Traditional Methods For Church Planting 1 Egnlish
Traditional Methods For Church Planting 1 Egnlish
Traditional Methods For Church Planting 1 Egnlish
Monica Patrick
Traditional methods for church planting include mission churches, house churches and extension churches. Church planting is the establishing of a new place to worship in a community or neighborhood. The church-planting team can be just a couple of people or a large group. pastor or e!angelist usually heads the planting team. Planting a church in communities helps the needy of the area and also may hinder crime, according to the "ackson!ille #aith-$ased %iolence &eduction Coalition.
Mission Church
(ne type of traditional church planting is the mission church. Ministers plant mission churches in areas of a city or neighborhood with many needy families. host church or ministry adopts the mission church area and begins to care for the people who li!e there. This care can include pro!iding food, tutoring or clothing. )ays to establish the mission church include offering drug and alcohol counseling or prayer ser!ices. The mission church pools together a core group of belie!ers by establishing regular worship ser!ices with an ordained minister. The mission church usually offers its member around-the-clock spiritual assistance.
House Church
+ouse churches are another traditional method of planting churches. ministry leader or ministry team meets weekly at a regular time and holds religious ser!ices in the home of one of the congregants of the targeted community. +ouse churches grow as neighbors begin to attend the ser!ices, and the group as a whole integrates into an e!en larger group. #amily members, friends and neighbors come together to establish a house church. s this type of church grows, it transitions into a community church, usually relocating in a public or pri!ately rented building where the weekly meetings continue. This method of church planting can occur ,uickly or o!er a long period of time.
Church Extension
Church planting also can be necessary when a church begins to see members come from distant areas. )hen a church draws se!eral families who li!e in those remote areas, they will sometimes plant a church to accommodate the long-distance tra!elers. .ometimes churches plant rural extensions in this traditional manner with much success. Church extensions are often staffed by members or leaders from the original church. Church families in the area will also play a role in establishing weekly ser!ices by telling friends and family members about the new church. /eaders establish music and worship styles that are similar to those of the original church. 0uring the initial set-up period, the pastor of the original church may !isit fre,uently and guide the new church into solid growth and doctrines.