021 - Airframe & Systems, Electrics, Powerplant, Emergency

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sub Domanda 021 The purpose of the baffles in an aircraft's integral fuel tank is to: RispostaA Restrict the fuel from flowing to the wing tips during abnormal manoeuvre (side slipping... . Ram air scoops on the underside of the wing. 'ntegral tanks. RispostaB !revent overpressure in the tank. RispostaC !revent the fuel from flowing in the vent lines. &leed air from the engines. (ombined fuel tanks. RispostaD C !"# !revent mi"ture of the fuel and h#draulic fluid. The return lines of the fuel pumps. )i"ed built*in tanks. prevent positive pressure build up inside the tank. -iaphragm pumps. dump s#stem. allow a stead# compressor outlet temperature.

021 $n a transport t#pe aircraft the fuel tank s#stem is vented through: 021 The t#pes of fuel tanks used on most modern transport aircraft are: 021 The purpose of baffle check valves fitted in aircraft fuel tanks is to: 021 $n most transport aircraft+ the low pressure pumps of the fuel s#stem are: 021 The pressuri.ation of tanks is maintained b# the fuel: 021 'n a bootstrap s#stem+ the purpose of the heat e"changers is to:

% pressure regulator in the wing tip. (ell tanks.

prevent fuel movement to the wing tip. damp out movement of the fuel in close the vent lines in case of the tank. turbulence. (entrifugal pumps. ,ear t#pe pumps. !iston pumps. vent s#stem. tank drains. top off unit.

021 /nvironmental s#stem: in the air refrigeration unit+ the water separation unit is placed: 021 The air*conditioning pack of a present*da# aircraft consists of several components: !: precools the engine bleed air 2: these include two heat e"changers1 the primar# e"changer (! and the secondar# reduces the temperature of the air from e"changer (2 . The functions of these heat e"changers are as follows: the primar# e"changer or from the pack's compressor. 021 'n aviation+ the reflection on ionosphere la#ers phenomenon is used in the 4) following fre3uencies: 021 The wavelength of a radio transmitted on fre3uenc# 121.89 :4. is: 2.;< m 021 'n flight+ a cantilever wing of an airplane containing fuel undergoes vertical loads highest at the wing root which produce a bending moment: 021 The trim tab: reduces hinge moment and control surface efficienc#. 021 The purpose of a trim tab (device is to: 021 % torsion link assembl# is installed on the landing gear to: 021 'n a commercial transport aircraft the landing gear operating s#stem is usuall#: 021 ,enerall#+ on modern 0et transport aircraft+ how can the landing gear be e"tended if there is a complete h#draulic s#stem failure. 021 The t#pe of brake unit found on most transport aeroplanes is a: 021 The reason for fitting thermal plugs to aircraft wheels is that the#: 021 Thermal plugs are installed in:

cool bleed air and compressor air from allow a homogeneous temperature cool bleed air. the turbo refrigerator. b# mi"ing air flows from various air conditioning groups in operation. after the cooling turbine. before the heat e"changers. before the cooling turbine. !: warms up engine bleed air 2: !: warms up engine bleed air 2: recirculates the cabin air+ reducing increases the temperature of air its temperature. originating from the compressor of the pack. 54) 64) 2;.<0 cm 2.;< cm e3ual to half the weight of the aircraft multiplied b# the semi span increases hinge moment and control surface efficienc#. trim the aeroplane at low airspeed. control the wheels. !neumaticall# driven. !neumaticall#. 2ingle disk brake. prevent heat transfer from the brake disks to the t#res. cabin windows. 1 and 9

0ust after the heat e"changers. !: pre*cools the engine bleed air 2: increases the temperature of the air used for air*conditioning of cargo compartment (animals . 57) 2;.<0 m lowest at the wing root increases hinge moment and reduces control surface efficienc#. lower manoeuvring control forces. lock the landing gear. /lectricall# driven. &# h#draulic accumulators. &elt brake. release air from the t#re in the event of overpressure. cargo compartments. =+ ; and 9

e3ual to the .ero *fuel weight multiplied b# the span reduces hinge moment and increases control surface efficienc#. reduce or to cancel control forces. trim the aeroplane during normal flight. avoid rotation of the piston rod relative absorb the spring tension. to the gear oleo strut. 4#draulicall# driven. :echanicall# driven. :echanicall# :ultiple disk brake. /lectricall#. -rum t#pe brake.

release air from the t#re in the event of prevent the brakes from overheating. overheating. wheel rims. fire warning s#stems. 1 and 2

021 The advantages of fl#*b#*wire control are: 1. reduction of the electric and = and 9 h#draulic power re3uired to operate the control surfaces 2. lesser sensitivit# to lightning strike =. direct and indirect weight saving through simplification of s#stems ;. immunit# to different interfering signals 9. improvement of piloting 3ualit# throughout the flight envelope The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 %n artificial feel unit is necessar# in the pitch channel when: the elevators are actuated b# irreversible servo*control units. 021 %n artificial feel s#stem: functions in parallel to an irreversible servo*control unit. 021 4#draulic fluids must have the following characteristics: 1. thermal stabilit# 2. low 1+ 2+ =+ ;

the elevators are fitted with servo* tabs or trim tabs. functions in series to an irreversible servo*control unit. 1+ 2+ 9+ >

there is a trimmable stabili.er. is necessar# in a reversible flight control actuator unit. 2+ =+ ;+ 9

the elevators are actuated b# reversible servo*control units. is mounted in parallel on a spring tab. 1+ =+ ;+ <


sub Domanda RispostaA emulsif#ing characteristics =. corrosion resistant ;. good resistance to combustion 9. high compressibilit# <. high volatilit# >. high viscosit# The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 'n a h#draulic braking s#stem+ an accumulator is pre*charged to 1200 psi. %n =000 psi electricall# driven h#draulic pump is started and provides a s#stem pressure of =000 psi. The h#draulic pressure gauge which is connected to the gas section of the accumulator+ reads: 021 @here in a h#draulic s#stem might overheat detectors be installedA %t the pumps. 021 4#draulic fluids: 021 4#draulic fluids used in s#stems of large modern airliners are: 021 4#draulic power is a function of: 021 7arge transport aeroplane h#draulic s#stems usuall# operate with a s#stem pressure of appro"imatel#: 021 'n h#draulic s#stems of large modern transport categor# aircraft the fluids used are: 021 The t#pe of h#draulic oil used in modern h#draulic s#stems is: 021 'n a modern h#draulic s#stem+ Bh#draulic fusesB can be found. Their function is: %re irritating to e#es and skin. !hosphate ester base fluids. 2#stem pressure and volume flow. =000 psi 2#nthetic oil. s#nthetic oil RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD C !"#

1200 psi

;200 psi

1?00 psi

'n the reservoirs. (ause high fire risk. @ater base fluids. !ump R!: onl#. ;000 psi :ineral oil. vegetable oil

%t the actuators. -o not re3uire special care. 5egetable base fluids. 2#stem pressure and tank capacit#. 2000 psi 5egetable oil. mi"ture of mineral oil and alcohol

%t the coolers. %re irritating to e#es and skin and cause high fire risk. :ineral base fluids. !ump si.e and volume flow. 1000 psi @ater and gl#col. mineral oil To allow b#*passing of a h#draulic pump in case it is sub0ect to e"cessive pressure+ without further damage to the s#stem. reduce fluid combustibilit# reduce pump loads. as a pressure relief valve. ma# e"ceed the ma"imum permitted differential unless immediate preventative action is taken. ;+ 9+ =

021 'n a h#draulic s#stem+ the reservoir is pressuri.ed in order to: 021 2huttle valves will automaticall#: 021 'n addition to energ# storage+ the accumulator of the h#draulic s#stem is used: 021 'f the cabin altitude rises (aircraft in level flight + the differential pressure:

To prevent total s#stem loss in case of a To switch to the secondar# s#stem To isolate a part of the s#stem and leaking h#draulic line. in case of a leak in the primar# protect it against accidental pollution. brake s#stem. prevent pump cavitation seal the s#stem keep the h#draulic fluid at optimum temperature switch h#draulicall# operated units to shut down s#stems which are guard s#stems against overpressure. the most appropriate pressure suppl#. overloaded. for damping pressure surges in the for fluid storage. for pressure storage. s#stem. decreases increases remains constant

021 The purpose of the cabin pressure controller+ in the automatic mode+ is to perform 1+ 2+ = the following functions: 1. control of cabin altitude+ 2. control of cabin altitude rate*of*change+ =. limitation of differential pressure ;. balancing aircraft altitude with cabin altitude 9. cabin ventilation <. keeping a constant differential pressure throughout all the flight phases. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 -uring a normal pressurised climb after take*off: cabin pressure decreases more slowl# than atmospheric pressure 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*>?<% 'n a pressuri.ed aircraft whose cabin )7 2=0 altitude is ?000 ft+ a crack in a cabin window makes it necessar# to reduce the differential pressure to 9 psi. The flight level to be maintained in order to keep the same cabin altitude is: 021 :ain cabin temperature is: controlled automaticall#+ or b# flight crew selection. 021 The purpose of cabin air flow control valves in a pressuri.ation s#stem is to: :aintain a constant and sufficient mass air flow to ventilate the cabin and minimise cabin pressure surges. 021 %ssuming cabin differential pressure has reached the re3uired value in normal the mass air flow through the cabin is flight conditions+ if flight altitude and air conditioning s#stem setting are constant. maintained: 021 (abin pressure is controlled b#: delivering a substantiall# constant flow of air into the cabin and controlling the

2+ <+ ;

9+ <+ 1

the pressurisation s#stem is inoperative until an altitude of 10 000 feet is reached )7 =;0

the cabin differential pressure is maintained constant )7 2?0

absolute cabin pressure increases to compensate for the fall in pressure outside the aircraft )7 1?0

controlled b# individual passenger. not controllable at the ma"imum cabin differential pressure. regulate cabin pressure to the discharge cabin air to atmosphere if selected altitude. cabin pressure rises above the selected altitude. the outflow valves will move to the the pressurisation s#stem ceases to full# open position. function until leakage reduces the pressure. controlling the flow of air into the the cabin air re*circulation s#stem. cabin with a constant outflow.

$nl# controllable at ma"imum cabin differential pressure. regulate cabin pressure at the ma"imum cabin pressure differential. the outflow valves will move to the full# closed position. the cabin air mass flow control inlet valve(s .


sub RispostaA outflow. 021 -uring level flight at a constant cabin pressure altitude (which could be decreased+ !artiall# open. even at this flight level + the cabin outflow valves are: 021 The purpose of a ditching control is to: close the outflow valve(s . 021 The cabin pressure is regulated b# the: 021 (abin pressurisation is controlled b# the: 021 (abin differential pressure means the pressure difference between: 021 6nder normal conditions (C%R 29 the cabin pressure altitude is not allowed to e"ceed: 021 (abin altitude means the: 021 $n a modern large pressuri.ed transport aircraft+ the ma"imum cabin differential pressure is appro"imatel#: 021 $n most modern airliners the cabin pressure is controlled b# regulating the: 021 'f the ma"imum operating altitude of an airplane is limited b# the pressuri.ed cabin+ this limitation is due to the ma"imum: 021 The Bcabin differential pressureB is: 021 The cabin rate of descent: 021 The ma"imum differential pressure of a transonic transport categor# airplane is appro"imatel#: 021 The pneumatic ice protection s#stem is mainl# used for: 021 @hat is the purpose of the pack cooling fans in the air conditioning s#stemA $utflow valve. The cabin outflow valve. cabin pressure and ambient air pressure. ?000 ft cabin pressure e"pressed as altitude. > * 8 psi %irflow leaving the cabin. Domanda RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD )ull# closed until the cabin descends to a selected altitude. direct pressurisation air to the flotation bags. (abin inlet airflow valve. The engine's bleed valves. C !"# full# closed until the cabin climbs %t the pre*set position for take*off. to a selected altitude. achieve rapid depressurisation. open the outflow valve(s . %ir c#cle machine. The cabin inlet airflow. cockpit and passenger cabin. ;000 ft difference in height between the cabin floor and ceiling. = * 9 psi %irflow entering the cabin. %ir conditioning pack. The engine's R!:.

cabin pressure and ambient air pressure actual cabin pressure and selected at :27. pressure. <000 ft 10000 ft flight level the aircraft is fl#ing at. 1= * 19 psi R!: of the engine. flight level altitude at ma"imum differential pressure. 22 psi &leed air valve. Degative cabin differential pressure at ma"imum operating ceiling. the pressure differential between the air entering and leaving the cabin. is not possible at constant airplane altitudes. 19.9 psi engine intakes. (ooling of the %!6 compartment.

!ositive cabin differential pressure at Degative differential pressure at !ositive cabin differential pressure at ma"imum cabin altitude. ma"imum cabin altitude. ma"imum operating ceiling. cabin pressure minus ambient pressure. appro"imatel# 9 psi at ma"imum. appro"imatel# 19 psi at ma"imum. results in a cabin pressure increase. 8.0 psi wings. is alwa#s the same as the airplane's results in a cabin pressure decrease. rate of descent. =.9 psi 1=.9 psi pitot tubes. 2uppl#ing the heat e"changers with cooling air during cruise flight. piston compressors. propellers. 2uppl#ing the !assenger 2ervice 6nit (!26 with fresh air. ram air intakes. the low pressure compressor.

2uppl#ing the heat e"changers with cooling air during slow flights and ground operation. 021 'n flight+ the cabin air for modern airplanes with 0et engines is usuall# supplied b#: engine compressors. 021 (abin air for modern aircraft is usuall# taken from:

single radial compressors. the high pressure compressor.

021 'n an aircraft air conditioning s#stem the air cannot be treated for: 021 $n modern transport aircraft+ cockpit windows are protected against icing b#: 021 ,enerall#+ for large aeroplanes+ electrical heating for ice protection is used on: 021 $n most transport aircraft+ the low pressure pumps of the fuel s#stem are:

the low pressure compressor and from the second fan stage. the high pressure compressor if necessar#. humidit#. purit#. /lectric heating. !itot tubes. 5in#l coating. /levator leading edges.

pressure. %nti*icing fluid. 2lat leading edges. mechanicall# driven b# the engine's accessor# gearbo". ease low pressure pumps work b# increasing fuel fluidit#. 2? 5 -( =000 to 9000 psi

temperature. Rain repellent s#stem. )in leading edges. removable onl# after the associated tank has been emptied. prevent fuel from free.ing in fuel pipes due to low temperatures at high altitude. 119 5 -( =00 to 900 psi

centrifugal pumps+ driven b# an electric electro*mechanical wobble pumps+ motor. with self*regulated pressure. 021 The fuel suppl# s#stem on a 0et engine includes a fuel heating device+ upstream of prevent+ at low fuel temperature+ the maintain and improve fuel heating the main fuel filter so as to: risk of ice formation from water power. contained in the fuel. 021 $n most transport 0et aircraft+ the low pressure pumps of the fuel s#stem are 119 5 %( 2? 5 %( supplied with electric power of the following t#pe: 021 The pressure usuall# produced b# the &oost !umps (&! of the fuel suppl# s#stem 20 to 90 psi 9 to 10 psi of a large 0et transport airplane is within the following range: 021 'n a fuel s#stem+ the oil to fuel heat e"changer allows: 0et engine oil cooling through thermal fuel cooling so as to prevent e"change with fuel flowing from tanks. vapour creation likel# to unprime no..les. 021 The fuel cross*feed s#stem: allows feeding of an# engine from an# is onl# used to feed an engine from fuel tank. the tank of the opposite wing.

fuel heating as re3uired whenever fuel automatic fuel heating b# the engine oil filter clogging is detected. so as to prevent icing in fuel filter. is onl# used on the ground for fuel transfer from one tank to another. is onl# used in flight for fuel transfer from one tank to another.


sub Domanda 021 (abin air for a large airplane+ during flight: 021 @hen air is compressed for pressuri.ation purposes+ the percentage o"#gen content is: 021 The term BbootstrapB+ when used to identif# a cabin air conditioning and pressurisation s#stem+ refers to the: 021 'n a bootstrap cooling s#stem the suppl# air is first: RispostaA is temperature controlled. unaffected. RispostaB has a constant o"#gen ratio regulated to a preset value. decreased. RispostaC has an increased o"#gen ratio. increased. RispostaD has a reduced o"#gen ratio. C !"#

dependent on the degree of pressurisation. cold air unit (air c#cle machine source of the charge air. means b# which pressurisation is charge air across the inter*cooler heat arrangement. controlled. e"changer. compressed+ then goes through a heat passed across an e"pansion passed across an e"pansion turbine+ compressed+ then passed across an e"changer+ and across an e"pansion turbine+ then compressed and then directl# to the heat e"changer. e"pansion turbine and finall# across a turbine. passed through a heat e"changer. heat e"changer. 021 'n a cabin air conditioning s#stem+ e3uipped with a bootstrap+ the mass air flow is secondar# heat e"changer outlet to the secondar# heat e"changer outlet to turbine outlet of the cold air unit to the compressor outlet of the cold air unit to routed via the: turbine inlet of the cold air unit. the compressor inlet of the cold air primar# heat e"changer inlet. the primar# heat e"changer inlet. unit. 021 /ngine bleed air used for air conditioning and pressuri.ation in turbo*0et compressor section. fan section. turbine section. b#*pass ducting. aeroplanes is usuall# taken from the: 021 The turbine in a cold air unit (air c#cle machine : drives the compressor in the unit+ drives the compressor which increases the pressure of the air suppl# drives the compressor in the unit and creating a temperature drop in the provides pressurisation. to the cabin. causes a pressure increase in the conditioning air. conditioning air. 021 'n large modern aircraft+ in the air conditioning s#stem+ reduction of air an e"pansion turbine. a compressor. a condenser. an evaporator. temperature and pressure is achieved b#: 021 'n a BbootstrapB cooling s#stem+ the charge air is first compressed in the cold air ensure an ade3uate pressure and increase the cabin air suppl# ensure an ade3uate charge air flow maintain a constant cabin mass air flow. unit to: temperature drop across the cooling pressure when the charge pressure across the inter*cooler heat e"changer. turbine. is too low. 021 % turbo*fan cold air unit will: cause a pressure drop as well as an not affect the charge air pressure. increase charge air pressure whilst decrease charge air pressure whilst associated temperature drop in the causing the temperature to drop in the causing the temperature to rise in the charge air. heat e"changer. heat e"changer. 021 The cabin heating suppl# in a heav# 0et transport aircraft is obtained from: hot air coming from the engine's hot air coming from the engine's a fuel heater s#stem. an electrical heater s#stem. compressors. turbines. 021 The pack cooling fan provides: cooling air to the primar# and cooling air to the pre*cooler. air to the e#eball outlets at the cooling air to the primar# and secondar# secondar# heat e"changer during slow !assenger 2ervice 6nit (!26 . heat e"changer during cruise. flight and ground operation. 021 'n flight+ the most commonl# used anti*icing method for the wings of modern Thermal (use of hot air . !h#sicalEchemical (gl#col*based /lectrical (electrical resistances . :echanical (pneumatic source which commercial aircraft fitted with turbo*0et units is: li3uid . acts b# deforming the profiles of the leading edge . 021 @ith regard to the pneumatic mechanical devices which afford protection against The pneumatic mechanical device can The pneumatic mechanical device The pneumatic mechanical device can The inflatable de*ice boots of the the formation of ice+ the onl# correct statement is: onl# be used as a de*icing device. is used a lot on modern aircraft as onl# be used as an anti*icing device. pneumatic mechanical device are it is ine"pensive and eas# to arranged perpendicular to the leading maintain. edges. 021 (oncerning electricall# powered ice protection devices+ the onl# true statement is: on modern aeroplanes+ electricall# on modern aeroplanes+ electrical on modern aeroplanes+ electricall# on modern aeroplanes+ electricall# powered thermal devices are used to power suppl# being available in powered thermal devices are ver# powered thermal devices are used as de* prevent icing on small surfaces (pitot* e"cess+ this s#stem is ver# often efficient+ therefore the# onl# need little icing devices for pitot*tubes+ static ports+ static+ windshield... . used for large surfaces de*icing. energ#. windshield... 021 The elements specificall# protected against icing on transport aircraft are: 1 1+ 2+ ;+ 9 1+ ;+ 9+ > 1+ 2+ 9+ < 1+ 2+ =+ ? engine air intake and pod. 2 front glass shield. = radome. ; pitot tubes and waste water e"haust masts. 9 leading edge of wing. < cabin windows. > trailing edge of wings. ? electronic e3uipment compartment. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The heating facilit# for the windshield of an aircraft is: 6sed on a continual basis as it reduces 4armful to the integrit# of the $nl# used when hot*air demisting is 6sed onl# at low altitudes where there is the thermal gradients which adversel# windows in the event of a bird insufficient. a risk of ice formation. affect the useful life of the components. strike. 021 $n a 0et aircraft fuel heaters are: 7ocated on the engines. 'nstalled in each tank. 'nstalled onl# in the centre tank. not necessar# at all. 021 The automatic fuelling shut off valve: 021 -uring fuelling the automatic fuelling shut off valves will switch off the fuel suppl# s#stem when: stops fuelling as soon as a certain fuel level is reached inside the tank. the fuel has reached a predetermined volume or mass. cuts off the fuel in case of engine fire. fuelling s#stem has reached a certain pressure. stops fuelling as soon as the fuel spills stops fuelling as soon as a certain into the vent line. pressure is reached. the surge vent tank is filled. there is fire.


sub Domanda RispostaA 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*8?0% The diagram shown in anne" represents a after high pressure valve (item ; . 0et fuel s#stem. The fuel*flow measurement is carried out: 021 The purpose of the barometric correction in a fuel controller is to: maintain the correct fuel to air mass ratio when the altitude increases. 021 'f one of the 12 cells of a lead*acid batter# is dead+ the batter#: is unserviceable. 021 @hen the %( generators are connected in parallel+ the reactive loads are balanced energi.ing current. b# means of the: 021 'n a compressor stage of a 0et engine+ the se3uence is: rotor * stator 021 The most common e"tinguishing agent used in gas turbine engine fire protection s#stem is: 021 'n order to produce an alternating voltage of ;00 4.+ the number of pair of poles re3uired in an %( generator running at <000 rpm is: 021 'n a generator+ the (onstant 2peed -rive ((2- : 1* ma# be disconnected from the engine shaft. 2* ma# be disconnected from the generator. =* is a h#dro*mechanical s#stem. ;* is an electronic s#stem. 9* ma# not be disconnected in flight. <* ma# be disconnected in flight. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 % static inverter is a: 021 The main purpose of a (onstant 2peed -rive unit is to: )reon. ; 1+ =+ < RispostaB in the fuel control unit (item = . RispostaC after high pressure pump first stage (item 2 . reduce the fuel to air mass ratio increase the fuel to air mass ratio when when the altitude increases. the altitude increases. has 1E12 less voltage+ but can still has 1E12 less capacit#+ but can still be be used. used. fre3uenc#. voltage. stator * rotor @ater. 2; 1+ 2+ 9 rotor * rotor * stator ($2. 12 2+ =+ ; RispostaD after low pressure valve (item 1 . maintain a constant fuel flow whatever the altitude is. has 1E12 less voltage and less capacit#+ but can still be used. tor3ue of the (onstant 2peed -rive ((2- . stator * stator * rotor !owder. ? 1+ ;+ 9 C !"#

transistori.ed unit used to convert -( into %(. maintain a constant fre3uenc#.

