Kundalini Nephilim SMALL
Kundalini Nephilim SMALL
Kundalini Nephilim SMALL
and the
Nephilim Deception
Kundalini and the coming
alien deception
In recent years, there has been an
increased awareness of the deception of
the Kundalini
spirit the counterfeit
to the Holy Spirit operating in the Body of
Messiah. This serpent spirit [Kundalini] is
one of the manifestations of false holy
spirit, who forms part of the Black Trinity. It
has been a blessing to see believers
repent of their involvement in allowing this
false holy spirit [Kundalini], to operate in
their lives. They have closed the demonic
door that this involvement opened in their
lives, and are urgently warning fellow
believers of the dangers of this serpent
spirit, Kundalini.
The LORD has raised up several solid, Biblically-based teachers in
the Body, teaching and warning against the spirit of Kundalini ! however,
there are a few teachers out there that do not seem to have the correct
understanding on a few key points. This is the focus of this article to briefly
explain the proper understanding of two major points concerning Kundalini:
1. The role of Kundalini in the occult.
2. Understanding Nephilim and the coming alien deception.
Foi auuitional stuuy, please see oui book !"#$%&'($( * +,- +.-- /0 "$12'-%3-
4$% +,- 4$5(-$6 7-.8-$69, available foi uownloau fiom the website, oi foi oiuei
fiom the office. Please note, theie aie 621 veisions of this book available on the
website foi uownloau. The fiist veision, nameu heie, is the full-pictuie veision.
The seconu veision is with the same content, but without the pictuies. This
veision was cieateu foi those who may get tiiggeieu by the pictuies - those who
have been victims of BIBSRA.
Note, the Kunualini spiiit is the 51#$6-.0-(6 Boly Spiiit, which opeiates in the
"spiiit" iole of the "Black Tiinity". The Book of Revelations teaches us that The
Black Tiinity is the counteifeit tiinity of the kinguom of satan. Theie aie many
names iepiesenting each pait of this Black Tiinity, but the geneial teims aie: the
BeastSatan (the counteifeit of uou the Fathei), the Anti-Chiist (the counteifeit
of Y'shua Nessiah), anu the False Piophet (that which speaks foith uemonic
piophetic utteiances, which incluues Kunualini). The Kunualini spiiit falls unuei
the categoiy of the false spiiit, as Kunualini is one of the ways this false
counteifeit spiiit can manifest itself.
The role of Kundalini in the occult
At the base of New Age is the pagan worship of other gods and goddesses
(fertility cults
), and especially the mother goddess, Kundalini. Witchcraft and
the occult always need an object to work through for the spirit to dwell in or
attach to, that is why idols are called spirit houses, and trees in the occult
are often the homes of spirits.
In the Garden, Adam failed to protect Eve, causing her to be vulnerable to the
voice of the serpent the false holy spirit voice of witchcraft. Satan needed
a womb to birth things through ! as such, he needed women.
The word Kundalini actually means the
serpent power. It is the common Hindu
belief that within each person resides a
serpent coiled tightly up at the base of
the spine.
Through practicing Kundalini yoga
along with chanting, meditation, and an
impartation from a guru one can have
their Kundalini awakened
. Kundalini
yoga is the power yoga of Hinduism. It
is the pathway to supernatural power and
godhood. Kundalini yoga can also lead to
ment al col l apse, psychosi s, and
Kundalini energy is typically described as
a powerful energy source lying dormant in
the form of a coiled serpent at the base of the human spine. When freed, it is
believed (particularly by all Eastern religions) that Kundalini has the capacity
to effect great physical false healings.
Witchcraft and Kundalini are many times passed down the womans
, as women are the seed carriers. Looking at the Godly Trinity, we
see God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We are made in
the Image of God.
Foi auuitional stuuy, please see oui book !:12 ;-.6('(6< =#'6> ?-@1#. /#.
A'->>($3>9, available foi uownloau fiom the website, oi foi oiuei fiom the office.
;.--B&>1$.< also awakens the false holy spiiit, as the knot of the iitual apion is
tieu at the base of the spine. In auuition, >1%1B< also awakens the false holy
spiiit, as well as the use of uiugs.
