Dr. Binay Kumar: Crystal Lab, Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 (INDIA)

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Binay Kumar
Crystal Lab, Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi,
Title DR. First Name BINAY

Delhi-110007 (INDIA)
Kumar Photograph

Last Name Associate Professor

Designation Department Address (Campus)

Physics & Astrophysics Crystal Lab, Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 D-19, 29/31 Probyn Road, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007

(Residence) Phone No (Campus) (Residence)optional Mobile Fax Email

+91-11-27662289 +91-11-27662026 +91-9818168001 +91-11-27667061 (HOD) bkumar@physics.du.ac.in, b3kumar69@gmail.com, b3kumar69@yahoo.co.in

Web-Page Education Subject Ph. D. Institution University of Delhi Year 1992 Details Thesis topic: Polytypism of vapour grown dendritic single crystals of both undoped and doped cadmium iodide Subjects: Physics Subjects: Physics, Chemistry Mathematics

M. Sc. B. Sc. (H) Career Profile Organization / Institution University of Delhi University of Delhi University of Delhi University of Delhi

Bhagalpur University Bhagalpur University

1986 1983

Designation Associate Professor Reader Lecturer (& Senior Sc)

Duration 1 Jan 2006-Till date June 2001-31 Dec 2005 Jan1993-June 2001

Role Teaching & Research Teaching & Research Teaching & Research

Research Associate

Aug.1992-Jan 1993

Teaching & Research

Research Interests / Specialization

Research Work of DR. BINAY KUMAR (2004 onwards)

Dr. Binay Kumar started a new lab in 2004 (hereby known as Crystal Lab) in the Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, in which research work for the growth of single crystals of technologically important materials like high performance piezoelectric (e.g. PZN-PT, LiNBO3, Lead free alkali based materials, etc.), high T c superconductors (e.g. Bi-2212 system), ZnO nano structure, MX2 compounds, Organic & Semi-organic NLO materials and their characterization are being undertaken. Enhancement of crystallographic and material properties by various pre- and postgrowth treatments and doping to make these crystals more suitable for application is one of the targets of our research work. Single crystals are grown by flux, solution, vapor, zone traveling etc. techniques while the characterization include techniques like XRD, SEM, TEM, AFM, TGA, Dielectric (conductivity, etc,) Piezometry (d 33), Ferroelectric (P-E loop, etc), UV-Vis, FTIR etc, etc. In the past eight years four major projects have been undertaken; six students have got Ph.D. degree while nearly 50 papers have been published in refereed International Journals. Research work done during past 7-8 years on some important class of materials is summarized below:

ZnO nano rods have been grown by low cost chemical route and piezoelectric, dielectric aspects have been studied.
Oriented nanorods of diameter 20-30 nm and length 80-250 nm have been grown. Effect of doping (K-, Li-, V-, Cr-, etc) on dielectric, ferroelectric, optical, etc properties of ZnO has been studied. Main achievements on these studies are (a) growth of p-type ZnO nanorods (b) enhancement of ferroelectric and dielectric properties (c) band gap tuning, etc. It has been demonstrated that these nanorods can be used for LED, Sensor and Nanogenerator applications. 1. Dielectric studies and band gap tuning of ferroelectric Cr-doped ZnO Nanorods Manoj K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha and Binay Kumar, Journal of Applied Physics 112, 014303 (2012). 2. High Tc ferroelectricity in V-doped ZnO nanorods Manoj Kumar Gupta and Binay Kumar, Journal of Materials Chemistry, , 21, 14559-14562 (2011). and Binay

3. p- type K -doped ZnO Nanorods for opto-electronic applications Manoj K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha Kumar, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 083532 (2011).

4. Enhanced ferroelectric, dielectric and optical behaviour in Li-doped ZnO nanorods Manoj K. Gupta and Binay Kumar, Journal of Alloys and Compound 509 (2011) L208L212. 5. Synthesis of K-doped p-type ZnO nanorods along (100) for ferroelectric and dielectric applications Manoj K Gupta, Nidhi Sinha, BK Singh and Binay Kumar, Materials Letters, 64 1825-28 (2010). 6. Synthesis and Comparative Study of ZnO Nanorods for Structural, Optical and Dielectric Behaviour M.K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha and Binay Kumar Integrated Ferroelectrics, 118:6166 (2010). 7. Piezoelectric, dielectric, optical and electrical characterization of solution grown ZnO nano crystals M.K. Gupta, N. Sinha, BK Singh, N. Singh, K. Kumar and Binay Kumar. Material Letters 63 1910-1913 (2009). Manpower Trained: One student has got his Ph.D. degree in 2011 on Growth of Doped and Undoped ZnO Nanostructure and Their Morphological Structural, Optical, Dielectric & Piezoelectric Characterization. 2

