1. The document contains a paper on computer graphics with 3 sections containing questions on topics like 3D rotation matrices, projection methods, polygon clipping algorithms, curve generation, and 3D viewing implementation.
2. Section 1 contains questions on 3D rotation matrices, orthographic vs oblique projection, and electron beam vertical retrace. Section 2 focuses on polygon clipping, window to viewport transformation, and reflections. Section 3 involves polygon reflection, line clipping using Liang-Barsky and Cohen-Sutherland algorithms, perspective projection matrix, and 3D viewing implementation.
3. The questions cover fundamental computer graphics concepts relating to transformations, projections, clipping, curve generation and 3D rendering pipeline.
1. The document contains a paper on computer graphics with 3 sections containing questions on topics like 3D rotation matrices, projection methods, polygon clipping algorithms, curve generation, and 3D viewing implementation.
2. Section 1 contains questions on 3D rotation matrices, orthographic vs oblique projection, and electron beam vertical retrace. Section 2 focuses on polygon clipping, window to viewport transformation, and reflections. Section 3 involves polygon reflection, line clipping using Liang-Barsky and Cohen-Sutherland algorithms, perspective projection matrix, and 3D viewing implementation.
3. The questions cover fundamental computer graphics concepts relating to transformations, projections, clipping, curve generation and 3D rendering pipeline.
1. The document contains a paper on computer graphics with 3 sections containing questions on topics like 3D rotation matrices, projection methods, polygon clipping algorithms, curve generation, and 3D viewing implementation.
2. Section 1 contains questions on 3D rotation matrices, orthographic vs oblique projection, and electron beam vertical retrace. Section 2 focuses on polygon clipping, window to viewport transformation, and reflections. Section 3 involves polygon reflection, line clipping using Liang-Barsky and Cohen-Sutherland algorithms, perspective projection matrix, and 3D viewing implementation.
3. The questions cover fundamental computer graphics concepts relating to transformations, projections, clipping, curve generation and 3D rendering pipeline.
1. The document contains a paper on computer graphics with 3 sections containing questions on topics like 3D rotation matrices, projection methods, polygon clipping algorithms, curve generation, and 3D viewing implementation.
2. Section 1 contains questions on 3D rotation matrices, orthographic vs oblique projection, and electron beam vertical retrace. Section 2 focuses on polygon clipping, window to viewport transformation, and reflections. Section 3 involves polygon reflection, line clipping using Liang-Barsky and Cohen-Sutherland algorithms, perspective projection matrix, and 3D viewing implementation.
3. The questions cover fundamental computer graphics concepts relating to transformations, projections, clipping, curve generation and 3D rendering pipeline.
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PAPER ID: 2167 Roll No.
Hindustan College of Science & ec!nolog"# $a%a!# &at!u%a
'. ec!# ( t! SE&# )Info%*ation ec!nolog"+ &ino% est,2 )2-1.,1/+ Co*0ute% 1%a0!ics )ECS,(-/+ i*e: 1 Hou% otal &a%2s: 1( Note: Atte*0t all 3uestions. Section,A 1. Atte*0t all 0a%ts. )14.5.+ a+ Write 3D rotation matrices about three coordinate axes. 6+ What is difference between orthographic and oblique projection. c+ What is vertical retrace of the electron beam? Section,' 2. Atte*0t an" t!%ee 0a%ts. )1.(4.5/.(+ a+ Explain Sutherland!odgman pol"gonclipping algorithm. Wh" this algorithm wor#s for onl" convex clipping region 6+ Derive window to viewport transformation matrix. c+ Show that two successive reflections about either of the coordinate axes is equivalent to a single rotation about the coordinate origin. d+ Derive oblique projection matrix for an" pol"hedron object. Section,C .. Atte*0t all 0a%ts. )2.(4.57.(+ a+ $eflect the triangular pol"gon whose vertices are % &'( )*( + &3( ,-* and . &'( ,,* about the line "/x03 b" using transformation matrices. 7R %ppl" 1iang +ars#" 1ine .lipping %lgorithm to clip the following lines. .oordinates of Window are as2 1eft+ottom coordinate are ),8-#,(-+ and $ight3op coordinates are ),2-# 7-+. 3here are 4 lines as A ),(-#,7-+# ' )1-# .-+# and C ),/-# 9-+# H )1-# 8-+. 6+ Determine five points on the +e5ier .urve with equidistant parametric values( having three control points &'( '* &3( ,* and &4( '*. 7R %ppl" .ohen Sutherland 1ine .lipping %lgorithm to clip the following lines. .oordinates of Window are as2 1eft+ottom coordinates are )1-# 2-+ and $ight3op coordinates are )/-# /-+. 3here are ' lines as A )2(# 1-+# ' )/(# .-+# and C ).(# (-+# D )6-# .(+. c+ Derive perspective projection transformation matrix. . 7R Draw the bloc# diagram of implementation of 3D viewing( while converting 3D world coordinate output primitive to 'D device coordinate. %lso explain the functionalit" of each bloc#.