MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

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MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

BIOS Setup .................................................................................................1 1 Main Menu...............................................................................................3 2 Advanced Menu.......................................................................................7 3 PCIPnP Menu........................................................................................18 4 Boot Menu..............................................................................................22 5 Chipset Menu.........................................................................................24 6 Performance Menu...............................................................................29 7 Exit Menu...............................................................................................34

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

BIOS Setup
T he purpose of this manual is to describe the settings in the AMI BIOS Setup program on this motherboard. The Setup program allows users to modify the basic system configuration and save these settings to CMOS RAM. T he power of CMOS RAM is supplied by a battery so that it retains the Setup information when the power is turned off. Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk. T his system controls most of the input and output devices such as keyboard, mouse, serial ports and disk drives. BIOS activates at the first stag e o f the booting process, loading and executing the operating system. Some additional features, such as virus and password prot ection or chipset fine-tuning options are also included in BIOS. T he rest of this manual will to guide you through the options and settings in BIOS Setup.

Plug and Pla y Support

T his AMI BIOS supports the Plug and Play Version 1.0A specification.

EPA Green PC Support

T his AMI BIOS supports Version 1.03 of the EPA Green PC specification.

APM Support
T his AMI BIOS supports Version 1.1&1.2 of the Advanced Power Management (APM) speci fication. Power management features are implemented via the System Management Int errupt (SMI). Sleep and Suspend power man agement modes are supported. Power to the hard disk drives and video monitors can also be managed by this AMI BIOS.

ACPI Support
AMI ACPI BIOS support Version 1.0/2.0 of Advanced Configuration and Power interf ace specifi cation (ACPI). It provides ASL code for pow er manag ement and device con figuration capabilities as defined in the ACPI specification, developed by Microso ft, Intel and T oshiba.

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

PCI Bus Support

T his AMI BIOS also supports Version 2.3 of the Intel PCI (Peripheral Component Interconn ect) local bus speci fication.

DRAM S upport
DDR3 SDRAM (Double Data Rate III Synchronous DRAM) is supported.

Supported CP Us
T his AMI BIOS supports the AMD CPU .

Using Setup
When starting up the computer, press <Del> during the Power-On Self-Test (POST) to enter the BIOS setup utility. In the BIOS setup utility, you will see General Help description at the top right corner, and this is providing a brief description of the selected item. Navigation Keys for that particular menu are at the bottom right corner, and you can use these keys to select item and ch ange the settings.

General Help Navigation Keys

T he default BIOS settings apply for most conditions to ensure optimum performan ce of the motherboard. If the system becomes unstable after changing any settings, please load the default settings to ensure systems compatibility and stability. Use Load Setup Default under the Exit Menu. For better system perf orm ance, the BIOS firmware is being continuously updated. T he BIOS information described in this manual is for your reference only. The actual BIOS information and settings on board may be slightly different from this manual. T he content of this manual is subject to be chang ed without notice. We will not be responsible for any mistakes found in this users manual and any system damage that may be caused by wrong-settings.

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

1 Main Menu
Once you enter AMI BIOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu will appear on the screen providing an overview of the basic system inform ation.
Main Advanced PCIPnP BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Boot Chips et Perfo rmance Exit

Syste m Overview AMI B IOS Versi on :01.01.0 1 Build Date:01/01/0 9 Syste m Memory Size : Syste m Time Syste m Date Flopp y A > IDE Configuratio n [00:00:00] [Thu 01/01/2009]

Use [ENTER], [TA B] or [ SHIFT-TAB] t o sele ct a field. Use [+] or [-] t o conf igure system Time.

+Ta b F1 F1 0 ES C

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Field S elect Field G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

Shows system information including BIOS version and built date.

System Memory
Shows system memory size, VGA shard memory will be excluded..

System Time
Set the system internal clock.

System Date
Set the system date. Note that the Day automatically changes when you set the date.

Floppy A
Select the type of floppy disk drive installed in your system. Options: 360K, 5.25 in / 1.2M, 5.25 in / 720K, 3.5 in / 1.44M, 3.5 in / 2.88M, 3.5 in / None

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

IDE Configuration
T he BIOS will automatically detect the presence of ID E/SAT A devices. There is a sub-menu fo r each IDE/SAT A device. Select a device and press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu of detailed options.
BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Main IDE C onfiguration OnBoa rd IDE Contro ller Serai l-ATA Devices > nVi dia RAID Setu p > > > > > > Pri mary IDE Mast er Pri mary IDE Slav e SAT A 1 Device SAT A 2 Device SAT A 3 Device SAT A 4 Device [ Disabled] [ 35] [ Enabled] [ Device 0/1] DISA BLED: disabl es the inte grated IDE Cont roller. ENAB LED: enables the inte grated IDE Cont roller.

