JTNews - February 7, 2014
JTNews - February 7, 2014
JTNews - February 7, 2014
FEBRUARY 7, 2014
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A new term
The word anti-Semitism is outdated, unclear, and confusing, says one local writer. But more important, it doesnt encompass the growing hatred hes seeing toward Jews today.
Seahawks spirit
Plenty of Jews from here and elsewhere in the country traveled to East Rutherford, N.J. to cheer on the Seahawks last Sunday. We caught up with a few of our 12th mensches.
9 12
A rapper and a rabbi have come together to create unity among the African American and Jewish communities through music and, they hope, a video.
14 21
A local student traveled to Olympia to speak on behalf of his fellow teens and felt empowered by the response.
Fun and lm
The Seattle Jewish Film Festival is back with a selection that will be heavy on the comedy and celebrating our community.
From the Jewish Transcript, February 11, 1976. In the year of the birth of a pro football team known as the Seattle Seahawks and the bicentennial of our nation, teenage boys in our Jewish community were learning about social justice. Two AZA chapters in the Bnai Brith Youth Organization, Rainier and Olympic, took it upon themselves to go door to door to collect used clothing for low-income families living in Israel.
JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and accurate coverage of local, national and international news, opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, including the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we carry out our mission.
2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 206-441-4553 editor@jtnews.net www.jtnews.net JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish Transcript, a nonprot corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are $56.50 for one year, $96.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121.
Its the conversation everyone needs to have, but nobody wants to. A returning series deals with the logistics of leaving life, from preparing paperwork to comforting a mourner.
MORE Community Calendar 4 Crossword 8 M.O.T.: A focus on two states 10 Israel: To Your Health: Better vitamins 11 Lifecycles 27 The Shouk Classieds 24
Reach us directly at 206-441-4553 + ext. Publisher & Editor *Joel Magalnick 233 Associate Editor Emily K. Alhadeff 240 Online Editor Dikla Tuchman 240 Sales Manager Lynn Feldhammer 264 Account Executive David Stahl Classifieds Manager Rebecca Minsky 238 Art Director Susan Beardsley 239
Coming up February 21
Bnai Mitzvah Celebrations
Peter Horvitz, Chair*; Jerry Anches; Lisa Brashem; Nancy Greer; Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Ron Leibsohn; Stan Mark; Cantor David Serkin-Poole* Keith Dvorchik, CEO and President, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Celie Brown, Federation Board Chair *Member, JTNews Editorial Board Ex-Officio Member
A Proud Partner Agency of
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to Jewish Washington
For a complete listing of events, or to add your event to the JTNews calendar, visit calendar.jtnews.net. Calendar events must be submitted no later than 10 days before publication. Friday night dinner featuring Prof. Zvi Zohar on Pure Olive Oil-Forever? A Sephardic Perspective on Continuity and Change in Halacha. $18 adult, $12 kids 6-13. At Sephardic Bikur Holim, 6500 52nd Ave. S, Seattle. 8 p.m. SJCC Cultural Arts Grand Opening Event
Pamela Lavitt at pamelal@sjcc.org or 206-388-0832 or www.jewishinseattle.org Inaugural evening of entertainment at the Js newly remodeled auditorium. $36. At the Stroum Jewish Community Center, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. 8:2011 p.m. The Q Third Annual Trivia Night
Ari Hoffman at thehoffather@gmail.com or 206-295-5888 or seattlencsy.com Fast-paced multimedia trivia night for adults. Proceeds benet NCSY. 21-plus. $36. At Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, 5217 S Brandon St., Seattle.
www.jgsws.org Reference librarian Darcy Brixey will discuss the many genealogy resources available to King County library cardholders, including online databases, books, and directories. Free. At LDS Factoria Building, 4200 124th Ave. SE, Bellevue.
Candlelighting times February 7.............................5:01 p.m. February 14...........................5:12 p.m. February 21...........................5:23 p.m. February 28...........................5:34 p.m. FRIDAY
Julie Greene at julie@bcmhseattle.org At Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle. 6:308 p.m. Sephardic Educational Center Shabbaton
Susan Jensen at ofce@ezrabessaroth.net or 206-722-5500 or www.ezrabessaroth.net Sermon by Rabbi Daniel Bouskila. Kiddush lunch followed by Prof. Zvi Zohar. Free. At Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, 5217 S Brandon St., Seattle. 1:152:30 p.m. Do All Jews Believe in God?
Shelly Goldman at sgoldman@a.templebnaitorah.org or 425-603-9677 or templebnaitorah.org Explore how you can have a Jewish journey as a non-believer. Free. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue.
It takes a Community
Join us as we honor for her dedication to NYHS and our community! Sunday, March 9, 2014 Doors open at 5:00pm Westin Seattle Hotel www.nyhsgala.com
Ken Di Raimondo at Di@sjcc.org or 206-388-0826 or sjcc.org Hike and enjoy the scenery. Meet in the Hyak Sno-Park parking lot closest to the trail. Snowshoe rental included in the price. Ages 10-plus. SJCC members $30, guests $45. Take I-90 to exit 54 N Frontage Rd., Hyak. 9:30 a.m.1 p.m. The Visionary: The Life of Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Hai Uziel
Daniel Alhadeff at daniel.alhadeff@gmail.com Film screening followed by book signing and discussion with Zvi Zohar, Rabbi Daniel Bouskila, and Devin Naar, moderated by Sephardic Education Center chairman Neil Sheff. Free. At Majestic Bay Theater, 2044 NW Market St., Seattle. 59 p.m. MMSC LampLighter Annual Dinner
Avremi Gitler at abegitler@gmail.com or www.mmscdinner.com Annual fundraising dinner for Menachem Mendel Seattle Cheder, featuring Dr. David Nesenoff, who works against bias and anti-Semitism. Honoring Devorah Gallor, MMSC master educator. At Hillel at the University of Washington, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle.
Kim Lawson at klawson@sjcc.org or 206-388-0823 or www.sjcc.org Same as Mondays event. SJCC members $20, guests $25. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. 78:30 p.m. Good Grief: Jewish Traditions and Practical Preparations
Leonid Orlov at familylife@jfsseattle.org or 206-861-8784 or goo.gl/0XC2Ka A four-part series on Jewish traditions and practical preparations for end of life. Advance online registration required. $12 session, $36 for the series. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.
Karen Treiger at ktreiger@hotmail.com or 206-777-5100 or www.minyanohrchadash.org Kabbalat Shabbat at 5:20 p.m. followed by dinner and a session with Malka on the topic of Agunot, women whose husbands refuse to give them a Jewish divorce (get). $20 for dinner; RSVP required. At Minyan Ohr Chadash, 6701 51st Ave. S, Seattle.