Please note, the iole of B-$ in the occult is of highei iank ovei the women; the
top ianking men opeiate as the '-&%-.> with the final say oveiall.
The men represent the Father on earth to the family, Yshua [Jesus] is our
Mediator to the Father, and the women are given the Attributes of the Holy
Spirit. Satan not being able to create, but only able to copy or counterfeit
has taken these very same attributes for his kingdom, twisting and perverting
the Truth.
We can now understand why
Kundalini is known as the
power of the mother, because
it represents the false
spirit. The false holy spirit, also
known as Kundalini is a spirit
t hat i s VERY power f ul ,
wrapping itself around the
backbone of people, controlling
the minds and basically the
whole person of those that
have opened themselves up to
this false holy spirit.
We must understand that the
kingdom of darkness is highly
organized, with different levels
of authority (hierarchy), very
much like an army. There is a principality of the false holy spirit - The False
Prophet. Under this, many little false holy spirits operate on personal levels
to individually influence people. These little false holy spirit demons (part of
the same group of unclean spirits Yshua [Jesus] drove out people) can also
be passed on through bloodline involvement in the occult, which leaves an
open door to the demonic for further generations, resulting in curses
Kundalini and Druidism
In Druidism, the women are trained for the first twenty years of their lives to
remember the oracles of the secrets of Druidism it was FORBIDDEN to
write anything down, everything had to be recalled by memory. In the training,
the women were subjected to a form of mind control through very serious
trauma, which caused dissociation, and allowed for the different parts
(personalities) to be programmed with the occultic knowledge of Druidism.
Please note, that this false holy spiiit is also known by othei names, such as
Apollo, 0iacles, anu so foith.
Foi auuitional stuuy on this, please oui book !CD; 78<($3 /#6 +,- E&$%9,
available foi oiuei fiom the office.
Foi auuitional stuuy on peisonal anu geneiational cuises, as well as how to
bieak cuises off you anu youi family, please see oui !C1#.$-<D;.--%1B9 seiies.
When the men wanted the information, they would trigger the women and get
what they wanted. In this example, we see the occult role of both women and
men. The women were the carriers of the secrets, but it was the Druid high
priests (the men) that were the ultimate controllers/leaders.
Kundalini and Cabala
It is through Cabala that the practice of
the false holy spirit [Kundalini] can be
found. Cabala incorporates within it the
image of Sephiroth [the Tree of Life,
pictured left], which is a Gnostic symbol
of both the serpent on the tree, as well
as a map of the Kundalini serpent up the
human spine through the chakras.
From a Gnostic source, the author
writes: "The Kundalini is the force of the
Holy Spirit that gives you enlightenment,
powers. So, we are not the only ones
that know about the Kundalini. Many
religions in secrecy also know this."
Kundalini, an Eastern concept of
enlightenment, is the counterfeit for the true
Holy Spirit. Today we have a new Gnostic awakening
that is taking place all
over the Christian Church. It is being called various names, but it is no
different than the practices once experienced by the heretical early Gnostic
The Kundalini awakening is referred to as a serpent-fire that lies asleep and
awakens in an up-rushing and down-pouring streams of fire.
Bottom line, what is Kundalini?
The Hindus regard Kundalini as the divine mother, the earth goddess
indwelling in all forms and phenomena.
G.S. Arundale tells us that the verb kund means "to burn" and is significant in
relation to the fiery aspect of Kundalini. He goes on to say that kunda refers to
a hole or a bowl ...
Foi moie infoimation on Bollywoou's F$1>6(5 agenua against uou, check out }oe
Schimmel's website, http:www.gooufight.oig anu his BvB "Bollywoou's Wai
0n uou".
Taken fiom !7,&B&$>G :-&'-.> 4$% H-%(5($- H-$9 by Bolgei Kalweit.
"Here we are given an idea of the vessel in which the fire burns." And kundala
represents a coil, spiral or ring, which expresses the way the inner fire
"Out of all these essential derivatives," says Arundale, "the word Kundalini is
born, giving creative femininity to the Fire, Serpent-Fire as it is sometimes
called, the feminine creative power asleep within a bowl, within a womb,
awakening to rhythmic movement in uprushing and downpouring streams of
Kundalini has also been called the life-force ... She is the vital, animating
current within all creation.
