;J..

i. reco!niKe and seiKe divine opportunities presented to me ii. possess more wisdom than my competitors iii. drink deep from the well of salvation iv. make my ways confusin! to the enemy v. always be above always, and never beneath 67 In the movement of your power throughout this program, ' /'83, do not pass me by 6> Thank the /ord for answering your prayers +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "ay A ) I shall obtain %oy and gladness, sorrow and sighing shall flee from my life in the name of Eesus 5 /et every ladder of the enemy in my life be broken into pieces in the name of Eesus : I send the arrow of God upon every power challenging my peace in the name of Eesus 6 I break the head of every serpent programmed into my life with the hammer of God in the name of Eesus = !ny evil marriage in the water with or without my knowledge, be broken immediately in the mighty name of Eesus 7 Every trademark of evil marriage, be shaken out of my life by fire in the name of Eesus > I raise the standard of the blood of Eesus against every spirit that does not want to let me go in the name of Eesus ? I bring the blood of Eesus against every evidence that wicked spirits are using against me in the name of Eesus @ /et satanic e hibitions against me be destroyed by the blood of Eesus )* I come by faith to Dount WionG ' /ord, command deliverance upon my life now. )) Everything written in the cycle of the moon against my life, be blotted out in the name of Eesus )5 Everything programmed into the sun, moon and stars against my life, be dismantled in the name of Eesus ): Every evil thing programmed into my genes, be destroyed by the blood of Eesus )6 ' /ord, shake out seasons of failure and frustration from my life )= I overthrow every wicked law working against my life in the name of Eesus )7 I ordain a new time and season for my life under God in the name of Eesus )> I speak destruction unto the roadblocks of water spirits in the name of Eesus )? I speak destruction unto the altars of water spirits in the name of Eesus )@ I speak destruction unto the agents of marine spirits attached to my life in the name of Eesus 5* I destroy the power of any demonic seed in my life, from the womb, in the mighty name of Eesus 5) I speak unto my umbilical gate to overthrow all negative parental spirits in the name of Eesus 55 I break the yoke of the spirits having access to my reproductive gates in the name of Eesus 5: ' /ord, let your times of refreshing come upon me 56 /et the blood of Eesus redeem me from every se trap in the name of Eesus 5= I e ecute the %udgment written against water spirits and declare that they are reserved for everlasting chains of darkness in EesusM name 57 Thank God for answering your prayers +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "ay (B 'u&e 1N#1A, @ehold I !ive unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothin! shall by any means hurt you. ) ' /ord, let the power to pray above my normal level fall upon me. 5 Dy prayers shall activate e plosive spiritual revival in my life in the name of Eesus : I tread upon every serpent and scorpion of darkness today in the name of Eesus 6 /et satanic serpents dispatched against me, receive madness in the name of Eesus = /et satanic serpents dispatched against my family be paralyFed and be roasted in the name of Eesus 7 Every serpent programmed by inheritance into my life, come out and perish by fire in the name of Eesus > Every serpent programmed into my life by envious friends, come out and perish by fire in the name of Eesus ? Every serpent programmed by workplace enemies into my life, come out and go back to your sender in the name of Eesus @ Every serpent programmed into my body, I challenge you by fireG come out and die in the name of Eesus )* Every serpent assigned to monitor and pursue me, I pronounce the burning %udgment of God against youG die and burn to ashes in the mighty name of Eesus )) Every serpent that has swallowed my blessings, vomit them now and die by fire in the name of Eesus )5 ' /ord, let your serpents arise and swallow every serpent of darkness troubling my life in the name of Eesus ): Every serpentine poison circulating in my blood, be neutraliFed by the blood of Eesus )6 Every serpentine deposit in my body, be flushed out by the blood of Eesus )= Every serpentine plantation in my destiny, be uprooted by the a e of fire in the mighty name of Eesus )7 Every serpentine altar in my home, catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Eesus )> !ny serpent operating in any place of worship IMve ever visited, I withdraw my destiny from your grip in the name of Eesus )? !ll my money that has been swallowed by charismatic serpents, be vomited by fire in the name of Eesus )@ Every satanic gang+up against me in the spirit realm, be disbanded by the thunder of God in the name of Eesus 5* ' /ord, ordain powerful breakthroughs for me in this program 5) ' /ord, order my steps into outstanding miracles and wonders before the end of this year in the name of Eesus 55 In this program, I receive outstanding financial miracles in the name of Eesus 5: In this program, I receive outstanding marital breakthroughs in the name of Eesus 56 In this program, I receive outstanding spiritual breakthroughs in the mighty name of Eesus 5= /et the whirlwind of God fall grievously upon those sitting on my breakthroughs, in the name of Eesus 57 /et the anointing for a mighty breakthrough fall upon me in the name of Eesus 5> Thank the /'83 for answering your prayers ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "ay ((