021 @hen a part of a continuous loop fire detection s#stem is heated: 1. its resistance 1+ = decreases. 2. its resistance increases. =. the leakage current increases. ;. the leakage current decreases. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 2tatic dischargers: 1. are used to set all the parts of the airframe to the same 2+;+9. electrical potential 2. are placed on wing and tail tips to facilitate electrical discharge =. are used to reset the electrostatic potential of the aircraft to a value appro"imating 0 volts ;. are located on wing and tail tips to reduce interference with the on*board radio communication s#stems to a minimum 9. limit the risks of transfer of electrical charges between the aircraft and the electrified clouds The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The octane rating of a fuel characterises the: the anti*knock capabilit# 021 The fuel temperature+ at which+ under standard conditions+ the vapour ignites in contact with a flame and e"tinguishes immediatel#+ is the: 021 The t#pe of gate which re3uires all conditions with logic 1 for engagement is: 021 The fre3uenc# which corresponds to a wavelength of 12 cm is: 021 The wavelength of a radio signal transmitted at the fre3uenc# of >9 :4. is: 021 The wavelength of a radio signal transmitted at the fre3uenc# 11?.> :4. is: flash point %D-. 2900 :4.. ; m. 2.9= m.

device for reversing the polarit# of the static charge. take part in the balancing of reactive loads. 2+ =

static discharger. mechanicall# protect the alternator drive shaft during coupling. 1+ ;

filter against radio interference. take part in the voltage regulation. 2+ ;




fuel volatilit# combustion point $R. 2900 k4.. ;0 m. 29.= m. fre3uenc# or load controller. %n e"citation alternator with a permanent magnet generator. 'n series mode. a series wound motor.

3uantit# of heat generated b# its combustion fire point D%D-. =<0 :4.. >.9 m. 2.9= cm. voltage controller. % direct current generator (e"citer d#namo . -ependant on the t#pe of generator. an alternating current motor.

fuel electrical conductivit# self ignition point D$R. =<00 :4.. >9 m. 29.= cm. tor3ue of the (onstant 2peed -rive ((2- . %n e"citation alternator with three*phase generator and revolving diodes. -ependant on the t#pe of engine. the use of rela#s. protects the members of the crew against the effects of accidental depressuri.ation. not able to do an# radio communication.

021 @hen the %( generators are connected in parallel+ the reactive loads are balanced e"citation current. b# means of the: 021 The power re3uired for field e"citation of the main rotor in modern constant* The voltage regulator. fre3uenc# alternators is directl# supplied b#: 021 The alternators+ when connected+ are usuall# connected: 'n parallel mode. 021 %lternating current can be derived from direct current b#: 021 'n a pressuri.ed transport aircraft+ the protective breathing e3uipment: an inverter. protects the members of the crew against smokes and no"ious gases. able to radiotelephone.

021 @hen 3uick donning masks are in use+ the pilot is:

gives medical assistance to certain protects all the occupants against the passengers with respirator# effects of accidental depressuri.ation. disorders. onl# able to receive. onl# able to transmit.


sub Domanda 021 % fault protection circuit in a fire detection s#stem will: RispostaA inhibit the fire detector when the detection line is connected to ground. the fire alarm is triggered. the wiring and the warning are tested. (abin air and o"#gen. RispostaB activate the fire detection s#stem when the detection line is connected to ground. the power suppl# is cut off automaticall#. onl# the warning function is tested. 100F o"#gen. RispostaC RispostaD automaticall# initiate %!6 shutdown activate an alarm in the cockpit and in and fire e"tinguisher striker activation the landing gear ba# for ground crew. in the event of fire. there will be no effect on the s#stem the engine fire e"tinguisher striker is automaticall# activated. a part of the wire is heated. the whole wire is heated. (abin air and o"#gen or 100F o"#gen. % mi"ture of o"#gen and freon gas. 2+ =+ ;. 1+ 2+ ;. C !"#

021 'n a fire detection s#stem with single*loop continuous components (with no fault protection + if the line is accidentall# grounded: 021 @hen a continuous loop wire t#pe fire detection s#stem is tested: 021 @hat is breathed in when using a passenger o"#gen maskA

021 The safet# precautions to be taken whenever using o"#gen are: 1. refrain from 1+ =+ ;. 1+ 2+ =. smoking+ avoid sparks. 2. %void operation of radio communication e3uipment. =. $perate o"#gen s#stem valves slowl#. ;. %void greas# matter. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The accessor# units driven b# the accessor# gearbo" of a turbo*0et engine are the: 1+ ;+ 9+ <+ >. 2+ =+ ;+ 9+ <+ >. 1. tacho*generator D1 2. tacho*generator D2 =. thrust reverser pneumatic motors ;. %( generator and its (onstant 2peed 6nit ((2- 9. oil pumps <. h#draulic pumps >. high pressure fuel pumps The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The correct formula to calculate the multi*c#linder engine displacement is: piston area G piston stroke G number of piston area G piston stroke c#linders 021 @hen changing power on engines e3uipped with constant*speed propeller+ engine increasing the R!: before increasing ad0usting )uel )low before the overload is avoided b#: the manifold pressure. manifold pressure. 021 The pitch angle of a constant*speed propeller increases with increasing true air speed. onl# varies with engine R!:. 021 % propeller blade is twisted+ so as to keep the local %ngle of %ttack constant avoid the appearance of sonic along the blade. phenomena. 021 @hen increasing true airspeed with a constant engine R!:+ the angle of attack of reduces. increases. a fi"ed pitch propeller: 021 @hen T%2 increases+ the pitch angle of a constant speed propeller (R!: and increases. reduces. :%! levers are not moved : 021 The main advantage of a constant speed propeller as compared to a fi"ed pitch high efficienc# in a much wider speed constant efficienc# in the whole propeller is a: range of the aeroplane. speed range of the aeroplane. 021 'n case of engine failure during flight the blades of a constant speed propeller in a move in the lowest pitch position b# move in low pitch position b# oil single engine aeroplane+ not fitted with feathering s#stem the centrifugal force andEor the spring pressure created b# the force . windmilling propeller. 021 )or take*off+ the correct combination of propeller pitch (1 + and propeller lever (1 low (2 forward. (1 low (2 aft. position (2 at brake release is: 021 )or piston engines+ mi"ture ratio is the ratio between the: mass of fuel and mass of air entering volume of fuel and volume of air the c#linder. entering the c#linder. 021 $n modern carburettors+ variations in mi"ture ratios are achieved b# the fuel flow. air flow. ad0ustment of: 021 To ad0ust the mi"ture ratio of a piston engine when altitude increases+ means to: decrease the fuel flow in order to decrease the amount of fuel in the compensate for the decreasing air mi"ture in order to compensate for densit#. the increasing air densit#. 021 @hen appl#ing carburettor heating: the mi"ture becomes richer. a decrease in R!: results from the lean mi"ture. 021 @hen the pilot moves the mi"ture lever of a piston engine towards a lean position amount of fuel entering the combustion volume of air entering the the: chamber is reduced. carburettor is reduced. 021 @hen altitude increases without ad0ustment of the mi"ture ratio+ the piston engine decrease of air densit# for a constant constant air densit# for a bigger performance is affected because of a: 3uantit# of fuel. 3uantit# of fuel. 021 % rich mi"ture setting has to be used during climb segments. This results in a lower c#linder head temperature. higher efficienc#. 021 :a". /"haust ,as Temperature is theoreticall# associated with: 021 )or a given t#pe of oil+ the oil viscosit# depends on the: :ass ratio of 1E19. oil temperature. (ruising mi"ture setting. outside pressure.

2+ ;+ 9+ <.

;+ 9+ <+ >.

c#linder volume G number of c#linders c#linder length G c#linder diameter reducing the R!: before reducing the manifold pressure. decreases with increasing true air speed. decrease the blade tangential velocit# from the blade root to the tip. sta#s constant. first reduces and after a short time increases to its previous value. lower propeller blade stress. move in a certain pitch position depending on windmilling R!:. (1 high (2 aft. volume of fuel and volume of air entering the carburettor. fuel flow and air flow. increase the amount of fuel in the mi"ture to compensate for the decreasing air pressure and densit#. the mi"ture becomes leaner. amount of fuel entering the combustion chamber is increased. increase of air densit# for smaller 3uantit# of fuel. slight loss of power. )ull rich setting. oil pressure. increasing the manifold pressure before increasing the R!:. is independent of the true air speed. allow a higher mechanical stress. sta#s constant because it onl# varies with engine R!:. sta#s constant. higher efficienc# in cruising range. move in the highest pitch position b# the aerod#namic force. (1 high (2 forward. mass of fuel and volume of air entering the carburettor. fuel flow+ air flow and temperature. increase the mi"ture ratio.

no change occurs in the mi"ture ratio. volume of air entering the carburettor is increased. decrease of air densit# for a smaller 3uantit# of fuel. higher tor3ue. :i"ture ratio ver# close to idle cut*out. 3uantit# of oil.


sub Domanda 021 The wing of an aircraft in flight+ powered b# engines located under the wing+ is sub0ected to a bending moment which causes its leading edge+ from the wing root to the wing tip+ to operate in: 021 @hen a persistent undere"citation fault is detected on an %( generator connected to the aircraft mains with another %( generator+ the protection device opens: 021 $n detection of a persistent phase unbalance on an %( generator connected to the aircraft mains+ with another %( generator+ the protection device opens: 021 % static converter is powered b#: RispostaA compression+ then in tension. RispostaB tension+ then in compression. RispostaC tension. compression. RispostaD C !"#

the e"citer control rela#+ the generator the tie breaker. breaker and the tie breaker. the tie breaker. the generator breaker and the tie breaker. direct current on input+ alternating alternating current on input+ current output. alternating current on output. 021 'n an aircraft electrical s#stem where %( generators are not paralleled mounted+ power suppl# to the fault# %( connection of the %( generator to the changeover rela# allows: generators busbar. its distribution busbar. 021 !ulling the fire shutoff handle causes a number of devices to disconnect. 'n respect e"citer control rela# and the generator e"citer control rela# opens. of the %( generator it can be said that the: breaker open. 021 The advantages of grounding the negative pole of the aircraft structure are: 1. 1+ 2+ ; 1+ 2+ = @eight saving 2. /as# fault detection =. 'ncrease of short*circuit risk ;. Reduction of short*circuit risk 9. (ircuits are not single*wired lines The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The speed of an as#nchronous four*pole motor fed at a fre3uenc# of ;00 4ert. is: 12000 revolutions per minute. <000 revolutions per minute. 021 'n the a"ial flow compressor of a turbo*0et engine+ the flow duct is tapered. 'ts shape is calculated so as to: 021 'n the stator of a turbine+ the speed 5 and static pressure !s var# as follows: 021 Regarding fire detection+ 'on detectors are used to detect: maintain a constant a"ial speed in cruising flight. 5 increases+ !s decreases. smoke. maintain a constant a"ial speed whatever the engine rating. 5 decreases+ !s increases. overtemperature. 1+ 2+ =

the generator breaker and the tie breaker. the generator breaker. direct current on input+ direct current on output. connection of the ground power truck to its distribution busbar. generator breaker opens. 2+ =+ 9

the generator control rela# and the generator breaker. the e"citer control rela# and the generator breaker. alternating current on input+ direct current on output. connection of the %u"iliar# !ower 6nit (%!6 to its main busbar. e"citer control rela#+ the generator breaker and the tie breaker open. 1+ =+ 9

?00 revolutions per minute. reduce the a"ial speed in cruising flight. 5 increases+ !s increases. fire. =+ ;

1<00 revolutions per minute. reduce the a"ial speed+ whatever the engine rating. 5 decreases+ !s decreases. overtemperature and fire. 2+ ;

021 /lectrical bonding of an aircraft is used to: 1. protect the aircraft against lightning 1+ =+ ; effects. 2. reset the electrostatic potential of the aircraft to a value appro"imating 0 volt =. reduce radio interference on radio communication s#stems ;. set the aircraft to a single potential The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The /ngine !ressure Ratio (/!R is the ratio of: the total turbine outlet pressure to the total compressor inlet pressure. 021 The wavelength of a non*directional beacon (D-& at a fre3uenc# of =00 k4. is: 021 $n the ground+ the %u"iliar# !ower 6nit (%!6 can be substituted for the: 021 @hen a landing gear wheel is h#droplaning+ its friction factor is e3ual to: 021 The minimum airborne e3uipment re3uired for operation of a the 54) direction finder is a: 021 The 54) $mnirange (5$R uses the following wavelengths: 021 The 'nstrument 7anding 2#stem ('72 uses the following wavelengths: 021 The -istance :easuring /3uipment (-:/ uses the following wavelengths: 021 The 54) direction finder uses the following wavelengths: 021 The high %ltitude Radio %ltimeter uses the following wavelengths: 021 The 7ow %ltitude Radio %ltimeter uses the following wavelengths: 021 The %utomatic -irection )inder uses the following wavelengths: 021 % thermal circuit breaker: 1000 metres.

the total turbine outlet pressure to the total turbine inlet pressure to the the total compressor outlet total compressor inlet pressure. pressure. 100 metres. 10 metres.

the total turbine inlet pressure to the total compressor outlet pressure. 1 metre.

ground power unit+ the starting s#stem+ ground power unit+ the air the air conditioning unit. conditioning unit. 0 1 54) transmitter*receiver operating in the 11? :4. to 1=< :4. range. metric. metric. decimetric. metric. decimetric. centimetric. hectometric or kilometric. protects the s#stem in the event of overheating+ even without e"ceeding the ma"imum permissible current. supplies the aircraft with three*phase 119*200 5+ ;00 4. %(.

ground power unit+ the starting s#stem. ground power unit. 0.1 0.9 cathode*ra# tube. centimetric. centimetric. centimetric. centimetric. m#riametric. metric. centimetric. can be reset without an# danger even if the fault remains. must have the same characteristics as the main %( generator so that it can be

54) compass operating in the 200 54) receiver operating in the 11? k4. to 1>90 k4. range. :4. to 1=< :4. range. hectometric. decimetric. hectometric. hectometric. hectometric. metric. m#riametric. metric. decimetric. metric. decimetric. hectometric. decimetric. decimetric.

021 The %u"iliar# !ower 6nit (%!6 has its own %( generator that:

is a protection s#stem with a 3uick forbids an# overcurrent. break capacit# of about one hundredth of a second. is driven at constant speed through is e"cited b# its ,enerator (ontrol 6nit a (onstant 2peed -rive ((2- + in (,(6 as soon as the %!6 starts up.


sub Domanda RispostaA RispostaB the same wa# as the main %( generator. pink. permits an overcurrent limited in time. =+ ;+ 9. RispostaC RispostaD easil# coupled with the latter. red. is a s#stem with a slow response time. 2+ =+ <. C !"#

021 The colour of a fresh s#nthetic h#draulic fluids is: 021 % magnetic circuit*breaker is:


blue. can be reset without an# danger even when fault remains. 1+ 2+ 9.

a protection s#stem that has a 3uick tripping response. 021 % tubeless t#re is a t#re: 1. which re3uires solid or branched wheels 2. whose valve 1+ 9+ <. can be sheared in sudden accelerations =. whose mounting rim must be flawless ;. which re3uires no rim protection between rim flange and tire removing device 9. which does not burst in the event of a tire puncture <. which eliminates internal friction between the tube and the tire The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The fuselage of an aircraft consists+ among others+ of stringers whose purpose is assist the skin in absorbing the to: longitudinal traction*compression stresses. 021 The conditions to be met to activate a shunt generator are: 1. presence of a 1+ ; permanent field 2. closed electrical circuit =. generator terminals short*circuited ;. minimum rotation speed The combination of correct statements is: 021 The chemical o"#gen generator is a s#stem: 1. which is ine"pensive 2. re3uiring 1+ =+ ; no e"ternal input =. which is lightweight ;. re3uiring no maintenance 9. with ad0ustable flow rate <. which is unsafe The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The compressor surge effect during acceleration is prevented b# the: )uel (ontrol 6nit ().(.6. . 021 (onsider the flight deck o"#gen suppl# s#stem. The purpose of the o"#gen 2+ =+ ;+ 9 regulator (as a function of demand and altitude is to: 1. decrease o"#gen pressure from 1?00 !2' (in the bottles down to about 90*>9 !2' (low pressure s#stem 2. suppl# pure o"#gen =. suppl# diluted o"#gen ;. suppl# o"#gen at normal pressure 9. suppl# o"#gen at emergenc#Epositive pressure <. trigger the continuous cabin altitude warning at 10000 ft cabin altitude The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 % diluter demand o"#gen regulator: delivers o"#gen flow when inhaling. 021 &#*pass turbine engines are mainl# used in commercial aviation+ because:

withstand the shear stresses.

provide sound and thermal isolation.