Kim Lawson at klawson@sjcc.org or 206-388-0823 or www.sjcc.org Tips, tricks, and recipes for fast and easy dinners perfect for any night of the week. SJCC members $20, guests $25. At the Stroum JCC Seattle, 2618 NE 80th St., Seattle. 79 p.m. Mixing Musics: The Sacred Songs of Istanbul Jews
Lauren Spokane at laurenjs@uw.edu or 206543-0138 or stroumjewishstudies.org/events Explore the linked histories of Istanbul, its Jewish community, and historical musical traces of multi-religious music-making in Ottoman and Turkish society. With Dr. Maureen Jackson and ethnomusicologist Mnir Beken. At the Ethnic Cultural Theatre, 3940 Brooklyn Ave. NE, Seattle. 7:309 p.m. Free Genealogy Resources from King County Library System
Shelly Goldman at sgoldman@a.templebnaitorah.org or 425-603-9677 or www.templebnaitorah.org/ adult_education Learn how to use Jewish tradition to write your life and explore your soul. Free. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue. 510 p.m. SJCC: Parents Night Out
Daliah Silver at daliahs@sjcc.org or 206-388-0839 or sjcc.org Wizard of Oz: Follow the yellow brick road. Includes dinner. $30 members, $40 guests. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.
Kim Lawson at klawson@sjcc.org or 206-388-0823 or sjcc.org A culinary tour of Sephardic baked goods in a hands-on cooking class. SJCC members $12, XXPAGE 6
Joel Magalnicks interview with Andy Stern, former president of Service Employees International Union (Where the next jobs wont come from, Jan. 24), was illuminating. Mr. Stern is accurate, I think, about the challenges he sees for American workers, but admits to being clueless about where we are headed. Mr. Stern is wedded to the paradigm of organized labor, which (other than for public-sector unions with an iron rice bowl until municipal bankruptcy) is fading away and is not part of the future. Other commentators with greater vision do see what is ahead. Most notable is George Gilder, author of Wealth and Poverty, and his latest book, Knowledge and Power (instructive reading for Mr. Stern). Gilder notes that we are passing from the machine age to the information age in which knowledge is the key to employment. Others have noted the passing of large bureaucratic corporations as the wellspring of American jobs and the rise of smaller, more dynamic enterprises led by entrepreneurial management. These are not now or will ever be fertile ground for unions. I recommend to JTNews readers Mr. Gilders writings. He occasionally speaks in Seattle at the Discovery Institute. When he does, it should not be missed. Robert Wilkes Bellevue
In response to Ariel Sharon: A depreciation, Jan. 24. According to Alden Oreck on Jewish Virtual Library: The Israeli attack on Qibya, Jordan, came against the backdrop of repeated crossborder attacks by Jordanians on Israeli civilians in the years after Israels War of Independence. After the June 1949 cease-re between Israel and its Arab neighbors, including Jordan, with whom Israel shared its longest international border, the Mixed Armistice Commission and United Nations Truce Supervision Organization were set up to lessen the danger of violence along Israels borders. Both failed. Between June 1949 and October 1954, Israel accused Jordan of violating the armistice agreement 1,612 times, killing at least 124 Israelis, wounding hundreds more. On October 13, 1953, Jordanian terrorists inltrated the Israeli border and threw a grenade into a house, killing a mother and two children in Tiryat Yehuda. In an effort to prevent further attacks and protect its borders, Israel launched a reprisal raid on Qibiya, a Jordanian town across the border from Tiryat Yehuda. Unit 101, led by thenColonel Ariel Sharon, destroyed 50 homes, killing 69 Jordanian civilians who were hidden inside and had gone unnoticed. Although Sharon claimed he did not know the houses were occupied, the event still shocked and embarrassed Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. Nevertheless, the attack, and other such reprisal raids on Jordanian terrorist and army posts, brought relative quiet to Israels Jordanian border. Rabbi Rob Toren Executive director, Samis Foundation Seattle
The opinions expressed by Rabbi Anson Laytner in JTNews (Ariel Sharon: A depreciation, Jan. 24) are very wrong. The actions of Ariel Sharon on behalf of the state of Israel should be applauded, not criticized. As a 14-year-old, he joined the Haganah to protect his country. As head of Unit 101 he fought against enemies from all sides, severely outnumbered, and won. Ariel Sharon as a leader had to make decisions that are extremely tough and under circumstances no one can fathom. He did just that he made the decisions and Israel is stronger, better, and more prepared as a result of his actions and decisions. With regards to the rabbis opinion that Palestinian blood was shed, I urge you to look at the facts. The militias were merely asked to get rid of the terrorists and nothing more. They acted on their own in the massacre that occurred. Gaza was another tough decision for Sharon and his decision to evacuate was met with many protests, but in the end, though not a perfect solution , so many Israeli lives were saved as a result of being on our side of the border. There is a high price to pay for the safety of your people and Ariel Sharon was willing to pay that price. Ariel Weber Seattle
WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We would love to hear from you! You may submit your letters to editor@jtnews.net. Please limit your letters to approximately 350 words. The deadline for the next issue is February 11. Future deadlines may be found online. The opinions of our columnists and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the views of JTNews or the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.
I read that the Jews were pushing gun control (Injured Congresswoman, Jewish leaders speak on behalf of gun control initiative, on JTNews.net and page 6). Please remind them what Hitler and Stalin did to their population. They rst restricted gun ownership, then conscated the guns. We all know what happened afterward and if you believe for one moment, especially with the current administration, that it could not happen here, they should go back and study their history. Jack Kalman Palm Desert, Calif.
Go, be courageous, the nation is counting on you. Gabrielle Giffords, former Arizona Congresswoman, who spoke before the Washington State House judiciary committee on Jan. 28 in support of Initiative 594, which would tighten rules on purchases of rearms.
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guests $18. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.
Galit Ezekiel at galit@hilleluw.org or 206-527-1997 or www.hilleluw.org HillelFest 2014 raises funds for Hillels annual operating needs. $180 per guest. At Hillel at the UW, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle.
Kate Speizer at kspeizer@tdhs-nw.org or 206-315-7429 or tdhs-nw.org Brief prayer service (with guitar), snack, a project or story, and free play. All are welcome, no membership or experience required. Free. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1511 E Pike St., Seattle. 7:30 p.m. The Power of Hope
scholar@shevetachim.com Lecture by Rabbi Moshe Brisky, scholar in residence at Congregation Shevet Achim. $10 per person, $15 family. At Northwest Yeshiva High School, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island.
Shelly Goldman at sgoldman@a.templebnaitorah.org or 425-603-9677 or templebnaitorah.org A lively and respectful debate on Judaism and gun violence. Free. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue. 58 p.m. BCMH Annual Dinner
bit.ly/BCMHdinner Kosher Ezells Famous Chicken, live music, and rafe. At BCMH, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle.
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The besasim spice box, part of the Havdalah ceremony, symbolizes the end of the Sabbath. The fragrant scent from the spice box energizes those nearby for the week ahead. The seasonings chosen can determine the mood for the week. The website adventuresinspice.com catalogues many seasonings and their meanings. From our spice box, choose the seasonings you want to evoke the moods you desire.