Hard Disk Write Pr otect IDE D etect Time Ou t (Sec)

S elect Screen S elect Item En terG o to Sub Scr een F1 G eneral Help F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

OnBoard IDE Controller T his item allows you to control the onboard IDE controller. Options: Enhanced (Default) / Disabled Serial-ATA Dev ices T his item allows you to choose SAT A Devices. Options: Device 0/1 (Default) / Device 0 / Disabled

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

nVidia RAID Setup
BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Chips et RAID Setup nVidi a SATA 1 SATA 2 SATA 3 SATA 4 RAID Functi on Raid Raid Raid Raid [ Disabled] [ Disabled] [ Disabled] [ Disabled] [ Disabled] Options Disabled Enab led

S elect Screen S elect Item En terU pdate F1 G eneral Help F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

nVidia RAID Function T his item allows you to activate RAID function. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled SATA 1/2/3/4 Raid Enable or disable RAID fun ction of SATA devices. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Primary IDE Master/Slav e ; SATA 1/2/3/4 Device
BIOS SETUP UTILITY Main Primary IDE Master Device : Select the type of device connected to the system.

Type [Auto] LBA/Large Mode [Auto] Block (Multi-Sector Transfer)[Auto] PIO Mode [Auto] DMA Mode [Auto] S.M.A.R.T [Auto] 32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled] +F1 F10 ESC Select Screen Select Item Change Option General Help Save and Exit Exit

vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

T he BIOS detects the information and values of resp ective devices, and these information and values are shown below to the name of the sub-menu. Type Select the type of the IDE/SAT A drive. Options: Auto (Default) / CDROM / ARMD / Not Installed LBA/Large Mode Enable or disable the LBA mode. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled Block (MultiSector Transfer) Enable or disable multi-sector trans fer. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled PIO Mode Select the PIO mode. Options: Auto (Default) / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 DMA Mode Select the DMA mode. Options: Auto (Default) / SWDMA0 ~ 2 / MWDMA0 ~ 2 / UDMA0 ~ 5 S.M.A.R.T Set the Smart Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting T echnology. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled / Enabled 32Bit Data Transfer Enable or disable 32-bit data transfer. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Hard Disk Write Protect Disable or enable device write protection. T his will be effective only if the device is accessed through BIOS. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled IDE Detect Time Out (Sec) Select the time out value for detecting IDE/SAT A devices. Options: 35 (Default) / 30 / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

2 Advanced Menu
T he Advanced Menu allows you to configu re the settings of CPU, Super I/O, Power Management, and other system devices.

Beware of that setting inappropriate values in items of this menu may cause system to malfunction.
Main Advanced PCIPnP BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Boot Chips et Perfo rmance Exit

Advan ced Settings WARNI NG: Setting w rong values in below sec tions may cause system to m alfunction. > > > > > > CPU Configuratio n Sup erIO Configur ation Har dware Health Configuratio n Sma rt Fan Config uration Pow er Configurat ion USB Configuratio n

Conf igure CPU.

S elect Screen S elect Item En terG o to Sub Scr een F1 G eneral Help F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

CPU Configuration
T his item shows the CPU information that the BIOS automatically detects.
BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Advanced CPU C onfiguration Modul e Version: AGESA Version: Physi cal Count: Logic al Count: AMD C PU Revis ion: Cache L1: Cache L2: Cache L3: Speed : NB Clk: ncHT Speed : Width I/O : Able to Change Fre q : uCode Patch Level : GART Error Reporti ng [ Disabled] Micro code Update [ Enabled] Secur e Virtual Mac hine Mode [ Enabled] Power Now [ Enabled] This option shou ld rema in disabled for the normal opera tion. The driver devel oper may enable it fo r test ing purpose.

+F1 F1 0 ES C

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

GART Error Reporting T his option should remain disabled for the normal operation. T he driver eveloper may enable it for testing purpose. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Microcode Update T his item allows you to enable or disable Microcode Update function. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Secure Virtual Machine Mode Virtualization T echnology can virtually separate your system resou rce into several parts, thus enhance the performance when running virtual machines or multi interf ace systems. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled PowerNow T his item allows you to enable or disable the PowerNow power saving technology. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled ACPI SRAT Table T he operating system scans the ACPI SRAT at boot time and uses the information to better allocate memory and schedule software threads for maximum perform ance. T his item controls whether the SRAT is made available to the operating system at boot up, or not. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Probe Filter T his item allows you to control the initialization mode for Probe Filter. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled / MP Mode

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

SuperIO Configuration
BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Advanced Confi gure ITE8718 Super IO Chi pset Onboa rd Floppy Con troller Seria l Port1 Addre ss Paral lel Port Addr ess Par allel Port Mo de Par allel Port IR Q Keybo ard PowerOn Mouse PowerOn Resto re on AC Powe r Loss [ Enabled] [ 3F8/IRQ4] [ 378] [ Normal] [ IRQ7] [ Disabled] [ Disabled] [ Power Off] Allo ws BIOS to E nable or D isable Flopp y Cont roller