) .ather, let your kingdom be established in the area of my marriage in the name of Eesus 5 I renounce and denounce every evil spiritual marriage contract I have consciously or unconsciously entered into, in EesusM name : Cou the spirit of JJJJJJ. 8elease me, release my marriage in the name of Eesus + anger + !hab + criticisms + strife + EeFebel + infirmity + pride + hatred + worry + selfishness + impatience + fear + wrong speaking +competition + adultery + prayerlessness + lukewarmness + failure + cruelty + abuse + unfaithfulness + backsliding + discouragement + scarcity 6 I delete my name from the register of broken homes in the name of Eesus = I fire back into the camp of the enemy every arrow fired against my marriage in the name of Eesus 7 I spoil and cancel every satanic plan against my home and marriage in EesusM name > /et every evil design of the enemy against my family be completely destroyed in the name of Eesus ? /et every curse issued against my home be cancelled and be replaced by blessings in the name of Eesus @ /et every evil covenant working against my home be broken and shattered to pieces in the name of Eesus )* Every evil tree planted against my home, I command you to wither from the roots in the name of Eesus )) /et every cage of the enemy constructed to cage the finances of my home be broken to pieces in the mighty name of Eesus )5 /et every negative word spoken against my home be nullified in the name of Eesus ): /et any spiritual wife or husband sent to destroy my marriage be bound in the name of Eesus )6 Every evil spiritual wedding ring and garment be roasted by fire in the name of Eesus )= I deliver my marriage from the hands of home+breakers in the name of Eesus )7 I command all evil spiritual consultants hired against my marriage receive confusion and turn against their senders in EesusM mighty name )> /et every satanic agent hired to pollute my children, fall after the order of 0alaam in the name of Eesus )? /et the 4rince of 4eace reign in my home in the name of Eesus )@ /et the anointing to prosper in marriage come upon my life now in the name of Eesus 5* Holy 2pirit, introduce your honey, love and %oy into my home and marriage in the name of Eesus 5) Thank God for answers to your prayers +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "ay (C, (), (D >e %re <ow (eady To =ray %nd (elease FinancesF =lease <ote# .or the ne t : days you will be praying the same prayer points. %tartin! every midni!ht, and prayin! every 3 hours... +efore Gou +egin# ) $arry out a search of your spiritual life. 8epent from all known sinsG confess such sins to the /'83 and ask for forgiveness 5 Have you broken the laws of divine prosperity& 8or example4 !re you faithful in giving your tithes and offerings in your church& 'r are you listening to the half+truth that tithing is an 'ld Testament teaching that passed away with the law& .nother example4 Have you ever used your money to sponsor evil e.g. abortion, consulting with mediums, astrologers, diviners& !re you self+centered and greedy for gain& 'r are you guilty of abandoning your marital and family responsibilities& : 2ort out these issues with the /'83. !fter that, for the ne t : days and nights, take the prayer points below with super+ aggressionJ and you will see the G'3 that answers by fire=(%GE( 5T%(T5 "E(E $onfessions 9make these personal= insert your name below; =hil!*#1A, 0ut my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by $hrist Eesus =s $3#,# 2urely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my lifeG and I will dwell in the house of the /ord for ever. )eut /#1/, 0ut you shall remember the /ord your GodG for it is He that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. 3 2ohn 1#$, 0eloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, %ust as your soul prospers. =s /*#11, .or the /ord God is a sun and shieldG the /ord will give grace and gloryG no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. =hil!*#13# I can do all things through $hrist who strengthens me. 4raise and 1orship 2ession 9please make it hot and passionate-; ) I command all demonic hindrances to my prosperity to be totally paralyFed in the name of Eesus 5 /et every demonic bank keeping my finances in the spirit be destroyed and let my finances be released now in the name of Eesus : I bind every strongman holding my finances captive in the name of Eesus 6 I possess all my possessions, in the spirit and in the physical in the name of Eesus = I break and loose myself from every curse of debt and poverty in the name of Eesus 7 I release myself from every conscious and unconscious covenant with the spirit of poverty in the name of Eesus > /et God arise and let every enemy of my financial breakthrough be scattered in the name of Eesus ? ' /ord, restore all my wasted years and efforts and convert them to blessings in the name of Eesus @ /et the spirit of favor be upon me everywhere I go concerning my finances in the name of Eesus )* .ather, I ask Cou, in the name of Eesus, to send ministering spirits to bring in prosperity and funds into my finances. )) /ord, cause men and women to bless me everywhere I go, in the name of Eesus )5 I release my finances from the clutches of financial hunger in the name of Eesus