Piezoelectric Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 (PZN-PT) single crystals have been grown by flux method
of sizes upto 8-9 mm across. The main achievements are increased perovskite phase, higher d 33 values (~2400 pC/N compare 20pC/N for LiNbO3 and 450 pC/N for PZT) and better dielectric and mechanical properties. Work on the quality improvement has been undertaken and their suitability for device fabrication has been established. Completed a DST project Synthesis of High Performance Piezoelectric Ceramic & Crystals for Device Fabrication Sept. 2007-March 11 (Rs. 46 Lac). 1. Investigation of glassy behaviour of flux grown Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 crystal B.K. Singh and Binay Kumar Physica B406 941945 (2011). Effect of electric field on dielectric, ac conduction and ferroelectric behavior of flux-grown Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 single crystals, B. K. Singh, K. Kumar, M. K. Gupta and Binay Kumar, Status Solidi A, 17 (2010) / DOI 10.1002/pssa. 200925643.doc. Impedance analysis and high temperature conduction mechanism of flux grown Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 single crystal B. K. Singh and Binay Kumar Cryst. Res. Technol. 45, 1003 1011 (2010). Flux growth and low temperature dielectric relaxation in piezoelectric Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 single crystals B.K. Singh, K. Kumar, Nidhi Sinha and Binay Kumar. Cryst. Res. Technol 44 No.9 915-924 (2009). Evidence of additional phase transitions at lower temperatures in the flux grown Pb (Zn 1/3 Nb2/3)0.91 Ti0.09 O3 single crystal B.K. Singh and Binay Kumar. Materials Letters 63, p.625628 (2009).





Manpower trained: One student received his Ph.D. degree in 2010 on Structural, Piezoelectric, Dielectric, Optical and Electrical Characterization of Flux Grown Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 Single Crystal.

Organic and Semiorganic (Anthracene, TGS, Glycene, LHFB, Phthalate, etc) single crystals are grown by various solution techniques like slow evaporation, temperature lowering method, seed rotation
method, SR method, etc. Large variety of crystals for semiconducting, ferroelectric, Non Linear Optial, etc applications have been grown of sizes from few mm to several cm. They were characterized for structural, dielectric, ferroelectric, optical, etc behavior. One Project Growth of Device level NLO Organic/Semi- Organic single crystals by various methods is currently under progress Nov 2009- March 2013; (Rs 35 Lac). 1. Crystal growth, optical, mechanical and electrical properties of Inorganic material: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Neeti Goel, Nidhi Sinha and Binay Kumar, Materials Research Bulletin 48 (2013) 16321636 Enhanced Optical, NLO, dielectric and thermal properties of novel sodium hydrogen phthalate single crystals doped with Zinc Neeti Goel, Nidhi Sinha and Binay Kumar, Optical Materials 35 (2013) 479486 Improvement in Structural, Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Mechanical Properties in Metal Ions Doped Glycine Phosphite Single Crystals K. Senthilkumar, Moorthy Babu, Binay Kumar, G. Bhagavannarayana, Ferroelectrics (2012, InPress) Manuscript ID: 741992 Remarkable Enhancement in optical and thermal properties of sodium hydrogen phthalate crystals due to Fe 3+ doping Neeti Goel and Binay Kumar, Journal of Crystal Growth 361 4450 (2012). Enhancement in ferroelectric, pyroelectric and photoluminescence properties in dye doped TGS crystals Nidhi Sinha, Neeti Goel, B.K. Singh, M.K. Gupta and Binay Kumar. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 190 180-185 3





(2012). 6. Effect of rare earth ions on the properties of glycine phosphate single crystals K. Senthilkumar, S. Moorthy Babu, Binay Kumar, G.Bhagavannarayana, Journal of Crystal Growth doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.10.031 In Press (2012). A comparative study of ferroelectric triglycine sulfate (TGS) crystals grown by convention al slow evaporation and unidirectional method M. Senthil Pandian, P. Ramasamy, Binay Kumar Journal of Materials Research and Bulletin, In Press (2012). Optical and dielectric studies of solution grown glycinium maleate single crystal, Neelam Singh, B. K. Singh, M.K. Gupta, Binay Kumar, Optics Communications 285 659664 (2012). Effect of zinc chloride on structural, optical and dielectric behavior of solution grown anthracene crystal Nidhi Sinha , Manoj K .Gupta , Neeti Goel, Binay Kumar Physica B 406 32063209 (2011).