ACROSS 1 Attacking move from Ronda Rousey 4 Propulsion for a weidling 7 Seasoning symbolizing worthiness 10 Seasoning symbolizing wealth 12 ___ of the Dead (2004 zomedy) 14 Bruce Willis spy series 15 Keys played by Alicia Keys 18 Seasoning symbolizing sensuality 20 Seasoning symbolizing strength 21 Permit 22 Seasoning symbolizing ability to deal with 26 27 28 31 33 36 38 40 41 44 45 46 48 49 50 52 54 56 58 59 60 61
unpleasantness Thor, e.g. Watergates G. Gordon Sony trademark Seasoning symbolizing friendship Source for lms on TV Cappers workplace Fix Entryway to a sound Ovine comment Executes a knitting maneuver Bureau whose activity was exposed by Edward Snowden They make a cutter move Agent Provocateur purchase Emulate 45-Across Seasoning symbolizing calmness Queens subject Query from a pot smoker, maybe Tenaciously embraced Place Bono and Sting, for two Toll of the bell Jay ___ Garage (nbc.com car site)
DOWN 1 Option when beating isnt an option 2 It might be modern 3 Cofn stand 4 Having no width or depth, perhaps 5 Major payroll co. 6 Was an agent for 7 Pal 8 Zoo attraction 9 Check 10 Power unit 11 Chimed 12 TV show where Pharoah is president 13 Shade 16 Hero of Zion 17 Aged 19 Eastern prison 20 KFC device 23 Gentlemanly address 24 Russell Wilson scores, briey 25 Agcy. that ghts antisemitic acts 28 French monarch 29 Seasoning symbolizing stability 30 Seasoning symbolizing ability to accept 31 Card game in which players quickly trade 32 33 34 35 37 39 41 42 43 46 47 49 50 51 53 55 57
Gabrielle Giffords, who was attacked by a gunman in 2011, speaks as her husband Mark Kelly looks on.
commodities Uh-huh Seasoning symbolizing helpfulness Seasoning symbolizing passion ___ Fields Cookies Belfast-born actor Stephen Place to pop off to Indiana Senator Birch or Evan Suffer One of the Baldwins Seasoning symbolizing wisdom Seasoning symbolizing protection Type of show Gates of Seattle What a Tesla doesnt need Chuck Crazy computer of lm Compass pt.
Answers on page 27 2014 Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cafe, 1538 12th Avenue, Seattle. All rights reserved. Puzzle created by Lone Shark Games, Inc. Edited by Mike Selinker and Gaby Weidling.
that polls in Washington State show that 79 percent say they support standing background checks on gun purchases. Kelly said that 5,692 Washingtonians were killed by a gun between 2001 and 2010. Too often, gun safety and gun rights are pitted against each other, he said. But the truth is this. The thing we can do to promote responsible gun ownership and protect our Second Amendment rights is the very same thing that will do the most to reduce gun violence. And thats keeping the guns out of the hands of people who shouldnt own them by requiring background checks for most gun purchases. Cheryl Stumbo, one of six women shot at the office of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle in 2006, testified before the committee of the 20 surgeries she has undergone in the nearly eight years since the shooting there. Im one of the lucky ones. Im alive, she said. Stumbo brought up the financial costs that can further devastate shooting victims when their medical bills come due, as well as the costs to the public in the form of trials of the shooters, prison terms, and increased law enforcement. Rabbi Moshe Kletenik of the Vaad HaRabbanim of Greater Seattle also spoke
enforcement officer, was one of many who testified before the committee against the initiative. He called the initiative overly broad and said it does not take into account criminal intent. It would affect millions of our citizens and in my opinion accomplish nothing, he said. It makes criminals [of people] who merely hand a gun while out on the range to another person. Rabbi Aaron Meyer of Temple De Hirsch Sinai, who noted that he owns a firearm, compared possession of a gun to ownership of a vicious dog. They are dangerous objects and we must take all possible preventative measures to prevent the indiscriminate and preventable loss of human life, he said. You are currently the owners of this vicious dog. Will you act to protect us all from harm? Giffords, who is Jewish, spoke haltingly due to her injuries. Still, she spoke forcefully when speaking in favor of the legislative initiative. Ive seen great courage when my life was on the line, she said. Now is the time to come together, be responsible Democrats, Republicans, everyone. Never stop fighting. Go, be courageous, the nation is counting on you.
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Common Cause in Massachusetts on camlaw these past few years, Joshua Friedes says paign finance and political ethics reform, Josh says, because it had far hell be able to use a becoming a volunteer in the early orgagreater support than people lot of what he learned nized freedom-to-marry movement. realized. He thinks the same championing marriage An eight-week consulting gig for Equal applies to American Jews equality in this state in his Rights Washington brought him here in thoughts about the two-state new job as director of regional 2006, and he never left. Since then, among solution. We see from polloperations and strategy at J other things, he managed the Approve 71 ing that people are with us, Street. The organization supcampaign and helped set up Washington he says. J Streets role is to ports a two-state solution for United for Marriage. Josh also sat on the listen to the poll numbers and Israel and the Palestinians board of Reform congregation Kol HaNeurge the administration to (www.jstreet.org). shamah in West Seattle. play a leadership roleand The former executive This past year he began thinking about not pull back. director of Equal Rights Member of what he called his other passion, Israel, The organization is growWashington, Josh has spent the Tribe deciding the world had changed enough ing, he says, especially on colmost of the last 15 years camfor an openly gay man to become involved lege campuses. People are paigning for the rights of in Israeli-Palestinian issues. listening to our message. same-sex couples to marry first in MassaIn both America and Israel Josh grew up in East chusetts and then in Washington. LGBT people can participate Brunswick, N. J., and took It wasnt too long ago that people fully in civil life, Josh says. his first trip to Israel with said, Ill never see marriage equality in There is a more open disUnited Synagogue Youth. my life, he points out, which makes him cussion about the two-state He was very active in Hillel more optimistic about a resolution to the solution in Israel, while here at the University of RochesIsraeli-Palestinian conflict. in Americawe have not had ter and spent a semester at The truth of the matter is that things this vibrant conversation. the Tel Aviv University. After change, he says. You have to live not in Those who question Israeli the Peace Corps in the Philthe past, but in the present and the future. government policy risk being ippines, he returned to law Marriage equality moved quickly into portrayed by some as not school in Colorado to study COURtEsy J StREEt environmental law. Josh Friedes, who took over being supportive of Israel, It bored me silly, he says. at J Street as its director of he says. J Streets message, he Vicki Robbins, CTC Turning to civil rights, regional operations and adds, is that one can have a deep love of Israel and quesafter law school he worked for strategy. Robbins Travel
tion the policies of the Israeli government. And despite the fact that Joshs new job is in New York, he will bring a West Coast sensibility and awareness to his role. J Streets Pacific Northwest office is in San Francisco, where the organization will host its 2014 national summit in June, its first on the West Coast. Josh invites members of our states pro-Israel, pro-peace community to attend and hopes people will get involved with J Streets Seattle chapter. Theres more information on the website.
By the time you read this, Nadine Strauss , executive director of Mercer Islands Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, will have already been honored by her congregation for 25 years on the job. Its been a privilege, she reflected recently, and an unusual privilege to be able to work at a job that one loves for so long and to continue appreciating it. The congregation was much smaller when Nadine started. There were still a lot of typewriters in the building, she says. Rapid changes cultural and technological meant adjusting along the way, but staying tethered to the values and traditions of Conservative Judaism.
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1 2 the arts
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Hip-hop artist Nissim, whose Sores song features Rabbi Simon Benzaquen.
Nissim showed up at Sephardic Bikur Holim, where Benzaquen was rabbi at the time, in search of connection with Judaism. Nissim had decided to put his music career on hold to concentrate on conversion and to become more acquainted with his new community. I wanted to step away from my music
for a while, says Nissim. I wasnt sure if it was what I wanted to do or not. I wanted to study and learn. After hearing the rabbi sing in synagogue, Benzaquen recalls Nissim saying, You have to come sing on my next album. By 2012, Nissim was ready to return to music.