In Kundalini: The Secret of Life, Swami Muktananda says that Kundalini is
"Shakti, supreme energy ... She is the active aspect of the formless,
attributeless Absolute." This life-force or energetic expression of the divine is
known by many names in other cultures:
There were giants in the earth in
those days; and also after that,
when the sons of God came in
unto the daughters of men, and
they bare children to them, the
same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown.
And GOD saw that the wickedness
of man was great in the earth, and
that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil
And it repented the
LORD that he had made man on
the earth, and it grieved him at his
And the LORD said, I will
destroy man whom I have created
from the face of the earth; both
man, and beast, and the creeping
thing, and the fowls of the air; for
it repenteth me that I have made
But Noah found grace in
the eyes of the LORD.
These are the
generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations,
and Noah walked with God.
And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled
with violence.
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;
for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. KJV
The Tanakh
translates the key verses as !
Genesis 6:1-4 When men began to increase on earth and daughters were
born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men
were and took wives from among those that pleased them.
The Lord
said, My breath shall not abide in man forever, since he too is flesh; let the
days allowed him be one hundred and twenty years.
It was then, and later
too, that the Nephilim appeared on earthwhen the divine beings
cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They
were the heroes of old, the men of renown.
Have you ever wondered about this passage?
What exactly are the Scriptures describing?
}ewish Publication Society. (1997, c198S). Tanakh: The Boly Sciiptuies : A new
tianslation of the Boly Sciiptuies accoiuing to the tiauitional Bebiew text. (ue
6:1). Philauelphia: }ewish Publication Society.
Genesis 6 describes the first incursion of the fallen angels (translated as
sons of God or divine beings) those that rebelled against the LORD, and
were cast out with satan upon the earth. The passage describes these fallen
angels co-habiting (having sexual relations) with mortal women, to birth
hybrids (half supernatural beings, half mortal beings) called Nephilim.
How is this incursion related to
Noah and the ood?
The Scriptures tell us that Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his
generations meaning Noah and his sons had not been corrupted by this
incursion of the fallen angels upon the earth. On the other hand, the passage
tells us that besides Noah and his family the rest of man and beast had
been corrupted. You see, not only had mans cup of iniquity become full, but
that barrier established by God that supernatural beings (fallen angels) were
not to co-habit with man had been crossed.
We must al ways remember that
The flood was an act of Divine Love,
in which God was protecting the
future of mankind and the future
bloodline of the coming Messiah
from corruption by the kingdom of
darkness. We must remember that
we are in a WAR! What better
strategy for satan and his kingdom
to attack Gods Creation in such a
way, and try to foil Gods Plan of
Redemption by corrupting the
bloodline of the Messiah?
So, how does this tie-in with
Nephilim, aliens, Bible-prophecy,
and End Times ! and today?
In speaking about the End Times,
Yshua [Jesus] tell us that:
Luke 17:26
And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the
days of the Son of man.
Matthew 24:37
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of
the Son of man be.
Does this mean that in the End Times, there will be a final incursion of the
fallen angels and Nephilim upon the earth? If so, do we see any evidence of
The answer to both questions is YES!
We have not gone into much detail regarding this final incursion
this final
war against God through the co-mingling
of man and the fallen angels of the
kingdom of darkness as there are many solid, Biblically-based researchers,
teachers, and scholars that have done extensive research and study on this
topic. The many interviews, articles, and audio podcasts are readily available
online, and we encourage you to check out the following websites for further
study. Please note, in this article, we are simply pointing people to the various
information references (found at the following links), and encourage everyone
to do their own research, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, to come to their
own conclusions. If you are unable to download the various audio interviews
and videos, please contact the office via email. We have put together a data
DVD with the various files, which can be played on your computer. The cost is
R 30, excluding postage.
