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Bushong: Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection, 8th Edition Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology

& Ch 27 Digital Fluoroscopy

Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology MULTIPLE C !ICE 1. Developed in 195 ! the 1" gauge hollo# $$$$$$$$ needle #ith a stylet is used to puncture the %e&oral artery. a. 'ud(ins ). *eldinger c. Dotter d. 'ones +,*: Developed in 195 ! the 1" gauge hollo# *eldinger needle #ith a stylet is used to puncture the %e&oral artery. DIF: 2. a. ). c. d. .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

1he &ost co&&on ris( %or the angiography patient is )leeding at the puncture site. arterial puncture or tear. drug reaction to contrast. )lood2clot %or&ation.

+,*: + 1he &ost co&&on ris( %or the angiography patient is )leeding at the puncture site. DIF: .oderate /-': Identi%y the ris(s o% arteriography.

. During an interventional procedure $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ &ust )e &aintained on the patient. a. pulse o3i&etry ). )lood pressure &easure&ent c. electrocardiography d. +ll o% the a)ove. +,*: D During an interventional procedure pulse o3i&etry! )lood pressure &easure&ent! and electrocardiography &ust )e &aintained on the patient. DIF: .oderate /-': Identi%y the ris(s o% arteriography.

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology 6. a. ). c. d. 1he 32ray tu)e used %or interventional radiologic procedures has a s&all dia&eter anode. s&all target angle. large %ocal spot. lo# po#er rating.

+,*: 1he 32ray tu)e used %or interventional radiologic procedures has a s&all target angle. DIF: 5. a. ). c. d. .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

*erial radiography re0uires 32ray e0uip&ent #ith a large s&all target angle. s&all anode dis(. lo# heat capacity. high po#er rating.

+,*: D *erial radiography re0uires 32ray e0uip&ent #ith a high po#er rating. DIF: 7. a. ). c. d. .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

1he %ocal spot used %or &agni%ication o% s&all vessels cannot )e larger than $$$$ &&. 5. 5.6 5.7 1.5

+,*: + 1he %ocal spot used %or &agni%ication o% s&all vessels cannot )e larger than 5. &&. DIF: 7. a. ). c. d. .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

1he si8e and construction o% the $$$$$$$$$ deter&ines the anode heat capacity. tu)e housing cathode #ire )earing asse&)ly anode dis(

+,*: D 1he si8e and construction o% the anode dis( deter&ines the anode heat capacity. DIF: .oderate /-': Discuss the advantages that nonionic 9#ater solu)le: contrast &edia o%%er over ionic contrast &edia. ". 1he po#er rating %or an interventional radiography tu)e should )e at least $$$ (;. a. 25

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology ). 65 c. "5 d. 155 +,*: C 1he po#er rating %or an interventional radiography tu)e should )e at least "5 (;. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

9. ;hen one is i&aging a %lo# o% contrast %ro& the a)do&en to the %eet! a $$$$$$$$$$$$$ is used. a. tilting ta)le ). stepping ta)le c. sliding tu)e d. cine ca&era +,*: ;hen one is i&aging a %lo# o% contrast %ro& a)do&en to %eet! a stepping ta)le is used. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

15. 1he patient ta)le is &oved #ith a %loor s#itch to &aintain a $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. a. )etter &otion control ). s&ooth &ove&ent c. lo# e3posure rate d. sterile %ield +,*: D 1he patient ta)le is &oved #ith a %loor s#itch to &aintain a sterile %ield. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

11. During cine%luorographic i&aging! the 32ray tu)e is energi8ed a. during the ti&e o% cine e3posure. ). during the ti&e )et#een %ra&es. c. during every other %ra&e d. -oth a and ). +,*: + During cine%luorographic i&aging! the 32ray tu)e is energi8ed during the ti&e o% cine e3posure. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

12. Cine ca&eras are driven )y $$$$$$$$$$$$ &otors. a. induction ). synchronous c. unsynchroni8ed

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology d. direct current +,*: Cine ca&eras are driven )y synchronous &otors. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

