Indian Political System-Syllabus
Indian Political System-Syllabus
Indian Political System-Syllabus
Avinash Samal
Semester - III Indian Political System: Institutional and Political Dynamics 1. Meaning, Nature and Type of Political Systems Meaning of political system: Characteristics of Political Systems Type of Political Systems: Democratic and Authoritarian, Parliamentary and Presidential, Federal & Unitary !ndian Political System " Structures, Processes and Functions 2. T e !onstitution of India: The Pream#le to the Constitution of !ndia: Salient features of the !ndian Constitution ". #undamental $ig ts, #undamental Duties and Directi%e Principles of State Policy Constitutional pro$isions and political dynamics &. T e 'nion ()ecuti%e: President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers, Constitutional frame%or& and political trends' *. Parliament: T e +egislature Po%ers and functions of the (o& Sa#ha & )a*ya Sa#ha Parliamentary Committees Functioning of the Parliamentary System in !ndia' ,. T e -udiciary: The Supreme Court, +udicial )e$ie%, +udicial Acti$ism, Pu#lic !nterest (itigation +udicial )eforms .. T e State ()ecuti%e: ,o$ernor, Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers Constitutional Pro$isions and Political Trends'
Suggested $eadings 4' ,ran$ille Austin, !ndian Constitution Cornerstone of a 0ation, =>ford Pu#lication 3' ,ran$ille Austin ?4555@ - <or&ing Democratic Constitution: The !ndian ;>perience, =>ford Pu#lication' 9' Durga Das /asu ?377A@ " An introduction to the Constitution of !ndia, Prentice Ball, 0e% Delhi, 377A' :' <' B' Morris +ones - ,o$ernment and Politics of !ndia 2' +' )' Si%ach ?4557@ " Dynamics of !ndian go$ernment and politics, Sterling Pu#lishers, 0e% Delhi
Course Teacher: Dr. Avinash Samal A' + C +ohari ?3774@ - !ndian ,o$ernment and Politics, Sho#an 0agin (al & Co 8' + C +ohari ?377:@ - Constitution of !ndia ?9rd )e$ised ;dition@, Sterling Pu#lishers P$t' (td', 0e% Delhi 6' + C +ohari ?3775@ - !ndian Polity, (otus Press Pu#lisher, 0e% Delhi 5' + C +ohari, )eflections on !ndian politics A critical commentary on de$elopment and decay of the !ndian political system, Sultan and Chand pu#lications 47' )a*ani Cothari - Politics in !ndia 44' A S 0arang - !ndian ,o$t' and Politics 43' M'P' Singh and Bimanshu )oy - !ndian ,o$ernment and Politics 49' M P Singh and Satish C +ha ?377A@ - !ndian ,o$ernment And Pol!tics: A Political Commentary 4:' P' C' ,upta ?3775@ " !ndian ,o$ernment & Politics, Su#lime Pu#lication 42' Archana Chatur$edi ?377A@' !ndian ,o$ernment and Politics, Common%ealth Pu#lisher 4A' C'C' ,hai ?3778@- !ndian ,o$ernment and Politics, Calyani Pu#lishers, 0e% Delhi'