Word Notes
Word Notes
Word Notes
Word is a major upgrade to an already fully featured package, apart from integrating information from non-word programs like spreadsheet, databases; graphic sources etc. word has added many internet based facilities like E-mail, designing web pages etc. Word gives you tools to easily create professional quality documents and share information. Word is loaded with helpful, time saving features that will allow you to focus on the content of your documents rather than on how to use the software. Word automatically determines what language a user is typing and applies the correct proofing tools like AutoCorrect, Spell Check, and Grammar Check etc. MS-Word is the most full - featured Word Processing program in use today. Word provides all basic word - processing duties and fulfils most of desktop publishing needs. Word helps to generate all memos, letters, reports and other text intensive documents. What is Word Processor? A Word Processor is a software package that helps us to create and edit documents. Creating a document involves typing it into the internal memory of the computer and saving it by writing it into the disk. Editing a document involves correcting the spelling mistakes, deleting words, making sentences and paragraphs.
Features of MS-Word
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Click and type Collect and paste multiple items Auto detect and replace corrupt or missing components Detect and repair Adaptive menu Save any document directly to a web server Web page preview Tables can be added in web pages as you can allow site visitors to edit these through their browser. 9. Online office assistance 10. Facility of checking spellings, grammar are available in ms-word 11. Find and replace words are another feature, which replaces all words in the current document. 12. Auto saving is another important feature, which saves document from time to time 13. The complete document or a part of a document can be copied to another document by copy or export facility. 14. Synonyms (i.e. Words having the same or nearly the same meaning are called synonyms) for the given word can be used. 15. Mail merge facility is available in ms-word. A bulk of letters can be sent to various persons by this facility. 16. Auto correct and auto format features are there in ms-word 17. Easy table creation & formatting that includes table auto format, which allows to focus on data. 18. A number of fonts are available in ms- word program. You can choose the desired font and symbol. 19. Setting of the paragraphs, left margin, right margin, line spacing , top margin, bottom margin etc. Can be done as per the choice of the user.
MS - Word Screen
Opening a New Document To Create or open a New document click the New Button on the Standard Toolbar, (Or) Select File New, click General tab and select Blank Document to open a new document. Every time you run word, it opens a new blank document named as Document1.
A new document can also be created based on a template. A template is the model on which a document is based. A New document is opened and gives a temporary name DOCUMENT1. If we open another New Document it would be named DOCUMENT2 with the next DOCUMENT3 and so on. When you open a document it is placed on the top of any existing one and becomes the active document. The next step is to enter the text in the document. The Short Cut key is Ctrl + N Opening an Existing Document If you have created a file and have saved it with some name, later you may have to open it. To open existing files choose File Open or press Ctrl+ O. To quickly open one of the previous documents you worked on, choose it from the bottom of the File Menu and click it. Or Click Open Button on the Standard Toolbar (Or) Select File Open. Then a Dialog box appears, in that dialog box select the file name with the Mouse or type the file name on the Filename Box and finally click OK (Or) the Short Cut key is "Ctrl + O" Saving a Word Document To save any Document Select File Save (Or) Click Save Button on the Standard Toolbar (Or) the Short Cut Key is "Ctrl + S" The first time you save a word document, then it displays a Dialog box, in that dialog box - you assign it a name and the folder in which to save it. Thereafter, when you save the document, word uses that name and folder and does not prompt you for changes to them - unless you decide to save the file under different name or in a different folder, in this case you need to use the File Save As option rather than File Save. Closing Document To close existing document use the command File Close
Insert and Overstrike Word is normally in the insert mode. As text is typed, following text is pushed to the right and down. You can put word into the overstrike mode by pressing the <Ins> key. OVR is displayed at the bottom of the screen (on the Status Bar) when in overstrike. Press <Ins> again to put Word back into the insert mode. Using Select All Option This option is used to select entire contents of the active document Goto Edit Menu Select All option (or) use the Shortcut key (Ctrl + A)
Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Type some data on the page Goto Edit Menu and then select Find option, it displays the find dialog box. Here type the text on the Find What text box, for which you want to search in the document Click the Find Next button, it will show that text in a highlighted mode. Repeat the above Step 4 continuously until word finishes its searching If the specified text is not found then word automatically displays a message Word Has finished Searching the Document, The Search Item Was Not Found Finally click the Close Button
Replace (Ctrl + H)
This option is used to search for the given text which is on the find what text box and replaces that text with the text given on replace with textbox Procedure to Replace the Text 1. Type some data on the page 2. Goto Edit Menu and then select Replace Option, it displays the replace dialog box.