+F1 F1 0 ES C

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

Onboard Floppy Controller Select enabled if your system has a floppy disk controller (FDC) installed on the system board and you wish to use it. If you installed another FDC or the system uses no floppy drive, select disabled in this field. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Serial Port1 Address Select an address and corresponding interrupt fo r the first and second seri al ports. Options: 3F8/IRQ4 (Default) / 2F8/IRQ3 / 3E8/IRQ4 / 2E8/IRQ3 / Disabled Parallel Port Address T his item allows you to determine access onboard p arallel port controller with which I/O Address. Options: 378 (Default) / 278 / 3BC / Disabled Parallel Port Mode T his item allows you to determine how the parallel port should function. Options: Normal (Default) Using Parallel port as Standard Printer Port. EPP Using Parallel Port as Enhanced Parallel Port. ECP Using Parallel port as Extended Capabilities Port. ECP+EPP Using Parallel port as ECP & EPP mode.

MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

ECP Mode DMA Channel T his item allows you to select parallel port ECP DMA. Options: DMA3 (Default) / DMA0 / DMA1 Parallel Port IRQ T his item allows you to select the IRQ for the onboard parallel port. Options: IRQ7 (Default) / IRQ5 / Disabled Keyboard Pow erOn T his item allows you to control the keyboard power on function. Options: Disabled (Default) / Specific Key / Stroke Key / Any Key Specific Key Enter T his item will show only when Keyboard PowerOn is set Specific Key. Stroke Keys Selected T his item will show only when Keyboard PowerOn is set Stroke Key. Options: Ctrl+F1 (Default) / Wake Key / Power Key / Ctrl+F2 / Ctrl+F3 / Ctrl +F4 / Ctrl+F5 / Ctrl+F6 Mouse PowerOn T his item allows you to control the mouse power on function. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Restore on AC Power Loss T his setting specifies how your system should behave after a power fail or interrupts occurs. By choosing Disabled will leave the computer in the power off state. Choosing Enabled will restore the system to the status before power failure or interrupt occurs. Options: Power O ff (Default) / Last State


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Hardware Health Configuration

T his item shows the system temperature, fan speed, and voltage information.
BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Advanced Hardw are Health Co nfiguration H/W H ealth Functio n Shutd own Temperatu re CPU T emperature CPU F AN Sytem 1 FAN CPU V core Chips et Voltage +3.30 V +5.00 V +12.0 V HT Vo ltage Memor y Voltage 5V(SB ) [ Enabled] [ Disabled] Enab les Hardware Heal th Monitorin g Devi ce.

+F1 F1 0 ES C

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

H/W Health Function If with a monitoring system, the system will show PC health sta tus duringPOST stage. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Shutdow n Temperature T his item allows you to set up the CPU shutdown T emperature. This item is only effective under Windows 98 ACPI mode. Options: Disabled (Default) / 60/140 / 65/149 / 70/158 / 75/167 / 80/176 / 85/185 / 90/194


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Smart Fan Configuration

BIOS SETU P U TILITY Advan ced Smart Fan Conf iguration CPU Smart Fan Smart Fan Cali bration Control Mode Fan Ctrl OFF(o C) Fan Ctrl On(oC ) Fan Ctrl Start value Fan Ctrl Sensi tive [Dis abled] When you choice [Auto] ,[3Pin] or [4Pin], please run the calibration to define the Fan parameters for Smart Fan control

+F1 F10 ESC

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx .xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Me gatrends, Inc.

CPU Smart Fan T his item allows you to control the CPU Smart Fan function. Options: Disabled (default) / Auto / 4-pin / 3-pin Smart Fan C alibration Choose this item and then the BIOS will auto test and detect the CPU/System fan fun ctions and show CPU/System fan speed. Control Mode T his item provides several operation modes of the fan. Options: Quiet / Performan ce / Manual Fan Ctrl OFF( ) If the CPU/System T emperature is lower than the set value, FAN will turn off. Options: 0~127 () (With the interval of 1) Fan Ctrl On( ) CPU/System f an starts to work under smart fan function when arrive this set value. Options: 0~127 () (With the interval of 1)


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Fan Ctrl Start Value When CPU/System temperature arriv es to the set value, the CPU/System fan will work under Smart Fan Function mode. Options: 0~127 (With the interval of 1) Fan Ctrl Sensitive Increasing the value will raise the speed of CPU/System fan. Options: 1~127 (With the interval of 1)

Power Configuration
BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Advanced ACPI Settings Suspe nd mode ACPI Version Featu res ACPI APIC support AMI O EMB table Headl ess mode MCP61 ACPI HPET TA BLE Power Management/A PM Power Button Mode [ S1 (POS)] [ ACPI v1.0] [ Enabled] [ Enabled] [ Disabled] [ Enabled] [ Enabled] [ On/Off] S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option +F1 G eneral Help F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit Sele ct the ACPI stat e used for Syst em Suspend.