Camp Miriam, on beautiful Gabriola Island, B.C., offers a diverse Jewish camping program for children completing grades 211. Through creative experiences, and in a supportive community, campers receive a value-based education and, at the same time, gain knowledge of Israel, Jewish history, Hebrew, social justice and the environment. The program is enhanced with swimming, sports, arts and crafts, drama, camping trips, canoeing, kayaking, Israeli dancing, and music. A Jewish experience not to be missed! For more information: 604-266-2825 www.campmiriam.org
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the a rts
Sunday, February 9 at 2 p.m. The Artistry of Hebrew Letters Workshop Artist, calligrapher and educator Rainer Waldman Adkins will share the evolution of the Hebrew Alef-Bet, including some Midrashic stories and traditions associated with the letters, as well as basic Hebrew calligraphy techniques. Then create your own visual Midrash with a Hebrew letter of choice. No artistic experience necessary. Refreshments served. At Kol HaNeshamah (Alki UCC), 6115 SW Hinds St., Anderson Hall (downstairs), Seattle. For more information and to register, contact info@khnseattle.org or 206-935-1590, or visit on.fb.me/1fAmcsu.
Thursday, February 13 at 8 p.m. Marty Ehrlich and the Cornish Contemporary Big Band Concert Following the release of his latest recording, A Trumpet in the Morning, saxophonist and composter Marty Ehrlich is celebrating 35 years of music making with stops in Seattle and Portland during the first half of February. For more information about all local upcoming shows, visit www.martyehrlich.com/live. At Cornish College of the Arts PONCHO Concert Hall, 710 E Roy St., Seattle. $20 general, $15 seniors, $10 students and alumni (with ID). For more information visit www.cornish.edu.
Wednesday, February 19 at 7 p.m. While The World Goes Nuts, They Sing in Israel Concert Hear Cantor David Serkin-Poole and pianist/singer/composer/arranger extraordinaire Peter Pundy collaborate on their favorite music, mostly from Israel. Listen to Israeli classics, pioneer songs, current pop and rock, Simon and Garfunkel, and more. Free. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue. For more information, contact Shelly Goldman at sgoldman@a. templebnaitorah.org or 425-603-9677, or visit www.templebnaitorah.org/adult_education.
Join Music Director Ludovic Morlot as he leads the Seattle Symphony in a once-in-a-lifetime experience at New Yorks legendary Carnegie Hall as part of the 2014 Spring For Music festival. Dont miss the opportunity to experience the Big Apple in style with premium hotels, a selection of world-class excursions and a dazzling performance by the Seattle Symphony.
Ben Bridge.......................................................................... 20 Dani Weiss Photography....................................................... 15 Dennis Warshal Wedding & Event Designer............................ 17 Emmanuels......................................................................... 20 Fairmont Olympic Hotel ....................................................... 19 Grand Event Rentals............................................................. 18 The Heathman Hotel............................................................. 15 Herban Feast...................................................................... 16 Herzl-Ner Tamid Judaica Shop............................................... 17 Island Broiler....................................................................... 18 Kaspars Events & Catering................................................... 17 Leahs Catering.................................................................... 20 Madison Park Caf Catering.................................................. 20 Marianna Trio...................................................................... 20 New Chapter Weddings and Events....................................... 14 The Ruins............................................................................ 18 Sheraton Seattle.................................................................. 14
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In 1912 a personal jeweler opened a family-run store in downtown Seattle. Over a hundred years later, Ben Bridge Jeweler is still a family-run business, but one that has grown to over 60 stores. Today, Bens grandsons, Ed and Jon Bridge, manage the company. They attribute Ben Bridges longevity and success to the companys commitment to quality and customer service. We want our customers to feel condent with every selection, explains Ed Bridge, thats why Ben Bridge has more Certied Gemologists than any other jeweler in the country. Even after 100 years, Ben Bridge is still growing. This includes opening multiple stores dedicated to the wildly popular jewelry line Pandora. As they look to the next 100 years, the Bridge family knows one thing will never change: Ben Bridge is dedicated to being your personal jeweler.
Driftwood chuppah! Summer owers! What a party! Imbue the joy and love into the design of your wedding day the chuppah, the owers, and the celebration! Blend Dennis Warshals creativity and talent with your ideas and tradition to design the dcor and ambience for your wedding day! Choose from several chuppah styles available driftwood, brass, sculpted steel twigs, bamboo; with owing fabric, embellished with vines, draped with garland, covered in owers in many sizes and styles. Text, talk, or email would you like a simple quote or a comprehensive proposal including the chuppah, owers and dcor, table centerpieces, focal points, and special lighting? Please contact Dennis to discuss your wedding plans! Chuppahs are also available for rent. Contact dennis@denniswarshal.com or 206-949-6663, or visit www.denniswarshal.com.
Dani Weiss has traveled the world perfecting her skills as a photographer and building a portfolio of her specialty: People and places. Portraits, weddings, Bnai Mitzvah, anniversaries, and family reunions are captured by Dani in a true-to-life documentary style. Dani has been a professional photographer since 1987. In addition to family celebrations photography, she shoots portraits and works freelance for several publications. Dani won the 2012 Best of JTNews for the sixth year in a row and has won the Brides Choice Award on Wedding Wire three years in a row. She holds a degree in fashion and commercial photography as well as photojournalism. She is currently involved with the Seattle Professional Photographers Association and The Greater Seattle Business Association. Contact her at www.daniweissphotography.com or 206-760-3336.
Theyve been cleaning rugs, carpets, furniture and ne Orientals for more than 107 years. You can count on them! Highest quality carpet cleaning, custom in-plant rug washing, rug repair and upholstery cleaning. They specialize in Oriental care, repair and mending and restoration. Emmanuels is the place to go for consigned new and antique Orientals, rug sales and appraisals, as well as on-site carpet cleaning and maintenance. Fifteen percent off all in-home services and 30 percent off all cash-and-carry cleaning services. Gift certicates available. For more information call 206-322-2200, fax 325-3841, or visit www.emmanuelsrug.com.
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The Fairmont Olympic is the center of social events in the Seattle area. Thousands of residents of the region and their families can remember celebrations that, since the roaring 20s, have been made all the more beautiful because they took place at The Olympic. They cater intimate dinners and Bar and Bat Mitzvahs with as much care and attention to detail as the largest wedding or gala. Director of catering and conference services Jana Scopis and her team orchestrate Seattles most elite events. The ability to seamlessly pair the citys highest level of service with restaurant-quality cuisine in a private setting is our point of difference, says Scopis. Whether your celebration is for 50 or 300, they invite you to rediscover the elegance of Seattles Hotel The Fairmont Olympic. Please contact them for more information at www.fairmontolympiccatering.com or email catering manager brenna.jenkinson@fairmont.com for a personalized tour.
With every event, their customers needs are most important to them. Whether you are planning an intimate outdoor wedding or an elaborate black-tie gala, they take great pride in providing their event planning experience to help create an unforgettable event. Grand Event Rentals invites you to visit their Bellevue showroom for a one-on-one appointment or call and speak directly to one of their trained and knowledgeable event specialists, who will walk you through your preparations step by step. Grand Event Rentals proudly delivers to all of the greater Seattle area. They also have the capability of delivering to various locations throughout all of Washington State, including Eastern Washington. Feel free to contact them regarding delivery to your specic location at www.grandeventrentalswa.com or 425-462-7368.
