Niraj CV
Niraj CV
Niraj CV
Email :
Mobile : +91 9719684062
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Seeking a challenging and rewarding career in ERP as SAP ABAP/ALE/IDOC professional
where can contrib!te m" knowledge and skills for growth and development of the organi#ation
and to be able to implement sol!tions that meet the c!stomer re$!irements !sing m" variet" of
software development skills and technical e%pertise .
Professional Summery:
&ver 6 Yrs of e%perience in ' ind!str".
(aving ) rs e%perience as S*+ ,/- *.*+// +rogrammer with MM! SD!PP Mod!les.
(aving in depth knowledge of data dictionar" objects. +roficient in D"#$%& 'r%&r#(s
!sing s)r**+ '#"+,*r! -$%. $%&") 0 with +.&1 +* and transaction code 2 s!bro!tines
and men! painter.
BDC 3.atch 4ata 5omm!nication6 !sing both session and call transaction methods1 SAP
S)r"',1 *.*+// reports 35lassical 2 nteractive6.
/%%0 1+0*rs,#+0"+& %- SD1MM1 PP )%+)*',s #+0 -1+0#(*+,#$s.
(aving good working knowledge of ALV.
7nowledge of vario!s SAP C%+,r%$s like S+8''E,1 'E9'E4'1 and +5':,E 5ontrol
in reporting.
;ood 7nowledge of IDOC 1 ALE ! M#s,*r D#,# D"s,r"21,"%+ ! IDOC 0*3*$%'(*+,!
'#r,+*r 'r%-"$*s ! 0"s,r"21,"%+ (%0*$4
;ood knowledge abo!t USER E5I6S ! A1,7%r"8#,"%+ O29*),s.
Working knowledge of SD 1 MM 1 PP M%01$*s.
;ood 7nowledge of A3#"$#2"$", C7*): 1 6r#+s-*r O- R*;1"r*(*+, 1 E+,*r'r"s*
S,r1),1r*1I,*( C#,*&%r"*s 1 O1,'1, 0*,*r("+#,"%+!S)7*01$* L"+*s1Pr")"+& "+ SD.
(aving 4 + Yrs e%perience in V"s1#$ B#s") with <"+ =2 API 3S"stem +rogramming6.
Strong believer in team work1b!ilding cordial relation with people inside and o!tside the
organi#ation1innovative sol!tions for diffic!lt programming problems 1 self learner and
fast learner .
Technical Skills:
SAP R/3 :
Programming ABAP 4 ( BD,SAPSR!PT,R"PORT!#$,%OD&'" POO')
Cross Applications ALE1 IDOC 1,<5 1 MES*;E 5&=',&8. 1BAPI
User Interface Men! painter1Screen +ainter1ALV /r"01P"),1r* C%+,r%$1 Splitter
5ontrol16*>,*0",35ontrol <ramework6 5ontrol..
Others :
Languages <"+ =2 API1 VB 61 51 5>>1 1 ?*@*1 SA81 and +8/SA8
Database SA8 Server1 MS0*ccess1 &racle B.%/C1 and <o%+ro.
*+ +rogramming ;4 1S7*$$1 Ms5omctl-)1/r#'7")s #+0 <"+0%.s 'r%&r#(("+&
WEB ec!nologies ('M81 *S+1 @. script 1 ?ava Script.
"perating #$stems Windows ='/)DDD1 =ovell =etware -.EEand /14&S.
ools % Pac&ages <ront +age1 MS &ffice.
Professional "()erience:
Position : S*+ 5ons!ltant 3*.*+ 'echnical6.
C$"*+, : Pr%),%r #+0 /#(2$*4
+latform : S*+ ,/- @. /.F c
,ole : *.*+// +rogrammer
4!ration : ) Months M*G H ?:=E )DDI
C%('#+ Br"*- :
A,%s Or"&"+ is an international information technolog" services compan" . 'he compan"Js ann!al
reven!es are more than E:, I billion and it emplo"s over /F1DDD people in /D co!ntries .t is the
implementation +artner of S*+ *; .
5!rrentl" working at *'&S &,;= M!mbai as *.*+ developer for client +2; 1 work involves
5reation of reports 1 mod!le pool and !p gradation of e%isting reports and dealing with
performance iss!es.
5reated a Mod!le pool to displa" and modif" data from c!stomer table !sing table control
with validations and search help .
5reated a interactive report to split pallets massivel" and create confirmation for 'ransfer
&rder 1
,emoved E5 errors and obsolete statements from vario!s reports.