1+ 2

1+ =

integrate the strains due to pressuri.ation to which the skin is sub0ected and convert them into a tensile stress. 2+ =

2+ =+ <

1+ ;+ <

2+ ;+ 9

inlet guide vanes. =+ ;+ 9+ <

surge bleed valves. 1+ 2+ =+ ;

variable setting t#pe no..le guide vanes. 1+ =+ ;+ <

021 % BHenerB diode is used for:

delivers o"#gen flow onl# above )7 100. at high subsonic airspeeds the# have a twin spool or triple spool 0et better propulsive efficienc# than engines re3uire a high b# pass propeller or straight 0et engines. ratio. voltage stabili.ation. rectification. reverse the polarit# of the motor connections. has a tendenc# to surge in the rear stages. li3uid. 1+ 2+ =+ ;+ 9+ <

is onl# recommended for use with smoke in the cockpit. the# produce less noise.

mi"es air and o"#gen in a passenger o"#gen mask. the# are lighter than straight 0et engines.

reverse current protection. change the connections from shunt to series. has a tendenc# to surge in the centre stages. chemical. 1+ 2+ =+ 9+ <

digital displa#s. connect a phase*shift capacitor to the field circuit. has no tendenc# to surge. chemical or gaseous. 1+ ;+ <

021 To reverse the direction of rotation of shunt*t#pe (parallel field -( electric motor+ reverse the polarit# of either the stator it is necessar# to: and the rotor. 021 &elow its design speed an a"ial compressor: has a tendenc# to surge in the front stages. 021 'n 0et transport aircraft+ breathing o"#gen for the cockpit is stored in the following gaseous. state: 021 The advantages of alternating current on board an aircraft are: 1. simple =+ ;+ 9+ < connection 2. high starting tor3ue =. fle"ibilit# in use ;. lighter weight of e3uipment 9. eas# to convert into direct current <. eas# maintenance of machines The combination of correct statements is: 021 -irect current generators are connected: in parallel to provide ma"imum power. 021 $n board present aircraft+ the batteries used are mainl# (admium*Dickel. Their =+ ;+ 9+ < advantages are: 1. low risk of thermal runawa# 2. high internal resistance+ hence higher power =. good charging and discharging capabilit# at high rating ;. wider permissible temperature range 9. good storage capabilit# <. sturdiness owing to its metal casing >. the electrol#te densit# remains unchanged during charging. The combination of correct statement is:

in series to provide ma"imum power. 1+ 2+ 9+ <+ >

in series to provide ma"imum voltage. in parallel to provide ma"imum voltage. 2+ =+ ;+ 9+ < =+ ;+ <+ >


sub Domanda RispostaA 021 $n detection of a persistent overvoltage fault on an %( generator connected to the the e"citer breaker and the generator aircraft %( busbars+ the on*board protection device opens: breaker. 021 % feeder fault on a direct current circuit results from a flu" unbalance between the: voltage coil and the series winding turn. 021 @hen a persistent top e"citation limit fault on an %( generator connected to the the e"citer breaker+ the generator mains with another %( generator+ the overe"citation protection device opens: breaker and the tie breaker. 021 @hen a persistent over*e"citation fault is detected on onl# one %( generator+ the e"citer breaker and generator breaker. protection device opens the: 021 @hen an underspeed fault is detected on an %( generator connected to the aircraft generator breaker. %( busbar+ the protection device opens the: 021 The voltage regulator of a -( generator is connected in: series with the shunt field coil. 021 $n starting+ in a brushless %( generator with no commutator rings+ the generator is activated b#: 021 The capacit# of an accumulator is: a set of permanent magnets. The 3uantit# of electricit# that the batter# can suppl# during discharge. RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD C !"# the e"citer breaker+ the generator The generator breaker and tie breaker. The generator breaker. breaker and tie breaker. voltage coil and the series winding. generator and the series winding turn. shunt e"citer and the series winding turn. the tie breaker. the e"citer breaker and the generator breaker. e"citer breaker+ generator breaker tie breaker. and tie breaker. e"citer breaker. e"citer breaker and generator breaker. series with the armature. the main field winding. parallel with the shunt field coil. the generator breaker. generator breaker and tie breaker. e"citer breaker+ generator breaker and tie breaker. parallel with the armature. the au"iliar# winding. The intensit# withstood b# the batter# during charging.

021 The purpose of a compressor bleed valve is to prevent surging: 021 7anding gear tor3ue links are used to:

at low compressor rpm.

prevent rotation of the landing gear piston in the oleo strut. 021 2himm# occurs on the nose wheel landing gear during ta"iing when: 1. the wheels 1+ ;. tend to describe a sinusoidal motion on the ground 2. the wheels no longer respond to the pilot's actions This effect is overcome b# means of: =. the tor3ue link ;. a damper associated with the steering c#linder The combination of correct statements is: 021 The illumination of the green landing gear light indicates that the landing gear is: locked*down. 021 % tubeless t#re has: 1* a built*in*air tube. 2* no built*in*air tube. =* a crossed side casing. ;* a radial side casing. The combination of correct statements is: 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*;00?% Reference should be made to the fuel suppl# s#stem shown in anne". 'n flight+ with centre tank empt# and %!6 operating+ a fuel unbalance is detected (3uantit# in tank 1 I 3uantit# in tank 2 . Rebalancing of the two tanks is: 021 %n aircraft with a pressuri.ed cabin is settled at its cruise level. -uring the flight+ a malfunction of the pressure controller is detected b# the crew and the cabin rate indicator reads *200ftEmin. ,iven that: -/7T% !: -ifferential pressure Hc: (abin altitude 021 The function of an accumulator in a h#draulic brake s#stem is: 2+ ;.

the stabili.er winding 0ointl# with the voltage regulator. The number of c#cles (charging The no*load voltage of the batter# and discharging that a batter# can multiplied b# its rated output current. withstand without deterioration of its cells. generated b# foreign ob0ect of the first compressor stages. ingestion. take up the lateral stresses to which prevent the e"tension of the landing the gear is sub0ected. gear oleo strut rod. 1+ =. 2+ ;.

with altitude. maintain the compass heading throughout ta"iing and take*off. 2+ =.

in the re3uired position. 1+ ;.

locked*down and its door is locked. 2+ =.

not in the re3uired position. 1+=.

possible with B(R$22)//-B open and impossible without causing the tank 1 pumps B$))B and tank 2 pumps %!6 to stop. B$DB.

possible with B(R$22)//-B open and impossible because there is no fuel in tank 2 pumps B$))B. centre tank.

-/7T% ! will rise up to its ma"imum % descent must be initiated to The aircraft has to climb to a higher The crew has to intermittentl# cut off the value+ thus causing the safet# relief prevent the o"#gen masks flight level in order to reduce Hc to its incoming air flow in order to maintain a valves to open. dropping when Hc reaches 1;000ft. initial value. .ero Hc. to damp pressure fluctuations of the auto brake s#stem. to store the h#draulic energ# recovered to function as a buffer to assist the b# the anti skid s#stem to prevent h#draulic s#stem during heav# braking. wheel blocking. 5Hc decrease Hc decrease -/7T% ! increase

to suppl# a limited amount of brake energ# in case the h#draulic s#stem normall# powering the brakes does not function an#more. 021 %n aircraft with a pressuri.ed cabin flies at level =10. )ollowing a malfunction of 5Hc increase Hc increase -/7T% ! the pressure controller+ the outflow valve runs to the open position. ,iven: 5Hc: decrease (abin rate of climb indication Hc: (abin pressure altitude -/7T% !: -ifferential pressure This will result in a: 021 (onsider a 0et engine whose control is based on the /ngine !ressure Ratio (/!R : 1+ =. 1. with a constant /!R+ the thrust decreases when the altitude increases 2. with a constant /!R+ the thrust is independent of the :ach number =. %t same environmental conditions+ a given /!R setting maintains the thrust irrespective of engine wear due to ageing. ;. the /!R is determined b# the impact pressure difference between the turbine outlet and the compressor inlet 9. on take*off+ in the event of icing not detected b# the crew+ the indicated /!R is lower than the real /!R The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:

5Hc decrease Hc increase -/7T% 5Hc increase Hc increase -/7T% ! ! decrease increase

2+ =+ ;.

=+ ;+ 9.

1+ 9.


sub Domanda 021 (onsider the variable*pitch propeller of a turbo*prop. -uring deceleration: RispostaA when braking+ the propeller supplies negative thrust and absorbs engine power. 1+ 2+ = RispostaB RispostaC at .ero power+ the propeller thrust when feathered+ the propeller produces is .ero and the engine power thrust and absorbs no engine power. absorbed is nil. 2+ =+ ; 1+ 2+ ; RispostaD C !"# with propeller windmilling+ the thrust is .ero and the propeller supplies engine power. 1+ =+ ;

021 %mong the different t#pes of aircraft structures+ the shell structures efficientl# transmit the: 1. normal bending stresses 2. tangent bending stresses =. torsional moment ;. shear stresses The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 $n a non*stressed skin t#pe wing+ the wing structure elements which take up the the spars. vertical bending moments :" are: 021 The modern anti*skid processes are based on the use of a computer whose input 1+ 2+ ;. data is: 1. idle wheel speed (measured 2. braked wheel speed (measured =. brake temperature (measured ;. desired idle wheel train slipping rate 9. tire pressure The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The purpose of static wick dischargers is to: dissipate static charge of the aircraft in flight thus avoiding radio interference as a result of static electricit#. 021 The t#pe of windings commonl# used in -( starter motors are: series wound. 021 The output of a generator is controlled b#: 021 The rating of electrical fuses is e"pressed in: 021 % rela# is: 021 The voltage of a full# charged lead*acid batter# cell is: 021 &atteries are rated in: 021 't ma# be determined that an aircraft is not properl# bonded if: 021 'n the response curve of an amplifier+ the bandwidth is: var#ing the field strength. amperes. a magneticall# operated switch. 2+2 volts. %mpere hours.

the ribs. 1+ 2+ =+ ;+ 9.

the webs. 2+ ;.

the skin. 1+ =.

dissipate static charge from the aircraft skin after landing. shunt wound. var#ing the speed of the engine. volts.

provide a path to ground for static charges when refuelling. series shunt wound. var#ing the length of wire in the armature windings. watts.

be able to fl# higher because of less electrical friction. compound wound. the reverse current rela# circuit breaker. ohms. a device that is used to increase electrical power. 1+2 volts. $hms. there is heav# corrosion on the fuselage skin mountings. The fre3uenc# band corresponding to ma"imum gain+ increased b# 10 k4. at each end. cruising speed not to be e"ceeded e"cept in still air with caution. speed authori.ed in flight shearing and elongation the cabin sensors onl# modulating the mi" valve.

another name for a solenoid valve. a unit that is used to convert electrical energ# to heat energ#. 1+; volts. 1+? volts. %mperesEvolts. @atts.

static noises can be heard on the radio. a circuit breaker pops out. The fre3uenc# band corresponding to ma"imum gain less = decibels.

there is interference on the 5$R receiver. The fre3uenc# band corresponding The fre3uenc# band corresponding to to ma"imum gain. ma"imum gain less 20 decibels. speed with flaps e"tended in a given position. speed with flaps e"tended in a given position bending an elongation automatic control of the ram air.

021 57$ is the ma"imum: 021 57/ is the ma"imum: 021 )lutter results from two deformation modes which are: 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*;8<0% %utomatic temperature control of the s#stem as shown+ would be accomplished b#: 021 'n a steep turn to the left+ when using spoilers J

speed at which the landing gear can be flight speed with landing gear operated with full safet#. down. flight speed with landing gear down speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safet# torsion and bending torsion and shearing the temperature selector in con0unction with cabin sensors and the temperature regulator+ modulating the mi" valve. The right aileron will descend+ the left one will ascend+ the right spoiler will retract and the left one will e"tend. Ditrogen and a viscous li3uid. % latch located in the landing gear lever. the temperature selector onl# modulating the mi" valve. The right aileron will descend+ the left one will ascend+ the right spoiler will e"tend and the left one will retract. Ditrogen. %n aural warning horn.

The right aileron will ascend+ the left The right aileron will ascend+ the left one one will descend+ the right spoiler will will descend+ the right spoiler will retract e"tend and the left one will retract. and the left one will e"tend. $"#gen. 2prings.

021 @hat is (are the damping element(s in a landing gear shock absorber used on larger aircraftA 021 'n some aircraft+ there is a protection device to avoid the landing gear being inadvertentl# retracted on the ground. 't consists of: 021 The function of the selector valve is to:

021 The component that converts h#draulic pressure into linear motion is called: 021 The aircraft h#draulic s#stem is designed to produce:

communicate s#stem pressure to either select the s#stem to which the side of an actuator. h#draulic pump should suppl# pressure. %n actuator or 0ack. % h#draulic pump. high pressure and large flow. high pressure and small flow.

% warning light which is activated b# % bolt. the @$@ (@eight $n @heels sensor s#stem. automaticall# activate the h#draulic discharge some h#draulic fluid if the s#stem. s#stem pressure is too high. %n accumulator. small pressure and large flow. % !ressure regulator. small pressure and small flow.


sub 021 % rela# is: Domanda RispostaA %n electromagneticall# operated switch. ;00 4.. RispostaB %n electrical securit# switch. 200 4.. RispostaC % switch speciall# designed for %( circuits. 90 4.. RispostaD %n electrical energ# conversion unit. <0 4.. decrease the intensit# of the e"citation current. providing an alternative current. C !"#

021 The most widel# used electrical fre3uenc# in aircraft is:

021 %ssume a constant speed -( generator providing a constant output voltage. 'f the increase the intensit# of the e"citation electrical load increases+ the voltage regulator will: current. 021 The so*called Bhot busesB or Bdirect busesB are: directl# connected to the batter#.

021 'n flight+ if the constant speed drive ((2- temperature indicator is in the red arc the: 021 The reason for using inverters in an electrical s#stem is .. 021 The essential difference between aircraft %( alternators and -( generators (d#namos is that the:

change the direction of the maintain the intensit# of the e"citation e"citation current. current constant. kept in operating conditions b# an automaticall# connected to the batter# electrical resistance in the case of if generators have failed. energ# failure. pilot must disconnect it+ and the pilot can disconnect it to allow it to pilot has to throttle back. generator is not available for the rest of cool and use it again. flight. To change -( into %(. To change the -( voltage. To change %( into -(. induced (output windings of the alternators are fi"ed (stator + and the d#namos have a fi"ed inductor (field coil. %(. check valve. feed ever# engine from an# fuel tank. induced windings of the alternators are rotating (rotor + and the d#namos have a rotar# inductor coil. Three*phase %(. flow control valve. alternators suppl# all of the output current through the commutators and brush assemblies. $nl# induced current. distribution valve.

pilot must disconnect it and manuall# control the alternator. To avoid a short circuit. The alternators generate much less power than -( generators.

021 'n an alternator rotor coil #ou can find: 021 The h#draulic device similar to an electronic diode is a: 021 The cross*feed fuel s#stem is used to:

-(. shutoff valve. automaticall# fill ever# tank up to the desired level. To cool the pumps. electrical resistance change. The abnormal mi"ture enrichment caused b# a greater gasoline vaporisation in the carburettor. feed the fuel control units+ which in0ect the pressuri.ed fuel into the engine. to enable the starting of h#draulic devices. diskette drive screen unit

allow the fuel to be 3uickl# thrown allow the unusable fuel elimination. awa# in case of emergenc# 021 The fuel s#stem boost pumps are submerged in the fuel .. To prime the pumps. &ecause their efficienc# is greater. To shorten the fuel lines+ so minimising the pressure losses. 021 The capacitance t#pe fuel gauging s#stem indicates the fuel 3uantit# b# measuring dielectric change between fuel and air. densit# variation of the fuel. resistivit# variation of the fuel. the: 021 The vapour lock is: % stoppage in a fuel feeding line The e"haust gases obstructions The effect of the water vapour bubbles caused b# a fuel vapour bubble. caused b# an engine overheating. in the induction manifold caused b# the condensation. 021 The fuel s#stem boost pumps are used to: avoid the bubbles accumulation and avoid the bubbles accumulation. feed the lines with fuel for directing it feed the lines with fuel for directing it to the engine at a positive pressure. to the engine at a positive pressure. 021 The purpose of an accumulator in a h#draulic s#stem is: to damp the fluid pressure variations. to eliminate the fluid flow to b#pass the pumps in the h#draulic variations. s#stem. 021 'n computer technolog#+ an input peripheral is a: ke#board printer hard disk drive 021 'n computer technolog#+ a storage peripheral is a: 021 $n an aircraft+ the Krueger flap is a: 021 Torsion in a wing can be caused b# 021 ')ail safe construction' is: hard disk drive leading edge flap !ositive sweep % t#pe of construction in which the load is carried b# other components if a part of the structure fails. high s#stem pressure and low volume flow. b an energ# storage. 2#nthetic fluid. !ressure+ fluid temperature and 3uantit#. Reduction of the brake pressure at the printer trailing edge flap -ihedral % simple and cheap t#pe of construction. medium s#stem pressure and low volume flow. a a fluid storage. :ineral oil based fluid. ke# board

leading edge flap close to the wing root leading edge flap close to the wing tip !ropwash @ing tip vorte"

% t#pe of construction for small aircraft % construction which is suitable for onl#. aerobatic flight. medium s#stem pressure and high volume flow. )igure c a volume storage. 5egetable oil based fluid (caster oil . low s#stem pressure and high volume flow. d a pressure storage. @ater and gl#col based fluid. !ressure and R!: of the h#draulic pump. 'ncrease of the brake pressure at the

021 :a"imum power output and low mass of aeroplane h#draulic s#stems can be achieved with 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*92;?% The h#draulic s#stems which works correctl# is shown in the figure: 021 The accumulator in a h#draulic s#stem works as 021 The t#pe of h#draulic fluid which has the greatest resistance to cavitation is: 021 !arameters to monitor a h#draulic s#stem in the cockpit can be: 021 The working principle of the anti*skid s#stem is:

!ressure and h#draulic pump !ressure and fluid viscosit#. output. Reduction of the brake pressure at 'ncrease of the brake pressure at the


sub RispostaA slower turning wheels. 021 The ice protection s#stem currentl# used for the most modern 0et aeroplanes is the 4ot air s#stem. 021 -uring flight+ the wing anti*ice s#stem has to protect 021 'n 0et aeroplanes the 'thermal anti*ice s#stem' is primaril# supplied b# 021 The de*icing s#stem which is mostl# used for the wings of modern turboprop aeroplanes is: 021 The ice protection for propellers of modern turboprop aeroplanes works 021 % gaseous sensorEresponder tube fire sensor is tested b# 021 2moke detector s#stems are installed in the 021 The indication of the fire detection s#stems is performed b# a: a part of the whole leading edge. bleed air from the engines. !neumatic boots. electricall#. heating up the sensor with test power connection. upper cargo compartments (class / . Domanda RispostaB the faster turning wheels. !neumatic s#stem with e"pandable boots. the whole upper wing surface and the flaps. turbo compressors. /lectrical heating. pneumaticall#. checking the continuit# of the s#stem with a test switch. wheel wells. warning bell. (hemical compound. o"#gen becomes unusable for the passengers. deliver o"#gen flow onl# above )7 100. switching the diluter demand regulator $D. 100 F o"#gen. RispostaC faster turning wheels. 7i3uid de*icing s#stem. slats and the leading edge flaps onl#. ram air+ heated via a heat e"changer. Thermal anti*icing. with hot air. checking the wiring harness for faults but not the sensor. engine nacelles. warning light. 7i3uid. RispostaD slower turning wheels. /lectrical de*icing s#stem. the whole leading edge and the whole upper wing surface. the %!6. )luid de*icing. with anti*icing fluid. checking the sensor with pressuri.ed gas. fuel tanks. gear warning. ,aseous or chemical compound. C !"#

warning light and a warning bell (or aural alert . 021 The state in which the breathing o"#gen for the cockpit of 0et transport aeroplanes ,aseous. is stored is: 021 'f the ma"imum operating pressure of the o"#gen s#stem is e"ceeded the: o"#gen is discharged overboard via a safet# plug. 021 The purpose of a diluter demand regulator in an o"#gen s#stem is to: deliver o"#gen flow when inhaling.

passenger o"#gen masks will drop o"#gen bottles will e"plode. down. is onl# recommended with smoke in the mi" air and o"#gen in a passenger cockpit. o"#gen mask. 021 The built*in passenger o"#gen s#stem be activated b#: switching the passenger o"#gen $D. opening the o"#gen*bottle valves. switching the diluter demand regulator and the passenger o"#gen $D. 021 The passenger o"#gen mask will suppl#: a mi"ture of cabin air and o"#gen. a mi"ture of compressed air and a mi"ture of o"#gen and freon gas. o"#gen or 100 F o"#gen. 021 The useful work area in an ideal $tto engine indicator diagram is enclosed b# the 2 adiabatic and 2 isochoric lines. 2 adiabatic and 1 isothermic lines. 2 adiabatic and 2 isobaric lines. 2 adiabatic+ 1 isochoric and 1 isobaric following gas state change lines lines. 021 'gnition occurs in each c#linder of a four stroke engine (T-( L Top -ead (entre : before T-( at each second crankshaft before T-( at each crankshaft behind T-( at each crankshaft behind T-( at each second crankshaft revolution. revolution. revolution. revolution. 021 The power output of a piston engine can be calculated b#: Tor3ue times R!:. @ork times velocit#. )orce times distance. !ressure times arm. 021 The power of a piston engine which will be measured b# using a friction brake is: &rake horse power. 021 The tor3ue of an aeroplane engine can be measured at the: )riction horse power. 4eat loss power. 'ndicated horse power. camshaft. temperature. warm and dr# air at high pressure. leaner mi"ture at higher altitudes. sta#s constant. a piston compressor. The turbine blades will separate.

