R3 FXGuide E1 633652928631340000 PDF
R3 FXGuide E1 633652928631340000 PDF
R3 FXGuide E1 633652928631340000 PDF
Effect guide
Table of contents
Overview..................................... 1
About the effect inputs and outputs
........................................................ 1
About the delay time......................... 1
TimeRati ............................................................ 1
Delay time for the insert effects............................ 1
Controlling the effect parameters ....... 2
Synchronizing the LFO 1/2 rate or the
delay time of the delay effect to the ar-
peggiator tempo ............................... 2
settings correspond to note values
........................................................ 2
Effect parameters ......................... 3
1. S.Comp (Stereo Compressor) .......................... 3
2. S.Limit (Stereo Limiter) .................................... 4
3. S.Gate (Stereo Gate)...................................... 4
4. S.Filter (Stereo Filter) ...................................... 5
5. S.Wah (Stereo Wah)...................................... 6
6. S.2BndEQ (Stereo 2Band EQ)
S.4BndEQ (Stereo 4Band EQ)......................... 7
7. Distort (Distortion) .......................................... 8
8. Cabi Sim (Cabinet Simulator).......................... 9
9. Tube Sim (Tube PreAmp Simulator)
S.TubSim (Stereo Tube PreAmp Simulator) ....... 9
10. S.Dcmtr (Stereo Decimator)......................... 10
11. Reverb....................................................... 11
12. EarlyRef (Early Reflections).......................... 12
13. LCR Dly (L/ C/ R Delay)................................ 13
14. S.Delay (Stereo Delay)................................ 14
15. AtPanDly (Auto Panning Delay)................... 14
16. S.APnDly (Stereo Auto Panning Delay)......... 15
17. ModDelay (Modulation Delay) .................... 16
18. S.ModDly (Stereo Modulation Delay)........... 17
19. TapeEcho .................................................. 17
20. S.Chorus (Stereo Chorus)............................ 18
21. Ensemble................................................... 18
22. S.Flangr (Stereo Flanger/ Comb Filter).......... 19
23. S.Phaser (Stereo Phaser)............................. 20
24. S.Tremol (Stereo Tremolo)........................... 21
25. S.RingMd (Stereo Ring Modulator)............... 21
26. PitchSft (Pitch Shifter)
S.PtcShft (Stereo Pitch Shifter)...................... 22
27. GrainSft (Grain Shifter)
S.GrnSft (Stereo Grain Shifter) .................... 23
28. S.Vibart (Stereo Vibrato)............................. 24
29. W.RotSpk (Rotary Speaker)
RotrySpk (Rotary Speaker) ..........................25
30. W.TalkMd (Talking Modulation)
Talk Mod (Talking Modulation).................... 26
The effect section of the
consists of a two-band EQ
and two insert effects per timbre, and one master effect
for the entire program. You can use the EQ and insert ef-
fects to create the sound of each timbre, and use the mas-
ter effect to add overall spatial processing.
For each of the insert effects and master effect, you can
choose one of thirty types of full-digital effect. The types
of effects are grouped in the following categories.
About the effect inputs and out-
The insert effects and master effects are stereo-in/ste-
reo-out. The Dry signal (the direct, unprocessed sound)
of the Dry/Wet balance will simply pass through the
stereo input as a stereo output. The way in which the
Wet signal (the sound processed by the effect) is output
will depend on the type of effect, and the possible con-
figurations are shown below.
In the block diagram given for each effect in the pages
that follow, the input/output configuration is listed in
the upper left of the diagram.
In order to obtain the best audio quality, use 12. Amp
page Level, 7. Mixer page OSC1 Lvl, OSC2 Lvl,
and Noise Lvl to adjust the input level to the insert ef-
fect and master effect, and set the Trim of each effect
to the maximum level that does not cause clipping. Then
use the Dry/Wet and Output Level of each effect to
adjust the output level of the effect.
Some effect types do not have a Trim or Output
Level parameter.
There is no input level meter that indicates the in-
put level to the effect. If the input level is insuffi-
cient, the S/N ratio will be degraded. If the input
level is excessive, clipping may occur.
About the delay time
For delay effects, the actual delay time is determined by
multiplying the delay time with the TimRatio (TimeR-
atio). Here are some examples.
BPM Sync: Off, L Delay: 800 ms, R Delay: 400
ms, TimRatio: 50% settings will produce an actual
delay of 400 ms for the L-channel and 200 ms for the
BPM Sync: On, L Delay:
1/4, R Delay:
TimRatio: 50% settings will produce an actual
delay of an 8th note for the L-channel and a 16th
note for the R-channel.
Delay time for the insert effects
Broadly speaking, there are two types of effect for which
you can specify a delay time.
Delay effects
Modulation effects such as chorus that internally
use a xed delay time
If you use such an effect in the two insert effects, the de-
lay time of the effects can be set for a maximum of 1 sec-
onds for each timbre.
Here are some examples.
Insert effect 1 uses S.Delay (Stereo Delay,) and insert
effect 2 uses S.APnDly (St.Auto Panning Delay.) 500
ms of delay time is assigned to each effect.
Insert effect 1 uses S.Chorus (St.Chorus,) and insert
effect 2 uses S.Delay (Stereo Delay.) 160 ms of delay
time is assigned to S.Chorus, and 840 ms of delay
time is assigned to St.Delay.
0110 Filter and dynamics effects such as EQ and compressor
1119 Reverb, early reection, and delay
Pitch and phase modulation effects such as chorus and
phaser, rotary speaker, and pitch shifter
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Mono In - Mono Out
Mono In - Stereo Out
Effect +
Effect +
St. Delay St. Auto Panning Delay
500 msec 500 msec
1.0 sec
St. Delay St. Chorus
840 msec
160 msec
1.0 sec
Controlling the effect parame-
On the
you can assign one parameter each from in-
sert effects 1 and 2 and the master effect (a total of three
parameters) to knobs [1[4] and control these parame-
ters while you perform.
Before you assign a parameter to a knob, you must first
select one parameter from each effect and specify this
parameter as the Fx Knob in the effect parameter set-
tings (
R3 owners manual p.49). After youve made
this setting, you can use the Shift function Knob Assign
to select IFx1Knob or IFx2Knob etc., and use the knob to
control the parameter that you assigned in Fx Knob
R3 owners manual p.80).
Synchronizing the LFO 1/2 rate
or the delay time of the delay
effect to the arpeggiator tempo
You can synchronize the LFO 1/2 rate or the delay time
of the delay effect to the arpeggiator tempo. (When
Example 1. LFO1
16. LFO1 page BPM Sync (knob [3]): ON
16. LFO1 page LFO1 SyncNote (knob [4]): 1/4
In this case, one LFO cycle will occupy the same time as
one quarter note.
Example 2. Delay time
29. Ins FX1 page Type (knob [1]): S.Delay
29. Ins FX1 page Parameter (knob [3]): BPM Sync,
Vaue (knob [4]): On
29. Ins FX1 page Parameter (knob [3]): L Delay,
Vaue (knob [4]): 1/8
29. Ins FX1 page Parameter (knob [3]): R Delay,
Vaue (knob [4]):1/8
In this case, the delay time will be set to a time interval
of an eighth note, and will alternate between left and
right channels.
OLUTION settings correspond
to note values
The following table shows how LFO or delay effect
SyncNote settings and 33. Arpeg-B page Resolutn
settings correspond to note values.
The parameters will function according to the tempo
specified by [TEMPO] knob and the note value corre-
sponding to its setting.
