062 - Radio Navigation
062 - Radio Navigation
062 - Radio Navigation
subj Domanda 062 If a failed RMI rose is stuck on 090 and the ADF pointer indicates 225, the relative earin! to the station "ill e# 062 A ()R is sited at position A *+500,-, 0$000,./& An aircraft is located at position 0 *++00,-, 0$000,./& Assu'in! that the 'a!netic variation at A is $01 and at 0 is $51, the aircraft is on ()R radial# 062 A DM. station is located $000 feet a ove M34& An aircraft fl5in! at F4 %60 in I3A conditions "hich is $5 -M a"a5 fro' the DM. station, "ill have a DM. readin! of# 062 1hich of the follo"in! "ill !ive the 'ost accurate calculation of aircraft !round speed7 062 8he a'plitude 'odulation and the colour of an outer 'arker *)M/ is# 062 An RMI indicates aircraft headin! and earin!& 8o convert the RMI earin!s of -D0s and ()Rs to true earin!s the correct co' ination for the application of 'a!netic variation is# 062 An aircraft is fl5in! on the true track 090 to"ards a ()R station located near the e;uator "here the 'a!netic variation is $5.& 8he variation at the aircraft position is 2.& 8he aircraft is on ()R radial# 062 <iven# Ma!netic headin! 220 ()R radial 090 1hat earin! should e selected on the o'ni= earin! selector in order to centralise the ()R deviation needle "ith a >8)> indication7 062 A ()R is sited at position 5200,- 06%00,1 "here the 'a!netic variation e;uals %21& An aircraft is located at position 5600,06%00,1 "here the 'a!netic variation e;uals 221& 8he aircraft is on ()R radial# 062 In order to plot a earin! fro' a ()R station, a pilot needs to kno" the 'a!netic variation# 062 An aircraft DM. receiver does not lock on to its o"n trans'issions reflected fro' the !round ecause# 062 8he DM. *Distance Measurin! .;uip'ent/ operates "ithin the follo"in! fre;uencies# 062 A DM. is located at M34& An aircraft passin! verticall5 a ove the station at fli!ht level F4 %60 "ill o tain a DM. ran!e of appro@i'atel5# 062 Durin! a fli!ht at F4 2$0, a pilot does not receive an5 DM. distance indication fro' a DM. station located appro@i'atel5 220 -M a"a5& 8he reason for this is that the# 062 1hat is the appro@i'ate an!ular covera!e of relia le navi!ation infor'ation for a % I43 !lide path out to a 'ini'u' distance of $0 -M7 RispostaA $%5& $90 RispostaB I'possi le to read, due to the RMI failure& $95 RispostaC %$5& $25 225& $20 RispostaD Check
$6 -M
$+ -M
$5 -M
$6 -M
A DM. station sited on the fli!ht route An ADF sited on the fli!ht route +00 9:, lue -D0# aircraft position ()R# eacon position 255 %000 9:, lue -D0# eacon position ()R# eacon position 262
A ()R station sited on the fli!ht route A DM. station sited across the fli!ht route $%00 9:, lue -D0# eacon position ()R# aircraft position 262 +00 9:, a' er -D0# aircraft position ()R# aircraft position 225
at the ()R the5 are not on the receiver fre;uenc5 962 to $2$% M9: 6 -M aeroplane is elo" the ,line of si!ht, altitude
at the aircraft location DM. trans'its t"in pulses $02 to $$2 M9: 6 -M aeroplane is circlin! around the station
at the half="a5 point et"een the aircraft and the station the pulse recurrence rates are varied %29 to %%5 M9: $$ -M altitude is too hi!h
at oth the ()R and aircraft DM. uses the ?9F and 962 to $2$% k9:& 2 -M ran!e of a DM. s5ste' is al"a5s less than 200 -M % a ove and elo" the !lide path and $0 each side of the localiser centreline hei!ht ased on CF. $0%0 M9: $0%0 M9:
062 1hen Mode A is selected on the aircraft 33R transponder the additional infor'ation trans'itted is# 062 8he !round 3econdar5 3urveillance Radar *33R/ e;uip'ent incorporates $0%0 M9: $090 M9: a trans'itter and receiver respectivel5 operatin! in the follo"in! fre;uencies# 8rans'itter Receiver 062 Assu'in! sufficient trans'ission po"er, the 'a@i'u' ran!e of a !round %%% k' radar "ith a pulse repetition fre;uenc5 of +50 pulses per second is# *<iven# velocit5 of li!ht is %00 000 k'Dsecond/ 062 In I3A conditions, "hat is the 'a@i'u' theoretical ran!e at "hich an $%+ -M aircraft at F420 can e@pect to o tain earin!s fro' a !round (DF facilit5 sited %25 ft a ove M34 7 062 A radio eacon has an operational ran!e of $0 -M& 05 "hat factor should Four the trans'itter po"er e increased in order to achieve an operational ran!e of 20 -M7 062 ,-i!ht .ffect, "hich causes loss of si!nal and fadin!, resultin! in earin! sk5"ave distortion of the null position errors fro' -D0 trans'issions, is due to# and is 'a@i'u' at da"n and dusk
$&%5 a ove the hori:ontal to 5&25 0&+5 a ove the hori:ontal to $&65 a ove the hori:ontal and 2 each side of a ove the !lide path and 2 each side of the localiser centreline the localiser centreline fli!ht level ased on $0$%&25 hBa altitude ased on re!ional C-9 $090 M9: $0%0 M9:
0&6 a ove and elo" the !lide path and 2&5 each side of the localiser centreline aircraft hei!ht ased on su =scale settin! $090 M9: $090 M9:
666 k'
$%%% k'
$50 k'
$52 -M
$06 -M
$$+ -M
interference fro' other trans'issions static activit5 increasin! at ni!ht and is 'a@i'u' at dusk "hen east of the particularl5 in the lo"er fre;uenc5
subj Domanda 062 Cuadrantal errors associated "ith aircraft Auto'atic Direction Findin! *ADF/ e;uip'ent are caused 5# 062 .rrors caused 5 the effect of coastal refraction on earin!s at lo"er altitudes are 'a@i'u' "hen the -D0 is# 062 8he principle used in ()R earin! 'easure'ent is# 062 1hich fre;uenc5 and is used 5 ()R trans'issions7 062 8rans'issions fro' ()R facilities 'a5 e adversel5 affected 5# 062 If ()R earin! infor'ation is used e5ond the pu lished protection ran!e, errors could e caused 5# 062 An aircraft is $00 -M fro' a ()R facilit5& Assu'in! no error "hen usin! a deviation indicator "here $ dot E 2 deviation, ho" 'an5 dots deviation fro' the centre line of the instru'ent "ill represent the li'its of the air"a5 oundar57 *Assu'e that the air"a5 is $0 -M "ide/ 062 An air"a5 $0 -M "ide is to e defined 5 t"o ()Rs each havin! a resultant earin! accurac5 of plus or 'inus 5&5& In order to ensure accurate track !uidance "ithin the air"a5 li'its the 'a@i'u' distance apart for the trans'itter is appro@i'atel5# 062 An aircraft is re;uired to approach a ()R via the $0+ radial& 1hich of the follo"in! settin!s should e 'ade on the ()RDI43 deviation indicator7 062 An aircraft, on a headin! of $20M is on a earin! of 260M fro' a ()R& 8he earin! 5ou should select on the )M-I earin! selector to centralise the ()RDI43 leftDri!ht deviation needle is# 062 An aircraft is re;uired to approach a ()R station via the 2++ radial& In order to o tain correct sense indications the deviation indicator should e set to# 062 1hat is the 'a@i'u' theoretical ran!e that an aircraft at F4$50 can receive si!nals fro' a ()R situated 609 feet a ove M347 062 A t5pical fre;uenc5 e'plo5ed in Distance Measurin! .;uip'ent *DM./ is# 062 Distance Measurin! .;uip'ent *DM./ operates in the# RispostaB RispostaC -D0 and si!nal endin! 5 the aircraft 'etallic si!nal endin! caused 5 electrical 'isali!n'ent of the loop aerial surfaces interference fro' aircraft "irin! inland and the earin! crosses the coast near the coast and the earin! crosses the inland and the earin! crosses the at an acute an!le coast at ri!ht an!les coast at ri!ht an!les phase co'parison envelope 'atchin! eat fre;uenc5 discri'ination (9F uneven propa!ation over irre!ular !round surfaces interference fro' other trans'itters $&5 ?9F static interference 39F ni!ht effect RispostaA RispostaD sk5"aveD!round"ave conta'ination near the coast and the earin! crosses the coast at an acute an!le difference in depth of 'odulation 9F ;uadrantal error sk5 "ave interference fro' distant trans'itters on the sa'e fre;uenc5 6&0 Check
noise fro' precipitation static e@ceedin! sk5 "ave interference fro' the sa'e the si!nal stren!th of the trans'itter trans'itter %&0 +&5
$05 -M
50 -M
$65 -M
2$0 -M
220 -M $0 M9: (9F and and uses the principle of phase co'parison 200
$56 -M $00 <9: 39F and and uses fre;uenc5 'odulation techni;ues 20 trans'ission fre;uencies are 6% M9: different for each aircraft DM. pulse recurrence rates are varied
062 For a conventional DM. facilit5 ,0eacon 3aturation, "ill occur "henever $00 60 the nu' er of aircraft interro!ations e@ceeds# 062 8he aircraft DM. receiver is a le to accept replies to its o"n the ti'e interval et"een pulse pairs is pulse pairs are a'plitude 'odulated "ith aircraft interro!ation si!nals and trans'issions and reFect replies to other aircraft interro!ations ecause# uni;ue to that particular aircraft the aircraft re!istration transponder responses are 6% M9: re'oved fro' each other 062 8he aircraft DM. receiver cannot lock on to interro!ation si!nals aircraft trans'itter and DM. !round reflections are su Fect to doppler DM. trans'its t"in pulses reflected fro' the !round ecause# station are trans'ittin! on different fre;uenc5 shift fre;uencies 062 8he desi!n re;uire'ents for DM. stipulate that, at a ran!e of $00 -M, G or = $&5 -M G or = % -M G or = 0&25 -M the 'a@i'u' s5ste'atic error should not e@ceed# 062 In "hich situation "ill speed indications on an air orne Distance 1hen trackin! directl5 to"ards the 1hen passin! a ea' the station and 1hen overhead the station, "ith no Measurin! .;uip'ent *DM./ 'ost closel5 represent the !roundspeed of station at a ran!e of $00 -M or 'ore "ithin 5 -M of it chan!e of headin! at transit an aircraft fl5in! at F4+007 062 8he ti'e taken for the trans'ission of an interro!ation pulse 5 a Distance $52 -M $26 -M 296 -M Measurin! .;uip'ent *DM./ to travel to the !round transponder and return to the air orne receiver "as 2000 'icro=second, includin! ti'e dela5& 8he slant ran!e fro' the !round transponder "as# 062 8he reason "h5 pre take=off holdin! areas are so'eti'es further fro' the aircraft 'anoeuvrin! near the run"a5 heav5 precipitation 'a5 distur !uidance to increase distance fro' the run"a5 active run"a5 "hen I43 Aate!or5 2 and % landin! procedures are in 'a5 distur !uidance si!nals si!nals durin! offset approach operations
G or = $&25 -M 1hen trackin! directl5 a"a5 fro' the station at a ran!e of $0 -M %%0 -M
