EBS R12.1 Overview

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Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1

Delivering Value in Uncertain Times

T$e f ll %in! is intended t utline ur !eneral pr duct directi n& It is intended f r inf r#ati n purp ses nl"' and #a" n t be inc rp rated int an" c ntract& It is n t a c ##it#ent t deli(er an" #aterial' c de' r functi nalit"' and s$ uld n t be relied up n in #a)in! purc$asin! decisi ns& T$e de(el p#ent' release' and ti#in! f an" features r functi nalit" described f r Oracle*s pr ducts re#ains at t$e s le discreti n f Oracle&

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Deli(erin! ,alue in -ncertain Ti#es Ann uncin! E./usiness 0uite 12&1 2e" Ta)ea%a"s

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract

;ar)ets <ripped b" E=tra rdinar" -ncertaint"

wei C4I0I0 5)r67s8s9 . a crucial

situati n: a turnin! p int&

r decisi(e p int r

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Opp rtunit" t I#pr (e C #petiti(e Ad(anta!e

Difficult and ( latile c nditi ns %ipe ut s #e r!ani@ati ns A "et t$ers pr sper because t$e" understand $ % t e=pl it t$e fact t$at ld patterns (anis$ and ne% nes e#er!e&
0 urce: ;c)inse"' 2BBC

D %nturns can # re t$an d uble t$e li)eli$ d t$at a fir# si!nificantl" c$an!es its industr" ran)in!& In additi n' fir#s t$at #a)e it int t$e t p ?uartile durin! a d %nturn sustain t$eir pre#iu# f r an a(era!e f t$ree "ears&
0 urce: C rp rate E=ecuti(e / ard' 2BBC

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I#plicati ns f r Tec$n l !" 0trate!"

F cus n Opp rtunities t Ac$ie(e 4apid 4eturn T da"

In(est in Ea"s t 0tandardi@e and 0i#plif" %it$ a <l bal /usiness Platf r#

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract

Oracle E-Business Suite

F cused n Financials and Tec$n l !"

Hu#an Financials Capital Pr cure#ent E./usiness Cust #er G 0uite 0uppl" ;aster Data Applicati ns 12 C$ain ;ana!e#ent Tec$n l !"

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract

Oracle E-Business Suite

0ubstantial ,alue in E(er" Area

Hu#an Hu#an Financials Capital Capital Pr Pr cure#ent cure#ent E./usiness Cust #erG G Cust #er 0uite ;aster Data ;aster Data 0uppl" Applicati ns 12&1 ;ana!e#ent ;ana!e#ent C$ain Tec$n l !" G Pr Hects

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1

Standalone Solutions

K Analytics K Sourcing On Demand K Sourcing


K "P# K Management Pac$ K Application Integration





K Demand Signal Repository K Advanced Planning Command Center K Service Parts Planning K Manufacturing Operations Center



K Pro ects Analytics K !ederal !inancials Analytics K Site Hub K PIM for Retail

C4;I ;D;

K Analytics K Incentive Compensation K Learning Management K iRecruitment

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1

Deplo a!le "it# 11i1$

K Analytics K Sourcing On Demand K Sourcing


K "P# K Management Pac$ K Application Integration





Financials Capital E./usiness G Pr Hects Cust #er G 0uite ;aster Data 0uppl" Applicati ns ;ana!e#ent 11i1B C$ain Tec$n l !"

Hu#an Pr cure#ent

K Demand Signal Repository K Advanced Planning Command Center K Service Parts Planning K Manufacturing Operations Center



K Pro ects Analytics K !ederal !inancials Analytics K Site Hub K PIM for Retail

C4;I ;D;

K Analytics K Incentive Compensation K Learning Management K iRecruitment

Reduce All Suppl %anagement &osts

'#at(s )e" in *rocurement

Hu#an Financials Capital Pr cure#ent E./usiness G Pr Hects Cust #er G 0uite ;aster Data 0uppl" Applicati ns 12&1 ;ana!e#ent C$ain Tec$n l !"

Identif" t p sa(in!s pp rtunities E=pl it suppl" #ar)et d"na#ics Opti#i@e strate!ic s urcin! pr !ra#s

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+denti, Top Savings Opportunities

*rocurement - Spend Anal tics
EHAT*0 NEE 0pend Classificati nL
A Applicati n t$at #aps ra% data int reference t ta= n #ies

0pend Anal"@er Das$b ardL G E#pl "ee E=penses Das$b ardL 4E0-LT0 K Or!ani@es ra% data int reference ta= n #ies K Accelerates n r#ali@ati n f spend data G si#plifies f ll %. n anal"sis K Creates (isibilit" int spendin! patterns K Identifies pp rtunities t i#pr (e strate!ic s urcin! K Offers ti#el" insi!$t int t$e r!ani@ati n and supplier perf r#ance
L Ne% %it$ ne=t release f O/I Apps

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Optimi.e Strategic Sourcing *rograms

Oracle Sourcing
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 Oracle 0 urcin!
A A A A A T% sta!e 4FP e(aluati n Fle=ible price tier structures A%ard.based c st fact rs E=p rt supplier resp nse t PDF E=cel i#p rt' e=p rt and ad(anced f r#attin!