Dry Wet
Dry Wet
Note LFO, Delay: SyncNote Arpeggiator: Resolutn
1/32 1/32
1/24 1/24
1/16 1/16
, _
1/12 1/12
1/8 1/8
, _
1/6 1/6
1/4 1/4
1/2 1/2
1/1 1/1
Effect parameters
Effect parameters
[parameter name]
only MFX
This parameter will be
displayed and can be set only when the effect is
used by a master effect.
[parameter name]
only IFX
This parameter will be
displayed and can be set only when the effect is
used by an insert effect.
[effect name]
double size
This effect can be selected
only for insert effect 1. If you select this type of
effect, you cant use insert effect 2.
[parameter name]
: This indicates a parameter
you can select for Fx Knob. You can assign the
parameter to a front panel knob and edit it while
you perform.
Common parameters:
Dry/Wet [Dry, 99:11:99, Wet]
Fx Knob [available selections depend on the type of
effect]: Choose the effect parameter that you want to
assign to a front panel knob.
1. S.Comp
(Stereo Compressor)
This effect compresses the input signal to regulate the
level and give a punchy effect. This is useful when ap-
plied to sounds that have a strong attack.
If using this for the master effect, you can link the left
and right channels or make them operate independent-
Env Sel (Envelope Select)
only MFX
[LR Mix, LR Indv.]
When L/R Mix is selected for this parameter, the left
and right channels are linked to control the Limiter us-
ing the mixed signal.
With L/R individually, the left and right channels con-
trol the Limiter individually.
When using this effect type for an insert effect, this
parameter is fixed at LR Mix.
Sens (Sensitivity) [001127]
The Sens parameter sets the sensitivity of the com-
pressor. If this parameter is set to a higher value, lower
level sounds will be boosted. With a higher Sensitivity,
the overall volume level is higher. To adjust the final
volume level, use the Output Level parameter.
Attack [000.1500.0ms]
Sets the attack level.
OutLevel (Output Level) [000127]
This parameter controls the output level.
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Envelope Select (IFX: LR Mix)
Output Level
Output Level
Envelope - Control
Envelope - Control
Compressor - Sensitivity
Compressor - Attack
Effect guide
2. S.Limit
(Stereo Limiter)
The Limiter regulates the input signal level. It is similar
to the Compressor, except that the Limiter compresses
only signals that exceed the specified level to lower un-
necessary peak signals. If using this for the master effect,
you can link the left and right channels or make them
operate independently.
Env Sel (Envelope Select)
only MFX
[LR Mix, LR Indv.]
p.3 1. S.Comp (Stereo Compressor)
Ratio [1.0:150.0:1Inf:1]
Sets the signal compression ratio.
Threshld (Threshold) [40+00dB]
Sets the level above which the compressor is applied.
Compression is applied only when the signal level ex-
ceeds the Threshld value.
Attack [000.1500.0ms]
Sets the attack time. A higher attack time will cause the
compression to be applied more slowly.
GainAjst (Gain Adjust) [Inf+24dB]
Sets the output gain. Adjust the output level using the
GainAjst parameter, since compression causes the en-
tire level to be reduced.
3. S.Gate
(Stereo Gate)
This effect mutes the input signal if its level is lower than
the specified level.
Env Sel (Envelope Select)
only MFX
[LR Mix, LR Indv.]
p.3 1. S.Comp (Stereo Compressor)
Threshld (Threshold) [000127]
Sets the level to which the Gate is applied.
Attack [000.1500.0ms]
Sets the Gate attack time.
Release [0000.31500.0ms]
Sets the Gate release time.
GainAjst (Gain Adjust) [Inf+24dB]
Sets the output gain.
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Envelope Select (IFX: LR Mix)
Gain Adjust
Gain Adjust
Envelope - Control
Envelope - Control
Trigger Monitor
Input Level
Output Level
Ratio=1.0 : 1
Ratio=2.0 : 1
Ratio=4.0 : 1
Ration=Inf : 1
Ratio=Inf : 1
Ratio=2.0 : 1
Ratio=4.0 : 1
Dry Ratio=1.0 : 1
Limiter - Threshold / Ratio
Ratio=Inf : 1
Ratio=Inf : 1
Limiter - Attack
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Envelope Select (IFX: LR Mix)
Envelope - Control
Envelope - Control
Input Level
Output Level
Attack Release
Gate - Attack / Release
Gate - Threshold
Effect parameters
4. S.Filter
(Stereo Filter)
This is a stereo filter.
Filter (Filter Type) [LPF24, LPF18, LPF12, HPF12, BPF12]
Selects the filter type.
R3 owners manual p.32 FiltBal1
Cutoff [000127]
Sets the filter cutoff frequency.
R3 owners manual p.32 Cutoff1
Resonanc (Resonance) [000127]
Sets the filter resonance amount.
R3 owners manual p.32 Reso1
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
Mod Src (Modulation Source) [LFO, Ctrl]
Selects the modulation source that will control the cutoff
frequency. If you set this to LFO, the internal LFO will
modulate the cutoff frequency. If you set this to Ctrl, the
control source selected by Ctrl Src will control the cut-
off frequency.
Mod Int (Modulation Intensity) [63+63]
Adjusts the depth of modulation applied by the modu-
lation source (Mod Src).
Response (Modulation Response) [000127]
Adjusts the response of the modulation effect.
A setting of 0 produces slow response.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will synchro-
nize to the tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob or by MIDI
clock.This parameter will be displayed and can be set if
Mod Int is LFO.
If this is Off, the LFO will operate at the cycle specified
by LFO Freq.
If this is On, the LFO will synchronize to the tempo or
MIDI clock.
In the 42. MIDI page Clock setting is Internal,
the LFO will synchronize to the tempo specified
by the [TEMPO] knob. If the setting is External, the
LFO will synchronize to the MIDI clock received
from an external MIDI device.
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the LFO speed. This parameter This parameter will
be displayed and can be set if Mod Src is LFO and
BPM Sync is Off.
Increasing this value will result in a faster frequency.
If this parameter is assigned to Fx Knob, the as-
signment will change to SyncNote if you turn
BPM Sync on. In the same way, setting Mod
Src to Ctrl will cancel this (assign it to Off), and
the knob will have no effect.
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the internal LFO frequency as a proportion of the
tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob if Mod Src is LFO and
BPM Sync is On. The length of the specified value
(note value) relative to the tempo will be one cycle of the
LFO. For example if this is
1/4, one cycle will occupy
one quarter note.
If this parameter is assigned for Fx Knob, turn-
ing BPM Sync On will switch the assignment to
Sync Note. In the same way, setting Mod Src to
Ctrl will cancel this (assign it to Off), and the knob
will have no effect.
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the internal LFO waveform if Mod Src is LFO.
LFOShape [63+63]
Adjusts the shape of the internal LFO waveform if Mod
Src is LFO.
Key Sync (LFO KeySync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies how the LFO will be reset at note-on if Mod
Src is LFO.
With Off, the LFO phase will not be reset when note-on
With Timbre, the first note-on from a condition of no
keys being pressed will reset the LFO to the phase spec-
ified by IniPhase, and modulation will be applied at
that phase even if subsequent note-ons occur.
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Specifies the starting position of the waveform if Key
Sync is Timbre.
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Control Source
Tri Sin
Saw Squ
Amplitude changes irregularly
(Sample & Hold)
Note on
Note on Note on
Note all off
Effect guide
With a setting of 0, the waveform will start from its be-
ginning at note-on.
With a setting of 180, the waveform will start from the
mid-point of its cycle at note-on.
