RPH (F5) Physics
RPH (F5) Physics
RPH (F5) Physics
A student is able to: 1) describe w at is !eant by wave !otion. 2) recogni"e t at waves transfer energy wit out transferring !atter. 3) co!#are transverse and longitudinal waves and give e$a!#les of eac % 4) state w at is !eant by a wavefront. 5) state t e direction of #ro#agation of waves in relation to wavefronts. &) 'efine (. a!#litude% ((. #eriod% (((. fre)uency% (*. wavelengt % *. wave s#eed. +) sketc and inter#ret a dis#lace!ent,ti!e gra# for a wave. sketc and inter#ret a dis#lace!ent,distance gra# for a wave. .) clarify t e relations i# between s#eed% wavelengt and fre)uency. 1/) solve #roble!s involving s#eed% wavelengt and fre)uency. 11) describe da!#ing in a oscillating syste!. 12) describe resonance in a oscillating syste!. A student is able to: 1) describe reflection of waves in ter!s of t e angle of incidence% angle of reflection% wavelengt % fre)uency% s#eed and direction of #ro#agation. 2) draw a diagra! to s ow reflection of waves. 0A student is able to:
Week 2
1) Week 4
1.4 Analysing diffraction of waves 2)
describe refraction of waves in ter!s of t e angle of incidence% angle of refraction% wavelengt % fre)uency% s#eed and direction of #ro#agation. draw a diagra! to s ow refraction of waves.
Week 5
A student is able to: 1) describe diffraction of waves in ter!s of wavelengt % fre)uency% s#eed% direction of #ro#agation and s a#e of waves. 2) draw a diagra! to s ow diffraction of waves. A student is able to: 1) state t e #rinci#le of su#er#osition. 2) e$#lain t e interference of waves. 3) draw interference #atterns.
inter#ret interference #atterns.solve #roble!s involving
ax D
Week +
Week -
A student is able to: 1) describe sound waves. 2) e$#lain ow t e loudness relates to a!#litude. 3) e$#lain ow t e #itc relates to fre)uency. 4) describe a##lications of 5) reflection of sound waves. &) calculate distances using t e +) reflection of sound waves. A student is able to1 1) describe t e electro!agnetic s#ectru!. 2) state t at visible lig t is a #art of t e electro!agnetic s#ectru!. 3) list sources of electro!agnetic waves. 4) describe t e #ro#erties of electro!agnetic waves. 5) describe a##lications of electro!agnetic waves. &) describe t e detri!ental effects of e$cessive e$#osure to certain co!#onents of t e electro!agnetic s#ectru!. A student is able to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) &) state t e relations i# between electron flow and electric current. define electric current. describe an electric field. sketc electric field lines s owing t e direction of t e field. describe t e effect of an electric field on a c arge% solve #roble!s involving electric c arge and current
Week .
A student is able to: 1) 2 define #otential difference. 2) #lan and conduct an e$#eri!ent to find t e relations i# between current and #otential difference. 3) describe t e relations i# between current and #otential difference. 4) state 3 !4s law. 5) define resistance. &) e$#lain factors t at affect resistance. +) solve #roble!s involving #otential difference% current and resistance. -) 2 describe su#erconductors.
Week 11
deter!ine t e effective resistance of resistors connected in #arallel. solve #roble!s involving current% #otential difference and resistance in series circuits% #arallel circuits and t eir co!binations.
week 12
A student is able to: 1) define electro!otive force 5e.!.f.). 2) co!#are e.!.f. and #otential difference. 3) e$#lain internal resistance. 4) deter!ine e.!.f. and internal resistance. 5) solve #roble!s involving e.!.f. and internal resistance. A student is able to: 1) define electrical energy. 2) define electric #ower. 3) solve #roble!s involving electrical energy and #ower. 4) 2 . co!#are #ower rating and energy consu!#tion of various electrical a##liances. 5) co!#are various electrical a##liances in ter!s of efficient use of energy. &) describe ways of increasing energy efficiency. A student is able to: 1) state w at an electro!agnet is. 2) draw t e !agnetic field #attern due to a current in a: a. straig t wire% b. coil% c. solenoid. 3) #lan and conduct e$#eri!ents to study factors t at affect t e strengt of t e !agnetic field . of an electro!agnet. 4) describe a##lications of electro!agnets.
Week 13
A student is able to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) describe w at a##ens to a current,carrying conductor in a !agnetic field. draw t e #attern of t e co!bined !agnetic field due to a current,carrying conductor in a !agnetic field. describe ow a current,carrying conductor in a !agnetic field e$#eriences a force. e$#lain t e factors t at affect t e !agnitude of t e force on a current, carrying conductor in a !agnetic field. describe ow a current,carrying coil in a !agnetic field e$#eriences a turning force. describe ow a direct current !otor works. state factors t at affect t e s#eed of rotation of an electric !otor.