K 0 urcin! Opti#i@ati n
Price Tier Opti#i@ati n Opti#i@e based n supplier incenti(es

4E0-LT0 K Le(era!e deflati nar" #ar)et d"na#ics G supplier c st structures t dri(e sa(in!s K Ensure i#partialit" f bid e(aluati ns K Increase s urcin! pr ducti(it"

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Optimi.e Strategic Sourcing *rograms

Oracle Sourcing On Demand/
EHAT 0ubscripti n based s luti n t$at dri(es # re and better strate!ic s urcin! t$r u!$ nline ne! tiati n and c llab rati n /ased n standard Oracle 0 urcin! and 0 urcin! Opti#i@ati n s luti ns HOE Applicati n prec nfi!ured b" t p e=perts H sted and #ana!ed b" Oracle On De#and Aff rdable pa".as." u.! pricin! %it$ ut bi! upfr nt in(est#ent 4E0-LT0 Increase ne! tiati n efficienc" and effecti(eness Accelerate ti#e t (alue Eli#inate tec$n l !" in$ibit rs
CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract

L Alread" A(ailable


Optimi.e Value &reation

'#at(s )e" in Suppl &#ain %anagement

Hu#an Pr cure#ent Financials Capital E./usiness G Pr Hects Cust #er G 0uite ;aster Data 0uppl" Applicati ns 12&1 ;ana!e#ent C$ain Tec$n l !"

C #plete (alue c$ain plannin! . fr # de#and sensin! t after #ar)et ser(ice Opti#i@e #anufacturin! perati ns and asset utili@ati n Increase l !istics efficienc" and trac) and c ntr l c sts

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


&omplete Value &#ain *lanning

&apture and manage demand data "it# Oracle Demand Signal Repositor /
EHAT A A separatel" depl "able applicati n desi!ned t #aintain a c ns lidated (ie% f de#and inf r#ati n bet%een t$e OE; and 4etailer t facilitate t$e transiti n t de#and. dri(en HOE A C #bines an enterprise stren!t$ e=tensible retail. riented data # del' %it$ best.in.class anal"tics and /I' t !et$er %it$ a fle=ible inte!rati n arc$itecture t Oracle and n n.Oracle applicati ns t pr (ide a c ## n #et$ d f r #ana!in! de#and data 4E0-LT0 . Dra#aticall" i#pr (es t$e accurac" and (isibilit" f de#and inf r#ati n in t$e (alue c$ain

L Alread" A(ailable

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&omplete Value &#ain *lanning

Elevate planning insig#ts "it# Oracle Advanced *lanning &ommand &enter/
EHAT A A ne% applicati n built n t p f Oracle Ad(anced Plannin! t$at #a=i#i@es t$e (alue f " ur plannin! inf r#ati n b" increasin! accessibilit" and stren!t$enin! business rientati n HOE A C #bines t$e accessibilit" f a r le. based anal"tical user interface %it$ c ncepts suc$ as business scenari #ana!e#ent and t$e aut #ati n f plannin! pr cesses 4E0-LT0 . Ele(ates t$e p %er f plannin! and plannin! insi!$ts t t$e business decisi n #a)in! le(el& D es f r 0uppl" C$ain Plannin! %$at H"peri n d es f r Financials
L Alread" A(ailable

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


&omplete Value &#ain *lanning

E0tend planning to a,ter mar1et "it# Oracle Service *arts *lanning/
EHAT A A ne% applicati n %it$in Oracle Ad(anced Plannin! desi!ned t supp rt t$e increasin! i#p rtance f after.#ar)et ser(ice t$r u!$ t$e #ana!e#ent f ser(ice parts HOE A C #bines e=tensi(e and purp se.built ser(ice parts plannin! capabilities' all full" inte!rated %it$ t$e rest f Oracle Ad(anced Plannin! and t$e ass ciated e=ecuti n s"ste#s 4E0-LT0 . Enables t$e c st effecti(e #ana!e#ent f ser(ice parts and facilitates t$e !r %t$ f 0er(ice %it$in t$e (erall business (alue c$ain

L Alread" A(ailable

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Optimi.e %anu,acturing Operations