Ctrl Src (Control Source) [Off, VelocityMIDI3]
Selects the control source if Mod Src is Ctrl. The filter
will be controlled by the selected source.
5. S.Wah (Stereo Wah)
This stereo wah effect allows you to create sounds from
vintage wah pedal simulation to auto-wah simulation,
and much broader range settings.
Wah Type [Y-CRY, RM-A, RM-B, J-CRY, VOX, M-VOX]
Selects the wah type.
If Mod Src is Auto or Ctrl (other than PitchBend), set-
tings of Wah Freq=0, Resonanc (Resonance)=0, and
Mod Int=+63 will produce the response of a modeled
If Mod Src is LFO or Ctrl (PitchBend), settings of
Wah Freq=32, Resonanc (Resonance)=0, and Mod
Int=+45 will produce the response of a modeled wah.
Wah Freq (Frequency) [63+63]
Sets the wah center frequency.
Resonanc (Resonance) [63+63]
Sets the resonance amount.
Mod Src (Modulation Source) [Auto, LFO, Ctrl]
Selects the source that will control the center frequency
of the wah.
When Mod Src is set to Auto will select an auto-wah
that sweeps according to envelope changes in the input
signal level. Auto-wah is frequently used for funk guitar
parts and clav sounds.
When Mod Src is set to LFO, the effect uses internal
LFO to sweep in cycle.
When Mod Src is set to Ctrl, you can control the filter
directly via the modulation source in the same way as a
wah pedal.
Mod Int (Modulation Intensity) [63+63]
Adjusts the depth of the modulation produced by the
modulation source (Mod Src).
Response (Modulation Response) [000127]
Adjusts the response of the modulation effect. A setting
of 0 produces the slowest response.
Env Sens (Envelope Sensitivity) [000127]
When Mod Src is set to Auto, sets the sensitivity of
auto-wah. Increase the value if the input signal is too
low to sweep. Reduce the value if the input signal is so
high that the filter is stopped temporarily.
EnvShape (Envelope Shape) [63+63]
When Mod Src is set to Auto, this parameter deter-
mines the sweep curve for auto-wah.
Source Explanation
Off Not used
Velocity Velocity
P.Bend [PITCH] wheel
M.Wheel [MOD] wheel
F.Pedal Foot pedal
F.Sw Foot switch
Damper Damper pedal
MIDI1 Source specied by MIDI1 in 45. PatchSrc page
MIDI2 Source specied by MIDI2 in 45. PatchSrc page
MIDI3 Source specied by MIDI3 in 45. PatchSrc page
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Envelope Sens
Envelope Shape
Dry / Wet
Mod Src
Dry / Wet
Control Source
Effect parameters
BPM Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will synchro-
nize to the tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob or MIDI
clock if Mod Src is LFO.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100Hz]
Sets the LFO speed if Mod Src is LFO and BPM Sync
is Off.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the LFO frequency as a proportion of the tempo set
by the [TEMPO] knob if Mod Src is LFO and BPM
Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the LFO waveform if Mod Src is LFO.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFOShape [63+63]
Adjusts the shape of the LFO waveform if Mod Src is
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO KeySync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset at note-on. This
parameter will be displayed and can be set if Mod Src
is LFO.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Specifies the starting position of the waveform. This pa-
rameter will be displayed and can be set if Key Sync is
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
Ctrl Src (Control Source) [Off, VelocityMIDI3]
Selects the control source used if Mod Src is set to Ctrl.
The selected source will control the center frequency of
the wah.
p.6 Ctrl Src (Control Source)
6. S.2BndEQ (Stereo 2Band EQ): IFX
S.4BndEQ (Stereo 4Band EQ): MFX
This is a stereo EQ for which the type can be selected in-
When used in an insert effect, this will be a two-band
stereo EQ.
When used in the master effect, this will be a four-band
stereo EQ. In this case, the equalizer type of two of the
bands (B2 and B3) is fixed as peaking-type EQ.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level of EQ.
B1 Type [Peaking, Shelv Lo]
Selects the EQ type of Band 1.
B2 Type/B4 Type [Peaking, Shelv Hi]
When used in an insert effect, selects the equalizer type
of band 2.
When used in the master effect, selects the equalizer
type of band 4. In this case, band 2 is fixed as a peaking-
type EQ.
B1 Freq (B1 Frequency) [20Hz20.0kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Band 1.
B1 Q [00.510.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Band 1. This parameter will be
displayed and can be set if B1 Type is Peaking.
B1 Gain [18.0+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band 1.
B2 Freq (B2 Frequency) [20Hz20.0kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Band 2.
value = 0...100
value = 0...+100
Envelope Shape
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Band1 Band2
Insert Effect
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Band1 Band2 Band3 Band4
Master Effect
Band1 Cutoff Band2/4 Cutoff
Band1 Type=Peaking
Band1 Type=Shelving Low
Band2/4 Type=Peaking
Band2/4 Type=Shelving High
Band1, Band2 (IFX) / Band4 (MFX) Type
Effect guide
B2 Q [00.510.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Band 2. This parameter will be
displayed and can be set if B1 Type is Peaking.
B2 Gain [18.0+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band 2.
B3 Freq (B3 Frequency)
only MFX
Sets the center frequency of Band 3.
B3 Q
only MFX
Sets the bandwidth of Band 3.
B3 Gain
only MFX
Sets the gain of Band 3.
B4 Freq (B4 Frequency)
only MFX
Sets the center frequency of Band 4.
B4 Q
only MFX
Sets the bandwidth of Band 4.
B4 Gain
only MFX
Sets the gain of Band 4.
7. Distort (Distortion)
This is a distortion effect with a three band EQ, giving
you a broad range of variations.
Gain [000127]
Sets the degree of distortion.
Pre Freq (Pre EQ Frequency) [20Hz20.0kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Pre EQ.
Pre Q (Pre EQ Q) [00.510.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Pre EQ.
Pre Gain (Pre EQ Gain) [18.0+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band PreEQ.
B1 Freq (B1 Frequency) [20Hz20.0kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Band 1.
B1 Q [00.510.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Band 1.
B1 Gain [18.0+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band 1.
B2 Freq (B2 Frequency) [20Hz20.0kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Band 2.
B2 Q [00.510.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Band 2.
B2 Gain [18.0+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band 2.
B3 Freq (B3 Frequency) [20Hz20.0kHz]
Sets the center frequency of Band 3.
B3 Q [00.510.0]
Sets the bandwidth of Band 3.
B3 Gain [18.0+18.0dB]
Sets the gain of Band 3.
OutLevel (Output Level) [000127]
Sets the output level.
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
3 Band PEQ
Output Level
Pre EQ
Effect parameters
8. Cabi Sim (Cabinet Simulator)
This simulates the acoustical character of a guitar amps
speaker cabinet.
CabiType (Cabinet Type) [TWD 1X8US V30]
Selects the type of the cabinet.
TWD 1X8: Open-back cabinet with one 8" speaker
TWD 1X12: Open-back cabinet with one 12" speaker,
typically used for blues.
TWD 4X10: Open-back cabinet with four 10" speakers.
BLK 2X10: Open-back cabinet with two 10" speakers.