gear bo" which is located between the propeller blades. accessor# gear bo". engine and the propeller. 021 The power of a piston engine decreases during a climb with a constant power lever air densit#. engine temperature. humidit#. setting because of the decreasing: 021 The conditions under which #ou obtain the highest engine power are: cold and dr# air at high pressure. warm and humid air at low cold and humid air at high pressure. pressure. 021 The power output of a normall# aspirated piston engine increases with increasing lower back pressure. lower losses during the gas change. lower friction losses. altitude at constant :anifold %ir !ressure (:%! and R!: because of the: 021 -uring climb with constant :anifold %ir !ressure (:%! and R!: indication and increases. decreases. onl# sta#s constant if the speed control constant mi"ture setting+ the power output of a piston engine: lever is pushed forward. 021 The kind of compressor normall# used as a supercharger is: a radial compressor. an a"ial compressor. a h#brid compressor. 021 @hat can be the conse3uence during a descent with a full# open throttle if the waste gate is sei.ed A 021 $ne of the advantages of a turbocharger is: 021 @ith which instrument(s do #ou monitor the power output of an aeroplane fitted with a fi"ed pitch propellerA 021 %n /,T (/"haust ,as Temperature indicator for a piston engine is used to: The manifold air pressure (:%! value ma# e"ceed the ma"imum allowed value. to make the power available less dependent on altitude. R!: indicator. assist the pilot to set the correct mi"ture. The power of the motor will decrease. that is has a better propulsive efficienc#. R!: and )uel )low indicator. control the c#linder head temperature. The turbine shaft will break.

that there is no torsion at the crankshaft. R!: and :%! indicator. control the carburettor inlet air flow.

that there is no danger of detonation. R!: and /,T indicator. control the fuel temperature.


sub Domanda 021 -uring climb with constant throttle and R!: lever setting (mi"ture being constant the: 021 The conditions which can cause knocking are: RispostaA :anifold %ir !ressure (:%! decreases. 4igh manifold pressure and low revolutions per minute. 021 @hich of the following 3ualitative statements about a fi"ed propeller optimi.ed for blade is relativel# high. cruise condition+ is true for the take*off caseA The angle of attack of the propeller: 021 The mechanism to change the propeller blade pitch of modern small piston engine h#draulicall# b# engine oil. aeroplanes is operated 021 @hat will happen to the geometrical pitch angle of a Bconstant speed propellerB if 't will increase the manifold pressure is increased A 021 The 'slipstream effect' of a propeller is most prominent at: low airspeeds with high power setting. 021 %n as#mmetric loading (p*factor on the propeller e"ists .. 021 'n general+ in twin*engine aeroplanes with 'constant speed propeller' 'f the aeroplane has a large angle of attack. the oil pressure turns the propeller blades towards smaller pitch angle. pulling the R!: lever rearwards. crankshaft+ connecting rods and pistons. independent of the electrical s#stem of the aircraft. 4igh tension s#stem. prevents low pressure or overpressure in the tank. before the first flight of the da# or after a long turnaround time. provide additional fuel for an engine start. the resistance of a gas or li3uid to flow. RispostaB R!: decreases. 4igh manifold pressure and high revolutions per minute. blade is relativel# small. h#draulicall# b# h#draulic fluid. 't will increase and after a short time it will be the same again high airspeeds with low power setting. 'f there is an unbalanced propeller. the aerod#namic force turns the propeller blades towards higher pitch angle. pushing the R!: lever forwards. propeller+ crankshaft+ pistons and connecting rods. dependent on the batter#. 7ow tension s#stem. RispostaC :anifold %ir !ressure (:%! increases. 7ow manifold pressure and high revolutions per minute. airfoil section is negative. b# an electrical actuator. RispostaD R!: increases. 7ow manifold pressure and high fuel flow. blades reduces to .ero. b# a mechanical linkage. C !"#

't will decrease so that the engine can 't will remain the same increase high airspeeds with high power setting. low airspeeds with low power setting. $nl# for counterrotating propeller the spring force turns the propeller blades towards smaller pitch angle. pushing the power lever forwards. $nl# if the 'constant speed propeller' mechanism is broken. the oil pressure turns the propeller blades towards higher pitch angle. pulling the power levers rearwards.

021 'n modern aircraft+ a pilot can actuate the feather s#stem b#: 021 The crank assembl# consists of 021 'gnition s#stems of piston engines are: 021 The ignition s#stem generall# used for small aircrafts is a: 021 The ventilation s#stem in a fuel tank: 021 The fuel tanks of aircrafts must be checked for water 021 The task of the primer pump is to 021 5iscosit# is 021 The purpose of the blow*in*doors at the air inlets is to:

(rankcase+ crankshaft+ connecting rods crankshaft+ camshaft+ valves+ valve and pistons. springs and push rods. dependent on the -(*,enerator. dependent on the %(*,enerator. &atter# ignition s#stem. 4igh intensit# s#stem. prevents vapour lock in the fuel lines. before each flight. in0ect additional fuel during engine acceleration. the flow velocit# inside the oil lines. serve to increase the relative velocit# at the first compressor stage. thickness of the ionosphere ducting engine r.p.m. e"haust diskette drive

can be used to drain the tanks+ for 't prevents a surge in the tank of an dail# checks. iced aeroplane. immediatel# after ever# refuelling. during refuelling. to serve as main suppl# pump in a fuel in0ection s#stem. 5iscosit# is the pressure resistance of an oil. feed cooling air to the engine cowling.

021 2kip distance is the: 021 % radio signal looses strength as range from the transmitter increases+ this is called: 021 $n four*stroke piston engines+ the theoretical valve and ignition settings are read0usted in order to increase the: 021 'n a four*stroke piston engine+ the onl# BdrivingB stroke is: 021 'n computer technolog#+ an output peripheral is a: 021 The skip .one of 4)*transmission will increase when the following change in circumstance occurs: 021 )i"ed*pitch propellers are usuall# designed for ma"imum efficienc# at: 021 'f the ground wire between the magnetos and the ignition switch becomes disconnected the most noticeable result will be that: 021 )or internal cooling+ reciprocating engines are especiall# dependent on:

serve as an alternate pump in case of an engine driven pump failure. the temperature dependence of an oil. provide the engine with additional air at provide the engine with additional high power settings and low air speeds. air at high power settings at cruising speed. range from the transmitter to the first highest critical fre3uenc# distance sk# wave attenuation refraction overall efficienc# firing*e"pansion screen unit 4igher fre3uenc# and higher position of the reflecting ionospheric la#er cruising speed compression ratio intake ke#board 7ower fre3uenc# and higher position of the reflecting ionospheric la#er idling

wavelength distance of a certain fre3uenc# propagation piston displacement compression hard disk drive

4igher fre3uenc# and lower position of 7ower fre3uenc# and lower position of the reflecting ionospheric la#er the reflecting ionospheric la#er full throttle the engine cannot be started with the ignition switch in the B$DB position a properl# functioning thermostat take*off the power developed b# the engine will be strongl# reduced a lean fuelEair mi"ture

the engine cannot be shut down b# a still operating engine will run turning the ignition switch to the B$))B down position the circulation of lubricating oil a rich fuelEair mi"ture


sub Domanda 021 'n order to get the optimum efficienc# of a piston engine+ the positions of the intake and e"haust valve at the end of the power stroke are: 021 The main purpose of the mi"ture control is to: 021 'n which sections of the carburettor would icing most likel# occurA 021 The operating principle of float*t#pe carburettors is based on the: RispostaA both valves open. ad0ust the fuel flow to obtain the correct fuelEair ratio. venturi and the throttle valve RispostaB intake valve closed and e"haust valve open. decrease the air supplied to the engine. float chamber and fuel inlet filter RispostaC both valves closed. RispostaD C !"# e"haust valve closed and intake valve open. increase the o"#gen supplied to the decrease the o"#gen supplied to the engine. engine. accelerator pump and main metering 0et main air bleed and main discharge no..le

difference in air pressure at the venturi automatic metering of air at the increase in air velocit# in the throat of a measurement of the fuel flow into the throat and the air inlet venturi as the aircraft gains altitude venturi causing an increase in air induction s#stem pressure 021 'n an engine e3uipped with a float*t#pe carburettor+ the low temperature that vapori.ation of fuel and e"pansion of free.ing temperature of the air compression of air at the carburettor low volatilit# of aviation fuel causes carburettor ice is normall# the result of: the air in the carburettor entering the carburettor venturi 021 )uelEair ratio is the ratio between the: mass of fuel and mass of air entering volume of fuel and volume of air volume of fuel and volume of air mass of fuel and mass of air entering the the c#linder. entering the carburettor. entering the c#linder. carburettor 021 @hich statement is correct concerning the effect of the application of carburettor The densit# of the air entering the The volume of air entering the The densit# of the air entering the The volume of air entering the heatA carburettor is reduced+ thus enriching carburettor is reduced+ thus leaning carburettor is reduced+ thus leaning the carburettor is reduced+ thus enriching the the fuelEair mi"ture. the fuelEair mi"ture. fuelEair mi"ture. fuelEair mi"ture. 021 The octane rating of a fuel and compression ratio of a piston engine have which of the higher the octane rating is+ the the lower the octane rating is+ the the higher the octane rating is+ the compression ratio is independent of the the following relationsA higher the possible compression ratio is higher the possible compression lower the possible compression ratio is. octane rating. ratio is 021 5apour lock is: vapori.ing of fuel prior to reaching the the formation of water vapour in a vapori.ing of fuel in the carburettor the inabilit# of a fuel to vapori.e in the carburettor fuel s#stem carburettor 021 'n addition to the fire ha.ard introduced+ e"cessive priming should be avoided it washes the lubricant of c#linder walls it fouls the spark plugs it drains the carburettor float chamber the gasoline dilutes the oil and because: necessitates changing oil 021 The primar# purpose of a supercharger is to: maintain power at altitude increase 3uantit# of fuel at provide leaner mi"tures at altitudes provide a richer mi"ture at high altitudes metering 0et below 9000 ft 021 %n e"cessivel# rich mi"ture can be detected b#: black smoke from e"haust. high c#linder head temperatures white smoke from e"haust. a long purple flame from e"haust. 021 % manifold pressure gauge of a piston engine measures: 021 % piston engine compression ratio is the ratio of the: 021 !re*ignition refers to the condition that ma# arise when: absolute pressure in intake s#stem near absolute air pressure entering the the inlet valve. carburettor. total volume to the clearance volume. clearance volume to the swept volume. the mi"ture is ignited b# abnormal the mi"ture is ignited before the conditions within the c#linder before piston has reached top dead centre. the spark occurs at the plug weak mi"ture. rich mi"ture. ma"imum power. fuel pressure leaving the carburettor. total volume to the swept volume. vacuum in the carburettor. swept volume to the clearance volume.

a rich mi"ture is ignited b# the sparking the sparking plug ignites the mi"ture too plugs. earl#. low barometric pressure. take*off power. high barometric pressure. critical power.

021 $verheating of a piston engine is likel# to result from an e"cessivel#:

021 The ma"imum power output which can be obtained from an engine when it is rated power. operated at specified rpm and manifold pressure conditions established as safe for continuous operation is termed: 021 % fuel strainer when fitted to a carburettor will be positioned: upstream of the needle valve. 021 The working c#cle of a four*stroke engine is: 021 2pecific fuel consumption is defined as the: induction+ compression+ power+ e"haust. mass of fuel re3uired to produce unit power for unit time. correct for variations in the fuelEair ratio due to decreased air densit# at altitude. control the primar# circuit of the magneto from a self*contained electro*magnetic induction s#stem. manifold pressure decreases as the aircraft climbs at a fi"ed throttle

between the needle valve and the metering 0et. induction+ power+ compression+ e"haust. designed fuel consumption for a given rpm. prevent a weak cut when the throttle is opened rapidl# at altitude. connect the secondar# coil to the distributor from the booster coil.

021 'n a piston engine+ the purpose of an altitude mi"ture control is to:

021 The purpose of an ignition switch is to: 021 6nder normal running conditions a magneto draws primar# current: 021 $n a normall# aspirated aero*engine fitted with a fi"ed pitch propeller:

between the metering 0et and the downstream of the discharge no..le. discharge no..le. compression induction+ power+ e"haust. induction+ compression+ e"pansion+ power. 3uantit# of fuel re3uired to run the ma"imum fuel consumption of the engine for one minute at ma"imum aircraft. operating conditions. weaken the mi"ture strength because of enrich the mi"ture strength due to reduced e"haust back pressure at decreased air densit# at altitude. altitude. connect the batter# to the magneto connect the contact breaker and condenser in series with the primar# coil directl# from the aircraft batteries. from the aircraft batteries via an inverter. in a descent at a fi"ed throttle setting manifold pressure will alwa#s remain

the propeller setting is constant at in level flight+ manifold pressure will all indicated airspeeds. remain constant when the rpm is


sub Domanda 021 The air in a piston engine turbo*supercharger centrifugal compressor: RispostaA setting. enters the e#e of the impeller and leaves at a tangent to the peripher#. RispostaC increased b# opening the throttle. enters via the diffuser and is fed to enters at the peripher# and leaves via the impeller at the optimum angle the e#e of the impeller. of attack. a manifold pressure gauge onl#. a c#linder head temperature gauge both a (4T gauge and manifold ((4T + a manifold pressure gauge+ pressure gauge. and engine rpm readings. 0et pipe pressure to compressor inlet 0et pipe pressure to combustion combustion chamber pressure to pressure. chamber pressure. compressor inlet pressure. within the combustion chamber. across the turbine. in the cooling airflow around the flame tube. pressure rises and velocit# falls. pressure rises at a constant velocit#+ pressure and temperature rise. velocit#. the low pressure turbine. the high pressure compressor the high pressure turbine. through reduction gearing. there is no mechanical connection its shaft ma# be connected to either the air enters the compressor via the between the compressor and the power a compressor or another turbine. input turbine. output shaft. the greater part of the thrust. half the thrust. the lesser part of the thrust. will be unchanged. RispostaB RispostaD C !"# constant. enters at a tangent to the rotor and leaves via the stator. both engine rpm readings and a manifold pressure gauge. compressor outlet pressure to compressor inlet pressure. at the entr# to the e"haust unit. velocit# rises and pressure falls. airflow drawn across it b# the high pressure compressor. the compressor and power output shaft are mechanicall# connected. none of the thrust.

021 'n a piston engine+ turbocharger boost pressure ma# be monitored b#:

021 %n engine pressure ratio (/!R gauge reading normall# shows the ratio of: 021 'n a gas turbine engine+ the ma"imum gas temperature is attained: 021 The diffuser in a centrifugal compressor is a device in which the: 021 % BfanB stage of a ducted*fan turbine engine is driven b#: 021 'n a free turbine engine:

021 The fan in a high b#*pass ratio turbo*0et engine produces:

021 %t constant fuel flow+ if engine compressor air is bled off for engine anti*icing or a will rise. similar s#stem+ the turbine temperature:

021 The reason for having a low pressure fuel*cooled oil cooler in a recirculator# t#pe cool the oil and heat the fuel. cool the oil onl#. oil s#stem is to: 021 % Bhung startB is the failure of an engine to accelerate to its normal idle speed. 't an attempt to ignite the fuel before the compressor surging. ma# be caused b#: engine has been accelerated sufficientl# b# the starter. 021 % reverse thrust door warning light on the flight deck instrument panel illuminates the reverser doors are unlocked. when: 021 The compression ratio of a piston engine is the ratio of the: volume of the c#linder with the piston at bottom dead centre to that with the piston at top dead centre. 021 !rolonged running at low rpm can have an adverse effect on the functioning of the: sparking plugs. 021 The purpose of the venturi in a carburettor is to: create the suction necessar# to cause fuel to flow through the carburettor 0ets. var#ing the fuel suppl# to the main discharge tube. the reverser doors are locked. diameter of the bore to the piston stroke. carburettor.

ma# rise or fall depending on which will fall. stage of the compressor is used for the bleed and the rpm of the engine at the moment of selection. cool both the oil and the fuel. heat the fuel onl#. the starter cutting out earl# in the starting se3uence before the engine has accelerated to the re3uired rpm for ignition. reverse has been selected but the doors have remained locked. area of the piston to the c#linder volume. oil pump. failure of the fuel to ignite in the starting se3uence after the engine has been accelerated to the re3uired rpm b# the starter. the reverser doors have moved to the reverse thrust position. weight of the air induced to its weight after compression. fuel filter.

021 The mi"ture control for a carburettor achieves its control b#:

021 The purpose of a distributor in an ignition s#stem is to distribute:

prevent enrichment of the mi"ture due to high air velocit# through the carburettor. moving the butterfl# valve through a separate linkage to the main throttle control. secondar# current to the sparking plugs. primar# current to the condenser. distributor arm aligning with one of the high tension segments. difference between the pressure pump pressure and the scavenge pump pressure. an electric motor. compressor and turbine on individual shafts. independent of turbine rpm.

ensure complete atomisation of the fuel create a rise in pressure at the throat before entering the in0ection s#stem. before the mi"ture enters the induction s#stem. altering the depression on the main var#ing the air suppl# to the main discharge tube. discharge tube. secondar# current to the condenser. contact breaker points closing. pressure in the oil tank reservoir. primar# current to the sparking plugs. rotor turning past the position of ma"imum flu" in the armature. pressure of the oil on the inlet side of the pressure pump. an electricall# activated h#draulicall# powered clutch. turbine driving a compressor via a reduction gear. less than turbine rpm.

021 The ver# rapid magnetic field changes (flu" around the primar# coil in a magneto contact breaker points opening. are accomplished b# the: 021 The reading on the oil pressure gauge is the: pressure of the oil on the outlet side of the pressure pump. 021 % turbocharger s#stem is normall# driven b#: 021 % turbocharger consists of a: 021 'n a single spool gas turbine engine+ the compressor rpm is: the e"haust s#stem. compressor and turbine mounted on a common shaft. the same as turbine rpm.

an h#draulic motor. compressor driving a turbine via a reduction gear. greater than turbine rpm.


sub Domanda 021 @hen the combustion gases pass through a turbine the: 021 )or a turbine engine+ the term self*sustaining speed relates to the speed at which the engine: 021 The primar# reason for a limitation being imposed on the temperature of gas flow is to: RispostaA pressure drops. RispostaB pressure rises. is designed to idle after starting. prevent damage to the 0et pipe from overheating. oil pressure. RispostaC velocit# decreases. RispostaD temperature increases. C !"# will run without an# e"ternal assistance. ensure that the ma"imum acceptable temperature at the turbine blades is not e"ceeded. 021 'n a gas turbine engine+ compressor blades+ which are not rigidl# fi"ed in position the resultant of aerod#namic and when the engine is stationar#+ take up a rigid position when the engine is running centrifugal forces. due to: 021 'f air is tapped from a gas turbine 4! compressor+ the effect on the engine pressure /!R decreases and /,T increases. ratio (/!R and the e"haust gas temperature (/,T is that: 021 The primar# purpose of the bleed valves fitted to a"ial flow compressors is to: reduce the likelihood of compressor stall. 021 Turbine blade stages ma# be classed as either BimpulseB or BreactionB. 'n an the pressure drops across the no..le impulse blade section: guide vanes and remains constant across the rotor blades. 021 The capacit# of a batter# is e"pressed in terms of: ampere*hours. 021 % test to assess the state of charge of a lead*acid batter# would involve: comparing the Bon*loadB and Boff*loadB batter# voltages. 021 @hen an Bopen circuitB occurs in an electrical suppl# s#stem+ the: loss of continuit# will prevent its working components from functioning. 021 @hen two -( generators are operating in parallel+ control of load sharing is an e3ualising circuit which+ in achieved b#: con0unction with the voltage regulators+ varies the field e"citation current of the generators. 021 The services connected to a suppl# bus*bar are normall# in: parallel+ so that isolating individual loads decreases the bus*bar current consumption. 021 'n an aircraft e3uipped with a -( main power s#stem+ %( for instrument operation an inverter. ma# be obtained from: 021 'f a current is passed through a conductor which is positioned in a magnetic field: a force will be e"erted on the conductor. 021 The moving part in an %( generator is usuall# referred to as the: rotor. 021 The function of a constant speed drive ((2- in an %( generating s#stem is to: operates most efficientl# in the cruise.. will enable the generators to suppl# bus* bar voltage. prevent overheating and subse3uent ensure that the ma"imum acceptable creep of the no..le guide vanes. temperature within the combustion chamber is not e"ceeded. thermal e"pansion. blade creep.

both /!R and /,T decrease.

/!R decreases and /,T remains /!R remains constant and /,T constant. increases. control the acceleration time of the spill compressor air should the engine enable an e"ternal air suppl# to spin up engine. overspeed thus controlling the speed. the compressor for engine starting. the pressure rises across the no..le the pressure remains constant across the pressure remains constant across the guide vanes and remains constant the no..le guide vanes and drops across no..le guide vanes and rises constant across the rotor blades. the rotor blades. across the rotor blades. volts. watts. internal resistance. checking the level of the checking the discharge current of the electrol#te. batter# Bon*loadB. fuse or (& should isolate the component will operate normall#+ but circuit due to e"cess current drawn. will not switch off. an e3ualising circuit which+ in turn+ carr#ing out s#stematic load*shedding controls the speed of the procedures. generators. series+ so that isolating one load increases the bus*bar current consumption. a rectifier. the current will increase. stator. parallel+ so that isolation of loads decreases the bus*bar voltage. a contactor. there will be no effect unless the conductor is moved. oscillator. checking the batter# voltage Boff*loadB. load as indicated b# the ammeter will increase. the s#nchronous bus*bar.

series+ so that isolation of loads increases the bus*bar voltage. a TR6. the intensit# of the magnetic field will decrease. slip ring.