): /'83, loose your prosperity angels to go and create favor for my finances in EesusM name )6 /et all financial blockages be cleared away by the fire of God in the name of Eesus )= I remove my name and those of my customers from the book of financial bankruptcy in the mighty name of Eesus )7 Holy 2pirit, be my senior partner in my finances )> Every good thing presently eluding my finances, begin to flow into it now in the name of Eesus )? I re%ect every spirit of financial embarrassment in the name of Eesus )@ /et every hole causing financial leakage in my life be sealed by the blood of Eesus 5* /et my finances become too hot for fraudulent and demonic agents in the name of Eesus 5) /et spiritual magnetic power that attracts and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in the name of Eesus 55 I release my finances from the influences, control and domination of household wickedness in the name of Eesus 5: /et all satanic angels deflecting blessings away from me be completely paralyFed, in the name of Eesus 56 /et the evil effect of any strange money I have received or touched be neutraliFed by the blood of Eesus 5= ' /ord, teach me the secrets of divine prosperity 57 /et the %oy of the enemy over my financial life be converted to sorrow, in the name of Eesus 5> /et all my blessings held captive locally or internationally be released to me by fire in the name of Eesus 5? I bind every anti+breakthrough, anti+miracle, and anti+prosperity forces in the name of Eesus 5@ /et my finances become too hot for any evil power to sit upon in the name of Eesus :* ' /ord, Buicken my spirit to create money+yielding ideas :) /et every spirit of debt and financial blockage be rendered impotent for my sake in the name of Eesus :5 ' /ord, bring honey out of the rock for me and let me find the way where men say there is no way in EesusM name :: Thank the /'83 for the answers =(%GE( :%(%T"O< =hase 3 3But upon mount 4ion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness5 and the house of .acob shall possess their possessions.6 badiah ('(7 8.9 I want to welcome you in the name of our /ord and 2avior Eesus $hrist to 4hase III, the concluding part of our 4rayer Darathon. /ongratulations1 for making it this far# !nd if youMve been paying close attention, you would have noticed a deliberate progression during this marathon. Q In Phase ?, we fou!ht the battle on land Q In Phase 5, we shifted our attention to the waters In this Grand .inale O 4hase :, >e are moving to the heavensB the ultimate theater of victoryF 2o you might say, we have been following a triangular pattern of warfare. 9n order to release our destinies from captivityand to possess our possessions in 6hrist !gain, this is not the type of message you hear on TR or even in most churchesJ but it is there in your 0ible. /etMs go see, Our =osition in 6hrist 9llustrated Dost $hristians know that anyone who has accepted Eesus $hrist as their /ord and savior, and are actively living their lives in line with biblical principles are in an e alted position, .nd raised us up to!ether, and made us sit to!ether in the heavenly places in -hrist ,esus. 0ph 543"L How does this work& /et me illustrate with an e ample from the 0ible. The 6ase of )eborah ThereMs an e citing story about this woman of God in the book of Eudges chapter =. 1e will look at verses )@+ 5:, &'he kin!s came and fou!ht, 'hen the kin!s of -anaan fou!ht In 'aanach, by the waters of (e!iddoE 'hey took no spoils of silver. 'hey fou!ht from the heavensE 'he stars from their courses fou!ht a!ainst %isera. 'he torrent of *ishon swept them away, 'hat ancient torrent, the torrent of *ishon. B my soul, march on in stren!th! 'hen the horsesA hooves pounded 'he !allopin!, !allopin! of his steeds. A-urse (eroK,A said the an!el of the +BCD, A-urse its inhabitants bitterly, @ecause they did not come to the help of the +BCD, 'o the help of the +BCD a!ainst the mi!hty.A ,ud!es M4?N"53 "ereDs the scenario# ! very aggressive band of enemies came against 3eborah"s nation, Israel at a time of national distress. There was no way Israel could even put an effective army together to fight these enemies. 0ut 3eborah, a prophetess, had a secret weapon,

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5he &new how to spea& words into the heavens against the enemies of .odDs people! !nd she began to speak. 1hat she was doing was to use her words to 3program6 the heavenly bodies 9the stars; and cause them to go into battle against the enemy#ot only the starsJ Even the waters of 8iver Pishon had no choice but to get involved in the battle to assist 3eborah the prophetess. 'hat the river abandoned its normal course, flowed into the battlefield and swept the armies away was somethin! extraordinary +ut waitB thereDs more! Even the angels got involved. Rerse 5: says an angel began to issue curses 9yes, you read that right; against a certain city and those living there. Their offence& They refused to engage the enemy in battle... This should concern all those who refuse to learn to fight spiritual battlesF 1 %nd that's not all!!! 4erhaps the most devastating result of 3eborah"s programming was what happened to the General commanding the enemies" army. ! fearsome man named 2isera. The 0ible shows he got so confused that he literally walked into the home of a woman of Israel, (presenting( himself to be e ecuted$onfusion of the highest order. This is the kind of confusion that forces people to make deadly mistakes. 3o you see confused people around you making fatal mistakes everyday& !nd you wonder what ever got into them& #ow you know... someone is fighting them from the heavens5piritual =rogramming .rom 3eborahMs e ample, it is clear that words spoken right here on earth can affect things in the heavenly realmJ and cause problems for others livin! here on earth. It shouldnMt come as a surprise to learn that heavenly bodies have ears, and they can obey when commanded. The 0ible is full of knowledgeable men and women, who rose up at one time or the other, to program the heavens with their wordsJ converting them to weapons of war. Think Doses. !nd Eoshua. !nd Eli%ah. 9n fact- the boo& of 2ob contains special lectures from .O) "imself on this issue of spiritual programmingF Unfortunately, what 3eborah and others did in the 0ible, wicked men and women are doing it these days O against $hristians. !nd getting away with it. 1 Cou see, evil people who engage in star reading and astrology have gained so much evil wisdom about the potentials of the heavenly bodies 9#ote, God forbids this type of thing;. They also know how to program peopleMs names into the