Grand Event Rentals makes your event their top priority. They are your full-service special event and party rental provider, supplying everything you need from start to nish. Their professional sales team and event staff will work with you to create your dream event.
Fill the rst chapter of your new life together with perfect memories at the boutique Heathman Hotel. Wine-countryinspired menus catered by their renowned Trellis Restaurant and a luxuriously stylish getaway for your guests and your rst married stay... Let them help you begin your happily ever after. To plan your storybook wedding event, including ceremonies, receptions, rehearsal dinners, bridal showers and post-wedding brunches, call 425-284-5810. Your catered wedding event includes: A selection of unforgettable flavors: Savory appetizers, an elegant sit-down meal, a menu that reects your theme... Stunning tablescape, china, flatware, glassware and dance floor. Ideal space for five to 150 guests from the chic San Juan Ballroom to the inviting foyer to the more intimate Heathman Suite, Baker Room or Cascade Room.
www.herbanfeast.com 206.932.4717
Photos: (top, left to right) Matt Shumate Photography; Christopher Gendron; Lancer Catering; (center) Winnie Forbes Photography; (bottom) Sarah Cino, WPZ
Special guestroom rates for group blocks of 10 rooms or more. Contact Candace Kelley at ckelley@heathmankirkland.com or 425-284-5810 or visit www.heathmankirkland.com.
Herban Feast
Dedicated. Vibrant. Innovative. A homegrown company, Herban Feast is honored to be one of the regions premier catering and events companies. Their team of more than 100 service staff and culinary professionals is dedicated to providing attentive, friendly service and delicious food. Their commitment to their clients and themselves to create unforgettable experiences begins with their deep partnerships with regional suppliers and vendors and ends with a common goal to exceed their clients, and their guests, expectations. They are rooted in this region, sourcing fresh and local ingredients from area producers and farmers. The menus reect the bounty of the Pacic Northwest to create unique culinary experiences. The venues maintain the authenticity of Herban Feasts origins with a subtle infusion of elements that reect the companys style. Youll nd a special attention to detail that is inherent in everything they do. By consistently wowing their clients and improving their practices for nearly 15 years, Herban Feast has become a renowned full-service catering and events company. Allow them to help bring your event vision to life. Please visit www.herbanfeast.com.
Island Broiler
Celebrate your next gathering at Island Broiler and enjoy their elegant and modern setting and exceptional cuisine. Enjoy the exotic grill, Noodlehouse, as well as their delicious appetizers and yummy desserts at a very reasonable price. Island Broiler selects a variety of high-end organic products from the local area to serve you. At Island Broiler you will nd a variety of high-quality burger selections, grilled meats, and vegetarian entrees. Come try their pho, which aims to please! At Island Broiler you will nd a most friendly, cozy, elegant place while you enjoy a delicious meal. You can count on their friendly and exceptional customer service. Customer satisfaction, delicious and healthy foods are their guarantee; they strive to keep their mission high. Join them for their contemporary American cuisine and Asian fusion in a modern, cozy, elegant setting. Island Broiler also offers daily specials and lunch specials at $7.99, including complimentary desserts for dine-in or take out! Located in the former Alpenland at 2707 78th Ave. SE on Mercer Island. Contact 206-232-0781 or islandbroiler.com.
Herzl-Ner Tamid Judaica Shop has what you need to Do Jewish! From traditional to unique, artisan to boutique, come see an amazing variety of merchandise to make your simcha special: Ketubot or personalized kippot; jewelry in gold, silver, enamel, ceramic, acrylic; tallitot in many fabrics, sizes, and colors; mezuzot in metals, acrylic, wood and mixed materials; ritual and holiday items, and much more. See artisan Judaica by Adi Sidler, Judit Leiser, Emily Rosenfeld, Gary Rosenthal, Lalo and other artists. Open Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. and some Sundays 10 a.m.12:30 p.m. Also open by appointment for your convenience. Call Kari Haas at the shul ofce at 206-232-8555. For more information visit www.h-nt.org/aboutus/judaica-shop. At 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.
You will remember your special day for the rest of your life, so choosing the right partners to help you is an important decision. The team at Kaspars Special Events and Catering, with more than 22 years of experience and a reputation for excellence, will support you through the entire planning process, including venue selection, menu creation, the ceremony, and reception planning, ensuring you are stress-free. Family owned and operated, Kaspars passion is to provide creative, fresh cuisine,
f SA
Dennis Warshal
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and superior service at a reasonable price. They cater to groups of all sizes, both within Kaspars as well as at off-site locations, including private homes. Whether you are entertaining a few or a few hundred guests, the elements for success are the same: Superb fare, impeccable service, the proper ambience, and the right caterer! Kaspars Special Events and Catering has it all. Visit www.kaspars.com, call 206-298-0123 or fax 206-2980146.
cuisine, and the kind of caring, expert service Leahs professional staff is known to provide. As a boutique catering business, Leahs Catering executes each event with seamless focus. Visit leahscatering.com or contact Leah at 206-985-2647 or Leah@LeahsCatering.com for a personal consultation.
Thank you for voting Leahs the Best Caterer and Best Wedding Cake Baker! The mission at Leahs Catering is to craft a premier event experience that meets a clients goals and budgets, exceeds their expectations, and provides their guests with a lasting, positive memory. Leahs Catering is a full-service catering company that has been serving the local Jewish community since 1997. They offer gourmet kosher catering for your most important events. Enjoy avors from around the world that are skillfully handcrafted and beautifully presented. Your lifecycle and social events require close attention to detail, delicious, fresh
Karen Binder, formerly of the Madison Park Caf. Full-service professional catering for all life passages in the Jewish community for over 33 years. Let Madison Park Caf help plan your wedding and rehearsal dinner for your special event. Providing delicious, seasonal food, professional rentals, owers and bar service. Weddings, engagement parties, rehearsal dinners and post-wedding brunches. Retail wine offered at discount prices at Binders Bottles. Contact Karen Binder at 206-324-4411 or madisonparkcafe@aol.com.
For all your special occasions, weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and all your other simchas. Jewish and world music. Traditional and contemporary. Dance and concert. Many years of experience in all types of music. For more information about their music trio, please call 206-715-8796 or visit www.mariannagroup.com.
Truly Extraordinary
One Love is a premier West Coast wedding showcase celebrating all couples in love. This fresh and fabulous event offers couples an opportunity to connect with the best in the wedding industry, including caterers, planners, designers, venues and many others! Complimentary to attend, you will get your questions answered, gain insight and have the chance to discuss your wedding vision and ideas with their wide variety of exhibitors. See hot trends and unique styles, gain access to special offers and taste lots of delicious treats on display. One Love features more than 100 award-winning Northwest vendors who support equality. These businesses represent 25 wedding and life categories and will provide couples with quality goods and services for every aspect of planning a future together
www.theruins.net 206-285-7846
February Wedding blue.indd 1
from wedding details to legal and nancial support, real estate, banking and more. For more information, visit www.oneloveseattle.com and www.facebook.com/oneloveseattle.
