Smallvillech1 - Chapter 1
Smallvillech1 - Chapter 1
Smallvillech1 - Chapter 1
1989, Smallville, Kansas, USA. Suddenly the sky was dark. There were hundreds of meteors in the sky. They went faster and faster. There was a very small spaceship in the centre of the meteors. There was one person in this spaceship. A child.
othin! happened in Smallville. "t was a small town in Kansas and it was a very #orin! place. Then, one day, everythin! chan!ed. $ionel $uthor arrived from %etropolis in his helicopter. &e was a rich man, #ut he was not a nice man. &e loved money, not people. &is youn! son $e' sat ne't to him. $e' was nine years old. &e had red hair and #lue eyes. &is face was white and his eyes were closed. &e was very fri!htened. ($e')* shouted his father. (+pen your eyes now)* (" can,t,* $e' said. (" hate this helicopter.* ($uthors aren,t fri!htened of anythin!,* $ionel said. ($ook out of the window - now)* $e' slowly opened his eyes and looked down. I'm going to die, he thou!ht. Two men waited for the helicopter in the car park of an old factory. The men were #rothers. /ale and 0ill 1oss. (2hy does $ionel $uthor want to #uy our factory3* asked /ale. (" don,t know,* said 0ill, (#ut we need his money. &e isn,t !oin! to chan!e anythin!. &e told us that, and " #elieve him.*
4onathan Kent and his wife %artha went into a shop on %ain Street. Their faces were #rown from the sun and their 5eans were old. They lived on a farm. (Afternoon, ell,* 4onathan said. (&ello, 4onathan,* ell said. She smiled at him. She liked 4onathan. (&ello, %artha,* she said. She didn,t smile at %artha. She didn,t like her. (",d like some tulips,* said %artha. (1ed tulips, please.* There was a little !irl in the shop. She was very pretty with dark hair. She was three years old. (&ello, $ana,* said %artha. (2here are your mom and dad today3* (They,re at the homecomin! !ame6,* ell said. (&ere are your tulips.* She !ave them to 4onathan. "n the street, %artha said sadly, (+h 4onathan, " looked at $ana,s little face and " ...* She stopped. (" know, %artha,* said 4onathan. (2e #oth want a child.*
6 &i!h schools in the USA have a #i! foot#all !ame every +cto#er. "t*s called the homecomin! !ame. There*s a homecomin! dance too.
At the factory, $e' was #ored. &e walked away into a cornfield ne't to the factory. $ionel $uthor read the papers. (2here do " put my name3* he asked the 1oss #rothers. &e smiled. The factory was his now. Alone in the field, $e' suddenly heard somethin!. (&elp me)* 2hat was it3 Then he heard it a!ain. (&elp me)* &e walked throu!h the corn and suddenly there was a scarecrow. $e' was fri!htened. That scarecrow can talk! he thou!ht. 0ut then it wasn,t a scarecrow. "t was a teena!e #oy. The #oy was on a #i! wooden pole. &e had no shirt. There was a #i! red S on the front of his #ody. (&elp me, please,* he said one more time. T&+++%%%))) The first #i! meteor crashed into the cornfield. $e' ran.
A car stopped opposite ell*s shop on %ain Street. ell took little $ana in her arms and walked out of the shop. $ewis and $aura $an! were in the car. $ana saw them. (%ommy) /addy)* she shouted. ell looked up and saw a #i! meteor in the sky. T&+++%%%)))
The meteor crashed into the $an!s* car. $ana*s parents were dead.
$ionel $uthor ran across the cornfield. ($e') 2here are you3* he shouted. &e saw some red hair on the !round. Then he found his son. $e' was on the !round. &e was very fri!htened. 0ut where was his #eautiful red hair3 &e was nine years old and he now had no hair at all.
4onathan and %artha Kent were on their way home. Suddenly a meteor hit the road #ehind them. (2hat was that, 4onathan3* asked %artha. (2hat,s happenin!3* T&+++%%%))) A spaceship crashed into the road in front of them. 4onathan tried to stop the car #ut it crashed into a cornfield. 2hen they opened their eyes, they saw a #oy. &e was a#out three years old and he had no clothes. The #oy pulled 4onathan*s car door. "t opened. Then he pulled %artha*s car door. "t opened too. %artha and 4onathan were very surprised. They were soon out of the car. %artha took the #oy in her arms. (Are you okay3* asked 4onathan. (7es, "*m fine. 7ou3* said %artha. (7es. 8hildren don,t fall from the sky,* 4onathan said. (Then where did he come from3* %artha asked. (" don,t think his mom and dad are from Kansas)* (2e can,t keep him, %artha,* said 4onathan. (2hat can we say to people3 "We found him in a cornfield!93* (We didn,t find him, 4onathan,* said %artha. (He found us.*