Aciassroom in Which You Can Speak Your Mind: San Francisco
Aciassroom in Which You Can Speak Your Mind: San Francisco
Aciassroom in Which You Can Speak Your Mind: San Francisco
N ELAINE LEWINNEK'S ALL-GIRL SIXTH-GRADE SOCIAL-studies c ass! t"e #enus o$ Wi endor$ s %u &in& sto'ac" and "i(s )ere a "ot to(ic* A (icture o$ t"e $erti it+ &oddess $ro' ,-!... /*C* sti'u ated a i0e + discussion a%out "o) idea s o$ $e'inine %eaut+ "a0e c"an&ed t"rou&" t"e centuries* T"en a %o+ ca'e into t"e c assroo' to co ect attendance s i(s* 1Sto(2 Sto(2 T"ere's a %o+ in t"e roo'21 se0era &ir s s"outed* T"e con0ersation "a ted unti "e e$t* To Le)inne3! it )as a c ear de'onstration o$ "o) &ir s 'a+ earn %etter )it"out %o+s* 4arina 4idd e Sc"oo in San Francisco! )"ere Le)inne3 teac"es! is one o$ on + a "and$u o$ 5*S* (u% ic sc"oo s t"at are tr+in& sin& e-se6 education $or so'e students* It's too ear + to (ass 7ud&'ent* /ut a read+ t"e teac"ers are ent"usiastic* So are t"eir $e'a e (u(i s* 1I$ t"ere )ere %o+s! I'd %e scared to ta 3 out!1 sa+s 8,-+ear-o d Genora Turner* 1I'' earnin& %etter in t"is a -&ir c ass*1 T"at is e6act + )"at sin& e-se6 ad0ocates e6(ected to "ear* Rou&" + s(ea3in&! unti t"e+ reac" t"eir teens! A'erican &ir s out(er$or' %o+s* T"en so'et"in& c"an&es! and %o+s (us" a"ead! es(ecia + in science* W"et"er t"e cause is %ias! &enes or so'e co'%ination! no one 3no)s $or sure* /ut i$ +ou can 7ust 3ee( t"e se6es a(art $or a )"i e! t"e t"eor+ &oes! &ir s at east 'a+ %ene$it* 1It's &ood to "a0e a sa$e ( ace )it"out t"e distraction o$ t"e o((osite se6!1 sa+s Le)inne3* Encoura&ed %+ a $e) studies su((ortin& t"e idea! 4arina 4idd e Sc"oo (rinci(a 9o"n 4ic"ae son or&ani:ed a -&ir and a -%o+ c asses $or t"e $irst ti'e ast +ear* In contrast to t"e 'onastic a((roac" o$ so'e (ri0ate sc"oo s! i3e t"e Cat"o ic "i&" sc"oo 4ic"ae son attended! 4arina doesn't se&re&ate &ir s and %o+s into se(arate sc"oo s or e0en se(arate %ui din&s* In $act! on + a%out 8.- o$ 4arina's ;8. students are se(arated so $ar< t"e rest attend t+(ica coed c asses* 4ic"ae son started t"e sin& e-se6 e6(eri'ent %+ settin& aside t)o roo's )it"in t"e "u 3in& % ue-and-)"ite Art Deco edi$ice=one $or >. se0ent"-&rade %o+s and one $or >. se0ent"-&rade &ir s* W"i e %o+s and &ir s in t"ese sin& e-se6 1acade'ies1 s(ent 'ost o$ t"e da+ a(art! t"e+ 'i6ed durin& one or t)o e ecti0e (eriods and socia i:ed durin& unc"* 1T"is )a+ t"e 3ids &et t"e %est o$ %ot"!1 sa+s 4ic"ae son* T"ou&" se0ent"-&raders in 4arina's sin& e-se6 (ro&ra' "ad t"e o(tion o$ s)itc"in& to coed c asses! $e) did* At +ear's end t"e resu ts )ere encoura&in&* 1In &enera ! t"eir attention )as 'ore on t"eir acade'ic acti0ities!1 sa+s Lorraine ?err+! -.! )"o tau&"t science and 'at" in %ot" sin& e-se6 acade'ies ast +ear* As ?err+ "o(ed! t"e &ir s $ ouris"ed a)a+ $ro' 'a e co'(etition* T"e sur(rise )as t"at t"e %o+s t"ri0ed too* 1T"e+ )ere a itt e 'ore o(en!1 sa+s ?err+! 1to ad'ittin& t"at t"e+ didn't understand so'et"in& t"an i$ t"ere "ad %een &ir s in c ass*1 /ased on ast +ear's e6(erience! t"e sc"oo district decided to e6(and t"e (ro&ra' to t"e si6t" and ei&"t" &rades t"is +ear! usin& a @-..!... &rant $ro' t"e State o$ Ca i$ornia=one o$ t"ree "anded out $or sin& e-se6 (ro&ra's* In doin& so! it "o(es to con$ir' t"e "+(ot"esis t"at students in t"e sin& e-se6 c asses do %etter t"an t"eir coed (eers S'a c asses are one o$ 'an+ 0aria% es t"at 'a3e co'(arison di$$icu t* W"i e 3ids in t"e sin& e-se6 (ro&ra' %ene$it $ro' a "i&"er ratio o$ &uidance counse ors to students! t"e+ 'a+ su$$er %ecause 'an+ o$ t"eir teac"ers are &reen! "ired a 'ost strai&"t out o$ &raduate sc"oo $or t"is (ro&ra'* Anot"er $actorA t"e (ro&ra' ai's to attract underac"ie0ers! on t"e t"eor+ t"at t"e+ "a0e t"e 'ost to &ain* To sort t"rou&" t"ese con$ ictin& e e'ents! t"e district "as "ired statistica e6(erts $ro' t"e 5ni0ersit+ o$ Ca i$ornia! /er3e e+* 4uc" )i rest on t"eir $indin&s* T"e 5*S* De(art'ent o$ Education is in0esti&atin& c"ar&es %+ t"e Nationa Or&ani:ation $or Wo'en! t"e A'erican Ci0i Li%erties 5nion and ot"ers t"at Ne) Bor3 Cit+ (u% ic sc"oo s 0io ated %o+s' ri&"ts to eCua access %+ settin& u( an a -&ir s sc"oo * 1In &enera ! )e're o((osed to sin& e-se6 c assroo's %ecause studies s"o) t"at in t"e on& ter'! )"ere %o+s and &ir s are se(arated! 'ore resources are de0oted to t"e %o+s!1 sa+s Stace+ Kar(! (resident o$ NOW in San Francisco! So $ar! no one "as c"a en&ed 4arina's (ro&ra'* Des(ite t"ese o%7ections! San Francisco "o(es to continue its (i ot (ro&ra' at east t"rou&" ne6t +ear* 1I t"in3 )e're co'(e ed to co'e u( )it" a 0ariet+ o$ c"oices $or students and $a'i ies!1 sa+s 4ic"ae son* 1It's arro&ant to assu'e t"at an+ student is &o-! in& to ea' in a standard )a+*1 Sc"oo s t"at se(arate %o+s $ro' &ir s )i not "e ( e0er+ distracted student! %ut t"e+ 'a+ %e t"e ans)er $or so'e* By Laird Harrison/ San Francisco
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