021 'f two constant fre3uenc# %( generators are operating independentl#+ then the phase relation between both generators: 021 To ensure correct load sharing between %( generators operating in parallel: 021 % bus*bar is: 021 % (2- of an %( generator ma# be disconnected in flight. The primar# reason(s for disconnection are: 021 % (2- unit which has been disconnected in flight: 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021* <<<0% The logic s#mbol shown represents (assuming positive logic : 021 &ecause of the inputEoutput relationship of an $R gate+ it is often referred to as the: 021 @hen carr#ing out batter# condition check using the aircraft's voltmeter:

drive the generator at a constant speed. var# generator rpm in order to directl# maintain a constant proportion var# the engine rpm (within limits to compensate for various %( loads. between the rpm of an engine and a compensate for various %( loads. generator. is unimportant. must be s#nchronised. must be 120M out of phase. must be 2;0M out of phase. both real an reactive loads must be the matching of loads is matched. unimportant. a distribution point for electrical power. a device permitting operation of two or more switches together. low oil pressure andEor high oil e"cessive variation of voltage and temperature of the generator drive. k5%R. ma# be reset on the ground onl#+ after ma# be reset in flight using the engine shut*down. reset mechanism. an 'D5/RT or D$T gate. a D%D- gate. Ban# or allB gate. BinhibitedB or BnegatedB gate. onl# reactive loads need to be matched. onl# real loads need to be matched. the stator of a moving coil instrument. a device which ma# onl# be used in -( circuits. illumination of the (2- disconnect slight variation about the normal warning light. operating fre3uenc#. automaticall# resets in flight providing automaticall# resets at engine shut*down. engine rpm is below a given value. a D$R gate. an /N(762'5/ gate. Bstate indicatorB gate. the batter# should be isolated. Ball or nothingB gate. the load condition is unimportant.

a load should be applied to the batter# no load should be applied to the in order to give a better indication of batter# because it would depress


sub RispostaA condition. 021 (onnecting two 12 volt ;0 ampere*hour capacit# batteries in series will result in a 2; volts+ ;0 ampere*hours. total voltage and capacit# respectivel# of: 021 @hen a conductor cuts the flu" of a magnetic field: an electromotive force (/:) is induced in the conductor. 021 'n order that -( generators will achieve e3ual load sharing when operating in their voltages are almost e3ual. parallel+ it is necessar# to ensure that: 021 The purpose of a voltage regulator is to control the output voltage of the: 021 % current limiter fuse in a -( generation s#stem is used to: 021 The purpose of bonding the metallic parts of an aircraft is to: 021 % = phase %( generator has = separate stator windings spaced at: 021 $n the flight deck+ an oil operated (2- unit is normall# provided with means of monitoring the: 021 %n %( generator driven b# a (2- unit: Domanda RispostaB the voltage. 12 volts+ ;0 ampere*hours. RispostaC 2; volts+ ?0 ampere*hours. the field will collapse. e3ual loads are connected to each generator busbar before paralleling. RispostaD 12 volts+ ?0 ampere*hours. current will flow in accordance with )lemings left hand rule. ade3uate voltage differences e"ists. C !"#

there will be no effect on the conductor. the s#nchronising bus*bar is disconnected from the busbar s#stem. generator at var#ing loads and speeds. batteries at var#ing loads. allow a short term overload before rupturing. provide safe distribution of electrical charges and currents. 120M. oil over*temperature and low oil pressure. re3uires a voltage controller to maintain constant voltage under load. provided the engine is running. is unimportant. voltage and fre3uenc#. k5% and k5%R.

generators at var#ing speeds and the batteries at var#ing loads. limit the current in the field circuit. instantaneousl# rupture to limit the current in the load. provide a single earth for electrical prevent electrol#tic corrosion between devices. mating surfaces of similar metals. <0M. ;9M. oil temperature and s#nchronous speed. does not need a voltage controller since the (2- will ensure constant voltage. at flight idle engine rpm onl#. must be s#nchronous. amperage and k5%R. volts and amperes. output fre3uenc# is too high. be .ero. controlling the generator field current. static inverter. a static inverter. output speed and oil pressure. does not need a voltage controller since an %( generator voltage cannot alter under load. when the %( generator voltage is outside limits. must be in opposition. voltage and amperage. volts and kilowatts. voltage regulator is out of ad0ustment. decrease.

output of the TR6. limit the current in the armature. isolate all components electricall#. 80M. low oil temperature and low oil 3uantit#. re3uires a voltage controller to maintain constant fre3uenc#. on the ground onl#. must be 80M out of s#nchronisation. fre3uenc# and amperage. amperes and kilowatts. output fre3uenc# is too low. remain the same.

021 %ssuming a (2- fault is indicated+ the (2- should be disconnected: 021 @hen operating two %( generators unparalleled+ the phase relationship of each generator: 021 @hen %( generators are operated in parallel+ the# must be of the same: 021 The measured output power components of a constant fre3uenc# %( s#stem are: 021 B)re3uenc# wildB in relation to a %( generation s#stem means the generator:

output fre3uenc# varies with engine speed. 021 'f the fre3uenc# of the suppl# in a series capacitive circuit is increased+ the current increase. flowing in the circuit will: 021 Real load sharing in a parallel %( s#stem is achieved b#: automatic ad0ustment of the tor3ue on each generator rotor via the (2- unit. 021 'n an aeroplane utilising a constant fre3uenc# %( power suppl#+ -( power is Transformer Rectifier 6nit. obtained from a: 021 $n an aeroplane utilising %( as primar# power supplies+ the batteries are charged a Transformer Rectifier 6nit. in flight from: 021 @hich of the following statements+ relating to the application of $hm's 7aw+ is the (urrent in a circuit is directl# most correctA proportional to the applied electromotive force. 021 @hen a batter# is almost full# discharged there is a tendenc# for the: voltage to decrease under load.

carefull# selecting the number of loads monitoring the k5%R of each on the bus*bars at an# one time. generatorEalternator. = phase current transformer unit. rotar# converter. a -( transformer and rectifier. the %( bus via current limiters. current in a circuit is inversel# proportional to the electromotive force. electrol#te to BboilB. indicates a fault# reverse current rela#.

The current in a circuit is directl# power in the circuit is inversel# proportional to the resistance of the proportional to the s3uare of the circuit. current. voltage to increase due to the current produced to increase due to the current available. reduced voltage. 021 'mmediatel# after starting engine(s with no other electrical services switched on+ would be normal and is onl# cause for indicates a batter# failure since indicates a generator failure+ thus an ammeter showing a high charge rate to the batter#: concern if the high charge rate persists. there should be no immediate re3uiring the engine to be shut down charge. immediatel#. 021 (ircuit breakers protecting circuits ma# be: used in %( and -( circuits. used onl# in %( circuits. used onl# in -( circuits. 021 % Btrip*freeB t#pe circuit breaker is a circuit protection device which: will not allow the contacts to be held is free from the normal (& tripping can be reset at an# time. closed while a current fault e"ists in the characteristic. circuit. drive the generator at a constant speed. var# the engine rpm (within limits var# generator rpm in order to to compensate for various %( compensate for various %( loads. loads.

reset at an# time. will allow the contacts to be held closed in order to clear a fault in the circuit. directl# maintain a constant proportion between the rpm of engine and generator.

021 The function of a (2- in an %( generating s#stem is to:


sub Domanda 021 The fre3uenc# of an %( generator is dependent on the: 021 &ecause of the inputEoutput relationship of an %D- gate+ it is often referred to as the: 021 The function of a D$T logic gate within a circuit is to: 021 B(onditionedB air is air that has: 021 % cabin pressure controller maintains a pre*set cabin altitude b# regulating the: 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*<>1<% 'n the h#draulic press schematicall# shown+ what balancing )orce would be acting on the right hand side A (The diagram is not to scale 021 %ssuming an accumulator is pre*charged with air to 1000 psi and the h#draulic s#stem is pressurised to 1900 psi+ the accumulator gauge will read: 021 'nternal leakage in a h#draulic s#stem will cause: 021 $n large aeroplanes e3uipped with power brakes+ the main source of power is derived from: 021 )ire precautions to be observed before refuelling are: RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC number of pairs of poles and the speed number of individual poles and the field strength and the speed of the of the moving part. field strength. moving part. Ball or nothingB gate. Ban# or allB gate. Bstate indicatorB gate. invert the input signal such that the output is alwa#s of the opposite state. been controlled in respect of temperature and pressure. position of the outflow valve(s . 100 D. ensure the input signal is %( onl#. ensure the input signal is -( onl#. had an# moisture removed from it. had the o"#gen content increased. mass air flow into the cabin. 1000 D. position of the inward relief valve. 20 D. RispostaD number of individual poles onl#. BinhibitedB or BnegatedB gate. ensure the output signal is of the same state as the input signal. had the o"#gen content reduced. position of the duct relief valve(s . 1 D. C !"#

1900 psi. an increased fluid temperature. the aeroplane's h#draulic s#stem. %ll bonding and connections to the earth terminal between ground e3uipment and the aircraft should be made before filler caps are removed. a possibl# damaging vibration of the nose wheel when moving on the ground. air conditioning and electrical services.

2900 psi. fluid loss. the master c#linders.

1000 psi. a decreased fluid temperature. pressure to the rudder pedals.

900 psi. an increased fluid pressure. the brake actuators.

,round !ower 6nits (,!6 are not !assengers ma# be boarded (traversing %ircraft must be more than 10 metres to be operated. the refuelling .one providing suitable from radar or 4) radio e3uipment under fire e"tinguishers are readil# available. test. the oscillator# movement of the nose wheel when e"tended prior to landing. air conditioning and thrust in the event of engine failure. source of the charge air. the amount of free movement of the aircraft vibration caused b# the nose nose wheel before steering takes effect. wheel upon e"tension of the gear. either air conditioning or electrical services+ but never both at the same time. means b# which pressurisation is controlled. passed across an e"pansion turbine+ then directl# to the heat e"changer. air conditioning and electrical services (on the ground electrical and h#draulic back*up services (in the air . charge air across the inter*cooler heat e"changer. used to increase the cabin air suppl# pressure when the charge pressure is too low. has the abilit# to maintain a constant cabin altitude at all flight altitudes. inward relief valve(s . the pressurisation s#stem must be controlled manuall#. a rate of descent dependent upon the cabin differential pressure. increase as ambient temperature decreases. reduce fluid temperature onl#. ;000 psi.

021 BDose wheel shimm#B ma# be described as:

021 % modern %u"iliar# !ower 6nit (%!6 is designed to provide power for ground starting of an engine. 't also supplies both in the air (sub0ect to certification limitations and on the ground: 021 The term B&ootstrapB+ when used to identif# a cabin air conditioning and pressurisation s#stem+ refers to the: 021 'n a bootstrap cooling s#stem the suppl# air is first:

cold air unit (air c#cle machine arrangement. compressed+ passed through a secondar# heat e"changer+ and then across an e"pansion turbine.

021 The term Bpressure cabinB applies when an aeroplane:

passed across an e"pansion turbine+ then compressed and passed through a secondar# heat e"changer. has the means to maintain cabin is onl# pressurised in the area of pressure higher than ambient pressure. the control cabin.

021 6nder normal flight conditions+ cabin pressure is controlled b#: 021 %ssuming cabin differential pressure has attained the re3uired value in normal flight conditions+ if flight altitude is maintained: 021 %ssuming cabin pressure decreases+ the cabin rate of climb indicator should indicate: 021 -iscounting the possibilit# of a leak+ the level in a h#draulic reservoir will: 021 %n accumulator in a h#draulic s#stem will:

021 %ssuming a h#draulic accumulator is pre*charged with air to 1000 psi. 'f the h#draulic s#stem is then pressurised to its operating pressure of =000 psi+ the indicated pressure on the air side of the accumulator should be: 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*<>=<% The schematic diagram anne"ed a condition of h#draulic lock e"ists and since pressures are e3ual+ the illustrates an actuator and a selector valve in a t#pical h#draulic s#stem. %ssuming no movement of the piston will take piston is free to move in response h#draulic pressure throughout and no internal leakage: place. to e"ternal forces.

has the abilit# to maintain a constant cabin differential pressure at all flight altitudes. regulating the discharge of air through pressurisation duct relief valve(s . engine rpm. the outflow valve(s . a constant mass air flow is permitted the pressurisation s#stem ceases to the outflow valves will move to the through the cabin. function until leakage reduces the full# open position. pressure. a rate of climb. a rate of descent of appro"imatel# .ero. =00 feet per minutes. fluctuate with 0ack displacement and alwa#s remain the same. initiall# increase with s#stem accumulator pressure. pressurisation. store fluid under pressure. increase pressure surges within the reduce fluid temperature and pressure. s#stem. =000 psi. 2000 psi. 1000 psi.

the piston moves to the left due to pressure acting on differential areas.

the piston moves to the right due to e3ual pressure acting on differential areas.


sub Domanda 021 'n h#draulic s#stem+ a shuttle valve: 021 To allow for failure of the normal method of s#stem pressure limiting control+ a h#draulic s#stem often incorporates 021 The Ram %ir Turbine (R%T provides emergenc# h#draulic power for: RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD allows two possible sources of pressure is a self*lapping non*return valve. allows two units to be operated b# one regulates pump deliver# pressure. to operate one unit. pressure source. a high pressure relief valve. a stand*b# h#draulic pump. an accumulator. au"iliar# h#draulic motors. undercarriage selection and automatic brake s#stem. decrease b# 9 F. flap e"tension onl#. increase b# 10 F. C !"#

flight controls in the event of loss of nose wheel steering after the engine driven h#draulic power. aeroplane has landed. 021 'n a compensated capacitance t#pe 3uantit# indicating s#stem+ the contents gauge remain the same. increase b# 9 F. of a half*full fuel tank indicates a fuel mass of ?000 lb. 'f a temperature rise increased the volume of fuel b# 9 F+ the indicated fuel weight would: 021 T#re BcreepB ma# be described as the: circumferential movement of the t#re in the increase in inflation pressure relation to the wheel flange. due to decrease in ambient temperature. 021 @ith respect to a piston engine aircraft+ ice in the carburettor: ma# form at $%T's higher than O10M(. will onl# form at $%T's below O10M(. 021 (ontinuous loop fire detector s#stems operate on the principle that an increase in a decrease in resistance temperature produces: 021 The part of a piston engine that transforms reciprocating movement into rotar# crankshaft motion is termed the: 021 @hich one of the following factors would be most likel# to increase the possibilit# using too lean a fuelEair mi"ture of detonation occurring within a piston engineA 021 'n a piston engine if the ratio of air to fuel+ b# weight+ is appro"imatel# 8:1+ the mi"ture is said to be: 021 To ensure that the fuel flow is kept directl# proportional to the volume of air flowing through the choke+ thus preventing the main 0et suppl#ing e"cessive fuel as engine speed is increased+ a carburettor is fitted with: 021 The oil s#stem for a piston engine incorporates an oil cooler that is fitted: rich a diffuser an increase in resistance piston

the decrease in inflation pressure due to gradual circumferential increase of t#re increase in ambient temperature. wear. will onl# form at outside air temperatures ($%T's below the free.ing point of water. a decrease in the reference current camshaft will onl# form at $%T's below the free.ing point of fuel. a decrease in pressure reduction gear slightl# retarding the ignition timing

the use of a fuel with a high octane using an engine with a low rating as compared to the use of compression ratio one with a low octane rating weak too weak to support combustion a power 0et an accelerator pump

normal a mi"ture control

in the return line to the oil tank after the between the oil tank and the oil has passed through the scavenge pressure pump pump 021 @hen leaning the mi"ture for the most economic cruise fuel flow+ e"cessive high c#linder head and e"haust gas high engine rpm leaning will cause: temperature 021 $n a 1=<9= a fire detection s#stem includes: a warning light for each engine and a a single warning light but a single alarm bell common to all engines separate alarm bell for each engine 021 The first indication of carburettor icing in airplanes e3uipped with constant speed decrease in manifold pressure rough running engine followed b# propellers would most likel# be a: an increase in manifold pressure 021 %t high altitudes+ an e"cessivel# rich mi"ture will: cause the fouling of spark plugs increase the power available at that altitude 021 -uring flight at normal cruising speed+ if one magneto failed completel#+ it would loss of appro"imatel# 100 rpm first cause: 021 The use of too low an octane fuel ma# cause: detonation 021 The c#linder head and oil temperature gauges are to e"ceed the normal operating ranges if a pilot 021 'f the engine+ with a fi"ed pitch propeller+ is detonating during climb*out after takeoff+ the normal corrective action would be to: 021 %s the flight altitude increases+ if no leaning is made with the mi"ture control: uses fuel that has a rating lower*than* specified for the engine reduce the throttle additional load on the other magneto higher manifold pressure uses fuel that has a rating higher* than*specified for the engine increase the rate of climb

after the pressure pump but before the oil passes through the engine low c#linder head and e"haust gas temperature a single warning light and a single alarm bell decrease in rpm cause the engine to operate smoother even though fuel consumption is increased e"cessive vibration a cooling effect on c#linders operating wit higher*than*normal oil pressure lean the mi"ture

after the oil has passed through the engine and before it enters the sump high manifold pressure both a warning light and an alarm bell uni3ue to each engine rough running engine followed b# loss in rpm. cause the engine to overheat.

engine to overheat. a prompt pre*ignition reaction. operates with the mi"ture control set too rich. appl# carburettor heat.

021 @hen starting an engine or when the engine runs at an idle rpm on ground+ the mi"ture is: 021 The application of carburettor heat reduces

the densit# of air entering the the volume of air entering the carburettor decreases and the amount of carburettor remains constant and fuel remains constant the amount of fuel decreases rich+ to make starting possible and to rich+ because the choke valve is cool the engine sufficientl# when idling closed the densit# of air entering the the volume of air entering the carburettor+ thus enriching the fuelEair carburettor+ thus leaning the

the volume of air entering the the densit# of air entering the carburettor carburettor decreases and the amount of decreases and the amount of fuel fuel decreases increases. rich+ because carburettor heat is lean+ to prevent hat the engine consumes switched on too much fuel. it reduces the densit# of air entering the the volume of air entering the carburettor+ thus leaning the fuelEair carburettor+ thus enriching the fuelEair


sub Domanda 021 -ual ignition provides a factor of safet# and RispostaA mi"ture improves combustion. RispostaB fuelEair mi"ture provides more voltage engine oil pressure opening the primar# circuit RispostaC mi"ture aids in starting a coil spring opening the secondar# circuit faster the engine functions+ the further past T-( the spark occurs assist in negative feedback to secondar# coil advances ignition timing and gives a hotter spark at starting defective condenser will not operate at the right magneto facilitate 3uick removal and installation. generators a turbocharger to indicate that seals are worn allow for e"pansion of hot oil piston ring arrangement prevent inter*cr#stalline corrosion e"cessive oil consumption collect carbon found in the oil a transformer rectifier unit. that the (2- remains at a constant R!: not withstanding the generator R!: these aeroplanes often consume too much fuel on short haul flights. RispostaD C !"# mi"ture. saves wear caused be using one magneto constantl# electro*magnetic action of operating magneto. grounding the secondar# circuit. faster the engine functions+ the more retarded the spark is. assist in collapse of secondar# winding. gives an automatic spark increase during high speed operation. fouled spark plugs cannot be started with the switch in the $D position absorb starting loads. condensers a pneumatic s#stem. the oil temperature is too high eliminate foaming. t#pe of oil used operate ground ad0ustable propellers. low oil temperature. collect static electricit#. a thermistor. e3ual %( voltage from all generators.

