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Revised Ordinance Governing Regulations and Curriculum of

Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course


Volume I R G!"#$IONS #ND C!RRIC!"!%

Ra&iv Gand'i !niversit( of )ealt' Sciences* +arnata,a -t' .$/ Bloc,* 0a(anagar* Bangalore 160 0-2.


2 Revised Ordinance Governing Regulations and Curriculum of Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course and Curriculum - 2006 Volume ! Volume

"dition #rinted $ %&&' "dition #rinted $ %&&& "dition $ 2006


Co#ies ma( )e o)tained from $ *+e Director, -rasaranga, Ra.iv Gand+i /niversit( of 0ealt+ Sciences, 1t+ * Bloc2, 3a(anagar, Bangalore 460 01%.



Ra&iv Gand'i !niversit( of )ealt' Sciences* +arnata,angalore* Ba

$'e m3lem

The Emblem o the !a"iv #andhi $niversit% o &ealth 'ciences is a s%mbolic e(pression o the con l)ence o both Eastern and *estern &ealth 'ciences. + central wand with entwined sna,es s%mbolises #ree, and !oman #ods o &ealth called &ermis and -erc)r% is adapted as s%mbol o modern medical science. The pot above depicts +mr)tha .alasham o /hanvanthri the ather o all &ealth 'ciences. The win0s above it depicts &)man 'o)l called &amsa 1'wan2 in 3ndian philosoph%. The risin0 ')n at the top s%mbolises ,nowled0e and enli0htenment. The two twi0s o leaves in western philosoph% s%mbolises 4live branches5 which is an e(pression o 6eace5 7ove and &armon%. 3n &ind) 6hilosoph% it depicts the 8anaspathi 1also called as 4)shadi2 held in the hands o /hanvanthri5 which are the so)rce o all -edicines. The lamp at the bottom depicts h)man ener0% 1,)ndalini2. The script 9/evahitham :ada%ah); inside the lamp is ta,en rom $panishath 'hanthi -anthram 1<hadram .arnebhi 'hr)n)%anadev=25 which sa%s 9%a( 4e live t'e full s5an of our lives allotted 3( God in 5erfect 'ealt' ; which is the motto o the !a"iv #andhi $niversit% o &ealth 'ciences.


Ra&iv Gand'i !niversit( of )ealt' Sciences* +arnata,a


Vision Statement
$'e Ra&iv Gand'i !niversit( of )ealt' Sciences* +arnata,a* aims at 3ringing a3out a confluence of 3ot' astern and 6estern )ealt' Sciences to ena3le t'e 'uman,ind 7"ive t'e full s5an of our lives allotted 3( God in 8erfect )ealt'9 It 4ould strive for ac'ievement of academic e:cellence 3( ducating and $raining )ealt' 8rofessionals 4'o S'all recogni;e 'ealt' needs of communit(* Carr( out 5rofessional o3ligations t'icall( and <uita3l( and in ,ee5ing 4it' National )ealt' 8olic(* It 4ould 5romote develo5ment of scientific tem5er and )ealt' Sciences Researc'. 3t wo)ld Enco)ra0e inc)lcation o 'ocial +cco)ntabilit% amon0st st)dents5 teachers and instit)tions. 3t wo)ld ')pport ?)alit% +ss)rance or all its ed)cational pro0rammes

Rig't for Rig'tful )ealt' Sciences ducation



(Schedule annexed to University Notification No. UA/SYN/ORD/B.Sc.(N)/ !/!""#$"% dated "&."&.!""%)

Revised Ordinance Governing Regulations and Curriculum of Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course 2006 =as 5er Indian Nursing Council Guidelines of 200-> CON$ N$S S C$ION 'ection 3 'ection 33 'ection 333 D SCRI8$ION 6hilosoph%5 +ims5 4b"ectives !e0)lations @o)rse /escription 1. En0lish 2. .annada >. 'ociolo0% 1@o)rse o)tline2 4. +natom% 5. 6h%siolo0% 6. A)trition 7. <ioBchemistr% 8. A)rsin0 Co)ndations D. A)rsin0 Co)ndations E 6ractical 10. 6s%cholo0% 11. -icrobiolo0% 12. 3ntrod)ction to @omp)ters 1>. 'ociolo0% 14. 6harmacolo0% 15. 6atholo0% 16. #enetics 17. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0B3 18. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0B3 6ractical 1D. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 B 3 20. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 E 3 6ractical 21. @omm)nication F Ed)cational Technolo0% 22. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0B33 2>. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0B33 6ractical 24. @hild &ealth A)rsin0 25. @hild &ealth A)rsin0 B 6ractical 26. -ental &ealth A)rsin0 27. -ental &ealth A)rsin0 B 6ractical 28. -idwi er% and 4bstetrical A)rsin0 2D. -idwi er% and 4bstetrical A)rsin0 E 6ractical >0. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 B 33 >1. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 B 33 6ractical >2. A)rsin0 !esearch and 'tatistics >>. -ana0ement o A)rsin0 'ervices F Ed)cation >4. <iomedical *aste -ana0ement 8age No. 1 > 1> 1> 15 17 20 24 28 >2 >6 50 57 60 62 64 68 7> 76 7D D1 D6 101 102 106 116 12> 128 1>2 140 144 152 156 161 16> 166 171

'ection + 'ection <

+nne()re B 3



8'iloso5'(* #ims and O3&ectives

8'iloso5'( 1+dapted rom 3ndian A)rsin0 @o)ncil2 3ndian A)rsin0 @o)ncil believes thatG &ealth is a state o wellBbein0 that enables a person to lead a ps%cholo0icall%5 sociall% and economicall% prod)ctive li e. &ealth is a ri0ht o all the people. 3ndivid)als5 Camilies and comm)nities have responsibilit% towards maintainin0 their health. A)rsin0 contrib)tes to the health services in vital and si0ni icant wa% in the health care deliver% s%stem. 3t reco0niHes national health 0oals and is committed to participate in the implementation o Aational &ealth policies and pro0rammes. 3t aims at identi %in0 health needs o the people5 plannin0 and providin0 I)alit% care in collaboration with other health pro essionals and comm)nit% 0ro)ps. 'cope o n)rsin0 practice encompasses provision o promotive5 preventive5 c)rative and rehabilitative aspects o care to people across their li e span in wide variet% o health care settin0s. 6ractice o n)rsin0 is based )pon application o basic concepts and principles derived rom the ph%sical5 biolo0ical5 and behavio)ral sciences5 medicine and n)rsin0. A)rsin0 is based on val)es o carin0 and aims to help individ)als to attain independence in sel care. 3t necessitates development o compassion and )nderstandin0 o h)man behavio)r amon0 its practitioners to provide care with respect5 di0nit% and protect the ri0hts o individ)als F 0ro)ps. $nder0rad)ate n)rsin0 pro0ramme is broad based ed)cation within an academic ramewor, speci icall% directed to the development o critical thin,in0 s,ills5 competencies F standards reI)ired or practice o pro essional n)rsin0 and midwi er% as envisa0ed in Aational &ealth 6olic% 2002. The teachers have the responsibilit% to be role models and create learnin0 environment that enables st)dents to acI)ire inI)ir% driven5 sel directed learnin0 and oster an attit)de o li e lon0 learnin0. $nder 0rad)ate n)rsin0 ed)cation pro0ram prepares its 0rad)ates to become e(emplar% citiHen b% adherin0 to code o ethics and pro essional cond)ct at all times in )l illin0 personal5 social and pro essional obli0ations so as to respond to national aspirations.


8 #im $'e aim of t'e undergraduate nursing 5rogram is to? 6repare 0rad)ates to ass)me responsibilities as pro essional5 competent n)rses and midwives in providin0 promotive5 preventive5 c)rative5 and rehabilitative services. 6repare n)rses who can ma,e independent decisions in n)rsin0 sit)ations5 protect the ri0hts and acilitate individ)als and 0ro)ps in p)rs)it o health5 )nction in the hospital5 comm)nit% n)rsin0 services5 and cond)ct research st)dies in the areas o n)rsin0 practice. The% are also e(pected to ass)me the role o teacher5 s)pervisor and mana0er in a clinical / p)blic health settin0.

O3&ectives 4n completion o the o)r %ear <.'c. A)rsin0 pro0ram the 0rad)ate will be able toG 1. +ppl% ,nowled0e rom ph%sical5 biolo0ical5 and behavio)ral sciences5 medicine incl)din0 alternative s%stems and providin0 n)rsin0 care to individ)als5 amilies and comm)nities. 2. >. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. D. 10. 11. 12. 1>. /emonstrate )nderstandin0 o li e st%le and other actors5 which a ect health o individ)als and 0ro)ps. 6rovide n)rsin0 care based on steps o n)rsin0 process in collaboration with individ)als and 0ro)ps. the

/emonstrate critical thin,in0 s,ill in ma,in0 decisions in all sit)ations in all sit)ations in order to provide I)alit% care. $tiliHe the latest trends and technolo0% in providin0 health care. 6rovide promotive5 preventive5 and restorative health services in line with the national health policies and pro0rammes. 6ractice within the ramewor, o code o ethics and pro essional cond)ct5 and acceptable standards o practice within the le0al bo)ndaries. @omm)nicate e ectivel% with individ)als and 0ro)ps5 and members o the health team in order to promote e ective interpersonal relationships and teamwor,. /emonstrate s,ills in teachin0 to individ)als and 0ro)ps in clinical/comm)nit% health settin0s. 6articipate e ectivel% as members o the health team in health care deliver% s%stem. /emonstrate leadership and mana0erial s,ills in clinical/comm)nit% health settin0s. @ond)ct need based research st)dies in vario)s settin0s and )tiliHe the research indin0s to improve the I)alit% o care. /emonstrate awareness5 interest and contrib)te towards advancement o sel and o the pro ession.


(Schedule annexed to University Notification No. UA/SYN/ORD/B.Sc.(N)/ !/!""#$"% dated "&."&.!""%)

Revised Ordinance Governing Regulations and Curriculum of Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course @ 2006
=as 5er Indian Nursing Council Guidelines of 200-* vide letter from the Secretary, INC, No. 121/2004-INC dated 07.05.2005)

2. ligi3ilit( 2.2 Bualif(ing :amination + candidate see,in0 admission to irst <asic <.'c. A)rsin0 co)rseG i2 shall have passed two %ears 6re $niversit% e(amination cond)cted b% /epartment o 6reB $niversit% Ed)cation5 .arnata,a 'tate5 with En0lish as one o the s)b"ects and 6h%sics5 @hemistr% and <iolo0% as optional s)b"ects. The candidate shall have passed s)b"ects o En0lish5 6h%sics5 @hemistr% and <iolo0% individ)all% and m)st have obtained a minim)m o not less than 50J mar,s in 6h%sics5 @hemistr%5 <iolo0% and En0lish 16@<E2 ta,en to0ether in the I)ali %in0 e(amination. 3n respect o candidates belon0in0 to 'ched)led @astes5 'ched)led Tribes or 4ther <ac,ward @lasses5 the mar,s obtained in 6h%sics5 @hemistr%5 <iolo0% and En0lish ta,en to0ether in I)ali %in0 e(amination be not less than 40J instead o 50J as above. 4! shall have passed an% other e(amination cond)cted b% <oards /@o)ncils/ 3ntermediate Ed)cation established b% 'tate #overnments/ @entral #overnment and reco0nised as eI)ivalent to two %ear 6re $niversit% e(amination b% the !a"iv #andhi $niversit% o &ealth 'ciences/+ssociation o 3ndian $niversities 1+3$25 with En0lish as one o the s)b"ects and 6h%sics5 @hemistr% and <iolo0% as optional s)b"ects and the candidate shall have passed s)b"ects o En0lish5 6h%sics5 @hemistr% and <iolo0% individ)all% and m)st have obtained a minim)m o not less than 50J mar,s in 6h%sics5 @hemistr%5 <iolo0% and En0lish ta,en to0ether in the I)ali %in0 e(amination. 3n respect o candidates belon0in0 to 'ched)led @astes5 'ched)led Tribes or 4ther <ac,ward @lasses5 the mar,s obtained in 6h%sics5 @hemistr%5 <iolo0% and En0lish ta,en to0ether in I)ali %in0 e(amination be not less than 40J instead o 50J as above. 4! 3n case o candidates rom the stream o 8ocational &i0her 'econdar% @o)rse cond)cted b% the <oard o 8ocational &i0her 'econdar% E(amination5 .erala5 the candidate shall have ta,en a minim)m o 5 1 ive2 s)b"ects incl)din0 6h%sics5 @hemistr%5 <iolo0% and En0lish in addition to the vocational s)b"ect 1vide !#$&' Aoti ication Ao. !#$&'/'EC/E@.<.'c.As0/1D1/2005B06 dated 18.05.2006.2 and shall have passed the said e(amination in all the s)b"ects individ)all% and shall have obtained a minim)m o not less than 50J mar,s in 6h%sics5 @hemistr%5 <iolo0% and En0lish ta,en to0ether in the I)ali %in0 e(amination. 3n respect o candidates belon0in0 to 'ched)led @astes5 'ched)led Tribes or 4ther <ac,ward @lasses5 the mar,s obtained in 6h%sics5 @hemistr%5 <iolo0% and En0lish ta,en to0ether in the I)ali %in0 e(amination be not less than 40J instead o 50J as above.




10 2.2 #ge? The candidate sho)ld have completed 17 %ears on or be ore >1 st da% o %ear o admission. 2.C @andidate shall be medicall% it. /ecember o the

2. Selection 'election o the candidates sho)ld be based on the merit in the entrance e(amination held b% $niversit% or competent a)thorit%. C. Duration of t'e Course /)ration o the co)rse shall be o)r completed %ears incl)din0 clinical trainin0 o 24 wee,s. -. %edium of Instruction

En0lish shall be the medi)m o or the co)rse as well as or the e(amination.

1. Course of Stud( @andidates shall )nder0o co)rse o instr)ction in the ollowin0 s)b"ects. /etails o ')b"ects and /istrib)tion o &o)rs o Teachin0 in Theor% and 6ractical rom Cirst to Co)rth :ear are 0iven in the Tables 1 to 4. 6artic)lars o clinical trainin0 postin0 is 0iven in Table 5. $a3le 2. Dirst (ear Basic B.Sc. Nursing Su3&ects 1. En0lish 2. +natom% >. 6h%siolo0% 4. A)trition 5. <iochemistr% 6. A)rsin0 Co)ndations 7. 6s%cholo0% 8. -icrobiolo0% D. 3ntrod)ction to @omp)ters 10 .annada 11 7ibrar% wor, / 'el 't)d% 12 @oBc)rric)lar activities T4T+7 D>0 450 T4T+7 &4$!' L 1480 &!' $'eor( )ours 60 60 60 60 >0 265 K 200 60 60 45 >0 50 50 100
8ractical E Clinical )ours




11 $a3le2. Second Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing Su3&ects 1. 'ociolo0% 2. 6harmacolo0% >. 6atholo0% 4. #enetics 5. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0 1+d)lt incl)din0 0eriatrics2 6. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 7. @omm)nication and Ed)cational Technolo0% 8. 7ibrar% wor, / 'el 't)d% D. @oBc)rric)lar activities T4T+7 540 855 T4T+7 &4$!' L 1480 &!' $a3le C. $'ird Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing Su3&ects 1. -edicalB')r0ical A)rsin0 1+d)lt incl)din0 0eriatrics2B33 2. @hild &ealth A)rsin0 >. -ental &ealth A)rsin0 4. -idwi er% and 4bstetrical A)rsin0 5. 7ibrar% wor, / 'el 't)d% 6. @oBc)rric)lar activities T4T+7 >D0 DD0 T4T+7 &4$!' L 1480 &!' $'eor( )ours 120 D0 D0 D0
8ractical )ours =Clinical>

$'eor( )ours 60 45 >0 15 210 D0 60 K >0

8ractical E Clinical )ours


720 1>5

50 >5 85


270 270 270 180 50 50 100


12 $a3le -. Dourt' Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing Su3&ects 1. -idwi er% and 4bstetrical A)rsin0 2. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 E 33 >. A)rsin0 !esearch F 'tatistics 4. -ana0ement o A)rsin0 'ervices and Ed)cation T4T+7 T4T+7 &4$!' L 540 &!' 'ro(ect )or* to +e carried out durin, clinical trainin,. $a3le 1. Details of Distri3ution of )ours for clinical training =Integrated 8ractice> Su3&ect 1. -idwi er% and 4bstetrical n)rsin0 2. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0B33 >. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0 1+d)lt and

$'eor( )ours Ail D0 45 60 K >0 225

8ractical E Clinical )ours

180 1>5 M 6ro"ect >15

8ractical =In 'rs> 240 1D5 4>0 145 D5 45 2210

In 6ee,s 5 4 D > 2 1 2-

4. @hild &ealth 5. -ental &ealth 6. !esearch 6ro"ect $otal )ours

Note? 1. @linical trainin0 means 8 ho)rs o inte0rated clinical d)ties in which 2 wee,s o evenin0 and ni0ht shi t d)ties are incl)ded 2 @linical trainin0 sho)ld be carried o)t as 8 ho)rs per da% N 48 ho)rs per wee, >. 't)dents d)rin0 @linical trainin0 will be s)pervised b% n)rsin0 teachers 4. Students 4ill 3e eligi3le to a55ear in t'e Dourt' (ear final e:amination onl( after com5letion of Clinical training. 6. #ttendance + minim)m o not less than 80 J attendance in theor% and practical / clinical separatel% in each s)b"ect in each academic %ear is essential or appearin0 in the e(amination. + candidate p)rs)in0 in the co)rse shall st)d% in the colle0e or the entire period as a )ll time st)dent. Ao candidate is permitted to wor, in a hospital / n)rsin0 home / laborator% / colle0e while st)d%in0 this co)rse. Ao candidate sho)ld "oin an% other co)rse o st)d% or appear or an% other e(amination cond)cted b% this )niversit% or an% other )niversit% in 3ndia or abroad d)rin0 the period o re0istration. Each academic %ear shall be ta,en as a )nit or calc)latin0 the attendance. G Internal #ssessment !e0)lar periodic assessment shall be cond)cted thro)0ho)t the co)rse. +ltho)0h the I)estion o n)mber o tests is le t to the instit)tion at least three tests in theor% and practical each %ear be held. The test precedin0 the )niversit% e(amination ma% be similar to the pattern o )niversit% e(amination. +vera0e o the mar,s o the three tests or theor% and practical separatel% shall be sent to the )niversit%.


1> # candidate s'all secure not less t'an 10H of mar,s 5rescri3ed for internal assessment in t'eor( and not less t'an 10H mar,s 5rescri3ed in 5ractical* se5aratel(* in eac' su3&ectE5a5er to 3e eligi3le to a55ear in t'e universit( e:amination. I. Sc'edule of :amination The )niversit% shall cond)ct two e(aminations ann)all% at an interval o not less than 4 to 6 months as noti ied b% the )niversit% rom time to time. + candidate who satis ies the reI)irement o attendance5 pro0ress and cond)ct as stip)lated b% the )niversit% shall be eli0ible to appear or the )niversit% e(amination. @erti icate to that e ect shall be prod)ced rom the &ead o the instit)tion alon0 with the application or e(amination and the prescribed ee. J. Sc'eme of :amination Dirst (ear
$a3le 6 =#>? Distri3ution of Su3&ects and %ar,s for Internal #ssessment and !niversit( :amination

$'eor( 1. +natom% F 6h%siolo0% 2. A)trition and <iochemistr% >. A)rsin0 Co)ndation 4. 6s%cholo0% 5. -icrobiolo0% 6. En0lish 7. 3ntrod)ction to @omp)terK 8ractical and Viva Voce 1. A)rsin0 Co)ndations

Internal #ssessment

!niversit( :amination


40 40 40 40 40 40 40 100

100 100 100 100 100 100 100M 100

140 140 140 140 140 140 140 200

K Res5ective colleges 4ill conduct e:amination for Introduction to Com5uter and nglis' as college e:amination. %ar,s to 3e sent to t'e universit(. +ll practical e(aminations m)st be held in the respective clinical areas. 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct practical /clinical e(amination or each st)dent. Second Fear $a3le G. Distri3ution of Su3&ects and %ar,s for Internal #ssessment and !niversit( :amination
Su3&ect Internal #ssessment !niversit( :amination $otal

$'eor( 8. 'ociolo0% D. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0B 3 10. 6harmacolo0%5 6atholo0%5 #enetics 11. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 E 3 12. @omm)nication and Ed)cational Technolo0%

40 40 40 40 40

100 100 100 100 100

140 140 140 140 140


8ractical and Viva Voce Internal #ssessment !niversit( :amination $otal

2. -edical E ')r0ical A)rsin0 B 3




$'ird Fear $a3le I. Distri3ution of Su3&ects and %ar,s for Internal #ssessment and !niversit( :amination for $'ird Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing

$'eor( 1>. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0B 33 14. @hild &ealth A)rsin0 15. -ental &ealth A)rsin0 8ractical and Viva Voce >. -edical B ')r0ical A)rsin0B 33 4. @hild &ealth A)rsin0 5. -ental &ealth A)rsin0


Internal #ssessment

!niversit( :am


> > >

40 40 40 50 50 50

100 100 100 50 50 50

140 140 140 100 100 100

Note? +ll practical e(aminations m)st be held in the respective clinical areas. 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct practical /clinical e(amination or each st)dent. Dourt' Fear $a3le J. Distri3ution of Su3&ects and %ar,s for Internal #ssessment and !niversit( :amination for Dourt' Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing

$'eor( 16. -idwi er% and 4bstetrical A)rsin0 17. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 E 33 18. A)rsin0 !esearch F 'tatistics 1D. -ana0ement o A)rsin0 'ervices and Ed)cation 8ractical and Viva Voce 6. -idwi er% and 4bstetrical A)rsin0 7. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0

Internal #ssessment

!niversit( :am


40 40 40 40 50 50

100 100 100 100 50 50

140 140 140 140 100 100

Note? +ll practical e(aminations m)st be held in the respective clinical areas. 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct practical /clinical e(amination or each st)dent.


15 J. Criteria for 8ass? + candidate has to )l ill the ollowin0 criteriaG Cor declaration o pass in an% s)b"ect in the $niversit% e(amination5 a candidate shall pass both in Theor% and 6ractical/@linical e(aminations components separatel% as stip)lated belowG -he -heory co./onent consists of .ar*s o+tained in University 0ritten /a/er(s) and internal Assess.ent (-heory). 1or a /ass in theory2 a candidate shall secure not less than #"3 .ar*s in a,,re,ate i.e.2 .ar*s o+tained in )ritten exa.ination and internal assess.ent (theory) added to,ether. 1or a /ass in /ractical/clinical exa.ination2 a candidate shall secure not less than #"3 .ar*s in a,,re,ate2 i.e.2 .ar*s o+tained in university /ractical /clinical exa.ination and internal assess.ent (/ractical) added to,ether. A candidate not securin, #"3 .ar*s in a,,re,ate in -heory or 'ractical/4linical exa.ination in a su+(ect shall +e declared to have failed in that su+(ect and is re5uired to a//ear for +oth -heory and 'ractical/4linical a,ain in the su+se5uent exa.ination in that su+(ect. 6o)ever2 for a /ass in 7n,lish /a/er2 a candidate shall secure not less than 8"3 of .axi.u. /rescri+ed .ar*s in theory and 8"3 of .axi.u. /rescri+ed .ar*s in internal assess.ent. 20. a5 )5 c5 Declaration of Class? =Onl( in t'e final (ear e:amination> + candidate havin0 appeared in all the s)b"ects in the same e(amination and passed that e(amination in the irst attempt and sec)res 75J o mar,s or more o 0rand total mar,s prescribed will be declared to have passed the e(amination with distinction. + candidate havin0 appeared in all the s)b"ects in the same e(amination and passed that e(amination in the irst attempt and sec)res 65J o mar,s or more b)t less than 75J o 0rand total mar,s prescribed will be declared to have passed the e(amination in Cirst @lass. + candidate havin0 appeared in all the s)b"ects in the same e(amination and passed that e(amination in the irst attempt and sec)res 50J o mar,s or more b)t less than 65J o 0rand total mar,s prescribed will be declared to have passed the e(amination in 'econd @lass. + candidate passin0 a )niversit% e(amination in more than one attempt shall be placed in 6ass class irrespective o the percenta0e o mar,s sec)red b% him/her in the e(amination. O6lease note raction o mar,s sho)ld not be ro)nded o 22. or cla)ses 1a25 1b2 and 1c2P


Carr( Over 1. + candidate ailin0 in more then two s)b"ects will not be promoted to the ne(t %ear. 2. @andidate shall not be admitted to the s)bseI)ent hi0her e(amination )nless the candidate has passed in all the papers in the previo)s e(amination. >. 3 a candidate ails in theor% or practical e(am in a paper in that paper he/she has to reB appear or both in Theor% and 6ractical. %a:imum num3er of attem5ts and ma:imum 5eriod for com5letion of t'e course 1. -a(im)m n)mber o attempts permitted or each paper is three incl)din0 irst attempt. 2. The ma(im)m period to complete the co)rse s)ccess )ll% sho)ld not e(ceed ei0ht %ears. #4ard of degree -)st have 100 J attendance in each o the practical areas be ore award o de0ree. Num3er of :aminers? 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct


2C. 2-.


16 practical / clinical e(amination or each st)dent. 2-. ligi3ilit( of :aminer 1. To be eli0ible to be an e(aminer5 one sho)ld have passed -.'c 1A2 in concerned s)b"ect5 sho)ld have a minim)m o three %ears teachin0 e(perience in a colle0e o n)rsin0 and sho)ld be holdin0 a )ll time post o 7ect)rer or above. 2. To be an e(aminer or A)rsin0 Co)ndations co)rse5 a teacher sho)ld have passed -.'c 1A2 in concerned s)b"ect5 sho)ld have a minim)m o three %ears teachin0 e(perience in a colle0e o n)rsin0 and sho)ld be holdin0 a )ll time post o 7ect)rer or above




6lacement E Cirst :ear TimeG Theor% E 60 ho)rs Course Descri5tion? The @o)rse is desi0ned to enable st)dents to enhance abilit% to comprehend spo,en and written En0lish 1and )se En0lish2 reI)ired or e ective comm)nication in their pro essional wor,. 't)dents will practice their s,ills in verbal and written En0lish d)rin0 clinical and classroom e(perience. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 10 "earning O3&ectives M 'pea, and write 0rammaticall% correct En0lish $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M !eview o #rammar M /emonstrate M !emedial st)d% o )se o #rammar dictionar% M <)ildin0 8ocab)lar% M @lass room M 6honetics conversion M 6)blic 'pea,in0 M E(ercise on )se o 0rammar M 6ractice in p)blic spea,in0 M !ead and comprehend M E(ercise on G prescribed co)rse boo,s !eadin0 ')mmariHin0 @omprehensio n Content #ssessment %et'ods M Essa% t%pe M 4b"ective t%pe M Cill in the blan,s M 6ara phrasin0





M /evelop abilit% to read5 )nderstand and e(press meanin0 )ll% the prescribed te(t M /evelop writin0 s,ills

M Essa% t%pe M 'hort +nswers M Essa% T%pes M Essa% t%pe M +ssessment o the s,ills based on the chec, list.


M 8ario)s orms M E(ercises on writin0 o @omposition 7etter writin0 7etter writin0 A)rses Aotes Aote ta,in0 6recise 6recise writin0 /iar% A)rses notes +necdote +necdotal records &ealth /iar% writin0 problems !eports on health problems 'tor% writin0 etc. !es)me/@8 !es)me/@8 M Essa% *ritin0 /isc)ssion on written reports/ doc)ments M/evelop s,ill in M S5o,en nglis' M E(ercise onG spo,en 4ral report /ebatin0 En0lish /isc)ssion 6articipatin0 in

M+ssessment o the s,ills based on the chec,


18 'eminar5 panel5 s%mposi)m Telephonic @onversation M "earning Com5re'ension M E(ercise onG -edia5 a)dio5 video5 7istenin0 to speeches etc a)dio5 video tapes and identi % the ,e% points /ebate Telephonic @onversation list.

M/evelop s,ill in listenin0 comprehension

M +ssessment o the s,ills based on the chec, list.

Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination There shall be one theor% paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. /istrib)tion o T%pe o ?)estions and -ar,s or En0lish shall be as 0iven )nder. There shall be no practical e(amination. $(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s No. of Buestions 2 10 10 %ar,s 10 5 > Su3@total 20 50 >0 100



6lacement E Cirst %ear TimeG Theor% E 60 ho)rs Course Descri5tion? The co)rse is desi0ned to enable st)dents to acI)ire ,nowled0e o the normal str)ct)re o vario)s h)man bod% s%stems and )nderstand the alterations in anatomical str)ct)res in disease and practice o n)rsin0. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 5 "earning O3&ectives M /escribe the anatomical terms5 or0aniHation o h)man bod% and str)ct)re o cell5 tiss)es5 membranes and 0lands. Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Introduction to #natomical terms organi;ation of t'e 'uman 3od( M &)man @ell str)ct)re M Tiss)es E /e inition5 T%pes5 characteristics5 classi ication5 location5 )nctions F ormation. M -embranes and 0lands E classi ication and str)ct)re +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0


Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 charts5 microscopic slides5 ',eleton F torso M /emonstrate cells5 t%pes o tiss)es membranes and 0lands M !ecord boo, M /escribe the $'e S,eletal S(stem str)ct)re F M <ones E t%pes5 str)ct)re5 +(ial F +ppendic)lar ',eleton5 )nction o M <one ormation and 0rowth bones and M /escription o bones "oints M Qoints classi ication and str)ct)re +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 charts5 s,eleton5 loose bones and "oins M !ecord boo, M /escribe the $'e %uscular S(stem str)ct)re and K T%pes and str)ct)re o m)scles )nction o K -)scle 0ro)ps m)scles +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 chart5 models and ilms M /emonstrate m)sc)lar movements M !ecord boo,




!nit 38

$ime =)rs> 6

"earning Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities O3&ectives M /escribe the $'e nervous S(stem str)ct)re F M 'tr)ct)re o ne)rolo0ia F ne)rons )nction o M 'omatic Aervo)s s%stem nervo)s 'tr)ct)re o brain5 spinal chord5 cranial nerves5 spinal s%stem nerves5 peripheral nerves M +)tonomic Aervo)s '%stem E '%mpathetic5 paras%mpathetic 'tr)ct)re5 location +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 models5 charts5 slides5 specimens M !ecord boo, $'e Sensor( Organs M 'tr)ct)re o s,in5 e%e5 ear5 nose ton0)e5 1+)ditor% and ol actor% apparat)s2 +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 models5 charts5 slides5 specimens M !ecord boo, Circulator( and l(m5'atic s(stem M The @irc)lator% '%stem <lood E -icroso t str)ct)re 'tr)ct)re o &eart 'tr)ct)re o blood vesselsB +rterial F 8eno)s '%stem @irc)lationG '%stemic5 p)lmonar%5 coronar% M 7%mphatic '%stem 7%mphatic vessels F l%mph 7%mphatic tiss)es B Th%m)s 0land B 7%mph nodes B 'pleen B 7%mphatic tiss)es +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0. Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 models5 charts5 slides5 specimens !ecord boo,

E(plain the str)ct)re F )nctions o sensor% or0ans


/escribe the str)ct)re F )nction o circ)lator% and l%mphatic s%stem



!nit 833

$ime =)rs> 5

"earning O3&ectives M /escribe the str)ct)re F )nctions o respirator% s%stem.

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities $'e Res5irator( S(stem M 'tr)ct)re o the or0ans o respiration M -)scles o respirationG 3ntercostals and /iaphra0m +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0.



Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 models5 torso5 charts slides5 specimens M !ecord boo, M /escribe the $'e Digestive S(stem str)ct)re F M 'tr)ct)re o +limentar% tract and accessor% or0ans o )nctions o di0estion di0estive +lterations in disease s%stem. +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 models5 torso5 charts slides5 specimens M !ecord boo, M /escribe the $'e :cretor( s(stem 1$rinar%2 str)ct)re F M 'tr)ct)re o or0ans o )rinar% )nctions o M '%stemG .idne%5 $reters5 )rinar%5 bladder5 )rethra5 str)ct)re e(cretor% o s,in s%stem +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0. Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 models5 torso5 charts slides5 specimens M !ecord boo, M /escribe the $'e ndocrine s(stem str)ct)re F M 'tr)ct)re o 6it)itar%5 6ancreas5 th%roid5 6arath%roid5 th%m)s )nctions o and adrenal 0lands endocrine +lterations in disease s%stem +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 models5 torso5 charts slides5 specimens M !ecord boo,



!nit R3

$ime =)rs> 4

"earning O3&ectives M /escribe the str)ct)re F )nctions o reprod)ctive s%stem

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities $'e Re5roductive s(stem including 3reast M 'tr)ct)re o emale reprod)ctive or0ans M 'tr)ct)re o male reprod)ctive or0ans M 'tr)ct)re o breast +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 models5 torso5 charts slides5 specimens M !ecord boo,



8lacement E Cirst :ear $imeG Theor% E 60 &o)rs Course Descri5tionG The @o)rse is desi0ned to assist the st)dents to acI)ire ,nowled0e i the normal ph%siolo0% o vario)s h)man bod% s%stems and )nderstand the alterations in ph%siolo0% in diseases and practice o n)rsin0. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 4 "earning O3&ectives M /escribe the ph%siolo0% o cell5 tiss)es5 membranes and 0lands Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities @ell 6h%siolo0% M Tiss)e ormation5 repair M -embranes F 0lands E )nctions +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion ',eletal '%stem M <one ormation F 0rowth M <ones E C)nctions and movements o bones o a(ial and appendic)lar s,eleton5 bone healin0 M Qoints and "oint movement +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 charts5 models and ilms M /emonstration o "oint movements %uscular S(stem M -)scle movements5 -)scle tone5 6h%siolo0% o m)scle contraction5 levels and maintenance o post)re +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 @harts5 models5 slides5 specimen and ilms /emonstration o m)scle movements5 tone and contraction Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities


M /escribe the bone ormation and 0rowth and movements o s,eleton s%stem


M /escribe the m)scle movements and tone and demonstrate m)scle contraction and tone



!nit 38

$ime =)rs> 7

"earning O3&ectives M /escribe the ph%siolo0% o nerve stim)l)s5 re le(es5 brain5 cranial and spinal nerves M/emonstrate re le( action and stim)l)s

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Nervous S(stem M C)nctions o Ae)rol0ia F ne)rons M 'tim)l)s F nerveBimp)lseB de initions and mechanism M C)nctions o brain5 spinal cord5 cranial and spinal nerves M @erebrospinal l)idBcomposition5 circ)lation and )nction M !e le( arc5 !e le( action and re le(es M +)tomatic )nctions E 6ainG somatic5 visceral and re erred +)tomatic learnin0 and bio eedbac, +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin05 @harts5 models and ilms M /emonstrate nerve stim)l)s5 re le( action5 re le(es Circulator( S(stem M <lood ormation5 composition5 blood 0ro)ps5 blood coa0)lation M &emo0lobinG 'tr)ct)re5 '%nthesis and brea,down5 8ariation o molec)les5 estimation M C)nctions o &eart5 @ond)ction5 @ardiac c%cle5 circ)lationB 6rinciples5 @ontrol5 actors in l)encin0 <6 and 6)lse +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 charts5 ilms M /emonstration o <lood cell co)nt5 coa0)lation5 0ro)pin05 &aemo0lobin estimation5 &eart cond)ction s%stem. M -eas)rement o p)lse5 <6 $'e Res5irator( S(stem M C)nctions o respirator% or0ans M 6h%siolo0% o respiration M 6)lmonar% ventilation5 8ol)me M -echanics o respiration M #aseo)s e(chan0e in l)n0s M @arria0e o o(%0en F carbonBdio(ide ME(chan0e o 0ases in tiss)es M !e0)lation o respiration5 +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0. Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 @harts5 ilms M /emonstration o spirometr%

M /escribe the ph%siolo0% o blood and )nctions o &eart M/emonstrate blood cell co)nt5 coa0)lation5 0ro)pin0 &bG <6 and 6)lse monitorin0


M /escribe the ph%siolo0% and mechanisms o respiration M/emonstrates spirometr%



!nit 833

$ime =)rs> 6

"earning O3&ectives M/escribe the 6h%siolo0% o di0estive s%stem M/emonstrates <-!