10. Structural, optical and dielectric studies of Glycinium trifluoroacetate single crystal Neelam Singh and Binay Kumar Physica B: Condensed Matter, 406 21522157 (2011). 11. Enhancement in crystalline perfection and optical properties of benzophenone single crystals: the remarkable effect of a liquid crystal S. K. Kushwaha, N. Vijayan, K. K. Maurya, A. Kumar, B. Kumar, K. Somayajulu and G. Bhagavannarayana J. Appl. Cryst. 44, 839845 (2011). 12. Growth and characterization of new semi organic L-proline strontium chloride monohydrate single crystals Manoj K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha and Binay Kumar, Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 63 (2011). 13. Structural, Dielectric, Optical and Ferroelectric property of Urea Succinic Acid Crystals grown in aqueous solution containing Maleic Acid, B. K. Singh, N. Sinha, N. Singh, K. Kumr, M. K. Gupta and Binay Kumar Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 7117741779 (2010). 14. Organic Ferroelectrics: A Big Surprise, Mohd. Shakir, B.K.Singh, Binay Kumar and G. Bhagavannarayana, Nature Asia Materials Research Highlight, doi: 10.1038/asiamat.2010.48, (2010). 15. Growth of 1 0 0 directed ADP crystal with slotted ampoule Current Applied Physics, In Press, P. Rajesh, P. Ramasamy, G. Bhagavannarayana, Binay Kumar Current Applied Physics 10 1221-1226 (2010). 16. Effect of ion irradiation on the m-Nitroaniline single crystals T. Kanagasekaran, P. Mythili, Binay Kumar and R. Gopalakrishnan. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 268 3641 (2010). 17. Effect of cobalt and DL-malic acid on the growth rate, crystalline perfection, optical, mechanical, dielectric, piezoelectric properties and SHG efficiency of ADP single crystals P. Rajesh, P. Ramasamy, Binay Kumar and G. Bhagavannarayana. Physica B 405 2401-06 (2010). 18. Solution Growth and Comparative Characterization of L -HFB Single Crystals Nidhi Sinha, Sahas, B.K. Singh, N. Singh, K. Kumar, M.K. Gupta, G.C. Budakoti and Binay Kumar. Cryst. Res. Technol. 44, 167-172 (2009). 19. Ferroelectricity in glycine picrate: An astonishing observation in a cetrosymmetric crystal M. Shakir, B. K. Singh, B. Kumar, and G. Bhagavannarayana, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 252902:1-3, (2009). 20. Growth and Characterization of new nonlinear optical Thiourea L-alanine acetate (TLAA) single crystal. 4

Neelam Singh, B. K. Singh, Nidhi Sinha, Binay Kumar. Journal of Crystal Growth 310, 44874492 (2008). Manpower Trained: Two: One Ph.D. student has received Ph.D. Degree in 2011 on Structural, optical and dielectric characterization of solution grown Organic/Semi Organic single crystals. Another Ph.D. student has submitted Ph.D. thesis on Structural, thermal, optical & dielectric characterization of solution grown pure and doped semi organic sodium phthalate single crystals

Lead-free alkali based piezoelectric (BNKT, pure and Sb, Nb-doped) systems

have been synthesized. Effect of these doping on the enhancement of depolarization and transition temperature have been studied. One Project Growth of Device Level Lead free Alkali -Based Piezoelectric Single Crystals is currently under progress Oct.2011-Oct 2014 (Rs. 25 Lac). 1. Synthesis, dielectric and relaxation behavior of lead free NBTBT ceramics S. Shanmuga

Sundari, Binay Kumar, R. Dhanasekarana, Ceramics International (2012 doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2012.06.063. Ferroelctric Nature S. Shanmuga Sundari, Binay Kumar, K. Asokan, R. Dhanasekaran Applied Surface Science (2012, In press) doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.10.199.

In Press)

2. Effect of SHI Irradiation on NBT-BT Ceramics: Transformation of Relaxor Ferroelectric to

Effect of Nb-doping on dielectric, ferroelectric and conduction behavior of lead free Bi 0.5(Na0.5K0.5)0.5TiO3 ceramic, Krishan Kumar and Binay Kumar, Ceramics International 38 11571165 (2012).

4. Enhancement in dielectric and ferroelectric properties of lead free Bi 0.5(Na0.5K0.5)0.5TiO3 ceramics by Sbdoping Krishan Kumar, B. K. Singh, M. K. Gupta, N. Sinha and Binay Kumar, Ceramic International 37, 2997-3004 (2011). 5. Synthesis and characterization of Sb-doped Bi0.5(Na0.5K0.5)0.5TiO3 ceramic Krishan Kumar and Binay Kumar Integrated Ferroelectrics, 121:99105 (2010). Manpower Trained: One student has got Ph.D. Degree in 2010 on Synthesis and Characterization of Pure and (Sb,Nb,Ta)-doped Lead Free Piezoelectric [Bi0.5(Na1-xKx)0.5]TiO3 Ceramics.