3. Here type the text on the Find What text box, for which you want to search in the document and then type text on the Replace With text box to which you want to replace the text. 4. Click the Replace to replace the text individually or Click the Replace All button to replace all text with the specified text. 5. Finally click the Close Button
Goto (Ctrl + G)
This option is used to moves the insertion point to the item you want to go to. You can move to a page number, comment, footnote, bookmark, or other location.
Procedure Goto Edit Menu select Goto 1. It displays a dialog box, here select Any One Option under the Go to What List Box, and then type the Number for which you want to go to i.e. either Page or Line or Footer or Bookmark Etc.
On the Edit menu, click Repeat. If you can't repeat the last action, the Repeat command changes to Can't Repeat.
4. The Background color will not support in this view. i.e. you can see text, all graphics etc but not the back ground color in Print Layout View Outline view In the outline view, you can examine and work with the structure of your file in classic outline form. Work in outline view when you need to organize and develop the content of your file. Outline view shows the document's structure. The indentations and symbols in outline view do not affect the way your document looks in normal view and do not print.
To switch to outline view, click Outline View on the horizontal scroll bar.
Document Map
Turns on or off the document map, a vertical pane along the left edge of the document window outlines the document structure. Use the document map to quickly browse a long or online document and to keep track of your location in it. Procedure: 1. Type some paragraph and then type some title for that paragraph. 2. To make that title as heading, first select that title and then goto formatting tool bar and then under the Style List Box select Heading 3. Similarly type two or more paragraphs with titles as headings 4. Now goto View Document Map, you can organize the paragraph through their titles, which are displayed on the left edge of the document. 5. Simply click on a heading it will show the related paragraph.
When a document is viewed in the Normal Mode, the header/footer text is not displayed. In the Page layout or Print layout, header/footer text is displayed in light gray color. You can double click on the Header/Footer to activate and edit it. You can use the same header and footer throughout a document or change the header and footer for part of the document. For example, use a unique header or footer on the first page, or leave the header or footer off the first page. You can also use different headers and footers on odd and even pages or for part of a document. Create a Header/Footer 1. To add a Header/Footer to a document, Select View Header and Footer A box will be displayed to type the header text along with the Header and Footer Toolbar.
Procedure 1. To add header and footer to the active document Goto View Menu Header And Footer 2. Now it displays A Small Rectangular boxes at the top and bottom of the page with the header and footer toolbar 3. To create a header or footer, enter text or graphic in the header or footer area. Or Click a button on the Header and Footer toolbar, i.e. you can insert auto text entries or page number, total number of pages, date, and time. You can format the page numbers, page setup etc. 4. Whatever you selected for header and footer in first page it will be applied to entire page in the document.
Font Command: Select Format Font, This opens the Font Dialog Box as shown below.
In the Font tab, In the Font List box, you can change the type of font. There are several fonts in the font list box; you can select any of them by clicking the mouse over a particular font. The Default Font name is Times New Roman In the Font Style List box , you can select different styles i.e. Bold, italic, underline etc. You can select any of them by clicking the mouse over a particular style. The Default Style is Regular In the Font Size List box, you can change the size of the text, it displays different sizes, and you can select any of them by clicking the mouse over a particular size. The Default size of the font is 12. In the Font Color box , you can change the color of the text, it displays different colors, and you can select any of them by clicking the mouse over a particular Color Box. The Default Color is Automatic i.e. Black. In the Underline Style box , you can select the different styles of underlines by clicking the mouse over a particular style. In the Underline color box, you can select the color for the underline. Default color is Black.