021 %n impulse coupling does not function at such speeds above those encountered in centrifugal force starting. 'ts engaging pawls are prevented from operating at higher speeds b# 021 %n aircraft magneto is switched off b# grounding the primar# circuit 021 2park timing is related to engine speed in the wa# that the: 021 % condenser in parallel with breaker points will 021 %n impulse magneto coupling 021 'f an engine fails to stop with the magneto switch in $)) position+ the cause ma# be: 021 'f the ground wire between the magneto and the ignition switch becomes disconnected+ the most noticeable result will be that the engine 021 %n impulse coupling is installed on a magneto of a piston engine to: 021 %ircraft magnetoPs receive electrical energ# from 021 (ooling air for a reciprocating engine can be obtained b# means of: 021 % chip detector in the oil s#stem of an engineEgearbo" is to indicate that 021 5ents in oil tanks are primaril# to 021 $il consumption is mainl# due to 021 The lubricating s#stem of an aircraft engine is used to 021 % pressure relief valve that does not fit on its seat properl# would result in 021 % magnetic plug can be used to 021 % unit that converts electrical -( into %( is: 021 % (onstant 2peed -rive aims at ensuring

faster the engine functions+ the more slower the engine functions+ the the spark is advanced more the spark is advanced intensif# current in secondar# winding permit arcing across points gives a retarded spark at starting reduces magneto speed during engine warm*up e"cessive carbon formation in c#linder switch wire grounded head. cannot be shut down b# turning the will not operate at the left magneto switch to the $)) position. provide a retarded spark for engine advance the ignition timing. starting. rotating permanent magneto's. batteries ram air there are metal particles in the oil prevent e"cessive pressure from building up in tank engine speed aid in dissipation of heat low oil pressure collect ferrous particles reaching the sump an inverter. that the electric generator produces a constant fre3uenc#. a supercharger the piston rings are worn prevent overthrow engine temperature keep the engine warm high oil pressure prevent metallic particles from entering the oil s#stem an %( generator. that the starter*motor maintains a constant R!: not withstanding the acceleration of the engine. the procedures and checklists for this kind of aeroplanes will take too much time automaticall# the oil supplies the spring function and the nitrogen supplies the damping function. the o"#gen masks are automaticall# presented to flight crew members To leave behind e"tra cargo if the centre of gravit# moves outside limits @ater

021 The reason for the fact that an aeroplane designed for long distances cannot simpl# the lifetime of the fatigue sensitive be used for short haul flights at higher fre3uencies is that parts has been based on a determined load spectrum 021 The %&2 (%uto &rake 2#stem is being disconnected after landing .. 021 The purposes of the oil and the nitrogen in an oleo*pneumatic strut are: b# pilot action

at a certain low speed the oil supplies the sealing and lubrication function+ the nitrogen supplies the damping function. if the automatic mask presentation has been activated+ the o"#gen will flow within the first = minutes Reduction of air loads on the flaps b# means of the flap load relief value 4alon

in that case some fuel tanks remain empt# during the whole flight+ which stresses the aeroplane's structure in an unacceptable wa# the s#stem is alwa#s armed the oil supplies the damping and lubrication function+ the nitrogen supplies the heat*dissipation function. manual override of the automatic presentation of passenger o"#gen masks is+ generall# speaking+ not possible % procedure used in control s#stems to reduce the stick forces Ditrogen

the oil supplies the damping function and the nitrogen supplies the spring function 021 % pressuri.ed aeroplane is operated at )7 =00. 't undergoes a rapid decompression the o"#gen masks are automaticall# so that the pressure in the cabin goes 3uickl# down to the outside pressure value. presented to cabin crew members and @hat happens concerning the o"#gen s#stem A passengers 021 7oad shedding means .. Temporar# or permanent switching off of certain electric users to avoid overload of electric generators 021 % substance which ma# never be used in the vicinit# or on parts of an o"#gen ,rease installation is:


sub Domanda 021 The function of a feed bo" in the fuel tank is to RispostaA increase the fuel level at the boost pump location 021 The part of the flight that will cause the highest loads on the torsion link in a bogie Ta"iing with a small turning radius. gear is 021 The crashEfire a"e is part of the safet# e3uipment fitted to passenger aircraft. 'ts obtain forced access to a fire behind a function is to: panel and a general purpose tool during evacuation. 021 ,enerall# speaking when the o"#gen flows to the masks in the passenger cabin+ firml# pulling the mask towards the the s#stem is activated b# face+ after the cover has opened. 021 The reason for the trim switch on a control column to consist of two separate To reduce the probabilit# of a trim* switches is runawa# 021 %ssume that during cruise flight with air*conditioning packs $D+ the outflow valve(s would close. The result would be that: 021 The function of an air c#cle machine is to: 021 4#draulic oil+ entering the h#draulic pump+ is slightl# pressurised to: 021 % manual inflation handle: 021 The difference between (1 a fuse and (2 a circuit breaker is: 021 The function of a fusible plug is to RispostaB RispostaC trap fuel sediments or sludge in the distribute the fuel to the various tanks lower part of the tank during refuelling Touch down with crosswind ,ear down selection free e"its in case of evacuation via activate a radio survival beacon b# the sides. cutting off the red coloured top operating the relevant switch in the firml# pulling the cover behind which cockpit. the o"#gen mask is stowed. To prevent that both pilots perform &ecause there are two trim motors. opposite trim inputs. the air suppl# would automaticall# be stopped remove the water from the bleed air. prevent overheating of the pump. RispostaD C !"# ventilate the tank during refuelling under high pressure &raking with an inoperative anti skid s#stem. settle an escalating conflict with unreasonable passengers+ who threaten flight safet#. pushing the mask against the face and breath normall#. To be able to use two different trim speeds+ slow trim rate at high speed and high trim rate at low speed the skin of the cabin would be overstressed pump the conditioned air into the cabin. prevent vapour locking. is generall# not applied on slides. (1 not resettable+ (2 not resettable. protect against e"cessive pressure in the pneumatic s#stem. air c#cle machine will stop. 2+=

the pressure differential would go to the the cabin pressure would become ma"imum value e3ual to the ambient outside air pressure cool the bleed air. decrease the pressure of the bleed air. prevent cavitation in the pump ensure sufficient pump output serves to actuate inflation of a slide when automatic inflation fails (1 not resettable+ (2 resettable.

021 'f the pressure in the cabin tends to become lower than the outside ambient air pressure the: 021 The (entral !rocessing 6nit ((!6 of a computer essentiall# consists of: 1. an %rithmetic and 7ogic 6nit (%76 2. a control and timing unit =. registers The combination which regroups all the correct statements is: 021 'n an on*board computer+ the software is

serves to inflate a life 0acket when operates a hand pump for manual the normal inflation function fails inflation of a slide (1 suitable for high currents+ (2 (1 not suitable for high currents+ (2 not suitable for high currents. suitable for high currents. protect the t#re against e"plosion due to protect the brake against brake disk function as a special circuit breaker in e"cessive temperature. fusion due to e"cessive the electric s#stem temperature. negative pressure relief valve will open. negative pressure relief valve will outflow valve open completel#. close 1+2+= 1+2 1+=

resident in a read*onl# memor# (R/!R$:+ //!R$:+... 021 The advantages of thermal anti*icing are: 1. 2imple and reliable s#stem 2. !rofiles 1+2 maintained =. ,reater efficienc# than that of an electrical resistor ;. -irect use of the hot air from the 0et engine without substantial reduction in engine thrust The combination of correct statements is: 021 $n*board electrical s#stems are protected against faults of the following t#pe: 1. 1+2+;+9 %( generator over*voltage 2. %( generator under*voltage =. over*current ;. over* speed 9. under*fre3uenc# <. undue vibration of %( generators The combination of correct statements is: 021 The t#pe of a aircraft o"#gen s#stem intended for use b# passengers+ is mostl#: a continuous flow s#stem 021 % (ontinuous*7oop*-etector*2#stem is a: )ire detection s#stem

loaded from a flopp# disk =+;

loaded from a hard disk 1+=

resident in a random access memor# (R%: 2+;




a pressure demand s#stem 2moke detection s#stem

portable e3uipment onl# (arbon dio"ide warning s#stem

an air rec#cle s#stem )ire fighting s#stem pressure in the o"#gen reservoir is more than 900 psi ma"imi.e the charging pressure of the s#stem 1+=+;

021 The demand valve of a diluter*demand t#pe o"#gen regulator in normal mode+ user breathes in operates when the: 021 The purpose of the B!ressure Relief 5alveB in a high pressure o"#gen s#stem is to: relieve overpressure if the pressure reducing valve malfunctions 021 ,enerall#+ when the fire handle of the fire*e"tinguishing s#stem on an aircraft is 1+=+;+9 pulled+ the effects are: 1. closing of the 7! valve of the fuel s#stem 2. opening of the air bleed valves and 4! valves on the engine concerned =. setting of e"tinguishing s#stems ;. closing of the isolation and de*icing valves 9. isolation of the associated electric current generators <. immediate discharge of e"tinguishing agent The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:

diluter control is in normal position user re3uires 100 percent o"#gen reduce pressure in the o"#gen reservoir to a suitable manifold pressure for the regulator 1+2+9+< act as a manual shut*off valve



sub Domanda 021 $n an aircraft provided with resistance and capacitance variation t#pe fire detection loops+ a fire alarm is initiated b# a temperature increase detected: 021 2moke detectors fitted on transport aircraft are of the following t#pe: RispostaA RispostaB at an# isolated point of the loops or else onl# at an isolated point of the generall# on all the loops loops optical or ioni.ation chemical powder. 1+ 2+ ; RispostaC RispostaD onl# in a uniform wa# along the loops on at least one loop electrical water. = magnetic special fluids. 2+ = C !"#

021 'n the cockpit of a transport airplane+ at least one manual fire*e"tinguisher must be halon. convenientl# located containing: 021 $"#gen s#stems are s#stems used on pressuri.ed airplanes in: 1. an emergenc# in 1+; the case of depressuri.ation. 2. an emergenc# in the case of the indisposition of a passenger. =. normal use in order to suppl# o"#gen to the cabin. ;. an emergenc# in the case of smoke or to"ic gases. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 :odern pressuri.ed transport airplanes are e3uipped with: two independent o"#gen s#stems+ one suppl#ing the cockpit+ the other the cabin. 021 @hen selected to normal+ the o"#gen proportion of the airEo"#gen mi"ture increases when the altitude increases. supplied b# the cockpit o"#gen s#stem regulator: 021 'n the cabin+ when the o"#gen mask is pulled downwards+ the passenger breathes: a mi"ture of o"#gen and cabin air. 021 (hemical o"#gen generators are used to furnish o"#gen to the: 021 The chemical o"#gen generator supplies o"#gen for about: 021 The advantages of a chemical o"#gen source for the passenger cabin are: 1. reduced weight and volume+ 2. eas# storage and maintenance+ =. greater autonom#+ ;. no risk of e"plosion+ 9. reversible functioning+ <. no maintenance. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The disadvantages of a chemical o"#gen source for the passenger cabin are: 1. a flow which cannot be modulated+ 2. a heav# and bulk# s#stem+ =. non reversible functioning+ ;. risks of e"plosion+ 9. poor autonom#. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 The advantages of a gaseous o"#gen source for the passenger cabin are: 1. a greater autonom#+ 2. no risk of e"plosion+ =. reversible functioning+ ;. eas# storage and maintenance+ 9. possibilit# to regulate flow. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 @hen the door operation of a transport airplane e3uipped with evacuation slides in the armed position is opened from the outside+ the slide: 021 The purpose of the pro"imit# of the emergenc# evacuation path marking s#stem is to: cabin onl#. 19 minutes. 1+ 2+ ;+ <

onl# one o"#gen s#stem suppl#ing two o"#gen s#stems both suppl#ing the onl# portable o"#gen bottles. the whole aircraft. cockpit and the cabin. decreases when the altitude increases. pure o"#gen under pressure. cockpit and the cabin. =0 minutes. 1+ 2+ =+ ;+ 9+ < is constant whatever the altitude. pure o"#gen at the ambient pressure. cockpit onl#. 2 hours. 2+ =+ 9 is 100 F. cabin air under pressure. toilets onl#. 9 minutes. 1+ =+ ;+ 9

1+ =+ 9

1+ 2+ =+ ;+ 9

2+ ;

1+ 2+ =+ 9

1+ =+ 9

1+ 2+ =+ ;+ 9

2+ ;+ 9

2+ =+ ;

is disarmed automaticall#.

unfolds and becomes inflated. replace the overhead emergenc# lighting in case of failure. the o"#gen s#stem would be contaminated. 1+ =

unfolds but does not become inflated. mark onl# the thresholds e"its.

give additional guidance during an emergenc# evacuation with a thick smoke. 021 The e3uipment of an o"#gen suppl# installation must be kept absolutel# free of oil these substances catch fire or grease traces as: spontaneousl# in the presence of o"#gen under pressure. 021 The opening of the doors giving access to the o"#gen masks for the passengers is: 1+ 2 1. pneumatic for the gaseous o"#gen s#stem+ 2. electrical for the chemical o"#gen s#stem+ =. pneumatic for the chemical o"#gen s#stem+ ;. electrical for the gaseous o"#gen s#stem. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: 021 % passenger emergenc# mask is a: continuous flow mask and cannot be used if there is smoke in the cabin. 021 % smoke mask is a: 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*101<;% The smoke detection in the aircraft cargo compartments is carried out b# four sensors: (1+ (2+ (= and (;. The# are associated with the logic circuit as described in the anne". The repeating bell is activated when: 021 The correct statement about rain protection for cockpit windshields is that: mask with flow on re3uest and covers the whole face. the (1 and (2 sensors detect smoke.

becomes inflated in its container thus preventing its unfolding. guide the emergenc# evacuation during night onl#. these substances could plug the o"#gen masks filters. 2+ ;

these substances mi"ed with o"#gen could catch fire in the presence of a spark. 2+ =

mask with flow on re3uest and cannot be used if there is smoke in the cabin. continuous flow mask and covers the whole face. the (1 and (= sensors detect smoke.

continuous flow mask and can be used mask with flow on re3uest and can be if there is smoke in the cabin. used if there is smoke. mask with flow on re3uest and covers onl# the nose and the mouth. onl# one sensor detects smoke. continuous flow mask and covers onl# the nose and the mouth. the (2 and (; sensors detect smoke.

rain repellent should never be spra#ed wipers are sufficient under heav#

the electric de*icing s#stem for cockpit the alcohol de*icing s#stem for cockpit


sub RispostaA RispostaB onto the windshield unless the rainfall rain conditions to provide ade3uate is ver# heav# view through the cockpit windows. 021 The purpose of a batter# control unit is generall# to isolate the batter#: 1 * from the 1 * 2 *= 1*2 bus when the batter# charge has been completed 2 * when there is a batter# overheat condition = * in case of an internal short circuit ; * in case of a fault on the ground power unit The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is: 021 $n an aeroplane+ spoilers are: upper wing surface devices+ their lower wing surface devices+ their deflection is s#mmetrical or deflection is s#mmetrical or as#mmetrical. as#mmetrical. 021 The disadvantages of a"ial flow compressors compared to centrifugal flow 1*= 1*2 compressors are: 1 * e"pensive to manufacture 2 * limited airflow = * greater vulnerabilit# to foreign ob0ect damage ; * limited compression ratio The combination of correct answers is: 021 $n an airplane+ the Krueger flaps are: leading edge flaps close to the wing trailing edge flaps close to the root wing root 021 @hen a bimetallic strip is used as a switch in a fire detection loop+ a fire alarm is avoid false alarms in case of vibrations allow temperatures to e3ualise triggered after a dela#. The purpose of this dela# is to: 021 (ompared to a t#re fitted with an inner tube+ a tubeless t#re presents the following =+ ;. characteristics: 1 * high heating 2 * valve fragilit# = * lower risk of bursting ; * better ad0ustment to wheels The combination containing all the correct statements is: 021 $n a modern aeroplane+ to avoid the risk of t#re burst from overheating+ due for a hollow bolt screwed into the wheel e"ample to prolonged braking during an aborted take*off+ there is: which melts at a given temperature (thermal fuse and deflates the t#re. 021 % stage in an a"ial compressor: is made of a rotor disc followed b# a row of stator blades 021 )or a fan 0et engine+ the b#*pass ratio is the: e"ternal airflow mass divided b# the internal airflow mass 021 The low pressure switch of a h#draulic circuit sets off an alarm if: the pump output pressure is insufficient. 021 (oncerning the se3uential pneumatic impulses used in certain leading edge de* 2*= icing devices+ one can affirm that: 1 * The# prevent ice formation. 2 * The# are triggered from the flight deck after icing has become visible. = * % c#cle lasts more than ten seconds. ; * There are more than ten c#cles per second. The combination which regroups all the correct statements is: 021 /vacuation slide inflation is ensured b#: a pressuri.ed gas canister combined with the slide itself. 021 %irliners are e3uipped with o"#gen s#stems. 't can be said that: with setting on BD$R:%7B+ the crew breathes a mi"ture of o"#gen E cabin air. 021 'n ver# cold weather+ the pilot notices during startup+ a slightl# higher than normal is normal+ if it decreases after startup. oil pressure. This higher pressure: 021 %n o"#gen regulator has = controls: * a power lever: $DE$)) * an B$2B lever: the power lever on $D+ and+ the B$2B D$R:%7E100F * an emergenc# lever: $DE$)) %mong the following statements+ lever on D$R:%7 allows the o"#gen the correct proposition is: to enter the regulator and enables breathing of a mi"ture of airEo"#gen according to altitude. 021 $n an aircraft landing gear+ an under*inflated t#re: will wear at the shoulders 021 'n a turbo*0et+ the purpose of the turbine is to ... drive the compressor b# using part of the energ# from the e"haust gases 2+ =. Domanda RispostaC windows is also suitable for rain protection 1 * 2 * = *; RispostaD windows is also suitable for rain protection 1 C !"#

upper wing surface devices+ their deflection is alwa#s as#mmetrical. 2*=

lower wing surface devices+ their deflection is alwa#s as#mmetrical. 2*;

trailing edge flaps close to the wing tip leading edge flaps close to the wing tip dela# the triggering of the fire e"tinguishers and increase their efficienc# 2+ ;. wait for the triggering of the second fire detection loop in order to confirm the fire 1+ 2+ =+ ;.

a pressure relief valve situated in the filler valve.

the B/mergenc# &urstB function of the anti*skid s#stem which adapts braking to the t#re temperature. has a compression ratio in the is made of row of stator blades order of 2.1 followed b# a rotor disc internal airflow mass divided b# internal airflow mass divided b# the the e"ternal airflow mass fuel flow mass the reservoir level is at the normal there is a leak in the reservoir return operation limit. line. 2*; 1*=

water in0ection triggered at a fi"ed temperature in order to lower t#re temperature. has a compression ration in the order of 0.? fuel flow mass divided b# the internal airflow mass the pump power accumulator is deflated. 1*;

the aircraft's general pneumatic circuit. the same circuit is used b# the crew and the passengers. is abnormal and re3uires the engine to be shut down. the /:/R,/D(Q lever on $D enables breathing of pure o"#gen at ambient pressure.

a manual pump+ used when needed b# the cabin crew. the seals must be carefull# greased to avoid sparks.

pressuri.ed air from the air conditioning s#stem. the passenger circuit never uses chemicall# generated o"#gen.

is abnormal but does not re3uire the re3uires an oil change. engine to be shut down. the B$2B lever on $D enables breathing with the /:/R,/D(Q lever on $))+ in of the over*pressure o"#gen at a an emergenc# situation+ one cannot use constant flow rate. the o"#gen mask to breathe.

it's tread will deteriorate faster

will have an increased critical h#droplaning speed clear the burnt gases+ the e"pansion compress the air in order to provide a of which provide the thrust better charge of the combustion chamber

will be more sub0ect to viscosit# a3uaplaning on dr# runwa# drive devices like pumps+ regulator+ generator.


sub Domanda 021 The pitch angle of a propeller is the angle between the: 021 % scissor is a component found on landing gears. 'ts function is to: RispostaA reference chord line and the propeller plane of rotation. prevent an# rotation of the oleo strut in the undercarriage shock absorber. the securit# components comprise the filters+ the pressure relief valves+ the b#*passes+ and the fire shut*off valve. RispostaB propeller reference chord line and the relative airflow. create the wheel pitch on bogie gears. RispostaC propeller reference chord line and the e"tremit# of the propeller. transform the translational movement of the rudder pedals into the rotational movement of the nose wheel. the pumps are alwa#s electric due the regulation s#stem deals onl# with to the high pressures which the# emergenc# operation and is not applied must deliver (1;0 to 210 kgEcmR . to all h#draulic services but onl# those considered as essential. windmilling. transparent. RispostaD C !"# propeller plane of rotation and the relative airflow. make the bod# gears pivot when the nose wheel is turned through more than 20M. the reservoir constitutes a reserve of h#draulic fluid maintained under pressure b# a pneumatic back pressure (air or nitrogen and destined to serve as a fluid or pressure reserve. at .ero drag.

021 )or an aeroplane h#draulic suppl# circuit+ the correct statement is:

021 @hen in flight+ a piston engine is stopped and the propeller blade pitch angle is near 80M+ the propeller is said to be... 021 -uring a power change on an engine e3uipped with a constant speed propeller+ a wrong combination of manifold pressure and R!: values results in e"cessive pressures in the c#linders. This is the case when one simultaneousl# selects a ... 021 'f+ when the magneto selector switch is set to the $)) position+ a piston engine continues to run normall#+ the most probable cause is that:


high manifold pressure and low R!:. low manifold pressure and high R!:. The grounding wire on a magneto is broken. There is a carbon deposit on the spark plugs electrodes. a greater value than atmospheric pressure when the engine is running. mass of fuel relative to the volume of air. the strength of the e"citation current to a have greater effectiveness at high speed Re3 L R1 O R2

high manifold pressure and high R!:. low manifold pressure and low R!:.