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities $'e Digestive S(stem M C)nctions o or0ans o di0estive tract. -ovements o alimentar% tract5 /i0estion in mo)th5 stomach5 small intestines5 7ar0e intestines5 +bsorption o ood. C)nctions o liver5 0all bladder and pancreas M -etabolism o carboh%drates5 protein and at Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 @harts5 ilms


M/escribe the 6h%siolo0% o e(cretor% s%stem

$'e :cretor( S(stem M C)nctions o ,idne%s5 )reters5 )rinar% bladder F )rethra M @omposition o )rine M -echanism o )rine ormation M C)nctions o s,in M !e0)lation o bod% temperat)re M Cl)id and electrol%te balance +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0. Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 @harts5 ilms


M/escribe the ph%siolo0% o sensor% or0ans

$'e Sensor( Organs M C)nctions o s,in5 e%e5 ear5 nose5 ton0)e5 +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0. Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 @harts5 ilms

M/escribe the ph%siolo0% o endocrine 0lands

$'e ndocrine Glands M C)nctions o 6it)itar%5 pineal bod%5 th%m)s5 Th%roid5 parath%roid5 pancreas5 ')prarenal5 6lacenta and ovaries F Testes +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0. Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 @harts5 ilms M /emonstration o <-!



!nit R3

$ime =)rs> 5

"earning O3&ectives M/escribe the ph%siolo0% o male and emale reprod)ctive s%stem

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities $'e Re5roductive S(stem M !eprod)ction o cells E /A+5 -itosis5 -eiosis5 spermato0enesis5 oo0enesis. M C)nctions o emale reprod)ctive or0ansS C)nctions breast5 Cemale se()al c%cle. M 3ntrod)ction to embr%olo0% M C)nctions o male reprod)ctive or0ans5 -ale )nction in reprod)ction5 -ale ertilit% s%stem +lterations in disease +pplications and implications in n)rsin0. Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 @harts5 ilms models5 specimens


M/escribe the 6h%siolo0% o 7%mphatic and 3mm)nolo0ical '%stem

"(m5'atic L Immunological S(stem M @irc)lation o l%mph K 3mm)nit% Cormation o TBcells and < cells T%pes o 3mm)ne response +nti0ens @%to,ines +ntibodies Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 @harts5 ilms

Sc'eme of :amination? #natom( and 8'(siolog( There shall be one paper o three ho)rs d)ration or +natom% and 6h%siolo0%5 carr%in0 100 mar,s. 'ection +B shall be +natom% carr%in0 50 mar,s and 'ection <B 6h%siolo0% carr%in0 50 mar,s. The distrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s shall be as )nder. There shall be no practical e(amination.
Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for #natom( and 8'(siolog( =10 mar,s for eac' su3&ect>

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2

No. of Buestions 1 5 5

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 10 25 15


27 Total -ar,s 50

8lacementG Cirst :ear $imeG Theor% 60 ho)rs Course of Descri5tion? The co)rse is desi0ned to assist the st)dents to acI)ire ,nowled0e o n)trition or maintenance o optim)m health at di erent sta0es o li e and its application or practice o n)rsin0 !nit 3 $ime =)rs> Th 6r 4 "earning O3&ectives M /escribe the relationship between n)trition F &ealth Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Introduction M A)tritionG &istor% @oncepts M !ole o n)trition in maintainin0 health M A)tritional problems in 3ndia M Aational n)tritional polic% M Cactors a ectin0 ood and n)tritionG socioBeconomic5 c)lt)ral5 tradition5 prod)ction5 s%stem o distrib)tion5 li e st%le and ood habits etc. M !ole o ood and its medicinal val)e M @lassi ication o oods M Cood standards M Elements o n)tritionG macro and micro M @alorie5 <-! Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M E(plainin0 )sin0 charts M 6anel disc)ssion Car3o'(drates M @lassi ication M @alorie 8al)e M !ecommended dail% allowances M /ietar% so)rces M C)nctions M /i0estion5 absorption and stora0e5 metabolism o carboh%drates M -aln)tritionG /e iciencies and 4ver cons)mption Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plainin0 )sin0 charts


M /escribe the classi ication5 )nctions5 so)rces and recommended dail% allowances 1!/+2 o carboh%drates



!nit 333

$ime =)rs> Th 6r 2

"earning O3&ectives M /escribe the classi ication5 )nctions5 so)rces and recommended dail% allowances 1!/+2 o Cats

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Dats M @lassi ication M @aloric val)e M !ecommended dail% allowances M /ietar% so)rces M C)nctions M /i0estion5 absorption and stora0e5 metabolism M -aln)tritionG /e iciencies and over cons)mption Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plainin0 )sin0 charts 8roteins M @lassi ication M @aloric val)e M !ecommended dail% allowances M /ietar% so)rces M C)nctions M /i0estion5 absorption5 metabolism and stora0e M -aln)tritionG /e iciencies and 4ver cons)mption Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plainin0 )sin0 charts nerg( M $nit o Ener0% E .cal M Ener0% reI)irements o di erent cate0ories o people M -eas)rements o ener0% M <od% -ass 3nde( 1<-32 and basic metabolism M <asal -etabolic !ate 1<-!2 B determination and actors a ectin0 Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plainin0 )sin0 charts M E(ercise M /emonstration


M /escribe the classi ication5 )nctions5 so)rces and recommended dail% allowances 1!/+2 o 6roteins


M /escribe the dail% calorie reI)irement or di erent cate0ories o people



!nit 83

$ime =)rs> Th 6r 4

"earning O3&ectives M /escribe the classi ication5 )nctions5 so)rces and recommended dail% allowances 1!/+2 o 8itamins

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Vitamins M @lassi ication M !ecommended dail% allowances M /ietar% so)rces M C)nctions M +bsorption5 s%nthesis5 metabolism stora0e and e(cretion M /e iciencies M &%pervitaminosis Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plainin0 )sin0 charts %inerals M @lassi ication M !ecommended dail% allowances M /ietar% so)rces M C)nctions M +bsorption5 s%nthesis5 metabolism stora0e and e(cretion M /e iciencies M 4ver cons)mption and to(icit% Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plainin0 )sin0 charts 6ater L electrol(tes M *aterG /ail% reI)irement5 re0)lation o water metabolism5 distrib)tion o bod% water5 M Electrol%tesG T%pes5 so)rces5 composition o bod% l)ids M -aintenance o l)id F electrol%te balance M 4ver h%dration5 deh%dration and water into(ication M electrol%te imbalances Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plainin0 )sin0 charts


M /escribe the classi ication5 )nctions5 so)rces and recommended dail% allowances 1!/+2 o -inerals



M /escribe the so)rces5 )nctions and reI)irements o *ater F electrol%tes



!nit 3R

$ime =)rs> Th 6r 5 15

"earning O3&ectives M /escribe the @oo,er% r)les and preservation o n)trients M 6repare and serve simple bevera0es and di erent t%pes o oods

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Coo,er( rules and 5reservation of nutrients M 6rinciples5 methods o coo,in0 and servin0 6reservation o n)trients M 'a e Cood handlin0Bto(icit% M 'tora0e o ood M Cood preservation5 ood additives and its principles M prevention o ood ad)lteration +ct 16C+2 M Cood standards M 6reparation o simple bevera0es and di erent t%pes o ood Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice session Balanced diet M Elements M Cood 0ro)ps M !ecommended /ail% allowance M A)tritive val)e o oods M @alc)lation o balanced diet or di erent cate0ories o people M 6lannin0 men) M <)d0etin0 o ood M 3ntrod)ction to therape)tic dietsG Aat)ropath% B diet Role of nurse in nutritional 5rogrammes M Aational pro0rammes related to n)trition 8itamin + de icienc% pro0ramme Aational iodine de icienc% disorders 13//2 pro0ramme -idBda% meal pro0ramme 3nte0rated child development scheme 13@/'2 M Aational and 3nternational a0encies wor,in0 towards ood/n)trition A36@@/5 @+!E5 C+45 A3A5 @CT!3 1@entral ood technolo0% and research instit)te2 etc. M +ssessment o n)tritional stat)s M A)trition ed)cation and role o n)rse Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M E(plainin0 with M 'lide / Cilm shows M /emonstration o +ssessment o n)tritional stat)s

M /escribe and plan balanced diet or di erent cate0ories o people


M /escribe vario)s national pro0rammes related to n)trition M /escribe the role o n)rse in assessment o n)tritional stat)s and n)trition ed)cation





8lacement E Cirst :ear $imeG Theor% E>0 &o)rs Course Descri5tion? The @o)rse is desi0ned to assist the st)dents to acI)ire ,nowled0e o the normal biochemical composition and )nctionin0 o h)man bod% and )nderstand the alterations in biochemistr% in diseases or practice o n)rsin0. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> > "earning O3&ectives M/escribe the str)ct)re @omposition and )nctions o cell M/i erentiate between 6ro,ar%ote F E),ar%ote cell M 3denti % techniI)es o -icroscop% M /escribe the str)ct)re and )nctions o cell membrane Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Introduction M /e inition and si0ni icance in n)rsin0 M !eview o str)ct)re5 @omposition and )nctions o cell M 6ro,ar%ote and E),ar%ote cell or0aniHation M -icroscop% Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion )sin0 charts5 slides M /emonstrate )se o microscope


Structure and functions of Cell mem3rane M Cl)id mosaic model ti0ht ")nction5 @%tos,eleton M Transport mechanismG di )sion osmosis5 iltration5 active channel5 sodi)m p)mp M +cid base balanceBmaintenance F dia0nostic tests 6& b) ers Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion



!nit 333

$ime =)rs> 6

"earning Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities O3&ectives M E(plain the Com5osition and meta3olism of Car3o'(drates metabolism o M T%pes5 str)ct)re5 composition and )ses carboh%drates -onosaccharides5 /isaccharides5 6ol%saccharides 4li0osaccharides M -etabolism 6athwa%s o 0l)coseG #l%col%sis #l)coneo0enesisG @oriTs c%cle5 Tricarbo(%lic acid 1T@+2 c%cle #l%co0enol%sis 6entose phosphate 6athwa%s 1&e(ose mono phosphate2 !e0)lation o blood 0l)cose level 3nvesti0ations and their interpretations Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion )sin0 charts M /emonstration o laborator% tests M E(plain the Com5osition and meta3olism of "i5ids metabolism o M T%pes5 'tr)ct)re5 composition and )ses o att% acids 7ipids Aomenclat)re5 !oles and 6rosta0landins M -etabolism o att% acid <rea,down '%nthesis M -etabolism o triac%l0l%cerols M @holesterol metabolism <ios%nthesis and its !e0)lation <ile salts and bilir)bin 8itamin / 'teroid hormones M 7ipoproteins and their )nctions 87/7sB 3/7s5 7/7s and &/7s Transport o lipids +therosclerosis5 3nvesti0ations and their interpretations Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion )sin0 charts M /emonstration o laborator% tests




!nit 8

$ime =)rs> 6

"earning O3&ectives M E(plain the metabolism o +mino acids and 6roteins

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Com5osition and meta3olism of #mino acids and 8roteins M T%pes5 str)ct)re5 composition and )ses o +mino acids and 6roteins K -etabolism o +mino acids and 6roteins 6rotein s%nthesis5 tar0etin0 and #l%cos%lation @hromato0raph% Electrophoresis 'eI)encin0 M -etabolism o Aitro0en Ci(ation and +ssimilation $rea @%cle &emes and chloroph%lls M EnH%mes and coBenH%mes @lassi ication 6roperties .inetics and inhibition @ontrol 3nvesti0ations and their interpretations


Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion )sin0 charts M /emonstration o laborator% tests M /escribe Com5osition of Vitamins and minerals t%pes5 M 8itamins and mineralsG composition 'tr)ct)re5 @lassi ication5 6roperties5 +bsorption and )tiliHation 'tora0e F transportation o 8itamins F Aormal concentration minerals Mnvesti0ations and their interpretation Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion )sin0 charts M /emonstration o laborator% tests



!nit 833

$ime =)rs> >

"earning Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities O3&ectives M /escribe Immunoc'emistr( 3mm)noB M 3mm)ne response5 chemistr% M 'tr)ct)re and classi ication o imm)no0lobins M -echanism o antibod% prod)ction M +nti0ensG &7+ t%pin0 M Cree radical and +ntio(idants M 'pecialiHed 6roteinG @olla0en5 Elastin5 .eratin5 -%osin5 7ens 6rotein. M Electrophoretic and ?)antitative determination o imm)no0lobins E E73'+ etc. 3nvesti0ations and their interpretations Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion )sin0 charts M /emonstration o laborator% tests

Sc'eme of :amination? Nutrition and Bioc'emistr( There shall be one paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. 'ection + A)trition o 60 mar,s and 'ection < o <iochemistr% o 40 mar,s. There shall be no practical e(amination.
Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for Nutrition =60 mar,s>

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 2 5 5

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 20 25 15 60

Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for Bioc'emistr( =-0 mar,s>

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 1 > 5

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 10 15 15 40



Nursing Doundations
8lacementG Cirst :ear $imeG Theor% B 265 ho)rs 6ractical B 650 ho)rs 1200 lab and 450 clinical2 Course Descri5tion? This co)rse is desi0ned to help the st)dents to develop an )nderstandin0 o the philosoph%5 ob"ectives5 theories and process o n)rsin0 in vario)s ')pervised @linical settin0s. 3t is aimed at helpin0 the st)dents to acI)ire ,nowled0e5 )nderstandin0 and s,ills in techniI)es o n)rsin0 and practice them in ')pervised @linical settin0s. $ime =)rs> 10 "earning O3&ectives M /escribe the concept o health5 illness and health care a0encies

!nit 3

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Introduction M @oncept o &ealthG &ealth E illness contin))m M Cactors in l)encin0 health M @a)ses and ris, actors or developin0 illness M <od% de encesG 3mm)nit% and imm)niHation M 3llness and illness <ehaviorG M 3mpact o illness on patient and amil% M &ealth @are 'ervicesG &ealth 6romotion and 6revention5 6rimar% @are5 /ia0nosis5 Treatment5 !ehabilitation and @ontin)in0 @are M &ealth care teams M T%pes o health care a0encies M &ospitalsG T%pes5 4r0anisation and C)nctions M &ealth 6romotion and 7evels o /isease 6revention M6rimar% &ealth care and its deliver%G !ole o n)rse Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M 8isit to health care a0encies



!nit 33

$ime =)rs> 16

"earning O3&ectives M E(plain concept and scope o n)rsin0 M /escribe val)es5 code o ethics and pro essional cond)ct or n)rses o 3ndia

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Nursing as a 5rofession M /e inition and @haracteristics o a pro ession M A)rsin0G /e inition5 @oncepts5 philosoph%5 ob"ectives @haracteristics5 nat)re and scope o n)rsin0 practice C)nctions o n)rse ?)alities o a n)rse @ate0ories o n)rsin0 personnel A)rsin0 as a pro ession &istor% o A)rsin0 in 3ndia. M 8al)esG /e inition5 T%pes5 8al)es @lassi ication and val)es in pro essional A)rsin0G @arin0 F +dvocac% M EthicsG /e inition and Ethical 6rinciples @ode o ethics and pro essional cond)ct or n)rses.


Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M @ase disc)ssion M !ole pla%s M E(plain the )os5ital admission and disc'arge admission and M +dmission to the hospital dischar0e $nit and its preparationBadmission bed proced)re +dmission proced)re M 6er orms 'pecial considerations admission and -edicoBle0al iss)es dischar0e !oles and !esponsibilities o the n)rse proced)re M /ischar0e rom the hospital T%pesG 6lanned dischar0e5 7+-+ and abscond5 !e errals and trans ers /ischar0e 6lannin0 /ischar0e proced)re 'pecial consideration -edicoBle0al iss)es !oles and !esponsibilities o the n)rse @are o the )nit a ter dischar0e Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 7ab 6ractice M ')pervised @linical practice



!nit 38

$ime =)rs> 10

"earning O3&ectives M@omm)nicate e ectivel% with patient5 amilies and team members and maintain e ective h)man relations 1pro"ectin0 pro essional ima0e2 M +ppreciate the importance o patient teachin0 in n)rsin0

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Communication and Nurse 5atient relations'i5 M @omm)nicationG 7evels5 Elements5 T%pes5 -odes5 6rocess5 Cactors in l)encin0 @omm)nication -ethods o E ective @omm)nication5 +ttendin0 s,ills !apport b)ildin0 s,ills Empath% s,ills <arriers to e ective comm)nication5 M &elpin0 !elationship 1A6!2G /imensions o &elpin0 !elationships5 6hase o a helpin0 relationship M @omm)nicatin0 e ectivel% with patient5 amilies and team members and maintain e ective h)man relations with special re erence to comm)nicatin0 with v)lnerable 0ro)p1children5 women5 ph%sicall% and mentall% challen0ed and elderl%2 M 6atient Teachin0G 3mportance5 6)rposes5 6rocess5 role o n)rse and 3nte0ratin0 teachin0 in A)rsin0 6rocess.
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M !ole pla% and video ilm on the n)rses interactin0 with the patient M 6ractice session on patient teachin0 M ')pervised @linical 6ractice



!nit 8

$ime =)rs> 15

"earning Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities O3&ectives M E(plain the $'e Nursing 8rocess concept5 )ses5 M @ritical Thin,in0 and A)rsin0 Q)d0ment ormat and steps @ritical Thin,in0G Thin,in0 and 7earnin0 o n)rsin0 process @ompetencies5 +ttit)des or @ritical M /oc)ments Thin,in05 7evels o critical thin,in0 in n)rsin0 process as A)rsin0 per the ormat M A)rsin0 6rocess 4verviewG +pplication in 6ractice A)rsin0 process ormatG 3A@5 c)rrent ormat +ssessment B @ollection o /ata G T%pes5 'o)rces5 -ethods B Corm)latin0 A)rsin0 Q)d0mentG /ata interpretation A)rsin0 /ia0nosis B 3denti ication o client problems B A)rsin0 dia0nosis statement B /i erence between medical and n)rsin0 dia0nosis 6lannin0 B Establishin0 6riorities B Establishin0 #oals and E(pected 4)tcomes B 'election o interventions G 6rotocols and standin0 4rders B *ritin0 the A)rsin0 @are 6lan 3mplementation B 3mplementin0 the plan o care Eval)ation B 4)tcome o care B !eview and -odi % /oc)mentation and !eportin0
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M E(ercise M ')pervised @linical 6ractice



!nit 83

$ime =)rs> 4

"earning O3&ectives M /escribe the p)rposes5 t%pes and techniI)es o recordin0 and reportin0

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Documentation and Re5orting M /oc)mentation G 6)rposes o !ecordin0 and reportin0 M @omm)nication within the &ealth @are Team M T%pes o recordsS ward records5 medical/n)rsin0 records5 M @ommon !ecordB,eepin0 orms5 @omp)teriHed doc)mentation M #)idelines or !eportin0G Cact)al <asis5 +cc)rac%5 @ompleteness5 c)rrentness5 4r0aniHation5 con identialit% M -ethods o !ecordin0 M !eportin0G @han0e o shi t reportsG Trans er reports5 incident reports -inimiHin0 le0al 7iabilit% thro)0h e ective record ,eepin0
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



M /escribe principles and techniI)es o monitorin0 and maintainin0 vital si0ns M -onitor and maintain vital si0ns

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice 'ession M ')pervised @linical 6ractice Vital signs M #)idelines or ta,in0 vital si0ns G M <od% temperat)reG 6h%siolo0%5 !e0)lation5 Cactors a ectin0 bod% temperat)re5 +ssessment o bod% temperat)reG sites5 eI)ipments and techniI)e5 special considerations Temperat)re alterationsG &%perthermia5 &eatstro,e5 &%pothermia &ot and cold applications M 6)lseG 6h%siolo0% F !e0)lation5 @haracteristics o the p)lse5 Cactors a ectin0 p)lse +ssessment o the p)lseG sites5 location5 eI)ipments and techniI)e5 special considerations +lterations in p)lseG M !espiration 6h%siolo0% and !e0)lation5 -echanics o breathin0 @haracteristics o the respiration5 Cactors a ectin0 respiration


41 +ssessment o respirationsG TechniI)e5 special considerations +lterations in respiration M <lood press)re G 6h%siolo0% and !e0)lation5 @haracteristics o the blood press)re5 Cactors a ectin0 blood press)re +ssessment o blood press)reG sites5 eI)ipments and techniI)e5 special considerations +lterations in blood press)re !ecordin0 o vital si0ns
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



M /escribe p)rpose and process o health assessment M /escribe the health assessment o each bod% s%stem M 6er orm health assessment o each bod% s%stem

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice M ')pervised @linical 6ractice )ealt' assessment M 6)rposes M 6rocess o &ealth assessment &ealth &istor% 6h%sical e(amination G B -ethodsB3nspection5 6alpation5 6erc)ssion5 +)sc)ltation5 4l action B 6reparation or e(aminationG patient and )nit B #eneral assessment B +ssessment o each bod% s%stem B !ecordin0 o health assessment
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


M 3denti % the vario)s machiner%5 eI)ipment and linen and their care

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice on stim)lators M ')pervised @linical 6ractice %ac'iner(* <ui5ment and linen M T%pesG /isposables and re)sableB 7inen5 r)bber 0oods5 0lass ware5 metal5 plastics5 )rnit)re5 machiner% M 3ntrod)ction 3ndent -aintenance 3nventor%
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration



!nit R

$ime =)rs> 60

"earning Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities O3&ectives M /escribe the %eeting needs of 5atient basic5 M <asic needs 1+ctivities o dail% livin02 ps%cholo0ical 6rovidin0 sa e and clean environmentG needs o patient 6h%sicalBenvironmentG Temperat)re5 M /escribe the &)midit%5 Aoise5 8entilation5 li0ht5 4do)r5 principles and pests control techniI)es or !ed)ction o ph%sical haHardsG ire5 meetin0 basic5 accidents 6h%siolo0ical and 'a et% devicesG !estraints5 side rails5 ps%chosocial airwa%s5 trapeHe etc. needs o patient !ole o n)rse in providin0 sa e and clean M 6er orm n)rsin0 environment. assessment5 plan &%0ieneGB implement and Cactors 3n l)encin0 &%0ienic 6ractice eval)ate the care &%0ienic careG @are o the ',inB<ath and or meetin0 basic5 press)re points5 eet and nail5 4ral cavit%5 ph%siolo0ical and &air @are5 E%es5 Ears and Aose ps%chosocial o +ssessment5 6rinciples5 T%pes5 EI)ipments5 needs o patient 6roced)re5 'pecial @onsiderations B 6atient environmentG !oom EI)ipment and linen5 ma,in0 patient beds o T%pes o beds and bed ma,in0 @om ortGB B Cactors in l)encin0 @om ort B @om ort devices M 6h%siolo0ical needsGB 'leep and !est G B 6h%siolo0% o sleep B Cactors a ectin0 sleep B 6romotin0 !est and sleep B 'leep /isorders A)trition GB B 3mportance B Cactors a ectin0 n)tritional needs B +ssessment o n)tritional needs B -eetin0 A)tritional needsG 6rinciples5 eI)ipments5 proced)re and special considerations o 4ral o Enteral G Aaso/ 4ro0astric5 0astrostom% o 6arenteral G $rinar% E(amination B !eview o 6h%siolo0% o $rine Elimination5 @omposition and characteristics o )rine. B Cactors in l)encin0 $rination


4> B +lteration in $rinar% Elimination B T%pes and @ollection o )rine specimenG 4bservation5 )rine testin0 B Cacilitatin0 )rine eliminationG assessment5 t%pes5 eI)ipments5 proced)res and special considerations o 6rovidin0 )rinal/bed pan o @ondom draina0e o 6erineal care o @atheteriHation o @are o )rinar% draina0e o @are o )rinar% diversions o <ladder irri0ation <owel Elimination B !eview o 6h%siolo0% o <owel Elimination5 @omposition and characteristics o aeces B Cactors a ectin0 <owel elimination B +lteration in <owel Elimination B T%pes and @ollection o specimen o aecesG 4bservation B Cacilitatin0 bowel eliminationG assessment5 eI)ipments5 proced)res and special considerations o 6assin0 o Clat)s t)be o Enemas o ')ppositor% o 'itH bath o <owel was o @are o 4stomies -obilit% and 3mmobilit% B 6rinciples o <od% -echanics B -aintenance o normal bod% +li0nment and mobilit% B Cactors a ectin0 bod% +li0nment and mobilit% B &aHards associated with immobilit% B +lteration 3n bod% +li0nment and mobilit% B A)rsin0 interventions or impaired <od% +li0nment and -obilit%G assessment5 t%pes5 devices )sed5 method and special considerations5 rehabilitation aspects o !an0e o motion e(ercises o -aintainin0 bod% ali0nmentG 6ositions o -ovin0 /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/207607805.doc

44 o 7i tin0 o Trans errin0 o *al,in0 o !estraints 4(%0enation B !eview o @ardiovasc)lar and respirator% 6h%siolo0% B Cactors + ectin0 4(%0enation B +lterations in o(%0enation B A)rsin0 interventions in o(%0enation G assessment5 t%pes5 eI)ipment )sed5 proced)re and special considerations o -aintenance o patent airwa% o 4(%0en administration o ')ction o 3nhalationsG dr% and moist o @hest ph%siotherap% and post)ral draina0e o 6)lse o(imetr% o @6!B<asic li e s)pport Cl)id5 Electrol%te5 and +cid E <ase <alances B !eview o 6h%siolo0ical re0)lation o Cl)id5 Electrol%te5 and +cidB<ase <alances B Cactors + ectin0 Cl)id5 Electrol%te5 and +cidB<ase <alances B +lterations in Cl)id5 Electrol%te5 and +cidB <ase <alances B A)rsin0 interventions in Cl)id5 Electrol%te and +cid B <ase 3mbalances G assessment5 t%pes5 eI)ipment5 proced)re and special considerations o -eas)rement l)id inta,e and o)tp)t o @orrectin0 Cl)id Electrol%te 3mbalanceG !eplacement o l)idsG 4ral and 6arenteral B8enip)nct)re5 re0)latin0 38 low rates5 chan0in0 38 sol)tions and t)bin05 chan0in0 38 dressin05 +dministerin0 <lood trans )sion !estriction o l)ids 6s%chosocial Aeeds o @oncepts o @)lt)ral /iversit%5 'tress and +daptation5 'el Bconcept5 'e()alit%5 'pirit)al &ealth5 copin0 with loss5 death and 0rievin0 o +ssessment o ps%chosocial needs o A)rsin0 intervention or ps%chosocial needs B +ssist with copin0 and adaptation


45 B @reatin0 therape)tic environment o !ecreational and diversional therapies

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



M /escribe principles and techniI)es or in ection control and biomedical waste mana0ement in ')pervised @linical settin0s

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice sessions M ')pervised @linical 6ractice Infection control in Clinical settings M 3n ection control Aat)re o in ection @hain o in ection transmission /e enses a0ainst in ectionG Aat)ral and acI)ired &ospital acI)ired in ection 1Aosocomial in ection2 M @oncept o asepsisG medical asepsis5 and s)r0ical asepsis M 3solation preca)tions 1<arrier n)rsin02G &and washin0G simple5 hand antisepsis and s)r0ical antisepsis 1scr)b2 3solationG so)rce and protective 6ersonal protectin0 eI)ipmentsG t%pes5 )ses and techniI)e o wearin0 and removin0 /econtamination o eI)ipment and )nit Transportation o in ected patients 'tandard sa et% preca)tions 1$niversal preca)tions2 Transmission based preca)tions M <iomedical waste mana0ement G 3mportance T%pes o hospital waste &aHards associated with hospital waste /econtamination o hospital waste 'e0re0ation and Transportation and disposal
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



M 7ect)re disc)ssion M/emonstration M 6ractice session M ')pervised @linical practice M E(plain the #dministration of %edications principles5 ro)tes5 M #eneral e ects o 6rinciples/@onsiderations administration o 6)rposes o -edication medications 6rinciplesG 5 ri0hts5 'pecial @onsiderations5 M @alc)late 6rescriptions5 'a et% in +dministerin0 conversions o -edications and -edication Error dr)0s and dosa0es /r)0s orms within and


46 between s%stems o meas)rements M +dminister dr)0s b% the ollowin0 ro)tesB oral5 3ntradermal5 ')bc)taneo)s5 3ntram)sc)lar5 3ntra 8eno)s topical5 inhalation !o)tes o administration 'tora0e and maintenance o dr)0s and A)rses responsibilit% <road classi ication o dr)0s Therape)tic E ect5 'ide E ects5 To(ic E ects5 3dios%ncratic !eactions5 +ller0ic !eactions5 /r)0 Tolerance5 /r)0 3nteractions5 Cactors in l)encin0 dr)0 +ctions5 '%stems o /r)0 -eas)rementG -etric '%stem5 +pothecar% '%stem5 &o)sehold -eas)rements5 'ol)tions. @onvertin0 -eas)rements )nitsG @onversions within one s%stem5 @onversion between s%stems5 /osa0e @alc)lation5 Terminolo0ies and abbreviations )sed in prescriptions o medications M 4ral /r)0s +dministrationG 4ral5 ')blin0)al and <)ccal G EI)ipment5 proced)re M 6arenteral #eneral principlesG /econtamination and disposal o s%rin0es and needles T%pes o parentaral therapies T%pes o s%rin0es5 needles5 can)la5 and in )sion sets 6rotection rom Aeedlestic, 3n")riesG #ivin0 -edications with a sa et% s%rin0es !o)tes o parentaral therapies B 3ntradermalG p)rpose5 site5 eI)ipment5 proced)re5 special considerations. B ')bc)taneo)sG p)rpose5 site5 eI)ipment5 proced)re5 special considerations B 3ntram)sc)larG p)rpose5 site5 eI)ipment5 proced)re5 special considerations B 3ntra 8eno)sG p)rpose5 site5 eI)ipment5 proced)re5 special considerations B +dvanced techniI)esG epid)ral5 intrathecal5 intraosseo)s5 intraperitonial5 intrapl)ral5 intra arterial B !ole o n)rse M Topical +dministration G p)rposes5 site5 eI)ipment5 proced)re5 special considerations or +pplication to ',in +pplication to m)co)s membrane B /irect application o liI)idsB#ar0le and swabbin0 the throat B 3nsertion o /r)0 into bod% cavit%G ')ppositor%/ medicated pac,in0 in rect)m/va0ina


47 B 3nstit)tionsG Ear5 E%e5 Aasal5 <ladder5 and !ectal B 3rri0ationsG E%e5 Ear5 <ladder5 8a0inal and !ectal B 'pra%in0G Aose and throat M 3nhalationG Aasal5 oral5 endotracheal/tracheal 1steam5 o(%0en and medications2 B p)rposes5 t%pes5 eI)ipment5 proced)re5 special considerations !ecordin0 and reportin0 o medications administered
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



M /escribe the pre and post operative care o patients M E(plain the process o wo)nd healin0 M E(plain the principles and techniI)es o wo)nd care M 6er orm care o wo)nds

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M/emonstration M 6ractice session M ')pervised @linical practice %eeting needs of 8erio5erative 5atients K /e inition and concept o 6erioperative A)rsin0 M 6reoperative 6hase 6reparation o patient or s)r0er% M 3ntraoperative 4peration theatre 'et )p and environment !ole o n)rse M 6ostoperative 6hase !ecover% )nit 6ost operative )nit 6ost operative care5 M *o)ndsG t%pes5 @lassi ications5 wo)nd &ealin0 6rocess5 Cactors a ectin0 *o)nd5 @omplications o *o)nd &ealin0 M ')r0ical asepsis M @are o the wo)ndG t%pes5 eI)ipments5 proced)re and special consideration /ressin0s5 ')t)re @are5 @are o /raina0e +pplication o <anda0es5 <inders5 'plints F 'lin0s &eat and @old Therap%
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



M E(plain care o patients havin0 alterations in bod% )nctionin0

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice session M ')pervised @linical practice %eeting s5ecial needs of t'e 5atient K @are o patients havin0 alteration in o Temperat)re 1h%per and h%pothermia2S T%pes5 +ssessment5 -ana0ement