APM R esume Event C onfiguration

Resum e On PCI PME# [ Disabled] Resum e On PCIE Wak e# [ Disabled] Resum e On LAN(MAC) [ Disabled] Resum e on Ring [ Disabled] USB R esume From S3 /S4 [ Disabled] vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

Suspend mode T he item allows you to select the suspend type under the ACPI operating system. Options: S1 (POS) (Default) Power on Suspend S3 (ST R) Suspend to RAM S1 & S3 POS+STR ACPI Version Features T he item allows you to select the version of ACPI. Options: ACPI v1.0 (Default) / ACPI v2.0 / ACPI v3.0


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

ACPI APIC support T his item is used to enable or disable the motherboard's APIC (Advan ced Programmable Interrupt Controller). T he APIC provides multiprocessor support, more IRQs and faster interrupt handling. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled AMI OEMB table Set this value to allow the ACPI BIOS to add a pointer to an OEMB table in the Root System Description T able (RSD T ) table. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Headless mode T his is a server-speci f ic feature. A headless server is one that operates without a keyboard, monitor or mouse. To run in headless mode, both BIOS and operating system (e.g. Windows Server 2003) must support headless operation. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled MCP61 ACPI HPET TABLE T his item allows you to enable or disable MCP61 ACPI HPET T ABLE. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Power Management/APM T his item allows you to activate Power Management. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Power Button Mode T his item allows you to choose the mode when Power Button is pressed. Options: On/O ff (Default) / Suspend Resume On PCI PME# When you select Enabled, a PME signal f rom PCI card returns the system to Full ON state. For this function to work, you may need a LAN add-on card which supports the Wake on LAN function. Set the Wake on LAN (WOL) jumper on motherboard to enable i f applicable. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Resume PCIE Wake# Enable / Disable PCIE to generate a wake ev ent. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Resume On LAN (MAC) Enable / Disable LAN (MAC) to generate a wake ev ent. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Resume on Ring T his item allows you control the wake on ring function. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled USB Resume from S3/S4 T his item allows you to enable or disabled the USB resume from S3/S4 function. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Resume By RTC Alarm When Enabled, you can set the date and time at which the RT C (real-time clock) alarm awak ens the system from Suspend mode. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled RTC Alarm Date (Days) You can choose which date the system will boot up. System Time You can choose the system boot up time, input hour, minute and second to specify.


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

USB Configuration
T his item shows the USB controller and using USB device information.
BIOS SETUP UTILITY Advanced USB Configuration Module Version - 2.24.5-13.4 USB Devices Enabled: Legacy USB Support USB 2.0 Controller Mode BIOS EHCI Hand-Off Legacy USB1.1 HC Support USB 1.1 Controller USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled] [HiSpeed] [Enabled] [Enabled] [Enabled] [Enabled] +F1 F10 ESC Select Screen Select Item Change Option General Help Save and Exit Exit Enables support for legacy USB. AUTO option disables legacy support if no USB devices are connected.

> USB Mass Storage Device Configuration

vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.

Legacy USB Support T his item determines if the BIOS should provide legacy support fo r USB devices like the keyboard, mouse, and USB drive. T his is a useful feature when using such USB devices with operating systems that do not natively support USB (e.g. Microso ft DOS or Windows NT). Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled USB 2.0 Controller Mode T his item allows you to select the operation mode of the USB 2.0 controller. Options: HiSpeed (Default) USB 2.0-480Mbps FullSpeed USB 1.1-12Mbps BIOS EHCI Hand-Off T his item allows you to enable support for operating systems without an EHCI hand-o ff feature. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled Legacy USB1.1 HC Support T his item allows you to enable to support USB1.1 HC. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

USB 1.1/2.0 Controller T his item allows you to enable or disable USB 1.1/2.2 Controller. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled USB Mass Storage Dev ice Configuration
BIOS SETUP UTILITY Advanced USB Mass Storage Device Configuration USB Mass Storage Reset Delay [20 Sec] Device # Emulation Type [Auto] Number of seconds POST waits for the USB mass storage device after start unit command.

+F1 F10 ESC

Select Screen Select Item Change Option General Help Save and Exit Exit

vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.

USB Mass Storage Reset Delay T his item allows you to set the reset delay for USB mass storage device. Options: 20 Sec (Def ault) / 10 Sec / 30 Sec / 40 Sec Emulation Type T his item allows you to select the emulation type of the USB mass storage device. Options: Auto (Default) / Floppy / Forced FDD / Hard Disk / CDROM


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

3 PCIPnP Menu
T his section describes con figuring the PCI bus system. PCI, or Personal Computer Interconn ect, is a system which allows I/O devices to operate at speeds nearing the speed o f the CPU itself uses when communicating with its own special components.

Beware of that setting inappropriate values in items of this menu may cause system to malfunction.
Main Advanced PCIPnP BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Boot Chips et Perfo rmance Exit

Advan ced PCI/PnP S ettings WARNI NG: Setting w rong values in below sec tions may cause system to m alfunction. Clear NVRAM Plug & Play O/S PCI L atency Timer Alloc ate IRQ to PC I VGA Palet te Snooping PCI I DE BusMaster OffBo ard PCI/ISA I DE Card > PCI Resource > PCI Express Conf iguration [ No] [ No] [ 64] [ Yes] [ Disabled] [ Disabled] [ Auto]

Clea r NVRAM duri ng Syst em Boot.