% wire from the magneto is in contact with a metallic part of the engine.

021 $n a normall# aspirated engine (non turbo*charged + the manifold pressure gauge a lower value than atmospheric alwa#s indicatesJ pressure when the engine is running. 021 The richness of a fuelEair mi"ture ratio is the: 021 The fre3uenc# of the current provided b# an alternator depends on... 021 The advantage of mounting the tailplane on top of the vertical stabili.er is: 021 The resistors R1 and R2 are connected in parallel. The value of the e3uivalent resistance (Re3 so obtained is given b# the following formula: 021 The function of the ,enerator &reaker is to close when the voltage of the: real mi"ture ratio relative to the theoretical ratio. its rotation speed to withdraw it from the influence of wing turbulence 1ERe3 L 1ER1 O 1ER2

There are local hot points in the engine (probabl# due to overheating of the c#linder heads . .ero on the ground when the engine is a value e3ual to the S)/ when the stopped. engine is at full power on the ground. volume of fuel relative to the volume of volume of fuel relative to the mass of the air. volume of air. its load its phase balance that it does not re3uire a de*icing s#stem Re3 L R1 " R2 to decrease fuel consumption b# creating a tail heav# situation 1ERe3 L 1E(R1 O R2 batter# is greater than the alternator voltage and to open when the opposite is true is limited to the phases of take*off and landing provided that it is an aeronautical petrol 'ncrease manifold pressure and lean the mi"ture increase or decrease+ depending on the engine t#pe does not need the engine to be stopped are highl# corrosive particularl# for aluminium allo#s. c b# da# and when raining. single shaft turbine and a"ial compressor on demand. 2*;

021 6sing compressor bleed air to power s#stems: 021 % piston engine ma# use a fuel of a different grade than the recommended: 021 @ith a piston engine+ when detonation is recognised+ #ou: 021 )rom the cruise+ with all the parameters correctl# set+ if the altitude is reduced+ to maintain the same mi"ture the fuel flow should: 021 @ith engine fire alarm activated+ the e"tinguisher discharge: 021 The main feature of &() fire e"tinguishers is that the#:

generator is greater than batter# voltage batter# is greater than the generator alternator is greater than the batter# and to open when the opposite is true voltage and to open when the voltage and to open when the opposite opposite is true is true decreases aircraft performance has no influence on aircraft increases aircraft performance performance provided that the grade is higher provided that the grade is lower never Reduce manifold pressure and enrich the mi"ture increase is the pilot's task Reduce manifold pressure and lean 'ncrease manifold pressure and enrich the mi"ture the mi"ture decrease remain the same is automatic and immediate is automatic after a dela# to allow the pilot to stop the engine are electrical conductors. b at night and when raining. single shaft turbine and centrifugal compressor emergenc#. 2*=

act as flame inhibitors b# absorbing the use the cooling effect created b# air's o"#gen. the venturi during discharge. 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*11;<?% $n the diagram+ the rotating blade pitch d a control is indicated b# the letter: 021 'n the propagation of :) waves+ the phenomenon of )%-'D, is particularl# at night+ due to the combination of the b# da#+ due to the combination of found: sk# and ground waves. sk# and ground waves. 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*11;>;% The gas turbine illustrated is of the free turbine and centrifugal compressor free turbine and a"ial compressor following t#pe: 021 'n case of smoke in the cockpit+ the crew o"#gen regulator must be set to: 100F normal. 021 The installation and use of on*board o"#gen generators is such that: 1 * the smoking ban is imperative when used 2 * in case of accidental drop of the Bcontinuous flowB passenger masks+ no crew action is re3uired = * no trace of 1*= 1*;


sub Domanda RispostaA grease must be found in the s#stem assembl# ; * the s#stem's filling adaptors must be greased with non*free.ing or graphite grease The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is: 021 The control of free turbine engines on turboprops+ is accomplished b#: * a propeller 1 * 9 * < control lever used to select: 1 * propeller R!: 2 * turbine temperature = * turbine R!: * a fuel control lever used to select: ; * propeller R!: 9 * tor3ue < * turbine temperature The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is: 021 The thrust of a turbo*0et+ at the selection of full power: 1 * e3uals the product of the 1 * = e"haust gas mass flow and the e"haust gas velocit# 2 * is obtained b# pressure of the e"haust gas on the ambient air = * is e3uivalent to .ero mechanical power since the aeroplane is not moving ; * is independent of the outside air temperature The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is: 021 The use of igniters is necessar# on a turbo*0et: 1 * throughout the operating range = * ; * 9 * < of the engine 2 * for accelerations = * for ground starts ; * for in*flight relights 9 * during turbulence in flight < * under heav# precipitation or in icing conditions The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is: 021 2park plug fouling is more likel# to happen if: the aircraft climbs without mi"ture ad0ustment. RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD C !"#







the engine runs at the authori.ed ma"imum continuous power for too long. 021 B5apour lockB is the phenomenon b# which: heat produces vapour plugs in the fuel water vapour plugs are formed in abrupt and abnormal enrichment of the burnt gas plugs forming and remaining in line. the intake fuel line following the fuelEair mi"ture following an the e"haust manifold following an condensation of water in fuel tanks inappropriate use of carburettor heat. overheat and thereb# disturbing the which have not been drained for e"haust. sometime. 021 The tanks of a h#draulic s#stem are pressuri.ed: b# bleed air coming from the turbine* in flight onl#. b# the air conditioning s#stem. b# an au"iliar# s#stem. engine. 021 'n a piston engine+ magnetos are used to produce the spark which ignites the breaking the primar# current in order to obtaining a high amp low volt accumulating in a condenser a low volt creating a brief high intensit# magnetic fuelEair mi"ture. The operating principle of magnetos consists in: induce a low amp high volt current current in order to generate the current from the batter#+ reconstitute it field which will be sent through the which is distributed to the spark plugs. spark. as high voltage current at the moment distributor at the appropriate time. the spark is generated. 021 The cross*feed fuel s#stem enables: the suppl# of an# 0et engine from an# the suppl# of the 0et engines the suppl# of the outboard 0et engines onl# the transfer of fuel from the centre fuel tank. mounted on a wing from an# fuel from an# outboard fuel tank. tank to the wing tanks. tank within that wing. 021 )uel pumps submerged in the fuel tanks of a multi*engine aircraft are: centrifugal low pressure t#pe pumps. low pressure variable swash plate centrifugal high pressure pumps. high pressure variable swash plate pumps. pumps. 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*11;8;% %ssociate the correct legend to each of 1* cantilever 2* fork =* half fork ;* dual 1* half fork 2* fork =* cantilever ;* 1* cantilever 2* dual wheels =* half fork 1* half*fork 2* single trace =* cantilever the numbered diagrams: wheels tandem ;* fork ;* dual wheels 021 )or a piston engine+ the ideal fuelEair mi"ture corresponding to a richness of 1 is 1E19th 1E8th 1E10th 1E12th obtained for a weight ratio of: 021 The global output of a piston engine is of: (global output L Thermal energ# 0.=0 0.90 0.>9 0.80 corresponding to the available shaftEpower over the total thermal energ# produced . 021 The connection in parallel of two 12 voltE ;0 amp hours batteries+ will create a unit 12 volt E ?0 amp hours 12 volt E ;0 amp hours 2; volt E ?0 amp hours 2; volt E ;0 amp hours with the following characteristics1 021 ()or this 3uestion use anne" 021*1190>% $n the attached diagram showing the 1 2 = ; power output of a piston engine as a function of mi"ture richness+ best econom# is at the point marked: 021 The main reason for opening the cowl flaps is to control the: (.4.T. (c#linder head temperature /.,.T (e"haust gas temperature oil temperature cabin temperature 021 @arning lights associated with basic pitotEstatic heating s#stems in helicopters usuall# inform the pilot that+ when illuminated: 021 !ower for windscreen heating is usuall#: 021 @indscreen heating s#stems usuall#: /ither the heating element or the power The heating element has failed. rela# has failed. = phase %(. 2ingle phase %(. The power suppl# to the s#stem has failed. 119 volts -(. The heating s#stem is on and the heater is c#cling onEoff. 2? volts -(. -epend upon the pilot monitoring the windscreen temperature probe for control of the heating s#stem.

the aircraft descends without a mi"ture ad0ustment.

power is increased too abruptl#.

(#cle onEoff to maintain a windscreen (onsist of warm air from the cabin %re powered from the emergenc# -( temperature between appro"imatel# conditioning s#stem blown across &us. 1?M and =9M(. the inner surface of the


sub RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD C !"# windscreen. 021 (ockpit indications associated with a windscreen heating s#stem usuall# comprise: % green s#stem '$D' information light $f onl# the position of the selector ,reen or blue lights which c#cle onEoff %mber lights when the s#stem is and an amber s#stem failure light. switch. with the function of the heating functioning with a red warning should elements. the windscreen enter an overheat condition. 021 4ori.ontal stabilisers: :a# be fitted with inflatable boots to %re de*iced b# the e"haust from %re ad0ustable surfaces used to %re fitted opposite to the tail rotor in provide a de*icing function. the engines. compensate for the change of ( of ,. some helicopters to assist the tail rotor in controlling #aw. 021 'ntegral fuel tanks: (omprise a portion of the aircraft %re not used on helicopters. 's the name given to a group of fuel %re small fuel tanks fitted on the engine structure which has been sealed to form tanks where several tanks feed a master to ensure a positive suppl# of fuel to the a fuel tank. tank which in turn supplies the engine. engine driven fuel pump and receive e"cess fuel from pumps and control units. 021 )uel cells as used on helicopters: %re vented and drained to atmosphere. !roduce -( power for emergenc# (ontain fuel booster pumps which must !roduce %( power for emergenc# use use onl#. be segregated for multi*engine onl#. helicopters. 021 )uel tank vents are: )itted to the top of the tank to prevent )itted to duct fuel vapour from the )itted to the lower part of the tank and Routed so that all tanks are tank collapse and are routed to the tank to the engine e"haust. routed direct to atmosphere. interconnected to maintain an e3ual opposite upper part of the fuselage. pressure throughout the s#stem. 021 4elicopter fuel tank vents pass to the opposite side of the fuselage upper structure !revent spillage of fuel should the /nsure e3ual back pressure is :aintain appropriate tank venting /nsure all tank groups are e3uall# to: helicopter roll over on crash landing. passed into the vent s#stem from during fuel cross*feed following single vented. the rotor downwash. engine failure. 021 The purpose of the primar# stops in a fl#ing control s#stem is to: restrict the movement of the controls prevent damage to the s#stem act as a stop in case of vibration of the bring the main and tail rotors to rest as within the correct range when the helicopter is parked in controls soon as possible after shut*down high winds 021 Rotational drive from the gearbo" to the rotorhead is transmitted b# the: main drive shaft scissors swashplate assembl# pitch change arms 021 &lade hinges arranged with a Bdelta threeB hinge effect: 021 The throttle control ma# be interconnected with: decrease their pitch angle with flap up increase the lift of the blade with flap up. the collective lever+ to increase power the collective lever+ to decrease with increased pitch application power with increased pitch application indirectl#+ b# causing the pitch angle to b# var#ing blade drag so change+ thus altering blade lift in the repositioning the blade in a.imuth appropriate sense relative to other blade(s e3ual pitch change to all blades that all blades have the same tip*path plane permit the engine to be started with a low inertial loading there is no need for a clutch between the engine and the transmission an out*of*balance main rotor decrease their pitch angle with blade dragging the #aw pedals+ to increase tail rotor speed for directional control inputs directl#+ b# its displacement causing the blade to track in the correct plane increase their pitch angle with flap up the c#clic stick+ to increase power for c#clic control inputs indirectl#+ b# ad0usting the centre of gravit# of the blade longitudinall#+ thus causing the blade to track in the correct plane different pitch change to each blade Domanda RispostaA

021 % rotor blade trim tab provides a corrective force:

021 %n unshrouded tail rotor has: 021 The purpose of a main rotor blade tracking check is to ensure: 021 The purpose of a clutch in a helicopter transmission s#stem is to: 021 'n a free*turbine helicopter installation:

021 7ow fre3uenc# vibration in a plane parallel to the rotor plane is likel# to be associated with: 021 4eating s#stems for helicopters ma# obtain hot air from the following sources: 1. 1+ =. 2+ =. %ir tapped from the engine compressor. 2. %ir tapped from the engine turbine. =. %mbient air heated b# electrical elements. The combination grouping all of the correct statements is: 021 @arning devices associated with air conditioning s#stems fitted in helicopters are % green s#stem B$DB information light %mber bleed air failure warning limited to: and amber bleed air failure lights. lights and red fire warnings for three wheel air c#cle machine failure.

R!: control independentl# of the c#clic pitch control onl# main rotor the correct coning angle that the neutral control settings are that the pitch angle for all blades is correct absolutel# e3ual. permit the rotor to rotate freel# prevent the rotor turning in the wind disengage the tail rotor drive in the event during autorotation when parked on the ground of a malfunction a free*wheel is re3uired between the main rotor drive and the compressor there must be a clutch between the the compressor and the turbine are on a common shaft engine and transmission an out*of*balance tail rotor an engine problem a transmission problem 2. 1.

% green s#stem serviceable light and an %n amber s#stem B$DB information amber warning light. light+ a green serviceable light and either a red or amber duct overpressure light.


sub Domanda 021 % freon air conditioning s#stem comprises: RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD C !"# % compressor and heat e"changer to %n electricall# driven compressor % heat e"changer taking air from the %n electricall# driven compressor and provide cold air to the cabin with hot to suppl# warm air for heating and engine to provide air to the cabin over a heat e"changer arrangement which uses air supplied from the engine for a heat e"changer to provide cold wide range of temperatures. ambient to suppl# the cabin with air over heating. air. a wide range of temperatures. 's automaticall# controlled b# sensing (annot be automaticall# 's manuall# controlled b# the pilot 's automaticall# controlled b# sensing the output temperature from the control controlled. reading the cabin temperature gauge cabin temperature in relation to engine valve in relation to the temperature set and increasing or decreasing hot air as compressor outlet temperatures. on the pilot's control panel. re3uired. The pilot can revert to manual control The s#stem must be shut down. :anual control can be selected but this The red failure light will illuminate. and 'beep' the control valve to the is limited to 'hot air' or 'cold air' onl#. re3uired setting. :a# be provided throughout the 's provided to pilots onl#. 's ducted from the downwash of the :a# be provided throughout the cabin cockpit and cabin through a series of main rotors to gasper ducts throughout from ducts in doors onl#. ducts in windows and doors. the helicopter. :a# be heated b# either hot oil+ electric %re alwa#s heated b# engine bleed %re alwa#s heated b# electricall# %re not heated. mats or engine bleed air. air from the engine compressor. heated mats. To allow the hot oil to heat the air To utilise the structure necessar# to To provide an attachment point for the &ecause it is the most distant position intake. contain the oil to form the engine mounting of the compressor and from the e"haust. accessor# gearbo" and provide turbine bearings. mounting points for oil and fuel pumps. !itot tubes are alwa#s provided with a &oth pitot and static sensing is (ombined pitotEstatic tubes are alwa#s !itot and static sensing is not heated on a heater while static points ma# also be alwa#s heated. heated but static ports are never heated. helicopter. heated. 'n the lower fuselage with the centre of -irectl# below the engines. 'n the tail boom. 'n the lower fuselage under baggage gravit# coinciding with a line e"tended compartments. from the main rotor mast. &# either gravit# or pressure refuelling 6sing the gravit# s#stem onl#. 6sing the pressure refuelling s#stem )ull# on completion of flight to prevent methods. onl#. condensation. 2ometimes minimised b# the )uel drained from the helicopter %lwa#s the same 3uantit# irrespective The amount of fuel not available for use incorporation of tank sump pads. due to water contamination. of aircraft attitude or flight conditions. but included on the fuel contents gauge. :a# be provided b# booster pump+ 's alwa#s provided b# booster :a# be provided b# the charge 's alwa#s a positive feed from a common gravit# feed or b# suction from the pump onl#. delivered during pressure refuelling. fuel tank to all engines. engine driven fuel pump. The fuel suppl# is isolated from the The fuel suppl# is disconnected b# %n automatic shut off valve is moved The fuel installation is protected b# an engine b# a pilot controlled fuel shut a 3uick release coupling. to the closed position controlled b# the automatic fire e"tinguishing s#stem. off valve. fire sensing s#stem. )uel is usuall# supplied to an individual )uel is alwa#s supplied to an % master fuel tank is alwa#s used to % master fuel tank is usuall# used with a engine from a dedicated fuel tank group individual engine from a dedicated ensure a head of fuel is available to cross*feed arrangement throughout the with the abilit# to cross*feed when fuel tank group with the abilit# to both engines. groups of tanks for fuel feed and centre necessar#. cross*feed when necessar#. of gravit# purposes. -eliver an e"cess to re3uirements !roduce a high pressure head of %re onl# re3uired for cross*feed %re %( powered+ vane t#pe pumps. 3uantit# of fuel at low pressure. fuel to the engine. purposes. To ensure suppl# to each engine whilst To each other to maintain an e3ual 'n groups feeding a common fuel tank To allow cross*feed operations to maintaining centre of gravit# within fuel level in each tank. for engine suppl#. maintain the centre of gravit# within limits. limits. :a# be fitted in the fuel deliver# line %re not re3uired on helicopters due %re replaced b# water traps in the %re devices fitted to the engine and between the fuel tank and the engine. to the inabilit# of the aircraft to fl# bottom of the fuel tanks on helicopters. heated using engine oil or hot air tapped at high altitude. from the compressor. To allow an# engine to be fed from an# %llowing the pilot to maintain the @hich allows gravit# refuelling where To automaticall# re*direct fuel flow in fuel group. centre of gravit# of the helicopter pressure refuelling facilities are not the event of engine failure. within limits. available. The fine filter located between the high % fine filter located prior to the 2trainers at the inlet to the low pressure :agnetic plugs located at various pressure fuel pump and the governor high pressure fuel pump at the inlet fuel pumps. positions throughout the fuel suppl# unit. to the fuel control unit. usuall# at the outlet of fuel pumps and

021 Temperature regulation of an air conditioning s#stem:

021 'f the automatic control of an air conditioning s#stem fails:

021 )or a large helicopter + ram air ventilation:

021 4elicopter engine &ellmouth air intakes: 021 /ngine oil reservoirs are sometimes located at the front of the engine:

021 @hich of the following is true with respect to heating of pitot and static sensors:

021 )uel tanks in modern helicopters are normall# located:

021 4elicopters are refuelled: 021 6nusable fuel is: 021 )uel suppl# to helicopter engines:

021 'n the event of an engine fire:

021 'n a helicopter with a twin engine installation:

021 4elicopter fuel tank booster pumps: 021 :ultiple fuel tanks fitted to a large twin*engine helicopter are connected:

021 )uel s#stem ice traps:

021 % multi*engine helicopter is usuall# e3uipped with a fuel cross*feed s#stem:

021 The engine fuel control unit ()(6 is protected from damage b# debris b#:


sub 021 )uel dump s#stems: Domanda RispostaA %llow a rapid reduction in helicopter weight b# discharging fuel to atmosphere. RispostaB %re not fitted to helicopters. RispostaD C !"# valves. %re s#stems fitted to helicopters fl#ing !rovide for rapid deceleration of the gas in hot and high conditions to suppl# generator in the event of free power large amounts of fuel to the combustion turbine overspeed. chamber+ b#passing the fuel control unit+ to meet power re3uirements. The pilot will be informed of free The pilot must particularl# be careful of power turbine overspeed b# either a the handling of the engines to prevent power failure warning light or an overheating the turbine. overspeed light. )uel pressure at the outlet of the )uel pressure at the outlet of the high booster pump. pressure pump. :easured at the outlet of the high :easured in the line between the booster pressure fuel pump. pump and the engine. 's not used on helicopters. 's measured at the outlet of the booster pump. %t the outlet from the fuel control unit. 'n the line between the high pressure filter and the high pressure pump. )uel low level1 )uel flow1 )uel temperature1 )uel filter monitor1 Tank transfer status. The weight of fuel in the tank. RispostaC

021 $n activation of a fuel dump s#stem:

021 )uel low level warnings usuall# provide the pilot with information regarding: 021 )uel flow information is: 021 )uel flow information:

%ll fuel load with the e"ception of the The total fuel load will be suppl# tanks ma# be discharged 0ettisoned+ the engines shut down overboard. and the helicopter enters autorotation. The level of fuel in the suppl# tanks. The level of fuel in all tanks. :easured in the line between the fuel control unit and the engine burners. :a# be displa#ed on a cockpit gauge and passed to the auto*pilot and navigational s#stems. 'n the line between the booster pump and the engine or at the outlet of the high pressure filter. )uel contents1 )uel low level1 )uel pressure1 )uel flow1 )uel transfer status1 )uel filter condition. The level of fuel in the tank. Dot used on helicopters. 's used b# the centre of gravit# control s#stem. %lwa#s at the outlet of the high pressure pump onl#. )uel contents and low level onl#.