48 o 'ensori)m 1$nconscio)sness2S +ssessment5 -ana0ement o $rinar% Elimination 1retention and incontinence2S +ssessment5 -ana0ement o C)nctionin0 o sensor% or0ansG 18is)al F hearin0 impairment2 o +ssessment o 'el B@are abilit% o @omm)nication methods and special considerations o -obilit% 1ph%sicall% challen0ed5 cast2 assessment o 'el B@are abilit%G @omm)nication -ethods and special considerations o -ental state 1mentall% challen0ed25 assessment o 'el B@are abilit%S o @omm)nication -ethods and special considerations o !espiration 1distress2S T%pes5 +ssessment5 -ana0ement o @om ort E 16ain2 E Aat)re5 T%pes5 Cactors in l)encin0 6ain5 @opin05 +ssessment5 -ana0ementS o Treatment related to 0astrointestinal s%stem G nasoB0astric s)ction5 0astric irri0ation5 0astric anal%sis.
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


M 7ect)re disc)ssion M @ase /isc)ssions M ')pervised @linical practice M E(plain care o Care of $erminall( ill 5atient terminall% ill o @oncepts o 7oss5 #rie 5 0rievin0 6rocess patient o 'i0ns o clinical death o @are o d%in0 patientG special considerations +dvance directivesG E)thanasia5 will5 d%in0 declaration5 or0an donation etc. o -edicoBle0al iss)es o @are o dead bod%G eI)ipment5 proced)re and care o )nit o +)tops% o Embalmin0
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M @ase /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/207607805.doc

4D disc)ssion/!ole pla% M 6ractice session M ')pervised @linical practice



!nit R83

$ime =)rs> 6

"earning O3&ectives M E(plain the basic concepts o concept)al and theoretical models o n)rsin0

Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 8rofessional Nursing conce5ts and 5ractices M @oncept)al and theoretical models o n)rsin0 practiceG 3ntrod)ction o modelsBholistic model5 health belie model5 health promotion model etc. M 3ntrod)ction to Theories in A)rsin0S 6epla)Ts5 &endersonTs5 4remTs5 Ae)manTs5 !o0erTs and !o%Ts M 7in,in0 theories with n)rsin0 process
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

M 7ect)re disc)ssion



Nursing Doundations A 8ractical

8lacementG Cirst :ear Time G 6ractical E 650 ho)rs 1200 lab and 450 clinicals2

Course Descri5tion? This @o)rse is desi0ned to help the st)dents to develop an )nderstandin0 o the philosoph%5 ob"ectives5 theories5 and process o n)rsin0 in vario)s clinical settin0s. 3t is aimed at helpin0 the st)dents to acI)ire ,nowled0e5 )nderstandin0 and s,ills in techniI)es o n)rsin0 and practice them in clinical settin0s. $ime =)rs> /emonstr 200 ation 7ab 450 #eneral -inim)m -edical practice and time in ')r0er% clinical ward areaG 100 #reas O3&ectives M 6er orms admission and dischar0e proced)re S,ills )os5ital admission and disc'arge =III> M +dmission M 6repare $nit or new patient M 6repare admission bed M 6er orms admission proced)re o Aew patient o Trans er in M 6repare patient records Disc'arge E $ransfer out M #ives dischar0e co)nselin0 M 6er orm dischar0e proced)re 16lanned dischar0e5 7+-+ and abscond5 !e errals and trans ers2 M 6repare records o dischar0e/trans er M /ismantle5 and disin ect )nit and eI)ipment a ter dischar0e / trans er. M 6repares n)rsin0 care plans as per the n)rsin0 process ormat 8erform assessment? M &istor% ta,in05 A)rsin0 dia0nosis5 problem list5 6rioritiHation5 #oals F E(pected 4)tcomes5 selection o interventions M *rite A)rsin0 @are 6lan M #ives care as per the plan M *rite n)rsin0 process records o patient M 'im)latedB1 M +ct)al B 1 M+ssessment o n)rsin0 process records with chec,list M +ssessment o act)al care 0iven with ratin0 scale #ssignments M 6ractice in $nit/hospital #ssessment %et'ods M Eval)ate with chec,list M +ssessment o clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale M @ompetition o practical record

M@omm)nicat e e ectivel% with patient5 amilies and tea members and

Communication M $se verbal and non verbal comm)nication techniI)es

M !oleBpla%s in sim)lated sit)ations on comm)nication techniI)esB1 M &ealth tal,B1

M +ssess role pla%s with the chec, list on comm)nicatio n techniI)es M +ssess


52 M -aintain e ective h)man relations M /evelops plan or patient teachin0 8re5are a 5lan for 5atient teac'ing session health tal, with the chec,list M+ssessment o comm)nicatio n techniI)es b% ratin0 scale M+ssessment o per ormance with ratin0 scale

M 6repare patient reports M 6resents reports

6rite 5atient re5ort M @han0eBo shi t reports5 Trans er reports5 3ncident reports etc. M 6resents patient report

M *rite n)rses notes and present the patient report o 2B> assi0ned patient M 7ab practice M -eas)re 8ital si0ns o assi0ned patient

M+ssessment o each s,ill with chec,list M@ompletion o activit% record

M -onitor vital si0ns

Vital Signs M -eas)re5 !ecords and interpret alterations in bod% temperat)re5 p)lse respiration and blood press)re

M 6er orm heath assessment o each bod% s%stem

)ealt' assessment M &ealth histor% ta,in0 M 6er orm assessmentG o #eneral o <od% s%stem M $se vario)s methods o ph%sical e(amination M 3nspection5 6alpation5 6erc)ssion5 +)sc)ltation5 4l action M 3denti ication o s%stem wise deviations 8re5are 8atient/s unitG M 6repare bedsG o 4pen5 closed5 occ)pied5 operation5 amp)tation5 o @ardiac5 act)re5 b)rn5 /ivided5 F Cowlers bed M 6ractice in lab F hospital M 'im)lated e(ercise on @6! mani,in

M+ssessment o each s,ill with ratin0 scale M@ompletion o activit% record

M 6rovide basic n)rsin0 care to patients

M +ssess observation st)d% in chec,list


5> M 6ain assessment and provision or com ort !se comfort devices )(gienic care M 4ral h%0ieneG M <aths and care o press)re points M &air wash5 6edic)losis treatment Deeding? M 4ral5 Enteral5 Aaso/4ro0astric5 0astrostom% and 6arenteral eedin0 M AasoB0astric insertion5 s)ction5 and irri0ation #ssisting 5atient in urinar( elimination M 6rovides )rinal/bed pan M @ondom draina0e M 6erineal care M @atheteriHation M @are o )rinar% draina0e Bladder irrigation #ssisting 3o4el liminationG M 3nsertion o Clat)s t)be M Enemas M 3nsertion o ')ppositor% Bo4el 4as' Bod( #lignment and %o3ilit(? o !an0e o motion e(ercises o 6ositionin0G !ec)mbent5 7ateral 1rt/lt25 Clowers5 'ims5 7ithotom%5 6rone5 Trendelenb)r0 position o +ssist patient in -ovin0 li tin05 trans errin05 wal,in05 o !estraints O:(gen administration Suctioning? Oro5'ar(ngeal* naso5'ar(ngeal C'est 5'(siot'era5( and 5ostural drainage Care of C'est drainage C8R@Basic life su55ort M 4bservation st)d% B 2 M /epartment o 3n ection control F @''/ M 8isits @''/ write observation report 1 M @ollection o samples or c)lt)re M /o clinical postin0s in in ection control department and write report M 6ractice in lab/ward


54 Intravenous t'era5( Blood and 3lood com5onent t'era5( CollectEassist for collection of s5ecimens for investigations !rine* s5utum* faeces* vomitus* 3lood and ot'er 3od( fluids 8erform la3 tests? M $rineG s)0ar5 alb)min5 acetone M <loodG s)0ar1with strip/ 0l)coB meter2 )ot and cold a55lications? 7ocal and 0eneral 'itH bath Communicating and assisting 4it' self@care of visuall( L 'earing im5aired 5atients Communicating and assisting 4it' self@care of mentall( c'allengedEdistur3ed 5atients Recreational and diversional t'era5ies. Caring of 5atient 4it' alteration in sensorium Infection control M 6er orm ollowin0 proced)res G o &and washin0 techniI)es o 1'imple5 hand antisepsis and s)r0ical antisepsis 1scr)b2 o 6repare isolation )nit in lab/ward o 6ractice techniI)e o wearin0 and removin0 6ersonal protective eI)ipment 166E2 o 6ractice 'tandard sa et% preca)tions 1$niversal preca)tions2 M 6er orm in ection control proced)res Decontamination of e<ui5ment and unit?@ M ')r0ical asepsisG o 'teriliHation o &andlin0 steriliHed eI)ipment o @alc)late stren0ths o lotions5

M Eval)ate all proced)res with chec,list


55 o 6repare lotions @are o articles 8re and 5ost o5erative careG M ',in preparations or s)r0er% G 7ocal M 6reparation o 6ost operative )nit M 6re F 6ost operative teachin0 and co)nselin0 M 6re F 6ost operative monitorin0 M @are o the wo)nd M /ressin0s5 ')t)re @are5 care o /raina0e5 +pplication o <anda0es5 <inders5 splints F 'lin0s M <anda0in0 o vario)s bod% parts #dministration of medications M +dminister medications in di erent orms and ro)tes M 4ral5 ')blin0)al and <)ccal M 6arenteral G 3ntradermal5 s)bc)taneo)s5 3ntram)sc)lar etc. M +ssist with 3ntra veno)s mediations M /r)0 meas)rements and dose calc)lations M 6reparation o lotions and sol)tions M +dministers topical applications M 3nsertion o dr)0 into bod% cavit%G ')ppositor% F medicated pac,in0 etc. M 3nstillation o medicines and spra% into Ear5 E%e5 Aose and throat M 3rri0ationsG E%e5 Ear5 <ladder5 8a0ina and !ect)m M 3nhalationsG dr% and moist Care of d(ing 5atient M @arin0 and pac,in0 o dead bod% M @o)nselin0 and s)pportin0 0rievin0 relatives M Terminal care o the )nit

M 6rovide care to pre and post operative patients M 6er orm proced)res or care o wo)nds

M +dminister dr)0s

M 6rovide care to d%in0 and dead M @o)nsel and s)pport relatives.


56 Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination for Nursing Doundations Theory There shall be one theor% paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. /istrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s or A)rsin0 Co)ndations shall be as 0iven )nder. $(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s %ractical a d &iva-voce There shall be practical and vivaBvoce e(amination carr%in0 100 mar,s. The practical e(aminations m)st be held in the respective clinical areas. 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct practical /clinical e(amination or each st)dent. +ssessment methods are 0iven in col)mn 6 )nder co)rse description. No. of Buestions 2 10 10 %ar,s 10 5 > Su3@total 20 50 >0 100



8lacementG Cirst :ear $imeG Theor% 60 &o)rs Course Descri5tionG This co)rse is desi0ned to assist the st)dents to acI)ire ,nowled0e o )ndaments o 6s%cholo0% and develop an insi0ht into behavio)r o sel and others. C)rther it is aimed at helpin0 them to practice the principles o mental h%0iene or promotin0 mental health in A)rsin0 practice. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 2 "earning O3&ectives M /escribe the histor%5 scope and methods o 6s%cholo0% Content and IntroductionG M &istor% and ori0in o 'cience o 6s%cholo0% M /e initions and scope o 6s%cholo0% M !elevance to A)rsin0 M -ethods o 6s%cholo0%
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M E(plain the <iolo0% o &)man behavio)r

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion Biolog( of Be'aviour M <od% mind relationship E mod)lation process in health and illness. M #enetics and behavio)r G &eredit% and Environment M <rain and behavio)rG Aervo)s s%stem5 Ae)rons and s%napse M +ssociation corte(5 !t and 7t &emispheres M 6s%cholo0% o sensations M -)sc)lar and 0land)lar controls o behavio)r M Aat)re o behavio)r o an or0anism/inte0rated responses
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M /escribe vario)s co0nitive processes and their applications

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion Cognitive 5rocesses K +ttentionG T%pes5 determinants5 d)ration and de0ree5 alterations K 6erceptionG -eanin05 6rinciples5 actors a ectin05 errors M 7earnin0G Aat)re5 T%pes5 learner and learnin05 Cactors in l)encin05 laws and theories5 process5 trans er5 st)d% habits. M -emor%G -eanin05 t%pes5 nat)re actors in l)encin05 development theories and methods o memoriHin0 and or0ettin0 M Thin,in0G T%pes and levels5 sta0es o development5 relationship with lan0)a0e and comm)nication M 3ntelli0enceG -eanin05 classi ication5 )ses5 theories M +ptit)deG @oncepts5 t%pes5 individ)al di erences


58 and variabilit%. M 6s%chometric assessments o co0nitive processes M +lterations in co0nitive processes M +pplications
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M /escribe motivation5 emotions5 stress5 attit)des and their in l)ence on behavio)r

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion %otivation and motional 5rocesses? M -otivationG -eanin05 concepts5 t%pes5 theories5 motives and behavio)r5 con licts and r)stration5 con lict resol)tion M Emotions and stress o EmotionsG /e inition5 components5 chan0es in emotions5 theories5 emotional ad")stments5 emotions in health and illness. o 'tressG stressors5 c%cle5 e ect5 adaptation and copin0 M +ttit)deG -eanin05 nat)re5 development5 actors a ectin05 o <ehavio)r and attit)des o +ttit)dinal chan0e M 6s%chometric assessments o emotions and attit)des M +lterations in emotions M +pplications
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M E(plain the concepts o personalit% and its in l)ence on behavio)r

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion 8ersonalit( M /e initions5 topo0raph%5 t%pes5 Theories M 6s%chometric assessments o personalit% M +lterations in personalit% M +pplications
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M /escribe 6s%cholo0% o people d)rin0 the li e c%cle

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion Develo5mental 8s(c'olog( M 6s%cholo0% o people at di erent a0es rom in anc% to old a0e M 6s%cholo0% o v)lnerable individ)alsBchallen0ed5 women5 sic,5 etc. M 6s%cholo0% o 0ro)ps
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M /escribe the characteristics o M -entall% health person M E(plain e0o de ence

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion %ental '(giene and mental )ealt' M @oncepts o mental h%0iene and mental health M @haracteristics o mentall% health% person M *arnin0 si0ns o poor mental health M 6romotive and 6reventive mental healthBstrate0ies and services M E0o /e ence mechanisms and implications


5D mechanisms M 6ersonal and social ad")stments M #)idance and co)nselin0 M !ole o n)rse
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M E(plain the 6s%cholo0ical assessments and role o n)rse

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M @ase /isc)ssion M !ole 6la% M /emonstraB tion 8s(c'ological assessment L tests M T%pes5 development5 @haracteristics5 6rinciples5 $ses5 3nterpretations and !ole o n)rse in ps%cholo0ical assessment
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice sessions



8lacementG Cirst :ear $imeG Theor%B60 &o)rs 1Theor% 45K15 lab2 Course Descri5tionG This co)rse is desi0ned to enable st)dents to acI)ire )nderstandin0 o )ndamentals o -icrobiolo0% and identi ication o vario)s microor0anisms. 3t also provides opport)nities or practicin0 in ection control meas)res in hospital and comm)nit% settin0s. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> $' 8r 5 "earning O3&ectives M E(plain concepts and principles o microbiolo0 % and their importance in n)rsin0 M /escribe str)ct)re5 classi icatio n morpholo0% and 0rowth o bacteria M 3denti % -icroB or0anisms Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( IntroductionG M 3mportance and relevance to n)rsin0 M &istorical perspective M @oncepts and terminolo0% M 6rinciples o microbiolo0%
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M 7ect)re /isc)ssion General c'aracteristics of %icro3es M 'tr)ct)re and classi ication o -icrobes M -orpholo0ical t%pes M 'iHe and orm o bacteria M -otilit% M @oloniHation M #rowth and n)trition o microbes o Temperat)re o -oist)re o <lood and bod% l)ids M 7aborator% methods or 3denti ication o -icroBor0anisms M 'tainin0 techniI)es5 #ram stainin05 +cid ast stainin05 &an0in0 drop preparation M @)lt)reS vario)s medias $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration Infection Control K 3n ectionG 'o)rces5 portals o entr% and e(it5 transmission M +sepsis M /isin ectionG T%pes and methods M 'teriliHationG T%pes and methods M @hemotherap% and antibiotics M 'tandard sa et% meas)res M <iomedical waste mana0ement M !ole o A)rse M &ospital acI)ired in ection M &ospital in ection control pro0ramme o 6rotocols5 collection o samples5 preparation o report and



M /escribe the methods o in ection control M 3denti % the role o n)rse in hospital in ection control pro0ramme


61 stat)s o rate o in ection in the )nit/ hospital5 n)rseTs acco)ntabilit%5 contin)in0 ed)cation etc.
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M /escribe the di erent disease prod)cin0 or0anisms

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M 8isits to @''/ M @linical practice 8at'ogenic organisms M -icroBor0anisms o @occi E 0ram positive and 0ram ne0ative o bacilli E 0ram positive and 0ram ne0ative o 'pirochaete o -%coplasma o !ic,ettsiae o @hlam%diae M 8ir)ses M C)n0iB')per icial and /eep m%coses M 6arasites M !odents F vectors @haracteristics5 'o)rce5 portal o entr%5 transmission o in ection 3denti ication o disease prod)cin0 microBor0anisms collection5 handlin0 and transportation o vario)s specimens
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M @linical practice 8 8 4 E(plain the concept o imm)nit%5 h%per sensitivit% and imm)niHatio n Immunit( M 3mm)nit% E T%pes5 classi ication5 M +nti0en F antibod% reaction M&%persensitivit% E s,in test5 M 'erolo0ical tests M 3mm)noproph%la(is o 8accines F sera E T%pes F classi ication5 stora0e and handlin05 cold chain o 3mm)niHation or vario)s diseases o 3mm)niHation sched)le
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M @linical practice



Introduction to Com5uters
8lacementG Cirst :ear $imeG Theor% E 45 &o)rs Course Descri5tionG This co)rse is desi0ned or st)dents to develop basic )nderstandin0 o )ses o comp)ter and its application in A)rsin0. !nit $ime =)rs> 8r $' > "earning O3&ectives M 3denti % F de ine vario)s concepts )sed in comp)ter M 3denti % application o comp)ter in n)rsin0 Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 3ntrod)ctionG M @oncepts o @omp)ters M &ardware and so twareS trends and technolo0% M +pplication o comp)ters in n)rsin0. $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M 3ntrod)ction to dis, E operatin0 s%stem o /4' o *indows 1all version2 M 3ntrod)ction o -'B*ord o -'BE(cel with pictorial presentation o -'B+ccess o -'B6ower point $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M6ractice session 333 2 > M /emonstrate s,ill in )sin0 m)ltiB media M 3denti % eat)res o comp)ter aided teachin0 and testin0 M /emonstrate )se o internet and Email M -)ltimediaS t%pes F )ses M @omp)ter aided teachin0 F testin0 $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M $se o 3nternet andG eBmail $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M 'hort answers M 4b"ective t%pe M 6ractical E(am and 8iva 8oce M 'hort answers M 4b"ective t%pe #ssessment %et'ods Dor Internal #ssessment M 'hort answers M 4b"ective t%pe



M /escribe and $se the /is, 4peratin0 '%stem M /emonstrate s,ill in the )se o -' 4 ice

M 'hort answers M 4b"ective t%pe M 6ractical E(am




6> M /emonstration M 6ractice session 8 2 2 M /escribe and )se the statistical pac,a0es M 'tatistical pac,a0esG t%pes and their eat)res $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice session M &ospital -ana0ement '%stemG T%pes and )ses $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractical E(am and 8iva 8oce M 'hort answers M 4b"ective t%pe M 6ractical E(am and 8iva 8oce M 'hort answers M 4b"ective t%pe M 6ractical E(am and 8iva 8oce


M /escribe the )se o &ospital -ana0ement '%stem

Sc'eme of :amination $'eor( Nursing Doundations* 8s(c'olog(* %icro3iolog(* nglis' and Introduction to Com5uter There shall be one paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s or each o the s)b"ects mentioned above.
$a3le 6= >? Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for Nursing Doundations* 8s(c'olog(* %icro3iolog(* nglis' and Introduction to Com5uterM =200 mar,s for eac' su3&ect>

$(5e of Buestions No. of Buestions %ar,s Su3@total 7on0 Essa% 17E2 2 10 20 'hort Essa% 1'E2 10 5 50 'hort +nswer 1'+2 10 > >0 Total -ar,s 100 '()ami atio for I trod*ctio to Com+*ter to ,e co d*cted a$ colle!e e)ami atio a d mar-$ to ,e $e t to the . iver$ity for i cl*$io i the mar-$ $heet . 8ractical and Viva@voce :amination. 6ractical and 8ivaBvoce e(amination shall be held or A)rsin0 Co)ndations s)b"ect onl%. -ar,s or )niversit% e(amination shall be 100 mar,s. +ssessment methods shall be as 0iven in the te(t o A)rsin0 Co)ndations 6ractical.



8lacement G 'econd :ear $imeG Theor% 60 &o)rs Course Descri5tion G This co)rse is desi0ned to introd)ce the concepts o sociolo0% related to comm)nit% and social instit)tions in 3ndia and its relationship with health5 illness and n)rsin0. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 1 "earning O3&ectives M 'tate the importance o sociolo0% in A)rsin0 Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( Introduction M /e inition o 'ociolo0% M Aat)re and 'cope o the discipline M 3mportance and application o 'ociolo0% in A)rsin0 $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( M 7ect)re /isc)ssion 33 > M /escribe the interB relationship o individ)al in societ% and comm)nit% Individual and Societ( M 'ociet% and @omm)nit% M Aat)re o 'ociet% M /i erence between 'ociet% and @omm)nit% M 6rocess o 'ocialiHation and individ)aliHation M 6ersonal disor0aniHation
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M/escribe the in l)ence o c)lt)re and disease

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion Culture M Aat)re o c)lt)re M Evol)tion o c)lt)re M /iversit% and )ni ormit% o c)lt)re M @)lt)re and socialiHation M Transc)lt)ral societ% M 3n l)ence on health and disease
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M3denti % vario)s social 0ro)ps and their interactions

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M 6anel /isc)ssion Social grou5s and 5rocesses M The meanin0 and classi ication o 0ro)ps M 6rimar% F 'econdar% 0ro)p M 3nB0ro)p 8/s. 4)tB0ro)p5 class tribe5 caste M Economic5 6olitical5 !eli0io)s5 0ro)ps5 -ob5 @rowd5 6)blic and +)dience 3nteraction F 'ocial 6rocesses M @oBoperation5 @ompetition5 @on lict M +ccommodation5 +ssimilation F 3solation
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/207607805.doc

65 8 6 M E(plain the 0rowth o pop)lation in 3ndia and its impact on health 8o5ulation M 'ociet% and pop)lation M 6op)lation distrib)tion in 3ndia /emo0raphic characteristics M -alth)sian theor% o 6op)lations M 6op)lation e(plosion in 3ndia and its impact on health stat)s M Camil% wel are pro0rammes
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M @omm)nit% identi ication M /escribe the Damil( and %arriage 3nstit)tions o M Camil% E )nctions amil% and M T%pes E Qoint5 A)clear5 blended and e(tended marria0e in amil%G characteristics 3ndia M The modern amil% chan0es5 problems E dowr% etc5 wel are services M @han0es and le0islations on amil% and marria0e in 3ndia E -arria0e acts M -arria0eG orms and )nctions o marria0e M -arria0e and amil% problems in 3ndia M Camil%5 -arria0e and their in l)ence on health and health practices
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M Camil% case st)d% M /escribe the Social stratification class and M -eanin0 and t%pes o social strati ication caste s%stem M The 3ndian caste s%stemBori0in and eat)res and their M Ceat)res o caste in 3ndia toda% in l)ence on M 'ocial class s%stem and stat)s health and M 'ocial -obilit% E-eanin0 F t%pes health M !ace as a biolo0ical concept5 criteria o racial practices classi ication M 'alient eat)res o 6rimar% racesB!acism M 3n l)ence o @lass5 @aste and !ace on health and health practices
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M @omm)nit% s)rve% M /escribe the $(5es of Communities in India =Rural* !r3an and t%pes o Regional> comm)nities M Ceat)res o villa0e comm)nit% and characteristics in 3ndia5 their o 3ndian villa0es 6ancha%at s%stem5 social d%namics practices and M @omm)nit% /evelopment pro"ect F plannin0 the impact on M @han0es in 3ndian !)ral li e health M +vailabilit% o health acilities in r)ral and its impact on health and health practices


66 M $rbanE@omm)nit% E eat)res M The 0rowth o citiesG )rbaniHation and its impact on health and health practices M -a"or $rban problems E $rban 'l)ms M !e0ionG 6roblems and impact on &ealth $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M 8isits to r)ral and )rban comm)nit% M @omm)nit% s)rve% M E(plain the Social C'ange process o K Aat)re and process o social chan0e 'ocial @han0e M Cactors in l)encin0 'ocial chan0eG c)lt)ral chan0e5 @)lt)ral la0. M 3ntrod)ction to Theories o social chan0eG G7inear5 @%clical5 -ar(ian5 C)nctional !ole o n)rseB@han0e a0ents
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M /escribe the 'ocial s%stem and interB relationship o social or0aniHations

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion Social Organi;ation and Social S(stem M 'ocial or0aniHationG elements5 t%pes M /emocratic and a)thoritarian modes o participation M 8ol)ntar% association M 'ocial s%stemG /e inition and T%pes o social s%stem M !ole and 'tat)s as str)ct)ral elements o social s%stem M 3nterBrelationship o instit)tions
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M E(plain the nat)re and process o social control

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M 4bservation visits Social control M Aat)re and process o social control M 6olitical5 7e0al5 !eli0io)s5 Ed)cational5 Economic5 3nd)strial and Technolo0ical s%stem5 Aorms F 8al)es E Col,wa%s F -ores @)stoms5 7aws and ashion !ole o A)rse
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M @omm)nit% s)rve% M /escribe the Social 8ro3lems role o the K 'ocial disor0aniHation n)rse in M @ontrol F plannin0G povert%5 ho)sin05 illiterac%5 dealin0 with ood s)pplies5 prostit)tion5 ri0hts o women F social children5 v)lnerable 0ro)psG Elderl%5 handicapped5


67 problems in 3ndia minorit% 0ro)ps and other mar0inaliHed 0ro)ps5 child labo)r5 child ab)se5 delinI)enc% and crime5 s)bstance ab)se5 &38/+ids M 'ocial wel are pro0rammes in 3ndia !ole o A)rse
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M 3nstit)tional visits Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination? Sociolog( $'eor(

There shall be one paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s
Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for Sociolog(

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 2 10 10

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 20 50 >0 100

Ao 6ractical E(amination.



8lacement ? 'econd :ear $ime ? Theor% E 45 ho)rs Course Descri5tionG This co)rse is desi0ned to enable st)dents to acI)ire )nderstandin0 o pharmacoBd%namics5 pharmaco,inetics5 principles o therape)tics and n)rsin0 implications. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> > "earning O3&ectives /escribe pharmacoB ,inetics5 classi ication and the principles o dr)0 administratio n Content and $eac'ing learning #ctivities Introduction to 5'armacolog( /e initions 'o)rces Terminolo0% )sed T%pesG @lassi ication 6harmacod%namicsG +ctions5 therape)tic +dverse5 to(ic 6harmaco,inetics G absorption5 distrib)tion5 metabolism5 interaction5 e(cretion !eviewG !o)tes and principles o administration o dr)0s 3ndian pharmacopoeia G 7e0al iss)es !ational )se o dr)0s 6rinciples o therape)tics
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


E(plain @hemotherap% o speci ic in ections and in estations and n)rseTs responsibilities

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion C'emot'era5( 6harmacolo0% o commonl% )sedS 6enicillin @ephalosporins +mino0l%cosides -acrolide F <road 'pectr)m +ntibiotics ')l onamides ?)inolones +ntiamoebic +ntimalarials +nthelmintics +ntiscabies a0ents +ntiviral F antiB )n0al a0ents +ntit)berc)lar dr)0s +nti lepros% dr)0s +nticancer dr)0s 3mm)noBs)ppressants @omposition5 action5 dosa0e5 ro)te5 indications5 contraindications5 dr)0 interactions5 side e ects5 adverse e ects5 to(icit% and role o n)rse


Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


/escribe #ntise5tics disin ectants5 insecticides and n)rseTs responsibilities

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /r)0 st)d%/ presentation 8'armacolog( of commonl( used antise5tics* disinfectants and insecticides +ntisepticsS /isin ectants 3nsecticides
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


/escribe /r)0s actin0 on #astro 3ntestinal s%stem and n)rseTs responsibilitie s

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /r)0 st)d%/ presentation Drugs acting on G.I. s(stem 6harmacolo0% o commonl% )sed E +ntiemetics5 Emetics 6)r0atives +ntacids @holiner0ic +nticholiner0ics Cl)id and electrol%te therap% +nti diarrhoeals &istamines @omposition5 action5 dosa0e5 ro)te5 indications5 contraindications5 dr)0 interactions5 side e ects5 adverse e ects5 to(icit% and role o n)rse
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion

M /r)0 st)d%/ presentation

8 2 /escribe /r)0s )sed on !espirator% s%stems and n)rseTs responsibilitie s Drugs used on Res5irator( S(stems 6harmacolo0% o commonl% )sed E +ntiasthmatics -)col%tics /econ0estants E(pectorants +ntit)ssives <ronchodilators <roncho constrictors +ntihistamines @omposition5 action5 dosa0e5 ro)te5 indications5 contraindications5 dr)0 interactions5 side e ects5 adverse e ects5 to(icit% and role o n)rse
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


/escribe /r)0s )sed on $rinar%

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /r)0 st)d%/ presentation Drugs used on !rinar( S(stem 6harmacolo0% o commonl% )sed E /i)retics and antidi)retics


70 '%stem and n)rseTs responsibilitie s $rinar% antiseptics @holiner0ic and anticholiner0ics +cidi iers and al,alaniHers Com5osition* action* dosage* route* indications* contraindications* drug interactions* side effects* adverse effects* to:icit( and role of nurse

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion

K /r)0 st)d%/ presentation

833 4 /escribe /r)0s )sed in /ead diction5 emer0enc%5 de icienc% o vitamins F minerals5 poisonin05 or imm)niHation and imm)noB s)ppression and n)rseTs responsibilitie s /escribe /r)0s )sed on s,in and m)co)s membranes and n)rseTs responsibilitie s /escribe /r)0s )sed on Aervo)s '%stem and n)rseTs responsibilitie s %iscellaneous /r)0s )sed in deBaddiction /r)0s )sed in @6! and emer0enc% 8itamins and minerals 3mm)nos)ppresants +ntidotes +ntivenom 8accines and sera
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /r)0 st)d%/ presentation Drugs used on s,in and mucous mem3ranes Topical applications or s,in5 e%e5 ear5 nose and b)ccal cavit% +ntipr)ritics @omposition5 action5 dosa0e5 ro)te5 indications5 contraindicaBtions5 dr)0 interactions5 side e ects5 adverse e ects5 to(icit% and role o n)rse
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


M 7ect)re /isc)ssion

K /r)0 st)d%/ presentation

3R 8 Drugs acting on Nervous s(stem <asic F applied 6harmacoBlo0% o commonl% )sed G +nal0esics and +naesthetics +nal0esics - Aon steroidal anti B in lammator% 1A'+3/2 dr)0s +ntip%retics &%pnotics and 'edatives - 4pioids - AonB4pioids - TranI)iliHers - #eneral F local anesthetics - #ases G o(%0en5 nitro)s o(ide5 carbonBdio(ide @holiner0ic and antiBcholiner0icsG -)scle rela(ants


71 -a"or tranI)iliHers +ntiBps%chotics +ntidepressants +nticonv)lsants +drener0ics Aoradre0enics -ood stabiliHers +cet%lcholine 'tim)lants @omposition5 action5 dosa0e5 ro)te5 indications5 contraindications5 dr)0 interactions5 side e ects5 adverse e ects5 to(icit% and role o n)rse

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

/escribe /r)0s )sed on @ardioB vasc)lar '%stem and n)rseTs responsibilitie s

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /r)0 st)d%/ presentation Cardiovascular drugs &aematinics @ardiotonics +nti an0inals +ntiBh%pertensives F 8asodilators +ntiBarrh%thmics 6lasma e(panders @oa0)lants F anticoa0)lants +ntiplatelets F thrombol%tics &%polipidemics @omposition5 action5 dosa0e5 ro)te5 indications5 contraindiBcations5 dr)0 interactions5 side e ects5 adverse e ects5 to(icit% and role o n)rse
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /r)0 st)d%/ presentation Drugs used for 'ormonal disorders L /escribe su55lementation* contrace5tion and medical dr)0s )sed or termination of 5regnanc( hormonal 3ns)lins F 4ral h%po0l%cemics disorders and s)pplemenBtation5 Th%roid s)pplements and s)ppressants contraception and 'teroids5 +nabolics medical $terine stim)lants and rela(ants termination o 4ral contraceptives pre0nanc% and 4ther estro0enBpro0estrone preparations n)rseTs @orticotrophine F #onadotropines responsibilities +drenaline 6rosta0landins @alcitonins @alci)m salts @alci)m re0)lators


72 @omposition5 action5 dosa0e5 ro)te5 indications5 contraindications5 dr)0 interactions5 side e ects5 adverse e ects5 to(icit% and role o n)rse
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


/emonstrate awareness o the common dr)0s )sed in alternative s%stem Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$ M 7ect)re /isc)ssion o medicine M 4bservational 8isits

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /r)0 st)d%/ presentation Introduction to Drugs used in alternative s(stems of medicine? +%)rveda5 &omeopath%5 $nani and 'iddha etc.