stars. They program evil words into the heavens. Then they go ahead to use the altars in the heavens as lethal weapons of destruction. These evil altars are used to monitor- afflictintimidate and control their victims on earth 1hat is the effect of all this on human beings on earth& Tell4tale 5igns Invisible spiritual chains There are some people who have some invisible spiritual chains around their legs, hands or necks. !t times they see these chains or ropes in the dream. This severely limits their progress in life. They have been programmed. *eriodic sickness 2ome people fall sick at specific times every year. 2uch sicknesses are programmed into the lives of their victims. !nd even the e pert doctors using the most advanced technology may not be able to diagnose them. Irrational behavior Encontrollable se2ual urge Fuicidal tendencies 4eople who get tired of livingJ who feel like committing suicide do not know that such things have been programmed into their lives in the spirit realm. Ene2plainable losses 2ome mysterious losses are programmed into the lives of people. Doney, contracts, business opportunities which are meant to come to such people are diverted away mysteriously. This is wicked satanic programming. "eep depression 2ome people e perience deep depression in their lives. They suddenly get moody, sad and depressed. This is wicked programming. >itchcraft marks on the body 2ome people discover strange marks on their body. 2ome sleep without any marks only to wake up the following morning to discover several marks on their body. 2ome even ignorantly put tattoos on their body, not knowing they are opening the door for satanic agents to program their finances, marriage, etc. into a spiritual graveyard. $earing strange voices 2ome people hear strange voices without seeing any living soul around them. This is evidence of wicked programming. Broken homes

Dany people 9including $hristians; abandon their spouses and go ahead to marry others. They have a thousand and one e cuses for doing this. 1hat they do not know is that this kind of action does not %ust happen. It is programmed# 2uch people will only e perience freedom when a powerful decree goes forth that the heavenlies should release them. Until that happens, all the marriage counseling is a waste of time. !nd subseBuent marriages may end up %ust like the rest. HereMs the danger, Bnce a person7s case has been pro!rammed into the heavenlies4 )eliverance cannot solve that &ind of problemF 1 4ositive confession cannot solve it. FingingGdancing in church cannot solve it. Cou can only solve that kind of problem by shaking the problem from the foundation, which is located in the heavenly realm. The moment something is programmed into the heavenlies against an individual, the fate of that person is sealed in the spiritual realm. That person is as good as dead. It doesnMt matter whether they are going to church or not. I can actually remember one high school friend. He eventually became a physician. !nd a minister in his church. Then one 2unday morning, > years ago, he fell down and died at the altarJ during ministrations- !n e ample of wicked programming. The .ood <ews The 0ible has not left us in darkness at all. 1e can recover from these things. 1e can pray and K deHprogramL whatever the enemy has used evil consultants like astrologers, diviners, enchanters, etc. to destroy in our lives. The word of God has already made it clear that we are seated with $hrist in the heavenly placesJ far above all these powers. God has placed us at a higher spiritual realm. 1e are supposed to be victorious by virtue of our e alted position in $hrist 0ut what is the reality& :ost 6hristians have no idea what victory is li&e! +ecause of these $ reasons!!! /iving in any known sin is the <) reason that many people are not moving in this realm of victory. The <5 reason is the all+pervasive ignorance about spiritual things in this generation. There is almost total ignorance about the secrets of the heavens as taught in the 0ible. !mong pastors. !mong $hristians. Even in 0ible 2chools... almost <ear4total ignorance about the &ind of prayers that will ta&e your warfare to the heavenlies! This is about to change. 0y the grace of God, thatMs the kind of prayers that we are about to pray in this grand finale of our marathon. 1hy& 0ecause whoever controls the heavens, controls what happens here on earth. It"s that simple. Q 0li9ah dealt with the elements in the heavens and produced drou!ht for three and half years. 1hat Eli%ah did from the heavens brought king !hab and the prophets of 0aal down to their knees. Q (oses took his battle to the heavens. He caused darkness to fall on Egypt. He knew that the Egyptians used to draw power from the sun so he threw a spiritual blanket and blackened the sun for them. Q Deborah addressed the stars to her own advanta!e. Q ,oshua spoke to the sun and stopped it from !oin! down... until he finished his divine assignment0eloved, this is the ultimate realm of power in the entire universe. $hristians have a birthright to enter into it because of EE2U2. 0ut I must warn you... 2omeone who needs this ultimate power will have to fast. There is no other way. The disciples of Eesus were praying at one time for a boy. #othing happened. 1hen Eesus came, they asked him why their prayer was not working. !nd Eesus said, &'his kind does not !o except by prayer and fastin!& >hat ;ind of =rayersK In Genesis :5, 56+5@, the 0ible has this to say, 'hen ,acob was left aloneE and a (an wrestled with him until the breakin! of day. )ow when $e saw that $e did not prevail a!ainst him, $e touched the socket of his hipE and the socket of ,acobAs hip was out of 9oint as $e wrestled with him. .nd $e said, &+et (e !o, for the day breaks.& @ut he said,&I will not let ;ou !o unless ;ou bless me!& %o $e said to him, &<hat is your nameG& $e said, &,acob.& .nd $e said,&;our name shall no lon!er be called ,acob, but IsraelE for you have stru!!led with /od and with men, and have prevailed.& 'hen ,acob asked, sayin!, &'ell me ;our name, I pray.& .nd $e said,&<hy is it that you ask about (y nameG& .nd $e blessed him there. /en 3545 "5N Here we are told that Eacob was left alone. % time will come in your life when you will be left alone to wrestle!!! ! time will come when your parents, your pastors, social network, and all those you look up to, may not be able to help you. .or so many, that time is #'1#othing happened to Eacob until the time he was alone with God. 0efore this encounter, Eacob was a lost and confused fellow, without any aim or direction. Until after the wrestling matchJ God now became known as the God of Eacob. >hat does it mean to 0wrestleK0 It is,