High temperature superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCuO8+ (Bi-2212) single crystals and Y-123 ceramic are grown by self flux method and characterized by various techniques. The main achievement was
to control/enhance the transition temperature and other crystal qualities by post growth annealing treatment under varying conditions. Completed UGC project on High Tc Superconducting Crystals.
1. Structural changes in ab plane of Zn-doped Bi-2212 HTSC single crystals. Lovleena, I.K. Bidikin, A.L. Kholkin and Binay Kumar Physica C, 451, p.44-48 (2007). IR-studies on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O single crystals with different oxygen stoichiometry. P. Kumar, G.C. Trigunayat and Binay Kumar. In: Advances in Technologically Important Crystals, Ed: Binay Kumar & R.P. Tandon, Macmillan p.87-92 (2007). X-ray and AFM studies of Bi2Sr2CaCuO single crystals grown by different methods. I.K. Bdikin, A.N. Maljuk, A.B. Kulakov, C.T. Lin, P. Kumar, Binay Kumar, G.C. Trigunayat, G.A.Emelchenko, A.L. Kholkin. J 5



Crystal Growth 275, No.1-2, p. e1799-1805 (2005). 4. Comparative characterization of undoped and Zn-doped Bi2Sr2CaCuO single crystals grown by self flux technique. Binay Kumar, P. Kumar, Lovleena, I.K. Bidikin and G.K. Chadha. Ind. J. of Cryogenics, 30, p.175 178 (2005). Effect of low temperature short time annealing on oxygen content and surface quality of Bi 2Sr2CaCuO single crystals. P. Kumar, Binay Kumar, D.N. Kumar and G.K. Chadha. Physica C 411 No.3-4, p.180-188 (2004). Surface morphology and incommensurate modulation of self-flux grown Bi2Sr2CaCuO single crystals. P. Kumar, Binay Kumar, I. Bdikin, A.L. Kholkin and G.C. Trigunayat. Physica C 406 No.1-2, p.72-78 (2004). X-ray characterization of Bi2Sr2CaCuO single crystals grown by different methods. I.K. Bdikin, A.N. Maljuk, A.B. Kulakov, T.C.Lin, P. Kumar, Binay Kumar and G.C. Trigunayat. Physica C 383, p.431 (2003).




Review Article: Growth and Characterization of Bi2Sr2CaCuO High Tc Superconducting Single Crystals P. Kumar, Binay Kumar, I.K. Bdikin and G.C. Trigunayat. In: "Superconductivity Research Horizons; Ed: Eugene H. Peterson ; Chapter 3 pp.71-110 (2007) Nova Science Publisher, Inc, USA, (ISBN: 1-60021-510-6). Manpower trained: One student got his Ph. D. degree titled Study of as grown and annealed Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ high Tc superconducting single crystals grown by self flux technique.

Piezoelectric LiNbO3 single crystals

are grown by Cz method (at NPL). The highlight of the works on undoped and Fe-doped LN crystals was to achieve highest values of piezoelectric charge coefficient (d 33 pC/N) and removal of small angle grain boundaries (lowest ever reported values of half widths of the rocking curve in the HRXRD) by a combination of annealing and poling processes. 1. Improvement in crystalline perfection, piezo-electric property and optical transparency of in-situ poled FeLiNbO3 single crystals by post growth annealing and poling. G.C. Budakoti, Binay Kumar, G. Bhagavannarayan and N. C. Soni. Phys. Stat. Solidi (a) (Rapid) 202 No2 p.R7-R9 (2005). A study of annealing on Fe-doped LiNbO3 by HRXRD, XRT and FTIR. G. Bhagavannarayan, R.V. Anantha Murthi, G.C. Budakoti, Binay Kumar and K.S. Bartwal. J. Appl. Cryst. 38, p.768-771 (2005). Enhancement of crystalline, piezoelectric and optical quality of LiNbO3 single crystals by post-growth annealing and poling. G. Bhagavannarayana, G.C. Budakoti, K.K. Maurya and Binay Kumar J. Crystal Growth 282, p.394-401 (2005). Study of annealing on defect structure in undoped and Fe-doped LiNbO3 crystals G.C. Budakoti, , G. Bhagavannarayan and Binay Kumar. In: Advances in Technologically Important Crystals, Ed: Binay Kumar & R.P. Tandon, Macmillan p.157-161(2007). Crystalline perfection, Raman, UV-VIS-NIR and prism coupler investigations on Cz-grown pure and Zn-doped LiNbO3 single crystals S. K. Kushwaha. K. K. Maurya, N. Vijayan, Binay Kumar, Rajeev Bhatt, S. Ganesamoorthy and G. Bhagavannarayana. Cryst Eng Comm DOI: 10.1039/c2ce06710b (2012).