subj Domanda pro!ress than durin! !ood "eather operations is# 062 An aircraft trackin! to intercept the Instru'ent 4andin! 35ste' *I43/ localiser in ound on the approach side, outside the pu lished I43 covera!e an!le# 062 8he MIDD4. MARH.R of an Instru'ent 4andin! 35ste' *I43/ facilit5 is identified audi l5 and visuall5 5 a series of# 062 8he )?8.R MARH.R of an Instru'ent 4andin! 35ste' *I43/ facilit5 trans'its on a fre;uenc5 of# 062 1hat appro@i'ate rate of descent is re;uired in order to 'aintain a % !lide path at a !roundspeed of $20 kt7 062 Air orne "eather radar s5ste's use a "avelen!th of appro@i'atel5 % c' in order to# 062 8he I3)=.A9) facilit5 of an air orne "eather radar is provided in order to# 062 In the MABBI-< M)D. the air orne "eather radar utilises a# 062 1hich of the follo"in! cloud t5pes is 'ost readil5 detected 5 air orne "eather radar "hen usin! the ,"eather ea',7 062 1h5 is a secondar5 radar displa5 screen free of stor' clutter7 RispostaA 'a5 receive false course indications RispostaB onl5 !lide path infor'ation is availa le RispostaC "ill receive si!nals "ithout identification codin! dots and a "hite li!ht flashin! RispostaD can e@pect si!nals to !ive correct indications dashes and an a' er li!ht flashin! Check
alternate dots and dashes and an a' er li!ht flashin! 65 M9: and is 'odulated 5 'orse at t"o dashes per second 600 F8DMIdetect the lar!er "ater droplets detect areas of possi le severe tur ulence in cloud fan shaped ea' effective up to a 'a@i'u' of 50 -M to 60 -M ran!e cu'ulus 8he principle of ,echo, return is not used in secondar5 radar
t"o dashes per second and a lue li!ht flashin! 200 M9: and is 'odulated 5 alternate dotDdash in 'orse 550 F8DMItrans'it at a hi!her pulse repetition fre;uenc5 for e@tended ran!e !ive an indication of cloud tops
65 M9: and is 'odulated 5 alternate %00 M9: and is 'odulated 5 'orse at t"o dotDdash in 'orse dashes per second 200 F8DMI950 F8DMIo tain opti'u' use of the Aosecant s;uared ea' inhi it un"anted !round returns detect the s'aller cloud for'ations as "ell as lar!e e@tend the 'appin! ran!e
fan shaped ea' effective up to a ran!e pencil ea' to a 'a@i'u' ran!e of 60 pencil ea' effective fro' :ero to $50 -M of $50 -M -M cirrocu'ulus stratus altostratus 8he fre;uencies e'plo5ed are too hi!h to !ive returns fro' 'oisture sources 6600 the trans'itter 'oves a"a5 fro' the receiver Radial unkno"n, relative earin! 225 A 'ovin! tar!et indicator facilit5 8he fre;uencies e'plo5ed are too lo" to suppresses the displa5 of static or near !ive returns fro' 'oisture sources static returns 6000 6500 the receiver 'oves to"ards the oth trans'itter and receiver 'ove to"ards trans'itter each other Radial unkno"n, relative earin! 0+5 Radial %$5, relative earin! unkno"n
062 In order to indicate radio failure the aircraft 33R transponder should e 6600 selected to code# 062 An apparent increase in the trans'itted fre;uenc5 "hich is proportional to the trans'itter 'oves to"ards the the trans'itter velocit5 "ill occur "hen# receiver 062 An RMI slaved to a re'ote indicatin! co'pass has !one unservicea le Radial $%5, relative earin! unkno"n and is locked on to a readin! of 090& 8he tail of the ()R pointer sho"s $%5& 8he availa le infor'ation fro' the ()R is# 062 8he ()R s5ste' is li'ited to a out $ of accurac5& )ne de!ree at 200 %&5 -M -M represents a "idth of# 062 An aircraft is >ho'in!> to a radio eacon "hilst 'aintainin! a relative ri!ht drift earin! of :ero& If the 'a!netic headin! decreases, the aircraft is e@periencin!# 062 An -D0 is on a relative earin! of %$6 fro' an aircraft& <iven# Ao'pass 25+ headin! 260 At aircraft deviation 21, (ariation %0 At station (ariation 22., Aalculate the true earin! of the -D0 fro' the aircraft 062 In "hich fre;uenc5 and do ()R trans'itters operate7 (9F 062 A Bri'ar5 radar operates on the principle of# 062 1hat is the "avelen!th of an -D0 trans'ittin! on %65 k9I7 062 In "hich fre;uenc5 and does an I43 !lide slope trans'it7 062 1hich of the follo"in! is likel5 to have the !reatest effect on ADF accurac57 062 Assu'in! a five dot displa5 on either side of the ADI on the I43 localiser cockpit displa5, "hat does each of the dots represent appro@i'atel5 7# 062 )uter 'arker trans'its on 65 M9: and has an aural fre;uenc5 of# pulse techni;ue 200 ' ?9F Interference fro' other -D0s, particularl5 at ni!ht 0&5 de!rees +00 9:
?9F transponder interro!ation 2000 ' (9F Fre;uenc5 drift at the !round station $&5 de!rees $%00 9: does not have to e in ran!e "hen entered or used 31
39F phase co'parison 2' 39F Interference fro' other -D0s, particularl5 durin! the da5 2&5 de!rees 2000 9: 'ust e in ran!e 3.
.9F continuous "ave trans'ission 20 ' .9F Mutual interference et"een aircraft aerials 2&0 de!rees %000 9: has to e positivel5 identified 5 one of the pilots -.
062 In order to enter a phanto' "a5point that is desi!nated 5 a ()RDDM. does not have to e in ran!e "hen si'ple R-A( s5ste', the ()RDDM. entered ut 'ust e "hen used 062 An aircraft is fl5in! on a headin! of 260*M/& 8he ()R )03 is also set to -1 260 "ith the full left deflection and FR)M fla! displa5ed& In "hich sector is the aircraft fro' the ()R !round station7
subj Domanda 062 An )'ni= earin! selector *)03/ sho"s full deflection to the left "hen "ithin ran!e of a servicea le ()R& 1hat an!ular deviation are 5ou fro' the selected radial7 062 In accordance "ith Doc 2$62, a pilot fl5in! an -D0 approach 'ust achieve a trackin! accurac5 "ithinJJJ of the pu lished approach track& 062 1hat is the 'ini'u' nu' er of satellites re;uired 5 a <B3 in order to o tain a three di'ensional fi@7 062 In "hich navi!ation s5ste' does the 'aster station trans'it a continuous strin! of pulses on a fre;uenc5 close to $00 k9:7 062 1hat is the colour se;uence "hen passin! over an )uter, Middle and Inner Marker eacon7 062 1hich of the follo"in! state'ents concernin! 4)RA-=A is correct7 RispostaA $0 or 'ore less than $0 RispostaB $&5 or 'ore RispostaC 2&5 or 'ore RispostaD Check
5 Decca "hite = a' er = lue It is a h5per olic navi!ation s5ste' that "orks on the principle of ran!e 'easure'ent 5 phase co'parison ti'in! the period that is taken for a trans'ission fro' the aircraft,s trans'itterDreceiver to reach and return fro' a satellite in a kno"n position .9F
6 Doppler lue = !reen = "hite It is a navi!ation s5ste' ased on si'ultaneous ran!es ein! received fro' a 'ini'u' of four !round stations the aircraft,s receiver 'easurin! the ti'e difference et"een si!nals received fro' a 'ini'u' nu' er of satellites (9F
It is a h5per olic navi!ation s5ste' that It is a navi!ation s5ste' ased on "orks on the principle of differential secondar5 radar principlesK position lines ran!e 5 pulse techni;ue are o tained in se;uence fro' up to ei!ht !round stations ti'in! the period that is taken for a the aircraft,s receiver 'easurin! the satellite,s trans'ission to reach the phase an!le of the si!nal received fro' a aircraft,s receiver satellite in a kno"n position ?9F 39F
062 In "hich fre;uenc5 and do 3atellite=Assisted -avi!ation s5ste's *<-33D<B3/ provide position infor'ation that is availa le to civil aircraft7 062 8he t"o 'ain desi!n functions of 3econdar5 3urveillance Radar *33R/ Mode 3 are#
air to !round and !round to air data link collision avoidance usin! 8AA3 II and co''unications and i'proved A8A i'proved lon! ran!e *9F/ aircraft surveillance capa ilit5 co''unication capa ilit5& It is insensitive to !eo!raphical site and It does not re;uire a separate a:i'uth can e installed at sites "here it is not *localiser/ and elevation *a:i'uth/ possi le to use an I43 trans'itter
062 1hich one of the follo"in! is an advanta!e of a Micro"ave 4andin! 35ste' *M43/ co'pared "ith an Instru'ent 4andin! 35ste' *I43/7
continuous auto'atic position reportin! usin! <lo al Bositionin! 35ste' *<B3/ satellites and collision avoidance usin! 8AA3 II 8he installation does not re;uire to have a separate 'ethod *'arker eacons or DM./ to deter'ine ran!e
062 A fre;uenc5 of $0 <9: is considered to e the opti'u' for use in an air orne "eather radar s5ste' ecause# 062 1hat is the 'ini'u' nu' er of satellites re;uired for the -A(38ARD<B3 to carr5 out t"o di'ensional operation7 062 In an Air orne 1eather Radar the areas of !reatest tur ulence are usuall5 indicated on the screen 5# 062 8he a:i'uth trans'itter of a Micro"ave 4andin! 35ste' *M43/ provides a fan=shaped hori:ontal approach :one "hich is usuall5# 062 1hich of the follo"in! is a co'plete list of air orne "eather radar antenna sta ilisation a@es7 062 In an Air orne 1eather Radar that has a colour cathode ra5 tu e *AR8/ increasin! severit5 of rain and tur ulence is !enerall5 sho"n 5 a chan!e of colour fro'# 062 1hen an aircraft is operatin! its 3econdar5 3urveillance Radar in Mode A an air traffic controller,s presentation !ives infor'ation re!ardin! the aircraft,s indicated fli!ht level in incre'ents of# 062 1hich of the follo"in! state'ents concernin! the varia le, or directional, si!nal of a conventional ()R is correct7
the lar!er "ater droplets "ill !ive !ood !reater detail can e o tained at the 'ore static interference is 'ini'ised echoes distant ran!es of the s'aller "ater droplets % + 5 colour :ones of red and 'a!enta G or = +0 of the run"a5 centre=line roll and pitch !reen to 5ello" to red lank areas "here there is no colour G or = 50 of the run"a5 centre=line roll, pitch and 5a" 5ello" to a' er to lue colour :ones of !reen and 5ello" G or = 60 of the run"a5 centre=line pitch and 5a" !reen to red to lack
the eli'ination of !round to air co''unications and the introduction of auto'atic separation et"een aircraft usin! 8AA3 II 8here is no restriction on the nu' er of !round installations that can e operated ecause there is an unli'ited nu' er of fre;uenc5 channels availa le ena les the aircraft to detect clear air tur ulence 2 areas "hich are coloured lack G or = %0 of the run"a5 centre=line roll and 5a" 5ello" to oran!e to red
$00 F8
200 F8
250 F8
$50 F8
062 1hich of the follo"in! co' inations is likel5 to result in the 'ost accurate Area -avi!ation *R-A(/ fi@es7
8he rotation of the varia le si!nal at a rate of %0 ti'es per second !ives it the characteristics of a %0 9: a'plitude 'odulation DM.DDM.