&onvert real-time s#op ,loor data into usa!le intelligence "it# Oracle %anu,acturing Operations &enter/
EHAT A A separatel" depl "able applicati n desi!ned t brid!e t$e inf r#ati n di(ide bet%een t$e E4P and Plant Fl r HOE A C #bines E4P data %it$ real.ti#e Plant Fl r inf r#ati n %it$in an e=tensible' standard.based data # del' n t p f %$ic$ r le.based anal"tics $a(e been created 4E0-LT0 . Deli(ers t$e anal"tical insi!$ts re?uired t pti#i@e e?uip#ent effecti(eness and (erall #anufacturin! perf r#ance

e ilabl a ( A N N %

L Alread" A(ailable

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Optimi.e %anu,acturing Operations

Oracle %anu,acturing E0ecution S stems ,or Discrete *rocess %anu,acturing
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1
K Operat r 2i s)s T uc$ screen A Dispensin! super(is r das$b ard A Operat r certificati n A On.$and l t status A ;ulti.batc$ acti ns A ;a)e.t . rder c ntr ls A 4e!ulat r" interface certificati n A OP; patc$able res urces

4 le./ased Das$b ards %it$ 2PIs

A E#bedded best.practice calculati ns A Drill.d %ns f r r t.cause A Pre.built r le.specific alerts

4E0-LT0 I#pr (ed #anufacturin! line c ntr l +DB de!ree (ie% f pr ducti n status Earl" detecti n t a( id EIP issues C nsistent instructi ns f r ;f! users
CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Optimi.e %anu,acturing Operations

+mprove asset utili.ation t#roug# compre#ensive Oracle Enterprise Asset %anagement
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 Asset ; (e E r)benc$ E=press E r) Order <rap$ical displa" f asset relati ns$ips E r) Order 0c$edulin! %it$ ;0 Pr Hects C #patible units and c nstructi n esti#atin! 4E0-LT0 <reater user ad pti n %it$ si#plified t ls I#pr (ed asset #ana!e#ent f r lease' rentals and interc #pan" transfers 0i#plified % r) rder pr cessin! /etter s$ut d %n plannin! and e=ecuti n

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+ncrease 2ogistics E,,icienc

)e0t 3eneration "it# Oracle 'are#ouse %anagement
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 K F r%ard pic) replenis$#ent K ; bile user interface pers nali@ati n K E=tensibilit" fra#e% r) K D c) sc$edulin! and l ad se?uencin! K Assi!n #aterial status b" License Plate Nu#ber 5LPN9 K -CC.12C Cart ni@ati n 4E0-LT0 I#pr (ed turn rates and l %er (erall l !istics c sts Faster' # re inte!rated l !istics perati ns 0upp rt f r $i!$er ( lu#e en(ir n#ents

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+ncrease 2ogistics E,,icienc

%anage all product cost components "it# Oracle 2anded &ost %anagement/
EHAT A A fle=ible' rule.based s"ste# f r calculatin! esti#ated and actual landed c sts HOE A Inte!rates sea#lessl" %it$ 4ecei(in! t calculate and pass all esti#ated r actual landed c sts t$r u!$ t In(ent r"' C stin! and Acc untin! s"ste#s 4E0-LT0 A Opti#i@e pr duct #ar!ins' (isibilit" int e=tended suppl" c$ain c sts' and decisi n supp rt f r strate!ic s urcin! initiati(es

L Ne% Pr duct in 12&1

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Develop Talent and Reduce 4R &osts

'#at(s )e" in 4uman &apital %anagement

Hu#an Pr cure#ent Financials Capital E./usiness G Pr Hects Cust #er G 0uite ;aster Data 0uppl" Applicati ns 12&1 ;ana!e#ent C$ain Tec$n l !"

I#pr (e talent #ana!e#ent pr cesses 0trea#line s urcin! and n b ardin! f talent E=tend e=istin! H4;0 in(est#ents

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+mprove 3lo!al Talent %anagement

4R Anal tics
EHAT*0 NEE K 4ecruit#ent anal"ticsL K Learnin! anal"ticsL K Lea(e G absence #ana!e#entL K C re % r)f rce arc$itecture en$ance#ents 4E0-LT0 K I#pr (e (isibilit" int HC; pr cesses b" re(ie%in! results t$r u!$ #easured anal"tics K Pr (ide better' c nsistent ser(ice deli(er" %it$ a c #plete (ie% f t$e % r)f rce t all line #ana!ers K Dri(e return n $u#an capital in(est#ent b" understand i#pact f H4 initiati(es relati(e t perf r#ance and retenti n
L Ne% %it$ ne=t release f O/I Apps

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+mprove Talent %anagement *rocesses

Oracle +ncentive &ompensation
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 I#pr (e perf r#ance %it$ fle=ible r ll ups I#pr (ed sales creditin! Plan ; delin!
A 0cenari c #paris n and i#pact anal"sis A One clic) in.line plan and plan c #p nent c p" A ; (e plans bet%een setup' testin! t pr ducti n

