A System Dynamics Approach To Uncertainty in Bridging Technology Interaction
A System Dynamics Approach To Uncertainty in Bridging Technology Interaction
A System Dynamics Approach To Uncertainty in Bridging Technology Interaction
L. Pretorius1* and J.H.C. Pretorius2 Department of Engineering and Technology Management University of Pretoria, South Africa leon.pretorius@up.ac.za
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment University of Johannesburg, South Africa jhcpretorius@uj.ac.za ABSTRACT
This paper is an extension of previous research on the simulation of three technologies that interact in competition. Technology is considered as a result of innovation, a rate dependent process. Technology growth patterns can be traced in a number of ways. One interesting way that has been recently used very effectively is using bibliometrics as a data source for technology. In this paper the technology system is treated as a coupled system where the interacting dynamics is described by the Lotka-Volterra system of differential equations. The uncertainty in the interaction of the bridging technology with the mature defending technology and the newly introduced attacking technology is addressed in this research using a Monte Carlo multivariate simulation technique and a system dynamics approach. The research method is exploratory and case based a method that has been established as useful especially early on in research. Some exploration into cyclic behaviour of a modified version of the three technology system is also attempted.
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CIE42 Proceedings, 16-18 July 2012, Cape Town, South Africa 2012 CIE & SAIIE
The focus in this paper is on exploring technology diffusion in competing technologies such as information technology, biomedical technology energy technology and others. Some of these competing technologies have been addressed recently in system dynamics [15][16] and bibliometrics [2] and diffusion modeling [10][17] research. This research is an extension of recent research on simulation of bridging technology dynamics [15][16]. Technology can be considered as a body of knowledge as well as the result of an innovation process that can be non-linear and time dependent. In this sense technology can thus be modeled as the integrated result of innovation that is a rate dependent process. This results typically in the diffusion of technologies that can co-exist. Nair et al [14] refer to the possibility of co-existence of technologies such as dialysis and transplantation of organs in the medical arena. This technology diffusion process can be modeled in a number of ways. One way is using the Bass diffusion approach [3] with numerical discretization as illustrated previously in the diffusion of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology [18]. The aim in that research was to compare different CFD technologies. Another technology modeling approach that has been shown to be effective [15][16] especially in exploratory parametric studies is the system dynamics approach. System dynamics was introduced in the 1960s by Forrester [6][7] in his pioneering research on modeling socio-technical systems using concepts derived from the theory of feedback control. Wolstenholme [21] in his research defines system dynamics as A rigorous method for qualitative description, exploration and analysis of complex systems in terms of their processes, information, organizational boundaries and strategies; which facilitates quantitative simulation modeling and analysis for the design of system structure and control. This definition also points to the roots of feedback control as well as the ability of system dynamics to address the inherently complex nature of systems that interact. This paper also illustrates the inherent effectiveness of system dynamics to elucidate the complex behaviour of interacting technology systems. The systems thinking approach is also discussed and evaluated extensively by Jackson [9] when he addresses system dynamics as a complex system approach as opposed to hard systems thinking considered more of a simple system approach. Meadows [13] adds more fundamental methodological insights on the complex behaviour of systems with her thinking in systems approach to system dynamics simulations. Hunger [8] focuses on the system or holistic perspective in his work and effectively stresses the relationship between soft and hard systems thinking. Elements of the systems thinking approach are used in this paper to shed light on the system dynamics approach used to model the current technology system. The research method used in this paper is qualitative and exploratory in nature and is useful in the early stages of research as indicated by Cooper and Schindler [5]. Some of the issues explored in this research relates to the diffusion of technologies under uncertainty of interaction. The technology system considered comprises three interacting technologies. In the first part of the research the model parameters are chosen to reflect a situation where one technology acts as a bridge between the development phases of two other technologies. The model presented is based on previous work by Ahmadian [1] for deterministic conditions without uncertainty. For this part of the research a case study method also supported by Leedy [11] is used to explore the effectiveness of system dynamics as a theoretical modeling basis for simulating the technology interaction under uncertainty. The aim of this research focuses on evaluating to some extent a technology system dynamics model incorporating a bridging technology and uncertainty of interaction between the technologies. In this case only the uncertainty of interaction between the defending technology and the bridging technology is considered to address the main research question of the extent of the interaction effect. This is also based on previous research on related topics [15][16]. 254-2
CIE42 Proceedings, 16-18 July 2012, Cape Town, South Africa 2012 CIE & SAIIE
A secondary research objective is to establish the effect that the technology system dynamic model parameters may have in describing for example possible cyclic behaviour of the technology system. In this case the system dynamic model is modified to some extent to show under what circumstances limit cycle behaviour can be observed. This work is also based on some research presented by Mamat et al [12] considering a three tier food chain. The modified technology system dynamics model presented in this paper is based on the Lotka-Volterra model encapsulated by Mamat et al [12]. The effect of model parameters on limit cycle behaviour for this technology system is explored using the system dynamics model. Part of the research presented here is an extension of the research of Mamat et al [12] as well as Chauvet et al [4]. Both these researchers [4][12] explain the possibility of existence of periodic solutions of the Lotka-Volterra system of dynamic differential equations. They focus on the existence of a Hopf bifurcation point pointing to periodic solutions around this point. The analytical Lotka-Volterra periodic solutions for two competing species are qualitatively shown to be similar to the periodic occurrences of hare and lynx in the Hudson Bay area. Schmoch [19] provides some evidence of cyclic technology behaviour using bibliometrics [2] and patent analysis. He shows that industrial robot technology went through a double boom cycle across a period of approximately 15 years. This research paper qualitatively compares some system dynamics simulation results for a technology system containing three interacting technologies with the results shown by Schmoch [19] 2 A TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM DYNAMICS MODEL
In this research paper the technology system dynamics model developed and shown in figure 1 relates to the non-linear system of differential equations similar to that used by Ahmadian [1]. The competing technologies are denoted by X, Y and Z respectively. In this first version of the Lotka-Volterra system of differential equations all the parameters used have non-zero values associated with them. In these equations Ai denote the growth rate or logistic parameter for technology i when it is living alone, Bi is the limitation parameter for species i related to niche market capacity and Ci as well as Di are the interaction coefficients: