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1- Rx Webs in plummer vinson : dilation

2- Rx Intimal flap of carotid artery: surgey 3- Rx Ant wall MI : ris of arterial t!rombo " full doses !eparin # 3 mont!s of warfarin$ %&- Rx Acute ill and toxic pt wit ! '( : proctosigmo # biopsy )- Rx *eat stro e : rapid cooling and for s!ivering : (+, .ia/epam 0- Rx progressive bac pain # myelopat!y: I1 dexa --2 MRI --2 Rx Metastatic cord compression : Radiot!erapy 3- Rx refractory !ydrot!orax due to cirro!is : 4I+5 6- Rx Ref ascitis : 4I+5 7- Rx recurrent variceal bleading not responsive to medical Rx : 4I+5 8%- Rx 4(A poisoning : 9a*(:3 88- Rx diabetic cystopat!y: 8- oral bet!ancol ; 2intermittent cat!eter 82- Rx c!lamydia : single dosde of A/it!romycin :R 3 days doxycyclin 83- Rx neuromalignant syn : .antrolene or <romocripten 8&- Rx atopic dermatitis : prevention of Rx ; ta e s!ort bat!s$ 8)- Rx presbyopia : convex lenses 80- Rx amblyopia : cover better eye 83- Rx !yperopia : convex lenses 86- Rx myopia : concave lenses 87- Rx beta bloc er posioning : recent ingestion--2 emesis ; bradycardia : Atropine--2 Isoproterenol--2 glucagon--2pace 2%- Rx beta bloc er poisioning : severe bronc!ospasm : aminop!ylline or <eta2 agonist$ 28- Rx Isolated duodenal !ematoma : 9= # parentral

nutrition$ 22- Rx for preventing recurrence of *<1 after liver transplant : *<1 Ig # >amivudine$ 23- Rx 5ei/ure due to I9* toxicity : +yriodoxine 2&- Rx !yponatremia due to 5IA.* : water restriction$ 2)- Rx =irl infant ? 3 mont!s w vaginal bleeding : observation 20- Rx 5low down progression of .M nep!ropat!y : AceI 23- Rx epiglottitis : @iberoptic laryngoscopy in :R A not in BR C 26- Rx acute attac s of migrains : Ri/atriptan 27- Rx acute attac of migrains lasts for longer t!an &6 !ours or r freDuently recurrent : ergotamine$ 3%- Rx anorexia nervosa : !ospitali/ation 38- Rx prop!laxy against !uman bites : Amoxi E calvulanate 32- Rx r!abdomyolysis : osmotic diuresis # bicarbonate 33- Rx Afib # *@ : digoxin $ 3&- Rx acute reFection : !ig! dose I1 steroides$ 3)- Rx bipolar disorder : lit!ium ; valporate; :>A9,A+I9B$ 30- Rx +(+ : cotri $ 33- Rx +(+ # +a:2?3% mm!g: cotri # steroides$ 36- Rx <ebesiosis : A Duinine; clindaC or A atovaDuone ; a/it!roC 37- Rx IlleoIlleal intussuception due to *5+ : 5urgery A in contrast to ot!er causes of intuss C &%- Rx esop!agitis in *I1: itracona/ole --2 no answer --2 esop!agoscopy # cytology # biopsy &8- Rx psuedotumor cerebri : 8-aceta/olamide --2 no answer --2 2- s!unt$ &2- Rx struvite stones : eradication of '4 infections$

&3- Rx persistantly elevated A>4 leval w detectable *<s Ag ; *<e Ag and *<1 .9A : I9@ and lamivudine$ &&- Rx febrile neutropenic pt : ceta/idime or cefepime A add vanco if pt is !ypotensive or t!ere is !ig! suspiscion of MR5AC &)- Rx Isolated systolic *49: t!ia/ides $ &0- Rx acute attac of cluster !eadac!es : 8%%G oxygen &3- Rx prevention of cluster !eadac!es : verapamil ;pred;ergots;met!ysergide;>it!ium &6- Rx reversing cardiac effects of ca c!annel bloc ers : (aH &7- Rx 1iterous !emorr!age : immediate op!t!lamo consultation$ )%- Rx Battery in esop!agus : remove it immediatly $ )8- Rx <attery in intestine : observe it$ )2- Rx acute bleeding in pts wit! liver failure : @@+$ )3- Rx :to5clerosis : 5urgery # 5odium @luoride $ )&- Rx non infalm comedones : topical retionides$ ))- Rx mild inflam acne : ben/oyl peroxide ; topical antibiotics$ )0- Rx Refractory mania; severe dep ; dep in pregnancy ; neuroleptic malig synd; catatonic sc!i/o : B(4 )3- Rx Acute attac 9B:MI(I9$ )6- Rx w!ite reflex in infant : refer to op!t!almo )7- Rx 54 elevation28 mm in 2 contiguous leads E new ><<< : t!rombolytic t!erapy :R +4(A 0%- Rx 9ew ><<< : t!rombolytic t!erapy$ 08- Rx 4rac!oma : :RA> tetra or eryt!romycin$ 02- Rx diabetic nep!ropat!y : protein restriction A %$6 gE gC ; donJt use AceI if (r2 2;2$) of !epatic encep!alopat!y : All dietary protein wit!!eld ; oral or rectal lactulose ; oral

03- Rx ,en er : excision and freDuently cricop!ayngeal myotomy 0&- Rx porcelain gall bladder : c!olecystectomy A ris carcinomaC 0)- Rx conversion disorder : psyc!ot!erapy A long term benefit C 00- Rx .yspepsia w positve breat! test : erad *$pylori 03- Rx .yspepsia wEo positive breat! test : *2 bloc er E ++I 06- Rx fibromuscular dysplasia : percutaneous angioplasty w stent placement$ 07- Rx prop!ylaxis against MA( : A/it!ro or clarit!ro 3%- Rx +<(: ursodeoxyc!olic 38- Rx :rbital cellulitis : imm admin of I1 antibiotics$ 32- Rx carcinoid synd : can u remove itKA Remove it C ; u canJt remove it K A use octerotide C 33- Rx vaginismus : relaxation; Legel exercise ; insertion training$ 3&- Rx *ypertrop!ic dystrop!y of 1ulva : steroides$ 3)- Rx lic!en scleroris : steroides 30- Rx atrop!ic vaginitis : estrogen 33- Rx stable angina # *49 : <eta bloc er$ 36- Rx 4remor and rigidity in par inson : Antic!ol A ben/otropinesC 37- Rx exercise induced ast!ma : <eta agon ; mast cell stabili/er$ 6%- Rx Reiter syn : 95AI.5 $ 68- Rx (!ronic *(1 A *(1 R9A presents ; A>4 inc ; c!ornic !epatitis of at least moderate gradeC: I9@# Ribaverin$ 62- Rx >actation 5uppression: tig!t fitting bra ; ice pac s ; analgesics$ of

63- Rx non-complinat sc!i/op!renic pt : long acting inFectable antipsyc!otics li e flup!ena/ine and !aloperidol$ 6&- Rx 4IA due to at!erosclrosis: A5A 6)- Rx 4IA due to emboli from !eart : Anticoagulation$ 60- Rx 9ocardiosis : sulfonamides$ 63- Rx prop!ylaxis of getting '4I after intercourse : voiding after intercourse$ 66- Rx met prostate cancer: palliative radiation # anti androgen t!erapy A leuprolide C 67- Rx Actinomycosis : !ig! dose penicillin 7%- Rx RA wit! erosive Foint disease : .MAR.5 A M4M; !ydroxyc!lorDuine ; sulfasala/ine ; etanercept; a/at!ioC 78- Rx Met brain tumor : surgery # w!ole brain radiation$ 72- Rx .ress er : 95AI.5 --2 no answer : s!ort course of steroides$ 73- Rx +MR : low dose pred 7&- Rx =iant cell : !ig! dose$ 7)- Rx cocaine intox : <en/o # A5A # nitrates$ 70- Rx effect of +BB+ on (: : inotropic agent or fluids$ 73- Rx RM5@: .oxycycline 76- Rx .e NuervainOs tensosynovitis : >ong acting steroids$ 77- Rx *51 encep!alitis : I1 acyclo wit!out delay$ 8%%- Rx A>5: Rilu/ole 8%8- Rx 5ubdural !ematoma wEo midline s!ift : !ead elevation ; !yperventilation ; aceta/olamide 8%2- Rx 5ubdural !ematoma w midline s!ift : craniotomy 8%3- Rx early syp! : 5ingle IM <en/ +eni ; if allergic .oxy or tetra for 8& days $ in pregnancy use peni wit! desinti/ator