4E0-LT0 4educed TCO %it$ #ini#al err rs ;ulti.scenari c #paris n f r i#pr (ed decisi n #a)in! Increased insi!$t int c #pensati n plan effecti(eness and perf r#ance t tar!et

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+mprove Talent %anagement *rocesses

Oracle 2earning %anagement
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 Learner <r ups
A Define learner access a(ailable t cate! ries' c urses' fferin!s and classes A ;andat r" and bul) enr llin! f #ultiple learner !r ups

;andat r" Enr ll#ents

A Ensure t$at % r)ers are enr lled in #andat r" trainin!

K C urse E(aluati ns 4E0-LT0 Ouic)l" r ll ut trainin! t lar!e (ariet" f !r ups Ensure % r)f rce is trained n t$e latest pr cess c$an!es and $as #et le!al re?uire#ents I#pr (e pr ducti(it" and t$e b tt # line b" usin! e(aluati n results t pr (ide # re effecti(e trainin!
CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Streamline Sourcing and On Boarding Talent

Oracle iRecruitment
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 E#pl "ee 4eferrals
A 4ecruiters r $irin! #ana!ers #ar) (acancies eli!ible f r e#pl "ee referral A E#pl "ees create candidates and refer t$e# t a #ana!er t pursue t$e candidate

4ecruiter and ;ana!er Das$b ards

A Direct access t t$e recent (acancies' ne% applicants' and recentl" created r updated ffers

4E0-LT0 I#pr (es t$e speed f $ire %$ic$ in turn i#pr (es (erall recruitin! efficienc" En!a!es e#pl "ees in t$e ac?uisiti n f talent f r t$e r!ani@ati n 4educe ti#e needed f r recruit#ent acti(ities b" $a(in! access t a su##ar" f all acti(ities
CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Streamline Sourcing and On Boarding Talent

Oracle 'or1,orce 2i,ec cle %anagement
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 En$anced c$ec)lists f r c ## n life e(ent pr cesses suc$ as On / ardin!
A C$ec)lists include tas)s %it$ tar!et c #pleti n dates and desi!nated perf r#ers

Ti!$ter inte!rati n %it$ Oracle Appr (als ;ana!e#ent 4E0-LT0 0trea#lines entire $ire.t .retire e#pl "ee life c"cle Accelerates e#pl "ee ti#e.t .pr ducti(it" Ensures c #pliance %it$ re!ulat r" #andates and r!ani@ati nal p licies

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+mprove Talent %anagement *rocesses

Oracle *er,ormance %anagement
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 0uccessi n Plannin!
A Identif" critical r les' H bs' p siti ns and pe ple in t$e r!ani@ati n A Identif" talent p l a(ailable in t$e r!ani@ati n A ;ap t$e talent p l %it$ t$e critical r les' H bs' p siti ns and pe ple

Line f 0ite ObHecti(es

A <rap$ical representati n f t$e ali!n#ent f bHecti(es

4E0-LT0 Identif" staffin! needed t i#ple#ent r!ani@ati n strate!" Ensure plan pr !ress is trac)ed a!ainst #etrics Helps e#pl "ees t understand $ % t$eir bHecti(es $a(e been cascaded d %n t$r u!$ t$e r!ani@ati n
CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


E0tend 5our E0isting 4R%S +nvestments

4R and Recruiting *roduct +ntegrations
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 H4 Inte!rati ns
A Or! C$artin! and ,isuali@ati n 5Hu#an C ncepts9

4ecruitin! Inte!rati ns
A Parsin!: 4esu#e ;irr r A /ac)!r und C$ec): Hire 4i!$t A J b / ard P stin!: eOuest

4E0-LT0 E=tendin! and en$ance t$e (alue f Oracle in(est#ents C #ple#ent H4;0 %it$ (isuali@ati n and e=ternal ser(ice inte!rati ns Hi!$ cust #er c nfidence t$e inte!rati n bet%een pr ducts $as been tested and (alidated

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


E0tend 5our E0isting 4R%S +nvestments

En#anced B*O Support
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 E=tended ;ulti.Tenant capabilities
A Add PEnterpriseQ Or! Classificati n t identif" Client as an Or!ani@ati n in H4 A Create standard R,PD* securit" p licies n all reference data b" client

Deli(er Pe ple0 ft H4 Help Des) Inte!rati n %it$ E/0 H4

A 0upp rt f r t$e 4e?uest.t .4es l(e pr cess %$ere an H4 $elp des) a!ent recei(es re?uests users n t$eir H4 related issues& A Includes data s"nc$ f r +DB.(ie%

4E0-LT0 4educe H4 call center (er$ead c sts I#pr (e H4 call center pr ducti(it" 4educe t$e ti#e e#pl "ees spend re?uestin! assistance fr # t$e $elp des)
CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


6e Advances in Select +ndustries

'#at(s )e" in &ustomer Relations#ip and %aster Data %anagement

Hu#an Pr cure#ent Financials Capital E./usiness G Pr Hects Cust #er G 0uite ;aster Data 0uppl" Applicati ns 12&1 ;ana!e#ent C$ain Tec$n l !"

