Sheva Brachot English Hebrew and Translit
Sheva Brachot English Hebrew and Translit
Sheva Brachot English Hebrew and Translit
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Baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei pri ha-gafen.
Blessed are You, God, source of the world, who creates the fruit of the vine.
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Baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam, she-hakol bara lichvodo.
Blessed are You, God. All of creation attests to Your glory.
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Baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam, yotzer ha-adam.
Blessed are you, God, creator of humanity.
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Baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher bara et ha-adam be-tzalmo, be-tzelem
demut tavnito, ve-hitkin lo mimenu binyan adei ad. Baruch atah adonai, yotzer ha-adam.
Blessed are you, God, Foundation of every life, who fashioned humanity in Your likeness and in
Your image, and who has given us the means that we might flourish through time. Blessed are
You, God, who has created human beings.
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Sos tasis ve-tagel ha-akarah, be-kibbutz baneha le-tocha be-simcha. Baruch atah adonai,
mesameach tziyon be-vaneha.
Zion shall surely celebrate whenever two of her children are united in joy. Blessed are You,
God, who brings joy to Zion through her children.
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Sameiach tesamach re-im ha-ahuvim, ke-samechacha yetzircha be-gan eden mi-kedem. Baruch
atah adonai, mesameach chatan ve-chalah.
God, may you gladden the hearts of these beloved friends, as you made the first man and woman
rejoice in the garden of Eden, long ago. Blessed are You, God, who causes the groom and bride
to rejoice.
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Baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher bara sason ve-simcha, chatan ve-chalah,
gilah rinah ditzah ve-chedvah, ahavah ve-achavah ve-shalom ve-reut. Meherah adonai eloheinu
yishama be-arei yehuda uvchutzot yerushalayim: Kol sason ve-kol simcha, kol chatan ve-kol
kalah, kol mitzhalot chatanim me-chupatam u-nearim mi-mishteh neginatam. Baruch atah
adonai, mesameach chatan im ha-kalah.
Blessed are You, God, who lights the world with happiness and contentment, love and
companionship, peace and friendship, bridegroom and bride. Let the mountains of Israel dance!
Let the gates of Jerusalem ring with the sounds of joy, song, merriment and delight - the voice of
the groom and the voice of the bride, the happy shouts of their friends and companions. We bless
you God, who brings bride and groom together to rejoice in each other.