Section # A 8at'olog(
8lacement ? 'econd :ear $ime ? Theor% E 45 ho)rs Course Descri5tion ? This co)rse is desi0ned to enable st)dents to acI)ire ,nowled0e o patholo0% o vario)s disease conditions and appl% this ,nowled0e in practice o n)rsin0. !nit I $ime =)rs> Th. 6r. > O3&ectives

Content and $eac'ing "earning %et'ods

/e ine the common terms )sed in patholo0% +ppreciate the deviations rom normal to abnormal str)ct)re and )nctions o the bod% s%stem

33 10 5 E(plain 6atholo0ical chan0es in disease conditions o vario)s s%stems

Introduction 3mportance o the st)d% o patholo0% /e inition o terms -ethods and techniI)es @ell)lar and Tiss)e chan0es 3n iltration and re0eneration 3n lammations and 3n ections *o)nd healin0 8asc)lar chan0es @ell)lar 0rowth5 Aeoplasms Aormal and @ancer cell <eni0n and -ali0nant 0rowths 3n sit) carcinoma /ist)rbances o l)id and electrol%te imbalance 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

'pecial patholo0% 6atholo0ical chan0es in disease conditions o vario)s s%stemsG !espirator% tract T)berc)losis5 <ronchitis5 6le)ral e )sion and pne)monia 7)n0 abscess5 emph%sema5 bronchiectasis <ronchial asthma5 @hronic obstr)ctive 6)lmonar% disease and t)mo)rs @ardioBvasc)lar s%stem 6ericardial e )sion !he)matic heart disease 3n ective endocarditis5 atherosclerosis 3schemia5 in arction F ane)r%sm #astro 3ntestinal Tract 6eptic )lcer5 t%phoid @arcinoma o #3 tractBb)ccal5 Esopha0eal5 #astric F intestinal 7iver5 #all bladder F pancreas



333 4 > /escribe vario)s laborator% tests in assessment and monitorin0 o disease conditions

&epatitis5 @hronic liver abscess5 cirrhosis T)mo)rs o liver5 0all bladder and pancreas5 @holec%stitis .idne%s F $rinar% tract #lomer)lonephritis5 p%elonephritis @alc)li5 renal ail)re5 renal carcinoma F c%stitis -ale 0enital s%stems @r%ptorchidism5 testic)lar atroph% 6rostatic h%perplasia5 carcinoma 6enis F prostate Cemale 0enital s%stem Cibroids @arcinoma cervi( and Endometri)m 8esic)lar mole5 choriocarcinoma Ectopic 0estation 4varian c%st F t)mo)rs @ancer <reast @entral Aervo)s s%stem &%drocephal)s5 -enin0itis5 encephalitis5 8asc)lar disorders E thrombosis5 embolism 'tro,e5 paraple0ia5 I)adriple0ia T)mo)rs5 menin0iomasB0liomas -etastatic t)mo)r ',eletal s%stem <one healin05 osteoporosis5 osteom%elitis +rthritis F t)mo)rs 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides5 specimen5 RBra%s and scans 8isit to 6atholo0% lab5 endoscop% )nit and 4T

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

@linical patholo0% 8ario)s blood and bone marrow tests in assessment and monitorin0 o disease conditions &emo0lobin !<@5 *hite cell F platelet co)nts <leedin0 time5 clottin0 time and prothrombine time <lood 0ro)pin0 and cross matchin0 <lood chemistr% <lood c)lt)re 'erolo0ical and imm)nolo0ical tests 4ther blood tests E(amination o <one marrow -ethods o collection o blood specimen or vario)s clinical patholo0%5 biochemistr%5 microbiolo0% tests5 in erence and normal val)es
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


75 7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstration 8isit to @linical 6atholo0% F <ioB@hemistr% lab and <lood ban, E(amination o bod% cavit% l)ids5 trans)dates and /escribe the e()dates laborator% The laboratories tests )sed in @'C anal%sis tests or e(amination E(amination o other bod% cavit% l)ids5 o bod% cavit% trans)dates and e()dates Esp)t)m5 wo)nd l)ids5 dischar0e etc trans)dates +nal%sis o 0astric and d)odenal contents and e()dates +nal%sis o semenBsperm co)nt5 motilit% and morpholo0% and their importance in in ertilit% -ethods o collection o @'C and other cavit% l)ids specimen or vario)s clinical patholo0%5 biochemistr%5 microbiolo0% tests5 in erence and normal val)es
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


8 1 1 /escribe laborator% tests or e(amination o $rine and aeces

7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstration

!rine and faeces $rine 6h%sical characteristics +nal%sis @)lt)re and sensitivit% Caeces @haracteristics 'tool e(amination G occ)lt blood5 ova5 parasite and c%st5 red)cin0 s)bstance etc. -ethods o collection or vario)s tests5 in erence and normal val)es
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstration



Section B A Genetics
8lacement ? 'econd :ear $ime ? Theor% E 15 ho)rs Course Descri5tion ? This co)rse is desi0ned to enable st)dents to acI)ire )nderstandin0 o #enetics5 its role in ca)sation and mana0ement o de ects and diseases !nit 3 $ime =)rs> > O3&ectives E(plain nat)re5 principles and perspecB tives o heredit% Content and $eac'ing "earning $eac'ing "earning #ctivities #ctivities 3ntrod)ction G 7ect)re 6ractical application o /isc)ssion 0enetics in A)rsin0 E(plain )sin0 3mpact o 0enetic condition charts5 slides on amilies !eview o cell)lar division mitosis and meiosis. @haracteristics and str)ct)re o 0enes @hromosomes E se( determination @hromosomal aberrations 6atterns o inheritance -endalian theor% o inheritance -)ltiple allots and blood 0ro)ps 'e( lin,ed inheritance -echanism o inheritance Errors in transmission 1-)tation2
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$



E(plain -aternal5 prenatal and 0enetic in l)ences on developBment o de ects and diseases

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides -aternal5 prenatal and 0enetic in l)ences on development o de ects and diseases @onditions a ectin0 the mother G 0enetic and in ections @onsan0)init% atop% 6renatal n)trition and ood aller0ies -aternal +0e -aternal dr)0 therap% 6renatal testin0 and dia0nosis E ect o !adiation5 dr)0s and

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides


77 chemicals 3n ertilit% 'pontaneo)s abortion Ae)ral T)be /e ects and the role o olic acid in lowerin0 the ris,s /own s%ndrome 1Trisom% 212

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


E(plain the screenin0 methods or 0enetic de ects and diseases in neonates and children

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides #enetic testin0 in the neonates and children 'creenin0 or @on0enital abnormalities /evelopmental dela% /%smorphism
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides


7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides #enetic conditions o adolescents 3denti % and ad)lts 0enetic disorders in @ancer 0enetics E Camilial adolesB @ancer cents and 3nborn errors o metabolism ad)lts <lood 0ro)p alleles and haematolo0ical disorder #enetic haemochroBmatosis &)ntin0tonTs disease -ental illness
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides

8 5 /escribe the role o n)rse in 0enetic services and co)nB sellin0

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides

'ervices related to #enetics #enetic testin0 &)man 0enome pro"ect #ene therap% The E)0enics movement #enetic @o)nsellin0 7e0al and Ethical iss)es !ole o n)rse
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 slides




7D Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination? $'eor( 8'armacolog(* 8at'olog( and Genetics* There shall be one paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s or the s)b"ects 6harmacolo0%5 6atholo0% and #enetics. 'ection + shall be 6harmacolo0% with 50 mar,s5 'ection < shall be 6atholo0% with >5 mar,s and #enetics with 15 mar,s. The distrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s shall be as ollowsG
$a3le G=B>? Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for 8'armacolog( =10 mar,s>

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 1 5 5

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 10 25 15 50

8at'olog( and Genetics

$a3le G =C>? Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for 8at'olog( =C1 mar,s>

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions B 4 5

%ar,s B 5 >

Su3@total 20 15 >5

$a3le G=D>? Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for Genetics =2I mar,s> $(5e of Buestions No. of Buestions %ar,s Su3@total

7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

B B 5

B B >

B B 15 15

Ao practical e(amination.



%edical Surgical Nursing

=#dult including Geriatrics> A I 8lacement ? 'econd :ear $ime ? Theor% E 210 ho)rs 8ractical A G20 'ours Course Descri5tion ? The p)rpose o this co)rse is to acI)ire ,nowled0e and develop pro icienc% in carin0 or patients with medical and s)r0ical disorders in varieties o health care settin0s and at home. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 15 "earning O3&ectives +ppreciate the trends in medical and s)r0ical n)rsin0 /escribe the role o n)rse in carin0 or ad)lt patient in hospital and comm)nit% /escribe the concepts o medical s)r0ical asepsis Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Introduction ? 3ntrod)ction to medical s)r0ical n)rsin0 E Evol)Btion and trends o medical and s)r0ical n)rsin0 !eview o @oncepts o &ealth and illness /isease B concepts5 ca)sations5 classi ication diseases 13@/ B10 or later version25 +c)te illness @hronic illness F Terminal illness5 sta0es o illness !eview o concepts o comprehensive n)rsin0 care in medical s)r0ical conditions based on n)rsin0 process !ole o n)rse5 patient and amil% in care o ad)lt patient !ole and responsibilities o a n)rse in medical s)r0ical settin0s G 4)tpatient department 3nBpatient )nit 3ntensive care )nit &ome and @omm)nit% settin0s 3ntrod)ction to -edical ')r0ical asepsis 3n lammation F 3n ection 3mm)nit% *o)nd healin0 @are o ')r0ical 6atient 6reBoperative 3ntra operative 6ost operative $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstration 6ractice session ')pervised clinical practice 33 15 /escribe the common si0ns5 Common signs and s(m5toms and management Cl)id and electrol%te imbalance 8omittin0


81 s%mptoms5 problems and their 'peci ic n)rsin0 intervenB tions /%spnea and co)0h5 respirator% obstr)ction Cever 'hoc, $nconscio)sness5 '%ncope 6ain 3ncontinence Edema +0e related problems E 0eriatric



$eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion 'eminar @ase disc)ssion /escribe the A)rsin0 mana0ement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with respirator% problems etiolo0%5 !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o respirator% pathoB ph%siolo0% s%stem5 clinical A)rsin0 +ssessment E&istor% and 6h%sical assessment mani esB Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% clinical mani estations5 tations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical5 s)r0ical5 dia0nostic dietetics F n)rsin0 mana0ement o ad)lts incl)din0 meas)res and elderl% with E manaB0ement $pper !espirator% tract in ections o patients <ronchitis 1ad)lts +sthma incl)din0 Emph%sema elderl%2 with Emp%ema disorders o +telectasis respirator% @hronic 4bstr)ctive 6)lmonar% /iseases 1@46/2 s%stems <ronchiectasis 6ne)monia 6)lmonar% t)berc)losis 7)n0 abscess 6le)ral e )sion @%sts and T)mo)rs @hest in")ries !espirator% arrest and ins) icienc% 6)lmonar% embolism 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o respirator% disorders $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session


82 38 >0 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0% clinical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res and mana0Bement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with disorders o di0estive s%stems @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation

A)rsin0 mana0ement o patient 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with disorders o di0estive s%stem !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o di0estive s%stem A)rsin0 +ssessment E&istor% and ph%sical assessment Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical5 s)r0ical5 dietetics F n)rsin0 mana0ement /isorders o 4ral cavit% E lips5 0)ms5 ton0)e5 salivar% 0lands and teeth 4esopha0)sBin lammation strict)re5 obstr)ction5 bleedin0 and t)mo)rs 'tomach and de)den)mBhiat)s hernia5 0astritis5 peptic and de)denal )lcer5 bleedin05 t)mo)rs5 p%loric stenosis 'mall intestinal disordersB in lammation F in ection5 entritis5 malabsorption5 obstr)ction5 t)mo)r and per oration 7ar0e intestinal disordersB@olitis5 in lammation and in ection5 obstr)ction and t)mo)r and l)mp &ernias +ppendi( E in lammation5 mass5 abscess5 r)pt)re +nal F !ect)m S hemorrhoides5 iss)res5 Cist)las 6eritonitis/ac)te abdomen 6ancreasS in lammation5 c%st5 abscess and t)mo)rs 7iverS in lammation5 c%st5 abscess5 cirrhosis5 portal h%pertension5 hepatic ail)re5 t)mo)rs #all <ladderS in lammation5 obstr)ction5 stones and t)mo)rs 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o disorders o di0estive s%stem $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list


8> 8 >0 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0%cli nical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res and manaB0ement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with blood and cardio vasc)lar problems /escribe the vasc)lar conditions and its n)rsin0 mana0ement +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem

A)rsin0 mana0ement o patient 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with blood and cardio vasc)lar problems !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o blood and cardio vasc)lar s%stem5 A)rsin0 +ssessment E&istor% and 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities F medical5 s)r0ical5 dietetics F n)rsin0 mana0ement o E 8asc)lar s%stem &%pertension5 &%potension +rtheriosclerosis !a%na)dTs disease +ne)rism and 6erpherial vasc)lar disorders &eart @oronar% arter% diseases 3schemic &eart /isease @ornor% atherosclerosis +n0ina pectoris -%ocardial in arction 8alv)lar disorders o the heart @on0ential and acI)ired !he)matic &eart diseases Endocarditis5 6ericarditis -%ocarditis @ardio -%opathies @ardiac d%srh%thmias5 &eart <loc, @on0estive cardiac ail)re @orBp)lmonale5 p)lmonar% edema5 cardio0enic shoc,5 cardiac tamponade @ardiac emer0encies and arrest @ardio 6)lmonar% !es)scitation 1@6!2 <lood +naemias 6ol%c%themia <leedin0 disordersS clottin0 actor de ects and platelets de ects Thalassemia 7e),aemias 7e),openias and a0ran)loc%tosis 7%mphomas -%elomas 'pecial therapies <lood trans )sion5 sa et% chec,s5 proced)re and reI)irements5mana0ement o adverse trans )sion reaction5 records or blood trans )sion. -ana0ement F co)nselBlin0 o blood donors5 phlebotom% proced)re5 F post donation mana0ement <lood ban, )nctionin0 F hospital trans )sion


84 committee. <ioBsa et% and waste mana0ement in relation to blood trans )sion !ole o a n)rse in 4r0an donation5 retrieval and ban,in0 +lternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o blood and cardio vasc)lar disorders
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation 8isit to blood ban, 6articipation in blood donation camps @o)nsellin0 +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem



/escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0%@l inical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res and manaB0ement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with disorders o 0enitoB )rinar% s%stem

Nursing management of 5atient =adults including elderl(> 4it' genito@urinar( 5ro3lems !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o 0enitoB)rinar% s%stem A)rsin0 +ssessment E&istor% and 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities F medical5 s)r0ical5 dietetics and n)rsin0 mana0ement o E Aephritis Aephrotic s%ndrome Aephrosis !enal calc)l)s T)mo)rs +c)te renal ail)re @hronic renal ail)re End sta0e renal disease /ial%sis5 renal transport @on0enital disorders5 )rinar% in ections <eni0n prostate h%pertroph% /isorders o )reter5 )rinar% bladder and )retheraB in lammation5 in ection5 strict)re.obstr)ction5 t)mo)r5 prostrate 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res


85 /r)0s )sed in treatment o 0enitoB)rinar% disorders $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation 833 5 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0% clinical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res and manaB0ement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with disorders o male reprod)cBtive s%stem Nursing management of disorders of male =adults including elderl(> re5roductive s(stem !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o male reprod)ctive s%stem A)rsin0 +ssessment B&istor% and ph%sical assessment Etiolo0%56athoph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities F medical5 s)r0ical5 dietetics F n)rsin0 mana0ement o disorders o male reprod)ctive s%stem @on0enital mal ormationsS cr%ptorchidism &%pospadiasis5 Epispadiasis 3n ections Testis and ad"acent str)ct)res 6enis 6rostateG in lammation5 in ection5 h%pertroph%5 t)mo)r 'e()al /%s )nction 3n ertilit% @ontraception <reast S 0%necomastia5 t)mo)r @limacteric chan0es 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o disorders o male reprod)ctive s%stem $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/207607805.doc

86 8333 10 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0% clinical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res and manaB0ement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with disorders o endocrine s%stem /r)0 boo,/ presentation

Nursing management of 5atient =adults including elderl(> 4it' disorders of endocrine s(stem !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% endocrine s%stem A)rsin0 +ssessment B&istor% and 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%56athoph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities F medical5 s)r0ical5 dietetics F n)rsin0 mana0ement o E /isorders o Th%roid and 6arath%roid /iabetes mellit)s /iabetes insipid)s +drenal t)mo)r 6it)itar% disorders 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o disorders o endocrine s%stem
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem



/escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0% clinical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res and manaB0ement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with disorders o s,in

Nursing management of 5atient =adults including elderl(> 4it' disorders of Integumentar( s(stem !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o ',in and its appenda0es A)rsin0 +ssessment B&istor% and 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%56athoph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities F medical5 s)r0ical5 dietetics F n)rsin0 mana0ement o disorders o s,in and its appenda0es 7esions and abrasions 3n ection and in estationsS /ermititis /ermatoses S in ectio)s and Aon in ectio)s 9in lammator% dermatoses; +cne 8)l0aris +ller0ies and EcHema 6soriasis -ali0nant melanoma +lopecia


87 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o disorders o 3nte0)mentar% s%stem $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem R 15 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0% clinical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res and manaB0ement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with disorders o m)sc)lo E s,eletal s%stem Nursing management of 5atient =adults including elderl(> 4it' musculo@s,eletal 5ro3lems !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o m)sc)loBs,eletal s%stem A)rsin0 +ssessment B&istor% and 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%56athoph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities F medical5 s)r0ical5 dietetics F n)rsin0 mana0ement o E /isorders o G -)scles5 7i0aments and QointsB in lammation5 in ection5 tra)ma <ones Ein lammation5 in ection5 dislocation5 ract)re5 t)mo)r and tra)ma 4steomalacia and osteoporosis +rthritis @on0enital de ormities 'pinal col)mn E de ects F de ormities5 T)mor5 6rolapsed inter vertebral disc5 pottTs spine 6a0etTs disease +mp)tation 6rosthesis Transplant F replacement s)r0eries !ehabilitation 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o disorders o m)sc)los,eletal s%stem
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion


88 E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, 7ist +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem /escribe the Nursing management of 5atient =adults including elderl(> 4it' Immunological 5ro3lems etiolo0%5 !eview o 3mm)ne s%stem pathoB ph%siolo0% A)rsin0 +ssessment B&istor% and 6h%sical assessment clinical Etiolo0%56athoph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estations5 mani estaB dia0nosis5 treatment modalities F medical5 s)r0ical5 tions5 dietetics F n)rsin0 mana0ement o E dia0nostic 3mm)node icienc% disorder meas)res and 6rimar% imm)no de icienc% manaB0ement 6ha0oc%tic d%s )nction o patients <Bcell and TBcell de iciencies 1ad)lts 'econdar% imm)noBde iciencies incl)din0 elderl%2 with +cI)ired imm)node iBcienc% s%ndrome 1+3/'2 disorders o 3ncidence o &38 F +3/' m)sc)lo E Epidemiolo0% s,eletal Transmission B 6revention o Transmission s%stem 'tandard 'a et% preca)tions !ole o A)rseS @o)nselin0 &ealth ed)cation and home care consideration Aational +3/' @ontrol 6ro0ramB A+@45 vario)s national and international a0encies 3n ection control pro0ram !ehabilitation 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o disorders o imm)nolo0ical s%stem $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation




8D R33 20 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0% clinical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res and manaB0ement o patients 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with @omm)niB cable /iseases ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation 4rientation visit to &ospital @ontrol s%stem +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem

A)rsin0 mana0ement o patient 1ad)lts incl)din0 elderl%2 with @omm)nicable /iseases Overvie4 of infectious disease* t'e infectious 5rocess Nursing #ssessment @)istor( and 8'(sical assessment Epidemiolo0%5 in ectio)s process5 clinical mani esB tations5 dia0nosis5 treatBment5 prevention and dietics. @ontrol and eradication o common @omm)nicable /iseasesB T)berc)losis /iarrhoeal diseases &epatitis +B E &erpes @hic,enpo( 'mallpo( T%phoid -enin0itis #as 0an0rene 7epros% /en0)e 6la0)e -alaria /iptheria 6ert)ssis 6oliom%elitis -easles -)mps 3n l)enHa Tetan)s :ellow ever Cilariasis &385 +3/' !eprod)ctive Tract 3n ections 'pecial 3n ection control meas)res G Aoti ication5 3solation5 ?)arantine5 3mm)niHation5 3n ectio)s /isease &ospitals 'pecial therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o @omm)nicable diseases
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides


D0 R333 25 /escribe the 4r0aniB sation and ph%sical set )p o operation theatre 3denti % the vario)s instr)ments and eI)ipB ments )sed or common s)r0ical proced)res /escribe the in ection control meas)res in the operation theatre /escribe the role o the n)rse in the 6eri 4perative n)rsin0 care /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem

8eri o5erative nursingG 4r0anisation and 6h%sical set )p o the 4peration Theatre 14T2 G @lassi ications 4.T. /E'3#A 'ta in0 -embers o the 4T team /)ties and responsibilities o n)rse in 4.T. 6rinciples o &ealth and operatin0 room attire 3nstr)ments5 ')t)res F s)t)re materials EI)ipments 4.T. tables and sets or common s)r0ical proced)res 6ositions and drapin0 or common s)r0ical proced)res 'cr)bbin0 proced)res #ownin0 and 0lovin0 6reparation o 4.T. 'ets -onitorin0 the patient d)rin0 s)r0ical proced)res -aintenance o theraBpe)tic environment in 4.T 'tandard 'a et% meas)res 3n ection control S )mi0ation5 disin ection and sterlisation <iomedical waste mana0ement 6revention o accidents and haHards in 4.T. +naesthesia T%pes -ethods o administration E ects and 'ta0es EI)ipments /r)0s @ardio 6)lmonar% !es)scitation 1@6!2 6ain mana0ement techniI)es 7e0al +spects
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 charts5 0raphs5 -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/207607805.doc

D1 ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem



%edical Surgical Nursing @I 8ractical

=#dult including Geriatrics> 8lacement ? 'econd :ear $ime ? 720 ho)rs #reas #eneral -edical *ard 1M!espiB rator%5 #35EndoB crine5 !enal5 &emoB tolo0% Duration =in 4ee,> 6 O3&ectives 6rovide n)rsin0 care to ad)lt patients with medical disorders @o)nsel and ed)cate patients and amilies

S,ills +ssessment o the patient Ta,in0 histor% 6er orm 0eneral and speci ic ph%sical e(amination 3denti % alterations and deviations 6ractice medical s)r0ical asepsisB standard sa et% meas)res +dminister medications 4ral5 385 3-5 ')bc)taneo)s 38 therap% 38 can)lation -aintenance and monitorin0 4(%0en therap% b% di erent methods Aeb)liHation @hest ph%siotherap% Aaso 0astric eedin0 +ssist in common dia0nostic 6er orm/+ssist in therape)tic proced)res <lood and compoBnent therap% Throat ')ctionin0 @ollect specimens or common investi0ations -aintain elimination @atheterisation <owel wash Enema $rinar% draina0e -aintain 3nta,e5 o)tp)t

#ssignments 6lan and 0ive care to > B 4 assi0ned patients A)rsin0 care planB2 A)rsin0 case st)d%/ presentaBtion E1 /r)0 presB entationB 1 -aintain dr)0 boo, -aintain 6ractical record boo,

#ssessment %et'ods +ssess per ormaB nce with ratin0 scale +ssess each s,ill with chec,list Eval)ation o case st)d%/preB sentation @ompleBtion o practical record


D> and doc)mentation @o)nsel and teach related to speci ic disease conditions 6ractice medical s)r0ical asepsisB standard sa et% meas)res 6re operative prepaB ration o patients 6ost operative careB !eceivin0 pt5 assess E ment5 monitorin0 care @are o wo)nds and draina0e ')t)re removal +mb)lation and e(ercise Aaso 0astric aspiration @are o chest draina0e 4stom% care #astrostom% @olostom% <lood F component therap% 6ractice )niversal preca)tions 6h%sical e(aminaBtion o cardio vasc)lar s%stem !ecordin0 and interpretin0 E@# -onitorin0 o patients 6reparation and assistin0 in nonB invasive and invasive dia0nostic proced)res +dminister cardiac dr)0s @ardio p)lmonar% !es)scitation Teach patients and amilies 6ractice medical and s)r0ical asepsis E 'tandard sa et% meas)res +ssessment o patients with s,in disorders

#eneral ')r0ical *ard 1#35 $rinar%5 @T8'2 6 6rovide pre and post operative n)rsin0 care to ad)lt patients with s)r0ical disorders @o)nsel and ed)cate patients and amilies

6lan and 0ive care to > B 4 assi0ned patients A)rsin0 care planB2 A)rsin0 case st)d%/ presentaBtion E1 -aintain dr)0 boo,

+ssess per ormaB nce with ratin0 scale +ssess each s,ill with chec,list Eval)ation o case st)d%/preB sentation @ompleBtion o activit% record

@ardiolo0% ward 2 6rovide n)rsin0 care to patients with cardiac disorders @o)nsel and ed)cate patients and amilies

6lan and 0ive care to 2 B > assi0ned patients A)rsin0 care planB1 A)rsin0 case st)d%/ presentaB tion/&ealth tal, E 1 -aintain dr)0 boo,

+ssess per ormaB nce with ratin0 scale +ssess each s,ill with chec,list Eval)ation o case st)d%/preB sentation/he alth tal, @ompleBtion o activit% record

',in F @omm)B

3denti % s,in problems

6lan and 0ive care to 2 B >

+ssess per ormaB


D4 nicable diseases *ard 6rovide n)rsin0 care to patients with s,in disorders F @omm)nicaBble diseases @o)nsel and ed)cate patients and amilies +ssist in dia0nostic and therape)tic proced)res +dminister topical medication 6ractice medical s)r0ical asepsis E 'tandard sa et% meas)res $se o personal protective eI)ipment 166E2 #ive medicated baths @o)nselin0 &38 positive patients Teach prevention o in ectio)s diseases +ssessment o orthopaedic patients +ssist in application o plaster cast and removal o cast +ppl% s,in tractionB b)c,Ts e(tension traction +ssist in application and removal o prosthesis 6h%siotherap% B!an0e o motion e(ercises 1!4-25 m)scle stren0theBnin0 e(ercises @r)tch mane)verin0 techniI)e +ctivities o dail% livin0 +mb)lation Teach and co)nsel patients F amilies 'cr)bbin05 0ownin0 0lovin0 3denti % instr)ments s)t)rin0 materials or common operations /isin ection5 @arboB liHation5 )mi0ation 6reparation o instr)ment sets or assi0ned patients &ealth tal, /@o)nsellin0 &38 positive patients and amilies E1 -aintain dr)0 boo, nce with ratin0 scale Eval)ation health tal, /@o)nseB lin0 session @ompleBtion o activit% record

4rthopaedi c ward

6rovide n)rsin0 care to patients with m)sc)lo Bs,eletal disorders @o)nsel and ed)cate patients and amilies

6lan F0ive care to 2B> assi0ned patients A)rsin0 care planB1 A)rsin0 case st)d%/ presentaBtion E1 -aintain dr)0 boo,

+ssess per ormaB nce with ratin0 scale Eval)ation o n)rsin0 care plan F n)rsin0 case st)d% /presentaB tion @ompleBtion o activit% record

4peration Theatre 6 3denti % instr)ments )sed in common operations 6articipate in 3n ection control practices in the 4peration

+ssist as a circ)lator% n)rse in -a"or casesB 10 -inor cases E5 +ssist as a scr)b n)rse

+ssess per ormaB nce with ratin0 scale @ompleBtion o activit% record


D5 Theatre 'etB)p the table/ trolle%s or common operative proced)res +ssist in 0ivin0 anesthesia +ssist in the operative proced)res 6rovide peri operative n)rsin0 care common operations 'teriliHation o sharps and other instr)ments 6repare the 4T table dependin0 )pon the operation 6ositionin0 and monitorin0 o patients Endotracheal int)bation +ssistin0 in minor and ma"or operations &andlin0 specimens /isposal o waste as per the 0)idelines in -a"or casesB 10 -inor cases E5 -aintain dr)0 boo,

Clinical $raining 260 ho)rs 1D wee,s2 #reas 3@$5 @@$5 @+!/3+@ 4T Duration =in 4ee,> 2 O3&ectives To 0ain pro icienc% in 3@$ n)rsin0 /evelop advance s,ill in special proced)res )sed in critical care )nit 3denti % potential problems and provide accordin0l% ',ill in settin0 and handelin0 ventilator +dminister in"ection in in )sion p)mp !ecord acc)ratel% indin0s and medications /evelop 36! with amil% members +cI)int with S,ills +ssist in arterial p)nct)re or blood 0as anal%sis 6er orm E@# and interpret accorBdin0l%. @ond)ct F anal%sis p)lse o(imetr% @are with arti icial airwa% +ssist in endotraBcheal int)bation 'ettin0 )p ventilator #ivin0 care in ventilator /r)0 sheet 4bservation o special proced)re in 4T.

$ime ? #ssignments +rterial p)nct)re E5 Ta,in0 o)t E@# stripe E 5 Tracheal s)ctionB5 Cor all assi0ned patients 4(%0en administraB tion b% @6+6 mas, and )se +mb) ba0. +ssessment or all assi0ned patients A)rsin0 care in ventilator /r)0 sheet #ssessment %et'ods !ecord boo, @hec,in0 with s)pervisor


D6 4T techniI)e /evelop s,ill in ne)rolo0ical assessment #ive care to the pt with head in")r% and spinal in")r% @are with chest s)r0er% and cranial s)r0er% +ssess the severit% o b)rns +dminister reh%dration therap% 4bserve reconstr)Bctive s)r0er% 3denti % instr)ments +ssist in 4T set )p ')pervise steriliHation +ssist in 4T table la% o)t 4bserve immediatel% a ter operation ')pervise in ection control

Ae)ro 3@$5 3T$5 4T

<)rns F plastic !econstr)c tive s)r0er% 2 4T 7apro E scopic 4rthopaedi c E%e EAT >

+ssess ne)rolo0ical stat)s 3mplement care to head in")r% spinal in")r% patients /r)0 sheet 6re and postoperaBtive care with ne)ro s)r0er% patients A)rsin0 care

+ssessBment or all assi0ned patients A)rsin0 care planB2 /r)0 sheet

!ecord boo, 4bservaB tion chec,list

+ssist B 5 cases

!ecord boo,



Communit( )ealt' Nursing A I

8lacement ? 'econd :ear $ime ? Theor% E D0 ho)rs 8ractical A 2C1 'ours Course Descri5tion ? This co)rse is desi0ned or st)dents to appreciate the principles o promotion and maintenance o health !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 2 "earning O3&ectives /escribe concept and dimensions o health Content and $eac'ing "earning %et'ods 3ntrod)ction @omm)nit% health n)rsin0 /e inition5 concept and dimensions o health 6romotion o health -aintenance o health
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

33 20 /escribe determinants o health

7ect)re disc)ssion

2. Determinants of 'ealt' E)0enics Environment G 6h%sical G +ir5 li0ht5 8entiBlation5 *ater5 &o)sin05 'anitationS disposal o waste5 disposal o dead bodies5 Corestation5 Aoise5 @limate5 @omm)nicationG in rastr)ct)re acilities and 7in,a0es +cts re0)latin0 the environmentG Aational 6oll)tion control board <acterial F viralG +0ents5 host carriers and imm)nit% +rthopods and !odents Cood h%0ieneG 6rod)ction5 6reservation5 6)rchase5 6reparation5 @ons)mption +cts re0)latin0 ood h%0ieneB 6revention o ood ad)lteration act5 dr)0s and cosmetic act 'ocioBc)lt)ral @)stoms5 taboos -arria0e s%stem Camil% str)ct)re 'tat)s o special 0ro)psS Cemales5 @hildren5 Elderl%5 challen0ed 0ro)ps and 'ic, persons 7i e 't%le &%0iene 6h%sical activit% !ecreation and sleep 'e()al li e



'pirit)al li e philosoph% 'el reliance /ietar% pattern Ed)cation 4cc)pation Cinancial -ana0ement 3ncome <)d0et 6)rchasin0 power 'ec)rit% 7ect)re disc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs5 -odels5 ilms5 slides 8isits to water s)ppl%5 sewa0e disposal5 mil, plants5 sla)0hter ho)se etc

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

333 10 /escribe concept5 scope5 )ses methods and approaches o epideB miolo0%

Epidemiolo0% /e inition5 concept5 aims5 scope5 )ses and terminoB lo0% )sed in epidemiolo0% /%namics o disease transmission G epidemiolo0ical traid -orbidit% and mortalit% G meas)rements 7evels o prevention -ethods o epidemiolo0% o /escriptive +nal%ticalG Epidemic investi0ation E(perimental
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$



7ect)re disc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides Epidemiolo0% and n)rsin0 mana0ement o common /escribe @omm)nicable /iseases EpidemioB !espirator% in ections lo0% and n)rsin0 'mall 6o( mana0eBment @hic,en 6o( o common -easles @omm)niB 3n l)enHa cable !)bella diseases +!3Ts F 6ne)monia -)mps /iphtheria *hoopin0 co)0h -enin0ococcal menin0itis T)berc)losis '+!' 3ntestinal 3n ections 6oliom%elitis



8iral &epatitis @holera /iarrhoeal diseases T%phoid Cever Cood poisonin0 +moebiasis &oo, worm in ection +scariasis /rac)nc)liasis +rthropod in ections /en0)e -alaria Cilariasis Uoonoses 8iral

!abies :ellow ever Qapanese encephalitis .%asn)r Corest /isease <acterial <r)cellosis 6la0)e &)man 'almonellosis +nthra( 7eptospirosis !ic,ettsial diseases !ic,ettsial Uoonoses 'cr)b t%ph)s -)rine t%ph)s Tic, t%ph)s ? ever 6arasitic Hoonoses Taeniasis &%datid disease 7eishmaniasis ')r ace in ection Trachoma Tetan)s 7epros% 'T/ F !T3 :aws &38/+3/' +n% other
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re disc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides 'eminar ')pervised ield practice B health centers5 clinics and


100 homes #ro)p pro"ects/ &ealth ed)cation Epidemiolo0% and n)rsin0 mana0ement o Aon /escribe Epidemiolo0 Bcomm)nicable diseases % and n)rsin0 -aln)tritionG )nder n)trition5 over n)trition5 mana0eBment n)tritional de iciencies o common +naemia AonB comB &%pertension m)nicable 'tro,e diseases !he)matic &eart /isease @oronar% &eart /isease @ancer /iabetes mellit)s <lindness +ccidents -ental illness 4besit% 3odine de icienc% Cl)orosis Epileps%
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