I#pr (e #ar!ins f r distribut rs t$r u!$ pr cess aut #ati n ;ana!e l cati n and pr duct inf r#ati n centrall"

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+mprove %argins ,or Distri!utors T#roug# *rocess Automation

Oracle Supplier S#ip - De!it/
4e?uest 0pecial Price Trac) Accruals Clai# ;ana!e Disputes G Pa"#ents

K 4e?uest Ne% Price fr #

0upplier K 4ecei(e 0upplier appr (alI aut$ ri@ati n

K 4ec rd Accruals K <enerate Accurate

Acc untin!

K C #pile accruals G
!enerate Clai#s K Trans#it Clai#s t 0upplier (ia S;L r EebADI

K 4es l(e Disputes K Issue Debit t


EHAT A C$annel re(enue #ana!e#ent pr duct aut #atin! special price re?uests f r %$ lesale distributi n and strea#lines t$e s$ip G debit clai# pr cess HOE A Aut #ate all a!ree#ents' trac)in!' acc untin! H urnal entries and c$ar!ebac)*s t (end rs #anual pr cesses f r ti#el" clai#s pr cessin! 4E0-LT0 A 4educed #ar!in lea)a!e& 4educed c st f #ana!in! special pricin! a!ree#ents and !reater (isibilit" int clai# pr cess
L Ne% Pr duct in 12&1

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+mprove %argins ,or Distri!utors T#roug# *rocess Automation

Oracle *rice *rotection/
EHAT A C$annel 4e(enue ;ana!e#ent pr duct enablin! rc$estrati n and aut #ati n f supplier price c$an!es HOE A Ti#el" clai#s pr cessin! t$r u!$ aut #ated inte!rati ns t Pr cure#ent' Eare$ use I In(ent r"' C stin!' <eneral Led!er' Acc unts Pa"able' Acc unts 4ecei(able 4E0-LT0 A 4educed #ar!in lea)a!e& Aut #ati n f #anual spreads$eets' faster reali@ati n fr # price pr tecti n clai#s' c #plete c ntr l G full (isibilit" int t$e pr cess' increased c$annel re(enues
L Ne% Pr duct in 12&1

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


%anage 2ocation +n,ormation &entrall

Oracle Site 4u!/

EHAT A A ne% #aster data #ana!e#ent applicati n t #ana!e all business pr cesses related t p$"sical l cati ns 5sites9 suc$ as retail st res HOE A A $i!$l" e=tensible site data specific rep sit r" c #bined %it$ purp se built -I*s' inte!rati ns t related applicati ns and #appin! 4E0-LT0 A En$ance perati nal efficienc" in site penin!' cl sin! r #aintenance' i#pr (es decisi n #a)in! and increases IT a!ilit"

L Alread" A(ailable

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


%anage *roduct +n,ormation &entrall

Oracle *roduct 4u! ,or Retail/
K EHAT A 0in!le (ie% f pr duct inf r#ati n t$at
can be le(era!ed acr ss all depart#ents

A ;ana!e sell.side and bu".side pr duct

catal ! K HOE

A C ns lidate' #ana!e and s"nc$r ni@e

all pr duct inf r#ati n %it$ t$er s urce s"ste#s and tradin! partners

A ;aintain clean and enric$ enterprise

pr duct data %it$ br ad data ?ualit" t ls K 4E0-LT0

A I#pr (es speed f Ne% Pr duct Intr ducti n A Decreases c st f c llab rati n %it$ partners
and suppliers

A 4educes n n.c #pliance ris)s

L Alread" A(ailable

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+ncrease Operational &ontrol and E,,icienc

'#at(s )e" in 7inancials - *ro8ects

Hu#an Pr cure#ent Financials Capital E./usiness G Pr Hects Cust #er G 0uite ;aster Data 0uppl" Applicati ns 12&1 ;ana!e#ent C$ain Tec$n l !"

