Application Form: ASTRA, A World of Opportunities
Application Form: ASTRA, A World of Opportunities
Application Form: ASTRA, A World of Opportunities
Astra 1 Program
Full Name: Meiri Andriani Place & Date of irt!: Padan" u#it$ Ma% &'t! at ())( Addre**: Pemondo#an A dan R$ Peruma!an Mendalo A*ri$ Mendalo darat+ ,alan Linta* ,am-i.Ma+ ulian /M (0$ /a-u1aten Muaro ,am-i$ ,am-i+
Email: meiriandriani2%amail+com P!one Num-er: . Mo-ile: '34560576)'6 ED8CATION AC/9RO8ND :i"! Sc!ool : SMAN ( Lu-u# Alun" 8ni;er*it%: ,am-i 8ni;er*it% Facult%: Facult% of Teac!er Trainin" and Education Ma<or: P!%*ic* Education Title of %our final 1ro<ect: =if an%> .. 9PA: &+75 Seme*ter: 0 Credit* !a;e -een ta#en: 67
English Course
2011 until now Ima#efsi (I$atan !ssociation %ahasiswa endidi$an #hysics student &isi$a) university in 'am"i (niversity
Galaxy Private
Private teacher
Plea*e mention aDard=*> %ou !a;e -een recei;ed and e?1lain it -riefl% =academic !onor*$ di*tinction$ *c!olar*!i1$ etc> Year ADard In*titution Remar# *
y greatest achieve!ent (as i coul% succee% P/5 to "asse% 7 2 (70ian asu) 2ersa!a) (ith !y o(n har% (or) an% to &e allo(e% in the stu%y "rogra! that i (ant' "hysics e%ucation* 2e.ore the %ay o. the test ca!e' i really .ocus an% stu%y har%* 2esi%e that' i "ray to Go% in or%ere% to succee% an% !a%e !y "arents ha""y an% "rou% o. !e* I an% !y .rien%s )ne( an% tol%' 7 23s "ro&le 1uestion really har% &ecause nee%e% shar" an% goo% sense* +hen the %ay o. the test' i really care.ull ans(eres the 1uestion* $ll 1uestion (ere very har%* +hen announce!ent %ay ca!e' i %i%n3t &elieve i. !y na!e to staye% &et(een the others (ho succee%* I really /han) to Go%' &ecause <e ans(ere% !y "ray*
y na!e is eiri $n%riani* Since :uly 2010' I have &een a stu%ent o. strata 1 at 8=IP :a!&i 7niversity* /his ca!"us )no(n as >"inang !asa)? is a ca!"us (hich (ill &e the &est ca!"us in Su!atra* In a%%ition' !any o. "restigious re(ar%s have &een acce"te% such as 5u!&er 1 in PI 5$S in 2010 an% 2011* So' I a! really "rou% to &e a "art o. the!* $s the stu%ent o. re"uta&le university in In%onesia' I have a change to acce"t a scholarshi"@ one o. the! is )no(n as $stra Scholarshi"* $stra scholarshi"3s re1uire!ents is the volunteer !ust &e in strata one .ro! re"uta&le university* /hus' I have a &ig (ill to ta)e this chance .ro! $stra Co!"any* 2eing a teacher is !y %rea!* Since I (as a chil%' I al(ays thought a&out &eing teacher* I .elt it (as so ha""y an% "rou% to teach "eo"le an% to !a)e the! &eca!e clever* 2ecause o. that' I too) an e%ucation ca!"us as !y "riority to continue !y e%ucation a.ter gra%uate .ro! senior high school* +hen I too) an exa!ination o. S5 -P/5' I ha% ta)en t(o ca!"uses that are 75P an% 75:$* 8inally' I "asse% the exa!ination in 75:$* In 75:$' I too) "hysic as !y !ain su&0ect* I really love "hysic an% I (ant to "rove to other "eo"le that "hysic is not a horri&le su&0ect to &e learne%* Physic is .un an% easy to &e a""lie% in our %aily li.e* /he !aterial (hich is %iscusse% in "hysic relate% to our %aily li.e' so "hysic cannot &e se"arate% .ro! ours* I have a short "lant an% a long "lant in !y li.e* y short "lant .irst is having a (or) or "art ti!e 0o& in or%er to !a)e !e a&le to "ay !y li.e or !y college* /o%ay' the .un% .or !y college is co!ing .ro! !y "arents* It is &eco!e har%er a.ter !y sisters nee% extra .un% .or their school* In%irectly' (hen I have "art ti!e 0o&' I can "ay !y o(n college an% o.. course hel" !y "arents* y long "lan relate% to !y %rea!* I (ant to !a)e !y o(n co!"any .ocuse% to e%ucation .iel% such as "rivate course* Sharing an% giving )no(le%ge .or "eo"le (ho nee% it* $.ter I ha% hear% a scholarshi" .ro! $S/,$' I have a &iggest ho"e to &e acce"te% as the one the "artici"ants* 2y this .un%' I (ill a&le to reach !y entire %rea! a&ove* 8urther!ore' I (ill &e a&le to gra%uate !y college (ithout (orrying* 4ou .or your attention' than) you very !uch*