8he trans'itter varies the a'plitude of 8he trans'itter chan!es the fre;uenc5 the varia le si!nal 5 %0 9: each ti'e it of the varia le si!nal 5 %0 9: either rotates side of the allocated fre;uenc5 each ti'e it rotates ()RDDM. -D0D()R
8he receiver adds %0 9: to the varia le si!nal efore co' inin! it "ith the reference si!nal ()RD()R
subj Domanda 062 A radar facilit5 trans'ittin! at a Bulse Recurrence Fre;uenc5 *BRF/ of $200 pulsesDsecond "ill have a 'a@i'u' una' i!uous ran!e of appro@i'atel5# 062 8he 'a@i'u' theoretical ran!e at "hich an aircraft at F42%0 'a5 receive si!nals fro' a ()R facilit5 sited at 'ean sea level is# 062 1hich of the follo"in! correctl5 !ives the principle of operation of the 4oran A navi!ation s5ste'7 062 8he fre;uenc5 of an 33R !round trans'ission is# RispostaA 69 -M $%5 -M RispostaB 260 -M RispostaC 26 -M RispostaD Check
2%0 -M Fre;uenc5 shift et"een s5nchronised trans'issions $050 GD= 0&5 M9: .8D
$60 -M Differential ran!e 5 phase co'parison $090 GD= 0&% M9: A8A
$5$ -M Bhase co'parison et"een s5nchronised trans'issions $$20 GD= 0&6 M9: .lapsed ti'e on route& phase co'parison fro' !round station trans'issions fre;uenc5 %65 pps
062 1hich of the follo"in! !ives the est infor'ation a out the pro!ress of a .8) fli!ht et"een 2 en=route "a5points fro' a R-A( e;uip'ent7 062 8he Doppler -avi!ation 35ste' is ased on# radar principles usin! fre;uenc5 shift 062 8he 'ain factor "hich deter'ines the 'ini'u' ran!e that can e len!th 'easured 5 a pulsed radar is pulse# 062 I!norin! pulse len!th, the 'a@i'u' pulse repetition fre;uenc5 *BRF/ that +05 pps can e used 5 a pri'ar5 radar facilit5 to detect tar!ets una' i!uousl5 to a ran!e of 200 -M is# *pps E pulses per second/ 062 1hich of the follo"in! is the IAA) allocated fre;uenc5 and for ADF $90 = $650 k9: receivers7 062 IAA) specifications are that ran!e errors indicated 5 Distance Measurin! G or = 0&25 -M plus $&25L of the .;uip'ent *DM./ should not e@ceed# distance 'easured 062 In order to o tain an ADF earin! on a s5ste' usin! sense and loop si!nal 'ust e received 5 oth the aerials, the# sense and loop aerials 062 .ver5 $0 kt decrease in !roundspeed, on a % I43 !lidepath, "ill re;uire decrease in the aircraft,s rate of descent an appro@i'ate# of 50 F8DMI062 M43 installations notified for operation, unless other"ise stated, provide G or = +0 a out the no'inal courseline a:i'uth covera!e of# out to a ran!e of 20 -M 062 Ao'plete the follo"in! state'ent& Aircraft 3urface 'ove'ent Radar *i/ 39F *ii/ 60 *iii/ so'eti'es operates on fre;uencies in the *i/ &&&&&&&&&& and e'plo5in! an antenna that rotates at appro@i'atel5 *ii/ &&&&&&&&&& revolutions per 'inuteK it is *iii/ &&&&&&&&& possi le to deter'ine the t5pe of aircraft fro' the return on the radar screen& 062 Instru'ent 4andin! 35ste's *I43/ <lide Baths provide a:i'uth covera!e *i/ 2 *ii/ $0 *i/ J&& each side of the localiser centre=line to a distance of *ii/ J& -M 'ini'u' fro' the threshold& 062 8he rate of descent re;uired to 'aintain a %&25 !lide slope at a 660 F8DMI!roundspeed of $+0 kt is appro@i'atel5# 062 8he pencil shaped ea' of an air orne "eather radar is used in preference e5ond 50 to 60 -M ecause 'ore to the 'appin! 'ode for the deter'ination of !round features# po"er can e concentrated in the narro"er ea' 062 Factors lia le to affect 'ost -D0DADF s5ste' perfor'ance and static interference = ni!ht effect = relia ilit5 include# a sence of failure "arnin! s5ste' 062 8he 'a@i'u' pulse repetition fre;uenc5 *BRF/ that can e used 5 a $620 pps pri'ar5 radar facilit5 in order to detect tar!ets una' i!uousl5 at a ran!e of 50 -M is# *pps E pulses per second/ 062 I!norin! pulse len!th and fl5= ack, a radar facilit5 desi!ned to have a %000 'a@i'u' una' i!uous ran!e of 50 k' "ill have a BRF *pulses per second/ of# 062 1hich co' ination of characteristics !ives est screen picture in a short pulse len!th and narro" ea' pri'ar5 search radar7 062 1hich of the follo"in! lists are all errors that affect the accurac5 and 3atellite clockK satellite ephe'erisK relia ilit5 of the 3atellite=Assisted -avi!ation s5ste' *<-33D<B3/7 at'ospheric propa!ation
radio "aves refraction in the ionosphere Doppler ()R *D()R/ -avi!ation 35ste' a'plitude repetition rate 622 pps %02 pps
255 = +55 k9: G or = 0&5 -M or %L of the distance 'easured "hichever is the !reater sense aerial 'ust e tuned separatel5 increase in the aircraft,s rate of descent of 50 F8DMIG or = 20 a out the no'inal courseline out to a ran!e of 20 -M *i/ .9F *ii/ %0 *iii/ never
%00 = %000 k9: G or = $&25 -M plus 0&25L of the distance 'easured 'ode selector should e s"itched to ,loop, decrease in the aircraft,s rate of descent of $00 F8DMIG or = +0 a out the no'inal courseline out to a ran!e of %0 -M *i/ 39F *ii/ $0 *iii/ al"a5s
200 = 2000 k9: G or = 0&25 -M plus %L of the distance 'easured up to a 'a@i'u' of 5 -M 0F) s"itch 'ust e selected to ,)-, increase in the aircraft,s rate of descent of $00 F8DMIG or = 20 a out the no'inal courseline out to a ran!e of $0 -M *i/ .9F *ii/ $00 *iii/ never
*i/ 25 *ii/ $6
*i/ %5 *ii/ 25
*i/ 5 *ii/ 2
250 F8DMI-
660 F8DMI-
600 F8DMI"hen approachin! coast=lines in polar re!ions coastal refraction = lane slip = 'ountain effect 6$% pps
e5ond $00 -M ecause insufficient e5ond $50 -M ecause the "ider antenna tilt an!le is availa le "ith the ea' !ives etter definition 'appin! 'ode static interference = station interference = hei!ht error = station interference = latitude error 'ountain effect %2+0 pps 6$0 pps
lon! pulse len!th and "ide ea' 3atellite 'utual interferenceK satellite ephe'erisK at'ospheric propa!ation
lon! pulse len!th and narro" ea' 3atellite to !round ti'e la!K at'ospheric propa!ationK satellite clock
short pulse len!th and "ide ea' 3atellite 'utual interferenceK fre;uenc5 driftK satellite to !round ti'e la!