Manpower Trained: Two: One student got his Ph.D. degree in 2006 on Growth, Characterization and Improvement of Undoped and Fe- doped high Tc LiNbO3 single crystals. Another student has got his Ph.D. degree in Nov. 2012 on Growth and investigation for crystalline perfection vis--vis physical properties of pure and doped LiNbO3, 6

Benzophenone and ZTS NLO single crystals.

As a Ph.D. Student in Delhi University during 1988-91, Binay Kumar

worked on the Growth of dendritic single crystals of pure and doped CdI2 by vapour method and their characterization with respect to structural changes due to doping. The Ph.D. title was Polytypism of vapour grown dendri tic single crystals of both undoped and doped cadmium iodide (Three publications in Acta Cryst A: Current Impact Factor is nearly 50) 1. Polytypism in PbI2-doped dendritic single crystals of cadmium iodide. Binay Kumar and G. C. Trigunayat. Acta Cryst. A47, p.263-267 (1991). 2. Vapour growth and characterization of cadmium iodide dendritic single crystals. Binay Kumar and G. C. Trigunayat. Proc. Ind. Nat. Sc. Acad. A57, No.2, p.231-239 (1991). 3. Dendritic growth of PbI2 single crystals and study of their polytypism and growth features. Binay Kumar and G.C. Trigunayat. Acta Cryst. A 48, p.733-736 (1992). 4. Growth and characterization of KDP-doped dendritic single crystals of cadmium iodide. Binay Kumar and G.C. Trigunayat. Phase Transition, 43, p.145-152 (1993). 5. Effect of variation in PbI2 doping on the polytypism of dendritic CdI2 single crystals. Binay Kumar and G.C. Trigunayat. J. Appl. Cryst., 43, p.41-46 (1993). 6. Polytypism and related phenomena in CdBr2-doped dendritic single crystals of cadmium iodide. Binay Kumar and G.C. Trigunayat. Acta Cryst., A54, p.682-685 (1998). 7. Micromorphology of pure and PbI2-doped CdI2 Dendritic Single crystals. Binay Kumar and Nidhi Sinha. Crystal Res. Tech. 40, No.9 p.887-892 (2005).

Teaching Experience ( Subjects/Courses Taught)

1992-present: Atomic & Molecular Physics, Electronics (Core papers, M.Sc. (F) and (P)) Advanced Solid State Physics Expt Lab (M.Sc. Final) Solid State Physics Lab, Waves & Optics Lab (M.Sc. Previous)
Honors & Awards:

RECENT PUBLICATIONS OF DR. BINAY KUMAR (Past three years 2009-Till date Only)

In Indexed/ Peer Reviewed Journals





(38) 2013

Crystal growth, optical, mechanical and electrical properties of Inorganic material: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Effect of rare earth ions on the properties of glycine phosphate single crystals Enhanced Optical, NLO, dielectric and thermal properties of novel sodium hydrogen phthalate single crystals doped with Zinc Effect of SHI Irradiation on NBT-BT Ceramics: Transformation of Relaxor Ferroelectric to Ferroelctric Nature

Materials Research (2013) 16321636



Neeti Goel, Nidhi Sinha

(37) 2013

Journal of Crystal Growth, 362, 343348 (2013) Optical Materials 35 (2013) 479486

K. Senthilkumar Moorthy Babu, G. Bhagavannarayana Neeti Goel, Nidhi Sinha

(36) 2012

(35) 2012

Applied Surface Science (2012, In press) doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.10.199

S. Shanmuga Sundari, K. Asokan, R. Dhanasekaran

(34) 2012

Improvement in Structural, Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Mechanical Properties in Metal Ions Doped Glycine Phosphite Single Crystals Remarkable Enhancement in optical and thermal properties of sodium hydrogen phthalate crystals due to Fe3+ doping Dielectric studies and band gap tuning of ferroelectric Cr-doped ZnO Nanorods Synthesis, dielectric and relaxation behavior of lead free NBTBT ceramics



K. Senthilkumar Moorthy Babu, G. Bhagavannarayana Neeti Goel

(33) 2012

J. crystal Growth DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2012.08.044 (2012). Journal of Applied Physics 112, 014303 (2012) Ceramics Press) International (2012 In

(32) 2012

Manoj K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha

(31) 2012

S. Shanmuga Sundari, R. Dhanasekarana,


(30) 2012

Enhancement in ferroelectric, pyroelectric and photoluminescence properties in dye doped TGS crystals Crystalline perfection, Raman, UV-VIS-NIR and prism coupler investigations on Cz-grown pure and Zn-doped LiNbO3 single crystals Effect of rare earth ions on the properties of glycine phosphate single crystals A comparative study of ferroelectric triglycine sulfate (TGS) crystals grown by conventional slow evaporation and unidirectional method Effect of Nb-doping on dielectric, ferroelectric and conduction behavior of lead free Bi0.5(Na0.5K0.5)0.5TiO3 ceramic