8%&- Rx Acute attac

of =out : use 95AI.s; t!ere may be t!is option$ : allopurinol

an option of colc!icine but do not mar 8%)- Rx prevention of gout attac 8%0- Rx =A.: <uspirone

8%3- Rx post-term preg : 954 # <++ A twiceEwee ly C PQ oligo or late dece or 2&3 w PQ delivery 8%6- Rx Lawasa i in c!ildren : A5A A t!e only disease u give c!ild A5A inspite of fear of Reye synC 8%7- Rx massive !emoptysis : RI=I. bronc!o 88%-Rx acute vaso-occlusive crisis in sic e cell : Bxc!ange transfusion aplastic crisis;splenic seDuestration;acute c!est syndrome; cva;priapism 888-Rx Acute dystonia : anti!istamine or antic!olinergic 882-Rx +ar insonism as a result of antipsyc!otic: <en/o 883-Rx A at!esia : beta bloc ers 88&-Rx *BA1I '9RBMI44I9= B9.: *BM:RR*A=B : !ig! dose conFugated estrogens 88)-Rx 5tress @x : restricting weig!t bearing # s!ort leg casts A3 to & WC 880-Rx Met breast cancer # lytic bone disease : I1 pamidronate 883-Rx intertroc!anteric @x of femur : internal fix wit! sliding screw and plate ; early mobili/ation 886-Rx (!olangitis : .rain biliary tree wit! BR(+ 887-Rx >ambert Baton : plasmap!eresis # immunosuppression 82%-Rx Bmp!ysematous c!olecystitis : Imm fluid # electrolyte correction # antibiotics # early surgical c!olecystectomy 828-Rx Acute exacerbation of M5: 5teroides

822-Rx 'mblical !ernia : mostly :bserve A loo indection of interventionC 823-Rx (!olestoma: surgical removal 82&-Rx =<5: I1Ig; plasmap!resis

for few

82)-Rx *ordeoulumEstye : warm compressPQ no answer after &6 !ours PQ incision and drainage 820-Rx Brysipelas : +eni 823-Rx @ever in neutropenic pt : (eta/idime E (efepime 826-Rx M= crisis: plasmap!eresis 827-Rx 5arcoidosis : systemic steroids$ 83%-Rx for prevention of recurrence of renal stone : t!em well and also remember t!at (a inta e must be 9:RMA> or even I9(RBA5B. HHHKKK$ 838-Rx :sgood 5c!latter disease: Rest; 95AI.s ; brief casting 832-Rx Molluscum : curettage or application of luDuid nitrogens 833-Rx Amebic liver abscess: metro 83&-Rx *ypoc!lo met al alo : %$7G 9acl ; 9= suction PQ L supp 83)-Rx Anorexia asso w c!emot!erapy : Megestro acetate 830-Rx 4ension pneumot!orax : needle t!oraco 833-Rx 5ensory neuropat!y w .M : 4(A ; =abapentin ; 95AI.s 836-Rx acute pyelonep! : I1 ampi # genta A empiric C 837-Rx 14 !emo stable : >ido or Amio 8&%-Rx prevention of variceal bleeding : beta bloc er 8&8-Rx pul infection if (@ : aminoglyco # antipseudomona 8&2-Rx *ydatid cyst : 5urgery under cover of Albenda/ole A +l/ do not aspirate t!ese cysts C now

8&3-Rx Reflex sympat!etic dystrop!y: p!ysical t!erapy; prednisone ; ganglion bloc 8&&-Rx (!orioamnionitis :Ampi# =enta 8&)-Rx +(:.: combines estroEprog or cyclic prog 8&0-Rx +erforation of esop!agus: primary closure of esop!agus ; drainage of mediastinum wEi 0 !ours to prevent mediastinitis 8&3-Rx Rotator cuff tendonitis : >ido inFection 8&6-Rx Megacolon: Iv fluids ; Antibiotics ; bowel rest ; Iv cortico 8&7-Rx .isseminated !istoplasmosis in *I1: I1 amp!o < # >I@B >:9= itracona/ole 8)%-Rx +seudomona : cefepimEcefta/idime 8)8-Rx .ystonia : Anti !ista ; anti c!ol 8)2-Rx AI.5 wit! .ysp!agia : 8-2 w of oral flucona/ole PQ no answer PQ biopsy 8)3-Rx 1ipoma : correct de!ydration slow diarr!ea surgery 8)&-Rx BwingOs sarcoma : radioEc!emo surgery 8))-Rx (roup : use racemic epinep!rine before intubating your pt$ 8)0-Rx @ree air under diap!ragm : go to :R 8)3-Rx Abnormal !emostasis due to uremia : ..A1+; (ryopre; conFugated estro 8)6-Rx +ancreatic pseudocyst : only drain t!em if persist more t!en 0W or 2 ) cm$ 8)7-Rx (apillary !emangioma: mostly regress by age of 3 80%-Rx Acute torsade de points: Mg replacement 808-Rx Mg5o& tox: stop Mg5o&; give (a gluconate 802-Rx (A. # B@?&%G : t!in about Ace I 803-Rx .ec freDuency of relapses of M5: I9@ beta

80&-Rx Anemia of prematurity : Iron supp; periodic *gb c!ec ing and blood transfusion if needed 80)-Rx 5pinal inFuries: t!in about cortico 800-Rx Ascities in cirr!otic pt : diagnostic paracentesis ; salt restricted diet ;spironolactone ; 803-Rx =iant cell tumor : refer it to expertH 806-Rx 9ocardia : cotri 807-Rx (lavicle @x : figure of 6 83%-Rx R persistent R nocturnal enuresis : ..A1+ A not imipiramine ; also 838-Rx +(: : t!in now w!ic! nocturnal is normal C about metformin

832-Rx +* of +@ ?3$2; +@ glucose ?0% : c!est tube 833-Rx Mediastinal adenopat!y on (MR : Med bronc!o # biopsy 83&-Rx bleeding varices : <and ligation is better t!an sclerot!erapy 83)-Rx 5A*: t!in about 9imodipine for preventing associated isc!emia 830-Rx 4ouretteOs disorder : *aloperidol ; pimo/ide 833-Rx +reventing +(+ in transplant pt : cotri 836-Rx A9I gun s!ot wound to Ant Abd : >A+ARA4:MI 837-Rx first line for *49: diureticsEbeta bloc er 86%-A t!is one is impC Rx +rimary +arat!yro : - pt symptomatic : 5urgery ; +t pregnant : surgery; follow up is difficult : surgery ; serum (a 2 8 mgEdl over upper limit : surgery 868-Rx <asal cell carcinoma : excision removal wit! R 8-2 mmS clear margin A number is impC 862-Rx eryt!ema margins A lymeC .oxy E 26 days or Amoxi A in pregnant C 863-Rx >ate lyme disease : I1 ceftriaxone 86&-Rx Irregular at!erosclerotic lesion in carotid #

bloc age 20%G : surgery 86)-Rx infant wit! congenital diap!ragmatic !ernia : IMMB.IA4B orogastric tube $ 860-Rx Reye syn: glucose # @@+ and mannitol to dec cerebral edema 863-Rx (at 5cratc! disease: A/it!roE)days 866-Rx pt wit! variceal bleeding needs ) or more units of blood in 2& !ours : go for 4I+5 867-Rx intermittent claudication :as p!arm t!erapy go for (a c!annel bloc ers$ Armin %8-%0-%) 87%-RM initial drugs in (:+. : antic!ol 878-Rx Isolated >1 diastolic dysfunction : beta bloc er 872-Rx (olles @M: closed reduction # casting 873-Rx pul emboli wit! !emo instability or clot in main pul A$ : pul embolectomy 87&-Rx in AR.5 : t!in 3-8%days 870-Rx infectious mono w upper airway obstruction or R autoimmune !emolytic anemia R or R t!rombocytopenia R : cortico 873-Rx @ibromyalgia : 4(A or (ylobe/arpine 876-Rx <enign essential tremor : propranolol 877-Rx 5uperficial t!rombop!lebits : >ocal !eat; bed rest; 95AI.s $ 2%%-Rx Atypical mycobacterium infection : A/it!ro for prop!ylaxis 2%8-Rx MA(: (larit!ro # et!ambutol A impC 2%2-Rx c!ild w legg calve pert!es below ) years of age : 9: 4RBA4MB94HHH 2%3-Rx c!ild w legg calve pert!es above ) years of age: about +BB+ 87)-Rx preg pt w asymptomatic bacteriuria : nitrofuran E

