Babylon Rising - Rob Skiba

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The document discusses the origins of various modern holidays and their links to ancient pagan traditions. It also discusses interpretations of the meaning of Jesus' name in Hebrew.

The document discusses the origins of modern holidays and traditions such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, etc. and links them to figures from ancient Mesopotamian religions such as Tammuz, Ishtar, and Nimrod.

Some of the holidays discussed include Easter (linked to the goddess Ishtar), Halloween (linked to traditions of the dead), Christmas (linked to the winter solstice), Lent, Valentine's Day, and Thanksgiving (linked to the goddess Ceres).

Babylon Rising

Video series by Rob Skiba
Preface .................................................................................................................2
The first shall be last .............................................................................................3
The Genesis 6 experiment ................................................................................3
The Beast vs. the Anti-Christ ................................................................................5
Washington, DC....................................................................................................7
What does DC mean? .......................................................................................7
Who is Columbia ...............................................................................................7
The Aztec Calendar Stone ................................................................................9
Timeline: The Omega Plan..............................................................................11
Christian Holidays.............................................................................................15

Notes by Stephen Golden

Copyright June 9, 2014

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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba

The Babylon Rising presentation is in two forms on You Tube. One form is a
continuous video, the other is divided into 13 shorter segments. The shorter
segments are easier to get through. These notes are taken from the 13
segments and are indicated as such using 1/13, 2/13, and etc.
My Comments:
In 1/13 at 8:00 Rob notes that the angels fell on Mt. Hermon which is 33.33
degrees from the Paris Prime Meridian. Then he implies that this means
something. But the Paris Prime Meridian is arbitrarily set by men long
after the angels fell, so unless there is something significant about the
Paris Prime Meridian, this point is meaningless. from David Flynn
Rob could stand do a little more research. He calls Greenwich Green Wich
Its pronounced Gren-itch.
Now, it could be that the Nephilim set the Paris Prime Meridian and gave it to
men. That would be meaningful, but such was not proposed.
Scripture says Abaddin and Apollyon are names of an angel who was put into a
bottomless pit.
Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit,
whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name
Many of the things Rob Skiba says make a lot of sense. However, often after
hes drawn a reasonable conclusion from the information, he pushes it a
step further with speculation. Then he pushes that speculation again
further. And sometimes he pushes it a third time to reach some pretty
unfounded conclusions.
Often, Rob will say, Im not saying you should believe this. I want you to check it
out for yourself. But then hell say, But this is what the LORD has
revealed to me. In reality, hes saying, if you disagree with me, youre
disagreeing with God. The problem is, God didnt tell him any such thing.
He concluded those things from his own speculations. His conclusions
may be correct, but they could just as easily be incorrect.

Notes by Stephen Golden

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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba

The first shall be last

Matthew 24:37
[37] As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
What differentiates the Days of Noah from any other time in human history?
The Days of Noah will be like the days at the coming of the Son of Man; not like
all the days in between.
Its not just when the flood occurred. Noahs days extended well beyond the
flood. Noah lived 350 years after the flood!
What makes them the same (days of Noah and the coming of the Son of Man)?
1. The creation of Human/animal hybrids and 2. the creation of Inter-dimensional

The Genesis 6 experiment

[4] The Nephilim were on the earth in those daysand also afterwardwhen the sons of
God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old,
men of renown.
These are angels, not the sons of Seth.
How do you produce giants if they were simply the offspring of Seth?
The Sons of God are angels throughout the other texts. (See Job 1:6 and 2:1)
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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
Rob shows a chart of eight documented giants throughout history:
86 12 1518 196 23 256 36
The Carthaginians found the skeletal remains of a 36-foot man in 650 BC.
Numbers 13:33
[33] We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We
seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.
Amos 2:9 describes the Amorites as the size of cedar trees
[9] Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the
cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots
from beneath.
Were these just tall tales being told or should we take them at face value?
I believe we should take Gods word in a straightforward manner, as written. Its
written in such a way to convey a clear meaning, we shouldnt assume God is
making things up just because we lack faith.
Grown cedar trees are 35-150 feet tall!
Extra-Biblical Texts go into more detail about what happened in Genesis 6.
The Book of Enoch says that 200 fallen angels, a class of angels known as the
Watchers, landed in southern Lebanon at Mt. Hermon. The mountain and plains
of the region sort of form the shape of the head of a goat.
One of the worst of the fallen angels was one by the name of Azazel. Azazel is
associated with a goat. (a scapegoat)
Azazel Leviticus 16:10
33.33 Degrees North and 33.33 degrees East of the Paris Prime Meridian.
Nephilim were produced as a result of the mixture of species: Angels and
humans, and animals and humans.