Journal of Solid State Chemistry 190 (2012) 180-185. Cryst Eng Comm ( (2012 In Press) .DOI: 10.1039/c2ce06710b Journal of Crystal Growth doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011 Journal of Materials Research and Bulletin, In Press (2012). Ceramics International 38 (2012) 11571165

Nidhi Sinha, Neeti Goel, B.K. Singh, M.K. Gupta S. K. Kushwaha. K. K. Maurya, N. Vijayan, Rajeev Bhatt, S. Ganesa moorthy and G. Bhagavannarayana. K. Senthilkumar, S. Moorthy Babu, G.Bhagavannarayana M. Senthil Pandian, P. Ramasamy,

(39) 2012

(28) 2012

(27) 2012

(26) 2012

Krishan Kumar

(25) 2012

Optical and dielectric studies of solution grown glycinium maleate single crystal 'High Tc Ferroelectricity in V-Doped ZnO

Optics Communications 285 (2012) 659664. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 14559-14562 Ceramic International 2011, 37, 2997-3004 Physica B 406 (2011) 32063209.

N. Singh, B.K. Singh, M.K. Gupta

(24) 2011

Manoj K. Gupta

(23) 2011

Enhancement in dielectric and ferroelectric properties of lead free Bi0.5(Na0.5K0.5)0.5TiO3 ceramics by Sb-doping Effect of zinc chloride on structural, optical and dielectric behavior of solution grown anthracene crystal p- type K -doped ZnO Nanorods for optoelectronic applications Enhanced ferroelectric, dielectric and optical behaviour in Li-doped ZnO nanorods. Structural, optical and dielectric studies of Glycinium trifluoroacetate single crystal.

K. Kumar, B. K. Singh, M. K. Gupta, N. Sinha Nidhi Sinha, Manoj K.Gupta , Neeti Goel

(22) 2011

(21) 2011

Journal of Applied Physics 109, 083532 (2011). Journal of Alloys and Compound 509 (2011) L208L212. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 406 (2011) 21522157.

Manoj K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha

Manoj K. Gupta

(20) 2011 (19) 2011

Neelam Singh

(18) 2011

Investigation of glassy behaviour of flux grown Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 crystal. Enhancement in crystalline perfection and optical properties of benzophenone single crystals: the remarkable effect of a liquid crystal Growth and characterization of new semi organic L-proline strontium chloride monohydrate single crystals. Effect of electric field on dielectric, ac conduction and ferroelectric behavior of flux-grown Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 single crystals. Synthesis of K-doped p-type ZnO nanorods along (100) for ferroelectric and dielectric applications. Structural, Dielectric, Optical and Ferroelectric property of Urea Succinic Acid Crystals grown in aqueous solution containing Maleic Acid.

Physica B: Condensed Matter, 406 (2011) 941945. J. Appl. Cryst. (2011). 44, 839845

B.K. Singh

(17) 2011

S. K. Kushwaha, N. Vijayan, K. K. Maurya, A. Kumar, K. Somayajulu and G. Bhagavannarayana Manoj K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha

(16) 2011

Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 (2011) 63. Phys. Status Solidi A, 17 (2010) / DOI 10.1002/pssa. 200925643.doc.

(15) 2010

B. K. Singh, K. Kumar, M. K. Gupta

(14) 2010

Materials Letters, 64 (2010)1825-28.

Manoj K Gupta, Nidhi Sinha, B.K. Singh. B. K. Singh, N. Sinha, N. Singh, K. Kumr, M. K. Gupta

(13) 2010

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71(2010) 17741779.

(12) 2010

Impedance analysis and high temperature conduction mechanism of flux grown Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 single crystal. Synthesis and Comparative Study of ZnO Nanorods for Structural, Optical and Dielectric Behaviour.

Cryst. Res. Technol. 45, 1003 1011 (2010) Integrated Ferroelectrics, 118:6166, 2010.

B. K. Singh

(11) 2010

M.K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha

(10) 2010

Organic Ferroelectrics: A Big Surprise.

Nature Asia Materials Research Highlight, doi: 10.1038/asiamat.2010.48, (2010). Integrated Ferroelectrics, 121:99 105, 2010. Current Applied Physics 10 (2010) 1221-1226. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 268 (2010) 3641. Physica B 405 (2010) 2401-06.