abduction bracing E surgery 2%&-Rx IB in I1 abusers : 1anco # =enta 2%)-Rx IB in 9on-I1 abusers : 9afi # =enta 2%0-Rx condylomata acuminate: +odop!yllin 2%3-Rx specific p!obia : systemic desensiti/ation 2%6-Rx 4ric!o : metro for pt # partner 2%7-Rx A>> pts w <>'94 trauma to abd <'4 w signs of peritoneal irritation : laparatomy$ 28%-Rx slowing cognitive decline in Al/ : .onepe/il E 4acrine 288-Rx +ancreatic Abscess : R Bxternal R drainage 288-Rx +ancreatic Abscess : R Bxternal R drainage 282-Rx =ranulum Inguinale : 4etraE8%-28 days 283-Rx +ertusis : eryt!roE8& days 28&-Rx +ancoast syn: radiation followed by surgery 28)-Rx Acute otitis !ttp: Amoxy E8% days ; failed Amoxi(lav 280-Rx Measles : donOt forget 1it A 283-Rx c!est tube drainage of blood more t!an 8)%%cc at first or more t!an 0%%cc in 0 !ours : surgical t!oracotomy 286-Rx R1 infarction : immediate volume expansion ; failed T.obutamine 287-Rx 1omiting due to c!emot!erapy: :ndansetron 22%-Rx AdFustment disorder: psyc!odynamic psyc!ot!erapy or brief cognitive psyc!ot!erapy 228-Rx >egionella pnumo: !ig! dose eryt!ro or a/it!ro 222-Rx (>> A w associated sympC : c!lorambucilEpred 223-Rx first degree !eart bloc : no RxH 22&-Rx 9on displaced scap!oid @x : cast immobili/ation of wrist 22)-Rx .isplaced scap!oid @x : Internal fixation

220-Rx premature atrial beats: 9o RMH 223-Rx *airy cell leu emia : (ladribine 226-Rx 9on-*odg inOs lymp!oma: (*:+ 227-Rx 51( obstruction: Angioplasty w stenting A impC 23%-Rx Mediastinitis : 4!oracotomy for debrid;drain # antibiotic t!erapy 238-Rx displaced femoral nec art!roplasty 232-Rx clavicle @x in infant : no Rx; avoid putting pressure on arm 233-Rx +I. in !ospitali/ed pt : cefoxitinEdoxy ; cefotetanEdoxy; clindaEgenta 23&-Rx +I. in non !os pt: cefoxitinEprobencid; cetraixoneEdoxy ofloxacinA8&dC#MetrogylA8&d <ot! <I.C aplan 23)-Rx Androgen insensivity syn: =onadectomy A inc ris of test cancerC 230-Rx compartment syn due to esc!ar of burn wounds: esc!arotomy 233-Rx +apilloma of breast : =alactogram guided resection 236-Rx s!aft of femur @x: closed intermedullary fixation wEo interrupting s in$ 237-Rx scoliosis ? 2% degree: observe 2&%-Rx scoliosis 23%: <racing$ 2&8-Rx 5coliosis 2&%: surgery 2&2-Rx 5!aft of !umerus: closed reduction # !anging cast$ 2&3-Rx dirty loo ing wound in pt w less t!en 3 doses of tet tox: toxoid #4ig A only situation w!ic! u give pt 4igC 2&&-Rx uncomplicated <asilar s ull fx : !ead elevation ; fluid restriction$ in R elderlyS : primary

2&)-Rx >udwig Angina: I1 peni w coverage for anaerobes 2&0-Rx Meconium plug syn: Water soluble contrast enema mm 2&3-Rx :varian torsion: surgery 2&6-Rx 4ubo-ovarian abscess: surgery 2&7-Rx volvulus or malrotation: immediate surgery 2)%-Rx 4ransposition of great vessels: arteriosus open; go for surgery$ 2)8-Rx w!ipples - tropical sprue .:MIE(4ME(B@4RIAM:9B 2)2 Rx 5D cell (a Anus in *I1;*omos : 9igroc!emoradiation eep ductus

+rotocol;t!en 5urgery

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