Nimrod built a tower that might reach into heaven.
God wasnt concerned with height. Whatever they imagine to do will not be
impossible for them. Genesis 11:6
They were building a stargate; a portal, and inter-dimensional pathway
Three groups aligned with Nimrod
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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
CERN Their objective is to re-create the big bang. Looking for the god
particle. In their front lobby, they have Sheba, the Hindu god of destruction
coming through a portal
Babel: from 1 language to 70 Languages
They all knew and followed Nimrod, but each language had its own name for
Names of Nimrod:
Gilgamesh Baal
and many more

The Beast vs. the Anti-Christ

Identifying the beast: Revelation 17:8-22

Comes from the bottomless pit
[But we know of no bottomless pit]
The Beast that was who was, is not, and will be again
Antithesis of Christ
Seven heads: Seven kings
(From Peter Goodgames work)
The seven heads of the Beast:
Five who have fallen:
Pharaoh (At the time of the Exodus)
King of Tyre
Antiochus Epiphenes (or Alexander the Great could be #5)
[Rob seems to have blended Daniel 8:9 the a little horn
which waxed exceeding great, and Daniel 8:21 the great
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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
horn that is between its eyes is the first king: Nimrod was
the first king in the Bible.]
Now is: Nero (or Dometian) Some Caesar, at the time John wrote

Yet to come
Hitler [?]
Revelation 13
One of his heads has a mortal head wound that is healed.
Which one had a mortal head wound?
The book of Jasher says Esau cut off Nimrods head right before he sold
his birthright for a bowl of lentil stew. According to the Book of Jasher, the
reason Esau was so quick to sell his birthright is because he was being
pursued and believed he was going to die very soon anyway.
IN the Old Testament, the end time Tyrant was given the title of
The Assyrian. Only one of these guys was an Assyrian: Nimrod
Revelation 23:3,4 similar to writings in the Epic of Gilgamesh
Nimrod (Osiris) is referred to as King of Kings and Lord of Lords in
Egyptian writings. He is the only other figure referred to in this way
in all of the ancient writings. His (Nimrod:Osiris_ symbol is an
Ankh: a form of a cross, but Nimrod:Mithra, Tamuz, and other
names were known by the symbol of a cross. The Roman Sun god
was Mithra. Jesus was crucified on the symbol of the Roman Sun
These figures are depicted as dying and resurrecting Sun gods.
Dying and resurrecting gods are usually associated with December 25.
Many similarities, but he is the antithesis
He rules from elsewhere.
Revelation 9:11 Apollyon: Nimrod [But the verse says he is an angel] So
Nimrod is not a Nephilim, but a fallen angel
The Tomb of Osiris, found in 1999. the bottom of the chamber has a shaft
that is referred to as the shaft of the bottomless pit.
2003, the body of Gilgamesh was found in the desert of Iraq.
The whole point of the Human Genome Project is to locate specific
genetic markers for disembodied spirits to reanimate their host
bodies when they are brought back.
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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
The largest embassy of all US Embassies was built in Iraq.
One nation under God Which God?
Which God in the Bible?