* ) 5 : 6 =

Q struggling Q hand to hand fighting Q e treme violence in a fight Q haFardous and deadly combat Q brutal and barbaric fighting Q a thoroughly violent blood sport 5 This is the e pression that !postle 4aul chose 9of all e pressions; to describe our conflict with unseen demonic forces marshaled against us for destruction. 8or we do not wrestle a!ainst flesh and blood, but a!ainst principalities, a!ainst powers, a!ainst the rulers of the darkness of this a!e, a!ainst spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 0ph 34?5 The .od of the +ible is an 9ncomparable >arrior /od is wise in heart and mi!hty in stren!th. <ho has hardened himself a!ainst $im and prosperedG ,ob N4 'ur /ord has influence and authority that nothing can stand when He commands a march. 1hoever He sets Himself against is undone, for neither riches nor strength can save them. = and raised us up to!ether, and made us sit to!ether in the heavenly places in -hrist ,esus. 0ph 543 If we are seated together with Him, nothing can defeat us. 1e must learn to fight from the heavens. This is the surest way for us to dismantle anything programmed into the heavenlies against our destinies. %nd thereafter the big "%(?E5T will overta&e usF 1$ Things to <ote +efore Gou =ray

) Cou are not praying against any human being, dead or alive. Cour prayer points are directed at the spiritual entities listed in Ephesians 7,)5 5 Cou must have prepared yourself as I advised in my pre+marathon emails O through repentance... and gone through =hase 9 and $ of the prayers! : 3uring this prayer program, no matter the level of provocation, do #'T get angry. 0e of your best behavior towards friends, family and even those who do not like you. 6 $ommit to reading through at least 5 books of the 0ible during this period. I recommend the books of Isaiah and 8evelation. !nd meditate upon those scriptures to keep your spirit+man raFor sharp. = Each prayer point should be prayed for between 5 and = minutes. 3o #'T %ust read them. 4ray them repeatedly or with variation as led by the 2pirit of God. !nd pray in the 2pirit often. 7 Get a notebook and write down all your dreams, visions and revelations during this program. > This is a midnight operation. 0y midnight I mean between )5,** and :,** a.m. ? If you are praying in a group, let one person call out the prayer points and then everyone will pray in unity until the one leading says, Kin EesusM name we pray.L Then everyone should shout (!men.( Dove to the ne t prayer point. @ 0egin each session with passionate praise and worship for at least )* minutes. )* .ollow praise and worship session with the confessions below. 94lease note that during this worship session, you can kneel, or prostrate before the /ord. 0ut as soon as you start the confession below, you should be on your feet like a warrior;. If you are feeling tired you can sit down. 0UT 3' #'T P#EE/ !T THI2 2T!GECou are going into battle. 8emember Gideon and his :** soldiers)) Every day fast from morning till )5 noon or :pm or 7 pm or @ pm as the /ord gives you the grace. )5 T"95 95 T"E 6%=5TO<E# !t the end of these prayers, take a good offering, put it in an envelope and take it to your local church... this is a thanksgiving offering to the /'83... It will act as a seal to all the prayers you"ve prayed. It will stand as a memorial for you... before the /'839:=O(T%<TFF 4lease give this offering in your local church. 3on"t send it to me or any other ministry. !nd don"t be stingy with God. He doesn"t need it... but you do:iving is what kicks off the process of receiving1 5tart Every 5ession 'i&e This# ) 4raise and worship $ :a&e the following powerful confessions# I announce that greater is the 'ne that is in me than any devil on the side of my enemies. It is written, (The righteous is as bold as a lion.( 0y my faith in $hrist Eesus, I am righteous. I receive my divine boldness. The angels of the /ord encamp round about them that fear Him. The angels of God are with me, I have no reason to fear any man, woman, or spirit. 0ecause the /ord of hosts is with me. I put my confidence in Him. God wishes above all things that I prosper. In Eesus" name, I receive prosperity of spirit, soul and body. In Eesus" name, I have the mind of $hrist. I re%ect, refuse and bind negative thoughts, imagination and statements against me. I cast down every imagination and high thing e alting itself against the word of God in my life and family. Dy God is the .ather of faith. I ask and I receive the faith in God to increase in my spirit, in my soul and in my body, in the name of Eesus. I totally trust in the /ord, and I am not leaning on my own understanding. I fill my heart with the word of faith. I receive and speak the word of faith. The perfect will of God for my life shall come to pass. I abide in the secret place of the Dost High God. He is my shelter and my refuge. Today, I begin to be what God says I am, and I begin to walk in it, in the name of Eesus.