BLK 2X12: American open-back cabinet with two 12"
AC15: Vox open-back cabinet with one 12" Blue
AC30: Vox open-back cabinet with two 12" Blue
AD412: VOX AD412 closed-back cabinet with four 12"
UK H30: Closed-back classic cabinet with four 30W 12"
UK T75: Closed-back cabinet with four 75W 12" speak-
US V30: Closed-back cabinet with four 30W 12" speak-
Air [000127]
Sets the distance between the microphone and the Cab-
inet. Increasing this value will increase the distance.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
9. Tube Sim (Tube PreAmp Simulator): IFX
S.TubSim (Stereo Tube PreAmp Simulator): MFX
This effect simulates a two-stage vacuum tube preamp.
You can make individual settings for two vacuum tubes
connected in series. This lets you create the warm sound
typical of vacuum tubes.
When used in an insert effect, this will be a mono-in/
mono-out effect.
When used in the master effect, this will be a stereo-in/
stereo-out effect.
Tu1LoCut (Tube1 Low Cut) [000127]
Sets the cutoff frequency for the low cut filter of stage 1.
Tu1HiCut (Tube1 High Cut) [000127]
Sets the cutoff frequency for the high cut filter of stage 1.
Tu1 Gain (Tube1 Gain) [Inf, 40+24dB]
Sets the input gain for stage 1.
Tu1 Bias (Tube1 Bias) [000100%]
Sets the bias voltage for stage 1.
This expresses the effect that changes in vacuum tube
bias have on the distortion of the waveform. Higher set-
tings of this value will produce distortion even at low
gain levels. Since this will also change the overtone
structure, you can use it to control the tonal character.
Tu1 Satu (Tube1 Saturation) [000100%]
Sets the input/output response for stage 1. With higher
settings of this value, the waveform will change at high
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
Cabinet Simulator
+ Tube Pre Amp1 Tube Pre Amp2
Dry / Wet
Output Level
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Tube Pre Amp1 Tube Pre Amp2
Output Level
Tube Pre Amp1 Tube Pre Amp2
Output Level
Satulation = 50
Bias = 0
Bias = 50
Bias = 100
Effect guide
gain levels, tending to cause distortion. Lower settings
of this value will produce linear response.
Phase [Normal, Inverted]
Turns phase reversal on/off.
With the Invert setting, the phase of the signal will be in-
verted between stage 1 and stage 2. Since Bias is ap-
plied to the inverted signal in stage 2, this will change
the tonal character.
With the Normal setting, the phase will not be reversed.
Tu2LoCut (Tube2 Low Cut) [000127]
Sets the cutoff frequency for the low cut filter of stage 2.
Tu2HiCut (Tube2 High Cut) [000127]
Sets the cutoff frequency for the high cut filter of stage 2.
Tu2 Gain (Tube2 Gain) [Inf, 40+24dB]
Sets the input gain for stage 2.
Tu2 Bias (Tube2 Bias) [000100%]
Sets the bias voltage for stage 2.
p.9 Tu1 Bias (Tube1 Bias)
Tu2 Satu (Tube2 Saturation) [000100%]
Sets the input/output response for stage 2.
p.9 Tu1 Satu (Tube1 Saturation)
OutLevel (Output Level) [000127]
Sets the output level.
10. S.Dcmtr (Stereo Decimator)
This effect creates a rough sound like a cheap sampler
by lowering the sampling frequency and data bit length.
You can also simulate noise unique to a sampler (alias-
Pre LPF [Off, On]
Selects whether the harmonic noise caused by a decrease
in sampling frequency is generated or not.
If a sampler with a very low sampling frequency re-
ceives very high-pitched sound that could not be heard
during playback, it could generate pitch noise that is un-
related to the original sound. Set Pre LPF to On to pre-
vent this noise from being generated.
If you set the Fs to about 3kHz and set Pre LPF to
Off, you can create a sound like a ring modulator.
HighDamp [000100%]
Sets the ratio of cut of the high range.
Fs [01.0k48.0kHz]
Sets the sampling frequency.
Bit [0424bit]
Sets the data bit length.
If you set a smaller value for the Bit parameter, the
sound may be distorted. The volume level may also be
changed. Use OutLevel to adjust the level.
OutLevel (Output Level) [000127]
Sets the output level.
FsModInt (Fs Modulation Intensity) [63+63]
Sets the depth of sampling frequency LFO modulation.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will synchro-
nize to the tempo specified by the [TEMPO] knob or
MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the LFO speed. This parameter will be displayed
and can be set if Mod Src is LFO and BPM Sync is
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the internal LFO frequency as a proportion of the
tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
Mic/Pre Amp - Saturation
Saturation = 0
Saturation = 50
Saturation = 100
Bias = 0
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
High Damp Output Level
High Damp Output Level
Sampling Frequency
Effect parameters
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFO Shape [63+63]
Adjusts the shape of the LFO waveform.
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO KeySync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset at note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Specifies the starting position of the waveform if Key-
Sync is Timbre.
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
11. Reverb
This effect simulates acoustical ambience such as the re-
verberation of a hall.
Type [HallBritRoom]
Selects the reverb type. The reverb types that you can se-
lect will differ depending on whether this effect is used
in an insert effect or in the master effect.
Hall: Hall-type reverb, producing the reverberation of a
mid to large-size concert or ensemble hall.
only MFX
Hall-type reverb, producing the re-
verberation of a larger hall or stadium. The reverbera-
tion features a smooth release. Selectable only for the
master effect.
only IFX
: Plate reverb. Selectable only for an insert
only MFX
: Plate reverb that produces warm,
dense reverberation. Selectable only for the master ef-
only MFX
Plate reverb with a dry, light feel. Se-
lectable only for the master effect.
Room: Room-type reverb with a tight feeling, and em-
phasis on the early reflections. By changing the balance
between the early reflections and the reverberation, you
can simulate different types of wall material.
only MFX
: Room-type reverb with a bright feel-
ing, and emphasis on the early reflections (Reverb
Room). Selectable only for the master effect.
Rev Time (Reverb Time)
[Hall or Plate: 00.110.0sec, Room: 00.103.0sec]
Sets the reverberation time. The selectable range of re-
verb time will depend on the Type setting.
High Damp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the high range.
only MFX
Sets the delay time from the dry sound.
PrDlyThr (Pre Delay Thru)
only MFX
Sets the mix ratio of non-delay sound.
Wet / Dry
Wet / Dry
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
EQ Trim
EQ Trim
Pre Delay Reverb
Pre Delay Thru
MFX Hall, SmoothHall
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
EQ Trim
EQ Trim
Pre Delay Reverb Reverb Level
ER Level
ER Level
Pre Delay Thru
MFX Room, BritRoom
Effect guide
Trim (Pre EQ Trim)
only MFX
Sets the EQ input level.
LoEQGain (Low EQ Gain)
only MFX
Sets the gain of Low EQ.
HiEQGain (High EQ Gain)
only MFX
Sets the gain of High EQ.
ER Level
only MFX
Sets the time taken from the original sound to the first
early reflection. When used for the master effect, this is
displayed and can be set only if Room or BritRoom is se-
Rev Level (Reverb Level)
only MFX
Sets the reverberation level. When used for the master
effect, this is displayed and can be set only if Room or
BritRoom is selected.
12. EarlyRef (Early Reections)
This effect is only the early reflection part of a reverber-
ation sound, and adds presence to the sound. You can
select one of the four decay curves.
Type [Sharp, Loose, Modulate, Reverse]
Selects the decay curve for the early reflection.
ER Time [IFX: 010400msec/MFX: 010800msec]
Sets the time from the original sound to the first early re-
flection. The range of this parameter will differ depend-
ing on whether the effect is an insert effect or a master
PreDelay [IFX: 000100msec/MFX: 000200msec]
Sets the time taken from the original sound to the first
early reflection. The range of this parameter will differ
depending on whether the effect is an insert effect or a
master effect.
