Computer Science Paper 1 (Theory) : B) State How A Binary Tree Is A Recursive Data Structure
Computer Science Paper 1 (Theory) : B) State How A Binary Tree Is A Recursive Data Structure
Computer Science Paper 1 (Theory) : B) State How A Binary Tree Is A Recursive Data Structure
reasoning wherever required. Question 1. a) Using truth table, verify the following expression: !"#!$)%" !#)!$ &lso state the law. b) 'iven, (" , #, $)% " )! #)). "# ! $)) write the function in canonical product of su* for*. c) +raw the truth table and logic circuit for a , - input ./0 gate. d) (ind the co*ple*ent of the following expression: ) ! #) e) 1f " 2 #) then write its: i) 3onverse ii) 3ontra positive [ 2 x 5 = 10 Question 2. a) +ifferentiate between the keyword extends and i*ple*ents.
b) State how a binary tree is a recursive data structure.
c) & *atrix 45167587 is stored in the *e*ory with each ele*ent requiring , bytes of storage. 1f the 4ase address at 45x7517 is 161, and the address 4587597 is 16:6, deter*ine the value x where the *atrix is stored in colu*n *a;or wise. d) 3onvert the following infix notation into its postfix for*: & ! "" 4! 3) ! " + ! <) = ( ) > ' e) What is a constructor? @tate one difference between a constructor and any other *e*ber function of a class. [ 2 x 5 = 10 Question !. a) Ahe following function is a part of so*e class which co*putes and sorts an array arr57 in ascending order using the bubble sort technique. Ahere are so*e places in the code *arked by ?1?, ?,?, ?9?, ?B?, ?C? which *ust be replaced by a state*ent> expression so that the function works properly:
class Arial D void bubblesort"intarr57) D inti,;,k,t*pE for"i%6E?1?Ei!!) D for";%6E?,?E;!!) D if"arr5;7F?9?) D t*p%arr5;7E ?B?%arr5;!17E arr5;!17%?C?E G G G G i) ii) iii) iv) v) What is the expression or state*ent at ?1? What is the expression or state*ent at ?,? What is the expression or state*ent at ?9? What is the expression or state*ent at ?B? What is the expression or state*ent at ?C? [1x5=5 b) Ahe following function witty") is a part of so*e class. What will be the output of the function witty") when the value of n is H@31<.3<I and the value of p is C. @how the dry run> working: class Arial1 D public void witty"@tring n, int p) D if"pJ6) @yste*.out.println"KK)E else D @yste*.out.println"n.char&t"p)!K.K)E witty"n,pL1)E @yste*.out.print"n.char&t"p))E G G G [5
Part II "ns#er se$en %uestions in this part& choosin' three %uestions (rom Section "& t#o (rom Section ) an* t#o (rom Section C. Section " "ns#er any three %uestions Question +. a) 'iven the 4oolean function ("&,4,3,+)% M"B,:,8,16,11,1,,1B,1C) i) 0educe the above expression by using B variable NL *ap, showing the various groups " i.e. octals, quads and pairs). ii) +raw the logic gate diagra* of the reduced expression. &ssu*e that the variables and their co*ple*ents are available as inputs. [+,1=5 b) 'iven the 4oolean function ("O,P,0,@)% Q"6,C,8,R,16,1,,19,1B,1C) i) 0educe the above expression by using B variable NL *ap, showing the various groups " i.e. octals, quads and pairs). ii) +raw the logic gate diagra* of the reduced expression. &ssu*e that the variables and their co*ple*ents are available as inputs. [+,1=5 Question 5. Ahe principal of a school intends to select students for ad*ission to 3lass 1 on the following criteria: @tudent is of the sa*e school and has passed the 3lass 4oard <xa*ination with *ore than :6S *arks. /0 @tudent is of the sa*e school, has passed the 3lass 4oard <xa*ination with less than :6S *arks but has taken active part in coLcurricular activities. /0 @tudent is not fro* the sa*e school but has either passed the 3lass board <xa*ination with *ore than :6S *arks or has participated in @ports at the national level. Ahe inputs are : 1.OUA@ @ O 3 A
@tudent is of the sa*e school Tas passed the 3lass 4oard <xa*ination with *ore than :6S *arks. Tas taken active part in coLcurricular activities. Tas participated in sports at the .ational Uevel.