Please note, theie is much eviuence that theie aie women touay that have
biitheu Nephilim as a iesult of sexual ielations with both uemonic piincipalities
anu Nephilim. The union between natuial women anu these piincipalities (fallen
angels) iesults in a ,<L.(% Nephilim. In auuition, theie is eviuence that Nephilim
aie also co-habiting with natuial women, to again piouuce hybiiu Nephilim. We
must iemembei that Nephilim aie 51B8'-6-'< 1#6 of uou's Plan foi man, anu
being a hybiiu-mix, they 5&$$16 L- >&@-% 1. .-%--B-% ... They aie $16 humans in
the piopei Biblical unueistanuing. That is why uou hau to uestioy all of mankinu
with the floou except foi Noah anu his family.
It is also impoitant to unueistanu that 8.-@(1#>'< in mouein times, it was not
just &$< woman who coulu biith a Nephilim. Kunualini is positioneu unuei the
false holy spiiit piincipalityThe False Piophet; one can easily open youiself up
to the Kunualini spiiit thiough involvement in yoga, Fieemasoniy, New Age, the
occult, uiugs, anu so foith ... /$'< those women fiom the top thiiteen ioyal-occult
blooulines, whose blooulines weie filleu with 3-$-.&6(1$&' ($(M#(6< anu ,-&@<
involvement in the occult, anu who hau been ,(3,'< 8.13.&BB-% thiough BIB
SRA, weie able to biith Nephilim. Bowevei, as of 2uu2 anu the !F-$->(>
N.1O-569 (see the inteiviews with Boug Riggs anu }ennifei Biane foi moie
infoimation), it is now possible foi a "noimal" woman to biith a Nephilim. +&P-
$16-Q The women in the uenesis 6 account weie "aveiage" women! This ability
foi "noimal" women to biith Nephilim is eviuence we ARE in the last uays, such
as in the %&<> 10 R1&,Q Touay, all that is neeueu foi a woman to be abuucteu, oi to
biith a Nephilim, is foi hei to be uissociative (be BIB, which in oui mouein
society of bioken people is quite common) anu hei bloouline to be "open" uue to
geneiational iniquity (something we aie ALL subjecteu to unless healeu anu set
fiee by the Bloou of the Lamb!).
LA Marzulli has done extensive research on Nephilim, alien abductions,
UFOs, and the paranormal. He has a daily blog, as well as a radio iTunes
podcast called Acceleration Radio, in which he interviews many guests
regarding prophecy and the supernatural/paranormal.
Tom Horn has written several books on the subject of Nephilim and trans-
humanism, and how this is connected with prophecy and the coming Great
Derek Gilbert has done many lengthy interviews with those solid, Biblically-
based people (such as Tom Horn, LA Marzulli, Connie Huft, and so forth)
warning about the Nephilim/alien
deception and agenda.
"Prophecy In The News" also has some excellent interviews on the subject.
The videos can be viewed in the archive section of the website, or download
as a free podcast in iTunes.
- http://douglashamp.com/
Douglas Hamp has done extensive research into the Biblical understanding of
Nephilim, giants, and the days of Noah, and how this is connected to End-
Time prophecy. He has many articles up on his website, as well as the first
several chapters to his excellent book Corrupting The Image.
Chuck Missler has several excellent studies on Nephilim and the giants of the
Old Testament. Several of these teachings are available to watch on YouTube.
An excellent beginners video is his interview with Sid Roth, which can be
seen on YouTube at the following link, or download as a free podcast from
iTunes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIRtTPryQvM.
Please keep in minu, theie is a %(.-56 connection between the "alien"
abuuctions phenomena anu the Nephilim-biithing pioject of touay. Both the
eviuence of cattleanimal mutilations, anu the peisonal testimonies of people
who have been abuucteu, ieveal that some kinu of sinistei expeiiments weie
being uone by the kinguom of uaikness, in oiuei to impiove the Nephilim-
biithing pioject, anu to cieate a "supei" iace of humans, mingleu with the seeu of
the fallen piincipalitiesangels. 0nlike the giants of olu, the Nephilim of touay aie
now veiy similai-looking to eaith-humans, in fact, they look exactly the same.
Doug Riggs is a long-time pastor who has been and is helping/counseling
women who have been Nephilim mothers, women who have actually birthed
Nephilim children. Unlike the giants (the Nephilim) of the Old Testament
Nephilim today look very much like us humans, and have infiltrated all walks
of life, in order to bring about the kingdom of darkness deception/agenda. As
Jude warns:
Jude 1:5-7
I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew
this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt,
afterward destroyed them that believed not.