+F1 F1 0 ES C

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

Clear NV RAM
T his item allows you to clear the data in the NVRAM (CMOS) by selecting Yes. Options: No (Default) / Yes

Plug & P lay OS

When set to YES, BIOS will only initialize the PnP cards used for the boot sequen ce (VGA, IDE, SCSI). The rest of the cards will be initialized by the PnP operating system like Window 95. When set to NO, BIOS will initialize all the PnP cards. For non-PnP operating systems (DOS, Netware), this option must set to NO. Options: No (Default) / Yes


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

PCI Latency Timer

T his item controls how long a PCI device can hold the PCI bus bef ore another takes over. T he longer the latency, the longer the PCI device can retain control of the bus before handing it over to another PCI device. Options: 64 (Default) / 0-255

Allocate IRQ to PCI V GA

T his item allows BIOS to choose a IRQ to assign for the PCI VGA card. Options: Yes (Default) / No

Palette Snooping
Some old graphic controllers need to snoop on the VGA palette and then map it to their display as a way to provide boot inf ormation and VGA compatibility. This item allows such snooping to take place. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled

PCI IDE BusMaster

T his item is a toggle for the built-in driver that allows the onbo ard ID E controller to perform DMA (Direct Memory Access) trans fers. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled

OffBoard PCI/ISA IDE Card

Some PCI IDE cards may require this to be set to the PCI slot number that is holding the card. Options: Auto (Default) / PCI Slot1 ~ 6

OffBoard PCI/ISA Primary & Secondary IRQ

T his item allows you to set IRQ of non-onboard PCI/ISA IDE controller adapter. Options: Disabled (Default) / INT A / INTB / INT C / INTD / Hardwired


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

PCI Resource
BIOS SETUP UTILITY PCIPnP PCI Resource IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ7 IRQ9 IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ14 IRQ15 DMA DMA DMA DMA DMA DMA Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 0 1 3 5 6 7 [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Disabled] Available: Specified IRQ is available to be used by PCI/PnP devices. Reserved: Specified IRQ is reserved for use by Legacy ISA devices.

+F1 F10 ESC

Select Screen Select Item Change Option General Help Save and Exit Exit

Reserved Memory Size

vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.

IRQ3/4/5/7/9/10/11/14/15 T hese items will allow you to assign each system interrupt a type, depending on the type of device using the interrupt. T he option Available means the IRQ is going to assign automatically. Options: Available (Default) / Reserved DMA Channel 0/1/3/5/6/7 T hese items will allow you to assign each DMA channel a type, depending on the type of device using the channel. T he option Available means the channel is going to assign automatically. Options: Available (Default) / Reserved Reserved Memory Size T his item allows BIOS to reserve cert ain memory size for speci fic PCI device. Options: Disabled (Default) / 16K / 32K / 64K


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

PCI Express Configuration

BIOS SETUP UTILITY PCIPnP PCI Express Configuration Active State Power-Management[Disabled] Enable/Disable PCI Express L0s and L1 link power states.

+F1 F10 ESC

Select Screen Select Item Change Option General Help Save and Exit Exit

vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.

Active State Power-Management T his item sets the ASPM configuration for the PCI Express devices b efore the operating system boots. T his f unction is for OS which does not support ASPM. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

4 Boot Menu
T his menu allows you to setup the system boot options.
Main Advanced PCIPnP BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Boot Chips et Perfo rmance Exit

Boot Settings Conf iguration > > > > Boo t Device Prio rity Har d Disk Drives Rem ovable Drives CD/ DVD Drives [ Enabled] [ Force BIOS] [ On] [ Disabled] [ Enabled] [ Disabled]

Spec ifies the Boot Device Prio rity sequenc e.

Quick Boot AddOn ROM Display Mode Bootu p Num-Lock Inter rupt 19 Captu re BOOT SUCCESS BEEP Ignor e Memory Erro r Messages

S elect Screen S elect Item En terG o to Sub Scr een F1 G eneral Help F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

Boot De vice Priority

Items in this sub-menu specify the boot device priority sequence from the available devices. T he number of device items that appears on the screen depends on the number of devi ces installed in the system. Options: Removable / Hard Disk / CDROM / Legacy LAN / Disabled

Hard Disk Drives

T he BIOS will attempt to arrange the hard disk boot sequence automatically. You can also ch ange the booting sequence. T he number of device items that app ears on the screen depends on the number of devices installed in the system. Options: Pri. Master / Pri. Slave / Sec. Master / Sec. Slave / USB HDD0 / USB HDD1 / USB HDD2 / Bootable Add-in Cards