Under the "Effects" , you can select any one Effect or more Effects. The effect are Strike Through, Super Script, Sub Script, Shadow to the selected text, All caps, Small caps etc Subscript: The text that is written below the original line is a Subscript. E.g., H20, here 2 is the subscript. To create a subscript, block the text, which is to be printed below the original line (in the above case 2), select FormatFont, select Subscript check box and click on Ok. Superscript: The text that is written above the original line is a Superscript. E.g., A3+B3, here 3 is the superscript. To create a superscript, block the text, which is to be printed above the original line (in the above case 3), select FormatFont, select Superscript check box and click Ok. Procedure to Change the Font name, Style and Size 1. Type some data on the page 2. Select that text either with Mouse or with the Keyboard 3. Goto Format Menu and then select Font option , it displays the Font Dialog Box. 4. Under the Font Tab, select the Font or Font Style or Font Size of Your choice that will be displayed on the Preview Window and finally click the Ok button Procedure to Change the Effects 1. Type some data on the page 2. Select that text either with Mouse or with the Keyboard 3. Goto Format Menu and then select Font option , it displays the Font Dialog Box. 4. Under the Effects Frame, select the Effect (Strike Through or Super Script or Sub Script or All Caps or Small Caps etc) that you want to apply for the selected text, that effect will be displayed on the Preview Window and finally click the Ok button
Here we can give animations to the text Select Format Font Text Effects tab Here we can give different animation effects such as Blinking Background, Los Vegas Lights, Marching Blank Ants, Shimmer, Sparkling Text etc.
Procedure 1. Type some data on the page 2. Select that text either with Mouse or with the Keyboard 3. Goto Format Menu and then select Font option , it displays the Font Dialog Box. 4. Click the Text Effects Tab, Under the Animations List box, select any one Animation, that animation will be displayed on the Preview Window and finally click the Ok button Paragraph Formatting To make changes to a selected paragraph, use Select Format Paragraphs It will open a window, in that window you can align the Paragraph, Create Line Spacing, Indent the Paragraphs and Spacing between the Paragraphs Paragraph Alignment The text in the paragraph is by default Left Aligned i.e., the text written will be properly adjusted in the left side. The Text can be Left or Right Aligned or Center or Justified. Example: This text is Left Aligned This text is Centered This text is Right Aligned The text in this paragraph is Justified, i.e., the text will be properly adjusted on both the left and right margins. This type of alignment will improve the appearance of the paragraph. Indents There are four types of Indents Left: Leaves a gap at the left side of a paragraph according to given number of inches Right: Leaves a gap at the right side of a paragraph according to given number of inches First Line: Leaves a gap at the beginning of first line of a paragraph according to given number of inches Hanging: Leaves a gap at the left side of paragraph except for the first line in the paragraph according to given number of inches
Spacing: Sets the amount of spaces between the lines and the paragraph Above: sets the amount of spaces above the selected paragraph Below: sets the amount of spaces below the selected paragraph Line Spacing: sets the amount of spaces between the lines
Page Border You can add a border to each page in a document, to pages in a section, to the first page only, or to all pages except the first. You can add page borders in many line styles and colors, as well as a variety of graphical borders, which are present under the Art List Box. The selected type of border will be applied to the full page. To Apply Borders to a Page 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the any page in the document Select Format Borders And Shading Select the Page Border Tab Select the type of border from the settings or select an Art from the drop down list 5. under Apply to drop down list, specify whether page border is to be applied to the whole document etc., and click on OK
To remove the page borders, click on the page with border, select Format Borders and Shading and select none in the borders setting option Paragraph Shading Paragraph shading is also used to emphasis the text written in the paragraph. The shading can be done for one paragraph or selected paragraphs using different colors. To apply shading for the Paragraphs 1. Click on the paragraph (for single paragraph) or select more than one paragraph 2. select Format Borders and Shading 3. From the Shading Tab, choose the desired color for filling, select the fill style if required and click on OK.
To remove shading, click on the paragraph with shading, select Format Borders and Shading and select None in the fill color of shading tab.
To change the type of Bullet symbol, click on any one bullet style, click on Customize button, it displays the following dialog box It displays a list of 6 types of bullet styles; you can choose any one and then click the OK button. Here you can specify the Font, Bullet Position and text position for the Selected Bullet
Otherwise you can click on Bullet Button, and then select the required symbol by choosing the appropriate font. (for example select the font Webdings or Windings1 or Windings2 or Windings3 etc, which are present at the bottom of the Font List box)
To remove bullets and numbering, block the text, select Format Bullets and Numbering and select the bullet type None and click on OK. To apply Numbering Select the text Select Format Bullets and Numbering Select the style of Number from Numbered tab Click on OK.
Otherwise you can click on Customize Button, and then select the required number format or number style or start at or number position or text position To change the font style, click the Font Button and choose the appropriate font. (for example select the font Times New Roman or Arial Black or Verdana etc, which are present at the bottom of the Font List box)