Trim (Pre EQ Trim) [000127]
Sets the input level of EQ applied to the effect sound.
LoEQGain (Low EQ Gain)
only MFX
Sets the gain of Low EQ.
HiEQGain (High EQ Gain)
only MFX
Sets the gain of High EQ.
only IFX
Sets the damping amount in the high range.
Low Damp
only IFX
Sets the damping amount in the low range.
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
EQ Trim
EQ Trim
Pre Delay Early Reflections
IFX: Low Damp
IFX: High Damp
Early Reflections - Type
Dry Pre Delay ER Time
Effect parameters
13. LCR Dly (L/C/R Delay)
This multitap delay outputs three Tap signals to the left,
center, and right respectively. You can also adjust the
left and right spread of the delay sound.
BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the delay time will be synchronized.
If this is On, the delay time will synchronize to the tem-
po or MIDI clock.
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
Sets each delay time as a proportion relative to the L
Delay, C Delay, and R Delay values. The available
range will depend on whether BPM Sync is On or Off.
For example if TimRatio is 50%, L Delay is 500
msec, C Delay is 700 msec, and R Delay is 1000
msec, the delay times will be 250 msec, 350 msec, and
500 msec respectively.
If you use this effect and a delay or chorus effect as
the two insert effects, the delay times will be limit-
ed. If the delay times in conjunction with the Tim-
Ratio setting exceed the limit, TimRatio will
indicate OVER.
L Delay, C Delay, R Delay (L, C, R Delay Time)
[BPM Sync Off IFX: 00001000msec
BPM Sync Off MFX: 00001400msec
BPM Sync On: 1/64 1/1]
These set the L, C, and R delay times. The delay time is
determined by these settings and the TimRatio value.
If BPM Sync is Off, these delay times are set in msec
units. The range of this parameter will differ depending
on whether the effect is an insert effect or a master effect.
If BPM Sync is On, these delay times are set as a tim-
ing resolution relative to the tempo specified by the
[TEMPO] knob or MIDI clock.
L Level, C Level, R Level (L, C, R Delay Level) [000127]
These adjust the output level of the L, C, and R delays.
C Fback (C Feedback) [000127]
Sets the feedback amount of TapC.
High Damp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the high range.
Low Damp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the low range.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
Spread [000127]
Sets the width of the stereo image of the effect sound.
The stereo image is widest with a value of 127, and the
effect sound of both channels is output from the center
with a value of 0.
C Delay
R Delay
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In -Stereo Out
High Damp Low Damp
L Delay
Effect guide
14. S.Delay (Stereo Delay)
This is a stereo delay, and can by used as a cross-feed-
back delay effect in which the delay sounds cross over
between the left and right by changing the feedback
Type [Stereo, Cross]
Selects the delay type. With the Stereo setting, this will
be a conventional stereo delay. With the Cross setting,
this will be a cross-feedback delay in which the delay
sound bounces between left and right.
BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the delay tempo will be synchronized.
p.13 LCR Delay BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync)
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
p.13 LCR Delay TimRatio (Time Ratio)
L Delay, R Delay (L, R Delay Time)
[BPM Sync Off IFX: 000500msec
BPM Sync Off MFX: 000700msec
BPM Sync Off: 1/641/1]
These set the left and right channel delay times. The de-
lay time is determined by these settings and the TimRa-
tio value.
If BPM Sync is Off, these delay times are set in msec
units. The range of this parameter will differ depending
on whether the effect is an insert effect or a master effect.
If BPM Sync is On, these delay times are set as a tim-
ing resolution relative to the tempo specified by the
[TEMPO] knob or MIDI clock.
Feedback [000127]
Sets the amount of feedback for the left and right chan-
HighDamp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the high range.
Low Damp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the low range.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
Spread [000127]
Sets the width of the stereo image of the effect sound.
p.13 LCR Delay Spread
15. AtPanDly (Auto Panning Delay)
This stereo delay effect pans the delay sound left and
right using the LFO.
BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the delay tempo will be synchronized.
p.13 LCR Delay BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync)
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
p.13 LCR Delay TimRatio (Time Ratio)
L Delay, R Delay (L, R Delay Time)
[BPM Sync Off IFX: 00001000msec
BPM Sync Off MFX: 00001400mse
BPM Sync On: 1/64 1/1]
These set the left and right channel delay times. The de-
lay time is determined by these settings and the TimRa-
tio value.
If BPM Sync is Off, these delay times are set in msec
units. The range of this parameter will differ depending
on whether the effect is an insert effect or a master effect.
If BPM Sync is On, these delay times are set as a tim-
ing resolution relative to the tempo specified by the
[TEMPO] knob or MIDI clock.
Feedback [000127]
Sets the feedback amount for the left channel.
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of modulation.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will be syn-
chronized with the tempo specified by the [TEMPO]
knob or MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the internal LFO frequency if BPM Sync is Off.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the internal LFO frequency as a proportion of the
tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFO Shape [63+63]
p.5 LFOShape
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
High Damp Low Damp
High Damp Low Damp
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In -Stereo Out
LFO Spread
LFO Shape
High Damp Low Damp
Effect parameters
Key Sync (LFO Key Sync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset by note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if Key Sync
is Timbre.
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
High Damp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the high range.
Low Damp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the low range.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
16. S.APnDly (Stereo Auto Panning Delay)
This is a stereo delay that uses an LFO to pan the delay
sound between left and right.
BPM Sync (DelayTime BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the delay tempo will be synchronized.
p.13 LCR Delay BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync)
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
p.13 LCR Delay TimRatio (Time Ratio)
L Delay, R Delay (L, R Delay Time)
[BPM Sync Off IFX: 000500msec
BPM Sync Off MFX: 000700msec
BPM Sync On: 1/641/1]
These set the left and right channel delay times.
p.14 StDelay L Delay, R Delay (L, R Delay Time)
Feedback [000127]
Sets the feedback amount for the left channel.
p.14 StDelay Feedback
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of modulation.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will be syn-
chronized with the tempo specified by the [TEMPO]
knob or MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the LFO speed if BPM Sync is Off.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the LFO frequency as a proportion of the tempo set
by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFOShape (LFO Shape) [63+63]
Adjusts the shape of the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO Key Sync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset by note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
LFO Spread
LFO Shape
High Damp Low Damp
High Damp Low Damp
Effect guide
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if KeySync is
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
LFOSpred (LFO Spread) [180+180]
Sets the phase difference between the left and right
HighDamp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the high range.
Low Damp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the low range.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
17. ModDelay (Modulation Delay)
This stereo delay uses an LFO to sweep the delay time.
The pitch also varies. You will obtain a delay sound with
swell and shimmering. You can also control the delay
time using a modulation source.
BPM Sync (DelayTime BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the delay tempo will be synchronized.
p.13 LCR Delay BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync)
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
p.13 LCR Delay TimRatio (Time Ratio)
L Delay, R Delay (L, R Delay Time)
[BPM Sync Off IFX: 000980msec
BPM Sync Off MFX: 00001380msec
BPM Sync On 1/641/1]
p.14 StDelay L Delay, R Delay (L, R Delay Time)
Feedback [000127]
Sets the feedback amount for the left channel.
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of LFO modulation.
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the LFO speed. Increasing this value will result in a
faster frequency.
LFOSpred (LFO Spread) [180+180]
Sets the phase difference between the left and right
LFO Spread
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In -Stereo Out
Effect parameters
18. S.ModDly (Stereo Modulation Delay)
This is a stereo modulation delay.