Removable Drives
T he BIOS will attempt to arrange the removable drive boot sequence automatically. You can also change the booting sequence. The number of device items that appears on the screen depends on the number of devices installed in the system. Options: Floppy Disks / Zip100 / USB-FDD0 / USB-FDD1 / USB-ZIP0 / USB-ZIP1 / LS120


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

CD/DV D Drives
T he BIOS will attempt to arrange the CD/DVD drive boot sequence automatically. You can also change the booting sequence. The number of device items that appears on the screen depends on the number of devices installed in the system. Options: Pri. Master / Pri. Slave / Sec. Master / Sec. Slave / USB CDROM0 / USB CDROM 1

Quick Boot
Enabling this option will cause an ab ridged version o f the Power On Sel f-T est (POST ) to execute after you power up the computer. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled

AddOn ROM Display Mode

T his item sets the display mode for option ROM. Options: Force BIOS (Default) / Keep Current

Bootup Num-Lock
Selects the NumLock State after the system switched on. Options: On (Default) / O ff

Interrupt 19 Capture
When set to Enabled, this item allows the option ROMs to trap interrupt 19. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled


When this item is set to Enabled, BIOS will let user know boot success with beep. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled

Ignore Memory Error Messages

When set to Enabled, the POST will ignore memory error messages. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

5 Chipset Menu
T his submenu allows you to configure the speci fic features of the chipset installed on your system. T his chipset manage bus speeds and access to system memory resources, such as DRAM. It also coordinates communications with the PCI bus.
Main Advanced PCIPnP BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Boot Chips et Perfo rmance Exit

Advan ced Chipset S ettings WARNI NG: Setting w rong values in below sec tions ma y cause syst em to malfun ction. > Nor thBridge Conf iguration > Sou thBridge MCP6 1 Configurat ion > Hyp er Transport Configuratio n

Opti ons for NB

S elect Screen S elect Item En terG o to Sub Scr een G eneral Help F1 F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

NorthBridge Configuration
BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Chips et North Bridge Chipse t Configurat ion > Mem ory Configura tion Alter nate VID Mem ory CLK : CAS Latency(Tcl) : RAS /CAS Delay(Tr cd) : Row Precharge Ti me(Trp): Min Active RAS(T ras) : RAS /RAS Delay(Tr rd) : Row Cycle (Trc) : Wri te Recover Ti me(Twr): [ Auto]

+F1 F1 0 ES C

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Memory Configuration
BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Chips et Memor y Configurati on Bank Interleaving Chann el Interleavi ng Enabl e Clock to Al l DIMMs MemCl k Tristate C3 /ATLVID Memor y Hole Remapp ing DCT U nganged Mode Power Down Enable Pow er Down Enabl e Pag e Smashing [ Auto] [ XOR of Addre ss bit] [ Disabled] [ Disabled] [ Enabled] [ Always] [ Disabled] [ Channel] [ Disabled] S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit Enab le Bank Memo ry Inte rleaving

+F1 F1 0 ES C

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

Bank Interleaving Bank Interleaving is an advanced chipset technique used to improve memory perform ance. Memory interleaving increases bandwidth by allowing simultaneous access to more than one piece of memory. Options: Auto (Default) Channel Interleaving T his item allows you to control the DDR2 dual-channel function. Options: XOR of Address bits [20:16, 6] (Default) / XOR of Address bits [20:16, 9] / Address bits 6 / Address bits 12 / Disabled Enable Clock to All DIMMs T his item determines whether the BIOS should actively reduce EMI (Electromagn etic Interference) and reduce power consumption by turning off unoccupied or inactive DIMM slots. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled MemClk Tristate C3/ATLVID T his item enables or disables the MemClk T ristate function in C3 Mode. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Memory Hole Remapping T his item allows you to enable or disable the remapping of the overlapped PCI memory above the total physical memory. Only 64-bit OS supports this function. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

DCT Unganged Mode T his item controls the DRAM controller ganged (128bit*1) / unganged (64bit*2) dual-chann el operation mode. If two DRAM modules with different size are installed, using unganged mode can still make it run in dual-channel operation. Options: Always (Default) / Auto Power Down Enable T his item controls the DRAM power down function. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Power Down Mode T his item allows you to set the DDR power down mode. Options: Channel (Default) / Chip Select Page Smashing T his item is S/W Control of Page Smashing Mechanism. Options: Disabled (Default) / IC / DC / Both Alternate VID T his item allows you to specify the alternate V ID while in low power states.. Options: Auto (Default) / 0.800V ~ 1.550V (Interval: 0.025V)

SouthBridge M CP61 Configuration

BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Chips et South Bridge MCP61 Chipset Conf iguration Prima ry Graphics A dapter [ PCI Express -> PCI] Options PCI Express -> P CI -> IGP -> PCI -> PC I Expr