/utput :L - +enotes ad*ission status 5 1 indicates granted and 6 indicates refused in all the cases.7 a) +raw the truth table for the inputs and outputs given above and write the @/O expression. b) 0educe "@,O,3,A) using Narnaugh)s *ap. +raw the logic gate diagra* for the reduced @/O expression for "@,O,3,A) using &.+ and /0 gate. #ou *ay use gates with two or *ore inputs. &ssu*e that the variable and their co*ple*ents are available as inputs. [ 5 x 2 = 10 9
Question -. a) Verify algebraically if, )#)$) ! )#)$ ! )#$ ! )#$) ! #)$) ! #)$ % ) ! #) [2 b) 0epresent the 4oolean expression ! #$) with the help of ./0 gates only. [2 c) +efine the ter*s contingency, contradiction and tautology. [! d) 3onsider the following truth table where & and 4 are two inputs and is the output: & 6 6 1 1 4 6 1 6 1
6 1 1 6
i) ii)
.a*e and draw the logic gate for the given truth table. Write the O/@ of "&,4)
[2 [1
Question .. a) +efine *ultiplexer and state one of its uses. +raw the logic gate diagra* for B:1Wultiplexer. [+ b) @tate how a half adder is different fro* a full adder. &lso give their respective uses. [! c) Wini*iXe the following expression using 4oolean laws: P"P)!O).0."P!0) [! &lso draw the logic gate for the reduced 4oolean expression.
Section ) &nswer any , questions. <ach progra* should be written in such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of the proble*. Ahis can be achieved by using *ne*onic na*es and co**ents in the progra*. Question /. & class 3o*bine contains an array of integers which co*bines two arrays into a single array including the duplicate ele*ents, if any, and sorts the co*bined array. @o*e of the *e*bers of the class are given below: C0ass 1ame 2ata mem3ers co*5 7 siXe 4em3er (unctions5metho*s 3o*bine"intnn) voidinputarray" ) void sort") void *ix"3o*bine &, 3o*bine 4) : : : : : : : 3o*bine integer array siXe of the array para*eteriXed constructor to assign siXe % nn to accept the array ele*ents sorts the ele*ents of co*bined array in ascending order using the selection sort technique. co*bines the para*eteriXed ob;ect arrays and stores the result in the current ob;ect array along with the duplicate ele*ents , if any. displays the array ele*ents.
void display" )
@pecify the class 3o*bine giving details of the constructor"int ), void inputarray" ), void sort"), void *ix"3o*bine, 3o*bine) and void display" ). &lso define the *ain function to create an ob;ect and call the *ethods accordingly to enable the task. [ 10 Question 6. +esign a class VowelWord to accept a sentence and calculate the frequency of words that begin with a vowel. Ahe words in the input string are separated by a single blank space and ter*inated by a full stop. Ahe description of the class is given below: C0ass 1ame 2ata mem3ers str freq 4em3er (unctions VowelWord") voidreadstr") voidfreqYvowel" ) void display") 7 : : 8o#e09or* to store a sentence to store the frequency of words beginning with a vowel. constructor to initialiXe data *e*bers to legal initial values. to accept a sentence. counts the frequency of the words beginning with a vowel. to display the original string and the frequency of the C
: : : :
words that begin with a vowel. @pecify the class VowelWord giving details of the constructor" ), void readstr"), void freqYvowel") and void display"). &lso defing the *ain function to create an ob;ect and call the *ethods accordingly to enable the task. [ 10 Question 10. & happy nu*ber is a nu*ber in which the eventual su* of the square of the digits of the nu*ber is equal to 1. <xa*ple : ,R :R 166 % ",), ! " R ), % B ! :B % :R % ":), ! " R), % 9: ! :B % 166 % " 1 ), ! " 6 ), ! " 6 ), % 1 ! 6 ! 6 % 1
Tence ,R is a happy nu*ber. <xa*ple : 1, % "1), ! ",), % 1 ! B % C Tence 1, is not a happy nu*ber. +esign a class Tappy to check if a given nu*ber is a happy nu*ber. @o*e of the *e*bers of the class are given below: C0ass 1ame 2ata 4em3ers n 4em3er (unctions7 Tappy" ) voidgetnu*"intnn) intsu*YsqYdigits"int x) voidishappy") 7 :appy
: : : :
constructor to assign 6 to n to assign the para*eter value to the nu*ber n % nn returns the su* of the square of the digits of the nu*ber x, using the recursive technique. checks if the given nu*ber is a happy by calling the functionsu*YsqYdigits"int) and displays an appropriate *essage.