Worked as *.*+ / programmer at S#+)7", S%$1,"%+s P3,4 L,04 3Ma" )DD- H *pr )DDI6.
Compan$ profile' t is a b!siness associate of (ames )artin Consulting a premier cons!lting co.
in providing Enterprise Sol!tions1 +ost mplementation Services 15ons!ltanc"1 &!tso!rcing of
Services and ,eso!rces for last F "ears .
Position : S*+ 5ons!ltant 3*.*+ 'echnical6.
C$"*+, : VA 6EC? Es)7*r <ss @$%3*$ L,04
+latform : S*+ ,/- @. /.F b
,ole : *.*+// +rogrammer
4!ration : *+,8 )DD/ *+,8 )DDI
5ompan" .rief : E<@ s an ndian s!bsidiar" of VA 6EC? ?YDRO1 . E<@ 7#s *(*r&*0 #s #
(#r:*, $*#0*r "+ C%('#), ?0r% 3!nit ratings of generating sets !pto EI MW6 with more than
-DK of c!rrentl" installed S(+ capacit" in ndia. t is also !ndertaking man!fact!ring and site
services for 8arge ("dro t!rbines and associated e$!ipment.
5reated a report3Stock 8edger b" +rod!ct 5ode/Stock ;ro!p6 that lists stock $!antities
b" prod!ct gro!p.
5reated a report3+lanning v/s *ct!al +rod!ction6 that compares act!al prod!ction done
with planned prod!ction .
5reated @endor +erformance ,eport that lists @endor =ame1 Materials S!pplied1
+lanned 2 *ct!al 4eliver" 'imes1 +a"ments 'erms and +rices.
5reated a ,eport to displa" a list of +!rchase ,e$!isitions with details like M,+
5ontroller1 ,elease 4ate and :nit of Meas!re along with standard details.
5reated missing $!antit" list that gives the difference between sent and received
$!antities d!ring Stock 'ransfer.
5reated ,eport in Material Master that o!tp!ts Material @al!ated Stock gro!ped b"
Material t"pe and +lant. 'he o!tp!t shows Material =o.1 Storage 8ocation1 :nit of
Meas!re and 4escription in addition to gro!p totals. 4ata was e%tracted from M*,*1
M*,51 M*,41 M*7'1 E77&1 E7+&1 M7+<1 MSE; and 'DDEW.
Data onversion:
:sing the .45 program !ploaded the .&M 1 material master data from legac" s"stem to
S*+ ,/- !sing flat files.
:ploaded 5!stomer1 +ricing1 and p!rchase info records from legac" s"stem to ,/-
4eveloped .45 programs to fi% data.
SAP Scri)t:
8a"o!t set was modified for nvoice and its print program to list f!ll bo% $t" / prices and
broken bo% $t" / prices in separate lines for the same line item.
Modified the la"o!t for &rder confirmation and its print program to list f!ll bo% $t" / prices
and broken bo% $t" / prices in separate lines for the same line item for the confirmed $t"
with the disco!nt K.
&sere(it :
mplemented !sere%its for pricing and sales .
C$"*+, : 6r"3*+" E+&"+**r"+& A I+01s,r"*s L,04
+latform : S*+ ,/- @. /.F b
4!ration : ?!ne )DD- till *+,8 )DD/
,ole : *.*+// +rogrammer
5ompan" .rief : 'riveni is a :S4 E-I million1 well established1 d"namic and professionall"
managed gro!p. With "ears of e%perience and the perfect blend of people1
technolog" and entreprene!rshipL the compan" has developed core
competencies in the areas of S!gar1 Small +ower and Water 2 Wastewater
R*'%r,s :
5reated report lists for the gross sales1 credit ret!rns1 gross weight for the c!stomer for
the c!rrent "ear and comparing the same with that of the previo!s "ear for the same
period. 'he data is selected from 7=@@1 .7+<1 .SE; and M*,*.
5reated commission report for the sales department sorted b" sales representative. 'he
data is e%tracted from @.*71 @.*+1 7&=@1 and M*,* tables
5reated an nteractive ,eport for displa"ing vendor information. .ased on the selection
made the corresponding @endor .ank 4etails are listed s!ch that the line selected in the
basic list was visible along with the secondar" list
4esigned and coded a .45 program for Sales &rders that !pdated records in the sales
order screen or will create =ew sales orders depending on the so!rce data file from
e%ternal s"stems !sing @*DE and @*D) transactions.