Washington, DC
The roof of the train station is lined by pagan gods
Thou hast put all things under his feet standing next to Zeus!
DC is full of Zeus worship
They made a government commissioned statue of George Washington to look
like Zeus
Hercules and Apollo are at its base
Washington Monument is the Phallus of Osiris 6666 tall above ground. With the
extension underground it is 666 total. 666 inches at the base.
David Barton maintains we were founded as a Christian country
But there were Rosicrucians, Illuminists, Free Masons, Occultists, and etc. who
came over, and they were the ones who built the buildings and set up the
nations symbolism
Osiris was cut into 14 pieces. Only 13 were found. The 14th is his obelisk
Betsy Ross flag: 13 colonies, 13 stars, 13 stripes
Its all made up. Betsy Ross never made a flag
Francis Hopkins was most likely the creator of the flag. He had a significant role
in creating the seal of the US

What does DC mean?

District of Columbia

Who is Columbia? she is on the top of the capitol building

E Pluribus Unum: It does NOT mean out of many states to one. It means Many
names, One god.
A symbols iconography must harmonize with itself
Continuing in Washington, DC
Inside the capitol building, there is the original sculpture of Columbia
The Temple of Liberty
She is known as the queen of heaven
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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
She has many names. Some of her other names are: Semiramis, Ishtar, Isis,
Venus, Columbia, Liberty, Diana, just to name a few.
She is the wife of Nimrod
Nimrod is the son of Cush
Cush had a daughter named Semiramis
Semiramis became Cushs wife (Cush married his daughter) and had a son
named Nimrod
Semiramis is Nimrods half-sister and mother.
Then Semiramis married Nimrod and became Nimrods wife while at the same
time was already his step-mother and half-sister. [She must have really
been attractive]
When Nimrod (Osiris) was killed, his body was cut into 14 pieces, of which only
13 were found. They did not find his piece.
Semiramis fashioned an obelisk in place of Nimrods missing piece
She uses it to get impregnated and becomes the mother of Horus/Tammuz who
later marries Semiramis!
Semiramis is the Whore of Babylon
Our country is dedicated to her! Our country clearly worships the Whore of
Out of one person, many names
Our founding fathers were Deists, not Christians!

The dome represents the womb of Isis (or Columbia)
In the Rotundra (you will know them by their fruits) around the top is a frieze of
American History.
Sequentially soon after Christopher Columbus in the frieze, you see Montezuma
and the Aztecs! And their calendar stone! What does this have to do with
American history?
The further up you look, the more occult-like it gets.
Looking straight up, you see 72 pentagrams (an occult binding number)
The apotheosis of George Washington: Turning a man into a god
Around the scene, do you see Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Jesus even? No!
You see Neptune, Ceres, Vulcan, Minerva, Columbia, Mercury, the messenger to
the gods taking notes.
You see absolutely NO Christian symbols at all!
This painting was finished in 1865, the year Abraham Lincoln died.
Lincoln was the first president to undergo the Lying in State ceremony that all
presidents since that time have undergone. Ascending into apotheosis

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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba

The Aztec Calendar Stone

Your dollar bill
Pyramid 72 stones in 13 steps. At the base: 1776 in roman numerals
Each step is a Katun. A Katun is a unit of time: 19.7 years
Cycles of 13: 1756 2012
Front of the symbol depicts the eagle. Manly P. Hall had a hand in designing
the seal says its a phoenix or bnu, the soul bird of Osiris that represents
It has e pluribus unum in its beak
Charles Thompson also had a hand in designing the seal
Annuit Coeptus: Favors Undertakings (an incomplete phrase)
Inspired by Virgil: Jupiter/Zeus: The seat of Satan in Pergamum
(Revelation 2:13) is the Altar of Zeus.
Its requesting Lucifers approval
Novus Ordo Seclorum: New order of the ages
Dollar bills are Talismans: They are infused with evil symbolic gestures
and evil power.