1 . +s the %ra&e rate o% the cine ca&era is increased! the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ is also increased. a. i&age )lur ). spatial resolution c. contrast resolution d. patient dose +,*: D +s the %ra&e rate o% the cine ca&era is increased! the patient dose is also increased. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e &easures are used to provide radiation protection %or patients and personnel during interventional procedures. 16. 1he $$$$$$$$$ artery is the one &ost o%ten accessed %or arteriogra&s. a. pul&onary ). carotid c. %e&oral d. )rachial +,*: C 1he %e&oral artery is the one &ost o%ten accessed %or arteriogra&s. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the reasons #hy &ini&ally invasive 9percutaneous: vascular procedures are &ore o% a )ene%it than traditional surgical procedures. 15. + patient &ust have $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ )e%ore having an angiography or interventional procedure. a. a history and physical e3a&ination ). orders %or I< hydration c. a diet o% clear li0uids d. +ll o% the a)ove. +,*: D + patient &ust have a history and physical e3a&ination! orders %or I< hydration! and a diet o% clear li0uids )e%ore having an angiography or interventional procedure. DIF: .oderate /-': Identi%y the ris(s o% arteriography.

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology 17. 1he use o% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ reduces the ris( o% a drug reaction during angiographic procedures. a. hydrophilic catheters ). ionic contrast c. nonionic contrast d. heparin coating

+,*: C 1he use o% nonionic contrast reduces the ris( o% a drug reaction during interventional and angiographic procedures. DIF: .oderate /-': Identi%y the ris(s o% arteriography.

17. 1he highest cine %ra&e rates are re0uired %or $$$$$$$$$$ studies. a. cardiac ). pul&onary c. run2o%% d. cere)ral +,*: + 1he highest cine %ra&e rates are re0uired %or cardiac studies. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

1". 1he highest cine %ra&e rate possi)le is $$$$ %ra&es per second. a. 155 ). 75 c. 5 d. 15 +,*: 1he highest cine %ra&e rate possi)le is 75 %ra&es per second. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

19. $$$$$$$$$$$ is an e3a&ple o% an interventional procedure. a. Cardiac catheteri8ation ). .yelography c. +ngioplasty d. +ngiography +,*: C +ngioplasty is an e3a&ple o% an interventional procedure. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the special e0uip&ent in the interventional suite.

25. + technologist #ho passes the +RR1 e3a& in cardiovascular and interventional radiography &ay add $$$$$$ a%ter the R1 9R:.

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology a. ). c. d. 9<1: 9CI: 9IR: 9C<:

+,*: D + technologist #ho passes the +RR1 e3a& in cardiovascular and interventional radiography &ay add 9C<: a%ter the R1 9R:. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the role o% the cardiovascular and interventional technologist.

Bushong: Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection, 8th Edition Chapter 2": Digital Fluoroscopy
MULTIPLE C !ICE 1. a. ). c. d. Digital %luoroscopy uses $$$$$$ &onitor9s:. 1 2 6

+,*: Digital %luoroscopy uses 2 &onitors. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. 2. 1he ti&e it ta(es to turn on the digital %luoroscopy 32ray tu)e and reach the selected &+ and (<p is the $$$$$$$$$$$ ti&e. a. interrogation ). e3tinction c. radiographic d. ac0uisition +,*: + 1he ti&e it ta(es to turn on the digital %luoroscopy 32ray tu)e and reach the selected &+ and (<p is the interrogation ti&e. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. . + charge coupled device used in digital %luoroscopy provides high

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology a. ). c. d. spatial resolution. signal2to2noise ratio. detective 0uantu& e%%iciency. +ll o% the a)ove.

+,*: D + charge coupled device used in digital %luoroscopy provides high spatial resolution! high signal2to2noise ratio! and high detective 0uantu& e%%iciency. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. 6. + digital %luoroscopy #ith a charge coupled device has lo#er $$$$$$$$$ and higher $$$$$$$$$ than conventional %luoroscopy. a. light sensitivity! patient dose ). patient dose! light sensitivity c. detective 0uantu& e%%iciency! &aintenance d. signal2to2noise ratio! patient dose +,*: + digital %luoroscopy #ith a charge coupled device has lo#er patient dose and higher light sensitivity than conventional %luoroscopy. DIF: Di%%icult /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. 5. a. ). c. d. + principal advantage o% digital %luoroscopy is the dyna&ic range. i&age ac0uisition rate. i&age su)traction. progressive &ode.