I am a person of authority, power, dominion, grace and favor, in Eesus" name. I can do all things through $hrist who strengthens me. I can run through a troop. I can leap over a wall. I can crush principalities and powers under my feet. I can pursue, overtake and break the necks of my enemies. Henceforth, my fear and dread shall be upon my enemies. !s soon as they hear of me, they shall submit themselves unto me. Dy confession is from the word of God... therefore it stands sure. In Eesus" mighty name. !men +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .rom Here, you can then proceed to the relevant section for the day=rayer :arathon ;*rayers for the )rd *haseI "ay (& (Please personaliKe this confession, i.e. say 6me7 not 6you7 and 6my7 not 6your7). 3eut. 5?,>, The /'83 shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your faceG they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways. ) ' /ord, promote me to fight in the heavenlies from now on, in the name of Eesus 5 Every dark power hidden in the heavenlies against me, I pull you down in the name of Eesus : !ny evil power floating or hanging against me, I bring you down in the name of Eesus 6 I speak unto the sun, moon and stars to favor me in the name of Eesus = Every arrangement that sorcerers and witches have prepared against my day, be dismantled in EesusM name 7 !ny evil thing programmed into the sun, the moon and the stars against my life, be dismantled in EesusM name > Every negative thing written in the cycle of the moon against me , be blotted out in the name of Eesus ? I shake off every season of frustration and failure in the name of Eesus @ I dismantle every satanic calendar for my life and family in the mighty name of Eesus )* Every evil word programmed against my star shall not be established in the name of Eesus )) I terminate every evil agreement between my enemies and the heavenlies in the name of Eesus )5 Every evil handwriting programmed by satanic agents into the heavenlies against my life, be wiped out by the blood of Eesus ): I fire and frustrate every satanic priest ministering enchantments into the sun, the moon and the stars against me in the name of Eesus )6 I recover all my properties dedicated to the sun, the moon, the stars and the elements in the mighty name of Eesus )= ' heavens, refuse to respond to any satanic programming against my life in the name of Eesus )7 Every wicked war raging against me, be overthrown in the name of Eesus )> 94oint your finger to the sky as you take this prayer point; Every negative thing programmed into the sun, the moon and the stars against me, be dismantled now in the name of Eesus )? Every power programming evil into my star, fall down and die in the name of Eesus )@ I come by faith to Dount Wion, ' /ord, command deliverance upon my life in the name of Eesus 5* /et the careful siege of the enemy be dismantled now in the name of Eesus 5) I recover all my virtues dedicated to the elements in the name of Eesus *raise and worship the Lord intensely and passionately, and thank $im for answering your prayers "ay (J (Please personaliKe this confession, i.e. say 6me7 not 6you7 and 6my7 not 6your7). 3eut. 5?,>, The /'83 shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your faceG they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways. ) Every handwriting of ordinances programmed into the heavenlies against me, be wiped out by the blood of Eesus 5 Cou heavens and the elements, turn against all satanic programmers working against my life in the name of Eesus : /et the heavens declare the glory of God over my life in the name of Eesus 6 !ny evil thing programmed into my life in the heavenlies, be dismantled by the power in the blood of Eesus = .rom today I decree that all the elemental forces should refuse to cooperate with my enemies in the name of Eesus 7 I speak unto the sun, the moon and the stars that they will not smite me and my family any more in the name of Eesus > I pull down every negative energy assigned to operate against me and my family in the name of Eesus ? I confess that this is the season that the /ord has made, I will re%oice and be glad in it, in the name of Eesus @ I dismantle any power issuing incantations to capture my destiny in the name of Eesus )* I render such incantations null and void over me and my family in the name of Eesus )) I retrieve my portion out of their hands in the name of Eesus )5 2pirit of favor, might and power, come upon me now in the name of Eesus ): I shall e cel from now on and nothing shall defile me in the name of Eesus )6 .rom now on, I shall possess the gates of my enemies in the name of Eesus )= ' /ord, anoint me with the oil of gladness above my fellows in the name of Eesus )7 .rom now on, the fire of the enemy will not burn me and my family in the name of Eesus )> .rom now on, my ears shall hear good news only and I shall not hear the voice of the enemy in the name of Eesus )? I declare that my life and the lives of the members of my family are secured in $hrist, in the name of Eesus )@ /et every satanic checkpoint mounted against me in the heavenlies be dismantled by the word of the /ord in EesusM name 9please spend time on this prayer point; 5* Every evil altar prepared against my breakthroughs in the heavenlies be dismantled by fire in the name of Eesus 5) I receive open heavens for my life this season in the name of Eesus *raise and worship the Lord intensely and passionately, and thank $im for answering your prayers "ay (7 (Please personaliKe this confession, i.e. say 6me7 not 6you7 and 6my7 not 6your7). 3eut. 5?,>, The /'83 shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your faceG they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways.