The Ruins
The Ruins is a private dining club (a restaurant for members and their guests) in lower Queen Anne with catering services available to the public. The founder, Joe McDonnal, built a party destination inside of a warehouse, with a garden entry and four beautifully appointed rooms. Collectively The Ruins can accommodate up to 150 guests for a seated dinner or 220 for a stand-up cocktail reception. From beginning to end, their professional staff and beautiful venue will offer you and your guests a truly unique and memorable experience. Contact The Ruins at 206-285-7846 or visit www.theruins.net.
Space Needle
Say I do in truly iconic Seattle Style. Located at the 100 elevation of Seattles landmark Space Needle, the SkyLine Level offers an unforgettable experience on your most special day. With a 360-degree panoramic view, you can raise a glass with the Seattle skyline as your backdrop, dine overlooking majestic Mt. Rainier, and dance the night away with the star-speckled Olympics and Cascades. Create the ultimate Pacic Northwest experience with elegant cuisine derived from fresh, local ingredients and celebrate without a care as your personal event planner ensures the day is everything you always dreamed it would be. At the Space Needle, the view to your forever will be unforgettable. Contact 206-905-2180 or groups@spaceneedle.com or visit spaceneedle.com.
Sheraton Seattle
Welcome to the Sheraton Seattle, where high expectations are invited. When you book an event with the Sheraton Seattle, youre not just getting their commitment; youre also gaining access to a variety of personalized services and exible space options specically designed to make your event a success. A multiple winner of the prestigious Gold Key and Pinnacle awards, the hotel offers unparalleled service and style in the heart of the city. Adjacent to the Washington State Convention and Trade Center, the hotel is surrounded by Seattles nancial and business district along with exciting entertainment attractions and trend setting restaurants. Settle into the inviting comfort of one of 1,236 smoke-free guestrooms, offering inspiring views of the city, as a peaceful nights sleep awaits you between the crisp sheets of the Sheraton Sweet Sleeper bed. Visit www.sheraton.com/seattle or call 206-447-5544 for more information. Kosher catering is also available for your event.
Sparkll Invitations
Sparkll draws their inspiration from their clients themselves. At Sparkll, your event is singular. Their custom designs reect the uniqueness of your event, your style and your personalities. Tap into their creativity for your ideal invitation suite. Mention this ad and receive a 10 percent discount. Contact 206-388-8817 or info@sparkll.com.
You deserve the best for your big day! Voted the 2013 Best Location for a Wedding Reception or Bnai Mitzvah by readers of JTNews, URJ Camp Kalsman offers nearly 300 lush green acres tucked into a wooded hillside, a private lake, and space for you and your guests to settle in and celebrate. Customize your wedding and reception with your choice of indoor and outdoor sites, options to add climbing, hiking, canoeing, swimming and more for your guests, and use of your own private caterer or their in-house chef! URJ Camp Kalsman offers day and overnight use with access to its retreat center, cabins and modern facilities. URJ Camp Kalsman offers a breathtaking outdoor backdrop for the wedding of your dreams. The perfect setting for your perfect wedding. Contact the ofce at 425-284-4484 or campkalsman@urj.org.
Reserve your Reserve your wedding wedding at at * The Fairmont Fairmont Olympic Hotel, The Olympic Hotel,* of a stunning and receive your choice and receive your choice of a stunning LulyYang dress. Yangwedding wedding dress. Luly For more more information, For information, call206-287-4050, 206 287 4058, pleasecall please weddingspecialist@fairmont.com e-mailweddingspecialist@fairmont.com e-mail orvisit visitfairmontolympiccatering.com www.fairmont.com/seattle/ or meetings-wedding.com
*Based on food and beverage minimum; restrictions apply. Please inquire for details.
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Woodland Park Zoo, one of Seattles most cherished community resources, is the perfect location for your next event! Set on 92 acres with over 300 species of animal, the zoo offers 17 unique venues to host your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, holiday party, picnic, meeting, wedding, family reunion or birthday party. Funds generated by your event help support the zoos quality animal care, education programs, and eld conservation projects to help preserve wildlife species and habitats in the Northwest and around the world. For more information, contact groupsales@zoo.org or 206-548-2590, or visit www.zoo.org.
Leahs Catering
www.leahscatering.com www.leahcookskosher.com
206.985.2647 leah@leahscatering.com Glatt Kosher and Dairy Supervised by the Vaad HaRabanim
Free pickup & delivery on orders over $300 or 30% off all rug cleaning NEW ADDRESS: 231 S. Hinds St., Seattle 98134
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Courtesy JDS
The Jewish Day Schools middle school got a free day on Wednesday when the faculty was able to get the students downtown to cheer at the Seahawks parade, which followed the teams Super Bowl victory last Sunday.
Comprehensive services to meet the needs of children and adults with ADHD and/or learning disabilities. Evaluation Tutoring Counseling Coaching College documentation Insurance accepted: Anthem, Lifewise, Premera, Regence, Uniform Medical Markus Lefkovits, M.S., LMHC Educational Consultant/Licensed Mental Health Counselor 1455 NW Leary Way, Suite 400, Seattle 98107 206-866-7600 mlefkovits@comcast.net www.shineyourstrengths.com
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WWfishmAN PAGE 9
United Nations showed it contributed to depletion of the ozone layer and banned it. In the lab at Technion, Fishman and her team tested formaldehyde as a means of killing the pesky bacterium, which worked for a while until it disintegrated when the bacteria began to feed off of it. Following a lead found in a 1954 study, researchers added calcium cyanamide to the formaldehyde, which worked. Soil tests had more than a 90 percent accuracy rate.
WWm.O.t. PAGE 10
Farmers can now plant their crops with nearly complete confidence that the soil is bug-free. Currently, over 200 fields have been tested, said Fishman, and the compound is in the FDA approval process for soil disinfection. The combination could also be used with all crops. Fishman and her lab also tested a black tar-like polymer substance that caused solarization, which, when applied to the soil, raised the temperature between three
and four degrees enough to kill bacteria. It is still in trials. Fishman, who earned her undergraduate and advanced degrees at the Technion, said she is also working on the challenge of producing high-quality food for an aging global population. We want to have food that is nutritious, with reduced sugar and a modified fat profile with micronutrients, she said. We need to improve traditional food, ensuring that these nutritional choices are affordable.
Currently taking a sabbatical at the University of California at Davis, Fishman is working on two of her other research interests a yeast-driven, nontoxic method of producing a highly coveted rose fragrance and a process that would make renewable biodiesel fuel from consumed food. She is engineering the enzyme lipase for use in the production of methanol, which is essential in biofuel production. Fishman, not surprisingly, is also interested in food safety and organic gardening.
A native of Houston, and graduate of University of Texas, Nadine had been in town only a few years when she applied for the job. Although her background was in education, through some coincidences she made her way into synagogue life, she says, and the congregation took a chance with someone different from the norm at a time when most synagogue directors were
men from a business or nonprofit background. Adrenaline, Nadine quips, when asked what keeps her going, and a lot of Diet Coke. But seriously, she gets energized because no one day is the same as the other. She is quick to point out that she doesnt do it alone. I have a terrific group of COURtEsy H-NT people in my work, she Nadine Strauss, executive says. Nobody works these director of Herzl-Ner Tamid jobs alone; it takes a whole community to succeed. Conservative Congregation.