<reater c ntr l %it$ increased fle=ibilit" Centrali@ed ad#inistrati n f !l bal s$ared ser(ices ;a)e better decisi ns %it$ !reater insi!$t

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


3reater &ontrol "it# +ncreased 7le0i!ilit

3lo!al 7inancials Arc#itecture
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12 K Led!ers and Led!er 0ets K 4ules.based Acc untin! En!ine K -nified /an) Acc unt ; del K Centrali@ed Pa"#ents K <l bal Ta= En!ine K <l bal Interc #pan" 0"ste# 4E0-LT0 Faster' si#pler peri d end pr cessin! Easil" #eet l cal acc untin! re?uire#ents 0trea#line interc #pan" tradin! and rec nciliati n Adapt ?uic)l" t re!ulat r" c$an!es ; re pr ducti(e s$ared ser(ice centers

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


&entrali.ed Administration o, 3lo!al S#ared Services

7le0i!le S#ared Services %odel

Belgium Belgium
Legal Entity Entity Legal

Legal Entity

Legal Entity




CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


%a1e Better Decisions "it# 3reater +nsig#t

7ederal *ro8ect Accounting
EHAT*0 NEE IN 12&1 K 0upp rt f r bud!etar" and pr prietar" acc untin! K En$anced funds c ntr l K Ne% fundin! c nsu#pti n rules K Aut #ated ad(ance pr cessin! K Fle=ible in( icin! (ia /ill Present#ent Arc$itecture 4E0-LT0 Easil" #eet Federal acc untin! re?uire#ents Enf rce spendin! li#its and ensure c #pliance %it$ ear#ar)ed fundin! Eli#inate pr cess (er$ead t$r u!$ aut #ati n

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


%a1e Better Decisions "it# 3reater +nsig#t

7ederal 7inancials Anal tics/
EHAT A Prebuilt anal"tics f r Federal Financials A /ud!et e=ecuti n anal"sis A 0pendin! G Pa"#ent anal"sis HOE A Trac) appr priati ns' app rti n#ents G
all t#ents A Trac) c ##it#ents' bli!ati ns' and e=penditures at different fund le(els A ,isibilit" and drill d %n at eac$ fund le(el: Fund' Pr !ra#s' Pr Hects' Or!ani@ati n' ObHect Class

4E0-LT0 A ; nit r bud!et spendin! A I#pr (e cas$ fl % #ana!e#ent A ;ini#i@e interest pa"#ents A ;ini#i@e delin?uent debt a# unts A ,isibilit" t prepare ne% bud!ets
L Ne% %it$ ne=t release f O/I Apps

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


%a1e Better Decisions "it# 3reater +nsig#t

*ro8ect Anal tics/
EHAT A C #plete s luti n f r pr Hect business
lifec"cle rep rtin!

A 4 le.based best practices pr (ide

rele(ant and acti nable insi!$t

HOE A Acti nable insi!$t f r i#pr (in! pr Hect

p rtf li perf r#ance

A Trac) pr HectIpr !ra# perf r#ance and

c ntr l pr Hect c sts A C #plete insi!$t int pr Hect re(enue' billin! and pr fitabilit"

4E0-LT0 A I#pr (e cas$ fl % A Opti#i@e res urce utili@ati n A Accelerate deli(eries A L %er perati nal c sts A I#pr (e #ar!ins A 4educe pr Hect and financial ris)
L Ne% %it$ ne=t release f O/I Apps

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+ncrease Value ,rom Applications

'#at(s )e" in Applications Tec#nolog

Hu#an Pr cure#ent Financials Capital E./usiness G Pr Hects Cust #er G 0uite ;aster Data 0uppl" Applicati ns 12&1 ;ana!e#ent C$ain Tec$n l !"

Dri(e !reater end user pr ducti(it" 4educe c st f %ners$ip Increase a!ilit" and l %er inte!rati n c sts

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Drive 3reater End User *roductivit

*re-Built End-User Documentation






Self%Running Demo

Interactive Simulation

&esting for Competence

Conte't%Sensitive Help

1'>F> Pre.deli(ered T pics f r 4elease 12

Pa"ables]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 4ecei(ables]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] <eneral Led!er Assets]] Internet E=penses Ad(anced <l bal Interc #pan" 0"ste# K E./usiness Ta= K 0ubled!er Acc untin! K /an) Acc unt 0etupI;aintenance K

Hu#an 4es urces Pa"r ll]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 0elf.0er(ice H4 Perf r#ance ;!#t Ti#e and Lab r] i4ecruit#ent Learnin! ;!#t

0$ p Fl r ;ana!e#ent E r) In Pr cess Discrete ;E0 OP; Pr duct De(el p#ent OP; Pr cess E=ecuti n OP; ;E0

Pr cure#ent
Purc$asin!]] i0upplier P rtal]] iPr cure#ent]]]

Pr Hects
Pr Hect C stin! Pr Hect ;!#t Pr Hect 4es urce ;!#t

Applicati ns Tec$n l !"

