All Things Current - Jan. 22, 2014
All Things Current - Jan. 22, 2014
All Things Current - Jan. 22, 2014
OP3N3ON (all editions* Edito ialD ;uno"" mitigation e""o ts o""e an ex,iting alte nati1e to ,ostl#& dis upti1e tunnels' Edito ialD The A m# )o ps o" Enginee s$ e,ent e1a,uation o" its 8lenb oo! ;oad ,leanup site is a eassu ing demonst ation o" its ,ommitment to sa"et#' %PO;T% (No thwest )u ent& 8eo getown )u ent* %t' Eohn$s gi ls bas!etball ,apitali7ed on the etu n o" in:u ed sta @a#la ;obbins to beat 8ood )ounsel' 8eo getown Visitation$s Alexis 8 a# set a s,hool e,o d o" se1en th ee-point shots du ing a 1i,to # o1e .ullis' )oolidge bo#s bas!etball has a ta get on its ba,! as it see!s a thi d st aight D)3AA title' Listings o" e,ent s,o es and up,oming notable games' D3%PAT)+E% %t' Pat i,!$s students battle in the 8eog aph# .ee& %,hool 0ithout 0alls high s,hoole s hit the s!i slopes& and othe epo ts " om lo,al s,hools' (all editions* AL%O 3N T+E )2;;ENT ) ime epo t Ad1iso # neighbo hood ,ommission epo ts and agendas ;epo ts " om lo,al ,iti7ens asso,iations )alenda o" the wee!$s e1ents )lassi"ied ads and se 1i,e di e,to # Email us to receive this newsletter every Wednesday. The )u ent ,omes out in p int e1e # 0ednesda# and is posted online on Thu sda#s at ,u entnewspape s',om/a ,hi1e'php and issuu',om/,u entnewspape s' To ea,h The )u ent with a news tip& ,o e,tion& ad1e tising in=ui #& o othe =uestion o ,omment& email newsdes!F,u entnewspape s',om o ,all 6>6-6??-A66G'
The )u ent Newspape s B15B Ma,A thu .l1d' N0& %uite 1>6 Mailing address: Post O""i,e .ox ?>?>> 0ashington& D')' 6>>1B->?>> )op# ight H 6>1?& The )u ent Newspape s& all ights ese 1ed