) Cou spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies militating against my star, I bring the hook of the /ord against you and I frustrate you activities in the name of Eesus 5 I receive divine insurance against every form of tragedy and accident in the name of Eesus : I send thunder, lightning and the hook of the /ord against any evil Bueen working against my life in the name of Eesus 6 Every evil spiritual eBuation working against my life, I command you to be broken in the name of Eesus = I speak to my umbilical gate to overthrow every negative parental spirit in the name of Eesus 7 I break the yokes of any evil spirit having access to any organ in my body in the name of Eesus > I speak unto the headBuarters of enchanters and sorcerers and I command their altars to blow up in the name of Eesus ? I file a counter report in heaven against every satanic accusation by my enemies in the name of Eesus @ I bring the blood of Eesus against every stubborn pursuer that does not want to let me go in the name of Eesus )* I bring the blood of Eesus over every evidence that can be tendered by wicked spirits against me in the name of Eesus )) I announce to the heavenlies that I am married to Eesus )5 Every evil handwriting engraved by demonic iron pen against me, be wiped off by the blood of Eesus ): 9/ift up your fingers towards the heavenlies as you take this prayer point; !ny evil thing programmed into the heavenlies to cut short my life, be destroyed in the name of Eesus )6 Every power aborting the plan of God for my life, fall down and die in the name of Eesus )= /et the life and spirit behind hardship and problems in my life, break off now in the name of Eesus )7 /et the power that raised Eesus from the dead break of my yokes now in the name of Eesus )> I shall not be numbered among the wasted in the name of Eesus )? Every arrow of death fired against me in the dream, go back to your sender in the name of Eesus )@ !nything drawing power against me from the heavenlies, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Eesus 5* Every alignment of witches against my prosperity, be scattered by fire in the name of Eesus 5) ' God that answers by fire, answer my prayers by fire in the name of Eesus *raise and worship the Lord intensely and passionately, and thank $im for answering your prayers "ay (@ (Please personaliKe this confession, i.e. say 6me7 not 6you7 and 6my7 not 6your7). 3eut. 5?,>, The /'83 shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your faceG they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways. ) ' /ord, by all the power for which you are known to be God, answer my prayers today in the name of Eesus 5 98aise up your two hands as you take this prayer point; 2atanic anchor, roast in the name of Eesus : Every pursuer in the dream, pursue yourself in the name of Eesus 6 Every internal bondage, this day be broken in the name of Eesus = Every power blocking the purpose of God for my life, be broken in the name of Eesus 7 ' /ord, empower me to pluck the fruit of success in the name of Eesus > ' /ord, empower me to reach my goal in EesusM name ? ' /ord, give me sufficient days to reach my goal in EesusM name @ ' /ord, guide my words and let them bear fruits in EesusM name )* ' /ord, silence me from gossip and idle talks in EesusM name )) ' /ord, give me divine alertness to recogniFe divine opportunities in the name of Eesus )5 Every anti+prosperity dream, die in the name of Eesus ): .ailure shall not slaughter my destiny in the name of Eesus )6 ' /ord, help me to become all that you have planned for me. )= Every evil power tampering with my destiny, I command the fire of God to burn you to ashes, in the name of Eesus )7 Dy destiny shall not be demoted in the name of Eesus )> I dissociate myself from any invitation by demonic friends in the name of Eesus )? I charge my finances with the fire of the Holy Ghost in EesusM name )@ ' /ord, give unto me spiritual revelation that would advance my life in the name of Eesus 5* ' /ord, rend the heavens open and bring helpers to me in your own way in EesusM name 5) /et the anointing to live a holy life fall upon me now in the name of Eesus *raise and worship the Lord intensely and passionately, and thank $im for answering your prayers "ay (A (Please personaliKe this confession, i.e. say 6me7 not 6you7 and 6my7 not 6your7). 3eut. 5?,>, The /'83 shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your faceG they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways. ) I cover myself and my family with the blood of Eesus 5 I soak my body, soul and spirit in the blood of Eesus : I sprinkle the blood of Eesus upon my home in EesusM name 6 ' /ord, today I shall decree a thing and it shall be established = I shall receive unstoppable victory in the name of Eesus 7 /et the lions of the enemy eat him up in the name of Eesus > !ny altar erected against me in the heavenlies, be dismantled in the name of Eesus ? Every evil decree in the heavenlies against me and my family, die in the name of Eesus @ !ny power shedding blood for my sake, fall down and die in the name of Eesus )* !ny power facing the sun against me, die in the name of Eesus )) !ny power facing the east against me, die in the name of Eesus )5 !ny power sitting in an evil position against me, die in the name of Eesus ): Cou prisons in the heavenlies, release my portion by fire in the name of Eesus )6 I release my marriage from the hands of any satanic Bueen in the name of Eesus )= /et the voice of the blood of Eesus cancel all the satanic decrees in the heavenlies against me in the name of Eesus