83 6 /escribe the concepts F scope o /emo0raph% /escribe methods o data collection5 anal%sis F interpretaB tion o demo0raB phic data 3denti % the impact o pop)lation e(plosion in 3ndia /escribe

7ect)re disc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides 'eminar ')pervised ield practice B health centers5 clinics and homes #ro)p pro"ects/ &ealth ed)cation 2. Demogra5'( /e inition5 concept and scope -ethods o collection5 anal%sis F interpretation o demo0raphic data /emo0raphic rates and ratios

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$ 7ect)re disc)ssion @omm)nit% identi ication s)rve% +ssessment o s)rve% report



6op)lation and its control 6op)lation e(plosion and its impact on social5 economic development o individ)al5 societ% and co)ntr% 6op)lation control G 4verall developmentG *omen empowerment5 social5


101 methods o pop)lation control economic and ed)cational development 7imitin0 amil% siHe G 6romotion o small amil% norm -ethods G spacin0 1nat)ral5 biolo0ical5 chemical5 mechanical methods etc2 Terminal G s)r0ical methods Emer0enc% contraception 7ect)re disc)ssion 6op)lation s)rve% @o)nselin0 /emonstration 6ractice session ')pervised ield practice +ssessment o s)rve% report

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$



Communit( )ealt' Nursing I A 8ractical

8lacement ? 'econd :ear $ime ? 6ractical E 1>5 ho)rs #reas @omm)B nit% health n)rsin0 Durati on =in 4ee,> 2 w,s )rban and 2 w,s r)ral O3&ectives <)ild and -aintain rapport 3denti % demo0raBphic charaB cteristics5 health deter Bminants F comm)nit% health reso)rces /ia0nose health needs o individ)al and amilies 6rovide primar% care in health centre @o)nsel F ed)cate individ)al5 amil% F comm)nit% S,ills $se techniI)es o interB personal relationship 3denti ication o health determinants o comm)nit% &istor% ta,in0 6h%sical e(amination @ollect specimensB sp)t)m5 malaria smear 6er orm simple lab tests at centre B blood or &aemo0lobin and s)0ar5 )rine or alb)min and s)0ar +dminister vaccines and medications to ad)lts @o)nsel and teach individ)al5 amil% and comm)nit% A)trition &%0iene 'el health monitorin0 'ee,in0 health services &ealth% li e st%le Camil% wel are methods &ealth promotion #ssignments To wor, with 2 assi0ned amilies each in )rban F r)ral Camil% st)d% E1 4bservaB tion report o commB )nit% E 1 &ealth tal,s 2 11 in )rban F in r)ral2 #ssessment met'ods +ssess clinical perB ormance with ratin0 scale +ssess each s,ill with chec,list Eval)ation o amil% st)d%5 observation report and health tal, @ompletion o activit% record



Communication L ducational $ec'nolog(

8lacement ? 'econd :ear $ime ? Theor% E D0 ho)rs Course Descri5tion ? This co)rse is desi0ned to help the st)dents acI)ire an )nderstandin0 o the principles and methods o comm)nication and teachin0. 3t helps to develop s,ill in comm)nicatin0 e ectivel%5 maintainin0 e ective interpersonal relations5 teachin0 individ)als and 0ro)p in clinical5 comm)nit% health and ed)cational settin0s. !nit 3 $ime Th. 6r. 5 "earning 4b"ectives /escribe the comm)nication process 3denti % techniI)es o e ective comm)nicaB tion Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities !eview o @omm)nication 6rocess 6rocessS elements and channe Cacilitators <arriers and methods o overcomin0 TechniI)es 7ect)re /isc)ssion !ole pla%s E(ercises with a)dio/video tapes !espond to critical incidents

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$


Establish e ective interpersonal relations with patients amilies F coB wor,ers

3nterpersonal relations 6)rpose F t%pes 6hases <arriers F methods o overcomin0 Qohari *indow $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion !ole pla%s E(ercises with a)dio/video tapes 6rocess recordin0


/evelop e ective h)man relations in conte(t o n)rsin0

&)man relations $nderstandin0 sel 'ocial behavio)r5 motivaBtion5 social attit)des 3ndivid)al and 0ro)ps #ro)ps F individ)al &)man relations in conte(t o n)rsin0 #ro)p d%namics Team wor, $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion


104 38 10 5 /evelop basic s,ill o co)nsellin0 and 0)idance 'ociometr% #ro)p 0ames 6s%chometric e(ercises ollowed b% disc)ssion !espond to critical incidents

#)idance F co)nsellin0 /e inition 6)rpose5 scope F need <asic principles 4r0aniHation o co)nseBllin0 services T%pes o co)nsellin0 approaches !ole and preparation o co)nselor 3ss)es or co)nselin0 in n)rsin0G st)dents and practitioners @o)nsellin0 process E steps F techniI)es5 tools o co)nselor -ana0in0 disciplinar% problems -ana0ement o crisis F re erral $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion !ole pla% on co)nsellin0 in di erent sit)ations ollowed b% disc)ssion +ssess per ormance in role pla% sit)ations 8rinci5les of education L teac'ing learning 5rocess Ed)cationG meanin05 philosoph%5 aims5 )nctions F 6rinciples Aat)re and characteristics o learnin05 6rinciples and ma(ims o teachin05 Dormulating o3&ectives? general and s5ecific 7esson plannin0 @lassroom mana0ement
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

/escribe the philosoph% F principles o ed)cation E(plain the teachin0 learnin0 process




/emonstrate teachin0 s,ill )sin0 vario)s teachin0 methods in clinical5 classroom F comm)nit%

7ect)re /isc)ssion 6repare lesson plan -icro teachin0 E(ercise on writin0 ob"ectives +ssess lesson plans F teachin0 sessions %et'ods of teac'ing 7ect)re5 demonstration5 0ro)p disc)ssion5 seminar s%mposi)m5 panel disc)ssion5 role pla%5 pro"ect5 ield trip5 wor,shop5 e(hibition5 pro0rammed instr)ction5 comp)ter assisted learnin05 micro teachin0 problem based learnin05 'el instr)ctional mod)le and sim)lation etc. @linical teachin0 methods G case method5 n)rsin0


105 settin0s ro)nd F reports5 bedside clinic5 con erence 1indiviBd)al F 0ro)p2 process recordin0 $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion @ond)ct 5 teachin0 sessions )sin0 di erent methods F media +ssess teachin0 sessions ducational media 6)rposes F t%pes o +.8. +ids5 principles and so)rces etc. #raphic aidsG chal, board5 chart5 0raph5 poster5 lash cards5 lannel 0raph5 b)lletin5 cartoon Three dimensional aids G ob"ects5 specimens5 models5 p)ppets 6rinted aidsG pamphlets F lea lets 6ro"ected aids G slides5 overhead pro"ector5 ilms5 T85 8@!/8@/5 camera5 microscope5 7@/ +)dio aids G tape recorder p)blic address s%stem @omp)ter
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$



6repare and )se di erent t%pes o ed)cational media e ectivel%

8333 5 7 6repare di erent t%pes o I)estions or assessment o ,nowled0e5 s,ills and attit)des

7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstration 6repare di eBrent teachin0 aidsB pro"ected F non pro"ected +ssess the teachin0 aids prepared

#ssessment 6)rpose F scope o eval)ation F assessment @riteria or selection o assessment techniI)es and methods +ssessment o ,nowled0e G essa% t%pe I)estions5 'hort answer I)estions 1'+?25 -)ltiple choice I)estions 1-@?2 +ssessment o s,ills G observation chec,list5 practical e(am5 8iva5 4b"ective str)ct)red clinical e(amination 14'@E2 +ssessment o +ttit)desG +ttit)de scales $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(ercise on writin0 di erent t%pes o assessment tools 3n ormation5 Ed)cation F comm)nication or health 13E@2 &ealth behavio)r F health ed)cation 6lannin0 or health ed)cation


Teach individ)als5 0ro)ps and comm)nities


106 abo)t health with their active participation &ealth ed)cation with individ)als5 0ro)ps F comm)nities @omm)nicatin0 health messa0es -ethods F media or comm)nicatin0 health messa0es $sin0 mass media +ssess the straBte0ies )sed in practice teachin0 sessions and e(ercise sessions 7ect)re /isc)ssion 6lan F cond)ct health ed)caBtion sessions or individ)als5 0ro)p F comm)nities +ssess the plannin0 F cond)ct o the ed)caBtional session

Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$



%edical Surgical Nursing

=#dult including Geriatrics> A II 8lacement ? Third :ear $ime ? Theor% E 120 ho)rs 8ractical A 270 ho)rs Course Descri5tion ? The p)rpose o this co)rse is to acI)ire ,nowled0e and develop pro icienc% in carin0 or patients with medical and s)r0ical disorders in varieties o health care settin0s and at home. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 15 "earning O3&ectives /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estation s5 dia0nostic meas)res and mana0ement o patients with disorders o Ear Aose and Throat Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( Nursing management of 5atient 4it' disorders of ar Nose and $'roat !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o the Ear Aose and Throat A)rsin0 assessmentB &istor% and 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% 5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical F ')r0ical n)rsin0 mana0ement o Ear Aose F Throat disordersG o E(ternal earG de ormities otal0ia5 orei0n bodies5 and t)mo)rs o -iddle Ear E 3mpacted wa(5 T%mpanic membrane per oration5 otitis media5 otosclerosis5 mastoiditis5 t)mo)rs o 3nner ear E -eniereTs /isease5 lab%rinthitis5 ototo(icit%5 t)mo)rs o $pper airwa% in ections E @ommon cold5 sin)sitis5 ethinitis5 rhinitis5 phar%n0itis5 tonsillitis and adenoiditis5 peritonsilar abscess5 lar%n0itis $pper respirator% airwa% E epista(is5 Aasal obstr)ction5 lar%n0eal obstr)ction5 cancer o the lar%n( @ancer o the oral cavit% 'peech de ects and speech therap% /ea ness E 6revention5 control and rehabilitation &earin0 +ids5 implanted hearin0 devices 'pecial Therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o disorders o Ear Aose and Throat !ole o n)rse @omm)nicatin0 with hearin0 impaired and m)teness.
Teachi ! lear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides


108 33 15 /escribe the etiolo0%5 patho ph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nostic meas)res and mana0ement o patients with disorders o e%e. /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessment o patient mana0ement problem

Nursing management of 5atient 4it' disorder of e(e !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o the e%e E A)rsin0 +ssessment B &istor% and 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% 5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical F ')r0ical n)rsin0 mana0ement o e%e disordersG o !e ractive errors o E%elidsBin ection5 t)mo)rs F de ormities o @on")nctiva B in lammation and in ection5 bleedin0 o @orneaBin lammation and in ection o 7ensB@ataracts o #la)coma o /isorder o the )veal tract5 o 4c)lar t)mo)rs o /isorders o posterior chamber F retina G retinal and vitreo)s problems o !etinal detachment o 4c)lar emer0encies and their prevention <lindness Aational blindness control pro0ram o E%e <an,in0 o E%e prostheses and !ehabilitation !ole o n)rse B @omm)nication with vis)all% impaired patient5 E%e camps 'pecial Therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o disorders o e%e $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice


10D 333 16 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estation s5 dia0nostic meas)res F n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients with ne)roB lo0ical disorders /r)0 boo,/ presentation 8isit to e%e ban, 6articipation in e%eBcamps +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessment o patient mana0ement problem

Nursing management of 5atient 4it' neurological disorders !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o the ne)rolo0ical s%stem A)rsin0 +ssessment B &istor% and 6h%sical and ne)rolo0ical Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% 5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical F ')r0ical n)rsin0 mana0ement o ne)rolo0ical disorders @on0enital mal ormations &eadache &ead 3n")ries 'pinal 3n")riesG o 6araple0ia o &emiple0ia o ?)adraple0ia 'pinal cord compressionBherniation o intervertebral disc T)mors o the brain F spinal cord 3ntra cranial F cerebral ane)r%sms 3n ections G o -enin0itis5 EncephaBlitis5 <rain abscess5 ne)roc%sticercosis -ovement disorders o @horea o 'eiH)res o Epilepsies @erebro 8asc)lar +ccidents 1@8+2 @ranial5 'pinal Ae)ropaBthies B <ellTs pals%5 tri0eminal ne)ral0ia 6eripheral Ae)ropathiesS #)illainB<arrTe '%ndrome -%asthenia 0ravis -)ltiple sclerosis /e0enerative diseases o /eliri)m o /ementia o +lHheimerTs disease o 6ar,insonTs disease -ana0ement o )nconscio)s patients F patients with stro,e !ole o the n)rse in comm)nicatin0 with patient havin0 ne)rolo0ical de icit !ehabilitation o patients with ne)rolo0ical de icit !ole o n)rse in lon0 sta% acilit% 1instit)tions2 and at home


110 'pecial Therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o ne)rolo0ical disorders $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation 8isit to rehabilitation centre +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessment o patient mana0eBment problem 38 16 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estation s5 dia0nostic meas)res F n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients with disorders o emale reprod)ctive s%stem /escribe concepts o reprod)ctive health F amil% wel are pro0ramme Nursing management of 5atients 4it' disorders of female re5roductive s(stem !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o the emale reprod)ctive s%stem A)rsin0 +ssessment B &istor% and 6h%sical assessment <reast 'el E(amination Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% 5 clinical mani estaBtions5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical F ')r0ical n)rsin0 mana0ement o disorder o emale reprod)ctive s%stem @on0enital abnormalities o emale reprod)ctive s%stem 'e()alit% F !eprod)ctive &ealth 'e()al &ealth +ssessment -enstr)al /isordersS /%smenorrhea5 +menorrhea5 6remenstr)al '%ndrome +bnormal $terine <leedin0S -enorrha0ia5 -etrorrha0ia 6elvic 3n lammator% /isease E 4varian and allopian t)be disordersS in ections5 c%sts5 t)mo)rs $terine F cervical disordersS Endometriosis5 pol%ps5 Cibroids5 @ervical F )terine t)mo)rs5 )terine displacement5 @%stocele/ $rethrocele/!ectocele 8a0inal disordersS 3n ections5 c%sts5 t)mo)rs /iseases o breastsS /e ormities5 3n ections5 @%sts and T)mo)rs -enopa)se and &ormonal !eplacement Therap% 3n ertilit% @ontraception S T%pes -ethods5 !is, and e ectiveness o 'pacin0 -ethods


111 B <arrier methods5 3ntera $terine /evices5 &ormonal5 6ost @onceptional -ethods5 etc o Terminal methods B 'teriliHation Emer0enc% @ontraception methods +bortion E Aat)ral5 -edical F s)r0ical abortion E -T6 +ct To(ic 'hoc, '%ndrome 3n")ries F Tra)maS 'e()al violence 'pecial Therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o 0%naecolo0ical disorders Aational amil% wel are pro0ramme $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessment o patient mana0eBment problem 8 10 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estaB tions5 dia0nostic meas)res F n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients 4it' Burns* reconstruc@ tive and cosmetic surger( Nursing management of 5atients 4it' Burns* reconstructive L cosmetic surger( !eview o anatom% and ph%siolo0% o the s,in F connective tiss)es and vario)s de ormities A)rsin0 +ssessment B &istor% and 6h%sical assessment F +ssessment o b)rns F l)id and electrol%te loss Etiolo0%5 @lassi ication5 6athoph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical F ')r0ical n)rsin0 mana0ement o <)rns F !eB constr)ctive and @osmetic s)r0er%S T%pes o !eBconstr)ctive and @osmetic s)r0er%S or b)rns5 con0enital de ormities5 in")ries F cosmetic p)rposes !ole o A)rse 7e0al aspects !ehabilitation 'pecial therapies o 6s%cho social aspects A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o <)rns5 reconstr)ctive and cosmetic s)r0er% $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/207607805.doc

112 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation



/escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estation s5 dia0nostic meas)res F n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients with oncolo0%

Nursing management of 5atients 4it' oncological conditions 'tr)ct)re F characteristics o normal F cancer cells A)rsin0 +ssessment B &istor% and 6h%sical assessment 6revention5 'creenin05 Earl% detection5 *arnin0 si0ns o cancer Epidemiolo0%5 Etiolo0%5 @lassi ication5 6athoBph%siolo0%5 'ta0in05 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical F ')r0ical n)rsin0 mana0ement o oncolo0ical conditions @ommon mali0nancies o vario)s bod% s%stems S 4ral5 lar%n(5 l)n05 'tomach F @olon5 7iver5 7e),emias F l%mphomas5 <reast5 @ervi(5 4var%5 $ter)s5 'arcoma5 <rain5 !enal5 <ladder5 6rostate etc 4ncolo0ical emer0iences -odalities o treatment o 3mm)notherap% o @hemotherap% o !adiotherap% o ')r0ical 3nterventions o 'tem cell and <one marrow transplants o #ene therap% o 4ther orms o treatment 6s%chosocial aspects o cancer !ehabilitation 6alliative careS '%mptom and 6ain -ana0ement5 A)tritional s)pport &ome care &ospice care 'tomal Therap% 'pecial therapies o 6s%cho social aspects A)rsin0 proced)res $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs


11> -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem



/escribe or0aniHaBtion o emer0enc% F disaster care services /escribe the role o n)rse in disaster mana0ement /escribe the role o n)rse in mana0eB ment o common Emer0encies

Nursing management of 5atient in mergenc( L Disaster situations Disaster Nursing ? @oncepts F principles o /isaster A)rsin0 @a)ses and T%pes o /isaster G Aat)ral and -anBmade o EarthI)a,es5 Cloods5 Epidemics5 @%clones o Cire5 E(plosion5 +ccidents o 8iolence5 TerrorismS bioBchemical5 *ar 6olicies related to emer0eBnc%/disaster mana0ementS 3nternational5 national5 state5 instit)tional /isaster preparednessG Team5 #)idelines5 protocols5 EI)ipments5 !eso)rces @oordination and involveBment o S @omm)nit%5 vario)s 0ovt. departments5 nonB0ovt. or0aniHations F 3nternational a0encies !ole o n)rseG wor,in0 7e0al +spects o /isaster A)rsin0 3mpact on &ealth and a ter e ectsS 6ost Tra)matic 'tress /isorder !ehabilitationS ph%sical5 ps%choBsocial5 Cinancial5 !elocation mergenc( Nursing @oncept5 priorities5 principles F scope o emer0enc% n)rsin0 4r0aniHation o emerB0enc% servicesG ph%sical set)p5 sta in05 eI)ipment and s)pplies5 protocols5 @oncepts o tria0e F role o tria0e n)rse @oordination F involveBment o di erent departments F acilities A)rsin0 +ssessmentB &istor% and 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%5 6athoph%siolo0% 5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical F ')r0ical n)rsin0 mana0eBment o patient with medical F s)r0ical Emer0enc% 6rinciples o emer0enc% mana0ement @ommon Emer0enciesS !espirator% Emer0encies


114 @ardiac Emer0encies 'hoc, F &aemorrha0e 6ain 6ol%BTra)ma5 road accidents5 cr)sh in")ries5 wo)nd <ites 6oisonin0S Cood5 #as5 /r)0s F chemical poisonin0 'eiH)res Thermal Emer0encies &eat stro,e F @old in")ries 6ediatric Emer0encies 6s%chiatric Emer0encies 4bstetrical Emer0encies 8iolence5 +b)se5 'e()al assa)lt @ardio 6)lmonar% !es)scitation @risis 3ntervention !ole o the n)rseS @omm)nication F 3nter personal !elations -edicoB7e0al +spectsS $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /isaster mana0ement /rills /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessBment o patient mana0eBment problem 8333 10 E(plain the concept and problems o a0in0 /escribe n)rsin0 care o the elderl% Nursing care of t'e elderl( A)rsin0 +ssessment E&istor% F 6h%sical assessment +0ein0S /emo0raph%S -%ths and realities @oncepts F theories o a0ein0 @o0nitive +spects o +0ein0 Aormal biolo0ical a0ein0 +0e related bod% s%stems chan0es 6s%chosocial +spects o +0ein0 -edications and elderl% 'tress F copin0 in older ad)lts @ommon &ealth 6roblems F A)rsin0 -ana0ementS @ardiovasc)lar5 !espiraBtor%5 -)sc)los,eletal5


115 o o Endocrine5 0enitorB)rinar%5 0astrointestinal Ae)rolo0ical5 ',in and other 'ensor% or0ans 6s%chosocial and 'e()al +b)se o elderl% !ole o n)rse or care o elderl%G amb)lation5 n)tritional5 comm)nicational5 ps%chosocial F spirit)al !ole o n)rse or care0ivers o elderl% !ole o amil% and ormal and non ormal care0ivers $se o aids F prosthesis 1hearin0 aids5 dent)res5 7e0al F Ethical 3ss)es 6rovisions F 6ro0rammes or elderl%S privile0es5 @omm)nit% 6ro0rams and health servicesS &ome F instit)tional care

$eac'ing "earning #ctivit( 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation 8isit to old a0e home +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessment o patient mana0eBment problem 3R 10 /escribe or0aniHation o critical care )nits /escribe the role o n)rse in mana0ement o patients critical care )nits Nursing management of 5atient in critical care units A)rsin0 +ssessment E&istor% F 6h%sical assessment @lassi ication 6rinciples o critical care n)rsin0 4r0aniHationS 6h%sical set)p5 6olicies5 sta in0 norms5 6rotocols5 eI)ipment and s)pplies 'pecial eI)ipmentsS ventilators5 cardiac monitors5 de ibrillators5 !es)scitation eI)ipments 3n ection @ontrol 6rotocols A)rsin0 mana0ement o criticall% ill patientS -onitorin0 o criticall% ill patient @6!B+dvance @ardiac 7i e s)pport Treatments F proced)res Transitional care Ethical F 7e0al +spects @omm)nication with patient and amil% 3ntensive care records


116 @risis 3ntervention /eath F /%in0Bcopin0 with /r)0s )sed in critical care )nit

$eac'ing "earning #ctivit( 7ect)re /isc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts5 0raphs -odels5 ilms5 slides /emonstration !ole pla%s @o)nselin0 6ractice session @ase disc)ssions/ 'eminar &ealth ed)cation ')pervised clinical practice /r)0 boo,/ presentation +ssessBment o s,ills with chec, list +ssessment o patient mana0eBment problem R 8 /escribe the etiolo0%5 pathoB ph%siolo0%5 clinical mani estaB tions5 assessment5 dia0nostic meas)res F mana0ement o patients with occ)pational and ind)strial health disorder Nursing management of 5atients adults including elderl( 4it' Occu5ational and Industrial disorders A)rsin0 +ssessment E&istor% F 6h%sical assessment Etiolo0%5 6athoph%sioBlo0%5 clinical mani estaBtions5 dia0nosis5 treatment modalities and medical F ')r0ical n)rsin0 mana0eBment o occ)pational and ind)strial health disorders !ole o n)rse 'pecial Therapies5 alternative therapies A)rsin0 proced)res /r)0s )sed in treatment o 4cc)pational F 3nd)strial disorders $eac'ing "earning #ctivit(



%edical Surgical Nursing A II 8ractical

=#dult and Geriatrics> A II 8lacement ? Third :ear $ime ? Theor% E 120 hrs 6ractical E 270 hrs @linical Trainin0 E 4>0 hrs #reas EAT Durati on =in 4,s> 1 O3&ectives of 8osting 6rovide care to patients with EAT disorder s @o)nsel and ed)cate patient and amilies S,ills to 3e develo5ed 6er orm e(amination o ear5 nose and throat +ssist with dia0nostic proced)res +ssist with therape)tic proced)res 3nstillation o drops 6er orm/assist with irri0ations +ppl% ear banda0e 6er orm tracheostom% care Teach patients F amilies #ssignments 6rovid e care to 2B> assi0n ed patient s A)rsin 0 care plan B1 4bserv ation reports o 46/ -ainta in dr)0 boo, #ssessment met'ods +ssess each s,ill with chec,list +ssess per orm ance with ratin0 scale Eval)ati on o observat ion report o 46/ @omplet ion o activit% record +ssess each s,ill with chec,list +ssess per orm ance with ratin0 scale Eval)ati on o observat ion report o

4phthaB molo0%

6rovide care to patients with E%e disorder s @o)nsel and ed)cate patient and amilies

6er orm e(amination o e%e +ssist with dia0nostic proced)res +ssist with therape)tic proced)res 6er orm/assist with irri0ations +ppl% e%e banda0e +ppl% e%e drops/ ointments +ssist with orei0n bod% removal Teach patients F amilies

6rovid e care to 2B> assi0n ed patient s A)rsin 0 care plan B1 4bserv ation reports o 46/ F E%e


118 ban, -ainta in dr)0 boo, 46/ /E%e ban, @omplet ion o activit% record +ssess each s,ill with chec,list +ssess per orm ance with ratin0 scale >.Eval)a tion o case st)d% F health teachin0 @omplet ion o activit% record


6rovide care to patients with ne)rolo0 ical disorder s @o)nsel and ed)cate patient and amilies

6er orm Ae)rolo0ical E(amination $se #las0ow coma scale +ssist with dia0nostic proced)res +ssist with therape)tic proced)res Teach patients F amilies 6articipate in rehabilitation pro0ram

#%neB colo0% ward 1 6rovide care to patients with 0%necol o0ical disorder s @o)nsel and ed)cate patient and amilies +ssist with 0%necolo0ical E(amination +ssist with dia0nostic proced)res +ssist with therape)tic proced)res Teach patients amilies Teachin0 sel <reast E(amination +ssist with 6+6 smear collection

6rovid e care to assi0n ed 2B> patient s with ne)rol o0ical disord ers @ase st)d%/ case presen Btation E1 -ainta ins dr)0 boo, &ealth Teachi n0B1 6rovid e care to 2B> assi0n ed patient s A)rsin 0 care plan B1 -ainta in dr)0 boo,



+ssessment o the


+ssess each s,ill with chec,list +ssess per orm ance with ratin0 scale Eval)ati on o care plan @omplet ion o activit% record +ssess


11D $nit care to patients with <)rns @o)nsel and ed)cate patient and amilies b)rns patient o 6ercenta0e o b)rns o /e0ree o b)rns Cl)id F electrol%te replacement therap% o +ssess o @alc)late o !eplace o !ecord inta,e/o)tp)t @are o <)rn wo)nds o <athin0 o /ressin0 6er orm active F passive e(ercises 6ractice medical F s)r0ical asepsis @o)nsel F Teach patients and amilies 6articipate in rehabilitaBtion pro0ram 'creen or common canBcersBTAclassi ication +ssist with dia0nostic proced)res o <iopsies o 6ap smear o <oneBmarrow aspiration <reast e(amination +ssist with therape)tic proced)res 6articipates in vario)s modalities o treatment o @hemotherap% o !adiotherap% o 6ain mana0ement o 'tomaltherap% o &ormonal therap% o 3mm)no therap% o #ene therap% o +lternative therap% 6articipatin0 palliative care @o)nsel and teach patients amilies o 'el <reast E(amination e care to 1B2 assi0n ed patient s A)rsin 0 care plan B1 4bserv ation reports o <)rns )nit each s,ill with chec,list +ssess per orm ance with ratin0 scale Eval)ati on o care plan and observat ion report @omplet ion o activit% record +ssess each s,ill with chec,list +ssess per orm ance with ratin0 scale Eval)ati on o care plan and observat ion report @omplet ion o activit% record

4nolo0l% $nit

6rovide care to patients with @ancer @o)nsel and ed)cate patient and amilies

6rovid e care to 2B> assi0n ed patient s A)rsin 0 care plan B1 4bserv ation report o cancer )nit


120 o *arnin0 si0ns 6articipate in rehabiliB tation pro0ram -onitorin0 o patients in 3@$ -aintain low sheet @are o patient on ventilators 6er orm Endotracheal s)ction /emonstrates )se o ventilators5 cardiac monitors etc. @ollect specimens and interprets +<# anal%sis +ssist with arterial p)nct)re -aintain @86 line 6)lse o(imetr% @6! E +7' /e ibrillators 6ace ma,ers <a0Bmas, ventilation Emer0enc% tra%/troll%B @rash @art +dministration o dr)0s o 3n )sion p)mp o Epid)ral o 3ntra thecal o 3ntracardiac Total parenteral therap% @hest ph%siotherap% 6er orm active F passive e(ercises @o)nsel the patient and amil% in dealin0 with 0rievin0 and bereavement 6ractice 9tria0e; +ssist with assessment5 e(amination5 investi0aB tions F their interpretaB tions5 in emer0enc% F disaster sit)ations +ssist in

@ritical care )nit

6rovide care to criticall% ill patients @o)nsel patient and amilies or 0rie and bereave ment

6rovid e care to 1 assi0n ed patient 4bserv ation report o @ritica l care )nit /r)0s boo,

+ssess each s,ill with chec,list +ssess per orm ance with ratin0 scale Eval)ati on o observat ion report @omplet ion o activit% record

@as)alt%/ Emer0enc %

6rovide care to patients in emer0en c% and disaster

4bserv ation report o Emer0 enc% )nit

+ssess per orm ance with ratin0 scale Eval)ati


121 sit)ation @o)nsel patient and amilies or 0rie and bereave ment doc)mentations +ssist in le0al proced)res in emer0enc% )nit 6articipate in mana0in0 crowd @o)nsel patient F amilies in 0rie and bereavement on o observat ion report @omplet ion o activit% record

8lacement ? @linical Trainin0 $ime ? D wee,s #reas -edical ward ')r0ical ward @ritical care )nit /3@@$ @as)alt%/Emer0enc% 4peration Theatre 1E%e5 EAT5 Ae)ro2 Duratio n =in 4ee,> 2 2 1 2 +ssist with common operations O3&ective 6rovide comprehensive care to patients with medical and s)r0ical conditions incl)din0 emer0encies S,ills 3nte0rated 6ractice #ssessment +ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale



Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination for %edical Surgical Nursing Theory There shall be one theor% paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. /istrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s or -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0 shall be as 0iven )nder.
Distri3ution of $(5e of Buest0ions and %ar,s for %edical Surgical Nursing@ II*

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 2 10 10

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 20 50 >0 100

8ractical and Viva Voce 3nternal +ssessment -edical B ')r0ical A)rsin0B 33 50 $n"versit% E(amination 50 Total 100

Note? +ll practical e(aminations m)st be held in the respective clinical areas. 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct practical /clinical e(amination or each st)dent.