OnChi p and PCIe VG A selection[ Disable Onch ip VGA] iGPU Frame Buffer Detect [ Auto] OnChi p VGA Frame B uffer Size [ 32MB] AZALI A AUDIO MAC L AN MAC I D Informaiton PXE S upport [ Auto] [ Auto] : [ Disabled] S elect Screen S elect Item En terG o to Sub Scr een F1 G eneral Help F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Primary Graphics Adapter T his item allows you to select Primary Graphics Adapter Options: PCI Express PCI - IGP (Default) / IGP PCI PCI Express OnChip and PCIe VGA selection T his item allows you to select OnChip or PCIe VGA to display Options: Disable Onchip VGA if have PCIe VGA (Default) / Both exist and OnChip VGA by frame bu ffer select iGPU Frame Buffer Detect T his item allows you to control the iGPU frame buffer. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled iGPU Frame Buffer Size T his item allows you to choose the frame bu ffer size o f on-chip VGA. Options: 32MB (Default) / 16MB / 64MB / 128MB / 256MB / Disabled AZALIA AUDIO T his item allows you to control the HD audio device. Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled MAC LAN T his option allows you to control the onboard LAN controller. Options: Auto (Default) / Disable MAC ID Information T his item shows the MAC ID. PXE Support T his option allows you to control PXE Support. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Hyper Transport M CP61 Configuration

BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Chips et Hyper Transport MC P61 Configur ation MCP61 (SB)to K8(CPU )Freq Auto [ Enabled] MCP61 (SB)to K8(CPU )Freqency [ 800 MHZ] MCP61 (SB)to K8(CPU )LinkWidth [ 16 16 ] MCP6 1(SB) to K8( CPU) freq uency select ion by C PU capabilit y

S elect Screen S elect Item En terG o to Sub Scr een F1 G eneral Help F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

MCP61 (SB) to K8 (CPU) Freq Auto T his option allows you to auto control MCP61 (SB) to K8 (CPU) Frequency. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled MCP61 (SB) to K8 (CPU) Frequency T his option allows you to auto control MCP61 (SB) to K8 (CPU) Frequency. Options: 800 MHz (Default) / 200 MHz / 400 MHz / 600 MHz / 1000 MHz (Differed by CPU) MCP61 (SB) to K8 (CPU) LinkWidth T his option allows you to auto control MCP61 (SB) to K8 (CPU) LinkWidth. Options: 1616 (Default) / 88 / 44


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

6 Performance Menu
T his submenu allows you to change voltage and clock of various devices. (Howev er, we suggest you use the default setting. Changing the voltage and clock improperly may damage the device.)

Beware of that setting inappropriate values in items of this menu may cause system to malfunction.
Main Advanced PCIPnP BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Boot Chips et Perfo rmance Exit

Advan ce Performanc e Settings WARNI NG: Pl ease Clear C MOS if syste m no display af ter overcloc king CPU F requency, MHz [200] MCP P CI-Express Fr equency, MHz [100] CPU/L TD Spread Spe ctrum PCIE Spread Spectr um SATA Spread Spectr um CPU V oltage Chips et Voltage FSB V oltage Memor y Voltage [0.5% Hershe y Kiss] [Enabled] [Enabled] [Default [Default [Default [Default ] ] ] ]

Allo ws BIOS to S elect CPU Over Clock. Note : MIN = 200 MHz MAX = 600 MHz

> DRA M Timing Conf iguration > AMD Overclocking Configurati on

+F1 F1 0 ES C

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

CPU Frequency, M Hz
T his item allows BIOS to select the CPU Over Clock. Options: 200 (Default) / 200-600

MCP PCI-Express Frequenc y, M Hz

T his item allows BIOS to select the PCI-E Over Clock. Options: 100 (Default) / 100-200

CPU/LDT Spread Spectrum

T his item allows you to control CPU/LD T Spread Spectrum function. Options: 0.5% Hershey Kiss Center spread (Default) / Disabled


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

PCIE/S ATA Spread Spectrum

T his item allows you to control PCIE/SA T A Spread Spectrum fun ction. Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled

CPU Voltage
T his item allows you to select CPU Voltage Control. Options: Default (Default) / +3.3% / +6.6% / +10%

Chipset Voltage
T his item allows you to select Chipset Voltage Control. Options: Default (Default) / +0.05V / +0.10V / +0.15V

FS B Voltage
T his item allows you to select FSB Voltage Control. Options: Default (Default) / +0.10V / +0.20V / +0.30V

Memory Voltage
T his item allows you to select DDR Voltage Control. Options: Default (D efault) / -0.10V / -0.05V / +0.05V / +0.10V / +0.15V / +0.20V / 0.25V