BPM Sync (DelayTime BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the delay tempo will be synchronized.
p.13 LCR Delay BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync)
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
p.13 LCR Delay TimRatio (Time Ratio)
L Delay, R Delay (L, R Delay Time)
[BPM Sync Off IFX: 000480msec
BPM Sync Off MFX: 000680msec
BPM Sync On 1/641/1]
p.14 StDelay L Delay, R Delay (L, R Delay Time)
Feedback [000127]
p.14 StDelay Feedback
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of internal LFO modulation.
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the internal LFO speed. Increasing this value will
result in a faster frequency.
LFO Spred (LFO Spread) [180+180]
Sets the phase difference between the left and right
19. TapeEcho
This effect simulates a tape echo unit. The distortion and
tonal change typical of magnetic tape are also repro-
BPM Sync (DelayTime BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the delay tempo will be synchronized.
p.13 LCR Delay BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync)
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
p.13 LCR Delay TimRatio (Time Ratio)
Tap1Delay, Tap2 Delay(Tap1, Tap2 Delay Time)
[BPM Sync Off IFX: 000980msec
BPM Sync Off MFX: 00001380msec,
BPM Sync On: 1/64 1/1]
Sets the delay times for Tap1 and Tap2.
p.13 LCR Delay L Delay, C Delay, R Delay (L, C, R
Delay Time)
Tap1Lvl, Tap2 Lvl (Tap1 Level, Tap2 Level) [000127]
Sets the Tap1 output level and Tap2 output level.
Feedback [000127]
Sets the Tap1 feedback amount.
HighDamp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the high range.
Low Damp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the low range.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
Saturatn (Saturation) [000127]
Sets the distortion amount.
Waw Freq (Wah Flutter Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the frequency at which pitch variation will occur in
Hz stepsl.
WawDepth (Wah Flutter Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of pitch variation.
Pre Tone [000127]
Sets the tone of the input.
Spread [000127]
Sets the width of the stereo image of the effect sound.
p.13 LCR Delay Spread
LFO Spread
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Wah Flutter
Tap2 Level
Dry / Wet
Tape1 Level
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
High / Low Damp Pre Tone
Delay Spread
Effect guide
20. S.Chorus (Stereo Chorus)
This effect adds thickness and warmth to the sound by
modulating the delay time of the input signal. You can
add spread to the sound by offsetting the phase of the
left and right LFOs from each other.
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of LFO modulation.
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the internal LFO speed. Increasing this value will
result in a faster frequency.
LFOSpred (LFO Spread) [180+180]
Sets the LFO phase difference between the left and right.
PreDly L, PreDly R (Pre Delay L, R) [00.050.0msec]
Sets the delay times for the left and right channels.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
LoEQGain (Low EQ Gain) [15.0+15.0dB]
Sets the gain of Low EQ.
HiEQGain (High EQ Gain) [15.0+15.0dB]
Sets the gain of High EQ.
21. Ensemble
This effect produces a deep and spacious ensemble
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]]
Sets the depth of LFO modulation.
Speed [001127]
Sets the LFO speed.
LFO Spread
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
+ Ensemble
Effect parameters
22. S.Flangr (Stereo Flanger/Comb Filter)
This effect gives a significant swell and movement of
pitch to the sound. It is more effective when applied to a
sound with a lot of harmonics. This is a stereo flanger.
You can add spread to the sound by offsetting the phase
of the left and right LFOs from each other. This effect can
also be used as a comb filter.
Type [Flanger, Comb]
Switches the effect between flanger and comb filter.
Delay [00.030.0msec]
Sets the delay time in millisecond steps when Type is
set to Flanger.
If this parameter is assigned to Fx Knob, setting
Type to Comb will switch the assignment to
Cutoff (Cutoff Frequency) [000127]
When Type is set to Comb, this sets the cutoff frequen-
cy of the comb filter.
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of LFO modulation.
Feedback [000127]
Sets the amount of feedback for the left and right chan-
Phase [+, ]
When Type is set to Flanger, this switches the phase of
the output and feedback.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will be syn-
chronized with the tempo specified by the [TEMPO]
knob or MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the LFO speed if BPM Sync is Off.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the LFO frequency as a proportion of the tempo set
by the [TEMPO] knob. This parameter will be displayed
and can be set if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFOShape (LFO Shape) [63+63]
Adjusts the shape of the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO KeySync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset by note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if Key Sync
is Timbre.
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
LFO Spred (LFO Spread) [180180]
Sets the LFO phase difference between the left and right
HighDamp [000100%]
Sets the feedback damping amount in the high range if
the Type is Flanger.
LFO Shape
LFO Spread
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
High Damp (Type: Flanger)
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Effect guide
23. S.Phaser (Stereo Phaser)
This effect creates a swell by shifting the phase. It is very
effective on electric piano sounds. You can add spread
to the sound by offsetting the phase of the left and right
LFOs from each other.
Type [Blue, U-VB]
Selects the phaser type.
Manual [000127]
Sets the frequency to which the effect is applied.
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of the internal LFO modulation.
Resonanc (Resonance) [000127]
Sets the resonance amount.
Phase [+, ]
Switches the phase of the output and feedback.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will be syn-
chronized with the tempo specified by the [TEMPO]
knob or MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the LFO speed if BPM Sync is Off.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the LFO frequency as a proportion of the tempo set
by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFO Shape [63+63]
Adjusts the shape of the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO KeySync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset by note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if Key Sync is
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
LFO Spred (LFO Spread) [180+180]
Sets the LFO phase difference between the left and right
HighDamp [000100%]
Sets the feedback damping amount in the high range.
LFO Shape
LFO Spread
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
High Damp
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Effect parameters
24. S.Tremol (Stereo Tremolo)
This effect modulates the volume level of the input sig-
nal. The effect is stereo, and offsetting the LFO of the left
and right phases from each other produces a tremolo ef-
fect between left and right.
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of internal LFO modulation.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the LFO cycle will be synchronized with
the tempo specified by the [TEMPO] knob or MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the internal LFO speed if BPM Sync is Off.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the internal LFO frequency as a proportion of the
tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFOShape (LFO Shape) [63+63]
Adjusts the shape of the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO KeySync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset by note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if Key Sync
is Timbre.
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
LFOSpred (LFO Spread) [180+180]
Sets the internal LFO phase difference between the left
and right channels.
25. S.RingMd (Stereo Ring Modulator)
This effect creates a metallic sound by applying the os-
cillators to the input signal. Use the LFO or Dynamic
Modulation to modulate the oscillator to create a radical
modulation. Matching the oscillator frequency with a
note number will produce a ring modulation effect in
specific key ranges.
OSC Mode (Oscillator Mode) [Fixed, Note]
Switching between specifying the oscillator frequency
and using a note number.
If this is set to Note, the oscillator frequency will track
the note of the input signal.
FixedFrq (Fixed Frequency) [012.0kHz]
This parameter sets the oscillator frequency when OSC
Mode is set to Fixed.
If this parameter is assigned to Fx Knob, setting
OSC Mode to Note will switch the assignment
to NoteOfst.
NoteOfst (Note Offset) [48+48]
Sets the pitch difference from the original note in semi-
tone steps when OSC Mode is set to Note.
NoteFine (Note Fine) [100+100cent]
Sets the pitch difference from the original note in cent
steps when OSC Mode is set to Note.
By setting NoteOfst and NoteFine so that the
oscillator frequency will track the note that is in-
put, you can produce a ring modulator effect with
a correct scale.
OSC Wave (OSC Waveform) [Saw, Triangle, Sine]
Selects the ocsillator waveform.
LFO Int (LFO Intensity) [63+63]
Sets the depth of internal LFO modulation.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will be syn-
chronized with the tempo specified by the [TEMPO]
knob or MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the internal LFO speed when BPM Sync is Off.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
LFO Spread
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Ring Modulator
Ring Modulator
Note No.
OSC Mode
Note (Key Follow)
Fixed Frequency
Note Offset, Fine
Effect guide
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the LFO frequency as a proportion of the tempo set
by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFOShape (LFO Shape) [63+63]
Adjusts the shape of the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO Key Sync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset by note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if Key Sync
is Timbre.
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
Pre LPF [000127]
This parameter enables you to set the damping amount
of the high range sound input to the ring modulator. If
the input sound contains lots of harmonics, the effect
may sound dirty. In this case, cut a certain amount of
high range.
26. PitchSft (Pitch Shifter): IFX
S.PtcShft (Stereo Pitch Shifter): MFX
This effect changes the pitch of the input signal. You can
select from three types: Fast (quick response), Medium,
and Slow (preserves tonal quality). You can also create
an effect in which the pitch is gradually raised (or
dropped) using the delay with feedback.
If used for an insert effect, this will be mono-in/mono-
If used for the master effect, this will be stereo-in/ste-
Pitch (Pitch Shift) [24+24]
Sets the pitch shift amount by steps of a semitone.
Fine [100+100]
Sets the pitch shift amount by steps of a cent.
BPM Sync (DelayTime BPM Sync)
only MFX
[Off, On]
Specifies whether the delay time will be synchronized.
p.13 LCR Delay BPM Sync (Delay Time BPM Sync)
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
only MFX
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
p.13 LCR Delay TimRatio (Time Ratio)
Delay (Delay Time)
only MFX
[BPM Sync Off: 000500msec
BPM Sync On: 1/64 1/1]
If BPM Sync is Off, this delay time is set in msec units.
If BPM Sync is On, this delay time is set as a timing
resolution relative to the tempo specified by the [TEM-
PO] knob or MIDI clock.
FB Pos (FeedBack Position)
only MFX
[Pre, Post]
Switches the feedback connection.
only MFX
Sets the feedback amount.
Mode [Slow, Medium, Fast]
This parameter selects the pitch shifter operating mode.
With Slow, tonal quality will not be changed too much.
With Fast, the effect becomes a Pitch Shifter that has a
quick response, but may change the tone. Medium is in
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
Input Level
Input Level
High Damp
Delay Pitch Shifter
Insert FX
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
High Damp
High Damp
Feedback Position
Delay Pitch Shifter
Delay Pitch Shifter
Master FX
Effect parameters
between these two. If you do not need to set too much
pitch shift amount, set this parameter to Slow. If you
wish to change the pitch significantly, use Fast.
HighDamp [000100%]
Sets the damping amount in the high range.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
27. GrainSft (Grain Shifter): IFX
S.GrnSft (Stereo Grain Shifter): MFX
This effect samples extremely brief fragments of the
sound at a specified interval, and plays them as a loop.
This is effective when used on external input sounds
that are constantly changing.
If used for an insert effect, this will be mono-in/mono-
If used for the master effect, this will be stereo-in/ste-
BPM Sync (Duration BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether playback of the looped waveform will
be synchronized. If this is On, the looped waveform will
play in synchronization with the tempo or MIDI clock.
TimRatio (Time Ratio)
[BPM Sync Off: 000.5400.0% (OVER)
BPM Sync On: 012.5400.0% (OVER)]
This specifies the length of the looped waveform rela-
tive to the Duration value.
[BPM Sync Off IFX: 000500msec
BPM Sync Off MFX: 000350msec
BPM Sync On 1/641/1]
Sets the duration of the grain. The length of the wave-
form is determined by this setting and the TimRatio
If BPM Sync is Off, this is set in msec units.
If BPM Sync is On, this is set as a timing resolution rel-
ative to the tempo specified by the [TEMPO] knob or
MIDI clock.
If you use this in an insert effect and the other in-
sert effect uses a delay or chorus effect, the wave-
form length will be limited.
If the Duration and TimRatio settings exceed
the limit, an indication of OVER will appear for
the TimRatio.
Sample Cycle
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
Grain Shifter
Sample Cycle
LFO Spread
Sample Cycle
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Grain Shifter
Grain Shifter
Effect guide
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will be syn-
chronized with the tempo specified by the [TEMPO]
knob or MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
If BPM Sync is Off, this specifies the cycle at which the
waveform is switched in Hz units. The waveform length
specified by Duration will play as a loop, and the
waveform will switch at each cycle of the internal LFO.
If this parameter is assigned to Fx Knob, turning
BPM Sync On will switch the assignment to Syn-
SyncNote (LFO Sync Note) [8/11/64]
Sets the internal LFO frequency as a proportion of the
tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
Key Sync (LFO Key Sync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset by note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if Key Sync
is Timbre.
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
LFOSpread (LFO Spread)
only MFX
Sets the phase difference between the left and right
channels. When used for the master effect, this is dis-
played and can be set this parameter.
28. S.Vibart (Stereo Vibrato)
This effect causes the pitch of the input signal to shim-
mer. Using the AutoFade allows you to increase or de-
crease the shimmering speed.
ModDepth (Modulation Depth) [000127]
Sets the depth of internal LFO modulation.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the internal LFO cycle will be syn-
chronized with the tempo specified by the [TEMPO]
knob or MIDI clock.
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the LFO speed.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO Sync Note) [8/11/64]
Sets the internal LFO frequency as a proportion of the
tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the internal LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFOShape (LFO Shape) [63+63]
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO Key Sync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the internal LFO will be reset by note-
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if Key Sync
is Timbre.
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
LFOSpred (LFO Spread)
only MFX
Sets the LFO phase difference between the left and right
LFO Cycle /Duration
LFO Cycle
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Stereo In - Stereo Out
LFO Spread
Effect parameters
29. W.RotSpk (Rotary Speaker)
Double Size
RotrySpk (Rotary Speaker): MFX
This effect simulates a rotary speaker, and obtains a
more realistic sound by simulating the rotor in the low
range and the horn in the high range separately. The ef-
fect also simulates the stereo microphone settings.
If you want to use this effect as an insert effect, you
must select it for insert effect 1. In this case, you
wont be able to use insert effect 2.
Mode Sw (Mode Switch) [Rotate, Stop]
Switches between speaker rotation and stop.
Ctrl Src (Mode Sw. Ctrl. Source) [Off, VelocityMIDI3]
Selects the modulation source that will control Mode
p.6 Ctrl Src (Control Source)
CtrlMode (Mode Sw. Ctrl. Mode) [Toggle, Moment]
Specifies how the modulation source selected by Ctrl
Src will be switched.
When Ctrl Mode = Toggle, the speaker rotates or
stops alternately each time you press the pedal. Each
time the value for the modulation source exceeds 64, the
speaker rotates or stops alternately.
When Ctrl Mode = Moment, the speaker is rotating. It
stops only when you press the pedal. Rotation will occur
when the value of the modulation source is less than 64,
and will stop when the value is 64 or greater.
Spk Ctrl (Speaker Control Type) [Switch, Manual]
Selects whether the rotational speed will be controlled
by a switch or manually.
Speed Sw (Speed Switch) [Slow, Fast]
Switches the speed of rotation if Spk Ctrl is set to
If this parameter is assigned to Fx Knob, setting
Spk Ctrl to Manual will change the assignment
to Speed.
Ctrl Src (Sw. Control Source) [Off, VelocityMIDI3]
If Spk Ctrl is set to Switch, this selects the modulation
source that will switch the speaker rotation speed be-
tween slow and fast.
p.6 Ctrl Src (Control Source)
CtrlMode (Sw. Ctrl. Mode) [Toggle, Moment]
If Spk Ctrl is set to Switch, this selects the switching
mode of the modulation source that will switch the
speaker rotation speed between slow and fast.
When CtrlMode = Toggle, the speed is switched be-
tween slow and fast each time you press the pedal.
Slow/fast will alternate each time the value of the mod-
ulation source exceeds 64.
When CtrlMode = Moment, the speed is usually slow.
It becomes fast only when you press the pedal. When a
value for the modulation source is less than 64, slow
speed is selected, and when the value is 64 or higher,
fast is selected.
Speed [001127]
If Spk Ctrl is set to Manual, this specifies the speaker
rotation speed.
If this parameter is assigned to Fx Knob, setting
Spk Ctrl to Switch will change the assignment to
Speed Sw.
Ctrl Src (Speed Ctrl.Source) [Off, VelocityMIDI3]
If Spk Ctrl is set to Manual, this selects the modulation
source that will control the speaker rotation speed.
p.6 Ctrl Src (Control Source)
Ctrl Int (Speed Ctrl.Int) [63+63]
If Spk Ctrl is set to Manual, this specifies the depth to
which the modulation source will control the speaker
rotation speed.
H/R Bal (Horn/Rotor Balance) [Rotor, 1:9999:1, Horn]
Sets the level balance between the high-range horn and
low-range rotor.
HrnAccel (Horn Acceleration) [000127]
How quickly the horn rotation speed in the high range
is switched. On a real rotary speaker, the rotation speed
is accelerated or decelerated gradually after you switch
the speed. The Horn Acceleration parameter sets the
speed at which the rotation is accelerated or decelerated.
HrnRatio (Horn Ratio) [Stop, 0.502.00]
Adjusts the rotational speed of the high-frequency horn.
A value of 1 is the normal speed, 0.5 is half speed, and
Stop will stop the rotor.
RtrAccel (Rotor Acceleration) [000127]
Determines how quickly the rotor rotation speed in the
low range is switched.On a real rotary speaker, the rota-
tion speed is accelerated or decelerated gradually after
you switch the speed. The HrnAccel parameter sets
the speed at which the rotation is accelerated or deceler-
RtrRatio (Rotor Ratio) [Stop, 0.502.00]
Adjusts the (low-range side) rotor rotation speed.A val-
ue of 1 is the normal speed, 0.5 is half speed, and Stop
will stop the rotor. RtrAccel (Rotor Acceleration)
MicDstnc (Mic Distance) [000127]
Sets the distance between the microphone and the rotary
speaker. Increasing this value will increase the distance.
Mode Sw Control Sorce
Speed Sw Control Sorce
Speed Control Sorce
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Wet: Mono In - Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
Mode Switch: Rotate/Stop
Speed Switch: Slow/Fast
Manual Speed Control
Speaker Simulation
Mic Distance
Mic Spread
Rotary Speaker
Effect guide
Spread [000127]
Sets the angle of left and right microphones.
Trim [000127]
Sets the input level.
30. W.TalkMd (Talking Modulation)
Double Size
Talk Mod (Talking Modulation) : MFX
This effect adds an unusual character, like a human
voice, to the input signal.
If you want to use this effect as an insert effect, you
must select it for insert effect 1. In this case, you
wont be able to use insert effect 2.
Vo.Ctr (Voice Control)
[Bottom, 6201, Center, +01+62, Top]
Voice pattern control.
Vo.Top (Voice Top) [A, I, U, E, O]
Selects a vowel sound at the top end of control.
Vo.Centr (Voice Center) [A, I, U, E, O]
Selects a vowel sound in the center of control.
Vo.Bottm (Voice Bottom) [A, I, U, E, O]
Selects a vowel sound at the bottom end of control.
Example: If you set Vo.Top to A, Vo.Cntr to I, and
Vo.Btm to U.
When Mod Int=+63, the vowel sound will change
through Aaa (Voice Top) Eee (Voice Center)
Uuu (Voice Bottom) according to the value of the
modulation source.
When Mod Int=63, the vowel sound will change
through Uuu (Voice Bottom) Eee (Voice Center)
Aaa (Voice Top) according to the value of the mod-
ulation source.
When Mod Int=0, the vowel sound is fixed at Eee
(Voice Center).
Mic Spread
Microphone Microphone
Mic Distance Mic Distance
Rotary Speaker (Top View)
Rotary Speaker - Mic Placement
Wet: Mono In - Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
Dry / Wet
Dry / Wet
Voice Top: A
Voice Center: I
Voice Bottom: U
A- I - U- E- O Talking Modulator Drive
Ctrl Src
Mod Src
+ Max 0
+ Max
+ Max
- Max
Voice Bottom Voice Center Voice Top
Mod Int = +63
Mod Int = +32
Mod Int = 0
Mod Int = 63
+ Max 0
- Max
Talking Modulator Control
Ctrl Src = P.Bend
Ctrl Src = P.Bend
Effect parameters
Resonanc (Resonance) [000127]
Sets the intensity of resonance for the voice pattern. A
larger value will add more character to the sound.
Drive [000127]
Sets the degree of distortion.
Mod Src (Modulation Source) [Auto, LFO, Ctrl]
Selects the modulation source.
Mod Int (Modulation Intensity) [63+63]
Sets the depth of modulation produced by the modula-
tion source.
Response (Mod Response) [000127]
Adjusts the response to the modulation effect. A setting
of 0 produces a slow response.
Env Sens (Envelope Sensitivity) [000127]
When Mod Src is Auto, adjusts the sensitivity of auto
EnvShape (Envelope Shape) [63+63]
When Mod Src is Auto, specifies the sweep curve.
LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync) [Off, On]
Specifies whether the LFO cycle will be synchronized
with the tempo specified by the [TEMPO] knob or MIDI
p.5 LFO Sync (LFO BPM Sync)
LFO Freq (LFO Frequency) [0.01100.0Hz]
Sets the LFO speed if BPM Sync is Off.
p.5 LFO Freq (LFO Frequency)
SyncNote (LFO SyncNote) [8/11/64]
Sets the LFO frequency as a proportion of the tempo set
by the [TEMPO] knob if BPM Sync is On.
p.5 SyncNote (LFO SyncNote)
LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
[Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, S&H]
Selects the LFO waveform.
p.5 LFO Wave (LFO Waveform)
LFOShape (LFO Shape) [63+63]
p.5 LFOShape
Key Sync (LFO Key Sync) [Off, Timbre]
Specifies whether the LFO will be reset by note-on.
p.5 Key Sync (LFO KeySync)
IniPhase (LFO Init Phase) [000180]
Sets the starting location of the waveform if Key Sync
is Timbre.
p.5 IniPhase (LFO Init Phase)
Ctrl Src (Control Source) [Off, VelocityMIDI3]
Selects the control source. The selected source will con-
trol the filter if Mod Src is Ctrl.
p.6 Ctrl Src (Control Source)
2006 KORG INC.
4015-2 Yanokuchi, Inagi-city, Tokyo 206-0812 Japan
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WARNING: Use of this product in any country other than that for which it is intended could be dangerous and
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Please also retain your receipt as proof of purchase otherwise your product may be disqualified from the
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