Applicati ns ;!#t F r#s Pers nali@ati n

Distributi n
In(ent r" Order ;!#t 0$ippin! E=ecuti n

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Drive 3reater End User *roductivit

Better User E0perience

K 4educed p p.ups and duplicate


K 4e.desi!ned and strea#lined

entire % r)fl %s

K 4educed t$e nu#ber f steps t

c #plete )e" tas)s

K I#pr (ed (erall l ) G feel and

(isual st"le

K Increased pers nali@ati n


I#pr (ed E r)fl % in Tar!eted Areas

K Ca#pai!n ;ana!e#ent K Cust #er 0upp rt K C llecti ns G Pa"#ents K L an ;ana!e#ent K Financial C ns lidati n K Online Candidate 4e!istrati n K Absence ;ana!e#ent K 0alar" Ad#inistrati n K 0elf.0er(ice Purc$asin! K 0 urcin! K 0upplier C llab rati n K /usiness Intelli!ence

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Drive 3reater End User *roductivit

Better Document *u!lis#ing Oracle /usiness Intelli!ence Publis$er f r Oracle E./usiness 0uite

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Reduce &ost o, O"ners#ip

2i,ec cle %anagement Roadmap
Centrali@ed ;ana!e#ent
;ana!e sin!le I #ultiple Oracle E./usiness 0uite s"ste#s fr # a sin!le c ns le

Applicati n ;ana!e#ent Pac)

Pr acti(e ; nit rin!

Pr acti(el" # nit r Infrastructure and End -ser e=perience t$r u!$ 0er(ice Le(el ;ana!e#ent

Aut #ated HOT Cl nin!

Aut #aticall" Cl ne Oracle E./usiness 0uite s"ste#s t$r u!$ Cl ne Das$b ard in HOT ; de

Cust #i@ati n ;ana!e#ent

Aut #ate pac)a!in!' depl "#ent' #i!rati n f cust #i@ati ns acr ss Oracle E./usiness 0uite instances

Applicati n C$an!e ;ana!e#ent Pac)

Patc$ Aut #ati n

-I based i#pact anal"sis and depl "#ent f patc$ acr ss E/0 instances fr # a sin!le c ns le

Functi nal 0etup ;ana!e#ent

;ana!e' transp rt and d cu#ent c$an!es in functi nal setups acr ss Oracle E./usiness 0uite instances

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+ncrease Agilit and 2o"er +ntegration &osts

Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Pr (ides 0ecure and Trusted C nnecti(it"

K E=p ses E./usiness 0uite Inte!rati n Interfaces as Eeb 0er(ices K In 4elease 12' interfaces %it$ t$e Inte!rati n 4ep sit r" t e=p se nl" rec ##ended public inte!rati n interfaces K 0ea#less inte!rati n %it$ Oracle AIA and Oracle 0OA 0uite pr ducts

Oracle E./usiness 0uite Adapter

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+ncrease Agilit and 2o"er +ntegration &osts

Application +ntegration Arc#itecture

Pr cess Inte!rati n Pac)s

Pr cess Inte!rati n Pac)s
K L sel" c upled c #p site business pr cesses

Optimize. Pre.built c #p site business pr cesses acr ss enterprise Applicati ns Direct Inte!rati ns

Direct Inte!rati ns
Manage. Pre.built inte!rati ns t supp rt data fl %s bet%een s"ste#s

F undati n Pac)s
K C #pre$ensi(e pr cess c #p siti n fra#e% r)

F undati n Pac)s
Standardize. C ## n ObHect and 0$ared 0er(ice Librar" %it$ supp rtin! 0OA pr !ra##in! # del and best practice i#ple#entati n #et$ ds

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


+ncrease Agilit and 2o"er +ntegration &osts

"it# A+A pre-!uilt integrations
Sample of Integrations Available TODAY
A+A *ac1s
Oracle C4; On De#and Inte!rati n Pac) f r Oracle E./usiness 0uite 0iebel C4; Inte!rati n Pac) f r Oracle E/0 Order ;ana!e#ent 0iebel C4; Inte!rati n Pac) f r Trade Pr # ti n ;ana!e#ent Oracle Transp rtati n ;ana!e#ent 5<.l !9 Inte!rati n t E./usiness 0uite Oracle C ##unicati ns /illin! and 4e(enue ;ana!e#ent Inte!rati n Pac) f r Oracle E. /usiness 0uite: 4e(enue Acc untin! Oracle 4etail Inte!rati n t Oracle E./usiness 0uite Financials A!ile Pr duct Lifec"cle ;ana!e#ent inte!rati n Pac) f r Oracle E./usiness 0uite De#antra De#and ;ana!e#ent inte!rati n %it$ Oracle E./usiness 0uite

Business *rocess
Opp rtunit" t Ou te Order t Cas$ Trade Pr # ti n Transp rtati n ;ana!e#ent C ##unicati n 4e(enue Acc untin! Financial C ntr ls f r 4etail Desi!n t 4elease End.t .end Ad(anced Plannin!