subj Domanda 062 In I3A conditions, appro@i'atel5 "hat is the 'a@i'u' theoretical ran!e at "hich an aircraft at F42$0 'a5 e@pect to receive si!nals fro' a ()R facilit5 sited %+0 feet a ove 'ean sea level 7 062 1hat are the 'odulation fre;uencies of the t"o overlappin! lo es that are used on an I43 approach7 062 8he 'ini'u' ran!e of a pri'ar5 radar, usin! the pulse techni;ue, is deter'ined 5 the *i/&&&&&&&& K the 'a@i'u' una' i!uous ran!e 5 the *ii/&&&&&&&&& 062 Due to ,Doppler, effect an apparent decrease in the trans'itted fre;uenc5, "hich is proportional to the trans'itter,s velocit5, "ill occur "hen# 062 3i!nal reception is re;uired fro' a 'ini'u' nu' er of satellites that have ade;uate elevation and suita le !eo'etr5 in order for a 3atellite= Assisted -avi!ation 35ste' *<-33D<B3/ to carr5 out independent three di'ensional operation, Receiver Autono'ous Inte!rit5 Monitorin! *RAIM/ and to isolate an5 fault5 satellite and re'ove it fro' contri utin! to the navi!ation solution& 8he nu' er of satellites is# 062 A !round radar trans'ittin! at a BRF of $200 pulsesDsecond "ill have a 'a@i'u' una' i!uous ran!e of appro@i'atel5# 062 8he principle of operation of an I43 localiser trans'itter is ased on t"o overlappin! lo es that are trans'itted on *i/&&&&&&&&&& fre;uencies and carr5 different *ii/&&&&&&&&&& 062 3i!nal reception is re;uired fro' a 'ini'u' nu' er of satellites that have ade;uate elevation and suita le !eo'etr5 in order for a 3atellite= Assisted -avi!ation 35ste' *<B3/ to carr5 out independent three di'ensional operation "ithout the Receiver Autono'ous Inte!rit5 Monitorin! *RAIM/ function& 8he nu' er of satellites is# 062 1here, in relation to the run"a5, is the I43 localiser trans'ittin! aerial nor'all5 situated7 RispostaA 20+ -M 2+5 -M RispostaB $6% -M RispostaC $2% -M RispostaD Check
90 9I $50 9I *i/ pulse len!th *ii/ pulse recurrence fre;uenc5 the trans'itter 'oves a"a5 fro' the receiver 6
6% '9I $2% '9I *i/ trans'ission fre;uenc5 *ii/ pulse recurrence fre;uenc5 there is no relative 'ove'ent et"een the trans'itter and the receiver 5
*i/ trans'ission fre;uenc5 *ii/ trans'itter *i/ pulse len!th *ii/ len!th of the po"er output ti'e ase the trans'itter and receiver 'ove to"ards each other 6 the trans'itter 'oves to"ard the receiver +
66 -M
$%5 -M
*i/ the sa'e *ii/ 'odulation fre;uencies *i/ the sa'e *ii/ phases
)n the non=approach end of the run"a5 At the approach end of the run"a5 a out a out %00 ' fro' the run"a5 on the %00 ' fro' touchdo"n on the centreline e@tended centreline 062 In "hich 'ode of operation does the aircraft "eather radar use a cosecant MABBI-< A)-8)?R radiation pattern& 062 8here are t"o -D0s, one 20 -M inland, and the other 50 -M inland fro' !reater fro' the eacon that is 50 -M the sa'e fro' oth eacons "hen the the coast& Assu'in! that the error caused 5 coastal refraction is the sa'e inland aircraft is on a relative earin! of $20 for oth propa!ations, the e@tent of the error in a position line plotted 5 and %60 an aircraft that is over "ater "ill e# 062 If an aircraft flies alon! a ()R radial it "ill follo" a# !reat circle track rhu' line track 062 An aircraft at 6+00 F8 "ill e a le to receive a ()R !roundstation at $00 $$% -M F8 a ove M34 at an appro@i'ate 'a@i'u' ran!e of# 062 An aircraft at F4 $00 should e a le to receive a ()R !roundstation at $%6 -M $00 F8 a ove M34 at an appro@i'ate 'a@i'u' ran!e of# 062 1hat is the 'ini'u' level that an aircraft, at a ran!e of $$% -M, 'ust fl5 F460 in order to contact the to"er on RD8 for a (DF earin! fro' an airport sited $69 F8 a ove M347 062 An aircraft is on radial $20 "ith a 'a!netic headin! of %00, the track left "ith ,8), sho"in! selector *)03/ reads# %%0& 8he indications on the Aourse Deviation Indicator *ADI/ are ,fl5,# 062 1hich one of the follo"in! distur ances is 'ost likel5 to cause the 4ocal thunderstor' activit5 !reatest inaccurac5 in ADF earin!s7 062 <iven# Aourse Deviation Indicator *ADI/ for a ()R is selected to 090& 265 Fro'D8o indicator indicates >8)>& ADI needle is deflected half"a5 to the ri!ht& )n "hat radial is the aircraft7 062 )f "hat use, if an5, is a 'ilitar5 8AAA- station to civil aviation 7 It can provide DM. distance 90 -M $2% -M F450
At the non=approach end a out $50 ' to one side of the run"a5 and %00 ' alon! the e@tended centreline 1.A89.R
At the approach end a out $50 ' to one side of the run"a5 and %00 ' fro' touchdo"n MA-?A4
!reater fro' the eacon that is 20 -M the sa'e fro' oth eacons "hen the inland aircraft is on a relative earin! of 090 and 260 line of constant earin! 92 -M $%0 -M F420 constant 'a!netic track $2% -M $+5 -M F4$00
subj Domanda 062 8he fre;uenc5 ran!e of a ()R receiver is# 062 1hich of the follo"in! is an I43 localiser fre;uenc57 062 8he 'a@i'u' ran!e of pri'ar5 radar depends on# 062 A fre;uenc5 of air orne "eather radar is# RispostaA $02 to $$6&95 M9: $09&$5 M9: pulse recurrence fre;uenc5 9%65 M9: RispostaB $02 to $$$&95 M9: $02&25 M9: "ave len!th 9%65 <9: the aircraft,s receiver 'easurin! the phase an!le of si!nals received fro' a nu' er of satellites in kno"n positions RispostaC $$2 to $%5&95 M9: $$0&20 M9: fre;uenc5 9%65 k9: 'easurin! the ti'e taken for an aircraft,s trans'issions to travel to a nu' er of satellites, in kno"n positions, and return to the aircraft,s receiver $0&2 = $%&6 k9: 4$=precise *B/ .D 50 RispostaD $02 to $%5&95 M9: $$2&$0 M9: pulse len!th 9%&65 M9: 'easurin! the pulse len!ths of si!nals received fro' a 'ini'u' nu' er of satellites received in a specific se;uential order 962 = $2$% M9: 42=for co''unications purpose BI 90 Check
062 In a 3atellite=Assisted -avi!ation 35ste' *<-33D<B3/, a fi@ is o tained 'easurin! the ti'e taken for a 5# 'ini'u' nu' er of satellites, trans'issions, in kno"n positions, to reach the aircraft,s receiver 062 1hich of the follo"in! fre;uenc5= ands is used 5 the 4oran A navi!ation s5ste'7 062 <B3 satellites trans'it on t"o 4= and fre;uencies "ith different t5pes of si!nals& 1hich of these are !enerall5 availa le for use 5 civil aviation7 062 1hich of the follo"in! coordinate s5ste's is used 5 the -A(38ARD<B3 receiver to calculate position *latitude, lon!itude and altitude/7 062 1hich of the follo"in! lists all the para'eters that can e deter'ined 5 a <B3 receiver trackin! si!nals fro' + different satellites7 062 1hat appro@i'ate rate of descent is re;uired in order to 'aintain a % !lidepath at a !roundspeed of 90 kt7 062 IAA) Anne@ $$ defines Area -avi!ation *R-A(/ as a 'ethod of navi!ation "hich per'its aircraft operation on an5 desired fli!ht path# 90 = $$0 k9: 4$=coarse ac;uisition *ADA/ "ith selected availa ilit5 *3DA/ 1<3 2+
"ithin the covera!e of station= outside the covera!e of station= referenced navi!ation aids or "ithin the referenced navi!ation aids provided that li'its of the capa ilit5 of self=contained it is e;uipped "ith a 'ini'u' of one aids, or a co' ination of these servicea le self=contained navi!ation aid GD= 5-M or etter for 95L of the fli!ht ti'e the co'puted position ased on a nu' er of sources *IR3, Radio, I43, <B3 etc/ "arnin!sK fli!ht envelope and s5ste' li'its cautions, a nor'al sources GD= %-M or etter for 90L of the fli!ht ti'e the actual position of the aircraft at an5 point in ti'e fli!ht envelope and s5ste' li'itsK en!a!ed 'odes fli!ht envelope and s5ste' li'its cautions, a nor'al sources en!a!ed 'odes !reen, red, 'a!enta, lack Fi!ure + Fi!ure % Fi!ure 2
062 0asic R-A( re;uires a track=keepin! accurac5 of# 062 8he Fli!ht Mana!e'ent Ao'puter *FMA/ position is#
062 ?nder MAR=25 colour code rules, features displa5ed in red on an .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/, indicate# 062 ?nder MAR=25 colour code rules, features displa5ed in a' erD5ello" on an .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/, indicate# 062 ?nder MAR=25 !eneral colour code rules, features displa5ed in !reen on an en!a!ed 'odes .lectronic Fli!ht Infor'ation 35ste' should indicate# 062 ?nder MAR=25 colour code rules features displa5ed in c5anD lue, on an the sk5 .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste's *.FI3/, indicate# 062 ?nder MAR=25 colour code rules for .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste's !reen, a' erD5ello", red, 'a!enta *.FI3/, increasin! intensit5 of precipitation are coloured in the order# 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=9905A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an Fi!ure % .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in MAB 'ode7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=9906A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an Fi!ure 2 .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in B4A- 'ode7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=9906A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an Fi!ure $ .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in .@panded *.NB/ ()RDI43 'ode "ith an I43 fre;uenc5 selected7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=9902A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an Fi!ure + .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in .@panded *.NB/ ()RDI43 'ode "ith a ()R fre;uenc5 selected7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=9909A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an Fi!ure $ .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in F?44 ()RDI43