And the angels which kept not
their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving
themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth
for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. KJV
In conclusion
In conclusion, it is important to understand that there is a difference, and
separation, between the spirit of Kundalini and the Nephilim. Some teachers
are teaching that the spirit of Kundalini is a result of the seed of the Nephilim,
and that the two are actually the same. However, when one studies Nephilim
and fallen principalities/angels, it is clear that these two Kundalini and the
Nephilim cannot be the same spirit.
Kundalini is a serpent-demonic spirit, a counterfeit spirit to the Holy Spirit,
which is, sadly, becoming more prevalent in the Body today ... Nephilim are
supernatural hybrids, birthed from the union between principalities and/or
fallen angels and earth-women.
We encourage you to research this topic for yourself, to listen/watch all the
interviews listed (which go into much greater detail) ... and to examine and
study the Scriptures, asking the Holy Spirit for HIS Wisdom and Guidance.
The purpose of this article is to send out a warning ... to awaken the Body of
Messiah (and anyone else who will hear!), that supernatural activity is
increasing, and the kingdom of darkness is stepping up the war in a big way
they know the time is short!
uoliath anu his biotheis aie examples of Nephilim in the 0lu Testament. Bave
you evei wonueieu why Baviu chose five stones. Be killeu uoliath with one ...
but uiu you know that uoliath hau 01#. biotheis, who weie also 3(&$6>S Foi moie
infoimation, we encouiage you to check out }im Staley's teaching !+,- 71$> /0
F1% 4$% +,- R-8,('(B9, available as a fiee poucast uownloau in iTunes, oi fiom
We are also wanting to warn about the possibility for an alien deception.
What if aliens start appearing, with huge UFOs, declaring that they are our
intelligent designers, and that they will help unit the world, and solve all our
problems? That they come in peace
, to help us ... maybe even performing
miracles and lying wonders?
The Body of Messiah needs to have the answers, warning against this
Aliens, principalities / fallen angels, and Nephilim no matter how good
they portray themselves to be are EVIL, satanic, and of the kingdom of
darkness. They are NOT our friends
, and are not here to help us in anyway
they have a demonic agenda against God and His Creation.
It is also not our desire to cause fear through this information our King
Yshua (Jesus) is the KING of the universe, and in His Name, Yshua (Jesus),
in His Authority, we have power over
all the enemy!
Colossians 2:15 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made
a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
We have the promise, that as the Day approaches, and evil abounds, so
Gods Light will shine, and His Power, will increase all the more!
May the Father lead you and grant you discernment as you watch and pray!
Bave you evei consiueieu just how many movies, Tv shows, anu computei
games in iecent yeais ueal with the supeinatuial iealm anu "aliens". Almost
eveiy movie - even those foi chiluien! - have some soit of supeinatuial theme,
with the woilu coming to an enu, anu "aliens" appeaiing ... aie we being piepaieu
foi something. Aie we being uesensitizeu to the ueception of how evil these
"extia-teiiestiials" aie. Something to think about ... Foi moie infoimation on
Bollywoou's agenua against uou, check out }oe Schimmel's website, http:
L.A. Naizulli gives an excellent waining of "iebuke anu flee". If you uo
encountei some soit of supeinatuial being, oi see a 0F0 (anything that you aie
not absolutely suie is of the L0RB), uon't stick aiounu to see, ask questions, oi
become cuiious ... Rebuke in the Name of Y'shua |}esusj, anu flee.
Theie aie many peisonal testimonies of those who have begun to expeiience
sleep paialysis oi "alien" abuuctions, anu as soon as they aie able to call on the
Name of Y'shua (}esus), the evil piesence flees! This "pheneomon" was pivotal in
a well-establisheu 0F0 ieseaichei coming to tiust in Nessiah Y'shua |}esusj, as
he hau founu that the 1$'< thing that stoppeu these evil situations was the Powei
anu Authoiity of Y'shua (}esus). Foi moie infoimation, check out http: