DBMS Syllabus
DBMS Syllabus
DBMS Syllabus
5 hrs/Week -
CS 2255 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Internal Assessment: Final Examination: Credits: Pre-requisites: Data Structures
20 80 3
OBJECTIVES: To learn the concepts of Database Management System, Database Design, Transaction Concepts and Implementation techniques. 1. INTRODUCTION 9 Purpose of Database System - Views of data Data Models Database Languages Database System Architecture Database users and Administrator Entity Relationship model (E-R model ) E-R Diagrams -- Introduction to relational databases 2. RELATIONAL MODEL 9 The relational Model The catalog- Types Keys - Relational Algebra Domain Relational Calculus Tuple Relational Calculus - Fundamental operations Additional Operations- SQL fundamentals - Integrity Triggers - Security Advanced SQL features Embedded SQL Dynamic SQLMissing Information Views Introduction to Distributed Databases and Client/Server Databases 3. DATABASE DESIGN 9 Functional Dependencies Non-loss Decomposition Functional Dependencies First, Second, Third Normal Forms, Dependency Preservation Boyce/Codd Normal Form- Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form 4. TRANSACTIONS 9 Transaction Concepts - Transaction Recovery ACID Properties System Recovery Media Recovery Two Phase Commit - Save Points SQL Facilities for recovery Concurrency Need for Concurrency Locking Protocols Two Phase Locking Intent Locking DeadlockSerializability Recovery Isolation Levels SQL Facilities for Concurrency. 5. IMPLEMENTATION TECHNIQUES 9 Overview of Physical Storage Media Magnetic Disks RAID Tertiary storage File Organization Organization of Records in Files Indexing and Hashing Ordered Indices B+ tree Index Files B tree Index Files Static Hashing Dynamic Hashing Query Processing Overview Catalog Information for Cost Estimation Selection Operation Sorting Join Operation Database Tuning. TOTAL = 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudharshan, Database System Concepts, Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006 (Unit I and Unit-V) . 2. C.J.Date, A.Kannan, S.Swamynathan, An Introduction to Database Systems, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.( Unit II, III and IV) REFERENCES: 1. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, FourthEdition , Pearson / Addision wesley, 2007. 2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Database Management Systems, Third Edition, McGraw Hill, 2003. 3. S.K.Singh, Database Systems Concepts, Design and Applications, First Edition, Pearson Education, 2006. WEB REFERENCES: 1. beginner-sql-tutorial.com/sql-grant-revoke-privileges-roles.htm 2. www.xpode.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Articleid=156 3. http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/IIT-MADRAS/Intro_to_Database_Systems_Design/index.php 4. http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/video.php?subjectId=106106093 5. \\\centric\SUBJECT MATERIALS\SYLLABUS 6. \\\centric\SUBJECT MATERIALS\UNIVERSITY QUESTIONS 7. \\\centric\SUBJECT MATERIALS\E-BOOKS 8. \\\centric\SUBJECT MATERIALS\PPT & PDF NOTES\II YEAR\DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COURSE OUTCOME:Upon completion of this course students will be able to: CO1: CO2: CO3: CO4: Understand terms related to database design and management Understand the relational model and relational database management system Develop logical data models and Evaluate the normality of a logical data model, and correct any anomalies Develop physical data models for relational database management systems and RDBMS