"ithin the covera!e of station= outside the covera!e of station=referenced referenced navi!ation aids provided navi!ation aids provided that it is e;uipped that it is e;uipped "ith a 'ini'u' of "ith a 'ini'u' of t"o servicea le self= one servicea le self=contained contained navi!ation aids navi!ation aid GD= 2-M or etter for 65L of the fli!ht GD= 5-M or etter throu!hout the fli!ht ti'e the sa'e as that !iven on the -o& $ another source of aircraft positionK it is IR3 independent of other navi!ation sources *IR3, Radio, I43, etc/ "arnin!sK cautions and a nor'al cautions and a nor'al sourcesK en!a!ed sources 'odes "arnin!s en!a!ed 'odes the earth the fli!ht director ar*s/ lack, a' erD5ello", 'a!enta, red Fi!ure $ Fi!ure + Fi!ure % the I43 deviation pointer fli!ht envelope and s5ste' li'its a' erD5ello", 'a!enta, lack Fi!ure 2 Fi!ure $ Fi!ure +
Fi!ure $
Fi!ure 2
Fi!ure %
Fi!ure +
Fi!ure 5
Fi!ure 6
subj Domanda 'ode "ith an ()R fre;uenc5 selected7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$0A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in B4A- 'ode7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$$A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in MAB 'ode7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$2A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in .@panded *.NB/ ()RDI43 'ode "ith an ()R fre;uenc5 selected7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$%A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in .@panded *.NB/ ()RDI43 'ode "ith an I43 fre;uenc5 selected7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$+A/ 1hich of the fi!ures depicts an .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ displa5 in F?44 ()RDI43 'ode "ith an I43 fre;uenc5 selected7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$5A/ 1hat drift is ein! e@perienced7 RispostaA Fi!ure 2 Fi!ure % Fi!ure + Fi!ure % Fi!ure + Fi!ure 5 RispostaB Fi!ure + Fi!ure 5 Fi!ure 6 RispostaC Fi!ure 6 Fi!ure 2 Fi!ure $ RispostaD Check
Fi!ure 5
Fi!ure 6
Fi!ure 2
Fi!ure %
Fi!ure 6
Fi!ure 2
Fi!ure %
Fi!ure 5
2 4eft
20 Ri!ht $60*M/ 0%0*M/D20H8 262*M/ %00*M/ 8AAAa desi!nated alternate airport 262*M/ ri!ht of the locali:er and a ove the !lidepath .NB ()RD I43, B4A- and MAB ()R It is pilot interpreted and does not re;uire the assistance of A8A .9F Inertial Reference 35ste's Aircraft 1eather Radar -avi!ation radios 8he pointer rotates around the displa5 and a ()R $ or 2 failure "arnin! ar appears Fli!ht Mana!e'ent Ao'puter 2 po"er output %+6
20 4eft $+0*M/ 255*M/D20H8 260*M/ 260*M/ ()R an off=route ()RDDM. 220*M/ left of the locali:er and elo" the !lidepath F?44 -A(, B4A- and MAB none It does not re;uire an5 special e;uip'ent to e fitted to the aircraft (9F <B3 Aircraft 1eather Radar -avi!ation radios 8he deviation ar andDor pointer chan!e colour to red and flash inter'ittentl5 Fli!ht Aontrol Ao'puter + si:e of para olic receiver aerial $60
$2 Ri!ht 220*8/ 225*M/D20H8 220*M/ 220*M/ Airport the destination airport %00*M/ left of the locali:er and a ove the !lidepath F?44 ()RDI43, .NB ()RDI43 and B4A()RDDM. It does not re;uire an5 special e;uip'ent, apart fro' a (9F radio, to e installed in the aircraft or on the !round ?9F Inertial Reference 35ste's -avi!ation radios 8errain Aollision Alertin! 35ste' 8he pointer flashes and a ()R $ or 2 failure "arnin! ar appears -avi!ation data ase 2 hei!ht of the trans'itter a ove the !round $9%
062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$6A/ 1hat is the value of the track 096*8/ fro' 80N to O807 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$6A/ 1hat "ind velocit5 is indicated7 $05*M/D20H8 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$2A/ 1hat is the value of the selected 299*M/ course7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=99$9A/ 1hat is the aircraft track7 262*M/ 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=9920A/ 8he letters C8N and adFacent ()RDDM.D()R8AA s5' ol indicate a# 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=992$A/ 8he ,), follo"ed 5 the letters an off=route airport ,HA0A, indicate# 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=9922A/ 1hat is the headin! u! selected 260*M/ to7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=992%A/ 8he dia!ra' indicates that the ri!ht of the locali:er and elo" the aircraft is to the# !lidepath 062 In "hich screen 'odes of an .lectronic 9ori:ontal 3ituation Indicator F?44 -A(, F?44 ()RDI43 and *.93I/ on a 06%6=+00 "ill radar returns not e sho"n7 B4A062 1hat air orne e;uip'ent, if an5, is re;uired to e fitted in order that a (9F radio (DF let=do"n 'a5 e flo"n7 062 1hich of the follo"in! is an advanta!e of <roundDDF *(DF/ let=do"n7 It onl5 re;uires a (9F radio to e fitted to the aircraft 062 In "hich fre;uenc5 and does the Micro"ave 4andin! 35ste' *M43/ operate7 062 In an .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' *.FI3/ data relatin! pri'aril5 to navi!ation in the FMA is provided 5# 39F
-avi!ation radios <B3 Inertial Reference 35ste's Inertial Reference 35ste's 062 9o" does the .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' displa5 of a 06%6=+00 It re'oves the associated 'a!enta respond to the failure of a (9F navi!ation *()R/ receiver7 deviation ar andDor pointer fro' the displa5 062 1hich co'ponent of the 06%6=+00 .lectronic Fli!ht Instru'ent 35ste' 35' ol <enerator !enerates the visual displa5s on the .ADI and .93I7 062 For an5 !iven circu'stances, in order to dou le the effective ran!e of a $6 pri'ar5 radar the po"er output 'ust e increased 5 a factor of# 062 8he pri'e factor in deter'inin! the 'a@i'u' una' i!uous ran!e of a pulse recurrence rate pri'ar5 radar is the# 062 <iven# ()R station position -6$ .025, variation $%.K .sti'ated $66 position of an aircraft -59 .025, variation 20.& 1hat ()R radial is
subj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD hear the ID.-8 of -D0s usin! -)- A2A trans'issions left& Check the aircraft on7 062 8he 0F) selector s"itch on the ADF control panel 'ust e in the ,on, hear the ID.-8 of -D0s usin! -)position to ena le the pilot to# A$A trans'issions 062 An aircraft is on the $20 radial fro' a ()R station& Aourse %+0 is ehind& selected on the 93I *9ori:ontal 3ituation Indicator/& If the 'a!netic headin! is 060, the deviation ar relative to the aeroplane 'odel, "ill e# 062 Oou are on a co'pass headin! of 090 on the 255 radial fro' a ()R& Oou Full scale deflection left "ith a ,fro', set the course $90 on 5our )03& 8he deviation ar "ill sho"# indication 062 A pilot fl5in! an aircraft at F4 20, tunes in a ()R "hich has an elevation $5$ -M of %$% '& <iven I3A conditions, "hat is the 'a@i'u' theoretical distance at "hich a pilot 'i!ht e@pect to receive the ()R si!nals7 062 8he )03 is set to 2%5& 8he indications of the ()R are half full scale 050 deflection left and ,to,& 8he aircraft is on the radial# 062 An aircraft passes overhead a DM. station at $2000 feet a ove the station& appro@i'atel5 2 -M& At that ti'e, the DM. readin! "ill e# 062 <B3 s5ste' satellites trans'it their si!nals on t"o carrier "aves $565 onl5 the $ 565 M9: carrier "ave and M9: and $226 M9: and suppl5 t"o possi le codes accessi le accordin! one code to user *civil or 'ilitar5/& Ao''ercial aviation uses# 062 A "eather radar, set to the $00 -M scale, sho"s a s;uall at 50-M& 05 increase in area and 'ove to the top of chan!in! the scale to 50 -M, the return on the radar screen should# the screen 062 A cu'uloni' us cloud in the vicinit5 of an aeroplane can cause certain ADF navi!ation s5ste's to !ive false indications& 8his is particularl5 true of the# 062 In "eather radar the use of a cosecant ea' in ,Mappin!, 'ode ena les# scannin! of a lar!e !round :one producin! echos "hose si!nals are practicall5 independent of distance 062 An ADF provides the aircraft "ith earin! infor'ation "ith respect to a o'nidirectional !round station& 8o do this, the !round station e'its a si!nal pattern "hich is# 062 An aircraft, at F4 +$0 is passin! overhead a DM. station at 'ean sea 6&2 -M level& 8he DM. indicates appro@i'atel5# 062 A ()R and an ADF are co=located& In -I4 "ind conditions 5ou cross the 060 ()R radial of 2+0 on a headin! of %60*M/& In the vicinit5 of the station 5ou should read an ADF earin! of# 062 8he code trans'itted 5 a 33R transponder consists of# pulses 062 8he Fli!ht Mana!e'ent 35ste' *FM3/ is or!anised in such a "a5 that the insert navi!ation data et"een t"o pilot can# data ase updates 062 8he operatin! principle of a DM. is the 'easure'ent of the# ti'e et"een the trans'ission and reception of radio pulses 062 DM. channels operate in the fre;uenc5 and "hich includes# $ 000 M9: 062 Oou are on a 'a!netic headin! of 055 and 5our ADF indicates a relative earin! of %25& 8he CDM is# 062 An aircraft at F4%00, "ith a !roundspeed of %00 kt, is a out pass overhead a DM. station at M34& 8he DM. receiver is capa le of deter'inin! !round=speed& )ne 'inute efore the overhead, DM. speed and distance indications are respectivel5# 062 <iven# 1D( *8/ 2%0D 20 kt, (ar& 6., 8A3 20 kt 1hat relative earin! fro' an -D0 should e 'aintained in order to achieve an out ound course of 256*M/ fro' overhead the eacon7 062 )n the CDR of 065 *in the vicinit5 of the station/ "ith a 'a!netic headin! of 295, the relative earin! on the ADF indicator is# 062 1hen fl5in! at 6000 feet a ove !round level, the DM. indicates 5 -M& 1hat is the hori:ontal distance fro' the aircraft to overhead the DM.7 020 less than %00 kt and 6 -M& adFust the loop to the aural null position stop the loop rotation in front& ri!ht&
2%0 0 -M& onl5 the $ 565 M9: carrier "ave and t"o codes
F4A<D)FF, the aircraft is "ithin the fluctuatin! and not si!nificant& cone of silence& onl5 the $ 226 M9: carrier "ave and the t"o carrier "aves and one pu lic code one code decrease in area and 'ove to the top of the screen DM.
increase in area and appear nearer to the decrease in area ut not chan!e in otto' of the screen position on the screen ()R "eather radar
etter reception of echos on contrastin! a !reater radar ran!e to e achieved terrain such as !round to sea fre;uenc5 'odulated at %0 9ert: a ea' rotatin! at %0 9ert:
6&$ -M %00
phase differences
fre;uenc5 differences
a'plitude differences read and "rite at an5 ti'e in the data ase phase difference et"een e'itted "ave and reflected "ave 600 M9: 2%5 %00 kt and 5 -M&
'odif5 the data in the data ase et"een 'odif5 the data ase ever5 $+ da5s t"o updates fre;uenc5 chan!e et"een the e'itted fre;uenc5 of the reflected "ave "ave and reflected "ave $$0 M9: %00 M9: 200 %00 kt and 6 -M& 055 less than %00 kt and 5 -M&
%20 +&9 -M
0+0 5&2 -M
220 +&6 -M
$+0 +&% -M
subj Domanda 062 An aircraft is situated at %0- = 005. "ith a 'a!netic variation of $01& A ()R is located at %0- = 0$%. "ith a 'a!netic variation of $51& 8he aircraft is situated on the ()R radial# 062 Oour aircraft is headin! 065M& 8he )0I is set to 025& 8he ()R indications are ,8), "ith the needle sho"in! ri!ht deflection& Relative to the stations, 5ou are situated in a ;uadrant defined 5 the radials# 062 8he )03 is set on 0+2, 8) appears in the "indo"& 8he needle is close to full ri!ht deflection& 8he ()R radial is appro@i'atel5# 062 1hich one of the follo"in! 'ethods is used 5 a Micro"ave 4andin! 35ste' *M43/ to indicate distance fro' the run"a5 threshold7 RispostaA 226 22$ RispostaB $0$ RispostaC 256 RispostaD Check
052 8i'in! the interval et"een the trans'ission and reception of pri'ar5 radar pulses fro' the aircraft to M43 station 3eparate a:i'uth and elevation trans'itters, outer and 'iddle 'arker eacons ?9F $00=200 -M
0%2 Measure'ent of the fre;uenc5 shift et"een the M43 a:i'uth and elevation trans'issions Ao' ined a:i'uth and elevation trans'itter, DM. facilit5 .9F 50=$00 -M
2$2 8i'in! the interval et"een the reception of se;uential secondar5 radar pulses fro' the M43 station to the aircraft Ao' ined a:i'uth and elevation trans'itter, outer and inner 'arker eacons (9F %00=+00 -M rotational speed of radar scannerK ran!e fro' cloud 5 up
062 1hich one of the follo"in! correctl5 lists the 'aFor !round ased co'ponents of a Micro"ave 4andin! 35ste' *M43/7 062 In "hich fre;uenc5 and do 'ost air orne "eather radars operate7 062 8he 'a@i'u' ran!e o taina le fro' an A8A 4on! Ran!e 3urveillance Radar is appro@i'atel5# 062 In Air orne 1eather Radar *A1R/, the 'ain factors "hich deter'ine "hether a cloud "ill e detected are# 062 In order to ascertain "hether a cloud return on an Aircraft 1eather Radar *A1R/ is at or a ove the hei!ht of the aircraft, the tilt control should e set to# *Assu'e a ea' "idth of 5/ 062 4oran A covera!e is#
3eparate a:i'uth and elevation trans'itters, DM. facilit5 39F 200=%00 -M si:e of the "ater dropsK "avelen!thDfre;uenc5 used 2&5 up
ran!e fro' cloudK "avelen!thDfre;uenc5 si:e of the "ater dropsK dia'eter of used radar scanner 0 2&5 do"n
confined to certain li'ited areas of the !lo al "orld Arosstrack distanceK alon!track distanceK an!ular course deviation Radial and distance fro' a ()RDDM. to the "a5point or ,Bhanto' 3tation, $2 -M Aircraft position in latitude and lon!itude Ma!netic track and distance fro' the aircraft to the "a5point or ,Bhanto' 3tation, 2$ -M
unrestricted et"een latitudes 60and 603 1ind velocit5 Ma!netic track and distance to a ()RDDM. fro' the "a5point or ,Bhanto' 3tation, $0 -M
062 1hich one of the follo"in! lists infor'ation !iven 5 a asic ()RDDM.= ased Area -avi!ation 35ste'7 062 1hich of the follo"in! lists infor'ation re;uired to input a "a5point or ,Bhanto' 3tation, into a asic ()RDDM.= ased Area -avi!ation 35ste'7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=$2+09A/ 1hich of the distances indicated "ill e sho"n on a asic ()RDDM.= ased Area -avi!ation .;uip'ent "hen usin! a ,Bhanto' 3tation,7 062 *For this ;uestion use anne@ 062=$2+$0A/ 1hich of the distances indicated "ill e sho"n on a asic ()RDDM.= ased Area -avi!ation .;uip'ent "hen usin! a ,Bhanto' 3tation, at position ,N,7 062 .rratic indications 'a5 e e@perienced "hen fl5in! to"ards a asic ()RDDM.= ased Area -avi!ation 35ste' ,Bhanto' 3tation,#
unrestricted over the oceans and adFacent coastlines ut li'ited over the 'aFor continental land 'asses 8rue airspeedK drift an!le Radials fro' a 'ini'u' of t"o ()Rs to the "a5point or ,Bhanto' 3tation, $$ -M
9 -M
$$ -M
$+ -M
2 -M
"hen operatin! at lo" altitudes close to ecause, under adverse conditions the li'it of reception ran!e fro' the *relative earin! to the Bhanto' 3tation reference station other than $20D%60/ it takes the co'puter 'ore ti'e to calculate the necessar5 infor'ation 062 1hich of the follo"in! is one of the functions of the Ao'puter in a asic It transfers the infor'ation !iven 5 a It checks the !round station accurac5 R-A( s5ste'7 ()RDDM. station into trackin! and usin! a uilt=in test pro!ra''e distance indications to an5 chosen Bhanto' 3tationD"a5point 062 1hich of the follo"in! co' inations of satellite navi!ation s5ste's provide the 'ost accurate position fi@es in air navi!ation7 062 8he re;uired 2+ -A(38ARD<B3 operational satellites are located on# -A(38ARD<B3 and <4)-A33 -A(38ARD<B3 and --33=8ransit
It auto'aticall5 selects the t"o It calculates cross track infor'ation for stron!est trans'itters for the Area= -D0 approaches -av=Mode and continues "orkin! 5 'e'or5 in case one of the t"o necessar5 station !oes off the air --33=8ransit and <4)-A33 <4)-A33 and A)3BA3=3AR3A8 6 or ital planes "ith % satellites in each plane plus 6 reserve satellites positioned in a !eostationar5 or ital plane It is !reatest at the poles
6 or ital planes "ith + satellites in each % or ital planes "ith 2 satellites in each + or ital planes "ith 6 satellites in plane plane each plane It varies, dependin! on the ti'e and o server,s location It is the sa'e throu!hout the !lo e It is !reatest at the e;uator
062 1hich of the follo"in! state'ents a out the ,visi ilit5, of -A(38ARD<B3 satellites is correct7
subj Domanda 062 9o" 'an5 operational satellites are re;uired for Full )perational Aapa ilit5 *F)A/ of the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B37 062 1hich of the follo"in! satellite navi!ation s5ste's has Full )perational Aapa ilit5 *F)A/ and is approved for specified fli!hts under IFR conditions in .urope7 062 8he different se!'ents of the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3 are the# 062 )ne of the tasks of the control se!'ent of the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3 is to# 062 8he 'ain task of the user se!'ent *receiver/ of the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3 is to# RispostaA 2+ -A(38ARD<B3 $2 --33=8ransit RispostaB $2 A)3BA3=3AR3A8 RispostaC %0 <4)-A33 RispostaD Check
'ain control station, the 'onitorin! station and the !round antennas 'anufacture and launch the satellites
select appropriate satellites auto'aticall5, to track the si!nals and to 'easure the ti'e taken 5 si!nals fro' the satellites to reach the receiver 062 )ne of the tasks of the space se!'ent of the satellite navi!ation s5ste' trans'it si!nals "hich can e used, 5 trans'it si!nals to suita le receivers and co'pute the user position fro' the -A(38ARD<B3 is to# suita le receivers, to deter'ine ti'e, to 'onitor the or ital planes received user 'essa!es and to trans'it position and velocit5 autono'ousl5 the co'puted position ack to the user se!'ent 062 8he !eo'etric shape of the reference s5ste' for the satellite navi!ation an ellipsoid a 'athe'atical 'odel that descri es the a sphere s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3, defined as 1<3 2+, is# e@act shape of the earth 062 In civil aviation, the hei!ht value co'puted 5 the receiver of the satellite hei!ht a ove the 1<3=2+ ellipsoid !eo'etric hei!ht a ove !round hei!ht a ove Mean 3ea 4evel *M34/ navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3 is the# 062 In relation to the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3, the ter' or ital plane and the e;uatorial plane hori:ontal plane at the location of the or ital plane and the earth,s a@is ,inclination, denotes the an!le et"een the# receiver and the direct line to a satellite 062 At "hat appro@i'ate hei!ht a ove the 1<3=2+ ellipsoid are 20200 k' $0900 k' %6000 k' -A(38ARD<B3 satellites circlin! the earth7 062 8he or ital planes of the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3 are# inclined 55 to the e;uatorial plane inclined 55 to the earth a@is inclined 90 to the e;uatorial plane 062 In "hich fre;uenc5 ands are the 4$ and 42 fre;uencies used 5 the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3 for trans'ission of the navi!ation 'essa!e7 062 In relation to the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3, "hich of the follo"in! state'ents correctl5 descri es the ter' ,Bseudo Rando' -oise *BR-/, si!nal7 ?9F (9F .9F
antenna, the receiver and the central control unit *AD?/ 'anipulate the si!nals of selected satellites to reduce the precision of the position fi@ trans'it si!nals "hich, fro' the ti'e to 'onitor the status of the satellites, taken, are used to deter'ine the distance deter'ine their positions and to to the satellite 'easure the ti'e
ato'ic clock, po"er suppl5 and transponder !rant and 'onitor user authorisations
a !eoid fli!ht level hori:ontal plane at the location of the receiver and the or ital plane of a satellite $9500 k' parallel to the e;uatorial plane 39F
BR- is a code used for the identification of the satellites and the 'easure'ent of the ti'e taken 5 the si!nal to reach the receiver 062 1hich of the follo"in! -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste' codes ADA can e processed 5 ,unauthorised, civil aviation receivers7 062 Al'anac data stored in the receiver of the satellite navi!ation s5ste' fast identification of received si!nals -A(38ARD<B3 is used for the# co'in! fro' visi le satellites 062 9o" does a -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste' receiver reco!nise "hich of the received si!nals elon!s to "hich satellite7
BR- is the at'ospheric Fa''in! that affects the si!nals trans'itted 5 the satellites B reco!nition "hether 3elective Availa ilit5 *3A/ is operative
BR- descri es the continuous electro= BR- occurs in the receiver& It is caused 5 'a!netic ack!round noise that e@ists the si!nal fro' one satellite ein! received in space fro' different directions *'ultipath effect/ ADA= and B assi!n'ent of received BR-=codes *Bseudo Rando' -oise/ to the appropriate satellite 8he receiver detects the direction fro' "hich the si!nals are received and co'pares this infor'ation "ith the calculated positions of the satellites data to correct receiver clock errorK al'anac data B and O correction of receiver clock error
.ach satellite trans'its its si!nal, on 8he Doppler shift is uni;ue to each co''on fre;uencies, "ith an satellite individual Bseudo Rando' -oise code al'anac dataK satellite status infor'ation $2&5 'inutes *E %0 seconds per data fra'e/ 8he hi!her fre;uenc5 is used to trans'it oth the ADA and B codes Ionospheric It is a techni;ue 5 "hich a receiver ensures the inte!rit5 of the navi!ation ti'eK data to i'pair the accurac5 of the position fi@
062 1hich of the follo"in! data, in addition to the Bseudo Rando' -oise *BR-/ code, for's part of the so called ,-avi!ation Messa!e, trans'itted 5 -A(38ARD<B3 satellites7 062 In the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste', "hat is the 'a@i'u' ti'e taken to receive the co'plete set of al'anac data fro' all satellites7 062 1hich of the follo"in! state'ents concernin! the 4$ and 42 -A(38ARD<B3 trans'ission fre;uencies and codes is correct7 062 1hich one of the follo"in! errors can e co'pensated for 5 a -A(38ARD<B3 receiver co'parin! 4$ and 42 fre;uencies7 062 Aoncernin! the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste', "hat is the 'eanin! of the ter' ,Receiver Autono'ous Inte!rit5 Monitorin!,
$2 hours *E period of the satellites or it/ 25 seconds *E $ second per data fra'e/ 2+ seconds *E $ second per data fra'e/ ADA and B codes are trans'itted at different ti'es on oth fre;uencies Multipath It is the a ilit5 of the <B3 satellites to check the inte!rit5 of the data 8he hi!her fre;uenc5 is onl5 used to trans'it the B code 8ropospheric It is a 'ethod "here 5 a receiver ensures the inte!rit5 of the Bseudo 8he lo"er fre;uenc5 is used to trans'it oth the ADA and B codes Receiver noise It is a techni;ue "here 5 the receivers of the "orld="ide distri uted 'onitor stations