+,*: C + principal advantage o% digital %luoroscopy is the i&age su)traction techni0ue. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. 7. a. ). c. d. Digital %luoroscopy energy su)traction has less $$$$$$$$ than te&poral su)traction. co&ple3ity 32ray intensity (<p s#itching &otion arti%act

+,*: D Digital %luoroscopy energy su)traction has less &otion arti%act than te&poral su)traction. DIF: .oderate

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. 7. a. ). c. d. I&age integration results in increased patient dose. decreased patient dose. decreased contrast resolution. increased noise arti%act.


+,*: + I&age integration results in increased patient dose. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. ". =nergy su)traction techni0ue ta(es advantage o% the di%%erence in $$$$$$$ during contrast in>ection. a. tissue density ). ?2edge a)sorption c. Co&pton scatter d. patient thic(ness +,*: =nergy su)traction techni0ue ta(es advantage o% the di%%erence in ?2edge a)sorption during contrast in>ection. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. 9. a. ). c. d. Digital %luoroscopy syste&s #ith hy)rid capa)ilities use )oth interlace and progressive &odes. high &+s and lo# &ass techni0ues. te&poral and energy su)traction. charge coupled devices and 1< &onitors.

+,*: C Digital %luoroscopy syste&s #ith hy)rid capa)ilities use )oth te&poral and energy su)traction. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. 15. Re&as(ing &ay )e re0uired due to a. noise arti%acts. ). &otion arti%acts. c. technical %actors. d. +ny o% the a)ove. +,*: D

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology Re&as(ing &ay )e re0uired due to noise! &otion! or technical %actors. DIF: .oderate /-': Descri)e the parts o% a digital %luoroscopy syste& and their %unctions. 11. 1he display %or @+C* &ust have a &ini&u& o% $$$$$$$$$ screen resolution. a. 256" A 256" ). 925 A 925 c. 1526 A 1526 d. 257 A 257 +,*: + 1he display %or @+C* &ust have a &ini&u& o% 256" A 256" screen resolution. DIF: .oderate /-': =3plain the picture archiving and teleradiology syste&s used in diagnostic i&aging depart&ents. 12. ;hen using the @+C* syste&! $$$$$$$$$$$$ is use%ul %or vie#ing %ractures and s&all! high contrast o)>ects. a. #indo#ing ). edge enhance&ent c. su)traction d. highlighting +,*: ;hen using the @+C* syste&! edge enhance&ent is use%ul %or vie#ing %ractures and s&all! high contrast o)>ects. DIF: .oderate /-': =3plain the picture archiving and teleradiology syste&s used in diagnostic i&aging depart&ents. 1 . ;hen identi%ying di%%use non%ocal disease! $$$$$$$$ is e%%ective on the @+C* &onitor. a. #indo#ing ). edge enhance&ent c. highlighting d. scrolling +,*: C ;hen identi%ying di%%use non%ocal disease! highlighting is e%%ective on the @+C* &onitor. DIF: .oderate /-': =3plain the picture archiving and teleradiology syste&s used in diagnostic i&aging depart&ents.

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Chapter 25: Interventional Radiology 16. In a @+C* net#or(! each o% the #or(stations and hospital &ain%ra&es is called a $$$$$$$$. a. #or(station ). data)ase c. DIC/. d. client


+,*: D In a @+C* net#or(! each o% the #or(stations and hospital &ain%ra&es is called a client. DIF: .oderate /-': =3plain the picture archiving and teleradiology syste&s used in diagnostic i&aging depart&ents. 15. 1eleradiology re%ers to $$$$$$$$$ o% i&ages. a. long2ter& storage ). realti&e vie#ing c. re&ote trans&ission d. telephone trans&ission +,*: C 1eleradiology re%ers to re&ote trans&ission o% i&ages. DIF: .oderate /-': =3plain the picture archiving and teleradiology syste&s used in diagnostic i&aging depart&ents.

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