5/136/13 junction at *** below
The dollar is saying: (reading left to right) Zeus/Satan favors our undertaking, that
which we do under Osiris watchful eye, *** started in 1776 and completed in
2012. At that time, we will usher in the new order of the ages. It is in you, O
Lucifer that we place our trust. Like a phoenix rising out of the ashes of death
under the sign of Saturn, Apollo/Nimrod will rise again. Thus, the one [false] god
represented by many names shall reign anew.
The Star of David is not the star of David! It is the Star of Remphan! Acts 7:43 (See also
Amos 5:26)

[43] Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures
which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
Warnings from Jesus
False christs will arise
Matthew 24:24

[24] For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to
deceive, if possible, even the elect.
If its possible But Peter, Paul, and even Jesus say: Be not deceived Clearly it is
It might be better read, Pay attention!
In the desert (Gilgamesh)
Secret chambers (1999 tomb of Osiris)

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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
Where the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together
Some translations say vultures
But the word is eagles
On the other side of the train station in Washington, DC are two eagles
(Remember, Manly P. Hall says they are phoenixs),
Let all the ends thou amist at be thy countrys, thy gods, and truth be noble and
the nobleness that lies on other men- sleeping but never dead, will rise in
majesty to meet thine own.
The Awakening a sculpture of a bearded god coming up out of the sands of the
National Harbor
USA is right there in Matthew 24:24-28 We are covered with eagles!
72 and a Red Moon rising
(Obama mentions a date, Rob goes through many odd, unusual events in
Obamas presidency.)

The Egyptian god Anubis tours the US
Anubis was the god of the underworld until Osiris went down there and usurped
his leadership. Now Anubis serves Osiris. Anubis was the god that
oversaw the mummification process. Osiris was the first to be mummified.
A large ornate stature of Anubis toured the US and was displayed in front of
Denver International Airport (DIA) for almost a year.
DIA is a high-occult facility (He refers to the huge rearing horse statue with
demonic red eyes)
December 21, 2010
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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
Red lunar eclipse over Orion for 72 minutes
3:22 eastern time
The moon looked like a floating decapitated head over Orion. Remember, Orion
is Nimrod.
At the same time Iraq had just announced its fully-formed government
Babylon is rising
The entire planet is shaking. Live video of Internet seismic servers are all
indicating seismic activity
Massive fish and bird die-offs breed specific:
They added Ophiucus to the zodiac (13 zodiac symbols now?) also known as
Asclepius, God of healing, serpent handler
Known for raising Orion from the dead and for emptying Hades
This may all be leading up to the resurrection of
Osiris/Apollo/Apollyon/Gilgamesh/Orion/Nimrod from the dead and the
return of the Nephilim?

Timeline: The Omega Plan

When shall these things be? Matthew 24:3-4
August 17, 1991, Desert Shield became Desert Storm. The conflict was
witnessed by millions. The orchestrators of this event are the ones
that have orchestrated every major war for centuries. Their aim is
Total Global Domination
1999 Tomb of Osiris found

2001 An angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm G W
2001 September 11, Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories
concerning the attacks of September the 11th , malicious lies that
attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress half-way
around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the
most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily defended
airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the
military-combat-trained pilots on four commercial aircraft before
flying those planes wildly off-course for over an hour without being
molested by a single fighter interceptor. These nineteen hijackers,
devout religious fundamentalists who like to drink alcohol, snort
cocaine, and live with pink-haired

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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba

strippers managed to knock down three buildings with two planes in New
York, while in Washington, a pilot who couldnt handle a singleengine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8000 foot descending
270 corkscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting
the Pentagon in the Budget Analysts office where DOD staffers
were working on the mystery of the $2.3 Trillion the Defense
Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, had announced missing from the
Pentagons coffers the day before Luckily, the News Anchors
knew who did it within mnutes [Osama bin Laden], the pundits
within hours [Osama bin Laden], the Administration knew within a
day, and the evidence literally fell into the FBIs lap: that a
hijackers passport was found blocks from the World Trade Center
crash site, if you can believe that. But for some reason, a bunch of
crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the
greatest attack on American soil in history. That investigation was
delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest, and a
cover-up from start to finish. It was based on testimony extracted
through torture, the records of which were destroyed. It failed to
mention the existence of WOTC7, Abel Danger, p-tech, Sibell
Edmunds, OBL and the CIA, and the drills of hijacked aircraft being
flown into buildings that were being simulated at the precise same
time that those events were actually happening.