subj RispostaC Rando' -oise *BR-/ code trans'itted 5 the satellites 062 8he distance et"een a -A(38ARD<B3 satellite and receiver is# deter'ined 5 the ti'e taken for the calculated, usin! the 1<3=2+ si!nal to arrive fro' the satellite reference s5ste', fro' the kno"n 'ultiplied 5 the speed of li!ht positions of the satellite and the receiver 062 In relation to the satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3, ,All in is trackin! 'ore than the re;uired + is receivin! the si!nals of all visi le is receivin! and trackin! the si!nals of (ie", is a ter' used "hen a receiver# satellites and can instantl5 replace an5 satellites ut trackin! onl5 those of the + all 2+ operational satellites lost si!nal "ith another alread5 ein! "ith the est !eo'etric covera!e si'ultaneousl5 'onitored 062 8he reason "h5 the 'easured distance et"een a -A(38ARD<B3 calculated ran!e includes receiver clock 'easured distance is ased on the 'ove'ent of satellite and receiver satellite navi!ation s5ste' satellite and a receiver is called a ,Bseudo= error Bseudo Rando' -oise code durin! the distance calculation is not Ran!e, is ecause the# taken into account 062 1hat t5pe of satellite navi!ation s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3 receiver is 'ost Multichannel 3e;uential Multiple@ suita le for use on oard an aircraft7 062 1hat is the 'ini'u' nu' er of -A(38ARD<B3 satellites re;uired to + 5 2+ produce an accurate independent %=D position fi@7 062 8he receiver aerial for a -A(38ARD<B3 s5ste' should e 'ounted# on the upper side of the fusela!e in the inside the tail fin to 'ini'ise the in the vicinit5 of the receiver to avoid vicinit5 of the centre of !ravit5 influence of reflections fro' the "in! lon! trans'ission lines and fusela!e 062 In the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste', re=use of 3elective ditherin! the satellite clock shuttin! off selected satellites usin! a less accurate ato'ic clock in a Availa ilit5 "ould !ive the option to artificiall5 de!rade the accurac5 5# satellite for si!nal processin! 062 In the event of the re=use of 3elective Availa ilit5, ho" does this affect, if It de!rades position accurac5 5 It increases ecause onl5 si!nals fro' It has no influence ecause, 5 at all, the navi!ation accurac5 of the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation 'anipulatin! satellite si!nals satellites in the 'ost suita le !eo'etric selectin! of the 'ost suita le si!nals, s5ste' 7 constellation are selected 5 the receiver the co'putin! process in the receiver is ;uicker 062 In the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste', receiver clock error# is corrected 5 usin! si!nals fro' four is the i!!est part of the total errorK it can e 'ini'ised 5 s5nchronisation satellites cannot e corrected of the receiver clock "ith the satellite clocks 062 8he influence of the ionosphere on the accurac5 of the satellite navi!ation 'ini'ised 5 the receiver usin! a 'ini'ised 5 co'putin! the avera!e of onl5 si!nificant if the satellites are s5ste' -A(38ARD<B3 is# 'odel of the at'osphere and all si!nals located at a s'all elevation an!le co'parin! si!nals trans'itted 5 the a ove the hori:on satellites 062 1hich one of the follo"in! is an advanta!es of a 'ulti=sensor s5ste' 8he <-33 can e used to update a 8he activation of ,3elective Availa ilit5, 8he avera!e position calculated fro' usin! inputs fro' a !lo al navi!ation satellite s5ste' *<-33/ and an driftin! I-3 can e reco!nised 5 the I-3 data provided 5 oth s5ste's inertial navi!ational s5ste' *I-3/7 increases overall accurac5 062 1hat are the effects, if an5, of shado"in! 5 parts of the aircraft *e&!& It 'a5 prevent the reception of si!nals It causes 'ultipath propa!ation 8he si!nals "ill e distorted, ho"ever "in!/ on the reception of si!nals fro' -A(38ARD<B3 satellites7 the error can e corrected for usin! an al!orith' and infor'ation fro' unaffected si!nals 062 1hich of the follo"in! !eo'etric satellite constellations provides the % satellites "ith a lo" elevation a ove % satellites "ith an a:i'uth of $20 fro' + satellites "ith an a:i'uth of 90 'ost accurate -A(38ARD<B3 position fi@7 the hori:on and an a:i'uth of $20 each other and an elevation of +5 a ove fro' each other and a lo" elevation fro' each other to!ether "ith a fourth the hori:on a ove the hori:on directl5 overhead 062 In relation to the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste', "hat is Fi@ed !round stations co'pute position 8he difference et"een si!nals Receivers fro' various 'anufacturers involved in the differential techni;ue *D=<B3/7 errors and trans'it correction data to a trans'itted on the 4$ and 42 fre;uencies are operated in parallel to reduce the suita le receiver on the aircraft are processed 5 the receiver to characteristic receiver noise error deter'ine an error correction *RAIM/7 infor'ation 062 1hich of the follo"in! state'ents a out the accurac5 that can e o tained 8he nearer a receiver is situated to a D= 8he increase in accurac5 of position "ith the differential techni;ue *D=<B3/ of the satellite navi!ation s5ste' <B3 !round station, the 'ore accurate fi@es is independent of the receiver -A(38ARD<B3 is correct7 the position fi@ position in relation to a D=<B3 !round station 062 9o" does a receiver of the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste' It calculates it 5 usin! Al'anac data 8he data is stored in the receiver deter'ine the elevation and a:i'uth data of a satellite relative to the trans'itted 5 the satellites to!ether "ith the Bseudo Rando' -oise A D=<B3 receiver can detect and correct for 3A providin! a 'ore accurate position fi@ Domanda RispostaA RispostaB trans'itted 5 the 'onitorin! stations of the !round se!'ent calculated fro' the Doppler shift of the kno"n fre;uencies RispostaD Check *!round se!'ent/ auto'aticall5 deter'ines the inte!rit5 of the navi!ation 'essa!e deter'ined 5 the phase shift of the Bseudo Rando' -oise code 'ultiplied 5 the speed of li!ht re;uires the si!nals of all visi le satellites for navi!ation purposes
calculated ran!e is ased on an idealised Heplerian or it An5 hand held t5pe % under the fusela!e in order to receive correction data trans'itted 5 D=<B3 stations offsettin! satellite ato'ic clocks 5 a predeter'ined constant a'ount It de!rades accurac5 5 reducin! the nu' er of availa le satellites
is ne!li!i le s'all ecause of the !reat accurac5 the ato'ic clocks installed in the satellites ne!li!i le
8he onl5 advanta!e of couplin! oth s5ste's is dou le redundanc5 It has no influence ecause hi!h fre;uenc5 si!nals are unaffected
+ satellites "ith an a:i'uth of 90 fro' each other and an elevation of +5 a ove the hori:on 3i!nals fro' satellites are received 5 2 different antennas "hich are located a fi@ed distance apart& 8his ena les a suita le receiver on the aircraft to reco!nise and correct for 'ultipath errors )nl5 D=<B3 allo"s position fi@es accurate enou!h for ,-on Brecision Approaches,
8he data is ased on the direction to 8he data is deter'ined 5 the satellite and the satellite deter'ined at the location trans'itted to!ether "ith the navi!ation
subj RispostaB location of the antenna7 *BR-/ code 062 In relation to the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste', ,3earch the procedure that starts after s"itchin! on continuous process 5 the !round 3k5, is a# a receiver if there is no stored satellite se!'ent to 'onitor the <B3 satellites data availa le 062 1hat is the procedure to e follo"ed if, on a fli!ht under IFR conditions 8he fli!ht 'a5 e continued usin! other 8he fli!ht has to e continued under usin! the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste', the nu' er of certificated navi!ation s5ste's (FR conditions satellites re;uired to 'aintain the RAIM *Receiver Autono'ous Inte!rit5 Monitorin!/ function are not availa le7 062 1hich of the follo"in!, if an5, is a prere;uisite if a receiver of a 8he prescri ed IFR=e;uip'ent 'ust e 8he prescri ed IFR=e;uip'ent 'ust e -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste' is to e used in co' ination installed and operational in "orkin! correctl5 and the navi!ation "ith a 'ulti sensor s5ste'7 infor'ation continuousl5 displa5ed 062 1hich of the follo"in! procedures 'ust e adopted if, on a fli!ht under It 'a5 e continued usin! conventional It 'a5 e continued usin! IFR conditions usin! a -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste' navi!ation s5ste's -A(38ARD<B3K prior to the ne@t fli!ht receiver, the position fi@ o tained fro' the <B3 receiver differs fro' the all s5ste's 'ust e checked position of conventional navi!ation s5ste's 5 an unaccepta le a'ount7 062 1hat datu' is used for the Mini'u' Descent Altitude *MDA/ on a non= 0aro'etric altitude If usin! Differential=<B3 *D=<B3/ the precision approach "hen usin! the -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation altitude o tained fro' the D=<B3, s5ste'7 other"ise aro'etric altitude 062 1hich of the follo"in! is the datu' for altitude infor'ation "hen 0aro'etric altitude 8he avera!e of <B3 altitude and conductin! fli!hts under IFR conditions on air"a5s usin! the aro'etric altitude -A(38ARD<B3 satellite navi!ation s5ste'7 062 8he Aaptain of an aircraft fl5in! at F4$00 "ishes to o tain "eather $2% -M $2% k' infor'ation at the destination airfield *0ft/ fro' the airfield,s ()R& Assu'in! I3A conditions, "hat is the appro@i'ate 'a@i'u' theoretical ran!e at "hich it can e e@pected to o tain this infor'ation7 062 8he 0F) selector on an ADF receiver is used to# hear the ID.-8 of so'e -D0 stations stop loop rotation radiatin! a continuous "ave si!nal 062 An -D0 trans'its a si!nal pattern in the hori:ontal plane "hich is# o'nidirectional i=lo al circular 062 DM. channels utilise fre;uencies of appro@i'atel5# 062 A ()R and DM. are co=located& Oou "ant to identif5 the DM. 5 listenin! to the callsi!n& 9avin! heard the sa'e callsi!n + ti'es in %0 seconds the# 062 8he headin! rose of an 93I is fro:en on 200& 4ined up on the I43 of run"a5 25, the locali:er needle "ill e# 062 In relation to radar s5ste's that use pulse technolo!5, the ter' ,Bulse Recurrence Rate *BRR/, si!nifies the# 062 8he advanta!e of the use of slotted antennas in 'odern radar technolo!5 is to# 062 1hat is the 'a@i'u' nu' er of usa le 3econdar5 3urveillance Radar *33R/ transponder codes in Mode A7 062 1hich of the follo"in! lists the pheno'ena least likel5 to e detected 5 radar7 062 <iven# Aircraft headin! $60*M/, Aircraft is on radial 2+0 fro' a ()R, 3elected course on 93I is 250& 8he 93I indications are deviation ar# 062 1hich one of the follo"in! inputs to an Area -avi!ation 35ste' *R= -A(/ co'es fro' an e@ternal, not on= oard, s5ste'7 062 1hich one of the follo"in! sensorsDs5ste's is self=contained7 $000 M9: %00 M9: Domanda RispostaA RispostaC RispostaD of the antenna 'essa!e procedure perfor'ed 5 the receiver to continuous procedure perfor'ed 5 the reco!nise ne" satellites eco'in! receiver that searches the sk5 for satellites operational risin! a ove the hori:on A constant headin! and speed 'ust e 8he fli!ht 'a5 e continued as planned if flo"n until the re;uired nu' er of at least + satellites are availa le and the satellites are a!ain availa le pilot 'onitors the <B3=35ste' 'anuall5 8he RAIM=function of the <B3 receiver 'ust e a le to 'onitor all prescri ed navi!ation s5ste's It 'ust e continued under (FR conditions Multi=sensor s5ste's are not certificated for fli!hts under IFR conditions 8he pilot 'ust deter'ine the reason for the deviation and correct the error or s"itch off the fault5 s5ste' <B3 altitude Check
Radar altitude
<B3 altitude
<B3 altitude if + or 'ore satellites are received other"ise aro'etric altitude $2%0 k'
$2&% -M
hear the ID.-8 and 'ust al"a5s e s"itched )a cardioid alanced at %0 9: $$0 M9:
DM. callsi!n is the one "ith the hi!her DM. callsi!n "as not trans'itted, the pitch that "as roadcast onl5 once distance infor'ation is sufficient proof of correct operation centred left of centre nu' er of pulses per second dela5 after "hich the process re=starts
DM. callsi!n is the one "ith the lo"er ()R and DM. callsi!ns "ere the sa'e pitch that "as roadcast several ti'es and roadcast "ith the sa'e pitch ri!ht of centre the nu' er of c5cles per second have a "ide ea' and as a conse;uence etter tar!et detection $000 tur ulence in cloud that has precipitation ahead of the aeroplane s5' ol "ith the FR)M fla! sho"in! Inertial -avi!ation 35ste' *I-3/ position 0asic R-A( s5ste' ()RDDM. radialDdistance Distance Measurin! .;uip'ent *DM./ centred "ith the ,fail, fla! sho"in! ratio of pulse period to pulse "idth eli'inate the need for a:i'uth slavin!