Short takes On a list of presidential appointments from the White House last month youll find Suzan LeVine of Seattle, a cofounder of the Kavana Cooperative and former president of Hillel at the University of Washington, as a nominee to become Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Swiss Confederation, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Principality of Liechtenstein.
projects with investors and developers. Shimoni, who earned his undergraduate, post-graduate, and doctoral degrees from the Technion, has been teaching there since 2006. He is excited about the chance to be on the cutting edge of a new industry. The study of material properties at the nanoscale, said Shimoni, is one of the most exciting frontiers in science.
Longtime JTNews correspondent and freelance journalist Janis Siegel has covered international health research for SELF magazine and campaigns for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Yossi Mentz, Regional Director 6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 650 Los Angeles, CA Tel: 323-655-4655 Toll Free: 800-323-2371 western@afmda.org
Kol Haneshamah is a progressive and diverse synagogue community that is transforming Judaism for the 21st century.
6115 SW Hinds St., Seattle 98116 E-mail: info@khnseattle.org Telephone: 206-935-1590 www.khnseattle.org
206-447-1967 www.campschechter.org
The premiere Reform Jewish camping experience in the Pacic Northwest! Join us for an exciting, immersive, and memorable summer of a lifetime! 425-284-4484 www.kalsman.urjcamps.org
Temple De Hirsch Sinai is the leading and oldest Reform congregation in the Pacic Northwest. With warmth and caring, we embrace all who 206.323.8486 enter through our doors. www.tdhs-nw.org We invite you to share our past, and help 1511 East Pike St. Seattle, WA 98122 shape our future. 3850 156th Ave. SE, Bellevue, WA 98006
the a rts
WWNissim PAGE 12
The song has moved beyond the Jewish community. After recording the track, the two performed Sores at Sasquatch in 2013, as well as at the Capitol Hill Block Party and the Crocodile Caf. This winter, Nissim and Benzaquen were invited to perform in Beit Shemesh, Israel. Nissim also attended the White Houses Hanukkah party.
With the popularity of the song and its powerful message, Nissim decided to invest in making a short film to fully capture the meaning of the story Sores tells. The screenplay written by Zach Grashin transforms the words and music of Sores into a short film that captures the emotions, struggle, pain, and finally hope, of both historical periods, according to the Kickstarter campaign, which launched in
late January. Nissim needs to meet his goal of $18,000 to complete the project, but hopes to raise as much as $50,000 to capture both time periods. Benzaquen feels strongly that Sores sends a message that isnt often communicated through rap music, which he feels has lost its original intent. Nissim brings rap music back to its
roots, says Benzaquen. Much of todays rap music is very negative. What Nissim sings is positive. The two believe they now have a mission. Its very important to bring back the friendship and camaraderie between the Jew and the African American, says Benzaquen.
To learn about Nissim and Rabbi Benzaquens Kickstarter, visit kck.st/1jcNyZ3.
2-07 2014
Care Givers
HomeCare Associates A program of Jewish Family Service 206-861-3193 www.homecareassoc.org Provides personal care, assistance with daily activities, medication reminders, light housekeeping, meal preparation and companionship to older adults living at home or in assisted-living facilities.
Dr. Larry Adatto, DDS 206-526-9040 (ofce) info@adattodds.com www.adattodds.com 7347 35th Ave. NE, Seattle, Wa 98115 Mon. and Thurs. 95, Tues. and Wed. 96. Accepting new patients Located in NE Seattle, Dr. Adatto has been practicing since 1983. Services provided are: Cerec crownsbeautiful all porcelain crowns completed in one visit Invisalign orthodonticsmoving teeth with clear plastic trays, not metal braces Implnts placed and restored Lumineer (no, or minimally-prepped) veneers Neuro-muscular dentistry for TMJ and full mouth treatment Traditional crown-and-bridge, dentures, root canals
Dentists (continued)
Wendy Shultz Spektor, D.D.S. 425-454-1322 info@spektordental.com www.spektordental.com Emphasis: Cosmetic and Preventive Dentistry Convenient location in Bellevue
Eastside Insurance Services Chuck Rubin and Matt Rubin 425-271-3101 F 425-277-3711 4508 NE 4th, Suite #B, Renton Tom Brody, agent 425-646-3932 F 425-646-8750 www.e-z-insurance.com 2227 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue We represent Pemco, Safeco, Hartford & Progressive
Photographers (cont.)
Dani Weiss Photography 206-760-3336 www.daniweissphotography.com Photographer Specializing in People. Children, Bnai Mitzvahs, Families, Parties, Promotions & Weddings.
Financial Services
Hamrick Investment Counsel, LLC Roy A. Hamrick, CFA 206-441-9911 rahamrick@hamrickinvestment.com www.hamrickinvestment.com Professional portfolio management services for individuals, foundations and nonprofit organizations.
Newman Dierst Hales, PLLC Nolan A. Newman, CPA 206-284-1383 nnewman@ndhaccountants.com www.ndhaccountants.com Tax Accounting Healthcare Consulting
College Placement
College Placement Consultants 425-453-1730 preiter@outlook.com www.collegeplacementconsultants.com Pauline B. Reiter, Ph.D. Expert help with undergraduate and graduate college selection, applications and essays. 40 Lake Bellevue, #100, Bellevue 98005
Calvo & Waldbaum Toni Calvo Waldbaum, DDS Richard Calvo, DDS 206-246-1424 ofce@cwdentistry.com CalvoWaldbaumDentistry.com Gentle Family Dentistry Cosmetic & Restorative Designing beautiful smiles by Calvo 207 SW 156th St., #4, Seattle
Solomon M. Karmel, Ph.D First Allied Securities 425-454-2285 x 1080 www.hedgingstrategist.com Retirement, stocks, bonds, college, annuities, business 401Ks.
Funeral/Burial Services
Hills of Eternity Cemetery Owned and operated by Temple De Hirsch Sinai 206-323-8486 Serving the greater Seattle Jewish community. Jewish cemetery open to all preneed and at-need services. Affordable rates Planning assistance. Queen Anne, Seattle
United Insurance Brokers, Inc. Linda Kosin lkosin@uib.com Trisha Cacabelos tcacabelos@uib.com 425-454-9373 F 425-453-5313 Your insurance source since 1968 Employee benets Commercial business and Personal insurance 50 116th Ave SE #201, Bellevue 98004
Meryl Alcabes Photography 206-795-5567 meryl@MerylAlcabes.com www.MerylAlcabes.com Best Event Photographer JTNews 2013 Reader Survey Gifted photographer Inspired event images Elegant, documentary style Colorful and expressive portraits Creative, enthusiastic, fun Years of experience Rapport with people Competitive pricing Call or e-mail Meryl for more information
Rebecca Bockow, DDS, MS 425-939-2768 www.seattlesmiledesigns.com A boutique orthodontic practice, specializing in individualized treatment for children and adults. Two convenient locations: 5723 NE Bothell Way, Ste D, Kenmore 1545 116th Ave. NE Ste 100, Bellevue
Radman Photography Eric Radman 206-275-0553 www.radmanphotography.com Creative and beautiful photography at affordable prices. Bar/Bat Mitzvah, families, children, special occasions.