@pecify the class Tappy giving details of the constructor" ), void getnu*" int), intsu*YsqYdigits"int) and void ishappy"). &lso define a *ain function to create an ob;ect and call the *ethods to check for a happy nu*ber.
Section C "ns#er any 2 %uestions. <ach progra*>algorith* should be written in such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of the proble* step wise. Ahis can also be achieved by suing pseudo codes. "(lowcharts are not required) The pro'rams must 3e #ritten in ;a$a. The a0'orithm must 3e #ritten in 'enera0 stan*ar* (orm #here$er re%uire*.
Question 11. Uink is an entity which can hold a *axi*u* of 166 integers. Uink enables the user to add ele*ents fro* the rear end and re*ove integers fro* the front end of the entity. +efine a class Uink with the following details: C0ass 1ame 2ata mem3ers lnk57 *ax begin end 4em3er (unctions Uink"int **) voidaddlink"int v) intdellink") 7 : : : : <in= entity to hold the integer ele*ents. stores the *axi*u* capacity of the entity. to point to the index of the front end. to point to the index of the rear end.
: : :
void display")
constructor to initialiXe *ax%**, begin%6, end%6. to add an ele*ent fro* the rear index if possible otherwise display the *essage H /UA /( @1$< H. to re*ove and return an ele*ent fro* the front index, if possible otherwise display the *essage H <WOA#Z H and return L[[. displays the ele*ents of the entity.
a) @pecify the class Uink giving details of the constructor"int ), void addlink"int ), intdellink") and void display"). AT< W&1. (U.3A1/. &.+ &U'/01ATW .<<+ ./A 4< W01AA<.. [6 b) What type of data structure is the above entity? [1
Question 12. & super class +etail has been defined to store the details of a custo*er. +efine a sub class 4ill to co*pute the *onthly telephone charge of the custo*er as per the chart given below:
0&A< /nly rental charge :6 paisa per call ! rental charge R6 paisa per call ! rental charge 1 rupee per call ! rental charge
Ahe details of both the classes are given below: C0ass 1ame 7 2ata mem3ers na*e : address : telno : rent : 4em3er (unctions7 +etail"..) void show") C0ass 1ame 2ata mem3ers n a*t 4em3er (unctions7 4ill"..) voidcal") void show")
2etai0 to store the na*e of the custo*er. to store the address of the custo*er. to store the phone nu*ber of the custo*er. to store the *onthly rental charge
: : 7 : :
para*eteriXed constructor to assign values to data *e*bers. to display the detail of the custo*er. )i00 to store the nu*ber of calls. to store the a*ount to be paid by the custo*er.
: : :
para*eteriXed constructor to assign values to data We*bers of both classes and to initialiXe a*t % 6.6. calculates the *onthly telephone charge as per the charge given above. to display the detail of the custo*er and a*ount to be paid.
@pecify the class +etail giving details of the constructor" ) and void show"). Uisng the concept of inheritance, specify the class 4ill giving details of the constructor" ), void cal") and void show"). AT< W&1. (U.3A1/. &.+ &U'/01ATW .<<+ ./A 4< W01AA<.. [ 10 R
Question 1!. a) & linked list is for*ed fro* the ob;ects of the class, class node D int pE @tring nE node nextE G Write an algorith* or a *ethod to search for a na*e and display the contents of the node. Ahe *ethod declaration is given below: void search"node start, @tring b) [+ b) &nswer the following fro* the diagra* of the binary tree given below:
<xternal nodes of the tree. Oarent node of +. 1norder traversal of the tree. 0ight subtree of node 4.
[1 [1 [1 [1