C'ild )ealt' Nursing

8lacement ? Third :ear $ime ? Theor% B D0 ho)rs 6ractical B 270 ho)rs @linical Trainin0 B 145 ho)rs Course Descri5tion G This co)rse is desi0ned or developin0 an )nderstandin0 o the modern approach to child E care5 identi ication5 prevention and n)rsin0 mana0ement o common health problems o neonates and children. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 15 "earning O3&ective Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities E(plain 3ntrod)ction -odern concepts o childcare the 3nternationall% accepted ri0hts o the @hild modern concept Aational polic% F le0islations in relation to child o child health and wel are care F Aational pro0rammes related to child health and principle wel are so +0encies related to wel are services to the children child @han0in0 trends in hospital care5 preventive5 health promotive F c)rative aspects o child health A)rsin0 @hild morbidit% and mortalit% rates /escribe /i erences between an ad)lt and child national &ospital environment or a sic, child polic% 3mpact o hospitaliHation on the child and amil% pro0ram s and #rie and bereavement le0islati The role o a @hild health n)rse in carin0 or a on in hospitalised child relation 6rinciples o pre and post operative care o in ants to child and children health @hild health n)rsin0 proced)res and wel are. $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ist 7ect)re /isc)ssion ma"or /emonstration o common paediatric proced)res ca)ses +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list o death d)rin0 in anc%5 earl% F late childhoo d /escribe the ma"or


124 )nction s and role o the paediatri c n)rse in carin0 or a hospitali Hed child. /escribe the principle so child health n)rsin0 /escri The health% child 6rinciples o 0rowth and development be the Aorma Cactors a ectin0 0rowth F development l #rowth and development rom birth to adolescene 0rowth The needs o normal children thro)0h the sta0es o F developmental and parental 0)idance develo A)tritional needs o children F in antsG breast pment eedin05 e(cl)sive breast eedin0 o s)pplementar%/arti icial eedin0 and weanin05 childre <ab% riendl% hospital concept n at +ccidentsG ca)ses and prevention di ere 8al)e o pla% and selection o pla% material nt a0es 6reventive imm)niHation5 imm)niHation pro0ramme 3denti and cold chain % the needs 6reventive paediatrics o @are o )nder ive F )nder ive clinics/well bab% childre clinics n at di ere $eac'ing "earning #ctivities nt a0es 7ect)re /isc)ssion F /evelopmental st)d% o in ant and children provid 4bservation on st)d% o normal and sic, child e Cield visit to +n0anwadi5 child 0)idance clinic parent Cilm show on breast eedin0 al @linical practice / ield 0)idan +ssessment o ield visits and developmenBtal ce st)d% reports 3denti % the n)triti onal needs




125 o childre n at di ere nt a0es and wa%s o meetin 0 the needs +ppre ciate the role o pla% or normal F sic, childre n +ppre ciate the preven Btive meas) res and strate0 ies or childre n 6rovid Nursing care of a neonate A)rsin0 care o a normal newborn/Essential e care to newborn care normal Aeonatal res)scitation F hi0h A)rsin0 mana0ement o a low birth wei0ht bab% ris, .an0aroo mother care neonat A)rsin0 mana0ement o common neonatal disorders es 4r0aniHation o neonatal )nit 6er or 3denti ication F n)rsin0 mana0ement o common m con0enital mal ormations neonat al $eac'ing "earning #ctivities res)sci 7ect)re /isc)ssion tation *or,shop on neonatal res)scitation !eco0 /emonstBration niHe and 6ractice session




126 mana0 e comm on neonatal problems 38 8 10 20 @linical practice +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list



Integrated management of neonatal and c'ild'ood illnesses =I%NCI> 6rovid Nursing management in common c'ild'ood diseases A)tritional de icienc% disorders e n)rsin !espirator% disorders and in ections 0 care #astrointestinal in ections5 in estations and in con0enital disorders comm @ardio vasc)lar problemG con0enital de ects and on rhe)matic ever5 rhe)matic heart disease childh #enitorB)rinar% disordersG ac)te 0lomer)lo nephritis5 ood Aephrotic s%ndrome5 *ilmsT t)mor5 in ection and diseas con0enital disorders es Ae)rolo0ical in ections and disordersG conv)lsions5 3denti epileps%5 menin0itis5 h%drocephal)s5 spinaBbi ida % &ematolo0ical disorders G +nemias5 thalassemia5 meas) 3T65 7e),emia5 hemophilia res to Endocrine disordersG Q)venile /iabetes -ellit)s preven 4rthopedic disorders Gcl)b eet5 hip dislocation and t ract)re comm on /isorders o s,in5 e%e5 F ears childh @ommon comm)nicable diseases in children5 their ood identi ication5 n)rsin0 mana0ement in hospital and diseas home and prevention es @hild health emer0enciesG poisonin05 orei0n bodies5 incl)di hemorrha0e5 b)rns F drownin0 n0 A)rsin0 care o in ant and children with &38/+3/' imm)n iHaB $eac'ing "earning #ctivities tion 7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstBration 6ractice session @linical practice -ana0 %anagement of 3e'avioural L social 5ro3lems in c'ildren e the -ana0ement o common behavio)ral disorders child with -ana0ement o common ps%chiatric problems behavi -ana0ement o challen0ed children G -entall%5 o)ral 6h%sicall%5 F sociall% challen0ed F *el are services or challen0ed children in 3ndia social @hild 0)idance clinics proble ms $eac'ing "earning #ctivities


127 3denti % the social F wel ar e service s or challe n0ed childre n 7ect)re /isc)ssion Cield visits to child 0)idance clinics5 school or mentall% F ph%sicall%5 sociall% challen0ed +ssessment o ield visits and st)d% reports



C'ild )ealt' Nursing A 8ractical

8lacement ? Third :ear $ime ? 270 ho)rs 1D *ee,s2 Dourt' Fear Clinical $raining? 145 ho)rs 1> *ee,s2 #reas 6aediatric -edicine ward Duratio O3&ectives n =in 4ee,s> > 6rovide n)rsin0 care to children with vario)s medical disorder s @o)nsel and ed)cate parents S,ills Ta,in0 paediatric &istor% 6h%sical e(amination and assessment o children +dminister o oral5 3/F 38 medicine/ l)ids @alc)lation o l)id reI)irements 6repare di erent stren0ths o 3.8. l)ids +ppl% restraints +dminister 42 inhalation b% di erent methods #ive bab% bath Ceed children b% .atori spoon5 etc. @ollect specimens or common investi0ations +ssist with common dia0nostic proced)res Teach mothers/parents o -aln)trition o 4ral reh%dration therap% o Ceedin0 F *eanin0 o 3mm)niHation sched)le o 6la% therap% o 'peci ic /isease conditions @alc)late5 prepare and administer 3/8 l)ids /o bowel wash @are or ostomies G o @olostom% irri0ation #ssignments #ive care to three assi0ned paediatric patients A)rsin0 @are 6lan E1 @ase st)d%/pres entationsB 1 &ealth Tal, B1 #ssessment %et'ods +ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale +ssess each s,ill with chec,list 4'@E/ 4'6E Eval)ation o case st)d%/presentati on F &ealth ed)cation session @ompletion o activit% record

6aediatric ')r0er% *ard


!eco0 niHe di ere nt pediatr

#ive care to three assi0ned paediatric s)r0ical

+ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale +ssess each


12D ic s)r0ica l conditi ons/ mal or maB tions 6rovid e pre and post operati ve care to childre n with comm on paediat ric s)r0ica l conditi ons/ mal or mation @o)ns el and ed)cat e parents 6er or m assess ment o childre nG &ealth 5 /evelo pment al and +nthro poB metric 6er or m 3mm)n iHation o $reterostom% o #astrostom% o Enterostom% $rinar% catheteriHation and draina0e Ceedin0 o AasoB 0astric o #astro stom% o Qe")no stom% @are o s)r0ical wo)nds o /ressi n0 o ')t)re remova l patients A)rsin0 @are 6lan E1 @ase st)d%/pres entationB1 s,ill with chec,list 4'@E/ 4'6E Eval)ation o case st)d%/presentati on @ompletion o activit% record

6ediatric 46// 3mm)niHatio n room

+ssessment o children o &ealth assessment o /evelopmenta l assessment o +nthropometri c assessment 3mm)niHation &ealth/A)tritional Ed)cation

/evelop mental st)d% B1

+ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale @ompletion o activit% record


1>0 #ive &ealth Ed)cat ion /A)tritional Ed)cation 6rovid e n)rsin 0 care to critical l% ill childre n

6ediatric medicine and s)r0er% 3@$


@are o a bab% in inc)bator/warmer @are o a child on ventilator Endotracheal s)ction @hest ph%siotherap% +dminister l)ids with in )sion p)mp Total parenteral n)trition 6hototherap% -onitorin0 o babies @ardio 6)lmonar% res)scitation

A)rsin0 care plan 1 4bserva tion report 1

+ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale @ompletion o activit% record Eval)ation o observation report

Clinical $raining /)ration 1in +rea wee,s2 6ediatric 1 medicine ward/3@$ 6ediatric 1 ')r0er% ward/3@$ A3@$ 1

4b"ective 6rovide comprehensive care to children with medical conditions 6rovide comprehensive care to children with s)r0ical conditions 6rovide intensive care to neonates

',ills 3nte0rat ed 6ractice 3nte0rat ed 6ractice 3nte0rat ed 6ractice

+ssessment -ethods +ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale +ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale +ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale

Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination for C'ild )ealt' Nursing Theory There shall be one theor% paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. /istrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s or @hild &ealth A)rsin0 shall be as 0iven )nder.
Distri3ution of $(5e of Buest0ions and %ar,s for C'ild )ealt' Nursing

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 2 10 10

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 20 50 >0 100

8ractical and Viva Voce /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/207607805.doc

1>1 3nternal +ssessment . @hild &ealth A)rsin0 50 $niversit% E(amination 50 Total 100

Note? +ll practical e(aminations m)st be held in the respective clinical areas. 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct practical /clinical e(amination or each st)dent.



%ental )ealt' Nursing

8lacement ? Third :ear $ime ? Theor% B D0 ho)rs 8ractical B 270 ho)rs Clinical $raining B D5 ho)rs 12 wee,s2 Course Descri5tion ? This co)rse is desi0ned or developin0 an )nderstandin0 o the modern approach to mental health5 identi ication5 prevention and n)rsin0 mana0ement o common mental health problems with special emphasis on therape)tic interventions or individ)als5 amil% and comm)nit%. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 5 "earning O3&ective /escribe s the historical development F c)rrent trends in mental health n)rsin0 /escribe the epidemioB lo0% o mental health problems /escribe the Aational -ental &ealth +ct5 pro0rammes and mental health polic% /isc)sse s the scope o mental health n)rsin0 /escribe the concept o normal F abnormal behavio)r /e ines the vario)s terms )sed in Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities 3ntrod)ction 6erspectives o -ental &ealth and -ental &ealth n)rsin0 G evol)tion o mental health services5 treatments and n)rsin0 practices5 6revalence and incidence o mental health problems and disorders -ental &ealth +ct Aational -ental health polic% vis a vis Aational health polic% Aational -ental health pro0ramme -ental &ealth team Aat)re and scope o mental health n)rsin0 !ole and )nctions o mental health n)rse in vario)s settin0s and actors a ectin0 the level o n)rsin0 practice @oncepts o normal and abnormal behavio)r
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re disc)ssion +ssessment o ield visits reports


8rinci5les and Conce5ts of %ental )ealt' Nursing /e initionG mental health n)rsin0 and terminolo0% )sed @lassi ication o mental disorders G 3@/


1>> mental !eview o personalit% development5 de ense health mechanisms n)rsin0 -aladaptive behavio)r o individ)als and 0ro)psG E(plains stress5 crisis and disaster1s2 the Etiolo0%G bioBps%choBsocial actors classiB 6s%chopatholo0% o mental disordersG review o ication str)ct)re F )nction o brain5 limbic s%stem and o mental abnormal ne)ro transmission disorders 6rinciples o -ental health A)rsin0 E(plain @oncept)al models and the role o n)rseG ps%cho o E(istential -odel d%namic o 6s%choBanal%tical models so o <ehavio)ral model maladapt o 3nterpersonal model ive behavio) Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ r 7ect)re disc)ssion /isc)ss E(plain )sin0 charts the !eview o personalit% etiolo0ic al development actors5 ps%chopa Btholo0% o mental disorders E(plain the 6rinciple s F standards o mental health n)rsin0 /escribe the concept) al models o mental health n)rsin0 /escribe #ssessment of mental 'ealt' status &istor% ta,in0 nat)re5 p)rpose -ental stat)s e(amination F -ini mental stat)s e(amination process Ae)rolo0ical e(amination G review o 3nvesti0ations G !elated <lood chemistr%5 EE#5 @T assessme F -!3 nt o 6s%cholo0ical tests !ole and responsibilities o mental n)rse



1>4 health stat)s

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



7ect)re disc)ssion /emonstration 6ractice session @linical practice +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list $'era5eutic communication and nurse@5atient 3denti % therape)t relations'i5 Therape)tic comm)nicationG t%pes5 techniI)es5 ic comm)ni characteristics cation T%pes o relationship5 techniI) Ethics and responsibilities es Elements o n)rse patient contract /escribe !eview o techniI)e o 36!BQohari *indow therape)t #oals5 phases5 tas,s5 therape)tic techniI)es ic Therape)tic impasse and its intervention relations hip Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$ /escribe 7ect)re disc)ssion therape)t /emonstration ic !ole pla% impasse 6rocess recordin0 and its intervenB tion $reatment modalities and t'era5ies used in mental E(plain treatment disorders 6s%cho 6harmacolo0% modalitie sF 6s%cholo0ical therapiesG Therape)tic comm)nit%5 therapies ps%cho therap%Bindivid)alG ps%choBanal%tical5 )sed in co0nitive F s)pportive5 Camil%5 #ro)p5 mental behavio)ral. 6la%5 6s%choBdrama5 -)sic5 /ance5 disorders !ecreational F 7i0ht therap%5 !ela(ation and role therapies G :o0a5 -editation5 bio eedbac, o the +lternative s%stems o medicine n)rse 4cc)pational therap% 6h%sical Therap%G electro conv)lsive therap% #eriatric considerations !ole o n)rse in above therapies
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



7ect)re disc)ssion /emonstration #ro)p wor, 6ractice session @linical practice Nursing management of 5atient 4it' Sc'i;o5'renia* and ot'er 5s(c'otic disorders


1>5 the etiolo0%5 ps%choB patholo0 %5 clinical mani est aBtions5 dia0nosti c criteria F mana0eB ment o patients with 'chiHoph renia5 and other ps%choti c disorders /escribe the etiolo0% ps%choB patholo0 %5 clinical mani est ations5 dia0nosti c criteria and mana0e ment o patients with mood disorders @lassi icationG 3@/ Etiolo0%5 ps%choBpatholo0%5 t%pes5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis A)rsin0 +ssessment B &istor%5 6h%sical F mental assessment Treatment modalities and n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients with 'chiHophrenia F other ps%chotic disorders #eriatric considerations Collow )p and home care and rehabilitation
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re disc)ssion @ase disc)ssion @ase presenBtation @linical practice +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems


Nursing management of 5atient 4it' mood disorders -ood disordersG <ipolar a ective disorder5 -ania depression F d%sthamia etc Etiolo0%5 ps%choBpatholo0%5 clinical mani estations5 dia0nosis5 A)rsin0 +ssessment E&istor%5 6h%sical and mental assessment Treatment modalities and n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients with mood disorders #eriatric considerations CollowB)p and home care and rehabilitation
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


7ect)re disc)ssion @ase disc)ssion @ase presentation @linical practice +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems Nursing management of 5atient 4it' neurotic* stress /escribe related and somati;ation disorders the +n(iet% disorder5 6hobias5 /issociation and etiolo0% 5 ps%choB @onversion disorder5 4bsessive comp)lsive patholo0 disorder5 somato orm disorders5 6ost tra)matic %5 stress disorder clinical Etiolo0%5 ps%choBpatholo0%5 clinical mani estations5 mani est dia0nosis aBtions5 A)rsin0 +ssessmentB&istor%5 6h%sical F mental dia0nosti assessment


1>6 c criteria and mana0eB ment o patients with ne)rotic5 stress related and somatiHation disorders /escribe the etiolo0% ps%choB patholo0 %5 clinical mani est aBtions5 dia0nosti c criteria and mana0eB ment o patients with s)bstanc e )se disorders Treatment modalities and n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients with ne)rotic5 stress related and somatiHation disorders #eriatric considerations CollowB)p and home care and rehabilitation

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


7ect)re disc)ssion @ase disc)ssion @ase presentation @linical practice +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems Nursing management of 5atient 4it' su3stance use disorders @ommonl% )sed ps%chotropic s)bstanceG @lassi ication5 orms5 ro)tes5 action5 into(ication F withdrawal Etiolo0% o dependenceG tolerance5 ps%cholo0ical and ph%sical dependence5 withdrawal s%ndrome5 dia0nosis5 A)rsin0 +ssessment B &istor%5 6h%sical5 mental assessment and dr)0 assa% Treatment 1deto(i ication5 antab)se and narcotic anta0onist therap% and harm red)ction2 F n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients with s)bstance )se disorders #eriatric considerations CollowB)p and home care and rehabilitation
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

/escribe the etiolo0% ps%choB patholo0 %5 clinical mani est aBtions5 dia0nosti c criteria and mana0eB ment o

7ect)re disc)ssion @ase disc)ssion @ase presentation @linical practice +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems Nursing management of 5atient 4it' 8ersonalit(* Se:ual L ating disorders @lassi ication o disorders Etiolo0%5 ps%choBpatholo0%5 characteristics5 dia0nosis5 A)rsin0 assessmentB&istor%5 6h%sical and mental assessment Treatment modalities and n)rsin0 mana0ement o patients with 6ersonalit%5 'e()al F Eatin0 disorders #eriatric considerations CollowB)p and home care and rehabilitation
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re disc)ssion


1>7 patients with personali t%5 'e()al F Eatin0 disorders /escribe the etiolo0% ps%choB patholo0 %5 clinical mani est aBtions5 dia0nosti c criteria and mana0eB ment o childhoo d and adolesce nt disorders incl)din0 mental de icienc % /escribe the etiolo0%5 ps%choB patholo0 %5 clinical mani est aBtions5 dia0nosti c criteria and mana0eB ment o or0anic brain disorders @ase disc)ssion @ase presentation @linical practice +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems


Nursing management of c'ild@'ood and adolescent disorders including mental deficienc( @lassi ication Etiolo0%5 ps%choBpatholo0%5 characteristics5 dia0nosis5 A)rsin0 assessmentB&istor%5 6h%sical5 mental and 3? assessment Treatment modalities and n)rsin0 mana0ement o childhood disorders incl)din0 mental de icienc% CollowB)p and home care and rehabilitation
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re disc)ssion @ase disc)ssion @ase presentation @linical practice +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems


Nursing management of organic 3rain disorders @lassi ication G 3@/V Etiolo0%5 ps%choBpatholo0%5 clinical eat)res5 dia0nosis5 and /i erential dia0nosis 1par,insons and alHheimers2 A)rsin0 assessmentB&istor%5 6h%sical5 mental and ne)rolo0ical assessment Treatment modalities and n)rsin0 mana0ement o or0anic brain disorders #eriatric considerations CollowB)p and home care and rehabilitation
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re disc)ssion @ase disc)ssion @ase presentation @linical practice +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems




3denti % ps%chiatr ic emer0en cies and carr% o)t crisis intervenB tion

8s(c'iatric emergencies and crisis intervention T%pes o ps%chiatric emer0encies and their mana0ement 'tress adaptation -odelG stress and stressor5 copin05 reso)rces and mechanism #rie G theories o 0rievin0 process5 principles5 techniI)es o co)nselin0 T%pes o crisis @risis 3nterventionG 6rinciples5 TechniI)es and 6rocess #eriatric considerations !ole and responsibilities o n)rse
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


7ect)re disc)ssion /emonstration 6ractice session @linical practice "egal issued in %ental )ealt' Nursing E(plain The -ental &ealth +ct 1D87G +ct5 sections5 +rticles le0al aspects F their implications etc. applied 3ndian 7)nac% +ct 1D12 in mental !i0hts o mentall% ill clients health Corensic ps%chiatr% settin0s +cts related to narcotic and ps%chotropic s)bstances and role and ille0al dr)0 tra ic,in0 o the +dmission and dischar0e proced)res n)rse !ole and responsibilities o n)rse
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


7ect)re disc)ssion @ase disc)ssion /escribe Communit( %ental )ealt' Nursing /evelopment o @omm)nit% -ental &ealth the model o 'ervicesG preventiv Aational -ental &ealth 6ro0ramme e 3nstit)tionaliHation 8ers)s /einstit)tionaliHation ps%chiatr -odel o 6reventive 6s%chiatr%G 7evels o % 6revention /escribe -ental &ealth 'ervices available at the primar%5 s secondar%5 tertiar% levels incl)din0 rehabilitation @omm)n and !ole o n)rse it% -ental &ealth +0enciesG #overnment and -ental vol)ntar%5 Aational and 3nternational health -ental health n)rsin0 iss)es or special services pop)lationsG @hildren5 +dolescence5 *omen5 F role o Elderl%5 8ictims o violence and ab)se5 the n)rse


1>D &andicapped5 &38/+3/' etc.

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re disc)ssion @linical/ ield practice Cield visits to mental health service a0encies +ssessment o ield reports



%ental )ealt' Nursing A 8ractical

8lacement ? Third :ear $ime ? Dourt' Fear #reas 6s%chiaB tric 46/ Duration =in 4ee,> 1 O3&ectives +ssess patient s with mental health proble ms 4bser ve F assist in therapi es @o)ns el F ed)cat e patient 5F amilie s 8ractical B 270 ho)rs 1D *ee,s2 Clinical $raining B D5 ho)rs 12 *ee,s2 S,ills &istor% ta,in0 6er orm mental stat)s e(amination 1-'E2 +ssist in 6s%chometric assessment 6er orm Ae)rolo0ical e(amination 4bserve and assist in therapies Teach patients and amil% members #ssignments #ssessment %et'ods &istor% +ssess ta,in0 per or and mance mental with stat)s ratin0 e(aminat scale ion E 2 +ssess &ealth each ed)cation s,ill B1 with chec,l 4bservati ist on report Eval)a o 46/ tion o health ed)cat ion +ssess ment o observ ation report @ompl etion o activit % record @ase +ssess wor, E 1 per or mance 4bservati with on report ratin0 o scale di erent +ssess therapies B1 each s,ill with chec,list Eval)a

@hild #)idance clinic

+ssess ment o childre n with vario) s mental health proble ms

&istor% ta,in0 +ssist in ps%chometric assessment 4bserve and assist in vario)s therapies Teach amil% and si0ni icant others


141 @o)ns el and ed)cat e childre n5 amilie sF si0ni i cant others +ssess patient s with mental health proble ms To provid e n)rsin 0 care or patient s with vario) s mental health problems +ssist in vario) s therapi es @o)ns el F ed)cat e patient s5 amilie sF si0ni i cant others To identi % tion o the observ ation report

3npatient ward

&istor% ta,in0 6er orm mental stat)s e(amination 1-'E2 6er orm Ae)rolo0ical e(amination +ssist in ps%chometric assessment !ecord therape)tic comm)nication +dminister medications +ssist in ElectroB conv)lsive therap% nb1E@T2 6articipate in all therapies 6repare patients or +ctiviBties o /ail% livin0 1+/72 @ond)ct admission and dischar0e co)nselin0 @o)nsel and teach patients and amilies

#ive care +ssess to 2B> per or patients maB with nce vario)s with mental ratin0 disorders scale @ase +ssess st)d%B1 each s,ill @are with chec,list planB2 Eval)a @linical tion o 6resentation B 1 the 6rocess case recordin st)d%5 02 care -aintai plan5 n dr)0 clinica boo, l presen tation5 proces s record in0 @ompl etion o activit % record

@omm)B nit% 6s%chiatr%

@ond)ct case wor, 3denti % individ)als with mental health

@ase wor, E 1 4bservaB

+ssess per orB mance


142 patient s with vario) s mental disord ers To motiva te patient s or earl% treatm ent F ollow )p To assist in ollow )p clinic @o)ns el and ed)cat e patient 5 amil% and comm)nit% Clinical $raining +rea 6s%chiatr% ward /)ration 2 wee,s 4b"ective 6rovide comprehensive care to patients with mental health problems ',ills 3nte0rated 6ractice +ssessment -ethods +ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale problems +ssists in mental health camps and clinics @o)nsel and Teach amil% members5 patients and comm)nit% tion report on ield visits with ratin0 scale Eval)a tion o case wor, and observ ation report @ompl etion o activit % record


14> Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination for %ental )ealt' Nursing Theory There shall be one theor% paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. /istrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s or -ental &ealth A)rsin0 shall be as 0iven )nder.
Distri3ution of $(5e of Buest0ions and %ar,s for %ental )ealt' Nursing

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 2 10 10

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 20 50 >0 100

8ractical and Viva Voce -ental &ealth A)rsin0 3nternal +ssessment 50 $niversit% E(amination 50 Total 100

Note? +ll practical e(aminations m)st be held in the respective clinical areas. 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct practical /clinical e(amination or each st)dent.



%id4ifer( and O3stetrical Nursing

8lacement ? Third :ear $ime ? Theor% B D0 ho)rs 8ractical @ 180 ho)rs Course Descri5tion G This co)rse is desi0ned or st)dents to appreciate the concepts and principles o midwi er% and obstetrical n)rsin0. 3t helps them to acI)ire ,nowled0e and s,ills in renderin0 n)rsin0 care to normal and hi0h ris, pre0nant women d)rin0 antenatal5 natal and post natal periods in hospitals and comm)nit% settin0s. 3t also helps to develop s,ills in mana0in0 normal F hi0h ris, neonates F participate in amil% wel are pro0ramme. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> > "earning O3&ective !eco0nis e the trends F iss)es in midwi er % and obstetric al n)rsin0 Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Introduction to mid4ifer( and o3stetrical Nursing 3ntrod)ction to concepts o midwi er% and obstetrical A)rsin0 Trends in midwi er% and obstetrical n)rsin0 o &istorical perspectives and c)rrent trends o 7e0al and ethical aspects o 6reBconception care and preparin0 or parenthood o !ole o n)rse in midwi er% and obstetrical care o Aational polic% and le0islation in relation to maternal health F wel are o -aternal5 morbidit%5 mortalit% and ertilit% rates o 6erinatal5 morbidit% and mortalit% rates
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


/escribe the anatom% F ph%siolo 0% o emale reprod)c Btive s%stem

7ect)re disc)ssion E(plain )sin0 @harts and 0raphs Revie4 of anatom( L 5'(siolog( of female re5roductive s(stem and foetal develo5ment Cemale pelvisB 0eneral description o the bones "oints5 li0aments5 planes o the pelvis diameters o the tr)e pelvis5 important landmar,s5 variations in pelvis shape Cemale or0ans o reprod)ction B e(ternal 0enetalia5 internal 0enital or0ans and their anatomical relations5 m)sc)lat)re E blood s)ppl%5 nerves5 l%mphatics5 pelvic cell)lar tiss)e5 pelvic peritone)m 6h%siolo0% o menstr)al c%cle &)man se()alit% Coetal development o @onception o !eview o ertiliHation5 implantation 1embeddin0 o the ov)m25 development o the embr%o F placenta at term )nctions5 abnormalities5 the


145 oetal sac5 amniotic l)id5 the )mbilical chord5 o Coetal circ)lation5 oetal s,)ll5 bones5 s)t)res and meas)rements !eview o #enetics
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


7ect)re disc)ssion !eview with @harts and models /escribe #ssessment and management of 5regnanc( =ante@ natal> the Aormal pre0nanc% dia0nosis F 6h%siolo0ical chan0es d)rin0 pre0nanc% mana0eB o !eprod)ctive s%stem ment o o @ardio vasc)lar s%stem women o !espirator% s%stem d)rin0 o $rinar% s%stem antenatal o #astero intestinal s%stem period o -etabolic chan0es o ',eletal chan0es o ',in chan0es o Endocrine s%stem o 6s%cholo0ical chan0es o /iscom orts o pre0nanc% /ia0nosis o pre0nanc% o 'i0ns o /i erential dia0nosis o @on irmator% tests +nteBnatal care o 4b"ectives o +ssessment B &istor% and ph%sical e(amination B +ntenatal E(amination B 'i0ns o previo)s childB birth o !elationship o oet)s to )ter)s and pelvis G 7ie5 +ttit)de5 6resentation5 6osition o 6er va0inal e(amination 'creenin0 F assessment or hi0h ris,S !is, approach &istor% and 6h%sical E(amination -odalities o dia0nosisS 3nvasive F AonB 3nvasive5 )ltrasonics5 cardiotomoB0raph% 5 A'T5 @'T +ntenatal preparation o +ntenatal co)nselin0 o +ntenatal e(ercises


146 o o o o o o o o o o o /iet ')bstance )se Ed)cation or childBbirth &)sband and amilies 6reparation or sa eBcon inement 6revention rom radiation 6s%choBsocial and c)lt)ral aspects o pre0nanc% +d")stment to pre0nanc% $nwed mother 'in0le parent Teena0e pre0nanc% 'e()al violence +doption

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



/escribe the ph%siolo 0% and sta0es o labo)r /escribe the mana0e E ment o women d)rin0 intraB natal period

7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstBration @ase disc)ssion/ presentation &ealth tal, 6ractice session @o)nselin0 session ')pervised @linical practice +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems #ssessment and management of intra@natal 5eriod 6h%siolo0% o labo)r5 mechanism o labo)r -ana0ement o labo)r o Cirst sta0e B 'i0ns and s%mptoms o onset o labo)rS normal F abnormal B /)ration B 6reparation o G 7abo)r room *oman B +ssessment F observation o woment in labo)r S parto0ram E maternal and oetal monitorin0 B +ctive mana0ement o labo)r5 3nd)ction o labo)r B 6ain relie and com ort in labo)r 'econd sta0e o 'i0ns and s%mptomsS normal F abnormal o /)ration o @ond)ct o deliver% S principles and techniI)es o Episiotom% 1onl% i reI)ired2 o !eceivin0 the new born B Aeonatal res)scitation S initial steps and s)bseI)ent res)scitation


147 B B B B B B o o o o o o 8 5 /escribe the ph%siolo 0% o p)erperi )m /escribe the mana0e ment o women d)rin0 postB natal period @are o )mbilical cord 3mmediate assessment incl)din0 screenin0 or con0enital anomalies 3denti ication <ondin0 3nitiate eedin0 'creenin0 and transportBtation o the neonate

Third sta0e 'i0ns and s%mptomsS normal F abnormal /)ration -ethod o placental e(p)lsion -ana0ementS 6rinciples and techniI)es E(amination o the placenta E(amination o perine)m -aintainin0 records and reports Co)rth 'ta0e 7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstBration @ase disc)ssion/ presentation 'im)lated practice ')pervised @linical practice +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

#ssessment and management of 4omen during 5ost natal 5eriod Aormal p)erperi)mS 6h%siolo0% /)ration 6ostnatal assessment and mana0ement o 6romotin0 ph%sical and emotional wellB bein0 o 7actation mana0ement o 3mm)niHation Camil% d%namics a ter childBbirth Camil% wel are servicesS methods5 co)nsellin0 CollowB)p !ecords and reports
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstraBtion &ealth tal, 6ractice session ')pervised @linical practice +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems


148 +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list /escribe #ssessment and management of normal neonates Aormal AeonateG the 3dentiB o 6h%siolo0ical adaptation5 ication o 3nitial F /ail% assessment and o Essential newborn care S Thermal control5 mana0eB o <reast eedin05 prevention o in ections ment o 3mm)niHation women -inor disorders o newborn and its mana0ement with hi0h 7evels o Aeonatal care 1level 35 335 F 3332 ris, +t primar%5 secondar% and tertiar% levels pre0nanc -aintenance o !eports and !ecords %
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$


833 10

7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstBration 6ractice 'ession ')pervised @linical practice

/escribe )ig'@ris, 5regnanc(@assessment L management 'creenin0 and assessment the 3denti iB o $ltrasonics5 cardiotomoB0raph%5 A'T5 cation @'T5 nonBinvasive F invasive5 and o Aewer modalities o dia0nosis mana0eB &i0h Eris, approach ment o 7evels o careS primar%5 secondar% F tertiar% women levels with hi0h /isorders o pre0nanc% ris, o &%perBemesis 0ravidar)m5 bleedin0 in earl% pre0nanc pre0nanc%5 abortion5 ectopic % o 6re0nanc%5 vesic)lar mole5 o +nteBpart)m haemorra0e $terine abnormalit% and displacement /iseases complicatin0 pre0nanc% o -edical and s)r0ical conditions o 3n ections5 !T31'T/25 $T35 &385 T4!@& o #%naecolo0ical diseases complicatin0 pre0nanc% o 6re0nanc% ind)ced h%pertension F diabetes5 To(emia o pre0nanc%5 h%dramnios5 o !h incompatibilit% o -ental disorders +dolescent pre0nanc%5 Elderl% primi and 0rand m)ltipara -)ltiple pre0nanc% +bnormalities o placenta F cord 3ntraB)terine 0rowthBretardaBtion A)rsin0 mana0ement o mothers with hi0hBris,


14D pre0nanc% -aintenance o !ecords and !eport

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$



7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstrate )sin0 video ilms5 scan reports5 photo 0raph etc @ase disc)ssion/ presentation &ealth tal, 6ractice 'ession ')pervised @linical practice +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list /escribe #3normal "a3our A assessment and management /isorders in labo)r mana0eB ment o o @6/ and contracted pelvis abnormal o -alpositions and malpresentations labo)r o 6remat)re labo)r5 disorders o )terine +nd actionsB precipitate labo)r5 prolon0ed obstetric labo)r al o @omplications o third sta0eG in")ries to emer0encies birth canal 4bstetrical proced)res and operationsS o 6resentation and prolapse o cord5 8asa praevia5 amniotic l)id embolism5 r)pt)re o )ter)s5 sho)lder d%stocia5 obstretical shoc, 4bstetrical proced)res and operationsS o 3nd)ction o labo)r5 orceps5 vac))m version5 man)al removal o placenta5 caesarean section5 destr)ctive operations A)rsin0 mana0ement o women )nder0oin0 4bstetriBcal operations F proced)res
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivitie$

3R 4 /escribe mana0eB ment o post natal complica

7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstration @ase disc)ssion/ presentation 6ractice 'ession ')pervised @linical practice +ssessment o s,ills with chec,list +ssessment o patient mana0ement problems

#3normalities during 8ostnatal 8eriods +ssessment and mana0ement o women with postnatal complications o 6)erperial in ections5 breast en0or0ement F in ections5 $T35 thromboB Embolic disorders5 postBpart)m haemorra0e5


150 Btions Eclampsia F s)binvol)tion o 6s%cholo0ical complicationsG B 6ost part)m <l)es B 6ost part)m /epression B 6ost part)m 6s%chosis #ssessment and management of )ig' ris, ne43orn 3denti % +dmission o neonates in the neonatal intensive the hi0h ris, care )nitsB protocols neonates A)rsin0 mana0ement o G and their B 7ow birth wei0ht babies n)rsin0 B 3n ections mana0e B !espirator% problems ment B haemol%tic disorders B <irth in")ries B -al ormations -onitorin0 o hi0h ris, neonates Ceedin0 o hi0h ris, neonates 4r0anisation F mana0ement o neonatal intensive care )nits 3n ection control in neonatal intensive care )nits -aintenance o reports and records /escribe 8'armaco@t'era5eutics in o3stetrics 3ndication5 dosa0e5 action5 contra indication F indicatio n5 side e ects o dr)0s dosa0e5 E ect o dr)0s on pre0nanc%5 labo)r F action5 p)erperi)m5 side A)rsin0 responsibilities in the administration o e ects dr)0 in 4bstetrics E o(%tocins5 antih%Bpertensives5 and di)retics5 tocoBl%tic a0ents5 antiBconv)lsantsS n)rses +nal0esics and anesthesics in obstetrics responsi E ects o maternal medicaBtion on oet)s F bilities in neonate the administr $eac'ing "earning #ctivities aBtion o 7ect)re disc)ssion dr)0s /r)0 boo, )sed or /r)0 presentation mothers +pprecia Damil( 6elfare 8rogramme 6op)lation trends and problems in 3ndia te the importan @oncepts5 aims5 importance F histor% o amil% ce o wel are pro0ramme amil% Aational 6op)lationG d%namics5 polic% F wel are ed)cation pro0ram Aational amil% wel are pro0rammeS !@&5 3@/'5 me -@& 'a e motherhood /escribe 4r0aniHation F administration at national5 state5 the district5 bloc, and villa0e levels methods -ethods o contraceptionS spacin05 temporar% F o






151 contrace ption F role o n)rse in amil% wel are pro0ram me permanent5 Emer0enc% contraception 3n ertilit% and its mana0ement @o)nselin0 or amil% wel are 7atest research in contraception -aintenance o vital statistics !ole o national5 international F vol)ntar% or0aniHations !ole o a n)rse in amil% wel are pro0ramme Trainin0/')pervision/@ollaboBration with other )nctionaries in comm)nit% li,e +A-s5 7&8s5 +n0anwadi wor,ers5 T<+s 1Traditional birth attendantB /ai2

$eac'ing "earning #ctivities 7ect)re /isc)ssion /emonstration 6ractice session

+ssessment o s,ills with chec,list +ssessment o ield visits and pro"ect reports



%id4ifer( and O3stetrical Nursing A 8ractical

8lacement? Third :ear F Co)rth :ear $ime? 6ractical B 180 ho)rs each in Third %ear F Co)rth :ear Clinical $raining B 240 ho)rs #reas +ntenata l clinic/ 46/ Duratio O3&ectives n =in 4ee,> 2 +ssessment o pre0nant women S,ills 7abo)r room 4.T. 4 +ssess women in labo)r @arr% o)t perBva0inal e(aminations @ond)ct normal deliveries 6er orm episiotom% F s)t)re it !es)scitaten ewborns +ssist with @aesarean 'ections5 -T6 and other s)r0ical proced)res +ntenatal histor% ta,in0 6h%sical e(amination !ecordin0 o *ei0ht F <.6. &b F $rine testin0 or s)0ar and alb)min +ntenatal e(aminationB abdomen and breast 3mm)niHation +ssessment o ris, stat)s Teachin0 antenatal mothers -aintenance o +ntenatal records +ssessment o women in labo)r 6erva0inal e(aminations F interpretation -onitorin0 F carin0 o woman in labo)r -aintenance o parto0raph @ond)ct normal deliver% Aewborn assessment F immediate care !es)scitation o newborns +ssessment o ris, stat)s o newborn Episiotom% F s)t)rin0 -aintenance o labo)r F birth records +rran0e or F assist with @aesarean section and care or woman F bab% d)rin0 @aesarean +rran0e or and assist with -T6 and other s)r0ical proced)res #ssignments M@ond)ct +ntenatal E(amination s >0 &ealth tal, E1 @ase boo, recordin0s #ssessment %et'ods 8eri ication o indin0s o +ntenatal e(aminations @ompletion o caseboo, recordin0s

M @ond)ct normal deliveriesB 20 M 6erva0inal e(amination sB5 M 6er orm F s)t)re the epi BsiotomiesB5 !es)scitate newbornsB5 M +ssist with @aesarean sectionsB2 M *itness abnormal deliveriesB5 +ssist with -T6 F other s)r0ical proced)resB 1 @ase boo,

+ssessment o clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale +ssessment o each s,ill with chec,lists @ompletion o case boo, recordin0s


15> recordin0s M #ive care to 6ost natal mothers B 20 &ealth tal,s E1 @ase st)d% E @ase preB sentation B1 @ase boo, recordin0s

6ost natal ward

6rovidin0 n)rsin0 care to post natal mother F bab% @o)nsel F teach mother F amil% or parenthood

E(amination and assessBment o mother and bab% 3denti ication o deviations @are o postnatal mother and bab% 6erineal care 7actation mana0ement <reast eedin0 <ab% bath 3mm)niHation5 Teachin0 postnatal motherG o -other cra t o 6ost natal care F o E(ercises o 3mm)niHation Aewborn assessment +dmission o neonates Ceedin0 o at ris, neonates o .atori spoon5 paladi5 t)be eedin05 total parenteral n)trition Thermal mana0ement o neonatesB,an0aroo mother care5 care o bab% in inc)bator -onitorin0 and care o neonates +dministerin0 medications 3ntraveno)s therap% +ssistin0 with dia0nostic proced)re +ssistin0 with e(chan0e trans )sion @are o bab% on ventilator 6hototherap% 3n ection control protocols in the n)rser% Teachin0 F co)nsellin0 o parents -aintenance o neonatal records @o)nsellin0 techniI)e 3nsertion o 3$/ Teachin0 on )se o amil% plannin0 methods

Aewborn n)rser%

6rovide n)rsin0 care to newborn at ris,

@ase st)d%B 1 4bservation st)d% B1

Camil% 6lannin0 clinic !otaB tion rom post @o)nsel or and provide amil% wel are

+ssessment o clinical per ormance +ssessment o each s,ill with chec,lists @ompletion o case boo, recordin0 Eval)ation o case st)d% F presentation and health ed)cation sessions +ssessment o clinical per ormance +ssessment o each s,ill with chec,lists Eval)ation o and observation st)d%

M 3$/ insertion B5 4bservation st)d% B1

+ssessment o each s,ill with chec,lists


154 natal ward 1 w, services +rran0e or F +ssist with amil% plannin0 operations -aintenance o records and reports @o)nsellin0 B2 'im)lation e(ercise on recordin0 F reportin0 B 1 Eval)ation o and observation st)d%

ssential Re<uirements for registration as mid4ife >0 20 5 5 5 2 5 20 5

M +ntenatal e(amination M @ond)ctin0 normal deliveries in hospital/home/health centre M 8a0inal e(amination M Episiotom% and s)t)rin0 M Aeonatal res)scitation M +ssist with @aesarean 'ection M *itness/+ssist abnormal deliveries M 6ostnatal cases n)rsed in hospital/home/ health centre M 3nsertion o 3$/

Aote G +ll caseboo,s m)st be certi ied b% teacher on completion o essential reI)irements Clinical $raining O3stetrical Nursing Clinical $raining Duration B 5 wee,s +rea 7abo)r ward Aeonatal intensive care )nit/ A3@$ +ntenatal /)ration 1in wee,s2 2 1 2 4b"ective 6rovide comprehensive care to mothers and neonates ',ills 3nte0ra ted 6ractic e +ssi0nment @omplet ion o other essential reI)ire ments @ase boo, recordin 0s

+ssessment -ethods +ssess clinical per ormanc e with ratin0 scale @ompletion o case boo, recordin0s

!niversit( :amination s'all 3e 'eld at t'e end of Dourt' (ear.

Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination for %id4ifer( and O3stetrical Nursing Theory There shall be one theor% paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. /istrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s or %id4ifer( and O3stetrical Nursing shall be as 0iven )nder.
$a3le J=#>? Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for %id4ifer( and O3stetrical Nursing*


$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s No. of Buestions 2 10 10 %ar,s 10 5 > Su3@total 20 50 >0 100

%ractical a d &iva &oce

%id4ifer( and O3stetrical Nursing

3nternal +ssessment 50

$niversit% E(amination 50

Total 100

Note? +ll practical e(aminations m)st be held in the respective clinical areas. 4ne internal and one e(ternal e(aminer sho)ld "ointl% cond)ct practical /clinical e(amination or each st)dent.



Communit( )ealt' Nursing A II

8lacement G Co)rth :ear $imeG Theor% B D0 &o)rs 8ractical B 1>5 &o)rs Course Descri5tion? This co)rse is desi0ned or st)dents to practice @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 or the individ)al5 amil% and 0ro)ps at both )rban and r)ral settin0s b% )sin0 concept and 6rinciples o &ealth and @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 4 "earning O3&ectives M /e ine @oncepts5 scope5 principles and historical development o comm)nit% health and comm)nit% &ealth n)rsin0 Contents and $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( Introduction M /e inition5 concept and scope o @omm)nit% &ealth and @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 M &istorical development o o @omm)nit% &ealth o @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 B 6reBindependence B 6ostBindependence
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re disc)ssion 33 6 M /escribe health plans5 policies5 vario)s health committees and health problems in 3ndia )ealt' 5lanning and 5olicies and 5ro3lems M Aational &ealth plannin0 in 3ndia E 5 %ear plans M 8ario)s committees and commissions on health and amil% wel are o @entral co)ncil or health and amil% wel are 1@@& and C*2 o Aational &ealth 6olicies 11D8>5 20022 o Aational 6op)lation polic% &ealth problems in 3ndia
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M /escribe the s%stem o deliver% o @omm)nit% &ealth 'ervices in !)ral and $rban areas M 7ist the )nctions o vario)s levels and their sta in0 pattern M E(plain the components o

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M 6anel disc)ssion Deliver( of Communit( )ealt' Services M 6lannin05 <)d0etin0 and material mana0ement o '@s5 6&@ and @&@ M !)ralG 4r0aniHation5 sta in0 and )nctions o !)ral &ealth 'ervices provided b% #ovt. at G o 8illa0e o ')bcentre o 6rimar% &ealth @entre o @omm)nit% &ealth @entre/')b divisional o &ospitals o /istrict


157 health services M /escribe alternative s%stem o health promotion and health maintenance M /escribe the chain o re erral s%stem o 'tate o @entre M $rbanG 4r0anisation5 sta in0 and )nctions o )rban health services provided b% #ovt. at G o 'l)ms o /ispensaries o -aternal and child health centres o 'pecial clinics o &ospitals o @orporation/-)nicipalit%/<oard M @omponents o &ealth 'ervices o Environmental sanitation o &ealth Ed)cation o 8ital statistics o -@& E +ntenatal5 Aatal5 6ostnatal5 -T6 act5 emale oeticide act5 child adaptation act. o Camil% wel areP o Aational &ealth pro0rammes o 'chool &ealth 'ervices o 4cc)pational &ealth o /e ence services o 3nstit)tional services M '%stems o medicine and health care o +llopath% o 3ndian s%stem o medicine and &omeopath% o +lternative health care s%stems li,e %o0a5 meditation5 social and spirit)al healin0 etc M !e erral s%stem
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M /escribe @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 approaches and concepts M /escribe the roles and responsibilit% o @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 6ersonnel

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M 8isits to vario)s health deliver% s%stems M ')pervised ield practice M 6anel disc)ssion Communit( )ealt' Nursing a55roac'es* conce5ts and roles and res5onsi3ilities of Nursing 8ersonnel M +pproaches o A)rsin0 Theories and A)rsin0 process o Epidemiolo0ical approach o 6roblem solvin0 approach o Evidence based approach o Empowerin0 people to care or themselves M @oncepts o 6rimar% &ealth @areG o EI)itable distrib)tion o @omm)nit% participation o Coc)s on prevention o $se o appropriate technolo0% o -)ltiBsectoral approach M !oles and responsibilities o @omm)nit% &ealth


158 A)rsin0 personnel in o Camil% &ealth services o 3n ormation ed)cation comm)nication 13E@2 o -ana0ement in ormation s%stem 1-3'2G -aintenance o records and reports o Trainin0 and s)pervision o vario)s cate0ories o health wor,ers o Aational &ealth pro0rammes o Environmental sanitation o -aternal and child health and amil% wel are o Treatment o minor ailments o 'chool &ealth services o 4cc)pational &ealth o 4r0anisation o clinics5 campsG t%pes5 preparation5 plannin05 cond)ct and eval)ation o *aste mana0ement in the centre5 clinics etc. M &ome visitG concept5 principles5 process techniI)esG ba0 techniI)e home visit M ?)antities o comm)nit% health n)rse M Qob description o comm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 personnel
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M /escribe and appreciate the activities o comm)nit% health n)rse in assistin0 individ)als and 0ro)ps to promote and maintain their health

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice session M ')pervised ield practice M 6articipation in camps M #ro)p 6ro"ect #ssisting individuals and grou5s to 5romote and maintain t'eir 'ealt' M Empowerment or sel care o individ)als5 amilies and 0ro)ps in B #. #ssessment of self and famil( o -onitorin0 0rowth and development B -ile stones B *ei0ht meas)rement B 'ocial development o Temperat)re and <lood press)re monitorin0 o -enstr)al c%cle o <reast sel e(amination and testicles o *arnin0 'i0ns o vario)s diseases o TestsG $rine or s)0ar and alb)min5 blood s)0ar B. See, 'ealt' services for o !o)tine chec,)p o 3mm)niHation o @o)nselin0 o /ia0nosis


15D o Treatment o Collow )p C. %aintenance of 'ealt' records for self and famil( D. Continue medical care and follo4 u5 in communit( for various diseases and disa3ilities Carr(out t'era5eutic 5rocedures as 5rescri3ed E re<uired for self and famil( D. 6aste %anagement M @ollection and disposable o waste at home and comm)nit% G. Sensiti;e and 'andle social issues affecting 'ealt' and develo5ment for self and famil( M *omen Empowerment M *omen and child ab)se M +b)se o elders M Cemale Coeticide M @ommercial se( wor,ers M Cood ad)lteration M ')bstance ab)se &. $tiliHe comm)nit% reso)rces or sel and amil% Tra)ma services 4ld a0e homes 4rphana0e &omes or ph%sicall% and mentall% challen0ed individ)als o &omes or destit)te o o o o
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M /escribe national health and amil% wel are pro0rammes and role o a n)rse M /escribe the vario)s health schemes in 3ndia

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M /emonstration M 6ractice session M ')pervised ield practice M 3ndivid)al / 0ro)p/ amil%/ comm)nit% health ed)cation National 'ealt' and famil( 4elfare 5rogrammes and t'e role of a nurse 12 Aational +!3 pro0ramme 22 !evised Aational T)berc)losis @ontrol 6ro0ramme 1!AT@62 >2 Aational +ntiB-alaria pro0ramme 42 Aational Cilaria control pro0ramme 52 Aational #)inea worm eradication pro0ramme


160 62 Aational 7epros% eradication pro0ramme 72 Aational +3/' control pro0ramme 82 'T/ control pro0ramme D2 Aational pro0ramme or control o blindness 102 3odine de icienc% disorder pro0ramme 112 E(panded pro0ramme on imm)niHation 122 Aational Camil% *el are 6ro0ramme E !@& 6ro0ramme historical development5 or0aniHation5 administration5 research5 constraints 1>2 Aational water s)ppl% and sanitation pro0ramme 142 -inim)m Aeed pro0ramme 152 Aational /iabetics control pro0ramme 162 6olio EradicationG 6)lse 6olio 6ro0ramme 172 Aational @ancer @ontrol 6ro0ramme 182 :aws Eradication 6ro0ramme 1D2 Aational A)tritional +nemia 6roph%la(is pro0ramme 202 20 point pro0ramme 212 3@/' pro0ramme 222 -idBda% meal applied n)tritional pro0ramme 2>2 Aational mental health pro0ramme M &ealth 'chemes o E'3 o @#&' o &ealth ins)rance
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M 6articipation in Aational &ealth 6ro0rammes M Cield visits 833 5 E(plain the roles and )nctions o vario)s national and international health a0encies K )ealt' #gencies International E *&45 $AC6+5 $A/65 *orld <an,5 C+45 $A3@EC5 /+A3/+5 E)ropean @ommission 1E@25 !ed cross5 $'+3/5 $AE'@45 @olombo 6lan5 3745 @+!E etc. National E 3ndian !ed @ross5 3ndian co)ncil or child wel are5 Camil% 6lannin0 +ssociation o 3ndia 1C6+325 T)berc)losis +ssociation o 3ndia5 &ind) .)sht Aivaran 'an0h5 @entral 'ocial *el are <oard5 +ll 3ndia womenTs con erence5 <lind +ssociation o 3ndia etc.
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M Cield 8isits



Communit( )ealt' Nursing A II A 8ractical

8lacement G Co)rth :ear $imeG 6ractical B 1>5 ho)rs Clinical $raining B 1D5 ho)rs #reas @omm)B nit% health n)rsin0 Durat@ ion=in 4ee,> 1 w,. or $rban 4 w, or !)ral S,ills M @omm)nit% &ealth ')rve% M @omm)nit% dia0nosis M Camil% careG &ome adaptation o common proced)res M &ome visitG ba0 techniI)e M 4r0aniHe and cond)ct clinicls E antenatal5 postnatal5 well bab% clinic5 camps etc. M 'creen mana0e and re errals orG o &i0h ris, mothers and neonates o +ccidents and emer0encies o 3llness G 6h%sical and mental o /isabilities M @ond)ct deliver% at centre/homeG Episiotom% and s)t)rin0 M !es)scitate new born M 'chool &ealth pro0ramme o 'creen5 mana0e5 re er children M @ollaborate with health and allied a0encies M Train and s)pervise health wor,ers M 6rovide amil% wel are servicesG 3nsertion o 3$/ M @o)nsel and teach individ)al5 amil% and comm)nit% abo)tG &385 T<5 /iabetics5 h%pertension5 -ental health5 adolescents5 elderl% health5 ph%sicall% and mentall% challen0ed individ)als etc. M @ollect and @alc)late 8ital health statistics #ssignments M @omm)nit% s)rve% reportB1 M Camil% care st)d%B1 M 6ro"ect E 1 M &ealth tal, B1 M @ase boo, recordin0 #ssessment %et'ods M +ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale M Eval)ation o comm)nit% s)rve% report5 amil% care st)d%5 pro"ect and health tal, M @ompletion o activit% record. M @ompletion o case boo, recordin0

O3&ectives M 3denti % @omm)nit% 6ro ile M 3denti % prevalent comm)nicable and nonBcomm)nicable diseases M /ia0nose health needs o individ)al5 amilies and comm)nit% M 6lan5 provide and eval)ate care M 6articipate in 'chool &ealth 6ro0ram M 6articipate in Aational &ealth pro0rams M 4r0aniHe 0ro)p or sel help and involve clients in their own health activities M provide amil% wel are services M @o)nsel and ed)cate individ)al5 amil% and comm)nit% M @ollect vital health statistics M -aintain records and reports


162 M /oc)ment and maintain o 3ndivid)al5 amil% and administrative records. o *rite reportsBcenter5 disease5 national health pro0ramme/pro"ects 8lacementG @linical Trainin0 $imeG 4 *ee,s #rea $rban Duration 4 *ee,s O3&ectives M 6rovide comprehensive care to individ)al5 amil% and comm)nit% S,ills M 3nte0rated 6ractice and 0ro)p pro"ect E 1 in each r)ral and )rban #ssessment M +ssess clinical per ormance with ratin0 scale M Eval)ation o pro"ect

Note? During t'e Rural 8osting t'e( s'ould sta( in )ealt' centers under t'e su5ervision of teac'ers. Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination for Communit( )ealt' Nursing Theory There shall be one theor% paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. /istrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s or @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 shall be as 0iven )nder.
$a3le J=#>? Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for Communit( )ealt' Nursing

$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 2 10 10

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 20 50 >0 100

8ractical and Viva Voce @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 3nternal +ssessment 50 $niversit% E(amination 50 Total 100



Nursing Researc' and Statistics

8lacement? Co)rth :ear $ime? Theor% E 45 &o)rs Clinical $raining 8ractical E 45 &o)rs Course Descri5tion? The co)rse is desi0ned to enable st)dents to develop and )nderstandin0 o basic concepts o research5 research process and statistics. 3t is )rther5 str)ct)red to cond)ct/participate in need based research st)dies in vario)s settin0s and )tiliHe the research indin0s to provide I)alit% n)rsin0 care. The ho)rs or 6ractical will be )tiliHed or cond)ctin0 3ndivid)al / 0ro)p research pro"ect. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> 4 "earning O3&ectives M /escribe the concept o research5 terms5 need and areas o research in A)rsin0 M E(plain the steps o research process Contents and $eac'ing "earning #ctivit( Researc' and Researc' 8rocess M 3ntrod)ction and need or A)rsin0 research M /e inition o !esearch F n)rsin0 research M 'teps o scienti ic method M @haracteristics o 0ood research M 'teps o !esearch processBoverview
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M 3denti % and state the research problem and ob"ectives

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M Aarrate steps o research process ollowed rom e(amples o p)blished st)dies Researc' 5ro3lem E <uestion K 3denti ication o problem area K 6roblem statement M @riteria o a 0ood research problem M *ritin0 ob"ectives
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M !eview the related literat)re

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(ercise on writin0 statement o problem and ob"ectives Revie4 of "iterature K 7ocation M 'o)rces M 4n line searchS @3A&+75 @4@&!+AE etc M 6)rposes M -ethod o review
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(ercise on reviewin0 one research report/article or a selected research problem M 6repare annotated biblio0raph% M /escribe the Researc' a55roac'es and designs research approaches K &istorical5 s)rve% and e(perimental


164 and desi0ns M ?)alitive and I)antitative desi0ns

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M E(plain the samplin0 process M /escribe the methods o data collection

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M E(plain t%pes o research approaches )sed rom e(amples o p)blished and )np)blished research st)dies with rationale Sam5ling and Data Collection M /e inition o pop)lation5 sample5 samplin0 criteria5 actors in l)encin0 samplin0 process5 t%pes o samplin0 techniI)es M /ata E wh%5 what5 rom5 whom5 when 5 where to collect M /ata collection methods and instr)mentsG o -ethods o data collection o ?)estionin05 interviewin0 o 4bservations5 record anal%sis and meas)rements o T%pes o instr)ments o 8alidit% and reliabilit% o the instr)ment o 6ilot st)d% o /ata collection proced)re
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M +nal%He5 interpret and s)mmariHe the research data

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M !eadin0 assi0nment on e(amples o data collection tools M 6reparation o sample data collection tools M @ond)ct 0ro)p research pro"ect #nal(sis of data? M @ompilation5 Tab)lation5 classi ication5 s)mmariHation5 presentation5 interpretation o data
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M E(plain the )se o statistics5 scales o meas)rement and 0raphical presentation o data M /escribe the meas)res o central tendenc% and variabilit% and methods o correlaton.

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M 6reparation o sample tables Introduction to statistics M /e inition5 )se o statistics5 scales o meas)rement M CreI)enc% distrib)tion and 0raphical presentation o 3ndia M -ean5 -edian5 -ode5 'tandard deviation M Aormal probabilit% and tests o si0ni icance. M @oBe icient o correlation M 'tatistical pac,a0es and its application
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity


M 7ect)re disc)ssion M 6ractice on 0raphical presentation M 6ractice on comp)tation o meas)res o central tendenc%5 variabilit% and correlation M @omm)nicate and Communication and !tili;ation of Researc' )tiliHe the research M @omm)nication o !esearch indin0s


165 indin0s o o o B B 8erbal report *ritin0 research report *ritin0 scienti ic article/paper @ritical review o p)blished research $tiliHation o research indin0s

Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re disc)ssion M !ead / presentations o a sample p)blished / )np)blished research report M *ritin0 0ro)p research pro"ect Nursing Researc' and Statistics A)rsin0 !esearch F 'tatistics E A)rsin0 !esearch sho)ld be o 65 mar,s and 'tatistics o >5 mar,s. $a3le J A B? Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for Nursing Researc' =61 mar,s> $(5e of Buestions No. of Buestions %ar,s Su3@total 7on0 Essa% 17E2 1 10 10 'hort Essa% 1'E2 8 5 40 'hort +nswer 1'+2 6 > 15 Total -ar,s 65 $a3le J=C>? Distri3ution of $(5e of Buestions and %ar,s for Statistics =C1 mar,s> $(5e of Buestions No. of Buestions %ar,s Su3@total 7on0 Essa% 17E2 B B 'hort Essa% 1'E2 4 5 20 'hort +nswer 1'+2 5 > 15 Total -ar,s >5 Ao 6ractical e(amination.



%anagement of Nursing Services and ducation

8lacementG Co)rth :ear $imeG Theor% B D0 &o)rs Course Descri5tion? This co)rse is desi0ned to enable st)dents to acI)ire )nderstandin0 o mana0ement o clinical and comm)nit% health n)rsin0 services5 n)rsin0 ed)cational pro0rammes. This is also desi0ned to enable st)dents to acI)ire )nderstandin0 o the pro essional responsibilities5 prospects and contrib)tion to the 0rowth o the pro ession. !nit 3 $ime =)rs> $' 8r 4 "earning O3&ectives M E(plain the principles and )nctions o mana0ement Content and $eac'ing "earning #ctivities Introduction to management in nursing M /e inition5 concepts and theories M C)nctions o mana0ement M 6rinciples o -ana0ement M !ole o A)rse as a mana0er $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M E(plain )sin0 or0aniHation chart 33 5 M /escribe the elements and process o mana0ement %anagement 8rocess M 6lannin0S mission5 philosoph%5 ob"ectives5 operational plan M 'ta in0G 6hilosoph%5 sta in0 st)d%5 norms5 activities5 patient5 classi ication s%stems5 sched)lin0 M &)man reso)rce mana0ementS recr)itin05 selectin05 deplo%ment5 retainin05 promotin05 s)per ann)ation etc M <)d0etin0G concept5 principles5 t%pes5 cost bene it anal%sis5 a)dit M -aterial mana0ementG eI)ipment and s)pplies M /irectin0 process 17eadin02 M @ontrollin0G ?)alit% mana0ement M pro0ram Eval)ation !eview TechniI)e 16E!T2 5 <ench mar,in05 +ctivit% 6lan 1#antt @hart25 $eac'ing "earning #ctivities M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M 'im)lated E(ercises M @ase st)dies %anagement of nursing services in t'e 'os5ital and Communit( M 6lannin0G o &ospital and patient care )nits incl)din0 ward mana0ement o Emer0enc% and disaster mana0ement



M /escribe the -ana0ement o n)rsin0 services in the hospital and comm)nit%


167 M &)man reso)rce mana0ementG o !ecr)itin05 selectin05 deplo%ment5 retainin05 promotin05 s)perann)ation etc. o @ate0ories o n)rsin0 personnel incl)din0 "ob description o all levels o 6atient /pop)lation classi ication s%stems o 6atients/pop)lation assi0nment and A)rsin0 care responsibilities o 'ta development and wel are M <)d0etin0G proposal5 pro"ectin0 reI)irements or sta 5 eI)ipments and s)pplies or o &ospital and patient care )nits o Emer0enc% and disaster mana0ement M -aterial -ana0ementS proc)rement5 inventor% control5 a)ditin0 and maintenance in o &ospital and patient care )nits o Emer0enc% and disaster mana0ement M /irectin0 and leadin0G dele0ation5 participator% mana0ement o +ssi0nments5 rotations5 dele0ations o ')pervision F 0)idance o 3mplement standards5 policies5 proced)res and practices o 'ta development and wel are o -aintenance o discipline M @ontrollin0 / Eval)ationG o A)rsin0 !o)nds/visits5 A)rsin0 protocols5 -an)als o ?)alit% +ss)rance -odel5 doc)mentationB o !ecords and report 6er ormance appraisal
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M /emonstraBtion M 'im)lated E(ercises M @ase st)dies M ')pervised practice in wardBwritin0 indents5 preparin0 d)t% roaster5 ward s)pervision M +ssi0nment on d)ties and responsibilities o ward sister M *ritin0 report M +ssessment o the assi0nments M 6er ormance eval)ation b% ward sister with ratin0 scale 38 5 M /escribe the concepts5 theories and techniI)es o 4r0aniHational Organi;ational 3e'aviour and 'uman relations K @oncepts and theories o or0aniHational behavio)rs M !eview o @hannels o comm)nication M 7eadership st%les


168 behavio)r and h)man relations M !eview o -otivationS concepts and theories M #ro)p d%namics M TechniI)es o S o @omm)nicationS and o 3nterpersonal relationships o &)man relationsS M 6)blic relations in conte(t o n)rsin0 M !elations with pro essional associations and emplo%ee )nions and @ollective bar0ainin0
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M !ole pla%s M #ro)p 0ames M 'el assessment M @ase disc)ssion M 6ractice 'ession M +ssessment o problem solvin0 8 5 5 M 6articipate in plannin0 and or0aniHin0 in service ed)cation pro0ram In Service education M Aat)re F scope o in Bservice ed)cation pro0ram5 M 4r0aniHation o inBservice ed)cation M 6rinciples o ad)lt learnin05 M 6lannin0 or inBservice ed)cation pro0ram5 techniI)es5 methods and eval)ation o sta ed)cation pro0ram. M 6reparation o report
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M 6lan and cond)ct an ed)cational session or in service n)rsin0 personnel M +ssess the plannin0 F cond)ct o the ed)cational session 83 10 M /escribe mana0ement o A)rsin0 ed)cation instit)tions %anagement of nursing educational institutions M Establishment o A)rsin0 ed)cational instit)tionB3A@ norms and 0)idelines M @oBordination withB o !e0)lator% bodies o +ccreditation o + iliation B 6hilosoph%/ob"ectives B 4r0aniHation o 'tr)ct)re o @ommittees B 6h%sical acilities o @olle0e/'chool o &ostel B 't)dents


16D 'election +dmission #)idance and @o)nselin0 -aintainin0 discipline Cac)lt% and sta 'election !ecr)itment Qob description 6lacement 6er ormance appraisal /evelopment and wel are <)d0etin0 EI)ipments and s)ppliesG a)dio vis)al eI)ipments5 laborator% eI)ipment5 boo,s5 "o)rnals etc. @)rric)l)mS 6lannin05 implementation and eval)ation5 @linical acilities Transport acilities 3nstit)tional !ecords and reports E +dministrative5 ac)lt%5 sta and st)dents. B o o o o o o
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity



M /escribe the ethical and le0al responsibilities o a pro essional n)rse. M E(plain the n)rsin0 practice standards

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M !ole pla%s M @o)nselin0 session M #ro)p E(ercises Nursing as a 8rofession M A)rsin0 as a pro ession o 6hilosoph%S n)rsin0 practice o +ims and ob"ectives o @haracteristics o a pro essional n)rse o !e0)lator% bodiesS 3A@5 'A@ +ctsS B @onstit)tion5 )nctions o @)rrent trends and iss)es in A)rsin0 M 6ro essional ethics o @ode o ethicsS 3A@5 3@A o @ode o pro essional cond)ctS 3A@5 3@A M 6ractice standards or A)rsin0S 3A@ M @ons)mer protection +ct M 7e0al aspects in A)rsin0 o 7e0al terms related to practiceS re0istration and licensin0 o 7aws related to A)rsin0 practice5 <reach and 6enalties o -alpractice and ne0li0ence
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_4/207607805.doc

170 M @ase disc)ssion M 6anel disc)ssion M !ole pla%s M @ritical incidents M 8isit to 3A@/'A!@s M +ssessment o critical incidents 8333 > M E(plain the vario)s opport)nities or pro essional advancement 8rofessional #dvancement? M @ontin)in0 ed)cation M @areer opport)nities M @ollective bar0ainin0 M -embership with pro essional or0aniHationS Aational and 3nternational M 6articipation in research activities M 6)blicationsS Qo)rnals5 newspapers etc.
Teachi ! "ear i ! #ctivity

M 7ect)re /isc)ssion M !eview / 6resentation o p)blished articles M #ro)p wor, on maintenance o b)lletin board. Sc'eme of !niversit( :amination for %anagement of Nursing Services and ducation Theory There shall be one theor% paper o three ho)rs d)ration carr%in0 100 mar,s. /istrib)tion o t%pe o I)estions and mar,s or -ana0ement o A)rsin0 'ervices and Ed)cation shall be as 0iven )nder.
Distri3ution of $(5e of Buest0ions and %ar,s for %anagement of Nursing Services and


$(5e of Buestions 7on0 Essa% 17E2 'hort Essa% 1'E2 'hort +nswer 1'+2 Total -ar,s

No. of Buestions 2 10 10

%ar,s 10 5 >

Su3@total 20 50 >0 100

Note? Ao practical e(amination +AAER$!E B 3 <34B-E/3@+7 *+'TE -+A+#E-EAT *+'TE @+TE#4!: A4. @ate0or% Ao. 1 *+'TE @+TE#4!: T:6E #nimal 6aste G 1+nimal tiss)es5 or0ans5 bod% parts5 carcasses5 bleedin0 parts5 l)id5 blood and e(perimental animals )sed in T!E+T-EAT F /3'64'+7 46T34A' 3ncineration N /deep b)rialM '$<QE@T/:E+! 4C 'T$/:

33 %ear $nit 333 @omm)nit% &ealth n)rsin0 B 1 hr.


171 research5 waste 0enerated b% veterinar% hospitalsS colle0es5 dischar0e rom hospitalsS animal ho)ses. %icro3iolog( L Biotec'nolog( 4aste? 1*aste rom laborator% c)lt)res5 stoc,s o specimens o microB or0anisms live or atten)ated vaccines5 h)man and animal cell c)lt)res )sed in research and in ectio)s a0ents rom research and ind)strial laboratories5 wastes rom prod)ction o biolo0ical5 to(ins5 dishes and devices )sed or trans er o c)lt)res.2 6aste S'ar5s? 1Aeedles5 s%rin0es5 scaples5 blades5 0lass etc. that ma% ca)se p)nct)re and c)ts. This incl)des both )sed and )n)sed sharps.2 Discarded %edicines and C(toto:ic Drugs ? 1*astes comprisin0 o o)tdated5 contaminated and discarded medicines2 Soiled 6aste? 1items contaminated with blood and bod% l)ids incl)din0 cotton5 dressin0s5 soiled plaster casts5 liners5 bleedin0s and other material contaminated with blood2 "i<uid 6aste ? 1*aste 0enerated rom laborator% and washin05 cleanin05 ho)se,eepin0 and disin ectin0 activities2 C'emical 6aste ? 1@hemicals )sed in

@ate0or% Ao. 2

7ocal a)toclavin0 / micro wavin0 / incinerationN

3 %ear $nit 38 -icrobiolo0% E 1 hr.

@ate0or% Ao. >

@ate0or% Ao. 4

/isin ection 1@hemical treatment / W a)toclavin0/ micro wavin0 and m)tilation/ shreddin0 MM 3ncinerationN/ destr)ction and dr)0s disposal in sec)red land ills 3ncineration N a)toclavin0/ micro wavin0

3 :ear A)rsin0 Co)ndation E 1 hr. $nit E 333 3 %ear A)rsin0 Co)ndation E 1 hr. $nitB 333 3 :ear A)rsin0 Co)ndation E 1 hr. $nitB 333

@ate0or% Ao. 5

@ate0or% Ao. 6

/isin ection b% chemical treatment and dischar0e into drains

3 :ear2 <iochemistr% and <ioph%sics E 1 hr. $nit 333 3 :ear

@ate0or% Ao. 7

@hemical treatment and dischar0e into


172 prod)ction o biolo0ical5 chemicals )sed in disin ection5 as insecticides etc.2 drains or liI)ids and sec)red land ill or solids. <iochemistr% and <ioph%sics E 1 hr. $nit 333

@hemical treatment )sin0 at least 1J h%po chloride sol)tion or an% other eI)ivalent chemical rea0ent. 3t m)st be ens)red that chemical treatment ens)res disin ection. -)tilation / shreddin0 m)st be s)ch so as to prevent )na)thoriHed re)se. There will be no chemical pretreatment be ore incineration. @hlorinated plastics shall not be incinerated. /eep b)rial shall be an option available onl% in towns with pop)lation less than ive la,hs and in r)ral areas.


1 b2 @474$! @4/3A# +A/ T:6E 4C @4AT+3AE! C4! /3'64'+7 4C <34-E/3@+7 *+'TE' @olo)r @odin0 :ellow !ed <l)e/ *hite transl)cent T%pe o @ontainer 6lastic ba0 /isin ected container/ 6lastic ba0 6lastic ba0/ 6)nct)re proo container 6lastic ba0 *aste @ate0or% @at. 15 @at. 2 and @at. 5 @at. 2 and @at. 5 @at. > Treatment 4ptions 3ncineration/ deep b)rial +)toclavin0/ -icro wavin0 and chemical treatment +)toclavin0/ -icro wavin0 /chemical treatment and destr)ction/ shreddin0 /isposal in sec)red land ill


@at. 4 and @at. 7 1solid2

*aste collection ba0s or waste t%pes needin0 incineration shall not be made o chlorinated plastics. @ate0ories 6 and 7 1liI)id2 do not reI)ire containers/ ba0s. @ate0or% 2 i disin ected locall% need not be p)t in containers/ba0s.

E(amination Note ? One s'ort ans4er or s'ort essa( <uestions 5ertaining to t'e a3ove c'a5ters in t'eir res5ective su3&ects ma( 3e as,ed Boo,s 32 Te(t boo, or Environmental 't)dies 2004 B Erach <har)cha $niversit% #rants @ommision5 Aew /elhi.


17> 332 3332 382 82 832 8332 Qo)rnal o the 3ndian 'ociet% o &ospital *aste -ana0ement B /r. /.#. #opinath5 8ol)me B 25 3ss)e B 35 2004. <iomedical wasta0e 1-ana0ement and handlin02 !)les 1DD85 -inistr% o Corests and Environment5 #overnment o 3ndia. Q. E. 6ar, B 6reventive F social medicine Ed. 18 -/' <anarsidas <hanot Qabalp)r 2005 6otter and 6err% B C)ndamentals o A)rsin0 ed. 'i(th -osb% 't. 7o)is -isso)ri 2005 <arbara .oHier B C)ndamentals o A)rsin0 ed. Co)rth +ddison *esle% @anada 1DD1 Te(t <oo, o -icrobiolo0% E +nanth Aara%an ed. 7th 4rient 7on0man @hennai 2005



Revised Ordinance Governing Regulations and Curriculum of

Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course

Volume II

Ra&iv Gand'i !niversit( of )ealt' Sciences* +arnata,a -t' .$/ Bloc,* 0a(anagar* Bangalore 160 0-2.


175 Revised Ordinance Governing Regulations and Curriculum of Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course and Curriculum - 2006 Volume ! Volume

"dition #rinted $ 2000 "dition #rinted $ 2006


Co#ies ma( )e o)tained from $ *+e Director, -rasaranga, Ra.iv Gand+i /niversit( of 0ealt+ Sciences, 1t+ * Bloc2, 3a(anagar, Bangalore 460 01%.



Revised Ordinance Governing Regulations and Curriculum of Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course 2006 =as 5er Indian Nursing Council Guidelines of 200-> CON$ N$S

D SCRI8$ION Coreword The Ai0htin0ale 6led0e @erti icate #eneral 4b"ectivesG 3nstr)ctions or $se o 6roced)re !ecord 3 %ear <asic <.'c A)rsin0 A)rsin0 Co)ndations 33 %ear <asic <.'c A)rsin0 B -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0 E 3 B @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 E 3 B @linical Eval)ation Corm or @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 B 3 333 :ear <asic <.'c A)rsin0 B -idwi er% 3ncl)din0 -aternit% F #%naecolo0ical A)rsin0 E 3 B -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0 E 33 B @hild &ealth A)rsin0 B -ental &ealth A)rsin0 A)rsin0 Ed)cation 38 :ear <asic <.'c A)rsin0 B -idwi er% 3ncl)din0 -aternit% F #%naecolo0ical A)rsin0B33 B @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 E 33 B 38 :ear A)rsin0 +dministration B @linical Eval)ation Corm or @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 B 33 @linical 6ostin0

8age No. i ii iv 1 2 > D 1> 15 20 22 24 27 2D >1 >4 >6 >8 40



B#SIC B.SC N!RSING C!%#"#$IV E C"INIC#" R CORD I Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing
Sl. No
N!RSING 8ROC D!R S Class RoomE"a3 Demonstration Date Signature of teac'er Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e su5ervisor

2. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 2. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 2 02 h2 C. a2

b2 c2 d2 -. a2 b2 1. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 6. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2

!niversal 8recautions &and *ashin0 -edical ')r0ical $se o -as, $se o 0loves $se o #own /isposal o waste Bed %a,ing $nocc)pied <ed 4cc)pied <ed 4peration <ed CowlerTs <ed / @ardiac <ed 4pen <ed +mp)tation / /ivided <ed Cract)re bed <)rnTs <ed Vital Signs Temperat)re 4ral +(illar% !ectal 6)lse !espiration <lood 6ress)re #dmission 6repare $nit or a new 6atient 6er orm admission proced)res Disc'arge 8re5aration 6lanned dischar0e +bscond 7eavin0 a0ainst medical advice !e errals Trans er 8ositions? /orsal rec)mbent 7ateral 1 !t / 7t2 Clowers 6rone 'ims



Sl. No


Class RoomE"a3 Demonstration Date Signature of teac'er

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e su5ervisor

2 02 G. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 2 02 h2 i2 "2 8. a2 b2 c2 D. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 2 02 10. a2 b2 c2 d2 22. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 2 02

h2 i2

Trendelenb)r0 7ithotom% Comfort Devices E(tra 6illows <ac, rest @ardiac Table 'and <a0 <ed @radle Trochanter rolls @otton rin0s and hand rolls +ir c)shion *ater F +ir mattress Coot End Elevator Safet( Devices !estraints 6rotective 6addin0 'ide rails )(gienic Needs 4ral h%0iene <ed bath F 6erineal care +ssisted bath <ac, care &air care <ed 'hampoo or &air wash 6edic)losis treatment Nutritional NeedsG AasoB0astric t)be 3nsertion +spiration T)be Ceedin0 #astrostom% eedin0 6arenteral eedin0 limination Needs #ivin0 and removin0 $rinal #ivin0 and removin0 bed pan $rinar% @atheteriHation $rinar% @atheter care @ondom draina0e <ladder irri0ation 3nsertion o lat)s t)be
3nsertion o s)ppositor% <owl *ash



Sl. No


Class RoomE"a3 Demonstration Date Signature of teac'er

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e su5ervisor

22 a2 b2 c2

d2 e2 2

1>. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 14. a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 2

Collection and O3servation of S5ecimen $rine !o)tine @)lt)re 24&o)rs 'tool or aeces !o)tine @)lt)re <lood !o)tine @)lt)re 6eripheral smear E s)0ar E strip / 0l)cometer 8omit)s Throat swab $rine Test !eaction 'peci ic #ravit% +lb)min ')0ar E 'trip / $rometer %o3ilit( L :ercise !an0e o motion e(ercises @han0in0 position o helpless patient Trans errin0 rom bed to wheel chair5 trolle% and bac, /eep breathin0 and co)0hin0 e(ercises @hest 6h%siotherap% i2 &elpin0 the patient with )se o cr)tches and wal,er Dirst #id and Bandaging Cirst aid or shoc, Cirst aid or ract)re +pplication o 'plints +pplication o 'lin0s Cirst aid in haemorrha0e Cirst aid in other emer0encies <asic cardio p)lmonar% res)scitation <anda0in0 'imple 'piral !everse spiral Ci0)re o ei0ht 'pica



Sl. No


Class RoomE"a3 Demonstration Date Signature of teac'er

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e su5ervisor

21. a2


d2 e2 2 02 h2 i2 "2

,2 16. a2 b2 c2 d2

&ead / capline E%e5 Ear5 Qaw5 Cin0er5 Elbow5 .nee $se o trian0)lar banda0e $se o binders $'era5eutic %easures &ot and @old applications &ot water ba0 'itH bath @old @ompress 3ce cap Tepid spon0e 4(%0en administration Aasal @an)la Aasal @atheter -as,5 tent5 hood -edications 4ral 3ntradermal in"ection ')bc)taneo)s in"ection 3ntra m)sc)lar +ssistin0 in intra veno)s in"ection +ssistin0 in intra veno)s in )sion +ssistin0 in blood trans )sion +dministration o topical applications 'team inhalation Aeb)liHation 3nstillation o drops E%e Ear Aose 3rri0ation E%e Ear 8re L 8ost O5erative Care ',in 6reparation or ')r0er%B 7ocal 6reparation o 6ost operative $nit 6re F 6ost operative teachin0 and @o)nsellin0 6re F 6ost operative monitorin0



Sl. No


Class RoomE"a3 Demonstration Date Signature of teac'er

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e su5ervisor


17. a2 b2 18. a2



@are o the wo)nd /ressin0s ')t)re care @are o the draina0e Care of D(ing 8atient Terminal care o the patient @are o the bod% a ter death Nutrition Therape)tic or -odi ied /iet <land /iet 'alt restricted /iabetic diet &i0h @alorie &i0h 6rotein /iet plannin0 or an% a0e 0ro)p *eanin0 diet /iet or pre0nant mother /iet or lactatin0 mother Cl)id diet 6reparation or recipes <arel% water +lb)min water 7ime water E00 lip /hal so)p 8e0etable so)p <)tter mil, Toast 6orrid0e 'alads Qell% +rrow root <oiled e00 @)stard e00 'crambled e00 'teamed e00 'teamed ish

R B!IR % N$S? Care 8lans Demonstration of 8'(sical e:amination )ealt' $al, ? ? ? 1 2 2


182 !emar,sG 'i0nat)re o the teacher B.Sc Nursing Clinical :5erience A valuation 8roforma N!RSING DO!ND#$IONS A 8R#C$IC#" AameG /ateG *ardG Total -ar,sG 25R4 L 100 2 > 4

+ F? 2.!nsatisfactor( 2. Satisfactor( C. Good -. Ver( Good '.Ao 1 1. 1.1 Ta,es n)rsin0 histor% 1.2 -a,es observations o patients condition 1.> 3denti ies the basic health needsX problems 1.4 6riorioise the needsX problems 2. 67+AA3A# 2.1 6lans n)rsin0 care on the basis o priorit% 2.2 6lans care accordin0 to patients 6s%chosocial needs 2.> 3nvolves patients F amil% in plannin0 2.4 6lans health teachin0 or patients >. 3-67E-EAT+T34A >.1 @arries o)t plans based on priorities >.2 3nte0rates scienti ic principles in 0ivin0 care >.> $ses technical s,ill >.4 -aintains acc)rac% in care >.5 @ontrols the environment to provide or sa et% >.6 /emonstrates initiative in implementin0 n)rsin0 care >.7 !ecords si0ni icant in ormation acc)ratel% >.8 @omm)nicates si0ni icant in ormation to appropriate personnel >.D 3nstr)cts the patient and amil% related to their learnin0 needs 4. E8+7$+T34A 4.1 Eval)ates with 0)idance the care 0iven 4.2 -odi ies the plan as indicated in the eval)ation 5 6!4CE'34A+7 <E&+834$! 5.1 #roomin0 5.2 6)nct)alit% 5.> /ependabilit% 5.4 3nterpersonal relations 5.5 Emotional stabilit% 5.6 6ro essional and personal 0rowth T4T+7 / @linical 3nstr)ctor with date 'i0nat)re o the st)dent 'i0nat)re o the &4/

'i0nat)re o the 6rincipal



II Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing % DIC#" S!RGIC#" N!RSING A I

Sl. No. N!RSING 8ROC D!R S Demonstration 3( Su5ervisor Date Signature Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor


8re A o5erative 5re5aration 'ettin0 o preBoperative )nit ',in preparation or 7ocal s)r0er% #eneral s)r0er%


8ost o5erative care 'ettin0 o postoperative )nit 6ost operative care !ecover% room *ard ')r0ical dressin0 @are o the wo)nd !emoval o s)t)res +mb)lation and e(ercises O5eration $'eatre $ec'ni<ue 6reparation F pac,in0 o articles or s)r0er% /isin ectin0 the 4T ')r0ical scr)bbin0 #ownin0 and 0lovin0 'ettin0 )p o sterile troll% or s)r0er% +ssistin0 in anaesthesia +ssistin0 in ma"or s)r0er% 1. 2. >. +ssistin0 in minor s)r0er% 1. 2. >. 4. 5. EI)ipments )sed in 4 T -onitorin0 patients d)rin0 s)r0ical proced)res




Sl. No.


Demonstration 3( Su5ervisor Date Signature

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor

Intensive Care

'ettin0 )p o emer0enc% troll% ')ctionin0 4rophar%n0eal Endo tracheal +ssistin0 in endotracheal int)bation +ssistin0 in ventilator care +ssistin0 in cardiac monitorin0 +ssistin0 in de ibrillatin0 +ssistin0 in monitorin0 p)lse o(%meter +dministration o dr)0s thro)0h in )sion p)mp O3servation of s5ecific diagnostic and t'era5eutic 5rocedure. 8re5aration of 5atient for non invasive 5rocedure &a$c*lar $y$tem 38 can)lation /oppler st)dies @entral 8eno)s press)re 1@862 +dministration o cardiac dr)0s /e ito *ri ary $y$tem @atheteriHation <ladder irri0ation @%stoscop% @%stometro0ram 3ntraveno)s p%elo0ram 13862 .idne%5 )reter5 bladder 1..$.<.2 +ssistin0 in peritoneal dial%sis +ssistin0 in hemodial%sis +ssistin0 in renal biops% Chemical re!*latio Th%roid )nction test E T>5 T45 T'& Castin0 blood s)0ar 1C<'2 6ost prandial blood s)0ar 166<'2 #l)cose tolerance test 1#TT2 +dministration o ins)lin



Sl. No.


Demonstration 3( Su5ervisor Date Signature

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor

/a$tro I te$ti al Sy$tem <ari)m meal <ari)m enema 6roctoscop% Endoscop% @holec%sto0raph% 4esopha0o #astro /)eoodenoscop% 14#/2 4stom% care @olostom% Enterestom% #astrostom% 4stom% eedin0
#astrostom% eedin0

Qe")nostom% eedin0 7iver biops% 7iver )nction tests +bdominal paracentesis Endoscopic retro0rade cholan0io B6ancreato0raph% 1E!@62 6 S5ecific t'era5eutic 5rocudure +ssistin0 in E@# 1Electro @ardio #ram2 +ssistin0 in veno)s p)nct)re +ssistin0 in abdominal paracentesis +ssistin0 in Thoracentesis +ssistin0 in l)mbar p)nct)re +ssistin0 in 0astric lava0e +ssistin0 in sternal p)nct)re %usculo s,eletal s(stem 6reparation F assistin0 in application and removal o plastercast +pplication o splint +ssistin0 in s,in traction +ssistin0 in s,eletal traction 6reparation o patient or bone s)r0er% @r)tch wal,in0




Sl. No.


Demonstration 3( Su5ervisor Date Signature

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor

8. D.

Stum5 care Burns L scalds +ssessment o b)rnt area @alc)lation o l)id F electrol%te reI)irements +dministration o l)id F electrol%tes +ssist in b)rns dressin0 6reparation or reconstr)ctive s)r0er% F donor area


Oncolog( 6reparation F assistin0 in biops% +ssist in radio therap% +ssist in chemo therap% +ssist in brachi therap% +ssist in teletherap% +ssist in bone marrow aspiration 6+6 smear


Nutrition Therape)tic / modi ied diet <land diet 'alt restricted /iabetes 1low calorie2 &i0h calorie &i0h protein




CO%%!NI$F ) #"$) N!RSING@I



D %ONS$R#$ION ="#BOR#$#RF> D#$ SIGN#$!R


2 2 C -

@ond)ct comm)nit% s)rve% F report @ond)ct amil% health s)rve% F report /emonstrate <a0 TechniI)e 1+2 @omprehensive amil% 1$rban2 a. b. 1<2 @omprehensive amil% 1!)ral2 a. b. 1@2 Camil% st)d% 112

1+2 <lood Test a. &emo0lobin b. <lood s)0ar 1<2$rine Test a. +lb)min b. ')0ar

1+2&ealth Tal,s a. $rban b. !)ral 1<2 6reparation F $se o +)dio 8is)al +ids a. Clannel 0raphs b. Clash cards c. Clip charts d. 6osters e. <)lletin . 6)ppets show





D %ONS$R#$ION ="#BOR#$#RF> D#$ SIGN#$!R D#$


1@2 &ealth Ed)cation a. 3ndivid)al b. #ro)p c. @omm)nit%


18D C"INIC#" V#"!#$ION DOR% DOR CO%%!NI$F ) #"$) N!RSING@I A+-E 4C T&E 'T$/EATG #!4$6 F @7+'' G /)ration G Eval)atorG /ate o ')bmissionG #ood Cair 6oor 1>2 122 112

Sl No. I 1 2 > 4 5 6 7 8 D OV R #"" V#"!#$ION +ppearance $ni orm 6)nct)alit% /iscipline Team wor, +ttit)de .nowled0e ',ill @ompletin0 record boo, 4n time

8. 0ood 142

Aot done 102

10 'howin0 interest in 7earnin0 II 8ROC D!R V#"!#$ION 11 6articipates in @omm)nit% s)rve% 12 /oes home visit 1> +ssesses these environmental 'anitation and A)trition 14 +pplication o standin0 orders III ) #"$) D!C#$ION 15 'elects and prepares appropriate +.8. +ids 16 $ses +.8. +ids correctl%. 17 Timel% 0ives &ealth ed)cation as per need G 3ndivid)al Camil% #ro)p 18 !espects the comm)nit% 6ractices 1D Collows <a0 techniI)e 20 +ssembles &andles F replaces the articles properl%. 21 3nvolves in comm)nit% &ealth +ctivities


1D0 22 <rin0s o)t innovative ideas to improve comm)nit% development 2> !ecords and !eports !E-+!.' T4 'T$/EAT'GB K 8e 1 2 > B 8e 1 2 > 4btained 'core 1 or 252GB 't)dentTs 'i0nat)re Eval)atorTs 'i0nat)re



8. 0ood 142 38 1.

#ood 1>2

Cair 122

6oor 112

Aot done 102

+ssessment o /evelopment +ssessment o +ssessment o +ssessment o

#rowth F antenatal mother new born in ant

+ssessment o toddler +ssessment o preschooler +ssessment o schooler +ssessment o adolescent +ssessment o ad)lt +ssessment o elderl% 2. >. #ssessment of nutritional status in Various grou5s Diet 5lanning for an( age grou5 *eanin0 diet /iet or pre0nant mother 6reparation o receipes <arle% water +lb)min water 7ime whe%



Demonstration Sl. No. N!RSING 8ROC D!R S Date Signature

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor


Cl)id diet E00 lip /hal so)p 8e0etable so)p <)tter mil, "ig't diet Toast 6orrid0e 'alads Qell% +rrow root <oiled e00 @)stard e00 'crambled e00 'teamed ish Visits 6ostnatal ward5 well bab% clinic5 crYche / preschool ood preparation F preservation centre

Nursing Care Studies 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5. /ate T463@ 'i0nat)re





8ractical :amination 1. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0 3 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer

2. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 3 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer


1D4 III Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing I. %ID6ID RF INC"!DING %#$ RNI$F L GFN# CO"OGIC#" N!RSING A I /emonstration @linical /emonstration b% 't)dent 'l. A$!'3A# 6!4@E/$!E' Ao. /ate 'i0nat)re /ate 'i0nat)re o the s)pervisor 1. 8renatal Care 6renatal assessment 6renatal care 6reparation or non stress test 1A'T2 F )ltraso)nd 2. Intranatal Care 'ettin0 )p o newborn res)scitation )nit 6erineal preparation or labo)r Enema / s)ppositor% 6arto0ram 6.8. E(amination Aormal deliver% Episiotom% F s)t)rin0 +p0ar scorin0 !es)scitation o newborn 8ostnatal Care 6ostnatal assessment 6ostnatal @are 6erineal 7i0ht +ssistin0 with breast eedin0 6ostnatal e(ercises Ne43orn Care +ppraisal o newborn @ord care5 e%e care @are o newborn <ab% bath Num3er of 5rocedures to 3e done 1. @ond)cts antenatal e(amination 2. 6rovides antenatal care >. *itness normal deliveries 4. @ond)ct normal deliveries 1&ospital F home2 5. Episitom% F s)t)rin0 6. 6rovides postnatal care &ospitalised &ome



B >0 B 5 B 20 B 5 B 2 B 20 B >


1D5 #N$ N#$#" C#R 8"#N E C#R S$!DF 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5. /ate T463@ 'i0nat)re

8OS$N#$#" C#R 8"#N E C#R S$!DF 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5. /ate T463@ 'i0nat)re


1D6 III F #R B#SIC B Sc. N!RSING % DIC#" S!RGIC#" N!RSING A II Demonstration Sl. No. 2. N!RSING 8ROC D!R S (e and N$ 3nstillation o drops +pplication o ointment E%e Ear Aose E%e irri0ation Ear irri0ation Throat swab c)lt)re +ssist in removal o orei0n bodies Cardio $'oracic @ardio Thoracic assessment Electro cardio0ram monitorin0 4bserve cardiac monitorin05 pacin0 4bserve cardiac catheteriHation 4bserve echo cardio0ram 4bserve stress test 4bserve perc)taneo)s transill)minal coronar% an0ioplast% +ssist in collectin0 blood or cardiac enH%mes +ssist or insertion o intercostal draina0e +ssist or removal o intercostal draina0e @are o patient with intercostal draina0e +ssist in p)lmonar% )nction test 4bserve bronchoscop% 4bserve broncho0raph% 6reoperative preparation o cardiothoracic s)r0er% patient Neuro L Neuro Surger( Ae)rolo0ical assessment -aintain 0las0ocoma scale @are o patient with cerivical traction @are o patient with head in")r% 6reparin0 patient or Electro encephalo0ram 1E@#2 -a0netic resonance ima0in0 1-!32 Date Signature Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e su5ervisor




1D7 Nursing Care 8lan E Care Stud( 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5. /ate T463@ 'i0nat)re




Demonstration Sl. No. 2. 2. C. -. N!RSING 8ROC D!R S +dmission o children &istor% ta,in0 6h%sical assessment 6eig'ing of c'ildren +ssessment o children &ealth assessment /evelopmental assessment +nthropometric assessment <ab% bath Recording of vital signs Temperat)re 6)lse !espiration <lood press)re Collection of s5ecimen $rine Cemale in ant -ale in ant $rinar% catheteriHation F draina0e <owel wash #ssessment of degree of de'(dration Deeding +ssist in breast eedin0 / weanin0 +ssist in spoon / 0lass eedin0 / .atori Aaso0astric eedin0 #astrostom% eedin0 Qe")nostom% eedin0 Dluid 8lanning L Calculations %edication 4ral 3')bc)taneo)s 3ntraveno)s 3ntraveno)s in )sion @alc)lation o dosa0e Total parental n)trition +ssist with administration o l)ids with in )sion p)mp @are o ostomies @olostom% irri0ation $reterostom% #astrostom% Date Signature Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor



G. I.

J. 20.





Demonstration Sl. No. 22. 22. 2C. 2-. N!RSING 8ROC D!R S 'team 3nhalation 4(%0en administration Aeb)liHation @hest ph%siotherap% $se o restraints -)mm% restraint Elbow restraint @love E hitch restraints Qac,et !estrainin0 the limbs #ssist in s5ecial 5rocedures 7)mbar p)nct)re !es)scitation 6hototherap% 3nc)bator care !adiant warmer E(chan0e trans )sion Endotrachial int)bation @ardiop)lmonar% res)scitation #ssist in 5la( t'era5( 8lanning s5ecial diet for c'ildren Aephrotic s%ndrome 6rotein ener0% maln)trition Care during 5ediatric emergencies +sph%(ia @onv)lsion &ead in")r% Immunisation )ealt' Nutritional ducation Visits 8isit to centre or ph%sicall%5 mentall%5 handicapped @erti ied school/ remand home Date Signature

Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor


26. 2G. 2I.

2J. 20. 22.



Nursing Care 8lan E Care Stud(

'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5.





202 III F #R B#SIC B Sc. N!RSING III %ental )ealt' Nursing Demonstration Sl. No. 2. 2. C. -. 1. N!RSING 8ROC D!R S #dmission 5rocedure Disc'arge %ental Status e:amination 8rocess recording Nursing care of 5atient 4it' 6s%chotic disorder Ae)rotic disorder 4r0anic conditions 6ersonalit% disorder ')bstance ab)se +ssistin0 in speci ic therapies5 Electro conv)lsive therap%5 6s%chotherap% 3ndivid)al Camil% @omm)nit% 4cc)pational therap% <ehavio)ral therap% !ecreational therap%5 pla% therap% -ilie) therap%5 deBaddiction therap% 6reparation o patients or activities o dail% livin0 #dministration of 5s(c'ot'era5eutic drugs )ealt' ducation 3ndivid)al Camil% @omm)nit% Nursing care of c'ild 4it' -ental retardation @ond)ct disorder Visits @omm)nit% mental health centre5 hal wa% home5 deB addiction centre5 certi ied schools5 old a0e homes. Date Signature Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor


G. I.

J. 20.



Nursing Care 8lan E Care Stud( 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5. /ate T463@ 'i0nat)re


204 III F #R B#SIC B Sc. N!RSING III Nursing ducation Sl. No. 1. Demonstration N!RSING 8ROC D!R S Date 6reparation o teachin0 aids @harts 6osters Clash cards Transparencies -aster rotation plan @linical rotation plan 6reparation o )nit plan 6reparation o lesson plan 6reparation o eval)ation tool @ond)ct practice teachin0 classes @lassroom @linicals 4bservation visit to school / colle0e o A)rsin0 F presentation o reports Teachin0 sessions a. 7ect)re b. /emonstration c. #ro)p disc)ssion d. 'eminar e. '%mposi)m . 6anel disc)ssion 0. !ole pla% h. 6ro"ect i. *or, shop ". E(hibition ,. Cield trip Signature

2. >. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8



"esson 8lans 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5.




8ractical :amination 1. -edical ')r0ical A)rsin0 33 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 2. -idwi er% incl)din0 -aternit% F #%naecolo0ical A)rsin0B 3 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G >. @hild &ealth A)rsin0 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer


206 IV Fear Basic B.Sc. Nursing I. %ID6ID RF INC"!DING %#$ RNI$F L GFN# CO"OGIC#" N!RSING A II Demonstration Sl. No. 1. N!RSING 8ROC D!R S 8renatal Care 'et )p o antenatal F 6ost natal clinic 'et )p o obstetric 3$@ 1Eclampsia )nit2 @are o hi0h ris, antenatal mother 6re eclampsia Eclampsia 6lacenta praevia +br)ptio placenta #estational diabetes @ardiac disease !h incompatibilit% 6reterm contraction Intranatal Care 3nd)ction o labo)r +ssist / witness obstetric proced)res Corceps deliver% 8ac))m e(traction +ssist / witness breech deliver% +ssist / witness m)lti oetal deliver% *itness caesarean section +ssist evac)ation5 /F @ 8ostnatal Care @are o hi0h ris, postnatal mothers 6erineal @are 6erineal 7i0ht 4. Ne43orn Care +ssessment o preterm bab% @are o hi0h ris, newborn Ceedin0 T)be 'poon Date Signature Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor




207 Demonstration Sl. No. N!RSING 8ROC D!R S 'ettin0 )p F assistin0 e(chan0e trans )sion 6hototherap% @are o bab% in inc)bator @are o bab% with radiant warmer @are o bab% in ventilator +dministration o medication -aintainance o neonatal records Damil( 6elfare -otivation o planned parenthood +ssist / observe 3$/ insertion +ssist / observe T)bectom% +ssist / observe vasectom% !eI)irements *itness abnormal deliveries B 1102 +ssist in abnormal deliveries B 152 -otivation o planned parenthood B 122 +ttend antenatal F postnatal clinicsB 11*,2 6rovide care to hi0h B ris, antenatal mothers B 152 6rovide care to hi0h B ris, neonates B 152 6rovide care to hi0h B postnatal -others B 152 *itness caesarean section B 152 Date Signature Clinical Demonstration 3( Student Date Signature of t'e Su5ervisor


AoteG A)mber in brac,ets indicate minim)m n)mber o proced)res to be witnessed or done.


208 )ig' Ris, #ntenatal Care 8lan E Care Stud( 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5. )ig' Ris, 8ostnatal Care 8lan E Care Stud( 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5. )ig' Ris, Neonatal Care 8lan E Care Stud( 'l. Ao. 1. 2. >. 4. 5. /ate T463@ 'i0nat)re /ate T463@ 'i0nat)re /ate T463@ 'i0nat)re


20D IV F #R B#SIC B Sc. N!RSING CO%%!NI$F ) #"$) N!RSING@II S" NO 1 2 > 4 5 6 N!RSING 8ROC D!R S @omm)nit% ')rve% @omprehensive &ealth @are 't)d% 112 <a0 TechniI)e /ressin0 <ab% <ath /emonstration o n)rsin0 care a. @are o ever patient b. 4ral !eh%dration therap% 6h%sical E(amination 1+2 +ssessin0 health needs and care o minor ailments a. Aew <orn b. 3n ant c. 6reB'chool d. +d)lt c. +ntenatal mother . 6ostnatal mother 1<2 A)tritional +ssessment 1@23mm)nisation 1@2 /ia0nostic TechniI)e a. 6reparin0 blood s)0ar b. 6reparin0 sp)t)m smear 4r0ansin0 and +ssistin0 in a. +ntenatal and 6ostnatal @linic b. 3mm)niHation c. Camil% wel are d. 'chool &ealth 6ro0rammes e. &ealth @amps . 3n service ed)cation or 6&@ 'ta 6ro"ect wor, and D %ONS$R#$ION ="#BOR#$#RF> D#$ SIGN#$!R D %ONS$R#$ION =C"INIC#"> D#$ SIGN#$!R


210 presentation o report



S" NO 10 11 12 1>

N!RSING 8ROC D!R S !ecords a. Camil% olders b. +necdotal records &ealth Ed)cation !)ral 6articipate in -ental &ealth 6ro0ramme 8isitsG a. 'chool b. 3nd)str% c. @omm)nit% -ental &ealth @enter d. Aational Camil% plannin0 +ssociation o 3ndia e. Aational 3nstit)te o T)berc)losis . !ed @ross 0. *orld &ealth 4r0aniHation h. $A3@EC i. 6ro essional <odies 1. TA+3 2. 3A@ >. .A@ 4bservational visits a. Epidemics /iseases &ospital b. 7eprosori)m

D %ONS$R#$ION ="#BOR#$#RF> D#$ SIGN#$!R




212 IV Fear Nursing #dministration Sl. No. 2. Su5ervision 't)dents 'ta *ard +ids 8re5aration of dut( roster 8re5aration of 4or, assignment 't)dents 'ta *ard +ids Re5ort a2 4ral -ornin0 Evenin0 Ai0ht b2 *ritten /a% Ai0ht Inventor( /r)0s +rticles %aintain census Conduct nursing round* Clinical teac'ing 8re5aration of &o3 descri5tion for different categories 6rincipal A)rsin0 s)perintendent @linical 3nstr)ctor *ard 'ister / &ead n)rse 'ta n)rse *ard +ids 8re5aration of valuation tool to assess t'e 5atient care ducational tour to various institutions L 5rofessional 3odies and su3mit t'e re5ort $O8IC Date of Instruction Signature



-. 1. 6.









214 C. 8R#C$IC#" M#%IN#$ION DOR B. Sc =N!RSING> D GR V#"!#$ION DOR%#$ Aame o the E(aminationG @4--$A3T: &E+7T& A$!'3A#B33 <.'c. 1A25 38 %ear /ateG CO!RS @4$!'EG

Ao. o 't)dentsG Eval)ation 1


+ssessment 6roblems/ 6lan 3-67E-EAT+T34A Aeed o &istor% 6h%sical A)rsin0 <a0 &ealth @omm)nicat Ta,in0 E(amination 3denti ication +ction @are TechniI)e Ed)cation Bion ',ill 2 2 2 > 5 > > 1

838+ >

Internal E :ternal :aminer




#!4$6 F @7+''G Aame o the st)dentG /)rationG Eval)atorG /ate o ')bmissionG #ood Cair I. General 1. 4riented to the allotted comm)nit% area5 pop)lation etc. 2. .nows the responsibilities o @omm)nit% &ealth A)rse in health >. +ble to assess the comm)nit%5 amil% F individ)al. 4. !espects the belie and c)lt)re o the people. 5. .nows to )tiliHe the comm)nit% reso)rces. 6. 3denti ies the ris, actors and tr% to solve them. 7. @ompares the primar% health care and Aational health pro0rammers with in the comm)nit%. II. 8)C 1. 7earns the or0aniHation set )p F )nction o 6&@ 2. 6articipate as a health team member in providin0 comm)nit% health A)rsin0 services. >. 6articipates in trainin0 pro0rammers cond)cted b% 6&@s. III. 1. .eeps the comm)nit% health ba0Bneat5 clean F aseptic. 2. &andles the ba0 appropriatel% and scienti icall%. >.Collows sa e disposal method 4. /oes home visit 5. 6rovided home care as per the need. 6. 3nvolves members in comm)nit% activities. 7. #ives appropriate5 planned health teachin0. 8. <rin0s chan0es in health practices 1ER2 /iet5 h%0iene5 e(ercise etc. D. ')bmits the comm)nit% case st)d% and record boo, on time. 10. 6repared relevant statistics or the comm)nit% area IV. %aintains t'e follo4ing records a55ro5riatel( 1. Camil% older 2. 4bstetrical record 1antenatal to amil% plannin02 >. 6ediatrics record 1Aew born to )nder ive2 4. @hronic illness record. 5. 'chool &ealth record 6oor Aote done



!emar,s to 't)dentsGB K 8e 1 2 > 't)dentTs 'i0nat)re 1 2 >

B 8e

Eval)atorTs 'i0nat)re

8ractical :amination 3. -idwi er% incl)din0 -aternit% F #%naecolo0ical A)rsin0B 33 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 33. @omm)nit% &ealth A)rsin0 33 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer 'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer

'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer

'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G 'i0nat)re o 3nternal E(aminer /ate G

'i0nat)re o E(ternal E(aminer



C"INIC#" 8OS$ING DOR $) =B#SIC> B.Sc. N!RSING S$!D N$S %ont' 'eptember 4ctober Aovember /ecember Qan)ar% Cebr)ar% -arch +pril -a% Q)ne Q)l% +)0)st 'i0nat)re o the @lass @oBordinator with date Dirst Fear Second Fear $'ird Fear Dourt' Fear #n( ot'er





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