)7 /et the blood of Eesus wipe off the decrees of sorcerers and enchanters in the name of Eesus )> Every midnight enchantment against me, backfire in the name of Eesus )? 1hatever sacrifice has been used to gain access into my life, I dismantle it in the name of Eesus )@ I come with the key of 3avid and I command locked doors to open in the name of Eesus 5* Every satanic Bueen reigning in the affairs of my life, I dethrone you by fire in the name of Eesus 5) I receive power to govern my environment for Eesus in the name of Eesus *raise and worship the Lord intensely and passionately, and thank $im for answering your prayers "ay CB (Please personaliKe this confession, i.e. say 6me7 not 6you7 and 6my7 not 6your7). 3eut. 5?,>, The /'83 shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your faceG they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways. ) !ny evil anointing interfering with the call of God over my life, I renounce it now in the name of Eesus 5 I pull down every plantation of the moon goddess in the name of Eesus : I re%ect every invisible chain and I break their power over my life in the name of Eesus 6 ' /ord, let my prayers smite the enemies today in the name of Eesus = Every champion of evil in my life, be disgraced in the name of Eesus 7 /et the sun, the moon and the stars fight against every witchcraft bird working against me in the name of Eesus > ' sword of the /ord, do not return to your sheath until you have slain my Goliaths in the name of Eesus ? Every divination that makes me to sleep at the wrong time, be dismantled in the name of Eesus @ I refuse to reap any satanic harvest in any area of my life in the name of Eesus )* Every incantation issued into the heavenlies against me, go back to your sender in the name of Eesus )) Every contact between evil powers in my family line and the heavenlies, be terminated by the blood of Eesus )5 94oint your hand to the heavenlies; Every satanic agent working against my life, I disconnect your source of power in the name of Eesus ): The sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night in the name of Eesus )6 ' God arise and let every power manipulating my destiny scatter in the name of Eesus )= /et every weapon and evil design against me and my family fail totally in the name of Eesus )7 I re%ect premature death in the name of Eesus )> I re%ect nightmares and sudden destruction in the name of Eesus )? I re%ect dryness in my walk with God in the name of Eesus )@ I re%ect debt, lack and famine in my life in the name of Eesus 5* I re%ect physical and spiritual accidents in my going in and coming out, in the name of Eesus 5) I re%ect sickness and disease in my spirit, soul and body in the name of Eesus *raise and worship the Lord intensely and passionately, and thank $im for answering your prayers "ay C( (Please personaliKe this confession, i.e. say 6me7 not 6you7 and 6my7 not 6your7). 3eut. 5?,>, The /'83 shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your faceG they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways. ) /et the blood of Eesus demarcate between me and my enemies in the name of Eesus 5 Every rod of affliction from the heavenlies, break in the name of Eesus : Cou stars, release your arrows on every evil bird flying for my sake in the name of Eesus 6 I cancel the works of my enemies in the stars in the name of Eesus = I cancel the works of my enemies in the planets in the name of Eesus 7 Cou wind, carry your afflictions back to the sender in the name of Eesus > Every evil star that followed my mother A father, go back from following me in the mighty name of Eesus ? I claim my freedom from the conseBuences of evil pronouncements in the name of Eesus @ I claim my freedom from the conseBuences of hereditary diseases, in the name of Eesus )* I claim my freedom from the conseBuences of sin and iniBuity in the name of Eesus )) Cou satanic Bueen in the heavenlies, I speak destruction unto your roadblocks in the name of Eesus )5 Cou decrees of sorcerers and enchanters, I speak destruction unto your roadblocks in the name of Eesus ): Cou curses and covenants of darkness, I speak destruction unto your roadblocks in the name of Eesus )6 Cou spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, I speak destruction unto your roadblocks in the name of Eesus )= Cou territorial powers in my environment, I speak destruction onto your roadblocks in the name of Eesus )7 Cou evil congregation of household wickedness, marine powers and rulers of darkness, I speak double destruction unto your roadblocks in the mighty name of Eesus )> Cou satanic monitoring devices set up against my life, I speak destruction unto your roadblocks in the name of Eesus )? I prophesy and release the creative miracles of God into every department of my life now in the name of Eesus )@ .rom now on I bulldoFe my way into supernatural breakthroughs in every department of my life in EesusM name 5* 9Grab your legs as you pray this one; I prophesy to my legs, carry me to my place of divine appointment, in the name of Eesus 5) 9Grab your head with both hands as you pray this; Cou, my head, I anchor you to supernatural breakthroughs in the name of Eesus *raise and worship the Lord intensely and passionately, and thank $im for answering your prayers

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