Senior Services
Jewish Family Service 206-461-3240 www.jfsseattle.org Comprehensive geriatric care management and support services for seniors and their families. Expertise with in-home assessments, residential placement, family dynamics and on-going case management. Jewish knowledge and sensitivity.
College Planning
Albert Israel, CFP College Financial Aid Consultant 206-250-1148 albertisrael1@msn.com Learn strategies that can deliver more aid.
Wally Kegel, DDS, MSD. P.S. Periodontists Dental Implants 206-682-9269 www.DrKegel.com Seattle Met Top Dentist 2012, 2014 Tues.-Fri Medical-Dental Bldg, Seattle
Jewish Family Service Individual, couple, child and family therapy 206-861-3152 contactus@jfsseattle.org www.jfsseattle.org Expertise with life transitions, addiction and recovery, relationships and personal challenges all in a cultural context. Licensed therapists; flexible day or evening appointments; sliding fee scale; most insurance plans.
Warren J. Libman, D.D.S., M.S.D. 425-453-1308 www.libmandds.com Certified Specialist in Prosthodontics: Restorative Reconstructive Cosmetic Dentistry 14595 Bel Red Rd. #100, Bellevue
Seattle Jewish Chapel 206-725-3067 seattlejewishchapel@gmail.com Traditional burial services provided at all area cemeteries. Burial plots available for purchase at Bikur Cholim and Machzikay Hadath cemeteries.
B. Robert Cohanim, DDS, MS Orthodontics for Adults and Children 206-322-7223 www.smile-works.com Invisalign Premier Provider. On First Hill across from Swedish Hospital.
Barrie Anne Photography 610-888-5215 BarrieAnnePhotography@gmail.com www.BarrieAnnePhotography.com Specializing in portraits,mitzvahs, weddings and fashion. My philosophy is to create beautiful, unique and timeless images that go beyond the memories of these special times in life, allowing you to relive them all over again, and become as priceless as life itself.
Michael Spektor, D.D.S. 425-643-3746 info@spektordental.com www.spektordental.com Specializing in periodontics, dental implants, and cosmetic gum therapy. Bellevue
The Summit at First Hill Retirement Living at its Best! 206-652-4444 www.summitatrsthill.org The only Jewish retirement community in Washington State. Featuring gourmet kosher dining, spacious, light-lled apartments and life-enriching social, educational and wellness activities.
www.jtnews.net www.jew-ish.com
24 the arts
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The Seattle Jewish Film Festival runs March 1-9 at locations around Seattle. For the full lineup, and for tickets and venue information, visit www.seattlejewishlmfestival.org.
Dan Nichols on a Sukkot tour through the Deep South. Director Dan Passon and producer Jordan Passon will be in attendance, as will Nichols himself for a concert after the film. People who havent heard him will be blown away, said Lavitt. Lavitt is as excited for the festival as she is for a new festival venue: The brand new Stroum Jewish Community Center theater, which opens to the public this weekend. Youre in a real theater experience now, she said. This years festival is about that.We can celebrate and create opportunities to bring people together through the arts, through cinema, all year round. Lavitt has plans to expand the festival from a 10-day, head-exploding experience into a yearlong venture with combined food, film, and social events. In Yiddish its forshpeis, said Lavitt of this years festival. Its a small taste. Its an appetizer. The festival has packed so much into 10 days.
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Are you leaving any charitable gifts? A foundation? What do you want to achieve with your charitable giving? How do you want to shape what people are going to think abut your later? Consider, too, writing an ethical will for your children and loved ones. What messages about your life do you want to pass on to your children after youre gone? asked Treiger. Ross Kling, director of Rosebud Funerals, will deal with the uncomfortable logistics between death and burial. When the person dies, now what do you do? he asked. From the Jewish perspective, hell discuss the shomer, who watches over the body before burial; the chevra kadisha, the group that ritually washes the body; and provide information about local Jewish cemeteries, as well as general information, like the role of the medical examiner. He will also discuss the associated costs. Kling, who has been a funeral director for 16 years, said he will not tell people how to handle these matters, only inform them of the spectrum of practice. People walk out with the knowledge of what our tradition is, he said. When someone dies, you want rituals that are comforting, said Beth Shaloms Borodin. From the perspective of the mourner, Borodin will deal with Jewish laws and rituals, like the shiva visit. Its not a subject you really learn about in advance, she said. To complicate things, what does one do when a death occurs on a Jewish holiday, or when the individual has opted for cremation rather than traditional Jewish burial? Its amazing how many special circumstances there are, she said. Death in real life doesnt usually work the way it does in Hollywood. And there certainly is no script when it comes to comforting the mourner. Rabbi Anson Laytner, a former congregational rabbi, hospice chaplain, and one-time director of AIDS organization Multifaith Works, will address the sensitive topic of consoling the bereaved and the dying, as well as ethical wills and end-of-life decisions.
People dont want a justication of God, he said. They just want someone to hear them and be with them as they go through their sorrow. Laytner has personal experience, too: He lost his wife to cancer in 2010. I was witness and active participant in both good support and bad support from people, he said. The best support, he advises, is a big, long hug. And the not so good? I know just how you feel. I lost my dog. The series, perhaps understandably, does not draw huge numbers of participants. Weve never just ourselves had this series at JFS, because we realized that the religious communities would have the critical mass of interest, said JFSs Orlov. This is really the topic that is dicult, but crucial.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 10:30 a.m.12 p.m. Looted Art: The Story of the Dzialynska Collection Ellen Hendin at endlessopps@jfsseattle.org Andrea Dias-Luis will share the story of three ancient, priceless medallions, part of the Dzialynska Collection stolen by the Nazis in 1941. At Temple Bnai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 7:309 p.m. The Summit Annual Winter Gala Emily Ziskind at emilyg@summitatrsthill.org or 206-595-1717 This annual gala celebrates Summit family and friends with a themed, formal evening party. Free. At The Summit at First Hill, 1200 University St., Seattle. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23
3:304:30 p.m. Vagabond Opera at Kline Galland
ar d n le S E NI O R Ca
Marilyn Israel at marilyni@klinegalland.org or 206-725-8800 The David Israel Performing Arts Series at Kline Galland presents Vagabond Opera, an exciting fusion of musical genres. Open to all. Free. At the Caroline Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave., Seattle.
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l ifec y c l es
Bat Mitzvah
Bat Mitzvah
Bat Mitzvah
Sunset Hills
Eloise will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at Temple Beth Am in Seattle. Eloise is the daughter of Lisa Glickman and Daniel Smith of Seattle and the sister of Emma.Her grandparents are Kenneth and Lois Glickman of Seattle and Lois Smith of Renton. Eloise is in the 7th grade at Whitman Middle School.She enjoys horseback riding, downhill skiing, reading, and hanging out with friends. For her mitzvah project, Eloise is volunteering with Marys Place and Teen Feed.
2-for-1 Cards
Express yourself with our special Tribute Cards and help fund JFS programs at the same time meeting the needs of friends, family and loved ones here at home. Call Irene at (206) 861-3150 or, on the web, click on Donations at www.jfsseattle.org. Its a 2-for-1 that says it all.
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Since 1926, The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle has strengthened the bonds of community through service. You enable us to support organizations that lift people up locally, in Israel and overseas. Join us in fullling shared hopes for a better future.