021 )uel pressure is measured:

021 )uel s#stem indications available to the pilot are normall# restricted to:

021 )uel contents is measured b#: 021 )uel management s#stems in helicopters:

021 Tail rotors differ from main rotors in that: 021 Tail rotors differ from most main rotors in that: 021 Tail rotors rotate:

021 :odern tail rotor blades are usuall# manufactured from: 021 @hat indication will be available to the pilot of wear in either tail rotor gimbal or pitch change link bearingsA 021 % tandem rotor s#stem is the term given to a s#stem using: 021 The pilot ma# be prevented from retracting the landing gear whilst the aircraft is on the ground b#: 021 $vercentre mechanisms in landing gear s#stems are used to: 021 To prevent e"cessive wear on landing gear skids when landing on hard surfaces: 021 7anding gear skids are normall# manufactured from:

)uel flow1 Tank transfer status1 )uel contents1 )uel temperature1 )uel cooler status. The volume of fuel in the tank. (alculation of the centre of gravit# of the helicopter. %re usuall# automatic with the option %llow the pilot during public 6suall# allow the selection of fuel feed %re totall# automatic for all of cross*feed in the event of engine transport operations+ to control the from an# tank in the group to the contingencies without the need of failure. centre of gravit# of the aircraft. appropriate engine. intervention from the pilot. The# do not provide for blade pitch !itch remains constant throughout The# rotate at a lower speed. The# alwa#s have fewer blades. c#clic variation. all flight regimes. The pitch changes from a negative The tail rotor rotates at a lower The# alwa#s have few blades. The leadElag hinge is incorporated with angle setting to a positive angle setting. speed. the flapping hinge. %t a greater speed than the main rotor %t the same speed as the shafts and %t a greater speed than the main rotor %t a lower speed than the main rotor. and at a different speed than the drive gear bo"es. and the tail rotor drive shafts. shaft and intermediate gearbo". (omposite materials. :etal. @ood. (arbon fibre. 5ibration through the tail rotorE#aw pedals. Two main rotors mounted one in front of the other. The electrical control s#stem being routed through the weight on wheels switch. 7ock the landing gear in the up andEor down positions. 2teel shoes can be fitted to the aluminium skids. %luminium allo#. 2tiffness in the tail rotor controls. $ne main rotor and an anti*tor3ue tail rotor. % guard on the selector switch which cannot be moved until the aircraft is airborne. 7ock the landing gear in the up position onl#. 2acrificial copper shoes are fitted to the titanium skids. 2teel. 'nstabilit# in pitch control. Two main rotors mounted one above the other. %n# attempt to select the landing gear up will result in a flashing warning light and a loud horn. /nsure that the nose*wheel does not e"ceed the ma"imum steering arc. The underside of the steel skids are case hardened. 2tainless steel. 7oud noise from the tail rotor. Two main rotors mounted at either side of the fuselage. % pneumatic interlock which disables the h#draulic up selector. /nsure the nose*wheel is positioned fore and aft prior to retraction. %luminium shoes are fitted to steel or titanium skids. Titanium.

021 % red 'landing gear up' warning light is fitted to some helicopters. This is to inform % combination of altitude andEor The helicopter is on the ground the pilot that: airspeed is below safe operating limits with weight on wheels. with the landing gear retracted. 021 % red or an amber light on an undercarriage position indicator signifies: %t least one wheel is in the travelling or %ll wheels are up and locked. unlocked condition.

4#draulic pressure has fallen below the The normal landing gear e"tension locked up value. s#stem has failed. %ll wheels are down and locked. The landing has been selected down using the emergenc# e"tension s#stem.


sub Domanda RispostaA 021 The s#stems used for emergenc# e"tension of landing s#stems ma# comprise: 1. 2+ ;+ 9. (ompressed (0R. 2. (ompressed nitrogen. =. (ompressed o"#gen. ;. %u"iliar# h#draulic s#stem. 9. )reefall. 021 %ccording to C%R 28+ a tail rotor drive shaft running between two engines should /ither protected b# a firewall or fire be: proofed. 021 :ulti*segment tail rotor drive shafts are 0oined together b# fle"ible couplings. These couplings allow for: &ending and fle"ing of the tail cone during flight+ and slight changes in length of shafts due to thermal e"pansion and contraction. %luminium or steel tubing. :agnesium allo#. (hange the direction and speed of the tail rotor drive. -iffer to counter the effects of vibration. through 80M+ reduces rotational speed and provides facilities for tail rotor control. Ramp and Roller )reewheel 6nit. 2prag freewheel. The main rotor gearbo" lubrication s#stem. RispostaB 1+ 2+ 9. 2+ =+ ;. RispostaC 1+ =+ ;. RispostaD C !"#

:ounted to allow for e"pansion.

'mperfection in build standard.

:ounted on its own bearing hangers+ the first being directl# behind the main rotor gearbo". The absorption of the tail rotor tor3ue during start up+ shut down and rapid power changes. 2teel bar. 2teel allo#.

!rotected b# the engine fire e"tinguishing s#stem. The rapid change of shafts and hangers without the need for alignment checks.

021 :etal tail rotor drive shafts are normall# manufactured from: 021 The most common material used in the construction of gearbo" casings is: 021 'ntermediate or angle gearbo"es are used to: 021 The input and output speeds of an intermediate gearbo":

%luminium tubing onl#. %luminium allo#.

Titanium and steel tubing. Titanium allo#. %llow the incorporation of autopilot inputs into the tail rotor. %re variable to provide var#ing thrust from the tail rotor to counteract tor3ue loads from the main rotor s#stem. and provides facilities for tail rotor control maintaining a constant speed. /pisoidal (am )reewheel 6nit. /pisoidal (am )reewheel.

(hange the direction onl# of the (hange the speed onl# of the tail rotor tail rotor drive. drive. -iffer to establish the speed for the %re the same. tail rotor. through minus 80M and increases rotational speed. 2prag )reewheel 6nit. Roller and (am )reewheel. The engine lubrication s#stem. and increases rotational speed.

021 The tail rotor gearbo" changes direction of drive:

021 % t#pe of freewheel unit incorporating rollers and ramps is known as a: 021 % t#pe of freewheel unit incorporating tumblers and springs is known as a: 021 )reewheel units between engine and main rotor gearbo" are+ in most cases+ lubricated from: 021 % snatch engagement of a freewheel unit: 021 Rotor brakes are usuall# located: 021 The purpose of the rotor brake can be defined b#: 1. To bring the rotor to rest as 3uickl# as possible post engine shut down. 2. To stop the rotor from )light R!:. =. To aid high wind rotor engagement. ;. To enable an abrupt stop of the rotor during low R!: blade sailing. The combination of all the correct statements is: 021 Rotor brake discs are manufactured from: 021 4igh fre3uenc# vibration usuall# emanates from: 021 % rotor blade fl#ing out of track produces:

-ifferential )reewheel 6nit. -ifferential )reewheel. %n independent lubrication s#stem driven b# the main rotor gearbo".

:a# result in the shearing of the engine 's normal engagement. drive shaft. $n the tail rotor drive shaft. $n the drive shaft between the engine and the main rotor gearbo". 1+ =. =+ ;. 1+ = + ;.

%n independent s#stem driven b# either the engine or an electricall# driven pump. 's absorbed b# fle"ible couplings on the @ill cause the freewheel to ratchet until engine drive shaft. the pilot recovers the situation. %round the main rotor output shaft. @ithin the main rotor gearbo". 2+ ;.

2teel or carbon fibre. The engine or tail rotor. % vertical vibration once per revolution.

%luminium or steel. The main rotor gearbo". % lateral vibration once per revolution.

2teel or titanium. Transmission shafting.

&oron aluminide or titanium. The main rotor blades. % lateral vibration three and five times per revolution in a four bladed rotor s#stem. 's not necessar# as the hub and blades are staticall# balanced at manufacture.

021 -#namic balancing of main rotor s#stems:

's usuall# achieved b# adding or subtracting weights to either the main rotor blade attachment pins or to the main rotor head itself. 021 -uring a flight under normal conditions+ a main rotor blade is seen to be fl#ing %d0usting the trim tabs on the sub0ect higher than the other blades in the disc during cruise. This can usuall# be ad0usted blade. b#: 021 @hen using a strobe t#pe tracking and balancing s#stem on a full# articulated rotor The blade damper on the sub0ect blade head+ one blade is not e3uidistant from the other blades in the lateral plane. The is not functioning correctl#. cause of this defect is that: 021 The t#pe of h#draulic fluid most commonl# used in helicopters is a: :ineral based fluid with low viscosit#.

% vertical vibration four times per revolution in a four bladed rotor s#stem. 's usuall# achieved b# adding 's usuall# achieved b# adding or weights to certain nominated rotor subtracting weights to the main rotor blades onl#. blade tips. 7engthening the pitch change rod on the sub0ect blade. The blade rigging is out of ad0ustment. 5egetable based fluid with a medium viscosit#.

2hortening the pitch change rod on the %d0usting the weights on the blade tip. sub0ect blade. The pitch change rod is not correctl# ad0usted. !hosphate ester based fluid with particularl# good fire resistant properties. The blade trim tabs are not correctl# ad0usted. :ineral based fluid with high viscosit#.


sub Domanda 021 The viscosit# of a h#draulic fluid should be: 021 )iltration in a h#draulic s#stem is usuall# ensured b#: 021 )ilters in h#draulic s#stems often incorporate pop out indicators to: RispostaA The lowest to minimi.e power consumption and resistance to flow. )ilters in both the pressure and return lines. @arn of an impending b#*pass situation. RispostaB The lowest to provide e"cellent lubrication properties. % filter in the pressure line onl#. RispostaC The highest to minimi.e power consumption and resistance to flow. % filter on the return line onl#. @arn of a h#draulic s#stem overheat. RispostaD C !"# The highest to provide e"cellent lubrication properties. The use of sealed containers onl# during replenishment. 'ndicate that the filter is due maintenance.

021 2hould a h#draulic pump sei.e during operation:

The inner barrel of the pump will rotate thus offloading and protecting the gearbo". 021 % pressure regulator is used in a h#draulic s#stem: To ensure that an e3ual pressure flow is %s an interface between the s#stem and delivered to critical components such the cockpit indicators. as servo actuators. 021 % single action actuator: 's powered in one direction onl# b# Travels one direction under one (annot be used for variable position 's a one shot actuator used for emergenc# h#draulic power+ the return movement application of h#draulic power and operations as it is designed to lock in s#stems onl#. being under spring force. in the opposite direction under a the e"tremities of travel. second application of h#draulic power. 021 4elicopter standb# h#draulic pumps are: 6suall# driven b# electric motors or the -riven b# the helicopters 6suall# fitted to the engine reduction )or use on the ground onl#. main rotor gearbo". slipstream. gearbo". 021 7oss of h#draulic s#stem pressure from one s#stem in a dual s#stem e3uipped % master caution+ an amber light and % master caution and a red light % red light onl#. /ither a red or amber light+ with a loss of helicopter will normall# be indicated in the cockpit b#: the loss of pressure indication on the accompanied b# an audio warning. s#stem pressure on the gauge h#draulic s#stem pressure gauge. accompanied b # a severe increase in stick forces. 021 The following anciliar# s#stems ma# be powered from the main h#draulic s#stem 1+ =+ ;. 1+ ;. 1+ 2+ =. 2+ =+ ;. on a modern commercial helicopter: 1. 7anding gear retraction. 2. )uel heat. =. 5ibration tuner. ;. &lade fold. The combination grouping all of the correct statements is: 021 %"ial piston pumps are often used in h#draulic s#stems due to: Their abilit# to produce high pressure Their low cost+ simplicit# and Their abilit# to produce high pressure The safet# feature of the 3uill drive when re3uired but can be off loaded to durabilit#. combined with constant high flow rate. shearing due to pump sei.ure and the reduce power consumption. ease of repair b# replacement of pump and shaft onl#. 021 The purpose of the aluminium mesh which is manufactured within the skin of To provide protection against lightning To form the shape of the blade and To provide a superior bond between the To transfer flight loads to the skin. some fibre glass covered rotor blades is: strikes. to allow the la#*up of the fibre skin and the foam core providing a glass skin. strong rigid section. 021 /rosion strips fitted to the leading edge of rotor blades are usuall# manufactured Dickel+ Titanium or 2tainless 2teel. %luminium+ Titanium or 2tainless %luminium+ Dickel or Titanium. Tungsten+ Dickel or 2tainless 2teel. from the following allo#s: 2teel. 021 The vertical fin of a helicopter is often of as#mmetric aerofoil section to: Reduce engine power re3uirement in $ffset tail rotor loading in the %ssist lateral control in forward flight. !rovide longitudinal stabilit# in the forward flight. hover. hover. 021 To ensure the centre of pressure of a rotor blade acts through the centre of gravit#+ % weight is placed along the length of The aerofoil is designed to ensure @eights are located at the tip of the Trim tabs are fitted to the tailing edge of during manufacture: the blade+ forward of the main spar. the centre of pressure is in the blade which are ad0usted at the blade to ad0ust the centre of pressure. correct location. manufacture to ensure the centre of gravit# is in the correct location. 021 )riction controls are usuall# fitted to: &oth collective and c#clic controls+ but &oth collective and c#clic controls The collective control onl#. The c#clic control onl#. onl# the collective friction is ad0ustable which are ad0ustable in flight. in flight. 021 @ear rate of a control rod spherical bearing is: /"ponential. !rogressive. (onstant. 6npredictable. 021 % force gradient unit is used to: %dd artificial feel into a h#draulicall# power flight control s#stem. 2uperimposes collective inputs onto c#clic inputs. %re inactive during flight. 'ndicate the pitch angle on the rotor hub during rigging checks. 2uperimposes collective inputs into the Qaw (hannel to compensate for tail rotor drift. :ove to prevent the rotor disc !revent pilot inputs overriding auto* pilot inputs. 's a link between the collective and c#clic roll channel to compensate for tail rotor drift. !revents rotor droop in flight b# Transmit 2tabilit# %ugmentation 2#stem (2%2 movement back to the control sticks. 's a link between the collective and c#clic roll channel to compensate for tail rotor roll. prevents engine power reducing below

'ndicate that the filter is clogged and unfiltered oil is passing around the s#stem. The 3uill drive will shear to offload and % red light will illuminate in the protect the gearbo". cockpit to warn the pilot of the failure. 'n con0unction with a constant deliver# 'n con0unction with a variable t#pe pump. deliver# t#pe pump.

The freewheel unit will disengage the pump from the gearbo".

021 % mi"ing unit in a flight control s#stem:

021 :ain rotor droop stops:


sub Domanda RispostaB drooping e"cessivel# during turbulent conditions preventing damage to the tail cone in flight. Transmit the drive from the rotor hub /nsure that the rotating swashplate to the rotating swashplate. remains in contact with fi"ed swashplate. Resist the rotational force applied to the /nsure the wheel remains correctl# lower swashplate in a rotorhead s#stem. orientated to the $leo leg in a landing gear. 2emi*rigid rotors due to their see*saw Rigid rotors due to the lack of a flapping. flapping hinge. 6ses an aerofoil shaped duct creating thrust. RispostaA RispostaC RispostaD ensuring the engine provides additional the re3uirements to sustain rotor R!:. power immediatel# when re3uired b# the rotor. Transmit the drive from the rotor hub Transmit the drive from the main rotor to the fi"ed swashplate. gearbo" to the main rotor hub. %ct as the lower 0aw of the cable cut device on a hoist. !rovide part of feedback mechanism in an auto*pilot s#stem. )ull# articulated rotors as the flapping blades will induce vibration. 's of simpler design and of a lower cost of manufacture than a traditional tail rotor. %llow the tail rotor blade to flap and drag. 4ard perspe". C !"#

021 The purpose of the rotating scissors is to:

021 The purpose of the fi"ed scissors is to:

021 @ind gusts have a greater adverse effect on:

021 The ducted fan t#pe tail rotor:

021 % delta three hinge is incorporated into some tail rotors to:

%utomaticall# change the pitch angle as the tail rotor blade flaps. 2oft pol#carbonate. % glass and pol#carbonate laminate. 2tainless steel or titanium sheet. %luminium+ kevlar or nome" hone#comb sandwich. the weight+ lift and balance of each blade must be e3ual. wood. wood. 29F of the chord. 1+ 2+ =.

021 The inner surface of a heated windscreen is of: 021 %n electricall# heated windscreen is manufactured from: 021 /ngine compartment decking and firewalls are manufactured from: 021 The cabin floor panels of a helicopter are usuall# manufactured from: 021 4elicopter rotor blades are manufactured to a high degree of accurac# because: 021 The rotor blades that are most sensitive to humidit#+ are those made of: 021 The most difficult material from which to manufacture a homogeneous series of blades is: 021 The main spar of a main rotor blade is at appro"imatel#: 021 The purpose of the blade tip cap is: 1 * to reduce induced drag 2 * to increase the lift in hover = * to increase ma" air speed The combination containing all of the correct statements is: 021 %d0usting an outboard blade tab upwards will produce a: 021 7ow fre3uenc# vibration in the vertical plane which is onl# apparent in high speed flight is due to a: 021 The characteristics of a centrifugal compressor are: 1 * a high pressure ratio b# stage. 2 * a large diameter. = * a low pressure ratio b# stage. ; * a small diameter. The combination containing all of the correct statements is: 021 The characteristics of an a"ial compressor are: 1 * a low pressure ratio b# stage. 2 * a high pressure ratio b# stage. = * the possibilit# of compressing a large mass airflow. ; * the inabilit# of compressing a large mass airflow. The combination containing all of the correct statements is: 021 The sand filter located at the air intake of a gas turbine engine: 021 The greatest risk created b# a free turbine overspeed is: 021 'n a free turbine engine+ the energ# delivered b# the free turbine stages: 021 The bimetal strip detectors of an engine fire detection s#stem: 1 * are arranged in

)ull# articulated rotors as the gust will cause the blade to flap thus altering the pitch angle. 's chosen in design solel# due to 's mounted at the base of the fin the safet# reasons. allowing lighter supporting structure and to offset the fin to counter tail rotor drift. :aintain pilot control during auto 'ntroduce pilot induced pitch change rotation. without the re3uirement of a swashplate. Triple". ,lass. Triple glass sheets with the grain laid at <0M to each other. %luminium allo# sheet. 2heet aluminium allo#. if the lift is not e3ual lateral vibration will be induced. metal. metal. =9F of the chord. 1+ 2.

% perspe" and pol#carbonate laminate % boron aluminide and glass laminate. with gold heating element. (omposite materials such as carbon+ %sbestos blankets. kevlar and fibre glass. 2tainless steel or titanium sheet. (arbon fibre or kevlar sheet composite. the d#namic stabilit# of the helicopter depends on it. composite materials. composite materials. ;9F of the chord. 2+ =. the static stabilit# of the helicopter depends on it. plastic. plastic. 90F of the chord. 1+ =.

nose up moment on the blade. badl# ad0usted tab on the main rotor blade 1 and 2 onl#.

nose down moment on the blade. badl# ad0usted rod on the main rotor blade 2 and = onl#.

medium fre3uenc# vibration in flight. mass imbalance of the main rotor 1 and ; onl#.

high fre3uenc# vibration in flight. mass imbalance of the tail rotor = and ; onl#.

1 and = onl#.

2 and = onl#.

2 and ; onl#.

1 and ; onl#.

reduces the efficienc# of the air intake. increases the efficienc# of the air intake. bursting of the free turbine disk. a surge of the gas generator.

has no effect on the efficienc# of the air has an effect on the efficienc# of the intake. compressor onl#. creep of the turbine blades. an engine overtemperature.

is dependent on the rotational speed of is used to drive the compressor and is not connected with the rotation speed is used to drive the compressor onl#. the gas generator. the main rotor gearbo". of the generator. 1 and = onl#. 1 and ; onl#. 2 and = onl#. 2 and ; onl#.


sub Domanda series. 2 * are arranged in parallel. = * open during a fire. ; * close during a fire. The combination containing all of the correct statements is: 021 The replenishment of an o"#gen bottle can be ensure b# the: 1 * weight. 2 * pressure. = * level. ; * volume. The combination containing all of the correct statements is: 021 The replenishment of an onboard o"#gen bottle must be done: RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD C !"#

1 and 2 onl#.

1 and = onl#.

2 and = onl#.

1 and ; onl#.

with the engine(s off.

with the engine(s on.

with the engine(s at idle.

with a ground power unit connected+ electrical power supplied.

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