Qual Questionnaire Example
Qual Questionnaire Example
Qual Questionnaire Example
We are carrying out an evaluation of some of the librarys services, to see if we can improve facilities and make them more relevant for our customers. Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire; it should only take 1 minutes. !lease return your completed questionnaire to any member of library staff, or put it in the bo" provided. #delete as appropriate$ %our answers will be treated with complete confidentiality, and unless you choose to provide an e&mail address, will be entirely anonymous. 'f you have any questions about this questionnaire, please contact #insert contact name$.
Section A
1. (o you use the library, on average) *please tick one+ less than once a month once a month once every two weeks once a week two or three times a week daily ,. Which library facilities do you use- *please tick all that apply+ books *lending+ audio cassettes . music /(s video cassettes CD /(&0oms *lending+ CDI talking books reference books1information *e.g. newspapers+ computer facilities other *please say what+
'f you (3 43T use any of the computer facilities in the library *other than the library catalogue+, please go to question 1, *5ection 6.+ 'f you (3 use the computer facilities, please continue with question 7 below. 7. What do *or have+ you used the computer facilities for- *please tick all that apply+. 1
word processing spreadsheets open learning courses /(&0oms World Wide Web e&mail other 'nternet application *please say what+ other *please say what+
8. a. Which application do you use most- *please tick one+ word processing spreadsheets open learning courses /(&0oms Worldwide Web e&mail other 'nternet application *please say what+ other *please say what+
b. What is your main reason for using this facility- *please tick one+ to support course of study leisure1general en9oyment independent learning1research looking for 9obs keeping in touch with family1friends shopping other *please say what+
:. ;ow often do you use the computer facilities- *please tick one+ daily once or twice a week once every two weeks once a month less than once a month
=. 'f you have access to1use computer facilities elsewhere, please say where) *please tick all that apply+ home school1college1university cybercaf> work other *please say where+
?. (o you consider yourself) a beginner an intermediate user a fairly e"perienced user a very e"perienced user
1 . ;ow would the withdrawal of computer facilities from the library affect you-
'f you would not mind being contacted by us in the future, please write your e&mail address below.
didnt know they were there no interest1use dont know how to have access elsewhere no&one to help1reluctant to ask for help other *please say what+
12. Would you be interested in training on how to use the computer facilities%es 4o
17. ;ow important is it for public libraries to provide computer facilitiesvery important quite important not very important not at all important
18. Which of these statements most reflects your view of the 'T facilitiesa vital service an add&on service, secondary to other library services an unnecessary e"pense !lease give a reason for your view)
1:. @re there any ways the library could improve your access to the 'T services on offer-
1<. @re you a resident of #insert local authority area$%es 'f yes, please indicate your postcode below)
4o 'f no, are you visiting from) within the AB outside the AB 1=. @re you a member of #insert local authority area$ libraries%es 4o
, . @re you) full&time employed part&time employed self&employed not in paid employment student student and working retired other *please say what+
,1. @re you) under 1: 1:&,8 ,:&28 2:&78 7:&88 8:&:8 over :8
,,. ;ow would you describe your ethnic backgroundWhite 6lack /aribbean 6lack @frican 6lack 3ther 'ndian !akistani 6angladeshi /hinese 3ther, please say what
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. !lease hand it back to a member of staff, or put it in the bo" provided. #(elete as appropriate$ 'f you have any other comments, please add them below)
%es 4o 'f no, please go to question < ,. What do you currently use a computer for- *please tick all that apply+. work education leisure other *please say what+ 2. What computer applications do you use- *please tick all that apply+. word processing databases spreadsheets games World Wide Web e&mail 'nternet discussion groups other *please say what+ 7. What else would you like to use a personal computer for8. Where do you use computers- *please tick all that apply+. work home school1college library cybercaf> community centre other *please say where+
:. Where would you go if you wanted to learn *more+ about using computers-
<. @re you aware that some local libraries have computer facilities available%es 4o =. Would you use computer facilities in the library%es 4o Why-1 Why not-
?. What facilities or services would you most like to have available in your local libraryword processing open learning facilities internet access training in computer skills) basic advanced other *please say what+
The following questions are intended to provide us with a profile of respondents; emphasise that it would be very helpful to have the following information, and repeat that all answers will be entirely confidential and anonymous.
8:&:8 over :8
1,. @re you) full&time employed part&time employed self&employed unemployed student student and working retired other *please say what+ 12. ;ow would you describe your ethnic backgroundWhite 6lack /aribbean 6lack @frican 6lack 3ther 'ndian !akistani 6angladeshi /hinese 3ther *please say what+
17. (o you consider yourself to have a disability%es 4o 18. @re you a resident of #insert local authority area$%es 'f yes, please ask for their postcode. 4o 'f no, are you visiting from) within the AB outside the AB
@sk them if they have any other comments, and if they do, note them below)