2003 What if the Nephilim could somehow rise up could somehow be

reconstituted within a body It may have actually happened with
Nimrod > Gilgamesh, the giant They found Gilgameshs remains
in remarkable state of preservation.
At the Iraqi invasion, Iraqi museums underwent massive theft.
170,000 artifacts were stolen. 15,000 of which have no
registration records.
Most important: Sumerian Cuneiforms which represent the
philosophy of life and death
The looters knew just where the specific items were
JP Morgan Chase bank led a 13-bank consortium to set up the
central bank of Iraq. De Le Ru was brought in to print the new
Iraqi Dinar. This currency has some of the most anti-counterfeit
measures of any on the planet, yet it is completely worthless.
2004 Skull and bones. (322) Bush and other Bonesmen in Bush
John Kerry is also Skull and bones
2005 Tim Russert dies (was investigating Skull and bones) of a heart
2006 The Bible says Iraq (Babylon) will not only emerge in the last days
as the most peaceful, powerful, and wealthiest nation on the planet.
2007 Babylon begins to rise
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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba

2008 O bummer accepted nomination for president in front of the Seat of
Satan while Anubis toured the nation
My next hundred days will be so successful that I will be able to complete
them in 72 days. His 73rd day of rest was July 11th, a Saturday
(Sabbath) which began a 1260 day countdown to December 21,
2009 President goes to Egypt. Called the new King Tut
2009 December 9 Mysterious blue spiral light in Norway, @2:14
2010 December 21 decapitated head over Orion. The entire planet
2011 Iraqs sovereignty must be respected
2011 Zodiac sign is added. The earth has shifted on its axis. Ophiucus
Nov 29 and Dec 17
2011 Birds and fish dropping dead Redwing blackbirds
2011 Strange lights and other things seen, cleared for research on
embryos that are part human and part animal
For the elects sake, those days shall be shortened
Nimrod IS coming back (per Rob Skiba)
Beast: Greek: Therion like a strange were wolf

Will Nimrod rise, or will he be hosted inside a world leader? Dont know.
There is peace. There is no hunger. Honesty, courtesy and kindness. The
world has never been more perfect. It is no longer your world.
Trailer to Movie: The Host You will be One of us
Is this how he will be presented?
Rob believes this is talking about the mark of the Beast.
Transplant memory (Discussed in greater detail in the Archon Invasion seminar)
Organ transplants receive skills they never had before, memories and dreams
not from their past
A soul enters the body upon a transplant.
Life is in the blood
Abels blood cries out from the earth
Rob believes there is a spiritual component of DNA
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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
DNA is information
The mark will re-write your DNA. (L. A. Marzulli believes this)
Once you take the Mark of the Beast, it cannot be taken back
You are not redeemable after this!
They beg for death and death eludes them they cannot die
They are cast alive into the lake of fire
Coming out of Babylon (Revelation 18:4)
You cant fix Babylon with Babylon
Come out of her, my people

There is no political solution for a spiritual problem.
The problems in the world and in this country are spiritual problems.
Your votes dont really matter.
All US presidents except Martin Van Buren are related to the former King of
England: John Lackland Plantagenet signer of the Magna Carta in 1215.
Dick Cheney and Barack Obama are 8th cousins. If you go back 8 generations,
there is a common ancestor. Barack Obama and George Bush are 11th
This bloodline can be traced back to ancient Sumer and Babylonia.
These human familiars or pets of the demonic angels have worshipped Satan
and his minions under many forms from the time of Sumer right up to our
present day.
Coming out of Babylon only requires one thing: repentance.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 1
Truth or Tradition
George Barna: you will rarely find the practices of the church in the scriptures
Lord, what is the truth?
You have to come out of the matrix
Being alone with God in the wilderness helps to purge the matrix

I do not believe this scripture applies to us in our current day. We are not called by Gods name. Israel is.

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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba

Christian Holidays
All of our holidays honor Nimrod
Christmas is the birthday of Zeus/Mithra/Osiris/Nimrod (Saturnalia)

September 11 is Jesus birthday based on Revelation chapter 12.
Revelation 12:1-2,5
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the
sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve
stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be
delivered. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all
nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to
his throne.
The sun in Virgo moon at her feet and 12 stars at her head... You can download
free star-tracking software at Set the time back to the year
-2 (which is equivalent to 3BC), September 11 of that year, and you will
see what is described in Revelation 12
These are well known astronomical symbols. Scorpio was known as the dragon.
Revelation 12 is about the birth of Christ. The signs and symbols used are well
known astronomical symbols today as they were when John was writing
Clothed with the Sun is an astronomical term meaning the Sun is in the
constellation. Virgo is the only constellation that is represented by a
woman. For 20 days, the sun is in Virgo. You have the moon at her feet.
This only occurs in an 80 minute window within that span of 20 days. The
sun is in her mid section, symbolic of pregnancy.
Crown of 12 stars [This was not clearly demonstrated. On performing some
Google searches, there is a wild range of explanations. None were
convincing as to which stars were the twelve.]
There is a narrow window in which these signs occurred
3000 people killed at Sinai for worshipping a golden calf as Jehovah
3000 people were redeemed at Pentecost
3000 people will killed on 9/11

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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba
Lent: Weeping for Tammuz2
Ezekiel 8:14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which
was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
Easter Ishtar bursting out of an egg bare-breasted fertility goddess. Ishtar is
Nimrods wife; Columbia. Some of her other names are: Semiramis,
Ishtar, and Isis
Valentines day festival of Lupercus
Halloween day of the dead and evil spirits
Thanksgiving Dedicated to the goddess of harvest, Ceres Cerelia3
Sunday worship Constantine: changed the Sabbath to Sunday.4
[Well, I have no issue with that, since Christians were never enjoined to
worship on the Sabbath. The early church met on the first day of
the week. Besides, I was never aware that the Sabbath was ever
changed to Sunday. It has always been Saturday in my religious
upbringing. Its just that Sabbath as a Holy day was never given to
the Gentiles.]
Were celebrating on Nimrods days!
As Christians, we should replace the pagan holidays with Gods appointments:
The Holidays of YHWH
Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
The first four were given before the law was given
They line up with what Jesus has done and will do
These divine appointments are a script representing Gods plan

While some have linked Lent to Weeping for Tammuz, the link is very weak and about the only similarity is the 40
days. While there is no scriptural indication or Apostolic precedent, I see no reason to link Lent with Tammuz. Its a
stretch to do so.
Im not convinced about this. The pilgrims never did this, and when Thanksgiving was made a national holiday in 1863
by Abraham Lincoln, I dont think Ceres/Cerelia was on his mind. It seems as if Rob is saying any celebration of a
bountiful harvest is necessarily dedicated to Ceres/Cerelia.
Regardless of whether Constantine changed the Sabbath to Sunday, Christians are not obligated to follow the Law.
Christians are not commanded to worship on the Sabbath. Personally, I was taught the Sabbath was Saturday. I always
thought it odd when a Christian described Sunday as the Sabbath.

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Babylon Rising
Video series by Rob Skiba

Jesus died on Passover (Thursday), buried on Unleavened Bread (after sunset
on Thursday), and was raised on First Fruits (Sunday).5
The Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost
Osiris/Apollo/Gilgamesh/Nimrod is the anti-Christ
He who has his eye on the throne
Hebrew letters have meanings of themselves
Yeshua: Yod Shin Vav Ayin
One of the meanings of Yod - Hand
One of the meanings of Shin - Destroy
One of the meanings of Vav - Establish
One of the meanings of Ayin Eye
Translation of Jesus name: The hand that destroys the establishment of the eye
[Yet another bit of a stretch]

This is verified by Aaron Budgen and can be read here:

Notes by Stephen Golden

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