Mohd. Shakir, B.K.Singh, G. Bhagavannarayana, Krishan Kumar

(9) 2010

Synthesis and characterization of Sb-doped Bi0.5(Na0.5K0.5)0.5TiO3 ceramic. Growth of 1 0 0 directed ADP crystal with slotted ampoule. Effect of ion irradiation on the m-Nitroaniline single crystals. Effect of cobalt and DL-malic acid on the growth rate, crystalline perfection, optical, ADP single crystals. Piezoelectric, dielectric, optical and electrical characterization of solution grown ZnO nano crystals. Flux growth and low temperature dielectric relaxation in piezoelectric Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 single crystals. Evidence of additional phase transitions at lower temperatures in the flux grown Pb (Zn1/3 Nb2/3)0.91 Ti0.09 O3 single crystal. Solution Growth and Comparative Characterization of L-HFB Single Crystals. Ferroelectricity in glycine picrate: An astonishing observation in a cetrosymmetric crystal

(8) 2010

P. Rajesh, P. Ramasamy, G. Bhagavannarayana. T. Kanagasekaran, P. Mythili, R.Gopalakrishnan P. Rajesh, P. Ramasamy, G. Bhagavannarayana.

(7) 2010

(6) 2010

(5) 2009

Material Letters 63 1910-1913 (2009). Cryst. Res. Technol 44 No.9 915-924 (2009). Materials Letters 63, p.625628 (2009). Cryst. Res. Technol. 44, 167-172 (2009). Applied Physics Letters, 95, 252902:1-3, (2009).

M.K. Gupta, N. Sinha, BK Singh, N. Singh, K.Kumar B.K. Singh, K. Kumar, Nidhi Sinha

(4) 2009

(3) 2009

B.K. Singh

(2) 2009

Nidhi Sinha, Sahas, B.K. Singh, N. Singh, K. Kumar, M.K. Gupta, G.C. Budakoti M. Shakir, B. K. Singh, G. Bhagavannarayana.

(1) 2009

Review Article: Growth and Characterization of Bi2Sr2CaCuO8+ High Tc Superconducting Single Crystals
Co authors: P. Kumar, I.K. Bdikin and G.C. Trigunayat. In: Superconductivity Research Horizons, Ed: E.H. Peterson, Nova Science Publisher, Inc, USA, p. 71-110 (2007).

Reviewed more than 15 submitted papers in Journals like Nano Scale, J of Crystal Growth, Materials Letters,
Materials Research Bulletin, Science of Advanced Materials, Materials Science and Engineering, etc.

Ph.D. Supervision: Six students received Ph.D. Degree in the Past three years; Six are currently registered as Ph.D. student. Examiner of more than ten Ph.D. thesis and conducted Ph.D. viva voce of over six Ph.D. students of other Universities in the past three years.
Sr. No. 6. Name of Student Neeti Goel Ph.D. Tenure Sept, 2009Oct, 2012 Sept, 2008May 2012 Ph.D. Thesis Title Structural, thermal, optical & dielectric characterization of solution grown pure and doped semi organic sodium phthalate single crystals Growth and investigation for crystalline perfection vis--vis physical properties of pure and doped LiNbO3, Benzophenone and ZTS NLO single crystals


Satya Kumar Khushwaha



Manoj Kumar Gupta Neelam Singh

March, 2008June, 2011 Sept,2006June, 2011 Oct, 2005 Oct, 2010 Sept, 2005March, 2010

Growth of Doped and Undoped ZnO Nanostructure & their Morphological, Structural, Optical, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Characterization Structural, Optical And Dielectric Characterization of Solution grown Organic/Semi Organic Single Crystals Synthesis and Characterization of Pure and (Sb,Nb,Ta)-doped Lead Free Piezoelectric [Bi0.5(Na1-xKx)0.5]TiO3 Ceramics Structural, Piezoelectric, Dielectric, Optical and Electrical Characterization of Flux Grown Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09O3 Single Crystal



Krishan Kumar


Budhendra Kumar Singh

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dr. G. Bhagavannarayan, National Physical Laboratory, Delhi Prof. P. Ramasamy, Dean Research, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai Prof. R. Dhanasekaran, Crystal Growth Center, Anna University Prof. S. Moorthybabu, Crystal Growth Center, Anna University Dr. Vijayan, National Physical Laboratory, Delhi Prof. Igor Bdikin and Prof. Kolkhin, Aveiro University, Portugal

Invited Talk and other presentations in International/ National Conferences (2009-12 only)
[1] Invited talk in the 3rd Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth (3CG) Orlando, Florida USA during 11-15 Dec 2012 on Optoelectronic and nanogenerator applications of ZnO nanocrystals International Advisory Committee member and Chairing a Technical Session on Nano-Energy. Invited talk on in the International Workshop on Crystal Growth and Chararacterization of Advanced Materials and Devices and XXIV National Seminar on Crystal Growth 16-22 December 2012, in crystal Growth Center, Anna University, Chennai. Invited Talk in International Conference and Workshop on Nano-Structured ceramics and other Nanomaterials (ICWNCN) March 13th 16th, 2012 at University of Delhi, New Delhi. Core Organizing Group member. Invited Talk on Energy harvesting through Piezoelectric ZnO nanorods 3 rd International Conference on Current Development in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics Dec 14-16, 2011, University of Delhi; Core organizing group member. Invited Talk on ZnO Nanorods: Optical and Nanogenerator Applications in the International Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology (ICNANO) 18-21 December, 2011 University of Delhi, Delhi Core organizing group member. Invited Talk on Study of crystal growth and defect features by optical, scanning and tunneling microscope in the XV National Seminar on Crystal Growth from 23-25, February 2011. Tirunelveli TamilNadu Invited Talk on Growth and characterization of technologically important crystals in UGC Sponsored Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Research during 29th - 30th January, 2011, Kalyan, Mumbai. Invited Talk Quality control of technologically important crystals for various applications in National Symposium Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Technologically Important Material 5 -6 Jan. 2010, BHU, Varanasi. Key Note address Need of Technologically Important Crystals at UGC sponsored National Conference on Recent Trends in Material Synthesis and Characterization, at Nagpur, 4th - 5th December 2009. Five papers are presented in The 17th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (9 -14 August, 2009) at Lake Geneva,











Wisconsin, USA. [11] Invited Talk Pb-based and Pb-free piezoelectric systems for high performance applications in International Conference on Electroceramics, Delhi13-17 Dec. 2009. Invited Talk Development of high performance piezoelectric single crystals for applications at Variable Energy Cyclon Center, Kolkata, 18th June 09. Invited Talk High performance piezoelectric crystals: Growth, Characterization and Applications in National Conference on Advanced Materials Processing, Characterization and Applications. Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, Aug. 09. Five Invited (Popular) Talks at Crystal Growth Center, Anna University as Senior Associate in UGC:CGC-AU Facility, March, 09. (a)Enhancement of crystalline and material properties of superconducting Bi-2212 and piezoelectric LiNbO3 single crystals through post growth treatments (b)Piezoelectric, dielectric and structural characterization of flux grown PZNT single crystals (c)Morphology and growth features on variously grown crystals (d) Quality control of semiorganic NLO single crystals through optimization of pHvalue (e) Need of Pb-free high performance piezoelectric system. Invited Talk Growth and characterization of Pb-based and Pb-free Piezoelectric crystals In: 13th National Seminar on Crystal Growth 27-29 Jan 2009 SSN College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu. Collected Abstract Page I-11. Invited Talk Crystals: Through the eyes of microscope by Binay Kumar. In: National Conference on Microscopy and Allied Fields 17-20 Jan 2009, Jhansi, Collected Abstract p.37-38. Invited Talk High performance piezoelectric crystals: Growth, Characterization and Applications in National Conference on Advanced Materials Processing, Characterization and Applications. Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, Aug.09. Invited Talk and Four contributory Papers in The 13th National Seminar on Crystal Growth (27-29 January, 2009) SSN College, SSN Nagar, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Four contributory papers in The 38th National Seminar on Crystallography, University of Mysore, 11-13 February 2009.









Total Publication Profile optional

Books : One In Indexed/ Peer Reviewed Journals: Sixty Five Review Articles : One Conference Presentations : Over 25 in 2009-11

Public Service / University Service / Consulting Activity: Served as a member of various academic bodies like Faculty of Science, BRS, Dy Superintendent of Exams, etc.; Examiner for nearly ten Ph.D. Thesis of other Universities during 2009-12

Professional Societies Memberships

1. 2. 3. 4. Indian Crystallographic Association Semiconductor Society of India Indian association of Physics Teachers Electron Microscopic Society of India


Projects (Major Grants / Collaborations) during Past 5 years

1. Principal Investigator, UGC Project Growth and characterization of n- and p-type ZnO nanostructure for optoelectronic applications 2012-15 (7.6 lac). Principal Investigator, DST Project Growth of Device Level Lead free Alkali-Based Piezoelectric Single Crystals 2011-14 (25 Lac) Principal Investigator, DST Project Synthesis of High Performance Piezoelectric Ceramic & Crystals for Device Fabrication 2007-11 (46 Lac). Principal Investigator Growth of Device Level Non Linear Optical Organic/Semi - Organic Single Crystals By Various Methods (2009-2012); PURSE Grant; 35 lacs. Received financial support (2.5 Lac) four times during 2009-2011 for research work from Delhi University.





Organized a National Conference on Advances in Technologically Important Crystals (NC-ATIC) during 12-14 October, 2006 in the Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007

(Signature of Faculty Member)

(Signature & Stamp of HOD)


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