Applications +nvolved
Oracle C4; On De#and Oracle E./usiness 0uite 0iebel C4; Oracle E./usiness 0uite 0iebel C4; Oracle E./usiness 0uite Oracle Transp rtati n ;ana!e#ent Oracle E./usiness 0uite Oracle C ##unicati ns /illin! and 4e(enue ;ana!e#ent Oracle E./usiness 0uite Oracle 4etail Oracle E./usiness 0uite A!ile PL; Oracle E./usiness 0uite De#antra Oracle E./usiness 0uite

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract



Findin! ,alue in -ncertain Ti#es Ann uncin! E./usiness 0uite 12&1 2e" Ta)ea%a"s

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Deli(erin! ,alue in -ncertain Ti#es

Ne% Pr ducts in 12&1 Alread" A(ailable 1& Oracle Ad(anced Plannin! C ##and Center 2& Oracle De#and 0i!nal 4ep sit r" +& Oracle ;anufacturin! Operati ns Center 3& Oracle 0er(ice Parts Plannin! >& Oracle 0ite Hub D& Oracle PI; f r 4etail K K K C #in! %it$ 12&1 <A Oracle 0upplier 0$ip G Debit Oracle Price Pr tecti n Oracle Landed C st ;ana!e#ent

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Deli(erin! ,alue in -ncertain Ti#es

0u##ar" f 4apid ,alue 0tandal ne 0 luti ns
1& Oracle 0 urcin! On De#and 2& Oracle ;anufacturin! Operati ns Center +& Oracle Ad(anced Plannin! C ##and Center 3& Oracle De#and 0i!nal 4ep sit r" >& Oracle 0er(ice Parts Plannin! D& ;aster Data ;ana!e#ent
K K K K K 0ite Hub PI; f r 4etail Pr duct Hub Cust #er Data Hub Financials Acc untin! Hub

1& Oracle Incenti(e C #pensati n 2& Oracle i4ecruit#ent +& Oracle Learnin! ;ana!e#ent 3& /usiness Intelli!ence Applicati ns
K K K K Pr cure#ent G 0pend Anal"tics H4 G Talent ;ana!e#ent Anal"tics Pr Hects Anal"tics Federal Financials Anal"tics

>& -P2 T

l G C ntent 5+B pr ducts9

D& Oracle Applicati ns ;ana!e#ent Pac) f r E/0 F& Oracle <4C Applicati ns

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Reduce &ost o, +mplementations

Oracle Business Accelerators

1BB_ Accelerat r Pr Hects Li(e r In Pr cess

0etups are 1BB^ 0tandard 0"nc$r ni@ed 0ales G Deli(er /ids

K L cali@ed G Industr" ,ersi ns

A >1 C untr" G Industr" 0pecific

K An" 0i@e Cust #er C (era!e

A De# ' 0i#ple r C #ple= Financials

Online &on,iguration 'i.ards

-nli#ited Fle=ibilit" -ses Oracle Hard%are f r Faster 0tartup

K Free
A N C sts r 4 "alties A PFact r" /uiltQ G ;aintained A Online Trainin! (ia Oracle -ni(ersit"

K 7or *artners - O&

A 1CB_ <l bal Partners %it$ 2MBB_ -sers A 12BB_ /usiness ; dels A CBBB_ 0ales G Deli(er" Assets CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f

r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


Reduce &ost o, +mplementations

Oracle Business Accelerators ,or E-Business Suite Release 12.1
/r ad !e !rap$ic c (era!e E=pandin! functi nal c (era!e
Financials' Distributi n' ;anufacturin!' ;aintenance' 0ales' 0er(ice' Pr Hects

Ne% Pr ducts Added t 12&1 Accelerat rs

0er(ice Parts Plannin! ;aster Data ;ana!e#ent Landed C st ;ana!e#ent Price Pr tecti n 0upplier 0$ip G Debit

Ne% Features
E=pansi n f Online Transacti n /ased C nfi!urati ns E=pansi n f ; st P pular Pr ducts Cust #er -ni?ue 0ales 2its and Eebsite Online /id G Pr p sal Assistance

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract



Opp rtunit" f r 4apid ,alue

;an" ne% standal ne s luti ns I##ediate (alue %it$ ut up!radin!

Opp rtunit" t 0tandardi@e and 0i#plif" %it$ a <l bal /usiness Platf r#
Per(asi(e en$ance#ents and ne% s luti ns acr ss E./usiness 0uite In(est#ents t l %er TCO

CONFIDENTIAL: All capabilities and dates are f r plannin! purp ses nl" and #a" n t be used in an" c ntract


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