virtuall5 eli'inate lateral lo es and as a si'ultaneousl5 trans'it "eather and conse;uence concentrate 'ore ener!5 'appin! ea's in the 'ain ea' +096 %600 clear air tur ulence ehind the aeroplane s5' ol "ith the FR)M fla! sho"in! ()RDDM. radialDdistance Inertial -avi!ation 35ste' precipitation ehind the aeroplane s5' ol "ith the 8) fla! sho"in! Ma!netic headin! <B3 Inertial -avi!ation 35ste' *I-3/ position 3econdar5 3urveillance Radar *33R/
660 "et sno" and tur ulence in cloud that has precipitation ahead of the aeroplane s5' ol "ith the 8) fla! sho"in! Bressure altitude ()RDDM. Doppler drift <lo al Bositionin! 35ste' *<B3/
062 In relation to Area -avi!ation 35ste's *R-A(/, "hich of the follo"in! is 8rue airspeed an Air Data input7 062 1hich of the follo"in! e;uip'ents uses pri'ar5 radar principles7 Air orne "eather radar *A1R/
subj Domanda 062 1hich of the follo"in! e;uip'ents "orks on the interro!atorDtransponder principle7 062 In order to indicate an e'er!enc5 situation, the aircraft 3econdar5 3urveillance Radar *33R/ transponder should e set to# 062 8he theoretical 'a@i'u' ran!e for an Air orne 1eather Radar is deter'ined 5 the# 062 8he selection of code 6500 on an aircraft 33R transponder indicates# 062 8he selection of code 6600 on an aircraft 33R transponder indicates# 062 8he selection of code 6600 on an aircraft 33R transponder indicates# 062 In a pri'ar5 radar usin! pulse techni;ue, pulse len!th deter'ines# 062 In a pri'ar5 radar usin! pulse techni;ue, pulse recurrence fre;uenc5 *BRF/Dpulse recurrence rate *BRR/ deter'ines# 062 In a pri'ar5 radar usin! pulse techni;ue, the a ilit5 to discri'inate et"een tar!ets in a:i'uth is a factor of# 062 1hich of the follo"in! radar e;uip'ents operate 5 'eans of the pulse techni;ue7 $& Aerodro'e 3urface Move'ent Radar 2& Air orne 1eather Radar %& 3econdar5 3urveillance Radar *33R/ +& Aerodro'e 3urveillance *approach/ Radar 062 )n "hich of the follo"in! radar displa5s is it possi le to !et an indication of the shape, and to so'e e@tent the t5pe, of the aircraft !eneratin! the return7 062 In the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent Ao'puter *FMA/ of the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent 35ste' *FM3/, data relatin! to fli!ht plans is stored in the# 062 In the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent Ao'puter *FMA/ of the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent 35ste' *FM3/, data relatin! to ($, (R and (2 speeds is stored in the# 062 In the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent Ao'puter *FMA/ of the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent 35ste' *FM3/, data relatin! to 38ARs and 3IDs is stored in the# 062 In the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent Ao'puter *FMA/ of the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent 35ste' *FM3/, data relatin! to aircraft fli!ht envelope co'putations is stored in the# 062 In the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent Ao'puter *FMA/ of the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent 35ste' *FM3/, data relatin! to "a5points is stored in the# 062 In the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent Ao'puter *FMA/ of the Fli!ht Mana!e'ent 35ste' *FM3/, data relatin! to cruisin! speeds is stored in the# 062 Apart fro' radials and distances fro' ()RDDM. stations, "hat infor'ation is re;uired 5 the ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation co'puter in order to calculate the "ind7 062 )n "hat data is a ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation s5ste' operatin! in the dead reckonin! 'ode7 062 ?nder "hich of the follo"in! circu'stances does a ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation s5ste' s"itch to Dead Reckonin! 'ode7 RispostaA 3econdar5 3urveillance Radar *33R/ 6600 pulse recurrence fre;uenc5 RispostaB <lo al Bositionin! 35ste' *<B3/ 6600 ea'"idth RispostaC Air orne 1eather Radar *A1R/ 6500 pulse len!th transponder 'alfunction RispostaD Aerodro'e 3urface Move'ent Radar 6000 carrier "ave fre;uenc5 radio co''unication failure Check
unla"ful interference "ith the planned an e'er!enc5 operation of the fli!ht radio co''unication failure an e'er!enc5 an e'er!enc5 'ini'u' 'easura le ran!e 'a@i'u' theoretical ran!e ea' "idth $, 2, % and + radio co''unication failure tar!et discri'ination tar!et discri'ination aerial rotation rate $, 2 and + onl5
unla"ful interference "ith the planned transponder 'alfunction operation of the fli!ht transponder 'alfunction unla"ful interference "ith the planned operation of the fli!ht 'a@i'u' 'easura le ran!e ea' "idth 'ini'u' ran!e Bulse Recurrence Rate *BRR/ 2, % and + onl5 ea' "idth pulse len!th 2 and + onl5
Aerodro'e 3urface Move'ent Radar *A3MR/ navi!ation data ase perfor'ance data ase navi!ation data ase perfor'ance data ase
Aerodro'e 3urveillance *approach/ Radar perfor'ance data ase navi!ation data ase perfor'ance data ase navi!ation data ase
air data data ase air data co'puter air data co'puter air data co'puter
auto fli!ht data ase auto fli!ht co'puter auto fli!ht co'puters auto fli!ht co'puters
navi!ation data ase perfor'ance data ase 9eadin! fro' the aircraft co'pass s5ste' and true airspeed fro' the air data co'puter 8A3 fro' the Air Data Ao'puterK headin! fro' the aircraft co'passK the last co'puted 1D(& ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation co'puter is receivin! neither radial nor distance data infor'ation fro' ()RDDM. stations& 8he s5ste' is receivin! infor'ation fro' onl5 one ()R 8he ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation s5ste' has its o"n (9F -A( tuner and the s5ste' itself tunes the DM. stations providin! the est an!ular position lines&
auto fli!ht co'puters auto fli!ht co'puters (ertical speed fro' the air data co'puter
8rue airspeed fro' the air data co'puter 9eadin! fro' the aircraft co'pass s5ste' 8A3 fro' the Air Data Ao'puterK headin! fro' the aircraft co'pass&
Radial fro' one ()RK distances fro' Radial fro' one ()RK distances fro' t"o t"o DM.s& DM.sK 8A3 fro' the Air Data co'puterK headin! fro' the aircraft co'pass& ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation co'puter is ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation co'puter 1hen ,DR, is selected 5 the pilot& not receivin! infor'ation fro' the Air is not receivin! infor'ation fro' the Data Ao'puter& aircraft co'pass s5ste'& 8he s5ste' is receivin! infor'ation fro' one ()R and one DM. the pilot tunes the closest ()RDDM. stations "ithin ran!e on the ()RDDM. Area navi!ation control panel& 8he s5ste' is receivin! infor'ation fro' one ()R and t"o DM.s 8he ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation s5ste' uses "hatever stations are tuned on the aircraft,s nor'al (9F -A( selector& 8he s5ste' is receivin! infor'ation fro' the t"o DM.s 8he ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation 35ste' has its o"n (9F -A( tuner and it al"a5s tunes the DM. stations closest to the aircraft position&
062 ?nder "hich of the follo"in! circu'stances does a ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation s5ste' s"itch to Dead Reckonin! 'ode7 062 9o" does a ()RDDM. Area -avi!ation s5ste' o tain DM. infor'ation7
subj Domanda 062 1hich of the follo"in! lists all the sta!es of fli!ht "hen is it possi le to chan!e the route in the active fli!ht plan on an FM3 e;uipped aircraft7 062 1hat t5pe of clock is used in -A(38AR <B3 satellites7 062 9o" 'an5 satellites for' the no'inal -A(38AR <B3 constellation7 062 9o" 'an5 clocks are installed in each -A(38AR <B3 satellite7 RispostaA At an5 ti'e efore take=off and throu!hout the fli!ht Ato'ic 2+ + RispostaB )nl5 efore take=off Cuart: $2 % +5 .lliptical RispostaC RispostaD )nl5 efore the fli!ht plan is activated )nl5 once the aircraft is air orne& Mechanical 6 2 %5 <eo=stationar5 4aser %6 $ 65 Bole to pole Check
062 1hat is the inclination to the e;uatorial plane of the satellite,s or it in the 55 -A(38AR <B3 constellation7 062 In "hat t5pe of no'inal or it are -A(38AR <B3 satellites placed7 Aircular