5reated reports in S4 mod!le s!ch as sales order report1 which covers all organi#ation
levels1 deliver" stat!s1 invoice stat!s1 shipping details and partner f!nction details. 'he
data was e%tracted from @.*+1 @.+*1 @.*71 @.:+1 @.<*1 7=*E1 8+S1 @.,+1 M*,*1
@.E+ and 7&=@ tables.
Data onversions / !nterfaces from 'e*acy Systems:
4esigned and implemented data migration from 8egac" s"stem to S*+ ,/- !sing .45.
Work incl!ded st!d"ing the so!rce data in e%ternal s"stem and s!bse$!entl" identif"ing
and mapping the corresponding 'ransaction1 +rograms1 Screens and <ields in the S*+
4esigned and coded a .45 program for &pen Sales &rders that !pdated records in the
sales order screen or will create =ew sales orders depending on the so!rce data file from
e%ternal s"stems !sing @*DE and @*D) transactions.
4eveloped classical batch inp!t program for transaction <7DE to transfer the vendor
address into ,/- s"stem.
C%('#+ : <*2$"+* L,0! A3"+#s7 6%.*r !D*7r#01+
#ome of t!e pro*ects +one are'
C$"*+, : C**(# D*+,#$ C%$$*&* R"s7":*s74
R*;1"r*(*+, : Software to monitor allotment of f!nds at vario!s levels in hierarch" of 5451
their e%pendit!re1 stat!s of contracts. t incl!ded generating vario!s reports and
graphs based on the anal"sis done.
M R%$* : 'eam Member1 have helped m" project manager in re$!irement anal"sis1 data
collection 2 designing the s"stem. 4eveloped the 4atabase1 vis!al interface 2
the b!siness logic with other team members !sing 5&M components. 'o
enhance the !ser interface and speed !p the process special *+ calls were
D1r#,"%+ : =ine Months
6%%$s Us*0 : @is!al .asic F.D1 SA8 Server )DDD.
Pr%9*), : DA6ARE6
C$"*+, :DILNE6 ! R%%r:**4
R*;1"r*(*+, : t is a web0based application. t incl!des a client side application that
comm!nicates with the server over the internet1 checks vario!s parameters and
shows a pop!p at the !ser and collects the details of the !ser and s!bmits it to
the database at server. .eing a web application1 sec!rit" was an important iss!e.
M R%$* : 'eam Member1 interacted with the c!stomer for re$!irements. M" work
incl!ded re$!irement anal"sis1 design and development of 4atabase and server
side application software. designed the application logic and d!e to fre$!ent
re$!irement changes redesigned the whole application no of times. *long with
Sr. 'echnical people1 also was part of gro!p that designed the sec!rit" model.
D1r#,"%+ : Si% Months.
6%%$s 1s*0 : @is!al .asic F.D1 MS *ccess )DDD.
C$"*+, : N/!C7#+0"&#r7.
R*;1"r*(*+, : S/W to manage all hard copies 2 soft0copies of doc!mentation1 man!als spread
over 8*= in =;1 5handigarh1 8ots of *+ 5alls were !sed.
M R%$* : design and developed a database and vis!al interface for the application.
D1r#,"%+ : <ive Months.
6%%$s 1s*0 : @is!al .asic F.D1SA8 Server1 MS *ccess )DDD.
Professional +ualification
M#s,*r %- S)"*+)* in nformation 'echnolog"3M4S) I66 from *SE 4eemed
:nivMsardarshar6 3B- K6.
P/ 4iploma in nformation 'echnolog"3P/DI6 from Sikkim Manipal :niversit"3BNK6.
P/ 4iploma in (ardware 32Yrs6 from 5.
= Yrs. *dvanced 4iploma in Software Engineering3ADSE6 from *+'E5( .
;ood knowledge of reports1 tables1 ale/idoc1 sapscript1bdc1 positive attit!de1 team oriented1
presentation skills1 fast and self learner 1 hard working1 creative 1believe in taking initiative1 willing
to learn new technologies .
Personal Profile
=ame =iraj @isnoi
<atherJs =ame Shri 7.7. @isnoi
;ender Male
+assport =o S0F//ID)
5!rrent *ddress EBD)1 E0wing1'rans,esidenc" 1 .!ilding =o. E 1S!bash =agar 1 ,oad no.)-
M45 1 &pposite SEE+O 1 *ndheri East 1 M:M.*.
4elhi *ddress FD05 1 +ocket 5 1 Sidharth E%tension 1*shram1=ew4elhi3=4*6
8andline DEE0)F-/)--/3=ew 4elhi6