DRAM Timing Configuration

BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Perfo rmance DRAM Timing Config uration Memor y Clock Mode Mem clock Value DRAM Timing Mode [ Auto] [ Auto] [ Auto] Sele ct the DRAM Freq uency progra mming meth od. If Auto, the DRAM speed w ill be b ased on SPDs . If L imit, the DR AM spe will not exceed the spec ified value. If Manu al, the DRAM speed spec ified will b e prog rammed regar dless. S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option +F1 G eneral Help F1 0 S ave and Exit ES C E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Memory Clock Mode T his item allows you to control the Memory Clock. Options: Auto (Default) / Limit / Manual Memclock Value T his item allows you to set the Memory Clock. Options: Auto (Default) / DDR3-800 / DDR3-1066 / DDR3-1333 / DDR3-1600 DRAM Timing Mode T his item allows you to choose to manually or automatically regul ate the DRAM T iming. Options: Auto (Default) / DCT0 / DCT 1 / Both CAS Latency (CL) Options: Auto (Default) / 4~12 CLK 2T Command Options: Auto (Default) / 1T / 2T TR CD Options: TRP Options: tR TP Options: TR AS Options: TR C Options: tWR Options:

Auto (Default) / 5~12 CLK

Auto (Default) / 5~12 CLK

Auto (Default) / 4~7 CLK

Auto (Default) / 15~30 CLK

Auto (Default) / 12~42 CLK

Auto (Default) / 5~8 / 10 / 12 CLK


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

TR RD Options: tWTR Options:

Auto (Default) / 4~7 CLK

Auto (Default) / 4~7 CLK

tRFC0 / tRFC1 / tRFC2 / tRFC3 Options: Auto (Default) / 90ns / 110ns / 160ns / 300ns / 350ns

AMD Overclocking Configuration

BIOS S ETUP UTILITY Perfo rmance AMD O verclocking C onfiguration Custo m P-States Core FID Core DID NB FID NB V ID NB DID [ Disabled] [x13 .0 2600MHz] [Div ided by 1] [160 0 MHz] [ 1.3250 V] [Divide d by 1] Tell s BIOS wheth er to use the setup op tions belo w this to conf igure the P-St ates, or whe ther to c onfigure the P-St ates automat ically

+F1 F1 0 ES C

S elect Screen S elect Item C hange Option G eneral Help S ave and Exit E xit

vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.

Custom P-States T his item allows you to select the P-States controlling. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled Core FID T his item allows you to select the Ratio/Frequency of AM3 CPU. Options: x8.0 1600MHz ~ x13 2600MHz Core DID T his is the Core Divider. Options: Divided by 1 (Default) / Divided by 2 / Divided by 4 / Divided by 8 / Divided by 16


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

NB FID T his item allows you to select the Frequency o f NB chip. Options: 800MHz ~ 2000MHz (Di ffered by CPU) NB VID T his function allows you to adjust the voltage of NB chip. Options: 0.0125V ~ 1.3250V NB DID T his is the NB Divider. Options: Divided by 1 (Default) / Divided by 2


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

7 Exit Menu
T his menu allows you to load the optimal default settings, and save or discard the changes to the BIOS items.
Main Advan ced PCIPnP BIOS SETU P U TILITY Boot Chipset Performance Exit

Exit Options Save Changes a nd Exit Discard Change s and Exit Discard Change s Load Optimal D efaults Security Setti ngs > Security

Exit system setup after saving the changes. F10 key can be used for this operation.

S elect Screen S elect Item EnterG o to Sub Screen G eneral Help F1 F10 S ave and Exit ESC E xit vxx .xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Me gatrends, Inc.

Save Changes and Exit

Save all configuration changes to CMOS RAM and exit setup.

Discard Changes and Exit

Abandon all changes made during the current session and exit setup.

Discard Changes
Abandon all changes made during the current session and restore the previously saved values.

Load Optimal Defaults

T his selection allows you to reload the BIOS when problem occurs during system booting sequence. T hese con f igurations are facto ry settings optimized fo r this system.


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

T his sub-menu allows you to provide/revise supervisor and user password.
BIOS SETU P U TILITY Exit Security Setti ngs Supervisor Pas sword :Not Installe d User Password :Not Installe d Change Supervi sor Password User Access Le vel Change User Pa ssword Clear User Pas sword Password Check [Ful l Access] [Set up] S elect Screen S elect Item EnterC hange F1 G eneral Help F10 S ave and Exit ESC E xit Install or Change the password.

Boot Sector Vi rus Protection [Dis abled]

vxx .xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Me gatrends, Inc.

Change Supervisor Passw ord Setting the supervisor password will prohibit everyone except the supervisor from making changes using the CMOS Setup Utility. You will be prompted with to enter a password. User Access Lev el T his item allows supervisor to set the user level. Options: Full Access (Default) / No Access / View Only / Limited Change User Password If the Supervisor Password is not set, then the User Password will function in the same way as the Supervisor Password. If the Supervisor Password is set and the User Password is set, the User will only be able to view configurations but will not be able to change them. Clear User Passw ord T his item is for clearing user passwo rd. Passw ord Check T his item is for setting the timing that checking password. Options: Setup (Default) / Always


MCP6P3/N68S3 BIOS Manual

Boot Sector Virus Protection T his option allows you to choose the VIRUS Warning feature that is used to protect the IDE H ard Disk boot sector. If this fun ction is enabled and an attempt is made to write to the boot sector, BIOS will display a warning message on the screen and sound an alarm beep. Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled


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