Week 15
&) +)
A student is able to: 1) 2) 3) 2 describe electro!agnetic induction. 2 indicate t e direction of t e induced current in a: a. straig t wire% b. solenoid. e$#lain factors t at affect t e !agnitude of t e induced current describe a##lications of electro!agnetic induction. co!#are direct current and alternating current
4) Week 1&
3.4 Analysing transfor!ers 5)
A student is able to: 1) describe t e structure and t e o#erating #rinci#le of a si!#le transfor!er.
2) co!#are and contrast a ste#,u# transfor!er and a ste#,down transfor!er. 3) state t at *6(6 7*s(s for ideal transfor!er. 4) 2 describe t e energy losses in a transfor!er. 5) describe ways to i!#rove t e efficiency of a transfor!er. &) solve #roble!s involving transfor!ers
A student is able to: 1) list sources of energy used to generate electricity. 2) describe t e various ways of generating electricity% 3) describe t e trans!ission of electricity. 4) describe t e energy loss in electricity trans!ission cables and deduce t e advantage of ig voltage trans!ission. 5) state t e i!#ortance of t e :ational ;rid :etwork. &) solve #roble!s involving electricity trans!ission. +) e$#lain t e i!#ortance of renewable energy% -) e$#lain t e effects on t e environ!ent caused by t e use of various sources to generate electricity. A student is able to: 1) e$#lain t er!ionic e!ission. 2) describe t e #ro#erties of cat ode rays. 3) describe t e working #rinci#le of t e cat ode ray oscillosco#e. 4) !easure #otential difference 5) using t e 8.9.3. &) !easure s ort ti!e intervals using t e 8.9%3. +) dis#lay wave for!s using t e 8.9.3. -) solve #roble!s based on t e 8%9.3. dis#lay. A student is able to: 1) describe se!iconductors in ter!s of resistance and free electrons. 2) describe n,ty#e and #,ty#e se!iconductors. 3) describe se!iconductor diodes. 4) describe t e function of diodes. 5) describe t e use of diodes as rectifiers. &) describe t e use of a ca#acitor to s!oot out out#ut current and out#ut voltage in a rectifier circuit. A student is able to: 1) describe a transistor in ter!s of its ter!inals. 2) describe ow a transistor can be used as a current a!#lifier.
Week 1-
week 1.
Week 2/
describe ow a transistor can be used as an auto!atic switc .
Week 22
A student is able to: 1) state t at logic gates are switc ing circuits in co!#uters and ot er electronic syste!s. 2) list and draw sy!bols for t e following logic gates: a) A:'% b) 39% c) :3<% d) :A:'% e) :39. 3) state t e action of t e following logic gates in a trut table: a) A:'% b) 39% c) :3<% d) :A:'% e) :39. 4) build trut tables for logic gates in co!bination for a !a$i!u! of 2 in#uts. 5) describe a##lications of logic gate control syste!s. A student is able to: 1) describe t e co!#osition of t e nucleus of an ato! in ter!s of #rotons and neutrons% 2) define #roton nu!ber 5=) and nucleon nu!ber 5A). 3) e$#lain t e ter! nuclide
Week 23
a z
A student is able to: 1) state w at radioactivity is. 2) na!e co!!on detectors for radioactive e!issions. 3) co!#are t e 3 kinds of radioactive e!issions in ter!s of t eir nature. 4) e$#lain w at radioactive decay is. 5) use e)uations to re#resent &) c anges in t e co!#osition of t e +) nucleus w en #articles are e!itted -) e$#lain alf,life.
.) deter!ine alf,life fro! a decay curve. 1/) solve #roble!s involving alf,life. A student is able to: 1) define radioisoto#es. , 2) na!e e$a!#les of radioisoto#es. 3) describe a##lications of radioisoto#es. A student is able to: 1) define ato!ic !ass unit 5a.!.u.). 2) describe nuclear fission. 3) give e$a!#les of nuclear fission. 4) describe c ain reactions. 5) describe nuclear fusion. &) give e$a!#les of nuclear fusion. +) relate t e release of energy in a nuclear reaction wit a c ange of !ass according to t e e)uation E=mc2 . -) describe t e generation of electricity fro! nuclear fission. .) >ustify t e use of nuclear fission in t e generation of electricity. 1/) solve #roble!s involving nuclear energy. A student is able to: 1) describe t e negative effects of radioactive substances. 2) describe safety #recautions needed in t e andling of radioactive substances. 3) describe t e !anage!ent of radioactive waste.
Week 25